the freedom award


the freedom award
The Highest Award In Trail Life USA
Logic and Symbolism of the Freedom Award™
The “Trinity Peaks” (#1) stand above all that we do on
earth or in eternity. The Father, Son and Holy Ghost exist
as eternal authority (Matthew 28:19, 2 Corinthians 13:14).
The “Sword of The Spirit” (#2) is but one part of the
whole Armor of Christ and our battle against the spiritual
forces of evil (Ephesians 6:10-18). The hilt reminds us of
the cross through which Jesus Christ provided the only
way to eternal freedom (John 3:16).
The “Shield of Faith” (#3) represents God’s protection
(Ephesians 6:16). Likewise a Freedom Rangeman should
be a protector of liberty, faith, family, and the weak. The
“Red Field” shows the debt paid through the blood of
Jesus Christ (Ephesians 2:13, Revelation 12:11). Around
the shield, a “Blue Sea” represents the fellowship
of believers united through Jesus Christ (1 John 1:7,
Ephesians 4:13, Psalm 133:1).
The “Mighty Stag” (#4) is a bold symbol of maturity and
represents the ability to stand strong in faith (2 Samuel
22:34). A Freedom Rangeman’s desire is to follow Christ
(Psalm 42:1).
The “Crossed Keys” (#5) represent citizenship in the
Kingdom of Heaven and the eternal freedom which Jesus
unlocked through the cross (Matthew 16:19, Romans 6:23).
The “TL Key Ward” (#6) on the blade of the key is a
reminder of the knowledge, understanding and wisdom
that a Freedom Rangeman will have gained for life from
The Freedom Award™:
his time in the program (Proverbs 2:6, Proverbs 3:21-22).
The Freedom Award™ is the highest award
Note: The themes of the Woodlands Trail, Navigators, and
in Trail Life USA and is a symbol of the many
Adventurers Programs are “Knowledge, Understanding,
and Wisdom.” The Guidon Unit theme is “Life.”
traits young men should now be able to
unlock for themselves. This award is a visible
“Freedom” (#7) is the banner we display to a broken and
reminder of the real freedom that can only
hurting human race. We hold this up as our highest award
be possible because of the life, death, and
so that this world can see the true freedom that can only
resurrection of Jesus Christ.
come through Christ Jesus (Romans 8:2, Romans 8:21, 2
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Corinthians 3:17, Psalm 119:45).
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Purpose of the Award
The Freedom Award™ is meant to recognize young men who epitomize
the Trail Life USA Oath and Motto. Previously, these young men followed
a trail that had been predetermined and well-marked; however, a
Freedom Award™ recipient demonstrates that he is thoroughly equipped
to chart his own course across the open rangelands and beyond the
observed horizon.
Earning this prestigious award will show that you have:
•Consistently and enthusiastically participated in the program.
•Completed Freedom Experiences in the Majors and Minors program
that show your Trail Life USA training in action to benefit groups
outside of Trail Life USA.
•Grown in your faith in Christ or your understanding of Christianity.
•Exercised your learned skills to contribute significant blocks of service
to your community.
•Led a specific service project that you designed, planned, recruited
for, budgeted for and completed by leading others.
•Become recognized as a different person through the process of
completing the requirements, demonstrating that you have set the
foundation for becoming a man of purposeful action and integrity.
Each requirement for this award is meant to help you grow in a specific
way. Most importantly, we hope that this process of pursuing the award
will also assist you in realizing God’s call on your life and bring you closer
to Him!
Though it will take a lot of hard work and planning, you will have plenty
of support along the way. Spend time in prayer as you work toward your
goal, asking God for the strength, insight and passion you need to achieve!
The Level Awards for Adventurers
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Award Requirements
The following list is a summary of the requirements
for the Freedom Award™:
1. Earn the Horizon Award
2. Complete the Freedom Experiences
for your Major and two Minors
3. Troop meeting attendance and
activity participation
4. Faith building activity option
5. Servant Leadership Project
6. Advancement Conference and
Freedom Award Board of Review
Age Requirements
Adventurers program awards may only be earned as a
member of the Adventurers program.
In most cases a Trailman should complete all of his
Freedom Award requirements, except his Board of
Review, by his 18th birthday. On a Trailman’s 18th
birthday, he officially ends his time as a youth in the
program and as a member in the Adventurers unit in
his troop. For Child Safety Youth Protection purposes,
the Trailman is considered to be an adult on his
18th birthday. The “Freedom Award Procedure Guide”
contains more details.
Additional Resources
For more more in-depth requirements about earning
the Freedom Award please see:
•The Trailman’s Handbook, Chapter 16
•Requirements located in TroopTrack
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