costume designers guild
costume designers guild
COSTUME DESIGNERS GUILD The Costume Designers Guild (CDG) IATSE Local 892 is the official labor union for Costume Designers, Assistant Costume Designers, Illustrators and Commercial Costume Designers/ Stylists working in motion pictures, television, animation, commercials, and music videos. Y O U R C O N S I D E R A T I O N OSTUME DESIGN ELGADO PRINT DIGITAL EVENTS ADDITIONAL MARKETING ME DESIGNER ACK COVER | WITH BLEED 8.625” W X 8.125” H 8.375” W X 7.875” H 7.875” W X 7.5” H 1a:2001 © 2012 UNIVERSAL STUDIOS MATERIALS DUE: MON., 12/3, NOON THIS AD RUNS: MON., 12/17 1F N25159 12/03/12 LMB_CosDsgn_4C_BckCvr_1F IngleDodd Media | 310.207.4410 | [email protected] the costume designer PRINT The Official Quarterly Magazine of the Costume Designers Guild, Local 892 FALL 2014 CIRCULATION: 1,750 EDITOR: Anna Wyckoff PUBLISHER: IngleDodd Media FOUNDED: 2005 FREQUENCY: Quarterly PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION: Costume Designers Guild READERSHIP: All members of the Costume Designers Guild; Costume Designers, Assistant Costume Designers, Commercial Costume Designers/Stylists and Illustrators and other costume industry professionals The Costume Designer is the official publication of the Costume Designers Guild, IATSE Local 892. This membership represents the working Costume Designers, Assistant Costume Designers, Commercial Costume Designers/Stylists, and Illustrators in television, film and digital media. PROFILE 2015/16 THE OFFICIAL MAGAZINE OF THE COSTUME DESIGNERS GUILD LOCAL 892 The Costume Designer is a member-based publication designed to serve the working professionals of the CDG. Published quarterly, copies are mailed directly to every single member of this exclusive guild, as well as other costume professionals in the industry, costume and design schools and museums. The Costume Designer is the only publication you can advertise in that guarantees your ad message will be delivered to the creative artists and decision makers of this exclusive guild. No other publication has the mailing list or their pre-qualified interest. Whether you have products or services related to costume design for production, or are attempting to influence these voters for Academy, Emmy or CDG Awards, this is the smartest and most targeted ad buy you can make. IngleDodd Media | 310.207.4410 | [email protected] the costume designer PRINT The Official Quarterly Magazine of the Costume Designers Guild, Local 892 Space Art Mailing ReservationDeadlineDate Fall 2014 Nov 7 Nov 14 Nov 26 Winter 2015 Jan 14 Jan 19 Jan 23 Spring 2015 May 1 May 7 May 22 Summer 2015 July 17 July 23 Aug 6 Fall 2015 Nov 16 Nov 23 Dec 4 SCHEDULE 2015/16 • The Costume Designer is published quarterly • Premium Positions are available on a first-come, first-served basis • Mailing dates are subject to slight variations IngleDodd Media | 310.207.4410 | [email protected] the costume designer PRINT The Official Quarterly Magazine of the Costume Designers Guild, Local 892 2-Page Spread 1/3 Page Vertical 1/3 Page Square Full Page Bleed or Non-bleed 2/3 Page Vertical 1/2 Page Vertical 1/2 Page Horizontal 1/4 Page Vertical 3/4 Page Back Cover AD DIMENSIONS 2-Page Spread Full Page 2⁄3 Page Vertical 1⁄2 Page Horizontal 1⁄2 Page Vertical 1⁄3 Page Vertical 1⁄3 Page Square 1⁄4 Page Vertical 3⁄4 Page Back Cover Non-bleed: 15.75”w x 9.875”hBleed: 17”w x 11.125”h Non-bleed: 7.25”w x 9.875”hBleed: 8.625”w x 11.125”h Non-bleed: 4.875”w x 9.875”h Non-bleed: 7.25”w x 4.875”h Bleed: 8.625”w x 5.625”h Non-bleed: 3.50”w x 9.875”h Non-bleed: 2.25”w x 9.875”h Non-bleed: 4.875”w x 4.875”h Non-bleed: 3.50”w x 4.875”h Non-bleed: 7.875”w x 7.50”hBleed: 8.625”w x 8”h Any ad that does not meet the requirements and sizes of this spec sheet will have to be altered to fit our specifications. We do not assume responsibility for such alterations. MAGAZINE TRIM: 8.375”w x 10.875”h. Bleed: add 1/8” all around. Keep vital images at least 1/4” from trim. 2-page spread keep text 1/8” away from gutter on both sides. ART SPECS 2015/16 AD SIZES AVAILABLE FILE FORMATS: Only the following formats are accepted and must be Mac-readable: InDesign, Hi-res PDF (Acrobat PDFx/1-a preferred), Illustrator EPS (fonts must be converted to outlines) and Photoshop JPEG (300 dpi) FILE REQUIREMENTS: Digital files must be 100% magazine ad size (see dimensions above) • Colors: All images and colors must be converted to CMYK process colors or grayscale • Resolution: 300 dpi for CMYK or grayscale, 1200 for line art. No spot colors or RGB • Fonts: All fonts used to create PDFs must be embedded or converted to outlines. Choose bold, italic, and other styles from the font menu. DO NOT use truetype fonts • All files, must be linked, flattened with no transparencies. • ALL ad files MUST contain the ADVERTISER’S NAME FILE DELIVERY: Electronic Files Only (in order of preference): » Via IngleDodd FTP server: Host: Username: adart | Password: adart1 Place your ad in the cdg/cdg_quarterly folder (fax proof to 310.207.2110) » Via Email (files must be under 5MB): [email protected] (fax proof to 310.207.2110) » Via Mail CD or DVD (include color proof): IngleDodd Media, Attn: Production Dept. 11661 San Vicente Blvd., Suite 709 | Los Angeles, CA 90049 IngleDodd Media | 310.207.4410 | [email protected] CDG membership Directory PRINT The Official Annual Member Directory of the Costume Designers Guild Costume Designers Guild Directory of Members 2014–2015 The CDG Directory of Members is the official annual directory for the Costume Designers Guild, IATSE Local 892. This handy reference book is used year-round by both CDG members and the industry executives that wish to reach them. Printed in a handy 5” x 8” format, the CDG Directory of Members is conveniently sized for easy use and transport between the office and filming locations. Each edition will contain an alphabetical listing of all CDG members, along with their contact information and professional credits. Also included will be the current list of Board members and Officers, CDG history and other reference information for the organization. Published only once a year, copies of the CDG Directory of Members will be printed and mailed to every single active member of CDG, as well as a select list of other craftspeople and executives working in the film and television industry. PROFILE 2015/16 CDG MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY The CDG Directory of Members Directory offers an inexpensive option to reinforce your ongoing ad campaign in The Costume Designer or, and provides a year-long show of support and branding presence with this key group of industry costume professionals. IngleDodd Media | 310.207.4410 | [email protected] cdg membership Directory PRINT The Official Annual Member Directory of the Costume Designers Guild Full Page Bleed 5.75”w x 8.75”h Full Page Non-bleed 4.5”w x 7.75”h Half Page Horizontal 4.5”w x 3.75”h Half Page Horizontal Bleed 5.75”w x 4.375”h Full Page Bleed or Non-bleed FILE REQUIREMENTS Size: Digital files must be 100% magazine ad size (see dimensions above) Colors: All images and colors must be converted to CMYK process colors or grayscale Graphics: Use only hi-res images which must be linked and updated Fonts: All fonts used to create PDFs must be embedded or converted to outlines. Choose bold, italic and other styles from the font menu ALL files must be linked, flattened with no transparencies used ALL ad files MUST contain the ADVERTISER’S NAME DO NOT supply fonts or images that are NOT a part of your ad DO NOT provide laser printer output or photocopied material as “camera-ready” art DO NOT supply artwork with spot, pantone or RGB colors page trim size 5.5”w x 8.5”h. Bleed: add 1/8” all around. Keep vital images at least 1/2” from trim. file formats Only the following formats are accepted and must be Mac-readable: InDesign (packaged with all updated elements) Hi-res PDF (Acrobat PDFx/I-a preferred) Illustrator EPS (fonts must be converted to outlines) Photoshop JPEG (300 dpi) file delivery Via IngleDodd FTP site, email, CD/DVD Upload: Host: Login/Username: adart Password: adart1 Place your ad in the CDG/cdg_directory folder Email: [email protected] (fax proof to 310.207.2110) Files must be under 5MB Mail: CD or DVD (include color proof) IngleDodd Media Attn: Production Dept. 11661 San Vicente Blvd., Suite 709 Los Angeles, CA 90049 1/2 Page Horizontal Bleed or Non-bleed AD SIZES & SPECS 2015/16 AD SIZES AND DIMENSIONS IngleDodd Media | 310.207.4410 | [email protected] COSTUMEDESIGNERSGUILD.COM D I G I TA L Official website of the Costume Designers Guild, Local 892 WEB advertising is available In THE FOLLOWING sectionS: home: The Home page is the main portal to the CDG website, displaying the menu for the entire site, while highlighting current news and events. awards: The Awards section contains all upcoming and past CDG-sponsored awards event information, including nominees, winners and photo coverage. Calendar: Latest schedule containing items related to Costume Designers Guild upcoming events. WEB ADVERTISING 2015/16 is the official website of the CDG, the Costume Designers, Assistant Costume Designers, Commercial Costume Designers/Stylists and Illustrators in television, film and digital media. IngleDodd Media | 310.207.4410 | [email protected] COSTUMEDESIGNERSGUILD.COM D I G I TA L Official website of the Costume Designers Guild, Local 892 212px x 300px 212px x 150px WEB AD SPECIFICATIONS • Ad image sizes: 212px x 300px, 212px x 150px • Formats: Static JPEG, GIF or PNG images. No animation, flash or rich media. • Ad Serving: Internal only. Maximum five ad images served per ad unit. No weighting rotation. • All ad units will appear in the right column of pages with available web ad inventory. • All creative must be approved by the CDG in advance of run date. • Maximum one (1) creative swap permitted per month flight. file delivery Via IngleDodd FTP site, email WEB AD SIZES & SPECS WEB AD UNITS Upload: Host: Login/Username: adart Password: adart1 Place your ad in the CDG/ folder Email: [email protected] IngleDodd Media | 310.207.4410 | [email protected] CDG email marketing D I G I TA L EBlasts to the CDG Membership An excellent supplement to an ongoing print or digital ad campaign, email marketing allows you to reach the entire active CDG membership via email. Best used to notify members of specific, time-sensitive announcements, offers and events, this exclusive access to the CDG membership guarantees your ad message will be delivered directly to the inbox of every single email-ready member. MEMBER EBLASTS • All emails are sent directly from the CDG. • All ad messages and content must be first approved. • Awards-related EBlasts are for Screening Calendars and Screening Invitations only. For Your Consideration messages are allowed in the organization’s Print publications and Web advertising opportunities. EMAIL MARKETING Reach the entire membership of the CDG with your email marketing piece! SPECS • Allow 48-72 hrs. minimum for approval/delivery of EBlast. • Format guidelines for EBlasts: • Jpegs (ideal format). • Word documents or Simple text. • HTML (with minimum graphic images or titles). • PDF can also be called up via an embedded link in body of a text email (the PDF is uploaded to/served from the above organization’s server). IngleDodd Media | 310.207.4410 | [email protected] CDG member events EVENTS Sponsorship and Branding Opportunities Event sponsors receive combinations of branding, advertising, VIP tickets and access, opportunities to provide and brand promotional material or product at the event, recognition on the red carpet, stage or from the podium, and recognition as an event sponsor on all media outreach. costume designers guild awards The 18th Annual Costume Designers Guild Awards will be held in February, 2016 at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills, CA. This celebrity-studded gala celebrates the costume designers, assistant costume designers and costume illustrators working at the highest level in motion pictures, television and commercials. Guild members and industry leaders from around the world gather on this one special evening to pay tribute to the top creative professionals in this field. Awards are given for excellence in Costume Design in several categories, as well as special Career Achievement recognitions. ANNUAL EVENTS 2015/16 The Costume Designers Guild hosts many events throughout the year, including a major awards show and fundraiser, a highly anticipated group of events at San Diego Comic-Con, as well as education and career development events, panel discussions, lectures and seminars, various craft labs, showcases and programs. IngleDodd Media | 310.207.4410 | [email protected] CDG member events EVENTS Sponsorship and Branding Opportunities For the 10th consecutive year, the Costume Designers Guild (IATSE Local 892) will be hosting its exclusive panel discussions on Costume Design and Illustration, the CDG Comic-Con Cocktail Party, the “CDG Best Costume Award” at the Comic-Con Masquerade Ball, and the CDG Hall Costume Awards. For more information on specific event partnership opportunities for your brand, please contact your sales representative at 310.207.4410. ANNUAL EVENTS 2015/16 costume designers guild at san diego comic-con IngleDodd Media | 310.207.4410 | [email protected] CDG direct mail marketing ADDITIONAL MARKETING Mailings to the CDG Membership BASIC DIRECT MAIL TYPES PRE-PRINTED LETTER/FLYER | Your pre-printed message enclosed and mailed in a #10 Envelope. 4 x 6 POSTCARD | Your message printed as a 4” x 6” Business Reply Postcard. DVD MAILER | Your information or demo formatted as a DVD mailer. BOOKLET OR CATALOG | Your information in a multi-page format. RATES Direct Mail prices are calculated using the following three elements: 1)Access Fee 2)Handling Fee: For address labeling and any special printing/packaging/processing fees 3)Postage: Based on current USPS rates • All Direct Mail is sent through a third-party mailing house. Member addresses are not released to the advertiser. Prices are quoted on a case-by-case basis and will vary based on the physical properties (weight and shape) of the piece. • All ad messages and content must be first approved by the guild. • Awards-related EBlasts are for Screening Calendars and Screening Invitations only. For Your Consideration messages are allowed in the organization’s Print publications and Web advertising opportunities. DIRECT MAIL MARKETING The Direct Mail Marketing Program allows advertisers the ability to reach the entire active membership with your promotional mailer. Best used to notify members of specific, time-sensitive announcements, offers and events, this exclusive access to the membership is the only guaranteed way to have your Direct Mail piece delivered to the homes or offices of every single CDG member. IngleDodd Media | 310.207.4410 | [email protected] CDG PUBLICATION INSERTS ADDITIONAL MARKETING The Costume Designer & CDG Directory of Members BASIC INSERT TYPES Blown-in | A pre-printed, single card or flyer loosely inserted between the pages of the issue. Stitched-in or Bound-in | Attached in the binding of the publication (either by staple or glue), this can be a card, single-page or multi-page gatefold advertisement. DVD or booklet | Items that cannot be Blown-in or Stitched-in/Bound-in must accompany the publication via a polybag or plastic wrap around the publication. INSERT MARKETING Publication Inserts allow advertisers to use the official member publications of the CDG to carry and deliver their promotional materials to the membership. This method can have more impact than a regular direct mailing, as it benefits by arriving in a vehicle that has the prequalified interest of this exclusive membership, and is more likely to be noticed. Art Production If you do not have a pre-printed Insert piece, we can provide production and printing services for you. All artwork production and printing is quoted on a case-by-case basis. Please contact us to discuss your needs. PUBLICATION INSERT RATES | are assessed pre-project, based on the following three factors. • A flat access fee equivalent to the 1x Back Cover rate of the publication. • The cost for physically inserting the promotional piece. • Any additional postage costs created by including the piece. Please contact our office to discuss your Insert needs and obtain a specific quote. IngleDodd Media | 310.207.4410 | [email protected] A D D ITIONAL MARKETIN G CDG annual partnerships Corporate Partner Opportunities with the CDG CDG Corporate Partners enjoy the greatest level of visibility and the deepest association with the CDG and its membership. A customized annual Corporate Partnership typically includes a mix of CDG print, digital and event properties, while providing top tier branding and advertising opportunities throughout the year with the CDG membership. Revenue from our CDG Corporate Partners provides critical support and fundraising for the organization’s overall efforts. This allows CDG to provide benefits to members via CDG screenings, educational workshops, awards shows, publications and website, while increasing its industry profile and influence. CDG Corporate Partnerships can include combinations of sponsorship, Branding and advertising of the following: print: The Costume Designer CDG Directory of Members CDG Awards Tribute Book digital: banner ads The Costume Designer digital/tablet version (pending) EBlast to CDG membership events: CDG Awards Show CDG Member Events additional Marketing: Direct Mail to CDG membership Inserts in The Costume Designer or CDG Directory of Members Please contact us to discuss your objectives for a customized partnership proposal. ANNUAL PARTNERSHIPS Become an Annual Corporate Partner of Costume designers guild! IngleDodd Media | 310.207.4410 | [email protected]
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• All creative must be approved by the CDG in advance of run date.
• Maximum one (1) creative swap permitted per month flight.