Suzuki DF140 Set-Up Manual
Suzuki DF140 Set-Up Manual
$ET"UP ffiAilUA[ IMPORTANT ..--/ AWARNINGICAUTION/NOTE information, thesymbolA Toemphasize special carefully, Ptease readthismanual andfollowitsinstructions attention to themesPayspecial meanings. andNOTEhavespecial andthewordsWARNING, CAUTION sageshighlighted bythesesignalwords. Indicatesa potentlalhazardthat could result in deathor Iniury. CAUTION Indicatesa potentialhazardthat could result in motor damage. NOTE: lndicatesspecialinformationto makemaintenanceeasieror instructiansclearer. that the warningsand cautionscontainedin this manualcannotpossiblycoverall Pleasenote,however, potentialhazardsrelatingto the servicing,or lack of servicing,of the outboardmotor.In additionto the safetyprinciples. andbasicmechanical stated,youmustusegoodjudgement WARNINGS andCAUTIONS FOREWORD motorhasbeendesigned andproduced Thisoutboard utilizing Suzuki's mostmoderntechnology. Thefinest product,however, cannotperformproperlyunlessit is correctly assembled Thisset-upmanual andserviced. hasbeenproducedto aid youin properlyassembling andservicingthisoutboardmotor. . This manualhas beenpreparedon the basisof the latestspecifications at the timeof publication. lf modifications havebeenmadesincethen,differences mayexistbetweenthe contentof this manual andthe actualoutboardmotor. . lllustrations in this manualare usedto showthe basicprinciples of operation andworkprocedures and maynot representthe actualoutboardmotorexactlyin detail. t Thismanualis intended forthosewhohaveenoughknowledge andskillsto serviceSUZUKIoutboard motors. Withoutsuchknowledge andskills,youshouldnotattemptservicingby relyingon thismanual only.lnstead,pleasecontactyournearbyauthorized SUZUKIoutboardmotordealer. Apprenticemechanicsor do-it-yourselfmechanicsthat don't have the proper tools and equlpment rnay not be able to properlyperformthe servicesdescribedin this manual.lmproperassemblyand/orservicing may result in injury to the mechanieand may renderthe engine unsafe for the boat operatorand passengers. CONTENTS SYMBOL. ........,......... I MATERIALSREAURED ......,...1 OUTBOARDMOTOR INSTALLATION ......2 HORSEqOWERSELECTTON ............. .......,....... 2 MOTORDIMENSIONS ,,...2 MOUNTINGTO THE TRANSOM .,..... g TRANSOMDTMENSIIONS ................. s CONT4OLCABLES INSTALLATTON .......4 REMOTECONTROLBOX SiDE .......4 ENGTNE SIDE ......,............ 4 WIRE HARNESSINSTALLATION ...........,. 8 DRAGLINK TNSTALLATTON g .........,-.......... couNTER ROTAnONMODELOR DUAL ENGINE,T\E-RODKtT (O?T\ONAL ?ARTS) iN9TALLATION........ .................. 11 INSTALLATION WITHTHE PRE-RIGGEDITEMSFOR 2 CYCLEMODEL............,..14 wtRtNc DTAGRAM .....,........... 16 WIRINGDIAGRAMFOR DUAL ENGINE ................. 17 SUZUKI MOTORCORPORATION O COPYRIGHT SUZUKIMOTOBCORPORATION 2OO1 Marine& PowerproductsDivision SYMBOL - Listedin thetablebeloware symbolsindicatingspecialinstructions andotherimportantinformation necessaryforproperservicing. foreachsymbol.You Pleasenoiethedefinition willfindthesesymbols usedthroughoutthismanual,Fleferbackto thistableif you are notsureof anysymbol(s)meanings. SYMBOL g DEFINITION Torquecontrolrequired. Data besideit indicatesspecified torque. @ ApplySUZUKIWATERFIESISTANT GREASE. @ ApplySUZUKISILICONE SEAL. MATERIALS REOUIRED SUZUKISILICONESEAL 99000-31120 (50 g/1.7oz) SYMBOL DEFINITION .- ApplyTHHEADLOCK"1342". 1J1E13l @ Usespecialtool, OUTBOARDMOTORINSTALLATION HORSEPOWER SELECTION Do not overpoweryour boat. Neverinstall an outboardmotor wlth horsepowerexceedingthe boat manufacturer'srecommendedmaximum.Excessivehorsepowerwill havean adverseeffect on hull safety and may causeoperating/handlingdifficulties. NOTE: ' Stafe the maximumhorsepoweroutboardmotor that can be safelyused on that boat.Thereis severe productliabilitypotentialconnectedwithriggingand sellinga boat withan outboardmotorexceedingthe horsepower capacityIimitatian. ' The rig shouldnot be underpowered,as this will not allow the performancebalanceyou are trying to achieve.Determinethe customefs needs,applicatianand use of the perspectiverig to make the best overalI horsepower recommendation. MOTORDIMENSIONS L:998(39.3) UL:1116(43.9) t $ @ F. ^cY N (o FN J J :>(O 6(O 6(o -i5 2 .MOUNTINGTOTHE TRANSOM t--lContained parts Item Partname @ @ @ Bolt(M12) Washer(Large) Washer(Small) Lockwasher Nut cap o { F) r F! v [l Part number 09100-12083 09160-12044 09160-12066 09162-12005 09140-12028 41153-94500 Q'ty 4 4 4 4 4 4 r.rutO: 55N.m(5.skg-m,40.0 tb-ft] Drillthe upperholesat least2s mn (1.0 in)awayfromthe transomtop surface. lnstallthe largediameterwasher@ on the transomboardside. Toensurea water-tightengineinstallation,sealant(SUZUKISTLICONE SEAL or equivalent)shouldbe appliedto all bolt holes. lf tighteningtorquecannotreachta the specifiedtorquedue to weak transommaterial,it is necessaryto reinforcethe transomboardwithan attachmentplate. '\--ITRANSOMDIMENSIONS Transomtop surlace "l 3 CONTROLCABLESINSTALLATION Containedparts Part name Remotecontrolbox Part number Q'ty 67200-99E10-0EP 1 ForU.S.A.model,remotecontrolboxis optional. Requiredparts Part name Controlcable 7ft (2.1m) Controlcable8ft @A m) Controlcable 10ft(3.1m) Controlcable 12fi(8.7m) Controlcable 14ft(a.Bm) Part number Part name Part number Q'ty Controlcable 16ft(a.9m) Controlcable 18ft(5.5m) Controlcable 2oft(6.1m) Controlcable22ft(6.7m) 67320-89J50 67320-89J60 67320-89J70 67320-89J80 2 2 2 2 Q'ty 67320-89J00 67320-89J10 67320-89J20 67320-89J30 67320-89J40 2 z 2 2 2 Ghooseone itemwhichis matchedto the boatin length. REMOTE CONTROL BOX SIDE Fortheprocedure to connectthethrottlecontrolcableandclutchcontrolcableto the remotecontrolbox,refer to the "REMOTE CONTROLBOXSET-UPINSTRUCTION'that comessuppliedwith each unitof remote controlbox.(forRemotecontrolmodelonly) ENGINESIDE Containedparts (Remotecontrol model) Item Part name Part number Q',ty @ @ Grommet Cablestopper Bolt Cableconnector Washer Lockpin 61124-90J00 67343-90J01 01550-06257 67467-89J01 09160-06055 0938s-0601 2 1 1 6\ v @ @ o J 2 /A\ \E/. V I 2 NOTE: Beforeperformingthe foltowingprocedures,be sure that the throttle/clutchcontrol cablesare instattedin the remotecontrol box accordingto the "REMOTECONTROLBOX SET-{JPtNSTRUCTION". (for Remotecontrolmodelonty) \ b 4 . Procedure /1) Removethe nine(9) bolts,thenremovethe bothsidelower coversfromthe outboardmotor. '2\ Installthe clutchcontrolcableO and throttlecontrolcable ,_-,/ @ to tne grommet@. (3) SecurethecableO and@ in tne cableholder@ oy titting grooveon the cableintoa sloton the holder. NOTE: Referto thepageI for installingwireharnessto the grommet. (4) Installthe cablestopper@ by the bolt @. (5) Positionthe remotecontrolhandleinto "NEUTRA|-'. $: 5 r--.-..-...- I - Clutchcontrolcable(6) Makesurethatthe clutchcontrolarm @ is in the neutralposition. \-: (7) Threadtheconnector holealignswiththepivotpin O ontotheclutchcontrolcable C untiltheconnector @ on the clutchcontrolarm @. (8) Settheconnector@ ontothe pivotpin@ withtheflat sideof connectortowardstne arm. (9) Installthe washer(p and lockpin@ , thentightenthetocknut@, (10)Makesurethatbothforwardand reversegearcanbe engagedwiththe sameangleof remotecontrol handletravelfrom"NEUTRAHoosition, - Throttlecontrolcable(11)Makesurethatthethrottlelever@ is fullyclosed.(TheCTP svvitch @ mustbe in "ON- pushed"position.) Alsomakesurethatthe stitmarkon the throttlecontrolarm @ alignswiththe slit markon the bracket@. (12)Whilepushingthe throttlecontrolcable@ as shownby arrow,threadtheconnector @ ontothecableuntiltheconnectorholealignswiththe pivotpin@ on thethrottlecontrolarm @. (13)Settheconnector @ ontothepivotpin@ withtheflatsideof connector towardsthe arm. (14)lnstallthe washer@ and lockpin @ , thentightenthe lock nut@, (15)Movethe remotecontrolhandle to thefullyopenedposition andreturnit to the neutralposition again.Makesurethatthe throttleis fullyclosed. CAUTION Cableconnectorsand turnbacklesmust be threadedat least8 mm (0.3in) onto cable. NOTE: After assembly,make sure that the cablesare not stretchedor otherwisesfressedwhenthe outboardmotoris turnedallthe wav to the rightand left. Aftercompleting above,performthe folstep No.15mentioned lowingprocedure ThrottlePosition) to verifythattheCTP(Closed switchis correctlyadjusted. (1) Removethe CTP switchharnessleadand connecta VoltOhmmeterto the switchterminalandto engineground, (2) Movetheremotecontrolhandteoncemoreto tnetuilyopened position, thenreturnit slowlyto the fullyclosedthrottle,in gearidleposition(lowerunitstillengagedin fonvardgear withthrottleat fullclose.) 6 -_-/ to mustindicatetheswitchhasturnedto the"ON"oosition '(3) Checkthemeterconnected (meierwill indicatecontinuity). (4) lf the CTPswitchis in the "OFF"position(Nocontinuity) at the in gearidleposition,loosenthe remote controlcableconnector locknutand readjust the cableconnector slightlyuntiltheCTPswitchis in the "ON"condition(continuity indicated). (5) Afterreadjusting thecableconnector, tightenthelocknutandmovetheremotecontrolhandleto thefully openedpositionand backto the in gearidle positionto confirmthatthe CTP switchis now correctly (switchin the "ON"position, adjusted indicated). continuity .'-.{6) Whencorrectswitchadjustmenthas beenconfirmed,removethe volt-Ohmmeterand reconnectthe CTPswitchharnesslead. Neutral N NOTE: Failureto properlyadjustthe CTP switchmay cause the engineto stallwhenretrurnedto the in-gearidle position.Thismay occur to non-activationof the ECM electricdash-potfunctionwhichis controltedby the CTPswitch's"ON"/ "OFF"position. WIRE HARNESSINSTALLATION Contalnedparts Item @ @ /6r \r' @ Partname Monitor-tachometer Monitorgaugewire Trimmeterwire harness lnstrument wire harness Part number 34200-99E00 36682-92E00 36682-90J00 36630-92E00 Q'ty 1 1 1 1 Procedure (1) Removethe bothsidelowercovers.(Seepage5.) (2) Boutethefollowingitemsthroughthe grommete as shown position. . Remotecontrolwireharness@. . Monitorgaugewireharness@. .Trimmeterwireharness@. .Batterycable@. . Speedmeterpickuptube @. NOTE: For the procedureto installoptionaltrim sender/meterand related parts,referto the'TRIM SENDERKIT TNSTALLATION lNSTRUCTIONS" that comessuppliedwitheachunitof trimsender kit. (3) Connectthe monitorgaugewireharness@ to the engine side,thenpressfit theconnector intotheholder@. (4) Connectthe remotecontrolwire harness@ and PTTwires @ to the engineside,then pressfit the connectorintothe [email protected]@ andPTT wires@ behindthe connectorol @. (5) Pushthe grommetO intothe frontpanel. NOTE: For the remotecontrolbox/meter/wireharnessconnection,refer to the WIRINQDIAGRAMon page 16. I 1RAG LINK INSTALLATION lf the drag link and related parts are not Installedcorrectly the steeringsystemmay bind,causingthe operaJtor to lose steeringcontrol of the boat. NOTE: These instructionsare for connectinga mechanicalpush-pull steeringsystemwith the followingspecifications: . , Singlecable v Starboardcableentryinto the motor tilt tube. . Steeringcablemeetingthe currentAmericanBoat and Yacht CouncilESafetystandard(P-17). Containedparts Item @ @ /Fr \r' @ \EJ @ Partname Pad number Q'ty Draglinkassy . Draglink . Spacer . Bolt . Safetynut . Washer Steering cableseal 67701-90J00 . Notavailableseparately .67721-99E00 .67725-99E00 .67726-99E00 .67728-99E00 41161-94400 1 1 1 2 4 1 CAUTION Neverreusethe safetynut (D afterit havebeenthreaded into position and torqued. Procedure (1) Threadthesteeringcableseal@ ontothe portsideendof the motortilttrrrbe O. \*-(2) ApplySUZUKIWATEBRESISTANT GREASEto the steeringcable@. (3) Insertthecable@ intothetubeO fromthestarboard side, thentightenthecableretaining nut@ to thetorquespecified by the cablemanufacturer. NOTE: it will be necessaryto inOn mostoutboardmotor installations, siaiithesieeringcabieprior io ihe ouiboarcirrptot'irisiailation. I l.D.mark: 67711-90J00 (4) Connectthe drag link @ to the steeringcableend @ with thenut@ to washers@ andsafetynutO as shown'Tighten torque,thenBAGKTHENUTOFF1/BTURN' thespecified [t satety nut (D : 10 N'm (1.0kg-m,7'0lb-ft) (s) Movethe steeringcableuntilthe holeof draglink@ aligns withthe rearthreadholeon the steeringbracket@' (6) Connectthe draglinkto thesteeringbracket@ bytightening thebolt@ withthe spacer@ andwashers@ as shown' [l T-'\ \,, aon @ : 34 N'm (3.4kg-m,24'slb'ft) Tightenthe safe$ nut @ withthe washer@' [l Satetynut (D :34 N'm (3.4 kg-m,24'5 lb-ft) NOTE: checkfor smoothand free steeringoperationby Afterassembly, turningthe steeringwheet all thewayto the rightand tefl' KtT (OpilONAL couNTER ROTATTON MODELOR DUAL ENG|NE,TTE-ROD - PARTS)TNSTALLATTON parts TIE-ROD KIT(OPTIONAL PARTS) Contained Item Part Name Q'ty 1 2 3 TIE.RODASSY 1 BRACKET, TIE-ROD BOLT,TrE-ROD(UNF) 2 4 NUI TIE-ROD 2 5 BOLI TIE-ROD 2) BRACKET(MI o WASHER.TIE-RODBRACKET SPACER. TIE.ROD INSTRUCTION, TIE-ROD TAPE 4 4 7 8 I z 2 4 1 pertorminstallation Suzukirecommends thatonlyauthorized Suzukioutboardmotordealerora qualifiedservicemechanic of thiskit. Parts installationProcedure (1) lnstaltthetie-rodbracket@ on the endof steeringbracketusingthe bolts@ andwashers@. [t eot @ : 85 N'm (8.5kg-m,61.0lb-ft) '- \/. (2) Installthe tie-rodassye on the bottomsideof tie-rodbracket@ withthe spacer@ positioned in between usingthebolt@. [! aon @ : 5o N.m(5.0kg--, 36.0lb-ft) (3) Tightenthenut@ to tneendof bolt@ thathasbeeninstalled in thestep2) above.(Whentightening the nut@, holdthe bolt@ securelyso as notto comeloose.) S ttut @ : 30 N'm(3.0kg-m,21.5lb-ft) 11 AdjustmentProcedureof tie-rod length (1) LoosenthenutsA and B. (2) Adjustthetie-rodtengthby turningtheturnbuckte. (3) lvhen thetie-rodlengthhasbeenadjusted, tightenthe nutsA andB. Q Hur 85 N.m(8.5kg-m,61.0tb-ft) Therequired lengihof tie-roddependson thecondition. Adjustthelengthso thatthebestresultcanbe obtained. The followingis an exampleof adjustment to obtaintheoptimumresult. Example: Toe-out position (1) Adjustthetie-rodlengthso thatthetwoenginecenterlines in forwarddirectionare awayfromeachotherwiththe differentialL1 - L2 within25 mm (1 inch). NOTE: The center to center distancefor twin engine instailationis minimum 635mm (25 in.). Toe-outposition (2) Thetwoenginewakesshouldmeettogetherat approximately 20rn- 25mbehindthem. Recommendrigging procedure Forthe bestresult,it is recommended thatthe following be checked, (1) Asshowninillustration, cutfourpiecesoftape@ whichcomes providedin this kit and stickthemat the swivelstopperarea of boththe STBDand PORTsideengines. Prior to sticking the tape, make sure to degreasethe attaching surfacethoroughly. ON For Increasedadhesion,press and scrape the tape surface. At this time, however,use caution not to cause wrinkle,scratch,etc.on the tape. t2 (2) Performdouble-check to makesure that all the boltsand nut are tightenedproperlyto the specified torque. performanothercheckto makesurethatall theboltsandnutsaretightened (3) Afteronehourof operation, proplerly to thespecified torque. ..-.(a) furtherto the above,checkagainvisuallyforthe surfaceconditionof Afteranotheronehourof operation tapesshowthe signof equalcontact,it showsthe rigginghas aluminum tape.lf allthe fouraluminum is found,adjustthetie-rodlength in contactcondition lf anydifference successfully. beenaccomplished instructions; observing thefollowing shortertie-rodlength: @ Requiring tapeof thestarboard sideengineas wellas on sidealuminum Thereis a damageon thestarboard the portsidetapeof the portsideengine. longertie-rodlength: @ Requiring sideengineas wellas on the Thereis a damageon theportsidealuminumtapeof thestarboard port engine' side sidetapeof the starboard (s) presents, adjustthetie-rodlengthto eithershorteror longeras approprilf anyof theaboveconditions in the steps(1)to (4) untilall the four Repeat the procedures time. 5 mm at a ate by approximately aluminum tapesshowthe equalcontactcondition. Damagedaluminumtapes can no longer be used for the subsequentadiustmentand therefore shouicibe repiaceci. the riggingcompletes. aboveperformed, Withtheprocedures O Dependingon the boat and adjustment conditlon, the initial setting of toe-in can turn to toe-out later. Especially when the boat is equipped with outrigger, such a variation may become more evident. O Double-checkall the bolts and nuts for proper Installationand tightness. O After two hours of operation, perform another check to make sure that all the bolts and nuts are tightened properly to the.specified torque. O At the end of every 50 hours of operation, lubricate and check all the parts for wear, installation conditionand tightening torque. 13 INSTALLATION WITHTHE PRE-RIGGED ITEMSFOR2 CYCLEMODEL Whenthe DF90/115 is installed on theboatwhichhasalreadybeenriggedwiththe itemsfor 2 cyclemodel,\ performriggingby usingthe followingitems. Requiredparts Item @ @ /Fr \:,/ Part name Part number Adapterwireharness(meterside) Adapterwireharness(engineside) Flemo-con linkplate 34711-99E00 36661-99E00 67220-95630 Q'ty {T 1 1 NOTE: Followingprocedureare basedon the boat which hasatreadybeenriggedwith"J4700-92E1. ". "34200-92E0.", "36660-g2EI " and "67200-g7D3.(pull-to-open-type)". Procedure - Wireharnessand Meter(1) Remove the monitorgaugeO, thenplugthemounthole. (2) Removethetachometer @. (3) connectthe adapterwire harness@ betweenthe monitor-tachometer O and monitorgaugewireharness@ as shown. (4) Installthemonitor-tachometer @ to the holeof originaltachometer @. (5) Connectthe adapterwire harness@ betweenthe engineand the monitorgaugewire harness as @ snown. Instrument wire harness Lbr€ P-Ef, Y-GF t-------l=-R/c E--B- 342o0-92E o. --- =- - t RiG_G-R/G w- I= B-B_B Ef_B EFGr 1 36660-92E 34700-92E1 -Remotecontrolbox_..(6) Removethe screws,backcover@ and@. (7) Removethe warm-upleverscrews@. \-,' (B) Removethe drum@, then reinstall the drum@ with 180' turnedpositionby the screws@. (e) Afterdisconnectingthe throttlecontrolcable,removethe original link plate@ (forpull-to-open). ( 1 0)Installthelink plate@ (for push{o-open). .. - ( ' t 1)lnstallthe upper back cover @ by the screws. ( 1 2)After connectingthe throttlecontrolcable,installthe lower |,l2p14 6rlryor 6 hrr fhe e^rori/q NOTE: . For theprocedureto connectthe controlcablesto the remote controlbox, refer to the "REMOTECONTROLBOX SETUP INSTRUCTION" thatcomessuppliedwitheachunitof remote controlbox. . Be carefulnot to missany items (washer,spaceretc.) when reassembling the remotecontrolbox. . Afterassembly,checkfor smoothoperation. 15 WIRINGDIAGRAM (Forremotecontrotbox/meterfuiire harness) c o @ ., 0, q) @ E E tr q) OE .zo oo >g F F fF ff ?Ttfl r@ g? ';€ c o 9o J@ 19O ED C ox oO q) 9. cB trcE .= ! >3 F-c ID o E c r o o) o o) 3 o @ q o c 6 .: B Of di .,= c -= f?, E ' : ". 3 Lrs o#;i;gffgg;s - - 4. Em d 6 5'E 'E 3- X E I:- :r{--;.=e f! --- -.-:::: 0 E =rq 2 5 n.Ctr E =Jo )f F I NM TT .. o> otr EN ? ig 16 WIRINGDIAGRAMFOR DUAL ENGINE x o o J o IE F 2 o E il1 ri t! 6t 'q) .F l! co = E u'l E zE 7q2 =< I6 srY T J3 <L AP g8 EB u6 EE E HE E e6 0 F i rE i rb :Eliil[ @eo U E5 IE ix I z a * t z , i*i b- t !iH o'dd H8 .; 8 Ft EI I p E a o z E t x 2E F+ 17 tg F- oq u fi o i, F Prepared by SUZUKI IIOTOR CORPORATION Marine & Power Products Division D ecember,2U U l Part No. 99505-92J00-0lE Printed in Jaoan