WE GO ON - dunamis ministries


WE GO ON - dunamis ministries
of, and preparation for, eternity. He lived
well so that he could die well.
How does one live well so that the hour
of death and what follows thereafter can be
anticipated with joy and not dread? Jesus
made it clear in Matthew 6:33: “But seek first
His kingdom and His righteousness and all
these things shall be added to you.”
Notice that Jesus did not condemn or
forbid the common pursuits in life. That was
what He meant by “all these things.” He simply put them into perspective. The pursuit
of the things of God must come first. That’s
because the things of God are permanent
and the things of this earth are temporary.
Once the right priorities are established and
maintained, the rest of the concerns of life –
called by Jesus, “all these things” – are added. In fact, He seems to imply that God will
help us add these things to our lives – that
is, that we will have heaven’s help when our
priorities are right.
My Dad established and maintained this
priority. But what about you and I? We, too,
will come to the end of our lives one day.
The memorial will be for us. All opportunities for mind changes and fresh starts will
be gone. The way we have lived will have
determined our eternal destiny.
But that will be then and this is now.
And “now” is when we can still make adjustments, minor or major, that will alter
our course if that is what we need. I’m sure
that if my Dad were here with us, he would
admonish us to make things right with our
Maker while there is still time.
Where does it start? It starts when we
commit ourselves to the Lord Jesus Christ.
We obey the Gospel. We turn away from
the old way and start out fresh. Then, with
a clean slate, we order our lives to reflect
God’s priorities.
I hope that you will use this occasion of
Frank’s passing to take stock of the direction you are heading. I’m sure that he, as a
Christian, would want you to do so.
Spring 2010
Frank's going home has inspired many
heart-felt responses over these past
months. We consider your prayers, conversations, letters, mails and calls equally as
precious as your financial support for Catherine. Many, many thanks! As officers of the
board of Dunamis Ministries, Germany, Albrecht Fietz and I consider it our task to support Catherine's ministry by providing help
with organizational and financial affairs. You
see, Catherine's ministry goes on and with
it the stream of Jesus' blessing on this work.
We welcome every gift that is given out of
a heartfelt desire to bless and support this
work that others might be blessed.
“You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you…” Acts 1:8
... WE GO ON ...
Board of Directors,
Dunamis Ministries e.V. Germany
Thank you.
21. – 24. 05. 2010
Mut zur Reife
Felsengrund Gemeinschaft
CH - Männedorf
Infos: +41 (0) 1920 2628
31. 05. – 4. 06. 2010
Developmental Ministry
St. Stephens Society
Hong Kong, SAR
Infos: By Invitation only
14. – 18. 08. 2010
Healing the Past, Releasing Your FutureConference
St. Stephen’s Society
Hong Kong, SAR
Infos: +852 2341 4466
Dunamis Ministries Inc.
PO Box 17449
Fountain Hills, AZ 85269
23. - 27. 08. 2010
St. Stephen’s Society
Hong Kong, SAR
Infos: By Invitation only
28. – 31. 10. 2010
Developmental Ministry
Training – Deutsch
Haus des Lebens
A - Hoch Imst
Infos: By Invitation only
4. – 6. 11. 2010
Mut zur Reife: Entwicklung
und Fehlentwicklung des Menschen verstehen.
Wege zur Heilung
Dunamis Ministries Suisse
CH - Aarau
Kontakt: Danni & Sonja Peyer
Info.: +(41) 062791 4543
E-mail: [email protected]
Newsletter for friends of
Dunamis Ministries Inc.
Editorial staff: Catherine Fabiano
Layout: Albrecht Fietz
19. – 21. 11. 2010
Thema noch offen
Felsengrund Gemeinschaft
CH - Männedorf
Infos: +41 (0) 1920 2628
29. 11. – 03. 12. 2010
Developmental Ministry
St. Stephens Society
Hong Kong, SAR
Infos: By Invitation only
(tax deductable)
Dunamis Ministries, Inc.
P.O. Box 17449
Fountain Hills, AZ 85269, USA
Chase Bank
16744 E. Ave. of the Fountains
Fountain Hills, AZ 85268
Dunamis Ministries, Inc.
Account No. 2278-1397
Rtg. No. 1221 000 24
In Vorbereitung für
Herbst 2010
Mut zur Reife
D - Hurlach
Aktualisierungen, Änderungen
und weitere Infos für die Seminare finden Sie im Internet auf
in PDF-Format at
... click flag for
English version
Dunamis Ministries –
a Faith Ministry
As a faith ministry, Dunamis Ministries is
funded solely by donations. We believe
God's promise, that those who have been
blessed through this ministry will also support it and in turn bless others. If you have
been blessed, thank you for your willingness to participate in becoming a blessing.
Dunamis Ministries Inc. is a non-profit corporation. All donations are tax deductable.
ome years ago I had a prophetic dream: Frank and I were walking
along a road in a beautiful place …
with blue skies … lovely trees … beautiful flowers … fragrant breezes … like Hawaii. We were enjoying the walk together
when the road suddenly came to an end.
There was nothing before us but open sky.
In that moment Jesus came on the clouds
on His white horse. He stopped before us
and reached down to me and said “Come
up here with Me”… I immediately took Jesus’ Hand and He pulled me up behind Him
on the white horse. Then Jesus started to
leave … I said, “Jesus wait … what about
pret the dream spiritually … I needed to go
up higher with Jesus in my walk with Him
… I needed to come closer to Jesus. I was
going to receive fresh revelation from the
Lord and Frank would reinforce the foundations of the truths the Holy Spirit had
taught us. I tried to find an answer … but
I never felt my attempts at interpretation
were confirmed by the Holy Spirit. I eventually came to believe it meant I was goHEILSBRONN
ing to go home to be with the Lord first
and Frank would remain on the earth longer. Even though this interpretation was
not confirmed by the Lord either, I was convinced that is what it meant.
Then suddenly and unexpectedly in January, Frank collapsed and was taken up into
heaven and my whole world turned upside
down in a moment.
Frank?” Then Jesus said, “Frank must stay
here and you need to come with Me now
…” I looked back and saw Frank waving to
me … He was not troubled or upset in any
way. He waved as if he knew this had to
be and he was at peace with it. Then, with
a start, I woke up. The dream … so real …
impressed in my heart.
he dream troubled me deeply. I never
liked to think of it. I was especially disturbed by the separation from Frank. I
asked the Lord what the dream meant. But
I never received a clear answer or discernment from the Holy Spirit. I tried to inter-
n my prayer walks with the Lord during these first months of my life without Frank … the Lord has gently reminded me of that dream again. He finally gave
me a clear understanding. Jesus told me
… when I am on the white horse in Revelations … I am not going to heaven, Catherine … I am going to the earth. And He
asked me … what did Hawaii represent to
Frank … I knew Hawaii was like paradise to
Frank. Then the clear interpretation came
to the light. Jesus said …” Frank must stay
are being explored in prayer. And so … I go
on with the Lord … and with those who will
team with me to finish the work.
in paradise and you must come with Me …
You and I still have work in the earth to finish.
Ride with Me … I am your Husband now. I
will protect you and care for you. You and I
have more to do in the earth. The time is very
short until My return. Come ride with Me.“
he Lord has been confirming to go on in
the ministry with Him. So I have committed myself to the Lord to finish the work
He has called us to. The commission of Isaiah
61:1-4. As I have been in prayer with pastors
and leaders in the Body of Christ, this calling
to go on with the Lord has been confirmed
again and again. Specifically, the Developmental Ministry Training for multiplication
will continue. The Mut zur Reife Seminars and
Developmental Leadership Seminars and
Relationship Seminars. There are also other
themes being developed … Healing Intensives - small group prayer ministry and new
seminar themes Restoration … The Journey
to Wholeness. Book projects are in process
and need completion and new book projects
he Lord gave Frank a prophetic dream
over Christmas that had a profound effect on him.
In the dream … Jesus came and sat beside
Frank and said … “Frank look at Me … A time
is coming very soon when whatever you ask
of Me I will do it. Frank looked at Jesus and replied … ”Anything?” Jesus answered … ”Anything” … Then Frank asked …” Healings …
raising the dead … even miracles ?” Jesus replied “Anything”. Then Jesus looked intently
into Frank’s eyes and said again …” A time is
coming very soon when anything you ask of
Me I will do it …” Frank said the second time
Jesus said this a force of faith came into his
heart from Jesus so strong he felt the power of it and knew without a doubt … it was
true. He told me about this dream many times
and the effect of this dream stayed with him
for days afterward. He kept saying he felt the
force of faith within himself and knew he had
been given the gift of faith from Jesus. Frank
knew his prayers in faith would be answered.
Frank is now my partner in heaven …
praying for God’s will to be done on earth as
in heaven. And Jesus and I are riding to the
earth to finish what He has begun.
New Beginnings …
My lover spoke and said to me, Arise, my darling, my beautiful one, and come with me.
See! The winter is past; the rains are over and
gone. Flowers appear on the earth; the season of
singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard
in our land. SS 2: 10-12
he winter lingered long this year… but
now the spring has finally come with the
hope and promise of new life.
for my work. Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say
it again – Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident
to all. Remember, the Lord is near.”
The last part of that verse said, “The Lord
is near!” Today, I want you to know that He
is near. He is near us now, to help us during
this time. He is near us now, to strengthen us.
During times of grief it is hard to turn towards God. Some would even naturally want
to turn away blaming God for this loss. I would
encourage you, “Don’t blame Jesus!” Today is a
day to focus upon God and not our troubles. As
we begin to do this, peace and joy will follow.
n behalf of the family, I would like to
extend our gratitude to everyone here
for taking time to remember and pay
tribute to the life of my Father, Frank Fabiano.
This morning we’ve been reflecting on his
life, and the impact that he’s had on many
of us who are here today and countless others, not present with us, that span the globe.
We will be hearing stories of his life, and
songs that had a special meaning to him. I
consider it an honor to stand before you today and join with you in celebrating the life
of my Dad, Frank Fabiano.
Through the tears and saddened emotions
of this day, should be a joyous optimism, sustained by the faith that “precious in the sight of
the Lord is the death of his saints.” – (Psalm 116:15)
The word “precious” means “of great value, very dear, highly esteemed.” To say death
is ever “very dear”, or “of great value”, or “highly esteemed” seems unthinkable, a comment
made from someone with a heart full of anger,
or the expression of an enemy seeking vengeance. Most of us assume death to be the
worst thing that could happen to us. Death –
we fear it, hide from it, and attempt to evade it.
But the Scripture says, “Precious, very dear,
of great value, highly esteemed in the sight of
the Lord is the death of his Saints.” Man and God
look at events in different ways. God’s outlook
is not the same as man’s. God sees the end of
things from the beginning, while man sees
only “in part, through a glass dimly.”
Today, we are filled with sorrow, grief, and
many memories of a Husband, a Father, a
Grandfather, a Brother, an Uncle, a Cousin, and
a Friend.
During the unfortunate passing of any
loved one, there are many things that begin
to happen. We as individuals begin to remember and reflect on the person who has left us.
And today is no exception.
I could speak of how my Father . . .
• Raised my sister and me in church.
• Spent time reading God’s word to us and
taught us how to apply God’s principles,
found in Scripture, to our own lives.
• Taught morals and lived the Christian life
out in front of us.
• Filled with humor
• Tremendous work ethic.
• A true leader in the home and in the workplace.
I could talk to you this morning about how
my Father taught us and modeled for us what
it meant to live a life dependant on the Lord.
Many of us, if given the time, could share
similar stories. But for these few brief moments I want to focus more on what I believe
would be on my Fathers’ heart for you and I, if
it were under different circumstances and he
were here standing before you.
Today, I want to give you comfort in knowing that because of my Fathers’ personal relationship with Jesus Christ, he is in the presence of Jesus.
For me, there is no greater comfort that
comes from understanding that promise. It is
in the few moments that we have today, that
I want to give you comfort and strength. That
strength that I am referring to today comes
from Christ.
Philippians 4:19 says, “…and my God will
meet all your needs according to his glorious
riches in Christ Jesus.” This particular passage
of scripture was authored by the apostle Paul.
The Apostle Paul’s life was marked by trials,
suffering. My Father, no doubt, had his share.
We too, experience sorrow, heartache, and
disappointment today at the loss of a loved
one. Paul was able to overcome these things
because of four simple truths. Truths that I observed my Father apply within his own life.
He, like the Apostle Paul, lived with the presence of God in mind. Paul writes in Philippians
4:1-5 “1Therefore, my brothers and sisters, stay true
to the Lord. I love you and long to see you, dear
friends, for you are my joy and the crown I receive
Like Paul, my Father displayed God’s peace.
Paul continues to write in Philippians 4:69 “6Don’t worry about anything; instead pray
about everything. Tell God what you need, and
thank Him for all He has done. 7 Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything
we can understand. His peace will guard your
hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. 8 And
now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix
your thoughts on what is true, and honorable,
and right, and pure. Think about things that are
excellent and worthy of praise. Keep putting into
practice all you learned and received from me
– Everything you heard from me and saw me
doing. Then the God of peace will be with you.”
We can have peace with God through our
faith in Christ. Verse 7 said, the peace of God
… will guard your hearts and your minds. Today, we understand that we can have the
peace of God with us.
As with Paul, my Father sought after God’s
power in every area of his life as well as those
he came in contact with.
Paul writes in Philippians 4:10-13 “I rejoice
greatly in the Lord that at last you have renewed
your concern for me. Indeed, you have been concerned, but you had no opportunity to show it. I
am not saying this because I am in need, for I have
learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what
it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation…I can do
everything through Him who gives me strength.”
As we hear this verse, we understand that
circumstances never defeated Paul. Here was
a man who had suffered, felt sorrow, and understood disappointment, yet understood
strength from the power of God.
My Father made it his ambition in life to mirror Christ’s mission with His help to (Isaiah 61) . . .
• bring good news to people of many Nations
• comfort the brokenhearted
• And to proclaim freedom for those held
Like Paul, my Father experienced God’s provision. Paul writes in Philippians 4:13-20 “13I
can do everything through Him who gives me
strength. 14 And my God will meet all your needs
according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus.”
Paul knew that God was in control. He
said, that “…my God will meet all of your needs
according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.”
My Father lived by this principle.
There are many who are here that are filled
with sorrow. Take courage that in these times
we can . . . “…know that in all things God works
for the good of those who love him, who have
been called according to his purpose.” Rom.8:28
Today, we can find that comfort in Christ
who is our Strength and our Supply. As I mentioned earlier, in these times, we not only remember and reflect on the person who has
left us, we also begin to reflect on our own life.
I want to encourage you to examine your
own life. Where you are at and where you are
headed. It is quite typical for those of us still living on this earth to be so focused on the here
and now that we neglect to prepare for eternity. Homes, families, careers, hobbies, pursuits
of pleasure, and a multitude of other concerns
demand our time and our attention. This, plus
our natural aversion for the subject of death
combine to just about eliminate spiritual consideration from the lives of many.
My Father did not allow the normal business of living to crowd out his consideration