serving: toombs, montgomery, emanuel


serving: toombs, montgomery, emanuel
S E R V I N G : T O O M B S , M O N T G O M E R Y, E M A N U E L , T R E U T L E N , L A U R E N S , J O H N S O N a n d TAT T N A L L
Vol. 11, No. 2
Lyons, Georgia
Altamaha EMC
General Manager Retires
immy Musgrove retired
position until he was promoted to
as General Manager of
General Manager in 1990. His
Altamaha Electric Membership
tenure with Altamaha EMC was a
Corporation on July 15, 2010.
period of extraordinary growth,
Musgrove began his affilia-
during which sales of electricity
tion with electric membership
more than tripled, and the number
corporations as a Purchasing
of consumers served increased by
Agent for Carroll EMC
nearly 40 percent.
(Carrollton) in 1971. He was
Altamaha EMC’s Board of
later promoted to Plant
Directors recently thanked
Accountant for Carroll EMC.
Musgrove for his many years of
From there, he moved to
service to the cooperative, and
Coweta-Fayette EMC (Newnan),
noted that “thanks to Jimmy’s lead-
where he was the Administra-
ership, Altamaha EMC is financially
Jimmy Musgrove
tive Assistant to the General
sound and in a position to contin-
Manager. He subsequently served as Office
ue to provide the communities it serves with safe,
Manager, and then Assistant Manager, at Jefferson
affordable and reliable electric power.”
EMC (Wrens).
Musgrove has been married to the former
In 1979, Musgrove was hired as Assistant
Manager at Altamaha EMC, and served in that
September 2010
Julia Palmer for 41 years. They have one daughter,
Marly, who is married to Doug Roper III.
Altamaha EMC Newsletter
A Journey Toward Leadership
The 2010 Washington Youth Tour
inety-nine high school student
delegates from across Georgia
recently returned from the 2010
Washington Youth Tour (WYT), a
leadership program sponsored by
the electric membership cooperatives (EMCs) in
Georgia, including
Altamaha EMC.
At the end of
the seven-day trip,
held June 10-17,
this select group
of youth delegates
returned home
after a firsthand tour of the
nation’s capital with a better
understanding of and appreciation
for the sacrifices made by others
to ensure their freedom. They also
made new friends who shared
with them the experience of this
leadership program.
The WYT is an annual event
that teaches students about U.S.
history, government and careers in
public service. The primary purpose of the tour is to teach students the values every electric
cooperative brings to the communities it serves and to promote
Chaperones Jeff Cox (left) and Logan
Porter (right) had the chance to meet
with Rep. John Barrow to discuss issues
relating to education. Cox is a teacher for
Vidalia High School and Porter teaches at
Pinewood Christian Academy in Bellville.
civic involvement.
The all-expensespaid trip is referred
to as the journey of
a lifetime.
The 2010 WYT
began in Atlanta on
June 10. Before departing for Washington, D.C., the group 12th District Congressman John Barrow took time from his
busy schedule to meet with the Georgia delegates to discuss
visited the Little
important political issues.
White House in
and memorials, and Arlington
Warm Springs. Upon arriving in
D.C., the students joined more than National Cemetery.
Georgia’s youth delegates gained
1,500 other student delegates reprefirsthand insights into today’s most
senting EMCs from 44 states.
important issues through personal
The itinerary for the tour included stops at the Supreme Court, visits with Georgia’s representatives
in the U.S. House and Senate. They
the U.S. Capitol, the Washington
visited the Newseum, a 250,000National Cathedral, Mount Vernon,
the FDR, Jefferson, Lincoln, Korean square-foot museum of news, showcasing the newest technology and
and Vietnam veterans monuments
The 2010 Itinerary
Day 1: Kickoff banquet in Atlanta with Master of
Ceremonies John Bachman, WSB-TV anchor, and keynote
speaker state Rep. Brooks Coleman, chairman of the
Georgia House Education Committee; team-building and
leadership exercises
Day 2: Tour Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Little White House
After an informative tour of the
in Warm Springs; team-building activities at Camp
House, Altamaha EMC
Calvin, Hampton; flight to Washington, D.C.
Kathleen Burns (left)
Day 3: Tour Mount Vernon; visit the White House; tour
and Mara Usry pose for a
Holocaust Museum; dinner at Union Station; tour FDR, photo to capture the moment.
Jefferson, World War II and Iwo Jima memorials
Day 4: Guided tour of Arlington National Cemetery and wreath-laying ceremony at Tomb of
the Unknowns; tours of Lincoln, Korean War Veterans and Vietnam Veterans memorials; tour
Washington Monument; see “Hairspray” at Toby’s Dinner Theatre in Columbia, Md.
Day 5: All-States Youth Day Program; tour Bureau of Engraving and Printing; Smithsonian
museums on the National Mall; National Gallery of Art; National Archives; Spirit of
Washington riverboat cruise and dancing
Day 6: Tour Supreme Court; lunch at U.S. Capitol Visitors Center; tour Capitol, House gallery
and Library of Congress; tour Washington National Cathedral; attend United States Marine
Corps Sunset Parade at Iwo Jima Memorial
Day 7: Photographs with U.S. Sens. Saxby Chambliss and Johnny Isakson from Georgia;
Georgia Congressional Delegation meeting; tour Newseum and Ford’s Theatre/Petersen
House; All-States Farewell Event at hotel
Day 8: Flight back to Atlanta
Altamaha EMC Newsletter
Washington Youth Tour
hands-on exhibits. They also toured
the White House and the Bureau of
Engraving and Printing.
Since 1964, electric cooperatives
across the country have sent more
than 42,000 student delegates on the
WYT, providing them with an opportunity to develop leadership abilities
and inspiring them to become strong
leaders within their communities
and their nation.
Representing Altamaha EMC on
this year’s tour were Kathleen Burns
and Mara Usry.
Kathleen is the daughter of Jimmie
and Susan Burns of Vidalia. She is a
2010 graduate of Robert Toombs
Christian Academy and
plans to attend Georgia College and
State University to major in early
childhood education. During high
school, Kathleen was involved in
many sports and activities, including
cheerleading, one-act play, Key Club
and annual staff.
Mara is a 2010 graduate of Swainsboro High School. She will be attending Georgia Southern University in the
fall, with plans to major in biology.
Among Mara’s many activities while in
Individual OREO
Mara Usry, representing Altamaha EMC,
was one of four Georgia delegates chosen
to participate in a wreath-laying ceremony
at Arlington National Cemetery to honor
the more than 300,000 military personnel
and statesmen who are buried there.
high school, she was a member of
FBLA, Technology Student Association and Dance Line. Mara lives in
Swainsboro and is a member of the
Russ and Stacey Yeomans family.
Jeff Cox, a teacher and coach
at Vidalia High School, served as a
chaperone for the 2010 WYT. Each
year, Georgia EMC chooses two
teachers from across the state to
serve as chaperones. This was Jeff’s
second tour of duty chaperoning
the WYT. He encourages all students to apply for the WYT, saying,
“This is an opportunity that can
change your life.”
Clip and Save
ltamaha EMC has standby personnel on duty 24 hours a day,
seven days a week. In the event of a power outage or other
related emergency, you can contact us at the numbers below:
If you live in the Toombs,
Treutlen, Montgomery or
Tattnall area:
If you live in the
Emanuel, Johnson or
East Laurens area:
When calling after hours, your call will be answered by our
automated system. Please listen carefully and follow the
prompts to report your outage or emergency.
If you are unable to report your outage at the number listed
above, you can also call any of the following numbers:
• 912-565-7480
• 912-526-8891
• 912-583-2487
September 2010
• 912-537-9929
• 912-557-6688
• 912-537-1112
• 912-537-2032
• 912-594-6609
• 912-526-8967
Altamaha EMC Newsletter
3 (8-ounce) packages cream
cheese, softened
¾ cup sugar
4 eggs
1 cup sour cream
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
15 OREO Chocolate Sandwich Cookies,
coarsely chopped
Whipped cream topping
Strawberries, for garnish
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. With
electric mixer on medium speed, beat
cream cheese and sugar in large bowl
until creamy. Blend in sour cream and
vanilla. Add eggs, one at a time, mixing on low speed after each addition
just until blended.
Gently stir in cookies. Spoon evenly into 24 foil- or paper-lined medium
muffin pan cups. Bake 30 to 35 minutes, or until centers are set. Cool completely. Refrigerate several hours or
until chilled. Garnish each serving
with one tablespoon thawed whipped
cream topping, two strawberry slices
and half of an additional OREO
Chocolate Sandwich Cookie, chopped,
just before serving, if desired.
—From the kitchen of Hannah Brantley
Each month, our newsletter features recipes
submitted by our members. If you have a
favorite recipe and would like to share it with
other readers in the Altamaha EMC service
area, send a copy, complete with name,
address and daytime phone number to:
Tammye Vaughn, Altamaha EMC, P.O. Box
346, Lyons, GA 30436. Each month, a recipe
will be selected for publication. The member
who submitted the featured recipe will be
given a $10 credit on their next Altamaha
EMC bill. Due to limited space, not all recipes
received will be featured. Recipes printed in
Plugged In are not independently tested;
therefore, we must depend on the accuracy
of those members who send recipes to us.
Altamaha EMC’s 2010 Annual Meeting
The Official Newsletter
of Altamaha Electric
Membership Corporation
P.O. Box 346
Lyons, Georgia 30436
Toll-free 1-800-822-4563
8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Monday through Friday
Robert E. Youmans
Bernard Hart
Vice President
Billy Benton
Drexel Braddy
Asst. Secretary/Treasurer
Brandon Braddy
R. Alex Grindler
Randall Morris
Danny Shepherd
Myron Sweat
ark your calendars and plan to attend the 2010 Annual Meeting on
Wednesday, Nov. 3, 2010, at 2:30 p.m. at Southeastern Technical
College in Vidalia. The meeting will be held in the Toombs Auditorium.
All members are invited.
In addition to the annual financial reports, election of three seats on
the Board of Directors and the general business session, many prizes will
be given away. Refreshments
will be served following
the meeting.
You, as a Memberowner of Altamaha
EMC, owe it to yourself and the cooperative to attend this
very important
meeting. Remember,
you own the co-op,
and you should be
involved. We look
forward to seeing you
on Wednesday, Nov. 3.
2010 Nominating Committee
he Nominating Committee is scheduled to meet at the headquarters
office in Lyons on Thursday, Sept. 23, 2010. This committee consists
of the following members: Joseph W. Grubbs, Kenneth Bland, Jimmy A.
Glover, Gary J. Walden, Derek Barnes and Buddy Mosley.
Romanous Dotson
General Manager
Carolyn Zorn
Assistant Manager
Carl Gay
Manager, Construction
& Maintenance
Tammye Vaughn, Editor
[email protected]
“Live Better
Altamaha EMC Newsletter

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