2007 Annual Report - Ottawa Jewish Community Foundation
2007 Annual Report - Ottawa Jewish Community Foundation
OTTAWA JEWISH COMMUNITY FOUNDATION • ANNUAL REPORT 2007 The Ottawa Jewish Community Foundation provides donors the vehicle to contribute to the long term financial stability and support of the needs of the agencies which serve the Ottawa Jewish community. ANNUAL REPORT 2007 The Foundation acts as a steward for these gifts and links the past, the present and the future while building trust with everyone we serve. Ottawa Jewish Community Foundation WWW.OJCF.CA Letter from the Chair Roger Greenberg As I reach the halfway point in my two year mandate as Chair of the Ottawa Jewish Community Foundation (OJCF), this letter provides an excellent opportunity to reflect on the achievements of the past year and an outlook on the year to come. On another front, we have continued to update our policies so that we can offer flexibility in working with prospective donors so that their needs are met. For example, this year we developed a Flow Through Shares Acceptance Policy and an Intergenerational Transfer of Advisorship Policy so that donors can share in our transformation towards a more interactive way of operating. While I am obviously biased in my perspective, during the past twelve months, I have come to understand even more so how important the Foundation is to the health of our beloved Ottawa Jewish community. As our community grows, so too do our community needs and when I look back over the last year, I can take great pride, together with our many donors, volunteers and professional staff, in knowing that our organization’s mission continues to be met. In 2007, the OJCF distributed in excess of $2.2 million, over 98% of which went to Jewish agencies. The growth of our community is a testament of our strength and dedication to the long-term financial stability and support of the needs of the groups that serve the Ottawa Jewish Community. The upcoming year will see much activity on many exciting initiatives. Under the leadership of Michael Landau, we will be undertaking our first strategic planning exercise – our goal is to develop a 3-5 year plan that will help to further guide the Foundation towards achieving its goals, providing for measurable targets and structure for the Foundation. A second initiative is the Book of Life. We will be working to develop a book and/or online component to honour donors who have given or have promised to make a gift to the Foundation. It is our intention to reach out to our donors and thank them for all the support they have provided us. This year, the Foundation has seen the continued growth of our website (www.ojcf.ca) with a steady increase in online donations. The Foundation also granted the first G.J. Cooper Scholarship Award to Ariel Goldberg who has displayed leadership qualities, academic excellence and interest in the Jewish Community. Over $14,000 will be awarded annually to a worthy individual to assist them with their formal education or apprenticeship in the artistic, literary or social sciences. I look forward to seeing many future individuals benefiting from such a worthwhile scholarship. Finally, we will be moving forward with the Community Endowment Campaign under the leadership of Judah Silverman and Eddy Cook. The goal: to raise an additional $1.5 million in capital endowments. I look forward to another fulfilling year for the Foundation. I am confident that with your help, our Foundation will grow stronger; we will continue to develop and maintain meaningful relationships with our donors while providing accountability and transparency along the way. LETTER FROM THE CHAIR Ottawa Jewish Community Foundation • 3 Ways to Contribute There are many ways to contribute to the Ottawa Jewish Community Foundation and many types of gifts you can give, depending on your tax, estate planning and personal philanthropic goals. AN ENDOWMENT IN CASH For as little as $1,000 ($250 for a B’nai Mitzvah fund) you can open an endowment fund, named by you, to mark an anniversary, wedding, bar/bat mitzvah or birthday, to honour an individual or in memory of a loved one, and most commonly a family or individual fund.Whatever the motivation, establishing a fund is a gift forever, ensuring a strong community for future generations. THE GIFT OF LIFE INSURANCE The OJCF offers unique insurance plans suitable to everyone. You can leave a substantial gift to the community with a relatively small donation by purchasing a life insurance policy naming the OJCF as the beneficiary and owner. You provide the OJCF with a donation in the amount of the insurance premium(s) and the OJCF provides you with a charitable tax receipt for 100% of your donation. The death proceeds will be paid directly to the OJCF. Therefore your charitable gift will not inflate your estate, saving probate fees. THE GIFT OF AN INSURED ANNUITY This option provides you with income throughout your life and allows you to pass on your estate to your heirs while making a substantial gift to the community. THE GIFT OF STOCKS, BONDS AND MUTUAL FUNDS The Federal budget removes any tax on the capital gain of securities if they are donated to charity. In order to qualify for this tax advantage, you must transfer the shares directly to the OJCF rather than selling the stock and transferring the proceeds. THE GIFT OF A CHARITABLE REMAINDER TRUST With this option you continue to receive the annual income from your gifted assets during your lifetime but give the OJCF irrevocable title to the gift upon your death. You will receive an immediate charitable tax receipt (in the amount allowed by Revenue Canada) for your gift and will also have the satisfaction of working with the charity during your lifetime. Casey Swedlove z”l established a Memorial Fund through a bequest Mark and Lise Thaw and Family established a family fund THE GIFT OF A BEQUEST IN YOUR WILL You can make a bequest of all or some portion of your estate to the OJCF upon your death or upon the death of your primary beneficiary. Your gift may include proceeds from a life insurance policy, personal property, securities or real estate. GIFTS THROUGH TRIBUTE CARDS Tribute card donations allow others to know that you are thinking of them and care about the future of the community. When a donation is made to an OJCF endowment fund through the tribute card program, the funds are invested in perpetuity. The allocatable income is distributed annually to benefit and enhance the quality of life in our community through the designated beneficiary agencies. All contributions are tax receiptable, acknowledged with a tribute card and listed on the Foundation pages of the Ottawa Jewish Bulletin. WAYS TO CONTRIBUTE Ottawa Jewish Community Foundation • 4 George Joseph Cooper Scholarship Award Diana Cohen Reiss, recipient of the 2007 award Third from left - Ariel Goldberg, recipient of the first annual award The recipient of the 2007 George Joseph Cooper Scholarship Award was presented to Diana Cohen Reiss. Diana is a doctoral candidate at the University of Ottawa working with both the Department of Sociology and the Vered Jewish Canadian Studies Program. Her dissertation will examine Jewish immigration in Ottawa. The first annual honour of the George Joseph Cooper Scholarship Award was given to Ariel Goldberg for his exemplary academic and leadership achievements. The G.J.Cooper Scholarship Award is granted each year in support of a member of Ottawa’s Jewish Community who has displayed leadership qualities, academic excellence and has an interest in the Jewish community. The recipient must be between 18 and 30 years of age. Approximately $14,000 will be awarded annually to the winning candidate who must use this funding for continued formal education or apprenticeship in the artistic, literary or social sciences. Applications and/or nominations are accepted as of March 1st each year. The selection process begins after April 1st by a Scholarship Committee comprised of selected members of the Ottawa Jewish Community Foundation Board of Directors. Complete details are made available at www.OJCF.ca in the month of March, as well as in the March issues of the Ottawa Jewish Bulletin. WAYS TO CONTRIBUTE Ariel aspires to becoming a writer and Jewish educator. He plans to graduate this year with a BA in ethics from the University of Ottawa and Saint-Paul University. During a recent interview with the Ottawa Jewish Bulletin; Ariel commented,“The award brings my dream of studying at a Yeshiva in Israel after graduation, closer to reality”. Ottawa Jewish Community Foundation•5 Lion of Judah Endowment (LOJE) During her lifetime, each woman has a chance to make a mark on her community. A Lion of Judah Endowment (LOJE) is a fund that permanently endows a woman's annual gift to the Jewish Federation of Ottawa. Every woman who contributes $5,000 or more to her community’s Annual Campaign can establish a LOJE, ensuring perpetuation of her Lion of Judah gift. A LOJE can be created in various ways including an insurance policy of $100,000 naming the Ottawa Jewish Community Foundation as the beneficiary, bequests, or transfer of stocks and bonds. The Ottawa Jewish Community Foundation thanks the following women for their continued commitment as LOJE members in 2007. Their investment in our community will help to provide funding to various agencies through the arm of the Jewish Federation of Ottawa Annual Campaign in perpetuity. “Our Federation dollars help support a myriad of institutions both here in Ottawa and in Israel. All four of my children had the privilege of graduating from Hillel Academy, one of the many beneficiary agencies of the Federation. It is my hope that by endowing my Lion, it will be one small step to ensure that schools such as Hillel Academy and other equally wonderful community resources will continue to thrive for my grandchildren and theirs as well. I am proud to be a Lion of Judah and hope that one by one the other Lions will also come forward and ensure that their contribution will keep on giving for generations to come.” - Shelley Rothman “As an individual who has taken on a leadership position in this community, I believe it is my role and responsibility as a Jewish woman to show my on-going commitment with my participation and my dollars. I want to ensure the continuity of the Jewish people here in Ottawa, Israel, and around the world, and endowing my Lion of Judah is one very significant way of doing this.” - Debbie Weiss LION OF JUDAH ENDOWMENT Ottawa Jewish Community Foundation • 6 Lion of Judah Endowment Ruth Berger z”l Ellen Cherney Roz Fremeth Frieda Levitan Barbara Crook Edna Goldfarb z”l Bonnie Merovitz Pat Flesher Barbara Farber Sheila Hartman Dorothy Nadolny Sandra Levinson Shelley Rothman LION OF JUDAH ENDOWMENT Ethel Taylor Rose Taylor Ruth Viner Debbie Weiss Ottawa Jewish Community Foundation • 7 Saul and Edna Goldfarb B’nai Mitzvah Club Charlotte Hamburg You’re never too young for tzedakah Jacob Landau The Jewish Community of Ottawa is fortunate to have philanthropists like Saul and the late Edna Goldfarb, who founded the B’nai Mitzvah Club to encourage young teens of Bar/Bat Mitzvah age to establish a B’nai Mitzvah Fund in their name by matching their initial donation of $250 up to a maximum of Jayme Nadolny Aidan Robern $1000. We want our teens to care about the world they live in. Teens preparing for their Bar or Bat Mitzvah are offered an exciting solution which empowers them in philanthropy and exposes Ethan Sanders them to a diverse group of people and Jewish organizations Adam Sherman that are working to improve Jewish lives here, at home, in Israel and around the world. B’NAI MITZVAH CLUB Matthew Sherman New B’nai Mitzvah fund holders in 2007 Ottawa Jewish Community Foundation • 8 Saul and Edna Goldfarb B’nai Mitzvah Club B’NAI MITZVAH FUND HOLDERS (AS AT DECEMBER 31, 2007) Thank you to the following young adults for their commitment and support: Arnon-McGregor, Noam Baker, Ryan Ben-Choreen, Liat Ben-Choreen, Tal-Or Bernstein, Cynthia Calof, Ethan Calof, Ophira Cantor, Benjamin Cantor, Jordan Cherney, Carolyn Cherney, Daniel Chisholm, Joshua Finn, Davina Finn, Jordan Firestone, Daniel Frenkel, Anna Garber, Bryan Garonce, Adam Gennis, Hannah Gennis, Max Goldberg, Ryan Goldfarb, Jordan Goldfarb, Sabrina Greenberg, Jamie Greenberg, Jenna Greenberg, Nicholas Greenberg, Samantha Hamburg, Charlotte Hoffman, Joseph Hoffman, Josh Hoffman, Robert Ibghy, Elan Ibghy, Gabriel Katz, Stacey Kleinplatz, Melanie Landau, Jacob Lesh, Samuel Lesh, Sarah Levinson, Jacob Levitan, Josh MacKay, Evan MacKay, Tegan Moscoe, Elana Muroff, Naomi Nadler, Michelle Nadler, Rebecca Nadolny, Jayme Nadolny, Joey Nadolny, Mark Robern, Aidan Rothman, Marshall Sanders, Ethan Schweitzer, Leah Sherman, Adam Sherman, Jonathan Sherman, Matthew Sigler, Simon Silber, Zachary Thaw, Alayna Thaw, Bryan Vered, Alexandra Walsh, Samuel Weinstein, Erica Jenna Greenberg “I knew that I wanted the money I received from my Bat Mitzvah to go into the community. I set up my B’nai Mitzvah Fund because it was easy and a quick way of making my money help others. Jenna Greenberg Hannah Gennis “At my Bat Mitzvah, I didn’t really think that I had the power to help. But starting up a B’nai Mitzvah Fund has shown me that I do have the power and I have taken my first step in giving Tzedakah. Hannah Gennis B’NAI MITZVAH CLUB Ottawa Jewish Community Foundation • 9 Accomplis Accomplishments in 2007 The OJCF has over $42.5 million total capital, including managed funds plus more than $20.5 million in deferred gifts – including 110 Insurance Policies and Charitable Remainder Trusts. Creating a legacy from generation to generation, the Ottawa Jewish Community Foundation celebrates the following accomplishments over the last year: • • • • • • 7 new members of the B’nai Mitzvah Club for a total of 65 31 new funds for a total of 750 individual funds $2,264,170.27 capital additions to existing funds 2000 $638,093.73 in new capital $28,663,131 $144,313.09 in new capital from managed funds $2,217,695 distributed to recipient agencies 2001 $27,581,568 2002 $25,623,731 1999 $14,890,015 1997 $7,630,032 1998 $8,277,999 Ottawa Jewish Community Foundation • 10 shments 2006 $43,541,041 2007 $42,865,009 2005 $36,779,063 2004 $33,647,737 2003 $25,912,586 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Ottawa Jewish Community Foundation • 11 Grant Distribution of the OJCF Breakdown of Grant Distribution 74.15% 20.28% 4.01% 1.56% *Grants from the Jewish Community of Ottawa Development Foundation were allocated as follows: Jewish Family Services 7,460 Vered Israel Cultural Centre 9,242 Hillel Lodge 59,609 Hillel Academy 27,271 Soloway JCC 27,271 Jewish Federation of Ottawa 1,460 Total 132,313 Organization OTTAWA JEWISH COMMUNITY AGENCIES Agudath Israel Synagogue Akiva High School Beth Shalom Congregation Beth Shalom Congregation-Sisterhood Beth Shalom West Congregation Camp B'nai Brith Camp Gesher Canada Israel Cultural Foundation Canadian Friends of Torah Academy Cheder Rambam School Gilbert Greenberg Education Fund George Joseph Cooper Scholarship Award Hillel Academy Hillel Academy Agency Fund Hillel Lodge Hillel Lodge Ladies Auxiliary Jewish Community Campus of Ottawa Inc. Jewish Community Cemetery Holocaust Memorial Jewish Community of Ottawa Development Foundation* Jewish Education through Torah Jewish Family Services Jewish Federation of Ottawa Jewish Federation of Ottawa Annual Campaign Jewish Memorial Gardens Jewish National Fund Jewish Students’ Association Jewish Youth Library Kollel of Ottawa Kosher Food Bank c/o Agudath Israel Synagogue Machon Sarah High School Machzikei Hadas Congregation Na'Amat Ottawa Ottawa Chevra Kadisha Dollars 795 683 8,989 129 193 7,385 178 433 4,259 14,556 129,600 15,704 85,234 1,212 89,032 260 9,683 365 132,313 1,335 91,805 54,541 284,583 5,220 1,155 2,521 2,994 210 Ottawa Hadassah-Wizo 2,069 Ottawa Hebrew Free Loan 174 Ottawa Jewish Archives 4,401 Ottawa Jewish Cemeteries 16,051 Ottawa Jewish Community Foundation 2,043 Ottawa Jewish Community Foundation (PACE subsidies) 14,470 Ottawa Jewish Historical Society 8,213 Ottawa Modern Jewish School 1,963 Ottawa Post Jewish War Veterans of Canada 526 Ottawa Torah Center Chabad 681 Ottawa Torah Institute 2,352 Ottawa Vaad Hakashrut 370 Shoah (Holocaust) Committee of Ottawa 1,486 Soloway Jewish Community Centre 94,162 Soloway Jewish Community Centre (AJA 50+) 1,941 Star of David Hebrew School 1,178 Talmud Torah Afternoon School 10,232 Tamir Foundation 67,581 Temple Israel Congregation 1,602 Temple Israel Religious School 1,893 Torah Academy of Ottawa 9,072 Vered Israel Cultural Centre 5,091 Yitzhak Rabin High School 14,448 Total 1,225,980 JEWISH AGENCIES IN NORTH AMERICA Associated Hebrew School Baycrest Centre Foundation Campaign for Care Emunah Women of Canada - (Hamilton) Emunah Women of Canada (Rachel Kizell Chapter) Imre Noam Congregation Jews for Judaism Jewish Alcoholics and Chemically Dependent Others Kollel Avreichim of Toronto London Community Hebrew Day School Machon Tzvi Hersh Mazon Canada MIT Boston Hillel on Campus Mount Sinai Hospital Foundation - Montreal Mount Sinai Hospital Foundation of Toronto GRANT DISTRIBUTION Ottawa Jewish Community Foundation • 12 8,329 4,731 4,431 446 677 350 419 79 776 806 5 198 108 108 799 50 108 67 264 Grant Distribution of the OJCF Nishma Societal Endeavour in Understanding Torah 43 Oir Hachaim D’Tash Bois Briand 520 ORT Canada 772 Ruchama Fraidel Relief Organization 198 She’arim Hebrew Day School 399 Society for the Education of Russian Jews – SERJ 246 Yeshivat Or Chaim 498 Zareinu 210 Total 7,023 JEWISH AGENCIES IN ISRAEL, OTTAWA AND NORTH AMERICA Malkhut Fund – Grants and Allocations (anonymous) 898,325 Tzedek Fund - Grants and Allocations (anonymous) 10,000 Total 908,325 ISRAELI INSTITUTIONS Beit Halochem Canada/Aid to Disabled Veterans of Israel (Canada) Canadian Associates of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Canadian Foundation for Masorti Judaism re: Kehilat Netzach Yisrael in Ashkelon for needy children Canadian Friends of Alyn Canadian Friends of Bar Ilan University Canadian Friends of Haifa University Canadian Friends of Hebrew University Canadian Friends of Jerusalem Blind Institute Canadian Friends of Laniado Hospital Canadian Friends of Ramat Shapira Israel Canadian Friends of Shaare Tzedek Hospital Foundation Canadian Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Foundation Canadian Friends of Technion University Canadian Friends of Weizmann Institute of Science Canadian Magen David Adom in Israel Israel Cancer Research Fund 728 1,867 426 81 3,108 526 4,798 480 939 410 Mizrachi Organization of Canada for Yeshiva Haye Olam United Israel Appeal Federations Canada Total 588 14,318 38,867 GENERAL NON-SECTARION ORGANIZATIONS Alzheimer Society Ottawa-Carleton 186 Andrew Fleck Integration Service 230 Arthritis Society 221 Black Canadian Scholarship Fund 410 Canadian Association for HIV Research 14 Canadian Cancer Society 977 Canadian Diabetes Association 186 Canadian Liver Foundation 36 Canadian National Institute for the Blind 550 Canadian Red Cross Society - Ottawa-Carleton Branch 334 Canadian Tribute to Human Rights 105 Cancer Research Society 142 Carleton University 3,822 Children at Risk Ottawa 100 Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario 2,772 Children’s Wish Foundation 275 Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of Canada 563 The Foundation Fighting Blindness 413 Girls & Boys Club of Ottawa-Carleton 262 Heart and Stroke Foundation 386 Hillcrest High School 250 Hip Hip Horray 520 Humane Society of Ottawa-Carleton 45 Kemptville District Hospital 520 Kiwanis Club of Ottawa Medical Foundation 181 Lisgar Alumni Association 521 MIT Boston Alumni 124 Multiple Sclerosis Society 60 Nepean High School 64 North York General Hospital - Sheila Cohen Fund for Women’s Health 379 Ottawa Deaf Centre 292 Ottawa Hospital Foundation 3,615 Right to Left from Front to Back: Allan Taylor, Harold Feder, Michael Landau, Richard Sachs, Chuck Merovitz, Ingrid Levitz, Elissa Lieff, Roger Greenberg, Francine Paulin, Bonnie Merovitz, Jack Silverstein, Gregory Sanders, Jeff Eisen, Seymour Mender, Richard Roth, Sandra Czarny Ottawa Regional Cancer Centre Foundation 359 Ottawa Rotary Home Foundation 686 Parkinson’s Support and Research Society 15 Parkway House 450 Pinchas Zukerman Music Education Fund 6,231 Queen’s University 520 Queensway - Carleton Hospital Foundation 2,288 REACH 105 Reena Foundation 61 Royal Ottawa Hospital Foundation 384 SCO Health Services 747 The Salvation Army 521 United Way of Ottawa-Carleton 528 University of Ottawa 836 University of Ottawa Heart Institute 526 University of Ottawa Heart Institute Foundation 1,614 Water-Can 154 Total 34,580 Allocated but not distributed Total to Jewish Causes To Non-Sectarian Organizations Total Grants to Organizations 2,920 2,180,195 34,580 2,217,695 GRANT DISTRIBUTION 732 152 2,938 3,431 2,464 881 Ottawa Jewish Community Foundation • 13 Financial Statements BALANCE SHEET AS AT DECEMBER 31, 2007 Jordan Cantor ASSETS Cash Investments Accounts Receivable Deferred Campaign Costs Equipment Interfund Transfer LIABILITIES Accounts Payable Allocations Payable Deferred Revenue Managed Funds NET ASSETS Operating Fund Capital Fund Dec 31, 2007 Dec 31, 2006 $83,311 $0 $120,378 $0 $22,641 $46,635 $1,483,101 $42,462,562 $0 $0 $0 ($46,635) $1,566,412 $42,462,562 $120,378 $0 $22,641 $0 $1,513,226 $41,912,653 $184,407 $66,539 $0 $0 $272,965 $43,899,028 $44,171,993 $43,676,825 $192,860 $0 $80,105 $272,965 $0 $1,034,015 $0 $1,034,015 $192,860 $1,034,015 $80,105 $1,306,980 $95,426 $31,990 $8,367 $135,783 $0 $7,389,683 $7,389,683 $7,610,250 $272,965 $8,423,698 $8,696,663 $7,746,033 $0 $35,475,330 $35,475,330 $35,930,792 $272,965 $43,899,028 $44,171,993 $43,676,825 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS This information has been presented in condensed form from the complete audited financial statements, which are available upon request. Ottawa Jewish Community Foundation • 14 Financial Statements INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2007 Left ro right: Rose Taylor, Charles Taylor, Michael Landau, Edith Landau INCOME (LOSS) Investment Endowments and bequests EXPENSES NET EARNINGS Allocation Commitments Net result for the year Net assets, beginning of year Interfund transfer Net assets, end of year Operating Fund Capital Fund Dec 31, 2007 Dec 31, 2006 ($854,423) $0 $0 $2,902,264 ($854,423) $2,902,264 $3,049,515 $5,310,346 ($854,423) $2,902,264 $2,047,841 $8,359,861 $419,103 $0 $419,103 $420,222 ($1,273,526) $2,902,264 $1,628,738 $7,939,639 $0 ($2,084,200) ($2,084,200) ($1,704,486) ($1,273,526) $818,064 ($455,462) $6,235,153 $0 $35,930,792 $35,930,792 $29,695,639 ($1,273,526) $36,748,856 $35,475,330 $35,930,792 $1,273,526 ($1,273,526) $0 $0 $0 $35,475,330 $35,475,330 $35,930,792 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS This information has been presented in condensed form from the complete audited financial statements, which are available upon request. Ottawa Jewish Community Foundation • 15 Making a difference in the Community Funds in Italics were established in 2007 OJCF FUNDS $100,000 AND OVER Marjorie and Ben Achbar Community Endowment Fund Ruth and Gerald Berger Family Fund Abraham and Fanny Betcherman Memorial Fund Carlofsky Family Community Endowment Fund Abraham and Gertrude Cohen Memorial Fund Edward and Fern Cohen Community Endowment Fund Max and Grete Cohen Memorial Fund Sid and Barbara Cohen Community Endowment Fund George Joseph Cooper Memorial Fund Cwinn Chapel Fund Sol and Bertha Feller Family Fund Rose and Sidney Fine Community Endowment Fund Michael Freedman Charitable Foundation Ann Gluzman Memorial Fund Saul and Edna Goldfarb PACE Insurance Fund Harry and Malca Goldstein Memorial Fund Harry and Malca Goldstein Community Endowment Fund Shirley & Irving Greenberg and Audrey & Linton Crook Community Endowment Fund Greenberg Families Community Endowment Fund Beatrice and Samuel Greenberg Family’s Community Endowment Fund Bess (Moe) Greenberg Endowment Fund Gilbert and Bess Greenberg Memorial Fund Gilbert Greenberg Education Fund Irving and Shirley Greenberg Endowment Fund Grossman Klein Families Fund Histadrut-Labour Zionist Endowment Fund Iny Family Fund Avraham and Elissa Iny Endowment Fund Libby and Stan Katz Family Community Endowment Fund Syd, Ethel, Linda and Steven Kerzner and Family Community Endowment Fund Vera and Leslie Klein Family Community Endowment Fund Harry and Frieda Levitan Endowment Fund Louis and Jeanne Lieff Memorial Fund Arnold and Rose Lithwick Family Community Endowment Fund Sibyl Mirsky Community Endowment Fund Herbert and Dorothy Nadolny Endowment Fund Netzach Fund Ottawa Jewish Cemeteries Zicharon Fund Rena Polowin Fund In memory of Dina and Jacob Polowin Sol and Laya Shabinsky Family Community Endowment Fund Harold Shenkman Foundation Max and Dora Shenkman Memorial Fund Neil and Randi Shinder Community Endowment Fund Sol and Zelaine Shinder Community Endowment Fund Jules and Barbara Sigler Community Endowment Fund Bennett and Mary Steinberg Foundation Shirley and Deborah Sugarman Memorial Fund Jay B.Taller Memorial Fund Charles and Rose Taylor Community Endowment Fund Irving and Ethel Taylor Community Endowment Fund Tiferet Fund Tzedek Fund Zeev and Sara Vered Community Endowment Fund Ruth Viner Lion of Judah Endowment Fund Yesod Fund Herbert and Norman Zagerman Families Foundation Norman and Carole Zagerman Insurance Fund Joseph and Inez Zelikovitz Endowment Fund (CRT) Max and Tessie Zelikovitz Endowment Fund Nathan, David and Max Zelikovitz Families Fund OJCF FUNDS $50,000 to $99,999 Irving and Ruth Aaron & Family Community Endowment Fund Anne Vanderzee and Michael Benes Memorial Fund Hyman and Marion Bessin Memorial Fund Alex and Mollie Betcherman Memorial Fund Beth Israel (Pembroke) Synagogue Endowment Fund Naomi Bulka Memorial Foundation William Canter Memorial Fund Carlofsky Family Educational Fund Commvesco Levinson-Viner Endowment Fund Sandi and Eddy Cook and Family Community Endowment Fund Frank and Rita Engels Family Fund Jarvis Freedman and Riva Freedman Rotenberg Community Endowment Fund Saul and Edna Goldfarb Community Endowment Fund Greenberg Families Library Fund Beatrice and Samuel Greenberg Family Fund Carol and Lawrence (Lorry) Greenberg Community Endowment Fund Ottawa Jewish Community Foundation • 16 David and Karen Greenberg Community Endowment Fund Louis and Helen Greenberg Memorial Fund Lynda and Lawrence Greenberg Community Endowment Fund Mervin Greenberg Community Endowment Fund Bella Zeifman Handelsman Memorial Fund Hillel Lodge Legacy Fund Jewish Family Services Agency Fund Norman and Sonia Kizell Foundation Dr. Joseph and Grace Koreen Endowment Fund Rhoda and Joe Levitan and Family Community Endowment Fund Ron and Ruth Levitan Endowment Fund Ruth and Ron Levitan Community Endowment Fund Sally and Elliott Levitan Community Endowment Fund Norman Lithwick Memorial Fund Mervin Mirsky Family Community Endowment Fund Montefiore Club Endowment Fund Richard Roth and Riva Levitan Family Community Endowment Fund Harold and Irma Sachs Community Endowment Fund Yaffa Greenbaum and Jack Shinder Community Endowment Fund Judah and Margo Silverman Family Community Endowment Fund Irving Soloway Community Endowment Fund Charles and Rose Taylor Endowment Fund Elizabeth and Arnon Vered Family Community Endowment Fund Herbert and Shaydella Wortmann Memorial Fund Bea Cohen Wright Endowment Fund Maurice Wright and Family Community Endowment Fund Hella and Erwin Zanger Memorial Fund OJCF FUNDS $25,000 to $49,999 Anonymous Community Endowment Fund Cynthia and David Blumenthal Community Endowment Fund Ruth and Earl Butovsky Memorial Fund Morris and Goldie Cantor Community Endowment Fund Isaac and Dora Fagin Memorial Fund Lawrence and Audrey Freiman CICF Scholarship Fund Saul and Edna Goldfarb B’nai Mitzvah Fund Saul and Edna Goldfarb Endowment Fund Making a difference in the Community Funds in Italics were established in 2007 Jenna Greenberg Mitzvah Fund Michael Greenberg Memorial Fund Music Education Fund In Memory of Yigal Harband Larry and Sheila Hartman Community Endowment Fund Hillel Academy Endowment Fund Frances Kalman Memorial Fund Dr. Hyman and Dr. Sylvia (Van Straten) Kaufman Endowment Fund Kovod Endowment Fund Ernst and Helen Kummermann Memorial Fund Dahlia Kuwayti Memorial Fund Harry and Zena Leikin Memorial Fund Norman and Isabel Lesh Endowment Fund Martin K. and Elizabeth Levinson Memorial Fund Joseph and Evelyn Lieff Endowment Fund David Loeb Family Fund Claire and Theodore (Ted) Metrick Memorial Fund Max and Ida Nadolny Memorial Fund Pinkas and Yehudit Newman Memorial Fund Joseph and Miriam Petigorsky Memorial Fund Drs.Truda and Imre Rosenberg Educational Fund Alan Rottenberg Community Endowment Fund Jerry Ruden Memorial Fund Harry and Sylvia Shinder Memorial Fund Israel and Jennie Shinder Endowment Fund Israel and Maureen Newton Shinder Community Endowment Fund Jack and Linda Smith Endowment Fund Julian and Elizabeth Szirtes Family Community Endowment Fund Irving and Ethel Taylor Endowment Fund Susan, Gillie and Elie Vered Family Fund Carole and Norman Zagerman Community Endowment Fund Pinchas Zukerman Music Education Fund OJCF FUNDS $24,999 AND UNDER Brian and Debbie Aarenau Endowment Fund Buzelan Aaron Family Fund Ruth and Irving Aaron Endowment Fund Abelson Family Fund Arnold and Bella Abrahamson Memorial Fund Sara Abrahamson Memorial Fund Rose and Louis Achbar Memorial Fund Esther and Matt Ages Endowment Fund Franceen and Stanley Ages Endowment Fund Hilda Ages Memorial Fund Joseph Ages Family Fund Harry and Sonia Agulnik Memorial Fund Louis and Libby Agulnik Memorial Fund AJA 50+ Endowment Fund Samuel and Jean Akerman Memorial Fund Akiva Evening High School Endowment Fund Alexandor Family Endowment Fund Mary and Israel (Al) Allice Memorial Fund Anne Altman Memorial Fund Harry Altman Memorial Fund Irving and Betty Altman Endowment Fund Max and Bella Altman Endowment Fund Appotive Family Endowment Fund Noam Arnon-McGregor Mitzvah Fund Anne and Louis Arron Memorial Fund Jennie and Isadore Lewis Arron Memorial Fund Yetta and Lawrence Arron Endowment Fund Doris, Edward and Arnie Astroff Memorial Fund Auerbach Family Fund Alyce and Allan Baker Family Fund Barry and Ricki Baker Endowment Fund Jacob and Fanny Baker Memorial Fund Ryan Jeremy Baker B’nai Mitzvah Fund Jack and Betty Ballon Endowment Fund Abraham and Rachel Barook Memorial Fund Norman and Myrna Barwin Foundation of the Pinchas Zukerman Music Scholarship Fund Cayla and Michael Baylin Endowment Fund Jack and Doris Baylin Endowment Fund Jennie and Morris Baylin Memorial Fund Maurice Beck Memorial Fund Isaac and Helen Beiles Memorial Fund Irving and Esther Bellman Memorial Fund Adina Ben Porat - Machon Sarah High School Torah Education Fund Liat Ben-Choreen B’nai Mitzvah Fund Tal-Or Ben-Choreen B’nai Mitzvah Fund Irving and Claire Bercovitch Endowment Fund Bercovitch-Bolker Family Fund Jamie Berezin Endowment Fund Dr. and Mrs. M. Ralph Berke Memorial Fund Shirley and Shier Berman Fund for Ottawa Jewish Archives Cynthia C. Bernstein Mitzvah Fund Estate of Aaron Bernstein Memorial Fund Hyman Bessin Foundation Hyman Bessin Memorial Fund Rachel and Moses Bessin Memorial Fund Rose and Myer Betcherman Memorial Fund Beth Israel (Pembroke) Religious School Fund Martin and Ellie Black Endowment Fund Nathan and Ida Blair Memorial Fund Samuel and Bessie Blair Memorial Fund Dr. Gerald Bloom Memorial Fund Myer and Mona Bloomfield Memorial Fund Cynthia and David Blumenthal Endowment Fund Ronald Bodnoff Memorial Fund Jonah Matthew Bonn Endowment Fund Celia and Max Bookman Endowment Fund Jacob and Bertha Bookman Memorial Fund Max and Marcia Bordelay Memorial Fund Tom and Miriam Bordelay Memorial Fund Molly and Nathan Borenstein Memorial Fund Avi Bregman Mitzvah Fund Doris Bronstein Ottawa Talmud Torah Afternoon School Endowment Fund Rebecca and Maurice Brovender Memorial Fund Edith and Otto Bruck Memorial Fund Clara and Albert Brunberg Memorial Fund Jacob Aaron and Esther Malka Bruner Memorial Fund Binyomin Dovid Bulka Endowment Fund Eliezer Menachem Bulka Endowment Fund Ophira Calof B’nai Mitzvah Fund Ethan Jesse Calof B’nai Mitzvah Fund Hy and Ruth Calof Endowment Fund Benes and Sarah Cantor Memorial Fund Benes and Sarah Cantor Memorial Torah Education Fund Benjamin S. Cantor B’nai Mitzvah Fund Goldie and Morris Cantor Endowment Fund Jessica and Kevin Cantor Family Fund MAKING A DIFFERENCE Ottawa Jewish Community Foundation • 17 Making a difference in the Community Funds in Italics were established in 2007 Jordan Cantor B’nai Mitzvah Fund Gordon and Etta Caplan Memorial Fund Cayla and Littman Cardash Memorial Fund Rabbi Dr. Edward Yehuda Cardash Memorial Fund Tillie and Harry Cherm Memorial Fund Carolyn Cherney Mitzvah Fund Daniel Cherney Mitzvah Fund Chessed Fund Joshua Isaac Smugler Chisholm B’nai Mitzvah Fund Donald and Leah Chodikoff Endowment Fund Arthur and Linda Cogan Fund for Young Women’s Leadership Howard, Jeffrey, Andrew, Michael, Gregory and Zachary Cogan Scholarship Fund Jack and Sarah Cogan Family Fund David and Queenie Cohen Memorial Fund Edward L. & Irma B. Cohen Endowment Fund Israel and Polly Cohen Endowment Fund Phillip Cohen Memorial Fund Samuel and Faye Cohen Memorial Fund Joan and Michael Comay Memorial Fund Sandi and Eddy Cook Endowment Fund Harry and Jean Cooper Memorial Fund James Melton Cooper Memorial Fund Phillip Cooper Memorial Fund Cooperman-Shuster Family Fund Cracower Family Fund Sadie and John Craft Endowment Fund Sandra Czarny Fund for Children in Need Max and Lillian David Memorial Fund Marty and Terri Davis Israel Chesed Fund Selma and Barry Davis Endowment Fund Nathan and Reba Diener Endowment Fund Abraham and Fanny Dobrow Memorial Fund Dolansky Family Fund Joseph and Jean Dover Memorial Fund William Dover Memorial Fund Max and Minnie Drazin Memorial Fund Lillian and Leonard Dworkin Memorial Fund Max and Miriam Dworkin Memorial Fund Sam and Rose Edelson Family Fund Nat Edelstein Memorial Fund Jeffrey and Lois Eisen Family Fund Morrie and Helen Eisen Community Endowment Fund Morrie and Helen Eisen Endowment Fund Lou Eisenberg Camp B’nai Brith Scholarship Fund Seymour and Edna Eisenberg Endowment Fund Joseph and Esther Eisenstadt Memorial Fund Cynthia and Abe Engel Endowment Fund Klara Engel Memorial Fund Leslie and Cornelia Engel Endowment Fund Barbara and Len Farber Endowment Fund Katie Ellen Farber Memorial Fund Ellen and Rahamim Fathi Endowment Fund Moshe and Lily Feig Endowment Fund Shmuel and Malka Feig Endowment Fund Lillian (Hitzig) Fein Memorial Fund Benjamin and Freda Feinstein Memorial Fund Marjorie and Michael Feldman Family Fund Bernice Feller Memorial Fund Joseph and Betty Feller Endowment Fund Mayer and Betty Ferber Endowment Fund Joseph and Helen Filler Endowment Fund Harry Fine Memorial Fund Rose and David Fine Memorial Fund Jacob Finkelman Memorial Fund Davina Annie Finn Mitzvah Fund Jordan Samuel Finn Mitzvah Fund Joshua Hillel Finn Endowment Fund Sharon and Paul Finn Endowment Fund Daniel Firestone B’nai Mitzvah Fund Isobel Firestone Memorial Fund Jack and Tania Firestone Endowment Fund Sam and Susan Firestone Endowment Fund Steve Levinson and Ida Firestone Endowment Fund Harold Flagal Memorial Fund Florence Family Memorial Fund Alan Freed Family Fund Jarvis Freedman Torah Tape Library Fund Abe and Sylvia Freeman Family Fund Lawrence and Audrey Freiman Fund for Children with Learning Disabilities Ruth and A.J. Freiman Family Fund Steven and Roz Fremeth Family Fund Anna Frenkel B’nai Mitzvah Fund Alfred and Kaysa Friedman Endowment Fund Samuel and Rose Friedman Memorial Fund Samuel and Ida Gaffen Endowment Fund Bryan Garber Mitzvah Fund Ottawa Jewish Community Foundation • 18 Adam Garonce B’nai Mitzvah Fund Robert and Leah Gencher Family Fund Hannah Gabrielle Gennis B’nai Mitzvah Fund Joseph and Fanny Gennis Memorial Fund Max Jonah Gennis B’nai Mitzvah Fund Fran and Sid Gershberg Family Fund David and Tilly Gershon Memorial Fund Gilboa/Maoz Family Fund Jacob Gladstone Memorial Fund Martin Glatt Parliament Lodge #2159 B’nai Brith Past Presidents Fund Anne and Ben Globerman Endowment Fund Stan and Libby Glube Family Fund Frank and Reta Gold Endowment Fund George and Mary Goldberg Endowment Fund Howard Herzl Goldberg Memorial Fund Ibolya and Howard Goldberg Family Fund Morris and Zena Goldberg Memorial Fund Ryan Goldberg B’nai Mitzvah Fund David and Heather Goldfarb Endowment Fund Jordan Goldfarb Mitzvah Fund Sabrina Goldfarb Mitzvah Fund Stanley and Lisanne Goldfarb Endowment Fund Eva, Diane and Jack Goldfield Memorial Fund Goldman/Landau Family Fund Edith Oko Goldschmidt Hillel Lodge Synagogue Support Fund Jack and Gert Goldstein Memorial Fund Louis and Miriam Goldstein Memorial Fund Mendel and Valerie Good Endowment Fund Mendel and Valerie Good Holocaust Continuing Education Fund Jacob and Sarah Gordon Memorial Fund Pauline Gottheil Memorial Fund Hyman and Lilian Gould Memorial Fund Jeffrey and Enid Gould Family Fund Victor and Rachel Gould Endowment Fund Sandra and Marvin Granatstein Endowment Fund Herb Gray and Sharon Sholzberg-Gray Family Fund Sarah and M. Sidney Green Family Fund Jamie Greenberg B’nai Mitzvah Fund Laura and Milton Greenberg Family Foundation Greenberg Hutt Konick Endowment Fund Barbara and Sydney Greenberg Endowment Fund Making a difference in the Community Funds in Italics were established in 2007 Barbara Crook and Dan Greenberg Endowment Fund Ben (Berchik) and Ida Greenberg Memorial Fund Fritzi and Max (Chief ) Greenberg Memorial Fund Lazarus S. and Mary Greenberg Memorial Fund Morris Leon and Miriam Leah Greenberg Memorial Fund Nathan and Sarah Greenberg Memorial Fund Nicholas Greenberg B’nai Mitzvah Fund Niome Greenberg Memorial Fund Samantha Greenberg Mitzvah Fund For Youth Scholarships Samuel and Bessie Greenberg Memorial Fund Zelda and John Greenberg Endowment Fund Benjamin and Sima Gubler Memorial Fund Charles and Rebecca Gussman Memorial Fund Haberman Family Scholarship Fund Gerald and Hannah Halpern Endowment Fund Charlotte Hamburg Mitzvah Fund Sheila and Eric Hammer Memorial Fund Hanser Family Endowment Fund Frances Hartman Memorial Fund Larry and Sheila Hartman Endowment Fund Harry and Jennie Hecht Endowment Fund Freda and Benjamin Held Memorial Fund Teena and Walter Hendelman Family Fund Michael D. Hill Memorial Fund Abe and Bernice Hochberg Endowment Fund Hy and Pauline Hochberg Endowment Fund Hy Hochberg Memorial Lecture Fund Nathan and Yetta Hochberg Memorial Fund Rhea and Jeffrey Hochstadter Family Fund Joseph B. Hoffman Mitzvah Fund Josh Hoffman Mitzvah Fund Rebecca and David Hoffman Memorial Fund Robert S. Hoffman Mitzvah Fund Jeanne and Jacie Horwitz Endowment Fund Deena and Louis Hyman Memorial Fund Dorothy and Hy Hymes Endowment Fund Cheryl and Andre Ibghy Endowment Fund Elan Ibghy B’nai Mitzvah Fund Gabriel Ibghy B’nai Mitzvah Fund Jewish Community Cemetery Holocaust Memorial Fund Jewish Men’s Softball League Fund Jewish Students Association - Hillel Fund Jewish Youth Library of Ottawa Endowment Fund Maxwell and Rose Kalman Endowment Fund Jeremy Kanter Memorial Fund Ethyle and Lawrence Kapeller Memorial Fund Nap and Fanny Kapinsky Memorial Fund Abraham and Tzipora Kardash Memorial Fund David “The Bear” Kardash Camp B’nai Brith Memorial Fund Pinney and Libby Kardash Endowment Fund Israel and Eva Kardish Endowment Fund Moe and Esther Kardish Endowment Fund Samuel and Tillie Kardish Endowment Fund Max and Dora Karp Kapinsky Memorial Fund Hiram and Lillian Kathnelson Family Fund Benjamin and Lillian Katz Memorial Fund Stacey Samantha Katz B’nai Mitzvah Fund The Bertram L. Katz Memorial Fund Kemptville Beth Israel Synagogue Endowment Fund Kershman Family Endowment Fund Claire and Abe Kevanstein Endowment Fund Arthur and Sarah Kimmel Memorial Fund Daniel and Marilyn Kimmel Endowment Fund Phillip and Ettie Kimmel Memorial Fund Jacob and Esther Kizell Memorial Fund Klaiman-Fine Family Fund Melanie Kleinplatz B’nai Mitzvah Fund Gerry and Rachelle Koffman Endowment Fund Sharon Koffman Athletic Scholarship Fund Koffman/Bloom Families Endowment Fund Edie and Erwin Koranyi Endowment Fund Melvin Kostove Memorial Fund Harry and Gertrude (Pleet) Kotlarsky Memorial Fund Krantzberg Krane Family Fund Susan and David Kriger Endowment Fund Riva and Abraham Kroll Memorial Fund Annice and Sydney Kronick Family Fund Joan and Russell Kronick Endowment Fund Samuel and Irene Kronick Endowment Fund Israel Isaac Kudisz and Natalia Kudisz Memorial Fund Kamal Kuwayti Memorial Fund Frank and Sadie Labovitch Memorial Fund Issie and Edith Landau Endowment Fund Jacob and Rose Landau Memorial Fund Jacob Landau B’nai Mitzvah Fund Mayer and Rose Landau Memorial Fund Lily and Morris Lang Endowment Fund Josef and Rose Lebovic Memorial Fund Byrtha Leckie Memorial Fund Bernie and Ida Lesh Endowment Fund Donald Lesh Endowment Fund George Lesh Miracle Fund Hildy and Steven Lesh Endowment Fund Samuel and Mary Lesh Memorial Fund Samuel Joseph Lesh B’nai Mitzvah Fund Sarah Esther Lesh Mitzvah Fund Hugo and Ruth Davis Levendel Memorial Fund Ben and Shirley Levin Memorial Fund Abe and Tillie Levine Endowment Fund Jack Levin and Goldie Levine Memorial Fund Muriel Levine Memorial Fund Jacob Levinson Mitzvah Fund Sandra and Jacie Levinson Endowment Fund Josh Levitan B’nai Mitzvah Fund Ron and Ruth Levitan Incentive Fund Sally and Elliott Levitan Endowment Fund Yoni Levitan Endowment Fund Nathan and Laurie Levitin Memorial Fund Ernest and Ida Levitz Memorial Fund John and Estelle Liberman Endowment Fund Joseph and Jean Lichtenstein Endowment Fund Hyman and Pearl Lieff Memorial Fund Joseph Moses Lieff Memorial Fund Ethyl and Manny Lightstone Memorial Fund Abraham and Dora Lithwick Memorial Fund Ida and Sidney Lithwick Endowment Fund Irving and Ellen Lithwick Endowment Fund Jack and Dora Litwack Memorial Fund Moe and Rose Litwack Community Endowment Fund Lobel Family Endowment Fund Norman and Amelia Loeb Memorial Fund Evan Nadel MacKay B’nai Mitzvah Fund Tegan Sarah Nadel Mackay B’nai Mitzvah Fund Murray and Mary Macy Endowment Fund Len Mader Family Endowment Fund Samuel and Leema Magidson Endowment Fund Sophia Magory Memorial Fund Ethel and David Malek Endowment Fund Jacob Malomet Memorial Fund Edgar and Gertrude Marks Endowment Fund Anne (Blair) and Hyman Mayberger Endowment Fund Morty Mayberger UJA Golf Tournament Memorial Fund Ottawa Jewish Community Foundation • 19 Making a difference in the Community Funds in Italics were established in 2007 Marion and Shlomo Mayman Endowment Fund Jack and Freda Melzer Memorial Fund Lillian and Isaac Judah Mendel Fund Seymour and Joy Mender Family Fund Charles and Bonnie Merovitz Family Fund Geri Migicovsky CICF Foundation for the Pinchas Zukerman Music Education Fund Dave, Louis and Laz Mirsky Endowment Fund Norman and Anne Mirsky Memorial Fund Abram and Edith Molot Memorial Fund Morris Molot Memorial Fund Reuben and Sylvia Molot Endowment Fund Jack and Honey Monson Endowment Fund Sylvia and Alex Morin Endowment Fund Elana Moscoe Mitzvah Fund Tanya and Samuel Moses Morin Memorial Fund Pearl and David Moskovic Endowment Fund Naomi Muroff Mitzvah Fund Michelle Nadler Mitzvah Fund Rebecca Nadler Mitzvah Fund Ellen, Sharon, Lawrence and Lynda Nadolny Families Fund Jayme Nadolny Mitzvah Fund Joey Nadolny Mitzvah Fund Mark Nadolny B’nai Mitzvah Fund Jean and Max Naemark Endowment Fund Moshe and Molly Narwa Endowment Fund Isaac Ohana Memorial Fund Kurt and Joan Orlik Family Fund Percy and Shelley Ostroff Family Fund Ottawa Jewish Community Endowment Fund Ottawa Jewish Historical Society Fund Ottawa Lodge B’nai Brith #885 Past Presidents Fund Ottawa Lodge B’nai Brith #885 Presidents Scholarship Fund Ottawa Modern Jewish School Fund Ottawa Post Jewish War Veterans of Canada Fund Ottawa Torah Institute Torah Education Fund Reuben Palef Memorial Fund Abe and Bertha Palmer Endowment Fund Pauline Pankowski Holocaust Education Fund Harold and Yetta Pearl Memorial Fund Shalom Perel Memorial Fund Oscar and Nina Petigorsky Family Memorial Fund Oscar, Nina and Leon D. Petigorsky Fund Samuel Petigorsky Fund Harry and Bertha Pleet Memorial Fund Jack and Miriam Pleet Endowment Fund Nancy and Larry Pleet Endowment Fund Roberta and Sidney Pollock Endowment Fund Benjamin and Bessie Polowin Memorial Fund Dave and Betty Polowin Memorial Fund Posen Family Fund Norman and Evelyn Potechin Endowment Fund Doris Prager Memorial Fund Prehogan Family Fund In memory of Aaron Harry Cohen Myra and Morris Presser Endowment Fund Dr. Harry and Rose-Anne Prizant Family Fund Gerald and Mary-Belle Pulvermacher Family Endowment Fund Joseph and Sonia Rabin Memorial Fund Phyllis and Alan Rackow Endowment Fund David and Freda Radnoff Family Endowment Fund John and Dorothy Raichman Memorial Fund Rambam-Maimonides Jewish Continuity Fund Lyla Rasminsky Memorial Fund Moe and Sarah Resnick Endowment Fund Simon and Thelma Ritt Israel Scholarship Fund Goldie and Albert Rivers Endowment Fund Irving and Ethel Rivers Memorial Fund Jacob and Leah Rivers Memorial Fund Aidan Robern B’nai Mitzvah Fund Alti and Berel Rodal Family Fund Robert Rodrigues - Ely Memorial Fund Herman and Zelda Roodman Memorial Fund Isadore and Rossie Rose Endowment Fund Helena and Michael Rosenbaum (Robern) Scholarship Fund Ben and Mary Rosenblatt Memorial Fund Florence and Gdalyah Rosenfeld Endowment Fund Harry and Frieda Rosenthal Memorial Fund Frances and Morton Ross Family Fund Richard Roth and Riva Levitan Family Fund Marshall Rothman Mitzvah Fund Ruth and Carl Rothman Endowment Fund Samuel and Ruth Rothman Memorial Fund Shelley and Sid Rothman Family Fund Sylvia and Louis Rubin Endowment Fund Robert Rudd Memorial Fund Anne and Irving Sabran Memorial Fund Merida Sachs Memorial Fund Ottawa Jewish Community Foundation • 20 Ruth Sadava Memorial Fund Joseph and Molly Sadinsky Family Endowment Fund Helen and Roy Saipe Endowment Fund Roy and Helen Saipe Community Endowment Fund Sand Family Memorial Fund Sanders Family B’nai Mitzvah Fund Ben-Ami and Roslyn Sanders Memorial Fund Issie and Minnie Sandler Memorial Fund Rickie and Martin Saslove Family Fund Samuel and Lillian Saslove Memorial Fund Gaby Sassoon for Victims of Terror in Israel Harry and Frances Saxe Endowment Fund Hermina Schachnow Memorial Fund Elayne and Wesley Schacter Endowment Fund Sam and Dora Schaenfield Endowment Fund Dr. and Mrs. Nathan Schecter Endowment Fund Syd and Shirley Schecter Endowment Fund Samuel and Lea Schreiber Memorial Fund Clare and Maurice Schwartz Endowment Fund Dr. Harry and Joan Schwartz Endowment Fund Dr. Harry Schwartz Pace Fund Vera and Sam Schwartz Family Fund Leah Kovacs Schweitzer Mitzvah Fund Charles and Eva Secter Memorial Fund Al and Betty Segal Memorial Fund Danny and Marla Seller Family Fund Laya and Sol Shabinsky Family Fund Maurice and Goldie Shabinsky Memorial Fund Sam and Celia Shachter Memorial Fund Abraham and Mary Shaffer Memorial Fund Harold Shaffer Memorial Fund Sam and Mary Shaffer Memorial Fund Samuel Shainbaum Memorial Fund Abe and Nellie Shapiro Memorial Fund Dr. Edward I. Shapiro Memorial Fund Shekel Hakodesh Endowment Fund Abraham Irving Shenkman Yiddish Memorial Fund Samuel and Sarah Shenkman Memorial Fund Jonathan, Matthew and Adam Sherman Mitzvah Fund Sylvia and Harry Sherman Memorial Fund Arnold Shinder Scholarship Fund Cecil and Florence Shinder Endowment Fund Jason and Jenny Shinder Family Fund Lionel and Leslie Shinder Memorial Fund Making a difference in the Community Funds in Italics were established in 2007 Sol and Zelaine Shinder Endowment Fund Shmelzer-Horovitch Endowment Fund Dr. Robert Norman Shoihet Memorial Fund Harold and Lillian Shoihet Memorial Fund Israel and Rebecca Shore Memorial Fund David Shoresh Memorial Fund Fay and Joseph Shulman Endowment Fund Lorne and Laurie Shusterman Family Fund Samuel and Katherine Sigler Memorial Fund Simon Sigler B’nai Mitzvah Fund Simon Sigler Rambam Scholarship Fund Zachary Silber B’nai Mitzvah Fund Silbert Conway Family Fund Goldie and Sam Silbert Memorial Fund Linda Silverman Memorial Fund Jack and Sarah Silverstein Family Endowment Fund Irv and Elaine Singer Endowment Fund SJCC Early Childhood Education Fund Moe and Charlotte Slack Memorial Fund Stella and Louis Slack Memorial Fund Sue and Sam Slack Endowment Fund Slipacoff Family Endowment Fund Irving and Harriet Slone Endowment Fund Lawrence and Mona Slover Endowment Fund Dave Smith Endowment Fund Kalman and Sylvia Smith Endowment Fund Ben and Shirley Smolkin Memorial Fund Max and Pearl Smolkin Family Fund Patricia Smolkin Memorial Fund Gustave and Esther Solman Endowment Fund Soloway Jewish Community Centre Endowment Fund Soloway Jewish Community Centre of Ottawa Summer Camp Scholarship Fund Soloway Jewish Community Centre Youth Services Fund Soviet Jewry Endowment Fund Laura and Gordon Spergel Endowment Fund Beatrice and Norman Stein Family Fund Victor and Shirley Steinberg Endowment Fund Bobby Steinberg Memorial Fund Louis and Leah Steinberg Memorial Fund Mendel, Annie, Jack, Libby and Abe Steinberg Memorial Fund Hyman and Molly Steinman Memorial Fund Leah, Freda and Henry Steinman Endowment Fund The community acknowledges the ongoing support from funds provided annually by the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Endowment Fund. Allocations made from the fund in 2007 were $178,663 Nathan and Thelma Steinman Endowment Fund Doris and Richard Stern Family Fund William “Bill” Sternberg Memorial Fund Phyllis and Max Sternthal Family Fund Dr. Eric Stulberg Memorial Fund Freda and Phil Swedko Memorial Fund Casey Swedlove Memorial Fund Casey and Bess Swedlove Endowment Fund Harold and Ruth Swedlove Memorial Fund Joseph and Irene Swedlove Endowment Fund Rachel and Zelig Swedlove Memorial Fund Archie and Lillian Taller Endowment Fund Ruth Taller Memorial Fund Samuel and Anne Taller Endowment Fund Claire and Sam Tanner Memorial Fund Saul and Fanny Tanner Memorial Fund Tarantour Family Fund Gittel and Martin Tatz Endowment Fund Charles and Rae Tavel Memorial Fund Allan Taylor Endowment Fund Brent and Risa Taylor Endowment Fund Susan Weisman and Jeff Taylor Endowment Fund Faye and Arnold Tennenhouse Family Endowment Fund Lise and Mark Thaw Family Fund Alayna and Bryan Thaw Mitzvah Fund Anita Thomas Memorial Fund Torah Academy of Ottawa Torah Education Fund 39th Ottawa Henry (Hank) Torontow Boy Scout Fund Moses, Chenya and Henry Torontow Memorial Fund Norman and Stella Torontow Endowment Fund Pearl and Edward Torontow Endowment Fund Sarah Lazarus Torontow Memorial Fund Alexandra Vered B’nai Mitzvah Fund Gilad, Arnie and Ron Vered Endowment Fund Sara and Zeev Vered Endowment Fund Stephen and Gail Victor Endowment Fund Ruth and Joseph Viner Endowment Fund Sonia and Arthur Viner Memorial Fund Haze Wainberg Family Fund Michael Walsh and Lisa Rosenkrantz Endowment Fund Samuel Walsh Mitzvah Fund Waserman Family Memorial Fund Rhonda and Richard Waserman Family Fund Harry and Rae Weidman Memorial Fund Miriam and Louis Weiner Endowment Fund Erica Weinstein B’nai Mitzvah Fund Joseph and Sonia Weinstein Memorial Fund Mildred and Percy Weinstein Endowment Fund Max H. and Caroline Weissbord Memorial Fund Robert Wener and Lynne Oreck-Wener Family Fund Irving and Diane Wexler Family Fund Judith Lillian Ross-Hymie Whitzman Memorial Fund Claire-Jehanne and Eric Wilner Family Fund Morris and Mariette Woolfson Endowment Fund Yitzhak Rabin High School Fund in memory of Eva Wintrob Sam and Helene Zaret Memorial Fund Chaim and Sela Zaretsky Memorial Fund David Zbar Memorial Fund Joseph and Inez Zelikovitz Endowment Fund Bella Zelikow - Hillel Lodge Physical Therapy Endowment Fund Zipes Karanofsky Family Endowment Fund Karen and Ian Zunder Family Fund Sandra and Sam Zunder Endowment Fund FUNDS UNDER ADMINISTRATION Binah Fund - (JCODF) Chesed Fund (JCODF) Paul Faynwachs (Weinberg) Fund Gevurah Fund - (JCODF) Lawrence Greenberg Leadership Endowment Fund Saul and Edna Goldfarb (Weinberg) Fund Hillel Academy Agency Fund Loblaws Companies Limited (Weinberg) Fund Leikin Group of Companies (Weinberg) Fund Shalom Perel Memorial (Weinberg) Fund Lilian Raport (Weinberg) Endowment Fund Regional Group of Companies (Weinberg) Fund Irving and Ethel Taylor (Weinberg) Fund Chick and Rose Taylor (Weinberg) Endowment Fund Temple Israel (Ottawa) Foundation Sara and Zeev Vered Israel Cultural Program Fund Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation Louis Weiner (Weinberg) Endowment Fund Hella and Erwin Zanger Memorial (Weinberg) Fund MAKING A DIFFERENCE Ottawa Jewish Community Foundation • 21 Community Endowment Campaign Eddy Cook, Co-Chair of the Community Endowment Campaign sub-committee The Ottawa Jewish Community has grown by 40% in the past 15 years to nearly 14,000 members. As one would expect, this tremendous growth has increased our need to provide more support for our elderly, our poor and special needs members of the community. Additionally, as our immigrant population continues to increase, we are in greater need of more absorption assistance. Also, there continues to be an ever-increasing demand to provide better Jewish education for the various facets of this community. The Community Endowment Campaign, a partnership of the Ottawa Jewish Community Foundation (OJCF) and the Jewish Federation of Ottawa, officially launched in April 2005. This campaign set an ambitious target of a minimum of 25 million dollars. The primary goal of the Endowment Campaign is to raise sufficient funds to secure a financial future for the Ottawa Jewish community. These additional funds will help support our more than 28 thriving agencies so that they can continue to offer quality services to their constituents. The primary purpose of this initiative was to enable agencies to focus on program delivery instead of fundraising. Sol and Laya Shabinsky Established a Community Endowment Fund in 2007 The Endowment Campaign currently has 59 gifts of cash and pledges totaling $23,395,314. The Campaign has received $16,845,232 in cash and $6,050,000 in deferred gifts. As a continuation to the Community Endowment Campaign, Judah Silverman and Eddy Cook have graciously volunteered to chair the initiative. The goal of the CEC is to raise a further $1.5 million dollars over a period of 18 months. The CEC committee is actively recruiting canvassers. Support from the generous members of the Ottawa Community is what will sustain Jewish life for generations to come. COMMUNITY ENDOWMENT CAMPAIGN Ottawa Jewish Community Foundation • 22 Ottawa Jewish Community Foundation Leadership 2007 EXECUTIVE STAFF Jack Silverstein Shelley Crawford President Chief Financial Officer PROFESSIONAL STAFF Ian Atwell Database Administrator Sandra Czarny Director of Planned Giving Bev Glube Tribute Card Program Co-ordinator Tinh Ly Financial Controller Francine Paulin Foundation Associate PAST PRESIDENTS Gilbert Greenberg z”l Bernard Shinder David Loeb Norman Zagerman Sol Shinder Irving Greenberg z”l Charles Taylor Issie Landau z”l Gerald Berger z”l Daniel Kimmel Jacie Levinson Rose Taylor Norman Lesh Saul Goldfarb Ron Levitan Gregory Sanders FOUNDERS Alex Betcherman z”l Hyman Bessin z”l Gilbert Greenberg z”l Hy Harris z”l Hy Hochberg z”l David Loeb Abe Palmer z”l 1975-1976 1977-1979 1980-1981 1982-1983 1984-1985 1986-1987 1988-1989 1990-1991 1992-1993 1994-1995 1995-1997 1997-1999 1999-2001 2001-2003 2003-2005 2005-2007 Harold Shenkman z”l Bernie Shinder Hyman Soloway z”l Casey Swedlove z”l Sam Taller z”l Norman Zagerman BOARD OF DIRECTORS Eddy Cook Jeff Eisen Harold Feder Roger Greenberg Michael Landau Steven Lesh Ingrid Levitz Elissa Lieff Seymour Mender Bonnie Merovitz Chuck Merovitz Richard Roth Richard Sachs Gregory Sanders Judah Silverman Allan Taylor Gilad Vered Susan Weisman EXECUTIVE OFFICERS Roger Greenberg Harold Feder Gregory Sanders Allan Taylor Michael Landau Chuck Merovitz Jeff Eisen Chair Vice Chair Past Chair Treasurer Secretary Member at Large Member at Large INVESTMENT COMMITTEE Richard Roth (Chairman) Steven Lesh Steve Levinson Seymour Mender Mark Shabinsky Gilad Vered Bob Wener Norman Zagerman NOMINATING COMMITTEE Gregory Sanders Roger Greenberg Ron Levitan Jacie Levinson Norman Zagerman FINANCE AND AUDIT COMMITTEE Allan Taylor (Chairman) Bob Wener Charles Rotenberg Lawrence Zinman Gregory Sanders LEGAL AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE Harold Feder (Chairman) Gregory Sanders Dan Kimmel Gilad Vered Chuck Merovitz Lawrence Zinman Charles Rotenberg MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE Ingrid Levitz (Chairman) Mark Max Paul Gardner Bonnie Merovitz Elissa Lieff Ron Levitan Randi Sherman GEORGE JOSEPH COOPER SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE Gregory Sanders (Chairman) Roger Greenberg (Chair OJCF) Elissa Lieff Jack Silverstein Susan Weisman COMMUNITY ENDOWMENT CAMPAIGN (CEC) COMMITTEE Eddy Cook (Co-Chairman) Susannah Dalfen Judah Silverman (Co-Chairman) Gregory Sanders Norman Barwin INSURANCE COMMITTEE Allan Taylor (Chairman) Brian Aarenau Mark Borts Leon Bronstein Diane Koven Michael Landau Steven Levinson Norm Zagerman OJCF/JFO RELATIONS COMMITTEE Jeff Eisen (Chairman) Richard Sachs Gregory Sanders Ottawa Jewish Community Foundation • 23 OTTAWA JEWISH COMMUNITY FOUNDATION • ANNUAL REPORT 2007 The Joseph and Rose Ages Family Building 21 Nadolny Sachs Private • Ottawa, ON • K2A 1R9 Ph: 613.798.4696 / Fax: 613.798.4695 WWW.OJCF.CA Thank you to Our Sponsors MICHAEL LANDAU, D.D.S.