Links between the atmospheric environment and cirrus properties
Links between the atmospheric environment and cirrus properties
LINKS BETWEEN THE ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT AND CIRRUS PROPERTIES: A SYNERGETIC APPROACH USING IR AND ACTIVE SOUNDERS AND METEOROLOGICAL REANALYSES C. Stubenrauch, A. Feofilov, T. Nicolas, and R. Armante Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique, IPSL/CNRS, Université de Pierre et Marie Curie, Ecole Polytechnique, France E-mail:[email protected] Occurrence of high-level clouds Climate monitoring with IR Sounders TOVS, ATOVS, AIRS, CrIS, IASI (1,2,3), ISCCP July IASI-NG TOVS Path-B, AIRS-LMD participated in Cloud Assessment 1rst coordinated intercomparison of 12 ‘state of the art’ global cloud datasets (Stubenrauch et al., BAMS 2013) >1979 / ≥ 1995 NOAA ≥2002 / ≥ 2012 NASA ≥2006 / ≥ 2012 / ≥ 2020 CNES-EUMETSAT local observation time: 7:30 AM/PM, 1:30 AM/PM, 9:30 AM/PM long time series -> climate studies increasing spectral resolution: cloud properties from multiple satellite instruments provide coherent picture, differences well understood: AIRS-LMD CAH depends on sensitivity to thin Ci (30% spread) -> increasing vertical resolution (H2O in UT) active lidar > IR sounders > VIS-NIR-IR imagers > multi-angle VIS imagers retrieval day & night RHice, aerosols & cirrus 40-45% of all clouds are high clouds (COD>0.1) CAHR=CAH/CA CAH(AIRS) ≈ 0.33-0.35 (glb), 0.45-0.50 (trp) IASI-LMD (depending on atmospheric & surf ancillary data) A-Train synergy (AIRS-CALIPSO-CloudSat): unique opportunity for global retrieval method validation vertical structure of cloud types July AIRS-IASI synergy: diurnal cycle of high clouds AIRS-LMD L2 cloud data distributed by ICARE: 1 TOVS Path-B & AIRS-LMD L3 cloud data available at cloud pressure (CP) & optical depth (COD) or cloud emissivity (CEM) CEM class : 0.05-0.25 0.25-0.5 0.5-0.75 0.75-0.9 0.9-1 1 ISCCP day day + night 2 Hilton et al., BAMS 2012 CEM-CP high-cloud Weather States 42 CEM-CP classes -> 13 CEM-CP Weather States; 5 including high clouds: AIRS-LMD vertical extent ISCCP per cloud class: incl subvis Ci excl subvis Ci TOVS-B AIRS-LMD IASI-LMD geographical distribution & seasonal cycle similar Identification of cloud classes CALIPSO RH profiles CEM vertical extent increases with CP & CEM; similar contributions of single layer Ci & Ci + low cld Vertical structure from coloc. CALIPSO-CloudSat GEOPROF (Mace et al. 2009) WS’s distinct vertical & horizontal structures & radiative effects vertical structure per cloud class Distribution of ISCCP WS’s per AIRS-LMD WS Comparison with ISCCP Clouds extended objects, driven by dynamics -> cloud systems (Tselioudis et al. 2013): good agreement; thin Ci, Ci over low cld : often indicated by ISCCP as fair weather 3 mesoscale grid: occurrence of these classes -> weather states (Tselioudis et al. 2013) 4 1 Ice Supersaturation: Ci occurrence & impact of contrails Detection of ice supersaturation (ISS) probability of ISS presence in layer by calibration with MOZAIC (commercial aircraft) 200-250 hPa Lamquin 2009; Lamquin et al., ACP 2012 from CALIPSO ISS important for understanding Ci formation & for detecting regions where persistent aviation contrails may develop IR Sounders retrieve water vapour within atmospheric layers of km’s => underestimation of RHice : AIRS peak for cirrus at 70% (instead of 100%) improved spectral resolution : IASI peak for cirrus at 80-85% frequency of potential contrail situations AIRS from AIRS ISS often occurs in vertical layers < 500 m Ci occurrence increases with ISS occurrence stronger increase in tropics than in midlat (different formation mecanism?) tropics AIRS saturated region integrated from ISS occurrence weighted by flight altitude air traffic density Stubenrauch and Schumann GRL 2005 25 pot. Contrails clr+thin Ci 22,5 AIRS IASI eff. cloud amount TOVS extract meteorological situations for potential contrails Increase of thin cirrus over Europe IASI 17,5 15 12,5 10 7,5 2.8-3.5% (±1.5%) per decade ~0.19% - 0.25% per decade (all situations) 5 RHi (%), radiosondes 20 Europe 5 87,5 88 88,5 89 89,5 90 90,5 91 91,5 92 92,5 93 93,5 94 94,5 time (years) 95 6 Diurnal cycle of high-level clouds Cirrus ice crystals <-> IWP <-> mesoscale humidity, winds ISCCP (3hourly): max of high clouds in evening (significant over tropical land) (Cairns Atm. Res. 1995) TOVS (2 sat, time drift) : Cirrus increase during afternoon & persist during night, thickening Stubenrauch et al. Atm. Res. 2004 (Stubenrauch et al. J. Climate 2006) on average smaller than latitudinal & seasonal variations, often localized => when using 2 different instruments (AIRS-IASI synergy), use same ancillary data (ERA-Interim) IWP & De increase with atmospheric water vapor largest IWP in case of strong vertical updraft smallest De in case of strong hor. & vert. winds AIRS 1:30AM IASI 9:30AM January 2009 AIRS 1:30PM IASI 9:30PM TOVS-ERA synergy Guignard et al. ACP 2012 CAH(t)-0.25*S i=1,4CAH(ti) ITCZ: high-level clouds develop during the evening & persist during night (in agreement with TOVS) NH winter land: cirrus develop in the morning / afternoon Fraction of aggregate-like ice crystals & De increase with IWP AIRS-LMD retrieval Outlook: 7 • build a synergetic climate database including Ci properties, ISS probability, dynamics • Lagrangian studies of atmospheric flow linked to cirrus, in cooperation with B. Legras (LMD) • link ISS & dust loading to Ci 8
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