lror:p rusin frutrei,Errut rofrito tnerlre. a uIrr,ERtDo up i,ugx
lror:p rusin frutrei,Errut rofrito tnerlre. a uIrr,ERtDo up i,ugx
i r . ' I I ,:, of tJre said,mtning compiuy IEOHAfI nrere chargrd lSP and 10$ tf n*pun$c, *t$t No, ?9,1?,, {*tn ftrt Instihrtirif d Ntrw ]system crf Mineral ResourCes Sxploration, Developrrrent, UtflIzaiion: and Consenration; o,thcrwiee knwn aa Philippinc MirriltEl Aet of f995 in ralation to Pepubtic a*f$lA, SrB,6IlScalc Mining.Act of 1991f;.bcfore the M-rrnlcipal t*af [ogxt of l,abo, Camarinee.No*.e and are dodreted. ae Cf|tilii1gl;C6* I{umfoers,,i14B-8438 ald ldttl-Brt63, -rtffi etnrdto4 btftff,E tk te , .l ':, i ! , , 'j.' Ii 66t-r ran*arl*'uetrut#i,' Gov. ,Tatlado by .ie*uir*g the uaid perrnltc gr-.e\rely, abueqd -hie diucr,esoa and dclibcrately vioiated minine larrs f:hat causcd irrcparaHc iqiurics and prciudicc to the,gr"rnrrent, communitSr and the errvironmcnt. ftris acts are in vinlations of Eactloa S, parngrapht: (a!, eud {ft of RapuAIlelAo{;OO19, : : . ,t.,: I ,, ' .' .:.'i The Beid euccesgive iesuanee ,of ,Temporary Brnall, tscale Mining Permits tTSBMF} iiac{uding '{hc Tterrrpott Ectltl,tt' {O'TE and ili*atct Orc Export Pcrmitr FIOEP.)I aqe ,hoyond the nui*rority of !h.E prpvincial grvarnor enal $hould not trad been me e in the a,bscncc of a duly cons6hrted Proitlna'lc1 IUfrIEg Rca;ulntory Eoard {PUIIE}, which ie 3rct to- be eetabliehed in tlee Provincc of Camarincs Nortc; hencs, the act of Roapondent TATLADO in iwuing tJle said pennits s:ed licerrsec a;rc blatant circurnvcnfipn of Exccutive Ordcr No. 79, Philippine Mining l,rawe and v{oftation of And-Graft and Cornrpt Practicee Act or RA 3OI9. ! I {' ,#i1,*, Rrrsl. Foirayo hnd l[ o:I}s Lcon {i-e. TsSMPs grantccs) gppearcd in thc "trading co*paglicd us-.dsr tlrc busincss nrrrrr€Bt, lror:p rusin frutrei,Errut rofrito tnerlre. a uIrr,ERtDo up i,ugx The narnee of [os{c ?RADMGD rtspectively. However, these individuate were merely used as dumrnies arld ttle tradiag compa,nie$ were formed sperUlcaUy to eonceal Gov. TALLADO'e involvement in illegal mining activitiee. A carefuI scrutiny tnsdr on !!e docr.l$rents on lile with the Philipprqe Ports Authority [PPA], Pasacao, Camarines Bur rerrealed that the submitted doeumenls b{ urcse ft:Ediflg eorEpernics wciE fhbrieated &nd iiitefhlifte6tly submitted to the Bureau of Customs [BOC) "r'd PPA, :, The direstty abqve ooo*lo*ton iq drawn frarnthe foll-owine pieceu o{svidence: i,, i I lr' l,j I l
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