The Real Estate Stop
The Real Estate Stop
May 13, 2010 • Issue 747 • $1.00 Serving St. Joseph Island since 1995 “Your Island Newspaper” Visit us online at email: [email protected] Tel: 705-246-1635 Fax: 705-246-7060 Fighting Fires in Richards Landing! VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTERS from St. Joseph and Jocelyn Townships converged on the Cornfest Grounds in Richards Landing on Saturday, to deal with several propane fires. Thankfully, it wasn’t an emergency response and local residents were in no danger. The firefighters had come from a classroom, ready to hone their skills in handling dangerous propane fires. Saturday’s ‘live fire’ exercises were part of a 3 day weekend program arranged by St. Joseph Township Fire Chief Cory Furlong, and put on by instructors from the Municipal Health & Safety Association’s Emergency Services division. The program consisted of classroom and field exercises, aimed at improving the firefighters’ knowledge and abilities for meeting the special challenges of handling propane fires. “The real danger of propane fires is that propane is stored in a pressure vessel.” says Chief Furlong. “Though there are many built-in safety features of these tanks and cylinders, there is always the possibility of one failing. A single 20 pound propane cylinder, should it fail and explode, has the potential of levelling a residence or garage. This causes great concern for responding firefighters being caught in an explosion or being hit by flying shrapnel.” The Real Estate Stop Continued on page 2 David Nelson Sales Representative “Your Island Realtor” 949-7867 • 246-2757 FIGHTING FIRES...continued from page 1 MUNICIPAL ELECTION 2010 NOTICE OF NOMINATION If you plan to seek office in the 2010 Municipal Election for the below mentioned Council you must file a nomination form with the Clerk before you spend or raise any money for campaign activities. Nominations may be made by completing and filing in the office of the Clerk, nominations on the prescribed form and accompanied by the prescribed nomination filing fee of $200.00 for the Head of Council and $100.00 for all other offices. The filing fee is payable by cash, certified cheque or money order. Nomination forms are available at the Municipal Offices during regular office hours. A nomination must be signed by the candidate and may be filed in person or by an agent during regular business hours between January 4, 2010 and September 10, 2010. Deadline for nominations is 2:00 p.m. on September 10, 2010 (Nomination Day). All completed and filed forms are public documents. The positions available in each of the municipalities listed below are as follows: Head of Council 1 Councillors 4 Qualifications – A candidate must be: 1. A resident of the municipality, or a non-resident owner or tenant of land in the municipality, or a spouse or same sex partner of such non-resident 2. A Canadian citizen 3. At least 18 years of age; and 4. Not disqualified by any legislation from holding office. The MHSA is a key part of Ontario’s new Health & Safety Association for Government Services, which was created on January 1, 2010 by the amalgamation of the Education Safety Association of Ontario, the Municipal Health & Safety Association and the Ontario Safety Association for Community & Healthcare. Its instructors are veteran firefighters themselves, who travel throughout the province, assisting local fire departments in developing specialized firefighting and safety techniques. On average, they provide the propane training 10 times a year, as well as other important courses in specialized skills such as trench rescue and fighting silo fires. St. Joseph Fire Chief Cory Furlong and Jocelyn Fire Chief Dave Belsito plan to spread the training to all of their firefighters. “Since we’re small, volunteer forces, the cost of enrolling everyone in this training would be prohibitive.” said Chief Furlong. “After attending this course, our guys will pass on In the event there are an insufficient number of certified candidates to fill all positions available, nominations will be reopened for the vacant positions only on Wednesday, September 15, 2010 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. and such additional nominations, if required, may be filed in the respective offices. THE MUNICIPAL ELECTION WILL BE HELD ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2010 Gloria Fischer, Clerk Village of Hilton Beach Valerie Obarymskyj, Clerk Township of Hilton Carol Trainor, Clerk/Administrator Township of St. Joseph Janet Boucher, Clerk Township of Jocelyn Page 2 their new knowledge and skills to everyone else in our departments.” He also offers very important advice to residents. “As Fire Chief, I cannot stress enough the importance of proper storage of propane cylinders. They should be kept in a dry, wellventilated area when not in use, and kept away from any sources of heat or spark. Always have current, valid cylinders. Every cylinder is to have a new valve installed every ten years, to ensure that the relief value is working properly. A faulty relief valve in a fire situation could make a bad situation worst!” Although 12 hundred-pound cylinders of propane were consumed in Saturday’s training, there WAS one propane fire that they DIDN’T put out - Bill Pateman’s barbeque, upon which he was cooking delicious hamburgers and sausages, to serve as lunch for the hard-worked volunteers. THE TREFRY CENTRE SENIORS & DISABLED Persons PROGRAMS Serving the needs of the Citizens on the North Shore & St. Joseph Island • Meals on Wheels • Transportation • Adult Day Out • Home Maintenance For more information call 705-246-0036 email: [email protected] Debbie’s Hair Hut 1615 20th Side Road, St Joseph Island 246-0457 A f u l l s e r v i c e f a m i l y s a l o n o f f e r in g o n l y t h e f i n e s t h a i r p r o d u c ts . Debbie Campbell - Owner ADANAC WATER • IRON FILTERS • SOFTNERS Rod Wessell and Son • Septics • Road Building • Lot Clearing Call 246-2811 Days or evenings and weekends KENT’S COR 246-1234 N Monday to Thursday 6 am to 8 pm E Fridays 6 am to 9 pm Saturday 8 am to 8 pm R Sunday 8 am to 7 pm S VISA/MC/Debit/ATM OPEN NOW! • ULTRA VIOLET NON CHEMICAL H2S ODOR REMOVAL SALES /SERVICE SERVICE ALL BRANDS STEVON HILL 705-542-8973 Email: [email protected] Spring Hours: 10-5 Thursday to Monday at the Waterfront Centre lower level in Hilton Beach 246-7202 KENTVALE The Helpful Place Sales&&Service Service Sales 712 Line Road 712 KKLine Road Richards Landing You must see this 122 year old General Store (705) 246-2002 246-2002 Published weekly by Heather & Brian Fox HOW TO REACH US: By email: [email protected] By phone: 246-1635 • By fax: 246-7060 By mail: The Island Clippings, 5285 5th Side Road, R. R. 1, Hilton Beach, Ontario P0R 1G0. Or simply use one of the Island Clippings boxes conveniently located at Ambeault’s, Kent’s Corners or the Hilton Beach Post Office. Off-Island Subscription Rates: $65. per year plus tax. The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damage arising from errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid for the space actually occupied by that portion of the ad in which the error occured. There shall be no liability for non-insertion of any ad. Cost for ads may be adjusted from time to time due to price increases of postage, paper and ink. Ads cannot be copied. The editor reserves the right to edit, revise, classify or reject an ad. Articles submitted do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editor. David R. Porter, CMA Call: 2 4 6 - 0 9 3 1 O W N E R / O P E R AT O R : A l M c B a n e Call Denise 542-9215 MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING & C O N S U LT I N G S E R V I C E S Waterfront Centre, Hilton Beach, Ontario P0R 1G0 for all your accounting needs Household Cleaning Beginning and End of Season Cleaning Personal • Business • Farm & Corporations Bookeeping • Financial Statements • Business Plans Income Taxes (E-file) “U HAVE IT MAID WITH US” FREE ESTIMATES Phone/Fax (705) 246-3153 Res. (705) 246-3460 Environmentally Friendly Products EMAIL: [email protected] 1611 P Line, St. Joe Island (at 10th) Covering all your glass and renovation requirements ... • Residential • Commercial • Automotive New Windows, Doors & Siding, Glass Repairs Thermal Units, Mirrors etc. 246-1999 Page 3 Cell: 945-1999 PHYSIO AND FITNESS take control of your health No Referral Required 971-4620 Linda Hyndman, Registered Physiotherapist BridgeLink Medical Centre [email protected] Back In The Water! BOAT OWNERS HAVE BEEN WAITING for months, and feverishly preparing for weeks, with everything coming down to this one day – the start of this year’s boating season! When Saturday finally arrived, even the cold and blustery weather couldn’t deter the throngs of boaters, workers, assistants, admirers and onlookers from the spring boat launchings at the Hilton Beach Marina. As usual, they put on quite a show! It was like an intricate ballet. The organization was superb, with swarms of workers, in perfect synchronization with their counterparts on other tasks. One crew was preparing the boats, another was helping with the actual lifting of each vessel over to the water, while another steadied and released the newly-launched craft, while still another team ferried the boats to their slips – all at the same time and without getting in each other’s way. As usual, they put on quite a show! It was like an intricate ballet. Page 4 OUR ADVERTISERS DESERVE YOUR BUSINESS! They keep our local economy healthy and make publishing the Island Clippings possible! HAZARD TREE REMOVAL • Professional • Certified • Trained • Experienced • Local Call Matt at (705) 542-9951 I Fresh Bread Baked Daily Special Order Cakes Dessert Trays Pastries Hot Lunches Light Meal Menu Pizza & Wings Soup & Sandwiches D A N S L OPEN 7 AM TO 8 PM DAILY 7 DAYS A WEEK • 246-0282 Advertising in the Island Clippings works! Ship Shape Nautical House Cleaning Interior Cleaning Green Products Reasonable Rates Phone: 705-246-7066 Although there might have been the occasional close call due to wind gusts catching the boats, there were no ‘casualties’ or ‘unplanned swims’ arising from the day’s activities. It was sheer springtime poetry in motion, even if it WAS snowing at the time! Mrs. Mac’s 246-0123 Mon - Saturday - 11 am - 8 pm Sunday - Closed Tastes like Home But it’s Mrs. Mac’s Page 5 Wessell Firewood Processed Hardwood Firewood 246-0334 Delivery Available Any Questions Regarding Services Please Call Kevin or Katie ISLAND TOUCH THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE Andrea Young, RMT 246-1433 Gift Certificates Day and evening appointments available BridgeLink Medical Centre Richards Landing Ka r e n ’s Dr e am Hilto n Beach at the Waterfront Centre Gifts, greeting cards, gift wrap, jewellery, used books and souvenirs. Kodak photo kiosk! 10 to 5, Wednesday - Saturday 246-7700 Reflexology Registered Canadian Reflexology Therapist Dinah Horner Certified Foot Reflexologist Call 246-3860 or 246-1433 Island Touch Therapeutic Massage BridgeLink Medical Centre COMPUTER • Repairs • Tune-up • Virus removal • Set-up • Training • Wired and Wireless Networks CALL GEORGE 246-2112 PEST MANAGEMENT INC. Serving the North Shore and Sault Ste. Marie Government M.O.E.E. Licensed Locally owned and operated AL MCBANE, PRESIDENT 1-705-759-0282 • 1-888-670-BUGS (2847) Email: [email protected] RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL Sugar Bush Thinning Workshop The Power of Spring! The Power of Spring! The Power of Spring! The Power of Spring! • 60% reduced emissions • 20% reduced fuel consumption • 60% reduced emissions • 19% more power when you need it • 20% reduced fuel consumption • 19% more power when you need it The Power of Spring! • 60% reduced emissions • 20% reduced fuel consumption • 19% more power when you need it (all welcome to attend!) HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED why careful thinning of your sugar bush or • 60% reduced emissions hardwood• forest 20% reduced fuel consumption • 19% more power when you need it is so important? On Saturday May 15th at 9 am, Gilbertson’s Pancake House is the place to be to learn how to improve your bush and increase • 60% reduced emissions your sap yield. Youfuelwill learn how the careful removal of poor • 20% reduced consumption • 19%will more power when youthe need ithealth of your forest. Thinning quality trees improve will provide more space around your best quality trees and promote increased growth. The Power of Spring! • 60% reduced emissions • 20% reduced fuel consumption • 19% more power when you need it 34.4cm3/16” Husqvarna 235 Husqvarna 240e Husqvarna 440e Husqvarna 455 Rancher Husqvarna 460 Saturday May 15th The Power of Spring! 3 MRSP 299.99$ 40.0cm /16” MRSP 379.99$ 40.0cm3/16” MRSP 439.99$ 3 MRSP 499.99$ 3 MRSP 669.99$ 55.0cm /18” 60.0cm /18” $249.99 $299.99 $399.99 $449.99 $549.99 You will see some of the many different kinds of diseases found in a maple bush and learn to identify the difference between a poor vs. a good quality tree. This event is organized by the Algoma Maple Syrup Producers Association and everyone is welcome to attend! For more information contact Laurie Thompson at 246-2753. Jammin’ at the Legion Professionally proven outdoor power equipment. SATURDAY’S JAM SESSION in the Legion Lounge was a hit deluxeout to share some tunes with the local musiciansFREE who came box with each other. SoX-TORQ too with saw the appreciative lounge customers, who watched and listened to a wide assortment of mostly country songs, provided by 4 guitarists, 3 fiddlers, standup bass and saxophone virtuosos and even a drummer! FREE deluxe FREEsaw deluxe X-TORQ box X-TORQ saw box FREE deluxe X-TORQ saw box FREE deluxe X-TORQ saw box + + = = If you missed out, don’t worry. We’re doing it again this Saturday, May 15th, starting at 4 pm. Everyone is welcome (acoustic instruments only, please) and rumour has it that these Jams will become a regular feature at15th, the2010 Legion! Offer available until July + Offer available until July 15th, 2010 available until July 15th, OfferOffer available until July2010 15th, 2010 + + = FREE deluxe X-TORQ saw box = = Offer available until July 15th, 2010 Offer available until July 15th, 2010 + KENTVALE The Helpful Place (705) 246-2002 (705) 246-2002 Sales Sales&&Service Service 712 712KKLine LineRoad Road Richards Landing Richards Offer available until July 15th, 2010 Page 6 = RECIPE CORNER TOWNSHIP OF ST. JOSEPH PUBLIC NOTICE John Ambeault’s Pasta Carbonara Notice of Intent to pass the 2010 Municipal Budget for the Corporation of The Township of St. Joseph. 1/2 bag cooked penne noodles 1 green pepper, diced 1 red pepper, diced 1 large onion, diced in large chunks 1 lb. cut up cooked bacon 4 eggs 1 C. Parmesan cheese TAKE NOTICE THAT, pursuant to the Municipal Act, 2001, before adopting all or part of a budget or amending such budget, a municipality shall give public notice of its intention to adopt or amend the budget at the Council Meeting specified in the notice. Red pepper flakes (chili peppers), adjust amount according to your taste for heat Saute peppers and onion in large wok or deep frying pan with pepper flakes until done to your likeness. Add bacon and penne noodles to same pan. In a bowl, stir together parmesan cheese and eggs until eggs are well beaten. Add to noodle mixture along with more red pepper flakes and stir well. THEREFORE the Council of the Township of St. Joseph gives notice that the 2010 Municipal Budget is scheduled for adoption at the regularly scheduled Council meeting on: Wednesday, May 19, 2010 Township Municipal Office 1669 Arthur Street Richards Landing, Ontario The meeting begins at 7:00 p.m. The draft budget may be viewed at the office at the same address. Dated this Sixth day of May, 2010. Carol O. Trainor, A.M.C.T., Clerk-Administrator Cover and simmer for approximately 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. The Township of St. Joseph This and other delicious recipes can be found in the Northern Credit Union cookbook available at the Richards Landing branch for $10.00. Proceeds to Habitat for Humanity. A family went to a hospital, where one of their relatives was having a brain transplant. One of the relatives asked, “What will the cost of a new brain be?” The doctor replied, “A female brain costs $25,000 and a male brain costs $50,000.” The men smirked, but one of the females asked, “Why is that, doctor?” “Well,” the doctor replied, “the female brain is less because it has been used.” Kubota BX and B Series Save $200 Kubota BX and B Series on any Kubota mid mount mower and $250 on a loader*. Maximize your tractor versatility Kubota BX and B Series with Kubota’s performance (except TLB’s) BX BX and B and Series and B Series BX BBSeries BX and Series Save $200 Save $200 Save $200 Save $200 $250 $250 $250$200 Save $250 *Offers expire May 31st, 2010. See your dealer for details. MacKay’s Island Pharmacy (9:30 am to 5 pm Mon-Fri) Convenient Drop-off at Hospital for after hour and/or Weekend Pickup BX & B Series Financing 0% for 30 matched implements. Maximize your tractor months OAC or Cash Discount* on any mid mount on Kubota any Kubota mid mid mount mower BX and Bmower Series versatility on any Kubota mount mower B& Series BX B& Series BX B with SeriesKubota’s on any Kubota mid mount mower BX & BX & B Series performance matched Financing Financing Financing and and and on a on loader*. aon loader*. a loader*. Financing and on a loader*. implements. (except TLB’s) (except TLB’s) (except TLB’s) on any Kubota mid mount mower (except TLB’s) months OACmonths orOAC or months OAC or and $250 on a loader*. B3200HSD (except TLB’s) B3200HSD B3200HSD B3200HSD B3200HSD 0% for 30 0% for 30 0% for 3030 0% for Cash Discount* months OAC or Cash Discount* Cash Discount* Cash Discount* BX & B Series B3030 BX2660 Financing 0% for 30 *Offers expire May 31st, 2010. See your dealer for details. We can provide ALL your pharmacy needs With fuel prices soaring, give us a try; You won’t be disappointed Maximize your tractor versatility with Kubota’s performance matched implements. BX and B Series months OAC or Cash Discount* B3030B3030B3030 B3030 BX2660 BX2660 BX2660 BX2660 30 Calabogie Road, Echo Bay Messaging Service for Ordering & Call Back BridgeLink Medical Centre, Richards Landing Bring in or show us this ad and receive 10% off sunglasses and certified products B3200HSD 246-0650 “We go the extra mile for you” Page 7 (705) 248-2208 B3030 BX2660 Fax 248-3170 email: [email protected] 3125 Third St. Hilton Beach St. Joseph Island. Across from beach and beautiful full service marina. 3 Bedroom home with large living room with vaulted ceilings and large gas fireplace. Beautifully landscaped double lot. Attached double garage with built-in storage. Master suite has ensuite. Shows like new. $379,900.00 3173 Haight Rd. St. Joseph Island 1744 Lewellyn St. St. Joseph Island Located on sheltered in land lake, open concept 3 bedroom bungalow with vaulted cedar ceilings. Many updates including newer windows, roof and siding. Master bedroom and dining room have patio doors to large deck. Useable waterfront with dock. Only minutes from bridge. $184,500 Located in Richards Landing with town water and sewer. This panabode log home features walkout basement with in law suite or large recroom and 4th bedroom and second bath. Large yard with garden and shed. Views of the water when leaves are off the trees. $119,900 2972 Soo Mill Rd. St. Joseph Island 1216 Gore St. Richards Landing Close to beach and marina. This four year old, 3 bedroom bungalow has over 1430 sq ft with open concept living/dining/kitchen. In floor heating plus wood stove, huge master, walk in closet and ensuite, with garden doors to hot tub. $269,900.00 Waterfront close to Hilton Beach & marina. 3 bedroom bungalow features newer metal roof, most windows, siding, kitchen, some flooring, oversized garage with lots of storage. Wrap around deck. Cleared area at shoreline. Usable waterfront. Shared drilled well. $179,900 1277 Richards St. St. Joseph Island Two bedroom bungalow, with some newer windows. One block from beach or marina. Great as a summer getaway or year round home. Town water and sewer. Close to school, hospital and shopping. $49,900.00 3810 A Line Road, St. Joseph Island 763 Lakeview Rd. Echo Bay Cedar chalet features 3 bedrooms up and 1 on main. Main floor laundry room, oak hardwood floors, fully finished basement, 2 full baths. Oversized 2 car garage has heated office and finished playhouse. Several out buildings on this 10 acre lot include maple syrup shack with all you need to make syrup. $289,900.00 Quiet country living only 25 min from SSM. Open concept home with newer kitchen, patio doors off dinette and garden doors off dining room. Large living room addition with vaulted ceilings and hardwod floors. Full basement, Large garage or shop with attached room for home based business. $239,900 3104 Mark St., Hilton Beach Only 1/2 a block to beach and marina. This 3 bedroom home has tons of character with original woodwork. Hardwood floors, huge 3 season porch, newer wiring and plumbing. Town water and sewer. 647b Lakeshore Dr. Desbarats $109,900.00 Usable waterfront in this 2 bedroom home. Open concept, vaulted ceilings, beautifully landscaped yard with garden shed, woodshed, single garage, newer roof and heat trace cable. Newer Kitchen. Park your boat at the dock, sheltered on both sides. $234,900.00 NEW LISTING 1163 Adcock Dr. St. Joseph Island 474A Pine Island Rd. Desbarats This 3 bedroom home features newer flooring, fresh paint, new counter tops, 2 baths, sun room with large screened room and hot tub area. High vaulted ceilings with skylight. Large wrap around deck, usable waterfront. Sand beach with boat slip & guest house. property. $289,900 Lot 28-22 Anjigami Lake 135 Lakeshore Dr. Desbarats Beautiful views of Lake Anjigami from this log cottage. Large lake with great fishing and hunting. (Dist 34+35) Good road in or take the railway and get dropped off. Property is over an acre. Land is leased but loads of value in the log cottage. Propane lights & stove. $67,000 Waterfront overlooking Brown's Island. Newer roof, oak kitchen, updated gas furnace and central air. Large garage insulated and heated. Large loft area above for future development. New garden shed and gazebo at shore. $269,900.00 Lot 1 White Rd. Echo Bay Excellent hunting or recreational property. Stream running through, small ponds, apple orchard, cozy cabin has been fixed up. Newer 34x38 garage and an old barn. Mixture of hard and softwood. 288 Lane 12, Rock Lake 2032 Canoe Point Road Lot 3 Peter Lake, Echo Bay Spectacular views from this 3 bedroom cottage on Rock Lake. Newer wood stove. front & back decks, good waterfront with good swimming & fishing. Year round access. Storage shed. Take Hwy 638 north to Centre Line Rd and left on Finlyson Rd to Lane 12. $169,900 St. Joseph Island - Scenic views from this open concept 4 bedroom 3 bathroom home on Gawas Bay. Master with ensuite, main flr laundry. Two car detached garage with bunkie, woodworking shop and art studio. Sandy beach, big dock, minutes from Hilton Beach. $499,900.00 160.50 acres of privacy with hundreds of acres of crown land around. Several roads/trails, large pond with creek that runs through the property. Just north of Echo Bay off Hwy 638. Great hunting and fishing. Several island lakes close by. Comes with treated logs to build log cottage. $99,900 $159,900 Breathtaking Landscaping surrounds this beautiful cedar 3 bedroom home on the water. Good sized guest house or shop has water and electricity. Beautiful hardwood floors, large master suite with two sided fireplace, very open concept. $279,000.00 158 End Side Rd. Echo Bay Absolutely breathtaking views from this 2 bedroom log sided home on 79.5 acres. Open concept with newer family room addition, finished in pine with vaulted ceilings. Full basement has been roughed in for second bathroom, hot tub, newer energy efficient forced air furnace. Newer 60x40 timber framed barn. $279,900 3419 Hamilton Bay Rd. St. Joseph Island 80 acres of field and bush features 2 bed log home with full walkout basmt, several out buildings, with separate corrals, beaver pond with creek running through property. Great for horses, or hunt camp. $139,900.00 971 Diamond Lake Rd. Echo Bay Over 400 feet of shoreline on Diamond Lake. 2 Bedroom home has newer roof, furnace, septic, hardwood floors, updated windows, drilled well, boathouse with guest bunkie and sauna. Workshop and shed. Dock at shoreline. Stone gas fireplace. Year round road. Half log siding. $249,900.00 115 Lakeshore Dr. Desbarats Only 25 min from SSM to this updated home or cottage with sheltered waterfront and a beautiful view of Browns Island. With a 12 x 16 guest house, new 200 amp service, patio doors to deck & year round road. $149,900 NEW LISTING Private country setting with over 4 acres only 30 minutes to Sault Ste. Marie. 3 bedroom bungalow, full finished basement, 4th bedroom, almost finished 5th bedroom or office. Newer windows, counter-tops, bathroom, fresh paint & newer 3 car garage. Large shed plus other out buildings. $259,900 3079 Hilton Rd. Hilton Beach Lot 44 Mamainse Lake, Batchewana Bay Excellent retirement or summer home. Large marina and beach mins. away. Newer kitchen, baths, furnace plus wood stove insert. Formal dining room and hardwood floors. Main floor master as a family room with garden doors to deck. Large yard. $119,900.00 Extremely private 246 acres of mixed hardwood with about 3000’ of shoreline on Mamainse Lake. It is the only privately owned piece on the Lake. Lake is 100’ deep in spots. Good trout fishing. 45 min north of Sault Ste. Marie. $349,900 Lots NEW LISTING 286 Hardwood Dr. Desbarats 1960 Shore Rd. St. Joseph Island 200 feet of shoreline. On paved year round road, nice sand beach, newer septic system, shed and guest bunkie. Cottage has character with large covered porch. Newer electrical panel. Faces west for beautiful sunsets. Half log exterior. $167,500 561 Highway 17 N. Sault Ste. Marie 104 acres, over 2300 ft on Hwy 17 N. 3 bedroom home, newer windows, newer kitchen, large living dining room with stone fireplace. Main floor bedroom, full basement & double attached garage. Backs on crown land. Creek and pond on property. Excellent commercial possibilities. $329,900 Lot 9 Island View Drive, 2 Acres $24,900 Lot 2 Island View Drive, 1.17 Acres $59,900 Lot 3 Island View Drive, 1.14 Acres $59,900 Lot 7 Conc. 13 Base Line, 100 Acres, $84,900 Lot 58 Government Rd., 132’ frontage $11,900 Lots 131 - 136 Walnut St. Hilton Beach, 3 Acres $39,900 Hwy. 548 Lot 20 Conc. E, 82 x 115’ possible commercial $19,900 25 Ellwood Blvd. & 5483 Ellwood Blvd., 200’ frontage $139,900 27 Ellwood Blvd. 130’ frontage $69,900 33 Ellwood Blvd. 123’ frontage $54,900 To view virtual tours of these properties and many many more visit Commercial/Investment Property 1203 Gore St. St. Joseph Island 1195 Richard St. St. Joseph Island Downtown Richards Landing. Commercial building for lease or sale. Take over icecream business or start a new one. Upstairs could be 2 bed apartment or office space.Newer deck and windows, close to marina and beach. $139,900 or $ 600 a month plus utilities for main floor. 1202 Gore St. Richards Landing Excellent location! Downtown Richards Landing on St. Joseph Island. Well established restaurant, comes with house behind. Close to Beach and Marina. $159,900.00 Prime location downtown Richards Landing. Extensively updated building all wiring and 200 amp panel, windows, refinished hwd. flrs. Main room is approx. 1032 sq. ft. with 11 ft. ceilings. Large deck at front with wheelchair access, office area and workspace off the main room. Parking out front plus out back. $169,900.00 1216 Gore St. Richards Landing $900/week 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, satellite tv, high speed internet, centrally located close to beach and marina. 348 abc Puddingstone Rd. Desbarats $1000/week Over 260 acres of bush, field, gardens, creek and pond. Over 2000 sq ft home with large games room, wet bar and patio doors to wrap around deck. Log cabin over looking pond. 5268 Wierzbicki Drive $1000/week or $180/Night Walk for miles down a beautiful sandy beach or cuddle up in this 3 bedroom cottage with all the comforts of home. Full kitchen with dishwasher, satellite tv and sun room. 3080 Hilton Rd. St. Joseph Island St. Joseph Island. Well established business. High traffic location on Hwy. 548. Hilton General Store has LCBO Outlet, Lotto. Deli coolers and meat counter, 2nd storey undeveloped – used for storage. 3 bedroom home attached to store for owner-occupied business – currently rented. $249,900.00 1462 Sailor's Encampment, $600/week Beautiful view of the shipping channel, access to dock with fishing boat and canoe, sleeps four. 1709 Russell St. $1100/week or $200/night So much to do not far to go. Privately placed cottage in the heart of Richards Landing. Sand beach, dock for large boats. Great for business retreat or just a weekend away from the city. 137 & 141 Tancred St. SSM Historic brownstone townhouse, with attached duplex, 7-8 bedrooms, updated plumbing and electrical, newer windows and roof, convenient downtown location. Sold separately 137 - $119,900 141 - $179,900 1615 20th Side Rd.$600/ WEEK Hunters welcome! 98 acres of field and bush, beautiful hardwood ridge with road to back of property. Apple orchard with fields. 2032 Canoe Point Rd.$1500/wk Scenic views of Gawas Bay make this 4 bdrm, 3 bathrm open concept home ideal for a summer getaway. Sand beach,big dock, minutes from boat launch. Available year round. Perfect Island Waterfront! Island Music Scene The Wild Turkeys Are Coming Back to St. Joe! Saturday night at the Legion! WELL HOWDY FOLKS! Sheldon here from The Wild There's nothing quite like the smell of lake air from your back deck or the gentle sound of waves to lull you to sleep. An ambiance of quiet contentment encompasses this absolutely unique 3BR lakefront home. Sun filled country sized kitchen opens unto large rear deck with panoramic views of the lake and outer islands. Partially finished full basement for extra living space and storage. Large garage for ATV, boat and car storage. Unexcelled for weekends or weeks on end, a rare offering at $274,900. Turkeys, with an Island Clippings update on what our band has been up to lately. First off, the rumours are true …. we DO have a new band mate. Our dear Sheriff and fiddle player, Byron, has pulled up stakes and moved to Toronto. We all wish him well there. Our new hot guitar picker in this outfit is none other than Mr. Jamie Case, or Chip as we call him. I now play the fiddle and we all still hitch up and ride out those same great tunes as before. Luxury Island Living ! 8 year old year round beauty with full 9’ basement ceilings, in-law suite with private screened-in porch and wheelchair accessible bath and separate bunkie. Space galore for the entire family. Open concept living with views of the north channel from both levels. Lovely decor, hardwood flooring and main floor laundry. Double detached garage with loft. $469,000. Call Debbie Dunn Sales Representative for more details. Some other great news that I’m sure you folks would love to hear is that the Turkeys will be playing alongside the great country musical acts Brooks and Dunn, Miss Kelly Pickler, Corb Lund, Zack Brown, Teri Clark, the D. Rangers, and a host of others, at this year’s Dauphin Manitoba Country Festival. All right! And here’s an up and coming LOCAL show, just for you! You folks treated us so well last time, we’re coming back for more of that St. Joe hospitality! That’s right! The Wild Turkeys will be performing live at the Royal Canadian Legion Hall on St. Joseph s Island, this Saturday, May 15th. The show starts at 8 pm. Tickets are $10 in advance and $12 at the door. Children 12 and under are free. This is an all ages, licenced show. So come on out and say howdy, and let’s have some fun! You can get tickets at Ambeault’s, Kent’s Corners or by calling Jim at 246-1120 Carl Thomas Broker of Record 705-246-8585 [email protected] “Specializing in out of area Buyers!” Butkovich & Associates Office: 705-942-6000 Helping buyers and sellers for over 25 years with practical experience in farm properties, commercial, residential, rural and waterfront. Page 10 PC Doctor by George Skardis QUESTION: My computer’s desktop is getting very crowded with icons. Will I cause damage by deleting some of these items? ANSWER: You should be in no danger if you delete only shortcut icons. In computer terms, icons marked with a small white square and interior arrow are referred to as shortcuts, a quick way to start a favourite program. If you are in front of your computer, take a moment to count how many shortcut icons appear on your computer’s Desktop. My workshop computer has 29 shortcuts on the Desktop. Yes, it would appear that old-fashioned house-keeping is required closer to home. Whenever you install a new program on your computer, there is a very good possibility that at least one shortcut icon will be created on the Desktop. Computer software manufacturers like to give their products plenty of visibility at your expense. Some installations sprinkle multiple shortcuts on your desktop without offering any choice. Over a period of time this results in a cluttered and busy computer Desktop. $1849.00 Now is the time to remove infrequently-used and unknown shortcut icons. Right click on any unneeded shortcut, then, left click DELETE. There is no danger that removing a Desktop shortcut will remove the actual program. Any shortcut icon marked with a small white square and arrow is OK to remove. However, if a shortcut icon you really need is deleted inadvertently, there are easy ways to rectify this situation. Noticing that something has been accidentally deleted, you can either restore or drag a deleted item back out of the Recycle Bin. Of course, you could learn a technique for creating your own shortcuts. Much better! Here’s how to create your own shortcuts. Click on the Start button in the lower left-hand corner of your Desktop. Then, go to All Programs. The All Programs menu provides access to all the programs installed on your computer. Having found the needed program item simply right-drag this item from the Program Menu to the Desktop. Drop the shortcut item by releasing the right mouse button. A menu should appear prompting you to choose between COPY, MOVE, or CANCEL. Left click on COPY. Be very careful! Use the right mouse button for dragging and dropping items from your Program menu. A right mouse button drag-and-drop is nondestructive. Original program items remain safely on the Start and Program menus when you employ right-drag followed by a Copy request. However, a left mouse button drag-and-drop will completely remove the original item from the Program menu. How do you replace a program item accidentally removed from the Program menu? Using the left mouse button drag that nasty shortcut from your Desktop and drop it squarely on the Start button. Open the Start / Program menu and search for the recently-replaced program item. Not where you want it! Use left drag and drop to rearrange your Program menu. $329.00 KENTVALE The Helpful Place Sales Sales&&Service Service 712 K Line Road 712 K Line Road Richards Landing (705) 246-2002 Page 11 (705) 246-2002 Richards Notice to Jocelyn Township Residents Celebrating Police Week Tipping fees will be waived at the Township of Jocelyn Landfill for non-household refuse (brush, metal, etc.) for ratepayers within the Township for the following dates: May 9 – 15, 2010 May 19, May 23, May 24 and May 26. Maximum load is 1/2 ton truck or small trailer, not exceeding 2 cubic yards. Shingles and Commercial refuse will be subject to the regular fees. Jocelyn Landfill extended hours start May 1 – October 31, from 12 – 8 p.m. Wednesday, Sunday and any Holiday Monday. wardlaw wardlaw wardlaw R 24 HO U Y C N E G R EM E ! SERVICE Plan Budget FUELS Maintenance (ALGOMA) INCPlan . Furnace Oil Owned Off Road/Clear Diesel Gasoline Family & Operated Stove Oil Oil Furnaces & Fireplaces Oil Boilers Water Heaters Seniors Discount MaintenanceDelivery Plan Budget Furnace Delivery Oil Off Road/Clear Diesel Gasoline Area PlanAutomatic Stove Oil Oil Furnaces & Fireplaces Oil Boilers Water Heaters Batchewana • Maintenance Plan • Budget Plans Delivery AreaGoulais Automatic Delivery Seniors Discount The BIGGEST LITTLE OIL COMPANY In Town! Maintenance Plan Plan Budget Plan Plan •Furnace Furnace OilOilOff Off• Road/Clear Road/Clear DieselDiesel Gasoline Maintenance Budget Diesel Gasoline Searchmont FurnaceOil Off Road/Clear & Gasoline Canadian Oil Heat Sault Ste. Marie Stove OilEchoOil Oil Furnaces &•Fireplaces Fireplaces Oil Boilers Water&Heaters Heaters Stove Oil Furnaces Boilers Water Association & Stove Oil Oil • Oil Furnaces Firelplces • Oil Boilers Bay Searchmont Automatic•Delivery Delivery Seniors•Discount Discount Automatic Seniors Water Heaters Automatic Delivery • Seniors Discount Canadian DeliverySt.Area Area Delivery Bruce Joseph Is.Oil Heat Sault Ste. Marie Toll Free 1-866-550-9912 Mines Association Echo Bay Batchewana Batchewana 1-866-550-9912 Toll Free Family Owned 347 Lake Street Goulais Bruce Goulais & Street St. Joseph Is. Mon - Fri 8am - 5pm 347 Lake Toll Free 1-866-550-9912 Mines 942-5766 Searchmont Searchmont Operated Family Owned Canadian Mon. - Fri. 8 am - 5 pm Canadian 347 Lake Street OilHeat Heat SaultSte. Ste.Marie Marie Oil Association MonSault - Fri 8am - Echo 5pm Association & EchoBay Bay 942-5766 942-5766 Member of the Batchewana Goulais Member of the MasterCard MasterCard VISA the Memberofofthe Member VISA 942-5766 Operated St.Joseph JosephIs. Is. St. Bruce Bruce Mines Mines Mon -- Fri Fri 8am 8am -- 5pm 5pm Mon Toll Free Free 1-866-550-9912 1-866-550-9912 Toll MasterCard MasterCard VISA VISA 347 Lake Lake Street Street 347 Family Owned Owned Family && Operated Operated Your Island Garage Building Expert ... Shell includes Labour & Materials 24’ x 28’.......$14,784 26’ x 26’.......$14,872 28’ x 30’ ......$18,480 plus taxes Ask us for pricing on other sizes! THIS WEEK IS POLICE WEEK. This year’s theme is “Building Partnerships for a Safer Community” and focuses on heightening community awareness and promoting collaboration between police officers and community members. “The true measure of success is the reduction of crime and victimization and quite frankly, police services can’t do it alone,” states Chief Superintendent Scott Tod, Regional Commander – North East Region. “Success is inevitable when we come together as a community.” Cottage and Rural Watch, DARE and Internet Safety programs are but a few of the community based crime prevention programs where citizens and police services work together and achieve positive results. Community volunteers who support these types of initiatives or give of their time to serve on Community Policing Advisory Committees are vital to building safe communities. The OPP North East Region serves the policing needs of many small towns and rural locales with personnel, both uniformed and civilian, in 1 regional headquarters, 13 host detachments and 25 satellite detachments and 1 Provincial Communications Centre. Its officers patrol 486,800 square kilometers of land & water, and service 6,385 km of highway. The week is dedicated to increasing recognition of police service delivery. For more information on Police Week activities, contact our local OPP Detachment at 1-888-3101122 or visit for more information on community safety and crime prevention. TEE TALK Ladies Night May 4/10 We had beautiful weather for our first night out. 20 ladies came out, it was nice to see some new faces. We played a scramble with the winners being; Bernie Crosby, Sharyn Carnduff, Norma Shell, and Agneta Gotmalm. Good job ladies! Seniors May 10/10 Closest to 150 - Bernie Crosby, Charlie Nelson Closest to Pin - Charlie Nelson; Golf Balls - David Cook Home Improvements [email protected] Mark Henderson 246-2110 1st Place Team: Bernie Crosby, Ken Ward, David Cook Reminder Ladies: "Come and Try Night" May 18, meet new friends, get a little exercise while enjoying the beautiful scenery and learn to golf while you are at it. Page 12 A Snowy Saturday in May! MOTHER NATURE CERTAINLY has a sense of humour! As her latest joke, Island residents awoke to find snow and ice blanketing the trees and fields, coupled with a raw, biting wind. Although the return to winter was brief, with most of the snow melting by early afternoon, it still caused some headaches for drivers. Highway 17 north of the Soo was closed for 5 hours, from 8 am until 1 pm, due to the crash of a police vehicle on slushy and icy Mile Hill. The vehicle hit the rock cut on the west side of the highway and burst into flames. The officer driving the vehicle was treated and released from the Sault Area Hospital, with minor injuries. Why did the duck cross the road? Because the chicken retired and moved to Florida! 2005 CHEVROLET IMPALA Call for Bids 1979 International Fire Truck Cummins Engine 3,000 Gallon Stainless Steel Tank Mechanical October 2008 and in service until March 2009 Automatic Alison Transmission is out of truck Successful bidder will be responsible for removing vehicle from property SALE $7,900 +Tax & Licence PRICE “AS IS — WHERE IS” Lowest or any bid not necessarily accepted. • POWER LOCKS • POWER WINDOWS • AIR CONDITIONING • TILT STEERING WHEEL • CRUISE CONTROL 3670 5th Side Road Jocelyn Township Office Vehicle can be seen at It’s worth the drive! For inquiries call Dave Belsito at 246-2669 Sealed written bids can be dropped off at the Jocelyn Township Office Wednesday through Friday until 4 pm on May 28, 2010. 842-2433 214 Main Street, Thessalon Page 13 Friday Night Foods at the Legion Frank Maccarone will be cooking pasta & meatballs as well as the regular menu. Brockelbank & the Knights will be the evening’s entertainment. Come on out and enjoy good food and try your luck on the meat draw! ARTICLES FOR SALE 25’ Jayco 5th Wheel trailer, ’92, in very good condition. Air conditioning, AM/FM, new tires and much more. Serious inquiries only. For more info or to arrange a viewing, call 246-3652 after 7 pm. Shurshock 2800 electric fencer, $120.00 obo. 2462105. Wood Stove - Drolet Contempro 1600. Great heater - 7 years old - $125. Call 246-0424 after 5 Dog Run - “Cagex” galvanized panels - 2 x 4 feet wide with gates, 2 x 6 feet wide and 4 x 4 feet wide. Easily bolts together to make a 8 foot x 14 foot dog run $ 200. Call 246-1291 2007 26' Hobbi Toy Hauler. New - never used and ready to go. Light weight with lots of room to haul the toys. Can hold up to four full size motorcycles or ATV’s and sleep six. Must be seen ! Call Dan 246-1953 Ashley solid oak armoir for computer. Computer and printer included. Like new. $600. Call 246-1737. Bicycle carrying rack that fits a class four receiver and fits 4 bikes. $80. Call 246-3759. Very Friendly Guinea Pig looking for a good home $25. Call 246-0427 Yardworks electric cordless lawnmower $50. Call 246-3997. 1999 Chevy Tracker SUV 4x4 $1,000 or OBO 246-1892 Crib, wood with spindle ends. Comes with mattress, bumper pad, fitted sheet & quilt. Call 246-2738. Used thermal window with crank and screen, 48” x 41”; $30 or best offer. Outside wooden door with frame, 32” x 82” with storm door included. $60 or best offer. New P235 75R15 tire and chrome rim to fit a Ford ½ ton. $75 or best offer. Call 246-2698 FOR RENT St. Joseph Is. Lakefront, Vacation Rental. Lovely, spacious log cottage, great views with direct frontage on Twin Lakes. Modern kitchen, two decks, stone fireplace, washer/dryer, dishwasher, game room, two kayaks, canoe, fire-ring. 3 bedrooms, sleeps 8. No smoking, no pets. 7 nights: $1,150., 4 nights: $750. May - Oct. Call (231) 267-5479 LOST & FOUND Lost in Gawas Bay on Tues. May 11th, a brand new “Swift” Kayak Paddle. Reward! Call Mike Belcher 942-1315 PERSONALS Retired gentleman would like to meet lady companion, aged between 70 and 80. Reply to 69 Royal York Blvd. Sault Ste. Marie P6A 6X3. GARAGE /YARD SALES YARD SALE Saturday May 15, Rain or Shine at 1744 Lewellyn St., Richards Landing 8 am – noon. Use basement door. ANNOUNCEMENTS Plant Sale, Sat. May 22nd, 8 am - 12. On the grounds of The Green Oak Gallery, Richards Landing. Presented by The St. Joseph Island Horticultural Society. Plants to share? Need help to dig them? Contact Sheila246-3078 Sugarbush Thinning Workshop. Learn how to improve your sugarbush! Saturday May 15th, 9 am, Gilbertson’s Pancake House. Find out why thinning your sugarbush is important and which trees to remove. FREE to the public. Organized by the Algoma Maple Syrup Producer’s Association. For more information contact Laurie Thompson 246-2753. Annual Cemetery Cleanup at St. Johns Anglican Church, Hilton Beach, Saturday, May 22nd starting at 9:30 am. Bring a rake & your gloves & join us. Refreshments will be served. Respite Care: The Trefry Centre offers respite to caregivers who are looking after an aging or disabled family member, friend or neighbour. Relief is provided through an Adult Day Out Program in Richards Landing, Bruce Mines and Echo Bay. If this is the break you’ve been looking for, call 246-0036 for more information. We care and are here to assist you. Simons Family Reunion! Our ancestors arrived on St. Joseph Island in 1878 - a family of 6. Boy, have we multiplied and spread out! All descendants of Ellen “Nellie” Hawdon, Edith Matheson, Alfred Simons, Clara Church, Norman Simons, Ethel King Earl and Bob, both obsessed with baseball, never missed their favorite team’s game. They promised, whoever died first, and went to heaven, would come back to earth and tell the other if there was baseball in heaven. One day, Earl died. Bob waited for him to come back. Finally Earl did. He said to Bob. “I have good news and bad news. I’ll tell you the good news first. There is baseball in heaven.” “That’s great news!”, said Bob. Then Earl said, “time for the bad news ...You’re pitching tomorrow night.” Page 14 and Stanley Simons are invited to attend a reunion on Saturday, August 21 at the Hilton Beach Community Hall. Registration will start at 9 am, followed by a potluck lunch. Supper will be provided. Some activities planned include games, memorabilia displays, tours, photo sessions and much more. More information will follow closer to the time of the reunion. Don’t throw away your unused prescription eyeglasses! Why not help someone who badly needs them! The Lions Club collects eyeglasses for Third World countries. Collection boxes are located at Mackay’s Island Pharmacy, Dinelles II, Kent’s Corners and the Hilton Beach General Store. Your gift of your unwanted eyeglasses can make a huge difference to someone less fortunate. A great opportunity is coming up for your non-profit community organization. Rent a booth at Richards Landing Community Night (all proceeds to Matthews Hospital), fund raise for your group and help support our Hospital. Call Valerie at 2461068 for details. UMPIRES are needed for 7 pm St. Joseph Island child/youth slo-pitch home games. Tues. May 18th Novice, Wed. May 26th Senior, Thurs. May 27th Intermediate, Tues. June 1st Novice, and Thurs. June 3rd Intermediate. All games at St. Joseph Twp. Centennial Grounds. Please contact Jody Wildman at 246-0616 if you can help. May 23, 2010 is Pentecost Sunday. This will be a Joint Service with our neighbouring United Churches. This year, Harmony St. Marks United Church will be hosting the Worship Service at 10:30 am followed by a cold finger food potluck lunch. Please come and celebrate Pentecost with us in Richards Landing. NB: There will be no Worship Service at Grace United Church on May 23rd. Notice to Businesses: Last fall, the St. Joseph Island Voyageurs canvassed local businesses for advertising on our new Trailhead Maps. You can see these maps (with the Red Roof) at Ambeault’s, the Hilton Beach Marina and at Milford Haven. If we missed you and you’re interested in placing an ad, call Pat at 2461521 for more info. Only 2 weeks away! The St. Joseph Island Lions Club hopes you will join us this year for our Purina Walk for Dog Guides to be held at Kent’s Corners, Saturday, May 29th. Registration starts at 9 am for the 10 am start. It’s also easy to register online at www.purinawalkfor or call (705) 971-1802 for more info. If you are unable to participate, you can still support the Walk campaign by donating on-line or sponsoring a registered walker. You would be helping make a difference in the lives of Canadians with visual, hearing, medical or other physical disabilities. You are invited to participate in a Parent Focus Group on Thursday May 20th, 2010, from 6 to 7 pm, at St. Joseph Island Central School, 1326 Richards St., Richards Landing. Your input is valuable as we plan for future programs promoting healthy early childhood development. For information, call Kelly at Child Care Algoma, 248-2043 The Hunters & Anglers Association Annual Meeting will be held this Thursday, May 13th at 8 pm at the Conservation Centre. THANK YOU Thank you to the Island residents for purchasing our fresh bouquets of daffodils, also for being so supportive of our annual residential canvass.Thanks from the members of The St. Joseph Island Cancer Society. We are all working together to make Cancer “History”. Our May meeting is Tues. the 18th at 1:30 pmHarmony – St. Marks Church Hall. For info contact President Jean Konka 246-2698 A BIG thank you goes out to all who joined us for our Leaf Raking party at All Tribes Christian Camp last month! The grounds are looking beautiful and we thank everyone who was willing to come out on a chilly day to lend a hand. We are looking forward to seeing everyone at camp this summer! I would like to take this special moment and thank everyone who so graciously sent me all the get well cards. I was truly overwhelmed with the community’s support. I am fully recovered from my illness and I hope to see everyone, come midsummer. Once again, thank you. Garry Nykyforak, LCBO Manager, Richards Landing. Island Springs Youth Golf Tournament Deadline May 19th Call for details 246-1400 We would like to thank our community of St Joseph Island as well as neighbouring communities for all of the support that we’ve received after our tragic fire in March. The overwhelming support we have received has truly been amazing and we are blessed to have such amazing people around us. We would also like to thank everyone involved with the Pasta Benefit Dinner at the Legion on Saturday. It was an amazing evening and we are blessed to live in such a wonderful community. Thank you again to anyone and everyone who has helped our family in any way! We are forever grateful. Katrina, David & Vanessa Ervin The teacher wrote on the blackboard, “I ain’t had no fun all summer.” “Now Johnny,” she said. “What shall I do to correct this?” “Get a boy friend.” Johnny replied. Visit Moose Sweats First! Do you need a shower or wedding gift this season? “Did you know that there is a miniature woman tied to the tracks that looks remarkably like me”? WE HAVE!!! • One-of-a-kind Canadian hand blown glass • Wooden and glass serving dishes • Canadian pottery • Canadian Art, originals and prints BRUCE MINES INSURANCE 73 Taylor St., Box 189, Bruce Mines, ON P0R 1C0 And ... countless other ideas! BROKERS Ltd. NEW HOURS: 11 - 5 DAILY Meeting your Home, Auto and Commercial Insurance Needs Bus (705) 785-3436 Fax (705) 785-3747 246-2777 Page 15 RICHARDS LANDING Classified Ads and Announcements The Island Clippings is pleased to publish personal Classified Advertising and Public Service Announcements, free of charge to Island residents, as a community service. Other than personal for sale ads the announcement must be of value to the community. We reserve the right to decide if the ad is of service to the community. Ads or announcements for non-residents, businesses, or items or services, to be sold for profit, as well as items valued at over $1,000. will incur a nominal charge of $10. plus GST. We reserve the right to determine if a fee is required. ting). Advertiser must resubmit ad each week. To ensure space for everyone, please limit your content to a maximum of 50 words. Ads can be placed by: Email to: [email protected] or by phone 246-1635 (from 9 – 5, Mon-Fri) or fax 246-7060. Mail to: Island Clippings, RR1, Hilton Beach, ON P0R 1G0 Or simply put it in one of our pick-up boxes conveniently located at Ambeault’s, Kent’s Corners and the Hilton Beach Post Office. Ads or announcements will appear in one issue, but may be repeated, to a maximum of three consecutive weeks (space permit- Deadline for all material noon Tuesday WHAT’S HAPPENING ON ST. JOE The Friday Hens & Stitches, Dr. Trefry Centre - 10 am to 12 pm St. Joseph Twp, Public Library - 6 pm to 9 pm Island Cast-a-Weighs, Calorie Watchers, Hilton Community Hall (rear door, basmt) - 8:30 am Hilton Union Library - 3 pm to 5 pm & 7 pm to 9 pm - New phone number: 255-3520. Friday Foods Menu available at the Legion 5 pm to 9 pm Children’s Library - 6 pm to 8 pm AA Meeting, United Church (new addition, side door) 8 pm Saturday Childrens Library - 10 am to 3 pm Story time - 10:30 am Hilton Union Public Library - 1 pm to 5 pm New phone number: 255-3520. St. Joseph Twp. Public Library - 1 pm to 5 pm Wednesday Pool, Legion - 7:30 pm St. Boniface Roman Catholic, Hilton Beach at 4:30 pm. St. Joseph Twp. Public Library - 9:30 am to 12:30 pm Island Bible Chapel, Richards Landing. Lord’s Supper 10 am, Family Bible Hour 11:15 am. Grace United, Hilton Beach. 9:30 am. Harmony St. Marks United, Richards Landing. 11 am. Monday Bridge, Dr. Trefry Centre - 1 pm to 5 pm (Open to all seniors) 60+ Exercise Program, Dr. Trefry Centre - 10:30 am 246-0942 Quilting - 1-3 pm, Downstairs Hilton Hall except the 3rd week held at the Trefry Centre. Nordic Walking Group - Meets at 10 am Free Methodist, 10th Side Rd. Coffee, tea and friendship at 10:30 am. Worship service 11 am. Dawn Tweedle - owner/artisan 1188 Richards St., Richards Landing, ON P0R 1J0 Cribbage (singles), Legion Hall - 7:30 pm ($3.00 per person) Free pool all day in the Legion lounge Holy Trinity Anglican, Jocelyn at 11 am. Antiques - Art - Used Books Jewellery - Photos - Knitting Supplies Tuesday CAPC Play & Learn Best Start Hub - 9:30 to 11:30 am, Free Methodist Church Bridge, Dr. Trefry Centre - 1 pm to 5 pm (Open to all seniors) Sunday Calico Hen Telephone: (705) 246-0875 Pat’s Lawn & Yard Care Grass Cutting & Trimming • Aerating • Fertilizing 246-1042 Food Bank, United Church, Richards Landing (side door) - 1 pm to 3 pm Children’s Library - 9 am to 12 pm Story time - 10:30 am Hilton Union Public Library - 1 pm to 5 pm New phone number: 255-3520. Thursday St. Joseph Twp. Public Library - 1 pm to 5 pm and 7 pm to 9 pm Dr. Trefry Centre’s Day Out Program - 9 am to 4 pm Children’s Library - 9 am to 12 pm Story time - 10:30 am 3:30 - 5 pm Darts at the Legion - 7:30 pm Euchre, Legion Hall - 8 pm ($3.00 per person) Carpet Bowling for Seniors, Legion - 1 pm Page 16 246-3518 Your Island Print Shop email: [email protected] FIREWOOD Top Quality Hardwood Cut, split & delivered $70. /cord* Call Angie at 941-0215 * For Local delivery Changes Hair Salon For Appointments Please Call 941-0802 Julie Stevens
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