Trt:t,an-Pat`rice Birds at` FRcrurrrd Toe -Texas-
Trt:t,an-Pat`rice Birds at` FRcrurrrd Toe -Texas-
A Michel Barruol. Amicalement. Birds Trt:t,an-Pat'rice at' FRcrurrrd Toe -Texas- Challurlal-t- I ,l/. t >4 tlt- /A LIECRIT. Editeur. 2? rue Valrose. F.'l 3090 Aix-en-Provence. France. Trist"n-Paûicc CHALLIJIâU (Tcrtc, à I'aubc dcs annécs 60) cst diciplc dc Iouis Sagrrcr ct Frenco Donetoni pour la compocition. Il a &é élcvé au rang dc pianisæ par Moniquc Obcrdocrffcr ct Claude Hclffcr & eu rang dc clavccinisæ par Brigittc Haudcborug. Mcmbrc dc la Gasa Vcldzqucz à Medri{ il cst leuréat dc plus dc 30 concours intcrnationaur dc comlnsition dont lc ViocrMozart-Hauptprcis lorc du biccotcnaire ct lc Prcmicr Grand Prir du prcstigicur 1' Grand Prix Rcinc Elisabcth à Bnucllcs avcc 8on 4èmc conccno pour pieoo. C,ompocitcur eutcrr dc pluc dc 150 GuvscE - qui ont été jouéo cn Europc, Asic ct Anériqucc -. ...Son uavail dc compositcur tcnd à melûiscs unc écriturc polycémique... Et il cst désormais I'invcnæur du "dansé nruical" tout connc Mauririo Kagcl fut cn son tcmps l'invcntcur du "théâtrc musical" Sonrépcrmirc pianictiqucvz dc Frcscobddi,Byr{C,oupcrin à Bcrioctflrr&udcsdctigetietrpassant par lcr vrrirtionc Goldbcrg dc J.S Bach, lcs verietionc Diabclli dc Bccthovcn ,læ 12 énrdcs trancccndenæe dc Liczt & lcs 12 études dc Dcbussy... & bicn str conccrtistc dc sa proprc musiquc. Tristan-Patricc CHATLUIÂU (Worl{atthcdewnofthc6Oicc) is a pupil of louisSagucr and Franco Donetoni. He is amcmber ofthc CasaVcldzqucz in Madri{ and larrcatc of morc thant 30 intcrnetionel compocition compctitionc induding thc Vicnna-Mozart-Hauptprcis and thc Prcmicr Grand Pri:r of ttc prcctigiouc Quccn Elizabcth Prize in Bnuscls. As a composcr hc has wdtæn norc th*' 150 worlc - which have bcco pleycd in Europc, Asirr and in thc Âncricas -. ...For a numbcr of ycars, his worl har bcen dircctcd towards mastcdng e polyrscmic stylc... And aow hc is thc invcntor of thc 'musical dencc" as M. fkgel is thc invcntot of thc nmusical thcetcr'. As pianist he playe Frobcgcr, Coupcrin, Bach, U8zt, Chopin, thc Scriebin sonrtes 7 &9, the cntirc worl ofSchônbcrg, Vebcro aod Bcrio... and nanrdlyhc playc his own music. ^r La Prcsgc: ...Bcau. A décournfut (Iæo cahicr dc la guitare) Flinkc Musik fu flintc Ohtcn... " (Wicncr 7Àt1roryj) Obra muyinærcsanæ, con un rica orqucctaciôn y con noncntos dc unas vcladuras soûoms quc llcveron a 6i imaginaciôn las dclicadas tcrnuas dc ua Zobcl... ' (Ritmo , Medsid) ' C'cst dc fauthcntiquc ct dc la bcllc musiquc... ' (Iæ Mainc) ' Musiquc dcscriptivc qui laiscc opportunémcnt unc grandc maf,gc I I'imogination. ' (LG Soir, Bnrrcllcs) ' ...Einc Art Bckcnamis zur Klangscchônhcit... ' (Kroncn 7æinnS ' Each Chdluleu's work had diffcrcnccs as wcll as his own pcnonal stllmp of an dmoct nelvc and opcn-carcd appraisal of thc cndlcss musicd possibiliticc of sound. " (B.C Baglc, T)L USA) ' ...i1cst cn plus un cxccllcnt pianistc... " (Deuphiné Hb&é) ' ' htp://chdlulau.oct BIRDS AT ROUND TOP -Texas- Tris tan-Patrice CHALLIILAU . wul ô.il :> -'> 4ê-- -4 .- > ?r'> I r"tr; a tftIQtte= &bF -F.<- f.?,r"y^ > >> É Pe pià à'{*2-, EE ,l - $ ,Jlf - lil (r llar*J,. (;) . ton;xrom Po- gô [r"fb I fr:..1{b,Jh *ntfr*, J'rrvtrorr *', **1, . ,tLn r1 JL ffi ^.-tr\rç. //,lon an hnrn*,t- {Qmb*Jr* #r) *f' Prù Rûoso t *o' tt, brW" )I,, t{r n a .rr FFs"b AI g.'b ,n,llr[*- r7($ r |Lt ?,alw Loslb. r -11 . t.!!, (onl':" G..n dl--t?\- - - Fbib; rù.*'tV' ûrr *'t[o ? tot/* bernp'a I z dJu h"*r orl LL ,r ! r nP qtat d* n ,6t Ttrb fttAr,f" b|tr 0'R.Ê"{eL 9on't4,'ni 3 n 6lne-? (Azo=f) RoIl -- fr,r*sio. I; cL€"t r- >PP _sl r ff P ?r l f, F r- S- 5-l \ o..J r"bF Fe,^ras ,-3- -U1 r?t P Jbo a,0nn. ^^II9. lau^Sorn '- Cr- V+ 46*J. )( l, 2 --- t+) r+t (r=r) [r*'') l5l"^ ar /r^l(t'=l) t "w) -i -qrl* +b ? w-fr\' ?P.- f F") ??Iou*l. IL,'bJ--t Lson- D - 4 - - - ft'.r') Aàtlb,&*) --;' h,q *a --ff ^Lrr{^;, le aon p* r4A td, l-rfur{o , P"lï,."".!r**f i f,-i 1 ----/-r__ - --? F=J,",t^,^lr) ,vJ"ïs !3,,, F rn* {r\, r{t,J rrH 43 5 lff-- r t/ )u, t I t _.ryr tt E?' Tiht[ -T-rT rt - ''l,^tb * rLt ./ ,â. lt. t r) 7 FF V,l* - r?r : F ? $1. /l ÀT <9 JO^ lrrlltrùria yrl' p7 t U v ln Y.l , -- o J I a I J b;l t a (F d+), :u.ù' J '/t '. !*, I l. iI.'il\ fu,rf 'î I ll I , -Ltp+V. -4+ lir ,.rJ. 7 b+ ]et .,) .rynl', r- *f.f . a tt et ut . Ç - 4i-. 1| lr 7 'r*1. dtq, ^.u.rL' ilr^JJn ,f 7 6 -- ,> //i^f - T__- .Upua ++ ? /^" rfl 4 a g X* ^ tf ? J Û Ii? W il*. ? bi) ,,r l t t >/ [lr a *ff ti a ? a rbÊ Ê$rh, -b '. . It, r1**[ 1{Àt H (*L FP- ffi (F fr"^r, *.t bie' rna^-lurr la iir . **1. - lill r l> a i 'r' I b;\ b+lfi) ; NA- Jcns ^^tenl;r t€,'Ï-4, it tuÀ | , J fLl, (* U. il\ -{{il (*t 'i=31 Y {& rm ,t,*Ë 4{,1" IL,^|" it ^. 'J. 2> $4, r{*& t13 {u-) )t L+ &t,^ Jb>l aI Uâmarro {à!rg L -'*". 2 lht, ,?,t fb"il" ùvt iri+ t i+i+i ) +ri ri+it t+ i)ïL-, b*uq (*rg bt : ^ I; Ilrl, ff tiu,l t t a[Lg^^r^ %Znni6 1tf ?? {"tt".*) --- n'r*fl,t +\ :1-l Irx hr-bibtti tL) ;!:',,Lrr r )rr*r** ) ),-t, )*,,r,1 rt"L 1*ti^r^) ç"tu,*/ )kç çk * br ï:: î hl. / I ffr"t Jl^f A t\ hu:l) )-ffÊ *f +^+ L-*h rLJ^ Ê' À,. ft' ) r-i-l -i!-+ i q^n Doo b \ t *b) l,h\. Èù t ? )Llr. vll - -notl.. - o tn*l _{ -tôh* â- t* C.h*ahUz âtm. l tî'fro.^.J* sr^!o ttur"-/- ,_3 j-'-ï:4b+r+ l*f*. ç I " ïg-. , T-\ lruJ 1- â /""b aîo*'ùu" ^ .# \StI *\Srl$È [p S^âoI, d^d; 11 I ) k ^rFtlll I âinn #l. ','-'J*f'â-' K*-1T"7 / z41n; 4uu,b" l'Écnn ?2 rue Valrose 13090 Aix-en-Pce. France -1 2 n