The BoTicáRio GRoUp FoUndATion - Fundação Grupo Boticário de
The BoTicáRio GRoUp FoUndATion - Fundação Grupo Boticário de
2 SUMMARY 03 Presentation 04 The Boticário Group Foundation for Nature Protection 05 Message from the President 06 Governance and Management 07 Corporate Governance 09 Management Model 10 Financial Sources 11 Actions 12 Support to Conservation Initiatives 17 Nature Preserves 32 Innovative Conservation Strategies 40 Nature Stations 46 Mobilization 50 Partners 51 Individual Contributors 51 Corporations 53 O Boticário Franchisees 59 O Boticário Franchisees – donations to the Cerrado Conservation Center 60 Awards 62 Who we are 63 Board of Trustees 70 Staff 71 Voluntary Consultants 73 Volunteers 74 Appendixes 75 Appendix 1 - Proposals Approved in the 1° Public Announcement for Project Support 2011 77 Appendix 2 - Proposals Approved in the No 2° Public Announcement for Project Support 2011 80 Appendix 3 - Proposals Approved in the 1° Bio&Clima Public Announcement - Lagamar 2011 80 Appendix 4 - Proposals Approved in the 2° Bio&Clima Public Announcement - Lagamar 2011 80 Appendix 5 - Program Approved in 2011 (Support to Programs) Annual Report 2011 Haroldo Palo Jr PRESENTATION 4 The Boticário Group Foundation In order to attain the mission of promoting and performing nature conservation actions, the Boticário Group Foundation provides support to projects by other organizations, protects natural areas it owns, develops innovative mechanisms, and works at disseminating knowledge. The institution also promotes awareness to society regarding nature conservation, contributing for this cause to be acknowledged as vital for the world. Photo: Haroldo Palo Jr The Boticário Group Foundation for Nature Protection is a non-profit institution that acts nationwide and has its headquarters in Curitiba, Paraná. It was created in 1990 and is the fruit of the inspiration by Miguel Krigsner, founder and current chair of the Board of Directors of the Boticário Group. Annual Report 2011 Photo: Haroldo Palo Jr 5 MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT When we bet in nature conservation as the best way 2011 was a year of excellent results for nature conservation. to guarantee our future, we built a history of effective Projects such as the Oasis, which brings a new solution contribution for biodiversity conservation and water protection, the two to protecting biodiversity and unique landscapes in our country. Private Natural Heritage Preserves which are protected by the Boticário Group Foundation for Nature Protection, as More than this, nowadays we are known for our audacity and well as the hundreds of projects supported by it, are practical it would not be possible to achieve these results without the examples of how the institution is doing its part. trust of organizations and people, for working at protecting nature is a mission that is collectively conducted. It is our It is with pride that we share the main activities developed actions that mold the future. And for it to be as we dream it by our organization in 2011, with the assurance that 2012 should be, it is necessary to lead by example. will be even more challenging. Miguel Krigsner President, Board of Trustees Annual Report 2011 Haroldo Palo Jr GOVERNANCE AND MANAGEMENT 7 Corporate Governance The two main governing instances comprising the high The Board of Trustees also is in charge of establishing administration of the Boticário Group Foundation: the Board guidelines for strategic actions and of approving the financial of Trustees and the Audit Committee. operational plan, programs and projects to be financed, as well as financial and activities reports. The Board of Trustees is comprised of 11 members, all of whom are renowned conservationists from nationally and The Audit Committee is comprised of three members internationally renowned institutions whose actions are and advises the Board of Trustees, deliberating on all correlated to that of the Foundation, and also, professionals official financial statements and giving opinions based on from the fields of communication, management, and law. independent auditing. The Board’s main role is to comply with and enforce the The director-president is subordinated to the Board of statute and the bylaws of the Foundation, collaborating to Trustees and is the official representative of the Foundation. the success of institutional programs and initiatives, as well With support from a professional executive board of as promoting financial sustainability and staying power to directors, he is in charge of managing both daily and the institution. technical activities by the organization. Board of Trustees Audit Committee Independent Auditing Director President Executive Board of Directors Annual Report 2011 8 The Boticário Group Foundation also counts on the expertise intensifies analysis ability of the actions and projects funded of 113 consultants who advise, voluntarily, decision-making by the Foundation and, consequently, better qualifies the directly connected to conservation actions. The knowledge institution’s contribution to the conservation of biodiversity. shared by consultants is extremely important, for it Check in “Who We Are” the list of volunteer consultants and also the list of members of both the Board of Trustees and the Audit Committee. Values The Boticário Group Foundation for Nature Protection is committed with: • Nature Conservation: Professional practices that highlight the institutional mission and values; • Ethics: Authenticity, honesty, and respect regarding relations, procedures, and decisions; • Team Work: Professionalism, motivation, recognition, and cooperation, guaranteeing better results; • Continuous Development: Ability of aggregating knowledge that contribute to personal and organizational development, aiming at being flexible, agile, proactive, innovative, and creative. Annual Report 2011 9 Management Model The management model adopted by the Boticário Group view defined for the 2009-2013 period is unfolded in actions Foundation is guided by the “management by process” supported by the Balance Score Card (BSC) methodology, methodology, which aligns working activities to the chain which explicit the strategy by way of an easy-to-read chart. of value within the organization. This method advocates the systematization and control of processes that integrate Critical analyses are performed to track the pace of planned the mission of the Foundation. Actions are tracked by actions and, should detours occur, adjustment actions performance indicators and process documents which are proposed to correct them and guarantee that the guarantee the quality and consistence of the work being requirements established for the year are met. The status developed. and the main results of institutional actions are reported to the team in monthly communication meetings so that Another important concern of the management model is to collaborators are always aligned with the institution’s prepare the Foundation for future challenges and scenarios. mission and strategies. Thus, besides the follow-up of current activities, there is the strategic planning which is undertaken so that a strategic Thus, the adopted management system allows the tracking view of the future is achieved. This view receives special of the execution of processes and the strategic actions, and attention at the Foundation: there is an ongoing investment promotes an alignment of the execution of the strategy for effort in initiatives that guarantee that the institution acts in the staff. an active and driven manner towards society. The strategic The Foundation’s value and processes chain Annual Report 2011 10 Financial Sources The Boticário Group Foundation is the main expression on the following direct collaboration ways: donation from of the policy of private social investment by the Boticário persons, contribution by franchisees of the O Boticário chain, Group, who earmarks a part of its revenues to nature and sponsorship and technical/institutional support from conservation. Besides this resource, the Foundation counts other organizations and companies in specific projects. More in “Partners”. 8,4% 0,5% 13,6% 77,5% Donations from the Boticário Group Donations from O Boticário franchisees Partnerships and Accords Tickets and Other Donations Annual Report 2011 Photo: José Luiz Paiva ACTIONS 12 Support to Conservation Initiatives The Boticário Group Foundation is one of the first national initiatives by 448 institutions from all over the country. institutions linked to the private initiative that finances Distributed throughout all the biomes, these initiatives have projects of conservation of Brazilian biodiversity. Over its brought effective results for biodiversity conservation: 21 years of action, US$ 11,278,069.67 were donated to 1,282 167 Brazilian endangered species were studied. Patrick Pina Haroldo Palo Jr 414 protected areas were benefited. Índigo Macaw (Anodorhynchus leari), an endagered bird which occurs in a small area in the Caatinga. Otávio Vuolo Marques Serra da Canastra National Park, em Minas Gerais. Through 25 initiatives supported by the Foundation it was possible to describe 42 new animal and plant species, 12 of them were discovered in studies undertaken within protected areas. Pedro Viana The Scinax peixotoi frog was described in 2007 and occurs in the Queimada Grande island (São Paulo). Four of the species described in projects supported by the Foundation received names that refer to the Foundation: Gymnanthes boticario (plant); Megaelosia boticariana (amphibian); Listrura boticario and Aphyolebias boticarioi (fish). Passiflora boticarioana Cervi (a native passion fruit) is another species which was named in tribute to the Foundation, although it was not discovered in a supported project. Flower of the Passiflora boticarioana Cervi plant. Annual Report 2011 13 Approved Initiatives In 2011, the Boticário Group Foundation for Nature it first call in 2011, finances projects on vulnerability and Protection approved 44 new initiatives (Appendices 1 to 5). adaptation of species and ecosystems to climate changes in Of this total, one initiative was supported by the Program the region of the Lagamar Protected Areas Mosaic, between Support program, 38 by the Public Announcement for the coasts of Paraná and southern São Paulo. The largest Project Support, and five by the Bio&Clima – Lagamar Public continuous Atlantic Forest remnants are concentrated in Announcement. this region as well as one of the largest estuaries of marine The Bio&Clima – Lagamar Public Announcement, which had life in the world. SUPPORT TO PROGRAMS Consultation letter Detailed proposal Supported Approved amount (US$) March 02 02 01 191,049.68 August 03 01 00 00.00 Total 05 03 01 191,049.68 Caption: Consultation letters: sent consultations; Detailed proposal: consultation letters which were selected for presentation of further details. Annual Report 2011 14 PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT FOR PROJECT SUPPORT Eligible Supported Approved amount (US$) March 212 133 17 351,390.03 August 247 164 21 368,196.64** Total 459 297 38 719,586.67 Edson de Souza Lima Received The study of the ecology and the sanitary state of the bush dog (Speothos venaticus) is financed by way of the Public Announcement **Amounts not yet taken into account in the sum of numbers and investments for 2011 (1,282 initiatives and US$ 11,278,069.67), because the respective contracts have not been signed. Caption: Received: proposals submitted to the public announcement. Eligible: proposals submitted that complied with the Public Announcement guidelines and that were eligible. The other proposals were disqualified. Annual Report 2011 15 BIO&CLIMA – LAGAMAR PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT Approved amount (US$) Eligible Supported March 10 09 02 191,082.80 August 14 11 03 128,546.03** Total 24 20 05 319,628.83 Camila Domit Received The BioMar Project, part of the Bio&Clima – Lagamar Public Announcement, monitors biodiversity and oceanographic parameters in the coast of Paraná. ** Amounts not yet taken into account in the sum of numbers and investments for 2011 (1,282 initiatives and US$ 11,278,069.67), because the respective contracts have not been signed. Caption: Received: proposals submitted to the public announcement. Eligible: proposals submitted that complied with the Public Announcement guidelines and that were eligible. The other proposals were disqualified. Annual Report 2011 16 Ecodevelopment In partnership with the Inter-American Foundation, conservation with initiatives improving quality of life of the Boticário Group Foundation for Nature Protection communities. In 2011, four projects were being undertaken, supports “Ecodevelopment” projects that associate nature all of which were approved in 2010. Paraná Pine Forests At the end of 2011, the Boticário Group Foundation for the thematic lines that have already been adopted by the Nature Protection signed a term of cooperation with the Boticário Group Foundation in its public announcements, Fundação Araucária. The two institutions will launch in with priority for Paraná Pine Forests and their integrally 2012 a joint call for projects aiming specially at institutions protected areas. The launching of this public announcement from the state of Paraná who might effectively contribute will be in June 2012. to nature conservation in the state. The selection will follow PArtners in supporting conservation initiativesÃO Annual Report 2011 17 NATURE PRESERVES Private Natural Heritage Preserves (PNHP) are private The Serra do Tombador Nature Preserve was purchased areas which are destined to nature protection. They are in April of 2007 and recognized as a federal PNHP in 2009. effective mechanisms of society participation in biodiversity It is located in Cavalcante, to the northeast of the state of conservation, complementing public efforts at creating and Goiás, inside one of the areas considered as high-priority for maintaining protected areas. conservation by the Brazilian Ministry of the Environment (MMA). In its 8,730 hectares, it shelters and protects several The first PNHP owned by the Boticário Group Foundation for Cerrado typologies, perennial and seasonal rivers, in an Nature Protection was the Salto Morato Nature Preserve, area of remarkable scenic beauty and biodiversity. The which was purchased in 1994 and opened to public proximity of the Preserve to the Chapada dos Veadeiros visitations in 1996. With a total area of 2,252 hectares, it is National Park emphasizes its importance within the context located in Guaraqueçaba, northern coast of Paraná, within of conservation of the Cerrado, Brazil’s second largest the largest continuous Atlantic Forest remnants in the biome and also the second most threatened. The Serra do country. In 1999, the area was recognized by UNESCO as a Tombador Nature Preserve is in its structuring stage and is World Natural Heritage site and, since its creation, it has not open to public visitation. Gustavo Gatti been being a reference as a private protected area. Serra do Tombador Nature Preserve Annual Report 2011 18 Management plans were completed Adrian Moss One of the main achievements in 2011 for both preseves were the completion of their management plans, a document providing the main guidelines for the protected areas to fulfill their goal of conserving biodiversity present there. The Serra do Tombador Nature Preserve had its management plan elaborated for the first time and the document was approved by the Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade (ICMBio), and its publication in the Diário Oficial happened in December. The plan for the Salto Morato Nature Preserved was reviewed and updated. The document was sent to ICMBio and it is expected to be approved in the beginning of 2012. In order to subsidize the review of the management plans in its preserves, the Boticário Group Foundation applied the concepts of adaptive management and planning tools appropriate for this methodology. They aim at identifying conservation targets and focus and plan actions on the short, medium, and long terms, to guarantee the conservation of these targets. Workshops were organized on adaptive management in both preserves and all of them counted on the participation of a multidisciplinary team formed by representatives from the Foundation itself and from other institutions acting in their respective regions. In Cavalcante, the workshops took place in 2010. In Guaraqueçaba, in 2011, the Environmental Police Battalion of Paraná, ICMBio, SPVS, Instituto Ambiental do Paraná, and Instituto Salto Morato Nature Preserve Neotropical were all involved. Annual Report 2011 19 Salto Morato Nature Preserve Protection to biodiversity and scientific research Haroldo Palo Jr The work of restoring the natural integrity of the Salto Morato Nature Preserve continued in 2011 with the Invading Exotic Species Control Plan, which was elaborated to broaden actions of controlling brachiaria and other invading species, which included capacitation for the use of IPE (individual protection equipment) and for handling toxic products. The Endangered Fauna and Flora project, which started in 2010, continued being undertaken. Its goal is the conservation of three emblematic Atlantic Forest inhabitants: Jucara palms (Euterpe edulis), the Black fronted Piping Guan (Aburria jacutinga), and the Solitary Tinamou (Tinamus solitarius), species which are threatened or endangered due to deforestation, illegal extraction, and poaching. In 2011, the first stage was completed of the research on the Solitary Tinamou, which brought indicators for management and future research. A field study was undertaken as well to identify the populational structure of the Jucara palm, which confirmed that, as in the entire region, at the Salto Morato Nature Preserve there is illegal extraction of heart of palms, and this is a strong threat to the integrity of the protected area. The knowledge acquired with this study will be used in actions of recovery and fighting illegal extraction of heart of palms, which were planned for 2012 and following years. Also in 2011, a populational study was started of the Black fronted Piping Guan, which will last until early 2012. It is expected that, like the Jucara palm, concrete results are obtained for conservation actions of this species. The Jucara Palm (Euterpe edulis), one of the three target species of the Endangered Fauna and Flora. Annual Report 2011 20 The Ecology and Conservation Graduate Program (PPGECO) Foundation itself, the Preserve served as research field for by the Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR) had the nine projects undertaken by other researchers. Four of them Course Field Ecology taught at the Salto Morato Nature were concluded and the remaining will continue in 2012. Preserve. Acervo Fundação Grupo Boticário Besides studies undertaken by the Boticário Group Photographic trap is mounted to record medium-sized and large mammals. Annual Report 2011 21 Projects undertaken at the Salto Morato Nature Preserve Project/research Technician in charge Institution Status Field Course PPG-ECO: Ecology and Conservation of the Atlantic Forest. Isabela Galarda Varassin UFPR Concluded in 2011 Analysis of Visitation at the Salto Morato Nature Preserve: Influential variables. Thabata Quadros Luchtenberg Unibrasil Concluded in 2011 Parameters for the Litter Anuran Community in the Atlantic Forest at the SMNP. Manuela dos Santos Pereira UERJ Concluded in 2011 Taxonomy and phylogeny for Auchenorrhyncha and Aquatic Insects in the Neotropical Region. Daniela Maeda UFRJ Concluded in 2011 Assessment of the vulnerability to extinction of Atlantic Forest species in face of the use of mutualistic interaction networks between zoochore plants and frugivorous birds. Isabela Galarda Varassin UFPR Undergoing Survey of orchid bees and native bees fauna that nest in pre-existing hollows in the Salto Morato Nature Preserve aiming at the conservation of these pollinators in forest remnants in Paraná. Silvia Helena Sofia UEL Undergoing Latin-American POPs Atmospheric Monitoring Network. Gilberto Fillmann FURG Undergoing Roberto Fusco Instituto de Pesquisas Cananéia Undergoing Marcelo Rubio UFPR Undergoing Status of endangered medium-sized and large mammals in protected areas of coastal Atlantic Forest in the northern coast of the state of Paraná: strategies for the elaboration and implementing a monitoring program. Use of space by bats and its potential effect on succession and regeneration processes of degraded areas at the Salto Morato Nature Preserve. Annual Report 2011 22 Public Usage Since 1996, the Salto Morato Nature Preserve has received over 92,000 visitors. In 2011, there were 4,779 visitors, coming from different regions of Paraná, from other 11 states, and 12 countries. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Visitations in 2011 May. June. July. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Origin of visitors in 2011 Jan. 911 39% Curitiba-PR Feb 385 Mar. 303 36% Guaraqueçaba-PR Apr. 384 7% Coast of Paraná May 229 June. 471 July. 179 Aug. 159 Sep. 268 Oct. 347 Nov. 537 Dec. 606 Total 4.779 6% Upstate Paraná 3% Curitiba Metropolitan Area 3% Santa Catarina 3% Other countries (Latin America, Germany, Austria, Canada, Slovenia, Spain, United States, Holland, and Portugal) 2% São Paulo 1% Other states (Acre, Alagoas, Amazonas, Distrito Federal, Maranhão, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, and Rio Grande do Sul) Annual Report 2011 23 Among the visitors are students from public schools from activities. In 2011, the first class of the Guaraqueçaba’s Junior Guaraqueçaba, who participated in the Junior Green Force Green Force graduated 29 students. The Guaraqueçaba project. The interdisciplinary project, which is organized by municipal administration and the Boticário Group Foundation the Environmental Police of Paraná, aims at capacitating for Nature Protection are partners in this initiative. Maísa Guapyassú teenagers through environmental education and civics Students from the Junior Green Force in activity at the Preserve. Annual Report 2011 24 In 2011, the Preserve offered yet another attraction to in the Preserve. The action’s goal is to allow visitors to get visitors: the Field Day with a Researcher, which had two pilot closer to researchers and understand the importance of editions during the year. In these events, a group of visitors these studies for the conservation of biodiversity. Maricy Rizzato Vismara follows the field activities of a researcher performing studies Visitors follow the work of a researcher. Annual Report 2011 25 The list of birds occurring in the Salto Morato Nature the event, the winners of the 5th Avistar Bird Photographing Preserve was reviewed, to a total of 324 species. Competition were presented, and one of these winners was awarded a visit with a companion to get to know the The Boticário Group Foundation supported the sixth edition avifauna at the Preserve. of the Brazilian Bird Watching Meeting – Avistar 2011. During Haroldo Palo Jr. Beautiful birds that occur in the Preserve Haroldo Palo Jr. Saffron Toucanet (Pteroglossus bailloni). Green-headed Tanager (Tangara seledon). Annual Report 2011 26 Ernani Werle Monitoring In 2011, the monitoring works of the trail were intensified and the landmarks were marked with poles. Improvements in infrastructure The reforms and readjustment of buildings that started in 2010 were completed. The facilities destined to Public Usage also underwent improvements; the kiosk toilets were expanded; the Visitors Center was revitalized; and the reform of the Fig Tree Trail began a second stage, with the rebuilding of bridges and new boardwalks, with its reopening being planned to take place in early 2012. In April 2011, a meteorological station was installed in the Preserve in a joint action with SIMEPAR, broadening the Reform of the Fig Tree Trail Maricy Rizzato Vismara meteorological and climatic monitoring stations network in the state of Paraná. It is a international standard meteorological station and it provides real time data about wind direction and velocity, atmosphere pressure, solar radiation, air temperature (minimum, maximum, and average), relative air humidity and precipitation. This data provided by the station offer subsidies to researchers working in the Preserve External view of the reformed Visitors Center Annual Report 2011 27 Relationship with the surroundings The Boticário Group Foundation promoted meetings and was also participation on meetings of the EPA Guaraqueçaba reunions with the Guaraqueçaba administration and its Consulting Board (Conapa), the Coast Observatory, and the secretaries (Environment, Education, and Tourism). A Paraná Coast Tourism Festival. term of cooperation was also signed with the municipal administration to enable the Junior Green Force project. The Preserve also supported the Association of Beekeepers of the Guaraqueçaba EPA (Acriapa), in organizing a course As in the previous years, representatives from the Preserve on the breeding of native stingless bees, for the Vila Morato, participated in the work group for the management of aiming at giving an opportunity of increasing income in this protected areas in the Lagamar Mosaic, which comprises the community, by way of their insertion in the honey market. coastal area next to the Paraná-São Paulo state line. There Partners of the Salto Morato Nature Preserve Annual Report 2011 28 Serra do Tombador Nature Preserve Scientific research In 2011, four studies were undertaken within the Serra do Funatura finished a project in the Chapada dos Veadeiros Tombador Nature Preserve. region that studied the Brazilian Merganser (Mergus octosetaceus), an endangered species that has already been observed in one of the Preserve’s rivers. In October, field classes were taught in the Graduate Program in Botanics from the Universidade de Brasília (UnB). Thirteen students from the PhD and master’s degree programs Two studies started during the last year, and both will were present, who surveyed the vegetation in the different contribute to increase knowledge on the dynamics and phytophysiognomies present in the Preserve. effects of wildfires in the Cerrado. PROJECTS UNDERTAKEN IN THE SERRA DO TOMBADOR NATURE Project/research Technician in charge Institution Status USP Undergoing. Started in September 2011. Fire as a management tool in protected areas in the Cerrado. Alessandra Tomaseli Fidelis UNESP Undergoing. Started in November 2011. Strategies for protecting the Brazilian Merganser Mergus octosetaceus in the Chapada dos Veadeiros, Goiás, Phase II. Cesar Victor do Espírito Santo Fundação PróNatureza – FUNATURA Completed in 2011 UnB Completed in 2011 Field Classes in the Botanics Graduate Program. Professors Cássia Munhoz, PhD; Manoel Cláudio Silva Junior, PhD; and Regina Célia de Oliveira, PhD. Field Classes in the Botanics Graduate Program at UnB. Collection Boticário Group Foundation Vânia Regina Pivello Collection Boticário Group Foundation Fire as a management tool for invading grasses in protected areas in the Cerrado. Researchers from USP during the collection of biological material in the Preserve. Annual Report 2011 29 Infrastructure Fires In August, 4,150 meters of fences were installed in the The Preserve fell victim to fires between August and Preserve, continuing the boundary-marking process. September. Despite the efforts by the staff and the Besides the delimitation itself, the fences prevent domestic PREVFOGO fire brigades, as well as volunteer brigadiers, animals (bovines, equines, and mules) from entering the 80% of the Preserve was burned. However, no macrofauna Preserve. Adding services from previous years, the Serra individual was found dead. do Tombador Nature Preserve has now a total of 18.1 kilometers of fences. In October, the staff at the Preserve participated in the I Meeting on Fires, organized by the Cavalcante Town Council, Still in August, a meteorological station was installed in and did a presentation on the importance of the Cerrado the Preserve. The station is equipped with sensors for and its protected areas, emphasizing the impacts caused temperature and air humidity, air velocity and direction, by fires. In that occasion, initiatives were discussed and atmospheric pressure, precipitation, and solar radiation, and forwarded to minimize the occurrence of fires in the region. also a data logger which stores data from sensors. The data generated will subsidize research activities and also aid the staff to monitor fire spots in order to protect the Preserve Collection Boticário Group Foundation from wildfires. Meteorological Station. Annual Report 2011 30 Relationship with the surroundings In order to strengthen the importance of the Preserve in In December, the staff at the Preserve participated in protecting the Cerrado, the staff at the Boticário Group the meeting of the Board of the Chapada dos Veadeiros Foundation seeks integration with local institutions. National Park and, during the occasion, the Boticário Group Foundation was named holder of the chair of representative In August 2011, the Boticário Group Foundation held a from non-government organizations in the board. meeting with the mayor and municipal secretaries from Cavalcante, to present the institution’s initiatives and Over the year, the “Tombador-Veadeiros Ecological Corridor” discuss the challenges and opportunities that the region continued aiming at encouraging the conservation of private faces. lands located between the Preserve and the Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park. The initiative is the result of a In November, local partners were invited to participate in partnership with The Nature Conservancy (TNC), ICMBio, and the Training on Invading Exotic Species Management and other institutions. The main action in 2011 was the ongoing Control. Besides the staff at the Preserve itself, participated registering of land owners in the project’s area. in the course Eric Resende Kolailat, from the Departamento de Áreas Protegidas da Secretaria do Meio Ambiente e Recursos Hídricos of the state of Goiás (SEMARH); and Alexandre Sampaio, from the Chapada do Veadeiros National The executive director at the Boticário Group Foundation meets local authorities. Collection Boticário Group Foundation Collection Boticário Group Foundation Park, under the ICMBio umbrella. Participants in the meeting of the Board of the Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park. Annual Report 2011 31 Partners of the Serra do Tombador Nature Annual Report 2011 32 Innovative Conservation Strategies The Boticário Group Foundation invests in the development adaptation to and mitigation of climate changes. Besides, of innovative strategies to intensify conservation actions. the Boticário Group Foundation is doing studies so that, The fronts that are currently being worked are the in the future, conservation strategies are proposed that payment for environmental services (Oasis Project) and decrease the degradation generated by productive chains of the strengthening the importance of protected areas in the great environmental impacts. Oasis Project The Oasis Project encourages the conservation of private The initiative was conceived to financially award landowners lands and is one of the first mechanisms of payment for who, historically, conserve their natural areas in fresh water environmental services (PES) to be implemented in Brazil. spring areas. In 2011, 14 landowners benefited from the program in the water springs areas of the Guarapiranga The project was launched in 2006 in the São Paulo watershed and the Environmental Protection Areas of metropolitan area, where it is being developed by the Capivari-Monos Boticário Group Foundation itself, with financing provided by properties conserved 747.65 hectares of natural areas. and Bororé-Colônia. Together, these the Mitsubishi Foundation Corporation for the Americas and Collection Boticário Group Foundation the Instituto Hedging Griffo. Sítio do Sargento, a property participant in the Oasis Project São Paulo. Annual Report 2011 33 and seeks to encourage other organizations and the public (with a simplified model of environmental calculation that authorities to adopt the PES mechanism as a viable tool for also includes agricultural management criteria) aroused the conservation of strategic natural areas. interest in other municipalities in implementing the project. The first partnership for the expansion of the project was One of these was São Bento do Sul (in the state of Santa established with the municipal administration of Apucarana Catarina) that, in June 5, 2011, established a partnership with (state of Paraná), in 2009. The project started in 2010, when the Boticário Group Foundation aiming at the implementation the first financial awards contracts were signed between the of the “Oasis Project São Bento do Sul: Water Producer of the town administration and landowners. In 2011, there were Vermelho River.” The project comprises 18 hired properties, new adhesions and, by the end of the year, the Oasis Project which protect 44.85 hectares of native vegetation on the Apucarana accounted a total of 133 participants in whose banks of the Vermelho River in the Rio Vermelho/Humboldt lands 800 hectares of protected areas are being conserved. Environmental Protection Area. Protected water spring in Apucarana. Collection Boticário Group Foundation The format that the Oasis Project assumed in Apucarana Collection Boticário Group Foundation The project in São Paulo has a demonstrative character Event celebrates the partnership between the Boticário Group Foundation and the municipal administration of São Bento do Sul. Annual Report 2011 34 Nationwide expansion In 2011, the Oasis Project underwent a review and landowners involved, in different regions of the country. It methodological evaluation phase, as well as an analysis has also the purpose of stimulating the creation of municipal of the results achieved until then. Next, the model was and state legislation of payment for environmental perfected: a new PES calculation was devised as well as a services, regulating the mechanism and making long term computer system to manage the project. This perfected actions possible. For that, partnerships with states and model has as a differential the possibility of being applied municipalities are in negotiation. in any region in Brazil. The structuring process for the nationwide expansion of the Oasis Project was financed by The first initiative to be implemented under this new model the Instituto HSBC Solidariedade. will be the Oasis Project Serra da Moeda – Brumadinho, in the state of Minas Gerais. In this project, the partners of the Boticário Group Foundation in this project are the Minas conservation of natural areas and their biodiversity, to the Gerais State Attorney and the Associação Mineira de Defesa supply of fresh water, and to increasing the income of the do Ambiente (AMDA). Collection Boticário Group Foundation The nationwide expansion of the Oasis Project aims at the Collection Boticário Group Foundation The partners in the Oasis Project Serra da Moeda – Brumadinho sign a cooperation agreement. Landscape in Brumadinho (state of Minas Gerais), with areas of pasture, mining, housing, and also conserved areas next to the mountains. Annual Report 2011 35 Two other partnerships were signed in 2011. One with the will participate in the “Taquarussu Project: A Source of Life”, Fundação Mata Atlântica Cearense for the implementation which will be implemented in the city of Palmas, (state of of the Oasis Project - Maciço de Baturité. The Boticário Group Tocantins) by the Companhia de Saneamento de Tocantins Foundation will also help developing the methodology that (Saneatins). will be used to environmentally valuing properties which PARTNERS IN THE OASIS PROJECT SÃO PAULO Sponsorship Collaboration Support PARTNERS IN THE OASIS PROJECT APUCARANA PARTNER IN THE OASIS PROJECT SÃO BENTO DO SUL Annual Report 2011 36 PARTNERS IN THE OASIS PROJECT SERRA DA MOEDA - BRUMADINHO caoma PARTNER IN THE OASIS PROJECT – NATIONWIDE EXPANSION OTHER PARTNERS IN THE OASIS PROJECT Annual Report 2011 37 Climate changes All actions of conservation of natural areas developed by the Boticário Group Foundation contribute to the mitigation and adaptation to climate changes. They collaborate with mitigation because they help decreasing deforestation, which is one of the main ways of decreasing greenhouse gasses emissions. Regarding adaptation, the actions by the Boticário Group Foundation allow the mitigation of some of the possible damages to society due to climate changes. One example of this is that the conservation of natural areas decreases the risk of floods, for it allows that rainwater is absorbed by the soil and flows slowly on the slopes, which helps preventing landslides as well. The Boticário Group Foundation also organizes and promotes other actions that contribute to decreasing the impacts of The Bio&Clima – Lagamar project is an innovative initiative of financing research projects which aims at understanding the impacts of climate changes on species and ecosystems, and the generation of recommendations for the management of protected areas. Initially, the project is focused in the Lagamar, an area comprising the northern coast of Paraná and the southern coast of São Paulo, in an area that shelters the largest continuous Atlantic Forest remnants in Brazil. In order to finance projects in this region, in early 2011, the Boticário Group Foundation launched the Bio&Clima – Lagamar Public Announcement. (The projects supported in 2011 are listed in Appendices 3 and 4). Ricardo Belmonte Lopes climate changes on biodiversity, as it will be shown later. Bio&Clima – Lagamar Parado Lagoon (state of Paraná), where a project is being undertaken involving estuary birds, supported by the Bio&Clima – Lagamar Public Announcement. Annual Report 2011 38 public policies In the field of public policies on climate changes, the In December, four representatives from the Boticário Group Boticário Group Foundation was reelected (for the 2011- Foundation participated in 17th Conference of the Parties 2012 period) as coordinator of the Observatório do Clima to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate (OC), a Brazilian network articulating on the global climate Change (COP 17), which was held in Durban, South Africa. It changes. Through this network, throughout the year, the was the third time the institution participated in a Climate Boticário Group Foundation participated in several events Convention COP and the first in which it had a stand, which and debates against the Act of the Congress changing the was used to publicize its actions, especially those related to Forest Code, and on the regulation of the National Policy on climate changes. Collection Boticário Group Foundation Climate Changes. Collection Boticário Group Foundation Annual meeting of the members of the Climate Observatory, in May 2011. The stand of the Boticário Group Foundation at COP 17. Annual Report 2011 39 in 2009 by the federal government at COP 15, and included in manifesto against the Act of Congress that changes the the National Policy on Climate Changes, is threatened by the Forest Code and presented it to the international press. changes in the Forest Code. The manifesto asks Brazilian In the text, the institutions claimed that the proposal of president Dilma Rousseff to veto the proposal easing the decreased greenhouse gasses emissions which announced environmental law. Collection Boticário Group Foundation At COP 17, members of the Climate Observatory wrote a Former minister of the Environment, Marina Silva, receives the manifesto against the changes in the Forest Code from André Ferrertti. PARTNER OF ACTIONS ON CLIMATE Annual Report 2011 40 Estação Natureza The Nature Stations, which were created by the Boticário people who live in cities to get in touch with nature. There Group Foundation for Nature Protection in partnership with is special attention for schools, including supplying with the Boticário Group, are interactive exhibitions on Brazilian materials on environmental themes. Currently, there are two nature. Aiming at providing awareness to the urban stations in operation, one in Corumbá, Mato Grosso do Sul, population on the environmental issue, the exhibitions allow and another in São Paulo. Pantanal Nature Station with photographic panels, models, sounds, and images, in a space that integrates the revitalization of a historical providing visitors with the sensation of being traveling building in Corumbá. The exhibition presents the natural through the Pantanal, sensitizing citizens and tourists alike wonders of the region in a playful and interactive manner, on the importance of the swampland ecosystems. Silvio Andrade The Pantanal Nature Station was created in 2006 and is set Pantanal Nature Station Annual Report 2011 41 During its six years of activity, the exhibition received 44,350 Visitors in 2011 visitors from all states in Brazil and from different countries. In 2011 alone, there were 9,751. 1.757 Education institutions (grammar schools and high schools) Spontaneous visitors Non-school organized groups Total: 9.751 2.871 5.123 Learning institutions attended Attending both public and private schools from Corumbá e Ladário at the Pantanal Nature Station provided the students with a space for reflection and learning on environmental issues. 39 learning institutions were 10 attended to (corresponding to 60% of the grammar schools and high schools in Corumbá and Ladário), which did a total of 170 monitored visits. Municipal State 7 Private 22 Total: 39 Annual Report 2011 42 A The Pantanal Nature Station also served as location The “Children’s Saturday,” held on October 15, was an for events and held temporary exhibitions that value the afternoon presenting several activities focusing on children, region’s culture and nature. The “Expo Água 2010” Exhibition such as playing, visits to the interactive exhibition, and took place in March and it was the third edition of the event the presentation of a puppet show which was devised that is held in partnership with the Paz e Natureza Pantanal exclusively for this date. NGO; Photographs, sketches, tips, and warnings on how to take care of water, presented the relationship between humankind and water, focusing on the communities in the Collection Boticário Group Foundation swamplands. Puppet Show performing during the Children’s Saturday event. Annual Report 2011 43 Partners at the Pantanal Nature Station Parceiros da Estação Natureza Pantanal Organized by: Realização: Patrocínio: Sponsor: Collaboration: Colaboração: Annual Report 2011 44 São Paulo Nature Station The São Paulo Nature Station, which was open in 2009, was presented in a playful and educational manner, providing the developed in partnership with The Boticário Group and the visitors with a vivid experience in each place by way of their Science Station at the Universidade de São Paulo (USP). senses, including simulations of temperature, smells, image projections, plant and animal models, and photographic The permanent exhibition occupies a space at the entrance panels. of the Science Station, where five stylized boxcars were installed, distributed over one-hundred-meter-long tracks, In its three years of activity, the São Paulo Nature Station with a total area of 240 square meters of exhibition space. has received over 206,000 visitors, 67,131 in 2011 alone. Antonio Carreiro In each of them, information on Brazilian landscapes is In boxcar four, the passenger of the São Paulo Nature Station is surprised with the dry environment of the Caatinga. Annual Report 2011 45 Partners at the São Paulo Nature Station Master Sponsor: Realização: Patrocínio Máster: Gold Sponsor: OrganizedOuro: by: Patrocínio Collaboration: Colaboração: Annual Report 2011 46 Mobilization In order to engage more people and organizations in during the nights some buildings facades in the city were the defense of nature conservation, the Boticário Group illuminated with projections of images of Brazilian fauna Foundation for Nature Protection promotes awareness and and flora. mobilization actions for the several publics with which it has relations. The Boticário Group Foundation also associated with SOS Florestas, an alliance of citizen movements and In June, the Boticário Group Foundation performed an urban environmental organizations contrary to the act of the intervention in São Paulo to celebrate the National Parks Congress which changes articles in the Brazilian Forest Code. Day, which is held on June 14. A blob with a diameter of Among the actions in partnership with SOS Florestas, the six meters was installed on the Pinheiros River, in front of “Endangered Forest Code” video was produced, presenting the Berrini train station. Inside it, there was an image of a the dimension of the impacts caused by the easing in the native cedar and the saying: “Return the visit. Get to know environmental law. Felipe Fontoura the National Parks.” In order to complement the action, Giant blob installed in the Pinheiros River. Partner in the Mobilization Annual Report 2011 47 RESPONSIBLE GASTRONOMY The Responsible Gastronomy program was launched by the transportation), and integral use of the ingredients, in order Boticário Group Foundation in 2010, in Curitiba, Paraná, with to avoid waste. the goals of mobilize cuisine chefs in favor of responsible culinary practices; mobilize society in favor of the cause of Besides giving the opportunity for the restaurants’ clientele to conservation via gastronomy; and demystify responsible appreciate tasteful and responsible dishes, the Responsible culinary, proving that it can – and should – be tasteful. Gastronomy program also encourages people to act on behalf of the cause. In the www.gastronomiaresponsavel. The movement comprises renowned chefs who offer a website, the general public can know more about the responsible dish in their restaurants, that is, a plate which movement and share responsible recipes. takes into account environmental concerns in its execution, following the four conservation principles that rule the The movement is curated by award-winning chef Celso movement. They are: the use of organic ingredients, non- Freire, from ZeaMais, who invited other chefs from the city to usage of endangered species, the use of products from local join the initiative; and, as its ambassador, Gabriela Carvalho, suppliers (in order to avoid carbon dioxide emissions due to chef and owner of the Quintana Café e Restaurante. Results up to 2011 • 33 restaurants in Curitiba, which served 1,981 responsible dishes; • 1 restaurant in Florianópolis, state of Santa Catarina; • 2 participations in gastronomy festivals: at the Gastronomix, in Curitiba in April; and at the Encontro Abrasel – Sabores do Pará, in Belém, state of Pará, in November. • 6.214 accesses to the movement’s website and 126 catalogued recipes. Annual Report 2011 Joel Rocha 48 Gisele Koprowski The Copacabana Salad, from Forneria Copacana, the best selling dish in the movement. Gaspargo, the movement’s mascot, at Gastronomix. Partner in the Responsible Gastronomy Annual Report 2011 49 Restaurants participating in the Responsible Gastronomy movement in December 2011 * ** * Baggio participates with four restaurants in Curitiba (Água Verde, Champagnat, Jardim das Américas, and Juvevê). ** Villa do Porto is the restaurant in Florianópolis (Santa Catarina). Annual Report 2011 50 José Luiz Paiva PARTNERS Annual Report 2011 51 Individual Contributions Maria de Lourdes Silva Nunes Teresa Bracher Corporations Annual Report 2011 52 Corporations Acriapa Almeida & Bertelli Arquitetura AMDA - Associação Mineira de Defesa do Meio Ambiente Anarco Antilhas Badida Baggio Batalhão de Polícia Ambiental - PR Beto Batata Original Bistrô do Victor Bistrô Duchamp Boteco Santi C La Vie Cálamo Cantina do Délio Cervejaria Devassa Don Max Editora UFPR Edvino Estação Ciência e Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão Universitária - USP Forneria Copacabana Fundação Mata Atlântica Cearense Gepetto Hardt Planejamento S/S Ltda IAP - Instituto Ambiental do Paraná ICMBio ICMBio - Parque Nacional da Chapada dos Veadeiros Instituto Guaju Instituto Homem Pantaneiro Instituto Neotropical Kebaberia Velho Oriente La Table Lagundri Lapinha SPA Le Liban Lei de Incentivo à Cultura Losso, Tomasetti & Leonardo Sociedade de Advogados Lucca Café Madero Maia Box Mane Manu Buffara Mediterrâneo Ministério da Cultura Missouri Gourmet Deli Netquest Brasil O Eco Oli Gastronomia Paraguassu Parnax Porcini Tratoria Prefeitura da Cidade de Apucarana Prefeitura Municipal de Cavalcante Prefeitura de São Bento do Sul Prefeitura de São Paulo - Secretaria do Verde e Meio Ambiente Price Waterhouse Quintana Café e Restaurante Revista Plurale Ricardo Tasukamoto Saneatins - Companhia de Saneamento do Tocantins Secretaria de Meio Ambiente e Turismo de Apucarana - SEMATUR Secretaria do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Hídricos de Goiás - SEMARH Secretaria do Meio Ambiente de São Bento do Sul Prefeitura do Município de Guaraqueçaba Sel et Sucre SOS Florestas SPVS - Sociedade de Pesquisa em Vida Selvagem e Educação Ambiental TAM Terra Madre Totopos Villa do Porto Vin Bistrô Vindouro Zea Maïs Annual Report 2011 53 O Boticário Franchisees A A BRAGA DE CARVALHO A BRUXA COMÉRCIO DE PERFUMARIA A BRUXA COMÉRCIO DE PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA A C MIGAILIDES DE MENEZES M ME A DE C FREITAS & CIA LTDA A F MOLICA EPP A FOFINHA BOUTIQUE LTDA A M A DA SILVA POSCA A M B MACHADO EPP A M EDA NEZU A M TRISTONI CARRARO ME A NATURAL COLORS LTDA A NATURAL COMÉRCIO DE PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA ME A T A PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA EPP A T FRANCIOSI COMÉRCIO ME A T PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA A. G. C. AMARAL PERFUMARIA EPP ABED E CABRAL LTDA ACORDES & BELEZA PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA ME ACQUA FRESCA PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA ACQUA PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA ACQUA ROCCO PERFUMARIA LTDA ADHONAI PERFUMARIA, COSMÉTICO E PRESENTES LTDA ME ADRIENY PERFUMARIA LTDA AERO ROCCO PERFUMARIA LTDA AFONSO & FILGUEIRA LTDA ME AFONSO E FILGUEIRA LTDA AG2 PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA ME ÁGUA FRESCA COLÔNIAS ESSÊNCIAS LTDA AGUA VIVA COSMÉTICOS LTDA AGV PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA AHUMADA COMÉRCIO DE PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA ME ALDAIR BARBOSA SIMOES GOMES EPP ALDAIR BARBOSA SIMOES GOMES ME ALESSANDRA CRISTINA BRIENCE ME ALESSANDRA GOMES CROCE ME ALFI PRODUTOS NATURAIS LTDA ALFINO PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA ALGAS COSMÉTICO E PERFUMARIA LTDA ALINE E CAMARGO ME ALMETTI PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA ALOMA DA SILVA JUSTUS ALQUIMIA COMERCIAL DE PERFUMES LTDA ME ALZIR E SOUZA LTDA ALZIRA CUNHA PERDONATTI ME AMARIGE PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA EPP AMILIS PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA EPP AML COMÉRCIO DE COSMÉTICOS E PERFUMARIA LTDA ANA BEATRIZ CUNHA CORREA PERFUMARIA ME ANA CAROLINA M. ZANATTA ME ANA CLAUDIA WAECHTER CIA.LTDA ANA MARIA FONSECA DRIGO EPP ANA PAULA D ONOFRIO DI DOMIZIO ME ANA PAULA DELLA GIUSTINA BITTENCOURT EPP ANA RITA DA SILVA ANA TEREZA MOTTA SANTANA ME ANDRADE & SANTANA COSMÉTICOS LTDA ME ANDRE LEMES S GONÇALVES PERFUMARIA ME ANGELITA S PORTELA BRUNHARI PERFUMARIA ME ANIS COMERCIAL PERFUMARIA LTDA EPP ANNALINE AMALIA PORPINO TRAVASSOS ME ANTÔNIO TEODORO GONÇALVES GUIMARÃES ME ANTUANY M R DE BIASI PERFUMARIA ME APARECIDA DE SOUZA LIMA BOA SORTE AQUARELA PERFUMARIA LTDA AQUARIUS PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA ARBO - PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA -EPP ARGOS COMÉRCIO DE PERFUMES LTDA ARILDA CASSIA KUCZERA ZAMPIER AROMA E NATUREZA PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA AROMA E TAFETA MAGAZINE LTDA EPP AROMA PRODUTOS NATURAIS LTDA AROMA TROPICAL COMÉRCIO DE PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA AROMAS DA NATUREZA ESSÊNCIAS LTDA AROMAS NATURAIS PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA EPP AROMAS NO AR COSMET LTDA EPP ARPOADOR PRODUTOS NATURAIS LTDA ARTESIL PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS ARTESIL PRODUTOS NATURAIS LTDA ARTHUR DA SILVA TEIXEIRA ATHENA COMÉRCIO DE PRODUTOS NATURAIS LTDA ATHENA COSMÉTICOS LTDA ME ATRAM COMÉRCIO DE PRODUTOS NATURAIS LTDA ATTIE LTDA AURA COMÉRCIO DE COSMÉTICOS LTDA AVANCINI E STEFFENELLO LTDA-ME AZURITA PRODUTOS NATURAIS LTDA EPP B B E A PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA B J GONCALVES PERFUMARIA ME B&BOTI - PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS EPP B. H. FIGUEIREDO BACCIOTTI E RAYES LTDA BALADI COMÉRCIO DE COSMÉTICOS LTDA ME BAROLO COMÉRCIO DE COSMÉTICOS LTDA EPP BARREIRAS COMÉRCIO DE PERFUMES LTDA BARROS E VILELA LTDA BARROS PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA BARROSO E GUIMARÃES LTDA EPP BAUNILHA PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA EPP BEBOTI - PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA EPP BEGONIA PERFUMES LTDA EPP BELEZA & ELEGÂNCIA PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA BELLA COMÉRCIO DE PRODUTOS NATURAIS LTDA EPP BELLA COMÉRCIO PRODUTOS NATURAIS LTDA EPP BEM BONITA PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA BEM ESTAR PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA BEM VIVER PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA EPP BENDER E CIA LTDA ME BERGAMOS PERFUMARIA LTDA EPP BETEL COMÉRCIO DE COSMÉTICOS E PERFUMARIA LTDA BLUNAS AROMATICA PERFUMARIA LTDA EPP BOTICA PERFUMARIA E PRESENTES BOTINORTE PERFUMES LTDA BOTISETE LTDA BRENO BARRETO DUQUE BRESSAN E HATAKEYAMA LTDA EPP BRITO & SANTOS COSMÉTICOS LTDA BROMÉLIA COSMÉTICOS LTDA BROMÉLIAS DE CACHOEIRAS COSMÉTICOS LTDA ME BURITI - PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA EPP C C BOTI PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA EPP C E MOLICA E SANTOS EPP C K MATANA EPP C RIGHI E CIA LTDA ME C. DINIZ & CIA. LTDA CALDI PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA EPP CALENDULLA PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA CALUSA COMÉRCIO DE PERFUMES LTDA CAMILA PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA EPP CAMILLE DA SILVA BATISTA E CIA CAMPECHE PRODUTOS NATURAIS LTDA CANDIDA ALICE C. LITTIERI EPP CANDLE LIGHT COMÉRCIO DE PRESENTES LTDA CARAIBEIRA COMÉRCIO DE COSMÉTICOS E PERFUMARIA LTDA EPP CARDOSO & VALENTIM PRODUTOS DE BELEZA LTDA CARMEN LÚCIA SILVA BRITO ME CARMEN NEVES DINIZ PERFUMARIA ME CARMO E BARROSO COMÉRCIO LTDA CAROLINA DA SILVA POSCA SOUZA E SILVA ME CAROLINA PROENÇA EPP CAROLINE FÁTIMA DA HORA ME CAROLINE GRACILIANO DE JESUS ME CARPE DIEM COMÉRCIO DE PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA CARTINS FERULO LTDA CARTINS PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA CASARIN & CASARIN LTDA CASPIA PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA EPP CÁSSIO BITTENCOURT EPP CASTRO PERFUMES E PRESENTES LTDA C-BOTI PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA EPP CECCON E CIA LTDA CEDRO PRODUTOS NATURAIS LTDA EPP CEDRO PRODUTOS NATURAIS LTDA CELEBRARE PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA CELEBRARE PERFUMES LTDA CELIDA MÁRCIA ALMEIDA NOBRE CELSO LUIS POSCA ME CERQUEIRA E VINHOSA LTDA CESAR AUGUSTO DAS D. FREITAS CESAR GUINDANI RIGHI CESAR MAGNUS PUSCH PERFUMARIA CESAR MAGNUS PUSCH PERFUMARIA EPP CHARMOSA PERFUMARIA LTDA ME CHEIROS DO BRASIL LTDA CHERRY COMÉRCIO DE PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA CHOICES COSMÉTICOS LTDA ME Annual Report 2011 54 CILA COSMÉTICOS LTDA CITRICA COMÉRCIO DE PERFUMES E PRESENTES LTDA ME CL DINIZ E CIA LTDA CLARA COMÉRCIO DE PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA CLARA SOUZA GARCIA SAAR E CIA LTDA CLASSIC PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA CLASSIC ROCCO PERFUMARIA LTDA CLÁUDIA REGINA GOMES CROCE EPP CLEONICE M. FARIAS VILAROUCA CLEUSA MARIA ALVARENGA COMERCIAL DE ARTIGOS DE PERFUMARIA PINHEIRO LTDA COMERCIAL DE COSMÉTICOS CACULE LTDA COMERCIAL DE PERFUMES FOLHA VERDE LTDA COMERCIAL DE PRES. GOMES LTDA COMERCIAL DUQUE COSMÉTICOS E PERFUMARIA LTDA EPP COMERCIAL DUQUE E GODOY LTDA COMERCIAL J D LTDA COMERCIAL LAMANE LTDA EPP COMERCIAL LAMANE LTDA EPP COMERCIAL LIARA DE LINS LTDA COMÉRCIO DE COSMÉTICOS ARIPUANA LTDA ME COMÉRCIO DE PERFUMARIA GINSENG LTDA CONNEXION PERFUMARIAS E COSMÉTICOS LTDA EPP CORPO E PERFUME COSMÉTICOS LTDA COSTA CYPRIANO & CIA LTDA-ME COSTA FONTES E MARTINS LTDA ME COSTA SILVA E SCARPELLINI LTDA CRAVINA COMÉRCIO DE PERFUMARIA LTDA EPP CRAVO & CANELA PERFUMARIA LTDA CRAVO E ALECRIM COMÉRCIO DE PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA CREME DOMARO EMPRESARIAL ZIMM COMÉRCIO LTDA CRISTIANE TOMAZONI ME CRISTINA COMÉRCIO DE PERFUMES LTDA EPP D D & T COSMÉTICOS LTDA ME D C AMORA E AROMA COMÉRCIO E REPRESENTAÇÕES LTDA D C CEREJA COMÉRCIO DE PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA ME D C RENANTHERA COMÉRCIO DE PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA ME D E BOTI PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA ME D E D PERFUMARIA LTDA D M M CHERVET COSMÉTICOS ME D ONOFRIO & PEREIRA LTDA D RAMOS EPP D TALHE COMÉRCIO DE PRESENTES E PERFUMES LTDA ME D. C. PRIMULA COMÉRCIO DE PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA DALCI MARIA MEIRA DE ANDRADE DANI COMÉRCIO DE PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA DANIEL CROCE ME DANIELE O BARROS ME DE PAULA COMÉRCIO DE COSMÉTICOS LTDA DÉBORA FIDELIS DOS SANTOS EPP DEISE KALATA PEREIRA ME DELMARI DIAS EPP DENISE COMÉRCIO DE PERFUMES LTDA DEQUECH & EMPINOTTI LTDA ME DESTRA COSMÉTICOS LTDA ME DIMITRI PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA DINGI PERFUMARIA LTDA EPP DINIZ PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA DIOMAR O GUIMARAES EPP DIRLEMA DA SILVA ANTUNES DISTRIBUIDORA E COMÉRCIO DE REVISTAS E JORNAIS UM XODO LTDA ME DL PERFUMARIA LTDA ME DOMAR PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA-ME DOMENICA PERFUMES LTDA ME DORNELLES & MENEGHETTI LTDA DREAMS FRIBURGO COSMÉTICOS LTDA DREAMS PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA DUARTE E SAAR LTDA DUNI PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA DUTRA E CIA LTDA E E C QUEIROZ EPP E G CHERVET E CIA LTDA ME EDALICE PERFUMES LTDA ME EDGAR E ALICE PERFUMES LTDA ME EDILBERTO TEDESCHI PRESENTES ME EDITH CARDOSO GUIMARAES EGEO COMÉRCIO DE PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA EISA ARTIGOS PRESENTES LTDA ELAINE RODRIGUES CARDOSO ME ELDA AGUIAR E CIA LTDA ELISA BARBOSA PERFUMARIA EPP ELIZABETH ROJO DE BIASI ELLEN PERFUMES LTDA ME EMILY DA SILVA TEIXEIRA EQUILÍBRIO NATURAL PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA EPP ERIKA FERNANDA TIMOTEO CAVICHIOLI ALESSI EPP ERNA CLARA TARASCONI BAUKEN ME EROS COMERCIAL LTDA EROS PERFUMARIAS E COSMÉTICOS LTDA EROS PRODUTOS NATURAIS LTDA ESMERA PRODUTOS DE BELEZA E BEM ESTAR LTDA ESSÊNCIA & BELEZA PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA ESSÊNCIA COMERCIAL LTDA ESSÊNCIA COMÉRCIO DE PRODUTOS NATURAIS LTDA EPP ESSÊNCIA MAGICA LTDA EVORA COMÉRCIO DE PRODUTOS NATURAIS LTDA EPP EXCLUSIVA COMÉRCIO E REPRESENTAÇÕES LTDA ME EXUBERANCE COSMÉTICOS E PERFUMARIA LTDA F F E R FERREIRA EPP F H ALMEIDA ME F P DE OLIVEIRA NUNES ME F. E. R. FERREIRA EPP FABIANA BORGES DE OLIVEIRA ME FÁBIO LUIZ MARCONDES DE OLIVEIRA EPP FÁBIO SZPERLING PERFUMARIA ME FÁTIMA ALMEIDA F PINHEIRO FAVO COMÉRCIO E REPRESENTAÇÕES LTDA FELIPE FREIRE ALBANELL EPP FEMILA PERFUMARIA COSMÉTICOS LTDA ME FEMINA COMÉRCIO DE COSMÉTICOS FÊNIX PERFUMARIAS LTDA FERNANDA ROJO DE BIASI FERNANDO GOMES CROCE FERREIRA E BARROS BOUTIQUE LTDA FILGUEIRA E MARTINEZ LTDA FINESSE PERFUMES E PRESENTES LTDA FINO GOSTO LTDA FINO GOSTO LTDA ME FITTI PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA FLÁVIA BORGES DE OLIVEIRA EPP FLÁVIA MARIA GOULART SAFATLE ME FLOR DE IRIS PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA FLOR DE LIS COMÉRCIO E REPRESENTAÇÕES LTDA FLOR DE PESSEGO PRODUTOS NATURAIS LTDA FLORA COMÉRCIO DE COSMÉTICOS LTDA FLORA COMÉRCIO E REPRESENTAÇÕES LTDA FLORA NATURAL PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA EPP FLORAL COMÉRCIO DE PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA FLORATA COMÉRCIO DE COSMÉTICOS E PERFUMES LTDA FLORATA PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA EPP FLORATTA COMÉRCIO LTDA EPP FLORATTA IN-SILVER LTDA FLORATTA PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA FLORE NATURAIS LTDA FLORES COSMÉTICOS E PERFUMES LTDA FLORES EM FRASCOS ESSÊNCIAS LTDA FLORES PERFUMADAS COMÉRCIO DE PRODUTOS NATURAIS LTDA EPP FLORESTA VERDE COMÉRCIO DE PRODUTOS NATURAIS LTDA FLOWER COMERCIAL DE COSMÉTICOS LTDA FLOX COMERCIAL PERFUMEIRA LTDA FLOX COMÉRCIO DE COSMÉTICOS E PERFUMARIA LTDA ME FONTES-FONTES E CIA LTDA FRAGA E DELAVIA LTDA ME FRAGRÂNCIAS DE OLARIA COSMÉTICOS LTDA ME FRAGRÂNCIAS PRODUTOS NATURAIS LTDA ME FRANCISCO S. DA SILVA FREE DREAMS COMÉRCIO DE COSMÉTICOS LTDA FREESIA PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA EPP FRICOTE S LTDA EPP FRICOTE S LTDA ME FUGANTI COMÉRCIO ATACADISTA DE COSMÉTICOS LTDA ME G G G SHOP COMÉRCIO DE PRODUTOS NATURAIS LTDA EPP G GONDIM PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LIMITADA G M PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA G TONIN EPP GAIA COMÉRCIO DE COSMÉTICOS LTDA GALBE II PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA GALBE MATHEUS PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA GALBE PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA GEORGE SALOMAO BALADI ME GERALDO B.OLIVEIRA FILHOS LTDA Annual Report 2011 55 GERBERA D C PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA ME GERBERA PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA GILEIDE SOUZA DOS SANTOS ME GIOVANA BALADI ME GIRASSOL PRODUTOS NATURAIS LTDA GISELLE BALADI ME GISELY CAMARGO GISLENE DE SOUSA QUINTEIRO ME GLAMOUR PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA ME GLAMOUR PERFUMARIA LTDA GLÓRIA MARIA AMARAL GUIMARAES GOIANINHA PERFUMES LTDA ME GOLD PERFUMES LTDA GOLDE STONE PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA ME GPMS PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA EPP GRAD, GOUVEA & CIA LTDA GRAFITE PRODUTOS NATURAIS LTDA EPP GRAJAU PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA EPP GUSTAVO BALADI ME GUZELLA & CIA LTDA-ME H H M BARROSO GUIMARAES EPP H. F. BUSTAMANTE PERFUMARIA ME HANNAN COMÉRCIO DE PRODUTOS NATURAIS, PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS HARMONIA & BELEZA PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA HAVILA PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA-ME HEBEL L R SILVA HELENA DANIEL DA SILVA ME HELICONIA PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA EPP HELOIZA KIMYKO NISHI LOLI HERA COSMÉTICOS E PERFUMARIA LTDA ME HERBARIS PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA EPP HERMANO MESQUITA DE SOUZA LEAO-EPP HIBISCO COMÉRCIO DE PERFUMES E PRESENTES LTDA ME HILEIA COMÉRCIO DE COSMÉTICOS LTDA HOCK SIEWERDT PERFUMES COM E REPRESENTAÇÕES LTDA HOME PERFUMARIAS E COSMÉTICOS I IC PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA EPP IGACY COMÉRCIO DE COSMÉTICOS LTDA ILIADA PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA IMARA LÚCIA GARRIDO BORGES DE OLIVEIRA ME IMMAGINATA COSMÉTICOS E PERFUMARIA LTDA ME INCENSE PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA EPP INFINITY PRODUTOS NATURAIS LTDA INSENSATEZ PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA ME INTENSE PRODUTOS NATURAIS E PERFUMARIA LTDA ME IOLANDA AZEVEDO SILVA CAMARGO EPP IRENE Y. KAKUBO E CIA. LTDA IRMÃOS VARONI COSMÉTICOS LTDA ISABELA BESSA COMÉRCIO DE PERFUMES LTDA ISRAEL GOMES DE ALENCAR GONDIM IT PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA IZ PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA ME IZANGRA PRODUTOS NATURAIS LTDA ME IZIDIO FERREIRA LEITE NETO J J & C PERFUMARIA LTDA J A CAMARGO EPP J C RIBEIRO FERREIRA EPP J C S AMARAL EPP J D COMÉRCIO DE PERFUMES LTDA J D F DE OLIVEIRA ME J E C PERFUMARIA LTDA J GONDIM DE MEDEIROS J SAUERBRONN PERFUMES LTDA J V L COMÉRCIO DE PERFUMES LTDA ME J. C. S. AMARAL J. GONDIM DE MEDEIROS J. L. GABRIOLLI EPP JACARANDÁ PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA JACIRA BEZERRA DE BRITO LOPES JACY DOS SANTOS TIMOTEO ME JANAÍNA KALATA DAS NEVES JANCARTINS LTDA JARDIM NATURAL PRODUTOS DE BELEZA LTDA JAWAN COMÉRCIO DE COSMÉTICOS E PERFUMARIAS LTDA JEAN MARC PIGOT JEFFERSON EDUARDO ALVARENGA JIMENA PORPINO TRAVASSOS JJBK COMERCIAL DE COSMÉTICOS LTDA JOÃO BATISTA R.J. PIRASSUNUNGA JOÃO CARLOS CIBIN EPP JOEL ALVARENGA ME JOELMA GRACILIANO R. JESUS ME JOICELY KOROVSKY ME JOILMA FREITAS DE OLIVEIRA JORGE FERREIRA MOUTINHO ME JOSÉ DE SA VILAROUCA JOSÉ PEREIRA LOPES EPP JR FREITAS PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA JÚLIA SATTE ALAM DE OLIVEIRA JULIANA BRAGA MARTINS BARBOSA ME JULIANA DEQUECH EMPINOTTI JULIANA LEME S GONCALVES PERFUMARIA ME JÚLIO CESAR EMPINOTTI JUSSARA DEQUECH EMPINOTTI K K M SHIMADA E CIA LTDA KACTUS NATIVO - PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA KAKA COSMÉTICOS LTDA KALANIT PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA KARABET BAGDASARYAN E CIA LTDA KKK COSMÉTICOS E PERFUMES LTDA L L A GUIMARAES DE OLIVEIRA EPP L A H FIGUEIREDO ME L A PESSI PERFUMARIA -ME L AULER DENARDI L C PRODUTOS NATURAIS LTDA L DASILIO ME L EAU VIVRE COSMÉTICOS LTDA L M E DANTAS PERFUMES L M GUANDELINE E CIA LTDA L ODORE COSMÉTICOS LTDA L S FERNANDES PINHEIRO ME LA FLORATTA COSMÉTICOS LTDA LAGO SUL PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA EPP LARA PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA LAURA ANDREA MARTINS BARBOSA ME LAURA FIGUEREDO PINTO & CIA LTDA ME LAVANDA COMÉRCIO DE PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA LEAL & SANTOS LTDA ME LEME PRODUTOS NATURAIS LTDA LESLEY HANSON DE MOURA LEYLAK LTDA LHOTSE PERFUMARIA LTDA LIKA COSMÉTICOS LTDA ME LILI COSMÉTICOS LTDA ME LILY PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA EPP LIMAR PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA LIMASOL PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA ME LIMONE PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA E LÍRIO S COMÉRCIO DE PERFUMARIA LTDA LÍRIOS DE CORDEIRO COSM LTDA LISTOM - COMÉRCIO DE COSMÉTICOS E PERFUMARA S LTDA Logística Tech LOJA PINHEIRO DE PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA LOPES E CALDAS PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA LOTUS COMÉRCIO DE COSMÉTICOS LTDA LOUTHI PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA LUA BRANCA PERFUMES LTDA ME LUCIANA CRISTINA D. DELICATO LUCIANA SA BITTENCOURT EPP LUCIANO AUGUSTO PELLEGRINO EPP LUCIMARA DOS SANTOS ME LUCY MAYRE DE BARROS ME LUIZ FELIPE MAGALHAES MAXIMO ME LUIZ GUILHERME GUIMARAES MAXIM LUIZ R.HEISSLER E CIA. LTDA LUPE PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA EPP LYRA PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA EPP M M C COMÉRCIO DE PERFUMES LTDA M C M PERFUMARIA LTDA ME M D COMÉRCIO DE COSMÉTICOS LTDA M DO P DO S DO V FAGUNDES ME M E R 30 PERFUMARIA LTDA M M C BEHNCK M N N DA SILVA M N PISOM PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA ME M ROLIM E CIA LTDA Annual Report 2011 56 M. BALADI & CIA LTDA ME M. C. DE M F PUSCH PERFUMARIA EPP M. J. D. DA SILVA WATANABE ME M. M. C. BEHNCK M. M. PEREIRA CASARIN ME M. R. QUEIROZ ME M. S. SHIMADA DE OLIVEIRA ME M.A. ROJO PERFUMARIA ME MA CHERIE PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA MAGAZINE D’ AZEVEDO & CIA LTDA EPP MAGUIAR COMÉRCIO DE PERFUMES LTDA ME MALBEC COMÉRCIO DE COSMÉTICOS LTDA EPP MALBEC RESERVA PERFUMARIA LTDA MALVA PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA EPP MALVA COMÉRCIO DE PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICO LTDA MAMEDE COMÉRCIO DE PERFUMARIA LTDA MAMEDE, NOBREGA E CIA LTDA MARA FERNANDA MAMEDE DE SOUSA ME MARA FERNANDA PERFUMARIA LTDA MARACATU PERFUMES LTDA ME MARCELLO JUSTUS CHIORATTO MARCIA AFFINI BAGDASARYAN MARCIA RODRIGUES JARDIM SOUZA MARCOS ROLIM SILVA DE QUEIROZ MARGARETH GUIMARAES MAXIMO RIBEIRO EPP MARGARETH SPOHR FINKLER PERFUMARIA MARIA FÁTIMA SANTOS CARVALHO MARIA AUXILIADORA N MACHADO ME MARIA CLARA PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA MARIA DA CONCEICAO C M MAIA MARIA DAS GRACAS COSTA E SILVA & CIA LTDA MARIA DAS GRACAS SARTORE BAZZARELLA EPP MARIA DE CÁSSIA REIS ME MARIA DE FÁTIMA DUARTE ALVES ME MARIA DE FÁTIMA MELO NOGUEIRA MARIA DO SOCORRO SA MARIA DOS REMÉDIOS DANTAS MARTINS XAVIER MARIA EMÍLIA CUNHA CORREA PERFUMARIA MARIA FERNANDA BUTTENDORF MARIA GRAÇAS S. BAZZARELLA ME MARIA H. ANTUNES COSMÉTICOS LTDA MARIA JOANA PERFUMARIA LTDA MARIA JOSÉ CARVALHO DE FREITAS ME MARIA JOSÉ M. LANZA MARIA LÚCIA LITIERI PEREIRA ME MARIA NILCE S. DE SOUSA ME MARIA NORA EGIDIO LEME EPP MARIA RUBENICE SILVA -ME MARIA SELMA SOUZA ALVES E CIA LTDA MARIA SUELY DE JESUS ME MARIANA LOTTICI AMBONI MARIANA PUSCH CHIURATTO RIBEIRO FERREIRA EPP MARIANE BOUTIQUE LTDA MARIANO E CIA LTDA MARILENE SALETE TOMAZONI ME MARILETE RIGHI E CIA LTDA EPP MARINA CAVALHERI EPP MARINA D NOAL PERFUMES MARIO S A NETO EPP MARLY CRAVO PUSCH PERFUMARIA EPP MARMARYS PERFUMARIA LTDA ME MARTA REGINA BRAGA M. BARBOSA MATEUS DA SILVA POSCA ME MATOS E MATOS LTDA MAURO NUNES PEREIRA FILHO MAXIM S PERFUMARIA LTDA MAYANNE ALMEIDA MACEDO MCMA PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA MEIRA & GOMES LTDA MELODIE MATHEUS PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA MILLENIUM PERFUMES LTDA ME MILTON ROBERTO RUCKER EPP MISTURA MAGICA COSMÉTICOS LTDA EPP MMAR PERFUMARIAS LTDA MOACIR LUIS CASARIN EPP MONA LISA DE AQUINO SOUZA ME MÔNICA MOREIRA MEIRELES ME MSM PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA ME MÚLTIPLA COMERCIO E REPRESENTAÇÕES LTDA MUNDO NATURAL PRODUTOS DE BELEZA LTDA MUNIZ E DELAVIA LTDA ME MUNIZ E MUNIZ COSMÉTICOS LTDA MVM PERFUMARIA LTDA MYRIAD COSMÉTICOS LTDA MYRIAD PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS MYRIAD PERFUMES LTDA MYRIAN GUIMARÃES MAXIMO DI BELLO SHOPPI MYRRA COMÉRCIO DE PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA ME N N E N PERFUMES LTDA ME N I CYCLAMENES COMÉRCIO DE PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA EPP N I CYMBALARIA COMÉRCIO DE PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA EPP N I IRIS COMÉRCIO DE PERFUMES N P ARON COSMÉTICOS - EPP N.S.F. COSMÉTICOS E PRESENTES LTDA NAIRA MESQUITA DE SOUSA LEAO NATHÁLIA L S GONCALVES - PERFUMARIA ME NATIVA PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA ME NATURAL DE PIRAI COSMÉTICOS E PERFUMES LTDA NATURAL PERFUMARIA LTDA NATUREZA COMÉRCIO E REPRESENTAÇÕES LTDA NATUREZA LTDA EPP NATUREZA VIVA COMÉRCIO DE PRODUTOS NATURAIS LTDA NATUREZA VIVA PRODUTOS COSMÉTICOS LTDA ND PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA NÉCTAR COMÉRCIO DE PRODUTOS NATURAIS LTDA NEIDE NOGUEIRA BRITO NELCHAEL COMÉRCIO DE COSMÉTICOS LTDA NEVES PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA NEVOA PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA EPP NICCO E NICCO LTDA NICOSIA PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA ME NIQUE COMÉRCIO DE PERFUMES LTDA NISHI & LOLI LTDA ME NIVERSILIO CARDOSO DA SILVA ME NORMA GUZELLA GONCALVES O ODETE CREMA MIRANDA E CIA LTDA OFRIS PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA OLIMPE PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA OLIVEIRA E MARTINEZ LTDA OPS PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA ORQUÍDEA PRODUTOS NATURAIS LTDA ME ORVALHO COMÉRCIO DE COSMÉTICOS E PERFUMARIA LTDA ORVALHO NO AR COMÉRCIO DE COSMÉTICOS LTDA EPP OUTSIDER MAGAZINE LTDA EPP P P & B COMÉRCIO DE PERFUMARIA LTDA P H PRODUTOS COSMÉTICOS LTDA PANDANO PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA EPP PAPOLA PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA PATRÍCIA POSSENTI GUIMARAES ME PAULO ROBERTO BURTET FILHO PEDRO SATTE ALAM DE OLIVEIRA PEREIRA E D’ ONOFRIO LTDA PERFITA PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA PERFUMARIA ALVES SOUZA LTDA PERFUMARIA AROMA DIAMANTE LTDA PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICO SALVADOR LTDA PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS DO AGRESTE LTDA PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS JARDIM BOTÂNICO LTDA PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS SALVADOR LTDA PERFUMARIA LEMOS MACHADO LTDA EPP PERFUMARIA PRATIGY LTDA PERFUMARIA RAINHA LTDA PERFUMARIA RIO BRANCO LTDA PERFUMARIAS ASSAHI LTDA ME PÉTALA COMÉRCIO DE COSMÉTICOS LTDA PÉTALAS NO AR COSMÉTICOS LTDA PETRA COMÉRCIO DE PRODUTOS NATURAIS LTDA PINHEIRO COMÉRCIO DE PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA PISOM COMERCIAL LTDA EPP PKP PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA POÇÃO MAGICA LTDA PONTES E PEREIRA LTDA PORTAL COMÉRCIO DE PRODUTOS NATURAIS LTDA PORTINARI PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA ME PORTINARI PRODUTOS NATURAIS LTDA POTRICH E BRIDI LTDA ME POTYMARY PERFUMARIA LTDA PRODUTOS DE BELEZA AROMA LTDA Q QUASAR COMÉRCIO DE PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA QUASAR PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA EPP Annual Report 2011 57 R R E G PRODUTOS NATURAIS LTDA EPP R E L PERFUMARIA LTDA EPP R E R COMÉRCIO E PERFUMARIA LTDA ME R E R COMÉRCIO LTDA ME R M C MARIANO E CIA LTDA R M PINTO PERFUMARIA ME R PASQUOTTO PRESENTES ME R. A. ZANATTA ME R. DE AZEVEDO GARRIDO ME R. H. FIGUEIREDO ME RAFAEL KALATA DAS NEVES RAFAELA FREIRE ALBANELL EPP RAÍZES BOTIKA LTDA RAÍZES E CHEIROS P.P.LTDA EPP RAÍZES PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA EPP RALF SIEWERDT ME RASCOVSCHI COMÉRCIO LTDA RAVENA COSMÉTICOS LTDA RAYES E LIMA LTDA RAZENTE E MARTINS LTDA ME REGIA COMÉRCIO DE COSMÉTICOS LTDA REGINA AIDA VARONI DE CARVALHO ME REHAEL COMÉRCIO DE COSMESTICOS REHAEL COMÉRCIO DE COSMÉTICOS LTDA REINALDO DE TOLEDO LEME PERFUM RICARDO M E SANTOS EPP RICARDO M E SANTOS ME RITA DE C C S AMARAL ME ROBSON T. DA COSTA QUEIROZ ROBSON TRAVASSOS DA COSTA QUEI ROCCO SMETICOS PERFUMARIA LTDA ROCCOVILLE PERFUMARIA LTDA RODRIGO LITIERI PEREIRA ME RODRIGO MOTTA SANTANA ME RODRIGUES E FUGANTI LTDA ROGÉRIO ANGHINONI PINTO ME ROGÉRIO LUIZ ONÓRIO ROJO DISTRIBUIDORA DE COSMÉTICOS LTDA ME ROMILDO DE QUEIROZ N JUNIOR ME ROSÂNGELA ZOPPE FREITAS EPP ROSELI MARIA LEME DE SOUZA GONCALVE ROSMARIN PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA RT PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA RTN PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA S S E D PERFUMARIA LTDA ME S E J PERFUMARIA LTDA EPP S E S NITERÓI PERFUMARIA LTDA EPP S H S MAIA GOMES ME S M DE MENEZES BUSTAMANTE PERFUMARIA ME S R N PRODUTOS NATURAIS LTDA S T PASQUOTTO PRESENTES EPP S T PASQUOTTO PRESENTES ME S. P. ARON COSMÉTICOS EPP SA E CIA LTDA SAGE COSMÉTICOS MA LTDA SAHAO E LIMA LTDA ME SÁLVIA PERFUMES LTDA EPP SAMMARA LAYSSA LIMA NUNES SANDRA CRISTINA LAIZE PERFUMARIA EPP SANDRA M. CARVALHO FREITASME SANDRA NEIDE KORN SANDRO CESAR MAIA ME SANTA FÉ COMÉRCIO E INDUSTRIA LTDA SANTOS E PERDONATTI LTDA SARATOGA PRODUTOS DE BELEZA E BEM ESTAR LTDA EPP SBERZE COMÉRCIO DE COSMÉTICOS LTDA SCHLOSSMACHER PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA SEABRA PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA SEBASTIÃO DE JESUS ME SEBASTIÃO PAULO DE CARVALHO JU SEDNA PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA EPP SEIVA FLORAL PRODUTOS COSMÉTICOS LTDA ME SELBMANN COMÉRCIO DE COSMÉTICOS LTDA SEMPREVIVA LTDA SENSATEZ PERFUMARIA LTDA ME SENSUELLE MATHEUS PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA ME SÉRGIO NATALICIO DE JESUS EPP SERLOC - SERVICOS, LOCAÇOES E COMÉRCIO LTDA SHEILA RYAN ALMEIDA MACEDO ME SILVANA FARDIN NOLASCO FERREIRA BORGO ME SOBRALANA PERFUMES LTDA SOCORRO GLEISE FERNANDES PINHEIRO EPP SOFT PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA SOL E LUA PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA EPP SOLANGE SOARES LACERDA SOLARMELROS DE CAWNTAGALO COSMÉTICOS LTDA SOLARYN COSMÉTICOS E PERFUMES LTDA SÔNIA REGINA DE OLIVEIRA PERFUMARIA ME SOUZA E SANTOS PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA SPA BY NATUREZA VIVA PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA SPIRIT PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA EPP. SRN PRODUTOS NATURAIS LTDA STYLETO PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA SUAVE AROMA LTDA SUMAUNA PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA EPP SWAROVSKI MATHEUS PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA ME SYTRISKI SANTOS PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA T T E D COSMÉTICOS LTDA EPP T J PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA T J RIBEIRO ME T Y W COSMÉTICOS LTDA T.G. TONIN E CIA LTDA EPP TACIANA M MENDES EPP TÂNIA REGINA DE ANDRADE NICCO ME TARSIS COSTA LIMA TATHY COMÉRCIO DE PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA TATIANA BEZERRA NUNES TCRB COSMÉTICOS LTDA TEJUCUPAPO PERFUMES LTDA TERESA R.S.A. OLIVEIRA TERESA REGINA S A DE OLIVEIRA TEREZINHA CARDOSO DE OLIVEIRA ME, SUCEDIDA POR HERACLIDES C. DE TEREZINHA G. DA CONCEICAO ME TGJ PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA THEMIS PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA ME THEMIS PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA THIAGO LUIZ FRAGA DELAVIA TIAGO DA COSTA LITIERI B.V.EPP TIAGO LOPES CINTRAS HANNIGAN TIMÓTEO COMÉRCIO DE PERFUMARIA LTDA ME TIMÓTEO & CAVICHIOLI LTDA ME TONINO CROCE NETO EPP TRIFANA PRODUTOS NATURAIS LTDA EPP TUAREG COMERCIAL DE COSMÉTICOS LTDA ME TULYPA PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA TUTTI COMÉRCIO DE PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA U UNAPE PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA UOMINI PERFUMES LTDA URBANO BESSA COMÉRCIO DE PERFUMES LTDA V V D NOAL COMÉRCIO V D NOAL E CIA LTDA V D NOAL PERFUMES V L J COMÉRCIO DE PERFUMES LTDA V M PIMENTA ME VANESSA KELLY ALMEIDA MACEDO ME VANESSA ZANOTTI DE SOUZA PADOAN EPP VANIRDA BRESSAN VARONI COMÉRCIO E REPRESENTAÇÕES LTDA VARONI E VARONI LTDA VD2NIDC ATACADO DE PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA M.E. VELANES COSMÉTICOS LTDA VERA LÚCIA DE CARVALHO VERÔNICA D.C. CRIMINACIO VERÔNIKA BARAUSKAITE VASIUNAS VERT PERFUMARIAS E COSMÉTICOS LTDA VERUSCA ZANOTTI DE SOUZA EPP VETIVER PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA EPP VIA NATURAL LTDA EPP VILAROUCA E CIA LTDA EPP VILAROUCA E SA LIMITADA VILELA & ROCHA LTDA ME VILELA PERFUMES E COSMÉTICOS LTDA ME VILLAS PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA VIRGÍNIA MARIA LADISLAU FREIRE ALBANELL VISSOMZ ABASTECIMENTO ESPECIAL DE ESSÊNCIAS ROGE COMÉRCIO LTDA VITERBO & VITERBO LTDA VÔ MÁRIO BAZAR LTDA ME Annual Report 2011 58 W W N I COMERCIAL LTDA WI COMÉRCIO DE PERFUMES LTDA WINDRUNNER COMERCIAL LTDA WNALD PEREIRA GUIMARAES WR COSMÉTICOS LTDA Y Y E M COMÉRCIO VAREJISTA DE ARTIGOS DE PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA YAMAMOTO COMÉRCIO VAREJISTA DE COSMÉTICOS LTDA ME YANG PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS LTDA YUKO PERFUMARIAS LTDA Z ZILDA OLIVEIRA DA SILVA Annual Report 2011 59 O BOTICÁRIO FRANCHISEES donations to the Cerrado Conservation Center During the Boticário franchisee’s 2010 annual BrR$ 682,500. Throughout 2011, the Boticário Group convention, the Boticário Group Foundation held Foundation received an additional BrR$ 20,500 in a fundraiser for the construction of the Cerrado donations from franchisees who paid tribute to the Conservation Center, in the Serra do Tombador following people: Nature Preserve, in Goiás. In 2010, donations reached Ada Jansena Andrade Santana Ana Cláudia de Araujo Attie Ana Maria Arruda da Silva Posca Anna Luiza Barros Ferreira Antônio Marcos Borges de Oliveira Berenice Luiz Cardoso Carmen Regina N. Ideriha Carolina DA Silva Posca Ceci Vieira Mesquita Célia Regina Assis Russo Celso Luis Posca Dilma Maria Dr. Roberto Hengel (In memoriam) Dra. Alba Chiesse Família Montagner Bampi Gicélia Motta Reinert Gilberto Ferreira Léa Berenice de Queiróz Guiomar T. R. de Costa Lourdes A. R. Fuganti Manoel Pimentel Maria Dulce Müller Marly Cury Sahao de Lima Mateus Da Silva Posca Miguel Gellert Krigsner Norma Guzella Gonçalves Olívia DE Souza Cazes Priscila Menezes Rafaela de Araújo Attie Sandra Tedeschi Pasquotto Sillas Inácio de Lima Tatiana Menezes Vera Lúcia Diorio Delicato Annual Report 2011 60 Haroldo Palo Jr AWARDS Annual Report 2011 61 In 2011, the Boticário Group Foundation received seven LIF Award, da Câmara de Comércio França-Brasil: finalist awards and tributes: in the “Protection and Preservation of Natural Resources” category with the Oasis Project case; The Chico Mendes Socioenvironmental Award, from Instituto Internacional de Pesquisa e Responsabilidade Destaques A Lavoura Award, from the Sociedade Nacional Socioambiental (Inpra); de Agricultura, in the Environment Category; FIP Award, from the Iberoamerican Promotions and Events GreenBest Award, from Greenvana: in the NGO category, Festival: gold medal in the Via Pública category with the case the Boticário Group Foundation was among the Top 3 in the about the Action on National Parks Day; Popular Jury; and, ”Uma boa história mobiliza” Award, from Revista Filantropia Tribute by the von Martius Sustainability Award, from the and Resource Alliance/IDIS: winner in the Innovation in Brazil-Germany Commerce and Industry Chamber, to the Fundraising Category; Oasis Project, by services rendered to society. Divulgation CCFB Ceres Gabardo (right), manager for institutional development at the Boticário Group Foundation, receives the trophy for the LIF Award. Annual Report 2011 62 José Luiz Paiva WHO WE ARE Annual Report 2011 63 Board Board of Trustees Miguel Gellert Krigsner (Chairman) Credit: Cia de Foto Chairman of the Board of Directors at the Boticário Group and of the Board of Trustees at the Boticário Group Foundation for Nature Protection. In 1977, he founded O Boticário which, at the time, was just an apothecary pharmacy in downtown Curitiba. The firm was pioneer in adopting the franchising system in Brazil and currently is the world’s largest chain of perfumes and cosmetics franchises, with 3,263 stores in Brazil and presence in seven other countries (Portugal, Japan, U.S.A., Angola, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, and Paraguay). In 1990, with his entrepreneurial vision and his concern with the environment and the quality of life of future generations, he created the Boticário Group Foundation for Nature Protection. Alexandre Mansur Credit: Personal archives With a degree in journalism by PUC-Rio, he took courses on Environment and International Relations at the Instituto de Estudos da Religião (ISER) in Rio de Janeiro. Currently, he is the executive-editor at the Época magazine and also of the Planeta Blog, at Época online. He worked at the press offices at Petrobras and covered Eco92 for ECABE Press, a national news agency. After three years working for science monthly magazines, he was hired by the Jornal do Brasil newspaper in 1994, where he became editor for Science and Health. He was sub-editor for environment at Veja magazine in São Paulo between 1998 and 2000. Since then, he has been working for Época magazine. He is member board of the Instituto do Homem e Meio Ambiente da Amazônia (Imazon), and is a member of the Board of Trustees at the Boticário Group Foundation for Nature Protection. Annual Report 2011 64 Ariel Scheffer da Silva Credit: Robertson Cesar Luz With a degree in Biological Sciences by the Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPr) (1984-1989), a master’s degree in Aquiculture by Simon Fraser University, British Columbia, Canada (1993-1995), and a PhD in Zoology by UFPr. He was assistant professor at the Department of Biological Sciences at the Simon Fraser University, British Columbia, Canada, between 1993 and 1995. He was an associate researcher to the Center for Sea Studies at UFPr in the Artificial Reefs Project between 1997 and 2003. As an advisor in coastal development, he supported the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) between 1997 and 1998 in Brazil. He was a senior researcher for the Environment at the Instituto de Tecnologia para o Desenvolvimento (LACTEC). He was also manager for the Environment at the HSBC Bank Brasil, where he coordinated the Ecoefficiency area and the HSBC Climate Partnership Program in Brazil. He is vicechairman of the Associação MarBrasil, an NGO acting in the conservation of marine ecosystems. He is also member of the Board of Trustees at the Boticário Group Foundation for Nature Protection. Credit: Personal archives Fábio Olmos He has a degree in Biological Sciences at Universidade Estadual de Campinas, and a Master’s Degree in Biological Sciences-Ecology by the same university, and a PhD in Biological Sciences (Zoology) by the Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho. He is an environmental consultant and a partner at Biota Consultores em Meio Ambiente; former coordinator of Projects at the Brazilian program at Birdlife International; director at Permian Brasil Serviços Ambientais. He was also director at the Ilha Bela State Park. He is a member of the editorial staff of the Birdlife International magazine, as well as of the Board of Trustees at the Boticário Group Foundation for Nature Protection. Annual Report 2011 65 Giuseppe Musella Credit: Cia da Foto Giusepe Musela has a degree in Materials Engineering with several technical and managerial courses in several countries. Before being employed by the Boticário Group, he worked in several multinational companies, having experienced all aspects related to Operations, and also had passages in the areas of Marketing, Sales and Client Relations. In 2005, he was admitted by the Boticário Group to manage the supply chain. Four years later, he took over, as well, the leadership in the product development process, preparing an operational structure for the creation, in 2010, of the Boticário Group and, consequently, absorb the growing demand in its business units – O Boticário and Eudora. Currently, he is Operations Director at the Boticário Group, responsible for the areas of Product Research and Development, Supply Chain, Supplies, Manufacture, and Quality Guarantee. He is also a member of the Board of Trustees at the Boticário Group Foundation for Nature Protection. Ibsen de Gusmão Câmara Credit: Gisele Koprowski Considered one of the pioneers in the environmental movement in Brazil, he joined the Brazilian Navy at 17 and remained in it for 40 years, reaching the post of ViceAdmiral. As a militant conservationist, he was coordinator of the studies for the creation of the Inter-ministerial Commission for Ocean Resources, of which he was the first secretary. In 1981, he became chairman of the Fundação Brasileira para a Conservação da Natureza (FBCN – Brazilian Foundation for Nature Conservation) which, at the time, led Brazilian conservationism. In 1991, he devised the Action Plan for the Atlantic Forest, one of the most important compilations on this biome. He is chairman of the Sociedade Brasileira de Proteção Ambiental (Sobrapa – Brazilian Society for Environmental Protection) and member of the board of trustees at the following organizations: Boticário Group Foundation for Nature Protection, Fundação Pró- Natureza, WWF-Brasil, Fundação Flora de Apoio à Botânica, Natureza (Funatura), Fundação Biodiversitas, Fundação SOS Fundo Brasileiro para a Biodiversidade (Funbio), and Mata Atlântica, Instituto Sul-Mineiro de Estudo e Proteção à Sociedade para a Conservação das Aves do Brasil (Save). Annual Report 2011 66 Israel Henrique Stokfisz Feferman Credit: Cia da Foto Is a biochemical pharmacist graduate from USP, with MBA in Business Management at Fundação Getúlio Vargas and university extension course in Statistics by Rutgers University (USA), in addition to courses in strategic management taken at Kellog University (USA) and Duke University (USA). Currently, he is director for Research and Innovation at the Boticário Group, and member of the Board of Trustees at the Boticário Group Foundation for Nature Protection, as well as of several Technical Groups at the Associação Brasileira de Cosmetologia. Mr. Feferman has over 30 years of experience in the areas of Research and Development, Quality Guaranty, Operations, and Marketing in large companies such as O Boticário, Johnson & Johnson, and Syntex of Brazil. At O Boticário, he started as Manager for Research and Development, being responsible for the areas of Skin, Bath, Make-Up, and Perfumes, in addition Research and Innovation Direction. In the following year, he to support areas. In 2002, he was invited to take over the started also to command the company’s operational process. Marcelo Buzaglo Dantas Credit: Personal archives A lawyer and Law Consultant in the environmental area, he has a Master’s Degree and currently a student at the PhD program in Diffuse and Collective Law at PUC-SP, and visiting scholar in the Environmental Law Program at Pace Law School (White Plains, NY). Chairman of the Environmental Commission at OAB/SC (2007-2009 and 2010-2012). Professor of Environmental Law at the Universidade do Vale do Itajaí and Civil Law at the Escola de Preparação e Aperfeiçoamento do Ministério Público of Santa Catarina, as well as at the Specialization Course on Environmental Law at PUC/SP, PUC/RJ, UNISINOS, UNIVALI e CESUSC. He is the Coordinator of Specialization Courses in Environmental Licensing and in Environmental Law and Management at CESUSC. Author, organizer and coordinator of six books in the Environmental Law area and author of over 50 articles published in books and specialized magazines both in Brazil the Technological Product Management process including and abroad. Between 2008 and 2010, he was named by the the national and international Technological Network. He Análise Advocacia Magazine among “The Most Admired is member of the Board of Trustees at the Boticário Group People in Law”, in the “Environmental” category. He also was Foundation for Nature Protection. interim director of Operations until 2005. He implemented Annual Report 2011 67 Marcos Sá Correa Credit: Gisele Koprowski Dedicates himself to writing articles, mainly on nature conservation, for websites, newspapers and magazines. He is the editor at the O Eco website, is an editor at the Piauí magazine, and member of the board at the Boticário Group Foundation for Nature Protection. He was a reporter, columnist, and editor at Veja magazine. It was there where he spent most of his career, since the experimental issues in 1968. He was chief-editor at Jornal do Brasil and director at the O Dia newspaper. In these newspapers he was in the politics beat. He created the Nominimo and O Eco news websites – the latter is dedicated to environmental journalism, especially nature conservation. Maria Tereza Jorge Pádua Credit: Gisele Koprowski An agronomy graduate from Universidade Federal de Lavras, Ms. Pádua is a member of the Board of Trustees at the Boticário Group Foundation for Nature Protection, at the Word Commission on Protected Areas at IUCN, and at Funatura. She a consultant at SESC Pantanal, and directorchairperson and a columnist at the O Eco website. Between 1968 and 1981, Ms. Pádua was Director of National Parks in Brazil, general secretary and substitute chairperson at the Instituto Brasileiro de Desenvolvimento Florestal (IBDF). Afterwards, she was the manager at the Environment Department at Companhia Energética de São Paulo (CESP). In 1986, together with other conservationists, she founded the Fundação Pró-natureza (Funatura) and, in 1992, was named head of IBAMA. She was also member of the boards of several world organizations linked to nature conservation, such as IUCN, World Resources Institute (WRI), and WWFInternational. She has published several books and articles on her field of expertise. Annual Report 2011 68 Michael Jenkins Credit: Personal archives Chairman and founding member of Forest Trends, a Washington DC-based organization which was created in 1999 by leaders from environmental conservation organizations. In the 1970s, he volunteered at Peace Corps in Paraguay, working in agriculture, apiculture, and forest projects. In 1981-1982 he was a consultant at Appropriate Technology, a development organization based in Washington, DC. From 1983 to 1986, he worked as a forester in Haiti with USAID and in forest projects both in Brazil and in the Dominican Republic. From 1989 to 1999, he was Associate Director at the World Security and Sustainability Program at the MacArthur Foundation, supporting projects aiming environmental conservation in Latin America, the Caribbean, Asia, and Africa. In 1998 he was also Senior Forestry Advisor for the World Bank in Washington, DC. He is a member of the Board of Trustees at the Boticário Group Foundation for Nature Protection and, in 2010, he received the Social Entrepreneur award from the Skoll Foundation (USA). Audit Commitee Geraldo Bonnevialle Braga Araújo Credit: Personal archives A Law graduate and an specialist in Business Law by the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná – PUC/PR. He was Legal Affairs manager at Masisa do Brasil Ltda, and secretary-director at the Associação de Educação Personalizada – AEP (2009-2014). Former chairmain (20082011) and member of the Comissão de Direito do Terceiro Setor at OAB/PR. He was a professor in the graduate program in Business Law at PUC/PR (2004/2005) and member of the audit committee at the Grupo de Institutos, Fundações e Empresas – GIFE (2009). He is a professor and lecturer in several courses and corporate law events in Brazil, in addition to being the author of several articles on Third Sector law. He was an associate lawyer at the Barbieri & Peres Advogados Associados, Oliveira Franco & Bernardo Jorge Advogados Associados (1999-2002) law offices; and a senior lawyer at the Boticário Group (2002-2009), also acting as an advisor in legal matters to the Boticário Group Foundation. He is also a member of the Audit Committee at the Boticário Group Foundation for Nature Protection. Annual Report 2011 69 Maria Mercedes da Costa do Vale Credit: Robertson Cesar Luz Has a degree in Mathematics and Arts, with a graduate course in Marketing. She is co-owner and director of the Maranatha Group, a franchise of O Boticário, being responsible for sales management and both financial and management areas. She is also an art teacher in Mosaico. She was an accountant, manager of the statistics department at the Coca-Cola Group in Brazil, and sales analyst at the Boticário Group. She is also a member of the Audit Committee at the Boticário Group Foundation for Nature Protection. Rejane Maria Marcon Deflon Credit: Personal archives With a degree in Accounting (1986-1990), she is an expert in Finances (1998) by FAE Centro Universitário, in addition to being a specialist in Consulting (2004) by IEA – Instituto de Estudos Avançados. Since 2003, she has been working at the Grupo ZHC focusing in the areas of accounting and taxes, and currently she is manager for Tax Accounting Projects. She worked as a financial manager at the Instituto de Neurologia de Curitiba (2001-2002), as manager at the Clínica de Diagnóstico por Imagem do Paraná (1996-2001), and as an accountant at the Grupo R Casagrande (1993-1996). She is a lecturer at CRC-PR as a Tax Expert, and is a volunteer at APAE-SJP/PR, as a consultant in the implementation of financial management. She is also a member of the Audit Committee at the Boticário Group Foundation for Nature Protection. Annual Report 2011 70 STAFF Board of Directors Artur Grynbaum (diretor-presidente) Conservation Strategies Malu Nunes (diretora executiva) André Rocha Ferretti (Coordenador) Carlos Augusto Krieck Management Guilherme Zaniolo Karam Ceres Loise Bertelli Gabardo Renato Atanazio Leide Takahashi Pantanal Nature Station Protected Areas Gustavo Malheiros Gaertner (Administrador) Gustavo Gatti (Coordenador) Ivonete de Oliveira Guaragni Douglas Andrade Pires Regiane Diamante Pereira Maísa Guapyassú Philipp Stump Institutional Development Silvia Sprenger Salto Morato Nature Preserve Thabata de Quadros Luchtenberg Eros Amaral Ferreira (Administrador) Audete de Luciano Monteiro Strategy Management Eloina Moraes Cunha Ana Carolina Sbalqueiro Lopes (Coordenadora) Ernani Werle Andressa Segantini Jesiel Cunha Martins Fabia Dagmara Wisniewski Lino de Jesus Lima de Oliveira Maricy Rizzato Vismara Communication Pedro do Rosário Moraes Filho Daniélle Carazzai (Coordenadora) Silfredo Luiz Terezin Íris Cristina Ferrarini Bernardes Valdir Gonçalves Cunha Renato Branco Garcia de Oliveira Amendola Robertson Cesar Luz Serra do Tombador Nature Preserver Rony Santos Daniele Gidsicki (Administradora) Teresa Cristina Rubira Anderson Ferreira Terra Gilson de Araújo Berberino Accounting Ilda Bispo da Cruz Elicéia Moreno Rodrigues Lucio Pereira Gudinho Gislaine Santos Ferreira Marcello Borges de Oliveira e Silva Paula da Silva Vicente Science and Information Emerson Antonio de Oliveira (Coordenador) Karynna Tolentino de Souza da Silva Marion Leticia Bartolamei Silva Thiago Piazzetta Valente Willian De Ávila Almeida Annual Report 2011 71 Volunteer Consultants Adalberto Siguismundo Eberhard Jordan Paulo Wallauer Ademir Reis José Enílcio Rocha Collares Alberto Costa de Paula José Henrique Muelbert* Alexandre Salino José Marcelo Rocha Aranha André Jean Deberdt José Maurício Barbanti Duarte André Scarambone Zaú José Salatiel Rodrigues Pires Anthony Brome Rylands Jules Marcelo Rosa Soto Antonio Carlos Batista Keila Elizabeth Macfadem Juarez Armando Carlos Cervi Lecticia Scardino Scott Faria Armin Feiden Leonan de Moraes Bernardini Bianca Luiza Reinert Leonardo Vianna Mohr Carlos Afonso Nobre* Leticia Peret Antunes Hardt Carlos Firkowsk Lídio Coradin Carlos Frederico Duarte da Rocha Lourdes Maria Ferreira Carlos Hardt Luciano Felício Fernandes Celina Wisniewski Luis Alberto Bucci Claudio Jose Barros de Carvalho Luís Fábio Silveira Clóvis Ricardo Schrappe Borges Luiz Benedito Xavier da Silva Daniela Biondi Batista Luiz Francisco Ditzel Faraco* Efraim Rodrigues Marcelo Tabarelli Fabiano Rodrigues de Melo Márcia Cristina Mendes Marques Fábio de Jesus Marcio Luiz Bittencourt Fábio Prezoto Marcio Roberto Costa Martins Fernando Antonio dos Santos Fernandez Marcos Ricardo Bornschein Fernando Paiva Scardua Marcos Sorrentino Flavio Andre Cecchini Deppe* Marcus Polette Flavio Antonio Maes dos Santos Margarida Gandara Rauen Flavio Zanette Maria Angélica Figueiredo Francesco Palermo Neto Maria Cecília Martins Kierulff Francisco Manoel de Souza Braga Maria Lúcia Lorini* Frederico Pereira Brandini Maria Renata Pereira Leite Pitman Guadalupe Vivekananda Martha Tresinari Bernardes Wallauer Helena Krieg Boscolo Mauro Galetti Rodrigues Ivan Carlos Baptiston Mauro Pichorim Jaime Martinez Miguel Ângelo Marini* James Joseph Roper Milton Kanashiro James Montgomery Dietz Nemora Pauletti Prestes Jane Maria de Oliveira Vasconcellos Neuza Sumico Takahashi Jaqueline Maria Goerck Nigel Charles Andrew Pitman Jaqueline Nesi Olaf Hermann Hendrik Mielke Jean Paul Metzger Paulo de Tarso Zuquim Antas Annual Report 2011 72 Paulo dos Santos Pires Paulo Sérgio Bernarde Pedro Ferreira Develey Pedro Scherer Neto Peter Gransden Crawshaw Junior Raul José Millen de Oliveira Regina Célia Zanelatto Reginaldo Assêncio Machado Reinaldo Francisco Ferreira Lourival Reuber Albuquerque Brandão Ricardo Miranda de Britez Ricardo Ribeiro Rodrigues Ricardo Yasuichi Tsukamoto Robertson Fonseca de Azevedo Robson Louiz Capretz* Ronaldo Borges Barthem Ronaldo Viana Soares Ruy Correia Feuerschuette Sandro Jorge Garcia Coneglian Sergio Augusto Abrahão Morato Sérgio Brant Rocha Sérgio Lucena Mendes Sérgio Luiz Costa Bonecker Sílvia Renate Ziller Sionara Eliasaro Sueli Sato Martins Teresa Cristina Magro Teresa Cristina Sauer De Avila Pires Thais Leiroz Codenotti Theresinha Monteiro Absher Vania Regina Pivello Victor Eduardo Lima Ranieri Vitor Afonso Hoeflich Walfrido Moraes Tomas Zilca Maria da Silva Campos *consultants at Bio&Clima – Lagamar. The names of consultants who left the staff in 2011 are underlined. Annual Report 2011 73 Volunteers Salto Morato Nature Preserve Ariane da Silva Caio Vinícius Balderrama Felipe de Córdova Machado Fernanda Giannini Veirano Fernanda Pereira de Felipe Flavia Alves da Cruz Grasiela Spada Halisson Rafael Kedrovski Marcelo Turra Marseille Nancy Rosa Naila Biazzin Rafael Palharim Tobias Reinaldo Miguel Massoquetti Renata Jurkevicz Sembay Thiago Daniel Recchia Thiago de Andrade Águas Vania do Nascimento Scherer Victor Gabriel Castagnara Zora Yonara Pantanal Nature Station Alfredo Magalhães da Silva Filho Andressa Rafaelly Santos Vieira Cesar Junior Velasquez Flores Fúlvia Cristina Oliveira Jéssica delibo Duarte João Victor de Moura Braga Cláudia Solabarreto G. J. de Campos Wagner Tolone da Silva Ferreira Emerson Barbosa Maia Karina Velasquez Castro Annual Report 2011 74 Haroldo Palo Jr APPENDICES Annual Report 2011 75 APPENDIX 1 – PROPOSALS APPROVED IN THE 1st PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT FOR PROJECT SUPPORT 2011 Title Institution Technician in Charge Conservação de Remanescentes Florestais Urbanos: apoio a criação de RPPNM em Curitiba. Sociedade de Pesquisa em Vida Selvagem e Educação AmbientalSPVS Betina Ortiz Bruel Atlantic Forest Avaliando a conectividade estrutural e funcional da paisagem para populações de Formicivora littoralis (Aves, Thamnophilidae) no litoral fluminense, RJ, Brasil. Fundação Educacional Ciência e Desenvolvimento Henrique Bastos Rajão Reis Atlantic Forest Padrões de conectividade em peixes recifais brasileiros: implicações para conservação. Fundação Educacional Ciência e Desenvolvimento Ramon Cardoso Noguchi Marine Associação Marbrasil Camila Domit Marine, Atlantic Forest Mater Natura Instituto de Estudos Ambientais Marcio Roberto Pie Atlantic Forest Assoc. R3 Animal Vanessa Tavares Kanaan Atlantic Forest Gisele C. Sessegolo Atlantic Forest, Pantanal, Cerrado, Pampa, Caatinga, Amazonia ProToninhas: ecologia e conservação de Pontoporia blainvillei (Gervais & DOrbigny, 1844) no Estado do Paraná. Riqueza, ecologia molecular e conservação de Melanophryniscus (Amphibia: Anura: Bufonidae) da Floresta Atlântica do sul do Brasil. Reintrodução do Papagaio-de-peito-roxo (Amazona vinacea) no Parque Nacional das Araucárias, Santa Catarina. Estratégias para conservação de cavernas na região de Dr. Ulysses – PR. Grupo de Estudos Espeleológicos do Paraná - GEEP Açungui Distribuição geográfica, demografia, morfometria, e atualização do estado de conservação de Cattleya liliputana (Orchidaceae: Laeliinae), endêmica do Quadrilátero Ferrífero, Minas Gerais, Brasil. Fundação de Desenvolvimento da Pesquisa - FUNDEP Papel funcional da herbivoria: importância na conservação de áreas recifais. Fundação Educacional Ciência e Desenvolvimento João Aguiar Nogueira Batista Carlos Eduardo Leite Ferreira Annual Report 2011 Biome Atlantic Forest Marine 76 PROPOSALS APPROVED IN THE 1st PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT FOR PROJECT SUPPORT 2011. CONTINUED Title Institution Technician in Charge Restauração de interações ecológicas na mata atlântica: estabelecimento de uma população viável de cutias (Dasyprocta leporina) no Parque Nacional da Tijuca. Fundação Educacional Ciência e Desenvolvimento Alexandra Pires Fernandez Atlantic Forest Ampliação dos conhecimentos da ariranha (Pteronura brasiliensis) na Reserva Biológica do Uatumã, AM. AMPA – Associação Amigos do Peixe-boi Fernando César Weber Rosas Amazonia Fundação Arthur Bernardes - FUNARBE Guilherme Fernandez Gondolo Caatinga, Cerrado Centro de Pesquisas Ambientais do Nordeste - CEPAN Artur Maia Wanderley Caatinga, Atlantic Forest Associação Amigos de Iracambi Gustavo de Paiva Resende Toledo Atlantic Forest Biodiversidade da ictiofauna do trecho superior do rio Paranaíba – Estratégias para Educação Ambiental. Fundação Arthur Bernardes - FUNARBE Rubens Pazza Cerrado, Atlantic Forest Turfeiras e campos relictuais do Parque Estadual da Serra do Tabuleiro (PEST): adaptação climática, mapeamento e conservação. FAPEU - Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa e Extensão Universitária Marcelo Accioly Teixeira de Oliveira Atlantic Forest Avaliação do estado de conservação da herpetofauna ameaçada de extinção na Cadeia do Espinhaço (MG). Fundação Biodiversitas para a Conservação da Diversidade Biológica Hugo Bonfim de Arruda Pinto Cerrado, Atlantic Forest Diversidade de peixes do Rio Poti no Parque Municipal de Pedra de Castelo e seu entorno. Estrutura genética, sucesso reprodutivo e o papel dos beija-flores na conservação do arbusto Ameroglossum pernambucense (Scrophulariaceae), espécie endêmica aos inselbergs nordestinos e vulneráveis à extinção. Políticas Públicas para a Rede de Conservação em Terras Privadas na Zona de Amortecimento do Parque Estadual Serra do Brigadeiro (MG). Annual Report 2011 Biome 77 APPENDIX 2 – PROPOSALS APPROVED IN THE 2nd PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT FOR PROJECT SUPPORT 2011 Title Institution Technician in Charge Educação Ambiental: Estratégia de conservação do Peixe-boi da Amazônia nas comunidades ribeirinhas e alunos das escolas no município de Manact- Amazonas. Associação dos Amigos para Proteção ao Peixe-boi da Amazônia - AMPA Vera Maria Ferreira da Silva Amazonia Nova ameaça aos golfinhos da Amazônia: Analisando a utilização do boto-vermelho e do tucuxi como isca na pesca da piracatinga. Associação dos Amigos para Proteção ao Peixe-boi da Amazônia - AMPA Winnie Muniz Brum Amazonia Diversidade genética de sapos endêmicos e conservação da Caatinga. Associação Proscience Maria Tereza Chiarione Thomé Caatinga, Cerrado Biologia e conservação da tiriba-de-pfrimeri Pyrrhura pfrimeri: implicações de um espéciebandeira na preservação da biodiversidade associada às matas secas do vale do Paranã. Fundação de Apoio Científico e Tecnológico do Tocantins Renato Torres Pinheiro Cerrado Ecologia de felinos simpátricos em uma paisagem antropizada: Genética molecular como uma ferramenta para a conservação e manejo. Fundação de Apoio à Pesquisa - FUNAPE Marina Zanin Gregorini Cerrado Análise filogeográfica do Cerrado brasileiro: relações entre cerrados marginais e o cerrado central. Centro de Pesquisas Ambientais do Nordeste - CEPAN Andrea Pedrosa Harand Cerrado, Caatinga Avaliação do Turismo como agente de conservação e impacto sobre o pato-mergulhão (Mergus octosetaceus) na região do Parque Nacional da Serra da Canastra, Minas Gerais. Instituto Terra Brasilis de Desenvolvimento Sócio-Ambiental Raoni Araujo Ferreira Cerrado, Atlantic Forest Ecologia e estado sanitário do cachorro-vinagre (Speothos venaticus) no Cerrado e na Mata Atlântica: gerando novas informações para um plano de ação efetivo para a conservação da espécie no Brasil. Instituto para a Conservação dos Carnívoros - PróCarnívoros Ronaldo Morato Cerrado, Atlantic Forest Fundação Flora de Apoio a Botânica Rodrigo Mariath Varela da Costa Marine Espécies de macroalgas indicadoras como ferramenta para avaliação do ambiente marinho, enfocando o aquecimento global: estudo de caso na ESEC Tamoios, RJ. Annual Report 2011 Biome 78 PROPOSALS APPROVED IN THE 2nd PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT FOR PROJECT SUPPORT 2011. CONTINUED Title Institution Technician in Charge Impacto ecológico, comportamental e fisiológico da bioinvasão sobre populações nativas: o caso do siri invasor Charybdis hellerii. Instituto Costa Brasilis Desenvolvimento Sócio-ambiental Diogo Nunes de Oliveira Marine Planejamento sistemático para conservação da ictiofauna em estuários da costa brasileira. Núcleo de Atividades Ambientais - NATIVA Ciro Colodetti Vilar de Araujo Marine Mecanismo molecular forense para controle da pesca de tubarões e raias na América Latina: medidas para conservação de espécies ameaçadas. Associação Antônio Vieira - Univ. do Vale do Rio dos Sinos - UNISINOS Christian Sperb Marine Encalhes de Mamíferos Aquáticos no Rio Grande do Norte: Manejo e Conservação. Ecomar: Grupo de Pesquisa e Conservação de Mamíferos Aquáticos Kelly Cristina Araújo Pansard Marine Invasão biológica em ilhas oceânicas - o caso de Leucaena leucocephala (lam.) R. De WitLeguminosae em Fernando de Noronha. Associação Proscience Thayná Jeremias Mello Marine, Atlantic Forest PROJETO CURRAIS - Análise integrada das características ecológicas e formas de uso do Arquipélago de Currais. Associação Marbrasil Allan Paul Krelling Marine, Atlantic Forest Zona Livre de Braquiária: uma proposta para a conservação do bicudinho-do-brejo na APA de Guaratuba (PR). Mater Natura Instituto de Estudos Ambientais Bianca Luiza Reinert Atlantic Forest Estudo espeleológico das cavidades subterrâneas areníticas do Município de Ponta Grossa, Campos Gerais do Paraná. Grupo Universitário de Pesquisas Espeleológicas - GUPE Henrique Simão Pontes Atlantic Forest Aliança das Águas. Instituto de Estudos Sócio Ambientais do Sul da Bahia - IESB Cezar Augusto Teixeira Falcão Filho Annual Report 2011 Biome Atlantic Forest 79 PROPOSALS APPROVED IN THE 2nd PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT FOR PROJECT SUPPORT 2011. CONTINUED Title Institution Technician in Charge Herpetofauna do Parque Estadual da Costa do Sol (Rio de Janeiro, Brasil): diversidade, conservação e endemismos. Associação Amigos do Museu Nacional Roberta Richard Pinto Atlantic Forest Território, biologia reprodutiva e elaboração de um Plano de Ação Nacional para conservação da maria-da-restinga (Phylloscartes kronei). Mater Natura Instituto de Estudos Ambientais Carlos Otávio Araujo Gussoni Atlantic Forest Definição de indicadores para a construção de modelo de Pagamentos por Serviços Ecossistêmicos de Conservação de Biodiversidade. Fundação de Apoio à Universidade de São Paulo Paulo Antonio de Almeida Sinisgalli Atlantic Forest Annual Report 2011 Biome 80 APPENDIX 3 – PROPOSALS APPROVED IN THE 1st BIO&CLIMA – LAGAMAR PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT 2011 Title Institution Technician in Charge Vulnerabilidade de aves estuarinas à mudança climática. Mater Natura Marcos Ricardo Bornschein Projeto BioMar: Monitoramento da biodiversidade e parâmetros oceanográficos no Complexo Estuarino de Paranaguá e zona costeira do Paraná, Brasil. Associação da Maris Henry Louis Spach APPENDIX 4 – PROPOSALS APPROVED IN THE 2nd BIO&CLIMA – LAGAMAR PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT 2011 Title Institution Technician in Charge Associação da Maris Carlos Alberto Borzone Anfíbios do Lagamar: implicações das mudanças climáticas estratégias para a conservação. Instituto de Pesquisas Cananéia Peterson Trevisan Leivas Impacto das mudanças climáticas no crescimento e captura de carbono de espécies da Mata Atlântica. Sociedade de Pesquisa em Vida Selvagem e Educação AmbientalSPVS Ricardo Miranda de Britez Mudanças climáticas e praias arenosas no Lagamar, um estudo de longo prazo do morfodinamismo e da estrutura da macrofauna bentônica. APPENDIX 5 – PROGRAM APPROVED IN 2011 (SUPPORT TO PROGRAMS) Title Programa de remoção de mico-leão-de-caradourada (Leontopithecus chrysomelas) invasor na área de ocorrência do mico-leão-dourado (Leontopithecus rosalia). Institution Technician in Charge Instituto Pri-Matas Maria Cecília Annual Report 2011 Biome Atlantic Forest