Oct - Imperial Golf Estates
Oct - Imperial Golf Estates
The News at Imperial Golf Estates October 2012 Issue 10-12 GIB GATEHOUSE Voice Mail: GIB Gatehouse Fax: 597-2005 597-1069 IGEHOA PLATINUM PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Property Manager: Amy Bruener 596-1031 Platinum PM Fax 596-1082 Email: [email protected] Acct: Kevin Gaffney 405-2206 [email protected] WEB MASTER: Mike Shields [email protected] IGEHOA Website: www.IGENaples.Info THE BOARD 2012 Pres. Harlan Dam 596-3114 [email protected] V.P. Michele Korri 304-6340 [email protected] Treas. Bob Neff 598-9893 [email protected] Sect. Ed Lindsay 431-5950 [email protected] Dir. Jim McCauley 405-2206 [email protected] Dir. Leonard Joyce 384-9181 [email protected] Dir. Charles McElligott 591-2313 [email protected] COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS: ARB - Michele Korri 304-6340 [email protected] Security - Harlan Dam 596-3114 [email protected] Entrada Gate Committee Charles McElligott 591-2313 [email protected] Superintendent Mark Thieme 227-9201 [email protected] GIB PROPERTY MANAGER Gulf Breeze Management Michelle Pacitto 498-3311 ARB COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Ruth Bethem, Janard Clemente, Duff McKenzie, & Ron Mamrick IMPERIAL GOLF ESTATES HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION INC. Reminders: Annual Election of Directors – We will be electing 4 Directors next January at the Annual Meeting. Please consider running for the Board! Contact any Director to discuss serving your community or request a Candidate Information Sheet from the Property Manager’s office at 239-596-1031. The Greater Imperial Board has reduced the price of windshield mounted smart passes for the front gate from $40 to $30 IF you turn in a registered and operational hard card smart pass. Contact the GIB Property Manager - Gulf Breeze Mgt. Svcs. located at 8910 Terrene Ct, Bonita Springs, FL 34135. Their phone number is 239-498-3311. You must call in and authorize all of your guests and vendors to the front gate call in voice mail at 597-2005. If calling from a registered telephone number you will not need your five digit PIN but if calling from a telephone number not registered to your residence you will need your five digit PIN. Previously issued PIN numbers and answers to question about the operation of the front (US41) gate are available from the GIB Property Manager, Gulf Breeze Management Services at 498-3311. Highlights of Oct 25, 2012 BOD Meeting: The meeting was called to order at 8:30 A.M. by President Dam. Those also present were Vice President Korri, Treasurer Neff, Secretary Lindsay and Director McElligott, Director Joyce and Director McCauley as well as Superintendent Mark Thieme and Amy Bruener from Platinum Property Management, and four residents. A quorum was present. Review of Minutes: The minutes of the Sep 27, 2012 BOD Meeting minutes were approved as presented. Treasurer's Report: (Treasurer Bob Neff) Financials and Special Assessment – As of Sep 30, 12 Operating Cash Reserves Total Cash & Reserves Accounts Receivable Total Current Assets Total Liabilities $93,762 (Iberia) $331,386 (CNL Bank) $425,148 $134,397 (Special Assessment $42,922) $573,029 $437,460 Treasurers Comments: For the month ending September 30, 2012, Imperial HOA operated at a surplus in terms of net ordinary income. The monthly income surplus for September was $6,994 while the year-to-date surplus equaled $34,984. While there was no single line item that accounted for the surplus, the combination of $3,196 of total income and total expenses falling $3,799 under budget resulted in the surplus. 1 Imperial Golf Estates Homeowners Association, Inc. Platinum Property Management 1016 Collier Center Way, Suite 102 Naples, FL 34110 PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID PERMIT 524 NAPLES, FL trimming at $780.00, the North Side Irrigation Project for NTE $5,000.00, and the Mulch Project for $2,007.00. It should be noted that $2000 of the total monthly income was the result of fine collection. This is the second month in a row that we operated with an income surplus. Newsletter income for the month of September was reported at $1,187. While this is a strong number, last week I deposited newsletter ad checks for $3,900. This will of course not show up until next month, but it reflects strong demand for ad space this season. Additionally, many of the ads were for larger sizes and for multiple months. We are currently exploring ways of reducing printing costs, which have risen this year. I hope to have a report for the Board next month on this issue. Gulf Breeze Mgmt. has sent a letter to the GIB indicating they do not plan to renew their contract when it expires at the end of December. Their letter indicated a number of reasons for no longer having an interest in being the Property Manager for the GIB. The GIB plans to send out a RFP (Request for Proposal) to approx. 7 prospective Property Management Companies. Beautification has met with Bain Seal Coating regarding the repair of the cutting of the asphalt at the driveway entrance near the Passage to India Restaurant after the new irrigation system is installed on the north side of the exit road. Fall plantings have been done at the gate house window boxes and plans are being made for the Holiday Decorations & Lighting. Gulf Breeze stated that there were 48 smart passes sold last month (25 in 2011). They have already had 57 of the old hard plastic smart passes turned in. Special assessment account receivable dropped to a new low of $42,922 versus $53,867 reported last month. This includes the potential for $20,000 for bad debts. Regular accounts receivable were $91,475 but also reflects the timing of regular quarterly dues. In fact, we continue to make good progress with collections.. For the full month, we received two transfer fees ($1000) while the year-to-date recorded $18,500 or 37 homes sold. IGEHOA Superintendents Report: (Mark Thieme) Drainage: Drilled drain holes in all drain lids Gate House: Scrub gate house and clean all Entrada street lights of Black Widows. Imperial Wall: Scrub wall prior to Rios painting. Perimeter: Sprayed fence line along Entrada of growth. Reflectors: Replaced all missing reflectors. Mark will monitor Princess Forest for overgrowth of exotics and have them removed as necessary. The September Treasurers Report was approved as presented. Final Discussion and Vote on 2013 Annual Budget: The 2013 IGEHOA Budget was approved as presented to Homeowners. The 2013 Quarterly Maintenance Assessment will be $368 per quarter for lots with homes. Beautification/ Common/Park Areas: (President Dam) We experienced a problem with the new pump at the Cypress Preserve Common area. It has since been repaired and is back running normally. Due to a good rainy season, our subsurface aquifers are full going into the dry season. Hopefully this will prevent any water restrictions this coming dry season. Chuck & Mark did an excellent job of monitoring the amount of water released for the impending Hurricane Isaac and we are currently retaining the maximum amount of water in our lakes. Near the end of the last dry season, we actually experienced some fish kill in the Empress Lake retention area due to the low water levels. Resident Balances: (President Harlan Dam) No Report Newsletter Items: (Treasurer Neff): We are working on updating and correcting the mailing list for the newsletter. Numerous ads have been received for upcoming newsletters. GIB Report: (President Harlan Dam): For September, 2012 the GIB was under budget by $ 1,636.16 for the month. Year to date the GIB is over budget by $2,586.02. Income year to date is $16,270.55 over budget, primarily due to Gate Tag Income. Some expense line items were over budget, primarily in General & Administrative and landscaping, while Utilities and Maintenance are under budget at this time. The GIB’s insurance expenses will go over budget next month as they will be paying for their new Privacy Liability Insurance recommended by their attorney related to the Driver’s License Scanner operation. Reserve account balance is $204,072.09. Total Liabilities and Equity are $233,355.08. Reserve Balances are increasing with just over $18,700.15 in the Gate House Renovation Reserve that will be available for future installation of a backup generator for the gate house in 2013. The 2013 budget transfers $15,000.00 from the Gate House Renovation Reserve into the Generator Reserve to fully fund this project. Several projects that have been approved by the GIB but not yet accomplished that will have an impact are the Queen Palm Roads and Walkpaths: (Secretary Ed Lindsay) No change in status for roads and walkpaths. Stormwater Drainage System: (Director McElligott) We had a very nice end to the rainy season, which has left our lakes in good shape for the dry season. No storm lids where replaced last month and Mark has replaced a total of six this year. 2 Collier County President’s Council on 10-12-12: (President Dam) The guest speaker this month was Mary Jane Cary of the University of Florida Extension Service. Board of Directors Election: The Board continues to ask residents to consider running for the Board of Directors in January 2013, as there will be three positions open. Contact the Property Manager’s Office (239-5961031) to receive an application package to run for the IGEHOA Board of Directors. Support your community! Please include your Account Number (Phase and Lot Number) and coupon with all Special Assessment payments and mail in the envelope provided to IGEHOA, PO Box 9056, Naples, FL 34101-9056 Lot Owners can contact Kevin or Gina in Platinum Accounting at 239-434-8866 if you need another coupon book or to discuss the coupon book process. Community Excellence Award Application: Director Joyce is working with Resident Debbie Frost on the application process. Future Board of Director Meetings – BOD Meetings are held at the Weybridge Clubhouse, 8:30 AM; Nov 15; Dec 20; Annual Member’s Meeting Jan 28 at Imperial Golf Club; BOD Meetings Jan 3, Feb 28, Mar28, Apr 25 New Business: None. Homeowner Issues: Resident of 1817 Princess Court spoke to the Board on his concerns about the drainage issue on the cul de sac. Princess Drainage project has been approved by the county and was on hold until an agreement between the association and the resident came to a resolve to move a tree on the resident’s property. The resident agreed at the expense of the association to allow the said tree to be relocated on his property and drainage improvements will move forward. Note: Contents of this newsletter are not official and only the approved minutes represent the Association If you would like to advertise a service or product in the Estates Newsletter please contact: Bob Neff 598-9893, or e-mail to: [email protected] for rate and deadline information. An Advertising Request Form will be sent to you for completion. We accept existing ads, business cards and photos. Submissions of existing art need to be in jpg, tiff or pdf format, (300DPI, RGB or CMYK). We can also design an ad for you. For submissions of art work and files or ad design and layout please email your information to: Greg Hierro 592-7501, [email protected] Quarterly Maintenance Fees - Coupon/Due Dates 2012 Quarterly Maintenance Fee $355.00/Qtr. Next Quarterly Payment due Jan 1, 2013 at the new rate of $368 per quarter. Coupon about Dec 1, Payment DUE JAN 1; Coupon about Mar 1, Payment DUE APR 1; Coupon about Jun 1, Payment DUE JUL 1; Coupon about Sep 1, Payment DUE OCT 1. RESIDENT CLASSIFIED ADS Quarterly Maintenance Fees - Please include your Account Number (Phase and Lot Number) on all payments to preclude any delay in processing. The Account Number is on the coupon that should be returned with your payment. Owners with multiple lots must indicate how they wish their payments applied. The correct mailing address for Quarterly Maintenance Assessments is Imperial Golf Estates Homeowners Association, Inc., PO Box 9056, Naples, FL 34101-9056. If you are using an automatic bill pay service, give them this address for mailing purposes and ask that they include your Account Number (Phase and Lot Number) on all payments. REMINDER – Special Assessment Quarterly Payment First Increment - Your last quarterly First Increment Special Assessment payment of $184.90 from your coupon book was due Sep 1, 2012. Second Increment - Next payment for both increments is due Dec 1, 2012. Use the provided envelope. Imperial residents can place a classified ad in The Estates Newsletter to sell household items within Imperial Golf Estates at NO CHARGE. Residents can also place Rental Property ads for properties within Imperial Golf Estates. Ads should be 4 lines or less. Simply email your text ad to Greg at: [email protected] IMPORTANT NUMBERS TO KEEP HANDY Quarterly Special Assessment - Coupon/Due Dates Coupon Feb 1, Payment DUE MAR 1; Coupon May 1, Payment DUE JUN 1; Coupon Aug 1, Payment DUE SEP 1; Coupon Nov 1, Payment DUE DEC 1. 9 Sheriff Non-Emergency----------------- 252-9300 Domestic Animal Control-------------- 252-7387 Humane Society Animal Shelter----- 643-1555 Garbage / Waste Pick-up--------------- 252-2380 Solid Waste Management-------------- 252-2508 Code Enforcement----------------------- 252-2440 Comcast------------------------------------- 432-9277 Naples Daily News Circulation Dept 263-4839 Current Activity as of October 31st 2012 (Averages are for Year 2012) Active Houses on the Market Pending with Contingencies Pending with No Contingencies Closed Sales During 2012 from 1/12 - 10/12 Average 2012 Sales Price 25 1 2 37 $394,061 Average 2012 Price Per Sq. Ft. $153.44 Closed Foreclosures or Short Sales 8 Non Foreclosure Average 2012 Sales Price $415,810 Non Foreclosure Average 2012 Price Per Sq. Ft. $169.69 IGE Residents: Full Time 70% Seasonal 30% Source: From Naples MLS Provided by John R Wood Inc. She discussed “Florida Friendly Landscaping”. We are in what is considered a sub-tropical region and when looking for plants, shrubs, trees and palms, we should be looking for items that do well in climate Zone 10. She emphasized that there is a trend to plant less turf / grass now and going to larger planting beds to minimize the amount of fertilizer and irrigation needed in your landscaping. This is also a cost saving year over year. When laying out planting beds, one should be using various plants that vary in shapes, colors, textures and leaf types to create a pleasant planting to the eye. It appears that Inpatients may not do well again this year so she recommends the use of Begonias, Phlox Intensia, German red geraniums, Caladiums, and Euphoria Diamond Frost, as some plants that will do well. She also said that the piece of cork that resides in rain sensors needs to be changed yearly or they will not work. She also stated that no HOA ordinance or restriction may prohibit a resident from using Florida Friendly Landscaping practices on their property. will also have a truck there doing shredding. A neighborhood clean-up day is planned on Saturday December 1st. at the corner of Rt. 41 and 97th. St. The County will have dumpsters there to drop off items. Entrada (Marquis) Gate and Road: (Director McElligott) We will be repainting the back gate house next year and Mark is getting bids for the project. I have the bid for the 360’ camera as well as the pole. We can save $250 going with a separate company for the pole and welding cost. The Board approved the expenditure for the camera and pole. Holiday decorations for the back gate will be purchased and hung for the Holiday Season. Architectural Review Board Report: (Vice President Michelle Korri) Eleven requests were reviewed by the ARB committee. Of those (12), eight approved without conditions included house painting, repaving a pool deck and lanai, installation of a new tile roof and construction of an outdoor kitchen. Three requests for tree removal and new landscaping were approved with the condition that the stumps be ground down below sod level. One request for a (6) foot fence, which violates the (4) foot maximum height defined in the Architectural Planning Criteria, was disapproved. For details, see the ARB activity report for July & August, posted on the “owners only” area of our website, http://igenaples.info. North Naples Task Force Meeting 10-16-12: (President Dam) The meeting was run by Code Enforcement Investigator Danny Condomina. The fiscal year ended for Code Enforcement at the end of September. During that 12 month period the Dept. opened 8,119 cases. They currently have 567 cases still open. Each investigator averages about 37 open cases on a weekly basis. They try to handle each case within 2.5 to 3 days from the date the case was opened. During the last 12 months the banks spent over $580,000.00 to abate foreclosed and vacant properties. The banks have spent over $3,000.000.00 since 2008 on these abatements. A proposed amendment that adds more specifics to B. Site Requirements, 4. Equipment Screening was approved by the Board. A copy of this amendment can be downloaded under ARB documents in the owners section of http://igenaples.info. Cpl. Ron Turri of the Sheriff’s Dept. reported there were 13 vehicle burglaries in the last 30 days (4 vehicles were unlocked). Most of these were smash and grabs (they break the window and take visible items). They also seem to be watching people in parking lots and if they purchase a valuable item, take it and put it in their trunk and then leave, they quickly smash the window, pop the trunk, steal the item and are gone in seconds. They emphasize to keep valuables out of site and the trunk is still the safest place when leaving the vehicle unattended. There were 13 dwelling burglaries, all of which were forced entries through prying open side doors, cut lanai screens and smashed glass sliding doors. There continues to be a large volume of Landscaping Equipment theft. They are going so far as to cutting holes into the tops of the roof of their trailers in order to remove the equipment. The Park Districts maintenance building at the Water Park was recently broken into and over $6,000.00 worth of equipment was taken. Please remember that ARB approval is required for the use of Dumpsters and Port-a-Potties even if the renovations involve only interior changes. Perimeter Awareness Committee: (Director Joyce) Report that trees in Delasol have fallen and Superintendent Thieme to follow up on their removal. Traffic Safety and Security Committee: (President Dam): It has been reported that there is an overly friendly Bobcat in the neighborhood and residents should be aware of the wildlife while outdoors. Violations and Fining Committe: (Director Joyce) A new Committee member was approved by the Board. Comcast Issues: (President Dam) We did not have any Comcast issues arise in the last 60 days. There is a newly opened park called Margood Park in Goodland. The main building has old relics and items from the long closed Margood Resort in that area. 8 There is a community Garage Sale scheduled at Veterans Park on Saturday November 3rd. There also is an “Operation Medicine Cabinet” scheduled at the North Naples Recycle Center off Goodlette Frank Rd. on Saturday November 17th. from 8:30 to 2:00 PM. They Unfinished Business: (President Dam) None. 3 Lighting Imperial Golf Estates Resident Call for all your Real Estate needs. Does Your 3757 Tamiami Trail North Naples, FL 34103 or m 239-248-4247 CELL 239-649-1990 BUSINESS 239-653-9210 FAX [email protected] immed Broker Associate can be d ELENA LEOMBRUNO Ad placement orientation was specifically requested by the client, Larry Lattanzio LET ROYAL CONSTRUCTORS HELP • WE SPECIALIZE IN REMODELING, KITCHENS & BATHROOMS. Call Rodney at 239-537-4489 • Naples, Florida • Licence# CBC 1255700 www.royalconstructorsofnaples.com FOR SALE 47-inch round white frame patio table with glass top: $20 cash. Small metal animal cage great for lizards $10. 5 feet tall 2 feet wide. $300+ new parlor style chair from Sears $100. Fabric made to look like needlepoint pink flowers. 513-0741 after 9 a.m. FOR SALE 2004 Nissan Murano. Black with tan leather interior. One owner, garaged and well maintained. 70,000 miles. Imperial Golf Estates car, no accident clean record. $11,500 Title ready. Call: 592-7501 or email: [email protected] FOR SALE We're moving. Gas grille, small refrigerator, electric chainsaw, pressure washer, extension ladder, blower/vaccuum, hedge trimmer, lanai and other furniture. Prices negotiable. Call 597-6960 FOR SALE Pro-Form XP Trainer 580 Treadmill $300. 239-564-3244 Now Offering Pressure Washing FOR SALE Lead crystal stemware -- Gallia by Rogaska (European): 8 water goblets, 8 wine glasses, 4 brandy snifters, 4 pony glasses. All in pristine condition $15.00/stem. 239-594-8581 FOR SALE Solid cherry TV cabinet with 32" Toshiba TV. Cabinet will fit a 32 in TV without the pocket doors or a 27 in TV with the pocket doors installed. Glass side door with 3 shelves. Lower cabinet door and two drawers. $500 for both the cabinet and TV. Call 597-6415 or email [email protected] to request a picture. 4 ade brig hter to fi Call La t your p rry Latt reference anzio, 3 . I got m 5 y e a rs y start in Thea d Imperia e s ig ning ter l, best at retired, a bit b Lighting Desig , repairing & in night. I ored, a stalling n in 197 n w appoin tment t ill only work d would love 5. I’m a reside systems. In o to n demon stration view my home Imperial. Call help your ho t of me look .... me a t 6 , and I’ll 82it’s provide a comp 6803 to setup limenta an BABY S ry She is c ITTING TOO! ! ertified , diligen No not me....M t and fu y 16 ye a ll till you meet he y competent. W r old daughter Taly r. Give a nt peac her a ca e of min a. ll 250-9 d? Wait 647. WANTING TO MAKE SOME HOME IMPROVEMENTS? LOOKING FOR A GOOD CONTRACTOR? SOMEONE WHO CARES ABOUT QUALITY? Classifieds OU LANDSC LD IF YOUR APE WAS WO LIGHTING RK PROPER ING LY! While we hope that you support our advertisers, the Board of Directors of Imperial Golf Estates HOA, Inc. does not officially endorse any producs or services advertised herein. Home Look Like This a t Night? IT W Classifieds 7 Classifieds Garage Spaces Available 5 Don’t Feed our Wild Neighbors! Asian and American Cuisine A 5’ full grown Iguana was spotted and photographed by Bob Neff near the Golf Club last month. It should not be dangerous, but we recommend keeping your distance. Now Serving Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Booking private party and catering also available (MWGSYRX JSVEPP -QTIVMEP6IWMHIRXW 975 Imperial Golf Course Blvd #116 Phone: 239-596-4303 www.cgrapechef.com 6 Lighting Imperial Golf Estates Resident Call for all your Real Estate needs. Does Your 3757 Tamiami Trail North Naples, FL 34103 or m 239-248-4247 CELL 239-649-1990 BUSINESS 239-653-9210 FAX [email protected] immed Broker Associate can be d ELENA LEOMBRUNO Ad placement orientation was specifically requested by the client, Larry Lattanzio LET ROYAL CONSTRUCTORS HELP • WE SPECIALIZE IN REMODELING, KITCHENS & BATHROOMS. Call Rodney at 239-537-4489 • Naples, Florida • Licence# CBC 1255700 www.royalconstructorsofnaples.com FOR SALE 47-inch round white frame patio table with glass top: $20 cash. Small metal animal cage great for lizards $10. 5 feet tall 2 feet wide. $300+ new parlor style chair from Sears $100. Fabric made to look like needlepoint pink flowers. 513-0741 after 9 a.m. FOR SALE 2004 Nissan Murano. Black with tan leather interior. One owner, garaged and well maintained. 70,000 miles. Imperial Golf Estates car, no accident clean record. $11,500 Title ready. Call: 592-7501 or email: [email protected] FOR SALE We're moving. Gas grille, small refrigerator, electric chainsaw, pressure washer, extension ladder, blower/vaccuum, hedge trimmer, lanai and other furniture. Prices negotiable. Call 597-6960 FOR SALE Pro-Form XP Trainer 580 Treadmill $300. 239-564-3244 Now Offering Pressure Washing FOR SALE Lead crystal stemware -- Gallia by Rogaska (European): 8 water goblets, 8 wine glasses, 4 brandy snifters, 4 pony glasses. All in pristine condition $15.00/stem. 239-594-8581 FOR SALE Solid cherry TV cabinet with 32" Toshiba TV. Cabinet will fit a 32 in TV without the pocket doors or a 27 in TV with the pocket doors installed. Glass side door with 3 shelves. Lower cabinet door and two drawers. $500 for both the cabinet and TV. Call 597-6415 or email [email protected] to request a picture. 4 ade brig hter to fi Call La t your p rry Latt reference anzio, 3 . I got m 5 y e a rs y start in Thea d Imperia e s ig ning ter l, best at retired, a bit b Lighting Desig , repairing & in night. I ored, a stalling n in 197 n w appoin tment t ill only work d would love 5. I’m a reside systems. In o to n demon stration view my home Imperial. Call help your ho t of me look .... me a t 6 , and I’ll 82it’s provide a comp 6803 to setup limenta an BABY S ry She is c ITTING TOO! ! ertified , diligen No not me....M t and fu y 16 ye a ll till you meet he y competent. W r old daughter Taly r. Give a nt peac her a ca e of min a. ll 250-9 d? Wait 647. WANTING TO MAKE SOME HOME IMPROVEMENTS? LOOKING FOR A GOOD CONTRACTOR? SOMEONE WHO CARES ABOUT QUALITY? Classifieds OU LANDSC LD IF YOUR APE WAS WO LIGHTING RK PROPER ING LY! While we hope that you support our advertisers, the Board of Directors of Imperial Golf Estates HOA, Inc. does not officially endorse any producs or services advertised herein. Home Look Like This a t Night? IT W Classifieds 7 Current Activity as of October 31st 2012 (Averages are for Year 2012) Active Houses on the Market Pending with Contingencies Pending with No Contingencies Closed Sales During 2012 from 1/12 - 10/12 Average 2012 Sales Price 25 1 2 37 $394,061 Average 2012 Price Per Sq. Ft. $153.44 Closed Foreclosures or Short Sales 8 Non Foreclosure Average 2012 Sales Price $415,810 Non Foreclosure Average 2012 Price Per Sq. Ft. $169.69 IGE Residents: Full Time 70% Seasonal 30% Source: From Naples MLS Provided by John R Wood Inc. She discussed “Florida Friendly Landscaping”. We are in what is considered a sub-tropical region and when looking for plants, shrubs, trees and palms, we should be looking for items that do well in climate Zone 10. She emphasized that there is a trend to plant less turf / grass now and going to larger planting beds to minimize the amount of fertilizer and irrigation needed in your landscaping. This is also a cost saving year over year. When laying out planting beds, one should be using various plants that vary in shapes, colors, textures and leaf types to create a pleasant planting to the eye. It appears that Inpatients may not do well again this year so she recommends the use of Begonias, Phlox Intensia, German red geraniums, Caladiums, and Euphoria Diamond Frost, as some plants that will do well. She also said that the piece of cork that resides in rain sensors needs to be changed yearly or they will not work. She also stated that no HOA ordinance or restriction may prohibit a resident from using Florida Friendly Landscaping practices on their property. will also have a truck there doing shredding. A neighborhood clean-up day is planned on Saturday December 1st. at the corner of Rt. 41 and 97th. St. The County will have dumpsters there to drop off items. Entrada (Marquis) Gate and Road: (Director McElligott) We will be repainting the back gate house next year and Mark is getting bids for the project. I have the bid for the 360’ camera as well as the pole. We can save $250 going with a separate company for the pole and welding cost. The Board approved the expenditure for the camera and pole. Holiday decorations for the back gate will be purchased and hung for the Holiday Season. Architectural Review Board Report: (Vice President Michelle Korri) Eleven requests were reviewed by the ARB committee. Of those (12), eight approved without conditions included house painting, repaving a pool deck and lanai, installation of a new tile roof and construction of an outdoor kitchen. Three requests for tree removal and new landscaping were approved with the condition that the stumps be ground down below sod level. One request for a (6) foot fence, which violates the (4) foot maximum height defined in the Architectural Planning Criteria, was disapproved. For details, see the ARB activity report for July & August, posted on the “owners only” area of our website, http://igenaples.info. North Naples Task Force Meeting 10-16-12: (President Dam) The meeting was run by Code Enforcement Investigator Danny Condomina. The fiscal year ended for Code Enforcement at the end of September. During that 12 month period the Dept. opened 8,119 cases. They currently have 567 cases still open. Each investigator averages about 37 open cases on a weekly basis. They try to handle each case within 2.5 to 3 days from the date the case was opened. During the last 12 months the banks spent over $580,000.00 to abate foreclosed and vacant properties. The banks have spent over $3,000.000.00 since 2008 on these abatements. A proposed amendment that adds more specifics to B. Site Requirements, 4. Equipment Screening was approved by the Board. A copy of this amendment can be downloaded under ARB documents in the owners section of http://igenaples.info. Cpl. Ron Turri of the Sheriff’s Dept. reported there were 13 vehicle burglaries in the last 30 days (4 vehicles were unlocked). Most of these were smash and grabs (they break the window and take visible items). They also seem to be watching people in parking lots and if they purchase a valuable item, take it and put it in their trunk and then leave, they quickly smash the window, pop the trunk, steal the item and are gone in seconds. They emphasize to keep valuables out of site and the trunk is still the safest place when leaving the vehicle unattended. There were 13 dwelling burglaries, all of which were forced entries through prying open side doors, cut lanai screens and smashed glass sliding doors. There continues to be a large volume of Landscaping Equipment theft. They are going so far as to cutting holes into the tops of the roof of their trailers in order to remove the equipment. The Park Districts maintenance building at the Water Park was recently broken into and over $6,000.00 worth of equipment was taken. Please remember that ARB approval is required for the use of Dumpsters and Port-a-Potties even if the renovations involve only interior changes. Perimeter Awareness Committee: (Director Joyce) Report that trees in Delasol have fallen and Superintendent Thieme to follow up on their removal. Traffic Safety and Security Committee: (President Dam): It has been reported that there is an overly friendly Bobcat in the neighborhood and residents should be aware of the wildlife while outdoors. Violations and Fining Committe: (Director Joyce) A new Committee member was approved by the Board. Comcast Issues: (President Dam) We did not have any Comcast issues arise in the last 60 days. There is a newly opened park called Margood Park in Goodland. The main building has old relics and items from the long closed Margood Resort in that area. 8 There is a community Garage Sale scheduled at Veterans Park on Saturday November 3rd. There also is an “Operation Medicine Cabinet” scheduled at the North Naples Recycle Center off Goodlette Frank Rd. on Saturday November 17th. from 8:30 to 2:00 PM. They Unfinished Business: (President Dam) None. 3 trimming at $780.00, the North Side Irrigation Project for NTE $5,000.00, and the Mulch Project for $2,007.00. It should be noted that $2000 of the total monthly income was the result of fine collection. This is the second month in a row that we operated with an income surplus. Newsletter income for the month of September was reported at $1,187. While this is a strong number, last week I deposited newsletter ad checks for $3,900. This will of course not show up until next month, but it reflects strong demand for ad space this season. Additionally, many of the ads were for larger sizes and for multiple months. We are currently exploring ways of reducing printing costs, which have risen this year. I hope to have a report for the Board next month on this issue. Gulf Breeze Mgmt. has sent a letter to the GIB indicating they do not plan to renew their contract when it expires at the end of December. Their letter indicated a number of reasons for no longer having an interest in being the Property Manager for the GIB. The GIB plans to send out a RFP (Request for Proposal) to approx. 7 prospective Property Management Companies. Beautification has met with Bain Seal Coating regarding the repair of the cutting of the asphalt at the driveway entrance near the Passage to India Restaurant after the new irrigation system is installed on the north side of the exit road. Fall plantings have been done at the gate house window boxes and plans are being made for the Holiday Decorations & Lighting. Gulf Breeze stated that there were 48 smart passes sold last month (25 in 2011). They have already had 57 of the old hard plastic smart passes turned in. Special assessment account receivable dropped to a new low of $42,922 versus $53,867 reported last month. This includes the potential for $20,000 for bad debts. Regular accounts receivable were $91,475 but also reflects the timing of regular quarterly dues. In fact, we continue to make good progress with collections.. For the full month, we received two transfer fees ($1000) while the year-to-date recorded $18,500 or 37 homes sold. IGEHOA Superintendents Report: (Mark Thieme) Drainage: Drilled drain holes in all drain lids Gate House: Scrub gate house and clean all Entrada street lights of Black Widows. Imperial Wall: Scrub wall prior to Rios painting. Perimeter: Sprayed fence line along Entrada of growth. Reflectors: Replaced all missing reflectors. Mark will monitor Princess Forest for overgrowth of exotics and have them removed as necessary. The September Treasurers Report was approved as presented. Final Discussion and Vote on 2013 Annual Budget: The 2013 IGEHOA Budget was approved as presented to Homeowners. The 2013 Quarterly Maintenance Assessment will be $368 per quarter for lots with homes. Beautification/ Common/Park Areas: (President Dam) We experienced a problem with the new pump at the Cypress Preserve Common area. It has since been repaired and is back running normally. Due to a good rainy season, our subsurface aquifers are full going into the dry season. Hopefully this will prevent any water restrictions this coming dry season. Chuck & Mark did an excellent job of monitoring the amount of water released for the impending Hurricane Isaac and we are currently retaining the maximum amount of water in our lakes. Near the end of the last dry season, we actually experienced some fish kill in the Empress Lake retention area due to the low water levels. Resident Balances: (President Harlan Dam) No Report Newsletter Items: (Treasurer Neff): We are working on updating and correcting the mailing list for the newsletter. Numerous ads have been received for upcoming newsletters. GIB Report: (President Harlan Dam): For September, 2012 the GIB was under budget by $ 1,636.16 for the month. Year to date the GIB is over budget by $2,586.02. Income year to date is $16,270.55 over budget, primarily due to Gate Tag Income. Some expense line items were over budget, primarily in General & Administrative and landscaping, while Utilities and Maintenance are under budget at this time. The GIB’s insurance expenses will go over budget next month as they will be paying for their new Privacy Liability Insurance recommended by their attorney related to the Driver’s License Scanner operation. Reserve account balance is $204,072.09. Total Liabilities and Equity are $233,355.08. Reserve Balances are increasing with just over $18,700.15 in the Gate House Renovation Reserve that will be available for future installation of a backup generator for the gate house in 2013. The 2013 budget transfers $15,000.00 from the Gate House Renovation Reserve into the Generator Reserve to fully fund this project. Several projects that have been approved by the GIB but not yet accomplished that will have an impact are the Queen Palm Roads and Walkpaths: (Secretary Ed Lindsay) No change in status for roads and walkpaths. Stormwater Drainage System: (Director McElligott) We had a very nice end to the rainy season, which has left our lakes in good shape for the dry season. No storm lids where replaced last month and Mark has replaced a total of six this year. 2 Collier County President’s Council on 10-12-12: (President Dam) The guest speaker this month was Mary Jane Cary of the University of Florida Extension Service. Board of Directors Election: The Board continues to ask residents to consider running for the Board of Directors in January 2013, as there will be three positions open. Contact the Property Manager’s Office (239-5961031) to receive an application package to run for the IGEHOA Board of Directors. Support your community! Please include your Account Number (Phase and Lot Number) and coupon with all Special Assessment payments and mail in the envelope provided to IGEHOA, PO Box 9056, Naples, FL 34101-9056 Lot Owners can contact Kevin or Gina in Platinum Accounting at 239-434-8866 if you need another coupon book or to discuss the coupon book process. Community Excellence Award Application: Director Joyce is working with Resident Debbie Frost on the application process. Future Board of Director Meetings – BOD Meetings are held at the Weybridge Clubhouse, 8:30 AM; Nov 15; Dec 20; Annual Member’s Meeting Jan 28 at Imperial Golf Club; BOD Meetings Jan 3, Feb 28, Mar28, Apr 25 New Business: None. Homeowner Issues: Resident of 1817 Princess Court spoke to the Board on his concerns about the drainage issue on the cul de sac. Princess Drainage project has been approved by the county and was on hold until an agreement between the association and the resident came to a resolve to move a tree on the resident’s property. The resident agreed at the expense of the association to allow the said tree to be relocated on his property and drainage improvements will move forward. Note: Contents of this newsletter are not official and only the approved minutes represent the Association If you would like to advertise a service or product in the Estates Newsletter please contact: Bob Neff 598-9893, or e-mail to: [email protected] for rate and deadline information. An Advertising Request Form will be sent to you for completion. We accept existing ads, business cards and photos. Submissions of existing art need to be in jpg, tiff or pdf format, (300DPI, RGB or CMYK). We can also design an ad for you. For submissions of art work and files or ad design and layout please email your information to: Greg Hierro 592-7501, [email protected] Quarterly Maintenance Fees - Coupon/Due Dates 2012 Quarterly Maintenance Fee $355.00/Qtr. Next Quarterly Payment due Jan 1, 2013 at the new rate of $368 per quarter. Coupon about Dec 1, Payment DUE JAN 1; Coupon about Mar 1, Payment DUE APR 1; Coupon about Jun 1, Payment DUE JUL 1; Coupon about Sep 1, Payment DUE OCT 1. RESIDENT CLASSIFIED ADS Quarterly Maintenance Fees - Please include your Account Number (Phase and Lot Number) on all payments to preclude any delay in processing. The Account Number is on the coupon that should be returned with your payment. Owners with multiple lots must indicate how they wish their payments applied. The correct mailing address for Quarterly Maintenance Assessments is Imperial Golf Estates Homeowners Association, Inc., PO Box 9056, Naples, FL 34101-9056. If you are using an automatic bill pay service, give them this address for mailing purposes and ask that they include your Account Number (Phase and Lot Number) on all payments. REMINDER – Special Assessment Quarterly Payment First Increment - Your last quarterly First Increment Special Assessment payment of $184.90 from your coupon book was due Sep 1, 2012. Second Increment - Next payment for both increments is due Dec 1, 2012. Use the provided envelope. Imperial residents can place a classified ad in The Estates Newsletter to sell household items within Imperial Golf Estates at NO CHARGE. Residents can also place Rental Property ads for properties within Imperial Golf Estates. Ads should be 4 lines or less. Simply email your text ad to Greg at: [email protected] IMPORTANT NUMBERS TO KEEP HANDY Quarterly Special Assessment - Coupon/Due Dates Coupon Feb 1, Payment DUE MAR 1; Coupon May 1, Payment DUE JUN 1; Coupon Aug 1, Payment DUE SEP 1; Coupon Nov 1, Payment DUE DEC 1. 9 Sheriff Non-Emergency----------------- 252-9300 Domestic Animal Control-------------- 252-7387 Humane Society Animal Shelter----- 643-1555 Garbage / Waste Pick-up--------------- 252-2380 Solid Waste Management-------------- 252-2508 Code Enforcement----------------------- 252-2440 Comcast------------------------------------- 432-9277 Naples Daily News Circulation Dept 263-4839 The News at Imperial Golf Estates October 2012 Issue 10-12 GIB GATEHOUSE Voice Mail: GIB Gatehouse Fax: 597-2005 597-1069 IGEHOA PLATINUM PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Property Manager: Amy Bruener 596-1031 Platinum PM Fax 596-1082 Email: [email protected] Acct: Kevin Gaffney 405-2206 [email protected] WEB MASTER: Mike Shields [email protected] IGEHOA Website: www.IGENaples.Info THE BOARD 2012 Pres. Harlan Dam 596-3114 [email protected] V.P. Michele Korri 304-6340 [email protected] Treas. Bob Neff 598-9893 [email protected] Sect. Ed Lindsay 431-5950 [email protected] Dir. Jim McCauley 405-2206 [email protected] Dir. Leonard Joyce 384-9181 [email protected] Dir. Charles McElligott 591-2313 [email protected] COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS: ARB - Michele Korri 304-6340 [email protected] Security - Harlan Dam 596-3114 [email protected] Entrada Gate Committee Charles McElligott 591-2313 [email protected] Superintendent Mark Thieme 227-9201 [email protected] GIB PROPERTY MANAGER Gulf Breeze Management Michelle Pacitto 498-3311 ARB COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Ruth Bethem, Janard Clemente, Duff McKenzie, & Ron Mamrick IMPERIAL GOLF ESTATES HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION INC. Reminders: Annual Election of Directors – We will be electing 4 Directors next January at the Annual Meeting. Please consider running for the Board! Contact any Director to discuss serving your community or request a Candidate Information Sheet from the Property Manager’s office at 239-596-1031. The Greater Imperial Board has reduced the price of windshield mounted smart passes for the front gate from $40 to $30 IF you turn in a registered and operational hard card smart pass. Contact the GIB Property Manager - Gulf Breeze Mgt. Svcs. located at 8910 Terrene Ct, Bonita Springs, FL 34135. Their phone number is 239-498-3311. You must call in and authorize all of your guests and vendors to the front gate call in voice mail at 597-2005. If calling from a registered telephone number you will not need your five digit PIN but if calling from a telephone number not registered to your residence you will need your five digit PIN. Previously issued PIN numbers and answers to question about the operation of the front (US41) gate are available from the GIB Property Manager, Gulf Breeze Management Services at 498-3311. Highlights of Oct 25, 2012 BOD Meeting: The meeting was called to order at 8:30 A.M. by President Dam. Those also present were Vice President Korri, Treasurer Neff, Secretary Lindsay and Director McElligott, Director Joyce and Director McCauley as well as Superintendent Mark Thieme and Amy Bruener from Platinum Property Management, and four residents. A quorum was present. Review of Minutes: The minutes of the Sep 27, 2012 BOD Meeting minutes were approved as presented. Treasurer's Report: (Treasurer Bob Neff) Financials and Special Assessment – As of Sep 30, 12 Operating Cash Reserves Total Cash & Reserves Accounts Receivable Total Current Assets Total Liabilities $93,762 (Iberia) $331,386 (CNL Bank) $425,148 $134,397 (Special Assessment $42,922) $573,029 $437,460 Treasurers Comments: For the month ending September 30, 2012, Imperial HOA operated at a surplus in terms of net ordinary income. The monthly income surplus for September was $6,994 while the year-to-date surplus equaled $34,984. While there was no single line item that accounted for the surplus, the combination of $3,196 of total income and total expenses falling $3,799 under budget resulted in the surplus. 1 Imperial Golf Estates Homeowners Association, Inc. Platinum Property Management 1016 Collier Center Way, Suite 102 Naples, FL 34110 PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID PERMIT 524 NAPLES, FL