Home Page Redesign


Home Page Redesign
Home Page Redesign Release Notes
Library Version
May 2012
Home Page Redesign
14B Release Date: May 3, 2012
Table of Contents
Home Page Redesign ............................................................................................................ 3
Overview ....................................................................................................................................................3
For Comparison - the Old Home Page....................................................................................................4
For Comparison - the New Home Page ..................................................................................................5
The Browse Menu .....................................................................................................................................6
The Book Browse Page .............................................................................................................................7
The Search Menu ......................................................................................................................................8
The Order Menu .......................................................................................................................................9
The Reports Menu ..................................................................................................................................10
The My Account Menu ...........................................................................................................................11
An Ingram Alert......................................................................................................................................13
Simple Search Changes ..........................................................................................................................14
User Identification Box Changes ...........................................................................................................15
Customize My Home Page .....................................................................................................................16
Removing Widgets from the Home Page ............................................................................................................................. 16
Selecting a Theme for the Home Page ................................................................................................................................. 18
Where is it now?......................................................................................................................................19
Appendix A – Old Browse and Search page.........................................................................................24
Appendix B – Old Collection Development page .................................................................................25
Appendix C – Old Order page ...............................................................................................................26
Appendix D – Old Account Mgmt. page ...............................................................................................27
Appendix E – Old Reports page ............................................................................................................28
Appendix F – Old Programs & Catalogs page .....................................................................................29
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Home Page Redesign
Home Page Redesign
Our May 2012 ipage release will mark the starting point of the ipage Redesign efforts. The home page has been fully
revamped using some of the best website design tools and standards to create a truly up-to-date, efficient, and user-friendly
face for ipage. The benefits of this new homepage include:
A simplified menu structure allowing our customers to find what they are looking for faster
Roll-over, drop-down menu options for each functional area of ipage – enabling users to get to content with less effort
More suggestions from Ingram product experts in our Ingram Lists & Picks area on the Browse menu
More ability to customize the home page including the ability to remove widgets a customer doesn't need and the
ability chose a background theme
Enhanced Simple Search options including the ability to search across multiple product types
This training document will discuss in detail:
How our new Menu Options at the top of the page relate to the old menu tabs
The new Search box, how it relates to the old Simple Search bar, and how a user can customize it to suit his needs
The Customize My Home Page bar where a user can chose a theme and control which widgets can be seen on his
home page
Where each of the links on the old menu tabs can be found in the new menu options
What new content is available in our new menu options
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Home Page Redesign
For Comparison - the Old Home Page
The old ipage menu structure included up to 6 tabs that a customer could click into. These tabs included:
Browse and Search
Collection Development
Account Management
Programs and Catalogs
The old site required that a user click on the tab to reach the functionality. As an aid to remembering what was contained
on each of these tabs, each one is pictured at the end of this document starting in Appendix A.
Also, there were six buttons in the top right allowing the user quick access to the following functionality:
Home – to get the user back to the home page from any place in the site
Quick Order - to take a user directly into his quick order cart without having to click the Order tab
Selection List – to take a user directly to his "List of Selection Lists" page without having to go into the Order tab
Change Settings – to get to all the various settings available for a user to edit in ipage
FAQ/ Site Help – to get to all ipage Help documents and tutorials
Logout – to log out of ipage
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Home Page Redesign
For Comparison - the New Home Page
The new ipage menu structure has 5 Menu options – and instead of clicking on them, just rolling over them will open up the
menu. The new menu options include:
Browse – this option has many new opportunities for browsing Ingram products in various ways and combines the
great browse links from the old site with the best links from our old Collection Development tab and Programs and
Catalogs tab as well.
Search – has retained all the former links in its own easy-to-access dropdown menu
Order – this menu option has retained all its former links as well and provides 1-click access to all Order functionality
from the home page
Reports – this menu option has retained all its former links from the Reports tab, again providing 1-click access to all
a customer's reports from the home page
My Account – this new menu option blends all the functionality of the old Account Management Tab with the
functionality from the Change Settings button that used to be located on the top right of the ipage header
Further down in this document we will discuss each of these menus in greater detail and there is also a section at end of the
document called "Where is it now?" ordered like the old ipage menu structure that will explain in detail where you can find the
old links in our new ipage Menu Options. The "Where is it now" section will be particularly helpful in locating links from the
old Collection Development tab and Programs and Catalogs tab that no longer exist in the new menu options.
Although the Change Settings button from the top right has been consolidated with the My Account menu, the other
"quick access" links remain. They do however look a little different:
Home – to get the user back to the home page from any place in the site
Lists – will take a user directly to his "List of Selection Lists" page
Cart Icon - will take a user directly into his quick order cart
Help – to get to all ipage Help documents and tutorials
Logout – to log out of ipage
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Home Page Redesign
The Browse Menu
The new Browse Menu is designed to consolidate all "browsing" opportunities into one menu allowing the user to see at a
glance the easiest way for them to discover new product.
The Browse menu divides these browsing opportunities into the following groupings:
Product Type
o Books now has a separate browsing page broken down into several useful categories. Details of this new
page can be found below.
o E-Books, Audiobooks, E-Audio, Calendars, and Gifts take the user to standard refine-able Search Results
pages just as they did in the old site
o Music, Video, and Video Game product type refine-able searches will be added in coming releases
Classification – Industry Standard classifications like BISAC and CMTA as well as Ingram Classifications. Please
o Themes from the old Browse and Search tab is now INGRAM Categories
o Spring Arbor Categories from the old Browse and Search tab is now INGRAM Christian Categories.
Ingram Lists & Picks – the links under this grouping include Ingram-specific information:
o Ingram Bestseller lists, Top Demand lists for Ingram and Spring Arbor and Top 100 Sales lists for Ingram
and Spring Arbor - located in the Bestsellers link.
o Lists of titles hand-selected by our Collection Development staff - located in the High Interest Categories,
High Interest Titles, Standing Order Lists, E-Books, Audiobooks, and Video links
o Ingram Catalogs including the Gift and Game link and the Ingram Catalogs/Supplements links
o Current Events type product selections as found in the Ingram Wire widget located in the Ingram Product
News/Alerts link
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Home Page Redesign
Industry Lists & Picks – links under this grouping contain Book industry-specific information:
o Industry Bestseller lists
o National Publicity from all forms of media
o Award Lists
Publisher Lists & Picks – includes links for our Publisher Catalogs
The Book Browse Page
Shown below, the new Book Browsing page presents the users with several new useful groupings for browsing books.
Included on the Book Browsing page are:
Adult and Children's books that can be browsed by Hardcover, Trade Paper, and Mass Market bindings.
The familiar categories from the old Browse page – Sets and Large Print.
Signed Stock – previously located on the Programs & Catalogs tab, Signed Stock has been moved to the new Book
Browsing page as well.
At the bottom of the page is a section for browsing Bibles. This Bible browse section is not available to our K-12
The three pictured titles in each category are the three top demanded titles (top nine in the Bible section) - based on a
rolling 12 month demand, and each section contains a link to browse all titles of that type.
Clicking on an image will take the user to the Product Details of that item.
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Home Page Redesign
The Search Menu
With our home page redesign, The Browse and Search options each have a separate menu. All of the old Search links are
available in the easy-to-use Search drop down menu when the customer rolls over the "Search" heading.
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Home Page Redesign
The Order Menu
All existing order links found in the old Order tab still exist in the new Order Menu, but the new Order menu now contains an
additional link to Standing Order Program enrollments to provide our customers with access to all their ordering tools in one
Ordering Menu Notations:
Standing Order Programs – this new Ordering Menu link will take the user to their list of Standing Order
Enrollments that were previously located on the Programs and Catalogs Tab in the old site.
Grid Ordering Setup – this link will only display on the menu for those customers who use Grid Ordering and
have their MARC record mappings located under the My Account Menu completed.
iMatch – the link for this collection-matching tool will only display if the customer has their iMatch setup
completed. The iMatch setup can be found under the My Account Menu under Administrator Settings. A
customer's administrator is the only user on a customer account who will be able to set up the account for iMatch.
Please contact your sales representative if you are interested in using this tool.
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Home Page Redesign
The Reports Menu
The Reports menu has exactly the same links as the old Reports tab had. Not all reports are available to all customers. The
menu below contains all Reports Menu options, but individual customers will only see menu options that apply to them.
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Home Page Redesign
The My Account Menu
Next to the Browse Menu, the My Account menu represents the largest area of change in terms of navigating ipage. This new
menu encompasses all the functionality previously contained on the Account Management tab as well as the entirety of the
Change Settings page for both Administrators and non-Administrator ipage users. The menu displayed below contains all of
the menu options available for the My Account menu. Depending on a user's role and permissions, some of these options may
not be present for individual users. For example, only users who are administrators will see the ADMINISTRATOR
SETTINGS heading and the menu options underneath it.
The My Account Menu contains:
ADMINISTRATOR SETTINGS - the menu options under this heading include all the links previously contained
under the Administrator Settings heading on the Change Settings page in the old site, but the names of the links may
have changed slightly. Also included under this heading now is the link to update Customer Contact information. For
a detailed link-to-link comparison between the old site and the new site, look at the section entitled "Where is it now?"
for the Change Settings button located here.
Change Settings Page – old name
User List
ipage Settings
Street Smart Affidavit
Account Management tab – old name
Company Info
My Account Menu – new name
User Administration
ipage Account Settings
Street Smart Affidavit
My Account Menu – new name
Company Contacts & Information
MY SETTINGS – contains the menu options previously found on the Change Settings page under "Individual
Settings" where all ipage users could maintain settings specific to their user-id. Again the names have changed
slightly from the old site.
Change Settings Page – old name
Change Account
User Settings
My Account Menu – new name
Access a Different Account
Change Settings
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Home Page Redesign
In addition there are two new menu items in MY SETTINGS:
View Alert Archive – is an archive of a new feature in ipage as of our May 2012 release. Ingram Alerts are
messages that the customer may see from time to time at the top of the home page regarding weather
emergencies or other unforeseen events that may impact the timely delivery of a customer's shipment.
Ingram Alerts will be discussed further in the document, but this link under My Settings will allow the
customer to see alerts that have been generated in the past 30 days.
Sign up for Ingram E-mail Communications is a menu option previously located on the Programs &
Catalogs tab in the old site.
INGRAM SERVICES – this area of the My Account menu contains information about different services Ingram
provides for our customers.
o The first two links (Integration Services & Data Services and Fulfillment Services) are new to library
customers. These links just provide information about all the services we provide to our customers.
The last link comes from the Merchandising & Promotions tab on the old site. Our traditional "Build A
Promotion" link has now changed names to "Merchandising Materials".
FINANCIAL INFORMATION – contains all the traditional menu options previously contained in the Account
Mgmt. tab in the old ipage site. The summary information presented when the user clicked on the "Account Info" link
in the Account Mgmt. tab can now be seen in the Account Info Summary link. Each "Easy Click" that was on that
Account Info page is also now represented on the My Account Menu providing one-click access into these
functionalities directly from the home page.
Because financial information is confidential in nature, only those users with access to financial information based on
their role as set by their ipage administrator will have these financial information links displayed on their My Account
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Home Page Redesign
An Ingram Alert
For the May 2012 release, ipage has an "Alert" functionality that will display on a user's home page if there is a weatherrelated incident or other critical situation that may cause a delay in a customer receiving a shipment or some other service
interruption issue. The alert will display in an orange bar just beneath the ipage header and it will not disappear from the home
page until the user either "clicks" out of it – demonstrated below – or the message is removed from display because the
situation has resolved itself – whichever comes first. These alert messages will be kept in an Alert Archive found under the
My Account Menu for 30 days after they are removed from displaying as an Alert.
A user can dismiss the message himself by clicking the "X" at the far right of the message – as seen below:
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Home Page Redesign
Simple Search Changes
The Simple Search bar in the old header is one of the most popular features in ipage. Shown below, from this bar, a user could
perform a search on a specific type of data (keyword, author, series, etc.) within a particular product type – or across all
product types, and within our Active, Extended, or iKids databases.
With the Home Page Redesign, this tool is now even more powerful. First, the settings our customers are used to are still
available – and enhanced. Rather than the dropdown boxes of the old Simple Search, now there is a link to make these settings
When the Change Search Options link is clicked, the user is presented with a box of choices. Notice that now multiple product
types can be selected and de-selected, so a customer could do a search on Video and Video Game or Book and Music – or any
other combination and exclude the rest of the product types:
This Search Options box works similar to the widgets in that after a user makes changes to the box, they should click Submit to
save their changes. If the user accidently goes into the Search Options box and doesn't want to change anything, the "X" in the
right hand corner will close the box and not save any changes that may have been made.
Also, these settings remain sticky within a session and between sessions, eliminating the need for the user to go to Change
Settings to set his defaults – he can now do that from this Search Options box on the home page.
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Home Page Redesign
If a user turns the Search Options off using the link to the left of the Change Options link, the Search Box will display as
Notice that now there is an option to turn search options back on.
But more importantly, when search options are turned off, the Simple Search functionality will work like a "Box and Go" type
of search in that regardless of what the customer default Search options are, it will:
Search our Active database
Search across all product types
Search across multiple data elements, weighting title and contributor heavier than other data elements
In spite of what the customer has set as a default sort order, it will search and sort the entries in Best Match order
This type of search has a kind of "browse" element to it in that if the customer doesn't have enough information about the title
he is looking for, this search can take a keyword or a theme and bring back the most relevant products related to what the user
has keyed into the Search box.
User Identification Box Changes
The User Identification bar in the old site is now a box on the right hand side of the screen. It contains all the same
information and functionality.
The old User Identification bar:
The new User Identification box:
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Home Page Redesign
Customize My Home Page
Just under the new Simple Search bar is the "Customize My Home Page" bar. By clicking on the bar, the user will open up a
box that will allow him to choose which widgets he would like to display on his home page and will allow him to choose a
background theme if he would like something more colorful than the default "Classic ipage" theme. The Customize My Home
Page Options box is shown below:
The Customize My Homepage box works much like the widgets in that in order to save the changes made in the box, the user
must click Submit. If the user accidently opened the box and doesn't want to make any changes, he can click the "X" in the
lower right-hand corner to close the box and disregard any changes.
Removing Widgets from the Home Page
All the widgets can be removed from the page except the Bulletin Board widget. By "un-checking" the box next to each
widget name and clicking Submit, the user will remove that widget from his home page. A user can also remove a widget from
his home page by clicking the "X" in the top right hand corner of the individual widget – as shown below:
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Home Page Redesign
When widgets have been removed from the homepage, the Customize My Home Page box will resemble this:
…and the home page where widgets have been removed may look something like this (the red circle is pointing out the blank
space created by a lack of widgets):
Adding widgets back to the home page is as simple as going into the Customize My Home Page box and re-checking them, and
clicking Submit.
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Home Page Redesign
Selecting a Theme for the Home Page
Choosing the Leaves theme from the Customize My Home Page box, the home page now has a beige and green leaf
background and complimentary colors in other places on the page as shown below:
…and subsequent pages after the home page also have the leaf background and complimentary color choices in other areas of
the page as shown in the Browse Books page below:
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Home Page Redesign
Where is it now?
This section of the Home Page Redesign training document contains an item-by-item comparison of links from the old ipage
site to the new ipage site. The table is ordered by each tab in the old menu structure with all the links contained on that tab on
the left-hand side of the page and the corresponding Menu – Heading – Link – and potentially secondary link of the new menu
structure on the right side of the page. Pictures of the old tab pages are available in the Appendices if needed.
Browse and Search Tab
Old Menu Structure
BISAC Categories
New Menu Structure
Menu Option – Heading – Link – Secondary Link
Browse - BY CLASSIFICATION – Ingram Categories
Browse - BY PRODUCT TYPE - Audiobooks
Browse - BY PRODUCT TYPE - Calendar
Browse - BY INGRAM LISTS & PICKS - Forthcoming
Browse - BY PRODUCT TYPE – Books – Browse Other Book
Search - Power Search – choose 'Spanish' in Language dropdown
Power Search
Boolean Search
Bible Search
Reading Program Search
Hard-to-Find Books Search
Saved Searches
Supplier Information Data (SID) Search
Search – Power Search
Search – Boolean Search
Search – Bible Search
Search – Reading Programs
Search – Hard-to-Find Books
Search – Saved Searches
Search – Supplier Information
Collection Development Tab
Build A Promotion
**iKids Books
** Graphic Novels - icd
** Video Games
Bible Guide
** Adult Books
**Award Winners
**Top Requested Titles
** these links are content items and may or may not be in the new
menu structure depending on what Marketing and Collection
Development want to move
My Account – Ingram Services – Merchandising Materials
Browse – BY INGRAM LISTS & PICKS – Books – High Interest
Categories – iKids Books
Browse – BY INGRAM LISTS & PICKS – Books – High Interest
Categories – Graphic Novels
Browse – BY INGRAM LISTS & PICKS – Books – High Interest
Categories – Video Games
Search – Bible Search – Bible Guide
Browse – BY INGRAM LISTS & PICKS – Books – High Interest
Categories – Adult Books
Browse – BY INGRAM LISTS & PICKS – Books - Audiobooks
Browse – BY INGRAM LISTS & PICKS – Books – High Interest
Categories – Award Winners
Browse – BY INDUSTRY LISTS & PICKS – Books - High Interest
Categories – Top Requested Titles
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Home Page Redesign
PW Daily
Magazine and Newspaper Publicity
Movie Tie-Ins
National TV, Radio & On-Line
Television Tie-Ins
News & Events
In the News Archive
Author Tours
Top Demand (Over 12 months)
Spring Arbor
Program Titles
Street Smart
Awards & Current Bestsellers
Industry Bestsellers
Ingram Bestsellers
Ingram Top 100 Sales for (date)
Award Winners
Spring Arbor
Industry Bestsellers
Spring Arbor Top 100 Sales for (date)
Award Winners
Browse – BY INDUSTRY LISTS & PICKS – National Publicity –
PW Daily
No longer available
No longer available
Browse – BY INDUSTRY LISTS & PICKS – National Publicity –
National TV, Radio & On-Line Publicity
No longer available
Browse – BY INGRAM LISTS & PICKS – Ingram Product
No longer Available
Browse – BY INGRAM LISTS & PICKS – Books - Bestsellers –
Ingram Top Demand
Browse – BY INGRAM LISTS & PICKS – Books - Bestsellers –
Spring Arbor Top Demand
Browse – BY INGRAM LISTS & PICKS – Books – On-sale Date
(Street Smart)
Browse – BY INDUSTRY LISTS & PICKS - Bestsellers
Browse – BY INGRAM LISTS & PICKS – Books – Bestsellers –
Ingram Bestsellers
Browse – BY INGRAM LISTS & PICKS – Books – Bestsellers –
Ingram Top 100
Browse – BY INDUSTRY LISTS & PICKS – Awards - Trade
Browse – BY INDUSTRY LISTS & PICKS - Bestsellers
Browse – BY INGRAM LISTS & PICKS – Books – Bestsellers –
Spring Arbor Top 100
Browse – BY INDUSTRY LISTS & PICKS – Awards - Christian
Order Tab
Acquisition Status
Grid Templates Setup
Quick Order
iMatch (sm)
Selection Lists
View Quotes
Stock Availability
Order – Order Status
Order – Grid Ordering - Setup
Order – Quick Order
Order – iMatch(sm)
Order – Selection Lists
Order – View Quotes
Order – Stock Availability
Account Mgmt.
Account Info
Company Info
My Account – FINANCIAL INFORMATION – Accounting &
Invoices – Account Info Summary
My Account – ADMINISTRATOR SETTINGS – Company Contacts
& Information
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Home Page Redesign
Pay Online
Create Returns
Report Shortages
Returns Status
My Account – FINANCIAL INFORMATION – Accounting &
Invoices – Pay Online
My Account – FINANCIAL INFORMATION – Returns &
Shortages – Create Returns
My Account – FINANCIAL INFORMATION – Returns &
Shortages – Report Shortages
My Account – FINANCIAL INFORMATION – Returns &
Shortages – Returns Status
MARC Records
MARC Records
Reports – MARC Records
Program Reports
POD Inventory Report
Reports – Weekly – POD Inventory Report
Discontinued Titles
Reports – Monthly – Discontinued Titles
Programs & Catalogs
Standing Order - Adult
Author (Adult)
Graphic Novel (Adult)
High Fives
Inspirational Fiction
Nonfiction Continuations (Adult)
Nonfiction Series (Adult)
Original Score
Popular Nonfiction (Adult)
Popular Series (Adult)
reviewALERT(sm) (Adult)
reviewALERT(sm) (Adult Reference)
Travel Continuations (Adult)
Standing Order -Video
Video Series (Adult)
Video Series (Youth)
We Recommend…Popular Features
Standing Order - Youth
Author (Youth)
Easy Reader
Graphic Novel (Youth)
Nonfiction Series (Youth)
Popular Series (Youth)
reviewALERT(sm) (Youth)
Order – Standing Order Programs – Author (Adult)
Order – Standing Order Programs – Graphic Novel (Adult)
Order – Standing Order Programs – High Fives (Adult)
Order – Standing Order Programs – Inspirational Fiction (Adult)
Order – Standing Order Programs – Nonfiction Continuations
Order – Standing Order Programs – Nonfiction Series (Adult)
Order – Standing Order Programs – Original Score (Adult)
Order – Standing Order Programs – Popular Nonfiction (Adult)
Order – Standing Order Programs – Popular Series (Adult)
Order – Standing Order Programs – reviewALERT(sm) (Adult)
Order – Standing Order Programs – reviewALERT(sm) (Adult
Order – Standing Order Programs – Travel Continuations (Adult)
Order – Standing Order Programs – Video Series (Adult)
Order – Standing Order Programs – Video Series (Youth)
Order – Standing Order Programs – We Recommend…Popular
Order – Standing Order Programs – Author (Youth)
Order – Standing Order Programs – Easy Reader
Order – Standing Order Programs – Graphic Novel (Youth)
Order – Standing Order Programs – Nonfiction Series (Youth)
Order – Standing Order Programs – Popular Series (Youth)
Order – Standing Order Programs – reviewALERT(sm) (Youth)
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Home Page Redesign
reviewALERT(sm) (Youth Reference)
Standing Order - Other
Awards * Book Clubs * State Lists
Programs and Services
Street Smart
Sign Up for Ingram E-Mail
Trade Publications
HITS (High Interest Title Selections)
Professional Bookshelf
pubsource Partner Catalogs
Publisher Catalogs
Ingram Publisher Services Client
Order – Standing Order Programs – reviewALERT(sm) (Youth)
Order – Standing Order Programs – Awards * Book Clubs * State
Order – Standing Order Programs – iSelect®
Browse – BY INGRAM LISTS & PICKS – Books – On-sale Date
(Street Smart)
My Account – MY SETTINGS – Sign up for Ingram E-mail
Browse – BY INGRAM LISTS & PICKS – Ingram
Catalogs/Supplements (or the Catalog Widget on the Home page)
Browse – BY INGRAM LISTS & PICKS – High Interest titles
Browse – BY INGRAM LISTS & PICKS – High Interest Categories
- MegaBuys
Browse – BY INGRAM LISTS & PICKS – Ingram
Browse – BY PUBLISHER LISTS & PICKS – Pubsource®
Browse – BY PUBLISHER LISTS & PICKS – Publisher Catalogs
Browse – BY PUBLISHER LISTS & PICKS – Publisher Catalogs
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Home Page Redesign
Top Right Header Buttons
My Account
Administrator Settings
User List
Street Smart Affidavit
ipage Settings
Individual Settings
Change Account
User Settings
My Account – ADMINISTRATOR SETTINGS – User Administration
My Account – ADMINISTRATOR SETTINGS – Street Smart
My Account – ADMINISTRATOR SETTINGS – ipage Account
My Account – MY SETTINGS – Change Settings
My Account – MY SETTINGS – Access a Different Account
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Home Page Redesign
Appendix A – Old Browse and Search page
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Home Page Redesign
Appendix B – Old Collection Development page
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Home Page Redesign
Appendix C – Old Order page
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Home Page Redesign
Appendix D – Old Account Mgmt. page
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Home Page Redesign
Appendix E – Old Reports page
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Home Page Redesign
Appendix F – Old Programs & Catalogs page
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