International Edition - McGraw
International Edition - McGraw
TABLE OF CONTENTS Introductory Psychology ................3 Social and Personality Psychology ....................................47 Introductory Psychology ........................................................... 4 Introductory Psychology – Readers .................................................9 Advanced Social Psychology .................................................. 52 Attitudes and Behavior ........................................................... 51 Developmental Psychology ...........13 Health Psychology .................................................................. 56 Interpersonal Relations ........................................................... 57 Intimacy ................................................................................. 54 Adolescence – Reader / Cases ................................................ 31 Adolescence – Texts ............................................................... 28 Adulthood and Aging ............................................................. 32 Adulthood and Aging – Readers ............................................. 33 Personality.............................................................................. 51 Psychology of Women and Gender ........................................ 54 Social Psychology – Readers................................................... 49 Social Psychology – Texts ....................................................... 48 Child Development – Chronological ...................................... 22 Child Development – Readers / Cases .................................... 26 Child Development – Topical ................................................. 24 Child Guidance ...................................................................... 28 Cognitive Development – Readers.......................................... 35 Cognitive Science ................................................................... 37 Developmental Psychopathology ........................................... 36 Gender Role Development ..................................................... 37 Human Development / Lifespan – Chronological ................... 15 Human Development / Lifespan – Readers ............................. 19 Human Development / Lifespan – Topical .............................. 18 Clinical Psychology.......................59 Abnormal Psychology ............................................................. 60 Abnormal Psychology – Readers ............................................ 61 Adjustment – Readers ............................................................. 62 Developmental Psychopathology ........................................... 66 Drugs / Psycho-pharmacology ................................................ 63 Drugs / Psycho-pharmacology – Readers ................................ 64 Introduction to Clinical Psychology ........................................ 63 Educational Psychology ...............39 Experimental Psychology ............. 67 Child, Family & Society – Readers .......................................... 45 Death and Dying .................................................................... 45 Educational Psychology .......................................................... 40 Educational Psychology – Readers .......................................... 42 Infants & Toddlers .................................................................. 44 Cognitive Psychology ............................................................. 73 Experimental Psychology – Readers ........................................ 71 Neuropsychology ................................................................... 73 Perception .............................................................................. 74 Research Methods .................................................................. 68 SPSS/SAS ................................................................................ 72 Statistics ................................................................................. 71 Tests and Measurements ......................................................... 72 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Applied Psychology ......................75 Sociology.......................................85 Industrial Psychology – Organizational Behavior .................... 76 Comparative Societies .......................................................... 139 Sports Psychology................................................................... 76 Criminology ......................................................................... 129 Criminology – Readers ......................................................... 130 Psychology History & Systems .....79 History and Systems ............................................................... 80 Drugs & Society.................................................................... 125 Drugs & Society – Readers ................................................... 127 Gerontology / Sociology of Aging – Readers ......................... 110 Introductory Sociology ........................................................... 88 Introductory Sociology – Readers ........................................... 93 Juvenile Delinquency ........................................................... 125 Human Sexuality.......................... 81 Human Sexuality .................................................................... 82 Human Sexuality – Readers .................................................... 83 Marriage & The Family ......................................................... 101 Marriage & The Family – Readers ......................................... 103 Medical Sociology – Readers ................................................ 109 Political Sociology ................................................................ 115 Race and Ethnicity – Readers ................................................ 113 Race, Class. Gender, and Sexuality ....................................... 108 Research Methods ................................................................ 123 Social Inequality / Social Stratification .................................. 115 Social Problems ...................................................................... 95 Social Problems – Readers ...................................................... 97 Social Psychology ................................................................. 120 Social Psychology – Readers................................................. 121 Social Work / Welfare .......................................................... 119 Sociological Theory .............................................................. 116 Sociology of Complex Organization ..................................... 140 Sociology of Death ............................................................... 111 Sociology of Death – Readers ............................................... 112 Sociology of Education – Readers ......................................... 132 Sociology of Family .............................................................. 105 Sociology of Family – Readers .............................................. 107 Sociology of Gender ............................................................. 119 Sociology of Health – Readers .............................................. 134 Sociology of Law – Readers .................................................. 131 Sociology of Sexuality .......................................................... 136 Sociology of Sexuality – Readers .......................................... 136 Sociology of Sport ................................................................ 132 Special Topics ...................................................................... 140 Special Topics – Readers ...................................................... 140 SPSS / SAS ............................................................................ 124 Statistics ............................................................................... 124 Technology & Society ........................................................... 138 Urban Sociology ................................................................... 112 2 2008–2009 NEW Psychology Titles Introductory Psychology ~ Contents Introductory Psychology ........................................................... 4 2008 New Title ■ DUFFY Annual Editions: Personal Growth and Behavior 07/08, 26e ..................................................................................... 9 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339731-3 / MHID: 0-07-339731-8 ■ FELDMAN Essentials of Understanding Psychology, 7e ....................... 4 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-340549-0 / MHID: 0-07-340549-3 ■ FELDMAN Understanding Psychology, 8e ........................................... 6 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-353193-9 / MHID: 0-07-353193-6 ■ KING The Science Of Psychology: An Appreciative View ........... 7 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-353188-5 / MHID: 0-07-353188-X ■ SLIFE Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Psychological Issues, 15e ................................................................................... 10 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-351510-6 / MHID: 0-07-351510-8 Introductory Psychology – Readers .................................................9 2009 New Title ■ PASSER Psychology: The Science of Mind and Behavior, 4e ........... 4 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-338276-0 / MHID: 0-07-338276-0 3 Introduction to Psychology Introductory Psychology NEW International Edition NEW PSYCHOLOGY: THE SCIENCE OF MIND AND BEHAVIOR 4th Edition Michael W. Passer, University of Washington Ronald E. Smith, University of Washington 2009 / 800 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-338276-0 / MHID: 0-07-338276-0 Available: November 2007 Psychology: The Science of Mind and Behavior imparts students with a scientific understanding of the field of psychology while showing them the impact on their day-today existence. A simple conceptual framework within the text emphasizes relations between biological, psychological, and environmental levels of analysis and portrays the focus of modern psychology. Together with Research Close-Ups in each chapter and Beneath the Surface discussions and What Do You Think? questions, the text challenges students to think critically about psychology as a science and its impact on their lives. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Chapter 3: Biological Foundations of Behavior has been expanded to two chapters, Chapter 3: Genes, Environment, and Behavior; and Chapter 4: The Brain and Behavior. • Chapter 11: Development has been reorganized so that the infancy-early childhood portion, when changes are rapid, is covered chronologically, and the later life sections are covered thematically. • Increased Emphasis on the Scientific Method. Chapter 2 has been revised to clarify and increase student engagement with this important content area, and includes a new, in-depth feature using the Scientific Method. • Experimental Design Diagrams in conjunction with the Research Close-Ups in each chapter reinforce the emphasis in the book on helping students to understand research. These diagrams explore the methodology used in the experiment and why. CONTENTS Chapter 1 The Science of Psychology Chapter 2 Studying Behavior Scientifically Chapter 3 Genes, Environment, and Behavior Chapter 4 The Brain and Behavior Chapter 5 Sensation and Perception Chapter 6 States of Consciousness Chapter 7 Learning and Adaptation: The Role of Experience Chapter 8 Memory Chapter 9 Language and Thinking Chapter 10 Intelligence Chapter 11 Motivation and Emotion Chapter 12 Development over the Life Span Chapter 13 Personality Chapter 14 Adjusting to Life: Stress, Coping, and Health Chapter 15 Psychological Disorders Chapter 16 Treatment of Psychological Disorders Chapter 17 Social Thinking and Behavior Appendix: Statistics in Psychology A-1 4 ESSENTIALS OF UNDERSTANDING PSYCHOLOGY 7th Edition Robert Feldman, University of MassAmherst 2008 / 688 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-340549-0 / MHID: 0-07-340549-3 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-110165-3 / MHID: 0-07-110165-9 [IE] Available: November 2006 Website: Students First. Essentials of Understanding Psychology is written around the philosophy that an effective textbook must be oriented to students—informing them, engaging them, exciting them about the field, and expanding their intellectual capabilities—because when students understand psychology, they learn psychology. No matter what brings students into the introductory course and regardless of their initial motivation, Essentials of Understanding Psychology, Seventh Edition, draws students into the field and stimulates their thinking. This revision integrates a variety of elements that foster students’ understanding of psychology and its impact on their everyday lives. It also provides instructors with a fully integrated supplements package to objectively gauge their students’ mastery of psychology’s key principles and concepts and to create dynamic lectures. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Following a number of chapters, five key concepts are reviewed in a format that is more visual than verbal in the Visual Mastery Reviews. These concepts are: Mastering Research Design and Methodology; Mastering the Difference between Sensation and Perception; Mastering the Action Potential; Mastering Operant Conditioning; and Mastering Persuasion. Following the visual review are Evaluate/Rethink questions for students to assess their understanding—questions that are directly sourced from Bob Feldman’s own test questions on these concepts. These five concepts were chosen based on feedback received from instructors who participated in McGraw-Hill’s We Listen campaign as the most difficult concepts for students to learn. • The book retains the modular format that was initiated in the last edition—a change that has proven highly popular. However, in this edition the chapter structure has been reinstated so that those who prefer to assign the complete chapter and/or topic can do so more easily. Essentials of Understanding Psychology, Eighth Edition is divided into 46 short modules grouped into 14 chapters and an Appendix covering the major areas of psychology. An advantage of the modular structure is allowing students to study material in smaller chunks, which psychological research long ago found to be the optimal way to learn. Moreover, instructors can customize assignments for their students by asking them to read only those modules that fit their course outline and in the sequence that matches their syllabus. At the beginning of each module, one or more questions introduce the key concepts covered in the module. These key concepts are also the focus of PsychInteractive Online, available on the Online Learning Center for the text ( and described below. In Introductory to Psychology the text, references and icons direct students to PsychInteractive activities that correspond to each concept. • The media program for Essentials of Understanding Psychology was developed with both the instructor and student in mind. The goal of the program is to provide parity; that is, that each concept covered in the text has a supporting media element for both the instructor and student. For example, if there is an animation on perception for the instructor on PrepCenter, there is a Concept Quiz for the student on PsychInteractive. Rather than providing a large quantity of assets, we believe that building a program with an eye toward continually reinforcing the important concepts for both the student and instructor was paramount. • PrepCenter helps you build your classroom presentations whenever, where-ever, and how-ever you want. In one convenient online location, PrepCenter offers individual asset files such as the line art from the textbook, PowerPoint presentations for each key concept, video clips embedded in PowerPoint slides, and animations on biological and other difficult concepts. Each is ready to use as is, or to drop into a PowerPoint slideshow or your course webpage. You can search for individual assets the way you want to search—by chapter, by concept, or by type of media. Access PrepCenter through the Instructor’s Online Learning Center. • The new PsychInteractive Online is a student resource for further review of key concepts that is also available for instructors to use in an online course or as a lab component. It includes more than 70 interactivities and reference pages, all with accompanying conceptual self-tests, personal insight surveys, and study pages. For each concept, students can create and print a personalized study page. • Content throughout the book has been revised and updated to reflect current research and respond to comments from reviewers. In particular Chapter 6 on Memory has been organized to offer clearer focus on core concepts. In addition, increased biological information is integrated throughout the book where appropriate. • Students can purchase a cost-saving alternative to their traditional printed textbook with a Zinio ebook. CONTENTS Preface 1: Introduction to Psychology Module 1: Psychologists at Work Module 2: A Science that Evolves: The Past, the Present, and the Future Module 3: Research in Psychology Module 4: Research Challenges: Exploring the Process Mastering the Experimental Method: The Difference between Dependent and Independent Variables 2: Neuroscience and Behavior Module 5: Neurons: The Basic Elements of Behavior Module 6: The Nervous System and the Endocrine System: Communicating Within the Body Module 7: The Brain Mastering the Action Potential 3: Sensation and Perception Module 8: Sensing the World Around Us Module 9: Vision: Shedding Light on the Eye Module 10: Hearing and Other Senses Module 11: Perceptual Organization: Constructing our View of the World Mastering the Difference between Sensation and Perception 5: Learning Module 15: Classical Conditioning Module 16: Operant Conditioning Module 17: Cognitive-Social Approaches to Learning Mastering the Distinction between Reinforcement and Punishment 6: Memory Module 18: The Foundations of Memory Module 19: Recalling Long-Term Memories Module 20: Forgetting: When Memory Fails 7: Thinking, Language, and Intelligence Module 21: Thinking Module 22: Language Module 23: Intelligence 8: Motivation and Emotion Module 24: Explaining Motivation Module 25: Human Needs and Motivation: Eat, Drink, and Be Daring Module 26: Understanding Emotional Experiences 9: Development Module 27: Nature, Nurture, and Prenatal Development Module 28: Infancy and Childhood Module 29: Adolescence: Becoming an Adult Module 30: Adulthood 10: Personality Module 31: Psychodynamic Approaches to Personality Module 32: Trait, Learning, Biological, Evolutionary, and Humanistic Approaches to Personality Module 33: Assessing Personality: Determining What Makes Us Distinctive 11: Health Psychology: Stress, Coping, and Well-Being Module 34: Stress and Coping Module 35: Psychological Aspects of Illness and Well-Being Module 36: Promoting Health and Wellness 12: Psychological Disorders Module 37: Normal versus Abnormal: Making the Distinction Module 38: The Major Psychological Disorders Module 39: Psychological Disorders in Perspective 13: Treatment of Psychological Disorders Module 40: Psychotherapy: Psychodynamic, Behavioral, and Cognitive Approaches to Treatment Module 41: Psychotherapy: Humanistic, Interpersonal, and Group Approaches to Treatment Module 42: Biomedical Therapy: Biological Approaches to Treatment 14: Social Psychology Module 43: Attitudes and Social Cognition Module 44: Social Influence Module 45: Prejudice and Discrimination Module 46: Positive and Negative Social Behavior Mastering Attitude Change Glossary References Credits Name Index Subject Index 4: States of Consciousness Module 12: Sleep and Dreams Module 13: Hypnosis and Meditation Module 14: Drug Use: The Highs and Lows of Consciousness 5 Introduction to Psychology NEW ( and described below. In the text, references and icons direct students to PsychInteractive activities that correspond to each concept. International Edition UNDERSTANDING PSYCHOLOGY 8th Edition Robert Feldman, University of MassAmherst 2008 / 800 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-353193-9 / MHID: 0-07-353193-6 (No selling rights) ISBN-13: 978-0-07-110166-0 / MHID: 0-07-110166-7 [IE] Available: November 2006 Website: Students First. Understanding Psychology is written around the philosophy that an effective textbook must be oriented to students—informing them, engaging them, exciting them about the field, and expanding their intellectual capabilities—because when students understand psychology, they learn psychology. No matter what brings students into the introductory course and regardless of their initial motivation, Understanding Psychology, Eighth Edition, draws students into the field and stimulate their thinking. This revision integrates a variety of elements that foster students’ understanding of psychology and its impact on their everyday lives. It also provides instructors with a fully integrated supplements package to objectively gauge their students’ mastery of psychology’s key principles and concepts and to create dynamic lectures. NEW TO THIS EDITION • The media program for Understanding Psychology was developed with both the instructor and student in mind. The goal of the program is to provide parity; that is, that each concept covered in the text has a supporting media element for both the instructor and student. For example, if there is an animation on perception for the instructor on PrepCenter, there is a Concept Quiz for the student on PsychInteractive. Rather than providing a large quantity of assets, we believe that building a program with an eye toward continually reinforcing the important concepts for both the student and instructor was paramount. • PrepCenter helps you build your classroom presentations whenever, where-ever, and how-ever you want. In one convenient online location, PrepCenter offers individual asset files such as the line art from the textbook, PowerPoint presentations for each key concept, video clips embedded in PowerPoint slides, and animations on biological and other difficult concepts. Each is ready to use as is, or to drop into a PowerPoint slideshow or your course webpage. You can search for individual assets the way you want to search—by chapter, by concept, or by type of media. Access PrepCenter through the Instructor’s Online Learning Center. • The new PsychInteractive Online is a student resource for further review of key concepts that is also available for instructors to use in an online course or as a lab component. It includes more than 70 interactivities and reference pages, all with accompanying conceptual self-tests, personal insight surveys, and study pages. For each concept, students can create and print a personalized study page. • Content throughout the book has been revised and updated to reflect current research and respond to comments from reviewers. In particular chapter 7 on Memory has been organized to offer clearer focus on core concepts. In addition, increased biological information is integrated throughout the book where appropriate. • Students can purchase a cost-saving alternative to their traditional printed textbook with a Zinio ebook. • Following a number of chapters, five key concepts are reviewed in a format that is more visual than verbal in the Visual Mastery Reviews. These concepts are: Mastering Research Design and Methodology; Mastering the Difference between Sensation and Perception; Mastering the Action Potential; Mastering Operant Conditioning; and Mastering Persuasion. Following the visual review are Evaluate/Rethink questions for students to assess their understanding—questions that are directly sourced from Bob Feldman’s own test questions on these concepts. These five concepts were chosen based on feedback received from instructors who participated in McGraw-Hill’s We Listen campaign as the most difficult concepts for students to learn. CONTENTS • The book retains the modular format that was initiated in the last edition—a change that has proven highly popular. However, in this edition the chapter structure has been reinstated so that those who prefer to assign the complete chapter and/or topic can do so more easily. Understanding Psychology, Eighth Edition is divided into 60 short modules grouped into 17 chapters and an Appendix covering the major areas of psychology. An advantage of the modular structure is allowing students to study material in smaller chunks, which psychological research long ago found to be the optimal way to learn. Moreover, instructors can customize assignments for their students by asking them to read only those modules that fit their course outline and in the sequence that matches their syllabus. At the beginning of each module, one or more questions introduce the key concepts covered in the module. These key concepts are also the focus of PsychInteractive Online, available on the Online Learning Center for the text Chapter 3 Neuroscience and Behavior Module 7: Neurons: The Basic Elements of Behavior Module 8: The Nervous System and the Endocrine System: Communicating Within the Body Module 9: The Brain Mastering the Action Potential 6 Chapter 1 Introduction to Psychology Module 1: Psychologists at Work Module 2: A Science Evolves: The Past, the Present, and the Future Module 3: Psychology’s Key Issues and Controversies Chapter 2 Psychological Research Module 4: The Scientific Method Module 5: Conducting Psychological Research Module 6: Critical Research Issues Mastering the Experimental Method: The Difference between Dependent and Independent Variables Chapter 4 Sensation and Perception Module 10: Sensing the World Around Us Module 11: Vision: Shedding Light on the Eye Module 12: Hearing and the Other Senses Module 13: Perceptual Organization: Constructing Our View of the World Mastering the Difference between Sensation and Perception Chapter 5 States of Consciousness Module 14: Sleep and Dreams Introductory to Psychology Module 15: Hypnosis and Meditation Module 16: Drug Use: The Highs and Lows of Consciousness Chapter 6 Learning Module 17: Classical Conditioning Module 18: Operant Conditioning Module 19: Cognitive Approaches to Learning Mastering the Distinction between Reinforcement and Punishment Chapter 7 Memory Module 20: The Foundations of Memory Module 21: Recalling Long-Term Memories Module 22: Forgetting: When Memory Fails Chapter 8 Cognition and Language Module 23: Thinking and Reasoning Module 24: Problem Solving Module 25: Language Chapter 9 Intelligence Module 26: What is Intelligence? Module 27: Variations in Intellectual Ability Module 28: Group Differences in Intelligence: Genetic and Environmental Determinants Chapter 10 Motivation and Emotion Module 29: Explaining Motivation Module 30: Human Needs and Motivation: Eat, Drink, and Be Daring Module 31: Understanding Emotional Experiences Module 32: Nonverbal Behavior and the Expression of Emotions Chapter 11 Sexuality and Gender Module 33: Gender and Sex Module 34: Understanding Human Sexual Response: The Facts of Life Module 35: The Diversity of Sexual Behavior Module 36: Sexual Difficulties: When Sex Goes Wrong Chapter 12 Development Module 37: Nature and Nurture: The Enduring Developmental Issue Module 38: Prenatal Development: Conception to Birth Module 39: Infancy and Childhood Module 40: Adolescence: Becoming an Adult Module 41: Adulthood Chapter 13 Personality Module 42: Psychodynamic Approaches to Personality Module 43: Trait, Learning, Biological, Evolutionary, and Humanistic Approaches to Personality Module 44: Assessing Personality: Determining What Makes Us Distinctive Chapter 14 Health Psychology: Stress, Coping, and Well-Being Module 45: Stress and Coping Module 46: Psychological Aspects of Illness and Well-Being Module 47: Promoting Health and Wellness Chapter 15 Psychological Disorders Module 48: Normal Versus Abnormal: Making the Distinction Module 49: The Major Psychological Disorders Module 50: Psychological Disorders in Perspective Chapter 16 Treatment of Psychological Disorders Module 51: Psychotherapy: Psychodynamic, Behavioral, and Cognitive Approaches to Treatment Module 52: Psychotherapy: Humanistic, Interpersonal, and Group Approaches to Treatment Module 53: Biomedical Therapy: Biological Approaches to Treatment Chapter 17 Social Psychology Module 54: Attitudes and Social Cognition Module 55: Social Influence Module 56: Prejudice and Discrimination Module 57: Positive and Negative Social Behavior Mastering Attitude Change Appendix: Going by the Numbers: Statistics in Psychology Module 58: Descriptive Statistics Module 59: Measures of Variability Module 60: Using Statistics to Answer Questions: Inferential Statistics and Correlation NEW THE SCIENCE OF PSYCHOLOGY AN APPRECIATIVE VIEW Laura King, University of Missouri--Columbia 2008 / 864 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-353188-5 / MHID: 0-07-353188-X Available: November 2007 Website: Why Things Go Right. The Science of Psychology: An Appreciative View by Laura King (University of Missouri at Columbia) is the first text to bring a truly appreciative view of psychology—as a science and for exploring behavior—to introductory students. It is built around the idea that students must study the discipline of psychology as a whole, that the sub-disciplines are intricately connected, and that human behavior is best understood by exploring its functioning state in addition to its potential dysfunctions. For example, imagine that you have been asked to create a science of “watchology.” You have two watches that both have had the unfortunate “trauma” of being left in the pocket of someone’s jeans through the washer and dryer. One watch has suffered the worst possible fate—it no longer tells time. The other has emerged from the traumatic event still ticking. Which watch would you use to develop your new science of watchology? Clearly, the working watch will help you understand watches better than the broken one. What does watchology have to do with psychology? Quite simply, in psychology as in watchology, it makes sense to start with what works: to gain a general understanding of human behavior and then apply that knowledge to those who have emerged from life’s experiences in dysfunction. CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 What Is Psychology? Defining Psychology CHAPTER 2 Psychology’s Scientific Methods CHAPTER 3 Biological Foundations of Behavior CHAPTER 4 Human Development CHAPTER 5 Sensation and Perception CHAPTER 6 States of Consciousness CHAPTER 7 Learning CHAPTER 8 Memory CHAPTER 9 Thinking, Language, and Intelligence CHAPTER 10 Motivation and Emotion CHAPTER 11 Personality CHAPTER 12 Social Psychology CHAPTER 13 Industrial and Organizational Psychology CHAPTER 14 Psychological Disorders CHAPTER 15 Therapies CHAPTER 16 Health Psychology 7 Introduction to Psychology International Edition PSYCHOLOGY: AN INTRODUCTION 9th Edition Benjamin B. Lahey, University of Chicago 2007 / Softcover / 768 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-312387-5 / MHID: 0-07-312387-0 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-322882-2 / MHID: 0-07-322882-6 (with CD/Powerweb) ISBN-13: 978-0-07-110616-0 / MHID: 0-07-110616-2 [IE] Available: January 2006 Website: Browse Respected researcher and author Benjamin Lahey uses engaging writing on a foundation of solid scholarship to help students master the basics of psychology. The text’s proven learning system is more effective than ever in this revision, thanks to a streamlined and functional visual design. Applications of basic concepts throughout the text help students retain what they learn by demonstrating psychology’s relevance to their own lives, and fully integrated coverage of culture and diversity promotes an inclusive learning experience for all. The fully revised ninth edition benefits from expert reviewing in many specialties--including neuroscience, sensation and perception, social psychology, and applied topics-and fully updated coverage in all areas. CONTENTS Part 1: INTRODUCTION AND FOUNDATIONS 1. What is Psychology? 2. Research Methods in Psychology 3. Biological Foundations of Behavior Part 2: AWARENESS 4. Sensation and Perception 5. States of Consciousness Part 3: LEARNING AND COGNITION 6. Basic Principles of Learning 7. Memory 8. Cognition, Language and Intelligence Part 4: DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY 9. Developmental Psychology Part 5: THE SELF 10. Motivation and Emotion 11. Gender and Sexuality 12. Personality Theories and Assessment Part 6: HEALTH AND ADJUSTMENT 13. Stress and Health 14. Abnormal Behavior 15. Therapies Part 7: SOCIAL CONTEXT 16. Social Psychology 17. Psychology Applied to Business and Other Professions Appendix: Measurement and Statistics 8 International Edition PSYCHOLOGY WITH IN-PSYCH PLUS STUDENT CD-ROM AND POWERWEB Updated 7th Edition John W. Santrock, University of Texas at Dallas 2005 / Hardcover with CD-ROM / 736 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-298073-8 / MHID: 0-07-298073-7 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-111394-6 / MHID: 0-07-111394-0 [IE] Website: CONTENTS Chapter 1: What Is Psychology? Chapter 2: Psychology’s Scientific Methods Chapter 3: Biological Foundations of Behavior Chapter 4: Human Development Chapter 5: Sensation and Perception Chapter 6: States of Consciousness Chapter 7: Learning Chapter 8: Memory Chapter 9: Thinking and Language Chapter 10: Intelligence Chapter 11: Motivation and Emotion Chapter 12: Personality Chapter 13: Psychological Disorders Chapter 14: Therapies Chapter 15: Stress, Coping, and Health Chapter 16: Social Psychology Glossary References Credits Name Index Subject Index International Edition ESSENTIALS OF PSYCHOLOGY WITH MAKING THE GRADE CD-ROM Benjamin B. Lahey, University of Chicago 2002 / Softcover / 471 pages ISBN-13: 978-07-248762-6 / MHID: 07-248762-3 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-112120-0 / MHID: 0-07-112120-X [IE] Website: CONTENTS Ch 1 - What is Psychology? Ch 2 - Biological Foundations of Behavior Ch 3 - Sensation and Perception Ch 4 - States of Consciousness Ch 5 - Basic Principles of Learning Ch 6 - Memory Ch 7 - Cognition, Language, and Intelligence Ch 8 - Developmental Psychology Ch 9 - Motivation and Emotion Ch 10 - Gender Ch 11 - Personality Theories and Assessment Ch 12 - Stress and Health Ch 13 - Abnormal Behavior Ch 14 - Therapies Ch 15 - Social Psychology Appendix: Measurement, Research Design, and Statistics Introductory to Psychology International Edition PSYCHOLOGY 5th Edition Camille B. Wortman, SUNY-Stony Brook, Elizabeth F. Loftus, University of Washington and Charles A. Weaver, III, Baylor University 1999 / Hardcover / 768 pg ISBN-13: 978-0-07-071931-6 / MHID: 0-07-071931-4 (Out of Print) ISBN-13: 978-0-07-115627-1 / MHID: 0-07-115627-5 [IE] Website: index.htm CONTENTS 1. The Science of Psychology 2. Research Methods 3. The Biological Foundations of Behavior 4. Sensation and Perception 5. The Nature of Consciousness 6. Learning and Behavior 7. Memory 8. Cognition and Language 9. Cognitive Development 10. Social and Personality Development 11. Motivation and Emotion 12. Health Psychology 13. Theories of Personality 14. Psychological Assessment and Individual Differences 15. Psychological Disorders 16. Psychological Treatments 17. Social Psychology I: Attitudes and Social Cognition 18. Social Psychology II: Social Influence, Aggression, and Altruism Introductory Psychology – Readers NEW ANNUAL EDITIONS: PERSONAL GROWTH AND BEHAVIOR 07/08 26th Edition Karen G Duffy, State University of Coll-Geneseo 2008 / 208 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339731-3 / MHID: 0-07-339731-8 Available: January 2007 Website: 7318.mhtml This Twenty-Sixth Edition of ANNUAL EDITIONS: PERSONAL GROWTH AND BEHAVIOR 07/08 provides convenient, inexpensive access to current articles selected from the best of the public press. Organizational features include: an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites; an annotated table of contents; a topic guide; a general introduction; brief overviews for each section; a topical index; and an instructor’s resource guide with testing materials. USING ANNUAL EDITIONS IN THE CLASSROOM is offered as a practical guide for instructors. ANNUAL EDITIONS titles are supported by our student website, online. CONTENTS UNIT 1. Becoming a Person: Foundations 1. Carl Rogers’ Life and Work: An Assessment on the 100th Anniversary of His Birth 2. Mysteries of the Mind 3. Skepticism of Caricatures: B.F. Skinner Turns 100 4. The “Big Five” and You: How Personality Traits Affect Behavior UNIT 2. Determinants of Behavior: Motivation, Environment, and Physiology 5. What Makes You Who You Are 6. The Blank Slate, Steven Pinker 7. Genetic Influence on Human Psychological Traits 8. Nature vs. Nurture: Two Brothers With Schizophrenia 9. The Amazing Brain: Is Neuroscience the Key to What Makes Us Human? 10. His Brain, Her Brain 11. Cultural Psychology: Studying the Exotic Other 12. Just Do It 13. Stand and Deliver UNIT 3. Problems Influencing Personal Growth 14. The Biology of Aging 15. and Now, the Hard Part: That Sweet Little Thing Is About to Commandeer Your Life 16. Childhood Is for Children 17. Kaleidoscope of Parenting Cultures 18. What American Schools Can Learn from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry 19. What Makes Teens Tick 20. Staving Off Middle-Age Spread Requires Portion Control and Plenty of Exercise 21. Midlife Crisis? Bring It On! 22. The Borders of Healing UNIT 4. Relating to Others 23. Mirror, Mirror: Seeing Yourself As Others See You 24. What’s Your Emotional IQ? 25. Nurturing Empathy 26. What Does That Mean? 27. Deception Detection 28. Calling It Off 29. Want to Stay Married? Move to Massachusetts 30. Forgiveness: Who Does It and How Do They Do It? UNIT 5. The Individual and Society 31. The Emperor’s New Woes 32. Suspicious Minds 33. 50th Anniversary: Brown v. Board of Education 34. The Social Net 35. Work-life: Organizations in Denial 36. How to Get Out Alive 37. The Collateral Psychological Damage of War UNIT 6. Enhancing Human Adjustment: Learning to Cope Effectively 38. Are We Becoming a Nation of Depressives? 39. Dear Reader: Get a Life 40. The 10 Rules of Change 41. Drugs vs. Talk Therapy 9 Introduction to Psychology NEW TAKING SIDES: CLASHING VIEWS ON PSYCHOLOGICAL ISSUES 15th Edition Brent Slife, Brigham Young University 2008 / 432 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-351510-6 / MHID: 0-07-351510-8 Available: October 2007 Website: 108.mhtml This Fifteenth Edition of TAKING SIDES: PSYCHOLOGICAL ISSUES presents current controversial issues in a debate-style format designed to stimulate student interest and develop critical thinking skills. Each issue is thoughtfully framed with an issue summary, an issue introduction, and a postscript. An instructor’s manual with testing material is available for each volume. USING TAKING SIDES IN THE CLASSROOM is also an excellent instructor resource with practical suggestions on incorporating this effective approach in the classroom. Each TAKING SIDES reader features an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites and is supported by our student website, CONTENTS UNIT 1 Research Issues Issue 1. Should Animal Research in Psychology Be Eliminated? Issue 2. Are Traditional Scientific Methods Sufficient to Provide Evidence for Psychological Practice Issue 3. Classic Dialogue: Was Stanley Milgram’s Study of Obedience Unethical? UNIT 2 Biological Issues Issue 4. Are Humans Naturally Violent? Issue 5. Do Women and Men Communicate Differently? Issue 6. Do Brain Deficiencies Determine Learning Disabilities? UNIT 3 Human Development Issue 7. Does the Environment Influence Human Development More than Genes? Issue 8. Does the Divorce of Parents Harm Their Children? Issue 9. Does Research Show That Homosexual Parenting Has No Negative Effects? UNIT 4 Cognitive Processes Issue 10. Are Human Activities Determined? Issue 11. Is the Theory of Multiple Intelligences Valid? UNIT 5 Mental Health Issue 12. Does ADHD Exist? Issue 13. Does Taking Antidepressants Lead to Suicide? Issue 14. Does Low Self-Esteem Produce Anti-Social Behavior? UNIT 6 Psychological Treatments Issue 15. Should Psychologists Be Able to Prescribe Medicine? Issue 16. Is Treating Homosexuality Ethical? UNIT 7 Social Psychology Issue 17. Do Video Games Lead to Violence? Issue 18. Can Sex Be Addictive? ANNUAL EDITIONS: PSYCHOLOGY 07/08 37th Edition Karen Duffy, State University Coll-Geneseo 2007 / 224 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-351629-5 / MHID: 0-07-351629-5 Available: September 2006 Website: 295.mhtml) This Thirty-Seventh Edition of ANNUAL EDITIONS: PSYCHOLOGY provides convenient, inexpensive access to current articles selected from the best of the public press. Organizational features include: an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites; an annotated table of contents; a topic guide; a general introduction; brief overviews for each section; a topical index; and an instructor’s resource guide with testing materials. USING ANNUAL EDITIONS IN THE CLASSROOM is offered as a practical guide for instructors. ANNUAL EDITIONS titles are supported by our student website, CONTENTS UNIT 1. The Science of Psychology 1. Why Study Psychology? 2. Does Psychology Make a Significant Difference in Our Lives? New! 3. The 10 Commandments of Helping Students Distinguish Science from Pseudoscience in Psychology. 4. Causes and Correlations UNIT 2. Biological Bases of Behavior 5. The Amazing Brain: Is Neuroscience the Key to What Makes Us Human? 6. Genetic Influence on Human Psychological Traits New! 7. The Structure of the Human Brain UNIT 3. Perceptual Processes New! 8. Sensational Tune-ups 9. Eye Wise: Seeing Into the Future 10. A Matter of Taste, Mary Beckman New! 11. Extreme States UNIT 4. Learning and Remembering 12. Teaching for Understanding New! 13. Memory Flexibility 14. Theory of Multiple Intelligences: Is It a Scientific Theory? UNIT 5. Cognitive Processes New! 15. Shouldn’t There Be a Word...? 17. Mysteries of the Mind UNIT 6. Emotion and Motivation 18. Unconscious Emotion New! 19. Feeling Smart: The Science of Emotional Intelligence 20. The Value of Positive Emotions New! 21. Ambition: Why Some People Are Most Likely to Succeed New! 22. Obesity—An Epidemic of the Twenty-First Century: An Update for Psychiatrists UNIT 7. Development New! 23. Why Newborns Cause Acrimony and Alimony 24. The Methuselah Report New! 25. A Peaceful Adolescence New! 26. Ageless Aging: The Next Era of Retirement 27. The Borders of Healing UNIT 8. Personality Processes New! 28. Freud in Our Midst New! 29. Exploding the Self-Esteem Myth 30. The Testing of America UNIT 9. Social Processes 31. To Err Is Human 10 Introductory to Psychology 32. Deception Detection New! 33. Mirror, Mirror: Seeing Yourself As Others See You New! 34. Young and Restless UNIT 10. Psychological Disorders 35. The Age of Depression New! 36. Soldier Support UNIT 11. Psychological Treatments 37. The Quandary Over Mental Illness New! 38. The Discover Interview: Nobel Laureate Eric Kandel, Susan Kruglinski New! 39. Offering Hope to the Emotionally Depressed 40. Computer- and Internet-Based Psychotherapy Interventions CLASSIC EDITION SOURCES: PSYCHOLOGY 4th Edition Terry Pettijohn, Ohio State University-marion 2007 / Softcover / 240 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-340404-2 / MHID: 0-07-340404-7 Available: March 2006 Website: 307.mhtml This reader provides over 40 selections of enduring intellectual value--classic articles, book excerpts, and research studies--that have shaped the study of psychology and our contemporary understanding of it. CONTENTS Chapter 1. Introducing Psychology Chapter 2. Psychobiology Chapter 3. Sensation and Perception Chapter 4. Sleep and Consciousness Chapter 5. Learning Chapter 6. Human Memory Chapter 7. Cognition and Intelligence Chapter 8. Motivation Chapter 9. Emotion Chapter 10. Human Development Chapter 11. Personality Chapter 12. Stress and Adjustment Chapter 13. Abnormal Behavior Chapter 14. Therapy Chapter 15. Social Psychology 11 2008–2009 NEW Psychology Titles 12 2008–2009 NEW Psychology Titles Developmental Psychology ~ Contents 2008 New Title ■ COX Annual Editions: Aging 07/08, 20e ................................... 34 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339729-0 / MHID: 0-07-339729-6 ■ DANIELS Understanding Children: An Interview and Observation Guide for Educators, 2e ................................................... 26 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-337857-2 / MHID: 0-07-337857-7 ■ DEFRATES-DENSCH Cases in Child and Adolescent Development for Teachers .................................................................... 26, 31 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-352585-3 / MHID: 0-07-352585-5 ■ DEL CAMPO Taking Sides: Clashing Views in Childhood and Society, 7e ..................................................................................... 27 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-351513-7 / MHID: 0-07-351513-2 ■ DIESSNER Classic Edition Sources: Human Development, 3e ........... 19 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-337968-5 / MHID: 0-07-337968-9 ■ FREIBERG Annual Editions: Human Development 08/09, 36e ............ 20 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339751-1 / MHID: 0-07-339751-2 ■ HAUGAARD Child Psychopathology .................................................... 36 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-340550-6 / MHID: 0-07-340550-7 ■ HOYER Adult Development and Aging, 6e ................................... 32 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-312854-2 / MHID: 0-07-312854-6 ■ JUNN Annual Editions: Child Growth and Development 08/09, 15e ................................................................................... 27 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339753-5 / MHID: 0-07-339753-9 ■ LIPS Adolescence – Reader / Cases ................................................ 31 Adolescence – Texts ............................................................... 28 Adulthood and Aging ............................................................. 32 Adulthood and Aging – Readers ............................................. 33 Child Development – Chronological ...................................... 22 Child Development – Readers / Cases .................................... 26 Child Development – Topical ................................................. 24 Child Guidance ...................................................................... 28 Cognitive Development – Readers.......................................... 35 Cognitive Science ................................................................... 37 Developmental Psychopathology ........................................... 36 Gender Role Development ..................................................... 37 Human Development / Lifespan – Chronological ................... 15 Human Development / Lifespan – Readers ............................. 19 Human Development / Lifespan – Topical .............................. 18 Sex & Gender, 6e ............................................................. 37 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-340553-7 / MHID: 0-07-340553-1 ■ MEECE Child and Adolescent Development for Educators, 3e ............................................................................... 24, 28 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-352576-1 / MHID: 0-07-352576-6 ■ PAPALIA A Child’s World, 11e ....................................................... 22 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-353197-7 / MHID: 0-07-353197-9 ■ PATTERSON Child Development .......................................................... 22 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-234795-1 / MHID: 0-07-234795-3 ■ REYNOLDS Guiding Your Children, 4e ............................................... 28 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-288093-9 / MHID: 0-07-288093-7 ■ SANTROCK Adolescence, 12e ............................................................. 29 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-338261-6 / MHID: 0-07-338261-2 ■ SANTROCK Children, 10e ................................................................... 23 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-338260-9 / MHID: 0-07-338260-4 ■ SANTROCK Life Span Development with Lifemap CD-ROM, 11e ....... 16 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-331024-4 / MHID: 0-07-331024-7 13 2008–2009 NEW Psychology Titles ■ STEINBERG Adolescence, 8e ............................................................... 29 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-340548-3 / MHID: 0-07-340548-5 ■ STICKLE Annual Editions: Adolescent Psychology, 6e .................... 31 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339758-0 / MHID: 0-07-339758-X 2009 New Title ■ COX Annual Editions: Aging 08/09, 21e ................................... 33 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339760-3 / MHID: 0-07-339760-1 ■ DACEY Human Development Across the Lifespan, 7e ................. 15 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-338265-4 / MHID: 0-07-338265-5 ■ DICKINSON Annual Editions: Dying, Death, And Bereavement 08/09, 10e ................................................................................... 34 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339771-9 / MHID: 0-07-339771-7 ■ GUEST Taking Sides: Clashing Views in Lifespan Development, 2e ..................................................................................... 19 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-351528-1 / MHID: 0-07-351528-0 ■ SANTROCK A Topical Approach to Lifespan Development, 4e ........... 18 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-338264-7 / MHID: 0-07-338264-7 ■ SANTROCK Essentials of Life-span Development ................................ 15 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-340551-3 / MHID: 0-07-340551-5 14 Developmental Psychology Human Development / Lifespan – Chronological Chapter 3: Physical and Cognitive Development in Infancy Motor Development Sensory and Perceptual Development Cognitive Development Language Development Chapter 4: Socioemotional Development in Infancy Emotional and Personality Development Attachment Social Contexts NEW HUMAN DEVELOPMENT ACROSS THE LIFESPAN 7th Edition John S Dacey, Boston College John Travers, Boston College 2009 / 608 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-338265-4 / MHID: 0-07-338265-5 Available: February 2008 (Details unavailable at press time) NEW ESSENTIALS OF LIFE-SPAN DEVELOPMENT John W Santrock 2009 / 512 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-340551-3 / MHID: 0-07-340551-5 Available: August 2007 What’s the single, most often expressed issue in the LifeSpan Development course? Covering a lifetime of material. Instructors from across the country are clamoring for a streamlined text capturing the core concepts of life-span development. Essentials of Life-Span Development was carefully designed and constructed to deliver these core concepts, along with a strong applications focus reflecting the broad range of interests and backgrounds of students taking this course. and as always, with John Santrock’s texts, the latest research in the field is incorporated throughout. CONTENTS Chapter 1: Introduction The Life-span Perspective The Nature of Development Theories of Development Research in Life-span Development Chapter 2: Biological Beginnings The Evolutionary Perspective Genetic Foundations of Development Heredity and Environment Interaction: The Nature-nurture Debate Prenatal Development Chapter 5: Physical and Cognitive Development in Early Childhood Physical Changes Cognitive Changes Language Development Early Childhood Education Chapter 6: Socioemotional Development in Early Childhood Emotional and Personality Development Families Relations, Play, and Television Chapter 7: Physical and Cognitive Development in Middle and Late Childhood Physical Changes and Health Children with Disabilities Cognitive Changes Language Development Chapter 8: Socioemotional Development in Middle and Late Childhood Emotional and Personality Development Families Peers Friends Schools Chapter 9: Physical and Cognitive Development in Adolescence The Nature of Adolescence Physical Changes Issues in Adolescent Health Adolescent Cognition Schools Chapter 10: Socioemotional Development in Adolescence The Self and Emotional Development Families Peers Culture and Adolescent Development Adolescent Problems Chapter 11: Physical and Cognitive Development in Early Adulthood The Transition from Adolescence to Adulthood Physical Development Sexuality Cognitive Development Careers and Work Chapter 12: Socioemotional Development in Early Adulthood Stability and Change from Childhood to Adulthood Attraction, Love, and Close Relationships Adult Life Styles Marriage and the Family Gender, Relationships, and Self Development Chapter 13: Physical and Cognitive Development in Middle Adulthood The Nature of Middle Adulthood Physical Development Cognitive Development Careers, Work, and Leisure Religion and Meaning in Life 15 Developmental Psychology Chapter 14: Socioemotional Development in Middle Adulthood Personality Theories and Development Stability and Change Close Relationships Chapter 15: Physical and Cognitive Development in Late Adulthood Longevity, Biological Aging, and Physical Development Health Cognitive Functioning Work and Retirement Mental Health Chapter 16: Socioemotional Development in Late Adulthood Theories of Socioemotional Development Personality and Society Families and Social Relationships Ethnicity, Gender, and Culture Chapter 17: Death and Grieving Defining Death and Life/Death Issues Death and Sociohistorical, Cultural Contexts Facing One’s Own Death Coping with the Death of Someone Else NEW presents the latest, most contemporary research on each period of the human life span. The 11th edition includes more than 2,100 citations from the twenty-first century with more than 1,700 of these from 2004, 2005, and 2006. The 11th Edition also includes discussion of material from research reviews in two very recently pubished major handbooks in life-span development: 1) Handbook of Child Psychology (2006) and 2) Handbook of the Psychology of Aging (2006). CONTENTS The Life-Span Developmental Perspective Chapter 1. Introduction Chapter 2. The Science of Life-Span Development Beginnings Chapter 3. Biological Beginnings Chapter 4. Prenatal Development and Birth Infancy Chapter 5. Physical Development in Infancy Chapter 6. Cognitive Development in Infancy Chapter 7. Socioemotional Development in Infancy Early Childhood Chapter 8. Physical and Cognitive Development in Early Childhood Chapter 9. Socioemotional Development in Early Childhood International Edition LIFE SPAN DEVELOPMENT WITH LIFEMAP CD-ROM 11th Edition John Santrock, University of Texas at Dallas 2008 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-331024-4 / MHID: 0-07-331024-7 ISBN-13: 9780-07-128631-2 / MHID: 0-07-128631-4 [IE] Available: November 2006 Website: Driven by learning goals, previous editions of this text have been widely adopted for their accurate, complete, and upto-date coverage. While maintaining these hallmarks, this revision includes increased coverage of adulthood and aging, a new “Interlude” feature on applications, and updated research with more 21st-century citations than ever before. NEW TO THIS EDITION • New! Applications in Life-Span Development Interludes: Appearing in each chapter, these interludes focus on health and well-being, parenting, and education, giving students a sense that life-span development has personal meaning for them. Among the topics covered are facilitating infant and toddler development, reducing adolescent pregnancy, and communicating with children about divorce. • Expanded coverage of adult development and aging: An important but often neglected topic in life-span development texts, topics new to this edition include metacognition in middle adulthood, cognitive neuroscience and aging, language development and aging, technology and older adults, and recent research on the decline in brain volume in later adulthood. 16 • Recent Research: This edition of Life-Span Development Middle and Late Childhood Chapter 10. Physical and Cognitive Development in Middle and Late Childhood Chapter 11. Socioemotional Development in Middle and Late Childhood Adolescence Chapter 12. Physical and Cognitive Development in Adolescence Chapter 13. Socioemotional Development in Adolescence Early Adulthood Chapter 14. Physical and Cognitive Development in Early Adulthood Chapter 15. Socioemotional Development in Early Adulthood Middle Adulthood Chapter 16. Physical and Cognitive Development in Middle Adulthood Chapter 17. Socioemotional Development in Middle Adulthood Late Adulthood Chapter 18. Physical Development in Late Adulthood Chapter 19. Cognitive Development in Late Adulthood Chapter 20. Socioemotional Development in Late Adulthood Endings Chapter 21. Death and Grieving Developmental Psychology International Edition International Edition HUMAN DEVELOPMENT 10th Edition HUMAN DEVELOPMENT 8th Edition Diane E. Papalia, Sally Wendkos Olds, Professional Writer and Ruth Duskin Feldman 2007 / Hardcover / 832 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-313380-9 / MHID: 0-07-313380-5 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-322878-5 / MHID: 0-07-322878-8 (with CD and PowerWeb) ISBN-13: 978-0-07-110714-3 / MHID: 0-07-110714-2 [IE] Available: January 2006 James W. Vander Zanden, Ohio State University 2007 / 816 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-319486-8 / MHID: 0-07-319486-7 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-327130-9 / MHID: 0-07-327130-6 (With Powerweb) ISBN-13: 978-0-07-110961-1 / MHID: 0-07-110961-7 [IE] Available: March 2006 Human Development, Tenth Edition, provides the extensive cross-cultural and multicultural coverage, the innovative pedagogical learning system, and the balance between research and real-life applications that make this book a favorite of students and professors. In the warmly-written and engaging style that is their hallmark, Papalia, Olds, and Feldman continue to provide a chronological view of lifespan development. The new Tenth Edition expands the coverage of cultural and historical influences on development, includes the latest research, and introduces marginal callouts integrating the LifeMap Student CD-ROM with key concepts in the text. CONTENTS Part 1: ABOUT HUMAN DEVELOPMENT 1: The Study of Human Development 2: Theory and Research Part 2: BEGINNINGS 3: Forming a New Life 4: Physical Development During the First Three Years 5: Cognitive Development During the First Three Years 6: Psychosocial Development During the First Three Years Part 3: EARLY CHILDHOOD 7: Physical and Cognitive Development in Early Childhood 8: Psychosocial Development in Early Childhood Part 4: MIDDLE CHILDHOOD 9: Physical and Cognitive Development in Middle Childhood 10: Psychosocial Development in Middle Childhood Part 5: ADOLESCENCE 11: Physical and Cognitive Development in Adolescence 12: Psychosocial Development in Adolescence Part 6: YOUNG ADULTHOOD 13: Physical and Cognitive Development in Young Adulthood 14: Psychosocial Development in Young Adulthood Part 7: MIDDLE ADULTHOOD 15: Physical and Cognitive Development in Middle Adulthood 16: Psychosocial Development in Middle Adulthood Part 8: LATE ADULTHOOD 17: Physical and Cognitive Development in Late Adulthood 18: Psychosocial Development in Late Adulthood Part 9: THE END OF LIFE 19: Dealing with Death and Bereavement Website: Human Development by Vander Zanden, Crandell, and Crandell presents an interdisciplinary, cross-cultural, and contextual perspective on development. Applications to psychology, health care, social work, education, and family dynamics make this a popular choice for schools offering the course to a variety of majors. This rich range of applications, along with instructional design features drawn from cognitive psychology, provides a strong pedagogical framework for learning. The eighth edition, fully revised by the Crandells, includes more than 1,200 citations from the 21st century, expanded coverage of diversity, new Implications for Practice boxes, and many new photos, figures, and tables. CONTENTS Part 1: THE STUDY OF HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Developmental Theories Part 2: BEGINNINGS Chapter 3: Reproduction, Heredity and Genetics, and Prenatal Development Part 3: BIRTH AND INFANCY: THE FIRST TWO YEARS Chapter 4: Birth and Physical Development the First Two Years Chapter 5: Infancy: Cognitive and Language Development Chapter 6: Infancy: Emotional and Social Development Part 4: EARLY CHILDHOOD: 2 TO 6 Chapter 7: Early Childhood 2 to 6: Physical and Cognitive Development Chapter 8: Early Childhood 2 to 6: Emotional and Social Development Part 5: MIDDLE CHILDHOOD: 7 TO 12 Chapter 9: Middle Childhood 7 to 12: Physical and Cognitive Development Chapter 10: Middle Childhood 7 to 12: Emotional and Social Development Part 6: ADOLESCENCE Chapter 11: Adolescence: Physical and Cognitive Development Chapter 12: Adolescence: Emotional and Social Development Part 7: EARLY ADULTHOOD Chapter 13: Early Adulthood: Physical and Cognitive Development Chapter 14: Early Adulthood: Emotional and Social Development Part 8: MIDDLE ADULTHOOD Chapter 15: Middle Adulthood: Physical and Cognitive Development Chapter 16: Middle Adulthood: Emotional and Social Development Part 9: LATE ADULTHOOD Chapter 17: Late Adulthood: Physical and Cognitive Development Chapter 18: Late Adulthood: Emotional and Social Development Part 10: THE END OF LIFE Chapter 19: Death and Dying 17 Developmental Psychology HUMAN DEVELOPMENT ACROSS THE LIFESPAN 6th Edition John S. Dacey, Boston College and John F. Travers, Boston College 2006 / Softcover / 576 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-296735-7 / MHID: 0-07-296735-8 Available: June 2005 This chronologically-organized text is less expensive and briefer than most of the Human Lifespan texts. Its numerous examples drawn from education, nursing, and psychology make the content relevant to students from a variety of majors and backgrounds, while a highly praised study guide integrated into the text promotes and reinforces conceptual understanding. The new edition includes increased material on cognitive development and expanded coverage of culture. CONTENTS Part I: INTRODUCTION 1: Lifespan Psychology: An Introduction 2: Theories of Development: Interpreting the Lifespan Part II: BEGINNINGS 3: The Biological Basis of Development 4: Pregnancy and Birth Part III: INFANCY 5: Physical and Cognitive Development in Infancy 6: Psychosocial Development in Infancy Part IV: EARLY CHILDHOOD 7: Physical and Cognitive Development in Early Childhood 8: Psychosocial Development in Early Childhood Part V: MIDDLE CHILDHOOD 9: Physical and Cognitive Development in Middle Childhood 10: Psychosocial Development in Middle Childhood Part VI: ADOLESCENCE 11: Physical and Cognitive Development in Adolescence 12: Psychosocial Development in Adolescence Part VII: EARLY ADULTHOOD 13: Physical and Cognitive Development in Early Childhood 14: Psychosocial Development in Early Childhood Part VIII: MIDDLE ADULTHOOD 15: Physical Development in Middle Adulthood 16: Psychosocial Development in Middle Adulthood Part IX: LATE ADULTHOOD 17: Physical and Cognitive Development in Late Adulthood 18: Psychosocial Development in Late Adulthood 19: Dying and Spirituality Human Development / Lifespan – Topical NEW A TOPICAL APPROACH TO LIFESPAN DEVELOPMENT 4th Edition John W Santrock, University of Texas at Dallas 2009 / 832 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-338264-7 / MHID: 0-07-338264-7 Available: December 2007 John Santrock’s A Topical Approach to Life-Span Development text continues with the themes of research, applications, and contexts that he is famous for. Students and instructors alike love it for its pedagogy and accessible writing. Building on these strengths, the fourth edition features more current research, more applications including new Careers in LifeSpan Development profiles, and a new Visual Assets Database for Instructors. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Research and Content. This 4th edition is truly a twenty-first century presentation of the ¿eld of life-span development with more than 1,500 citations from 2005 to 2008 alone, as well as classic references from the twentieth century. To ensure this currency and accuracy across all the stages of the life-span, a panel of leading experts in many different areas of life-span development provide detailed evaluations and recommendations in their areas of expertise. • Applications and Context. Applications are woven throughout the book and emphasized in Applications in LifeSpan Development interludes and NEW Careers in Life-Span Development profiles in each chapter. • New and Improved Visual Assets Database! VAD, McGrawHill’s online database of video & audio clips, photographs, and illustrations for instructors now features improved asset quality, all downloadable to any location you choose. CONTENTS Section 1: The Life-Span Perspective Chapter 1: Introduction Section 2: Biological Processes, Physical Development, and Health Chapter 2: Biological Beginnings Chapter 3: Physical Development and Biological Aging Chapter 4: Health Chapter 5: Motor, Sensory, and Perceptual Development Section 3: Cognitive Processes and Development Chapter 6: Cogntive developmental approaches Chapter 7: Information Processing Chapter 8: Intelligence Chapter 9: Language Development Section 4: Socioemotional Processes and Developments Chapter 10: Emotional Development Chapter 11: The Self, Identity, and Personality Chapter 12: Gender and Sexuality Chapter 13: Moral Development, Values and Religion 18 Developmental Psychology Section 5: Social Contexts of Development Chapter 14: Families, Lifestyles, and Parenting Chapter 15: Peers and the Sociocultural World Chapter 16: Schools, Achievement, and Work NEW Section 6: Endings Chapter 17: Death and Grieving Appendix: Careers in Life-Span Development Glossary References Credits Name Index Subject Index CLASSIC EDITION SOURCES: HUMAN DEVELOPMENT 3rd Edition Human Development / Lifespan – Readers NEW TAKING SIDES: CLASHING VIEWS IN LIFESPAN DEVELOPMENT 2nd Edition Andrew Guest, University of Portland 2009 / 432 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-351528-1 / MHID: 0-07-351528-0 Available: February 2008 Website: 280/mhtml This Second Edition of TAKING SIDES: CLASHING VIEWS IN LIFESPAN DEVELOPMENT presents current controversial issues in a debate-style format designed to stimulate student interest and develop critical thinking skills. Each issue is thoughtfully framed with an issue summary, an issue introduction, and a postscript. An instructor’s manual with testing material is available for each volume. USING TAKING SIDES IN THE CLASSROOM is also an excellent instructor resource with practical suggestions on incorporating this effective approach in the classroom. Each TAKING SIDES reader features an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites and is supported by our student website, www. Rhett Diessner, Lewis Clark State College 2008 / 352 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-337968-5 / MHID: 0-07-337968-9 Available: April 2007 Website: 689.mhtml This reader provides over 40 selections of enduring intellectual value--classic articles, book excerpts, and research studies-that have shaped the study of human development and our contemporary understanding of it. CONTENTS Chapter 1 The Grand Theories Selection 1 SIGMUND FREUD, from “The Development of the Sexual Function,” An Outline of Psychoanalysis Selection 2 JEAN PIAGET, from “The Genetic Approach to the Psychology of Thought,” The Journal of Educational Psychology Selection 3 ERIK ERIKSON, from “Eight Stages of Man,” Childhood and Society New! Selection 4 LÊ XUÂN HY AND JANE LOEVINGER, from “The Concept of Ego Development,” Measuring Ego Development Selection 5 LAWRENCE KOHLBERG, from “The Child as a Moral Philosopher,” Psychology Today Selection 6 CAROL GILLIGAN, from “Woman’s Place in Man’s Life Cycle,” In a Different Voice: Psychological Theory and Women’s Development Selection 7 HOWARD GARDNER AND JOSEPH WALTERS, from “A Rounded Version,” Multiple Intelligences: The Theory in Practice New! Selection 8 MARTIN E. P. SELIGMAN AND MIHALY CSIKSZENTMIHALYI, from “Positive Psychology: An Introduction,” American Psychologist Selection 9 WILLIAM WORDSWORTH, from “Ode: Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood,” The Works of William Wordsworth Chapter 2 Non-Western Classics Selection 10 KEN WILBER, from “The Spectrum of Development,” Transformations of Consciousness: Conventional and Contemplative Perspectives on Development Selection 11 BAHÁ¿U¿LLÁH, from The Seven Valleys and the Four Valleys Selection 12 CONFUCIUS, from “The Great Learning,” A Source Book in Chinese Philosophy New! Selection 13 NA’IM AKBAR, from “The Evolution of Human Psychology for African Americans,” Black Psychology Chapter 3 Genes and Environmental Influence Selection 14 ANNE ANASTASI, from “Heredity, Environment, and the Question ‘How?’,” Psychological Review Selection 15 ALEXANDER THOMAS, STELLA CHESS, AND HERBERT G. BIRCH, from “The Origin of Personality,” Scientific American 19 Developmental Psychology Chapter 4 Development in Infancy Selection 16 JEAN PIAGET, from The Origins of Intelligence in Children Selection 17 MARY D. SALTER AINSWORTH, from “Infant-Mother Attachment,” American Psychologist Chapter 5 Development in Early Childhood Selection 18 JEAN PIAGET, BÄRBEL INHELDER, AND EDITH MAYER, from The Co-ordination of Perspectives Selection 19 L. S. VYGOTSKY, from The Genetic Roots of Thought and Speech Selection 20 MILDRED B. PARTEN, from “Social Participation Among Pre-school Children,” Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology Selection 21 ALBERT BANDURA, DOROTHEA ROSS, AND SHEILA A. ROSS, from “Imitation of Film-Mediated Aggressive Models,” Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology Selection 22 DIANA BAUMRIND, from “Child Care Practices Anteceding Three Patterns of Preschool Behavior,” Genetic Psychology Monographs New! Selection 40 WILLIAM A. BARRY, S. J., from “Christian Maturity Through Ignatian Spirituality,” Human Development Chapter 12 Development During the Elder Years Selection 41 PAUL B. BALTES AND K. WARNER SCHAIE, from “Aging and IQ: The Myth of the Twilight Years,” Psychology Today Selection 42 JAMES W. FOWLER, from Stages of Faith: The Psychology of Human Development and the Quest for Meaning Selection 43 ERIK ERIKSON, from “Reflections on the Last Stage— and the First,” Psychoanalytic Study of the Child Selection 44 ELISABETH KÜBLER-ROSS, from On Death and Dying NEW Chapter 6 Cognitive Development Selection 23 B.F. SKINNER, from “Verbal Behavior,” About Behaviorism Selection 24 NOAM CHOMSKY, from “A Review of B.F. Skinner’s Verbal Behavior,” Language New! Selection 25 JEAN PIAGET, from Conservation of Continuous Quantities ANNUAL EDITIONS: HUMAN DEVELOPMENT 08/09 36th Edition Chapter 7 Social & Personality Development Selection 26 ROBERT L. SELMAN AND ANNE P. SELMAN, from “Children’s Ideas About Friendship: A New Theory,” Psychology Today Selection 27 JEAN PIAGET, from The Moral Judgment of the Child Selection 28 BEATRICE BLYTH WHITING AND CAROLYN POPE EDWARDS, from “A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Sex Differences in the Behavior of Children Aged Three Through Eleven,” Journal of Social Psychology Website: h t t p : / / w w w . m h c l s . c o m / t e x t - d a t a / c a t a l o g / 0073397512.mhtml Chapter 8 Physical and Cognitive Development Selection 29 MARY COVER JONES, from “Psychological Correlates of Somatic Development,” Developmental Psychology New! Selection 30 JEAN PIAGET, from “The Mental Development of the Child,” in Jean Piaget’s Six Psychological Studies, trans. Anita Tenzer New! Selection 31 WILLIAM G. PERRY, JR., from Forms of Intellectual and Ethical Development in the College Years Chapter 9 Social and Personality Development Selection 32 JAMES E. MARCIA, from “Development and Validation of Ego-Identity Status,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology Selection 33 MICHAEL L. PENN AND DEBRA J. WITKIN, from “Pathognomic Versus Developmentally Appropriate SelfFocus During Adolescence: Theoretical Concerns and Clinical Implications,” Psychotherapy Chapter 10 Cognitive Development Selection 34 MARY FIELD BELENKY ET AL., from Subjective Knowledge: The Quest for Self Selection 35 JOHN L. HORN AND RAYMOND B. CATTELL, from “Age Differences in Primary Mental Ability Factors,” Journals of Gerontology New! Selection 36 ELENA MUSTAKOVA-POSSARDT, from “Critical Consciousness: An Alternative Pathway for Positive Personal and Social Development,” Journal of Adult Development Chapter 11 Social and Personality Development Selection 37 DANIEL J. LEVINSON, from “A Conception of Adult Development,” American Psychologist Selection 38 ABRAHAM H. MASLOW, from “Self-Actualizing People: A Study of Psychological Health,” Motivation and Personality Selection 39 ROGER GOULD, from “Adult Life Stages: Growth Toward Self-Tolerance,” Psychology Today 20 Karen L Freiberg, University of Maryland, Baltimore County 2008 / 240 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339751-1 / MHID: 0-07-339751-2 Available: August 2007 This THIRTY-SIXTH EDITION of ANNUAL EDITIONS: HUMAN DEVELOPMENT 08/09 provides convenient, inexpensive access to current articles selected from the best of the public press. Organizational features include: an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites; an annotated table of contents; a topic guide; a general introduction; brief overviews for each section; a topical index; and an instructor’s resource guide with testing materials. USING ANNUAL EDITIONS IN THE CLASSROOM is offered as a practical guide for instructors. ANNUAL EDITIONS titles are supported by our student website, CONTENTS UNIT 1. Genetic and Prenatal Influences on Development Part A. Genetic Influences 1. The Identity Dance 2. The Power to Divide New! 3. What Makes Us Different? Part B. Prenatal Influences 4. The Age of Genetic Technology Arrives 5. The Mystery of Fetal Life: Secrets of the Womb 6. The Smallest Patients New! 7. Not Always ‘the Happiest Time’ UNIT 2. Development During Infancy and Early Childhood Part A. Infancy 8. Who’s Raising Baby? 9. Reading Your Baby’s Mind 10. 20 Ways to Boost Your Baby’s Brain Power Part B. Early Childhood 11. Long-Term Studies of Preschool: Lasting Benefits Far Outweigh Costs New! 12. Accountability Comes to Preschool 13. Raising a Moral Child UNIT 3. Development During Childhood: Cognition and Schooling Part A. Cognition 14. A Time and a Place for Authentic Learning 15. Why We Need “The Year of Languages,” Developmental Psychology Part B. Schooling New! 16. Choosing to Learn New! 17. Ten Big Effects of the No Child Left Behind Act on Public Schools 18. The Power of Teaching Students Using Strengths New! 19. The New First Grade: Too Much Too Soon? UNIT 4. Development During Childhood: Family and Culture Part A. Family 20. The Blank Slate 21. Parents Behaving Badly 22. Where Personality Goes Awry Part B. Culture 23. Brown v. Board: A Dream Deferred New! 24. Girls Gone Bad? New! 25. Disrespecting Childhood UNIT 5. Development During Adolescence and Young Adulthood Part A. Adolescence New! 26. Parents or Pop Culture? Children’s Heroes and Role Models 27. A Peaceful Adolescence New! 28. Understanding Street Culture 29. Jail Time Is Learning Time Part B. Young Adulthood 30. How Spirit Blooms 31. The Battle for Your Brain New! 32. Getting Back on Track UNIT 6. Development During Middle and Late Adulthood Part A. Middle Adulthood 33. Emotions and the Brain: Laughter New! 34. The Fine Art of Letting Go 35. The Myth of the Midlife Crisis Part B. Late Adulthood New! 36. Second Time Around 37. Secrets of the Centenarians 38. Lost and Found New! 39. Start the Conversation 40. Navigating Practical Dilemmas in Terminal Care New! ISSUE 2. Are Peers More Important than Parents During the Process of Development? New! ISSUE 3. Do Significant Innate Differences Influence the Success of Males and Females? Part 2: PRENATAL DEVELOPMENT New! ISSUE 4. Does Prenatal Exposure to Drugs Such as Cocaine Create “Crack Babies” With Special Developmental Concerns? New! ISSUE 5. Is a Natural Childbirth, Without Pain Medication, Best for Development? Part 3: INFANCY New! ISSUE 6. Is There a “Myth of the First Three Years”? New! ISSUE 7. Are Infants Born With an Innate Ability to Make Symbolic Mental Representations of Objects? Part 4: EARLY CHILDHOOD New! ISSUE 8. Does Exposure to Music, including Mozart, During Early Childhood Have a Special Capacity to Enhance Development? New! ISSUE 9. Does Emphasizing Academic Skills Help At-Risk Preschool Children? Part 5: MIDDLE CHILDHOOD New! ISSUE 10. Has Promoting Self-Esteem Failed to Improve the Education of School-Age Children? New! ISSUE 11. Is Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD/ADHD) a Legitimate Medical Condition That Affects Childhood Behavior? Part 6: ADOLESCENCE New! ISSUE 12. Are Boys More At-Risk Than Girls as They Develop Through Adolescence? New! ISSUE 13. Does Violent Media Cause Teenage Aggresion? Part 7: YOUTH AND EARLY ADULTHOOD New! ISSUE 14. Should We Use Medication to Deal With the Angst of College and Young Adulthood? New! ISSUE 15. Are College Graduates Unprepared for Adulthood and the World of Work? Part 8. MIDDLE ADULTHOOD TAKING SIDES: CLASHING VIEWS IN LIFESPAN DEVELOPMENT Andrew Guest, University of Portland 2007 / Softcover / 456 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-351494-9 / MHID: 0-07-351494-2 Available: February 2006 Website: 942.mhtml TAKING SIDES: CLASHING VIEWS IN LIFESPAN DEVELOPMENT presents current controversial issues in a debate-style format designed to stimulate student interest and develop critical thinking skills. Each issue is thoughtfully framed with an issue summary, an issue introduction, and a postscript. An instructor’s manual with testing material is available for each volume. USING TAKING SIDES IN THE CLASSROOM is also an excellent instructor resource with practical suggestions on incorporating this effective approach in the classroom. Each TAKING SIDES reader features an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites and is supported by our student website, New! ISSUE 16. Are Contemporary Adults Overlooking the Importance of Marriage as Part of Successful Development? New! ISSUE 17. Is One General Intelligence Factor Responsible for Career Success? New! ISSUE 18. Is Religion a Pure Good in Facilitating WellBeing During Adulthood? Part 9: LATER ADULTHOOD New! ISSUE 19. Can We Universally Define “Successful Aging”? New! ISSUE 20. Is Anti-Aging Technology a Cause for Societal Concern? CONTENTS Part 1: GENERAL ISSUES IN THE STUDY OF LIFE SPAN DEVELOPMENT New! ISSUE 1. Does Culture and Environment Influence Human Development More Than Our Genes? 21 Developmental Psychology Child Development – Chronological NEW A CHILD’S WORLD 11th Edition Diane E Papalia Ruth Duskin Feldman 2008 / 672 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-353197-7 / MHID: 0-07-353197-9 Available: November 2007 Chapter 9: Physical Development and Health in Early Childhood Chapter 10: Cognitive Development in Early Childhood Chapter 11: Psychosocial Development in Early Childhood Chapter 12: Physical Development and Health in Middle Childhood Chapter 13: Cognitive Development in Middle Childhood Chapter 14: Psychosocial Development in Middle Childhood Chapter 15: Physical Development and Health in Adolescence Chapter 16: Cognitive Development in Adolescence Chapter 17: Psychosocial Development in Adolescence NEW Website: This fully-revised eleventh edition continues to provide the extensive cross-cultural and multicultural coverage, the innovative pedagogical learning system, and the balance between research and real-life applications that have made A Child’s World a favorite of students and professors alike. In the warmly-written and engaging style that has become their hallmark, Diane Papalia and Ruth Feldman continue to provide a chronological view of child development; the new edition expands the coverage of cultural and historical influences on development, highlights the latest research in cognitive neuroscience and evolutionary theory, and features a new and improved Visual Assets Database for instructors. NEW TO THIS EDITION • An enhanced emphasis on evolutionary theory as it affects the study of child development. Beginning with expanded introductory material in Chapter 2, many other chapters discuss evolutionary interpretations of topics ranging from maternal nutrition (Chapter 4) and early sensory abilities (Chapter 6) to language (Chapter 7) and gender (Chapters 11 and 14). • New integration of cognitive neuroscience. The 11th edition includes sections on brain development in middle childhood, adolescence, and in the fetus and infant. In addition, many studies throughout the text shed light on the role of the brain in cognition and emotions. • Continued emphasis on cultural and historical influences on development. The 11th edition fully integrates cross-cultural research throughout the text and highlights it in Around the World boxes, reflecting the diversity of the population in the United States and in other societies. • New & Improved Visual Assets Database! VAD, McGrawHill’s online database of video & audio clips, photographs, and illustrations for instructors now features improved asset quality, all downloadable to any location you choose. CONTENTS Chapter 1: Studying A Child’s World Chapter 2: A Child’s World: How We Discover It Chapter 3: Forming a New Life: Conception, Heredity, and Environment Chapter 4: Pregnancy and Prenatal Development Chapter 5: Birth and the Newborn Baby Chapter 6: Physical Development and Health During the First Three Years Chapter 7: Cognitive Development during the First Three Years Chapter 8: Psychosocial Development during the First Three Years 22 CHILD DEVELOPMENT Charlotte Patterson, University of VACharlottesville 2008 / 736 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-234795-1 / MHID: 0-07-234795-3 Available: November 2007 Bringing the research to life through stories. What prompted Virginia Apgar to develop what became the Apgar Test? Who knew that Eleanor Gibson’s famous “visual cliff” experiment was inspired by her own toddler’s experience at the Grand Canyon? These stories help students appreciate the relevance of theory, and help them internalize and learn the often research-intensive material. CONTENTS BEGINNINGS 1 Introduction to Child Development 2 Heredity, Environment, and Prenatal Development 3 Birth and the Newborn Infant INFANCY AND THE TODDLER YEARS 4 Physical Development and Health During Infancy and the Toddler Years 5 Cognitive and Language Development During Infancy and the Toddler Years 6 Social and Emotional Development During Infancy and the Toddler Years EARLY CHILDHOOD 7 Physical Development and Health During Early Childhood 8 Cognitive Development During Early Childhood 9 Social and Emotional Development During Early Childhood MIDDLE CHILDHOOD 10 Physical Development and Health During Middle Childhood 11 Cognitive Development During Middle Childhood 12 Social and Emotional Development During Middle Childhood ADOLESCENCE 13 Physical Development and Health During Adolescence 14 Cognitive Development During Adolescence 15 Social and Emotional Development During Adolescence Developmental Psychology NEW CHILDREN 10th Edition John W Santrock, University of Texas at Dallas 2008 / 704 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-338260-9 / MHID: 0-07-338260-4 Available: November 2007 John Santrock’s Children engages students and prepares them to interact with children in a variety of contexts. John Santrock’s Learning System pedagogy provides proven study tools that, together with an accessible presentation and many applications, foster a clear understanding of the content. The tenth edition features extensive new coverage of brain development, a reduced number of chapters, full integration of the latest research in the field, and a new Visual Assets Database for instructors. SECTION 6 Adolescence CHAPTER 15 Physical Development in Adolescence CHAPTER 16 Cognitive Development in Adolescence CHAPTER 17 Socioemotional Development in Adolescence International Edition CHILD DEVELOPMENT WITH MULTIMEDIA COURSEWARE CD AND POWERWEB 5th Edition Ganie B. DeHart, SUNY-Geneseo, L. Alan Sroufe, University of Minnesota-Minneapolis and Robert G. Cooper, San Jose State University 2004 / Hardcover with CD-ROM / 640 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-290008-8 / MHID: 0-07-290008-3 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-121703-3 / MHID: 0-07-121703-7 [IE] Website: CONTENTS NEW TO THIS EDITION Chapter 1: The Nature of Development • Extensive increase in coverage of brain development. The Part One: BEGINNINGS Chapter 2: The Contexts of Development Chapter 3: Heredity and Prenatal Development creation of brain imaging techniques such as fMRI have led to remarkable increases in our knowledge about brain development in recent years; in response, this 10th edition features substantially expanded coverage of children’s brain development, and where appropriate, images of brain scans. • Reduction in number of chapters. Chapters 1 and 2 of the ninth edition have been reduced and are now combined into single opening chapter, creating a 16-chapter text. • The latest research. This edition of Children presents the latest, most contemporary research with more than 1,600 citations from 2000 through 2007. More than 1000 of these are 2004 through 2007 citations, making the 10th edition truly a twenty-first-century rendition of the field of child development. • New and Improved Visual Assets Database! VAD, McGrawHill’s online database of video & audio clips, photographs, and illustrations for instructors now features improved asset quality, all downloadable to any location you choose. CONTENTS Preface SECTION 1 The Nature of Children’s Development CHAPTER1 Introduction CHAPTER 2 The Science of Child Development SECTION 2 Beginnings CHAPTER 3 Biological Beginnings CHAPTER 4 Prenatal Development CHAPTER 5 Birth SECTION 3 Infancy CHAPTER 6 Physical Development in Infancy CHAPTER 7 Cognitive Development in Infancy CHAPTER 8 Socioemotional Development in Infancy Part Two: INFANCY Chapter 4: First Adaptations Chapter 5: Infant Cognitive Development Chapter 6: Infant Social and Emotional Development Part Two Epilogue: Infancy Part Three: TODDLERHOOD Chapter 7: Toddler Language and Thinking Chapter 8: Toddler Social and Emotional Development Part Three Epilogue: Toddlerhood Part Four: EARLY CHILDHOOD Chapter 9: Cognitive Development in Early Childhood Chapter 10: Social and Emotional Development in Early Childhood Part Four Epilogue: Early Childhood Part Five: MIDDLE CHILDHOOD Chapter 11: Cognitive Development in Middle Childhood Chapter 12: Social and Emotional Development in Middle Childhood Part Five Epilogue: Middle Childhood Part Six: ADOLESCENCE Chapter 13: Physical and Cognitive Development in Adolescence Chapter 14: Social and Emotional Development in Adolescence Part Six Epilogue: Adolescence Part Seven: DISORDERS AND RESILIENCY Chapter 15: Developmental Psychopathology Part Seven Epilogue: Psychopathology and Individual Lives SECTION 4 Early Childhood CHAPTER 9 Physical Development in Early Childhood CHAPTER 10 Cognitive Development in Early Childhood CHAPTER 11 Socioemotional Development in Early Childhood SECTION 5 Middle and Late Childhood CHAPTER 12 Physical Development in Middle and Late Childhood CHAPTER 13 Cognitive Development in Middle and Late Childhood CHAPTER 14 Socioemotional Development in Middle and Late Childhood 23 Developmental Psychology Child Development – Topical NEW CHILD AND ADOLESCENT DEVELOPMENT FOR EDUCATORS 3rd Edition Judith Meece, University of NCChapel Hill Denise H Daniels, California Polytechnic State University 2008 / 640 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-352576-1 / MHID: 0-07-352576-6 Available: May 2007 Website: Topically-arranged and teacher-focused, Child and Adolescent Development for Educators is a richly contextual research-based foundation in the science of development that is ideal for future teachers. Attending to the development of school-aged children and youth, the brevity of the text and the diversity of in-text activities give teacher educators ample opportunity to assign observations and other school-based projects. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Supporting Child and Adolescent Development in School: This new chapter (9) highlights important topics such as fostering resiliency in youth, establishing positive interpersonal relationships in classrooms, teaching students with special learning needs, and creating successful schools for children, youth, and families. • Health and Nutrition: New and expanded sections are provided on children’s health and nutrition, including sleep issues and play as they relate to physical development and implications for schooling. • Special Needs: Modeling contemporary inclusive practice, material on exceptional children and atypical development has been integrated throughout the text, rather than being relegated to a separate chapter. • Emotional development, literacy, brain development, and more: Over 500 new references in this edition introduce students to the latest research on brain development, the development of mathematical and scientific concepts, the impact of family routines, the influence of media on development, and much more. • Interview and Observation Guide: Correlated to the text through Understanding Children margin notes, the accompanying Interview and Observation Guide (0-07-337857-7) helps the reader put development theory into classroom practice. CONTENTS List of Features Preface Chapter 1: Studying Child and Adolescent Development Chapter 2: Physical Development 24 Chapter 3: Cognitive Development: Piaget’s and Vygotsky’s Theories Chapter 4: Cognitive Development: Information Processing and Intelligence Theories Chapter 5: Language and Literacy Development Chapter 6: Self-Concept, Identity, and Motivation Chapter 7: Peer Relations and Moral Development Chapter 8: The Family: Partners in Education Chapter 9: Supporting the Development of Children and Youth in School Glossary References Text Credits Name Index Subject Index International Edition CHILD DEVELOPMENT: AN INTRODUCTION 11th Edition John W. Santrock, University of Texas at Dallas 2007 / Hardcover / 752 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-296743-2 / MHID: 0-07-296743-9 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-110906-2 / MHID: 0-07-110906-4 (IE w/PW) Available: December 2005 Website: John Santrock’s Child Development is widely considered the most accurate and up-to-date, topically-organized text in the field. Used by hundreds of thousands of students over ten editions, its learning-goals-driven learning system provides a clearer understanding of the content. The fully revised eleventh edition reinforces the highly contemporary tone and focus by featuring hundreds of new citations, including material from chapters from the sixth edition of the Handbook of Child Psychology . CONTENTS Section 1: The Nature of Child Development Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: The Science of Child Development Section 2: Biological Processes, Physical Development, and Perceptual Development Chapter 3: Biological Beginnings Chapter 4: Prenatal Development and Birth Chapter 5: Physical Development and Health Chapter 6: Motor, Sensory, and Perceptual Development Section 3: Cognition and Language Chapter 7: Cognitive Development Approaches Chapter 8: Information Processing Chapter 9: Intelligence Chapter 10: Language Development Section 4: Socioemotional Development Chapter 11: Emotional Development Chapter 12: The Self and Identity Chapter 13: Gender Chapter 14: Moral Development Section 5: Social Contexts of Development Chapter 15: Families Chapter 16: Peers Chapter 17: Schools and Achievement Chapter 18: Culture Developmental Psychology International Edition CHILD PSYCHOLOGY: A CONTEMPORARY VIEWPOINT WITH LIFEMAP CD-ROM AND POWERWEB 6th Edition Part III: COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT Chapter 6: Language Development Chapter 7: Intelligence and Creativity Chapter 8: Theories of Cognitive Development: Piaget and Vygotsky Chapter 9: Learning, Information Processing, and Academic Skills E. Mavis Hetherington, University of Va-Charlottesville, Ross D. Parke and Mary Gauvain of University of California –Riverside, Virginia Otis Locke 2006 / Hardcover ISBN-13: 978-0-07-319781-4 / MHID: 0-07-319781-5 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-125192-1 / MHID: 0-07-125192-8 [IE with CD/OLC] Available: July 2005 Part IV: PSYCHOSOCIAL DEVELOPMENT Chapter 10: Emotional Development Chapter 11: The Family Chapter 12: Self, Gender and Identity Development Chapter 13: Moral Development Chapter 14: Peers, Schooling, and Media Epilogue This thoroughly revised edition of a classic text uses a topical organization to emphasize the processes of development. It examines a variety of theoretical viewpoints, providing students with a well balanced view of a child’s developmental process; all of the Chapters are thoroughly grounded in research. In this edition, a new co-author, esteemed cognitive developmentalist Mary Gauvain, joins E. Mavis Hetherington, Ross Parke, and Virginia Locke—creating a true powerhouse in developmental psychology. MEDIATED LEARNING EXPERIENCE WITH CHILDREN CONTENTS 1: Child Development: Themes, Theories, and Methods 2: Heredity and Environment 3: Prenatal Development and Birth 4: Infancy: Sensation, Perception, and Learning 5: The Child’s Growth: Brain, Body, Motor Skills, and Sexual Maturation 6: Emotional Development 7: Language and Communication 8: Cognitive Development: Piaget and Vygotsky 9: Cognitive Development: The Information-Processing Approach 10: Intelligence and Achievement 11: The Family 12: Expanding the Social World: Peers and Friends 13: Gender Roles and Gender Differences 14: Morality, Altruism, and Aggression 15: Developmental Psychopathology International Edition CHILD DEVELOPMENT: A TOPICAL APPROACH AND MAKING THE GRADE CD ROM Diane E. Papalia, Professional Writer, Sally Wendkos Olds, Professional Writer and Ruth Duskin Feldman, Professional Writer 2003 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-282941-9 / MHID: 0-07-282941-9 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-112419-5 / MHID: 0-07-112419-5 [IE] Website: CONTENTS Part I: ABOUT CHILD DEVELOPMENT Chapter 1: The Study of Child Development Chapter 2: Theory and Research Part II: FOUNDATIONS OF DEVELOPMENT Chapter 3: Forming a New Life; Conception, Heredity and Environment Chapter 4: Prenatal Development and Birth Chapter 5: Physical Development Alice Seok-Hoon Seng, Lucy Kwee-Hoon Pou and Oon-Seng Tan 2003 (June 2003) / 240 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-123217-3 / MHID: 0-07-123217-6 [An Asian Publication] This book is based on the theories of cognitive psychologist Dr Reuven Feuerstein, who pioneered the theory on Mediated Learning Experience (MLE) in the late 1940s through his work with children who were orphaned or separated from their parents as a result of the Holocaust. The theory of MLE is based on the belief that intelligence is modifiable and not fixed, and intervention programs can be designed to enhance the cognitive skills necessary for independent thinking. Written by renowned cognitive education, psychology and child development professors, professionals and practitioners with years of experience in research and development of MLE, this book presents a fresh view of MLE theory for anyone working with children. The contributors have built on the current theoretical framework of MLE with a series of rich and relevant illustrations of MLE interventions at different developmental stages from preschool to primary levels. CONTENTS THEORETICAL FRAMEWORKS Chapter 1: Mediated Learning and the Meeting of Minds: Things Old and New Chapter 2: Transcending Cognitive Modified ability: Developing a Multi Dimensional Model of Modified ability Chapter 3: Applying the Theory of Mediated Learning Experience: A Review of Mediation Strategies and Techniques Chapter 4: Developing a Peer-Mediated Learning Experience Model for Culturally Deprived Children APPLICATIONS ACROSS CONTEXTS Chapter 5: Early Intervention Mediational Intervention for Sensitizing Caregivers (MISC) Chapter 6: Peer Mediation with Young Children (PMYC): An Intervention Program Chapter 7: A Preschool Mediational Context: The Bright Start Curriculum Chapter 8: Bright Start for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Chapter 9: Improving Cognitive Performance of Children with Disabilities: A Case of Mediation Chapter 10: Involving Parents in Mediated Learning Experience with Children Chapter 11: Foundations of Dynamic Assessment of Young Children Chapter 12: Dynamic Assessment Measures for Young Children Epilogue 25 Developmental Psychology Child Development – Readers / Cases NEW NEW CASES IN CHILD AND ADOLESCENT DEVELOPMENT FOR TEACHERS UNDERSTANDING CHILDREN: AN INTERVIEW AND OBSERVATION GUIDE FOR EDUCATORS 2nd Edition Denise H Daniels, California Polytechnic State University Lorrie Beaumont, Northern Illinois University Carol Doolin, Northern Illinos University 2008 / 256 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-337857-2 / MHID: 0-07-337857-7 Available: July 2007 This hands-on guide for interviewing and observing children in educational settings is a supplement for child development courses taken by elementary and middle school education majors. It includes a rationale for interviewing and observing children as a way to understand their behavior, learning, and development and makes connections to the work of major developmental theorists and educational researchers. It provides practical tips for incorporating observations and interviews of children into teachers’ busy schedules and discusses the analysis of observational data and its uses for guiding educational practices (e.g., instruction, cooperative grouping, and parent conferences). The guide’s organization follows the topical organization of most child development textbooks. CONTENTS List of Strategies Preface Chapter 1: An Introduction to Understanding Children Chapter 2: Interviewer/Observer Roles, Ethical Responsibilities, and Techniques Chapter 3: Physical Development Chapter 4: Cognitive Development Chapter 5: Socioemotional Development and Motivation in the Classroom Chapter 6: Integrating Observations and Interviews: Child Profiles Chapter Summary Appendix A. Sample Parent Information Letter Appendix B. Sample Parent Consent Form Appendix C. Record Forms 26 Nancy Defrates-Densch, Northern Illinois University 2008 / 224 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-352585-3 / MHID: 0-07-352585-5 Available: May 2007 Containing more than 40 cases, with subjects ranging from preschool to high school students, Case Studies in Child and Adolescent Development for Teachers brings developmental issues to life. The reality-based cases address a variety of developmental issues, giving teachers and future teachers the opportunity to think critically about the way development influences the educational environment and to reflect on their own classroom practice. CONTENTS Cases in Child and Adolescent Development for Teachers Case 1: The Accident Case 2: Recess Case 3: Please Don’t Pick Me! Case 4: I Can’t Go Back to School Case 5: Socks Case 6: Late Bloomer Case 7: Body Image Case 8: Plotting Case 9: Symbolism? Case 10: Songs Case 11: Chanting Case 12: What on Earth? Case 13: Challenge Case 14: I Can Read! Case 15: Mine! Case 16: Tragedy Case 17: Depressed Case 18: Who am I Now? Case 19: Pants Case 20: (Almost) All Grown Up, Now Where Do I Go? Case 21: Dolls and Soldiers Case 22: Hallway Horseplay Case 23: Communication Case 24: You’re Gonna Get in Trouble Case 25: I TOLD You... Case 26: Rules and Consequences Case 27: Morality or Health? Case 28: Parental Involvement Case 29: Divorce Case 30: The Target Case 31: Sit with Us--Or Else Case 32: Rejection Case 33: The Boy Case 34: What Did I Do? Case 35: Because He Loves Me Case 36: Locker Room Bravado Case 37: I Said “No! Developmental Psychology Case 38: She Wanted To Case 39: Around the World Case 40: Boys’ School Case 41: The Only One NEW ANNUAL EDITIONS: CHILD GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT 08/09 15th Edition Ellen N Junn, California State University-Fullerton Chris J Boyatzis, Bucknell University 2008 / 240 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339753-5 / MHID: 0-07-339753-9 Available: October 2007 Website: htt:// 539.mhtml This Fifteenth Edition of ANNUAL EDITIONS: CHILD GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT provides convenient, inexpensive access to current articles selected from the best of the public press. Organizational features include: an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites; an annotated table of contents; a topic guide; a general introduction; brief overviews for each section; a topical index; and an instructor’s resource guide with testing materials. USING ANNUAL EDITIONS IN THE CLASSROOM is offered as a practical guide for instructors. ANNUAL EDITIONS titles are supported by our student website, CONTENTS UNIT 1 Conception to Birth 1. Brave New Babies New! 2. Success at Last UNIT 2 Cognition, Language, and Learning Part A. Early Cognition and Physical Development 3. Reading Your Baby’s Mind New! 4. Infants’ Differential Processing of Female and Male Faces 5. Brain Research and Early Childhood Development 6. Culture and Language in the Emergence of Autobiographical Memory 7. Gender Bender 8. Language and Children’s Understanding of Mental States Part B. Learning in School 9. A Deeper Sense of Literacy 10. Parental School Involvement and Children’s Academic Achievement 11. The Trouble with Boys 12. The Preschool Promise UNIT 3 Social and Emotional Development Part A. The Child’s Feelings: Emotional Development 13. Children’s Capacity to Develop Resiliency Part B. Entry Into the Social World: Peers, Play, and Popularity New! 14. Understanding Popularity in the Peer System New! 15. Children’s Social and Moral Reasoning about Exclusion New! 16. Toy Stories 17. Gender and Group Process, 18. Taming Wild Girls 19. Girls Just Want to Be Mean 20. A Profile of Bullying at School UNIT 4 Parenting and Family Issues 21. Contemporary Research on Parenting New! 22. Children of Lesbian and Gay Parents 23. Physical Discipline and Children’s Adjustment 24. A Nation of Wimps 25. Why Our Kids Are Out of Control New! 26. The New Science of Siblings 27. The Environment of Childhood Poverty New! 28. After the Bell Curve New! 29. Adoption Is a Successful Natural Intervention Enhancing Adopted Children’s IQ and School Performance UNIT 5 Cultural and Societal Influences Part A. Social and Cultural Issues New! 30. What’s Wrong with Cinderella? New! 31. Goodbye to Girlhood 32. The Culture of Affluence New! 33. Extreme Parenting 34. Forensic Developmental Psychology New! 35. The Baby Deficit 36. The Pediatric Gap Part B. Special Challenges 37. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Very Young Children: Early Signs and Interventions 38. Childhood’s End 39. Inside the Autistic Mind 40. Three Reasons Not to Believe in an Autism Epidemic New! 41. What Causes Specific Language Impairment in Children? NEW TAKING SIDES: CLASHING VIEWS IN CHILDHOOD AND SOCIETY 7th Edition Diana S Del Campo, New Mexico State University-Las Cruces Robert L Del Campo, New Mexico State University-Las Cruces 2008 / 432 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-351513-7 / MHID: 0-07-351513-2 Available: October 2007 Website: 5132.mhtml From McGraw-Hill Contemporary Learning Series (formerly known as McGraw-Hill/Dushkin), this Seventh Edition of TAKING SIDES: CHILDHOOD AND SOCIETY presents current controversial issues in a debate-style format designed to stimulate student interest and develop critical thinking skills. Each issue is thoughtfully framed with an issue summary, an issue introduction, and a postscript. An instructor’s manual with testing material is available for each volume. USING TAKING SIDES IN THE CLASSROOM is also an excellent instructor resource with practical suggestions on incorporating this effective approach in the classroom. Each TAKING SIDES reader features an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites and is supported by our student website, www. CONTENTS UNIT 1 Infancy Issue 1. Is Institutional Child Care Beneficial to Children? Issue 2. Does Maternal Employment Have Negative Effects on Children’s Development? Issue 3. Should Scientists Be Allowed to Clone Children? 27 Developmental Psychology Issue 4. Do Federal Laws Make Transracial Adoptions More Commonplace? and detailed analyses of actual parent/teacher conferences conducted by the author. UNIT 2 Early Childhood Issue 5. Is Spanking Detrimental to Children? Issue 6. Are Fathers Really Necessary? Issue 7. Does Divorce Create Long-Term Negative Effects for Children? Issue 8. Is Viewing Television Violence Harmful for Children? • Grief and Trauma: The coverage of behavior challenges in Chapter 8 has been expanded to include issues that may arise from a child's experience of grief or trauma. UNIT 3 Middle Childhood Issue 9. Does Marriage Improve Living Standards for Children? Issue 10. Are Stepfamilies Inherently Problematic for Children? Issue 11. Is Television Viewing Responsible for the Rise in Childhood Obesity? Issue 12. Do Bilingual Education Programs Help Non-EnglishSpeaking Children Succeed? Issue 13. Is Gay Adoption and Foster Parenting Healthy for Children? Issue 14. Should the HPV Vaccination Be Mandatory for Girls in Later Childhood? CONTENTS Preface 1. The Program and the Philosophy: An Overview 2. Setting Up the Problem-Solving Environment 3. Supervising Young Children 4. Listening for Feelings 5. Negotiation 6. Setting Limits 7. Affirmations 8. Problem Solving for Problem Behavior 9. The Problem-Solving Approach to Curriculum 10. Working with Parents and Peers UNIT 4 Adolescence Issue 15. Should Children Who Are at Risk for Abuse Remain with Their Families? Issue 16. Is Abstinence-Only Sex Education the Best Way to Teach About Sex? Issue 17. Is the Internet a Safe Place for Teens to Explore? Adolescence – Texts NEW Child Guidance CHILD AND ADOLESCENT DEVELOPMENT FOR EDUCATORS 3rd Edition NEW GUIDING YOUR CHILDREN 4th Edition Eleanor Reynolds 2008 / 512 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-288093-9 / MHID: 0-07-288093-7 Available: September 2006 Drawing on the author’s 25 years in early childhood education, Guiding Young Children: A Problem-Solving Approach introduces future childcare providers and preschool teachers to a child-centered philosophy of education and care. The problem-solving approach encourages “kids to do what kids do” as they learn to take responsibility for their words and actions. Through real-life examples, sample dialogues, and numerous photographs and posters, the problem-solving approach is explained, stressing environment first, then progressing to listening skills, negotiating, conflict resolution, and setting limits. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Working with Parents: A thoroughly revised Chapter 10 includes extensive coverage on working with parents to solve problems, initiating and conducting parent/teacher conferences, 28 Judith Meece, University of NC – Chapel Hill Denise H Daniels, California Polytechnic State University 2008 / 640 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-352576-1 / MHID: 0-07-352576-6 Available: May 2007 Website: Topically-arranged and teacher-focused, Child and Adolescent Development for Educators is a richly contextual researchbased foundation in the science of development that is ideal for future teachers. Attending to the development of school-aged children and youth, the brevity of the text and the diversity of in-text activities give teacher educators ample opportunity to assign observations and other school-based projects. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Supporting Child and Adolescent Development in School: This new chapter (9) highlights important topics such as fostering resiliency in youth, establishing positive interpersonal relationships in classrooms, teaching students with special learning needs, and creating successful schools for children, youth, and families. • Health and Nutrition: New and expanded sections are provided on children’s health and nutrition, including sleep issues and play as they relate to physical development and implications for schooling. • Special Needs: Modeling contemporary inclusive practice, material on exceptional children and atypical development has Developmental Psychology been integrated throughout the text, rather than being relegated to a separate chapter. • Emotional development, literacy, brain development, and more: Over 500 new references in this edition introduce students to the latest research on brain development, the development of mathematical and scientific concepts, the impact of family routines, the influence of media on development, and much more. • Interview and Observation Guide: Correlated to the text through Understanding Children margin notes, the accompanying Interview and Observation Guide (0-07-337857-7) helps the reader put development theory into classroom practice. CONTENTS Chapter 1: Studying Children’s Development Chapter 2: Physical Development Chapter 3: Cognitive Development: Piaget’s and Vygotsky’s Theories Chapter 4: Cognitive Development: Information Processing and Intelligence Theories Chapter 5: Language and Literacy Development Chapter 6: Self-Concept, Identity, and Motivation Chapter 7: Peer Relations and Moral Development Chapter 8: The Family--Partners in Education Chapter 9: Supporting Child and Adolescent Development in School comprise a single chapter (Ch. 1), and the material from Chapter 15, Health, Stress, and Coping, has been integrated and expanded throughout the text rather than relegated to a single chapter. • New and Improved Visual Assets Database! VAD, McGrawHill’s online database of video & audio clips, photographs, and illustrations for instructors now features improved asset quality, all downloadable to any location you choose. CONTENTS CHAPTER 1: Introduction CHAPTER 2 The Science of Adolescent Development CHAPTER 3 Puberty and Biological Foundations CHAPTER 4 Cognitive Development CHAPTER 5 The Self, Identity, Emotions, and Personality CHAPTER 6 Gender CHAPTER 7: Sexuality CHAPTER 8 Moral Development, Values, and Religion CHAPTER 9: Families CHAPTER 10: Peers CHAPTER 11: Schools CHAPTER 12: Achievement, Work, and Careers CHAPTER 13: Culture CHAPTER 14: Adolescent Problems CHAPTER 15: Health, Stress, and Coping NEW NEW ADOLESCENCE 12th Edition ADOLESCENCE 8th Edition John W Santrock, University of Texas at Dallas 2008 / 640 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-338261-6 / MHID: 0-07-338261-2 Available: December 2007 Laurence Steinberg, Temple University-Philadelphia More students learn from John Santrock’s Adolescence than from any other text in this field. Students and instructors rely on the careful balance of accurate, current research and applications to the real lives of adolescents. This new 12th edition features expanded coverage of emerging adulthood, increased coverage of brain development, integrated and expanded coverage of health and wellness, and a new and improved Visual Assets Database for instructors. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Substantial Increase in Material on Emerging Adulthood. Responding to the dramatic increase in research on emerging adulthood (approximately 18- to 25-years of age), every chapter in this edition of Adolescence devotes more space to the new research and thinking about emerging adulthood. • Movement of brain discussion to Chapter 3 and expansion of coverage. Coverage of the brain now opens Chapter 3, The Brain and Cognitive Development, resulting in more attention to this rapidly increasing area of interest in adolescent development. • Integrated and Expanded Coverage of Health and Well-Being. The 12th edition integrates and expands the coverage of health, stress, and coping throughout the text, including new Health and Well-Being interludes in each chapter. • Reduction in Number of Chapters. This 12th edition has been reduced from 15 chapters to 13. Chapters 1 and 2 in now 2008 / 640 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-340548-3 / MHID: 0-07-340548-5 Available: June 2007 Website: Adolescence, 8th edition by Laurence Steinberg has been thoroughly updated to reflect current findings in the field of adolescent development. In this edition, the author continues to utilize the effective combination of a friendly writing style, thorough research and a contextual approach that emphasizes adolescence in contemporary society. The text’s careful organization ensures maximum teaching flexibility that allows the chapters to work together or be covered in sequence or stand alone. Ethnicity and minority issues are thoroughly discussed in a way that enables students to see how the adolescent experience is shaped by class and culture. The strong pedagogical framework helps students organize and integrate material. Adolescence, 8th edition, is based on solid research and theory, yet it has a distinctively “real world” feel that emphasizes the reality of being an adolescent in today’s society. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Thoroughly updated and revised with nearly 1,000 new research citations to bring students the very latest thinking in the field. 29 Developmental Psychology • New and expanded material on adolescent brain development, sleep, risk-taking, romance, religious development, conduct disorder, and media use. • New and expanded content on neighborhood influences on development and the prolonged extension of late adolescence. • Content previously included in “The Scientific Study of Adolescence” boxes moved into the body of the text. • With this edition, the writing has been made more accessible and the chapters easier to navigate with more subheadings and a clean, fresh design. CONTENTS Preface Introduction: The Study of Adolescent Development Part I: THE FUNDAMENTAL CHANGES OF ADOLESCENCE Chapter 1 Biological Transitions Chapter 2 Cognitive Transitions Chapter 3 Social Transitions Part II: THE CONTEXTS OF ADOLESCENCE Chapter 4 Families Chapter 5 Peer Groups Chapter 6 Schools Chapter 7 Work, Leisure, and Mass Media Part III: PSYCHOSOCIAL DEVELOPMENT DURING ADOLESCENCE Chapter 8 Identity Chapter 9 Autonomy Chapter 10 Intimacy Chapter 11 Sexuality Chapter 12 Achievement Chapter 13 Psychosocial Problems In Adolescence Glossary References Credits Name Index Subject Index 30 International Edition ADOLESCENCE: CONTINUITY, CHANGE, AND DIVERSITY 6th Edition Nancy Cobb, California State University--Los Angeles 2007 / 672 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-319472-1 / MHID: 0-07-319472-7 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-110640-5 / MHID: 0-07-110640-5(IE) Available: June 2006 Website: Nancy Cobb’s Adolescence, recognized as one of the leading texts in the field, provides an up-to-date and thorough review of current research and theory. Praised for its clear and engaging writing style, this highly acclaimed text is distinguished by its excellent coverage of gender, ethnicity, and identity, and for its treatment of differences between early and late adolescence. Research Focus Boxes in each chapter provide comprehensive coverage of developmental research methods. Additionally, In More Depth boxes on topics of special interest to students extend the coverage of each chapter. CONTENTS Chapter 1 Defining Adolescents: Who Are They? Chapter 2 Theoretical Foundations of Adolescent Development Chapter 3 The Biological and Physical Changes of Adolescence Chapter 4 The Cognitive and Intellectual Changes of Adolescence Chapter 5 Defining the Self: Identity and Intimacy Chapter 6 The Sexual Self: Close Relationships in Adolescence Chapter 7 Adolescents in the Family: Changing Roles and Relationships Chapter 8 Adolescents and Their Friends Chapter 9 Adolescents in the Schools Chapter 10 Work, Careers, and College: New Decisions, New Ways of Thinking Chapter 11 Facing the Future: Values in Transition Chapter 12 The Problems of Youth Chapter 13 Positive Development in Adolescence: Meeting the Challenges and Making It Work Chapter 14 Studying Adolescence: Research Methods and Issues Developmental Psychology Adolescence – Reader / Cases NEW CASES IN CHILD AND ADOLESCENT DEVELOPMENT FOR TEACHERS Nancy Defrates-Densch, Northern Illinois University 2008 / 224 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-352585-3 / MHID: 0-07-352585-5 Available: June 2007 Containing more than 40 cases, with subjects ranging from preschool to high school students, Case Studies in Child and Adolescent Development for Teachers brings developmental issues to life. The reality-based cases address a variety of developmental issues, giving teachers and future teachers the opportunity to think critically about the way development influences the educational environment and to reflect on their own classroom practice. CONTENTS Cases in Child and Adolescent Development for Teachers Case 1: The Accident Case 2: Recess Case 3: Please Don’t Pick Me! Case 4: I Can’t Go Back to School Case 5: Socks Case 6: Late Bloomer Case 7: Body Image Case 8: Plotting Case 9: Symbolism? Case 10: Songs Case 11: Chanting Case 12: What on Earth? Case 13: Challenge Case 14: I Can Read! Case 15: Mine! Case 16: Tragedy Case 17: Depressed Case 18: Who am I Now? Case 19: Pants Case 20: (Almost) All Grown Up, Now Where Do I Go? Case 21: Dolls and Soldiers Case 22: Hallway Horseplay Case 23: Communication Case 24: You’re Gonna Get in Trouble Case 25: I TOLD You... Case 26: Rules and Consequences Case 27: Morality or Health? Case 28: Parental Involvement Case 29: Divorce Case 30: The Target Case 31: Sit with Us--Or Else Case 32: Rejection Case 33: The Boy Case 34: What Did I Do? Case 35: Because He Loves Me Case 36: Locker Room Bravado Case 37: I Said “No! Case 38: She Wanted To Case 39: Around the World Case 40: Boys’ School Case 41: The Only One NEW ANNUAL EDITIONS: ADOLESCENT PSYCHOLOGY 6th Edition Fred Stickle, Western Kentucky University 2008 / 240 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339758-0 / MHID: 0-07-339758-X Available: September 2007 Website: 58X.mhtml This Sixth Edition of ANNUAL EDITIONS: ADOLESCENT PSYCHOLOGY provides convenient, inexpensive access to current articles selected from the best of the public press. Organizational features include: an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites; an annotated table of contents; a topic guide; a general introduction; brief overviews for each section; a topical index; and an instructor’s resource guide with testing materials. USING ANNUAL EDITIONS IN THE CLASSROOM, ISBN 0073301906 is offered as a practical guide for instructors. ANNUAL EDITIONS titles are supported by our student website, CONTENTS UNIT 1. Perspective on adolescence New! 1. A Peaceful Adolescence New! 2. Youth Participation 3. The Future of Adolescence New! 4. Youth Engaged for Action UNIT2. Puberty, physical development, and health 5. Why Do Kids Eat Healthful Food? New! 6. Prescription for Disaster New! 7. Youth Smoking Prevention: What Works? UNIT 3. Cognitive Development and Education New! 8. Documenting Learning with Digital Portfolios New! 9. Help Us Make the 9th Grade Transition New! 10. Stories from Tween Classrooms New! 11. My Year as a High School Student New! 12. The Dropout Problem: Losing Ground New! 13. Let Seniors Lead 14. Studies Reveal Strengths, Weaknesses 15. The New Cheating Epidemic New! 16. Leading Adolescents to Mastery 17. Healthier Students UNIT 4. Identify Social-Emotional Development 18. Fostering Social-Emotional Learning in the Classroom 19. The Consequences of Insufficient Sleep for Adolescents 20. Body Image: How Do You See Yourself? New! 21. Adolescent Stress, New! 22. ADHD and the SUD in Adolescents New! 23. Coping with Stress 24. A Mother’s Story 31 Developmental Psychology UNIT 5. Family Relationships New! 25. Traumatic Stress in Adolescents Anticipating Parental Death New! 26. Parental Illness and Adolescent Development 27. A Nation of Wimps 28. Teenage Fatherhood and Involvement in Delinquent Behavior New! 29. Impact of Family Recovery on Pre-Teens and Adolescents New! 30. After Incarceration New! 31. When a Parent Starts Dating Again 32. Learning to Chill UNIT 6. Peers and Contemporary Culture 33. Risky Business: Exploring Adolescent Risk-Taking Behavior 34. The Overdominance of Computers New! 35. Teaching Kids to Kil 36. Alcohol Use Among Adolescents 37. Terrorism, the Media, and Distress in Youth UNIT 7. Teenage Sexuality 38. The Sexual Revolution Hits Junior High 39. The Cuddle Puddle of Stuyvesant High School 40. Give Students the Knowledge to Make Wise Choices About Sex 41. The Perils of Playing House,Nancy Wartik UNIT 8. Problems Behaviors and Intervention New! 42. School Bullying: Who, Why, and What to Do 43. Bullying at School Among Older Adolescents 44. Prevention of Domestic Violence during Adolescence 45. Adolescents Who Self-Injure TAKING SIDES: CLASHING VIEWS ON ADOLESCENCE Maureen Drysdale, St. Jerome’s University / University of Waterloo BJ Rye, St. Jerome’s University / University of Waterloo 2007 / Softcover / 432 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-351508-3 / MHID: 0-07-351508-6 Available: October 2006 Website: 086.mhtml TAKING SIDES: CLASHING VIEWS IN ADOLESCENT PSYCHOLOGY presents current controversial issues in a debate-style format designed to stimulate student interest and develop critical thinking skills. Each issue is thoughtfully framed with an issue summary, an issue introduction, and a postscript. An instructor’s manual with testing material is available for each volume. USING TAKING SIDES IN THE CLASSROOM is also an excellent instructor resource with practical suggestions on incorporating this effective approach in the classroom. Each TAKING SIDES reader features an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites and is supported by our student website, CONTENTS Part 1: ADOLESCENT HEALTH New! ISSUE 1. Should Adolescents Be Taking Antidepressants? New! ISSUE 2. Should Adolescents Be Allowed to Drink Alcohol? New! ISSUE 3. Should Parental Consent Be Required for Adolescents Seeking Abortions? New! ISSUE 4. Do Boys Worry About an Ideal Body Image as Much as Girls Do? Part 2: SEX AND SEXUALITY New! ISSUE 5. Should Adolescents Get Comprehensive Sex Education Outside the Home? New! ISSUE 6. Should Adolescents Have Easy Access to Condoms in Schools? 32 New! ISSUE 7. Is There Cause for Concern About an “Oral Sex Crisis” for Teens? New! ISSUE 8. Is Comprehensive Sex Education for Adolescents Too Liberal? New! ISSUE 9. Does Sex on TV Negatively Impact Adolescent Sexuality? New! ISSUE 10. Does a Traditional or “Strong” Double Standard with Respect to Sexual Behavior Exist Among Adolescents? New! ISSUE 11. Is Female Sexual Orientation More Fluid than Male Sexual Orientation During Adolescence? Part 3: RELATIONSHIPS New! ISSUE 12. Does Divorce or Disruption in Family Structure During Adolescence Have a Detrimental Effect on Development? New! ISSUE 13. Does Dating Impede Developmental Adjustment for Adolescents? New! ISSUE 14. Do Cyber-Friendships Hinder Healthy Adolescent Development? Part 4: ANTISOCIAL BEHAVIORS New! ISSUE 15. Should Adolescents Who Commit Serious Offenses Be Tried and Convicted as Adults? New! ISSUE 16. Is School-Related Violence Increasing? New! ISSUE 17. Are Girls Bigger Bullies Than Boys? New! ISSUE 18. Is the Use of “Club Drugs” a Problem Among Adolescents? Adulthood and Aging NEW International Edition ADULT DEVELOPMENT AND AGING 6th Edition William J. Hoyer, Syracuse University and Paul A. Roodin, State University of NY-Oswego 2008 / 672 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-312854-2 / MHID: 0-07-312854-6 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-110673-3 / MHID: 0-07-110673-1 [IE] Available: December 2007 Website: CONTENTS 1 Adult Development And Aging: An Introduction 2 Cultural And Ethnic Diversity 3 Physiological And Sensory Processes 4 Coping And Adaptation 5 Mental Health Interventions 6 Physical Health And Aging 7 Memory, Attention, And Learning 8 Intelligence And Creativity 9 Cognition, Wisdom, And Expertise 10 Personality 11 Relationships 12 Work, Leisure, And Retirement 13 Approaching Death Appendix Developmental Research Methods Developmental Psychology International Edition ADULT DEVELOPMENT AND AGING 3rd Edition Diane Papalia and Harvey Sterns of University of Akron and Ruth Feldman and Cameron Camp of Myers Research Institute 2007 / Hardcover / 608 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-293788-6 / MHID: 0-07-293788-2 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-111287-1 / MHID: 0-07-111287-1 [IE] Available: June 2006 International Edition ADULT DEVELOPMENT AND AGING, WITH POWERWEB 5th Edition William J. Hoyer, Syracuse University, Paul A. Roodin, State University College-Oswego and John Michael Rybash, Hamilton College 2003 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-256488-4 / MHID: 0-07-256488-1 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-121323-3 / MHID: 0-07-121323-6 [IE] Website: Website: This text delivers the most current research findings in the field clearly and concisely, using a topical organization, in a writing style that students and instructors have praised. This edition provides a balanced, positive perspective on adult development and aging, enhanced by strong multicultural and diversity coverage. CONTENTS CONTENTS Part I: EXPLORING THE WORLD OF ADULTHOOD 1 Adult Development and Aging in a Changing World 2 Metatheoretical Perspectives and Research Methods Part II: THE WORLDS OF BODY AND MIND 3 Longevity and Physiological Aging 4 Health and Body Systems 5 Memory 6 Intelligence and Creativity 7 Mature Thought, Wisdom and Moral Intelligence Part III: THE SOCIAL WORLD 8 Education, Work, Leisure, And Retirement 9 Intimate Relationships and Lifestyles 10 Mature Kinship Ties and Living Arrangements Part IV: THE WORLD WITHIN 11 Personality Development 12 Mental Health, Coping and Adjustment to Aging 13 Dealing with Death and Bereavement Adult Development: An Introduction Social and Cultural Diversity Physiological and Sensory Processes Adaptation and Coping Mental Health and Interventions Physical Health and Lifestyles Memory, Attention, and Learning Intelligence and Creativity Wisdom and Experience Personality Relationships and Sexuality Work, Leisure and Retirement How We Die Appendix A: Developmental Research Methods Appendix B: Careers in Basic & Applied Gerontology Adulthood and Aging – Readers NEW ANNUAL EDITIONS: AGING 08/09 21st Edition Harold Cox, Indiana State University—Terre Haute 2009 / 240 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339760-3 / MHID: 0-07-339760-1 Available: March 2008 Website: 601.mhtmlf This Twenty-First Edition of ANNUAL EDITIONS: AGING provides convenient, inexpensive access to current articles selected from the best of the public press. Organizational features include: an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites; an annotated table of contents; a topic guide; a general introduction; brief overviews for each section; a topical index; and an instructor’s resource guide with testing materials. USING ANNUAL EDITIONS IN THE CLASSROOM, ISBN 0073301906, is offered as a practical guide for instructors. ANNUAL EDITIONS titles are supported by our student website, 33 Developmental Psychology NEW ANNUAL EDITIONS: DYING, DEATH, AND BEREAVEMENT 08/09 10th Edition George E Dickinson, College of Charleston Michael R Leming, Saint Olaf College 2009 / 240 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339771-9 / MHID: 0-07-339771-7 Available: November 2007 Website: 717.mhtml This Tenth Edition of ANNUAL EDITIONS: DYING, DEATH, AND BEREAVEMENT provides convenient, inexpensive access to current articles selected from the best of the public press. Organizational features include: an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites; an annotated table of contents; a topic guide; a general introduction; brief overviews for each section; a topical index; and an instructor’s resource guide with testing materials. USING ANNUAL EDITIONS IN THE CLASSROOM, ISBN 0073301906, is offered as a practical guide for instructors. ANNUAL EDITIONS titles are supported by our student website, 31. How Different Religions Pay Their Final Respects 32. The Arlington Ladies 33. Face to Face With Death 34. Six Feet Under 35. The Grieving Process 36. Disenfranchised Grief 37. Enhancing the Concept of Disenfranchised Grief 38. The Increasing Prevalence of Complicated Mourning 39. Those Left Behind 40. Till Death Do Us Part 41. Counseling With Children in Contemporary Society 42. Discussing Tragedy With Your Child 43. Life Is Like the Seasons NEW ANNUAL EDITIONS: AGING 07/08 20th Edition Harold Cox, Indiana State UniversityTerre Haute CONTENTS UNIT 1. Issues in Dying and Death 1. Finding Better Ways to Die New! 2. Organ Transplantation in a Globalised World New! 3. Into the Oblivion New! 4. Moving Toward Peace, 5. Technology and Death Policy New! 6. A Survey of End-of-Life Care in Care Homes New! 7. How Much Is More Life Worth?, 8. The Unsettled Question of Brain Death 9. Studying the Black Death UNIT 2. Dying and Death Across the Life Cycle New! 10. Editorial: On Behalf of Children New! 11. Knowledge of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Prevention Strategies in a Multicultural, Disadvantaged Community New! 12. And Then the Dog Died New! 13. To Live with No Regrets New! 14. “Cast Me Not Off in Old Age” 15. Trends in Causes of Death Among the Elderly UNIT 3. The Dying Process 16. Palliative Care 17. Placing Religion and Spirituality in End-of-Life Care 18. Spirituality and Religion in the “Art of Dying”, New! 19. Death in the Nursing Home New! 20. Dying on the Streets New! 21. Aging Prisoners’ Concerns Toward Dying in Prison UNIT 4. Ethical Issues of Dying, Death, and Suicide 22. Death and the Law 23. Doctor, I Want to Die. Will You Help Me? 24. Competent Care for the Dying Instead of Physician-Assisted Suicide 25. Colleen’s Choice 26. Ethics and Life’s Ending 27. When Students Kill Themselves, Colleges May Get the Blame 28. Life Everlasting 29. Who Will Speak for You When You Can’t? 30. The Contemporary American Funeral 34 2008 / 224 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339729-0 / MHID: 0-07-339729-6 Available: January 2007 Website: http://www 296.mhtml This Twentieth Edition of ANNUAL EDITIONS: AGING 07/08 provides convenient, inexpensive access to current articles selected from the best of the public press. Organizational features include: an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites; an annotated table of contents; a topic guide; a general introduction; brief overviews for each section; a topical index; and an instructor’s resource guide with testing materials. USING ANNUAL EDITIONS IN THE CLASSROOM is offered as a practical guide for instructors. ANNUAL EDITIONS titles are supported by our student website, www. CONTENTS UNIT 1. The Phenomenon of Aging 1. Elderly American 2. The Economic Conundrum of an Aging Population New! 3. Living Longer 4. Puzzle of the Century 5. The Demographic Drivers of Aging 6. Will You Live to Be 100? New! 7. The 2005 White House Conference on Aging UNIT 2. The Quality of Later Life 8. Women’s Sexuality as They Age: The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same New! 9. As Good As It Gets New! 10. Cohabitation Among Older Adults: A National Portrait 11. We Can Control How We Age UNIT 3. Societal Attitudes Toward Old Age 12. Society Fears the Aging Process Developmental Psychology 13. Ageism in America New! 14. The Secret Lives of Single Women 15. The Under-Reported Impact of Age Discrimination and Its Threat to Business Vitality UNIT 4. Problems and Potentials of Aging 16. Primary Care for Elderly People: Why Do Doctors Find It So Hard? 17. Breakthrough New! 18. Marital History and the Burden of Cardiovascular Disease in Midlife 19. The Disappearing Mind New! 20. The Extent and Frequency of Abuse in the Lives of Older Women and Their Relationship With Health Outcomes UNIT 5. Retirement: American Dream or Dilemma? 21. How to Survive the First Year New! 22. The Big Squeeze 23. Old. Smart. Productive New! 24. The Broken Promise 25. Work/Retirement Choices and Lifestyle Patterns of Older Americans UNIT 6. The Experience of Dying 26. More Hospice Patients Forgoing Sustenance New! 27. The Grieving Process 28. Start the Conversation New! 29. Mind Frames Towards Dying and Factors Motivating Their Adoption by Terminally Ill Elders UNIT 7. Living Environment in Later Life 30. (Not) the Same Old Story 31. A Home for the Rest of Your Life New! 32. Nursing Homes: Business As Usual New! 33. Declaration of Independents UNIT 8. Social Policies, Programs, and Services for Older Americans 34. Have Seniors Been Dealt a Bad Hand? Medicare’s Drug Discount Cards New! 35. Social Security’s 70th Anniversary: Surviving 20 Years of Reform 36. Universalism Without the Targeting: Privatizing the Old-Age Welfare State New! 37. Coverage For All 38. Riding Into the Sunset Cognitive Development – Readers CLASSIC EDITION SOURCES: PSYCHOLOGY 4th Edition Terry F Pettijohn, Ohio State University-Marion 2007 / 240 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-340404-2 / MHID: 0-07-340404-7 Available: March 2006 Website: 047.mhtml This reader provides over 40 selections of enduring intellectual value--classic articles, book excerpts, and research studies--that have shaped the study of psychology and our contemporary understanding of it. CONTENTS Chapter 1. Introducing Psychology Chapter 2. Psychobiology Chapter 3. Sensation and Perception Chapter 4. Sleep and Consciousness Chapter 5. Learning Chapter 6. Human Memory Chapter 7. Cognition and Intelligence Chapter 8. Motivation Chapter 9. Emotion Chapter 10. Human Development Chapter 11. Personality Chapter 12. Stress and Adjustment Chapter 13. Abnormal Behavior Chapter 14. Therapy Chapter 15. Social Psychology 35 Developmental Psychology Developmental Psychopathology NEW DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOPATHOLOGY 5th Edition International Edition CHILD PSYCHOPATHOLOGY Jeffrey Haugaard, Cornell University—Ithaca 2008 / 672 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-340550-6 / MHID: 0-07-340550-7 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-126354-2 / MHID: 0-07-126354-3 [IE] Available: September 2007 All students who will one day work with children or their families can gain a basic foundation for understanding child psychopathology from this text. Students who seek careers in the mental health, physical health, or social work fields will find extensive information on childhood disorders, their prevention, and their treatment. All will gain an appreciation for the many facets of this growing field, and of the need to base interventions on research and on a humane attitude toward each child and family. CONTENTS Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 Research Methods and Ethical Issues Chapter 3 Basic Psychological Theories Chapter 4 Quantitative Behavioral Genetics Chapter 5 Classification, Diagnosis, and Assessment Disorders Chapter 6 Conduct Disorder and Oppositional Defiant Disorder Chapter 7 Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Chapter 8 Bipolar Disorder Chapter 9 Depressive Disorders Chapter 10 Anxiety Disorders Chapter 11 Mental Retardation Chapter 12 Autism and Other Pervasive Developmental Disorders Chapter 13 Childhood-onset Schizophrenia Chapter 14 Disorders Related to Child Maltreatment and Other Trauma 36 International Edition Charles Wenar, Ohio State University and Patricia Kerig, James Madison University 2006 / Hardcover / 544 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-282019-5 / MHID: 0-07-282019-5 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-121520-6 / MHID: 0-07-121520-4 [IE] Available: July 2005 Accessible and clearly written, Developmental Psychopathology, 5e, by Charles Wenar and Patricia Kerig approaches child psychopathology as “normal development gone awry” and encourages students to “think developmentally” about psychopathology from childhood through adolescence. The fifth edition includes cutting-edge research, a new organization, and new coverage of problems that arise in late adolescence/early adulthood. CONTENTS 1: The Developmental Psychopathology Approach 2: Normal Development 3: The Bridge to the Psychopathologies 4: Infancy: The Developmental Consequences of Mental Retardation 5: Infancy: Disorders in the Autistic Spectrum 6: Infancy through Preschool Attachment Disorders, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, and Enuresis 7: The Preschool Period: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Learning Disabilities 8: Middle Childhood: The Anxiety Disorders 9: Middle Childhood to Adolescence: Mood Disorders and Suicide 10: Middle Childhood to Adolescence: Conduct Disorder and the Development of Antisocial Behavior 11: Severe Deviation in Late Childhood and Adolescence: Schizophrenia 12: Psychopathologies of the Adolescent Transmission: Eating Disorders and Substance Abuse 13: The Developmental Consequences of Brain Injury and Chronic Illness 14: Risks in the Family Context: Child Maltreatment and Domestic Violence 15: Late Adolescence to Early Adulthood: Emergent Personality Disorders 16: Psychological Assessment 17: Intervention and Prevention Developmental Psychology Gender Role Development NEW Chapter 14 Justice, Equity, and Social Change Epilogue The Ties That Bind: The Future of Sex and Gender Glossary References Author Index I–1 Subject Index I–15 Credits C–1 Cognitive Science SEX & GENDER 6th Edition Hilary M Lips, Radford University 2008 / 704 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-340553-7 / MHID: 0-07-340553-1 Available: July 2007 This is a comprehensive introduction to sex and gender theories, research, and issues, focusing on social psychological and feminist perspectives. The book examines the similarities and differences between women and men, discusses where that knowledge comes from, and explains how that knowledge may itself be shaped and limited by cultural perceptions. This new edition has been thoroughly revised with up-to-date research citations for all chapters and more current examples. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Substantially revised material on mental health/mental illness appears in Chapter 9. • New content includes material on women in the workplace, stereotype threat, children’s development of gender schemas, and stability and change in gender stereotypes. CONTENTS Part I: MYTHS, THEORIES, AND RESEARCH Chapter 1 Masculinity and Femininity: Myths and Stereotypes Chapter 2 Theoretical Perspectives on Sex and Gender Chapter 3 Researching Sex and Gender: Exploring the Whys and Hows Part II: BEHAVIOR & EXPERIENCE: FEMALE—MALE SIMILIARITIES AND DIFFERENCES Chapter 4 Worlds Apart? Gender Differences in Social Behavior and Experience Chapter 5 Biology and Environment: The Process of Becoming Female or Male Chapter 6 Perceptual and Cognitive Abilities: Gender Similarities and Differences Chapter 7 Sexual Lives and Orientations Chapter 8 Hormonal and Reproductive Connections Chapter 9 Mental and Physical Health: Stress, Change, and Adaptations TAKING SIDES: CLASHING VIEWS ON CONTROVERSIAL ISSUES IN COGNITIVE SCIENCE Marion Mason, Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania 2005 / Softcover ISBN-13: 978-0-07-295328-2 / MHID: 0-07-295328-4 Available: May 2004 Catalog Page (Browse 53284.mhtml) CONTENTS Part 1: MIND AND BRAIN New! ISSUE 1. Are Mind and Brain the Same? New! ISSUE 2. Do Children Develop Theories About Other People’s Minds? New! ISSUE 3. Is Mindfulness a Cognitive Style? Part 2: CONCEPTS New! ISSUE 4. Are We Overestimating Infant’s Math Ability? New! ISSUE 5. Can Infants Develop Abstract Concepts? New! ISSUE 6. Is Sensory Information the Strongest Part of a Stored Concept? Part 3: MEMORY New! ISSUE 7. Is Novice Memory Based on Associations? New! ISSUE 8. Is Imagination Inflation Imaginary? New! ISSUE 9. Is Adult Memory for Childhood Abuse Unreliable? Part 4: LANGUAGE New! ISSUE 10. Is Context Stronger Than Frequency? New! ISSUE 11. Is Stuttering Isolated from Lexical Retrieval? New! ISSUE 12. Can Computer Models Explain Language Disorders? Part 5: INTELLIGENCE New! ISSUE 13. Is Emotional Intelligence Really a Form of Intelligence? New! ISSUE 14. Is the Birth Order Effect on Intelligence Real? Part 6: REASONING AND INTUITION New! ISSUE 15. Can a Neural Network Model Account for Moral Development? New! ISSUE 16. Do We Use Reasoning to Make Moral Decisions? New! ISSUE 17. Is Intuition a Valid Way of Knowing? New! ISSUE 18. Should Schools Teach for Wisdom? Part III: SEX AND GENDER IN SOCIAL RELATIONSHIPS Chapter 10 Sex and Gender and Childhood: Constructing Gender Chapter 11 Family and Friends: Attachment, Intimacy, and Power Chapter 12 Economic and Political Life: Power, Status, and Achievement Chapter 13 Issues in the Workplace 37 2008–2009 NEW Psychology Titles 38 2008–2009 NEW Psychology Titles Educational Psychology ~ Contents Child, Family & Society – Readers .......................................... 45 2008 New Title ■ ABBEDUTO Taking Sides: Clashing Views in Educational Psychology, 5e ..................................................................................... 42 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-351521-2 / MHID: 0-07-351521-3 ■ CAULEY Annual Editions: Educational Psychology 07/08, 22e ....... 43 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339737-5 / MHID: 0-07-339737-7 ■ DEL CAMPO Taking Sides: Clashing Views in Childhood and Society, 7e ..................................................................................... 45 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-351513-7 / MHID: 0-07-351513-2 ■ DICKINSON Annual Editions: Dying, Death, And Bereavement 08/09, 10e ................................................................................... 46 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339771-9 / MHID: 0-07-339771-7 ■ GONZALEZ-MENA Diversity in Early Care and Education: Honoring Differences, 5e ................................................................ 44 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-352586-0 / MHID: 0-07-352586-3 ■ SANTROCK Educational Psychology, 3e.............................................. 40 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-352582-2 / MHID: 0-07-352582-0 Death and Dying .................................................................... 45 Educational Psychology .......................................................... 40 Educational Psychology – Readers .......................................... 42 Infants & Toddlers .................................................................. 44 2009 New Title ■ DESPELDER The Last Dance: Encountering Death and Dying, 8e ........ 45 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-340546-9 / MHID: 0-07-340546-9 39 Educational Psychology Educational Psychology NEW International Edition EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY 3rd Edition John W. Santrock, University of Texas at Dallas 2008 / Softcover / 608 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-352582-2 / MHID: 0-07-352582-0 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-110187-5 / MHID: 0-07-110187-X [IE] Available: November 2006 Website: Written by the author of highly effective psychology texts relied upon by thousands of teachers and students, Educational Psychology is a well-crafted text that emphasizes the application of theory to classroom practice. With richly evocative classroom vignettes provided by practicing teachers, as well as the most case studies--three per chapter--of any Introductory text, Santrock’s Educational Psychology helps students think critically about the research basis for best practices. Additionally, Santrock’s hallmark Learning System organizes the content into manageable chunks to support retention and mastery, and make it much more likely that students will have an engaging and successful course experience. opportunities for self-efficacy, for example – and offer specific recommendations that students can use when they become teachers. The Best Practice sections also includes first-person accounts related teaching situations to offer real-world context for the recommended strategies. • Brain Research, Character Education, and more: The 3rd Edition of Educational Psychology presents the latest content and research, and includes more than 1,800 citations from the 21st century with more than 500 of these coming from 2005, 2006, and 2007 – including new research into the structure and development of the brain, studies on moral and character education, and much more. • Preparation for Standards-Based Tests: The third edition offers future teachers even more opportunites to practice answering test items of the kind found on state certification and other PRAXIStype exams. A PRAXIS Practice section appears in the Review, Reflect, and Practice sections concluding each chapter and PRAXIS-type items have also been added to the case studies at the end of each chapter. CONTENTS Chapter 1: Educational Psychology: A Tool for Effective Teaching Chapter 2: Cognitive and Language Development Chapter 3: Social Contexts and Socioemotional Development Chapter 4: Individual Variations Chapter 5: Sociocultural Diversity Chapter 6: Learners Who Are Exceptional Chapter 7: Behavioral and Social Cognitive Approaches Chapter 8: The Information-Processing Approach Chapter 9: Complex Cognitive Processes Chapter 10: Social Constructivist Approaches Chapter 11: Learning and Cognition in the Content Areas Chapter 12: Planning, Instruction, and Technology Chapter 13: Motivation, Teaching, and Learning Chapter 14: Managing the Classroom Chapter 15: Standardized Tests and Teaching Chapter 16: Classroom Assessment NEW TO THIS EDITION • PrepCenter: The faculty support materials – case studies, online activities, video segments, powerpoints, instructor’s manual sections – has been completely integrated into a single, on-demand resource called PrepCenter. This concept-based archive allows instructors access to every resource related to a single concept or theory, regardless of where this material may appear in the textbook. A professor preparing for a lecture on “attribution” can search on the term and collect every case study, instructor’s manual page, powerpoint slide, and video segment related to the topic – all suitable for use as part of an in-class lecture, or for posting to a course website. • Expert Content and Research Consultants: As in prior editons, Santrock’s Educational Psychology has been reviewed by experts to ensure that the content is completely accurate and reflects the most current research. The third edition consultants are: Joyce Epstein, The Johns Hopkins University Dale Schunk, University of North Carolina—Greensboro James Kauffman, University of Virginia Barbara McCombs, Denver Research Institute Richard Mayer, University of California—Santa Barbara Carolyn Evertson, Vanderbilt University Carlos Diaz, Florida Atlantic University Karen Swan, Kent State University James McMillan, Virginia Commonwealth University Gary Bitter, Arizona State University • Best Practices: These sections describe a specific area of professional practice – improving prosocial behavior or providing 40 ENHANCING COGNITIVE FUNTIONS APPLICATIONS ACROSS CONTEXTS Oon-Seng Tan and Alice Seok-Hoon Seng 2005 (May 2005) / 320 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-124765-8 / MHID: 0-07-124765-3 [An Asian Publication] Cognitive functioning is a new and important advancement in cognitive psychology and cognitive science. Cognitive functions are a central focus in the dynamic and mediational approach to assessment and intervention. An understanding of cognitive functions is the key to the design of effective cognitive intervention and enrichment programs. This book focuses on the mind of the learner, particularly on the nature and characteristics of cognitive functioning. It covers innovative and effective approaches to the enhancement of learning potential and cognitive functioning of children and adolescents. The approaches are grounded in theories pertaining to cognitive functions, cognitive modifi ability, and dynamic assessment. Written in clear language, the book illustrates the nature of cognitive functioning and the application of certain cognitive programs and interventions across contexts. The nature of cognitive functioning today is of interest not only to cognitive psychologists but also to those working in the multiple disciplines of neuroscience, cognitive systems, and human factors design. Cognitive Educational Psychology enrichment programs and assessment scales such as LPADB, FIE-B, ACFS, MindLadder, Building Blocks of Learning, and MIDAS and their applications in different environments are highlighted in the book and examples of good practice and a variety of mediational and dynamic assessment tools discussed. Educational practitioners working closely with children, counselors, parents, and caregivers will find the book a valuable reference. CONTENTS 1. Toward a Theory of Enhancing Cognitive Functions 2. An Integrative Approach to Knowledge Construction Functions (KCF) 3. Improving Cognitive Functions for Secondary School Students 4. The Application of Cognitive Functions Scale: A Dynamic Assessment Procedure for Young Children 5. The Feuerstein Programs for Early Assessment and Intervention: The LPAD-B and the FIE-B 6. Early Detection: Blessing or Curse 7. Mediation and Assessment of a Young and Low-functioning Child: An Initial Session 8. Building Blocks of Learning: Dynamic Assessment and Cognitive Mediation with Children 9. Cognitive Interventions for Memory Deficits 10. Enhancing Cognitive Functions via a Multiple Intelligences Assessment 11. Sensory and Cognitive Development in Adulthood TO EMPOWER, BE EMPOWERED Yeap Lay Leng, Myint Swe Khine, Lim Lee Hean and Low Guat Tin 2005 (May 2005) / 264 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-124649-1 / MHID: 0-07-124649-5 [An Asian Publication] “To empower, be empowered” are processes that enable individuals to take on greater responsibility and authority in decision making. The individuals’ potential to make decisions can be maximized within an environment that nurtures them through education, training, professional development, commitment, facilitation, resources, mutual trust and emotional support. In the educational context, “To empower, be empowered” is to provide a “self-surpassing classroom”, that is, a classroom environment with “self-surpassing teachers” who engage their students in purposeful activities and direct them to be responsible for their own learning. To Empower, Be Empowered is suitable and applicable for all those who are in people management. The 14 chapters in the book are interrelated topics, written from the different perspectives of empowerment. CONTENTS About the Authors Introduction: Stepping Up Empowerment Chapter 1: Empowering the Learner Chapter 2: Understanding Learning Styles to Empower Learning Chapter 3: Learning Styles and Educational Issues Chapter 4: Empowerment through Cognitive Profi ling Chapter 5: Cognitive Matching to Empower Learning Chapter 6: Implications of Learning Styles in Empowering Learning Chapter 7: Empowering Learning with Cognitive Organizers Chapter 8: Empowering through Motivation: The Theory Chapter 9: Empowering through Motivation: The Practice Chapter 10: Empowering through Mentoring Chapter 11: Empowering through Coaching Chapter 12: Reframe to Empower Learning Chapter 13: Empowering the Teacher: First, Learn More Thyself Chapter 14: Initiatives to Empowerment in a ‘Learning Nation’ References Index THINKING ABOUT THINKING WHAT EDUCATORS NEED TO KNOW Jessie Ee, Agnes Chang and Oon-Seng Tan 2004 / 352 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-123507-5 / MHID: 0-07-123507-8 [An Asian Publication] The new millennium calls for a breakthrough in the way we learn and think. How can we enhance the flexibility of the mind so that the spirit of innovation and enterprise can flourish and flow in those we nurture and teach? What do we know about the important roles played by attitudes, dispositions, intellectual habits, and motivation in the development of thinking? This book captures the latest research and applications in these fields with contributions by some of the most renowned researchers and practitioners intimately involved in research and pedagogy in self-regulated learning and metacognition. CONTENTS Part 1: THEORY AND RESEARCH, AND THEIR IMPLICATIONS Chapter 1: Pursuing Academic Self regulation: A 20-year Methodological Quest Chapter 2: Teaching to Facilitate Self regulated Learning Chapter 3: Principles of Self-regulated Learning for Teachers Chapter 4: Thinking for Yourself and Thinking Together: The Community of Inquiry as a Pedagogy for Self regulated Learning Chapter 5: Metacognitive Theory and Classroom Practices Chapter 6: Teachers’ Understanding and Practice of Strategybased Instruction and Classroom Goal Orientations for Students’ Self-regulation: Findings across Cultures Chapter 7: Motivation, Strategies, and Achievement: A Comparison of Teachers and Students in High, Average, and Low Achieving Classes Part 2: PRACTICE AND APPLICATIONS Chapter 8: Reflective Practice and Self regulation: Walking the Talk through Problem-based Learning in Teacher Education Chapter 9: Choosing the Right Teacher: When Self-regulation Can Hinder Learning Chapter 10: Talk Your Walk: Issues in Instruction of Self-regulatory Second Language Reading Chapter 11: Self-regulated Learning in Science Chapter 12: Fostering Students’ Self regulation Skills in Mathematical Problem-solving Chapter 13: Helping Students to Become Strategic Learners: The Roles of Assessment, Teachers, Instruction, and Students Chapter 14: Self-regulation for Adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder 41 Educational Psychology COUNSELLING IN SCHOOLS THEORIES, PROCESSES AND TECHNIQUES Esther Tan 2004 (December 2004) / 280 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-123366-8 / MHID: 0-07-123366-0 Educational Psychology – Readers [An Asian Publication] This book is intended to be a comprehensive guide and useful resource for teachers, counsellors, parents and educators who believe in a holistic education for the young. The nurturing of the emotional, psychological, moral, physical, artistic and spiritual well-being of the young is just as important as challenging their minds and maximizing their intellectual potentials. The scope of the book is comprehensive and encompassing, covering a wide range of topics, including developmental group guidance, career guidance and career counselling, group dynamics and group counselling, individual counselling, and intervention strategies in working with children, youth and parents. There are also opportunities to learn about the development and management of guidance and counselling services in schools and how to conduct school-based research in guidance and counselling to enhance practice. KEY FEATURES v The is the first Asian indigenous resource book for pupil counselling. v A team of professional contributors consisting of teacher educators, educational psychologists, counselling psychologists, a professor of counselling from the United States and a consultant psychiatrist from National University Hospital of Singapore, are involved in the development of the content for this book. v Care was taken to use everyday examples and case illustrations to explain psychological concepts and theories, and provide practical tips. v This is a book on the what, why and how of pupil counselling, with a balance between theory and practice. CONTENTS Foreword Preface Chapter 1: Developmental Group Guidance in the Classroom Chapter 2: Working with Children Chapter 3: Working with Youth Chapter 4: Working with Parents Chapter 5: Career Guidance and Career Counselling in Schools Chapter 6: Group Counselling Chapter 7: Multidimensional Metatheoretical Counselling Model Chapter 8: An Ecological Multimodal Approach to Counselling Chapter 9: Managing Guidance and Counselling in Schools Chapter 10: Research in Guidance and Counselling About the Contributors Index NEW TAKING SIDES: CLASHING VIEWS IN EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY 5th Edition Leonard Abbeduto, University of Wisconsin Madison Frank Symons, University of Minnesota 2008 / 432 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-351521-2 / MHID: 0-07-351521-3 Available: October 2007 Website: 213.mhtml This Fifth Edition of TAKING SIDES: EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY presents current controversial issues in a debate-style format designed to stimulate student interest and develop critical thinking skills. Each issue is thoughtfully framed with an issue summary, an issue introduction, and a postscript. An instructor’s manual with testing material is available for each volume. USING TAKING SIDES IN THE CLASSROOM is also an excellent instructor resource with practical suggestions on incorporating this effective approach in the classroom. Each TAKING SIDES reader features an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites and is supported by our student website, CONTENTS UNIT 1 Meeting the Diverse Needs of a Diverse Classroom Issue 1. Are Single-Gender Classes Necessary to Ensure Equal Educational Opportunities for Boys and Girls? Issue 2. Should Struggling Students Be Retained? Issue 3. Should English Immersion Replace Bilingual Education? Issue 4. Is Full Inclusion Always the Best Option for Students with Disabilities? Issue 5. Can Schools Close the Achievement Gap Between Students from Different Issue 6. Should Schools Try to Increase Students’ Self-Esteem? Issue 7. Should Moral Education Be Part of the School Curriculum? UNIT 2 Theories of Learning and Their Implications for Educational Practice Issue 8. Should Schools Adopt a Constructivist Approach to Education? Issue 9. Does Reinforcement Facilitate Learning? Issue 10. Can Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences Transform Educational Practice? Issue 11. Will a Push for Standards and Accountability Lead to More Motivated Students? Issue 12. Do Recent Discoveries About the Brain and Its Development Have Implications for Classroom Practice? UNIT 3 Effective Teaching and the Evaluation of Learning Issue 13. Is the Whole Language Approach to Reading Effective? Issue 14. Is Greater Parental Involvement at School Always Beneficial? Issue 15. Should Schools Embrace Computers and Technology? Issue 16. Should Schools Decrease Class Size to Improve Student Outcomes? 42 Educational Psychology Issue 17. Can a Zero-Tolerance Policy Lead to Safe Schools? Issue 18. Should U.S. Schools Be Evaluated Against Schools in Other Coutries? NEW ANNUAL EDITIONS: EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY 07/08 22nd Edition Kathleen M Cauley, Virginia Commonwealth University Gina Pannozzo, Virginia Commonwealth University 2008 / 240 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339737-5 / MHID: 0-07-339737-7 Available: February 2007 Website: 377.mhtml From McGraw-Hill Contemporary Learning Series (formerly known as McGraw-Hill/Dushkin), this TwentySecond Edition of ANNUAL EDITIONS: EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY 07/08 provides convenient, inexpensive access to current articles selected from the best of the public press. Organizational features include: an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites; an annotated table of contents; a topic guide; a general introduction; brief overviews for each section; a topical index; and an instructor’s resource guide with testing materials. USING ANNUAL EDITIONS IN THE CLASSROOM is offered as a practical guide for instructors. ANNUAL EDITIONS titles are supported by our student website, CONTENTS UNIT 1. Perspectives on Teaching 1. A Learner’s Bill of Rights 2. Teachers as Leaders 3. Getting Personal About Teaching New! 4. Memories from the ‘Other’: Lessons in Connecting with Students 5. A National Tragedy: Helping Children Cope UNIT 2. Development Part A. Childhood New! 6. Mind and Body New! 7. Understanding Families: Applying Family Systems Theory to Early Childhood Practice Part B. Adolescence 8. The Role of the Generations in Identity Formation: Erikson Speaks to Teachers of Adolescents 9. The Biology of Risk Taking New! 10. Broadening the World of Early Adolescents New! 14. Recognizing Gifted Students: A Practical Guide for Teachers 15. Raising Expectations for the Gifted Part C. Cultural Diversity New! 16. Challenging Deficit Thinking 17. Creating Culturally Responsive Schools Part D. Gender Differences New! 18. The SIQ-III Test: Gender Issues in Literacy New! 19. Boys and Girls Together: A Case for Creating GenderFriendly Middle School Classrooms New! 20. Learning and Gender UNIT 4. Learning and Instruction Part A. Learning and Cognition 21. Successful Strategies for English Language Learners New! 22. Differentiating for Tweens 23. Metacognition: A Bridge Between Cognitive Psychology and Educational Practice 24. Constructing Learning: Using Technology to Support Teaching for Understanding 25. Creating a Culture For Learning 26. Implementing a Research-Based Model of Cooperative Learning Part B. Instructional Strategies 27. Teachers Bridge to Constructivism New! 28. The Changing Classroom: Challenges for Teachers New! 29. Improve Your Verbal Questioning New! 30. Designing Learning Through Learning to Design UNIT 5. Motivation and Classroom Management Part A. Motivation New! 31. Convincing Students They Can Learn to Read: Crafting Self-Efficacy Prompts 32. Help for Stressed Students 33. Caution--Praise Can Be Dangerous 34. ”If Only They Would Do Their Homework:” Promoting SelfRegulation in High School English Classes Part B. Classroom Management 35. When Children Make Rules 36. The Key to Classroom Management 37. Twelve Practical Strategies to Prevent Behavioral Escalation in Classroom Settings New! 38. Bullying: Effective Strategies for Its Prevention UNIT 6. Assessment 39. Multiple Choice 40. Using Student-Involved Classroom Assessment to Close Achievement Gaps 41. Grades as Valid Measures of Academic Achievement of Classroom Learning New! 42. Seven Practices for Effective Learning New! 43. Helping Students Understand Assessment New! 44. Meeting the Challenge of High-Stakes Testing While Remaining Child-Centered: The Representations of Two Urban Teachers UNIT 3. Individual Differences Among Learners Part A. Exceptional Learning Needs 11. Normalizing Difference in Inclusive Teaching New! 12. Thinking Positively: How Some Characteristics of ADHD Can Be Adaptive and Accepted in the Classroom New! 13. Technology to Help Struggling Students Part B. Gifted and Talented 43 Educational Psychology Infants & Toddlers INFANTS, TODDLERS, AND CAREGIVERS WITH THE CAREGIVERS COMPANION 7th Edition Janet Gonzalez-Mena, Napa Valley College Dianne Widmeyer Eyer, Canada College 2007 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-325768-6 / MHID: 0-07-325768-0 Available: Februrary 2006 NEW Website: DIVERSITY IN EARLY CARE AND EDUCATION HONORING DIFFERENCES 5th Edition Janet Gonzalez-Mena, Napa Valley College 2008 / 192 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-352586-0 / MHID: 0-07-352586-3 Available: Februrary 2007 Diversity in Early Care and Education (formerly Multicultural Issues In Child Care) explores the rich diversity encountered in programs and environments for children ages birth to 8, including those serving children with special needs. The emphasis is on the practical and immediate concerns of the early childhood professional and family service worker, though all information has strong theoretical support. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Beyond "Multicultural": Moving from a multicultural to an equity emphasis, Gonzalez-Mena discusses diversity as it relates to the “isms” in race, gender, ability, religion, social class, and status. • From "Child Care" to "Care and Education": The title reflects the fact that care and education always come as a package. The text offers practical applications for a range of situations encountered by such practitioners and administrators as: * infant-toddler, preschool, primary teachers and program directors, * special educators and early interventionists, * social services and family support personnel, * and family child care providers. • Online Resources at Online materials include Web links provided to allow students to further explore text topics. CONTENTS 1 Perceiving and Responding to Differences 2 Communicating Across Cultures 3 Working with Diversity Issues 4 A Framework for Understanding Differences 5 Attachment and Separation 6 Differing Perspectives on Learning through Play 7 Socialization, Guidance, and Discipline 44 Combining a child-centered philosophy with problemsolving strategies and a thorough discussion of diversity, Infants, Toddlers, and Caregivers offers an ideal introduction to curriculum and care for infants and toddlers. The approach to caregiving that underlies the text is based on a combination of Magda Gerber’s philosophy and that of her late colleague, Emmi Pikler: both pioneers taught caregivers how to respect young children and stressed the need to integrate (1) concepts of child development with caregiving, (2) knowledge of play as curriculum, (3) the physical and social environment, and (4) adult relations. Infants, Toddlers, and Caregivers applies this approach in a practical, meaningful way for students and faculty in introductory early childhood courses. CONTENTS Preface Resources for Caregivers Part I. FOCUS ON THE CAREGIVER 1. Principles, Practice, and Curriculum 2. Infant-Toddler Education 3. Caregiving as Curriculum 4. Play as Curriculum Part II. FOCUS ON THE CHILD 5. Attachment 6. Perception 7. Motor Skills 8. Cognition 9. Language 10. Emotions 11. Social Skills Part III. FOCUS ON THE PROGRAM 12. The Physical Environment 13. The Social Environment 14. Adult Relations in Infant-Toddler Care and Education Programs Appendix A: Quality in Infant-Toddler Programs Appendix B: Environmental Chart Appendix C: Guiding Principles of the Parent Services Projects Notes References Glossary Credits Index Appendix A: Quality in Infant-Toddler Programs: A Checklist Appendix B: Environmental Chart Appendix C: Guiding Principles of the Parent Services Project Educational Psychology Child, Family & Society – Readers NEW Death and Dying NEW TAKING SIDES: CLASHING VIEWS IN CHILDHOOD AND SOCIETY 7th Edition THE LAST DANCE: ENCOUNTERING DEATH AND DYING 8th Edition Diana S Del Campo and Robert L Del Campo of New Mexico State University-Las Cruces 2008 / 432 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-351513-7 / MHID: 0-07-351513-2 Available: October 2007 Lynne Ann DeSpelder, Cabrillo College and Albert Lee Strickland 2009 / Hardcover / 688 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-340546-9 / MHID: 0-07-340546-9 Available: June 2008 Website: 132.mhtml The best-selling textbook in the field, The Last Dance offers an interdisciplinary approach to the study of death and dying. Integrating the experiential, scholarly, social, individual, emotional, and intellectual dimensions of death and dying, the eighth edition of this acclaimed text has been thoroughly revised to offer cutting-edge and comprehensive coverage of death studies. Together with its companion volumes, this new edition of The Last Dance provides solid grounding in theory and research, as well as practical application to students’ lives. From McGraw-Hill Contemporary Learning Series (formerly known as McGraw-Hill/Dushkin), this Seventh Edition of TAKING SIDES: CHILDHOOD AND SOCIETY presents current controversial issues in a debate-style format designed to stimulate student interest and develop critical thinking skills. Each issue is thoughtfully framed with an issue summary, an issue introduction, and a postscript. An instructor’s manual with testing material is available for each volume. USING TAKING SIDES IN THE CLASSROOM is also an excellent instructor resource with practical suggestions on incorporating this effective approach in the classroom. Each TAKING SIDES reader features an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites and is supported by our student website, www. CONTENTS NEW TO THIS EDITION • A new companion text, A Journey Through the Last Dance, helps students reexamine their attitudes and behaviors toward death and dying, through activities, new ideas, terms, and references to many resources. • A new chapter on death systems highlights important public policy issues. UNIT 1 Infancy Issue 1. Is Institutional Child Care Beneficial to Children? Issue 2. Does Maternal Employment Have Negative Effects on Children’s Development? Issue 3. Should Scientists Be Allowed to Clone Children? Issue 4. Do Federal Laws Make Transracial Adoptions More Commonplace? • A new chapter on end-of-life issues and decisions includes discussion of informed consent, caregiver-patient relationships, physician-assisted suicide, euthanasia, advance directives, and financial planning. UNIT 2 Early Childhood Issue 5. Is Spanking Detrimental to Children? Issue 6. Are Fathers Really Necessary? Issue 7. Does Divorce Create Long-Term Negative Effects for Children? Issue 8. Is Viewing Television Violence Harmful for Children? • A new section on terrorism, including discussion of the impact and aftermath of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. UNIT 3 Middle Childhood Issue 9. Does Marriage Improve Living Standards for Children? Issue 10. Are Stepfamilies Inherently Problematic for Children? Issue 11. Is Television Viewing Responsible for the Rise in Childhood Obesity? Issue 12. Do Bilingual Education Programs Help Non-EnglishSpeaking Children Succeed? Issue 13. Is Gay Adoption and Foster Parenting Healthy for Children? Issue 14. Should the HPV Vaccination Be Mandatory for Girls in Later Childhood? UNIT 4 Adolescence Issue 15. Should Children Who Are at Risk for Abuse Remain with Their Families? Issue 16. Is Abstinence-Only Sex Education the Best Way to Teach About Sex? Issue 17. Is the Internet a Safe Place for Teens to Explore? • A new section on Celtic and Northern European cultural traditions complements discussion of other cross-cultural perspectives on death and dying. • Expanded discussion of the role of biological and genetic factors in suicide risk. • Integrated discussion of developmental theories and the impact of sociocultural influences on socialization and learning about death. CONTENTS Chapter 1 – Attitudes Toward Death: A Climate of Change Chapter 2 – Learning About Death: The Influence of Sociocultural Forces Chapter 3 – Perspectives on Death: Cross-Cultural and Historical Chapter 4 – Health Care Systems: Patients, Staff, and Institutions Chapter 5 – Death Systems: Matters of Public Policy Chapter 6 – Facing Death: Living with Life-Threatening Illness Chapter 7 – End-of-Life Issues and Decisions Chapter 8 – Survivors: Understanding the Experience of Loss Chapter 9 – Last Rites: Funerals and Body Disposition Chapter 10 – Death in the Lives of Children and Adolescents Chapter 11 – Death in the Lives of Adults 45 Educational Psychology Chapter 12 – Suicide Chapter 13 – Risks of Death in the Modern World Chapter 14 – Beyond Death / After Life Chapter 15 – The Path Ahead: Personal and Social Choices NEW ANNUAL EDITIONS: DYING, DEATH, AND BEREAVEMENT 08/09 10th Edition George E Dickinson, College of Charleston Michael R Leming, Saint Olaf College 2008 / 240 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339771-9 / MHID: 0-07-339771-7 Available: November 2007 Website: 717.mhtml This Tenth Edition of ANNUAL EDITIONS: DYING, DEATH, AND BEREAVEMENT provides convenient, inexpensive access to current articles selected from the best of the public press. Organizational features include: an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites; an annotated table of contents; a topic guide; a general introduction; brief overviews for each section; a topical index; and an instructor’s resource guide with testing materials. USING ANNUAL EDITIONS IN THE CLASSROOM, ISBN 0073301906, is offered as a practical guide for instructors. ANNUAL EDITIONS titles are supported by our student website, CONTENTS UNIT 1. Issues in Dying and Death 1. Finding Better Ways to Die New! 2. Organ Transplantation in a Globalised World New! 3. Into the Oblivion New! 4. Moving Toward Peac 5. Technology and Death Polic New! 6. A Survey of End-of-Life Care in Care Homes New! 7. How Much Is More Life Worth? 8. The Unsettled Question of Brain Death 9. Studying the Black Death UNIT 2. Dying and Death Across the Life Cycle New! 10. Editorial: On Behalf of Children New! 11. Knowledge of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Prevention Strategies in a Multicultural, Disadvantaged Community New! 12. And Then the Dog Died New! 13. To Live with No Regrets New! 14. “Cast Me Not Off in Old Age” 15. Trends in Causes of Death Among the Elderly UNIT 3. The Dying Process 16. Palliative Care 17. Placing Religion and Spirituality in End-of-Life Care 18. Spirituality and Religion in the “Art of Dying” New! 19. Death in the Nursing Home New! 20. Dying on the Streets New! 21. Aging Prisoners’ Concerns Toward Dying in Prison UNIT 4. Ethical Issues of Dying, Death, and Suicide 22. Death and the Law 46 23. Doctor, I Want to Die. Will You Help Me? 24. Competent Care for the Dying Instead of Physician-Assisted Suicid 25. Colleen’s Choice 26. Ethics and Life’s Ending 27. When Students Kill Themselve 28. Life Everlasting 29. Who Will Speak for You When You Can’t? 30. The Contemporary American Funeral 31. How Different Religions Pay Their Final Respects 32. The Arlington Ladies 33. Face to Face With Death 34. Six Feet Under 35. The Grieving Process 36. Disenfranchised Grief 37. Enhancing the Concept of Disenfranchised Grief 38. The Increasing Prevalence of Complicated Mourning 39. Those Left Behind 40. Till Death Do Us Part 41. Counseling With Children in Contemporary Society 42. Discussing Tragedy With Your Child 43. Life Is Like the Seasons 2008–2009 NEW Psychology Titles Social and Personality Psychology ~ Contents 2008 New Title ■ CHRISLER Lectures on the Psychology of Women, 4e ...................... 54 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-340544-5 / MHID: 0-07-340544-2 ■ DUFFY Annual Editions: Social Psychology, 7e ............................ 49 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339739-9 / MHID: 0-07-339739-3 ■ FISKE Social Cognition, from Brains to Culture ......................... 52 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-340552-0 / MHID: 0-07-340552-3 ■ LARSEN Personality Psychology: Domains of Knowledge About Human Nature, 3e ........................................................... 51 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-353190-8 / MHID: 0-07-353190-1 ■ LIPS Sex & Gender, 6e ............................................................. 55 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-340553-7 / MHID: 0-07-340553-1 ■ MYERS Social Psychology, 9e....................................................... 48 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-353189-2 / MHID: 0-07-353189-8 Advanced Social Psychology .................................................. 52 Attitudes and Behavior ........................................................... 51 Health Psychology .................................................................. 56 Interpersonal Relations ........................................................... 57 Intimacy ................................................................................. 54 Personality.............................................................................. 51 Psychology of Women and Gender ........................................ 54 Social Psychology – Readers................................................... 49 Social Psychology – Texts ....................................................... 48 2009 New Title ■ FEIST Theories of Personality, 7e............................................... 51 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-338270-8 / MHID: 0-07-338270-1 ■ MIO Multicultural Psychology, 2e ........................................... 51 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-338271-5 / MHID: 0-07-338271-X ■ NIER Taking Sides: Clashing Views in Social Psychology, 3e .... 49 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-351531-1 / MHID: 0-07-351531-0 ■ TAYLOR Health Psychology, 7e ..................................................... 56 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-338272-2 / MHID: 0-07-338272-8 47 Social and Personality Psychology Social Psychology – Texts NEW International Edition SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 9th Edition David Myers, Hope College 2008 / Hardcover / 864 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-353189-2 / MHID: 0-07-353189-8 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-331026-8 / MHID: 0-07-331026-3 (with student CD) ISBN-13: 978-0-07-128670-1 / MHID: 0-07-128670-5 [IE with CD-ROM] Available: December 2006 Website: David Myers’ Social Psychology continues to set the standard by which other Social Psychology texts are judged. Its renowned author’s engaging writing style and unique, intimate voice make the text compelling without being simplistic. The organization logically moves the student through the study of how people think about, influence, and relate to one another, with an appropriate balance of basic research and application. This edition features additional contemporary research, supplemented by video clips and vignettes that demonstrate social psychology’s relevance. NEW TO THIS EDITION • An increased emphasis on research and the story behind it, including extensive revision of Chapter 1 (Research Methods) and new "Research Close-Up" boxes. • The Ninth Edition has been edited for conciseness and clarity which will make this edition nearly 10% shorter than the previous edition. • PrepCenter helps instructors build classroom presentations whenever, where-ever, and how-ever they want. In one convenient online location, PrepCenter offers individual asset files such as the line art from the textbook, PowerPoint presentations for each key concept, video clips embedded in PowerPoint slides, and animations on biological and other difficult concepts. Each is ready to use as is, or to drop into a PowerPoint slideshow or a course webpage. Instructors can search for individual assets the way they want to search—by chapter, by concept, or by type of media. • "Focus On" boxes have been updated to emphasize news and current events related to topics in social psychology, as well as the real life role of social psychology. CONTENTS Chapter 1: Introducing Social Psychology Part 1: SOCIAL THINKING Chapter 2: The Self in a Social World Chapter 3: Social Beliefs and Judgments Chapter 4: Behavior and Attitudes 48 Part 2: SOCIAL INFLUENCE Chapter 5: Genes, Culture, and Gender Chapter 6: Conformity Chapter 7: Persuasion Chapter 8: Group Influence Part 3: SOCIAL RELATIONS Chapter 9: Prejudice: Disliking Others Chapter 10: Aggression: Hurting Others Chapter 11: Attraction and Intimacy: Liking and Loving Others Chapter 12: Helping Chapter 13: Conflict and Peacemaking Part 4: APPLYING SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY Chapter 14: Social Psychology in the Clinic Chapter 15: Social Psychology in Court Chapter 16: Social Psychology and the Sustainable Future Epilogue Glossary References Acknowledgments Name Index Subject Index International Edition EXPLORING SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 4th Edition David Myers Hope College 2007 / Softcover / 480 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-322887-7 / MHID: 0-07-322887-7 (with PowerWeb) ISBN-13: 978-0-07-353187-8 / MHID: 0-07-353187-1 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-110300-8 / MHID: 0-07-110300-7 [IE] Available: April 2006 Website: This brief, modular introduction to social psychology offers streamlined focus on issues such as belief and illusion, prejudice and diversity, and love and hate. The brevity of each of the book’s 31 stand-alone modules makes this the perfect text for covering the core concepts in the field. The new edition includes expanded coverage of cultural diversity and the most current research from the 21st century. CONTENTS Part One: INTRODUCING SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY Module 1 Doing Social Psychology Module 2 Did You Know It All Along? Part Two: SOCIAL THINKING Module 3 Self Concept: Who Am I? Module 4 Self-serving Bias Module 5 The Power of Positive Thinking Module 6 The Fundamental Attribution Error Module 7 Intuition: The Power and Limits of Our Inner Knowing Module 8 Reasons for Unreason Module 9 Behavior and Belief Module 10 Clinical Intuition: The Perils of Psychologizing Module 11 Clinical Therapy: The Powers of Social Cognition** Part Three: SOCIAL INFLUENCE Module 12 Human Nature and Cultural Diversity Module 13 Gender, Genes, and Culture Module 14 How Nice People Get Corrupted Module 15 Two Routes to Persuasion Module 16 Indoctrination and Inoculation Social and Personality Psychology Module 17 The Mere Presence of Others Module 18 Many Hands Make Diminished Responsibility Module 19 Doing Together What We Would Never Do Alone Module 20 How Groups Intensify Decisions Module 21 Power to the Person Part Four: SOCIAL RELATIONS Module 22 The Dislike of Diversity Module 23 The Roots of Prejudice Module 24 The Nature and Nurture of Aggression Module 25 Do the Media Influence Social Behavior? Module 26 Who Likes Whom? Module 27 The Ups and Downs of Love Module 28 Causes of Conflict Module 29 Blessed are the Peacemakers Module 30 When Do People Help? Module 31 The Social Psychology of Sustainability Social Psychology – Readers NEW TAKING SIDES: CLASHING VIEWS IN SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 3rd Edition Jason A Nier, Connecticut College 2009 / 448 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-351531-1 / MHID: 0-07-351531-0 Available: March 2008 (Details unavailable at press time) International Edition SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 4th Edition Stephen L. Franzoi, Marquette University 2006 / Hardcover / 640 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-296747-0 / MHID: 0-07-296747-1 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-319183-6 / MHID: 0-07-319183-3 (with Social Sense CD and PowerWeb) ISBN-13: 978-0-07-321345-3 / MHID: 0-07-321345-4 (with PowerWeb OLC Bi-card) ISBN-13: 978-0-07-111934-4 / MHID: 0-07-111934-5 [IE] Available: March 2005 This distinctive, theory-driven text uses “The Self” as a theme to give students a meaningful context for exploring the key concepts of social psychology. New “Applications” sections have been incorporated into most Chapters, and new “Featured Study” sections at the end of every summarize the purpose, method, and results of recently published scientific articles. Retaining the emphasis on methodology, the fourth edition also continues the tradition of strong gender coverage, while expanding the coverage of social cognition and social neuroscience and introducing the new SocialSense CD-ROM. CONTENTS 1 Introducing Social psychology 2 Research Methods in Social Psychology Part One: UNDERSTANDING THE PERSON AND LIFE EVENTS 3 The Self 4 Self-Presentation and Person Perception 5 Thinking About Our Social World Part Two: EVALUATING OUR SOCIAL WORLD 6 Attitudes 7 Persuasion 8 Prejudice and Discrimination NEW ANNUAL EDITIONS: SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 7th Edition Karen G Duffy, State University College – Geneseo Gary Krolikowski, Empire State College – Saratoga Spg 2008 / 208 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339739-9 / MHID: 0-07-339739-3 Available: January 2007 Website: 393.mhtml This Seventh Edition of ANNUAL EDITIONS: SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY provides convenient, inexpensive access to current articles selected from the best of the public press. Organizational features include: an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites; an annotated table of contents; a topic guide; a general introduction; brief overviews for each section; a topical index; and an instructor’s resource guide with testing materials. USING ANNUAL EDITIONS IN THE CLASSROOM is offered as a practical guide for instructors. ANNUAL EDITIONS titles are supported by our student website, CONTENTS Part Three: UNDERSTANDING OUR PLACE WITHIN THE GROUP 9 Social Influence 10 Group Behavior UNIT 1. Research Issues New! 1. How to Be a Wise Consumer of Psychological Research New! 2. Ethnic and Racial Health Disparities Research: Issues and Problems Part Four: INTERACTING WITH OTHERS 11 Interpersonal Attraction 12 Intimate Relationships 13 Aggression 14 Prosocial Behavior: Helping Others UNIT 2. The Self New! 3. Self-Esteem Development Across the Lifespan 4. Self-Concordance and Subjective Well-Being in Four Cultures New! 5. Mirror, Mirror: Seeing Yourself As Others See You UNIT 3. Social Cognition and Social Perception Part A. Social Cognition 49 Social and Personality Psychology 6. How Social Perception Can Automatically Influence Behavior New! 7. Flashbulb Memories: How Psychological Research Shows That Our Most Powerful Memories May Be Untrustworthy New! 8. Culture Affects Reasoning, Categorization Part B. Social Perception New! 9. The Social Nature of Perception and Action New! 10. Perception of Faces and Bodies UNIT 4. Attitudes New! 11. Implicit Discrimination 12. The Science and Practice of Persuasion New! 13. In Search of Pro-Americanism UNIT 5. Social Influence New! 14. “Thin Slices” of Life 15. Abu Ghraib Brings A Cruel Reawakening 16. Persuasion: What Will It Take to Convince You? UNIT 6. Social Relationships Part A. Interpersonal Relationships New! 17. Contagious Behavior New! 18. Competent Jerks, Lovable Fools, and the Formation of Social Networks Part B. Intimate Relationships 19. Isn’t She Lovely? 20. If It’s Easy Access That Really Makes You Click, Log On Here New! 21. Brokeback Mountain: A Gay and a Universal Love Story UNIT 7. Social Biases Part A. Prejudice 22. The Self-Protective Properties of Stigma: Evolution of a Modern Classic New! 23. Leaving Race Behind Part B. Stereotyping New! 24. Lowered Expectations 25. Change of Heart 26. Thin Ice: “Stereotype Threat” and Black College Students UNIT 8. Violence and Aggression New! 27. A Bicultural Perspective on Worldviews New! 28. Anger on the Road 29. Bullying: It Isn’t What It Used To Be 30. Influencing, Negotiating Skills, and Conflict-Handling: Some Additional Research and Reflections UNIT 9. Altruism, Helping and Cooperation New! 31. The Compassionate Instinct New! 32. Gift Giving’s Hidden Strings 33. Trends in the Social Psychological Study of Justice UNIT 10. Group Processes Part A. Leadership New! 34. Seven Transformations of Leadership 35. When Followers Become Toxic Part B. Groups New! 36. To Err Is Human 37. Senate Intelligence Report: Groupthink Viewed as Culprit in Move to War New! 38. Sports Complex: The Science Behind Fanatic Behavior 50 TAKING SIDES: CLASHING VIEWS IN SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 2nd Edition Jason A. Nier, Connecticut College 2007 / Softcover / 432 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-351503-8 / NHID: 0-07-351503-5 Available: April 2006 Website: 035.mhtm TAKING SIDES: CLASHING VIEWS IN SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY presents current controversial issues in a debate-style format designed to stimulate student interest and develop critical thinking skills. Each issue is thoughtfully framed with an issue summary, an issue introduction, and a postscript. An instructor’s manual with testing material is available for each volume. USING TAKING SIDES IN THE CLASSROOM is also an excellent instructor resource with practical suggestions on incorporating this effective approach in the classroom. Each TAKING SIDES reader features an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites and is supported by our student website, CONTENTS Part 1: ETHICAL ISSUES IN SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY ISSUE 1. Is Deception of Human Participants Ethical? ISSUE 2. Should Social Psychologists Try to Solve Social Problems? Part 2: SOCIAL COGNITION ISSUE 3. Are Our Social Perceptions Often Inaccurate? ISSUE 4. Does Cognitive Dissonance Explain Why Behavior Can Change Attitudes? New! ISSUE 5. Applying Social Psychology: Are Self-Esteem Programs Misguided? ISSUE 6. Do Positive Illusions Lead to Healthy Behavior? ISSUE 7. Can People Accurately Detect Lies? ISSUE 8. Are Repressed Memories Real? Part 3: SOCIAL INFLUENCE New! ISSUE 9. Can Social Psychological Research Help Explain the Abu Ghraib Prison Scandal? ISSUE 10. Do Milgram’s Obedience Experiments Help Explain the Nature of the Holocaust? ISSUE 11. Does the Stanford Prison Experiment Help Explain the Effects of Imprisonment? ISSUE 12. Is Subliminal Persuasion a Myth? ISSUE 13. Can People Really Be Brainwashed? Part 4: SOCIAL RELATIONS New! ISSUE 14. Is Stereotyping Inevitable? New! ISSUE 15. Does the Implicit Association Test (IAT) Measure Racial Prejudice? New! ISSUE 16. Can Stereotypes Lead to Accurate Perceptions of Others? ISSUE 17. Does True Altruism Exist? ISSUE 18. Does Media Violence Cause Aggression? Social and Personality Psychology Attitudes and Behavior NEW NEW PERSONALITY PSYCHOLOGY: DOMAINS OF KNOWLEDGE ABOUT HUMAN NATURE 3rd Edition MULTICULTURAL PSYCHOLOGY 2nd Edition Jeffrey Scott Mio Lori Barker Hackett Jaydee Tumambing 2009 / 416 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-338271-5 / MHID: 0-07-338271-X Available: July 2008 (Details unavailable at press time) International Edition Randall J. Larsen, Wasington University - St Louis and David M. Buss, University of Texas at Austin 2008 / 784 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-353190-8 / MHID: 0-07-353190-1 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-110168-4 / MHID: 0-07-110168-3 [IE] Available: November 2006 Website: Personality NEW International Edition THEORIES OF PERSONALITY 7th Edition Jess Feist, Mcneese State University Geogory Feist, College of William Mary 2009 / 592 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-338270-8 / MHID: 0-07-338270-1 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-126345-0 / MHID: 0-07-126345-4 [IE] Available: March 2008 (Details unavailable at press time) Larsen and Buss’s Personality Psychology is based on a framework of six important domains of knowledge about personality functioning. These six domains are the dispositional domain (traits, trait taxonomies, and personality dispositions over time), the biological domain (physiology, genetics, evolution), the intrapsychic domain (psychodynamics, motives), the cognitive/experiential domain (cognition, emotion, and the self), the social and cultural domain (social interaction, gender, and culture), and the adjustment domain (stress, coping, health, and personality disorders). This book is based on the notion that these domains of knowledge represent the organizing structure of contemporary personality psychology. CONTENTS Introduction 1. Introduction to Personality Psychology 2. Personality Assessment, Measurement, and Research Design Part I: THE DISPOSITIONAL DOMAIN 3. Traits and Trait Taxonomies 4. Theoretical and Measurement Issues in Trait Psychology 5. Personality Dispositions over Time: Stability, Change, and Coherence Part II: THE BIOLOGICAL DOMAIN 6. Genetics of Personality 7. Physiological Approaches to Personality 8. Evolutionary Perspectives on Personality Part III: THE INTRAPSYCHIC DOMAIN 9. Psychoanalytic Approaches to Personality 10. Psychoanalytic Approaches: Contemporary Issues 11. Motives and Personality Part IV: THE COGNITIVE/EXPERIENTIAL DOMAIN 12. Cognitive Approaches to Personality 13. Emotion and Personality 14. Approaches to the Self Part V: THE SOCIAL AND CULTURAL DOMAIN 15. Personality and Social Interaction 16. Sex, Gender, and Personality 17. Culture and Personality Part VI: THE ADJUSTMENT DOMAIN 18. Stress, Coping, Adjustment, and Health 19. Disorders of Personality Conclusion 20. Summary and Future Directions 51 Social and Personality Psychology International Edition THEORIES OF PERSONALITY 6th Edition Jess Feist, McNeese State University and Geogory J. Feist, College of William Mary 2006 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-296980-1 / MHID: 0-07-296980-6 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-319181-2 / MHID: 0-07-319181-7 (with OLC PowerWeb Bi-Card) ISBN-13: 978-0-07-124439-8 / MHID: 0-07-124439-5 [IE with OLC] Available: March 2005 Advanced Social Psychology NEW SOCIAL COGNITION, FROM BRAINS TO CULTURE Website: This trusted text centers on the premise that personality theories are a reflection of the unique cultural background, family experiences, personalities, and professional training of their originators. The book begins by acquainting students with the meaning of personality and providing them with a solid foundation for understanding the nature of theory, as well as its crucial contributions to science. The chapters that follow present twenty-three major theories: coverage of each theory also encompasses a biographical sketch of each theorist, related research, and applications to real life. The new edition includes greater coverage of the Big Five theory, a new organization, and updated research throughout. CONTENTS Part I: INTRODUCTION 1: Introduction to Personality Theory Part II: PSYCHODYNAMIC THEORIES 2: Freud: Psychoanalysis 3: Adler: Individual Psychology 4: Jung: Analytical Psychology 5: Klein: Object Relations Theory 6: Horney: Psychoanalytic Social Theory 7: Fromm: Humanistic Psychoanalysis 8: Sullivan: Interpersonal Theory 9: Erikson: Post-Freudian Theory Part III: HUMANISTIC/EXISTENTIAL THEORIES 10: Maslow: Holistic-Dynamic Theory 11: Rogers: Person-Centered Theory 12: May: Existential Psychology Part IV: DISPOSITIONAL THEORIES 13: Allport: Psychology of the Individual 14: Eysenck, McCrae, and Costa’s Factor and Trait Theories Part V: LEARNING THEORIES 15: Skinner: Behavioral Analysis 16: Bandura: Social Cognitive Theory 17: Rotter and Mischel: Cognitive Social Learning Theory 18: Kelly: Psychology of Personal Constructs Susan T Fiske, University of Massachusetts, Amherst Shelley E Taylor, University of California-Los Angeles 2008 / 672 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-340552-0 / MHID: 0-07-340552-3 Available: October 2007 Website: This exciting new version of the classic text, Social Cognition, describes the increasingly complete link between neuropsychology and culture. Highlighting the cuttingedge research in social neuropsychology, mainstream experimental social-cognitive psychology, and cultural psychology, it retains the authors’ unique ability to be both scholarly and entertaining. Reader-friendly style and concise summaries combine with the authors’ engaging perspectives on this flourishing field. Comprehensive without being overwhelming, this new standard for the field brings with it a new organization reflecting current consensus open issues of the field, and its trajectory into the future. CONTENTS 1. Introduction a. Approaches to Studying the Social Thinker b. Ebb & Flow of Cognition in Psychology & Neuroscience c. What is Social Cognition? d. People Are Not Things e. Culture Matters f. Brains Matter g. Summary Basic Concepts in Social Cognition 2. Dual-Modes a. Automaticity b. Control c. Motivations that Moderate Modes d. Models of Both Automatic and Controlled Processes e. Single-Mode Alternatives f. Summary 3. Attention and encoding: What gets into our heads a. Salience: A Property of Stimuli in Context b. Vividness: An Inherent Property of Stimuli c. Accessibility: A Property of Categories in Our Heads d. Direct Perception: Not Just in Our Heads e. Faces: The focus of social attention f. Summary g. Unfinished business: 4. Representation in Memory a. Models of Memory 52 Social and Personality Psychology b. Social Memory Structures: Why Social Memory Matters c. Summary d. Unfinished business: e. How Social Memory Matters Topics in Social Cognition: From Self to Society 5. Self a. Mental representation of the Self b. Culture and the Self c. Self-Regulation d. Motivation and Self-Regulation e. Self as a Reference Point (ck Ochsner, Kelley, Heatherton) 6. Causal Attribution Processes a. What is Attribution Theory? b. Attribution Theory: The Empirical Legacy c. Attributional Biases d. Summary 7. Heuristics a. Introduction to heuristics b. When do heuristics lead to the wrong answers? c. Judgments over time d. Accuracy-efficiency trade-off in perspective e. Summary 8. Cognitive Approaches to Attitudes & Evaluations (in progress) a. Background b. Cognitive features of two consistency theories c. Types of attitude processing d. Cognitive analyses of attitudes within social contexts e. Attitude change and the self f. Summary 9. Stereotyping: A Central Topic in Social Cognition a. Introduction b. Blatant stereotypes c. Subtle stereotypes d. Effects of bias e. Summary International Edition SOCIAL COGNITION 2nd Edition Susan T. Fiske, University of Massachusetts’Amherst and Shelley E. Taylor, University of California’Los Angeles 1991 / Softcover / 528 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-021191-9 / MHID: 0-07-021191-4 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-100910-2 / MHID: 0-07-100910-8 [IE] Website: CONTENTS 1: Introduction Part One: ELEMENTS OF SOCIAL COGNITION 2: Attribution Theory 3: Attribution Theory: Theoretical Refinements and Empirical Observations 4: Social Categories and Schemas 5: Conditions of Schema Use 6: Social Cognition and the Self Part Two: PROCESSES OF SOCIAL COGNITION 7: Social Encoding: Attention and Consciousness 8: Person Memory 9: Social Influence Part Three: BEYOND COGNITION 10: Affect and Cognition 11: Cognitive Approaches to Attitudes 12: Behavior and Cognition 13: Conclusion 10. Prejudice: Interplay of Cogntive and Affective Biases (in progress) a. Introduction b. Intergroup emotions c. Special case of Race & Ethnicity d. Prejudice: Special case of Gender e. Special case of Age f. Special case of heterosexism g. Summary 11. Mood & Emotions (in progress) a. Differentiating among affects, preferences, evaluations, moods b. Early theories c. Physiological theories of emotion d. Social foundations of affect e. Affective influences on cognition f. Affect versus cognition g. Summary 12. Behavior and cognition a. Self regulation revisited b. How is cognition related to behavior? c. When are cognitions and behavior related? d. Using behavior to test hypotheses about others e. Summary 13. Conclusion 53 Social and Personality Psychology Intimacy Psychology of Women and Gender International Edition INTIMATE RELATIONSHIPS 4th Edition NEW Sharon Stephens Brehm & Rowland Miller of Sam Houston State University and Daniel Perlman & Susan Miller Campbell of Middlebury College 2007 / Softcover / 592 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-293801-2 / MHID: 0-07-293801-3 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-111255-0 / MHID: 0-07-111255-3 [IE] Available: October 2005 Intimate Relationships, 3rd editon, by Sharon S. Brehm, Rowland S. Miller, Daniel Perlman, and Susan Campbell preserves the personal appeal of the subject matter and vigorous standards of scholarship that made the earlier editions so successful. Written in a unified voice, this text builds on the reader-friendly tone that was established in the first two editions. It presents the key findings on intimate relationships, the major theoretical perspectives, and some of the current controversies in the field. Brehm, Miller, Perlman, and Campbell illustrate the relevance of close relationship science to readers’ everyday lives, encouraging thought and analysis. Classic contributions to the field are covered in addition to topics on the leading edge of research. LECTURES ON THE PSYCHOLOGY OF WOMEN 4th Edition Joan C. Chrisler, Connecticut College 2008 / 416 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-340544-5 / MHID: 0-07-340544-2 Available: July 2007 This unique collection of previously unpublished essays by experienced teachers and leading experts in Psychology of Women is designed as a companion reader to any Psychology of Women textbook. The lectures included are written in an informal manner: the authors speak to students directly and address questions that students often ask. CONTENTS NEW TO THIS EDITION Part 1: INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF INTIMATE RELATIONSHIPS 1 The Building Blocks of Relationships 2 Research Methods • Two of the 24 lectures are new to this edition: "Poor Women in a Wealthy Nation," by Deborah Belle, and "Women with Disabilities," by Rhoda Olkin. Part 2: GETTING TOGETHER AND BASIC PROCESSES IN INTIMATE RELATIONSHIPS 3 Attraction 4 Social Cognition 5 Communication 6 Interdependency Preface Introduction Part 3: FRIENDSHIP AND INTIMACY 7 Friendships Across the Life Cycle 8 Love 9 Sexuality Part 4: RELATIONSHIP ISSUES 10 Stresses and Strains 11 Power in Intimate Relationships 12 Conflict and Violence Part 5: LOSING AND ENHANCING RELATIONSHIPS 13 The Dissolution and Loss of Relationships 14 Loneliness 15 Fostering Relationships: Getting, Maintaining, and Repairing Them CONTENTS I. Status of Women 1. Transforming the Debate on Sexual Inequality: From Biological Difference to Institutionalized Androcentrism 2. Who’s In and Who’s Out: The Results of Oppression 3. Poor Women in a Wealthy Nation 4. Sex Discrimination at Work 5. Feminist Perspectives on the Personal and Political Aspects of Mothering 6. Gender Socialization, or How Long a Way Has Baby Come? II. Women’s Bodies 7. Sweating It Out: The Good News and the Bad News about Women and Sport 8. Women, Weight, and Body Image 9. The Intersexed and the Transgendered: Rethinking Sex/Gender 10. PMS as a Culture-bound Syndrome 11. Understanding Emotional Responses after Abortion 12. Women with Disabilities 13. The Health Risks of Being Black, Latina, Women, and/or Poor: Redefining Women’s Health within the Context of Social Inequality III. Diversity of Women 14. Asian American Women and Adolescent Girls: Sexuality and Sexual Experession 15. Life as a Lesbian; What Does Gender Have to Do with It? 16. Gender Issues Among Latinas 17. Triple Jeopardy in the Lives of Biracial Black/White Women 18. Mammy, jezebel, Sapphire, and Their Homegirls: Developing 54 Social and Personality Psychology an “Oppositional Gaze” toward the Images of Black Women 19. Crossing the Color Line in Women’s Friendships IV. Violence against Women 20. Women’s Fear of Rape: Causes, Consequences, and Coping 21. Women and Pornography: What We Don’t Know Can Hurt Us 22. Battered Women: Why Don’t They Just Leave? V. Women’s Mental Health 23. Positive Aging for Women 24. A Feminist Approach to Agoraphobia: Challenging Traditional Views of Women at Home Chapter 12 Economic and Political Life: Power, Status, and Achievement Chapter 13 Issues in the Workplace Chapter 14 Justice, Equity, and Social Change Epilogue The Ties That Bind: The Future of Sex and Gender Glossary References Author Index I–1 Subject Index I–15 Credits C–1 International Edition NEW SEX & GENDER 6th Edition Hilary M Lips, Radford University 2008 / 704 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-340553-7 / MHID: 0-07-340553-1 Available: July 2007 This is a comprehensive introduction to sex and gender theories, research, and issues, focusing on social psychological and feminist perspectives. The book examines the similarities and differences between women and men, discusses where that knowledge comes from, and explains how that knowledge may itself be shaped and limited by cultural perceptions. This new edition has been thoroughly revised with up-to-date research citations for all chapters and more current examples. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Substantially revised material on mental health/mental illness appears in Chapter 9. • New content includes material on women in the workplace, stereotype threat, children’s development of gender schemas, and stability and change in gender stereotypes. CONTENTS Part I: MYTHS, THEORIES, AND RESEARCH Chapter 1 Masculinity and Femininity: Myths and Stereotypes Chapter 2 Theoretical Perspectives on Sex and Gender Chapter 3 Researching Sex and Gender: Exploring the Whys and Hows Part II: BEHAVIOR & EXPERIENCE: FEMALE—MALE SIMILIARITIES AND DIFFERENCES Chapter 4 Worlds Apart? Gender Differences in Social Behavior and Experience Chapter 5 Biology and Environment: The Process of Becoming Female or Male Chapter 6 Perceptual and Cognitive Abilities: Gender Similarities and Differences Chapter 7 Sexual Lives and Orientations Chapter 8 Hormonal and Reproductive Connections Chapter 9 Mental and Physical Health: Stress, Change, and Adaptations Part III: SEX AND GENDER IN SOCIAL RELATIONSHIPS Chapter 10 Sex and Gender and Childhood: Constructing Gender Chapter 11 Family and Friends: Attachment, Intimacy, and Power WOMEN AND GENDER: A FEMINIST PSYCHOLOGY 4th Edition Mary Crawford, University of Connecticut—Storrs and Rhoda Unger, Brandeis University 2004 / Softcover / 656 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-282107-9 / MHID: 0-07-282107-8 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-121661-6 / MHID: 0-07-121661-8 [IE] CONTENTS Preface 1. Introduction to a Feminist Psychology of Women What Is Feminism? Methods and Values in Scientific Inquiry Themes of This Book Our Goals for Our Students Suggested Readings 2. Images of Women and Men Media Images of Women and Men The Impact of Media Sexism Cross-cultural Similarities and Differences in Images of Women Stereotypes: An Overview Language and Stereotypes Stereotypes as Social Demands Stereotypes and Sexism Is the Glass Half Empty or Half Full? Connecting Themes Suggested Readings 3. Doing Gender Gender as a Social Category Gender Differences as Status Differences Gender and the Use of Social Power Women and Men Doing Gender Internalizing Norms and Interpreting Discrimination Connecting Themes Suggested Readings 4. The Meanings of Difference A Focus on Similarity: Working for Equality Different or Similar? Gender and Math Abilities The Similarities Tradition: Why It Matters The Differences Tradition: Celebrating Women The Differences Tradition: Why It Matters Can Similarities and Differences be Reconciled? Connecting Themes Suggested Readings 5. Biology, Sex, and Gender What is Sex and What are the Sexes? Prenatal Development Does the Human Brain Have a Sex? Atypical Human Sexual Development Cultural Constructions of Gender 55 Social and Personality Psychology Connecting Themes Suggested Readings 6. Becoming Gendered: Childhood Acquiring Gender: A Developmental Perspective How Do Parents View Sons and Daughters? Gender Bias How Does Society Foster Gender Typing? Sex Segregation The Socialization of Social Behaviors Gender Role Scripts for Boys and Girls Resisting Gender Rules Connecting Themes Suggested Readings 7. Becoming a Woman: Puberty and Adolescence What Happens During Puberty? Female Anatomy and Culture Peers, Schools, and Social Power Weight, Body Image, and Mental Health How Do Girls Deal with the Stress of Adolescence? Are barriers to Gender Equality Falling? Connecting Themes Suggested Readings 8. Sex, Love, and Romance How Is Sexuality Shaped by Culture? The Scientific Study of Sex Adolescent Sexuality Experiencing Sexuality Lesbian and Bisexual Women Romantic Love and Sexual Pleasure Sexuality in Social Context Where is the Voices of Women’s Desire? Mixed Messages Connecting Themes Suggested Readings 9. Commitments: Women and Close Relationships Marriage Lesbian Couples Cohabiting Couples Never-Married Women Ending the Commitment: Divorce and Separation Remarriage Equality and Commitment: Are They Incompatible Ideals? Connecting Themes Suggested Readings 10. Mothering Images of Mothers and Motherhood The Decision to Have a Child The Transition to Motherhood The Event of Childbirth Experiences of Mothering The Future of Mothering Connecting Themes Suggested Readings 11. Work and Achievement If She Isn’t Paid, Is It Still Work? Working Hard for a Living: Women in the Paid Workforce Doing Gender in the Workplace Women’s Career Development: Are There Obstacles from Within? Exceptional Work Lives Putting It All Together: Work and Family Woman, Work, and Social Policy: Models for Change Connecting Themes Suggested Readings 56 12. Midlife and Beyond The Social Construction of Age The Meanings of Midlife Menopause Role Transitions of Middle and Later Life Myths and Realities of Midlife Transitions Older Women and Poverty Caregiver Roles in Later Life Losses Associated with Aging Psychological Well-Being in the Second Half of Life Activism and Feminism among Older Women Connecting Themes Suggested Readings 13. Violence Against Women (by Jacquelyn Weygandt White, Barrie Bondurant, & Patricia L. N. Donat) A Framework for Understanding Violence against Women Childhood Sexual Abuse Courtship Violence Acquaintance Sexual Assault and Rape Sexual Harassment Partner Abuse against Women Analyzing and Ending Violence Connecting Themes Suggested Readings 14. Mental and Physical Health Gender and Psychological Disorders Power Issues Depression Eating Disorders Issues in Treatment The Relationship Between Physical and Mental Health When Is a Culture Healthy for Women? Connecting Themes Suggested Readings 15. Making a Difference: Toward a Better Future for Women Transforming Gender Transforming Language Celebrating Diversity Psychology and Social Change Suggested Readings References Credits Name Index Subject Index Health Psychology NEW HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY 7th Edition Shelley Taylor, University of California-Los Angeles 2009 / 576 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-338272-2 / MHID: 0-07-338272-8 Available: July 2008 (Details unavailable at press time) Social and Personality Psychology International Edition HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY 6th Edition Shelley E. Taylor, University of Calif-Los Angeles 2006 / Hardcover / 672 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-310726-4 / MHID: 0-07-310726-3 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-321946-2 / MHID: 0-07-321946-0 (with PowerWeb) ISBN-13: 978-0-07-125193-8 / MHID: 0-07-125193-6 [IE with OLC] Available: June 2006 Health Psychology, 6/e by Shelley Taylor continues to set the standard for the Health Psychology market. One of the foremost researchers in health psychology, Shelley Taylor has thoroughly revised this text to incorporate the latest research findings in the field. The result is a text that conveys the increasing sophistication and complexity of the connection between the mind and the body, in an accessible and exciting manner. The flexible organization and emphasis of many relevant areas of psychology make Health Psychology, 6e appropriate for courses in Health Psychology, Health and Human Behavior, and allied health and pre-med/pharmacy programs. Thoroughly redesigned, the new edition includes updated research throughout with increased emphasis on the biopsychosocial model. CONTENTS Part One: INTRODUCTION TO HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY 1: What is Health Psychology? 2: The Systems of the Body Part Two: HEALTH BEHAVIOR AND PRIMARY PREVENTION 3: Health Behaviors 4: Health-Enhancing Behaviors 5: Health-Compromising Behaviors Part Three: STRESS AND COPING 6: Stress 7: Moderators of the Stress Experience Interpersonal Relations INTERPERSONAL CONFLICT 7th Edition William W Wilmot, University of Montana 2007 (October 2005) / 384 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-313554-0 / MHID: 0-07-313554-2 Website: Written for courses such as Communication and Conflict, Interpersonal Conflict, Conflict Management, Conflict and Negotiation, and Conflict in Personal Relationships, this textbook examines the central principles of effective conflict management in a wide variety of contexts--from romantic relationships to the workplace. Its combination of up-to-date research and examples gives students a theoretical as well as a practical foundation in conflict management. CONTENTS Preface Acknowledgements Part One: CONFLICT COMPONENTS Chapter 1: The Nature of Conflict Chapter 2: Perspectives on Conflict Chapter 3: Interests and Goals Chapter 4: Power: The Structure of Conflict Chapter 5: Styles and Tactics Part Two: INTERVENTION Chapter 6: Assessing Conflicts Chapter 7: Moderating Your Conflicts Chapter 8: Negotiating for Mutual Gains Chapter 9: Third-Party Intervention Chapter 10: Mending the Broken Branch: Forgiveness and Reconciliation Chapter 11: Preventing Destructive Conflict Appendix References Name Index Subject Index Part Four: THE PATIENT IN THE TREATMENT SETTING 8: Using Health Services 9: Patient-Provider Relations 10: Pain and its Management Part Five: MANAGEMENT OF CHRONIC AND TERMINAL ILLNESS 11: Management of Chronic Illness 12: Psychological Issues in Advancing and Terminal Illness 13: Heart Disease, Hypertension, Stroke, and Diabetes 14: Psychoneuroimmunology, AIDS, Cancer, and Arthritis Part Six: TOWARD THE FUTURE 15: Health Psychology: Challenges for the Future 57 2008–2009 NEW Psychology Titles 58 2008–2009 NEW Psychology Titles Clinical Psychology ~ Contents Abnormal Psychology ............................................................. 60 2008 New Title ■ DUFFY Annual Editions: Personal Growth and Behavior 07/08, 26e ................................................................................... 62 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339731-3 / MHID: 0-07-339731-8 ■ HAUGAARD Child Psychopathology .................................................... 66 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-340550-6 / MHID: 0-07-340550-7 ■ KSIR Drugs, Society, and Human Behavior, 12e ...................... 63 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-352961-5 / MHID: 0-07-352961-3 ■ WILSON Annual Editions: Drugs, Society, and Behavior 07/08, 22e ................................................................................... 65 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339742-9 / MHID: 0-07-339742-3 Abnormal Psychology – Readers ............................................ 61 Adjustment – Readers ............................................................. 62 Developmental Psychopathology ........................................... 66 Drugs / Psycho-pharmacology ................................................ 63 Drugs / Psycho-pharmacology – Readers ................................ 64 Introduction to Clinical Psychology ........................................ 63 2009 New Title ■ GOLDBERG Taking Sides: Clashing Views in Drugs and Society, 8e .... 64 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-351511-3 / MHID: 0-07-351511-6 ■ HALGIN Taking Sides: Clashing Views in Abnormal Psychology, 5e ..................................................................................... 61 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-351526-7 / MHID: 0-07-351526-4 ■ WILSON Annual Editions: Drugs, Society, and Behavior 08/09, 23e ................................................................................... 65 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339773-3 / MHID: 0-07-339773-3 59 Clinical Psychology Abnormal Psychology International Edition ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY WITH MINDMAP II CD-ROM AND POWERWEB 5th Edition Richard P. Halgin and Susan Krauss Whitbourne of University of Mass-amherst 2007 / Hardcover with CDROM ISBN-13: 978-0-07-322872-3 / MHID: 0-07-322872-9 (For sale in US/Canada only) ISBN-13: 978-0-07-110665-8 / MHID: 0-07-110665-0 [IE with Bi-card MindMap] Available: January 2006 Website: Focused, fresh, and engaging, this text captures student interest and facilitates comprehension through the widespread use of current and highly relevant clinical case studies. The fullyrevised fifth edition maintains the integrative approach to treatment using the biopsychosocial model, the emphasis on cases, and the succinct coverage that have been the foundations of the text’s success. It now features a more focused approach than previous editions, with the goal of presenting only the most relevant research and clinical material. CONTENTS Chapter 1: Understanding Abnormality: A Look at History and Research Methods Chapter 2: Classification and Treatment Plans Chapter 3: Assessment Chapter 4: Theoretical Perspectives Chapter 5: Anxiety Disorders Chapter 6: Somatoform Disorders, Psychological Factors Affecting Medical Conditions and Dissociative Disorders Chapter 7: Sexual Disorders Chapter 8: Mood Disorders Chapter 9: Schizophrenia and Related Disorders Chapter 10: Personality Disorders Chapter 11: Development-Related Disorders Chapter 12: Cognitive Disorders Chapter 13: Substance-related Disorders Chapter 14: Eating Disorders and Impulse-control Disorders Chapter 15: Ethical and Legal Issues 60 International Edition ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY 4th Edition Susan Nolen-Hoeksema, Yale University 2007 / Hardcover / 832 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-313369-0 / MHID: 0-07-313369-8 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-322873-0 / MHID: 0-07-322873-7 (with MindMap CD-ROM and PowerWeb) ISBN-13: 978-0-07-336603-6 / MHID: 0-07-336603-X (with student CD) ISBN-13: 978-0-07-110708-2 / MHID: 0-07-110708-8 [IE] Available: December 2005 Authored by award-winning teacher and noted researcher Susan Nolen-Hoeksema, this text blends cutting-edge research in psychopathology with compassion for people who suffer from psychological disorders. Capturing the excitement of major advances in biological and psychosocial research and treatment alternatives, Abnormal Psychology imparts a true enthusiasm for and appreciation of scientific investigation. The author’s scientific and caring approach, combined with strong study tools, has won accolades from instructors and students alike. The fourth edition reflects greater emphasis on integrated approaches to abnormal psychology, a constant drive to make biological information clear to students, and a stronger focus on empirical research and diversity. CONTENTS 1. Looking at Abnormality 2. Contemporary Theories of Abnormality 3. The Research Endeavor 4. Assessing and Diagnosing Abnormality 5. Treatments for Abnormality 6. Stress Disorders and Health Psychology 7. Anxiety Disorders: Panic, Phobias, Generalized Anxiety, and Obsessive-compulsive Disorder 8. Dissociative and Somatoform Disorders 9. Mood Disorders 10. Suicide 11. Schizophrenia 12. Personality Disorders 13. Childhood Disorders 14. Cognitive Disorders and Life-Span Issues 15. Eating Disorders 16. Sexual Disorders and Gender Identity Disorder 17. Substance-Related Disorders 18. Mental Health, Social Policy, and the Law Clinical Psychology International Edition ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY WITH MINDMAP PLUS CD-ROM AND POWERWEB 9th Edition Lauren Alloy, Temple University-Philadelphia, John Riskind, George Mason University and Margaret Manos 2005 / Hardcover / 640 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-287870-7 / MHID: 0-07-287870-3 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-121780-4 / MHID: 0-07-121780-0 (IE) Available: February 2004 Website: CONTENTS Chapter 1 Abnormal Behavior: Historical Perspectives Chapter 2 Diagnosis and Assessment Chapter 3 Research Methods in Abnormal Psychology Chapter 4 The Behavioral, Cognitive, and Sociocultural Perspectives Chapter 5 The Psychodynamic, Humanistic, and Interpersonal Perspectives Chapter 6 The Neuroscience Perspective Chapter 7 Anxiety Disorders Chapter 8 Dissociative and Somatoform Disorders Chapter 9 Psychological Stress and Physical Disorders Chapter 10 Mood Disorders Chapter 11 Personality Disorders Chapter 12 Substance-Use Disorders Chapter 13 Sexual Dysfunctions, Paraphilias, and Gender Identity Disorders Chapter 14 Schizophrenia and Delusional Disorder Chapter 15 Neuropsychological Disorders Chapter 16 Disorders of Childhood and Adolescence Chapter 17 Mental Retardation and Autism Chapter 18 Legal Issues in Abnormal Psychology Abnormal Psychology – Readers NEW TAKING SIDES: CLASHING VIEWS IN ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY 5th Edition Richard P Halgin, University of Mass-Amherst 2009 / 448 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-351526-7 / MHID: 0-07-351526-4 Available: February 2008 TAKING SIDES: CLASHING VIEWS IN ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY 4th Edition Richard P. Halgin, University of Mass-Amherst 2007 / Softcover / 464 pages ISBN-13: 9780-07-351498-7 / MHID: 0-07-351498-5 Available: January 2006 Website: 985.mhtml From McGraw-Hill Contemporary Learning Series (formerly known as McGraw-Hill/Dushkin), this fourth edition of TAKING SIDES: ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY presents current controversial issues in a debate-style format designed to stimulate student interest and develop critical thinking skills. Each issue is thoughtfully framed with an issue summary, an issue introduction, and a postscript. An instructor’s manual with testing material is available for each volume. USING TAKING SIDES IN THE CLASSROOM is also an excellent instructor resource with practical suggestions on incorporating this effective approach in the classroom. Each TAKING SIDES reader features an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites and is supported by our student website, www. CONTENTS Part 1: PSYCHOLOGICAL CONDITIONS AND TREATMENTS New! ISSUE 1. Should Individuals with Anorexia Nervosa Have the Right to Refuse Life-sustaining Treatment? New! ISSUE 2. Is Psychological Debriefing a Harmful Intervention for Survivors of Trauma? New! ISSUE 3. Are Blocked and Recovered Memories Valid Phenomena? ISSUE 4. Is Multiple Personality Disorder a Valid Diagnosis? New! ISSUE 5. Does Attention Deficit Disorder Exist? ISSUE 6. Should All Uses of MDMA (Ecstacy) Be Prohibited? ISSUE 7. Should Abstinence Be the Goal for Treating People with Alcohol Problems? Part 2: THE TREND TOWARD BIOLOGICAL INTERVENTIONS ISSUE 8. Are Prozac and Similar Antidepressants Safe and Effective? ISSUE 9. Are Antipsychotic Medications the Treatment of Choice for People with Psychosis? ISSUE 10. Is Ritalin Overprescribed? ISSUE 11. Should Psychologists Prescribe Medication? ISSUE 12. Is Electroconvulsive Therapy Ethical? Part 3: SOCIAL ISSUES New! ISSUE 13. Is Sexual Orientation Conversion Therapy Ethical? New! ISSUE 14. Does Exposure to Media Violence Promote Aggressive Behavior? ISSUE 15. Is Pornography Harmful? ISSUE 16. Is Divorce Always Detrimental to Children? ISSUE 17. Does Evolution Explain Why Men Rape? ISSUE 18. Should Mental Health Professionals Serve as Gatekeepers for Physician-Assisted Suicide? (Details unavailable at press time) 61 Clinical Psychology Adjustment – Readers NEW ANNUAL EDITIONS: PERSONAL GROWTH AND BEHAVIOR 07/08 26th Edition Karen G Duffy, State University of Coll-Geneseo 2008 / 208 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339731-3 / MHID: 0-07-339731-8 Available: January 2007 Website: 318.mhtml This Twenty-Sixth Edition of ANNUAL EDITIONS: PERSONAL GROWTH AND BEHAVIOR 07/08 provides convenient, inexpensive access to current articles selected from the best of the public press. Organizational features include: an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites; an annotated table of contents; a topic guide; a general introduction; brief overviews for each section; a topical index; and an instructor’s resource guide with testing materials. USING ANNUAL EDITIONS IN THE CLASSROOM is offered as a practical guide for instructors. ANNUAL EDITIONS titles are supported by our student website, CONTENTS UNIT 1. Becoming a Person: Foundations 1. Carl Rogers’ Life and Work: An Assessment on the 100th Anniversary of His Birth 2. Mysteries of the Mind 3. Skepticism of Caricatures: B.F. Skinner Turns 100 4. The “Big Five” and You: How Personality Traits Affect Behavior UNIT 2. Determinants of Behavior: Motivation, Environment, and Physiology 5. What Makes You Who You Are 6. The Blank Slate, Steven Pinker 7. Genetic Influence on Human Psychological Traits 8. Nature vs. Nurture: Two Brothers With Schizophrenia 9. The Amazing Brain: Is Neuroscience the Key to What Makes Us Human? 10. His Brain, Her Brain 11. Cultural Psychology: Studying the Exotic Other 12. Just Do It 13. Stand and Deliver UNIT 3. Problems Influencing Personal Growth 14. The Biology of Aging 15. and Now, the Hard Part: That Sweet Little Thing Is About to Commandeer Your Life 16. Childhood Is for Children 17. Kaleidoscope of Parenting Cultures 18. What American Schools Can Learn from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry 19. What Makes Teens Tick 62 20. Staving Off Middle-Age Spread Requires Portion Control and Plenty of Exercise 21. Midlife Crisis? Bring It On! 22. The Borders of Healing UNIT 4. Relating to Others 23. Mirror, Mirror: Seeing Yourself As Others See You 24. What’s Your Emotional IQ? 25. Nurturing Empathy 26. What Does That Mean? 27. Deception Detection 28. Calling It Off 29. Want to Stay Married? Move to Massachusetts 30. Forgiveness: Who Does It and How Do They Do It? UNIT 5. The Individual and Society 31. The Emperor’s New Woes 32. Suspicious Minds 33. 50th Anniversary: Brown v. Board of Education 34. The Social Net 35. Work-life: Organizations in Denial 36. How to Get Out Alive 37. The Collateral Psychological Damage of War UNIT 6. Enhancing Human Adjustment: Learning to Cope Effectively 38. Are We Becoming a Nation of Depressives? 39. Dear Reader: Get a Life 40. The 10 Rules of Change 41. Drugs vs. Talk Therapy Clinical Psychology Introduction to Clinical Psychology International Edition Drugs / Psycho-pharmacology NEW INTRODUCTION TO CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY: SCIENCE AND PRACTICE DRUGS, SOCIETY, AND HUMAN BEHAVIOR 12th Edition Bruce Compas, University of Vermont and Ian Gotlib, Stanford University 2002 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-253650-0 / MHID: 0-07-253650-0 (with Student CD-ROM) ISBN-13: 978-0-07-128745-6 / MHID: 0-07-128745-0 [IE w/Student CD] Website: CONTENTS Section I: Introduction to the Field Chapter 1: What Is Clinical Psychology? Chapter 2: Clinical Psychology: Past and Present Chapter 3: Research Methods in Clinical Psychology Chapter 4: Models of Development, Behavior and Personality Chapter 5: Psychopathology Section II: Psychological Assessment Chapter 6: Assessment: Understanding Individuals and Contexts Chapter 7: Assessment: Clinical Interviewing Chapter 8: Assessment: Measurement of Intelligence and Neuropsychological Testing Chapter 9: Assessment: Measurement of Personality Chapter 10: Assessment: Measurement of Behavior, Cognition, and Psychophysiology Section III: Psychological Intervention: From Prevention to Psychotherapy Chapter 11: Intervention: Promotion, Prevention, and Treatment Chapter 12: Psychotherapy: Psychoanalytic and Psychodynamic Approaches Chapter 13: Psychotherapy: Humanistic, Existential, and Experiential Approaches Chapter 14: Psychotherapy: Behavioral and Cognitive Approaches Chapter 15: Effectiveness of Psychotherapy: Evaluation and Integration Chapter 16: Clinical Psychology: Our Past, Our Future, and Your Opportunities International Edition Charles J. Ksir, University of Wyoming – Laramie, Carl L. Hart, Columbia University and Oakley S. Ray, Vanderbilt U-sch of Medicine 2008 / Softcover / 544 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-352961-5 / MHID: 0-07-352961-3 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-110175-2 / MHID: 0-07-110175-6 [IE] Available: November 2006 Website: Designed for the introduction to drugs and substance abuse course as taught in departments of health education, psychology, biology, sociology, and criminal justice, this full-color market-leading text provides the latest information on drugs and their effects on society and human behavior. For over thirty years, instructors and students have relied on it to examine drugs and behavior from the behavioral, pharmacological, historical, social, legal, and clinical perspectives. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Online Learning Center features updated and expanded supplements, including a completely revised test bank (more and better questions), a new image bank, expanded PowerPoint slides, additional online study tools for students (quizzes, key terms flashcards, links), audio chapter summaries, HealthQuest Activities, and Web Activities. • Provides updated coverage of key topics, such as medical marijuana, steroids and nutritional ergogenic aids, prevention programs, smoking in film, abuse of legal pharmaceuticals, methamphetamine use, and treatment of bipolar disorder, insomnia, and ADHD • Significantly expands the photo program. • Includes updated information on statistics and trends for drug use and effects (Monitoring the Future, National Survey on Drug Use and Health, DAWN, SAMHSA treatment info), costs of drug control, and the prison population. CONTENTS Part I: DRUG USE IN MODERN SOCIETY 1: Drug Use: An Overview 2: Drug Use as a Social Problem 3: Drug Production and Regulation Part II: HOW DRUGS WORK 4: The Nervous System 5: The Actions of Drugs Part III: UPPERS AND DOWNERS 6: Stimulants 7: Depressants 8: Psychotherapeutic Drugs 63 Clinical Psychology Part IV: ALCOHOL 9: Alcohol Part V: FAMILIAR DRUGS 10: Tobacco 11: Caffeine 12: Herbals, Dietary Supplements, and Over-the-Counter Drugs Part VI: RESTRICTED DRUGS 13: Opioids 14: Hallucinogens 15: Marijuana and Hashish 16: Performance-Enhancing Drugs Part VII: INTERVENTION STRATEGIES 17: Preventing Drug Misuse and Abuse 18: Treating Substance Dependence DRUGS IN PERSPECTIVE 6th Edition Richard Fields, Private Practice Tuscon AZ and Redmond Washington 2007 / Softcover / 416 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-304747-8 / MHID: 0-07-304747-3 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-325202-5 / MHID: 0-07-325202-6 (with PW Bi-card) Available: March 2006 Website: Drugs in Perspective is written for the drug and substance abuse counseling course designed to prepare future health professionals to work with patients, clients, and families of abusers. It is designed to provide perspective on the aspects and problems associated with addiction as well as provide the fundamentals on the dynamics of chemical dependency. This edition improves topic flow for easier understanding and brings the research base into the 21st century. CONTENTS Section I: Understanding Substance Abuse 1 Etiology: A Better Understanding of Drug Dependence and Addiction 2 Alcohol/Drugs and Our American Society—Major Problems and Perspectives 3 Drug Specific Information: Drugs on the Street Where You Live 4 Screening and Assessment of Alcohol/Drug Problems Section II: Family 5 Substance Abuse and Family Systems 6 Parenting: Impact on Alcohol/Drug Use and Abuse 7 Growing Up in an Alcoholic Family System Section III: Prevention, Intervention and Treatment 8 Prevention of Substance Abuse Problems 9 Motivation and Intervention for Substance Abuse Problems 10 Co-occurring Disorders with Substance Abuse 11 Alcohol/Drug Treatment & Relapse Prevention on Drugs / Psycho-pharmacology – Readers NEW TAKING SIDES: CLASHING VIEWS IN DRUGS AND SOCIETY 8th Edition Raymond Goldberg, State University of NY – Cortland 2009 / 432 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-351511-3 / MHID: 0-07-351511-6 Available: October 2007 Website: 116.mhtml This Eighth Edition of TAKING SIDES: DRUGS AND SOCIETY presents current controversial issues in a debate-style format designed to stimulate student interest and develop critical thinking skills. Each issue is thoughtfully framed with an issue summary, an issue introduction, and a postscript. An instructor’s manual with testing material is available for each volume. USING TAKING SIDES IN THE CLASSROOM is also an excellent instructor resource with practical suggestions on incorporating this effective approach in the classroom. Each TAKING SIDES reader features an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites and is supported by our student website, CONTENTS Part 1 DRUGS AND PUBLIC POLICY Issue 1. Should Laws Against Drug Use Remain Restrictive? Issue 2. Should the United States Put More Emphasis on Stopping the Importation of Drugs? Issue 3. Are Drinking Age Laws Effective? Issue 4. Are the Dangers of Ecstasy (MDMA) Overstated? Issue 5. Should Pregnant Drug Users Be Prosecuted? Issue 6. Should Drug Addiction Be Considered a Disease? Issue 7. Should the Federal Government Play a Larger Role in Regulating Steroid Use? Part 2 DRUGS AND SOCIAL POLICY Issue 8. Are the Adverse Effects of Smoking Exaggerated? Issue 9. Should Laws Prohibiting Marijuana Use Be Relaxed? Issue 10. Are Psychotherapeutic Drugs Over-Prescribed for Treating Mental Illness? Issue 11. Do the Consequences of Caffeine Outweigh Its Benefits? Issue 12. Should School-age Children with Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Be Treated with Ritalin and Other Stimulants? Issue 13. Do Consumers Benefit When Prescription Drugs Are Advertised? Part 3 DRUG PREVENTION AND TREATMENT Issue 14. Does Secondhand Smoke Endanger the Health of Nonsmokers? Issue 15. Is Alcoholism Hereditary? Issue 16. Should Marijuana Be Approved for Medical Use? Issue 17. Should Schools Drug Test Students? Issue 18. Does Drug Abuse Treatment Work? Issue 19. Is Abstinence an Effective Strategy for Drug Education? 64 Clinical Psychology NEW ANNUAL EDITIONS: DRUGS, SOCIETY, AND BEHAVIOR 08/09 23rd Edition Hugh T Wilson, California State University—Sacramento 2009 / 240 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339773-3 / MHID: 0-07-339773-3 Available: February 2008 Website: 733.mhtml This Twenty-Third Edition of ANNUAL EDITIONS: DRUGS, SOCIETY, AND BEHAVIOR provides convenient, inexpensive access to current articles selected from the best of the public press. Organizational features include: an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites; an annotated table of contents; a topic guide; a general introduction; brief overviews for each section; a topical index; and an instructor’s resource guide with testing materials. USING ANNUAL EDITIONS IN THE CLASSROOM (ISBN-13:9780073301907/ISBN10:0073301906)is offered as a practical guide for instructors. ANNUAL EDITIONS titles are supported by our student website, NEW ANNUAL EDITIONS: DRUGS, SOCIETY, AND BEHAVIOR 07/08 22nd Edition Hugh T Wilson, California State University-Sacramento 2008 / 240 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339742-9 / MHID: 0-07-339742-3 Available: February 2007 This Twenty-Second Edition of ANNUAL EDITIONS: DRUGS, SOCIETY, AND BEHAVIOR 07/08 provides convenient, inexpensive access to current articles selected from the best of the public press. Organizational features include: an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites; an annotated table of contents; a topic guide; a general introduction; brief overviews for each section; a topical index; and an instructor’s resource guide with testing materials. USING ANNUAL EDITIONS IN THE CLASSROOM is offered as a practical guide for instructors. ANNUAL EDITIONS titles are supported by our student website, CONTENTS UNIT 1. Living with Drugs 1. Hey, You Don’t Look So Good 2. Living the High Life: The Role of Drug Taking in Young People’s Lives 3. Methamphetamine Across America: Misconceptions, Realities and Solutions 4. Balding, Wrinkled and Stoned 5. America’s Most Dangerous Drug 6. With Scenes of Blood and Pain 7. My Mother: The Narc 8. Pass the Weed, Dad 9. Did Prohibition Really Work?: Alcohol Prohibition as a Public Health Innovation UNIT 2. Understanding How Drugs Work—Use, Dependency, and Addiction 10. Addiction Is a Brain Disease 11. Predicting Addiction 12. Staying Sober 13. The Effects of Alcohol on Physiological Processes and Biological Development 14. The Toxicity of Recreational Drugs 15. Structural Differences Found in Brains of Heavy Marijuana Users 16. Does Cannabis Cause Psychosis or Schizophrenia? UNIT 3. The Major Drugs of Use and Abuse 17. A More Addictive Meth Emerges as States Curb Homemade Type 18. Just Say No? No Need Here 19. A Harvest of Treachery 20. An End to ‘Power Hour’ 21. Helping Students Stay Clean and Sober 22. The Power of Potent Steroids 23. Cannabis-Related Problems and Their Management 24. Pot Farms Ravaging Park Land UNIT 4. Other Trends in Drug Use 25. Resurgence of Teen Inhalant Use 26. New Study Shows 1.8 Million Youth Use Inhalants 27. The Changing Face of Teenage Drug Abuse—The Trend toward Prescription Drugs 28. OxyContin Acting as Pathway Drug for Adolescent Heroin Addiction 29. Club Drugs: Study Explores Reasons for Use by Young Adults 30. Rx for Trouble 31. Studies Identify Factors Surrounding Rise in Abuse of Prescription Drugs by College Students 32. The Best High They’ve Ever Had 33. Some Cold Medicines Moved Behind the Counter 34. Facing an Uncertain Twilight UNIT 5. Measuring the Social Costs of Drugs 35. Meth Addicts’ Other Habit: Online Theft 36. Mothers Addicted to Meth Face Losing Their Children 37. The Role of Substance Abuse in U.S. Juvenile Justice Systems and Populations 38. My Spirit Lives 39. When Drinking Kills 40. What Alcohol Does to a Child 41. The Problem With Drinking 42. ADHD Drugs and Cardiovascular Risk 43. High on the Job UNIT 6. Creating and Sustaining Effective Drug Control Policy 44. Administration Announces Anti-Methamphetamine Plan 45. Court Upholds Federal Authority to Reject ‘Medical Marijuana’ 46. Medical Marijuana, Compassionate use, and Public Policy: Expert Opinion or Vox Populi? 47. Is Drug Testing of Athletes Necessary? 48. Meth Madness 49. How to Stand Up to Big Tobacco 50. Cigarette Trafficking: Expanding Criminal Activity Attracts 65 Clinical Psychology Law Enforcement Attention 51. Battles Won, A War Still Lost 52. The War on Thugs 53. Arresting the Drug Laws 54. State’s Evidence UNIT 7. Prevention, Treatment, and Education 55. How to Quit the Cure 56. Drug Treatment and Reentry for Incarcerated Women 57. Combination Treatment of One Year Doubles Smokers’ Quit Rate 58. Medication & Counseling: The ‘New Paradigm’ in Alcoholism Treatment 59. A Teen Health Gap 60. Teens Caught in the Middle: Juvenile Justice System and Treatment 61. No Longer Theory: Correctional Practices That Work 62. Parent Power 63. What to Say When Your Child Asks: Did You Ever Do Drugs? 64. Exercise and Drug Detoxification Developmental Psychopathology NEW International Edition CHILD PSYCHOPATHOLOGY Jeffrey Haugaard, Cornell University--Ithaca 2008 / 672 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-340550-6 / MHID: 0-07-340550-7 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-126354-2 / MHID: 0-07-126354-3 [IE] Available: September 2007 All students who will one day work with children or their families can gain a basic foundation for understanding child psychopathology from this text. Students who seek careers in the mental health, physical health, or social work fields will find extensive information on childhood disorders, their prevention, and their treatment. All will gain an appreciation for the many facets of this growing field, and of the need to base interventions on research and on a humane attitude toward each child and family. CONTENTS Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 Research Methods and Ethical Issues Chapter 3 Basic Psychological Theories Chapter 4 Quantitative Behavioral Genetics Chapter 5 Classification, Diagnosis, and Assessment Disorders Chapter 6 Conduct Disorder and Oppositional Defiant Disorder Chapter 7 Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Chapter 8 Bipolar Disorder Chapter 9 Depressive Disorders Chapter 10 Anxiety Disorders Chapter 11 Mental Retardation Chapter 12 Autism and Other Pervasive Developmental Disorders Chapter 13 Childhood-onset Schizophrenia Chapter 14 Disorders Related to Child Maltreatment and Other Trauma (Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Dissociative Disorders, Reactive Attachment Disorder) Chapter 15 Disorders Related to Physical Health and Functioning (Somatoform Disorders, Childhood Obesity, Elimination Disorders) 66 2008–2009 NEW Psychology Titles Experimental Psychology ~ Contents Cognitive Psychology ............................................................. 73 2008 New Title ■ BORDENS Research Design and Methods: A Process Approach, 7e ..................................................................................... 68 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-312906-8 / MHID: 0-07-312906-2 ■ ROSENTHAL Essentials of Behavioral Research: Methods and Data Analysis, 3e ...................................................................... 68 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-353196-0 / MHID: 0-07-353196-0 ■ SPATZ Research Methods in Psychology: Ideas, Techniques and Reports ............................................................................ 69 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-253074-2 / MHID: 0-07-253074-X Experimental Psychology – Readers ........................................ 71 Neuropsychology ................................................................... 73 Perception .............................................................................. 74 Research Methods .................................................................. 68 SPSS/SAS ................................................................................ 72 Statistics ................................................................................. 71 Tests and Measurements ......................................................... 72 2009 New Title ■ COHEN Pscyhological Testing and Assessment, 7e ....................... 72 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-312909-9 / MHID: 0-07-312909-7 ■ SHAUGHNESSY Research Methods in Psychology, 8e ............................... 68 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-338269-2 / MHID: 0-07-338269-8 67 Experimental Psychology Research Methods NEW RESEARCH METHODS IN PSYCHOLOGY 8th Edition John Shaughnessy, Hope College 2009 / 544 Pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-338269-2 / MHID: 0-07-338269-8 Available: February 2008 (Details unavailable at press time) 7: Understanding Ethical Issues in the Research Process Part II 8: Using Nonexperimental Research 9: Using Survey Research 10: Using Between-Subjects and Within-Subjects Experimental Designs 11: Using Specialized Research Designs 12: Using Single-Subject Designs 13: Describing Data 14: Using Inferential Statistics 15: Using Multivariate Design and Analysis 16: Reporting Your Research Results Appendix: Statistical Tables Glossary References Text Credits Index NEW NEW RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: A PROCESS APPROACH 7th Edition Kenneth Bordens and Bruce Barrington Abbott of Indiana University 2008 / 608 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-312906-8 / MHID: 0-07-312906-2 Available: July 2007 ESSENTIALS OF BEHAVIORAL RESEARCH: METHODS AND DATA ANALYSIS 3rd Edition Robert Rosenthal, Harvard University Ralph L Rosnow, Temple University – Philadelphia 2008 / 848 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-353196-0 / MHID: 0-07-353196-0 Available: April 2007 The only comprehensive treatment of methods and data analysis, this classic advanced undergraduate/graduate text in research methods requires statistics as a prerequisite. The first half of the text concentrates on research methods and the second half introduces students to advanced statistical procedures. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: A PROCESS APPROACH, Seventh Edition, offers students an in-depth introduction to the process of research design and methods. It is distinguished by its application of the process approach, a proven strategy for guiding students at each step in designing, conducting, and evaluating psychological research. NEW TO THIS EDITION NEW TO THIS EDITION • New emphasis on the reporting and interpretation of confidence intervals. • A new stand alone chapter on ethical issues. Chapter 7 provides students with expanded coverage of ethical issues including more history of research ethics, treating subjects and participants ethically, and an expanded section on the importance of being ethical and honest as a researcher. • Complete chapter on the research paper. Chapter 16 presents the most current APA guidelines for writing and reporting research results and also includes a complete paper and information on paper presentations, oral presentations and poster sessions. CONTENTS Preface Part I 1: Explaining Behavior 2: Developing and Evaluating Theories of Behavior 3: Getting and Developing Research Ideas 4: Choosing a Research Design 5: Making Systematic Observations 6: Choosing and Using Participants and Subjects 68 • More integrated synthesis of research methods and data analysis. • New and deeper discussions of methodological and philosophical issues, data analytic issues, epistemological issues in human subjects, and research and ethical guidelines. • New material throughout, including new material on test validity, the construction of composite variables, dealing with missing data, bootstrapping and jackknifing, the design and analysis of hierarchically nested designs, and the use of a recently developed effect size estimate for multiple-choice-type data. CONTENTS Preface Part I: CONCEPTUAL AND ETHICAL FOUNDATIONS 1. The Spirit of Behavioral Research 2. Contexts of Discovery and Justification 3. Ethical Considerations, Dilemmas, and Guidelines Part II: OPERATIONALIZATION AND MEASUREMENT OF DEPENDENT VARIABLES 4. Reliability and Validity of Measurements 5. Observations, Judgments, and Composite Variables 6. Questionnaires, Interviews, and Diaries Experimental Psychology Part III: THE LOGIC OF RESEARCH DESIGNS 7. Randomized Controlled Experiments and Causal Inference 8. Nonrandomized Research and Functional Relationships 9. Randomly and Nonrandomly Selected Sampling Units Part IV: FUNDAMENTALS OF DATA ANALYSIS 10. Describing, Displaying, and Exploring Data 11. Correlation 12. Statistical Power and Effect Size Revisited Part V: ONE-WAY DESIGNS 13. Comparing Means by Standard t Tests 14. Analysis of Variance and the F Test 15. One-Way Contrast Analyses Part VI: FACTORIAL DESIGNS 16. Factorial Analysis of Variance 17. Interaction Effects in Analysis of Variance 18. Repeated Measures in Analysis of Variance Part VII: ADDITIONAL TOPICS IN DATA ANALYSIS 19. Significance Testing and Association in Tables of Counts 20. Multivariate Data Analysis 21. Meta-Analysis: Comparing and Combining Research Results Part VIII: APPENDICES A: List of Numbered Equations B: Statistical Tables Glossary References Indexes Name Index Subject Index NEW International Edition RESEARCH METHODS IN PSYCHOLOGY: IDEAS, TECHNIQUES AND REPORTS Chris Spatz, Hendrix College Edward P Kardas, Southern Arkansas University 2008 / 512 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-253074-2 / MHID: 0-07-253074-X ISBN-13: 978-0-07-111664-0 / MHID: 0-07-111664-8 [IE] Available: February 2007 Website: Emphasizing critical thinking and ethics, Spatz & Kardas’ Research Methods in Psychology presents a practical approach to investigating behavioral and mental processes. By understanding context, students are led to apply appropriate methods, collect data, and arrive at valid conclusions about subjects that relate to the world around them. Intended for a first undergraduate course, Research Methods in Psychology incorporates student-friendly features such as Chapter Reviews and Critical Thinking exercises, while providing all the background and tools necessary for students to conduct and report on their own research. CONTENTS Preface Chapter 1 Science Chapter 2 Research in Psychology Chapter 3 Ethics Chapter 4 Measurement Chapter 5 Data Exploration and Description Chapter 6 Statistical Tests Chapter 7 Design I: Between-Subjects Designs Chapter 8 Design II: Within-Subjects Designs and Pretests Chapter 9 Complex Designs Chapter 10 Observational, Qualitative, and Small-N Research Chapter 11 Planning Research Chapter 12 Conducting and Reporting Research APPENDIXES Appendix A Annotated APA manuscript Appendix B Ethical Standards of the APA Appendix C Statistical tables Appendix D Glossary of Terms References Index International Edition METHODS IN BEHAVIORAL RESEARCH 9th Edition Paul Cozby, California State University-Fullerton 2007 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-353181-6 / MHID: 0-07-353181-2 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-327131-6 / MHID: 0-07-327131-4 (with PW) ISBN-13: 978-0-07-110643-6 / MHID: 0-07-110643-X [IE] ISBN-13: 978-0-07-110963-5 / MHID: 0-07-110963-3 [IE with PowerWeb] Available: January 2006 With its concise and strategic approach to decision making, Methods in Behavioral Research by Paul C. Cozby continues to gain in popularity among instructors and students alike. Building on a strong foundation of pedagogy and well-chosen examples, the Ninth Edition incorporates learning objectives, new graphics and activities to increase student involvement, and an updated appendix on writing research reports as well as making poster presentations. CONTENTS 1. Scientific Understanding of Behavior 2. Where to Start 3. Ethical Research 4. Studying Behavior 5. Measurement Concepts 6. Observing Behavior 7. Asking People About Themselves: Survey Research 8. Experimental Design 9. Conducting Experiments 10. Complex Experimental Designs 11. Quasi-Experimental and Single-Participant Designs 12. Understanding Research Results: Description and Correlation 13. Understanding Research Results: Statistical Inference 14. Generalizing Results Appendix A: Writing Research Reports Appendix B: Statistical Tests Appendix C: Statistical Tables Appendix D: Constructing a Latin Square Glossary 69 Experimental Psychology References Index International Edition RESEARCH METHODS IN PSYCHOLOGY 7th Edition John J. Shaughnessy, Hope College, Eugene B. Zechmeister and Jeanne S. Zechmeister of Loyola University—Chicago 2006 / Hardcover / 544 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-298622-8 / MHID: 0-07-298622-0 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-111655-8 / MHID: 0-07-111655-9 [IE] Available: June 2005 Considered one of the best undergraduate method texts in the field for the past two decades, Research Methods in Psychology captures the excitement of psychological inquiry as well as the importance of understanding the methodology that is used to conduct research. The text has been praised for its clear writing, logical organization, depth of coverage, and wide variety of examples from different fields of psychology. The new edition includes updated research, a thoroughly revised introductory chapter, and improved pedagogical features designed to enhance students’ learning. CONTENTS Part I: GENERAL ISSUES 1 Introduction 2 The Scientific Method 3 Ethical Issues in the Conduct of Psychological Research Part II: DESCRIPTIVE METHODS 4 Observation 5 Survey Research 6 Unobtrusive Measures of Behavior Part III: EXPERIMENTAL METHODS 7 Independent Groups Designs 8 Repeated Measures Designs 9 Complex Designs Part IV: APPLIED RESEARCH 10 Single-Case Designs, and Small-n Research 11 Quasi-Experimental Designs and Program Evaluation Part V: ANALYZING AND REPORTING RESEARCH 12 Data Analysis and Interpretation Part I: DESCRIBING DATA, CONFIDENCE INTERVALS, CORRELATION 13 Data Analysis and Interpretation: Part II: TESTS OF STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE AND THE ANALYSIS STORY 14 Communication in Psychology Appendix: Statistical Tables 70 International Edition PRINCIPLES OF RESEARCH IN BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE 2nd Edition Bernard E. Whitley, Jr., Ball State University 2002 / Hardcover / 544pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-293233-1 / MHID: 0-07-293233-3 (with Internet Guide) ISBN-13: 978-0-07-113135-3 / MHID: 0-07-113135-3 [IE] Website: CONTENTS 1. The Science of Psychology: Theory, Research, and Application / Science / Theories / Research / Theory, Research, and Application 2. Research Strategies: An Overview / Purposes of Research / Quantitative and Qualitative Research / Research Strategies / Time Perspectives: Short-Term versus Long-Term / Research Settings: Laboratory versus Field / Research as a Set of Tradeoffs 3. The Ethical Treatment of Research Participants / Responsibility for Ethical Research / Ethical Considerations in Planning Research / Ethical Considerations During Data Collection / Ethical Considerations Following Data Collection 4. Formulating a Research Question / Formulating Research Hypotheses / Replication Research / Designing Research for Utilization / Bias in the Formulation of Research Questions 5. Developing a Measurement Strategy / Reliability and Validity / Modalities of Measurement / Evaluating and Selecting Measures 6. The Internal Validity of Research / Confounds / Threats to Internal Validity / Reactivity / Demand Characteristics / Experimenter Expectancies 7. The Experimental Research Strategy / A Note on Statistics / Manipulating the Independent Variable / Controlling Extraneous Variance / Multiple-Group Designs / Factorial Designs 8. The Correlational (Passive) Research Strategy / The Nature of Correlational Research / Simple and Partial Correlation Analysis / Multiple Regression Analysis (MRA) / Some Other Correlational Techniques / Testing Mediational Hypotheses / Factor Analysis 9. The Single-Case Research Strategy / The Role of Single-Case Research in Psychology / Validity Criteria in Single-Case Research / Case Study Research / Single-Case Experiments / Data Analysis in Single-Case Research 10. Research in Natural Settings / The Problem of Control in Natural Settings / Field Experiments / Natural Experiments and Quasi-Experiments / Naturalistic Observation / Interviews / Archival Data / Coding Open-Ended Data 11. Survey Research / Asking Questions / Obtaining Answers / Multi-Item Scales / Response Biases / Questionnaire Design / Questionnaire Administration / Survey Data Archives 12. Data Collection / Research Participants / Research Procedures / Using the Internet to Collect Data 13. Interpreting Research Results / Describing Results / Interpreting the Results / Fitting Results into the Big Picture 14. The External Validity of Research / The Concept of External Validity / The Structural Component of External Validity / The Functional and Conceptual Components of External Validity / Assessing External Validity / Laboratory Research, Natural-Setting Research, and External Validity 15. Evaluation Research / Goal Definition / Program Monitoring / Impact Assessment / Efficiency Analysis / Information Utilization / Measuring Change 16. Integrative Literature Reviewing / Defining the Research Question / Data Collection / Data Evaluation / Data Analysis / Data Interpretation / A Sample Meta-Analysis 17. Writing Research Reports / The Research Report / Journal Articles and Convention Presentations / Ethical Issues in Publication Experimental Psychology 18. The Professional and Social Responsibilities of Scientists / Malpractice in Research / Mistakes and Error in Research / Using the Results of Research / Research and the Common Good Statistics International Edition Experimental Psychology – Readers CLASSIC EDITION SOURCES: PSYCHOLOGY Terry F Pettijohn, Ohio State University—Marion 2007 (March 2006) / 240 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-340404-2 / MHID: 0-07-340404-7 Available: March 2006 Website: 047.mhtml This reader provides over 40 selections of enduring intellectual value--classic articles, book excerpts, and research studies--that have shaped the study of psychology and our contemporary understanding of it. CONTENTS Chapter 1. Introducing Psychology Chapter 2. Psychobiology Chapter 3. Sensation and Perception Chapter 4. Sleep and Consciousness Chapter 5. Learning Chapter 6. Human Memory Chapter 7. Cognition and Intelligence Chapter 8. Motivation Chapter 9. Emotion Chapter 10. Human Development Chapter 11. Personality Chapter 12. Stress and Adjustment Chapter 13. Abnormal Behavior Chapter 14. Therapy Chapter 15. Social Psychology BEHAVIORAL STATISTICS IN ACTION, 3rd Edition Mark Vernoy, Palomar College and Diana Kyle, Fullerton College 2002 / Hardback / 436 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-293732-9 / MHID: 0-07-293732-7 (Corrective Edition) ISBN-13: 978-0-07-111361-8 / MHID: 0-07-111361-4 [IE] Website: CONTENTS 1. An Introduction to Statistics / Features of the Book / Tips for Doing Well in Statistics: How to Succeed in Statistics by Really Trying / A Note About Notation and Rounding / Hypotheses / Variables / Scales of Measurement / Summary / Key Terms / Problems / References 2. Frequency Distributions / Ranked Distributions / Frequency Distributions / Grouped Frequency Distributions / Apparent Limits and Real Limits: What You See Versus What is Meant / Midpoint: The Center of the Class Interval / Visual Summary: Creating a Group Frequency Distribution / Cumulative Frequency / Relative Frequency and Cumulative Relative Frequency / Cumulative Percent / On the Internet: Creating a Grouped Frequency Distribution / Summary / Key Terms / Formulas / Problems 3. Graphs / Basics in Constructing a Graph / Frequency Histogram / Frequency Polygon / Relative Frequency Polygon / Cumulative Frequency Polygon / Cumulative Relative Frequency Polygon / Cumulative Percent Polygon / Stem and Leaf Diagrams / Changing the Shape of a Graph / Summary / Key Terms / Problems 4. Measures of Central Tendency / The Mean / The Median / The Mode / Mean, Median, or Mode: A Question of Skew / Summary / Key Terms / Formulas / Problems / Reference 5. Measures of Variability / The Range / Mean Deviation / The Variance: The Mean of the Squared Deviations / Standard Deviation: The Square Root of the Variance / Computational Formulas / Calculating Variability from Grouped Frequency Distributions / Summary / Key Terms / Formulas / Problems / Reference 6. Scaled Scores and Standard Scores: How to Change Apples into Oranges / Scales Scores / Adding or Subtracting a Constant: No change in Variability / Multiplying or Dividing by a Constant: A Concurrent Change in Mean and Standard Deviation / Standard Scores (z Scores) / Summary / Key Terms / Formulas / Problems 7. The Normal Curve / Characteristics of the Normal Curve / Finding Proportions and Percentages / Finding Percentiles / Summary / Key Terms / Formulas / Problems 8. Correlation / The Nature of Correlation / Types of Correlation: How Are Variables Related? / Degree of Correlation: How Strongly Are Variables Related? / The Correlation Coefficient / The Covariance / Computing the Correlation Coefficient / Computational Formulas for the Covariance and Correlation Coefficient / The Significance of the Correlation Coefficient / Interpreting the Correlation Coefficient: What do the Numbers Mean? / Using Table R / The Coefficient of Determination / Summary / Key Terms / Formulas / Problems / References 9. Regression / Making Predictions via Linear Regression / The Regression Line: Faster Predictions / The Standard Error of the Estimate / Summary / Key Terms / Formulas / Problems 71 Experimental Psychology 10. Probability Theory and Sampling / Probability Theory / Sampling / The Standard Error of the Estimate / The Central Limit Theorem / The z Test / Summary / Key Terms / Formulas / Problems 11. Experimental Design / Developing a Hypothesis / Identifying Variables / Factors in Experimental Design / Important Aspects of Experimental Design / Statistical Significance / Power / Summary / Key Terms / Problems / References 12. t Tests / z Tests (A Review) / t Tests / Single-Sample t Tests / t Tests between Two Independent Sample Means / t Tests for Correlated Samples / Summary / Key Terms / Formulas / Problems 13. One-Way Analysis of Variance / Analysis of Variance: One Test is Better Than Many / Hypothesis Testing and Analysis of Variance / Conducting an Analysis of Variance / The F Test / Computational Formula for F / Summary / Key Terms / Formulas / Problems / Reference 14. Two-Way Analysis of Variance / Main Effects / Interaction / Computation of Sums of Squares for Two-Way Analysis of Variance / Computation of Degrees of Freedom for Two-Way Analysis of Variance / Computation of the Mean Squares for Two-Way Analysis of Variance / Computation of the F Ratios for Two-Way Analysis of Variance / Significance of the Main Effects / Significance of the Interaction / Summary / Key Terms / Formulas / Problems / Reference 15. Chi-Square and Other Nonparametric Statistics / Chi-Square / The Mann-Whitney U Test / The Wilcoxen T Test / The KruskalWallis Test / Summary / Key Terms / Formulas / Problems / References APPENDIX A: Tables / APPENDIX B: Solutions to Odd-Numbered Problems SPSS/SAS Assignment 3 Presenting Data in Graphic Form Assignment 4 Testing Research Hypotheses for Two Independent Samples Assignment 5 Testing Research Hypotheses About Two Related Sampled Assignment 6 Comparing Independent Samples with One-Way ANOVA Assignment 7 Comparing Related Samples with One-Way ANOVA Assignment 8 Measuring the Simple Relationship Between Two Variables Assignment 9 Describing the Linear Relationship Between Two Variables Assignment 10 Assessing the Association Between Two Categorical Variables Appendix Entering Data Using Programs Other Than SPSS Tests and Measurements NEW PSCYHOLOGICAL TESTING AND ASSESSMENT 7th Edition Ronald Jay Cohen, RJ Cohen Research Mark Swerdlik, Illinois State University 2009 / 720 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-312909-9 / MHID: 0-07-312909-7 Available: July 2008 (Details unavailable at press time) International Edition READY, SET, GO! A STUDENT GUIDE TO SPSS 13.0 AND 14.0 FOR WINDOWS 2nd Edition Thomas Pavkov and Kent Pierce of Purdue Univ-calumethammond 2007 / Softcover / 96 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-312665-4 / MHID: 0-07-312665-9 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-125297-3 / MHID: 0-07-125297-5 [IE without CD] Available: February 2006 For only $5 net when packaged with another McGraw-Hill text, this guide features concise instructions for accessing and using SPSS for Windows. Ready, Set, Go! is more than a reference book for versions 13.0 and 14.0; through ten guided assignments, students learn about statistical analysis of data while also learning the steps in the research process. The students are guided through assignments such as using frequency distributions, performing the t test, using the one-way ANOVA procedure, computing a correlation, and computing chi-square function. CONTENTS Preface Assignment 1 Learning the Basics of SPSS Assignment 2 Looking at Frequency Distributions and Descriptive Statistics 72 International Edition PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTING AND ASSESSMENT: AN INTRODUCTION TO TESTS AND MEASUREMENT 6th Edition Ronald Jay Cohen, R.J. Cohen Research and Mark Swerdlik, Illinois State University 2005 / Hardcover with CD-ROM / 672 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-288767-9 / MHID: 0-07-288767-2 (Text only) ISBN-13: 978-0-07-319904-7 / MHID: 0-07-319904-4 (with Exercise Workbook) ISBN-13: 978-0-07-111964-1 / MHID: 0-07-111964-7 [IE with Exercise book] Website: CONTENTS Part I: AN OVERVIEW 1.Psychological Testing and Assessment 2. Historical, Cultural, and Legal/Ethical Considerations Part II: THE SCIENCE OF PSYCHOLOGICAL MEASUREMENT 3. A Statistics Refresher 4. of Tests and Testing 5. Reliability 6. Validity Experimental Psychology 7. Test Development Part III: THE ASSESSMENT OF INTELLIGENCE 8. Intelligence and Its Measurement 9. Tests of Intelligence 10. Preschool and Educational Assessment Part IV: THE ASSESSMENT OF PERSONALITY 11. Personality Assessment: An Overview 12. Personality Assessment Methods 13. Clinical and Counseling Assessment 14. Neuropsychological Assessment 15. The Assessment of People with Disabilities 16. Assessment, Careers, and Business Neuropsychology International Edition PRINCIPLES OF HUMAN NEUROPSYCHOLOGY G. Dennis Rains, Kutztown University 2002 / Hardback / 624 pages ISBN-13: 978-1-55934-623-8 / MHID: 1-55934-623-X (Out of Print) ISBN-13: 978-0-07-113130-8 / MHID: 0-07-113130-2 [IE] Website: Cognitive Psychology International Edition FUNDAMENTALS OF COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY 7th Edition R. Reed Hunt, University of North Carolina - Greensboro and Henry C. Ellis, University of New Mexico-Albuquerque 2004 / Softcover / 480 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-285895-2 / MHID: 0-07-285895-8 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-121916-7 / MHID: 0-07-121916-1 [IE] CONTENTS Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Perceptual Processes Chapter 3: Attention Chapter 4: Short-term Working Memory Chapter 5: Long-term Memory Chapter 6: Implicit Memory Chapter 7: Forgetting and Distorted Memory Chapter 8: Metacognition Chapter 9: Concepts and Classification Chapter 10: Comprehension and Knowledge Chapter 11: Language Chapter 12: Problem-solving and Decision Making Chapter 13: Cognition and Emotion CONTENTS 1. The Development of Neuropsychology / Early Attempts at Understanding the Brain / The Beginnings of Modern Neuropsychology: Broca / Further Discoveries: Wernicke / Localization Versus Holism / The Psychometric Approach to Neuropsychology / Recent Findings] / Summary / References / Figure Captions / Figures 2. Neural Mechanisms at the Molecular and Cellular Levels / The Adaptive Significance of the Nervous System / The Capacity for Modulation: The Neuron and the Synapse / Neural Activity at the Molecular and Cellular Levels / Neuronal Mechanisms of Learning / Two Exceptions to General Rules: Receptor Potentials and Electrical Transmission / Summary 3. Introduction to the Structure and Function of the Central Nervous System / General Terminology / An Overview of the Central Nervous System / The Forebrain / The Brain Stem / The Cerebellum / The Spinal Cord / Summary / References / Figure Citations / Figures and Tables 4. Methods in Neuropsychology / Anatomical Methods / Methods Measuring Function / Lesion Methods / Commissurotomy / The Sodium Amobarbital Test / Studies of People with Behavioral and Cognitive Abnormalities / Studies of Normal People: Laterality Studies / Summary / References / Figure and Table Captions / Figures and Tables 5. The Visual System as a Model of Nervous System Functioning / The Classical Sequential-Hierarchical View of the Visual Brain / An Overview of Recent Advances in the Understanding of Central Visual Processing / The Retina / Retinofugal Projections / Specialization Within Cortex Devoted to Vision / The Microanatomy of the Visual Brain and the Concept of Modular Organization / The Problem of Integration and the Construction of a Representation of the Visual World / Summary / References / Figure Captions / Figures 6. Language / Characteristics of Language / The Development of Language in Children: ‘Nature Versus Nurture’ / Language Disorders: The Concept of Aphasia / The Disconnection Syndrome Hypothesis Applied to Language Disorders / Major Components of Language Functioning / Further Theoretical Considerations / The Right Hemisphere and Language / Hemispheric Anatomical Asymmetries / The Evolution of Human Language / Summary / References / Figure Captions / Figures 7. Spatial Processing / General Considerations / Body Space / Egocentric Space / Allocentric Space / The Role of the Hippocampus in Spatial Processing / Neglect of One Side of Space / Spatial Thinking and Mental Imagery / The Role of the Frontal Lobes in Spatial Processing / Summary / References / Figure Captions / Figures 8. Visual Recognition / A Case of Visual Agnosia / Disorders of Visual Recognition / Problems with the Classical Model / Theories of Visual Agnosia / Restoration of Sight in Adulthood After Early Onset of Blindness / Summary / References / Figure Captions / Figures 73 Experimental Psychology 9. Voluntary Action / Voluntary Movement / The Components of Voluntary Movement / Elementary Disorders of Movement / An Overview of Higher-Order Control of Movement / The Motor Cortex / The Premotor and Supplementary Motor Areas / The Cerebellum / The Basal Ganglia / Apraxia and the Left Parietal Cortex / Other Movement-Related Functions of Parietal Cortex / The Prefrontal Cortex / Summary / References / Figure Captions / Figures 10. Memory Systems / An Overview of Normal Memory / Medial Temproal-Lobe Amnesia and the Consolidation Hypothesis / Memory Impairment After Unilateral Temporal-Lobe Lesions / The Critical Structures Involved in Memory Loss After TempralLobe Lesions / Diencephalic Amnesia / Where in the Memory Process is the Impairment? / Preserved Aspects of Memory in Amnesia / Episodic Memory and Semantic Memory / Short-Term/ Working Memory Impairment / Conceptualization of Multiple Memory Systems / The Neural Substrate of Long-Term Memory / Further Considerations of the Role of the Frontal Lobes in Memory / Summary / Footnotes / References / Figure Captions / Tables / Figures 11. Emotion / Theories of the Relationship Between Brain and Emotion / The Neural Basis of Learned Fear as a Model System / Emotional Memory / The Cortex and Emotion / The Interaction of Cortex and Amygdala in the Higher-Order Mediation of Emotion / Emotion and Conscious Experience / Summary / References / Figure Captions / Figures 12. The Prefrontal Cortex and the Higher-Order Regulation of Behavior / Toward a Working Model of Prefrontal Cortex Function / Impairment in Function After Prefrontal Lesions in Humans / Theories of Prefrontal Function / Summary / References / Figure Captions / Figures 13. Psychopathology / What Is Psychopathology? / The Schizophrenic Disorders / Mood Disorders / Anxiety Disorders / Sociopathy / Dementing Diseases / Unsolved Problems / Summary / References / Figure Captions / Figures 14. Developmental Neuropsychology / Development of the Brain / Brain Development and the Development of HigherOrder Function / The Cortex and Emotion / Known Causes of Developmental Abnormality / Developmental Disorders of Unknown Cause / Autism / Summary / References / Figure Captions / Figures 15. Recovery of Function / The Effects of Brain Damage / Functional Recovery After Brain Damage / Neural Mechanisms of Recovery of Function / Therapeutic Approaches to the Consequences of Brain Lesions / Summary / References / Tables / Figure Captions / Figures Epilogue / Skepticism about the Possibility of a Unified Theory of Mind-Brain / The Possibility of Intertheoretic Reduction and a Unified Theory of Mind-Brain / Where Are We Now and Where Are We Going? / References 74 Perception International Edition PERCEPTION 5th Edition Randolph Blake, Vanderbilt University — Nashville and Robert Sekuler, Brandeis University 2006 / Hardcover / 768 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-288760-0 / MHID: 0-07-288760-5 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-111272-7 / MHID: 0-07-111272-3 [IE] Available: July 2005 Perception, 5e, by Randolph Blake and Robert Sekuler, helps students appreciate the complexity of perception, while giving them a fresh perspective on their own seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, and tasting. This thoroughly revised Fifth Edition includes updated research on cognitive influences on perception, two additional Chapters, and a new, contemporary look. CONTENTS 1: Introduction to Perception 2: The Human Eye 3: The Eye and Seeing 4: Central Visual Pathways 5: Spatial Vision and Pattern Perception 6: Object Perception: Recognizing the Things We See 7: Color Perception 8: Seeing a Three-Dimensional World 9: Action and the Perception of Events 10: The Ear and Auditory System 11: Hearing and Listening 12: Speech and Music Perception 13: Touch 14: Chemical Senses I: Smell 15: Chemical Senses II: Taste 2008–2009 NEW Psychology Titles Applied Psychology ~ Contents Industrial Psychology – Organizational Behavior .................... 76 Sports Psychology................................................................... 76 75 Applied Psychology Industrial Psychology – Organizational Behavior Sports Psychology International Edition International Edition HUMAN FACTORS IN ENGINEERING AND DESIGN 7th Edition Mark S. Sanders, California State University - Northridge and Ernest J. McCormick 1993 / Hardcover / 704 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-054901-2 / MHID: 0-07-054901-X ISBN-13: 978-0-07-112826-1 / MHID: 0-07-112826-3 [IE] CONTENTS Part I: INTRODUCTION 1 Human Factors and Systems / 2 Human Factors Research Methodologies / Part II: INFORMATION INPUT 3 Information Input and Processing / 4 Text, Graphics, Symbols, and Codes / 5 Visual Displays of Dynamic Information / 6 Auditory, Tactual, and Olfactory Displays / 7 Speech Communications / Part III: HUMAN OUTPUT AND CONTROL 8 Physical Work and Manual Materials Handling / 9 Motor Skills / 10 Human Control of Systems / 11 Controls and Data Entry Devices / 12 Hand Tools and Devices / Part IV: WORKPLACE DESIGN 13 Applied Anthropometry, Work Space Design, and Seating / 14 Arrangement of Components within a Physical Space / 15 Interpersonal Aspects of Work Place Design / Part V: ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS 16 Illumination / 17 Climate / 18 Noise / 19 Motion / Part VI: HUMAN FACTORS APPLICATIONS 20 Human Error, Accidents, and Safety / 21 Human Factors and the Automobile / 22 Human Factors in Systems Design / Appendixes / A: List of Abbreviations / B: Control Devices / C: NIOSH Recommended Action Limit Formula for Lifting Tasks SPORT PSYCHOLOGY 6th Edition Richard H. Cox, University of Missouri-Columbia 2007 / Softcover / 512 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-297295-5 / MHID: 0-07-297295-5 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-110642-9 / MHID: 0-07-110642-1 [IE] Available: February 2006 Website: This new edition provides students with a solid foundation in the concepts of sport and exercise psychology and their application in exercise and sport settings. New texts now come packaged with PowerWeb: Health & Human Performance! CONTENTS Part 1: INTRODUCTION 1 Introduction to Sport Psychology Part 2: MOTIVATION OF THE ATHLETE 2 Motivation and Self-confidence in Sport 3 Goal Perpective in Sport 4 Attribution in Sport 5 Developing Intrinsic Motivation 6 Goal Setting in Sport 7 Youth Sports Part 3: AROUSAL, ATTENTION AND PERSONALITY OF THE ATHLETE 8 Neurophysiology of Arousal 9 Attention and Concentration in Sport 10 Personality of the Athlete Part 4: SITUATIONAL FACTORS RELATED TO ANXIETY AND MOOD 11 Mood State and Athletic Performance 12 Anxiety, Arousal and Stress Relationships 13 Alternatives to Inverted-U Theory Part 5: COGNITIVE AND BEHAVIORAL INTERVENTIONS 14 Coping Strategies in Sport 15 Relaxation Strategies in Sport 16 Arousal Energizing Strategies in Sport 17 Imagery and Sport Performance 18 Role of Hypnosis in Sport 19 Psychological Skills Training Part 6: SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY OF SPORT AND EXERCISE 20 Agression and Violence in Sport 21 Audience and Crowd Effects in Sport 22 Team Cohesion in Sport 23 Leadership in Sport Part 7: PSYCHOBIOLOGY OF SPORT AND EXERCISE 24 Exercise Psychology 25 Overtraining and Burnout 26 Psychology of Athletic Injuries 27 Drug Abuse in Sport and Exercise 76 Applied Psychology International Edition APPLIED SPORT PSYCHOLOGY: PERSONAL GROWTH TO PEAK PERFORMANCE 5th Edition 24 Burnout in Sport: Causes and Cures 25 Injury Risk and Rehabilitation: Psychological Considerations 26 Career Transition Among Athletes: Is there Life After Sports? 27 Exercise Psychology Jean M. Williams, University of Arizona 2006 / Softcover / 576 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-284383-5 / MHID: 0-07-284383-7 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-125523-3 / MHID: 0-07-125523-0 [IE] Available: August 2005 Website: This is a comprehensive and practical guide to psychological concepts and theories as well as to strategies and techniques designed to help future coaches and sport psychologists cultivate peak performance and personal growth through recent advances in sport psychology. The text’s five-part organization focuses on motivation and leadership, social interactions, mental training, program implementation, and issues that go beyond performance enhancement. Contributing authors are experts in their topic, and each has been written specifically for this collection. CONTENTS 1 Sport Psychology: Past, Present, Part I: LEARNING, MOTIVATION, AND EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP 2 Motor Skill Learning for Effective Coaching and Performance 3 Positive Reinforcement, Performance Feedback, and Performance Enhancement of Control 4 Toward Optimal Motivation in Sport: Fostering Athletes Competence and Sense of 5 The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy Theory: When Coaches’ Expectations Become Reality 6 Leadership Effectiveness 7 Styles of Decision Making in Coaching Part II: SOCIAL INTERACTIONS 8 The Sport Team as an Effective Group 9 Communicating Effectively 10 Enhancing Coach-Parent Relationships in Youth Sports: Increasing Harmony and Minimizing Hassle Part III: MENTAL TRAINING FOR PERFORMANCE ENHANCEMENT 11 Psychological Characteristics of Peak Performance 12 Increasing Awareness for Sport Performance 13 Goal Setting for Peak Performance 14 Arousal-Performance Relationships 15 Relaxation and Energizing Techniques for Regulation of Arousal 16 Seeing is Believing: Understanding and Using Imagery in Sport 17 Cognitive Techniques for Building Confidence and Enhancing Performance 18 Concentration and Attention Control Training 19 Strategies for Training Part IV: IMPLEMENTING TRAINING PROGRAMS 20 Integrating and Implementing a Psychological Skills Training Program 21 Development and Implementation of Coach Training Programs: Cognitive-Behavioral Principles and Techniques Part V: PSYCHOLOGICAL CONSIDERATIONS: REFERRAL, DRUG ABUSE, BURNOUT, INJURY, TERMINATION FROM ATHLETICS, AND EXERCISE 22 When to Refer Athletes for Counseling or Psychotherapy 23 Drug Abuse in Sport: Causes and Cures 77 2008–2009 NEW Psychology Titles 78 2008–2009 NEW Psychology Titles Psychology History & Systems ~ Contents History and Systems ............................................................... 80 79 Psychology History and Systems History and Systems International Edition HISTORY OF PSYCHOLOGY 4th Edition David Hothersall, Ohio State University 2004 / Softcover / 624 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-284965-3 / MHID: 0-07-284965-7 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-121474-2 / MHID: 0-07-121474-7 [IE] Website: 57/ CONTENTS Introduction Chapter 1 Psychology and the Ancients Chapter 2 Philosophical and Scientific Antecedents of Psychology Chapter 3 Early Studies of the Central Nervous System Chapter 4 Wilhelm Wundt and the Founding of Psychology Chapter 5 Edward Titchener and Hugo Munsterberg Chapter 6 German Psychologists of the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries Chapter 7 Gestalt Psychology in Germany and the United States Chapter 8 The History of Clinical Psychology and the Development of Psychoanalysis Chapter 9 Darwin, Galton, Cattell, James, and Hall Chapter 10 Functionalism at the University of Chicago and Columbia University Chapter 11 Historical Uses and Abuses of Intelligence Testing Chapter 12 The Research of Ivan Pavlov and the Behaviorism of John B. Watson Epilogue 80 International Edition A HISTORY OF PSYCHOLOGY: ORIGINAL SOURCES AND CONTEMPORARY RESEARCH 2nd Edition Ludy Benjamin, Jr., Texas A & M University College Station 1997 / Softcover / 640 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-005599-5 / MHID: 0-07-005599-8 (Out-of-print) ISBN-13: 978-0-07-122229-7 / MHID: 0-07-122229-4 [IE] CONTENTS Preface 1: The Psychology of History and the History of Psychology: A Historiographical Introduction 2: Philosophical Roots of Psychology: Mechanism and Empiricism 3: The Physiological Roots of Psychology 4: The French Clinical Tradition 5: The Founding of Scientific Psychology: Gustav Fechner and Wilhelm Wundt 6: E. B. Titchener and Struturalism 7: Darwinian Influences: Adaptation and Individual Differences 8: American Antecedents to Functionalism 9: Functionalism 10: Animal Experimental Psychology 11: Behaviorism 12: Neobehaviorism 13: Psychoanalysic 14: Gestalt Psychology 15: The Beginnings of American Applied Psychology 16: American Psychology’s Social Agenda: The Issue of Race Index 2008–2009 NEW Psychology Titles Human Sexuality ~ Contents Human Sexuality .................................................................... 82 2008 New Title ■ KELLY Sexuality Today, 9e .......................................................... 82 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-338266-1 / MHID: 0-07-338266-3 ■ TAVERNER Taking Sides: Clashing Views in Human Sexuality, 10e .... 83 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339719-1 / MHID: 0-07-339719-9 Human Sexuality – Readers .................................................... 83 81 Human Sexuality Human Sexuality NEW SEXUALITY TODAY 9th Edition Gary Kelly, Clarkson University 2008 / 672 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-338266-1 / MHID: 0-07-338266-3 Available: November 2007 The ninth edition of this trusted text carefully balances the psychological, biological/physiological, and social elements of human sexuality, integrating the latest research findings and social trends. The author’s balanced approach is also evident in his ability to present various sides of controversial topics in a neutral voice. This new edition features updated case studies, more emphasis on cross-cultural coverage and examples, and the new companion SexSource Online. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Over 500 new references have been added, offering the most up-to-date facts and research available from 2002 to 2004--including new tables on the latest statistics on HIV, the newest research findings on sexual arousal, and a comprehensive overview of STDs. • The text includes many new boxes of relevant material from popular publications--including cross-cultural boxes on group dating activities in Japan, the new interest in Tantric sex, and firstperson accounts of being HIV positive. • SexSource Online, free with each new copy of the textbook, gives students access to the best of multimedia materials for sexuality courses. It includes short video clips that illustrate key concepts in the textbook and issues important to today’s students, as well as practice quizzes for each chapter. Through McGraw-Hill’s exclusive licensing agreement with The Discovery Channel™, several of the video clips are from Discovery programs offered for the first time on a student CD. CONTENTS Each chapter ends with a summary and Focus on Health questions. Part 1 SOCIAL AND BIOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS OF HUMAN SEXUALITY Chapter 1 Cultural, Historical, and Research Chapter 2 Female Sexual Anatomy and Physiology Chapter 3 Male Sexual Anatomy and Physiology Chapter 4 Human Sexual Response Chapter 5 Developmental and Social Perspectives on Gender Part 2 UNDERSTANDING SEXUALITY IN OURSELVES AND OUR RELATIONSHIPS Chapter 6 Sexuality through the Life Cycle Chapter 7 Adult Sexuality and Relationships Chapter 8 Sexual Individuality and Sexual Values Chapter 9 Sexuality, Communication, and Relationships Part 3 HUMAN REPRODUCTION, CONTRACEPTION, AND ABORTION: SEXUALITY CONFRONTS SOCIAL POLICY Chapter 10 Reproduction, Reproductive Technology, and Birthing Chapter 11 Decision Making about Pregnancy and Parenthood 82 Part 4 SEXUAL BEHAVIOR AND CONTEMPORARY SOCIETY Chapter 12 Solitary Sex and Shared Sex Chapter 13 Same-Gender Orientation and Behavior Chapter 14 The Spectrum of Human Sexual Behavior Chapter 15 Sex, Art, the Media, and the Law Part 5 DEALING WITH SEXUAL PROBLEMS Chapter 16 Sexual Consent, Coercion, Rape, and Abuse Chapter 17 Sexually Transmitted Diseases, HIV/AIDS, and Sexual Decisions Chapter 18 Sexual Dysfunctions and Their Treatment INTIMATE RELATIONSHIPS 4th Edition Rowland Miller, Sam Houston State University Daniel Perlman Sharon Stephens Brehm 2007 / 608 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-293801-2 / MHID: 0-07-293801-3 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-111255-0 / MHID: 0-07-111255-3 [IE] Available: January 2006 The fourth edition of this trusted text preserves the personal appeal of the subject matter and vigorous standards of scholarship that made the earlier editions so successful. It presents the key findings on intimate relationships, the major theoretical perspectives, and some of the current controversies in the field. The authors illustrate the relevance of close relationship science to readers’ everyday lives, encouraging thought and analysis. The 4th edition contains more than 700 new references, including new coverage of online dating, fMRI studies of love, and mate poaching. More illustrations, tables and figures add up to a fresher, thoroughly updated, new-and-improved text. CONTENTS Part 1 INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF INTIMATE RELATIONSHIPS 1 The Building Blocks of Relationships 2 Research Methods Part 2 GETTING TOGETHER AND BASIC PROCESSES IN INTIMATE RELATIONSHIPS 3 Attraction 4 Social Cognition 5 Communication 6 Interdependency Part 3 FRIENDSHIP AND INTIMACY 7 Friendships 8 Love 9 Sexuality Part 4 RELATIONSHIP ISSUES 10 Stresses and Strains 11 Power 12 Conflict and Violence Part 5 LOSING AND ENHANCING RELATIONSHIPS 13 The Dissolution and Loss of Relationships 14 Loneliness 15 Maintaining and Repairing Relationships Human Sexuality International Edition HUMAN SEXUALITY: DIVERSITY IN CONTEMPORARY AMERICA WITH SEXSOURCE CDROM AND POWERWEB 5th Edition Bryan Strong, University of California—Santa Cruz, Christine DeVault, Cabrillo College, Barbara Sayad, University of California, Monterey Bay and William Yarber, Indiana University—Bloomington 2005 / Softcover with CDROM / 704 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-297490-4 / MHID: 0-07-297490-7 (No selling rights) ISBN-13: 978-0-07-111425-7 / MHID: 0-07-111425-4 [IE With CD and Powerweb] Available: February 2004 Browse: CONTENTS 1. Perspectives on Human Sexuality 2. Studying Human Sexuality 3. Female Sexual Anatomy, Physiology, and Response 4. Male Sexual Anatomy, Physiology, and Response 5. Gender and Gender Roles 6. Sexuality Over the Life Span 7. Love, Intimacy, and Sexuality 8. Communicating about Sex 9. Sexual Expression 10. Variations in Sexual Behavior 11. Contraception and Birth Control 12. Conception, Pregnancy, and Childbirth 13. The Sexual Body in Health and Illness 14. Sexual Difficulties, Dissatisfaction, Enhancement and Therapy 15. Sexually Transmitted Infections 16. HIV and AIDS 17. Sexual Coercion: Harassment, Aggression, and Abuse 18. Sexually Explicit Materials, Prostitution, and Sex Laws International Edition DIMENSIONS OF HUMAN SEXUALITY 6th Edition Curtis O. Byer, Mt. San Antonio College, Louis W. Shainberg, Mt. San Antonio College, Grace Galliano, Kennesaw State University and Sharon P. Shriver, Pennsylvania State University 2002 / Hardcover / 640 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-241278-9 / MHID: 0-07-241278-X ISBN-13: 978-0-07-121276-2 / MHID: 0-07-121276-0 [IE] Website: CONTENTS Part 1: SEXUAL DIMENSIONS 1: Thinking About Human Sexuality 2: Communication and Sexuality 3: Attraction, Love, Partnerships Part 2: PHYSICAL SEXUALITY 4: Female Anatomy, Physiology and Sexual Health 5: Male Anatomy, Physiology and Sexual Health 6: Sexually Transmitted Infections 7: HIV and AIDS Part 3: SEXUAL RESPONSE AND PLEASURING 8: Sexual Response, Dyfunction and Therapy 9: Sexual Pleasuring 10: Sexuality in Disability and Illness Part 4: DEVELOPMENTAL SEXUALITY 11: Biological Sexual Development 12: Gender Identity and Gender Roles 13: Childhood and Adolescent Sexuality 14: Adult Sexuality Part 5: REPRODUCTIVE SEXUALITY 15: Fertility Management 16: Conception, Pregnancy, and Children Part 6: SOCIAL ISSUES IN SEXUALITY 17: 7 Variations in Sexual Behavior 18: Commercial and Coercive Sex Human Sexuality – Readers NEW TAKING SIDES: CLASHING VIEWS IN HUMAN SEXUALITY 10th Edition William J Taverner, Fairleigh Dickinson University 2008 / 368 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339719-1 / MHID: 0-07-339719-9 Available: March 2007 Website: 199.mhtml This Tenth Edition of TAKING SIDES: HUMAN SEXUALITY presents current controversial issues in a debate-style format designed to stimulate student interest and develop critical thinking skills. Each issue is thoughtfully framed with an issue summary, an issue introduction, and a postscript. An instructor’s manual with testing material is available for each volume. USING TAKING SIDES IN THE CLASSROOM is also an excellent instructor resource with practical suggestions on incorporating this effective approach in the classroom. Each TAKING SIDES reader features an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites and is supported by our student website, CONTENTS UNIT 1. The Nature of Sex Issue 1. Can Sex Be Addictive? Issue 2. Is Oral Sex Really Sex? Issue 3. Is Masters and Johnson’s Model an Accurate Description of Sexual Response? Issue 4. Is the G Spot a Myth? Issue5. Is the Testosterone Patch the Right Cure for Low Libido in Women? 83 Human Sexuality UNIT 2. Sex and Schools Issue 6. Does the Availability of “Sexual Health Services” Make Some College Campuses Healthier than Others? Issue 7. Should Sex Ed Teach About Abstinence? Issue 8. Should Children Have an HPV Vaccination Before they Enroll in School? a Gender Bias? UNIT 3. Reproduction Technology Issue 10. Should Parents be Allowed to Select the Sex of Their Baby? Issue 11. Should Emergency Contraception be Available Over the Counter? Issue 12. Should Federal Funding of Stem Cell be Restricted? UNIT 4. Sex and Society Issue 13. Should Same Sex-Marriage Be Legal? Issue 14. Should Society Support Cohabitation Before Marriage? Issue 15. Is Pedophilia Always Harmful? Issue 16. Should Female Circumcision be Banned? Issue 17. Shold the FCC Restrict Broadcast “Indecency”? Issue 18. Should Sexual Content on the Internet be Restricted? ANNUAL EDITIONS: HUMAN SEXUALITY 30th Edition Susan Bunting, Lincoln College 2007 / Softcover / 240 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-351618-9 / MHID: 0-07-351618-X Available: November 2006 Website: 18X.mhtml This THIRTIETH EDITION of ANNUAL EDITIONS: HUMAN SEXUALITY provides convenient, inexpensive access to current articles selected from the best of the public press. Organizational features include: an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites; an annotated table of contents; a topic guide; a general introduction; brief overviews for each section; a topical index; and an instructor’s resource guide with testing materials. USING ANNUAL EDITIONS IN THE CLASSROOM is offered as a practical guide for instructors. ANNUAL EDITIONS titles are supported by our student website, CONTENTS UNIT 1. Sexuality and Society Part A. Historical and Cross-Cultural Perspectives 1. Vox Populi: Sex, Lies, and Blood Sport 2. Women’s Ideal Bodies Then and Now 3. Sex Around the World 4. The Beauty Pageant Prevails 5. How AIDS Changed America 6. Remembering Bayard Rustin Part B. Changing Society/Changing Sexuality 7. The Magdalene Mystique: Why Her Archetype Matters 8. The Manliness of Men 9. The Trouble with Boys 10. The Gender Quotient Test UNIT 2. Sexual Biology, Behavior, and Orientation Part A. The Body and Its Responses 11. The New Sex Scorecard 12. Sudden Infertility Part B. Hygiene and Sexual Health Care 13. Battling a Black Epidemic 14. Positive Thinking 15. Prison Outbreak: An Epidemic of Hepatitis C 16. When Sex Hurts 84 Part C. Human Sexualities and Orientations 17. Everyone’s Queer 18. Why Are We Gay? 19. The Battle over Gay Teens 20. The End of Gay Culture UNIT 3. Interpersonal Relationships Part A. Establishing Sexual Relationships 21. Great Expectations 22. In Search of Erotic Intelligence 23. 24 Things Love and Sex Experts Are Dying to Tell You 24. How to Tell Your Potential Love About Your Chronic STD Part B. Responsible Quality Sexual Relationships 25. The Viagra Dialogues 26. Save Your Relationship 27. Be a Better Couple 28. How to Talk About Sex UNIT 4. Reproduction Part A. Fertility, Contraception, and Abortion 29. Access Denied 30. You Can’t Do That on Television 31. Sex, Politics, and Morality at the FDA: Reflections on the Plan B Decision 32. A Late Decision, a Lasting Anguish 33. Condoms, Contraceptives and Nonoxynol-9: Complex Issues Obscured by Ideology Part B. Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Parenthood 34. Sex Without Sex? Keeping Passion Alive 35. A Tale of Two Mothers 36. The Birds and the Bees and Curious Kids UNIT 5. Sexuality Through the Life Cycle Part A. Youth and Their Sexuality 37. The Sexual Revolution Hits Junior High 38. The Cuddle Puddle of Stuyvesant High School 39. Your Turn: Give Students the Knowledge to Make Wise Choices About Sex Part B. Sexuality and the Adult Years 40. Sex and Love: The New World 41. Staying Up Late with Sue UNIT 6. Old/New Sexual Concerns Part A. Sexual Abuse and Violence 42. The Sex Offender Next Door 43. Silent No More 44. Where Girls Marry Rapists for Honor 45. A Cruel Edge Part B. Sexual Relationship Crises 46. Sexual Heroin 47. The Secret Lives of Wives 48. My Cheatin’ Heart 49. The New “Mixed” Marriage Part C. Focus: Valuing Sexuality 50. Good Sex: Why We Need More of It and a Lot Less of the Bad Stuff 51. Pillow Talk 52. The Merry-Go-Round of Desire 2008–2009 NEW Sociology Titles Sociology ~ Contents Comparative Societies .......................................................... 139 2008 New Title ■ BADEY Annual Editions: Homeland Security, 2e .......................... 98 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339730-6 / MHID: 0-07-339730-X ■ CHERLIN Public and Private Families: A Reader, 5e .............. 101, 105 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-352809-0 / MHID: 0-07-352809-9 ■ CHERLIN Public and Private Families: An Introduction, 5e ........... 105 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-352808-3 / MHID: 0-07-352808-0 ■ COX Annual Editions: Aging 07/08, 20e ................................. 110 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339729-0 / MHID: 0-07-339729-6 ■ D’ANGELO Taking Sides: Clashing Views in Race and Ethnicity, 6e ................................................................................... 113 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-351506-9 / MHID: 0-07-351506-X ■ DANIEL Annual Editions: Health 08/09, 29e ............................... 134 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339759-7 / MHID: 0-07-339759-8 ■ DANIEL Taking Sides: Clashing Views in Health and Society, 8e ................................................................................... 135 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339723-8 / MHID: 0-07-339723-7 ■ DEGENOVA Intimate Relationships, Marriages and Families, 7e ....... 101 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-352810-6 / MHID: 0-07-352810-2 ■ DE PALMA Annual Editions: Computers in Society 08/09, 14e ........ 138 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-352848-9 / MHID: 0-07-352848-X ■ DICKINSON Annual Editions: Dying, Death, and Bereavement 08/09 10e ................................................................................. 112 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339771-9 / MHID: 0-07-339771-7 ■ DUFFY Annual Editions: Social Psychology, 7e .......................... 121 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339739-9 / MHID: 0-07-339739-3 ■ EASTON Taking Sides: Clashing Views in Science, Technology, and Society, 8e .............................................................. 138 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-351512-0 / MHID: 0-07-351512-4 ■ FARGANIS Readings In Social Theory, 5e ........................................ 116 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-352813-7 / MHID: 0-07-352813-7 ■ FERGUSAN Mapping the Social Landscape: Readings in Sociology, 5e ..................................................................................... 88 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-352807-6 / MHID: 0-07-352807-2 ■ FINSTERBUSCH Annual Editions: Social Problems 07/08, 35e ................... 99 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339734-4 / MHID: 0-07-339734-2 ■ FINSTERBUSCH Annual Editions: Sociology 07/08, 36e ............................. 93 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339733-7 / MHID: 0-07-339733-4 ■ FINSTERBUSCH Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Social Issues, Expanded, 14e ......................................................... 94, 100 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339716-0 / MHID: 0-07-339716-4 Criminology ......................................................................... 129 Criminology – Readers ......................................................... 130 Drugs & Society.................................................................... 125 Drugs & Society – Readers ................................................... 127 Gerontology / Sociology of Aging – Readers ......................... 110 Introductory Sociology ........................................................... 88 Introductory Sociology – Readers ........................................... 93 Juvenile Delinquency ........................................................... 125 Marriage & The Family ......................................................... 101 Marriage & The Family – Readers ......................................... 103 Medical Sociology – Readers ................................................ 109 Political Sociology ................................................................ 115 Race and Ethnicity – Readers ................................................ 113 Race, Class. Gender, and Sexuality ....................................... 108 Research Methods ................................................................ 123 Social Inequality / Social Stratification .................................. 115 Social Problems ...................................................................... 95 Social Problems – Readers ...................................................... 97 Social Psychology ................................................................. 120 Social Psychology – Readers................................................. 121 Social Work / Welfare .......................................................... 119 Sociological Theory .............................................................. 116 Sociology of Complex Organization ..................................... 140 Sociology of Death ............................................................... 111 Sociology of Death – Readers ............................................... 112 Sociology of Education – Readers ......................................... 132 Sociology of Family .............................................................. 105 Sociology of Family – Readers .............................................. 107 Sociology of Gender ............................................................. 119 Sociology of Health – Readers .............................................. 134 Sociology of Law – Readers .................................................. 131 Sociology of Sexuality .......................................................... 136 Sociology of Sexuality – Readers .......................................... 136 Sociology of Sport ................................................................ 132 Special Topics ...................................................................... 140 Special Topics – Readers ...................................................... 140 SPSS / SAS ............................................................................ 124 Statistics ............................................................................... 124 Technology & Society ........................................................... 138 Urban Sociology ................................................................... 112 85 2008–2009 NEW Sociology Titles ■ GILBERT Annual Editions: The Family 08/09, 34e ................. 103, 107 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339746-7 / MHID: 0-07-339746-6 ■ RITZER Modern Sociological Theory, 7e .................................... 117 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-340410-3 / MHID: 0-07-340410-1 ■ GOLDBERG Taking Sides: Clashing Views in Drugs and Society, 8e .. 127 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-351511-3 / MHID: 0-07-351511-6 ■ RITZER Sociological Theory, 7e .................................................. 118 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-352818-2 / MHID: 0-07-352818-8 ■ GOODE Drugs in American Society, 7e ....................................... 125 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-340149-2 / MHID: 0-07-340149-8 ■ SCHAEFER Sociology, 11e ................................................................. 91 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-340414-1 / MHID: 0-07-340414-4 ■ GRIFFITHS Annual Editions: Developing World 08/09, 18e ............. 115 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339756-6 / MHID: 0-07-339756-3 ■ SCHAEFER Sociology: A Brief Introduction, 7e .................................. 90 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-352805-2 / MHID: 0-07-352805-6 ■ HICKEY Taking Sides: Clashing Views in Crime and Criminology, 8e ................................................................................... 130 ■ SCHAEFER Sociology Matters, 3e ...................................................... 92 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-352811-3 / MHID: 0-07-352811-0 ■ SCHROEDER Taking Sides: Clashing Views in Family and Personal Relationships, 7e ..................................... 104, 108 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339714-6 / MHID: 0-07-339714-8 ■ SCHWALBE The Sociologically Examined Life: Pieces of the Conversation, 4e .............................................................. 92 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-338011-7 / MHID: 0-07-338011-3 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339721-4 / MHID: 0-07-339721-0 ■ HOWARD Weapons of Mass Destruction and Terrorism .......... 95, 140 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-337970-8 / MHID: 0-07-337970-0 ■ HUGHES Sociology: The Core, 8e ................................................... 88 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-352812-0 / MHID: 0-07-352812-9 ■ KATSH Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Legal Issues, 13e ......... 131 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-351509-0 / MHID: 0-07-351509-4 ■ KROMKOWSKI Annual Editions: Race and Ethnic Relations, 16e ........... 114 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339745-0 / MHID: 0-07-339745-8 SCHULTZ Classic Edition Sources: Education, 4e ........................... 134 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-337974-6 / MHID: 0-07-337974-3 ■ KSIR Drugs, Society, and Human Behavior, 12e .................... 126 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-352961-5 / MHID: 0-07-352961-3 SIEGEL Annual Editions: Urban Society, 13e .............................. 112 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339743-6 / MHID: 0-07-339743-1 ■ LAUER Social Problems and the Quality of Life, 11e ................... 96 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-338012-4 / MHID: 0-07-338012-1 TAVERNER Taking Sides: Clashing Views in Human Sexuality, 10e .. 136 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339719-1 / MHID: 0-07-339719-9 ■ WILSON Annual Editions: Drugs, Society, and Behavior 07/08, 22e ................................................................................. 128 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339742-9 / MHID: 0-07-339742-3 ■ ■ ■ ■ LEVINE Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Bioethical Issues,12e .. 109 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339718-4 / MHID: 0-07-339718-0 ■ MCINTYRE The Practical Skeptic: Core Concepts in Sociology, 4e .... 89 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-340415-8 / MHID: 0-07-340415-2 ■ MCINTYRE The Practical Skeptic: Readings in Sociology, 4e ............. 89 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-338003-2 / MHID: 0-07-338003-2 ■ MYERS Social Psychology, 9e..................................................... 120 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-353189-2 / MHID: 0-07-353189-8 ■ NOLL Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Educational Issues, 14e ................................................................................. 133 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339717-7 / MHID: 0-07-339717-2 ■ OLSON Marriage and Families: Intimacy, Diversity and Strengths, 6e .......................................................... 102, 106 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-338004-9 / MHID: 0-07-338004-0 ■ RITCHEY The Statistical Imagination, 2e ....................................... 124 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-294304-7 / MHID: 0-07-294304-1 ■ RITZER Classical Sociological Theory, 5e ................................... 117 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-352817-5 / MHID: 0-07-352817-X 86 2008–2009 NEW Sociology Titles 2009 New Title ■ BADEY Annual Editions: Violence and Terrorism 08/09, 11e ....... 97 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339776-4 / MHID: 0-07-339776-8 ■ COX Annual Editions: Aging 08/09, 21e ................................. 110 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339760-3 / MHID: 0-07-339760-1 ■ DESPELDER The Last Dance: Encountering Death and Dying, 8e ...... 111 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-340546-9 / MHID: 0-07-340546-9 ■ DISCH Reconstructing Gender: A Multicultural Anthology, 5e ........................................................................... 108, 119 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-338006-3 / MHID: 0-07-338006-7 ■ FINSTERBUSCH Annual Editions: Social Problems 08/09, 36e ................... 97 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339768-9 / MHID: 0-07-339768-7 ■ FINSTERBUSCH Annual Editions: Sociology 08/09, 37e ............................. 93 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339767-2 / MHID: 0-07-339767-9 ■ FINSTERBUSCH Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Social Issues, 15e ............................................................................. 93, 98 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-351523-6 / MHID: 0-07-351523-X ■ HOWARD Terrorism and Counterterrorism Understanding the New Security Environment, Readings and Interpretations, 3e ................................................... 95, 140 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-337979-1 / MHID: 0-07-337979-4 ■ KERBO Social Stratification and Inequality, 7e .......................... 115 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-338007-0 / MHID: 0-07-338007-5 ■ NIER Taking Sides: Clashing Views in Social Psychology, 3e ................................................................................... 121 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-351531-1 / MHID: 0-07-351531-0 ■ ORE The Social Construction of Difference and Inequality: Race, Class, Gender and Sexuality, 4e ................... 108, 116 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-338008-7 / MHID: 0-07-338008-3 ■ REGOLI Delinquency in Society, 7e ............................................ 125 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-340154-6 / MHID: 0-07-340154-4 ■ ROSENBLUM The Meaning of Difference: American Constructions of Race, Sex and Gender, Social Class, and Sexual Orientation, 5e ...................................................... 109, 116 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-338005-6 / MHID: 0-07-338005-9 ■ SCHULTZ Annual Editions: Education 08/09, 35e .......................... 132 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339748-1 / MHID: 0-07-339748-2 87 Sociology Introductory Sociology NEW The Economy and Work Religion Health and Medicine Education The Family VIII. SOCIAL CHANGE MAPPING THE SOCIAL LANDSCAPE: READINGS IN SOCIOLOGY 5th Edition Susan Fergusan, Grinnell College 2008 / 732 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-352807-6 / MHID: 0-07-352807-2 Available: February 2007 Website: Drawing from a wide selection of classic and contemporary works, the 60 selections in this best-selling reader represent a plurality of voices and views within sociology. NEW TO THIS EDITION • NEW classics added to this fifth edition include Andrew J. Cherlin's "The Deinstitutionalization of American Marriage," and Eduardo Bonilla-Silva's "'New Racism', Color-Blind Racism, and the Future of Whiteness in America." • More than twenty NEW selections of cutting-edge contemporary sociological research have been added to illustrate analyses of timely social issues and the intersections between race, social class, and gender. • These new selections examine street vendors in New York City, the culture of fear, the socialization of exotic dancers, social interaction in toy stores, the transmission of wealth, ambiguous gender identity, globalization and business, faith in American workplaces, male-dominated athletics and school culture, transracial adoption, the increase in social isolation, social class and parenting styles, the U.S. health care system, media violence and children, and the 1995 Chicago heat wave. These selections include an essay by Joel Best on the sociology of gloom and an essay by Jonathan Kozol on racial segregation in American schools. CONTENTS I. THE SOCIOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE Social Research II. CULTURE NEW International Edition SOCIOLOGY: THE CORE 8th Edition Michael Hughes, Va Poly Institute & State University Carolyn J Kroehler 2008 / 560 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-352812-0 / MHID: 0-07-352812-9 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-110176-9 / MHID: 0-07-110176-4 [IE] Available: November 2006 Website: Highly respected for its quality scholarship and its focused, straightforward approach, Sociology: The Core covers the core sociological concepts with a brief, accessible presentation and at a very affordable price. As in previous editions, the functionalist, conflict, and interactionist perspectives are applied throughout the book, allowing students to develop a solid understanding of the major sociological perspectives and their applications to the topics covered. Completely updated, Sociology: The Core makes sociology come alive as a vital and exciting field, relates principles to real-world circumstances, and attunes students to the dynamic processes of our rapidly changing contemporary society. NEW TO THIS EDITION • The new edition incorporates new examples relevant to students, including: Hurricane Katrina, the tsunami, the Pakistani earthquake, stem cell research fraud, global warming, contemporary movies, and the Bin Laden Itch. • The global gender picture is updated with new data on labor force participation, sexual harassment, wage parity, occupations, and political leadership. The gender chapter presents a new section on gender differences based on Janet Shibley Hyde’s meta-analysis of differences. V. DEVIANCE, CRIME, AND SOCIAL CONTROL • In the family chapter the debate on marriage and the traditional family is updated with new figures and data about family arrangements in the United States, labor force participation, living alone, divorce, age of marriage, same-sex unions, and household income as related to race, ethnicity, and gender. VI. SOCIAL INEQUALITY Social Class Gender Race and Ethnicity • The discussion of stratification is updated with new wealth data from the most recent Federal Reserve Survey of Consumer Finances and new survey information about poverty and about the American dream. VII. SOCIAL INSTITUTIONS Power and Politics Mass Media • Other new material includes: a discussion of racial formation as well as new data and figures in the race and ethnicity chapter, a new section on race and crime and a new box on the extended punishment for crime that African Americans suffer in U.S. society III. SOCIALIZATION IV. GROUPS AND SOCIAL STRUCTURE 88 Sociology in the deviance and crime chapter, new data on the state of public education in the U.S. and the TIMSS international rankings of educational achievement, new material on urban sprawl and on sex ratios in developing countries, the current health care crisis in the United States with new data on the uninsured, and a revised section on mass hysteria, updated data and figures on computer and Internet use, and a discussion of Friedman’s “flat world” idea in the social change chapter. CONTENTS Chapter One: Developing a Sociological Consciousness Chapter Two: Culture and Social Structure Chapter Three: Socialization Chapter Four: Social groups and Formal Organizations Chapter Five: Deviance and Crime Chapter Six: Social Stratification Chapter Seven: Inequalities of Race and Ethnicity Chapter Eight: Gender Inequality Chapter Nine: Political and Economic Power Chapter Ten: The Family Chapter Eleven: Religion, Education, and Medicine Chapter Twelve: Population and the Environment Chapter Thirteen: Social Change Glossary Review Questions Internet Connection References Photo Credits Name Index Subject Index • At the request of students,the author has included ,at the end of each chapter, a list of the major concepts discussed in the chapter. CONTENTS Preface Introduction Chapter 1: Responding to Chaos: A Brief History of Sociology Chapter 2: The Sociological Eye Chapter 3: Science and Fuzzy Objects: Specialization in Sociology Chapter 4: Who’s Afraid of Sociology? Chapter 5: The Vocabulary of Science Chapter 6: Doing Social Research Chapter 7: Culture Chapter 8: Social Structure Chapter 9: Society and Social Institutions Chapter 10: Socialization Chapter 11: Deviance and Social Control Chapter 12: Stratification and Inequality Chapter 13: Inequality and Achievement: Social Class Chapter 14: Inequality and Ascription: Race, Ethnicity, and Gender References Glossary/Index Credits Each chapter ends with End of Chapter Review and Stop and Review: Answers and Discussion NEW NEW International Edition THE PRACTICAL SKEPTIC: CORE CONCEPTS IN SOCIOLOGY 4th Edition Lisa J McIntyre, Washington State University-Pullman 2008 / 288 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-340415-8 / MHID: 0-07-340415-2 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-126367-2 / MHID: 0-07-126367-5 [IE] Available: October 2007 Website: The Practical Skeptic is a concise introduction to sociology that focuses on core concepts as the central building blocks for understanding sociology. Lisa McIntyre’s straightforward, lively, even humorous style and her emphasis on critical thinking make this an engaging and user-friendly text for students of all levels. Through this conversational style students are able to grasp key sociological concepts and learn the essential lesson that there is much that goes on in the social world that escapes the sociologically untrained eye. NEW TO THIS EDITION • The most up-to-date statistics have been added to this edition, along with other updated material, to keep the text current and relevant to today’s students. • The option of a Zinio ebook gives students a cost-saving alternative to their traditional printed textbook. • New and expanded material has been added to discussion of important topics like social structure, culture, deviance, inequality, and more! THE PRACTICAL SKEPTIC: READINGS IN SOCIOLOGY 4th Edition Lisa McIntyre, Washington State University—Pullman 2008 / 408 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-338003-2 / MHID: 0-07-338003-2 Available: October 2007 The Practical Skeptic: Readings in Sociology includes classic sociological research writings as well as recent pieces on fascinating topics of interest to students. It is the ideal companion to McIntyre’s text, The Practical Skeptic: Core Concepts in Sociology or other sociology texts. Readings in this edition challenge students to re-evaluate familiar social arenas: the college classroom, televised sports shows, restaurants, doctors’ offices and even public restrooms. The readings focus around the essential message that there is much that goes on in the social world that escapes the sociologically untrained eye. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Emphasizes articles that provide students the opportunity to do the activity that sociologists do; to reexamine the familiar and to rethink conventional understandings of these. • Students are invited to contemplate in new ways their own participation in the social world. CONTENTS Part I. THE SOCIOLOGICAL IMAGINATION 1. C. Wright Mills, The Promise 2. Stephanie Coontz, How History and Sociology Can Help Today’s Families 3. Lisa J. McIntyre, Hernando Washington 89 Sociology Part II. THE RESEARCH CRAFT 4. Simon Davis, Men as Success Objects and Women as Sex Objects: A Study of Personal Advertisements *5. Gart Wyatt, Skipping Class: An Analysis of Absenteeism Among First-Year College Students 6. Lisa J. McIntyre, Doing the Right Thing: Ethics in Social Research 7. Philip Meyer, If Hitler Asked You to Electrocute a Stranger, Would You? Probably Part III. CULTURE 8. Clyde Kluckhohn, Queer Customs 9. Horace Miner, Body Ritual Among the Nacirema *10. Cheryl Laz, Act Your Age *11. Laurie Scheuble and David R. Johnson, Marital Name Change: Plans and Attitudes of College Students 12. Elijah Anderson, The Code of the Streets *13. William T. Bielby, Rock in a Hard Place: Grassroots Cultural Production in the Post-Elvis Era Part IV. SOCIAL STRUCTURE 14. Erving Goffman, The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life *15. Adrian F. Aventi, The Not-So-Lonely Crowd: Friendship Groups in Collective Behavior 16. Philip G. Zimbardo, Pathology of Imprisonment 17. Greta Feoff Paules, “Getting” and “Making” a Tip 18. Natalie Adams and Pamela Bettis, Commanding the Room in Short Skirts: Cheering as the Embodiment of Ideal Girlhood *19. Harvey Molotch, The Rest Room and Equal Opportunity Part V. SOCIAL INSTITUTIONS AND SOCIALIZATION *20. Steven Brint, Mary F. Cntrereas, and Michael T. Matthews, Socialization Messages in Primary School: An Organizational Analysis *21. Blake E. Ashford and Glen E. Kreiner, “How Can You Do It?” Dirty Work and the Challenge of Constructing a Positive Identity 22. Gwynne Dyer, Anybody’s Son Will Do 23. Thomas J. Schmid and Richard S. Jones, Suspended Identity: Identity Transformation in a Maximum Security Prison *24. Lynn Zimmer, How Women Reshape the Prison Guard Role 25. Patti A. Giuffre and Christine L. Williams, Not Just Bodies: Strategies for Desexualizing the Physical Examination of Patients Part VI. DEVIANCE AND SOCIAL CONTROL 26. Émile Durkheim, The Normality of Crime 27. William J. Chambliss, The Saints and the Roughnecks 28. D. L. Rosenhan, On Being Sane in Insane Places 29. A. Ayres Boswell and Joan Z. Spade, Fraternities and Collegiate Rape Culture: Why are Some Fraternities More Dangerous Places for Women? 30. Emily E. LaBeff, Robert E. Clark, Valerie J. Haines, and George M. Dickhoff, Situational Ethics and College Student Cheating 31. Michael L. Benson, Denying the Guilty Mind: Accounting for Involvement in White-Collar Crime Part VII. INEQUALITY 32. James Loewan, The Land of Opportunity 33. Barbara Ehrenreich, Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America 34. Katherine Newman and Chauncy Lennon, The Job Ghetto 35. Joe R. Feagn, Racism *36. Roxanna Harlow, “Race Doesn’t Matter, but...” The Effect of Race on College Professors’ Experiences and Emotion Management in the Undergraduate College Classroom 37. Robin D. G. Kelley, Confessions of a Nice Negro or Why I Shaved My Head 38. Yin Ling Leung, The Model Minority Myth: Asian Americans Confront Growing Backlash 39. Adriane Fugh-Berman, M.D, Tales Out of Medical School *40. Randall Collins, The Sociological Eye and Its Blinders 90 NEW International Edition SOCIOLOGY: A BRIEF INTRODUCTION 7th Edition Richard T. Schaefer, Depaul University 2008 / 512 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-352805-2 / MHID: 0-07-352805-6 (No Selling Rights) ISBN-13: 978-0-07-110178-3 / MHID: 0-07-110178-0 [IE] Available: October 2006 Website: Like its predecessors, the seventh edition of this text reflects Rick Schaefer’s mission to bring readers a comprehensive, up-to-date presentation that teaches them how to think critically about society and their own lives from a wide range of classical and contemporary perspectives. Combining balanced coverage of theory with current research findings, distinctive social policy sections, examples of interest to students, and abundant learning aids and exercises, this text will help students develop a sociological imagination. An optional package combines Schaefer, Sociology, Seventh Edition and Reel Society Interactive Movie 2.0 CD-ROM at nominal extra cost. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Greatly increased coverage of globalization includes the following: New chapter on global inequality (Chapter 9) featuring major sections on global poverty and the global divide between the West and developing nations; Newly titled Chapter 16, “Globalization, the Environment, and Social Change,” featuring expanded coverage of global issues, including global social movements, global social change, the impact of globalization on the environment, and a social policy section on transnationals; New sections on thinking globally (Chapter 1), transnational crime (7), the impact of global immigration (10), a new policy section on offshoring service jobs (14), a new “Sociology in the Global Community” box on the global response to the 2004 tsunami (1), and more; New “Sociology’s Global View” map on the inside front cover that highlights globalization coverage in the new edition. • Five new “Social Policy” sections on the following topics: “The Death Penalty in the United States and Worldwide,” (Chapter 7); “Universal Human Rights” (9); “Global Immigration” (10); “Global Offshoring,” (14); and “Transnationals” (16) • Twenty-six new boxed sections, including the following: adolescent sexual networks (Chapter 5), road rage (7), social class and financial aid (8), the contrast between Appalachian poverty and Congolese affluence (8), arranged marriage (9), and Islam in the United States (13). • Eight new chapter-opening excerpts, drawn from sociological writing convey the excitement and relevance of sociological inquiry: Paradise Laborers: Hotel Work in the Global Economy by Patricia A. Adler and Peter Adler (Chapter 2); Born to Buy: The Commercialized Child and the New Consumer by Juliet B. Schor (3); Growing Up Digital: The Rise of the Net Generation (6); Sociology The Working Poor: Invisible in America by David K. Shipler (8); Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ally McBeal, and Arranged Marriages: Globalization on the Ground in India, by Steve Derné (9); Lipstick Jihad: A Memoir of Growing Up Iranian in America and America in Iran by Azadeh Moaveni (11); Unequal Childhoods: Class, Race, and Family Life by Annette Lareau (12); and Ruling the Waves: Cycles of Discovery, Chaos, and Wealth from the Compass to the Internet by Debora L. Spar (16) • New Self-Quizzes at the end of each chapter allow students to test their comprehension and retention of key concepts. Answers to the questions are presented at the end of each quiz. • New “Audio Abridgement CD Set for Study and Review” – an abridged, spoken version of the text – helps students review core information. Developed with today’s multitasking students and instructors in mind, this “book on tape” is designed to serve as a tool for review while commuting, working out, or just sitting down to study. Each chapter runs approx. 15 minutes and focuses on key chapter concepts. The chapter summaries from the text served as the framework for this abridgement. This six-CD set is free with every new copy of the text. • Students can purchase a cost-saving alternative to their traditional printed textbook with a Zinio ebook. CONTENTS Chapter 1. Understanding Sociology Chapter 2. Sociological Research Chapter 3. Culture Chapter 4. Socialization Chapter 5. Social Interaction, Groups, and Social Structure Chapter 6. The Mass Media Chapter 7. Deviance and Social Control Chapter 8. Stratification and Social Mobility in the United States Chapter 9. Global Inequality Chapter 10. Racial and Ethnic Inequality Chapter 11. Stratification by Gender and Age Chapter 12. The Family and Intimate Relationships Chapter 13. Religion and Education Chapter 14. Government and the Economy Chapter 15. Population, Communities, and Health Chapter 16. Globalization, the Environment, and Social Change NEW SOCIOLOGY 11th Edition Richard Schaefer, Depaul University 2008 / 608 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-340414-1 / MHID: 0-07-340414-4 Available: October 2007 Website: In the eleventh edition of Sociology, Rick Schaefer continues to provide a comprehensive, up-to-date introduction to sociology that appeals to students with a diversity of learning styles. This contemporary text focuses on sociology in the global community and encourages students to think about the world they’re living in using a sociological imagination. With the strongest coverage of race and ethnicity, examples of sociology’s real world applications, and in-depth coverage of currently relevant topics like mass media and social policy, Schaefer’s Sociology is the perfect text for today’s students. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Enhanced Online Learning Center website features interactive quizzes, video clips with accompanying essay questions, interactive maps, two interactive games (“Name That Sociologist” and “What Perspective Am I?”), diagnostic midterm and final exams, links to additional information about chapter-opening excerpts and their authors, and SurveyMaker--software that allows students to construct and electronically disseminate their own polls for class research projects. • Three new "Social Policy" sections address Internet Regulation (Chapter 5), Media Concentration (Chapter 7) and the Death Penalty (Chapter 8). • Ten New Chapter-Opening Posters show students how they are surrounded by sociological messages in their everyday lives. • New Photo Essays on TV families (Ch. 7) and Medical Care Around the World (Ch. 19) are visually engaging and spark students’ interest in sociology. • Nine New Taking Sociology to Work Boxes profile individuals in a variety of professions who use principles of sociology in their work and who believe their backgrounds in sociology have been valuable to their careers. CONTENTS About the Author List of Chapter-Opening Excerpts List of Boxed Features and Photo Essays List of Social Policy Sections List of Maps and Summing Up tables Preface Visual Guide Part 1: THE SOCIOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE 1: Understanding Sociology 2: Sociological Research Part 2: ORGANIZING SOCIAL LIFE 3: Culture 4: Socialization 5: Social Interaction and Social Structure 6: Groups and Organizations 7: The Mass Media 8: Deviance and Social Control 91 Sociology Part 3: SOCIAL INEQUALITY 9: Stratification and Social Mobility in the United States 10: Global Inequality 11: Racial and Ethnic Inequality 12: Stratification by Gender 13: Stratification by Age Part 4: SOCIAL INSTITUTIONS 14: The Family and Intimate Relationships 15: Religion 16: Education 17: Government and Politics 18: The Economy and Work 19: Health and Medicine Part 5: CHANGING SOCIETY 20: Communities and Urbanization 21: Population and the Environment 22: Collective Behavior and Social Movements 23: Globalization, Technology, and Social Change Glossary References Acknowledgements Photo Credits Name Index Subject Index CONTENTS Chapter 1: The Sociological View Chapter 2: Culture and Socialization Chapter 3: Social Structure, Groups, and Organizations Chapter 4: Deviance and Social Control Chapter 5: Stratification in the United States and Worldwide Chapter 6: Inequality by Race, Ethnicity, and Gender Chapter 7: Inequality of Gender Chapter 8: Family and Religion Chapter 9: Education, Government, and the Economy Chapter 10: Population, Community, Health, and the Environment Chapter 11: Social Movements, Social Change, and Technology SUPPLEMENT Website NEW THE SOCIOLOGICALLY EXAMINED LIFE: PIECES OF THE CONVERSATION 4th Edition NEW Michael Schwalbe, NC State University—Raleigh 2008 / 288 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-338011-7 / MHID: 0-07-338011-3 Available: December 2007 SOCIOLOGY MATTERS 3rd Edition Richard T Schaefer, DePaul University Website: This lively and concise text uses analyses of everyday life to inspire students to think sociologically about society and about themselves as social actors. NEW TO THIS EDITION 2008 / 384 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-352811-3 / MHID: 0-07-352811-0 Available: February 2007 Website: This is a low-cost, paperback, condensed version of Sociology: A Brief Introduction, Sixth Edition. The conciseness, readability, and highly focused coverage of Sociology Matters are designed to appeal to instructors who rely on several texts rather than on a single comprehensive textbook. Its design and pedagogy are both straightforward and streamlined. Sociology Matters features newly written chapter introductions and a unifying theme--answering the question “How does sociology matter?” “After more than 30 years of teaching sociology to students in colleges, adult education programs, nursing programs, an overseas program based in London, and even a maximumsecurity prison, I am firmly convinced that the discipline can play a valuable role in teaching critical thinking skills. Sociology can help students to better understand the workings of their own lives as well as of their society and other cultures.” –-Richard T. Schaefer 92 • Updated “Related Readings” sections lead readers to the latest research. CONTENTS 1. Making Sense of the World Differently 2. Inventing the Social World 3. Seeing Connections 4. Relationships, Groups, and Interdependence 5. Becoming Human 6. Behavior as a Product of Interaction 7. Seeing Patterns 8. Contingency and Cause 9. Images, Representations, and Accounts 10. Understanding Power in Social Life 11. Differences and Inequalities 12. Studying and Changing the Social World Sociology International Edition SOCIOLOGY: DIVERSITY, CONFLICT, AND CHANGE Kenneth J. Neubeck, Emeritus, University of Connecticut-Storrs Davita Silfen Glasberg, University of Connecticut-Storrs 2005 / 576 pages / Softcover ISBN-13: 978-0-07-304906-9 / MHID: 0-07-304906-9 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-111460-8 / MHID: 0-07-111460-2 [IE] Website: CONTENTS 1. The Sociological Imagination Part One: CORE SOCIOLOGICAL CONCEPTS 2. Social Structure: Macro-Level 3. Social Structure: Mid-and Micro-Levels 4. Culture 5. Socialization 6. Systems of Inequality 7. Intersection of Race, Class, and Gender 8. Deviance, Crime, Resistance, and Social Control 9. Social Change and Social Movements Part Two: INSTITUTIONAL SPHERES 10. The State and Capital 11. Work and Production 12. Education 13. Health 14. Families 15. Religion Part Three: THINKING ABOUT THE FUTURE 16. Emerging Issues NEW TAKING SIDES: CLASHING VIEWS ON SOCIAL ISSUES 15th Edition Kurt Finsterbusch, University of Maryland—College Park 2009 / 432 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-351523-6 / MHID: 0-07-351523-X Available: March 2008 This Fifteen Edition of TAKING SIDES: SOCIAL ISSUES presents current controversial issues in a debate-style format designed to stimulate student interest and develop critical thinking skills. Each issue is thoughtfully framed with an issue summary, an issue introduction, and a postscript. An instructor’s manual with testing material is available for each volume. USING TAKING SIDES IN THE CLASSROOM, ISBN 0073343900 is also an excellent instructor resource with practical suggestions on incorporating this effective approach in the classroom. Each TAKING SIDES reader features an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites and is supported by our student website, NEW Introductory Sociology – Readers ANNUAL EDITIONS: SOCIOLOGY 07/08 36th Edition NEW ANNUAL EDITIONS: SOCIOLOGY 08/09 37th Edition Kurt Finsterbusch, University of Maryland—College Park 2009 / 240 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339767-2 / MHID: 0-07-339767-9 Available: March 2008 Website: 679.mhtml This Thirty-Seventh Edition of ANNUAL EDITIONS: SOCIOLOGY provides convenient, inexpensive access to current articles selected from the best of the public press. Organizational features include: an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites; an annotated table of contents; a topic guide; a general introduction; brief overviews for each section; a topical index; and an instructor’s resource guide with testing materials. USING ANNUAL EDITIONS IN THE CLASSROOM is offered as a practical guide for instructors. ANNUAL EDITIONS titles are supported by our student website, Kurt Finsterbusch, University of Maryland – College Park 2008 / 232 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339733-7 / MHID: 0-07-339733-4 Available: March 2007 Website: 334.mhtml This Thirty-Sixth Edition of ANNUAL EDITIONS: SOCIOLOGY 07/08 provides convenient, inexpensive access to current articles selected from the best of the public press. Organizational features include: an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites; an annotated table of contents; a topic guide; a general introduction; brief overviews for each section; a topical index; and an instructor’s resource guide with testing materials. USING ANNUAL EDITIONS IN THE CLASSROOM is offered as a practical guide for instructors. ANNUAL EDITIONS titles are supported by our student website, CONTENTS UNIT 1. Culture Part A. Special Cultural Issues 1. The Islamists’ Other Weapon 93 Sociology Part B. American Culture and Cultural Change 2. The Atrophy of Social Life 3. Two Cheers for Hypocrisy Part C. Value Issues 4. Diversity within Unity: A New Approach to Immigrants and Minorities, The Communitarian Reader: Beyond the Essentials 5. The Dubious Value of Value-Neutrality UNIT 2. Socialization and Social Control Part A. Influences on Personality and Behavior 6. Ambition: Why Some People Are Most Likely to Succeed 7. What Makes You Who You Are 8. The New Sex Scorecard Part B. Crime, Law Enforcement, and Social Control 9. Fighting Crime 10. Parents or Prisons 11. The Aggregate Burden of Crime UNIT 3. Groups and Roles in Transition Part A. Marriage and the Family 12. Can Marriage Be Saved? 13. Overworked, Time Poor, and Abandoned by Uncle Sam 14. Peer Marriage, Pepper Schwartz, The Communitarian Reader: Beyond the Essentials Part B. Gender and Gender Roles 15. Stress and the Superdad 16. All Happy Families Part C. City and Community 17. Ecopolis Now 18. Can Design Make Community? UNIT 4. Stratification and Social Inequalities Part A. Income Inequalities 19. The Rich and the Rest 20. Can Extreme Poverty Be Eliminated? Part B. Welfare and Welfare Reform 21. Welfare Redux Part C. Racial and Ethnic Issues and Inequalities 22. Virtual Equality, Virtual Segregation 23. Why We Hate 24. The Melting Pot, Part I: Are We There Yet? Part D. Sex Inequalities and Issues 25. The Conundrum of the Glass Ceilin 26. Too Many Women in College? 27. Human Rights, Sex Trafficking, and Prostitution UNIT 5. Social Institutions: Issues, Crises, and Changes Part A. The Political Sphere: Power, Politics, and Administration 28. Who Rules America? 29. The Great American Pork Barrel Part B. The Economic Sphere: Changing Consumption, Workplaces, Workforce 30. Off the Books 31. The Future of Outsourcing 32. Born to Buy Part C. The Social Sphere: Education, Health, and Religion 33. Can the Center Find a Solution That Will Hold? 34. Medical Guesswork 35. In Search of the Spiritual UNIT 6. Social Change and the Future Part A. Population Issues 36. The Challenge of an Aging Society 37. Alien Nation Part B. Environment and Safety 38. SOS: We Need a Plan B 39. By Any Measure, Earth is at the Tipping Point Part C. Technology for Better or for Worse 40. Biotech on the Farm 41. The Secret Nuclear War Part D. The New Crisis: Terrorism 42. Homegrown Terrorism and the Radicalization Process 94 43. EMP: America’s Achilles’ Heel Part E. Macro Changes for the World and the United States 44. Update on the State of the Future 45. Does Globalization Help or Hurt the World’s Poor 46. Understanding Our Moment in History NEW TAKING SIDES: CLASHING VIEWS ON SOCIAL ISSUES, EXPANDED 14th Edition Kurt Finsterbusch, University of Maryland – College Park 2008 / 464 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339716-0 / MHID: 0-07-339716-4 (Expanded) Available: April 2007 Website: 164.mhtml This fourteenth edition of TAKING SIDES: SOCIAL ISSUES presents current controversial issues in a debate-style format designed to stimulate student interest and develop critical thinking skills. Each issue is thoughtfully framed with an issue summary, an issue introduction, and a postscript. An instructor’s manual with testing material is available for each volume. USING TAKING SIDES IN THE CLASSROOM is also an excellent instructor resource with practical suggestions on incorporating this effective approach in the classroom. Each TAKING SIDES reader features an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites and is supported by our student website, This EXPANDED Fourteenth Edition of TAKING SIDES: SOCIAL ISSUES provides two additional current controversial issues. CONTENTS Part 1: CULTURE AND VALUES ISSUE 1. Is America in Moral Decline? ISSUE 2. Does the News Media Have a Liberal Bias? ISSUE 3. Is Third World Immigration a Threat to America’s Way of Life? Part 2: SEX ROLES, GENDER, AND THE FAMILY ISSUE 4. Is the Decline of the Traditional Family a National Crisis? New! ISSUE 5. Should Mothers Stay Home with Their Children? ISSUE 6. Should Same-Sex Marriages Be Legally Recognized? Part 3: STRATIFICATION AND INEQUALITY ISSUE 7. Is Increasing Economic Inequality a Serious Problem? ISSUE 8. Is the Underclass the Major Threat to American Ideals? ISSUE 9. Has Affirmative Action Outlived Its Usefulness? New! ISSUE 10. Are Boys and Men Disadvantaged Relative to Girls and Women? Part 4: POLITICAL ECONOMY AND INSTITUTIONS ISSUE 11. Is Government Dominated by Big Business? New! ISSUE 12. Should Government Intervene in a Capitalist Economy? Sociology ISSUE 13. Has Welfare Reform Benefited the Poor? New! ISSUE 14. Is Competition the Reform That Will Fix Education? New! ISSUE 15. Should Biotechnology Be Used to Alter and Enhance Humans? NEW Part 5: CRIME AND SOCIAL CONTROL ISSUE 16. Is Street Crime More Harmful Than White-Collar Crime? ISSUE 17. Should Drug Use Be Decriminalized? ISSUE 18. Does the Threat of Terrorism Warrant Curtailment of Civil Liberties? WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION AND TERRORISM Part 6: THE FUTURE: POPULATION/ENVIRONMENT/SOCIETY ISSUE 19. Is Mankind Dangerously Harming the Environment? ISSUE 20. Is Globalization Good for Mankind? EXPANDED: ISSUE 21. Has Feminism Benefited American Society? ISSUE 22. Will the Clash of Civilizations Be the Dominant Struggle of the 21st Century? Social Problems NEW TERRORISM AND COUNTERTERRORISM UNDERSTANDING THE NEW SECURITY ENVIRONMENT, READINGS AND INTERPRETATIONS 3rd Edition Russell D Howard and Reid L Sawyer of US Military Academy Natasha E Bajema 2009 / 640 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-337979-1 / MHID: 0-07-337979-4 Available: February 2008 Website: 794.mhtml (Details unavailable at press time) Russell D Howard, US Military Academy James J F Forest, US Military Academy 2008 / 624 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-337970-8 / MHID: 0-07-337970-0 Available: March 2007 Website: 700.mhtml) In TERRORISM AND WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION AND DISRUPTION, Brigadier General (Retired) Russell Howard and Dr. James Forest have collected original and previously published seminal articles and essays by scientists, academics, government officials, and members of the nation’s security and intelligence communities. The editors and several of the authors write from practical field experience in nonproliferation and counterterrorism efforts. Others have had significant responsibility for developing government policies to address the threat of weapons of mass destruction and terrorism. The contributors include a majority of the significant names in the field including Bruce Hoffman, Brian Jenkins, Jonathan Tucker, Rohan Gunaratna, David Franz, Richard Betts, William Rosenau, and David Albright. Unit One of the book introduces key terms and addresses important strategic and policy debates. Authors explain how the new forms of terrorism affect the post-9/11 security environment and introduce the notion that weapons of mass destruction could give terrorists short-term, asymmetric attack advantages over conventional military forces. Unit Two offers detailed accounts of the characteristics, availability, and dangers of specific types of WMD, along with four case studies that associate theory with practice—an important feature of this volume. Unit Three deals with past, present, and future national and international responses to—and defenses against—the threat of WMD terrorism. and in the final section of the volume, authors predict future WMD threats and seek to draw on past events and mistakes in order to identify lessons and strategies for the future. Appendices include a primer on bioterrorism and fact sheets on chemical, biological, nuclear and radiological terrorism. CONTENTS Part I. INTRODUCTION Chapter 1.1 Definitions, Trends, and the Concept of “New Terrorism” Chapter 1.2 The Nature of the Post-9/11 WMD Terrorism Threat Chapter 1.3 The WMD Terrorism Hype Chapter 1.4 The Terrorist WMD of Choice Part II. UNDERSTANDING THE THREAT Chapter 2.1 Different “Faces” of Nuclear Terrorism Chapter 2.2 Radiological Dispersal Devices Chapter 2.3 Sabotage of Nuclear Facilities and other Critical Infrastructure 95 Sociology Chapter 2.4 Bioterrorism Chapter 2.5 Chemical Terrorism Chapter 2.6 Food Security and Agricultural and Terrorism Chapter 2.7 Cyberterrorism Chapter 2.8 Case Study #1: Ricin Plot in London 2003 Chapter 2.9 Case Study #2: Jemaah Islamiyah Chapter 2.10 Case Study #3: Aum Shinrikyo Chapter 2.11 Case Study #4: al Qaeda Chapter 2.12 Case Study #5: A.Q. Khan Network Chapter 2.13 Case Study #6: Iraq as an Example of State-Directed WMD Terrorism Part III. RESPONDING TO THE THREAT Chapter 3.1 Deterrence and Preemption Chapter 3.2 Intelligence and WMD Chapter 3.3 WMD Detection Technology Chapter 3.4 Nonproliferation Regimes Chapter 3.5 Interdiction and Law Enforcement Chapter 3.6 Case Study #1: The Public Health Response to the 2001 Anthrax Attacks Chapter 3.7 Case Study #2: Hurricane Katrina and Emergency Response Chapter 3.8 Case Study #3: The Response to the 1995 Attack in Tokyo, Japan Part IV. LESSONS LEARNED AND FUTURE THREATS Chapter 4.1 The Need for a Comprehensive, Multidimensional Strategy Chapter 4.2 Gaps in the International Framework for Combating Terrorism Chapter 4.3 Future Threats Chapter 4.4 Conclusion Appendix NEW NEW TO THIS EDITION • Coverage of Domestic Terrorism has been added to the chapter on violence. • "Public Policy and Private Action" boxes are now included at the end of each chapter. These boxes suggest ways that social problems can be ameliorated from the ground up. • New material on the media and its affect on quality of life has been added throughout the text. • "Fallacy" icons in the margins show students how people come to mistaken conclusions about social problems. SOCIAL PROBLEMS: A CRITICAL APPROACH 5th Edition Kenneth J. Neubeck, University of Connecticut – Storrs, Mary Alice Neubeck and Davita Silfen Glasberg of University of Connecticut-Storrs 2007 / Softcover / 672 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-296804-0 / MHID: 0-07-296804-4 Available: April 2006 This critical approach to the analysis of social problems facing the world today examines both the causes of those problems and their human implications. The fifth edition has been reorganized into four types of social problems: Four chapters look at large societal problems involving arrangements of social structures that have a vast impact how societies operate, and the effect of this on the life chances of millions of people; five chapters focus on group problems created by social arrangements and relations; four chapters focus on institutional problems that derive from the way that social institutions are arranged to address the basic needs of social survival that often benefit some members of society more than others; and the final three chapters focus on individual problems such as criminal behavior, mental illness, and substance abuse. CONTENTS Chapter 1. Introduction SOCIAL PROBLEMS AND THE QUALITY OF LIFE 11th Edition Robert Lauer, Alliant International University 2008 / 576 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-338012-4 / MHID: 0-07-338012-1 Available: October 2007 Website: Focusing on quality of life, this text defines what a social problem is and then addresses specific issues—for example, how can one gain a sociological understanding of social problems? What kinds of critical thinking should one engage in and what kinds should one avoid in attempting to understand social problems? How is the quality of one’s life affected by particular problems? What causes these problems and how can we resolve them? Part One establishes key approaches to social problems; the remaining parts discuss the social problems that most acutely impact the quality of our lives. 96 Part One: SOCIETAL PROBLEMS Chapter 2. Concentration of Political and Economic Power Chapter 3. Militarism and War Chapter 4. The Global Context: Population and Underdevelopment Chapter 5. Environmental Abuse Part Two: GROUP PROBLEMS Chapter 6. Economic Inequality and Poverty Chapter 7. Racism Chapter 8. Sexism Chapter 9. Heterosexism Chapter 10. Ageism Part Three: INSTITUTIONAL PROBLEMS Chapter 11. The Changing World of Work Chapter 12. Schooling and Unequal Educational Opportunity Chapter 13. Health Care Chapter 14. Family-Related Problems Part Four: INDIVIDUAL PROBLEMS Chapter 15. Criminal Behavior Chapter 16. Mental Illness Chapter 17. Suicide Chapter 18. Substance Abuse Sociology TERRORISM AND COUNTERTERRORISM: UNDERSTANDING THE NEW SECURITY ENVIRONMENT, READINGS AND INTERPRETATIONS 2nd Edition Russell D Howard, US Military Academy Reid L Sawyer, US Military Academy 2006 / 624 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-352771-0 / MHID: 0-07-352771-8 Available: October 2005 Website: 27718.mhtml In this new edition of TERRORISM AND COUNTERTERRORISM: UNDERSTANDING THE NEW SECURITY ENVIRONMENT, READINGS AND INTERPRETATIONS, Brigadier General (Retired) Russell Howard and Major Reid Sawyer have collected original and previously published seminal articles and essays by political scientists, government officials, and members of the nation’s armed forces. The editors and several of the authors write from practical field experience in the nation’s war on terrorism. Others have had significant responsibility for planning government policy and responses. The contributors include a majority of the significant names in the field including General (Retired) Wayne Downing (former Deputy National Security Advisor), General (Retired) Barry McCaffrey, Martha Crenshaw, Bruce Hoffman, Barry Posen, Jessica Stern. Part One of the book analyzes the philosophical, political, and religious roots of terrorist activities around the world and discusses the national, regional, and global effects of historical and recent acts of terrorism. In addition to material on the threats from suicide bombers, as well as chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear weapons, there are also important contributions analyzing new and growing threats: narco-terrorism, cyberterrorism, genomic terrorism, and agro-terrorism. Part Two deals with past, present, and future national and international responses to--and defenses against--terrorism. Essays and articles in this section analyze and debate the practical, political, ethical, and moral questions raised by military and non-military responses (and pre-emptive actions) outside of the context of declared war. The two detailed Appendices are: Background Information on Designated Foreign Terrorist Organizations; Chronology of Significant Terrorist Incidents, 2002-2004. CONTENTS Social Problems – Readers NEW ANNUAL EDITIONS: VIOLENCE AND TERRORISM 08/09 11th Edition Thomas J Badey, Randolph-Macon College 2009 (February 2008) / 240 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339776-4 / MHID: 0-07-339776-8 Website: 768.mhtml This Eleventh Edition of ANNUAL EDITIONS: VIOLENCE AND TERRORISM provides convenient, inexpensive access to current articles selected from the best of the public press. Organizational features include: an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites; an annotated table of contents; a topic guide; a general introduction; brief overviews for each section; a topical index; and an instructor’s resource guide with testing materials. USING ANNUAL EDITIONS IN THE CLASSROOM, ISBN 0073301906 is offered as a practical guide for instructors. ANNUAL EDITIONS titles are supported by our student website, NEW ANNUAL EDITIONS: SOCIAL PROBLEMS 08/09 36th Edition Kurt Finsterbusch, University of Maryland—College Park 2009 / 256 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339768-9 / MHID: 0-07-339768-7 Available: March 2008 (Details unavailable at press time) Part I. DEFINING THE THREAT Chapter 1. Defining the Threat Chapter 2. Why Terrorism? Chapter 3. The New Terrorism Chapter 4. Religion and the Intersection with Terrorism Chapter 5. Weapons of Mass Destruction Chapter 6. The Threat of Other Forms of Terrorism Part II. COUNTERING THE TERRORIST THREAT Chapter 7. The Challenges of Terrorism to a Free Society Chapter 8. Strategies and Approaches for Combating Terrorism Chapter 9. Organizing to Fight Terrorism Appendices Appendix A Background Information on Designated Foreign Terrorist Organizations Appendix B Chronology of Significant Terrorist Incidents, 20022004 97 Sociology New! 3. Lethal Fantasies New! 4. Why We Don’t Prepare NEW TAKING SIDES: CLASHING VIEWS ON SOCIAL ISSUES 15th Edition Kurt Finsterbusch, University of Maryland—College Park 2009 / 432 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-351523-6 / MHID: 0-07-351523-X Available: March 2008 This Fifteen Edition of TAKING SIDES: SOCIAL ISSUES presents current controversial issues in a debate-style format designed to stimulate student interest and develop critical thinking skills. Each issue is thoughtfully framed with an issue summary, an issue introduction, and a postscript. An instructor’s manual with testing material is available for each volume. USING TAKING SIDES IN THE CLASSROOM, ISBN 0073343900 is also an excellent instructor resource with practical suggestions on incorporating this effective approach in the classroom. Each TAKING SIDES reader features an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites and is supported by our student website, UNIT 3. The Federal Government and Homeland Security New! 9. The Doom Boom New! 10. Immigration and National Security New! 11. Senators Say Scrap FEMA and Start Over UNIT 4. State and Local Governments and Homeland Security New! 12. Terrorism’s Impact on State Law Enforcement New! 13. State of Readiness New! 14. New York State of Mind New! 15. Blame Amid the Traged UNIT 5. First Responders New! 16. Antiterrorist Policing in New York City After 9/11: Comparing Perspectives on a Complex Process New! 17. Community Policing and Terrorism New! 18. D.C. Deploys Wireless Net for First Responders New! 19. The Front Line in Training for Disasters UNIT 6. New Technologies in Homeland Security New! 20. Guarding Against Missiles New! 21. Modernizing Homeland Security New! 22. Hesitation at Homeland Security New! 23. Thanks, Dubai! UNIT 7. Vulnerabilities and Threats New! 24. Thwarting Nuclear Terrorism New! 25. Bioterrorism—Preparing to Fight the Next War New! 26. These Chemicals Are So Deadly New! 27. Port Security Is Still a House of Cards NEW ANNUAL EDITIONS: HOMELAND SECURITY 2nd Edition Thomas J Badey, Randolph-Macon College 2008 / 208 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339730-6 / MHID: 0-07-339730-X Available: March 2007 Website: 30x.mhtml This Second Edition of ANNUAL EDITIONS: HOMELAND SECURITY provides convenient, inexpensive access to current articles selected from the best of the public press. Organizational features include: an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites; an annotated table of contents; a topic guide; a general introduction; brief overviews for each section; a topical index; and an instructor’s resource guide with testing materials. USING ANNUAL EDITIONS IN THE CLASSROOM is offered as a practical guide for instructors. ANNUAL EDITIONS titles are supported by our student website, CONTENTS UNIT 1. The Concept of Homeland Security New! 1. Homeland Security New! 2. Terrorism: How Much Are We Willing to Take? 98 UNIT 2. The Department of Homeland Security New! 5. Are We Ready for the Next 9/11? New! 6. Revisiting Homeland Security New! 7. Shifting Priorities: Congressional Incentives and the Homeland Security Granting Process New! 8. Airport Security Screening: Privatize or Federalize? UNIT 8. Civil Liberties and Civil Rights New! 28. Island Mentality New! 29. The Truth about Torture New! 30. Civil Liberties and Homeland Security 31. Homeland Security and the Lessons of Waco 32. Heading in the Wrong Direction 33. Mining Personal Data UNIT 9. Intelligence and Homeland Security New! 34. U.S. Intelligence: A Losing Proposition New! 35. In Defence of the Intelligence Services New! 36. Can Spies Be Made Better? New! 37. We Have Not Correctly Framed the Debate on Intelligence Reform UNIT 10. The Future of Homeland Security New! 38. Department of Homeland Security: Charting a Path Forward New! 39. The Terrorism Index New! 40. Building an Agile Homeland Security Establishment New! 41. Fighters, Not First Responders Sociology New! 21. All Happy Families New! 22. The Conundrum of the Glass Ceiling New! 23. Too Many Women in College? NEW ANNUAL EDITIONS: SOCIAL PROBLEMS 07/08 35th Edition Kurt Finsterbusch, University of Maryland – College Park 2008 / 240 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339734-4 / MHID: 0-07-339734-2 Available: March 2007 Website: 342.mhtml This Thirty-Fifth Edition of ANNUAL EDITIONS: SOCIAL PROBLEMS provides convenient, inexpensive access to current articles selected from the best of the public press. Organizational features include: an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites; an annotated table of contents; a topic guide; a general introduction; brief overviews for each section; a topical index; and an instructor’s resource guide with testing materials. USING ANNUAL EDITIONS IN THE CLASSROOM is offered as a practical guide for instructors. ANNUAL EDITIONS titles are supported by our student website, CONTENTS UNIT 1. Introduction: The Nature of Social Problems and General Critiques of American Society 1. Social Problems: Definitions, Theories, and Analysis 2. The Fragmentation of Social Life 3. How to Re-Moralize America UNIT 4. Institutional Problems Part A. The Family 24. Can Marriage Be Saved? 25. Overworked, Time Poor, and Abandoned by Uncle Sam New! 26. Peer Marriage Part B. Education New! 27. Against School: How Public Education Cripples Our Kids, and Why New! 28. Can the Center Find a Solution That Will Hold? Part C. Health New! 29. Fixing Hospitals New! 30. Medical Guesswork UNIT 5. Crime, Law Enforcement, and Terrorism Part A. Crime 31. Fighting Crime 32. The Aggregate Burden of Crime 33. America’s Most Dangerous Drug Part B. Law Enforcement 34. Causes and Consequences of Wrongful Convictions New! 35. Reforming Juvenile Justice Part C. Terrorism 36. EMP: America’s Achilles’ Heel New! 37. Homegrown Terrorism and the Radicalization Process UNIT 6. Problems of Population, Environment, Technology, and the Future Part A. Population and Environment Issues 38. The Challenge of an Aging Society New! 39. SOS: We Need a Plan B 40. By Any Measure, Earth Is at the Tipping Point Part B. Technological Issues 41. The Secret Nuclear War Part C. The Future New! 42. Update on the State of the Future 43. Embracing Today’s Global Economy 44. Understanding Our Moment in History UNIT 2. Problems of the Political Economy Part A. The Polity 4. Who Rules America? 5. Sugar Daddies New! 6. Our Incompetent Government 7. Rights, Liberties, and Security: Recalibrating the Balance After Sept. 11 Part B. The Economy 8. Evaluating Economic Change New! 9. The New Rules 10. Born to Buy Part C. Problems of Place New! 11. Ecopolis Now New! 12. Alien Nation UNIT 3. Problems of Poverty and Inequality Part A. Inequality and the Poor 13. The Rich and the Rest New! 14. Can Extreme Poverty Be Eliminated? Part B. Welfare New! 15. The Great American Pork Barrel New! 16. Welfare Redux Part C. Racial and Ethnic Inequality and Issues New! 17. Virtual Equality 18. Why We Hate New! 19. Arab America’s September 11 Part D. Gender Inequalities and Issues 20. Human Rights, Sex Trafficking, and Prostitution 99 Sociology Part 5: CRIME AND SOCIAL CONTROL ISSUE 16. Is Street Crime More Harmful Than White-Collar Crime? ISSUE 17. Should Drug Use Be Decriminalized? ISSUE 18. Does the Threat of Terrorism Warrant Curtailment of Civil Liberties? NEW TAKING SIDES: CLASHING VIEWS ON SOCIAL ISSUES, EXPANDED 14th Edition Part 6: THE FUTURE: POPULATION/ENVIRONMENT/SOCIETY ISSUE 19. Is Mankind Dangerously Harming the Environment? ISSUE 20. Is Globalization Good for Mankind? EXPANDED: ISSUE 21. Has Feminism Benefited American Society? ISSUE 22. Will the Clash of Civilizations Be the Dominant Struggle of the 21st Century? Kurt Finsterbusch, University of Maryland – College Park 2008 / 464 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339716-0 / MHID: 0-07-339716-4 (Expanded) Available: April 2007 Website: 164.mhtml This fourteenth edition of TAKING SIDES: SOCIAL ISSUES presents current controversial issues in a debate-style format designed to stimulate student interest and develop critical thinking skills. Each issue is thoughtfully framed with an issue summary, an issue introduction, and a postscript. An instructor’s manual with testing material is available for each volume. USING TAKING SIDES IN THE CLASSROOM is also an excellent instructor resource with practical suggestions on incorporating this effective approach in the classroom. Each TAKING SIDES reader features an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites and is supported by our student website, This EXPANDED Fourteenth Edition of TAKING SIDES: SOCIAL ISSUES provides two additional current controversial issues. CONTENTS Part 1: CULTURE AND VALUES ISSUE 1. Is America in Moral Decline? ISSUE 2. Does the News Media Have a Liberal Bias? ISSUE 3. Is Third World Immigration a Threat to America’s Way of Life? Part 2: SEX ROLES, GENDER, AND THE FAMILY ISSUE 4. Is the Decline of the Traditional Family a National Crisis? New! ISSUE 5. Should Mothers Stay Home with Their Children? ISSUE 6. Should Same-Sex Marriages Be Legally Recognized? Part 3: STRATIFICATION AND INEQUALITY ISSUE 7. Is Increasing Economic Inequality a Serious Problem? ISSUE 8. Is the Underclass the Major Threat to American Ideals? ISSUE 9. Has Affirmative Action Outlived Its Usefulness? New! ISSUE 10. Are Boys and Men Disadvantaged Relative to Girls and Women? Part 4: POLITICAL ECONOMY AND INSTITUTIONS ISSUE 11. Is Government Dominated by Big Business? New! ISSUE 12. Should Government Intervene in a Capitalist Economy? ISSUE 13. Has Welfare Reform Benefited the Poor? New! ISSUE 14. Is Competition the Reform That Will Fix Education? New! ISSUE 15. Should Biotechnology Be Used to Alter and Enhance Humans? 100 ANNUAL EDITIONS: VIOLENCE AND TERRORISM 07/08 10th Edition Thomas J. Badey, Randolph-Macon College 2007 / Softcover / 240 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-351619-6 / MHID: 0-07-351619-8 Available: September 2006 Website: 198.mhtml This TENTH EDITION of ANNUAL EDITIONS: VIOLENCE AND TERRORISM provides convenient, inexpensive access to current articles selected from the best of the public press. Organizational features include: an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites; an annotated table of contents; a topic guide; a general introduction; brief overviews for each section; a topical index; and an instructor’s resource guide with testing materials. USING ANNUAL EDITIONS IN THE CLASSROOM is offered as a practical guide for instructors. ANNUAL EDITIONS titles are supported by our student website, CONTENTS UNIT 1. The Concept of Terrorism 1. Ghosts of Our Past 2. An Essay on Terrorism 3. The Origins of the New Terrorism UNIT 2. Tactics of Terrorism New! 4. Terrorists’ New Tactic: Assassination New! 5. Paying for Terror New! 6. The Moral Logic and Growth of Suicide Terrorism UNIT 3. State-Sponsored Terrorism 7. Iran: Confronting Terrorism New! 8. The Growing Syrian Missile Threat: Syria after Lebanon New! 9. Terrorists Don’t Need States New! 10. Guerrilla Nation UNIT 4. International Terrorism 11. Extremist Groups in Egypt 12. Colombia and the United States: From Counternarcotics to Counterterrorism New! 13. Root Causes of Chechen Terror New! 14. End of Terrorism? UNIT 5. Terrorism in America 15. Homegrown Terror New! 16. Speaking for the Animals, or the Terrorists? New! 17. Women and Organized Racial Terrorism in the United States New! 18. José Padilla and the War on Rights Sociology UNIT 6. Terrorism and the Media 19. Terrorism as Breaking News: Attack on America New! 20. A Violent Episode in the Virtual World New! 21. Terror’s Server New! 22. High Anxiety UNIT 7. Terrorism and Religion 23. Holy Orders: Religious Opposition to Modern States New! 24. The Madrassa Scapegoat UNIT 8. Women and Terrorism 25. Cross-Regional Trends in Female Terrorism 26. Explosive Baggage: Female Palestinian Suicide Bombers and the Rhetoric of Emotion New! 27. Girls as “Weapons of Terror” in Northern Uganda and Sierra Leonean Rebel Fighting Forces UNIT 9. Government Response New! 28. Port Security Is Still a House of Cards New! 29. Are We Ready Yet? New! 30. The Double-Edged Effect in South Asia UNIT 10. Future Threats 31. The Changing Face of Al Qaeda and the Global War on Terrorism 32. The Terrorism to Come CONTENTS Preface Part One: INTRODUCTION Chapter 1: Public and Private Families Chapter 2: The History of the Family Part Two: GENDER, CLASS, AND RACE-ETHNICITY Chapter 3: Gender and Families Chapter 4: Social Class and Families Chapter 5: Race, Ethnicity and Families Part Three: SEXUALITY, PARTNERSHIP, AND MARRIAGE Chapter 6: Sexualities Chapter 7: Cohabitation and Marriage Chapter 8: Work and Families Part Four: LINKS ACROSS THE GENERATIONS Chapter 9: Children and Parents Chapter 10: The Elderly and Their Families Part Five: CONFLICT, DISRUPTION, AND RECONSTITUTION Chapter 11: Domestic Violence Chapter 12: Divorce Chapter 13: Remarriage and Stepfamilies Part Six: FAMILY AND SOCIETY Chapter 14: The Family, the State, and Social Policy Chapter 15: Social Change and Families References Marriage & The Family NEW PUBLIC AND PRIVATE FAMILIES: A READER 5th Edition Andrew J Cherlin, Johns Hopkins University 2008 / 416 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-352809-0 / MHID: 0-07-352809-9 Available: November 2006 This reader examines the family through two lenses--the familiar private family, in which we live our personal lives, and the public family, in which we deal with broader societal issues, such as raising the next generation, and the care of the elderly. Consequently, these readings look both at intimate, personal concerns, such as whether to marry, as well as societal concerns, such as governmental policies that affect families. The reader corresponds exactly to and is published concurrent with Cherlin’s textbook Public and Private Families: An Introduction; both the textbook and the reader have 15 same-named chapters. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Almost half of the readings (13of 29) are new to this edition. New readings include: articles by Stephanie Coontz, author of Marriage, A History, and Kathryn Edin and Maria Kefalas, authors of Promises I Can Keep, summarizing the arguments in their recent books; an excerpt from Jason DeParle’s acclaimed book, American Dream: Three Women, Ten Kids, and a Nation’s Drive to End Welfare; Judith Stacey on gay fathers and on the frontier of parenthood; and Frank Furstenberg and co-authors on the new life stage of "early adulthood." NEW INTIMATE RELATIONSHIPS, MARRIAGES AND FAMILIES 7th Edition Mary Kay DeGenova, University of of New Hampshire F Philip Rice (deceased) 2008 / 544 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-352810-6 / MHID: 0-07-352810-2 Available: September 2006 Website: This comprehensive introduction to marriage and the family combines the most current research base with an emphasis on family background and diversity. It presents a positive perspective on families and focuses on the importance of public and social policy in the lives of families. Each chapter concludes with a section on public policy and critical thinking questions. The text makes research and statistics easy for students to follow and understand, and it integrates cultural diversity throughout. NEW TO THIS EDITION • More cultural diversity has been woven throughout the text and, whenever possible, research was used that represents diverse sample bases. • To present a realistic picture of how many families across America are struggling, this edition includes a stronger emphasis on stress and family life. This is reflected in topics such as 101 Sociology economics, homelessness, work-family balance, the rising cost of healthcare, and depression. • In each chapter, a new piece entitled "Personal Perspective" presents an interview from an individual who has experience in a particular topic of discussion. The interviews are designed to help students connect real lives, and possibly their own lives, to issues. • A new companion website offers resources for students and instructors--including quizzes, Internet activities, relevant links, chapter outlines, and key terms, as well as PowerPoint outlines and an Instructor’s Resource Guide. • On CD-ROM is a unique, interactive movie that helps students master course concepts more completely by looking at how families are defined and and how those definitions have changed over the last century. • Increased coverage addresses definition of marriage; culture and values; media’s influence on gender roles; gender and the division of household labor; steroid use among females; sexuality; single parenthood; adult children living with parents; dating and the internet; the newlywed years; social support over the life course; financial needs of families; communication in families; surrogate parenting; cultural differences in childrearing; social competence, socialization, and discipline of children; statistics and probability of divorce; SES and divorce; economics and divorce; stepparenting; and stepchild-stepparent relationships. • Other new material includes increased coverage of Race, Class, and Gender; fatherhood and the life course; interracial, interethnic, and interfaith marriages; gender and brain differences; gender and depression; eldercare and elder abuse; jealousy and infidelity; love and attachment; discipline and behavioral problems; fictive kin; foster care; parenting a child with special needs; adult sibling relationships; family relationships from a previous marriage; grandparents raising grandchildren; emerging adulthood; abstinence; parent-adolescent relationships; and the lavish wedding. CONTENTS Chapter 1: Intimate Relationships, Marriages, and Families in the Twenty-First Century Chapter 2: Family Backgrounds and How They Influence Us Chapter 3: Gender: Identity and Roles Chapter 4: Being Single Chapter 5: Attraction and Dating Chapter 6: Love and Mate Selection Chapter 7: Qualities of a Successful Marriage Chapter 8: Marital Relationships over The Family Life Cycle Chapter 9: Work, Family Roles, and Material Resources Chapter 10: Power, Decision Making, and Communication Chapter 11: Family Planning and Parenting Chapter 12: Pregnancy and Childbirth Chapter 13: Parent-Child Relationships Chapter 14: Parents and Extended Family Relationships Chapter 15: Conflict, Family Crises, and Crisis Management Chapter 16: The Family and Divorce Chapter 17: Coming Together: Remarriage and Stepparenting Glossary References Credits Index NEW MARRIAGE AND FAMILIES INTIMACY, DIVERSITY AND STRENGTHS 6th Edition David H Olson, University of Minnesota--Minneapolis John DeFrain, University of Nebraska—Lincoln Linda Skogrand, Utah State University-Logan 2008 / 640 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-338004-9 / MHID: 0-07-338004-0 Available: November 2007 Website: This introduction to marriages and families accentuates the positive aspects of relationships and focuses on enriching students’ knowledge and experience in building strong, successful couple and family relationships. The authors, both seasoned family scholars and therapists, integrate research, theory, and practical application with an interdisciplinary perspective on marriage and family. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Updated throughout to include the most current statistics and cutting-edge research studies. Since the previous edition, every new issue of 13 major marriage and family, child development, family therapy, psychology, sociology, and social work journals have been studied intensively in the search for the latest research and thinking on critical issues. • Increased focus on intimacy, diversity, sexuality, and systems. Topics covered in greater depth include the social environment and how it influences couples and families, cultural diversity, cohabitation, parenting, the couple and family map, and techniques for building stronger marriages and families. • Responding to interest from college teachers, the authors have strengthened resource sections on sexuality, and now include indepth and updated discussions of sexual anatomy and response, contraception, abortion, and sexually transmissible diseases. • Emphasis on diversity of ethnic and cultural groups as well as the types of family structures and intimate relationships that are common today (e.g., single parent, and stepparent families, couples without children, unmarried couples, and so forth). CONTENTS Brief Contents Boxed Features About the Authors Preface A Visual Preview Part One: THE SOCIAL CONTEXT OF INTIMATE RELATIONSHIPS Chapter One. Perspectives on Intimate Relationships Chapter Two. Cultural Diversity: Family Strengths and Challenges Chapter Three. Understanding Marriage and Family Dynamics Part Two: DYNAMICS OF INTIMATE RELATIONSHIPS Chapter Four. Communication and Intimacy Chapter Five. Conflict and Conflict Resolution Chapter Six. Sexual Intimacy Chapter Seven. Gender Roles and Power In the Family Chapter Eight. Managing Economic Resources Part Three. STAGES OF INTIMATE RELATIONSHIPS Chapter Nine. Friendship, Intimacy, and Singlehood 102 Sociology Chapter Ten. Dating, Mate Selection, and Living Together Chapter Eleven. Marriage: Building a Strong Foundation Chapter Twelve. Parenthood: Choices and Challenges Chapter Thirteen. Midlife and Older Couples Part Four. CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES Chapter Fourteen. Stress, Abuse, and Family Problems Chapter Fifteen. Divorce, Single-Parent Families, and Stepfamilies Chapter Sixteen. Strengthening Marriages and Families Appendices Appendix A. Couple and Family Scales Appendix B. Family Science and Family Research Methods Appendix C. Contraception and Abortion Options appendix D. Pregnancy and Childbirth Glossary References Credits Name Index Subject Index Part 5: CHALLENGES TO INTIMACY 17. Family Crises 18. Separation and Divorce 19. Remarriage and Stepfamilies Marriage & The Family – Readers NEW ANNUAL EDITIONS: THE FAMILY 08/09 34th Edition MARRIAGE AND FAMILY: THE QUEST FOR INTIMACY 6th Edition Robert Lauer & Jeanette C. Lauer, Alliant International Univ/ Usi 2007 / Softcover / 528 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-312925-9 / MHID: 0-07-312925-9 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-327133-0 / MHID: 0-07-327133-0 (With PowerWeb) Available: February 2006 Website: Combining a positive and practical approach to the study of marriage and family life with a manageable amount of sociological theory and research citations, this text is centered on the theme of enhancing intimacy within marriage and the family. While providing a comprehensive overview of the progression from dating to marriage and family, the authors systematically draw out principles that students can use to protect and nurture their own intimate relationships, making this text a practical guide as well. CONTENTS Part 1: THE CONTEXT OF INTIMACY 1. American Myths and Dreams 2. Diversity In Families 3 Gender Roles: Foundation for Heterosexual Intimacy 4. Sexuality Part 2: SEEKING INTIMATE RELATIONSHIPS 5. Getting to Know Someone Else 6. Getting Involved 7. Falling In Love 8. Selecting A Life Partner 9. The Single Option Part 3: THE INTIMATE COUPLE 10. Getting Married 11. The Challenge of Communication 12. Power and Conflict in Marriage 13. Work and Home Part 4: INTIMACY IN FAMILIES 14. Becoming A Parent 15. The Family Life Cycle 16. Family Life As Management Kathleen R Gilbert, Indiana UniversityBloomington 2008 / 240 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339746-7 / MHID: 0-07-339746-6 Available: September 2007 This Thirty-Fourth Edition of ANNUAL EDITIONS: THE FAMILY provides convenient, inexpensive access to current articles selected from the best of the public press. Organizational features include: an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites; an annotated table of contents; a topic guide; a general introduction; brief overviews for each section; a topical index; and an instructor’s resource guide with testing materials. USING ANNUAL EDITIONS IN THE CLASSROOM is offered as a practical guide for instructors. ANNUAL EDITIONS titles are supported by our student website, www. CONTENTS UNIT 1. Evolving Perspectives on the Family New! 1. Marriage and Family in the Scandinavian Experience New! 2. Interracial Families 3. Children as a Public Good 4. Families and Family Study in International Perspective New! 5. The World Historical Transformation of Marriage UNIT 2. Exploring and Establishing Relationships Part A. Love and Sex 6. This Thing Called Love 7. Pillow Talk,Nina Utne (Editor in chief) 8. How to Talk about Sex 9. Reinventing Sex Part B. Choosing a Mate 10. Great Expectations, 11. New Technologies and Our Feelings New! 12. Go Ahead, Kiss Your Cousin Part C. Pregnancy and the Next Generation 13. A New Fertility Factor 14. Brave New Babies New! 15. Breeder Reaction 16. And Now, the Hard Part 17. Adopting a New American Family New! 18. After the Bliss New! 19. Who’s Raising Baby 103 Sociology UNIT 3. Family Relationships Part A. Marriage and Other Committed Relationships New! 20. Three ‘Rules’ That Don’t Apply New! 21. Two Mommies and a Daddy 22. Marriage at First Sight Part B. Relationships Between Parents and Children 23. Kaleidoscope of Parenting Cultures 24. Spanking Children: Evidence and Issue 25. What About Black Fathers? 26. Adoption by Lesbian Couples New! 27. Are Married Parents Really Better for Children? Part C. Other Family Relationships 28. Being a Sibling 29. Budding Friendships Fill Out the Family Tree 30. Aunties and Uncles 31. Roles of American Indian Grandparents in Times of Cultural Crisis 32. Aging Japanese Pen Messages to Posterity UNIT 4. Challenges and Opportunities Part A. Family Violence and Chaos 33. Hitting Home New! 34. Recognizing Domestic Partner Abuse 35. The Myths and Truths of Family Abduction, Part B. Infidelity 36. My Cheatin’ Heart 37. Love But Don’t Touch Part C. Economic Concerns New! 38. Becoming Financial Grown-Ups Part D. Illness and Death New! 39. Partners Face Cancer Together 40. Death of One’s Partner: The Anticipation and the Reality 41. The Hispanic Way of Dying Part E. War and Terror 42. Terrorism, Trauma, and Children: What Can We Do? 43. Children of the Fallen Part F. Marriage and Divorce American Style 44. Marriage and Divorce American Style 45. Managing a Blended Family 46. Stepfamily Success Depends on Ingredients UNIT 5. Families, Now and Into the Future New! 47. The 3rd National Family History Initiative: Thanksgiving 2006 48. Get a Closer Look: 12 Tips for Successful Family Interviews New! 49. Spirituality and Family Nursing: Spiritual Assessment and Intervention for Families 50. Examining Family Rituals New! 51. The Joy of Rituals NEW TAKING SIDES: CLASHING VIEWS IN FAMILY AND PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS 7th Edition Elizabeth Schroeder 2008 / 432 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339714-6 / MHID: 0-07-339714-8 Available: May 2007 Website: 148.mhtml This Seventh Edition of TAKING SIDES: CLASHING VIEWS IN FAMILY AND PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS presents current controversial issues in a debate-style format designed to stimulate student interest and develop critical thinking skills. Each issue is thoughtfully framed with an issue summary, an issue introduction, and a postscript. An instructor’s manual with testing material is available for each volume. USING TAKING SIDES IN THE CLASSROOM is also an excellent instructor resource with practical suggestions on incorporating this effective approach in the classroom. Each TAKING SIDES reader features an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites and is supported by our student website, www. CONTENTS UNIT 1. Parental Decision-Making: What’s Best for Children… Or What’s Best for Parents Issue 1. Is It Ever Appropriate to Spank A Child? Issue 2. Should Adoptive Parents Only Adopt within Their Own Racial/Ethnic Group? Issue 3. Does Divorce Create Long-Term Negative Effects for Children? Issue 4. Should Parents Homeschool Their Children? Issue 5. Do Mothers Who Work Outside the Home Have a Negative Effect on Their Children? UNIT 2. How Much Control Should Parents Have Over Their Children? Issue 6. Should “Abstinence-Until-Marriage” Be the Only Message for Teens? Issue 7. Should Parents Routinely Vaccinate Their Children? Issue 8. Should Parents be Able to Select the Biological Sex of Their Children? Issue 9. Should Parents Surgically Alter Their Intersex Infants Issue 10. Should Minors Be Required to Get Their Parents’ Permission in Order to Obtain an Abortion? UNIT 3. Revisiting Ozzie and Harriet: Same-Sex Couples and Their Families Fit In Issue 11. Should Same-Sex Couples Be Allowed to Marry? Issue 12. Should the U.S. Constitution Be Amended to Define Marriage? Issue 13. Should Lesbians and Gay Individuals be Allowed to Adopt Children? Issue 14. Is Cybersex “Cheating”? Issue 15. Are Open Relationships Healthy? Issue 16. Does Pornography Reduce the Incidence of Rape? 104 Sociology Issue 17. Should Men Who Have Sex with Men Be Allowed to Donate Blood? Issue 18. Are Statutory Rape Laws Effective at Protecting Minors? Sociology of Family Part II: GENDER, CLASS, AND RACE-ETHNICITY Chapter 3: Gender and Families Chapter 4: Social Class and Families Chapter 5: Race, Ethnicity, and Families Part III: SEXUALITY, PARTNERSHIP, AND MARRIAGE Chapter 6: Sexualities Chapter 7: Cohabitation and Marriage Chapter 8: Work and Families Part IV: LINKS ACROSS THE GENERATIONS Chapter 9: Children and Parents Chapter 10: The Elderly and Their Families NEW Part V: CONFLICT, DISRUPTION, AND RECONSTITUTION Chapter 11: Domestic Violence Chapter 12: Divorce Chapter 13: Remarriage and Stepfamilies PUBLIC AND PRIVATE FAMILIES AN INTRODUCTION 5th Edition Andrew J Cherlin, Johns Hopkins University 2008 / 608 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-352808-3 / MHID: 0-07-352808-0 Available: October 2006 Website: Nationally recognized for its sound scholarship and balanced approach and written by one of the leading authorities in the field, this text examines the family through two lenses: the familiar private family in which we live most of our personal lives, and the public family in which we, as adults, deal with broader societal issues such as the care of the elderly, the increase in divorce, and childbearing outside of marriage. The book looks at intimate personal concerns, such as whether to marry, as well as societal concerns, such as governmental policies that affect families. Distinctive chapters – Chapter 9, “Children and Parents;” Chapter 10, “The Elderly and Their Families;” and Chapter 14, “The Family, the State and Social Policy” – examine issues of great current interest, such as income assistance to poor families, the effects of out-of-home childcare, and the costs of the Social Security and Medicare programs. NEW TO THIS EDITION • New material addresses current topics and issues such as the emergence of “early adulthood” as a new life stage between adolescence and full adulthood (Chapter 2); the diverging demographics of family life, with improvement for the besteducated and deterioration for the least-educated (4 and 12); the changing meaning of marriage, as its practical value declines but its symbolic value increases (7); and marriage as a political issue: should it be promoted among low-income families, and should it be extended to same-sex couples (14). • New photo essays dramatize Hurricane Katrina (Chapter 4), grandparents caring for grandchildren (10), and same-sex marriage (14). CONTENTS Part I: INTRODUCTION Chapter 1: Public and Private Families Chapter 2: The History of the Family Part VI: FAMILY AND SOCIETY Chapter 14: The Family, the State, and Social Policy Chapter 15: Social Change and Families NEW PUBLIC AND PRIVATE FAMILIES: A READER 5th Edition Andrew J Cherlin, Johns Hopkins University 2008 / 416 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-352809-0 / MHID: 0-07-352809-9 Available: November 2006 This reader examines the family through two lenses--the familiar private family, in which we live our personal lives, and the public family, in which we deal with broader societal issues, such as raising the next generation, and the care of the elderly. Consequently, these readings look both at intimate, personal concerns, such as whether to marry, as well as societal concerns, such as governmental policies that affect families. The reader corresponds exactly to and is published concurrent with Cherlin’s textbook Public and Private Families: An Introduction; both the textbook and the reader have 15 same-named chapters. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Almost half of the readings (13of 29) are new to this edition. New readings include: articles by Stephanie Coontz, author of Marriage, A History, and Kathryn Edin and Maria Kefalas, authors of Promises I Can Keep, summarizing the arguments in their recent books; an excerpt from Jason DeParle’s acclaimed book, American Dream: Three Women, Ten Kids, and a Nation’s Drive to End Welfare; Judith Stacey on gay fathers and on the frontier of parenthood; and Frank Furstenberg and co-authors on the new life stage of "early adulthood." CONTENTS Preface Part One: INTRODUCTION Chapter 1: Public and Private Families Chapter 2: The History of the Family Part Two: GENDER, CLASS, AND RACE-ETHNICITY Chapter 3: Gender and Families Chapter 4: Social Class and Families Chapter 5: Race, Ethnicity and Families 105 Sociology Part Three: SEXUALITY, PARTNERSHIP, AND MARRIAGE Chapter 6: Sexualities Chapter 7: Cohabitation and Marriage Chapter 8: Work and Families Part Four: LINKS ACROSS THE GENERATIONS Chapter 9: Children and Parents Chapter 10: The Elderly and Their Families Part Five: CONFLICT, DISRUPTION, AND RECONSTITUTION Chapter 11: Domestic Violence Chapter 12: Divorce Chapter 13: Remarriage and Stepfamilies Part Six: FAMILY AND SOCIETY Chapter 14: The Family, the State, and Social Policy Chapter 15: Social Change and Families References NEW MARRIAGE AND FAMILIES INTIMACY, DIVERSITY AND STRENGTHS 6th Edition David H Olson, University of Minnesota--Minneapolis John DeFrain, University of Nebraska—Lincoln Linda Skogrand, Utah State University-Logan 2008 / 640 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-338004-9 / MHID: 0-07-338004-0 Available: November 2007 Website: This introduction to marriages and families accentuates the positive aspects of relationships and focuses on enriching students’ knowledge and experience in building strong, successful couple and family relationships. The authors, both seasoned family scholars and therapists, integrate research, theory, and practical application with an interdisciplinary perspective on marriage and family. CONTENTS Brief Contents Boxed Features About the Authors Preface A Visual Preview Part One: THE SOCIAL CONTEXT OF INTIMATE RELATIONSHIPS Chapter One. Perspectives on Intimate Relationships Chapter Two. Cultural Diversity: Family Strengths and Challenges Chapter Three. Understanding Marriage and Family Dynamics Part Two: DYNAMICS OF INTIMATE RELATIONSHIPS Chapter Four. Communication and Intimacy Chapter Five. Conflict and Conflict Resolution Chapter Six. Sexual Intimacy Chapter Seven. Gender Roles and Power In the Family Chapter Eight. Managing Economic Resources Part Three. STAGES OF INTIMATE RELATIONSHIPS Chapter Nine. Friendship, Intimacy, and Singlehood Chapter Ten. Dating, Mate Selection, and Living Together Chapter Eleven. Marriage: Building a Strong Foundation Chapter Twelve. Parenthood: Choices and Challenges Chapter Thirteen. Midlife and Older Couples Part Four. CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES Chapter Fourteen. Stress, Abuse, and Family Problems Chapter Fifteen. Divorce, Single-Parent Families, and Stepfamilies Chapter Sixteen. Strengthening Marriages and Families Appendices Appendix A. Couple and Family Scales Appendix B. Family Science and Family Research Methods Appendix C. Contraception and Abortion Options appendix D. Pregnancy and Childbirth Glossary References Credits Name Index Subject Index MARRIAGE AND FAMILY: THE QUEST FOR INTIMACY 6th Edition NEW TO THIS EDITION Robert Lauer & Jeanette C. Lauer, Alliant International Univ/ Usi 2007 / Softcover / 528 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-312925-9 / MHID: 0-07-312925-9 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-327133-0 / MHID: 0-07-327133-0 (With PowerWeb) Available: February 2006 • Increased focus on intimacy, diversity, sexuality, and systems. Topics covered in greater depth include the social environment and how it influences couples and families, cultural diversity, cohabitation, parenting, the couple and family map, and techniques for building stronger marriages and families. Website: • Updated throughout to include the most current statistics and cutting-edge research studies. Since the previous edition, every new issue of 13 major marriage and family, child development, family therapy, psychology, sociology, and social work journals have been studied intensively in the search for the latest research and thinking on critical issues. • Responding to interest from college teachers, the authors have strengthened resource sections on sexuality, and now include indepth and updated discussions of sexual anatomy and response, contraception, abortion, and sexually transmissible diseases. • Emphasis on diversity of ethnic and cultural groups as well as the types of family structures and intimate relationships that are common today (e.g., single parent, and stepparent families, couples without children, unmarried couples, and so forth). 106 Combining a positive and practical approach to the study of marriage and family life with a manageable amount of sociological theory and research citations, this text is centered on the theme of enhancing intimacy within marriage and the family. While providing a comprehensive overview of the progression from dating to marriage and family, the authors systematically draw out principles that students can use to protect and nurture their own intimate relationships, making this text a practical guide as well. CONTENTS Part 1: THE CONTEXT OF INTIMACY 1. American Myths and Dreams 2. Diversity In Families Sociology 3 Gender Roles: Foundation for Heterosexual Intimacy 4. Sexuality Part 2: SEEKING INTIMATE RELATIONSHIPS 5. Getting to Know Someone Else 6. Getting Involved 7. Falling In Love 8. Selecting A Life Partner 9. The Single Option Part 3: THE INTIMATE COUPLE 10. Getting Married 11. The Challenge of Communication 12. Power and Conflict in Marriage 13. Work and Home Part 4: INTIMACY IN FAMILIES 14. Becoming A Parent 15. The Family Life Cycle 16. Family Life As Management Part 5: CHALLENGES TO INTIMACY 17. Family Crises 18. Separation and Divorce 19. Remarriage and Stepfamilies Sociology of Family – Readers NEW ANNUAL EDITIONS: THE FAMILY 08/09 34th Edition Kathleen R Gilbert, Indiana UniversityBloomington 2008 / 240 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339746-7 / MHID: 0-07-339746-6 Available: September 2007 This Thirty-Fourth Edition of ANNUAL EDITIONS: THE FAMILY provides convenient, inexpensive access to current articles selected from the best of the public press. Organizational features include: an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites; an annotated table of contents; a topic guide; a general introduction; brief overviews for each section; a topical index; and an instructor’s resource guide with testing materials. USING ANNUAL EDITIONS IN THE CLASSROOM is offered as a practical guide for instructors. ANNUAL EDITIONS titles are supported by our student website, www. CONTENTS UNIT 1. Evolving Perspectives on the Family New! 1. Marriage and Family in the Scandinavian Experience New! 2. Interracial Families 3. Children as a Public Good 4. Families and Family Study in International Perspective New! 5. The World Historical Transformation of Marriage UNIT 2. Exploring and Establishing Relationships Part A. Love and Sex 6. This Thing Called Love 7. Pillow Talk,Nina Utne (Editor in chief) 8. How to Talk about Sex 9. Reinventing Sex Part B. Choosing a Mate 10. Great Expectations, 11. New Technologies and Our Feelings New! 12. Go Ahead, Kiss Your Cousin Part C. Pregnancy and the Next Generation 13. A New Fertility Factor 14. Brave New Babies New! 15. Breeder Reaction 16. And Now, the Hard Part 17. Adopting a New American Family New! 18. After the Bliss New! 19. Who’s Raising Baby UNIT 3. Family Relationships Part A. Marriage and Other Committed Relationships New! 20. Three ‘Rules’ That Don’t Apply New! 21. Two Mommies and a Daddy 22. Marriage at First Sight Part B. Relationships Between Parents and Children 23. Kaleidoscope of Parenting Cultures 24. Spanking Children: Evidence and Issue 25. What About Black Fathers? 26. Adoption by Lesbian Couples New! 27. Are Married Parents Really Better for Children? Part C. Other Family Relationships 28. Being a Sibling 29. Budding Friendships Fill Out the Family Tree 30. Aunties and Uncles 31. Roles of American Indian Grandparents in Times of Cultural Crisis 32. Aging Japanese Pen Messages to Posterity UNIT 4. Challenges and Opportunities Part A. Family Violence and Chaos 33. Hitting Home New! 34. Recognizing Domestic Partner Abuse 35. The Myths and Truths of Family Abduction, Part B. Infidelity 36. My Cheatin’ Heart 37. Love But Don’t Touch Part C. Economic Concerns New! 38. Becoming Financial Grown-Ups Part D. Illness and Death New! 39. Partners Face Cancer Together 40. Death of One’s Partner: The Anticipation and the Reality 41. The Hispanic Way of Dying Part E. War and Terror 42. Terrorism, Trauma, and Children: What Can We Do? 43. Children of the Fallen Part F. Marriage and Divorce American Style 44. Marriage and Divorce American Style 45. Managing a Blended Family 46. Stepfamily Success Depends on Ingredients UNIT 5. Families, Now and Into the Future New! 47. The 3rd National Family History Initiative: Thanksgiving 2006 48. Get a Closer Look: 12 Tips for Successful Family Interviews New! 49. Spirituality and Family Nursing: Spiritual Assessment and Intervention for Families 50. Examining Family Rituals New! 51. The Joy of Rituals 107 Sociology Issue 16. Does Pornography Reduce the Incidence of Rape? Issue 17. Should Men Who Have Sex with Men Be Allowed to Donate Blood? Issue 18. Are Statutory Rape Laws Effective at Protecting Minors? NEW TAKING SIDES: CLASHING VIEWS IN FAMILY AND PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS 7th Edition Elizabeth Schroeder 2008 / 432 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339714-6 / MHID: 0-07-339714-8 Available: May 2007 Website: 148.mhtml This Seventh Edition of TAKING SIDES: CLASHING VIEWS IN FAMILY AND PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS presents current controversial issues in a debate-style format designed to stimulate student interest and develop critical thinking skills. Each issue is thoughtfully framed with an issue summary, an issue introduction, and a postscript. An instructor’s manual with testing material is available for each volume. USING TAKING SIDES IN THE CLASSROOM is also an excellent instructor resource with practical suggestions on incorporating this effective approach in the classroom. Each TAKING SIDES reader features an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites and is supported by our student website, www. Race, Class. Gender, and Sexuality NEW RECONSTRUCTING GENDER: A MULTICULTURAL ANTHOLOGY 5th Edition Estelle Disch, University of Mass-Boston 2009 / 704 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-338006-3 / MHID: 0-07-338006-7 Available: January 2008 Website: (Details unavailable at press time) NEW CONTENTS UNIT 1. Parental Decision-Making: What’s Best for Children… Or What’s Best for Parents Issue 1. Is It Ever Appropriate to Spank A Child? Issue 2. Should Adoptive Parents Only Adopt within Their Own Racial/Ethnic Group? Issue 3. Does Divorce Create Long-Term Negative Effects for Children? Issue 4. Should Parents Homeschool Their Children? Issue 5. Do Mothers Who Work Outside the Home Have a Negative Effect on Their Children? THE SOCIAL CONSTRUCTION OF DIFFERENCE AND INEQUALITY: RACE, CLASS, GENDER AND SEXUALITY 4th Edition UNIT 2. How Much Control Should Parents Have Over Their Children? Issue 6. Should “Abstinence-Until-Marriage” Be the Only Message for Teens? Issue 7. Should Parents Routinely Vaccinate Their Children? Issue 8. Should Parents be Able to Select the Biological Sex of Their Children? Issue 9. Should Parents Surgically Alter Their Intersex Infants Issue 10. Should Minors Be Required to Get Their Parents’ Permission in Order to Obtain an Abortion? (Details unavailable at press time) UNIT 3. Revisiting Ozzie and Harriet: Same-Sex Couples and Their Families Fit In Issue 11. Should Same-Sex Couples Be Allowed to Marry? Issue 12. Should the U.S. Constitution Be Amended to Define Marriage? Issue 13. Should Lesbians and Gay Individuals be Allowed to Adopt Children? Issue 14. Is Cybersex “Cheating”? Issue 15. Are Open Relationships Healthy? 108 Tracy E Ore, St Cloud State University 2009 / 736 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-338008-7 / MHID: 0-07-338008-3 Available: March 2008 Website: Sociology NEW THE MEANING OF DIFFERENCE: AMERICAN CONSTRUCTIONS OF RACE, SEX AND GENDER, SOCIAL CLASS, AND SEXUAL ORIENTATION 5th Edition Karen E Rosenblum, George Mason University Toni-Michelle C Travis, George Mason University 2009 / 544 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-338005-6 / MHID: 0-07-338005-9 Available: February 2008 Website: (Details unavailable at press time) Medical Sociology – Readers UNIT 2. Death and Dying Issue 4 Are Some Advance Directives Too Limiting of Patients Rights? Issue 5 Do Standard Medical Ethics Apply in Disaster Conditions?? Issue 6 Should Physicians Be Allowed to Assist in Patient Suicide? Issue 7 Should Doctors Be Able to Refuse Demands for “Futile” Treatment? UNIT 3. Choices in Reproduction Issue 8 Is Abortion Immoral? Issue 9 Should a Pregnant Woman Be Punished for Exposing Her Fetus to Risk? UNIT 4. Children and Bioethics Issue 10 Should Adolescents Be Allowed to Make Their Own Life-and-Death Decisions? Issue 11 Do Parents Harm Their Children When They Refuse Medical Treatment on Religions Grounds? UNIT 5. Genetics Issue 12 Is the Ban on Federal Funding of Human Stem Cell Research Justifiable? Issue 13 Is Genetic Enhancement an Unacceptable Use of Technology? UNIT 6. Human and Animal Experiementation Issue 14 Should Animal Experimentation Be Permitted? Issue 15 Should Prisoners be Allowed to Participate in Research? NEW TAKING SIDES: CLASHING VIEWS ON BIOETHICAL ISSUES 12th Edition Carol Levine, United Hospital Fund UNIT 7. Bioethics and Public Policy Issue 16 Should Federally Funded Healthcare be Tied to Following Doctors’ Orders? Issue 17 Does Military Necessity Override Medical Ethics? Issue 18 Should Performance-Enhancing Drugs Be Banned from Sports? Issue 19 Should There be a Free Market in Body Parts? Issue 20 Should Pharmacists Be Allowed to Deny Prescriptions on Grounds of Conscience? Issue 21 Should Public Health Override Powers Over Individual Liberty in Combating Bioterrorism? 2008 / 400 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339718-4 / MHID: 0-07-339718-0 Available: April 2007 Website: 180.mhtml This Twelfth Edition of TAKING SIDES: BIOETHCIAL ISSUES presents current controversial issues in a debate-style format designed to stimulate student interest and develop critical thinking skills. Each issue is thoughtfully framed with an issue summary, an issue introduction, and a postscript. An instructor’s manual with testing material is available for each volume. USING TAKING SIDES IN THE CLASSROOM is also an excellent instructor resource with practical suggestions on incorporating this effective approach in the classroom. Each TAKING SIDES reader features an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites and is supported by our student website, CONTENTS UNIT 1. Medical Decision Making Issue 1 Is Informed Consent Still Central to Medical Ethics? Issue 2 Should Truth-Telling Depend on the Patient’s Culture? Issue 3 Does Direct-to-Consumer Drug Advertising Enhance Patient Choice? 109 Sociology Gerontology / Sociology of Aging – Readers NEW NEW ANNUAL EDITIONS: AGING 07/08 20th Edition ANNUAL EDITIONS: AGING 08/09 21st Edition Harold Cox, Indiana State University—Terre Haute 2009 / 240 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339760-3 / MHID: 0-07-339760-1 Available: March 2008 Website: 601.mhtmlf This Twenty-First Edition of ANNUAL EDITIONS: AGING provides convenient, inexpensive access to current articles selected from the best of the public press. Organizational features include: an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites; an annotated table of contents; a topic guide; a general introduction; brief overviews for each section; a topical index; and an instructor’s resource guide with testing materials. USING ANNUAL EDITIONS IN THE CLASSROOM, ISBN 0073301906, is offered as a practical guide for instructors. ANNUAL EDITIONS titles are supported by our student website, Harold Cox, Indiana State UniversityTerre Haute 2008 / 224 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339729-0 / MHID: 0-07-339729-6 Available: January 2007 Website: http://www 296.mhtml This Twentieth Edition of ANNUAL EDITIONS: AGING 07/08 provides convenient, inexpensive access to current articles selected from the best of the public press. Organizational features include: an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites; an annotated table of contents; a topic guide; a general introduction; brief overviews for each section; a topical index; and an instructor’s resource guide with testing materials. USING ANNUAL EDITIONS IN THE CLASSROOM is offered as a practical guide for instructors. ANNUAL EDITIONS titles are supported by our student website, www. CONTENTS UNIT 1. The Phenomenon of Aging 1. Elderly American 2. The Economic Conundrum of an Aging Population New! 3. Living Longer 4. Puzzle of the Century 5. The Demographic Drivers of Aging 6. Will You Live to Be 100? New! 7. The 2005 White House Conference on Aging UNIT 2. The Quality of Later Life 8. Women’s Sexuality as They Age: The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same New! 9. As Good As It Gets New! 10. Cohabitation Among Older Adults: A National Portrait 11. We Can Control How We Age UNIT 3. Societal Attitudes Toward Old Age 12. Society Fears the Aging Process 13. Ageism in America New! 14. The Secret Lives of Single Women 15. The Under-Reported Impact of Age Discrimination and Its Threat to Business Vitality UNIT 4. Problems and Potentials of Aging 16. Primary Care for Elderly People: Why Do Doctors Find It So Hard? 17. Breakthrough New! 18. Marital History and the Burden of Cardiovascular Disease in Midlife 19. The Disappearing Mind New! 20. The Extent and Frequency of Abuse in the Lives of Older Women and Their Relationship With Health Outcomes UNIT 5. Retirement: American Dream or Dilemma? 21. How to Survive the First Year 110 Sociology New! 22. The Big Squeeze 23. Old. Smart. Productive New! 24. The Broken Promise 25. Work/Retirement Choices and Lifestyle Patterns of Older Americans UNIT 6. The Experience of Dying 26. More Hospice Patients Forgoing Sustenance New! 27. The Grieving Process 28. Start the Conversation New! 29. Mind Frames Towards Dying and Factors Motivating Their Adoption by Terminally Ill Elders UNIT 7. Living Environment in Later Life 30. (Not) the Same Old Story 31. A Home for the Rest of Your Life New! 32. Nursing Homes: Business As Usual New! 33. Declaration of Independents UNIT 8. Social Policies, Programs, and Services for Older Americans 34. Have Seniors Been Dealt a Bad Hand? Medicare’s Drug Discount Cards New! 35. Social Security’s 70th Anniversary: Surviving 20 Years of Reform 36. Universalism Without the Targeting: Privatizing the Old-Age Welfare State New! 37. Coverage For All 38. Riding Into the Sunset Sociology of Death • A new chapter on end-of-life issues and decisions includes discussion of informed consent, caregiver-patient relationships, physician-assisted suicide, euthanasia, advance directives, and financial planning. • A new section on Celtic and Northern European cultural traditions complements discussion of other cross-cultural perspectives on death and dying. • A new section on terrorism, including discussion of the impact and aftermath of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. • Expanded discussion of the role of biological and genetic factors in suicide risk. • Integrated discussion of developmental theories and the impact of sociocultural influences on socialization and learning about death. CONTENTS Chapter 1 – Attitudes Toward Death: A Climate of Change Chapter 2 – Learning About Death: The Influence of Sociocultural Forces Chapter 3 – Perspectives on Death: Cross-Cultural and Historical Chapter 4 – Health Care Systems: Patients, Staff, and Institutions Chapter 5 – Death Systems: Matters of Public Policy Chapter 6 – Facing Death: Living with Life-Threatening Illness Chapter 7 – End-of-Life Issues and Decisions Chapter 8 – Survivors: Understanding the Experience of Loss Chapter 9 – Last Rites: Funerals and Body Disposition Chapter 10 – Death in the Lives of Children and Adolescents Chapter 11 – Death in the Lives of Adults Chapter 12 – Suicide Chapter 13 – Risks of Death in the Modern World Chapter 14 – Beyond Death / After Life Chapter 15 – The Path Ahead: Personal and Social Choices NEW THE LAST DANCE: ENCOUNTERING DEATH AND DYING 8th Edition Lynne Ann DeSpelder, Cabrillo College and Albert Lee Strickland 2009 / Hardcover / 688 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-340546-9 / MHID: 0-07-340546-9 Available: June 2008 The best-selling textbook in the field, The Last Dance offers an interdisciplinary approach to the study of death and dying. Integrating the experiential, scholarly, social, individual, emotional, and intellectual dimensions of death and dying, the eighth edition of this acclaimed text has been thoroughly revised to offer cutting-edge and comprehensive coverage of death studies. Together with its companion volumes, this new edition of The Last Dance provides solid grounding in theory and research, as well as practical application to students’ lives. NEW TO THIS EDITION • A new companion text, A Journey Through the Last Dance, helps students reexamine their attitudes and behaviors toward death and dying, through activities, new ideas, terms, and references to many resources. • A new chapter on death systems highlights important public policy issues. 111 Sociology Sociology of Death – Readers NEW ANNUAL EDITIONS: DYING, DEATH, AND BEREAVEMENT 08/09 10th Edition George E Dickinson, College of Charleston Michael R Leming, Saint Olaf College 2008 / 240 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339771-9 / MHID: 0-07-339771-7 Available: November 2007 27. When Students Kill Themselves, Colleges May Get the Blame 28. Life Everlasting 29. Who Will Speak for You When You Can’t? 30. The Contemporary American Funeral 31. How Different Religions Pay Their Final Respects 32. The Arlington Ladies 33. Face to Face With Death 34. Six Feet Under 35. The Grieving Process 36. Disenfranchised Grief 37. Enhancing the Concept of Disenfranchised Grief 38. The Increasing Prevalence of Complicated Mourning 39. Those Left Behind 40. Till Death Do Us Part 41. Counseling With Children in Contemporary Society 42. Discussing Tragedy With Your Child 43. Life Is Like the Seasons Website: 717.mhtml This Tenth Edition of ANNUAL EDITIONS: DYING, DEATH, AND BEREAVEMENT provides convenient, inexpensive access to current articles selected from the best of the public press. Organizational features include: an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites; an annotated table of contents; a topic guide; a general introduction; brief overviews for each section; a topical index; and an instructor’s resource guide with testing materials. USING ANNUAL EDITIONS IN THE CLASSROOM, ISBN 0073301906, is offered as a practical guide for instructors. ANNUAL EDITIONS titles are supported by our student website, Urban Sociology NEW ANNUAL EDITIONS: URBAN SOCIETY 13th Edition CONTENTS UNIT 1. Issues in Dying and Death 1. Finding Better Ways to Die New! 2. Organ Transplantation in a Globalised World New! 3. Into the Oblivion New! 4. Moving Toward Peace, 5. Technology and Death Policy New! 6. A Survey of End-of-Life Care in Care Homes New! 7. How Much Is More Life Worth?, 8. The Unsettled Question of Brain Death 9. Studying the Black Death UNIT 2. Dying and Death Across the Life Cycle New! 10. Editorial: On Behalf of Children New! 11. Knowledge of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Prevention Strategies in a Multicultural, Disadvantaged Community New! 12. And Then the Dog Died New! 13. To Live with No Regrets New! 14. “Cast Me Not Off in Old Age” 15. Trends in Causes of Death Among the Elderly UNIT 3. The Dying Process 16. Palliative Care 17. Placing Religion and Spirituality in End-of-Life Care 18. Spirituality and Religion in the “Art of Dying”, New! 19. Death in the Nursing Home New! 20. Dying on the Streets New! 21. Aging Prisoners’ Concerns Toward Dying in Prison UNIT 4. Ethical Issues of Dying, Death, and Suicide 22. Death and the Law 23. Doctor, I Want to Die. Will You Help Me? 24. Competent Care for the Dying Instead of Physician-Assisted Suicide 25. Colleen’s Choice 26. Ethics and Life’s Ending 112 Fred Siegel, The Cooper Union for Science and Art—New York Harry Siegel 2008 / 208 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339743-6 / MHID: 0-07-339743-1 Available: March 2007 Website: 431.mhtml This Thirteenth Edition of ANNUAL EDITIONS: URBAN SOCIETY provides convenient, inexpensive access to current articles selected from the best of the public press. Organizational features include: an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites; an annotated table of contents; a topic guide; a general introduction; brief overviews for each section; a topical index; and an instructor’s resource guide with testing materials. USING ANNUAL EDITIONS IN THE CLASSROOM is offered as a practical guide for instructors. ANNUAL EDITIONS titles are supported by our student website, CONTENTS UNIT 1. The Urban Frame 1. Fear of the City, 1783 to 1983 2. The Death and Life of America’s Cities New! 3. Interview with Jane Jacobs 4. Broken Windows UNIT 2. The Inner Life: City Stories New! 5. Back to the Fortress of Solitude and the Millions of Destroyed Men Who Are My Brothers New! 6. My L.A. Sociology New! 7. Chicago, City of Champions New! 8. A Play at Contrition Race and Ethnicity – Readers UNIT 3. Selling the New City: The Fight to Attract the Young and the Restless 9. The Rise of the Creative Class 10. Too Much Froth 11. Packaging Cities 12. Urban Warfare 13. The Geography of Cool 14. The Best of Mates NEW UNIT 4. Urban Revival, Gentrification and the Changing Face of the City Part A. Urban Revival 15. Return to Center 16. The Fall and Rise of Bryant Park 17. Ground Zero in Urban Decline 18. Saving Buffalo From Extinction New! 19. Movers and Shakers Part B. Gentrification 20. The Gentry, Misjudged as Neighbors New! 21. Red Hook—Wounded by Good Intentions 22. The Essence of Uptown New! 23. In Parts of U.S. Northwest, a Changing Face 24. Rocking-Chair Revival 25. In New York City, Fewer Find They Can Make It UNIT 5. Urban Economies, Politics and Policies New! 26. Winds of Change—Tale of a Warehouse Shows How Chicago Weathers a Decline 27. Bloomberg So Far 28. Mayors and Morality: Daley and Lindsay Then and Now UNIT 6. Sprawl: Challenges to the Metropolitan Landscape 29. Patio Man and the Sprawl People 30. Downtown Struggles While Neighbor Thrives 31. Is Regional Government the Answer? 32. Unscrambling the City 33. Are Europe’s Cities Better? UNIT 7. Urban Problems: Crime, Education, and Poverty 34. How an Idea Drew People Back to Urban Life 35. Windows Not Broken 36. Murder Mystery 37. Police Line—Do Cross New! 38. The Black Family—40 Years of Lies New! 39. Big Cities Balk Over Illegal Migrants 40. Segregation in New York Under a Different Name 41. An Inner-City Renaissance 42. The Rise, Fall, and Rise Again of Public Housing UNIT 8. Cities and Disasters: Viewing 9/11 and Katrina, and Preparing for What’s Next 43. A View From the South New! 44. Debunking the Myths of Katrina New! 45. The Gathering Storm TAKING SIDES: CLASHING VIEWS IN RACE AND ETHNICITY 6th Edition Raymond D’Angelo, St Joseph’s College and Herbert Douglas, Rowan University 2008 / Softcover / 432 pgs ISBN-13: 978-0-07-351506-9 / MHID: 0-07-351506-X Available: November 2006 Website: 60x.mhtml TAKING SIDES: CLASHING VIEWS IN RACE AND ETHNICITY, 6/e presents current controversial issues in a debate-style format designed to stimulate student interest and develop critical thinking skills. Each issue is thoughtfully framed with an issue summary, an issue introduction, and a postscript. An instructor’s manual with testing material is available for each volume. USING TAKING SIDES IN THE CLASSROOM is also an excellent instructor resource with practical suggestions on incorporating this effective approach in the classroom. Each TAKING SIDES reader features an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites and is supported by our student website, CONTENTS Part 1: CLASSICAL ISSUES IN RACE, ETHNICITY, AND IMMIGRATION New! ISSUE 1. Do Americans Need a Common Identity? ISSUE 2. Does Immigration Contribute to a Better America? ISSUE 3. Race Relations in the Nineteenth Century: Will Accommodation Insure Progress? ISSUE 4. Do Recent Immigration Trends Challenge Existing Ideas of America’s White Identity? ISSUE 5. Is Race Prejudice a Product of Group Position? Part 2: RACE STILL MATTERS: PREJUDICE, DISCRIMINATION, AND RACIAL MINORITIES ISSUE 6. Do Minorities and Whites Engage in Self-Segregation? ISSUE 7. Are Asian Americans a Model Minority? New! ISSUE 8. Did Hurricane Katrina Expose Racism in New Orleans? New! ISSUE 9. Is the Emphasis on a Color-Blind Society an Answer to Racism? Part 3: SOCIAL AND POLITICAL ISSUES OF EDUCATION AND MULTICULTURALISM ISSUE 10. Are America’s Schools and Neighborhoods Resegregating? ISSUE 11. Should Race Be Included Among the Many Factors Considered for Admission to Selective Colleges? ISSUE 12. Is Affirmative Action Necessary to Achieve Racial Equality in the United States Today? New! ISSUE 13. Is Multiculturalism Compatible with Democratic Values? 113 Sociology Part 4: ISSUES FOR THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY New! ISSUE 14. Is Today’s Immigration Debate Anti-Latino (Racist)? New! ISSUE 15. Does White Skin Privilege Still Exist in American Society? ISSUE 16. Is Racism a Permanent Feature of American Society? ISSUE 17. Is Now the Time for Reparations for African Americans? ISSUE 18. Is Racial Profiling Defensible Public Policy? NEW ANNUAL EDITIONS: RACE AND ETHNIC RELATIONS 16th Edition John A Kromkowski, Catholic University of America 2008 / 256 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339745-0 / MHID: 0-07-339745-8 Available: April 2007 Website: 458.mhtml This Sixteenth Edition of ANNUAL EDITIONS: RACE AND ETHNIC RELATIONS provides convenient, inexpensive access to current articles selected from the best of the public press. Organizational features include: an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites; an annotated table of contents; a topic guide; a general introduction; brief overviews for each section; a topical index; and an instructor’s resource guide with testing materials. USING ANNUAL EDITIONS IN THE CLASSROOM is offered as a practical guide for instructors. ANNUAL EDITIONS titles are supported by our student website, CONTENTS UNIT 1. Local Experiences of Racial and Ethnic Identity, Communities, and Diversity in America New! 1. Ethnic Goes Exurban 2. It’s Blarney Meets Chutzpah, over Red Wine and Green Beer New! 3. A Shift in the Income Divide in Queens Puts Blacks Ahead of Whites 4. `New Brooklyns’ Replace White Suburbs 5. Parishes in Transition: Holding on While Letting Go 6. In New York, Gospel Resounds in African Tongues New! 7. In Brooklyn, an Evolving Ethnicity New! 8. Mélange Cities 9. Greektown’s Rise No Myth UNIT 2. Echoes from the Past and Pieces of Our Ambiguous Legacies 10. The Slave History You Don’t Know 11. Paying for Jefferson’s Sins New! 12. How the GOP Conquered the South UNIT 3. Demography and Diversity 13. Racial Restrictions in the Law of Citizenship New! 14. Ancestry 2000: Census 2000 Brief 114 New! 15. Forces That Shape Ethnic Opinion in What Ethnic Americans Really Think 16. Zooming in on Diversity New! 17. Intermarriage in the Second Generation: Choosing Between Newcomers and Natives UNIT 4. Immigration and the American Tradition 18. New Americans Fresh Off the Presses 19. The Diversity Visa Lottery—A Cycle of Unintended Consequences in, Anna O. Law New! 20. Immigration and America’s Future: A New Chapter New! 21. More Muslims are Coming to U.S. after a Decline in Wake of 9/11 New! 22. A True Believer in Immigrants New! 23. The Hotel Africa UNIT 5. Indigenous Ethnic Groups New! 24. Who Is a Native American? 25. Guiding Spirit: American Indian Museum Curators Look Beyond the Objects to the Power Within 26. Playing Indian at Halftime UNIT 6. African Americans New! 27. Who Is an African American? New! 28. Cracking the Genomics Code New! 29. Why I Gave Up on Hip-Hop UNIT 7. Hispanic/Latina/o Americans New! 30. The GOP’s Brownout 31. Inventing Hispanics: A Diverse Minority Resists Being Labeled 32. The Changing Face of Arlanadria New! 33. 15 Years on the Bottom Rung UNIT 8. Asian Americans New! 34. To Be Asian in America New! 35. Lands of Opportunity: Chinese Immigration New! 36. Incarceration, Redress, Reconsiderations: Reviewing the Story of the Japanese-Americans New! 37. Thirty Years Later: Reviewing the Vietnamese-American Experience New! 38. Our Lady of La Vang Parish Turns 25 UNIT 9. Eastern European and Mediterranean Ethnics New! 39. Miracle: American Polonia, Karol Wojtyla and the Election of Pope John Paul II 40. Our Polish American Self Image: Responding to Its Detractors New! 41. ‘Bursting with Pride’ in Little Italy New! 42. Where We Stand on Issues 43. American Jewish History: A Chance to Reflect New! 44. Young U.S. Muslims Strive for Harmony New! 45. For ‘Borat’ Audience, First Come the Gasps, then the Laughs UNIT 10. Understanding Race and Ethnic Relations: Exploring Challenges New! 46. The Trouble with Tolerance 47. American Self-Interest and the Response to Genocide 48. Ethnic, Religious Fissures Deepen in Iraqi Society 49. Never Underestimate the Power of Ethnicity in Iraq 50. Correlated Conflicts: The Independent Nature of Ethnic Strife 51. The Geometer of Race New! 52. Trading Left Jabs New! 53. Colorblind to the Reality of Race in America Sociology Political Sociology NEW ANNUAL EDITIONS: DEVELOPING WORLD 08/09 18th Edition Robert J Griffiths, University of NC – Greensboro 2008 / 240 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339756-6 / MHID: 0-07-339756-3 Available: October 2007 Website: 563.mhtml This Eighteenth Edition of ANNUAL EDITIONS: DEVELOPING WORLD provides convenient, inexpensive access to current articles selected from the best of the public press. Organizational features include: an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites; an annotated table of contents; a topic guide; a general introduction; brief overviews for each section; a topical index; and an instructor’s resource guide with testing materials. USING ANNUAL EDITIONS IN THE CLASSROOM is offered as a practical guide for instructors. ANNUAL EDITIONS titles are supported by our student website, 29. Bringing the Wicked to the Dock UNIT 4 Political Change 30. The 2005 Freedom House Survey New! 31. Whose Iran? New! 32. Turkey Face West New! 33. Thailand’s Elusive Equilibrium New! 34. Big Men, Big Fraud, Big Trouble New! 35. Congo’s Peace New! 36. Africa: How We Killed Our Dreams of Freedom New! 37. The Year of the Ballot New! 38. The Lost Continent UNIT 5 Population, Resources, Environment and Health New! 39. Booms, Busts, and Echoes New! 40. Poor Nations to Bear Brunt as World Warms 41. Why We Owe So Much to Victims of Disaster New! 42. The Challenge of Global Health New! 43. A Lifelong Struggle for a Generation 44. Reversal of Fortune 45. Ten Years’ Hard Labour 46. Educating Girls, Unlocking Development 47. Women, Islam and the New Iraq 48. Women and Warlords, New! 49. The Meaning of Freedom New! 50. Let Women Rule Social Inequality / Social Stratification CONTENTS UNIT 1 Understanding the Developing World 1. How to Help Poor Countries 2. The Utopian Nightmare New! 3. Africa’s Village of Dreams 4. Today’s Golden Age of Poverty Reduction 5. Development as Poison: Rethinking the Western Model of Modernity New! 6. Why God is Winning UNIT 2 International Political Economy 7. Climbing Back New! 8. The India Model New! 9. Industrial Revolution 2.0 New! 10. In the Twilight of Doha 11. Social Justice and Global Trade 12. Cotton: The Huge Moral Issue New! 13. We Need Trade Justice, Not Free Trade New! 14. Ranking the Rich New! 15. Foreign Aid II 16. Making Aid Work 17. Food Sovereignty: Ending World Hunger in Our Time 18. The Ten-Cent Solution New! 19. Millions for Millions NEW SOCIAL STRATIFICATION AND INEQUALITY 7th Edition Harold R Kerbo, California Polytechnic State University 2009 / 704 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-338007-0 / MHID: 0-07-338007-5 Available: March 2008 (Details unavailable at press time) UNIT 3 Conflict and Instability 20. The End of War? New! 21. Iraq’s Civil War New! 22. When the Shiites Rise New! 23. Letter From Afghanistan New! 24. Pakistan and the Islamists 25. In Villages Across India, Maoist Guerrillas Widen ‘People’s War’ New! 26. A Hopeful Wind of Change New! 27. Anatomy of an Unending Conflict New! 28. Call in the Blue Helmets 115 Sociology Sociological Theory NEW THE SOCIAL CONSTRUCTION OF DIFFERENCE AND INEQUALITY: RACE, CLASS, GENDER AND SEXUALITY 4th Edition NEW Tracy E Ore, St Cloud State University 2009 / 736 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-338008-7 / MHID: 0-07-338008-3 Available: March 2008 READINGS IN SOCIAL THEORY 5th Edition Website: James Farganis, Vassar College (Details unavailable at press time) NEW THE MEANING OF DIFFERENCE: AMERICAN CONSTRUCTIONS OF RACE, SEX AND GENDER, SOCIAL CLASS, AND SEXUAL ORIENTATION 5th Edition Karen E Rosenblum, George Mason University Toni-Michelle C Travis, George Mason University 2009 / 544 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-338005-6 / MHID: 0-07-338005-9 Available: February 2008 Website: (Details unavailable at press time) 2008 / 448 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-352813-7 / MHID: 0-07-352813-7 Available: March 2007 This highly regarded anthology of primary readings in sociological theory covers the major theorists and schools from classic to contemporary, modernist, and postmodernist, in a chronological organization. Its comprehensive coverage and excellent introductions make this book appealing as a main text for professors who want to encourage students to read and interpret original sources, or as a supplement for those who use a traditional main text. NEW TO THIS EDITION • New readings include Talcott Parsons, The System of Modern Societies, Ch. 7; Peter Berger, The Sacred Canopy; Candace West and Don Zimmerman, “Doing Gender,” Ch. 10; Arlie Hochschild, “Exploring the Managed Heart,” Ch.11; Patricia Hill Collins: “Is the Personal Still Political?,” Ch.12; and Jurgen Habermas, “Religion in the Public Sphere,” Ch. 13. • Selections by Dahrendorf, Mead, and Schutz have been condensed, making them more accessible to students. • Readings by Parsons, Berger, and Habermas have been replaced by alternative selections by the same authors. • The selection by Zweigenhaft and Domhoff, "The Ironies of Diversity," has been revised and updated. CONTENTS Introduction: The Classic Tradition To Post-Modernism: An Overview Part One: THE CLASSIC TRADITION 1. Karl Marx: Alienation, Class Struggle, and Class Consciousness 2. Émile Durkheim: Anomie and Social Integration Introduction 3. Max Weber: The Iron Cage 4. Georg Simmel: Dialectic of Individual and Society 6. W.E.B. Du Bois: Double Consciousness and The Public Intellectual Part Two: CONTEMPORARY SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY 7. Functionalism 8. Conflict Theory 9. Exchange Theory and Rational Choice 10. Phenomenological Sociology and Ethnomethodology 11. Symbolic Interaction 12. Feminist Theory Part Three: MODERNITY AND POST-MODERNITY 13: Critical Theory 14. Post-Modernism 116 Sociology References Permissions Acknowlegments Index NEW CLASSICAL SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY 5th Edition NEW George Ritzer, University of Maryland—College Park MODERN SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY 7th Edition 2008 / 552 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-352817-5 / MHID: 0-07-352817-X Available: June 2007 The fifth edition of Classical Sociological Theory by George Ritzer, one of the foremost authorities on sociological theory, gives readers a comprehensive overview of the major classical theorists and schools of sociological thought. Key theories are integrated with biographical sketches of theorists, and theories are placed in their historical and intellectual context. This helps students to better understand the original works of classical authors as well as to compare and contrast classical theories. NEW TO THIS EDITION • The chapter on Marx includes more examples and historical context, and focuses more on exploitation and on Marx’s materialist conception of history. • All chapters have been updated to include current research on classical and contemporary theory and theorists. Myriad entries have been added to the References that reflect the most recent thinking in the field. • A new Chapter 3 on Alexis de Tocqueville gives Tocqueville the credit he deserves for his work revolving around the interrelated issues of equality, centralization, and freedom. Issues of great contemporary concern in sociology and social theory, including individualism and civil society, are examined thoroughly. CONTENTS International Edition George Ritzer, University of Maryland--College Park 2008 / Softcover / 640 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-340410-3 / MHID: 0-07-340410-1 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-110177-6 / MHID: 0-07-110177-2 [IE] Available: May 2007 The seventh edition of Modern Sociological Theory by George Ritzer, one of the foremost authorities on sociological theory, gives readers a comprehensive overview of the major contemporary schools of sociological thought. Key theories are integrated with biographical sketches of theorists, and theories are placed in their historical and intellectual context. This helps students to better understand the original works and helps them appreciate the diversity of contemporary theory. NEW TO THIS EDITION • All chapters have been updated to include current research on classical and contemporary theory and theorists. Myriad entries have been added to the References that reflect the most recent thinking in the field. • A new section in Chapter 1 on Alexis de Tocqueville gives Tocqueville the credit he deserves for his work revolving around the interrelated issues of equality, centralization, and freedom. Biographical and Autobiographical Sketches Preface • A new Chapter 10 combines micro-macro and agency-structure integration in a more compact discussion of these synthetic efforts. Part I. INTRODUCTION TO SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY Chapter 1. A Historical Sketch of Sociological Theory: The Early Years Chapter 2. A Historical Sketch of Sociological Theory: The Later Years • A new Chapter 12 on globalization covers the rise of globalization theories in the early twenty-first century. It discusses the major economic, political, and cultural theories. Part II: CLASSICAL SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY Chapter 3. Alexis de Tocqueville Chapter 4. August Comte Chapter 5. Herbert Spencer Chapter 6. Karl Marx Chapter 7. Emile Durkheim Chapter 8. Max Weber Chapter 9. Georg Simmel Chapter 10. Early Women Sociologists and Classical Sociological Theory, 1830-1930 Chapter 11. W.E.B. DuBois Chapter 12. Thorstein Veblen Chapter 13. Karl Mannheim Chapter 14. George Herbert Mead Chapter 15. Alfred Schutz Chapter 16. Talcott Parsons • A new Chapter 14, on the cutting edge developments in contemporary theory, discusses actor-network theory, practice theory, queer theory, and critical theories of race and racism. CONTENTS Part I: INTRODUCTION Chapter 1. A Historical Sketch of Sociological Theory: The Early Years Chapter 2. A Historical Sketch of Sociological Theory: The Later Years <BR Part II: MODERN SOCIOLOGIAL THEORY: THE MAJOR SCHOOLS Chapter 3. Structural Functionalism, Neofunctionalism, and Conflict Theory Chapter 4. Varieties of Neo-Marxian Theory Chapter 5. Systems Theory Chapter 6. Symbolic Interactionism Chapter 7. Ethnomethodology 117 Sociology Chapter 8. Exchange, Network, and Rational Choice Theories Chapter 9. Modern Feminist Theory Part III: RECENT INTEGRATIVE DEVELOPMENTS SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY Chapter 10. Micro-Macro and Agency-Structure Integration IN Part IV: FROM MODERN TO POSTMODERN SOCIAL THEORY Chapter 11. Contemporary Theories of Modernity Chapter 12. Globalization Theory Chapter 13. Structuralism, Poststructuralism, and the Emergence of Postmodern Social Theory Chapter 14. Cutting Edge Developments in Contemporary Theory Appendix: Sociological Metatheorizing and a Metatheoretical Schema for Analyzing Sociological Theory Part II: MODERN SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY: THE MAJOR SCHOOLS Chapter 6: A Historical Sketch of Sociological Theory: The Later Years Chapter 7: Structural Functionalism, Neofunctionalism, and Conflict Theory Chapter 8: Varieties of Neo-Marxian Theory Chapter 9: Systems Theory Chapter 10: Symbolic Interactionism Chapter 11: Ethnomethodology Chapter 12: Exchange, Network, and Rational Choice Theories Chapter 13: Contemporary Feminist Theory Part III: RECENT INTEGRATIVE DEVELOPMENTS IN SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY Chapter 14: Micro-Macro Integration and Agency-Structure Integration NEW SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY 7th Edition George Ritzer, University of MarylandCollege Park 2008 / 816 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-352818-2 / MHID: 0-07-352818-8 Available: June 2007 The seventh edition of Sociological Theory by George Ritzer, one of the foremost authorities on sociological theory, gives readers a comprehensive overview of the major theorists and schools of sociological thought. Key theories are integrated with biographical sketches of theorists, and theories are placed in their historical and intellectual context. This helps students to better understand the original works of classical and modern theorists as well as to compare and contrast the latest substantive theories. NEW TO THIS EDITION • All chapters have been updated to include current research on classical and contemporary theory and theorists. Myriad entries have been added to the References that reflect the most recent thinking in the field. • A new section in Chapter 1 on Alexis de Tocqueville gives Tocqueville the credit he deserves for his work revolving around the interrelated issues of equality, centralization, and freedom. • A new Chapter 14 combines micro-macro and agency-structure integration in a more compact discussion of these synthetic efforts. • A new Chapter 16 on globalization covers the rise of globalization theories in the early twenty-first century and discusses the major economic, political, and cultural theories. • A new Chapter 18 on the cutting edge developments in contemporary theory discusses actor-network theory, practice theory, queer theory, and critical theories of race and racism. CONTENTS Part I: CLASSICAL SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY Chapter 1: A Historical Sketch of Sociological Theory: The Early Years 118 Chapter 2: Karl Marx Chapter 3: Emile Durkheim Chapter 4: Max Weber Chapter 5: Georg Simmel Part IV: FROM MODERN TO POSTMODERN SOCIAL THEORY (AND BEYOND) Chapter 15: Contemporary Theories of Modernity Chapter 16: Globalization Theory Chapter 17: Structuralism, Poststructuralism, and the Emergence of Postmodern Social Theory Appendix: Sociological Metatheorizing and a Metatheoretical Schema for Analyzing Sociological Theory International Edition CONTEMPORARY SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY AND ITS CLASSICAL ROOTS: THE BASICS 2nd Edition George Ritzer, University of Maryland—College Park 2007 / 320 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-299759-0 / MHID: 0-07-299759-1 (No Selling Rights) ISBN-13: 978-0-07-110732-7 / MHID: 0-07-110732-0 [IE] Available: March 2006 Website: This text is the teaching solution for instructors who need a brief, accessible text for sociological theory. An affordable alternative to a standard text, this volume still includes a range of pedagogical features; it is concise yet comprehensive, informative, and engaging for a wide range of students. CONTENTS Chapter 1. Introduction Chapter 2. Classical Theories-I Chapter 3. Classical Theories-II Chapter 4. Contemporary Grand Theories-I Chapter 5. Contemporary Grand Theories-II Chapter 6. Contemporary Theories of Everyday Life Chapter 7. Contemporary Integrative Theories Chapter 8. Contemporary Feminist Theories (by Patricia Madoo Lengermann and Jill Niebrugge) Chapter 9. Postmodern Grand Theories Chapter 10. Globalization Theory Sociology Sociology of Gender NEW RECONSTRUCTING GENDER: A MULTICULTURAL ANTHOLOGY 5th Edition Estelle Disch, University of Mass-Boston 2009 / 704 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-338006-3 / MHID: 0-07-338006-7 Available: January 2008 Website: (Details unavailable at press time) Social Work / Welfare SOCIAL POLICY WITH CASE STUDY CD AND ETHICS PRIMER Rosemay K Chapin, University of Kansas—Lawrence 2007 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-327497-3 / MHID: 0-07-327497-6 Available: March 2006 CONTEMPORARY SOCIAL WORK PRACTICE WITH ETHICS PRIMER, CASE STUDY CD AND POWERWEB Martha P Dewees, University of Vermont 2007 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-319575-9 / MHID: 0-07-319575-8 The second of five books in McGraw-Hill’s new series NEW DIRECTIONS IN SOCIAL WORK, this text helps translate the guiding theoretical perspectives of social justice, human rights, and critical social construction into purposeful social work practice. Each new copy of the text is packaged free with a companion interactive CD-ROM offering case studies based on actual practice situations, as well as a concise ethics primer! CONTENTS Understanding Social Work Practice Exploring the Practice Purpose Applying Values and Ethics to Practice Engaging in Relationship: Making the Connection Assessing and Planning: Deepening the Dialogue Intervening in Context: Initiating the Plan Social Work with Groups: Tapping the Power of Connection Exploring the Family Story Working in and with the Organization Working in and with the Community Negotiating Troubling Contexts Ending the Work, Consolidating the Gains, and Evaluating Practice References Credits Glossary/Index Website: The fourth of five innovative texts in McGraw-Hill’s new series NEW DIRECTIONS IN SOCIAL WORK, this book examines the process of defining need, analyzing social policy, and developing new policy. A clear philosophical base and a common theoretical framework underlie the discussion of each component of the policy process. Four themes are interwoven throughout the book: the importance of thinking critically about social policy, the benefits of using the strengths perspective in policy analysis and development, the critical role social policy plays in all areas of practice, and the absolute responsibility of every social worker to engage in policy practice. CONTENTS Chapter 1: Social Work and Social Policy: A Strengths Perspective Chapter 2: The Historical Context: Basic Concepts and Early Influences Chapter 3: The Historical Context: Development of Our Current Welfare System Chapter 4: The Economic and Political Context Chapter 5: Tools for Determining Need and Analyzing Social Policy Chapter 6: Social Policy Development and Policy Practice Chapter 7: Civil Rights Chapter 8: Income and Asset-Based Social Policies and Programs Chapter 9: Policies and Programs For Children and Families Chapter 10: Health and Mental Health Policies and Programs Chapter 11: Elder Policy Chapter 12: Focus on Our Future: Policy Challenges 119 Sociology Social Psychology NEW International Edition SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 9th Edition David Myers, Hope College 2008 / Hardcover / 864 pgs ISBN-13: 978-0-07-353189-2 / MHID: 0-07-353189-8 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-331026-8 / MHID: 0-07-331026-3 (with Social Sense Student CD) ISBN-13: 978-0-07-128670-1 / MHID: 0-07-128670-5 [IE with CD] Available: December 2006 Website: David Myers’ Social Psychology continues to set the standard by which other Social Psychology texts are judged. Its renowned author’s engaging writing style and unique, intimate voice make the text compelling without being simplistic. The organization logically moves the student through the study of how people think about, influence, and relate to one another, with an appropriate balance of basic research and application. This edition features additional contemporary research, supplemented by video clips and vignettes that demonstrate social psychology’s relevance. NEW TO THIS EDITION • An increased emphasis on research and the story behind it, including extensive revision of Chapter 1 (Research Methods) and new "Research Close-Up" boxes. • The Ninth Edition has been edited for conciseness and clarity which will make this edition nearly 10% shorter than the previous edition. • PrepCenter helps instructors build classroom presentations whenever, where-ever, and how-ever they want. In one convenient online location, PrepCenter offers individual asset files such as the line art from the textbook, PowerPoint presentations for each key concept, video clips embedded in PowerPoint slides, and animations on biological and other difficult concepts. Each is ready to use as is, or to drop into a PowerPoint slideshow or a course webpage. Instructors can search for individual assets the way they want to search—by chapter, by concept, or by type of media. • "Focus On" boxes have been updated to emphasize news and current events related to topics in social psychology, as well as the real life role of social psychology. CONTENTS Chapter 1: Introducing Social Psychology Part 1: SOCIAL THINKING Chapter 2: The Self in a Social World Chapter 3: Social Beliefs and Judgments Chapter 4: Behavior and Attitudes 120 Part 2: SOCIAL INFLUENCE Chapter 5: Genes, Culture, and Gender Chapter 6: Conformity Chapter 7: Persuasion Chapter 8: Group Influence Part 3: SOCIAL RELATIONS Chapter 9: Prejudice: Disliking Others Chapter 10: Aggression: Hurting Others Chapter 11: Attraction and Intimacy: Liking and Loving Others Chapter 12: Helping Chapter 13: Conflict and Peacemaking Part 4: APPLYING SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY Chapter 14: Social Psychology in the Clinic Chapter 15: Social Psychology in Court Chapter 16: Social Psychology and the Sustainable Future Epilogue Glossary References Acknowledgments Name Index Subject Index International Edition EXPLORING SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 4th Edition David Myers, Hope College 2007 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-322887-7 / MHID: 0-07-322887-7 (with PowerWeb) ISBN-13: 978-0-07-353187-8 / MHID: 0-07-353187-1 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-110300-8 / MHID: 0-07-110300-7 [IE] Available: April 2006 Website: This brief, modular introduction to social psychology offers streamlined focus on issues such as belief and illusion, prejudice and diversity, and love and hate. The brevity of each of the book’s 31 stand-alone modules makes this the perfect text for covering the core concepts in the field. The new edition includes expanded coverage of cultural diversity and the most current research from the 21st century. CONTENTS Part One: INTRODUCING SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY Module 1 Doing Social Psychology Module 2 Did You Know It All Along? Part Two: SOCIAL THINKING Module 3 Self Concept: Who Am I? Module 4 Self-Serving Bias Module 5 The Power of Positive Thinking Module 6 The Fundamental Attribution Error Module 7 Intuition: The Power and Limits of Our Inner Knowing Module 8 Reasons For Unreason Module 9 Behavior and Belief Module 10 Clinical Intuition: The Perils of Psychologizing Module 11 Clinical Therapy: The Powers of Social Cognition** Part Three: SOCIAL INFLUENCE Module 12 Human Nature and Cultural Diversity Module 13 Gender, Genes, and Culture Module 14 How Nice People Get Corrupted Module 15 Two Routes To Persuasion Module 16 Indoctrination and Inoculation Sociology Module 17 The Mere Presence of Others Module 18 Many Hands Make Diminished Responsibility Module 19 Doing Together What We Would Never Do Alone Module 20 How Groups Intensify Decisions Module 21 Power To The Person Part Four: SOCIAL RELATIONS Module 22 The Dislike of Diversity Module 23 The Roots of Prejudice Module 24 The Nature and Nurture of Aggression Module 25 Do The Media Influence Social Behavior? Module 26 Who Likes Whom? Module 27 The Ups and Downs of Love Module 28 Causes of Conflict Module 29 Blessed Are The Peacemakers Module 30 When Do People Help? Module 31 The Social Psychology of Sustainability Social Psychology – Readers NEW TAKING SIDES: CLASHING VIEWS IN SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 3rd Edition Jason A Nier, Connecticut College 2009 / 448 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-351531-1 / MHID: 0-07-351531-0 Available: March 2008 (Details unavailable at press time) International Edition SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 4th Edition Stephen L. Franzoi, Marquette University 2006 / Hardcover / 640 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-296747-0 / MHID: 0-07-296747-1 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-319183-6 / MHID: 0-07-319183-3 (with Social Sense CD and PowerWeb) ISBN-13: 978-0-07-321345-3 / MHID: 0-07-321345-4 (with OLC) ISBN-13: 978-0-07-111934-4 / MHID: 0-07-111934-5 [IE with CD and PowerWeb] Available: July 2005 This distinctive, theory-driven text uses “The Self” as a theme to give students a meaningful context for exploring the key concepts of social psychology. New “Applications” sections have been incorporated into most chapters, and new “Featured Study” sections at the end of every chapter summarize the purpose, method, and results of recently published scientific articles. Retaining the emphasis on methodology, the fourth edition also continues the tradition of strong gender coverage, while expanding the coverage of social cognition and social neuroscience and introducing the new SocialSense CDROM. CONTENTS 1. Introducing Social psychology 2. Research Methods in Social Psychology 3. The Self 4. Self-Presentation and Person Perception 5. Thinking About Our Social World 6. Attitudes 7. Persuasion 8. Prejudice and Discrimination 9. Social Influence 10. Group Behavior 11. Interpersonal Attraction 12. onships 13. Aggression 14. Prosocial Behavior: Helping Others NEW ANNUAL EDITIONS: SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 7th Edition Karen G Duffy, State University College – Geneseo Gary Krolikowski, Empire State College – Saratoga Spg 2008 / 208 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339739-9 / MHID: 0-07-339739-3 Available: January 2007 Website: 393.mhtml This Seventh Edition of ANNUAL EDITIONS: SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY provides convenient, inexpensive access to current articles selected from the best of the public press. Organizational features include: an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites; an annotated table of contents; a topic guide; a general introduction; brief overviews for each section; a topical index; and an instructor’s resource guide with testing materials. USING ANNUAL EDITIONS IN THE CLASSROOM is offered as a practical guide for instructors. ANNUAL EDITIONS titles are supported by our student website, CONTENTS UNIT 1. Research Issues New! 1. How to Be a Wise Consumer of Psychological Research New! 2. Ethnic and Racial Health Disparities Research: Issues and Problems UNIT 2. The Self New! 3. Self-Esteem Development Across the Lifespan 4. Self-Concordance and Subjective Well-Being in Four Cultures New! 5. Mirror, Mirror: Seeing Yourself As Others See You UNIT 3. Social Cognition and Social Perception Part A. Social Cognition 121 Sociology 6. How Social Perception Can Automatically Influence Behavior New! 7. Flashbulb Memories: How Psychological Research Shows That Our Most Powerful Memories May Be Untrustworthy New! 8. Culture Affects Reasoning, Categorization Part B. Social Perception New! 9. The Social Nature of Perception and Action New! 10. Perception of Faces and Bodies UNIT 4. Attitudes New! 11. Implicit Discrimination 12. The Science and Practice of Persuasion New! 13. In Search of Pro-Americanism UNIT 5. Social Influence New! 14. “Thin Slices” of Life 15. Abu Ghraib Brings A Cruel Reawakening 16. Persuasion: What Will It Take to Convince You? UNIT 6. Social Relationships Part A. Interpersonal Relationships New! 17. Contagious Behavior New! 18. Competent Jerks, Lovable Fools, and the Formation of Social Networks Part B. Intimate Relationships 19. Isn’t She Lovely? 20. If It’s Easy Access That Really Makes You Click, Log On Here New! 21. Brokeback Mountain: A Gay and a Universal Love Story UNIT 7. Social Biases Part A. Prejudice 22. The Self-Protective Properties of Stigma: Evolution of a Modern Classic New! 23. Leaving Race Behind Part B. Stereotyping New! 24. Lowered Expectations 25. Change of Heart 26. Thin Ice: “Stereotype Threat” and Black College Students UNIT 8. Violence and Aggression New! 27. A Bicultural Perspective on Worldviews New! 28. Anger on the Road 29. Bullying: It Isn’t What It Used To Be 30. Influencing, Negotiating Skills, and Conflict-Handling: Some Additional Research and Reflections UNIT 9. Altruism, Helping and Cooperation New! 31. The Compassionate Instinct New! 32. Gift Giving’s Hidden Strings 33. Trends in the Social Psychological Study of Justice UNIT 10. Group Processes Part A. Leadership New! 34. Seven Transformations of Leadership 35. When Followers Become Toxic Part B. Groups New! 36. To Err Is Human 37. Senate Intelligence Report: Groupthink Viewed as Culprit in Move to War New! 38. Sports Complex: The Science Behind Fanatic Behavior 122 TAKING SIDES: CLASHING VIEWS IN SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 2nd Edition Jason A. Nier, Connecticut College 2007 / Softcover / 432 pgs ISBN-13: 978-0-07-351503-8 / MHID: 0-07-351503-5 Available: April 2006 Website: 035.mhtml TAKING SIDES: CLASHING VIEWS IN SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY presents current controversial issues in a debate-style format designed to stimulate student interest and develop critical thinking skills. Each issue is thoughtfully framed with an issue summary, an issue introduction, and a postscript. An instructor’s manual with testing material is available for each volume. USING TAKING SIDES IN THE CLASSROOM is also an excellent instructor resource with practical suggestions on incorporating this effective approach in the classroom. Each TAKING SIDES reader features an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites and is supported by our student website, CONTENTS Part 1: ETHICAL ISSUES IN SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY ISSUE 1. Is Deception of Human Participants Ethical? ISSUE 2. Should Social Psychologists Try to Solve Social Problems? Part 2: SOCIAL COGNITION ISSUE 3. Are Our Social Perceptions Often Inaccurate? ISSUE 4. Does Cognitive Dissonance Explain Why Behavior Can Change Attitudes? New! ISSUE 5. Applying Social Psychology: Are Self-Esteem Programs Misguided? ISSUE 6. Do Positive Illusions Lead to Healthy Behavior? ISSUE 7. Can People Accurately Detect Lies? ISSUE 8. Are Repressed Memories Real? Part 3: SOCIAL INFLUENCE New! ISSUE 9. Can Social Psychological Research Help Explain the Abu Ghraib Prison Scandal? ISSUE 10. Do Milgram’s Obedience Experiments Help Explain the Nature of the Holocaust? ISSUE 11. Does the Stanford Prison Experiment Help Explain the Effects of Imprisonment? ISSUE 12. Is Subliminal Persuasion a Myth? ISSUE 13. Can People Really Be Brainwashed? Part 4: SOCIAL RELATIONS New! ISSUE 14. Is Stereotyping Inevitable? New! ISSUE 15. Does the Implicit Association Test (IAT) Measure Racial Prejudice? New! ISSUE 16. Can Stereotypes Lead to Accurate Perceptions of Others? ISSUE 17. Does True Altruism Exist? ISSUE 18. Does Media Violence Cause Aggression? Sociology Research Methods International Edition NEED TO KNOW: SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH METHODS Lisa J. McIntyre, Washington State University — Pullman 2005 / 400 pages / Softcover ISBN-13: 978-0-7674-1317-6 / MHID: 0-7674-1317-2 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-123258-6 / MHID: 0-07-123258-3 [IE] CONTENTS Chapter One: Why You Need to Know Chapter Two: The Nature of the Scientific Enterprise Chapter Three: The Logic of Inquiry Chapter Four The Vocabulary of Science Chapter Five: Doing the Right Thing Ethics in Social Research Chapter Six: Sampling Chapter Seven: Elements of Research Design Chapter Eight: Experiments Chapter Nine: Survey Research: Part 1: The Art of Asking Questions Chapter Ten: Survey Research: Part 2: Design and Implementation Chapter Eleven: Unobtrusive Methods Chapter Twelve: Qualitative Research Methods Appendix A: Using the Internet Appendix B: American Sociological Association, Ethical Prnciples Appendix C: Tables and Figures Appendix D: Statistics Appendix E: Writing Research Reports Index/Glossary Bibliography International Edition QUALITATIVE METHODS IN SOCIAL RESEARCH Kristin Esterberg, University of Massachusetts-Lowell 2002 / Softcover / 300 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-7674-1560-6 / MHID: 0-7674-1560-4 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-113129-2 / MHID: 0-07-113129-9 [IE] CONTENTS 1. What Is Social Research? Some Practical and Theoretical Concerns / What Is Social Research? / Why Do Research? / Developing a Sociological Imagination / The Research Process: Moving Between Theories and Data / Paradigms / Traditional Approaches to Social Research (Positivism) / Challenges to Traditional Ways of Doing Social Science / You Are Here: Locating the Self in Social Research / Naturalism / Social Constructionist and Interpretive Approaches / Feminist and Other Critical Approaches / Postmodernism / Questions for Thought / Exercises / Suggestions for Further Reading Research / Feminist Approaches to Research Ethics / Institutional Review Boards / Ethical Concerns in Qualitative Research / Practical Concerns in Protecting Privacy / Conclusion / Questions for Thought / Exercises / Suggestions for Further Reading 4. Observation: Participant and Otherwise / Participating and Observing / The Self as Instrument / Thinking About Settings: Selecting a Site / Getting In, Gaining Access / Emotions in The Field / Writing Field Notes / Leaving the Field / Focusing / Questions for Thought / Exercises / Suggestions for Further Reading 5. Interviews / Interviewing as a Relationship / Types of Interviews / Closeness and Distance In Interview Situations / Developing Relationships / Getting Ready to Begin: Preparing For The Interview / Before the Interview / During the Interview / After The Interview / Group Interviews / Making Meaning / Questions for Thought / Exercises / Suggestions for Further Reading 6. Unobtrusive Measures: Analyzing Texts And Material Artifacts / Physical Traces / Material Artifacts / Documents and Records / Electronic Texts / Historical Research / Questions for Thought / Exercises / Suggestions for Further Reading 7. Action Research / Varieties of Action Research / Research for Whom? / Empowerment / The Process of Action Research: Look, Think, Act / Identifying Stakeholders / Formulating a Collective Problem / Think: Exploring the Problem / Act: Defining an Agenda for Action / Sharing the Results / Some Problems and Opportunities in Action Research / Questions for Thought / Exercises / Suggestions for Further Reading 8. Making Sense of Data / Making Sense of Qualitative Data: A Process of Making Meaning / Managing Data / Getting Intimate With Your Data / Coding / Memos / Asking Questions / Developing an Analysis / Content Analysis / Semiotic Analysis / Grounding the Analysis / ComputerAssisted Data Analysis / Questions for Thought / Exercises / Suggestions for Further Reading 9. Narrative Analysis / What Is a Narrative? / The Structure of Stories / Other Structures of Stories / Structure, Story, and Social Context / Some Practical Advice / Evaluating Narratives / Questions for Thought / Exercises / Suggestions for Further Reading 10. Writing / Writing as a Process / Audiences and Venues / Useful Ways to Structure Qualitative Research / Making Writing Vivid / Other Genres of Qualitative Research / Questions for Thought / Exercises / Suggestions for Further Reading Appendix A American Sociological Association Code of Ethics Appendix B Sample Informed Consent Form References 2. Strategies for Beginning Research / Getting Started: Where to Begin? / Where Do Ideas Come From? / A Problem Is Always a Problem for Someone / Deciding What to Research / Developing a Research Strategy / Reading the Literature / Summary: The Research Process in View / Questions for Thought / Exercises / Additional Readings 3. Ethical Issues / Sleeping Well at Night: A Practical Ethics / Ethical Codes / Confidentiality and Informed Consent / Controversies in Social 123 Sociology Statistics NEW THE STATISTICAL IMAGINATION 2nd Edition Ferris J. Ritchey, University of Alabama At Birmingham 2008 / Hardcover / 640 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-294304-7 / MHID: 0-07-294304-1 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-333160-7 / MHID: 0-07-333160-0 (w/SPSS 14.0) Available: January 2007 This basic social science statistics text uses illustrations and exercises for sociology, social work, political science, and criminal justice. Praised for a writing style that takes the anxiety out of statistics courses, the author explains basic statistical principles through a variety of engaging exercises, each designed to illuminate the unique theme of examining society both creatively and logically. In an effort to make the study of statistics relevant to students of the social sciences, the author encourages readers to interpret the results of calculations in the context of more substantive social issues, while continuing to value precise and accurate research. The text includes computer-based assignments with over 10 data sets for use with the free Student Version SPSS 14.0 CD-ROM that accompanies each new copy of the book. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Treating statistics as a skill learned best by doing, all chapters have additional pencil-and-paper exercises with complete grading keys. Four complete sets of 6 to 8 exercises in each chapter. More exercises are referenced to research literature. • "How to" and "Solution" boxes provide students with guides for working chapter exercises. • Illustrations and exercises referenced to U.S. Government documents and data, such as from the U.S. Census Bureau population data and Department of Justice crime statistics, are updated to the most recently available data. • Additional real-life and research-based illustrations introduce chapters and concepts, such as data from the Environmental Protection Agency (Chapter 3) and stress among persons displaced by Hurricane Katrina (10). • To provide a smoother transition for Chapters 6 through 10, the t-distribution table, degrees of freedom, and critical t-scores was moved from Chapters 6 and 7 to Chapter 10, where the small sample means test is presented. • The web site includes Chapter Extensions with slightly advanced materials (such as calculation of statistical power, multiple correlation and regression, and N-Way ANOVA with interaction terms)to accommodate first-level graduate courses. • Chapter 2 contains a new section entitled: "Distinguishing Level of Measurement and Unit of Measure," and Chapter 14 has a new section entitled: "Understanding the Pearson's r Formulation." CONTENTS 1. The Statistical Imagination 2. Statistical Analysis: Error Management and Control 3. Charts and Graphs: A Picture Says A Thousand Words 4. Measuring Averages 124 5 Measuring Dispersion or Spread in a Distribution of Scores 6. Probability Theory and the Normal Probability Distribution 7. Using Probability Theory to Produce Sampling Distributions 8. Parameter Estimation Using Confidence Intervals 9. Hypothesis Testing 10. Single Sample Hypothesis Tests: Establishing the Representativeness of Samples 11. Bivariate Relationships: T-Test for Comparing the Means of Two Groups 12. Analysis of Variance: Differences Among Means of Three or More Groups 13. Nominal Variables: The Chi-Square and Binomial Distributions 14. Correlation and Regression Part 1: Concepts and Calculations 15. Correlation and Regression Part 2: Hypothesis Testing and Aspects of a Relationship 16. Rank Order Correlation Between Two Ordinal Variables Appendices: Appendix A--Review of Basic Mathematical Operations Appendix B--Statistical Probability Tables Appendix C--Answers to Selected Chapter Exercises Appendix D--Guide to SPSS for Windows SPSS / SAS International Edition READY, SET, GO! A STUDENT GUIDE TO SPSS® 13.0 AND 14.0 FOR WINDOWS® 2nd Edition Thomas Pavkov, Purdue Univ-Calumet-Hammond 2007 / 96 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-312665-4 / MHID: 0-07-312665-9 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-125297-3 / MHID: 0-07-125297-5 [IE - without CD] Available: February 2006 This guide features concise instructions for accessing and using SPSS for Windows. Ready, Set, Go! is more than a reference book for versions 13.0 and 14.0; through ten guided assignments, students learn about statistical analysis of data while also learning the steps in the research process. The students are guided through assignments such as using frequency distributions, performing the t test, using the one-way ANOVA procedure, computing a correlation, and computing chi-square function. CONTENTS Preface Assignment 1 Learning the Basics of SPSS Assignment 2 Looking at Frequency Distributions and Descriptive Statistics Assignment 3 Presenting Data in Graphic Form Assignment 4 Testing Research Hypotheses for Two Independent Samples Assignment 5 Testing Research Hypotheses About Two Related Sampled Assignment 6 Comparing Independent Samples with One-Way ANOVA Assignment 7 Comparing Related Samples with One-Way ANOVA Assignment 8 Measuring the Simple Relationship Between Two Variables Sociology Assignment 9 Describing the Linear Relationship Between Two Variables Assignment 10 Assessing the Association Between Two Categorical Variables Appendix Entering Data Using Programs Other Than SPSS Juvenile Delinquency NEW Chapter 7. Sociological Theory: Labeling and Conflict Explanations Chapter 8. Developmental Theories Chapter 9. Female Delinquency Theories Chapter 10. The Family and Delinquency Chapter 11. Schools and Delinquency Chapter 12. Peer Group and Gang Delinquency Chapter 13. Police and Delinquency Chapter 14. The Juvenile Court Chapter 15. Juvenile Corrections Appendix Constitutional Due Process: Selected Amendments to the United States Constitution References Glossary Indexes Name Index Subject Index Photo Credits DELINQUENCY IN SOCIETY 7th Edition Robert M Regoli, University of Colorado-Boulder John D Hewitt, Grand Valley State University 2009 / 608 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-340154-6 / MHID: 0-07-340154-4 Available: September 2007 Drugs & Society NEW Website: DRUGS IN AMERICAN SOCIETY 7th Edition This conversational text makes delinquency interesting to read about. Delinquency in Society provides a critical look at a very serious problem through a clear and thorough presentation of the theories of delinquency. In accessible, student-friendly language the authors prepare their readers to understand all facets of delinquency, including the history, institutional context, and societal reactions to delinquent behavior, the major biological, psychological, and sociological theories of behavior, and the variety of policy implications derived from those theories. 2008 / 512 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-340149-2 / MHID: 0-07-340149-8 Available: May 2007 NEW TO THIS EDITION Website: • Window on Delinquency boxes have been updated or added in almost every chapter and discuss topics of current relevance such as: school crime, gang homicides, improving programming for girls, the dark history of biological criminology, juvenile delinquents behind bars, and more. These boxes personalize the story of delinquincy and bring into focus the different life situations of victims and offenders • Theories of Delinquency and the associated Policy Implications have been expanded to include those of psychology, human development, neuropsychology, and behavioral genetics in addition to those of sociology, criminology, and criminal justice. CONTENTS Preface Introduction Chapter 1. Defining Delinquency Chapter 2. Measuring Delinquency Chapter 3. Violent Youth Crime Chapter 4. Illegal Drug Use and Delinquency Chapter 5. Individual Theories of Delinquency: Choice and Trait Explanations Chapter 6. Sociological Theory: Cultural Deviance, Strain, and Social Control Erich Goode, University of Maryland—College Park Goode’s Drugs in American Society 7/e is a well-respected, brief investigation of the full range of psychoactive drug use; from legal, medical and perscription use to criminal, recreational use and from casual use to addiction. Objective pro and con accounts on important issues like treatment, education, rehabilitation, and legalization give students a thorough understanding of the topics. The new seventh edition continues to provide the most balanced and up-todate coverage in an accessible, engaging style. NEW TO THIS EDITION • New Resources for Instructors include PowerPoint lecture presentations on the instructor’s portion of the text-specific website. • The Most Up-to-Date Statistics from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health(NSDUH), the Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN), and the Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring Program (ADAM) keep this edition current and relevant. 125 Sociology CONTENTS NEW TO THIS EDITION Preface Part 1: INTRODUCTION Chapter 1: Drugs: A Sociological Perspective Chapter 2: Drugs: A Pharmacological Perspective Chapter 3: Theories of Drug Use Chapter 4: Controlling Drugs: The Historical Context Chapter 5: Drugs In The News Part 2: DRUG USE: METHODS AND DATA Chapter 6: How Do We Know It’s True: Methods of Research Chapter 7: Historical Trends In Drug Consumption: From Past To Current Use Part 3: DRUGS AND THEIR USE Chapter 8: Legal Drugs: Alcohol, Tobacco, and Psychotherapeutic Drugs Chapter 9: Marijuana, LSD, and Club Drugs Chapter 10: Stimulants: Amphetamine, Methamphetamine, Cocaine, and Crack Chapter 11: Heroin and The Narcotics Part 4: DRUGS, CRIME, AND DRUG CONTROL Chapter 12: Drugs and Crime: What’s The Connection? Chapter 13: The Illicit Drug Industry Chapter 14: Drug Control: Law Enforcement, Drug Courts, Drug Treatment Chapter 15: Legalization, Decriminalization, and Harm Reduction Summary Key Terms References Appendix: Drug-Related Websites Author Index Subject Index NEW International Edition DRUGS, SOCIETY, AND HUMAN BEHAVIOR 12th Edition Charles J. Ksir, University of Wyoming – Laramie, Carl L. Hart, Columbia University and Oakley S. Ray, Vanderbilt U-sch of Medicine 2008 / Softcover / 512 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-352961-5 / MHID: 0-07-352961-3 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-110175-2 / MHID: 0-07-110175-6 [IE] Available: November 2006 Website: Designed for the introduction to drugs and substance abuse course as taught in departments of health education, psychology, biology, sociology, and criminal justice, this full-color market-leading text provides the latest information on drugs and their effects on society and human behavior. For over thirty years, instructors and students have relied on it to examine drugs and behavior from the behavioral, pharmacological, historical, social, legal, and clinical perspectives. 126 • Online Learning Center features updated and expanded supplements, including a completely revised test bank (more and better questions), a new image bank, expanded PowerPoint slides, additional online study tools for students (quizzes, key terms flashcards, links), audio chapter summaries, HealthQuest Activities, and Web Activities. • Provides updated coverage of key topics, such as medical marijuana, steroids and nutritional ergogenic aids, prevention programs, smoking in film, abuse of legal pharmaceuticals, methamphetamine use, and treatment of bipolar disorder, insomnia, and ADHD • Significantly expands the photo program. • Includes updated information on statistics and trends for drug use and effects (Monitoring the Future, National Survey on Drug Use and Health, DAWN, SAMHSA treatment info), costs of drug control, and the prison population. CONTENTS Part I: DRUG USE IN MODERN SOCIETY 1: Drug Use: An Overview 2: Drug Use as a Social Problem 3: Drug Production and Regulation Part II: HOW DRUGS WORK 4: The Nervous System 5: The Actions of Drugs Part III: UPPERS AND DOWNERS 6: Stimulants 7: Depressants 8: Psychotherapeutic Drugs Part IV: ALCOHOL 9: Alcohol Part V: FAMILIAR DRUGS 10: Tobacco 11: Caffeine 12: Herbals, Dietary Supplements, and Over-the-Counter Drugs Part VI: RESTRICTED DRUGS 13: Opioids 14: Hallucinogens 15: Marijuana and Hashish 16: Performance-Enhancing Drugs Part VII: INTERVENTION STRATEGIES 17: Preventing Drug Misuse and Abuse 18: Treating Substance Dependence Sociology DRUGS IN PERSPECTIVE 6th Edition Richard Fields, Private Practice Tuscon AZ and Redmond Washington 2007 / Softcover / 416 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-304747-8 / MHID: 0-07-304747-3 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-325202-5 / MHID: 0-07-325202-6 (With Powerweb) Available: March 2006 Website: Drugs in Perspective is written for the drug and substance abuse counseling course designed to prepare future health professionals to work with patients, clients, and families of abusers. It is designed to provide perspective on the aspects and problems associated with addiction as well as provide the fundamentals on the dynamics of chemical dependency. This edition improves topic flow for easier understanding and brings the research base into the 21st century. CONTENTS SECTION I: UNDERSTANDING SUBSTANCE ABUSE 1 Etiology: A Better Understanding of Drug Dependence and Addiction 2 Alcohol/Drugs and Our American Society—Major Problems and Perspectives 3 Drug Specific Information: Drugs on the Street Where You Live 4 Screening and Assessment of Alcohol/Drug Problems SECTION II: FAMILY 5 Substance Abuse and Family Systems 6 Parenting: Impact on Alcohol/Drug Use and Abuse 7 Growing Up in an Alcoholic Family System SECTION III: PREVENTION, INTERVENTION AND TREATMENT 8 Prevention of Substance Abuse Problems 9 Motivation and Intervention for Substance Abuse Problems 10 Co-occurring Disorders with Substance Abuse 11 Alcohol/Drug Treatment & Relapse Prevention on Drugs & Society – Readers NEW TAKING SIDES: CLASHING VIEWS IN DRUGS AND SOCIETY 8th Edition Raymond Goldberg, State University of NY – Cortland 2008 / 432 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-351511-3 / MHID: 0-07-351511-6 Available: October 2007 Website: 116.mhtml This Eighth Edition of TAKING SIDES: DRUGS AND SOCIETY presents current controversial issues in a debate-style format designed to stimulate student interest and develop critical thinking skills. Each issue is thoughtfully framed with an issue summary, an issue introduction, and a postscript. An instructor’s manual with testing material is available for each volume. USING TAKING SIDES IN THE CLASSROOM is also an excellent instructor resource with practical suggestions on incorporating this effective approach in the classroom. Each TAKING SIDES reader features an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites and is supported by our student website, CONTENTS Part 1 DRUGS AND PUBLIC POLICY Issue 1. Should Laws Against Drug Use Remain Restrictive? Issue 2. Should the United States Put More Emphasis on Stopping the Importation of Drugs? Issue 3. Are Drinking Age Laws Effective? Issue 4. Are the Dangers of Ecstasy (MDMA) Overstated? Issue 5. Should Pregnant Drug Users Be Prosecuted? Issue 6. Should Drug Addiction Be Considered a Disease? Issue 7. Should the Federal Government Play a Larger Role in Regulating Steroid Use? Part 2 DRUGS AND SOCIAL POLICY Issue 8. Are the Adverse Effects of Smoking Exaggerated? Issue 9. Should Laws Prohibiting Marijuana Use Be Relaxed? Issue 10. Are Psychotherapeutic Drugs Over-Prescribed for Treating Mental Illness? Issue 11. Do the Consequences of Caffeine Outweigh Its Benefits? Issue 12. Should School-age Children with Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Be Treated with Ritalin and Other Stimulants? Issue 13. Do Consumers Benefit When Prescription Drugs Are Advertised? Part 3 DRUG PREVENTION AND TREATMENT Issue 14. Does Secondhand Smoke Endanger the Health of Nonsmokers? Issue 15. Is Alcoholism Hereditary? Issue 16. Should Marijuana Be Approved for Medical Use? Issue 17. Should Schools Drug Test Students? Issue 18. Does Drug Abuse Treatment Work? Issue 19. Is Abstinence an Effective Strategy for Drug Education? 127 Sociology 24. Pot Farms Ravaging Park Land NEW ANNUAL EDITIONS: DRUGS, SOCIETY, AND BEHAVIOR 07/08 22nd Edition Hugh T Wilson, California State University-Sacramento 2008 / 240 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339742-9 / MHID: 0-07-339742-3 Available: February 2007 This Twenty-Second Edition of ANNUAL EDITIONS: DRUGS, SOCIETY, AND BEHAVIOR 07/08 provides convenient, inexpensive access to current articles selected from the best of the public press. Organizational features include: an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites; an annotated table of contents; a topic guide; a general introduction; brief overviews for each section; a topical index; and an instructor’s resource guide with testing materials. USING ANNUAL EDITIONS IN THE CLASSROOM is offered as a practical guide for instructors. ANNUAL EDITIONS titles are supported by our student website, online. CONTENTS UNIT 1. Living with Drugs 1. Hey, You Don’t Look So Good 2. Living the High Life: The Role of Drug Taking in Young People’s Lives 3. Methamphetamine Across America: Misconceptions, Realities and Solutions 4. Balding, Wrinkled and Stoned 5. America’s Most Dangerous Drug 6. With Scenes of Blood and Pain 7. My Mother: The Narc 8. Pass the Weed, Dad 9. Did Prohibition Really Work?: Alcohol Prohibition as a Public Health Innovation UNIT 2. Understanding How Drugs Work—Use, Dependency, and Addiction 10. Addiction Is a Brain Disease 11. Predicting Addiction 12. Staying Sober 13. The Effects of Alcohol on Physiological Processes and Biological Development 14. The Toxicity of Recreational Drugs 15. Structural Differences Found in Brains of Heavy Marijuana Users 16. Does Cannabis Cause Psychosis or Schizophrenia? UNIT 3. The Major Drugs of Use and Abuse 17. A More Addictive Meth Emerges as States Curb Homemade Type 18. Just Say No? No Need Here 19. A Harvest of Treachery 20. An End to ‘Power Hour’ 21. Helping Students Stay Clean and Sober 22. The Power of Potent Steroids 23. Cannabis-Related Problems and Their Management 128 UNIT 4. Other Trends in Drug Use 25. Resurgence of Teen Inhalant Use 26. New Study Shows 1.8 Million Youth Use Inhalants 27. The Changing Face of Teenage Drug Abuse—The Trend toward Prescription Drugs 28. OxyContin Acting as Pathway Drug for Adolescent Heroin Addiction 29. Club Drugs: Study Explores Reasons for Use by Young Adults 30. Rx for Trouble 31. Studies Identify Factors Surrounding Rise in Abuse of Prescription Drugs by College Students 32. The Best High They’ve Ever Had 33. Some Cold Medicines Moved Behind the Counter 34. Facing an Uncertain Twilight UNIT 5. Measuring the Social Costs of Drugs 35. Meth Addicts’ Other Habit: Online Theft 36. Mothers Addicted to Meth Face Losing Their Children 37. The Role of Substance Abuse in U.S. Juvenile Justice Systems and Populations 38. My Spirit Lives 39. When Drinking Kills 40. What Alcohol Does to a Child 41. The Problem With Drinking 42. ADHD Drugs and Cardiovascular Risk 43. High on the Job UNIT 6. Creating and Sustaining Effective Drug Control Policy 44. Administration Announces Anti-Methamphetamine Plan 45. Court Upholds Federal Authority to Reject ‘Medical Marijuana’ 46. Medical Marijuana, Compassionate use, and Public Policy: Expert Opinion or Vox Populi? 47. Is Drug Testing of Athletes Necessary? 48. Meth Madness 49. How to Stand Up to Big Tobacco 50. Cigarette Trafficking: Expanding Criminal Activity Attracts Law Enforcement Attention 51. Battles Won, A War Still Lost 52. The War on Thugs 53. Arresting the Drug Laws 54. State’s Evidence UNIT 7. Prevention, Treatment, and Education 55. How to Quit the Cure 56. Drug Treatment and Reentry for Incarcerated Women 57. Combination Treatment of One Year Doubles Smokers’ Quit Rate 58. Medication & Counseling: The ‘New Paradigm’ in Alcoholism Treatment 59. A Teen Health Gap 60. Teens Caught in the Middle: Juvenile Justice System and Treatment 61. No Longer Theory: Correctional Practices That Work 62. Parent Power 63. What to Say When Your Child Asks: Did You Ever Do Drugs? 64. Exercise and Drug Detoxification Sociology Criminology CRIMINOLOGY 6th Edition Freda Adler and Gerhard O. W. Mueller of Rutgers Univnewark and William S. Laufer, University of Pennsylvania 2007 / Softcover with access card / 407 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-312446-9 / MHID: 0-07-312446-X Available: July 2006 Website: This leading text for courses in Criminology is known for its lucid style, student-oriented approach, and interdisciplinary global perspective. The text comes in two versions--with or without coverage of the criminal justice system. For schools that retain the traditional criminology course, which includes coverage of criminal justice, Criminology and the Criminal Justice System is the ideal text. For schools that offer a separate introductory course in criminal justice, Criminology is the appropriate version. CONTENTS Part I: UNDERSTANDING CRIMINOLOGY Chapter 1. The Reach of Criminology Chapter 2. Counting Crime and Measuring Criminal Behavior Patterns Chapter 3. Schools of Thought throughout History Part II: EXPLANATIONS OF CRIME AND CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR Chapter 4. Psychological and Biological Perspectives Chapter 5. Strain and Cultural Deviance Theories Chapter 6. The Formation of Subcultures Chapter 7. Social Control Theory Chapter 8. Labeling, Conflict, and Radical Thoeries Chapter 9. Environmental Theory Part III: TYPES OF CRIME Chapter 10. Violent Crimes Chapter 11. Crimes Against Property Chapter 12. White Collar and Corporate Crime Chapter 13. Public Order Crimes Chapter 14. International and Comparative Criminology CRIMINOLOGY AND THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM, WITH POWERWEB 6th Edition Freda Adler and Gerhard O. W. Mueller of Rutgers Univnewark and William S. Laufer, University of Pennsylvania 2007 / Softcover with access card / 559 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-312447-6 / MHID: 0-07-312447-8 Available: July 2006 Website: This leading text for courses in Criminology is known for its lucid style, student-oriented approach, and interdisciplinary global perspective. The text comes in two versions--with or without coverage of the criminal justice system. For schools that retain the traditional criminology course, which includes coverage of criminal justice, Criminology and the Criminal Justice System is the ideal text. For schools that offer a separate introductory course in criminal justice, Criminology is the appropriate version. CONTENTS Part 1: UNDERSTANDING CRIMINOLOGY Chapter 1. The Reach of Criminology Chapter 2. Measuring Crime and Criminal Behavior Problems Chapter 3. Schools of Thought throughout History Part II: EXPLANATIONS OF CRIME AND CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR Chapter 4. Psychological and Biological Perspectives Chapter 5. Strain and Cultural Deviance Theories Chapter 6. The Formation of Subcultures Chapter 7. Social Control Theory Chapter 8. Labeling, Conflict, and Radical Theories Chapter 9. Environmental Theory Part III: TYPES OF CRIMES Chapter 10. Violent Crimes Chapter 11. Crimes Against Property Chapter 12. White Collar and Corporate Crime Chapter 13. Public Order Crimes Chapter 14. International and Comparative Criminology Part IV: A CRIMINOLOGICAL APPROACH TO THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM Chapter 15. Processes and Decisions Chapter 16. Enforcing the Law: Practice and Research Chapter 17. The Nature and Functioning of Courts Chapter 18. A Research Focus on Corrections 129 Sociology Criminology – Readers NEW TAKING SIDES: CLASHING VIEWS IN CRIME AND CRIMINOLOGY 8th Edition Thomas J Hickey, University of Tampa 2008 / 432 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339721-4 / MHID: 0-07-339721-0 Available: August 2007 Website: 210.mhtml This Eighth Edition of TAKING SIDES: CLASHING VIEWS IN CRIME AND CRIMINOLOGY presents current controversial issues in a debate-style format designed to stimulate student interest and develop critical thinking skills. Each issue is thoughtfully framed with an issue summary, an issue introduction, and a postscript. An instructor’s manual with testing material is available for each volume. USING TAKING SIDES IN THE CLASSROOM is also an excellent instructor resource with practical suggestions on incorporating this effective approach in the classroom. Each TAKING SIDES reader features an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites and is supported by our student website, CONTENTS UNIT 1 Definitions and Explanations of Crime Issue 1. Is Crime Beneficial to Society? Issue 2. Is Criminal Behavior Determined Biologically? Issue 3. Does IQ Contribute Significantly to Crime? UNIT 2 Justice Issues and Contemporary Public Policy Issue 4. Does the United States Have a Right to Torture Suspected Terrorists? Issue 5. Is Racial Profiling an Acceptable Law Enforcement Strategy? Issue 6. Should Serious Sex Offenders be Castrated? Issue 7. Should Juvenile Courts Be Abolished? Issue 8. Are the Dangers of Internet Child Pornography Exaggerated? UNIT 5 Future Trends in Criminology and Criminal Justice Issue 16. Should Marijuana be Legalized? Issue 17. Do Three Strikes Sentencing Laws and Other “Get Tough” Approaches Really Work? Issue 18. Should Juries Be Able to Disregard the Law and Free “Guilty” Persons in Racially Charged Cases? Issue 19. Should Behavior Modification Techniques Be Used to Brainwash Criminals? ANNUAL EDITIONS: CRIMINAL JUSTICE 06/07 30th Edition Joseph Victor and Joanne Naughton of Mercy College-Dobbs Ferry 2007 / Softcover / 240 pages ISBN-13: 978-07-351596-0 / MHID: 07-351596-5 Available: March 2006 Website: 5965.mhtml This thirtieth edition of ANNUAL EDITIONS: CRIMINAL JUSTICE provides convenient, inexpensive access to current articles selected from the best of the public press. Organizational features include: an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites; an annotated table of contents; a topic guide; a general introduction; brief overviews for each section; a topical index; and an instructor’s resource guide with testing materials. USING ANNUAL EDITIONS IN THE CLASSROOM is offered as a practical guide for instructors. ANNUAL EDITIONS titles are supported by our student website, CONTENTS UNIT 1. Crime and Justice in America 1. What Is the Sequence of Events in the Criminal Justice System? 2. The Road to September 11 New! 3. Arraigning Terror 4. Global Trends in Crime 5. The FBI’s Cyber-Crime Crackdown 6. Toward a Transvaluation of Criminal ‘Justice’: On Vengeance, Peacemaking, and Punishment 7. Enough Is Enough New! 8. Counting Corporate Crooks 9. Trust and Confidence in Criminal Justice UNIT 2. Victimology 10. Ordering Restitution to the Crime Victim 11. Telling the Truth About Damned Lies and Statistics 12. Violence and the Remaking of a Self New! 13. The Counselor 14. Strengthening Antistalking Statutes New! 15. The Cybersex Offender and Children UNIT 3 Prison Programs and Alternatives Issue 9. Is it Ethical to Segregate HIV-Positive Inmates? Issue 10. Are Supermax (Control Unit) Prisons an Appropriate Way to Punish Hardened Criminals? Issue 11. Should Serial Killers and Violent Sexual Predators be Quarantined for Life? Issue 12. Should Private “For-Profit” Corporations Be Allowed to Run U.S. Prisons? UNIT 3. The Police 16. The NYPD’s War On Terror 17. Racial Profiling and Its Apologists 18. Ethics and Criminal Justice: Some Observations on Police Misconduct 19. Community Policing: Exploring the Philosophy 20. The Blue Plague of American Policing New! 21. Talking With the Police New! 22. Suicide by Cop UNIT 4 Criminal Justice Research, Evaluation, and Policy Analysis Issue 13. Is Capital Punishment a Bad Public Policy? Issue 14. Will Strict Gun Control Laws Reduce the Number of Homicides in the United States? Issue 15. Should the Police Enforce Zero-Tolerance Laws? UNIT 4. The Judicial System 23. Jury Consulting on Trial 24. Jury Duty: When History and Life Coincide 25. Looking Askance at Eyewitness Testimony 26. Justice & Antonin Scalia 27. When Prosecutors Err, Others Pay the Price 130 Sociology New! 28. United States Supreme Court: “Three Strikes and You’re Out!” UNIT 5. Juvenile Justice 29. A Century of Revolutionary Changes in the United States Juvenile Court Systems 30. DARE Program: Sacred Cow or Fatted Calf? 31. The Peer Court Experience New! 32. Juvenile Injustice New! 33. Youth Gangs in Rural America UNIT 6. Punishment and Corrections 34. Kicking Out the Demons by Humanizing the Experience—An Interview With Anthony Papa 35. The Results of American Incarceration 36. Correctional Boot Camps: Lessons From A Decade of Research 37. Do We Need the Death Penalty? New! 38. Incarceration, Inc. New! 39. Stress on the Job: No Easy Training Solutions New! 40. The Yoga of Redemption New! 41. The Unforgiven 42. The Unique Brutality of Texas, Why the Lone Star State Leads the Nation in Executions New! 43. Uncaptive Minds Sociology of Law – Readers NEW TAKING SIDES: CLASHING VIEWS ON LEGAL ISSUES 13th Edition M Ethan Katsh, University of Mass—Amherst William Rose, Albion College 2008 / 432 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-351509-0 / MHID: 0-07-351509-4 Available: September 2007 Website: 094.mhtml This Thirteenth Edition of TAKING SIDES: CLASHING VIEWS ON LEGAL ISSUES presents current controversial issues in a debate-style format designed to stimulate student interest and develop critical thinking skills. Each issue is thoughtfully framed with an issue summary, an issue introduction, and a postscript. An instructor’s manual with testing material is available for each volume. USING TAKING SIDES IN THE CLASSROOM is also an excellent instructor resource with practical suggestions on incorporating this effective approach in the classroom. Each TAKING SIDES reader features an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites and is supported by our student website, CONTENTS UNIT 1 Law and Terrorism Issue 1. Should Persons Who Are Declared to Be “Enemy Combatants” Be Able to Contest Their Detention Before a Judge? Issue 2. Does the President Possess Constitutional Authority to Order Wiretaps on U.S. Citizens? Issue 3. Is the Geneva Convention Irrelevant to Members of al Qaeda Who Are Held Prisoner at Guantanamo Bay? Issue 4. Should Someone Held by the CIA and Interrogated in a Foreign Country Be Allowed to Sue the U.S. Government? UNIT 2 Law and the Individual Issue 5. Is It Constitutional to Ban Partial-Birth Abortions Without Providing for an Exception to Protect the Health of the Mother? Issue 6. Are Restrictions on Physician-Assisted Suicide Constitutional? Issue 7. Does the Sharing of Music Files Through the Internet Violate Copyright Law? Issue 8. Can the Police Require Individuals to Identify Themselves? UNIT 3 Law and the State Issue 9. Do Religious Groups Have a Right to Use Public School Facilities After Hours? Issue 10. Does the Use of High-Technology Thermal Imaging Devices Violate the Fourth Amendment Search and Seizure Guarantee? Issue 11. Are Laws Requiring Schools and Public Libraries to Filter Internet Access Constitutional? Issue 12. Does the “Cruel and Unusual Punishment “Clause of the Eighth Amendment Bar the Imposition of the Death Penalty on Juveniles? Issue 13. Is a Sentence of Life in Prison for Stealing $150 Worth of Videotapes Constitutional? 131 Sociology Issue 14. Is Drug Use Testing of Students Who Participate in Extracurricular Activities Permitted Under the Fourth Amendment? UNIT 4 Law and the Community Issue 15. Should the United States Require a Secure Identification System for Citizens? Issue 16. Are Blanket Prohibitions on Cross Burnings Unconstitutional? Issue 17. Should Same-Sex Couples Receive Constitutional Protection? Issue 18. Should Children With Disabilities Be Provided With Extraordinary Care in Order to Attend Regular Classes in Public Schools? Issue 19. Do Race-Conscious Programs in Public University Admissions Policies Violate the Fourteenth Amendment’s Guarantee of Equal Protection Under the Law? Sociology of Sport International Edition SPORTS IN SOCIETY: ISSUES AND CONTROVERSIES 9th Edition Jay Coakley, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs 2007 / Softcover / 640 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-304727-0 / MHID: 0-07-304727-9 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-328366-1 / MHID: 0-07-328366-5 (W/OLC) ISBN-13: 978-0-07-110436-4 / MHID: 0-07-110436-4 [IE] Available: June 2006 Website: coakley8e SPORT IN SOCIETY is the definitive text for the sport sociology course. Taking a global, issues-oriented approach to study the role of sport in society, this text encourages the discussion of current sports-related controversies and helps students develop critical thinking skills. CONTENTS 1. The Sociology of Sport: What is it and why study it? 2. Using Social Theories: How can they help us study sports in society? 3. Studying the Past: Does it help us understand sports today? 4. Sports and Socialization: Who plays and what happens to them? 5. Sports and Children: Are organized programs worth the effort? 6. Deviance in Sports: Is it out of your control? 7. Violence in Sports: How does it affect our lives? 8. Gender and Sports: Does equity require ideological changes? 9. Race and Ethnicity: Are They Important in Sports? 10. Social Class: Do Money and Power Matter in Sports? 11. Sports and the Economy: What Are the Characteristics of Commercial Sports? 12. Sports and the Media: Could They Survive Without Each Other? 13. Sports and Politics: How Do Governments and Globalization Influence Sports? 14. Sports in High School and College: Do Varsity Sport Programs Contribute to Education? 15. Sports and Religion: Is It a Promising Combination? 16. Sports in the Future: What Can We Expect? Sociology of Education – Readers NEW ANNUAL EDITIONS: EDUCATION 08/09 35th Edition Fred Schultz, University of Akron 2009 / 240 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339748-1 / MHID: 0-07-339748-2 Available: October 2007 Website: 482.mhtml This Thirty-Fifth Edition of ANNUAL EDITIONS: EDUCATION provides convenient, inexpensive access to current articles selected from the best of the public press. Organizational features include: an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites; an annotated table of contents; a topic guide; a general introduction; brief overviews for each section; a topical index; and an instructor’s resource guide with testing materials. USING ANNUAL EDITIONS IN THE CLASSROOM is offered as a practical guide for instructors. ANNUAL EDITIONS titles are supported by our student website, www. CONTENTS UNIT 1. How Others See Us and How We See Ourselves New! 1. Five Trends for Schools 2. Squeeze Play New! 3. Testing 1, 2, 3 New! 4. The 38th Annual Phi Delta Kappan/Gallup Poll of the Public Attitudes Toward the Public Schools UNIT 2. Rethinking and Changing the Educative Effort New! 5. Where Have All the Strong Poets Gone? New! 6. George’s Complaint New! 7. Qualities of Democracy 8. Friendly Competition New! 9. A Coming Crisis in Suburban Schooling? New! 10. Affecting Social Change New! 11. The Agony of American Education UNIT 3. Striving for Excellence: The Drive For Quality New! 12. Why We Can’t Always Get What We Want New! 13. Bridging the Gap Between Research and Practice 14. What Colleges Forget to Teach New! 15. Assessing Applied Skills New! 16. Help for Stressed Students New! 17. Searching for an Answer New! 18. When Momma Can’t Read UNIT 4. Values, Society, and Education New! 19. Putting a Stop to Slave Labor New! 20. Creating Moral Schools 21. Promoting Altruism in the Classroom 22. In the End You Are Sure to Succeed 23. Character and Academics 24. Should We Teach Patriotism UNIT 5. Managing Life in Classrooms New! 25. Discipline New! 26. School Resource Officer Programs 132 Sociology New! 27. Are Public Schools Successful? New! 28. A Uniform Look 29. Dealing with Rumors, Secrets, and Lies UNIT 6. Cultural Diversity and Schooling New! 30. As Diversity Grows, So Must We New! 31. What Families Want New! 32. Where Is Equity in the National Standards? New! 33. Researching Historical Black Colleges New! 34. “Not Writing It Out But Writing It Off” New! 35. The Hotel Africa New! 36. Melange Cities UNIT 7. Serving Special Needs and Concerns New! 37. Self-Regulation 38. City’s Pupils Get More Hype than Hope New! 39. Disparate Access New! 40. Revisiting the Common Myths about Homeschooling 41. Acting White UNIT 8. The Profession of Teaching Today New! 42. The Essential Cognitive Backpack New! 43. Why Teacher Networks (Can) Work New! 44. Uncovering Teacher Leadership New! 45. Respect, Reciprocity, and Reflection in the Classroom New! 46. Drop Everything and Read--But How? New! 47. Teacher Dispositions as Predictors of Good Teaching 48. The Boss in the Classroom UNIT 9. For Vision and Hope: Alternative Visions of Reality New! 49. Becoming Citizens of the World New! 50. Charting a New Course for Schools 51. Deja Vu: All Over Again? 52. An Emerging Culture NEW student website, This EXPANDED Fourteenth Edition of TAKING SIDES: EDUCATIONAL ISSUES presents two additional current controversial issues in a debate-style format designed to stimulate student interest and develop critical thinking skills. CONTENTS Part 1: BASIC THEORETICAL ISSUES ISSUE 1. Should Schooling Be Based on Social Experiences? ISSUE 2. Should the Curriculum Be Standardized for All? ISSUE 3. Should Behaviorism Shape Educational Practices? New! ISSUE 4. Is Constructivism the Best Philosophy of Education? Part 2: CURRENT FUNDAMENTAL ISSUES ISSUE 5. Can the Public Schools Produce Good Citizens? ISSUE 6. Has Resegregation Diminished the Impact of Brown? ISSUE 7. Have Public Schools Adequately Accommodated Religion? ISSUE 8. Can Federal Initiatives Rescue Failing Schools? ISSUE 9. Do High-Stakes Assessments Improve Learning? New! ISSUE 10. Should “Public Schooling” Be Redefined? Part 3: CURRENT SPECIFIC ISSUES ISSUE 11. Has the Supreme Court Reconfigured American Education? ISSUE 12. Can Charter Schools Revitalize Public Education? New! ISSUE 13. Is Home Schooling a Danger to American Society? ISSUE 14. Is Full Inclusion of Disabled Students Desirable? ISSUE 15. Is Size Crucial to School Improvement? ISSUE 16. Should Bilingual Education Programs Be Abandoned? ISSUE 17. Does School Violence Warrant a Zero-Tolerance Policy? ISSUE 18. Should Homework Be Abolished? New! ISSUE 19. Do Computer Negatively Affect Student Growth? ISSUE 20. Can Merit Pay Accelerate School Improvement? ISSUE 21. Should Alternative Teacher Training Be Encouraged? EXPANDED Issue 22. Is “Intelligent Design” a Threat to the Curriculum? Issue 23. Is There a Crisis in the Education of Boys? TAKING SIDES: CLASHING VIEWS ON EDUCATIONAL ISSUES 14th Edition James Wm Noll, University of Maryland—College Park 2008 / 432 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339717-7 / MHID: 0-07-339717-2 (Expanded) Available: April 2007 Website: 14977.mhtml This fourteenth edition of TAKING SIDES: EDUCATIONAL ISSUES presents current controversial issues in a debate-style format designed to stimulate student interest and develop critical thinking skills. Each issue is thoughtfully framed with an issue summary, an issue introduction, and a postscript. An instructor’s manual with testing material is available for each volume. USING TAKING SIDES IN THE CLASSROOM is also an excellent instructor resource with practical suggestions on incorporating this effective approach in the classroom. Each TAKING SIDES reader features an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites and is supported by our 133 Sociology Sociology of Health – Readers NEW NEW CLASSIC EDITION SOURCES: EDUCATION 4th Edition Fred Schultz, University of Akron 2008 / 352 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-337974-6 / MHID: 0-07-337974-3 Available: October 2007 Website: 743.mhtml This volume brings together over 40 selections of enduring intellectual value--classic articles, book excerpts, and research studies--that have shaped the study of education and our contemporary understanding of it.This title is supported by, a student Web site that provides study support tools and links to links to related Web sites. CONTENTS Chapter 1 Postmodernism, Liberation Pedagogy, and the Conservative/Moderate Traditions in Educational Thought: An Introductory Comparison Chapter 2 The Conservative Tradition in Educational Thought Chapter 3 Student Experience-Centered “Progressive” Education Chapter 4 Critical Perspectives in Educational Thought Chapter 5 Schooling Chapter 6 Curriculum Theory and Practice Chapter 7 Curriculum Development and the Language of Educational Debate Chapter 8 The Struggle for Freedom in Education Chapter 9 Perspectives on the Struggle for Freedom in Education Chapter 10 Women and Education Chapter 11 The Political Economy of American Education Chapter 12 The Struggle for Civil Liberty in the Schools Chapter 13 Testing and the Critical Response to It Chapter 14 The Cognitive Revolution in Learning Chapter 15 Social Change Chapter 16 Culture and Education Chapter 17 Renewed Alternative Visions for the Future of Education: Rudolph Steiner and Maria Montessori Revisited (A Plan for Education Which Can Fit Any Ideological Model) ANNUAL EDITIONS: HEALTH 08/09 29th Edition Eileen L Daniel, SUNY- Brockport 2008 / 240 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339759-7 / MHID: 0-07-339759-8 Available: November 2007 Website: 598.mhtml This Twenty-Ninth Edition of ANNUAL EDITIONS: HEALTH provides convenient, inexpensive access to current articles selected from the best of the public press. Organizational features include: an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites; an annotated table of contents; a topic guide; a general introduction; brief overviews for each section; a topical index; and an instructor’s resource guide with testing materials. USING ANNUAL EDITIONS IN THE CLASSROOM, ISBN 0073301906, is offered as a practical guide for instructors. ANNUAL EDITIONS titles are supported by our student website, CONTENTS UNIT 1 Promoting Healthy Behavior Change 1. The Perils of Higher Education 2. Is Health Promotion Relevant Across Cultures and the Socioeconomic Spectrum? 3. Putting a Premium on Health New! 4. Health: The New Sex Symbol New! 5. On the Road to Wellness UNIT 2 Stress and Mental Health 6. Love is Real Medicine New! 7. Stressed out Nation New! 8. Seasonal Affective Disorder 9. Attention Deficit Disorder: Old Questions, New Answers 10. Dealing with Demons New! 11. Attacking the Myth UNIT 3 Nutritional Health New! 12. Fat City 13. When It Pays to Buy Organic New! 14. This Package May Say Healthy, But This Grocer Begs to Differ New! 15. Suck on This 16. Food News Blues UNIT 4 Exercise and Weight Management New! 17. Exercise Abuse: Too Much of a Good Thing 18. How Sleep Affects Your Weight 19. Fat Chance UNIT 5 Drugs and Health 20. Rx for Fraud 21. Some Cold Medicines Moved Behind the Counter 22. Drinking Too Much: Too Young 23. The Changing Face of Teenage Drug Abuse--The Trend toward Prescription Drugs 24. The Price of Pain 134 Sociology UNIT 6 Sexuality and Relationships 25. You, Me and Porn Make Three 26. Sex Ed for the Stroller Set 27. It’s Just Mechanics New! 28. Love at the Margins New! 29. Girl or Boy? As Fertility Technology Advances, So Does an Ethical Debate UNIT 7 Preventing and Fighting Disease 30. ‘Diabesity,’ a Crisis in an Expanding Country New! 31. Sex, Drugs, Prisons, and HIV 32. Why We Are Still Losing the Winnable Cancer War 33. How AIDS Changed America New! 34. Mandate in Texas UNIT 8 Health Care and the Health Care System 35. Pharmacist Refusals: A Threat to Women’s Health New! 36. A System in Crisis 37. Medicine’s Turf Wars New! 38. The Silent Epidemic--The Health Effects of Illiteracy UNIT 9 Consumer Health 39. Dentists Frown at Overuse of Whiteners New! 40. Cracking Down on Health Fraud 41. How to Ease Your Pain 42. Deep into Sleep New! 43. Why Teens Are Obsessed with Tanning UNIT 10 Contemporary Health Hazards 44. Avian Flu: The Uncertain Threat 45. ‘Vintage’ Bugs Return: Mumps? Whooping Cough? Rickets? What Year Is It? 46. In Katrina’s Wake New! 47. Facing an Uncertain Future New! 48. Killer Spinach New! 49. HIV Apathy NEW CONTENTS UNIT 1 The Health Care Industry Issue 1. Should Purchasing Health Insurance Be Mandatory? Issue 2. Should Life Sustaining Medical Care Be Rationed Based on Age? Issue 3. Is Medical Debt a Major Contributor to Personal Bankruptcy? Issue 4. Is the Pharmaceutical Industry Responsible for the High Cost of Prescription Drugs? UNIT 2 Health and Society Issue 5. Is Drug Testing Vital to the Workplace? Issue 6. Should Doctors Ever Help Terminally Ill Patients to Commit Suicide? Issue 7. Should the Government Regulate the Sale, Advertisement, and Distribution of Junk Food? Issue 8. Should Race Play a Role in the Treatment and Study of Disease? Issue 9. Should Embryonic Stem Cell Research Be Permitted? UNIT 3 Mind/Body Relationship Issue 10. Should Addiction to Drugs Be Labeled a Brain Disease? Issue 11. Do Religion and Prayer Benefit Health? UNIT 4 Sexuality and Gender Issues Issue 12. Is it Necessary for Pregnant Women to Completely Abstain from All Alcoholic Beverages? Issue 13. Should Pro-Life Health Providers Be Allowed to Deny Prescriptions on the Basis of Conscience? PART 5 Public Health Issues Issue 14. Should Parents Be Allowed to Opt Out of Vaccinating Their Children? Issue 15. Does Anabolic Steroid Use Cause Serious Health Problems for Athletes? Issue 16. Will Global Warming Negatively Impact Human Health? UNIT 6 Consumer Health Issue 17. Is it Safe to Consume Genetically Engineered Foods? Issue 18. Does Obesity Cause a Decline in Life Expectancy? TAKING SIDES: CLASHING VIEWS IN HEALTH AND SOCIETY 8th Edition Eileen L Daniel, SUNY – Brockport 2008 / 432 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339723-8 / MHID: 0-07-339723-7 Available: October 2007 Website: 237.mhtml This Eighth Edition of TAKING SIDES: CLASHING VIEWS IN HEALTH AND SOCIETY presents current controversial issues in a debate-style format designed to stimulate student interest and develop critical thinking skills. Each issue is thoughtfully framed with an issue summary, an issue introduction, and a postscript. An instructor’s manual with testing material is available for each volume. USING TAKING SIDES IN THE CLASSROOM is also an excellent instructor resource with practical suggestions on incorporating this effective approach in the classroom. Each TAKING SIDES reader features an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites and is supported by our student website, 135 Sociology Sociology of Sexuality International Edition Sociology of Sexuality – Readers NEW HUMAN SEXUALITY DIVERSITY IN CONTEMPORARY AMERICA WITH SEXSOURCE CD-ROM AND POWERWEB 5th Edition Bryan Strong, University of California – Santa Cruz Christine DeVault, Carbrillo College Barbara Sayad, California State University—Monterey Bay William Yarber, Indiana University and Senior Research Fellow, The Kinsey Institute 2005 / 704 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-297490-4 / MHID: 0-07-297490-7 (No Selling Rights) ISBN-13: 978-0-07-111425-7 / MHID: 0-07-111425-4 [IE] Website: CONTENTS 1. Perspectives on Human Sexuality 2. Studying Human Sexuality 3. Female Sexual Anatomy, Physiology, and Response 4. Male Sexual Anatomy, Physiology, and Response 5. Gender and Gender Roles 6. Sexuality Over the Life Span 7. Love, Intimacy, and Sexuality 8. Communicating about Sex 9. Sexual Expression 10. Variations in Sexual Behavior 11. Contraception and Birth Control 12. Conception, Pregnancy, and Childbirth 13. The Sexual Body in Health and Illness 14. Sexual Difficulties, Dissatisfaction, Enhancement and Therapy 15. Sexually Transmitted Infections 16. HIV and AIDS 17. Sexual Coercion: Harassment, Aggression, and Abuse 18. Sexually Explicit Materials, Prostitution, and Sex Laws TAKING SIDES: CLASHING VIEWS IN HUMAN SEXUALITY 10th Edition William J Taverner, Fairleigh Dickinson University 2008 / 368 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-339719-1 / MHID: 0-07-339719-9 Available: March 2007 Website: 199.mhtml This Tenth Edition of TAKING SIDES: HUMAN SEXUALITY presents current controversial issues in a debate-style format designed to stimulate student interest and develop critical thinking skills. Each issue is thoughtfully framed with an issue summary, an issue introduction, and a postscript. An instructor’s manual with testing material is available for each volume. USING TAKING SIDES IN THE CLASSROOM is also an excellent instructor resource with practical suggestions on incorporating this effective approach in the classroom. Each TAKING SIDES reader features an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites and is supported by our student website, CONTENTS UNIT 1. The Nature of Sex Issue 1. Can Sex Be Addictive? Issue 2. Is Oral Sex Really Sex? Issue 3. Is Masters and Johnson’s Model an Accurate Description of Sexual Response? Issue 4. Is the G Spot a Myth? Issue5. Is the Testosterone Patch the Right Cure for Low Libido in Women? UNIT 2. Sex and Schools Issue 6. Does the Availability of “Sexual Health Services” Make Some College Campuses Healthier than Others? Issue 7. Should Sex Ed Teach About Abstinence? Issue 8. Should Children Have an HPV Vaccination Before they Enroll in School? a Gender Bias? UNIT 3. Reproduction Technology Issue 10. Should Parents be Allowed to Select the Sex of Their Baby? Issue 11. Should Emergency Contraception be Available Over the Counter? Issue 12. Should Federal Funding of Stem Cell be Restricted? UNIT 4. Sex and Society Issue 13. Should Same Sex-Marriage Be Legal? Issue 14. Should Society Support Cohabitation Before Marriage? Issue 15. Is Pedophilia Always Harmful? Issue 16. Should Female Circumcision be Banned? 136 Sociology Issue 17. Shold the FCC Restrict Broadcast “Indecency”? Issue 18. Should Sexual Content on the Internet be Restricted? ANNUAL EDITIONS: HUMAN SEXUALITY 30th Edition Susan Bunting, Lincoln College 2007 / Softcover / 240 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-351618-9 / MHID: 0-07-351618-X Available: October 2006 Website: 18X.mhtml This THIRTIETH EDITION of ANNUAL EDITIONS: HUMAN SEXUALITY provides convenient, inexpensive access to current articles selected from the best of the public press. Organizational features include: an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites; an annotated table of contents; a topic guide; a general introduction; brief overviews for each section; a topical index; and an instructor’s resource guide with testing materials. USING ANNUAL EDITIONS IN THE CLASSROOM is offered as a practical guide for instructors. ANNUAL EDITIONS titles are supported by our student website, CONTENTS UNIT 1. Sexuality and Society Part A. Historical and Cross-Cultural Perspectives 1. Vox Populi: Sex, Lies, and Blood Sport 2. Women’s Ideal Bodies Then and Now 3. Sex Around the World 4. The Beauty Pageant Prevails 5. How AIDS Changed America 6. Remembering Bayard Rustin Part B. Changing Society/Changing Sexuality 7. The Magdalene Mystique: Why Her Archetype Matters 8. The Manliness of Men 9. The Trouble with Boys 10. The Gender Quotient Test UNIT 4. Reproduction Part A. Fertility, Contraception, and Abortion 29. Access Denied 30. You Can’t Do That on Television 31. Sex, Politics, and Morality at the FDA: Reflections on the Plan B Decision 32. A Late Decision, a Lasting Anguish 33. Condoms, Contraceptives and Nonoxynol-9: Complex Issues Obscured by Ideology Part B. Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Parenthood 34. Sex Without Sex? Keeping Passion Alive 35. A Tale of Two Mothers 36. The Birds and the Bees and Curious Kids UNIT 5. Sexuality Through the Life Cycle Part A. Youth and Their Sexuality 37. The Sexual Revolution Hits Junior High 38. The Cuddle Puddle of Stuyvesant High School 39. Your Turn: Give Students the Knowledge to Make Wise Choices About Sex Part B. Sexuality and the Adult Years 40. Sex and Love: The New World 41. Staying Up Late with Sue UNIT 6. Old/New Sexual Concerns Part A. Sexual Abuse and Violence 42. The Sex Offender Next Door 43. Silent No More 44. Where Girls Marry Rapists for Honor 45. A Cruel Edge Part B. Sexual Relationship Crises 46. Sexual Heroin 47. The Secret Lives of Wives 48. My Cheatin’ Heart 49. The New “Mixed” Marriage Part C. Focus: Valuing Sexuality 50. Good Sex: Why We Need More of It and a Lot Less of the Bad Stuff 51. Pillow Talk 52. The Merry-Go-Round of Desire UNIT 2. Sexual Biology, Behavior, and Orientation Part A. The Body and Its Responses 11. The New Sex Scorecard 12. Sudden Infertility Part B. Hygiene and Sexual Health Care 13. Battling a Black Epidemic 14. Positive Thinking 15. Prison Outbreak: An Epidemic of Hepatitis C 16. When Sex Hurts Part C. Human Sexualities and Orientations 17. Everyone’s Queer 18. Why Are We Gay? 19. The Battle over Gay Teens 20. The End of Gay Culture UNIT 3. Interpersonal Relationships Part A. Establishing Sexual Relationships 21. Great Expectations 22. In Search of Erotic Intelligence 23. 24 Things Love and Sex Experts Are Dying to Tell You 24. How to Tell Your Potential Love About Your Chronic STD Part B. Responsible Quality Sexual Relationships 25. The Viagra Dialogues 26. Save Your Relationship 27. Be a Better Couple 28. How to Talk About Sex 137 Sociology Technology & Society NEW ANNUAL EDITIONS: COMPUTERS IN SOCIETY 08/09 14th Edition Paul De Palma, Gonzaga University 2008 / 240 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-352848-9 / MHID: 0-07-352848-X Available: October 2007 Website: 48x.mhtml This Fourteenth Edition of ANNUAL EDITIONS: COMPUTERS IN SOCIETY provides convenient, inexpensive access to current articles selected from the best of the public press. Organizational features include: an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites; an annotated table of contents; a topic guide; a general introduction; brief overviews for each section; a topical index; and an instructor’s resource guide with testing materials. USING ANNUAL EDITIONS IN THE CLASSROOM is offered as a practical guide for instructors. ANNUAL EDITIONS titles are supported by our student website, CONTENTS UNIT 1. Introduction 1. Five Things We Need to Know About Technological Change New! 2. Slouching Toward the Ordinary 3. On the Nature of Computing UNIT 2. The Economy New! 4. The Subprime Loan Machine New! 5. Click Fraud 6. The Big Band Era 7. The Beauty of Simplicity 8. The Software Wars New! 9. Scan This Book! UNIT 3. Work and the Workplace New! 10. National ID 11. Brain Circulation 12. The New Face of the Silicon Age New! 13. Computer Software Engineers 14. The Computer Evolution 15. Making Yourself Understood New! 16. E-Monitoring in the Workplace UNIT 4. Computers, People, and Social Participation 17. New Technologies and Our Feelings: Romance on the Internet 18. How Do I Love Thee? New! 19. The Perfect Mark 20. Back-to-School Blogging New! 21. E-Mail Is for Old People UNIT 5. Societal Institutions: Law, Politics, Education, and the Military 22. The Copyright Paradox New! 23. Piracy, Computer Crime, and IS Misuse at the University 138 24. Facing Down the E-Maelstron New! 25. Can Blogs Revolutionize Progressive Politics? New! 26. Center Stage New! 27. The Coming Robot Army UNIT 6. Risk 28. Why Spyware Poses Multiple Threats to Security 29. Terror’s Server 30. The Virus Underground New! 31. Secrets of the Digital Detectives New! 32. Data on the Elderly, Marketed to Thieves 33. The Fading Memory of the State 34. False Reporting on the Internet and the Spread of Rumors UNIT 7. International Perspectives and Issues New! 35. China’s Tech Generation Finds a New Chairman to Venerate New! 36. Is the Crouching Tiger a Threat? 37. Restoring the Popularity of Computer Science 38. China’s Computer Wasteland New! 39. Cat and Mouse, on the Web New! 40. In Search of a PC for the People New! 41. A Nascent Robotics Culture New! 42. March of the Robolawyers New! 43. Best-Kept Secrets New! 44. Toward Nature-Inspired Computing 45. The Intelligent Internet 46. Mind Control NEW TAKING SIDES: CLASHING VIEWS IN SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, AND SOCIETY 8th Edition Thomas A Easton, Thomas College 2008 / 432 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-351512-0 / MHID: 0-07-351512-4 Available: August 2007 Website: 124.mhtml This Eighth Edition of TAKING SIDES: CLASHING VIEWS IN SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, AND SOCIETY presents current controversial issues in a debate-style format designed to stimulate student interest and develop critical thinking skills. Each issue is thoughtfully framed with an issue summary, an issue introduction, and a postscript. An instructor’s manual with testing material is available for each TAKING SIDES volume. USING TAKING SIDES IN THE CLASSROOM is also an excellent instructor resource with practical suggestions on incorporating this effective approach in the classroom. Each TAKING SIDES reader features an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites and is supported by our student website, CONTENTS UNIT 1 The Place of Science and Technology in Society Issue 1. Does Politics Come Before Science in Current Government Decision Making? Issue 2. Should Government Restrict the Publication of Unclassified but “Sensitive” Research? Sociology Issue 3. Should the Internet Be Neutral? UNIT 2 The Environment Issue 4. Should Society Act Now to Halt Global Warming? Issue 5. Is It Time to Revive Nuclear Power? Issue 6. Will Hydrogen Replace Fossil Fuels for Cars? UNIT 3 Human Health and Welfare Issue 7. Do Falling Birth Rates Pose a Threat to Human Welfare? Issue 8. Is There Sufficient Scientific Evidence to Conclude That Cell Phones Cause Cancer? Issue 9. Should DDT Be Banned Worldwide? Issue 10. Should Potential Risks Slow the Development of Nanotechnology? Issue 11. Are Genetically Modified Foods Safe to Eat? UNIT 4 Space Issue 12. Should We Expand Efforts to Find Near-Earth Objects? Issue 13. Will the Search for Extraterrestrial Life Ever Succeed? Issue 14. Is “Manned Space Travel” a Delusion? 9. The Japanese Kindergarten of Singapore: “Internalization” and “Internationalization” 10. The Learn from Japan Campaign in Singapore 11. Teaching and Learning Japanese in Singapore Contributors REVISITING SOCIOLOGY (In Chinese) By Keung-Sing Ho 2005 / 200 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-124996-6 / MHID: 0-07-124996-6 [An Asian Publication] (Details unavailable in English) UNIT 5 The Computer Revolution Issue 15. Does the Internet Strengthen Social Connections? Issue 16. Does the Spread of Surveillance Technology Threaten Privacy? Issue 17. Should the World’s Libraries Be Digitized? THE COMPARATIVE SOCIETIES SERIES UNIT 6 Ethics Issue 18. Is the Use of Animals in Research Justified? Issue 19. Is It Ethically Permissible to Clone Human Cells? This series of short books devoted to different countries offers much-needed cross-cultural and global material to instructors. Used alongside an introductory sociology text or as a supplement in courses on comparative societies, comparative politics, comparative economics, or social stratification, this book brings a rich global perspective into the undergraduate classroom. The opening chapter establishes historical and cultural context, while subsequent chapters focus on the basic institutions, social stratification, social problems and social change. The chapter organization is typical of a standard introductory sociology text making it easy to use in any class. Comparative Societies JAPAN AND SINGAPORE By Yun Hui Tsu 2006 / 324 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-125623-0 / MHID: 0-07-125623-7 Available: June 2006 [An Asian Publication] Japan and Singapore have a common history going back one hundred and fifty years. This shared experience is both complex and contradictory and has many aspects: marriages, friendships, cultural exchanges, business relations, and mutual learning interlaced with economic competition, communal rivalry, and war. The strong bilateral relations between the two countries are likely to continue and remain vital to both countries’ economic, social and political development. This volume offers, for the first time, a multidisciplinary survey of Japan-Singapore relations. Examining a wide range of topics on prewar history, economic cooperation, cultural and social trends, and bilateral trade and diplomacy, this book will be of interest to both specialists and members of the public concerned about regional affairs. CONTENTS 1. When “Advancing South” Meets “Looking East” 2. A Social History of the Japanese in Singapore to 1945 3. Indians and Chinese in Japan’s Trade with Singapore before the Asian-Pacific War 4. The Chinese and the Japanese in Colonial Singapore, 1870s to 1941 5. Japanese Direct Investment in Singapore: Pokka and Kikkoman 6. Japan-Singapore Economic Partnership Agreement: Origins and Implications 7. Japanese Women Working in Singapore 8. The Culture of Japanese Businessmen in Singapore Edited by Prof. Harold R. Kerbo, California Poly State University San Luis Obispo Comparative Societies Series Volumes FEATURES v Very brief, inexpensive book designed to be used with an introductory text and/or reader. v Comparisons with familiar aspects of the US society are frequent and well documented in easy-tounderstand tables and diagrams. v Provides cross-cultural and global material in a clear, concise manner for students with no prior knowledge about Russia or sociology. MODERN SOUTH AFRICA A VOLUME IN THE COMPARATIVE SOCIETIES SERIES Phillip T Gay, San Diego State University-San Diego 2001 / 240 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-235211-5 / MHID: 0-07-235211-6 MODERN RUSSIA A VOLUME IN THE COMPARATIVE SOCIETIES SERIES Mikka Titma and Nancy Tuma of Stanford University 2001 / 224 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-292823-5 / MHID: 0-07-292823-9 MODERN CHINA A VOLUME IN THE COMPARATIVE SOCIETIES SERIES Richard E Barrett, University of Illinois-Chicago Fang Li, University of Chicago 1999 / 192 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-292826-6 / MHID: 0-07-292826-3 139 Sociology MODERN IRAN A VOLUME IN THE COMPARATIVE SOCIETIES SERIES Special Topics – Readers Grant Farr, Portland State University 1999 / 168 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-292825-9 / MHID: 0-07-292825-5 NEW Sociology of Complex Organization WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION AND TERRORISM International Edition Russell D Howard, US Military Academy James J F Forest, US Military Academy ORGANIZATION THEORY TENSION AND CHANGE David Jaffee, University of North Florida 2001 / 336 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-234166-9 / MHID: 0-07-234166-1 (Out of Print) ISBN-13: 978-0-07-118962-0 / MHID: 0-07-118962-9 [IE] Website: CONTENTS 1. Introduction: Definitions and Conceptions 2. Conceptual Framework for the Analysis of Organization Theory 3. The Rise of the Factory System 4. The Human Organization 5. Bureaucracy, Rationalization, and Organization Theory 6. Emerging Organizational Forms: Beyond Fordism 7. Emerging Organizational Paradigms: Post-Bureaucracy, Culture, and Knowledge 8. Technology and Organizational Transformation 9. The Environment and the Organization 10. Interorganizational Dynamics: Markets, Hierarchies and Networks 11. The Future of Organization and Postmodern Analysis Special Topics NEW TERRORISM AND COUNTERTERRORISM UNDERSTANDING THE NEW SECURITY ENVIRONMENT, READINGS AND INTERPRETATIONS 3rd Edition Russell D Howard and Reid L Sawyer of US Military Academy Natasha E Bajema 2009 / 640 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-337979-1 / MHID: 0-07-337979-4 Available: February 2008 Website: 794.mhtml (Details unavailable at press time) 140 2008 / 624 pages ISBN-13: 978-0-07-337970-8 / MHID: 0-07-337970-0 Available: March 2007 Website: 700.mhtml) In TERRORISM AND WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION AND DISRUPTION, Brigadier General (Retired) Russell Howard and Dr. James Forest have collected original and previously published seminal articles and essays by scientists, academics, government officials, and members of the nation’s security and intelligence communities. The editors and several of the authors write from practical field experience in nonproliferation and counterterrorism efforts. Others have had significant responsibility for developing government policies to address the threat of weapons of mass destruction and terrorism. The contributors include a majority of the significant names in the field including Bruce Hoffman, Brian Jenkins, Jonathan Tucker, Rohan Gunaratna, David Franz, Richard Betts, William Rosenau, and David Albright. Unit One of the book introduces key terms and addresses important strategic and policy debates. Authors explain how the new forms of terrorism affect the post-9/11 security environment and introduce the notion that weapons of mass destruction could give terrorists short-term, asymmetric attack advantages over conventional military forces. Unit Two offers detailed accounts of the characteristics, availability, and dangers of specific types of WMD, along with four case studies that associate theory with practice—an important feature of this volume. Unit Three deals with past, present, and future national and international responses to—and defenses against—the threat of WMD terrorism. and in the final section of the volume, authors predict future WMD threats and seek to draw on past events and mistakes in order to identify lessons and strategies for the future. Appendices include a primer on bioterrorism and fact sheets on chemical, biological, nuclear and radiological terrorism. CONTENTS Part I. INTRODUCTION Chapter 1.1 Definitions, Trends, and the Concept of “New Terrorism” Chapter 1.2 The Nature of the Post-9/11 WMD Terrorism Threat Chapter 1.3 The WMD Terrorism Hype Chapter 1.4 The Terrorist WMD of Choice Sociology Part II. UNDERSTANDING THE THREAT Chapter 2.1 Different “Faces” of Nuclear Terrorism Chapter 2.2 Radiological Dispersal Devices Chapter 2.3 Sabotage of Nuclear Facilities and other Critical Infrastructure Chapter 2.4 Bioterrorism Chapter 2.5 Chemical Terrorism Chapter 2.6 Food Security and Agricultural and Terrorism Chapter 2.7 Cyberterrorism Chapter 2.8 Case Study #1: Ricin Plot in London 2003 Chapter 2.9 Case Study #2: Jemaah Islamiyah Chapter 2.10 Case Study #3: Aum Shinrikyo Chapter 2.11 Case Study #4: al Qaeda Chapter 2.12 Case Study #5: A.Q. Khan Network Chapter 2.13 Case Study #6: Iraq as an Example of State-Directed WMD Terrorism Part III. RESPONDING TO THE THREAT Chapter 3.1 Deterrence and Preemption Chapter 3.2 Intelligence and WMD Chapter 3.3 WMD Detection Technology Chapter 3.4 Nonproliferation Regimes Chapter 3.5 Interdiction and Law Enforcement Chapter 3.6 Case Study #1: The Public Health Response to the 2001 Anthrax Attacks Chapter 3.7 Case Study #2: Hurricane Katrina and Emergency Response Chapter 3.8 Case Study #3: The Response to the 1995 Attack in Tokyo, Japan Part IV. LESSONS LEARNED AND FUTURE THREATS Chapter 4.1 The Need for a Comprehensive, Multidimensional Strategy Chapter 4.2 Gaps in the International Framework for Combating Terrorism Chapter 4.3 Future Threats Chapter 4.4 Conclusion Appendix 141 Title Index A Abnormal Psychology With Mindmap II CD-ROM And Powerweb, 5th Edition, Halgin ............................................... 60 Abnormal Psychology With Mindmap Plus CD-ROM And Powerweb, 9th Edition, Alloy ................................................. 61 Abnormal Psychology, 4th Edition, Nolen-Hoeksema ............. 60 Adolescence, 12th Edition, Santrock ...................................... 29 Adolescence, 8th Edition, Steinberg ....................................... 29 Adolescence: Continuity, Change, And Diversity, 6th Edition, Cobb ................................................................... 30 Adult Development And Aging, 3rd Edition, Papalia .............. 33 Adult Development And Aging, 6th Edition, Hoyer ................ 32 Adult Development And Aging, With Powerweb, 5th Edition, Hoyer .................................................................. 33 Annual Editions: Social Problems 08/09, 36th Edition, Finsterbusch ........................................................................... 97 Annual Editions: Social Psychology, 7th Edition, Duffy ............................................................................. 49, 121 Annual Editions: Sociology 07/08, 36th Edition, Finsterbusch ........................................................................... 93 Annual Editions: Sociology 08/09, 37th Edition, Finsterbusch ........................................................................... 93 Annual Editions: The Family 08/09, 34th Edition, Gilbert ......................................................................... 103, 107 Annual Editions: Urban Society, 13th Edition, Siegel ............ 112 Annual Editions: Violence And Terrorism 07/08, 10th Edition, Badey .............................................................. 100 Annual Editions: Violence And Terrorism 08/09, 11th Edition, Badey ................................................................ 97 Applied Sport Psychology: Personal Growth To Peak Performance, 5th Edition, Williams ........................................ 77 Annual Editions: Adolescent Psychology, 6th Edition, Stickle .................................................................................... 31 Annual Editions: Aging 07/08, 20th Edition, Cox ............ 34, 110 Annual Editions: Aging 08/09, 21st Edition, Cox ............. 33, 110 Annual Editions: Child Growth And Development 08/09, 15th Edition, Junn .................................................................. 27 B Behavioral Statistics In Action, 3rd Edition, Vernoy ................ 71 Annual Editions: Computers In Society 08/09, 14th Edition, De Palma ........................................................ 138 Annual Editions: Criminal Justice 06/07, 30th Edition, Victor .................................................................................. 130 Annual Editions: Developing World 08/09, 18th Edition, Griffiths ............................................................................... 115 Annual Editions: Drugs, Society, And Behavior 07/08, 22nd Edition, Wilson ...................................................... 65, 128 Annual Editions: Drugs, Society, And Behavior 08/09, 23rd Edition, Wilson .............................................................. 65 Annual Editions: Dying, Death, And Bereavement 08/09, 10th Edition, Dickinson ................................. 34, 46, 112 C Cases In Child And Adolescent Development For Teachers, Defrates-Densch............................................... 26, 31 Child And Adolescent Development For Educators, 3rd Edition, Meece ........................................................... 24, 28 Child Development With Multimedia Courseware CD And Powerweb, 5th Edition, Dehart ....................................... 23 Child Development, Patterson ............................................... 22 Annual Editions: Education 08/09, 35th Edition, Schultz ................................................................................. 132 Child Development: A Topical Approach And Making The Grade CD ROM, Papalia ................................................. 25 Annual Editions: Educational Psychology 07/08, 22nd Edition, Cauley .............................................................. 43 Child Development: An Introduction, 11th Edition, Santrock ................................................................................. 24 Annual Editions: Health 08/09, 29th Edition, Daniel............. 134 Child Psychology: A Contemporary Viewpoint With Lifemap CD-ROM And Powerweb, 6th Edition, Hetherington ......................................................................... 25 Annual Editions: Homeland Security, 2nd Edition, Badey ..................................................................................... 98 Annual Editions: Human Development 08/09, 36th Edition, Freiberg ............................................................. 20 Child Psychopathology, Haugaard ................................... 36, 66 Child’s World (A), 11th Edition, Papalia ................................. 22 Annual Editions: Human Sexuality, 30th Edition, Bunting .......................................................................... 84, 137 Children, 10th Edition, Santrock ............................................ 23 Annual Editions: Personal Growth And Behavior 07/08, 26th Edition, Duffy ............................................................. 9, 62 Classic Edition Sources: Human Development, 3rd Edition, Diessner .............................................................. 19 Annual Editions: Psychology 07/08, 37th Edition, Duffy ..................................................................................... 10 Classic Edition Sources: Psychology, 4th Edition, Pettijohn .................................................................... 11, 35, 71 Annual Editions: Race And Ethnic Relations, 16th Edition, Kromkowski ......................................................................... 114 Classical Sociological Theory, 5th Edition, Ritzer ................. 117 Annual Editions: Social Problems 07/08, 35th Edition, Finsterbusch ........................................................................... 99 142 Classic Edition Sources: Education, 4th Edition, Schultz ....... 134 Comparative Societies Series (The), Kerbo ............................ 139 Title Index Contemporary Social Work Practice With Ethics Primer, Case Study CD And Powerweb, Dewees .............................. 119 Contemporary Sociological Theory And Its Classical Roots: The Basics, 2nd Edition, Ritzer .................................. 118 G Guiding Your Children, 4th Edition, Reynolds ........................ 28 Counselling In Schools Theories, Processes And Techniques, Tan ..................................................................... 42 Criminology And The Criminal Justice System, With Powerweb, 6th Edition, Adler ...................................... 129 H Criminology, 6th Edition, Adler ............................................ 129 Health Psychology, 6th Edition, Taylor ................................... 57 Health Psychology, 7th Edition, Taylor ................................... 56 D Delinquency In Society, 7th Edition, Regoli .......................... 125 Developmental Psychopathology, 5th Edition, Wenar ............ 36 Dimensions Of Human Sexuality, 6th Edition, Byer................ 83 Diversity In Early Care And Education Honoring Differences, 5th Edition, Gonzalez-Mena ................................................... 44 History Of Psychology, 4th Edition, Hothersall....................... 80 History Of Psychology: Original Sources And Contemporary Research (A), 2nd Edition, Benjamin ............... 80 Human Development Across The Lifespan, 6th Edition, Dacey .................................................................................... 18 Human Development Across The Lifespan, 7th Edition, Dacey .................................................................................... 15 Human Development, 8th Edition, Zanden ............................ 17 Drugs In American Society, 7th Edition, Goode .................... 125 Human Development, 10th Edition, Papalia ........................... 17 Drugs In Perspective, 6th Edition, Fields ......................... 64, 127 Human Factors In Engineering And Design, 7th Edition, Sanders .................................................................................. 76 Drugs, Society, And Human Behavior, 12th Edition, Ksir ................................................................................ 63, 126 Human Sexuality: Diversity In Contemporary America With Sexsource CD-ROM And Powerweb, 5th Edition, Strong ............................................................................ 83, 136 E Educational Psychology, 3rd Edition, Santrock ....................... 40 Enhancing Cognitive Funtions Applications Across Contexts, Tan ......................................................................... 40 Essentials Of Behavioral Research: Methods And Data Analysis, 3rd Edition, Rosenthal ............................................. 68 Essentials Of Life-Span Development, Santrock ...................... 15 Essentials Of Psychology With Making The Grade CD-ROM, Lahey ....................................................................... 8 Essentials Of Understanding Psychology, 7th Edition, Feldman ................................................................................... 4 Exploring Social 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.............................................................. 105 Q Qualitative Methods In Social Research, Esterberg ............... 123 R Readings In Social Theory, 5th Edition, Farganis ................... 116 Ready, Set, Go! 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............................ 48, 120 Social Stratification And Inequality, 7th Edition, Kerbo ......... 115 Sociological Theory, 7th Edition, Ritzer ................................ 118 Sociologically Examined Life: Pieces Of The Conversation (The), 4th Edition, Schwalbe ................................................... 92 Sociology Matters, 3rd Edition, Schaefer ................................ 92 Sociology, 11th Edition, Schaefer ........................................... 91 Sociology: A Brief Introduction, 7th Edition, Schaefer ............ 90 Sociology: Diversity, Conflict, And Change, Neubeck ............ 93 Sociology: The Core, 8th Edition, Hughes............................... 88 Sport Psychology, 6th Edition, Cox ......................................... 76 Sports In Society: Issues And Controversies, 9th Edition, Coakley ................................................................................ 132 Statistical Imagination (The), 2nd Edition, Ritchey ................ 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......... 115 Mio: Multicultural Psychology, 2nd Edition ............................ 51 Kerbo: The Comparative Societies Series .............................. 139 Myers: Exploring Social Psychology, 4th Edition ............. 48, 120 King: The Science Of Psychology: An Appreciative View ......... 7 Myers: Social Psychology, 9th Edition ............................ 48, 120 Kromkowski: Annual Editions: Race And Ethnic Relations, 16th Edition.......................................................... 114 Ksir: Drugs, Society, And Human Behavior, 12th Edition .................................................................... 63, 126 L Lahey: Essentials Of Psychology With Making The Grade CD-ROM .................................................................................. 8 Lahey: Psychology: An Introduction, 9th Edition ....................... 8 Larsen: Personality Psychology: Domains Of Knowledge About Human Nature, 3rd Edition .......................................... 51 Lauer: 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