April 2014 Newsletter - Naperville Area Homeowners Confederation


April 2014 Newsletter - Naperville Area Homeowners Confederation
April 2014 Newsletter
P.O. Box 5245, Naperville, Illinois 60567-5245
In This Issue
City Council Meets the Confederation in April ..................................................................................................... 2
April is Fair Housing Month ................................................................................................................................ 2
Coming In May – NAHC Elections ...................................................................................................................... 3
Confederation Board Takes Position on SB 2658 ............................................................................................... 5
Naperville CARES Brings Cuisine for a Cause to Navistar .................................................................................. 5
Homeowner Water Quality Best Management Practices for Spring and Summer ................................................ 6
NAHC Briefs – News You Can Use! ................................................................................................................... 7
News from The Morton Arboretum.................................................................................................................... 13
ACTHA News................................................................................................................................................... 15
SCAM Alert – Protect Your Personal Information .............................................................................................. 15
School Notes from Districts 203 & 204 ............................................................................................................. 16
Do We Have Your Updated Contact Information? ............................................................................................. 18
News from Naper Settlement ........................................................................................................................... 19
Park District Updates ....................................................................................................................................... 20
Library News .................................................................................................................................................... 23
The NAHC newsletter is published monthly to provide the news and information Naperville homeowners n eed. We welcome and appreciate
your feedback. Send it to our Newsletter Editor at [email protected].
President’s Letter
April is a great month. There is hope that Winter is finally in the rear view mirror, baseball season
begins in earnest, bare tree branches bud, and flowers start poking out of the ground. All of these are
in a bit of jeopardy as I write this, though, as the cold weather is not loosening its grip. It has to stop
snowing eventually, right?
For the Homeowners Confederation, April is the one time every year when we invite City Council
members to sit at the head table during our monthly meeting. We ask that they openly discuss what is
on their minds, answer member questions, and engage in a dialogue without the barriers of the
Council dais or council rules. This annual informal get together, based on mutual respect and
courtesy, is one of the great things about the relationship between the City and Confederation.
With Easter falling on our normal meeting weekend, we moved the meeting to a weeknight, Monday,
April 21st. Networking begins at 6:30 PM and the meeting runs from 7 until 8:30. The meeting location
for this month is changing, too. We will be at the 95th Street Library and our Vice President, Mike
Reilly, promises directions and passport validation to any and all Naperville northsiders making the
trek into Will County!
April is also when we seek out new voting members for our Board of Directors. Four open seats are up
for election this year including Secretary, Treasurer, and 2 Directors At-Large. Together with
Immediate Past President Dr. Bob Buckman and Vice President Reilly, I am working on putting a slate
of candidates together for election at the May annual meeting. If interested in being part of our Board,
please reach out to any of the three of us. More details on the Board roles, duties, and the election
process are in this month’s newsletter. We will announce the proposed slate at the April meeting.
I hope you enjoy this newsletter and share at least some of the content within your associations. We
try to provide news and information that is relevant, actionable, and of interest to our members and
their neighborhoods. Let me know if you have any suggestions for making the newsletter better.
Think Spring!
Bob Fischer
President, Naperville Area Homeowners Confederation
[email protected]
The NAHC Monthly Newsletter is a tool for communicating to and within our member associations. Please feel free to reproduce
any newsletter content in your own Association newsletters.
City Council Meets the Confederation in April
Your next NAHC Monthly meeting will be Monday evening, April 21st at 6:30 PM (for snacks and
networking) at the 95th Street Library, 3015 Cedar Glade Dr. This month, we will be joined by
members of City Council, off the dais, for an informal discussion of things important to those of us who
call Naperville home
We will also announce a proposed slate of candidates for election to our Board at the May annual
meeting and address other Confederation business as appropriate.
Snacks and networking, sponsored by The Care of
Trees, is at 6:30 PM.
The Care of Trees
(www.thecareoftrees.com) is an award-winning,
client-focused firm that focuses on organic and
sustainable tree care. Along with providing the full
range of tree care services for residential,
commercial, institutional and municipal clients, The
Care of Trees specializes in preserving trees in land
developments. It has more than 15 locations serving
metropolitan Chicago, New York, and Washington,
D.C. The Care of Trees has earned the TCIA Accreditation and is a multi-year honor roll member of
Companies That Care..
Keep an eye on www.napervillehomeowners.com for updates on the meeting. We are looking forward
to seeing everyone on the 21st! Remember, snacks and networking begins at 6:30 PM, the meeting
starts at 7, and we promise to have everyone on their way by 8:30!
April is Fair Housing Month
April has been designated as Fair Housing Month to
help celebrate the passage of the 1968 Federal Fair
Housing Act and the protections offered under the
Illinois Human Rights Act.
Naperville’s Fair Housing Advisory Commission
(FHAC) will host two information sessions to inform
the public about its role in the community, provide
examples of housing discrimination and discuss how
individuals can file a complaint regarding
discriminatory practices.
The sessions will be held at 6 p.m. Tuesday, April
15 and noon on Wednesday, April 16. Both will take
place in the Community Room at Nichols Library,
200 W. Jefferson Ave., Naperville. The commission
is providing these sessions to raise awareness
about fair housing practices as well as inform the
public of what to do if they feel they are being
discriminated against by a landlord, property
manager, real estate agent, home loan officer,
housing developer, or insurance agent regarding a
housing related transaction.
The NAHC Monthly Newsletter is a tool for communicating to and within our member associations. Please feel free to reproduce
any newsletter content in your own Association newsletters.
Naperville’s Fair Housing
plays an important role in
discouraging illegal and
practices by promoting
encouraging fair
housing to all. The
commission ensures that
all people have a fair and
purchase, own, lease or
occupy housing within the
City of Naperville without
discrimination on the
basis of race, color,
religion, sex, gender,
national origin, ancestry,
familial status, physical or
disability, military status,
sexual orientation or legal
source of income.
The commission also
regarding those who feel
they are discriminated
against. In addition to
federal and state fair
housing guidelines, the
City of Naperville also has
its own ordinance (Title
10, Chapter 5) that
encourages fair housing
Are you unsure if you are
against? Consult some examples by visiting www.naperville.il.us/fhac.aspx. You can also fill out the
posted complaint form if necessary.
Coming In May – NAHC Elections
In accordance with our bylaws, the Naperville Area Homeowners Confederation will hold elections at
the Confederation Annual Meeting, scheduled for Saturday, May 17, 2014 at 8:30 AM in Meeting
Rooms B&C of the Naperville Municipal Center, 400 S. Eagle Street, Naperville, Illinois. The offices to
be voted on are Secretary of the Confederation (currently John Mesarchik); Treasurer (currently Boyd
Briscoe); and two at large Director Positions (currently held by Tom Harris and Kathy Benson). Only
Boyd Briscoe is eligible to run again for his current position and he has asked to be removed from
The NAHC Monthly Newsletter is a tool for communicating to and within our member associations. Please feel free to reproduce
any newsletter content in your own Association newsletters.
A nominating committee was formed at the March 22nd General Meeting
consisting of Mike Reilly, Dr. Bob Buckman, and Bob Fischer. They will
prepare a slate of recommended candidates to be announced at the
April meeting and persons interested in a board position should contact
one of them to express their interest. Nominations will also be
accepted from the floor the day of the annual meeting. Any person
who, at the time of the election, is a member of a homeowners
association which is a Confederation member in good standing or an
associate member in good standing may seek and hold office on the Confederation Board of
Directors; except that there shall be no more than one Confederation Officer or a total of two
Confederation Board of Directors members from any one Confederation member association or no
more than two associate members as voting members of the Board.
Duties of the positions to be elected are as follows:
Secretary - shall keep the current minutes of all Confederation Board of Directors meetings; shall
present a written report of the Confederation’s previous year’s activities at the Annual Meeting; and
shall be responsible for all correspondence related to the business of the Confederation. The
Confederation Board of Directors shall approve all material correspondence relating to the business of
the Confederation and the Confederation Board of Directors. The Secretary shall also keep current a
list of Member associations and persons to contact, and shall maintain duplicate copies of the
corporate records. The Secretary shall be responsible for all communications with Member
associations or others as the President or the Board of Directors direct.
Treasurer – shall collect and receive all monies and assessments and deposit them to the credit of
the Confederation in a bank approved by the Confederation Board of Directors; shall render a
statement of accounts to the Confederation Board of Directors and to the Confederation membership
At regular meetings; shall issue receipts for assessments upon request; shall challenge the right to
vote of any Confederation member not in good standing at the time of any vote by reason of being in
arrears in payments of assessments; shall present a financial report in writing at the Annual Meeting;
and shall keep a list of all Confederation members currently in good standing. The Treasurer shall be
responsible for preparing the annual budget, to be approved by the Confederation members at the
November meeting of each year. The Treasurer shall disburse funds that are included in the budget
line items upon presentation of adequate documentation for such items.
At-Large Board Members – shall be chairpersons of Ad Hoc Committees of the Confederation as
formed at the discretion of the BOD. They shall be eligible to assume the terms and duties of
Confederation officers, if such officers resign, refuse, become ineligible, or are otherwise unavailable
to fulfill their terms. At-Large Board Members shall be empowered to vote in all decisions of the BOD.
If any elected Director is not able for any reason to complete a term of office, the BOD may appoint an
Associate Director to serve as a Director until the next annual election and any individual so appointed
shall be empowered to serve and perform their duties upon appointment.
All member associations in good standing are eligible to cast a vote in this election. To be considered
in good standing, member associations are to be current in their annual dues. Other information on
the conduct of the elections, or on membership status of associations or voting rights of associate
members, can be found in the Confederation Bylaws which are posted at:
http://www.napervillehomeowners.com/NAHC/NewsDoc/NewsDoc8119.pdf .
If you are interested in serving on the Confederation Board, please contact our President, Bob
Fischer. Vice President, Mike Reilly, or Immediate Past President Dr. Bob Buckman. If your
association or Board would like to learn more about the NAHC, a Board member will be happy to
attend one of your meetings to update your neighborhood on what the NAHC can and does do for you.
Contact us at [email protected] to schedule a presentation!
The NAHC Monthly Newsletter is a tool for communicating to and within our member associations. Please feel free to reproduce
any newsletter content in your own Association newsletters.
Confederation Board Takes Position on SB 2658
Currently under consideration in the State Capitol is SB 2658, introduced by 21 st District Senator Mike
Connelly. This legislation will amend the uses for which Motor Fuel Tax Funds can be used by adding
the ability to not just remove, but also to treat ash trees impacted by the Emerald Ash Borer. The
Confederation has been in the forefront of local efforts to treat ash trees, and not just cut them down,
and we have contacted area senators and asked them to support this legislation. Skeet, a certified
arborist with the Care of Trees and also an Associate Director of the Confederation, recently testified
in a legislative hearing in support of this bill.
The average cost to remove an ash tree from parkways is over $1,000.
Naperville has been treating their ash trees for several years with a success
rate of over 90% and an annual cost per tree of less than $30. It makes sense
to use these tax dollars for treatment, if only to spread the cost of tree
removal over multiple years and maintain our green parkway canopy while
replacement trees have an opportunity to mature.
As the bill proceeds through the legislative process, the Confederation will also reach out to area
representatives seeking their support. The Confederation Board stand was announced at the March
22nd General Meeting and, if appropriate, we may request the membership to approve our support as
a Confederation Stand during the April 21 st meeting.
Naperville CARES Brings Cuisine for a Cause to Navistar
Naperville CARES invites the community to a
fundraising event featuring tastings from over 20 of the
best Naperville area restaurants. The 11th Annual
Cuisine for a Cause, a benefit for Naperville CARES, will
be held on Saturday, April 26, 2014 from 6:30-10:30
p.m. at our new location, Navistar Corporate
Headquarters. Event sponsorships range from $300 to
$5,000 and include reserved seating. Individual tickets
are offered for open seating. The ticket price includes
food, drink and entertainment, and can be purchased
online at www.napervillecares.org or by calling the
CARES office at (630) 369-0200.
Cuisine for a Cause will feature samples of signature
dishes from over 20 prominent Naperville area
restaurants, live entertainment, open bar, wine and beer
tasting, and auctions.
Jones, of Sayre & Jones
Auctioneers, will again bring his
unique style to the event
ensuring a fun and lively auction.
donating auction items may
[email protected].
Sponsorship opportunities are still available at multiple
levels ranging from Platinum at $5,000 to Friend of
CARES Sponsorships at $300. Anyone interested in
participating in Cuisine for a Cause as a sponsor please
contact Janet Derrick at 630-369-0200 or email her at
[email protected]. Those interested in
Shannon Bachara at 847-961-8762 or email
The NAHC Monthly Newsletter is a tool for communicating to and within our member associations. Please feel free to reproduce
any newsletter content in your own Association newsletters.
Homeowner Water Quality Best Management Practices for Spring
and Summer
DuPage County Stormwater Management encourages residents to be mindful of water quality this
spring. Property owners may consider practicing natural lawn care and implementing green
infrastructure projects to reduce pollutants reaching waterways. Commonly referred to as nonpoint
source pollutants, these contaminants include fertilizer and pesticides, car oils, pet waste and litter.
Once mixed in with stormwater runoff, they drain directly to streams and storm sewers off impervious
surfaces, such as roadways, sidewalks and roofs. Spring is a time when many property owners begin
thinking about lawn care and home improvement projects. If done properly, normal routines and
maintenance can improve the quality of waterways by minimizing pollutants in stormwater runoff.
Springs BMPs
Spring is a time to begin thinking about lawn care and home
improvement projects. If done properly, your normal routines and
maintenance can actually improve the quality of waterways by
minimizing pollutants in stormwater runoff. Natural lawn care practices
can begin in the spring with an inexpensive soil test to determine
what—if any—nutrients your lawn needs. In addition, spring is the
time to get in the habit of allowing your grass to grow 3 inches before
mowing. This improves its health by allowing roots to grow longer,
also helping to remove pollutants from runoff. Spring is also an
excellent time to begin thinking about growing gardens, specifically
rain gardens with deep-rooted native plants to filter pollutants from
stormwater runoff. Rainwater harvesting is also a popular technique to
capture and store stormwater for later use, such as lawn irrigation.
This can be accomplished with a simple rain barrel or an intricate
underground system.
 Use a simple and inexpensive soil test to determine what – if
any – nutrients are needed.
 If nutrients are necessary, use natural compost instead of
traditional fertilizer. Consider composting lawn clippings, leaves and
other natural materials.
 Eliminate pesticide use by hand pulling any weeds.
 Allow grass to grow up to three inches before mowing, which
improves its health by allowing roots to grow longer. These longer
roots will also help remove pollutants from stormwater runoff.
Summer BMPs
It’s important to begin a natural lawn care regimen in the spring because your habits will carry into
summer. Now that you’ve tested your soil in the spring, you can begin naturally fertilizing as needed. If
your soil lacks nutrients, consider using compost instead of a harmful fertilizer. Eliminate pesticide use
by hand pulling any weeds. Although you’re not mowing as often, summer is also a great time to begin
composting lawn clippings, leaves and other natural materials. In addition, after spring showers, many
homeowners may consider repaving their driveways. Permeable pavers and porous concrete are
always the best option to clean water and prevent localized flooding. Porous surfaces allow
stormwater runoff to permeate through, which keeps the polluted runoff out of storm sewers and
streams. If this isn’t an option for you, try to avoid coal tar-based sealants, which can be toxic to
surrounding plants, groundwater and humans.
 Install a rain garden with deep-rooted native plants to filter pollutants from stormwater runoff.
 Use a rain barrel or larger rainwater harvesting system to capture rainwater for reuse, such
as lawn irrigation.
The NAHC Monthly Newsletter is a tool for communicating to and within our member associations. Please feel free to reproduce
any newsletter content in your own Association newsletters.
Instead of repaving driveways, consider installing permeable pavers or porous concrete that
allows stormwater to permeate through instead of running off.
Speaking of rain barrels, the City of Naperville and the Naperville Park District are partnering with The
Conservation Foundation to offer 55-gallon rain barrels for sale from now through Thursday, April 24,
2014. Pick-up for the barrels will take place on Saturday, April 26, 2014 at the Naperville Park District
South Maintenance Facility from 8 a.m. until noon
The sale also includes a variety of other related products including accessories, compost bins, flower
boxes and bird houses. The 55-gallon rain barrels are made from high-density plastic and were
previously used for shipping pickled food overseas. They will be sold for $58.50 each if picked up or
for $63.50 with home delivery. Pick-up orders will be taken through April 24 via a third party vendor,
Upcycle Products, at the following link:http://upcyclerainbarrel.com/static.asp?path=5231.
NAHC Briefs – News You Can Use!
These past few years the only thing we can count on from the weather is that it will be crazy. Let's not
leave our water supply to chance - rainwater is a precious resource! Come learn how to collect and
keep it on your property through the use of rain barrels and rain gardens at a Water Conservation
Workshop on Sunday, April 6th, Noon to 2pm, in the Clow Education Center at The
Conservation Foundation's McDonald Farm, 10S404 Knoch Knolls Rd.,
This workshop will include a Noon presentation on how rain barrels and rain
gardens work and how to install them to capture the rain that falls on your land
and put it to good use. Our rain barrels, which are repurposed, recycled and
recyclable and equipped with spigots, screens and overflow valves, will be
available for purchase for $75 each.
At 1pm, enjoy an educational tour of the 60-acre McDonald Farm, a
showplace of conservation in action and headquarters of The Conservation
The NAHC Monthly Newsletter is a tool for communicating to and within our member associations. Please feel free to reproduce
any newsletter content in your own Association newsletters.
Foundation. See on-the-ground examples of rain and butterfly gardens, rainwater harvesting, solar
and wind energy, permeable paving and native plants.
These earth-friendly practices improve our local water quality, increase habitat for bird and butterfly
species, and provide beauty and opportunities for our families to connect with nature right in our own
back yards. Learn how to transform your little patch of earth and become part of The Conservation
Foundation's Conservation@Home program, which recognizes homeowners for environmentally
responsible landscaping efforts. This workshop is free and registration is not required.
-0REGISTER NOW FOR NAPERVILLE CITIZENS ACADEMY - Naperville residents once again have
the opportunity to learn about the City’s form of government, department operations and City services
by participating in the annual Naperville Citizens Academy. This free, 11-week program is designed to
give residents hands-on experience and unique insight into the City of Naperville. Classes will meet
weekly from 6:30 to 9 p.m. beginning Thursday, April 24. Each week, participants will learn about the
many aspects of local government through informative and interactive sessions with elected officials,
department directors and representatives from Naper Settlement, the Naperville Public Library and the
Naperville Park District. The program will culminate in a graduation ceremony officiated by Mayor A.
George Pradel and the City Council. Space in the program is limited and available on a first-come,
first-serve basis. To inquire about registration, contact Communications Assistant Janice Bradley at
(630) 420-6707. For more information, visit www.naperville.il.us/citizensacademy.aspx.
-0Homeowners, Don't Be An April Fool...Get Answers To Your Association Questions on April 1.
There is no such thing as a stupid
question, right? Then why do we have
questions that make us feel foolish? This
is your chance to submit your questions in
advance of the seminar and have your
topic discussed without anyone knowing who submitted the question. No joke! We are hosting this
seminar on April Fool's Day to answer your questions!
Can't think of a question right now, but want to attend? No problem, register and hear the answers to
other people's questions. The attorneys from Keough & Moody, P.C. will also have some content to
share regarding important information that seems to be overlooked by managers and board members
all too often.. Don't be a fool, register today at:
-0Naperville Community Television captured the excitement of the Indian
Prairie Educational Foundation's 25th Anniversary Celebration at
Wentz Hall. The evening featured outstanding musical performances
from all three nationally acclaimed high schools and inspirational
stories from students and alumni. DVDs of this special performance are available for purchase online.
NCTV17 is donating 25% of all DVD sales to the Indian Prairie Educational Foundation.
-0Naperville Municipal Band’s spring concert, “Invitation to the Dance,” will be held at 3 p.m.
Sunday, April 27 at Wentz Concert Hall, 171 E. Chicago Ave. on the campus of North Central College
in Naperville. Put on your dancing shoes as you’ll be tapping your toes to a great selection of music
that highlights dances through the ages including the waltz, polka, tango, samba, jitterbug, two-step
and more. Admission is free.
Musical selections include dances from “Fiddler on the Roof,” a Glenn Miller medley, Strauss waltzes,
a Jamaican folk suite and of course, Sousa.For more information, visit http://www.napervilleband.org
or call (630) 778-9994
The NAHC Monthly Newsletter is a tool for communicating to and within our member associations. Please feel free to reproduce
any newsletter content in your own Association newsletters.
The City of Naperville is pleased to announce that Rachel Mayer, the former Finance Director for the
City of Joliet, is Naperville’s new finance director. Mayer, who will be responsible for Naperville’s
total budget of $436 million, was selected from more than 200 applicants.
Prior to serving as Finance Director for the City of Joliet, Mayer served as a Capital Budget Manager
for the Illinois State Toll Highway Authority and a Budget Analyst for the Illinois Bureau of the
Budget/Office of the Governor. She also served as a Senior Accountant for the American Society for
Clinical Pathology and a Risk Advisory Associate for KPMG, LLP. Mayer holds a Bachelor’s of
Science in Accounting from Saint Xavier University and is also a Certified Public Accountant.
-0Naperville Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Opens Registration for Class Learn what to do… prior to, during and after a major emergency or disaster. Free classes begin April
16 and continue the next 3 Wednesday evenings, 6:45-9:45pm, with final exercises Saturday May 10,
from 8am-2:45pm. Wednesday classes held at Electrical Service Center. Final Exercise will be held at
Fire Station 4. Naperville residents and those working in Naperville should go to,
http://www.NaperCERT.org for more info or to sign up. Registration is required.
-0The Master Gardener Help Line has resumed office hours. The DuPage County Master Gardeners
are available Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9 a.m. to noon at 630-955-1123. Beginning in
May, the Help Desk will resume full hours from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday. Or, questions may be sent via email to [email protected].
-0Now is the time to control costs,
reduce energy use and stay
comfortable with a new highefficiency
programmable thermostat. Receive cash rebates of up to $420 to help you make the switch! More
details are at http://nicorgasrebates.com/index.php/heer/rebate/warm.
-07 Days of Fitness Boot Camp to benefit Naperville CARES - Victory Martial Arts
Naperville will hold one full week of their exclusive martial arts fitness boot camp
from April 7 - 13 to benefit Naperville CARES. "Your 7 Day Fitness Breakthrough
Boot Camp" will incorporate elements from kick boxing to cross fit style training to
create a class that is exciting, fun and
gets results. Donation is $15 for the
entire week. Attend as many classes as
you would like. Drop-ins are welcome or register online
at www.Go4martialarts.com.
-0The Illinois Math & Science Academy (IMSA) is
seeking Illinois students to apply for its SEAMS
(Summer Enrichment for Academics in Mathematics
and Science) residential program, which teaches
advanced math and science concepts through hands-on
learning experiences to students who otherwise may not
have the opportunity to learn in an intellectually
stimulating and supportive environment. Recent programs
have helped students develop talent, interest, and
motivation for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering,
and Mathematics) learning through lessons that feature
catapults, slimy polymers, rockets, and CO2 powered
race cars.
The two week live-in program’s curriculum utilizes group
inquiry and problem solving in ways that are designed to
The NAHC Monthly Newsletter is a tool for communicating to and within our member associations. Please feel free to reproduce
any newsletter content in your own Association newsletters.
improve students' math, science, and English skills. SEAMS has only a nominal fee for the ten day
program ($50) which has served as a catalyst for students who are interested in STEM, but might not
have had opportunities to explore their passions.
Students participating in the SEAMS program live in IMSA residence halls, study in the academic
building, and take trips to places like museums and forensic labs. Students’ experiences in many ways
simulate the experience of an enrolled IMSA student, focusing on interpersonal skill development.
“The SEAMS program is an incredible opportunity for underrepresented students to be immersed in
IMSA’s intellectual environment, experience hands-on STEM learning, and see what life is like for our
students,” said Admissions Counselor Quintin Backstrom. “The feedback we receive from this program
is tremendous, not to mention there is almost no cost associated with it – there is nothing else like it in
The SEAMS program is held on IMSA’s campus in Aurora, beginning Sunday, June 15, 2014 and
ending on Wednesday, June 25, 2014. The deadline for SEAMS’s competitive application process is
April 30, 2014. For application and program information, contact the IMSA Office of Admissions at
630-907-5028 or reach them by e-mail at [email protected]. The application also can be
downloaded at https://www.imsa.edu/admissions/multicultural/multiculturalPrograms.
-0The City of Naperville is offering
financial assistance to residents who
guidelines participating in the City’s
Sanitary Sewer Backflow Prevention
Device Program.
The Sanitary Sewer Backflow Prevention
Device Program is an extension of
ongoing efforts to reduce frequency and
severity of sanitary surcharges. The
program is open to anyone living in the
City of Naperville who has experienced a
sanitary sewer backup caused by an
intense rainfall event or surcharged
sanitary sewer system. The initiative
allows property owners to install the
backflow prevention device of their
choice with the City reimbursing the
property owner 75 percent of the cost.
Community Development Block Grant
(CDBG) Program, the City will help
eligible residents who meet low-to
moderate-income guidelines by paying
the remaining 25 percent of the project
cost. The funds will be available
beginning Tuesday, April 1 and will be
awarded on a first-come, first-serve
basis. Before applying for financial
assistance, residents interested in the Sanitary Sewer Backflow Prevention Device Program must be
pre-approved by the Department of Public Utilities – Water to participate in the program. For more
visit www.naperville.il.us/backflowprevent.aspx. Those interested in the Sanitary Sewer Backflow
Prevention Device Program can also contact Tony Conn, program administrator,
at [email protected] or (630) 305-5537.
The NAHC Monthly Newsletter is a tool for communicating to and within our member associations. Please feel free to reproduce
any newsletter content in your own Association newsletters.
Property owners pre-approved for participation in the Sanitary Sewer Backflow Prevention Device
Program will be required to obtain three written quotes in which the City will pre-authorize one of the
quotes for work to be performed. The property owner is responsible for scheduling the work and
paying the contractor for all associated installation work and restoration costs. Upon completion of the
work, the property owner must submit proof of payment to the City before the City will reimburse 75
percent of the agreed quote.
Backflow prevention devices under this program are to address sanitary sewer back-ups only, not
stormwater or sump pump-related backups, where water has entered the basement through
foundation cracks, window wells, doors or as a result of an overwhelmed or failed sump pump. There
is no deadline to enter the program. Reimbursements will be made at a first-come, first-served basis.
-0The Kennedy Junior High Math Team took First Place in the state MATHCOUNTS competition
March 8 and two Kennedy students will head to the national competition in May.
The two students, Nicky Sun and Allen Chen, will advance as part of the Illinois team to the national
competition May 8-11 in Orlando. They qualified by scoring in the top four on individual written rounds.
The Kennedy team captured First Place out of 62 schools in the state contest, besting Whitney Young
Academic Center (2nd) and University of Chicago Lab School (3 rd). The team was made up of four
students: Allen Chen, Nicky Sun, Melissa Mu and Howie Guo and alternate Albert Lu. In addition, the
school brought two individual competitors: Karen Ge and Jason Xia. The group competed as
individuals against 270 students from across the state
The two national contenders will join two others students – one from Daniel Wright Jr. High School and
the other from the U of C Lab School – to represent Illinois. Coach of the Kennedy team and the state
team is Kennedy teacher Suzanne Croco. CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL!
-0Naperville's Sister Cities Commission is encouraging young artists to submit their artwork into the
2014 Young Artists Showcase competition. Entries are due by Thursday, April 17, with an awards
ceremony planned for 9 a.m. to noon on Saturday, April 26 in the lobby at the Naperville Municipal
Center, 400 S. Eagle St.
This year's contest theme is "Connect globally. Thrive locally."
Entrants are asked to use artwork to express how global
connectivity allows an individual or community to thrive locally and
how this connectivity has impacted the artist for the better.
The Young Artists Showcase is open to Naperville residents as
well as Naperville Community Unit School District 203 and Indian
Prairie School District 204 students between 13 and 18 years of
age by April 30, 2014. The deadline for entries is Thursday, April
17 at 4 p.m. All completed artwork and entry paperwork should be
brought to the Mayor's Office at the Naperville Municipal Center between 1 and 4 p.m. April 14-17.
For more information, visit www.naperville.il.us/sccyashowcase.aspx. One finalist and four semifinalists will receive awards at the April 26 awards ceremony, with the finalist having his or her artwork
submitted to Sister Cities International for national, and potentially international, recognition.
For more information on the Sister Cities Commission, visit www.naperville.il.us/sistercities.aspx
-0Mark your calendar
 DuPage County Sustainable Design Challenge - Tuesday, April 8, 2014, 8:30 A.M. - 11:30 A.M.
- Students from DuPage County high schools will display their sustainable building design projects
to the public at the eighth annual Sustainable Design Challenge for high school students, held in
DuPage County's JTK Administration Building (421 N. County Farm Rd., Wheaton). Students will
present models of their designs, while explaining their research and the design elements that
The NAHC Monthly Newsletter is a tool for communicating to and within our member associations. Please feel free to reproduce
any newsletter content in your own Association newsletters.
make their building “green.” Created by SCARCE, the Challenge is a collaborative effort between
SCARCE and Stormwater Management.
Age Well DuPage™ on April 6, 2014 at College of DuPage, Homeland Security Education Center
(HEC), Room 1022, 425 Fawell Blvd., Glen Ellyn. An event for residents 50 years of age and older,
and family caregivers. Come and experience the services and opportunities available in DuPage
County for a full life at any age. Co-Sponsored by DuPage County Senior Services and College of
DuPage Continuing Education, this joint endeavor will prepare attendees for aging well in body,
mind and spirit, by renewing, recharging and reinventing themselves. Also promoting MoneySmart
Week, an initiative of the Federal Reserve, with sessions focusing on financial literacy. More
details are at http://www.dupageco.org/seniorsvcs/
Easter Bunny & Hop Around the Shops! In Downtown Naperville April 18 – 20. Come downtown
over Easter weekend and hop around the shops and enjoy great Easter weekend sales all over
town. The Easter Bunny will hop into town on both Friday & Saturday (April 18-19) from 11am 2pm and take free photos with kids. Get free 4 x 6 photos compliments of the downtown
Walgreen's store. (Bunny photo locations to be announced).
Naperville CARES invites the community to a fundraising event featuring samples of signature
dishes from over 20 of the best Naperville area restaurants, wine and beer tastings, live
entertainment and auctions. The 11th Annual Cuisine for a Cause, a benefit for Naperville
CARES, will be held at our new location Navistar Corporate Headquarters at 2701 Navistar Dr. on
Saturday, April 26, 2014 from 6:30-10:30 p.m. Event sponsorships range from $300 to $5,000
and include reserved seating. Individual tickets are offered for open seating at $90 per person
before March 31st or $100 per person after March 31st. The ticket price includes food, drink and
entertainment, and can be purchased online at www.napervillecares.org or by calling the CARES
office at (630) 369-0200. The event is made possible by a partnership with My Chef Catering and
is presented by Invesco and Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage Charitable Foundation.
The Interact Community Service Club of Neuqua Valley High School and Rotary Club of Naperville
South will be hosting its Annual Pancake Breakfast on Saturday, April 26th at Neuqua Valley
High School, 2360 95th Street, Naperville. Event will run from 8 AM until 11 AM. Proceeds from
the breakfast will benefit Loaves and Fishes and Shelter Box as well as other local and
international causes. District 204 Music Department students will provide entertainment. Other
activities and entertainment for children will also be provided. Cost is $5 for an individual meal and
the entire family can eat for only $15. For more information call Dan Richardson at 630-546-6804.
Loaves and Fishes News
Signs of the Times – Loaves & Fishes, in cooperation
with the National Association of Letter Carriers 1151, is
looking for subdivisions that will allow us to place lawn
signs in support of the Stamp Out Hunger food drive at their
entrances. A national drive in its 22nd year, the Naperville post
office earmarks all donations placed at residents’ mailboxes on
Saturday, May 10th to Loaves & Fishes. The nonperishable food
and paper goods helps us to assist families throughout
Naperville and DuPage County. We would like to place signs at
subdivision entrances no later than mid-April to raise awareness.
Stamp Out Hunger is one of our largest drives of the year.
Loaves & Fishes would accept responsibility for installing and
removing all signs, with the permission of the homeowners
association. Please contact Jody Bender, Director of Community
Engagement at Loaves & Fishes, at [email protected] or 630-355-3663, ext. 111 for more information.
Thank you so much for your consideration!
The NAHC Monthly Newsletter is a tool for communicating to and within our member associations. Please feel free to reproduce
any newsletter content in your own Association newsletters.
As the need for its services continues to grow, Loaves & Fishes will take a more proactive approach in
helping clients become empowered and self-sufficient. Volunteers will Share the Joy through the
Smart Check program, which encourages healthy food choices during distribution, while also
connecting clients to the Pathways to Empowerment programs to help them overcome their barriers to
Loaves and Fishes distributes over 60,000 pounds of groceries every week. Food donations are
accepted at the Loaves & Fishes location (1871 High Grove Lane, Naperville, IL 60540) during all
regular business hours; Monday thru Thursday, 8 AM to 5 PM; Friday from 8 AM until 2 PM; and
Saturdays from 8 AM until noon. Loaves & Fishes Community Pantry also has a wish list of select
items on Amazon.com. Your purchases can be shipped directly to the pantry warehouse! For more
information go to: http://www.loaves-fishes.org
News from The Morton Arboretum
Trees and Symphony: Back
together again! The worldrenowned Chicago Symphony
Orchestra is returning to play
a series of outdoor concerts
at the Arboretum on June 26, 27, and 28. Bring your blankets and lawn chairs. You are welcome to
bring your own food, but we do not allow any outside alcoholic beverages to be brought into the
Arboretum. Food and alcoholic beverages will be available for purchase on site. Visit
mortonarb.org/cso for more information.
Thursday, June 26, at 7:30 p.m. - A Summer Night on the Red Carpet - Conductor Richard Kaufman
leads the CSO in a program of excerpts from Academy Award-nominated films, including Mary
Poppins, Gone with the Wind, Out of Africa, and many more.
Friday, June 27, at 7:30 p.m. - Tchaikovsky and Beethoven - Conductor Cristian Macelaru leads the
CSO in a program that features masterworks from the familiar classical repertoire. The performance
includes Mendelssohn’s The Hebrides Overture, Tchaikovsky’s Romeo and Juliet, and Beethoven’s
Symphony No. 7.
Saturday, June 28, at 7:30 p.m. - Dvořák’s New World Symphony - Conductor Cristian Macelaru
leads the CSO in a program which begins with Brahms’ Hungarian Dances Nos. 17-21, and continues
with violinist Elena Urioste as soloist in Bruch’s Violin Concerto No. 1. Dvořák’s famous Symphony
No.9 (From the New World) completes the program.
 June 26: $45 per person
 June 27 & June 28: $40 per person
 $10 parking per vehicle per night- paid at entry (free for Arboretum members)
 Arboretum members receive SPECIAL ticket prices of $35 for all concerts.
Please note there is a $5 per ticket processing fee. Purchase tickets at cso.org/morton or phone the
CSO ticketing office at 312-294-3000. If you are an Arboretum member, use promo code
MORTONMEM at check-out to receive your member discount.
What invasive pests affect the many evergreens in our neighborhoods and woodlands? How
much of an invasive threat is the Callery pear, one of the most popular flowering trees in city streets
and home landscapes? How can we breed attractive and ornamental trees that will be sterile and
therefore not invasive? These and other topics will be addressed at the third annual Morton Arboretum
Invasive Species Workshop May 15 in Lisle, Illinois.
This conference is aimed at municipal officials, arborists, conservation and restoration professionals
and volunteers, landscape contractors, and other who must grapple with invasive species in Northern
Illinois and the surrounding region. For more details and to register go to
The NAHC Monthly Newsletter is a tool for communicating to and within our member associations. Please feel free to reproduce
any newsletter content in your own Association newsletters.
The NAHC Monthly Newsletter is a tool for communicating to and within our member associations. Please feel free to reproduce
any newsletter content in your own Association newsletters.
Legislative alert: Community association owners and leaders have some serious legislation
pending. Below are several items that ALL community association owners and involved
professionals need to be aware of
SB 2664 (Haine) was reported out of committee and is now up for a vote in the Senate. While this bill
lengthens the collection period from 6 to 9 months in foreclosure actions, it eliminates an association
from collecting anything other than assessments. NO special assessments, no late fees, no attorney
HB 4154 (Kifowit) has an amendment that mandates non-condos to allow payment plans for owner
assessments. Obviously if every owner decides to take advantage of this, it would have serious
consequences for the association as a whole.
Finally the office had some inquiries as to why ACTHA was supporting HB 4204 (Nekritz) creating an
Ombudsman's Office. Please be advised that an amendment will be introduced substantially changing
the original bill. For the most part, ACTHA feels the changes warrant support of this concept.
ACTHA's SPRING CONFERENCE & TRADE SHOW is Saturday April 12, 2014 from 8:00 AM to
3:30 PM CDT at Drury Lane in Oakbrook Terrace
 FREE Trade Show with 100+ exhibitors, FREE parking and FREE breakfast.
 Full conference access includes entry to any of 9 educational seminars, an Ask an Attorney
Panel and banquet lunch.
This event hosts
 9 different educational seminars for board members, owners and managers
 Ask an Attorney Panel
 Morning trade show (8 - 11:30 a.m.) FREE
 FREE parking and FREE breakfast
EXHIBITORS, click here
.For more information contact Gael Mennecke, 312-987-1906 or [email protected]
SCAM Alert – Protect Your Personal Information
The Naperville Police Department continues to receive a significant number of complaints from
residents who have been the victims of phone and email scams. The subjects
these calls or send emails may claim to represent various government
agencies, Commonwealth Edison, Pay Day Loans or Dish
Network and assert that the victims owe back taxes or have
some other non-existent financial obligation. Many of these calls
threaten the victim with arrest, large fines, disconnection of
services and in some instances, revocation of immigration status
and deportation if the victim does not provide either a credit card
number or other banking information to immediately settle the debt.
In recent weeks, the City has also been made aware of customers
receiving utility account “past due” phone calls from a phone number in
area code 818. These calls are not from the City. Calls from the City
The NAHC Monthly Newsletter is a tool for communicating to and within our member associations. Please feel free to reproduce
any newsletter content in your own Association newsletters.
regarding utility accounts will show up on caller IDs as “City of Naperville” and almost always show the
number (630) 420-6059. The City does not make any calls from an 800 number requesting payments
for utility services.
Senior citizens have also been targeted recently by so-called “grandchild scams.” In these scams,
the victim receives a phone call from a “grandchild” who claims to have been arrested and requests
the victim to forward funds, usually via a money transfer company, to pay for bail and/or their
fine. Residents should always confirm the validity of any such information with family members prior
to complying with the requests made by the caller.
In yet another common scam, residents have been called by individuals claiming to be representatives
of Microsoft or other computer-related firms claiming to have remotely scanned the victim’s
computer. The caller claims to have identified viruses on the victim’s computer and offers to sell the
victim software and/or a monitoring program.
Anyone receiving such calls or emails should never provide the caller with any personal or banking
School Notes from Districts 203 & 204
The role of the school librarian has changed. There has been a general shift in the way people –
including students – consumer literature and content. No one knows that better than Josh Mika, LRC
director at Beebe School.
He was selected to participate in the prestigious ILEAD U (Illinois Librarians Explore, Apply and
Discover) program, a year-long initiative via the Illinois State Library. Dr. Mika will serve as an
instructor, helping library staff throughout the state in brainstorming and developing cutting edge uses
for libraries. Exactly what that role of school libraries – and public libraries -- look like in the future is
open to debate. The ILEAD U program helps in determining that future.
-0District 204 is joining teachers, parents, and middle and high school students across Illinois to
participate in the Illinois 5Essentials Survey. This survey was designed to generate a detailed picture
of the inner workings of your child's school from the perspective of teachers, parents, and students.
As a parent, your voice is essential to help us understand the conditions at your child's school and
guide improvement. The Illinois 5Essentials Survey is administered online by the University of
Chicago, on behalf of the Illinois State Board of Education. The state will provide survey results for
individual schools only if a school has at least 30 percent of parents take the survey. If you have
children attending more than one school, we ask that you complete the survey for each school. All
survey responses will be kept confidential.
To take the parent survey:
1. Visit Parent Survey.
2. Type DuPage as "County."
3. Type your school's name into the "School" field and select your school.
The Illinois 5Essentials Survey identifies five indicators that can lead to important student outcomes,
including test score gains. Research has shown that schools strong on these indicators are ten times
more likely to improve student learning.
The five indicators that effect school success are:
 Effective leaders
 Collaborative teachers
 Involved families
 Supportive environments
 Ambitious instruction
The NAHC Monthly Newsletter is a tool for communicating to and within our member associations. Please feel free to reproduce
any newsletter content in your own Association newsletters.
The NAHC Monthly Newsletter is a tool for communicating to and within our member associations. Please feel free to reproduce
any newsletter content in your own Association newsletters.
Do We Have Your Updated Contact Information?
We will emailed 2014 NAHC Dues invoices in February and followed up in March with some via “snail
mail.” When e-mailing dues invoices a number bounced back due to bad addresses. With
association officers changing, members moving, changing jobs, or switching to different
Internet provider, our directory is in need of an update. Because we use a different
mailing list for dues than we use for the newsletter, we are hoping every association is
contacted via at least one of the two lists. Similarly, if there are members of your association board not
receiving the newsletter, please send us their email!
If you believe the contact information for your association is out of date, please go to our website,
www.napervillehomeowners.com, download, and fill out an information sheet (member application) on
your association. There is a “hotlink” on our homepage to the Membership Application document. This
can also be used to send us a dues check if your association did not receive a dues invoice.
Remember – the only way the Police, Fire Department, Park District, or even local realtors can get
information on Naperville Associations is to ask the Confederation, We don’t provide this information
except on request, so privacy should not be an issue. Thanks!
We are always looking for new members – if you or your association would like to become part of the
Naperville Area Homeowners Confederation, please let us know. We will also be happy to send a
Board member to one of your association meetings to talk about the Confederation and the roles we
play within the greater Naperville Area to make this a great place to call home!
The NAHC Monthly Newsletter is a tool for communicating to and within our member associations. Please feel free to reproduce
any newsletter content in your own Association newsletters.
News from Naper Settlement
523 South Webster Street
Naperville, Illinois 60540
(630) 420-6010
(630) 305-5255-fax
Discover Naperville’s history through engaging and unique experiences at Naper Settlement,
Chicagoland’s outdoor history museum, located in the heart of Naperville. Explore historic homes and
businesses throughout the 12-acre site where you’ll understand the past and how it connects to the
present. Preservation is a key component of the museum’s mission and Naper Settlement has a
reference library and archival collection. Naper Settlement offers special events, such as All Hallows
Eve, programs, classes, camps, architectural walks, group tours and school programs, and rental
opportunities for meetings, weddings, parties and other social occasions.
-0No foolin', April 1 is the traditional Opening Day at Naper Settlement and the start of the Summer
Season. The buildings are open and our museum educators share stories of the past and how they
relate to the present in our historic homes and working businesses like the Blacksmith Shop and Print
Shop. Hours are Tuesday-Saturday, 10:00 am-4:00 pm and Sunday, 1:00-4:00 pm. Members are free
and Naperville residents receive free general admission. For more details, check their website!
-0Have you ever wanted to peek behind the scenes of a museum? "Flashback Friday: Meet A
Curator" begins April 4 and takes place the first Friday of every month from 1 to 2 p.m. (except July
4), at Naper Settlement's Collections Care and Storage Facility, located in the Department of Public
Works Building at Jefferson Avenue and Fort Hill Drive, Entrance C.
Each month, explore a different part of the museum's collection. Hear about the curators' work and
see real artifacts from the museum's collection of over 52,000 objects and learn about the stories
behind these objects. Topics will range from furniture to textiles, archaeological objhects to
recreational artifacts and more! For ages teen to adult. Tickets are $10. Call (630) 420-6010 for
reservations as only 20 spots are available. For teens to adults.
-0Naper Settlement headline bands for the Naper Nights Community Concert Series, where the
History of Rock continues. Include returning favorites include Michael McDermott and the Duke Street
Kings performing the music of Bruce Springsteen on Friday, June 20, and Beatles tribute band
American English on Friday, Aug. 22, celebrating the 50 th anniversary of the Beatles taking America by
storm with their performance on the Ed Sullivan Show.
New acts include Mike and Joe, who will play the greatest pop and rock hits from the ’90s to today on
Saturday, June 21; and Think Floyd will pay tribute to the music of Pink Floyd on Friday, July 25,
including their breakthrough album, “Dark Side of the Moon,” in its entirety, other Floyd favorites and a
custom light show with special effects. Other new bands this year include Arrival playing the hits,
favorites and gems from Journey and friends on Saturday, July 26; and 16 Candles performing the
music of the ’80s and ’90s on Saturday, Aug. 23.
Naper Nights will be held Friday and Saturday evenings, June 20-21, July 25-26 and Aug. 22-23.
April Events @ Naper Settlement
Wednesday Walking Club - Wednesdays, April 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30, 8-9 a.m. FREE!
The Wednesday Walking Club is a great way to meet new friends and
get some exercise outdoors. Get fit the old fashioned way! When it
comes to outdoor activity, there is no better way than an active stroll
around the beautiful 12-acre museum campus. Check in at the PreEmption House Visitor Center, then log your minutes (not miles).
Registration is required to attend this free drop-in program. Earn reward
tickets to Naper Settlement programs and events. Call (630) 420-6010
to register.
The NAHC Monthly Newsletter is a tool for communicating to and within our member associations. Please feel free to reproduce
any newsletter content in your own Association newsletters.
Weed Ladies Spring & Summer Sale - Thursday-Saturday, April 3-5, 10-4,
Sunday, April 6, 1-4 pm
Enjoy a glimpse of warmer weather to come at the Weed Ladies Spring and
Summer Sale featuring their one-of-a-kind floral arrangements. This year,
the Weed Ladies are celebrating their 45th anniversary of supporting
educational programs and historic preservation at Naper Settlement.
Admission to the sale is free
Super Scout Sunday - Geocaching and Letterboxing - Sunday, April 13
Explore Naper Settlement’s grounds like never before! Grab a high-tech GPS
unit and geocache to find hidden caches. Learn about coordinates so you can
geocache on your own. Become a sleuth by solving riddles to find letterboxes.
Make your own stamp, and practice your seeking skills around the Settlement.
Open to both Girl Scouts and Boy Scout grades 2-5. Earns letterboxer brownie badge, geocacher
Junior Badge.
Food Revolution: How the Civil War Changed Food in America - Sunday, April 13
This presentation is given by Dr. Bruce Kraig, the founding President of Culinary Historians of
Chicago. With a Ph.D. in History and Archaeology, Dr. Kraig is Professor Emeritus in History and
Humanities at Roosevelt University, Chicago. An internationally recognized food historian, he has
been host and writer for a series of award-winning food documentaries for PBS. Dr. Kraig has also
appeared on ABC National News, Good Morning America, and BBC News. Dr. Kraig has written
several cookbooks and his articles have appeared in the Chicago Tribune. Reservations
Advance tickets: $6 adult, $5 student, youth and Naperville Heritage Society Sustaining members At
the door: $7 adult, $6 student, youth and Naperville Heritage Society Sustaining members
Naper Wine & Dine - Monday, April 28
Join the Naperville Heritage Society at the annual wine dinner, sponsored by Sullivan's Steakhouse.
This wine dinner boasts a five-course meal paired with a hand-selected wine to enhance the flavors. A
vegetarian menu is available. The evening's entertainment consists of a live auction featuring trips to
Africa, Wente Winery and others. Cost: $175 per person with wine $125 per person dinner only, no
wine RSVP by April 14. More details including menu, silent auction preview, and registration are at:
http://napersettlement.museum/Calendar.aspx?EID=856&month=4&year=2014&day=28&calType=0 .
Park District Updates
Stay connected with the Naperville Park District throughout the year by following them
on Facebook, Flickr, Twitter, LinkedIn and Park Talk Blog. Sign up for e-news by
visiting their homepage at www.napervilleparks.org
-0Springbrook Golf Course and Naperbrook Golf Course are open for play.
Golf staff has prepared a full lineup of tournaments, lessons, leagues, family golf, with a special
emphasis on introducing kids to the game of golf in the 2014 season.
Kids 13 years of age and younger can participate in PGA Junior League play, which provides a fun,
instructive Little League style of competition. Registration is now open for the PGA Junior Leagues,
with practices beginning in April. Interested participants may register at either golf course.
Younger children also will have new opportunities to experience golf this year, as golf summer camps
are now available for kids ages 5 and up, while previously they were open only to kids age 7 and up.
The NAHC Monthly Newsletter is a tool for communicating to and within our member associations. Please feel free to reproduce
any newsletter content in your own Association newsletters.
Registration is now open for the first adult tournament of the season, the annual Partner Best Ball
Challenge, held at Naperbrook Golf Course on April 12. Deadline to register is April 6.
Registration for tournaments,
-0The Naperville Park District is looking for community volunteers who are willing to put on rain boots,
work gloves and warm jackets to help spruce up our parks.
Corporate groups, scout troops, churches, high school environmental clubs, neighborhoods, families
and other community groups are welcome to participate. Park maintenance tasks include litter pick up,
weeding, mulching, removing twigs, and other activities.
Some of the parks especially in need of assistance include the following:
Name of Park
Volunteers Needed
Knoch Knolls Park
Garlic Mustard removal
Large group (15+)
Springbrook Parkway
Garlic Mustard removal
Large group (15+)
DuPage River Park
Prairie seeding
Any number
Ashbury Park
Litter picking around pond
Any number
Brighton Ridge Park
Litter picking around pond
Any number
Brook Crossings
Litter picking around pond
Any number
Clow Creek Greenway
Litter picking around pond
Any number
Hobson West Ponds
Litter picking around pond
Any number
Springbrook Crossings
Summerfield Lake
Tall Grass Lakes
Wildflower Park
Litter picking around pond
Litter picking around pond
Litter picking around pond
Litter picking around pond
Any number
Any number
Any number
Any number
Volunteers may register to help with any of the above projects or they can schedule a project at
another park by contacting Lynnette Hoole at [email protected] or by calling her at 630-8483606.
Volunteers who golf or enjoy being out on a golf course are needed to assist golf staff in repairing our
golf fairways and greens. Two-hour sessions are scheduled for the first Monday and Tuesday
mornings of the month during April, May, and June at Springbrook and Naperbrook Golf Courses.
Interested volunteers may register for this project online at http://www.napervilleparks.org/volunteerwith-the-naperville-park-district.
-0High school student rock bands are invited to apply for a spot in the Naperville Park District Youth
Ambassadors’ eleventh annual Battle of the Bands contest. The event will take place from 4:30-8:00
p.m. on Friday, May 9 at the Community Concert Center in Central Park, located at 104 E. Benton.
Applications and a demo CD or flash drive must be received by 4:00 p.m. Monday, April 21, 2014 to
http://www.napervilleparks.org/battleofthebands. Bands can mail or drop off their entries to Fred Gusel
at the Naperville Park District Administration Building in downtown Naperville. The mailing address is:
Fred Gusel
Naperville Park District
320 West Jackson Ave.
Naperville, IL 60540
The NAHC Monthly Newsletter is a tool for communicating to and within our member associations. Please feel free to reproduce
any newsletter content in your own Association newsletters.
Applicants will be notified on or before April 25, 2014 about whether their band has been selected as a
finalist for the 2014 Battle of the Bands.
The first place winner will perform at Ribfest
at a time to be determined and will advance
to the Illinois Park District Association’s
Regional Battle of the Bands with a chance
to perform at the Illinois State Fair in
Springfield. The second and third place
finishers will play at the Naperville Park
District’s Rollin’ on the River series on the
Riverwalk in July.
The Youth Ambassadors is a group of high
school students who work with the
Naperville Park District to plan communitywide special events for teens each year.
For questions about Youth Ambassadors or
about the Naperville Park District and its
visit www.napervilleparks.org.
-0The 29th annual Jaycees Egg Hunt takes
place at Frontier Sports Complex Saturday,
April 19 at 9:00 a.m. sharp. This event is
free and open to ages 1-8, with no
registration required. Parents are advised to
arrive early, as the eggs disappear quickly.
The Park District is offering two additional
egg hunt events: the first is the Flashlight
Egg Hunt for kids ages 9-13 and the second is the Spring Egg-stravaganza for preschoolers ages 2-5.
The Flashlight Egg Hunt takes place the evening of Thursday, April 17 at Rotary Hill at the base of
the Carillon along the Riverwalk. Pre-Registration is required for the Flashlight Egg
Hunt. Participants need to bring a flashlight and a basket for the eggs. Refreshments will be provided.
The Spring Egg-stravaganza will be held on Saturday, April 12 at Seager Interpretive Center, located
at 1163 Plank Road. Pre-Registration is required for the Spring Egg-stravaganza. The event
includes games, stories, crafts, snacks, and an egg hunt.
-0The Naperville Park District’s Green Team recently completed its 2013 Sustainability Report, which is
available online at http://www.napervilleparks.org/greeninitiatives. The report summarizes initiatives
that are reducing the District’s environmental impact and operational costs in the following five areas:
 Purchasing environmentally responsible products
 Protecting natural resources
 Conserving energy
 Reducing and managing waste
 Furthering environmental education
Highlights of 2013 Sustainability Initiatives
Some of the environmental initiatives are clearly visible, such as the construction of Knoch Knolls
Nature Center. Others are not as obvious, but still very impactful. For example, in 2011 the District
installed a 10,000 gallon cistern at Knoch Park, which is located underground just north of the
playground. Over the past two years the cistern collected more than 400,000 gallons of water which
was used to supplement potable water for irrigating athletic fields. As a result, the Park District saved
over $2,700 in water and wastewater costs.
The NAHC Monthly Newsletter is a tool for communicating to and within our member associations. Please feel free to reproduce
any newsletter content in your own Association newsletters.
With a steady demand for athletic fields, tennis courts and basketball courts, the Park District relies on
sports lighting to extend the hours available at these facilities. Thanks to upgraded technology, sports
lighting is now more energy efficient than in past years, with flexible controls that allow for additional
energy and cost savings. Through new push button controls for the tennis and basketball court lights
at Nike Sports Complex and other locations, in 2013 the District saved 118,373 kilowatt hours in
electricity, equivalent to $10,654 in cost savings.
The District realized additional energy and cost savings through the cumulative effect of upgrades in
lighting fixtures and controls at the Administration Building. The 2012-2013 savings totaled 16,621
kilowatt hours and $4,564.
The Park District continued its extensive annual maintenance of natural areas in 2013, managing
46,890 lineal feet of naturalized basin shoreline, 329 acres of woodland, conducting controlled burns
of more than 75 acres of prairie, wetland, and other natural areas and planting 430 trees.
More than 500 community volunteers helped with natural area maintenance, garden plot gleaning,
planting and other tasks in 2013. Volunteers from neighborhoods, schools, corporations, churches,
and other community organizations, lent valuable assistance and gained a better understanding of
what it takes to restore and maintain the parks and open spaces that make our community beautiful.
The estimated value of the park volunteers’ time is $11,070 in 2013, according to Independent Sector.
The Park District partners with other organizations to involve the community in worthwhile initiatives. In
the summer, the District partnered with Waste Management to offer small electronics recycling at
several facilities. From November 18, 2013 through March 15, 2014, the District held a holiday light
recycling collection in partnership with Elgin Recycling. More than 1,176 pounds of nonworking lights
were collected for recycling, keeping them out of landfills. The District’s cash rebates from recycling
will help purchase educational items for the Knoch Knolls Nature Center.
Library News
For more information go to http://www.naperville-lib.org
service) and
Remember that the Nichols Library and 95th Steet Library are
now open until 9:00 PM on Sunday evenings. Drive-up returns for
all materials are available 24 hours a day at all buildings.
Materials may also be renewed by calling 630.961.0460. The
Library Catalog, http://www.naperville-lib.org is available 24/7 for
you to download or renew materials.
-0All Library locations will be closed on Friday, April 11th (Staff In20th (Easter
Upcoming Program Highlights from the
Naperville Public Library
Slaying Dragons and Poetry = Wednesday,
April 02, 2014 at 6:30 PM -- Nichols Library
Celebrate National Poetry Month with the
Naperville Writer’'s Group. Poets, writers and
those who to read can enjoy keynote speaker, Sandra Marchetti, author of a collection of poems,
"Confluence," and Elmhurst College writing teacher. Poet Ray Simon, past president of the Naperville
Writer’'s Group, will moderate the event. In addition to the featured readers, members of the Naperville
Writer’'s Group and local poets will share their poetry. This program is presented in partnership with
the Naperville Writer’s Group..
The NAHC Monthly Newsletter is a tool for communicating to and within our member associations. Please feel free to reproduce
any newsletter content in your own Association newsletters.
Financial Analysis @ Your Library - Monday, April 07, 2014 at 6:30 PM -- 95th Street Library, Brian
Ahern, Weiss Financial Ratings Series. Learn how to determine the financial stability of a Bank, Credit
Union, Life or Property Insurance Company, Mutual Fund or even Medigap Insurance. The library
online resource, Financial Ratings Series Online, provides accurate, independent ratings and financial
planning tools you need to make informed decisions about financial institutions. This is a Money Smart
Week Program.
Readers' Night Out - Monday, April 07, 2014 at 7:00 PM -- Join us for a night of socializing with other
readers! Meet us at Quigley's Irish Pub located at 43 E. Jefferson Ave. in downtown Naperville and
share a book that you have recently finished reading, or even just a book that you love! Make it an
evening and come at 6:15 p.m. to purchase dinner. Or join us just to talk about books, starting at 7:00
registration at
How To Bridge The Retirement Gap - Tuesday, April 08, 2014 at 6:30 PM -- 95th Street Library
Laura LaBelle, LFE Institute - The Federal Reserve estimates there's a $6.6 trillion gap between what
future retirees will have and the amount they'll need during retirement. Whether you are two months or
20 years from retirement, this workshop will help you learn specific, concrete strategies to bridge the
retirement gap...to live on less, but enjoy it more! This is a Money Smart Week program.
The Long Road To Victory - Wednesday, April 09, 2014 at 7:00 PM -- 95th Street Library
The Story of the Woman Suffrage Movement - Annette Baldwin's portrayals of influential and
unconventional women have been performed in nearly 200 cities across the U.S. Her first person
monologues are presented in Chautauqua style, with an in-character question and answer period
following the monologue. In this presentation Annette portrays five women, Lucretia Mott, Elizabeth
Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, Alice Paul and Carrie Chapman Catt, telling their story and
importance in history during the Woman Suffrage Movement. This program is partially funded by a
grant from the City of Naperville.
The ABC's Of Buying A Home - Thursday, April 10, 2014 at 6:30 PM -- Nichols Library
Monika Tkaczyck, Mortgage Consultant, 1st Advantage Mortgage - This workshop provides an
excellent overview of the home buying process. The topics include household budgeting, building
credit, tips on improving credit scores, home loan financing options and down payment assistance
programs. Learn about the importance of selecting the right team (realtor, inspector, attorney and
lender), and the roles they play in the process (including home search, contract negotiation and
closing). This is a Money Smart Week program.
Honest Abe And His Artifacts - Monday, April 14, 2014 at 7:00 PM -- 95th Street Library - David
Becker, retired teacher, actor and Lincoln scholar presents an inspirational and interactive one man
play, on the anniversary of Lincoln's night at Ford's Theatre. Becker will portray Abe Lincoln and tell
his story before that fateful night at the theatre. All attendees will receive an uncirculated 2009 Lincoln
Rail Splitter Penny. This program is partially funded by a grant from the City of Naperville.
e-Book Workshop: Download With A Kindle.- Come learn how to download free library books to
your device. The library has over 7,000 e-books in our digital collection for Kindle and Kindle Fire
users. Bring in your device and we will show you how to download from our virtual library. Nichols
Library, 4/19/2014; 1:30 – 2:30 PM For more information and to register http://calendar.napervillelib.org/evanced/lib/eventsignup.asp?ID=25464.
e-Book Workshop: Download With An iPad Or Android Tablet - Come learn how to download free
library books to your device. The library has over 7,000 e-books in our digital collection which you can
check out. Compatible devices include iPads, iPhones, Nook Color, Nook Tablet, and all Android or
Windows based tablets and phones. Bring in your device and we will show you how to download from
our virtual library. Nichols Library, 4/19/2014; 3:00 PM. For more information and to register go to
Career Readiness Before College: Linking Majors To Promising Careers - Thursday, April 24,
2014 at 7:00 PM -- Nichols Library - Career Vision - College is too important and too expensive to
The NAHC Monthly Newsletter is a tool for communicating to and within our member associations. Please feel free to reproduce
any newsletter content in your own Association newsletters.
have your child "meander" through it! Entering college with an exciting career direction and choosing
the right major contributes to students' happiness, success and graduating on time. Learn why early
career exploration is not only crucial but fun, as well as the steps to take even BEFORE you begin
looking at colleges.
The tragedy at the Loomis Street Crossing - Friday, April 25, 2014 at 7:00 PM -Nichols Library - It has been 68 years since the Naperville tragic train accident that took
the lives of 45 people. It was the worst disaster in the history of the Burlington Railroad.
Chuck Spinner, author of “The Tragedy a the Loomis Street Crossing," spent five years
researching the stories of 45 passengers who lost their lives on that day, interviewing
eye witnesses and talking with rescue works and injured passengers. His book
prompted the forming of a committee that worked with the Century Walk organization
toward the creating of a memorial called "Tragedy to Triumph," created by Paul Kuhn.
The statue will be dedicated at 1:00 p.m. at the Naperville Train Station on Saturday, April 26.
Chamber Music At The Library - Friday, April 25, 2014 at 7:30 PM -- 95th Street Library
DuPage Symphony Orchestra String Ensemble - Join a select ensemble of DuPage Symphony
Orchestra string instrumentalists for a free fun-filled evening of chamber music. This informal
performance includes an engaging question-and-answer session and opportunities to talk with the
musicians following the performance.
The next Confederation General Membership meeting will be on
Monday evening, April 21st at 6:30 PM (for snacks and
networking, meeting at 7:00) at the 95th Street Library, 3015 Cedar
Glade Dr
Until then, keep an eye on www.napervillehomeowners.com for
late-breaking news and information
Our next Newsletter will be sent out on or about May 1st
Thanks for reading!
Bob Fischer
President – NAHC
When You Find Us, Make sure to “Like” Us too!!!!!
The NAHC Monthly Newsletter is a tool for communicating to and within our member associations. Please feel free to reproduce
any newsletter content in your own Association newsletters.