Welcome New Family - Gadsden-Etowah Habitat for Humanity
Welcome New Family - Gadsden-Etowah Habitat for Humanity
Fall 2014 Gadsden-Etowah Habitat for Humanity 3644 Rainbow Drive Rainbow City, AL 35906 APPLICATIONS OPEN ~ SEPT. 1—OCT. 13, 2014 256-543-1898 VOLUNTEER HIGHLIGHTS (Right) Southside UMC Youth Group volunteers gave a day this summer to help maintain vacant lots in Adams Park . APPLICATIONS OPEN ~ Anyone wishing to apply for housing with Habitat for Humanity should contact the office for a Pre-Screening Form. The form is available Sept. 1Oct. 13, 2014. You may also visit our website: www.gadsdenhabitat.com for more information and the form. Applications are available at the office ~ 3644 Rainbow Dr. in Rainbow City from 9-4:00 M-F. Or call 256-543-1898 or email: [email protected] If you currently live in poverty or substandard housing, have an income between $12,000—$28,000 per year, and are willing to partner and volunteer 300 hours of sweat-equity, and have lived in Etowah County for at least 1 year, you could qualify. We are looking for families who need a hand-up and are willing to commit to attend partnership classes, make and keep to a budget, take on home maintenance, and make mortgage payments on time each month. Email: [email protected] Welcome New Family (Left) United Way Day of Caring brought out 5 volunteers from Crown Column who gave HFH’s storage building a fresh (Right) Gadsden State Community College Carpentry Class raises the walls on House #45 under the direction of Heath McDaniel. The GSCC Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Class under the direction of Tim Hardy installed the duct work and heat pump for House #44. Allison and Jorge Alegria were selected as partnership family #47 and are working their way through the Habitat pipeline to homeownership. They recently welcomed twin boys to their family. Volunteers on House #44 take a break ~Larry Dooley, Don Whitt, John Parks, Jessica & Rob McArthur, Sandra & Randall McGlaughn, W.C. Murphy, David King, Cendee Pierre, Mike Grieco, Glen Latham, and Mark Bellamy. Volunteers Needed! Do you have some construction or carpentry skills? Do you want to work with a great group of caring people? Can you give one day a week or a month? Contact Habitat …. We NEED YOU! Bible Class from Westbrook painted the block on House #44 this spring. Wed. & Sat. workdays from 8:00-12:00 noon Call 256-543-1898 for Volunteer Form Email: [email protected] www.gadsdenhabitat.com Double Groundbreaking—Houses #45 & #46 Cendee Pierre #45(rt) and Jessica & Rob McArthur #46 (center) and their 5 children are pictured with Suzanne & Steve Scharfenberg May 9th during double groundbreaking for their houses which are located on Summit Ave. in Gadsden. The property was donated to HFH by Bill Fobbus. APSO Build Alabama Power Service Organization will frame House #46 on Friday, Pres. Suzanne Scharfenberg presents Sept. 26th the keys to Melissa Taylor and son, Brayden, on April 1, 2014 at the dediat 300 cation of their house #43 in Rainbow City. Brayden now has his own puppy, Summit Ave. too. Thanks for the great support! Donations ~ March 21, 2014 to Sept. 1, 2014 Individuals ~ Mr. & Mrs. Ed Hill Frances Patterson * Pudden McArthur * Jane Petty * Leslie & Clay Hix * Betty Fussell William H. Simpson, MD Businesses ~ Wells Fargo BBVA Compass State Farm Ins. Master Gardeners * Memorial ~ Geraldine Pierson by Richard & Marge Herberlein Sibly Parrish by Suzanne & Steve Scharfenberg Churches ~ FUMC Morris Sunday School Class* In-Kind Donors ~ Hugh Baskin Bruce Jenkins Steve Reed Glen Latham Jimmy Posey Mike Howington Sam Tipton Tim Hardy Heath McDaniel Simmons Signs McArthur & RobJarrells Beta Sigma JessicaJeremy #46Phi Southside UMC Youth Jack & Patsie Kendrick Phyllis Harris Royce Head Monica Gilmer Gadsden Scaffold John Breeden Laura Ditsworth John & Lynn Czervionke David Livingston Steve Parrish Jim Copeland * Given more than once this period Support Gadsden-Etowah Habitat for Humanity 3644 Rainbow Drive Rainbow City, AL 35906 Enclosed is my tax-deductible donation in the amount of $__________ in support of building houses and changing lives. (Lf) Dedication for House #44 for Sandra & Randall McGlaughn was held Sept. 5, 2014. Daughter, Jessica, now has her own room. First United Methodist Church Vacation Bible School teacher, Sheila Freeman, presents the McGlaughn family with housewarming gifts collected by the students this sum- My Name__________________________________________________ Habitat volunteers clean up around foundation of House #46, the future home of the McArthur family of seven. Address____________________________________________ City/ Zip___________________________________________ Phone # ___________________________________________ I wish to make my gift: In Honor of:________________________________________________ Occasion: _________________(birthday, anniversary, graduation, etc.) In Memory of_______________________________________________ Send gift acknowledgement to: Name _____________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________ City/Zip ___________________________________________________ House #4 5 voluntee rs 3rd Annual Habitat Dragon Boat Festival ~August 16, 2014 Thank You Major Sponsors City of Gadsden The Gadsden Times WQSB/WKXX Festival Partners Merrill Lynch E.C. Hotel Association Dist 30 ~ Sen. Phil Williams Rep. Mack Butler Committee: Jon Jones & Karen Thomas Supporters Academy Sports Alley’s Carpet Bojangles Brian Cox Buffalo Rock Chick-fil-A (mall) Chili’s Restaurant Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Cothran’s Bakery Collier-Butler Funeral Dad’s Barbeque Dean’s Sausage Gadsden Budweiser Gadsden EMA Gadsden Golf Carts Gander Mountain Goodyear Tire Co. Greater Gadsden Tourism JSU Steel Drum Band Kyuka Water Rainbow City Fire Dept Rebecca Talafous Rivertown Cafe Robert Smith Sharyon Ramsey Sheriff’s Dept. Simmons Signs Supreme Beverage Co. Top of the River Trent Thrasher Trim It-Up Will King Ximena San Vincente Championship Division Winners ~ Gold —Crossfit Rabid Red Silver —Athletic Club Bronze —Brute Fitness/NEO Recreational Division Winners ~ 1st—Meadowbrook Baptist Church 2nd—Gold’s Gym 3rd—St. James Catholic Church Crossfit Rabid Red Athletic Club Brute NEO Gold’s Gym Meadowbro ok Baptist Church ~ Awards ~ St. James Catholic Church Best Team Spirit—Absolute Fitness Best Decorated Tent—E. C. Board of Realtors Best Drummer Costume—Alabama Alumni Thanks Dragon Boat Teams Absolute Fitness Elite Business Systems Episcopal Church of Resurrection Life Ins. Co. of Alabama Advanced Imaging Alabama Alumni E. C. Board Realtors E.C. Bar Association Metro Bank & GGHBA Alacare/Performance Chiropractic Athletic Club E. C. Hotel Industry Association E. C. Sheriff’s Office Parks & Rec/Gadsden Fire 454 Brute Fitness Brute NEO Exchange Bank of AL First Baptist Church Glencoe Prince Metal Stampings Choice Fabricators City of Rainbow City Crossfit Rabid Blue Gadsden Orthopedic Assoc. Gadsden Public Works Gold’s Gym St. James Catholic Church Crossfit Rabid Red Goodyear Tire & Rubber Meadowbrook Baptist Northwestern Mutual Regions Bank Surgical Associates of Gadsden Team One & N. Glencoe Baptist The Steelers from Steele Gadsden-Etowah Habitat for Humanity Fall 2014 Serving Etowah County since 1996 Building Houses and Changing Lives 3644 Rainbow Drive Non-Profit Rainbow City, AL 35906 Organization 256-543-1898 U.S. Postage PAID ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Permit #124 A Word from the President Dear Friends of Habitat, The successful 3rd Annual Habitat Dragon Boat Festival was held Aug. 16th with 34 teams participating and raising $50,000 for local building projects here in our county. We continue to be very blessed by the community support from many sources including individuals, businesses, churches, organizations and volunteers. We could never do it without YOU! We do need more volunteers to keep our projects moving. Would you like to help? Each piece of lumber, each nail hammered and every stroke of a paint brush go through the loving hands of our volunteers. As Christians, we are called by Jesus Christ to serve. Because of those eager to be His workers in His earthly vineyard, we continue to build houses and hope. Thank you for each generous contribution you make whether it’s your time and talent or your financial support. God bless you all. Applications are OPEN – Sept. 1-Oct. 13, 2014. If you know of a needy family, please help them get in touch with Habitat! Suzanne Scharfenberg. Pres. Our Mission Statement Seeking to put God’s love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope. Gadsden-Etowah Habitat for Humanity is dedicated to eliminating substandard housing locally by constructing simple, decent and affordable housing. 2014 Board of Directors Suzanne Scharfenberg—President Stan Wagar—Vice Pres. Eugenia Cunningham—Secretary Pudden McArthur—Treas. Carol Clokey Ty Dillon Ben Johnston Jerry Mills Traci Pondick Monica Gilmer Don Whitt Steve Scharfenberg Titan Ambassadors (left) Sincere thanks to a special group of young people and their sponsor, Kim Back. The Titan Ambassadors of Gadsden City High School have volunteered at the Dragon Boat Festival for 3 years. They help with parking, access assistance with golf carts, hospitality in the VIP pavilion, replenishing ice and water, clean-up during and after the event. These young people are thoughtful and courteous in every way. A real asset to our community! Thank you!
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