

2014: Ho)est Year On Record 2014 in The Netherlands •  Excep=onally warm: 11.7°C (10.2°C). •  Very sunny: 1844h (1639h). •  Rather dry: 776mm (849mm) Precipita=on and Sunshine Model Performance 30 25 20 EC oper EC ens 15 GFS oper GFS ens Obs 10 5 0 19-­‐Sep 26-­‐Sep 3-­‐Oct 10-­‐Oct 17-­‐Oct 24-­‐Oct 31-­‐Oct 7-­‐Nov 14-­‐Nov 21-­‐Nov 28-­‐Nov 5-­‐Dec 12-­‐Dec 19-­‐Dec 26-­‐Dec EC oper EC ens GFS oper GFS ens RMS 2,21 2,44 1,78 2,23 ME 1,8 2,023 1,43 1,93 6 5 4 EC oper 3 EC ens GFS oper 2 1 0 GFS ens SSW’s: A Follow-­‐up Story 2009 SSW With Heat Flux 2009 SSW: PCA 2013 SSW Lagged Correla=ons 2009: 2013: 1985 2002 Tropical Cyclones Chedza and Bansi Bansi: Eyewall Lightning SE-­‐Africa: Flooding Typhoon Mekkhala Northeast USA: Freezing Rain Past Week Model Valida=on ECMWF: GFS: Current Situa=on: Snowing Fog? Outlook Next Week US East Coast: Major Blizzard? ECMWF: GFS: Long Term: For Those Inspired… •  h)p://www.buienradar.nl/ •  h)p://www.weerplaza.nl/ •  h)p://www.knmi.nl/ •  h)p://www.meteo.be •  h)p://www.dwd.de/ •  h)p://meteocentre.com/ •  h)p://www.aemet.es/es/portada •  h)p://meteociel.fr/ •  h)p://www.wunderground.com/hurricane/ Other websites: •  h)p://atmos.weblog.tudelg.nl/2010/11/11/meteorological-­‐
observa=ons-­‐at-­‐cabauw/ •  h)p://weather.uwyo.edu/upperair/sounding.html •  h)p://estofex.org/ •  h)p://tropic.ssec.wisc.edu/ •  h)p://mana=.star.nesdis.noaa.gov/datasets/ASCATData.php •  h)p://tropic.ssec.wisc.edu/ •  h)p://www.lamma.rete.toscana.it/meteo/osservazioni-­‐satellite/
meteosat •  h)p://www.infoclimat.fr/cartes-­‐meteo-­‐temps-­‐reel-­‐images-­‐
satellites-­‐infrarouge-­‐visible-­‐haute-­‐resolu=on.html?i=radar Some other model websites: •  h)p://www.tropical=dbits.com/analysis/models/ •  h)p://we)er3.de/ •  h)p://www.we)erzentrale.de/ •  h)p://www.netweather.tv/index.cgi?
ac=on=ecm;sess •  h)p://www.modellzentrale.de/WRF4km/ Satellite Data: •  h)p://www.sat24.nl/ •  h)ps://earthdata.nasa.gov/labs/worldview/ •  h)p://www.nhc.noaa.gov/satellite.php •  h)p://www.nnvl.noaa.gov/ •  h)p://goes.gsfc.nasa.gov/ •  h)p://cimss.ssec.wisc.edu/goes/blog/ •  h)p://wms.ssec.wisc.edu/ •  h)p://lance-­‐modis.eosdis.nasa.gov/cgi-­‐bin/imagery/gallery.cgi •  h)p://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/ •  h)p://wx.erau.edu/erau_sat/