the child - Saint Richard Catholic Church
the child - Saint Richard Catholic Church
December 2, 2012 December December 25, 25, 2014 2014 First Sunday of Advent Christmas December Christmas 2, 2012 First Sunday of Advent Rev. Mike O’Brien, Pastor Pastor Rev. Mike O’Brien, Pastor Rev. Brian Associate Pastor Carroll, Sr. Associate Pastor Rev. Mike O’Brien, Pastor Rev. Brian Carroll, Sr. Associate Pastor Rev. Albeenreddy Vatti, Associate Pastor Rev. Juan Chavajay, Associate Pastor Rev. Brian Carroll, Sr. Associate Pastor Rev. Juan Chavajay, Associate Pastor Rev. Albeenreddy Vatti, Associate Pastor MASSES MASSES Saturday Vigil: 5:00P.M. 5:30 P.M. SaturdayVigil: Sundays: 8:00 A.M. Sundays: 8:00A.M. 10:30 A.M. 10:30A.M. 5:30 P.M. 5:00P.M. Weekdays: 7:00 A.M. Weekdays: 7:00A.M. 8:00 A.M. 8:00A.M. Holy Days: HolyDays: As Announced in Bulletin AsAnnouncedinBulletin NURSERY ATALLSUNDAYMASSES AT ALL SUNDAY MASSES CRY CRY ROOM ROOM InChurchforallMasses In Church for all Masses RECONCILIATION RECONCILIATION Saturday,4:00-4:45P.M. Saturday, 4:30-5:15 P.M. orByAppointment or By Appointment RELIGIOUS RELIGIOUS EDUCATION EDUCATION Sunday:9:15-10:15A.M. Sunday: 9:15 - 10:15 A.M. Wednesday:6:00-7:00P.M. Adults & Ages 4 - Grade 9 Adults&Ages3-Grade9 1242 Lynnwood Drive Jackson, MS 39206 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 16547 Jackson, MS 39236 Phone(601)366-2335 Phone (601) 366-2335 Sr. Therese Jacobs, BVM Raymond Barry Pastoral Minister Director of Christian Service Raymond Barry Suzan Cox Director of Christian Service Liturgy Director Suzan Cox Allyson Harris Liturgy Director Coordinator Kim Turner of Religious Education George Q.ofEvans Coordinator Religious Education Pastoral Minister George Q. Evans Pastoral Minister Tom Lewis RCIALewis Coordinator Tom RCIA Coordinator Debbie Tubertini Debbie Director Tubertini of Evangelization & SFC’s Director Evangelization & SFC’s MelissaofShapley Melissa Shapley Senior High Director of Youth Ministry Senior High Director of Youth Ministry Amelia Rizor Amelia Rizor Junior High Director of Youth Ministry Junior High Director of Youth Ministry Helen Walsh Helen Walsh Director of Music Director of Music Jules Michel JulesGeimer Michel Lisa Principal,St. St. Richard Richard School School Principal, 601-366-1157 601-366-1157 Saturday, the Immaculate Immaculate Conception Conception Saturday,December December 8th 8th -- Feast Feast of of the Holy Holy Day Day of of Obligation Obligation Mass at 9:00 9:00 a.m. a.m. There There will willbe beno no8:00 8:00a.m. a.m.Mass Mass Massfor forthe theFeast Feastof ofthe theImmaculate Immaculate Conception Conception will will be be at that is the the Vigil Vigil Mass Mass for for Sunday. Sunday. thatday. day. Saturday Saturday night night Mass Mass at at 5:00 5:00 p.m. p.m. is The maintaining that thatfrom fromthe themoment momentshe she TheImmaculate ImmaculateConception Conceptionis isaa dogma dogma of of the the Catholic Church maintaining was sin and and was was filled filledwith withthe thesanctifying sanctifying wasconceived, conceived,the theBlessed BlessedVirgin Virgin Mary Mary was was kept free of original sin gracenormally normallyconferred conferredduring during baptism. baptism. It is one of the four dogmas grace dogmas in in Roman RomanCatholic CatholicMariology. Mariology. Maryisisoften oftencalled calledthe the Immaculata Immaculata (the Immaculate One), Mary One), particularly particularlyin inartistic artisticand and cultural contexts. cultural This is is the the Year Year of This of Faith Faith This year believers around the world are called to renew This year believers around the world are called to renew their their commitment commitmentto tothe thefaith. faith. During During the Mass become “full, active and conscious participants.” Show your commitment the Mass become “full, active and conscious participants.” Show your commitmentto tothe the Mass and the Eucharist by responding to the prayers and singing. At Mass we come Mass and the Eucharist by responding to the prayers and singing. At Mass we come together as one body, never as a spectator. Let’s celebrate this Year of Faith with great joy and together as one body, never as a spectator. Let’s celebrate this Year of Faith with great joy and celebration. celebration. REMEMBER Remember Our Seminarians When Sending Out Christmas Cards THE CHILD Remember Seminarians When Sending Out for Christmas Cards Our seminarians love Our to know we are thinking about and praying them. Those studying at Our seminarians love to know we are thinking about and praying for them. Those studying at Notre Dame Seminary (2901 South Carrollton, New Orleans, LA 70118-4391) are Jason Johnston, Notre Dame Seminary (2901 South Carrollton, New Orleans, LA 70118-4391) are Jason Johnston, Adam Nobles, Binh Ngyen, Rusty Vincent and Jose de Jesus Sanchez. Those studying at St. AdamSeminary Nobles, Binh Ngyen, and Jose Jesusare Sanchez. Those studying St. Joseph (75376 RiverRusty Road,Vincent St. Benedict, LA de 70457) Aaron Williams, Adolfo at Suarez, JosephCandido Seminary (75376 River Road, St. Benedict, LA 70457) are Aaron Williams, Adolfo Suarez, Alvarez, Nick Adam and Mark Shoffner. Cesar Sanchez is studying in Mexico. Candido Alvarez, Nick and Mark Cesar Sanchez is studying in Mexico. TheAdam seminarians willShoffner. go on break December 10th. The Saint Richard Would10th. Like To To Wish Wish Church Staff Like The seminarians will go on break Would December ProtectingA God’s Children Everyone Happy And Happy And The Diocese of Jackson is committed to ensuring that Children no one being served by the Church be at risk Protecting God’s Holiday With Family And Friends Joyous Christmas With Family And Friends sexual abuse or exploitation by clergy, religious orno layone church spiritualbewellTheofDiocese of Jackson is committed to ensuring that beingpersonnel. served by The the Church at risk being of all the victims, their families and others in the community is of particular concern to the of sexual abuse or exploitation by clergy, religious or lay church personnel. The spiritual wellChurch. In accordance with our policy, all victims are offered counseling and pastoral care. AnyFather Mike O’Brien, Pastor being of all the victims, their families and others in the community O’Brien, Pastor is of particular concern to the one who In hasaccordance been a victim ofour abuse or exploitation by religious or lay church personnel and Church. with policy, all victims areclergy, offered counseling and pastoral care. AnyBrian Carroll, Senior Associate Pastor Father Senior Associate Pastor hashas notbeen yet reported itofisabuse encouraged to do so. by Our victimreligious assistance coordinator, Valerie and one who a victimFather or exploitation clergy, or lay church personnel Juan Chavajay, Associate Pastor Associate Pastor McClellan, licensed social is available to assist in making a report. Please contact her at has not ayet reported it isworker, encouraged to do so. Our victim assistance coordinator, Valerie Blaylock * Chuck Byrd ** Suzan Cox ** Sara Dunning ** Raymond Barry * Lindsay Chuck Byrd Suzan Cox Sara Dunning 601-326-3728. McClellan, a licensed social worker, is available to assist in making a report. Please contact her at Falconi * Lisa Geimer * Derrell Hollingsworth * Sr. Therese For more information about diocesan policies and to learn what the diocese is doing to create a George Evans * Mary * Derrell Hollingsworth * Sr. Therese 601-326-3728. safe environment for everyone, please visit the diocesan website at and * Angela Lawrence ** what Tom Lewis ** Agnes Morgan Jacobs Marti Kestenbaum Lawrence Tomthe Lewis Agnes Morgan For more *information about diocesan andGod’s to learn diocese is doing to create**a click on*policies Protecting Children. Shapley Loraine Travis * Debbie Tubertini * Kim Turner Amelia Rizor * Melissa Travis * Debbie Tubertini * Kim Turner and safe environment for everyone, please visit the diocesan website at Joseph N. Latino *click Helen Walsh * Ebony Welch on Protecting God’s Children. Ebony Welch Bishop of Jackson Joseph N. Latino Bishop Reminder of Jackson Saint Richard Parish Contribution Contribution Reminder TAKE TENto WITH FAMILY OR FRIENDS Spend 10 faithful minutes reflecting on God’s Word. Sincere thanks our generous parishioners for your To parishioners for your faithful stewardship. stewardship. To NEXT Sunday’s Scripture: Baruch 5:1-9 any Philippians 1:4-6, 8-11forLuke 3:1-6 Revenue Service, contributions the calendar year comply with the Internal any contributions for the calendar year How are you waiting, preparing, observing Advent? What “rough ways” might need to be “made TAKE TEN WITH FAMILY ORthis FRIENDS Spend 10 minutes reflecting on God’s Word. 2014 must be received in the parish office or placed in the collection no later than smooth” in your life, your world for a moreor of Christmas? placed celebration in the 8-11 collection no later than NEXT Sunday’s Scripture: Baruch 5:1-9 meaningful Philippians 1:4-6, Luke 3:1-6 mailed must be post by December 31, How are you31, waiting, preparing, observing this Advent? What ways” might to be “made December 2014. Contributions must be“rough post marked marked byneed December 31, smooth” in your life, your world for a2014. more meaningful celebration of Christmas? 2014. POINSETTIAS In Memory of From Phil Purser Patti Purser Bruno & Rosie Carnevaletti & Bruno Carnevaletti, Jr. Sharon & Marie Prestridge Mr. & Mrs. Bennett Ford, Mr. & Mrs. W. H. Campbell, Jake Addison, Frances & L. W. Good, Judy Lohrmann Margaret Campbell Deceased Members of the Carl & Harris Families John & Carolyn Harris Deceased Members of the Cattan & O’Brien Families Phillip J. O’Brien John & Barry Williams, Kathy O’Beirne, O’Beirne-Williams Family, Pete Jarrell, betty & Terry Le Blanc, Hubert Hinkebein, Lisa Thompson, Donna Kay Dufore Margaret O’Beirne-Williams Bess Shirley Hines & Clif Shirley The Steve Shirley Family Jonathan Paul Lawrence Mama & Daddy, Henry III, Jacob, Christina and Nicole John David & Maura Gray-Lewis The Lawrence Family Marilea Hipps, Bobby Hipps, Jr., Vincent Maggio, Ken Conner, Bobby Hipps, Sr., Josephine Dykes, Forrest Dykes and Elizabeth Dykes Cummings Margaret Dykes Christopher Sekul, William T. Neely, Jr., William T. Neely, Sr., Louise Neely, Ben Thomas, and Dale Little Toni Sekul Chick & Dean Allen McGhee Nancy McGhee and Shanon Brumfield Peck Cranston, Roger Vincent and Families of Bereavement Support Nancy McGhee Marie S. Lovitt and Sandy B. Hart Mike, Judy & Austin Hart Emily & Bill Joseph, Sr., Bill Joseph, Jr., Arthur & Inez Jones Arthur & Mary Louise Jones & Family Sam PaLasota, Anne PaLasota, Andrew Byers, Pauline Byers, Callaghan Byers, and Rowe Byers Jo Byers The Harreld and Michael Families Wilson Harreld & Jo Lynn Michael Rene’ & Anna Vincent and Marin Vincent The Glenn Griffin Family Harvey & Betty Caffrey The Glenn Griffin Family David Cobb, Peck Cranston, Jonathan Lawrence, Berlin Family Gray-Lewis Family Tom Moore Cathy Moore Beth Donahue Arrington, William H. Arrington, Charlotte Arrington, and Denis L. Donahue Alan Arrington John O’Connell and Sue O’Connell Donna and Terrell Knight Henry Morgan, William Morgan, Pearl Morgan, John Dorsey, Sr., John Dorsey, Jr., Ignatius Dorsey, Aimee Higgs, Galyn Harvey, Paul Harvey, and Grace Dorsey Agnes Morgan & Family Foushe and Carloni Family Members Charlene & Bill Foushee The Andersons, Crews, and Capra’s The David Crews Family POINSETTIAS In Memory of From Bill & Elvira Gaudet, Sr. Caroline Gaudet The Johnson & Maltby Families The Johnson Family Frank & Bernadean Frascogna, Norman & Evelyn Bittner, Linda Bittner Sturdivant Mike & Judy Frascogna Rachel Zhang C. Roy & Beverly McMillan The Lange & Liberto Families Connie & Vince Liberto Michael Potter, Jay Potter & Lorence Wittmayer Meme Wittmayer Brad Murphy The Murphy Family Ed Burchak & Doug Burchak Marion Burchak and Family Joe & Louise Katool, Joe & Nazira Ristom, and Raymond Ristom Jennifer Katool Anna & George Nuzzo and Michael Barranco Al & Lesa Nuzzo Ann Holman Candace & Colton Holman Grace Melohn The Melohn Family Edward Griffin The Glenn Griffin Family Angie Kajdan, Nikki Quarles, Betty Dimitry, Deceased Members of the Boone, Bellan, and O’Connor Families Charlie & Susan O’Connor Max & Leonor Schlappkohl and Elisabeth M. Herrera Anonymous Donor Deceased Abide & Heidelberg Families Jean Abide & Family Bradley Hamilton, Liz Lalor, Moeline Beck, and Alice And Randy Exsterstein Bill & Linda Lalor Roger Vincent, Edmund & Anita Anger, and Clifton & Helen Vincent Arlene Vincent & Family Mario T. Rossilli, Sr., Woodie Van Zandt, and Mary Sue Price Van Zandt Mario T. Rossilli, Jr. and Susan Van Zandt Rossilli Jake Addison, Wilson Defore, Jr., Andrew Defore, Jerry Yoste, Alice Yoste, and Evelyn & Holland Addison Claudia & Mac Addison Earl Naron, Butch Naron, Ben Strain, Cloyce Gibson, and Lynn Switzer Gwen Lundy Mr. & Mrs. Dan Benefield The Benefield Family Dot & Frank Lowery, Margaret & Lem Smith Margaret & Coleman Lowery John W. & Irene C. McMillin JoAnn Dukes Deceased members of the Nassar, Naron, Gibson and McCombs Families Lynn & Joe Nassar Yoste, Addison, Defore, and Guchereau Families Helen Yoste Mel & Helen Heard and Thomas McNeil Kathleen & Meagan McNeil POINSETTIAS In Memory Of From Rose & Greenie Greenwell and Susan Greenwell Ladner Shelley Greenwell Harrison & Mike Harrison Deceased Members of the Lefoldt and LaBorde Families Ken & Maetta Lefoldt Mary Helen Irby, Josephine & Johnny Maniscalco, and Dolores Middleton Paula, Jerry & Carrie Maniscalco Madeline Maria Massey Bob & Jackie Stedman Jim and Anita Kinberger Jaime and Clayton Honeycutt Mrs. Tanita Barial-Mitchell St. Joseph Catholic School Class of 2018 Richard Simpson, Dale & Betty Simpson, and Leo & Cleta Coco Doug & Judy Simpson Juventina B. Castillo, Francisca Alanis, and Jullianna M. Saenz Abelina Castillo Wilson Ray & Melrose Converse, James & Rebal Clark, Joel Converse, And Clay Converse Kenny & Jamie Converse John & Florence Pawlik, Chester Pawlik, and Lewis Pawlik Emil Pawlik & Family Ralph & Anna LaCambria, Teresa & Mark DiMino, and Benson Oliver John & Camille Oliver Deceased Members of the O’Malley Family Leonore O’Malley Joe G. Rice, Jr., Harry K. Lefoldt, Sr., and Beth Arrington Larry & Mary Anne Lefoldt Kim Ratzlaff and Sperry Bartlett Larry & Lisa Ratzlaff Deceased Members of the P.R. Daly Family and the Ed M. Spencer Family The Ed Spencer Family Polly & Jim Murphy and Sallie & Walter Fredieu Carla, David & Reilly Marie Reeves Deceased Family Members of Janet Green Janet Green Matt, Kathleen & M.L. Virden, and Bob O’Brien The O’Brien Family Martha Leeper and Deceased Members of the Davies & Hastings Families Roger & Peggy Hastings Raymond & Bernie Bass and Philip & Margaret Lieb Phil & Bernie Lieb Deceased Members of the Martin & Patino Families Axelinta & Murphy Martin Lisa Berryhill Deena Heath In Honor of The Carol Brown Moskewitz Family Carol Brown Moskewitz Carmel & Robert Lampton Paula, Jerry & Carrie Maniscalco Our Children Gray-Lewis Family Ellen Bartlett and Cliff & Marge Ratzlaff Larry & Lisa Ratzlaff Thomas and James O’Beirne Mary Linley and Andrew Sweat