Inside 2013 / 14 SPORT ENGLISCH.indd 1 13.08.13 17:04 KETTLER TRAINING WORLDS Kettler S-FIT app KETTFIT is the name of the KETTLER health and fitness Community. Since the internet portal went online in September 2011, many fitness enthusiasts have already been taking advantage of opportunities to network with like-minded individuals. The key element of the portal is the Community. All units bearing the Kettfit logo feature the data transmission interface. Thanks to the simple user interface, KETTFIT offers easy-to-understand training documentation and motivation. In addition, you can watch training videos or obtain online instructions and tips from KETTFIT trainers. “KETTLER WORLD TOURS 2.0” is a must for all ambitious athletes who train heavily on the race ergometer, ergometer, cross trainer or treadmill. This software enables you to record tours via a smartphone or GPS device outdoors and later ride/run that same route on 3D maps with your KETTLER fitness equipment. So even if it is snowing, stormy or raining outside, you can train inside and feel as if you are on your own training route. In addition, there is also online mode in which you can plan and stage virtual competitions with other users via the internet portal 07926-900 2013 is the year of the fitness evolution. When combined with a Bluetooth-enabled smartphone or tablet (Android/iOS), the S-LINE units develop their full potential: Thus, the user can apply three modes of training in combination with the installed Kettler S-FIT app and an S-Line unit, in order to make the training even more appealing. The CHALLENGE mode offers realistic training routes with different terrain profiles. The EXPERT mode provides a detailed record of all important training data, which is of particular importance especially for users focused on performance. In the FUN mode, burgers, pizza and cola don't stand a chance. You can not only synchronise your performance with your own KETTFIT account, but also share the results with friends on Facebook. 2 ENGLISCH.indd 2 13.08.13 17:04 Heart Rate Light IPN Test Drive techniques Green light for optimal training: On all units with this logo, you simply ride your way to your ideal figure and fitness. Using three different colours, similar to a traffic light, the pulse indicator in fact shows you the ideal way to proper workout intensity. Fitness equipment from KETTLER with the IPN function offers a special test routine for evaluating your personal performance. This is how it works: The unit records your heart rate data during the test run, automatically evaluates this data based on the completed test and determines your personal target heart rate zones. These are important fundamentals for individual heart rate-based training. Advantages: You train exactly within your individually determined heart rate zones and obtain individual recommendations for your training programme. Your personal performance test allows you to train more effectively and reach your personal goals – e.g. weight loss or increase in performance – much more quickly. KETTLER uses three drive technologies in its fitness equipment: On the drive system M, continuous magnets apply resistance to the flywheel mass on the unit. The system can be adjusted using a turning knob on the unit. On the drive system P, resistance is also applied to the flywheel mass through continuous magnets. In contrast to the M drive, where the magnets are adjusted by a motor that is controlled via the display. Advantage: The brake system communicates with the display. On the drive system E – the benchmark among professional athletes and therapeutic applications – an intelligently controlled electromagnet applies resistance to the flywheel mass. This technology enables an exact exercise adjustment in 5-watt steps. A blue backlit display means: training pulse has not yet been reached, red means: training pulse is too high and green means: optimal training pulse. And the pounds will be shed almost like magic! 3 ENGLISCH.indd 3 13.08.13 17:04 S-FIT lINe Racer S 07988-750 The new Racer s transforms your living room into a velodrome! Thanks to s-FIT, all the functions can also be controlled via your smartphone and/or tablet (iOs or Android). In addition, you can network with the KeTTFIT Fitness Community. The KETTLER "WORLd TOURs 2.0" software enables you to ride virtual distances, compete in online competitions and document your training. KeTTleR RaceR S wins ISPO award 2013 The ISPO Award 2013, the most coveted innovation prize in the sports equipment industry, goes to the KETTLER RACER S for the category of "Fitness Gear”. ergo S 07682-750 The innovative s-FIT smartphone control in our new top-of-the-line ergometer makes cardio training ingeniously simple and turns it into a whole new experience. The KeTTLeR "WORLd TOURs 2.0" software allows you to ride virtual training distances at home. The multi-position handlebars and seat are particularly comfortable. The integrated pneumatic lift ensures office chair adjustability. The innovative operating concept – for the first time enabling state-of-the-art training equipment to be controlled with a smartphone – not only generates even more training motivation among fitness fans, but also impressed a professional jury so much that it honoured our RACeR s with the IsPO Award. This both drives and motivates us to provide for innovations in fitness equipment in the future as well – for even more fun in sport. 4 ENGLISCH.indd 4 13.08.13 17:04 Skylon S 07655-700 The new skylon s is technically the most advanced full-body workout we have ever had to offer. Thanks to the revolutionary s-FIT smartphone control, this high-end equipment offers its user virtual training at the highest level. unix S 07670-750 The top model of the compact Unix cross trainer range obeys your smartphone's commands! simply connect your iOs or Android mobile phone to the cross trainer via Bluetooth and adjust all the functions in a snap. Another special feature is the eXT Technology (extended motion) for training that is particularly easy on the joints. cockpit Just climb on, turn it on, and go! Put the world of training right at your fingertips. Because thanks to the state-of-the-art glass display with innovative touch screen, operating the s-FIT generation is totally intuitive and ingeniously simple. Painstaking study of instruction manuals is a thing of the past, as is laborious programming of the training computer. 5 ENGLISCH.indd 5 13.08.13 17:05 eXeRcISe BIKeS Polo M 07664-000 elegant and compact: This slender exercise bike also shows off its great figure in the living room – and fits into the smallest of spaces. Thanks to the training computer with target zone training, you'll always be pedalling at your individually optimal workout. Golf M 07661-600 Like its four-wheel namesake, our bestseller is a classic among exercise bikes. With an extra-large LCd display, continuous display for ten functions, integrated pulse receiver and much more, it is europe's most widely sold exercise bike. Golf P 07663-100 This extra sturdy exercise bike always keeps you totally in the know: On the tiltable cockpit with backlit display, you can constantly see eight functions and your optimal target zone – for full concentration on your training. The computer handles the resistance setting. Golf P eco 07663-660 sustainable: With each turn of the pedal on our eco exercise bike, you generate your own power for the display and motor. If only all fitness equipment were this green ... 6 ENGLISCH.indd 6 13.08.13 17:05 Giro M 07630-000 Health is our most precious commodity. Yet maintaining or improving it doesn't cost much at all! Our entry-level model has many higher-end functions – e.g. training computer with recovery pulse rate and fitness marks – a genuine KeTTLeR at a low price! Giro P 07631-000 Fitness in a flash! These compact exercise bikes enable you to program all 8 programmes in a flash using the "push 'n' turn" knob. And the computer handles the resistance setting. so you can focus totally on your training. Giro R 07629-000 safe, convenient and comfortable: On the Giro R, you'll pedal your way to fitness – and go easy on your back! With the low step-in and secure seat position, those starting up or resuming a fitness routine will find just what they are looking for. 7 ENGLISCH.indd 7 13.08.13 17:05 eRGOMeTeRS e1 07682-050 The most economical way to start up or resume a fitness routine: Thanks to the "push 'n' turn" selection knob, the training computer is child's play to operate, offering only the functions that you really need, and including an ergometer function for a precise and reproducible workout in watts. e3 07682-150 Like its little brother, the e1, the e3 offers the three most important programmes for getting fit quickly – yet it also has power to spare. In addition, WORLd TOURs enables you to ride your virtual tour at home and evaluate your training success on the computer via KeTTFIT. e5 07682-600 Thanks to the 4-user memory, the e5 will have the whole family on its way to fitness! The backlit training computer includes the function of HeART RATe LIGHTs for optical workout control. You can determine your personal fitness level using the IPn fitness test. 8 ENGLISCH.indd 8 13.08.13 17:06 Protective floor mat 07929-200 140 x 80 cm 07929-400 220 x 110 cm Rubber mat for protecting the floor and for dampening noise when using workout equipment. e7 07682-860 With extra power to spare: Our fitness pro with 48 training programmes offers an especially powerful drive for even quieter pedalling. In addition to the HeART RATe LIGHT and the IPn test, the e7 also has a computer interface – for professional training analysis on the screen. Re7 07688-160 The convenient brother of the e7. The adjustable backrest, the extra breathable cover, along with the simple and easy-to-operate seat adjustment, make the Re7 first choice for all those who appreciate special comfort. But the Re7 is not only comfortable: Thanks to the powerful drive from the e7, you're sure to work up a good sweat. 9 ENGLISCH.indd 9 13.08.13 17:06 BIKe eXeRcISeRS Racer 1 07639-700 An entry into the world of bike exercisers. Those who prefer a sporty ride will thoroughly enjoy the Racer 1. Featuring an 18 kg flywheel and a felt brake pad, the Racer 1 is the equipment of choice, and not just for basic training. Racer 3 07639-600 A great workout with a good conscience. When you step into the pedals on the Racer 3, you produce your own power required for the brake system and display. Thanks to 32 resistance levels, the Racer 3 can be very finely adjusted. Which means you'll always find the right gear. Racer 7 07938-150 One look at the Racer 7, and you know for sure: You're going to work hard and perspire heavily. It's no wonder, as the chassis and flywheel originate from the Racer s. A magnetic brake with 16 gears ensures proper resistance. 10 ENGLISCH.indd 10 13.08.13 17:06 Speed 3 07639-100 experience your own cycling tour at home: speed 3 provides a studio-like riding experience, thanks to its fixed hub, belt drive and felt brake pad. The wide range of adjustability affords every cyclist the opportunity to train in an optimal ergonomic seat position. Speed 5 07639-200 studio quality for ambitious cyclists. speed 5 will make any performance-driven athlete's heart beat faster. The extra sturdy design, sPd click pedals and powerful drive with an 18 kg flywheel mass enable training in any heart rate range. It is not surprising that thanks to its s-Class certification, the speed 5 enjoys the status of a full-fledged studio bike. 11 ENGLISCH.indd 11 13.08.13 17:06 cROSS TRaINeRS Skylon 1 07643-600 even the entry-level model of the new skylon cross trainers will make your heart beat faster! The “push ‘n’ turn” computer offers eight programmes and a backlit display. Thanks to the elliptical range of movement, your future cardio training will be easier on the joints. The magnetic brake is motor-controlled. Skylon 3 07654-650 Compared to the skylon 1, this new cross trainer has even more flywheel mass for especially smooth running, and with its "HeART RATe LIGHT" pulse light, it gives you a green light for optimal training success. The training computer features a backlit display and eight training programmes. Skylon 5 07655-350 The whole family can train with the skylon 5! And after each workout, you can load the training data onto your PC via a UsB interface and evaluate your performance data via KeTTFIT. It's never too early to plan your next workout! The computer offers eight programmes and enables pulse-controlled training. 12 ENGLISCH.indd 12 13.08.13 17:07 eXT TeCHnOLOGY The cross trainers Unix PX and Unix eX have our eXT multiarticulated mechanism on board. The larger radius of movement ensures a longer and flatter stride – and you can train with an even more natural running motion. unix M 07650-100 On the extra large LCd display of this cross trainer, you always have a quick overview of ten functions, including step frequency graphics. And with the integrated pulse receiver featuring target zone training, your cardio workout will soon have you in top form. unix P 07652-000 This cross trainer will help you conquer new heights! On its backlit and tiltable display, you can control eight functions during your workout at any time, including pulse and energy consumption. Advantage of the P unit: its magnetic brake is motor-controlled. unix e 07670-160 eight programmes, HeART RATe LIGHT and PC interface: This especially compact cross trainer offers all the functions that make training even more effective. And those who like virtual mountain tours can simply add on the "KeTTLeR WORLd TOURs 2.0" software. unix PX 07652-500 equipment as above, also including eXT Technology and HeART RATe LIGHT. unix eX 07670-760 same features as above, also including eXT Technology and a wider range of programmes. (PX version) ENGLISCH.indd 13 13 13.08.13 17:07 cROSS TRaINeRS Rivo M 07643-000 Fitness for everyone! It's child's play to get into a training routine with this cross trainer, thanks to its manual resistance setting. And the backlit display on this unit always shows you the most important information. Rivo P 07644-000 step by step down the road to fitness: On the blue backlit training computer, the push-n-turn knob enables you to use all eight programmes in a snap. And the electronic resistance setting with a magnetic brake makes your training even more convenient. 14 ENGLISCH.indd 14 13.08.13 17:07 ROWING MacHINeS coach e 07975-160 This rowing machine with 12 programmes and e-drive mechanism enables pulseand watt-controlled training for optimal training results – even without a lake off your front door! In addition to rowing training, you can also use the Coach e to perform pulley fitness exercises. coach M 07974-100 This rope-pull rowing machine turns your living room into a private rowing regatta course. The Coach e's little brother has a ten-step M drive mechanism without watt display and programmes, yet it offers pulse and recovery pulse rate measurement. 15 ENGLISCH.indd 15 13.08.13 17:07 TReaDMIllS KeTTleR Pacer 07888-000 Improve your own fitness on a running basis: The KeTTLeR Pacer includes directselection keys for incredibly easy speed and incline adjustment. And after your workout, the practical folding mechanism quickly frees up space in your living room. KeTTleR Track Motion 07881-300 With up to a 12 percent incline, your fitness will be on the fast track to the top! The motor always stays in step, even during long runs. dampening elements provide comfort and joint protection. And after your workout, the KeTTLeR Track Motion treadmill folds up to a particularly small footprint. 16 ENGLISCH.indd 16 13.08.13 17:07 KeTTleR Track Performance 07885-300 You want to go for a run in the woods, but not in a blizzard? Then why not run a virtual distance through the woods using KeTTLeR Track Performance and the optional "WORLd TOURs 2.0" software. What's more, this professional treadmill features an especially long and wide running area, along with a PC interface. KeTTleR Track experience 07885-600 Our top model offers the perfect feeling of a run through the woods, with its magnetic shock absorber system, low-noise 3-HP motor and motorised adjustable incline. In addition to 38 programmes, you can reach new virtual peaks with the optional "WORLd TOURs 2.0" software. 17 ENGLISCH.indd 17 13.08.13 17:07 MulTIGYMS Delta Xl 07707-750 The delta XL features a butterfly station with an off-centre design and a latissimus tower station. Once you have completed your bench presses, simply fold up this multigym. The barbell bars and weight disks are available as accessories. Multigym 07752-800 Featuring an 80 kg weight block and 16 steps, even our entry-level model, the "Multigym", creates a stunning overall impression. Taking up only a small footprint, it offers the key training options for weightlifting novices such as the latissimus tower, bench press or butterfly. 18 ENGLISCH.indd 18 13.08.13 17:08 Kinetic F3 07715-600 Be it the latissimus tower, bench press or butterfly – body builders are excited about the many training options as they are about the 3d FLeX MOTIOn system for various rope-pull exercises. All this is offered with assembly dimensions of only 1.5 square metres and a height of 200 centimetres. Kinetic F5 07716-600 Weightlifting on the premium level: The Kinetic F5 multigym offers even more training options than its little brother, the Kinetic F3. The 80 kg weight block (16 x 5 kg) can be increased to 100 kg. Kinetic F7 07717-600 The top model of the Kinetic range appeals to ambitious body builders by offering unique versatility in exercises on the smallest of footprints. In addition to the training options of our "smaller" power centres, the Kinetic F7 also features a leg press for effective training of the lower extremities. 19 ENGLISCH.indd 19 13.08.13 17:08 WeIGHT BeNcHeS Primus 07403-900 Versatile exercising bench with heightadjustable barbell rest (barbells and disks not included) as well as leg curls and leg extensions. And after the workout, you simply fold up the Primus. vector 07708-100 This barbell rest is as sturdy as can be! After all, it is designed to hold up to 150 kilograms. The safety rack is variably adjustable in height and even in width. lineo 07428-550 This exercising bench enables effective abdominal workouts. Incline and leg cushion are also variably adjustable. When folded up, it is virtually out of sight. alpha 07708-000 sturdy, secure and indestructible: What more could you possibly want from an exercising bench? Well, there is more! The Alpha also features a negative bench press option – and the seating surface and backrest are also adjustable to various positions. Torso 07410-550 This sturdy exercising bench is an ideal base for abdominal and upper body workouts with dumbbells. Both cushions can be easily adjusted. Dumbbell and barbell rack 07499-300 This rack won't buckle easily under pressure! In fact, our super-sturdy rack can withstand up to 500 kilograms of barbells, dumbbells and disks. apollo 07426-700 On this gravity trainer, the "inversion" position provides for relaxed back muscles and relieves pressure on the spine. 20 ENGLISCH.indd 20 13.08.13 17:08 TaBle TeNNIS Smash Outdoor 9 07178-660 Smash Outdoor 11 (w/o fig.) 07180-660 Smash Outdoor 3 07176-650 Outdoor paddle 07091-100 Spin Indoor 11 07140-650 21 ENGLISCH.indd 21 13.08.13 17:09 equIPMeNT aT a GlaNce KeTTleR TRacK eXPeRIeNce 07885-600 KeTTleR TRacK PeRFORMaNce 07885-300 KeTTleR TRacK MOTION 07881-300 KeTTleR PaceR 07888-000 • • • • Hand pulse sensors included/chest belt optional Hand pulse sensors included/chest belt optional Hand pulse sensors included/ chest belt optional Hand pulse sensors included/chest belt optional Integrated Integrated Integrated Integrated User memory 4 4 Pulse-controlled programmes 8 4 2 1 Incline-/speed-controlled programmes 10/6 6/6 3/3 3/3 Speed min./max. (in km/h) 0.8-20 0.8-18 1-16 1-16 Motor adjustment of incline (in %) 0-12 0-12 0-12 0-10 Count-up/cool down • • • • UsB UsB 3 2.5 2 1.6 TRaINING cOMPuTeR Pulse measurement POLAR®-compatible pulse receiver (5 kHz) integrated PC interface TecHNIcal DeTaIlS Continuous power electric motor (HP) Size of running area L/W in cm (approx.) 145/51 132/48 132/46 Dimensions when set up L/W/H in cm (approx.) 207/88/136 202/88/136 186/84/137 182.5/80/134 Folds up to save space L/W/H in cm (approx.) 106/88/190 106/88/185 94/84/171 94/80/157 Max. weight load (in kg) 150 kg 140 kg 120 kg 120 kg Shock absorber system Magnet shock absorber TÜV-/GS-tested • • cROSS TRaINeRS SKYlON S 07655-700 Timer, distance covered per session, speed, energy consumption TRaINING cOMPuTeR Pulse measurement POLAR®-compatible pulse receiver (5 kHz) integrated Average values at end of training session • • • • • • • Latissimus pull • • 3D Flex Motion system • • • • • Rowing • • • Leg extensions • • • • • • Leg curls • • • • • • Biceps curl bench Accessories Max. weight load Max. body weight load Dimensions when set up (L/W/H in cm) Colour uNIX e 07670-160 5-80 kg (16x5 kg) 5-80 kg (16x5 kg) 5-80 kg (16x5 kg) 80 kg (can be fitted with up to 100 kg); double rope pull 2x40 kg; leg press 160 kg 80 kg (can be fitted with up to 100 kg); double rope pull 2x40 kg 80 kg 3dFlexmotion 2x40 kg Barbell rest 150 kg; pulley tower/ butterfly 80 kg; leg curl 60 kg 80 kg 150 kg 150 kg 150 kg 150 kg 130 kg 130 kg 181/109/200 203/101/96111 250/125/200 180/136/215 180/106/200 Black Black Black Black Black Black • • • • • • 142/125/200 uNIX P 07652-000 uNIX PX 07652-500 uNIX M 07650-100 vITO M 07658-000 • • • • • • • Chest belt included Hand pulse sensors + ear clip Accessories: Chest belt Hand pulse sensors + ear clip Accessories: Chest belt Hand pulse sensors + ear clip Accessories: Chest belt Hand pulse sensors + ear clip Accessories: Chest belt Hand pulse sensors + ear clip Accessories: Chest belt Hand pulse sensors + ear clip Accessories: Chest belt integrated integrated integrated • integrated integrated integrated integrated integrated • • • with app • • • • • with app 4 + guest + UsB stick 6 Individual exercise programmes 4 + guest + UsB 4 + guest + UsB stick stick 10 8 8 • • • 1 1 1 6 6 Training session log with app • PC interface • • • Induction/ rpmindependent Magnet/ rpmdependent Magnet/ rpmdependent RIvO P 07644-000 RIvO M 07643-000 • • Hand pulse Hand pulse sensors sensor + ear clip Accessories: Chest belt integrated • • 10 8 • • • • 1 (with app 6) 2 per person 2 1 1 1 with app 15 6 6 5 per person with app 3 per person • Induction/ rpmindependent • • UsB/front UsB UsB/front UsB Induction/ rpmindependent Induction/ rpmindependent • 2 12 UsB/front UsB Induction/ rpmindependent 203/101/163 depending on aspiration depending on aspiration Barbell rest 100 kg; leg curl 40 kg 200/200/215 • incl. chest belt Accessories 5-80 kg (16x5 kg) Upright (L/W/H in cm) uNIX eX 07670-760 • • TÜV-/GS-tested uNIX S 07670-750 • Bench press lying (flat and tilted bench press) Hand pulse sensors + ear clip Accessories: Chest belt with app TÜV-/GS-tested • • depending on aspiration Max. weight load (in kg) • Hand pulse sensors + ear clip Accessories: Chest belt 1 (with app 6) Dimensions when set up L/W/H (in cm) • • depending on aspiration Flywheel mass system (in kg) 07403-900 Hand pulse sensors + ear clip Accessories: Chest belt Target zone training (FAT/FIT/MANUAL) Pulse-controlled training programmes Freely scalable exercise programmes Brake system/exercise control PRIMuS 07752-800 • Total no. of training programmes Manual workout control MulTIGYM Squats • SKYlON 1 07643-600 DelTa Xl 07707-750 Bench press seated shock absorber shock absorber SKYlON 3 07654-650 KINeTIc F3 07715-600 Chest belt included User memory Individual pulse-controlled programmes TecHNIcal DeTaIlS SKYlON 5 07655-350 KINeTIc F5 07716-600 Butterfly backwards Weight blocks 150/51 • KINeTIc F7 07717-600 Butterfly forward eXeRcISe STaTIONS Timer MulTIGYMS TecHNIcal DeTaIlS TReaDMIllS 8 8 • • • 6 6 Training session log Training session log • • • • • • Magnet/ rpm-dependent Magnet/rpmdependent Magnet/rpmdependent Magnet/rpmdependent Magnet/ rpmdependent Magnet/ rpmdependent 22 kg 22 kg 20 kg 18 kg 22 kg 22 kg 22 kg 20 kg 20 kg 18 kg 14 kg 14 kg 12 kg 201/68/170 201/68/170 201/68/170 193/66/172 144/56/162 144/56/162 144/56/152 144/56/162 144/56/152 144/56/152 128/58/155 143/64/168 130/64/160 150 kg 150 kg 150 kg 130 kg 150 kg 150 kg 150 kg 150 kg 150 kg 150 kg 130 kg 130 kg 110 kg • • • • • • • • • • • • • 22 ENGLISCH.indd 22 13.08.13 17:09 eRGO S 07682-750 e7 07682-860 e5 07682-600 e3 07682-150 e1 07682-050 Re 7 07688-160 cOacH e 07975-160 cOacH M 07974-100 • • • • • • • • ear clip incl./chest belt optional ear clip incl./chest belt optional ear clip incl./chest belt optional ear clip incl./chest belt optional ear clip and chest belt incl. Chest belt incl. Chest belt incl. incl. chest belt • • • • • • • with app • • with app • • • • depending on aspiration 48 8 3 4 48 12 • • • • • • 1 (with app 6) 5 2 1 1 5 4 • • • • • • with app 4 + guest + UsB stick 4 + guest + UsB stick 4 + guest + UsB stick UsB/front UsB UsB/front UsB UsB/front UsB Induction/rpmindependent Induction/rpmindependent Induction/rpmindependent eRGOMeTeRS | ROWING MacHINeS Timer, distance covered per session, speed, energy consumption Pulse measurement TRaINING cOMPuTeR POLAR-compatible pulse receiver (5 kHz) integrated Upper pulse-rate limit (display in %, optical and acoustic warning signal) Total no. of training programmes Target zone training (FAT/FIT/ MANUAL) Pulse-controlled training programmes BMI • Count-up/count-down User memory PC interface TecHNIcal DeTaIlS Brake system/ exercise control TRaINING cOMPuTeR • • • 4 + guest + UsB stick UsB/front UsB Induction/rpmindependent Induction/rpmindependent Induction/speedMagnet/speed-dependent, dependent up to 500 watts 1-10 via a hand wheel Flywheel mass system (in kg) 10 kg 10 kg 8 kg 8 kg 6 kg 10 kg 6 kg 6 kg Dimensions when set up L/H (in cm) 115/54/125 115/54/125 115/54/125 115/54/125 115/54/125 171/56/123 206/53/67 206/53/67 130 kg 130 kg • • Horizontal seat adjustment • • • • • • 150 kg 150 kg 150 kg 150 kg 150 kg 150 kg Low step-in height • • • • • • TÜV-/GS-tested • • • • • • Maximum weight load eXeRcISe BIKeS | BIKe eXeRcISeRS Timer, distance covered per session, speed, energy consumption Pulse measurement Upper pulse-rate limit Average values at end of training session (in kg) GOlF P ecO 07663-660 GOlF P 07663-100 GOlF R 07688-600 • • • • • Hand pulse sensors incl./ ear clip and cardio pulse set optional Hand pulse sensors incl./ ear clip and chest belt optional Hand pulse sensors incl./ ear clip and cardio pulse set optional Hand pulse sensors incl./ ear clip and cardio pulse set optional • • • 8 8 • • Maximum weight load (in kg) Low step-in height TÜV-/GS-tested GIRO M 07630-000 GIRO R 07629-000 • Percentage display as well as optical and acoustic warning signal • • incl. Bluetooth chest belt With app with app 8 • RaceR S 07988-750 • Hand pulse Hand pulse sensors incl./ sensors incl./ ear clip and ear clip and cardio pulse cardio pulse set optional set optional Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage display as display as display as display as display as display as display as well as optical well as optical well as optical well as optical well as optical well as optical well as optical and acoustic and acoustic and acoustic and acoustic and acoustic and acoustic and acoustic warning warning warning warning warning warning signal warning signal signal signal signal signal signal 8 Horizontal seat adjustment Dimensions when set up L/W/H (in cm) Power supply GIRO P 07631-000 Hand pulse sensors incl./ ear clip and cardio pulse set optional • Flywheel mass system (in kg) Workout range POlO M 07664-000 • Target zone training (FAT/FIT/MANUAL) Brake system/ exercise control GOlF M 07661-600 Hand pulse sensors incl./ ear clip and cardio pulse set optional Total no. of training programmes Pulse-controlled training programmes Manual workout control TecHNIcal DeTaIlS Induction/rpmindependent • • 8 • depending on aspiration • RaceR 7 07938-150 RaceR 3 07639-600 RaceR 1 07639-700 • • • • 8 12 • • • 1 1 1 1 1 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • Magnet/rpmdependent Magnet/rpmdependent Magnet/rpmdependent Magnet/rpmdependent Magnet/rpmdependent Magnet/rpmdependent Magnet/rpmdependent Magnet/rpmdependent Induction/ rpm-independent Magnet/rpmdependent Magnet/rpmdependent Brake shoes/rpmdependent 7 kg 6 kg 8 kg 6 kg 8 kg 18 kg 18 kg 1-10 (manual) 1-16 (motorcontrolled) 95/54/137 9 kg 9 kg 10 kg 1-15 (motorcontrolled) 1-15 (motorcontrolled) 1-15 (motorcontrolled) 1-10 (manual) • • • • 110/53/135 110/53/135 171/56/123 110/53/135 98/53/130 Power connection (230 volts) Power connection (230 volts) Batteries Batteries 150 kg 180 kg 150 kg 150 kg 130 kg • • • • • • • • • • Generator 1-8 (manual) • Power connection (230 volts) 130 kg 90/54/137 Batteries 110 kg SPeeD 5 07639-200 ear clip/chest Hand pulse Hand pulse belt optional sensors incl./ sensors ear clip and incl./ear clip cardio pulse and cardio set optional pulse set optional Percentage Percentage Percentage display as display as display as well as optical well as optical well as and acoustic and acoustic optical and warning warning acoustic signal signal warning signal 1 (with app 6) 1 SPeeD 3 07639-100 25-1,000 watts 1-16 (motor- (rpm-inde- 1-16 (motorcontrolled) pendent up to controlled) 600 watts) 18 kg 18 kg 1-32 (motorcontrolled) Infinitely adjustable Brake shoes Brake shoes with emerg. with emerg. function/ function/ infinitely infinitely adjustable adjustable 14 kg 18 kg • • • • • • • 170/63/116 131/53/126 131/53/126 102/53/113 102/53/113 105/60/110 105/60/110 Power connection (230 volts) Power connection (230 volts) Power connection (230 volts) Generator Battery 130 kg 150 kg 150 kg 130 kg 130 kg 130 kg 130 kg • • • • • • • • • • 23 ENGLISCH.indd 23 13.08.13 17:09 Subject to technical changes, errors and colour variations in printing. ACCESSORIES Fitness mat 07351-000 AB roller 07361-100 Yoga mat 07351-100 Swing stick 07361-010 HEINZ KETTLER GmbH & Co. KG Postfach 1020 · 59463 Ense-Parsit · · ENGLISCH_Rueck_PARSIT_07595_648DE.indd 2 Balance board 07351-300 Balance step 07361-000 Kettle bell 07371-200 Chrome dumbbells 07371-050 Art.-Nr.: 07595-648DE 13.08.13 17:15
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