E R ` T - Lamplighter


E R ` T - Lamplighter
The Children
of Cloverley
Hesba Stretton - 1865
That Printer
of Udell’s
Pages: 224
Every day, in all the little common things
as well as the great ones, we are to do the will
of God. But when we love the level of comfort
we have attained and the plans we have for the future, it is hard
to say, “Thy will be done.” The children of Cloverley not only say
it—they do it. This dramatic adventure gives hope and courage,
and will touch the heart of each family member.
If you enjoyed The Children of Cloverley, you will also treasure Enoch Roden’s
Training, Jessica’s First Prayer, Jessica’s Mother Comes Home, Me and Nobbles,
and Probable Sons.
Other books by Hesba Stretton: Enoch Roden’s Training, Jessica’s First Prayer,
and Jessica’s Mother Comes Home.
Harold Bell Wright - 1902
Pages: 352
This book is a winner among our unique
collection of Lamplighter classics! President
Ronald Reagan wrote: “That book, That Printer of Udell’s, had an
impact I shall always remember… The term “role model” was
not a familiar term in that time and place. But I realize I found
a role model in that traveling printer whom Harold Bell Wright
had brought to life. He set me on a course I’ve tried to follow even
unto this day. I shall always be grateful.”
If you enjoyed That Printer of Udell’s, you will also treasure The Hidden Hand,
Ishmael, Self-Raised, The Wide, Wide World Volumes I-II, The House of Love,
and The Lamplighter.
Pages: 192
Enoch Roden’s
Hesba Stretton - 1865
This book is bursting with life’s lessons!
As Enoch’s faith is tested, will he prove that
his is no mere profession, but a real, living
confidence in God’s love and wisdom?
Through severe trials, Enoch learns much
about sound business principles, sacrifice, and trusting God. If he
had only said, “I am working with God…” he would never have
found the work wearisome, for of all grand, and comforting, and
heart-refreshing thoughts in this world, to a Christian, the greatest
is the thought that we are co-workers with God. Without a doubt,
after reading this book, you’ll walk away a better person than
when you began.
If you enjoyed Enoch Roden’s Training, you will also treasure The Children of
Cloverley, Jessica’s First Prayer, Jessica’s Mother Comes Home, Me and Nobbles,
and Probable Sons.
Other Books by Hesba Stretton: The Children of Cloverley, Jessica’s First Prayer,
and Jessica’s Mother Comes Home
The Mansion
Henry van Dyke - 1887
Pages: 80
Mrs. George Gladstone - 1872
This little book is a powerhouse, sending
a quickening jolt to the very depths of our
respectable-looking facade. The Mansion
takes a piercing look at John Weightman,
one of the most “successful” men in New
York, and his son, who desperately wants
to find his way and be free to make his own mistakes rather than
being played like pieces in a game of chess. The Mansion… it will
make you think.
Pages: 168
Unlike her tender-hearted sister, Helen’s
choices are dictated by fear of what her
friends might think if she associates with
a girl who is so shabby… so different! Her
unchecked temper causes great harm, but God’s love proves to
be greater than she ever imagined.
If you enjoyed Little Threads, you will also treasure Teddy’s Button, Little Sir
Galahad, Tom Gillies, Me and Nobbles, and Jessica’s First Prayer.
If you enjoyed The Mansion, you will also treasure Sir Knight of the Splendid
Way, Ishmael, Self-Raised, The Inheritance, Tom Watkins’ Mistake, Stick to the
Raft, Tomorrow, and The Highland Chairman.
Other books by Mrs. George Gladstone: Tom Gillies, Stick to the Raft.
176 pages
Fireside readings
( V. III )
Various Authors - 1876
Young Fred Mathers is determined to
clear his father’s good name and pay off the
debt he owed before he heroically lost his
life. Fred’s diligence and hard work earn
him the respect of his master as well as the
cruel taunting of a jealous co-worker, troublesome Timothy Trump
Daring Deeds
Archer Wallace 128 pages
Compelling, true accounts of the
dangerous expeditions of courageous men
who dared to risk their lives for the sake
of murderers, theives, and even cannibals.
Their unrelenting passion moved them
onward as they shared the message of hope with ruthless peoples
who had never been reached and desperately needed to hear
about God’s love and redemption. Indeed, these men are true
heroes to emulate.
If you enjoyed Daring Deeds, you will also treasure Boys of Grit Volumes I-III,
The Hedge of Thorns, Buried in the Snow, Always in His Keeping, Mary Jones and
Her Bible, True Stories of Great Americans for Young Americans, and Mothers
of Famous Men.
Other books by Archer Wallace: Boys of Grit Volumes I-II and Mothers of
Famous Men.
Elizabeth Prentiss - 1863
Pages: 160
It was Mrs. Prentiss’ intent that this little
gem would be a tool for children to learn obedience. Read about
the contrasting lives of Tangle Thread and Golden Thread, one
the cause of much grief for her godly mother, and the other the
only bright spot in her poor mother’s world.
If you enjoyed Little Threads, you will also treasure The Basket of Flowers, The
Wide, Wide World Volumes I-II, Sir Knight of the Splendid Way, The House of
Love, and the Lamplighter.
Other books by Elizabeth Prentiss: Stepping Heavenward
112 pages
Saved By Love
Emma Leslie - 1892
Streetwise, ragged, and poor, Elfie was
convinced that she was so naughty and so bad
that no one could ever love her. Susie could
not comprehend Elfie’s ongoing struggle to
be honest, but she was determined to tell her
that no matter how “great” our sin is, God’s
love and forgiveness is even greater.
If you enjoyed Saved By Love, you will also treasure Probable Sons, Me and
Nobbles, Fireside Readings Volumes I-II, and Christie’s Old Organ.
Other Books byEmma Leslie: Tom Gillies.
The Robbers’
A.L.O.E - 1887
176 pages
E.D.E.N Southworth - 1876
384 pages
It all happened so quickly! Before they
realized what happened, Horace’s ankles
were locked in chains, preventing him from
rescuing his terrified mother as she was dragged away by their
captors. She had only seven days to return with the answer that
could save her son! The days that followed showed Horace how
God’s light can penetrate the darkest evil. The Robbers’ Cave is a
breathtaking family experience!
In this suspenseful sequel to Ishmael, you will
follow the valiant perseverance of our hero,
Ishmael. As his uncompromising propensity
to do well was clearly seen in Ishmael, you
will now be introduced to his secret struggle. Though conceived
in secrecy, born in adversity, lived in poverty, and redeemed
through honesty and perseverance, the life of Ishmael Worth
resonates with the truth that true riches come through humility
and selfless service to others.
If you enjoyed The Robbers’ Cave, you will also treasure Shipwrecked But Not
Lost, The Boy of Mount Rhigi, Tom Gillies, The Golden Thread and The Hidden
If you enjoyed Self-Raised, you will also treasure The Hidden Hand, The Basket
of Flowers, The Wide, Wide World Volumes I-II, Ishmael, The House of Love and
The Lamplighter.
Other books by A.L.O.E: The Giant Killer.
Other books by E.D.E.N. Southworth: The Hidden Hand and Ishmael.
E.D.E.N Southworth - 1876 528 pages
E.D.E.N Southworth considered Ishmael
to be her very best work, being founded
on the life of one of the noblest of our
contrymen who really lived, suffered, toiled,
and triumphed in this land. Its inspirations
of wisdom and goodness were drawn from
the examples of heroic warriors and statesmen of the Revolution.
Ishmael - born in the depths of poverty, misery, and humiliation
and raised to the summit of fame - was good as well as great. His
life is proof that there is no depth of human misery from which
we may not, by virtue, energy, and perseverance, rise to earthly
honors, and by God’s grace, attain eternal glory.
If you enjoyed Ishmael, you will also treasure The Hidden Hand, The Basket of
Flowers, The Wide, Wide World Volumes I-II, Self-Raised, The House of Love and
The Lamplighter.
Jill’s Red Bag
Amy LeFeuvre - 1903
Maria Edgeworth - 1823
224 pages
This delightful story may be Amy LeFeuvre’s
best work of all! Jill’s Red Bag has a gentle
way of elbow-jabbing even the most
mature reader! Jill heartily demonstrates
the importance of sacrificial giving and the
great reward it brings. Her focused determination and enthusiasm
are contageous! Jack reveals how selfishness is truly blind to the
needs of others. Most of all, Bumps provides enough laughter to
heal the bones of anyone whose spirit has been dried or broken.
It has been a while since I have laughed so heartily!
144 pages
“I was ever searching for some shortcut to
the temple of Fame, instead of following
the beaten road.” Candid and provocative,
this powerful story inches a little too close
to home. Revealing and relevant, it sounds the alarm to all of us
prone to the habit of procrastination - before it’s too late!
If you enjoyed Tomorrow, you will also treasure The Boy Who Never Lost a
Chance, The Golden Thread, The Hedge of Thorns, The Highland Chairman, The
Stranger at Home and Stick to the Raft.
If you enjoyed Jill’s Red Bag, you will also treasure Probable Sons, A Puzzling
Pair, Teddy’s Button, Jessica’s First Prayer, Little Sir Galahad and Me and
Other books by Amy LeFeuvre: Teddy’s Button, Probable Sons, A Puzzling Pair
and Me and Nobbles.
Book of the Year 2005
A.L.O.E. - 1888 192 pages
The Giant Killer
The battle continues to rage, day by day and
moment by moment. But must we meet the
enemy blindfolded? In order to subdue, we
must see the real foe; in order to conquer,
we must face the true enemy. Through this
allergorical tale, we will be better equipped to
recognize, then to effectively slay, the many
Giants who confront us. We will break through the web of Sloth,
struggle out of the pit of Selfishness, choke up the fount of Anger,
flee the secret lurking place of Untruth, and triumph over our most
malicious enemy - Pride. The Giant Killer is the tool to reach for if
you or your loved ones need encouragement or confidence to enter
into the battlefield once again. If you feel that you have nothing firm
upon which to lay hold, this book will help you to grasp the strong
cord of Love as your means of safety and deliverance.
If you enjoyed The Giant Killer, you will also treasure The White Knights, Sir
Knight of the Splendid Way, The Golden Thread and The Hedgle of Throns.
Other books by A.L.O.E.: The Robber’s Cave.
The Stranger
At Home
Various Authors - 1775-1849
112 pages
The Stranger at Home, along with its
accompanying stories, might seem a little
“hard-edged,” but it aptly challenges us
to reconsider our God-given roles as parents and children. The
folly of permissive parenting, and the inevitable consequences of
obstinacy, disobedience, lying and vanity are brought forth with
“not-so-subtle” clarity, yet permeated with life-changing truths.
If you enjoyed The Stranger At Home, you will also treasure Teddy’s Button, The
White Knights, Little Sir Galahad and Fireside Readings Volumes I & II
Various Authors - 1872-1893
128 pages
In our day of situation ethics and relativism,
it is refreshing to read the story of Annie, the
Flower Girl who decides to do the right thing, simply because it
is right to do right! Throughout this volume, the consequences
of coveteousness, jealousy and disobedience ring loud and clear,
while the rewards of honesty, obedience and contentment bring
forth a sense of inner satisfaction and well-being. Stories include
“Brookside Neighbors,” “Annie, the Flower Girl,” “Lost and
Found” and “The Stowaway.”
If you enjoyed Fireside Reading, you will also treasure Christie’s Old Organ,
Amy and Her Brothers, The Little Lamb and Probable Sons.
The boy of
Mount Rhigi
C.M. Sedgwick - 1848 192 pages
Besides fishing in the beautiful wooded hills
of Mount Rhigi, Massachusetts, Harry Davis
and Clapham Dunn have little in common
as far as their upbringing. Harry can hardly
relate to the brutal existence that Clapham
endures every day - which has molded his
character and produced tormenting frustration and fear in his heart.
Emotionally and spiritually brankrupt, Clapham, like a magnet, is
drawn to the love and acceptance of the Davises. But one sad day
he is seized and threatened to do that which is unthinkable. Long,
miserable, dark days follow. But though sorrow endures for the
night, the healing balm of the truth brings joy in the morning.
If you enjoyed The Boy of Mount Rhigi, you will also treasure Tom Watkins’
Mistake, The Lost Ruby, Tom Gillies, The Lamplighter and The hedge of Throns.
The Boy Who
Never Lost A
Book of The Year 2005:
A. Lyster - 1850
128 pages
Roger Read has learned from his grandfather
never to miss a “chance.” His hard work, honesty, and diligence
are richly rewarded. But having become self-absorbed in his own
pursuits, Roger finally realizes something is missing in his life, and
he can’t seem to find it - until his true friend Jack Sparling helps
him to see the best “chance” of all! If you want to inspire your
children with an entrepreneurial spirit, balanced with service for
God, this is a must-read!
If you enjoyed The Boy Who Never Lost a Chance, you will also treasure Boys
of Grit Volumes I, II, and III.
The Hidden
E.D.E.N. Southworth - 1859 480 pages
Reader BEWARE - this is NOT your typical Rare Collector book!
Strewn with mystery and suspense that never lets up, The Hidden
Hand will keep you on the edge of your seat! There are not many
books that make me laugh aloud (even when I’m alone!) Truly,
laughter is like medicine, giving health to the bones! But please
don’t let the feisty, mischievous character of 17-year-old Capitola
and the cantankerous personality of Old Hurricane derail you from
seeing the gracious providence of an all-wise God.
If you enjoyed The Hidden Hand, you will also treasure The Lamplighter, A
Peep Behind the Scenes, The Basket of Flowers, The Robbers’ Cave and The
House of Love.
Mrs. O.F. Walton - 1889
192 pages
This is the tender story of lonely Old Man
Winter, who demonstrates the epitome of
selfless love. But all is not lost as young
Myrtle, through her childlike innocence,
rekindles his desire to live. This true-to-life story reminds us once
again that when life seems to hold more than we can bear, we
can rest assured that we have a loving God who is orchestrating
events for our good.
If you enjoyed Winter’s Folly, you will also treasure Christie’s Old Organ, A Peep
Behind the Scenes, The Bakset of Flowers and Rosa of Linden Castle.
Other books by Mrs. O.F. Walton: Nobody Loves Me, Christie’s Old Organ,
Christie, The King’s Servant and A Peep Behind the Scenes.
The White
Book of The Year 2003:
W.E. Cule - 1899 200 pages
Three boys in the White Knights Club
take on the challenge in their day-to-day
lives, just like the knights of King Arthur’s
court, to prove their faith by works - protecting “damsels in
distress,” defending the weak, and honoring their God and King.
This story challenges boys to live chivalrously - in their homes,
neighborhoods, and communities.
If you enjoyed The White Knights, you will also treasure The Captive, Shipwrecked
But Not Lost and Joel: A Boy of Galilee.
Other books by W.E. Cule: Sir Knight of Splendid Way.
Sir Knight of the
Splendid Way
W.E. Cule - 1899 224 pages
Sir Knight of the Splendid Way is a
captivating allegory—a rich literary
masterpiece that will encourage any weary traveler. This
beautifully-bound work depicts life as a journey, reaching toward
a beacon of hope in the City of the Great King. Beckoned by the
King to travel the Splendid Way, the young knight must keep his
armor on at all costs. All along the way he is tempted to take his
armor off. Many try to convince him that the battle is not worth the
fight. But only those who keep their armor on can see the real battle
that rages, and only those with pure hearts will see the King.
If you enjoyed Sir Knight of the Splendid Way, you will also treasure The Golden
Thread, The Basket of Flowers, The Giant Killer and The White Knights.
Other books by W.E. Cule: The White Knights.
96 pages
Little Sir
Lillian Holmes - 1904
This story will capture your heart as you peer
into the life of a little boy who struggles to
walk. Facing new restrictions and challenges,
David learns that real strength comes in
controlling his own spirit. He seeks to
follow the “real” Sir Galahad who said, “My
strength is as the strength of ten, because my heart is pure.”
If you enjoyed Little Sir GaLahad, you will also treasure Teddy’s Button, Fire In
The Sky, Probable Sons and The White Knights.
Me and Nobbles
Amy LeFeuvre - 1908
Best seller for children!
224 pages
Amy LeFeuvre has done it again! An
enchanting story about imaginative Master
Bobby and his beloved “friend,” Nobbles.
With great expectation, Bobby daily awaits
his absent father’s return, knowing he
hasn’t been forgotten. In the meantime, Bobby finds the secret to
obtaining his very own clean white robe so that he can enter the
golden gates that lead to the splendid golden city.
If you enjoyed Me and Nobbles, you will also treasure Probable Sons, Teddy’s
Button and Little Sir Galahad.
Other books by Amy LeFeuvre: Teddy’s Button, Probable Sons, A Puzzling Pair
and Jill’s Red Bag.
Book of The Year 2001:
Teddy’s Button
Amy LeFeuvre - 1896 160 pages
Here is a story that will open a child’s
understanding of the spiritual battle within as Teddy learns that he
is his own worst enemy! As a stubborn boy and girl refuse to back
down from their selfish pride, one of the many lessons they learn
is that they cannot win battles by force and hate, but by carrying
the banner of love. Through this charming story, Amy LeFeuvre
helps children to understand the spiritual battle that rages in their
souls, and that parents and children are on the same side!
If you enjoyed Teddy’s Button, you will also treasure Little Sir Galahad, Probable
Sons, Fireside Readings Volume I, Me and Nobbles and Tom Gillies.
Other books by Amy LeFeuvre: Me and Nobbles, A Puzzling Pair, Probable
Sons, and Jill’s Red Bag.
The Unexpected
Guest ;
Schmid’s Tales
Christoph von Schmid - 1768-1854 160 pages
Christoph von Schmid has been a favorite
auther for many of our collectors. This new
edition, a compilation of von Schmid’s short stories, including “The
Unexpected Guest,” “The Unexpected Return” and “The Silent
Girl,” beautifully illustrates God’s loving provision and perfect
plan. In our darkest hour, we can rest assured that God is an everpresent help in time of need.
If you enjoyed Schmid’s Tales, you will also treasure The Little Lamb, Rosa of
Linden Castle and The Basket of Flowers.
Other books by Christoph Von Schmid: The Basket of Flowers, The Inhertiance,
The White Dove, The Little Lamb, The Lost Ruby, Rosa of Linden Castle, Fire In
The Sky, The Captive and The Bird’s Nest.
The House of
Elizabeth Cheney - 1914
Book of The Year 2004:
The Cross
288 pages
Aurelia Wilde is cruelly selfish and
downright miserable - a victim of her
mother’s desperate attempts to place her
delicate “prized possession” on an unreachable pedestal. But her
glory is only surface deep. Aurelia’s complaining spirit is a stark
contrast to that of her servant-girl, Doris, who knows that in spite
of life’s troubles, she will one day “dwell in the house of the Lord
forever.” Her many talents and cheerful disposition cause her to be
loved and appreciated, even by the notable residents of Waverly
Manor. How jealousy swells within Aurelia’s vengeful mother!
She’ll get even yet...
If you enjoyed The House of Love, you will also treasure The Lamplighter, A Peep
Behind the Scenes, The Basket of Flowers and The Wide, Wide World.
Florence M. Kingsley - 1898 384 pages
Award-winning author of Titus: A Comrade
of the Cross, Florence Kingsley has written
another gripping drama that begins
seventeen years after the crucifixion. Rich in
biblical history, Mrs. Kingsley portrays the chilling events that
climax at the devastating destruction of the temple in Jerusalem.
In the midst of this deep tribulation, hope is birthed during one
of the most tragic events in history. If you enjoyed Titus, you will
not want to miss this classic!
If you enjoyed The Cross Triumphant, you will also treasure Titus: A Comrade
of the Cross, Stephen: A Soldier of the Cross, Joel: A Boy of Galilee, The Wrestler
of Philippi and The Pillar of Fire. .
Other books by Florence M. Kingsley: Titus: A Comrade of the Cross and
Stephen: A Soldier of the Cross.
Boys of Grit Who
Never Gave UP
Archer Wallace - 1783 - 1927
224 pages
Enjoy true accounts of Abe Lincoln, Booker T.
Washington, Henry W. Longfellow, William
Carey, Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison,
Henry Ford, Louis Pasteur, and others!
“At 7, my teacher thought I was a dunce and requested that I be
removed from the school. But my mother believed that God had a
special plan for me. Though I did not have my mother very long, she
cast over me an influence which lasted all my life... If it had not been
for her faith in me at a critical time in my experience, I should very
likely never have become an inventor.” Thomas Edison
If you enjoyed Boys of Grit Who Never Gave Up, you will also treasure Boys of Grit
Volumes I and II, The Boy Who Never Lost a Chance and Tomorrow.
Other true stories: Buried in the Snow, Mary Jones and Her Bible, Boys of Grit
Volumes I and II, The Hedge of Thorns, Mothers of Famous Men, Always in His
Keeping and True Stories of Great Americans for Young Americans.
A Puzzling
Amy LeFeuvre - 1898
Amy and Her
Author Unknown - 1860
152 pages
Guy and Berry, inseparable twins, are
bursting with creativity and punk. They are
on a mission - to fill Guy’s very big picture
of the second coming of Jesus with all the people who are ready
to meet Him! But his picture must be true, and time is running
out! This rather unique approach to evangelism is as pure, bold,
and simple as it gets!
If you enjoyed A Puzzling Pair, you will also treasure Me and Nobbles, Christie’s
Old Organ, Fireside Readings and The Stranger at Home.
Other books by Amy Lefeuvre: Teddy’s Button, Probable Sons, Jill’s Red Bag
and Me and Nobbles.
136 pages
The heartache and innocent faith of an
orphan child paints a real-life picture of the
hidden suffering all around us, challenging
us to be more attentive to the hurts of those nearby. The heart of
the story, however, lies in the incredible relationship between a
younger brother and a sister, and the love and forgiveness shown
toward their selfish and greedy older brother. This is a story of
redemption that brings tears of joy.
If you enjoyed Amy and Her Brothers, you will also treasure The Basket of
Flowers, The Bird’s Nest, Winter’s Folly, The Lamplighter and Probable Sons.
328 pages
The Wrestler
of Philippi
Fannie E. Newberry - 1887
Here is a story of Rome’s staggering contrasts - extreme poverty
amidst the wildest extravagance; treacherous dungeon life
in darkness, chains amidst the splendors and amusements of
luxurious court life. The story’s dramatic unfolding will grip your
heart as you experience the true test of loyalty and the triumph
of faith!
If you enjoyed The Wrestler of Philippi, you will also treasure Joel: A Boy of
Galilee, Titus: A Comrade of the Cross, Stephen: A Soldier of the Cross, The Cross
Tiumphant and The Pillar of Fire.
Book of The Year 2002:
But Not Lost
Hon. Mrs. Dundas 167 pages
Impulsive, impatient young boys find themselves
reaping the dreadful consequences of following foolish counsel.
Stranded in the Arctic for the long winter, the two unfortunate
lads learn to trust our merciful God as they try to survive against
all odds, fighting bears, wolves and frigid temperatures.
If you enjoyed Shipwrecked, But Not Lost, you will also treasure The Lost Ruby,
The Captive and Buried In The Snow.
Tom Gillies
Mrs. George Gladstone - 1873
192 pages
Tom Gillies and Dick Potter secretly meet at
their favorite cave to concoct their plans for
the day and plot the mischievous schemes
which have given them so bad a name on
Norton Island. The townspeople complain
that the island is too small to hold such troublesome boys. Tom
is sent away to work, where he learns that his bad habits have
fastened strong chains around him, and sin has tied binding knots,
making him a prisoner. He discovers the One who can untie those
dreadful knots and free him to live a productive life among the
people of Norton Island.
If you enjoyed Tom Gillies, you will also treasure Tom Watkins’ Mistake, The
Highland Chariman, The White Knights and The Hedge of Thorns.
Franz Hoffman - 1879 128 pages
Buried in the Snow
Full of twists, turns and unexpected dangers,
this book will cause you to see life from a
different perspective. You will be blessed
by the gentle wisdom of an old grandfather
and the unconditional love of his grandson
as they come face to face with one of the most difficult decisions
of their lives. From the depths of despair to the pinnacle of
blessing, this dramatic encounter will surely elicit a full spectrum
of emotional responses.
If you enjoyed Buried in the Snow, you will also treasure Shipwrecked But Not
Lost, Clean Your Boots, Sir?, The Boy of Mount Rhigi and The Captive.
Other true stories: Mary Jones and Her Bible, Boys of Grit Volumes I, II and III.
The Hedge of Thorns, Mothers of Famous Men, Always in His Keeping and True
Stories of Great Americans for Young Americans.
The Bird’s Nest
Christoph von Schmid
136 pages
The Captive
1768 - 1854
Strength of character lies in the
determination to hold on to truth regardless
of circumstances or consequences. The hero
in this story proves that every seemingly
insignificant deed is noticed by God. Even
though his life is threatened by the prince and his guards, this
young man’s word is a treasure that will not be sacrificed; it will
be rewarded in a most unusual turn of events.
If you enjoyed The Bird’s Nest, you will also treasure Me and Nobbles, Fireside
Readings Volume I, Winter’s Folly and Little Sir Galahad.
Other books by Christoph von Schmid: The Basket of Flowers, Schmid’s Tales,
The Inheritance, The White Dove, The Little Lamb, The Lost Ruby, Rosa of Linden
Castle, Fire In The Sky and The Captive.
Christoph von Schmid
1768 - 1854 96 pages
This gripping account of a sixteen-year-old
boy, kidnapped by Algerian pirates, will keep
you on the edge of your seat! Bought by a rich
Muslim family, a powerful drama unfolds as
he is faced with a decision that could grant
him his freedom—or possibly their freedom in Christ.
If you enjoyed The Captive, you will also treasure Stick to the Raft, Schmid’s Tales
and Shipwrecked But Not Lost.
Other books by Christoph von Schmid: The Basket of Flowers, Schmid’s Tales,
The Inheritance, The White Dove, The Little Lamb, The Lost Ruby, Rosa of Linden
Castle, Fire In The Sky and The Bird’s Nest.
(Vol. I)
Various Authors - 1896 160 pages
Lamplighter’s collection of fireside readings
gently instills virtuous qualities such as
honesty, integrity, loyalty, courage and perseverance into the
very fabric of our lives. Through unforgettable events, common,
everyday boys and girls become heroes as they overcome temptation
and courageously fight the adversary. Our children will want to
be more like them—in fact, they will long to be. Stories include
“Robert’s Trust,” “Jack’s Hymn” and “Eric’s Good News.”
If you enjoyed Fireside Readings Volume I, you will also treasure Fireside
Readings Volume II, The White Dove, Jessica’s First Prayer, The Stranger At Home,
and The Bird’s Nest.
What Is Her
Dr. Alfred Edersheim - 1885
Loves Me
Mrs. O.F. Walton - 1905
168 pages
An elderly Jewish man compassionately
cares for a poor, nameless child as his
own, and desperately tries to conceal her
Gentile identity. When the secret is revealed he loses more than
his reputation, but what he gains is beyond that which he ever
dreamed possible. Dr. Edersheim has skillfully crafted a most
intriguing mystery that will keep you guessing right to the end!
If you enjoyed What Is Her Name? you will also treasure Nobody Loves Me,
Schmid’s Tales, Fire In The Sky and Fireside Readings Volume I.
144 pages
The neighborhood children call her “Old
Grumpy.” She is a thin, bony old woman
with a hard and cross face who insists that
she loves nobody and nobody loves her. But
the day comes when Old Grumpy begins to love and care for an
orphaned child like herself. Through this relationship she finally
understands the wonderful love of Jesus, who lightens up her
darkened heart with the sunshine of His love.
If you enjoyed Nobody Loves Me, you will also treasure Christie’s Old Organ,
Jessica’s First Prayer and Fireside Readings Volume I.
Other books by Mrs. O.F. Walton: Winter’s Folly, Christie’s Old Organ, A Peep
Behind The Scenes and Christie the King’s Servant.
The Wide,
Wide World
Vol. I (304 pages) &
Vol. II (288 pages)
Susan Warner - 1850
In this endearing novel, little Ellen, upon
separation from her mother, faces times of
unrelenting affliction and heartsickness. But
amidst her many disappointments and fears, Ellen
is pleasantly reminded of the One who has charge over her. This is
the very book that “Jo” of Little Women was sobbing over!
Interesting Fact: Susan Warner published this book under the pseudonym Elizabeth
Wetherell. Considered sentimental and moralistic, the book proved highly popular;
it was widely sold in several translations and was reputedly the first book by an
American author to sell one million copies. Susan’s sister Anna wrote the words to
“Jesus Loves Me.”
If you enjoyed The Wide, Wide World, you will also treasure The House of Love, The
$34.00 for the set!
Lamplighter, Winter’s Folly, The Hidden Hand and A Peep Behind the Scenes.
$22.00 each
Probable Sons
Amy LeFeuvre - 1895
The Highland
136 pages
Author Unknown 86 pages
Probable Sons etches into our hearts the
importance of forgiveness and reconciliation.
This delightful story will keep you smiling
as our little heroine, Milly, boldly and
innocently exhorts “probable sons” to
return home. (She can’t pronounce “prodigal.”) May the truths
found in this little story find a resting place in the many hearts
that have strayed far from home.
The Highland Chairman is a provocative story
relative to today’s busy culture, where values
are turned upside-down and priorities
are misaligned. It is a gripping account of
how a father’s poor choices and negative influence led to tragic
consequences for his son. This story brought me to my knees!
If you enjoyed The Highland Chairman, you will also treasure Tom Watkins’
Mistake, Clean Your Boots, Sir? The Stranger at Home, Tomorrow and Fireside
Readings Volume II.
If you enjoyed Probable Sons: you will also treasure The White Dove, Jessica’s
First Prayer and Christie’s Old Organ.
Other books by Amy LeFeuvre: Teddy’s Button, Me and Nobbles, A Puzzling
Pair and Jill’s Red Bag.
136 pages
Tom Watkins’
Emma Leslie
Tom Watkins’ Mistake realistically illustrates common temptations encountered by young people today. In a day of situation
ethics, this relevant story speaks volumes. A brother and sister,
enticed by material gain, forfeit their good reputation. We need
to guard against dishonesty and deception!
If you enjoyed Tom Watkins’ Mistake, you will also treasure Tom Gillies, Buried
in the Snow, The Boy Who Never Lost a Chance, Amy and Her Brothers and Stick
to the Raft.
Christie, The
King’s Servant
Stephen: A
Soldier of the
(sequel to Christie’s Old Organ)
Mrs. O.F. Walton
172 pages
(sequel to Titus: A Comrade of the Cross)
We find Christie pastoring a small parish
in England, where a forgotten acquaintance
steps back into his life. Here in this picturesque village, where
fishermen take to their boats for a living, intense drama unfolds as
the winds begin to blow. Tension escalates when Duncan’s boat is
found battered and empty, days after the search has ended. This
is one episode that our readers will never forget.
Florence M. Kingsley - 1896 288 pages
In the deserts of Egypt, a blind girl and her protective brother
fall prey to desert thieves. After hearing reports of miracles
in Jerusalem, they find themselves in the midst of the greatest
upheaval in history. Readers will be captivated by the intense
drama that unfolds in the unrest of Jerusalem.
If you enjoyed Christie, The King’s Servant: you will also treasure The White
Dove, Jessica’s First Prayer and Christie’s Old Organ.
If you enjoyed Stephen: A Comrade of the Cross, you will also treasure Titus: A
Comrade of the Cross, The Cross Triumphant, Joel: A Boy of Galilee, The Wrestler
of Philippi and The Pillar of Fire.
Other books by Mrs. O.F. Walton: Winter’s Folly, Nobody Loves Me, Christie’s
Old Organ and A Peep Behind the Scenes.
Other books by Florence M. Kingsley: Titus: A Comrade of the Cross and The
Cross Triumphant
Stick to the
Mrs. George Gladstone - 1877 128 pages
Fifteen-year-old Hans Richter travels far
from home to find work in the locks of a river. His father had
taught him that there is a Raft that will support him in the deepest waters and amid the fiercest storms. When Hans becomes the
target among jealous peers, he learns that it is not always easy
to “stick to the Raft.” Mischief turns to maliciousness, and Hans
is the recipient of a serious injury. Will he stick to his plans for
vengeance, or will he “stick to the Raft?”
If you enjoyed Stick to the Raft, you will also treasure Clean Your Boots, Sir?, The
Captive and The Boy Who Never Lost a Chance.
Other books by Mrs. George Galdstone: Tom Gillies.
Fire In The Sky
The Golden
Christoph von Schmid - 1840 96 pages
An incredible story and “new favorite!”
Little Henry is taken hostage by a band of
robbers and lives for years in a deep, dark
cave. When he stumbles upon a crevice in
the wall, he escapes to the land above and
experiences with wonder the brilliance of
the sun and the magnificence of the vast blue sky. Through the
friendship of a shepherd, he learns about the miracle of a tiny
seed and the expression of love it represents. This creative work
will give you a fresh appreciation for the natural wonders of
creation that we so often take for granted.
If you enjoyed Fire In The Sky: you will also treasure The White Dove, Jessica’s
First Prayer, Melody, the Story of a Child and Christie’s Old Organ.
Other books by Christoph von Schmid: The Basket of Flowers, Schmid’s Tales,
The Inheritance, The White Dove, The Little Lamb, The Lost Ruby, Rosa of Linden
Castle, The Captive and The Bird’s Nest.
Norman MacLeod - 1867
96 pages
There was once a kingdom near the treacherous
Hemlock Forest where an evil king and his
followers dwelt. Only those who held on
to the Golden Thread could wander past the boundaries of the
kingdom and return safely. It is a fearful thing to lose one’s way,
and Prince Phillip must learn the lessons of the Golden Thread if
he is ever to return.
If you enjoyed The Golden Thread, you will also treasure Sir Knight of the
Splendid Way, The White Knights and The Captive.
Other allegories: Sir Knight of the Splendid Way, The Giant Killer and The Three
Boys of Grit Who
Changed the World
Archer Wallace - 1847 - 1930 160 pages
In this second volume of Boys of Grit, you
will find inspiring stories such as that of an
ordinary blacksmith who mastered twenty
languages because he valued every spare moment. The life stories of these men will give
boys and girls hope, courage, and motivation to become all that
God wants them to be. Enjoy true accounts of American inventors
Samuel Morse and Robert Fulton, Danish author Hans Christian
Andersen, Canada’s greatest merchant Timothy Eaton, Scottish
author Sir Walter Scott, American vocalist Roland Hayes, Austrian
composer Franz Joseph Haydn, English philanthropist and soap
maker William H. Lever, English hymn-writer Isaac Watts and
If you enjoyed Boys of Grit Who Changed the World, you will also treasure Boys of
Grit Volumes I and III and The Boy Who Never Lost a Chance.
Other books byArcher Wallace: Boys of Grit Who Became Men of Honor, Mothers
of Famous Men and Daring Deeds.
The Pillar
of Fire
Rev. J.H. Ingraham - 1859
Rosa of Linden
256 pages
Enjoy this eloquently-written,
illustrative account of the Prince of Tyre
during his visit to Egypt more than 3500
years ago. The author brings full color and inspiration to every
page in this suspense-filled drama.
If you enjoyed The Pillar of Fire: you will also treasure Joel: A Boy of Galilee,
Titus: A Comrade of the Cross, Stephen: A Soldier of the Cross, The Wrestler of
Philippi and The Cross Triumphant.
Christoph von Schmid - 1845
160 pages
In this unique von Schmid classic, a
daughter’s love for her imprisoned father
ensures us that, though it was meant for evil, God always intends
it for good. Through difficult trials, Rosa learns what it means to
truly love her enemies and to wait for the Lord’s perfect timing.
If you enjoyed Rosa of Linden Castle, you will also treasure The Little Lamb, The
Basket of Flowers, Winter’s Folly, The Lamplighter and Schmid’s Tales.
Other books by Christoph von Schmid: The Basket of Flowers, Schmid’s Tales,
The Inheritance, The White Dove, The Little Lamb, The Lost Ruby, Fire In The
Sky, The Captive and The Bird’s Nest.
Always in His
Anonymous - 1786 144 pages
Based on a true story during the time of John
Wesley, a brother and sister, stolen as infants,
struggle to find their true identities and the
faith to rest in a God who sometimes allows
the righteous to suffer. This dramatic story is reminiscent of the life
of Joseph–understanding that His ways are not our ways!
If you enjoyed Always in His Keeping, you will also treasure Mary Jones and Her
Bible, Amy and Her Brothers and What is Her Name?
Other true stories: Buried in the Snow, Mary Jones and Her Bible, Boys of Grit
Volumes I, II and III, The Hedge of Thorns, Mothers of Famous Men and True
Stories of Great Americans for Young Americans.
Melody: The
Story of a
The Lost Ruby
Christoph von Schmid - 1841
120 pages
Laura E. Richards - 1893 160 pages
Miraculously saved from charred rubble,
blind twelve-year-old Melody changes
the lives of an entire community as well as her greedy captors!
This dramatic story is truly inspiring! “I read it in one sitting and
couldn’t put it down!”
If you enjoyed Melody: The Story of a Child: you will also treasure The Little
Lamb, The Three Weavers, Christie’s Old Organ, Probable Sons and Fireside
Readings Volume II.
This is the story of young Lieutenant
Wildberg and the heavy price he paid for
succumbing to the subtle temptation of worldy logic. Though it
eventually brought grief and harm to those he loved, he learned
that “even the most trivial lie is an evil seed.” ( The second story
in this volume is as powerful as The Lost Ruby.)
If you enjoyed The Lost Ruby, you will also treasure The Inheritance, Schmid’s
Tales, The Bird’s Nest and Shipwrecked But Not Lost.
Other books by Christoph von Schmid: The Basket of Flowers, Schmid’s Tales,
The Inheritance, The White Dove, The Little Lamb, Rosa of Linden Castle, Fire
In The Sky, The Captive and The Bird’s Nest.
The Three
Annie Fellows Johnston - 1897 64 pages
This is a special allegory for fathers to read
to their daughters. As the story goes, once
upon a time there were three weavers, and
to each was born a daughter. The ‘watcher of
weavers’ prophesied, “A royal prince shall seek to wed thy child,”
but she must weave a mantle for the prince that will be fair to look
upon with rich cloth of gold, and it must fit him as perfectly as the
falcon’s feathers fit the falcon. Each father is responsible to teach
his daugther how to prepare for her prince. When should he begin?
The father’s approach, coupled with his daughter’s cooperation,
will decide the fate of her future.
If you enjoyed The Three Weavers, you will also treasure The Basket of Flowers,
Rosa of Linden Castle, The Giant Killer and The Little Lamb.
Other books by Annie Fellows Jonston: Joel: A Boy of Galilee
True Stories of Great
Americans for Young
The Little
Anonymous - 1898 264 pages
First published in 1898, this single volume is
packed with seldom-heard incidents from the
lives of twenty-two great American role models,
including Washington, Franklin, Lincoln, Lee,
Grant, Garfield, Fulton, Edison, Alcott, Madison and more. It depicts
their natures and habits as young people, and relates scores of incidents
of their childhood days, trials and difficulties, and how they came to be
great and famous. Every boy or girl who reads this inspiring volume
will want to get out and do something significant in the world!
If you enjoyed True Stories of Great Americans for Young Americans you will
also treasure Mothers of Famous Men, Boys of Grit Volumes I,II and III, Always In
His Keeping and Mary Jones and Her Bible.
Other true stories: Buried in the Snow, Mary Jones and Her Bible, Boys of Grit
Volumes I, II and III, The Hedge of Thorns, Mothers of Famous Men and Always
in His Keeping
Christoph von Schmid - 1848
144 pages
Christina has one precious possession in the
world - her little lamb. Having rescued and
cared for it, she sees it as the perfect gift for
her mother. When confronted with a very difficult decision to
return her lamb to its rightful owner, unimagined blessings are
showered upon Christina and others as God rewards her faithful
If you enjoyed The Little Lamb, you will also treasure Schmid’s Tales, Winter’s
Folly and Rosa of Linden Castle.
Other books by Christoph von Schmid: The Basket of Flowers, Schmid’s Tales,
The Inheritance, The White Dove, The Lost Ruby, Rosa of Linden Castle, Fire In
The Sky, The Captive and The Bird’s Nest.
Boys of Grit Who
Became Men of Honour
Archer Wallace - 1730 - 1925 160 pages
This volume portrays true accounts of young
boys who overcame great obstacles to become
admirable men. Born to poverty, slavery,
blindness, and various trials - when others saw
only difficulties, these boys saw possibilities.
These role models will truly challenge and inspire
you! Enjoy
real-life stories of American scientist Booker T.
Washington, Scottish-American businessman Andrew Carnegie, English
Bible scholar John Kitto, English artist Josiah Wedgewood, Welshborn
professor Henry Jones, American naturalist John Muir, English sculptor
Francis Chantray and more!
If you enjoyed Boys of Grit Who Became Men of Honor, you will also treasure Boys
of Grit Volumes II and III and The Boy Who Never Lost A Chance.
Other books by Archer Wallace: Boys of Grit Who Changed the World, Mothers of
Famous Men and Daring Deeds.
Other true stories: Buried in the Snow, Mary Jones and Her Bible, Boys of Grit Volumes
II and III, The Hedge of Thorns, Mother of Famous Men, Always in His Keeping and
True Stories of Great Americans for Young Americans.
Mary Jones
and Her Bible
Mary E. Ropes - 1882
Clean Your
Boots, Sir?
168 pages
Anonymous 128 pages
This book is a true story of a little girl whose
strongest desire in life is to possess her very
own Bible. Through determination, faith, prayer and twenty-five
mile barefoot walk, Mary does whatever it takes to obtain a copy
of the Word of God.
If you enjoyed Mary Jones and Her Bible you will also treasure The White Dove,
Jessica’s First Prayer, Stories of Great Americans for Young Americans, Always
in His Keeping and Boys of Grit Volumes I, II and III.
This is a captivating story about a hardworking shoeshine boy who is willing
to clean the filthy old boots of a farmer,
knowing that he doesn’t pay very well. Later, a small act of
honesty, when he thinks no one is looking, causes him to become
successful for the rest of his life.
If you enjoyed Clean Your Boots, Sir?, you will also treasure Tom Watkins’ Mistake,
Tom Gillies, Stick to the Raft and The Lost Ruby.
Other true stories: Buried in the Snow, Boys of Grit Volumes I, II and III, The
Hedge of Thorns, Mothers of Famous Men, Always in His Keeping and True Stories
of Great Americans for Young Americans.
Book of The Year 2000:
The Hedge of
John Hatchard - 1819 96 pages
Based on a true story, here is a gripping account
of a young boy who learns the hard way that
the choices we make can harm those we love
the most. Because he desperately wants to
know what is on the other side of a hedge of thorns, he puts his little
sister in great danger. From his experience, we learn that God places
boundaries in our lives because He loves us.
( Also available in an illustrated version for young children.)
If you enjoyed The Hedge of Thorns, you will also treasure Buried in the Snow,
Winter’s Folly and The Stranger at Home.
Other true stories: Buried in the Snow, Mary Jones and Her Bible, Boys of Grit
Volumes I, II and III, Mothers of Famous Men, Always in His Keeping and True
Stories of Great Americans for Young Americans.
Christie’s Old
Mrs. O.F. Walton - 1882
Mothers of
Famous Men
184 pages
Archer Wallace
Christie is on a mission to find out how his
dear old friend Treffy, the organ grinder,
can get to heaven - but time is running out
for his failing friend. This is a very touching
story that has led many children to the saving knowledge of Jesus
160 pages
Take a step back in time and visit with the
exceptional mothers of famous men like
George Washington, John Wesley, Benjamin
West, Andrew Carnegie and more. Catch
a glimpse of the hearts and character that shaped such unique
greatness, and enjoy portions of history rarely revealed.
If you enjoyed Christie’s Old Organ you will also treasure Christie, The King’s
Servant, Jessica’s First Prayer, Nobody Loves Me, The Little Lamb and Fireside
Readings Volumes I and II.
If you enjoyed Mothers of Famous Men, you will also treasure True Stories of
Great Americans for Young Americans, Always in His Keeping, Mary Jones and
Her Bible and Boys of Grit Volumes I, II and III.
Other books by Mrs. O.F. Walton: Winter’s Folly, Nobody Loves Me, Christie,
the King’s Servant and A Peep Behind the Scenes.
Other books by Archer Wallace: Boys of Grit Volumes I and II and Daring
Other true stories: Buried in the Snow, Mary Jones and Her Bible, Boys of Grit
Volumes I, II and III, The Hedge of Thorns, Always in His Keeping and True Stories
of Great Americans for Young Americans.
80 pages
The White
Chrstoph von Schmid - 1841
Filled with the intrigue of knights and nobles,
theives and robbers, this is a story of friendship
and sacrifice. A little girl agrees to give
her a precious white dove to prove her friendship, and lives are
miraculously saved.
If you enjoyed The White Dove, you will also treasure Jessica’s First Prayer,
Probable Sons and Fire In The Sky.
Other stories by Christoph von Schmid:The Basket of Flowers, Schmid’s Tales,
The Inheritance, The Little Lamb, The Lost Ruby, Rosa of Linden Castle, Fire In
The Sky, The Captive and The Bird’s Nest.
The Rescue of
Jessica’s Mother on
London Bridge
Christoph von Schmid - 1848
(sequel to Jessica’s First Prayer)
192 pages
A faithful grandson seeks to find help for his
blind grandfather. When the old man finally
opens his eyes, he sees a painting on the wall
before him and realizes that this is the very house where he buried
a wealthy man’s inheritance fifty years ago. To their surprise, much
more is found than earthly treasure!
Author: Hesba Stretton,
(rewritten by Mark Hamby) - 1888 160 pages
Join Jessica and Mr. Dan’el on an extraordinary journey of love,
mercy and ultimate sacrifice as they attempt to lead an unfit
mother to the open arms of the Savior. If you loved Jessica’s First
Prayer, this sequel will keep you on the edge of your seat!
If you enjoyed The Inheritance, you will also treasure The Lost Ruby, Melody:
The Story of a Child, Schmid’s Tales and Fireside Readings Volume I.
If you enjoyed Jessica’s Mother Comes Home, you will also treasure Christie’s
Old Organ, What is Her Name? and The Lamplighter.
Other books by Christoph von Schmid: The Basket of Flowers, Schmid’s Tales,
The White Dove, The Little Lamb, The Lost Ruby, Rosa of Linden Castle, Fire In
The Sky, The Captive and The Bird’s Nest.
Other books by Hesba Stetton: Jessica’s First Prayer, The Children of Cloverly
and Enoch Reden’s Training.
Joel: A Boy
of Galilee
Annie Fellows Johnston - 1895 280 pages
Born into the tribe of Levi, Joel looks
forward to serving as a priest in the
temple in Jerusalem. This hope is taken from him by a bully
who beats him nearly to death. When he meets the Healer of
Nazareth, He learns that Jesus can indeed heal broken bones
- but can he heal a bitter heart?
If you enjoyed Joel: A Boy of Galilee, you will also treasure The Pillar of Fire,
Titus: A Comrade of the Cross, Stephen: A Soldier of the Cross, The Wrestler of
Philippi and The Cross Triumphant.
Other stories by Annie Fellows Johnston:The Three Weavers.
Book of The Year 1998:
Book of The Year 1997:
A Peep Behind
the Scenes
Titus: A Comrade
of the Cross
Florence M. Kingsley - 1895
Mrs. O.F. Walton - 1850 264
Often, hidden behind smiling faces are
hurting hearts, and that which is attractive
and alluring may be a facade, concealing the hard reality of life
behind the scenes. This dramatic book is both powerful and
sensitive, and sold over 2 and a half million copies in the 19th
century! It continues to be a favorite among our collectors.
If you enjoyed A Peep Behind the Scenes, you will also treasure The Basket of
Flowers, The House of Love, The Wide, Wide World and The Lamplighter.
Other books by Mrs. O.F. Walton: Winter’s Folly, Nobody Loves Me, Christie’s
Old Organ and Christie, The King’s Servant.
304 pages
In 1984, the original publisher of
this book searched for a manuscript
that would set a child’s heart on fire
for Jesus Christ. They rewarded the author with $1,000. In six
weeks, the demand for this book was so great that they printed
200,000 additional copies! It is one of the most powerful stories I
have ever read!
If you enjoyed Titus: A Comrade of the Cross, you will also treasure The Pillar
of Fire, Joel: A Boy of Galilee, Stephen: A Soldier of the Cross, The Wrestler of
Philippi and The Cross Triumphant.
Other books by Florence M. Kingsley: Stephen: A Soldier of the Cross and The
Cross Triumphant.
256 pages
Book of The Year 1999:
Maria S. Cummins
Poor Gertie is found in the snow with a high
fever and no one to care of her - except the
old lamplighter who lights the street lamps each night. See how God
fills the life of this neglected and dejected little girl with hope as she
learns to be a virtuous woman. The Lamplighter is a great book for
those who long to remain pure of heart. It left such an impression on
my life that I decided to name our ministry Lamplighter Publishing!
Interesting Fact: First published in 1854, The Lamplighter outsold The Scarlet Letter
ten to one and was second in sales to Uncle Tom’s Cabin! This book was a huge and
immediate success - selling 40,000 copies in a few weeks, 70,000 in a year, and before
long, over a million copies!
If you enjoyed The Lamplighter, you will also treasure The House of Love, The
Wide, Wide World and The Hidden Hand.
Jessica’s First
Hesba Stretton - 1867
88 pages
Barefoot little Jessica lives in a home
where no one knows about God. She
looks forward to spending time once a
week with Mr. Dan’el, a miserly old coffee
peddler who eases his darkened conscience by givin gher stale
bread and coffee. Jessica’s prayers and innocent questions go
straight to the coffee peddler’s heart. He learns to value the life of
a child more than money as he becomes Jessica’s new father.
If you enjoyed Jessica’s First Prayer, you will also treasure Jessica’s Mother
Comes Home, Christie’s Old Organ and Probable Sons.
Elizabeth Prentiss - 1891 384 pages
Elisabeth Elliott, Joni Eareckson Tada and Kay Arthur have stated
that this 19th century book changed their lives. It is an intimate
journal -- a spiritual journey that will challange and encourage
today’s women who long to draw closer to their Savior.
If you enjoyed Stepping Heavenward, you will also treasure The Lamplighter,
The House of Love, Sir Knight of the Splendid Way, The Wide, Wide World and
The Basket of Flowers.
Other books by Hesba Stretton: Jessica’s Mother Comes Home, Enoch Reden’s
Training and The Children of Cloverly.
Book of The Year 1996:
The Basket
of Flowers
Christoph von Schmid - 1823 192 pages
The first book of the Lamplighter Rare Collector’s
Series continues to be a best-seller. James the
king’s gardener teaches his 15-year-old daughter Mary all the principles of godliness through
his flowers. She is falsely accused of stealing, and the penalty is death.
mary remembers her father had taught her: that it is better to die for
the truth than to live for a lie, and that the worst pillow to sleep on is a
pillow of a guilty conscience! This story will change your life forever!
If you enjoyed The Basket of Flowers, you will also treasure The Lamplighter,
The Wide, Wide World, The House of Love, Winter’s Folly and A Peep Behind the
Other books by Christoph von Schmid: Schmid’s Tales, The Inheritance, The
White Dove, The Little Lamb, The Lost Ruby, Rosa of Linden Castle, Fire In The
Sky, The Captive and The Bird’s Nest.
Prisoners of
the Sea
The Legend of
the Easter Egg
Author: Florence M. Kingsley
Written in: 1897; Pages: 416
Author: Christoph von Schmid
Written in: 1816
Pages: 96
Amidst the tumult of life at sea, myriad
adventures of piracy, capture, and escape
stand in contrast to the heroic, steady determination of Huguenot
heritage. The final chapter adds to the intensity as it meets us headon with a bolt from the blue, making an unexpected, legendary
If you enjoyed Prisoners of the Sea, you will also treasure Ishmael, Self-Raised,
The Hidden Hand, and That Printer of Udell’s.
Other books by Hesba Stretton: Enoch Roden’s Training, Jessica’s First Prayer,
Jessica’s Mother Comes Home.
The Legend of the Easter Egg directs our attention
to many a gift of God never noticed by us before and teaches us to
be thankful. After reading this inspiring tale, you will never look
at a tree, a flower, a butterfly, a blade of grass, or even a common
egg in the same way, for as they come forth with new life, we are
reminded that our Savior proclaims to us, “I have risen!”
If you enjoyed The Legend of the Easter Egg, you will also treasure The Children
of Cloverley, Little Sir Galahad, Tom Gillies, and Jessica’s First Prayer.
Other books by Christoph von Schmid: The Bird’s Nest, The Basket of Flowers,
The Captive, The Inheritance, The Little Lamb, The Lost Ruby, and Rosa of Linden
Little King
Author: Nellie Hellis
Written in: 1892 Pages: 128
This poignant story is a gentle reminder of
God’s miraculous love for us. It will inspire
every reader to reconsider the special privilege we have as kings,
for as Davie learned, every king’s life is to be spent in service for
If you enjoyed Little King Davie, you will also treasure The Children of Cloverley,
Helen’s Temper, Mary Jones and Her Bible, Christie’ Old Organ, The Basket of
Flowers, Melody: The Story of a Child.
at Sea
Venture and
Author: Mrs. O.F. Walton
Written in: 1879
Pages: 128
Author: Various Authors
Written in: 1899 Pages: 160
Venture and Valour is an exceptional
collection of stories that brings to light
the courageous deeds of brave individuals who engage in risky
undertakings, daring to set aside personal interests and safety for
the good of others.
If you enjoyed Venture and Valour, you will also treasure Prisoners of the Sea,
Ishmael, Self-Raised, The Hidden Hand, and Daring Deeds.
On the lonely island the lighthouse stands,
warning of impending danger and providing light for seafarers in
the frightening world of the dark turbulent seas. But even as they
keep watch, old Sandy Fergusson and his grandson Alick can’t
prevent the raging storms that lurk ahead.
If you enjoyed Saved at Sea, you will also treasure Daring Deeds, Venture and
Valour, Peep Behind the Scenes, The Hedge of Thorns, and The House of Love.
Other books by Mrs. O.F. Walton: Christie’s Old Organ, Christe the King’s
Servant, Nobody Loves Me, Little Faith, and Winter’s Folly.
Pages: 288
The Lost
Mrs. O.F. Walton - 1907
2007 Book of the Year!
Captain Fortesque finds himself torn
between two loyalties. Having been
educated in the finest schools of England, he enjoyed acceptance
in high society, but kept his true upbringing a secret. Then the
day came that changed the course of his life. It all started with
the mysterious note that could only be read after his father’s
death. Will he be able to endure the dramatic challenges he
will now face?
The Old
The Spanish
Author: Deborah Alcock
Written in: 1898
Pages: 416
This true account of the Spanish Inquisition
will leave you speechless. The conviction
and courage demonstrated by sixteenth-century believers puts
our present-day calamities in perspective, sharply, yet gently
reminding us of the truth of the Word and the power of our Savior’s
love. All else pales in comparison.
Author: Eganton Thorne
Pages: 176
As a young woman falls from her father’s grace, she has nowhere
to turn on a most dreadful and cold winter night, and she must
find refuge for her little girl. If she returns home, is there any hope
that she might find her father waiting with open arms? Otherwise
she has one last resort—to sell her only treasure to greedy Mr.
Griffin. The drama deepens as John Griffin does the unthinkable!
The stronghold of pride and the vice of greed take center stage as
the tension rises and the mystery unfolds.
Other books by Mrs. O.F. Walton: Christie’s Old Organ, Christe the King’s
Servant, Nobody Loves Me, Little Faith, and Winter’s Folly.
224 pages
Author: Charles Spurgeon
Charles Spurgeon cuts to the chase with his
witty yet straightforward discourse on several important issues
that were relevant back then and continue to demand attention
today. It appears that, where formal sermons may have fallen
on deaf ears, John Ploughman takes to the strets in the common
language of the people and lays bare the issues of man in his nononsense stule.
Two Ends
of a Rope
Zuma and the
Secret of Peru
Author: Various Authors
Pages: 135
Author: David Kyles, M.A.
Pages: 128
On the lonely island the lighthouse stands,
warning of impending danger and providing
light for seafarers in the frightening world of the dark turbulent
seas. But even as they keep watch, old Sandy Fergusson and his
grandson Alick can’t prevent the raging storms that lurk ahead.
From the depths of injustice and tyranny rises
a heroine, Zuma, whose dauntless courage
knows no bounds. Loyalty and self-sacrifi ce
are no strangers to those who are held by vow
never to betray the secret. Zuma’s choice is made; her willingness
to risk her own life is inspired by the One who demonstrated that
“greater love hath no man than this...”
Three additional short stories complete this volume. In Gratitude
and Probity a place of honor is reserved for the poor and needy,
and in Michal and Jacqueline generosity is shown toward the simpleminded. Finally, we are reminded of the consequences of sin and
the hope of forgiveness in The Young Fisherman of Heligoland.
My Mates
and I
Author: Mrs. O.F. Walton
Pages: 192
This penetrating story covers
a lot of territory that teenage
guys are too often familiar with:
the power of peer influence, the
consequence of ignoring our conscience, the deception
of self-reform, and the danger of a backslidden
condition. Charlie Wescott is a wayside hearer,
allowing the seed of truth to be snatched up by idle
thoughts, idle talk, and idle companions. He lives for
the moment, giving no thought to the pain he may be
inflicting on himself and others. But it is also a story
of redemption-giving us a glimpse of God’s loving
hand that is stretched out still.
Cobwebs and
Dialogues of
Author: Hesba Stretton
Pages: 384
Author: Fenelon
Pages: 160
Here is a book that you just can’t put
down! It is a story of man’s decision to
get caught up in sin out of desperation
to serve the one he loves. But it soon
becomes clear that one lie from a “truthful” man is
more hurtful than all the lies of a liar. Those who yield
to its power engage in an intricate path of falsehood-an
entangling maze-that ever deepens as one lie builds
upon another. As you wrestle with the characters in this
engaging drama, rest assured that your confidence will
grow, not in man, but in our loving, forgiving God.
This wonderful devotional will bless
you with simple reminders of God’s
grand eternal truths, His gentle counsel will help you
to face the stresses of the day with a sense of joy and
purpose. A simple reminder to “be content to lead a
simple life where God has placed you” may be just what
you need to rise above the challenges that God has for
you today.
Faithful, but
not Famous
Author: Emma Leslie
Pages: 224
Once again, a writer of old has
portrayed a vivid account of a godly
father who imparts the gospel to his
son. This marvelous work reflects the
era of the Reformation and those who gave their lives,
suffering for the gospel that only Christ could forgive
sins... a message contrary to the “church” at this time.
Beyond this, another message is woven into this storythat of the Savior’s call on a life, even that of a child.
You will not put this book down!
The Shepherd
of Bethlehem
Rising to
the Top
Author: A.L.O.E.
Pages: 360
Author: Mary E. Ropes
Pages: 96
“There’s two things as always
come to the top; one’s meritt’other’s scum. Which of them
is to rise first, I can’t tell, but
neither will lie at the bottom long.” You’ll want
to stand up for the honor of poor victimized
Bob, but in the end you’ll see that in the midst
of darkness the light shines brightest!
This is a story that has the definite
seal of approval for Lamplighter
Publishing. This charming tale
includes cottage lectures on the history
of David, which the incidents in the story illustrate. This
book is unique in that it weaves lengthy passages of
scripture throughout the entire book. The passages are
paralleled to the characters in the story, and they, in turn,
respond to their life challenges according to God’s Word.
Isn’t that what His Word is supposed to do for us? This
was a story that I just couldn’t put down.
Throw Me
Author: Unknown
Pages: 96
Now here is a story with a twist. When
faced with false accusations and public
humiliation, our hero shows us how to
do what’s right, even when taking the
easy way out could have cleared his name. As he travels the
tempestuous seas of dishonesty, greed, and distrust, you will
find yourself so engaged with the story that you will literally
want to deliver this lad from his distressing quandary. And
if this wasn’t enough to capture your attention you will meet
our heroine Florinda, as well, who is faced with a most difficult
decision of pride, vanity and peer pressure.
What Happened
to Tad
Author: Mary E. Ropes
Pages: 192
Tad is determined to run off
secretly with the child. His
mind is set, and the dangers
ahead are no deterrent to his
obstinate will and unchecked pride. Tad’s
troubles mount as cruel Foxy, the drunken old
sea master, relentlessly pursues him. What will
it take for Tad to learn that getting his own way
does not always mean happiness or prosperity?
You’ll find out when you see what happened
to Tad!
Willy’s Trunk
Author: Hon. Mrs. Greene
Pages: 128
Willy just doesn’t know
what to think about this
large wooden trunk before
him. Everyone thought the
inheritance left by wealthy
Mrs. Lambton would be worth millions, but
when the old trunk is opened, Willy can’t
believe what he sees. Wait ‘til you discover
the unexpected treasure that Willy really