on-line catalog - Museum of Modern Rubber


on-line catalog - Museum of Modern Rubber
on-line catalog
We think you’ll like our
new, improved site. Each
web catalog page matches
a corresponding page in
our Millennium Catalog.
When viewed with
Adobe Acrobat Reader,
you will be able to view
the images at virtually
their exact size.
Keep checking in to
see what’s new, both on
catalog pages and in the
Project Gallery section,
Stamp Project Index .................2
Accessories ..............................2
Templates & Project Sheets.....2
Modern Gadgets .......................3
Girlie Stuff ................................4 - 7
Party Hearty .............................8, 9
Blast from the Past ..................10, 11
Art Attack ................................12, 13
Way Out West ..........................14, 15
Wild Life....................................16, 17
True Love .................................18, 19
Travel .....................................20
Easter .....................................21
Extra Textures ..........................22, 23
Bloomers...................................24, 25
Silly Games ...............................26
Manly, Yes.................................27
Pansy Lane ...............................28-31
Little House Boxes ...................32, 33
Halloween Haunt.......................34-37
Happy Holidays .........................40-42
Kickin’ Tab ................................43
2001 Update ............................43
Twelve Days of Christmas ........44, 45
 Flaptop Computer!
Make a card for the computer j unkie on your list! Pull
the disk down and the scree n
E-7 63 Get With
C- 761 Fl oppy
D-76 2 Mouse
B-1 10
M-76 0 Fl aptop
E-6 22 I t’s For You!
 Cel-ab rate!
Lift the flap – the
changes and the
 Ringaling!
Open this fun card
and the telephone
actually ring s!
M-6 29 Telephone
M-7 39 Cel
E-74 8 I nsi de Your
©2000 Museum of Modern Rubber
D-7 36 Y’all Call
D- 815 Give Me A Buzz
G-8 04 Locket
G-80 6 Oval Frame
K- 805 Large Cameo
E-80 8 Cl ose To My Heart
 Faux Cameos!
Use shrin k plas tic or
polyme r clay to make
beautiful, r ealis tic
C- 807 Small Cameo
H-4 25 Victori an Fan
E-6 26 Tassel
 Fan-tasy!
Make love ly decorative
paper fans. Simply
stamp and cut out the
fan blades then assem-
L-70 3 P oi nsettia Fan
©2000 Museum of Modern Rubber
L-7 95 Rose Fan
L- 692 Swan Fan
E-4 18
Satin Ri bbon
E-71 8 Butterfl ies
K- 417 Satin Bow
 Hocus Pocus Card!
Pull up a big surprise . Lift
the hand and a r eal scarf
pulls out of the hat!
K- 715 Wateri ng Can
G-7 01 Gloved Hand
E-7 02 Hocus Pocus
F- 717 Love is A
 Magic
Waterin g
C-71 9 Sweet P ea
Can Card!
This is another r ibbon
pull-u p card . The
w aterin g can “pou rs”
w ater onto the flower s
below . Gre at for
Mother’ s Day.
L-70 0 Top Hat
©2000 Museum of Modern Rubber
H-71 6 Flow er P ot
G-67 2 Spray
L-6 74 Hand Mirror
C- 604 Lipstick
M-6 03 Atomizer
G-82 7 Credit Card
J- 825 Fancy
H- 601 Nail
 Tripp y
Tr avel Bag!
A hidden sur prise
will pop up
M-60 5 Large Travel Bag
©2000 Museum of Modern Rubber
G-60 6 Small Travel Bag
H-60 9 Floral Pattern
 Mus ic Box
Secre t Draw er!
You can hide a
tiny tr eat
inside the
draw er.
E- 680 Purple Hai r
E-66 9 Brush
F-6 73 P owder Puf f
M-64 8 Music Box
E-65 1 Bad Hai r Day
A- 642 Spike Heel
C-706 A Penny
A-6 78 Ti ny
 Magic
A-67 9 Tiny
P erf ume
A-6 76 Ti ny
Lipsti ck
A-67 7 Tiny Compact
Mirr or!
The image in the
Compact’ s mir ror
C-6 47 Kiss & Make Up
B-66 4 Something Stuck
B-60 0 Bobby Pin
L-60 2 Compact
©2000 Museum of Modern Rubber
E-12 8
M’ s Lips
E-23 4 Evening i n
F-8 63 When Li fe Gives
C-8 19 Starburs t
L-8 72 Lemonade Pit cher
E-81 3
F-8 18 Sunshi ne
C-8 17 Citrus Slice
F-65 3 Party Pooper
A-8 14 Bottle
F-82 1 When Lif e Gives You
C-81 1 Worl d's Greatest
 Magic Shakin’
Car ds!
Your car d w ill have
a re fr eshing sur pr ise using either
the Marga rita or
the Pop Bottle. The
filler ins ide disa ppears w hen the
card is tipped over
C- 820 Lime Wedge
L-8 16 Margarita
F-8 12 Bubble
©2000 Museum of Modern Rubber
L- 810 P op Bottle
E-70 7 Cherry Amour
 Tippin’
Open this card and the C-6 52 Olive
tw o Mar tini glasses
insid e clink together in
B- 657 Cherry
H-6 58 Cocktail
E-71 4 Cheers
C-7 38 Olive You
B-6 54 Shaken, Not Stirred
B- 625
F-65 6 Matchl ess Friend
B-6 24 P art y
K- 655 Martini Glass
C-1 32 Expl etive
F- 286 Big One
 Take Out!
This card looks
good enough to eat.
The fron t of the
container for ms a
dimensional pocket
filled with rea l
©2000 Museum of Modern Rubber
M-6 84 Take-out
C-6 23
G- 646 Happy Birt hday
C-6 60 Starve A Cold
M-49 2
Large Lunch
K-53 1 Refri gerator
L-5 50 Stove
H-32 0
E-4 42 Cat
G-6 14 Chef
B-5 57 Say
No To Cra ck
J- 867
Big Cat
Cl ock
C- 671 Chill Pi ll
F- 617 Tra sh Can
M- 568 Check Floor
K-30 5
C-4 71 Official Sighting
B-43 6 50 Mi lli on Fans
G- 434 Juke box
K-3 74 Heartbreak Hotel
G- 284 Drive-I n Sign
B-8 69 Omigod!
B- 685 Ult ra
F-1 49 R ock ‘ n R ol l
A-4 41 Forty
H-43 5 Tool ed
B-75 2 Mus i c Notes
E- 156 Dancers
 Rock On!
B-3 09 El vis
Mak e a pop-up
Record Playe r
that is re ady to
spin your
favorite tunes!
You can add a
sound module to
©2000 Museum of Modern Rubber
F-7 51 Poodle
M-75 0 Record
J-61 2 Jane
F-1 18 Dal i
K- 105 Ameri can
M-3 60 R ococo Frame
K- 501 Mona Lisa
B-1 24 Smi le
K- 135 Sunflowers
B-5 26
Thi nking of You
J-37 5 Claude
©2000 Museum of Modern Rubber
L-56 7 David
J- 566 Ms. de
J-5 02 The
D-37 0 Fif teen
J-56 4 Velvet R ope
H- 273 Whistl er’ s
D-53 3 Hand Stamped By
G- 367 Andy
B- 299 Dali
L-4 31
C- 859 Thi s Card
H- 432 Pinky
H-43 3 Bl ue
B- 438
Thought Bubble
L-10 6 Bi rth of Venus
©2000 Museum of Modern Rubber
J- 376 Easel
L- 613 Henri
H-3 51 Toulouse
C- 621 Made
For Stampin’
L-6 19 Cowboy Boot
G-27 7 Joshua Tree
J-38 4 Buffalo Bill
H-3 83 Annie Oakley
E- 670 Kick Up Heels
H- 390 Welcome Sign
F-1 37 P into
H- 620 Deputy Stamper
A-63 7
J-4 83 Small Western
M-1 60 Large Western
©2000 Museum of Modern Rubber
J-6 99 Smal l Santa Fe
D-6 10 Li ttle Cowboys
M-6 98 Large Santa
F-8 48 Tool ed Big Border
D-63 5 Rodeo
C-6 36 Home On The Range
J-69 5 Western Scene
 Ant Attack!
Fill this Shakin’ card
with plas tic ants and
you’ll be rea dy for a
E- 705 Pop On By
A-73 4 Ant
B-66 5 Pow!
K-6 15 Large Popcorn
©2000 Museum of Modern Rubber
M-6 32 Picnic
B-7 45 Lit tle Bugs
F-74 4 Wart ’s For
K-74 3
D-85 0 Formerly
C-8 51
D- 853 Hop Over
 The Hungry
Fro g!
This guy rea ches his red
r ubbery tongue out to gr ab
his dinner.
F-87 1 Cattails
G-7 41 Large Li ly Pad
D-74 2 Smal l Li ly Pad
M-7 40 Fro g
 Magic Honey Bear !
The honey ins ide this
Shakin’ Card disappear s
when the car d is tipped
over and re appear s w hen it
C-71 0 Aint Bee
D-7 08 Bee My
C-63 3 Bee Seeing
F-35 4 Honey Bear
©2000 Museum of Modern Rubber
C- 525
L- 864 Bi g Honey
A-16 4 Gosh
M-49 9 Large
Parac hute
G-10 9 Fred Astorke
K-5 00 Smal l Para chute
C-2 57 I RS Seal
G- 123 Cat n’ Mouse
B- 248 Nest
F-31 2 Umbrell a Dog
E-37 1 Groundhog Day
C-1 12 Dog P addle
L-6 07
E- 125 Lobster Tai l
G- 667 It’ s A Cat
E-6 96 R unning Dog
©2000 Museum of Modern Rubber
G-6 66 I t’s A Dog
C-61 1 Cupid
H-10 3 Putto
M-5 91 Big Cupid
C-4 72 Made For Each Other
C-1 11 Mr. Love
J-23 3
F- 842 Heart Candy Bi g Border
 Kiss ing Booth
Pictur e Fram e!
This dimensional popup fram e folds flat for
D-2 30 Sl ave To Love
K-5 93 Big Bon Bon
M-52 7 Ki ssing Booth
F-79 6 Cra zy Heart
B-5 70 Li ps Together
E-55 4 Lover’ s
©2000 Museum of Modern Rubber
B-32 9 Wax Li ps
C-47 5 Love
M-5 56 Tunnel Of Love
B-67 5 Is That A Stamp?
E-1 04 Cupi d
E- 235 Sweets For Sweet
F-55 5 Happy Val entines Day
C-4 26 Loves Me
M-47 7 Large Heart
H-2 36 Medium Heart Doil y
C- 476 Smal l Heart Doil y
A-2 95 I t’s A
F-8 47 Baby Big Border
A-2 96 I t’s A
E-3 65 Ci gar
B-26 5 Cans ‘n Boots
B-3 80 Sni ps and
©2000 Museum of Modern Rubber
B-3 79 Sugar and
C-3 89 Cabbage
M-5 71 Large Mini -Mall
K- 453 Map
J- 572 Smal l Mi ni-Mall
B-1 44 Holl ywood
C-16 8 Horsie I nnert ube
E- 823 Let’s Go
B- 387
B-5 53 I s It Hot?
B-17 0 Palm
B- 281 Gone
E- 454 You Are Here
B-6 59 Who Di ed?
E- 308 If You Lived Here
D- 866 Short
J-17 4 Mr.
J-82 6 Big P al m
J-1 75 Mrs.
©2000 Museum of Modern Rubber
E-8 65 Tall Flamingo
G-7 11 Small Fauxbergé Egg
K-7 12 Medium Fauxbergé Egg
M-7 13 Large Fauxbergé Egg
C-2 56 Marshma l low
E-2 52 Egg
C- 803 Here’s A Treasure
D-8 02 Bunny
A-6 27 R obi n Egg
A- 292
C- 372 Easter Greetings
A-29 3
M-4 93 Large
Easter Basket
K-25 5
Smal l
C-3 53 R abbi t
F- 366 Chocol ate Bunny
©2000 Museum of Modern Rubber
H-6 83 Bunny Sui t
Texture Stamps!
Add ext r a interes t to all
stamping proj ects.
These stamps re peat easily
cre ate large backgrounds but
can als o be used to stamp border s and fram es
Tr y layerin g two or thr ee
text ures
in dif fer ent colors.
Favor it e looks:
•Nuts & Bolt s: emboss in silver.
•Plaid: use re d for a checked
F-7 46 Jewel
F-7 09 Stamp
F-8 52 Drip
©2000 Museum of Modern Rubber
F-7 04 Letters
F-7 32 Nuts & Bolts
F-78 9 I ci ng
F- 735 P laid Texture
F-8 12 Bubble Background
F-5 86 Heart
F-5 63 Squares & Dots
F-6 18 Star
©2000 Museum of Modern
F-63 1 Spot
F-6 86 Numbers
F-6 30 Mosai c Texture
©2000 Museum of Modern Rubber
F- 638 Leaves Texture
F-56 1 Lit tle Dots
F-5 62 Big Dots
F-6 08 Shoe
F- 690 Stucco
F-68 2 Boomerang
F-79 3 Misty
F-79 9 Shamrock
F-83 7 Shake
Bloomers ar e the fun and easy action
card projec t! Flip the outer image
down and the car d unfolds lik e the
bloom of a flower !
Ju st one stamp makes this innovative
card . Our plastic template makes constr uction
a bree ze.
The template works w it h all Bloomer s.
Watermelon Bloomer shown
cl osed (left ) and open.
Wreath Bloomer shown
cl osed (l eft) and open.
J-7 20 Bi rthday
J-72 1 Pizza Bloomer
©2000 Museum of Modern Rubber
J-7 23 Watermel on
J- 724 Bouquet Bloomer
J-7 25 Donut Bloomer
J- 722 Sunflower Bloomer
J-72 6 Lucky Bloomer
J- 770 Carro t Bloomer
J-7 73 Haunted Bl oomer
J- 771 Kitty Bl oomer
J-77 4 Celestial Bl oomer
J-7 72 Orange Bloomer
J-7 75 Wreath Bloomer
©2000 Museum of Modern Rubber
D- 146
K- 662 Fun-O- Meter
B- 687 Arro w
C- 280 Sparkl er
E-52 9 Ray
M- 359
K-87 4 Li ttle
C-66 8 You're The Tops
 Magic Scr een!
Our favor it e easy car d!
Add a magic scre en in
the wind ow of eit her
Sketcher and you can
write on and magically
B- 661 Paddle
K-8 73 Little
D-3 10 Stop Me
M- 663 Rubber Sketcher
J-3 73 R ed Wagon
©2000 Museum of Modern Rubber
E- 737 I’ m Nuts
E-86 8 Real Men
H- 731 Tool Set
M-73 0 Tool Box
B-86 0 Like/Lump
E- 733 Tool -rif fic
E-75 3 I nk On Fingers
H-7 54 Stamp Tools
 Manly Card s!
The Toolbox has a dr awer
that pops open when the lid
is opened. The Mower ’ s
blades appear to spin, plus
it makes a lit tle mowing
E-5 76 Stampi ng At You
M-7 91 Mower
G-7 92 I Love You Mower
©2000 Museum of Modern Rubber
D- 794 Weeds
Good News!
The Museum of Modern
Rubber welcomes you to
Pansy Lane!
It’s a whimsical place full of
delightful characters and
beautiful things created
especially for your stamping
pleasure by acclaimed illustrator Emilie
PG- 138 Bucky
PG-1 30 Oliver
P A-11 7 Weight
PC-1 16 Give Me A
PG-1 12 Innertube
PA- 114
PF- 111 Bathing
PB -11 5 Shoreli ne
P K-1 10 Bruno
P A-11 8 Sea
PF-1 13 Sandcastle
PB -12 0 Fl ower
PF-1 45 Kit chen
P K-1 36 Foxworthy
©2000 Museum of Modern Rubber
P H-1 19 Picnic Basket
PK- 120 Paras ol
©2000 Emilie Kong
E-8 49 Two to Tango
PF-1 37
PG- 139 Carina
C-87 0 Little
PG-1 31 Fai rba nks
PG-1 32 Ophelia
PC- 163 Di shes
E-86 9 Skip A Day
P C-16 0
P F-15 9 Beetrice
PG-1 35
P G-16 1 Campers
PG- 126 Carolers
P F-12 5 Jack
©2000 Museum of Modern Rubber
PG- 124 Trick or Treaters
PH- 134 Alfre d
©2000 Emilie Kong
PC-1 43
PH- 144 Window
PK- 121 Door
PH -15 2 Gareth
PF- 142 Flower Box
PF- 147 Dessert
PL-1 62 Cori na Angel
PG-1 54 Gifts
PF-1 46 Tea
PG- 148 Table
©2000 Museum of Modern Rubber
PD- 149 Side Chair
PH- 123 Garćon
PG- 133
©2000 Emilie Kong
PF-1 57 Rose
PE-1 56 Weddi ng
PM-1 50 Weddi ng
Party Front
PG- 153 Wedding
PM- 151 Wedding
Party Back
F- 861
PF-1 58 Bit o’
P F-14 0 Flora l
P E-12 2 Sherman
PM-1 41 Floral
Wrea th
P L-15 5 Bride smaids
©2000 Museum of Modern Rubber
©2000 Emilie Kong
Little House Boxes!
Use our House Box
Template to cr eate your
own paper drea m houses.
Decorate as shown, or let
your imagination be your
arc hitect.
The Pansy Lane char acter s
(shown red uced) can be
used to decor ate your
House Boxes .
A- 785
C- 786 Cupcake
F-7 89 Icing
A-29 3 Gumdrop
E-7 87 Candy
F-79 0 Candy Cane
C- 788 Icing Window
Gingerbrea d
House Box!
Per fect for holding
cookies and candy. Add
family photos in the
win dow openings.
Log Cabin House
Rustic and charm ing. Fill w it h ar omatic potpourri.
A-84 3
B- 858 Wel come to
B-84 4 R ock
C-8 46 Cabin
F-83 7 Shake
©2000 Museum of Modern Rubber
G- 845 Cabin Door
Haunted House
Spooky fun for
all your favor it e
E-83 5 Spooky Window
E- 840 Creaky Door
Bird House Box!
Add r eal pr essed flowers and a purc hased
mushroom bird .
B-8 31
Scardi e Cat
A- 838 Li ttle
A-8 34 Daisy
C- 832 Twig
A-83 6 Li ttle
A-8 33 Home
G- 856 Large Churc h
G-8 55 Churc h Door
©2000 Museum of Modern Rubber
B- 854
Lit tle
Wi ndow
K- 857 Steeple
Chapel of Love House
Make these for w edding shower party
favor s.
G-5 37 Worms Crawl
B- 581
On the Wall
K- 462 Fence/Gate
K-54 1 Mirror
B-18 3 Yes Mummy
K- 404 Laboratory
E- 397 Bring Boos
E-18 7 Nosferatu
B-32 8 Mask
E- 184 Small Mummy
A-47 4 Beating
B- 641 We Traced…
M- 192 Large Mummy
©2000 Museum of Modern Rubber
B-39 8 Pi ckl ed
B- 377
K- 394 Smal l Headstone
B- 399 Had A Bra i n
C-78 2 Crow
B- 783 Li ttle Farm
M-7 80
E-40 8
B-2 68 That
 Scary
Scar ecr ow
Card !
He’s guar ding
the pumpkin
patch, but pull
a tab and his
arm s and legs
move and the
cro w jum ps up
and down on his
E-7 84 Fence
F-7 81 Pumpkins
E-6 45 Scared Stampless
A-4 20 R ight
F-18 0 Small
B- 640 Unfri endly
M-49 5 Large Headstone
©2000 Museum of Modern Rubber
M-4 96 Large
A-4 21 Left
B-57 9 You’re Scari ng
A-3 30 Bite Your
J- 313 Count
J-5 78 P ro fessor
B-3 68 Bats About You
J- 271 Fra nk
B-43 7 Haven’t We
J-27 0 Bri de
C- 391 Cleaver
A-3 27 Bats
C- 639 Trick Or Treat
L-4 97
M- 395 Spooky Stairs
©2000 Museum of Modern Rubber
F- 182 Smal l Coffin
B-4 00 What
M- 540 Large Haunted House
C-1 85 R .I.P.
J-5 35 Small Haunted House
A- 191 Candy
J-40 1 Hunchback
A- 407 Spider
K- 536 Quart er Web
B-65 9 Who Died?
B-1 81 Candy Apple
D-32 6 Small
K- 694 Large
©2000 Museum of Modern Rubber
M-69 1 Dungeon Door
M-22 8 Large Hol iday Vil lage
E-74 7 Santa’ s Answering Machine
J-4 82 Small Holi day
F- 342 Large Ji ngl e
E- 412 Smal l Generic
E- 681 Eggnog
A-3 35 Small Jingle Bell
 Pocket Car ds!
You can put a lit tle
tre at ins ide the rea l
dimensional pocket on
J- 516 Large Generi c Snowman
M-49 0 Large Open Box
©2000 Museum of Modern Rubber
G-2 02 Small Open
E-2 05 Happy Holidays
H- 829 Medi um Snowflake
M- 828 Large Snowfl ake
F-8 30 Small Snowfl ake
E-64 4 Holl y Joll idays
B-22 4 Small Kit ty
C- 215 Dec. 25
D-21 4 Large Bro ken Ornament
B-4 10 Blue
J-20 0 Large Ki tty
A-33 4 Small
Bro ken Ornament
M- 487 Large Snowdome
©2000 Museum of Modern Rubber
K- 488 Smal l Snowdome
B-1 98 Small
D-22 1 Large
E-2 04 P lastic
C- 339 Do Not Open
J- 411 Artif icial Tree
C-3 33 Small R ibbon
F-3 47 Large Ri bbon Bow
D-34 3 Gif t Tag
E-2 09 Merry Christmas
J-20 1 Large Mesh
G-1 96 Curl y Bow
H-69 7 Small Ti n
M-6 93 Large Tin
©2000 Museum of Modern Rubber
C- 206
F-4 14 Joll y
G-46 7 Flyi ng Reindeer
H-46 6 Santa &
E-20 8 Bah Humbug
C-3 40 R ei ndeer
D- 341 Dead Poinse ttia
E-19 7 Dead Tree
M-49 8 Large Scroll
G-21 8 Small Scrol l
B- 558 Smal l Mesh Stocking
M-5 60 Fi re pl ace
B-6 43 Sl ippers
©2000 Museum of Modern Rubber
K-55 9 Bending Santa
G-79 7 Coi ns
E- 798 Foll ow Your Dreams
D-17 8 Revenge
C- 801 Happy St.
L- 800 P ot
F- 799 Shamrock
 Happy
Hourglass !
It wor ks j ust
lik e a r eal
B-6 25 Champagne
M- 841 Cuckoo
E- 778 Happy New
M- 776 Hourglas s
E-83 9 P .M.T.
G-77 7 Out With Old
©2000 Museum of Modern Rubber
Museum of Modern Rubber Kickin’ Tab
J-87 5 Kickin’ Tab
Comes with instructions
E-8 77 Lit tle
R ose
M-8 76
B-8 83 WW ED
Large Rose
D-8 86 Thing of Beauty
E-8 85 Conspiracy
L-8 79 Lace Fan
©2000 Museum of Modern Rubber
H-88 2 Lily Fan
D- 884 Love Handles
J-88 0 Leaf Fan
F-8 81 Butterfly Fan
 Platform
Poppin’ Card !
Open this easy platf orm card and
the lid pops off the perco lator
reve aling the words “Perk Up” .
Add more fun to your card with
Googie Text ure, Coffee Cup and
D-891 Perk Up
E-889 Coffee Cup
C-890 Spoon
M- 888 Per colator
E-885 Conspira cy
F-892 Googie
H-895 Small Picnic Basket
K-896 Small Computer
A-893 Lil Disk
F- 894 It’s A Date
D- 884 Love Handles
©2001 Museum of Modern
B-883 WWED
Pocket Pocketbooks Templates!
Cr eate an enti r e war dr obe of fashi onabl e ti ny
M ake them for par ty favor s, decor ati ons and
mor e.
Cla ssic Alliga tor
Antique Beaded Bag
F- 898 Beaded Bag
H-899 Rose
©2001 Museum of Modern
Tote Bag
F-897 Leopar d
F- 1006 Woody