File - Muttontown Preserve Community Forum
File - Muttontown Preserve Community Forum
Muttontown Preserve Master Plan Vision Presentation for Informational Gathering & Public Input Workshop & March 13, 2010 Guiding Principles and Goals October 20, 2010 © SARATOGA ASSOCIATES, PS&S 2010 PUBLIC MEETING OCTOBER 20, 2010 Phase 1 – Information Gathering Product: Inventory Report • Kickoff Meeting 1 and Formation of Steering Committee • Steering Committee Meeting #1 (July 15, 2009) • Prioritize aspirations and springboard ideas for Muttontown Preserve Compilation of information findings from the workshop and the firms ideas and recommendations based on the information gained from the public meeting • Public Workshop #1 (March 13, 2010) • Presentation on history and background of preserve • Open forum for additional information exchange • • • Diagrams Graphics Analysis Studies To all meeting presentations (past and present) & materials/handouts…. WWW.MUTTONTOWNPRESERVE.WEEBLY.COM © SARATOGA ASSOCIATES, PS&S 2010 PUBLIC MEETING OCTOBER 20, 2010 Phase 2 – Generate and Test Ideas Public Workshop #2 (Last Meeting- May 22, 2010) • Identify and explore community ideas and desires Product: Strategic Facilities Plan and Program Report Proposed design created by using the Design Public Workshop #3 (June 30, 2010) • Consultants will present concept plan(s) and strategic program recommendations, listen to feedback and modify plan and report Steering Committee Meeting #2 ( July 21, 2010 ) • Presentation of strategic facilities plan and program report • Receive final feedback and make modifications before submission to the county for approval © SARATOGA ASSOCIATES, PS&S 2010 Report to identify and address four key use zones: 1. Historic Buildings 2. Equestrian Facilities 3. The Preserve 4. Environmental/Educational Interpretive Activities PUBLIC MEETING OCTOBER 20, 2010 Phase 3 – Resolve & Refine Master Plan Public Workshop #4 (October 20, 2010) • Present vision statement and guiding principles • Refine principles based on community feedback Steering Committee Meeting #3 • Present pre-final master plan to steering committee • Determine final edits to master plan Product: Master Plan • • Generated by information gathered from Phases 1 and 2 Plan will incorporate: • Organization of the site • Conceptual design for four key zones • Document Community Feedback • Document Steering Committee Feedback Public Workshop #5 (November) • Present Master Plan to the community © SARATOGA ASSOCIATES, PS&S 2010 PUBLIC MEETING OCTOBER 20, 2010 VISION FOR MUTTONTOWN PRESERVE: Muttontown Preserve will continue to be a Nassau County operated preserve open to visitors to observe and appreciate nature, cultural resources (including three former estates) and enjoy passive recreation and equestrian activities. OVERALL PRESERVE: Achieve a balance between the preservation and protection of natural and cultural resources and defined recreation. Provide environmental and cultural education to the public. © SARATOGA ASSOCIATES, PS&S 2010 PUBLIC MEETING OCTOBER 20, 2010 GUIDING PRINCIPLES ADDRESS . . . • NATURAL RESOURCE PROTECTION • CULTURAL RESOURCE PROTECTION • SCENIC RESOURCE PROTECTION • RECREATION OPPORTUNITIES • ACCESS AND CONNECTIVITY IMPROVEMENTS • EDUCATION AND INTERPRETATION GOALS • OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE GOALS • COMMUNICATION AND PARTNERSHIP NEEDS • FACILITY DEVELOPMENT AND CAPITAL INVESTMENT REQUIREMENTS • INVENTORY, MONITORING AND RESEARCH NEEDS • SUSTAINABILITY AND ECOSYSTEM-BASED MANAGEMENT GOALS © SARATOGA ASSOCIATES, PS&S 2010 PUBLIC MEETING OCTOBER 20, 2010 NATURAL RESOURCES Preservation of natural resources is the primary goal at Muttontown Preserve. Identify, protect, manage and interpret natural resources at the preserve. • Identify a key person with a Natural Resources background to coordinate efforts to maintain natural resources, report progress and ensure long term plans are carried out. • Design and locate recreational and interpretive facilities to assure that they do not exceed the preserve’s capacity or infringe on important natural habitats. • Develop and carry out management strategies to protect or enhance natural resource areas of the preserve, including significant plant assemblages, wildlife, water bodies, wetlands and other habitats at the preserve. • Address invasive species issues at the preserve. © SARATOGA ASSOCIATES, PS&S 2010 PUBLIC MEETING OCTOBER 20, 2010 RECREATION MOVIE NIGHT GARDEN CENTER AND SHOP Provide permitted recreational programs that are compatible with the Nassau County Perpetual Preservation Law (Local Law 5-1988)- and the preserve’s natural, cultural, and physical resources. •Identify a key person with recreation and land management background to coordinate efforts to promote, control and report on recreational use of the preserve and to ensure that long-term plans are implemented. ENTRY SIGNAGE • Identify recreational activities that are compatible with the preserve’s natural and cultural resources and provide appropriate support for those activities. • County to encourage the long-term continuance of equestrian easements at adjacent areas and maintain safe connections to public easements. © SARATOGA ASSOCIATES, PS&S 2010 PUBLIC MEETING OCTOBER 20, 2010 RECREATION MOVIE NIGHT Recommended: GARDEN CENTER AND SHOP • Walking and Hiking • Running, Jogging • Horseback Riding • Cross-Country Skiing Requested: ENTRY SIGNAGE • Carriage rides in defined locations Disallowed at Muttontown Preserve: • Bicycling • Shooting • Motorized vehicles • Dog Walking • Amplified Sound © SARATOGA ASSOCIATES, PS&S 2010 PUBLIC MEETING OCTOBER 20, 2010 RECREATION: NASSAU COUNTY MANAGEMENT AREAS MOVIE NIGHT GARDEN CENTER AND SHOP © SARATOGA ASSOCIATES, PS&S 2010 PUBLIC MEETING OCTOBER 20, 2010 CULTURAL RESOURCES Identify, protect, preserve and interpret buildings, site and areas significant to the history, archeology and culture of the site. • Identify a key person to coordinate, review and report on the use, condition and preservation of cultural resources, especially as related to buildings and immediate grounds. • Determine appropriate level of preservation, reconstruction, restoration or reuse of on-site structures. •Identify appropriate uses for vacant or underutilized buildings that are compatible with their historic function and the mission of the preserve. • Continually re-evaluate the condition and maintenance of structures and their surroundings for safety and stability: set priorities and schedules for maintenance. © SARATOGA ASSOCIATES, PS&S 2010 PUBLIC MEETING OCTOBER 20, 2010 SCENIC RESOURCES Protect the scenic quality of the preserve, its landscapes, architecture, and views. •Provide and maintain vistas to Chelsea Mansion from the lawns. • Provide and maintain buffers to and from surrounding roadways as required in the original deed restrictions for Muttontown Preserve. Consider making buffer zones wider and more diverse. • Minimize the visual impact of any future activities or support facilities upon the scenic character of the preserve. © SARATOGA ASSOCIATES, PS&S 2010 PUBLIC MEETING OCTOBER 20, 2010 ACCESS & CONNECTIVITY Provide appropriate access to the preserve and its recreational, cultural and natural resources. •Provide and maintain emergency vehicle access through the preserve and its trail system for emergency response and rescue operations. • Provide preserve entrance signs, trail head orientation signs and markers to provide easy access to and from the preserve. • Provide reasonable access to preserve resources for persons with disabilities in accordance with the American with Disabilities Accessibility Guidelines (ADA). • Provide a printable trail map on the county website including directions to the preserve with parking and preserve use instructions. • Provide a non-motorized trail system that links the parking area(s) to the natural, cultural and recreational resources © SARATOGA ASSOCIATES, PS&S 2010 PUBLIC MEETING OCTOBER 20, 2010 EDUCATION & INTERPRETIVE GOALS Provide opportunities for education and interpretation for the natural, cultural and recreational resources of the preserve. • Identify a key person to coordinate education activities for county preserves including an ongoing training program for staff, volunteer educators, guides, docents and teachers. • Develop interpretive signage that is cohesive in its aesthetic throughout the preserve. • Provide guided and self-guided interpretive programs designed for the general public and organized groups, highlighting habitats, history, geology and buildings. • Develop programs that are compatible with and encourage the protection of preserve resources. •Promote the preserve as a location for study by higher education and other educational and research institutions. •Encourage internships and volunteer opportunities at the preserve to foster education and stewardship. •Create a documented oral history of the preserve. © SARATOGA ASSOCIATES, PS&S 2010 PUBLIC MEETING OCTOBER 20, 2010 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE GOALS Operate and maintain the preserve in a safe, clean and sustainable manner that protects the natural, cultural and recreational resources of the preserve. • Identify a key person with operations responsibilities to coordinate, schedule and report on site maintenance. Regular coordination with natural resources and site facilities personnel. • Development of publicly available written guidelines for the types and size of special events that are appropriate in the preserve (such as equestrian events) and operational guidelines to ensure the integrity of the preserves resources are not compromised. • Develop special events guidelines for programmable spaces within the preserve that clearly identifies the character and type of events that are appropriate. Would help to protect the natural and built resources of the preserve. • Provide a more efficient internal communication system for preserve staff and other county staff • Provide a more efficient external communication system to solicit and respond to maintenance issues identified by preserve users. © SARATOGA ASSOCIATES, PS&S 2010 PUBLIC MEETING OCTOBER 20, 2010 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE GOALS Operate and maintain the preserve in a safe, clean and sustainable manner that protects the natural, cultural and recreational resources of the preserve. • Develop and implement a set of maintenance and operation guidelines for the preserve. • Identify specific approaches to address resource protection and natural resource maintenance within the preserve’s operation and maintenance programs. • Develop partnerships for maintenance and operation guidelines with natural resources and building operations responsibilities. • Establish clear training, safety procedures and permitting to support volunteer activities such as trail maintenance, invasive species control and habitat enhancement projects. © SARATOGA ASSOCIATES, PS&S 2010 PUBLIC MEETING OCTOBER 20, 2010 COMMUNICATION AND PARTNERSHIP: Develop partnerships with other public agencies, not-for-profit organizations and the private sector. Ensure open and transparent communications with the public. Maintain an open, competitive and public communication as related to contracts and agreements related to the preserve. • Identify a key person to identify and pursue grants to support the maintenance and operation of the preserve. • Develop partnerships for maintaining facilities and conducting programs. This could include a Friends of Group or a Stewardship Council to help guide, publish and implement elements of the plans and projects. • Solicit, grant-write and advocate for funding. • Coordinate with federal, state and local agencies in the management and stewardship of the natural, cultural and recreational resources of the preserve. © SARATOGA ASSOCIATES, PS&S 2010 PUBLIC MEETING OCTOBER 20, 2010 FACILITY DEVELOPMENT AND CAPITAL INVESTMENT: Maintain, improve and invest in the built infrastructure of the preserve to meet the needs of the goals of the preserve in a sustainable manner. • Identify potential uses for vacant and underutilized buildings in the preserve. • Maintain and prioritize a schedule to perform preventative maintenance on existing buildings, structures, roads and infrastructure. Design changes to be reviewed for compatibility with preservation of nature and long-term sustainability. NOW • Seek proposals from potential groups and organizations/institutions through publicly announced RFPs to occupy and make use of vacant or underutilized structures within the site in a manner that is consistent with the mission of the preserve while preserving historic architectural character. • Ensure public access component is part of any adaptive re-use proposal. © SARATOGA ASSOCIATES, PS&S 2010 PUBLIC MEETING OCTOBER 20, 2010 INVENTORY, MONITORING AND RESEARCH: Encourage scientific research into the natural and cultural resources of the preserve. • Identify an institution to act as a repository for research & data collected at the preserve. • Create a system that periodically reevaluates, inventories and monitors research projects at the preserve. • Train, educate and provide outreach to staff and the public in order to support a successful invasive species control effort. © SARATOGA ASSOCIATES, PS&S 2010 PUBLIC MEETING OCTOBER 20, 2010 SUSTAINABILITY & ECOSYSTEM-BASED MANAGEMENT: For each Nassau County Park and Preserve the Commissioner shall oversee the development of a Management Plan to include a map showing the locations of management areas and permitted activities in accordance with Parks Policy (Local Law 5-1988) • Maintain diverse populations of native species • ControlNOW invasive plant communities • Actively manage the preserve through meadow management, planting programs, erosion control and protection of fresh water systems. © SARATOGA ASSOCIATES, PS&S 2010 PUBLIC MEETING OCTOBER 20, 2010 PRIORITIES: Master plan to be presented in November will lay out priority management and capital improvements for the long term sustainability and expanded utilization of Muttontown Preserve. • Provide entrance signs (3) • Provide welcome and orientation signs at parking areas and other key entrances (5) Orientation to include preserves rules and permitted uses. NOW • Provide clear trail signs to facilitate access in and out of preserve especially at trail crossings. • Provide clear (reflective) markings identifying emergency access route through the preserve. • Convene and practice an annual emergency rescue drill with local EMS, fire and police department © SARATOGA ASSOCIATES, PS&S 2010 PUBLIC MEETING OCTOBER 20, 2010 PRIORITIES: • Improve entry roads and parking areas with latest in sustainable design. • Stabilize structures or secure them including Zog Ruins, Gazebos and Williamsburg Village. • Identify equestrian trails • Enhance trails where needed to limit erosion, flooding or root damage. • Provide improved trail map with updated information NOW • Implement meadow mowing to maintain habitat without damage to nesting areas • Participate in regional invasive plant control • Improve access to the pinetum with new ID tags and signs • Implement fairy house gallery and program behind Nassau Hall © SARATOGA ASSOCIATES, PS&S 2010 PUBLIC MEETING OCTOBER 20, 2010 PRIORITIES: • Identify county person(s) to expand, promote, coordinate, monitor and permit activities at the preserve. • Seek partners for improvements to equestrian center rings, fences, and footing. • Seek partners for implementing cultural tours to include Chelsea Mansion, Nassau Hall, (Barnswallow), and Zog Ruins. • Seek partners for implementing an expanded nature education program including teacher training NOW • Seek partners for implementing a habitat and trails management volunteer program © SARATOGA ASSOCIATES, PS&S 2010 PUBLIC MEETING OCTOBER 20, 2010 PRIORITIES: • Improve north bound left turn into equestrian center • Interpret Zog Ruins • Provide viewing platforms and bird blinds at selected locations • Provide outdoor education demonstration areas • Renovate Chelsea Garden and greenhouse • Connect Chelsea Garden with Mansion and Nature Center NOW • Expand Nature Center and provide school bus parking and restrooms • Renovate rose garden at Nassau Hall • Reconstruct Williamsburg Village with appropriate programming • Reconstruct Tennis at Chelsea Mansion and/or Nassau Hall © SARATOGA ASSOCIATES, PS&S 2010 PUBLIC MEETING OCTOBER 20, 2010 PRIORITIES: • Identify key person to make a quarterly report to the Parks Commissioner on the state of the preserve and related buildings. Publish an annual report on the county website. • Maintain and prioritize a schedule to perform preventative maintenance on existing buildings, structures, roads and infrastructure. • Continue rental of apartments through contract agreement as a means of keeping the buildings in use and in good condition. NOW • Continue residential use of buildings to provide a 24/7 presence. • Continue to explore alternative uses for the buildings in keeping with the preserve mission • Continue use of Chelsea Mansion as a wedding venue and seek additional opportunities to generate revenue including art exhibitions, music (not amplified), dance and the arts. • Continue use of Nassau Hall for county and not-for-profit office space. © SARATOGA ASSOCIATES, PS&S 2010 PUBLIC MEETING OCTOBER 20, 2010 Questions & Comments © SARATOGA ASSOCIATES, PS&S 2010 PUBLIC MEETING OCTOBER 20, 2010
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