Type Certificute
Type Certificute
REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION DIRECTORATE GENERAL OF CIVI AVIATION ENGINE TypeCertificute VALIDATION Number E 037 Thiscertificateissuedto: CFM International,S.A. 2 Boulevard du GeneralMartial Valin 75015Paris, France, certiJiesthat the typedesignfor thefollowing productswith the operatinglimitationsand conditionsthereforeas specifiedin the Civil AviationsSafetyRegulationsand the Type CertiJicateData Sheet,meetsthe airworthinessrequirementsof part 33 of Civil Aviation SafetyRegulationsfor AirworthinessStandards:Aircrafi Engines,and part 34 of Civil Aviation SafetyRegulationsfor Fuel Ventingand ExhaustEmissionRequirements for TurbineEnginePoweredAirplanes. ENGINEMODELS: CFM56-5A series ThisCertfficate,and the TypeCertificateData Sheetwhich ispart hereof shall remainin effect until suruendered,suspended,revoked, or a termination date ls otherwise establishedbv Director Generalof Civil Aviation. Dateof application : November16, 2005 : August25, 2006 Dateof issuance On Behalf of Director Generalof Civil Aviation Capt. CHRISTIAN BISARA Director of Airworthiness Certiftcation Note: The issuanceof this Type Certificateis basedon the FederalAviation AdministrationType CertificatenumberE28NEandType CertificateDataSheetnumberE28NERevision6 , date: S.A. April2,1998to CFM Intemational, REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION DIRECTORATE GENERAL OF CIVIL AVIATION No. E 037 Revision: 0 CFM INTERNATIONAL Models: CFM56-5 CFM56-5A3 CFM56-5A.4 CFM56-5A5 cFMs6-5-AllF CFM56-5A4/F CFM56-5A5/F 25.2006 TYPE CERTIFICATE DATA SHEET NO. E 037 This data sheetwhich is a part of Type Certificate Validation No. E 037 prescribesconditionsand limitations under which the product for which the type certificate was issued meets the ainvorthiness requirementsof the Civil Aviation SafetyRegulations. TYPE CERTIFICATE HOLDER: I. MODELS: TYPE: RATINGS (SeeNote 4) Take-off(5 min. seeNote 16),sealevel staticthrusl lb Maximum Continuous, sealevel static thrust, lb. Flat Rating Take-off Maximum Continuous CFM Intemational,S.A. 2 Boulevarddu GeneralMartial Valin 75015Paris.France cFMs6-5 cFM56-5A3 CFM56-5.AI/F High bypassturbofan;coaxial front fanlboosterdriven by multi. stagelow pressureturbine,multi-stagecompressor with one-stage high pressure turbineandannularcombustor. 25,000/ I I,120daN 23,7001 10,540 daN 26,5001 11,787 daN 23,7001 10,540 daN 25,0001 I 1,120daN 23,7001 10,540 daN Ambient Temoerature 86 "F/ 30 0C 77 "Fl 25 "C 86 0F/30 'C 77 "F/25 "C 86 'F/ 30 'C "C 77 0F125 FUELSYSTEM SeeNote7 for approvedfuels Fuel Pump / SNECMA PN 301-78s-501-0 301-78s-501-0 (Combinedboostand single 30r-785-s02-0 30r-785-502-0 elementgear-typepump) Hydro Mechanical Unit (GE PN) T C D S N o .E : 037 RevNo. :O lDate: 1348M79P04 1348M79P06 thruP09 1348M79P04 1348M79P06 thruP09 301-785-501-0 301-785-502-0 1348M79P04 1348M79P06 thru P09 MODEL (Continued) ELECTRONIC ENGINE CONTROL ElectronicControl Unit (GE PartNumber) IdentificationPlugs (SNECMA PartNumber) OIL IGNITION SYSTEM Ignition Unit Unison and Simmons Two Igniter Plugs Unison and Champion CFM56-5 1459M55P11 ThruPl8 1519M83P01 Thru P05 l820lvI27P0llP02 320-586-001-0 320-s86-201-0 320-586-301-0 CFM56-5,A3 CFM56-5-AI/F 1459M55P15 l459M55Pts ThruPl8 ThruPl8 1519M83P02 1519M83P02 ThruP05 Thru P05 1820M27P01/P02 l820lvI27P0llP02 320-586-03 l-0 320-586-02r-0 320-586-23r-0 320-s86-22r-0 Synthetictype conformingto GE SpecificationD5OTFI, Type I and Type II. CFM ServiceBulletin CFM56-5 79-001 list approvedoil brands. GE PafiNumber 1538M69P01 9238M66P05 9238M66P07 9238M66P08 t374Mt2P0l l374Ml3P0l l374Ml3P0s 1538M69P01 9238M66P05 9238M66P07 9238M66P08 l374Mt2P0l l374Mt3P0l 1374M13P05 1538M69P01 9238M66P05 9238M66P07 9238M66P08 l374I0/4t2P0l l374Mt3P0l 1374M13P05 PRINCIPAL DIMENSIONS Inches/ Millimeters Length, (fan caseforward 95.3/2422 95.3/2422 95.312422 flange to LPT rear frame aft flange) Width, (fan casingforward 75.121 190.8 75.121 190.8 75.121 190.8 flange diameter) Height,(bottomof accessory 82.73t2r0.r 82.7312t0.1 82.731210.1 gearboxto top offan casing forward flanse) Includesbasicengineaccessories and optional equipmentas listed in (DRY) WETGHT manufacturer'senginespecification,and engine-mountedportionsof the conditionmonitoring instrumentation. Pounds 5139 5r39 sl39 Kilograms 2331 2331 2331 CENTEROFGRAVITY LOCATIONS Inches Millimeters TCDSNo. : E037 RevNo. :O lDate: Station,Engineonly (Referto InstallationDrawing) 206.9 !l 5255x25 206.9*l 5255+ 25 206.9 !l 5255!25 II. MODELS: TYPE: CFM56-5A4 RATINGS (SeeNote 4) Take-off (5 min. seeNote 22,0001 16),sealevel staticthrust, lb. 9786daN Maximum Continuous, sealevel staticthrust, lb. 20,6701 Flat Rating 9195daN Take-off Ambient Temperature Maximum Continuous I 13.F/ 45 .C 77 "F/25 "C FUEL SYSTEM SeeNote 7 for approvedfuels Fuel Pump/ SNECMA PN 301-785-501-0 (Combinedboostand single 301-785-502-0 elementgear-typepump) Hydro MechanicalUnit (GEPAr) ELECTRONIC ENGINE CONTROL ElectronicControl Unit (GE PartNumbers) Identification Plugs (SNECMA PartNumbers) OIL IGNITION SYSTEM 23,500/ 10,453 daN 20,670/ 9195daN 98.6"F/37"C 77 "F/25 "C 301-785-501-0 301-785-502-0 1348M79P04 1348M79P06 thru P09 1348M79P04 1348M79P06 thruP09 1519M83P10 r820M27P07 l5l9M83Pl0 1820M27P07 336-414-20t-0 336-414-20s-0 336-414-220-0 336-414-225-0 Synthetictype conformingto GE SpecificationD5OTFI, Type I and Type II. CFM Service Bulletin CFM56-5 79-001 list approvedoil brands. GE PartNumber Two lgnition Units UnisonandSimmons ls38M69P0l 9238M66P05 9238M66P07 9238M66P08 t374Mt2P0l t374Ml3P0t 1374M13P05 Two IgniterPlugs UnisonandChampion PRINCIPAL DIMENSIONS Inches/ Millimeters Length, (fan caseforward 95.312422 flange to LPT rear frame aft flange) Width, (fan casing forward 75.121 190.8 flange diameter) Height,(bottom of accessory 82.731210.1 gearboxto top offan casing forward flanse) TCDSNo. : E037 RevNo. :O lDate:A CFM56-545 High bypassturbofan;coaxial front fanlboosterdriven by multi-stage low pressureturbine, multi-stage compressorwith one-stagehigh pressureturbine and annular combustor. 2006 ls38M69P0l 9238M66P0s 9238M66P07 9238M66P08 t374Mt2P0l r374Ml3P0l 1374M13P05 9s.3/2422 75.t2tt90.8 82.7312t0.1 MODEL (Continued) CFMs6-5A4 WETGHT(DRY) Pounds Kilogams CENTER OF GRAVITY LOCATIONS Inches Millimeters Station,Engineonly (Referto InstallationDrawing) 206.9+ | 5255!25 cFMs6-544/r' III. MODELS: TYPE: 22,0001 9786daN 20,6701 9195daN FUELSYSTEM FuelPumpi SNECMAPAI (Combined boostandsingle elementgear-typepump) HydroMechanical Unit (GEPN) IGNITION SYSTEM 23,5001 10,453 daN 20,6701 9195daN 301-785-501-0 301-785-502-0 301-785-501-0 301-785-502-0 1348M79P04 1348M79P06 thruP09 1348M79P04 1348M79P06 thruP09 r519M83P10 1820M27P07 1519M83P10 r820M27P07 336-414-210-0 336-414-230-0 336-414-215-0 336-414-235-0 Synthetictypeconformingto GE Specification D5OTFI,TypeI and TypeII. CFM ServiceBulletinCFM56-579-001listapproved oil brands. GE PartNumber Two IgnitionUnits UnisonandSimmons 1538M69P01 9238M66P05 9238M66P07 9238M66P08 t374Ml2P0l 1374M13P01 1374M13P05 Two IgniterPlugs UnisonandChampion T C D S N o .E : 037 RevNo. :O lDate: cFM56-54.5/r' Ambient Temperature I 13 .F/ 45 .C 98.6"Fl 37 "C "F|25 "C 77 77 "F/25 0C SeeNote 7 for approvedfuels ELECTRONIC ENGINE CONTROL ElectronicControl Unit (GE PartNumbers) oIL 206.9+ | 5255!25 High bypassturbofan;coaxial front fan/boosterdriven by multi-stage low pressureturbine, multi-stage compressorwith one-stagehigh pressureturbine and annularcombustor. RATINGS (SeeNote 4) Take-off (5 min. seeNote 16),sealevel staticthrust,lb Maximum Continuous,sea level staticthrust,lb. Flat Rating Take-off Maximum Continuous IdentificationPlugs (SNECMA PartNumbers) CFM56-5A5 Includesbasic engineaccessories and optional equipmentas listed in manufacturer'senginespecification,and engine-mountedportions of the condition monitoring instrumentation. 5139 5139 233r 2331 25,2006 1538M69P01 9238M66P05 9238M66P07 9238M66P08 l374Ml2P0r 1374M13P01 1374M13P05 MODEL (Continued) cFM56-5A4/F CFM56-5A5/F PRINCIPAL DIMENSIONS Inches/ Millimeters Length, (fan caseforward 95.312422 95.3/2422 flange to LPT rear frame aft flange) Width, (fan casing forward 75.12/190.8 75.r21190.8 flangediameter) Height,(bottomof 82.73/210.r 82.73/210.1 accessorygearboxto top of fan casins forward flanse) Includesbasicengineaccessories and optional equipmentas listed in WETGHT(DRY) manufacturer'senginespecification,and engine-mountedportionsof the conditionmonitoring instrumentation. Pounds 5r39 51 3 9 Kilosrams 2331 2331 CENTEROFGRAVITY LOCATIONS Station,Engineonly (Referto InstallationDrawing) Inches Millimeters 206.9! | 5255x25 CERTIFICATION BASIS 206.9+ | 5255+ 25 Pursuantto CASR 2l-29 Type Certification of Import ProductEngine Type CertificateNo. E 037 was issuedin validation to the FAA Type Certification to provide an appropriatelevel of safety consistentwith IndonesianCivil Aviation SafetyRegulation. The basis certification that was consideredapplicableto the CFM565A enginesis: Civil Aviation SafetyRegulations(CASR) Part33, Revision 0, issued 27 December 1993 that is equivalent to FAR 14 CFR Part 33 Amendment 14. In addition, the enginesare in compliancewith the emissionsrequirementsof CASR Part34. IMPORT REOUIREMENTS To be consideredeligible for installationon Republicof Indonesiaregisteredaircraft, eachengineto be exportedto the Republic of Indonesiashall be accompaniedby Certificate of Airworthinessfor exportnor certifying statementendorsedby the exporting cognizantCivil Airworthiness Authority, which containsthe following language: l. This engineconformsto its Indonesiatype design(EngineType CertificateNumber E 037) and is in conditionfor safeoperation. 2. This enginehas been subjectedby the Manufacturerto a final operationcheck and is in proper Stateof Airworthiness. ReferenceCASR Section 21.500, which provides the Airworthiness acceptanceof airuaft engine manufacturedoutsideof the Republic of Indonesiafor which an IndonesianType Certificatehasbeen issued. ServiceBulletin, vendormanuals,maintenancemanualsapprovedby United StateFAA are accepted and considerablyapprovedby DGCA Indonesia.Theseapprovalspertainto the type designonly. TCDSNo. : E037 RevNo. :O lDate: 2s,2006 NOTES NOTE 1 TurbineExhaustGas (T495)(SeeNote l7) MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLETEMPERATURE For engine configuration designated by a suffix for specific installations(see Note I l), refer to the appropriateS.O.I. for max. OperatingTemperatures. As measuredby a harnessof nine thermocoupleslocated at the secondstagelow pressureturbine vane : CFMs6.5 Take-off (5 min.) Maximum Continuous Starting - DAC In Flight Time Temperature Envelope Referto model'sS.O.l Fuel PumpInlet Oil Supply ContinuousOperation Transient(15 minutes) 890.C 955 "C 725'C CFM.TP.Ol.II Refer to the AppropriateInstallationManual 140'c 1284"F 1550c/311'F NOTE 2 Fuel Limits FUEL AND OIL PRESSURELIMITS Operation and airl gtound starting pressure limits extend from a minimum fuel pressureof not lessthan 5.5 psia (37.9 kPa absolute) above the true fuel vapor pressureto a maximum of 60 psig (413J kPa gauge)for CFM56-5A, relativeto atmosphere,with vapor/ liquid ratio of zero at all conditions.For limits. seeInstallationManual.Part A, Section5, and A2 throuehA5. Oil Limits Theminimumpressure limit at idle is 13psid(89.6kPadifferential) andvariesup to 45 psid(310.2kPadifferential)at cruisethrust.The maximumpressurelimit during cold startsis 300 psid (2069kPa differential).limited NOTE 3 Electrical Rotation(1) SpeedRatio to Core PadRating (kW) ShearTorque(in-lb) Max. Overhung Moment (inJb) Hydraulic Pump Rotation(l) SpeedRatio to Core PadRating (kW) ShearTorque(in-lb) Max. OverhungMoment (in-lb) T C D S N o .E : 037 RevNo. :O lDate:A a Dressure-relief valve.SeeNote l3 ACCESSORYDRIVE PROVISION CFM56-5 ccw 0.5947 135 9,492 1,000 ccw 0.256 1,500 4,400 160 NOTE 4 Engine ratings are basedon calibratedstand performanceunder the following conditions: Take-off thrust is nominally independentof ambient temperature(flat rated) up to ambienttemperatureof : Std+ 15'C (30 oC, 86'F): CFM56-5,-5A3,& -sAl/F Std + 30 'C (45 "C, I 13 "F): CFM56-5A4& -5A4lF Std + 22 "C (37 oC, 98 'F): CFM56-5A5& -5A5/F Maximum continuous is nominally independent of ambient temperature(flat rated) up to ambient temperatureof Std + 10oC (25"C,77'F) for all models. Zero customerbleedand horsepowerextraction. No scrubbingdrags. 100Yoinlet recovery. Based on CFM Intemational referee separateflow exhaust system with primary (core) exhaust nozzle PAI 15-25200-2014and fan nozzlePA{ 4013356-302for all CFM56-5Aenginemodels. NOTE 5 MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLEENGINE ROTOR SPEEDS CFMs6-5 RPM Low PressureRotor (Nl) High PressureRotor (N2) 5,100 15.183 NOTE 6 MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLEAIR MODELS) Location FanCorrectedSpeed Fan Discharge All speedsaboveminimum idle HPC Stage5 only All speedsaboveminimum idle Compressor Discharge M i n i m u m i d l e t o 6 l% N l K only 6l o/oto82.5% NIK Above82.5%NlK HPC Stage5 & Compressor DischargeCombined Minimumidleto6l %NlK 6l o/oto82.5% NIK Above82.5%NlK % 100.2 105.0 BLEED EXTRACTION (ALL Flow Limit 2%ofanairflow l0 o/ocoreairflow 14 Yocoreairflow Linear variation from 14 o/oto7 o/ocorc airflow 7 %ocore airflow 14 %ocoreairflow Linear variation from 14 o/otol0 Vocorcairflow l0 o/ocoreairflow NOTE 7 Approvedfuel conformingto GE SpecificationD50TF2.MIL-T5624,GradesJP-4or JP-5,ASTM D 1655,JET A, Al and B are consistentwith this GeneralElectricSpecification. Primaryfuel is JET A, with otherfuels listedbeingacceptable altemates. No fuel control adjustmentis required when changing from primary to altematefuels.Use of aviationgasolineis not authorized.Consult SpecificOperating Instructionfor additiveusage. NOTE 8 Life limits established for criticalrotatingandstaticcomponents are publishedin Chapter5 of the CFM56-5ShopManual,CFMI-TPSM.7,for theCFM56-5enginemodels. TCDSNo. : 8037 RevNo. :O I Date:Aueust25 NOTE 9 Power setting,power checksand control of enginethrust output in all operations are to be based on CFM Intemational engine charts refening to fan speed.Fan speedsensorsare included in the engine assemblyfor this purpose. NOTE 10 The type certificate holder, CFM Intemational, S.A., is a company establishedand jointly owned by Societe Nationale I'Etude et de Constructionde Moteurs d'Aviation (SNECMA) of France and the GeneralElectric Companyfor the certification, sale, and supportof CFM56 series engines. With respect to the benefits of type certification for production,GeneralElectric and SNECMA function as licenseesof CFM International,S.A. This type certification applies to engines produced in the United Statesunder Type Certification No. E28NE. Engines of the same model designationproducedin Franceunder Import Type Certificate No. E29NE are identical to and fully interchangeablewith engines producedunderthis type certificate. Similarly, modules, assemblies,or parts produced in France are eligible for use in engines produced under this type certificate provided an airworthinessapproval tag, EASA Form l-Authorized Release Certificate or JAA Form l, issued by SNECMA under authority of EuropeanAviation Safety Agency (EASA) Production Certificate No. FR.21G.007 is attached to each item or invoice coveringa shipmentof similaritems(Ref. 14 CFR g 21.502). CFM56-5EnsineModels: Theseengines,when producedby GeneralElectric, are identified by the serialnumberprefix "730 and732", when producedby SNECMA, they are identifiedby the prefrx"T3l and733" NOTE 11 The suffix may be addedto the basic engine model number on the engine nameplate to identiff minor variations in engine configuration,installationcomponentsor reducedratings peculiarto aircraft installationrequirements.For example: CFM56-5xx. Enginesthat have a suffix to the basicmodel numberare identified in CFM Intemational Service Bulletin No. CFM56-5 72-001, and are summarizedbelow: (l). CFM56-5-Al, basicmodelfor Airbus A320. NOTE 12 The minimumpermissibleidle in flight corresponds to N2:58.8 % (8,500rpm) which is a non-adjustable limit, presetinto the ECU ControlSchedule. NOTE 13 During negative-goperationonly, it is permissibleto operatebelow minimum oil pressure(13 psid) for a maximum of l0 seconds.See SpecificOperatingInstruction,Section6. TCDSNo.:E037 RevNo. :O lDate: 2 NOTE 14 The models shown on this TCDS have the following general characteristics: MODEL CHARACTERISTICS CFM56-5 Basicmodel. CFM56-5AI/F Same as CFM56-5 except EGT limits increased through introduction of hot section modification. This model was originally certified as CFM565A2, but that designation was changed at the requestof the manufacturer. cFM56-5A3 Sameas CFM56-5A1ff exceptfor increasedtakeoffthrust rating. cFM56-5A4 Same as CFM56-5A3 except for reducedthrust takeoff rating and lower EGT limits. CFM56-5A4/F Sameas CFM56-5A4 except for increasedEGT limits. cFM56-5A5 Same as CFM56-5A3 except for reduced thrust takeoff rating and lower EGT limits. cFMs6-5As/F Sameas CFM56-5A5 except for increasedEGT limits. NOTE 15 All CFM56-5A FADEC series engines have been approved to operate with certain faults present in the control system based on satisfactionof 14 CFR $ 33 requirementsand appropriateengine control system reliability requirements. FAA approved criteria pertaining to dispatch and maintenancerequirements for the engine confol systemare specifiedin GeneralElectric DocumentNo. GEK 98455 (-5A family). These documents define the dispatch able configurationsand maximumoperatingintervals. A control systemreliability monitoring programhas beenestablished with CFM, as a contingency of the dispatch criteria approval, to ensure that overall engine control system and specific component failure rates do not exceed the maximum values permitted by the reliability analysis. NOTE 16 The normal5 minutestake-off rating may be extendedto l0 minutes for engineout contingency. NOTE T7 FortheCFM56-5A3,-5A1/F,-5A4lF& -5A5/Fseriesengines, the actualmaximumpermissible takeoffredlineturbineexhaustgas (EGT)arel5oChigherthantheindicatedEGTandmax temperatures continuous EGTratingis 25oChigher.Indicated890oCEGTtakeoff redlinecorresponds to actualof 9l5oC,andindicated855'CEGT maxcontinuous EGTcorresponds to actualof 880"C. ...END... TCDSNo. : E.037 RevNo. :O lDate: