Viniflora@ CH 1 1 - Glösmann Rohstoffe Import GmbH
Viniflora@ CH 1 1 - Glösmann Rohstoffe Import GmbH
GLÖSMANN - Rohstoffe f. Lebensmittelind.u. Weinwirtschaft Knolling l0 A-3261Steinakirchen/F. T e1.07 488/76617; Fax.07488/76967 at E-Mail: office@gloesmann-rohstofle. www.gloesmann-rohstoffe. at ? i1:ri,il . .-' ' -: :i.;.:.j:,iij - .,,,,r ..,t,, ,d,1'.1Fiti'-qi?'ff;llllffi$.iffi,LW.rffif@itltiffi,i$Wfr : .. . ..',l, ..i.l T,r];:."IIlff Viniflora@CH11 ProductInformation Description oeni for direct inocutation CH11is a freeze-driedpure cutture of Oenococcus Viniftora@ been carefuttysetectedto has bacterium into wine. This heterofermentativematolactic with tow pH and retativety wines white red and in both induce matotacticfermentation fermentation,even safe matotactic and fast CH11 ensures high atcohot[evels.Viniftora@ at tow temperatures. Application Viniftora@CH11has been carefuttysetectedfor its outstandingperformanceto conduct fast matolacticfermentation in wineswith tow pH and high atcohollevels. CH11hasthe followingproperties: Viniftora@ o . o o e lnstructions Very high fermentation speed Low production of votatite acidity Outstandingtoterance to low pH levets and low temperatures. LowerSO2toterancethan other Viniftorabacteriacuttures No productionof biogenicamines CH11shoutdatwaysbe inoculateddirectty into the wine, immediatetyafter Viniftora@ fermentation. No dehydration or reactivation is required. atcohot the ffi@ 1. Removethe pouchfrom the freezer 15 min. before use and ptace at room temperature. Makesure that the dosagecomptieswith the amountof wine to be inoculated (see Packingsize, page 2) 2. Add the granutatedculture directty to the wine. To make inocutationeasier,the culture can be dissotvedin a smattervotumefirst and addedto the totat votumeright after. Makesure that the culture is completetydissolvedin the wine. Apr 07.doc/Apr7@7l1z2 VF CH11Pl-EN_vs1 Chr. HansenA/5 -10-12BogeAttd - DK-2970Horshotm,Denmark- Phone:*45 45747474 Faxl.*45 45 74 88 88 y4ryy.,c!:hansen.cafn Theinformationcontoinedhereinis to the bestof our knowledgetrue ondcorrectond prsented in goodfoith. lt may.besubiectto chongewitlpu! fyrtner ratici. To the bestof our knowledgethisproduci doa r'r:t infringe lnteilectualPropertyRightsof dtY third party. Thisinformationb offered *lely for youra nsi&rotkn afl vaificatiu- [email protected]. All rightsr6erved. GLÖSMANN . RohstOffC f. Lebensmittelind. u. Weinwirtschaft Knolling l0 A-3261 Steinakirchen/F. Tel.07488| 766 | 7: Fax.O1488ft 6967 E-Mail: [email protected] 11 - an additionto the Viniflora"CH Chr. Hansenwine range - a newsotutionfor low pHandhighalcoholwines Viniflora'CH11 CH11,from Chr. Hansengiveswinemakersthe The new matotacticbacteriastrain, Viniflora@ fermentation in difficutt wines - wines malotactic opportunity to successfultycomptete wnicfr have previoustybeen out of boundsfor direct inocutationbacteria cultures. matolacticfermentationin both red and white wines. performsa successfu[ Viniftora@CH11 It can comptetematotacticfermentationat pH levetsof 3.0 to pH 3.5, atcohotlevetsof up is sensitiveto SOzlevelsand to 15 vot%and at temperaturesas low as 14'C. Viniftora@CH11 (max 30 ppm totat SO2upon minimum it is therefore important to keep SOztevetsto a inocutation)and pay attention to the SOzlevel producedby the yeast. Culturerange 50, Total Alc. % r ("c) Uax.25'C GLÖSMANN - Rohstoffe f.Lebensmittelind.u. Weinwirtschaft Knollingl0 A-3261Steinakirchen/F. T el.07488I 76617; F ax.07488176967 E-Mail:[email protected] www.gloesmann-rohsto f