The Peninsula News - Hawthorne Management Company


The Peninsula News - Hawthorne Management Company
The Peninsula News
P e n i n s u l a P r op e rt y O w n e r s A s s o c i at i on , i n c .
w w w. p e n i n s u l a p ro p e r t yow n e r s. co m
Winter 2012-13
Jetton Road
The PPOA Board has approved the Capital Projects Committee recommendation
and has directed construction to significantly enhance Jetton Road from its’
beginning at Catawba to John Connor. The first phase, calls for the removal of old
median landscaping and a complete rehabilitation of the remaining medians from
Jetton Cove past Jetton Park. Concurrently with the updating of planting will be
the installation of LED up lighting. This will make for a beautiful and safe drive into
the community during evening hours.
In addition, the Government and Safety Chair, Troy Stafford, is working with the
Town of Cornelius to pursue a street lighting initiative that will provide decorative
lighting from Jetton Park to Peninsula Club Drive. This project has been explored
for several years and is hopefully going to be a shared project to eventually provide
for pedestrian safety and beauty along the entire road. The Landscape Committee
is exploring plans to improve the landscaping along the inbound side of the road
and will address such efforts in the spring along with a dozen other improvement
The Capital Projects Committee was formed last spring to explore ways to add
beauty and value to our community as well as provide additional amenities desired
by our homeowners. The guiding force behind the Committee’s effort is the Home
Owner Survey that was taken last spring. The Committee has compiled a long list
of worthy projects that will be reviewed annually by the Board as executed as funds
become available. The number one priority for the committee in 2013 will be
financial support for decorative street lights along Jetton Road.
Board Members
Ross Bailey
President.................. 704.892.6705
[email protected]
John Burke
Vice President........... 704.892.7506
[email protected]
Mike Joseph
Treasurer.................. 704.896.8654
[email protected]
Elise Redmond
Secretary.................. 704.987.9242
[email protected]
Jim Duke................. 704.895.7765
[email protected]
Pat Thiel.................. 704.896.0758
[email protected]
Troy Stafford............ 704.892.1975
[email protected]
Josh Lippiner........... 704.806.7945
[email protected]
Bill Loughnane........ 704.655.0007
[email protected]
Committee Chairs
Pat Thiel................... 704.896.0758
Architectural Change
John Burke................ 704.892.7506
Troy Stafford............. 704.892.1975
Government & Safety
Mike Joseph............. 704.896.8654
Jim Duke.................. 704.895.7765
Lindsey Long............ 704.655.0048
Social & Communications
The President’s Message...
Happy Holidays to All! Fall is upon us and winter is fast approaching. The Holiday Lights were turned on
Thanksgiving Day and have added a real sparkle to our now-leafless crape myrtles.
In the last Peninsula News I wrote about the Jetton Park and Peninsula Club Drive crosswalks. Here’s
where we are at this time. Construction is now underway (or perhaps complete by the time you read
this) to modify the Jetton Park crosswalk as described previously. As to the Peninsula Club Drive
crosswalk, the town, along with a NCDOT traffic consultant, has proposed a modification to the
crossing which they believe will make it considerably safer for those who are crossing.
What is proposed is to move the crosswalk about ten yards to the west (towards John Connor Road) and
to offset the two sides of the crosswalk slightly to increase visibility of motorists to the crosswalk and
of walkers to on-coming traffic in both directions. Pedestrians would then cross two lanes of traffic to
the median, where a concrete pad of sidewalk diameter will be added. The median will serve as a safety
zone for crossers to wait for any on-coming traffic from the other direction. New crosswalk-alert signage
will be installed on the roadway to alert drivers to the up-coming crosswalk. Lastly, there will be several
areas of low-lying shrubs removed to further improve line-of-sight visibility. Construction will begin once
the plan is approved by the state DOT.
On behalf of the board, I would like to thank the town, especially Town Manager Anthony Roberts and
Project Manager Tyler Beardsley, for their responsiveness to our concerns.
We’ve reached the end of another successful year for the PPOA. Our annual meeting is coming up
in February and with it, the election of three new Board members. Mike Joseph, Pat Theil, and I have
our current three-year terms expiring. I can’t speak for Pat or Mike, but I intend to step aside and let
a new person fill my board seat. It’s been my pleasure to serve the community for the past three years
and I want to thank all my fellow board members for their support and service to the community over
the past year. It’s been a pleasure to work with you! If anyone is interested in running for the board,
or just serving on a committee, please contact any board member. They will be happy to discuss time
commitments, responsibilities, etc.
Ross Bailey
T h e
P e n i n s u l a
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Smart Irrigation
Controllers Follow Up!
by Jim Duke
In the last Fall issue of Newsletter, I provided homeowners with
information regarding the benefits of installing Smart Irrigation
Controllers together with a dedicated Irrigation
Meter supplied by Charlotte Mecklenburg
Utilities. After two billing cycles, I am happy
to report significant savings in water used
and money saved through the use of these
conservation tools.
During the August/September time frame we experienced
very dry fall weather. The Smart Controller watered only when
needed and I experienced a 30% reduction in water usage when
compared to the same time period last year using an irrigation
timer. Additionally, for the water used for irrigation, I paid only
at the tier III level and with no sewer charge for the water used.
Below is an estimate of the dollar savings I experienced by using
the new irrigation system.
Savings Due To Lower Rate
Savings Due To No Sewer Charge
Savings Due To Less Water Used
Total Two Months
$ 92.45
$ 103.00
$ 76.20
$ 272.65
Given an eight months of irrigation each year, the estimated
annual savings could be as much as $ 1,000.00 for the season.
Results will vary depending upon the size of a lawn and other
topographical features. The estimated one-time cost to
generate this savings in most cases is approximately $1,536.00.
Conservatively, a resident could expect to recoup this
investment within two to three years.
Here’s Who To Contact:
For Irrigation Meters Application Forms
CMU [] go to the homepage
and click on Water Smart Tab.
For Smart Controllers –
Contact CMU for a list of certified installers.
Irrigation Meter Installation $771.00 – Payable in 12 payments
Smart Controller w/Weather Station $585.00
Hook Up Charge $95.00
Inspection and Turn on $85.00
Repair Requirements
Each year the Town of Cornelius assesses the conditions of Town
roads and prepares a list of priority repairs and paving projects. As
resources are limited, the Town must prioritize which streets are in
most need of work.
The PPOA would like to contribute to this process by submitting
a list of interior streets that require attention. Residents and
Neighborhood Captains are in the best position to make paving
concerns available to Town inspectors. We are asking that if you
have a particularly bad area that you feel requires attention that
you let us know about it. Written descriptions or photographs of
bad or damaged paving will help us greatly in compiling a list of
problem areas.
If you find an area that needs attention, please provide the
location [nearest street address] and specifics as to the problem.
Problems such as pot holes, crumbling asphalt, and alligatoring [or
multiple interlaced cracking] are the most comment issues with
our aging streets.
Please send your information by email to our Government and
Safety Committee Chair Troy Stafford who will review and
consolidate all of the information received. Troy’s email address
is: [email protected].
What Are Private Roads?
Many residents are unaware that the PPOA is responsible for the
condition and serviceability of a number of private roads within
the community. These roads provide access to homes off of the
public thoroughfares, and as such, provide service to a relatively
few residents. Our annual budget calls for the collection of
additional funds from those homeowners who dwell on these
streets to ensure they are maintained on a regular basis. Over
the last few years, additional dues on these properties has been
increased due to recognition of the fact that funds, currently
segregated specifically for private road repair and maintenance,
were inadequate. In the 2013 budget the amount charged to
these residents was increased slightly.
T h e
P e n i n s u l a
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Home Lawn Care Tips
Soil pH value is a measure of soil acidity or alkalinity and it can
certainly have a positive or negative effect on turf and plant
growth. Soil pH has a direct effect in the available nutrients to
plant material. In many cases in the Charlotte region, soil pH
is low (more acidity) or below the neutral mark of 7.0. Much of
our area, due to the heavy clay soils, has pH ranges in the 5 to
5.5 range.
All plant material thrives differently in different soil pH. For
example, pines, azaleas and rhododendron prefer a soil with
a pH around 5-5.5, while turf does best in the 6.5-7 range.
There are 3 categories of nutrients in the soil: nitrogen (N),
phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) make up the primary
and are the most used. Calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg)
and sulfur (S) are the secondary, which are less used but still
very important. Micronutrients are the third and include:
manganese (Mg) and zinc (Zn) and are required very little
from the plant.
Lime is the most common method we use to raise pH in the
Carolinas. Different soils will require a different amount of
lime to adjust the soil pH value. The texture of the soil, organic
matter content and the plants to be grown are all factors to
consider in adjusting the pH value. For example, soils that are
low in clay require less lime than soils high in clay to make the
same pH change. The amount of lime needed should always be
determined by soil testing. Generally, lime should be applied
at least 2-3 months prior to the desired ph level as the material
moves slowly through the soil layer.
Having a basic understanding of the principles of pH will certainly
help you grow a more beautiful lawn, effectively care for your
plants and trees, and give you a start to the garden that you have
always wanted. Have a soil test completed today!
On another note, we hope that you will notice the work being
done to improvement the islands between Jetton Park and Jetton
Village Shopping Center. The 3 islands have been an eyesore for
many years and this year the Peninsula POA Board in conjunction
with the Town of Cornelius decided to do something about it.
The Year In Review
2012 saw a significant number of improvements in facilities
and landscaping as the Board sought to prioritize a long list of
improvement projects offer by both the Landscape Committee
and the Capital Projects Committee. Although down significantly
from prior years, nearly $125,000 has been invested this year to
improve and add value to your property. Below is a partial list of
projects accomplished or commenced in 2012.
• All signs, poles, and decorative metal fixtures were repainted
and restored, including many new traffic and street signs.
• Huge progress was made in refurbishing individual mail boxes
to match restored light and sign poles.
• Work has begun on re-landscaping and up-lighting the
remaining Jetton Road medians.
• A significant number of perimeter pavers were installed at
cul-de-sacs throughout the community.
• Large numbers of Crape Myrtles and other overgrown
landscape were given long overdue pruning and shaping.
• Several monument areas were re-landscaped due to dying
or aging plantings.
PPOA Standing Committees
Architectural Change (ACC) ...Pat Thiel– Chair
Jeff Kurz
John Burke
Finance .............................Mike Joseph - Chair
Jim Duke
Government & Safety..............Troy Stafford - Chair
Karen Tovar
Jean Burke
Bill Loughnane
Landscape.............................John Burke - Chair
Dave Alexander
Jitka Stahala
Social & Communications........Jim Duke - Chair
Lindsey Long - Co-Chair
Josh Lippiner
Area Captains (See last section)
Capital Projects......................Jim Duke - Chair
Josh Lippiner
Elise Redmond
Mike Joseph
If you would like to serve on a PPOA Committee, please contact the appropriate committee chair.
T h e
P e n i n s u l a
N e w s
Please Watch Your Speed
The Government and Safety
Committee Chair, Troy
Stafford, has been working
directly with Town staff
and the Cornelius Police
to help raise awareness of
the dangers of motorist
speeding on Peninsula
streets. You may have
notice the occasional “speed
alert” sign on the side of our major
routes. These have been placed and rotated
throughout the community to call for the attention
to absent minded drivers routinely exceeding safe
speeds. Some of the signs have been activated
to photograph any cars speeding, however, no
citations have been issued to those who have
gotten the “flash” from these speed safety signs.
Residents are asked to pay close attention to our
posted speed limits and watch out for the safety of
pedestrians and other drivers.
Report It!
Lights, Carts, Sidewalks,
Streets, Safety Issues
We always need your help in staying ahead of the routine problems
that emerge on a regular basis. Our Board members and property
manager regularly inspect the property, but can’t be everywhere.
If you spot a problem, please contact us:
Landscape & Irrigation Problems – John Burke
Roads, Signs, Street Lights, & Safety – Troy Stafford | 704-892-1975
Landscape Lighting – John Burke
Mailbox Questions – John Burke | 704-892-7506
Oil on Roadways
Mecklenburg Co. Environmental Sves | 704-336-5463
Construction Debris & Signs – Pat Theil
Oil Spills on Road – Michael Burkhard | 980-727-5779
Private Golf Cart Use – Cornelius Police | 704 892-1363
All Problems – Hawthorne Management | 704 377-0114
Street and Side Walk Problems:
Cornelius Public Works | 704-895-5212
New or Changed email addresses* [email protected]
*The PPOA regularly sends out advisories to residents. If you wish
to be included in these advisories, you can simply send in your
email address. Your email address will not be shared with outside
Young Entrepreneurs
Age Phone
Anna Alessi
15 980-875-8223 X
Charli Baker
14 704-641-0387
Gabriela Brossette
15 704-894-9585 X
Madi Coffing
16 704-604-9625 X
Max Coffing
13 704-604-9016 X
Ciara Corry
15 704-895-8531
Liana Fabbricatore
14 704-987-9344 X
Nicolas Fabbricatore 13 704-987-9344
Nathan Fabbricatore 13 704-897-9344
Allie Grainda
16 704-892-5946 X
Julia Grainda
14 704-892-5946 X
Sarah Kent
14 704-892-4830 X
Krista Larson
14 704-987-3783 X
Holly Miller
15 704-892-4883 X
Ashley Martel
15 704-892-8288 X
Brooke Martel
13 704-892-8288 X
Delaney Wirostek
14 704-986-3119
These young people have been approved by their
parents to perform the services indicated. Initial
calls to these Young Entrepreneurs should be made
through their parents. Ask parents for information
regarding references and certification.
Want your young entrepreneur on the list? E-mail
your child’s name, age, contact number, and area of
interest to [email protected].
[Codes: Baby Sitting- BS; House Sitting-HS;
Dog Walking/Sitting-DW;
Mother’s Helper-MH; Certified Training- RCC]
T h e
P e n i n s u l a
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Community Activities
Best Sellers Book Club
The Best Sellers Book Club meets monthly at the
Peninsula Club for lunch and book discussion. Members
do not have to be members of the Peninsula Club to
join this group. Questions about membership and book
selections can be made to Carol Loughnane at 704 6550007 or by email at [email protected].
Future Meetings and Books:
January 9th Weird Sisters by Eleanor Brown
February 6th End of Wasp Season by Denise Mina
March 6th
Still Alice by Lisa Genova
The Peninsula Community
F o u n d a t i o n
The Ninth Annual Polar Express Gala set a new record for a
single charitable event. This exceptional amount of giving
within The Peninsula pushed the Foundation’s cumulative
nine year charitable contributions to over $1,000,000.
Residents wishing to support the Foundation or who
need information may contact the Foundation President,
Mr. Todd Wiebusch at 704 895-1358 or by email at
[email protected].
T h e
P e n i n s u l a
N e w s
Ladies Night Out
Ladies Night Out is an
exciting social event
scheduled for on the 2nd
Monday of each month at
7:00 pm. LNO is a great
way to meet your neighbors
and hear about activities in
The Peninsula. Each month a different neighbor graciously
volunteers to host the event with neighborhood ladies
bringing food and drinks.
Ladies Night Out Schedule:
January 14th............ Kathy McClaskey
February 11th........... Dixie Dean
March 11th............. Barb Goodman
April 8th................ Joanne Johnson
For more information and/or to be placed on the email
notification list, please contact Sandy McConnell at 704
896-8568, by email at [email protected] or your
Neighborhood Captain.
For Your Information
Our fresh water supply for Mecklenburg County comes from
two main sources. Lake Norman and Mountain Island Lake
are the principal sources. However, only 20% of the county’s
fresh water comes from Lake Norman.
The community still has a number
of mailboxes that have not been
renovated. Residents should
make this a priority before Spring
to avoid enforcement action by
the PPOA.
Community Contacts Listing
The Peninsula Neighborhood Captains
(as of 12/1/2012)
The list below represents the volunteers who make up our Neighborhood or Area
Captains. They can help you with questions about living in The Peninsula and with
questions about our Association. If you have an issues or questions, please contact
your Neighborhood Captain.
Lindsey Long................655-0048
[email protected]
Balmore Pines
Jayne Coffing................987-2275
East Shore
Suman Gera..................892-1961
Sandy Rainer.................892-1735
Flying Jib Road
Anne Genske................607-5230
Harbor Light Blvd
Sandie Durboraw...........987-1699
Heron Pointe
Angela Blair..................896-7451
Janina Callahan..............
Mainsail Pointe
Sheryl Chapman............895-8844
Meta Road
Lisa Lippiner.................323-5798
Kristine Correy..............N/A
North Shore
Jill Runnion...................655-9809
Peninsula Cove
Lauren Polek.................655-9333
Peninsula Point
Carolyn Bayne...............892-0901
Marcia Pomeroy............758-2397
Kathy McClaskey...........892-5637
Peninsula Shores
Leslie Pitt....................655-7430
Janet Wirostek...............896-3119
Players Ridge
Susan Drake.................987-0653
Sail Point
Sue Cherrington............987-0366
Cheri McCarney............987-9912
Diane Powell................896-6655
James Kent...................892-4830
Town Harbour
Susan Miller.................892-4883
Liza Grainda.................892-5946
Yawl Road
Lindsey Long................655-0048
Jayne [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Community Contacts Listing
Important Telephone Numbers
Cornelius Police/Fire/Ambulance........ 704-892-1363
Emergency.................................................. 911
Lake Norman Boat Patrol....................704-896-2185
Duke Power (Street Lights)............... 704-594-6200
Republic Services (Trash Pick Up).........800-235-2583
Piedmont Gas................................. 800-356-2593
Hawthorne Management Company....... 704-377-0114
Mailbox Repairs
Hank Norwood........................... 704-541-2122
Box of Rain (Matt)......................704-787-3083
Dan Long.................................704-655-0048
Mailbox Rehabiliation
Southwood Painting.............. See PPOA Website
Mailbox Numbers (Signs Source).........704-948-9119
Mailbox Parts (Pete Glas Co.)........ 704-372-3026
Mailbox Painting
Lift Station Service (McCall Brothers)...704-399-1506
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
The South Lake Norman Garden Club
meets on the 3rd Monday of each
month at 9:30 am. Those interested in
participating should contact the Club’s
President Mona Depew at 704-280-9324
or by email at [email protected].
The PPOA would like to thank Della Stafford for her long service as Captain for
the Peninsula Cove Neighborhood.
T h e
P e n i n s u l a
N e w s
Peninsul a Property
o w n e r s a s s o c i at i on , i n c .
c/o Hawthorne Management Company
P.O. Box 11906
Charlotte, NC 28220-1906
(704) 377-0114
T h e
P e n i n s u l a
N e w s