Transparency Request - Student Government
Transparency Request - Student Government
Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 100 - SR - BHANGRA CLUB SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 405904 2015-2016 Competitive Season Supplies Amazon Ronit Dastidar $97.47 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 102 - SR - IA LEAD SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 404418 2015-2016 IA LEAD GBM #4 Travis Trout Travis Trout $6.39 Completed 405980 2015-2016 Oracle Speaker Travis Trout Travis Trout $58.83 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 103 - SR - GATOR CHESS CLUB SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 405038 2015-2016 General Body Meeting Food Varun Chawla Varun Chawla $67.00 Completed 405260 2015-2016 General Body Meeting Food Varun Chawla Varun Chawla $54.83 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 105 - SR - QUIZ BOWL SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 405864 2015-2016 Buzzers Alex Shaw Anderson Enterprises $255.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 106 - SR - IA LEAD SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 404680 2015-2016 IA LEAD Spring Semi-Formal Travis Trout Travis Trout $514.41 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 107 - SR - MAYORS COUNCIL SAR Fiscal Year Title 305998 Vendor Total Paid Status 2014-2015 Luau inflatables - SpaceWalk of Miguel Lugo Gainesville Spacewalk of Gainesville Rental $990.00 Completed 305999 2014-2015 Fruit trays - Classic Fare Catering Miguel Lugo Classic Fare/Gator Dining $200.33 Completed 306000 2014-2015 Luau - Games Miguel Lugo Miguel A. Lugo Ortiz Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Requestor $75.97 Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 109 - SR - LATINO/HISPANIC ORG FOR GRAD STUDENTS SAR Fiscal Year Title 305843 305844 Vendor Total Paid Status 2014-2015 blue T shirt order for members Brianna Posadas Brianna Posadas $346.85 Completed 2014-2015 LOGRAS business cards Brianna Posadas $54.57 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Requestor Brianna Posadas Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 110 - SR - IOC RAMADAN LECTURE SERIES SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 306069 2014-2015 Honorarium for Zubair Zafar Hamaad Rahman Zubair Zafar $3350.00 Completed 306104 2014-2015 Food for Ramadan Dinner Hamaad Rahman Hamaad Rahman $550.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 113 - SR - FINE ARTS EQUIPMENT SAR Fiscal Year Title 400998 2015-2016 Surrond Sound Equipment buy Stanley Beckerdite Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status Sweetwater $4762.00 Completed Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 114 - SR - GRADUATE STUDENT ADVISORY COUNCIL SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor 401244 2015-2016 Food for Financial Training Event Sanethia Thomas Classic Fare/Gator Dining $163.35 Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Total Paid Status Completed Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 115 - SR - GATOR BILLIARDS SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 401348 2015-2016 GBC Meeting 10/12/15 Mason Anthony Mason Anthony $16.00 Completed 401427 2015-2016 GBC Meeting 10/19 Mason Anthony Mason Anthony $21.00 Completed 401563 2015-2016 Corn Maze - Club Awareness Event Jessica Choy Jessica Choy $75.00 Completed 401571 2015-2016 GBC Meeting 10/26 Mason Anthony Mason Anthony $30.00 Completed 401848 2015-2016 GBC Meeting 11/2 Mason Anthony Mason Anthony $16.00 Completed 401867 2015-2016 GBC Meeting 11/9 Mason Anthony Mason Anthony $8.00 Completed 401868 2015-2016 GBC Meeting 11/16 Mason Anthony Mason Anthony $16.00 Completed 402145 2015-2016 Karaoke - Club Awareness Event Jessica Choy Jessica Choy $85.86 Completed 402398 2015-2016 GBC Meeting 11/30 Mason Anthony Mason Anthony $16.00 Completed 402399 2015-2016 GBC Meeting 12/7 Mason Anthony Mason Anthony $20.00 Completed 403395 2015-2016 Advertising Supplies Jessica Choy Jessica Choy $100.00 Completed 403718 2015-2016 GBC Meeting 2/18 Mason Anthony Mason Anthony $68.08 Completed 403938 2015-2016 GBC Meeting 2/25 Mason Anthony Mason Anthony $21.36 Completed 404483 2015-2016 GBC Meeting 3/17 Mason Anthony Mason Anthony $14.28 Completed 404730 2015-2016 Food for Awareness Event Jessica Choy Jessica Choy $87.72 Completed 404731 2015-2016 GBC Meeting 3/24 Mason Anthony Mason Anthony $10.39 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 405207 2015-2016 GBC Meeting 4/7 Mason Anthony Mason Anthony $6.39 Completed 405390 2015-2016 GBC Meeting 4/14 Mason Anthony Mason Anthony $16.96 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 116 - SR - GATORS VS ZOMIES SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 401373 2015-2016 Oct Weekend Mini Game Maddox Corcoran Maddox Henry Corcoran $17.18 Completed 401665 2015-2016 Nerf Gun Loaning Supplies 1 Maddox Corcoran $80.04 Completed 401666 2015-2016 Nerf Gun Loaning Supplies 2 Maddox Corcoran eBay $19.95 Completed 401775 2015-2016 Club Supplies 1 Maddox Corcoran $130.56 Completed 401776 2015-2016 Banner Maddox Corcoran Target Copy - University Ave $245.00 Completed 401947 2015-2016 Fall Game Supplies 1 Maddox Corcoran Maddox Henry Corcoran $65.55 Completed 401947 2015-2016 Fall Game Supplies 1 Maddox Corcoran Maddox Henry Corcoran $65.55 Completed 401948 2015-2016 Fall Game Supplies 2 Maddox Corcoran $51.18 Completed 401949 2015-2016 Fall Game Supplies 3 Maddox Corcoran ULine $59.71 Completed 403154 2015-2016 Nerf Blaster Loaner Supplies 3 Maddox Corcoran $52.35 Completed 403729 2015-2016 Mini Game Supplies Maddox Corcoran Maddox Henry Corcoran $58.54 Completed 404330 2015-2016 Midgame Pizza Party Maddox Corcoran Maddox Henry Corcoran $189.86 Completed 404397 2015-2016 Weekend Game Supplies 1 Maddox Corcoran Maddox Henry Corcoran $12.72 Completed 404399 2015-2016 Weekend Game Supplies 2 Maddox Corcoran Maddox Henry Corcoran $4.22 Completed 404826 2015-2016 Spring Game Supplies 1 Maddox Corcoran $295.01 Completed 404827 2015-2016 Spring Game Supplies 2 Maddox Corcoran Maddox Henry Corcoran $76.39 Completed 404967 2015-2016 Spring Game Supplies 3 Maddox Corcoran Maddox Henry Corcoran $48.68 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 404996 2015-2016 Spring Game Pizza Party Maddox Corcoran Maddox Henry Corcoran $120.98 Completed 405400 2015-2016 Post Game Meeting Maddox Corcoran Maddox Henry Corcoran $88.22 Completed 405462 2015-2016 Spring Cleaning Maddox Corcoran Maddox Henry Corcoran $44.14 Completed 405986 2015-2016 Main Game Pizza Party Maddox Corcoran Maddox Henry Corcoran $138.79 Completed 405987 2015-2016 Summer Game Supplies 1 Maddox Corcoran Maddox Henry Corcoran $162.03 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 117 - SR - FELLOWSHIP OF CHRISTIAN ATHLETES SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 401643 2015-2016 Speaker Elizabeth Evans Don Mauldin $200.00 Completed 401644 2015-2016 Speaker Elizabeth Evans William Wiles $200.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 118 - SR - JAMSA PAGEANT SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 402210 2015-2016 Photoshoot Simone Dixon Simone Dixon $60.00 Completed 402613 2015-2016 Classic Fare Catering Simone Dixon Classic Fare/Gator Dining $368.90 Completed 402614 2015-2016 Pageant Decorations Simone Dixon Simone Dixon $200.00 Completed 402704 2015-2016 FCSA Conference Fee Simone Dixon Simone Dixon $340.00 Completed 402766 2015-2016 Instagram Board Simone Dixon Target Copy - University Ave $50.00 Completed 402785 2015-2016 DJ Simone Dixon Barrington Guthrie Jr $150.00 Completed 402786 2015-2016 Pageant Items Simone Dixon Simone Dixon $100.00 Completed 402853 2015-2016 Pageant Simone Dixon Simone Dixon $50.00 Completed 402854 2015-2016 Ballroom Simone Dixon J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $553.50 Completed 403028 2015-2016 Pageant Simone Dixon Party Time Rentals $198.00 Completed 403029 2015-2016 Pageant Simone Dixon The Trophy Shop $13.47 Completed 403030 2015-2016 Pageant Simone Dixon Simone Dixon $18.22 Completed 404673 2015-2016 Hotel Simone Dixon Febsheka Campbell $800.00 Completed 404725 2015-2016 Transportation Simone Dixon Simone Dixon $130.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 123 - SR - CARIBSA TRAVEL SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 404425 2015-2016 CaribSA at FCSA Conference Luz Morales-Camacho Luz Morales $1304.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 125 - SR - PAZENI SAUTI AFRICA CHOIR SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 306001 2014-2015 Event Supplies Miguel Lugo Miguel A. Lugo Ortiz $49.17 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 404056 2015-2016 Spring Recruitment and Member Retreat Erin Tufano Erin Tufano $180.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 126 - SR - FINE ARTS SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 402671 2015-2016 FACC: Crossroads Project Michael Polo College of Fine Arts $3000.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 127 - SR - FLORIDA SWING DANCE SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 403183 2015-2016 Sweet Swingouts Teaching Expense Zack Buchillon Peter Strom $3430.00 Completed 403269 2015-2016 Venue for Sweet Swingouts (UTC) Zack Buchillon Unified Training Center $300.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 128 - SR - GATOR GUARD DRILL TEAM SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 404324 2015-2016 Gator Guard Equipment Javan Brown Glendale Parade $913.80 Completed 405916 2015-2016 Glendale Custom 24MAY2016 Sarah Stalter Glendale Parade $538.75 Completed 405917 2015-2016 Glendale Uniform Items and Saber 24MAY2016 Sarah Stalter Glendale Parade $584.50 Completed 405947 2015-2016 Glendale Color Guard Pole 27MAY2016 Sarah Stalter Glendale Parade $148.95 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 130 - SR - GATORS VS ZOMBIES SAR Fiscal Year Title 306011 306012 Vendor Total Paid Status 2014-2015 Summer Mini Mission Supplies Maddox Corcoran 1 Carley Charles $6.21 Completed 2014-2015 Summer Mini Mission Supplies Maddox Corcoran 2 Carley Charles $27.54 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Requestor Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 16A108 - SR - GATORS HUMANS VS ZOMBIES SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 405984 2015-2016 Mini Mission Supplies Maddox Corcoran Maddox Henry Corcoran $74.00 Completed 405985 2015-2016 Main Game Advertisment Maddox Corcoran Maddox Henry Corcoran $30.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 16A109 - SR - CHI ALPHA CHRISTIAN MINISTRY SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 405908 2015-2016 Summer B WOW Game Night Rachel Everhart Latrice Reid $64.44 Completed 405909 2015-2016 New Equipment Rachel Everhart Latrice Reid $140.06 Completed 405910 2015-2016 Summer B Ice Cream Social Rachel Everhart Latrice Reid $11.11 Completed 405972 2015-2016 Stadium Cups Rachel Everhart Cathy Helton / Business Promotions Unlimited $50.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 16A111 - SR - YOUNG LIFE SAR Fiscal Year Title 406122 406240 Vendor Total Paid Status 2015-2016 Summer B 2016 Event Supplies Avery Smith William Wright $416.80 Completed 2015-2016 Summer B 2016 Event Shirts Dragonfly Graphics $480.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Requestor Avery Smith Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 16A112 - SR - GATORS HUMANS VS ZOMBIES SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 500423 2016-2017 August Mini Mission 1 Maddox Corcoran Maddox Henry Corcoran $45.78 Completed 501118 2016-2017 Weekend Game 3 Maddox Corcoran $104.12 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 16A114 - SR - ALPHA OMEGA SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 500290 2016-2017 Tabling Drexel Harris Drexel Harris $54.68 Completed 500291 2016-2017 Tabling Drexel Harris Drexel Harris $294.50 Completed 500394 2016-2017 Dodgeball Gym Rental Drexel Harris Florida Gym $541.00 Completed 500395 2016-2017 Dodgeball Drexel Harris Drexel Harris $95.44 Completed 500485 2016-2017 Ice Cream Social Samantha Plager Drexel Harris $50.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 16A117 - SR - FIRST GENERATION ORGANIZATION SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 500923 2016-2017 First Generation Organization First GBM Adriana Wilson Floriselda Rubio $40.59 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 16A119 - SR - JAPANESE STUDENT ASSOCIATION SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 500481 2016-2017 JSA Movie Night Valerie Rynearson Valerie Rynearson $21.64 Completed 500482 2016-2017 Movie Night with JSA Valerie Rynearson Valerie Rynearson $8.58 Completed 500483 2016-2017 General Body Meetings Valerie Rynearson Valerie Rynearson $92.89 Completed 500525 2016-2017 Development Workshop Valerie Rynearson Valerie Rynearson $3.00 Completed 501101 2016-2017 General Body Meeting Valerie Rynearson Valerie Rynearson $27.00 Completed 501102 2016-2017 Halloween Event Valerie Rynearson Valerie Rynearson $82.39 Completed 501103 2016-2017 General Body Meeting Valerie Rynearson Valerie Rynearson $73.97 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 16A122 - SR - NEPALESE STUDENT ASSOCIATION SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 500466 2016-2017 NSA2016_Welcome Ravin Poudel Ravin Poudel $321.97 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 211 - SR - HEROES - CARRY FORWARD SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 400505 2015-2016 Pens James Grossman 4imprint $138.42 Completed 400506 2015-2016 Facebook ads James Grossman James Grossman $25.00 Completed 400633 2015-2016 Poster for semester James Grossman Emily Hays $33.20 Completed 401564 2015-2016 Activity Supplies for Fall Family James Grossman Weekend Barbecue James Grossman $30.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 212 - SR - Campus Crusade for Christ Equip Buy SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 305952 2014-2015 Durable Goods Buy for CRU Stanley Beckerdite $2376.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 601 - ACCENT SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 400926 2015-2016 Flyers and Posters For Upcoming Show Robert Tuckman Crescendo Media LLC $1148.00 Completed 400929 2015-2016 University Auditorium Rental Robert Tuckman The University Auditorium $1779.38 Completed 400930 2015-2016 Honorarium for Speaker HHM Robert Tuckman APA- Agency For The Performing Arts $13491.50 Completed 401157 2015-2016 Banner and Paint Robert Tuckman Jake Felder $60.00 Completed 401288 2015-2016 TV Advertisements for Upcoming Show Robert Tuckman COX Media, LLC $471.00 Completed 401321 2015-2016 Reception for Speaker After Show Robert Tuckman Jake Felder $300.00 Completed 401322 2015-2016 Last Minute Expenses for Upcoming Show Robert Tuckman Jake Felder $131.94 Completed 401350 2015-2016 Boosted Facebook Ads to Promote Upcoming Jim Obergefell Show Robert Tuckman Jake Felder $115.67 Completed 401354 2015-2016 Private Transportation for Speaker Jim Obergefell Robert Tuckman A Candies Coachworks, INC $748.80 Completed 401525 2015-2016 Security for Jim Obergefell Robert Tuckman Show At University Auditorium University of Florida Police Department $198.25 Completed 401529 2015-2016 Honorarium for Upcoming Speaker Greater Talent Network $20000.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Robert Tuckman Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 401539 2015-2016 Phillip's Center Rental for Upcoming ACCENT Show Robert Tuckman Curtis M. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts $4260.85 Completed 401565 2015-2016 Reception for Speaker After Show Robert Tuckman Jake Felder $201.22 Completed 401566 2015-2016 Last Minute Expenses for Upcoming Show Robert Tuckman Jake Felder $8.17 Completed 401568 2015-2016 Flyers and Posters for Upcoming Show Robert Tuckman Crescendo Media LLC $1095.00 Completed 401596 2015-2016 Honorarium for Upcoming Speaker Robert Tuckman Greater Talent Network $60000.00 Completed 401597 2015-2016 Phillip's Center Rental for Upcoming ACCENT Show Robert Tuckman Curtis M. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts $4767.03 Completed 401677 2015-2016 Private Transportation for Upcoming Speaker Robert Tuckman A Candies Coachworks, INC $374.40 Completed 401678 2015-2016 Boosted Facebook Ads to Promote Upcoming ACCENT Show Robert Tuckman Jake Felder $306.30 Completed 401680 2015-2016 Reception Passes for Upcoming Robert Tuckman Show Target Copy - University Ave $31.95 Completed 401756 2015-2016 Security For Upcoming ACCENT Robert Tuckman Show UPD - Unversity Police Dept $1616.50 Completed 401954 2015-2016 Banner and Paint Jake Felder $21.38 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Robert Tuckman Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 401955 2015-2016 Last Minute Expenses for Upcoming Show Robert Tuckman Jake Felder $159.60 Completed 401956 2015-2016 Reception for Speaker After Show Robert Tuckman Jake Felder $206.50 Completed 401968 2015-2016 Reception Passes for Upcoming Robert Tuckman Show Target Copy - University Ave $31.95 Completed 402013 2015-2016 Flyers and Posters for Upcoming Show Robert Tuckman Crescendo Media LLC $1313.00 Completed 402018 2015-2016 Boosted Facebook Ads to Promote Upcoming ACCENT Show Robert Tuckman Jake Felder $396.71 Completed 402148 2015-2016 Private Transportation for Upcoming ACCENT Show Robert Tuckman Greater Talent Network $726.05 Completed 402163 2015-2016 Honorarium for Upcoming ACCENT Speaker Robert Tuckman Keppler Speakers $45000.00 Completed 402299 2015-2016 Phillip's Center Rental for Upcoming Show Robert Tuckman Curtis M. Phillips Center $5088.36 Completed 402300 2015-2016 Boosted Facebook Ads to Promote Upcoming ACCENT Show Robert Tuckman Jake Felder $280.63 Completed 402301 2015-2016 Security For Upcoming ACCENT Robert Tuckman Show UPD - Unversity Police Dept $549.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 402304 2015-2016 Flyers and Posters for Upcoming Show Robert Tuckman Crescendo Media LLC $1473.00 Completed 402305 2015-2016 Reception for Speaker After Show Robert Tuckman Jake Felder $176.16 Completed 402306 2015-2016 Last Minute Expenses for Upcoming Show Robert Tuckman Jake Felder $39.45 Completed 402307 2015-2016 Dinner for Upcoming ACCENT Speaker Robert Tuckman Amelia's $202.46 Completed 402307 2015-2016 Dinner for Upcoming ACCENT Speaker Robert Tuckman Amelia's $202.46 Completed 402308 2015-2016 Reception Passes for Upcoming Robert Tuckman Show Target Copy $31.95 Completed 402771 2015-2016 Honorarium for Upcoming ACCENT JAM Speaker Robert Tuckman Greater Talent Network $90000.00 Completed 403094 2015-2016 O' Connell Center Rental for Upcoming Show Robert Tuckman O'Connell Center $8115.99 Completed 403097 2015-2016 Security for Upcoming ACCENT Robert Tuckman Show UPD - Unversity Police Dept $2084.00 Completed 403099 2015-2016 Transportation for Upcoming ACCENT Speaker Robert Tuckman A Candies Coachworks, INC $821.50 Completed 403100 2015-2016 Promotional Items for Upcoming ACCENT Show Robert Tuckman Crescendo Media LLC $1274.25 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 403116 2015-2016 Reception for Speaker After Show Robert Tuckman Robert Tuckman $327.80 Completed 403117 2015-2016 Last Minute Expenses for Upcoming Show Robert Tuckman Robert Tuckman $243.73 Completed 403118 2015-2016 Boosted Facebook Ads to Promote Upcoming ACCENT Show Robert Tuckman Robert Tuckman $872.75 Completed 403122 2015-2016 Reception Passes for Upcoming Robert Tuckman ACCENT Show Robert Tuckman $33.87 Completed 403124 2015-2016 Promotional Fat Head for Upcoming ACCENT Show Robert Tuckman Robert Tuckman $50.88 Completed 403125 2015-2016 Banner and Paint for Upcoming Robert Tuckman ACCENT Show Robert Tuckman $40.22 Completed 403563 2015-2016 Shirts for ACCENT Staff Robert Tuckman ASAP Screenprinting Inc $596.25 Completed 403564 2015-2016 Honorarium for Upcoming ACCENT Speaker Robert Tuckman The Harry Walker Agency $63000.00 Completed 404160 2015-2016 Honorarium for Upcoming ACCENT Speaker Robert Tuckman Creative Artists Agency, LLC $90000.00 Completed 404415 2015-2016 Fire Rescue Staff for ACCENT Show Robert Tuckman Alachua County Fire Rescue $285.00 Completed 404436 2015-2016 Reception for Speaker After Show Robert Tuckman Robert Tuckman $350.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 404541 2015-2016 Phillip's Center Rental for Upcoming ACCENT Show Robert Tuckman Curtis M. Phillips Center $5552.28 Completed 404542 2015-2016 Security for Upcoming ACCENT Robert Tuckman Show UPD - Unversity Police Dept $594.75 Completed 404543 2015-2016 Boosted Facebook Ads to Promote Upcoming ACCENT Show Robert Tuckman Robert Tuckman $613.56 Completed 404544 2015-2016 Promotional Items for Upcoming ACCENT Show Robert Tuckman Crescendo Media LLC $1416.75 Completed 404546 2015-2016 Last Minute Expenses for Upcoming ACCENT Show Robert Tuckman Robert Tuckman $77.03 Completed 404547 2015-2016 Reception Passes for Upcoming Robert Tuckman Show Target Copy - University Ave $31.95 Completed 404549 2015-2016 Promotional Fat Head for Upcoming ACCENT Show Target Copy - University Ave $52.00 Completed 404550 2015-2016 Banner and Paint for Upcoming Robert Tuckman ACCENT Show Robert Tuckman $6.93 Completed 404551 2015-2016 Transportation for Upcoming ACCENT Speaker Robert Tuckman A Candies Coachworks, INC $599.50 Completed 404935 2015-2016 Phillip's Center Rental for Upcoming ACCENT Show Robert Tuckman Curtis M. Phillips Center $5448.00 Completed 404936 2015-2016 Private Transportation for Upcoming ACCENT Speaker Robert Tuckman A Candies Coachworks, INC $554.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Robert Tuckman Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title 404937 Vendor Total Paid Status 2015-2016 Security for Upcoming ACCENT Robert Tuckman Show UPD - Unversity Police Dept $747.25 Completed 404938 2015-2016 Boosted Facebook Ads to Promote Upcoming ACCENT Show Robert Tuckman Robert Tuckman $838.20 Completed 404939 2015-2016 Reception for Speaker After Show Robert Tuckman Robert Tuckman $350.00 Completed 404940 2015-2016 Last Minute Expenses for Upcoming Show Robert Tuckman Robert Tuckman $107.41 Completed 404942 2015-2016 Banner and Paint for Upcoming Robert Tuckman ACCENT Show Robert Tuckman $6.93 Completed 404943 2015-2016 Reception Passes for Upcoming Robert Tuckman ACCENT Show Target Copy - University Ave $36.20 Completed 404946 2015-2016 Promotional Items for Upcoming ACCENT Show Crescendo Media LLC $1223.00 Completed 405383 2015-2016 Live Stream Upcoming ACCENT Robert Tuckman Show Anne Redmond $300.00 Completed 405946 2015-2016 ACCENT Logo Redesign and Summer 2016 Promotional Items Mike Greenberg Crescendo Media LLC $2132.00 Completed 406004 2015-2016 Poster Frames to Decorate Office Michael Greenberg Michael Greenberg $241.68 Completed 406233 2015-2016 Shirts for ACCENT Staff Mike Greenberg Rad Wear, Inc. $1509.70 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Requestor Robert Tuckman Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 500177 2016-2017 Honorarium for Upcoming ACCENT Speaker Noah Liebling Keppler Associates Inc / Keppler Speakers $55000.00 Completed 500724 2016-2017 Logo Design for ACCENT Speakers' Bureau Noah Liebling Crescendo Media LLC $300.00 Completed 500726 2016-2017 Graphic Design Work and Editing for Upcoming ACCENT Show Logo Noah Liebling Crescendo Media LLC $600.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 602 - SG ADMIN SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 305861 2014-2015 Senate Tarp Banners & Supplies Yolonda Strong $73.26 Completed 305878 2014-2015 Tri-Fold board for Senate Belinda Rosales Mister Paper $232.79 Completed 305939 2014-2015 EOY Awards fm SBP Stanley Beckerdite The Trophy Shop $580.60 Completed 305942 2014-2015 Meeting in Tallahassee-SBP Belinda Rosales Joselin Padron-Rasines $99.20 Completed 305943 2014-2015 Meeting in Tallahassee Belinda Rosales Gabriella Larios $6.00 Completed 305944 2014-2015 SG Promo Items - Slim Roller/Highlighter Combo Pen Kevin Doan 4imprint $7434.42 Completed 305955 2014-2015 SG Elections Banner Yolonda Strong SignMasters $134.50 Completed 305987 2014-2015 Moving Supplies Yolonda Strong Office Depot $19.82 Completed 306013 2014-2015 Trailer July 4th Decor Stanley Beckerdite PCARD $106.95 Completed 306061 2014-2015 SEC- Alabama - L. Miller Belinda Rosales Leah Miller $911.40 Completed 306062 2014-2015 SEC- Alabama - K. Doan Belinda Rosales Kevin Doan $563.29 Completed 306063 2014-2015 SEC-Alabama -J. PadronRasines Belinda Rosales Joselin Padron-Rasines $797.20 Completed 306064 2014-2015 SEC - Alabama - D. Bean Belinda Rosales Davis Bean $640.09 Completed 306065 2014-2015 SEC-Alabama - N. Carre Belinda Rosales Nicholas Carre $953.87 Completed 306066 2014-2015 SEC- Alabama - G. Larios Belinda Rosales Gabriella Larios $488.20 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 306067 2014-2015 SEC- Alabama - N. Derias Belinda Rosales Nardin Derias $475.20 Completed 306068 2014-2015 Polo Shirts for SG Front Desk & Yolonda Strong Senate Secretaries JSA Promos $712.14 Completed 306107 2014-2015 SG Promo Items - Card Wallets Kevin Doan Quality Logo Products, Inc. $1695.70 Completed 400003 2015-2016 Budget Committee Arrendondo Yolonda Strong Rental University of FloridaEvent services $75.00 Completed 400019 2015-2016 Lobby Contract for Tallahassee Stanley Beckerdite Capital City Consulting LLC $55000.00 Completed 400020 2015-2016 Pollworker Blanket Stanley Beckerdite Pollworkers $15738.33 Completed 400022 2015-2016 Tapshield Blanket Stanley Beckerdite Tapshield $10416.65 Completed 400023 2015-2016 PPD Elections Blanket Stanley Beckerdite UF Physical Plant Division $0.00 Completed 400025 2015-2016 Blanket for Sign Language/ADA Stanley Beckerdite Center for Independent Living Completed 400026 2015-2016 Blanket for Classic Fare SG events Stanley Beckerdite Classic Fare/Gator Dining $45.90 Completed 400027 2015-2016 Blanket for Culligan Water SG Admin Stanley Beckerdite Culligan Water Conditioning $1573.85 Completed 400105 2015-2016 Acceleration Costs for the Fall 2015 Elections Yolonda Strong Accelerated Data Works Inc $5000.00 Completed 400106 2015-2016 Acceleration Costs for the Spring 2016 Elections Yolonda Strong Accelerated Data Works Inc $5000.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM $5485.03 Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 400109 2015-2016 Blanket for Reitz Union (Elections)-Spring 2016 Yolonda Strong University of FloridaEvent services $574.00 Completed 400110 2015-2016 Blanket for Reitz Union (Elections)-Fall 2015 Yolonda Strong University of FloridaEvent services $683.00 Completed 400113 2015-2016 SHCA Stickers Reorder Geeta Iyer Target Copy - University Ave $59.85 Completed 400127 2015-2016 SG Finance Promo Pens Sochima JamesMbadugha 4imprint $140.77 Completed 400136 2015-2016 SHCA Tabling Wheel Geeta Iyer $72.95 Completed 400263 2015-2016 Pop up sign and stand Belinda Rosales The Sign Universe $241.50 Completed 400282 2015-2016 Table skirts for front desk tables Belinda Rosales Amazon $55.90 Completed 400304 2015-2016 FLC Formal Meet n' Greet Seth Fisher J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $150.00 Completed 400306 2015-2016 Gator Innovators Booth 'Lemonade Stand' David Nassau EXHIBITS ETC. INCORPORATED $242.30 Completed 400315 2015-2016 SG letterhead Belinda Rosales Target Copy - Archer Rd $113.10 Completed 400324 2015-2016 FLC Formal Meet n' Greet Classic Fare Seth Fisher Classic Fare Catering $570.00 Completed 400437 2015-2016 Office Depot Blanket for tableware Belinda Rosales Office Depot $234.94 Completed 400494 2015-2016 Scooter Safety stickers Thomas Burt Rad Wear Inc $330.99 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 400664 2015-2016 STAAR September Forum Refreshments Jennifer Thelusma Classic Fares $228.75 Completed 400704 2015-2016 Night Time Safety Key Chains Thomas Burt Plastic Resource $395.00 Completed 400809 2015-2016 Sexual Assault Awareness Week: Buttons Gabriella Larios Wizard Creations $480.00 Completed 400882 2015-2016 Sexual Assault Awareness Week 2015: Flyers Gabriella Larios Target Copy - University Ave $0.00 Completed 400897 2015-2016 UF Police Student Dialogue Joselin Padron-Rasines Jeffrey Weisberg $280.00 Completed 400898 2015-2016 Sexual Assault Awareness Week: The Hunting Ground Film Rights Gabriella Larios RoCo Films Educational $407.00 Completed 400910 2015-2016 Blanket Postage Stanley Beckerdite UF Postal Services $81.33 Completed 400911 2015-2016 SHCA Advising Cards Geeta Iyer Target Copy - University Ave $32.95 Completed 400957 2015-2016 STAAR MCDA Million Man March CoSponsor Jennifer Thelusma A Candies Coachworks, INC $6250.00 Completed 400986 2015-2016 Sexual Assault Awareness Week: Video Gabriella Larios Tangible Productions $400.00 Completed 400997 2015-2016 STAAR PAM Co-Sponsorship Jennifer Thelusma Keppler Speakers $300.00 Completed 401005 2015-2016 The Hunting Ground Screening Gabriella Larios - Projectionist J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $57.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 401022 2015-2016 Sexual Assault Awareness Week: T-Shirts Gabriella Larios Rad Wear, Inc. $1206.50 Completed 401029 2015-2016 Ice Cream for the Parliamentary Yolonda Strong Procedure Orientation Classic Fare/Gator Dining $90.00 Completed 401081 2015-2016 Food for Nickel & Dime with Nick Sochima JamesMbadugha Sochima Mbadugha $61.99 Completed 401089 2015-2016 Transition-Photos for New Senate President & Pro-Temp Yolonda Strong UF News and Public Affairs $50.00 Completed 401090 2015-2016 Transition-Business Cards for new 2015-16 Senate Execs Yolonda Strong ALTA $86.70 Completed 401094 2015-2016 Transition Order-Supplies for new 2015-16 SG Senate Pres/Pro-Temp Yolonda Strong Florida Awards & Trophy $190.00 Company Completed 401125 2015-2016 Bins for Field & Fork Food Pantry Food Drive Gabriella Larios Office Depot $76.17 Completed 401128 2015-2016 Voting Rights Act Speakers Panel Austin Young University of Florida Department of Political Science $300.00 Completed 401303 2015-2016 Printing of Artwork for the Bike Yolonda Strong Repair Sign SignMasters $155.00 Completed 401439 2015-2016 FLC Presents: Pumpkins in the Plaza Keiran Sheridan $253.94 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Seth Fisher Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 401441 2015-2016 FLC Presents: Pumpkins in the Plaza Reimbursement Seth Fisher Seth Fisher $421.84 Completed 401463 2015-2016 FLC Presents: Pumpkins in the Plaza-Physical Plant Seth Fisher UF Physical Plant Division $0.00 Completed 401523 2015-2016 Food for Small Idea Christian Medina Competition -Gator Innovators Classic Fare Catering $599.65 Completed 401556 2015-2016 Tally Meeting Belinda Rosales Rachel Wise $40.00 Completed 401640 2015-2016 Chik-Fil-Hey With SG Gabrielle Beecher Classic Fare/Gator Dining $319.99 Completed 401700 2015-2016 FLC Presents: Heroes of UFReimbursement Seth Fisher Regan Lee Completed 401715 2015-2016 FLC Presents: Heroes of UFPhysical Plant Seth Fisher UF Physical Plant Division $0.00 Completed 401764 2015-2016 Java With Jos Elle Beecher Classic Fare/Gator Dining $65.89 Completed 401778 2015-2016 Nickel and Dime With Nick Elle Beecher Classic Fare/Gator Dining $158.97 Completed 401817 2015-2016 Kick Back With Kevin Elle Beecher Classic Fare/Gator Dining $160.00 Completed 401818 2015-2016 Chick-Fil-Hey With SG (12/02/2015) Elle Beecher Classic Fare/Gator Dining $319.99 Completed 401840 2015-2016 State of the Campus Gabriella Larios Emerson Alumni Hall $483.00 Completed 401944 2015-2016 FLC Presents: Pass the PlateOne Country at a TimeReimbursement Seth Fisher Seth Fisher $31.84 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM $69.82 Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 401946 2015-2016 FLC Presents: Pass the PlateOne Country at a TimeReimbursement Seth Fisher Melody Zargari $95.55 Completed 401961 2015-2016 Gators Going Green SGP Concert Waste Dakota Woll UF Physical Plant Division $0.00 Completed 401963 2015-2016 UF Physical Plant Division $0.00 Completed 402231 2015-2016 Safe Driving Day PizzaNightlife Navigators Thomas Burt Classic Fare Catering $144.00 Completed 402232 2015-2016 Safe Driving Day FlagsNightlife Navigators Thomas Burt Thomas Burt $95.52 Completed 402343 2015-2016 FLC Presents: Food for Thought-Classic Fare Seth Fisher Classic Fare Catering $298.00 Completed 402344 2015-2016 FLC Presents: Food for Thought-Reimbursement Seth Fisher Danilelle Flanagan $166.58 Completed 402350 2015-2016 FLC Presents: Food for Thought-Reimbursement Seth Fisher Nina Kalwar $232.28 Completed 402351 2015-2016 FLC Presents: Food for Thought-Physical Plant Seth Fisher UF Physical Plant Division $0.00 Completed 402397 2015-2016 STAAR January Forum Food Jennifer Thelusma Classic Fares Completed 402417 2015-2016 Meet your Senator Day Yolonda Strong UF Physical Plant Division $0.00 FLC Presents: Pass the PlateSeth Fisher One Country at a Time-Physical Plant Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM $79.72 Completed Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 402419 2015-2016 Chomp the Vote Banner Austin Young The Sign Universe $243.00 Completed 402439 2015-2016 Java With Jos Elle Beecher Classic Fare/Gator Dining $65.89 Completed 402440 2015-2016 Kick Back With Kevin Elle Beecher Classic Fare/Gator Dining $160.00 Completed 402441 2015-2016 Nickel and Dime With Nick Elle Beecher Classic Fare/Gator Dining $158.97 Completed 402442 2015-2016 Chick-Fil-Hey With SG Gabrielle Beecher Classic Fare/Gator Dining $319.99 Completed 402457 2015-2016 SG Debate-Facility Rental Yolonda Strong Curtis M. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts $2392.01 Completed 402495 2015-2016 COSGA at Texas A&M-J. Richards Yolonda Strong Jason Richards $607.95 Completed 402497 2015-2016 COSGA at Texas A&M-J. Clements Yolonda Strong Jennifer Clements $1304.07 Completed 402516 2015-2016 Gator Day Matthew Hoeck A Candies Coachworks, INC $1125.00 Completed 402520 2015-2016 COSGA at Texas A&M-J. Tyger Yolonda Strong James R Tyger $1478.75 Completed 402521 2015-2016 COSGA at Texas A&M-S. Meyers Yolonda Strong Smith Meyers $1232.07 Completed 402605 2015-2016 SG Banner Replacement for Grand Opening Yolonda Strong The Engraving Universe $101.50 Completed 402606 2015-2016 NASPA 2016-K. Olsen Yolonda Strong Kristen Olson $865.37 Completed 402638 2015-2016 SG SRFC Ice Machine (Project) Nicholas Carre Department of Recreational Sports $5261.54 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 402653 2015-2016 Cultural Plaza's Prensentation to Senate Yolonda Strong Harn Museum $250.00 Completed 402918 2015-2016 GatorSafe Buttons Joselin Padron-Rasines Wizard Creations $1172.00 Completed 403005 2015-2016 UF PSD and Think Florida Posters Joselin Padron-Rasines Target Copy - University Ave $65.05 Completed 403054 2015-2016 FLC Presents: Party with the Parties Seth Fisher Classic Fare Catering $378.42 Completed 403055 2015-2016 FLC Presents: Party with the Parties Seth Fisher Danielle Flanagan $85.78 Completed 403135 2015-2016 UF Police Student Dialogues Spring Joselin Padron-Rasines Jeffrey Weisberg $560.00 Completed 403168 2015-2016 Kick Back with Kevin (February) Kevin Doan Classic Fare/Gator Dining $119.92 Completed 403238 2015-2016 Gator Innovators Tru Pettigrew Christian Medina Tru Access Consulting , LLC $500.00 Completed 403313 2015-2016 Cellular Prepaid Services for Spring 2016 Elections Yolonda Strong AT & T (GNV) $0.00 Completed 403345 2015-2016 Java With Jos (2/4/2016) Gabrielle Beecher Classic Fare/Gator Dining $65.89 Completed 403346 2015-2016 Nickel and Dime With Nick (2/18/2016) Gabrielle Beecher Classic Fare/Gator Dining $158.97 Completed 403440 2015-2016 Ethics and Civility Week Promotional Materials Geeta Iyer Target Copy - University Ave Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM $108.00 Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor 403473 2015-2016 Lobbying for the Gator GoodFood Request Joselin Padron-Rasines Classic Fare/Gator Dining $639.98 Completed 403510 2015-2016 Lobbying for the Gator GoodPhysical Plant Joselin Padron-Rasines UF Physical Plant Division $0.00 Completed 403542 2015-2016 SG + SAI Open House Thursday Food Kevin Doan Classic Fare/Gator Dining $1198.50 Completed 403585 2015-2016 Chik-Fil-Hey with SG Joselin Padron-Rasines Classic Fare/Gator Dining $302.00 Completed 403836 2015-2016 Polo Shirts for Staff & Student Staff Yolonda Strong JSA Promos $927.28 Completed 403838 2015-2016 Arrive Alive Drunk/Texting Simulation Joselin Padron-Rasines UNITE International, LLC $500.00 Completed 403870 2015-2016 SG PICNIC TABLES Gary Bryant UF Physical Plant Division $6148.50 Completed 403930 2015-2016 Gator Innovators Food for March Event Christian Medina Classic Fare Catering $238.00 Completed 403934 2015-2016 Transition-Business Cards for new 2016 Execs (SBP, SBT, SBVP) Yolonda Strong Alta Systems, Inc. $144.50 Completed 403935 2015-2016 Transition-2016 Exec Branch Photos (SBP, SBT, SBVP) Yolonda Strong UF News and Public Affairs $318.00 Completed 403936 2015-2016 Transition Order-Supplies for new 2016-17 Execs Yolonda Strong Florida Awards & Trophy $272.00 Company Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Total Paid Status Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title 404005 Vendor Total Paid Status 2015-2016 Orange and Blue Cabinet - Pep Kevin Doan Spirit Events - Gator Foam Hats Open Tip ( $1585.68 Completed 404072 2015-2016 SG Financial Literacy Forum Daniela Gonzalez-Mejia Classic Fare/Gator Dining $168.97 Completed 404105 2015-2016 Java With Jos (3/11/2016) Gabrielle Beecher Classic Fare/Gator Dining $65.89 Completed 404106 2015-2016 Kick Back With Kevin (3/17/2016) Gabrielle Beecher Classic Fare/Gator Dining $119.92 Completed 404107 2015-2016 Nickel and Dime With Nick (3/24/2016) Gabrielle Beecher Classic Fare/Gator Dining $158.97 Completed 404108 2015-2016 Chick-Fil-Hey With SG (4/31/2016) Gabrielle Beecher Classic Fare/Gator Dining $0.00 Completed 404109 2015-2016 Chick-Fil-Hey With SG (4/7/2016) Gabrielle Beecher Classic Fare/Gator Dining $319.99 Completed 404110 2015-2016 Chick-Fil-Hey With SG (4/14/2016) Gabrielle Beecher Classic Fare/Gator Dining $319.99 Completed 404120 2015-2016 SLS New Furniture Gary Bryant OEC Business Interiors Inc. $14162.16 Completed 404291 2015-2016 SHCA Ethics and Civility Week: John Oliver Night-Food Order Geeta Iyer Classic Fare Catering $69.90 Completed 404292 2015-2016 SHCA Ethics and Civility Week: Geeta Iyer The Neighborhood-Food Order Classic Fare Catering $208.00 Completed 404293 2015-2016 SHCA Ethics and Civility Week: A Civil Feud-Food Order Classic Fare Catering $33.16 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Requestor Geeta Iyer Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 404294 2015-2016 SHCA Ethics and Civility Week: Tabletop Trivia Food Order Geeta Iyer Classic Fare Catering $208.00 Completed 404295 2015-2016 SHCA Buttons Geeta Iyer Target Copy - University Ave $278.00 Completed 404312 2015-2016 SHCA Stickers Geeta Iyer Target Copy - University Ave $58.05 Completed 404357 2015-2016 SHCA Ethics and Civility Week: Room Reservation Cost Geeta Iyer J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $80.00 Completed 404389 2015-2016 Local Food Festival: PPD Joselin Padron-Rasines UF Physical Plant Division $0.00 Completed 404420 2015-2016 SG Success Series - Videos Gabrielle Beecher Media You Can Feel, LLC $3500.00 Completed 404442 2015-2016 SG Banquet - Chocolates and Gift Bags Kevin Doan Kevin Doan $301.24 Completed 404447 2015-2016 SHCA Ethics and Civility Week: Speaker Series-Food Order 3/23 Geeta Iyer Classic Fare/Gator Dining $100.33 Completed 404451 2015-2016 FLC Presents: Spring Forward, Look Back-Physical Plant Seth Fisher UF Physical Plant Division $0.00 Completed 404452 2015-2016 FLC Presents: Spring Forward, Look Back-Reimbursement Seth Fisher Keiran Sheridan $282.81 Completed 404469 2015-2016 Request for Key Duplications for SG Yolonda Strong Mobile Locksmith Inc $110.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 404573 2015-2016 SG End of the Year Banquet Booklets Elle Beecher Target Copy - Archer Rd $932.05 Completed 404686 2015-2016 Local Food Festival:A/V and Power Joselin Padron-Rasines Stephen C. O'Connell Center $547.84 Completed 404789 2015-2016 End of Year Staff Reception Joselin Padron-Rasines Yolonda Strong $72.74 Completed 404867 2015-2016 Local Food Festival: Day of Show Items Joselin Padron-Rasines Joselin Padron-Rasines $61.25 Completed 404901 2015-2016 Signage for the SG Suite Yolonda Strong SignMasters $269.50 Completed 405204 2015-2016 SHCA Advising Cards Geeta Iyer Target Copy - University Ave $46.59 Completed 405283 2015-2016 FLC Presents: Food For Thought Seth Fisher UF Physical Plant Division $0.00 Completed 405286 2015-2016 FLC Presents: Food For Thought Seth Fisher Alejandra Sanchez $46.91 Completed 405287 2015-2016 FLC Presents: Food For Thought-Reimbursement Seth Fisher Alejandra Sanchez $553.63 Completed 405288 2015-2016 FLC Presents: Food For Thought-Classic Fare Seth Fisher Classic Fare Catering $71.88 Completed 405330 2015-2016 Housekeeping Appreciation Event Promo Items Sochima JamesMbadugha 4imprint $452.22 Completed 405334 2015-2016 Housekeeping Appreciation Event Food Sochima JamesMbadugha Classic Fare/Gator Dining $360.44 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 405469 2015-2016 SG Conference Room Cables and Storage Yolonda Strong $52.90 Completed 405471 2015-2016 TEDxUF Payment Gary Bryant Curtis M. Philips Center for the Performing Arts $6000.00 Completed 405527 2015-2016 Housekeeping Event Decorations Sochima JamesMbadugha Sochima Mbadugha $41.08 Completed 405571 2015-2016 Bike Repair Custom Name Badge Kristen Olson Florida Awards & Trophy $168.00 Company Completed 405611 2015-2016 GEMRU Funding FY15-16 Gary Bryant University of Florida Police Department $20000.00 Completed 405681 2015-2016 SG Finance Furniture Gary Bryant OEC Business Interiors Inc. $6244.03 Completed 405811 2015-2016 Replacement of Student Body President Image Yolonda Strong ColorAd Signs and Exhibits $174.00 Completed 405826 2015-2016 USF of St. Petersburg - J. Richards Belinda Rosales Jason Richards $62.38 Completed 405827 2015-2016 Holi Festival Co-Sponsorship: Food Yolonda Strong Krishna Lunch/Krishna House of Gainesville $2000.00 Completed 405830 2015-2016 FSA Meeting Tallahassee- S. Webster Belinda Rosales Susan Webster $43.04 Completed 405944 2015-2016 Plotter for Graphics & Copy Center Yolonda Strong B & B Office Systems $4911.00 Completed 405971 2015-2016 Senate Ice Cream Social Belinda Rosales Classic Fare/Gator Dining $45.00 Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Completed Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 406057 2015-2016 SEC 2016 Belinda Rosales Off Campus Housing $900.00 Completed 406057 2015-2016 SEC 2016 Belinda Rosales Off Campus Housing $900.00 Completed 406104 2015-2016 SG Panels Belinda Rosales The Engraving Universe $405.00 Completed 406114 2015-2016 Window cling for Bike repair map Belinda Rosales The Engraving Universe $49.50 Completed 406117 2015-2016 Lobby Contract for Washington Gary Bryant DC Squire Patton Boggs (US) $0.00 LLP Completed 406210 2015-2016 Senate Promotional Items for Tabling Haley Smith Rad Wear Inc $726.88 Completed 406234 2015-2016 SG Ponchos Haley Smith Rad Wear Inc $12410.00 Completed 500143 2016-2017 Eno Purchase Haley Smith Eagles Nest Outfitters $1429.41 Completed 500167 2016-2017 Camera Purchase Haley Smith Adorama Camera Inc $224.99 Completed 500198 2016-2017 Banner Replacement Yolonda Strong The Engraving Universe $99.00 Completed 500199 2016-2017 Tabling Banner Yolonda Strong The Engraving Universe $243.00 Completed 500219 2016-2017 Business Charging Stations Haley Smith Charge Tech $6600.00 Completed 500221 2016-2017 Tabling Materials Haley Smith $80.18 Completed 500246 2016-2017 Embroidery for Enos Haley Smith Rad Wear, Inc. $261.00 Completed 500414 2016-2017 Paper Supplies for Plotter Yolonda Strong B & B Office Systems $152.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 500424 2016-2017 Library West Promotional Advertising - Banner and Info Cards Haley Smith Target Copy - University Ave $320.31 Completed 500438 2016-2017 Hangout with SG Yolonda Strong Classic Fare/Gator Dining $197.50 Completed 500546 2016-2017 Food for SG Retreat Haley Smith Haley Smith $355.38 Completed 500776 2016-2017 Gator Nights Ice Cream Social Haley Smith Classic Fare/Gator Dining $354.69 Completed 500787 2016-2017 Haley Smith Classic Fare/Gator Dining $195.50 Completed 500847 2016-2017 Brendon (and Ball) is Life tabling event Haley Smith Classic Fare/Gator Dining $195.50 Completed 500849 2016-2017 "Snow Cones and Susan," Haley Smith $41.22 Completed 500855 2016-2017 Poncho advertising holders Haley Smith $65.52 Completed 500909 2016-2017 Poncho Bins Haley Smith Walmart $90.10 Completed Kishan's Major Keys tabling event Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 602-32 - SG Cabinet SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 305859 2014-2015 Cabinet Promo Items - 4imprint Kevin Doan 4imprint $1066.55 Completed 305956 2014-2015 Cabinet Cosponsorship JAMSA - Decoration and Supplies Kevin Doan Simone Dixon $80.00 Completed 305957 2014-2015 Cabinet Cosponsorship JAMSA - Jamaican Getaway Food Kevin Doan Simone Dixon $150.00 Completed 305972 2014-2015 Cabinet Promo Items - T-shirts Kevin Doan Sericorp LLC, Uniq Screen $950.00 Printing Completed 305973 2014-2015 Cabinet Training - Arredondo Rental Kevin Doan J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services Completed 305979 2014-2015 Cabinet Training - Lunch Kevin Doan Classic Fare/Gator Dining $180.00 Completed 306074 2014-2015 Innovation Academy - Beat the Kevin Doan Heat with SG Food Classic Fare/Gator Dining $151.00 Completed 306093 2014-2015 Innovation Academy - Beat the Kevin Doan Heat with SG - Refreshments Kevin Doan $24.65 Completed 306109 2014-2015 Cabinet Training - High Ropes Course Department of Recreational Sports $455.00 Completed 400005 2015-2016 Cabinet Training - Day 2 Snacks Kevin Doan and Refreshments Kevin Doan $75.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Kevin Doan $75.00 Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 400175 2015-2016 Disability Affairs - DRC Open House - Food Preeya Mody Preeya Mody $299.54 Completed 400213 2015-2016 Cabinet - Events - Tableware for Various Events Belinda Rosales Mister Paper $244.75 Completed 400333 2015-2016 Cabinet - Dental Booth - Hand Kevin Doan Sanitizer Zinnia Sotolongo $169.67 Completed 400336 2015-2016 Cabinet - Dental Booth Screening Supplies Kevin Doan Zinnia Sotolongo $145.00 Completed 400528 2015-2016 Education and Affordability Graham Center for Public Service - Streaming Costs Thomas Pyche UF Video and Collaboration Services $180.00 Completed 400572 2015-2016 Cabinet Cosponsorship Gators For Asha - Praharsha Food Kevin Doan Shivashankar Halan $500.00 Completed 400606 2015-2016 Interfaith Affairs - JSU and Cabinet Presents: Rosh Hashanah - Food Mahdi Kassam Brandon Harris $100.00 Completed 400782 2015-2016 Greek Affairs - Greek Networking - Classic Fare Catering Destiny Goede Classic Fare/Gator Dining $0.00 Completed 400784 2015-2016 Greek Affairs - Greek Networking - Publix Supplies Destiny Goede Destiny Goede Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM $100.00 Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 400872 2015-2016 Interfaith Affairs - Eid Banquet - Food Mahdi Kassam Fazal Rahhim $750.00 Completed 400873 2015-2016 Interfaith Affairs - Eid Al-Adha Banquet - Venue Mahdi Kassam Gainesville Women's Club $0.00 Completed 401006 2015-2016 Disability Affairs- Accessibilitly Fair- Supplies Preeya Mody Claudia Luna Completed 401041 2015-2016 Disability Affairs- Accessibilitly Fair- Tables and Chairs Preeya Mody UF Physical Plant Division $0.00 Completed 401101 2015-2016 International Affairs - Futbol and 4Rivers - Catering Melody Zargari 4rivers Smokehouse $527.00 Completed 401140 2015-2016 Disability Affairs- Accessibilitly Fair- Helium Preeya Mody Preeya Mody $26.50 Completed 401173 2015-2016 Career Development - Life After The Swamp - Food Kevin Sardja Classic Fare Catering $82.35 Completed 401324 2015-2016 Orange and Blue - Orange and Elise Engle Blue Day - Supplies Elise Engle $16.70 Completed 401361 2015-2016 Multicultural Affairs- Paving Our Legacy- Food Manh 'Jordan' Nguyen Applebees $254.10 Completed 401408 2015-2016 Multicultural Affairs- National Diversity Awareness Month Tabling- Promotional T Shirts Manh Nguyen Aesthetic Print and Design, Inc. $286.20 Completed 401584 2015-2016 Yes Means Yes Seminar Day 2 Arielle Konen Classic Fare/Gator Dining $67.98 Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM $22.23 Completed Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 401602 2015-2016 Orange and Blue Okenfenokee Oar - Supplies Elise Engle Elise Engle $35.00 Completed 401603 2015-2016 Orange and Blue Homecoming Float - Supplies Elise Engle Elise Engle $142.61 Completed 401650 2015-2016 Cabinet - Tabling - Folding Tables Kevin Doan Kevin Doan $67.55 Completed 401698 2015-2016 Nepalese Student Association - Kevin Doan Nepali Movie Night - Labor J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $27.50 Completed 401708 2015-2016 Nepalese Student Association - Kevin Doan Nepali Movie Night - Screening Cost Kino Lorber $414.50 Completed 401709 2015-2016 Nepalese Student Association - Kevin Doan Nepali Movie Night Advertising Saroj Parajuli $85.49 Completed 401710 2015-2016 Nepalese Student Association - Kevin Doan Nepali Movie Night - Food Classic Fare/Gator Dining $196.25 Completed 401727 2015-2016 Cabinet - Health Professions Day - Grand Ballroom Rental Kevin Doan Event Services- Reitz Union $232.00 Completed 401797 2015-2016 Veterans Affairs - Veterans Walk - Food Randall Martin Classic Fare Catering $604.00 Completed 401798 2015-2016 Veterans Affairs - Veterans Walk - PPD Randall Martin UF Physical Plant Division $0.00 Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Completed Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor 401813 2015-2016 Disability Affairs-Movie Screening-Screening Rights Preeya Mody Tugg Community $232.00 Screenings/Rachel Talbot Completed 401869 2015-2016 Interfaith Affairs - Pins For Pins Mahdi Kassam - Tables and Chairs UF Physical Plant Division $0.00 Completed 401882 2015-2016 Interfaith Affairs - Gender Across Faith- Food Mahdi Kassam Classic Fare/Gator Dining $278.75 Completed 401883 2015-2016 Interfaith Affairs - Gender Across Faith - Venue Mahdi Kassam J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $35.00 Completed 402041 2015-2016 Health Affairs - Mental Health Awareness Week - T-shirts Rachna Sannegowda Alma Mater $763.20 Completed 402139 2015-2016 Health Affairs - Mental Health Awareness Week - Food for Tabling Events Rachna Sannegowda Classic Fare/Gator Dining $264.31 Completed 402140 2015-2016 Health Affairs - Mental Health Awareness Week Multicolored Ribbons Rachna Sannegowda Rachna Sannegowda $18.79 Completed 402142 2015-2016 Health Affairs - Mental Health Awareness Week - Lollipops Rachna Sannegowda Rachna Sannegowda $95.15 Completed 402190 2015-2016 Greek Affairs - All Greek BBQ - Destiny Goede Food 4rivers Smokehouse $469.79 Completed 402193 2015-2016 Greek Affairs - MLP Diversity Affairs Panel - Food Classic Fare Catering $239.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Destiny Goede Total Paid Status Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 402194 2015-2016 Greek Affairs - De-stress with the Greeks and Puppies in the Plaza - Food Destiny Goede Classic Fare Catering $207.50 Completed 402195 2015-2016 Disability Affairs- Mental Health Awareness Week Cookies Preeya Mody Classic Fare/Gator Dining $77.87 Completed 402196 2015-2016 Health Affairs - Mental Health Awareness Week - Tables Rachna Sannegowda UF Physical Plant Division $0.00 Completed 402199 2015-2016 Health Affairs - Mental Health Awareness Week - Facebook Advertisement Rachna Sannegowda Rachna Sannegowda $40.00 Completed 402200 2015-2016 Disability Affairs - Mental Health Awareness Week Banner Preeya Mody Preeya Mody $39.86 Completed 402233 2015-2016 Gator Leadership - Gender Across Leadership - Food Robert Edwards Classic Fare/Gator Dining $151.00 Completed 402249 2015-2016 Health Affairs - Mental Health Awareness Week - Food for Reitz Events Rachna Sannegowda Classic Fare Catering $639.40 Completed 402263 2015-2016 Cabinet - SEC ROTC Trip Atlanta Bus Kevin Doan HOLIDAY COACH LINE $3407.00 Completed 402265 2015-2016 Cabinet - SEC ROTC Trip Atlanta Hotel Kevin Doan Wingate by Windham $3187.84 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title 402510 2015-2016 Gator Leadership - Greater Keenen Vernon Gator Conference - Day 1 Food Classic Fare/Gator Dining $387.91 Completed 402511 2015-2016 Gator Leadership - Greater Keenen Vernon Gator Conference - Day 2 Food Classic Fare/Gator Dining $672.64 Completed 402640 2015-2016 Gator Leadership - Greater Gator Conference - Venue Keenen Vernon Florida Gym $1631.00 Completed 402702 2015-2016 Multicultural Affairs- Lunar New Year Tabling - Food Manh Nguyen Classic Fare Catering $111.91 Completed 402747 2015-2016 Disability Affairs- Accessibility Fair- Food Preeya Mody Classic Fare/Gator Dining $240.00 Completed 402748 2015-2016 Disability Affairs- Accessibility Fair- Tables and Chairs Preeya Mody UF Physical Plant Division $0.00 Completed 402752 2015-2016 Disability Affars- Career Resource Center WorkshopFood Preeya Mody Classic Fare Catering $58.95 Completed 402767 2015-2016 Career Development - CRC Open House - Classic Fare Kevin Sardja Classic Fare Catering $268.50 Completed 402768 2015-2016 Career Development - CRC Open House - Equipment Rental Kevin Sardja Kevin Sardja $185.00 Completed 402772 2015-2016 Manh Nguyen 4imprint $332.77 Completed Multicultural Affairs- Lunar New Year Tabling - Promo items (water bottles) Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 402774 2015-2016 Multicultural Affairs- Lunar New Year Tabling - Program Supplies Manh Nguyen Jessica Nguyen $25.00 Completed 402821 2015-2016 Innovation Academy#WelcomeIA19- Food Oliver Telusma Classic Fare Catering $264.00 Completed 402843 2015-2016 Gator Leadership Cabinet Greater Gator Conference Conference T-shirts Zoe Underill Image Depot Express $866.90 Completed 402991 2015-2016 Graduate and Professional Shani Vizer Industry Connections for STEM Graduate Students - Classic Fare Catering Classic Fare Catering $150.92 Completed 403018 2015-2016 Interfaith Affairs - Smile For Your Faith - Classic Fare Mahdi Kassam Classic Fare/Gator Dining $93.35 Completed 403335 2015-2016 Career Development - Life After the Swamp - Food Kevin Sardja Classic Fare Catering $0.00 Completed 403393 2015-2016 Career Development - Life After the Swamp - Food Pt. 2 Kevin Sardja Classic Fare Catering $35.94 Completed 403399 2015-2016 LGBTQ Student Affairs Valentine's Day Sexual Health Tabling with SHCC - Sexual health resource tabling and Valentine's Day outreach John MacIsaac John MacIsaac $26.97 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 403671 2015-2016 Career Development - Life After the Swamp - Food Pt. 5 Kevin Sardja Classic Fare Catering $0.00 Completed 403752 2015-2016 Career Development - Majors & Minors Fair - Food Kevin Sardja Classic Fare Catering $365.01 Completed 403840 2015-2016 Cabinet - Arrive Alive Drunk/Texting Simulation Kevin Doan UNITE International, LLC $2000.00 Completed 403928 2015-2016 Gator Leadership - Service Event - Food Keenen Vernon Classic Fare/Gator Dining $200.16 Completed 404081 2015-2016 SG Cabinet - Florida Collegiate Kevin Doan Improv Invitational - Rion Ballroom Rental and A/V J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services Completed 404083 2015-2016 Disability Affairs Lizzie Velasquez Screening- Soft Drinks Classic Fare/Gator Dining $76.70 Completed 404084 2015-2016 Multicultural Affairs - Nowrooz Kevin Doan Persian New Year - Food Cosponsorship Classic Fare/Gator Dining $700.00 Completed 404131 2015-2016 Disability Affairs -Lizzie Preeya Mody Velasquez Screening- Popcorn United Rent-All $79.80 Completed 404153 2015-2016 Interfaith Affiairs: UF Holi Festival - Powder Standard Colors, Inc $1942.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Preeya Mody Michael Cizek $443.00 Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 404157 2015-2016 Women's Affairs - Mind Your Health: A Conversation about Gender and Mental Health Food Arielle Konen arielle konen $58.34 Completed 404179 2015-2016 Career Development - Life Kevin Sardja After the Swamp - Professional Pack Kevin Sardja $258.28 Completed 404195 2015-2016 Orange & Blue Gymnastics Spirit Boost: UF vs. UNC Classic Fare Catering $126.00 Completed 404314 2015-2016 Greek Affairs - Greeks Got Destiny Goede Talent - Room Reservation Fee J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $432.00 Completed 404315 2015-2016 Greek Affairs - Greeks Got Talent - Classic Fare Catering Destiny Goede Classic Fare Catering $232.50 Completed 404485 2015-2016 Veterans Affairs - Medal of Honor Day - classic fare catering Randall Martin Classic Fare Catering $148.84 Completed 404488 2015-2016 Graduate & ProfessionalShani Vizer Graduate Student Appreciation Week - Backyard Obstacle Course Spacewalk of Gainesville Rental $335.00 Completed 404519 2015-2016 Cabinet - Legal Professions Day Kevin Doan - Grand Ballroom Rental J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $223.00 Completed 404521 2015-2016 SG Cabinet - Florida Collegiate Kevin Doan Improv Invitational - Banner Ishin Iwasaki $45.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Elise Engle Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 404565 2015-2016 Disability Affairs - Going Beyond Possibilities with Nina G - Speaker Preeya Mody Reitz Union Board $1500.00 Completed 404608 2015-2016 Greek Affairs - Fourth Friday Classic Fare Catering Destiny Goede Classic Fare Catering $176.20 Completed 404645 2015-2016 Multicultural Affairs- Diversity Week Tabling - Food Manh Nguyen Classic Fare/Gator Dining $101.88 Completed 404647 2015-2016 Multicultural Affairs- Diversity Week Tabling - Program Supplies Manh Nguyen Manh Nguyen $41.61 Completed 404736 2015-2016 Nepalese Student Association - Kevin Doan Spring Officer Meet & Greet Supplies + Tools Saroj Parajuli $295.00 Completed 404873 2015-2016 Disability Affairs- Panel- Food Preeya Mody Classic Fare Catering $91.95 Completed 405054 2015-2016 Women's Affairs Cabinet Everybody for Every Body Hyppo Pops Kevin Doan The Hyppo Gainesville $513.50 Completed 405056 2015-2016 Women's Affairs Cabinet Everybody for Every Body Yoga Instructor Kevin Doan Rec Sports $65.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title 405375 Vendor Total Paid Status 2015-2016 Graduate & Proffesional Yolonda Strong Graduate Student Appreciation Week - T-Shirts (Resubmission) Uniq Screen Printing / Sericorp LLC $1782.50 Completed 406143 2015-2016 SG VP Frame Yolonda Strong Picture This Frameshop & $90.80 Gallery Completed 500613 2016-2017 Disability Affairs-DRC Open House-Drinks and Snacks Francine Lederman Francine Lederman $282.29 Completed 500905 2016-2017 Student Life Division - Orange and Blue - #TailGatorTuesdays - Backdrop Donald Mercado StickersBanners, Inc. $141.96 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Requestor Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 604 - THE NAVIGATORS SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor 402024 2015-2016 Great American Square Dance Addison Bailey Student Reimbursement - $49.88 Maddy Grace Black Completed 402026 2015-2016 Christmas Party Food Addison Bailey Student Reimbursement - $100.00 Maddy Grace Black Completed 404091 2015-2016 Spring Banquet Addison Bailey Katie Mayer $99.46 Completed 405563 2015-2016 NavNight Equipment Addison Bailey Amazon $148.39 Completed 405564 2015-2016 TShirt Advertising Addison Bailey Impress Ink $450.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Total Paid Status Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 606 - BSU ( Black Student Union ) SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 305880 2014-2015 ILP Stake Station Event Ashley Aristide Skate Station Funworks $184.00 Completed 305923 2014-2015 LDI Cards Ashley Aristide Target Copy - University Ave $0.00 Completed 305996 2014-2015 Black Thursday Celebration Ashley Aristide Aesthetic Print and Design, Inc. $540.00 Completed 306007 2014-2015 IRHA Cosponsorship Ashley Aristide Creative Advertising $569.93 Completed 306008 2014-2015 BSU Meeting Food Ashley Aristide Classic Fare/Gator Dining $91.50 Completed 400000 2015-2016 Welcome To The Swamp DJ Amairany Hughes Barrington Guthrie Jr $200.00 Completed 400001 2015-2016 Fun in the Sun Pool Party DJ Sochima JamesMbadugha Phillip Frederick Thomas $100.00 Completed 400018 2015-2016 Welcome to the Swamp Food Sochima JamesMbadugha Classic Fare/Gator Dining $147.00 Completed 400053 2015-2016 ILP: Fun In The Sun Amairany Hughes Classic Fare/Gator Dining $0.00 Completed 400057 2015-2016 BSU Cabinet Supplies Matthew Plunkett Displays2Go $283.02 Completed 400091 2015-2016 ILP Event Ashley Aristide Dauer Hall (Jesse Killinger) $0.00 Completed 400092 2015-2016 BSU Supplies Ashley Aristide Target Copy - University Ave $75.00 Completed 400102 2015-2016 ILP Event Amairany Hughes Classic Fare/Gator Dining $90.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 400130 2015-2016 Black Student Assembly DJ Ashley Aristide Phillip Thomas (DJ Olympus) $200.00 Completed 400201 2015-2016 BSA Venue Sochima JamesMbadugha J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $977.60 Completed 400274 2015-2016 F.E.M. Finesse BSA Amairany Hughes Ashley Aristide $44.18 Completed 400314 2015-2016 BSA Shirts Sochima JamesMbadugha Dragonfly Graphics $362.50 Completed 400753 2015-2016 Theme Design for Black History Sochima JamesMonth Mbadugha Creative Advertising $200.00 Completed 400983 2015-2016 BSU Special Events Lip Sync Damien Womble Phillip Thomas (DJ Olympus) $100.00 Completed 400984 2015-2016 BSU Special Events Homecoming Ball DJ Damien Womble Phillip Thomas (DJ Olympus) $125.00 Completed 400985 2015-2016 BSU Office Supplies Damien Womble Mister Paper $110.88 Completed 401019 2015-2016 Black History Month Closing Ceremony Food Sochima JamesMbadugha Classic Fare/Gator Dining $180.00 Completed 401020 2015-2016 Black History Month Opening Ceremony Food Sochima JamesMbadugha Classic Fare/Gator Dining $1249.75 Completed 401021 2015-2016 Black History Month Kick-Off Event Sochima JamesMbadugha Completed 401155 2015-2016 BSU GBM Food Ashley Aristide Classic Fare/Gator Dining $166.77 Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM $47.94 Completed Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 401249 2015-2016 BSU Homecoming Comedy Show Comedian Damien Womble Montee Rodgers $500.00 Completed 401251 2015-2016 BSU Homecoming Comedy Damien Womble Show Comedian Jovan Lawson Jovan Lawson $1000.00 Completed 401252 2015-2016 BSU Homecoming Comedy Damien Womble Show Comedian Jacoby Bruton Jacoby Tyrone Bruton $600.00 Completed 401307 2015-2016 Appreciation Dinner Sochima JamesMbadugha Arredondo Cafe $0.00 Completed 401335 2015-2016 BSU Homecoming Ball Damien Womble Hilton Hotel Gainesville $2318.00 Completed 401410 2015-2016 BSU GBM Food Ashley Aristide Classic Fare/Gator Dining $300.00 Completed 401473 2015-2016 MLK Celebration Venue Damien Womble Grand Ballroom - JWRU $684.30 Completed 401476 2015-2016 Black History Month Opening Ceremony Venue Sochima JamesMbadugha J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $782.00 Completed 401477 2015-2016 Black History Opening Ceremony Month Red Carpet Sochima JamesMbadugha Party Time Rentals $52.47 Completed 401478 2015-2016 UMOJA Room Rental Amairany Hughes Reitz Union JWRU $0.00 Completed 401545 2015-2016 BSU Special Events Lip Sync Equipment Damien Womble UF Physical Plant Division $0.00 Completed 401560 2015-2016 BSU Special Events Lip Sync Stage Damien Womble O'Connell Center $237.45 Completed 401561 2015-2016 BSU Homecoming Comedy Show Equipment Damien Womble J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $35.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 401562 2015-2016 BSU Homecoming Ball Food Damien Womble Tiffany Thompson $458.84 Completed 401690 2015-2016 Black History Month Comedy Show Sochima JamesMbadugha Emerson Alumni Hall $769.50 Completed 401723 2015-2016 FX Fabrics Amairany Hughes Edwin Exaus $403.98 Completed 401904 2015-2016 LDI Freshman Mixer Damien Womble Classic Fare/Gator Dining $46.50 Completed 402097 2015-2016 Black History Month Emerson Alumni Hall Insurance Sochima Mbadugha Tulip $103.00 Completed 402100 2015-2016 Photographer for Black History Sochima JamesMonth Opening Ceremony Mbadugha Ashley Jolicoeur $80.00 Completed 402133 2015-2016 BHM Button Making Social Matthew Plunkett Arts & Crafts Center $37.50 Completed 402143 2015-2016 BSU Meeting Food Matthew Plunkett Classic Fare/Gator Dining $273.37 Completed 402179 2015-2016 Black History Month Advertising Sochima JamesMbadugha City of Gainesville RTS $0.00 Completed 402253 2015-2016 BSU Fall Umoja Damien Womble Classic Fare Catering $127.12 Completed 402255 2015-2016 BSU Fall Umoja Supplies Damien Womble Oriental Trading $69.61 Completed 402269 2015-2016 FX DJ Amairany Hughes Jeff Pierre $200.00 Completed 402335 2015-2016 Black History Month Comedy Show Comedians Sochima JamesMbadugha Richard D. Reynolds $5850.00 Completed 402336 2015-2016 BHM Kick-Off DJ Sochima JamesMbadugha Phillip Thomas (DJ Olympus) $100.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 402338 2015-2016 BHM Comedy Show DJ Sochima JamesMbadugha Phillip Thomas (DJ Olympus) $100.00 Completed 402339 2015-2016 Black History Month Yard Signs Sochima JamesMbadugha Target Copy - Archer Rd $250.00 Completed 402628 2015-2016 MLK Celebration Performers Ashley Aristide Black On Black Rhyme LLC / Ebony PayneEnglish $475.00 Completed 402633 2015-2016 BSU Event Food Ashley Aristide Classic Fare/Gator Dining $53.91 Completed 402634 2015-2016 BHM Concert Ashley Aristide 427 Music LLC. f.s.o. K Camp $15000.00 Completed 402635 2015-2016 Black History Month Promotions Board Sochima JamesMbadugha Amazon $118.86 Completed 402662 2015-2016 Black History Month Promotional Items Sochima JamesMbadugha Creative Advertising $2815.46 Completed 402728 2015-2016 BHM Kick Off Event Sochima JamesMbadugha Space Walk of Gainesville $1165.00 Completed 402775 2015-2016 Movie on the lawn Matthew Plunkett Stephen C. O'Connell Center (David Rollins) $0.00 Completed 402776 2015-2016 BHM Kick-Off Matthew Plunkett UF Physical Plant Division $0.00 Completed 402834 2015-2016 BHM Movie on the Lawn Copyrights Matthew Plunkett Swank Motion Pictures Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM $1070.25 Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor 402845 2015-2016 FISS fest Bounce House Amairany Hughes Bounce With Us Inflatable $315.00 Party Rentals Completed 402850 2015-2016 BSU Skate Station Event Ashley Aristide Skate Station Funworks $300.00 Completed 402926 2015-2016 BHM Programs Ashley Aristide Target Copy - University Ave $0.00 Completed 402933 2015-2016 FISS Fest DJ Amairany Hughes Jeff Pierre $400.00 Completed 402934 2015-2016 FISS fest Advertising Ashley Aristide Magic 101.3 WTMG-FM $1500.00 Completed 402966 2015-2016 BHM Table Centerpieces Sochima JamesMbadugha Ebony Love $130.36 Completed 403057 2015-2016 Opening Ceremony Matthew Plunkett Classic Fare Catering $0.00 Completed 403151 2015-2016 BHM Booklets Sochima JamesMbadugha Creative Advertising $653.87 Completed 403205 2015-2016 FX Venue Ashley Aristide Stephen C. O'Connell Center (David Rollins) $9047.16 Completed 403206 2015-2016 Black Appreciation Dinner Matthew Plunkett Classic Fare/Gator Dining $249.56 Completed 403216 2015-2016 FX Lighting Amairany Hughes K-24 Lighting Company $3000.00 Completed 403406 2015-2016 BHM Funworks Social Sochima JamesMbadugha Skate Station Funworks $171.00 Completed 403500 2015-2016 FX TShirts Amairany Hughes Aesthetic Print & Design Inc $171.00 Completed 403623 2015-2016 Movie Screening Ashley Aristide Stephen O'Connell Center $346.04 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Total Paid Status Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 403624 2015-2016 Yard Sign Stilts Ashley Aristide Target Copy - Archer Rd $0.00 Completed 403630 2015-2016 Mr. & Mrs. BSU Pageant DJ Damien Womble Phillip Thomas (DJ Olympus) $75.00 Completed 403678 2015-2016 FISS Kick-Off Food Amairany Hughes Classic Fare Catering $296.01 Completed 403715 2015-2016 FISS Fest Chairs and Tables Amairany Hughes UF Physical Plant Division $0.00 Completed 403772 2015-2016 LDI Event Venue Ashley Aristide J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $91.00 Completed 403797 2015-2016 FISS Fest Sound Amairany Hughes Everyman Sound Company Inc $780.00 Completed 403884 2015-2016 FISS fest food Sochima JamesMbadugha Classic Fare/Gator Dining $394.98 Completed 403912 2015-2016 FISS Fest Advertising Amairany Hughes IRHA $0.00 Completed 403916 2015-2016 FX Food Amairany Hughes Ashley Aristide $150.00 Completed 404197 2015-2016 Mr. and Mrs. BSU Pageant Venue Damien Womble J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $718.00 Completed 404386 2015-2016 Finesse Showcase Amairany Hughes J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $602.00 Completed 404767 2015-2016 BSU Game Night Ashley Aristide Reitz Union Game Room $52.42 Completed 404769 2015-2016 BSU Game Night Food Ashley Aristide Classic Fare/Gator Dining $457.69 Completed 404874 2015-2016 FACES Spring Show Staging Amairany Hughes Bunt Backline Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM $2740.00 Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 404875 2015-2016 FACES Spring Show Venue Amairany Hughes J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $1032.60 Completed 404878 2015-2016 FACES Spring Show DJ Amairany Hughes Phillip Thomas (DJ Olympus) $115.00 Completed 404881 2015-2016 FACES Spring Show Flyers Amairany Hughes Flyer Studios Inc. $75.00 Completed 404933 2015-2016 BSU Cosponsership Food Ashley Aristide Classic Fare/Gator Dining $288.80 Completed 404963 2015-2016 The Black Community Awards DJ Sochima JamesMbadugha Phillip Thomas (DJ Olympus) $125.00 Completed 405377 2015-2016 BSU Photography Ashley Aristide Shaunice McFadden $100.00 Completed 405491 2015-2016 Black Community Awards Venue Sochima JamesMbadugha Event Services- Reitz Union $785.00 Completed 405498 2015-2016 LDI Banquet Venue Damien Womble J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $0.00 Completed 405522 2015-2016 Black Community Awards Performer Sochima JamesMbadugha Ryan C. Reid $2000.00 Completed 405526 2015-2016 Black Community Awards Decorations Sochima JamesMbadugha Shamaha Noel $165.43 Completed 405642 2015-2016 FACES End of the Year Celebration Ashley Aristide Classic Fare/Gator Dining $115.82 Completed 405774 2015-2016 Black Student Union T-Shirts Dwayne Fletcher Creative Advertising $497.00 Completed 405775 2015-2016 BSU Promotional Items Dwayne Fletcher Creative Advertising $1389.69 Completed 405777 2015-2016 BSU Fliers Dwayne Fletcher Target Copy $119.05 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 406155 2015-2016 BSU Comedy Show Dwayne Fletcher Richbroke Entertainment $14000.00 Completed 406237 2015-2016 BSU Comedy Show Reginald Lane Classic Fare Catering $1197.35 Completed 406238 2015-2016 BSU Comedy Show Reginald Lane J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $433.00 Completed 406239 2015-2016 BSU Comedy Show Reginald Lane Phillip Thomas (DJ Olympus) $200.00 Completed 500022 2016-2017 Black Student Assembly DJ Dwayne Fletcher Phillip Thomas (DJ Olympus) $175.00 Completed 500042 2016-2017 Breaking The LDIce (Food) Dwayne Fletcher Nyasha Joseph $29.08 Completed 500044 2016-2017 Welcome To The Swamp DJ Dwayne Fletcher Barrington Guthrie Jr $130.00 Completed 500048 2016-2017 Welcome To The Swamp Food Dwayne Fletcher Classic Fare/Gator Dining $113.45 Completed 500260 2016-2017 BSA Flyers Dwayne Fletcher Target Copy - University Ave $75.00 Completed 500273 2016-2017 Tabling T-shirts Dwayne Fletcher Creative Advertising $1050.00 Completed 500274 2016-2017 Black Student Union Promotional Items Dwayne Fletcher Creative Advertising $1675.00 Completed 500279 2016-2017 Backpack to Success Bounce House Dwayne Fletcher Space Walk of Gainesville $235.00 Completed 500281 2016-2017 BSU Promotional Items Dwayne Fletcher Creative Advertising $2044.91 Completed 500376 2016-2017 Black Student Assembly Items Dwayne Fletcher Creative Advertising $665.83 Completed 500377 2016-2017 FEM Finesse BSA Outfits Dwayne Fletcher Briana Williams $238.20 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title 500491 Vendor Total Paid Status 2016-2017 Black Student Assembly Venue Dwayne Fletcher J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $939.10 Completed 500528 2016-2017 Black Student Assembly Host Dwayne Fletcher Johnny Guyton $175.00 Completed 500529 2016-2017 Black Student Assembly Host 2 Dwayne Fletcher Joshua Guyton $175.00 Completed 500786 2016-2017 Homecoming Lip Sync DJ Barrington Guthrie, Jr. (DJ $200.00 Magnum) Completed 500793 2016-2017 Homecoming Comedian (Barry Dwayne Fletcher Naylor) Abstract Elements Management Agency $450.00 Completed 500810 2016-2017 Homecoming Ball DJ Dwayne Fletcher Barrington Guthrie, Jr. (DJ $200.00 Magnum) Completed 500817 2016-2017 Homecoming Comedy Show (Scott Haynes) Dwayne Fletcher Scott Haynes $800.00 Completed 500819 2016-2017 Homecoming Comedy Show (Antwon Robinson) Dwayne Fletcher Antwon Robinson $950.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Requestor Dwayne Fletcher Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 607 - MOCK TRIAL TEAM SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 400540 2015-2016 AMTA dues for Mock Trial Stanley Beckerdite PCARD $1600.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 608 - PHDMOMS SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 305842 2014-2015 Summer Forum - PhDMoms Adrienne Gauna Geraldine Klarenberg $303.39 Completed 305857 2014-2015 Professional Development Workshop - PhDMoms Adrienne Gauna Geraldine Klarenberg $94.00 Completed 305887 2014-2015 Promo Items - PhDMoms Adrienne Gauna ePromos $463.96 Completed 305970 2014-2015 PhDMoms - general ops Geraldine Klarenberg Geraldine Klarenberg $54.01 Completed 400138 2015-2016 Welcome event - inflatable Geraldine Klarenberg Spacewalk of Gainesville Rental $260.00 Completed 400151 2015-2016 Decorations for Welcome Kirsten Hecht Kirsten Hecht $149.15 Completed 400172 2015-2016 Welcome event - face paint Geraldine Klarenberg Fabulous Faces Entertainment $370.00 Completed 400173 2015-2016 Welcome event advertising/promos (bags) Geraldine Klarenberg Geraldine Klarenberg $344.50 Completed 400177 2015-2016 Welcome event - food Geraldine Klarenberg Kirsten Hecht $343.44 Completed 402430 2015-2016 Food for Fall Academic Workshop Kirsten Hecht Kirsten Hecht $42.81 Completed 404264 2015-2016 Coffee/Snacks for writing group Kirsten Hecht Norma Flor $45.00 Completed 406036 2015-2016 Time Management Workshop Kirsten Hecht Kirsten Hecht $0.00 Completed 406175 2015-2016 Promo Items Kirsten Hecht ePromos $495.57 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 406178 2015-2016 General Supplies Kirsten Hecht Kirsten Hecht $78.16 Completed 406215 2015-2016 Game Room Rental for Kirsten Hecht Networking Social Cohosted by LOGRAS to help bridge the gap between grad student organizations. Reitz Union Game Room $234.91 Completed 406216 2015-2016 Food for Networking Social at Reitz Game Room Kirsten Hecht Classic Fare Catering $119.51 Completed 406223 2015-2016 Decorations and Supplies for Networking Social Kirsten Hecht Kirsten Hecht $75.53 Completed 406235 2015-2016 FB Ad for Networking Social Kirsten Hecht Kirsten Hecht $0.00 Completed 406236 2015-2016 Stickers Kirsten Hecht http://www.standoutstick $172.00 Completed 500175 2016-2017 Facebook ad for welcome event Norsazilawati Saad Kirsten Hecht $38.95 Completed 500176 2016-2017 Promo water bottles for welcome Norsazilawati Saad EPromos $333.00 Completed 500233 2016-2017 Inflatables and Generator Kirsten Hecht Spacewalk of Gainesville Rental $300.00 Completed 500245 2016-2017 Decorations Kirsten Hecht Oriental Trading $151.24 Completed 500293 2016-2017 Facepainters Kirsten Hecht Fabulous Faces Entertainment $500.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 500337 2016-2017 Arts and Craft Supplies Norsazilawati Saad Kirsten Hecht $28.52 Completed 500339 2016-2017 Food for the welcome event Norsazilawati Saad Kirsten Hect $318.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 609 - Gators for ASHA SAR Fiscal Year Title 400638 Vendor Total Paid Status 2015-2016 Praharsha '15 - Room rent and Shivashankar Halan lighting charges J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $965.00 Completed 400640 2015-2016 Praharsha '15 - Decorations and Posters Shivashankar Halan Shivashankar Halan $292.90 Completed 400641 2015-2016 Praharsha '15 - Food Shivashankar Halan Classic Fare Catering $200.00 Completed 400642 2015-2016 Praharsha '15 - Advertising Shivashankar Halan Shivashankar Halan $120.38 Completed 401291 2015-2016 Food for biweekly meeting Shivashankar Halan Shivashankar Halan $28.74 Completed 403157 2015-2016 Food for biweekly meeting on 29 Jan Anand Radhakrishnan Anand Radhakrishnan $32.49 Completed 403162 2015-2016 Food for biweekly meeting on Feb 12th Anand Radhakrishnan Anand Radhakrishnan $23.66 Completed 403381 2015-2016 Food for biweekly meeting on 26th Feb Anand Radhakrishnan Anand Radhakrishnan $25.69 Completed 403382 2015-2016 Food for biweekly meeting on 11th March Anand Radhakrishnan Anand Radhakrishnan $15.59 Completed 403837 2015-2016 Movie screening Anand Radhakrishnan Criterion Pictures USA $550.00 Completed 404279 2015-2016 Purchase of DVD for screening Anand Radhakrishnan Anand Radhakrishnan $18.71 Completed 404280 2015-2016 Labor charges for movie screening Anand Radhakrishnan Event Services- Reitz Union $33.00 Completed 405674 2015-2016 Honorarium for Coaches Anand Radhakrishnan Richard Swenson $100.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Requestor Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 405677 2015-2016 Honorarium for running coaches Anand Radhakrishnan Dana Moser $100.00 Completed 500417 2016-2017 Food for biweekly meeting on 09/02 Anand Radhakrishnan Anand Radhakrishnan $28.32 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 610 - CAMPUS ALIVE SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 305784 2014-2015 Summer Events Angie Pierre Kattyana Adrien $329.61 Completed 401313 2015-2016 Balloon Day Kattyana Adrien Kattyana Adrien $154.04 Completed 401317 2015-2016 Balloon Day pt2 Kattyana Adrien Kattyana Adrien $62.82 Completed 403760 2015-2016 GlowFest '16 Angie Pierre Felicia Metellus $904.61 Completed 404030 2015-2016 GlowFest '16 DJ Kattyana Adrien Phillip Thomas (DJ Olympus) $150.00 Completed 404151 2015-2016 GlowFest '16 Pt.2 Kattyana Adrien Event Services- Reitz Union $235.00 Completed 406041 2015-2016 Extreme Field Day Angie Pierre Felicia Metellus $595.29 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 611 - CHI ALPHA SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 305924 2014-2015 Summer WOW Week Food Rachel Everhart Gabrielle Ueberroth $33.33 Completed 305948 2014-2015 Promotional Pens Rachel Everhart Gabrielle Ueberroth $116.49 Completed 305949 2014-2015 Regular Meeting Materials/Equipment Rachel Everhart Gabrielle Ueberroth $75.06 Completed 400188 2015-2016 WOW Week- Game Night Food/Supplies Rachel Everhart Rachel Everhart $71.49 Completed 400189 2015-2016 WOW Week- Midnight Breakfast Supplies Rachel Everhart Rachel Everhart $53.30 Completed 400190 2015-2016 WOW Week- Ice Cream Social Supplies Rachel Everhart Rachel Everhart $19.18 Completed 400192 2015-2016 WOW Week- Field Day Supplies Rachel Everhart Rachel Everhart $81.51 Completed 400438 2015-2016 After Event with Pizza (Dance Party) Rachel Everhart Rachel Everhart $55.99 Completed 400890 2015-2016 Guitar Stands Rachel Everhart Rachel Everhart $31.75 Completed 400892 2015-2016 Dodgeball Event Rachel Everhart Rachel Everhart $40.96 Completed 401266 2015-2016 Invite Cards Rachel Everhart Rachel Everhart $27.74 Completed 401579 2015-2016 New Cables Rachel Everhart Rachel Everhart $42.61 Completed 402021 2015-2016 Bonfire Supplies Rachel Everhart Rachel Everhart $34.77 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 402022 2015-2016 Chord Bag Rachel Everhart Rachel Everhart $31.79 Completed 402039 2015-2016 Amps Rachel Everhart Rachel Everhart $254.38 Completed 402205 2015-2016 Promotional Buttons Rachel Everhart Rachel Everhart $148.00 Completed 402685 2015-2016 Pizza After Event Rachel Everhart Rachel Everhart $67.99 Completed 403217 2015-2016 Minute to Win It Game Night Rachel Everhart Rachel Everhart $15.77 Completed 403597 2015-2016 Paint Rachel Everhart Rachel Everhart $35.00 Completed 403921 2015-2016 Dodgeball Rachel Everhart Rachel Everhart $90.68 Completed 404170 2015-2016 Speakers/Name Badges Rachel Everhart Rachel Everhart $142.58 Completed 405255 2015-2016 Summer Invite Cards Rachel Everhart $90.00 Completed 405614 2015-2016 Summer A Pizza Night Rachel Everhart Latrice Reid $47.99 Completed 405615 2015-2016 Summer A Game Night Rachel Everhart Latrice Reid $29.50 Completed 405616 2015-2016 Fall Preview Flyers Rachel Everhart $135.00 Completed 405620 2015-2016 Extra Supplies Rachel Everhart Latrice Reid $59.05 Completed 405973 2015-2016 Stadium Cups Rachel Everhart Cathy Helton / Business Promotions Unlimited $148.95 Completed 500336 2016-2017 Bowling WOW Bianca Munoz Reitz Union Game Room $90.60 Completed 500355 2016-2017 Week of Welcome Fall 2016 Bianca Munoz Bianca M. Munoz $317.91 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 612 - HIC ( Humanitarian Interaction on Campus ) SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 400384 2015-2016 STF Promo items Samantha Hernandez Samantha Hernandez $550.17 Completed 400535 2015-2016 FFL GBM 1 Food Anthi Madalvanos Anthi Madalvanos $36.91 Completed 400621 2015-2016 CBOB Tabling Silleta Activity Ximena Ramirez Alexa Moore $43.86 Completed 400625 2015-2016 CBOB Lake Wauburg Social Ximena Ramirez Alexa Moore $88.74 Completed 400862 2015-2016 CBOB Tabling & 2nd GBM Ximena Ramirez Alexa Moore $43.78 Completed 400863 2015-2016 FFL - 2ND GBM FOOD Anthi Madalvanos Anthi Madalvanos $30.00 Completed 400865 2015-2016 AB- Pizza for 9/30 Meeting Tyler Selig Tyler Selig $21.20 Completed 401086 2015-2016 Gators for Unicef - trick or treat Chloe Bennett cards Chloé Bennett $40.00 Completed 401154 2015-2016 HTW- GBM Cindy Oliver Cindy Oliver $20.50 Completed 401298 2015-2016 FFL- Hearts for the Holidays Supplies Anthi Madalvanos Anthi Madalvanos $169.86 Completed 401315 2015-2016 RCG- Boca Fiesta Social Food Sathwik Madireddy Sathwik Madireddy $35.23 Completed 401316 2015-2016 RCG- Measles Buckets, Paint, Brushes Sathwik Madireddy Sathwik Madireddy $37.70 Completed 401363 2015-2016 CBOB- 3rd GBM Ximena Ramirez Alexa Moore $26.99 Completed 401485 2015-2016 Gators for UNICEF- Tarp & Tape Chloe Bennett Chloé Bennett $13.42 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 401627 2015-2016 Gators for UNICEF- 5th GBM food Chloe Bennett Chloé Bennett $25.52 Completed 401789 2015-2016 STF Movie Night Social Samantha Hernandez Samantha Hernandez $47.06 Completed 401803 2015-2016 CBOB Pins and Stickers Ximena Ramirez Ximena Ramirez $37.10 Completed 401890 2015-2016 Hunger Awareness Day -Social Ximena Ramirez Awareness Ximena Ramirez $104.48 Completed 401897 2015-2016 Hunger Awareness Day Buttons Ximena Ramirez Ximena Ramirez $20.00 Completed 401912 2015-2016 STF pottery painting Samantha Hernandez JWRU Event Services $36.00 Completed 402001 2015-2016 STF Awareness Board Victoria Suarez Samantha Hernandez $32.54 Completed 402242 2015-2016 Hearts for the Holidays Supplies - FFL Anthi Madalvanos Anthi Madalvanos $73.14 Completed 402243 2015-2016 Painting for Patients Supplies - Anthi Madalvanos FFL Anthi Madalvanos $18.97 Completed 402778 2015-2016 Gators for UNICEF- Awareness Pins Chloe Bennett Chloé Bennett $48.00 Completed 403015 2015-2016 FFL- 1st Spring GBM Food Anthi Madalvanos Anthi Madalvanos $25.15 Completed 403058 2015-2016 Athlete Brain - Banner Tyler Selig Tyler Selig $130.00 Completed 403186 2015-2016 FFL 2ND GBM FOOD Anthi Madalvanos Anthi Madalvanos $25.15 Completed 403202 2015-2016 Red Cross Gators First GBM Nadine El Komy Sathwik Madireddy $44.49 Completed 403274 2015-2016 STF S'mores Social Victoria Suarez Victoria Suarez $20.86 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 403299 2015-2016 HTW 2nd GBM 45-50 People Cindy Oliver Cindy Oliver $35.51 Completed 403384 2015-2016 Cafe con Leche Social Ximena Ramirez Ximena Ramirez $17.85 Completed 403424 2015-2016 STF Executive Board Name Tags Victoria Suarez Victoria Suarez $51.17 Completed 403425 2015-2016 STF Awareness Tablecloth Victoria Suarez Victoria Suarez $45.54 Completed 403606 2015-2016 Gators for UNICEF- Awareness Chloe Bennett Chloé Bennett $29.96 Completed 403609 2015-2016 Gatos for UNICEF- Tie Dying Awareness Chloe Bennett Jobi Bieluch $30.00 Completed 403612 2015-2016 Gators for UNICEF- 34th Street Chloe Bennett Wall Painting Chloé Bennett $50.00 Completed 403882 2015-2016 FFL- Hearts for the Holidays Supplies Anthi Madalvanos Anthi Madalvanos $32.83 Completed 403890 2015-2016 CBOB 4th GBM Ximena Ramirez Ximena Ramirez $39.31 Completed 403891 2015-2016 CWOB Social Event Ximena Ramirez Ximena Ramirez $5.18 Completed 403932 2015-2016 STF Retreat Shirts Victoria Suarez Victoria Suarez $277.60 Completed 403983 2015-2016 FFL Chomp Cancer Carnival Inflatables Rental Anthi Madalvanos Spacewalk of Gainesville Rental $515.00 Completed 404092 2015-2016 CBOB- Zumbathon Ximena Ramirez Ximena Ramirez $494.17 Completed 404093 2015-2016 CBOB- Zumbathon Supplies Ximena Ramirez Ximena Ramirez $59.28 Completed 404214 2015-2016 Athlete Brain - Scoot Safe Pens Tyler Selig Sarah Greif $519.35 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 404216 2015-2016 Athlete Brain - Website Renewal Fee Tyler Selig Tyler Selig $15.50 Completed 404266 2015-2016 Gators for UNICEF- Tap Project Chloe Bennett GBM Food Jobi Bieluch $46.45 Completed 404268 2015-2016 Gators for UNICEF- World Water Week Awareness Chloe Bennett Jobi Bieluch $48.41 Completed 404318 2015-2016 HTW 3rd GBM 45 people Cindy Oliver Cindy Oliver $39.87 Completed 404320 2015-2016 STF Tie Dye Socks Social Victoria Suarez Victoria Suarez $79.41 Completed 404360 2015-2016 CHISPAS- Food for Silent Art Auction Lucero Ruballos Kabeel Dosani $25.98 Completed 404363 2015-2016 STF Wall Painting Victoria Suarez Victoria Suarez $42.14 Completed 404370 2015-2016 CHISPAS- Decoration for Talent Lucero Ruballos Show Sarai Chavarria $20.14 Completed 404403 2015-2016 STF Official Step & Repeat Backdrop Victoria Suarez Victoria Suarez $200.00 Completed 404404 2015-2016 STF Malala Movie Night Victoria Suarez Victoria Suarez $26.36 Completed 404406 2015-2016 STF Appreciation Picnic Victoria Suarez Victoria Suarez $67.40 Completed 404409 2015-2016 Gators for UNICEF- Tap Project Chloe Bennett GBM Flyers Target Copy - University Ave $55.00 Completed 404762 2015-2016 FFL GBM Food Anthi Madalvanos Anthi Madalvanos $49.42 Completed 404763 2015-2016 FFL- Chomp Cancer Carnival Supplies Anthi Madalvanos Anthi Madalvanos $299.53 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 404765 2015-2016 Chomp Cancer Carnival Supplies Anthi Madalvanos Anthi Madalvanos $164.20 Completed 404766 2015-2016 FFL- Chomp Cancer Carnival Supplies Anthi Madalvanos Anthi Madalvanos $294.50 Completed 404768 2015-2016 FFL Cancer Awareness Week Supplies Anthi Madalvanos Anthi Madalvanos $48.50 Completed 404841 2015-2016 CBOB- Zumbathon Supplies and Posters Ximena Ramirez Ximena Ramirez $115.49 Completed 404904 2015-2016 Gators for UNICEF- Relay for Life Social Food Chloe Bennett Jobi Bieluch $24.41 Completed 404905 2015-2016 Gators for UNICEF- GBM Food Chloe Bennett Classic Fare Catering $46.98 Completed 405214 2015-2016 FFL Last GBM Food Anthi Madalvanos Anthi Madalvanos $49.76 Completed 405339 2015-2016 Soccer Tournament Materials Lucero Ruballos Michael Reyes $178.32 Completed 405348 2015-2016 Gators for UNICEFInternational Food Night Chloe Bennett Jobi Bieluch $6.00 Completed 405349 2015-2016 Gators for UNICEFInternational Food Night Food Chloe Bennett Jobi Bieluch $50.97 Completed 405410 2015-2016 STF Awareness Stickers Victoria Suarez Victoria Suarez $130.65 Completed 405537 2015-2016 CBOB End of Year Social Ximena Ramirez Ximena Ramirez $83.36 Completed 405578 2015-2016 Graduation Stoles for CHISPAS Dafne Jacobs Dafne Jacobs $162.00 Completed 500663 2016-2017 CBOB First Fall GBM Liana Grantges $10.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Liana Grantges Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 500707 2016-2017 STF Director Retreat Victoria Suarez Victoria Suarez $99.31 Completed 500781 2016-2017 STF Shrinky Dinks Social Victoria Suarez Victoria Suarez $60.86 Completed 500789 2016-2017 1st GBM Food Hannah Korah Hannah Korah $50.00 Completed 500867 2016-2017 FFL Printing Photos for Posters Hannah Korah Hannah Korah $9.84 Completed 500935 2016-2017 STF Movie Social Victoria Suarez $49.64 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Victoria Suarez Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 613 - CAMPUS CRUSADE FOR CHRIST SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 400345 2015-2016 CRU Meeting at the Phillips Cen Daniel Urban Curtis M. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts $3075.49 Completed 400348 2015-2016 Grand Ballroom Dance Party Daniel Urban J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $175.00 Completed 400349 2015-2016 CRU meeting at the Phillips Center Daniel Urban Curtis M. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts $2228.25 Completed 400462 2015-2016 CRU Main Meeting Daniel Urban The University Auditorium $1739.88 Completed 400893 2015-2016 CRU Meetings Daniel Urban The University Auditorium $2600.00 Completed 402158 2015-2016 The Veritas Forum Daniel Urban Curtis M. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts $4866.63 Completed 402621 2015-2016 CRU Meeting in the University Auditorium Daniel Urban The University Auditorium $2700.63 Completed 402621 2015-2016 CRU Meeting in the University Auditorium Daniel Urban The University Auditorium $2700.63 Completed 403651 2015-2016 Cru Freshman Meeting Food Dana Roberson Classic Fare Catering $302.00 Completed 405736 2015-2016 Perishable Goods Dana Roberson $679.32 Completed 500014 2016-2017 Cru Weeks of Welcome Dance Robby DeCola Event Services- Reitz Union $197.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 614 - FLORIDA PLAYERS SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 400415 2015-2016 The Pillowman: Props, Sets, Costumes Melanie Sholl School of Theatre and Dance $929.58 Completed 400416 2015-2016 The Pillowman: Space Rental Melanie Sholl Curtis M. Philips Center for the Performing Arts $4540.57 Completed 400417 2015-2016 The Pillowman: Posters Melanie Sholl Target Copy - University Ave $24.20 Completed 400418 2015-2016 The Pillowman: Programs Melanie Sholl Target Copy - University Ave $94.10 Completed 400419 2015-2016 The Pillowman: Toast Melanie Sholl Michael Ortiz $56.47 Completed 400420 2015-2016 The Pillowman: Scripts Melanie Sholl Dramatists Play Service, Inc. $112.80 Completed 400421 2015-2016 The Pillowman: Performance Rights Melanie Sholl Dramatists Play Service, Inc. $500.00 Completed 400423 2015-2016 Thank God For AIDS: Props, Sets, Costumes Melanie Sholl Lauren Kennedy $431.85 Completed 400444 2015-2016 Thank God For AIDS: Space Rental Melanie Sholl School of Theatre and Dance $1000.00 Completed 400445 2015-2016 Thank God For AIDS: Posters Melanie Sholl Target Copy - University Ave $24.20 Completed 400446 2015-2016 Thank God For AIDS: Programs Melanie Sholl Target Copy - University Ave $94.50 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 400447 2015-2016 Thank God For AIDS: Toast Melanie Sholl Michael Ortiz $55.32 Completed 400832 2015-2016 Floridance: Advertising for Katie Mills Floridance Fall 2015 Production Target Copy - University Ave $198.05 Completed 400837 2015-2016 Shakespeare: Scripts Melanie Sholl Broadway Play Publishing $85.65 INC. Completed 400838 2015-2016 Shakespeare: Performance Rights Melanie Sholl Broadway Play Publishing $250.00 INC. Completed 401060 2015-2016 Shakespeare: Props, Sets, Costumes Melanie Sholl Lauren Kennedy $775.64 Completed 401061 2015-2016 Shakespeare: Space Rental Melanie Sholl Curtis M. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts $4231.63 Completed 401062 2015-2016 Shakespeare: Posters Melanie Sholl Target Copy - University Ave $24.20 Completed 401063 2015-2016 Shakespeare: Programs Melanie Sholl Target Copy - University Ave $94.40 Completed 401064 2015-2016 Shakespeare: Toast Melanie Sholl Michael Ortiz $43.61 Completed 401158 2015-2016 Floridance: Phillips Center, Fall 2015 Katie Mills Curtis M. Phillips Center $3917.23 Completed 402450 2015-2016 Melancholy Play: Props, Sets, Costumes Melanie Sholl Lauren Kennedy $580.16 Completed 402451 2015-2016 Melancholy Play: Space Rental Melanie Sholl Curtis M. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts $4499.69 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 402452 2015-2016 Melancholy Play: Posters Melanie Sholl Target Copy - University Ave $24.20 Completed 402453 2015-2016 Melancholy Play: Programs Melanie Sholl Target Copy - University Ave $93.65 Completed 402454 2015-2016 Melancholy Play: Toast Melanie Sholl Michael Ortiz $41.81 Completed 402455 2015-2016 Melancholy Play: Scripts Melanie Sholl Samuel French $108.50 Completed 402456 2015-2016 Melancholy Play: Performance Rights Melanie Sholl Samuel French $1950.00 Completed 402467 2015-2016 Only You: Props, Sets, Costumes Melanie Sholl Lauren Kennedy $575.91 Completed 402468 2015-2016 Only You: Space Rental Melanie Sholl Curtis M. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts $3808.38 Completed 402469 2015-2016 Only You: Posters Melanie Sholl Target Copy - University Ave $25.00 Completed 402470 2015-2016 Only You: Programs Melanie Sholl Target Copy - University Ave $94.50 Completed 402471 2015-2016 Only You: Toast Melanie Sholl Michael Ortiz $55.38 Completed 402472 2015-2016 Only You: Scripts Melanie Sholl Dramatists Play Service, Inc. $103.80 Completed 402473 2015-2016 Only You: Performance Rights Melanie Sholl Dramatists Play Service, Inc. $400.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 402884 2015-2016 Floridance: Advertising for Floridance Spring 2016 Production Katie Mills Target Copy - University Ave $198.95 Completed 402885 2015-2016 Floridance: Phillips Center Spring 2016 Katie Mills Curtis M. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts $4460.13 Completed 402946 2015-2016 In the Heights: Performance Rights Melanie Sholl The Rodgers and Hammerstein Organization $1718.50 Completed 402947 2015-2016 In the Heights: Props, Sets, Costumes Melanie Sholl Lauren Kennedy $1162.62 Completed 402948 2015-2016 In the Heights: Posters Melanie Sholl Target Copy - University Ave $24.59 Completed 402949 2015-2016 In the Heights: Programs Melanie Sholl Target Copy - University Ave $94.35 Completed 402950 2015-2016 In the Heights: Toast Melanie Sholl Michael Ortiz $60.00 Completed 402951 2015-2016 In the Heights: Space Rental Melanie Sholl School of Theatre and Dance $1000.00 Completed 403821 2015-2016 In the Heights: Accompanease Melanie Sholl Realtime Music Solutions $325.00 Completed 403822 2015-2016 In the Heights: MT Pit Melanie Sholl The MT Pit $650.00 Completed 404801 2015-2016 Master Class: Lighting Melanie Sholl Dalton Brand Hamilton $550.00 Completed 404851 2015-2016 Annual Storage Michele Williams Interstate mini storage $1284.00 Completed 404945 2015-2016 End of the Year Gathering Food Melanie Sholl Michael Ortiz $130.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 405548 2015-2016 Yearbooks Melanie Sholl Mako Horikoshi $91.07 Completed 405637 2015-2016 Website Renewal for 2016-17 Year Melanie Sholl Marcus Ball $23.35 Completed 405786 2015-2016 Annual Storage: Remaining Balance Melanie Sholl Interstate mini storage $360.39 Completed 500235 2016-2017 All New People: Performance Rights Melanie Sholl Dramatists Play Service, Inc. $500.00 Completed 500236 2016-2017 All New People: Scripts Melanie Sholl Dramatists Play Service, Inc. $79.00 Completed 500251 2016-2017 4.48 Psychosis: Scripts Melanie Sholl $118.62 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 617 - IRHA (Inter-Residence Hall Association) SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor 305767 2014-2015 Food for Chicken and Puppies Event Gabrielle Bork Classic Fare/Gator Dining $75.50 Completed 305768 2014-2015 Food for Field Day Event Gabrielle Bork Classic Fare/Gator Dining $98.50 Completed 305840 2014-2015 Food for Summer A IRHA Meeting Gabrielle Bork Classic Fare Catering $191.75 Completed 305856 2014-2015 Shaving Cream Fight Supplies Gabrielle Bork Dollar Tree $600.00 Completed 305865 2014-2015 Scanner for Activity Cards Gabrielle Bork Amazon $120.19 Completed 305876 2014-2015 Food for Lake Wauburg Social Gabrielle Bork Jacqueline Phillips $49.51 Completed 305905 2014-2015 No Frills Travel and Registration Gabrielle Bork UF Department of Housing and Residence Education $0.00 Completed 305937 2014-2015 Parachute for Summer B Welcome Week Gabrielle Bork Office Depot $43.94 Completed 305995 2014-2015 Equipment Checkout Scanners Gabrielle Bork Amazon $1341.72 Completed 305997 2014-2015 Welcome Bag Drawstring Bag Gabrielle Bork UF Department of Housing and Residence Education $10225.28 Completed 306014 2014-2015 Broward Pool Reservation Gabrielle Bork Rec Sports $161.25 Completed 306015 2014-2015 Supplies for IRHA Office Gabrielle Bork Amazon $159.27 Completed 306016 2014-2015 Office Equipment Supplies Gabrielle Bork Gold Medal Products Co. $50.53 Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Total Paid Status Completed Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 306018 2014-2015 IRHA Camera Equipment Gabrielle Bork B & H Photo and Video $248.98 Completed 306019 2014-2015 IRHA Flags for Events Gabrielle Bork $209.99 Completed 306034 2014-2015 Rentable Equipment for IRHA Gabrielle Bork Amazon $1748.06 Completed 306035 2014-2015 Historian Equipment Gabrielle Bork Amazon $376.47 Completed 306036 2014-2015 Marker Paints for Summer B Publicity Gabrielle Bork THEMARKERMAN.COM $517.50 Completed 400140 2015-2016 Food Items for IRHA Equipment Gabrielle Bork Gold Medal Products Co. $205.53 Completed 400141 2015-2016 Batteries for IRHA Equipment Gabrielle Bork Amazon $17.27 Completed 400178 2015-2016 Materials for Fall Leadership Gabrielle Bork Amazon $39.98 Completed 400215 2015-2016 Items for Fall Leadership Gabrielle Bork Jackie Phillips $34.75 Completed 400250 2015-2016 Conference Packets for Fall Leadership Gabrielle Bork Housing & Residence Education $250.00 Completed 400992 2015-2016 SAACURH 2015 Gabrielle Bork Housing & Residence Education $1050.00 Completed 401084 2015-2016 IRHA Fall Camping Social Gabrielle Bork Jackie Phillips $127.19 Completed 401116 2015-2016 IRHA Fall Camping Social Supplies Gabrielle Bork Jackie Phillips $7.39 Completed 401451 2015-2016 Winter Ball Tables Gabrielle Bork Tailgate Guys/The Event Group $275.00 Completed 401453 2015-2016 Winter Ball Decorations Gabrielle Bork Caitlin Carey $56.80 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 401455 2015-2016 Supplies for Winter Ball Gabrielle Bork Amazon $164.64 Completed 401591 2015-2016 Cords for Halloween Events Gabrielle Bork Amazon $250.26 Completed 401632 2015-2016 Homecoming Week Events Food Gabrielle Bork Classic Fare/Gator Dining $296.83 Completed 401633 2015-2016 Homecoming Week Events Food 2 Gabrielle Bork Amazon $234.10 Completed 401635 2015-2016 Homecoming Week Events Food 3 Gabrielle Bork Ariana Rose $59.65 Completed 401670 2015-2016 Homecoming Floats Items Gabrielle Bork Office Depot $27.94 Completed 401671 2015-2016 Homecoming Floats Items 2 Gabrielle Bork Amazon $107.05 Completed 401672 2015-2016 Homecoming Tailgate Items Gabrielle Bork Spacewalk of Gainesville Rental $345.00 Completed 401682 2015-2016 Homecoming Events Decoration Materials Gabrielle Bork Wayne Selogy $180.11 Completed 401695 2015-2016 Advertising for Homecoming Week Events Gabrielle Bork Ariana Rose $159.90 Completed 401745 2015-2016 White Elephant Social Food Gabrielle Bork Classic Fare/Gator Dining $54.99 Completed 401828 2015-2016 Winter Ball Food/Supplies Gabrielle Bork $290.18 Completed 401830 2015-2016 Projector for IRHA Gabrielle Bork $796.70 Completed 401905 2015-2016 Fall Art Gallery Supplies Gabrielle Bork Amazon $251.04 Completed 401975 2015-2016 Food for Studio Day Gabrielle Bork Cecilia Milton $30.24 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 402087 2015-2016 Winter Ball Packets Gabrielle Bork Target Copy - University Ave $133.48 Completed 402118 2015-2016 Food for Art Gallery Gabrielle Bork Cecilia Milton $22.61 Completed 402119 2015-2016 Fall Art Gallery Supplies Gabrielle Bork Amazon $82.23 Completed 402160 2015-2016 Fall Social Food 1 Gabrielle Bork Classic Fare/Gator Dining $179.00 Completed 402161 2015-2016 Fall Social Food 2 Gabrielle Bork Jackie Phillips Completed 402162 2015-2016 IRHA Equipment Supplies Gabrielle Bork Gold Medal Products Co. $336.60 Completed 402162 2015-2016 IRHA Equipment Supplies Gabrielle Bork Gold Medal Products Co. $336.60 Completed 402483 2015-2016 Writing on the Wall Supplies Gabrielle Bork Rachel Brasington $453.98 Completed 402801 2015-2016 FARH Registration Gabrielle Bork UF Department of Housing and Residence Education $0.00 Completed 402938 2015-2016 Pizza for WOTW Gabrielle Bork Rachel Brasington $300.00 Completed 403175 2015-2016 WOTW Cement Bricks Gabrielle Bork Allan Spears Construction $2300.00 Completed 403178 2015-2016 WOTW Ceremony Gabrielle Bork Stephen C. O'Connell Center $231.49 Completed 403755 2015-2016 RHW Casino Night Michael Labonia PRI Productions $6238.20 Completed 403757 2015-2016 RHW Game Show Michael Labonia To Go Events INC $4050.00 Completed 403758 2015-2016 RHW Remote Control Racecars Michael Labonia To Go Events INC $2950.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM $4.76 Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 403961 2015-2016 No Frills Travel Michael Labonia UF Department of Housing and Residence Education $250.00 Completed 404060 2015-2016 RHW Adventure Night Michael Labonia Baird Xtreme Entertainment LLC $12125.00 Completed 404135 2015-2016 Invitations for Leadership Reception Michael Labonia Amazon $135.62 Completed 404136 2015-2016 RHW Kick Off Reception Michael Labonia Amazon $649.70 Completed 404535 2015-2016 A Day in the Life Michael Labonia Classic Fare Catering $275.00 Completed 404557 2015-2016 Casino Night Food 2 Michael Labonia Wayne Selogy $150.00 Completed 404558 2015-2016 Casino Night Food 1 Michael Labonia Wayne Selogy $150.00 Completed 404559 2015-2016 Casino Night Food 3 Michael Labonia Wayne Selogy $150.00 Completed 404560 2015-2016 Casino Night 4 Michael Labonia Wayne Selogy $100.00 Completed 404561 2015-2016 Casino Night Food 5 Michael Labonia Wayne Selogy $100.00 Completed 404562 2015-2016 RHW Pool Party Food 1 Michael Labonia Wayne Selogy $50.00 Completed 404563 2015-2016 RHW Pool Party Food 2 Michael Labonia Wayne Selogy $250.00 Completed 404564 2015-2016 RHW Pool Party Food 3 Michael Labonia Wayne Selogy $90.80 Completed 404566 2015-2016 RHW Magic Show Michael Labonia Bwah Productions $2950.00 Completed 404569 2015-2016 RHW Casino Night Directions 1 Michael Labonia Amazon $1065.39 Completed 404570 2015-2016 RHW Casino Night Directions 2 Michael Labonia Wayne Selogy $23.03 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 404590 2015-2016 RHW Promo Items Michael Labonia Rad Wear Inc $2431.34 Completed 404701 2015-2016 RHW Grillfest Supplies Michael Labonia Wayne Selogy $300.00 Completed 404705 2015-2016 RHW Casino Night Tables Michael Labonia Tailgate Guys/The Event Group $650.00 Completed 404711 2015-2016 RHW Pool Party game supplies Michael Labonia Amazon $497.32 Completed 404720 2015-2016 RHW Adventure Night Lights Michael Labonia Baird Xtreme Entertainment LLC $1650.00 Completed 404722 2015-2016 RHW Adventure Night Lighting Michael Labonia Baird Xtreme Entertainment LLC $1150.00 Completed 404968 2015-2016 RHW Adventure Night Equipment Michael Labonia Baird Xtreme Entertainment LLC $1000.00 Completed 404970 2015-2016 RHW Adventure Night Equipment Michael Labonia Baird Xtreme Entertainment LLC $729.20 Completed 404971 2015-2016 RHW Adventure Night Equipment Michael Labonia Baird Xtreme Entertainment LLC $265.80 Completed 405059 2015-2016 Grilfest recycling and trash receptacles Michael Labonia UF Physical Plant Division $0.00 Completed 405060 2015-2016 RHW Adventure Night Decorations Michael Labonia Wayne Selogy $45.78 Completed 405096 2015-2016 RHW Pool Party Lifeguards 2 Michael Labonia Rec Sports $55.80 Completed 405097 2015-2016 RHW Pool Party Lifeguards 3 Michael Labonia Rec Sports $229.20 Completed 405357 2015-2016 IRHA Social Media Ads Michael Labonia Wayne Selogy $125.63 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 405379 2015-2016 SG Replacement Tent Gary Bryant $114.99 Completed 405855 2015-2016 IRHA Shaving Cream Fight Cole Gabriel Dollar Tree $744.00 Completed 405934 2015-2016 Summer B Welcome Week Equipment Cole Gabriel Amazon $164.24 Completed 405989 2015-2016 IRHA Promotional Items Cole Gabriel Rad Wear, Inc. $10050.89 Completed 405993 2015-2016 IRHA Banner Purchase Cole Gabriel Uprinting $117.09 Completed 405994 2015-2016 IRHA Tablecloths Cole Gabriel $408.39 Completed 406008 2015-2016 Yulee Area Council Board Game Night Cole Gabriel David Yaegers $47.61 Completed 406012 2015-2016 Towers Area Government Rice Bowl Social Cole Gabriel Alex Abdul $61.92 Completed 406219 2015-2016 Dodgeballs Cole Gabriel Amazon $34.69 Completed 406219 2015-2016 Dodgeballs Cole Gabriel Amazon $34.69 Completed 500216 2016-2017 IRHAPalooza Performer Cole Gabriel Earworm Music Group $7500.00 Completed 500297 2016-2017 RHW Decorations Cole Gabriel Amazon $412.19 Completed 500298 2016-2017 RHW Slimefest Set Materials Cole Gabriel Stina Schoneck $201.41 Completed 500329 2016-2017 RHW IRHAPalooza Rion Ballroom Rental Cole Gabriel J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $683.00 Completed 500330 2016-2017 Adventure Night Rentals Cole Gabriel Orlando Fun Crew, Inc $6495.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 500331 2016-2017 Additional Adventure Night Equipment Cole Gabriel Orlando Fun Crew, Inc $1750.00 Completed 500332 2016-2017 RHW Promo Items Cole Gabriel Rad Wear, Inc. $1646.90 Completed 500349 2016-2017 Miscellaneous RHW Supplies Cole Gabriel Amazon $2141.96 Completed 500388 2016-2017 DJ Earworm Agent Fees Cole Gabriel Degy Booking International Inc $750.00 Completed 500389 2016-2017 RHW Slimefest Staging Cole Gabriel Bunt Backline $1300.00 Completed 500390 2016-2017 RHW 34th Street Wall Advertisement Cole Gabriel Keith Gabriel $229.11 Completed 500393 2016-2017 Slimefest Slime Materials (2) Cole Gabriel Yvette Langford $162.79 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 618 - VOX ( Voices for Planned Parenthood ) SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor 400694 2015-2016 Stand With PP 10/26 Pizza Jay-Shing Wang Classic Fare/Gator Dining $62.40 Completed 400695 2015-2016 Stand With PP Supplies Jay-Shing Wang Jay-Shing Wang Completed 400696 2015-2016 Stand With PP 10/12 Pizza Jay-Shing Wang Classic Fare/Gator Dining $0.00 Completed 401585 2015-2016 Movie Screening Projectionist Fee Jay-Shing Wang J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $0.00 Completed 401719 2015-2016 Painting Social Jay-Shing Wang Jay-Shing Wang $162.75 Completed 403079 2015-2016 Carrying Bag Jay-Shing Wang Jay-Shing Wang $49.76 Completed 403415 2015-2016 Valentine's Day Tabling supplies Jay-Shing Wang Jay-Shing Wang $76.05 Completed 403416 2015-2016 Valentine's Day Pizza Jay-Shing Wang Classic Fare/Gator Dining $53.91 Completed 403550 2015-2016 Sex in the Swamp Jay-Shing Wang Jay-Shing Wang $156.29 Completed 403762 2015-2016 Tote Bags Jay-Shing Wang Jay-Shing Wang $86.60 Completed 404520 2015-2016 Easter Tabling Supplies Jay-Shing Wang Jay-Shing Wang $73.13 Completed 404522 2015-2016 Easter Tabling Food Jay-Shing Wang Classic Fare/Gator Dining $71.88 Completed 404523 2015-2016 Easter Tabling Candy Jay-Shing Wang Jay-Shing Wang $23.70 Completed 404615 2015-2016 Officer Election Fliers Jay-Shing Wang Jay-Shing Wang $30.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Total Paid $52.40 Status Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 619 - JSU ( Jewish Student Union ) SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor 306009 2014-2015 Chabad July 10th Shabbat Jake Felder Lubavitch Chabad Jewish $750.00 Center Completed 306010 2014-2015 Hyppo Pops Jake Felder Hyppo Popsicles $930.00 Completed 400002 2015-2016 Advertising for Welcome Shabbat and Hyppo Pops Events Jake Felder Flyer Studios Inc. $80.00 Completed 400157 2015-2016 Bagel Brunch at Springs Jake Felder Jake Felder $315.52 Completed 400389 2015-2016 JSU Rosh Hashanah Celebration Jonah Stein Jonah Stein $326.78 Completed 400413 2015-2016 Facebook Advertising for Fall Welcome Week Jonah Stein Jonah Stein $25.12 Completed 400559 2015-2016 Jew You Even Lift? Rec Sports Day Jonah Stein Rec Sports $800.00 Completed 400560 2015-2016 Food for JSU Involvement Fair Jonah Stein Lubavitch Chabad Jewish $501.00 Center Completed 400736 2015-2016 JSU Sukkah 2015 Jonah Stein Amazon $361.99 Completed 400775 2015-2016 JSU and Hillel Israel Shabbat Jonah Stein Tent Doctor $486.05 Completed 400783 2015-2016 JSU Hillel Israel Shabbat Flyers Jonah Stein Flyer Studios Inc. $60.00 Completed 400903 2015-2016 Hyppo Popsicles in the Sukkah Alan Horowitz The Hyppo Gainesville $797.50 Completed 400949 2015-2016 JSU Sukkah Supplies $129.95 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Jonah Stein Total Paid Status Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 400958 2015-2016 JSU September Bagel Brunch Alan Horowitz Brandon Harris $290.52 Completed 400959 2015-2016 JSU Pizza and Parsha in the Sukkah with Chabad Alan Horowitz Lubavitch Chabad Jewish $395.00 Center Completed 400965 2015-2016 Starbucks with JSU in the Sukkah Alan Horowitz Classic Fare Catering $83.70 Completed 401000 2015-2016 Build Your Own Sukkah with JSU Alan Horowitz Brandon Harris $93.60 Completed 401028 2015-2016 Flyers for Sukkot Event Alan Horowitz Flyer Studios Inc. $80.00 Completed 401222 2015-2016 Gator Growl Advertising Alan Horowitz Florida Blue Key $1500.00 Completed 401268 2015-2016 JSU GBM and Staff Meeting Jonah Stein Aaron Levitats $169.47 Completed 401360 2015-2016 Yoga with JSU Brandon Harris Kayla Marcus $0.00 Completed 401396 2015-2016 Yoga with JSU Alan Horowitz Brandon Harris $67.04 Completed 401397 2015-2016 JSU Shabbat at Chabad Alan Horowitz Lubavitch Chabad Jewish $800.00 Center Completed 401592 2015-2016 JSU Bagel Brunch Brandon Harris Brandon Harris $300.00 Completed 401688 2015-2016 JSU and Gator Growl Soul Fe(a) Jonah Stein st Liora/Sababa UF $500.00 Completed 401967 2015-2016 JSU Banner 2015-2016 Jonah Stein Flyer Studios Inc $92.00 Completed 402002 2015-2016 JSU Promotional Materials Jonah Stein 4imprint $2008.24 Completed 402054 2015-2016 JSU and Chabad Mega Challah Jonah Stein Bake 2015 Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Lubavitch Chabad Jewish $535.00 Center Completed Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 402245 2015-2016 Hannukah Party Donuts Jonah Stein Brandon Harris $57.50 Completed 402246 2015-2016 JSU Hannukah Party Jonah Stein The Swamp Restaurant $444.81 Completed 402247 2015-2016 JSU Hannukah Party Venue Jonah Stein The Swamp Restaurant $670.00 Completed 402259 2015-2016 JSU Hannukah Party Alan Horowitz $133.02 Completed 402271 2015-2016 Hannukah Party Flyers Jonah Stein Flyer Studios Inc. $120.00 Completed 402391 2015-2016 JSU Food For Hannukah Party Jonah Stein Liora/Sababa UF $150.00 Completed 402542 2015-2016 Tabling in Turlington Brandon Harris Brandon Harris $116.47 Completed 402579 2015-2016 Planting Trees in Plaza of the Americas Brandon Harris Brandon Harris $125.88 Completed 402586 2015-2016 JAM Shabbat at Chabad Brandon Harris Lubavitch Chabad Jewish $750.00 Center Completed 402612 2015-2016 JAM Shirts Brandon Harris Picasso Promotion System Inc $795.00 Completed 402629 2015-2016 Tabling in Turlington Brandon Harris Sababa $200.00 Completed 402630 2015-2016 Tabling in Turlington Brandon Harris $50.31 Completed 402631 2015-2016 Hillel Food Truck Friday with JAM Brandon Harris Hillel Foundation $600.00 Completed 402765 2015-2016 Photo Booth for Israel Night at Brandon Harris Hillel Phobooth LLC $400.00 Completed 402793 2015-2016 Honorarium for Upcoming ACCENT/Jam Speaker Greater Talent Network $20000.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Jonah Stein Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 402803 2015-2016 Food for Israel Night at Hillel Brandon Harris Matt Kessler $134.55 Completed 402855 2015-2016 JAM Banner Brandon Harris Target Copy - University Ave $0.00 Completed 402888 2015-2016 Rabbi Eli Deutsch- A Conversation on Kabbalah Brandon Harris Rabbi Elias Deutsch $600.00 Completed 402895 2015-2016 Flyers for Jewish Awareness Month Brandon Harris Target Copy - University Ave $0.00 Completed 402982 2015-2016 Cooking at Chabad Brandon Harris Lubavitch Chabad Jewish $500.00 Center Completed 403134 2015-2016 Flyers for Jewish Awareness Month Brandon Harris Target Copy - University Ave $29.77 Completed 403142 2015-2016 JAM Bagel Breakfast Brandon Harris Matt Kessler $403.90 Completed 403498 2015-2016 Resume Workshop with JSU and CRC Alan Horowitz Brandon Harris $59.22 Completed 403676 2015-2016 JSU Resume Workshop Advertising Jonah Stein Jonah Stein $49.63 Completed 403903 2015-2016 JSU Office Materials Jonah Stein Jonah Stein $73.45 Completed 403905 2015-2016 JSU Artists 4 Israel Event Alan Horowitz Artists 4 Israel $3000.00 Completed 404019 2015-2016 Jewish Film Festival Jonah Stein Jewish Council of North Central Florida $3000.00 Completed 404183 2015-2016 Purim with JSU at Chabad Alan Horowitz Lubavitch Chabad Jewish $2537.50 Center Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 404198 2015-2016 JSU March Bagel Brunch Alan Horowitz Brandon Harris $198.39 Completed 404457 2015-2016 Making Hamantashen with JSU Alan Horowitz Lubavitch Chabad Jewish $350.00 Center Completed 404997 2015-2016 JSU Staff and Member Shirts Jonah Stein Joshua Tree Printing & Design LLC $960.00 Completed 405027 2015-2016 JSU Elections Bagel Brunch Alan Horowitz Brandon Harris $135.62 Completed 405460 2015-2016 Passover Seder at Chabad Brandon Harris Lubavitch Chabad Jewish $1240.00 Center Completed 405484 2015-2016 Final Shabbat at Chabad Brandon Harris Lubavitch Chabad Jewish $850.00 Center Completed 405712 2015-2016 Shabbat at Chabad Joshua Greenspan Lubavitch Chabad Jewish $750.00 Center Completed 405773 2015-2016 Hyppo Popsicles Event Joshua Greenspan The Hyppo $500.00 Completed 405974 2015-2016 JSU Table Cloth Joshua Greenspan Flyer Studios Inc. $180.00 Completed 405978 2015-2016 JSU Stand Up Banner Joshua Greenspan Flyer Studios Inc. $135.00 Completed 500551 2016-2017 Welcome Week Popsicles Joshua Greenspan Emily Podolsky $37.50 Completed 500552 2016-2017 Flyers for JSU Welcome Week Joshua Greenspan Flyer Studios Inc. $120.00 Completed 500553 2016-2017 Welcome Week Krav Maga Joshua Greenspan Emily Podolsky $36.25 Completed 500595 2016-2017 JSU Pop Up Tent Joshua Greenspan $199.90 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 620 - SLS SAR Fiscal Year Title 305748 Vendor Total Paid Status 2014-2015 NLADA Conference Expenses - Shauna Woods Alisha Tabag Alisha Tabag $1424.02 Completed 305749 2014-2015 NLADA Conference Expenses - Shauna Woods Ray Cauthon Gilbert Ray Cauthon III $1451.35 Completed 305751 2014-2015 Promotional Items Shauna Woods Quality Logo Products $1825.43 Completed 305940 2014-2015 Florida Bar Plan Renewal Shauna Woods The Florida Bar $25.00 Completed 306004 2014-2015 Tempforce - Secretary 1 Position Shauna Woods Temp Force Gainesville $9576.00 Completed 306073 2014-2015 Office Supplies Martha Massie Office Depot $249.97 Completed 400039 2015-2016 Blanket for UF Postal Stanley Beckerdite UF Postal Services $1363.63 Completed 400099 2015-2016 TempForce Employee Parking Permit Martha Massie Jon C. Adcock $110.00 Completed 400176 2015-2016 Blanket for Thomson Reuters Monthly Chg Stanley Beckerdite Thomson Reuters $12966.72 Completed 400463 2015-2016 Advertising for SLS Martha Massie 4imprint $6012.78 Completed 400581 2015-2016 Temp Employee Parking Permit Martha Massie Jon C. Adcock $110.00 Completed 401025 2015-2016 Office Supplies Martha Massie Office Depot $343.62 Completed 401162 2015-2016 Office Supplies Martha Massie Office Depot $66.10 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Requestor Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 401454 2015-2016 Official Business Parking Permits Martha Massie Transportation and Parking Services $228.00 Completed 401669 2015-2016 Cassandra England Notary Stamp Martha Massie Huckleberry Notary Bonding, Inc. $146.41 Completed 402557 2015-2016 Cassandra England Gator 1 ID Martha Massie UF - Business Services Division $15.00 Completed 402570 2015-2016 Office Supplies Martha Massie Office Depot $554.06 Completed 402807 2015-2016 Layne Notary Renew Martha Massie Huckleberry Notary Bonding, Inc. $117.41 Completed 402840 2015-2016 Letterhead and Envelopes Martha Massie ALTA $438.26 Completed 403407 2015-2016 Banker Boxes Martha Massie Office Depot $174.49 Completed 404756 2015-2016 The Florida Bar Renewal Martha Massie The Florida Bar $25.00 Completed 404853 2015-2016 Annual Storage Michele Williams Interstate Mimi Storage $907.20 Completed 405130 2015-2016 ACLU Wallet Fact Cards Martha Massie American Civil Liberties Union $330.38 Completed 405225 2015-2016 Florida Court Rule Books 2016 Martha Massie Thomson Reuters $280.00 Completed 405543 2015-2016 Office Supplies Martha Massie Office Depot $394.75 Completed 405587 2015-2016 Clerk of the Court Research Martha Massie Alachua County Clerk of Court $103.50 Completed 405591 2015-2016 Jon CLE training Martha Massie Florida Bar CLE online $240.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 405627 2015-2016 Business Cards for Layne and Ray Martha Massie Alta Systems, Inc. $50.50 Completed 405646 2015-2016 Alisha Notary Stamp Renew Martha Massie Huckleberry Notary Bonding, Inc. $117.41 Completed 405814 2015-2016 NLADA Conference 2016 Martha Massie Alisha P. Tabag $922.21 Completed 405860 2015-2016 NLADA Conference Layne Prebor Martha Massie Layne D. Prebor, Jr. $953.33 Completed 405911 2015-2016 Florida Bar Renewal Fees Martha Massie The Florida Bar $913.19 Completed 405911 2015-2016 Florida Bar Renewal Fees Martha Massie The Florida Bar $913.19 Completed 500227 2016-2017 Mr.Paper Office Supplies Martha Massie Office Depot $634.37 Completed 500228 2016-2017 Martha Notary Stamp Renewal Martha Massie Huckleberry Notary Bonding, Inc. $117.41 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 622 - THEATRE STRIKE FORCE SAR Fiscal Year Title 306037 Vendor Total Paid Status 2014-2015 JWRU Fees for ImprovBlast and Devin Lee 12Hours of Improv Grand Ballroom - JWRU $647.50 Completed 401726 2015-2016 Website Terrence Commons Kira Silverman $96.00 Completed 401960 2015-2016 Fall Show Props Terrence Commons Bailey Benningfield $63.18 Completed 403078 2015-2016 College Improv Tournament Terrence Commons Kira Silverman $622.38 Completed 404115 2015-2016 Improv Blast Terrence Commons Marwin Timms "Marz" $6000.00 Completed 404233 2015-2016 Mainstage Props Terrence Commons Bailey Benningfield $124.23 Completed 404636 2015-2016 Food for Year in Revue Terrence Commons Classic Fare Catering $297.57 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Requestor Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 623 - MAYORS COUNCIL SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 305815 2014-2015 Tanglewood Community Gardens Supplies Christiana Akande Christiana Akande $148.60 Completed 305929 2014-2015 Multiple Awards Summer Programme - Trophy Shop Miguel Lugo The Trophy Shop $204.00 Completed 305938 2014-2015 Reitz Union Pottery - Arts and Crafts Center Workshop Carla Cabrita Arts & Crafts Center $86.25 Completed 400119 2015-2016 Community Zumba Workshop - Camilo Leal Molina Tiffanny Morgan Tiffany Morgan $600.00 Completed 400131 2015-2016 Spacewalk inflatables - Fall Student Welcome Spacewalk of Gainesville Rental $205.00 Completed 400146 2015-2016 Community Yoga Workshops - Camilo Leal Molina Tiffany Morgan Tiffany Morgan $600.00 Completed 400408 2015-2016 Pratik Prabhanjan Brahma $90.94 Completed 400409 2015-2016 Teej Festival Pratik Braham The Trophy Shop $74.31 Completed 400467 2015-2016 Corry Village Cricket Club Fall Tournament Carla Cabrita Vaibhav Jain $200.00 Completed 400938 2015-2016 TW - Forage Farms Annual Membership Renewal Christiana Akande Christiana Akande $25.00 Completed 401277 2015-2016 Movies Under the Stars Session Rodrigo Antunes 1 Swank Motion Pictures $407.75 Completed Miguel Lugo Teej Cultural Festival of Dance Pratik Brahma Expressions - Supplies Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 401405 2015-2016 Halloween party at Tanglewood Village Christiana Akande Robert Otto Davis $93.70 Completed 401406 2015-2016 Painting Workshop Shabnam Goli Shabnam Goli $85.78 Completed 401587 2015-2016 Diwali Carla Cabrita Vaibhav Jain $495.28 Completed 402445 2015-2016 Wreath Making 2015 Rodrigo Antunes Pratik Prabhanjan Brahma $396.31 Completed 402664 2015-2016 Spring Zumba Fitness Classes Camilo Leal Tiffany Morgan $600.00 Completed 402665 2015-2016 Spring Yoga and Tai Chi Fitness Camilo Leal Classes Rugiyatu Kane $300.00 Completed 402987 2015-2016 Tanglewood Soccer Goals Christiana Akande $143.52 Completed 403010 2015-2016 Indonesian Cultural Fair Pratik Brahma Pratik Prabhanjan Brahma $69.67 Completed 403495 2015-2016 Tai Chi Spring Classes Rodrigo Antunes Desmond Jackson $300.00 Completed 403978 2015-2016 TWD Jewelry Workshop Christiana Akande Robert Davis $213.77 Completed 403979 2015-2016 Maguire/UVS basketball team Shabnam Goli $13.77 Completed 404201 2015-2016 Spring Cricket Fun Pratik Brahma Pratik Prabhanjan Brahma $58.65 Completed 404232 2015-2016 Gator CPR workshop Camilo Leal Gator CPR LLC $250.00 Completed 404234 2015-2016 Spring Fling Food Rodrigo Antunes Classic Fare Catering $297.00 Completed 404235 2015-2016 Spring Fling Inflatables Rodrigo Antunes Space Walk of Gainesville $1765.00 Completed 404586 2015-2016 Editing Workshop Shabnam Goli Kyle Dunlap $50.00 Completed 404706 2015-2016 Jewelry baby's day out Christiana Akande Christiana Akande $53.23 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 404733 2015-2016 Spring Fling Magician Rodrigo Antunes Meet Magic Mike Inc $325.00 Completed 404989 2015-2016 Diamond Village Soccer 5 mini Camilo Leal tournament $273.33 Completed 404990 2015-2016 New Year across Indian Subcontinent Pratik Prabhanjan Brahma $330.55 Completed 405335 2015-2016 Snacks Movies Under the Stars Rodrigo Antunes $297.57 Completed 405337 2015-2016 Movies Under the Stars - The Boxtrolls Rodrigo Antunes Swank Motion Pictures $453.00 Completed 405386 2015-2016 Movies Under the Stars - The Good Dinosaur Rodrigo Antunes Swank Motion Pictures $503.00 Completed 405387 2015-2016 Movies Under the Stars - Star Wars: The Force Awakens Rodrigo Antunes Swank Motion Pictures $603.00 Completed 405617 2015-2016 Tanglewood Gardening Event Rodrigo Antunes Christiana Akande $54.90 Completed 405788 2015-2016 Summer Fitness Classes - Corry Rodrigo Antunes Village Lifestyle Wellness Studios $455.00 (Tiffany Morgan) Completed 405789 2015-2016 Summer Fitness Classes Diamond Village Camilo Leal Lifestyle Wellness Studios $455.00 (Tiffany Morgan) Completed 405791 2015-2016 Summer Fitness Classes Maguire/UVS Villages Shabnam Goli Lifestyle Wellness Studios $455.00 (Tiffany Morgan) Completed 405792 2015-2016 Summer Fitness Classes Tanglewood Villages Rodrigo Antunes Lifestyle Wellness Studios $455.00 (Tiffany Morgan) Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Pratik Brahma Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title 405887 Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 2015-2016 Snacks Movies Under the Stars Rodrigo Antunes 2 $384.36 Completed 405890 2015-2016 Spring Cricket Fun Rodrigo Antunes Pratik Prabhanjan Brahma $112.49 Completed 405893 2015-2016 Mayors' Council Awards 2016 Dean Hasan The Trophy Shop $359.75 Completed 405895 2015-2016 Ping Pong Sumer Tournament Camilo Leal $544.61 Completed 405918 2015-2016 Tanglewood community garden Christiana Akande Christiana Akande $52.50 Completed 405952 2015-2016 Additional Pin Pong Pads Camilo Leal $53.00 Completed 405997 2015-2016 Toys for Corry Village kids room Rodrigo Antunes $142.76 Completed 405998 2015-2016 Toys for Diamond Village kids room Rodrigo Antunes $129.03 Completed 406018 2015-2016 Sound Equipment to the Villages Rodrigo Antunes $187.07 Completed 406030 2015-2016 Summer Volleyball Camilo Leal $115.79 Completed 406156 2015-2016 Summer Village Bingo Camilo Leal $115.07 Completed 406189 2015-2016 Reitz Union Game Room $159.24 Completed 406191 2015-2016 Corry Arts & Craft Evening at Reitz Union Rodrigo Antunes Reitz Union $0.00 Completed 500244 2016-2017 Space Walk Inflatables - Fall Student Welcome Rodrigo Antunes Space Walk of Gainesville $243.00 Corry Bowling Evening at Reitz Rodrigo Antunes Union Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Completed Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 624 - GRADUATE CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 305908 2014-2015 Summer Social Venue-CSC Ashley Compaan Christian Study Center $200.00 Completed 305909 2014-2015 Summer Social Food Ashley Compaan Ashley Compaan $47.20 Completed 305910 2014-2015 Summer social - supplies Ashley Compaan Ashley Compaan $122.12 Completed 400210 2015-2016 Welcome Pizza Party - venue Ashley Compaan Christian Study Center $200.00 Completed 400211 2015-2016 Welcome back pizza party food Ashley Compaan Ashley Compaan $85.00 Completed 402260 2015-2016 GCF Christmas party - venue Ashley Compaan Christian Study Center $200.00 Completed 402261 2015-2016 GCF Christmas party - food and Ashley Compaan decor Ashley Compaan $113.41 Completed 402674 2015-2016 Spring welcome venue Ashley Compaan Christian Study Center $200.00 Completed 402675 2015-2016 Spring welcome back food Ashley Compaan Ashley Compaan $75.00 Completed 403351 2015-2016 Valentine's party venue Ashley Compaan Christian Study Center $200.00 Completed 403352 2015-2016 Valentine's Social food and decorations Ashley Compaan Ashley Compaan $89.56 Completed 405205 2015-2016 Lake Wauberg food and supplies Ashley Compaan Ashley Compaan $85.87 Completed 405950 2015-2016 Summer B Welcome venue Ashley Compaan Christian Study Center $125.00 Completed 405951 2015-2016 Summer B social food and supplies Ashley Compaan Ashley Compaan $73.11 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 626 - SG OPERATING SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 305785 2014-2015 Music Royalties Payment for FY15 Stanley Beckerdite UF - Business Services Division $9386.48 Completed 400029 2015-2016 Blanket postal for SG Admin & Stanley Beckerdite SGF UF Postal Services $0.00 Completed 400031 2015-2016 Telephone Blanket Stanley Beckerdite Computing & Networking $12061.61 Services (CNS) Completed 400033 2015-2016 PPD blanket for rental equip etec Stanley Beckerdite UF Physical Plant Division $6579.59 Completed 400035 2015-2016 Cell Phone Blanket Stanley Beckerdite UF Payroll $2794.30 Completed 400036 2015-2016 Blanket for Xerox machiens SG Stanley Beckerdite Xerox Corporation $7383.49 Completed 400045 2015-2016 Supplies Blanket for SG and SGF Stanley Beckerdite Office Depot $11503.45 Completed 400054 2015-2016 Blanket for Copy Center Supplies Stanley Beckerdite Office Depot $2564.79 Completed 401892 2015-2016 Payment for NYT Readership Program Stanley Beckerdite Office of the Provost and $40000.00 Sr. Vice President Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Completed Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 627 - SGP ( Student Government Productions ) SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 400007 2015-2016 Support for SOM for UGC and music grps Stanley Beckerdite UF School of Music $131250.00 Completed 400041 2015-2016 PPD blanket for SGP charges Stanley Beckerdite UF Physical Plant Division $4637.74 Completed 400184 2015-2016 Cost of subscription to Celebrity Access Stanley Beckerdite Stephen C. O'Connell Center (David Rollins) Completed 400253 2015-2016 Special event Insurance Stanley Beckerdite Arthur J Gallagher Risk $12002.00 Management Services Inc. Completed 400347 2015-2016 Bandshell building insurance Stanley Beckerdite General Accounting and Financial Reporting $70.11 Completed 400383 2015-2016 Business Cards for Chairman & Dillon Knox Comptroller Target Copy - University Ave $70.00 Completed 400710 2015-2016 SGP T-Shirts Bobby Finigan Fresh Screen Prints, LLC. $1650.00 Completed 400956 2015-2016 SGP/HSA Partnership - Phillips Center Fee Bobby Finigan Curtis M. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts $3137.08 Completed 401342 2015-2016 SGP & Gator Growl Partnership Bobby Finigan Reitz Union JWRU $160000.00 Completed 401413 2015-2016 Walk the Moon UPD Dillon Knox UPD - Unversity Police Dept $3221.01 Completed 401414 2015-2016 Walk the Moon Catering Dillon Knox Untouchables Catering $4425.00 Completed 401415 2015-2016 Walk the Moon EMT Dillon Knox Alachua County Fire Rescue $955.50 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM $932.33 Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 401416 2015-2016 Walk the Moon Porta Potties Dillon Knox Dampier Septic Tank Inc. $1600.00 Completed 401417 2015-2016 Walk the Moon O'Connell Center Fee Dillon Knox Stephen C. O'Connell Center (David Rollins) $38630.61 Completed 401530 2015-2016 Day of Show Expenses Dillon Knox Robert Finigan $151.89 Completed 401607 2015-2016 MAGIC! Artist Fee Dillon Knox 401 West Music, LLC $30000.00 Completed 401684 2015-2016 Andy Grammer Artist Fee Bobby Finigan Ladder Soul Music LLC $75000.00 Completed 401685 2015-2016 Andy Grammer & Magic! Agent Bobby Finigan Fee Degy Entertainment $10500.00 Completed 401686 2015-2016 Andy Grammer Radio Advertisement Bobby Finigan KISS105.3 $650.00 Completed 401687 2015-2016 Andy Grammer Facebook Advertisement Bobby Finigan Robert Finigan $125.01 Completed 401820 2015-2016 Andy Grammer Posters & Flyers Bobby Finigan Flyer Studios Inc. $495.00 Completed 401859 2015-2016 CollegeVox Marketing Bobby Finigan CollegeVox $1130.00 Completed 401984 2015-2016 Andy Grammer & Magic RV's Bobby Finigan Phelps Production Services $1900.00 Completed 402360 2015-2016 Wiz Khalifa Artist Fee Bobby Finigan WIZ KHALIFA Touring, Inc $120000.00 Completed 402361 2015-2016 Wiz Khalifa Opener Fee Bobby Finigan 427 Music LLC $18500.00 Completed 402362 2015-2016 Wiz Khalifa Agent Fee Bobby Finigan AEG Live SE, LLC $15000.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 402363 2015-2016 Wiz Khalifa - O'Connell Center Fee Bobby Finigan Stephen C. O'Connell Center (David Rollins) $0.00 Completed 402364 2015-2016 Wiz Khalifa - UPD Bobby Finigan University of Florida Police Department $4491.25 Completed 402365 2015-2016 Wiz Khalifa - EMT Bobby Finigan Alachua County Fire Rescue $513.00 Completed 402366 2015-2016 Wiz Khalifa - Catering Bobby Finigan Untouchables Catering $4000.00 Completed 402368 2015-2016 Wiz Khalifa - Radio Ad 1 Bobby Finigan KISS105.3 $500.00 Completed 402369 2015-2016 Wiz Khalifa - Radio Ad 2 Bobby Finigan Magic 101.3 WTMG-FM $500.00 Completed 402379 2015-2016 Wiz Khalifa - Facebook Advertising Bobby Finigan Robert Finigan $201.32 Completed 402380 2015-2016 Wiz Khalifa - DOS Expenses Bobby Finigan Robert Finigan $84.17 Completed 402382 2015-2016 Wiz Khalifa - Flyers & Posters Bobby Finigan Crescendo Media LLC $1200.00 Completed 402383 2015-2016 Wiz Khalifa - Target Copy Bobby Finigan Target Copy - Archer Rd $282.13 Completed 402385 2015-2016 Wiz Khalifa - T Shirts Bobby Finigan Fresh Screen Prints, LLC. $1600.00 Completed 402386 2015-2016 Hunter Hayes - Artist Fee Bobby Finigan PLAY Productions, INC $75000.00 Completed 402932 2015-2016 Cassadee Pope Artist Fee Dillon Knox Cassadee Pope Music LLC $25000.00 Completed 402990 2015-2016 Wiz Khalifa & K Camp Posters Bobby Finigan Crescendo Media LLC $50.00 Completed 403189 2015-2016 FISS Host Bobby Finigan Jamecia Stoudermire $6500.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 403273 2015-2016 Hunter Hayes Facebook Advertising Dillon Knox Robert Finigan $500.30 Completed 403275 2015-2016 Hunter Hayes O'Connell Center Dillon Knox Fee Stephen C. O'Connell Center $32932.94 Completed 403277 2015-2016 Hunter Hayes Catering Dillon Knox Edward L. Lyons $4138.55 Completed 403278 2015-2016 Hunter Hayes EMT Services Dillon Knox Alachua County Fire Rescue $513.00 Completed 403279 2015-2016 Hunter Hayes Flyers & Posters Dillon Knox Crescendo Media LLC $1422.56 Completed 403281 2015-2016 Hunter Hayes Day of Show Expenses Dillon Knox Robert Finigan $352.27 Completed 403283 2015-2016 Hunter Hayes Target Copy Dillon Knox Target Copy - University Ave $321.88 Completed 403420 2015-2016 Hunter Hayes UPD Dillon Knox UPD - Unversity Police Dept $4295.00 Completed 403858 2015-2016 FISS Lighting Dillon Knox K-24 Lighting Company $10200.00 Completed 403931 2015-2016 FISS Host Travel Dillon Knox Candie's Limousine Service $624.00 Completed 404048 2015-2016 HH Agent Fee Dillon Knox Degy Booking International Inc $10000.00 Completed 404049 2015-2016 HH Radio Ad 1 Dillon Knox Country 103.7 The Gator $500.00 Completed 404143 2015-2016 Swamp Records Showcase Artist Fee for SALES Dillon Knox SALES Media LLC $1500.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 404200 2015-2016 FISS Security Support Dillon Knox UPD - Unversity Police Dept $2390.50 Completed 404218 2015-2016 Steve Everett - Artist Fee Bobby Finigan Degy Booking International Inc $500.00 Completed 404311 2015-2016 FISS Production Support Dillon Knox University of Florida Production & Special Projects $4984.00 Completed 404624 2015-2016 Swamp Showcase Magic City Hippies Artist Fee Dillon Knox Magic City Hippies LLC $800.00 Completed 404626 2015-2016 Swamp Showcase Valleyz Artist Dillon Knox Fee William Mobley $100.00 Completed 404848 2015-2016 Swamp Showcase Artist Fee Deathwish Dillon Knox Demetrius A. Presley $200.00 Completed 404849 2015-2016 Swamp Showcase Artist Fee DVWEZ Dillon Knox Delia Albert $200.00 Completed 404850 2015-2016 Swamp Showcase Artist Fee Flat Land Dillon Knox Grant McLeod (Flat Land Productions) $300.00 Completed 404852 2015-2016 Artist Fee Swamp Showcase Gritt Dillon Knox Gritt LLC $300.00 Completed 404854 2015-2016 Artist Fee Swamp Showcase Just Neighbors Dillon Knox Jack Yankopolus $200.00 Completed 404855 2015-2016 Artist Fee Swamp Showcase X3SR Dillon Knox Eric Seralena $200.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 404857 2015-2016 Artist Fee Swamp Showcase Cliff and Ysatis Dillon Knox Ysatis Hernandez $100.00 Completed 404964 2015-2016 Swamp Showcase Artist Fee Hip Hop Duke Dillon Knox Bunduki Ramadan $200.00 Completed 404994 2015-2016 Swamp Showcase Artist Fee Savants of Soul Dillon Knox Alexander Klausner $300.00 Completed 404995 2015-2016 Swamp Showcase Artist Fee Wax Wings Dillon Knox Chelsea Carnes $200.00 Completed 405050 2015-2016 Swamp Showcase Artist Fee Masune Dillon Knox Alexander Crook $200.00 Completed 405141 2015-2016 Artist Fee Swamp Showcase Less Voss Dillon Knox Leslie Voss $100.00 Completed 405142 2015-2016 We The Kings Agent Fee Dillon Knox Degy Booking International Inc $1850.00 Completed 405143 2015-2016 We The Kings Artist Fee Dillon Knox We The Kings INC. $18500.00 Completed 405144 2015-2016 Swamp Showcase Flyers & Posters Dillon Knox Flyer Studios Inc. $150.00 Completed 405234 2015-2016 We The Kings Flyers/Posters Dillon Knox Crescendo Media LLC $998.80 Completed 405261 2015-2016 We The Kings Facebook Advertising Bobby Finigan Robert Finigan $200.00 Completed 405767 2015-2016 FISS Alachua Sherrif's Fee Dillon Knox Alachua County Sheriff's Office $240.75 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor 500815 2016-2017 Special Event Insurance - FY17 Gary Bryant Arthur J Gallagher Risk $7932.00 Management Services Inc. Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Total Paid Status Completed Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 628 - BEST BUDDIES SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 400575 2015-2016 Tarp/Advertising Sarah Gaies Sarah Gaies $14.29 Completed 401104 2015-2016 Matching Party Haley Wright Haley Wright $76.87 Completed 401404 2015-2016 OPhiA Crafting Haley Wright Haley Wright $60.86 Completed 401667 2015-2016 Homecoming Haley Wright Haley Wright $160.38 Completed 402278 2015-2016 Picnic in the Park/ Tie-Dye Haley Wright Haley Wright $221.76 Completed 403339 2015-2016 Painting event Haley Wright Haley Wright $125.74 Completed 403929 2015-2016 Spread the word to end the word Haley Wright Haley Wright $155.25 Completed 404900 2015-2016 Friendship Walk Haley Wright Haley Wright $90.00 Completed 404987 2015-2016 Friendship Ball Haley Wright Haley Wright $454.39 Completed 405403 2015-2016 Friendship Walk - Furniture Rentals Haley Wright UF Physical Plant Division $0.00 Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Completed Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 629 - IRANIAN STUDENTS ASSOCIATION SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 305895 2014-2015 rent for the ballroom at Reitz Union Hassan Azad J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $339.00 Completed 400611 2015-2016 Food for General Body Meeting Shirene Tabarestani Shirene Tabarestani $47.35 Completed 400927 2015-2016 Food for Welcome New Comers Shirene Tabarestani Classic Fare/Gator Dining $99.50 Completed 400932 2015-2016 Welcome New Comers Shirene Tabarestani Shirene Tabarestani $156.60 Completed 401031 2015-2016 Welcome New Comers Shirene Tabarestani Shirene Tabarestani $2.82 Completed 401615 2015-2016 Security Wristbands for Events Shirene Tabarestani Shirene Tabarestani $24.37 Completed 402113 2015-2016 Tailgating Event Shirene Tabarestani Shirene Tabarestani $162.58 Completed 402235 2015-2016 Speaker for Tailgating Shirene Tabarestani $126.14 Completed 402547 2015-2016 Yalda Night Shirene Tabarestani Shirene Tabarestani $149.00 Completed 403107 2015-2016 Game Night Meet and Greet Shirene Tabarestani Shirene Tabarestani $104.53 Completed 403423 2015-2016 T-Shirts Shirene Tabarestani TNT Graphics $250.00 Completed 403786 2015-2016 Bowling Night Shirene Tabarestani Reitz Union Game Room $309.41 Completed 403834 2015-2016 Trophies for Bowling Shirene Tabarestani Shirene Tabarestani $26.23 Completed 403877 2015-2016 Banners for Norouz Shirene Tabarestani Shirene Tabarestani $93.15 Completed 403878 2015-2016 Tickets for Norouz event Shirene Tabarestani Shirene Tabarestani $40.17 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 404329 2015-2016 Decoration and clothing for Nowrooz Shirene Tabarestani Shirene Tabarestani $84.17 Completed 404331 2015-2016 Decoration for Nowrooz Shirene Tabarestani Shirene Tabarestani $96.15 Completed 404602 2015-2016 Decoration Items for Graduates Shirene Tabarestani Shirene Tabarestani $50.15 Completed 404603 2015-2016 Nowrooz Shirene Tabarestani Shirene Tabarestani $201.68 Completed 404604 2015-2016 Awards for competition Shirene Tabarestani Shirene Tabarestani $47.65 Completed 404606 2015-2016 Nowrooz- Rion Ballroom Shirene Tabarestani J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $620.00 Completed 404607 2015-2016 Food for Nowrooz Shirene Tabarestani Classic Fare/Gator Dining $200.00 Completed 404650 2015-2016 Bubble Ball Shirene Tabarestani Cam Brewer Fitness, LLC $1200.00 Completed 405022 2015-2016 Awards for Bubbleball Shirene Tabarestani Shirene Tabarestani $68.22 Completed 405326 2015-2016 Awards for End of the Year Party Shirene Tabarestani Shirene Tabarestani $20.39 Completed 405511 2015-2016 End of the Year Party Supplies Shirene Tabarestani Shirene Tabarestani $689.77 Completed 405518 2015-2016 End of the Year Party Shirene Tabarestani Shirene Tabarestani $47.00 Completed 405597 2015-2016 T-shirts Shirene Tabarestani TNT Graphics $125.00 Completed 405781 2015-2016 T-shirts Shirene Tabarestani TNT Graphics $55.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 630 - SPICMACAY SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 400507 2015-2016 SPICMACAY Fall 15 Concert Kevin Singh Sanatana Dharma Foundation Inc $2600.00 Completed 400711 2015-2016 Sound Equipment for SPICMACAY Fall 15 Concert Kevin Singh Everyman Sound Company Inc $236.00 Completed 405509 2015-2016 Sound Equipment for CHITRA Concert Kevin Singh Everyman Sound Company Inc $238.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 631 - GSC SAR Fiscal Year Title 305756 Vendor Total Paid Status 2014-2015 GSC Grant Committee Meeting Shannon Brown - June Shannon Brown $99.00 Completed 305758 2014-2015 Travel Grant - Wilson, Casey Casey Wilson Casey Wilson $350.00 Completed 305760 2014-2015 Travel Grant - Li, Ziming Ziming Li Ziming Li $350.00 Completed 305762 2014-2015 Travel Grant - Zheng, Haibin Haibin Zheng Haibin Zheng $350.00 Completed 305763 2014-2015 Travel Grant - Ranjan, Anshu Anshu Ranjan Anshu Ranjan $350.00 Completed 305764 2014-2015 Travel Grant - Crombie, Timothy Timothy Crombie Tim Crombie $295.00 Completed 305766 2014-2015 Travel Grant - Butler, Michael Michael Butler Michael S. Butler $350.00 Completed 305772 2014-2015 Travel Grant - Graves, Christina Christina Graves Christina L. Graves $350.00 Completed 305775 2014-2015 Travel Grant - Grade, Aaron Aaron Grade Aaron Grade $350.00 Completed 305778 2014-2015 Travel Grant-Hany, Kim Hany Kim Ha Ny Kim $350.00 Completed 305786 2014-2015 Travel Grant - Lebron Gonzalez, Sharon Lebron Gonzalez Sharon H Lebron Sharon $350.00 Completed 305788 2014-2015 Travel Grant - Jain, Vaibhav Vaibhav Jain Vaibhav Jain $349.99 Completed 305794 2014-2015 Travel Grant - Chiu Lam, Andreina Andreina Chiu Lam Andreina Chiu Lam $350.00 Completed 305795 2014-2015 Travel Grant - Ferreira, Fernanda Fernanda Ferreira Fernanda Carolina Ferreira $344.06 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Requestor Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title 305799 Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 2014-2015 Travel Grant - Pagliai, Fernando Fernando Pagliai Lopez Fernando Pagliai $350.00 Completed 305802 2014-2015 Travel Grant - Hansen, Tayler Tayler Hansen Tayler L Hansen $185.75 Completed 305803 2014-2015 Travel Grant - Pascualini, Matias Matias Pascualini Matias E. Pascualini $350.00 Completed 305809 2014-2015 Travel Grant - Fiume, Casey Casey Fiume Cassandra Fiume $350.00 Completed 305810 2014-2015 Sabrina M Gilchrist $350.00 Completed 305811 2014-2015 Travel Grant - Sadoughi, Arezou Arezou Sadoughi $350.00 Completed 305813 2014-2015 Travel Grant - Eusebio, Michelle Michelle Eusebio Michelle S. Eusebio $350.00 Completed 305816 2014-2015 Travel Grant - Ray, Haleigh Haleigh Ray Haleigh Ray $350.00 Completed 305817 2014-2015 Travel Grant - Tiley, George George Tiley George P. Tiley $350.00 Completed 305822 2014-2015 Travel Grant - Taber, Robert Robert Taber Robert Taber $350.00 Completed 305824 2014-2015 Travel Grant - Park, Su Yeon Su Yeon Park SU YEON PARK $350.00 Completed 305826 2014-2015 Travel Grant-Dooley, Jenet Jenet Dooley Jenet Dooley $350.00 Completed 305827 2014-2015 Travel-Fanara,Tracy Tracy Fanara Tracy Fanara $350.00 Completed 305829 2014-2015 Travel Grant - Jones, Lennie Lennie Jones Lennie M. Jones $350.00 Completed 305846 2014-2015 Travel Grant- Gregory, Kristen Kristen Gregory Kristen Gregory $250.87 Completed 305879 2014-2015 Travel Grant - Liu, Bingjie Bingjie Liu Bingjie Liu $350.00 Completed 305890 2014-2015 Travel Grant - Bohorquez, Ana Ana Bohorquez Ana C. Bohorquez $350.00 Completed Travel Grant - Gilchrist, Sabrina Sabrina Gilchrist Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Arezou Sadoughi Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 305925 2014-2015 GSC Grants- July Food Jeffrey Fedenko Shannon Brown $95.50 Completed 305946 2014-2015 Travel Grant - Lee, Yongjin Yongjin Lee Yong Jin Lee $350.00 Completed 305950 2014-2015 Travel Grant - Elliott, Jaquelin Jaquelin Elliott Jaquelin Elliott $350.00 Completed 305951 2014-2015 GSC Kayak Social and Shirts Jeffrey Fedenko Jeffrey Fedenko $1036.83 Completed 305971 2014-2015 Travel Grant - Stull, Gregory Gregory Stull Gregory Stull $350.00 Completed 305974 2014-2015 Travel Grant - Lagrosa, John John Lagrosa John Lagrosa $350.00 Completed 305976 2014-2015 Travel Grant - Gilbert, Jessica Jessica Gilbert Jessica Gilbert $350.00 Completed 305983 2014-2015 Travel Grant - Vieira Neto, Ernane Ernane Vieira Neto Ernane Henrique Monteiro Vieira Neto $350.00 Completed 305984 2014-2015 Travel Grant - Casamali, Bruno Bruno Casamali Bruno Casamali $350.00 Completed 305985 2014-2015 Travel Grant - Tseng, Yu-Chien Yu-Chien Tseng Yu-Chien Tseng $350.00 Completed 305993 2014-2015 Travel Grant - Jieun, Chung Jieun Chung Jieun Chung $350.00 Completed 306005 2014-2015 Travel Grant - Fleites, Laura Laura Fleites Laura Fleites $350.00 Completed 400044 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Edgell, Amanda Amanda Edgell Amanda Edgell $350.00 Completed 400049 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Normand, Anna Anna Normand Anna Normand $350.00 Completed 400058 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Jiang, Shiyao Shiyao Jiang Shiyao Jiang $350.00 Completed 400064 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Li, Yan Yan Li Yan Li $350.00 Completed 400065 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Guy, Travis Travis Guy Travis J Guy $350.00 Completed 400070 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Conlan, Elizabeth Elizabeth Conlan Elizabeth Conlan $320.20 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 400072 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Wang, Jianan Jianan Wang Jianan Wang $350.00 Completed 400073 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Burnet, Jessica Jessica Burnett Jessica Burnett $350.00 Completed 400074 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Zhou, Xiaofeng Xiaofeng Zhou Xiaofeng Zhou $345.00 Completed 400079 2015-2016 Travel Grant Debnath,Dipsikha Dipsikha Debnath Dipsikha Debnath $350.00 Completed 400081 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Gonsales, Stella Stella de Almeida Gonsales STELLA GONSALES $350.00 Completed 400082 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Nguyen, Thi Hoang Ha Thi Hoang Ha Nguyen Thi Hoang Ha Nguyen $350.00 Completed 400084 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Hargrove, John John Hargrove John Hargrove $350.00 Completed 400087 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Graves, Sarah Sarah Graves Sarah Graves $350.00 Completed 400089 2015-2016 Travel Grant-Zurweller, Brendan Brendan Zurweller Brendan Zurweller $291.54 Completed 400093 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Oliveira, Michelle Michelle Oliveira Michelle Souza Oliveira $350.00 Completed 400095 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Christoff, Matthew Matthew Christoff $350.00 Completed 400096 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Georgiev, Teodor Teodor Georgiev Teodor Georgiev $339.98 Completed 400097 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Cranley, Nicole Nicole Cranley Nicole Cranley $350.00 Completed 400112 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Ganser, Claudia Claudia Ganser Claudia Ganser $350.00 Completed 400114 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Rodgers, Anna Anna Rodgers Anna K Rodgers $350.00 Completed 400126 2015-2016 September Grants Food Jeffrey Fedenko Shannon Brown $99.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Matthew Christoff Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 400187 2015-2016 GSC Orientation Shirts Jeffrey Fedenko Jeffrey Fedenko $2755.74 Completed 400198 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Ardente, Amanda Amanda Ardente Amanda Ardente $334.92 Completed 400199 2015-2016 Travel Grant Dhani Prakoso Dhani Prakoso $350.00 Completed 400200 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Penman, Christine Christine Penman Christine Johns $350.00 Completed 400204 2015-2016 Travel-Jiang, Kaiyuan Kaiyuan Jiang Kaiyuan Jiang $345.12 Completed 400208 2015-2016 Travel Grant -Shahin, Mohamed Mohamed Shahin Mohamed Shahin $350.00 Completed 400216 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Marquez, Marcela Marcela Marquez Garcia Marcela A. Marquez $319.72 Completed 400229 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Trevizan, Rodrigo Rodrigo Trevizan Rodrigo D. Trevizan $339.00 Completed 400240 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Leibowitz, Jeffrey Jeffrey Leibowitz Jeffrey Leibowitz $261.10 Completed 400242 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Polo Tomala, Gabriela Gabriela Polo Tomala Gabriela Polo $314.92 Completed 400247 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Woodfine, Kelly Kelly Woodfine Kelly Woodfine $350.00 Completed 400252 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Goldberg, Leslie Leslie Goldberg Leslie Goldberg $346.20 Completed 400340 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Frei, Anthony Anthony Frei Anthony Frei $350.00 Completed 400343 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Romita, Krista Krista Romita Krista Romita $262.20 Completed 400357 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Akbar Mohammad Mohammad Akbar Mohammad Ahsanul Akbar $350.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title 400393 Vendor Total Paid Status 2015-2016 Grants Meeting Food - October Shannon Brown Shannon Brown $95.13 Completed 400394 2015-2016 Grants Meeting Food November Shannon Brown Shannon Brown $99.00 Completed 400395 2015-2016 Grants Meeting Food December Shannon Brown Shannon Brown $92.47 Completed 400585 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Deuerling, Kelly Kelly Deuerling Kelly Deuerling $350.00 Completed 400587 2015-2016 Travel Grant Trongnetrpunya,Amy Amy Trongnetrpunya Amy Trongnetrpunya $350.00 Completed 400588 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Vermilyea, Danielle Danielle Vermilyea Danielle Vermilyea $345.10 Completed 400596 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Tsuda, Shigeharu Shigeharu Tsuda Shigeharu Tsuda $350.00 Completed 400601 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Rossi, Peter Peter Rossi Peter Rossi $350.00 Completed 400610 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Vo, Baotran Baotran Vo Baotran Vo $350.00 Completed 400626 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Theobald, Emily Emily Theobald Emily Theobald $350.00 Completed 400636 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Lorenzo, Felix Felix Lorenzo Felix Lorenzo $350.00 Completed 400643 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Storer, Caroline Caroline Storer Caroline Storer $350.00 Completed 400644 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Schrack, Anna Anna Schrack Anna Schrack $350.00 Completed 400645 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Chardon, Marie Marie Chardon Marie L Chardon $350.00 Completed 400646 2015-2016 Travel Grant- Matuska, Andrea Andrea Matuska Andrea Matuska $350.00 Completed 400647 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Halbritter, Dale Dale A. Halbritter $350.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Requestor Dale Halbritter Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 400649 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Leo, Sin Yen Sin Yen Leo Sin Yen Leo $350.00 Completed 400666 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Casebolt, Sahale Sahale Casebolt Sahale Casebolt $344.51 Completed 400667 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Huang, Haiqing Haiqing Huang Haiqing Huang $350.00 Completed 400670 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Thiele, Nikki Nikki Thiele Nikki Thiele $350.00 Completed 400682 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Hu, Zhenhong Zhenhong Hu Zhenhong Hu $350.00 Completed 400686 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Khadka, Mitra Mitra Khadka Mitra Khadka $350.00 Completed 400691 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Lopez Bobeda, Jose Jose Lopez Bobeda JOSE ROBERTO LOPEZ $350.00 Completed 400693 2015-2016 Travel Grant- Robison, Raele Raele Robison Raele Robison $350.00 Completed 400703 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Neumann, Joshua Joshua Neumann Joshua Neumann $350.00 Completed 400717 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Elshikha, Ahmed Ahmed Elshikha Ahmed Samir Elshikha $316.65 Completed 400723 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Kim, Han-Kyul Han-Kyul Kim Han-Kyul Kim $350.00 Completed 400742 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Kedenburg, Michael Michael Kedenburg Michael Kedenburg $178.70 Completed 400748 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Rios, Maria Constanza Maria Rios Marin Maria Constanza RiosMarin $341.47 Completed 400757 2015-2016 Travel Grant-Emma Hawley Emma Hawley Emma Hawley $350.00 Completed 400759 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Crooke, Hannah Hannah Crooke Hannah Crooke $350.00 Completed 400767 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Cranley, Nicole Nicole Cranley Nicole Cranley $350.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 400771 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Brown, Amy Amy Brown Amy L Brown $350.00 Completed 400778 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Elbadry, Maha Maha Elbadry Maha Elbadry $350.00 Completed 400876 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Grijalva Rosero, Colon Colon Grijalva Rosero Colon Jaime GrijalvaRosero $350.00 Completed 400955 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Owens, David David Owens David Owens $350.00 Completed 400993 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Patterson, Rainey Rainey Patterson Rainey Patterson $350.00 Completed 400995 2015-2016 Travel Grant- Wilfong, Tara Tara Wilfong Tara Wilfong $350.00 Completed 401003 2015-2016 Travel Yin Fang Yin Fang Yin Fang $350.00 Completed 401079 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Archer, Derek Derek Archer Derek Archer $349.42 Completed 401098 2015-2016 Travel Grant-Simmons, Matthew Matthew Simmons Matthew Simmons $342.00 Completed 401165 2015-2016 GSC Tailgate Karen Vyverberg Nicole Cranley $530.10 Completed 401295 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Liu, Xinyue Xinyue Liu Xinyue Liu $350.00 Completed 401300 2015-2016 Travel Grant-Cowart, Jonathan Jonathan Cowart Jonathan Cowart $350.00 Completed 401301 2015-2016 Travel Grant- Engstrom, Johanna Johanna Engstrom Johanna Engstrom $350.00 Completed 401302 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Horta, Marilyn Marilyn Horta Marilyn Horta $233.72 Completed 401304 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Haase, Catherine Catherine Haase Catherine Haase $350.00 Completed 401306 2015-2016 Elise Costa $350.00 Completed Travel Grant - Costa, Elise Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Elise Costa Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor 401334 2015-2016 Travel Grant - StricklandHughes, Carla M. 401337 Total Paid Status Carla Strickland-Hughes Carla M. StricklandHughes $350.00 Completed 2015-2016 Travel Grant-Tootoonchi, Mohsen Mohsen Tootoonchi Mohsen Tootoonchi $333.05 Completed 401340 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Neil, Jordan Jordan Neil Jordan Neil $350.00 Completed 401344 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Meridth, Lanie Lanie Meridth Lanie Nicole Meridth $350.00 Completed 401347 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Wang, Zeyu Zeyu Wang Zeyu Wang $350.00 Completed 401355 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Cho, Soohyun Soohyun Cho Soohyun Cho $350.00 Completed 401356 2015-2016 Travel Grant- Losee, Joy Joy Losee Joy Losee $350.00 Completed 401375 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Bao, Yanmin Yanmin Bao Yanmin Bao $350.00 Completed 401377 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Tepperman, Alexander Alexander Tepperman Alexander Tepperman $350.00 Completed 401383 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Hong, Seong Hyeon Seong Hyeon Hong Seong Hyeon Hong $350.00 Completed 401386 2015-2016 Travel Grant- Little, Lydia Nicole Lydia Little Lydia Nicole Little $350.00 Completed 401411 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Dreier, David David Dreier David Dreier $350.00 Completed 401419 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Gennaro, Michael Michael Gennaro Michael GENNARO $350.00 Completed 401425 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Brahma, Pratik Pratik Brahma Pratik Prabhanjan Brahma $350.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Vendor Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 401432 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Blackstone, Ginger Ginger Blackstone Ginger E. Blackstone $350.00 Completed 401433 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Vyverberg, Karen Karen Vyverberg Karen Vyverberg $350.00 Completed 401448 2015-2016 Travel Grant- Fennessy, Maureen Maureen Fennessy Maureen P. Fennessy $350.00 Completed 401450 2015-2016 Travel Grant- Larson, Heather Heather Larson Heather Larson $350.00 Completed 401452 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Spelman, David David Spelman David Spelman $350.00 Completed 401457 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Plotkin, David David Plotkin David Plotkin $195.00 Completed 401495 2015-2016 Travel grant- Salmon, Verity Verity Salmon Verity Salmon $350.00 Completed 401513 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Benabdallah Lina Lina Benabdallah Lina Benabdallah $350.00 Completed 401704 2015-2016 Travel Grant -Oli, Muna Muna Oli Muna Oli $212.10 Completed 401914 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Zhang, Yuanxin Yuanxin Zhang YUANXIN ZHANG $350.00 Completed 401916 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Gaulee, Uttam Uttam Gaulee Uttam Prasad Gaulee $350.00 Completed 401918 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Zheng,Yinan Yinan Zheng Yinan Zheng $335.37 Completed 401920 2015-2016 Travel Grant - DeMaio, Tahlia Tahlia DeMaio Tahila DeMaio $313.64 Completed 401927 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Pfaller, Joe Joseph Pfaller Joseph Pfaller $350.00 Completed 401935 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Krietsch, Kendra Kendra Krietsch Kendra Krietsch $350.00 Completed 401959 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Choe, Yeongbae Yeongbae Choe Yeongbae Choe $350.00 Completed 401987 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Dunnavant, Justin Justin Dunnavant $350.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Justin Dunnavant Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 401995 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Applicant Rios, Esteban Esteban Rios Esteban Rios $350.00 Completed 402007 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Thorat, Dhanashree Dhanashree Thorat Dhanashree Thorat $350.00 Completed 402038 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Fahrenkrog, Annette Annette Fahrenkrog Hashagen Annette Fahrenkrog $350.00 Completed 402079 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Balmant, Kelly Kelly Balmant Kelly Balmant $350.00 Completed 402082 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Grafft-Weiss, Amber Amber Grafft-Weiss Amber Grafft-Weiss $350.00 Completed 402086 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Dinerman, Amy Amy Dinerman Amy Dinerman $350.00 Completed 402120 2015-2016 Travel Grant- Schafer, Tracey Tracey Schafer Tracey Schafer $350.00 Completed 402149 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Chen, Zhibin Zhibin Chen Zhibin Chen $350.00 Completed 402150 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Xu, Zhengtian Zhengtian Xu Zhengtian Xu $350.00 Completed 402522 2015-2016 GSC Grants Food - January Shannon Brown Shannon Brown $98.13 Completed 402523 2015-2016 GSC Grants Food - February Shannon Brown Shannon Brown $99.00 Completed 402524 2015-2016 GSC Grants Food - March Shannon Brown Shannon Brown $97.80 Completed 402525 2015-2016 GSC Grants Food - April Shannon Brown Shannon Brown $99.00 Completed 402526 2015-2016 GSC Grants Food - May Shannon Brown Shannon Brown $96.14 Completed 402529 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Snyder, Aliyah Aliyah Snyder Aliyah Snyder $350.00 Completed 402530 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Gaynor, Leslie Leslie Gaynor Leslie Gaynor $382.21 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title 402531 Vendor Total Paid Status 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Avila-Santamaria, Jorge Avila-Santamaria Jorge Jorge J Avila Santamaria $350.00 Completed 402533 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Asken, Breton Breton Asken Breton Asken $350.00 Completed 402534 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Sullan, Molly Molly Sullan Molly Sullan $350.00 Completed 402535 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Gullett, Joseph Joseph Gullett Joseph Gullett $350.00 Completed 402538 2015-2016 Travel Grant -McLaren, Molly Molly McLaren Molly McLaren $350.00 Completed 402539 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Szymkowicz, Sarah Sarah Szymkowicz Sarah Szymkowicz $349.70 Completed 402549 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Seider, Talia Talia Seider Talia Seider $350.00 Completed 402551 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Johnson, Timothy Timothy Johnson Timothy Johnson $350.00 Completed 402563 2015-2016 Roessler, Justin Justin Roessler Justin Roessler $350.00 Completed 402569 2015-2016 Travel Grant- Lebron, Crisne Crisne Lebron Crisne Lebron $350.00 Completed 402571 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Zarate Urbano, Miguel Miguel Zarate Urbano Miguel Zarate Urbano $350.00 Completed 402574 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Currin, Elizabeth Elizabeth Currin Elizabeth Currin $350.00 Completed 402577 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Gulick, Alexandra Alexandra Gulick Alexandra G Gulick $350.00 Completed 402580 2015-2016 Travel Grant Chenyi He Chenyi He $350.00 Completed 402581 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Applicant O'Shea, Deirdre Deirdre OShea Deirdre O'Shea $350.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Requestor Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title 402587 Vendor Total Paid Status 2015-2016 Travel Grant- Neupane, Diwash Diwash Neupane Diwash Neupane $350.00 Completed 402667 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Legler, Christian Christian Legler Christian Legler $350.00 Completed 402790 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Wu, Xiao Xiao Wu Xiao Wu $350.00 Completed 402791 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Chouinard, Christopher Christopher Chouinard Christopher Chouinard $350.00 Completed 402794 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Simoes Dias de Castro, Vanessa Vanessa Simoes Dias De Vanessa Simoes Dias de Castro Castro $264.70 Completed 402795 2015-2016 Travel Grant Joseph Johnson Joseph Johnson $325.00 Completed 402796 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Brown, Shannon Shannon Brown Shannon Brown $350.00 Completed 402797 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Crolic, Cammy Cammy Crolic Cammy Crolic $350.00 Completed 402799 2015-2016 Plates and equipment for Grants Meetings Shannon Brown Shannon Brown $65.50 Completed 402802 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Brittany Bailey Brittany Bailey Brittany Bailey $350.00 Completed 402819 2015-2016 Tavel Grant - Bianco, Nicole Nicole Bianco Nicole Bianco $350.00 Completed 402822 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Shields, Michael Michael Shields Michael Shields $350.00 Completed 402824 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Lutz, Chelsea Chelsea Lutz Chelsea Lutz $350.00 Completed 402849 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Wang, Nan-Yi Nan-Yi Wang Nan-Yi Wang $350.00 Completed 402869 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Ongsitco, Joanne Joanne Ongsitco Joanne C Ongsitco $350.00 Completed 402872 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Wong, Shan Shan Wong Shan Wong $350.00 Completed 402874 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Zhang, Xiaowen Xiaowen Zhang Xiaowen Zhang $350.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Requestor Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 402877 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Jin, Yifan Yifan Jin Yifan Jin $350.00 Completed 402943 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Banks, Caitlin Caitlin Banks Caitlin L. Banks $350.00 Completed 402981 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Winn, Laura Laura Winn Laura Winn $350.00 Completed 403023 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Smith, Ley Ley Smith Ley Cody Smith $350.00 Completed 403087 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Butler Claire Claire Butler Claire Butler $349.00 Completed 403246 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Wang, Shanshan Shanshan Wang Shanshan Wang $202.30 Completed 403300 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Koelmel, Jeremy Jeremy Koelmel Jeremy Koelmel $350.00 Completed 403410 2015-2016 GSC Meeting equipment and supplies Shannon Brown Shannon Brown $193.85 Completed 403476 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Wen, Jing Jing Wen Jing Wen $350.00 Completed 403485 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Kamin, Hayley Hayley Kamin Hayley Kamin $350.00 Completed 403491 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Carmody, Julia Julia Carmody Julia Carmody $350.00 Completed 403492 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Moravec, Emily Emily Moravec Emily Moravec $350.00 Completed 403493 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Winburn, Allysha Allysha Winburn Allysha Powanda Winburn $350.00 Completed 403497 2015-2016 Travel Grant-DeRatt, Barbara Barbara DeRatt Barbara DeRatt $350.00 Completed 403501 2015-2016 Travel Grant- Frohe, Tessa Tessa Frohe Tessa Frohe $350.00 Completed 403514 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Balam, Osmer Osmer Balam Osmer E Balam $350.00 Completed 403517 2015-2016 Travel Grant- Bracho-Sanchez, Evelyn Evelyn Bracho-Sanchez Evelyn Bracho-Sanchez $350.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor 403525 2015-2016 Travel Grant - CouturierHerndon, Alyssa Alyssa CouturierHerndon Alyssa Couturier-Herndon $316.73 Completed 403538 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Coman, Anthony Anthony Coman Anthony Coman $350.00 Completed 403544 2015-2016 Travel Grant- Bok, Kristin Kristin Bok Kristin Bok $350.00 Completed 403554 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Westen, Sarah Sarah Westen Sarah Westen $350.00 Completed 403555 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Zhao, Evan Wenbo Wenbo Zhao Wenbo Zhao $347.70 Completed 403565 2015-2016 Travel Grant- Dowie-Chin, Tianna Tianna Dowie-Chin Tianna Dowie-Chin $350.00 Completed 403568 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Ariel, Aviva Aviva Ariel Aviva Ariel $287.00 Completed 403572 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Warnick, Jennifer Jennifer Warnick Jennifer Warnick $270.34 Completed 403576 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Liu,Jingwen Jingwen Liu Jingwen Liu $350.00 Completed 403584 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Teigland, Celia Celia Teigland Celia Teigland $350.00 Completed 403589 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Manchester, Ashley Ashley Manchester Ashley Manchester $350.00 Completed 403607 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Boileau, Arianne Arianne Boileau Arianne Boileau $350.00 Completed 403615 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Dinnin, Alec Alec Dinnin Alec Dinnin $350.00 Completed 403620 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Hussey, Robert Robert Hussey Robert Hussey $350.00 Completed 403628 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Pillay, Rajeev Rajeev Pillay Rajeev Pillay $350.00 Completed 403634 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Stewart, Joshua Joshua Stewart Joshua Michael Stewart $350.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Total Paid Status Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 403635 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Kim, Minseong Minseong Kim Minseong Kim $350.00 Completed 403637 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Plumton, Glendon Glendon Plumton Glendon Plumton $350.00 Completed 403650 2015-2016 Travel Grant- Boylan, Jennifer Jennifer Boylan Jennifer Boylan $350.00 Completed 403655 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Cho, Joonseok Joonseok Cho Joonseok Cho $350.00 Completed 403656 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Lad, Susan Susan Lad Susan Lad $348.10 Completed 403665 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Castro, Williams Williams Castro Williams M Castro $350.00 Completed 403680 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Molina, Rene Rene Molina Rene Molina $350.00 Completed 403682 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Warren, Eliza Eliza Warren Eliza Warren $299.20 Completed 403693 2015-2016 Travel Grant - De Carvalho Antunes, Aghane Aghane De Carvalho Antunes Aghane De Carvalho Antunes $350.00 Completed 403695 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Hearn, Lauren Lauren Hearn Lauren Hearn $350.00 Completed 403701 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Chalifour, Spencer Spencer Chalifour Spencer Chalifour $255.00 Completed 403702 2015-2016 Website and supplies Shannon Brown Shannon Brown $425.00 Completed 403703 2015-2016 Travel Grant-Ege_Engin Engin Ege Engin Ege $266.20 Completed 403705 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Li, Shuzhan Shuzhan Li Shuzhan Li $350.00 Completed 403725 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Ungericht, Luiz Luiz Ungericht Luiz Felipe Ungericht $350.00 Completed 403728 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Souza, thiago Thiago Souza Thiago d Souza $350.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 403739 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Alabduljabbar, Manal Manal Al Abduljabbar Manal Alabduljabbar $350.00 Completed 403741 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Ruiz-Poveda Vera, Cristina Cristina Ruiz-Poveda Vera Cristina Ruiz-Poveda Vera $340.18 Completed 403748 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Merrill, Kristen Kristen Merrill Kristen Merrill $325.20 Completed 403763 2015-2016 Travel Grant - van Wees, Saskia Saskia van Wees Saskia van Wees $350.00 Completed 403769 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Gui, Tianhan Tianhan Gui Tianhan Gui $350.00 Completed 403777 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Nair, Jayakrishnan Jayakrishnan Nair JAYAKRISHNAN NAIR $350.00 Completed 403778 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Ju, Ilyoung Ilyoung Ju Ju, Ilyoung $350.00 Completed 403784 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Zhou,Yao Yao Zhou Yao Zhou $350.00 Completed 403787 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Tarrant, Seaton Seaton Tarrant Seaton Tarrant $350.00 Completed 403791 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Qi, Pengxu Pengxu Qi Pengxu Qi $350.00 Completed 403824 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Davis, Danielle Danielle Davis Danielle Davis $350.00 Completed 403846 2015-2016 Travel Grant- Stromberg, Sarah Sarah Stromberg Sarah Stromberg $350.00 Completed 403951 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Mamtora, Bhakti Bhakti Mamtora Bhakti Mamtora $350.00 Completed 404022 2015-2016 End of Year Awards Karen Vyverberg The Trophy Shop $123.00 Completed 404121 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Svraka, Dragana Dragana Svraka Dragana Svraka $350.00 Completed 404205 2015-2016 Travel Grant-Chen, Li-Li Li-Li Chen Li-Li Chen $350.00 Completed 404470 2015-2016 GSC Spring Social Food Karen Vyverberg Karen Vyverberg $300.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 404471 2015-2016 Facebook Ads for GSC Spring Social Karen Vyverberg Karen Vyverberg $74.04 Completed 404540 2015-2016 Travel Grant -Thomas, Aaron Aaron Thomas Aaron Thomas $350.00 Completed 404639 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Ball, Jacob Jacob Ball Jacob D Ball $350.00 Completed 404646 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Bertot, Weston Weston Bertot Weston J Bertot $350.00 Completed 404651 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Soriano, Caitlyn Caitlyn Soriano Caitlyn Soriano $314.20 Completed 404654 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Macieira, Tamara Tamara Macieira Tamara Macieira $350.00 Completed 404681 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Anderson, Wesley Wesley Anderson Wesley M Anderson $350.00 Completed 404702 2015-2016 Travel Grant - McMillan, Lana Lana McMillan Lana McMillan $350.00 Completed 404703 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Zhu, Manhong Manhong Zhu Manhong Zhu $350.00 Completed 404708 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Sevel, Landrew Landrew Sevel Landrew Sevel $350.00 Completed 404724 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Huang, Lin-Ya Lin-Ya Huang Lin-Ya Huang $350.00 Completed 404744 2015-2016 Travel Grant-Lundgren, Lisa Lisa Lundgren Lisa M. Lundgren $350.00 Completed 404771 2015-2016 Travel Grant - de Andrade, Gustavo Gustavo de Andrade Gustavo Riente de Andrade $350.00 Completed 404774 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Siqueira, Luiz Luiz Siqueira Luiz Gustavo Bruno Siqueira $338.37 Completed 404788 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Chen, Yi-An Yi-An Chen Yi-An Chen $350.00 Completed 404792 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Lord, Alana Alana Lord Alana Lord $350.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 404811 2015-2016 Travel Grant-Hyde,Jacy Jacy Hyde Jacy Hyde $239.06 Completed 404941 2015-2016 Travel Grant - McCall, Angela Angela McCall Angela McCall $350.00 Completed 405067 2015-2016 Travel Grant- Sexton, Anne Anne Sexton Anne Sexton $299.76 Completed 405073 2015-2016 Travel Grant- Crank, Connor Connor Crank Connor Crank $350.00 Completed 405102 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Keatinge, Fergus Fergus Keatinge FERGUS KEATINGE $350.00 Completed 405129 2015-2016 Travel Grant- Kuliasha, Cary Cary Kuliasha Cary Kuliasha $332.28 Completed 405133 2015-2016 Award Ceremony Food Karen Vyverberg Karen Vyverberg $352.15 Completed 405136 2015-2016 Award Ceremony Paper Goods Karen Vyverberg Karen Vyverberg $47.41 Completed 405180 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Falcone, Justine Justine Falcone Justine Falcone $350.00 Completed 405217 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Hyddmark, Emma Emma Hyddmark Emma Hyddmark $350.00 Completed 405244 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Chun-Chieh Wang Chun-Chieh Wang Chun-Chieh Wang $350.00 Completed 405246 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Joslyn, Paul Paul Joslyn Paul R Joslyn $350.00 Completed 405253 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Guarin, Jose Jose Guarin Jose Guarin $350.00 Completed 405254 2015-2016 Min Xiao Min Xiao $350.00 Completed 405263 2015-2016 Travel Grant-Lin, Andrea Andrea Lin Andrea Lin $350.00 Completed 405264 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Daejin Kim Daejin Kim Daejin Kim $350.00 Completed 405265 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Martinez, Carlos Carlos Martinez Nino Carlos Martinez Nino $350.00 Completed Travel Grant - Xiao, Min Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title 405266 Vendor Total Paid Status 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Maness, Heather Heather Maness Heather Maness $350.00 Completed 405267 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Whitener, Robert Robert Whitener Robert Whitener $350.00 Completed 405268 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Hwang, ChuehLung Chueh-Lung Hwang Chueh-Lung Hwang $346.00 Completed 405272 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Rubow, Christopher Christopher Rubow Christopher Rubow $350.00 Completed 405280 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Kircher, Bonnie Bonnie Kircher Bonnie Kircher $346.20 Completed 405281 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Kemperman, Robin Robin Kemperman Robin H.J. Kemperman $350.00 Completed 405282 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Jacob, Jessica Jessica Jacob Jessica Jacob $350.00 Completed 405285 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Acheson, Charles Charles Acheson Charles Acheson $350.00 Completed 405289 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Kontou, Eleftheria Eleftheria Kontou Eleftheria Kontou $350.00 Completed 405300 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Londhe, Nikhil Nikhil Londhe Nikhil D Londhe $350.00 Completed 405305 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Shino, Enrijeta Enrijeta Shino Enrijeta Shino $317.31 Completed 405316 2015-2016 Travel Grant- Papacek, Josh Joshua Papacek Joshua Papacek $350.00 Completed 405319 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Serdarevic, Mirsada Mirsada Serdarevic Mirsada Serdarevic $339.00 Completed 405320 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Milani, Sadaf Sadaf Milani Sadaf Milani $350.00 Completed 405343 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Strekalova, Yulia Yulia Strekalova Yulia Strekalova $350.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Requestor Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 405347 2015-2016 Travel Grant-Ravary, Riley Riley Ravary Riley Alina Ravary $350.00 Completed 405352 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Schieber, Elizabeth Elizabeth Schieber Elizabeth Schieber $350.00 Completed 405366 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Sharp, Sean Sean Sharp Sean Sharp $272.54 Completed 405389 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Rohlwing, Kathryn Kathryn Rohlwing Kathryn Rohlwing $350.00 Completed 405397 2015-2016 Travel Grant Ibukun Ayankojo Ibukun Timothy Ayankojo $350.00 Completed 405402 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Yuan, Ye Ye Yuan Ye Yuan $350.00 Completed 405408 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Keller, Oliver Oliver Keller Oliver Keller $350.00 Completed 405411 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Mellis, Johanna Johanna Mellis Johanna Mellis $270.34 Completed 405412 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Ruth, Taylor Taylor Ruth Taylor Ruth $350.00 Completed 405413 2015-2016 Nelmarie Landrau Giovannetti Nelmarie L Giovannetti $350.00 Completed 405416 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Ong, Triton Triton Ong Triton Ong $350.00 Completed 405417 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Penkrot, Michelle Michelle Penkrot Michelle Penkrot $350.00 Completed 405424 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Wong, Justin Justin Wong Justin Wong $344.70 Completed 405426 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Thigpen, Nina Nina Thigpen Nina Thigpen $350.00 Completed 405432 2015-2016 Travel Grant - LaRose, Sarah Sarah LaRose Sarah LaRose $337.93 Completed 405433 2015-2016 Travel Grant - PArajuli, Saroj Saroj Parajuli Saroj Parajuli $350.00 Completed 405439 2015-2016 Travel Grant- Alvarado, Diana Diana Alvarado Diana Alvarado $350.00 Completed Travel Grant - Landrau Giovannetti, Nelmarie Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 405441 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Sharpe, Joyce Danielle Joyce Danielle Sharpe Joyce D Sharpe $248.20 Completed 405444 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Komeily, Mohammad Mohammad Komeily Mohammad Ali Komeily $350.00 Completed 405445 2015-2016 Travel Grant- Smith, James James Smith James Kennon Smith $350.00 Completed 405446 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Zhou, Yue Yue Zhou yue zhou $301.97 Completed 405455 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Terza, Matthew Matthew Terza Matthew J Terza $350.00 Completed 405459 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Harding, Morgan Morgan Harding Morgan Harding $350.00 Completed 405461 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Andalib, Arash Arash Andalib Arash Andalib $350.00 Completed 405480 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Ramjatan, Sahadeo Sahadeo Ramjatan Sahadeo Ramjatan $350.00 Completed 405513 2015-2016 GSC Grants Meeting Food-May Julia Arroyo Julia Arroyo $99.00 Completed 405534 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Wang, Hongbin Hongbin Wang Hongbin Wang $350.00 Completed 405631 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Diaz Milton Milton Diaz Milton H. Diaz $243.90 Completed 405647 2015-2016 Security (Sitelock) for Grants Website Julia Arroyo Julia Arroyo $23.88 Completed 405663 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Alexander, Christopher Christopher Alexander Christopher Alexander $350.00 Completed 405667 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Morrison, Elise Elise Morrison Elise Morrison $350.00 Completed 405668 2015-2016 Travel Grant- Buchanan, Taylor Taylor Buchanan Taylor Buchanan $350.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 405669 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Seago, JessieLeigh Jessie-Leigh Seago Jessie-Leigh Seago $350.00 Completed 405670 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Sinedino, Leticia Leticia Del-Penho Sinedino Leticia Sinedino $350.00 Completed 405672 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Zhao, Huazhong Huazhong Zhao Huazhong Zhao $350.00 Completed 405683 2015-2016 Travel Grant- Raffegeau, Tiphanie Tiphanie Raffegeau Tiphanie Raffegeau $331.98 Completed 405706 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Acheampong, Abenaa Abenaa Acheampong Abenaa Acheampong $350.00 Completed 405708 2015-2016 GSC Leadership Summit Activities Nathan Blinn Nathan Blinn $145.19 Completed 405709 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Schambow, Brittany Brittany Schambow Brittany Schambow $350.00 Completed 405714 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Anderson, Carolyn Carolyn Anderson Carolyn Jane Anderson $350.00 Completed 405724 2015-2016 GSC Leadership Summit Food Nathan Blinn Classic Fare/Gator Dining $236.82 Completed 405738 2015-2016 GSC Grants Meeting Food-June Julia Arroyo Classic Fare Catering $98.80 Completed 405752 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Solanki, Avni Avni Solanki Avni Solanki $350.00 Completed 405753 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Sandfoss, Mark Mark Sandfoss Mark Sandfoss $346.93 Completed 405758 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Medina, Jorge Jorge Medina Jorge Israel Medina $350.00 Completed 405759 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Ulmer, Candice Candice Ulmer Candice Ulmer $350.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 405760 2015-2016 Travel Grant- Samuels, Shenae Shenae Samuels Shenae K. Samuels $321.87 Completed 405762 2015-2016 Travel Grant - O'Donnell, Kelli Kelli O'Donnell Kelli O'Donnell $350.00 Completed 405766 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Tiley, George George Tiley George P. Tiley $350.00 Completed 405787 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Seaback, Robert Robert Seaback Robert Seaback $350.00 Completed 405794 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Borchering, Rebecca Rebecca Borchering Rebecca Borchering $350.00 Completed 405795 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Shojaei kol kachi, Alireza Shojaei Kol Kachi Alireza shojaei kol kachi Alireza $350.00 Completed 405796 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Hodel, Richard Richard Hodel Richard Hodel $350.00 Completed 405797 2015-2016 Travel Grant- Carey, Sarah Sarah Carey Sarah Beth Carey $350.00 Completed 405798 2015-2016 Travel Grant-Wilson, Audrey Audrey Wilson Audrey Wilson $343.57 Completed 405801 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Ross, Daniel Daniel Ross Daniel Ross $96.00 Completed 405803 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Woodruff, Emily Emily Woodruff Emily Woodruff $350.00 Completed 405834 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Dhakal, Bhuwan Bhuwan Dhakal Bhuwan Dhakal $350.00 Completed 405845 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Robles, Maria Jose Maria Robles Malagamba Maria Jose Robles $350.00 Completed 405850 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Chen, Yang Yang Chen Yang Chen $350.00 Completed 405851 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Carr, Adam Adam Carr Adam Carr $350.00 Completed 405856 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Landry, Kelly Kelly Landry Kelly Landry $350.00 Completed 405863 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Johns, Paul Paul Johns Paul Johns $350.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 405867 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Horvath, Kelsey Kelsey Horvath Kelsey C Horvath $350.00 Completed 405868 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Kollar, Leslie Leslie Kollar Leslie Kollar $350.00 Completed 405869 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Zhang, Zizhao Zizhao Zhang Zizhao Zhang $350.00 Completed 405870 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Nickels, Adam Adam Nickels Adam Nickels $350.00 Completed 405874 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Chilcoat, Laura Laura Chilcoat Laura Chilcoat $350.00 Completed 405877 2015-2016 Travel Grant, Furtado dos Santos, Rodrigo Rodrigo Furtado Dos Santos Rodrigo Furtado dos Santos $350.00 Completed 405881 2015-2016 Travel Grant -Xing, Lin Lin Xing Lin Xing $350.00 Completed 405882 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Dyson, Kyle Kyle Dyson Kyle A Dyson $350.00 Completed 405885 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Desai, Pritesh Pritesh Desai Pritesh Desai $350.00 Completed 405891 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Cotton, Ross Ross Cotton Ross Cotton $262.20 Completed 405892 2015-2016 Travel Grant- Hurley, Kelly Kelly Hurley Kelly Hurley $350.00 Completed 405912 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Purvis, Lee Lee Purvis Lee Purvis $350.00 Completed 405979 2015-2016 Promotional Items for Summer Karen Vyverberg Events 4imprint $1369.13 Completed 406076 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Sagues, William William Sagues William Sagues $350.00 Completed 406080 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Ferreira, Fernanda Fernanda Ferreira Fernanda Ferreira $350.00 Completed 406081 2015-2016 Travel Grant-Bhatt, Avni Avni Bhatt Avni Bhatt $350.00 Completed 406082 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Alonso, Alice Alice Alonso Alice Alonso $350.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 406086 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Wallace, Karl Karl Wallace Karl M Wallace $268.49 Completed 406088 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Earl, Chandra Chandra Earl Chandra Earl $344.20 Completed 406091 2015-2016 Travel Grant- Iacovides, Sossi Sossi Iacovides Sossi Iacovides $350.00 Completed 406100 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Riemer, Kristina Kristina Riemer Kristina Riemer $334.71 Completed 406106 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Christensen, Erica Erica Christensen Erica Christensen $300.00 Completed 406108 2015-2016 Travel Grant- Hansen, Kira Kira Hansen $350.00 Completed 406109 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Chaves Claudino, Daniel Chaves Claudino Daniel Daniel Chaves Claudino $350.00 Completed 406110 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Hansen, Tayler Tayler L Hansen $314.91 Completed 406111 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Hocutt, Jeramiah Jeramiah Hocutt Jeramiah Hocutt $350.00 Completed 406112 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Poudyal, Rosha Rosha Poudyal $350.00 Completed 406113 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Lomelino, Carrie Carrie Lomelino Carrie Lomelino $350.00 Completed 406129 2015-2016 Travel Grant- Weir, Jessie Jessie Weir Jessie Weir $350.00 Completed 406136 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Fuller, Eric Eric Fuller Eric Fuller $239.66 Completed 406141 2015-2016 Meeting signs Randall Martin 4 Imprint $255.17 Completed 406142 2015-2016 Volunteer t-shirts Randall Martin Campus Outfitters $780.00 Completed 406145 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Nelson, Natalie Natalie Nelson Natalie Nelson $350.00 Completed 406148 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Poindexter, Michael Michael Poindexter Michael Poindexter $350.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Kira Hansen Tayler Hansen Rosha Poudyal Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 406154 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Bobel, Jillian Jillian Bobel Jillian Bobel $350.00 Completed 406159 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Su, Yi Yi Su Yi Su $350.00 Completed 406162 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Boz Ozdemir Ziynet Ziynet Boz Ozdemir Ziynet Boz Ozdemir $216.20 Completed 406165 2015-2016 Travel Grant- Sarkar, Ankita Ankita Sarkar Ankita Sarkar $350.00 Completed 406204 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Rivera-Gutierrez, Diego Rivera-Gutierrez Diego Diego Rivera-Gutierrez $350.00 Completed 406206 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Wu, Shuang Shuang Wu Shuang Wu $350.00 Completed 406212 2015-2016 Travel Grant - Chang, Seungwoo Seungwoo Chang Seungwoo Chang $350.00 Completed 406243 2016-2017 GSC Grants Meeting Food – July 2016 Julia Arroyo Classic Fare/Gator Dining $98.89 Completed 406244 2016-2017 Travel Grant - Merrill, Hunter Hunter Merrill Hunter R Merrill $350.00 Completed 500003 2016-2017 Travel Grant - Kaspar, Justin Justin Kaspar Justin Kaspar $255.20 Completed 500005 2016-2017 Travel Grant- Andersen, Brandey Brandey Andersen Brandey Andersen $350.00 Completed 500010 2016-2017 Travel Grant - Benabdallah, Lina Lina Benabdallah Lina Benabdallah $350.00 Completed 500013 2016-2017 Travel Grant - Somjee, Ummat Ummat Somjee Ummat Somjee $350.00 Completed 500015 2016-2017 GSC Grants Meeting Food – August Julia Arroyo Classic Fare/Gator Dining $98.92 Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Completed Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor 500016 2016-2017 GSC Grants Meeting Food-September Julia Arroyo Classic Fare/Gator Dining $97.89 Completed 500020 2016-2017 Travel Grant - Gilchrest, Callie Callie Gilchrest Callie Gilchrest $350.00 Completed 500025 2016-2017 Travel Grant - Zarate Urbano, Miguel Miguel Zarate Urbano Miguel Zarate Urbano $350.00 Completed 500030 2016-2017 Chaulagain, Bhim Bhim Chaulagain Bhim Chaulagain $350.00 Completed 500034 2016-2017 Travel Grant - Timilsina, Sujan Sujan Timilsina Sujan timilsina $350.00 Completed 500035 2016-2017 Travel Grant - Trotta, Lauren Lauren Trotta Lauren Trotta $350.00 Completed 500036 2016-2017 Travel Grant - Hincapie Castillo, Juan Hincapie Castillo Juan Juan Hincapie Castillo $350.00 Completed 500038 2016-2017 Travel Grant-Robertson,Ellen Ellen Robertson Ellen Robertson $350.00 Completed 500039 2016-2017 Travel Grant - Tarbox, Bryan Bryan Tarbox Bryan Tarbox $232.01 Completed 500040 2016-2017 Travel Grant - Rahman, Syed Syed Rahman Syed Hafizur Rahman $350.00 Completed 500043 2016-2017 Travel Grant - Barraclough, Brendan Brendan Barraclough Brendan Barraclough $257.82 Completed 500047 2016-2017 Travel Grant - Ferreira, Renan Renan Barroso Ferreira Renan Ferreira $350.00 Completed 500065 2016-2017 Travel Grant - Dennis, Jennifer Jennifer Dennis Jennifer Dennis $350.00 Completed 500067 2016-2017 Travel Grant- Nicoletta, Katrina Katrina Nicoletta Katrina Nicoletta $350.00 Completed 500070 2016-2017 Travel Grant - Stoddard, Margo Margo Stoddard Margo Stoddard $314.58 Completed 500072 2016-2017 Travel Grant - Pereira, Juliana Juliana A. Pereira $350.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Juliana Pereira Total Paid Status Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 500073 2016-2017 Travel Grant - van Boemmel Wegmann, Sascha Sascha Van BoemmelWegmann Sascha van Boemmel Wegmann $350.00 Completed 500080 2016-2017 Travel Grant - Jin,Yifan Yifan Jin Yifan Jin $350.00 Completed 500084 2016-2017 Travel Grant - Schnable, Sierra Sierra Schnable Sierra Schnable $350.00 Completed 500086 2016-2017 Christopher Manick Christopher Manick $350.00 Completed 500090 2016-2017 Travel Grant - Zhang, Xinrui Xinrui Zhang Xinrui Zhang $350.00 Completed 500095 2016-2017 Travel Grant - Murata, Mayara Mayara Murata Mayara M Murata $304.89 Completed 500102 2016-2017 Travel Grant - Walters, Mitc Mitchell Walters Mitchell Waltes $320.00 Completed 500144 2016-2017 Travel Grant-Dodoo, Naa Amponsah Naa Amponsah Dodoo Naa Amponsah Dodoo $350.00 Completed 500146 2016-2017 Travel Grant-Mitchell, Kylie Kylie Mitchell Kylie Mitchell $350.00 Completed 500147 2016-2017 Travel GrantAdebayo,Olajuyigbe Olajuyigbe Adebayo Olajuyigbe Amos ADEBAYO $350.00 Completed 500148 2016-2017 Travel Grant - Nielsen, Ethan Ethan Nielsen Ethan Nielsen $350.00 Completed 500149 2016-2017 Travel Grant - Bock, Duane Duane Bock Duane Bock $350.00 Completed 500151 2016-2017 Travel Grant - Williams, Jaime Jaime Williams Jaime Williams $350.00 Completed 500155 2016-2017 Travel Grant - Vashistha, Nidish Nidish Vashistha Nidish Vashistha $350.00 Completed 500156 2016-2017 Travel Grant-Yang, Jihee Jihee Yang Jihee Yang $350.00 Completed 500158 2016-2017 Travel Grant - Taylor, Jared Jared Taylor Jared Taylor $350.00 Completed Travel Grant - Manick, Christopher Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title 500159 Vendor Total Paid Status 2016-2017 Travel Grant - Pimentel, Daniel Daniel Pimentel Daniel Pimentel $350.00 Completed 500162 2016-2017 Travel Grant- Price, Julianne Julianne Price Julianne Price $350.00 Completed 500165 2016-2017 Travel Grant - Li, Yan Yan Li Yan Li $243.34 Completed 500168 2016-2017 Travel Grant-Dave, Chintan Chintan Dave Chintan Dave $350.00 Completed 500170 2016-2017 Travel Grant - Ahmed, Bahroz Bahroz Ahmed Bahroz M S Ahmed $350.00 Completed 500172 2016-2017 Travel Grant - Estrada, James James Estrada James A. Estrada $350.00 Completed 500181 2016-2017 Travel GrantVenkatRamani,Sudarsan Sudarsan VenkatRamani Sudarsan VenkatRamani $324.20 Completed 500184 2016-2017 Travel Grant - Meiners, Joan Joan Meiners Joan Meiners $350.00 Completed 500195 2016-2017 Travel Grant- Cinami, Keith Keith Cinami Keith Cinami $350.00 Completed 500207 2016-2017 Travel Grant - Zhu, Yanmin Yanmin Zhu Yanmin Zhu $350.00 Completed 500289 2016-2017 Joshua Neumann PSN Conference Joshua Neumann Joshua Neumann $350.00 Completed 500300 2016-2017 GSC Shirts Alexandra Skrivanek Alexandra Skrivanek $1062.40 Completed 500306 2016-2017 Travel Grant -Khan, Shivani Shivani Khan Shivani R Khan $350.00 Completed 500307 2016-2017 Travel Grant - Serdarevic, Mirsada Mirsada Serdarevic Mirsada Serdarevic $294.09 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Requestor Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 632 - BGSO ( Black Graduate Student Organization ) SAR Fiscal Year Title 305753 Vendor Total Paid Status 2014-2015 Summer Welcome Networking Michelle Reid Event (Harn Museum Insurance) Tulip $103.00 Completed 402058 2015-2016 MLK Keynote Speaker Michelle Reid Keppler Speakers $10000.00 Completed 402914 2015-2016 Programs for MLK Jr Celebration Michelle Reid Target Copy $291.00 Completed 403251 2015-2016 Spring Week Banquet - Venue Michelle Reid Arredondo Cafe $120.00 Completed 403380 2015-2016 Black History Month - Flyers Michelle Reid Target Copy $107.83 Completed 404180 2015-2016 Spring Week Banquet - Food Michelle Reid Arredondo Cafe $639.73 Completed 404510 2015-2016 Spring Week - Honorarium Michelle Reid Deidre C. James $700.00 Completed 405191 2015-2016 Spring Week - Awards Michelle Reid The Trophy Shop $150.00 Completed 405415 2015-2016 Awards Michelle Reid The Trophy Shop $118.00 Completed 406139 2015-2016 Summer Networking Social Allyson Diggins Splitz at Funworks $783.02 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Requestor Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 633 - SPEECH AND DEBATE SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 400369 2015-2016 UMKC Kellie Roberts Kellie W. Roberts $1956.83 Completed 400536 2015-2016 Georgia State Univ Kellie Roberts Kellie W. Roberts $2594.82 Completed 400541 2015-2016 Rutgers Debate Tournament Kellie Roberts Kellie W. Roberts $2499.72 Completed 400542 2015-2016 TCC/FSU IE Tournament Kellie Roberts Kellie W. Roberts $1772.54 Completed 400543 2015-2016 UCF Debate Tournament Kellie Roberts Kellie W. Roberts $353.92 Completed 400544 2015-2016 Vandy Debate Kellie Roberts Kellie W. Roberts $3457.66 Completed 400545 2015-2016 Bama IE tournament Kellie Roberts Kellie W. Roberts $1784.45 Completed 400613 2015-2016 FL St Coll @ Jax Kellie Roberts Kellie W. Roberts $2104.00 Completed 400786 2015-2016 NCA Kellie Roberts Kellie W. Roberts $1381.33 Completed 400874 2015-2016 UF tournament Kellie Roberts Kellie W. Roberts $462.20 Completed 400875 2015-2016 Suffolk Univ Forensics tournament Kellie Roberts Kellie W. Roberts $3810.96 Completed 401834 2015-2016 HFO-Austin, TX Kellie Roberts Kellie W. Roberts $2870.28 Completed 401835 2015-2016 Univ of West Florida Kellie Roberts Kellie W. Roberts $1326.37 Completed 401836 2015-2016 District 6 forensics tournament Kellie Roberts at Bama Kellie W. Roberts $1137.63 Completed 401837 2015-2016 FIFA Kellie Roberts Kellie W. Roberts $1508.29 Completed 401838 2015-2016 AFA-NIET Kellie Roberts Kellie W. Roberts $2403.19 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 401861 2015-2016 Indiana Univ Kellie Roberts Kellie W. Roberts $7344.93 Completed 401862 2015-2016 CEDA Nationals Kellie Roberts Kellie W. Roberts $8110.23 Completed 401937 2015-2016 Univ of Central FL Kellie Roberts Kellie W. Roberts $2278.79 Completed 402972 2015-2016 Hutchinson CC forensics tournament Kellie Roberts Kellie W. Roberts $1573.65 Completed 402974 2015-2016 District 6 Debate Championship Kellie Roberts Kellie W. Roberts $2313.86 Completed 402975 2015-2016 JV/Novice Debate Nationals Kellie Roberts Kellie W. Roberts $3038.46 Completed 402978 2015-2016 NFA Kellie Roberts Kellie W. Roberts $324.30 Completed 402979 2015-2016 IOA Kellie Roberts Kellie W. Roberts $2818.70 Completed 405857 2015-2016 Debate Institute Kellie Roberts Kellie W. Roberts $2895.40 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 635 - CULINARY ARTS STUDENT UNION SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 400378 2015-2016 Casu's first GBM Marie Portuallo Beverly Medina $31.71 Completed 400379 2015-2016 CASU Cooking Class: Ballin' on Marie Portuallo a Budget Beverly Medina $244.48 Completed 400517 2015-2016 CASU Hybrid Cooking Class Marie Portuallo Beverly Medina $300.00 Completed 400788 2015-2016 HHM Cooking Class Marie Portuallo Beverly Medina $75.00 Completed 400885 2015-2016 CASU Second GBM Marie Portuallo Beverly Medina $30.00 Completed 400912 2015-2016 CASU Cooking Class: Muncheese Marie Portuallo Beverly Medina $192.33 Completed 401642 2015-2016 General Body Meeting 3 Marie Portuallo Beverly Medina $27.13 Completed 401773 2015-2016 Vegan Cooking Class Marie Portuallo Beverly Medina $300.00 Completed 401934 2015-2016 CASU General Body Meeting 4 Marie Portuallo Beverly Medina $27.83 Completed 402212 2015-2016 Cooking Competition Dec 2015 Marie Portuallo Beverly Medina $351.68 Completed 402279 2015-2016 CASU's Holiday Cooking Event Beverly Medina Beverly Medina $301.66 Completed 402818 2015-2016 Cultural Fusion Cooking Class Beverly Medina Beverly Medina $333.77 Completed 402997 2015-2016 CASU GBM 1 Beverly Medina Beverly Medina $60.00 Completed 403194 2015-2016 CASU GBM 2 Stefan Pirone Beverly Medina $55.36 Completed 403316 2015-2016 Chinese new year cooking class Stefan Pirone Beverly Medina $144.75 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title 403340 Vendor Total Paid Status 2015-2016 Valentine's Day Candy Cooking Stefan Pirone Class Beverly Medina $342.82 Completed 403801 2015-2016 CASU Fan Favorite Cooking class Stefan Pirone Beverly Medina $239.56 Completed 404362 2015-2016 Spring Food Festival Contract Stefan Pirone Kadence Hospitality LLC (Lordfer Lalicon) $500.00 Completed 404376 2015-2016 CASU Semi-Annual Cooking Competition Stefan Pirone Beverly Medina $244.39 Completed 404378 2015-2016 Spring Food Festival Contract 2 Stefan Pirone Sabore LLC $400.00 Completed 404385 2015-2016 CASU Conflict Dinner Stefan Pirone Beverly Medina $289.36 Completed 405037 2015-2016 Food Festival Stefan Pirone Beverly Medina $385.39 Completed 405237 2015-2016 CASU End of the Year Event Stefan Pirone Beverly Medina $295.49 Completed 500549 2016-2017 CASU GBM 1 Stefan Pirone Caitlin L Close $99.87 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Requestor Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 637 - PRIDE STUDENT UNION SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 305862 2014-2015 PSU; Marketing; Instagram Print Out Uyen Vu Uyen Vu $13.06 Completed 305863 2014-2015 PSU - Presentation Board Uyen Vu $117.52 Completed 305864 2014-2015 PSU; Marketing; Bracelets Uyen Vu Amazing Wristbands $293.65 Completed 400017 2015-2016 PSU-IRHA Advertisement Uyen Vu UF Department of Housing and Residence Education $0.00 Completed 400117 2015-2016 LGBTQ+ Welcome Assembly Carolyna Guillen The University Auditorium $4276.00 Completed 400203 2015-2016 PSU; Marketing; Welcome Assembly Fyers Uyen Vu Flyer Studios Inc. $77.99 Completed 400207 2015-2016 Welcome Assembly Keynote Speaker Carolyna Guillen Bamby Salcedo $3000.00 Completed 400245 2015-2016 PSU; Marketing; Board Print Outs Uyen Vu Uyen Vu $80.83 Completed 400454 2015-2016 Pride Leadership Program Information Session Tien Tran Tien Tran $60.00 Completed 400680 2015-2016 PLP Mentor Training Workshop Tien Tran Classic Fare/Gator Dining $68.50 Completed 400817 2015-2016 Coming Out Kinky Co Sponsorship Carolyna Guillen LGBT Affairs $250.00 Completed 400896 2015-2016 PSU leadership Retreat Daniel Grunberg Corinne Gallete $239.74 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title 400922 Vendor Total Paid Status 2015-2016 PSU and Accent: Jim Obergefell Carolyna Guillen APA- Agency For The Performing Arts $7000.00 Completed 400935 2015-2016 Alicia Garza Honorarium Diamond Delancy Keppler Speakers $5200.00 Completed 401138 2015-2016 NCOD Tent Carolyna Guillen Aviant Party Rentals $500.00 Completed 401168 2015-2016 LGBTQ+ Spirit Day Bounce House Carolyna Guillen Aviant Party Rentals $170.00 Completed 401224 2015-2016 Drag Ball Decorations Carolyna Guillen Carolyna Guillen $196.07 Completed 401246 2015-2016 Drag Ball A/V Tech Carolyna Guillen J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $347.50 Completed 401248 2015-2016 Drag Ball Food Carolyna Guillen Carolyna Guillen $73.95 Completed 401379 2015-2016 National Coming Out Day Water for Tent Carolyna Guillen UF Physical Plant Division $0.00 Completed 401845 2015-2016 PSU; Marketing; Trans Week Flyers Uyen Vu Flyer Studios Inc. $77.99 Completed 402424 2015-2016 Travel for Creating Change 2016 Hiram Martinez-Cabrera Hiram Martinez-Cabrera $1400.00 Completed 402826 2015-2016 Jennicet Guiterrez Keynote Michael Caputo Juan Edgar Gutierrez $1900.00 Completed 403120 2015-2016 PSU; Marketing; Sexxx Week Flyers Uyen Vu Flyer Studios Inc. $77.99 Completed 403307 2015-2016 Shamere McKenzie Honorarium Alexander Chaves Shamere McKenie $2300.00 Completed 403334 2015-2016 PAM; Paint Your Orgasm; tent rental Aviant Party Rentals $400.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Requestor Lindsay Pearl Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 403359 2015-2016 Lighting and Stage for Drag Show Alexander Chaves Bunt Backline $2635.00 Completed 403366 2015-2016 Drag Bingo: Bingo Cards Alexander Chaves Samuel Stall $30.48 Completed 403520 2015-2016 Honorarium for Raja Alexander Chaves Diana K Coney (Moniker Mgmt) $2500.00 Completed 403521 2015-2016 Honorarium for Rev. Manny Alexander Chaves The Crossing Inc / Manny $670.70 Santiago Completed 403562 2015-2016 Kim Chi Honorarium Alexander Chaves Neverland Events LLC / Anthony DiFiore $4500.00 Completed 403759 2015-2016 Miss Fame Honorarium Daniel Tarkington Producer Entertainment Group LLC $2500.00 Completed 403761 2015-2016 Thorgy Thor Honorarium Daniel Tarkington Producer Entertainment Group $2500.00 Completed 403785 2015-2016 PAM: Queer Prom Decorations Alexandra Serrano Alexandra Serrano $200.00 Completed 403788 2015-2016 PAM: Queer Prom Food Classic Fare Catering $198.81 Completed 403830 2015-2016 Opening Ceremony Room and Diamond Delancy Tech Fees University Auditorium $1926.00 Completed 403913 2015-2016 PAM; Paint Your Orgasm; Materials Lindsay Pearl Lindsay Pearl $260.00 Completed 403980 2015-2016 PLP and OSTEM Career Resources Joint Meeting Tien Tran Tien Tran $15.00 Completed 404007 2015-2016 PAM: Marketing: Week 2 Flyers Diamond Delancy Flyer Studios $80.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Alexandra Serrano Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title 404009 Vendor Total Paid Status 2015-2016 PAM: Marketing: Week 4 Flyers Diamond Delancy Flyer Studios $80.00 Completed 404025 2015-2016 Drag Show Honorarium Neverland Events LLC / Anthony DiFiore $3500.00 Completed 404026 2015-2016 Gay Blood Drive; Programming; Jacob Dolins Materials Jacob Dolins $12.50 Completed 404027 2015-2016 Gay Blood Drive; Food Jacob Dolins Jacob Dolins $92.65 Completed 404163 2015-2016 "Behind the Letters" -- Food Colleen Davis Classic Fare Catering $98.34 Completed 404164 2015-2016 PAM: Marketing: Totes Diamond Delancy 24hourwristbands $272.01 Completed 404171 2015-2016 PAM Great Debate Food Emily McCreary Classic Fare Catering $50.80 Completed 404253 2015-2016 PAM Queer Prom: Photo Booth Erick Mina-Fortiz Snap Studio Booth $755.00 Completed 404283 2015-2016 PAM; Paint Your Orgasm; Tshirts (revised) Lindsay Pearl Dragonfly Graphics $200.00 Completed 404353 2015-2016 Bunt Backline – Lights and Stage Michelle Luchau Bunt Backline $2055.00 Completed 404356 2015-2016 PAM Fashion Show: Tomboi band Michelle Luchau TOMBOi, LLC $350.00 Completed 404446 2015-2016 PAM Fashion Show Miami Voguers - Honorarium Michelle Luchau Devontae Johnson $250.00 Completed 404575 2015-2016 Sound/AV Equipment Aldo Araujo J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $555.00 Completed 404614 2015-2016 Drag Bingo Chips Samuel Stall Samuel Stall $39.99 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Requestor Daniel Tarkington Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 404616 2015-2016 PAM Marketing Drag Queen Cut Out Daniel Tarkington Party Standups $159.70 Completed 404631 2015-2016 PAM Prom - trophy Alexandra Serrano The Trophy Shop $70.00 Completed 404634 2015-2016 PAM: PSIS Trophies Erick Mina-Fortiz The Trophy Shop $35.00 Completed 404690 2015-2016 PAM Booklets Uyen Vu Target Copy - University Ave $143.20 Completed 404747 2015-2016 Food for Drag Makeup workshop Alexander Chaves Classic Fare/Gator Dining $98.85 Completed 404752 2015-2016 PAM: PSIS AV & Tech Erick Mina-Fortiz J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $503.00 Completed 404859 2015-2016 Annual Storage Michele Williams Interstate Mimi Storage $604.80 Completed 404902 2015-2016 Final Queen Necessities Daniel Tarkington Daniel Tarkington $84.54 Completed 404983 2015-2016 #BlackTransLivesMatter Speaker Diamond Delancy Joshua Allen $4500.00 Completed 404984 2015-2016 #BlackTransLivesMatter Keynote Diamond Delancy Chrishaun McDonald $2500.00 Completed 405121 2015-2016 SNAP Photo Booth Erick Mina-Fortiz Snap Studio Booth $755.00 Completed 405175 2015-2016 Food for End of PAM ceremony Hiram Martinez-Cabrera Classic Fare Catering $595.71 Completed 405440 2015-2016 Defying Gravity: A Night of Rememberance Damian Gonzalez Classic Fare/Gator Dining $329.62 Completed 405442 2015-2016 End of Year Awards Damian Gonzalez The Trophy Shop Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM $156.73 Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor 405443 2015-2016 Lavender Ceremony Damian Gonzalez Classic Fare/Gator Dining $500.00 Completed 405565 2015-2016 PSU; Marketing; Banner Rick Garcia eSigns $73.99 Completed 405658 2015-2016 PSU; Marketing; Bracelets Rick Garcia Amazing Wristbands $400.51 Completed 405675 2015-2016 PSU; Marketing; Lip Balms Rick Garcia 4imprint $428.41 Completed 405676 2015-2016 PSU; Marketing; Pins Rick Garcia 4imprint $200.21 Completed 406005 2015-2016 Past Due Inovice 0316089 Carolyna Guillen J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $45.00 Completed 406006 2015-2016 Past Due Invoice 0416039 Carolyna Guillen J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $0.00 Completed 406007 2015-2016 Past Due Invoice Arredondo Cafe Carolyna Guillen J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $107.00 Completed 406021 2015-2016 PSU; Marketing; New Bracelets Rick Garcia Amazing Wristbands $255.01 Completed 406073 2015-2016 PSU; Marketing; PLP Pins Rick Garcia 4imprint $199.21 Completed 406074 2015-2016 PSU; Marketing; QTPOC Pins Rick Garcia 4imprint $199.21 Completed 406075 2015-2016 QTPOC Banner Rick Garcia eSigns $95.33 Completed 406077 2015-2016 PAM; Marketing; Banner Rick Garcia Mega Print $124.17 Completed 500188 2016-2017 Summer B Social Inflatable Erick Mina-Fortiz Bounce With Us LLC $340.00 Completed 500189 2016-2017 Summer B Social Food Erick Mina-Fortiz Classic Fare/Gator Dining $80.00 Completed 500357 2016-2017 LGBTQ+ Welcome Assembly Flyers Rick Garcia Flyer Studios Inc. Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Total Paid $77.99 Status Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 500430 2016-2017 Welcome Assembly Award Erick Mina-Fortiz The Trophy Shop $20.00 Completed 500477 2016-2017 Welcome Assembly Food Erick Mina-Fortiz Classic Fare Catering $308.06 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 638 - DANZA SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 402226 2015-2016 Danza Dance Company Fall Showcase Erick Esquerete Curtis M. Philips Center for the Performing Arts $4513.82 Completed 404883 2015-2016 Danza Dance Company Spring Showcase Erick Esquerete Curtis M. Philips Center for the Performing Arts $2243.93 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 639 - STUDENTS FOR JUSTICE IN PALESTINE SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 401486 2015-2016 Spoken Word Artist Remi Kanazi Tesneem Shraiteh Remi Kanazi $1500.00 Completed 403021 2015-2016 Food for First Spring GBM Najla Faddoul Najla Faddoul $28.30 Completed 403225 2015-2016 Birthright Najla Faddoul Najla Faddoul $42.72 Completed 404254 2015-2016 Jen Marlowe Honorarium Tesneem Shraiteh Jennifer Marlowe $1370.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 640 - FLORIDA SWING DANCING CLUB SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 400344 2015-2016 Friday Night Dance Andrew Oram Unified Training Center $250.00 Completed 400350 2015-2016 Friday Night Dance Andrew Oram Unified Training Center $250.00 Completed 400351 2015-2016 Friday Night Dance Andrew Oram Unified Training Center $250.00 Completed 400352 2015-2016 Friday Night Dance Andrew Oram Unified Training Center $250.00 Completed 400353 2015-2016 Friday Night Dance Andrew Oram Unified Training Center $250.00 Completed 400354 2015-2016 Friday Night Dance Andrew Oram Unified Training Center $500.00 Completed 400355 2015-2016 Friday Night Dance Andrew Oram Unified Training Center $250.00 Completed 404066 2015-2016 Friday Night Dance for 2/26/16 Zack Buchillon Unified Training Center $250.00 Completed 404419 2015-2016 Friday Night Dances Zack Buchillon Unified Training Center $1500.00 Completed 404764 2015-2016 March Friday Night Dances Zack Buchillon Unified Training Center $750.00 Completed 405707 2015-2016 April Meetings/Dances 1st, 8th Zack Buchillon Unified Training Center $500.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 643 - LUBAVITCH CHABAD STUDENT GROUP Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor 400943 2015-2016 Sukkah Displays on Campus Morris Zeitoune Lubavitch Chabad Jewish $670.00 Center Completed 401599 2015-2016 Guest Speaker- Rabbi Levi Kaplan Morris Zeitoune Rabbi Levi Kaplan $1800.00 Completed 402062 2015-2016 Chanukah festival Morris Zeitoune The Shluchim Office $929.50 Completed 402411 2015-2016 chanukah party Morris Zeitoune $160.00 Completed 402413 2015-2016 chanukah party Morris Zeitoune Lubavitch Chabad Jewish $1025.00 Center Completed 402903 2015-2016 Tu B'shvat Morris Zeitoune Flyer Studios $150.00 Completed 402905 2015-2016 Tu B'shvat Morris Zeitoune Lubavitch Chabad Jewish $360.00 Center Completed 403516 2015-2016 Guest Speaker David Nessenoff Morris Zeitoune David Nessenoff Completed 404040 2015-2016 Purim Party Morris Zeitoune Lubavitch Chabad Jewish $695.00 Center Completed 404100 2015-2016 Purim Party Morris Zeitoune Flyer Studios $125.00 Completed 404125 2015-2016 Purim party photobooth Morris Zeitoune Phobooth LLC $600.00 Completed 405362 2015-2016 Passover Seder Morris Zeitoune Lubavitch Chabad Jewish $2619.30 Center Completed 405363 2015-2016 Election BBQ Morris Zeitoune Lubavitch Chabad Jewish $557.50 Center Completed 405364 2015-2016 Orange and Blue Shabbat Morris Zeitoune Lubavitch Chabad Jewish $620.00 Center Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Total Paid $2000.00 Status Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 656 - VISA ( Volunteers for International Student Affairs ) SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 305915 2014-2015 CC Visa Concert James Fertil Karizma INC $7500.00 Completed 305916 2014-2015 CC Concert Equipments James Fertil J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $513.00 Completed 305961 2014-2015 CC Director's Retreat Roxanne Eugene James Fertil $55.92 Completed 305962 2014-2015 CC Banner Roxanne Eugene Roxanne Eugene $79.99 Completed 305963 2014-2015 CC Inter-Residential Hall Association James Fertil UF Department of Housing and Residence Education $250.00 Completed 305965 2014-2015 CC: Study Night James Fertil Classic Fare/Gator Dining $73.00 Completed 306078 2014-2015 Albanian Student Association food for tabling Marisa Mato Eniada Xhoxhi $13.64 Completed 306087 2014-2015 ASA Display Board Charly Cadet Eniada Xhoxhi $29.41 Completed 400144 2015-2016 CC: Study Night James Fertil Classic Fare/Gator Dining $48.50 Completed 400366 2015-2016 ArabsSa GBM Food 1 Charly Cadet Amanda Makhoul $170.60 Completed 400496 2015-2016 ISA GBM Food Charly Cadet Marisa Mato $160.64 Completed 400678 2015-2016 ASU Pageant Programming supplies Faith Obimdike Faith Obimdike $53.13 Completed 400684 2015-2016 CaribSA GBM/Mixer Luz Morales-Camacho Luz Morales $9.56 Completed 400697 2015-2016 ASU Pageant Supplies Faith Obimdike Faith Obimdike $29.10 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 400716 2015-2016 Club Creole General Body Meeting Roxanne Eugene Classic Fare Catering $0.00 Completed 400772 2015-2016 African Student Union Pageant Faith Obimdike Venue Rental J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $200.00 Completed 400963 2015-2016 Dj for ASU Pageant Faith Obimdike Joel A Dada $200.00 Completed 400966 2015-2016 CC Camping Tents James Fertil James Fertil $222.45 Completed 400976 2015-2016 CSA-Mid Autumn Festival Show Yifei Liu Grand Ballroom Rental FeeProject 24 J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $873.00 Completed 400977 2015-2016 CaribSA's 2nd GBM Luz Morales $52.91 Completed 400978 2015-2016 CSA-Mid Autumn Festival Show Yifei Liu Food for Audience-Project 24 Classic Fare Catering $349.25 Completed 400981 2015-2016 Garba Performer Kishan Patel Surbahaar of Melbourne $3300.00 Completed 400982 2015-2016 Garba Venue Kishan Patel Florida Gym $531.00 Completed 401018 2015-2016 ASU Pageant Props Faith Obimdike Abena Annor $111.59 Completed 401038 2015-2016 Visa GBM FOOD Charly Cadet Marisa Mato $120.00 Completed 401039 2015-2016 VISA Name Tags Charly Cadet Marisa Mato $56.70 Completed 401043 2015-2016 CC: Study Night James Fertil Classic Fare/Gator Dining $68.49 Completed 401046 2015-2016 ASU Pageant Venue Fees Faith Obimdike J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $315.00 Completed 401056 2015-2016 VISA E-Board Shirts Marisa Mato Marisa Mato $59.70 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Luz Morales-Camacho Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 401072 2015-2016 Breast Cancer Awareness Carnival GBM Luz Morales-Camacho Luz Morales $49.09 Completed 401107 2015-2016 ASU Rollerskating at Funworks Faith Obimdike Faith Obimdike $95.40 Completed 401108 2015-2016 ASU Pageant Food Faith Obimdike Classic Fare Catering $29.75 Completed 401120 2015-2016 Albanian Student Association First GBM Eni Laska Eniada Xhoxhi $54.16 Completed 401131 2015-2016 CC: General Body Meeting James Fertil Classic Fare/Gator Dining $98.37 Completed 401169 2015-2016 Albanian Student Association First GBM materials Eni Laska Eniada Xhoxhi $10.07 Completed 401370 2015-2016 ISA Fusion Team Costumes Kishan Patel Shaina Panchal $800.00 Completed 401378 2015-2016 ASU Advertising Stickers for Pageant Faith Obimdike Uprinting $43.43 Completed 401398 2015-2016 CC Club Shirts Roxanne Eugene A.S.A.P. Screenprinting Inc. $540.00 Completed 401401 2015-2016 CC Promo pen Roxanne Eugene The Trophy Shop $25.00 Completed 401418 2015-2016 ASA Cookout Amani Flood Amanda Makhoul $168.20 Completed 401472 2015-2016 ASU Pageant Decorations Faith Obimdike Faith Obimdike $62.68 Completed 401509 2015-2016 ISA GatoRaas Travel Kishan Patel Kishan Patel $1179.00 Completed 401514 2015-2016 ArabSA 2nd GMB Amani Flood Amanda Makhoul $93.31 Completed 401519 2015-2016 GASA Fall Social Anthi Madalvanos Anthi Madalvanos $29.97 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 401520 2015-2016 GASA "Oxi" Day Painting Anthi Madalvanos Anthi Madalvanos $34.30 Completed 401524 2015-2016 CoSponsorship with JAMSA Luz Morales-Camacho Luz Morales $32.78 Completed 401535 2015-2016 ISA Diwali Performer Kishan Patel Saad Ahmed $6500.00 Completed 401542 2015-2016 CC Pageant Awards Roxanne Eugene The Trophy Shop $73.00 Completed 401543 2015-2016 CC Pageant Awards Roxanne Eugene The Trophy Shop $79.00 Completed 401554 2015-2016 Albanian Student Association Co-sponsorship Eni Laska Eniada Xhoxhi $6.98 Completed 401558 2015-2016 ASU Pageant Week Paint the Wall Supplies Faith Obimdike Faith Obimdike $59.43 Completed 401580 2015-2016 TSA Republic Day Picnic Osman Oguz Osman Oguz $150.00 Completed 401581 2015-2016 TSA Republic Day Picnic Supplies Osman Oguz Osman Oguz $30.00 Completed 401697 2015-2016 ISA Diwali Venue Kishan Patel Curtis M. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts $8534.38 Completed 401707 2015-2016 ASU Laser Tag at Splitz Faith Obimdike Faith Obimdike $84.80 Completed 401720 2015-2016 IGSA Annual Diwali Celebration Darshee Reshamwala - Venue Rohan Dhavalikar $600.00 Completed 401724 2015-2016 Arab Students' Association Harvard Arab Weekend Amanda Makhoul Amanda Makhoul $1400.00 Completed 401733 2015-2016 LAS--Flyers for LAS Soiree Tala Rizkallah Flyer Studios Inc. $70.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 401735 2015-2016 LAS--Rental for Touchdown Terrace for LAS Soiree Tala Rizkallah University Athletic Association Holloway Touchdown Terrace $2105.00 Completed 401736 2015-2016 LAS--Posters for LAS Soiree Tala Rizkallah Ahmad Krecht $29.58 Completed 401738 2015-2016 VISA 2nd GBM Food Marisa Mato Classic Fare Catering $144.00 Completed 401740 2015-2016 CC Member Retreat James Fertil Classic Fare/Gator Dining $169.12 Completed 401763 2015-2016 Japanese Club Poster Making Elizabeth Lee Roger Yee $22.87 Completed 401786 2015-2016 Albanian Student Association Tshirts Eni Laska Aesthetic Print & Design Inc $185.00 Completed 401792 2015-2016 VISA Canopy Tent Marisa Mato Marisa Mato $94.34 Completed 401802 2015-2016 German Club GBM Food Kevin Foster Kevin Foster $49.61 Completed 401822 2015-2016 CaribSA Soccer Tournament Dwayne Richards Dwayne Richards $17.99 Completed 401831 2015-2016 Albanian Student Association 2nd GBM Eniada Xhoxhi Eniada Xhoxhi $50.93 Completed 401842 2015-2016 Arab Students' Association Amanda Makhoul GatorNights Collaboration A/V and Light Costs J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $264.00 Completed 401843 2015-2016 Arab Students' Association GatorNights Supplies Amanda Makhoul Amanda Makhoul $136.20 Completed 401871 2015-2016 CaribSA Forum Luz Morales-Camacho Luz Morales $12.00 Completed 401876 2015-2016 CaribSA Social Luz Morales-Camacho Luz Morales $75.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title 401972 Vendor Total Paid Status 2015-2016 Haitian Celebration Disc Jockey Roxanne Eugene Jean Israel Jerome $200.00 Completed 401976 2015-2016 LAS--Performers for LAS Soiree Tala Rizkallah Kattan Enterprises Inc. $1700.00 Completed 401977 2015-2016 LAS--Food for LAS Soiree Falafel King $800.00 Completed 401997 2015-2016 CSA-Singing Competition Reitz Yifei Liu Union Grand Ballroom Rental Fee-Project 24 Event Services- Reitz Union $974.50 Completed 401998 2015-2016 ISA Diwali Decorations Kishan Patel Kishan Patel $146.60 Completed 402016 2015-2016 Albanian Student Association Painting 34th St Wall Eni Laska Eniada Xhoxhi $40.00 Completed 402017 2015-2016 Albanian Student Association Eni Laska Pass the Plate Co-Sponsor FLC Eniada Xhoxhi $45.00 Completed 402043 2015-2016 Food for VISA Potluck Roger Yee Xinyue Bai $24.14 Completed 402052 2015-2016 VISA I-Week Open Mic Night Marisa Mato J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $75.00 Completed 402053 2015-2016 VISA I-Week Open Mic Night Food Marisa Mato Classic Fare/Gator Dining $252.98 Completed 402066 2015-2016 TSA-Potluck Food Ovgu Barut Classic Fare/Gator Dining $60.00 Completed 402069 2015-2016 IGSA potluck reimbursement Darshee Reshamwala Darshee Reshamwala $62.78 Completed 402072 2015-2016 Caribsa Forum Food Charly Cadet Luz Morales $37.50 Completed 402104 2015-2016 VISA I-Week Potluckbeverages Marisa Mato Marisa Mato $20.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Requestor Tala Rizkallah Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 402115 2015-2016 ArabSA- food for Visa Potluck Amani Flood Amanda Makhoul $66.76 Completed 402117 2015-2016 LAS--VISA Potluck Food Tala Rizkallah Falafel King $99.50 Completed 402134 2015-2016 GASA Food for VISA Potluck Anthi Madalvanos Anthi Madalvanos $70.00 Completed 402169 2015-2016 VISA I-Week Women's Forum Food Marisa Mato Marisa Mato $37.01 Completed 402201 2015-2016 LAS--Decorations for Soiree Tala Rizkallah Tala Munir Rizkallah $200.00 Completed 402202 2015-2016 LAS--Cutlery and Napkins for LAS Soiree Tala Rizkallah Tala Munir Rizkallah $69.84 Completed 402224 2015-2016 Japanese Club Stage 7 Social Roger Yee Roger Yee $189.78 Completed 402248 2015-2016 Food for CaribSA' GBM Dwayne Richards Dwayne Richards $60.74 Completed 402400 2015-2016 German Club GBM Food Kevin Foster Kevin Foster $32.42 Completed 402437 2015-2016 LAS--Food for Soiree Tala Rizkallah Falafel King $180.00 Completed 402591 2015-2016 CaribSA FTS Reitz Union Ballroom Luz Morales-Camacho J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $200.00 Completed 402592 2015-2016 CaribSA's FTS DJ Luz Morales-Camacho Barrington Guthrie Jr $200.00 Completed 402593 2015-2016 CaribSA Materials Luz Morales-Camacho Luz Morales $19.95 Completed 402618 2015-2016 CaribSA FTS Event Services Cost Luz Morales-Camacho J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $801.80 Completed 402637 2015-2016 CaribSA Social DJ Luz Morales-Camacho Barrington Guthrie Jr $200.00 Completed 402668 2015-2016 Haiti Celebration Performer James Fertil GloBensky Metellus $400.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 402669 2015-2016 Arab Students' Association Bonfire Amanda Makhoul Amanda Makhoul $63.22 Completed 402687 2015-2016 FTS Decorations Luz Morales-Camacho Luz Morales $199.19 Completed 402689 2015-2016 CaribSA FTS Water Luz Morales-Camacho Luz Morales $11.94 Completed 402695 2015-2016 CaribSA FTS Flyers Luz Morales-Camacho Flyer Studios $149.99 Completed 402740 2015-2016 Albanian Student Association Bonfire Eni Laska Eniada Xhoxhi $60.00 Completed 402764 2015-2016 Pizza for German Club GBM Kevin Foster Kevin Foster $29.41 Completed 402777 2015-2016 VISA 1st Spring GBM Food Marisa Mato Classic Fare/Gator Dining $168.00 Completed 402820 2015-2016 Arab Student Association's 1st GBM 2016 Amani Flood Amanda Makhoul $87.32 Completed 402835 2015-2016 CaribSA FTS Trophies Luz Morales-Camacho The Trophy Shop $78.97 Completed 402882 2015-2016 VISA GBM Drinks Marisa Mato Marisa Mato $10.83 Completed 402910 2015-2016 CC Week Haitian Cuisine Roxanne Eugene Roxanne Eugene $69.75 Completed 402911 2015-2016 CC Week Pageant Roxanne Eugene J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $529.00 Completed 402942 2015-2016 German Club T-shirts Kevin Foster Kevin Foster $100.00 Completed 403026 2015-2016 Signing Gators ASL Idol Venue Christopher Gonzalez Harn Museum $1150.00 Completed 403083 2015-2016 CSA - Chinese New Year Gala Philip Center Rent - Project 25 Curtis M. Philips Center for the Performing Arts $9605.83 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Yifei Liu Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title 403101 Vendor Total Paid Status 2015-2016 CSA - Chinese New Year Gala Yifei Liu Food for Audiences - Project 25 Yifei Liu $1944.00 Completed 403144 2015-2016 African Student Union Showcase Host Faith Obimdike Damilola Olatunde $2500.00 Completed 403146 2015-2016 Brasa GBM food Charly Cadet Vanessa Simoes Dias de Castro $33.74 Completed 403147 2015-2016 African Student Union Showcase Room Rental Faith Obimdike J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $959.00 Completed 403148 2015-2016 African Student Union Showcase Performer (Drum) Faith Obimdike Aboubacar Soumah $600.00 Completed 403173 2015-2016 IGSA GBM Food Darshee Reshamwala Darshee Reshamwala $99.51 Completed 403218 2015-2016 Pizza for German Club GBM Robin Michaelson Robin Patrick Michaelson $29.41 Completed 403398 2015-2016 African Student Union Showcase Room Rental Faith Obimdike J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $0.00 Completed 403428 2015-2016 VISA Spring GBM 2 FOOD Charly Cadet Marisa Mato $60.00 Completed 403441 2015-2016 GatoRaas Travel Kishan Patel Kishan Patel $1179.00 Completed 403442 2015-2016 GatoRaas Costumes Kishan Patel Kishan Patel $400.00 Completed 403475 2015-2016 Visa Imonth Opening Ceremony Food Shiwam Mittal Classic Fare/Gator Dining $210.20 Completed 403593 2015-2016 CC: General Body Meeting James Fertil Classic Fare/Gator Dining $114.81 Completed 403644 2015-2016 CaribSA's 1st Spring GBM Luz Morales-Camacho Luz Morales Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Requestor $17.77 Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 403736 2015-2016 Kosovo Independence Day food Eniada Xhoxhi Classic Fare Catering $45.50 Completed 403749 2015-2016 ITSA GBM Samantha Johnson Classic Fare Catering $17.97 Completed 403776 2015-2016 African Student Union Showcase Photographer Faith Obimdike Babatunde Abiola $300.00 Completed 403792 2015-2016 ArabSA 2nd Spring GBM Amanda Makhoul Amanda Makhoul $78.24 Completed 403863 2015-2016 GatoRaas Travel Kishan Patel Kishan Patel $1400.00 Completed 403864 2015-2016 ArabSA - Arabic Ball Dabke Outfits Amanda Makhoul Amanda Makhoul $338.05 Completed 403889 2015-2016 African Student Union Faith Obimdike Showcase Advertising supplies Creative Advertising $218.38 Completed 403896 2015-2016 IGSA GBM Food Darshee Reshamwala Rohan Dhavalikar $115.33 Completed 403908 2015-2016 African Student Union Showcase Food Faith Obimdike Classic Fare Catering $953.25 Completed 403952 2015-2016 ArabSA - DJ for Arabic Ball Amanda Makhoul Andrew Ayad $200.00 Completed 403982 2015-2016 GASA Gnti Venue Rental David Rodriguez University Athletic Association $2000.00 Completed 403984 2015-2016 GASA Glenti Decorations David Rodriguez Anthi Madalvanos $200.00 Completed 403985 2015-2016 Jclub renting Ustler Hall Roger Yee Donna Tuckey $300.00 Completed 403987 2015-2016 Jclub hiring Tampa Taiko Roger Yee Distance Matters Inc. $350.00 Completed 404013 2015-2016 Gator Fusion Travel 2 Kishan Patel Kishan Patel $1144.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 404018 2015-2016 BSA Mother Tongue Show Charly Cadet University Auditorium $1611.00 Completed 404045 2015-2016 JClub decorations for Spring Festival Roger Yee Xinyue Bai $121.00 Completed 404046 2015-2016 Jclub Tabling Artwork Roger Yee Xinyue Bai $113.64 Completed 404051 2015-2016 CC Live Performance for VISA Closing Ceremony Roxanne Eugene Harmonik Music LLC $6500.00 Completed 404052 2015-2016 ArabSA - Arabic Ball Decorations Amanda Makhoul Amanda Makhoul $199.90 Completed 404070 2015-2016 VISA Imonth Talent Show Venue Booking Shiwam Mittal Curtis M. Philips Center for the Performing Arts $10504.03 Completed 404071 2015-2016 VISA IMonth Talent Show Food Shiwam Mittal Classic Fare/Gator Dining $199.63 Completed 404073 2015-2016 Visa Imonth Opening Ceremony Venue Shiwam Mittal J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $16.00 Completed 404082 2015-2016 African Student Union Showcase Photo Backdrop Faith Obimdike Faith Obimdike $50.83 Completed 404094 2015-2016 ArabSA - Food for Arabic Ball Amanda Makhoul Classic Fare/Gator Dining $1200.00 Completed 404098 2015-2016 Albanian Student Association Painting the 34th St. Wall Eniada Xhoxhi Eniada Xhoxhi $90.00 Completed 404101 2015-2016 Albanian Student Association Movie Night Eniada Xhoxhi Eniada Xhoxhi $41.24 Completed 404103 2015-2016 Albanian Student Association March GBM food Eniada Xhoxhi Eniada Xhoxhi $46.86 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 404137 2015-2016 Jclub advertisment flyers Roger Yee Roger Yee $80.58 Completed 404185 2015-2016 ArabSA - Arabic Ball Reitz Rental and Stage Amanda Makhoul J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $392.00 Completed 404203 2015-2016 IGSA Bowling Night Darshee Reshamwala Reitz Union Game Room $188.42 Completed 404219 2015-2016 PSA Annual Cultural Show Venue Haider Ali Curtis M. Philips Center for the Performing Arts $5400.00 Completed 404255 2015-2016 IGSA Bowling Night - Food Darshee Reshamwala Rohan Dhavalikar $152.85 Completed 404259 2015-2016 ArabSA - Baklava for Arabic Ball Amanda Makhoul Amanda Makhoul $200.00 Completed 404391 2015-2016 PSA Advertising TARP for Cultural Show Haider Ali Haider Ali $23.21 Completed 404421 2015-2016 PSA Facebook advertisement for cultural show Haider Ali Haider Ali $50.00 Completed 404424 2015-2016 PSA Flyers to advertise for cultural show Haider Ali $115.00 Completed 404426 2015-2016 CaribSA Flags Luz Morales-Camacho Luz Morales $80.00 Completed 404428 2015-2016 CaribSA Iron on Letters Luz Morales-Camacho Luz Morales $70.00 Completed 404430 2015-2016 ArabSA - Food for Arabic Ball Charly Cadet Classic Fare Catering $1600.00 Completed 404463 2015-2016 AASU Week Block Party Kishan Patel Classic Fare/Gator Dining $399.89 Completed 404465 2015-2016 AASU Week Food & Whine Kishan Patel Classic Fare/Gator Dining $377.57 Completed 404466 2015-2016 AASU Closing Kishan Patel Classic Fare/Gator Dining $149.82 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 404481 2015-2016 TSA - Turkish Night Folklore Dance Team Accessories Osman Oguz Osman Oguz $120.00 Completed 404482 2015-2016 TSA - Turkish Night Reitz Grand Ballroom Payment Osman Oguz J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $531.50 Completed 404487 2015-2016 Visa Imonth Talent Show Host Shiwam Mittal Jermaine McHayle $1200.00 Completed 404492 2015-2016 Jclub Catering for spring Festvail Roger Yee JJ Miya, LLC. $152.20 Completed 404506 2015-2016 Visa Imonth Talent Show DJ Olympus Shiwam Mittal Phillip Thomas (DJ Olympus) $150.00 Completed 404514 2015-2016 JClub Spring Festival Food. Charly Cadet JJ Miya, LLC. $784.06 Completed 404585 2015-2016 ASU Showcase Programming Supplies Faith Obimdike Faith Obimdike $111.24 Completed 404589 2015-2016 IGSA General Body Meeting Niveditha Nagarajan Classic Fare/Gator Dining $139.75 Completed 404596 2015-2016 TSA-Turkish Night Food Osman Oguz Classic Fare/Gator Dining $400.00 Completed 404597 2015-2016 TSA-Turkish Night Ornaments Osman Oguz Osman Oguz $200.00 Completed 404692 2015-2016 CC: VISA Closing Ceremony James Fertil Jean Israel Jerome $200.00 Completed 404693 2015-2016 ITSA Co-sponsorship with Vegan Eating for Gator Samantha Johnson Narahari Praveen Varanasi $311.42 Completed 404696 2015-2016 First Event of Arab Heritage Week - Arts Amani Flood Amanda Makhoul $69.36 Completed 404697 2015-2016 VISA I-Month Calendars Marisa Mato Flyer Studios $150.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 404748 2015-2016 VISA PSA Co-Sponsorship Charly Cadet Curtis M. Philips Center for the Performing Arts $1005.37 Completed 404750 2015-2016 Visa Imonth Fashion Show Food Shiwam Mittal Classic Fare/Gator Dining $300.33 Completed 404775 2015-2016 CaribSA DJ Luz Morales-Camacho Kyle Sears $200.00 Completed 404799 2015-2016 PSA Food materials for IOC BBQ Cosponsorship Haider Ali Hamaad Rahman $363.82 Completed 404802 2015-2016 VISA Fashion Show Venue Charly Cadet University Athletic Association $1000.00 Completed 404804 2015-2016 VISA Fashion Show DJ Charly Cadet Phillip Thomas (DJ Olympus) $140.00 Completed 404805 2015-2016 VISA Fashion Show Flyers Charly Cadet Joel Leonard Lewis II $40.00 Completed 404806 2015-2016 VISA Fashion Show Decorations Charly Cadet Charly Cadet $170.86 Completed 404807 2015-2016 VISA Fashion Show Material/ Fabrics Charly Cadet Charly Cadet $500.00 Completed 404818 2015-2016 African Student Union Ceremony Awards Faith Obimdike The Trophy Shop $54.15 Completed 404821 2015-2016 CaribSA Spring Week Luz Morales-Camacho Luz Morales $96.46 Completed 404843 2015-2016 GASA Glenti Food Anthi Madalvanos Anthi Madalvanos $600.00 Completed 404856 2015-2016 Annual Storage Michele Williams Interstate Mimi Storage $604.80 Completed 404880 2015-2016 VISA Pageant Awards Charly Cadet $74.74 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 404889 2015-2016 Visa Imonth Pageant Show Venue Booking Shiwam Mittal J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $640.00 Completed 404890 2015-2016 Visa Imonth Pageant Show Decorations Shiwam Mittal Charly Cadet $191.83 Completed 404891 2015-2016 Visa Imonth Talent Show Awards Shiwam Mittal The Trophy Shop $180.00 Completed 404892 2015-2016 Visa Imonth Talent Show Decorations Shiwam Mittal Charly Cadet $199.63 Completed 404921 2015-2016 JClub Yearly Scrapbook Roger Yee Steffanie Craig $5.40 Completed 404955 2015-2016 BRASA Brazilian Appreciation Day FOOD Vanessa Simoes Dias De Vanessa Simoes Dias de Castro Castro $150.00 Completed 404956 2015-2016 BRASA Brazilian Appreciation Day Decorations and supplies Vanessa Simoes Dias De Vanessa Simoes Dias de Castro Castro $70.00 Completed 404957 2015-2016 BRASA Brazilian Appreciation Day T-SHIRTS Vanessa Simoes Dias De Vanessa Simoes Dias de Castro Castro $190.80 Completed 405017 2015-2016 VISA IMonth Closing Marisa Mato Ceremonies Backdrop and Red Carpet Stickers Banners, Inc $469.99 Completed 405018 2015-2016 VISA Election GBM Food Marisa Mato Marisa Mato $76.33 Completed 405026 2015-2016 VISA IMonth Pageant DJ Marisa Mato Phillip Thomas (DJ Olympus) $200.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 405091 2015-2016 VISA IMonth Closing Ceremonies Charly Cadet J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $250.00 Completed 405092 2015-2016 VISA Closing Ceremony Decorations Charly Cadet Marisa Mato $90.57 Completed 405094 2015-2016 VISA Closing Ceremony Awards Charly Cadet The Trophy Shop $314.50 Completed 405106 2015-2016 BRASA - VISA fashion show Clothing rental Vanessa Simoes Dias De Vanessa Simoes Dias de Castro Castro $75.26 Completed 405118 2015-2016 PSA Game Night in the Reitz Game Room Haider Ali J.Wayne Reitz Union Gameroom $228.57 Completed 405125 2015-2016 Club Creole End of the Year Banquet Roxanne Eugene Classic Fare/Gator Dining $199.96 Completed 405126 2015-2016 VISA IMonth Closing Ceremony Roxanne Eugene Classic Fare/Gator Dining $28.74 Completed 405131 2015-2016 VISA IMonth Closing Ceremonies Food Classic Fare/Gator Dining $800.00 Completed 405152 2015-2016 ASU Ceremony Arredondo Cafe Faith Obimdike Rental J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $75.00 Completed 405154 2015-2016 African Student Union Ceremony Supplies Faith Obimdike Faith Obimdike $245.72 Completed 405157 2015-2016 African Student Union Ceremony Awards Faith Obimdike The Trophy Shop $50.00 Completed 405168 2015-2016 BSA Gala Chandanee Samaroo Chandanee Samaroo $350.00 Completed 405169 2015-2016 BSA Gala Food Chandanee Samaroo Chandanee Samaroo $810.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Marisa Mato Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 405170 2015-2016 Advertising for BSA Gala Chandanee Samaroo Chandanee Samaroo $120.00 Completed 405172 2015-2016 VISA Fashion Show Lighting Charly Cadet Charly Cadet $302.06 Completed 405185 2015-2016 Visa Imonth Pageant Show Medals & Ribbons Shiwam Mittal The Trophy Shop $20.05 Completed 405197 2015-2016 ArabSA - Flyers for Arab Heritage Week & Middle Eastern Fair Amanda Makhoul Amanda Makhoul $57.00 Completed 405198 2015-2016 ArabSA - Table and Chair Amanda Makhoul Rentals for Middle Eastern Fair UF Physical Plant Division $0.00 Completed 405274 2015-2016 VISA End of the year Celebration Charly Cadet Bunt Backline $2025.00 Completed 405275 2015-2016 VISA T-Shirts Charly Cadet Aesthetic Print & Design Inc $450.00 Completed 405295 2015-2016 GASA Craft Social Anthi Madalvanos Anthi Madalvanos $359.60 Completed 405296 2015-2016 GASA Movie Night Social Anthi Madalvanos Anthi Madalvanos $64.72 Completed 405361 2015-2016 Jclub End of the Year Karoke Roger Yee Roger Yee $200.13 Completed 405369 2015-2016 Russian End of Year Celebration Donald Meyers DJ Meyers $36.85 Completed 405398 2015-2016 ArabSA - Cosponsorship for International Food Festival Amanda Makhoul Target Copy - University Ave $60.55 Completed 405418 2015-2016 FINAL ARABSA FOOD GBM Amani Flood Amanda Makhoul $100.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 405428 2015-2016 PSA Food for End of Year Celebration Haider Ali Haider Ali $400.00 Completed 405436 2015-2016 GASA End of Year Pot Luck Anthi Madalvanos Anthi Madalvanos $65.00 Completed 405472 2015-2016 ArabSA - Event Supplies for Middle Easten Fair Amanda Makhoul Amanda Makhoul $31.67 Completed 405500 2015-2016 CC End of the Year Banquet Decorations Roxanne Eugene Roxanne Eugene $82.67 Completed 405525 2015-2016 ISA End of Year Ceremony Kishan Patel The Wooly $840.00 Completed 405533 2015-2016 German Club Potluck Rescheduled Robin Michaelson Robin Patrick Michaelson $32.91 Completed 405541 2015-2016 Gator Fusion Travel 3 Kishan Patel Kishan Patel $1144.00 Completed 405544 2015-2016 PSA End of Year Celebration Decorations Haider Ali Haider Ali $72.45 Completed 405553 2015-2016 BRASA - BRASA Talks - Venue rental Tomi Pasetto Vuorio Emerson Alumni Hall $675.50 Completed 405559 2015-2016 Albanian Student Association end of year social Eniada Xhoxhi Eniada Xhoxhi $74.73 Completed 405628 2015-2016 VISA Graduation Stoles Marisa Mato Marisa Mato $299.91 Completed 405638 2015-2016 BRASA - BRASA Talks Insurance Fee Vanessa Simoes Dias De Vanessa Simoes Dias de Castro Castro $103.00 Completed 405831 2015-2016 Signing Gators Silent Meal Alexandra Schiffer $46.79 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Alexandra Schiffer Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 405832 2015-2016 Signing Gators Website Renewal Alexandra Schiffer Alexandra Schiffer $74.80 Completed 405833 2015-2016 Signing Gators - FM Devon Mims Transmitter Interpreter System Translation Equipment $1038.00 Completed 405849 2015-2016 Signing Gators Lake Wauburg Summer Social Food Devon Mims Devon Mims $64.35 Completed 405872 2015-2016 VISA Officer Summer Mix and Mingle Charly Cadet Charly Cadet $176.49 Completed 405884 2015-2016 Japanese Club Shirts Steffanie Craig Steffanie Craig $162.50 Completed 405889 2015-2016 IGSA Lake Wauburg Social Food Niveditha Nagarajan Rohan Dhavalikar $190.95 Completed 405896 2015-2016 Signing Gators Silent Meal Alexandra Schiffer Charly Cadet $50.78 Completed 405902 2015-2016 Japanese Club Movie Night Sponsored by VISA Steffanie Craig Steffanie Craig $127.87 Completed 405903 2015-2016 Japanese Club Table Runner Steffanie Craig Totally Promotional $92.03 Completed 405926 2015-2016 Visa GBM Dorie Josma Classic Fare Catering $99.00 Completed 405940 2015-2016 VISA eboard Name tags Dorie Josma The Trophy Shop $94.50 Completed 405942 2015-2016 VISA eboard Polos Dorie Josma Brian Davis with EPOLOS.COM $177.48 Completed 406019 2015-2016 Website Domain Etianna Etienne UF Information Technoloy $98.17 Completed 406020 2015-2016 Items for Tabling Board for Summer A Etianna Etienne Etianna Etienne Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM $50.00 Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title 406022 Total Paid Status 2015-2016 BRASA - International Summer Vanessa Simoes Dias De Reitz Union Game Room Bowling - PROGRAM Castro $245.66 Completed 406023 2015-2016 BRASA - International Summer Vanessa Simoes Dias De Vanessa Simoes Dias de Bowling - FOOD Castro Castro $282.41 Completed 406027 2015-2016 VISA summer supplies Dorie Josma Charly Cadet $417.44 Completed 406042 2015-2016 CaribSA Display Timothy Jaggernauth Timothy Jaggernauth $84.55 Completed 406051 2015-2016 OAS Talent Show CoSponsorship Charly Cadet J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $712.00 Completed 406067 2015-2016 VISA: Summer officials social Dorie Josma M2 BattleSports $486.00 Completed 406068 2015-2016 VISA: Summer officials socialFOOD Dorie Josma Panera Bread $199.95 Completed 406072 2015-2016 VISA & Suborgs summer promo items Dorie Josma Quality Logo Products, Inc. $7141.34 Completed 406125 2015-2016 Summer A Tabling T-Shirts Etianna Etienne Aesthetic Print and Design, Inc. $320.00 Completed 406158 2015-2016 Japanese Club Officer Summer Steffanie Craig Social/Meeting Steffanie Craig $15.90 Completed 406173 2015-2016 Signing Gators - Voice Off Zone Signs Devon Mims Target Copy - University Ave $0.00 Completed 406241 2015-2016 VISA suborgs executive board shirts Dorie Josma Brian Davis with EPOLOS.COM $2637.90 Completed 500180 2016-2017 CaribSAs Pool Social Food. Charly Cadet Charly Cadet $100.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Requestor Vendor Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 500203 2016-2017 VISA Website Charly Cadet Ahmad Ahmad $144.00 Completed 500247 2016-2017 General VISA Flyer Charly Cadet Charly Cadet $55.61 Completed 500249 2016-2017 SG Stamp for PROMO Charly Cadet Charly Cadet $54.74 Completed 500360 2016-2017 CSA Orientation Venue Charly Cadet University of FloridaEvent services $492.00 Completed 500369 2016-2017 Multi-Cultural Fair Sound Charly Cadet Stephen C. O'Connell Center (Oscar BergeronOakes) $286.84 Completed 500371 2016-2017 Multi-Cultural Fair Obstacle Obstacle/Concessions Charly Cadet M&M Bounce With Us, LLC $380.00 Completed 500372 2016-2017 Hispanic LatinX Student Assembly Co-Sponsorship Charly Cadet J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $2.80 Completed 500373 2016-2017 Black Student Assembly CoSponsorship Charly Cadet Creative Advertising $350.00 Completed 500467 2016-2017 VISA Multicultural Fair Food Charly Cadet Charly Cadet $291.04 Completed 500468 2016-2017 VISA (IGSA/ Navigators) Social Charly Cadet Reitz Union Game Room $80.70 Completed 500469 2016-2017 VISA: Meeting of the Boards Supplies Dorie Josma Dorie Josma $66.81 Completed 500587 2016-2017 VISA: Meeting of the Boards Food Dorie Josma Classic Fare Catering $235.72 Completed 500818 2016-2017 ArabSa:Mentor/Mentee Social Ibrahim Ragab Ibrahim Ragab $17.95 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 500881 2016-2017 ArabSA Mentor/Mentee Social Ibrahim Ragab Ibrahim Ragab $22.34 Completed 500910 2016-2017 Club Creole food for 1st Fall GBM Etianna Etienne Classic Fare/Gator Dining $120.00 Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Completed Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 658 - EXTREME DANCE COMPANY SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 401619 2015-2016 Extreme Fall Show Venue Michelle Donato Curtis M. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts $4043.36 Completed 404332 2015-2016 Spring Show Venue Margret Flodeen Curtis M. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts $2905.64 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 659 - DANCIN GATORS SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 402272 2015-2016 Dancin' Gators Presents: Now That's What I Call the 90's Rachael McDowell Curtis M. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts $4427.57 Completed 403632 2015-2016 Dancin' Gators Presents: Take Me To The Movies Rachael McDowell Curtis M. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts $4231.75 Completed 403886 2015-2016 Target Copy Fliers and Photo prints Rachael McDowell Target Copy - University Ave $0.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 661 - SG NETWORKING SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 306095 2014-2015 SG Replacement PCs Steven Bourdon Dell Marketing $16869.74 Completed 306096 2014-2015 Replacement PCs Sysadmin and Developer Steven Bourdon Dell Marketing $6917.40 Completed 400042 2015-2016 Bloanket for B&B printers in lab Stanley Beckerdite B & B Office Systems $43326.26 Completed 400043 2015-2016 CNS Blanket for SGIT charges Stanley Beckerdite Computing & Networking $798.00 Services (CNS) Completed 400128 2015-2016 Blanket for tech purchases FY16 Stanley Beckerdite Dell $29714.13 Completed 403242 2015-2016 Monitor Replacements Steven Bourdon Dell Marketing $2032.70 Completed 403356 2015-2016 Apple TVs for digital signage in Steven Bourdon new space Best Buy $389.94 Completed 403766 2015-2016 Adobe CS Software for Graphics and IT Steven Bourdon Software Licensing Services $400.00 Completed 405058 2015-2016 Kasey annual renewal Steven Bourdon Kaseya $1416.00 Completed 405549 2015-2016 PDQ Deploy Software Steven Bourdon Admin Arsenal $450.00 Completed 405722 2015-2016 MailMeter Software Steven Bourdon Waterford Technologies $17031.00 Completed 406213 2015-2016 SG desktop replacements Steven Bourdon Dell Marketing $6708.72 Completed 500134 2016-2017 Blanket for tech purchases FY16 Steven Bourdon Dell Marketing $0.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 662 - FALLING GATORS SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 305902 2014-2015 Parachute Maintenance Coleman Sperando Skydive Palatka $400.00 Completed 401917 2015-2016 Reserve Canopy Repack Gareth Newman Skydive Palatka $420.00 Completed 404777 2015-2016 Airplane Ferry Fee Coleman Sperando Skydive Palatka $1000.00 Completed 404778 2015-2016 Collegiate Boogie T-Shirts Coleman Sperando N.flight Designs $684.00 Completed 404779 2015-2016 Collegiate Boogie Dinner Coleman Sperando Coleman Sperando $200.00 Completed 404931 2015-2016 Safety Training Dinner Coleman Sperando Coleman Sperando $25.44 Completed 404932 2015-2016 Collegiate Boogie Sunday Night Pizza Dinner Coleman Sperando Coleman Sperando $187.09 Completed 404944 2015-2016 Music for Collegiate Boogie Coleman Sperando Noah Hinrichsen $125.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 664 - HIP HOP COLLECTIVE SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 401121 2015-2016 Jorge Gallo (Judge: Laces) Yoshiya Kushibiki Jorge Gallo $475.00 Completed 403685 2015-2016 Kevin Cajusay (Judge Kevo) Julian Rashid Kevin Cajusay $550.00 Completed 403691 2015-2016 Anthony Cabrera (Judge: Omen) Julian Rashid Anthony Cabrera $550.00 Completed 403692 2015-2016 Brian Newby (Judge: Hannibal) Julian Rashid Brian Newby $600.00 Completed 403694 2015-2016 Ahmad Ahmad (Photographer) Julian Rashid Ahmad Ahmad $120.00 Completed 403960 2015-2016 Larry Malbog (DJ Loki) Yoshiya Kushibiki Larry A Malbog $150.00 Completed 404316 2015-2016 John Duong Yoshiya Kushibiki Thang Duong $300.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 667 - JAMSA ( Jamaican-American Student Association ) SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 305945 2014-2015 Summer A GBM Simone Dixon MARK BACCHUS $103.00 Completed 305947 2014-2015 Jamsa Jamaican Day tabling Simone Dixon MARK BACCHUS $12.06 Completed 400261 2015-2016 Jamsa We Seh GBM Simone Dixon Simone Dixon $51.00 Completed 400362 2015-2016 JAMSA Retreat Simone Dixon Simone Dixon $15.00 Completed 400761 2015-2016 3rd GBM Simone Dixon Simone Dixon $123.11 Completed 401068 2015-2016 Roots & Riddims GBM Simone Dixon Simone Dixon $58.82 Completed 401293 2015-2016 6 love & tings game night Simone Dixon Simone Dixon $27.55 Completed 401437 2015-2016 JAMSA Fall Week Simone Dixon Simone Dixon $21.27 Completed 401438 2015-2016 Jerkfest Simone Dixon Simone Dixon $296.42 Completed 401692 2015-2016 Halloween GBM Simone Dixon Simone Dixon $31.31 Completed 401924 2015-2016 Sports Day GBM Simone Dixon Simone Dixon $40.00 Completed 402211 2015-2016 Banquet Simone Dixon Simone Dixon $60.00 Completed 402875 2015-2016 Spring Retreat Simone Dixon Simone Dixon $120.00 Completed 402876 2015-2016 Welcome back gbm Simone Dixon Simone Dixon $36.03 Completed 403417 2015-2016 Give Me A Try Simone Dixon Simone Dixon $178.00 Completed 403574 2015-2016 Bob Marley Celebration Simone Dixon Simone Dixon $20.00 Completed 403799 2015-2016 Carnival FCSA Simone Dixon Simone Dixon $41.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 403800 2015-2016 Top Chef GBM Simone Dixon Simone Dixon $41.00 Completed 403802 2015-2016 Sports Day GBM Simone Dixon Simone Dixon $46.00 Completed 403803 2015-2016 Banquet Simone Dixon Simone Dixon $75.50 Completed 404062 2015-2016 Trophy Top Chef Simone Dixon The Trophy Shop $11.50 Completed 404600 2015-2016 Spring Week Simone Dixon Simone Dixon $50.00 Completed 405450 2015-2016 Taste of the Caribbean Simone Dixon Simone Dixon $19.99 Completed 500185 2016-2017 1st Summer GBM Tajon Hinds Tajon Hinds $66.86 Completed 500186 2016-2017 1st Summer GBM Tajon Hinds Barrington Guthrie Jr $50.00 Completed 500686 2016-2017 JAMSA 1st GBM Tajon Hinds Tajon Hinds $23.23 Completed 500687 2016-2017 Jerk Fest Tajon Hinds Tajon Hinds $73.27 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 669 - CATHOLIC GATORS COALITION SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 306072 2014-2015 IRHA Field Guide Lauren Troncoso UF Department of Housing and Residence Education $249.21 Completed 400038 2015-2016 T-SHirts for Summer party Lauren Troncoso Aesthetic Print and Design, Inc. $310.00 Completed 400075 2015-2016 Nametags Lauren Troncoso Lauren Troncoso $28.50 Completed 400219 2015-2016 Games for Fearless for Fall Lauren Troncoso Lauren Troncoso $35.68 Completed 400220 2015-2016 Crafting for a Cause Lauren Troncoso Lauren Troncoso $18.02 Completed 400221 2015-2016 Food for Field Day Lauren Troncoso Lauren Troncoso $57.44 Completed 400224 2015-2016 Nueva's Salsa Showdown Lauren Troncoso Lauren Troncoso $28.22 Completed 400225 2015-2016 Nueva's Salsa Showdown decorations Lauren Troncoso Lauren Troncoso $48.38 Completed 400236 2015-2016 Fearless for Fall food Lauren Troncoso Lauren Troncoso $46.62 Completed 400237 2015-2016 Newman Decorations Lauren Troncoso Lauren Troncoso $21.36 Completed 401376 2015-2016 Nueva Dia de los Muertos Dance Mary Polidan Mary Polidan $347.28 Completed 401381 2015-2016 Newman Halloween Mary Polidan Mary Polidan $49.26 Completed 402353 2015-2016 Art Club Nativity Scene Lauren Troncoso Lauren Troncoso $184.43 Completed 402354 2015-2016 Winter Formal food Lauren Troncoso Lauren Troncoso $150.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 402355 2015-2016 Winter Formal decorations Lauren Troncoso Lauren Troncoso $198.59 Completed 402358 2015-2016 Newman Holiday Decorations Lauren Troncoso Lauren Troncoso $141.06 Completed 402479 2015-2016 CSF Christmas Decorations Lauren Troncoso Lauren Troncoso $84.08 Completed 402480 2015-2016 CSF Christmas Food Lauren Troncoso Lauren Troncoso $94.78 Completed 402710 2015-2016 Newman BBQ Dinner Lauren Troncoso Lauren Troncoso $199.99 Completed 402711 2015-2016 Tye-Dye Supplies Lauren Troncoso Lauren Troncoso $50.79 Completed 402712 2015-2016 Paint Night Lauren Troncoso Lauren Troncoso $87.25 Completed 402713 2015-2016 50's Dance Lauren Troncoso Lauren Troncoso $134.56 Completed 402714 2015-2016 50's Dance Food Lauren Troncoso Lauren Troncoso $138.18 Completed 402800 2015-2016 Tie-Dye Shirts Lauren Troncoso Aesthetic Print and Design, Inc. $265.00 Completed 403712 2015-2016 Newman Valentine's Day Decorations Mary Polidan Mary Polidan $29.95 Completed 404044 2015-2016 Nueva Alianza End of Year Social Lauren Troncoso Mary Polidan $41.25 Completed 404298 2015-2016 Spiritual Adoption supplies Lauren Troncoso Mary Polidan $96.91 Completed 404299 2015-2016 Water Day Social Lauren Troncoso Mary Polidan $50.00 Completed 404300 2015-2016 Water Day Supplies Lauren Troncoso Mary Polidan $15.75 Completed 404337 2015-2016 Spiritual Adoption food Lauren Troncoso Mary Polidan $39.94 Completed 404392 2015-2016 Art Club SOC supplies Lauren Troncoso Mary Polidan $194.24 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 404393 2015-2016 Art Club SOC food Lauren Troncoso Mary Polidan $20.95 Completed 405216 2015-2016 Newman Disney Party Mary Polidan Mary Polidan $116.54 Completed 405514 2015-2016 Banquet food Lauren Troncoso Mary Polidan $150.00 Completed 405583 2015-2016 Additional food $ for Banquet Lauren Troncoso Mary Polidan $44.00 Completed 406013 2015-2016 Newman dish towels Lauren Troncoso Lauren Troncoso $63.87 Completed 406014 2015-2016 Summer Party Lauren Troncoso Lauren Troncoso $19.52 Completed 406015 2015-2016 Bluetooth speaker Lauren Troncoso Lauren Troncoso $33.99 Completed 406016 2015-2016 Memory cards & Lavalier mics Lauren Troncoso Lauren Troncoso $131.86 Completed 406033 2015-2016 Mic stands and speaker cables Lauren Troncoso Lauren Troncoso $135.30 Completed 406035 2015-2016 Snow cone syrup Lauren Troncoso Lauren Troncoso $8.94 Completed 406242 2015-2016 Stadium Seats Lauren Troncoso REI Outlet $1986.82 Completed 500356 2016-2017 Fearless For Fall Margaret Powers Margaret Powers $73.15 Completed 500399 2016-2017 Food for Beat The Heat Kenneth Fernandez Kenneth Fernandez $44.52 Completed 500418 2016-2017 Newman Dinner Blast Off Week Margaret Powers Margaret Powers $190.27 Completed 500419 2016-2017 Newman Blast Off Week Decorations Margaret Powers Margaret Powers $46.49 Completed 500420 2016-2017 BarbeCUE The Music Margaret Powers Margaret Powers $247.38 Completed 500422 2016-2017 Decorations for BarbeCUE the Music Margaret Powers Margaret Powers $47.48 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 500425 2016-2017 Scavenger Hunt Margaret Powers Margaret Powers $22.26 Completed 500432 2016-2017 Salsa Dance Kenneth Fernandez Kenneth Fernandez $17.95 Completed 500433 2016-2017 Trivia Brunch Kenneth Fernandez Kenneth Fernandez $90.55 Completed 500435 2016-2017 Ichetucknee Road Trip Margaret Powers Margaret Powers $50.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 670 - HSA ( Hispanic Student Association ) SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 305819 2014-2015 Preview Tabling Board Sheets Estevan Torres Target Copy - Archer Rd $96.00 Completed 305882 2014-2015 HLSA Flyers Estevan Torres Flyer Studios Inc. $90.00 Completed 305975 2014-2015 MLP Tie Dye Day Kailey Wofford Jessica Garcia $170.00 Completed 306033 2014-2015 Promotional Items Sloane Bochman 4imprint $541.65 Completed 306071 2014-2015 Tablecloth Sloane Bochman Totally Promotional $155.34 Completed 306080 2014-2015 Summer B 1st GBM Wilkim David Estevan Torres $48.68 Completed 306083 2014-2015 HSA 2nd Summer B GBM Wilkim David Estevan Torres $49.28 Completed 306085 2014-2015 HSA Co-Sponsorship with Multi- Cultural Greek Life Wilkim David Estevan Torres $50.00 Completed 306117 2014-2015 HCA Banner Antony Darce Flyer Studios Inc. $90.00 Completed 306119 2014-2015 HCA Board Laminated Sheets Antony Darce Target Copy - University Ave $80.70 Completed 306122 2014-2015 HCA Board Antony Darce $123.95 Completed 306123 2014-2015 HCA Promotional Items Antony Darce $433.49 Completed 400037 2015-2016 MLP Summer Graduation Jessica Garcia Grabados Awards & Engraving $29.51 Completed 400103 2015-2016 HSA Summer B Social Alexandra Rodriguez Jessica Garcia $62.65 Completed 400118 2015-2016 HLSA Speaker Jacof Teran Cesar Cruz $5000.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 400191 2015-2016 MASA Display Board Antoni Munoz $186.05 Completed 400228 2015-2016 Hispanic Latinx Student Assembly Performer - Los Panas Jacof Teran Eduardo Arenas $700.00 Completed 400270 2015-2016 HSA/HHM ITEMS Wilkim David Oriental Trading $50.39 Completed 400284 2015-2016 HHM Promo Items Yesenia Garcia Creative Advertising $1863.78 Completed 400292 2015-2016 HHM Opening Food Yesenia Garcia Classic Fare/Gator Dining $500.00 Completed 400293 2015-2016 HHM Opening Speaker Yesenia Garcia The College Agency, LLC $2100.00 Completed 400294 2015-2016 HHM Opening Venue Yesenia Garcia Emerson Alumni Hall $628.75 Completed 400295 2015-2016 HHM Opening Decorations Yesenia Garcia Adrian Jimenez $125.17 Completed 400296 2015-2016 HHM Comedy Act Yesenia Garcia ORO International $3900.00 Completed 400297 2015-2016 HHM Forum Location Yesenia Garcia Ustler Hal $400.00 Completed 400298 2015-2016 HHM Talent Awards Yesenia Garcia The Trophy Shop $229.85 Completed 400301 2015-2016 HHM Talent Decorations Yesenia Garcia Keith Watson Productions, Inc $1000.00 Completed 400302 2015-2016 HHM Pageant Food Yesenia Garcia Classic Fare/Gator Dining $264.95 Completed 400303 2015-2016 HHM Pageant Decorations Yesenia Garcia Anthony Black $200.00 Completed 400312 2015-2016 HLSA Decorations Estevan Torres Jacof Teran $84.81 Completed 400326 2015-2016 HLSA - Venua Estevan Torres J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $880.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 400375 2015-2016 HHM Forum Speaker Yesenia Garcia Alberto Ferreras / The New Yorkian $1500.00 Completed 400455 2015-2016 HHM D.Ad Name Tags Yesenia Garcia The Trophy Shop $202.80 Completed 400503 2015-2016 HHM Talent DJ Yesenia Garcia Phillip Thomas (DJ Olympus) $75.00 Completed 400551 2015-2016 HSA Post it Notes Wilkim David Amazon $100.39 Completed 400552 2015-2016 Meet all of HHM Yesenia Garcia Camila Rodriguez $30.19 Completed 400556 2015-2016 HHM Paint your Stress Away Yesenia Garcia Arts & Crafts Center $110.00 Completed 400573 2015-2016 1st GBM for PASS Veronika Fernandez Veronika Fernandez $91.08 Completed 400574 2015-2016 MASA First General Body Meeting Antoni Munoz Antoni Munoz $48.93 Completed 400591 2015-2016 HHM EBOARD Name tags Yesenia Garcia The Trophy Shop $76.05 Completed 400673 2015-2016 HHM Concert (Fulanito) Yesenia Garcia Acosta Entertainment, Inc $11500.00 Completed 400674 2015-2016 HHM Carnival Stage Yesenia Garcia Bunt Backline Event Services $640.00 Completed 400676 2015-2016 HHM Faculty Appreciation DAY Yesenia Garcia The Trophy Shop $111.00 Completed 400692 2015-2016 ARSA- Mates y Facturas Yamila Spak Yamila Spak $115.45 Completed 400724 2015-2016 PorColombia First Fall GBM Luisa Ramirez Luisa Ramirez $126.01 Completed 400743 2015-2016 CASA Pool Party Tailgate Wendy Serra Wendy Serra $60.00 Completed 400746 2015-2016 Meet all of HHM Snacks Yesenia Garcia Classic Fare/Gator Dining $0.00 Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Completed Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 400747 2015-2016 Meet all of HHM Drinks Yesenia Garcia Camila Rodriguez $16.00 Completed 400762 2015-2016 Independence Antoni Munoz Antoni Munoz $160.44 Completed 400791 2015-2016 Pageant Location Yesenia Garcia J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $742.00 Completed 400800 2015-2016 HHM Opening Ins Yesenia Garcia Tulip $134.00 Completed 400801 2015-2016 HHM Concert Location Yesenia Garcia Curtis M. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts $5500.00 Completed 400802 2015-2016 HHM Concert Fat Joe Yesenia Garcia Dedos Marketing Group LLC $11800.00 Completed 400836 2015-2016 UEPA GBM-Food Kiara Cardona Kiara Cardona $33.88 Completed 400852 2015-2016 UEPA cultural potluck Kiara Cardona Kiara Cardona $6.36 Completed 400880 2015-2016 Sabor Latino Fall 2015 Costume Kathleen Libo-on Tops Kathleen Marie Libo-on $300.05 Completed 400883 2015-2016 HCA GMB Zalome Briceno Zalome Briceno $16.95 Completed 400887 2015-2016 HHM Talent Food Yesenia Garcia Classic Fare/Gator Dining $185.69 Completed 400894 2015-2016 CASA Trivia Night Wendy Serra Wendy Serra $25.00 Completed 400895 2015-2016 CASA Second General Body Meeting Wendy Serra Wendy Serra $27.00 Completed 400947 2015-2016 HHM Closing Location Yesenia Garcia Hillel Foundation $375.00 Completed 400971 2015-2016 Lake Wauburg Social Veronika Fernandez Veronika Fernandez $115.03 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 401105 2015-2016 Leadership Development Workshop-Fitness Alexandra Rodriguez Rec Sports $115.00 Completed 401133 2015-2016 HSA 2nd GBM Wilkim David Estevan Torres $80.33 Completed 401143 2015-2016 HHM Talent A/V Equip. Yesenia Garcia J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $506.50 Completed 401144 2015-2016 HHM Comedy food Yesenia Garcia Classic Fare/Gator Dining $60.00 Completed 401170 2015-2016 HCA GMB Zalome Briceno Zalome Briceno $24.42 Completed 401225 2015-2016 PorColombia 2nd Fall GBM Luisa Ramirez Perez Luisa Ramirez $170.76 Completed 401247 2015-2016 HHM closing speaker system Yesenia Garcia O'Connell Center $552.34 Completed 401272 2015-2016 HHM Closing Awards Yesenia Garcia The Trophy Shop $599.50 Completed 401274 2015-2016 HHM Closing Decorations Yesenia Garcia Gabriella Nunez $300.00 Completed 401292 2015-2016 ARSA Gnocchi Night Yamila Spak Yamila Spak $120.05 Completed 401346 2015-2016 UEPA Game Night Kiara Cardona Kiara Cardona $20.22 Completed 401351 2015-2016 HHM talent AV for more rehearsal time Yesenia Garcia J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $125.50 Completed 401481 2015-2016 HSA General Body Meeting Yamila Spak Yamila Spak $15.00 Completed 401482 2015-2016 HSA Sub-Orgs GBM (PorColombia) Luisa Ramirez Perez Luisa Ramirez $23.23 Completed 401483 2015-2016 2nd GBM for PASS Veronika Fernandez Raquel Ruiz $34.50 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 401500 2015-2016 PASS at HSA General Body Meeting Veronika Fernandez Javier Ballon $40.00 Completed 401528 2015-2016 HCA GBM Zalome Briceno Zalome Briceno $19.60 Completed 401559 2015-2016 HSA Stickers Sloane Bochman Sticker Mule $277.50 Completed 401606 2015-2016 (ML((P)j's)) Luisa Ramirez Perez Luisa Ramirez $54.98 Completed 401637 2015-2016 Fall 2015 GSC Extravaganza Venue Raquel Bencosme Elder Care of Alachua County $1202.00 Completed 401659 2015-2016 Taco Tuesday with MLP Jessica Garcia Jessica Garcia $60.00 Completed 401691 2015-2016 UEPA fall salsa concert venue Kiara Velazquez Ustler Hall $250.00 Completed 401706 2015-2016 Homecoming float decorations Catalina Del Valle Fatima Hernandez $280.05 Completed 401711 2015-2016 Flatbed for Homecoming Parade Catalina Del Valle Fatima Hernandez $50.00 Completed 401739 2015-2016 Food Screening for HSA Wilkim David Jessica Garcia $26.06 Completed 401784 2015-2016 PASS Game Night Veronika Fernandez Veronika Fernandez $32.84 Completed 401795 2015-2016 UEPA fall salsa concert performer Kiara Cardona Eliovy Piedra $400.00 Completed 401826 2015-2016 PorColombia 3rd Fall GBM Luisa Ramirez Perez Luisa Ramirez $158.27 Completed 401863 2015-2016 HSA My Cultura Event Catalina Del Valle $90.14 Completed 401891 2015-2016 UEPA salsa concert food Kiara Velazquez Kiara Velazquez $390.00 Completed 401902 2015-2016 UEPA week GBM Kiara Velazquez Kiara Velazquez $9.43 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 401907 2015-2016 CASA with FLC: Pass the Plate Wendy Serra Wendy Serra $27.00 Completed 401909 2015-2016 Food for HSA Week: Noche En Cali event Catalina Del Valle Catalina Del Valle $160.00 Completed 401936 2015-2016 UEPA week dominoes and dominos Kiara Velazquez Kiara Velazquez $34.42 Completed 401957 2015-2016 ArSA Asado (BBQ) Yamila Spak Yamila Spak $190.00 Completed 401966 2015-2016 UEPA fall salsa concert decorations Kiara Velazquez Kiara Velazquez $105.90 Completed 401973 2015-2016 HCA GBM Zalome Briceno Zalome Briceno $21.08 Completed 402029 2015-2016 UEPA salsa concert tables Kiara Cardona UF Physical Plant Division $0.00 Completed 402033 2015-2016 General Body Meeting Paula Bazzino Paula Bazzino $63.00 Completed 402098 2015-2016 PASS 3rd GBM Veronika Fernandez Veronika Fernandez $32.83 Completed 402151 2015-2016 "Sangiving" Formal Wendy Serra Wendy Serra $396.24 Completed 402189 2015-2016 MLP Presents: Diversity in Greek Life Jessica Garcia J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $75.00 Completed 402238 2015-2016 PorColombia 4th Fall GBM Luisa Ramirez Perez Luisa Ramirez $68.32 Completed 402239 2015-2016 PorColombia Dia De Las Velitas Luisa Ramirez Perez Luisa Ramirez $280.48 Completed 402315 2015-2016 Utensils for Winter Formal Catalina Del Valle Catalina Del Valle $73.22 Completed 402316 2015-2016 Winter Formal Decorations Catalina Del Valle Fatima Hernandez $237.85 Completed 402330 2015-2016 ATC - December Milonga Alican Gulsevin Alican Gulsevin $85.31 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 402331 2015-2016 ATC - Fall Social Food Alican Gulsevin Veronica Hughes $125.58 Completed 402342 2015-2016 Winter Formal Food Catalina Del Valle Rene Mariscal $450.00 Completed 402345 2015-2016 Winter Formal Award Estevan Torres The Trophy Shop $20.50 Completed 402357 2015-2016 PASS La Gran Pollada Veronika Fernandez Veronika Fernandez $330.14 Completed 402359 2015-2016 PASS Gran Pollada Veronika Fernandez Hannah Perez $51.44 Completed 402388 2015-2016 ATC - Fall Social Venue Alican Gulsevin National Vacuum $250.00 Completed 402404 2015-2016 HCA GBM Zalome Briceno Zalome Briceno $20.00 Completed 402444 2015-2016 Sabor Dance Team Gear Kathleen Libo-on Kathleen Marie Libo-on $414.23 Completed 402517 2015-2016 Spring 2016 GSC Extravaganza Raquel Bencosme Venue Elder Care of Alachua County $1202.00 Completed 402852 2015-2016 PorColombia First Spring GBM Luisa Ramirez Perez Luisa Ramirez $63.33 Completed 402961 2015-2016 ARSA Spring Mates y Facturas Ivan Levy Hara Ivan Levy-Hara $225.00 Completed 402964 2015-2016 MLP Game Night Jessica Garcia Jessica Garcia $37.90 Completed 403013 2015-2016 Pasodoble Costume Fabric Kathleen Libo-on Kathleen Marie Libo-on $24.65 Completed 403017 2015-2016 1st PASS GBM in Spring Veronika Fernandez Veronika Fernandez $115.00 Completed 403031 2015-2016 Hca GBM Zalome Briceno Zalome Briceno $25.42 Completed 403090 2015-2016 HSA Flags Robert Lemus $13.33 Completed 403119 2015-2016 HSA Valentine's Day Social - Diego Aguero Diego Aguero $150.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 403121 2015-2016 HSA Valentine's Day Social Food Diego Aguero Diego Aguero $100.00 Completed 403170 2015-2016 HSA Conference Keynote Speaker Estevan Torres Dolores Huerta Foundation $15000.00 Completed 403181 2015-2016 VENSA GBM Paula Bazzino Paula Bazzino $46.34 Completed 403191 2015-2016 HSA Present Elizabeth Avecedo Estevan Torres for HSA Week Neon Entertainment (Plan $2600.00 B LLC) Completed 403195 2015-2016 HSA Soccer BubbleBall Tournament Estevan Torres Gainesville BubbleBall $1100.00 Completed 403197 2015-2016 HSA GBM Juntos (Feb 4th) Robert Lemus Robert Lemus $192.69 Completed 403201 2015-2016 HSA Noche De Gala Venue Estevan Torres Harn Museum $2160.00 Completed 403203 2015-2016 HSA Noche De Gala Magna Foto Estevan Torres Magnafoto $818.98 Completed 403227 2015-2016 Sabor Costume Tulle Skirts Kathleen Libo-on Kathleen Marie Libo-on $398.40 Completed 403228 2015-2016 Sabor Face Tattoo Costume Accessories Kathleen Libo-on Kathleen Marie Libo-on $202.95 Completed 403261 2015-2016 HSA Week Reitz Reservation ~ Estevan Torres Elizabeth Avecedo J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $0.00 Completed 403317 2015-2016 PorColombia Spring Second GBM Luisa Ramirez Perez Luisa Ramirez $222.61 Completed 403318 2015-2016 HSA Valentines Social Venue Estevan Torres Estevan Torres $150.00 Completed 403323 2015-2016 MASA Superbowl Watch Party Antoni Munoz Antoni Munoz $101.25 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 403372 2015-2016 HCA Valentine Social Zalome Briceno Zalome Briceno $35.70 Completed 403374 2015-2016 MASA GBM #2 Antoni Munoz Antoni Munoz $14.33 Completed 403387 2015-2016 HCA GBM Zalome Briceno Zalome Briceno $27.35 Completed 403389 2015-2016 HCA GBM Zalome Briceno Zalome Briceno $29.72 Completed 403390 2015-2016 HCA GBM Zalome Briceno Zalome Briceno $30.70 Completed 403391 2015-2016 PASS 2nd General Body Meeting Veronika Fernandez Veronika Fernandez $33.52 Completed 403411 2015-2016 Score the Goalie (PorColombia Luisa Ramirez Perez Week) Luisa Ramirez $238.45 Completed 403412 2015-2016 Study with E-Board (PorColombia Week) Luisa Ramirez Perez Luisa Ramirez $27.92 Completed 403413 2015-2016 Cooking Night (PorColombia Week) Luisa Ramirez Perez Luisa Ramirez $149.81 Completed 403414 2015-2016 Dancing in Plaza (PorColombia Luisa Ramirez Perez Week) Luisa Ramirez $20.94 Completed 403433 2015-2016 Speed Dating (MASA) Antoni Munoz Antoni Munoz $48.65 Completed 403481 2015-2016 ARSA Empanadas Night Ivan Levy Hara Ivan Levy-Hara $192.78 Completed 403731 2015-2016 HSA GBM Together we can (Feb 18) Robert Lemus Estevan Torres $187.81 Completed 403740 2015-2016 HSA Noche De Gala Venue Insurance Estevan Torres Tulip $134.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 403782 2015-2016 HSA BubbleBall Tournament Venue Estevan Torres Florida Gym $441.00 Completed 403793 2015-2016 Men's Costume Vests Kathleen Libo-on Kathleen Marie Libo-on $120.00 Completed 403798 2015-2016 PASS Game Night Veronika Fernandez Veronika Fernandez $49.34 Completed 403854 2015-2016 GSC Banner Raquel Bencosme Raquel Bencosme $19.65 Completed 403857 2015-2016 GSC Stickers Raquel Bencosme Raquel Bencosme $96.00 Completed 403892 2015-2016 HSA T-Shirts Sloane Bochman Creative Advertising $1996.00 Completed 403893 2015-2016 MLP Familia Feud Anthony Davila-Stirling Anthony Davila $47.77 Completed 403894 2015-2016 MLP Familia Feud Anthony Davila-Stirling Anthony Davila $29.05 Completed 403963 2015-2016 HSA Week Speaker ~ Rommy Torrico Estevan Torres Rommy Torrico $2900.00 Completed 403976 2015-2016 HSA Promo items Sloane Bochman Creative Advertising $1533.10 Completed 403977 2015-2016 HSA Promo items PT.2 Sloane Bochman Creative Advertising $421.00 Completed 404038 2015-2016 PASS 3rd GBM Veronika Fernandez Veronika Fernandez $45.89 Completed 404041 2015-2016 ARSA Asado Ivan Levy Hara Ivan Levy-Hara $224.95 Completed 404124 2015-2016 PorColombia 3rd Spring GBM Luisa Ramirez Perez Luisa Ramirez $267.07 Completed 404127 2015-2016 PorColombia 4th Spring GBM Luisa Ramirez Perez Luisa Ramirez $178.99 Completed 404128 2015-2016 PorColombia Paseo de Olla Luisa Ramirez Perez Luisa Ramirez $336.15 Completed 404146 2015-2016 PASS Movie Night Veronika Fernandez Veronika Fernandez $68.40 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 404182 2015-2016 MLP Step Up 2 the Sreets Venue Jessica Garcia Curtis M. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts $1660.13 Completed 404225 2015-2016 HSA Speaker System Robert Lemus Amazon $161.66 Completed 404226 2015-2016 HSA GBM Together / Colorism Robert Lemus (Mar. 17th) Classic Fare/Gator Dining $0.00 Completed 404333 2015-2016 Soccer Tournament Paula Bazzino Honors Graduation $87.40 Completed 404339 2015-2016 General Body Meeting Paula Bazzino Paula Bazzino $69.00 Completed 404341 2015-2016 General Body Meeting Paula Bazzino Paula Bazzino $48.71 Completed 404342 2015-2016 General Body Meeting Paula Bazzino Paula Bazzino $47.90 Completed 404343 2015-2016 General Body Meeting Paula Bazzino Paula Bazzino $122.91 Completed 404344 2015-2016 General Body Meeting Paula Bazzino Paula Bazzino $48.00 Completed 404413 2015-2016 Sabor Latino - VISA performance stage props Kathleen Libo-on Kathleen Marie Libo-on $262.27 Completed 404515 2015-2016 GSC Spring 2016 Extravaganza Raquel Bencosme Headliner Keila Soto Villanuevou $200.00 Completed 404526 2015-2016 GSC Easels Raquel Bencosme Raquel Bencosme $46.86 Completed 404527 2015-2016 GSC Buttons Raquel Bencosme Raquel Bencosme $52.50 Completed 404528 2015-2016 GSC Standing Banner Raquel Bencosme Raquel Bencosme $67.99 Completed 404531 2015-2016 GSC Spring Extravaganza Decorations Raquel Bencosme Raquel Bencosme $179.96 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 404532 2015-2016 GSC meeting Raquel Bencosme Raquel Bencosme $150.00 Completed 404577 2015-2016 HCA gbm Zalome Briceno Zalome Briceno $8.48 Completed 404592 2015-2016 HSA Noche De Gala 2016 food Robert Lemus Classic Fare/Gator Dining $600.00 Completed 404593 2015-2016 HSA's GBM Supply Replenishment Robert Lemus $77.37 Completed 404594 2015-2016 HSA Games Robert Lemus $139.73 Completed 404655 2015-2016 HCA Magazine Launch Venue Robert Lemus Arredondo Cafe $75.00 Completed 404687 2015-2016 4th General Body Meeting Veronika Fernandez Veronika Fernandez $32.52 Completed 404691 2015-2016 La Anticuchada Veronika Fernandez Veronika Fernandez $346.12 Completed 404694 2015-2016 HSA Noche De Gala Awards Robert Lemus The Trophy Shop $834.50 Completed 404709 2015-2016 Co-Sponsorship with VISA Harrison Bonilla Harrison Bonilla $199.64 Completed 404737 2015-2016 HSA Noche De Gala Awards 2 Robert Lemus The Trophy Shop $240.00 Completed 404738 2015-2016 MLP Diversity CommitteeInternational Fair Eni Laska Gabriela Gaudier $59.74 Completed 404740 2015-2016 MLP Diversity Committee International Fair Event Supplies Eni Laska Gabriela Gaudier $41.92 Completed 404797 2015-2016 MLP Tiki Tournament Jessica Garcia Luisa Ramirez $86.41 Completed 404798 2015-2016 MLP's Tiki Tournament Food Jessica Garcia Luisa Ramirez $27.68 Completed 404822 2015-2016 Spring GBM Antoni Munoz Antoni Munoz $185.05 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 404833 2015-2016 MLP Graduation Awards Jessica Garcia Grabados Awards & Engraving / Johnny Suarez $71.82 Completed 404834 2015-2016 MLP Graduation Awards Spring Jessica Garcia Grabados Awards & Engraving / Johnny Suarez $99.75 Completed 404835 2015-2016 MLP Graduation HHM Awards Jessica Garcia Grabados Awards & Engraving / Johnny Suarez $67.83 Completed 404839 2015-2016 MLP Graduation Cake Jessica Garcia Classic Fare Catering $59.99 Completed 404847 2015-2016 HHM Week Juan Garcia Marina Bahmad $80.02 Completed 404871 2015-2016 HLA Cesar Chavez Memorial Day of Service (HSA) Robert Lemus Classic Fare/Gator Dining $143.98 Completed 404894 2015-2016 MLP's Leadership Mixer Jessica Garcia Classic Fare Catering $107.82 Completed 404908 2015-2016 Distinguished Speaker Paula Bazzino 360 Media Inc (Nelson Bustamante) $1890.00 Completed 405000 2015-2016 HLSU Conference Robert Lemus Creative Advertising $486.54 Completed 405035 2015-2016 MLP's Diversity Retreat Food Jessica Garcia Classic Fare Catering $101.83 Completed 405053 2015-2016 HCA gbm Zalome Briceno Zalome Briceno $10.00 Completed 405062 2015-2016 HLSU Conference Band Robert Lemus Eliovy Piedra $1400.00 Completed 405068 2015-2016 HCA Magazine Launch Robert Lemus Progressive Communications $1120.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 405076 2015-2016 HCA Medals Robert Lemus The Trophy Shop $100.75 Completed 405149 2015-2016 HLSU Conference Food Robert Lemus Classic Fare/Gator Dining $446.99 Completed 405156 2015-2016 HSA Noche De Gala Awards MLP Robert Lemus The Trophy Shop $60.00 Completed 405192 2015-2016 Noche De Gala Catering Estevan Torres Classic Fare Catering $370.00 Completed 405284 2015-2016 Noche De Gala Physical Plant Division Chairs Estevan Torres UF Physical Plant Division $0.00 Completed 405355 2015-2016 HLSU Conference Banner Robert Lemus Creative Advertising $95.00 Completed 405420 2015-2016 HCA Elections Zalome Briceno Zalome Briceno $29.34 Completed 405422 2015-2016 HCA Magazine Launch Food Briana Lirio Classic Fare/Gator Dining $331.90 Completed 405423 2015-2016 HCA Magazine Launch Decorations Briana Lirio Patricia Matamoros $200.00 Completed 405425 2015-2016 HCA Speaker Event/Magazine Launch Briana Lirio Briana Lirio $84.59 Completed 405427 2015-2016 HCA Speaker Event Tablecloths Briana Lirio LinenTablecloth $114.32 Completed 405430 2015-2016 Magazine Poster For Launch Briana Lirio Renaissance Printing $50.15 Completed 405451 2015-2016 Magazine Launch Caricature Briana Lirio Creative Chippy Party Services (Check: Jessica Dauss) $180.00 Completed 405452 2015-2016 HCA Speaker Event photo booth Briana Lirio Snap Studio Booth $455.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 405520 2015-2016 HLSU Booklets Robert Lemus Target Copy - University Ave $172.62 Completed 405524 2015-2016 ATC - Weekly Meeting Food Alican Gulsevin Emmanuelle Alexandre $33.76 Completed 405573 2015-2016 GSC Speakers Raquel Bencosme Raquel Bencosme $126.22 Completed 405639 2015-2016 HSA Camera Robert Lemus Amazon $559.90 Completed 405651 2015-2016 HSA Flyers Robert Lemus Flyer Studios Inc. $400.00 Completed 405965 2015-2016 GSC Flag Raquel Bencosme Raquel Bencosme $76.49 Completed 405970 2015-2016 HSA/HHM/HLSA/MLP Stickers Sloane Bochman Sticker Mule $627.00 Completed 405977 2015-2016 HSA Mini Storage Edward Zambrano Gainesville Mini Storage $572.40 Completed 406044 2015-2016 HLSA Yard Signs Edward Zambrano 24hourwristbands $215.28 Completed 406045 2015-2016 HLSA Balloons Edward Zambrano 24hourwristbands $77.10 Completed 406064 2015-2016 GSC White Boards and Markers Raquel Bencosme Raquel Bencosme $16.17 Completed 406065 2015-2016 GSC Cork Board Raquel Bencosme Raquel Bencosme $25.00 Completed 406066 2015-2016 GSC Magnets Raquel Bencosme Raquel Bencosme $27.00 Completed 406138 2015-2016 Pa' La Calle Tshirts Edward Zambrano Creative Advertising $1497.20 Completed 406168 2015-2016 HHM Yard Signs Edward Zambrano Creative Advertising $500.40 Completed 406170 2015-2016 Pa La Calle Food Edward Zambrano Classic Fare/Gator Dining $941.85 Completed 406176 2015-2016 Summer B GBM 1 Edward Zambrano Gabriela Gaudier $57.56 Completed 406177 2015-2016 HSA Summer GBM 1 Food Edward Zambrano Papa Johns $117.30 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 406182 2015-2016 HSA Week Summer Activities Edward Zambrano $709.96 Completed 406192 2015-2016 HSA Week: HLSA, HHM Event Edward Zambrano Classic Fare/Gator Dining $258.00 Completed 406195 2015-2016 HSA MLP HHM Fans Edward Zambrano Creative Advertising $214.97 Completed 406225 2015-2016 HSA Retreat Team Colors Edward Zambrano Creative Advertising $600.60 Completed 500345 2016-2017 2016 HLSA Speaker Marina Bahmad CoolSpeak $5000.00 Completed 500365 2016-2017 Opening Ceremony Speaker Juan Garcia Denice Frohman $2470.00 Completed 500367 2016-2017 HHM Forum Speaker Juan Garcia New Age Media Ventures, $23000.00 LLC Completed 500402 2016-2017 HLSA- Decorations Marina Bahmad Amazon $68.40 Completed 500403 2016-2017 HLSA Grand Ballroom Marina Bahmad Event Services- Reitz Union $936.40 Completed 500410 2016-2017 HHM Fiesta Venue Juan Garcia J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $0.00 Completed 500451 2016-2017 HLSA-Booklets Marina Bahmad Target Copy - University Ave $1398.20 Completed 500471 2016-2017 HHM Fiesta Dj's Juan Garcia Love Light Productions LLC $2806.61 Completed 500564 2016-2017 CASA Welcome Back Party Wendy Serra Wendy Serra $65.00 Completed 500654 2016-2017 Choripanada Paula Bazzino Paula Bazzino $48.00 Completed 500673 2016-2017 HHM Banner Stand Juan Garcia Creative Advertising $165.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 500674 2016-2017 HHM Silicone Phone Wallets Juan Garcia Creative Advertising $353.94 Completed 500675 2016-2017 HHM Multi use Desk set Juan Garcia Creative Advertising $309.14 Completed 500676 2016-2017 HHM Lip Balm Promotional item Juan Garcia Creative Advertising $309.76 Completed 500677 2016-2017 HHM Mood Cup promo item Juan Garcia Creative Advertising $285.68 Completed 500678 2016-2017 HHM stress ball Promo item Juan Garcia Creative Advertising $284.69 Completed 500681 2016-2017 HHM Sunglasses Juan Garcia Creative Advertising $226.11 Completed 500683 2016-2017 HHM Water Bottles Juan Garcia Creative Advertising $358.78 Completed 500700 2016-2017 HHM Opening Food Juan Garcia Classic Fare Catering $474.00 Completed 500748 2016-2017 HHM - Yoga at Plaza Con HHM Marina Bahmad Amazon $39.70 Completed 500750 2016-2017 HHM- Yoga at Plaza con HMM Marina Bahmad Yoga Direct $260.56 Completed 500751 2016-2017 HMM- Tie Dye con HHM Marina Bahmad Amazon $177.13 Completed 500753 2016-2017 HHM - Tie Dye con HHM Marina Bahmad Creative Advertising $1287.50 Completed 500758 2016-2017 HHM- Falafels and Fajitas Marina Bahmad Amazon $66.38 Completed 500770 2016-2017 HHM Cafe y Coupons Marina Bahmad Amazon $66.72 Completed 500777 2016-2017 1st GBM for PASS Mark Arce-Perez Raquel Ruiz $82.81 Completed 500850 2016-2017 CASA Tailgate Wendy Serra Wendy Serra $71.50 Completed 500851 2016-2017 CASA Movie Night Wendy Serra Wendy Serra $7.98 Completed 500922 2016-2017 Fall 2016 Costume Leggings Kathleen Marie Libo-on Kathleen M Libo-on $438.90 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title 500924 2016-2017 Fall 2016 Costume Accessories Kathleen Marie Libo-on Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status Kathleen M Libo-on $48.19 Completed Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 673 - BAPTIST COLLEGIATE MINISTRIES SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 400133 2015-2016 Welcome Week Gameday Alexander Pettola Jessica Smith $200.00 Completed 400169 2015-2016 Home TailGATORS Alexander Pettola Alexander Pettola $350.00 Completed 400460 2015-2016 Welcome Week Gameday Alexander Pettola Jayde Terrell $30.21 Completed 400999 2015-2016 Freshman Bash Alexander Pettola Eric Turner $60.00 Completed 401807 2015-2016 Speaker: Lee Howell Alexander Pettola Lee Howell $275.00 Completed 402073 2015-2016 Fall Banquet Alexander Pettola Jayde Terrell $149.37 Completed 402074 2015-2016 Fall Banquet Alexander Pettola Jessica Smith $119.34 Completed 402159 2015-2016 Freshman Bash Alexander Pettola Eric Turner $40.00 Completed 402240 2015-2016 Winter Dinner Party Alexander Pettola Emily Johnston $100.00 Completed 402241 2015-2016 Winter Dinner Party Alexander Pettola Ralph Sherman Wilhelm $141.76 Completed 403282 2015-2016 Freshmen Dinner Alexander Pettola Josh Nassar $38.35 Completed 404148 2015-2016 Men's/Women's Weekend Alexander Pettola Josue Benitez $49.76 Completed 404149 2015-2016 Men's/Women's Weekend Alexander Pettola Amanda Devane $449.84 Completed 404210 2015-2016 BCM Hoedown Alexander Pettola Lon Ligon $300.00 Completed 404325 2015-2016 BCM Hoedown Alexander Pettola Amy Moose $148.08 Completed 404336 2015-2016 BCM Hoedown Alexander Pettola Jayde Terrell $149.85 Completed 404349 2015-2016 Concert Alexander Pettola Christina Nadeau $200.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 404863 2015-2016 End of the Year Awards Ceremony Alexander Pettola The Opera House $625.00 Completed 404927 2015-2016 Concert Alexander Pettola Erskin Anavitarte $500.00 Completed 405202 2015-2016 End of the Year Awards Ceremony Alexander Pettola Jessica Smith $150.00 Completed 405203 2015-2016 End of the Year Awards Ceremony Alexander Pettola Alexander Pettola $175.00 Completed 405510 2015-2016 Concert Alexander Pettola Amy Moose $200.00 Completed 500310 2016-2017 Welcome Week Gameday Amanda Johnson Danielle Marshall $195.33 Completed 500385 2016-2017 Home TailGATOR Amanda Johnson Brason English $350.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 675 - IOC ( Islam On Campus ) SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 305761 2014-2015 Honorarium for Zubair Zafar Hamaad Rahman Zubair Zafar $1150.00 Completed 305821 2014-2015 Travel Funds for ICNA Faisal Malik Ali Abdel-Halim $49.71 Completed 400180 2015-2016 IOC Website Domain Renewal Adil Siddiqui Adil Siddiqui $122.51 Completed 400259 2015-2016 ISNA Convention 2015 Adil Siddiqui Abrar Polani $1400.00 Completed 400307 2015-2016 Tarp materials Adil Siddiqui Rashhan Siddique $33.82 Completed 400390 2015-2016 Fast-a-thon Promo Items Adil Siddiqui Quality Logo Products, Inc. $1117.81 Completed 400442 2015-2016 Fast-a-thon flyers Adil Siddiqui Flyer Studios Inc. $450.00 Completed 400457 2015-2016 Hosting service for Adil Siddiqui Adil Siddiqui $143.88 Completed 400461 2015-2016 Honorarium for Mo Amer Adil Siddiqui Rom Com Inc. / Ramy Youssef $2200.00 Completed 400690 2015-2016 Honorarium for Abdelrahman Murphy Adil Siddiqui Abdel Rahman Murphy $2400.00 Completed 400805 2015-2016 GWC Rental for Eid Banquet Adil Siddiqui Gainesville Women's Club $1775.00 Completed 400866 2015-2016 Eid Banquet Food Adil Siddiqui Falafel King $235.75 Completed 400867 2015-2016 Florida Gym Rental - Basketball Adil Siddiqui Tournament Florida Gym $591.00 Completed 400869 2015-2016 Eid Banquet Food Adil Siddiqui $92.41 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Adil Siddiqui Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 400870 2015-2016 Eid Banquet Decor Adil Siddiqui Adil Siddiqui $415.33 Completed 401009 2015-2016 Fast-a-Thon Decorations and Supplies Adil Siddiqui Adil Siddiqui $600.00 Completed 401032 2015-2016 Fast-a-Thon O'Connell Center Cost Adil Siddiqui O'Connell Center $6742.14 Completed 401033 2015-2016 Fast-a-Thon UPD Fee Adil Siddiqui UPD - Unversity Police Dept $366.00 Completed 401049 2015-2016 Fast-a-Thon Food Adil Siddiqui Golden Dynasty $3750.00 Completed 401050 2015-2016 Fast-a-thon Iftaar Items FOOD Adil Siddiqui Falafel King $362.50 Completed 401051 2015-2016 Fast-a-Thon Miscellaneous food Adil Siddiqui Adil Siddiqui $486.66 Completed 401052 2015-2016 Fast-a-Thon 34th St. Wallpainting Adil Siddiqui Adil Siddiqui $184.79 Completed 401113 2015-2016 Health Disparities 5K Walk Cosponsorship Adil Siddiqui Adil Siddiqui $300.00 Completed 401114 2015-2016 Fall BBQ Supplies and Food Adil Siddiqui Adil Siddiqui $399.02 Completed 401572 2015-2016 Food for Fall Bonfire Adil Siddiqui Adil Siddiqui $120.00 Completed 401573 2015-2016 Food for 2nd Fall GBM Adil Siddiqui Adil Siddiqui $139.38 Completed 401575 2015-2016 Supplies for Fall Bonfire Adil Siddiqui Adil Siddiqui $53.08 Completed 401824 2015-2016 Honorarium for Arthur Richards Adil Siddiqui Arthur Richards $600.00 Completed 402030 2015-2016 Food for General Body Halaqah Adil Siddiqui Falafel King $180.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 402107 2015-2016 Laser Tag Event Adil Siddiqui Adil Siddiqui $143.85 Completed 402715 2015-2016 IAM Fair Tent Rental Adil Siddiqui Party Time Rentals $664.00 Completed 402716 2015-2016 Honorarium for Majed Mahmoud Adil Siddiqui Majed Mahmoud $2000.00 Completed 402729 2015-2016 Honorarium for Suzy Ismail Adil Siddiqui Suzy Ismail $1612.60 Completed 403086 2015-2016 Food for General Body Halaqah Adil Siddiqui Falafel King $180.00 Completed 403089 2015-2016 IAM Promo Items Adil Siddiqui Quality Logo Products, Inc. $1092.70 Completed 403207 2015-2016 Grand Ballroom for IAM Myth Busters Event Adil Siddiqui J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $241.00 Completed 403208 2015-2016 Grand Ballroom for IAM Adil Siddiqui J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $173.00 Completed 403209 2015-2016 Grand Ballroom for IAM Hijab Day Event Adil Siddiqui J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $198.00 Completed 403210 2015-2016 IAM Fair Tables and Chairs Adil Siddiqui UF Physical Plant Division $0.00 Completed 403211 2015-2016 Grand Ballroom for IAM Young Adil Siddiqui & Muslim in America Event J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $123.00 Completed 403212 2015-2016 Food for IAM Mythbusters Event Adil Siddiqui Classic Fare/Gator Dining $195.60 Completed 403213 2015-2016 Food for IAM Spring Bonfire Event Adil Siddiqui Adil Siddiqui $239.34 Completed 403214 2015-2016 Supplies for IAM Spring Bonfire Adil Siddiqui Adil Siddiqui $53.27 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 403221 2015-2016 Honorarium for Margari Hill Adil Siddiqui Margari Hill $1569.16 Completed 403231 2015-2016 Supplies for IAM Fair Adil Siddiqui Adil Siddiqui $392.30 Completed 403235 2015-2016 Food for IAM Fair Adil Siddiqui Gyro Plus $252.00 Completed 403239 2015-2016 Food for IAM Fair (Falafel King) Adil Siddiqui Falafel King $106.50 Completed 403247 2015-2016 Flyers for IAM Adil Siddiqui Flyer Studios Inc. $225.00 Completed 403379 2015-2016 Food for Chapel Hill Event Adil Siddiqui Classic Fare/Gator Dining $0.00 Completed 403714 2015-2016 Food for IAM Hijab Day event Syed Hamaad Rahman Classic Fare Catering $0.00 Completed 403716 2015-2016 Food for IAM Young & Muslim Syed Hamaad Rahman in America event Classic Fare Catering $46.40 Completed 403717 2015-2016 Cymplify venue rental for IAM Words with Friends event Syed Hamaad Rahman Root & Pecker LLC $580.00 Completed 403720 2015-2016 Food from IAM Words with Friends event Syed Hamaad Rahman Hamaad Rahman $96.10 Completed 403738 2015-2016 Supplies for IAM Hijab Day and Syed Hamaad Rahman tabling Hamaad Rahman $54.22 Completed 403923 2015-2016 Venue rental for End of The Year Banquet Syed Hamaad Rahman The Thomas Center $1058.87 Completed 403924 2015-2016 Honorarium for Saad Omar Syed Hamaad Rahman Saad Omar $2800.00 Completed 404139 2015-2016 Food for 2nd GBM Syed Hamaad Rahman Hamaad Rahman $100.00 Completed 404196 2015-2016 Honorarium for Asad Ansari Syed Hamaad Rahman Asad Ansari $800.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 404269 2015-2016 Vigil supplies for Fort Wayne shooting Adil Siddiqui Adil Siddiqui $74.17 Completed 404497 2015-2016 Rion Ballroom Rental for MIST Adil Siddiqui J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $443.00 Completed 404518 2015-2016 Game Night at Game Room Adil Siddiqui Reitz Union Game Room $237.06 Completed 404553 2015-2016 Supplies and Decor for Muslim Adil Siddiqui Interscholastic Tournament Adil Siddiqui $691.83 Completed 404555 2015-2016 Quiz Bowl Buzzers and Walkie Talkies for MIST Adil Siddiqui Rawand Natsheh $315.94 Completed 404556 2015-2016 Utensils for MIST Adil Siddiqui Rawand Natsheh $100.00 Completed 404628 2015-2016 Supplies and Decor for End of the Year Ceremony Adil Siddiqui Adil Siddiqui $491.12 Completed 404753 2015-2016 IOC/PSA End of Year Cultural Celebration Cosponsorship Venue Adil Siddiqui Gainesville Garden Club $700.00 Completed 404858 2015-2016 Annual Storage Michele Williams Interstate Mimi Storage $907.20 Completed 404950 2015-2016 Ballroom for Elections Adil Siddiqui J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $157.00 Completed 405063 2015-2016 IOC Promotional T-Shirts Adil Siddiqui A.J Wholesale Printing $1495.00 Completed 405064 2015-2016 Awards for End of the Year Ceremony Adil Siddiqui The Trophy Shop $598.00 Completed 405120 2015-2016 Spring BBQ Supplies Adil Siddiqui Adil Siddiqui $123.80 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 405151 2015-2016 Honorarium for Ali Zafar Adil Siddiqui Mohammad Ali Zafar $2500.00 Completed 405153 2015-2016 Food for Elections Adil Siddiqui Classic Fare/Gator Dining $149.68 Completed 405293 2015-2016 Food for Spiritual Retreat Adil Siddiqui Falafel King $300.00 Completed 405673 2015-2016 Travel Funds for ICNA Adil Siddiqui Adil Siddiqui $350.00 Completed 406231 2015-2016 Supplies and Handouts for IOC Adil Siddiqui & Tabling Adil Siddiqui $1011.19 Completed 500593 2016-2017 Food for 1st Fall GBM Maria Ilyas Classic Fare/Gator Dining $215.72 Completed 501154 2016-2017 Honorarium for Emana Sheikh Maria Ilyas Emana Sheikh Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM $300.00 Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 676 - DOCTORS WITHOUT BORDERS SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 305919 2014-2015 Blood Pressure Cuffs Vivian Wong Vivian Wong $166.44 Completed 400600 2015-2016 Pizza for GBM Vivian Wong Vivian Wong $67.51 Completed 400902 2015-2016 Table Covers for Tabling Vivian Wong Vivian Wong $159.34 Completed 401035 2015-2016 Candy and Hand Sanitizer for Advertising Vivian Wong Vivian Wong $221.64 Completed 402042 2015-2016 Food for Hope for the Hungry Vivian Wong Classic Fare/Gator Dining $110.44 Completed 402155 2015-2016 Decorations Vivian Wong Gabrielle Aiello $96.39 Completed 402746 2015-2016 Pizza for Spring Meeting Vivian Wong Alaina Giacobbe $67.51 Completed 402823 2015-2016 Food for Speaker Event Vivian Wong Classic Fare/Gator Dining $93.97 Completed 404227 2015-2016 Bowling Social Vivian Wong Reitz Union Game Room $22.10 Completed 404676 2015-2016 Decorations for Speaker Event Vivian Wong Gabrielle Aiello $69.02 Completed 404677 2015-2016 Additional food for Speaker event Vivian Wong Gabrielle Aiello $30.00 Completed 405211 2015-2016 Food for End of Year Banquet Vivian Wong Vivian Wong $138.54 Completed 405371 2015-2016 Ceramic Social Vivian Wong Arts & Crafts Center $194.00 Completed 500588 2016-2017 Food for the First Meeting Rachel Patten Rachel Patten $103.35 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 681 - MODEL UNITED NATIONS SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 400755 2015-2016 Regional Training ConferenceTallahassee Pedro Otalora Pedro Otalora $2202.08 Completed 401067 2015-2016 CMUNNY Pedro Otalora Pedro Otalora $6317.01 Completed 403286 2015-2016 UNCMUNC Registration Pedro Otalora Pedro Otalora $460.00 Completed 405132 2015-2016 &MUN Registration Pedro Otalora Pedro Otalora $715.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 688 - COLLEGIATE VETERANS SOCIETY SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 400278 2015-2016 Food for first general body meeting Randall Martin Randall Martin $60.00 Completed 400465 2015-2016 Food for general body meeting Randall Martin 3 Sept Randall Martin $60.70 Completed 401233 2015-2016 Food for fourth general body Randall Martin Randall Martin $50.00 Completed 401400 2015-2016 Outreach in Jacksonville for student veterans Randall Martin Randall Martin $350.00 Completed 401534 2015-2016 Food, fifth general body meeting Randall Martin Randall Martin $39.20 Completed 401791 2015-2016 Food for sixth general body meeting Randall Martin Randall Martin $47.56 Completed 401864 2015-2016 Homecoming float Randall Martin Randall Martin $209.77 Completed 402295 2015-2016 Food for general body meeting Randall Martin Randall Martin $49.82 Completed 402340 2015-2016 Travel to Student Veterans of America conference Randall Martin Randall Martin $386.00 Completed 402735 2015-2016 Food gen bod meeting 1/14/16 Randall Martin Randall Martin $50.00 Completed 403024 2015-2016 Food general body meeting 1/28/16 Randall Martin Randall Martin $50.00 Completed 404208 2015-2016 Food, general body meeting 3/10/16 Randall Martin Randall Martin $51.24 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 404261 2015-2016 Food, general body meeting 3/24/16 Randall Martin Randall Martin $53.00 Completed 404262 2015-2016 Food, general body meeting 4/7/16 Randall Martin Randall Martin $72.72 Completed 404776 2015-2016 Lapel pins Randall Martin Signature Pins $410.23 Completed 404776 2015-2016 Lapel pins Randall Martin Signature Pins $410.23 Completed 405391 2015-2016 Food, general body meeting 4/21/16 Randall Martin Randall Martin $15.76 Completed 405391 2015-2016 Food, general body meeting 4/21/16 Randall Martin Randall Martin $15.76 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 689 - SHAKESPEARE IN THE PARK SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 401257 2015-2016 Twelfth Night Scripts Rebecca Richey Alison Sigalow $21.64 Completed 404177 2015-2016 Props for Mainstage: Twelfth Night Rebecca Richey Alison Sigalow $149.60 Completed 404241 2015-2016 Props for Twelfth Night Mainstage - Amazon Rebecca Richey Alison Sigalow $328.12 Completed 404242 2015-2016 Costumes for Twelfth Night Mainstage - Goowill Rebecca Richey David Ponoroff $44.54 Completed 404243 2015-2016 Costumes Twelfth Night Maiestage - Goodwill(2) Rebecca Richey David Ponoroff $5.29 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 692 - OUTDOOR ADVENTURE RECREATION ( OAR ) SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 305805 2014-2015 Coleman Tents Terry Felderhoff Terry Felderhoff $138.28 Completed 305877 2014-2015 Vertical Caving Gear Terry Felderhoff Terry Felderhoff $155.05 Completed 305881 2014-2015 Outdoor Sleeping Gear Terry Felderhoff Nelson Anderson $147.50 Completed 305911 2014-2015 Canoe Seat Terry Felderhoff Terry Felderhoff $40.36 Completed 400763 2015-2016 Whitewater Epoxy Terry Felderhoff Terry Felderhoff $60.00 Completed 402312 2015-2016 Helmets Terry Felderhoff Terry Felderhoff $266.80 Completed 402337 2015-2016 Static Rope Terry Felderhoff Terry Felderhoff $267.30 Completed 402492 2015-2016 Sleeping Pads Terry Felderhoff Terry Felderhoff $60.11 Completed 402494 2015-2016 Life Jackets Terry Felderhoff Terry Felderhoff $127.92 Completed 403953 2015-2016 River Tubes Terry Felderhoff Terry Felderhoff $158.90 Completed 405815 2015-2016 Trailer Maintenance Terry Felderhoff Terry Felderhoff $116.68 Completed 405875 2015-2016 Rope Guard Terry Felderhoff Terry Felderhoff $27.90 Completed 405888 2015-2016 Tents Terry Felderhoff Terry Felderhoff $178.15 Completed 405921 2015-2016 Backpacks Terry Felderhoff Terry Felderhoff $360.40 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 694 - AASU ( Asian American Student Union ) SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 305776 2014-2015 FLP – Preview – Project #1 – Flyers Jaewon Jang Flyer Studios Inc. $90.00 Completed 305852 2014-2015 KUSA - KUSA - Project #18 Display Board Supplies Jingjie Yu Elaine Del Rosario $63.90 Completed 305928 2014-2015 AASU - Preview - Project #6 Promo Items Jaewon Jang 4imprint $1498.98 Completed 305928 2014-2015 AASU - Preview - Project #6 Promo Items Jaewon Jang 4imprint $1498.98 Completed 305941 2014-2015 FSA – Preview – Project #26 – Tabling Board and Supplies Donald Mercado Donald Mercado $62.64 Completed 305977 2014-2015 AASU - AASA - Project #2 Flyers Jaewon Jang Flyer Studios Inc. $125.00 Completed 400013 2015-2016 AASU - AASA - Project #2 Decorations Jaewon Jang Natasha Havi Tran $1.48 Completed 400014 2015-2016 AASU - Summer Social Project #10 - Supplies Jaewon Jang Jaewon Jang $38.60 Completed 400015 2015-2016 AASU - AASA - Project #2 Phillips Center Jaewon Jang Curtis M. Phillips Center $7796.78 Completed 400052 2015-2016 FLP - Summer Social - Project #1 - Food Hung Ma Hung Ma $35.53 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 400063 2015-2016 FLP - Summer Social - Project #1 - Supplies Hung Ma Hung Ma $24.94 Completed 400156 2015-2016 AASU - AASA - Project #2 Tarp Jaewon Jang Elizabeth Nguyen $33.06 Completed 400167 2015-2016 AKM- Asian Arts and Mausam Trivedi Entertainment Festival- Project #36- Awkwafina Nora Lum $2100.00 Completed 400197 2015-2016 AKM - Asian Arts and Mausam Trivedi Entertainment Festival - Project #36 - Sorah Yang Sorah Yang $1800.00 Completed 400214 2015-2016 AKM - Opening Ceremonies Project #29 - Venue Mausam Trivedi J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $200.00 Completed 400265 2015-2016 AASU - AASA - Project #2 Justin Chon Jaewon Jang JR Talent Group $12000.00 Completed 400308 2015-2016 SPARKS - AASA - Project #5 Tabling Supplies Jaewon Jang Bomyee Woo $33.50 Completed 400321 2015-2016 AASU - AASA - Project #2 Shirts Jaewon Jang TNT Graphics $123.87 Completed 400346 2015-2016 AKM - Asian Arts and Mausam Trivedi Entertainment Festival - Project #36 - The Filharmonic Degy Booking International, Inc. $7000.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title 400363 Vendor Total Paid Status 2015-2016 CASA - CASA Big/Little Week - Yuchen Wang Project #14 - Big/Little Week Supplies Scott Liu $124.27 Completed 400364 2015-2016 CASA - CASA Big/Little Week - Yuchen Wang Project #14 - Big/Little Week Food Scott Liu $100.00 Completed 400365 2015-2016 CASA - CASA Mid-Autumn Moon Festival - Project #12 Mid-Autumn Decorations Yuchen Wang Keven Huang $198.68 Completed 400367 2015-2016 CASA - CASA Mid-Autumn Moon Festival - Project #12 Mid-Autumn Programming (Utensils) Yuchen Wang Keven Huang $71.72 Completed 400387 2015-2016 FLP - Mentor & Mentee Week - Hung Ma Project #1 - Food Hung Ma $40.52 Completed 400400 2015-2016 AASU - AASU Picnic - Project #10 - Food Jaewon Jang Jaewon Jang $200.00 Completed 400424 2015-2016 AKM - Opening Ceremony Project #29 - Decorations Mausam Trivedi Mausam Trivedi $200.00 Completed 400425 2015-2016 AKM - Fashion Show - Project #33 - Decorations Mausam Trivedi Mausam Trivedi $118.33 Completed 400426 2015-2016 AKM - AASU Pageant - Project Mausam Trivedi #32 - Decorations Mausam Trivedi $158.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Requestor Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title 400427 Vendor Total Paid Status 2015-2016 AKM - Asian Arts and Mausam Trivedi Entertainment Festival - Project #35 - Decorations Mausam Trivedi $188.81 Completed 400568 2015-2016 FSA - FSA FAHM Culture Series Donald Mercado - Project #25 - Venue/Tech Emerson Alumni Hall $544.00 Completed 400578 2015-2016 AKM - Fashion Show - Project #36 - Tina Tandon Mausam Trivedi Posh Pari LLC $1500.00 Completed 400634 2015-2016 AKM - Opening Ceremonies Project #36 - Sung Lee Mausam Trivedi Sung Lee $1000.00 Completed 400635 2015-2016 AKM - Asian Arts and Mausam Trivedi Entertainment Festival - Project #35 - Venue Gator Wesley Foundation $800.00 Completed 400663 2015-2016 AKM - Opening Ceremonies Project #29 - AV/Tech Mausam Trivedi J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $545.00 Completed 400720 2015-2016 KUSA - KUSA NUHDO Week Project #18 - Plastic Eggs Jingjie Yu Jingjie Yu $14.95 Completed 400721 2015-2016 KUSA - KUSA NUHDO Week Project #18 - Food Jingjie Yu Jingjie Yu $100.00 Completed 400727 2015-2016 AKM - Opening Ceremonies Project #29 - Flyers Mausam Trivedi Flyer Studios Inc. $80.00 Completed 400730 2015-2016 AKM - AASU Pageant - Project Mausam Trivedi #32 - Flyers Flyer Studios Inc. $80.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Requestor Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title 400733 Vendor Total Paid Status 2015-2016 AKM - Asian Arts and Mausam Trivedi Entertainment Festival - Project #35 - Flyers Flyer Studios Inc. $80.00 Completed 400737 2015-2016 AKM - Opening Ceremonies Project #29 - Shirts TextTees $496.57 Completed 400744 2015-2016 CASA - CASA Cultural Heritage Yuchen Wang Week - Project #15 - Cultural Coordinator Storage Container Elizabeth Wang $10.00 Completed 400749 2015-2016 KUSA - KUSA NUHDO Week Project #18 - Supplies Jingjie Yu Jingjie Yu $16.91 Completed 400751 2015-2016 KUSA - KUSA Seoul Show Project #16 - Food Jingjie Yu Classic Fare/Gator Dining $244.00 Completed 400796 2015-2016 CASA - CASA Mid-Autumn Moon Festival - Project #12 Moon Cakes Yuchen Wang Yuchen Wang $262.50 Completed 400808 2015-2016 AASU - Opening Ceremonies - Mausam Trivedi Project #29 - Stickers Sticker Giant $148.90 Completed 400810 2015-2016 AKM - Opening Ceremonies Project #29 - Cleaning Decals Mausam Trivedi Pristine Screens $375.00 Completed 400812 2015-2016 AKM - Opening Ceremonies Project #29 - Notebooks Mausam Trivedi Quality Logo Products, Inc. $152.63 Completed 400815 2015-2016 AKM - Opening Ceremonies Project #29 - Highlighter Pens Mausam Trivedi Discount Mugs $197.50 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Requestor Mausam Trivedi Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title 400816 Vendor Total Paid Status 2015-2016 CASA - CASA Cultural Heritage Yuchen Wang Week - Project #15 - Cultural Coordinator Storage Container #2 Elizabeth Wang $10.48 Completed 400819 2015-2016 FSA - FAHM Culture Series Project #25 - Closing Ceremony Honorarium Donald Mercado Rembrandt Sabelis $1000.00 Completed 400841 2015-2016 CASA - CASA Mid-Autumn Moon Festival - Project #12 Tarp Yuchen Wang Keven Huang $25.92 Completed 400846 2015-2016 VSO - ACE Week - Project #24 - Skate Station Admission Jennifer Le Jennifer Le $90.00 Completed 400848 2015-2016 VSO - VSO Tet Trung Thu Show Jennifer Le - Project #22 - Decorations Jennifer Le $157.23 Completed 400849 2015-2016 VSO - VSO Tet Trung Thu Show Jennifer Le - #22 - Flyers Flyer Studios Inc. $100.00 Completed 400850 2015-2016 VSO - VSO Tet Trung Thu Show Jennifer Le - Project #22 - Grand Ballroom Rental & A/V Tech Crew J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $940.00 Completed 400851 2015-2016 VSO - VSO Tet Trung Thu Show Jennifer Le - Project #22 - Food Classic Fare/Gator Dining $349.95 Completed 400857 2015-2016 AASU - Unity Conference Project #10 - Food Jiaxin Wang Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Requestor Jaewon Jang $141.88 Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 400858 2015-2016 AASU - Unity Conference Project #5 - Supplies Jaewon Jang Jiaxin Wang $19.28 Completed 400868 2015-2016 CASA - CASA Mid-Autumn Moon Festival - Project #12 Food Yuchen Wang Classic Fare/Gator Dining $65.00 Completed 400878 2015-2016 AKM - AASU Pageant - Project Mausam Trivedi #32 - Crowns and Sashes Mausam Trivedi $120.00 Completed 400884 2015-2016 AKM - Asian Food Festival Project #31 - Food Mausam Trivedi Mausam Trivedi $2021.53 Completed 400909 2015-2016 AKM - Opening Ceremonies Project #29 - Website Mausam Trivedi Mausam Trivedi $84.60 Completed 400936 2015-2016 AKM - AASU Pageant - Project Mausam Trivedi #32 - A/V and Tech J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $492.00 Completed 400937 2015-2016 AKM - Fashion Show - Project #33 - AV/labor Mausam Trivedi J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $630.00 Completed 400939 2015-2016 AKM - Small Events - Project #36 - Paul Tran Mausam Trivedi Paul Tran $900.00 Completed 400941 2015-2016 AKM - Food Festival - Project #31 - A/V and Room Rental Mausam Trivedi College of Health and Human Performance $1018.00 Completed 400954 2015-2016 AKM - Fashion Show - Project #33 - Venue Rental Mausam Trivedi J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $200.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 400969 2015-2016 CASA - CASA Mid-Autumn Moon Festival - Project #12 Cultural Booth Activity Materials Yuchen Wang Keven Huang $72.53 Completed 400980 2015-2016 FLP - Fall Retreat - Project #1 - Hung Ma Food Hung Ma $109.48 Completed 401011 2015-2016 FSA - FSA FAHM Culture Series Donald Mercado - Project #25 - Tabling Supplies Donald Mercado $23.97 Completed 401026 2015-2016 KUSA - Liberty in North Korea - Jingjie Yu Project #11 - LiNK Honorarium Liberty in North Korea $200.00 Completed 401027 2015-2016 FSA - FSA FAHM Culture Series Donald Mercado - Project #25 - Opening Supplies Donald Mercado $122.57 Completed 401036 2015-2016 FSA - FSA FAHM Culture Series Donald Mercado - Project #25 - Closing Decorations Donald Mercado $88.12 Completed 401037 2015-2016 FSA - FSA FAHM Culture Series Donald Mercado - Project #25 - Flyers Flyer Studios Inc. $80.00 Completed 401066 2015-2016 CASA - CASA Mid-Autumn Moon Festival - Project #12 Cultural Dance Costumes and Props Yuchen Wang Yuchen Wang $125.79 Completed 401069 2015-2016 AKM - Fashion Show - Project #36 - Hanmiao Yang Mausam Trivedi Hanmiao Yang $1100.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 401082 2015-2016 AKM - Fashion Show - Project #33 - Utensils, Napkins, and Plates Mausam Trivedi Mausam Trivedi $24.19 Completed 401142 2015-2016 AKM - Fashion Show - Project #6 - Shobana Singh Mausam Trivedi Shobana Singh $480.00 Completed 401171 2015-2016 AKM - Small Events - Project #34 - Legacy Venue/Rental Mausam Trivedi Ustler Hal $400.00 Completed 401175 2015-2016 AKM - Small Events - Project #34 - Legacy Food Mausam Trivedi Mausam Trivedi $182.31 Completed 401176 2015-2016 AKM - Small Events - Program #34 - Amazing Race Mausam Trivedi Mausam Trivedi $296.24 Completed 401258 2015-2016 AKM - Small Events - Project #34 - Utensils Mausam Trivedi Mausam Trivedi $24.43 Completed 401259 2015-2016 AKM - Asian Arts and Mausam Trivedi Entertainment Festival - Project #35 - Insurance Mausam Trivedi $449.10 Completed 401260 2015-2016 KUSA - KUSA Seoul Show Project #16 - Banner Supplies Jingjie Yu Jingjie Yu $47.74 Completed 401263 2015-2016 KUSA - KUSA Seoul Show Project #16 - Decorations Jingjie Yu Jingjie Yu $186.69 Completed 401287 2015-2016 AKM - Asian Arts and Mausam Trivedi Entertainment Festival - Project # 35 - Calender Flyers Flyer Studios Inc. $140.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 401314 2015-2016 AKM - Asian Food Festival Project #31 - Supplies Mausam Trivedi Mausam Trivedi $168.15 Completed 401318 2015-2016 AKM - Asian Food Festival Project #31 - Decorations Mausam Trivedi Mausam Trivedi $42.24 Completed 401319 2015-2016 AKM - Asian Food Festival Project #31 - Trophies Mausam Trivedi Mausam Trivedi $69.67 Completed 401320 2015-2016 AKM - Asian Food Festival Mausam Trivedi Project #31 - Competition Food Mausam Trivedi $165.98 Completed 401392 2015-2016 AKM - Small Events - Project #34 - Flyers Mausam Trivedi Flyer Studios Inc. $80.00 Completed 401409 2015-2016 KUSA - KUSA Seoul Show Project #16 - Room and A/V Jingjie Yu J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $680.00 Completed 401430 2015-2016 KUSA - KUSA Seoul Show Project #16 - Face Paint Jingjie Yu Jingjie Yu $35.86 Completed 401469 2015-2016 HEAL - Health Panel - Project Suraj Patel #19 - Supplies and Decorations Suraj Patel $115.54 Completed 401471 2015-2016 HEAL - Health Panel - Project #19 - Flyers Suraj Patel Flyer Studios Inc. $90.00 Completed 401489 2015-2016 KUSA - KUSA Seoul Show Project #16 - Supplies Jingjie Yu Jingjie Yu $61.35 Completed 401494 2015-2016 HEAL - Health Panel - Project #19 - Venue Suraj Patel Ustler Hal $250.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title 401622 Vendor Total Paid Status 2015-2016 FSA - FSA FAHM Culture Series Donald Mercado - Project #25 - Closing Insurance Tulip $134.00 Completed 401647 2015-2016 AKM - Asian Arts and Mausam Trivedi Entertainment Festival - Project #35 - Facebook Ads Mausam Trivedi $20.00 Completed 401652 2015-2016 AKM - Asian Arts and Mausam Trivedi Entertainment Festival - Project #10 - Food Mausam Trivedi $40.55 Completed 401694 2015-2016 FLP - Joint MLP Networking Event - Project #1 - Supplies Hung Ma Hung Ma $19.02 Completed 402102 2015-2016 SPARKS - Fall Magazine Project #37 - Magazine Jaewon Jang Blurb, Inc. $871.30 Completed 402171 2015-2016 SPARKS - Fall Release Party Project #38 - Food Jaewon Jang Classic Fare/Gator Dining $337.59 Completed 402174 2015-2016 SPARKS - Fall Release Party Project #38 - Decorations Jaewon Jang Stephanie Wong $189.45 Completed 402175 2015-2016 SPARKS - Fall Release Party Project #38 - Tech and A/V Jaewon Jang J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $397.50 Completed 402217 2015-2016 FLP - Winter Banquet - Project #1 - Flyers Hung Ma Flyer Studios Inc. $0.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Requestor Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 402292 2015-2016 CASA - CASA Mid-Autumn Moon Festival - Project #12 CASA Sports Volleyball Yuchen Wang Taylor Chou $9.53 Completed 402333 2015-2016 VSO - Holiday Party - Project #24 - Venue Rental Jennifer Le Jennifer Le $140.00 Completed 402334 2015-2016 VSO - Holiday Party - Project #24 - Decorations & Supplies Jennifer Le Jennifer Le $24.91 Completed 402408 2015-2016 AASU - Field Day - Project #3 - Jaewon Jang Supplies Timothy Nguyen $111.90 Completed 402409 2015-2016 AASU - Field Day - Project #10 Jaewon Jang - Food Timothy Nguyen $240.00 Completed 402410 2015-2016 AASU - Field Day - Project #32 Jaewon Jang - Awards The Trophy Shop $114.00 Completed 402491 2015-2016 HEAL - WInter Dinner - Project Suraj Patel #20 - Supplies Suraj Patel $99.32 Completed 402619 2015-2016 AASU - Unity Conference 2 Project #10 - Food Jaewon Jang Jiaxin wang $147.48 Completed 402620 2015-2016 AASU - Unity Conference 2 Project #5 - Supplies Jaewon Jang Jiaxin Wang $42.18 Completed 402706 2015-2016 CASA - CASA Mid-Autumn Moon Festival - Project #12 CNY Decorations Yuchen Wang Keven Huang $157.39 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 402741 2015-2016 CASA - CASA Chinese New Year Festival - Project #13 Utensils Yuchen Wang Keven Huang $72.42 Completed 402754 2015-2016 CASA - CASA Big/Little Week - Yuchen Wang Project #14 - Laser Tag Yuchen Wang $84.00 Completed 402755 2015-2016 CASA - CASA Big/Little Week - Yuchen Wang Project #14 - Decoration/Craft supplies Scott Liu $20.00 Completed 402756 2015-2016 CASA - CASA Big/Little Week - Yuchen Wang Project #14 - Stickers Yuchen Wang $30.00 Completed 402864 2015-2016 VSO - VSO Tet Festival - Project Jennifer Le #22 - Decorations & Supplies Jennifer Le $178.68 Completed 402866 2015-2016 VSO - VSO Tet Festival - Project Jennifer Le #23 - Food Classic Fare/Gator Dining $350.00 Completed 402887 2015-2016 CASA - CASA Chinese New Year Festival - Project #13 Cultural Dance Equipment Yuchen Wang Yuchen Wang $200.00 Completed 402890 2015-2016 CASA - CASA Chinese New Year Festival - Project #13 Food Yuchen Wang Classic Fare/Gator Dining $335.00 Completed 402939 2015-2016 KUSA - KUSA NUHDO Week Project #18 - Food Jingjie Yu Jingjie Yu Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM $93.71 Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 402940 2015-2016 KUSA - KUSA NUHDO Week Project #18 - Supplies Jingjie Yu Jingjie Yu $170.69 Completed 403009 2015-2016 CASA - CASA Chinese New Year Festival - Project #13 Grand Ballroom Yuchen Wang J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $871.00 Completed 403014 2015-2016 HEAL - HEAL Big/Little Week Project #20 - Supplies Suraj Patel Suraj Raj Patel $48.71 Completed 403045 2015-2016 FSA - FSA Barrio Fiesta - Project Donald Mercado #26 - Vince Royale Honorarium Roi L Rivera $1000.00 Completed 403222 2015-2016 CASA - CASA Chinese New Year Festival - Project #13 Flyers Yuchen Wang Flyer Studios $80.00 Completed 403223 2015-2016 CASA - CASA Chinese New Year Festival - Project #13 Tarp Yuchen Wang Keven Huang $7.93 Completed 403224 2015-2016 CASA - CASA Big/Little Week - Yuchen Wang Project #14 - CNY Tarp #2 Keven Huang $6.75 Completed 403271 2015-2016 FSA - FSA Week - Project #27 - Donald Mercado Tent Purchases Donald Mercado $336.95 Completed 403272 2015-2016 FSA - FSA Barrio Fiesta - Project Donald Mercado #26 - Flyers Flyer Studios Inc. $80.00 Completed 403294 2015-2016 HEAL - Health Panel 2 - Project Suraj Patel #19 - Flyers Flyer Studios $90.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title 403325 2015-2016 FSA - FSA Barrio Fiesta - Project Donald Mercado #26 - Gator Wesley Venue Gator Wesley Foundation $700.00 Completed 403329 2015-2016 FSA - FSA Barrio Fiesta - Project Donald Mercado #26 - Barrio Fiesta Decorations Donald Mercado $195.07 Completed 403330 2015-2016 FSA - FSA Barrio Fiesta - Project Donald Mercado #25 - Costumes and Supplies Donald Mercado $236.58 Completed 403331 2015-2016 FSA - FSA Barrio Fiesta - Project Donald Mercado #26 - Photo Booth Supplies Donald Mercado $203.95 Completed 403369 2015-2016 VSO - VSO Tet Festival - Project Jennifer Le #23 - Grand Ballroom Rental and A/V Tech Crew J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $1005.00 Completed 403400 2015-2016 CASA - CASA Chinese New Year Festival - Project #13 Cultural Coordinator Activities Yuchen Wang Yuchen Wang $59.66 Completed 403404 2015-2016 KUSA - KUSA NUHDO Week Project #18 - Running Man Supplies Jingjie Yu Jingjie Yu $47.69 Completed 403558 2015-2016 AASU - AASU Week - Project #3 - Flyers Hung Ma Flyer Studios Inc. $80.00 Completed 403582 2015-2016 FLP - Spring Retreat - Project #1 - Food Hung Ma Hung Ma $97.18 Completed 403722 2015-2016 FSA - FSA Barrio Fiesta - Project Donald Mercado #26 - Philippine Express Philippine Express $450.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 403746 2015-2016 KUSA - KUSA Spring Festival Project #17 - Flyers Jingjie Yu Flyer Studios Inc. $80.00 Completed 403747 2015-2016 KUSA - KUSA Spring Festival Project #17 - Decorations Jingjie Yu Jingjie Yu $183.61 Completed 403807 2015-2016 AASU - AASU Week - Project #3 - Closing Ceremony Decorations Jaewon Jang Hung Ma $199.07 Completed 403812 2015-2016 FSA - FSA Barrio Fiesta - Project Donald Mercado #11 - Venue Insurance Scarborough Insurance Company $299.75 Completed 403843 2015-2016 CASA - CASA Big/Little Week - Yuchen Wang Project #14 - CASANOVA Event Food Yuchen Wang $100.00 Completed 403887 2015-2016 AASU - AASU Week - Project #3 - Game Show Decorations Lauren Vu Ianne Itchon $114.77 Completed 403943 2015-2016 AASU - AASU Week - Project #3 - Closing Ceremony Venue Jaewon Jang J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $600.00 Completed 403945 2015-2016 AASU - AASU Week - Project #3 - Gameshow - Grand Ballroom Rental/AV Ianne Itchon J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $600.00 Completed 403946 2015-2016 AASU - AASU Week - Project #3 - Game Show Awards Lauren Vu The Trophy Shop $20.00 Completed 404017 2015-2016 AASU - ECAASU Jaewon Jang Jaewon Jang $4985.20 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 404067 2015-2016 AASU - AASU Week - Project #3 - Olympics Decorations/Supplies Jaewon Jang Hung Ma $144.12 Completed 404068 2015-2016 AASU - AASU Week - Project #3 - Food and Whine Grand Ballroom Rental/AV Jaewon Jang J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $506.00 Completed 404069 2015-2016 AASU - AASU Week - Project #3 - Olympics Awards Jaewon Jang The Trophy Shop $37.50 Completed 404074 2015-2016 AASU - AASU Week - Project #3 - Food and Whine Decorations/Supplies Jaewon Jang Ianne Itchon $197.89 Completed 404095 2015-2016 AASU - AASU Week - Project #6 - Olympics Shirts Jaewon Jang Sericorp LLC, Uniq Screen $537.21 Printing Completed 404192 2015-2016 AASU - AASU Week - Project #3 - Food and Whine Kevin Shea Honorarium Jaewon Jang Kevin Shea $2000.00 Completed 404217 2015-2016 AASU - AASU Week - Project Jaewon Jang #3 - Closing Ceremony Awards The Trophy Shop $104.50 Completed 404229 2015-2016 AASU - AASU Week - Project #6 - Closing Ceremony New Heights Honorarium New Heights Music LLC $4500.00 Completed 404276 2015-2016 CASA - CASA Big/Little Week - Yuchen Wang Project #14 - New Presentation Board Yuchen Wang $139.28 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Monisa Lu Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title 404277 Vendor Total Paid Status 2015-2016 CASA - CASA Cultural Heritage Yuchen Wang Week - Project #15 Shuttlecocks Yuchen Wang $15.98 Completed 404313 2015-2016 AASU - AASU Week - Project #3 - Block Party Decorations Maristela Soberano $77.75 Completed 404338 2015-2016 FLP - Meet & Greet - Project #1 Hung Ma - Set Up Fee J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $45.00 Completed 404365 2015-2016 KUSA - KUSA Spring Festival Project #17 - Equipment and A/V Jingjie Yu Stephen C. O'Connell Center $1094.27 Completed 404366 2015-2016 AASU - AASU Week - Project #3 - Block Party Awards Jaewon Jang The Trophy Shop $0.00 Completed 404368 2015-2016 AASU - AASU Week - Project #10 - Olympics Food Jaewon Jang Hung Ma $180.00 Completed 404369 2015-2016 AASU - AASU Week - Project #10 - Food and Whine Food Jaewon Jang Classic Fare/Gator Dining $260.00 Completed 404371 2015-2016 AASU - AASU Week - Project #10 - Closing Ceremony Food Jaewon Jang Classic Fare/Gator Dining $350.00 Completed 404454 2015-2016 KUSA - KUSA Spring Festival Project #17 - Food Jingjie Yu Jingjie Yu $250.00 Completed 404460 2015-2016 AASU - ISA Holi - Project #6 Holi Stage/Generator Jaewon Jang Stephen C. O'Connell Center $420.14 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Requestor Jaewon Jang Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 404462 2015-2016 AASU - ISA Holi - Project #6 Holi DJ Jaewon Jang Barrington Guthrie Jr $0.00 Completed 404499 2015-2016 AASU - AASU MusicFest Project #8 - Decorations and Supplies Monica Ouano Monica Ouano $246.21 Completed 404530 2015-2016 AASU - AASU MusicFest Project #8 - Tarp Monica Ouano Monica Ouano $18.78 Completed 404533 2015-2016 AASU - AASU MusicFest Project #8 - Photoshoot Supplies Monica Ouano Monica Ouano $20.60 Completed 404609 2015-2016 AASU - AASU MusicFest Project #6 - Brian Puspos, Andrew Garcia, JR Aquino Honorarium Monica Ouano Andrew Garcia $10000.00 Completed 404632 2015-2016 SPARKS - Spring Release Party - Project #37 - Magazine Jaewon Jang Blurb, Inc. $892.58 Completed 404633 2015-2016 KUSA - KUSA Spring Festival Project #17 - UFPD Jingjie Yu UFPD $183.00 Completed 404652 2015-2016 AASU - AASU MusicFest Project #8 - Flyers Monica Ouano Flyer Studios Inc. $80.00 Completed 404662 2015-2016 AASU - ISA Holi - Project #6 Holi Supplies Jaewon Jang Kishan Patel $443.77 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 404688 2015-2016 AASU - AASU MusicFest Project #30 - Trophies Monica Ouano The Trophy Shop $44.50 Completed 404689 2015-2016 AASU - AASU MusicFest Monica Ouano Project #3 - Promotional Shirts Uniq Screen Printing / Sericorp LLC $400.00 Completed 404698 2015-2016 HEAL - HEAL Family Day Project #19 - Food Suraj Patel Suraj Raj Patel $191.15 Completed 404699 2015-2016 HEAL - Health Educated Asian Leaders Week - Project #21 Family Day Supplies Suraj Patel Suraj Raj Patel $11.93 Completed 404782 2015-2016 AASU - PSA Spring Show Project #6 - Asim Azhar Honorarium Jaewon Jang Saad Ahmed $3500.00 Completed 404783 2015-2016 AASU - ISA Holi - Project #6 Holi Tables Jaewon Jang Stephen C. O'Connell Center $0.00 Completed 404842 2015-2016 KUSA - KUSA NUHDO Week Project #18 - Food Jingjie Yu Jingjie Yu $17.97 Completed 404898 2015-2016 AASU - AASU - Project #6 External Hard Drive Jaewon Jang Rebekah Kim $60.00 Completed 404982 2015-2016 AASU - AASU MusicFest Project #8 - A/V and Tech Monica Ouano J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $594.00 Completed 405040 2015-2016 SPARKS - Spring Release Party - Project #38 - Food Jaewon Jang Classic Fare/Gator Dining $335.16 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 405041 2015-2016 SPARKS - Spring Release Party - Project #39 - Decorations & Supplies Jaewon Jang Cresonia Hsieh $300.00 Completed 405135 2015-2016 FLP - FLP Graduation - Project #1 - Food Hung Ma Hung Ma $247.00 Completed 405137 2015-2016 FLP - FLP Graduation - Project #1 - Supplies Hung Ma Hung Ma $80.65 Completed 405138 2015-2016 FLP - FLP Graduation - Project #1 - Awards Hung Ma The Trophy Shop $49.65 Completed 405223 2015-2016 SPARKS - Spring Release Party - Project #39 - Venue, Tech, A/V Jaewon Jang J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $411.00 Completed 405353 2015-2016 FLP - FLP Graduation - Project #1 - Pins Jaewon Jang Hung Ma $33.92 Completed 405376 2015-2016 AASU - Spring Unity Conference - Project #5 Supplies Jaewon Jang Kevin Doan $77.22 Completed 405385 2015-2016 FLP - Preview - Project #1 Tabling Supplies Hung Ma Hung Ma $27.28 Completed 405516 2015-2016 AASU - Unity Conference Project #25 - Food Jaewon Jang Kevin Doan $186.84 Completed 405580 2015-2016 AASU - Graduation - Project #6 Jaewon Jang - Stoles One Greek Store $660.28 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 405595 2015-2016 FLP - Preview - Project #3 Flyers Sarah Phrasavath Flyer Studios $90.00 Completed 405737 2015-2016 HEAL - Preview - Project #20 Tabling Supplies Tan Ho Tan Ho $35.00 Completed 405772 2015-2016 KUSA - KUSA NUDHO Week Project #18 - Display Board Supplies Michael Ho Jingjie Yu $77.28 Completed 405821 2015-2016 VSO - Preview - Project #24 Tabling Board Supplies Jenny Trang Jenny Trang $212.18 Completed 405825 2015-2016 AASU - Preview - Project #3 Promotional Items 1 Stefan Sanguyo 4imprint $1392.06 Completed 405840 2015-2016 VSO - UNAVSA - Trip #7 Jenny Trang Minhdi Van $224.65 Completed 405841 2015-2016 Alton Wong Alton Wong $1900.00 Completed 405920 2015-2016 AASU - Preview - Project #6 Promotional Items 2 Stefan Sanguyo Quality Logo Products, Inc. $1068.54 Completed 405968 2015-2016 FSA - FSA FAHM Culture Series Michael Cebreros - Project #25 - Costumes Michael Cebreros $216.50 Completed 406002 2015-2016 AASU - Preview - Project #6 AASU Apparel Aesthetic Print & Design Inc $1001.25 Completed 406049 2015-2016 FSA - FSA Week - Project #27 - Michael Cebreros Speaker Michael Cebreros $137.68 Completed CASA - CASA Mid-Autumn Moon Festival - Project #12 Dragon Prop Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Stefan Sanguyo Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title 406050 Vendor Total Paid Status 2015-2016 FSA - FSA Week - Project #27 - Michael Cebreros Cooler Michael Cebreros $21.06 Completed 406052 2015-2016 VSO - Tet Festival - Project #23 Jenny Trang - Cultural Wear Minhdi Van $403.45 Completed 406063 2015-2016 FSA - FSA Week - Project #27 - Michael Cebreros Footballs Michael Cebreros $39.71 Completed 406071 2015-2016 VSO - VSO Week - Project #23 Jenny Trang - Waffle Makers Minhdi Van $36.02 Completed 406169 2015-2016 CASA - CASA Mid-Autumn Moon Festival - Project #12 Summer GBM Supplies Alton Wong $21.28 Completed 406203 2015-2016 FSA - FSA Week - Project #27 - Michael Cebreros Trophy Michael Cebreros $15.90 Completed 406208 2015-2016 FSA - FSA Barrio Fiesta - Project Michael Cebreros # 26 - Flag Football Flags Michael Cebreros $16.53 Completed 406245 2016-2017 AASU - Asian American Student Assembly - Project #2 - Flyers Stefan Sanguyo Flyer Studios $120.00 Completed 500032 2016-2017 FLP - Summer Social - Project #1 - Food Sarah Phrasavath Sarah Phrasavath $47.46 Completed 500075 2016-2017 AASU - APIA Retreat - Project #6 - Supplies Stefan Sanguyo Kevin Doan $120.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Requestor Alton Wong Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 500076 2016-2017 FLP - Summer Social - Project #1 - Supplies Sarah Phrasavath Sarah Phrasavath $19.96 Completed 500118 2016-2017 AASU - Asian American Student Assembly - Project #2 - Decorations Trevor San Antonio Kaitlyn Rewis $199.44 Completed 500169 2016-2017 CASA - CASA Big/Little Week - Alton Wong Project #12 - Supplies Alton Wong $73.96 Completed 500183 2016-2017 AASU - Asian American Student Assembly - Project #2 - Snapchat Filter Trevor San Antonio $34.82 Completed 500200 2016-2017 AASU - AASU Speakers Project Trevor San Antonio - Project #6 - Ryan Potter Agency for the Performing Arts, Inc / APA $7000.00 Completed 500202 2016-2017 AASU - AASU Food - Project #8 Stefan Sanguyo - Summer Social Food Kevin Doan $120.00 Completed 500285 2016-2017 AASU - Promotions - Project #3 Kevin Doan - AASU Decal Stickers Kevin Doan $70.00 Completed 500296 2016-2017 AASU - AASA - Project #5 Wood Letters Kaitlyn Rewis Kaitlyn Rewis $215.09 Completed 500328 2016-2017 AKM - AKM Opening Ceremony - Project #28 Calendar Flyers Carmen Leung Flyer Studios Inc. $85.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Trevor San Antonio Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title 500344 Vendor Total Paid Status 2016-2017 AKM - AKM Speaker's Project - Carmen Leung Project #34 - Opening Ceremony: David So David So Comedy Inc $7000.00 Completed 500346 2016-2017 KUSA - Sub-Organizational Speakers Project - Project #9 AASA Show Supplies Jingjie Yu $108.60 Completed 500347 2016-2017 CASA - CASA Big/Little Week - Alton Wong Project #12 - Flyers Flyer Studios $79.99 Completed 500383 2016-2017 CASA - CASA Big/Little Week - Alton Wong Project # 12 - Craft Supplies Rachel Galatowitsch $25.80 Completed 500386 2016-2017 AASU - AASU Picnic - Project #4 - Food Kevin Doan $300.00 Completed 500609 2016-2017 CASA - CASA Big/Little Week - Alton Wong Project # 12 - Big/Little Reveal Food Rachel Galatowitsch $64.55 Completed 500642 2016-2017 FSA - FSA FAHM Culture Series Michael Cebreros - Project #24 - Venue Insurance Tulip $134.00 Completed 500766 2016-2017 HEAL - HEAL Big/Little Week Project #18 - Supplies Erich Zellmer Erich Zellmer $90.93 Completed 500904 2016-2017 HEAL - HEAL Big/Little Week Project #18 - Food Tan Ho Tan Ho $26.72 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Requestor Michael Ho Stefan Sanguyo Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 500938 2016-2017 AKM - AKM Opening Ceremony - Project #28 Opening Flyers and Frequent Flyer Cards Carmen Leung Flyer Studios Inc. $120.00 Completed 500973 2016-2017 HEAL - HEAL Health Panel Project #17 - Flyers Tan Ho Tan Ho $90.00 Completed 501063 2016-2017 AKM - AASU Pageant - Project Carmen Leung #30 - Flyers Flyer Studios Inc. $76.00 Completed 501097 2016-2017 FSA - FSA Week - Project #26 - Michael Cebreros Glass Bottles Michael Cebreros $158.47 Completed 501127 2016-2017 FSA - FSA Week - Project #26 - Michael Cebreros Paint Michael Cebreros $28.50 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 695 - ACM - ADVENTIST CAMPUS MINISTRY SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 306049 2014-2015 Freshman Recruitment Olivier Nsengiyumva Olivier Nsengiyumva $456.97 Completed 400658 2015-2016 Freshman Recruitment Olivier Nsengiyumva Olivier Nsengiyumva $58.11 Completed 400671 2015-2016 Meet and Greet Weekend Olivier Nsengiyumva Olivier Nsengiyumva $179.27 Completed 402081 2015-2016 Agape Feast Olivier Nsengiyumva Olivier Nsengiyumva $273.20 Completed 402782 2015-2016 General ACM Advertisement Olivier Nsengiyumva Olivier Nsengiyumva $310.53 Completed 402784 2015-2016 Apologetic Series Junior Metayer Olivier Nsengiyumva $120.17 Completed 405165 2015-2016 Ministry Weekend Junior Metayer Junior Metayer $117.33 Completed 405215 2015-2016 Annual Art and Poetry Night Olivier Nsengiyumva Olivier Nsengiyumva $30.98 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 697 - GATOR ANIME SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 305906 2014-2015 SwampCon Flyers Nicholas Cavallaro Flyer Studios Inc. $125.00 Completed 306024 2014-2015 Maid Cafe Supplies - Sewing Machine Chan Naing Max Dunevitz $95.19 Completed 306025 2014-2015 External storage drive Chan Naing Max Dunevitz $62.54 Completed 400311 2015-2016 First Meeting Food Derek Delago Derek Delago $60.00 Completed 401270 2015-2016 Halloween Meeting Food Scott Rattana Max Dunevitz $58.50 Completed 402781 2015-2016 Swampcon Flyers Scott Rattana Flyer Studios Inc. $155.00 Completed 402977 2015-2016 Swampcon Wristbands Scott Rattana Scott L Rattana $200.00 Completed 403172 2015-2016 SwampCon Project Cosplay Supplies Scott Rattana Scott L Rattana $50.00 Completed 403185 2015-2016 Swampcon Posters Scott Rattana Scott L Rattana $100.00 Completed 403187 2015-2016 Swampcon Awards Scott Rattana The Trophy Shop $147.75 Completed 403232 2015-2016 SwampCon Dinner Saturday Scott Rattana Scott L Rattana $74.18 Completed 403233 2015-2016 SwampCon Sunday Dinner Scott Rattana Scott L Rattana $100.00 Completed 403234 2015-2016 SwamCon Lunch Both Days Scott Rattana Scott L Rattana $190.80 Completed 403241 2015-2016 SwampCon - UFPD Services Scott Rattana University of Florida Police Department $2554.59 Completed 403241 2015-2016 SwampCon - UFPD Services Scott Rattana University of Florida Police Department $2554.59 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 403290 2015-2016 SwampCon Dr. Who Props Scott Rattana Cristina Gutierrez $80.56 Completed 403376 2015-2016 SwampCon - Venue, A/V, and Labor Scott Rattana J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $2501.80 Completed 403431 2015-2016 Gator Anime Valentines Social Food Scott Rattana Chelsea Lawrence $39.36 Completed 500340 2016-2017 First Meeting Food Scott Rattana Scott L Rattana $62.01 Completed 500594 2016-2017 Web hosting renewal for websites Scott Rattana Max Dunevitz $140.05 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 698 - WSA - ( WOMEN'S STUDENT ASSOCIATION ) SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 400181 2015-2016 Welcome Assembly Venue Andrea Gennaro J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $639.00 Completed 400238 2015-2016 Women's Welcome Assembly TableCloths Andrea Gennaro $286.60 Completed 400246 2015-2016 Womens's Welcome Assembly Andrea Gennaro Balloons Daniella Gennaro $30.00 Completed 400248 2015-2016 Womens Welcome Assembly Flyers Andrea Gennaro Flyer Studios Inc. $155.00 Completed 400249 2015-2016 Tarp for Assembly Advertisement Andrea Gennaro Daniella Gennaro $23.41 Completed 400287 2015-2016 Ballroom Decorations Andrea Gennaro Daniella Gennaro $60.00 Completed 400309 2015-2016 Assembly Food Daniella Gennaro Classic Fare Catering $314.80 Completed 400320 2015-2016 Welcome Assembly Utensils & Napkins Daniella Gennaro Daniella Gennaro $20.00 Completed 400803 2015-2016 "Coming Out Kinky" CoSponsorship (Strive & LGBTQ Affairs) Daniella Gennaro LGBT Affairs $300.00 Completed 400923 2015-2016 Nametags Daniella Gennaro The Trophy Shop $67.60 Completed 400924 2015-2016 Food for first GBM Tiffany Meyers Classic Fare Catering $65.95 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 401034 2015-2016 Co-sponsorship with Pride Awareness Month Tiffany Meyers Keppler Speakers $3000.00 Completed 401271 2015-2016 Co-sponsorship with STF Tiffany Meyers Samantha Hernandez $100.00 Completed 401297 2015-2016 Food for GBM Tiffany Meyers Daniella Gennaro $65.59 Completed 402311 2015-2016 WiSE Fall Panel Michelle Nolan Kylie Mitchell $88.03 Completed 402418 2015-2016 Activity Supplies Tiffany Meyers Bouncin' Big $285.00 Completed 402463 2015-2016 Prizes Tiffany Meyers Nicole Romero $13.72 Completed 403137 2015-2016 WiSE recruitment cosponsorship Michelle Nolan Classic Fare Catering $150.92 Completed 403699 2015-2016 Opening Ceremony Speaker Tiffany Meyers B-Word Worldwide / Bitch Media $5300.00 Completed 403700 2015-2016 Women's Leadership Conference Speaker Tiffany Meyers Keppler Associates Inc / Keppler Speakers $5700.00 Completed 403948 2015-2016 Promotional items for Women's History Month Tiffany Meyers National Pen Company $462.40 Completed 403996 2015-2016 Women's History Month Awards Tiffany Meyers The Trophy Shop $89.60 Completed 403997 2015-2016 Food for GBM Tiffany Meyers Daniella Gennaro $33.79 Completed 404213 2015-2016 Women's History Month Venues Tiffany Meyers J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $571.00 Completed 404215 2015-2016 WRAPS Letting Go Ceremony Tiffany Meyers Shermaine Battle $27.72 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor 404281 2015-2016 Opening Ceremony Food Tiffany Meyers Classic Fare/Gator Dining $0.00 Completed 404284 2015-2016 Women's Leadership Conference Tiffany Meyers Merin Thomas Completed 404786 2015-2016 WHM Food Tiffany Meyers Classic Fare/Gator Dining $36.40 Completed 405249 2015-2016 WiSE Fall Workshop Michelle Nolan Kylie Mitchell $159.63 Completed 405251 2015-2016 WiSE Spring Workshop facebook ad Michelle Nolan Michelle Nolan $15.00 Completed 405252 2015-2016 WiSE Award medals Michelle Nolan Michelle Nolan $40.39 Completed 405291 2015-2016 Women In Sports Panel Tiffany Meyers Classic Fare/Gator Dining $44.94 Completed 405528 2015-2016 End of the Year Banquet-Classic Fare Daniella Gennaro Classic Fare/Gator Dining $234.32 Completed 405783 2015-2016 Name Tags Tiffany Meyers The Trophy Shop $0.00 Completed 500082 2016-2017 WiSE tabling banner Claribel Nunez 4imprint $203.87 Completed 500270 2016-2017 WWA Food Tiffany Meyers Classic Fare Catering $86.96 Completed 500271 2016-2017 WWA Wristbands Tiffany Meyers $53.10 Completed 500275 2016-2017 WWA Flyers Tiffany Meyers $50.55 Completed 500276 2016-2017 WWA Balloons Tiffany Meyers Cassie Bell $20.52 Completed 500277 2016-2017 WWA Portfolios Tiffany Meyers 4imprint $221.32 Completed 500280 2016-2017 WWA Laptop Stickers Tiffany Meyers $51.93 Completed 500282 2016-2017 WWA Photobooth Tiffany Meyers Cassie Bell $76.10 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Total Paid $170.94 Status Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 500284 2016-2017 Table Runner Tiffany Meyers 4imprint $152.92 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 699 - GATOR GAMING Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title 401653 Vendor Total Paid Status 2015-2016 [11/7/15] GatorLAN Fall 2015 - Jenny Tong Game Wars Gamewars $1000.00 Completed 401654 2015-2016 [11/7/15] GatorLAN Fall 2015 - Jenny Tong Programs Event Services- Reitz Union $1582.00 Completed 401874 2015-2016 [11/7/15] GatorLAN Fall 2015 - Jenny Tong T-Shirts Aesthetic Print & Design Inc $362.50 Completed 403138 2015-2016 [1/30/16] GatorLAN Winter 2016 - Programs Jenny Tong Event Services- Reitz Union $392.00 Completed 403177 2015-2016 [1/30/16] GatorLAN Winter 2016 - Art Corner Jenny Tong Jenny Tong $63.32 Completed 403259 2015-2016 [1/30/16] GatorLAN Winter 2016 - Programs (Add On) Jenny Tong Event Services- Reitz Union $0.00 Completed 404951 2015-2016 [4/16/16] GatorLAN Fall 2015 - Jenny Tong Flyers & Posters Flyer Studios Inc. $132.50 Completed 405127 2015-2016 [4/16/16] GatorLAN Spring 2016 - Programs Jenny Tong Event Services- Reitz Union $2082.00 Completed 405219 2015-2016 [4/16/16] GatorLAN Spring 2016 - Art Corner Jenny Tong Amazon $380.37 Completed 405505 2015-2016 [4/16/16] GatorLAN Spring 2016 - Equipment Jenny Tong Amazon $295.80 Completed 405506 2015-2016 [4/16/16] GatorLAN Spring 2016 - Participant Equipment Jenny Tong Amazon $232.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Requestor Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 702 - BOCC SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 305750 2014-2015 2015 American Planning Association National Conference Natalia Neira Natalia A. Neira $1000.00 Completed 305798 2014-2015 ITE Summer meeting and traffic Pruthvi Manjunatha bowl Pruthvi Manjunatha $335.66 Completed 305828 2014-2015 Dias italy travel Amanda Stambrosky Amanda Stambrosky $350.00 Completed 305922 2014-2015 SCO - ICMC Registration Robert Seaback Robert Seaback $780.00 Completed 400322 2015-2016 Roots Signals Electronic Music Conference Michael Polo Mike Polo $340.40 Completed 400323 2015-2016 International Computer Music Conference Michael Polo Mike Polo $564.33 Completed 400329 2015-2016 Patricia Alessandrini Honorarium - SCO Robert Seaback Patricia Alessandrini $500.00 Completed 400968 2015-2016 American Public Health Association Annual Meeting Bao Tran Vo Baotran Vo $1400.00 Completed 401367 2015-2016 NOMAS ConferenceCompetition Travel Carolina Schultz Oluwabunmi Fayiga $1745.94 Completed 401770 2015-2016 South Eastern Large Animal Educational Event Rebecca Weaver Jessica Ragauskas $664.00 Completed 401772 2015-2016 Georgia Aquarium Aslyn Brandt Aslyn Brandt $676.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 401783 2015-2016 FSOAC Fall 2015 Atlanta Trip Firdos Rajani Firdos Rajani $1894.00 Completed 401804 2015-2016 Vox Graphis - Atlanta Trip 2015 Ivelisse Birk Paige Carl $1339.80 Completed 401815 2015-2016 Fall Wekiva Trip Elise Morrision Elise Morrison $400.00 Completed 402111 2015-2016 Laparoscopic Boxes Rebecca Weaver Josie Dornbusch $655.76 Completed 402213 2015-2016 BEC/FSEA GBM Trent Vogelgesang Classic Fare/Gator Dining $78.58 Completed 402234 2015-2016 Sculpture Club Art Basel Trip Raphael Q Raphael Q $648.45 Completed 402236 2015-2016 Gator Gardening ECHO trip Patrick Lynch Patrick Lynch $234.21 Completed 402321 2015-2016 American Association of Equine Rebecca Weaver Practitioners Annual Convention Jessica Ragauskas $1384.00 Completed 402543 2015-2016 Dental Radiography Wet Lab Rebecca Weaver Luke Viramontes $10.56 Completed 402558 2015-2016 GGC Johnny's Seeds Patrick Lynch Johnny Seeds $209.85 Completed 402559 2015-2016 GGC Ace Hardware Patrick Lynch Ace Hardware $332.77 Completed 402560 2015-2016 GGC fungi Patrick Lynch $38.46 Completed 402561 2015-2016 GGC Amazon Patrick Lynch Amazon $41.43 Completed 402562 2015-2016 GGC Acepumpandsupply Patrick Lynch www.acepumpandsupply. $132.02 com Completed 402575 2015-2016 FACC: Crossroads Project Michael Polo College of Fine Arts $1000.00 Completed 402611 2015-2016 Nuclear Music FMEA Travel Jordan Key Jordan Alexander Key $425.00 Completed 403132 2015-2016 CVF Educational Event Rebecca Weaver Kirstyn McCormick $601.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 403136 2015-2016 Estates and Trusts Law Society - RPPTL Meeting Dimitrios Peteves Dimitrios Peteves $188.79 Completed 403155 2015-2016 SVECCS Emergency Procedures Aslyn Brandt Wet Lab Kaitlyn Smith $108.77 Completed 403176 2015-2016 FSITE Summer Conference/Meeting Larry Dorilus Larry Dorilus $326.36 Completed 403180 2015-2016 Holly Hughes Visiting Artist Megan Ward Holly Hughes $1000.00 Completed 403204 2015-2016 EWB-Bolivia CGIU Caroline Young Caroline Young $678.57 Completed 403219 2015-2016 Nature Safe 10-2-8 Fertilizer Patrick Lynch Patrick Lynch $77.40 Completed 403499 2015-2016 AWRA Let's Talk About Water Alexis Johnson Natalie Nelson $300.00 Completed 403503 2015-2016 BEC- UAG - Pizza for GBM on 2/16/16 Eric Wagner Classic Fare Catering $35.94 Completed 403504 2015-2016 BEC - UAG - Pizza for GBM on 3/8/16 Eric Wagner Classic Fare Catering $35.94 Completed 403505 2015-2016 BEC-UAG- Pizza for GBM on 3/22/16 Eric Wagner Classic Fare Catering $35.94 Completed 403507 2015-2016 BEC-UAG -Pizza for GBM on 4/5/16 Eric Wagner Classic Fare Catering $35.94 Completed 403508 2015-2016 BEC-UAG - Pizza for GBM on 4/19/16 Eric Wagner Classic Fare Catering $35.94 Completed 403533 2015-2016 ASEE Midterm Relief Event Douglas Kinnee-Crowley Spacewalk of Gainesville Rental $320.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 403547 2015-2016 NCECA Adrienne Eliades Adrienne Eliades $1400.00 Completed 403575 2015-2016 Internal Medicine Procedures Wetlab Rebecca Weaver Luke Viramontes $140.60 Completed 403599 2015-2016 2nd Web Audio Conference Camilo Leal Molina Camilo Leal Molina $305.36 Completed 403642 2015-2016 Aquatic Animal Health Club Rebecca Weaver Aslyn Brandt $52.50 Completed 403645 2015-2016 Wildlife Club (WZAAM) Rebecca Weaver Hayley Bird $67.50 Completed 403648 2015-2016 Surgery Club (Enucleation) Rebecca Weaver Josie Dornbusch $181.07 Completed 403649 2015-2016 Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging (VDI) Rebecca Weaver Alysha Salapack $60.00 Completed 403773 2015-2016 FBLS Educational Trip to Orlando pay up to $786.56 Megan Towzey Megan Towzey $786.56 Completed 403796 2015-2016 ASEE Midterm Relief Event Food Douglas Kinnee-Crowley Douglas B KinneeCrowley $57.14 Completed 403829 2015-2016 Spring Trip to Okefenokee Elise Morrison Elise Morrison $155.46 Completed 403895 2015-2016 Public Health and Service Club Rebecca Weaver Denae Campanale $73.00 Completed 403897 2015-2016 Travel Grant Diogo Carvalho Diogo Salmeron Carvalho $350.00 Completed 403957 2015-2016 AAHC Fish Necropsy Lab Aslyn Brandt Aslyn $113.37 Completed 404000 2015-2016 Fedco Seeds GGC Patrick Lynch Fedco Seeds $163.60 Completed 404001 2015-2016 Johnny's Seeds GGC Patrick Lynch Johnny Seeds $26.15 Completed 404002 2015-2016 Chestnut Hill Tree Farm GGC Patrick Lynch Chestnut Hill Tree Farm $173.60 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 404003 2015-2016 Amazon GGC Patrick Lynch Amazon $39.47 Completed 404434 2015-2016 Endodontics Club- AAE Conference Monique Belin Monique Belin $700.00 Completed 404435 2015-2016 DAMN Atlanta Trip Shimul Chowdhury Shimul Chowdhury $450.00 Completed 404478 2015-2016 Dental Club Extraction Wetlab Rebecca Weaver Luke Viramontes $63.38 Completed 404479 2015-2016 WZAAM- DIagnostic Imaging Rebecca Weaver Hayley Bird $112.50 Completed 404480 2015-2016 Food Animal Club- Food Animal Student Symposium Rebecca Weaver Kailey Ann McDougald $1400.00 Completed 404484 2015-2016 FSEA Roundtable Douglas Innocent Classic Fare/Gator Dining $225.00 Completed 404498 2015-2016 AAWD Cooking at Fat Tuscan Michelle Thomas Michelle Thomas $400.00 Completed 404671 2015-2016 Honorarium Robert DiMarco Kelli Masters $800.00 Completed 404675 2015-2016 Honorarium Robert DiMarco Jack Mills A J Mills Jr $760.00 Completed 404868 2015-2016 AIAS SouthQuad Deven Bhakta Deven Bhakta $744.38 Completed 404903 2015-2016 NOMAS SouhQuad Alec Kostecki Alec Kostecki $294.47 Completed 404913 2015-2016 Honorarium Robert DiMarco Nyea Sturman $100.00 Completed 404915 2015-2016 Honorarium Robert DiMarco Christopher L. Griffin $140.00 Completed 404917 2015-2016 AOTA's Annual Conference Zachary Pindar Celia A. Teigland $700.00 Completed 404966 2015-2016 SCO - SPLICE Institute Robert Seaback Robert Seaback $350.00 Completed 405003 2015-2016 Food Animal Club - FAMACHA Aslyn Brandt Request Jessica Ragauskas $192.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 405004 2015-2016 AHVMA Holistic Club Acupuncture Wetlab Aslyn Brandt Ashley Ackert $180.95 Completed 405019 2015-2016 SCO - Orford Academy Robert Seaback Robert Seaback $350.00 Completed 405065 2015-2016 Super Sealant Saturday Michelle Thomas Michelle Thomas $516.69 Completed 405190 2015-2016 BEC - AES - Atari Punk Console Jason Traub and Subwoofer Build Jason Traub $188.40 Completed 405328 2015-2016 BEC- Frames for Eweek Declarations Eric Wagner $25.93 Completed 405329 2015-2016 BEC - Printer & Office Supplies Eric Wagner Amazon $191.84 Completed 405404 2015-2016 Society of Health and Medical Physics (SHMPS)- Travel for FLAAPM (Florida American Association of Physicists in Medicine) Heather Petroccia Heather Petroccia $457.97 Completed 405457 2015-2016 WZAAM Exotic Symposium Aslyn Brandt Hayley Bird $945.94 Completed 405458 2015-2016 AAHC IAAAM Conference Aslyn Brandt Aslyn Brandt $700.00 Completed 405503 2015-2016 Codeswitch Publication - GSOP Paden DeVita Joshua Hobson $575.00 Completed 405618 2015-2016 Travel to New York City Eelctroacoustic Music Festival Navid Bargrizan Navid Bargrizan $350.00 Completed 405654 2015-2016 IIE Annual Conference & Expo 2015 Grantley Chhour Grantley Chhour $1186.00 Completed 405656 2015-2016 BEC/UAG - Drone Parts Eric Wagner Amazon $418.81 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Eric Wagner Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 405666 2015-2016 Gator Robotics AggreGator NASA RMC Nicholas Landy Jesus Pintado $1083.76 Completed 405745 2015-2016 AAPA Physician Assistant National Brain Bowl Competition Ashley Giddings Ashley Giddings $1319.82 Completed 405763 2015-2016 BEC- Promotional Items Eric Wagner $1552.20 Completed 405854 2015-2016 ABEGSO attendance at ASABE AIM Joe Sagues Joe Sagues $1400.00 Completed 405976 2015-2016 Lindsay Rogers Mariana Baquero Lindsay Rogers $1000.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 703 - ACC - Fisher School Of Accounting SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 400579 2015-2016 1st GBM Food Request Crystal Quach Firdos Rajani $89.07 Completed 401134 2015-2016 2nd General Body Meeting Firdos Rajani Firdos Rajani $63.43 Completed 401371 2015-2016 Paint the Wall Event Firdos Rajani Firdos Rajani $105.01 Completed 401421 2015-2016 Pottery Social Firdos Rajani Reitz Union $52.00 Completed 401648 2015-2016 3rd General Body Meeting Firdos Rajani Firdos Rajani $140.72 Completed 401649 2015-2016 Laser Tag Event Firdos Rajani Firdos Rajani $46.64 Completed 401841 2015-2016 Atlanta Aquarium Social Night Firdos Rajani Firdos Rajani $322.50 Completed 402992 2015-2016 Food for 1st GBM Firdos Rajani Firdos Rajani $87.50 Completed 403293 2015-2016 Posters for the General Body Meetings Firdos Rajani Firdos Rajani $4.94 Completed 403515 2015-2016 Food for 2nd GBM Firdos Rajani Firdos Rajani $98.50 Completed 403616 2015-2016 Zoo Social Firdos Rajani Firdos Rajani $75.00 Completed 404204 2015-2016 Reitz Bowling Social Firdos Rajani J.Wayne Reitz Union Gameroom $88.96 Completed 404251 2015-2016 Food for 3rd General Body Meeting Firdos Rajani Firdos Rajani $47.80 Completed 405271 2015-2016 Orlando Trip Social Firdos Rajani Firdos Rajani $300.00 Completed 405474 2015-2016 Purchase of supplies for 4th GBM Advertisement Firdos Rajani Firdos Rajani $40.05 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 405496 2015-2016 End of the Semester Bowling Bash Firdos Rajani J.Wayne Reitz Union Gameroom $70.56 Completed 405577 2015-2016 Food for End of Semester Pictures Firdos Rajani Firdos Rajani $72.98 Completed 405588 2015-2016 Headshots for Students Firdos Rajani Bianca Favata $50.00 Completed 500653 2016-2017 Food for 1st GBM Sophie Philipp Sophie Philipp $93.31 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 704 - ALSCC SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 400436 2015-2016 AECGSA Orientation Rachel Manning Rachel Manning $59.93 Completed 400624 2015-2016 AGSA Fall Meeting Esteban Rios Esteban Rios $66.00 Completed 400681 2015-2016 ALSCC Club Showcase (FALL) Clinton Tedder Classic Fare Catering $198.00 Completed 402153 2015-2016 Dance Marathon (Campus Juice) Tay Su Tay Su $143.86 Completed 402327 2015-2016 Guest Lecture - Professional Development Rachel Manning Rachel Manning $85.61 Completed 403127 2015-2016 Wetland Education Workshop Elise Morrison Elise Morrison $298.95 Completed 403128 2015-2016 Society of Wetlands National Meeting Elise Morrison Elise Morrison $477.00 Completed 403513 2015-2016 (Entomology Club)Bugfest Samuel Pass Evan Waite $332.25 Completed 404122 2015-2016 Entomology Club/ Faculty Brunch with ENSO Samuel Pass Sage Thompson $96.28 Completed 405013 2015-2016 Entomology Club (Bugfest) Samuel Pass Evan Waite $313.25 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 705 - ARCHITECTURE COLLEGE COUNCIL SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 401369 2015-2016 DCPA Carolina Schultz Carolina Schultz $35.98 Completed 401664 2015-2016 Chicago ASLA Conference Wesley Lewis Wesley Lewis $1050.00 Completed 401992 2015-2016 Beaux Arts Ball Deven Bhakta Deven Bhakta $344.50 Completed 402164 2015-2016 Beaux Arts Ball (Decorations) Deven Bhakta Deven Bhakta $187.62 Completed 404223 2015-2016 Student Planning Association General Body Meeting Kenneth Weyrauch Ken Weyrauch $30.00 Completed 404809 2015-2016 Active Streets Gainesville/SPA Kenneth Weyrauch Ken Weyrauch $20.00 Completed 404860 2015-2016 LABASH 2016 Wesley Lewis Wesley Lewis $702.00 Completed 405116 2015-2016 ASID Showcase Katherine Bachelder Kate Bachelder $120.00 Completed 405196 2015-2016 Last General Meeting Ana Arenas Ana Arenas $44.00 Completed 405346 2015-2016 Spring Reception Deven Bhakta Deven Bhakta $253.71 Completed 405477 2015-2016 End of Year Social Kenneth Weyrauch Ken Weyrauch $49.55 Completed 405501 2015-2016 AIAS- Club t-shirts Deven Bhakta Deven Bhakta $516.75 Completed 405502 2015-2016 Architrave Nicholas Acosta ALTA $7000.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 706 - BACC ( Business Administration College Council ) SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 400158 2015-2016 BACC Promotional Pens Sarah Lawrence $398.92 Completed 400159 2015-2016 Reitz Union Reservation Sarah Lawrence J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $200.00 Completed 400160 2015-2016 Business Bash Grid Map Sarah Lawrence Target Copy $36.00 Completed 400162 2015-2016 Business Bash T-Shirts Sarah Lawrence Aesthetic Print and Design, Inc. $375.00 Completed 400163 2015-2016 Promotional Bags Sarah Lawrence $399.10 Completed 400164 2015-2016 Business Bash Promotional Flyers Sarah Lawrence Target Copy - Archer Rd $54.00 Completed 400165 2015-2016 BACC Event Flyers Sarah Lawrence Flyer Studios Inc $70.00 Completed 400166 2015-2016 Business Bash Photo Backdrop Sarah Lawrence Party Time Rentals $158.00 Completed 400262 2015-2016 Security Detail for Nov 02 Speaking Engagement Erick Rodriguez University of Florida Police Department $183.00 Completed 400339 2015-2016 Student Org Retreat Supplies Cristina Novoa Chendou Zhao $90.79 Completed 400429 2015-2016 Undergraduate Consulting Club PENS Robert Olinick Discount Mugs $116.60 Completed 400434 2015-2016 IBS First Meeting Morgan Eddy Student Reimbursement: Cheyenne Ward $26.00 Completed 400435 2015-2016 Business Bash Morgan Eddy Student Reimbursement: Cheyenne Ward $13.12 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 400491 2015-2016 Supplies for Business Bash Emily Dettlo Emily Dettlo $48.21 Completed 400538 2015-2016 Business Bash- FWIB Reilly Williams Reilly Williams $60.86 Completed 400570 2015-2016 Business Bash Supplies UES Hana Ezaldein Hana Ezaldein $49.16 Completed 400630 2015-2016 Flyers to promote FBLS Emily Dettlo Target Copy - University Ave $59.50 Completed 400632 2015-2016 FBLS Pizza for Fist GBM Emily Dettlo Emily Dettlo $54.00 Completed 400687 2015-2016 Retail Meet and Greet Meeting Danielle Richmond Megan Hutsko $10.00 Completed 400760 2015-2016 GBS Meeting 1 Morgan Eddy Student Reimbursement: Cheyenne Ward $22.70 Completed 400839 2015-2016 FWIB GBM Flyers Reilly Williams Reilly Williams $62.54 Completed 400945 2015-2016 Name Tags Daniella Gennaro The Trophy Shop $50.70 Completed 400987 2015-2016 UCC Promo Stickers Robert Olinick Vista Print $24.99 Completed 401339 2015-2016 Table and Chair Rental Megan Towzey UF Physical Plant Division $0.00 Completed 401384 2015-2016 FWIB GBM Food Reilly Williams Reilly Williams $84.76 Completed 401424 2015-2016 Decorations for Student Faculty Emily Dettlo Luncheon Emily Dettlo $185.31 Completed 401431 2015-2016 Website Domain Name Change Reilly Williams Deesa Patel $12.17 Completed 401434 2015-2016 GBS 3rd Meeting Student Reimbursement: Cheyenne Ward $21.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Morgan Eddy Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 401435 2015-2016 GBS Website Morgan Eddy Student Reimbursement: Cheyenne Ward $74.50 Completed 401440 2015-2016 Supplies for FBLS social Emily Dettlo Emily Dettlo $62.10 Completed 401446 2015-2016 FBLS Supplies for Community Service Emily Dettlo Emily Dettlo $51.74 Completed 401449 2015-2016 FBLS Food for Student Faculty Luncheon Emily Dettlo Emily Dettlo $300.00 Completed 401655 2015-2016 FWIB Zumba Social Reilly Williams Rec Sports $0.00 Completed 401674 2015-2016 GBS 4th Meeting Morgan Eddy Student Reimbursement: Cheyenne Ward $21.00 Completed 401683 2015-2016 GBS Nametags Morgan Eddy The Trophy Shop $101.40 Completed 401737 2015-2016 Food for ALPFA's 3rd General Body Meeting Elena Hernandez Elena Hernandez $26.50 Completed 401765 2015-2016 UCC Shirt Promotion Robert Olinick Aesthetic Print and Design, Inc. $287.50 Completed 401974 2015-2016 GBS Meeting 7 Food Morgan Eddy Student Reimbursement: Cheyenne Ward $21.04 Completed 402109 2015-2016 Retail Society Last GBM Danielle Richmond Megan Hutsko $62.20 Completed 402124 2015-2016 BACC Backdrop Cristina Novoa Sarah Lawrence $404.95 Completed 402125 2015-2016 BACC BB Reitz Union Reservation Cristina Novoa J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $222.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 402219 2015-2016 GBS Pens Morgan Eddy Student Reimbursement: Cheyenne Ward $127.27 Completed 402258 2015-2016 GBS 2nd to last meeting Morgan Eddy Student Reimbursement: Cheyenne Ward $16.81 Completed 402462 2015-2016 GBS Polos Morgan Eddy Student Reimbursement: Cheyenne Ward $35.25 Completed 402484 2015-2016 GBS Banner Morgan Eddy Student Reimbursement: Cheyenne Ward $45.00 Completed 402485 2015-2016 GBS Tshirts Morgan Eddy Student Reimbursement: Cheyenne Ward $80.00 Completed 402486 2015-2016 GBS Last Meeting Food Morgan Eddy Student Reimbursement: Cheyenne Ward $22.12 Completed 402488 2015-2016 GBS Yearbook Morgan Eddy Student Reimbursement: Cheyenne Ward $15.00 Completed 402512 2015-2016 BACC Spring Business Bash Flyers Cristina Novoa Flyer Studios Inc. $80.00 Completed 402527 2015-2016 Spring Business Bash Dr. Ray Flyers Cristina Novoa Target Copy - University Ave $91.55 Completed 402528 2015-2016 Business Bash Pens & Bags Cristina Novoa Discount Mugs $462.05 Completed 402666 2015-2016 BACC Business Bash Shirts Cristina Novoa Aesthetic Print and Design, Inc. $156.25 Completed 402691 2015-2016 Business Bash Maps Cristina Novoa Target Copy $100.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 402787 2015-2016 Pizza for First Meeting Emily Dettlo Emily Dettlo $73.99 Completed 402789 2015-2016 Supplies for Tabling Emily Dettlo Emily Dettlo $41.35 Completed 402980 2015-2016 Retail Society- Macy's Meeting Kriss Camacho Adriana Gurdian $39.00 Completed 403255 2015-2016 Retail Society- Advertising Shirts Kriss Camacho Adriana Gurdian $220.89 Completed 403338 2015-2016 Entrepreneurship Club SEEC Conference Tyler McGrath Alexander Orta $896.20 Completed 403454 2015-2016 Retail Society- GBM Food Kriss Camacho Adriana Gurdian $74.08 Completed 403614 2015-2016 February Warrington Wednesday Cristina Novoa Sarah Lawrence $162.71 Completed 403744 2015-2016 Promotional Table Cloth Emily Dettlo Emily Dettlo $34.95 Completed 403888 2015-2016 Retail Society- Poster Board Kriss Camacho Adriana Gurdian $30.00 Completed 404037 2015-2016 Shirts for SOAR Emily Dettlo Emily Dettlo $248.47 Completed 404395 2015-2016 GBS Global Gator Guide Info Session Food Jomar Pecson Student Reimbursement: Cheyenne Ward $16.81 Completed 404412 2015-2016 Retail Society- Trifold Board Kriss Camacho Adriana Gurdian $45.00 Completed 404474 2015-2016 UCC Meeting Food Robert Olinick Robert Olinick $61.50 Completed 404494 2015-2016 Retail Society- Retractable Banner Kriss Camacho Adriana Gurdian $63.97 Completed 404496 2015-2016 Retail Society- Food for last 2 GBMs Kriss Camacho Adriana Gurdian $55.97 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 404501 2015-2016 University Economics Silk Screen Andrew Tran Rachel Keele $25.00 Completed 404502 2015-2016 University Economics Society Hat Awards Andrew Tran Rachel Keele $48.85 Completed 404503 2015-2016 University Economics Society Executive Polos Andrew Tran Rachel Keele $81.54 Completed 404504 2015-2016 University Economics Society Ginnie Springs Retreat Andrew Tran Rachel Keele $60.00 Completed 404505 2015-2016 University Economics Society Food for Social Event and End of the Year Retreat Andrew Tran Rachel Keele $96.00 Completed 404507 2015-2016 University Economics Society Flyers for Events Andrew Tran Rachel Keele $64.99 Completed 404508 2015-2016 University Economics Society Logo Cups Andrew Tran Rachel Keele $80.98 Completed 404509 2015-2016 University Economics Society Annual Guest Speaking Panel Event Food Andrew Tran Rachel Keele $88.80 Completed 404534 2015-2016 ALPFA Bowling at Reitz Union Gabriella Batista Reitz Union Game Room $35.70 Completed 404886 2015-2016 Spring Carnival Activities Cristina Novoa M&M Bounce With Us, LLC $530.00 Completed 404887 2015-2016 Spring Carnival Flyers Cristina Novoa Flyer Studios $79.99 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 404958 2015-2016 FBLS Supplies for End of the Year Social Emily Dettlo Megan Towzey $7.55 Completed 404959 2015-2016 FBLS Food for GBM Emily Dettlo Emily Dettlo $31.99 Completed 405123 2015-2016 Spring Carnival Prizes Cristina Novoa Discount Mugs $905.40 Completed 405134 2015-2016 Advertising Supplies Emily Dettlo Megan Towzey $15.88 Completed 405183 2015-2016 Spring Carnival - PP Tables & Chairs Cristina Novoa UF Physical Plant Division $0.00 Completed 405186 2015-2016 Wayne Huizenga Event - Reitz Union Alexander Orta J. Wayne Reitz Union Event Services $0.00 Completed 405189 2015-2016 Wayne Huizenga Event - Food and advertising Alexander Orta Alexander Orta $157.11 Completed 405235 2015-2016 Spring Carnival Speakers Cristina Novoa Sarah Lawrence $158.99 Completed 405236 2015-2016 GBS Awards Ceremony Supplies Victoria Pinto Student Reimbursement: Cheyenne Ward $66.49 Completed 405247 2015-2016 FWIB End of the Year Scrapbook Reilly Williams Sydney Polacek $61.20 Completed 405307 2015-2016 Spring Carnival SFG Activity Cristina Novoa Mathew Armas $30.00 Completed 405308 2015-2016 Spring Carnival Retail Society Activity Cristina Novoa Mikaela von Schnackenberg $50.00 Completed 405310 2015-2016 Spring Carnival E-Club Activity Cristina Novoa Alexander Orta $21.84 Completed 405311 2015-2016 Spring Carnival FBLS Activity Cristina Novoa Megan Towzey $40.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title 405521 Vendor Total Paid Status 2015-2016 BACC Exec Board Retreat Food Andrew Tran Andrew Tran $21.00 Completed 405521 2015-2016 BACC Exec Board Retreat Food Andrew Tran Andrew Tran $21.00 Completed 406105 2015-2016 BACC Advertising Materials Andrew Tran Sticker Mule $275.00 Completed 406121 2015-2016 BACC Promotional Item Andrew Tran Quality Logo Products, Inc. $597.57 Completed 406123 2015-2016 BACC T-shirts Andrew Tran GG Outfitters $210.53 Completed 406123 2015-2016 BACC T-shirts Andrew Tran GG Outfitters $210.53 Completed 406163 2015-2016 PBL National Leadership Conference Danielle Shu Danielle Shu $1396.20 Completed 406193 2015-2016 BACC Website Subscription Andrew Tran Andrew Tran $117.64 Completed 500058 2016-2017 BACC Business Bash Banner Andrew Tran Post Up Stand $115.14 Completed 500059 2016-2017 BACC Business Bash Bags Andrew Tran Discount Mugs $681.47 Completed 500063 2016-2017 BACC Business Bash Albert and Andrew Tran Alberta Rental Florida Spirit Squads $350.00 Completed 500268 2016-2017 WCBA Retreat Speaker John Spence LLC $750.00 Completed 500440 2016-2017 FBLS Supplies for Business Bash Charles Keegan Lauren Greger $142.00 Completed 500493 2016-2017 ALPFA Business Bash Robert Lemus Robert Lemus $50.02 Completed 500494 2016-2017 UES Business Bash Flyers Bailey Underill Target Copy $49.75 Completed 500499 2016-2017 GBS Polos Victoria Pinto Aesthetic Print and Design, Inc. $141.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Requestor Andrew Tran Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 500873 2016-2017 ALPFA GBM PIZZA Gabriella Batista Gabriella Batista $81.48 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 707 - BUILDING CONSTRUCTION COLLEGE COUNCIL SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 401139 2015-2016 Competition Team Bus Trevor McMillin A Candies Coachworks, INC $2000.00 Completed 401623 2015-2016 College Council Computer Lab Mark Blanar Improvement $77.87 Completed 405256 2015-2016 Rinker School of Construction Management Luau Adam's Rib Co. $537.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Nicholas Kalafatis Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 708 - ECC ( Education College Council ) SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 400501 2015-2016 FEA Workshop 1 Bridget Higginbotham Bridget Higginbotham $71.88 Completed 401179 2015-2016 FEA Workshop 2 Bridget Higginbotham Bridget Higginbotham $77.53 Completed 401487 2015-2016 Paper Tigers Film Screening Stephanie Schroeder Tugg Community $219.50 Screenings/Rachel Talbot Completed 401766 2015-2016 Pop- Up Event Gaylen Morgan Gaylen Morgan $67.50 Completed 401932 2015-2016 FEA Workshop 3 Bridget Higginbotham Bridget Higginbotham $50.69 Completed 401943 2015-2016 Paper Tigers Stephanie Schroeder Stephanie Schroeder $15.90 Completed 401945 2015-2016 The Hunting Ground Stephanie Schroeder RoCo Films Educational $407.00 Completed 402106 2015-2016 Winter Social Bridget Higginbotham Bridget Higginbotham $46.28 Completed 402576 2015-2016 FEA Conference Bridget Higginbotham Bridget Higginbotham $300.00 Completed 402576 2015-2016 FEA Conference Bridget Higginbotham Bridget Higginbotham $300.00 Completed 402588 2015-2016 Keynote Speaker Honorarium Stephanie Schroeder Benjamin James Justice $2000.00 Completed 402589 2015-2016 Advertising for March Symposium Stephanie Schroeder Stephanie Schroeder $24.83 Completed 402590 2015-2016 Miscellaneous Items for Symposium Stephanie Schroeder Stephanie Schroeder $39.21 Completed 402769 2015-2016 FEA Workshop 4 Bridget Higginbotham Bridget Higginbotham $41.61 Completed 403098 2015-2016 FEA Workshop 5 Bridget Higginbotham Bridget Higginbotham $39.02 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor 403421 2015-2016 Poster Board Stand Rental Stephanie Schroeder UF Physical Plant Division $0.00 Completed 404096 2015-2016 Symposium Programs and Signage Stephanie Schroeder Stephanie Schroeder $42.90 Completed 404097 2015-2016 Advertising for March Symposium Stephanie Schroeder Stephanie Schroeder $5.83 Completed 404228 2015-2016 FEA Workshop 6 Bridget Higginbotham Bridget Higginbotham $41.61 Completed 404755 2015-2016 Symposium Programs and Signage Stephanie Schroeder Stephanie Schroeder $200.00 Completed 404993 2015-2016 Thank you cards for ECC support Stephanie Schroeder Stephanie Schroeder $33.85 Completed 405115 2015-2016 FEA Workshop 7 Bridget Higginbotham Bridget Higginbotham $39.49 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Total Paid Status Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 709 - BEC SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 305744 2014-2015 Gyrochair Power Drill Claudia Corcho $42.64 Completed 306046 2014-2015 CANSAT Supplies 2 Claudia Corcho $83.66 Completed 306054 2014-2015 Tabling Board & Supply for GBM William Reuangrith Sarah Otsuka $100.00 Completed 306058 2014-2015 Tailgator Electrical Materials 1 Nicholas Landy Jameco Electronics $25.74 Completed 306060 2014-2015 Tailgator Electrical Materials 3 Nicholas Landy Pololu Robotics and Electronics $59.40 Completed 306084 2014-2015 SAE TIG Welding Supplies Gabriel Coutinho Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering $200.74 Completed 306086 2014-2015 Institute of Industrial Engineers Edward Morfa Banner 2015 Edward Morfa $63.60 Completed 400104 2015-2016 BEC - Website Hosting Michael Silberling Michael Silberling $167.76 Completed 400233 2015-2016 Tailgator Materials 1 (Redo) Nicholas Landy McMaster $94.26 Completed 400341 2015-2016 SWE BBQ Brittni Black Kimmai Tran $8.43 Completed 400443 2015-2016 SHPE-National Conference 2014 Gabriela Buraglia Gabriela Buraglia $1400.00 Completed 400485 2015-2016 Tailgator Electrical (Controller) Nicholas Landy Mouser Electronics $27.24 Completed 400486 2015-2016 Tailgator Electrical (Drivers) Nicholas Landy Jameco Electronics $14.10 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 400487 2015-2016 Tailgator Electrical (Miscellaneous) Nicholas Landy Amazon $24.14 Completed 400518 2015-2016 Tailgator Mechanical (screws) Nicholas Landy McMaster $17.27 Completed 400519 2015-2016 Tailgator Mechanical (plates) Nicholas Landy Cut 2 Size Metals $137.97 Completed 400521 2015-2016 Tailgator Mechanical (miscellaneous) Nicholas Landy Amazon $164.76 Completed 400522 2015-2016 Tailgator Mechanical (motor support) Nicholas Landy Pololu $18.35 Completed 400627 2015-2016 AIChE E- Fair laminar flow experiment Kevin Blackman Kevin Blackman $325.00 Completed 400648 2015-2016 SHMPS-General Body Meeting Heather Petroccia 1 Heather Petroccia $19.31 Completed 400650 2015-2016 SWE National Conference Emily Huber $1395.00 Completed 400770 2015-2016 SASE National Conference and William Reuangrith Career Fair 2015 William Mike Reuangrith $1400.00 Completed 400835 2015-2016 BEC Leadership Conference Michael Silberling Michael Silberling $197.08 Completed 400847 2015-2016 Tailgator Mechanical (Sheet Metal) Nicholas Landy Nicholas Landy $58.28 Completed 400854 2015-2016 BEC Leadership Conference #2 Michael Silberling Michael Silberling $27.47 Completed 400881 2015-2016 SEE MEETING FOOD 10/7 Nautasha Gupta Maharani De $26.50 Completed 400962 2015-2016 Tailgator Electrical (Arduinos) Nicholas Landy Amazon $36.18 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Brittni Black Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 400979 2015-2016 AWRA National Conference Alexis Johnson Alexis Johnson $1050.00 Completed 401010 2015-2016 BMES National Conference Anthony Powers Anthony Powers $1130.84 Completed 401045 2015-2016 ASEE GBM#2 Food Douglas Kinnee-Crowley Douglas Bryan KinneeCrowley $19.05 Completed 401055 2015-2016 ANS Winter Conference 2015 Victoria Graham Victoria Graham $1400.00 Completed 401080 2015-2016 SHMPS General Body Meeting 2 Heather Petroccia Heather M Petroccia $18.00 Completed 401085 2015-2016 BEC - Office Supplies Eric Wagner Eric Wagner $25.44 Completed 401087 2015-2016 BEC - NAESC Dues Michael Silberling Michael Silberling $75.00 Completed 401141 2015-2016 AWMA State Conference Judith Labrada Judith Labrada $377.18 Completed 401235 2015-2016 oSTEM National Conference Rebecca Raymond Rebecca Raymond $900.00 Completed 401240 2015-2016 oSTEM Food 3rd GBM Rebecca Raymond Rebecca Raymond $31.95 Completed 401242 2015-2016 NSBE Golf Clinic Mohamad Merilan Classic Fare/Gator Dining $94.98 Completed 401458 2015-2016 BEC-Homecoming Float Materials Michael Chen Jake Hughes $205.12 Completed 401459 2015-2016 BEC-Homecoming Float Materials 2 Michael Chen Jake Hughes $49.68 Completed 401611 2015-2016 SHPE - Technology Project Gabriela Buraglia Amazon $76.01 Completed 401638 2015-2016 AIChE National Conference Kevin Blackman Kevin Blackman $1400.00 Completed 401676 2015-2016 NSBE Fall Regional Conference Mohamad Merilan Bryeon Jones $1400.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor 401821 2015-2016 ASEE GBM #3 Food 401847 2015-2016 UNO R3 KIT Upgraded version of the Starter Kit Total Paid Status Douglas Kinnee-Crowley Douglas Kinnee-Crowley $19.05 Completed Issa Malke ISSA GABRIEL MALKE $598.50 Completed 401853 2015-2016 Aggregator- Arduino Issa Malke Compatible DUE R3 32 Bit ARM With USB Cable ISSA GABRIEL MALKE $345.84 Completed 401854 2015-2016 SEE General Body Meeting 11/18 Food Nautasha Gupta Maharani De $15.90 Completed 401964 2015-2016 AIChE - Food for Thanksgiving Event Kevin Blackman Kevin Blackman $48.79 Completed 401979 2015-2016 ASEE Tabling Banner Douglas Kinnee-Crowley Target Copy - University Ave $34.36 Completed 401982 2015-2016 AWRA Florida Section Conference Alexis Johnson Alexis Johnson $317.86 Completed 402071 2015-2016 SAE 2015-2016 Frame Gabriel Coutinho Cartesian Tube Profiling $3190.00 Completed 402085 2015-2016 SWE-CADE Museum Event Brittni Black Jordan Pfost $7.62 Completed 402090 2015-2016 ASME - SDC Design Team Parts Amanda Wei VEX Robotics, Inc. $572.95 Completed 402092 2015-2016 WECE - Posters Target Copy - University Ave $37.20 Completed 402127 2015-2016 Institute of Industrial Engineers Edward Morfa Awards Edward Morfa $43.24 Completed 402203 2015-2016 OSTEM Food for 7th GBM Rebecca Raymond $11.48 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Matthew Griessler Daniel Juarez Vendor Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 402206 2015-2016 SWE - Study with SWE Brittni Black Sofia Herrejon $12.82 Completed 402390 2015-2016 ESSIE 2015 Holiday Social Graduate Activity Monica Camacho Monica Camacho $114.40 Completed 402423 2015-2016 E-week E-fest Sound of Lighting Reagan Hobbs Gator Light and Sound $2270.00 Completed 402655 2015-2016 E-Week T-Shirts Reagan Hobbs Thai Dhai $1250.00 Completed 402657 2015-2016 E-Week Promotional Phone Pockets Reagan Hobbs $196.41 Completed 402676 2015-2016 E-Week Promotional Laptop Decals Reagan Hobbs Thai Dhai $200.00 Completed 402679 2015-2016 E-Week E-Fest Stage Reagan Hobbs Gator Light and Sound $0.00 Completed 402680 2015-2016 E-Week Closing Ceremonies Food Reagan Hobbs Classic Fare Catering $1199.20 Completed 402681 2015-2016 E-Week E-Fest Food Reagan Hobbs Classic Fare Catering $619.80 Completed 402682 2015-2016 E-Week Discount Mugs Promotional Items Reagan Hobbs $439.90 Completed 402683 2015-2016 E-Week E-Fair Grand Ball Room Reagan Hobbs Reservation Event Services- Reitz Union $400.00 Completed 402684 2015-2016 E-Week Closing Ceremonies Room Reservation Reagan Hobbs Event Services- Reitz Union $166.00 Completed 402686 2015-2016 E-Week Promotional Banner Reagan Hobbs $44.99 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 402709 2015-2016 ASME - Wilmont Design Team Parts Amanda Wei Amanda Wei $709.84 Completed 402744 2015-2016 DBF 2015-2016 Order #1 Nathan Miller Alexander Schneider $760.48 Completed 402798 2015-2016 Institute of Transportation Engineers Annual Conference Larry Dorilus Larry Dorilus $1400.00 Completed 402806 2015-2016 E-Week E-Fest Generators Reagan Hobbs Gator Light and Sound $0.00 Completed 402836 2015-2016 E-Week E-Fest Band Holden Howard Reagan Hobbs Holden Howard $50.00 Completed 402837 2015-2016 E-Week E-Fest Band Velocirapture Reagan Hobbs Matthew Marder $50.00 Completed 402856 2015-2016 E-Week E-Fest Band Bells and Robes Reagan Hobbs Luke Sipka $250.00 Completed 402857 2015-2016 E-Week E-Fest Band Lavola Reagan Hobbs Julian Cires $180.00 Completed 402858 2015-2016 E-Week Promotional Videos Reagan Hobbs Media You Can Feel, LLC $600.00 Completed 402878 2015-2016 E-Week Blank Vinyl Duct Tape Banner Reagan Hobbs $187.93 Completed 402886 2015-2016 SASE - 1st Spring GBM William Reuangrith William Mike Reuangrith $27.66 Completed 402898 2015-2016 E-Week E-Fest Velcro Wall Reagan Hobbs Space Walk of Gainesville $265.00 Completed 402900 2015-2016 E-Week E-Fest Tables Reagan Hobbs UF Physical Plant Division $0.00 Completed 402901 2015-2016 E-Week E-Fest Chairs Reagan Hobbs UF Physical Plant Division $0.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 402902 2015-2016 E-Week E-Fest Tie-Dye Coloring Reagan Hobbs $93.75 Completed 402923 2015-2016 ASME - Wilmont Team parts Amanda Wei McMaster $129.93 Completed 402925 2015-2016 ASME - Wilmont Team parts 2 Amanda Wei Speedy Metals $103.80 Completed 402937 2015-2016 E-Week E-Fest Band Telomeres Reagan Hobbs Zachary Totta $50.00 Completed 402952 2015-2016 E-Week E-Fest Velcro Wall Generator Reagan Hobbs Space Walk of Gainesville $55.00 Completed 402953 2015-2016 E-Week E-Fest Bubble Soccer Reagan Hobbs Cam Brewer Fitness, LLC $550.00 Completed 402956 2015-2016 E-Week E-Fest Tent Reagan Hobbs Aviant Party Rentals $240.00 Completed 403001 2015-2016 Food for 1/28/16 GBM Claudia Corcho Claudia Corcho $50.88 Completed 403002 2015-2016 E-Week E-Fest Rob Smith Caricaturist Reagan Hobbs Robert Smith $150.00 Completed 403073 2015-2016 ASEE GBM #2 Food Douglas Kinnee-Crowley Douglas Kinnee-Crowley $25.40 Completed 403075 2015-2016 SHPE-2nd Spring GBM Gabriela Buraglia Gabriela Buraglia $150.05 Completed 403081 2015-2016 SASE - 2nd Spring GBM William Reuangrith William Mike Reuangrith $45.00 Completed 403092 2015-2016 E-Week E-Fest T-Shirts Reagan Hobbs Thai Dhai $870.00 Completed 403108 2015-2016 SFB E-Week Supplies Edward Li Cary Kuliasha $403.92 Completed 403131 2015-2016 WECE - 2nd GBM Morgan Wixted Adeeba Ahmad $56.18 Completed 403140 2015-2016 AeroGators Build Meeting Food Thomas Smith Thomas Smith $69.98 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 403230 2015-2016 IIE- USF IIE Regional Conference Grantley Chhour Grantley Chhour $945.60 Completed 403245 2015-2016 FSBPA Conference Fernanda Nascimento de Fernanda Nascimento Paula e Silva $1020.00 Completed 403265 2015-2016 E-Week E-Fest UFPD Reagan Hobbs University of Florida Police Department $259.25 Completed 403276 2015-2016 AIAA - Rocket Team Electronics Tekilanand Persaud Tools $108.03 Completed 403280 2015-2016 AIAA - UF Rocket Team Altimeter Tekilanand Persaud PerfectFliteDirect $51.41 Completed 403284 2015-2016 AIAA - UF Rocket Team Altimeter Tekilanand Persaud PerfectFliteDirect $206.84 Completed 403302 2015-2016 SASE - Custom buttons William Reuangrith William Mike Reuangrith $88.20 Completed 403319 2015-2016 AeroGators Project Supplies Thomas Smith Thomas Smith $312.52 Completed 403328 2015-2016 E-Week ELF Dinnerware Reagan Hobbs Arielle Plavcan $23.14 Completed 403353 2015-2016 SHMPS- E-Fair Supplies Heather Petroccia Brendan Barraclough $43.16 Completed 403408 2015-2016 ASME SPDC Conference Amanda Wei Amanda Wei $1391.42 Completed 403422 2015-2016 IIE - Office Supplies Grantley Chhour Grantley Chhour $75.33 Completed 403502 2015-2016 BEC - Office Supplies - Printer Toner Eric Wagner Amazon $54.99 Completed 403506 2015-2016 SWE-Engineering Pageant Brittni Black Shital Kasabwala $113.88 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 403535 2015-2016 SEE- FE Review session Nautasha Gupta Monica Camacho $127.28 Completed 403546 2015-2016 WECE- E-Week Supplies Morgan Wixted Jamie Westfall $78.54 Completed 403613 2015-2016 E-Week ELF Name Tags Reagan Hobbs Reagan Hobbs $19.75 Completed 403621 2015-2016 OSTEM E-Fair Supplies Daniel Juarez Rebecca Raymond $46.63 Completed 403641 2015-2016 E-Week ELF Dinner Drinks Reagan Hobbs Arielle Plavcan $12.76 Completed 403721 2015-2016 INFORMS - Bowling Event Scott Stile J.Wayne Reitz Union Gameroom $51.00 Completed 403733 2015-2016 E-Week Top Society Plaque Reagan Hobbs The Trophy Shop $28.15 Completed 403735 2015-2016 E-Week Top Society Awards Reagan Hobbs Andrea Aguilar $242.85 Completed 403767 2015-2016 SASE - 3rd Spring GBM William Reuangrith William Mike Reuangrith $24.32 Completed 403794 2015-2016 ASEE TA Workshop Food Douglas Kinnee-Crowley Douglas B KinneeCrowley $50.80 Completed 403816 2015-2016 SFB National Conference Trip Edward Li Cary Kuliasha $1400.00 Completed 403820 2015-2016 ACSE Team Poster Julian Rey Julian Rey $8.00 Completed 403831 2015-2016 ACSE - Cuba Infrastructure Student Competition Julian Rey Julian Rey $440.02 Completed 403868 2015-2016 Parts Request For Robot Marino Guzman McMaster $418.98 Completed 403873 2015-2016 Motors For Competition Robot Marino Guzman Trossen Robotics $651.78 Completed 403875 2015-2016 ACSE 3rd GBM Food Julian Rey $19.85 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Julian Rey Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 403898 2015-2016 AWMA ESSIE Poster Symposium Natalie Mecklenburg Natalie Mecklenburg $170.95 Completed 403914 2015-2016 SASE - Special Event Insurance William Reuangrith William Mike Reuangrith $122.52 Completed 403937 2015-2016 SHPE-GFT Awards Gabriela Buraglia Trophy Depot $112.93 Completed 403941 2015-2016 Gator Robotics Fair Supplies Luis Diaz UF Physical Plant Division $0.00 Completed 403981 2015-2016 ITE - General Body Meeting Larry Dorilus Larry Dorilus $40.00 Completed 404028 2015-2016 NSBE National Convention Mohamad Merilan Mohamad Merilan $1400.00 Completed 404086 2015-2016 AIChE Bowling Kevin Blackman Reitz Union Game Room $31.45 Completed 404087 2015-2016 AIChE Cyrogenic Gloves Kevin Blackman Kevin Blackman $219.37 Completed 404169 2015-2016 SASE - Name Tag Holders William Reuangrith William Mike Reuangrith $87.56 Completed 404172 2015-2016 INFORMS - General Body Meeting 2 Scott Stile Scott Stile $63.58 Completed 404178 2015-2016 Society of Health and Medical Physics- General Body Meeting-7-FOOD Heather Petroccia Heather Petroccia $73.87 Completed 404188 2015-2016 (ITE) Technical Seminar w/ Ronald Ratliff Larry Dorilus Larry Dorilus $38.01 Completed 404189 2015-2016 (ITE) End-of-the-Year Picnic Larry Dorilus Larry Dorilus $20.00 Completed 404206 2015-2016 IEEE SouthEastern Conference Marino Guzman Marino Guzman $1375.00 Completed 404301 2015-2016 ASEE Open Officers Meeting food Douglas Kinnee-Crowley Douglas B KinneeCrowley $9.99 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 404401 2015-2016 IIE - Camping Supplies Grantley Chhour Grantley Chhour $61.31 Completed 404414 2015-2016 SEE- GBM 3/10/2016 Nautasha Gupta Maharani De $26.50 Completed 404417 2015-2016 AWRA April GBM Alexis Johnson Alexis Johnson $80.00 Completed 404444 2015-2016 ASME VEX Competition Amanda Wei Gillian Palino $975.57 Completed 404511 2015-2016 ACSE Annual Camping Trip Julian Rey Julian Rey $53.36 Completed 404512 2015-2016 ACSE Tent Julian Rey Julian Rey $42.39 Completed 404545 2015-2016 REACH T-shirts Brandon Rosenthal Thai Dhai / IDEAQUE LLC $376.00 Completed 404576 2015-2016 SWE-GBM Brittni Black Brittni Black $101.63 Completed 404581 2015-2016 WECE- Girl's Build Supplies Morgan Wixted Digi-Key Corporation $32.39 Completed 404583 2015-2016 WECE- GBM#4 Morgan Wixted Adeeba Ahmad $38.14 Completed 404584 2015-2016 WECE- GBM Poster Morgan Wixted Target Copy - University Ave $0.00 Completed 404587 2015-2016 BEC - Storage Unit Yearly Rental Michael Silberling Interstate mini storage $604.80 Completed 404620 2015-2016 SWE-Smores Social Brittni Black Susanne Chan $22.94 Completed 404621 2015-2016 SWE-Relay for Life Brittni Black Jordan Pfost $17.64 Completed 404622 2015-2016 AIChE Regional Conference Kevin Blackman Kevin Blackman $1172.75 Completed 404734 2015-2016 ANS Student Conference 2016 Victoria Graham Victoria Graham $1378.41 Completed 404739 2015-2016 ITE - UF Traffic Bowl Larry Dorilus Larry Dorilus $80.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 404794 2015-2016 IIE - Relay for Life Grantley Chhour Grantley Chhour $105.99 Completed 404795 2015-2016 Office Supplies Claudia Corcho $76.00 Completed 404796 2015-2016 Food for 3-29-16 GBM Claudia Corcho Claudia $50.86 Completed 404819 2015-2016 ASEE GBM #3 Food Douglas Kinnee-Crowley Douglas B KinneeCrowley $31.75 Completed 404823 2015-2016 AIAA Student Conference Matthew Harwood Cesar Santoyo $142.88 Completed 404861 2015-2016 SASE - 3D Printed Keychains William Reuangrith William Mike Reuangrith $23.96 Completed 404952 2015-2016 oSTEM Food for GBM Daniel Juarez Rebecca Raymond $22.24 Completed 404953 2015-2016 oSTEM Games Daniel Juarez Rebecca Raymond $107.95 Completed 404954 2015-2016 oSTEM Books for Diversity and Daniel Juarez Inclusivity Rebecca Raymond $103.97 Completed 405055 2015-2016 SSDC Promotional T-Shirts Claudia Corcho Custom Ink $371.54 Completed 405085 2015-2016 CanSat Supplies Part 2 Claudia Corcho $93.34 Completed 405090 2015-2016 ASME - Social Event Amanda Wei J.Wayne Reitz Union Gameroom $91.80 Completed 405104 2015-2016 SASE - 5th Spring GBM William Reuangrith William Mike Reuangrith $14.00 Completed 405162 2015-2016 Yuri's Night Claudia Corcho $79.38 Completed 405166 2015-2016 INFORMS - Elections GBM Scott Stile Dylan Fontaine $45.55 Completed 405194 2015-2016 SHMPS-General Body Meeting Heather Petroccia 8 Heather Petroccia $25.12 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title 405209 Vendor Total Paid Status 2015-2016 AIAA - DBF - Rocket Team End Alexander Schneider of Year Banquet Alexander Schneider $182.49 Completed 405299 2015-2016 Club shirts Matthew Burke Uniq Screen Printing / Sericorp LLC $221.13 Completed 405309 2015-2016 BEC- End of Year Ceremony Food Eric Wagner Classic Fare Catering $404.89 Completed 405318 2015-2016 AIChE Cheme Car List Kevin Blackman Kevin Blackman $311.00 Completed 405344 2015-2016 A&WMA Annual International Conference Natalie Mecklenburg Natalie Mecklenburg $1400.00 Completed 405350 2015-2016 FLEG - Director Goodbye Food Brandon Rosenthal Lexie Krehbiel $80.58 Completed 405358 2015-2016 IIE Annual Conference and Expo 2016 Grantley Chhour Grantley Chhour $948.90 Completed 405431 2015-2016 FLEG - PND and Academic Affair Food Brandon Rosenthal Deanna Alford $60.98 Completed 405495 2015-2016 E-board transition meeting Gabriela Buraglia Gabriela Buraglia $19.88 Completed 405596 2015-2016 SHPE-summer flyers Gabriela Buraglia Gabriela Buraglia $30.00 Completed 405602 2015-2016 Gator Robotics BattleBots (McMaster) Nicholas Landy McMaster $32.20 Completed 405603 2015-2016 GR Publicity (Amazon) Nicholas Landy Amazon $145.88 Completed 405606 2015-2016 GR TailGator Motors Nicholas Landy Pololu $120.80 Completed 405607 2015-2016 GR Tools Amazon Nicholas Landy Amazon $233.61 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Requestor Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 405608 2015-2016 GR Robotics Workshop Kits Nicholas Landy Amazon $601.13 Completed 405609 2015-2016 GR Machining Tools Nicholas Landy Amazon $268.99 Completed 405610 2015-2016 ITE - Traffic Bowl Buzzers Larry Dorilus Larry Dorilus $349.00 Completed 405613 2015-2016 GR Electronic Supplies Nicholas Landy Amazon $1046.73 Completed 405622 2015-2016 NSBE External Hard Drive Mohamad Merilan Office Depot $55.90 Completed 405624 2015-2016 NSBE Vinyl Banner and Stand Mohamad Merilan Target Copy - University Ave $260.00 Completed 405644 2015-2016 NSBE Yard Signs Mohamad Merilan Target Copy - University Ave $282.45 Completed 405649 2015-2016 CanSat/Office Supplies Claudia Corcho $324.00 Completed 405650 2015-2016 Design Project Supplies Claudia Corcho $394.28 Completed 405659 2015-2016 SHPE- table cloth Gabriela Buraglia Natalia Pulido $247.79 Completed 405727 2015-2016 Rocket Team-Epoxy Tekilanand Persaud US Composites $148.45 Completed 405729 2015-2016 Rocket Team-Drill Kit Tekilanand Persaud Home Depot $65.66 Completed 405731 2015-2016 Rocket TeamElectrical Tape Tekilanand Persaud LLC $31.56 Completed 405770 2015-2016 ITE - Traffic Bowl Polo Shirts Larry Dorilus Donald Watson Jr. $60.00 Completed 405823 2015-2016 3D Printer and Refill Filament Kristopher Tolopka M3D $414.99 Completed 405865 2015-2016 SASE- Summer BBQ Social Kai Wen Lim Denise Pulmano $48.24 Completed 405924 2015-2016 BattleBots Parts from RobotShop Kristopher Tolopka Robot Shop $30.38 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 405925 2015-2016 BattleBots Parts from Hobby King Kristopher Tolopka HobbyKing $126.79 Completed 405927 2015-2016 BattleBots Parts from ePlastics Kristopher Tolopka Eplastics $27.77 Completed 405928 2015-2016 BattleBots Parts from Speedy Metals Kristopher Tolopka Speedy Metals $44.46 Completed 405929 2015-2016 BattleBots Parts from Pololu Kristopher Tolopka Pololu Robotics and Electronics $71.40 Completed 405948 2015-2016 ASEE Midsummer Game Room Christine Chern Social Reitz Union Game Room $94.95 Completed 405949 2015-2016 ASEE Summer B Mug Painting Social Christine Chern University of Florida Arts & Crafts Center $74.00 Completed 405955 2015-2016 BattleBots Parts from Zoro Kristopher Tolopka Zoro Tools $11.86 Completed 405957 2015-2016 Parts from SparkFun Kristopher Tolopka SparkFun Electronics $20.04 Completed 405958 2015-2016 BattleBots Parts from KitBots Kristopher Tolopka Kitbots $45.80 Completed 405961 2015-2016 BattleBots Parts from Online Metals Kristopher Tolopka Online Metals $35.47 Completed 405963 2015-2016 BattleBots Parts from Metals Depot Kristopher Tolopka Metals Depot $17.98 Completed 405964 2015-2016 BattleBots Parts from BaneBots Kristopher Tolopka BaneBots $25.31 Completed 405996 2015-2016 IIE - Lake Wauburg Social Food Grantley Chhour Items Grantley Chhour $62.22 Completed 406000 2015-2016 BattleBots Parts from McMaster Kristopher Tolopka McMaster $35.05 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 406151 2015-2016 BEC - Pocket Shirts Eric Wagner CustomInk $676.45 Completed 406153 2015-2016 BEC - Short Sleeve Shirts Eric Wagner CustomInk $655.46 Completed 500150 2016-2017 SHMPS - AAPM Conference-July 30 Heather Petroccia Colin Paulbeck $803.60 Completed 500193 2016-2017 AIChE Bowling Event Liliana Bello J.Wayne Reitz Union Gameroom $31.45 Completed 500220 2016-2017 BEC - Website Hosting Eric Wagner Eric Wagner $148.10 Completed 500362 2016-2017 AWRA-August Meeting Ian Hahus Ian Hahus $42.00 Completed 500421 2016-2017 BEC- Leadership Retreat Food Eric Wagner Eric Wagner $198.01 Completed 500437 2016-2017 BEC - NAESC Dues Eric Wagner Eric Wagner $75.00 Completed 500439 2016-2017 SWE eSwamp Madelyn Wilson Madelyn Wilson $242.31 Completed 500629 2016-2017 AIChE - Awards for Mentor/Mentee Challenge Spring 2016 Liliana Bello Liliana Bello $45.93 Completed 500690 2016-2017 GBM Food Taylor Valentine Ian Hahus $40.59 Completed 500702 2016-2017 FE Review Snacks Monica Camacho Monica Camacho $26.01 Completed 500863 2016-2017 First GBM Food Kevin Kijanka Kevin Kijanka $33.88 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 710 - FINE ARTS COLLEGE COUNCIL SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 400468 2015-2016 SCI Fall Visiting Honorarium Michael Polo Donald Wayne Freund $3500.00 Completed 400523 2015-2016 Nuclear Music Visiting Guest Performer Michael Polo Lisa Cella $1500.00 Completed 400833 2015-2016 Volaticus Location Rental SAR Danielle Duncan S-Connection LLC $386.25 Completed 400905 2015-2016 SCO: Visiting Guest Performer Yaiyun Huang Michael Polo Yaiyun Huang $1500.00 Completed 401372 2015-2016 HOT Clay Fall Visiting Artist Julia Galloway Ediel Dominguez Julia Galloway $2100.00 Completed 401385 2015-2016 Art Bash Stickers Shimul Chowdhury http://www.standoutstick $35.56 Completed 401387 2015-2016 Art Bash buttons Shimul Chowdhury Pure Buttons $37.00 Completed 401389 2015-2016 Art Bash Batteries Shimul Chowdhury Ivette De Santiago $20.67 Completed 401460 2015-2016 Food for SCI Reception Michael Polo Classic Fare/Gator Dining $300.00 Completed 401601 2015-2016 Radio Ad: SCI Conference Michael Polo WUFT - 89.1 FM $500.00 Completed 401610 2015-2016 FMEA January Conference Matthew Vaadi Matthew C. Vaadi $408.00 Completed 401857 2015-2016 Empty Bowls Kelsey Wilkerson Ustler Hall $0.00 Completed 402084 2015-2016 Empty Bowls Classic Fare Aneri Pandya Classic Fare Catering $149.95 Completed 402325 2015-2016 Sculpture Club Group Show Flyers Raphael Q Target Copy - University Ave $34.34 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 402460 2015-2016 FACC Jury Show Dance Juror Michael Polo Helanius J. Wilkins $1000.00 Completed 402461 2015-2016 FACC Art Juror Jury Exhibition Show Michael Polo Sean Allen Fisher $1000.00 Completed 403016 2015-2016 SCO - SEAMUS Conference Robert Seaback Robert Seaback $1015.09 Completed 403036 2015-2016 Ligature Speaker Honorarium Ivelisse Birk William Woods Bryant $1700.00 Completed 403056 2015-2016 DIAS Visiting Spring Artist Nicoletta Lanese Douglas Gillespie $1000.00 Completed 403308 2015-2016 Spring Demonstrating Artist Patti Warashina Ediel Dominguez Patti Warashina $462.00 Completed 403455 2015-2016 ACDA Trip 2016 Nicoletta Lanese Nicoletta Lanese $1400.00 Completed 403844 2015-2016 NCECA Travel Megan Paige Ward Paige Ward * $1400.00 Completed 404345 2015-2016 Honorarium for Visiting Filmmaker Agustina Bonaventura Kevin Rice $1000.00 Completed 404346 2015-2016 Honorarium for Visiing Filmmaker Agustina Bonaventura Justin Logan Martin $500.00 Completed 404350 2015-2016 Venue Rental for Flex Film Festival Agustina Bonaventura Rubberneck Inc. $653.00 Completed 404716 2015-2016 Posters for Advertising FLEX Film Festival Agustina Bonaventura Target Copy - University Ave $99.66 Completed 404717 2015-2016 Printed Programs for FLEX Film Agustina Bonaventura Festival Target Copy - University Ave $123.80 Completed 404864 2015-2016 Final Venue Rental for FLEX Film Festival Agustina Bonaventura $300.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Agustina Bonaventura Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 712 - HEALTH PROFESSIONS COLLEGE COUNCIL SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 401886 2015-2016 NSSLHA G. Paul Moore Symposium Invitations Lena Wedeen Target Copy - University Ave $38.78 Completed 401888 2015-2016 G. Paul Moore Symposium Speech Language Pathology Honorarium Lena Wedeen Jana B. Oetting $1000.00 Completed 402012 2015-2016 NSSLHA G. Paul Moore Symposium Audiology Honorarium Lena Wedeen David A Zapala $1130.00 Completed 402014 2015-2016 NSSLHA G. Paul Moore Symposium Banners Lena Wedeen Target Copy - University Ave $0.00 Completed 402296 2015-2016 G. Paul Moore Symposium Catering Angela Andersen Harvest Thyme Cafe & Co. Catering $150.00 Completed 402609 2015-2016 NSSLHA G. Paul Moore Symposium Decorations for Emerson Lena Wedeen Lena Wedeen $137.75 Completed 402660 2015-2016 NSSLHA G. Paul Moore Symposiumndouts Lena Wedeen Target Copy - University Ave $248.48 Completed 402690 2015-2016 NSSLHA G. Paul Moore Symposium Poster Boards Lena Wedeen Target Copy - University Ave $37.74 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 403070 2015-2016 NSSLHA's G. Paul Moore Symposium ?Emerson Alumni Hall Lena Wedeen Emerson Alumni Hall $550.00 Completed 403927 2015-2016 Faculty Student Reception Roger Noriega Roger Noriega $126.00 Completed 404209 2015-2016 Faculty Student ReceptionMaterials Roger Noriega Roger Noriega $34.50 Completed 404323 2015-2016 Accepted Students Visit DayMaterials and Decorations Roger Noriega Roger Noriega $95.53 Completed 405043 2015-2016 Public Health Week-Program Supplies Roger Noriega Roger Noriega $202.73 Completed 405044 2015-2016 Public Health Week-Food Roger Noriega Margaux Milon $200.00 Completed 405227 2015-2016 MJS Graduation Chords Nicole Grycuk Nicole Grycuk $29.66 Completed 405229 2015-2016 MJS Last Meeting BBQ Nicole Grycuk Nicole Grycuk $56.70 Completed 500519 2016-2017 Poster + Flyer Materials Itai Meirom Nicole Grycuk $18.57 Completed 500695 2016-2017 CORRECTED Fall 2016 1st GBM Itai Meirom Nicole Grycuk $66.25 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 713 - JOURNALISM COLLEGE COUNCIL SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 404065 2015-2016 Pizza for GBM Danielle Prinz Danielle Prinz $31.80 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 714 - CLASSC SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 305849 2014-2015 American Society of Trial Consultants Conference Damian Hoffman Damian Hoffman $375.00 Completed 400469 2015-2016 EGO Conference Speaker Asmaa Ghonim Stephanie Boluk $1800.00 Completed 401074 2015-2016 History Graduate Society Annual Fall Picnic Matthew Koval Matthew Koval $150.00 Completed 401147 2015-2016 Ustler Room Rental for 2015 EGO Conference Jonathan Hernandez Ustler Hal $400.00 Completed 401423 2015-2016 Food Issy Ojalvo Gretchen Fisk $90.00 Completed 401555 2015-2016 Classic Fare Food Catoring For EGO Conference Asmaa Ghonim Classic Fare Catering $172.47 Completed 401658 2015-2016 Science of Fear Sara Sosa-Garcia Sara Sosa-Garcia $57.01 Completed 401903 2015-2016 AHA Travel Matthew Koval Elyssa Gage $1260.00 Completed 402289 2015-2016 Speaker honorarium for Josephine Anstey Jacob Greene Josephine Anstey $1000.00 Completed 402290 2015-2016 Speaker honorarium for Sean Morey Jacob Greene Sean William Morey $750.00 Completed 402291 2015-2016 Speaker Honorarium for John Tinnell Jacob Greene John Tinnell $750.00 Completed 402466 2015-2016 Symposium Posters Kyle Bohunicky Target Copy $150.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 402552 2015-2016 Travel Funds to ASC in Washington, DC Jennifer Jarrett Jennifer Jarret $1300.00 Completed 402719 2015-2016 Food for first day of Digital Assembly Symposium Jacob Greene Classic Fare Catering $93.12 Completed 402720 2015-2016 Food for second day of Digital Assembly Symposium Jacob Greene Classic Fare Catering $52.93 Completed 403046 2015-2016 SE Graduate Philosophy Conference Julia Driver Jonathan Shires Julia Lynn Driver $1200.00 Completed 403309 2015-2016 Plaques and Conference Awards Heather Covington The Trophy Shop $64.00 Completed 403530 2015-2016 Flyers Heather Covington Flyer Studios $130.00 Completed 403631 2015-2016 Poster/Program Printing Mitch Murray Target Copy - University Ave $147.85 Completed 403775 2015-2016 2016 AP-LS Jennifer Jarrett Jennifer Jarrett $800.00 Completed 404020 2015-2016 Food for Critical Theory Reading Group Conference Derrick King Classic Fare Catering $96.35 Completed 404059 2015-2016 Honorarium Patricia Hill Colins Heather Covington Patricia Hill Collins $1500.00 Completed 404275 2015-2016 Society for Cinema and Media Studies Conference Lauren Pilcher Lauren Pilcher $703.07 Completed 404306 2015-2016 Conference Programs Daniel Acton Target Copy $1475.00 Completed 404340 2015-2016 Brain Awareness Week Sara Sosa-Garcia Sara Sosa-Garcia $337.54 Completed 404351 2015-2016 Brain Dissection Sara Sosa-Garcia Sara Sosa-Garcia $5.49 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 404374 2015-2016 SEGPC Catering Jonathan Shires Devon Parks $257.30 Completed 404458 2015-2016 Honorarium Anuja Madan Derek Parker Royal $1908.00 Completed 404538 2015-2016 Food for Day One of GCO Conference (100 people) Kayley Thomas Classic Fare Catering $240.81 Completed 404539 2015-2016 Food for Day Two of GCO Conference (100 people) Kayley Thomas Classic Fare Catering $43.45 Completed 404601 2015-2016 Posters for Comics Conference Najwa Al-Tabaa Xerographics Copy Center $200.00 Completed 404641 2015-2016 Conference Food Classic Fare Catering $750.00 Completed 404844 2015-2016 2016 Annual Medical Education Ben Jeudy Conference Ben Jeudy $1240.00 Completed 404897 2015-2016 HGS Interdisciplinary Symposium Kyle Bridge Timothy Fritz $1000.00 Completed 405008 2015-2016 Kyle Bridge Classic Fare/Gator Dining $163.16 Completed 405012 2015-2016 HGS Interdisciplinary Symposium Kyle Bridge Target Copy - University Ave $0.00 Completed 405200 2015-2016 CLASSC Career Workshop Issy Ojalvo Israel Ojalvo $95.88 Completed 405490 2015-2016 Handbill Advertising for Conference Daniel Acton Heather Covington $42.76 Completed 405494 2015-2016 Awards Daniel Acton Heather Covington $5.18 Completed 405716 2015-2016 Conference B-Sides Daniel Acton Julia Arroyo $90.00 Completed 405717 2015-2016 Conference B-Sides Daniel Acton Julia Arroyo $237.39 Completed Interdisciplinary SYmposium Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Heather Covington Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title 405839 405901 Vendor Total Paid Status 2015-2016 Advertising-Conference B-Sides Daniel Acton Daniel N Acton $18.29 Completed 2015-2016 Tea Magazine Printing Bookmobile $1021.32 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Requestor Victoria Villanti Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 715 - NURSING COLLEGE COUNCIL SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 401362 2015-2016 Junior Orientation- Programs Fund Stanley Yoder ePromos $260.61 Completed 401755 2015-2016 Junior Orientation- Food Fund Stanley Yoder Stanley Yoder $147.47 Completed 402129 2015-2016 Fall Welcome Social- Food Fund Stanley Yoder Stanley Yoder $116.73 Completed 402181 2015-2016 Fall Welcome Social- Programs Stanley Yoder Fund ePromos $210.75 Completed 403042 2015-2016 National Student Nurses' Week- Food Fund Tori Adams Tori Adams $135.49 Completed 403333 2015-2016 National Student Nurses Association Convention Zachary Miller Zachary Miller $1266.90 Completed 403698 2015-2016 National Student Nurses' Week- Programs Fund Tori Adams ASAP Screen Printing Inc. $603.50 Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Completed Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 716 - COLLEGE OF HEALTH AND HUMAN PERFORMANCE COLLEGE COUNCIL SAR Fiscal Year Title 401279 Vendor Total Paid Status 2015-2016 HHP College Council- Pizza for Nicole Vesely Kickoff Nicole Vesely $81.08 Completed 402474 2015-2016 Bubbleball Nicole Vesely Virginia Pedigo $600.00 Completed 402476 2015-2016 HHP Gym Insurance Nicole Vesely Florida Gym $191.00 Completed 500526 2016-2017 Pizza for Involvement Fair Gabriele Cuna Gabriele Cuna $88.91 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Requestor Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 717 - COLLEGE OF PHARMACY Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 400920 2015-2016 Clinical Skills Competition Awards Stephany Nunez Cruz Christa Creech $49.48 Completed 401852 2015-2016 Health Screening Supplies Catherine Spicer Catherine Spicer $159.19 Completed 401910 2015-2016 STP Pharmacy Formal Besan Abdel-khaleq Staybridge Suites $575.00 Completed 402760 2015-2016 SNPha Screening Event 3/23 Lacey Nilles Melissa Sandler $71.22 Completed 403573 2015-2016 APhA-ASP Grand/Generic Bowl Eldin Kalac Shannon Stittsworth $68.14 Completed 403968 2015-2016 GPW Flag Football Tournament Vignesh Ravikumar Joshua Branstetter $73.75 Completed 403975 2015-2016 FSHP Medical Abbreviations Bowl Kelsey Ohman Kelsey Ohman $29.90 Completed 404578 2015-2016 Jacksonville Campus Spring Social Ashlan Kunz Ashlan Kunz $50.00 Completed 404770 2015-2016 STP Spring Picnic Patricia Pajak Christopher Espinosa $178.68 Completed 404773 2015-2016 STP Spring Picnic Patricia Pajak Christopher Espinosa $25.00 Completed 405047 2015-2016 14- SUP- NCPA Compounding Workshop Marry Vuong Marry Vuong $86.22 Completed 405456 2015-2016 STP End of the Year Event Patricia Pajak Christopher Espinosa $258.60 Completed 405470 2015-2016 Compounding Workshop Margarita Sorokina $43.22 Completed 405551 2015-2016 STP End of the Year Event Patricia Pajak Christopher Espinosa $48.00 Completed 405569 2015-2016 Orlando Spring Social Catherine Spicer Catherine Spicer $131.65 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 718 - DENTISTRY COLLEGE COUNCIL SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 400062 2015-2016 SNDA Impressions Program Monique Belin Monique Belin $275.00 Completed 400193 2015-2016 UFCD Promotional Items Daniela Tadokoro Monique Belin $50.00 Completed 400194 2015-2016 Banners for DCC Orgs Paula Cohen Target Copy $99.60 Completed 400205 2015-2016 SNDA Recruitment Lunch and Learn Monique Belin Quality Logo Products $255.55 Completed 400310 2015-2016 SNDA Recruitment Lunch and Learn Food Monique Belin Reggae Shack Café $86.00 Completed 400549 2015-2016 AADR SRG Recruit Alex Mehler Alex Mehler $90.00 Completed 400683 2015-2016 AAWD Recruitment Social Kimia Lalezari Kimia Lalezan $75.00 Completed 400831 2015-2016 AAWD Annual Conference Kimia Lalezari Kimia Lalezari $1400.00 Completed 400933 2015-2016 Smiley Gators Recruitment Lunch and Learn Food HongAn Nguyen HongAn Nguyen $90.00 Completed 402851 2015-2016 Miscellaneous Orientation Items Taylor Capasso Taylor Capasso $0.00 Completed 403344 2015-2016 Corks and Colors Kimia Lalezari Kimia Lalezari $312.50 Completed 405112 2015-2016 Super Sealant Saturday Michelle Thomas Michelle Thomas $330.00 Completed 405340 2015-2016 Travel to the AAPD Conference Rachel Killam HongAn Nguyen $581.00 Completed 500100 2016-2017 Goody Bags Aria Sharma Aria Sharma $548.08 Completed 500101 2016-2017 SNDA Impressions Program Monique Belin Monique Belin $473.27 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 500487 2016-2017 SNDA Recruitment Lunch and Learn Hetty Hong Hetty Hong $90.00 Completed 500544 2016-2017 Smiley Gators Recruitment Event Michelle Thomas Morgan Barron $50.00 Completed 500616 2016-2017 SPEA/mbm L&L and Recruitment combined Sara Rifai Classic Fare/Gator Dining $127.00 Completed 500763 2016-2017 Smiley Gators Recruitment Event Morgan Barron Morgan Barron Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM $20.52 Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 719 - LCC SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 305913 2014-2015 Monitors for VITA Kyle Bruno Dell Marketing $278.00 Completed 305914 2014-2015 Office Supplies Kyle Bruno Office Depot $251.12 Completed 400316 2015-2016 LLSA HNBA Christina Devarona Anny Martin $700.00 Completed 400361 2015-2016 LSR Meeting Katy Melchiorre Katy Melchiorre $67.98 Completed 400370 2015-2016 JLSA Shabbat Alisha Feldman Alisha Feldman $100.00 Completed 400388 2015-2016 Gator Law ACLU General Body Meeting Melissa Milford Emily Calvin $63.98 Completed 400495 2015-2016 First meeting Dimitrios Peteves Dimitrios Peteves $40.00 Completed 400515 2015-2016 L.A.W. Meeting Rachel Cheek Rachel Cheek $38.35 Completed 400534 2015-2016 OutLaw Meeting Samuel Menaged Benny Menaged $60.00 Completed 400561 2015-2016 Breaking into the Industry Speaker Series Noelle Lattimore Noelle Lattimore $80.00 Completed 400740 2015-2016 Criminal Law Association First Meeting Evan Gardiner Evan Gardiner $74.17 Completed 400754 2015-2016 CaribLaw Game Night Shenee Craig Shenee Craig $52.74 Completed 400785 2015-2016 Gator Law ACLU Selma Licensing Fee Melissa Milford Criterion Pictures USA $590.00 Completed 400813 2015-2016 Constitution Day Lunch Melissa Milford Mi Apa $317.33 Completed 400855 2015-2016 Equal Justice Works Conference Lauren Levy Lauren Levy $1400.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 400856 2015-2016 APIL First General Body Meeting Lauren Levy Lauren Levy $67.55 Completed 400859 2015-2016 Constitution Day Breakfast and Andy Schein Snacks Candace Spencer $232.59 Completed 400860 2015-2016 Equal Justice Works Conference Lawrence Held Lawrence Held $700.00 Completed 400916 2015-2016 Criminal Law Association 2nd Meeting Evan Gardiner Evan Gardiner $79.49 Completed 401054 2015-2016 Gator Law ACLU 2nd General Body Meeting Emily Calvin Raquelle Rodriguez $36.02 Completed 401126 2015-2016 CABA General Body Meeting Rafael Perez Rafael Perez $36.99 Completed 401276 2015-2016 LTSO General Body Meeting Amanda Singh Amanda Singh $43.17 Completed 401323 2015-2016 T-Shirts Emily Calvin Raquelle Rodriguez $195.25 Completed 401491 2015-2016 2nd meeting Dimitrios Peteves Dimitrios Peteves $30.00 Completed 401536 2015-2016 BLSA Founder's Week T-Shirts Vironica Brown Vironica Brown $347.41 Completed 401938 2015-2016 Gator Law ACLU Shirts 2 Emily Calvin Raquelle Rodriguez $195.25 Completed 402019 2015-2016 BLSA Conference Scrapbook Project Vironica Brown Vaughn Glinton $165.58 Completed 402346 2015-2016 BLSA Regional Convention Vironica Brown Candace Spencer $1437.41 Completed 402736 2015-2016 Camping Trip Louis Marquet Louis M Marquet $165.60 Completed 402751 2015-2016 ELULS General Body Meeting Louis Marquet Louis M Marquet $42.80 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 402862 2015-2016 GADR first Spring Meeting Lawrence Held Lawrence Held $60.00 Completed 402922 2015-2016 Pizza for Meeting Jaclyn Graham Jaclyn Graham $49.05 Completed 403047 2015-2016 CSLG Ruby Vale Andrew Schein Joseph Pardo $1000.00 Completed 403226 2015-2016 Office Supplies - Copy Paper Ronald Zmuda Ronald Zmuda $34.48 Completed 403266 2015-2016 Public Interest Environmental Conference Fund Transfer Bradley Tennant Law Center Association $5800.00 Completed 403288 2015-2016 EASLS Superbowl Watch Party Noelle Lattimore Noelle Lattimore $150.00 Completed 403327 2015-2016 Immigration Law Meeting Roxanne Fraser Roxanne Fraser $74.20 Completed 403362 2015-2016 Food for meetings Ronald Zmuda Ronald Zmuda $75.00 Completed 403446 2015-2016 Office Supplies and Tech Ronald Zmuda Ronald Zmuda $601.26 Completed 403654 2015-2016 LLSA Banner Fiorella Franchini Signarama $125.16 Completed 403847 2015-2016 BLSA National Convention Vironica Brown Candace Spencer $560.00 Completed 403966 2015-2016 Food for ELULS (Greenlaw) Campout Louis Marquet L. Michael Marquet $58.85 Completed 404023 2015-2016 GADR Spring Social Lawrence Held Splitz at Funworks $143.65 Completed 404271 2015-2016 LawLawPalooza 2016 Lauren Levy Lauren Levy $329.80 Completed 404308 2015-2016 ETLS Second Meeting Dimitrios Peteves Dimitrios Peteves $10.00 Completed 404416 2015-2016 10th Annual UF Law Multicultural Fair Ashlyn Robinson Levin College of Law $3500.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 404638 2015-2016 No More Silence, No More Violence Jaclyn Graham Jaclyn Graham $181.24 Completed 404659 2015-2016 Honorarium Noelle Lattimore Cory Dorfman (d/b/a CAA $50.00 Sports) Completed 404661 2015-2016 Honorarium Noelle Lattimore Erik Burkhardt $600.00 Completed 404663 2015-2016 Honorarium Noelle Lattimore Karen L Stetson $175.00 Completed 404664 2015-2016 Honorarium Noelle Lattimore Goal Line Football Inc (Brian Levy) $175.00 Completed 404666 2015-2016 Honorarium Noelle Lattimore David Lisko $600.00 Completed 404667 2015-2016 Honorarium Noelle Lattimore Cassie Sadowitz $100.00 Completed 404668 2015-2016 Honorarium Noelle Lattimore Brian A Roof $100.00 Completed 404669 2015-2016 Honorarium Noelle Lattimore Insty-Prints $60.00 Completed 404670 2015-2016 Brochures Noelle Lattimore Insty-Prints $177.94 Completed 404674 2015-2016 Parking Noelle Lattimore Transportation and Parking Services $125.00 Completed 404961 2015-2016 Art Law Show Veronica Daniel Veronica Daniel $44.99 Completed 404962 2015-2016 Art Law Show Veronica Daniel Veronica Daniel $160.97 Completed 404969 2015-2016 Venue Decor Robert DiMarco Kelli Masters $110.00 Completed 404973 2015-2016 Honorarium Robert DiMarco Jack Mills A J Mills Jr $110.00 Completed 404976 2015-2016 Alpine Dry Cleaners (linens) Robert DiMarco Alpine Cleaners $198.90 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 404977 2015-2016 Technology Equipment Robert DiMarco Noelle Lattimore $125.00 Completed 404978 2015-2016 Florida Gym Decor Robert DiMarco Noelle Lattimore $100.00 Completed 405045 2015-2016 Holocaust Speaker: Gene Klein Alisha Feldman Gene Klein $300.00 Completed 405072 2015-2016 General Body Meeting/Elections Noelle Lattimore Ashley Blalock $96.63 Completed 405212 2015-2016 Virgil Hawkins Program Vironica Brown Jolande Morgan $609.00 Completed 405213 2015-2016 Virgil Hawkins Program Vironica Brown Vironica Brown $45.85 Completed 405372 2015-2016 Promotional Items Andrew Schein Andy Schein $600.00 Completed 405378 2015-2016 Virgil Hawkins Program Vironica Brown The Warehouse Restaurant & Lounge $210.00 Completed 500744 2016-2017 EASLS 2nd GBM Robert Desmond Robert Desmond $140.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 720 - MCC SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 305806 2014-2015 AMA-MSS Annual Conference Ritesh Patel Amber Mirajkar $725.00 Completed 305991 2014-2015 Ichetucknee Springs Trip Jared Taylor Jared Taylor $70.00 Completed 402157 2015-2016 HMIG-Yoga Christian Archer Anisa Perbtani $900.00 Completed 402555 2015-2016 Society for Student Run Free Clinics Conference Jacob Burns Jacob Burns $1000.00 Completed 403182 2015-2016 White Coat Company Amber Mirajkar Amber Mirajkar $920.00 Completed 403296 2015-2016 AMA Annual 2016 Amber Mirajkar Satish Chandrasekhar $1000.00 Completed 403324 2015-2016 PIG - Peds Oncology Lunch Meeting Kelly Costopoulos Kelly Costopoulos $84.44 Completed 404184 2015-2016 Creative Practice Goes to the Hippodrome Amber Mirajkar Amber Mirajkar $85.00 Completed 404230 2015-2016 GSO- Annual Team Building Event James Smith James Kennon Smith $296.00 Completed 404745 2015-2016 HMIG Mindfulness Retreat Christian Archer Nancy Lasseter $600.00 Completed 404926 2015-2016 White Coat Ceremony Hayley Johnson Raquel Hendershot $526.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Transparency Request University of Florida Student Government 721 - VET MED SAR Fiscal Year Title Requestor Vendor Total Paid Status 400396 2015-2016 Repro tract laboratory Jessica Ragauskas Jessica Ragauskas $78.04 Completed 401851 2015-2016 PHSC Disaster Response wetlab Sara Almcrantz Sara Almcrantz $115.00 Completed 402093 2015-2016 Thanksgiving Outreach Dinner Kirstyn McCormick Kirstyn McCormick $149.55 Completed 402132 2015-2016 PHSC Event Sara Almcrantz Meera Chandra $194.44 Completed 402422 2015-2016 Acupuncture basics wetlab Ashley Ackert Ashley Ackert $156.50 Completed 402847 2015-2016 North American Veterinary Conference Rebecca Weaver Rebecca Weaver $1162.00 Completed 403169 2015-2016 Small Animal Medicine Wetlab Ross Hancock Ross Hancock $180.98 Completed 403439 2015-2016 Mare BSE Wetlab Rebecca Weaver $99.80 Completed 405107 2015-2016 Foreign Animal Disease Wetlab Sara Almcrantz Sara Almcrantz $200.00 Completed Generated: 10/2/2016 5:00:10 AM Rebecca Weaver
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