science and values - Fondazione Sospiro
science and values - Fondazione Sospiro
In cooperation with SINPIA 10th National Conference on the Quality of Life for People with Disabilities SCIENCE AND VALUES September 7th-8th, 2015 Università Cattolica di Milano Presentation The annual conference on the Quality of Life of persons with disabilities, promoted by Fondazione Sospiro, with the present edition reaches the 10th anniversary. In a national scenario where opportunities and resources dedicated to disabilities are being generally reduced, this event highlights the need to continue along the path of dedicating space, time, energy and passion, in particular, to creating chances for exchange and mutual enrichment and learning from different experiences. The themes that will synthesize this decade of work are scientific method and personal values. It is well known today that Evidence-Based Practices are considered as the standard for any kind of service provided to a person. However, there is still much confusion in our Country about the three main schools of thought in this field: the empirical-experimental method, the phenomenological-experiential approach and the post-structuralist view (based on compliance with the typical principles of social policies, like participation and empowerment). In the field of disability, it is probably necessary to accurately and sensibly integrate the different models in order to obtain high-value opportunities at all action levels, and consequently build a set of guidelines to be used as a baseline for the development of clinical and management policies. In Italy, these processes are perhaps just at an initial stage of development. The primary objective of Fondazione Sospiro in proposing this event can be summarized with a message dedicated to all the actors of this great stage – operators and families: let us make our practical experiences available for the scientific world; this is the way to promote a work fully based on personal values, those of Persons with Disabilities, and those of staff members and families. The National Conference “Science and values” is built on the presentations of over 50 clinicians and researchers recognised as experts at national and international level. Monday morning 3 parallel workshops will open the Conference, and from Monday afternoon to Tuesday evening 3 lectures followed by 9 parallel symposia will be fully available to participants. The Conference includes on September 9 an important workshop entirely dedicated to severe challenging behaviors. The Scientific Committee Serafino Corti, Mauro Leoni, Roberto Cavagnola, Francesco Fioriti, Giuseppe Chiodelli, Giovanni Miselli 1st Pre-Conference Workshop September 7th – h 9:00 – 12:30 – Room “Cripta” Redesigning mandates and promoting quality in the services for Persons with Disabilities Chair: Carlo Francescutti There are at least three main reasons at the basis of the creation of this group and behind the proposal of this workshop: 1) the development of evidence on the effectiveness of treatments; 2) the emerging interest for Quality of Life Models; 3) the consolidation of the ethical and juridical vision of the condition of disability, which accompanied and followed the approval of the UN Convention for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which has become a law of the Italian State since 2009 (Law 18/2009). These reasons require a radical change in our approach to defining mandates and quality processes in the services for people with Neurodevelopmental Disorders. These services should be configured as resources for self-determination, the exercise of rights, the development of abilities and human blossoming. They must be designed as places where relationships and exchanges are promoted, as “gyms” where one learns how to live and be independent, as opportunities for real participation. It is within this spirit that UNI (Ente di Normazione Italiano), the Italian organization for standardisation, has started to review the body of rules that govern sector services (UNI 11010) by opening a debate and a very interesting discussion for the universe of persons with disabilities, their associations, professionals and service providers. The following presentations will be given: • Franca Biondelli (State Secretary of Work and Social Policies Ministry) • Marco Faini (Anffas Brescia Onlus) • Marco Tirabosco (Federsolidarietà) • Mauro Leoni (Fondazione Sospiro Onlus) • Nereo Zamaro (Director of Social Policies for the Region Lazio) • Eleonora Moretti (Delegate for Quality and Accreditation of the Region Tuscany). 2nd Pre-Conference Workshop September 7th – h 9:00 – 12:30 – Room “Magna” (Main Lecture Hall) James W. Bodfish Autism Clinical practices for comorbid medical and psychiatric disorders and severe challenging behaviors Chair: Maria Laura Galli Autism is now considered to be a “spectrum” of conditions that vary in etiology, developmental course, support needs, responsiveness to available interventions, and outcomes. Among the most challenging and least understood manifestations are children and adults with autism who also have medical and psychiatric co-occurring conditions and severe challenging behaviors (aggression, self-injury, feeding problems, wandering, etc). While complex and challenging, work in this area is also providing new insights into autism and new opportunities for autism intervention and services. This presentation will focus on current research findings in this area of autism, real-world clinical lessons learned, and on the practical assessment and treatment procedures which can be implemented by service providers James W. Bodfish Is Professor of Psychiatry, Neurosciences, Hearing & Speech Sciences and Special Education at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine (USA). He is a clinician at the Vanderbilt Brain Institute. In his research activity, he has focused on the pathogenesis and treatment of developmental disabilities, and particularly on very severe behavioural disorders and dual diagnoses. He is the author of articles, monographs, training systems, assessment scales. He is the editor of the prestigious “Autism: The International Journal of Research and Practice”. He has been designated by the Senate for the Legislative Study Commission on autistic disorders and he directs the International Congress on Movement Disorders. 3rd Pre-Conference Workshop September 7th – h 9:00 – 12:30 – Room “Lazzati” Fabio Celi Working on challenging behaviours in the classroom Chair: Carlo Pascoletti The workshop is aimed to train teachers and school educators on the use of cognitive-behavioural procedures for the management of inadequate behaviours. The presented methodology usually belongs for the entire scholastic period, and includes different stages: free and systematic observation, definition of objectives, selection of individualized strategies, implementation, supervision and assessment of their efficacy. During the workshop, participants will analyse the implementation of these methodologies in the daily activities of the classroom, with students with both disabilities and concurrent behavioural disorders, and with students with primary behavioural disorders (i.e. attention deficit/hyperactivity disorders, oppositional defiant disorder). The workshop will discuss the challenges of these situations and present useful management strategies. The workshop will focus on the emotional aspects connected with teacher training: how the teacher feels when facing problems, and when their supports is actually working, when something positive is happening and relationships shifts successfully. Fabio Celi He directs the entire Unit of Psychology at ASL-1 Massa e Carrara. He is Contract Professor in Clinical Psychology at the Universities of Parma and Pisa. He is the author of many publications dedicated to children, with a special focus on learning systems in psychological disorders and new technologies. SOFTWARE, STIPENDI, CONSULENZA E FORMAZIONE CBA Group: la soluzione software dedicata integralmente alle disabilità, oggi adeguata al processo di dematerializzazione a norma di legge e firma digitale. CBA Group guida l’introduzione di molteplici trasformazioni in ambito socio-sanitario con tecnologie informatiche all’avanguardia, per giungere ad efficienza e funzionalità oltre a una concreta semplificazione nella gestione. Cartella Socio Sanitaria CBA, sviluppata in stretta collaborazione con Fondazione Sospiro Onlus è un software interamente dedicato alla gestione delle disabilità particolarmente dettagliato e ricco di specificità. Recentemente introdotte le Web App per un utilizzo all’insegna di portabilità e massima fruibilità, oggi CSS ha aperto la strada ai temi attuali riguardo la firma digitale e la conservazione sostitutiva a norma, offrendo, anche per questa obbligatorietà, una soluzione adeguata. La stretta collaborazione con Fondazione Sospiro, in fase di avviamento del software, ha portato al perfezionamento di molteplici dettagli attraverso svariati test funzionali. Competenze informatiche e tecnologiche si sono unite a quelle scientifiche della Fondazione, coniugando le necessità di carattere gestionale con aspetti umani peculiari di questo settore. L’Area Disabili è stata concepita con il preciso intento di fornire uno strumento che, partendo dall’assessment, riesca a definire il progetto di vita e i programmi d’intervento per le persone in condizioni di disabilità psichica, sensoriale, fisica e motoria; prevede la presa in carico globale con percorsi finalizzati che mirano a porre al centro dell’attenzione la persona disabile considerandola “persona”, prima che disabile. Si tratta di una serie di osservazioni costruite attorno al singolo, dove si è mantenuto fede alle linee guida nazionali AIRIM (Associazione Italiana Studio Disabilità Intellettive ed Evolutive). Numerose Strutture su tutto il territorio nazionale si sono affidate a CBA per gestire la complessità metodologica e applicativa nelle valutazioni di tali disabilità: ANFFAS, residenze per disabili e realtà che operano offrendo servizi molto specifici, come l’ambito riabilitativo e percorsi finalizzati all’inserimento lavorativo, l’integrazione e l’inclusione sociale. Non solo, ci rivolgiamo anche a Cooperative, Associazioni e Centri Diurni, abbracciando completamente il settore disabilità. A conferma della filosofia CBA, ricordiamo che il software è in continua evoluzione per il raggiungimento di una sempre maggior efficacia. CBA Group - Viale Trento, 56 - 38068 - Rovereto (TN) Tel. 0464 491600 - Fax 0464 412299 [email protected] - Conference – First Plenary Session September 7th – h 14:00 – 16:00 – Room “Magna” (Main Lecture Hall) Miguel Angel Verdugo Beyond human functioning: Evidence-Based approaches and Quality of Life Chair: Bernardo Dalla Bernardina Quality of Life (QOL) models in the field of disabilities today impact both the research and the provision of services for the person. As a consequence, all those who are supposed to take important decisions for the life of persons with disabilities must base their choices on the best knowledge and experiences derived from human functioning models, individualised support models and the QOL construct. It is therefore indispensable to combine QOL models with an approach based on evidence with the primary purpose of direct clinical, managerial and social policy decision-making processes, which must fulfil the criterion of consistency with the values of the person with disability. The use of evidence-based practices and QOL models allow professionals to make a better and more efficient use of the resources available: additionally, it corroborates subjective and objective well-being indicators, and at the same time supports professionals to describe the rationale, the methodologies and the tools used in the selected processes. Miguel Angel Verdugo 2009 from AAIDD. Is a Professor and Director of the Research Institute on Community Integration of the University of Salamanca (Spain). He also directs the information system on disabilities of the Spanish Ministry of Health. He is a prolific and prestigious author, with over 70 books published, assessment tools developed and more than 400 scientific articles written. He received outstanding recognition throughout his career, including the International Award Conference – First Symposium September 7th – h 16:00 – 18:00 – Room “Magna” (Main Lecture Hall) Promoting well-being experiences in the school Chair: Luigi D’Alonzo a. The Italian way to school inclusion Raffaele Ciambrone - h 16.00 b. School inclusion: 30 years of research and experiences Lucio Cottini - h 16.30 c. Emotional learning: promote early treatment to enhance the Quality of Life Daniele Fedeli - h 17.00 d. Tempering behavioural approaches in the classroom Fabio Celi - h 17.30 Luigi D’Alonzo is Full Professor of Special Pedagogy at the Università Cattolica of Milan and director of the Centre of Studies and Research on Disability and Marginality. Raffaele Ciambrone is the director of the central MIUR office for the school integration of students with disabilities and other special educational needs. He is the Italian representative at the European Agency for special needs and inclusive education and a contract teacher of Teaching integration. Lucio Cottini is Full Professor of General Teaching and Special Pedagogy at the University of Udine. He’s head of the “Autismo Marche” project. He is a member of the scientific committees of several specialist journals. Daniele Fedeli is Associate Professor of Special Teaching and Pedagogy at the University of Udine. He is the scientific director of the “Educational Milestones” book collection published by Edizioni Anicia of Rome. Fabio Celi directs the entire Unit of Psychology at ASL-1 Massa e Carrara. He is Contract Professor in Clinical Psychology at the Universities of Parma and Pisa. He is the author of many publications dedicated to children. Conference – Second Symposium September 7th – h 16:00 – 18:00 – Room “Lazzati” Preferences, values and life paths Chair: Paolo Moderato a. The assessment of preferences in severe disabilities Consiglia Antonazzo - h 16.00 b. The assessment of preferences Francesco Fioriti - h 16.40 c. The assessment of values and life experiences through the Values Interview Silvia Berna, Ramona Guarino - h 17.20 Paolo Moderato is Full Professor of General Psychology and director of the Communication, Behaviour and Consumption Institute of the IULM University. Past EABCT president, he is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies, and President of IESCUM. Consiglia Antonazzo is staff manager (“Cooperativa Passo a due”) at Fondazione Sospiro (CR). Francesco Fioriti is consultant Pedagogist at Fondazione Sospiro. For years he has worked in the world of disabilities with a particular interest for residential services, behaviour disorders, and the use of psycho-educational strategies. Silvia Berna is nurse and behaviour analyst. She is staff and area manager at Fondazione Sospiro (CR). Ramona Guarino is staff manager (“Cooperativa Passo a due”) at Fondazione Sospiro (CR). Conference – Third Symposium September 7th – h 16:00 – 18:00 – Room “Cripta” The right for the application of effective treatments for autism in Italy Chair: Aldina Venerosi a. The Guide-Line 21 of the Italian Ministry of Health Nicola Vanacore e Aldina Venerosi - h 16.00 b. Italian experiences: “I CARE”, an experimental project for autism Paola Codazzi - h 16.30 c. Italian experiences: a sustainable treatment protocol Maurizio Giuseppe Arduino - h 17.00 d. Italian experiences: the MIPIA model Davide Carnevali - h 17.30 Aldina Venerosi is researcher in neurobiology at Istituto Superiore di Sanità (Rome). She is in charge with the national project for a country-wide investigation on the services for the diagnosis and treatment of children with pervasive developmental disorders. Nicola Vanacore is a neurologist and researcher at the National Center for Epidemiology, Surveillance and Promotion of Health of Istituto Superiore di Sanità (Rome). Since 2013 he has been in charge with the National Guideline System. Paola Codazzi is psychologist and psychotherapist. She has been working at the Children Clinic of Fondazione Sospiro since its creation in 2008. She is a consultant and a trainer. Maurizio Giuseppe Arduino is consultant Psychologist in charge with the Center for Autism and Asperger Syndrome ASL-CN1 of Mondovì (Cuneo). He coordinates the program for autism of the Region Piemonte and has contributed to the National round table for autism. Davide Carnevali is psychologist, BCBA behaviour analyst, a member of MIPIA and a teacher at IESCUM. He works at the research and application of ABA. Conference – Second Plenary Session September 8th – h 9:00 – 10:00 – Room “Magna” (Main Lecture Hall) Trevor R. Parmenter Quality of Life and services: is this combination feasible? Chair: Carla Andreotti Over the last century, the systems of beliefs and the related supports provided to the population with disabilities have radically changed passing from a vision that considered them as dangerous people to another vision focused on their incapacity to perform socially expected tasks. This has been the scenario where services have developed and where the pace of existence was determined by needs that were certainly not those of disabled people. The “normalization” movement caused a quantum leap in the cultural paradigm by describing the expectations and desires of disabled people as similar to those of neurotypical people and initiated a path that led to a vision of the people with disabilities as holders of rights and values. Far from being a perfect model, normalization was exposed to the risk of a standardization of interventions, responses and supports. It is precisely from these limits that the reflection on the Quality of Life constructs has originated. This plenary session will be a discussion on the universality of QOL domains and the subjectivity of indicators: persons with disabilities have the right, like anybody else, to be enabled to express their own original project of life. Trevor R. Parmenter Is Professor Emeritus at the Sydney Medical School of the University of Sydney (Australia), where for years he has directed Developmental Disability Studies and the Royal Rehabilitation clinical centre. He is past president of the Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disorders (IASSIDD). He coworked with the World Health Organization (WHO). At present he is dedicated to the themes of ageing and the planning of independence and works with families to the enhancement of natural support networks and preparation to the subsequent stages of direct parent support. Conference – Fourth Symposium September 8th – h 10:30 – 12:30 – Room “Magna” (Main Lecture Hall) Assessing and supporting the Quality of Life of the family members Chair: Caterina Gozzoli a. An investigation on the Quality of Life of the family in an Italian population sample Giovanni Michelini - h 10.30 b. Values and resilience: ACT protocols for the Quality of Life of the family Giovanni Miselli - h 11.10 c. Not only mum and dad: support for grandparents and siblings Marilena Zacchini - h 11.50 Caterina Gozzoli is Associate Professor of Industrial and Organizational Psychology at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Brescia, where she teaches Psychology of Conflict and Social-Organizational Psychology, Industrial and Organizational Psychology and Group Psychology. She is liaison officer for Alta Scuola Agostino Gemelli. Giovanni Michelini is a psychometrist. He taught Statistics and Test Theory and Techniques at the University of Parma. His research activity is mainly focused on learning, behavioural disorders and intellectual disabilities, cognitive stimulation and Alzheimer. Giovanni Miselli is psychologist, psychotherapist, PhD and behaviour analyst. He works at AUSL of Reggio Emilia for the integrated regional project on autism. He is a member of IESCUM and ACBS. His interests are related to contextual behaviour analysis and 3rd generation behavioural psychotherapies. Marilena Zacchini a former member of the historical group of Enrico Micheli; she currently works as consultant for many autism services in Italy and is responsible for the Clinic for the assessment and treatment of autistic disorders for Fondazione Sospiro. Conference – Fifth Symposium September 8th – h 10:30 – 12:30 – Aula “Lazzati” Psychiatric disorders and disability Chair: Alessandro Zuddas a. Beyond behavioural disorders: psychopathology and disability Jim Bodfish - h 10.30 b. Evolution patterns in psychiatric disorders Massimo Molteni - h 11.00 c. Psychopharmacology: therapy or myth? d. The effect of psychoactive drugs on learning Giuseppe Chiodelli - h 11.30 Giovambattista Presti - h 12.00 Alessandro Zuddas is Associate Professor of Child Neuropsychiatry at the University of Cagliari and director of the Clinic of Child and Adolescent Neuropsychiatry of the Psychiatric-Microcytemic Hospital (Cagliari, Italy) and is in charge with the Center for the study of pharmacological therapies. Massimo Molteni is a child neuropsychiatrist in charge with the research line Developmental Psychopathology and is the Director of the IRCCS Eugenio Medea centre of Bosisio Parini, “La Nostra Famiglia” association (Lecco, Italy). Giuseppe Chiodelli is psychiatrist, Director of the Medical Operating Unit of the Disabiilty Department of Fondazione Sospiro. For years he has dedicated to the theme of psychopharmacology and integrated intervention in the management of behavioural disorders and in the prevention of physical and mental disorders. Giovambattista Presti is physician, psychotherapist, Associate Professor of General Psychology in the three-year degree course in Psychological Sciences and Techniques of the Kore University of Enna. He is Fulbright Scholar in Residence at the Stanislaus College CSU (USA). Conference – Sixth Symposium September 8th – h 10:30 – 12:30 – Aula “Cripta” How to measure of the Quality of Life in services for disability Chair: Roberto Franchini a. How to assess personal outcomes: the Life Opportunities Scale Serafino Corti - h 10.30 b. Severe disabilities and Quality of Life: the St. Martins’ Scale Miguel A. Verdugo - h 11.10 c. From the Supports Intensity Scale to analytical tools: the Analytic Scale of Supports Mauro Leoni - h 11.50 Roberto Franchini teaches Special Psychology at the Cattolica University of Brescia, directs Opera Don Orione and is a Past President of AIRIM. He promotes and assesses the Quality of Life of disabled persons. Serafino Corti directs the Disability Department of Fondazione Sospiro, teaches Psychology of disabilities at the Cattolica University of Brescia. He contributes to the development of support interventions in the favour of families with disabled children and organizational models. Miguel Angel Verdugo is Professor and Director of the Research Institute on Community Integration (INICO) of the University of Salamanca (Spain). He directs the information system on disabilities of the Spanish Ministry of Health. He is a prolific and prestigious author, with over 70 books, assessment tools and more than 400 scientific articles published. Mauro Leoni psychologist and psychotherapist, works as a consultant at Fondazione Sospiro. He is a Doctor of philosophy in ID and behaviour analyst, and contract Professor at the University of Pavia. He works as clinical consultant and staff trainer for the services for people with Neurodevelopmental Disorders. Conference – Third Plenary Session September 8th – h 14:00 – 15:00 – Room “Magna” (Main Lecture Hall) Ivan Brown Disability, family and Quality of Life Chair: Antonella Costantino The hope of improving life conditions has a long history and remains a topical theme today. Recently, it has found its expression and definition in the phrase “Quality of life”, a construct that, in disabilities, is measured with a set of indicators considered to be representative of this life condition. The interest of science for this specific research sector has the purpose of offering clinicians effective and efficient practical strategies to obtain this subjective and objective improvement. However, there are open issues that will be tackled by this presentation: What characterizes a good quality of life? Are there aspects of particular importance in determining the QOL? Are there aspects universally capable of enhancing or invalidating the QOL? To what extent does the subjective point of view of the person whose life is being assessed affect the condition of QOL? Are there reliable tools to measure these aspects? The emphasis will be placed on the theme of families, the context where most studies on the Quality of Life have been developed. Then the presentation will focus on the evolution of the life of a family after the birth of a person with disability and will try to describe the scenarios that emerge under intensively stressful living conditions and when valuable choices have to be made. Ivan Brown Is the director of the Academy for Education, Teaching and Research of IASSID, Professor of Disability Studies at the Brock University of Canada, and an internationally recognized expert in the field of disabilities as regards the Quality of Life and the family. His scientific activity is extremely rich: he published dozens of books and founded the prestigious Journal on Developmental Disabilities. Conference – Seventh Symposium September 8th – h 15:30 – 17:30 – Aula “Cripta” Residential services and the Quality of Life Chair: Marco Lombardi a. The experience of the Arduin Foundation Remco Mostert - h 15.30 b. The experience of the Agazzi Foundation Fabrizio Giorgeschi - h 16.20 c. The experience of Cascina Rossago Francesco Barale - h 16.55 Marco Lombardi is psychologist and works as consultant for La Nuvola SCS and as researcher at the HoGent University of Gent (Belgium). Remco Mostert has been working at the Arduin Foundation (NL) first as social worker and then as trainer and expert in the administration of the Personal Outcomes Scale and the Supports Intensity Scale. He takes care of developing individualized life projects. Fabrizio Giorgeschi psychologist and psychotherapist, works at the institute for rehabilitation “Madre Divina Provvidenza” of Arezzo, where he is in charge of the operating unit for adults with severe intellectual disabilities. Francesco Barale physician, neurophysiologist and psychiatrist, is Full Professor of Psychiatry and director of the Department of Sciences of the Nervous System and Behaviour of the University of Pavia, where he has founded and directs the degree course in Psychiatric Rehabilitation Techniques. He is the president of Fondazione Genitori per l’Autismo (a foundation for the parents of autistic children) and one of the promoters of the Cascina Rossago experience. Conference – Eighth Symposium September 8th – h 15:30 – 17:30 – Aula “Lazzati” Daily challenges Chair: Roberto Keller a. Aggressiveness Raffaella Giannattasio - h 15.30 b. Self-injurious behaviors Simone Antonioli - h 16.10 c. Picacism Roberto Cavagnola - h 16.50 Roberto Keller physician, psychiatrist, child neuropsychiatrist and psychotherapist, directs the Clinic for Autistic Spectrum Disorders in the adult age of ASL Torino 2. He teaches at the Specialization School of Clinical Psychology of the University of Turn and is an active member of the Italian Society of Psychiatry. Raffaella Giannattasio psychologist and behaviour analyst, is in charge of the CABAU Center of Grottaglie (Taranto, Italy) and the Center for children with autism of Fobap Brescia. She is an ABA teacher and supervisor of IESCUM (Milan). Simone Antonioli is the technical director of Anffas Fobap Onlus and is in charge of the “Francesco Faroni” children habilitation center of Brescia. Roberto Cavagnola pedagogist, psychologist and psychotherapist, has been working with intellectual disabilities for over 25 years, with a special focus on severe disabilities and problem behaviours. He is consultant at Fondazione Sospiro. Conference – Ninth Symposium September 8th – h 15:30 – 17:30 – Room “Magna” (Main Lecture Hall) Round Table Towards an international consensus on the Quality of Life Chair: Antonella Costantino a. Luigi Croce b. Trevor R. Parmenter c. Ivan Brown d. Miguel Angel Verdugo Antonella Costantino is child psychiatrist and president of SINPIA, director of UONPIA of the IRCCS Foundation “Cà Granda” of Milan’s “Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico”. She studies augmentative communication and takes care of the organization of services. Luigi Croce is psychiatrist, psychotherapist and teaches at the Cattolica University of Brescia. He is also a medical director for the SIR Consortium (MI) and is an AIRIM Past-President. Trevor R. Parmenter is Professor Emeritus in the Sydney Medical School of the University of Sydney (Australia), where for years he has directed Developmental Disability Studies and the Royal Rehabilitation clinical centre. He is past president of the Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disorders (IASSIDD) and co-worked with the World Health Organization (WHO). Ivan Brown is the director of the Academy for Education, Teaching and Research of IASSID, Professor of Disability Studies at the Brock University of Canada. Miguel Angel Verdugo is Professor and Director of the Research Institute on Community Integration of the University of Salamanca (Spain). He also directs the information system on disabilities of the Spanish Ministry of Health. Markas è un’azienda a conduzione familiare, leader nei servizi di pulizia, di ristorazione collettiva e nei servizi complementari. Da quasi 30 anni opera con successo in ospedali, cliniche private, case di riposo, oltre che in scuole e in università in Italia, Austria e Romania. Con un fatturato di gruppo di oltre 165 milioni di Euro, Markas è una realtà in continua espansione che ad oggi conta più di 6.500 collaboratori. L’azienda è recentemente entrata a far parte della prestigiosa classifica “Best Workplaces Italia 2014” di Great Place to Work che ogni anno identifica i migliori datori di lavoro in Italia e nel mondo. Post-Conference Workshop (Sospiro) September 9th – h 9:00 – 17:00 James W. Bodfish Advances in the understanding, assessment, and treatment of challenging behavior in persons with intellectual disabilities: Integrating behavioral, psychiatric and medical factors Chair: Mauro Leoni Children and adults with intellectual disabilities are at great risk for the development of a variety of forms of challenging behavior. These challenging behaviors, if not treated properly, can significantly detract from their quality of life. In the past, competing ideologies and theoretical models (e.g. behavior versus biology, severe behavior versus psychopathology, genetic versus idiopathic syndromes, etc) have led to the over-reliance on one assessment and treatment approach and, in turn, incomplete models of care. More recent research in this area helps us see the complex set of factors that can interact and lead to the emergence and maintenance of challenging behaviors in persons with intellectual disabilities. This workshop is designed to teach clinicians advanced methods of behavioral and medical assessment and intervention for persons with intellectual disabilities and challenging behaviors. The workshop is divided into three parts: Part 1: Understanding challenging behaviors: recent biobehavioral research in intellectual disabilities will be reviewed that will help to increase understanding of the multiple factors (genetic, medical, psychiatric, behavioral/ environmental) that can lead to the development and maintenance of challenging behaviors like aggression, self-injury, stereotyped behavior, and feeding problems. Part 2: Advanced methods of behavioral assessment and intervention: topics to be taught include: advanced observational methods and sequential data analysis techniques, reinforcer assessment, advances in behavioral and cognitive-behavioral intervention. Part 3: Advanced methods for assessing and treating medical and psychiatric comorbidities: Topics to be taught include: assessment and treatment of pain and discomfort, assessment and treatment of sleep disorders, assessment & treatment of gastrointestinal disorders, assessment and treatment of psychiatric disorders. James W. Bodfish Note: the fee for the workshop also includes the coffee break, lunch and didactic materials. REGISTRATION FORM FOR THE POST-CONFERENCE WORKSHOP WITH JAMES W. BODFISH Please, send this filled form and attach a copy of the payment receipt for each participant using fax 0372 620406; e-mail [email protected] The undersigned .......................................................................................................................... Born in ........................................................................................................ on ......................................... Taxpayer’s Code ............................................................................................................................... Resident in ..................................................... Prov. .............. Area Code .................. Street address .................................................................. Phone ............................................... E-mail ............................................................................................................................................................ Qualification Profession ........................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................ Registered in ............................................................................................................................................. With No. ....................................................... Province/Reg. ...................................................... Date ......................................... Signature ....................................................................... Please, send a copy of the payment slip of the fee (€ 120.00), indicating “James W. Bodfish Workshop” as reason for the payment made using either of the following methods: • Postal payment slip in the favour of: Istituto Ospedaliero di Sospiro ONLUS - c/c nr. 13100268 • Bank transfer: IBAN: IT69K0623057030000043152438 If you need an invoice with different personal data, please write to: [email protected] HOW TO REACH US FONDAZIONE SOSPIRO Onlus Piazza Libertà, 2 26048 Sospiro (CR) - Italy By Car: Motorway “A21”, exit Cremona, follow the indications for Ospedale Maggiore, then head towards Casalmaggiore– Parma along the “via Giuseppina”. By public transport: Line buses (Cremona-Casalmaggiore line) depart from the terminus at the Train Station of Cremona (via Dante). For timetables visit For information, contact the Secretary’s Office at +39 0372 620323. RINNOVA ENERGIA è una società che si occupa della gestione termica degli edifici sfruttando l’energia prodotta da fonti rinnovabili. Valuta, progetta, installa e gestisce sistemi di riscaldamento e teleriscaldamento utilizzando come fonte energetica il legno direttamente prodotto e trasformato garantendo, di conseguenza, funzionalità ed affidabilità del sistema. Il combustibile utilizzato cippato o pellet garantiscono ridotte emissioni e semplicità di gestione. L’investimento, a carico di Rinnova, ha la finalità di affiancare/bypassare il vecchio impianto affiancandolo con uno tecnologicamente avanzato, sia sotto il profilo del rendimento che della sicurezza garantendo, di fatto, oltre ad una concreta affidabilità, una stabilità di costo negli anni (risparmio) non riscontrabile con nessun altro sistema alimentato da fonti fossili ed una elevata sostenibilità dal punto di vista ambientale. RINNOVA ENERGIA SARL Via Pozzi 42 26048 Sospiro (CR) Tel. 0372 - 080713 [email protected] REGISTRATION FORM FOR THE PRE-CONFERENCE WORKSHOP 2015 Please, send this filled form and attach a copy of the payment receipt for each participant using Fax 0372 620406; e-mail [email protected] The undersigned Born in .......................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................ Taxpayer’s Code Resident in on ......................................... ............................................................................................................................... ..................................................... Prov. .............. Area Code .................. Street address .................................................................. Phone ............................................... E-mail ............................................................................................................................................................ Qualification Profession ........................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................ Registered in With No. ............................................................................................................................................. ....................................................... Province/Reg. ...................................................... is asking to be registered for: Workshop 1: “Redesigning mandates and promoting quality in the services for persons with intellectual disabilities” Workshop 2: “Autism: how to intervene in complex situations, when psychiatric disorders are associated with problem behaviours” Workshop 3: “Autism: working on problem behaviours in the classroom” Date ......................................... Signature ....................................................................... Please, send a copy of the payment slip indicating “PRE-CONFERENCE WORKSHOP” as reason for the payment made using either of the following methods: • Postal payment slip in the favour of: Istituto Ospedaliero di Sospiro ONLUS - c/c nr. 13100268 • Bank transfer: IBAN: IT69K0623057030000043152438 If you need an invoice with different personal data, please write to: [email protected] Registration fees: Before July 31st, 2015: € 40.00 After July 31st, 2015: € 50.00 (Prices are VAT inclusive) REGISTRATION DEADLINE: September 1st, 2015 ECO THERM è un’azienda di Brescia specializzata nella progettazione, installazione, manutenzione e conduzione impianti di riscaldamento, condizionamento, ventilazione, idrosanitari, antincendio. ECO THERM propone i propri servizi attraverso tecnologie d’avanguardia, prodotti di qualità, prezzi competitivi e assistenza totale al cliente. La politica aziendale si basa da sempre sul binomio qualità/sicurezza. L’aggiornamento costante, l’utilizzo di sistemi d’avanguardia, la formazione periodica degli operatori, il supporto di fornitori esterni qualificati aggiungono valore al costante impegno di miglioramento produttivo e di mantenimento della propria leadership tecnologica, obiettivi che l’azienda si propone per assicurare sempre un servizio di alta qualità e soddisfazione del cliente. LA STORIA • Viene fondata a Brescia nel 1981 da Gastone Dioni con l’intento di offrire un servizio di qualità. Agli inizi opera per lo più in città e provincia, ma negli anni seguenti l'attività dell’azienda arriva a coprire tutto il Nord Italia. Aumentano anche il numero dei dipendenti e la varietà dei servizi offerti alla propria clientela. Per rispondere alle più qualificate esigenze della tecnica degli impianti industriali e civili e alle sfide della crescita, nel 1987 l'azienda si trasferisce nel nuovo stabile di Brescia. Nel 1998, la ECO THERM ha conseguito la certificazione di qualità secondo la normativa internazionale UNI EN ISO 9002. Tale processo ha portato a una puntuale riorganizzazione interna e ad un sistematico controllo di tutte le attività operative svolte dalle singole aree aziendali. È stato scelto un organismo di certificazione internazionale, il DET NORSKE VERITAS, per dare valore aggiunto al lavoro svolto. Il sistema di gestione per la qualità certificato viene successivamente trasformato per rispondere alla norma UNI EN ISO 9001:2000, certificato da DNV ed implementato ogni anno secondo obiettivi di miglioramento definiti dalla Direzione Generale ECO THERM. Gastone è tuttora l’amministratore, affiancato dal figlio Vittorio, ed ECO THERM continua nel suo impegno di offrire un servizio di qualità, mettendo sempre al primo posto i propri clienti, proponendo soluzioni che sappiano coniugare innovazione, rispetto per l’ambiente, e competitività. 2015 CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FORM Please, send this filled form and attach a copy of the payment receipt for each participant using: Fax 0372 620406; e-mail [email protected] The undersigned Born in .......................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................ Taxpayer’s Code Resident in on ......................................... ............................................................................................................................... ..................................................... Prov. .............. Area Code .................. Street address .................................................................. Phone ............................................... E-mail ............................................................................................................................................................ Qualification Profession ........................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................ Registered in With No. ............................................................................................................................................. ....................................................... Province/Reg. ...................................................... is asking to be registered for the Conference “TRA SCIENZA E VALORI” – SCIENCE AND VALUES Date ......................................... Signature ....................................................................... Please, send a copy of the payment slip indicating “TRA SCIENZA E VALORI” as reason for the payment made using either of the following methods: • Postal payment slip in the favour of: Istituto Ospedaliero di Sospiro ONLUS - c/c nr. 13100268 • Bank transfer: IBAN: IT69K0623057030000043152438 If you need an invoice with different personal data, please write to: [email protected] Registration fees include the lunch of Sept. 8th: BEFORE JULY 31st, 2015 CONFERENCE:- Individual: € 90 - Institute registering 2 to 5 people: € 80 - Institute registering more than 6 people (e Iscritti Convegno EAMHID Firenze): € 75 i.i. - Students: € 30 AFTER JULY 31st, 2015 CONFERENCE:- Individual: € 110 - Institute registering 2 to 5 people: € 100 - Institute registering more than 6 people (and those partecipating to EAMHID in Florence): € 95 i.i. - Students: € 50 (Prices are VAT inclusive) REGISTRATION DEADLINE: September 1st, 2015 SPONSORS SIDIN HOW TO REACH US CONFERENCE VENUE Università Cattolica Sacro Cuore Aula magna, Largo Gemelli, 1 - Milano. The University is located in the centre of Milan, between the underground stations of Cadorna (Red and Green lines) and S. Ambrogio (Green line). The conference venue can be reached with a 5-minute walk from both stations. By underground: From the Milano Centrale train station, take the Green line, exit at S. Ambrogio. The University is behind the S. Ambrogio Basilica. By bus: 50, 58 (stop S. Agnese). By tram: 19, 20, 24 (stops along Corso Magenta). For information, contact the Secretary’s Office at +39 0372 620323 ECM = Continuous Education in Medicine ECM accredited event for all the medical and social professions.