Letter from the General Manager Thank You, Mirasol Kids! Mirasol
Letter from the General Manager Thank You, Mirasol Kids! Mirasol
MIRAKIDS T H I S I S N O T Y O U R PA R E N T S ’ N E W S L E T T E R VOLUME 1 | ISSUE 1 | OCTOBER 2008–DECEMBER 2008 Thank You, Mirasol Kids! Over 30 Mirasol kids participated in our “Name the New Kids’ Newsletter” contest, and we are very grateful for the creativity and time that was put into each name we received.The name Mirakids was selected because it best represented the spirit of the Mirasol community that we hope your new newsletter will convey with each issue! It was a great surprise to have received the name Mirakids from six different people! The winners of our contest are: Letter from the General Manager Hey Kids! I hope you enjoy the first ever issue of Mirakids.This is not your parents’ newsletter. But before I begin, let me just explain that by saying, “kids,” we don’t mean to offend anyone. I know some of our teenagers are probably saying, “I’m not a kid.” Just like my 7-year old-son, Jack, says he doesn’t want a “babysitter” because he is not a baby. So our definition of “kids” is anyone who is not OLD. And to the parents and grandparents who may be reading this, my three (soon to be four) kids think I’m old also, so you are not alone. So kids, did you know that when we printed this newsletter, there were 1,044 homes built within Mirasol? In those 1,044 homes, there are 1,950 old (over the age of 23) members and 607 kids! That is why you are now getting your own newsletter – because there are a lot of you, and as a parent, I know that if the kids are happy, so are the adults! The purpose of Mirakids is to tell you what is happening for YOU and your family around the Club. And if there is something we should know, or you think other kids want to know, tell us! We hope you enjoy reading this newsletter, and make sure you ask your parents nicely to bring you to all of the cool events that are coming soon to Mirasol. See you around the Club, Alexandra Banner, 6, Emily Locke, 8 Vizcaya (granddaughter of Richard and Alice Weinstein of Porto Vecchio) Dylan Pollak, 9, Quantera Akhil Ramani, 9, and Leena Ramani, 11,Talavera Matthew Vogel, 11, Tranquilla Thank you to the other Mirasol kids who shared their great ideas with us: • Lauren Bartl, 5, and Stefan Bartl, 9,Tranquilla • Ivy Boockvar, 2, Daphne Boockvar, 3, Charlie Boockvar, 5, Nathan Boockvar, 7, Brooke Garmisa, 4, and Max Garmisa, 4 (all grandchildren of William and Iris Garmisa of Porto Vecchio) • Olivia Charney, 8, and Phoebe Charney, 10,Vizcaya • Brody Kretz, 3, Regan Kretz, 6, and Skyler Kretz, 7,Vizcaya • Carly LaFlamme, 8, and Christy LaFlamme, 9, Monte Carlo • Juliette Levet, 7, and Greg Levet, 9, Quantera • Sophia Liporace, 4,Vizcaya • Matthew Pollak, 3, and John Pollak, 6, Quantera • Earl Quade, 6 (grandson of John and Lucilla Quade of Tranquilla) • Velvet Sahm, 9, Quantera • Sydney Schultz, 11,Vizcaya • Jax Smith, 11, and Rachel Smith, 13, Quantera • Nicky Stern, 7,Tranquilla • Taylor Tuscai, 7, Siesta Mirasol Superstar Spotlight Quantera resident,Thomas Szapucki, shined in this summer’s Cal Ripken Southeast Regional Championship Tournament! Thomas, age 12, had five home runs in the tournament, including one solo homer, two 2-run homers, and two grand slams. He also led the team in RBIs and pitched six scoreless innings, among his other achievements during the series that was played against a team from Buckhead, Ga. Great job,Thomas.You’re a superstar! Matt 2279 Mirasol 411 – You’re Invited! Have an adult contact the reception desk at 776-4949, ext.100 or [email protected] to sign you up for any of these awesome Club events: OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER Mirasol Halloween Family Spooktacular 5th Anniversary Celebration Saturday, October 25, 2008 7 p.m. in the Main Dining Room. Sunday, November 9, 2008 Breakfast with Santa Saturday, December 20, 2008 9 a.m.-11 a.m. Santa is coming from the North Pole to share a special holiday breakfast with our Mirasol kids. Also, make sure to design your own gingerbread house with all the trimmings! Each year, your parents get to have all the fun as they celebrate the Club’s anniversary.This year, you’re invited too! Join us for a swim relay (pick up your sponsorship form at The Esplanade) at 10 a.m., then come back to the Club for a huge bash at 5:30 p.m. We’ll have an awesome band, a bounce house obstacle course, a rock wall, lots of great food, and best of all – fireworks! You will definitely want to be there! Drive-In Movie Theater Friday, November 28, 2008 Don't be afraid to bring your family out for the spookiest night of the year! Join us for a haunted house, dinner buffet, and Halloween movie. Come dressed in your best costume! Halloween Dog Parade Join us on the driving range to watch a great movie under the stars. Bring lawn chairs and blankets, or come early to get one of our golf carts that will be staged in front of the big screen. Popcorn is included, and drinks and candy will also be available. The movie will start at 7:30 p.m., so be sure to be there by 7 p.m. to reserve your seat! Sunday, October 26, 2008 from 4 p.m.-6 p.m. Dress your dog up and join us in the parking lot by the tennis courts. We will have prizes for the dog with the best costume! Trick or Treat at the Club! Third Annual Mirasol Carnival Saturday, November 29, 2008 3 p.m.-7 p.m. in the parking lot outside The Esplanade. Join us for rides, games, food, music, and more. Bring your whole family! Family Fun Night Buffet Friday, December 26, 2008 Reservations begin at 6 p.m. We’ll have face painters, clowns, balloons, and much more! Separate special buffets will be offered for you and your parents. Game Night Monday, December 29, 2008 6 p.m.-10 p.m. Bring your whole family out for an evening of fun and games. We’ll have a buffet dinner, air hockey, pool tables, arcade games, basketball shot, and a lot more! Kids’ Pool Olympics On Friday, October 31 from 12 p.m.-4 p.m., the Membership Office, reception desk, Grille Room, and Activities Office will be giving out candy to all trick-ortreaters. Come dressed in your best Halloween costume! Saturday, November 29, 2008 Saturday, December 27, 2008 If you're between the ages of 4 and 12 and know how to swim, join us at the pool at 10 a.m. for relay races, water scavenger hunts, and big splash contests. Have your mom and dad call The Esplanade at 721-2994, ext. 200 to sign you up for all of the wet and wild fun! Attention Moms and Dads! Number Puzzle When your child turns 14 years old, bring them into the Membership Office to receive their own membership card and a certificate for a special birthday ice cream swirl! Nine digits (1 through 9) are arranged in the 3x3 square at right in such a way that the number in the second row is twice that in the first row, and the number in the bottom row is three times that in the top row.There are three other ways of arranging these digits so as to produce the same result. Can you find them? Visit www.puzzles.com to see if you’re right! • All children under the age of 14 must be accompanied by an adult in all Club facilities. 264 • Children under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult to use the golf facilities. Please inform the Membership Office of all new additions so we may continue to build the Club database to better meet the needs of your family. You can contact the staff via e-mail at [email protected] or lesper@ mirasolcc.com. Search and Find, Win a Prize! We have hidden three member numbers in this issue of Mirakids. If you find your member number, stop by the Membership Office to receive your prize! Did You Know… How Fit Are You? That Mirakids is printed on recycled paper? When you’re done reading it, put it in your family’s yellow recycling bin for an extra way to help the environment! You hear it all the time – in school, from your family, on TV – but do you know what it means to be fit? Being fit means eating well and being active. When you’re fit, you feel good and your body works well, and that means you’re able to do whatever activities you like best! Fall Back! Don’t forget to set your clocks back an hour on Sunday, November 2 at 2 a.m. The idea of daylight-saving was first conceived by one of this country’s founding fathers, Benjamin Franklin, in 1784.The purpose of daylight-saving time is to make better use of daylight. We change our clocks during the summer months to move an hour of daylight from the morning to the evening, and now in the fall, we will move the hour back to the morning. Fun with Chef Jason! You will need help from your adult assistant to make our Halloween Kitty Litter Cake! Ingredients: 1 spice or German chocolate cake mix 1 white cake mix 2 large packages vanilla instant pudding mix, prepared 1 large package vanilla sandwich cookies green food coloring 12 small Tootsie Roll candies “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” – Chinese proverb 1 new kitty litter box 1 new kitty litter box liner Instructions: Prepare pudding mix and chill until ready to assemble. Kids’ Night Wednesdays are your nights in the Grille Room! Join us for face painting and balloon animals, as well as the yummy Grille Room food that you know and love! P3 Program Friday nights are for P3! The “P” is for Pizza, Pictures, and Pool, but it’s also a great Party with fun People and sometimes Popcorn! Crumble white sandwich cookies in small batches in food processor, scraping often. Set aside all but about 1/4 cup. To the 1/4 cup cookie crumbs, add a few drops of green food coloring and mix until completely colored. Mirakids Quarterly Question For more information or to register, please visit the front desk at The Esplanade or call 721-2994, ext. 200. Hey Girls, This Party’s for You! Was your summer vacation stressful? Since school started are you and your friends in need of your own special day at the spa? Are you between the ages of 6 and 17? Yes? Well, what are you waiting for? When cakes are cooled to room temperature, crumble into a large bowl.Toss with half the remaining white cookie crumbs and the chilled pudding. Important: Mix in just enough of the pudding to moisten it.You don't want it too soggy. Combine gently. Line a new, clean kitty litter box. Put the cake/pudding/ cookie mixture into the litter box. Put 3 unwrapped Tootsie Rolls in a microwave-safe dish and heat until soft and pliable. Shape ends so they are no longer blunt, curving slightly. Repeat with 3 more Tootsie Rolls; bury them in the mixture. Sprinkle the other half of the cookie crumbs over the top. Scatter the green cookie crumbs lightly on top of everything – this is supposed to look like the chlorophyll in kitty litter. Join The Esplanade staff and your neighborhood friends each Friday from 6 p.m.-9 p.m. P3 is for kids ages 4 and older. Sorry mom and dad – this party is for kids only! Sign up to learn more about the Fitness Studio and its equipment, and learn different exercises and safe behavior. If you successfully complete the program, you may be one of the first kids in your neighborhood to enjoy accompanied access to the Fitness Studio! 1 new pooper scooper Prepare cake mixes and bake according to directions (any size pans). There’s Something Fun Here Every Week! Eating right starts at home, so be sure you’re eating a variety of foods, especially fruits and vegetables, and drinking lots of water and milk. Did you know that Mirasol’s Fitness Department can help you with the “being active” part of being fit? Over the summer, we started offering a fitness program in the Fitness Studio just for kids ages 10-13, and we have already had a bunch of graduates of the program! Heat 3 Tootsie Rolls in the microwave until almost melted. Scrape them on top of the cake; sprinkle with cookie crumbs. Spread remaining Tootsie Rolls over the top. For a final touch, take 1 Tootsie Roll and heat until pliable, hang it over the side of the kitty litter box, sprinkling it lightly with cookie crumbs. Place the box on a newspaper and sprinkle a few of the cookie crumbs around for a truly disgusting effect! Let's get the party started! Come glam, glitz, and giggle at your very own Gen-Y Spa Party at The Esplanade. All you need to do is: • Choose a party time and date • Invite your friends • Select a special party package • Customize your own goody bags • Let the Gen-Y staff do the rest What would you do if you were President? We want to know! For more information, contact Wendy on the Gen-Y Party Line at 721-2994, ext. 204 or e-mail her at wvandercook@ mirasolcc.com. Don’t let adults have all the fun! You can send us your answer in one of three ways: Warning: Spa parties have been known to be addictive! • Snail mail it to 11600 Mirasol Way, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418. • E-mail it to [email protected]. • Bring it to us in person! Drop your answer off at the reception desk. Send us your name, member number, and a photo of you, and we may include your answer in our next issue. No helping, mom and dad! Weekend Golf Clinics After-School Junior Tennis Program Your parents are always telling you to get off the computer or put down your video games and go outside, right? Why not go out and play some golf? Red Group – 5-8 years of age Saturdays from 9:30 a.m.-10:30 a.m. The After-School Junior Tennis Program schedule is out! If you were part of one of our summer camps, continuing with this program will help you retain and build upon the tips and techniques you learned. If you were not able to join us for camp, this is a great way for you to build some skills! This Red program is designed for you if you are new to the game and have never played before. You will learn the basics of the game through instruction that is based on solid technique which will allow you to advance to the next level. – Golf Safety – Basic Golf Etiquette – Developing a Pro-Shot Routine – Full Swing Lessons – Short Game Lessons (Chipping, Putting) The program will run through the end of the school year, so take a break from your homework and get out on the courts! Have an adult contact Chris at 721-2994, ext. 203 with any questions or to register. TUESDAYS 4-5 years old 4:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m. Beginner/Intermediate 5-11 years old 5:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m. Advanced 12-15 years old Blue Group – 9-13 years of age Saturdays from 10:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. WEDNESDAYS Tournament Elites The Blue program is for you if you have been playing golf for a few years and have already learned the basics of the game. Instruction is focused on your setup and incorporates swing techniques, and you will receive more detailed instruction in all areas of play. – Review of Golf Safety – Golf Etiquette – Full Swing Lessons (Driver and Iron Play) – Short Game Lessons (Putting, Chipping, Pitching, Sand) – Professional Video Analysis – On-course Experience 5-11 years old THURSDAYS 3:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m. Beginner/ Tiny Tots 4-5 years old 4:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m. Beginner/Intermediate 5-11 years old Mirasol Critter Corner Mirasol is made up of 2,300 acres of land with natural preserves and protected wildlife. One of the “critters” we see most often at Mirasol is the sandhill crane, the most abundant of the world’s cranes.The Florida sandhill’s subspecies name is Grus canadensis pratensis. A sandhill crane’s forehead and crown are covered with reddish skin.Their face, chin, upper throat, and nape are white to pale gray. Adults have a white cheek patch, and their legs and toes are black. Holiday Junior Tennis Clinics Join us for two special tennis clinics.They’re a fun way to spend your school vacation! Wednesday, November 26 through Sunday, November 30 Monday, December 22 through Tuesday, December 30 Kids ages 5-9: 10 a.m.-11 a.m. Ages 10-13: 11 a.m.-12 p.m. Call Chris to register at 721-2994, ext. 203. Mated pairs of cranes engage in unison calling, a complex and extended series of uncoordinated calls. While calling, cranes stand in an upright posture, usually with their heads thrown back and beaks skyward during the display. All cranes engage in dancing that includes various behaviors such as bowing, jumping, running, stick or grass tossing, and wing flapping. Dancing is generally believed to be a normal part of motor development for cranes, and also thwarts aggression, relieves tension, and strengthens the pair bond. All cranes are omnivorous, meaning that they eat both animals and plants.They feed on a variety of grains, small vertebrates such as mice and snakes, and invertebrates including insects or worms.They do not eat golf balls! The cranes in the picture at right, which was taken on the putting green here at Mirasol, were confused! If you see a sandhill crane or any other Mirasol “critter,” be sure to stay a safe distance away. And remember, the wildlife in and around Mirasol should never be fed in order to preserve their habitat and natural instincts. Thanks to www.savingcranes.org for the great information on sandhill cranes! Have an idea for a future issue of Mirakids? 11600 Mirasol Way Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33418 561.776.4949 Send an e-mail to [email protected] and let us know! c Printed on recycled paper with vegetable-based inks. 3:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m. Beginner/Tiny Tots 4:30 p.m.-6 p.m. 23 76
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