Provider Registration Job Aid


Provider Registration Job Aid
Provider Registration Job Aid
Provider Registration Job Aid
Purpose ................................................................................................................................. 2
Job Aid Organization .............................................................................................................. 3
Key Terms and Concepts ....................................................................................................... 4
Roles and Responsibilities ...................................................................................................... 7
High-Level Overview .............................................................................................................. 8
Your Tasks ............................................................................................................................ 9
Create Provider Information ...................................................................................................10
Enter Contact Information ......................................................................................................18
Enter Address Information .....................................................................................................21
Create a Services and Supports Directory Entry .....................................................................24
Complete the Organization Information (for Agencies only)......................................................26
Create Provider Site(s) ..........................................................................................................28
Appendix A: Provider Documentation for HCSIS Help Desk Clearance/Verification ...................35
Appendix B: ODP Additional Key Terms and Concepts ...........................................................37
Appendix C: ODP High Level Process Flow ............................................................................40
Appendix D: Internal Revenue Service and US Postal Service Requirements for Business Names
and Business Addresses .......................................................................................................43
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Provider Registration Job Aid
This job aid is intended for the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) and the Office of Mental
Health and Substance Abuse Service (OMHSAS) providers to use as an on-the-job reference for
entering provider information into the Provider Access website so it can be cleared into the Home
and Community Services Information System (HCSIS). HCSIS is a web-enabled information
system built to serve as the information system for all Department of Human Services (DHS)
program offices that support the Home and Community-Based Service waivers.
The Provider Registration Job Aid provides step-by-step instructions to enter a provider’s
information into HCSIS for the first time. ODP and OMHSAS providers are able to sign up in
HCSIS via the Provider Access website on the HCSIS Home Page. In addition, the ODP County
Provider Administration role can perform the Provider Registration process in HCSIS on behalf of
an ID service provider. The screens the provider uses in the Provider Access website are very
similar, and in some cases, identical to the screens the ODP County Provider Administration role
can use in HCSIS.
Providers offering services to the Home and Community-Based waivers and programs for the
Office of Medical Assistance Programs (OMAP) and Office of Long Term Living (OLTL) do not
enter or update their information in HCSIS. The central offices of OMAP and OLTL maintain
provider information directly. Therefore, all references to provider activities in this job aid apply
only to ODP and OMHSAS.
Note for Provider Updates: This Provider Registration process differs from the process of
updating existing provider information, which is covered in detail in the Provider Updates Tip
Notes for ODP Providers:
For a provider’s claim to be processed successfully through PROMISe™, the provider’s
information must be set up in HCSIS correctly. The Service Location used to bill must
match the HCSIS Site used to set up the provider’s service that is approved and
authorized on an individual’s plan. This job aid describes how to set up site information for
providers with no information in HCSIS.
For instructions to view plans with the provider's authorized services on them and to run a
report to view all of the provider's services in HCSIS, refer to the HCSIS Job Aid for
Providers located on the Learning Management System (LMS) website.
Financial Management Services (FMS): If a provider is also a vendor fiscal/employer
agent (VF/EA) or Agency with Choice (AWC) FMS for a county, the provider has to be
signed up in HCSIS, have the information cleared by the HCSIS Help Desk, and marked
as an FMS (AWC or VF/EA) in HCSIS. This activity is performed by the County Provider
Administration role.
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Job Aid Organization
This job aid is organized with the following subsections:
Key Terms and Concepts: The Key Terms and Concepts section includes terms and
definitions used within the job aid.
Roles and Responsibilities: The Roles and Responsibilities section includes the
associated HCSIS roles and responsibilities defined in this job aid.
Provider Registration Process Flow: This process flow is a high-level overview of how
provider information is registered in HCSIS.
Your Tasks: The Your Tasks section outlines the steps necessary to complete this job
aid. In addition, this section identifies the HCSIS screens used to complete the tasks.
Task: The Task sections illustrate how to complete each task within the job aid.
Appendix: The Appendix includes the list of documentation to send to the HCSIS Help
Desk, additional Key Terms and Concepts for ODP, and the High Level Process Flow for
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Key Terms and Concepts (OMHSAS and ODP)
Note: This section is for OMHSAS and ODP providers. Additional Key Terms and Concepts for
ODP can be found in Appendix B.
Financial Management Services (FMS) – ODP Only
A Financial Management Services (FMS) organization provides billing and administrative services
for a support service worker. Vendor Fiscal/Employer Agent (VF/EA) Financial Management
Services (FMS) organizations provide fiscal support to individuals/representatives enrolled in
participant-directed support service programs. In an effort to provide consistent access to VF/EA
services throughout the Commonwealth, ODP will implement the VF/EA FMS model by
contracting with a qualified entity. Services for a support service worker should not appear on an
individual’s plan without an FMS. There is one FMS organization contracted with the State to
provide financial services to individuals funded by the Consolidated or Person/Family Directed
Services (P/FDS) waiver. An FMS employer agent (EA) may contract at the county level for
individuals funded by Base only.
Geo-Coding System
Geo-coding is used by HCSIS to validate an address by using Geographical Information System
(GIS) Software. Address information will be more accurate and standard because of the use of
software to standardize address information and populate 9-digit zip codes.
Master Provider Index (MPI)
MPI is the central repository of information for every provider that provides services for DHS. The
MPI system assigns a unique number (MPI number) to every provider in the system.
MPI also stores Service Locations for all providers. After being cleared by the HCSIS Help Desk,
new Sites created in HCSIS are saved as new Service Location(s) in MPI. Refer to the Service
Location vs. Site definition for additional information.
National Provider Identifier (NPI)
NPI is a federally issued 10-digit number for health care providers that can be used nationally.
The NPI is assigned to you by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services and will replace all
“legacy” provider numbers that are currently used including: UPIN (Unique Physician/Practitioner
Number); Medicaid Provider Number; Medicare Provider Number; Blue Cross and Blue Shield
Numbers. Provider Access has developed a crosswalk that connects the provider’s current MPI
ID number and Service Location ID (13-digit PROMISe™ Provider ID) to the provider’s NPI
number to support claims processing.
For more information visit the Department of Human Services website at
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Key Terms and Concepts continued:
Provider Clearance
Provider Clearance is the process of creating a provider's information in HCSIS and MPI. The
HCSIS Help Desk is the “gatekeeper” for HCSIS and MPI. Provider Clearance is necessary to
prevent incorrect or duplicate provider information in HCSIS and MPI. HCSIS and MPI share the
provider’s service location information. If a provider’s information is being entered into HCSIS for
the first time, the HCSIS Help Desk needs to clear the new provider information into HCSIS. After
clearance, the new provider’s information will have the “verified” status in HCSIS and the new
provider’s information will be created automatically in MPI overnight.
The HCSIS Help Desk requires the provider to send documentation to validate the new provider's
information. The provider must also submit the HCSIS User Security Agreement form (found on
the HCSIS Homepage) in order to obtain a HCSIS user ID and password. Upon clearance into
HCSIS, the HCSIS Help Desk will send the provider’s contact person a permanent user ID and
password. If the HCSIS Help Desk denies clearance to the provider, the provider's information
entered during Provider Registration is deleted from HCSIS.
If the provider’s record is new to HCSIS but has information in MPI, the user will be prompted to
call the HCSIS Help Desk so the provider’s information in MPI can be “linked” into HCSIS. This is
necessary to prevent duplicate provider information in MPI.
Refer to Appendix A in this job aid for details about the provider documentation the HCSIS Help
Desk requires to validate a new provider's information.
Provider Type
A Provider Type is the classification of a provider. A provider type represents a subset of related
services. For example: the Therapist provider type can provide occupational therapy, physical
therapy, and speech and language therapy. Only provider types related to Home and CommunityBased Services for ODP, OMAP, OMHSAS, and OLTL appear in HCSIS. The combination of
provider type and specialty selected for a Site in HCSIS determines which services appear for the
provider to select for that Site. A Site in HCSIS can have one or more provider types and specialty
combinations associated with it. However, a Service Location can have only one provider
type associated with it. Refer to the Service Location vs. Site definition in Appendix B for
additional information.
Provider Verification
Provider Verification is the process of updating a provider's information in HCSIS and MPI.
Provider Verification is necessary to prevent incorrect or duplicate provider information in HCSIS
and MPI. HCSIS and MPI share the provider’s service location information. A “service location” is
the combination of one provider address and one provider type and specialty code(s).
Therefore, only new or changed provider addresses and provider types have to be verified in
HCSIS. After this occurs, the information is added to MPI automatically. The following activities
require verification:
new or updated provider site addresses,
new provider types added to a site, and
changes to a provider’s business address, mailing address or payment address.
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Key Terms and Concepts, continued:
The HCSIS Help Desk requires the provider to send documentation to validate the information.
The HCSIS Help Desk verifies the updates that impact MPI service locations. Updated provider
information will change to the Verification Pending status if the change needs to be verified by
the HCSIS Help Desk. After verification, the provider’s updated information will have a Verified
status in HCSIS. If the update is not approved, the Verification Pending status disappears and
the provider’s information reverts to what it was before the update.
Refer to Appendix A in this job aid for details about the provider documentation the HCSIS Help
Desk requires to validate the updates made to a provider's information.
Service Location vs. Site
A Service Location is what MPI designates as a physical location where a provider offers specific
types of services. A Service Location is the combination of one provider address and one
provider type.
A Site is what HCSIS designates as a physical location where a provider offers specific types of
services. A Site is the combination of one provider address and one or more provider types.
After verification by the HCSIS Help Desk, every provider type listed on a HCSIS Site will be
assigned a unique Service Location in MPI. All Service Locations associated with a Site are
summarized on the Sites screen in HCSIS and the Organizational Summary screen in the
Provider Access website.
Refer to Appendix B for more details about Service Location and Sites.
Taxonomy Code
Taxonomy Codes are 10-digit federally established numbers which health care professionals use
to identify their unique specialty areas. Taxonomy Codes are:
Combination of Provider Type and Provider Specialty,
Self-declared by health care provider during the NPI enumeration process,
Developed by CMS and updated in January and July of each year, and
Restricts the development of specialties and provider types by states.
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Roles and Responsibilities
Provider Administration
The County Provider Administration role (ODP) and the Provider Administration OMAP role
(OMAP and OLTL) can enter and update a provider's information in HCSIS. For OMAP and
OLTL, this role has a State scope.
Provider Registration Data Entry
The Provider Registration Data Entry role can enter and update a provider's information in the
Provider Access website and has access to Service Authorization Notices. This role can review
the information for one provider only.
Provider Sign-Up Verifier (Help Desk)
The Provider Sign-Up Verifier role receives supporting documentation from the provider after the
Provider Registration process is complete. This role checks to make sure that the documentation
proves that the provider's information meets ODP requirements. Once requirements are met, the
Provider Sign-Up Verifier role accesses HCSIS and completes the final clearance process for
providers that have completed the Provider Registration process. The Provider Sign-Up Verifier
role can clear or reject a provider based on their validation of supporting documentation sent by
the provider. For ODP, this role can also mark a provider as an FMS.
If a provider is cleared into HCSIS by this role, the provider's information is automatically updated
in MPI as well. If a provider is already in MPI but not in HCSIS, this role can “link” the provider’s
information from MPI to HCSIS. If a provider is already cleared into HCSIS and MPI, but changes
are made to the provider's information in HCSIS, this role must verify the changes that affect the
provider information in MPI (for example: service location changes, provider address changes).
After verification, the provider's information will be updated in MPI and HCSIS. In addition, this
role can change the provider’s critical data, which is also updated automatically in MPI.
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High-Level Overview
This process flow is a high-level overview of how provider information is registered in HCSIS.
Indicates a new/redesigned step in the process
Indicates enhancement to an existing step in the process
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Your Tasks
To create a provider's information in HCSIS and MPI correctly, it is imperative that you
understand the High Level Process Flow in this job aid before performing these tasks.
1. Create Provider Information in HCSIS. To determine if the provider’s information
already exists in HCSIS or MPI, HCSIS searches its own provider database as well as the
MPI database. If a match is found, a "Duplicate Record" message appears and the user is
instructed to call the HCSIS Help Desk.
2. Enter Provider Contacts.
3. Enter Business, Mailing and Payment Address Information.
4. Create a Services and Supports Directory (SSD) Entry.
5. Complete the Parent Entity and Regional/Field Office Information. These are optional
locations representing a related organization that is able to influence the provider's
policies and procedures or an organization that manages a specific grouping of sites. A
parent entity and/or Regional/Field Office can be created for provider agencies only.
6. Create Provider Sites and Service Locations. Sites are the only location type that can
have services associated with them. After completing the information, you will proceed to
the next screen and enter the appropriate Provider Type, Specialty Code and
NPI/Taxonomy numbers if appropriate.
After completing the Provider Registration process, refer to Appendix A for a summary of the
appropriate documentation that you are required to send to the HCSIS Help Desk.
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Create Provider Information
Procedure Description
To open the Provider Access website, open your internet browser (example: Internet Explorer)
and type “” in the Address line. Click the link labeled Provider Access to
access the provider screens.
Internet access on your computer.
1. Open an internet browser, such as Internet Explorer.
2. Type the HCSIS website address ( in the address bar.
Use the links on the left
and right side of this
screen to access
additional information
about the program
offices and HCSIS.
3. Click Provider Access.
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Create Provider Information, continued
Steps, continued:
4. Read the Welcome to HCSIS Provider Access screen.
Use the links in the sidebar on
the left side of the screen to
access documents that might
be helpful.
5. Click Register in the sidebar to the left side of the screen.
Notes: Click Continue Saved Application if you have started the registration process but
have not received your permanent HCSIS Username and Password.
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Create Provider Information, continued
Steps, continued:
This screen lists the information that the provider is required to fax to the HCSIS Help Desk for
verification, as well as the Terms and Conditions associated with using HCSIS and Provider
Access. The verification of the information on this screen is required for the provider to receive a
permanent User ID and password. Until you receive a permanent User ID and password, you can
use the temporary User ID and password you will generate at the end of this task.
6. Read the information on the Provider Identification screen, including the Terms and
7. Select the checkbox next to the statement I have read, understood and agree to the
above terms and conditions.
Note: If you choose not to accept the terms and conditions, you cannot continue the
Provider Registration process, and you will return to the Welcome screen.
8. Click [Begin Application]. The Identification Data screen appears.
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Create Provider Information, continued
Steps, continued:
Use this screen to identify whether the provider you are representing is an individual or agency.
9. Select Individual or Agency from the provider type drop-down box.
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Create Provider Information, continued
Steps, continued:
Individual/Sole Proprietor Information
If you are an individual/sole proprietor who provides services, use this screen to enter
identification data. If you selected Agency on the previous screen, skip the screen below and go
to the next screen displayed in this job aid to document the identification data for the agency.
10. Complete the fields given in the table below.
IMPORTANT: See Appendix D for rules and restrictions on permissible
characters that can be entered in legal-entity and IRS-name fields.
Field Name
First Name
Required. Enter the first name of the individual or sole proprietor
providing services. This field has a 21-character limit.
Middle Initial
Enter the middle initial of the individual or sole proprietor
providing services. This field has a 1-character limit.
Last Name
Required. Enter the last name of the individual or sole proprietor
providing services. This field has a 25-character limit.
IRS Name
Required. Enter the name that the individual or sole proprietor
uses to identify himself/herself to the IRS. This field has a 40character limit.
Indicate FEIN or
Required. Select the appropriate identification type from the
drop-down box: Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN)
or Social Security Number (SSN).
Record your FEIN
Required. Enter the nine-digit identification number. No dashes
or SSN
are needed.
This table continues on the next page.
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Create Provider Information, continued
Steps, continued:
Field Name
Business Type
Required. Select Individual or a Sole Proprietorship from the
drop-down list.
Operating Status
Required. Select whether the individual or sole proprietor is
profit or not-for-profit from the drop-down list.
11. Verify that the information on this screen is correct, because you cannot change
it after your User ID is assigned on the next screen.
12. Click [Save and Continue]. You will be directed to the User ID/Password screen.
Note: If you receive an error after entering the information on this screen, follow the
instructions on the screen. Either the provider's information has to be linked into HCSIS
from MPI or the provider information exists in HCSIS already. From this point forward,
refer to the Provider Updates Tip Sheet for instructions to update the provider's
Agency Information
Use this screen if you selected Agency on the previous screen, because you represent a
corporation, partnership or AE that provides services. If you represent an AE, you only complete
this screen if the AE provides supports or services. If you selected Individual on the previous
screen, skip the screen below and go to the User ID/Password screen of this job aid.
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Create Provider Information, continued
Steps, continued:
13. Complete the fields listed in the table below.
IMPORTANT: See Appendix D for rules and restrictions on permissible characters
that can be entered in legal-entity and IRS-name fields.
Field Name
Legal Business
Required. Enter the name of the agency providing services. This
field has a 50-character limit.
IRS Name
Required. Enter the name the provider uses to identify itself to
the IRS. This field has a 40-character limit.
Federal Employer
Number (FEIN)
Required. Enter the nine-digit identification number. No dashes
are needed.
Department of
State Entity
Enter state identification number, if available. If you do not know
or are unable to locate the provider’s Department of State
number, it can be obtained from the online searchable database
at the Web site
Business Type
Required. Select whether the provider is a corporation,
partnership, or a county/state from the drop-down list.
Operating Status
Required. Select whether the provider is profit or not-for-profit
from the drop-down list.
14. Verify that the information on this screen is correct, because you cannot change
it after your User ID is assigned on the next screen.
15. Click [Save and Continue].
Note: If you receive an error after entering the information on this screen, follow the
instructions on the screen. From this point forward, refer to the Provider Updates Tip
Sheet for instructions to update the provider's information.
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Create Provider Information, continued
Steps, continued:
Note: The identification number you entered on the previous screen (FEIN or SSN) is your
temporary User ID. Use this screen to enter a temporary password. You will use this password to
access Provider Access and HCSIS until your application clears and a permanent HCSIS User ID
and password is created for you.
16. Read the text on this screen.
17. Complete the following fields:
Field Name
Enter Password
Required. Enter your password. The password must have
six to eight alpha-numeric characters.
Confirm Password
Required. Enter the same password you just entered into
the previous field.
18. Click [Save and Continue].
Note: Now you have a temporary User ID and password that will allow you to leave
Provider Access and return at a later time. Use the temporary ID and Password until you
receive your permanent User ID from the HCSIS Help Desk.
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Enter Contact Information
Procedure Description
Use this screen to enter a name, job title, phone number and e-mail address for the provider’s
main point of contact. This person will be the main contact between HCSIS and the provider. One
primary contact must be entered, and any additional contacts can be entered as the contact type
alternate. Only one contact can be the primary contact.
Navigate through
Provider Access u sing
the tabs located at the
top of the screen.
19. Complete the following fields:
Field Name
Contact Type
Required. Select the type of contact the person is:
 Primary – the main contact between the provider and
HCSIS. One primary contact must be entered for the
 Alternate – additional contacts between the provider and
HCSIS. This can be used to document contact information
for people at specific provider sites.
First Name
Required. Enter the first name of the contact person for the
provider. This field has a 21-character limit.
Middle Initial
Enter the middle initial of the contact person for the provider.
This field has a 1-character limit.
This table continues on the next page.
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Enter Contact Information, continued
Steps, continued:
Field Name
Last Name
Required. Enter the last name of the contact person for the
provider. This field has a 25-character limit.
Enter the job title of the contact person for the provider.
Phone Number
Required. Enter the ten-digit phone number of the contact
person for the provider.
Enter the phone number extension for contact person, if
applicable. The extension must contain only numeric
characters. For example, 514.
Enter an e-mail address of the contact person for the provider.
Note: After a primary contact is created, it cannot be deleted and a new primary contact
cannot be added. If the primary contact changes, use [Edit] to change the primary contact
20. Click [Save] to save the contact information and enter another contact, or click [Save
and Continue] to save the information and move on to the next screen.
If you click [Save], [Add], [Edit] and [Delete] appear. These options are
available throughout this job aid, however, they are described below only.
Clicking [Add] creates a blank record and allows you to add a new contact’s information
into HCSIS. After entering the information for a new contact, you must click either [Save]
to save the information and remain on the Contact screen, or click [Save and Continue] to
save the information and move on to the Address screen. If you do not click [Save] after
completing the fields on this screen, the information you typed will not be saved
when you go to the next screen.
Clicking [Edit] allows you to select an existing contact listed in the table at the top of the
screen and update the contact’s information. First, click the option button to the left of the
information to change and click [Edit]. Change the information on the screen and click
[Save] to save the information and remain on the Contact screen, or click [Save and
Continue] to save the information and move on to the Address Information screen. If you
do not click [Save] after editing the fields on this screen, the information you typed
will not be saved when you go to the next screen.
Clicking [Delete] allows you to delete an existing contact listed in the table at the top of the
screen. Click the option button to the left of the information to change and click [Delete].
The deleted contact information will no longer appear in the table at the top of the screen.
Note: Use the tabs at the top of the screen to navigate to the Address Information screen if
you clicked [Add] and do not wish to enter another contact.
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Enter Contact Information, continued
Steps, continued:
The saved contact
appears in the
table at the top of
the screen.
Clicking [Add], [Edit] or
[Delete] allows you to
add, change or delete
contact information.
21. Click [Save and Continue] or [Continue] after entering and saving all contact information
on this screen.
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Enter Address Information
Procedure Description
HCSIS and MPI store three key addresses for the provider: the business address, the mailing
address and the payment address. The business address entered is the provider's legal entity
address, which is not necessarily a site address. You can indicate that this address is also the
provider's mailing address, payment address or both.
Select one, two or all
of these checkboxe s
to indicate the
address type.
22. Complete the fields listed in the table below.
IMPORTANT: See Appendix D for rules and restrictions on permissible characters
that can be entered in address and city-name fields.
Field Name
Address Type
Select the checkbox to indicate if the address
information you are about to enter is the provider's
business address, mailing address, payment address, or
any combination of the three. Select all that apply.
Street Address
Required. Enter the street address for the provider's
address type selected.
Suite / PO Box
Enter a second line for the provider's suite / P.O. Box
address, if necessary.
Building / Dept
Enter a third line for the address, if necessary. This field
is also used to store Canadian postal codes.
This table continues on the next page.
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Enter Address Information, continued
Steps, continued:
Field Name
Required. Enter the city for the provider's selected
Select the appropriate state from the drop-down list.
Required. Enter the Zip code for the provider's address.
The five-digit code is required. Enter only numbers and
be sure you enter all five. The four-digit extension will be
added to the code when the address is saved and
Select the appropriate county for the provider's selected
address from the drop-down list.
Required. Enter the ten-digit phone number for the
provider's selected address.
Enter the ten-digit fax number for the provider's selected
Enter an e-mail address for the provider's selected
Enter the Web site for the provider's selected address.
Note Regarding Business Address Changes: If changes are made to the provider's
business, mailing or payment address, the changes must be verified by the HCSIS Help
Desk before the changes are updated in HCSIS and subsequently in MPI. The statuses
Verification Pending: This status indicates that the change requires verification by
the Help Desk and has not been verified.
Verified: This status indicates that a decision has been made regarding the update.
However, the change may or may not be approved.
23. If you have indicated that the provider has a separate mailing or payment address, click
[Save] to save the address information, and click [Add] to enter another address.
Otherwise, click [Save and Continue] to move on the SSD Options screen.
Either way, you will be prompted to select the correct entry based on the results suggested
by the geo-coding (postal software) application.
24. If one of the addresses listed is correct, click the option button to the left of the correct
address. Click [Try Again] if the address information you entered is incorrect.
Note: If you click [Try Again], the address information that you entered will be erased
and you will be prompted to re-enter the address information.
Note: All addresses are verified against the geo-coding software for accuracy.
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Enter Address Information, continued
Steps, continued:
Once an address is selected, if you click [Save], the [Add], [Edit] and [Delete] buttons appear on
the Address Information screen. Please refer to Page 19 for information on the [Add], [Edit] and
[Delete] option buttons.
Note: Use the tabs at the top of the screen to navigate to the SSD Options screen if you clicked
[Add] and do not wish to enter another address.
25. Click [Continue]. The SSD Options screen appears.
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Create a Services and Supports Directory Entry
Procedure Description:
Use this screen to indicate if the provider’s information should appear in the Services and
Supports Directory (SSD) that is available to the public. This allows individuals and families to
search for providers by service type, location or provider name. If a provider wants their
information to appear on the SSD, use this screen to indicate what information will appear.
Note: The following message appears on the version of the SSD that is available to the public:
"This directory reflects information entered by providers in your county. It does not
necessarily reflect the availability of services in a given county. Please use this
directory with your Supports Coordinator to find services and supports for yourself
and/or your family member."
If you only provide
services through
OMHSAS, please
select No.
Select one address
type and one or
more lines to appear
in the SSD.
If you choose not to include any address, phone or e-mail information, select the “Do
not include address…” option on this screen. If you choose this option, make sure
that none of the checkboxes have checkmarks in them.
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Create a Services and Supports Directory Entry, continued
Steps, continued:
26. Decide whether or not the provider should be listed in the SSD available to the public:
Select Yes from the drop-down list if you wish to be included in the SSD.
Select No from the drop-down list if you wish not to be included in the SSD.
Note: If you only provide services through OMHSAS, please select No. OMHSAS is not
using the SSD at this time. If you provide services through both OMHSAS and ODP, you
can select either Yes or No.
27. If you selected No, I do not wish to be included in the SSD at this time, you have
completed this task. Click [Save and Continue] and go to the next task of this job aid.
28. If you selected Yes, indicate which address type and lines you wish to include in the
Note: If you elected to list the provider in the SSD, your next step is to select how much
information is displayed in the SSD. The provider’s parent entity, regional offices, services
and rates will be included automatically.
29. Use the following table to complete the remaining fields on the screen:
Field Name
Business Address option
If you wish to include the provider's business address,
select the option button to the left of Business address.
To include the provider's business address, phone
number, fax number, and/or e-mail address in the SSD,
select the checkboxes as appropriate.
If you wish to include the provider's mailing address, select
the option button to the left of Mailing address. To include
the provider's mailing address, phone number, fax number,
and/or e-mail address, select the checkboxes as
Mailing Address option
30. Click [Save and Continue].
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Provider Registration Job Aid
Complete the Organization Information (for Agencies only)
Procedure Description:
If the provider is an individual/sole proprietor, this screen does not appear. If this is the
case, refer to the next task of this job aid. Use the tabs at the top of the screen to navigate
to the Sites screen.
This screen allows you to identify the Parent or Region of the provider agency. A parent entity is
a related organization that is able to influence the provider’s policies and procedures. A region is
an organization that manages a specific grouping of sites. To identify a Regional or Field location,
you will select the counties where it administers services.
These are optional screens to be used by provider agencies only. Please note that you can
either leave all the fields on these screens blank or complete all the mandatory fields. If you begin
to complete any fields on these screens, you must complete all the mandatory fields or clear all
the fields, by clicking [Reset], before continuing to the next screen. Mandatory fields are indicated
with an asterisk (*).
31. Select Parent or Region from the drop-down list.
Note: The Parent and Region screens are virtually identical. However, the Region screen
will request that you select the counties of the region/field office where service provision is
This field will appear
only if you selected
Region as the
organization type.
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Provider Registration Job Aid
Complete the Organization Information (for Agencies only),
Steps, continued:
32. Complete the fields given in the table below.
IMPORTANT: See Appendix D for rules and restrictions on permissible
characters that can be entered in address and city-name fields.
Field Name
Organization Type
Select Parent or Region from the drop-down list.
Parent: a related organization that is able to
influence the provider’s policies and procedures.
Region: an organization that manages a specific
grouping of sites. Services cannot be assigned to a
Enter the name of the Parent or Region. This name
appears as the title for this organization throughout
the provider screens in HCSIS.
Enter the FEIN (Federal Employer Identification
Number) for the Parent or Region.
Department of State Number
Enter the department of state identification number
of the Parent or Region, if available. There is an
online directory for these numbers at
Street Address
Enter the street address.
Suite / PO Box
Enter the second line of the address, if necessary.
Building / Dept
Enter the third line of the address, if necessary.
Enter the city for the provider's selected address.
Select the appropriate state from the drop-down list.
Enter the Zip Code for the provider's address. The
five-digit code is required. The four-digit extension
will be added to the code when the address is saved
and validated.
Select the appropriate county for the provider’s
selected address from the drop-down list.
Enter the ten-digit phone number.
Enter the ten-digit fax number.
Email Address
Enter an e-mail address for the.
Regional Field Office
For regions only. Select the county (or counties) from
the list that the current regional/field office is
responsible for servicing. Select multiple counties by
pressing and holding the Control [Ctrl] key on your
33. Click [Save] to save the information and enter another Parent or Region, or click [Save
and Continue] to save the information and move on to the next screen.
34. Click the appropriate option button to the left of the correct address, or click [Try Again]
if the address information you entered is incorrect.
35. Click [Continue].
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Provider Registration Job Aid
Create Provider Site(s)
Procedure Description:
Use the Site screen to enter a new provider site. A site is a provider location from which services
are offered. For ODP, sites must be created for services to be selected, contracted and added to
plans in HCSIS for provider claims processing. For OMHSAS, sites must be created for incidents
and be recorded and tracked in HCSIS. After verification by the HCSIS Help Desk, Service
Location(s) are created automatically in MPI for the new HCSIS Site. These are the Service
Locations ODP providers must use to bill PROMISe™ successfully.
Important Note for ODP Providers: Refer to Appendices B and C for the definitions for Provider
Type and Service Location vs. Site to understand how to create Sites and to select Provider
Types so the provider's information is set up correctly.
Rules to Remember for Creating Provider Sites:
Sites versus Service Locations: When a new site is cleared into MPI by the HCSIS Help
Desk, the new site is created in MPI as a new service location. The new service location is
a four-digit number that appears in parentheses after the provider type in the Provider
Access screens. Since a service location can have only one provider type, if the site was
created in Provider Access with multiple provider types, MPI will create a new service
location for each provider type associated with the site.
New sites should be created by ODP and OMHSAS providers only: If the provider
offers OLTL services as well as ODP or OMHSAS services, contact the OLTL program
office for updates to the provider’s OLTL services.
Naming Conventions for Provider Sites: When adding a site/location name, providers
must follow the proper naming conventions required by PROMISe™. This requires all
site/location names to include the name of the agency and a unique identifier. When
creating a new site, the following rules apply:
• The Legal Entity name of the provider or an accepted abbreviation should be shown
preceding the name of the site.
• The name of the site should not include the address (e.g., 10 Main St.). If you would
like to represent the address in the name of the site for identification purposes, use the
following format: Main St. (10)
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Create Provider Site(s), continued
Site Information:
Legal Entity Name: Morrow's Services
Name of Site: Hilltop Home
Service Location Address: 10 Main St.
Acceptable Naming Conventions:
Morrow's Services – Hilltop Home Main St. (10)
Morrow's Services – Hilltop Home
Morrow's Services – Main St. (10)
Morrow's Services – Main St.
Note: If the site/location name includes the exact street address of the site/location (120
Main Street), the HCSIS Help Desk will not approve the request.
Note for ODP Providers: Sites are vital for providers to successfully bill services through
PROMISe™. The Service Location the provider uses to bill PROMISe™ must match the HCSIS
Site used to set up the provider’s service contract added to plans in HCSIS. Refer to the Service
Location vs. Site definition for details. After verification by the HCSIS Help Desk, sites in
HCSIS are translated automatically into MPI Service Locations.
Sites are for contracted ODP services only. New sites should not be created for OLTL
For OMHSAS, sites are created for Incident Management purposes only.
The site's name appears as
the title for this address
throughout the provider
screens in HCSIS. This
name appears when the AE
creates contracts and when
SCs select services for
Note: The site name must
include the name of the
agency and a unique
identifier, e.g., Morrow’s
Services – Main St. (10).
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Provider Registration Job Aid
Create Provider Site(s), continued
Steps, continued:
36. Complete the fields listed in the table below for each of your agency’s sites where
services are offered:
IMPORTANT: See Appendix D for rules and restrictions on permissible characters
that can be entered in the site-name (service location), address and city-name
Field Name
Site Name
Required. Enter name of the site. The site's name
appears as the title for this address throughout the
provider screens in HCSIS. This name also appears
when the AE creates contracts (ODP only), Support
Coordinators select services for plans (ODP only),
and recording incidents (ODP and OMHSAS).
Therefore, it is important that a site's name is clearly
recognizable to the AE and SC staff.
Required. Select the person who is the point of
contact for the site. The list defaults from contact
information entered in the Contact screen.
Required. Enter street address of site.
Enter second line of site address, if necessary.
Enter a third line for the site address, if necessary.
This field is also used to store Canadian postal
Required. Enter city for site address and select the
appropriate state from drop-down list.
Select the appropriate state from the drop-down list.
Required. Enter the Zip Code for the provider's
address. The five-digit code is required. The fourdigit extension will be added to the code when the
address is saved and validated.
Select the appropriate county for the site address
from the drop-down list.
Required. Enter the ten-digit phone number for the
Enter the ten-digit fax number for the site.
Enter an e-mail address for the site.
Contact Name
Street Address
Suite/PO Box
Email Address
37. Click [Save] to save the site information and enter another site or click [Save and
Continue] to save the information and move on to the next screen.
38. Verify the correct address using the geo-coding system. Click the appropriate option
button to the left of the correct address, or click [Try Again] if the address information
you entered is incorrect.
39. Once a site is entered, the [Add], [Edit] and [Delete] buttons appear on the Site
Information screen. Use these options to enter additional site information.
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Create Provider Site(s), continued
Steps, continued:
40. Click [Continue] after entering and saving the site address information. You will be
prompted to enter the site’s Provider Type, Specialty, and NPI and Taxonomy number, if
Select multiple
Specialties by
pressing and holding
the Control [Ctrl] key
on your keyboard.
If you do not have an NPI at this time, click the box to the left of the
statement, “No NPI at this time.”
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Provider Registration Job Aid
Create Provider Site(s), continued
Steps, continued:
41. Complete the following fields for each of your agency’s sites:
Field Name
Provider Type
Required. Select a Provider Type from the dropdown list. Based on the Provider Type selected,
specific specialties will be available for selection.
A Site in HCSIS can have one or more Provider
Types. After HCSIS Help Desk verification, there will
be a new Service Location for each new Provider
Type. A Site is one address with one or more
Provider Types. A Service Location is always one
address with only one Provider Type.
Required. Select one or more specialties. Based on
the provider types selected, specific specialties will
be available to the provider for selection. Use the
[Ctrl] key to highlight more than one.
This field appears for health care provider type and
specialty combinations only.
No NPI number at this time
Add Taxonomy link
Required. Enter the NPI assigned to you by the
Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services. The NPI
is the unique 10-digit number for healthcare
providers that can be used nationally.
Select the checkbox if you do not have NPI number
at this time.
Click this link to select one or multiple taxonomy
codes. Taxonomy codes are a 10 digit federally
established number which health care professionals
use to identify their unique specialty areas.
42. Click [Save] to save the service location information and add another provider
type/specialty combination to the site. Otherwise, click [Save and Continue] to save the
information and return to the Site Information screen.
43. When you have finished entering all sites and completed the provider type and specialty
information for each site, click [Submit Application].
44. Send appropriate information to HCSIS Help Desk. Refer to Appendix A for a list of
the appropriate documentation you are required to send to the HCSIS Help Desk.
The HCSIS Help Desk will verify and clear this new information into HCSIS and MPI.
After this occurs and changes to a provider's information are necessary, refer to the
Provider Updates Tip Sheet.
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Provider Registration Job Aid
Create Provider Site(s), continued
Steps, continued:
OMHSAS Providers – You have completed the provider registration process and you
do not have to complete any further information.
45. ODP Providers – Once the HCSIS Help Desk verifies and clears your site
information into HCSIS and MPI, you can begin to add services to the sites. Refer
to the Provider Updates Tip Sheet for instructions on adding services to a service
46. You have completed the provider registration process successfully. Click View My
Application Summary in the sidebar on the left side of the screen to view the provider’s
information, basic provider demographic information, organization and site information.
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Create Provider Site(s), continued
Steps, continued:
View My Application Summary, continued.
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Provider Registration Job Aid
Appendix A: Provider Documentation for HCSIS Help Desk
This appendix summarizes the provider documentation that the HCSIS Help Desk requires for the
validation of any new or updated provider information in HCSIS.
Please fax the following documentation to the HCSIS Help Desk at 717-540-0960.
Obtain a HCSIS User ID and Password:
Download and complete the HCSIS User Security Agreement form, located under the HCSIS
User Security Agreement hyperlink on the HCSIS Homepage at
Update to any Tax Reporting Information (e.g.: FEIN or name change, merging of agencies):
Call the HCSIS Help Desk (866-444-1264) for specific instructions.
Enter a Provider's Information into HCSIS for the First Time:
A cover sheet with the provider's name, the name of the provider contact, and the contact's
phone number.
For (a) individuals who are not doing business as sole proprietorships; and (b) provider
organizations enrolling as agencies, a copy of the Determination Letter they received from the
Internal Revenue Service (IRS) or documentation from an independent third party (such as an
auditor) is required as a proof of their Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN).
For all individuals who are doing business as a sole proprietorship, a copy of their Social Security
Card is required as proof of their Social Security Number (SSN).
On a company letterhead or a signed document, a list of all site/ service location addresses that
will be enrolled in HCSIS.
For PROMISe™ enrollment, complete the form attached to this link:
Update or Add Sites:
a. If adding a new Site or Provider Type, fax a cover letter, signed by the CEO or a Director, with
the following information:
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Program Office for which you are updating or adding a site
Provider IRS Name
Contact Information:
 Name
 E-mail Address
 Phone Number
 County in which you are physically located
A list of the new and/or changed sites to be verified
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Provider Registration Job Aid
Appendix A: Provider Documentation for HCSIS Help Desk
Clearance/Verification, Continued
NOTE: For all other changes to a site, (email address, fax number, etc.) fax a summary of the
changes to the HCSIS Help Desk. A signed memo is not required because a change to a
site’s name or address is for correcting mistakes only.
b. To record in PROMISe™, complete the form attached to this link:
Update the Provider's Business, Mailing, and/or Payment Address:
a. Fax a cover letter signed by the CEO or a Director, including the following information:
Version 4.0
Program Office for which you are updating or adding a site
Provider IRS Name
Contact Information:
 Name
 E-mail Address
 Phone Number
 County in which you are physically located
A list of the changed addresses to be verified
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Provider Registration Job Aid
Appendix B: ODP Additional Key Terms and Concepts
Effective Dates
The Effective Dates are known also as the start and end dates in HCSIS. Start date is the date
the information starts being accurate in HCSIS, whereas the end date is the date that information
is no longer valid, and therefore can no longer be edited in HCSIS. Effective dates apply to a
service as listed below. The effective dates of a contract cannot exceed one year and they must
cover the start and end dates of all the rates in the contract. There are three types of effective
dates for services:
(1) Service Definition dates – identifies the timeframe in which a service definition is
valid for use by the program office.
(2) Provider Offering dates – identifies the timeframe in which a specific provider is
willing to offer the service.
(3) Contract dates – identifies the timeframe in which the service’s rate is valid in
HCSIS. Effective dates for the service’s contract dates entered in HCSIS must fall
within the service definition dates and the provider offering dates for the service.
Service definitions and provider offerings do not require effective end dates. The date format
used in HCSIS is MM/DD/YYYY.
For additional details regarding service definition effective dates, refer to the Service Definition
document section in the sidebar to the left of the screen.
Exception for Individualized Rates: Because individualized rates are determined specifically for
each individual, a rate change to a contract for an individualized service will be updated in a plan
only if the rate has not been individualized. If the rate has been individualized, HCSIS will bypass
the individual’s plan and the rate in the plan will not be updated.
HCSIS/PROMISe™ Interface for Claims Processing
Refer to the HCSIS/PROMISe™ Claim Error Resolution Tip Sheet for details regarding the
interface between HCSIS and PROMISe™.
Individual Support Plan (ISP) or Plan
From a financial perspective, the plan (or ISP) in HCSIS summarizes the services and supports
that an individual needs over the course of a plan year. Within each plan, the Supports
Coordinator enters all the services the individual will need along with the corresponding provider,
units and service dates.
PROMISe™ will verify provider claims in HCSIS by comparing the claim to the authorized
services listed on the plan.
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Provider Registration Job Aid
Appendix B: ODP Additional Key Terms and Concepts,
PROMISe™ is the name of the claims processing and management information system
implemented by the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS) in March 2004.
PROMISe™ stands for Provider Reimbursement and Operations Management Information
System. PROMISe™ replaced the Medical Assistance Management Information System
(MAMIS) and incorporated claims processing and information management activities of other
DHS program offices. PROMISe™ is the single system that processes human services claims
and manages information for numerous Commonwealth human services programs.
Service Location vs. Site
A Service Location is what MPI and PROMISe™ designate as a physical location where a
provider offers specific types of services. A Service Location is the combination of one provider
address and one provider type.
A Site is what HCSIS designates as a physical location where a provider offers specific types of
services. A Site is the combination of one provider address and one or more provider types.
After verification by the HCSIS Help Desk, every provider type listed on a HCSIS Site will be
assigned a unique Service Location in MPI. All Service Locations associated with a Site are
summarized on the Sites screen in HCSIS and the Organizational Summary screen in the
Provider Access website.
For providers to bill PROMISe™ successfully, they must use the Service Location associated
with the HCSIS Site that has the contracted service on the individual’s plan!
(Explanation continued on the following page.)
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Provider Registration Job Aid
Appendix B: ODP Additional Key Terms and Concepts,
Service Location vs. Site, continued
Example: The provider offers services from two locations in the diagram below:
1. Main Street: Respite services and Family Living services, which relate to Provider Types 51
and 52, are offered at the provider location on Main Street.
 Two Service Locations (0001 and 0002) are needed because there are two provider types at
the Main Street Site.
 The provider needs to bill PROMISe™ using Service Location 0001 for the Respite service at
Main Street and Service Location 0002 for the Family Living service at Main Street.
2. Green Street: Prevocational services and Respite services, both relating to Provider Type 51,
are offered at the provider location on Green Street.
 Only one Service Location 0003 is needed because both services relate to the same provider
type at the provider location on Green Street.
 The provider needs to bill PROMISe™ using Service Location 0003 for both the Respite
service and the Prevocational service at Green Street.
Note that the provider needs to be sure to use Service Location 0001 for Respite services
provided from Main Street and use Service Location 0003 for Respite services provided from
Green Street.
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Provider Registration Job Aid
Appendix C: ODP High Level Process Flow
This process flow is a high-level overview of how provider information is created/updated and
cleared into HCSIS, how contracts are created, and how services are added to ISPs.
This job aid focuses on the tasks necessary to enter the provider’s information in HCSIS for the
first time, as explained in Step 1 of this process flow. This job aid provides step-by-step
instructions for the Provider Registration Data Entry role to complete the Provider Registration
Important Note about Providers: At this time, OMAP and OLTL central offices handle all
provider information in HCSIS. Therefore, this process flow describes the ODP process only.
1. Provider information entered by the Provider or the County: Both the provider and
the county can enter and update provider information in HCSIS. An ODP provider can
enter their information in the Provider Access website, which is accessed via the HCSIS
website ( Or, the County Provider Administration role can enter a
provider’s information into HCSIS on behalf of the provider.
Important Note: Certain provider information updates need to be verified and cleared into
HCSIS by the HCSIS Help Desk as explained in the next step of the process. The HCSIS
Help Desk may require the provider to send documentation to validate the new or updated
provider information.
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Provider Registration Job Aid
Appendix C: ODP High Level Process Flow, Continued
Provider Registration: When entering provider information into HCSIS for the first time,
HCSIS checks if the provider’s information already exists in the Master Provider Index
(MPI) via the provider’s Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) or Social
Security Number (SSN). MPI stores information for all existing DHS providers. If the
provider’s information is new to HCSIS but already exists in MPI, the user will be
prompted to call the HCSIS Help Desk so the provider’s information in MPI can be
linked into HCSIS. This is necessary to prevent duplicate provider information in MPI.
When a provider, or a county on behalf of the provider, signs up in HCSIS, an alert is
generated to inform the HCSIS Help Desk that a new provider’s information has to be
cleared into HCSIS.
Provider Updates: Upon clearance into HCSIS (Step 2) the provider’s contact person
with the Provider Registration Data Entry role will receive a permanent user ID and
password. With this role, the provider can make updates to the existing information in
HCSIS. The county can make updates to the existing information for services offered
in their county only via the Provider Administration role.
2. HCSIS Help Desk clears or verifies provider information: The HCSIS Help Desk is
the “gatekeeper” for HCSIS and MPI. This step is necessary to prevent incorrect or
duplicate provider information in HCSIS and MPI. HCSIS and MPI share the provider’s
service location information. A service location is the combination of one provider address
and one provider type (refer to the diagram on the next page and detailed definitions in
Key Terms and Concepts). Therefore, only new or changed provider addresses and
provider types have to be verified and cleared into HCSIS. After this occurs, the
information is added to MPI automatically. The following activities require HCSIS Help
Desk verification: new or updated provider site addresses, new provider types added to a
site, changes to a provider’s business address, mailing address or payment address, and
all new providers. The HCSIS Help Desk may require the provider to send documentation
to validate the information.
Provider Registration: If a provider’s information is being entered into HCSIS for the
first time, the HCSIS Help Desk has to clear the new provider information into HCSIS.
The new provider's information will not have a verification status until the provider's
information is reviewed and cleared by the HCSIS Help Desk for the first time. After
clearance, the new provider’s information will have the Verified status in HCSIS and
the new provider’s information will be created automatically in MPI overnight. Upon
clearance into HCSIS, the HCSIS Help Desk will send the provider’s contact person a
permanent user ID and password. If the HCSIS Help Desk denies clearance to the
provider, the provider's information entered during Provider Registration is deleted
from HCSIS.
Provider Updates: The HCSIS Help Desk has to verify updates that impact
information in MPI. Updated provider information will change to the Verification
Pending status, if the change has to be verified by the HCSIS Help Desk. After
verification, the provider’s updated information will have a Verified status in HCSIS. If
the update is not approved, the Verification Pending status disappears and the
provider’s information reverts to what it was before the update.
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Provider Registration Job Aid
Appendix C: ODP High Level Process Flow, Continued
3. Contracts are updated in HCSIS: After a provider’s information contains the services
being offered, contracts for the services are updated. Therefore, if a provider is contracted
to provide the same service in two counties, the provider must select the service twice
(once for each county) or each county’s Provider Administration role has to add the
service. After this occurs, the contracts are updated.
For providers billing PROMISe™, the contracted service’s site in HCSIS has to be
associated with the MPI service location the provider will use to bill the service.
4. Contracted services in plans are authorized for payment: After a provider’s service
is contracted in HCSIS, Supports Coordinators (SCs) can add the contracted services,
listed by provider site, to plans. Then the plans have to be approved and services on the
plans have to be authorized. Only authorized services can be viewed by PROMISe™ for
claims processing. Then the provider will bill with the service location that corresponds to
the provider's site in HCSIS.
For providers to bill PROMISe™ successfully, they must use the MPI Service Location
associated with the HCSIS Site that has the contracted service on the individual’s plan.
In the example below, a provider offers services from two locations. At their office on Main
Street, they offer Respite and Family Living services, which relate to Provider Types 51 and
52. At their office on Green Street, they offer Prevocational and Respite services, both of
which relate to Provider Type 51. Follow the diagram below to review how the provider’s
information is created in HCSIS and MPI so the provider can bill for these services through
PROMISe™. Refer to the Service Location vs. Site definition in the Key Terms and Concepts
section of this job aid for additional details.
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Provider Registration Job Aid
Appendix D: Internal Revenue Service and US Postal Service
Requirements for Business Names and Business Addresses
With HCSIS Release 7.5, screens in the provider module begin enforcing standard formatting in
accordance with the Internal Revenue Service and United States Postal Service requirements for
Business Names and Business Addresses, respectively. In each of the standards given below,
the numbers in parentheses indicate the field lengths in MPI.
Names (IRS (40), Legal Entity (50), Service Location (50))
(First Name (21), Last Name (25))
The only allowable characters are:
1) Letters
2) Numbers
3) Spaces
a. Cannot be the first or last character
b. Cannot be consecutive
4) Ampersand (&)
a. Cannot be the first or last character
b. Must be preceded and followed by a space
5) Hyphen (–)
a. Cannot be the first or last character
b. Must be preceded and followed by letters or numbers
6) Forward Slash (/)
a. Cannot be the first or last character
b. Must be preceded and followed by letters or numbers
Periods and commas are not allowed in the name fields.
Addresses (Address 1 (26), Address 2 (26))
The only allowable characters are:
1) Letters
2) Numbers
3) Spaces
a. Cannot be the first or last character
b. Cannot be consecutive
4) Pound (#)
a. Cannot be the first or last character
b. Must be preceded and followed by a space
5) Hyphen (–)
a. Cannot be the first or last character
b. Must be preceded and followed by letters or numbers
6) Forward Slash (/)
a. Cannot be the first or last character
b. Must be preceded and followed by letters or numbers
All other punctuation should be omitted.
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Provider Registration Job Aid
Appendix D: Internal Revenue Service and US Postal Service
Requirements for Business Names and Business Addresses,
City Names (23)
The only allowable characters are:
1) Letters
2) Numbers
3) Spaces
a. Cannot be the first or last character
b. Cannot be consecutive
All other punctuation should be omitted.
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