Cora611 lhlvrratty !,Irdlcsl Collagc left w!.tb your faully. Sorry to hava


Cora611 lhlvrratty !,Irdlcsl Collagc left w!.tb your faully. Sorry to hava
Becmber 11, 1
Isadoro Boarnfold, M.D.
Cltalcal Aeesototc Profoeor of
Cora611 lhlvrratty !,Irdlcsl Collagc
1ll5 Ea6t 72nd Strcat
Ncn Tort, Dlrrr York 10021
Dear lar
Ifm in tha urrket for any aelcctcd nagtarp{ecoe of
yotrr Burelan photography. 'ftrerrhg for returalng ry package
left w!.tb your faully. Sorry to hava nl.saed you tn AGlaottc
CLty. I stlll havc fond nouorLee of mrr vtelt ln your ho,ne
aod your eustalnlagr Orood humor 1u l{oecow, anld rhe nightrrareu (for oe) of f'collaboratlontt rrith Bemts.
Bcst regerde,
Ileury Elackbura, M.$.
Profeogor ard Slrector
(ftetstGd but sot rs6d)

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