Rosenthal Advertising Material Overview
Rosenthal Advertising Material Overview
Rosenthal Advertising Material Overview NUMBER DESCRIPTION WEIGHT PAGE NUMBER DATE W0028 W00254 W0026 500g FORMAT StudioLine Hochzeit Deco kit SW Poster 138 x 127 Windowsticker and decoration tip Poster 138 x 127 05.2011 W0028 W00403 W0195 500g 05.2011 W0028 W00368 W0198 500g StudioLine Hochzeit 2011 Set 25 brochures VE TOPIC POScampaign 1 Hochzeit LANGUAGE German STATUS available QUANTITY AVAILABLE TOPIC POScampaign 1 Hochzeit LANGUAGE DE/ EN/ IT STATUS available QUANTITY AVAILABLE 922 20 Broschüre Din A 4 Set 25 St. StudioLine Sag JA zu Rosenthal Deco kit Wedd/postA1 TOPIC POScampaign 1 Hochzeit LANGUAGE german STATUS available QUANTITY AVAILABLE 117 1 Poster A1 05.2011 W0028 W00254 W0245 500g Windowsticker and decoration tip StudioLine Hochzeit Set5 wedding folders POScampaign 1 Hochzeit LANGUAGE neutral STATUS available QUANTITY AVAILABLE 368 Set 5 St. Hochzeitsmappen 03.2011 W0028 W00400 W0246 TOPIC StudioLine 50 Jahre RSL PosterA1 gifts/vases TOPIC POScampaign 1 50 years LANGUAGE neutral STATUS available QUANTITY AVAILABLE 138 500g A1 Poster 03.2011 W0028 W00352 W0192 StudioLine Design your life deco kit Germany TOPIC POScampaign 1 Design your life LANGUAGE DE STATUS available QUANTITY AVAILABLE 93 3.290g 01.2010 23.12.2011 1 poster 138 x 138 cm 2 cubes 1 windowsticker 1/14 Rosenthal Advertising Material Overview NUMBER DESCRIPTION WEIGHT PAGE NUMBER DATE W0028 W00378 W0206 FORMAT StudioLine Papyrus Standard deco kit A1 VE TOPIC POScampaign 1 Design your life LANGUAGE EN STATUS available QUANTITY AVAILABLE 175 3.200g 09.2010 W0028 W00410 W0248 5000g 08.2011 W0028 W00410 W0249 5000g 08.2011 W0028 W00410 W0250 1 poster A 1 bundle of white paper strips 1 windowsticker 1 A4 insert StudioLine FORMAT Deco kit Autumn Ger. TOPIC POScampaign 1 50 years LANGUAGE neutral STATUS available QUANTITY AVAILABLE 13 Deco kit Poster 138x127 Windowsticker and decoration tip StudioLine FORMAT Deco kit Autumn Eng. TOPIC POScampaign 1 FORMAT LANGUAGE neutral STATUS available QUANTITY AVAILABLE 43 Deco kit Poster 138x127 Windowsticker and decoration tip StudioLine FORMAT Poster A1 Autumn TOPIC POScampaign 1 FORMAT LANGUAGE neutral STATUS available QUANTITY AVAILABLE 56 300g 08.2011 W0028 W00410 W0252 300g Poster A1 1 A4 insert StudioLine FORMAT Set 25 journals Ger. 23.12.2011 POScampaign 1 FORMAT LANGUAGE DE STATUS available QUANTITY AVAILABLE 162 8 Set 25 pieces 08.2011 TOPIC 2/14 Rosenthal Advertising Material Overview NUMBER DESCRIPTION WEIGHT PAGE NUMBER DATE W0028 W00401 W0230 FORMAT StudioLine Jubiläumskarton Acryl. glass display VE TOPIC POScampaign 1 50 years LANGUAGE DE STATUS available QUANTITY AVAILABLE 195 300g 16 x 16 x 10 cm 03.2011 W0028 W00414 W0026 StudioLine Leuchtendes Design Deco kit TOPIC POScampaign LANGUAGE neutral STATUS available QUANTITY AVAILABLE 55 1 300g Poster A1 03.2011 W0028 W00414 W0048 300g 03.2011 W0028 W00400 W0243 300g 03.2011 W0028 W00413 W0026 300g 03.2011 W0028 W00314 W0026 500g 03.2011 W0028 W00314 W0036 500g StudioLine Leuchtendes Design Counter display only together with order on Hollywood and Nuvola Poster A1 Thekendisplay StudioLine 50 Jahre RSL Poster A1 Suomi 23.12.2011 POScampaign LANGUAGE neutral STATUS available QUANTITY AVAILABLE 262 TOPIC POScampaign 1 1 50 years LANGUAGE neutral STATUS available QUANTITY AVAILABLE 307 1 Poster A1 1 A4 insert StudioLine GKSet RosentSamb. Deco kit TOPIC sample POScampaign 1 50 years LANGUAGE neutral STATUS available QUANTITY AVAILABLE 53 1 Poster A1 1 A4 insert StudioLine Andy Warhol Deco kit TOPIC POScampaign 1 50 years LANGUAGE neutral STATUS available QUANTITY AVAILABLE 157 1 Poster 138 x127 1 A4 insert Windowsticker and decoration tip StudioLine Andy Warhol Poster DIN A1 TOPIC POScampaign 1 50 years LANGUAGE neutral STATUS available QUANTITY AVAILABLE 116 1 Poster A1 03.2011 TOPIC 3/14 Rosenthal Advertising Material Overview NUMBER DESCRIPTION WEIGHT PAGE NUMBER DATE W0027 W00391 W0219 FORMAT Rosenthal Classic Engel Insert.card German VE TOPIC POScampaign 1 Engel LANGUAGE DE STATUS available QUANTITY AVAILABLE 71 100g 01.2011 W0027 W00391 W0220 Rosenthal Classic Engel Insert.card English TOPIC POScampaign 1 Angels LANGUAGE EN STATUS available QUANTITY AVAILABLE 199 100g 01.2011 W0027 W00391 W0262 Rosenthal Classic Engel Display 56x31x41 TOPIC POScampaign 1 Angels LANGUAGE neutral STATUS available QUANTITY AVAILABLE 251 1000g 09.2011 W0028 W00378 W0007 600g 09.2010 W0028 W00378 W0176 600g 09.2010 W0028 W00383 W0007 570g 09.2010 W0028 W00383 W0176 127g 09.2010 23.12.2011 StudioLine Papyrus Set 25 brochures TOPIC Leaflet 25 Papyrus LANGUAGE DE/EN STATUS available DIN lang QUANTITY AVAILABLE 820 StudioLine Papyrus Set 25 price sheets TOPIC 12 Leaflet 25 Papyrus LANGUAGE DE/EN STATUS available DIN lang QUANTITY AVAILABLE 121 StudioLine TAC Skin Set 25 brochures TOPIC 12 Leaflet 25 TAC Skin LANGUAGE DE/EN STATUS available DIN lang QUANTITY AVAILABLE 639 StudioLine TAC Skin Set 25 price sheets TOPIC 12 Leaflet 25 TAC Skin LANGUAGE DE/EN STATUS available QUANTITY AVAILABLE 50 6 DIN lang 4/14 Rosenthal Advertising Material Overview NUMBER DESCRIPTION WEIGHT PAGE NUMBER DATE W0028 W00261 W0007 600g 01.2010 W0028 W00261 W0176 600g 01.2010 W0028 W00330 W0007 570g 06.2010 W0028 W00330 W0176 127g 01.2010 W0028 W00081 W0007 663g 01.2010 W0028 W00081 W0176 128g 01.2010 23.12.2011 FORMAT StudioLine Landscape Set 25 brochures VE TOPIC Leaflet 25 Landscape LANGUAGE DE/EN STATUS available DIN lang QUANTITY AVAILABLE 631 StudioLine Landscape Set 25 price sheets TOPIC 12 Leaflet 25 Landscape LANGUAGE DE/EN STATUS available DIN lang QUANTITY AVAILABLE 167 StudioLine Suomi Set 25 brochures TOPIC 12 Leaflet 25 Suomi LANGUAGE DE/EN STATUS available DIN lang QUANTITY AVAILABLE 1.980 StudioLine Suomi Set 25 price sheets TOPIC 12 Leaflet 25 Suomi LANGUAGE DE/EN STATUS available DIN lang QUANTITY AVAILABLE 2.919 StudioLine Free Spirit Set 25 brochures TOPIC 6 Leaflet 25 Free Sprit LANGUAGE DE/EN STATUS available DIN lang QUANTITY AVAILABLE 874 StudioLine Free Spirit Set 25 price sheets TOPIC 14 Leaflet 25 Free Sprit LANGUAGE DE/EN STATUS available QUANTITY AVAILABLE 1.727 6 DIN lang 5/14 Rosenthal Advertising Material Overview NUMBER DESCRIPTION WEIGHT PAGE NUMBER DATE W0028 W00063 W0007 570g 01.2010 W0028 W00063 W0176 88g 01.2010 W0028 W00328 W0007 662g 01.2010 W0028 W00328 W0176 210g 01.2010 W0028 W00338 W0007 FORMAT StudioLine A la Carte Set 25 brochures VE TOPIC 01.2010 W0028 W00338 W0176 LANGUAGE DE/EN STATUS available DIN lang QUANTITY AVAILABLE 1.261 StudioLine A la Carte Set 25 price sheets TOPIC 12 01.2010 23.12.2011 Leaflet 25 A la Carte LANGUAGE DE/EN STATUS available DIN lang QUANTITY AVAILABLE 107 StudioLine TAC Set 25 brochures TOPIC 4 Leaflet 25 TAC LANGUAGE DE/EN STATUS available DIN lang QUANTITY AVAILABLE 1.602 StudioLine TAC Set 25 price sheets TOPIC 14 Leaflet 25 TAC LANGUAGE DE/EN STATUS in production DIN lang QUANTITY AVAILABLE 115 StudioLine in.gredientiAlajmo Set 25 brochures TOPIC 10 Leaflet 25 In.gredienti DE/EN 8 STATUS available DIN lang QUANTITY AVAILABLE 438 StudioLine in.gredientiAlajmo Set 25 price sheets TOPIC LANGUAGE 886g 25 A la Carte LANGUAGE 886g Leaflet Leaflet 25 In.gredienti DE/EN 8 DIN lang STATUS available QUANTITY AVAILABLE 0 6/14 Rosenthal Advertising Material Overview NUMBER DESCRIPTION WEIGHT PAGE NUMBER DATE W0028 W00329 W0007 569g 01.2010 W0028 W00329 W0176 87g 01.2010 W0028 W00331 W0007 568g 01.2010 W0028 W00331 W0176 86g 01.2010 W0027 W00108 W0007 565g 01.2010 W0027 W00108 W0176 128g 09.2009 23.12.2011 FORMAT StudioLine Moon Set 25 brochures VE TOPIC Leaflet 25 Moon LANGUAGE DE/EN STATUS available DIN lang QUANTITY AVAILABLE 17 StudioLine Moon Set 25 price sheets TOPIC 12 Leaflet 25 Moon LANGUAGE DE/EN STATUS available DIN lang QUANTITY AVAILABLE 622 StudioLine Zauberflöte Set 25 brochures TOPIC 4 Leaflet 25 magic flute LANGUAGE DE/EN STATUS available DIN lang QUANTITY AVAILABLE 362 StudioLine Zauberflöte Set 25 price sheets TOPIC 12 Leaflet 25 magic flute LANGUAGE DE/EN STATUS available DIN lang QUANTITY AVAILABLE 176 Rosenthal Classic Sanssouci Set 25 brochures TOPIC 4 Leaflet 25 Sanssouci LANGUAGE DE/EN STATUS available DIN lang QUANTITY AVAILABLE 350 Rosenthal Classic Sanssouci Set 25 price sheets TOPIC 12 Leaflet 25 Sanssouci LANGUAGE DE/EN STATUS available QUANTITY AVAILABLE 72 6 DIN lang 7/14 Rosenthal Advertising Material Overview NUMBER DESCRIPTION WEIGHT PAGE NUMBER DATE W0027 W00158 W0007 568g 09.2009 W0027 W00158 W0176 86g 09.2009 W0027 W00251 W0007 751g 09.2009 W0027 W00251 W0176 210g 01.2010 W0027 W00080 W0007 570g 01.2010 W0027 W00080 W0176 87g 01.2010 23.12.2011 FORMAT Rosenthal Classic Monbijou Set 25 brochures VE TOPIC Leaflet 25 Monbijou LANGUAGE DE/EN STATUS available DIN lang QUANTITY AVAILABLE 450 Rosenthal Classic Monbijou Set 25 price sheets TOPIC 12 Leaflet 25 Monbijou LANGUAGE DE/EN STATUS available DIN lang QUANTITY AVAILABLE 596 Rosenthal Classic Maria Set 25 brochures TOPIC 4 Leaflet 25 Maria LANGUAGE DE/EN STATUS available DIN lang QUANTITY AVAILABLE 1.991 Rosenthal Classic Maria Set 25 price sheets TOPIC 16 Leaflet 25 Maria LANGUAGE DE/EN STATUS available DIN lang QUANTITY AVAILABLE 20 Rosenthal Classic Francis Set 25 brochures TOPIC 10 Leaflet 25 Francis LANGUAGE DE/EN STATUS available DIN lang QUANTITY AVAILABLE 297 Rosenthal Classic Francis Set 25 price sheets TOPIC 12 Leaflet 25 Francis LANGUAGE DE/EN STATUS available QUANTITY AVAILABLE 577 4 DIN lang 8/14 Rosenthal Advertising Material Overview NUMBER DESCRIPTION WEIGHT PAGE NUMBER DATE W0027 W00334 W0007 570g 01.2010 W0027 W00334 W0176 87g 01.2010 W0027 W00335 W0007 375g 02.2010 W0027 W00335 W0176 100g 02.2010 W0027 W00336 W0007 376g 01.2010 W0027 W00336 W0176 100g 01.2010 23.12.2011 FORMAT Rosenthal Classic Persis Set 25 brochures VE TOPIC Leaflet 25 Persis LANGUAGE DE/EN STATUS available DIN lang QUANTITY AVAILABLE 457 Rosenthal Classic Persis Set 25 price sheets TOPIC 12 Leaflet 25 Persis LANGUAGE DE/EN STATUS available DIN lang QUANTITY AVAILABLE 684 Rosenthal Classic Silver Dust Set 25 brochures TOPIC 4 Leaflet 25 Silver Dust LANGUAGE DE/EN STATUS available DIN lang QUANTITY AVAILABLE 490 Rosenthal Classic Silver Dust Set 25 price sheets TOPIC 8 Leaflet 25 Silver Dust LANGUAGE DE/EN STATUS available DIN lang QUANTITY AVAILABLE 297 Rosenthal Classic Velvet Beige Set 25 brochures TOPIC 4 Leaflet 25 Velvet Beige LANGUAGE DE/EN STATUS available DIN lang QUANTITY AVAILABLE 569 Rosenthal Classic Velvet Beige Set 25 price sheets TOPIC 8 Leaflet 25 Velvet Beige LANGUAGE DE/EN STATUS available QUANTITY AVAILABLE 339 4 DIN lang 9/14 Rosenthal Advertising Material Overview NUMBER DESCRIPTION WEIGHT PAGE NUMBER DATE W0028 W00064 W0023 FORMAT StudioLine Acrylglas Display VE TOPIC POSMaterial LANGUAGE neutral STATUS available DIN lang QUANTITY AVAILABLE 34 StudioLine Acrylglas Display A4 TOPIC 1 50g 01.2010 W0028 W00064 W0024 POSMaterial LANGUAGE neutral STATUS available DIN A4 QUANTITY AVAILABLE 16 StudioLine Acrylglas Logo display TOPIC 1 300g 01.2010 W0028 W00064 W0035 POSMaterial LANGUAGE neutral STATUS available 10,5 x 4,5 x 7,5 cm QUANTITY AVAILABLE 134 Rosenthal Classic Acrylglas Logo display TOPIC 1 24g 01.2010 W0027 W00064 W0035 Standard LANGUAGE neutral STATUS available 10,5 x 4,5 x 7,5 cm QUANTITY AVAILABLE 311 StudioLine Markenzeichen Insertion card TOPIC 1 4g 01.2010 W0028 W00101 W0027 POSMaterial LANGUAGE neutral STATUS available 10,5 x 7,5 cm QUANTITY AVAILABLE 382 Rosenthal Classic Acrylglas Display TOPIC 1 2g 01.2010 W0027 W00064 W0023 Standard LANGUAGE neutral STATUS available QUANTITY AVAILABLE 21 1 94g 01.2010 23.12.2011 DIN A4 10/14 Rosenthal Advertising Material Overview NUMBER DESCRIPTION WEIGHT PAGE NUMBER DATE W0028 W00064 W0047 FORMAT StudioLine Acrylglas TDisplay VE TOPIC POSMaterial LANGUAGE neutral STATUS available 29,5 x 10,5 cm QUANTITY AVAILABLE 48 StudioLine Kartensatz Designer Price labels TOPIC 1 194g 01.2010 W0028 W00092 W0041 POSMaterial 1 set designer insertion cards LANGUAGE German STATUS available 10,5 x 29,7 cm QUANTITY AVAILABLE 631 StudioLine Prospektdispenser Set 3 displays TOPIC 266g 01.2010 W0028 W00430 W0260 POSMaterial LANGUAGE neutral STATUS available 20 x 9 cm QUANTITY AVAILABLE 304 StudioLine Preiskarte neutral Price label TOPIC 1 500g 09.2011 W0028 W00250 W0109 4g 01.2010 W0028 W00109 W0041 434g 09.2009 W0027 W00109 W0133 34g 01.2010 23.12.2011 POSMaterial LANGUAGE German STATUS available DIN lang QUANTITY AVAILABLE 460 StudioLine Satz Preiskarten Price labels TOPIC 1 1 POSMaterial LANGUAGE German STATUS available DIN lang QUANTITY AVAILABLE 188 Rosenthal Classic Satz Preiskarten Price labels NP GER TOPIC 1 1 1 new items 2010 DIN lang POSMaterial LANGUAGE German STATUS available QUANTITY AVAILABLE 76 1 11/14 Rosenthal Advertising Material Overview NUMBER DESCRIPTION WEIGHT PAGE NUMBER DATE W0027 W00250 W0109 4g 01.2010 W0028 W00226 W0101 180g 01.2010 W0028 W00086 W0115 FORMAT Rosenthal Classic Preiskarte neutral Price label VE TOPIC Standard LANGUAGE German STATUS available DIN lang QUANTITY AVAILABLE 575 StudioLine Plexiglas Stand for 6 plates TOPIC 1 0 POSMaterial LANGUAGE neutral STATUS at charge 30 x 10 x 11 cm QUANTITY AVAILABLE 1.160 StudioLine Logo Banner export TOPIC 2 price before discounts 3,30€ POSMaterial LANGUAGE neutral STATUS available banner 60 x 200 cm QUANTITY AVAILABLE 45 StudioLine Schwarz / Größe L Set 50 carrying bags TOPIC 1 450g 01.2010 W0028 W00087 W0043 POSMaterial LANGUAGE neutral STATUS available carrying bags QUANTITY AVAILABLE 42 StudioLine 50 Jahre RSL Gift wrap paper 300 m TOPIC 1 2000g 01.2010 W0028 W00400 W0242 POScampaign 1 50 years LANGUAGE neutral STATUS available QUANTITY AVAILABLE 111 2 03.2011 W0028 W00418 W0256 Geschenkpapier/Gift wrap Rolle: 300 m, 50 cm breit StudioLine Schriftzug Rosenthal Taffeta ribb. wh.50m TOPIC POScampaign 1 Taftband LANGUAGE DE/EN STATUS available QUANTITY AVAILABLE 74 500g 10.2011 23.12.2011 Taftband mit Schriftzug Rosenthal 12/14 Rosenthal Advertising Material Overview NUMBER DESCRIPTION WEIGHT PAGE NUMBER DATE W0028 W00045 W0018 10g 01.2010 W0028 W00110 W0018 10g 01.2010 W0028 W00110 W0020 14g 01.2010 W0028 W00388 W0224 FORMAT StudioLine Weiss Ruboff stick. 240mm VE TOPIC Standard LANGUAGE neutral STATUS out of stock 24 x 11 cm QUANTITY AVAILABLE 31 StudioLine Schwarz Ruboff stick. 240mm TOPIC 1 white colour ! Standard LANGUAGE neutral STATUS available 24 x 11 cm QUANTITY AVAILABLE 87 StudioLine Schwarz Ruboff stick. 330mm TOPIC 1 black colour ! Standard 1 Anreiber schwarz LANGUAGE neutral STATUS available 33 x 15 cm QUANTITY AVAILABLE 32 StudioLine mit Preise Price catalogue TOPIC black colour ! POScampaign 1 Price catalogue LANGUAGE DE/EN/IT/FR STATUS new Pricebook from January QUANTITY AVAILABLE 5 300g Price catalogue 10.2010 W0028 W00386 W0134 StudioLine Neuheiten EUR Price cat. addition TOPIC POScampaign 1 Price cat. Addition LANGUAGE DE/EN/IT/FR STATUS available QUANTITY AVAILABLE 44 100g Price cat. addition 05.2011 W0027 W00388 W0224 Rosenthal Classic mit Preise Price catalogue TOPIC POScampaign 1 Price catalogue LANGUAGE DE/EN/IT/FR STATUS new Pricebook from January QUANTITY AVAILABLE 111 300g Price catalogue 10.2010 W0027 W00386 W0134 Rosenthal Classic Neuheiten EUR Price cat. addition TOPIC POScampaign 1 Price cat. Addition LANGUAGE DE/EN/IT/FR STATUS available QUANTITY AVAILABLE 149 100g Price cat. addition 05.2011 23.12.2011 13/14 Rosenthal Advertising Material Overview NUMBER DESCRIPTION WEIGHT PAGE NUMBER DATE FORMAT W0011 W00384 W0218 250g 09.2010 W0011 W00384 W0036 180g 09.2010 W0011 W00384 W0219 DiVino Standard Poster 1x1 m VE TOPIC POSMaterial 1 DiVino LANGUAGE neutral STATUS available 1m x 1m QUANTITY AVAILABLE 125 DiVino Standard Poster DIN A1 TOPIC 1 POSMaterial 1 DiVino LANGUAGE Neutral STATUS available DIN A1 QUANTITY AVAILABLE 271 DiVino Standard Insert.card German TOPIC 1 POSMaterial 1 DiVino LANGUAGE DE STATUS available 10cm x 29cm QUANTITY AVAILABLE 51 DiVino Standard Insert.card English TOPIC 40g 09.2010 W0011 W00384 W0220 POSMaterial 1 DiVino LANGUAGE EN STATUS available 10cm x 29cm QUANTITY AVAILABLE 82 DiVino Standard Insert.card Italian TOPIC 40g 09.2010 W0011 W00384 W0221 POSMaterial 1 DiVino LANGUAGE IT STATUS available 10cm x 29cm QUANTITY AVAILABLE 82 DiVino Standard Insert.card French TOPIC 40g 09.2010 W0011 W00384 W0222 POSMaterial 1 DiVino LANGUAGE FR STATUS available QUANTITY AVAILABLE 82 40g 09.2010 23.12.2011 10cm x 29cm 14/14
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