Dr. John Fisher`s - Massachusetts Dental Society


Dr. John Fisher`s - Massachusetts Dental Society
Keeping You Connected with Your Society
July -August 2010
Greater Boston Pilot Group Creation Highlights 146th Annual Session
Six resolutions were approved at the 2010 House of Delegates on Friday,
May 14, 2010, at the Burlington Marriott, including a $20 dues increase
and the formation of a committee to study the viability of the Boston Pilot
Group—an offshoot of last year’s redistricting discussions. (See page 3
for the final resolutions.) More than 160 MDS member delegates were in
attendance as Speaker of the House Dr. Thomas Torrisi presided over his
third Annual Session.
Resolution 6-10—Resolution to Create a Special Committee to Oversee
the Formation of a Greater Boston Pilot Group—was the result of a joint
effort between the Metropolitan District Dental Society and the District
Reorganization Task Force. The resolution’s goal is to identify the potential
outline and structure for a viable Greater Boston District and a viable Metropolitan District. The committee will report its findings to the 2011 House
of Delegates. (For more on the Boston Pilot Group, see page 12.)
Another resolution that generated discussion during the Reference
Committee was Resolution 3-10—Resolution Regarding Special Assessment for the Investigation of the Feasibility of the Reduction or Elimination
of the Delta 5% Discount, which calls for a special three-year assessment
of $75 per year per regular active member (prorated for other membership categories) to replenish the Society’s operating reserves for amounts
spent to fight the Delta discount. In addition to approving the MDS 2010–2011
budget, delegates passed resolutions raising annual tripartite dues for active
members by $20 to $380 and restructuring the Women’s Leadership Task Force
into the Standing Committee on Women’s Leadership.
Changing of the Guard
The House of Delegates welcomed an almost entirely new slate of MDS officers
for the 2010–2011 term: John Fisher, DDS, a general dentist in Salem, was sworn
in as MDS president; Charles Silvius, DDS, a general dentist in Revere and former
secretary of the MDS, was named president-elect; Paula Friedman, DDS, a general
Continued on page 4
Dr. John Fisher’s Presidential Address: One Society, One Voice
At the 2010 House of Delegates, John P. Fisher, DDS, was sworn in as 148th president of the Massachusetts
Dental Society. Below is an excerpt from his speech at the Annual Session. To read the entire speech, please
visit www.massdental.org/hod.
Dentistry is a great profession. And we all faced
tremendous challenges
to become dentists—
something we all share.
Getting procedures checked off, fulfilling restorative
requirements, national boards, regional boards,
finally getting a license, the fears, the doubts. We
should all feel very close to one another, we have
so many things in common. And yet we do not
always act that way.
You’ve heard or will hear a lot about legislative efforts, Delta, how we plead with you to join
MassHealth as providers, going green in the dental
office, new workforce models, BORID regulations.
None of these things are completely within our
control. There are issues we don’t even know about
yet and, in some cases, won’t know about if you,
our members, don’t tell us.
this issue
 
Page 5
BORID Releases
Updated Regulations
Communication is perhaps the single-mostimportant area with which we must concern
ourselves. We need to hear the perspectives and
opinions of our members, and they need to hear
what we are saying to them. Together, we must
speak as one voice to the public, to our patients,
and to our legislators, regulators, and educators. For years, in trying to keep our membership
strong and our market share high, we have
tried to convince dentists to join the ADA and
the MDS by placing a dollar value on member
benefits and services. We market through the
ADA to convince members that they are getting
dollar value, when, in fact, it’s speaking with one
voice that’s priceless. We all have individual interests. Some have strong personal agendas. We
are culturally diverse and we range in age from
20-something to 80-something, but collectively,
we all care strongly about our patients and we
Page 5
Members Attend Annual
Beacon Hill Day
Page 11
MDS Joins Tooth Day
at Fenway Park
all care about oral and overall health. We want
what’s best for everyone—the public and our
profession—and by speaking as one voice, we
can achieve that goal.
When we, as dentists, spoke with one voice
in 1992, we founded Eastern Dentists Insurance
Company. We perceived a need, and we acted.
Since then, EDIC has grown and has become a
stabilizing force in the dental malpractice insurance
marketplace. As we have continued to support
EDIC, it has forced rates down to their current level,
which is actually about $1,000 less than what we
were paying in 1992. The power of speaking with
one voice! Not my voice; your voice. And when we
have legislative issues, it needs to be one voice that
makes us heard.
Dentistry is a wonderful profession. Every day
we must aspire to greatness and we must carry our
message to those who can effect change.
Page 11
Dr. Milton Glicksman
Robert E. Boose, EdD
Speaking with One Voice
On Friday, May 14,
changes based on what they observe, they
2010, the MDS House
can’t expect to lead their organizations in the
of Delegates met at its
right direction.” So, simply put, we need to be
146th Annual Session.
diligent about being aware of the difference beAt that meeting, the
tween our view as the leaders or providers, and
delegates voted on the new officers who will
the view from the membership, staff, or palead us in the coming year. Dr. John Fisher
tients. Therefore, it is the leader’s job to make
was elected president. The major focus of his
sure to constantly communicate to people how
presentation to the House of Delegates was
he or she is hearing what is being said. The
“Speaking with One Voice.”
Trustees, your dental leaders, need to be aware
As you know, the Society represents
of the “big picture” and emerging issues more
approximately 84 percent of practicing
than those who are practicing and running
dentists in the Commonwealth. In order to
their offices are, and then must translate the big
represent organized dentistry well, we need to
picture in a way that is focused on the reality of
communicate to our elected leaders and public the practicing dentist.
policy makers in one straightforward and
Nierenberg believes that the charge to the
unified voice. Our organization’s voice has to
leader is to be aware of the organizational mesreflect what we believe needs to be done or
sage, but more importantly, how the membersaid in order to move forward with our misship is listening to that message. How well are
sion as the leaders in oral health.
you, our members, hearing the message? He
Too many times,
wrote, “As a leader,
“As a leader, you become
other interested paryou become accountaccountable for the way
ties represent their
able for the way people
positions on oral health
listen.” So it is imporpeople listen.”
before the public and
tant that your leaders
legislative or regulatory bodies that, while
communicate the big-picture view, while
laudatory, do not reflect the thinking or reaallowing those at all levels of the organization
to relate to or own that view. Only then will we
2 soning of organized dentistry. If we sit quietly
on the sidelines, then those whose voices get
truly speak with one voice.
heard will take the lead.
It is easy to say we need to speak with one
Speaking with one voice requires listening
voice; the hard work is listening to the voices
with both ears. During the coming year, you
of our members so they feel their voices are
will have opportunities to provide your views
heard when we speak with that one voice. As
at the district and state levels. You can contact President Woodrow Wilson once said, “The
your District Trustee at any time with your
ear of the leader must ring with the voices of
thoughts about MassHealth, dental insurance, the people.” Let your leaders’ ears ring.
or regulatory issues. And you are always welcome to email your comments and concerns
to me at [email protected].
Our Board of Trustees is working hard
to represent and put forth policies and positions that will give you more opportunities to
A Bimonthly Newsletter of the
provide care. We will be working hard as the
Massachusetts Dental Society
Board of Registration in Dentistry develops
new regulations for registered dental assistants
John P. Fisher, DDS
and expanded-function dental assistants to
ensure that the proper training and specific
Anthony N. Giamberardino, DMD
functions are clear to all who wish to have
these personnel as part of their practice.
Robert E. Boose, EdD
Executive Director
That’s why the members of the Board of
Trustees, as the dental leaders, need to listen
Scott G. Davis
Chief Communications Officer
with both ears. Most people think communicating is talking. In fact, effective communiMelissa Carman
Managing Editor of Publications & Web Site
cating demands listening skills. Your practice
and your Society will work even better when
Jeanne M. Burdette
Manager, Graphic Design
people work hard at listening to one another.
Shelley Padgett
As veteran orchestra conductor Roger
Graphic Designer
Nierenberg once said, “If leaders don’t listen
to what’s happening around them and make
MDS Connection
July - August 2010
Robert A. Faiella, DMD, MMSc
Several months ago, I reported in this column
regarding the newly released statement by the
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
(AAOS) on antibiotic prophylaxis for patients who
have had a total joint replacement. In 1997, the
AAOS initially approached the ADA to develop
a collaborative statement, which was revised in
2003 by a mutual effort. But, as I stated, the most
recent revision was not developed collaboratively
with the American Dental Association, although
attempts were made by the ADA Council on
Scientific Affairs to work with the AAOS on the
new project.
Through persistent efforts by the ADA and the
Council on Scientific Affairs, the appeal to revisit
the recent revision to the guidelines on the basis
of scientific evidence has resulted in the establishment of the AAOS Workgroup on Antibiotic
Prophylaxis for Bacteremia in Patients with Total
Joint Replacements. This workgroup is a joint effort
among several groups. In addition to the AAOS
and the ADA, other organizations represented
include the Congress of Neurological Surgeons,
the Infectious Diseases Society of America, the
American College of Pathologists, and the Society
of Healthcare Epidemiology.
Most notably, the ADA has been positioned
as the primary collaborating group, with eight
representatives appointed, as well as Dr. Michael
Rethman, chair of the ADA Council on Scientific
Affairs, serving as co-chair of the Workgroup.
This will ensure that the ADA has a prominent
voice in considering the evidence associated
with the most recent unilateral revision of the
guidelines by the AAOS in February 2009, which
consolidated recommendations for medical and
dental procedures. The new statement notes that
“given the potential adverse outcomes and cost of
treating an infected joint replacement, the AAOS
recommends that clinicians consider antibiotic
prophylaxis for all total joint replacement patients
prior to any invasive procedure that may cause
bacteremia” resulting in ongoing prophylaxis for
all total joint patients. By contrast, the previous
2003 advisory statement recommended antibiotic
prophylaxis for all patients within the first two
years after replacement surgery only.
This will be a significant opportunity for the
ADA to collaboratively apply the critical thinking
necessary in the development of appropriate
guidelines for the patients we serve.
Ann u al S e ssi o n
MDS House of Delegates Approves Six Resolutions
Six resolutions were approved at the 146th MDS House of Delegates on May 14, 2010. The amended
MDS Constitution and Bylaws can be viewed online at www.massdental.org/bylaws.
8. To establish a Standing Committee on Women’s Leadership. This
Committee shall be appointed annually by the President and
comprised of 8 members. These members shall be identified and
nominated by the Chair of the Council for appointment by the
President. A chair of the Standing Committee will be appointed
by the President from the members of the committee. The
committee shall report to the Council for review of programs and
recommendations. Duties of the Standing Committee on Women’s
Leadership shall be:
Resolution No. 1-10
Resolution Name: Approval of MDS 2010–2011 Budget
Resolved, that the 2010–2011 MDS Annual Budget of revenues
and expenses be approved.
Resolution No. 2-10
Resolution Name: Resolution Regarding Annual Dues Increase
Resolved, that the MDS portion of the tripartite dues for active
members shall increase from $360 to $380; and be it further
a. To promote opportunities for women to assume leadership
positions at all levels of the organization;
Resolved, that the dues of all tripartite categories of membership
should be raised in the appropriate proportion.
b. To engage and encourage active participation of women dentists
in all facets of organized dentistry through networking events as
well as print and electronic media;
c. To support initiatives to increase membership and retention of
women dentists; and
Resolution No. 3-10
Resolution Name: Resolution Regarding Special Assessment for the
Investigation of the Feasibility of the Reduction or Elimination of Delta
5% Discount
Resolved, that a special three-year assessment of $75 per year per
regular active member (prorated for other membership categories)
be approved by the House of Delegates for the specific purpose of
replenishing the operating reserves of the Society for amounts
spent cumulatively on the Delta 5% Discount Investigation since
2004 in excess of amounts included in the annual operating
budgets for such purpose.
Resolution No. 4-10
Resolution Name: Amendment to the MDS Constitution and Bylaws to
Modify the Allied Dental Health Professional Membership Category
Resolved, that Chapter I, Section 60, Paragraph (H) be revised such
that membership dues will be waived entirely for ADHP members
who are employed by an MDS member-dentist by amending the
Constitution and Bylaws, as follows:
Allied Dental Health Professional Members: The dues of allied dental
health professional members shall be Thirty-Five Dollars ($35) due
and payable on January 1 of each year. In 2008 and 2009, the dDues
shall be waived for auxiliaries who (i) apply for ADHP membership and
who and (ii) are employed by an MDS member-dentists.
d. To interact with local, regional, and national committees and
commissions having similar interests.
Resolution No. 6-10
Resolution Name: Resolution to Create a Special Committee to Oversee
the Formation of a Greater Boston Pilot Group
Resolved, that the MDS develop a budget of $10,000, assign staff
and that the President shall appoint a Special Committee composed
of five to seven members at least two of which are from the
Metropolitan District Dental Society (MDDS) along with a non-voting
Trustee Liaison and non-voting Dental School Liaisons. The President
shall appoint a Chair of this Special Committee from the abovementioned members. The Trustee Liaison shall be a non-voting
member. The chair of the Special Committee can appoint additional
non-voting advisors as the committee deems necessary.
The Special Committee will oversee the formation of a Greater
Boston Pilot Group with the goals of:
• Engaging existing members who work and/or live in the Greater
Boston area;
• Increasing membership in the area and developing leadership;
• Engaging dental students and faculty at the dental schools;
• Reaching out to other dental organizations;
Resolution No. 5-10
• Identifying the potential outline and structure for a viable Greater
Boston District and a viable Metropolitan District;
Resolution Name: Amendment to the MDS Constitution and Bylaws to
Transform the Women’s Leadership Task Force to a Standing Committee
• Establishing metrics to measure progress.
Resolved, that a Standing Committee on Women’s Leadership be
created, and be it further
The Special Committee will report its progress to the 2011 MDS House
of Delegates.
Resolved, that the Constitution and Bylaws, Chapter VI, Councils,
Section 100E. Duties of the Council on Membership be amended
by adding a new duty #8 as follows:
MDS Connection
MD S F o u n d a t i o n
Golfers Make the Drive for
Charity at Golf Event
Last Call for Grant Applications—
Deadline Is September 1
The 9th Annual MDS Foundation Golf Tournament was held
on Wednesday, June 16, 2010, at Blue Hill Country Club in
Canton. Thanks to the 120 golfers and the many sponsors
who supported the event, the tournament was a rousing
success, raising more than $50,000 for the Foundation. The
day ended with a successful live auction hosted by Drs.
Richard LoGuercio, John Herzog, and Michael Seidman. For
more information about the golf tournament, including a
gallery of photos, visit www.mdsfoundation.org/events.
The Massachusetts Dental Society Foundation is receiving great response to its newly launched grant-giving
program dedicated to improving the oral health of Massachusetts residents.
As a philanthropic and charitable organization, the
MDS Foundation seeks to enhance the oral health of
individuals by providing grants to organizations for
sustainable programs that improve access to dental
care for needy and vulnerable populations within
the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
The Foundation distributes funds in various amounts
to applicants located in Massachusetts for projects benefiting citizens of the Commonwealth. Priority is given
to proposals that have measurable improvement goals,
show strong community support for the project, and are
innovative in nature. Grants awarded in the current year
are expected to be in the range of $10,000 to $30,000.
The deadline for grant applications is September 1, 2010, and funding decisions
will be announced in December. For more information on grant eligibility guidelines
and to download an application, visit www.mdsfoundation.org/grants. If you have
additional questions, please contact MDS Foundation and Annual Giving Coordinator
Loni Sotir at [email protected] or (800) 342-8747, ext. 269.
Annual Session, continued from page 1
dentist in Boston, associate dean at the Boston
4 University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental
Medicine, and former chair of the MDS Council on
Public Affairs, was elected vice president; Anthony
Giamberardino, DMD, a general dentist in Medford
and former assistant secretary of the MDS, was
elected MDS secretary; Lisa Vouras, DMD, a general
dentist in Reading and former trustee of the East
Middlesex District, was elected assistant secretary; Michel Jusseaume, DDS, a general dentist
in Westport and former assistant treasurer, was
sworn in as treasurer; and Howard Zolot, DMD, a
periodontist in North Andover and former trustee of
the Merrimack Valley District, was elected assistant
Five new trustees also joined the Board: Richard
Marchand, DMD, a general dentist in Yarmouth
Port (Cape Cod District); Tofigh Raayai, DMD, an
orthodontist in Everett (East Middlesex District);
Thomas Trowbridge, DDS, MD, an oral and maxillofacial surgeon in Lowell (Merrimack Valley District);
John C. Owen, DMD, a general dentist in Needham
(Metropolitan District); and David Lustbader, DMD,
an oral and maxillofacial surgeon in Quincy (South
Shore District).
This House of Delegates marked the last Annual
Session as an officer for Charles Gagne, DDS, who
has been on the MDS Board of Trustees for 14
years and has served as treasurer since 2006.
Each governing year, four MDS members are
selected to attend Board of Trustee meetings and
participate in discussions in a nonvoting capacity. The
four new Guest Board Members are: Todd Belfbecker, DMD, a general dentist in Revere; Debbie Eisen,
DMD, associate clinical professor of prosthodontics
and operative dentistry at Tufts University School
of Dental Medicine and a private practitioner in
Swampscott; Geraldine C. Garcia-Rogers, DMD, a
pediatric dentist in Winchester; and Abol Massih
Tehrani, DMD, a prosthodontist in Haverhill.
Immediate Past President Dr. David Samuels
of Andover reflected on his presidency and the
highlights of 2009–2010, including the Society’s
ongoing battle with Delta Dental over its fee
reimbursement methodology. Last year, the MDS
testified in two hearings before the Massachusetts
Division of Insurance to address the reasonableness
of Delta’s proposed fee methodology, including the
5 percent discount and the cap on annual increases
to the fee schedule.
“To date, we have been working on this for five
years, and spent over $800,000, “said Dr. Samuels
in his address. “I am quite confident that with all
of our victories, this long war is soon coming to an
end in a manner that would be much more favorable to the providers.”
In his presidential address, Dr. John Fisher
stressed that the Society must “speak with one
voice” in order to strengthen the organization.
“Communication is perhaps the single-most-important area with which we must concern ourselves,”
he said. “We need to hear the perspectives and
opinions of our members, and they need to hear
what we are saying to them. Together, we must
MDS Connection
July - August 2010
speak as one voice to the public, to our patients,
and to our legislators, regulators, and educators.”
(Read an excerpt from Dr. Fisher’s presidential address on page 1.)
Delegates also attended an awards luncheon,
where Susan McGee Bailey from the Wellesley
Center for Women received the 2010 Richard Allard
Award, which is presented by the MDS Committee to Prevent Abuse and Neglect for outstanding
achievements in aiding people who have suffered
from abuse and neglect. Seventy-three members
were also honored at the luncheon for completing
50 years of MDS membership. For a list of these
50-year members, please see the Annual Session
article in the Summer 2010 issue of the JOURNAL OF
Newly inducted President Dr. John Fisher receives the
gavel from Immediate Past President Dr. David Samuels.
L eg i s l ati v e
Make a Difference
Members Show
Strength in Numbers
at State House
On Wednesday, May 5, 2010, more
than 80 dentists and dental students attended the Massachusetts
MDS Officers Dr. John Fisher and Dr. Charles Silvius discuss
Dental Society’s Annual Beacon
issues affecting dentistry with an aide from Senator Thomas
McGee’s office during Beacon Hill Day.
Hill Day, held at the Omni Parker
House Hotel in downtown Boston.
The day began with a morning briefing session sponsored by the MDS-PAC/MDSPeople’s Committee. David Paleologos, WHDH-7 News/Suffolk University pollster, provided an interesting outlook on the 2010 elections, and the MDS governmental affairs
team gave an update on the Society’s legislative priorities. After a briefing on the noncovered services legislation, volunteer dental license bill, and MassHealth adult dental
benefits, the members headed up to the State House for meetings with their representatives and senators to discuss these issues. MDS members were well dispersed throughout
the State House; more than one-third of the state’s legislators or a member of their staff
met with a dentist throughout the day.
The event ended with a luncheon featuring keynote speaker Sen. Richard Moore,
Senate Chair of the Joint Committee on Health Care Financing, who spoke about current efforts to reform the health insurance system. Incoming MDS President Dr. John
Fisher also spoke to the importance of grassroots advocacy and involvement in the
MDS-PAC/MDS-People’s Committee.
For more information about the Society’s grassroots efforts and the legislation
mentioned above, please visit www.massdental.org/advocacy.
BORID Releases Updated Regulations
The Board of Registration in Dentistry’s updated regulations, which will be officially promulgated on
August 20, 2010, are now available online. (Please note that BORID’s current regulations will remain
in effect until that date.) BORID has posted a prepublication copy of the updated regulations at
www.mass.gov/dph/boards/dn; click on “August 20, 2010, Regulations” in the right-hand
panel on BORID’s home page.
It is important that all licensed dentists in Massachusetts read these regulations in their entirety.
The MDS also encourages our members to be especially diligent in reviewing the sections on anesthesia
(234 CMR 6.00), continuing education (234 CMR 8.00), and the practice of dentistry (234 CMR 5.00).
If you have any questions about the updated regulations, email BORID staff directly at
[email protected], or contact the MDS at (800) 342-8747.
Featured on the Web
DPH Rescinds Dentist’s
Ability to Administer
H1N1 Vaccine
The Massachusetts Department of Public Health
(DPH) has rescinded its September 14, 2009,
order enabling Massachusetts dentists to
administer the H1N1 flu vaccine. The regulations
authorized the Commissioner of Public Health to
designate health care professionals licensed or
certified by the DPH to administer flu vaccines at
locations where the commissioner determined
that there were not sufficient health care professionals available for timely administration of the
H1N1 vaccine.
From the Protection of Personal Information section, you can:
• Download a sample written information security plan
• Review the compliance checklist for 201 CMR 17.00
• Read frequently asked questions about the new standards
for protection of personal information for residents of the
MDS Connection
As the political wing of organized dentistry,
the MDS-PAC/MDS-People’s Committee
are dedicated to using the electoral process
to advance oral health. The MDS-PAC
educates candidates about the issues facing
dentistry and provides support to those who
demonstrate a willingness to work with us to
improve oral health. With 35 open seats in
the state legislature and a number of incumbents facing tough
reelection battles this
fall, the MDS-PAC/
MDS-People’s Committee would like to
show their support for those who
have committed to
advancing the MDS
legislative agenda.
MDS-People’s ComThe Women in Politics reception,
mittee also invest in where Dr. Paula Friedman spoke,
was made possible with support
the political education of our members. from the MDS-PAC.
Events such as the Morning Briefing Session
at Beacon Hill Day and the Women in
Politics reception could not have been held
without the support of the MDS-PAC/MDSPeople’s Committee contributors. These
events are crucial to educating members as
to the role of organized dentistry in politics
and help facilitate a dialogue between members and legislators.
And we cannot do this work without
the generous support of our members.
When you make a $145 contribution, you
are investing in the future of the profession.
Log on to www.massdental.org/pacform
and make a commitment today.
Yank ee I n st i t u t e
Register Your Office Staff!
Register Your Dental Assistant!
September 7–October 2, 2010
Tuesdays (9/7, 9/14, 9/28), 5:30-8:30 p.m.
Saturdays (9/11, 9/25, 10/2), 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m.
Limited Capacity —
Only 15 Students in Each Class
This unique program builds a solid foundation of the
requisite skills for entry-level dental assistants with
less than one year of experience. It is a combination
of didactic and hands-on classes and is especially
beneficial to newly hired dental assistants who have yet
to receive adequate training. This affordable program also benefits
dental practices in that new employees can gain necessary skills
and knowledge.
Please note: The radiology lecture will be held on Friday, September 17,
2010, with the clinical session on Saturday, September 18, 2010.
Radiology lecture and clinical session are included in the program.
High school diploma or GED equivalency
Recommended Audience: A Assistant
Wednesdays, September 15–October 6, 2010
6:00-9:00 p.m.
Speakers: Mary Frohn, CDA, CDPMA, EFDA, chair of the dental
assisting program at Tri-County Regional Vocational
Technical High School and test writer for DANB
Kathy Pauze, office administrator, The Center for
Pediatric Dental Care, Brookline
Donna Simonds, MHA, practice administrator,
Gentle Dental Partners, Waltham
The new Massachusetts Dental Society front office
management program was created at the MDS
membership’s request to develop a comprehensive upto-date training program for front office staff or for those
wishing to update their front desk skills. Topics covered
include insurance benefits/preauthorization, billing, case
presentations; HIPAA overview, dental terminology/charts;
scheduling, billing; and customer service, telephone skills,
and communication skills.
Recommended Audience: O Office Staff
Hands-On Class
Hands-On Class
MDS Dentist Member/MDS Auxiliary Member
Non-MDS Member
Friday, September 10, 2010
Registration: 8:30 a.m., Seminar: 9:00 a.m.-12:00 noon
Speaker: Marlyn Kalal, RDH, professor of dental hygiene and
senior clinical coordinator, Quinsigamond Community
College, teaches local anesthesia certification preparation
to graduate dental hygienists and is a practicing dental hygienist
This introductory course will teach beginning skills and knowledge in the safe
and effective administration of local anesthesia for pain control. Participants will
learn the selection of the appropriate anesthetic agents and how to prepare local
anesthetic equipment. Anatomical landmarks for each injection will be located on a
skull. Attendees will practice standard injection techniques during the session. This
course is an introduction and is not intended to satisfy the requirements to obtain
the L-permit.
Learning Objectives:
 Identify head-and-neck structures involved in maxillary and mandibular
injection techniques
 Identify the nerves involved in achieving local anesthesia
 Learn the pharmacology of local anesthetics and vasoconstrictors
 Be able to prepare the basic armamentarium for delivering local
 Practice standard injection techniques
 Discuss the Dental Practice Act section on local anesthesia
Recommended Audience: D Dentist H Hygienist
Visit our Web site at massdental.org or
call (508) 449-6050 for more course listings.
MDS Connection
MDS Dentist Member/MDS Auxiliary Member
Non-MDS Member
Friday, September 24, 2010
Registration: 8:30 a.m., Seminar: 9:00 a.m.-12:00 noon
Speaker: James S. Cinamon, DMD, FAGD, FICD, part-time faculty
member, Harvard School of Dental Medicine, department
of restorative dentistry, and a private practitioner in
Access-to-care issues are even more prevalent in this current climate. The use of the
concept of four-handed dentistry will enable the practitioner to spend his/her time at
chairside more efficiently. The dentist can see more patients, spend more time with
each patient, or spend the time in other activities. The dental auxiliary can become
more of a team player and feel more gratified. Four-handed dentistry, however, should
not be equated with the automatic transition to a high-volume practice. Rather, we
should see it as the effective use of the principles of time and motion allowing the
practitioner and auxiliary to work with less stress and more efficiency.
Learning Objectives:
 Show dentists and auxiliaries how to practice true four-handed dentistry
Learn how to minimize stress and fatigue
Maintain or even increase productivity without sacrificing the quality
of care
Recommended Audience: D Dentist A Assistant
The MDS is an ADA CERP Recognized Provider. ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental
professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse
individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry. Concerns or complaints
about a CE provider may be directed to the provider or to ADA CERP at www.ada.org/goto/cerp.
July - August 2010
Boston Convention & Exhibition Center
January 26–30, 2011
Exhibits: January 27–29, 2011
Here is a glimpse of some electrifying highlights
registration Group Discount
Your Entire Dental Team Can Get Connected
Register 4 dental professionals from the same organization and the 5th goes FREE
Sneak Peek of
Leading Speakers
Gordon Christensen, DDS
Back by popular demand! Dr. Christensen, along with
Dr. Paul Child, will share the latest in Restorative Dentistry,
Fixed Prosthodontics, as well as New Aspects of Dentistry.
Endodontic and
Fast-Track Sessions
Full-day, in-depth presentations. Plenty of information
condensed into each hour. Every hour, a different speaker will
present a new topic within the specialized program.
Customer Service
The Ritz-Carlton Leadership Center will offer
presentations on providing superior customer service.
The Annual Women’s
Patients to Patience
Featuring Theresa Gonzales, DDS, and Linda Miles, CSP
Dick Barnes, DDS
Debbie Castagna
with Virginia Moore
William Dorfman, DDS
Glenn DuPont, DDS
Mel Hawkins, DDS
Randy Huffines, DDS
Laney Kay, JD
Gerard Kugel, DMD
Roger Levin, DDS
Samuel Low, DDS
Tieraona Low Dog, MD
Stanley Malamed, DDS
Dan Nathanson, DMD
Brian Novy, DDS
Jeffrey Okeson, DMD
Steven Perlman, DDS
Gregory Psaltis, DDS
Larry Rosenthal, DDS
Jane Soxman, DDS
John Svirsky, DDS
Terry Tanaka, DDS
Bernard Touati, DDS
Corky Willhite, DDS
Practice Management
Office Management
Infection Control
Practice Management
General Health
General Health
Material Science
Auxiliary Techniques
Special Needs
Oral Pathology
Registration and Housing Open September 22, 2010, at 12:00 noon
MDS Conne
l org
A cces s to C a re
Marlborough Practice Sends in the Clown—And Hosts Free Clinic for Kids
On a raw and rainy Saturday in April, the lawn of
222 Bolton Street in Marlborough was overshadowed by a massive white tent and bouquets of
blue and white balloons. The tent was occupied by
a face-painting clown named Blinkee, a table offering healthy snacks, and a large space heater to keep
everyone toasty warm. While there was a celebratory
atmosphere in the air, this event focused on a more
serious topic—much-needed dental care—for this
was a free dental clinic for children held at Dental
Associates of Marlborough.
MDS members Sanjiv Nehra, DMD, and Dennis
Ahern, DDS, hosted the free clinic at their office on
Saturday, April 17. The free-care day was designed
to assist area children under the age of 18 who
had no dental insurance and who otherwise might
not be able to access dental services due to their
family’s financial situation. (For example, one mother
who brought her children had been unemployed for
more than a year and had no dental insurance for her
family.) Approximately 45 children received treatment
during the event, which ran from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
“The event was amazing. All staff members—
two doctors, two hygienists, dental assistants, and
front desk staff—gave up their Saturday,” says
Dr. Nehra about the staff’s volunteerism.
The office’s first-ever free-care day was an-
nounced in local newspapers and through nurses
at local schools. The free clinic was also publicized
during National Children’s Dental Health Month
in February, when Drs. Nehra and Ahern and their
staff visited area schools to provide oral health
information to students, teachers, and school
Parents were encouraged to call ahead to
schedule a free appointment. Each appointment
slot guaranteed the child a thorough oral exam,
cleaning, X-rays, and fluoride treatment. Dental
sealants and some restorative work, such as fillings,
were also performed when necessary. Children and
parents were provided with oral health education
and materials, as well as time to ask questions.
After each child’s appointment finished, he or she
was invited to go inside the tent to enjoy the entertainment, such as face-painting, and have some
healthy snacks.
“It was a great ‘feel-good’ day,” says Dr. Nehra.
“Some moms were brought to tears . . . which
made it all worthwhile.”
Dental Associates of Marlborough hopes to
make the children’s free-care day an annual event
as a way to give back to the community. For
more information about the event, please contact
[email protected].
Recording of Radiographs to an FMX
DentaQuest recently updated its system to align more closely with the
dental regulations and American Dental Association standards regarding
radiographs. In the past, MassHealth was not recoding radiographs, but
rather, was simply rebundling periapical films up to the cost of full-mouth
X-rays (FMX). MassHealth also limited the number of periapical films to
four per member, per visit. This would result in providers being able to
bill four bitewings and four periapicals as separate procedures for a total
payment for radiographs of $111 for kids and $83 for adults. This was not
consistent with commercial carriers or ADA standards. Therefore, effective
May 3, 2010, the DentaQuest system was set up to take any combination
of radiographs that exceeds the maximum amount allowed for an FMX,
and recode it to an FMX.
How does this affect providers? As always, providers should take measures to limit and minimize the amount of exposure to radiation for their
patients. Providers should first check the member’s eligibility and history
at www.masshealth-dental.net to see if the patient is eligible for
MassHealth dental and to see if a full-mouth series of X-rays had been
taken in the past three calendar years. If an FMX was taken within the last
three years, then the provider should attempt to obtain those records. If
records cannot be obtained for any reason, the provider must take precautions when taking and billing for X-rays in order to address the frequency
limitation of three years on a full-mouth series of X-rays.
To summarize, any radiograph billed in conjunction with a panoramic
film will be recoded to an FMX. The number of bitewings and periapical
MDS Connection
Dr. Sanjiv Nehra (lower right) pauses for a group shot with
Blinkee the Clown and the staff of Dental Associates of
Marlborough during the busy Saturday event.
Dr. Dennis Ahern (right) consults with a young patient
during the free-care day offered at Dental Associates
of Marlborough.
By Barry Major, MassHealth Contract Director
of Bitewings of Periapicals
5 or more
*Payments calculated according to posted DHCFP rates as of May 18, 2010.
**The first four periapicals would pay and any other periapicals after the fourth would deny for frequency
Please note that if a series of radiographs is recoded to an FMX per the grid above, that claim will be
denied if another FMX was taken in the last three calendar years. Following this grid will allow your practice
to efficiently manage radiation exposure and accounts receivable for your MassHealth members.
films taken on a patient will determine whether the radiographs will be recoded
according to the table above. Periapical films taken without any additional X-rays
will not be recoded to an FMX, but will have a limitation of four per member per
visit. Bitewings alone do not constitute an FMX and will never be recoded. The
table illustrates when you should and should not consider a combination of X-rays
to be recoded to an FMX and what you can expect for payment if services do not
exceed frequency limitations.
July - August 2010
Insurance & Finance
New Team
Reward Program
for MDS Members
By George Gonser, CEO, MDSIS–Spring Insurance Group
MDSIS–Spring Insurance Group is always on the lookout for new and creative
employee benefit products and programs that add value for MDS members. A
few weeks back, we discovered an employee incentive program that provides
an opportunity to reward team members with hundreds of dollars in savings
each month on travel, entertainment, and brand-name merchandise, for any
employee behavior, as determined by the owner, that makes the practice more
As a result, MDSIS–Spring is pleased to announce Loyal Team™ Savings
Rewards, a turnkey employee loyalty solution. The program, which is completely
customized for dentistry, rewards dental team members for job performance
critical to patient satisfaction and practice profitability. Features of the program
• Instant use of rewards for savings (team members do not need to collect
25,000 rewards points as in traditional loyalty programs to redeem
meaningful savings)
• No additional cost to add rewards to a team member’s rewards account
The Loyal Team Savings Rewards Program enables dentists to reward each
team member more than $1,000 a year in instant cash savings on 150,000
products and services for as little as $79 per month for the entire team.
After surveying dentists, team members, and dental marketing, management, and human resources consultants, Loyal Patients, Inc., identified 20 key
behaviors critical to the success of a dental practice. They include: winning
patients’ praise; scheduling follow-up appointments; consistently asking
patients to recommend friends to the practice; asking for and verifying patient
cell phone numbers and email addresses; achieving individual goals (e.g.,
collections or patient reactivations); and performance beyond the basic job
description. These behaviors are standard in the program, beyond which you
can add customized behaviors particular to your practice. You can add or delete
these behaviors from your program in seconds, and it takes just five minutes a
month to reward your entire team.
Simply rewarding and retaining team members who consistently ask every
patient to recommend a friend can drive thousands of dollars to your practice’s
bottom line.
MDSIS–Spring Insurance Group has arranged special access to this creative
program at reduced pricing. Members can enroll in Loyal Team Savings Rewards for just $3.95 for the first month, a savings of more than $75.
To learn more or enroll in the program, visit our Web site at www.mdsis.org
and select Loyal Team Savings Program or call MDS–Spring Insurance Group at
(800) 821-6033.
Ask the Experts: What Is the Premature Distribution Tax?
Taxable distributions you receive
from an IRA, 403(b), 401(k), or
qualified employer plan before age
59½ are generally referred to as
premature distributions, or early
To discourage early withdrawals, they’re subject to a 10 percent
federal penalty tax (and possibly
a state penalty tax), in addition
to any federal and state income
taxes. This 10 percent penalty tax
is commonly referred to as the premature distribution tax. However,
not all distributions before age
59½ are subject to this penalty.
Here are the most important exceptions:
• Distributions due to a qualifying
• Distributions to your beneficiary after your death;
• Distributions up to the amount
of your tax-deductible medical
• Distributions made pursuant to
a qualified domestic relations
• Qualified reservist distributions;
• Distributions from an IRA (but
not an employer plan) to pay
first-time homebuyer expenses
(up to $10,000 lifetime);
• Distributions from an IRA
(but not an employer plan) to
pay qualified higher education
• Distributions from an employer
plan (but not an IRA) after
separation from service at age
55 or older;
• Certain distributions from an
IRA (but not an employer plan)
while you’re unemployed up to
MDS Connection
the amount you paid for health
insurance premiums;
• Amounts levied by the IRS; and
• Distributions that qualify as
a series of substantially equal
periodic payments.
If you must take a distribution
from your IRA or employer plan
before age 59½, be sure to determine if one of these exceptions
applies to you.
Securities offered through NEXT Financial Group, Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC.
Eastern Dental Financial Services is not
an affiliate of NEXT Financial Group,
Eastern Dental Financial Services,
200 Friberg Parkway, Suite 2002,
Westborough, MA 01581. Phone
(800) 898-3342. Fax (508) 870-2897.
Copyright 2010 Forefield Inc.
All rights reserved.
To advertise in the MDS CONNECTION,
contact Jessica Robinson, MDS advertising coordinator, at (508) 449-6076, for a
classified ad contract, or visit the MDS Web
site at www.massdental.org and submit
an ad online. Payment in advance, covering
the number of insertions, is required.
Although the Massachusetts Dental Society
believes that advertisements published in the
MDS CONNECTION are from reputable sources,
the Society neither investigates the offers
made nor assumes responsibility for them.
The MDS reserves the right to decline and/or
withdraw advertisements at its discretion.
50 words or less (per insertion)................. $55
50¢ each additional word
Rate includes immediate Web posting
Deadline for Ad
MDS Box .......................................... $15 extra
April 1 .............................................May-June
Upon publication, all classified advertisements are posted on the MDS Web site at
June 1 ..........................................July-August
Reply to a classified advertisement by
addressing the envelope to: MDS CONNECTION
Classified Box ___________
Two Willow Street, Suite 200
Southborough, MA 01745
FOR SALE—One-day-old Volumetric Tomography
(VT) Pan Ceph. Full one-year warranty, free installation, shipping and freight, full training, taxes already
paid. Original price $88K, asking $70K. Two Biolase/
Waterlase MD hard-/soft-tissue lasers. Brand new, oneyear warranty, new wave guide, and many accessories.
Completely reconditioned to brand-new specifications.
Lasers are two to three years old. Original price $74.5K,
asking $40K. $35K for second one. Brand-new dental
loupes with 4.0x magnification. Best offer. Contact
(413) 568-8339 or [email protected].
EASY-RAY DIGITAL SENSOR #1. Easy image software,
four docking stations, and sensor holders. $1,500 or
best offer. [email protected] or (978) 538-5201.
NITROUS OXIDE equipment wanted. Nitrous oxide delivery system and/or manifold and wall fixtures. Please call
(781) 272-5290 or email [email protected].
SEIMENS ORTHO Phos 3 Panorex/Ceph: 2004. Excellent condition, like new. Ceph/Panorex unit with TMJ
capabilities. Takes excellent radiographs. $6,500/
BO. (781) 444-8282. Darkroom equipment for sale,
as well.
DENTIST NEEDED for a family practice in Worcester.
Please fax resume to (508) 793-1522.
ENDODONTIST—for endodontic practice. Part-time to
start. High-quality, high-tech practice north of Boston.
Great opportunity and potential for growth with possible future partnership. Please email CV and letter of
interest to [email protected].
GREAT OPPORTUNITY—Dentist for Westport and
Seekonk, MA. My name is Dave Ahearn and I’ve practiced in Westport for over 15 years. It’s a great place to
live and work. A decade ago we made a commitment to
a special level of care and our practice exploded. Now,
we need your help! We’ve added a second location in
Seekonk with a terrific opportunity for the right person to
grow and achieve. We’re looking for a caring individual
who is committed to great patient care and one who
wants to earn more than your peers and have fun doing
it. If you’d rather do dentistry than manage people, insurance, and schedules, get in touch. If you know of another
dentist you could recommend, have them get in touch.
We’re only going to hire one person and we’re going
to be doing that in the very near future. Shouldn’t that
person be you? Send your resume to vfmanager@
yahoo.com. David J. Ahearn, DDS.
February 1 ................................... March-April
August 1 ..........................September-October
October 1 ......................November-December
Send your CV to Dr. Sam Shames and Dr. David Russell:
[email protected] or call (781) 647-0772.
A GREAT OPPORTUNITY awaits the right qualityoriented associate for a well-established family dental
practice in Randolph. This is a modern facility with
computers in every operatory and digital X-rays. There
is a periodontist and endodontist on staff. We have a
large emphasis on cosmetic dentistry. There is a definite
buy-in potential. Please send CV to [email protected].
PERIODONTIST—Experienced, personable. Seeks
one day per week or every other week in Boston
metro area (within 50 miles) in GP, specialty, or
multispecialty fee-for-service setting. Please email
[email protected].
Prefers to join a practice with the intention to buy.
Contact [email protected].
TALENTED, COMPASSIONATE, and productive general
dentist needed for family dental practice in Burlington.
Must have experience with treatment planning, diagnosis, restorative, pedo, anterior endo, and C&B. Three to
four-and-a-half days includes one evening and alternating Saturdays. Contact MDS Box 1225.
NEWTON CENTER SUBLEASE with free parking.
State-of-the-art, 1,180 sq. ft., A-dec, digital, electric
handpiece, Eaglesoft, four operatories. Turnkey for GP
or specialist. One, two, or three days/week. Perfect
for start-up, satellite, or relocation. (617) 795-7170.
full-time and part-time opportunities available in the New
Hampshire and Massachusetts areas. We offer a competitive salary, paid malpractice insurance, health and dental
insurance, long- and short-term disability, flexible schedule
(no weekends), an established patient base, equipment,
supplies, and complete office support provided. If interested in this opportunity, please call Marie (toll-free) at
(877) 724-4410 or email [email protected].
DENTAL PRACTICE for sale—Cape Cod. Mid-Cape.
W/E, FFS, adult restorative. Revenue $671K. Call Donna at (800) 988-5674. www.snydergroup.net.
December 1 ......................... January-February
For the most current MDS Classified listings,
please visit www.massdental.org/
LEAD & ASSOCIATE DENTIST positions available in
various locations statewide, including Springfield,
Worcester, and Boston areas. Offering excellent pay,
promotion opportunities, and benefits (including
monthly bonus, 401(k), paid vacation, relocation, and
100 percent coverage for health, malpractice, disability, and CE). Please contact Jenna at (719) 562-4462,
fax (719) 584-7696, or email jlkochenberger@
DENTISTS in the Army National Guard. Serve only 39
days a year (one weekend a month and 15 days annual training). Direct commissions, $120K student loan
repayment (over three years), low-cost life and medical insurance, CME conferences, 20-year retirement,
and flexible training schedule. Contact Joseph M.
Guerriero at (571) 641-9032 or [email protected].
GENERAL DENTIST WANTED—Worcester/Framingham HealthDrive is seeking a caring dentist to join
our group practice. We currently have a full-time
opportunity available in the Worcester/Framingham
areas. We offer a competitive salary, paid malpractice
insurance, health and dental insurance, long- and
short-term disability, flexible schedule (no weekends),
an established patient base, equipment, supplies, and
complete office support. If interested in this opportunity, please call Maria Kelleher at (877) 724-4410 or
email [email protected].
DYNAMIC DENTAL—New state-of-the-art, growing
dental practice seeks a part-time, leading to full-time,
general dentist in Mansfield. Please call or email Jeff at
(508) 261-9261 or [email protected].
position to operate a busy dental office. Hours approximately 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. five days a week,
no weekends. Very generous salary for very competent
work. Busy dental practice in Jamaica Plain in existence for 60 years; I have been there for 25 years.
My secretary is retiring. Position to begin September 1
with training in August. While not necessary, Spanish
speaking is a big plus. Mail resume or call 9:00 a.m.
to 12 noon, Monday–Friday. Mailing address: Barry
L. Spiro, DDS, 670 Centre Street, Jamaica Plain, MA
02130. Phone: (617) 524-7860.
ARE YOU A GREAT DENTIST? We’re looking for a few
great dentists. If you have the ability to treatment plan
and connect with patients, you will be a top earner with
our ample patient flow. Gentle Dental of Massachusetts has 26 multispecialty practices and a 30-year history of success. We handle non-clinical headaches to allow you to focus on patient care and your lifestyle. You
will earn more in our practices. Partnership is available.
MDS Connection
1ST ADVANTAGE Dental—New England People. Passion. Purpose. Have you considered escaping big-city
life for a more balanced lifestyle, culture, and a great
place to live and raise a family? 1st Advantage Dental is
an established dental group with four practices nestled
in the beautiful Pioneer Valley area of Western Massachusetts and Vermont, and we have an opportunity for
full-time dentists and an endodontist to join our team.
Patient relationships have been the cornerstone of our
practice for more than 15 years. Work in a neighborhood dental practice with a thriving patient base and
with the professional and clinical support to best serve
your patients. We offer an excellent compensation package, including outstanding benefits, doctor ownership,
and a tremendous patient base. This lucrative associate
opportunity package also includes malpractice, medical,
and life benefits, a 401(k) plan with match. If you are
someone who desires freedom from administrative and
management hassles, more balance, and time to pursue
personal interests, and appreciates an enriching culture
of professional camaraderie and integrity, then we would
love to speak with you. Please contact Lynn Boucher at
(413) 535-9519 or email [email protected].
LARGE MULTISPECIALTY group practice located in
Franklin seeks part-time or full-time associate. One or
two years’ experience or GP residency preferred. Potential
ownership opportunity available. A great chance to grow
professionally. Please email or fax resume to carol_
[email protected] or (508) 520-0591.
patient-focused organization that operates over 130
individual practices in seven states (CT, FL, GA, MA,
MI, OH, VA). Our general dentists and specialists have
the clinical freedom and autonomy enjoyed in a traditional private practice without the additional financial
or administrative burdens associated with practice
management. When considering a career with GEDC,
new dental professionals can expect unlimited income,
a solid benefits package, a stable patient base, training
opportunities, and long-term practice or regional career
growth. To learn more about the “GEDC Lifestyle,”
please call Todd Gustke at (248) 203-1117 or visit us
on the Web at www.greatexpressions.com.
BUSY MULTILOCATION practice south of Boston seeks
general dentists, an endodontist, an oral surgeon, and
hygienists to join our team. Experience and good interpersonal skills required. High earning potential. Fax
resume to (781) 961-3375.
July - August 2010
BEVERLY dental office for lease. Referring GP owns/
occupies. Beautifully designed with existing plumbing and electrical for four chairs. Also two private
offices, lab, storage, HC bath. Plenty of natural light.
Off-street parking on-site. Ideal for orthodontist,
oral surgeon, endodontist, or periodontist. Contact
Joe Lumino at J. Lumino & Company Real Estate at
(508) 864-9906.
Auburn: Partnership, buy-in opportunity, multi-dentist practice; Bangor: Associate opportunity, gross
$1.4M; Central Maine: Buy-in/buy-out gross $1M,
six operatories; Southern Maine: Four operatories,
gross $370K, RE available. Massachusetts—MidCape: Well-established practice, gross $387K, three
operatories, office condo available, room to grow;
Central Massachusetts: Four operatories, gross
$740K, RE available; North Shore: Gross $421K,
three operatories; Canton: Gross $272K, two operatories, RE available; Cape Cod: Quaint office, gross
$175K, three operatories. New Hampshire—Hanover: Exciting buy-in opportunity, new and modern
equipment, gross $1.6M; Hanover/Lebanon: Buy-in,
gross $3M+; Tilton: Partnership opportunity; Hanover: Four operatories, nice location, gross $708K,
RE available. Vermont—Burlington: Large twodentist, two-location practice in nice area, gross
$2.5M; Middlebury: General dental practice located
in nice college town, brand-new equipment. New
England Practice Transitions: The best choice for
sellers and buyers. For information about our
services or practice listings, please contact us at
(888) 888-6506, (603) 516-0322, or visit
DENTAL OFFICE FOR LEASE. Downtown Fitchburg.
Space includes waiting room, receptionist area,
three hygienist rooms, two operatories, a private office, and two half-baths. Asking lease rate includes
use of presently installed dental equipment. Also
equipped with security system. Call Ray Beal at
(978) 502-8981. Foster-Healey RE.
BURLINGTON, MA—Three operatories, 1,500 sq. ft.
portioned, not plumbed, first floor. Established GP
upstairs, perfect for specialist. Chelmsford, three
operatories, 1,500 sq. ft. office, fully equipped, turnkey operation. Available for sublease one to three
days per week. Low overhead, perfect for start-up or
satellite office. [email protected].
DENTAL PRACTICE for sale. Great opportunity to
own a practice in busy business/residential area
in Boston/Dorchester. Over $300,000 collection on
three days a week. A lot of potential for increased
production. Call (978) 758-9487.
NEWTON CENTER dental office available for sublease three days per week. Ideal for satellite or small
relocating practice. If interested, please call (978)
BUYERS—Practices currently for sale and/or coming
soon in several areas of Massachusetts. Visit our Web
site at www.nptnetwork.com and register as
a “Network Candidate” to view current listings and
to be notified of all new opportunities as they become available. Call NPTN, formerly BCG, for details
at (877) 365-NPTN (6786).
on Rt. 109 on Dedham line. High visibility, 25,000
cars per day passing by. Loads of curb appeal in this
renovated antique. Free parking, still time to customize, could be state-of-the-art space for your practice.
High ceilings, tall windows. Fully handicapped accessible. Draw patients from a larger area with this
amazing location. Ideal for general dentist, orthodontist, or other specialist. Gorgeous property—Call Jeff
at (781) 589-5618 for details, floor plan, and photos.
2,000 sq. ft. Available in August.
Zirconia. They also have to be individual teeth (single
crown). Bridges excluded. 3D Dental Lab is a small
lab conveniently located in Malden. We are looking
to expand our business by introducing ourselves to
new and quality dentists. We give a lot of attention to the detail and quality of our work by using
only the best in the market Noritake Porcelain and
High Noble metal. Being a small lab you have the
same type and quality of work all the time. We do
not change employees, therefore changing the way
cases are presented to you. There are no surprises. We
would like to introduce our work to you by scheduling
a lunch meeting in your office. If you are interested,
do not hesitate to call 3D Dental Lab in Malden at
(781) 724-1340. We also have a Web site with lots
of pictures for you to view. The Web site is www.
DDS. Able to provide comprehensive dental treatment
for children and adults utilizing sedation/general anesthesia on a referral basis or by providing mobile
office-based sedation/anesthesia while your office
provides dental treatment. Offices within Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Office phone: (617) 9133363. Web: www.zzzdmd.com.
MASSACHUSETTS dentists’ attorney—Experienced,
affordable dentists’ legal services, including practice
purchases, sales, and formations, licensing & discipline, partnership & associate contracts, other contracting, real estate, insurance, and estate planning.
Initial telephone consultation without charge. Steven
H. Jesser, Attorney at Law, PC. (800) 424-0060, (617)
421-0020 (Boston), (847) 212-5620 (mobile), shj@
sjesser.com, www.sjesser.com.
BUYERS—We offer more than 25 years of dental
experience in the Greater Boston area to provide
you with confidential professional advice to help you
locate and finance the proper practice for you—the
buyer. We will guide you and the seller through the
entire process, helping to structure a transaction that
makes sense. Because a practice worth buying should
not have to be advertised, we have never had to advertise a practice. We make every attempt to show
you only those practices that may be of interest to
you, and all fees are paid by the seller. Please contact Arthur B. Gordon, Northeast Dental Consulting,
LTD. (978) 774-2400. Fax: (978) 750-1444. Email:
[email protected].
COMPUTER HELP—“May I send one of my expert
computer techs to work for you for free?” Our team
has more than 40 years of experience helping dentists. You will not be asked to hire us or be made to
feel guilty if you don’t. I’m simply making this offer as
a way for you to get to know us with absolutely no risk
or cost. Go to www.actsmartcheckup.com and
sign up for your free service.
ATTORNEY/DENTIST TEAM—Over 30 years’ experience as a dentist/practice owner and attorney now
providing a broad range of legal services to dentists,
including partnership/associate agreements, business entity formation, purchase & sale of practices,
lease preparation/negotiation, real estate, collection
services, licensure disciplinary proceedings. Attorney
Richard S. Harold, DMD, JD. Call (617) 548-3819
or email [email protected].
Attorney Daniel S. Casper, JD. Call (781) 224-1177 or
email [email protected].
SELLERS—If you are considering selling your practice,
we offer more than 25 years of dental experience
to provide you confidential expert advice. We work
closely with you, the seller, and your professional advisors to mediate a transaction that makes good common sense while keeping professional fees as reasonable as possible. We take pride in the fact that we
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it. We have sold some of the premier practices in the
Greater Boston area and we look forward to helping
you. Please contact Arthur B. Gordon, Northeast Dental
Consulting, LTD. (978) 774-2400. Fax: (978) 750-1444.
Email: [email protected].
FASTER LAB RETURNS = happier patients. EMAX
crowns. In lab three days or less. Free fast shipping
to/from NYC-based lab. 30% intro discount for MDS
members. Call David at (917) 747-7519 or email
[email protected]. You can also visit
www.mobileteklabs.com/MDS for more information.
GENERAL DENTIST with 5-plus years’ experience
looking for practice in Northern MA or Southern NH.
Production $800K+ a year, CEREC, Invisalign, implant
restoration, endo, ext, computer savvy, practice management experience. Looking for partnership or ownership. Please email [email protected].
MDS Past President Joins BORID
Dartmouth General Dentist and MDS Past President Milton A.
Glicksman, DMD, was recently appointed to serve as a member
of the Board of Registration in Dentistry (BORID). Dr. Glicksman’s term will expire in April 2015. In a letter of notification,
Governor Deval Patrick commended Dr. Glicksman by stating
that his “experience and sound judgment will contribute substantially to
the Board.” Dr. Glicksman joins fellow MDS members Roderick Lewin, DMD,
who earlier this year was elected secretary of BORID, and Mina Paul, DMD,
who is chair of BORID.
MDS Connection
Dr. Heidi Birnbaum Aaronson (far left) leads the team of volunteers from TUSDM and
Alpha Omega at Tooth Day at Fenway Park, where they performed oral cancer screenings.
MDS Joins Tooth Day at Fenway Park
The MDS recently gave its support to the 5th Annual Tooth Day at Fenway
Park by distributing oral health information to those attending a Boston
Red Sox game on June 1.
Sponsored by Tufts University School of Dental Medicine (TUSDM) and
the Alpha Omega International Dental Fraternity, the event included oral
cancer screenings held inside the park and performed by TUSDM faculty
As part of the event, the MDS was also recognized along with TUSDM
and Alpha Omega in a brief ceremony held on the field prior to the game.
The primary organizer of the program was Dr. Heidi Birnbaum Aaronson,
a graduate of TUSDM, who was recently recognized as one of this year’s
Besides learning about how to improve their oral health, fans also had
something else to smile about, as the Sox won the game, defeating the
Oakland Athletics 9–4.
At Your Service
MDS partners are handpicked based on the
excellence of each company’s products or services,
as well as its ability to meet the needs of dental
professionals. And we constantly monitor each
program to ensure they meet your expectations.
Verizon Wireless • Cell Phone Service
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Officite • Web Site Design & Social Media
Lands’ End • Business Offers
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For company updates, visit
Massachusetts Dental Society
Two Willow Street, Suite 200, Southborough, MA 01745-1027
(508) 480-9797 • (800) 342-8747 • Fax (508) 480-0002
Asked at the MDS House of
Delegates on May 14, 2010
Address service requested
Do You Have Big Summer
Vacation Plans?
House of Delegates Launches Greater Boston Pilot Group
Raymond Wise, DDS
“We’re going to London in September.
My wife is an artist and she has an
opening at a gallery there.”
The future success of organized dentistry is dependent on its ability to evolve with changing trends, such
as shifting populations, diversity of the membership, and modifications of dental specialties. Boston is a
dental hub, serving as home for three dental schools and several hundred MDS members, and in many
ways it represents the future of organized dentistry. For that reason, the 2010 House of Delegates approved a resolution creating a committee to oversee the formation of a Greater Boston Pilot Group for
the purpose of recruiting and engaging Boston members. (To read the complete Resolution, see page 3.)
This committee, which will be appointed by MDS President Dr. John Fisher, will be composed of five
to seven members, with at least two from the Metropolitan District, along with a non-voting Trustee
liaison and non-voting dental school liaisons. The committee will report its progress to the 2011 MDS
House of Delegates.
For more information on the Greater Boston Pilot Group, contact Ellen Factor, MDS assistant director
of membership, at (800) 342-8747, ext. 228, or [email protected].
Molar Rollers Dedicate PMC Ride to Dr. June Lee
Cressida Joseph, DMD
“Our daughter is entering college this fall,
so we’re thinking of doing a big family
vacation before she goes to school.
Maybe someplace like Barbados.”
Michael Arrigo, DMD
Revere and Winthrop
“I’m going to Florida in August to help
my son get ready for his junior year at the
University of Miami. We’ll make a little
trip out of it. Other than that, just a lot
of boating all summer.”
The Molar Roller Cycling Team is more than spinning its wheels when it comes to raising money for
cancer research. The group is dedicating its 14th
participation in the Pan-Mass Challenge (PMC)
bike ride to former MDS Trustee Dr. June Warren
Lee, who passed away in April after her battle with
liver cancer. Since 1980, the PMC has raised $270
million for cancer research and treatment at the
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute through its Jimmy
On August 7 and 8, 2010, the Molar Roller
The Molar Roller Cycling Team at the 2008 PMC (from left):
team, which is endorsed by the MDS, will join
Dr. Kevin Toomey, Dan Toomey, Dr. Bob Moreau, Dr. Jim
more than 5,000 cyclists on the 190-mile route
Cinamon, Dr. Michael Moynihan, and Tim Moynihan.
from Sturbridge to Provincetown. Each year, the
team dedicates the ride to one individual, usually from the dental profession, and all donations are
made in that person’s name. This year, they selected Dr. Lee, former South Shore District Trustee and a
general dentist in Dorchester.
“Our team’s donations will be made in memory of Dr. Lee as a tribute for her many years of
dedicated service to our field and organized dentistry,” says Bob Moreau, DMD, a pediatric dentist in
Mansfield and captain of the Molar Roller Cycling Team. “Her unselfish, tireless efforts on the many
MDS committees she chaired over the years made her a joy to work with.”
The Molar Roller Cycling Team is composed of dentists, dental staff, and family members. The team
is currently looking for sponsorships and event volunteers. If you are interested in helping out or have
any questions, contact Dr. Moreau at (508) 337-3307 or [email protected]. For
donations, visit www.pmc.org and type “Molar Rollers” in the sponsor box; you will be directed to
a secure Web site where you can make an online donation. You can also send a check (payable to PMC2010) to Molar Roller Cycling Club, 12 Woodbine Rd., Marshfield, MA 02050.