East Shore Unitarian Church Meeting of the Board of Trustees, March 2016 Table of Contents Preparation Notes, Agenda, Notes & Upcoming Events ........................................................................................2 Minutes of Last Board Meeting ..............................................................................................................................4 Policy 2.2 Revisions ...............................................................................................................................................9 Option Papers .....................................................................................................................................................9 Holly House Task Force Ad Hoc Committee Charter ......................................................................................... 10 Finance - Treasurer Report – Ryam Hill ............................................................................................................... 11 President’s Report – Beth Wilson ........................................................................................................................ 13 Director of Finance & Operations – Jason Puracal .............................................................................................. 13 Director of Religious Education – Aisha Hauser .................................................................................................. 22 Minister of Pastoral Care – Rev. Susan Morrisson............................................................................................... 22 Communications & Membership Manager – Nicole Denman............................................................................. 24 Liaison Reports .................................................................................................................................................... 25 Holly House Taskforce ..................................................................................................................................... 25 Facilities Committee ........................................................................................................................................ 26 Grounds Committee ........................................................................................................................................ 26 Auction 2016 ................................................................................................................................................... 26 Beloved Conversations/Racial Justice: ............................................................................................................ 26 Climate Action Ministry Team: ........................................................................................................................ 26 Earth & Social Justice Coordinating Council .................................................................................................... 27 Economic Justice Team.................................................................................................................................... 27 Second Sunday ................................................................................................................................................ 28 UUSC: ............................................................................................................................................................... 28 Women’s Perspective/Women-Helping Women ............................................................................................ 28 OFD and Stewardship ...................................................................................................................................... 28 Gallery:............................................................................................................................................................. 28 Proposed Policy Changes..................................................................................................................................... 29 ESUC Board Packet March, 2016 page 1 of 30 Preparation Notes, Agenda, Notes & Upcoming Events Preparation Notes 1. Review all items of the consent agenda, be prepared to vote to approve all, or move regular agenda if discussion is needed (Please alert Beth in advance!). a piece to the 2. Prepare to raise your hand and volunteer to review and revise our bylaws as needed:-) 3. Read the rest of "Governance and Ministry" and/or review what you've already read:-) We'll be referring to it in our discussion with Vicky Hardy about the organizational structure of East Shore. Vicky served for several years as the CEO of Star Island (think Seabeck on steroids....). She has been reviewing our current structure of committees and teams and has some impressions that she would like to share with us. This is the beginning of a discussion on how we might create a more cohesive and coherent organizational structure that is reflective of our vision and mission. 4. Be prepared to discuss the possibility of developing a long-term financial plan. Who, what, where, when? See several of the Board reports for the reason for this discussion:-) ESUC Board Packet March, 2016 page 2 of 30 Agenda East Shore Unitarian Church Meeting of the Board of Trustees March 15, 2016 __________________________________________________________________________ Board Host: Marc - Thank you! 6:45 Social Gathering 7:00 Opening Words, Chalice Lighting, Check in 7:15 Welcome to members/guests. 7:20 Approval of Marc/Beth All Consent Agenda Minutes Agenda Board Reports (including Liaison reports) Changes to Policy 2.11 8b,c,g, and h. Removal of Addendum following 2.20 7:25 Formation of Bylaws review subcommittee Beth 7:30 Discussion with Vicky Hardy about All Beth/Vicky organizational structure, impressions of ESUC's current arrangement of committees, ministry teams, etc. 8:30 Plan for a long term Financial Plan - Holly House questions, etc. 8:55 Closing Words and Adjourn Beth Beth/Marc Notes: April Board Meeting (Tuesday, 4/19) Host: Elaine May Beacon Board Buzz due April 15: Reed Upcoming Events for your Calendar: Sunday, March 20 All church Pancake Breakfast! Worship Welcomers Schedule: 3/13 3/20 3/27 4/3 4/10 4/17 4/24 Jack Ryam Beth Tom Jack Dave Reed ESUC Board Packet March, 2016 page 3 of 30 Minutes of Last Board Meeting ESUC Meeting of the Board of Trustees – Minutes Draft – February 16, 2016 February Board Packet Minutes, Leadership Reports, Consent Agenda: February Board Agenda Upcoming Events Minutes of Last Board Meeting – Jan 19 Open Action Items Finance - Treasurer Report – Ryam Hill Dec 31 BFS Summary – Jessie Zhao (final) Jan 31 BFS Summary – Jessie Zhao Board President's Report – Beth Wilson Director, Finance & Operations–Jason Puracal Director of Religious Education – Aisha Hauser Summary Report from the Committee on Children and Youth Ministry – Ann Fletcher Commun. & Membership Mgr – Nicole Denman Policy 2.2 Revisions – Board Exec Committee Discussion Agenda: There were no documents in the board packet. Com. + Board Liaison Reports Consent Agenda: Beloved Conversations – Marilyn Mayers Climate Action - Marilyn Earth & Social Justice Coord. Council - Marilyn Economic Justice - Marilyn Partner Church Com - Marilyn Unitarian Universalist Service Com - Marilyn Women’s Perspective - Marilyn Personnel Com and the Gallery – Marc Wanless Facilities + Grounds Crew – David 2015 Auction – Success! – David Holly House Task Force (proposed) Ad Hoc Committee Charter – David Baumgart Holly House Task Force Report – David Baumgart Closing Words and Adjourn Agenda, Preparation Notes & Notes Board Host: Kristi - Thank you! 6:45 Social Gathering 7:00 Opening Words, Chalice Lighting, Check in 7:10 Welcome to Members/Guests 7:15 Approval of: Kristi/Beth All Consent Agenda Minutes Agenda Board Reports (including Liaison Reports) Approval of PNWD Assembly Delegates: Dick Jacke, Louise Wilkinson, Aisha Hauser, Beth Wilson (2 more spaces if you’re interested) Policy 2.2 Holly House Task Force Charter Addition of Bruce Sillers & Frans Koning to HH Task Force 7:20 Discussion of issues related to Endowment Beth 7:45 “Black Lives Matter” Banner Discussion Beth 8:00 How are we doing? Debrief of current status, current feelings Beth 8:55 Closing Words and Adjourn Beth/Kristi Upcoming Events for your Calendar: March Exec Com (Tuesday, 3/1) Beth, Jack, Ryam, Dave ESUC Board Packet March, 2016 page 4 of 30 o o March Board Meeting (Tuesday, 3/15) Host: Marc April Beacon Board Buzz due March 15: Kristi PNW District Assembly (University Unitarian) March 5th (Saturday) 7:30 pm - 4:30 pm Worship Welcomers Schedule: FEBRUARY 21 – Elaine, 28 - Marc MARCH 6 – Ryam, 13 – Jack, 20 – Ryam, 27 - Beth Opening Words – Beth welcomed the board members. Kristi offered the opening reflection thinking back to the sermon that Elaine Peresluha, our Interim Minister, preached, 3 weeks ago. Check-in – The Board of Trustees includes Kristi Brennan, David Baumgart (secretary), Elaine Cox, Reed Cundiff, (absent) Tom Doe, Ryam Hill (treasurer), Marilyn Mayers, (absent) Jack Slowriver (VP), Marc Wanless, and Beth Wilson (president). Representing the Staff Leadership Team: Jason Puracal – Director of Finance & Operations and Aisha Hauser – Director of Religious Education. Our guest was Andy Voss – chair, Endowment. Review of Board Agenda + Consent Agenda - (see content of Board Packet – all Board members are expected to review the entire Board Packet prior to the Board Meeting) – Beth asked if anyone requested to move any item from the Consent Agenda to the Discussion Agenda; we moved the following items: Discussion PNWD delegates – requested by Beth Discussion of 4 new Gallery accounts – requested by Marc Marilyn moved and Reed seconded to approve the consent agenda, Motion Passed unanimously. This included tonight’s board agenda, the Jan 19 Board minutes as revised, and other items that are explicitly listed in Appendix 1, below. All board members are reminded that Items for the Discussion Agenda are required by the cutoff date for the board packet. It would be better to have such items for the Executive Council. PNW District Assembly Delegates Beth led the discussion about the PNWD delegates – kind of a big deal. I am urging everyone to go and meet other Unitarians and the Boards / executives of the district. The board approved the following delegates: Dick Jacke, Beth Wilson, Aisha Hauser, Laurie Wick, Mary Lou Lewis, Louise Wilkinson, (first alt.) Milly Mullarky Marc led the discussion of the 4 new Gallery accounts. Jason requested the Board to approve the creation of the following accounts: Asset Account: o Gallery Checking- 003-000-1118 Liability & Equity Account: o Gallery Designated Fund Balance- 003-000-3388 BFS Accounts: o Income Account- 003-038-4838 o Expense Account- 003-038-5838 Jason documented in his report that the East Shore Gallery- operates independently with their own bank accounts, yet under the church’s tax ID code, with no oversight by the church. In order to comply with legal regulations, the Gallery must be incorporated onto East Shore’s accounting system in a similar fashion as the Endowment Committee, in other words, they should appear on the ESUC Balance Sheet. Marc asked if this was time urgent? Jason: Yes – we are in violation of the IRS law since the Gallery uses our tax ID. The gallery will retain full control of their accounts. Their treasurer, Donna Miller, is just fine with this account structure. Marc moved to approve and Reed Seconded. Motion passed Discussion of issues related to Endowment - Andy Voss, chair of the Endowment Com joined the board meeting. Beth welcomed Andy to our meeting and stated that the Endowment Com has been doing a great job during the past year. Ryam: I have been attending Endowment and I wanted to provide an update to the Board. I believe the Board should be aware of the investing policies of the Endowment, and the alternatives that may exist. [Excerpt from Ryam’s Treasurer Report:] ESUC Board Packet March, 2016 page 5 of 30 The Endowment Committee is reviewing their holdings with Kaufman Kampe Advisors, LLC. There are 3 points of interest from this meeting. o First, they are considering whether the services provided are needed and worth the cost. So far it seems the charges are within area pricing of other firms and they offer professional advice to safeguard the church’s funds. More research on alternate possibilities is being done. o Kaufman Kampe Advisors, LLC presented an annual review of SRI possible investments. Based on their filters for what funds merit attention for possible investment, no additional SRI investments were added for this year. The result is that the SRI investment percentage for ESUC remains at 24% in Vanguard FTSE4Good. I believe the Board should decide if this meets the desired SRI goals of the church. o The source of much of the Endowment fund has been bequests from members. The committee has not offered informational meetings on this in the past few years and does not plan to for some time. Staff found the old endowment brochure and used info from it to update the new website. The Board might want to support the committee to do more sooner regarding offering this option to members and families. Discussion –The people who manage the fund prepared a report regarding Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) goals. Formerly, we did not pay any attention to SRI goals. In 2015, 24% of the funds were invested in socially responsible investments which Andy stated was a significant change that was approved by the committee. Endowment provides an Investment Policy Statement (IPS) which guides our Kaufman Kampe financial advisors what to invest in. They suggested index funds that have a broad reach with these goals Less risk, Consistent returns, and Less cost Andy stated that the advisor has a fiduciary responsibility to follow the East Shore Investment Policy Statement. If we want to focus more on SRI, then we need to change our IPS. Marilyn asked about UUA guidelines. Aisha does not believe there are any UUA guidelines. Reed (former member, Endowment) expressed his concerns about whether we should change our SRI investment practice. “I was losing sleep over it.” He stated that the Endowment Com exists to serve the community and the Board. However, Reed believes the SRI approach is a poor tactic – and is more like a “window dressing.” Marc agreed. Our divestment from stocks that are not considered socially responsible would have no impact on those particular corporations. He was concerned that focusing on SRI investments reduces the focus on other, more meaningful actions that our community could take. Reed also stated that increasing the focus on SRI would increase the risk of the portfolio. Both Reed and Andy stated that if the primary purpose of the endowment is to realize optimum financial returns, then we should not jeopardize that objective by a high level of risk in the investment portfolio. Andy – we do not invest in specific stocks, so there is nothing to divest in. Andy was also concerned about the ripple effects of changing the IPS, the charter, and the financial manager – all of which would likely take over a year. Andy stated that he is not aware of any member of the Endowment Com, who recommends a change. He also stated that the Endowment Com has not received any formal request from members of the ESUC community. However, he was aware that it was a matter of discussion within the Climate Action Com. Andy and Reed both stated that the committee had considered dismissing our financial advisor because we do not make very many changes, so our activity may not justify their fee structure. We do not appear to need a full service advisor. That discussion is continuing. Andy: our traditional outreach to the congregation is through the Bequest initiative and thru the Grant Process. However, the Board requested that we do neither “normal” process in the current fiscal year. We did approve the donation of $41,000 to the Operating Fund, which for us, is a big deal. We would like to resume both processes, eventually. ESUC Board Packet March, 2016 page 6 of 30 Dave moved that the Board Support the current policies of the Endowment Com. There was no second but there was a robust discussion. Marilyn spoke to the desire of reviewing the policy while communicating with clarity to the ESUC community what our investment policy is. Other folks agreed with Marilyn. Several board members spoke in support of what the Endowment Com accomplishes over the long run. Andy stated he will report back to his committee the need to begin an open discussion with the ESUC community aimed at creating a better understanding about our investing policy and the beginning of a discussion about that policy. Beth suggested that a review of our investment policy could be part of a greater visioning process. Query About our Fire Codes Elaine was concerned that too many people were at coffee hour in the North Room for the fire code. Jason will look into the question if there is a capacity limit to the North Room. “Black Lives Matter” Banner Discussion We are now supporting the “Black Lives Matter” movement, BLM, as directed by the SLT. The UUA recognizes those churches who post a BLM banner or actively advocate for BLM. Marc moved and Marilyn seconded that we acquire a BLM banner and put it on display. There was also discussion about having portable banners, a digital sign, and other ways to display the message. Motion passed. Beth suggested the SLT determine where and how to display the BLM banner and signage. How are we doing? Debrief of current status, current feelings We shared with each other about what we are thinking and feeling about our progress. Some folks spoke positively about what we have accomplished. Other members spoke about some anxiousness about all the things that have to continue to happen to finish out the fiscal year on a high level. We spoke about the wonderful accomplishments of the Worship Com. Kudo’s, especially, to their leader, Doug Strombom. Clarity around the Mgt of space around the campus. Jason, once again, asked about who is the decision maker regarding the allocation and use of space throughout our buildings and campus. Failing clarity regarding this request, it makes it really hard for Jason to make decisions or plan future use of space. He is responsible for operations, but feels like he has minimal guidance regarding physical space. Special Congregational Meeting – Sunday Jan 24 It is noted that Dave had previously sent out draft minutes. There was no discussion. OPEN ACTION ITEMS: (REVISED F EB 15) What Who When / Notes Provide a definitive list of ministry teams that are part of the ESJCC and part of the Economic Justice Com. Marilyn, Ann Fletcher Feb 16 Board meeting Deferred - Review proposed revised Finance Com charter. Ryam, Claudia Hirschey Feb 16 Board meeting – May? Ongoing - Discussion of timeline: future changes Beth Will be discussed in March / April Emergency Plan – in progress Kristi, Jason Deferred?? Status update?? Many items have been forwarded to Jason. Read “Governance + Ministry” by Hotchkiss Each Board Member We have reviewed chapters 1 – 5. March 15: full discussion planned w/Vicky Hardy. CLOSED ACTION ITEMS : ESUC Board Packet March, 2016 page 7 of 30 What Who When / Notes Provide clarity or recommendations about Jason whether Beloved Conversations, Black Lives Matter, and People of Color are ministry teams. Feb 16 Board meeting Continue the analysis of active member counts Dec 23 – Jason handed to Nicole. Feb 10: Jason stated Nicole reported the official count of 502 members to UUA. Tom and Nicole Host the Interim Minister the weekend of Jan The Board 22-24 Jan 22 – 24 includes the special congregational meeting. Communicate OFD Goal to Finance, OFD, and Stewardship = $780,000 Ryam moved and Marilyn seconded the motion during Exec Session, Jan 19. Tom, Beth Closing Words and Adjourn – Beth and Kristi [Meeting adjourned at 9:05pm – next board meeting is Tuesday, March 15] As your secretary, I welcome your additions, corrections, and comments. Respectfully Submitted, David Baumgart ----------------------------Appendix 1 – The Board adopted or supported the following decisions, below, as part of the Consent Agenda Approval: Director of Finance &Operations Bookkeeper o The Personnel Committee reviewed and agreed to the change in title for Jessie to Accountant Specialist. Please see revised job description as Appendix A to this report. From Aisha’s Report of the Director of Religious Education: Children and Youth Team Please see Summary Report from the Committee on Children and Youth Ministry written by CYT Chair, Ann Fletcher. After discussing this at the last meeting of the CYT, I agree with the assessment in the report and suggest that the Children and Youth Team remain a board standing committee (or at least a Board Religious Education Committee as stated in the By-laws). From Nicole Denman’s report as Communications & Membership Manager: Membership On February 7th, we had 10 people attend our East Shore and You class, with at least 4 ready to join (one has already filled out a pledge card!). I will be following up with the rest of the class to see if they would like to join during the New Member Signing on Sunday, February 28th. It would be great if board members could make a point to be there to introduce themselves that Sunday. I have also had two people who missed the class, but still want to learn more information and may be interested in joining this month. On February 1st, our membership numbers were due to the UUA, which we submitted 502. ESUC Board Packet March, 2016 page 8 of 30 On January 18th I met with Bill Austin, Shirley Worth, and April Atwood to discuss a new group out of membership to focus on Marketing and Outreach. We will meet again on February 21st at 11:30 a.m., all are welcome. For our first project, we hope to work with the grounds committee to improve our signage on the corner of our property at 128th and 32nd. New Website The new website,, is ready to go live. Jason Puracal and I were able to add PayPal to the website for online donations to be used with a PayPal account or a credit card. PayPal was chosen over Vanco and Shelby because they charge no monthly payments and because of name recognition. From Beth Wilson: Policy 2.2 Revisions 2.2 Staff Leadership Team The Staff Leadership Team shall speak with alignment and mutual respect to all parties to whom the Staff Leadership Team is responsible or over whom it has authority. Accordingly, the Staff Leadership Team members shall: 1. Include and consult each other on all material issues with a spirit of mutual respect in an environment of confidentiality; attention should be paid accordingly to recommendations made within the area of a team member's professional expertise. 2. Active discussion is encouraged and an attempt should be made to reach agreement on means within the team. If this is not possible, the team shall choose to request Board input either from the Board President. Board Executive Committee, or the Board as a whole. The Board, keeping in mind Church ends, shall attempt to help the SLT find resolution through further discussion. From Marilyn Mayers’ report on the UUSC: UUSC reports that East Shore members collectively donated $2,057.32 to UUSC’s annual fundraiser, Guest At Your Table, between December, 2015 and the end of January, 2016. From David Baumgart’s report on the Holly House Taskforce: Option Papers We are now actively soliciting brief Option Papers that will outline proposals for the long term use of the HH property. A template will become available, soon. The concept is to allow interested members to submit their proposals with a consistent description that will allow the task force to evaluate the potential benefits and estimated costs of each proposal. We would be delighted if members of the board or SLT would submit option papers to describe their own proposals. Kristi Brennan and Seth Hamilton resigned from the taskforce, stating they no longer had the bandwidth to support the effort. We propose two new members; seeking board approval on the consent agenda: Bruce Sillers and Frans Koning, From David Baumgart’s report on the Auction: The auction will be held on Saturday evening, November 12, 2016. Please mark your calendars for the 2016 auction. Appendix 2 – The Board Reviewed &Approved the Holly House Taskforce Charter ESUC Board Packet March, 2016 page 9 of 30 Holly House Task Force Ad Hoc Committee Charter Name The name of the ad hoc committee is the Holly House Task Force. Authority The Board of Trustees of the East Shore Unitarian Church (ESUC) formed the Task Force as an ad hoc committee of the Board. Purpose To formulate options for the ESUC Board on the best long-term use of the Holly House property in alignment with ESUC’s mission and vision and Unitarian Universalist principles. Accountability and Reporting The Task Force is accountable to the Board of Trustees, and shall submit a written report at least annually in May to the Board and the congregation as a whole. Membership and Administration The initial Task Force consists of 10 ESUC members, including two co-chairs and a recording secretary (see attached membership list), whom the Board has approved. Membership represents a spectrum of involvement in church leadership and activities. The Task Force will meet monthly. The extended team consists of additional key stakeholders who will receive Task Force minutes and findings, help with specific tasks as appropriate, and provide feedback and guidance (see attached list of the current extended team). Relationship to ESUC’s Mission and Vision As the Task Force carries out its charge, it will draw on these principles, as well as any update of ESUC’s vision and consideration of the implications for ESUC’s financial future. Over the years, the Holly House property, including the original farm house, has served as religious education space, a parsonage, housing for a refugee family, section 8 housing, and rental property. Currently the house is providing transitional housing for women under contract through June 2017. In addition, East Shore members currently maintain a pea patch on the grounds. Engaging the Congregation The success of the Task Force depends on continuously and actively learning and incorporating the perspectives of the congregation. Only by being in step with the congregation will the Task Force be able to formulate, evaluate, and help to implement future possibilities regarding the Holly House property. The activities and deliberations of the Task Force will be open and transparent. The Task Force will update the congregation periodically through the Beacon, starting with the January 2016 issue. Meeting minutes will be available from the Co-Chairs and Recording Secretary. The Task Force will also hold periodic town hall meetings with the congregation. These meetings will update the congregation on Task Force activities, and seek their input. The first town hall meeting will be held as soon as feasible, most likely in early February 2016. At that meeting, the Task Force will inform the congregation about its charge, and solicit options about possible uses of the Holly House property. Timeline - Year 1 November 2015 November 2015April 2016 January 2016 February 2016 Winter 2016 May 2016 June 2016 ESUC Board Packet Complete membership of the Task Force, select Co-Chairs Obtain facts on Holly House property and options for its future status Complete charter of the Task Force Submit revised charter to the ESUC Board for review and approval Hold town hall meeting(s) to inform and seek views of the congregation Report options identified to the Board Report options identified at the annual congregational meeting March, 2016 page 10 of 30 Year 2 June 2016Fall 2016 Fall-Spring 2016 Fall-Winter 2016 May 2017 Evaluate options for future of Holly House property Hold town hall meeting(s) to inform and seek views of the congregation Report the recommended option to the Board for its approval Report implementation plan to the Board for its approval and possible vote by the congregation at its annual meeting in June. Finance - Treasurer Report – Ryam Hill February 2016 Treasurer’s Report Submitted by Ryam Hill, Treasurer All items are for consent agenda. Financial Statement for February 2016: This is included here for review. Our income was more than budgeted and expenses were lower than budgeted for the month. Misc Income looks large this month because it includes both the Endowment money granted for the year to the Operating Fund, as well as a correction moving retained earnings from last year into the Operating Fund. If you have questions about a specific entry, please ask. Other Projects: The policies review team suggest changing the amounts in Policies 2.11, 8b, c, g and h from $5,000 to $10,000. Also suggested is removing the addendum after 2.20 from the policies. I attended the Finance Committee, reviewed the monthly statements and their current financial projects. The Committee discussed long term financial planning and possible scenarios to base them on. Bob Weiss presented some information from the Holly House Task Force and it is clear that some of the reports generated from them will be useful in considering future planning for the church as a whole. Also, the visioning process the church will soon begin will help guide any planning. The Endowment Committee did not hold a February meeting, so there was no follow up on the SRI consideration expressed to Andy Voss, chair, at last month’s meeting. This was postponed to the March meeting. The Budget Team met in February and generated a few new budget scenarios, all keeping the total at or below the approved 4% increase. Based on the results of the OFD, the team will be planning for Town Halls in April with support from the Finance Committee. The next working meeting will be March 22. Reviewing and setting up working processes for Ministry teams continues. The Gallery finances are being integrated in with the full church’s as planned with the wonderful cooperation from their Treasurer, Donna Nolan. Preparation for the interim’s arrival and inclusion in pay/benefits is in process, as well as clarifying some portions of her contract as they relate to the current and projected budget for 2016-17. The plan is to have a smooth transition. Further clarification of member pledge types was completed and new systems to track this better have been implemented. Processes for follow up with all members to help them stay current with their pledging info are in place and plans for end of the fiscal year completion requests are being developed. ESUC Board Packet March, 2016 page 11 of 30 ESUC Board Packet March, 2016 page 12 of 30 President’s Report – Beth Wilson March 15, 2016 I attended the PNWD Assembly last weekend and came away feeling that we're doing a great job at East Shore:-) I attended the workshop on "Nurturing Healthy Congregations" and I think many of us could have taught the workshop. We are already doing virtually all of what was recommended and we've addressed many of the issues they discussed - increased anxiety during transitional times, speaking with one voice, the distinction between secrecy and confidentiality, direct communication, board covenants, non-violent communication - the list goes on:-) Overall, the assembly confirmed to me that the direction we're moving in is the right one for East Shore:-) Our March meeting will include a preliminary discussion of our organizational structure. Vicky Hardy, a member of East Shore and the past CEO of Star Island (a UU/UCC conference center on in New Hampshire) has reviewed our structure of committee, ministry teams, and other groups. She has some initial impressions that she'd like to share with us and I'd like the Board to begin thinking about how we might improve our organizational structure to be more coherent and efficient. The overwhelmingly frequent comment I've heard from from outsiders is "You have so many committees!". And we seem to keep creating more..... Ideally, our structure is guided by our vision/mission, and without a clear vision/mission we struggle to stay focused and cohesive. Elaine's arrival will be a great opportunity to reevaluate our vision/mission, governance structure, long term financial plan and other strategic planning. I'd like us to begin contemplating possible changes now so that the Board is prepared to actively consider changes during our interim minister's time with us. Speaking of which, questions from the Holly House Task Force have highlighted our need for a long term financial plan. The question of how potential proceeds from a possible sale of the HH property is an important one, and one that the Task Force feels is beyond their scope. At the same time, I find it highly unlikely that the congregation would consider selling the property unless we have a clear plan of how proceeds would be used. At this point, it's not clear that selling the property is the best option and the congregation may well decide to use the property in another way. Whatever the decision, a long term financial plan will help to guide us and the congregation in thinking about the longer term financial goals and how to accomplish them. Finally, the Annual Meeting is fast approaching and I'd love for us to "clean-up" the bylaws that haven't been revised in years. There are several inaccuracies in them that would be good to correct and this needs to be done through a congregational vote. I'd like us to form a 3-4 person subcommittee of the Board to evaluate the bylaws and to propose changes that we can present to the congregation for approval in June. Ideally, we will have the potential changes identified by our April meeting and can hold a Board Talk or two to help the congregation understand the proposed changes before the June meeting. Director of Finance & Operations – Jason Puracal March 2016 Consent Agenda Staff issues Vacation Days o Jessie provided to each staff employee an update of how many vacation hours they have accumulated and how many need to be used before June 30, 2016 or lost per Personnel Manual policy. Consequently, most staff have started using their vacation days or have scheduled time off before the end of the fiscal year. We are working together to make sure there continues to be coverage for the church activities. Caretaker Checklist o The new checklist has been put into practice on a trial basis. The caretakers agree that the detailed information provides more guidance, and allows non-verbal ESUC Board Packet March, 2016 page 13 of 30 communication between the caretakers so that our campus is maintained more consistently and efficiently. They did provide feedback on ways to improve the checklist- Gina and Dick Jacke are working to implement those changes. Emails o I continue to discover ongoing email overlaps associated with the transition of staff from the summer of 2015. Some emails are being duplicated on other’s accounts, some systems we use have the incorrect emails listed as the contact person, some systems still have ex-employees personal emails listed as contacts. I have corrected all those that have arose thus far, and am documenting emails/logins/passwords on the master list. Unemployment insurance o I verified with the State of Washington Department of Labor that ESUC, as a religious/faith based organization, is not required to pay unemployment insurance premiums to the State. Rev. Elaine Peresluha o I have been in contact with Elaine to make her transition to East Shore in April as smooth as possible. I have: set her up with an East Shore email address confirmed she will be bringing into the office her own iMac computer reached out to the UUA to setup insurance premiums coverage worked with her to cover professional expenses for conferences in the near future Personnel Committee o The Budget Team requested the Personnel Committee to investigate the potential for East Shore to provide a health care allowance to all employees at some point in the future. As this is a lengthy, complex project, the Personnel Committee has decided they will draft the parameters of the project to present to the BOT in April. Once clarified and approved, they will move forward with the investigation. Maintenance, Repairs, Improvements Fire Marshal Inspection o The Bellevue Fire Marshal came out to inspect our buildings. He noted four violations: We must keep a monthly log of inspecting our emergency lights and fire extinguishers throughout the campus. The vegetation around the fire hydrant and hose connection pipe on the island of the upper parking lot needs to be at least three feet back with a two foot wide clear path to each. The elevator emergency phone and intercom were not working. There is an open permit for the installation of the fire control panel from 2013 by Pacific Fire & Security. o I have addressed these issues by: Having the caretakers setup and log the inspections of the e-lights and extinguishers per recommendations provided by the fire marshal’s office. Grounds Committee and the caretakers worked to clear the encroaching brush on the island. ESUC Board Packet March, 2016 page 14 of 30 Schindler Elevator Company repaired the intercom to the elevator, and Comcast repaired the phone line to the elevator. Pacific Fire & Security has been working with the City of Bellevue and the Fire Marshal’s office to figure out what the pending issues are for the open permit. It appears that we need to have strobe functions along with our horn for the fire alarm, and a remote annunciator on the front of the Admin Building. I am currently waiting on a proposal from Pacific Fire & Security. I will contact Costco Fire Protection for a second quote. North Room Capacity o At the February Board Meeting, the question was raised about the capacity of the North Room. With the help of the Fire Marshal, we determined the capacity to be 65 with tables and chairs, and 190 with standing room only (meaning absolutely no furniture in the room). This information has been posted on the North Room wall. Electrical work o The LED lights under the Sanctuary overhang on the south side of the exterior of the building, and the LED lights on the staircase to the lower parking lot, were not turning off during the day. The photo sensors for these lights were placed where daylight was not prevalent, especially during the winter months. I had electricians resituate these sensors, and now the lights turn off during the day. o The electricians ordered plates for the Sanctuary floor and should be installed by the Board meeting. o Two electrical outlets were installed for the placement of monitors in the Admin and Sanctuary Foyer. TV Monitors o Facilities and Finance Committees approved the installation of TV monitors in the Admin and Sanctuary Foyer. For the Admin Foyer, we will be using a donated monitor. The Sanctuary Foyer monitor was discussed with the Gallery Committee as well. Nicole will be providing and updating the content for these monitors, and the Gallery Committee was encouraged to provide information regarding their show for the monitor. The installation timeline will be discussed at the next Facilities Committee meeting. Funds are being provided by Ace Media Crew and Facilities Reserve Fund. Lower parking lot o The caretakers did a great job working to clean up the lower parking lot and storm water drainage, all prepping for the re-grade. We have contracts in place, the funds available, and the crew standing by. We are waiting on the City of Bellevue for the permit. Thus far, we have passed 4 out of 5 inspections by the various departments within City Hall, so hopefully will be able to move forward with the project shortly. Fix-it Team o Admin Building Doors The repair to the Admin front door that Chris performed did not hold- the door began to lean away from the hinges and would not properly shut. Jerry from the Fix-it team was able to repair the screw holes and thus the door is now back in place. o Thresholds Jerry also installed carpet thresholds for Dianne’s and Jessie’s offices. o Accountant Specialist Dropbox ESUC Board Packet March, 2016 page 15 of 30 There is a security issue with the money drop box for the Accountant Specialist in that thin arms can reach inside to retrieve any deposits left. Jerry is investigating a fix for this issue. o Admin Foyer Table Jerry is building a table for the Admin Foyer monitor. Holly House Shed o Grounds Committee and the caretakers have been reorganizing the Holly House Shed. This will allow greater ease of access and safety for all who use the space. o The gutters of the shed have not been re-installed. I have reached out to Dave Baumgart to follow up with this issue as he led the team that installed the new roof. Ppatch is gearing up again for spring and would like to utilize their rain barrels. Holly House Roof o The Sofia Way did clean the roof and gutters of the Holly House per our request. Spring Hall o We received another complaint by the Pacific Northwest School of Music regarding their piano in Spring Hall. They brought in someone to tune it and found, once again, garbage inside the piano lid, and screws missing to the cover of the keyboard. As this has been an on-going problem, we are now keeping Spring Hall locked except for when there is a registered event for the space. Spring Hall Kitchen remains unlocked. Website o We launched the new website and it is a significant improvement over the old. It is still a work in progress, and we encourage Ministry Teams and Committees to reach out to Nicole with content and photos. o As we are receiving feedback on the new website, Nicole has asked the website committee to meet quarterly to review the feedback as well as an overall review of the website systems, structure, and functionality. o After vetting several options, we have decided to purchase an ACS software package. Currently, we are looking at installing a facilities scheduler, online contributions module, and a people module. These will replace Service U and Icon systems currently in use. It will take some time for setup, training, data transfer and transitioning, however it should significantly help with information flow among staff, as well as to congregants. With this in place, we will be able to de-activate our old website. Signage o The Gallery agreed to assist us with our signage projects and asked Grounds Committee for a referral to a landscape architect. The person referred does not specialize in signage, thus Gallery is still searching for a professional to help. They would like to have an overall plan for all the signage on our campus so that there is uniformity rather than a hodge-podge of different signs. Whatever ideas generated will be communicated to the other groups involved on the project. Pest Control o Our quarterly pest control was completed at the beginning of March. Finance February end of period report o We continued a strong trend of higher than expected income and lower than expected expenses for the month of February. Please note that the income is significantly higher ESUC Board Packet March, 2016 page 16 of 30 than expenses ($54,861) for the period due to the disbursement of the Endowment Fund and the transfer of the surplus from last fiscal year from the balance account to the operating income account. Nevertheless, our pledge income was higher than typical for this time of the year ($51,425 compared to an average of $33,682). We are in great shape financially to date, and on track to meet and exceed our targets for the year. Please see attached Appendix A- Financial Charts for more details. Taxes o The Department of Revenue responded to our request for a Binding Ruling, however was unclear in their statement. We have asked for clarification. We also submitted the necessary documents for DOR to advise us how much we owe on the parking lot rental and are waiting for a response. Ministry Team Accounting o East Shore Live I met with the Committee and spoke with them about forming their own Ministry Team rather than operating under the Chalice Players. They also agreed to change their operating procedures so that we are in compliance with legal requirements. They deposited all their cash, and all monies are now flowing through the church. I still need to research the legalities of the alcohol sales during events. o East Shore Gallery The Treasurer of the Gallery provided her accounting of income and expenses, along with the bank statement, to Jessie by March 5 th as requested. There are a few discrepancies which has prevented Jessie from including the Gallery in this month’s financial reports. Specifically, they are making deposits every 2-3 weeks, and thus we would need to set up a petty cash account for them, which is untypical for a designated account. We will request they deposit weekly, and Jessie can assist in this process. The Gallery accounts will be reflected in the March end of period reports. Operating Fund Drive o I defer to Jack and Tom’s reports as Co-Chairs of this Committee for further details, as well as Nicole’s report, who is playing an instrumental role and helping to improve the process. Endowment Committee o The Endowment Committee did not meet in February, however the annual distribution was transferred to the Operating Fund at the beginning of February as reflected in the end of period report. This amount was higher than the expected amount totaling $41,669, the three-year average year-end market value. These fund were distributed earlier than normal, and 100% came to the Operating Fund due to our budget needs for this fiscal year. o The disbursement from the Endowment Committee to the Operating Fund did raise questions regarding our accounting practices. On our balance sheet, there are two accounts listed for the Endowment Fund: Schwab Money Funds & Schwab Investments. When we asked the advisors which account the monies were transferred from, they responded that they only have one account with Schwab. We now need to research what is the history and use of the two accounts. It is important to note that typically the ESUC Board Packet March, 2016 page 17 of 30 Endowment Fund account was only reconciled annually. We started receiving copies of their bank statements in December 2015 per our request, however Jessie has not had the time to reconcile the accounts as of yet. It is on her to-do list for the month of March. Budget Team o The Budget Team met at the end of February. New scenarios were presented and discussed. More conclusions were reached, and there are still areas that need clarification. The next meeting is scheduled for end of March, and Town Halls will be scheduled for April. Ministry Teams & Committees Holly House Task Force o I did not attend the February HHTF Meeting as I chose to attend the Bryan Stevenson event in Seattle hosted at the same time. The HHTF did finalize their Options Paper outline, and has assigned members of the Task Force to research some of the options thus presented. Their webpage is now live under They are planning for more outreach to the congregation through an eblast and April Beacon article. Grounds o Grounds Committee is considering how to use the $2,000 donation they received from Bob Garthwaite. They are proposing improving drainage, adding pavers, and seating to the area outside the North Room. There is discussion of “selling” the engraving of the pavers to ESUC Members for memorials, quotes, what East Shore means to you, etc. The proposal has not been finalized. Economic Justice Ministry Team o I attended the Economic Justice Committee Meeting at the beginning of March. They have a large event coming up April 3rd regarding Juvenile Detention. Due to the efforts of Louise Wilkinson, there is a panel lined up with some great speakers both supporting and opposed to the proposed new King County juvenile detention center to be constructed in Seattle. Consequently, they have moved from Spring Hall to the Sanctuary. They are still working on their messaging to advertise the event both internally at ESUC and to other UU congregations in the area. Louise did, unfortunately, leave the country for two weeks, so we requested she leave a point person. This raises the question of process for Ministry Teams planning large events, which I will bring up with the ESJCC. o Another workshop on Restorative Justice is planned for April by the Seattle Restorative Justice Center, and several more East Shore members are planning to attend. o I have asked the Economic Justice team to add more content to their board in the North Room. Climate Action Ministry o I attended the Climate Action Ministry Steering Committee Meetings. They hosted a CENSE event that brought in close to two hundred people, many not from East Shore. We were blessed in that the main speaker thanked East Shore for hosting at no cost, however there was a lost opportunity in CAM ESUC Board Packet March, 2016 page 18 of 30 distributing materials and making a 1 minute pitch about their work/ESUC to the group. See follow up below under ESJCC. They are planning a worship service for April 10th with a panel discussion afterwards. The topic is indigenous rights and the relation to climate justice. They are coordinating with several UU churches in the area. Earth and Social Justice Coordinating Council o I attended the Earth and Social Justice Coordinating Council Meeting at the beginning of March. I requested they spread the word to all social justice ministry teams: who are hosting events to outside groups. The Ministry Teams should have literature available regarding their work, and they should be ready with a 30second to 1 minute elevator pitch to welcome the group, explain what the team is/does, and what East Shore is about. Dianne is also spreading this request as Ministry Teams reserve space for events. that there are now tables available in the Sanctuary Foyer before and after service on Sundays. There are a total of four spaces available, and reservations are first come, first serve through Dianne. they should contact Nicole to update their webpage about their group and for publicity for any events. o I sent a copy of the current fiscal year operating budget for all Ministry Teams to ESJCC so they can use this information when discussing budgets with each social justice team during outreach. o Although the ESJCC does not have a Chair, they did chose two contact persons and authorizers for distribution of funds per my request. These are Ann Fletcher and Jenny Hall. Black Lives Matter o The City of Bellevue escalated the inquiry regarding permit requirements to hang a Black Lives Matter banner on the SE corner of our property all the way to the City Attorney’s office. They responded saying that normally banners are only allowed temporarily for two weeks, however they would give us one month without a permit. Consequently, we purchased two banners and hung one on the SE corner of our property (SE 32 nd St & 128 St. SE). The second is a backup in case the first is vandalized, and can be used in the meantime during the flashstances on Sunday morning. We are waiting to see if the City fines us for leaving the banner up in hopes that it will generate some publicity for us. Farmigo o At the request of Essie Hicks, Chair of P-Patch Committee, I met with a representative of Farmigo. Farmigo is a community sourced agriculture (CSA) aggregator. They partner with local (300 mile radius), organic producers to provide produce directly to consumers. They have a website and phone app that allows customers to order their produce on Sundays, and have it delivered to a nearby host location for pickup on Wednesdays. This system without a store front allows them to give $0.60/$1 back to the producers, and greatly reduce the waste normally associated with the food supply chain. They have approached us to become a host site, and there is some financial incentive to do so (10% back on weekly orders over $500). It seems to be a good fit, however there are some minimums and efforts needed on our part. I will continue to evaluate this potential with P-Patch, the Facilities Coordinator, and the congregation. Bryan Stevenson ESUC Board Packet March, 2016 page 19 of 30 o I attended the Bryan Stevenson event in Seattle at First United Methodist Church. He is the author of Just Mercy, a book that was discussed by the Economic Justice Ministry Team over 3 sessions. As the topic was Bryan’s work on fighting wrongful imprisonment, it was near to my heart. It was advantageous to see his speaking style in person. Several members from East Shore were also in attendance, and I am excited to see their passion around the topic. Discussion Agenda None at this time. Respectfully Submitted, Jason Puracal, Director of Finance & Operations ESUC Board Packet March, 2016 page 20 of 30 Appendix A- Financial Charts ESUC Board Packet March, 2016 page 21 of 30 Director of Religious Education – Aisha Hauser Consent Agenda Children and Youth Team During the past few weeks I have been planning for the Our Whole Lives program for two groups of elementary ages, K-1 and 5-6. Two groups of trained OWL leaders planned a teacher information meeting and not enough parents attended to make the classes viable for the spring. We plan on offering the classes in the fall and take a break from offering the junior high age OWL next year. I may look into offering the high school age and adult OWL programs next year. I will begin planning for next year’s RE program in the coming weeks. Attendance averages: 2013-14 - 79 2014-15 – 73 2015-16 – 77 Youth Programs The youth led a wonderful service on February 28th. Thank you to those of you who attended and supported the youth. Tizita, along with Nancy Barnes and Doug Strombom, helped the youth organize the service. Tizita is working well with the youth and the other youth advisors. I will be attending a small youth conference in Seattle the weekend of March 11th. It is a social justice based conference with about sixty youth in attendance. I have been asked to lead a workshop on identity. Lifelong Learning Programs Dianne and I met about changing how we present adult programs. We both came to the conclusion that with our new website and more effective ways of communicating, we will no longer have an adult programs guide published four times a year. Instead, each month we will update the programs and events offered to the community. This way, we have a more dynamic calendar and guide reflective of upcoming events and classes. Previously, the guide would have many classes and some would be cancelled due to lack of enrollment and one month into the new guide, it would seem outdated. We will solicit for classes on an ongoing basis throughout the year. Adult programs winter quarter 2016: 179 General I have been asked to be part of a consulting team made up of two UU ministers who serve congregations in the south and east coast. I will be offering my services on a sporadic basis throughout the year. I do not anticipate that this will interfere with my work at East Shore. Respectfully submitted, Aisha Hauser, MSW Minister of Pastoral Care – Rev. Susan Morrisson Board meeting, March 16, 2016 Report of February-March activities Please check to see if your current contact information is on the ES Contact list. I don’t have access to a phone number for Reed Cundiff, yet he will be my Board support for the worship meeting in April. I know I could get it by emailing him. I also believe every Board member information should be current on the office directory list. ESUC Board Packet March, 2016 page 22 of 30 Persons with Care Needs: One personal hour long conversations with visitor, some spiritual concerns. referrals of concern forwarded to me. I was able to follow up with phone calls. Hospice Home care visit once a week continues. Other referrals coming in from members. The process of contacting me, then contacting the Connections Team for support, and adding an LPM as needed is working very nicely. I also choose to see the referred person myself, depending on circumstances. I follow-up from time to time to see how things are going for persons perviously referred Deaths Noted in Congregation: I contacted family to provide pastoral care as needed. Others in congregation were connected to provide added support. Plans for memorial were discussed. A sudden death occurred. Members of the congregation who were personally connected to partners provided the service. I contacted everyone to offer any help or support. I connected with family to make connections and let them know of East Shore services provided. I was away for part of this time, 5 days in Phoenix. Rev. Karen Taliesin stepped in while I was gone. Pastoral Care Monthly Meeting: New members in distress were noted and assigned. Considering better ways to serve some members by moving them to the Caring Connection Team members; emphasizing contact, but not deep listening. Sermon, Creating Personal Safety Nets. Two sessions have been offered for followup. Led by one of our lay pastoral ministers. Circles Of Caring: Established and functioning well “Grief circle.” “Adults caring for aging parents.” “Women’s Friendship Group.”need more members “Parkinson’s support group” “Men’s group” “Widows group” will be adding a new group, “Cancer survivors” Communication: Caring Connections: Two training meetings have been held on Sundays. Concern: This is such a popular time, that not everyone can attend a training — considering some Internet modality for group connections. Pastoral Care Corner in Sanctuary weekly presence gives congregation members a constant place to connect on Sunday mornings. Staff And Congregation Leaders: Attended staff meetings two times. Very helpful for procedures and requests. Sometimes pastoral care requests come through the office. They have a process for referring to me. This is also a time to increase awareness of problems, then solutions. It is helpful to understand the staff viewpoint!! Respectfully, Rev. Susan Morrisson Minister of Pastoral Care ESUC Board Packet March, 2016 page 23 of 30 Communications & Membership Manager – Nicole Denman March 2016 Consent Agenda Membership On February 28th, we had 7 people sign the membership book. They include: Manny Brown, Molly Clark, Mike Donofree, Leatha & Michael McKenzie, Karin Pierce, and Aimee Woolwine. This is a great, active, diverse group, who I believe will be a great benefit to our membership. On the updated new member form, I asked them to put checkmarks next to activities they would like new information about. I then shared their names, emails, and phones, with the chair of the corresponding committee. I have heard from some chairs they have gotten a good response. Also, one of the new members will be a new office volunteer! Visitors have been steady, with some already interested in the next East Shore and You Class, which I hope to have in the late spring. Our membership team continues to reach out to visitors with information. With the Operating Fund Drive and the Search Nominating Committee, I am hearing from people who have moved away from East Shore. Some going back to old church homes, others who are asking to be removed from membership with no explanation. After both groups are done reaching out, I hope to clean up the membership database and have an accurate number. A cleanup will be essential before we do a database conversion to ACS. I will make sure we keep data for past members in an excel sheet, in case anyone returns, but I do think having a cleaned up database that is not cluttered with “potential members” who have not been seen in years would be great. Communications I have begun evaluating the bulletin boards in the RE building outside of Spring Hall. One of those boards will be designated for outside East Shore events while the other will be designated for events happening at East Shore. I have received good response from the changes in the North Room. I also hope to have up and running in the next week or two, the screen in the Administration Building. The TV was donated, and we will have the TV on a ledge that is being built. This screen will have upcoming events and large announcements, similar to the ones that you find on the screen in the RE building. I am also looking forward to the addition of the screen in the Sanctuary lobby, which will be installed by the Facilities team. Website The new website,, is getting fairly good reviews. I have reached out to the Website Committee to see if we can meet on a quarterly basis to discuss suggestions/changes that are requested by members that would require a change to the design of the site. I am looking forward to getting the new software, ACS, which Dianne will be able to use for scheduling. This will allow us to put all the events and calendar on the new website, which will allow us to say goodbye to the old website. Marketing & Outreach I have been working with a small group of Bill Austin, April Atwood, Becky Davie, and Shirley Worth to discuss marketing and outreach. We ordered a generic ESUC banner which can be used for events or at the Black Lives Matter corner. Working with Jason, two Black Lives Matter banners were also ordered. One is on the corner of 32nd and 128th. Our group is also one of a few that are working with Facilities to build a new sign on our property. I believe a solid, bright, well-lit sign can get the attention of those driving by the church every night. ESUC Board Packet March, 2016 page 24 of 30 Operating Fund Drive We mailed out pledge cards to all those who have not yet pledged, and are getting a great response. Currently, 118 people have responded, with 112 pledges (6 people responded with no pledge). We are also at $387, 140 – nearly halfway to the pledging goal! I had to combine information from several sources, but believe I now have a clear worksheet to collect pertinent data from and build upon. This will not only make the pledge drive easier in the future, it will also help with keeping track of membership. I am hoping this information can be converted into the new database. Worship Numbers February 7: 135 February 14: 163 February 21: 138 February 28: 135 (this was a multigenerational service, but children were not counted – I have asked ushers to begin counting children in the future in these services) March 6: 142 (Stewardship Sunday) Respectfully submitted by, Nicole Denman Communications & Membership Manager Liaison Reports Holly House Taskforce, Auction, Facilities Com Update for the ESUC Board meeting scheduled for February 16 Prepared by David Baumgart, Board Liaison Holly House Taskforce Our taskforce is now meeting monthly. Our next meeting is Wednesday, March 30 at 7pm in the pastor’s office / conf room. We now have about 20 folks listed as members of our extended team. I have made arrangements with Nicole to have all our minutes and significant documents available on the new East Shore website: . From the Home Page Navigate as follows: * Click on Connections * Click on Member Groups * Click on Holly House Task Force * Scroll to the bottom of the Introductory page to find a list of posted documents. Option Papers – Due April 15 We are now actively soliciting brief Option Papers that will outline proposals for the long term use of the HH property. A template has been posted on the new website and is labelled “Option Forms”. We have requested that all option papers be brief and be submitted by April 15, 2016. This will allow the taskforce to be prepared to brief the Board at the May 17 meeting on submitted options and what appears to be a short list of feasible options that are well-aligned with the East Shore mission. This request will also be the subject of an April Beacon article. We would be delighted if members of the board or SLT would submit option papers to describe their own proposals. Our task force is now: Bob Weiss and Lee Dorigan are co-leaders Abbie Birmingham David Baumgart (secretary) ESUC Board Packet March, 2016 page 25 of 30 Vic Bloomfield Jason Puracal (Dir of Finance & Operations) Jane Sisk Mary Anderson Bruce Sillers Frans Koning HHTF Charter – Silent on Financial Planning The board approved the initial charter in February. In recent communications, it has become apparent that the task force has questioned to what degree they are responsible for suggesting the appropriate use of any proceeds or income associated with the various options that may be suggested. In fact, many of the members of the task force would like to see long term financial planning under active consideration by the Board, or by the Finance Com, or by an appropriate task force. Beth Wilson, who attended the Feb 24 meeting of the task force will include this question on the agenda for the Board on March 15. Facilities Committee [Please refer to Jason Puracal’s monthly report.] Note: our Facilities income shows a $4,351 surplus while our Facilities related expenses are $12,302 less than budget. Grounds Committee The next workday scheduled by the Grounds Com is Sunday, March 28 following the worship service. David Faassen has resigned his position as chair of the Grounds Com. As of mid February, we were soliciting nominations for the new leader of the Grounds Com. On an interim basis, Ruth Edwards has agreed to be the focal point for communications with Grounds. Auction 2016 East Shore's annual auction is going to be led by JoAnne Way as our chair person. The team is planning their first working meeting in May. We have reserved Paul, our favorite auctioneer, once again. The auction will be held on Saturday evening, November 12, 2016. Please mark your calendars for the 2016 auction. Respectfully submitted, David Baumgart – Board liaison for HH Taskforce, Facilities, Grounds, & 2016 Auction ------------------------------Earth & Social Justice Liaison Report for Board’s March 15, 2016 meeting. Prepared by Marilyn Mayers Beloved Conversations/Racial Justice: Sunday morning vigils continue to be held at 8:30 am before East Shore’s weekly church service. The next Beloved Conversations session has been deferred until the fall. Climate Action Ministry Team: CAM sponsored a community event for CENSE (Coalition of Eastside Neighborhoods for Sensible Energy) on February 19th. About 200 people attended. Speakers focused on Puget Sound Energy’s controversial plan to build a 230,000 volt transmission line through five Eastside cities which would take down thousands of trees. CAM hosted its third “Climate Awakening Breakfast” on March 6th. The topic for conversation focused on the relationship between climate change and social justice and why we are more drawn emotionally to one or the other. About twenty people attended including four from University Unitarian Church in Seattle. ESUC Board Packet March, 2016 page 26 of 30 CAM organized an evening forum on Energy Efficiency and Solar power on March 14th. The idea was to share practical information about solar installation and an update on legislation related to alternative sources for energy. East Shore members are encouraged to attend the next in a series of lectures hosted by University Unitarian Church in Seattle. On April 5 at 7:00, Dave Peterson, Professor in the School of Environmental and Forest Sciences at the UW will be talking about: “How NW Forests Will Respond to Climate Change.” CAM is involved in organizing the April 10th service focused on bringing in Native American voices to highlight the impact of climate change on Native communities. In the afternoon of the same day, a related workshop is being planned hosted by East Shore to which UU Churches around the Puget Sound area are invited. A Climate Citizens Lobby session is scheduled to be held at East Shore the morning of May 14th. More on this later. May 14th is also the date for the 25th Penn Cove Water Festival in Coupeville, Whidbey Island. This is an event in which Native Americans race traditional canoes. Last year over 300 participants, mostly youth, paddled. East Shore members are invited to attend and volunteer along with Unitarians from other Washington UU congregations! Earth & Social Justice Coordinating Council The Friendship Dinner held on February 22nd here at East Shore to welcome the local Muslim community was well attended and received. Imams from the Islamic Center of the Eastside in Bellevue, the Muslim Association of Puget Sound in Redmond and the IMAN Center in Kirkland came and spoke. The NW Regional Director of the Pacifica Institute also spoke. More people came than anticipated-about 100-120 adults came and about 15-20 children. Pacific Institute has invited East Shore Board members and congregants to attend an evening breaking of the Ramadan fast in June or July. More details to come. The ESJCC intends to organize follow-up events to the Friendship Dinner later this year. One idea being bandied about is to host a summer picnic at South Lake Sammamish park. The ESJCC gathered lists of many attendees for help in publicizing future events. The ESJCC discussed ways to address logistical issues raised during the Friendship dinner if we hold future events. Congregants are encouraged to attend the series of interfaith “Standing Together” events hosted by the Muslim Association of Puget Sound in conjunction with other interfaith groups. The next one is on Sunday March 20th from 4:00-6:00 at the Newport Presbyterian Church. Congregants are also encouraged to attend the City of Bellevue’s Neighborhoods Forum on March 16th at 7:00 at Bellevue City Hall. The topic: “A Dialogue with our Muslim Neighbors”. ESJCC members have begun conversations with ESJ teams to find out more about their plans and needs for the upcoming year. ESJCC plans to encourage ESJ teams to highlight their work in the sanctuary foyer periodically. The ESJCC is planning a Spring Kick-off for MAY 15th to celebrate the work of ESJ teams at East Shore. Teams will highlight their successes and introduce themselves to Rev. Persluha and connect with one another. Economic Justice Team Seven people from East Shore are planning to attend a Restorative Justice workshop on April 2nd. Three people from East Shore attended a similar workshop in January. The idea is to bring restorative justice into our church community as an approach to conflict resolution. The team is organizing a symposium here at East Shore on April 3rd on issues related to juvenile detention. Panelists include speakers from the Innocence Project at the UW Law school, King County Juvenile Justice Office, ESUC Board Packet March, 2016 page 27 of 30 and Unleash the Brilliance (A diversion program for youth in trouble with the law), Seattle Restorative Justice and Rev. Terry Stewart, Director of the Youth Chaplaincy Coalition. The symposium will explore alternative to juvenile detention. Second Sunday The congregation donated $1,466.65 to Planned Parenthood for the Second Sunday collection in February. Barakat, Inc., an organization dedicated to providing education for women and children in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India, has been selected to receive East Shore’s 2nd Sunday offering in March. UUSC: An additional $128.40 was collected during January and February for UUSC’s Guest At Your Table campaign resulting in an updated tally of $2,185.72. UUSC/UUA are highlighting the month between World Water Day (March 22) and Earth Day (April 22nd) as Climate Justice month. Women’s Perspective/Women-Helping Women As a sponsor of Seven, a play about violence against women shown at Town Hall on March 6th, East Shore was allowed to have a table in the foyer to showcase East Shore. We provided brochures about East Shore generally and Women’s Perspective activities. East Shore also appeared in the evening’s program. WP women gathered in February and put together over 92 packets of feminine hygiene items for the ongoing Day4Girls project. At the Women’s Retreat (March 11-13), a special collection was held to support Barakat, an organization that WP/WHW has supported for some years. WHW members continue to provide meals to Sophia Way regularly on a monthly basis. Liaison Report for Board’s March 15, 2016 meeting. Prepared by Tom Doe OFD and Stewardship I had a discussion with Amanda Strohmbom about Stewardship and there are no current updates. There will likely be the next connection team leader meetings in June. The OFD has officially started with over $350,000 in pledges so far. Next event: Pancake Breakfast March 20. Liaison Report for Board’s March 15, 2016 meeting. Prepared by Marc Wanless Gallery: I attended the gallery meeting on 3/6. The Gallery is on board with installing a visual display board on the panel that currently holds information about East Shore and the UU tradition in the foyer. Timing to be worked out with Earl and the Ace Media Team. The display will have information regarding east shore, the service, etc. during periods where the sanctuary is in use, and the rest of the time will display gallery information. This was viewed as a win/win by the Gallery and the ACE Media Team. I have not had an opportunity to speak with Jason and Nicole to see how that fits in with their needs, but at the least it's a step in the right direction. The current gallery show, "Pieces" will conclude on 3/13. It has been an ESUC Board Packet March, 2016 page 28 of 30 exceptionally successful show! The next show, "Art & Science", will begin on 3/20 and should be a fantastic assortment of pieces from diverse artists. The gallery discussed the new accounting requirements and were understanding of the requirement. They will be providing reports to Jason and/or Jessie moving forward. Finally, the team has questions about the new website format and the placement/visibility of their page. They feel that the gallery is difficult to find with the new format and had questions about the formatting of their specific page. I took an action to speak with Nicole and/or Jason to understand what processes exist for modifying content or layout. My recommendation is that we develop a one-pager for this that can be provided to all groups so that Nicole is not inundated with requests. Personnel Due to a work requirement I was unable to attend the Personnel Committee Meeting on Monday, 3/7. Jason Puracal did attend and you can find more detailed information in his report. The major takeaway is that a request has been made of the Personnel Committee to investigate the implications of ESUC adding a health care allowance to staff salaries in the 2017/18 year. An allowance was added for this purpose two years ago, but re-evaluating how this is working for all of our staff members is probably appropriate now that we have some time under this arrangement and since most of our staff has turned over in that time frame. This could have significant budget impact, so I will keep the board informed. At this point, the direction is simply to investigate. Please review Jason's report for further information. Proposed Policy Changes 3/16/16 2.11 Financial Condition and Activity With respect to the church’s actual ongoing financial condition and activities, the Staff Leadership Team shall not cause or allow the development of fiscal jeopardy or material Policies - Page 6 deviation of actual expenditures from Board priorities. Accordingly, the Staff Leadership Team may not: 1. Expend more funds than have been received in the fiscal year to date, including allowing cash to drop below the amount needed to settle payroll and debts in a timely manner; 2. Fail to inform the Board of any unexpected or undesignated income; 3. Fail to settle payroll and debts in a timely manner; 4. Allow tax payments or other government ordered payments or filings to be overdue or inaccurately filed; 5. Acquire, encumber, or dispose of real property; 6. Fail to appropriately pursue unpaid pledges after a reasonable amount of time; 7. Fail to aggressively pursue unpaid non-pledge receivables after a reasonable amount of time; 8. Receive, process, or disperse funds under controls insufficient to meet generally accepted standards. These standards shall minimally include the following: a. All disbursements must be within board approved budget levels b. Up to $5,000 $10,000, checks will be signed by two authorized signators c. Over $5,000 $10,000, checks will be signed by (1) either Board President, Vice President or Treasurer and ESUC Board Packet March, 2016 page 29 of 30 (2) a Staff Leadership Team member d. Emergency disbursements can be made by authorized signators, with immediate notification to Board President and Treasurer e. All contracts must be within board approved budget levels f. All contracts must be reviewed by Finance Committee after execution g. Contracts up to $5,000 $10,000 may be signed by one Staff Leadership Team member h. Contracts (including all mortgages or instruments of indebtedness) over $5,000 $10,000 must be signed by Board President, Vice President or Treasurer i. One Time Authority: Board may establish separate contract and disbursement policies for capital projects to insure timely, effective management of project. (March 20, 2012) Remove Addendum (following 2.20) from policies (rationale, no longer relevant): ADDENDUM: SANCTUARY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT The following policy was adopted by the Board on March 20, 2012, to cover the Sanctuary Improvement Project: Delegation of Authority for Sanctuary Project Consistent with board policy, the following delegation of authority is established for the Sanctuary Project Delegation of Authority Contracts and change orders must be within approved budget and contingency. Final contract bids must be reviewed by the Sanctuary Committee prior to contract signature. Contracts up to $10,000 must be signed by one of the following (Court Olson, Dave Baumgart) Contracts over $10,000 must be signed by one of the following (Court Olson, Dave Baumgart) and one of the following (board President, Vice President or Treasurer) Contract change orders, modifications to work or schedule changes must be approved by one of the following (Court Olson, Dave Baumgart) Use of the project contingency requires approval of two of following three individuals: Board President, Vice President or Treasurer. ESUC Board Packet March, 2016 page 30 of 30