Tradition in Changing Times - Gebrueder Heyl Analysentechnik
Tradition in Changing Times - Gebrueder Heyl Analysentechnik
Tradition in Changing Times Imprint Publisher Gebrüder Heyl Analysentechnik GmbH & Co. KG Jörg-Tilman Heyl, CEO Concept and text Berthold Budde, Dortmund, Germany: Layout and reproduction vogelsang-zander, Dortmund, Germany: Cover design and event logo agenturspezial, Braunschweig, Germany: Translation Ashley Marc Slapp, Berlin, Germany: Images Heyl archive, Studio3 and Thorsten Hasse, Gronau, Germany: (pages 5, 11, 16, 20, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33) Print Ruth Printmedien GmbH, Braunschweig, Germany Printed in Germany, 2008 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the prior permission of the publisher. 4 Foreword Dear Reader, »Everything originated in water and makes me extremely proud and grateful with mutual commitment, deep-rooted opportunities for improvements and everything is sustained by water«, wrote to build on their achievements and to quality consciousness and a real sense innovations will always arise. the celebrated German poet Johann continue in their spirit. of responsibility as well as the unfailing Wolfgang von Goethe. The Heyl family has been involved dedication of everyone involved. Water has now been our element for in business for generations. This unique It takes experienced, highly moti- 50 years. In 1958, my uncle Hans-Jür- publication will look back on this history vated and qualified employees to always gen Heyl founded Gebrüder Heyl KG in and the story of Gebrüder Heyl Analy- provide our customers with the very the German town of Hildesheim toge- sentechnik. It combines the tradition best. These employees are the heart and ther with his cousin Hans-Joachim Heyl. and principles of our company with our soul of our company. I wish to express Thanks to innovative products and latest products and services and provides my heartfelt gratitude to all of them strong customer orientation, the two an insight into our future. during this anniversary year. founders established a global reputation A company's great achievements are Expertise, courage, endurance and in the field of industrial water treatment a result of many small ones. But even determination enable you to be success- and water analysis. 50 years later it the best results can only be achieved ful in many business ventures. New I hope that we will always recognise and make the most of these opportunities for the benefit of our customers. Yours faithfully, Jörg-Tilman Heyl 5 300 years of business tradition a brand new building in Charlotten- banks of the River Spree. The company strasse by »cabinet order« from Frede- soon employed 500 people. Before his rick the Great, King of Prussia. death, Ernst Eduard Heyl entrusted the For almost 300 years the name Heyl has Beverages and colonial goods After the death of his brother paint sector to his sons, Richard Fried- been synonymous with quality and Almost one 100 years later, in 1735, the Johann Jacob Heyl, Joachim Christian rich (1830–1898) and Georg Friedrich innovation in German business circles, cobbler Michael Heyl (1701–1763), a Friedrich called himself Johann Fried- (1841–1889), which they operated from especially in and around Berlin. The great-grandson of his namesake, who rich Heyl. He died just a few days befo- 1865 onwards as »Gebrüder Heyl & Heyls in Hildesheim are also descen- died at the Battle of Wittstock, founded re the start of the French Revolution in Cie.«. After the death of their father, dants of this extensive family. a brewery in Spandau. July 1789. His son, Ernst Friedrich Heyl, Richard retired from the business. Georg His mercantile success enabled his acquired sole proprietorship of the buil- continued to run it on his own and tur- Shipping and trade sons to become official citizens of Ber- dings in Leipziger Strasse and Charlot- ned the paint factory into a public limi- The name Heyl first appeared in Berlin lin: Johann Jacob Heyl (1725–1775) tenstrasse from his brother Carl Ludwig ted company. registers on 21 September 1597. A man already owned a retail shop near the in 1799. In 1809, Ernst Friedrich Heyl, a named Jürgen Heyl married Gertraud Berlin Palace at the age of 24. In 1765, merchant of materials and spices and »The Kitchen ABC« Buschler in the parish of St. Nikolai. It his younger brother, Joachim Christian owner of »J. F. Heyl u. Cie.«, became a In 1869, Georg married Hedwig Crüse- was stated that Jürgen and his brother Friedrich Heyl (1741–1789), founded the member of the Berlin city council mann (1850–1934), the daughter of a Peter Heyl lived from »river shipping trading company »J. F. Heyl & Co« loca- assembly. One year later he became Bremen shipping merchant. She became and trade«. ted in Potsdamer Strasse (later Leipziger »Gilde-Ältester der Kaufmannschaft und a famous social politician and founded Strasse). Handlungs-Compagnie zu Berlin« at the the first Berlin school of home econo- tender age of 41. mics in 1884. Her book »ABC der Küche« Another Heyl was mentioned in 1623 in the »Chronicle of Seehausen« He supplied the leading gentry of (south of Prenzlau): Jürgen Heyl’s son, the day with exclusive goods: Game fish Michael, married Gertraud Krusemark. from northern Germany, pheasants from Paints and chemicals tical tips on housekeeping and recipes On 4 October 1636, in the middle of the Bohemia, champagne from Rheims, The next generation of Heyls opened a reflecting the latest nutritional science Thirty Years’ War, he died at the Battle sherry from Xerez and chocolate from new entrepreneurial chapter. In 1833, findings. of Wittstock (Brandenburg) fighting Vienna. Various materials and paints as Ernst Friedrich Heyl’s son, Ernst Eduard Swedish forces. well as painting equipment were soon Heyl (1797–1871), acquired a plot of Spring water sales added to the assortment. In 1771, this land for the production of paints and In 1865, the parent company, i.e. the renowned merchant was presented with chemicals in Charlottenburg on the material shop including spring water 6 (The Kitchen ABC, 1888) contained prac- History The descendants of Ernst Eduard Heyl sales in Charlottenstrasse, was taken over by Carl Otto Heyl (1827–1879), the eldest son of Ernst Eduard Heyl. Chemistry and pharmacy Ernst Eduard Heyl * 1797 † 1871 Luise Friederike Fischer * 1804 † 1864 In the other branch of the Heyl companies, the death of Hedwig Heyl in 1934 Friedrich Richard Heyl * 1830 † 1898 also meant the last direct family influence on the paint company. A grandson Clara Wilhelmine Charlotte Fischer * 1836 † 1914 Eduard Hugo Heyl * 1835 † 1892 Charlotte E. Holz * 1838 Georg Erich Heyl * 1878 † 1957 Margarethe Vollmer * 1884 † 1955 Hans-Joachim Heyl * 1909 † 1966 Werner Heyl * 1918 of her brother-in-law and former coEduard Heinrich Richard Heyl * 1857 † 1917 owner Richard Heyl, the physician Dr. Werner Heyl (1891–1974), founded the Amalie Hedwig Melanie Kittler * 1864 † 1941 »Chemisch-pharmazeutische Fabrik Heyl & Co., Berlin« in 1926. In 1958, two Adolf Richard Hans-Joachim Heyl * 1890 † 1961 Charlotte Marianne Berta Adele Stolle * 1892 † 1960 Gertraud Heyl * 1922 Hans-Henning Heyl * 1929 † 2006 Rita Gisela Dorothea Rauhut * 1929 † 2002 Ute-Henriette Heyl * 1955 Hedda-Ulrike Heyl * 1961 Jörg-Tilman Heyl * 1971 partners left and decided to found their own company at the branch office in Hildesheim. This new company is the focus of this 50th anniversary publication: Gebrüder Heyl Analysentechnik Hans-Jürgen Werner Heyl * 1920 † 1989 Marianne Fürstenau * 1941 GmbH & Co. KG. 7 [ 8 ] The early years [ Two men, one idea ] Starting up their own successful business also meant giving up their old roles: On 4 February 1958 (backdated to 31 December 1957), the two cousins HansJürgen and Hans-Joachim Heyl resigned as partners of the chemical-pharmaceutical factory Heyl & Co. in Berlin. The main reason was fundamental differences of opinion about the direction of the business. The two cousins then founded a new company in Hildesheim. 9 Hans-Jürgen Heyl Hans-Joachim Heyl In Hildesheim, Heyl & Co. – a pharma- True to the family tradition ceutical company founded by Dr. Wer- The company’s name Gebrüder Heyl fol- ner Heyl in Berlin in 1926 – owned pre- lowed a long tradition dating back to mises at Orleansstrasse 75b. Hans- 1833 with Ernst Eduard Heyl’s paint Jürgen and Hans-Joachim Heyl took on factory and had played a leading role in these premises as well as a few em- German business circles for almost one ployees and machines in order to try hundred years. their hand at business. The founders The two cousins now had the ideal each took one of their brothers on board basis to create a new production facili- as further business partners: Dr. rer. oec. ty, but they had yet to decide on a pro- Hans-Henning Heyl and Dr. med. Wer- duction range. What should they actual- ner Heyl, the brother of Hans-Jürgen ly Heyl and Hans-Joachim Heyl respecti- available to them? What were their vely. The new company in Hildesheim competencies? Who and where were was named »Gebrüder Heyl Chemische their customers? Questions which requi- Fabrik KG«. red quick answers. produce? Which markets were Hans-Jürgen and his cousin HansJoachim were the general partners. They incorporated the part of the old compa- »A leap into the unknown...« Hans-Jürgen Heyl ny which they had received from the distribution of assets of Chemisch-pharmazeutische Fabrik Heyl & Co. in Berlin Nonetheless, the two astute entrepre- into the new business. Hans-Henning neurs soon found the right solutions. At and Werner Heyl were limited partners first they produced pharmaceutical pro- in this new venture. ducts for Africa, including penicillin drugs. The product range in those early years of Gebrüder Heyl KG also offered From Berlin to Hildesheim 10 dentistry products. The early years »Even as a child he loved inventing things.« Dr. Gertraud Reeps, nee Heyl, about her brother Hans-Jürgen Heyl From the very start Heyl produced a purposes, extinguishing agents, harde- product which would become a peren- ning and soldering agents, casting com- nial favourite: Durognost®, an easy-to- pound for dentistry purposes, tooth fil- use instrument for determining water ling materials, mineral raw products, hardness. This product led the fledgling products for determining water hard- company in a completely new direction. ness, especially boiler feed-water.« A groundbreaking discovery Heyl KG started a trend which was to The born inventor Hans-Jürgen Heyl, continue for the subsequent decades: who as a child had built his own radios, Patent applications and renewals, the benefited from a chance discovery definition of new property rights and which he put to good business use: Bet- trademarks and the assertion of these The founding years of Gebrüder rights when dealing with global compe- ween the numerous objects stacked on the laboratory shelves stood a forgotten titors. Besides the Durognost® trade- ® Durognost – as modern today as 50 years ago mark application at the West German jar of reagent for a good six months. A reagent is a substance used to monitor a chemical reaction or state. Chemical reactions are often displayed by a change in colour. Much to the surprise of everyone, the reagent stored at the Hildesheim laboratory was still fully functional after half a year. In a newspaper interview almost 30 years »According to the literature it just wasn't possible. The reagent should have decomposed after just a few days. We decided to analyse the individual ingredients and subsequently developed a reagent which had a shelf life of up to two years.« Patent Office in Munich, September by Heyl in Hildesheim. In 1958, the 1958 also witnessed the registration as business operations of Gebrüder Heyl an international brand at Bureau inter- KG were detailed as follows while regi- national pour la Protection de la Pro- stering the Durognost® trademark at the priété industrielle in Berne, Switzerland. West German Patent Office in Munich: The first patent-protected Testomat® »Pharmaceutical products, chemical instruments were developed in coopera- products for medicinal purposes and tion with the Hildesheim-based compa- healthcare, pharmaceutical drugs, pla- ny Otto Otto. They were used to auto- That was in 1960, a milestone in the sters, dressings, pesticides, disinfectants, matically monitor water hardness and company history. Heyl applied for a agents for increasing the shelf life of worked with the liquid reagents develo- worldwide patent for the new, liquid foodstuffs; chemical products for com- ped by Heyl. With these instruments, reagent. The Durognost instrument was mercial, scientific and photographic Heyl ushered in a completely new era in later, Hans-Jürgen Heyl explained his amazing discovery: the first successful product developed 11 The first patents of Gebrüder Heyl KG 12 The early years »Soft water is required almost everywhere. For example, zero hardness is required for dialysis. Our instruments with our reagent measure water hardness automatically.« Hans-Jürgen Heyl industrial water treatment. At the begin- Copenhagen-based H. Struers Chemiske ning of the 1960s everyone in the indus- Laboratorium for the sales and marke- try suddenly became interested in water ting of Durognost® in Denmark. The following years saw numerous other sales Background information: German Water Resources Act waters, retaining and lowering surfaces hardness. Companies soon realised the bene- collaborations for Durognost® and The German Water Resources Act came nelling groundwater as well discharging fits of soft water. For example, their Testomat®, for example in Great Britain into force on 1 August 1957 and was substances into groundwater. pipelines and hot water generators were and Spain. amended several times during the years The Act was fundamentally altered in better protected against calcification, until 2006. The scope of the application 2002 in the course of Member States thus providing a longer service life. The of the act encompasses the protection transposing the EU Water Framework Testomat® instrument from Heyl for and use of surface waters and ground- Directive into national legislation. Water water, the development of waters and resources management is now organi- water management planning. sed according to river catchment areas. Certain usages must be officially appro- The German federal states and ved. The most important usages are neighbouring countries now work in water withdrawal, introducing and close cooperation to monitor adherence discharging substances into surface to the regulations. determining water hardness soon became a must-have product. The number of international sales of Heyl products was now gathering momentum. By September 1958 Heyl waters, removing, extracting and chan- had signed an exclusive agreement with 13 [ Advertising leaflet and user manual from the 1960s 14 ] Success with branded products [ Success with branded products ] Throughout the 1960s and 1970s Heyl enjoyed continued economic growth. With numerous new national and international patents, continuous product improvements and production and sales agreements, Heyl was not only able to consolidate its market position, it actually expanded it. At the end of the 1970s, two decades after its foundation, Gebrüder Heyl KG was stronger than ever. 15 Patents and brands water hardness. Patents for the all 1965, a Japanese company launched a For almost the entire first twenty years important US market followed in 1964 reagent which Heyl’s patent agents jud- Gebrüder Heyl KG focussed on patent and 1965. Patents for »Durognost®«, ged to be a »very crude imitation« of procedures and the protection of its own »Duroval®« and »Testomat®« products »Durognost®«. And a patent dispute with brands. In 1962, Heyl was awarded a were awarded throughout the 1960s in a pharmaceutical company lasted well patent in Great Britain for its liquid the Anglo-American world, in almost into the 1970s. Quite often Heyl defen- reagent used to measure water hardness every western European country as well ded its patents with further and new and together with the Hildesheim-based as further a field, e.g. in Japan and developments and new industrial pro- company Otto Otto a patent for the pro- South Africa. perty rights. duction and sales of Testomat® instru- However, the patents were continu- ments which automatically monitored ously under attack. For example, in Successful products for the world »Durognost®« and »Testomat®« – these two brand names represent the first successful Gebrüder Heyl KG products to sell in great numbers in the 1960s. »Durognost®« combined reagents for water hardness, the included measuring monitoring and testing soft water – as a tube was filled with the water sample, liquid or in powder form. Heyl’s goal which was then gradually filled with was to develop a method with which reagent tablets until the colour changed customers could carry out water analy- from red to green. The number of requi- sis quickly, easily and safely outside the red tablets determined the total hard- laboratory. For example, when testing ness, the residual hardness and/or the pH-value. The laboratory technician test case, weighing approx. 3 kg and not Fig. left: Heyl conquers the Anglo-American market: Patents from Great Britain (1961) and the USA (1964) Fig. top right: Laboratory technician test case for onsite water analysis, Durognost® test kit, 1960 16 much bigger than a normal briefcase, was a fully equipped portable laboratory with all the instruments and reagents necessary for analysis. Success with branded products From 1961 onwards, Heyl revolutionised water analysis with a small instrument for the automatic continuous determination of residual hardness. It was received with great interest by companies and institutions with continuous soft water requirements which had to satisfy the ever increasing process water quality demands. The Testomat instrument made complex manual tests a thing of Fig. from left to right: Chemical and administrative building in the 1980s, Orleansstrasse 75b, entrance to Montoirestrasse 6 in Hildesheim with adjacent production facility the past. Fully automated and reliable monitoring of the required water was Cooperation, sales and marketing In the pharmaceutical sector, Heyl had Hindenburgplatz in the centre of Hildes- carried out at defined intervals. Hard- In 1960, Heyl entrusted the Cologne- been cooperating since the early 1960s heim. ness dips were immediately indicated based Gesellschaft für automatische with Philips-Duphar from Hamburg, However, Hans-Joachim Heyl felt via an alarm signal and could be correc- Wasseraufbereitung mbH (GAWA) with which rented a building at the Hildes- uneasy with this situation of being just ted accordingly in no time at all. the sales and marketing of Testomat heim site. Together the two companies another cog in the big Philips wheel and Heyl continuously improved its suc- instruments in order to push up sales. produced pharmaceutical products, par- decided to return to Gebrüder Heyl KG cessful products for determining water During the first year of cooperation sales ticularly for the veterinary sector. To in 1965. This was the same year that a hardness and developed numerous ver- rocketed to new heights. This cooperation enhance this business, »Gebrüder Heyl new office complex was constructed for sions during the subsequent years. lasted until 1967, after which time Heyl Chemische Fabrik GmbH« (Chemo-Heyl) the company at Orleansstrasse 75b. Today, Durognost® and Testomat® as choose to conduct the sales and marke- was founded in 1962 with Hans-Joa- Philips-Duphar continued to rent the well as many other Heyl products are as ting of its Testomat products and pur- chim Heyl as the CEO. This new compa- two older buildings. popular as ever at home and abroad. chased a one-third participation share ny operated from the premises in Orle- in GAWA. Two further shareholders held ansstrasse and Montoirestrasse. Hans-Joachim Heyl died suddenly and unexpectedly in 1966. He left a the other two thirds. Gebrüder Heyl Gebrüder Heyl, which was now con- huge gap in the company which requi- Chemische Fabrik KG was renamed siderably smaller and primarily operated red lots of »hard work« to close, said »Gebrüder Heyl Kommanditgesellschaft in the field of industrial water treat- Hans-Jürgen Heyl, who was now alone für Analysentechnik« in 1965. ment, relocated to rented premises at at the helm. The long-serving notary of 17 Heyl, Walther Erhardt, sent a letter to later due to the quality of his products. wide interest. Agencies were set up in Hans-Jürgen Heyl describing his deceased And if in the unlikely event that a cus- numerous countries, e.g. in Great Bri- cousin as an »accomplished and enthu- tomer became dissatisfied, Heyl ensured tain, the USA, Spain, Italy, France, the siastic entrepreneur, active and commit- that a specialist or a field service part- Netherlands, Belgium and Switzerland. ted businessman and a man who always ner was sent to provide rapid and custo- Automated softening plants were now lent a helping hand«. mer-friendly help. This helped the com- in big demand from the water treatment pany establish a unique reputation Quality and customer satisfaction amongst its customers and was the basis From the very start, quality was Hans- for long-lasting successful business Jürgen Heyl’s top priority. He was an partnerships. inventor and dynamic businessman industry. And Heyl developed programGAWA mbH in Kerpen-Türnich ming units and controllers to satisfy these increasing demands. The range of almost exclusively in the field of indu- water testing instruments also continu- strial water treatment. Heyl decided to ed to grow. whose goal was to improve the quality Sound basis for business terminate the rental agreement of The premises in Hildesheim were of Heyl products and to provide his cus- During the 1970s, Heyl continued with GAWA in Cologne and constructed a now starting to burst at the seams due tomers with the best possible result. its expansion strategy. In 1973, the new building at its own premises in Ker- to the major expansion of the instru- He explained proudly that certain company purchased the shares of the pen-Türnich. GAWA relocated to this ment range and water chemistry. The customers had once defected to a com- Düsseldorf-based Henkel Group in site in 1974. old, single storey part of the building in petitor in an attempt to cut costs, but GAWA and subsequently held the majo- In the meantime, Testomat instru- Montoirestrasse was demolished and had returned a few months or a year rity. Gebrüder Heyl KG now operated ments from Heyl had generated world- replaced with a large modern building. 18 Success with branded products Work commenced there at the end of 1978 and the employees profited from the new machinery and state-of-the-art workplaces. Modern workplaces, qualified and motivated employees as well as high-quality products and services – that was Heyl's recipe for success. Even during this period of exceptio- »In spite of large investments, we always aim to work rationally, thus ensuring we have sufficient reserves which will allow us to keep our company financially healthy even in times of general economic stagnation.« nal growth Hans-Jürgen Heyl still relied on a sound business strategy, as described in his 25th anniversary review in 1983: Testomat® advertising brochure from the 1970s Background information: Environmental protection nature conservation issues. Water pollu- Environmental protection suddenly attention. For example, the River Rhine became a key issue in the 1970s. The and River Neckar in Germany were first United Nations environmental highly polluted in the 1970s and had summit was held in Stockholm in 1972 dangerously low levels of oxygen. with representatives from more than Today, after intensive measures to 100 countries. The delegates agreed improve the water quality, both rivers upon a plan of action for the environ- boast almost drinking water quality, as ment and development with recom- do most German rivers. Using Heyl mendations for its implementation. For reagents it is possible to quickly and the first time countries recognised the cost-effectively determine the chemical- need for cross-border cooperation physical composition of water on site when dealing with environmental and without extensive specialist know-how. tion control also became the focus of 19 [ 20 ] Quality and service on principle [ Quality and service on principle ] Since the 1980s, Gebrüder Heyl Analysentechnik has concentrated on the continuous improvement of products and dedicated customer service. The death of the company’s founder Hans-Jürgen Heyl in 1989 meant the end of an era. However, the new growth strategy based on acquisitions under the new leadership at the end of the 1990s did not succeed and resulted in later corrections. 21 »intensively for the company now and in the future«. Patents and product improvements Numerous Heyl patents which had expired after 20 years were renewed in the 1980s. Heyl profited from a 1983 amendment to the German patent law which particularly related to the reversal of the burden of proof for chemical products. This meant that the assertion of claims from process patents was considerably easier for Heyl. Heyl-publications from the 1980s Strict customer orientation was a hallmark of Gebrüder Heyl KG from the tion of water softening plants«. It inclu- tain flow rate, the controller triggered very start. This also meant reacting ded exchange material in a treatment regeneration of the single filter softe- Silver anniversary quickly and flexibly to customer requi- tank and regenerating agent in a stora- ning plants. The quantity was calculated 1983 marked the 25th anniversary of rements. At the request of various end ge tank. According to the patent specifi- automatically after entering the filter Gebrüder Heyl Analysentechnik. Foun- users, Heyl researched the development cation the program-controlled water size and the raw water hardness. Rege- der Hans-Jürgen Heyl wrote down his of automated water softening plants in softening plants, which regulated the neration could also be triggered at fixed thoughts on the company’s positive the 1980s. Customers were no longer time intervals and water quantity, ensu- daily intervals or at the push of a but- development during the first 25 years. interested in individual instruments, red »hygienic and cost-effective operati- ton. Other control systems developed by During those years Heyl had built a such as Testomat®, but desired fully on with minimum environmental pollu- Heyl were used as conductivity measu- reputation nationally and international- automated plants which were durable, tion«. Industrial property rights were ring instruments for monitoring water ly as a quality brand for water analysis. quick and only required occasional ser- applied for in a number of countries. purity, for example for full desalination The then 63-year-old Hans-Jürgen Heyl vicing by trained staff. A few years down the road and Heyl and osmosis plants, in laboratories, for looked back with pride on just how far In 1982, Heyl was awarded a patent instruments were already operating with automated sewage water monitoring Heyl had come and promised to work for its »process for the cyclic regenera- microprocessor controllers. After a cer- tasks or desalination controllers. 22 Quality and service on principle Death of the company’s founder Hans-Jürgen Heyl, who suffered a stroke in 1986, died aged 68 in April 1989. For the past 30 years, ever since the foundation of the company, his name had stood for the quality of Heyl. With business and sale partners around the world, reliable instruments and rapid delivery times, Hans-Jürgen Heyl had used his innovative and astute business skills to guarantee that Gebrüder Heyl Analysentechnik was firmly established in the water analysis sector. After Hans-Jürgen Heyls death, his widow, Marianne Heyl (*1941), who had been involved in the company since 1965 and had gained first hand experience of her later husband’s business processes, took over the reins of Gebrüder Heyl KG (until 1996). The sales and marketing of Heyl products were expanded in cooperation with GAWA in Kerpen. Outward expansion, especially in former eastern-block countries, and strict inward cost management ensured ® ® Nano filtration plant with integrated Testomat instruments and Softmaster controllers in a Dutch food processing company rising annual profits. 23 Expansion and diversification Analysentechnik GmbH & Co. KG had In keeping with a general economical subsidiaries and interests in France, Ita- trend at the end of the 1990s, the new ly and Poland as well as sales and mar- Heyl management under the leadership keting partners in Belgium, the Nether- of Wolfgang Hamburger counted prima- lands, Great Britain, Spain and South rily on acquisitions to ensure growth. In Africa. 1997, GAWA was taken over by Gebr. However, the often expensive new Heyl Analysentechnik GmbH & Co. KG, acquisitions did not have the desired whose legal form had in the meantime economic impact and soon put strain on been modified. GAWA had already the company’s liquidity. Jörg-Tilman increased its business division’s capacity Heyl (*1971), a nephew of the compa- to incorporate plant construction and ny’s founder, has been head of Gebrüder plant maintenance (sales of drinking Heyl Analysentechnik and leading the water and after sales maintenance) in company with a new future-oriented Egypt. One year later Heyl purchased strategy since 2001. He draws on the before the partially reckless neglect of AWATEC AG based in Horgen near classic strengths of the company, rely- On 9 November 1989 the Berlin Wall the environment became visible and Zurich, Switzerland. This company ope- ing on development and production came down and the borders which had the improvement of water quality rated in the sewage sector and mainly within an international network and divided East and West Germany were became a top priority. Heyl expanded offered standard plants for industrial utilising logical and modern marketing breached. Within just a few months a its industrial property rights to incor- and operative process water cleaning. and sales strategies. peaceful revolution had swept through porate numerous eastern European Eastern Europe clearing away the com- countries (e.g. Macedonia, Romania, these two companies would more or less munist orthodoxy and replacing it with Czechoslovakia and Hungary) and offe- cover the entire water treatment sector democratically elected governments. red the emerging economies of newly Companies from the West soon recog- democratic countries affordable water nised the opportunities in East Germa- analysis products. Background information: New markets in the east ny and Eastern Europe. Gebrüder Heyl KG also profited from these new mar- kets in the 1990s. And it was not long It was hoped that the acquisition of and provide significant synergy effects for sales, production and administrative tasks. The name »Heyl Group« symbolically underlined this expansion strategy. At the end of the 1990s, Gebrüder Heyl 24 Quality and service on principle Heyl’s sales and marketing partners Trademark protection around the world 25 [ 26 ] Water is our element [ Water is our element ] High-quality products, rapid delivery times, customer satisfaction and friendly professional relationships are the basic principles of the internationally-operating Gebrüder Heyl Analysentechnik GmbH & Co. KG. And these principles help to further develop the cutting-edge products and services as well as support further staff training. 27 again focussed on its »inner values« and strengths. In the meantime, the company has sold its various acquisitions. The product range of the newly founded »Gebrüder Heyl Vertriebsgesellschaft für innovative Wasseraufbereitung mbH« includes ozone generators and UV plants. And further product lines are on the way. The parent company now offers contract development and manufacturing as additional services. The management team believes in safeguarding the company’s inner strengths, particularly by expanding development, marketing and sales. Making the company strong from the Milling of a BOB measuring chamber block Measuring chambers for the Testomat® BOB instrument series Inner strength – competence network Heyl attaches great importance to the or qualified contract partners. This gua- economic downturns, market crises and reliability and long service life of its rantees an extremely high level of ser- social, economic and political shifts. Water is Heyl’s element. The name products. And the company has even vice. The company has always believed To achieve this goal, Heyl has built Gebrüder Heyl Analysentechnik has adapted the supply of spare parts to the in listening to the wishes of its custo- up an efficient network. This includes stood for exceptional solutions in the long service life of its instruments. Last mers and finding the best solutions close cooperation between specialists in field of industrial water treatment since but not least, Heyl develops and produ- together. France, the Netherlands, Switzerland the foundation of the company in 1958. ces all its own products in order to satis- Since the late 1990s, when it beca- and Poland to name just a few. The This includes analysis, control and mea- fy its own extremely high quality me evident that the investment and company’s long-term goal is to have at suring instruments as well as test equip- demands. Sales and marketing are car- acquisition growth strategy was not least one sales and marketing partner in ment. ried out by the company’s subsidiaries bearing the desired fruits, Heyl has once every country. inside means making it fit to meet potential external challenges, such as 28 Water is our element The development department has already been expanded and will continue to be so in the near future. The field of PCB component placement for DOSIclip® (top) Softmaster® motherboard on the solder wave (centre) PCB of an MMP10 controller (exclusive product for WWS AG, bottom) Online analysis instruments for various water parameters Universally programmable control- research will be built on and around the lers with diverse interfaces core business of industrial water treat- Remote maintenance controllers and ment and analysis in order to exploit its correctly and flexibly. Today’s technical analysis instruments full potential. And networking plays an product range offers modular instru- Customer-specific reagents and important role here too: Cooperation ments for water softening, reverse laboratory-independent test kits with professional partners is intended to osmosis, filtration and desalination as Mobile analysis systems with labo- further strengthen research and deve- well as for measuring various parame- ratory quality lopment and result in effective motiva- ters, for example iron, conductivity, Decentral visualisation, data storage tion. The plan is to also broaden already pH-value and redox. Heyl combines the and quality management. successful training courses and semi- proven reliability of its products with nars. Lively exchanges between employ- new functionalities and improved hand- As a supplier of water treatment pro- ees and course participants will lead to ling. ducts, Heyl’s development, production development Heyl sees itself more and more as a and sales focus on the relevant plant impulses. This creates fertile ground for competent service provider of indivi- engineering companies. Thanks to its all areas of the network to interact with dual, tailor-made applications which network of subsidiaries, contractual each other. meet the highest requirements. This is partners and authorised dealers, who all particularly the case for food and pro- share Heyl’s view, the company can pro- Flexibility and innovation cess engineering, industrial processing, vide local presence in various markets. Flexibility and rapidness guarantee the pharmaceutical and chemical indu- Together with its customers, Heyl is growth and innovation. Heyl develops stry and hygiene. Heyl offers fully ope- building a global partner network which intelligent analysis instruments, con- rational modules for the said sectors provides plant operators with twenty- trollers and measuring units for indu- which function individually or in com- four-seven service and maintenance. strial water treatment which help to bination with other components: further research and reduce costs, to provide optimum utilisation of water and to operate plants 29 Reagents and analysis Heyl offers all the required reagents in a Instruments and components improved utilisation of the softening Reliable and cost-effective methods are portable laboratory case for boiler water A water treatment plant is only as effi- plant, thus reducing costs. The statutory indispensable for detailed water analy- monitoring. This portable laboratory cient and reliable as the components requirements for complying with water sis. The methods developed by Heyl contains all the reagents necessary for which operate it. Gebrüder Heyl Analy- quality can be adhered to without allow on-site analyses without know- the statutory monitoring of boiler water sentechnik expensive services. ledge of chemistry and laboratory and boiler feed-water as well as all the instruments and the fully qualified per- Over the years, Heyl has continu- equipment – mobile, safe, fast and cost- necessary accessories for sampling and sonnel offer extensive services at an ously improved its Testomat® instru- effective. sample preparation. Heyl also provides outstanding cost-performance ratio. ments. Reliability, long service life, high produces high-quality measuring accuracy and low-maintenance operation serve as a yardstick for innovations. The latest generation of this internationally successful series, Testomat 2000®, offers easy operation and extensive control functions, also in conjunction with other Heyl products, and numerous other functions and properties. Duroval® titration solution Testoval® chlorine colour comparison plate Reagent A of Testoval® Phosphatest® By varying the software and selecting different reagents, the standard Testomat 2000® instrument can become other portable water analyses, for exam- Testomat 2000® – the classic instrument ple for electroplating, monitoring of For the past 50 years Testomat® instru- mining water hardness and other para- ment, swimming pools or swimming osmosis plants, aquariums or various ments from Heyl have been an indis- meters. Furthermore, control and dosing pool technology, drinking and process sewage water monitoring tasks; ensu- pensable part of reliable water hardness tasks can be carried out directly from water, breweries, the drinks and food ring customers can carry out their own measurements when monitoring water the instrument due to the elaborate elec- industry and on dialysis wards in hospi- on-site tests. softening plants and protecting down- tronics. Various options for new stan- stream plants and processes. They detect dard applications are available at a operating and plant faults and ensure favourable price. The reagents Testoval® and Duroval® as necessary individual analysis groups for well as Testomat instrument reagents can be used for industrial water treat- tals. 30 an online analysis instrument for deter- Water is our element for both wall mounting and installation in a switch cabinet door. Operation occurs via a membrane keypad. The full text display guides users through an intuitive operating menu. The Softmaster instrument range with its standardised hardware replaces the controllers of older instruments. EcoControl – systematic measuring The EcoControl series is a new process measuring system from Gebrüder Heyl EcoControl LM Analysentechnik. EcoControl LM or EcoControl pH in combination with a Testomat 2000® Softmaster® suitable conductivity probe allows users to determine the conductivity or pHvalue of aqueous media. Individual development Practical experience always offers new ther analogue or digital inputs or out- Two independently programmable The engineers and technicians at Gebrü- ideas which result in new Testomat® puts. The controller PCB is equipped limit value contacts are available for der Heyl Analysentechnik provide high- developments. with a rewritable flash memory on various monitoring and control tasks. quality which the software is »installed«. If Up to 200 measuring values can be stored manufacturing for chemical and techni- functions have to be altered, the soft- with the time and date in a ring buffer. cal applications. Customers specify their The Softmaster® controllers have a ware can be simply adapted. The con- The availability of the last 200 measu- requirements – Heyl meets them quick- modular design. The basic PCB has troller can be connected to a computer ring results is, therefore, always guaran- ly, efficiently and precisely. several digital inputs and outputs who- via a serial interface or a programming teed. The microprocessor controller Eco- One of Heyl’s top priorities is data se functions are determined by the cor- module »Flash-Link« in order to carry Control DO 10 controls quantity-based confidentiality and granting customers responding software. Two plug-in cards out software updates. The controller desalination and dosing for cooling guaranteed exclusive rights to these can be additionally controlled via fur- housing is a combined housing suitable systems and air-washer plants. products. Softmaster® – computer control contract development and 31 Customer services ented, extremely cost conscious and If questions regarding products or their always at the customers’ service. application and operation arise, Heyl In an ever faster changing global offers the best customer support, for economy, all company employees must example via a technical helpline. Experi- be committed to lifelong learning. Heyl enced employees handle orders, order provides training for its employees. For processing and complaints. example, from the middle of 2006 to the To familiarise customers with instru- end of 2007 the company was involved ment operation, Heyl offers training cour- in the further training project »Trapez« ses and seminars for its products. The promoted by the German Federal Mini- one-day events are held at the company’s stry of Economics and the European headquarters in Hildesheim. It is also pos- Social Fund. It offered workers, in parti- sible for customers to organise local trai- cular women, in small and medium- ning courses in cooperation with their sized companies the opportunity to gain ning to the promotion and improvement respective national or international sales additional qualifications alongside their of foreign language skills, which are partner. daily work – from special computer becoming more and more important in courses and electronic component trai- an internationally oriented company Elisabeth Rupprecht at a labelling machine Our employees – the heart and soul of the company Roland Grahn at a CNC milling machine Ever since its foundation, Heyl has and lasting relationships with custo- always attached great importance to mers. Heyl provides the ideal customer The employees are the most valuable fully qualified and highly motivated support for each individual concern. The asset and the heart and soul of the com- employees. Many of today’s such as Heyl. The goal is for each employee to participate in further training at least once a year. 40 members of the customer service team pany. They have helped to shape the employees have been working for the are experienced and accomplished in history of Heyl during the past 50 years company for many years – continuity their respective fields and up-to-date and contributed greatly to its success. which pays dividends. and well informed. They will always They have stuck with the company Long-serving, experienced employ- find the perfect solution for each and through thick and thin. Their skills and ees make it easier to establish trusting every enquiry – committed, target-ori- 32 Claudia Lasarzik assembling products personal commitment guarantee success Water is our element Growing competition in all product areas and flexible solutions in a global economy demand high levels of concentration and dedication from everyone. With its international network, Heyl has created an excellent basis to come out top in a world of increasing competition thanks to the coordination of varied competencies. Competition offers companies numerous opportunities to further improve their strengths, implement them successfully and to win new customers. To recognise, take and use these opportunities is a challenging yet fulfilling task. The management and employees of Margitta Wollmann sealing Duroval® drop test kits Gebrüder Heyl Analysentechnik wish to for Heyl, and the management will con- ners and customers with new products tinue to rely on their ability in the future. and improved services. Heyl looks for- repay the incredible loyalty of its part- ward to a bright future full of optimism Looking to the future and zest for action – a future which it Heyl is ready for the future. High-quality will shape. products, a clear corporate strategy with real customer centricity and committed and qualified employees are the foundations upon which the company will thrive in the future. 33 Companies of the Heyl Network Sales: Germany France The Netherlands Poland Gebrüder Heyl Vertriebsgesellschaft Heyl France Sarl Pro Water B.V. Perfect Water Systems Sp. z o.o. für innovative Wasseraufbereitung mbH Techniparc Lansinkesweg 6 ul. Kostruktorska 6 Montoirestr. 6 3 rue Boole 7553 AE Hengelo 02-673 Warszawa 31135 Hildesheim 91240 Saint Michel sur Orge Tel.: +31 (0) 74 2 91 51 50 Tel./Fax: +48 (0) 22 8 43 69 96 Tel.: +49 (0) 51 21 76 09-0 Tel.: +33 (0) 1 69 46 1717 Fax: +31 (0) 74 2 91 53 50 Tel./Fax: +48 (0) 22 8 53 49 34 Fax: +49 (0) 51 21 76 09 44 Fax: +33 (0) 1 69 46 17 40 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Production and development: Switzerland CHRIST AQUA ecolife AG Gebrüder Heyl Analysentechnik GmbH & Co. KG Neuhofweg 53 Postfach 127 Orleansstr. 75b 4147 Aesch 31135 Hildesheim Tel.: +41 (0) 61 7 55 83 32 Tel.: +49 (0) 51 21 2 89 33-0 Fax: +41 (0) 61 7 55 85 51 Fax: +49 (0) 51 21 2 89 33 67 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] 34