Evolusi Pertanian Menuju Keamanan Pangan
Evolusi Pertanian Menuju Keamanan Pangan
Pertanian dan Keamanan Pangan A TALE OF TWO MOVEMENTS Budi Widianarko Program Studi Teknologi Pangan Unika SOEGIJAPRANATA Round Table Discussion - Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Muria Kudus Sabtu, 27 September 2014 Pokok-pokok Bahasan 1. IMPOR BUAH - A TEASING IRONY 2. GERAKAN 1 - Sertifikasi Buah 3. TREN PANGAN ORGANIK 4. GERAKAN 2 – Pertanian Organik 5. RISIKO “PEMBAJAKAN” OLEH INDUSTRI INDONESIA Fruit Import a teasing IRONY TOTAL FRUIT IMPORT 2012 827,000 tons 2013 507,000 tons Source: Investor Daily 30 Dec. 2013 FRUIT IMPORT BY COUNTRY – 2013 COUNTRY AMOUNT (000 tons) China VALUE (mio. USD) 293.14 330.71 US 50.03 103.95 Thailand 62.35 75.40 Australia 22.14 46.03 Vietnam 12.36 17.60 Others 67.28 93.55 507.34 667.30 TOTAL Central Bureau of Statistics (2013) PRIVATE STANDARDS Fresh Fruit produced by local farmers NO STANDARD DOMESTIC MARKET (1) super/hypermarket, dedicated outlets DOMESTIC MARKET (2) traditional markets GLOBAL STANDARDS GLOBALmarket WHICH STANDARDS? Fresh Fruit produced by local farmers CONSUMER DOMESTIC MARKET (2) traditional markets PROTECTION NO STANDARDS * Food Safety Paradox * TBT Agreement 2 RISKS GERAKAN 1 – SERTIFIKASI BUAH Regional Food Safety Competence Authority [RFSCA = OKKPD] CENTRAL JAVA - RFSCA Established in 2009 An extension of Central Food Safety Competence Authority (CFSCA) The tasks: Certification and Labeling of fresh food products REGISTRATION for Fresh Food of Plant Origin REGISTRATION for Packaging House RECOMMENDATION for Export/Import Products PRIMA-3 & PRIMA-2 CERTIFICATION for fruits and vegetables PRIMA CERTIFICATION PRIMA-3 PRIMA-2 PRIMA-1 GAP Certification ISSUED BY CFSCA (OKKPP) CRITERIA - Safety - Quality - Environment - Social ISSUED BY RFSCA (OKKPD) CRITERIA - Safety & Quality ISSUED BY RFSCA (OKKPD) CRITERIA - Safety Prima 3 Certification in Central Java It’s still a government driven activity! In the future VOLUNTARY APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS GAP SOP Farm Registration Integrated Pest Control Field School EVALUATION OF APPLICATION ASSESSMENT SCHEDULING INSPECTOR APPOINTMENT NOTIFICATION TO APPLICANT FIELD OBSERVATION & SAMPLING SAMPLE MEASUREMENTS REPORTING 3 PRIMACertification FLOW CHART DESK EVALUATION BY TECHNICAL COMMISSION DECISION CERTIFICATE GRANTED List of Prima-3 Certificates YEAR NUMBER OF CERTIFICATE ISSUED FRUIT (NO. OF FARM) 2009 3 SNAKE FRUIT (1), MANGO (1), MELON (1) 2010 7 2011 7 2012 14 2013 8 SNAKE FRUIT (4), WATER MELON (1), MELON (1), ROSE APPLE (1) DRAGON FRUIT (1), MELON (1), BROCCOLI (1), LONGAN (1), TOMATO (1), POTATO (1), GUAVA (1) SNAKE FRUIT (8), POMELO (3), DRAGON FRUIT (1), CHILLI (2) CHILLI (3), PINEAPPLE (1), PAPAYA (1), SNAKEFRUIT (1), MELON (1), ONION (1) TOTAL 39 Prima-3 Certification only deals with SAFETY aspects IMPROVEMENT IS NEEDED ! The Need for Specific Descriptors LOCAL PRODUCT’S SIGNATURE PRODUCT’S ADDED VALUE Amendment of physico-chemical parameters into PRIMA-3 Standards THE APPROACH (Descriptive Statistics) distributional-based standards derivation (e.g. Normal Distribution) HOW TO DERIVE STANDARDS (1) Frequency Set-up a normal distribution based on values (data) of a physical or chemical parameter PREREQUISITE Data should meet normality assumption based on Saphiro-Wilk Test or Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test 8 6 4 2 Std. Dev = 2.57 Mean = 6.5 0 3. -1 .0 .0 12 - 12 .0 .0 11 11 .0 10 0.0 -1 0 9. .0 -9 0 8. 8.0 0 7. .0 -7 0 6. 6.0 0 5. 5.0 0 4. .0 -4 0 3. 3.0 0 2. .0 -2 N = 50.00 0 1. 0 MEASUREMENT VALUES Concentration of Cd (mg/kg fw) HOW TO DERIVE STANDARDS (2) Set the cut off points, i.e. the pth & (100-p)th percentiles of the distribution, e.g. 5th & 95th percentiles. The 5th percentile The 95th percentile Distribution of Concentrations of Cd VALUES HOW TO DERIVE STANDARDS (3) Set-up a new distribution based on the chosen cut-off points The 5th percentile Distribution of Concentrations of Cd The 95th percentile HOW TO DERIVE STANDARDS (4) The range value (X1 to X2) of the new distribution can be proposed as new standards, provided the coefficient of variation is small (e.g. less than 10%). X1 Lower limit X2 Upper limit Distribution of Concentrations of Cd EXAMPLE: PRIMA-3 Certified SNAKE FRUIT “Ngudi Cukup” Farmers Group Kamongan Village, Magelang (Danielli, 2014) Original Distribution New Distribution Cut-Off Points 5th & 95th percentiles NEW VALUES AMENDED INTO PRIMA-3 STANDARDS FOR ‘NGUDI CUKUP” SNAKE FRUIT Danielli (2014) Cut-Off 1 = 5th & 95th percentiles Cut-Off 2 = 10th & 90th percentiles TREN PANGAN ORGANIK Lord Northbourne (UK) “organic farming” KONSEP • “the farm as organism” • “organic farming” sebagai lawan “chemical farming” INSPIRASI: European and Asian models of traditional farming Codex Alimentarius Commission (1999) Organic agriculture is a holistic production management system which promotes and enhances agroecosystem health, including biodiversity, biological cycles, and soil biological activity. It emphasizes the use of management practices in preference to the use of off-farm inputs,...as opposed to using synthetic materials....The primary goal is to optimize the health and productivity of interdependent communities of soil life, plants, animals and people...the systems are based on specific and precise standards of production which aim at achieving optimal agroecosystems which are socially, ecologically and economically sustainable. ORGANIC FOOD is food that has been produced in a special way: organically. Blair (2012) TREN MENINGKAT di seluruh dunia GERAKAN 2 – Pertanian Organik Cita-cita Go Organik 2010 “Indonesia sebagai salah satu produsen pangan organik utama dunia” ‘Go Organik 2010’ Departemen Pertanian RI ■ Tahun 2001 - sosialisasi ■ Tahun 2002 - sosialisasi dan pembentukan regulasi ■ Tahun 2003 - pembentukan regulasi dan bantuan teknis ■ Tahun 2004 - bantuan teknis dan sertifikasi ■ Tahun 2005 - sertifikasi dan promosi pasar ■ Tahun 2006 – 2010 - kondisi industrialisasi dan perdagangan Cita-cita Go Organik 2010 “Indonesia sebagai salah satu produsen pangan organik utama dunia” THREE CONCERNS (1) Safety (2) Nutritional quality (3) Environmental issues (PERCEPTIONAL) Gill Seyfang (2006): Journal of Rural Studies 22: 383–395 “..Purchasers of organic foods believe that these products are superior to conventional foods in terms of quality and safety…. What is not clear: the extent to which these consumer perceptions are correct”. Katrin Zander, Hanna Stolz & Ulrich Hamm (2013). Appetite 62: 133–142 Katrin Zander, Hanna Stolz & Ulrich Hamm (2013). Appetite 62: 133–142 NEW ZEALAND (Blair, 2012) RISIKO PEMBAJAKAN OLEH INDUSTRI Pertanian & Pangan Organik di Indonesia • umumnya masih skala kecil • petani/kelompok tani berdaulat • masih dianggap sebagai produk “eksotik” • baru mulai meng-”industri” GERAKAN DI JAWA TENGAH • 2009 – 2013: 35 SERTIFIKAT a. Sertifikat Organik Nasional 33 titik - Tanaman pangan 19 - Hortikultura 14 46 b. Sertifikat Organik Internasional - Tan Pangan 1 Asosiasi - Hortikultura 1 Gapoktan C. Pada tahun 2014 dalam proses sertifikasi 6 Gapoktan - Tan Pangan 2 gapoktan - Hortikultura 4 gapoktan 47 • Untuk pasar luar negeri komoditas sayuran organik adalah Singapura, Malaysia (Komonitas Petani Sayuran Organik Merbabu). • Sedangkan komoditas beras pasar luar negeri sudah diekspor bulan Mei 2013 ke Belgia dan Jerman pada periode selanjutnya (Beras Organik Boyolali/Appo;i) 48 BERAS ORGANIK – Al Barokah Desa Ketapang, Kec. Susukan, Kab. Semarang 50 RISIKO INDUSTRIALISASI • pemain besar akan lebih berperan • kedaulatan petani/kelompok tani terancam • produk massal HANYA MENGULANG “REVOLUSI HIJAU”? History repeats itself? BIG ORGANIC ..The organic movement, as it was once called, has come to a remarkably long way in the last thirty years, to the point where it now looks considerably less like a movement than a big business. 2006 ..That’s because WHOLE FOOD in recent years has adopted the grocery industry’s standard regional distribution system, which make supporting small farms impractical… TERIMA KASIH