Interrobang April18.qxd (Page 1)
Interrobang April18.qxd (Page 1)
Choose your candidate 4-5 Big Wreck’s big new album 8 Video games and the orchestra 9 Volume 44 Issue No. 24 March 12, 2012 2 NEWS Volume 44 Issue No. 24 March 12, 2012 MARCH EVENTS TUESDAY 03-13 QUESTION OF THE WEEK INTERNET JOB SEARCH WHAT ARE YOU DOING ON ST. PATRICK’S DAY? FREE | 2:30 PM to 4 PM Register with Career Services for details WEDNESDAY 03-14 FIRST RUN FILM JOHN CARTER Rainbow Cinemas $3.50 STUDENTS | $5 GUESTS FSU POKER NIGHT CREDIT: ERIKA FAUST Michelle Bjsterveld (left), Adam Gourlay and Elicia Persaud collect donations for the Relay For Life event, which will take place from March 24 at 7 p.m. until March 25 at 7 a.m. Relay For Life is a fundraising event for the Canadian Cancer Society. According to the Canadian Cancer Society’s website, “Relay is fun, fulfilling and your participation gives strength to our mission to eradicate cancer.” Kiera Squire “I haven’t decided yet, probably going out.” SEX TOY BINGO FREE | 9 PM | OUT BACK SHACK THURSDAY 03-15 10 Things I Know About You... INTERVIEW SKILLS FREE | 10 AM to 11:30 AM Register with Career Services for details Kaisar gets his kicks Dalton “Winston” Churchill “Getting to together with a group of friends and celebrating luck for the year.” David Fleuelling “Nothing... I don’t need a day to tell me when to drink. If I want to drink, I drink!” Victor Mario Kaisar is in his first year of the Broadcast Journalism program. Kaisar said of himself: “I used to be shy, I’m glad that’s over. My brother calls me freakishly tall and at times I understand what he means. I love sports, I was a school captain, played on the soccer team and made a lot of people laugh.” 1. Why are you here? I left home, in far-off India, to do the program I’m in and it’s been an amazing experience so far. 2. What was your life-changing moment? I’d say leaving home and living in London all by myself. I do miss home, but living alone, I’ve learned to be more responsible. 3. What music are you currently listening to? Coldplay and Green Day are my favourites. I’d listen to classic rock all day with Eminem and some more rap thrown in there as well. And yes, I can’t stand Justin Bieber. 4. What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received? From my dad: Do whatever you set your heart out to, don’t worry about the cost, but do everything with 100 per cent commitment. 5. Who is your role model? It’s hard to say, actually. I played soccer while growing up and used to look up to Oliver Kahn and Edwin van der Sar. 6. Where in the world have you travelled? Canada, Italy, Austria, England, Singapore and Thailand (lost count of the number of times), Indonesia, Malaysia and tons of places within India. 7. What was your first job? Would you be shocked if I said I haven’t worked once in my life? It isn’t part of culture in India to work while in high school and I’d 6:30 PM | Forwell Hall Register in advance at the Biz Booth for $2, or for $3 at the door. ST. PATRICK’S DAY PUB change that if I could. 8. What would your last meal be? Hey, if it’s my last meal, it’d have to be everything. It sounds cliché, I know but, I love eating just about anything. If I can’t decide what to order, I usually end up closing my eyes and picking something randomly. 9. What makes you uneasy? Exams, naturally. It’s a good thing my program doesn’t have many of them. 10. What is your passion? In my short time as part of XFM News, I’ve covered a breaking fire story and spoken to Austin Watson. It was enthralling. I also have a collection of paper towels from various restaurants all across the world. But my biggest passion will always be sports. Do you want Fanshawe to know 10 Things About You? Just head on over to and click on the 10 Things I Know About You link at the top. Forwell Hall | 9:30PM $3 ADV | $4 DOOR FRIDAY 03-16 NTERNATIONAL STUDENTS - RESUMES AND COVER LETTERS WORKSHOP FREE | 2 PM to 3:30 PM Register with the International Office for details FREE NEW MUSIC NIGHT Rich Kidd, Smash Brovaz, Haviah Mighty and Sound Minds Out Back Shack | 9:30PM FANSHAWE AT THE KNIGHT 7:30 PM | JLC $17 for students | $18 for guests KNIGHTS VS SARNIA STING TICKETS AVAILABLE IN ADVANCE AT THE BIZ BOOTH KIOSK QUIZ Jake Davidson “Getting hammered!” WHERE CAN YOU ADVERTISE TO SUBLET YOUR APARTMENT? Drop by the Welcome Kiosk with your answer. Five win ners will be selected from corre ct entries and we’ll notify winners by email. The Welcome Kiosk (between the Bookstore and the Lib rar y) is open all year between 8am and 4pm, Monday to Friday. Shawn Wall “I’m not doing anything! I don’t drink, so what is there to do, really? No, seriously, what else is there to do? Be a DD for my drunk, annoying friends, who claim to be Irish once a year? No thanks!” PRI ZES SPO NS OR CREDIT: SUBMITTED Victor “Macine Gun” Kaisar loves his program. ED BY CH AR TW ELL S NEWS Volume 44 Issue No. 24 March 12, 2012 Health conference breathes life into charity CAROLYN SULLIVAN INTERROBANG Need inspiration? Then you can breathe easy. This year, Fanshawe’s up-and-coming Respiratory Therapists are taking their novel approach to health-care education and charity fundraising to new levels with the annual Respiratory Therapy Student Conference. No student at Fanshawe College is any slouch at fundraising, if the ubiquitous bake sales and coin drives are any indication, and our nationally renowned programs should be a good hint to our stance on education. So five years ago, a group of Fanshawe Respiratory Students put two and two together and came up with $800 by hosting a health-care conference, donating the sum to their long-time charity, the Lung Association. The conference covers a broad spectrum of issues in respiratory care and includes an interprofessional panel of speakers ranging from the nationally renowned Dr. Jim Lewis of the University of Western Ontario’s Department of Physiology and Pharmacology to Heather Morris, a 2005 Fanshawe graduate of the Respiratory Therapy program. With topics going as far abroad as global medicine and as close to home as home-care therapies, they expect a good turnout. “We expect at least 60 students,” commented Nadine Meek, VicePresident of the Respiratory Therapy Student Federation and one of the foremost organizers behind the event. “We have opened up the conference to students in other RT programs from schools such as Michener, St. Clair and Conestoga Colleges, and we have received a significant response from those students. It will be great to get to know students … from other schools and to gain valuable networking opportunities.” But this opportunity is hardly limited to Respiratory students. “Even if you aren’t in the RT program, I think the conference will still be very beneficial to anyone who is interested in learning about different topics in the health care field,” Meek enthused. “For example, we have a speaker coming in to talk about electronic stethoscopes, which doesn’t pertain solely to RTs and would be very applicable to almost any allied health professional. As well, even if some of the topics are more RT-focused, I think it would be a good experience … to learn about what RTs CREDIT: CAROLYN SULLIVAN Ishtiaque Ahmed intubates a respiratory mannequin with a self-regulating endotracheal tube while Ryan Johnson, first-year Representative for the RT students, cheers him on. Intubation, a primary means of securing an airway for patients on long-term ventilation, is touched upon during the upcoming conference. do, how they interact with other health care professionals and to make connections with fellow Fanshawe students.” Networking is yet another aspect of the conference that attendees have to look forward to. With representatives from the MiddlesexLondon Health Unit and local medicare companies in attendance, student health practitioners can hobnob with their future employers over the conference’s complementary breakfast and lunch. And, if last year’s conference was any indication, the synergy of so many health-care practitioners in one room can be almost exhilarating. “It was a blast!” said Leann Trowbridge, a second-year RT student . “I had such an amazing time last year! Great people!” Her classmates were also enthusiastic in their responses. “Oh yeah, we’re excited!” Stacey Gibson added. The Fanshawe faculty are hardly less pleased than the students. “It’s pretty exciting that the Respiratory Therapy students have offered to provide this event,” Paul Williams said. As Coordinator of the RT program at Fanshawe and a former Paramedic, Williams is well situated to see the response in the greater community to this endeavour. “It’s well recognized interprovincially, as well as being a unique Fanshawe experience. We’re the only college offering this conference so far.” Students looking to get in on this ‘unique Fanshawe experience’ can also build their portfolio, as certifi- cates of participation will be extended to all in attendance, yet another perk sure to attract students from health-care programs that expect high extracurricular involvement. To RVSP your place at the conference, contact the RT ticket sales reps Dipesh Patel at [email protected] or Charlene Male at [email protected]. Hope to see you there! 3 Engineering bursary announced ERIKA FAUST INTERROBANG March is National Engineering Month, and the Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists (OACETT) kicked it off at Fanshawe College on March 7 by announcing a huge bursary that will benefit students studying in an OACETT recognized engineering or applied science program. OACETT officially launched its 25 for 25 Building Forward campaign, which will expand the organization’s Carole and George Fletcher Foundation bursary program, at Fanshawe by announcing the creation of a $40,000 endowment fund, which will create a $1,000 bursary in perpetuity awarded annually to an engineering or applied science student. OACETT is the professional association that promotes the interests of engineering and applied science technicians and technologists in industry, educational institutions, with government and with the public. OACETT is also Ontario’s independent certifying body for engineering and applied science technicians and technologists. The Carole and George Fletcher Foundation bursary program helps young people across the province pursue careers in engineering and applied science technology. Since awarding its first bursary in 1987, the Foundation has recognized 326 worthy students across Ontario. Two recent recipients from 2011 include Adam Mihm, a recipient from Fanshawe’s Civil Engineering Technology program and Andrea Aube from Fanshawe College, Environmental Technology Program. “This is a great opportunity to build on the long relationships OACETT has with Fanshawe,” said Rod MacLeod, President of OACETT. “It allows us to strengthen our connection both to the college and directly to the students studying engineering and applied science technology.” This endowment marks the beginning of the 25 for 25 campaign, which ultimately has a goal to reach $1 million invested in education. “We believe this is an important investment in student education and will cultivate homegrown expertise to meet local and global demands for engineering technology professionals now and in the future,” added MacLeod. “Fanshawe’s bursary program has been growing significantly in the last number of years and that’s quite exciting,” said Dr. Howard Rundle, President of Fanshawe College. “We’re making contact with more and more donors every year who recognize the value of supporting post-secondary education.” “Today’s announcement is twofold,” continued Rundle. “First, it represents an opportunity for our donors to get a real sense of what their generosity can accomplish. Second, it demonstrates the power of community service for our students, which is one of the most vital lessons we can teach students while they’re here. Thank you, OACETT for teaching that lesson.” For more information about OACETT and the campaign, visit NEWS Volume 44 Issue No. 24 March 12, 2012 Making Ontario credit transfers more efficient KIRSTEN ROSENKRANTZ INTERROBANG One of the features of the education section of Ontario’s Drummond Report discussed the need to simplify the credit transfer system between and among Ontario colleges and universities. As a result, Ontario’s credit-transfer system is undergoing revision. This March, the College University Consortium Council (CUCC) is being wound down and replaced with the Ontario Council on Articulation and Transfer (ONCAT). The CUCC was focused mainly on transfers from colleges to universities, while the new ONCAT is looking to smooth the path for post-secondary students to transfer from college to university, university to college, from one college program to another and from one university program to another. In January 2011, the Ontario government announced a $73.7 million investment over five years to support the development of this credittransfer system with the hopes that it will reduce the need of transfer students to repeat courses. According to Bonnie Patterson, the President of the Council of Ontario Universities, Ontario universities and colleges currently have more than 500 bilateral and multilateral agreements in place. The new plan, however, will combine current agreements with others that are similar to those found in Alberta or British Columbia where students can complete the first two years of their undergraduate program at a college and then transfer to a university. Some institutions have taken their own steps toward improving the credit transfer system in Ontario. Algoma University, located in Sault Ste. Marie, recently announced that they would simplify the process by which students with a college diploma have their credentials assessed when applying to the university. “In the past, college students would earn transfer credits based on an evaluation of individual course by course comparisons,” said Algoma University Registrar David Marasco. The new policy provides direct entry into a degree program for students with a 3.0 GPA or higher who have earned 45 credits (for a two-year diploma) or 60 credits (for a three-year diploma) towards their degree. The University of Guelph is another institution that is looking at ways to recruit college graduates by creating the Mobility and Pathways Working Group. “Transfer students come to university armed with previous knowledge and experiences, and their needs and expectations are often different from those of traditional students,” said Maureen Mancuso, University of Guelph’s Provost and Vice-President, Academic. “Our goal is to look at how we can attract and sustain this unique student group by improving services and transparency and helping to streamline the transfer process,” she continued. Fanshawe College currently has articulation agreements with numerous universities both in and outside Ontario, including the University of Western Ontario, Brock University, Ryerson University and the University of Western Sydney in Australia. For more information on Fanshawe’s articulation agreements, visit Your innovative thinking could pay off big KIRSTEN ROSENKRANTZ INTERROBANG Ontario Centres of Excellence is hosting their annual Discovery conference on May 14 and 15 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. The Discovery 2012 Conference takes ideas from innovation to commercialization. It brings together key figures from industry, academia, government, the investment community as well as entrepreneurs and students in order to pursue collaboration opportunities. A feature of the Discovery 2012 Conference is a few competitions geared towards students, including the Social Enterprise Student Competition and the Student Video Competition. The Social Enterprise Student Competition is for students with an idea for a new socially responsible product, service or business model. It is an opportunity to receive guidance in developing a business plan and then present it to leading social innovation experts at the conference. Social innovation refers to new ideas that resolve existing social, cultural, economic and environmental challenges. Participants must submit a 1,000-word business plan by April 2, and then 10 finalists will be chosen and paired up with a leading social innovator to receive mentor- ing and guidance. All finalists will then pitch their plan at the Discovery 2012 Conference in May where the winners will be announced. The first-place winner will receive $25,000, second place will receive $10,000 and third place will receive $5,000. The 10 semi-finalists will also receive a reimbursement of up to $1,000 for eligible expenses incurred while preparing their business plan. One of the other competitions involved in Discovery 2012 is the Student Video Competition. Here, students make a three-minute video pitch using props, computer graphics or any other element they can think of. The pitch should focus on a new technology, innovation or start-up idea the student wishes to take to the next level. Submission forms must be entered by April 2 and videos must be uploaded to YouTube by April 30. The top 25 videos will be featured on the Ontario Centres of Excellence YouTube channel, their Facebook page and will be shown at the Discovery 2012 Conference. Winning submissions will receive one of three cash prizes of up to $2,500. For more information on the conference, competition rules and detailed submission requirements, visit CANDIDATES 2012 4 VP ATHLETICS Jayme Cox Brayden Swire Hey Falcons, My name is Jayme! I am running for VP Athletics and Residents Life (or newly known as Student Life). If elected I hope to have forward motion on the Rugby and Hockey movement here at Fanshawe. As many students know we do not have these sports here at Fanshawe, but they are both in high demand. I am currently staff adviser for the first ever Relay for Life. If elected I would like to make sure that our first Relay for Life, is not our last. Being on the Relay for Life committee has allowed me to be involved within the school, and to discover the many talents we have within it. Being on Relay for Life has also given me the opportunity to be in FSU a lot, and I believe that I as an outgoing and fun person I would fit in very well with the environment of FSU and that I can gain great assets and experiences from being part of the great organization known as FSU. I would appreciate your vote. I look forward too and am very excited for the upcoming elections! Thank you for your time. I have always been involved with athletics. I can’t remember a time that I wasn’t on the court playing or behind the scenes scorekeeping and helping run tournaments. I’m running this year to become the new vice president of athletics because it’s a position I am very familiar with. In high school I was the president of the student athletic council for two years. I helped organize the schools first athletic banquet in the schools history. This job comes with a lot of responsibilities to the schools athletic programs, varsity teams, and school run intramural teams. I hope to replace ripped and torn varsity uniforms, bring another varsity, start up intermural bowling teams, and raise money to go towards the schools year-end athletic banquet. I hope I have your support in this coming election, make sure you come out and vote. Make sure you check out my campaign table that will be set up at different areas during my campaign. Come try my hand-eye challenge for your chance to win a free Ping-Pong ball. Give the gift of life PAIGE MCDADE SPECIAL TO INTERROBANG is a new online Service Ontario registry replacing the donor card. This may be the most important three minutes of your life: one click registers your wishes to be an organ and tissue donor. One click at may save eight lives and also enhance 75 other lives. It is equally important to let your loved ones know your wishes. Every three days, one patient who is listed for a life-saving transplant dies, as they didn’t get their transplant in time. We can do better! Steve Jobs received his life-saving liver transplant in 2009 and he changed the world for all of us with many computer and electronic inventions. Every single life saved is just as valuable, and thousands try to remain hopeful on the transplant waiting list. As of February 24, 2012, there are currently 1,514 patients in Ontario alone who are listed for this life-saving transplant. Transplants work, they save lives! Please join the London E K I L IT’S ING D A E L PACK THE status u the VIP ree o y e iv g a could o or th ss diplom traight into year tw e in s u b r rs You to transfe m: you need er degree progra b of a Hum iness plied Bus anagement p A f o r lo Bache rces M esou Human R Find out if you are eligible. Transplant Gift of Life Association at the awareness registration booth for more information and to register at on March 19, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. outside of the bookstore in F Hallway. Please don’t forget your OHIP card. Together we may change these statistics and give every listed patient a chance to receive a lifesaving transplant in their time of need. What a remarkable legacy this is! Please don’t hesitate to contact us anytime for more information at [email protected]. FSU ELECTIONS NEWS Volume 44 Issue No. 24 March 12, 2012 CANDIDATES 2012 T PRESIDEN D E BAAR CTHE1 2 A MON. M ON UNGE - NO LU M N I LO Zack Dodge Bobby Foley Shallis Ryder What’s up Fanshawe! My name is Zack Dodge, and over the past four years Fanshawe College has been my home. My time here has inspired me to give back to the student community that has changed my life forever, and that is why I am running for FSU President. I am 24 years old, proudly Canadian, and have lived in Ontario my whole life. I was born in Toronto, raised in Cambridge, and now residing in London. Southern Ontario has been my home my entire life. Prior to my time at Fanshawe College, you could have found me drumming for a punk band, or working in a music store. Although I have many passions, my love for video games and media production is what brought my attention to Fanshawe. During my time on campus, I have graduated from Multi Media Design and Production, and am currently studying Corporate Communications and Public Relations. Fanshawe has allowed me to combine my passion for media production, and my love for people. Not just people, more or less communities, which is exactly what we represent as the Fanshawe student body. The past four years on campus have been life changing to say the least, and I truly owe it all to my involvement with the FSU. You may recognize my face from my nightly work as an FSU custodian. I take pride in my work and love giving back to the campus. As of March 7th the FSU election begins. Vote Zack Dodge! I am about to graduate from Graphic Design and work as a writer for Interrobang since shortly after I began here at Fanshawe. Working for Interrobang allowed me to join the FSU family and gave me the opportunity to work through summers, so I’m happy to say Fanshawe has been my second home year–round since 2009. I was originally born in Scarborough, although I’ve moved around a lot in my life — I’ve lived all over the Toronto area and for a while in Florida and Nova Scotia. I was 21 when my daughter was born, and although I separated with her mom I moved to London to be closer to her; I made the decision to attend Fanshawe after living here a while and falling in love with the city. Since living in London I’ve spearheaded sports groups through work, become a member of an improv comedy group and emceed charity events around the city. And since joining the Interrobang family, I’ve traveled all over representing the newspaper and school at festivals and workshops alike. I’m comfortable speaking in front of people and unafraid to represent Fanshawe students in any way I can. Fanshawe has been good to me for three years, and it would be an honour to serve as President of the Fanshawe Student Union. Thanks for your consideration, see you around the school. Hey all! My name is Shallis Ryder and I’m running for President of FSU. I have a very bubbly personality and am very outgoing. I’m willing to try new things and take on new challenges. I am also a very compassionate person who tends to put others first. I’m kind of a kid at heart when it comes to some things; I could watch Disney movies all day long if I could and the family channel is always on my TV. Something else about me you may not know is that I love to dance. I have been dancing since I was three years old and it is one of my major passions in life. I became a professional dancer at the age of 18 when I worked for Carnival Cruise Line; I’ve also won a gold medal for Canada at the world championships for tap dance. When I injured my knee on the cruise ship, I thought it was a good time to come to school for another passion of mine, working with children. I’m now in my graduating year of the Child and Youth Worker program and I’m loving it! Along with working with kids, I like working with people in general. Meeting new people and discovering their personalities is something that just makes my life. It’s a goal of mine to meet everyone at Fanshawe and do what I can to make college a life an enhancing experience for everybody. VP EX EC U T IV E EL EC T IO N SP EE C H ES TU ES . MA RC H 13 FO RW ELL HA LL - NO ON FANSHAWE STUDENT UNION 2012 ELECTIONS PRESIDENT 5 VP INTERNAL Tory Holmes Hello Fanshawe! My name is Tory Holmes and I will be running as your VP Internal for next year. I am 21 years old and hail from a small town 10 hours north of here called Timmins Ontario. I am a Fanshawe Recreation and Leisure Services graduate and I am hoping to return in the fall for Music Industry Arts. As your VP of internal affairs I am very excited to start working with the many clubs that Fanshawe is a host to and also to do the very best job I can with events like awareness weeks, campus events, orientation and the Fanshawe open house. I am an extremely outgoing individual and love meeting new people. Currently, I work in the special events department here at Fanshawe as sort of jack-of-all trades, you may have seen me handing out flyers, putting up posters or just helping out at random events. Some of my favorite things to do when I’m not work are playing guitar, going to the movies or out with friends, attending local concerts and riding my skateboard. Like I mentioned earlier, I am so excited to start working in the Student Union and meeting many new people. Take care Fanshawe, it’s going to be an awesome year! VP FINANCE ENTERTAINMENT Emma Newman Arjun Ruparelia VP EXTERNAL Kendra Sauder Adam Gourlay Hey everyone, my name is Adam Gourlay and I want to be your FSU VicePresident External & Academic Affairs. I am currently enrolled in the BusinessMarketing program. You may recognize me. That’s because I currently hold a position with the FSU. I’m back again and eager to represent you, the Fanshawe students, in the FSU. If elected I promise to do my best to make sure the student voice gets heard. If elected, I will be responsible for the representation of provincial student lobby groups, I will liaise between the FSU and other institutions of learning, I will manage the Class representative system, as well as being the support person for students in all academic appeals. I want to make everyone’s time here at Fanshawe as fun and stress-free as possible! I am excited about the prospect of being a part of Fanshawe Student Union again. Go Falcons!!! VOTE Monday, March 12 at 9AM through Thursday, March 15 at 2PM Bigger Frosh, Home Grown Talent and more Student Choice!! Hey Fanshawe, I’m Kendra Sauder and I am your best choice for VP Entertainment 2012-2013! Why? Bigger Frosh: • Increase the Frosh Sponsorship goal, start earlier and expand the sponsorship options • Get involved with as many competitions for free shows/free gigs as possible Home Grown Talent: • Create more opportunities for local Fanshawe and London bands to get on our stage • Create opportunities for Student choice bands to open for bigger acts that come to Fanshawe Student Choice: • Create an interactive Entertainment Blog with Polls about themes, bands, genre and more! • More Battle Events! Head to Head DJ Faceoffs, Battles of the Bands, Freestyle competitions and more! Like what you’re reading? Feel free to join the Facebook Group “Kendra for VP Entertainment” and Vote Kendra for your VP of E on FOL From March 12-15th! Keep Party Rockin’ Fanshawe, see you out there! Sup Fanshawe? My name is Emma NEWMAN and I am running for the position of Vice President of Finance for the 2012/2013 school year. I'm currently finishing up my final year of Music Industry Arts, as well as my year as VP Entertainment for the FSU. Through my experience as the SAC Rep for Contemporary Media in 2011, as well as on the Executive Committee for 2011-2012, I have learned a lot about the FSU's involvement with the financial issues that students deal with. As VP Finance, I would be responsible for making sure that YOU are aware of the free money available to help you successfully complete your education. It would be my responsibility to make myself available to you when you have questions or problems with your finances that you need help working out. I would be perfect for this position because I’ve experienced the financial issues that students face, as well as how hard it can be to apply for and obtain OSAP, bursaries, and awards. I also have experience with the many ways the FSU can help you through money issues and help you find free money by showing you how to find and apply for awards and scholarships. These are only some of the responsibilities of the VP Finance, but I can assure you that I am prepared to tackle anything to make sure that money problems don't get in the way of your education! Please, make sure you VOTE in this election! -Newman Hey Fanshawe Students! My name is Arjun Ruparelia, a second year BusinessInsurance student. My philosophy is study hard and party harder (Hand stands at tap house). Fanshawe has given me so much and taught me how to network, to be independent, be self-motivated and to keg stand. The role of VP Finance is to make sure money spent by the FSU is for the student’s best interest. To fulfill that role I will have faster funding for clubs, post weekly financial reports of every penny spent to the students and increase bursaries and scholarships through corporate sponsors. I can ensure that the student’s voices will be heard through my efforts to create a better environment for our students and faculty. Student budgeting is extremely tight for most of us and I want to lower the student fees as much as I can. Through an honest and ethical approach to the position of VP Finance, my plans will implement long term goals that not only will help current students, but students 10 years from now. The following candiates didn’t submit their bio: VP of Entertainment: Dakota Thompson Board of Governors: Shawn Sikorski 6 OPINION LETTERS TO THE EDITOR [email protected] Volume 44 Issue No. 24 March 12, 2012 Power tripping people a treat to deal with PSYCH YOUR MIND ROSE CORA PERRY My whole life I’ve been told, upon first impression, I’m rather intimidating. My whole life, I’ve found this phenomenon rather curious. No, I’m not looking for an ego-stroking here. Rather, I guess you could say I just find it difficult to come to grips with the notion of being intimidated by another person, in general. We all are, after all, “the same underneath our skin.” Given this view, I’m sure you can appreciate I’ve found myself in conflict with authority figures on many occasions. But, again, don’t get me wrong, my feelings do not derive even slightly from a lack of respect toward others. Call me crazy, but I simply feel everyone, irrespective of their station in life, should be treated as you would want to be treated. It is my opinion that a person’s character is not defined simply by the work they do or the position(s) they hold, but instead the kind of life they choose to lead. This preface brings me to today’s topic at hand: that of power, its uses and abuses and the psychology behind it. But first I’d like to share yet another wonderful anecdote of this melodrama I call my life: A few months ago, I was doing some subcontracted work for a web/graphic design firm. Despite being computer savvy and having a strong background in both domains, I was relegated to solely handling their administrative paperwork and minor site updates, such as blog writing. I didn’t complain and I was relatively happy within the work environment and appreciated the supplementary income. Right from the get-go though, my boss, who was considerably less qualified/educated than me, younger than me and quite evidently the coddled child of a well-off family, took every opportunity to attempt to shoot me down. Initially, I wasn’t sure if he was just kidding around, but I guess you could say I got my answer when I was relieved of my position for merely sticking up for myself. In front of my fellow coworkers, my boss exclaimed outright that if I were to design a particular item, “No offense, but it would look like shit.” When I corrected him by stating, “Actually, I’m trained in that software and regularly use it for other clients,” I was immediately pulled out into the hallway and told that this was my “final warning” for “having an arrogant attitude.” I pointed out that I had not been given any prior warnings so I found his statement rather confusing. Secondly, I made it clear I didn’t feel defending myself when I’ve been called out and embarrassed in front of the rest of the staff constituted an “attitude problem.” His response, and I quote, was, “I said, ‘no offense.’” Now, in this particular instance, it’s difficult to conclude whether my boss had it in for me because a) he was sexist b) he was a spoiled brat who believed the world should revolve around him c) he felt threatened by me or d) perhaps a combination of all of the above. Irrespective of this, one thing is for certain: his conduct toward me was motivated by feelings of insecurity, inferiority and threat; something that is evident by the fact I was fired for failing to “buy into”/challenging his conception of himself as an authority/powerful figure. In his defence, however, perhaps his persuasion of what constitutes appropriate leadership was/is derived from modern society’s countless examples of corporate and political leaders who rely heavily on intimidation tactics/fear/bullying to win support from the general population and who constantly abuse their power yet seem to face little to no consequences. Ironically, many studies on the subject have noted that “relatability” and “likeability” are key factors to gaining the initial support required to rise to power. Once that power is obtained, however, as noted by The Economist, “corruption, a hypocritical tendency to hold others to higher standards of conduct than oneself and a sense of entitlement to abuse the systems in which one lives or works,” tends to reign supreme. So why then do so many of us lust after it? Evolutionary psychology would suggest that our desire for power stems from our natural instinct to protect and prolong our own kin. By seeking out and maintaining positions of power, we are in a better position to provide for our loved ones and therefore continue the “survival” of our “species.” As German philosopher Nietzsche explained, all life forms are constantly in battle to inflict their wills upon others, as doing so allows for growth, self-preservation, domination and upward mobility. Power, in psychological terms, is defined as “the ability to enact your will or influence onto others.” According to Dr. Christopher Heffner, there are five types of power one can possess: 1. Coercive: the power to punish 2. Reward: the power to acknowledge/ recompense 3. Legitimate: power granted by some external authority 4. Expert: power that results from experience or education 5. Referent: power derived from respect or admiration; power attributed through idolization CREDIT: IMAGES.FASTCOMPANY.COM While power was assigned to our primitive ancestors based on tangible attributes that would clearly benefit the group against external threats (i.e. physical strength, size, speed, agility and aggression), in today’s world, power is oftentimes acquired through much more superficial demonstrations of charisma or attractiveness. For example, the U.S.’s current President has proven that being a “good talker” can go a long way… which brings me to my next and final point: the power in words. French social theorist Foucault alleged that power in society originates through discourse (i.e. the discussion of knowledge) as words allow us to conceptualize ideas, which then become beliefs, and in turn lead to actions based on those beliefs. Therefore, power resides with those who ultimately control the public discourse (e.g. the media, the educational system, politicians, stakeholders etc.). The debate about power – who has it, who should have it, what it constitutes and more – could go on indefinitely. I’d like to leave it for today with two final comments: 1. Psychological maturity is knowing when to pick your battles and setting standards in terms of what you will and will not tolerate from others. Yes, I could’ve kept my mouth shut when my boss made that final dig at me, but is my integrity worth sacrificing for an hourly wage? I think not. 2. On the other side of the equation, psychological maturity is also acknowledging that ALL people (and ALL living things for that matter) deserve to be treated respectfully. Believing you’re superior to others because you happen to be from a certain tax bracket or because you possess certain traits An Oscar at last for Plummer VICTOR KAISAR INTERROBANG “The hills are alive with the sound of music…” are iconic lines that will forever remain synonymous with the movie industry. But what connects The Sound of Music with Canada, you ask? Well, Christopher Plummer, who played the role of Captain Georg Ludwig von Trapp in the film, is Canadian. He was born eight decades ago in Toronto and is a well-respected person in Hollywood and the world. Plummer made his movie debut way back in 1958, playing Joe Sheridan, a young writer, in Sidney Lumet’s movie Stage Struck. From then on, it wasn’t completly smooth sailing, if a number of biographies are to be believed. However, that all changed with The Sound of Music, a movie that I have watched a number of times. After being cast in The Sound of Music, Plummer began appearing in a number of notable films including Battle of Britain (1970), The Man Who Would Be King (1975), The Return of the Pink Panther (1975) and A Beautiful Mind (2001). I’ve watched all these movies and even though some of them went on to win multiple awards at the Oscars; Christopher Plummer never bagged himself a nomination. This past month, during the 84th Academy Awards, Plummer finally got his hands on an Oscar for playing Hal, an old man who comes out as gay after the death of his wife in the movie Beginners (2010), in only his second-ever nomination. Both of Plummer’s nominations came in the Best Actor in a Supporting Role category, the other one was for playing Leo Tolstoy in The Last Station (2009). This win in 2012 makes Plummer the oldest recipient of an Academy Award at 82, a feat that is marvellous in its own way. “You’re only two years older than me, darling. Where have you been all my life?” were the words with which Plummer received his award. It’s been baffling as to why a renowned actor has had limited success at the Oscars; perhaps this is just one of the weird mysteries of life as we know it. Plummer has been regarded by his peers as one of the best actors of his generation and he was trained classically as a stage actor. I happened to chance across a number of articles that also surprised me as I was doing my research before writing this piece. Plummer’s most famous role, as Captain von Trapp, was a role he reportedly disliked. In fact, according to the Internet Movie Database, The Sound of Music was a film Plummer publicly despised until he softened his stance in his 2008 autobiography In Spite of Me. I’ve had this feeling for a while now, that if Plummer were British, he’d have been knighted by now, but that isn’t the case just yet. I’m not one to predict whether such an honour is in store for Plummer in the future. Even though Plummer spends most of his time with his third wife, Elaine Taylor (whom he married in 1970), on their 30-acre estate in Weston, Connecticut, he remains Canadian to this day. is extremely egocentric. Psychologically mature individuals recognize that each and every one of us has something unique to offer this world. Difference should never been defined in oppositional terms. FSU Publications Office SC1012 Publications Manager & Editor John Said [email protected] • 519.453.3720 ext. 224 Staff Reporter Erika Faust [email protected] • 519.453.3720 ext.247 Staff Reporter Kirsten Rosenkrantz [email protected] • 519.453.3720 ext.291 Graphic Design Darby Mousseau [email protected] • 519.453.3720 ext.229 Advertising Mark Ritchie [email protected] • 519.453.3720 ext. 230 Web Facilitator Allen Gaynor [email protected] • 519.453.3720 ext.250 Letters to the Editor [email protected] Graphic Design Contributors: Megan Easveld, Bernie Quiring, Kayla Watson Photographers: Anthony Chang Baden Roth James Williams Ariana Pinder Illustrator: Adéle Grenier Contributors: Aimee Brothman, Patricia Cifani, Susan Coyne, Shivani Dhamija, Victor De Jong Nauman Farooq, Bobby Foley, Brooke Foster, Madison Foster, Stuard Gooden, Rebecca Grieb, Tyler Gary, Allen Gaynor, Victor Kaisar, Christina Kubiw Kalashnik, Wendy Lycett, Taylor Marshall, Tabitha McCarl, Alison McGee, Maggie McGee, Rick Melo, Chelsey Moore, Emily Nixon, Paige Parker, Rose Perry, Jaymin Proulx, Ryan Springett, Scott Stringle, Carolyn Sullivan, Marty Thompson, Justin Vanderzwan, Michael Veenema, Jeremy Wall and Joshua Waller Comics: Dustin Adrian, Laura Billson, Robert Catherwood, Scott Kinoshita, Chris Miszczak and Andres Silva Cover Credit: DARBY MOUSSEAU Editorial opinions or comments expressed in this newspaper reflect the views of the writer and are not those of the Interrobang or the Fanshawe Student Union. All photographs are copyright 2011 by Fanshawe Student Union. All rights reserved. The Interrobang is published weekly by the Fanshawe Student Union at 1001 Fanshawe College Blvd., Room SC1012, London, Ontario, N5Y 5R6 and distributed through the Fanshawe College community. Letters to the editor are welcome. All letters are subject to editing and should be emailed. All letters must be accompanied by contact information. Letters can also be submitted online at by following the Interrobang links. Volume 44 Issue No. 24 March 12, 2012 OPINION LETTERS TO THE EDITOR [email protected] 7 Who’s really making the laws? VICTOR DE JONG INTERROBANG On plant closures and offshore call centres NOTES FROM DAY SEVEN MICHAEL VEENEMA [email protected] One of my older friends doesn’t get around much anymore. Parkinson’s keeps him in his chair most of every day. Thirty years ago, in his prime, he owned one of the largest heavy equipment companies in Nova Scotia. Most of his excavators and earth movers – 20 of them – carried the name that’s no stranger to London: CAT, also known as Caterpillar. Trade magazines published articles about him with pictures of big machines and the open-shirted, grinning men who operated them. I think the article of which my friend is most proud is the one telling how he modified one of the largest CAT excavators you could buy, a “245.” He added 21 feet to the boom so it would reach down to the bottom of the Halifax Harbour. This allowed him to dredge the dock areas. Engineers would travel in from other parts to observe my friend’s creation. He does admit now that the extension was hard on the rest of the 245. Occasionally a hydraulic seal would blow. That wasn’t really important, though. The main thing was that the “job got done.” My friend remembers his relationship with Caterpillar as a neighbourly one. He believed that the company was trying to do well for him and he in turn tried to do well for it. Yes, it was a business relationship and everyone paid attention to the bottom line. But, as I hear my friend talk about his CAT machines, it seems that for him it was about more than profits. It was about being a neighbourly business partner. Are the days of the neighbourly business relationship numbered? Maybe. Could you actually run a business on the basis of a handshake and friendship? Probably not. Many people have found out the hard way that nothing ruins friendship quicker than thoughtlessly adding money to the mix. In today’s world, especially in Ontario where manufacturing and jobs have taken some big hits, it’s all the more difficult to have a neighbourly business relationship. Caterpillar leaves London, not because its company executives have anything against the area or against graduates of Fanshawe. There are other considerations. The company will apparently get tax breaks for moving jobs to the U.S. Cheaper labour is available in, say, parts of South America. It may have been downright unneighbourly for Caterpillar to leave after whatever financial help it got from Canadian government agencies was maxed out and spent. It may have been a tad hostile to insist on deep wage cuts or else, and then the “or else” happened. But the company apparently didn’t break any laws, so who’s going to blame them? One sector that won’t be blaming them is the mutual fund managers who buy Caterpillar stock. It would not be a surprise to find that some of those managers look after your money or someday will. And the increase in dividends that comes from the relocation and increased profitability of Caterpillar is something you, dear reader, and I too, may very well benefit from. Warning! Reading further may raise some tricky questions. Mutual fund managers demand steady, if not rising, profitability. But is that their fault? After all, it’s we down here below, toiling in the trenches, who want “freedom 55” or something like that. And if we are going to make money in our sleep, someone else will have to pony up. And we depend on our fund managers to make it so. But that’s not our fault, is it? After all, we keep being told that by investing in companies we are making the world a better place. We are helping to lift the poor employee of Caterpillar – or fill in any company name here such as Apple, Nike, GAP or the International Banana, Pineapple and Kiwi Conglomeration (okay, I made that one up) – who otherwise would have no job. Well, to be honest, it’s not that they would have no job. It’s just that they would have different jobs. They would, after all, be living in Asian villages and eating locally grown crops they had grown themselves. They would remain in the countrysides and jungles of the planet, carving tools by hand rather than buying them at Canadian Tire (or Peruvian Tire?). They would be living in igloos and maybe hunting seal or caribou. They would be living near family and longtime friends. Thank goodness!! They can now live in the burgeoning slums of the world’s great cities and labour in steel plants, in call centres and on assembly lines – free of the backward occupations, small villages, and frugal lifestyles of their ancestors. (To be continued.) If you thought that the people that you vote for actually had the power to create political change by creating and amending various laws, you’d only be half right. In Canada, we have a document titled the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms that exists to ensure that every Canadian receives the same treatment under the law. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms was created in 1982 and its purpose was to outline basic rights that all Canadians are entitled to. The creation of the Charter was indicative of a shift in matters of law-making because it gave judges the power to rule in favour of a defendant if said person could prove the accusation violates the Charter. The inherent problem with this is twofold. First, the Charter leaves a lot of room for interpretation and could be misconstrued. The second problem is the fact that the courtroom decisions made by judges set a legal precedent for future cases. This means that if an individual were cleared of charges because of a violation of the Charter, future defendants could reference that decision and ask to be granted the same pardon. While the Charter plays a vital role in connecting Canadians with their rights, it’s also given judges the power to alter Canadian law. While these judges are virtually always of remarkable character, they are not elected officials in whom the people have placed their trust. Due to this system, while something like the Omnibus crime bill may be passed, provisions of the bill may be found to contradict the Charter by denying the defendant one or more of his rights in a legal case. In this scenario, if the judge were to rule that a provision of the bill contradicted a Charter right, it could be overturned. The ruling would then be applicable to all those people who had been found guilty based on similar circumstances. Giving courts the ability to alter the law through their rulings creates tension between our political and legal systems and leads to a problem. This system alienates Canadians from the law-making process because, even after a law has been passed, there’s no guarantee that it won’t be overruled by a judge. The reality is that, despite their power, it’s rare for a judge to overturn a law or to rule that it violates the Canadian Charter. The troubling trend that seems to be emerging as we go forward is that the political system turns a blind eye to social issues, knowing that the courts will uphold the Charter. The Conservatives have a substantial support base that opposes socially volatile issues such as abortion, gay marriage and marijuana legalization. I personally know several individuals who vote Conservative exclusively because their parents did so and because they believe the party shares their values. The reality is that a party that is unwilling to address the concerns of their constituency doesn’t share their values, they just want their vote. Apolgizing doesn’t right a wrong Dear Editor: In following the case of Keith Horwood, a Western University alumni who’s become known as the “Western Hacker,” his predicament raises some interesting questions. Did Horwood think by apologizing on YouTube he would be absolved of his indiscretion, and is this an age-related phenomenon? I for one am glad that London police have charged Horwood with a number of offenses. Horwood, like many people these days, need to think before they act. Jud Jorry 8 LIFESTYLES Volume 44 Issue No. 24 March 12, 2012 Big Wreck satisfied with big new album BOBBYISMS BOBBY FOLEY I write about random things a lot. I write a lot about random things. I’m sure you know by now that Davy Jones, the iconic member of The Monkees and beloved British entertainer, passed away recently. Though it was the band that propelled him into stardom, he had already made appearances on a number of notable TV series, including Coronation Street in its second season. What you may not know is that The Monkees had a lot of influence in the pop and rock music in their era; Jimi Hendrix’ first American tour was opening for the famed group in the summer of 1967, and Jones himself is the reason another young musician by the same name would eventually choose the moniker ‘Bowie’ for his own career. Thirty years after The Monkees came to the United States, another young group of musicians released their debut album, a brilliant display of musicianship and composition; although they may not appear to have much in common with the famed pop group, timing could not have been better when Big Wreck entered the scene with their debut album, In Loving Memory Of.... Born at Boston’s Berklee College of Music, Big Wreck arrived on the scene armed with impeccable technique and style in a time of power chords and made a big statement about rock music. According to frontman Ian Thornley, however, it wasn’t necessarily a conscious effort to stand out among the scene... at least, not entirely. “It’s tough for me to say just what I was thinking back then, but I know that if I brought a song that had a formulaic sound or approach to the boys, I probably would’ve had something thrown at me,” he laughed. “Then I’d say, ‘But no, I’ve also got this riff in seven that you’re going to love!’” “I guess it started that way, we’re all kind of nerdy on the musicianship side of things. But a good song is a good song, that’s all you need.” On the eve of the album release last week, the band announced a Canadian tour that includes a stop at the London Music Hall on May 18. The band has been rehearsing, building a set that highlights the new material among favourites from their first two albums, however whether the band might tinker with their old songs remains to be Punk-rock St. Paddy’s Day show at Call The Office JAYMIN PROULX INTERROBANG This St. Patrick’s Day, don’t miss out on visiting Call the Office for some punk rock action, as ’63 Monroe, Teenage X and Radio Delete set the stage for some boisterous, shamrock fun March 17. The show is a licensed 19-plus event, tickets are $5. Toronto band Teenage X, who are releasing a new album this September, are returning to London for the first time since a show at Call The Office on June 17 last year. The band consists of Sarah Page (vocals, tambourine), Phil Page (bass, vocals), Rich Gaskin (guitars, vocals) and Mike Hawdon (drums, vocals). When asked to describe what directs their sound or what influences them, Gaskin was pointblank: “Teenage X has kind of developed their own sound … It’s based on a lot of influences, but it’s really hard to just pick one or two.” “A lot of bands are a cross between A and B,” he added. “We’re an alphabet soup and we cover A to Z.” Gaskin described some bands as having their performances dictate an all-out assault from start to finish. That’s not Teenage X’s repertoire. “We try to take the listener to a different place as opposed to all songs (being the same). With our new record (being released September 2012), it will take you to nine new places,” he said, adding that he dislikes repetition in performing or in albums. Gaskin illustrated Teenage X’s songwriting experience as confronting boundaries and, with his bandmates, making those boundaries limitless. He mentioned that he feels confident that he has a strong group with him for the March 17 show and knows regardless, if not metaphorically holding a map in his hands, that he’ll end up in a “good place.” “We’re always just looking to meet new people. We always encourage (everyone) to come up and talk with us. It makes the trip to London more memorable and builds community.” For info, visit, and CREDIT: RICHARD SIBBALD Big Wreck is coming to the London Music Hall on May 18. In the meantime, check out their newest release, Albatross, in stores now. band produced a teaser video again, do an outro and that’s it – seen. “I’ve always thought of that online that showcased samples of watch it climb the charts!’ And improvisational aspect as being them performing the new material then of course when that doesn’t just as important to our band thing together, earning thousands of happen, you think, ‘Man, I as the über-rehearsed ‘let’s not for- views from rock fans hungry for should’ve thrown a solo in there.’” For more on Big Wreck, their get that change’ thing,” Thornley their new music. On the eve of the release, the new album and tour, visit them explained. “All that time spent jamming together and learning lead single, “Albatross,” celebrated online at or each other’s instincts musically is its third week atop Canadian rock interact with Thornley himself on part of the thrill for me, and I think radio charts. Undoubtedly pleased, Twitter @bigwreckmusic. Look for fans also. ‘Whoa, how did they Thornley spoke of the record with for Albatross in stores and online, know that?’ We didn’t, that was an a modest pride. “This record is and watch for tickets to their gig in very satisfying creatively; there London on May 18. exciting moment for us, too.” And for more music news, “We’ve dug through the first was no conscious effort to steer a two albums, and there are a couple song away from where it wanted to views, album streams and more, consider following this column of surprises that we’re bringing go, and that’s a nice feeling.” “I think in Thornley (a band online via Twitter @fsu_bobout, for sure. We wanted to have as many tricks in the bag as we Thornley started in 2002 after Big byisms or on Tumblr at bobWreck broke up – they reunited in Hey, this was my could.” Widely released last week, 2010) we were going more in that 75th weekly column, what about Albatross is a massive rock record direction,” he continued, joking. that? I’m out of words. that is sure to please old and new “Like ‘Fuck it, we don’t need a fans alike. Prior to the release, the guitar solo. Let’s just hit the chorus FEBRUARY 2012 $ HEALTH & Dental Plan OPT OUT CHEQUES ARE IN! Pick them up in SC 2001 LIFESTYLES Volume 44 Issue No. 24 March 12, 2012 9 Way more than just “bleeps and bloops” ERIKA FAUST INTERROBANG From the epic, sweeping music in a game like World of Warcraft to a song that is near and dear to many gamers’ hearts like “Still Alive” from Portal, Video Games Live blends video games and classical music into a show that gamers and non-gamers alike can enjoy. Video Games Live is coming to the John Labatt Centre in London for the first time ever on March 21, and doors open at 8 p.m. Ticket prices range from around $27 to $72. “I’ve been a video game composer for over 22 years,” explained Tommy Tallarico, who created the show with Jack Wall. “I wanted to prove to the world how culturally significant and artistic video games had become. I really wanted to create a show for everyone, not just hardcore gamers or casual gamers, but really anyone who enjoys music and enjoys a good show.” Orchestra London has been hard at work for over two months putting together the music for this evening of amazing entertainment, which goes far beyond simply playing video game music with a full orchestra. “What makes it really special and unique is that everything is completely synchronized to match the video screens, stage show production, rock ‘n’ roll lighting, special effects and interactive elements with the crowd,” explained Tallarico. “I kinda like to describe it as having all the power and motion of a symphony orchestra combined with the energy and excitement of a rock concert mixed together with all the cutting-edge visuals, technology and interactivity and fun that video games provide.” The fun starts before the show even begins with a celebration of all things video games for about an hour and a half before the doors open. There will be a costume contest, prize giveaways, interactive game demos and a Guitar Hero competition – the winner of that will get to feel like a real guitar god, even if only for a few minutes. “The winner of the Guitar Hero competition actually comes up on stage during the show,” said Tallarico. “I’ll be playing live guitar and the person who wins (the contest before the show) will be playing the game along with me … the orchestra plays along with us as well. We have all the lighting and the fog machines and everything. They have to score a certain amount of points in order to win a big prize.” Audiences can expect a blend of songs from newer and older games with some classics thrown in. “Zelda, Mario, Final Fantasy, Warcraft, Halo – those five are definitely crowd favourites,” Tallarico said. “Some of the more obscure stuff too, people really, really enjoy, like Chrono Cross and Chrono Trigger, we do a rock ‘n’ roll version of Castlevania, Portal – the song ‘Still Alive’ – is always one that the audience sings along (with).” Even if you don’t recognize a single game title from that list, Tallarico is sure you’ll enjoy the show. He mentioned he has gotten letters from parents of gamers who come out of the show with a much better understanding of why video games are so popular. “I created the show for your mom,” he laughed. “Just as much for your mom as I did for you or for anyone else.” “You don’t have to know anything at all about video games to come to the show and be able to follow along and know what’s going on,” he added. “We make sure of that.” Dust off your favourite video game shirt or character costume and limber up those thumbs, because this promises to be a night that gamers and the people who love them can all enjoy. Head to for tickets and to for more information about this event. CREDIT: VIDEO GAMES LIVE Video Games Live will be at the John Labatt Centre on March 21. FANSHAWE W STUDENTT UNION ELE C TIONS PRESIDENT TS DEBAT TE Monday, March 12th Alumni Loung ge - Noon ELECTION SPEECHES Tuesday, Mar a ch 13th Forwell Hall - N Noon VOTING ST TAR ARTS March 12th - 9am to March 12th at 2pm www.fanshaweo Email Veronica Baraho ona, FSU president, fsupres@fansha e for addiitional information 10 LIFESTYLES Volume 44 Issue No. 24 March 12, 2012 Rapper treads in rocky waters Breach False Minds will captivate you IT’S A WRAP STUART GOODEN twitter: @StuGooden BOBBY FOLEY INTERROBANG There comes a time in every rapper’s career when he craves trying something new. Some truly believe in their voices and turn into R&B singers like Drake, others team up with a friend and produce a collaboration record like Jay-Z and Kanye West, and there are the very few who ditch rap all together and try something completely unheard of. WZRD is the name of an alternative rock duo consisting of rapper Kid Cudi and Producer Dot da Genius, who just released their first self-titled album together. The two have worked on countless projects before, such as the hit song “Day ‘n’ Nite.” Kid Cudi isn’t the first rapper to branch out into unconventional boundaries. West took a step back from rap and showcased his singing talent (or lack thereof) in 808s & Heartbreak in 2008, and Lil’ Wayne experimented with a rock album of his own, Rebirth, back in 2010. All have been somewhat controversially good albums, so it was interesting to see if Cudi CREDIT: DATNEWCUDI.COM Dot da Genius and Kid Cudi teamed up to create a rock album called WZRD. could pull this one off. There are only two ways this could go: the 11 tracks featured could either be a complete masterpiece or an absolute dud. There was no middle ground. “Love Hard” is an interesting mix of sound, where most of the song features background guitar and cymbals, and the last two minutes have a dance, almost techno feel to them. The lyrics aren’t that great and, like most of the songs on the album, fail to even rhyme. The beat is what saves this track from being almost unlistenable. “Where Did You Sleep Last Night?” is a cover of Nirvana’s song of the same title. This is the clear-cut best song on the album, albeit because the original is by Nirvana. Dot da Genius doesn’t deviate from the natural folk-like melody of the song, and he accentuates it with 808 drums, which sound really good. Cudi actually does a good job singing this one, although the lyrics aren’t his. “Efflictim” is four minutes and 27 seconds of boredom. The song features the exact same guitar riff over and over again with intermittent piano. Cudi depreciates the track even more with lyrics that are not only terribly poor, but continue the album trend of not even rhyming. His singing is the nail in the coffin. Rock is a platform that most rappers tend to stay away from, and for good reason. WZRD is a record that most will be hard-pressed to enjoy, as either a rock or a hip-hop fan. Kid Cudi is already unique enough as a rapper, and he should get back to what he does best. If you are a Cudi enthusiast who is a fan of his rap, tread carefully with this one. In Breach False Minds, Kitchener-based Exalt has created a highly appealing album that stands apart from the usual fare by hardcore bands and resonates with an immediacy, a confidence that exudes from its first explosive minutes throughout the entire album. Exalt is an extraordinarily tight band and its members manage to display an intuition for each other while staying true to their own personalities – the guitar work between Ben Waugh and JohnPaul Denomme is exciting, at times as supportive as it is individual, a sharp dynamic. The album moves and breathes, carrying smoothly throughout in terms of tone and pace, a testament to the songwriting at work. The members of Exalt are clearly passionate about their music. Breach False Minds is more than your usual hardcore record, it’s appealing on a level that will even entice the “I listen to the music but I’m not a fan of the screaming” crowd, as transferable as was the Black Album to non-fans of metal in the 1990s. It’s easy to see that a lot of care went into its production. Recorded by Adam Wathan at the Bat Cave in Cambridge, the album is immaculate. You can so clearly hear each instrument and its distinct tone that it gives the impression you’re in the room while the band recorded it. And musicians everywhere will enjoy the tones the band has achieved with their instruments; there is as much substance in the music as in the lyrics alone. Highlights include “Misled,” “Partisan Eyes” and “Onward,” however the album listens very well as a whole, perhaps better considering the transitions from song to song, which are expertly done. This is a band that has clearly found its voice; Breach False Minds is a remarkable record, a real accomplishment for Exalt. It is released on March 13. GRAND OPENING 10,000 30,000 MASSIVE DOOR CRASHERS Adidas CC Chill Menʼs Footwear NOW $49.99 Nike Air Max Ladiesʼ Footwear NOW $49.99 DOOR CRASHERS SQ. FT. OUTLET STORE Asics Gel Kahana 4 Ladiesʼ Footwear NOW $54.99 Puma SE L Menʼs Footwear NOW $44.99 Adidas Menʼs Hooded Jacket NOW $27.49 Adidas Varsity Pindot Track Jacket NOW $29.99 * OVER Nike Ladiesʼ Graphic T-Shirt NOW $12.49 Puma Menʼs Graphic T-Shirt NOW $14.99 50% OFF OUR ORIGINAL PRICE PIECES OF MEN’S, LADIES & YOUTH APPAREL & FOOTWEAR ALL MERCHANDISE IS CLEARANCE PRICED Rd. W. Commissioners Rd. W. Ridout St. S. Base Line Wharncliffe Rd. S. Wonderland Rd. S. . W. Emery St 50% OFF OUR ORIGINAL PRICE MINIMUM 20 OFF % OUR ORIGINAL PRICE STORE HOURS: 467 Wharncliffe Rd. S. Corner of Wharncliffe & Baseline 519-850-2289 Monday - Friday 10-9 Saturday 9-6 Sunday 11-6 Prices in this advertisement are in effect March 10, 2012 to March 25, 2012. Quantities and selection (styles, colours, sizes and models) may be limited, no rainchecks. Promotion available at this location only. If any advertising error or omission is discovered, Athletes World will make the appropriate corrections and notify customers as soon as possible. Discount taken at cash. *At time of print. LIFESTYLES Volume 44 Issue No. 24 March 12, 2012 11 Sheezer take the cover band idea to a new level MADISON FOSTER INTERROBANG When people think of a tribute or cover band, they think of bands covering songs by ABBA, Bon Jovi or Queen while wearing outrageous costumes in the local casino’s theatre. To see a cover band sell out a show at a venue would be anything but expected. Luckily for us, Sheezer has broken away from the norm. With a constant flow of sold-out shows across Canada, Sheezer proves that there’s more to the art of a cover band and that girls can rock just as hard as boys. The Toronto-based all-girl group takes their name from the American surf rock band Weezer, but I’m sure you already noticed the similarity. Basing their stage shows around hits tracks from the band’s first two albums The Blue Album and Pinkerton, Sheezer claimed that the idea for the project wasn’t their decision but Weezer’s. “Weezer chose us!” explained drummer Dana Snell. “Laura (Barrett) and I were driving home from a show and decided to listen to the entire Blue Album because it’s such a great long drive, sing-along album. We were musing on how fun it must be to play that kind of music, and that led to the idea of starting a cover band, which led to Sheezer.” The Canadian supergroup formed of Snell (The Bicycles, Gentlemen Reg), Barrett (The Hidden Cameras, Gentleman Reg and her own self-titled project), Magali Meagher (The Phonemes), Robin Hatch (Sports: The Band, Young Govenor) and Alysha Haugen (By Divine Right) joined forces to make the project come to life. Before they even had a chance to even get started, the women were shocked and excited by a shout-out on Twitter by Weezer frontman Rivers Cuomo. “We were super excited,” said Snell. “And then our Facebook page blew up with people checking us out and we felt a bit under the microscope. The pressure was on, but in a good way (mostly).” The band’s decision to base their performances around Weezer’s first two albums was not a hard one for them to make. “We, and many others, see those first two albums as the pinnacle of Weezer’s writing and feel they stand alone as a certain era of Weezer that is worthy of nostalgia and reverence,” Snell explained. “They got a bit more ‘safe’ after Pinkerton, and kept getting safer, in my opinion.” The ladies in the group try to keep their sounds and performances as close to the original Weezer tracks but have played around with the idea of adding their own take on the songs. “There has been talk of doing our own spin. Reggae versions? Psych versions? But we feel like reproducing the parts is challenge enough, and the fact that we’re ladies is different enough.” With all the various bands and projects being taken on by the V O T12Eat 9AM ch Monday, Mar arch 15 at 2PM M to Thursday, m www.fansh FANSHAWE STUDENT UNION 2012 ELECTIONS members of Sheezer, it comes as a surprise they have time for the band at all. “It’s doable. We find time for Sheezer because the shows are so fun, and we love playing the music and hanging out together,” said Snell. “We save time because we’re not getting together writing and figuring out songs, we can practice on our own with the albums and then get together for an hour or two the week of the show.” Despite all the positive reviews and sold-out venues, Sheezer does not plan to record – they want to keep one thing in common with other cover or tribute bands and stick to a stage show. “Recording covers of Weezer songs seems redundant. Also, recording isn’t cheap,” said Snell. “If we’re just a live entity, the experience is more exclusive, more people will come out to shows and hopefully a band that just plays the same 15 songs can last for a few extra years!” CREDIT: COURTESY OF SHEEZER Left to right: Dana Snell, Robin Hatch, Laura Barrett, Magali Meagher, Alysha Haugen make up Sheezer, an allfemale Weezer cover band. Check them out on Facebook at 29 95 $ $tudent pricing * For just $29.95, walk in with your taxes, walk out with your refund. Instantly. You’ll also get a free SPC Card to save big at your favourite retailers.* instant cash back we make taxes painle $$ & free SPC Card* Follow us on Twitter and Facebook | 800-HRBLOCK (472-5625) © 2012 H&R Block Canada, Inc. *$29.95 valid for regular student tax preparation only. Cash Back service included. To qualify for student pricing, student must present either (i) a T2202a documenting 4 or more months of full-time attendance at a college or university during 2011 or (ii) a valid high school identification card. Expires July 31, 2012. Valid only at participating H&R Block locations in Canada. SPC Card offers valid from 08/01/11 to 07/31/12 at participating locations in Canada only. For Cardholder only. Offers may vary, restrictions may apply. Usage may be restricted when used in conjunction with any other offer or retailer loyalty card discounts. Cannot be used towards the purchase of gift cards or certificates. 12 LIFESTYLES Twin Atlantic on top of the world BOBBY FOLEY INTERROBANG All the best things about alternative rock in the last 20 years are present in Free, the latest record by Glasgow’s Twin Atlantic. Released in Europe around the start of March last year, the record grew to be the best-selling British rock album of 2011, and when listening to it it’s little wonder why. Released March 13 here in North America, the album is favoured to make a strong impression on rock and radio audiences, and has the potential to make the band as popular and renowned here as overseas in the U.K. And Free could do it; the band’s passion and energy are apparent from the opening strains of “Edit Me,” the lead track and single. Powerful guitar riffs and soaring progressions combine with impassioned vocals and suddenly it’s as though it’s 1996 again and rock is the biggest thing in the universe. There is an attack present in the performance, and whether it’s indicative of the momentum they’ve gained since forming only five short years ago or of the hunger of a young band chasing its vision isn’t clear, but it works very, very well. If the album somehow hasn’t won you over by the third track, “Apocalyptic Renegade,” the smooth way Twin Atlantic expertly executes the loud/soft dynamics of “Yes, I Was Drunk” may. “Free,” the album’s title track, shifts sonically in ways that play well on your ear; it begins with a pulsing riff and cascades into the chorus in such a way that makes it impossible to sit still while you listen. “Crash Land” is next, a disarming acoustic song, leading into “Make A Beast Of Myself,” a churning rock song twice released as an album single. Song by song the record provides an engaging listen; Twin Atlantic are talented artists and have crafted a great rock record. Free is widely available in physical and digital versions across North America on March 13. Not just a lazy bastard living in a suit JAYMIN PROULX INTERROBANG The music of Leonard Cohen has not been a career that has been discounted by many awards, titles and honours. He is known for creating music that intensifies the dimness of religion, politics, love and misfortune, yet always manages to spare the listener from too much suffering. Cohen is able to provide a tempting feeling when listening to his music and is renowned for his affinity of the “underdog,” very willingly taking the listener with him on his journey from one spectrum to the other. His collection of albums has spanned from December 1967 (Songs of Leonard Cohen) to the most recent release, Old Ideas, released at the end of January this year. He has also published 14 collections of poems and two novels. Old Ideas is characteristic of Cohen’s sombre outlook on life, sometimes too much so. However, one cannot deny the quality that has been honed and polished year after year. In this album, the listener is greeted with a magnetic pull towards his autobiographic phrase in the first song, “Going Home:” “I love to speak with Leonard / He’s a sportsman and a shepherd / He’s a lazy bastard / Living in a suit...” At first listen, it sounds as though the entirety will be too serious and over-reflective. Nevertheless, by the fourth song, “Darkness,” we are reacquainted with fun and frolic: a Cohen who rises from the ashes and provides a light-hearted view on gaining addictive love from a woman, yet swallowing the pain “while drinking from the cup.” “I caught the darkness, / Drinking from your cup / I said: Is it contagious? / You said: Just drink it up” Cohen’s music is generously melodic and sweet: his lyric writing is one in a million and very deserving of claim and praise. He went through Hell and back with backstabbing business practices with his manager back in 2005 and came close to bankruptcy. Although he was awarded with $9 million, it may appear that he will never get it. With this album, let’s hope he gets his happy ending. It’s a quiet cup of coffee on a long afternoon and frankly the gypsy-drifter just needs to get his just desserts. For more information, visit Volume 44 Issue No. 24 March 12, 2012 Comic Con treks to Toronto PAIGE PARKER INTERROBANG Put on your capes and draw that lightsaber – Comic Con is just around the corner. With kids, teenagers and adults from all over flocking in to catch a glimpse of their favourite writer, fantasy celebrity or to see what’s new this year in the comic world, Toronto is sure to be buzzing with crazy hair, blue skin and intricate costumes. The Metro Toronto Convention Centre will host Wizard World Toronto Comic Con on April 14 and 15. There is a lot to cram into this two-day convention, with people such as Stargate Atlantis star Paul McGillion, Jeri Ryan and Scott Bakula from the Star Trek series and many more special guests making appearances. World-class comic book creators will also be making the trek to the convention, such as Marv Wolfman, an Eisner Hall of Fame writer, and artist Mike Deodato Jr. of The Amazing Spider-Man and Wonder Woman. There will be dozens of cutting-edge writers, creators and artists making a visit to Comic Con. Brahm Wiseman, Owner of Heroes Comics store in London, said an event like this doesn’t come without crowds and long lines. “It’s a big celebration of all things, not necessarily comics but pop culture. There are big crowds of people into all sorts of stuff and a lot of dealers and other things to check out.” It is a great opportunity to see what is up and coming, he said. “A few big publishers of comics are there, so you can see what’s coming out and what toys and movie trailers are coming out. You can see new video games that will be released and you can even try CREDIT: FUCKYEAHFINALFANTASY.TUMBLR.COM Will the mysterious Chocobo make another appearance at this year’s Comic Book Jam event on March 14? You’ll have to attend to find out. them,” he continued. “If you’ve never been to one, you should check it out.” As an alternative for people who can’t make the trip to Toronto, Heroes Comics has events of their own. On March 14, they’ll partner with other local comic dealers and the downtown London Public Library for Comic Book Jam, an event that celebrates all things comic books and graphic novels. People can dress up and take part in “discussions on comics and group activities,” said Wiseman. “We give away comics and we do this superhero photobooth where people can come and dress up in costumes we supply or bring their own and have their picture taken.” There is also a costume contest. Wiseman said some costumes are impressive and hysterical. “One year, someone came dressed as a Chocobo, a bird from Final Fantasy. It was like a big, giant baby chicken. It was very impressive.” Comic Book Jam takes place at the Central branch of the London Public Library (251 Dundas St.) from 1 to 4:30 p.m. on March 14. But if you like the crowds and want to meet some big faces in the industry, tickets and information for Wizard World Comic Con in Toronto are available at A different view of Hulk, brother! HANNAH LECTER INTERROBANG Popular celebrity gossip website TMZ is reporting that someone has a sex tape featuring pro wrestler Hulk Hogan and they are selling it to the highest bidder. TMZ says it has seen the tape, which features Hogan, left, (real name Terry Bollea) and a woman, who is not his current or former wife. It’s unknown who the woman is or when the tape was recorded. TMZ was unable to get a comment from Hogan. The head of Vivid Entertainment, Steve Hirsch, told TMZ he was approached by a third party about buying the tape. Vivid is a popular vendor of celebrity sex tapes. Hogan, the popular former WWE and WCW World Heavyweight champion is currently employed by Impact Wrestling. Volume 44 Issue No. 24 March 12, 2012 LIFESTYLES 13 Act of Valor falls flat REEL VIEWS ALISON MCGEE [email protected] Act of Valor (2012) This bounty hunter is no Dog Cinema Connoisseur ALLEN GAYNOR Bounty Hunters (2011) Former WWE diva Trish Stratus makes her feature film debut in Bounty Hunters, a film that gives the Toronto beauty another opportunity to kick some booty. Following in the glorious lineage of bounty hunters such as Dog and Boba Fett comes the trio of Jules (Stratus), Ridley (Frank J. Zupancic) and Chase (Boomer Phillips of Video On Trial). The bail enforcers are having a typical day… well, as typical as your day can be when your job is to track down criminals who have jumped bail and are none too eager to turn themselves in. The bail enforcers are thrown for a loop when they are offered $1 million to turn over their latest pickup, a mob informant, back to the mob. That’s 10 times what they will receive if they turn him over to the cops. They must decide if they can live with themselves if they go the easy route for the big money, basically turning a man over to meet his demise. Stratus does a great job in her first starring role. The looks, athleticism and personality that Stratus exhibited in the squared circle are on full display. There T PRESIDEN D E BAAR CTHE1 2 MON. M NOON LO U N G E U M N I LO A LLU have been many wrestlers who have tried to transition to film – for every Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson who has succeeded, there are dozens who have failed. If Stratus decides that she wants to focus on a career in the film industry, her work in Bounty Hunters leads me to believe she could do quite well for herself. My biggest complaint with the film would be the fact that Stratus disappears from the film entirely for at least a 20-minute chunk in the middle. Much in the vein of Stratus’ former profession pro wrestling, an injury angle is used to take her out of the story for this period. The fact is most people will be watching this film to see Stratus. She is the one gracing the cover, she is the most well-known star; put simply, she is the draw. For her to be missing for almost a third of the film’s 75-minute running time was a bit perplexing. That being said, Bounty Hunters is an enjoyable action film that fans of Stratus will get a kick out of. The combat scenes are very well done, and it’s clear Stratus had a hand in the choreography, even executing her old Stratusfaction finishing manoeuvre. Bounty Hunters is now available on home video. The DVD also features an interview with Stratus, plus a cool behind-the-scenes look at Stratus’ big fight scene with Andrea James Lui, where Stratus is wearing a schoolgirl costume. It’s like Bruce Lee versus Chuck Norris in Way of the Dragon, only more arousing. EX EC UT IV E EL EC TI O N SP EE CH ES TUE S. MA M ARC RCH H 13 FOR WE LL HAL L - NO ON FANSHAWE F ANSHAWE STUDENT STU UDENT UNION ELE EC TIONS 2012 ELECTIONS www Active duty Navy SEALs in all the starring roles. A story based on actual SEAL missions. A patriotic, awe-inspiring tale of good triumphing over evil. Act of Valor has it all... which leads me to ask the question, how did it go so wrong? The story behind Act of Valor, a film that gained unprecedented access to not only active duty Navy SEALs themselves but to the secrets of previous missions, seems simple at first. A group of deployed SEALs are sent into South America to rescue and extract a CIA operative who’s being held captive by a terroristsupporting drug cartel. Upon successfully rescuing the damsel in distress, the SEALs uncover plans for a mass Jihad attack that will be carried out in only a few short days in locations all across America. The SEALs are forced into lifethreatening situations all while trying to maintain family ties back on the homefront. The cast of this real life/fiction hybrid is difficult to pin down; names have been given to credit to the SEALs who appeared in the movie, but due to the fact that SEALs are special operators, all CREDIT: SCREENRANT.COM Despite using real-life Navy SEALs in its cast, Act of Valor failed to impress. are falsified aliases. What can be said of these brave men and their acting talents is not much; as far as acting goes, it is scarcely found in Act of Valor but it seems to be acceptable as the SEALs are essentially playing themselves. Credit can be given to Alex Veadov, whose previous work includes roles in Air Force One and Contact, who plays the financier of the Jihadist group, Christo. Veadov emotes a conflicted yet hateful feeling that proves to be very off-putting. Credit may also be given to Jason Cottle, who plays the role of the Jihad mastermind Abu Shabal and gives an equally unsettling performance. Act of Valor had the potential to be one film in a thousand; Directors Mike McCoy and Scott Waugh were given nearly unrestricted access to the Navy SEALs and the world in which they live. McCoy and Waugh were even given the SEALs themselves, a rare occurrence considering SEALs are often undercover operators, to star in the roles written about their lives and their missions. Here’s where Act of Valor went wrong. The story was so unrealistic, so complicated and out of nowhere that it becomes all too easy as an audience to become quickly disinterested, and the video game atmosphere comes off as a cheap ploy to get younger audiences into the theatre. All the fatal shots in Act of Valor are shots fired directly into the head of the enemy and when an operator becomes hurt their vision blurs in a red iris effect – Call of Duty, anyone? All things considered, Act of Valor failed. It should have done more justice to the men featured in the film who made tremendous sacrifices in the name of duty; sadly, this film did not. GET YOUR ARTWORK ON THE FRONT COVER OF THE 2012 - 2013 STUDENT HANDBOOK. :\ITPZZPVUMVYTZJHUILWPJR\WPU[OL-:<6MÄJL - SC2001 or :\ITP[`V\Y^VYR[V[OL-:<6MÄJL:*UK-SVVY :[\KLU[*LU[YL For more information contact: Darby Mousseau in SC1012 VYKTV\ZZLH\'MHUZOH^LJJH ENTRIES DUE MARCH 23/2012 14 LIFESTYLES Volume 44 Issue No. 24 March 12, 2012 Song of (sexy) Songs CHECK IT OUT CAROLYN SULLIVAN CREDIT: FARTS.NATIONALPOST.COM The moustachioed Lorax, voiced by funnyman Danny DeVito, delivers an environmental message with a dash of humour. The Lorax is cute, but it might put you to sleep STEVE DI MAURO INTERROBANG The Lorax (2011) What do you get when you put together the makers of Despicable Me, Danny DeVito as a Father Nature figure with a badass mustache and an animated 3D movie? In this case, you get Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax. The Lorax is a cute, witty, family fun movie. It aims to make you realize what we are doing to destroy our planet because of how we are obsessed with material goods, and how important it is to preserve and protect Earth. But let’s not forget that it is intended to be a kids’ movie after all, so the movie focuses on one main message: save the trees. The animation of the movie was spectacular, beautiful and vibrant, just as most Dr. Seuss films are, but the story alone wouldn’t stand on its own two feet. It isn’t a movie for everyone and it won’t appeal to older audiences as Despicable Me did; The Lorax is definitely aimed at younger viewers. The story of The Lorax revolves around a 12-year-old boy named Ted (voiced by Zac Efron) who is sent on a quest to impress his crush Audrey (Taylor Swift) to find a real tree. They’re from a futuristic town that has no life forms other than what is manufactured. Ted is told by his grandmother that there is a man outside of town who goes by the name Once-ler (Ed Helms) who knows exactly what happened to all the trees and where Ted can find one. The film blends the two storylines of Ted’s quest to find the trees and Once-ler’s story of what happened to them all. Once-ler tells this story of The Lorax (Danny DeVito), the guardian of the forest who protects all life inside it. He tells of the destruction caused by loggers, which eventually caused all the Truffula trees, the native species in the forest, to go extinct. Since then, the Lorax has packed up and left the forest, leaving behind a stone inscribed with the cryptic message “UNLESS.” It’s up to Ted to bring the trees and the Lorax back to restore the world to its former beauty. The visuals in this film were spectacular, especially if watched in IMAX 3D. The colours and animation were very attractive and vibrant, making the somewhat boring story more entertaining to watch. The voice acting of the film was passable. DeVito is great as the Lorax, and his voice fits perfectly with the character in the film. He is the humour of the movie along with Helms. Efron was okay and Swift should stick to making music – acting is not quite her thing. The Lorax isn’t the worst film ever by any means. It’s fun to watch in 3D, but don’t expect any of the magic that comes with many animated films. This one is mostly for kids and should be approached that way. If you are looking to bring your girlfriend, siblings or family members to put a smile on their faces and have a fun time with them, then The Lorax does that just fine. It is a consequence of living in Canada that someday, somehow, you will have to suffer through a long, boring sermon. Not Christian? Sorry kids, but that’ll only get you off the hook until the next wedding. Luckily for us, every church is guaranteed to provide a little black book full of erotic entertainment. And what book might that be? The Bible. Yeah, don’t let your jaw hit the floor, but old-time religion is full of tasty tidbits sure to keep you awake and aroused until the second coming – or at least until you can legitimately slip out the back. Specifically, “Song of Songs” gives a blow by blow account of smooth-talking King Solomon’s seduction of a sweet little Shulamite girl three 3,000 years ago. Now, most people might remember Solomon as the guy who asked God for the gift of wisdom and outwitted the Queen of Sheba. What you might not recall is that he had 300 wives and 700 concubines – and probably limitless libido too, with those stats. Given the emphasis in ancient times on female modesty, “Song of Songs” amounts to a riproaring playboy sweeping a shy wallflower off her feet. The unknown religious poet wrote this experience as a song in three voices, that of Solomon, the Beloved (i.e. the chick), and a chorus of family well-wishers. I’m slightly bewildered by the well-wishers, since I’m fairly sure my dad would gun down any married man who tried to make off with his daughter, but I guess between polygamy being more commonplace and his father David’s rep- utation as a warlord, that probably wasn’t an option at the time. Despite the small matter of Solomon’s 1,000 other women, his approach to this particular woman is written with a delicacy of detail. As in a suspense film, where the stark lighting throws every object into focus, when the music stops so that every sound plays upon your nerves, so the poetry moves slowly here, but with irrevocable purpose. As in a dream sequence, “in sleep, my heart wakes, and my lover’s voice knocks at the door: Open unto me, sistersoul, undefiled.” (5:2). She’s listening in the dark to her lover at the door, lying naked on her bed, having just put off her clothes and washed her feet (5:3). Yet he “put his hand by the hole of the door” and you can see she moves smoothly in spite of herself to the door, fingers sticky “with sweet-smelling myrrh,” sweaty with anticipation, “upon the handle of the lock” (5:5). Yet when she opens it ... Gone. He’s not there, if he ever was, evaporated like a dream. Perhaps this was a criticism, as some suggest, the metaphorical abandonment of women locked into a culture of polygamy. The desire seems too genuine here, though, for criticism. More probable is the possibility of this being a dramatic allegory of the soul’s desire for God. In this light, the passage assumes new meaning for a secular modernity where God disappeared into myth and metaphor. For many of us growing up in theistic traditions, where meaning and purpose is rooted in the belief in a Supreme Being, losing faith is less of a liberation than a bereavement. It’s like opening the door and finding no one’s there. Aside from the twisty existential quandaries though, the story’s Iron Age innuendos are something else, and paint us a lovely picture of The Edible Woman. “Your stature is like to a palm tree, and your breasts to clusters of grapes?” (7:7). Yummy. Apparently he thought so too, since he figured, “I will go to the palm tree and climb it, and now your breasts will be like clusters of the vine” (7.8). Hang on. Climb? I doubt her stature was really like to a palm tree, which can grow to 60 metres, so Solomon was hardly going to monkey up her, was he? Heh. Well, hells yeah. Think about how you climb a tree, you start from the lower limbs and work your way upwards along the trunk until you reach its apex, which is really the climax of the work. If that doesn’t make sense for you, think about doing that with your mouth, and remember the tree is a metaphor for a woman. I’m confident in your deductive reasoning. You’d want to use your mouth too. The ‘tree’ was a tasty little morsel, whose “waist is like a heap of wheat set about with lilies.” If you’ve seen sheaves of wheat, they’re usually tied in the middle, meaning that besides having a model’s height, Beloved had an hourglass figure à la Marilyn Monroe. She’s also described as being “a garden shut-up, with henna and spikenard, a body like a round goblet, wherein no mingled wine is wanting” (4:12-13, 7:2). Spicy and intoxicating. Solomon wasn’t too shabby himself. “His legs are like pillars of marble” (5:15). Hello, rock-hard muscles. All I can say is work that, baby! Somehow though, I doubt you’d get their modern counterparts unless you tweaked their pick-up lines though. “My bowels moved for you” (5:4, KJV) is more likely to get you an enema than a date for the evening. That being said, you can have a funfilled evening getting slaps from the girls and weird looks from the guys with some of this stuff, so check out a Bible for your bar night today! E K I L IT’S TING GE T TATUS VIP S tatus you s P I V e h ut ld get yo or three u o o c w t a r a m e Your diplo fer straight into y . rans e program e r g e need to t d r e ed Humb of a relat Find out if you are eligible. LIFESTYLES Volume 44 Issue No. 24 March 12, 2012 15 Is your soulmate on eHarmony? LOVE, LUST & LIES PATRICIA CIFANI [email protected] About a month ago I took a dive into online dating and made an account on Plenty of Fish. I thought I would jump back into it and see what eHarmony is all about, and here is my review. The initial setup of the account took some time. Since eHarmony matches you up with potential fits, it’s important that your answers to the questionnaire are more indepth than just your occupation or your drinking habits. I suggest you snuggle up on your couch, pop some popcorn and make an account. If you run out of time, you can always save the page and go back to it. The questions ask about your personality, your feelings and your values. Some of the questions it asks are very specific. For example, it asks you which religions your match should be associated with. If that’s important to you, this could be very useful. Not only do you specify a religion, but it also gives you the option to choose which religious denominations your matches should be. For example if you’re Catholic, but your denomination is Roman Catholic or Baptist, you might only be interested in people of the same faith. What I liked about this site is that you can get to know a person without actually sending them a message and not just by reading a profile. There are questions that anyone can choose to answer and then when people view their profile they can answer the questions too and then compare your answers. For example, one of the questions was “Do you think you spend more on clothes or food?” You can see how much you have in common before you send the first message. eHarmony learns about your personality, then uses its experts to find you matches so that you may have new matches to meet every morning. If in the first few days you find you don’t get too many messages, don’t get discouraged; CREDIT: JEZEBEL.COM Will you find your perfect match on eHarmony? many people find it takes a few days before the messages start coming in. What makes eHarmony different is that anyone can make an account, but you have to subscribe to message your matches or view pictures. It’s an average of about $40 a month but that amount varies depending on what plan you want and how long you want to sign up for. The one good thing you can get from this site is knowing that people are serious about getting to know someone, because no one is going to pay that kind of money to get a dating website to set up a booty call. Now that I have told you a little bit about eHarmony, I want to look at the differences a person might find between Plenty of Fish and eHarmony. I decided to ask some people who have found success with these online dating sites. A huge difference is that with Plenty of Fish you will only find some people who are sincere about their true intentions. Since it is a free website, it allows anyone to make an account. There is no filter and you can’t really search for qualities you like without going through every profile. Swimming with the fishes is like going to a bar – you never know what you are going to find. Like I said in my previous article about Plenty of Fish, for every 100 people who message you, you might only find two or three are worth messaging back. With eHarmony, people have genuine intentions and are serious about getting into a relationship because they are paying for the service. The matching service eHarmony provides you with isn’t always going to be perfect but it’s a good starting point, and this way only matches can message you or see your account, which allows your choices to be more specific to what you want. One couple I spoke with that met through eHarmony said that they felt like they already knew each other before their first date. They had common interests and were looking for someone with the same goals as them; eHarmony provided them with the basic footwork to their relationship before it even began. It was up to them to discover if there was chemistry, and luckily for them, there was. I’ve heard success stories from both Plenty of Fish and eHarmony, but I think you just need to find one that works for you. You’d be surprised at how many people actually meet their partner through online dating – maybe it’s time you found someone, too. Even more ways to stay connected LONG DISTANCE LOVE ALISON MCGEE [email protected] I know, I know, I’ve given you this advice before. A friend of mine recently gave me some of her own advice about long distance relationships and it got me thinking that there can never be enough ways to stay connected when you’re far away from your true love. Here are even more tips from me, and from a wise friend of mine, for how to keep connected when physical distance separates you: • Play online games together. This is a great idea that I can’t entirely take credit for. Yep, this was the great advice my friend gave me. Find a game that you’re both interested in, whether it’s World of Warcraft, Forza or multiplayer Call of Duty and plan a game date night. Playing a game together where you actually have the chance to interact with one another, if only digitally, is a great way to stay connected and have fun! • Make your own book club. This one I’ve actually started doing with my husband; he reads a book then sends it home to me so I can read it. Once I’m finished, we usually have a solid few hours of things to talk about, and it helps us feel like we’re sharing in an experience. • Play Words With Friends on your Android or iPhone. Again, this is the same basic idea as playing a more complex online game together; it’s a silly, fun way to pass the time, but it’s something that allows you to interact with one another. • Have a music date. Choose an album that you both want to listen to and jump on Skype (or the regular phone if that’s easier) and listen to it at the same time. Listening to something a little more mellow will also help you both forget the stresses that come with a long distance love, if only for a while. • Have a coffee date (or whatever kind of food date you like!). This one has the potential to be great! Choose some sort of social food activity, like going out for coffee, drinks, dessert – whatever you’d like – then have a phone date while enjoying your chosen indulgence. Sure, it’s not exactly the real thing, but setting aside a special block of time for a more normal date will be a fun change from the same old phone calls you usually share. I hope that these tips can help you keep things fresh in your faraway romance; just because you fall into a routine doesn’t mean it has to get boring. Try doing something new together, whether it’s one of my suggestions of something amazing you thought up yourself. Just remember, the key to long distance love is staying connected no matter what! Find your Dating Game match KATHLEEN SCHAEFER SPECIAL TO INTERROBANG Has Christmas and Valentines Day left you feeling lonely? This time of year can be hard for singles. Dating in college can be a whole new experience. It’s hard to find a meaningful relationship between classes, assignments and the drunken bar scene on Richmond Row. Internet dating has also changed the game. Have you ever thought you have found your soul mate, only to find out that their picture has been photoshopped and their entire online personality is just a carefully created façade? These are issues that many Fanshawe students are struggling with today. Where are great places to meet like-minded people and create new relationships? Well, there are the classic places like the library and coffee shop, but let’s face it, that only happens in the movies. How about the bar and pub nights? These places are full of people looking for one-night stands, not to mention the deceiving effects of “beer goggles” that many people fall victim to. Don’t let this grey, cold weather get you down… Your opportunity to find your soul mate has arrived! Introducing Fanshawe’s edition of The Dating Game. That’s right! Your favourite retro game show is back on March 14 in Forwell Hall from 12 to 1 p.m. There will be four games held. Each game will consist of single contestants quizzing three possible soul mates by asking unique and fun questions. After getting to know their mystery men or women, the contestants will be able to choose their perfect match. The winners will be whisked away that night for an allinclusive date, which includes a limo ride to The Keg for dinner, and a movie at the Westmount VIP theatre. Also, the Fanshawe Student Union will be donating $0.20 per person in the audience to My Sister’s Place, a women’s shelter in London – you’ll be helping a great cause just by watching the show! Sign up and find your new dream date or just come to watch and enjoy the experience of seeing new love form. Contestants can sign up by emailing their name, age and contact information to [email protected] 16 LIFESTYLES Volume 44 Issue No. 24 March 12, 2012 Girl power still going strong HEALTH, BODY AND FITNESS Rebecca Grieb Just a few short months ago, the National Post interviewed feminist icon and women’s activist Gloria Steinem. In the crowded press room, the interviewer pointed out that a lot of the women in the room owe their position to Steinem. The interviewer suggested that Steinem fought so hard for respect for women, which they have only rejected today – women allow their bodies to be treated like pieces of meat, he suggested. Her response was simple and shocking to many: “No,” she said. “This generation of young women is actually much more feminist than we ever were.” In the past decade and beyond – especially in the 2000s – women have put their bodies on display in music videos, in magazines and in advertisements in general, for whatever the reason may be. In the interview, Steinem posed an enquiry back to the man: “And my question to the young woman who is dressing as you describe is: Is she doing it because she wants to? Is she body-proud? Is she sexuality-proud? Because then, I say, great.” So when does the line between the objectification of women’s bodies in mainstream media and empowerment become blurry? When women lose the option to have a choice, Steinem suggested. Unlike Jean Kilbourne, who claims that the media portrays women as over-sexualized objects, Steinem suggested that if these women know what they are doing, then what is the problem? Working in the fashion industry, I tend to get questioned often regarding modelling swimwear and lingerie. People always ask if I am forced to flaunt my body and if I feel uncomfortable posing for print ads or walking down the runway in barely-there intimates. The truth is I love what I do; I have never been forced to wear something I wasn’t comfortable in, and I never would do that. With that being said, the fashion industry makes you very aware of your body and its flaws – one eye opens more than the other in photos, thighs are too big, forehead is too wide – we hear it all. As Steinem suggested, I am indeed an empowered woman: I feel confident in my body and know many other women who are the same. As for the politics of the blurry line of empowerment? Both male and female models at a Canadian Fashion Agency agreed with Steinem: “Politics is just unequal power.” Sometimes women’s bodies are objectified in the media, but both the male and female models agreed that the female models feel confident in their skin. Women today are more feminist than Steinem’s generation was because they don’t let men walk all over them in the way that ATALKING CASH JEREMY WALL CREDIT: ART.COM Gloria Steinem is a feminist icon. they have in the past. It is all about attitude – and women in today’s world know that they are strong and powerful. Returning to the interviewer’s question to Steinem, it could then be said that today’s women are not rejecting the respect Steinem fought so hard for, but rather they have done something no generation before has been able to fully accomplish: they have taken back the right to their own bodies and the power of choice. “Power can be taken, but not given. The process of the taking is empowerment in itself.” – Gloria Steinem Behavioural-based interviews nothing to fear CAREER CORNER Susan Coyne Career Services Consultant Fanshawe Career Services No doubt you have heard horror stories about those dreaded Behavioural-Based Interviews that are conducted by some employers. Perhaps you’ve even avoided applying to a particular company strictly because you’ve heard that they use this method of interviewing. With proper preparation, like most things, you can rest a little easier before your big interview. First of all, let’s clarify exactly what a Behavioural-Based Interview (or BBI) really is. Simply defined, a BBI is an interview based on discovering how the interviewee acted in a specific situation. The logic is that how you have managed or handled a situation in the past will dictate how you manage or handle a similar situation in the present or future. In other words, past performance dictates future performance. This can be said for many things in life. If you are organized at home or in your schoolwork, it is likely that you will be organized in the workplace. Or, conversely, if you can’t quite manage to get your act together at home or at school, well, it may indeed be that you won’t get it together at work either. I have heard it argued by students before that there is no correlation between how they approach their personal life with their approach to work on the job, provided the job is rewarding and challenging, but that really remains to be seen. To further explain, let’s compare traditional interviews with BBIs. In a traditional interview setting, an employer will ask a series of questions that typically have straightforward answers, like “What are your strengths and weaknesses?” or “What major challenges or problems did you face in your last job? How did you handle them?” In a BBI, an employer has decided what skills are needed in the person they plan on hiring and will ask questions to find out if the candidate has those skills. Instead of asking how you would behave in a situation, they will ask you how you did behave. The interviewer will want to know how you specifically handled a situation, instead of what you might do. Questions in a BBI will be more pointed, more probing and more specific than traditional questions. For example, “Give an example of an occasion when you used logic to solve a problem,” or “Have you had to convince a team to work on a project they weren’t thrilled about? How did you do it?” Follow-up questions will also be detailed. You may be asked what you did, what you said, how you reacted or how you felt. How do you prepare for a BBI? As you won’t know what type of interview will take place until you are sitting in the interview room, it is best to be prepared with answers to traditional questions regardless. Since you won’t know exactly what situations you may be asked about in a BBI, you can prepare by refreshing your memory and recalling some special situations or occasions where you have dealt with projects or people. You may be able to use these situations to Federal government proposes changes to Old Age Security frame your response to the employer. Prepare stories that will illustrate times when you have successfully solved problems or performed well. The stories will be useful to help you respond in a meaningful way in a BBI. Make sure to include in your answer a specific situation, the tasks that needed to be done, the action you took and the results, or, as it has been referred, to the STAR response: Situation, Task, Action, Results. Always review your resume and covering letter and the job advertisement or job description prior to the interview. This should help you get a sense of what skills and behavioural characteristics the employer is seeking. Keep in mind that there are no right or wrong answers. The interviewer is simply trying to understand how you behaved in a given situation and if there is a fit between you and the position they are trying to fill. Listen carefully, be clear, concise and give detailed answers when you respond. Above all, be honest as it is equally important for both you and employer that you are the right fit for the job. Your success on the job may depend on it. Need assistance? Drop by the Career Services office in Room D1063. The Career Services staff are available to assist you on an individual basis. Visit the office to arrange an appointment or call 519-452-4294. Check out for student and graduate job listings. Join the Career Services Facebook group at The federal government has been proposing changes to Old Age Security (OAS). Details of such changes may be released in March’s federal budget, but the most controversial change that is garnering news coverage is the idea of raising the age when someone can start receiving OAS from 65 to 67. The way OAS works is that it pays a monthly benefit to all Canadians are who 65 years of age and older. It’s a very small amount, meant to supplement the income of retirees from other sources, including Canada Pension Plan (CPP) payments. At the beginning of 2012, the monthly amount was $540.12. If a retiree has an income of $67,668 or higher, the amount of OAS received decreases. If income is over $110,878, the retiree doesn’t qualify for any OAS. Although $540 a month seems quite small, for many low-income seniors with little savings, it is one of their main sources of income. Many seniors do not have significant savings and rely on OAS, Canadian Pension Plan and another monthly government payment called the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) to make ends meet. Critics of the federal government’s plan to raise OAS from 65 to 67 argue that low-income seniors between 65 and 67 will need to rely on welfare, which is paid by the provincial governments. This increases the cost burden on the provinces, so although the federal government is attempting to cut spending by trimming OAS back by two years, critics claim that the cost is merely being shifted to the provinces. What does this have to do with students? Everything, really. Most of the people reading this paper are likely nowhere near retirement age (although I’m sure some of you are). However, changes to the system of income support for retirees has long term consequences. If, over the next few years, OAS is gradually moved from age 65 to 67, it seems possible that further changes could be made to one of OAS, CPP, GIS or all three. In other words, the way retirement functions now may not be the way it functions when many of us retire. The structure of income sources like OAS, CPP and GIS become even more important because so many Canadians have so little retirement savings and are going to be forced to rely on these income streams in retirement, simply because they have no other choice. The best thing a young person can do is to pay down debt and save for retirement. Starting your retirement savings as early as possible adds many years’ worth of compounding, increasing the amount of self-reliance in retirement. The best way to do this is to start an RRSP. That way, you’re not being forced to rely on what may become inadequate government income supplements in retirement. Jeremy Wall is studying Professional Financial Services at Fanshawe College. He holds an Honours Bachelor of Arts from the University of Western Ontario. r o f e t y o e V Fol 3 y 1 – b 2 b 01 t o n B r 2 ide fo res P U S F ϐǤ ǡ ǡǤ ǡǤǤ Election and candidate details at Vote beginning 9 am, March 12–15. LIFESTYLES Volume 44 Issue No. 24 March 12, 2012 17 The religion of fashion FASHION WRITER CHRISTINA KUBIW KALASHNIK CREDIT: ARIANA PINDER Can you tell which person is Scarlett Johansson and which one is the model? Copy cat can be done BEAUTY BOY JOSHUA R. WALLER [email protected] While doing many photo shoots throughout the week that usually involve some fairly complex makeup skills, it is sometimes nice to strip it all down and keep it very elegant and simple. Some of the most beautiful women have the simplest makeup looks, such as Adele, Marilyn Monroe and Scarlett Johansson. While beauty is not cosmetic, it is amazing how a small amount of makeup can make a huge difference in someone’s appearance. Just recently I was approached by a photographer to do a “copy cat” photo shoot where we would make a model look like Scarlett Johansson. At first I was very skeptical because it can be very difficult to make one person look like another, especially when they wear very little makeup. However, the power of photography and makeup prevailed because we were very successful at making the photos look identical. To achieve Scarlett’s look, the main thing to focus on first is her flawless complexion. While there are many foundations out there that give a high coverage, I made my own foundation using MAC’s Select Cover-Up concealer and Fix+ spray (as the mixing medium). This may seem complicated to some, but with practice you can achieve a complexion that is seen on runway models. The first step is to determine if you have a warm skin tone or a cool skin tone. There are many ways of doing this, such as comparing your skin to silver and gold, but the easiest method is to put a cool-toned and a warm-toned concealer up to your face and see which one matches best. Once you have discovered which tone you are, you then need the darkest and lightest shade in that skin tone. Taking the two shades, mix them together until it perfectly blends in with your skin tone. Once you have it matched flawlessly, you can start to mix in the mineral spray, which will help lighten the texture so it doesn’t feel heavy on your face. The more mineral spray you add, the more sheer the foundation will be. After I applied this method to the model, I then contoured and shaped her face so it would resemble Scarlett Johansson’s. To finish off the look, I darkened her eyebrows, applied eyelash primer and mascara and then added a deep red lipstick. The rest of this piece of art was completed by the talented photographer (Ariana Pinder) who captured the identical photo to make a replica of Scarlett Johansson’s photo. It is amazing what the power of photography and makeup can achieve. St Patrick’s Day is a religious holiday that seems to have lost its meaning for many. For most college students, it has turned into a day of drinking green beer and getting as drunk as possible. However, what we college students seem to forget is that there really is a religious meaning to this holiday. St Patty’s Day is a day that represents the bringing of Christianity to Ireland by Saint Patrick. We sometimes forget the religious influence that several things contain. If we look closely, we can find religion in almost any aspect of life, including fashion. The word religion derives from the Latin root religio(n-) which translates to bond, obligation or reverence (deep respect). Many argue that fashion is a religion, with Anna Wintour holding the title of high priestess and André Leon Tally being her fashionable henchman. However, saving that controversial topic for another day, I think it is important to see the influence religion has within the fashion industry. There are constantly hidden religious symbols and influences that need to be acknowledged. Oftentimes designers use religion to create a controversial collection to instigate thought. Fashion shows are essentially creations that the designer has imagined. He or she is inspired and proceeds to design. Designers like to stir thought within the viewers through a hidden context or understanding. Religion has proven to be a very effective and inspirational tool for many designers. Whether it’s Lady Gaga’s fashions and CREDIT: L-ICONOCLASTE.NET Relgion has been inspiring fashion designers for a very long time. inspirations in her “Judas” music video, meant to be a modern-day portrayal of Jerusalem, or Playboy being inspired and turning a “bunny” into Mary, there is a never-ending cycle of religion in the fashion industry. Personally my favourite depictions of religion are in ad campaigns and direct imagery used in clothing. Recently Black Milk Studios has been providing customers with an updated version of what American Apparel provides. As opposed to plain-coloured clothing with occasional prints in basic silhouettes, they have decided to add more intrigue with strong images. Using the American flag, bold patterns and religious graphics, they have certainly made religious icons fashionable. Ad campaigns are also a very effective way of delivering a reli- Love and water lead to colourful inspiration FASHION WRITER AIMEE BROTHMAN counterpart to the bold, matte coral-pink shade Force Of Love. A creamy shade of cotton candy pink and a muted royal blue make up the two limited-edition nail lacquers. The artist’s fascination with love and water is equally reflected in the ad campaign, which features stunning images of the products set to look like islands in the middle of the vast blue sea and a gorgeously done-up model in shades from the collection. The model’s shoulder has a swirling blue-silver collage of water, mountains and clouds that were surely inspired by Chen Man’s works. RT ROAD A I R P O RT ELF EL SE S LF S T OR A G E GET GE T 1 MONTH MONTH H FREE FR EE Ê°Ê°Ê Ê°Ê°Ê°Ê ° WIN A W 55” LED HDTVV H 1 IN 15 CHANCE TO WIN A 55” LED D HDTV CLASSIFIEDS Office hours Monday to Friday 9am - 4:30pm. Classified deadline is every Wednesday by 12pm. email: [email protected] TO PLACE YOUR AD IN THIS SECTION, PLEASE CALL MARK AT 519.453.3720 GENERAL WE NEED AN EGG DONOR. It’s our last chance. It’s a huge thing to ask. Please be our donor. Confidentiality Insured. For details email: [email protected] The rates are low ... and a the security is high . . . UÊÌÀi`ÊÀÃÊUÊÓ{ÉÇÊVViÃà U UÊÌÀi`Ê ÌÀi` ÀÃÊUÊÓ{ÉÇÊVViÃà Àà U Ó{ÉÇ VViÃà UÊ6`iÊ-ÕÀ UÊ6`iÊ-ÕÀÛi>ViÊUÊÊiVi`ÊÌ Ûii>ViÊUÊÊiVi`ÊÌ ext. 230 LOOKING FOR WORK THIS SUMMER? Student Works is seeking hard working, dedicated students looking for a chance to build their resume and make great money! Email your resume to: [email protected]. Marketing, managing and painting positions are available. GORE R RD RE N LA AN SC A passion for fashion is generally accompanied by a love of art, colour, beauty, photography or any combination of these elements. For Chen Man, Beijing’s fashion photographer darling, water and love itself top her list of most-loved. Interpreted into vivid pinks and blues, Canadian superstar makeup brand MAC Cosmetics has created a collaboration collection with Man and the results are definitely something to love. The reigning star of China, the 31-year-old photographer wowed the world with her unique talent of created images with a 3-D effect, retouching everything herself with the use of Photoshop and 3D rendering. Beginning her career shooting the cover for Vision magazine from Chinese, Man is much more in demand these days and her work can be seen in the likes of Chinese Vogue, Elle, Harper’s Bazaar, Cosmopolitan, Marie Claire and Esquire. The 18-piece collaboration is no doubt influenced by the photographer’s profession and superb colour and image manipulation skills. The love and water theme stems from Man’s personal interests and likes. Three eye shadows in various shades of pink and blue in the shape of a Yin-Yang is housed in a sleek package and stamped with Chen Man’s own calligraphic signature of the Chinese symbol for love. Navy blue pigment powder and a sparkly blue light-reflecting loose powder round off the water-inspired pieces. A shimmery lavender-pink shade of lipstick, appropriately named Budding Love, is the quiet gious message to the public. Seeing as fashion shows are usually reserved for the fashion industry as opposed to the public, the masses rarely get the opportunity to experience the mood of the collection, spotlights and all. Ad campaigns provide us with an inner look into the designer’s creations. A great example of this is in a 2009 Dolce & Gabbana advertisement. The ad illustrates men seen praying on their knees with their eyes open. It implies a hidden meaning and therefore the public has an opportunity to reflect upon a deeper meaning. The religious aspect adds depth to the advertisement without being too overbearing. Intentional or not, religious symbols will always be an undeniable source of inspiration for lots of designers, whether we like it or not. X RIVER RD VETERANS MEMORIAL PKWY CATHERINE CA ATHERINE T ST HAMILTON HAM IL LTO TON RD 401 1ÌÃÊvÀÊx½ÝÊx½ÊÕ«ÊÌÊ£ä½ÝÎä½ 1 ÌÃÊvÀÊx½ÝÊx½ÊÕ«ÊÌÊ£ä½ÝÎä½ 519.659.9423 5 1 .659.9423 19 2 ÓÎÎäÊ- ÓÎÎ ÎäÊ- Ê-/° Ê-/° ww ww.airportroadselfstorag LIFESTYLES 18 Volume 44 Issue No. 24 March 12, 2012 BEST IN LATE NIGHT COMIC RELIEF Hi there kids. Always Remember that Knowledge is power and power corrupts. So study hard and be evil. Existance is futile. Did you know many people fear public speaking more than death? It’s not that they’d rather die than give a public speech; it’s that death only happens once. 2 THE LATE LATE SHOW with Craig Ferguson Police officers say that because of the economy, more thieves are stealing gas from parked cars. Victims said they hadn’t felt that robbed since they put the gas INTO their cars. Next month is the premiere of the new show, The Real Housewives of Vancouver. You can tell it’s Canada — the housewives say nice things to each other’s faces, but then they go behind each other’s backs and say even nicer things. Kim Kardashian is being sued for $5 million for endorsing a diet pill that doesn’t work. That’s weird — if there’s anyone who’s perfect to represent “not working,” it’s Kim Kardashian. There is a new survey out about the happiest professions. I think the whole premise is flawed. You’re supposed to find true happiness outside of work. From friends, family, and YouTube videos of old people falling down. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver were seen shopping together. Apparently she said she wanted something Swedish made and Arnold was like, “Swedish maid?” Mitt Romney’s been out on the campaign trail even though he’s suffering from a terrible cold. I’m not surprised he’s sick. It’s very unsanitary to keep putting your foot in your mouth like that. THE TONIGHT SHOW with Jay Leno CONAN with Conan O’Brien It seems a cat named Hank is running for the Senate in Virginia. You know the difference between a cat and politician? A cat doesn’t pretend to care about you. In a speech on Wall Street the other day, President Obama compared himself to Gandhi. Well, that makes sense. He’s created a lot of jobs in India. While visiting a GM plant President Obama pledged to buy a Chevy Volt after his presidency ends in five years. Today Mitt Romney said, “Make it one year and I’ll buy it for you.” Gas stations are considering hiring security guards. Why are they getting security guards? We’re the ones getting robbed. The U.S. beat Italy in soccer for the first time ever. America hasn’t embarrassed Italy this badly since the first Olive Garden opened. Snooki’s boyfriend reportedly proposed to her. Apparently he said, “Will you make me the happiest man on earth or do you still want to go through with this?” In several of the Super Tuesday states, a third of the voters still believe that President Obama was born in a foreign country. These are the same people who think Super Tuesday is Superman’s birthday. A new study found that government employees are the happiest workers. The study was not conducted at the DMV. THE LATE SHOW with David Letterman JIMMY KIMMEL LIVE with Jimmy Kimmel It’s tax time. I switched to a new tax guy and I think he’s fantastic. He wants me to establish my full-time residence in Syria. Every time I drive up to my new tax guy’s office, he says the same thing. “You weren’t tailed, were you?” Opening in New Jersey tomorrow is the circus. They put up the big tent, although this year it’s Governor Christie’s pants. Rick Santorum thinks that global warming, climate change, is a hoax. Let me ask you something, Rick. If you think global warming and climate change is a hoax, how do you explain those sleeveless sweaters? Multiple news sources are reporting that Snooki from Jersey Shore is pregnant. I read on Wikipedia that the average adult Snooki will give birth to a litter of between three and eight snooklets. Snooki has yet to confirm the rumour. I guess we’ll know she’s pregnant when her vodka breaks. CNN asked Snooki’s publicist to confirm or deny the rumours. They got no comment. Remember when CNN talked about elections and hurricanes? Justin Bieber turned 18 years old, which means he’s now officially too old to listen to his own music. Now that he’s 18, I don’t have to feel weird about having his posters all over my bedroom anymore. Raptors. People do not know true terror. [email protected] GEEK LATE NIGHT with Jimmy Fallon LIFESTYLES Volume 44 Issue No. 24 March 12, 2012 19 Across Aries (March 21 - April 19) Aggression would be a bad idea right now. Look inward before lashing out. You still carry more energy than usual, and that makes you dangerous. Act only in selfdefense. Taurus (April 20 - May 20) At this point of cosmic crisis, lovers can be driven either to marriage or breakup. Deep emotions battle their way to the surface and will somehow find expression. Others are sure to notice and remember you. Gemini (May 21 - June 20) For those who enjoy taking a little punishment, this is a fine week to ignore consequences. If you favour safety and convenience, stay out of the way. Home and hearth are especially appealing. Cancer (June 21 - July 22) Interactive games are best when played in person. Good vibes are natural and effortless. Cancer is happy to be a part of someone else’s story, but equally comfortable starring in his or her own adventure. Leo (July 23 - August 22) You know that you’re mature and socially well-adjusted, but someone is demanding proof. This may only be a test rather than outright refusal. Don’t explode until you’re sure that you have a good reason to do so. Virgo (August 23 - Sept. 22) Mind and body dance together in healthy unison. Virgo inhales knowledge and exhales wisdom. You could easily merge with the person in whom you see your own spark reflected. Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22) Are you the only one who cares about completion and closure? Others are playing by their own versions of the rules. If this is truly important, you’ll make it work. If not, you should take a few days off and relax. Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21) You’re rich in all the things that count. You’re especially unique, powerful and productive this week. Those who see you as a gift will do anything to keep you. Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21) Your dreams are strong, whether nonsensical or fraught with meaning. Global events resonate as reminders of personal things that must still be done. Smile every so often, just to remind yourself that you still know how. Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19) Honesty attracts honest people. Outsiders are welcome if they meet the requirements. Those who continually invoke the rules are only signaling their fear. Capricorn is loyal to friends and principles. Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18) Your conscience bothers you about something that may not be your fault. As an act of penance, you take less than you deserve. Be sure that you don’t starve yourself purely on principle. Pisces (Feb. 18 - March 20) Your message must be heard. Original content and style are vital to any kind of recognition. Once you have everyone’s attention, it’s easy to follow through. There’s no time for cold feet when you’re only just getting them wet. she is available. 1. Women mature much faster than men. 2.vIf a native Hawaiian woman places the flower on her right ear, 3. Children laugh about 400 times a day, while adults laugh on average only 15 times a day. 4. The most recorded orgasms in an hour were 134 for one woman and only 16 for a man. 5. As a rule, 66 per cent of people keep their eyes closed while kissing. The rest take pleasure in watching the emotions run the Sudoku Puzzle 4 3 8 6 2 9 4 6 7 8 3 2 1 7 6 4 5 3 5 7 2 6 1 8 9 9 6 3 4 2 puzzle rating:very veryhard hard Daily Sudoku: Fri 26-Jan-2007 Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 grid contains the digits 1 through 9. That means no number is repeated in any column, row or box. Solution can be found on page 22. 1. Stinging insect 5. Section of a hospital 9. Produce in large numbers 14. Water pitcher 15. Out 16. Square root of nine 17. Alliance of 26 countries 18. Package sealer 19. Come up with a new sum 20. Bird’s throat 21. Winter sport 22. Cogwheels’ ‘mates 23. Foot parts 25. Bequeath 27. Plant seed 29. Caesar’s 3 30. Cleanse 34. Global sports organization (abbr.) 37. Part of the human body between the ribs and the hips 39. Waterproof boot 40. Cattle tenders 42. Had an informal conversation 44. Possessed 45. Deathly pale 47. Be in debt 48. Soon 49. Semi-liquid food for infants 50. Marry 52. Participated in a speed contest 54. Headless peg 58. Rocky watercourses in North Africa 61. Very small 63. One of Columbus’ ships 64. Did a carpenter’s job 65. Dam 66. Determines the sum 67. Sun-dried brick 68. Units of work 69. Journey 70. Thick scars 71. “___ it romantic?” 72. Female sheep Down 1. Young woman 2. Well-informed 3. Bristles gamut on the faces of their partners. 6. You forget 90 per cent of your dreams. 7. The average person in their lifetime will spend an estimated 20,160 minutes kissing! 8. Two in five people in the world marry their first love. 9. The single biggest predictor of love is proximity. 10. Yawns are more contagious among people with closer relationships. 11. According to a U.K. study, women are better at parking a car than men. 12. According to Harris Interactive, 70 per cent of men and 57 per cent of women shower daily. 13. According to the American Society for Microbiology, 90 per cent of women and 75 per cent of men wash their hands after using a public restroom. 14. Babies crawl an average of 200m a day. 15. The typical person spends about 600 hours having sex between the ages of 20 and 70. 16. On average a woman has four sexual partners in her lifetime. 17. Sociologists have found the worse the economy, the longer the women’s skirts are and the better economy, the shorter the skirt. 18. According to some estimates, Americans are sitting on $30 billion worth of unredeemed gift cards. 19. Englishmen drink more tea than any person of any other nation. 20. Most of us have microscopic, worm like mites named Demodex that live in our eyelashes and have claws and a mouth. 4. Moves quietly and carefully 5. Buddhist monasteries in Thailand 6. Arouse 7. Edible leaves of an immature white turnip 8. Change the colour of 9. Animal bedding 10. Expression of relief 11. Inland sea in central Asia 12. Marries 13. Masculine nickname 22. Hawaiian dish 24. Planted seed 26. Watercourse 28. Armed national hostilities 30. Dampened or soaked with water 31. Singing voice 32. Killed 33. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. __ 34. Command to a horse to stop 35. Axed 36. Florence’s river 38. Abraham’s son 39. Decreased in power 41. Lair 43. Chop with an axe 46. Volcanoes, perhaps 49. Dance step 51. Give money to 52. Takes the bus 53. Condescend 55. Woman whose husband has died 56. Invest with powers 57. Endures 58. Walk through water 59. Military offense 60. Financial obligation 62. Formerly 64. Carpenter’s tool 65. Chinese dynasty AD 386-535 Solution on page 22 Word Search W M I Y R O A D W S P S H R D E B U E S V J T A D I G O W U O U Q M D Q H L E N D H T Y K H G A X I U C M B O J X R U E E T L V N X F B R C X A O T S R O C D J C A B Y E O M D B O B I E P R F E N A E C Z N M R G E N T R A M G A U R S S Y N K H A D A M F I E U L L F H A Hot Wheels T K S L D E C E F M K Z L I Z S T E E L R E F S F N C J T Z R Y J P M Y R V B H I V K T A E I O X V W L N E B G T W S R W C H R I S T I N E H Y I P D (Words in parentheses not in puzzle) (American) Graffiti Bullitt Cars Christine (Days of) Thunder (Gone in Sixty) Seconds (The Gumball) Rally (The Italian) Job Knight (Rider) Le Mans (The Love) Bug Mad Max Maximum (Overdrive) (Speed) Racer Steel (Chariots) KIOSK QUIZ ANSWER ELVIS IS IN THE SUB AND THE OUT BACK SHACK PRIZES SPONSORED BY CH ART WELLS T A L L A D E G A F T S D O E 20 SPORTS&LEISURE Volume 44 Issue No. 24 March 12, 2012 Land Rover LR4 has its plusses aMOTORING NAUMAN FAROOQ [email protected] Men net bronze at b-ball championship HANNAH LECTOR INTERROBANG Both the Ontario Colleges Athletic Association (OCAA) Men’s Basketball Championship and the OCAA Women’s Basketball Championship were held from March 1 to 3, and Fanshawe’s men’s team brought home the bronze. The Men’s Championship, held in Ottawa, saw some fierce competition. The Fanshawe Falcons came off of a 12-6 season to claim the bronze medal, defeating Algoma University 92-63. “We didn’t play well our first game, but then we played two games to win the bronze. And we played well. I mean, you have to temper your sadness over not winning the gold, at least saying, ‘It’s not like we folded up our tents and didn’t show up to play at all,’” said Glenn Johnston, Head Coach of the Fanshawe Falcons men’s intercollegiate basketball team. “The guys worked reasonably hard and I thought they were full value for the bronze. All eight teams that were in it were good teams. We’d beaten Humber and Mohawk, who were the two teams in the final, during the year … so it wasn’t like the competition was a little shaky or anything,” he continued. “Boyd Vassell was an all-star and deservedly so. Andy Campbell was Player of the Game the last game, Jordan Dixon had a nice tournament, Darcy Young had probably the best tournament that he’s had since he’s been here, Troy Barnes… Everybody seemed to have their moments. It wasn’t like we had the same guy every night that was the best player,” said Johnston, noting that next season there will be many returning players on the Falcons team, but that he will not be returning as Head Coach after 35 years, two nationals championships and several Ontario titles. Humber College and Mohawk College battled it out in the goldmedal game, with Mohawk taking the gold by three points, with a final score of 89-86. This was the first OCAA championship win for the Mohawk Mountaineers in 40 years, and the team is going on to the Canadian Colleges Athletic Association Basketball Championship from March 15 to 17 in Truro, Nova Scotia. Fanshawe’s women’s basketball team didn’t emerge with a medal after the OCAA Women’s Basketball Championship at Seneca College, but played their hearts out, wrapping up a very successful 16-2 season. “I’m extremely proud of this group for how hard they worked from the very first tryout until the very last second of the last game,” said Matt White, the Head Coach of the Fanshawe Falcons women’s intercollegiate basketball team. The Falcons put up a good fight against the George Brown Huskies, pushing the bronze-medal game into overtime. The Huskies beat the Falcons with a score of 5045, marking the first medal for the Huskies team since 1990. The game was the third the Falcons team played in the span of 22 hours. “I’m proud of how our team battled to the very end to force an overtime, but we simply had tired legs and ran out of energy,” explained White. “The experience for our younger players is something we can hopefully build on for next season,” continued White. “It was the last time (Captain) Kaitlind Dutrizac will play for Fanshawe. She finished her five-year career and saved her best basketball for last. The four games she played at the OCAAs were the best four-game stretch of her career. She has been a great Team Captain and a true leader for this team all year and throughout her career. We will all miss her next year,” he said. The Algonquin Thunder won the championship with a 62-57 victory against the Seneca Sting in double overtime, taking them to Lethbridge, Alberta for the CCAA championship on March 15 to 17. CREDIT: ANTHONY CHANG Andy Campbell helped the Fanshawe College men’s basketball team secure a bronze medal at the Ontario Colleges Athletic Association with a 92-63 win over Algoma. It has been over four years now since Ford sold Land Rover and Jaguar to the Indian car giant Tata Motors. The first new product to come out under the new owner is called the LR4 and it replaced the LR3. At first glance, the LR4 doesn’t look much different from the LR3, and there is a reason for that. The LR4 is still essentially the same vehicle as its predecessor but with a whole new host of improvements. You’ll be able to spot the slightly new headlights with the now ever popular LED lights built into the main unit, and at the back there are new taillights. There is also a new set of alloy wheels. So while it has many features that are almost identical to the LR3, the LR4 does look cleaner and smarter. The interior also is similar, but it is definitely much improved. It has the same amount of space as before, but the quality of materials now used is far superior to the aging LR3. You now get higher quality plastics, which give the car a whole new feeling of class. There are some new gadgets too, most notably the new around-view camera system. This system is not only helpful when parallel parking but is also useful when threading off-road, as it lets you see the ground all around you – that is, if all the cameras are working. One of the cameras on my press tester would go on vacation every now and then, so reliability is not this feature’s strong point. And don’t think it was an isolated issue, either; I had a Range Rover after the LR4 and it had the same issue. In fact, in the Range Rover, two cameras went on holiday and took the blind spot monitoring system with them. Electronic foibles still plague Land Rover products, which is a shame, because they are really very good to drive. The LR3 was available with two engines in Canada, but the new LR4 gets only one engine. It’s a V8, and a huge one at that. It’s a 5.0-litre unit that produces 375 hp and 375 lb/ft of torque. Mated with a six-speed automatic gearbox that sends power to all wheels, this vehicle will haul you and your guests through just about anything. I took it on an adventurous trek in the countryside and was amazed how easily it threads through the rough stuff. If you encounter a rock or a log in your path, you can raise the whole vehicle up to allow it more ground clearance to go over such obstacles (the system also has a lowering setting for getting it into low garages). If the terrain gets a little tricky, it has settings that will optimize its four-wheel drive system to cope with mud, snow, sand and rocky terrain. However, most people who will buy this vehicle will probably never get to do any such off-road activities, so what they should be concerned with is how it handles in the urban jungle. It does this bit better than most SUVs. First is its ride quality, which is simply superb. Most such SUVs are bouncy and jittery on broken public roads. The LR4 rides as if it lays down a velvet carpet on the road before it treads on it. Then there is the turning circle, which is also very good for a vehicle of this girth. Its manners on the highway at speed are also very good indeed. What isn’t very good is the fuel consumption. I averaged 16.7 litres in this seven-passenger SUV, which means you will get to know the staff at your local gas station very well. But everything has some foibles and this is no exception. If you’re looking for a large SUV for the family that gets a score of eight out of 10, the LR4 just might be the vehicle for you. With prices starting at $59,990 it is pretty good value, too. FREE LEGAL SE SERVICES ERVICES TO ALLL FULL-TIME FANSHAWE FANSSHAWE STUDENTSS COURTESY COUR RTESY OF THE FFANSHAWE AN NSHAWE STUDENT UNION N (519) 661-3352 661-3352 Call for appointment. appointment. Check the FSU office o (SC2001) for details. Volume 44 Issue No. 24 March 12, 2012 SPORTS&LEISURE 21 NBA All-Star weekend a mixed bag for fans NBA WATCH VICTOR KAISAR twitter: @supermario_47 The NBA All-Star game took place in Orlando on February 26, and for some basketball fans, like myself, it was a weekend of fun and excitement, though for some other people I know, it was a rather drab event. For starters, if you look at the difference between the NBA and the NHL All-Star games, there are some experts who are calling for an “NHL-style All-Star game for the NBA.” ESPN’s Sarah Spain, for instance wondered how many people remember whether the East or the West have more wins? I know I don’t. (She cited it at 36 wins to the East and 24 to the West, but really, how many of us care?) I would love to see the NBA adopt an NHL-style All-Star game where two captains are chosen and they draft a roster full of players. Imagine a game seeing Dwyane Wade take on LeBron James, or Kevin Durant face off against teammate Russell Westbrook. Something like that would only be possible if the NBA does away with their current East vs. West format. The NHL All-Star Draft has been around for two years now, and I’m sure it’s nerve-racking for seasoned professionals to sit and wait to hear their name being called out, something basketball players should go through as well. I’ve got no problems with the All-Star weekend, although I will tell you that I miss the slam dunk CREDIT: MEDIA.LEHIGHVALLEYLIVE.COM A NBA Fantasy Draft could see LeBron James and Kobe Bryant on the same team. contest. Remember Vince Carter in 2000? Remember “Superman” Dwight Howard in 2008? Those are two classic contests that come to my mind instantly. Even Blake Griffin last year wasn’t bad. This year, however, I did not enjoy the show. Not to take anything away from Jeremy Evans – he tried to put on a show, dunking two balls over teammate Gordon Hayward as well as the dunk over comedian Kevin Hart, which he completed in a Karl Malone jersey – but you have to remember that JaVale McGee dunked three balls simultaneously while Blake Griffin jumped over a car last year. There were significant changes to the rules this year: no judges, 100 per cent fan voting and only one round with three dunks per contestant as opposed to the traditional tworound contest. All of this promised something new but sadly it all fell flat as we saw a lot of attempts we’ve seen before but with diminishing returns. The biggest problem, in my opinion, was the absence of judges. To base the competition entirely on fan voting was not the best move. The three-point contest is the other prolific event of the All-Star weekend, and it was Minnesota all the way. Kevin Love gave the struggling franchise something to cheer about as he took home the honours. The franchise has had little to cheer about ever since Kevin Garnett left in 2007. What makes Love’s victory even sweeter is the fact that he rotates playing as a centre or as power forward – positions that do not demand a great shooting percentage. The fact that Love won this contest also shows that he not only has range, but shows that teams need to respect him on the line, a move that draws big defenders away from the paint, which could open up possibilities under the basket. The All-Star game itself promised much with the classic East vs. West matchup (or as some columnists put it, Durant and Bryant vs. James and the East). As an exhibition game, it promised a lot of fun and it did deliver, with the East having to cut a 21-point deficit to just one point, but failing to convert that into the win. James finished the night with 36 points while his teammate Wade finished Pondering plyometrics FUN AND FITNESS RICK MELO [email protected] Name one Olympic sport that doesn’t require speed, agility or strength. If you choose curling, you are right, but for the most part, this is never the case. For the majority of athletes, speed, agility and strength make up the foundation of training. But to train in all three areas you have to run, stretch consistently and lift weights frequently, unless of course you do plyometric exercises. But before I begin describing plyometrics, it is important that I stress that plyometrics do not take the place of running, stretching and weight training; they help enhance the results. Plyometrics are often referred to as explosive movements or explosive exercises. In essence, you are training explosive patterns in order to toughen tissues and train your nervous system into being able to contract specific muscle groups explosively! I think you are getting the hint regarding the importance of EXPLOSIVENESS now! All plyometric exercises must be done quickly and correctly. There are never any shortcuts. Every action is done with the intent to have a muscle reach full movement as quickly as possible. I am going to CREDIT: TRICKSTUTORIALS.COM Plyometric exercises take your body to the extreme. cut straight through all of the scien- amazed at how many people don’t tific terminology and eccentric con- train specifically for their desired centric mumbo jumbo and say that goals. Now that you have your sport if you do plyometrics consistently focus arranged, it will be much easand correctly, you will see results. Now that you know what plyo- ier to research for you plyometric metrics aim to improve, you have to exercises. Unless you already know write your plyometric workout. The everything there is to know about first thing you have to consider is plyometrics, you are going to have your main goal: Do you want to cut to research either online or in a down on your 100 metre dash time, book. YouTube is fantastic because throw the discus farther or jump it is free and you get the visuals to higher for basketball? Only then match the verbal demonstration. Another really important queswill it be easier to tell what type of sport you are going to focus on. As tion to ask yourself is what is the an example, track and field sprints EXACT reason you are interested will improve your 100 metre, track in plyometrics? You have to considand field throwing will improve er whether or not the workload and your discus and obviously basket- potential risk are worth the reward ball plyometric exercises will help you are seeking. More often than you jump higher. It sounds like not, plyometrics are completely common sense, but you would be necessary. However, there are many times when athletes want to start doing them without a good motive. For example, one of the most popular goals involve basketball players seeking to jump higher. First, after all is said and done, if a basketball player gains a couple inches in vertical, is it really worth the endless hours and constant pounding on the knee joints? Are those hours better spent working on the actual fundamentals of the game instead? Sure, jumping higher is cool, but isn’t the point to become a better basketball player and win games? A few inches in vertical gain isn’t going to accomplish that. Worst of all, you will eventually lose that vertical gain once you stop the plyo regimen. That is just some food for thought. with a triple-double. The real winners of the night were Durant and Bryant. Durant took home the MVP title, another feather in his cap, while Bryant took home a scoring record, breaking Michael Jordan’s record of 262 points. I guess that even though the AllStar weekend is a lot of fun for athletes and fans alike, it’s about time the league brings about some sort of change. A fantasy draft is a great way to show off player personalities, make way for never-beforeseen matchups (remember the Sedin twins playing against each other in last year’s NHL All-Star game?) and add another level of behind-the-scenes access to the game’s superstars. It’s time for the NBA to follow the NHL’s lead and step into the future. After 61 years, it’s time a change was made. Are you listening, David Stern? Ball Hockey Standings Group One Team W A-Style 3 CMY 3 Brazzars 1 BSTL 1 Abousment Park 1 Individuals 1 Dirty Mike & Boys 1 Masters with Sticks 1 Group Two Team W Happy Gilmour 4 Hat Trick Slayers 2 Team Barsouth 2 Clam Divers 2 Fan. Maple Queefs 2 Bardown 2 Beer For Cheer 1 Loan Sharks 1 Steve 0 Muffin Stuffers 0 Group Three Team W Bangers 4 Creamery Kings 3 Multiple Scoregas.. 3 Al Bundy Runners 2 Zambonners 1 Hand Nail ... 1 Down To Puck 1 FHP 1 Mic Sock 0 Rec N Check 0 Group Four Team W Greasy Burgs 3 Closet Monster 3 Baby Shakers 3 Irrelevent Leafs 3 Shooting Blanks 2 J-Row The Boys 2 FXC 1 Sons of Sandor 0 African National... 0 MIA Clippers 0 Group Five Team W Fan Moose Knuck.. 3 Goodfellas 3 Burt Nichols 2 Sick Toe Drag 2 Hot Fuzz 1 MOJO 1 The Bob Ross Exp. 0 HAF 0 Group Six Team W Cole World 4 The Grongers 3 TBA 3 Easton Infection 2 Masterfaders 1 Fanshawe Flyers 1 The Blazers 1 Toe Draggers 0 Balls So Hard 0 L 0 1 0 1 1 1 2 2 T Pts 0 6 0 6 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 L 1 0 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 3 T Pts 0 8 1 5 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 4 1 3 0 2 0 0 0 0 L 0 0 1 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 T Pts 0 8 0 6 0 6 0 4 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 L 0 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 3 3 T Pts 0 6 0 6 0 6 0 6 0 4 0 4 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 L 0 0 0 0 1 1 3 3 T Pts 0 6 0 6 0 4 0 4 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 L 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 T Pts 0 8 0 6 0 6 0 4 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 SPORTS&LEISURE 22 Volume 44 Issue No. 24 March 12, 2012 Bounty hunters NFL CZAR JUSTIN VANDERZWAN CREDIT: WALLSOFJERICHOHOLIC.BLOGSPOT.COM Will Bruno Sammartino ever make it to the WWE Hall of Fame? Sammartino belongs in the Hall of Fame THE HEEL TURN SCOTT STRINGLE [email protected] The WWE Hall of Fame has been around for awhile now and has seen many legendary names inducted into it. Many fans are wondering if one name above all others will ever receive the honour. The individual in question is Bruno Sammartino, who is quite possibly the greatest heavyweight champion of all time. Ric Flair may have held various championships more times, but Sammartino holds the record for longest combined time as heavyweight champion, with a total of 11 years. His first championship run was as the WWWF champion. from 1963 to 1971, which he won by defeating Buddy Rogers. The second run came when he defeated Stan Stasiak, and it lasted from 1973 to 1977. Sammartino’s position as the top dog in the wrestling business came to an end then, courtesy of the flashy, charismatic wrestler famously known as “Superstar” Billy Graham. The win came with a high degree of controversy, as Graham had his feet on the ropes for leverage when he pinned Sammartino. After this, Sammartino stepped away from wrestling for awhile before making some brief returns. He would have to share the spotlight, though, and engaged in some feuds with such notable superstars as Macho Man Randy Savage and Roddy Piper, as well as teaming up with Hulk Hogan. His role as an active competitor drew to a close, and he began to 4 5 9 3 8 7 6 2 1 8 2 6 9 5 6 1 4 3 7 7 3 8 1 2 1 4 5 7 6 2 5 9 4 1 9 6 3 2 8 5 9 2 8 3 4 7 1 6 9 3 8 7 5 4 1 8 4 2 6 5 7 3 9 3 2 5 9 7 1 4 8 6 7 9 6 8 3 4 1 5 2 participate in the business as a commentator and special referee. In the last 10 years, though, he has become very critical of the direction that Vince McMahon has taken the WWE, claiming that it has destroyed what Vince Sr. created. He is not a fan of the edgy storylines and mature content that the Attitude Era in particular featured. Sammartino is also extremely against the practice that some wrestlers allegedly had of using illegal supplements such as steroids, and for this reason he would often refuse to travel with younger athletes for fear of being pulled over in a roadside drug bust. Sammartino has had several opportunities to be a part of WWE projects such as DVD releases, but he always declines so as to not appear to be endorsing Vince Jr.’s product. Needless to say, this has created a bit of a beef between the two men, perhaps more so on Sammartino’s side. He does, however, have high praise for Kurt Angle, saying that he rarely watches wrestling anymore unless it is one of Angle’s matches. This should come as no surprise, as Angle is widely considered to be the greatest professional wrestler alive today, regardless of what CM Punk and Chris Jericho say. Sammartino has been approached in the past concerning a spot in the Hall of Fame, but he flat-out refused. Perhaps if Triple H ends up running the WWE in real life and Vince is out of the picture, the healing will begin. It would be an absolute crime if the hard feelings between these two men permanently stood in the way of Sammartino earning his rightful place in the WWE Hall of Fame as the greatest champion ever to set foot in the ring. YIKES! In the midst of all the usual offseason talk (draft, free agency) comes an insane story out of New Orleans. Apparently the Saints have been offering bounties to players on their defence for hits that cause an injury to an offensive player. Oh my, what a mess. This all stems from former Saints (and current St. Louis Rams) Defensive Co-Ordinator Gregg Williams. The former Buffalo Bills Head Coach and Washington Redskins, Jacksonville Jaguars and Tennessee Titans Defensive CoOrdinator was allegedly responsible for this bounty program, and players are popping up everywhere saying that this system has existed for over 15 years. While none of this has actually been confirmed by Williams – or the NFL for that matter – if this did in fact happen, there needs to be severe punishment. There is already talk comparing this to Spygate, the videotaping scandal involving the New England Patriots from several years ago. In that case, there were several huge fines laid down on the team and the coach (Bill Belichick), and the Pats also lost a first-round pick in the next year’s draft. I expect something similar in this situation. If this indeed happened in seemingly every stop CREDIT: REUTERS Gregg Williams could be in a heap of trouble. along Williams’ coaching career, made an example out of them. That he needs to feel the blow as well. I is why I expect massive punishexpect the NFL will certainly ment from the NFL in this situathrow out several fines and could tion. The biggest losers in all of this even take the first-rounder from the Saints in April’s draft, but it are the St. Louis Rams. They were shouldn’t stop there. I can’t see expecting to have Williams as their any way that Williams doesn’t get new defensive co-ordinator this suspended for some period of time. year, but with suspensions (and/or If this has happened everywhere long-term bans) on the table, that Williams went, is a complete ban likely won’t happen – at least, to start the season. from the NFL in the cards? Rewarding players for intentionThis is something that I’m sure has existed in the NFL for years, ally injuring opposing players is but now that it has been exposed, obscene, and can NEVER happen. the hammer needs to drop. It’s This game is dangerous enough as basically the same as the Spygate it is without players being reckless scandal. Teams came out and said to earn an extra buck. I’ve just they all stole signals from oppos- written this entire article, and I still ing teams at some point, but since can’t believe this is happening. the Patriots were caught, the NFL Just silly. Some great and not-so-great Leafs coaches JEREMY WALL INTERROBANG On March 2, the Leafs fired Ron Wilson and shortly thereafter named another former Anaheim Ducks Coach Randy Carlyle as the new bench boss. Carlyle, a former Norris trophy winner, is the fourth Leafs Head Coach since the 2004 lockout. That’s a lot of turnover, even by NHL coaching standards. Whether Carlyle is an improvement over Wilson remains to be seen. He had quite a bit of success in Anaheim working with Brian Burke and winning a Stanley Cup in 2006, which is something that Wilson has never done as a coach. But Toronto isn’t Anaheim and the pressures are completely different. That might explain one of the reasons why the Leafs have gone through so many coaches in recent seasons. In fact, the Leafs have gone through many great and notso-great head coaches throughout their history. Here’s a look at a few: Hap Day: Clarence “Happy” Day played for the Leafs and their predecessors, the Toronto St. Patricks, from 1924 to 1937. He went on to coach Toronto from 1940 to 1950, a run that included five Stanley Cups, maybe the best period of the Leafs’ history. George “Punch” Imlach: Imlach holds the Leafs’ coaching record for all-time wins at 360. He coached Toronto from ’58 to ’69. He won four Stanley Cups with the Leafs, including their last in 1967. CREDIT: THESTAR.COM Can Randy Carlyle, the Maple Leafs’ new Head Coach, lead the team to glory? He returned to Toronto to coach very briefly in 1980, losing in the first round of the playoffs. Roger Neilson: Neilson coached the Leafs from 1977 through 1979, the first of eight NHL teams he would coach. Under Neilson, the Leafs had probably their best run in the ’70s, making it to the third round of the playoffs in 1978. Neilson died of cancer in 2003. Pat Burns: Burns coached the Leafs for three and a half seasons from 1992 to 1996. Under Burns, the Buds made the Conference finals twice, losing to Los Angeles in 1993 and Vancouver in 1994. These two years may have represented the Leafs’ best chance to win a Cup since their last one in ’67. He was also the Leafs’ first winning coach since Roger Neilson left the team in 1979. Burns did win a Cup, coaching New Jersey in 2003. He died of cancer in 2010. Pat Quinn: Quinn coached another somewhat successful era of the Leafs, starting with Toronto in 1998 and coaching the team through the 2005/06 season. The Leafs made it to the Conference finals twice under Quinn, in 1999 and 2002. They also posted their franchise best record of 103 points in 2004. However, much like the Leafs under Burns, Quinn wasn’t able to get his team in the Cup finals and was fired in favour of Paul Maurice beginning in the 2006/07 season. Volume 44 Issue No. 24 March 12, 2012 SPORTS&LEISURE 23 Chelsea drops manager and future FANSHAWE FC MARTY THOMPSON [email protected] twitter: @martythompson_ CREDIT: ONTARIOHOCKEYLEAGUE.CA Seth Griffith continues to lead the way, although his team suffered its first losing streak of 2011/12 season. Knights struggle… finally AROUND THE OHL RYAN SPRINGETT [email protected] twitter: @Ryan_Springett It took just over 60 games – 62, to be exact – but the London Knights have finally lost two games in a row. Things started out positively on March 2 against the Oshawa Generals with a 7-2 win. With the offense finally meshing well going into the weekend, things were looking positive. Going into March 3 game hosting the Ottawa 67’s, Seth Griffith, Greg McKegg and Austin Watson looked like they were going to lead the way for the London Knights; all three players registered at least three points against the undisciplined Oshawa Generals in a 7-2 win. With the win came injuries; Jarred Tinordi and Tommy Hughes left the game after the first period and left the Knights with only four defensemen for the rest of the game. I spoke with Scott Harrington after the game, and he told me that this was the first time in his OHL career that he had to be rotated with three other teammates on the blue line. The fact that the London Knights held the huge offensive threat, Oshawa Generals, to only 27 shots is a huge accomplishment given the Generals’ firepower. It was a great way to go into the weekend. Next came the biggest test of the weekend: facing the Ottawa 67’s, with Houser, Tinordi and Hughes all out of the line-up. London had their work cut out for them as they hosted the second-best team in the Eastern Conference. Unfortunately for London, they ran into a hot goalie, Petr Mrázek, who made 39 saves in a 2-1 win for the 67’s. This is a game that Ottawa was supposed to win, although the London Knights outplayed and outshot the 67’s, 40-27. Maybe if Michael Houser was in net, the Knights could have run away with this game. To Jake Patterson’s credit, he played a solid game, he let in a weak goal late in the game to Cody Ceci at 13:32 in the third. This London loss doesn’t concern me to the point where I think their championship season is in jeopardy; the next loss, however, does. London would travel to Oshawa to finish their weekend by losing to the Oshawa Generals, 4-1. This is not acceptable for the London Knights; Oshawa is an undisciplined team who cannot stay out of the penalty box. London led the head-to-head stats in everything but penalty minutes and goals. It is becoming more and more apparent that London is lacking in consistent secondary scoring towards the end of the season, and that is what is needed in playoffs – secondary scoring and depth. My only real concern with depth is in the net. Houser is everything London fans could have asked for this year, but what if he gets hurt? Can we rely on Patterson and Tyson Teichmann to get through playoffs? In the last 21 games, Teichmann has won once. He has only played in one playoff game, and that was a loss. Now Patterson has some interesting stats: in the OHL, he has two wins and two losses with a 0.929 save percentage, on the London Nationals (Junior B) this year, zero wins and three losses with a 0.804 save percentage. Patterson is a wildcard but he still has some time to grow into a more steady goalie. Perhaps more ice time for Patterson will give him a bit more confidence in himself and the London Knight fans. Should London fans be worried? Not yet. After all, it did take them 62 games to lose two in a row. Look for their three-game road trip that started on March 9 to be a peek into if London can be successful in the playoffs. Remember, finishing first in the OHL is great, but it only means home ice for playoffs, that’s it. I’ve seen the Erie Otters take the Knights into overtime in the JLC this year – anything can happen. Coaches in all sports come under heavy scrutiny and will always be the first to pay for failure. Just like Ron Wilson and the Toronto Maple Leafs, coaches have no control in the mistakes players make (just like Luke Schenn) or the team they have inherited. André Villas-Boas is the latest manager to lose his job prematurely in football. Chelsea is currently sitting fifth, only three points out of the last Champions League place in fourth. This is another gutsy move by the upper brass at Chelsea, who continue to dispose of managers quickly without giving any time to those men in charge. The top of the Premier League is in a transition. Tottenham is quality, Manchester City is here to stay and the top four is no longer that easy to get for clubs like Chelsea. Chelsea is also in transition. Their aging squad seems to have hit its peak years ago, and many fans believed Villas-Boas was the man to bring in more youth to the squad. He might have been, but clubs like Chelsea forget to keep as much consistency in the management of the team as possible while that team is in a rebuilding stage. It’s important to realize that North American sports teams recognize rebuilding stages and allow coaches time to make the team good again, while football managers are expected to keep the team on the same playing level for years or get CREDIT: AP André Villas-Boas couldn’t help his eventual firing. And the firing didn’t help his old club, Chelsea, either. them back quickly. At the start of the year, this was a smart hire. Villas-Boas has a very intelligent footballing mind with loads of potential. He could have been a long-term investment. With the emergence of the top six or seven clubs battling for spots, Chelsea, among other clubs, can wait for the dust to settle. The last time Chelsea didn’t qualify for the Champions League was over a decade ago, but they need to build instead of race towards a spot like they are now. If they let AVB take to another transfer window, it could have given him a little more creativity; instead we see a very similar squad with little progression. Roberto Di Matteo will take the reins on an interim basis. The English Premier League has lost a fresh face on the sidelines, one that really could have helped his club. Not only that, they lost one of the best-dressed managers as well. Not very many people can manage a club – and a suit – quite like him. Other stories: There is a real footrace at the bottom of the table in the EPL. Five teams in and around 20 points or so. The next couple of months should be a fantastic battle of who isn’t as bad (although they all deserve to go down). The domestic season gets underway this week with Toronto FC starting their season against the L.A. Galaxy in the Confederation of North, Central American and Caribbean Association Football Champions League, and Montreal plays their first MLS match at Vancouver. These are some very exciting times for Canadian soccer. basketball The Men’s Basketball Team completed at the OCAA Championships on March 1-3 at Algonquin College. The Men lost a tough first round match vs Humber but then won 3 straight games to come back and win the Bronze Medal. The Women’s Basketball Team also competed at the OCAA Championships on March 1-3 at Seneca College. After a first round win over the Loyalist Lancers, the Falcons were put up against the host Seneca Sting in the Semi Finals and came up a little short. They continued in the tournament to come away with a 4th place finish. curling The Men’s and Women’s Curling Teams are headed to the CCAA National Championships on March 21-24, 2012. At the OCAA Championships, the Men’s team took home the Silver Medal and the Women’s team took home the Bronze Medal. Both teams look to push for Gold at the CCAA Championships. Good Luck Falcons! indoor soccer The Men’s and Women’s Indoor Soccer Team travel to the Ontario Soccer Centre in Vaughan, ON for the OCAA Regional Championships on March 7-8. Both teams are looking to take home the regional title and qualify for the OCAA Provincial Championships later in March. ice hockey The Men’s Extramural Ice Hockey team competes at the Georgian Tourney in Barrie, Ontario on March 9th while the Women’s Extramural Ice Hockey team heads to the Fleming Tourne in Peterborough, Ontario on March 10th. open gym time available during the day. all you need is a campus card. see daily schedule. fanshawe college athletics 519-452-4430 j1034
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