contents - Sicur Gen
contents - Sicur Gen
2 Contents MiraClone Key Copying & Eeprom Programming Device Ref: MIR 000 CONTENTS MiraClone Key Copying & Eeprom Programming Device 3 MiraClone Packages 4-5 MiraClone Transponders 5-6 MiraClone Add - Ons & Custom Packages 7 - 13 MiraClone Accessories 14 Miracle Key Cutting Machines 15 - 16 Miracle Spare Parts, Add - Ons & Accessories 16 - 20 Magic Engravers 21 - 22 Magic Spare Parts, Add - Ons & Accessories 22 WH Software 23 SuperVAG 23 Tools 24 3 The MiraClone is the most technologically advanced key & transponder copying and programming device in the world. With its advanced PC Based software is a universal working platform for locksmiths. BASE UNIT FEATURES: ID transponders ID ID46, ID47, ID48, TPX2, 8E (open/close) ID Phillips Crypto ll ID46 according to OE numbers ID transponders in Smart keys (Toyota/Lexus) &RS\ À[HG FRGH WUDQVSRQGHUV & Copy Phillips Crypto ID40 Unlocked (Open, Suzuki) Copy Phillips Crypto ID42 (Ford, Seat, Volkswagen) &RS\7H[DV&ZLWKDXVHRI(+7.7.73; &RS\7H[DV' ZLWKDXVHRI(+RQOLQHRIÁLQH Copy Texas Crypto ll 6F with a use of EH2 Copy access cards and keyrings Unlock Megamos ID48 CR2 Unlock ID46 Chrysler, Dodge, Honda, Hyundai, Jeep, Kia *HQHUDWHÀ[HGFRGHWUDQVSRQGHUV Generate transponders for Mercedes &(*UHDG\IRUXVH Manual writing of transponders (device and PC) $UFKLYHIRUWUDQVSRQGHUVÀ[HGDQGFU\SWR 2QOLQHXSGDWHRIVRIWZDUHDQGÀUPZDUH Manual programming procedures (cars and motorcycles) Key catalogue Transponder info 3,1FRGHFDOFXODWLRQ,'5HQDXOW PIN code calculation ID46 (Kia/Hyundai) PIN code calculation on the VIN basis (Kia/Hyundai) Charge battery in EML keys (BMW) 4 MiraClone Packages MiraClone Packages | MiraClone Transponders EEPROM 6WDUWHU3DFNDJH Ref: MIE 000 This MiraClone package will upgrade your Base Unit to do: Eeprom (Standard): CHIP GENERATION This MiraClone package will upgrade your Base Unit to do: Generate transponders with use of immo dump; Generate transponders with use of immo bytes RUE\WHV3UHFRGHWUDQVSRQGHUVZLWKXVHRILPPRHJ)LDW*HQHUDWH3,1FRGHZLWKXVHRI immo dump; Generate remotes with use of immo dump; Specialized transponder calculators Catalogue of Motorola masks; Localisation of immo modules; Pictures of immo modules; Add cards (Renault) to immo; Add transponders to immo; Add OE keys to immo; Automatic ID of immo; Editor of immo dump; Achive of immo dumps; Pictures of PCB’s *HQHUDWHWUDQVSRQGHUV3KLOOLSV&U\SWR*01LVVDQ)RUG9DJ)RUG9DJ Peugeot; Generate transponders for Abritus devices (Mercedes ML/BMW) Generate transponders Phillips Crypto ll (microchip); Precode Mazda, Ford & Proton 8C transponders; Location of diagnostic sockets; SuperVag functions FORD-MAZDA CLONING Texas Crypto 3DFNDJH Ref: MIC 001 This MiraClone package will upgrade your Base Unit to do: &RS\WUDQVSRQGHUV7H[DV&U\SWR'ZLWKDXVHRI73; RQOLQHRIÁLQHZLWK73;FORQHUDQGZLWKRXW73;FORQHUYLD3& TRANSPONDER CHIPS Ford 80 bit Ref: FOR 001 Toyota 80 bit G Ref: TOY 001 Phillips Crypto 3DFNDJH Ref: MIC 003 This MiraClone package will upgrade your Base Unit to do: Toyota 80 bit transponders ( G chip). Can be down graded to 40 bit. Ford 80 bit transponders. Can be coded as 40 or 80 bit &RS\WUDQVSRQGHUV3KLOOLSV&U\SWR1LVVDQ)RUG9RONVZDJHQ6HDW)RUG 9RONVZDJHQ6HDW0LWVXELVKL3HXJHRW CLONING 3DFNDJH Ref: MIC 009 Encrypted PIN coding (outcode/incode) using 4D Texas Crypto; Ford, Mazda, Jaguar, Land Rover 0RGHOV This MiraClone package will upgrade your Base Unit to do: CLONING Package 4 Ref: MIG 001 T5 Phillips Crypto Package 6 Ref: MIC 006 Ref: PCF 003 2ULJLQDO1RYD7UDQVSRQGHUIRUFRS\LQJÀ[HGFRGH transponders. PCF7935AS Ref: PCF 001 A virgin chip. It will read as a 44 virgin until you program it DQGWKHQWKHLQGHQWLÀHUZLOOFKDQJH This MiraClone package will upgrade your Base Unit to do: &RS\RIWUDQVSRQGHUV3KLOOLSV&U\SWROO,'$EDUWK$FXUD$OID5RPHR%XLFN Cadillac, Chevrolet, Chrysler, Citroen, Dacia, Dodge, Fiat, Ford, GM, Honda, Honda Motor, +XPPHU+\XQGDL,VX]X,QÀQLWL-HHS,YHFR.LD/DQFLD/DQG5RYHU0LWVXELVKL1LVVDQ2SHO 3HXJHRW3RQWLDF5HQDXOW6DWXUQ6X]XNL9DX[KDOOXVLQJ7.RU73;73; 8C CLONING + ID48 Package 8 Ref: MIC 008 SPECIAL CLONING TRANSPONDERS ADX Ref: Cloneable (4C/4D) Carbon Transponder Chip. Great for replacing or inserting chips in OEM key shells. ID46W Ref: ADA 001 ADE Ref: ADE 001 Cloneable Temic (8C) Carbon Transponder Chip can be used with the MiraClone. ADS Ref: ADS 001 AD3 Ref: AD3 001 3UHFRGHG3KLOOLSV&U\SWRRU Cloneable Transponder. (Not for Mitsubishi 44) ID48W Ref: ADW 001 This MiraClone package will upgrade your Base Unit to do: Copy Mazda 8C transponders; Copy Ford 8C transponders; Copy Proton 8C transponders ID48 Kia, Pontiac,Chevrolet/ Daewoo ID46 Generating & Eeprom functions. Precoded (44) Transponder for Mitsubishi. ID48 Cloning, Generating & Eeprom functions. 5 6 MiraClone Transponders MiraClone Packages Add - ons & Custom Packages Packages Package 2 - 0 Description General Starter Eeprom *HQHUDWHWUDQVSRQGHUVZLWKXVHRILPPRGXPSPRGXOHV 1. Fiat, Lancia, Alfa Romeo BSI Marelli 2. Fiat, Citroen, Peugeot CODE2 immobox Delphi 3. Fiat, Lancia, Alfa Romeo CODE2 with BSI Delphi 4. Opel IMMO2 immobox Siemens 5. VW, Seat IMMO2 immobox Siemens 6. VW, Seat IMMO3 immobox Valeo 7. Fiat, Lancia, Citroen, Peugeot immobox Delphi 8. Alfa Romeo, Iveco CODE1 immobox Bosch 9. Honda, Acura immobox Megamos 10. Honda, Rover immobox Valeo 11. Fiat, Lancia IMM001.01 immobox Marelli 12. Fiat, Lancia IMM110.01 immobox Marelli 13. Mercedes Sprinter, Vito immobox Temic 14. VW, Skoda, Seat IMMO1 immobox Siemens 15. Renault immobox Valeo 16. Renault,Dacia immobox Sagem 17. Renault UCH Siemens 18. BMW, Rover, Mini immobox EWS 19. Toyota immobox type 1 20. Toyota, Lexus ECU Denso 21. Toyota ECU Bosch, Fujitsu 22. Toyota, Lexus ECU 23. Toyota Immobox 24C04 ID:33 24. Renault Laguna II 25. Iveco Daily/Iveco Truck immobox Bosch 26. Renault Megane, Scenic UCH 27. Alfa Romeo CODE2 immobox Bosch 28. Mitsubishi immobox Bosch 29. Volvo IMMO3 immobox Bosch 30. Peugeot, Citroen immobox Valeo 31. Mitsubishi immobox ID:4C 32. Daihatsu immobox ID:4C 33. Audi immobox Delphi 34. Nissan, Subaru immobox Siemens 35. Mercedes Sprinter, Vito immobox Temic 36. Opel IMMO1 immobox Siemens 37. Mitsubishi Cartronic Bosch 38. Peugeot, Fiat, Lancia, Citroen CPH Texton 39. Mazda immobox Temic 40. Peugeot 206 BSI Siemens 41. Renault immobox Siemens 42. Mercedes Actros, Atego engine ECU Temic 43. Toyota ECU Bosch 44. Renault UCH Sagem type 2 45. Suzuki (Mitsubishi) immobox ID:4C type 2 46. Daewoo Immobox 47. Peugeot, Piaggio bike engine ECU Marelli 48. Volvo IMMO1 immobox Bosch 49. Toyota Avensis immobox Valeo v1 50. Suzuki immobox 51. Chrysler SKIM type 2 52. Nissan Siemens NATS-4 53. Toyota ECU Bosch type 2 54. Opel, Isuzu immobox Megamos 63. Toyota Avensis immobox Valeo v2 74. Nissan Siemens NATS-5 75. Toyota ECU Bosch type 3 78. BMW EWS4 86. Chery immobox Siemens VDO 102. Audi dashboard Magneti Marelli 103. Audi dashboard VDO 104. Audi A8 dashboard VDO 105. Samand, Saipa immobox Siemens VDO 117. Polonez immobox Megamos 121. Peugeot, Fiat, Citroen immobox Siemens 126. Volvo Cartronic Bosch Ref. Number MIE 000 7 8 MiraClone Packages Add - ons & Custom Packages Packages Package 2 - 0 (Continued) Description General Starter Eeprom (Continued): 127. Skoda Octavia dashboard 137. Saab body module TWICE 138. Saab column module CIM 140. VW dashboard Bosch RB8V24 144. Seat Ibiza dashboard VDO 146. PSA BSI 95128 147. Renault BSI Valeo 148. PSA BSI 95128 type 2 149. PSA BSI 9S12 150. PSA BSI 95128 type 3 151. PSA BSI 95160 152. PSA BSI 95160 type 2 153. PSA BSI 95128 type 4 154. PSA BSI Valeo HC912 155. PSA BSI 95160 type 3 158. VW, Seat Marelli ID48 160. Golf IV dashboard Motometer 161. Ford PATS Siemens 163. Toyota immobox type 4 164. SsangYong, Proton engine ECU 165. Mazda ECU Mitsubishi 170. PSA BSI 25160 177. Ford PATS SCP control module 182. Isuzu immobox Tokai Rika 183. Daewoo-FSO immobox Texton 187. PSA BSI 95040 196. Isuzu immobox Siemens VDO 197. Porsche immobox ID:13 202. Mercedes Benz ML AAM 203. Mercedes Benz ML EAM 205. Peugeot 406 BSI 209. SsangYong immobox VDO 210. Daihatsu immobox ID:67 212. Toyota ECU Denso type 2 213. Opel BCM module HC912 214. Opel REC module 95040 215. Opel ECU Delphi Delco Y17DT 216. Audi A8 dashboard VDO type 2 218. Volvo module CEM ID:48 219. Golf IV Motometer 220. Audi A4 dashboard UNKSI 222. Renault immobox Siemens type 2 224. Ford Bosch ID:4C 225. Toyota P/N 89661-42670 ID:4C 227. Toyota Immobox 24C04 ID:4C 228. Audi A6 dashboard UNKSI 231. Citroen BSI NEC 232. Ford engine ECU Visteon ID:4C 2SHO=DÀUD$VWUDGDVKERDUG 240. Golf IV Motometer type 2 249. PSA BSI 95128 type 5 251. PSA BSI 95160 type 4 252. Ford IMMO3 immobox Valeo type 2 253. Chery ECU Bosch 254. Tata Safari immobox Alltech 256. SsangYong immobox MOTOTECH 257. Peugeot/Citroen keyboard immobox 263. PSA BSI 95128 type 6 Johnson Control 270. VW immobox Delphi 271. PSA BSI 95160 type 5 Valeo 274. Skoda dashboard VDO 275. Skoda Octavia dashboard VDO 276. Seat Toledo dashboard VDO 277. Audi A4 dashboard UNKSI 278. Kawasaki JetSki Ultra ECU 279. Proton Savvy immobox ID:4C 282. Opel Vectra C dashboard Ref. Number MIE 000 MiraClone Packages Add - ons & Custom Packages Packages Description Package 2 - 0 (Continued) General Starter Eeprom (Continued): Package 2.1 Fiat/Alfa Ref. Number MIE 000 283. Isuzu immobox Tokai Rika ID:4C 284. Toyota ECU ID:4C 285. Mercedes Actros, Atego ECU Temic type2 287. ChangAn Ben Ben immobox 289. Opel Corsa D display 292. VW Beetle dashboard 293. Roewe GIM 294. Volvo module CEM ID:48 type 2 295. VW dashboard VDO 296. Citroen Xantia immobox Texton ID:48 301. Skoda Fabia dashboard VDO type 2 302. PSA BSI 95128 type 7 303. PSA BSI 95128 type 8 315. Mazda ECU Mitsubishi ID:12 318. Honda, Acura ECU 321. Mercedes DAS-2 IR system 323. VW dashboard VDO type 2 324. Yamaha bikes immobox Moric type 2 326. PSA BSI 95128 type 9 327. Tata immobox 333. PSA EDC17 ECU 334. PSA BSI 95128 type 10 335. FAW Group immobox 336. Ford Galaxy ECU Visteon 337. PSA BSI 95128 type 11 338. Renault Avantime BSI 340. Fiat Sedici immobox Siemens 343. Opel Corsa dashboard 344. PSA BSI 95128 type 12 347. PSA BSI 95128 type 13 348. PSA BSI 95160 type 6 350. PSA BSI 95128 Type 14 353. PSA BSI 95128 Type 15 JHQHUDWHWUDQVSRQGHUVZLWKXVHRILPPRE\WHVRUE\WHV JHQHUDWHUHPRWHVZLWKXVHRILPPRGXPS DGGWUDQVSRQGHUVWRLPPR DGG2(0NH\VWRLPPR DGGFDUGVWRLPPR5HQDXOW JHQHUDWH3,1FRGHZLWKXVHRILPPRGXPS SUHFRGHWUDQVSRQGHUVZLWKXVHRILPPRHJ)LDW DXWRPDWLFLGRILPPR HGLWRURILPPRGXPS DUFKLYHRILPPRGXPSV ORFDOL]DWLRQRILPPRPRGXOHV FDWDORJXHRI0RWRURODPDVNV VSHFLDOL]HGWUDQVSRQGHUFDOFXODWRUV MIE 001 Generate transponders with use of immo dump: 55. Fiat BSI Siemens VDO 56. Fiat, Citroen BSI Delphi 57. Fiat, Citroen, Peugeot BSI Marelli type 2 58. Fiat, Lancia IMM100.01 immobox Marelli 142. Iveco BSI Marelli 145. Alfa Romeo, Fiat BSI Marelli 208. Fiat, Citroen, Peugeot BSI Marelli type 3 288. Fiat dashboard Marelli 304. Alfa Romeo, Fiat EZS 310. Fiat BSI Marelli type 4 Package 2.2 Japanese Motocycles Generate transponders with use of immo dump: 59. Yamaha bikes immobox Moric 61. Suzuki bikes ECU Keihin 62. Honda bikes ECU Keihin 128. Suzuki bikes engine ECU Denso 51. Suzuki Bikes ECU Mitsubishi MIE 002 9 10 MiraClone Packages Add - ons & Custom Packages Packages Package 2.3 Package 2-0 is required Package 2.4 Package 2-0 is required Package 2.5 Package 2-0 is required Package 2.6 Package 2-0 is required Description Mazda Ref. Number MIE 003 MiraClone Packages Add - ons & Custom Packages Packages Package 2.7 MIE 004 Generate transponders with use of immo dump: 65. BMW CAS 201. BMW bikes engine ECU Bosch 319. BMW bikes engine ECU Hyundai/KIA Package 2.8 Package 2-0 is required MIE 005 Generate transponders with use of immo dump: 72. Hyundai control unit immo ID:4C 76. Hyundai control unit immo ID:4C type 2 79. KIA immo unit ID:48 90. KIA immobox Shinchang +\XQGDLHQJLQH(&8.HÀFR 98. KIA, Hyundai ECU Bosch .,$+\XQGDL(&8.HÀFRW\SH 181. Hyundai Control Unit ID:60 235. KIA engine ECU Bosch 264. KIA / Hyundai immobox ID:60 268. KIA immobox Texton 306. KIA, Hyundai ECU 307. KIA, Hyundai ECU Bosch type 2 320. Hyundai BSI Bosch 342. KIA ECU 349. Kia Immobox Shinchang ID 4C Renault/ Nissan Package 2.9 Package 2-0 is required Package 2.7 Ford/Jaguar Package 2-0 is required Generate transponders with use of immo dump: 69. Ford engine ECU Visteon 71. Ford PATS control module 73. Ford Focus dashboard Visteon MIE 007 Honda/Acura MIE 008 Generate transponders with use of immo dump: 88. Acura immobox 93. Honda immobox HIS5 ID48 118. Honda, Acura immobox Valeo ID:46 238. Honda immobox Valeo ID:46 type 2 260. Honda Lock immobox ID:46 269. Honda immobox ID:8E 300. Honda ECU ID:48 Toyota/Lexus MIE 009 Generate transponders with use of immo dump: 110. Toyota immobox ID:67 111. Toyota immobox type 2 ID:67 112. Toyota immobox ID:70 113. Toyota immobox type 2 ID:70 114. Toyota immobox type 3 ID:70 195. Lexus, Toyota immobox type 3 ID:68 226. Toyota immobox Tokai Rika ID:67 234. Toyota immobox Tokai Rika ID:67 v2 346. Toyota immobox ID:6E Package 2.10 Mercedes IFZ Package 2-0 is required Generate transponders with use of immo dump: 328. MB Siemens SWK4 736 (1D69J) 329. MB Siemens SWK4 688 (0D53J/0D62J) 330. MB Siemens SWK4 8697 (1D69J) Package 2.11 GM MIE 011 Package 2.12 Italian Bikes MIE 012 Package 2-0 is required Generate transponders with use of immo dump: 84. Kawasaki bikes ECU 94. Ducati bikes dashboard Marelli MIE 006 Generate transponders with use of immo dump: 67. Renault UCH Sagem type 1 68. Renault Megane UCH Siemens 77. Renault UCH Johnson Controls 80. Renault immobox Sagem 130. Nissan/Renault UCH Johnson Controls 185. Nissan NATS-6 186. Nissan BCM 193. Renault UCH Johnson Controls type 2 200. Nissan dashboard Samsung 204. Renault Laguna III 206. Renault UCH Johnson Controls type 3 217. Renault BCM Temic 239. Renault,Dacia immobox Siemens 286. Nissan/Renault UCH Johnson Controls type 2 305. Renault Megane immobox Siemens 325. Renault, Dacia BCM Johnson Controls Ref. Number 92. Ford Galaxy immobox 96. Ford engine ECU Siemens 97. Ford, Mazda engine ECU Siemens 120. Jaguar dashboard 131. Ford engine ECU Delphi 134. Ford Puma ECU 156. Jaguar immobox 159. Jaguar immobox type 2 166. Ford RFA Siemens VDO module 168. Ford dashboard Visteon type 2 191. Ford ECU Delphi 221. Ford PATS control module type 2 233. Jaguar dashboard 242. Ford Transit Siemens VDO 243. Ford Connect Dashboard 244. Ford PATS control module type 2 261. Ford, Mazda immobox Mitsubishi 262. Ford, Mazda ECU 332. Jaguar dashboard type 2 Generate transponders with use of immo dump: 60. Mazda dashboard YNS 66. Mazda 6 engine ECU Denso 70. Mazda 6 engine ECU Mitsubishi 82. Mazda immobox Lucas 19AS 83. Mazda immobox Lucas 34AS 89. Mazda RX-8 immobox Visteon 141. Mazda ECU Denso 188. Mazda ECU type 2 189. Mazda ECU type 3 190. Mazda ECU type 4 255. Proton immobox ID:8C 297. Mazda ECU Denso ID:63 312. Mazda Siemens VDO 316. Mazda ECU Denso ID:33 317. Mazda ECU Mitsubishi ID:33 322. Mazda 6 diesel ECU Denso BMW Cas Description Ford/Jaguar (Continued): Package 2-0 is required MIE 007 7KLVSDFNDJHKDVPRGXOHVIRU*0 Generate transponders with use of immo dump: 64. Opel, Isuzu immobox Megamos v2 85. Opel IMMO2 immobox Siemens type 2 101. Daewoo, Chevrolet immobox ID:48 122. Chevrolet UCH Siemens 135. Opel/Chevrolet ECU 157. Daewoo, Chevrolet immobox ID:48 type 2 211. Daewoo immobox ID:48 type 2 230. Daewoo,Chevrolet immobox ID:46 241. GM BCM module 250. Opel immobox Mitsubishi 314. Chevrolet immobox 331. GM BCM module type 2 MIE 010 11 12 MiraClone Packages Add - ons & Custom Packages Packages Package 2.12 Description Italian Bikes (Continued): 100. 119. 125. 132. 133. 192. 194. 199. 247. 311. 313. 339. 345. Package 2.13 Package 2-0 is required Package 2.14 Package 2-0 is required Package 2.15 Package 2-0 is required Package 2.16 Package 2-0 is required Ref. Number MIE 012 Ducati bikes dashboard Digitek ID:11 Seat, Peugeot, Piaggio bikes immobox Marelli Yamaha scooter ECU Mitsuba Aprilia scooter dashboard Digitek Kawasaki bikes Mitsubishi Piaggio bikes ECU Piaggio, Gilera bikes Moto Gucci dashboard Digitek Ducati bikes dashboard Digitek ID:12 Agusta Brutale dashboard KTM bikes immobox Ducati Panigale immobox ZADI Piaggio bikes ECU Trucks MIE 013 For Chrysler cars Generate transponders with use of immo dump 107. Chrysler 300C immobox 116. Chrysler Siemens VDO immobox 129. DaimlerChrysler immobox 162. GM Passkey 3 Delphi 167. DaimlerChrysler immobox type 2 169. Lincoln dashboard 184. DaimlerChrysler immobox type 3 198. GM Passkey 3 Delphi type 2 245. DaimlerChrysler immobox type 4 267. GM Passkey 3+ Delphi Ref. Number MIE 017 Generate transponders with use of immo dump: 171. VAG EDC16 ECU 172. VAG Simos PPD1 Siemens ECU 178. VAG ME 7.x Siemens ECU 179. VAG MED 9.x Siemens ECU (not crypted) 180. VAG Simos 7 Siemens ECU 266. Audi, Seat, Skoda, VW dashboard VDO Package 2.18 BMW Cas 4 Package 2-0 is required Generate transponders with use of immo dump: 246. BMW CAS4 MIE 018 Will display the Key cutting code, DME code, Vin number and the amount of keys in the unit. When programming a new Cas key, it will automatically detect if it is the right Cas key for that car. Package 2.19 Package 2-0 is required MIE 014 VW Passat 3C MIE 019 This allows you to do Passat comfort unit, non Kessy eeprom ÀOHVWRDQHZVOXJNH\ Generate transponders with use of immo dump: 265. VW Passat 6/CC Comfort Module 298. VW Passat 6/CC keyless Comfort Module Package 2.20 VAG Porsche Package 2-0 is required Allows you to do the Kessy keyless entry cars. Generate transponders with use of immo dump: 272. VAG, Porsche Kessy Siemens VDO 280. Audi EZS ID:8E MIE 020 Writing Kessy component security to ID:46 with searching missing bytes from the working key Package 2.21 MIE 015 Generate transponders with use of immo dump: 87. Mitsubishi immobox ID:46 95. Mitsubishi immobox ID:46 123. Mitsubishi/Smart ETACS Siemens VDO 136. Mitsubishi immobox ID:46 type 2 223. Mitsubishi ID:46 229. Mitsubishi immobox ID46 type 2 236. Mitsubishi Fuso ECU 258. Mitsubishi immobox ID:60 259. Mitsubishi immobox ID:61 291. Mitsubishi Etacs module USA Description VAG 9$*YLQSUHFRGLQJZULWLQJFRPSRQHQWVHFXULW\WR9$*&$1,' with searching missing byte from the working key Generate transponders with use of immo dump: 106. Suzuki immobox Mitsubishi 108. Suzuki ECU Denso 115. Subaru immobox Mitsubishi 124. Subaru immobox Mitsubishi type 2 174. Suzuki Liana immobox ID:46 175. Suzuki Liana immobox ID:66 207. Suzuki immobox Mitsubishi type 2 248. Subaru immobox Mitsubishi 281. Suzuki ECU 290. Suzuki ECU 309. Subaru immobox Denso 341. Suzuki Grand Vitara immobox Texton Mitsubishi/Peugeot/Brilliance Packages Package 2.17 Package 2-0 is required Generate transponders with use of immo dump: 81. MAN TGA module FFR 109. Renault truck immobox Texton 139. DAF truck immobox VDO 143. VW Crafter EZS 173. Renault truck immobox ID:46 176. Scania ECU 273. Scania module Coordinator Suzuki Cars MiraClone Packages Add - ons & Custom Packages Package 2-0 is required Landrover/MG Allows you to code keys for the Land Rover Freelander Sawdock unit used around about 2002. Generate transponders with use of immo dump: 299. Land Rover immobox Sawdoc 308. MG Pektron SCU Allows you to code new remotes to the Pektron unit on Rover and MG from around about 2004 to when they stopped making cars. MIE 016 MIE 021 13 14 MiraClone Accessories Miracle Key Cutting Machines ADD-ONS & ACCESSORIES EWS Cable D1 Ref: EWS 001 Ref: RED 050 You will need Starter Eeprom 2-0 to be activated. Multi Cable D2 Ref: MLT 001 This cable allows you to bench test, or test in the vehicle, for either DQLQRSHUDEOH(=6(,6RU,QIUDUHG.H\$OVRXVHGIRU1DWV The same cable will be used to read most scooter immo units LQFLUXLWZLWKRXWFXWWLQJKROHVLQWKHXQLWDQGWU\LQJWRUHPRYHWKH SRWWLQJFRPSRXQG3XUFKDVHRI'IRUWKHVFRRWHUVDQG 3DFNDJHLVUHTXLUHG ([WHUQDOUHDGHUWHVWLQJ0%(=6ZRUNVZLWKPRGXOH1LVVDQ 1$76DQG5HQDXOW8&+ Ref: RED 051 You will need Starter Eeprom 2-0 to be activated. Bit, Double bit and Laser key cutting in one machine. Fully automatic electronic 3 axis key cutting machine. Easy creation of new types of key data. Various bluetooth enabled devices like PDA, Smart Phone, Laptop etc. Bright LED Lights help key-cutting at night and in low light Key cutting history management. Same as original key in just 2 minutes. Compatable with Instacode cards. Instacode can be supplied for this. Size : 260(W) x 303 (H) x 360 (D) mm Weight : 24Kg DC Motor Power : 27W Ref: YAM 001 This cable used for the Moric 2 immo units. 0RULFSURJUDPPHUZRUNVZLWKPRGXOH<DPDKDELNHV You will need Starter Eeprom 2-0 to be activated. VW/ Opel Cable D4 Weight : 13.5Kg A computerised ALL-IN-One Bit and Laser key cutting machine. It is HOHFWURQLFD[HVNH\FXWWLQJPDFKLQHZKLFKRSHUDWHVZLWK/DSWRSHWF You can also enter the code into instacode and then from the information from instacode you punch the card and bitting into the keyboard and it will cut the key for you. Ref: MLT 002 <RXZLOOÀUVWQHHGWRSXUFKDVHWKH'accessory harness and adaptor for this to work. Reads most scooters in circuit. AC reader extended functions ZRUNVZLWKELNHVPRGXOHVDQG1LVVDQ1$76 Yamaha D3 Cable Both standard and laser key cut Decode and cut Bluetooth wireless communication & mobile device support Light-weight(13.5Kg) and compact sized machine for easy carry Built-in battery Automatic key measurement One clamp for holding all types of keys Bright LED light for night 3-axes Stand-alone Automatic cutter length sensor Support with various power source (portable battery, vehicle cigarette cord, AC, etc) Size : 215(W) x 330 (H) x 285 (D) mm You will need Starter Eeprom 2-0 to be activated. D2+ Scooter Activation Based on the hugely popular Miracle A5 Key Cutting machine. It is smaller, more compact with the same power. It has a built in battery FDSDEOHRIFXWWLQJXSWRNH\VDQGFDQDOVRUXQRIIPDLQV This cable plugs in the back RSSOXJDQGDOORZV\RXWRUHDG PRVW%0:(:6LPPRXQLWVZLWKRXWGHVROGHULQJH[WHUQDO UHDGHUIRU%0:(:6ZRUNVZLWKPRGXOH 15 Ref: VWO 001 Allows you to read VW and Opel/ Vauxhall Motorola immo units through the multiplug on the front. 2SHO9:LPPRUHDGHUZRUNVZLWKPRGXOHV You will need Starter Eeprom 2-0 to be activated. Ref: RED 020 Miracle- A9 KDVDQHPEHGGHGLQFKWRXFKFRQWUROOHUWKDWRIIHUVHDVLHU key cutting capability with graphical user interface. It is supplied with two VSLQGOHEHOWVWRHQVXUHKLJKWRUTXHNH\FXWWLQJZLWKRXWORVVRIFXWWLQJ speed. Embedded 7-inch touch controller Equipped with both decoder and cutter. Equipped with two spindle belts. Wide and bright LED light. Barcode scanning. Various types of key cutting supported Replaceable vise. Tilting screen. High power 27W DC motor with 24VDC Faster cut speed. Communication via USB Size : 255(W) x 325 (H) x 340 (D) mm Weight : 24Kg DC Motor Power : 27W 16 Miracle Machines | Miracle Spare Parts, Add-Ons & Accessories Miracle-Select is an automated key cutting machine for single pattern specialized keys such as Magnum, Multilock, Cadman, M & C. ,WSURYLGHVDQHDV\ZD\WRFXWVSHFLÀFW\SHVRINH\VLWRIIHUVDVLPSOH and fast way of selecting and cutting keys. It will be most suitable for ORFNVPLWKVZKRFXWVSHFLÀFW\SHRINH\VLQYROXPHHYHU\GD\LQVKRS Ref: RED 052 Duplicating keys Cutting keys by bitting number input Tilting vice Spindle driven by two spindle belts Automatic key and tool measurement 3 built-in tools The easiest way to cut keys Bright LED light 3-AXIS operation 2 Built-in spindles Size : 288(W) x 395 (H) x 340 (D) mm Weight : 28Kg Miracle Spare Parts, Add-Ons & Accessories SPARE PARTS, ADD-ONS & ACCESSORIES Miracle MT5+ & Cadnam Decoder Ref: RED 056 Miracle Tibbe Adaptor DC Motor Power : 27W Ref: RED 013 Ref: RED 016 Miracle Magnum 1.7mm cutter Miracle A4/A6/A5/ A9 Cutter 2mm Ref: RED 002 CP-61 CP-62 Miracle SX9 Adaptor Ref: RED 025 Ref: RED 076 0LUDFOH0LUDFOH6;$GDSWRU Adaptor. For use with the Peugeot, Citroen FDUVXVLQJ6;FUXFLIRUP Miracle Renault Smart key Adaptor. For use with the Renault smart key cards. Miracle A9 Dimple Key Jaw Ref: RED 031 Standard supplied jaw designed for auto keyway applications. This is an add on jaw designed for dimple keyway applications. CP-86 CP-88 Ref: RED 073 Miracle A9 Domestic Jaw PP[PPFXWWHU1HZPRGLÀHGFXWWHUV T60-E20-P Miracle A4/A6/A5/ A9 FO19 Adaptor Ref: RED 019 Ref: RED 061 0LUDFOH0DJQXPPPFXWWHU Miracle A9 Dimple Cutter 1mm For all models. )RUWKH6LOFD)2NH\DVXVHGRQWKH Ford, LDV and London Taxi. Miracle A9 Auto Jaw For the edge cut keys that need a narrower cutter. )RUH[DPSOHWKH*7DVXVHGRQWKH,YHFRHWF Also used for the Miracle Select. T60-E15 Ref: RED 052 Tibbe clamp. For Ford & Jaguar. Miracle Renault Smart key Adaptor Ref: RED 075 Miracle A4/A6/A5/A9 Cutter 1.5mm Miracle HU66 | Adaptor Jaw 0LUDFOH07DQG&DGQDP'HFRGHU $VWKHWUDFNLVPP\RXQHHGDPPGHFRGHU T60-P05M SPARE PARTS, ADD-ONS & ACCESSORIES 0LUDFOH$'LPSOH&XWWHUPP T60-DC10-45 Ref: RED 023 Miracle A9 Tubular Jaw Ref: RED 024 This is an add on jaw for tubular key applications. CP-86 CP-87 Miracle A9 Dimple Cutter Ref: RED 018 Miracle A4/A6/A5/ A9 Decoder Tip Ref: RED 003 Miracle Magnum Kit for A9 Cutter for cutting all Multilock Dimple keys. 0.6mm wide T60-DC06-45 - New part T60-MC06-45 - Old part Miracle A9 Engraving Cutter Ref: RED 060 The decoder tip for use with our machine. 1RWIRUXVHZLWKWKH07DQG&DGQDPNH\V T60-P10 Miracle A9 Dimple Decoder Ref: RED 015 Ref: RED 058 The decoder for decoding dimple keys. T60-P10M T60-P10D These are the same part but the number has been changed to D from M. Miracle A9 & Select Magnum Jaw Ref: RED 053 -DZWXUQV'HJUHHV/HIWDQG5LJKW for Dimple cuts. Includes Adaptor, PPFXWWHU'LPSOHFXWWHUDQG dimple decoder. Part numbers: RED 053 - Magnum Jaw, RED 016 - 1.5mm cutter, RED 018 - Dimple cutter Multilock, RED 015 - Dimple decoder. Miracle Engraving & Cutting Jaw Ref: RED 059 0LUDFOH$(QJUDYLQJ&XWWHU T60-MC00-45 17 Includes the Cutter for the Jaw. [VXSSOLHG Allows the ability to engrave keys and dogtags etc. -DZWXUQV'HJUHHV/HIWDQG5LJKW for Dimple cuts. Miracle A5 Jaw Ref: RED 014 0DLQ-DZIRU0LUDFOH $ BP-91 18 Miracle Spare Parts, Add-Ons & Accessories Miracle Spare Parts, Add-Ons & Accessories SPARE PARTS, ADD-ONS & ACCESSORIES SPARE PARTS, ADD-ONS & ACCESSORIES Miracle T Wrench Ref: RED 008 +H[PP DOUHDG\VXSSOLHGZLWKGHYLFHEXWH[WUDVFDQ be bought. Miracle A5 12V Power Adaptor Ref: RED 010 Already supplied with device but extras can be bought. Miracle Photosensor Board Ref: RED 070 Ref: RED 009 Already supplied with device but extras can be bought. CP-03 Miracle A5 240V Power Lead- UK Ref: RED 034 240 volt UK power lead for the power supply. Miracle A6/ A9 Main Power Supply Ref: RED 055 Ref: RED 035 Ref: RED 046 Miracle A9 DC Motor 0LUDFOH$$0DLQ3RZHU6XSSO\ 0LUDFOH$'&0RWRU 0LUDFOH$'&0RWRU CP-04 HP-34 HP-32 240V to Australia Lead Ref: RED 036 240V to for Oceania. CP-04 240V to EU Power lead Miracle A5 DC Motor Miracle A5 Motherboard Miracle Step Motor X,Y Ref: RED 077 EP-37B CP-T25 Miracle A5 240V Power Supply Miracle Emergency Off Switch 0LUDFOH(PHUJHQF\2IIVZLWFKIRU$$DQG Select. Photo Sensor Board. EP-15 CP-94 19 Ref: RED 047 Miracle Step Motor Z Miracle Step motor X,Y. Z Axis motor. BP-01 BP-02 Ref: RED 072 Ref: RED 062 Ref: RED 040 Miracle A5 Key Pad Sticker Ref: RED 044 Miracle A6 Keyboard Sticker Ref: RED 065 0LUDFOH$0RWKHUERDUG 240V to EU Powerlead. EP-01 Miracle A6 Motherboard Ref: RED 074 Miracle A9 Motherboard Miracle A6 Motherboard. 0LUDFOH$0RWKHUERDUG EP-02R EP-02 0LUDFOH$.H\SDGVWLFNHU 0LUDFOH$.H\ERDUG6WLFNHU BP-71MA5 BP-71MA6 Ref: RED 057 Miracle A9 Touch Screen Sticker Ref: RED 063 0LUDFOH$7RXFKVFUHHQVWLFNHU Miracle A5 PDA Ref: RED 011 &DQEHERXJKWDVDQH[WUD7KLVLVD+3B or a Dell for French. BP-71MA9 Miracle Driver Board Spare A5/ A9 Ref: RED 043 Miracle A5 Bluetooth Board Spare Ref: RED 042 0LUDFOH'ULYHUERDUG$$6SDUH 0LUDFOH$%OXHWRRWKERDUG6SDUH EP-05 EP-41 Miracle A5 LCD Screen Ref: RED 041 0LUDFOH$/&'6FUHHQ Ref: RED 005 DOUHDG\VXSSOLHGZLWKGHYLFHEXWH[WUDVFDQ be bought. Ref: RED 039 0LUDFOH$6'0HPRU\ERDUG EP-27 Miracle A5 Usb SD Card Reader Miracle A5 SD Memory Board Miracle Stop Guide Ref: RED 045 EP-42 Ref: RED 029 Miracle A9 Bluetooth, USB Board Ref: RED 067 0LUDFOH$8VE6'&DUGUHDGHU 0LUDFOH$%OXHWRRWK86%%RDUG CP-97 EP-41U Miracle A5 Connector Board Ref: RED 066 Miracle A9 DC Noise Filter 0LUDFOH$&RQQHFWRU%RDUG 0LUDFOH$'&1RLVHÀOWHUERDUG EP-03 EP-43 Tip Stop spacer. Miracle Fastening Bolt for Spindle Ref: RED 006 0LUDFOH$&XWWHU+HDG 2 already supplied with device but extras can EHERXJKW3DFNHWRI HP-15 CP-95 Miracle A5 Earthing Strap Ref: RED 071 Ref: RED 049 CP-96 CP-91 Miracle A4, 5, 6, 9 Cutter Head Tip Stop Spacer 0LUDFOH$(DUWKLQJ6WUDS WKM1-060 Ref: RED 064 Auxiliary Top Jaw Adaptor Ref: RED 021 This is for if the key is to narrow to be clamped normally or you need to clamp the key down for additional support. CP-92 20 Spare Parts, Add-Ons & Accessories | Magic Engravers Miracle Spindle Belt Ref: RED 007 Miracle A5/ A9 Mounting Brackets Tibbe Side Screw with Ball Plunger Ref: RED 069 Ref: RED 012 Already supplied with device but extras can be bought. PP[PP DOUHDG\VXSSOLHGZLWKGHYLFHEXWH[WUDV can be bought. CP-SB35 Magic Engravers Ref: MAG 005 Tibbe Grub Screw Tibbe Side Screw with ball plunger. $PXOWLIXQFWLRQDO$[LVHQJUDYLQJPDFKLQHWKDWLVDOVRFDSDEOHRIFDUYLQJ ZD[LQ'E\XVLQJWKHDGGHGWKD[LV(QJUDYHVZLWKHDVHRQPHWDODFU\OLF wood, wax and rounded surfaces. Excellent for cutting name plates. Turns 2D model designs into real size. BP-95 Ref: RED 068 Tibbe Grub Screw. CP-61-BP Ref: RED 048 Miracle A5 Accessory Battery Holds the cutters and decoders. CP-98 Ref: RED 004 This has a magnet that will clamp on the side RIWKHPDFKLQHDQGZLOOJLYHDPLQLPXPRI hour continuous cutting. CP-64 Ref: MAG 002 Ref: MAG 004 3D rotary engraving of cylindrical form like a ring. Compatible with 2D/3D CAD/CAM SW. Engraves inside & outside diameter of a ring. Cuts metal materials such as gold, silver, copper, brass. 5 sensors auto measument for easy cutting and engraving. Uses laser pointer for precise positioning and effortless engraving. Size : 385(W) x 315(H) x 340(D) mm Miracle Tool Holder A metal engraving machine capable to engrave letters or patterns in jewellery and metal materials such as hard plastic, gold, silver, cooper, brass, steel, nickel and stainless steel. Compact, soundless and easy to use. Size : 260(W) x 233(H) x 325(D) mm Weight : 17.5 Kg Max. Engraving Area : 120(W) x 100(D) mm Tool : 4 mm, type - dimond Ultra high speed. Engraves on every metal including stainless steel. Engraves inside & outside diameter of a ring. Various fonts including Cursive & Gothic scripts. Engraves symbols. 4 sensor auto measurement prior to engraving. Virtually silent engraving. Engraves on a curved surface. Uses laser pointer for precise positioning. Tool : 4 mm Flat : 120(X) x 90(Y) x 30(Z) mm Rotary : 40(X) mm Engraving in all metals, even stainless steel. Carving into acrylic, wood or wax materials. Capture of photos. Cut out signs or two colour signs with acrylic base materials. Pens and other curved surfaces, with the available clamps. Size : 465(W) x 260(H) x 345(D) mm Ref: MAG 021 Weight : 30 Kg Max. Engraving Area : 120(W) x 90(D) mm A multifunctional engraver and cutter offering many possibilities from one inexpensive machine with a simple linked computer programme. ) RIIHUV ORFNVPLWKV DQG PDQXIDFWXUHUV VRPH YHU\ VSHFLDO V\VWHPV including the simultaneous ID engraving of locks and their keys and VHTXHQWLDO PDVWHU NH\ ,' HQJUDYLQJ 7KH PDFKLQH FDQ PDNH LWV RZQ templates for such routines. Ultra high speed. Versatile clamping vice. Easily clamps an extensive variety of key shapes. Complex designs engraved in minutes. Convenient and compact in size. Engraves using a dimond tip. Uses laser pointer for precise positioning. 4 sensor auto measurement prior to engraving. Engraves on a curved surface. Various fonts including Cursive & Gothic scripts. Engraves symbols. A multifunctional metal engraving and cutting machine that easy and TXLFNO\HQJUDYHVRQSHQGDQWLQVLGHDQGRXWVLGHGLDPHWHURIDULQJZLWK beautiful and lasting letters or patterns. Compact and soundless. Ref: MAG 003 03 21 Weight : 28.5 Kg Max. Engraving Area : 300(W) x 200(D) mm Tool : 4 mm Power : 100 - 240 V, 50/60 Hz RPM : 12,000 Rpm The Magic-F300PLVDPXOWLIXQFWLRQDOHQJUDYHUDQGFXWWHUFDSDEOHRI engraving letters and patterns on jewelry & metal materials such as: gold, silver, copper, stainless steel or on wax, acrylic, wood. Its high Z axis & its size make it capable of large size projects. and its simple directions enable anybody to easily carve things beautifully. Because of its size, this versatile machine is designed not only for arts and crafts use, but is also capable RIPXFKODUJHULQGXVWULDOPDUNLQJSURMHFWVDIHDWXUHXVXDOO\QRWDYDLODEOH on similar machines. A Large Graphic LCD (resolution 128 X 64). New CPU Board. Engraves on thick material up to 75mm. External Touch Screen Controller Supported (Optional). Bright LED Light. Engraving of jewelry medals, pendants, dog tags, other industrial materials. Depth regulating nose which engraves on uneven surface Size : 380(W) x 290(H) x 260(D) mm Weight : 25 Kg Size : 470(W) x 375(H) x 455(D) mm Weight : 38.5 Kg Max. Engraving Area : 20(W) x 100(D) mm Tool : 3.15 mm Max. Engraving Area : 300(W) x 200(D) mm Tool : 4 mm Flat : 120(X) x 100(Y) x 30(Z) mm Rotary : 40(X) mm Power : 100 - 240 V, 50/60 Hz RPM : 15,000 Rpm 22 Magic Engravers Spare Parts, Add-Ons & Accessories WH Software | SuperVAG 23 SPARE PARTS, ADD-ONS & ACCESSORIES Magic Diamond Engraving Tip Ref: MAG 007 Magic F30/3 End Mill Cutter 0.5 Ref: MAG 014 Magic Series Diamond Engraving Tip. 0DJLF)[PP(QGPLOOFXWWHU T40-DA22 T40-E05 Magic F30/3 End mill cutter 0.4 Ref: MAG 013 Magic F30/3 End Mill Cutter 0.6 Ref: MAG 015 0.4x4mm End mill cutter. 0DJLF)[PP(QGPLOOFXWWHU T40-E04 T40-E06 Magic F30/ End Mill Cutter 1mm Ref: MAG 022 Magic F30 1.5mm Cutter 0DJLF)(QG0LOO&XWWHUPP 0DJLF)PP&XWWHU T40-E10 T40-E15 Magic 3/ F30 35 degree cutter Ref: MAG 008 Magic Series Carbide Tip Ref: MAG 006 Carbide engraving tip with a 4.0mm shaft. T40-V35 T40-A22 Ref: MAG 010 For holding medals etc. Magic F30 Padlock Clamp Instacode Vehicle (Access to Vehicle codes only) Ref: WHS 001 Instacode General (Access to General codes only) Ref: WHS 002 Instacode The Works (Access to Vehicle & General only) Ref: WHS 003 Instacode Deluxe Ref: WHS 004 This option gives you access to both General and Vehicle codes as well as the following features: Find bitting/wafer swapper functionality, Transponder/ remotes information, Car opening instructions. Ref: MAG 012 For holding pens to be able to engrave. Ref: MAG 011 Allows a padlock to be held while engraving. Magic Templates Magic F30 Pen Clamp You can pay monthly or for the whole year and also choose what you want activated. So if you only do Auto then you only activate the Auto sections. Software is purchased directly off WH Softwares website. Ref: MAG 023 0DJLF)GHJUHHDQJOHGFXWWHU Magic F30 Medal Clamp InstaCode is considered the leading Key Data Software throughout the world. With over 4 billion key codes, and new codes added daily, InstaCode is the essential tool for any professional locksmith worldwide. Ref: MAG 020 Custom designed templates. Send us your keys and we will make you a template. Magic F30 Cutting Clamp Ref: MAG 009 Allows a item to be clamped so it can be cut out, like name plates etc. Perspex template Blank Ref: LOC 001 Allows you to make your own Keyblank template for engraving. [[ Works with MiraClone. Cars from 2008 to about 2012. 5HDGLQIRUPDWLRQIURPFDUYLD2%'DQGWKLVFUHDWHVDELQÀOH/RDGWKLVELQÀOHWRWKH0LUD&ORQHXQGHU Eeprom section. Select key you want to write. Select whether it is original key or our own ID48W then write. If it is our ID48W then go and start car. If it is original key then you need to update the car via the OBD and then start the car. Communicate through OBD connector and makes it possible to read the PIN code (1999-) and component security (2006-) which is needed for the key programming. Handle keys smartly! 'LVSOD\VWKHLPRELOL]HULGHQWLÀFDWLRQ Displays the imobilizer DTC (diagnostic trouble codes) memory Erases the imobilizer DTC (diagnostic trouble codes) memory Displays of the actual immobilizer state (incl. info about blocked imobiliser after several invalid passwords) PIN and component security reading Cooperation with MiraClone, Tango and other transponder programming tools Key programming, Remote control signal checking, Remote control programming 24 SuperVAG | Tools SuperVAG Key Ref: SVK 001 Key programming tool for VW, Audi, Skoda and Seat cars. :RUNVZLWK0LUD&ORQH&DUVIURPWRDERXW Communicate through OBD connector and makes it possible to UHDGWKH3,1FRGHDQGFRPSRQHQWVHFXULW\ZKLFKLV needed for the key programming. Handle keys smartly! SuperVAG Lost Key adapter SVG 149 for NEC Ref: SVG 149 SuperVAG solution for ALL KEY LOST situation (when no valid key is available) without soldering. This covers VAG VDO, VDD instrument clusters (VW, Skoda, Seat) with NEC processor. (for example GOLF VI., Superb II, Octavia, Jetta, ....). :LWKVSHFLDOKDUQHVVÀ[WXUH6XSHU9$*69*\RXMXVWSOXJ\RX SuperVAG directly to instrument cluster and from service mode you pull out data to make a valid key. SuperVAG Lost Key Adaptor SVG 157 for Micronas Ref: SVG 157 SuperVAG solution for ALL KEY LOST situation (when no valid key is available) without soldering. This covers VAGinstrument clusters (VW, Skoda, Seat) with Micronas processor. :LWKVSHFLDOKDUQHVVÀ[WXUH6XSHU9$*69*\RXMXVWSOXJ\RX SuperVAG directly to instrument cluster and from service mode you pull out data to make a valid key. SuperVAG Update Ref: SVG 002 SuperVAG Update for your yealy purchase of SuperVag updates and technical support TOOLS Vag Force Ignition Tool Ref: VAG 004 $IRUFHLJQLWLRQWRROIRU9$*FDUVDQGDOVRDQ2%'WHVWHUDOOLQRQH