Hireko Golf 2012 Spring Sale Flyer
Hireko Golf 2012 Spring Sale Flyer
2012 SPRING QUARTERLY top b f sha d r an t up ff o % 64 ts o top b ps gri d r an t up o ff o % 62 driver clearance 86 % off up to last chance for COMPONENT driver prices this low! ACER XDS THRIVER TITANIUM driver TCM1234 aCER XDS TITANIUM driver tCM1235 DYNACRAFT ICT2 TITANIUM driver TMFX1250 Impex Offset Titanium Fairway tmL688 t haole s $4295 Reg. $54.95 Clubhead RH LH 14° YOU SAVE 22% OXYGEN SERIES6 TITANIUM driver TML633B Clubhead LH 10° tmL475A YOU SAVE 66% 2 Reg. $19.95 OXYGEN TYPE-S TITANIUM driver Clubhead LH 8.5° $1395 Reg. $46.00 YOU SAVE 70% (800) 367-8912 | SPRING 2012 YOU SAVE 23% POWER PLAY 400cc driver $995 Clubhead LH 3 Reg. $29.95 YOU SAVE 67% tmL667 POWER PLAY CAIMAN TITANIUM driver $1295 Clubhead LH 10.5° $4295 Reg. $29.95 YOU SAVE 57% tmL4801 tm1005D ACER XDS 2 TITANIUM driver tmL650 $695 Reg. $49.95 YOU SAVE 86% SYNCHRON MEDIC TITANIUM driver tmL85020 must bu y s Clubhead LH 10.5° Reg. $54.95 Clubhead RH 9.5° 10.5° 12° LH 10.5° YOU SAVE 22% t haole s Clubhead LH 10° Reg. $64.95 Clubhead RH 9.5° 10.5° 12° bu y t haole bu y Reg. $57.95 $995 $4995 must YOU SAVE 50% must $1995 tmL664 bu y YOU SAVE 77% DYNACRAFT AVATAR TITANIUM driver IMPEX 450 PLUS TITANIUM driver Clubhead RH 10.5° 12° LH 10.5° must s Reg. $29.95 Reg. $54.95 YOU SAVE 22% t haole $695 $4295 Clubhead LH 10° $795 Reg. $23.40 YOU SAVE 66% Clubhead LH 10.5° OXYGEN RST 900 TITANIUM driver tm900 DYNACRAFT ICT TITANIUM driver t haole tW239 BRIDGES 500 TITANIUM driver must $795 Clubhead RH 9.5° Reg. $49.95 YOU SAVE 84% BRIDGES PS-1 driver $3595 Reg. $79.95 Clubhead RH 9.5° 10.5° 12° LH 10.5° striker competition driver tm88033a $2395 Reg. $59.95 Clubhead RH 8.5° 10° YOU SAVE 60% acer xp stainless driver m400 s Reg. $28.95 Clubhead RH 9.5°, 5 Wood YOU SAVE 48% $1595 Reg. $28.50 Clubhead RH 10.5° YOU SAVE 44% $395 Reg. $29.95 YOU SAVE 87% bu y $995 Clubhead RH 9.5° Reg. $27.50 YOU SAVE 64% t haole $1495 tm88028 must bu y YOU SAVE 55% tm65044 PRO TOUR FIT TITANIUM driver must bu y s tm64824 Waino Golf Driving Club Requires a .370” shaft Clubhead RH 9° $395 Reg. $19.95 m027a t haole s Clubhead RH 13° YOU SAVE 80% 2012 pga show a huge success for hireko golf By Golf Technical Director Jeff Summitt We just got back from attending the annual PGA Merchandise Show. It’s basically the “Super Bowl” of the golf club industry as over 1,000 vendors and 40,000 attendees from all over the world converge to Orlando to see what all is new under one roof. In case you are wondering, the event is not open to the general public but to pros and golf shop buyers only. If you feel left out, don’t worry it is not all fun and games. It is long days on your feet looking at and talking about all kinds of golf club equipment from clubs, apparel, soft goods, teaching and training aids amongst other items. Success for us is not about writing orders but more relationship building. Part of the reason is our clubheads are custom fit so it is hard for our customers to order something in advance. Plus it is getting the message out that you can have high quality clubs at an affordable place even though Hireko is not a household name. Many of the attendee said to us to keep doing what we were doing as other suppliers were getting away from their roots. www.hirekogolf.com | SPRING 2012 3 ACER XP TITANIUM WOODS tm880A ACER XDS FAIRWAY WOODS M1235 DYNACRAFT ICT2 FAIRWAY WOODS MFX1250 POWER PLAY CAIMAN RAW POWER FW FM1005M t haole s $495 Reg. $32.95 Clubhead RH 7 YOU SAVE 85% TOUR GEAR IDS FAIRWAY WOODS M364A Clubhead RH 1 Wood ML115OS bu y Reg. $11.95 YOU SAVE 59% $695 Reg. $19.95 YOU SAVE 65% must $495 Clubhead RH 3, 5, 7 Reg. $29.95 YOU SAVE 33% MW208 Clubhead LH 5, 7 POWER PLAY SYSTEM Q FAIRWAY WOODS Reg. $18.00 Clubhead RH 3 POWER PLAY CAIMAN FAIRWAY WOODS M1005 DYNACRAFT AVATAR XMOI FAIRWAY WOODS M1006 bu y Clubhead RH 7 LH 3, 5, 7 M24557 $1495 Reg. $19.95 Clubhead RH 3, 7 H 3, 5, 7 L YOU SAVE 25% AVATAR LAUNCH SERIES FAIRWAY WOODS ML2774A $395 Reg. $14.95 YOU SAVE 74% Reg. $19.95 Clubhead RH 7 IBELLA OBSESSION FAIRWAY WOODS M36045 must bu y s Clubhead RH 15 LH 3, 5, 7 $795 YOU SAVE 60% t haole s YOU SAVE 73% Reg. $29.95 must t haole $495 $1995 YOU SAVE 33% bu y YOU SAVE 67% OXYGEN TYPE-X OFFSET FAIRWAY WOODS POWER PLAY SYSTEM Q2 FAIRWAY WOODS $1995 must s Reg. $14.95 Reg. $19.95 Clubhead RH & LH 3, 5 YOU SAVE 30% t haole $495 $1400 Clubhead LH 3, 5, 7 $795 Reg. $19.95 Clubhead RH 3, 5, 7, 9 YOU SAVE 60% ® 4 (800) 367-8912 | SPRING 2012 fairway woodS 85 % off up to top rated fairway woodS at insanely low prices! genesis flight control fairway woods m462 t haole Reg. $40.95 Clubhead RH 7 m532 Clubhead RH 7 AM230415 YOU SAVE 50% m553 Clubhead LH 3, 5, 7 Reg. $14.95 acer mantara fairway woods $495 Reg. $14.95 BRIDGES PS1 FAIRWAY WOODS $450 Reg. $14.95 YOU SAVE 70% $595 Reg. $14.95 YOU SAVE 60% M25023 SUPER IGNITER FAIRWAY WOODS Clubhead RH 7 LH 3, 5, 7 s Clubhead RH 7 LH 10°, 5, 7 $295 m5276w must bu y $795 Reg. $19.95 Clubhead RH 5, 7 OXYGEN SERIES 6 FAIRWAY WOODS ML95330B t haole s $295 Reg. $14.95 Clubhead LH 3, 5, 7 YOU SAVE 80% ML94016 t haole bu y Clubhead RH 3, 5 M575 bu y Clubhead RH 7 lady acer xp905 stainless steel fw YOU SAVE 60% must must bu y Reg. $9.95 synchron sp6 fairway woods $795 YOU SAVE 47% YOU SAVE 67% must $495 Clubhead LH 3, 5 s YOU SAVE 60% TOUR GEAR FAIRWAY WOODS Reg. $14.95 bu y t haole bu y Reg. $14.95 $595 ml5276 must YOU SAVE 60% must $595 acer xp905 stainless steel fairway woods bu y YOU SAVE 85% power play select 5000 gti utility wood ml5102 must s $595 oxygen type - s fairway woods check us out on facebook and twitter Clubhead LH 3, 5, 7 Reg. $9.95 YOU SAVE 70% www.hirekogolf.com | SPRING 2012 5 huge savings irons on a wide selection of get accuracy, control & killer prices ACER XP905 TOUR IRONS I3322CS PROPHET CNC FORGED IRONS FI1006A must Reg. $14.25 YOU SAVE 58% ACER CABRIOLET IRONS Clubhead RH 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, SW I252A $1295 Reg. $19.95 YOU SAVE 35% ACER XP STEP CAVITY IRONS Clubhead RH 3, 4, 6, 9 PW, SW IL3030 bu y Clubhead RH 3-9, PW, AW, SW LH 3-9, PW, SW YOU SAVE 22% AVATAR HIGH LAUNCH IRONS I32026 t haole Reg. $8.95 YOU SAVE 67% 6 Reg. $8.95 Clubhead RH 8, 9, PW Reg. $8.95 YOU SAVE 56% Clubhead LH 3, 4, 5, 9 GENESIS FLIGHT CONTROL IRONS $349 I320512C $395 Clubhead RH 3, 4, 5, 6, LW Reg. $7.95 LH 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 PW, SW YOU SAVE 50% (800) 367-8912 | SPRING 2012 I3294B s Clubhead RH 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 LH 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, SW YOU SAVE 75% I311015 $295 Reg. $5.95 Clubhead RH 8, 9 YOU SAVE 50% t haole Reg. $12.00 POWER PLAY SELECT SL IRONS bu y POWER PLAY SYSTEM Q DUAL IRONS $295 Reg. $8.95 Clubhead RH 9, PW, SW must YOU SAVE 88% bu y Clubhead RH 3, 4, 5, 6 I30891 Clubhead RH 3, 4, 5, 6 Reg. $27.95 $195 YOU SAVE 78% s YOU SAVE 56% ACER MANTARA IRONS $395 must s $295 $395 I1230 s t haole must ACER XDS WIDE SOLE IRONS t haole bu y $595 Reg. $8.95 I99511A must bu y $695 TOUR GEAR IDS IRON ACER XP905 IRONS I3300 must bu y $395 Clubhead RH 4, 6 Reg. $7.95 LH 3, 4, 6, 8, 9 PW, SW YOU SAVE 50% IBELLA OBSESSION IRONS I3342 AVATAR MID LAUNCH IRONS I3345 ACER XP905 PRO IRONS must Reg. $8.95 YOU SAVE 45% POWER PLAY CAIMAN IRONS Clubhead RH 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 PW SW I3488A $349 Clubhead RH 3, 4, 5, 6, GW Reg. $9.00 YOU SAVE 61% $395 Clubhead RH 3, 4, 6 Reg. $7.95 YOU SAVE 50% POWER PLAY SELECT 5000 UTILITY IRONS I3552M ACER XP HOLLOW CORE IRONS $795 YOU SAVE 64% DYNACRAFT ICT HYBRID IW1250 DYNACRAFT AVATAR XMOI HYBRID $1295 Clubhead RH 2, 3, 4 $1015 Clubhead RH 3 LH 2, 4, 5 Reg. $22.00 Reg. $12.95 YOU SAVE 22% are you a trade account looking to make more money? Clubhead RH 3, 4, 6, 8 Reg. $7.95 LH 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 PW SW YOU SAVE 38% TOUR GEAR ZINC IRONS ZI0033 $395 Clubhead RH 3-9, PW, SW s Clubhead RH 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, Reg. $13.95 AW, SW YOU SAVE 22%LH 3-9, PW, SW Reg. $17.95 tI3175 $495 t haole bu y YOU SAVE 28% I3460 bu y must $1095 ACER XP905 HT IRONS must bu y $495 I3450 IH430 Clubhead RH 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 AW SW $295 Clubhead RH 3, 4, 5, 8, SW LH 3-9, PW, SW Reg. $18.00 YOU SAVE 84% POWER PLAY CAIMAN HYBRID I1005 $1195 Reg. $17.95 YOU SAVE 33% Clubhead RH 2, 3, 4, 5 LH 2, 3, 4, 5 Reg. $4.95 YOU SAVE 20% ACER XDS WIDE SOLE HYBRID $995 Reg. $12.95 YOU SAVE 23% I230 Clubhead RH 1, 7, 8, 9 PW, SW chairmen club The chairmen club was created to reward our high volume customer • We’ll build your custom clubs for an incredibly low price! • Exclusive email specials • The lowest price allowed by OEM shafts and grips manufacturers for more detail please call 1-800-367-8912 www.hirekogolf.com | SPRING 2012 7 hybrid heaven you won’t find component hybrid prices this low anywhere! IBELLA OBSESSION HYBRID I35824 ACER LADY XP905 HYBRID I35854AW POWER PLAY SYSTEM Q2 HYBRID MI239 bu y Reg. $17.95 Clubhead RH 7, 9, PW, SW YOU SAVE 50% AIW100415 $550 Clubhead RH 3, 4 YOU SAVE 31% RAWLINGS TRIPLE PLAY PRE-ASSEMBLED WOOD ASHM9093 YOU SAVE 82% 8 $695 Reg. $12.95 I364A Clubhead RH 4, 5, 6 EXCALIBUR CONVEX PRE-ASSEMBLED WOOD ASHTM6221 t haole s Reg. $32.95 TOUR GEAR IDS HYBRIDS $595 Reg. $29.95 YOU SAVE 80% (800) 367-8912 | SPRING 2012 $595 Reg. $17.95 Clubhead RH 3, 4, 5 LH 5 $250 Reg. $9.95 YOU SAVE 75% OXYGEN TYPE X HYBRID IL117OX ACER MANTARA HYBRIDS $495 Clubhead LH 2, 5 $595 Reg. $7.95 Clubhead LH 3, 4, 7, 9 I575 Reg. $12.95 YOU SAVE 38% YOU SAVE 54% AMERICAN OPEN ASHZW71514 ACER XC WEDGES Available RH 56°, 60°, 64° $695 pre-assembled WEDGES Clubhead RH 4, 5 LH 4, 5 I286C t haole s Availble RH 9.5° s YOU SAVE 67% YOU SAVE 46% t haole $595 Reg. $12.95 Clubhead RH 3, 7 YOU SAVE 39% TOUR GEAR HYBRIDS Reg. $7.95 $795 ML2755 t haole must $895 POWER PLAY SYSTEM 3000 UTILITY WOOD s Available RH 9°, 10.5° $495 Reg. $19.95 YOU SAVE 75% Reg. $8.95 Clubhead RH 52°, 56°, 60° LH 56°, 60° YOU SAVE 22% AIM. PUTT. SAVE UP TO 79% OFF ON SELECT CLOSEOUT PUTTERS 3 2 4 1 1 P173 FRONT FRONT PIECE (2 SCREWS INCLUDed) $4.50 Orig. $14.95 YOU SAVE 70% 2 P174 MODEL H INTERCHANGE PUTTER $7.95 Orig. $37.80 YOU SAVE 79% RH ONLY RH ONLY 3 P175 MODEL T INTERCHANGE PUTTER 4 $7.95 Orig. $37.80 P176 MODEL E INTERCHANGE PUTTER $7.95 Orig. $37.80 YOU SAVE 79% YOU SAVE 79% RH ONLY RH ONLY * note: face plate and back pieces are sold separately ZINC PUTTER $695 Reg. $9.95 YOU SAVE 30% ZP82110 Clubhead RH ONLY ACER CB4 PUTTER $1995 Reg. $24.95 YOU SAVE 20% P177 Clubhead RH ONLY ACER CB6 PUTTER $1995 Reg. $24.95 P179 Clubhead RH ONLY YOU SAVE 20% www.hirekogolf.com | SPRING 2012 9 best selling graphite shafts fujikura e100 series 1 2 3 64 up to fujikura e300 series 4 5 6 7 8 fujikura e100 series model# description shaft flex sale 1 FJE150 FUJIKURA E150 WR $39.95 Orig. $54.99 you save 27% 2 FJE160 FUJIKURA E160 WR, WR2, WS $39.95 Orig. $54.99 you save 27% 3 FJE160HB FUJIKURA E160HB IR, IR2, IS $24.95 Orig. $44.99 you save 45% 4 FJE160I FUJIKURA E160I IR, IR2, IS $22.95 Orig. $39.99 you save 43% shaft flex sale fujikura e300 series model# 10 % off description 5 FJE350 FUJIKURA E350 WR, WS, WX $39.95 Orig. $64.99 you save 39% 6 FJE360 FUJIKURA E360 WR, WS, WX $39.95 Orig. $64.99 you save 39% 7 FJE370 FUJIKURA E370 WR, WS, WX $39.95 Orig. $64.99 you save 39% 8 FJE380 FUJIKURA E380 WS, WX $39.95 Orig. $64.99 you save 39% 9 FJE380HB FUJIKURA E380 HYBRID IR, IS, IX $34.95 Orig. $58.99 you save 41% 10 FJE380I FUJIKURA E380 IRON IR, IS, IX $29.95 Orig. $56.99 you save 47% (800) 367-8912 | SPRING 2012 9 10 fujikura e200 series 11 12 13 GRAPHITE SHAFTS 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 fujikura e200 series model# description shaft flex sale 11 FJE250 FUJIKURA E250 WR, WS $39.95 Orig. $59.99 you save 33% 12 FJE260 FUJIKURA E260 WR, WS, WX $39.95 Orig. $59.99 you save 33% 13 FJE270 FUJIKURA E270 WS, WX $39.95 Orig. $59.99 you save 33% 14 FJE270HB IR, IR2, IS, IX $29.95 Orig. $49.99 you save 40% 15 FJE270I IR, IR2, IS $24.95 Orig. $44.99 you save 45% FUJIKURA E270 HYBRID FUJIKURA E270 IRON graphite shafts model# description shaft flex sale WRS $5.95 Orig. $8.95 you save 34% 16 GS10043 HIREKO SHADOW GRAPHITE 17 GS1005l acer x-class purple shaft Wal, ial $5.49 Orig. $9.95 you save 45% 18 GS68631 acer x-class pewter shaft wal, wrs $5.95 Orig. $9.95 you save 40% 19 sg1001 WRS $3.95 Orig. $7.55 you save 48% 20 aldvs90hy irs, is $39.95 Orig. $109.95 you save 64% synchron tf947 black aldila dvs 90 hybrid www.hirekogolf.com | SPRING 2012 11 GRAFALLOY SHAFTS 1 2 3 PROJECT X RIFLE series 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 grafalloy shafts model# description shaft flex sale IR, IS $29.95 Orig. $54.65 you save 45% PROLAUNCH BLUE 55 WA, WR, WS, WX $44.95 Orig. $100.00 you save 55% GRFMAMP PROLAUNCH AMP WA, WR, WS, WX $49.95 Orig. $125.00 you save 60% 4 GRFMAXB PROLAUNCH BLUE AXIS WA, WR, WS $68.95 Orig. $150.00 you save 54% 5 GRFMAXP PROLAUNCH AXIS PLATINUM WS, WX $68.95 Orig. $150.00 you save 54% 6 GRFMPLHY PROLAUNCH BLUE HYBRID IA, IR, IX $28.95 Orig. $70.00 you save 59% 1 grfmplphy 2 GRFMPL55 3 prolaunch platinum hybrid project x rifle series model# 12 description shaft flex sale RIFLE IA, IR, IR+, IS, IS+, IX, IX+ $16.95 Orig. $35.00 you save 52% RIFM RIFLE TAPERED IA, IR, IR+, IS, IS+, IX, IX+ $16.95 Orig. $35.00 you save 52% 9 URIFMF RIFLE FLIGHTED IR, IR+, IS, IS+, IX, IX+ $18.95 Orig. $40.00 you save 53% 10 RIFMF RIFLE FLIGHTED TAPERED IR, IR+, IS, IS+, IX, IX+ $18.95 Orig. $40.00 you save 53% 11 URSWEI IR, IR+, IS, IX $18.95 Orig. $40.00 you save 53% 7 URIFM 8 RIFLE SPINNER WEDGE (800) 367-8912 | SPRING 2012 11 GRAPHITE SHAFTS 12 13 14 15 APOLLO SHADOW 16 17 18 19 20 GRAPHITE SHAFTS model# description shaft flex sale IR, IS, WR, WS $9.95 Orig. $13.50 you save 26% APOLLO MASTERFLEX 44 WL $22.95 Orig. $35.00 you save 34% APGMA48 APOLLO MASTERFLEX 48 WR, WS $14.95 Orig. $33.00 you save 55% 15 APGMF55 APOLLO MASTERFLEX HP55 WRS $12.95 Orig. $25.50 you save 49% 16 APGMF65 APOLLO MASTERFLEX HP65 WRS $10.95 Orig. $17.75 you save 38% 12 APGAC80 APOLLO ACCULITE G80 13 APGMA44 14 APOLLO SHADOW model# description shaft flex sale IAL, IRS, WAL, WRS $11.95 Orig. $13.75 you save 13% APOLLO SHADOW HYBRID WRS $8.50 ORIG. $16.50 YOU SAVE 48% APGSHJR APOLLO JUNIOR SHADOW IRONS, WOODS $2.90 ORIG. $3.75 YOU SAVE 23% APGSHUL APOLLO UL SHADOW IAL, IRS, WAL $11.95 ORIG. $14.25 YOU SAVE 16% 17 APGSH 18 APGSHHB 19 20 APOLLO SHADOW GRAPHITE www.hirekogolf.com | SPRING 2012 13 62 up to get closeout grips 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 % off 13 14 15 16 1 RE20 GP Dual Durometer Putter Blue $2.49 Orig. $6.02 you save 59% 9 re106 GP dd2 sky blue undersize $5.49 Orig. $6.79 you save 19% 2 re22 gp dual durometer putter orange $2.49 Orig. $6.02 you save 59% 10 re109 gp vyne undersize grape $3.49 Orig. $4.99 you save 30% 3 re23 gp dual durometer putter pink $2.49 Orig. $6.02 you save 59% 11 re116 gp vyne midsize strawberry $3.85 Orig. $4.69 you save 18% 4 re24 gp dual durometer putter yellow $2.49 Orig. $6.02 you save 59% 12 re118 gp tour velvet cord blue $7.75 Orig. $9.29 you save 17% 5 rf211 black / white overwrap grip $1.49 Orig. $2.00 you save 26% 13 re142 golf pride v55 ribbed $3.30 Orig. $3.89 you save 15% 6 rl149 lamkin royal yellow putter $0.59 Orig. $1.55 you save 62% 14 re152 golf pride v55 cord $6.49 Orig. $8.19 you save 21% 7 rl150 lamkin dual density putter green $0.85 Orig. $1.55 you save 45% 15 re76 golf pride v55 $3.25 Orig. $3.89 you save 16% 8 re07 $6.49 Orig. $8.19 you save 21% 16 re97 gp dd2 black / blue $4.95 Orig. $6.79 you save 27% 21 22 $4.95 Orig. $6.79 you save 27% 25 rW128 winn pci hybrid blk / red ribbed $4.95 Orig. $7.49 you save 34% 17 gp tour wrap cord bct 18 19 20 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 17 RE99 18 re135 GP DD2 BLACK / WHITE $4.95 Orig. $6.79 you save 27% 26 rw48 winn xi7 avs black v17 $3.95 Orig. $5.99 you save 34% 19 rL157 LAMKIN 2TEN RED / WHITE / BLUE $1.95 Orig. $4.99 you save 61% 27 rw49 winn xi7 avs black / red v17 $3.95 Orig. $5.99 you save 34% 20 rL100 LAMKIN CROSSLINE TOUR OVERSIZE $3.14 Orig. $6.99 you save 55% 28 rw50 winn xi7 avs midsize v17 $4.25 Orig. $6.39 you save 33% 21 rL101 LAMKIN CROSSLINE TOUR FULL CORD $5.95 Orig. $10.99 you save 46% 29 rw55 winn dsi avs black / red v17 $3.95 Orig. $5.99 you save 34% 22 rl129 LAMKIN PERFORMANCE + BLK CORD $4.75 Orig. $7.29 you save 35% 30 rw58 winn pci standard black $4.95 Orig. $7.49 you save 33% 23 RL170 LAMKIN PERFORMANCE + 3GEN BLK $3.70 Orig. $7.99 you save 54% 31 rw61 winn pci hybrid black / red $4.95 Orig. $7.49 you save 33% $4.95 Orig. $7.49 you save 34% 32 rw63 winn pci hybrid mid black / blue $4.95 Orig. $7.99 you save 38% GP DD2 BLACK / RED 24 RW127 WINN PCI STANDARD BLK RIBBED 14 (800) 367-8912 | SPRING 2012 golf HEADCOVERS black headcover $3.95 Orig. $5.99 YOU SAVE 34% kt01a dynacraft hybrid headcover dynacraft headcover $1.49 Orig. $2.95 $1.49 Orig. $5.95 $1.49 Orig. $5.50 YOU SAVE 49% YOU SAVE 75% YOU SAVE 73% hczd1314 hczd1380 kt01ox 2, 3, 4, PW, GW, SW 1, 3, X oxygen fw headcover Driver, 3, 7, 13, 15 3, 5, 7, 9 A B IBELLA FW HEADCOVER IBELLA HYBRID HEADCOVER $4.15 Orig. $5.95 $3.95 Orig. $5.95 HCIBFW HCIBHY YOU SAVE 30% YOU SAVE 34% 3, 7, 9 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, PW, SW C neoprene iron headcover IBELLA IRON HEADCOVER $0.85 Orig. $2.95 $1.95 Orig. $2.95 YOU SAVE 71% YOU SAVE 34% PCZD1270 HCIBIR 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, PW, SW, LW 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, PW, SW golf ACCESSORIES A D model# B sale WOOD CHAMPAGNE FERRULE $2.95 Orig. $4.99 you save 41% F335MID METAL WOOD .335 DOZ $0.95 Orig. $1.99 you save 52% c F335QR 1/4” FERRULE .335 DOZ d LP2I e a FR1019 b C E H description F I G J $0.95 Orig. $1.99 you save 52% DOZ $2.75 Orig. $4.99 you save 45% LP2W LEAD WEIGHT PINS 2G .335 DOZ $2.75 Orig. $4.99 you save 45% f LP6W LEAD WEIGHT PINS 6G .335 DOZ $2.75 Orig. $4.99 you save 45% g LP8I LEAD WEIGHT PINS 8G .370 DOZ $2.75 Orig. $4.99 you save 45% h LP8W LEAD WEIGHT PINS 8G .335 DOZ $2.75 Orig. $4.99 you save 45% LEAD WEIGHT PINS 2G .370 i 35GSCREW 3.5 GRAM SCREW $1.00 Orig. $1.99 you save 50% j 65GSCREW 6.5 GRAM SCREW $1.00 Orig. $1.99 you save 50% PRE ASSEMBLED CLUBS d a A ASHTM527 IBELLA OBSESSION DRIVER D $69.95 Orig. $107.10 $17.95 Orig. $49.95 YOU SAVE 35% YOU SAVE 64% RH 12° B RH 9° R & S FLEX, 10.5° S FLEX ASHM36045 IBELLA OBSESSION FAIRWAY WOOD E $19.95 Orig. $41.10 YOU SAVE 51% ASHSTS / ASHSTL (LADIES) STRIKER COMPETITION FW $7.95 Orig. $19.95 b RH 3, 7, 9 C ASHSTR1 STRIKER COMPETITION DRIVER YOU SAVE 60% RH 3, 5 S FLEX RH 7, 9 L FLEX ASHI3342 IBELLA OBSESSION IRON $14.95 Orig. $28.10 F YOU SAVE 47% f ASHSTS / ASHSTL (LADIES) STRIKER PEGASUS FW $7.95 Orig. $19.95 RH 4 - 9, PW, SW c YOU SAVE 60% RH 3, 5 S FLEX RH 7, 9 L FLEX e www.hirekogolf.com | SPRING 2012 15 Terms and Conditions 1. Flyer prices are effective February 15th through June 1st, 2012. 2. Orders may be placed by phone, mail, fax, or website. 3. Deliveries are contingent upon strikers, accidents, fire and delays beyond Seller’s control. 4. No returns will be accepted without prior return authorization from Seller. 5. Seller warrants all club components to be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use for a period of 1 year from date of sale. 16185 Stephens Street . City of Industry, CA 91745 SOURCE CODE 1012 6. Assembled Drivers and Fairway Woods assembled with Regular Flex Hireko Shadow Graphite Shafts and Karma Black Velvet Grips; Hybrids, Irons, Wedges and Putters assembled with Regular Flex Apollo Steel shafts and Karma Black Velvet Grips. 7. All prices are subject to change without notice. All orders are accepted on the basis of prices and terms prevailing at time of shipment. The Hireko Golf 60 Day Satisfaction Guarantee is not applicable to items marked closeout or discontinued. No returns are accepted for any closeout or discontinued items or items which have been closed out by the Seller. All closeout and discontinued sales are final, non-refundable, and not available for exchange. Closeout items listed on the closeout section of our website are non-refundable. CLICK hirekogolf.com or VISIT our headquarters for more amazing savings! hireko features the full line of adams & tour edge golf equipment please visit www.hirekogolf.com to view complete selection free shipping on all adams and tour edge golf clubs!