02 Issue Aug 2015 RC Subang Club Post
02 Issue Aug 2015 RC Subang Club Post
ISSUE AUGUST 2015 CLUB POST 2015-‐2016 SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY SINCE 1984 N e w s l e t t e r 32nd Installation of President & Board of Directors 4 July 2015, Empire Hotel Subang Page 6 Board of Directors and members of Rotary Club of Subang Are you a Rotary Superhero? Page 12 Page 8 Page 13 SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY SINCE 1984 2015-‐2016 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Warmest greetings my fellow Rotarians and Rotary Friends, We started the month of July 2015 all refreshed and renewed for the new Rotary term, kicking off with our Installation Night themed “The Mad Hatters Night” on 4th July 2015 at Empire Hotel Subang. We had more than 200 guests on that night with DG Siti Subaidah gracing the event as our Guest of Honor. We were also honored with the presence of our sister club RC Makati Olympia (RCMO) members who came all the way from the Philippines to join us in our celebration. We were meeting most of the Olympians for the first time but we definitely didn’t feel like strangers but more like long lost buddies meeting up after a long time. We bonded immediately and found many common factors between us that we could relate to instantly. Thank you RCMO for being there for us and we hoped you had an enjoyable stay in Kuala Lumpur and lots of memories to cherish. Of course also not forgetting to thank all the ladies of RC Subang for the wonderful dance performances during the Installation night that left many mesmerized by the sexy shakes and moves and our very own Emcees - Rtn Subbarao and Rtn Tharmendra who took the stage by storm. Overall the event was a success with all members of RC Subang playing their part to ensure everything went smoothly and without any glitch. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Without much rest, we embarked on our next activity which was the Interact Leadership Training Seminar held on 11th July 2015 at Sri UCSI Secondary School for our Interactors. We had a total of over 50 Interactors from our Interact Clubs of Sri UCSI, SMK Subang Jaya, SMK Sri Permata and SMK Taman SEA and also Interactors from sponsoring clubs of RC Puchong Centennial and RC Damansara West. Special thanks to the Organising Committee comprising of RC Subang and RAC Subang members who worked tirelessly to ensure the Interactors received all the information required to run their Club efficiently and effectively. Kudos to all of you. Still full of energy, we proceeded to join venture with the Malaysian Ceylonese Association of Sri Petaling to create awareness on literacy by collection used and good conditioned books to be resold to fund literacy programs for the poor and needy children. We again worked together with RAC Subang and volunteered our services during the Book Fair at The Atmosphere, Seri Kembangan on 26th July 2015 together with our Rotaractors. Are we tired from doing all these? No!! In fact we are bustling with energy to move ahead and continue to serve the community and the needy. That’s the beauty of being in Rotary and Yes!! We are indeed Proud To Be a Rotarian and to Be A Gift To The World. In Rotary Service, President Shirley Hoe Rotary Club of Subang Page 2 2015-‐2016 SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY SINCE 1984 I AM ROTARIAN 1. Is it the truth? 2. Is it fair to all concerned? 3. Will it build goodwill and better friendship? 4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned? ROTARY CODE OF CONDUCT Promote recognition and respect for all occupations which are useful to society As a Rotarian, I will Exemplify the core value of integrity in all behaviors and activities Use my vocational experience and talents to serve in Rotary Conduct all of my personal, business, and professional affairs ethically, encouraging and fostering high ethical standards as an example to others Be fair in all dealings with others and treat them with the respect due to them as fellow human beings Offer my vocational talents: to provide opportunities for young people, to work for the relief of the special needs of others, and to improve the quality of life in my community Honor the trust that Rotary and fellow Rotarians provide and not do anything that will bring disfavor or reflect adversely on Rotary or fellow Rotarians Not seek from a fellow Rotarian a privilege or advantage not normally accorded others in a business or professional relationship Rotary Club of Subang Page 3 2015-‐2016 SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY SINCE 1984 THIS IS ROTARY Partner In Service Interact Club of Interact Club of Interact Club of Interact Club of Our Mission Statement S trengthen The Club Through Rotary Spirit U nited In Our Endeavors To Achieve Our Objectives B roaden Our Club Membership A ttach Pride In Being A Rotarian N ever Fail To Attend Weekly Meetings And Projects G oodwill, Understanding And Fellowship As Our Sekolah Sri UCSI SMK Sri Permata SMK Tmn Sea SMK Subang Jaya Rotaract Club of Subang Inner Wheel Club of Subang Selangor Rotary Club of Subang Page 4 2015-‐2016 SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY SINCE 1984 PRESIDENT Rtn Shirley Hoe [email protected] SECRETARY PP Rajj Melambaran, PHF [email protected] P SERVICE ROJECTS PP Rajj Melambaran, PHF [email protected] R PUBLIC ELATIONS BOARD & CLUB MEMBERS V ICE PRESIDENT IPP Siva Kumar, PHF [email protected] C LUB ADMIN Rtn Devika Govindasamy [email protected] D Rtn Thineskumar [email protected] M HONORARY EMBERS Yang Ariff Dato’ Anantham Kasinather, PHF PP Dr Joy Varughese, PHF +2 MEMBERSHIP EVELOPMENT TREASURER PP Roger Yue, PHF+2 [email protected] F THE ROTARY OUNDATION IPP Siva Kumar, PHF [email protected] S YOUTH ERVICE Rtn Tharmendra Konan [email protected] IPP Siva Kumar, PHF [email protected] MEMBERS PP Ramakrishnan M Rajoo, PHF +1 Rtn Sethupathy Lachmanan Rtn Ken Khang Nanyi Rtn Pallavi Mohan Rtn Geeta Ashok Kumar Ratnani Rtn Anushia Mariappan Rtn Subbarao Nokaraju Rtn Deepti Buxani Rtn Ajitpal Gill Rtn Veeran Parkiam Rtn Brahmaputran Karthirhgamatamby Rotary Club of Subang Page 5 2015-‐2016 SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY SINCE 1984 CLUB EVENT 32nd Installation of President & Board of Directors, 4 July 2015, Empire Hotel Subang Awards for the Outgoing Our Sister Club members from RC Makati Olympia Our Interactors Our guests Incoming President with Asst Governor, District Governor Outgoing President & Incoming President Members of Rotary Club of Subang Rotary Club of Subang Page 6 2015-‐2016 SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY SINCE 1984 MEMBER AWARDS Governor Siti Subaidah presenting the PHF pin to IPP Siva Kumar & PP Rajj Melambaran PP Rajj Melambaran receiving the Membership Challenge Trophy for sponsoring the most number of new members for RY2014-15 Rotary Club of Subang Page 7 2015-‐2016 SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY SINCE 1984 YOUTH SERVICE Interact Leadership Training Seminar (ILTS) on 11th July 2015 at Sri UCSI Secondary School Subang Jaya, hosted and conducted by Rotary Club of Subang involving 52 Interactors from our 4 Interact Clubs - SMK Subang Jaya, Sri UCSI, SMK Taman SEA and SMK Sri Permata and Interactors from sponsoring clubs of RC Puchong Centennial and RC Damansara West. The training focused on guiding and preparing the Interact Club’s President and Board of Directors to manage and lead their respective clubs. Thank you to our Rotaractor for their assistance and support. Rotary Club of Subang Page 8 2015-‐2016 SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY SINCE 1984 YOUTH SERVICE International Understanding Day at Interact Club of Sri UCSI Installation of President & Board of Directors at Interact Club of SMK Sri Permata Rotary Club of Subang Page 9 2015-‐2016 SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY SINCE 1984 SERVICE PROJECTS Rotary Club of Subang was the event partner for the Charity Book Sales event on 26 July 2015 at The Atmosphere Seri Kembangan, organised by Malaysia Ceylonese Congress (MCC) Sri Petaling branch. The event objective was to raise funds to setup library at for 3 orphanage homes. Rotary Club of Subang Page 10 2015-‐2016 SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY SINCE 1984 DISTRICT NEWS The 8th National IQuiz a New Generation Project brought to you by Rotary Club Bandar Sunway in collaboration with Sunway University . Rotary Jamboree - a first time joint effort between the District Fellowship, Membership and Public Image Committee together with the Rotary Club of Langkawi bringing you a weekend of fun, community service, membership drive and a chance to share Rotary. Rotary Club of Subang Page 11 2015-‐2016 SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY SINCE 1984 ROTARY NEWS Are you a Rotary superhero? By Evan Burrell, a member of the Rotary Club of Turramurra, New South Wales, Australia, and a regular contributor I’m sure that, as a child, you had a favorite superhero. Maybe it was Batman or Superman or Wonder Woman or even Spiderman, weaving webs or leaping tall buildings in a single bound to help those in need. Now that we’re older, we know all too well that that sort of superhero is hard to find. But do you know the easiest place to find modern-day superheroes? Your local Rotary club! And they don’t even hide behind a secret identity. Much like our comic book counterparts, Rotary members are regular people who go about their daily lives until “the call comes in.” Through our membership in Rotary, we are able to make a difference in many different ways. Recently, Rotarians joined other volunteers in immunizing thousands of children against polio during a oneday End Polio Now immunization drive in Pakistan. Rotary superheroes leapt to action in Gujarat, India, launching a program to put books into the hands of children from low-income families. Other superheroes formed a new Rotarian Action Group aimed at protecting the world’s most endangered species. Several years ago, Rotary heroes in the New England region of the United States provided long-term recovery assistance to those affected by Tropical Storm Irene. Being members of a Rotary club, we have the power to lead by example and become role models for others through our integrity and willingness to help those in need. Accomplishing all these heroic acts requires willing minds and willing hearts. That’s what enables ordinary people to achieve extraordinary results. Our children, our friends, our partners, our community — anyone we interact with can be inspired in some small way by our actions and deeds. Superheroes don’t just exist in comic books or movies. And luckily, we don’t need to put on a cape to be effective. Each of us, through Rotary, has the power to do good in the world and to make a difference in the lives of others. Rotarians are truly modern-day superheroes! How are you making a difference through Rotary? Are you a Rotary superhero? Source: Rotary Voices Rotary Club of Subang Page 12 2015-‐2016 SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY SINCE 1984 ROTARY NEWS An Important Milestone This 24 July marks one year since Nigeria’s last case of wild poliovirus. That’s the longest period the country has gone without a case of the dis- ease. This achievement has particular significance, because Nigeria is one of only three countries in the world in which polio is still endemic. When the disease is eradicated in Nigeria, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, the world will be free of polio. A few weeks later, 11 August will mark one year since the last case of polio in Africa: a case in Somalia that came at the end of an outbreak in the Horn of Africa. Africa’s countries have overcome significant challenges — including lack of security and difficulty reaching children in remote places — to protect their children from polio. Rotary has played an important role in reaching these milestones. Rotarians have dedicated their time and their personal resources to keep children safe from this disease by immunizing them, donating money, raising funds, and urging governments to support the cause. Rotary has donated $688.5 million to fight polio throughout Africa, including more than $200 million designated for Nigeria. While this is notable progress, we haven’t finished the job yet. Source: http://www.endpolio.org Rotary Club of Subang Page 13 2015-‐2016 SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY SINCE 1984 CLUB CALENDAR AUGUST 2015 MONDAY 3 BOD meeting 7pm Lake View Club Subang 10 17 24 11 18 25 Weekly meeting 7pm Lake View Club Subang Weekly meeting 7pm Lake View Club Subang Weekly meeting 7pm Lake View Club Subang 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 8 15 22 29 23 30 National Day Parade 7am Ipoh 31 TUESDAY 4 WEDNESDAY Durian Fellowship 6pm SS2 PJ THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 TRF Seminar 9am Bukit Kiara Equestrian Club SUNDAY 2 9 16 Rotary Club of Subang Page 14 ROTARY CLUB OF SUBANG was chartered on 7 March 1984 Visit Us Contact Us Day: Wednesday Time: 7:00pm Venue: Lake View Club, Subang Jaya Rtn Shirley Hoe President (+6) 019 3242 818 PP Rajj Melambaran Club Secretary (+6) 016 2200 765 Community Service Projects & Events by ROTARY CLUB OF SUBANG Clubfoot Project @ Hospital Tengku Ampuan Rahimah Klang Education Trip & Assistance for the Myanmar Refugee Children Green & 3R Project in collaboration with Myanmar Refugee Centre International Yout h Exc hange Programme with Rotary Clubs in Seoul involving the Interact Club of Sri Sedaya and the Interact clubs in Seoul Literacy Project to assist and develop language skills for the unprivileged students. Be our guest to be part of our community service.. Recreational fellowship events In AUGUST we celebrate.... BIRTHDAY 13th Rtn Geeta Ashok Kumar Ratnani Rtn Subbarao’s charming spouse Mdm Saralah Thevi 23rd Rtn Pallavi Mohan ROTARY MONTH January February March April Vocational Service Month Peace and Conflict Prevention Month Water and Sanitation Month Maternal & Child Health Month May June July August Youth Service Month Rotary Fellowships Month Start of new Rotary year Membership & New Club Development September October November December Basic Education and Literacy Month Economic and Community Development Rotary Foundation Month Disease Prevention and Treatment Month Like Us Rotary Club Of Subang EDITOR COLUMN We welcome all to participate and contribute to this newsletter. Share any articles and materials which deemed relevant and useful to make this newsletter valuable for development and raise awareness for t he reading pleasure. Preference are given to R o t a r y r e l a t e d events, news, training, updates and announcements. Yet we welcome non-Rotar y related materials which may develop the thoughts and share skills to move forward. At Rotary Service, PP Rajj Melambaran Bulletin Editor [email protected]