TM 43-0001-27 CHAPTER 9 CALIBER SO CARTRIDGES 9-l TM 43-0001-27 CARTRIDGE, CALIBER SO, BALL, HIGH PRESSURE TEST, Ml . JACKET FRONT SLUG :R5926 Explosive: ‘PvpeClassification: Type ______I_____________________ NA Weight~-~~~~-~~~_-~~~--~~~______ NA 7-,_-_I:__., STD - OTCM 36841. mwnauiry. Type ____________________________ NA ~eig~t_-~~~_~~~~_~~~~~~~~~~____~ NA All caliber .50 weapons except M8C Spotting Gun. The cartridge is intended for use in proof testing caliber 50 weapons (except the 106mm Spotting Rifle) during manufacture, test, or repair. Weight______-----____.__________ 240 fj&) g Performance: Chamber pressure -----------r 65,000 psi Description: Velocity-__-~~_--~~~____~~~~~.-.____. NA BALL Cartridge. The cartridge is identified by a stank-stained (silvered) cartridge case. Tabulated Data: DGDAC----------- -____ -_-----____1305_A575 UN0 serial number ---------- 0339 UN0 proper shipping name ___________ __________I_____Cartridges for weapons, inert projectile Weight _________-__________-__--___ 2082 gr Len~h~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~_------~-~5.45 in. Tra&r _____________ ______ ___-______NA Propellant: Type --_-____I--__ ____ __________ _ WC (136.4 mm) Primer ___________________ _________ percussion Fuze _______________________________ NA Shipping and Storage Data: Quantity-distance class/ 1.4s SCG I-_--____-___-_____-_________ Storage code --------_----_-----_ Class V DOT shipping class ----------- C DOT designation -------------- SMALL ARMS AMMUNITION Drawing number -------------- 5544097 References: SB 700.20 TM 9-1005-213-10 TM 9-1005-231-10 TM 9-1300-206 9-3 TM 43-0001-27 CARTRIDGE, CALTBER 30, RL’J.NI(, MI !k5928 7Ype Classification: CONT - OTCM 36841. Machine Gun, Caliber 50, M2 (flexible only). The cartridge is used to simulate firing in training exercises. Type --_--_______________________ NA Weight___ ________ _______________ NA -- Incendiary: Type _-__________________________ NA NA Weight------ _______ _____________ Propellant: Type ________________ _____ ______ _ WC 150 46 gr Weight----- ________ _____________ Performance: Description: BLANK Cartridge. The cartridge is identifieme absence of a bullet and has a crimped cartridge case mouth. Tabulated Data: 1305-A558 DODAC I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ UN0 serial number ---------- 0338 UN0 proper shipping name_.-----_________.-__________ Cartridges for weapons, b!ank 917 gr Weight _-_______ _______ I___________ _______ _________.___________ 3.91 in. (99.3 InnI) __-______________-__--_______ NA k22 Percussioll Primer _I________ ______ ____________ F&e __________ _________c__________ _ NA Explosive: Quantity-distance class/ SCG ____________________________ _ 1.4C Storage co& _______----~~-~~~~~_ Class V DOT shipping class ----------- C DOT designation -------------- SMALL ARMS AMMUNITION Drawing number -------------- 7673517 References: SB 700-20 TM 9-1005-213-10 TM 9-1005-231-10 TM 9-1300-206 9-5 TM 43-0001-27 CARTRIDGE, CALIBER SO, INCENDIARY, Ml LIFHT BLUE j$-- DOWEL PIN SLUG INCENDIARY COMPOSITION llvpe Classification: Type NA ____-___.________I__-___--__ Weight_~~-~~~~_~~-~-~---~~~_~~__ NA Incendiary: OBS - MSR 11756003. Type _____-___._______-._---_--__ IM 11 Weight__________________________ 34 gr Propellant: WC 860 Typei _ ---__---___._______-___I____ ___ Weight__----_______-__--________ 240 gr Description: Performance: INCENDIARY Cartridge. identified by a blue bullet tip. The cartridge is Chamber pressure ------------ 54,000 psi velocity _____-_________________---2950 fps, '78 ft Function: TI--_--Z~.~.~-L .rt- 1 , upon impact wicn a naraened or armored target, the incendiary composition bursts into flame and will ignite any flammable material. 0l_f----~-- _ _.. ., n.. - ana xorage mupplng Data: Quantity-distance class/ 1.4C SCG ______._____ _._______________ Tabulated Data: Storage DODAC_______________________-___ 13&j&62 DOT shipping class ----------- C DOT designation -------------- SMALL ARMS . \‘~~--.~-p.-rr~r ____^ -.-- seriai number ---------- UjUO UN0 proper shipping name ________________________ -___Ammunition, incendiary UNU Weight _________________. ______ _-_ 1744 gr ____________________________ 5.45 in. (136.4 Nolan) ____________-________________ NA E22 Percussion Prinler _____ _____________ __________ NA Fuze ________ ______ _-_____--____-___ Explosive: fro111 muzzle co& ___________-_______Class V AMMUNI Drawing number I’IUN -------------- 5579812 References: SB 700-20 TM 9-1005-213-10 TM 9-1005-231-10 TM 1W-m 3fK *a*- 4 "-*"""-‘d"" 9-7 TM 4%01)01-‘)7 . CARTRIDGE, CALIBER SO, TRACER, Ml RED TRACER COMi’OSlTlON JACKET SiiiG iFIs , Type _______________________...._NA Weight _____________________ .__._ NA Rpe Classitication: Incendiary: OBS - MSR 11756003. 'l'ype -.-------------------------NA Weight----_--_.----------------- NA Propellant: Type Machine Guns, Caliber 50, M2 and M85. The tracer is intended to permit visible observation of the buiiet’s in-flight path or trajectory to the point of impact. Limited to CONUS for training purposes only. Description: TRACER Cartridge. fied by a red bullet tip. The cartridge ---_--_-__--_--_-__--------IMR Weight_-______--------__-__----- 240 5010 gl Performance: Chamber pressure ----------;- 52,000 psi Velocity --------------------------- 2700 fps, 78 ft from muzzle is identi- D(jijA(J___________________________ i;7#j&j$ji UN0 serial number ---------- 0362 UN0 proper shipping name --_------ ------- ---- _------- Ammunition, tice pray- Quantity-distance class/ SCG -----------.--- _________-----1.4C fYl%,C qtn**:>u0rvwlo jw,*,b_ _yI1 ----------l-l-l----_*,,,s v. DOT ShiDDiiW class ----------- C DOT des&&on -------------- SMALL ARMS AMMUNITION Drawing number -------------- 5544843 Weight_-___-_--------------------- 1785.~ 6.45 m. (138.4 mm) -------__---_---------------- R258 Primer ----___--._----___---------- Percussion Ii&e -----_--_---------------------- NA Explosive: ~~~---------------------------- References: SB 700-20 TM 9-1300-206 9-9 TM 43-0001-27 CARTRIDGE, CALIBER SO, BLANK, MlAl 3.910-,025IN. * CASE l PROPELLANT 42 GRAINS APPROX. 7 .56OIN. -MAX Vpe Classification: STD - MSR 02806015. primer _____________________......_ percussion Fuze _____________________.._.______ NA Explosive: Type ____________________________ NA Weight__________________________ NA 1n;~~iax-y: ----------------------- ----- NA Machine Gun,.Caliber 50, M2 with the Ml9 Blank Ammumtion Firing Attachment; and Machine Gun, Caliber 50, MS5 with the M20 Blank Firing Attachment. The cartridge is used to simulate firing in training exercises. Description: Type ____________________________ J)upont Hi Skor 700x Weight-------------------------42 gr Performance: BLANK Cartridge. The cartridge is identified absence of a bullet. The MlAl differs from the Ml in that the MlAl has a rosette crimp at the mouth. Also, the MlAl is loaded with DuPont Hi Skor 700X propellant. Chamber pressure ------------ NA Velocity___________________________NA Shipping and Storage Data: SCG -.------------.------.------1.4s Storage co& -------------------Class V Tabulated Data: DODAC Weight__________________________ NA Propellant: _____________________._ ____ 1305-A559 ---------- 0338 UN0 serial number UN0 proper shipping name---------------------------- Cartridges for weapons, blank Weight ____________________________ 915 to 955 gr er;c$,h____________________________3.91 in. (99.3 mm) _____________________________ NA DOT shipping class ----------- C DOT designation -------------- SMALL ARMS AMMUNITION Drawing number -------------- 9341551 References: DARCOM 700-3-2 9-11 TM 43-0001-27 CARTRIDGE, CALIBER SO, BALL, M2 JACKET Explosive: ‘It)peClassification: Type ____________________________ NA Weight--___-__-_-_____-________NA STD - OTCM 36841. Incendiary: Type ____________________-_.-__-NA Weight __________-_______________ NA Propellant: Machine Guns, Caliber .50, M2 and M85. The cartridge is intended for use against personnel or unarmored targets. Description: BALL Cartridge. by a bullet. The cartridge is identified Tabulated Data: 1305-A552 DODAC ______I_---___-_--__------UN0 serial number ---------- 0339 UN0 proper shipping name_________________-___-___--Cartridges for weapons, inert projectile 1813 gr Weight ____________________________ _________________--_-------5.45 in. (138.4 mm) ___-__I____---___-----------NA kz: Percussion Primer .____-_____--___-----------Fuse _____________ ______ _---_--__--- Type _____-___-I_________----__-WC 860 Weight_~~__~~___~~___~~~~_~~__.. 235 gr Performance: Chamber pressure -----------: 55,000 psi 2810 fps, 78 ft from Velocity ~I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ muzzle Shipping and Storage Da& Q;Fzty-distance class/ ________-___________________. 1.4c Storage code -____-____---__---_. DOT shipping class ----------- Fass v DOT designation --__-_----_-_.SMALL ARMS AMMUNITION Drawing number -__._-.___-___ 5577960 References: SB 700-20 TM 9-1005-213-10 TM 9-1005-231-10 TM 9-1300-206 9-13 TM 43-0001-27 CARTRIDGE, CALIBER SO, BALL, ARMOR PIERCING, M2 BLACK AR5930 E+p]osive: $#‘” I_______________ *___-_______ NA Vpe Classification: e~ght~~~~~~--~~~~~ ______ _______NA OBS - MSR 11756003. Machine Guns, Caliber 50, M2 and M85. The cartridge is for use against light-armored or unarmored targets, concrete shelters, and similar bullet-resisting targets. Description: BALL Cartridge. The cartridge is identified by ablack bullet tip. Tabulated Data: DODAC~~~~~~~~~~~~~~__~~~~~~.-____ 13&=j_A526 UN0 serial number ---------- 0339 UN0 proper shipping name~~~~~~-----~~~~~____~~~~~~__ Cartridges for weapons, inert projectiie Weight __---_____ _____ ______ ______ _ 1812 gr _____l_-______-_l_---------5.45 in. (138.4 mm) NA Primer Fuze ___------________----------- Percussion ____________________-----_____ NA Incendiary: T pe -----_-----_________-----___ NA NA FJeight --I_____-__________-----__ Propellant: Type ---------_-_____--__---_____ WC 860 Weight----~----~~~~~~~~.~._~~~~~ 235 gr Performance: Chamber pressure ----------:- 53,000 psi no, n IZ)S, c-_ -0 CLfl._... va1nn;t.,_____ .=,“~,~~ _~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LO~U I 0 IL u-urn muzzle Shipping and Storage Data: Q;x$ty-distance class/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1.4C Storage code ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_~__~ Class V DOT shipping class ----------- C DOT designation -------------- SMALL ARMS AMMUNITION Drawing number -------------- 5569930 References: SB 700-20 TM 9-1005-213-10 TM 9-1005-231-10 TM 9-1300-206 9-15 . CARTRIDGE, DUMMY, CAJ,JRER 50, M2 Incendiary: l’ype _________ _._________________ NA Weigl:ht ____-________ _____________ NA STD - OTCM 3m41. Propellmt: Tvpe ____ __-____ ____ _________ ____NA w&&t ____ ________ ______________ NA r,re: --All caliber .50 weapons except MRC Spotting Gun. The cartridge is used for practice in loading for simulated firing and for inspecting and testing the mechanism of the weapon. Description: -.--- Chamber pressure ------------ NA Velocity -__----____ -_____-_____ ___ NA &lijlq~_i~g~cl l’hn ,.r.,~+r;rl,rrl A&AZ; ~‘.lurrci;c fied ~g-limn;mce: - .-._ Pnvtridna -J3lJMMV -*.--._a -is-. “....bWl’ by drilled holes ;.. ,I,G,,L,:A ,\.. 4.: I.7 in the cartridge case and the absence of a primer. -‘l’ahul;~tetl _._- .__ __ Data: J)ODAC __-___-_--__________-----__ 1;3()6_Afj(~) Weight ________.-__________________ 1248 g1 ankle__-___-------___- ______ -_--- 5.45 in. (133.4 nlin) Tracer_ _____ _____________________ __ NA Prinier ______________ _______ _______NA Puze _______________________________ NA Explosive: Storqe ---_ Data: Quiultity-distiulce ch\s;s! SCG mm___ ---mm__ __-____ _-________NA Storage code ____ -___.____ __.___ _ NA DOT shipping class ----------- NA DOT designation -------------- NONEXPLOSIVE AMMUNITION Drawing nuniber -------------- 5%657$) Rekrences: _---._ . SB 700-20 TM 9-1on~-213-10 TM 9-1OOS2X-10 TM 1)-1300-206 . r-- S17 TM 43-0001-27 CARTRIDGE, #CALIBER SO, BALL, ARMOR PIERCING INCENDIARY, MS ALUMINUM bF??Ig coRyTys$ DA@lf I CD cvwc CII riLLcn c INCENDIARY COMPOSITION JACKET AR5933 Weight _________________________. NA Type Classification: Incendiary: Type OBS - MSR 11756003. ____________________________ IM 11 Weight ------------------_I------ 15 gr Propellant: Type ____________________________ WC 860 Weight__________________________ 233 gr Machine Guns, Caliber 50, M2 and M85. The cartridge combines the functions of the M2 armor piercing bullet and the incendiary bullet, and is used against flammable targets and lightarmored or unarmored targets, concrete shelters, and similar bullet-resisting targets. Description: BALL Cartridge. The cartridge by an aluminum bullet tip. is identified Tabulated Data: DODAC_______________.____-----_13()54531 UN0 serial number ---------- 0300 UN0 proper shipping name ---___---__--_-_-----------_ Ammunition, incendiary --- j _ Weight___________________________. l'f& ____________________________ 5.45 gr in. (138.4 mm) _----__---__---___--------__ NA Primer ____ -_----_----__---_------- Percussion Fuse _________-_--_---_______ ______NA Explosive: Type _-____---__----_----- ------ NA Projectile: Weight__________________________ 622.5 gr Performance: Chamber pressure -----------I ‘59,000 psi Velocity --------------------------. 2910 fps, 78 muzzle sb,iqqnn r nnrr chronn “Ll” “r”rayb ft fronl ndn. UULU. Q;r$ty-distance class/ -.-------------------------_Storage code ---------------- ---_ DOT shipping class ----------DOT designation -------------- 1.4G Class V C SMALL ARMS AMMUNITION Drawing number -------------- 7970238 References: k22 SB 700-20 TM 9-1005-213-10 TM 9-1005-231-10 TM 9-1300-206 9-19 TM 43-0001-27 . CARTRIDGE, CALIBER SO, TRACER, Ml0 ORANGE \ TRACER COMPOSITION Fuze ______________________________ _ NA lYpe Classification: Explosive: Type ____________________-___--__ NA Weight_--__--___-_______________ NA STD - OTCM 37107. Incendiary: Machine Guns, Caliber 50, M2 and M85. Type ____________________________ NA Weight_--__---__-_______________ NA Propellant: Type ___.___--___________________ IMR Weight_.--_--___________________ 240 Description: TRACER Cartridge. The cartridge is identified by an orange bullet tip. Performance: Function: Velocity~~~-~~~-~-_--~_--~_.~~-~--2860 5010 g-r Chamber pressure ------------ 54,000 psi fps, 78 ft from muzzle The tracer cartridge exhibits a visible trace from a point not greater than 100 yards from the muzzle of the weapon to a point not less than 1,600 yards from the muzzle. Tabulated Data: DODAC_________________________ __ 13&=&b&70 UN0 serial number ---------- 0339 UN0 proper shipping name___~___~~___~___~___~___~~__ Cartridges for weapons, inert projectile Weight ____________________________ 1752 ___-________________.-__---_ 5.45 gr in. (136.4 mm) ____-________________________ R256 Etc~~ Primer _______ _-___-_______ --__--_ Percussion Shipping and Storage Data: Quantity-distance class/ SCG ___________._________________ 1.4C Storage code __--_-____-__--__.__ Class V DOT shipping class ----------- C DOT designation -------------- SMALL ARMS AMMUNITION Drawing number -------------- 7670296 References: SB 700-20 TM 9-1005-213-10 TM 9-1005-231-10 TM 9-1300-206 9-21 TM 43-0001-27 . CARTRIDGE, CALIBER SO, TRACER, Ml7 BROWN CLOSURE DISK TRACER COMPOSITION Tvpe Classification: CON - MSR 11756003. Explosive: Type ____________________________ NA Weight__________________________ NA Incendiary: Type ---- -------__------- -------_ NA Weight__________________________ NA Machine Guns, Caliber .50, M2 and M85. The cartridge tracer is intended to permit visible observation of the bullets in-flight path or trajectory to the point of impact. Propellant: Type ____________________________ IMR Weight__________________________ 225 Performance: nL,,1--_ yr-easurt: __^I_--^ ------------‘C. T\#-tA -_: ~lltllllurr wk,uwJ PSI Description: Velocity --------------------------- TRACER Cartridge. The cartridge is identified by a brown bullet tip. Shipping and Storage Data: Tabulated Data: Quantity-distance class/ SCG ----------------------------Storage DGDAC -------------------_------- 1305A571 UN0 serial number ---------- 0339 UN0 proper shipping name -------_-------_____-------_Cartridges for weapons, inert projectile Weight ____________________________ 1732 gr ____________________________ 5.45 in. (138.4 mm) R256 percussion primer _________ _____________ ______ Fuze ------------------------------- NA 5010 gr co& z%fzr, 78 ft from 1.4C ____________________ Class V DOT shipping class ----------- C DOT designation -------------- SMALL ARMS AMMUNITION Drawing number -------------- 7672165 References: SB 700-20 TM 9-1005-213-10 TM 9-1005-231-10 TM 9-1300-206 9-23 TM 43-0001-27 CARTRIDGE, CALIBER SO, BALL, ARMOR PIERCING INCENDIARY-TRACER, M20 RED , ALUMINUM SUBIGNITER COMPOSITIO JACKET TRACER COMPOSITIOil 5.45 IN, (138.4~MM) 4 CA F _-- -_ ___ :R 5936 Explosive: Qpe Classification: Type ____________________________ NA Weight__________________________ NA OBS - MSR 04776009. Incendiary: Type _____________________.______ IM 161 Weight__________________________ 27 gr Machine Guns, Caliber 50, M2 and M85. The cartridge combines the functions of the armor piercing and the incendiary bullet, and is used against flammable targets and lightarmored or unarmored targets, concrete shelters, and similar bullet-resisting targets. Description: BALL Cartridge. The cartridge is identified by El bullet tip with an aluminum colored ring to the rear of the red tip. _______________________..._13()&&j& ____________________________ 1718 _______________.____________ 5.45 gr in, (133.4 mm) _____________________________ R256 Primer _______________.________ ____ Percussion Fuze _______________________________ NA k22 Performance: Chamber pressure ------------ 55,000 psi Velocity --------------------------- 2910 fps, 78 muzzle Shipping Storage UN0 serial number ---------- 0300 UN0 proper shipping name- ----- ---- ----- -- ------- ---- Ammunition, incendiary Weight Weight__________._______________ 619 gr ft from and Storage Data: Quantity-distance class/ SCG ----------------- ------------ 1.4G Tabulated Data: DODAC Pro;;Alant: ------------------------ ---- IMR 5010 WGght __-___--______----_____-__ 230 gr Projectile: co& ____________________ Class V DOT shipping class ----------- C DOT designation -------------- SMALL ARMS AMMUNITION Drawing number -------------- 7672003 References: SB 700-20 TM 9-1005-213-10 TM 9-1005-231-10 TM 9-1300-206 9-25 TM 43-0001-27 CARTRIDGE, CALIBER SO, INCENDIARX M23 LIGHT BLUE BLUE \ I STEEL CONTAINER JACKET COMPOSITION U AR 5937 percussion primer _____________________ _______ Type Classification: Fuze *a _________ _ ____ ___ ______ _ _____ NA Explosive: STD - OTCM 36841. Type _____.______________________ NA Weight__________________________ NA Incendiary: Machine Guns, Caliber 50, M2 and M85. The cartridge is used against flammable targets. Degyinfinn* P.,“... INCENDIARY Cartridge. The cartridge is identrfied by a blue bullet tip with a light blue ring to the rear of the blue tip. Type ______________._.____-_-____ IM 28 Weight____________--____________ 90 p Pr+q;blant: -_.__________ _________ _-____IMR 4831 03V g’ TXI,Z,LC rra,g,,l.__________________________ &i), Performance: Chamber pressure ------------ 58,000 psi Velocity~~___--~~~~~~-~~~~~_.------3400 Purpose: The cartridge is capable of initiating combustion of flammable materials upon target impact at 175 yards. Tabulated Data: 13()5-A563 DODAC__________________ s--_w___. UN0 serial number ---------- 0300 UN0 proper shipping name ____________________-------Ammunition, incendiary E22 ft from Shipping and Storage Data: Q;i$ty-distance class/ _____________________________ 1.4G Storage Weight____~~_________~~~~~-----~~~ 1581 fps, 78 muzzle gr ________-_________--_______L 5.45 in, (138.4 mm) _____________________________ NA code _______---~~__~~_~__ Class V DOT shipping class ----------- C DOT designation -------------- SMALL ARMS AMMUNITION Drawing number -------------- 7673512 References: SB 700-20 TM 9-1005-213-10 TM 9-1005-231-10 TM 9-1300-206 9-27 TM 43-0001-27 . CARTRIDGE, CALIBER SO, BALL, M33 >b MH BASE FILLER JACKET POINT FILLER U AD rnsa nn 3550 Weight--_- ______________________ NA ‘Iltpe Classification: Incendiary: Type --___-_ _____________________ NA STD - OTCM 36841. Weight~~~~~~__~ _________________ NA Propellant: Type ---___--__-_ ________________ WC 860 Weight----- ________-_____I-_____ 235 g-r Vse: Mm-hints -.--_*Y*._ Phmc. _ . ..a”. f’.alihar VI..“YI 6;n .ir”, M9 *.*m ant-l U&a” MQK a.*““. The cartridge is intended for use against personnel or unarmored targets. Performance: Description: Chamber pressure ------------ 55,000 psi velocity ____I--___-_________-----.2910 fps, 78 ft from muzzle - 7 Shipping and btorage Data: Tabulated Data: D(-JDAC ___________-________-___-__ 1305A552 UN0 serial number ---------- 0339 UN0 proper shipping name.-___-____-_________________ Cartridges for weapons, inert projectile Weight .-___-_________1-___-------1762 gr Length I___-__________-____________ 5.45 in. (138.4 mm) NA Tr&r ______ __________.____________ Primer_~~~_~~~__~~~__~~ ___________percussion Fuze _______________________________ NA Explosive: Type ____________________________ NA Q;yzty-distance class/ ~~~~~~I~~~~~~~~~~~~~_______I_ 1*4C Storage code ~~_~~__~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Class V DOT shipping class ----------- C DOT designation -------------- SMALL ARMS AMMUNITION Drawing number -------------- 7553097 References: SB 700-20 TM 9-1005-213-10 TM 9-1005-231-10 TM 9-1300-206 9-29 TM 43-0001-27 CARTRIDGE, CALIBER SO, BALL, SPOTTER-TRACER, M48Al INCENDIARY COMPOSITION COMPOSITION RED -_*I YELLOW --_) a-:R 5939 lYpe Classification: STD - AMCTC 7378. Rifle, Spotting, F Caliber .50, M8C. Description: BALL Cartridge. The cartridge has specific features which aid in identification. The cartridge case has a distinctive body design which prevents chambering in other weapons. The total length is only 4.5 inches in comparison with 5.5 inches for a standard round. The bullet has a yellow tip with a red ring to the rear of the yellow tip. Tabulated Data: DCDAC__ _______________-_________ 1305_A574 UN0 serial number ---------- 0339 UN0 proper shipping for name _______ _-________ ____-_ ____ _ Cartridges weapons, inert projectile Weight _________________-__________ ~en~~_~~~___~~~~_~~~~~~~~~~~ _____ Tracer __________________ ___________ Primer ____________________________ Fuze __________- ___________-________ 1744 gr 4.53 in. (ii5.i R321 Percussion NA mlnj Explosive: Type _______-_________------_-___ NA Weight_~~__~~~___--__----~_____- NA Incendiary: Type ____________________________ IM 144 Weight_.________________________ 32 gr Propellant: Function: Type __________________------___IMR Weight_______________----_______ 110 In flight, the bullet exhibits a visible trace from a point not greater than 100 yards from the muzzle of the weapon to a point not less than 1,500 yards from the muzzle. The bullet will detonate and produce a flash and a puff of smoke upon impact against a steel plate placed at 175 yards from the muzzle of the weapon at all angles from 90” to 11” with respect to the horizontal. Difference Between Models: The M48Al differs from the M48A2 in that the M48Al has a primer in the point of the bullet. 7383 gr Performance: Chamber pressure ------------ 38,000 psi ~e~ocity~~~.___~~~____________~~___1745 fps, 78 ft from muzzle Shipping and Storage Data: Q;F;ity-distance class/ --__~~___L_~~~~~__~~~~~~~~~~~ 1.4c Storage code .__ _________________ Class V 9-31 TM 43-0001-27 DOT shipping class ----------- C DOT designation -------------‘. SMALL ARMS AMMUNITION Drawing number -------------- 8594735 References: SB 700-20 TM 9-1300-206 .. 9-32 TM 43-0001-27 CARTRIDGE, CALIBER SO, BALL, SPOTTER-TRACER, M48A2 INCENDIARY COMPOSITION COMPOSITION :R 5940 Type Classification: Tabulated Data: DCDAC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1305.A574 UN0 serial number ---------- 0339 UN0 proper shipping name............... . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cartridges for weapons, inert projectile STD - AMCTC 7378. Rifle, Spotting, Caliber $0, M8C. r” Weight ............................ 1744 &r Lehigh............................ 4.53 in.(115.1mm) Description: BALL Cartridge. The cartridge has specific features which aid in identification. The cartridge case has a distinctive body design which prevents chambering in other weapons. The total only 4.5 inches in comparison __!.I rlength r !_~_, is ~~ 0~ witn o.o incnes ror a standard round. The builet has a yellow tip with a red ring to the rear of the yellow tip. Tracer ............................. Primer ............................ Puze ............................... Explosive: Type ............................ NA Weight .......................... NA In~y;~iary: ............................ Weight IM 144 .......................... 32 g Propellant: Function: Type ............................ IMR 7383 Weight .......................... 110 gr In flight, the bullet exhibits a visible trace from a point not greater than 100 yards from the muzzle of the weapon to a point not less Projectile: will detonate and produce a flash and a puff of smoke upon impact against a steel plate placed at 175 yards from the muzzle of the weapon at all angles from 90” to 11” with respect to the horizontal. Performance: thnn .WMI JIU’UU warrlc C.aYaa 1 A,““” niffmwnrP Y...W.-_.._” ~321 Percussion NA frnrn IIV‘Il Rduuvn Y--I.__.. thn La,l\r m~~nnln ,,llaeaab. Tha A 81-Gh,.llot “UII.2~ Mnrldw ..*V.....Y. The M48A2 differs from the M48Al in that the M48A2 does not have a primer in the point of the bullet. Weight .......................... 833 p Chamber pressure ------------ 38,000 psi Velocity........................... 1745 fps, 78 ft froln muzzle SI1ipping and storageData: Q;n$y-distance class/ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4C Storage co& .................... Class V 9-33 TM 43-0001-27 DOT shipping. class ----------- C DOT designation --------------* SMALL ARMS AMMUNITION Drawing number -------------- 10542445 9-34 References: SB 700-20 TM 9-1300-206 TM 43-0001-2 CARTRIDGE, CALIBER SO, BALL, PLASTIC PRACTICE, MS58 1.27IN. (32.26MM) PLASTIC BULLET E;$;iive: ‘PvpeClassification: ___________________-________ NA Weight__._________---___________ NA STD - dated 24 May 1983. InFy;ziary: ____-_______________-____ NA Weigh~~_~~________~~~__~___~~___ NA Machine Gun, Caliber .50, with the Recoil Amplifier. The cartridge is intended scaled range training purposes. M3 for Propellant: Type ______________._____------__ lOBlO Weight~__~________~~~__~~___~___ 49 gr Performance: Description: BALL Cartridge. The cartridge is identified by mlue bullet and case which are molded into one piece with high density polyethylene plastic. Chamber pressure ------------ 26,100 psi velocity _______-_I-___--__-________ 2790 fps, 78 muzzle Maximum range --------------- 700 m ft fronl Shipping and Storage Data: Tabulated Data: Quantity-distance class/ SCG -___._______-________________ 1.4s 13@j_Afj()3 DODAC_____-_____________ - _______ Storage UN0 serial number ---------- 0012 UN0 proper shipping name___________.________._______ C&ridges weapons, jectile DOT ShiDDinEclass----------C DOT de&naTion -------------- SMALL ARMS AMMUNITION Drawng number --------------- 9340557 for inert pro- Weight __._______________ __________ 460 gr ___ _________________________ 5.2 in. (132.08 mm) ___-________-_____.__________ NA k:E2 Primer ________________ -------___-- Percussion NA Fuze ___________________ __________._ co& ________________-___ Class S References: SB 700-20 TM 9-1005-213-10 TM 9-1005-231-10 TM 9-1300-206 9-35 TM 43-0001-27 CARTRIDGE, CALIBER SO, TRACER, PLASTIC PRACTICE, M860 RED TRACER d PLASTIC BULLET TRACER MIX CUP Explosive: +&peClassification: Type _____-______________________ NA Weight__________________________ NA STD - dated 24 May 1983. Incendiary: Type ____________________---__--NA Weight____--____-_______________ NA Machine Gun, Caliber 50, M2 with the M3 The cartridge tracer is Recoil Amplifier. intended for scaled ran training to permit visible observation of the r ullet’s in-flight path or trajectory to the point of impact. The cartridge is intended for use with the M858 Plastic Practice Ball Cartridge. Description: TPACERCaI”Lridge.The cartridge is identified by a red bullet ti and the blue bullet and case which are molde B into one piece with high density polyethylene plastic. Tabulated Data: DODAC ___________________________ 1305_A595 UN0 serial number ---------- 0012 UN0 proper shipping name _________________________.._ Cartridges for weapons, inert projectile Weight ____________I_______----_--460 gr (132.08 mm) _____________-______--------DAG959125414 k% Percussion Primer ____________---_-___________ Puxe _________I_____._______I_______ NA __________________________--5.2 in. Propellant: Type ______ ______ _______ _______ __ lOBlO Weight ____II--__-_______-_______ 49 gr Performance: Chamber pressure ------------ 26,100 psi Velocity--------------------------- gf)fr, 78 ft from -______ __ 700 n-i ~ra&mml range -_____ ______________________________ 20-150 m Shipping and Storage Data: Quantity-distance class/ SCG _____________________________ 1.4s Storage code _____ _______________ Class S DOT ihipping class ----------- C DOT designation -------------- SMALL ARMS AMMUNITION Drawing number -------------- 9340558 References: SB 700-20 TM 9-1005-213-10 TM 9-1005-231-10 TM 9-1300-206 9-37 TM 43-0001-Z: CARTRIDGE, CALIBER SO, SABOTED LIGHT ARMOR Fuze lYpe Classification: PENETRATOR (SLAP), M903 ____.__________ . ..___.... _____. NA Explosive: Type STD - 31 March 1993. ____________________________ NA Weight__________________________ NA Incendiary: Type ____________________________ NA Weight__________________________ NA Machine Gun, Caliber 50, MBHB. The cartridge is to be used by soldiers equipped with M2 machine guns. Propellant: Type ____________________________ WC Weight__________________________ 275 Prqjectile: Weight Description: COMBAT Cartridge. The cartridge fied by an amber sabot (Ultem 1000). is identi- 355-360 gr Performance: Chamber velocity__ Tabulated Data: _____ _ __________ __ ________ 856 gr pressure ------------ 55,000 psi _______ __ _____ _ __________ 4000 fps, 78 ft from muzzle ;()~A& “1.V ______ _________.________ 1305-A513 ShitptiEo Emr;Pi m,.mhr __________ nni 9 UGIIU. 1AL4‘11k.zG1 ---------““.A& UN0 proper shipping name --------_------------------- Cartridges weapons, jectile Weight ________________ _ __________ _ 1466 Length ___________________. ___ _____ for inert pro- gr 5.45 in. (133.4 m) Tracer -_---------_-------- ---- ----_ NA Primer __________-________________ Percussiol~ nnrl “r”*..h.C,tnraoe nntno * “..U I,“.“. Quantity-distance class/ SCG --------___---______---_____ _ 1.4 Storage code __-__ _-____----_____ C DOT shipping class ----------- C DOT desknation -------------- CARTRIDGES SMALL ARMS UN0339 9-39 TM 43-0001-27 CARTRIDGE, CALIBER SO, SABOTED LIGHT ARMOR e PENETRATOR-TRACER (SLAP-T), M962 U AR 6024 Explosive: IYpe Classification: Type _____________________--_____ NA Weight_~__~~_____~~~~~~~_~~~~___ NA STD - 31 March 1993. Incendiary: Type _____________________-----__ NA Weight_~~~~~~~~__~~~~~~~~~-~~~~_ NA Machine Gun, Caliber .50! MBHB. The cartridge is to be used by soldiers equipped with M2 machine guns. Propellant: Type _______--_______--__-------WC Weight__~~~~~~~~__~-----~~--~~~- 282 856 gr Projectile: Weight_____-__________--_.---___ 350-360 gr Description: COMBAT Cartridge. The cartridge fied by a red sabot (Ultem 1000). is identi- Performance: Chamber Tabulated Data: DGDAC ___________________________ 1305A516 UN0 serial number ---------- 0012 UN0 proper shipping name ____ _---____ ______ _-_____ -__ Cartridges for weapons, inert projectile 1466 gr Weight ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~n~h~___-~~~~__-~-~~~__~~~~~_~~~ 5.45 in. (136.4 mm) R543 Tra~er~~___~~~~___~~~ ____ _-_____--_ Percussion Primer ______________ ______________ Puze _______________________________ NA pressure ------------ 55,000 psi Velocity~~~__~~-~~~~~~~~~~~__~-----4000 fps, 78 ft fro111 muzzle Shipping and Storage Data: Quantity-distance class/ SCG _____________________________ 1.4 Storage co& ~~~___~~~~__________ C DOT ShiDDinfr class ----------- C DOT de&na%on -------------- CARTRIDGES SMALL ARMS UN0339 9-41 TM 43-0001-2’ CARTRIDGE, CALIBER SO, BALL, PRACTICE, T249E2 CORE U AR5941 %pe Classification: Not applicable. Tracer.. ........................... primer ............................ Fuze ............................... NA Percussiol~ NA Explosive: Type NA ............................ NA .......................... Weight Incendiary: Rifle, Spotting, Caliber 50, M8C. The cartridge is used as a less expensive substitute for The the M48 series spotter-tracer cartridges. item uses a small amount of Sodium Carbonate Monohydrate as its spotting charge. It is similar to using a flour bag as a bomb. Description: The cartridge is a dupliBALL Cartridge. cate of the M48 series cartridges, a less expensive model used for practice. It IS identified by a green bullet tip. It has no tracer or incendiary filler. Tabulated Data: DODAC...... . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . 1305A579 UN0 serial number ---------- 0339 UN0 proper shipping name...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cartridges for weapons, inert proiectile ............................ 1738 gr Weight Length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.53 in. (115.1 mm) Type NA ............................ NA .......................... Wei&t Propellant: Tvne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IMR 7383 wiight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 g-r Projectile: Weight.......................... ,817 gr Performance: Chamber pressure ------------ 38,000 psi Velocity --------------------------- E::“,fy, 78 ft from Shipping and StoraPe Data: Qm&ity-distance class/ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4C Storage co& .................... Class V DOT shinning class ----------- C DOT des’igna%on -------------- SMALL ARMS AMMUNITION Drawing number -------------- 10534667 References: SB 700-20 TM 9-1300-206 9-43 TM 43-0001-25 CARTRIDGE, CALIBER SO, BALL, HIGH PRESSURE TEST, T251 REAR SLUG JACKET Fuze Type Classification: FROi;T SLUG _______________________________ NA Explosive: Type --_____ ----- _______ _________ NA Not applicable. Weight_____-____________________ NA Incendiary: Rifle, Spotting, Caliber 50, MBC. The cartrid e rs used in proof testing the caliber 50 MB!! Spotting Rifle during manufacture, test, or repair. Type __--________________----____ NA Weight__________________________ NA Propellant: Type ____________________________ IMR 4831 Weight_____---_________-________ 142 g Performance: Description: Chamber pressure ------------ 55,000 psi BALL Cartridge. The cartridge is standard smanliber and is identified by a stnnnicstained (silvered) cartridge case. Velocity______.____________________ NA Tabulated Data: Quantity-distance class/ nnl, _____________________________ 3b~lr 1.4C DODAC Storage _______________ ____________1305_Afj78 UN0 serial number ---------- 0339 UN0 proper shipping name-- ________ ---- _______ _-----_ Cartridges for weapons, inert projectile Weight ____________________________ 1902 gr Length____________________________ 4.53 in, Shipping and StoraPe Data: (115.1 mm) Tracer _______________________ -_____NA Primer ______________________ ______Percussion code ____________________ Class V DOT shipping class ----------- C DOT designation -------------- SMALL ARMS AMMUNITION Drawing number -------------- 10534770 References: SB 700-20 TM 9-1300-206 9-45