Untitled - Phi Gamma Delta
Untitled - Phi Gamma Delta
gom 6eivg THE PHI GAMMA DELTA (Registered U. S. Patent Office) A MAGAZINE PUBLISHED CONTINUOUSLY SINCE 1879 BY THE FRATERNITY OF PHI GAMMA DELTA APRIL, 1945 No. 6 TABLE OF CONTENTS .- War Story — Continued YOUR NEXT SHAVE ,;r,-at American Nature Writer 398 :ji. .kre 33rd-1)egree Masons 403 (-)d(1 Bits of Fiji History 407 a Snug Little Nook by the Fireside See if You con Resist This Proposition... is the bet Mr. W. G. Mennen makes on his famous shave creams! A bet you are bound to win! Either you prefer Mennen Shave Cream to your present brand—or you get a handsome necktie that costs 111 $1. Mennen Shave Cream does everything we say—OR simply mail us the empty carton with a letter ofexplanation and you'll get the ... but you can't. necktie. We can lose this wager. Accept this sensational 2 to 1 bet. Get Mennen Shave Cream—Lather or Brushless— today Be,tiPMH isorte 30. 1945 wb MENNEN 3 (1#&# •Lather Shave (P'ain! •Lather Shave !Menthol -Iced) • BrushIess (Tube or Joni Try MENNEN TALCUM for men ." h and doe n't show. 410 vs Qui Fuerunt Sed Nunc Ad Astra 413 :Is of White Star Dust 416 - • Hrre, There and Everywhere 420 Pook. on Phi Gamma Delta's Shelf 425 -1, Press Sees Them as the F,ditor Sees It Mennen Shave Cream—lather or brushless—will give you extra comfort and the smoothest, slickest shave of your life! A cleaner shave that keeps you presentable longer! You're the judge ... you're the jury! z4u1 371 478 430 xxie h acs second-class ffi at Cedar Rapids, Iowa, September 22, 1921. teA 18t9 Entered 3 ma7 te.r at the postoce Act of March Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized August 21, 1918. Printed by The Torch Press at Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and issued seven times a year. seven numbers in each volume appearing in October, November, December, February, }larch, April, May. Subscription price, $2.00 per year in advance; single copies, 30 cents. isle subscription, $25.00. Advertising rates on application. Matter intended for publication in THE PHI GAMMA DELTA should be in the hands of the Editor at least one month preceding month of publication. CECIL J. WILKINSON (Ohio Wesleyan '17) Editor and Manager 15th St., NW., Washington. D. C. 1001 Building. Rust PHI GAMMA DELTA Our War Story—Continued Give Way to Flames in nts Fro of s she Fla n Gu hen s the Boys \X/ill Tell! rie Sto at Wh s, ace epl Fir Fiji (Ohio Wesleyan '17 By CECIL J. WILKINSON MA DELTA Editor of THE PHI GAM of the HEN the gun flashes flames the to way give d Rhinelan a row bor Fiji fireplaces (to A. ard Rich from Lieutenant letter ,alter [Washington '39] in a as Delt o g-D rin Der the his chapter). will lict the current transcending conf nse • ,heir stories with all the lice hful yout and . 'e-scarred veterans .rs, now too young for the un-iwill listen with fraternal venera- W i. ArivEtt RicHARn A. ATIYEH Oregon Chapter Twins Missing in Action The unusual situation of twins being missing in action has developed in Phi Gamma Delta, as word comes tha! Private First Class Edward E. Atiyeh (0, '45) and Private First Class Richard A. Atiyeh (Oregon '451 have not heard from since December 16, 1944, when the 423rd United States Infani,, the 106th Division was attacked by the Germans in Belgium. On that day the enemy advanced against the 423rd's position, possibly An that they were -green- troops. The regimental headquarters sent back a int' that it was destroying its equipment. The entire division lost more than men otissing and thus was neutraliced as an effective unit. veterans Ard plenty of stories those than for more jis are now in •;tttle. That numrt.presents about 40 -nt of the living ,rship of the frar!.1,y, me,our brothers to pay the intariff of total hteen new names -ted in the roster of whose deaths in ac.. ave been confirmed • GAMMA PHI THE of since the last issue total the 135 to g brin DELTA. They hs. deat le batt number who have met y man as st almo It is estimated that at not ough alth have died in uniform, the enemy. actual battle-grips with Killed in action: BAUERWILLIAM BODKINmarine corps '43), l knel (Buc T MID SCH ber 5, 1944, of lieutenant, who died on Octo Peleliu. Palau at n actio in ved wounds recei sniper fire nese Japa by hit Islands. He was Sisters. Five The of while in the vicinity the First with was midt rsch Baue Lieutenant Marine Division and was ea Guin veteran of the New enga gein Brita and New 1921 ments. He was born in in Ridgewood, N. Y. BOYD BLAINE CHAMBERS. JR. (Denison '43). was air forces captain, who Italy over n actio killed in . Son of on January 1, 1945Cham bers, Fiji Sire Boyd B. e" "Pet , '06) ison (Den Sr. in nnati Cinci in born was t Poin West red ente 1921. He d in in 1940 and was graduate29th June. 1943, standing was in his class of 540. He lieund seco a oned issi comm 372 THE PHI GAMMA DELTA while a prisoner of war of government. Lieutenant Dabney seas in October with the 78t1 Division. His regiment went shortly after reaching Belgian S011 d' tenant Dabney's battalion was cut nC v Germans during the Ardennes break-. Rhea was born in Jackson, Tenn.. , At Davidson he was head of the stud,. and President of Delta Kappa Chapter. EDWARD JOHNSON FA'ANS ( due '46), infantry first class private was killed in action on November I while advancing as a Browning a rifle carrier in the 3rd American .) Arracourt, France. He was born in an apolis in 1924. *N„ DiEs, WITH FIR:•T MARINES 1E Lieutenant i 11 iatn B. Rauersehmidt (Mc-knell '43; died after being hit by a sniper's bullet in the action at Peleliu. tenant of engineers and later received his pilot's wings. Going overseas as pilot of a P-47 Thunderbolt, he was based on Corsica with the 12th Air Force and helped support the invasion of Southern France. Later he was stationed at Grossetto and Pisa; Italy, in liaison with the 5th American Army. He was operations officer of his squadron and met his death while on a strafing and bombing mission. He was a brother of Captain Marshall Chambers (North Carolina '44). JAMES BILBY CL7RRAN (Los Angeles '39t, infantry lieutenant, who died in France on July 16, 1944, of wounds received in action in the area of St. La the previous day-. Bilby was born in Blackwell, Okla., in 1917. At U. C. L. A. he was manager of the crew and voted an outstanding senior. He received his law degree from Stanford in 1942. WILLIAM RHEA DABNEY, JR. (Davidson '44i, infantry first lieutenant, who was killed in action on December 23, 1944, WARD CLAYTON FREI I Nebraska '43), infantry second Ii ant, who was killed in action in Gemr on December 13, 1944. He had been he front five weeks with the 13th Uniti, a Infantry. He is buried somewhere in glum. Ward was born in Stromsburg, N in 1918. FREDERICK GRAY FULTC, (Idaho '43), infantry lieutenant. WI sas killed in action on September 21, 1944, t1/4!tile serving with the 3rd American Army. Ht was a replacement officer and had been France only eight weeks. -Fritz" was very effective house manager at Mu Chapter during his senior year. 1.1, , born in Spokane, Wash., in 1919. LAURIE JONES GREENLEAF (M '42), air forces first lieutenant, who killed in action over Germany on Nove:. 8, 1944. Laurie left college during his j. year to enlist in the R. C. A. F. Lau transferred to the American air forces . went overseas in May, 1944, and had cited for "outstanding courage and' proficiency in the execution of a attack upon a heavily-defended darn. was born in Lewiston, Me., in 1919 and winner of numerous trophies in outl, motor competitions. WARREN ARNOLD JONES (I. geles '46), air forces first lieutenant, killed in action over enemy-held F: November 17, 1944. He had been • Thunderbolt with the 9th Air Force all,. completed more than 40 missions. Warr was born in Los Angeles in 1924. DELTA THE Pill GAMMA 373 JR. (DeHARVEY JUSTICE RHUE, (Idalieutenant, who second DONALD KJOSNESS infantry Pauw '42), .STAV Germany on Decemsecond lieutenant. who was killed in action in ,;), air forces while 1944, 8, June in combat 27 days been on had action He 1944. 17, ,Aed in was born in on a combat ber Harvey bombardier killed. when he was as a Peninsula. He Cherbourg 1920. Greenfield, Ind., in over the while on a raid over (Washington i wounded going upon JOHN JACKSON RILEY insisted killed in was D-Day, but who sergeant, re'47), infantry expedition which He 1944. 2, December his crew on the on was action in France the For his gallantry he to death. appointee principal his in had been named Distinguished Service Cross Academy by one of Military appears 'Id the States which United Washington sly, the citation for the state of in Spokane in the senators from was anappointment item. Donald was horn his and at the time in missing reported nounced he had been Seattle in 1925. in born EDWARD LEE McGOWAN was combat. John lieutenant, who SCHULTZ (Cor.l), air forces first while THOMAS ARTHUR 1944. 15, lieutenant, who first in action on April nell '40), marine corps bloody Saipan on fields. He had oil Rumanian .'le on was killed in action born in 1920 at embarked . in Italy. He was 1944. Lieutenant SchultzMarines in of brother 22. June a was and 4th Ms. N. Y., the with overseas duty account of January, 1944. He G'owan (Brown '42). an recorded for Pacific theater in is the Star Silver the for -1 columns. MUNSON (Col• \N DOUGLAS who was killed major, forces air on a combat while 1944, in July 19, pilot of ,ver Germany as a fighter Douglas rbolt in the 8th Air Force. of the Squadron e American Eagle entry into t• Force before America's the Yankee He then transferred into promotions from ,rps and received to that of lieutenant of second of 105 total a had He the age of 23. his credit over enemy territory to Flying Cross won the Distinguished the time of At Clusters. Leaf ) Oak escort bomber a on was - mission he Stuttgart, near strafing an airfield born in 1920 at :y. Douglas was Y. :Fgh, N. NEUSWANGER t ANK RUSSELL captain, who wa, -aska '32), infantry 11 (Armistice November on n action Metz area the in action 1944, while in Youngest of Army. 3rd American members of brothers who were in GreeDelta, Frank was born William F.. are others The 1908. , in '13), Peter FALLS -zer (Colorado College College '16). AN AIR CAPTAIN (Colorado wanger and Jr. (Denison Chambers. '17) (Nebraska B. !•:euswanger Ia. Captain Boyd forces was killed in action College (Colorado Neuswanger of the air was service Captain '43) Italy on New Year's Day. 1945. He '06). over •,,re going into the (Denison Blackfoot, Chambers, Sr. ifger was in business in a son of Boyd B. 3/4 THE PHI GAMMA DELTA who was killed in action in Fran,. 25. 1944. Chan arrived in Englan • ia and received his baptism of nre in ; attached to the 9th American I.), communications officer. He died :u• days of combat. Chan was born ; Mass., in 1917. Missing in action : RUSSELL BRUCE ALVIS (P vania State '46), air forces sergean has been missing since December 24, when he set out on an fl a top-turret gunner onoperational a B-24 bomber. EDWARD ELLIS ATIYEH '45), infantry private first class, an,: .A.RD ALEXANDER ATIYEH '45), infantry private first class, to have been missing since December (See frontispiece.) LOUIS ALFRED BAUER '43), air forces lieutenant who ha• turned from a combat flight over bourg on January 22. 1945. He wi on a P-47 Thunderbolt, HE GAVE HIS LIFE AT ST. 1,6 ROBINSON BILLINGS (Colgate '36) gi Lieutenant James PiThy Curran (Los Anair forces lieutenant-colonel, who is u !Ides '39) died of wounds received as an ported after a flight on January 11, 194 infantry officer in the St. 1,6 thrust. the Burma-China area. He has been seas since April, 1944, and last June • ticipated in the first B-29 raid on .1a commanded a battery of 36 -millimeter cannon on Namur Island bombing Yawata. during the invasion of Kwajalein Atoll. He landed on KENNETH FRANK HODSW: Saipan on June 15 and was killed a State '42), air forces first lieutena, ; week later by artillery fire while taking out the wounded. has not returned from a B-29 raid on o Thomas was born in Baltimore on November 29, 1944. He was flyn, in 1917. the 20th Air Force. Kenneth is a STARR SHELLEY JR. (Washington '44), SUTHERLAND, Brigadier-General Fremont B. H• infantry first lieugon '20). commanding general , • tenant. who was killed in action in Germany on January 4. 1945, Orleans Port of Embarkation. while serving in the 3rd American Army. He had CLYDE VERNON KNISE12; gone September. At Washington overseas last (Tennessee '41), air forces major. wh.‘ Starr was a varsity football and been missing in action since Janu tennis member of the Oval Club. player and a 1945. when he went forth on a missi The day before he was killed he Luxembourg. Clyde put in more t•-4 wrote his mother that "... it's home, peace, combat hours as a P-40 fighter pilw security and health that mean the most to us Southwest Pacific and was then tear here. I'll be home again soon to wiggle my to the European front as a squadroil toes in front of the fire and put on a nice mander. clean shirt." Starr was horn in Klawack„Maska, in 1921. HARRY R1GLEY MELTON_ bama '34), air forces colonel, wan, CHANDLER BURBANK ported since November 25. 1943. W: (Pennsylvania '40), infantry first WEEKS lieutenant. commanding officer of the 311th l• • •••• THE Pill GANINIA DELTA as a Japanese language expert am who while attempting to talk with some Airrounded Nips in a cave on Tinian Island was wounded by a hand grenade. KENDALL T. DEMPSTER (Union '46), infantry private, who won a Purple Heart in France. JAMES C. KENNEDY (Kansas '44), infantry sergeant, who was wounded on December 12, 1944, in action with the 3rd American Army in France. JOHN H. LATHE, JR. (Western Re(Pur;',RGE AYRES WILDHACK '44), infantry private, who received a serve when , naval reserve lieutenant, who was severe wound on November 16. 1944, Tinian in a torpedo plane on June by a high-explosive shell in the hit was he spinning was seen when his airplane Hurtgen Forest battle. one wing shot off. He was co-captain RALPH E. LIDSTER (Denison '36). Purdue swimming team. been infantry first lieutenant, who has * * * battle a for Heart Purple awarded the wound. nsuners of war: plane was e 10th Air Force, his manese ack-ack. The scene of the Melton as Burma and Colonel into a .1 bail out and disappear rated mountainous region. (AlleVIN PERRY SCHAFFNER private, who 44), infantry first class the 414th ten missing in action with 12, December since Germany nt last August. He had been overseas since Schaffner (Allea on of Perry B. !BERT STANLEY AUBRY (Rutgers . air forces lieutenant, whose parents received a card in Robert's handwriting. that he is a prisoner of war in GeeHe was first reported as missing in . after having been shot down over ...sIavia on January 15, 1945, while flying the 18th Air Force. RICHARD LEE NEAL (Purdue '46), i)rces second lieutenant, who is a prisoner ar at Stalag Luft No. 1 in Germany, having been shot down near Leipsig, 7:aany, on October 7, 1944. DWARD ROTH'WELL SHELLY nnsylvania '46), sergeant of infantry in 106th (Golden Lion) Division, who had retyarted missing in action in Gerniair. lircember 21, 1944. A prisoner's cn: in him, dated January 16, said that hr • "safe and not injured." * * * The wounded (Purple Hearts for the cal purple hearts): FOSTER D. ARNETT (Tennessee '43), .:341try first lieutenant, who was wounded -ale serving in the Southwest Pacific. JOSEPH C. CARABELLI, JR. (Denilieutenant, who - '7), infantry second eived a Purple Heart for a battle Nt L. DECKER (Richmond '43). 'Attu was attached to the 2nd Marines Du's As GERMAN PRISON ER (DavidFirst Lieutenant W. Rhea Dabney former student body son '44) of the infantry, while a president at Davidson, was killed prisoner of the Germans. , 376 DELTA THE PHI G.A.M l A THE PHI GAMMA DELTA 1944, while Aleutians, on December 29, during which he leave a on home enroute Stanford sweetheart. was to have married a Ishpeming, Mich., He was born in 1919 in brother, Edgerton Fiji a by survived and is Cooley, Jr. (Stanford '42). (Berkeley '44), THOMAS COUCH, III was killed nonlieutenant, air forces second 6. 1944. LieuDecember on Italy battle in 22 missions as completed tenant Couch had awarded the been had first pilot of a B-25 and Clusters. At Leaf Oak five with Air Medal member of the track Berkeley Tommy was a Sacramento in 1921 team. He was born in of John Couch (Stanand was a nephew major league baseball former ford '15), a player. HALE, JR. (RutHENRY MARTYN lieutenant, was second forces air gers '451, -motored bomber four a of killed in the crash Hunter Field, Ga., on Janin a take-off at 1944, while serving in Norm, 175th United States Infantry * Duke et decorum est pro p,!,-1 The following Fijis have ,!1.,1 service, although not at • with the enemy: BARCLAY BOYD BEEw '38), air forces captain, was killed u. her 30, 1944, in Puerto Rico, when • he was piloting went into a crasl He had been assigned to the Pue: center as assistant flight director a-. worthy combat service in Europe participated in missions against su, as Bergen, Norway; Hanover and burg and was wounded over Paris her 31, 1944. He had been decor; the Silver Star, the Distinguishe B. A. R. PRIVATE KILLED C,Private First Class Edward J. Evans (Purdue '46), who was a Browning matic rifle carrier, lost his life in autoFrance while serving with the 3rd American Army. ROBERT J. MAcIVOR (Ohio State '35), infantry first lieutenant, who, recuperating from a superficial wound, wonders if the copy of THE PHI GAMMA DELTA which he left behind him in Germany will be dug up and "read by a generation of Americans yet to come." (Lieutenant Maclvor's father was the commanding officer of the unit of the Rainbow Division in the First World War in which your Editor servex; ) RUSSELL K. ROBINSON, JR. (Ohio Wesleyan '42), infantry lieutenant, who was slightly wounded in Germany. Lieutenant Robinson carried with him through the France, Luxembourg and Germany advance the side-arms which his uncle, Clarence D. Mills (Ohio Wesleyan '16). veteran of the His STAR IS GOLDEN Rainbow Division, brought back from the First World War. Second Lieutenant Ward C. MILES C. SHOREY, JR. (Cornell '34), (Nebraska '43) of the infantry mad, preme sacrifice while pushing for infantry major, who was nicked on May 18, Germany with the 13th United States . 377 FALLEN KNIGHT Jr. (Idaho ,:ant Frederick G. Fulton, action te infantry was killed in arrival a .nly a few weeks after his Americo, 3rd (molt officer in the Army. \O iIj R Purple Heart. the Air Medal and the in Alton. Ill 1914 Beebe was born in (Penn BURKE, i.,ERT THOMAS was killed flyer, ensign '45), • fighter plane -y 10, 1945. when his while on a Bay Francisco 7 12 1{9 ; Springfield. tamale flight. He was born in CASE, JR. \RLES VINCENT engineer corps •achusetts Tech. '33), -battle on May t•titenant. was killed non Theater. He African North 3. in the have donated • in 1911. His parents Brown Corp., the Malcolm Cotton Iota's house. 114 Company for Mu of Lieutenant poration in memory COOLEY :)ERICK BRONSON lieutenant, second forces • d '42), air at Adak. accident •,illed in an airplane GERMANY SHOT DOWN ABOVE Greenleaf Lieutenant Laurie I. 41, First forces was fatally (Maine '42) of the air mission over attacking wounded while on an objective. a German-held 378 THE PHI GAMMA DELTA THE PHI GAMMA DELTA highest traditions fellow fliers, reflecting the United States. of the armed forces of the 5, 1944, in Italy. He was 15th Air Force. He was a born in Ch 1923. made! Of such stuff are Fiji warriors * * * in acThe Silver Star (for gallantry LieuFirst to awarded been tion) has McGowan tenant Edwin Francis corps for marine (Brown '42) of the the following reason: * For gallantry and intrepidity risk of life above and beyond of duty, the Distinguished Cross has been awarded 1.)osth lv to Second Lieutenant G. Kjosness (Idaho '42) of the air who not only risked his Inc for freedom's sake. In thest he cited: and intrepidity For conspicuous gallantry Battalion, 21st 1st the attached to while during action Marines. 3rd Marine Division, forces at Empress Japanese enemy against Solomon Islands, Augusta Bay. Bougainville. his machineWhen 1943. on December 16, by intense down pinned gun platoon was advance of a the covering while hostile fire Lieutenant McGowan rifle company, First an exposed position assumed courageously For extraordinary heroism in action the enemy, June 6 and June 8. 19 June 6, 1944, Lieutenant Kjosness was hardier on a B-26 airplane on a the Cherbourg Peninsula. Shortly 7,f• AN AVIATOR GIVES HIS LIFE MEETS HIS FATE IN 41 First Lieutenant Warren A. Jones (Las . 1 11Odes 46) of the air forces had completed more than 40 missions when he was killed in action over enemy-held France. nary 19. 1945. He was born in Westfl,-ld N. J., in 1923. 0S A R EDMUND PENDLET(iN ( Texas '39), infantry corporal, was killed in an automobile accident at Tonopah, Ne-. on January 15. 1945. He had been in militar.) service for three years and at his death was an instructor in a camp at Tonopah. He was born in Shamrock. Tex.. in 1919. JAMES WILLIAM PRATHER, JR. (Indiana '371, junior grade lieutenant, was lost at sea on December 18. 1944, in the sinking of the U. S. S. typhoon in the Asiatic Monaghan by a area. Lieutenant Prather was a veteran of nine major engagements in the Pacific Theater. He was born in 1916 at Wheatland, Ind., and was a nephew of Clinton C. Prather (Indiana '16). JAMES WILLIANI (Georgia Tech. '45), air SWINDELL forces first lieutenant, as killed non -battle on December 370 RUMANIA Lee Mc1.;eutenant Robert Edward forces. firs' Brown '43) of the air a born) missing in action while on fields, is oil Rumanian ka mission over the now presumed dead. WINS D. S. C. Posmumousl y C. Second Lieutenant C. Donald Is Idaho '42) of the air forces retie combat over Cherbourg two days a' had been wounded and was killed. A Republic has awarded him the Distin Service Cross. Kjosness was cnemy coast Lieutenant a shell fragby unconscious rendered just before Regaining consciousness his post and assumed he target, the with devastating the bomb load fully recovered not .11though he had Kjosness on Lieutenant his wound, bombardier on another as fly to - asked At the moment atrrniely hazardous mission. the target he on released .,Inhs were by a large wounded ,t and mortally command the hearing ,ment. Upon knowing that doors, bay bomb the the airplane e doors were closed and be formation of lobably fall out last the used he -!et for enemy fighters, obey the pilot's to strength ebbing fast mangled left hand •• and died with his bay lever. The bomb clutching the duty displayed by ,m and devotion to inspiring to his 'enant Kjosness was KILLED YOUTHFUL MAJOR IS '42), an air Douglas Munson (Colgate survived more 23, of age forces major at the theater the European than 100 missions in wounded by ack-ack fatally and then was Stuttgart. while strafing TIFF PHI GANIMA DELTA THE PHI GAMMA DELTA LieuNavy Distinguished Flying Cross: '39), (Purdue tenant George A. Wildhack missing in action. heroic or Army Bronze Star Medal (for not meritorious service against an enemy -Colonel Lieutenant flight) : involving aerial Carolina '29), Charles B. Aycock (North (Kansas '38), Major James W. Campbell S. Combs medical corps: Captain Peter Lieutenantcorps; medical (Stanford '37). '25), CapColonel Chan F. Coulter (Iowa (Tennessee '38), First Kreis W. William tain (DavidLieutenant William J. Lyman, Jr (WitMeacham Dare E. son '43). Captain (AlleMiller B. Charles tenberg '42), Major Plata (New gheny '40), Major Richard A. Pemberton R. James Sergeant York '39), Miles C. (Illinois Wesleyan '46). Major Kurt R. Major Shorey, Jr. (Cornell '34). Major Robert Stoehr (Northwestern '39). '36). K. Zimmerman (Rutgers torious conduct in the perform outstanding services. Another Fiji has recently this decoration. He is Colonel R Weaver Hocker (Missouri '12, Fac.), who has been thus cited: . . for exceptionally meritorio us in the performance of outstanding se commanding officer of an important debarkation in India from January 1, to June 1, 1944. By his ability, resou ness, and untiring effort, Colonel developed an efficient and well co.,7 unit which was able to debark and personnel entering the China-Burma theater on troop transport. During the gency which occurred on April 14, 1c-:: explosions and fires threatened dt of all port facilities, his outstandinv ship in taking prompt action to prevent ther disaster and in organizing salvage • THE SAD HAND OF DEATH THE GOLDEN CHAIN BROKEN (Washington '47) leant John J. Riley a cadet at become infantry will not appointed. • Point, to which he had beenFrance. in action in killed was he !er (I, One of fiz•e blood brothers in the bond, Captain Frank R. Neuswanger '32) of the infantry was killed in (Nebraska action near Metz. were in a ,r the removal of wreckage, early rethe for responsible measure His keen foreion of port operations. developments, and in visualizing future meeting 'red and tactful approach in which emergencies and any problems of processing and .ed the reception a marked at this port, contributed in such activ..e toward the success of all theater. .n this • * * and pointed out vital targets to his enabling them to deliver an effective men. attack against Japanese emplacements. Immediately taking charge of a machine gun after the gunner was fatally wounded, he direct the vigorous assault and continued to later, when the leader of the rifle company was injured by enemy fire, skillfully assumed command. Realizing that the position had become untenable, First Lieutenant McGowan coolly directed the withdrawal of his fastly remaining behind at his units, steadweapon to cover the evacuation. His daring initiative and resolute devotion to duty in grave peril were in keeping with the face of the traditions of the United States naval highest service. * The Legion of Merit is the United States Navy andawarded by the United States Army for exceptionally meri- 381 the His LIFE FOR LIBERATION 41 Second Lieutenant Harvey J. Rio(DePauw '42) of the infantry had combat 27 days when he was fatally ing the advance toward German. decorations below le following been the Silver Star have Fijis: Fightin' led to the Cross (for iv Distinguished Flying achievement in extraordinary or Aubry (Rut: Major Victor G. Cluster; C,aptain '39), with Oak Leaf '43), killed in lt Chambers (Denison H. Fritz George Lieutenant Second action. -,bia '44), killed in SAIPAN A FATALITY AT (Cornell Thomas .4. Schultz 41 Lieutenant Marines was killed by artillery '40) of the 4th Saipan. the wounded at fire while evacuating Kwajalein Atoll the of veteran He was a operation. 382 THE PIII GAMMA DELT \ PHI GAMMA DELTA First Lieutenant Starr Jr. (Washington '44), S. Stith a former football and tennis star for the H The Sigma Tau Service Letter, terpiece of its kind, a letter which Starr recently publi had old chapter in Seattle. written to Its ph T is so compelling that we give general fraternity: Being over here has impelled in rifically deep and pr plied in our army far-reaching and nation — :as heretofore been rather dormant. It • described in words. It is like a haE in a football game running down thi headed for the goal line with hi: \oak damn team knocking the opponents on their "whose-got-it." I am a member of the te we're all kicking hell out of Jerry and will all share in the affair evenly and STAR ATHLETE IS KILLED 41 First Lieutenant Starr S. Sutherland, I Washington '44i. varsity Jr. football and tenni,player for the Huskies, was killed TOW, serving with the 3rd American Army Germany. Navy Bron:e Star Medal: Lieutenant (j. g.) William A. Hanger (Pennsylvani.: '40), Lieutenant (j. g.) Barnum L. Jenkins. Jr. (Richmond '40), Lyon (Denison '16), Captain George M medical corps; Captain Thomas E. Norpell (Denison '41), marine corps. Army Air Medal: Captain Boyd B. Chambers (Denison '43), with three Oak Leaf Clusters, killed in action; Captain Henry C. J. Evans (Syracuse '38), Second Lieutenant George H. Fritz (Columbia '44), with one Oak Leaf John C. Saunders Cluster; First Lieutenant Oak Leaf Cluster; (Denison '44), with one First Lieutenant H. Sherry (Williams Francis '34 Navy Air Medal: Lieutenant (j. g.) Francis X. Delone (Pennsylvania '42). QUICK END TO HIS COMBAT * * * IQ Only seven days after he went into Elsewhere in this First Lieutenant the sad news of the issue is recorded sylvania '40) wasChandler R. Weed•. killed in France . death in action of with the 9111 American Division. 383 prove to the world that we have •in and can challenge. You brothers ,'")ne dub no artillery, quartermaster, corps, the air this corps and all — you never hear aren't a great you say doughboy ianity infantry boys don't t. Don't think we boys fly with pride when you air corps Jerry. - your way to blast that damn QMs think we aren't proud as hell supng in those so much needed be an i sin prouder than I can say to Everyone • 171,1iiher of this great team. lose this can't We best. your doing Bowl the fourth quarter in the Rose score. good of a hell a by leading are .e vitt run it higher and absolutely can't every When it's over I will look "Broth-ion straight in the eye and say, `nerever you are. you did your part" American I will thank God I am an •ext to that I'll thank God I'm a Fiji. .1 do have a few scores to settle. One ed, one for West. one for Pigeye, one i'atsy, one for Ralph, one for Bud [all a a Tao war fatalities] and a hell of re for a hell of a lot more brothers. * * * by the death in action of tenant James Bilby Curran (Los :eles '39). former Field Secretary \V. Johnson (Los Angeles '36) written the following tribute, en.4d Astra'.: id(lened any s has come this morn that you, .ler, foreign field our fateful death on ,ittic. there in France. I ask, "For 77:41 'I need not ask. It is apparent. were there, selected from among us. tide 7y with force of arms a threatening persons. as us, much so not engulf would ' 'other heritage, our ideals, tenets, our e concepts we have taken from ,'Iders nurtured that they might have greater meaning footsteps. r younger men who follow in our cloister a in as sat not long ago than heard from youths scarce older ourselves 1.f.tterna1 doctrine —faith and hope and love, -s MISSING IN ACTION (Pennsylvania 111. Sergeant Russell R. .41vis State '46), top-turret gunner on a R-24 bomber. is missing in action. Stemming from the world's revered religions, The precepts of a democratic life. While other youths in other lands were plotting .4nd training in the methods of destruction To tear down all those things for which we stand. nearer Yet now the end of holocaust draws Through sacrifices such as you have made For liberty and brotherhood and justice. For truth. compassion. and a sense of right That will shine out and tear asunder darkness Which these iconoclasts set on the world. Is that indeed the answer to my question? Is it for that you died? I think it so. * * * And now here's a brigadier-general who has been hiding his light under a bushel! Not until one of his chapter-mates H. told us did we know that George A.A.1 A -.Irv-4 Ts. -1 384 THE PHI GA:\IIA DELTA THE PHI GAMMA DELTA Shekerjian (Colgate '10), Morris, Stayer (Wittenberg '03. Lafayette medical corps; Sumner Waite (Maine Lyman P. Whitten (Massachusetts '20), air corps; Charles A. ‘`. (Gettysburg '14). Our general officers in the corps are as follows: Major-Gener(,l: Clifton B. Cates nessee '16). Brigadier-General: Leroy P. Hunt keley '14). Our highest-ranking officer it t navy is Commodore James E. l'ioat (Dartmouth '12). Our sole Canadian general "ft I;rigadier Hubert B. Keen!, (Toronto '23). • • UNREPORTED IN LUXEMBOU'Re, 111 Lieutenant Louis .4. Bauer (Rutgers '43) of the air forces has not returned from a bombing mission over Luxembourg. Decker Lafayette '24j. at the age of 43, has a star on each of his shoulders. A revised roster of Phi Gamma Delta's general officers in the American army follows: Lieutenant-General — Robert L. Eichelherger (Ohio State '07). Alajor-General — Elhridge Gerry Chapman (Colorado '18). Brigadier-Generals-- Thoburn K. Brown ( Tennessee '10), Clovis E. Byers (Ohio State '21), Leroy P. Collins (Union George H. Decker (Lafayette '24). '05), Hobart R. Gay (Knox '17), Edgar E. Glenn (Georgia Tech. Fac.), air corps; Fremont B. Hodson (Oregon '20). Paul W. Johnston, Sr. (Allegheny '14), reserve; Frank E. Lowe (Worcester Tech. '08), Ward H. Mans (Kansas '14), reserve; Hugh T. MaYberrY (William Jewell 'IS), Ernest Moore (Missouri '29), air corps; Haig * "Yank in Italy" is a featured colun in the Stars and Stripes. An issue of the soldiers' newspaper in February carried an interesting contribution to the cf,iumn by Sergeant Stanley M. Swint..!1 (Michigan '40), a member of the el!- torial staff. It is here reprinted as excellent example of soldier journal. -- and escape reading: bloatNcE— Serious students of war c. location have done their best. They've writ' treatises on how war affected widows, • phans and the divorce rate. They've orat: • about re-housing and moaned the decline the banana trade with Central America. l' nobody has paid any attention to the eff, of war upon dogs. Some say Albert Pays: Terhune might have done the job just hut he's dead. Take the case of Smuts, who is 13-yeaold and blind. A shaggy dog is Smuts. 11 curly black hair is long, his nose is alwa cold and his tail forever wags. Smuts I had one helluva time in this war. Any dog will tell you food is mighty i, portant. During the pleasant years of pG. Smuts had a bone to gnaw on — a tasty of horsemeat to chew upon. His mistress a British-born woman wed to an Itali physician — saw to that. 385 dog beneighbors and poor if they saw a hunger. Food disappeared him. Needing food fed you brought knew they cause war brought naturally Even horsemeat desperately for themselves they the market difficult mushrooming black been have would the were bitter and it ,asric prices upon Smuts ate dried blood. lived on vegetable Smuts while them convince a to 'Alt For very tasty. there was only the '-ightening but it's really soup. All during the war blood was dried in and of course then walk to And garden for Smuts ..ed it. left thing trees in your only the The humans. no other dog can visit ei out to garden made from leafy soup was garden. -Srnuts Florence last summer As fighting flared in person last the was shelled. Three would be manor dog hillside faithful Smuts' let2 k There were airbut vegetable soup house. complain the hit to times artillery the wcrld took a firm conceal escaped Smuts helps far. who too bursts. Any dog a going a bit pleaded mistress to the secret His listens -.-vegetable-soup stand. Allied prisoners and situation like stuff. For three a stern handle of to made how knows is radio Id Smuts strike. The of artillery sound hunger first a the in At out held that, though. the Maybe sniffed basement Smuts the for lay. at lunch. Smuts would scuttle away. likely. more turned lot coldly a seems le soup and he was scared. It the whole thing and then decided figured yards Smuts ten about that • though. well hut a felgoing to let a stray :nciples may he very out. He just wasn't ran like and wheeled his postwar aim of upset Smuts ..ot to eat. piece of shrapnel been he's and place devil hack to the vegetable soup ever since. clandestine radio. Each , brought the barred the blinds jv ins British mistress was very cautious She BBC. to 'stened hy. A chance close were Germans -(t the might bring bark, an unexplained When the good. ,-)wn. Smuts was very mentioned Premier voice .ondon . Smuts pricked ;. of South Africa, or so the harked: never ears but he goes. prisoner, too. a There %Nas an escaped Barney had Barney. •': African named after recaptured .i,ed five times and been work through to tried he when escil escape he decided to the German lines. This time he hid in and him to let the lines come up her busand mistress Florence with Smuts' inspect to came W'hen the Germans might have given icy did often— Smuts at Barney's sniffing by whole show away was always He harking. hiding place or only the family was cit although when Barneywere inseparable and nuts nS ionis dog used to get In peacetime a Florentine if he lived especially ut a good deal, estates as Smuts did. hill spacious :(ng the walk and social THIS OFFICER .ere would be a morning hydrant there. No WORD FROM fire a and Japan, is at a tree here war. all after the the first B-29 raid on (Collilts couldn't go out atpeople were hungry 41.. A veteran of Billings Robinson Lieutenant-040nd -China the first place a lot of dog in the Burma Indian can tell you. gate '36) is missing 1 as an American theater. ,at has its points. resentment among the Then there would be f 11011 386 THE PHI GAMAIA DELTA. A gracious letter has crime to headquarters of the fraternity from highest-ranking Devil Dog. M General Clifton B. Cates (Ten '161, whose picture cover of the March appeared 011 issue. It a follows: Enclosed find my of my graduate duescheck for $5 in for 1945. Please note my correct address. ft little additional data on myself --keep the record correct: Took comn. the Fourth Division 1944. on Saipan and !Marines) on .T• :ng the Tinian operation, commanded it For these two ge• ments the division was awarded the I residential Citation with star. Censorship regulations now permit say that I am at sea and headed for again. • . . best wishes to . . . all loyal Fijis. * * * A SON MISSING (I. First GENERAI:S Lieutenant (Ohio State '42) of Kenneth F. Hodson the air forces has returned front a B-29 not raid on Tokio. He a son of is Brigadier-General Fremont R. Hodson (Oregon '20). eating horsemeat again instead of soup. vegetable * * * The rumor is bruited Lieutenant James Richard about that Young (Los Angeles '44) and his platoon have been credited with raising the first American flag in the Philippines after the liberation. Notes concerning the "k7 H.: bold" in the service of His King and Emperor: M. Albert Menzies (British Columbia who was graduated in medicine from Que,-,), College in February, is interning at Kings:.,:: General Hospital as a member of the R. c• A. M. C. . • . Captain Kenneth W. Re,-1 (British Columbia '44) is with the Seafort' s of Canada overseas.... Ian Weir McDonri,l (British Columbia '43) is with the Southea-: Asia Command of the Royal Canadian A' Force. . . . Pilot Officer Lyman W. Or(Toronto '43) is posted to Calgary. . address of Flight Lieutenant F. Lor-, Hutchison (Toronto '22) is O. P. R R. C. A. F. Station, Dartmouth, N. S. * a * The Bureau of Devil Dog department. News 0: Public Relations of the War Department always as help- Fijis who have the situation well Hi ful as it can be to hand : TILE DELTA, says that it has PHI GAMMA The following Fiji no information marines are receivint, which would make it possible to sub- mail through the Fleet Postoffice, San Fran stantiate the report. cisco, Calif.: Lieutenant Theodore F. Sht: (Colgate '44). Private First Class What Fiji can help Fred, verify the rumor E. Croft (Illinois Wesleyan '45), Lieutemiii. —and, oh br'ers! if we could get a William A. Florsheim (Gettr;burg '43). picture! Lieutenant Jack Hood Vaughn (Michigan '43), Private First Class Harold W. Greene THE PHI GAMMA DELTA 387 nibalian sailormen, of no value to the Major Frank J. Weriban, Jr. 33), Lieutenant Norman Elliott enemy, we hope, except to put the fear tenni 44), Lieutenant Alfred B. Beers of God in his heart. '44), Lieutenant John J. Although censorship forbids the publishing '431, Sergeant John J. Meckes ships of navy St.):, '45). . . Private Henry A. of the names of stations and Island. men, the following Fijis are receiving mail Mare at is '46) +Stanford 'vn through the Fleet Postoffice, San Francisco: . William Shoop (Washington and rank Ensign John P. Anderson (Missouri '43), sun '411 has been promoted to the Ensign Robert Mansur (Missouri '44), Enijor. He has been in the Southwest sign John B. Scott (Missouri '42), Ensign .• for two years and was wounded in . . . operation. Saipan John Stabler (Missouri '43), Seaman First the T1 during Class Richard Sarvis (Missouri '44), Lieu,:nant William S. Rollins (Bucknell '44) tenant (j. g.) John L. Davies, Jr. (Allegheny :ewhere in the Pacific theater. .. . The editor of The Chevron, corps news- '40), Lieutenant (j. g.) David M. Kinzer (Allegheny '41), Ensign Lawrence W. Kelley is Private First Class Norris Anderson Outten raska '44). The Chevron is a weekly, (Amherst '44), Ensign Henry P. (Amherst '42), Lieutenant Robert R. Rosson a circulation of 80,000. . . . Captain (Berkeley '31), Lieutenant Joseph W. Bailey .Ed H. O'Rourke (Colorado College (Chicago '31), Lieutenant Maturin B. Bay ominanded an assault company in the (Chicago '29), Lieutenant (j. g.) Frederic landings of the Fifth Marine DiviA. Graber, Jr. (Colgate '42), Ensign TheoIwo Jima. . . . Second Lieutenant in is '44) (Pennsylvania A, Weager. Jr. (Colgate '41), Lieudore Bremier, Jr. 'acific theater, as is also Corporal AIN. Borman (Missouri '46). . . CorS. Neil Harle (Missouri '46) is in the kn International _ at Berkeley. Calif "),)to reproduced in American newsvealed Captain Thomas E. Norpell :1 '41) of the Third Marine Division -ining a dugout on Iwo Jima, from which I apparently made a desperate effort Jap's honorable head only visi.. William A. H. Barton. Jr. (Massa, setts Tech. '45) is an officer candidate at t.amp I,ejeune, N. C. . . . Major Robert D. (Bucknell '40), a veteran of the Pacific _Ting, is at Quantico, Va.... Lieutenant :.zeyincuith K. Symmes (Yale '45) is at ,erry Point, N. C. . . . Private First Class :cis J. Martin, Jr. (Columbia '46) is at is Island, S. C. . . . Private Richard D. (Purdue '47) is at Camp I,ejeune. . . Second Lieutenant Frank Horsley ,hington '45) is credited in newspaper itches with having destroyed a Jap Zero had been disguised with American unia on its wings and fuselage. The )- plane was on a field at the northwest Negros Island in the Philippines when -!ant Horsley made two low strafing FAILS TO RETURN TO BASE :t-spite anti-aircraft fire, and destroyed (Tennessee Major Clyde V. Kniscly, Jr. * a * the Pacific of veteran forces, air the '41) of missing over as reported intelligence. is fighting, air United States Navy Luxembourg. cann 4 Tidbits of information about the 388 THE PHI GAMMA THE PHI GAMMA DELTA DELTA '39), Ensign Robert leyan '38). LieutenantB. Kyle (Co.:: Jack D. Wesleyan '48), Ensign (Oklahoma '46), Chief Fro! PliaMelvin K. Battee (Oregon Jason D. Lee (Oregon Adelbert 0. McIntyre '37), (Oreguo _ tenant-Commander Avery W. (Oregon '29), Class Richard G.Pharmacist's Mate Sec' Livingston (Oregon Stat '42), Ensign Robert C. '38), Radio Man FirstAshcom (Pitts Class Hugo M. Leidenroth (Pittsburgh '331. Ensign Roland J. Elliott (Richmond '46), Lieutenant (- g•) Elmer R. Struyk (Rutgers '36 ' William McB. Dehn sign Richard R. Myall(Washington (William Je:i. -4), Lyman G. Wickwire (Yale '41). . . following Fijis are receiving mail thryagh the Fleet Postoffice, New York tenant (j. g.) Edwin Wilks, City: III (Br ,en '43), Quartermaster's Mate First Class Walter E. Jansen (Brown D. Stapp (Colorado '45), Lieutenant j '33), Dillard (Davidson '28), Lieutenant Ty,.1, Radar Techni First Class Berry W. Bercaw Purdue '44). Ensign Alvin C. (Indiana .4 Bush (N, A COLONEL Is Carolina '45), Lieutenant (j. g.) Paul Q No word has been UNREPORTED Severin (North Carolina '41), Lieuten,.. (j. g.) John W. Gorby. Jr. fate of Colonel Harryreceived concerning the (Northwest R. Melton, Jr. bama '34) of the air (Ala- '29), Chaplain Edward McNair (Occide::: forces, who was shot 35), Ensign Merton E. down over the Sawtell (Ohio W, mountainous region of Burma. leyan '45), Ensign Jack K. Chandler (Ok: homa '39), Quartermaster's Mate Sec! tenant Ralph H. Class Tom P. Hadley Dreyer (Columbia John T. Hannah (Oklahoma '45). Li, '29), tenant (Davidson '45, Texas '45), John D. Ligon (Richmond '34). ce:, Lieutenant-Commander guard: Lieutenant (j. g.) Charles J. It. (Georgia Tech. '31), William B. Wingo Phail Prestwich (GettysburgCaptain George F. James (Srracuse '42), Lieutenant (i• W. Woods, Jr. (Tennessee '3'. '19), Lieutenant Henrie C. Shuler medical corps; Lieutenant Geortre L. Mart' '29), Lieutenant (j. g.) John (Gettysburg E. Howe (Kansas (Wabash '24), Ensign William '38). E. Lieutenant-Commander Henry F. Ulrich (William Jewell '44), Lieutenant t, I Minnesota '23), medical Richard P. Embick (Wisconsin '41), corps ; Lieutenant (j. g.) John W. Ensign Louis S. Martin (Missouri '31), corps; Ensign Richard M. Colgate (Yal.t Campbell (Nebraska '35), '45), Lieutenant-Commander Donald I, Lieutenant W'illiarn T. Martin, Jr. (North Wright (Yale '38). . . E,nsign Robert l' Carolina '42), Lieutenant Cornelis E. Shakely (Washington and Jefferson wegen (Occidental Groene'431 at: '28, Stanford '28), Ensign Robert H. Sturman (Colgate Harold D. Gross Ensign '46) a:. (Occidental in '45), Jeffrey R. amphibious training at Little Creek, Ensign Townsend, Jr. (Occidental '46), • • . Louis C. Wollenweber, Jr. (Colorac Ensign Henry A. Bickel Lieutenant William P. (Ohio State '44), '47) is a hospital corpsman at Norman, Ok1.3 Carey, Jr. (Ohio • .. Ensign John State '27), Ensign N. Rupp (Washington'34 Dallas D. Dupre, (Ohio State '44), is at Harvard. . . . III Formerly aboard tlp P. Morris (OhioLieutenant (j. g.) Donald U. S. S. Chanango, State Lieutenant (j. g-) Virg' '34), (.I• g.) Arthur A. Lieutenant L. Towner, Jr. (Bucknell '40) is now billet& Vanosdall (Ohio State in Pensacola, Fla. . . . Lieutenant (j- 8.; t4N r-1) which some sailors do not like. . . . Harvey Harman (Pittsburgh '22). former football coach at Pennsylvania and Rutgers, has been promoted to full commander. He is on a new carrier. . . . Seaman First Class George Hopper, Jr. (Wittenberg '32) is in radio school at Gulfport, Miss. . . . Lieutenant (j. g.) Edward R. Bartley (Indiana '42, Washington and Jefferson '42) is with a coast guard unit in the Pacific. . . . Predicts Lieutenant Harrison Smith (Kansas '36) aboard an attack transport in the Pacific: "I am looking forward to seeing many Fijis soon in Japan itself.". . . Lieutenant (j. g.) John S. Atwater (Denison '35, Western Reserve '35) writes to Lambda Deuteron that he visited the grave of Marine First Lieutenant John L. Pratt (Denison '41), who was killed in action on August 12, 1942, in Guadalcanal. ... Lieutenant Edwin S. Elgin (Missouri '40) is instructing in Ventura aircraft at Lake City, Fla. . . . Lieutenant William K. Caler (Georgia Tech. '32) is '40) is )hE Kristenson (Occidental tenant61;ii) y( e. i M Portland, E el1 stationin .) ( g eiranc Archer Livermore, Calif. . . Yen.e '41) is at Second Class Paul W. Jones (Ohio office ,,leyan '36) is in the public relations Lieutenant g.) 9. . . . Ida. Farrag-ut, is on glades W. Austin (Pennsylvania '30) . . . Captain tile staff at Great Lakes, Ill. 'II) is at (Pennsylvania Lane F. . Ensign • receiving station in Boston. . . at 'ert F. Stengelin (Pennsylvania '43) is . s. Kans. an e )H Hutchinson, i ( station air Herbert enant in kenberg (Wittenberg '30): "Serving as ,nery officer aboard a transport, it was pleasure to see the following brothers a pilgrimage to Fijiland: Lieutenant g.) Charles T. Bridgman (Iowa State , Lieutenant 9. g.) Samuel G. Jenkins inois '29), Lieutenant (j. g.) E. Bruce -tzel (Brown '29) and Ensign Donald B. :tchinson (Colgate '45). This was not, of :rse, their destination and it took place -.le months ago, so no military secrets are divulged.". . . Lieutenant John R. .iller (Idaho '38), flying a Wildcat, took -t in the invasions of Palau, Leyte and ::gayen. He is now in Jacksonville, Fla. . This magazine has previously reported death in action of Ensign Daniel Ryan :dell. It can now be revealed that he was ,ard the submarine Amberfack, which was .:k in Pacific waters by Japanese action. is . Edwin K. Solid (Washington '47) the V-12 at the University of California Los Angeles.... Peter H. Burnett (Yale _ is in the training school at, of all places, Lrvard. . . Walter M. Miller (Colorado -;) is a midshipman at Camp Endicott. (KanY. • .. Ensign Carl B. Henrichson ,as '44) is at San Diego, Calif. . . . Lieutenant (j. g.) William R. Gilgore (Union '29) is at Fort Ord. Calif. . . . Lieutenant at Robert D. Woodward (Berkeley '39) is the supply depot of the air station at Seattle. (Wisconsin • • • Lieutenant Harold E. Kubly school midshipmen's the of staff '27)is on the at Notre Dame. . . . Lieutenant-Commander the William T. Rimes (Denison '31) is on staff of the air transport service at Oakland, Calif. . . Lieutenant Charles M. Jones !Ohio Wesleyan '38) has been transferred 92, New to the receiving station at Pier T. Jones Robert Lieutenant York City. . . Va., Bucknell '36) is on duty at Norfolk. 7 389 INFANTRY PRIVATE MISSING (I, Private First Class Calvin P. Schaffner with the S. (Allegheny '44) is missing in action 414th Infantry in Germany. ,Ilft".116 • , AAR" 390 THE PHI GAMNIA DELTA ing to an Associated the Japanese capturedPress dispatch. 1941, the bank cashier,Guam in Dec Japan, destroyed all the now a prisoner paper money. bank building was destroyed by the invasion bombardment last July, but n vault containing its records remained in' Commander Willard in president of the National peace time is Savings and T Co. in Washington, D. C.... Ensign R M. Rinnan (Northwestern '44) reports seven alumni of Phi Chapter had a reu• on Christmas day on a small Pacific • • . When the Japanese attacked and • the United States minesweeper Ifove:: Lingayen Gulf two days before the inva of Luzon, Ensign James H. F. Tr.,• (Northwestern '45) escaped aboard a Within an hour he was picked up by artu, minesweeper. ... Dr. Ralph W. Jack '26), former Miami Beach physician, been commissioned a lieutenant-commai in the medical corps in Pacific waters. and is aboard a vc . . . Resting from . strenuous life of a pilot in the Pacific Mei. Lieutenant Robert R. is at the hospital in Tweedle (Wabash San Diego, PLANE IS DOWNat AT Lieutenant Stanley A. Tweeclle Calif. TINIAN (%Val. IkNazy Lieutenant '32) and Lieutenant 1 j. g.) F. W. 1 George A. Wi!Aria. (Purdue '39) was (Northwestern '43) are aboard the pedo plane when hebombing Tinian in a tor- ship in the Pacific. . . . was observed to go a spin with one intu James Truesdall (DenisonLieutenant (j. z wing shot off. No '36) is receiv. trace has mail in care of the yet been found of Fleet Postoffice, him. West, Fla. . . . Ensign Benjamin Weisba... (Amherst '44) is at the air executive officer of a station in Jacksonville, Fla. . . . the Marianas. . . . battalion of Seabees in Lieutenant-Commarf] Griswold Lieutenant L. (j. Bouteiller g.) dell Hall (Texas '42) is aboard a ship Wen- duty in Washington. (Amherst '30) is . . Seaman Seco. in the Atlantic. . . Fijis come to the supply Class Lucius T. Grose school at Harvard corps (Arizona '46) is a r and Fijis go. But they teorological student at Lakehurst, N. pause often enough to J. Lieutenant Edward J. Galway (Brown together and to enjoy have beer and pretzels is the at Camp hospitality Peary, Va. . . . Ensign Char Mu at of Iota Massachusetts Tech. Wade Snook, Jr. (Berkeley Fullerton (Colorado '45) . . Robert B. in '46) ha, is a midshipman training at Newport, R. I. . at Notre . Dame.... David C. Gartley (Occi- tenant (j. g.) Charles A, Bailey ((J dental '47) is in the V-12 at '39) is in the Pacific with a landing Southern Methodist University. . • . unit. . • . Apprentice mander Hunter B. Lieuttnant-ComGilkeson Craig (Chicago '46) is Seaman Harm. at San Pedro, (Kansas '32) is in the V-12 at A . Calif. . . Lieutenant (j. g.) sas Agricultural and 'John A. 13ookhout Mechanical Colleg, (Amherst '38) has seen .a lot of service Apprentice Seaman in Atlantic waters. . . . The (Washington '43, Charles W. Moffer Bank of Guam, Alabama '43) is in the \ possibly the only one in the at Columbia world housed in a University. . . Lieutenae quonset hut, reopened business in March, for Stanley B. Atkinson with Lieutenant (Indiana '35) is at tiY mander 11'illiam Bradley Willard -Com- armed guard center in Brooklyn. .. . Lies: mouth '26) as (Darttenant (j. g.) Richard Lloyd manager and cashier, Jones, Jv accord (Wisconsin '32) has been on leave in th, THE PHI GAMMA DELTA the .tates after a six-months' mission to lippine Islands, where his ship carried .asands of tons of bombs to the base of -flies at Leyte. He has been officially cornnded. Dick in peacetime is general mana'of the Tulsa Tribune. Lieutenant (j .g.) -kin Lloyd Jones (Wisconsin '33), editor :he Trib., is a communications officer in Philippine waters... . Lieutenant (j. g.) Tr G. Meek (Pennsylvania State '32) is 4te Philadelphia yard.... Chief Specialist Edward Chatlain (Wittenberg '41) is ...oiled in Cleveland. . . . Lieutenant-Corn-der Henry A. Sherman (Columbia '25) it Camp Kearney, Calif. . . . Lieutenant -nley I. Craft (Richmond '30) is in the fare and recreation department at Samp. N. Y. . . . Ensign Douglas R. Dobson ashington and Jefferson '43) is stationed Norfolk. . . . Heber R. Carter, Jr. (Ten-Se '45) is in the V-12 at Rice Institute. Specialist Allen C. Morgan (New York is at Camp Peary, Va. .. . Commander crt B. Simons (Kansas '30), medical is at the ammunition depot, Hingham, . . William F. Quesenberry, Jr. -1c-e '43) is in aviation training at PenFla. . . . Lieutenant (j. g.) Clifford ,;rey (Hanover '43) is in the mine school Yorktown, Pa. . . . Apprentice Seaman .rshall R. Brownell (Wabash '47) is in V-12 at Union College. . . . Lieutenant g.) Robert B. Crew (Northwestern '33) in the office of the chief of operations in ishington.... Ensign Vernon J. Anderson .wa '36) is at the air station in Quonset Npprentice Seaman William int, R. I Schmitt (Illinois '44, Denison '44) is in V-12 at Oberlin College. So is Appren• Seaman George C. Sternad, Jr. (Ohio csleyan '47). . . . Commander William C. baty, Jr. (Alabama '24), medical corps, Le. ri of Merit, is at the staff and command ->ol of the marines at Quantico.... PharMate John W. Bradley (Tennessee is at Camp Detrick, Md. . . . Chief .rrant Officer John A. Sloan (Ohio Wes'29) is at Chula Vista, Calif. . . The -s of Lieutenant-Commander William Robb (Pennsylvania '34), former Field r'retary of Phi Gamma Delta, is Staff, mairlant, Naval Air Station, Norfolk, . . Ensign Richard E. Clarke (Brown ') of the coast guard is at the submarine ,ining center in Miami. . . . Richard J. 391 Brown (Purdue '44) is at the coast guard academy in New London, Conn. * * * Hither-and-yon notes about the Fijis in the United States Army as well as the Army of the United States, with no sequence of mention according to rank: The following Fijis are receiving mail c/o Postmaster, New York, N. Y.. at the A. P. 0. given, when available: Technical Sergeant Jerry W. Gwin (Alabama '45), 887; .Lieutenant Felix R. Helms (Alabama '43), 18011; Sergeant Paul K. McWhorter, Jr. (Alabama '45), 18081; Lee M. Otts (Alabama '44), 26; Major Charles B. Miller (Allegheny '40), 403; Corporal Osborn Belt (Allegheny '43), 350; Captain John W. Prout (Allegheny '37), 121-B; Captain Richard H. Horn (Allegheny '36), 102; Technical Sergeant James J. Pysher (Allegheny AVIATOR IS PRISONER Lieutenant Robert S. Aubry (Rutgers '45) of the air forces is a prisoner of war in Germany after having been shot down over Yugoslavia. 11:1„ 392 THE PHI GAMMA DELTA A OF TilF, GERMANS Second Lieutenant Richard 1.. Neal (Purdue '46) of Me air forces is a prisoner of war at Stalag Luft No. 1 in He was shot down near GermanY. Lcipsig. '45), 339; Lieutenant -Colonel William H. Puntenney (Arizona '41), 29; Lieutenant Floyd Williams, Jr. 38), 557; Lieutenant Joseph M. (Arizona ' Billion, Jr. (Berkeley '44), 557; Lieutenant Robert S. Allen (Brown '46), 520; seph (Brown '44),Lieutenant Donald M. Jo218; Sergeant Abram J. S. Gaskill (Brown '25), 403; Sergeant Thomas A. Dvorsky (Chicago '42), 339; Lieutenant Robert W. Hughes (Chicago '37), 452; Captain James E. Watson, III (Colgate '41), 17798; Brown (Colorado '23), Captain Frank E. 67; (Colorado College '30), Frank M. Truby 884; Private First Class Jacques W. Duffy (Columbia 333; Corporal '44), Murray '34), 366; Lieutenant L. Jones (Columbia William H. Chamber (Cornell '43), 5; Clark (Dartmouth Lieutenant William G. Howard R. Mobley '41), 595; Sergeant Private Richard C. (Davidson '30), 887; Christian (Denison '46), 447; Staff Sergeant Stephen B. (Denison '42), 149; Minton. Arthur H. Gem (DePauw '43). 447; Lieutenant-Col Russell C. Kuehl (DePauw '28), 4.44; Li tenant William C. Brandon (Florida '4 512; Staff Sergeant Henry C. Hill (Gear Tech. '33), 558; Lieutenant Mike L. Kova (Hanover '39), 16583; Thatcher, Jr. (Hanover Lieutenant Earle '43). 16852-ATCaptain Richard C. Williams 17999; Lieutenant Vernon (Hanover '35 R. Dawson (Id ho '42). 372; Private First Class \William Greene (Illinois '45), 518; Harry 0. Ande son, Jr. (Illinois Wesleyan '42), 45; Lie tenant Benjamin R. Arnold (Illinois We leyan '36). 667; Private First Class I. 'Rust (Illinois \Wesleyan E. Prentice (Indiana '47), 200; '39), 254; Walter E. Brinker (Iowa ' tenant Hamilton D. Carson38), 17351: (Iowa Private First Class Charles W. V. (Iowa '46), 104; Corporal shaw, III (Kansas '45), Stephen C. ii 649; Captain H. D. Ritchie (Kansas '40), 557; Lieuten, Russell D. Voorhees (Knox '31), 44; •:ate Carl Eisen, Jr. (Lehigh '45), 520; Li' tenant Ernest F. Andrews (Maine '3432; Lieutenant Sheldon K. Howard (Ma.. '39), 17567; Private First Class Robert Heath (Michigan '46), 569; Major Mar. J. Her (Minnesota '27), 557; Private Class Roger H. Newhall 345; Major James W. (Minnesota '41 Guest (Misso • ' 39), 411; Clinton G. Sweazea (Misso!:. '40), I6926-AJ-4; Captain Harlan G. Hutc ins (Nebraska '30), 513; Lieutenant Btnard E. Ingram (Nebraska '39), 667; Staff Sergeant Taylor C. Waldron (Nebras' , '36), 740; Private Firm Class John A. l‘t Corkle (New York '45), 17808; Lieutena William C. Thoma (New York UH 562; Lieutenant James B. Carg)li Carolina '36); Lieutenant Gordon E. 6‘,0 hart (Occidental '35), 17665; Lieutena, Robert F. Snyder (Occidental '33, ()rep State '33), 230; Sterling L. Hill (Ohio Sta' '37), 469; Lieutenant Ralph E. Lamprna (Ohio State '38), 492; Private First Cla, Louis J. Hendricks, Jr. (Ohio Wesleya '47), 17796; Corporal Charles S. Huffma: Jr. (Ohio Wesleyan '44), 350; Lieutenar• Edward H. Jones (Ohio Wesleyan 461; Major Frederick T. Merchant (' Wesleyan '33), 887; Lieutenant Russei. THE PHI GAMMA DELTA Jr. (Ohio Wesleyan '42), 80; nt Edward F. Saville (Ohio Weswgea• Jr. lean '46) 412- Private John M. Hall, Oklahoma '47), 15668; Captain Joseph W. .1•ciip,.- (Oklahoma '41), 520; Lieutenant 461; ''- bert A. Tatlock (Oklahoma '43), „Tutenant-Colonel Varley H. Taylor (OklaWit-.,,Tra '30). 5357; Captain Richard H. AnaB. Hal Private 562; '32), (Oregon n Lieutenant alt (Oregon State '46), 28; 'tree J. Brisbin (Oregon State '44), 76; Cor:, :ral Charles S. Crookham (Oregon State 5L89; Captain Howard Z. Fretz (Pennsylnia'38), 508: Lieutenant Frank K. Mayers Pennsylvania '45), 520; Lieutenant William Newing (Pennsylvania '43), 316-A; John Shidemantle (Pittsburgh '41), 443; Cap:.;:n William A. Campbell (Purdue '42), 2b3; Private First Class Thomas H. Leath Richmond '45), 417; Lieutenant Howard S. :arto (Rutgers '39), 583; Corporal Kenneth 3. Barrett (Sewanee '45), 15379; Private rrst Class Richard F. Outcault, Jr. (Stan rd '45), 444; Sergeant John L. Twitchell Stanford '35), 18246; John S. Hafer Syracuse '35), 5955; Private David T (Tennessee '47), 15371; Lieutenant humas S. Garrett, III (Texas '42), 557; Hvate George I. Goodenow (Texas '33), '543; Captain George J. Hucherson (Tex'29), 200; William H. Champlin (Union -3), 257; Captain Preston R. Clark (Union 431; Lieutenant James R. Davidson, Jr. ,'abash '44), 85; Staff Sergeant Philip C. Jr. (Wabash '46), 345; Private John Owens (Wabash '46), 507; Private First :ass Milo F. Vale, Jr. (Wabash '47), 78; Rene L. Tallichet (Washington and Lee '36). 459; Private Allan B. Kortz (\Western Re-ve '46), 454; Private John H. Lathe, Jr ,Yestern Reserve '44), 598; Kenneth C .dley (William Jewell '33), 95; Sergeant ward A. Appell (Williams'33), 258; Ma'Eric F.. Oulashin (Williams '36), 787: nant Jerome K. Travers (William %; Lieutenant-Colonel Andrew Barr, Fac.), 253; Lieutenant William E. inert (Missouri '44), 15661; Lieutenant •:lph M. Major (Missouri '43), 403; Lieu'ant John C. Nowell (Missouri '43), 84; .eutenant Charles G. Ross (Missouri '43), 1-!euteriant LeRoi Dixon, Jr. (Missouri '41), The following Fijis are receiving do Postmaster, San Francisco, Cal., at e A. P.0. listed when available: Private Ro,binsoil. 393 First Class Samuel A. Hess (Amherst '43), 958; Lieutenant-Colonel Robert P. Kirk (Arizona '33), 201; Captain Richard P. Jones (Berkeley '37), 72; Lieutenant Warren F. Myers, Jr. (Berkeley '45), 18103; Corporal William A. Smith, Jr. (Brown '45), 17943; Sergeant Gerald Finsen (Bucknell '38), 923; Lieutenant John H. Roehn (Denison '41), 950; Lieutenant Henry H. Triebel (Illinois '33), 241; Lieutenant George D. Herring, Jr. (Lafayette '33), 322; Howard J. Stagg, III (Maine '37), 17984; Private Culver Davis (Minneapolis '37), 703; Lieutenant William D. Rhodes (Missouri '44), 957; Lieutenant Robert R. C. Miller (Nebraska '44), 18273; Lieutenant Milton B. Cash, Jr. (North Carolina '44), 711; Lieutenant Glosser M. Young (North Carolina '33), 301; Lieutenant Jack H. DeVoss (Ohio State '41), 710; Captain George A. Grossman, Jr. (Ohio State '40), 4305; • CAPTURED INFANTRYMAN SAFE (Pennsyldl, Sergeant E. Rothwell Shelly vania '46) of the infantry was captured in Germany while serving with the 106th American Division. A card from him reports that he is "safe and not injured." l•-• WA 1.1. _1..1.1 17\11 394 THE PHI GA -MMA DELTA THE PHI C;AIM.-\ DELTA MARINE WINS SILVER STAR (1. The going against the JaPs at Empress Augusta Bay, Bougainville, was tough the day when First Lieutenant Edwin F. McGowan (Brown '42) of the marines the gallantry which won for him displayed the Silver Star. Lieutenant Raymond P. Heap (Oklahoma '43), 928; Lieutenant Richard E. Cook (Oregon State '42), 81; Captain John W. Mackie, Jr. (Purdue '39), 18141; Lieutenant Issac C. \Vright, Jr. (Syracuse '39), 244; Lieutenant Joseph Addison, Jr. (Virginia '43), 16212-AJ-59; Colonel Julian G. Hearne, Jr. (Washington and Jefferson '26), 244; Lieutenant Howard T. Eaton, Jr. (Western Reserve '39), 18278; James HLaMent (Williams '42), 15633; Sergeant George M. Simson (Williams '43), 181::; Lieutenant William D. Rhodes (Missouri 44),957; Lieutenant ' Clifford B. Smith (Missouri '41), 920. . . . Second Lieutenant Charles E. Brew ick (Iowa State '46) was navigator of "Round-trip Topsy" on an eventful trip over Germany which resulted in the Flying Fortress being brought back to its base in England with two en_ most of the oxygen system shatti: struments useless and a wound, aboard. . . . Jack Hargrove ((Jr '40) and Lee M. Otts (Alabama 'enlisted men, are with the famed 26t sion under General Patton. "You'll two in the deepest foxholes from the reports Jack to TRE PM GAMMA . .. Frank Austin (Tennessee '40) is school of maintenance for 11-29s at ' Field, Colo. . . Captain \Villiam gem, Jr. (Nebraska '34) is cunnecte,; civil affairs in France.... Private Peter I,.v (Amherst '43) is stationed at Iraq.... Private First Class Samuel Rump (Amher-: '44) is in the signal corps in England.. Private James Doucett (Amherst '44) w: soon complete his course in the Corm:. Medical School. New York City.... Tren, feet got Sergeant Walter F. Simmelink, (Iowa State '43) and he has been hospitalizt,i in England, after service in Krautland... Private First Class Thomas P. Hans (Union '45) is a senior instructor radio mechanics at Truex, Wisc. . . . First Lieutenant Cyril H. Hebrank, Jr. ( Johns Hopkins '42) commanded the show, "Here's Your Infantry," which toured the United States in the interest of war bond sales... Private Randolph N. Moore, Jr. (Kans., '46) is at MacDill Field, Fla. ... Licutena. Orville W. Nichols, Jr. (Indiana '41) is Fort Meade, Md. . . . Major Harold Lusk Flint (Columbia '14) is at Miami Beach. Fla. . . . Lieutenant Howard P. Barfield (Georgia Tech. '42) is at Wright Field, 0 ... Major Richard N. Fickett, III (Georg. Tech. '28) is stationed at Camp Plane, New Orleans, La. . . . Captain Richard Paulsen (Idaho '41) is in the Pentagon Bldi. Washington, of all places, D. C. . Privar First Class Robert L. Mueller (Illinois '44 is at Fort Benning, Ga. . . . Richa Stillinger (Idaho '43) is on special assig merit in the South Pacific. . . . Lieutena. Arthur E Peterson, Jr. (Colgate '46) iF Fort Ord, Calif. . . Lieutenant Hari, Scurr (Colorado College '44) is at i Lewis, Wash.... The Germans used to ha a 350-foot launching site for V rockets ne.: Euskirchen. They don't have it any mor, Credit Lieutenant David S. McClure (IL nois Wesleyan '45) ... Lieutenant Chard, W. Mills, Jr. (Arizona '37), nephew Archon Secretary Abbot P. Mills (Willian 395 (Lafaited Lieutenant Robert G. Packer Captain Eagle Pass, Tex. . . the first of commander being with '43) yette Fifield (Arizona '38) is at Fort . American company to reach the Rhine op. . Lieutenant Waldo G. Kans. Duesseldorf. An Associated Press posite Kans. Pratt, Jr. (Colgate '41) is at called him "six feet of correspondent war ieutenant Austin M. West (Knox '34) Bob has been thrice valor." Brooklyn Private First Fort Bragg. N. C. . . . Lieutenant Fred P. Gilbert, at . . is wotmded. '46) (Columbia Field, - Walter L. Scott Jr. (Iowa State '43) is at Bulkley Lieutenant Roger logLee, Va. . . First Harvey Lieutenant Denver, Colo. . . . in the in.irrier (Pittsburgh '33) is '43) is at Goodfellow • State . . (Iowa Ga. II Henning, ham, school at Fort C. Ber(Richmond Field, Tex. . . . Lieutenant George ,nant Wallace B. Poteat Tex. Bowie, Camp at WilLieutenant ry (Missouri '43) is -i at Casper, Wyo... . Robert H. Krohne Class Camp First at is Private '46) K. Tate (Tennessee Tex. (Missouri '43) is at Camp Maxey, D. C. • . . Private 0. Washington.(Worcester State (Ohio Cool '41) B. Tech. . . . Lieutenant John ,lier C. Walker Major Robert '41) is at the air base in Mount Home, Ida. Camp Wheeler, Ga. . . . York Peterson Lieutenant Robert Haklisch (New ernley (Wisconsin '41) is at Cap. . . Ala. Haig McClellan, Neil 44) is at Fort Colo. . . . Lieutenant (Cornell '35) is Tex. Bowie, Maclellan Camp 0. Hugh at is '41) tam i ...ington Richmond, Va. . . • (Yale in the air forcec at .ieutenant Tracy C. Dickson, IIIPrivate . . . Okla. is at Camp Gruber, (Yale '45) is Class Chester Simmons Private First . . . Ky. Campbell, 'amp '46) (Colorado Jr. Stephen A. Loftus, Michael Fort Benning, Ga.... Private '43) is Passantino, Jr. (William Jewell Robert N. ..emoore, Calif.... Lieutenant Wheeler, Camp at -in- (Syracuse '35) is Davis (Idaho . . Captain Edward G. Calif., after Springs, Palm at based •_ is Italy.... Private a tour of duty on a B-26 in interne in St. izene Taylor (Idaho '42) is an Stewart (Idaho :is, Mo.... Private Gus Corporal is at Camp Beal, Calif. . . . chemical the in is '45) .en Stanley (Idaho Private First ,rfare service in Europe. . . (Idaho '45) Hungerford Roger iss Ashville. dying in the weather school at '45) (Idaho Yocum Ted Sergeant an.. . . outfit. . • • in France with an infantry (Idaho :te First Class Richard Thomas England. . . • in corpsman medical a is (Tennessee '36, Major Jerome C. Taylor which snatched attack Davidson '36) led an by the overrun towns tack several French the counterNazis in the early days of Julian G. offensive. . . . Lieutenant-Colonel Jefferson '26) and jr.(Washington earne, Gamma Delta LEGION OF MERIT FOR COLONEL has written another song. "Phi Colonel Hearne Peace." and Wars Through officer of an important South Sea island. C. As commanding India, Colonel Richard 1- with the infantry on a in debarkation VanMetre (Colum- port of Fac.) dis. Lieutenant Russel G. Hocker (Missouri '12, Yale resourceLieutenant ability. his (ia '42) is on Saipan.. .. Second "by '43) is at tinguished himself effort." His accolade: Irvine H. Forkner (Columbia dis- fulness and untiring Newspaper Legion of Merit, Maxwell Field, Ala The Front have creelpatches from the Western 4 at 396 THE PHI GAMMA DELTA Private Richard J. Reynolds, Jr. (Cornell '46) is in the medical detachment of the 387th Infantry at Camp Cooke, Calif. . . Lieutenant Robert E. Lowry (Illinois '44) is at the Douglas Factory School at Long Beach, Calif. . . Private Robert H. Kirk (Kansas '43) is at the weather station in Pratt, Kans. . . . Major Hugh R. Bishop (Lehigh '38) is at Patterson Field. 0. . . . Lieutenant Grant B. Stetson (Lehigh '39) is at Fort Dix. N. J. . . . Private Thomas Griffith Morris (Lafayette '46) is at Camp Shelby, Miss. . . William P. Chandler, Jr. (Arizona '44) is in training at the air field in Pecos, Tex.... Captain William J. Bolin (Davidson '41) is at Fort Riley, Kans. . . . Private Donald M. Palmer (Pennsylvania '47) is at Camp Wheeler, Ga. . . Lieutenant Alvin L. Flake (Oregon State '44) is at Camp Gruber, Okla.. . . Lieutenant Edmund J. Dienz (Arizona '41) is at Kearns. Utah. . . . Private William B. Coulter (Pittsburgh '46) is at Camp Barkley, Tex. . . Lieutenant Frank A. Pritchard, Jr. (Washington '42) is at Camp Robinson, Ark. . . . Camp Polk, La., is the station of Private Joseph IT. Fluckhouse (Minnesota '45) and of Private John B. Burns (Kansas '45). ... Thomas F. Hayes (Nebraska '46) is in Company 8 at West Point. . .. Major Richard G. Taft (Oklahoma '34) is at the air base at Santa Ana, Calif. . . . John Lee Hoyt (Northwestern '46) is an aviation cadet at Brooks Field, Tex. . . . Colonel Lawrence B. Wyant (Ohio State '18), a regular officer, is at Fort Devens, Mass. • . . Lieutenant Robert W. McKinney (Ohio Wesleyan '41) is at the air base in Pueblo, Colo. . . . Lieutenant Loren Logan (Missouri '38) is at Dalhart, Tex. .. . The air field at Tonopah, Nev., is the station of Major Robert P. Doolittle (DePauw '29). ... Harry N. Beak (Illinois Wesleyan '31) has been promoted to the rank of captain. He is at Craig Field, Ala.... Captain Richard G. Tiling (New York '41), a veteran of combat in the Pacific theater, is in the aircraft laboratory at Wright Field, 0. . Lieutenant Thomas P. Hull, Jr. '41) receives his mail at A. P. 0. (Texas 603, do Postmaster, Miami, Fla. . . . Lieutenant James J. Harrison (Michigan '41) is at Columbia, S. C. . . . Corporal Drury H. Cargill (Missouri '44) is in a group at Jefferson Barracks. photographic Mo. . . . Cap- tain Daniel C. Easterday (Nebraska ' is at Ford Ord, Calif. . . . Corpora! Clark Voss (Missouri '46) is in a -company at Camp Gruber, Okla. . . rt. vate Ebert Weidner (Ohio Wesleyan .44 is in the 113th Infantry at Camp' Pick Va. . . . Private Robert W. Griffin (Okla, homa '46) is at Crile General liospitkCleveland, 0. . Captain Luther L. haver, Jr. (North Carolina '37) is at T General Hospital, Nashville, Tenn. Nicholas G. Cristofalo (New York '43) is an officer candidate at Fort Belvoir, Va. . Lieutenant William D. Patterson (P--,sylvania '43) is at Finney general H, Thomasville, Ga. . . . Lieutenant Sher-y, Jr. (Northwestern '41) is in 13th Airborne Anti-Aircraft at Camp all, N. C. . . . Private First Class C: R. Hungerford (Idaho '45) is in t weather station at Charlotte, N. C. . . Major Richard B. Ott (Idaho '19) is .7 the Presidio, San Francisco. .. . Lieutenant James R. Barracks (Illinois '44) lives in a barracks at Fort Sill, Okla. . . . Priv:William B. Thomas (Indiana '46) is in th, public relations office at Childress Field, Tex. . . . Albin W. Heggen (Iowa State '45) is at Ellington Field, Tex. . . . Private George 0. Clifford, Jr. (Wabash '4t is on duty at the regional hospital in Wa. tham, Mass. . . . Returned from overseas. Captain Herbert T. Condon, Jr. (Washington '36) is now stationed at Little Rock Ark. . . . John H. Finefroc.k (Western R serve '39) is in the medical administratcorps at Fort Lewis, Wash. . . . Capt. Frank B. Packard (Washington '30) cal corps, is stationed at Palm S; Calif. ... Lieutenant A. Howe Tod,' high '44) is at Fort Benning, Ga. . . PHI GAMMA DELTA cannot be too commended for its war reporting," , Captain Theodore G. Coursault (M1— '34) from the exchange service in San Fray cisco. Sem per muchobligedius! . . . Captain Guy M. Hamm, Jr. (William Jewell '31., is at Craig Field, Ala. .. . Lieutenant William A. Simpson (Syracuse '42) is at Camp McCoy, Wisc. . . . Lieutenant Walter 11 Smith (Oregon State '41) is in the engineers at Camp Bowie, Tex. . . . Captain tVilliarn 0. liVaid (Oklahoma '32) is at Wilmingto!:. Calif., where he has to do with troop movement Major Paul B. Jenkins (Michigan THE PHI GAMMA DELTA 397 received the (Rutgers '42) is serving has general hosWendell P. the . . at . badge. is distinguished unit .dical corps. John R. Rodemajor in the Camp Grant, Ill. . . .received a first Knowles (Rutgers '38) is a Germany. . . . Charles E. ashington '47) has . . . field artillery in Point. staff serWest to appointment Farnsworth (Rutgers '41) is a Detrick, (Oklahoma '44) Camp at artillery field John J. Vater the geant in Lieutenant-Colonel Robert Raney (Texas xandria, La. • . . Md. . . . Lieutenant with the squadron which is is Fac.) bombing (Yale Barr, Jr. Europe, '43) is in a Sergeant Robert in Division toucheing the Krauts. . . ad Armored with the glider -Colonel William E. is '43) Lieutenant (Oregon itti C. Jones -ColJess M. Lieutenant Corporal . and . Minnesota '27) infantry in France. . Lieu36th the . with . • been '29). Shinn (Oregon '41) has tle Brown (Illinois (Oklahoma '45) Italian camand African Finley the from Robert W. S. C. Division River drive. . • • englneers at Fort Jackson,(Oklapaigns up to the Rhone (Missouri '41) Downing L. William P. Freehof Major Richard Monmouth, N. J. . . . Captain relations officer with the IV Army Fort is at is public Pacific area. . . . (Alabama'46) is in the Corps headquarters in the (Missouri '42) is •:.! Donald Holt Lieu. . Calif. Lieutenant Joseph Finley 7ces at Palmdale, (Berkeley office at Camp CampHarry R. Lawton the special service in Sergeant . . W. Fisk (Wisconsin . Wash. bell, Ky. . . Perry European theater for is at Tacoma, Santa at is '35) in the C. Brown (Arizona Holdsworth '46) has been Lieutenant Milo T. . . . William C.Shelby, Miss. more than a year. . . . is commanding '43) Camp (Illinois Oakland, Jr. erst '42) is at (Alabama Lieutenant George LoyItaly.... in :olonel Charles W. Moffett branch at Lieutenant a B-24 advocate '46) and .5 in the air judgeOrlando, Fla. . • . ering (Wisconsin pilots in the are '45) (Idaho Charles Luke ;Lctical center in . . . First LieutenKresge (Western Resame squadron in Italy. .,,sant Robert F. is chief Camp hospital. M. Stiver (Purdue '43) '45) is at the station Africa, ant James squadron at a in B-29 years a of two engineering officer t-ler, Ga.......... -Colonel E. Flemming . .. Lieutenant and Italy, Major John base in \Vest China.(Colorado '31) College Lieutenant Frank W. Roberts wn '33) is stateside. . .'34) is at faculty at the and staff (Allegheny the of member P. Gilmore Edward H. is a artillery school in Fort Sill. Okla. . • • field man, Arm. . . . Lieutenant (Idaho from returned Lieutenant Joseph P. Harle (Alabama '44) has the engineers in Tex. . • . Second with is Hulen, '42) Camp Missouri • and is at Hudson (Mis(Dartmouth '42, France.... Private James F. .tcnant Morris L. Heath • in France. . battalion tank C. . • • souri 46) is Al (Oklais at Fort Bragg. N. Tatlock is '46) (Davidson .•Lieutenant Robert A. mood G. Miller, Jr. H. Jones Edward LieutenLieutenant . . . Calif. homa '43) and Stanford University, Carolina '28) are in the same bat(Ohio Wesleyan '38) Front. . . . Lieutenant Durwood E. Steed (North James Lieutenant talion on the Western (Yale is at George Field, 111.... C. Eastman Wesleyan '45) is in ant-Colonel Hamilton -Colonel Robert J. Parriott, Jr. (Ohio Nebr. Lieutenant Island, '31) and 'ombing group at Grand '34) are at adjoin(Brown '47) Wardle (Georgia Tech. Private Roger S. Everett engineers' outfit in France. . Lieutenant ing desks with an at Camp Blanding, Fla. . . Partington (Yale '31) is (Virginia '45) is Major Philip F. Private First Class Ralph T. Holsapple, Jr. corps.... Captain Albert in the medical communi. . . Calif. Roberts, (Lehigh '45) is at Camp Carl Eisen, Jr. with the at Borden GenJ. Krabbe (Purdue '34) isOkla. . . . Lieu- cations clerk in a B-24 Liberator Junius eral Hospital, Chickasha, Wesleyan '38), 15th Air Force in Italy.. .. Private with is '47) (Ohio (Richmond Beall tenant John A. Barracks, Pa. Earle Dunford, Jr. Italy. . . . Lieutenant mtdical corps, is at Carlisle (Oklahoma an infantry outfit in (Florida '46) is in Lieutenant Harold E. Eisele company at Ralph E. Manning, Jr. Field, Fort Buckingham composite k) is in a medical the air forces at outfit force air Camp Ellis, Ill. . . . The Meyers, Fla. Leonard M. Zubko with which Captain
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HE PHI AMMA ELTA - Phi Gamma Delta
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