Programme Program - University of the Free State
Programme Program - University of the Free State
Programme Program 14 April 2015 | 09:00 All Diplomas and B degrees in the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences Alle diplomas en B-grade in die Fakulteit Natuur- en Landbouwetenskappe CONSTITUTION OF THE CONGREGATION/SAMESTELLING VAN DIE VERGADERING Chancellor/Kanselier WELCOME AND WORD OF THANKS/VERWELKOMING EN BEDANKINGS Vice-Rector/Viserektor SPEAKER/SPREKER Prof Himla Soodyall SONG ITEM/SANGITEM Odeion String Quartet PRESENTATION OF RECIPIENTS OF DIPLOMAS AND DEGREES/VOORSTELLING VAN DIPLOMANDI EN GRADUANDI Dean of the faculty concerned/Dekaan van die betrokke fakulteit CONFERMENT OF DIPLOMAS AND DEGREES/TOEKENNING VAN DIPLOMAS EN GRADE Chancellor/Kanselier MEDALS/MEDALJES INTRODUCTION/VOORSTELLING Dean of the faculty concerned/Dekaan van die betrokke fakulteit CONGRATULATORY MESSAGES/GELUKWENSINGSBOODSKAPPE Vice-Chancellor/Visekanselier Chancellor/Kanselier NATIONAL ANTHEM OF SOUTH AFRICA/NASIONALE VOLKSLIED VAN SUID-AFRIKA DISSOLUTION OF THE CONGREGATION/ONTBINDING VAN DIE VERGADERING Chancellor/Kanselier U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E F R E E S TAT E | U N I V E R S I T E I T VA N D I E V R Y S TA AT | Y U N I V E S I T H I YA F R E I S TATA | 1 National anthem of South Africa Nasionale volkslied van Suid-Afrika Nkosi sikelel’ iAfrika Maluphakanyisw’ uphondo lwayo, Yizwa imithandazo yethu, Nkosi sikelela, thina lusapho lwayo. Morena boloka setjhaba sa heso, O fedise dintwa le matshwenyeho, O se boloke, O se boloke setjhaba sa heso, Setjhaba sa South Afrika - South Afrika. Uit die blou van onse hemel, Uit die diepte van ons see, Oor ons ewige gebergtes, Waar die kranse antwoord gee, Sounds the call to come together, And united we shall stand, Let us live and strive for freedom, In South Africa our land. Please note: Order arrangements during the ceremony: In order to maintain the dignity of the ceremony, you are requested to take note of the following: • Please stand as the procession enters the hall. • Do not move around during the ceremony in order to take photos. • Please refrain from unacceptable actions such as whistling. • Please switch off your cell phone. • We strive to conduct the ceremonies in a dignified manner. Please do not leave the hall before the graduation proceedings have been concluded. Let wel: Orde-reëlings tydens die plegtigheid: Ten einde die waardigheid van die plegtigheid te handhaaf, word u vriendelik versoek om op die volgende te let: • • • • • Staan asseblief op sodra die prosessie die saal binnekom. Moenie tydens die plegtigheid rondbeweeg vir die neem van foto’s nie. Weerhou u asseblief van onaanvaarbare aksies soos om te fluit. Skakel asseblief u selfoon af. Ons probeer om die plegtigheid waardig te laat verloop. Moet asseblief nie die saal verlaat alvorens die verrigtinge afgehandel is nie. List of candidates receiving diplomas and degrees Diplomas and degrees of candidates who are unable to attend the graduation ceremony will be conferred in absentia. * Next to a name indicates that the diplomas and degrees is awarded with distinction. Lys van kandidate wat diplomas en grade ontvang Diplomas en grade van kandidate wat nie by die plegtigheid teenwoordig kan wees nie, sal in hul afwesigheid toegeken word. * Langs ’n naam dui aan dat die diplomas en grade met lof toegeken word. U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E F R E E S TAT E | U N I V E R S I T E I T VA N D I E V R Y S TA AT | Y U N I V E S I T H I YA F R E I S TATA | 2 Message from the Rector Boodskap van die Rektor PROF JD JANSEN Rector and Vice-Chancellor Rektor en Visekanselier There is nothing more joyous and fulfilling than witnessing the graduation of our students after years of study and sacrifice to attain a degree from one of the great institutions of our country and continent, the University of the Free State. A warm word of congratulations to you on this great achievement, and let me also express my gratitude to your family and friends who made it possible for you to reach this high point in your student life. The UFS is widely regarded as a great South African experiment on two fronts: firstly, as an institution of higher learning which places academic excellence at the core of its mission as a university; secondly, as a place of humanity that sets the example of how human togetherness can overcome the bitter divisions of the past. Your university remains a work in progress; yet, few can doubt the advances made in setting high academic standards for professors and students alike, as well as offering an example of national reconciliation in the way in which we relate to one another. I am delighted that you can receive your degree from Kovsies at a time like this. At Kovsies, a degree is not enough, and we have worked hard across the seven faculties to ensure that, in addition to the technical skills and knowledge you require to be competitive in the global marketplace, you have also learnt confidence, the powers of expression, the value of human dignity, and the importance of democracy. Most of all, we hope you have acquired the sets of values and dispositions that position you not simply to follow, but to lead in a country that desperately requires competent and ethical leaders. This is, after all, a place that inspires excellence and transforms lives. You come in the wake of some of the greatest leaders who now count themselves as Kovsies – the late Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu and Oprah Winfrey. You are in good company. Congratulations once again to the class of 2014. Daar is niks meer vreugdevol en bevredigend as om die gradeplegtigheid van ons studente mee te maak na jare van studie en opoffering om ’n graad van een van die vername instellings van ons land en vasteland, die Universiteit van die Vrystaat, te ontvang nie. ’n Hartlike woord van gelukwensing aan julle met hierdie wonderlike prestasie. Laat my toe om ook my dankbaarheid teenoor julle familie en vriende te betuig wat dit vir julle moontlik gemaak het om hierdie hoogtepunt in julle studentelewe te bereik. Die UV word algemeen as ’n belangrike Suid-Afrikaanse eksperiment aan twee fronte beskou; eerstens, as ’n hoëronderwysinstelling wat akademiese uitnemendheid as die kern van sy missie as ’n universiteit stel; tweedens, as ’n plek van menswaardigheid wat die voorbeeld stel oor hoe mense se samehorigheid die bitter verdeling van die verlede kan oorkom. Julle universiteit is besig met deurlopende vooruitgang; nogtans twyfel min mense oor die vordering wat gemaak is in die stel van hoë akademiese standaarde vir professors sowel as studente, en ’n voorbeeld van nasionale versoening in die manier waarop ons met mekaar omgaan. Ek is verheug dat julle op ’n tydstip soos hierdie julle graad van Kovsies kan ontvang. By Kovsies is ’n graad nie genoeg nie, en ons het in al sewe die fakulteite hard daaraan gewerk om te verseker dat, bo en behalwe die tegniese vaardighede en kennis wat julle nodig het om mededingend in die globale markplek te kan wees, julle ook selfvertroue, die krag van uitdrukking, die waarde van menswaardigheid en die betekenis van demokrasie verwerf het. Ons hoop veral dat julle die stel waardes en gesindhede verwerf het wat julle nie alleen in staat stel om te volg nie, maar ook om te lei in ’n land wat desperaat bekwame en etiese leiers nodig het. Hierdie is per slot van rekening ’n plek wat uitnemendheid inspireer en lewens verander. Julle volg in die voetspore van sommige van die grootste leiers wat hulself nou as Kovsies beskou – wyle Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu en Oprah Winfrey. Julle verkeer in goeie geselskap. Weereens geluk aan die klas van 2014. U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E F R E E S TAT E | U N I V E R S I T E I T VA N D I E V R Y S TA AT | Y U N I V E S I T H I YA F R E I S TATA | 3 Autumn graduation ceremony 2015 Herfsgradeplegtigheid 2015 HONORARY AWARDS / ERETOEKENNINGS HONORARY DOCTORATES / EREDOKTORSGRADE 1950 1951 1952 1955 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1975 1976 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 GLP Moerdyk - D Litt (h c) NC Havenga – LLD (h c) Thos Blok – DEd (h c) SHS Rubidge – DSc (h c) CR Swart – LLD (h c) CA v Niekerk – LLD (h c) CPB Brink – LLD (h c) CF Visser – DEd (h c) DB Bosman – D Litt (h c) SP le Roux – DSc Agric (h c) DF Malherbe – D Litt (h c) GH v Rooyen - MA (h c) SPE Boshoff – D Litt (h c) T Boydell – D Phil (h c) ES Botes – DEd (h c) PE Rousseau – DSc (h c) EH Louw – LLD (h c) EN Roberts – DSc (h c) JGF (Kaalkop) vd Merwe - DCom(h c) HF Verwoerd – D Litt et Phil (h c) PSZ Coetzee – D Phil Th (h c) PJ du Toit – DSc (h c) MS Louw – DCom (h c) SM Naudé – DSc (h c) LC Steyn – LLD (h c) BJ Vorster – LLD (h c) SJ Naudé – DCom(h c) CW (Nellie) Swart – D Phil (h c) AJJ Wessels – DCom (h c) GS Nienaber – D Litt (h c) HO Mönnig – DSc (h c) N Diederichs - DCom (h c) RS Verster – D Phil (h c) LW Hiemstra – D Phil (h c) PJ Meyer – D Phil (h c) PJ Nienaber – D Litt (h c) De la H de Villiers – DSc Agric (h c) GJ Stander – DSc (h c) AJA Roux – DSc (h c) SP Botha – DSc (h c) EM van Zinderen Bakker – DSc (h c) HB Thom – DEd (h c) FCL Bosman – D Phil (h c) G Cronjé – DSoc Sc (h c) CJF Human – DCom (h c) G Boonzaier – D Phil (h c) PW Botha – D Phil (h c) B Human – DCom (h c) SG Shuttleworth – DSc (h c) BLS Franklin – D Phil (h c) GvN Viljoen – DEd (h c) L Luyt – DCom (h c) SF Zaaiman – D Phil (h c) HS Steyn - DSc (h c) FR Tomlinson – DSc Agric (h c) 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 JH vd Berg – DMed (h c) L Alberts - DSc (h c) GG Cillié – D Phil (h c) SPD le Roux – D Litt (h c) A Polson – D Phil Med (h c) J du P Scholtz – D Phil (h c) S Grové – DMus (h c) FP Retief – DMed (h c) JA Stegmann – DCom (h c) WA Joubert – LLD (h c) B Kok – D Phil (h c) WP Venter – DCom (h c) JJN Cloete – DAdmin (h c) FC Fensham – D Litt (h c) JW vd Riet –D Phil (h c) BJ Meyer – DSc (h c) N van Uden – PhD (h c) MG Corbett – LLD (h c) JS Rabie – D Litt (h c) SS Brand – DCom (h c) JWL de Villiers – DSc (h c) GT Fagan – DArch (h c) JH Hofmeyer – PhD (h c) E v Heerden – D Litt (h c) JP Louw – D Litt (h c) H Olivier – DSc (h c) JD Anderson - DMed (h c) RR Arndt – DSc (h c) SJ Naudé – LLD (h c) JJ Human – D Phil (h c) JA Myburgh – DMed (h c) JP vd Walt – DSc (h c) WA Landman – DEd (h c) WL Mouton – D Phil (h c) WDO Marasas – D Sc (h c) NE Wiehahn – LLD (h c) AP Brink – D Litt (h c) B Hurwitz – D Phil (h c) FC Müller – D Med (h c) FM Claerhout – D Phil (h c) JJF Hefer – LLD (h c) S Nigam - DSc (h c) WL Nkuhlu – DCom (h c) MA Ramphele – D Phil (h c) HJO van Heerden – LLD (h c) FJ van der Merwe – PhD (h c) MH Daling – DCom (h c) TN Liversedge – PhD (h c) I Mahomed – LLD (h c) BP Gilbertson – DCom (h c) NR Mandela – LLD (h c) EC Taglauer – DSc (h c) BH Meyer - PhD (h c) BAK Rider – LLD (h c) CF Slabber – PhD (h c) 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 JM Stetar – DEd (h c) EWA de Corte – DEd (h c) HA Serebro –D Phil (h c) AG Sykes – DSc (h c) S Badat – D Phil (h c) R Bringle – D Phil (h c) J de Wet – DMus (h c) CF Fauconnier – DSc (h c) GJ Gerwel – D Phil (h c) WD Jonker – DTh (h c) A Krog – D Litt (h c) K Mokhele – D Phil (h c) CJC Nel(Postuum) – PhD (h c) L Quayle – DMus (h c) T (Karel) Schoeman – D Litt (h c) YK Seedat – DMed (h c) MK Seely – DSc (h c) C Seerveld – D Phil (h c) F van Z Slabbert – D Phil (h c) JC Steyn – D Litt (h c) PA Verhoef – DTh (h c) L van den Heever – LLD (h c) HA Wessels – LLD (h c) A du P Heyns – DMed (h c) JJF Durand – D Phil (h c) JA Groenewald – DSc (h c) WH Neuser – DTh (h c) Me M Ramos - PhD (h c) SJ Terreblanche – DCom (h c) T Moss – PhD (h c) PV Cox – PhD (h c) BJ (Bannie) Britz – DArch (h c) KPD Maphalla - PhD (h c) D Ferreira – DSc(h c) JC Loock – PhD (h c) LTC Harms – LLD (h c) P Gordhan – PhD (h c) BBS Ngubane – PhD (h c) AH Strydom – PhD (h c) M Jones – PhD (h c) D Tutu – DTh (h c) P Fourie – D Litt (h c) OG Winfrey –DEd (h c) RWM Frater – PhD (h c) A Sawyerr – DEd (h c) RJ Goldstone – LLD (h c) ER v Heerden – D Litt (h c) M Nussbaum – D Litt (h c) OW Prozesky – MD (h c) FDJ Brand – LLD (h c) ZKG Mda – D Litt (h c) ML Blum – PhD (h c ) L Mulvey – D Litt (h c ) SHIELDS OF HONOUR, COUNCIL AND CHANCELLOR’S MEDALS ERESKILDE, RAADS- EN KANSELIERSMEDALJES 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Prof FO Müller (Shield of Honour / Ereskild) RE Schoombie (Shield of Honour / Ereskild) Prof FO Müller (Chancellor’s Medal / Kanseliersmedalje) RE Schoombie (Chancellor’s Medal / Kanseliersmedalje) Prof S Mittman (Shield of Honour / Ereskild) Prof M Jansens (Shield of Honour / Ereskild) Prof CJC Nel (Chancellor’s Medal / Kanseliersmedalje) Prof C Swanepoel (Chancellor’s Medal / Kanseliersmedalje) WJ (Hansie) Cronje (Shield of Honour / Ereskild) Prof David Justice (Shield of Honour / Ereskild) Prof P Rosseel (Shield of Honour / Ereskild) Prof MJ Viljoen (Chancellor’s Medal / Kanseliersmedalje) 2001 2002 2003 2008 2009 2010 2014 2014 2014 Prof PC Potgieter (Chancellor’s Medal / Kanseliersmedalje) T Moss (Shield of Honour / Ereskild) Prof CD Roode (Chancellor’s Medal / Kanseliersmedalje) Prof HC Janse van Rensburg (Council’s Medal / Raadsmedalje) Prof SA Petersen (Shield of Honour / Ereskild) Ludo Helsen (Shield of Honour / Ereskild) Prof JU Grobbelaar (Council’s Medal / Raadsmedalje) Mev/Mrs AM Dippenaar (Chancellor’s Medal / Kanseliersmedalje) Dr H Verster (Chancellor’s Medal / Kanseliersmedalje) Mev Huibrecht Verster (Chancellor’s Medal / Kanseliersmedalje) Mr/Mnr Mr JL Pretorius (Chancellor’s Medal/Kanseliersmedalje) U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E F R E E S TAT E | U N I V E R S I T E I T VA N D I E V R Y S TA AT | Y U N I V E S I T H I YA F R E I S TATA | 4 Office Bearers Ampsdraers DR K MOKHELE PhD (UCD, USA) CHANCELLOR KANSELIER THE HONOURABLE MR JUSTICE SY EDELE REGTER CHG VAN DER MERWE SC LLB (UNISA) CHAIR OF THE COUNCIL VOORSITTER VAN DIE RAAD PROF JD JANSEN PhD (Stanford) VICE-CHANCELLOR AND RECTOR VISEKANSELIER EN REKTOR DR ML LANGE PhD (Wits) VICE-RECTOR: ACADEMIC VISEREKTOR: AKADEMIE DR KC MAKHETHA PhD (UFS/UV) VICE-RECTOR: EXTERNAL RELATIONS VISEREKTOR: EKSTERNE BETREKKINGE PROF NI MORGAN MSc (Cornell); MBA (Stell) VICE-RECTOR: OPERATIONS VISEREKTOR: BEDRYF PROF RC WITTHUHN PhD (UFS/UV) PROF JU GROBBELAAR DSc (UFS/UV) PRESIDENT OF THE CONVOCATION PRESIDENT VAN DIE KONVOKASIE VICE-RECTOR: RESEARCH VISEREKTOR: NAVORSING MRS/MEV JH VAN PLETZEN LLB (UFS/UV) ACTING REGISTRAR WAARNEMENDE REGISTRATEUR U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E F R E E S TAT E | U N I V E R S I T E I T VA N D I E V R Y S TA AT | Y U N I V E S I T H I YA F R E I S TATA | 5 Deans Dekane PROF HJ KROUKAMP DPhil (UPE) DEAN DEKAAN PROF MG MAHLOMAHOLO DEd (UWC) DEAN DEKAAN PROF GJ VAN ZYL PhD (UFS/UV) DEAN DEKAAN PROF LJS BOTES PhD (UFS/UV) DEAN DEKAAN PROF CMA NICHOLSON LLD (UNISA) DEAN DEKAAN PROF NJL HEIDEMAN PhD (Stell) DEAN DEKAAN PROF SD SNYMAN MA (UJ) DD (PRET) DEAN DEKAAN PROF D COETZEE PhD (UFS/UV) DEAN DEKAAN SCHOOL OF OPEN LEARNING SKOOL VIR OOPLEER U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E F R E E S TAT E | U N I V E R S I T E I T VA N D I E V R Y S TA AT | Y U N I V E S I T H I YA F R E I S TATA | 6 Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences Fakulteit Natuur- en Landbouwetenskappe ADVANCED UNIVERSITY DIPLOMA IN DISASTER MANAGEMENT GEVORDERDE UNIVERSITEITSDIPLOMA IN RAMPBESTUUR CALENI, Jacob Siphiwe CAROLS, Lynley CHUEU, Mmathabo Margaret DENNER, Lize DLAMINI, Mamane Gcebile JINGA, Jemitias JONAS, Jeremy Johann KAGEE, Taariq *KOCH, Hayden Mark Adrian MAGADLA, Lawrence Ntlahla MAHLANGU, Nomfundo Nkosingiphele MAHLANGU, Thulani Gatsha MAINAAKAE, Moatlhodiemang Patrick MAKHWEDZHA, Nndwamato Lucky MASWIME, Azwinndini Thelma MAVUNDLA, Xola MBANJWA, Khanditshe Samson MGOBOZI, Amanda Thobile MOYO, Sithabile MURADZIKWA, Gresham NDEBELE, Simanga Bekezela NDLAZI, Jonathan Mandlenkosi NETHENGWE, Milandu Vincent NZUZA, Sizwe Louis PHAKISI, Matlakala Anna PIENAAR, Jonathan Cecil Victor RAMADOLELA, Lindelani RAMOGAYANE, Ramatsimele Neo SAMBAYI, Shermainne STEMBULL, Angus Martin THAKASO, Mosa Michelle THOBADI, Tlakale Premonia TSALONG, Thabo TSHABALALA, Fortune Eddy UWAH, David Osita ZANDILE, Lwando BACCALAUREUS AGRICULTURAE BADENHORST, Johannes Urbanus BASSON, Elleni BERNARD, Ruan BLOEM, Hendrik Johannes CALITZ, Petronella Anne DE JAGER, Marthinus Petrus DE KOCK, Madelein DE WET, Pieter-Steyn DU PLOOIJ, Andries Louis DU PREEZ, Jason FUNDA, Ndibulele GELDENHUYS, Pieter Jozua Hendrik GILDENHUYS, Donovan KOSTER, Armandt LANDMAN, Daniël Christiaan LE ROUX, Pieter Barnard LETLOLE, Boiketlo Princess MAGORO, Morane Mary MAGUBANE, Nokubekezela Slindile MAGULA, Nozuko Juliah MANTSHIYO, Bongane Donald MAPUTLA, Motlatjo Kgaogelo Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences | Fakulteit Natuur- en Landbouwetenskappe DEAN/DEKAAN: PROF NJL HEIDEMAN MATHE, Kholesile Sydney MATLOU, Ringetani Clementine MATONG, Bonolo Masego MBALULA, Mcetheki Jantjie MELESI, Itumeleng Clinton MNISI, Nelisiwe Perseverance MYBURGH, Conrad NAUDE, Petrus Johannes NDABA, Sicelo Khayelihle NEMUTANDANI, Humbulani NGCOYI, Thandile Zona OOSTHUIZEN, Nicolaas Christiaan Petrus PARKER, Jethro Andrew David PICKARD, Hermanus Nicolaas POTGIETER, Ineke PRINSLOO, George Diederick Petrus REYNDERS, Charl Emile RIEKERT, Rinus Simon SEBATE, Boitumelo Botlhale SILWANA, Anathi Siphesihle SITHARI, Khuthadzo SITHOLE, Sandiselwe Sinobuhle SMIT, Marco Jacobus STEYN, Adriaan Willem TEBEKA, Bangixhanti Somila Clarence TSIAME, Masekhonyana Suzan TWYMAN, Edwill VAN DER MERWE, Pieter Nicolaas VAN DYK, Marius Arthur BACCALAUREUS ARCHITECTURAE STUDIORUM *ALBERTS, Lizaan BEZUIDENHOUT, Larissa Olivia CLOETE, Elizabeth Johanna Wilhelmina CLOETE, Louis-Martin COETZEE, Gerhardus Jacobus DE BRUIN, Sumien DEMPERS, Jean-Pierre DUVENHAGE, Denè Karen FAIR, John Michael FISCHER, Anri JOHANNES, Julana KEULDER, Danelle KLYNSMITH, Marijcke KOTZE, Anika LE ROUX, Phoebe MITCHELL, Jamie MOFFETT, Sinjon Lewis NEL, Nina NIEHAUS, Lana OLIVIER, Petrus Johannes Stefanus OOSTHUIZEN, Martin OTTO, Nedine PELLISSIER, Samuel Henri PIETERSE, Salomon Stephanus POTGIETER, Este PRETORIUS, Marilie Magdalene PRETORIUS, Shevonne ROBERSON, Megan SADIE, Marine SMIT, Leonora Yvonne STEYN, Coenraad STOLTZ, Theuna U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E F R E E S TAT E | U N I V E R S I T E I T VA N D I E V R Y S TA AT | Y U N I V E S I T H I YA F R E I S TATA | 7 Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences | Fakulteit Natuur- en Landbouwetenskappe Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences Fakulteit Natuur- en Landbouwetenskappe DEAN/DEKAAN: PROF NJL HEIDEMAN VAN AARDE, Megan VAN DER WALT, Suné VAN DER WATH, Anri VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, Angelique VAN DYK, Stefan *VAN ZYL, Werner WHITEHEAD, Paul Johan ZÜRICH, Johané Karin BACCALAUREUS IN LAND AND PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT (HOUSING) BACCALAUREUS IN GROND- EN EIENDOMSONTWIKKELINGSBESTUUR (BEHUISING) SITHOLE, Buhlebethu Silindelwe BACCALAUREUS IN CONSUMER SCIENCE BACCALAUREUS IN VERBRUIKERSWETENSKAP *BASSON, Tineke BLIGNAUT, Suné Antoinette *ERASMUS, Rozelle FARGO, Margo Faith FICK, Lisa *FOURIE, Ilandre FOURIE, San-Mari GOOSEN, Anneke *JACOBS, Martine *LANDMAN, Ilze LATEGAN, Carla MABOHO, Ambani Tshedza Ashler *MAJONI, Taongashe MASUT, Lara Charlize MOTSOHI, Matseliso Jenett MOUTON, Christina Elizabeth MYBURGH, Elizabeth Susanna *NAUDE, Angelique NORVAL, Mariska POTGIETER, Aletha Susanna RALL, Anna Louisa ROBBERTS, Maria Magdalena SIGWELA, Vuyisa Ntombiyolwazi SMITH, Nicole VAN DYK, Casey Leigh VAN LINGEN, Elsa Stefanie VENTER, Elizabeth Magdalena BACCALAUREUS SCIENTIAE ADONIS, Nanamhla BARNARD, Lukas Marthinus *BASSON, Deidré BASSON, Marcél Brink BAXA, James Zandile BEKKER, Arno BEZANA, Nozuko BIGGS, Stanley-John BLAKE, Ryan BOLZ, Gert Johannes BONELWA, Siseko BOOM, Jennifer Kelebogile *BOOYSEN, Chantélle BOTHA, Lerene BOTHA, Sicelo Lizo *BOTHA, Tegan BOUWER, Christelle BOUWER, Dylan *BREYTENBACH, Nadia BUTHELEZI, Ntombizodumo Zibusiso Dolorosa BUURMAN, Innes CALITZ, Herman CHAAKE, Montoeli Bissett CHAUKE, Matimba Mathew CHILOANE, Lehlogonolo Violet CHOMEY, Dalitso COETZEE, Drian Josua COETZEE, Jonise COETZEE, Wayne CRONJÉ, Louwrens Johannes DAGADA, Masala Sedzani DAMA, Mashudu Nathatia DANIEL, Siphamandla DAVIES, Chanté DE BRUIN, Ross DE LA REY, Johan DE VILLIERS, Marius Louis DELPORT, Tamara Tamlyn DISEKO, Lerato Gloria DITHUGOE, Choaro David DU PLESSIS, Alwyn Johannes DU PLESSIS, Christoff DU PLESSIS, Juanita DU PLESSIS, Pieter George *DU PLOOY, Lukas Marthinus DU PLOOY, Willem DU PREEZ, Ané DU TOIT, Dian Frederick DU TOIT, Hannes DU TOIT, Johannes Hendrik DU TOIT, Rikus ERASMUS, Francois Arnoldus ERASMUS, Hester Petronella Maria ERASMUS, Willem Jansen ERNST, Matthys Jonker EVERTSE, Gabrielle Aimé FADANE, Amandla FOUCHÉ, Stefan *FOURIE, Corinne FOURIE, Lisa FRIESLAAR, Yoneviene Jeanabra GANTSHO, Verity Lindiwe GCWENSA, Sinethemba Ayanda GENADE, Anja GEY VAN PITTIUS, Nicholas GONZALES, Werner GOUWS, Johannes Stefanus GQIBA, Onke Lwazi GREEFF, Stefanus Brand GUMEDE, Nontando Sindisiwe Prescious HAARHOFF, Morné *HAYTER, Kyla Nicole HLATSHWAYO, Bridget Ntombezodo HLAZO, Onke Maxwell HOSE, Anthony Raymond *HUMAN, Ansuné JACOBS, Elrich Sillwin Adrian *JACOBS, Marinel JACOBS, Ruan U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E F R E E S TAT E | U N I V E R S I T E I T VA N D I E V R Y S TA AT | Y U N I V E S I T H I YA F R E I S TATA | 8 Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences Fakulteit Natuur- en Landbouwetenskappe JANSE VAN RENSBURG, Adriaan Jacobus Johannes *JANSE VAN RENSBURG, Carmen JAOLA, Khumo Portia JORDAAN, Adriaan JORDAAN, Frans Marthinus KADUKU, Andrew *KARONGA, Tatenda Elijah KEIKELAME, Matshego Oregolele KEMP, Danolien *KENNEDY, Lizél KGOADI, Oregolele Kelvin KGOARE, Paul Matladi KHASU, Molelekeng KHUMISI, Choaro KHUNYELI, Oratiloe Mahlomola KIVIET, Ikhona KOATALE, Palesa Caroline KOBELI, Peter Thabo KORF, Abraham Christoffel KOTOANE, Potsane Daniel *KROUKAMP, Hendrik Jacobus KROUKAMP, Marlouw KUBHEKA, Ntuthuko Edison KUTAMA, Roshudufhala LABUSCHAGNE, Rinette LE GRANGE, Casper Jan Hendrik LE ROUX, Eugene LE ROUX, Johannes Christiaan LE ROUX, Michiel Adriaan LE ROUX, Theodorus LEE, Edward LEEBA, Morena Eugene *LEEUW, Kamogelo LEFOSA, Violin Dimakatso Keitumetse LEPOTA, Sisi Florence LESENYEHO, Setjhaba Kenneth LESHOLI, Cornelia Mokete LESIMOLA, Letshego Mcdonald LETEBELE, Tshegofatso Charlotte LISEMA, Lehlohonolo Innocent LOUBSER, Steyn Ingemar *LUKAS, Anmarè MAABE, Tebello Christian MABASA, Basani Jessica MABASO, Nandi Dinah MABASO, Ntando Abram MABATHA, Khuthadzo Beauty MABENA, Nondumiso Petronella MABOTE, Mosoeu Dominic MABOTE, Mpho Cycian MAHLUKANI, Mbasa MAILA, Matshediso Gladys MAILE, Selma Motlatso Mohlabase MAKA, Boniswa MAKAMU, Claudia MAKHETHA, Mpoi Florence MAKHUBELA, Tshepiso Peter *MAKUPU, Katleho Paballo MALOKOTSA, Mokete MAMBA, Ncamiso Faithfully MANGOATO, Innocensia Mokgohlwe MANS, Pieter Bernhardt *MANSVELDER, Marjolein MAPONYA, Kulanyane Elizabeth Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences | Fakulteit Natuur- en Landbouwetenskappe DEAN/DEKAAN: PROF NJL HEIDEMAN MARAIS, Anrika MARAIS, Daniel Jacobus MARAIS, Johannes Petrus MASELWANYANE, Lesedi Kingsley MASIHLEHO, Relebohile Ann MASOEU, Godfrey Mosebetsi MATIWANE, Ayanda MATLAKENG, Piet Tumelo MATLOKO, Kelebogile Anastasia MAUPA, Thapelo Elias Phogojane MAYO, Velile Freddy MAZIVILA, Christina *MCGILL, Anita Felicity MDUMELA, Nompumelelo Precious MEADES, Paul Louw MEYEROWITZ, Solomon Hershel MFENYANA, Siyasanga Akhenime MKABILE, Qawekazi MMANASOE, Yvette Matsopyane MMEREKI, Keneilwe Palesa MNYANDE, Lonwabo MODISE, Kgololo MOENG, Michael MOERANE, Marumo Tiisetso Victor MOETI, Abel Thabo MOGALE, Refilwe MOHALE, Lucia Lerato MOHAPI, Rethabile MOJELA, Mmakwena Rachel MOKGADI, Pelonomi MOKGAKALA, Kgothatso MOKHATHI, Nkalimeng Collin MOKOENA, Nthabiseng Zelda MOKOROANE, Moletsane Lincoln MOKUENA, Keneuoe Brigitt MOKWENA, Matthews Gopolang MOLAHLOE, Tsebo Sentle MOLATOLI, Mhlekazi Cathrine MOLIBELI, Kearabetsoe Matséliso MOLOI, Thabiso Lukas MOLOTSI, Milton Tshidiso MONTEIRO, Arminda Lindelwa MOOKO, Teboho MOREMANE, Ulekile Moses MOSHESHE, Dineo Maria MOSOTHO, Khauhelo Announcette MOTAKE, Kweneho Richard MOTOLO, Tshepiso Christinah MOTSAMAI, Ntebele Lawrence MOTSHABI, Bonolo MPELA, Funeka Faith MSIMANGO, Bongani Harry MSUTWANA, Nontlanganiso Maryfaith MTIMKULU, Siphosethu MUJEU, Siegried Safille Uaaka MUKWADA, Lesley Tsitsi MYENI, Snenhlanhla Khethukuthula Valentia MZAMANE, Makhangela Khungo NAKANI, Mfundo Francis NEL, Janus Hendrik NEL, Quintin Gerald *NEL, Willem Singleton NGCEPHE, Ayanda Maria NGOBENI, Hlulani Innocencia U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E F R E E S TAT E | U N I V E R S I T E I T VA N D I E V R Y S TA AT | Y U N I V E S I T H I YA F R E I S TATA | 9 Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences | Fakulteit Natuur- en Landbouwetenskappe Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences Fakulteit Natuur- en Landbouwetenskappe DEAN/DEKAAN: PROF NJL HEIDEMAN NGOBENI, Matimu Adel NHLOKOE, Molefi John NIEUWOUDT, Odile NKUNA, Makhanani Hildreth NTAITA, Kholiwe Sheila NTANJANA, Sesethu NTETHA, Thandi Joyce NTSEKI, Jeffrey Tumelo NYATI, Bulelani Tebogo NYEKA, Amogelang Patience PALIME, Rethabile Lydia PENI, Enoch Sivuyile PENXA, Kanya Khwezi PHAKOE, Thabo Ronald PHELE, Kedisaletse Josephine PHOOLE, Liketso Tsoeu PIENAAR, Reon *PIETERSE, Bianca PONOANE, Leloko Enock POTIANE, Kabelo Simon RABUMBULU, Rudzani RAKHUDU, Phenyo Gaositoe *RAMAILA, Athanaseus Johannes Tishetso RAMATSHOELE, Morolong Richard RAMBAU, Khavharendwe Melba RAMMALA, Isabella Dineo RAMOVHA, Khathutshelo Arthur RATHBONE, Raen RATHOBEI, David Bobby RATSIU, Mahloli Suzan RAUTENBACH, Lynette RAUTENBACH, Pierre Michael ROUX, Vikoux Willem SANDER, Willem Jacobus *SCHELTEMA, Jaundré SCHMIDT, Jan Daniël SCHOLTZ, Chrislé SEBOLAI, Tshegofatso Itumeleng Hosiah SEGWE, Sebopelo Ivan SEKANO, Boitumelo SELEPE, Paul SEPTEMBER, Lizo SETSOHO, Thabiso Isaac SEUTLOALI, Mpho SHAW, Monique Ann SIBAYA, Jabulani Joseph SIMELANE, Promise Sinenhlanhla *SINCLAIR, John Henry Edward *STANDER, Danielle STANIER, Marla STEMMET, Monique STOOP, Gerhardus Johannes Willem SUMBANA, Khuthadzo Trevor SWANEPOEL, Johann Floris SWANEPOEL, Johannes Christoffel SWART, Marius Johannes TEISE, Chandré Laverne *TERBLANCHE, Gert Ignatius Du Preez TESSENDORF, Heinrich Charl THATENG, Nthabiseng Gladys THERON, Lize-Marié THULO, Itumeleng Cornelius THULO, Kananelo Valentine THWALA, Lungele Hector TRUSCOTT, James Charles TSHABALALA, Mlungisi Patrick TSHABANGU, Nokuhle Cybil Queen TSOENE, Mothofela Daniel TSUPA, Libuseng TUHAFENI, Emilia Nghiimoniko TYOBEKA, Siyamthanda Yolisa UYS, Johannes Frederik VAN ASWEGEN, Jan Grobbelaar VAN DER BERG, Christina Maria VAN DER MERWE, Christoff VAN DER MERWE, Cornelius Gerhardus VAN DER MERWE, Odelia *VAN DER MERWE, Schalk Gerhardus VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, Zirk Bernardus VAN EYSSEN, Mar-Lize VAN HEERDEN, Albert VAN JAARSVELD, Michall *VAN JAARSVELDT, Jeanette VAN NIEKERK, Jeanette VAN NIEKERK, Johannes Jacobus VAN ROOI, Su-Ann VAN SCHALKWYK, Cameron Scott VAN SCHALKWYK, Robert VAN STRAATEN, Richard Henry VAN WYK, Emmerentia VAN ZYL, Jason Colin VAN ZYL, Marthinus Christoffel VENTER, Carika VILAKAZI, Phumla Portia VUKELA, Rejoice Nkhensani WIDLAKE, Stephany Janine WOLMARANS, Dean XABA, Bongekile Nomthandazo ZERWICK, Christine Jolandé ZIBAYA, Ngqiqo BACCALAUREUS SCIENTIAE AGRICULTURAE BALOYI, Vongani Suspect BENEKE, Peter Rudolf BLIGNAUT, Gideon Johannes BORNMAN, Amari CEBEKHULU, Nondumiso Silindokuhle DIJWE, Keabetswe Mathildah HARTMAN, Godfrey Dirk JACK, Sinawo LEBUCHWANE, Thato Gail LEPHUTHING, Mantshiuwa Christinah LETEANE, Karabo Barrend LETSEKU, Violet Maphoko MADLALA, Anele MADUKE, Ntaoleng MAHOMO, Refiloe Hemmy MASILO, Koketso Precious Pearl MASIU, Hopolang Excinia MASOLA, Livhuwani Carnatian MBANGA, Nonele MINNAAR, Henry William Taylor MOKOENA, Naledi Luntukazi MOLEPO, Motshoane Johannes MOLEPO, Sametsi Emeldah MOLETE, Lerothodi Albert *NAKANYALA, Elina Shekupe U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E F R E E S TAT E | U N I V E R S I T E I T VA N D I E V R Y S TA AT | Y U N I V E S I T H I YA F R E I S TATA | 10 Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences Fakulteit Natuur- en Landbouwetenskappe NEL, Johannes Petrus OLEVANO, Eunice Lois OLIFANT, Kagisho Ignitious *PRETORIUS, Nicolaas Francois PRINSLOO, Hermina Susanna RASEBOTSA, Nare Daphney SCHOLTZ, Willem Greeff SEANEGO, Tirelo Bilga SEKOBOANE, Itumeleng Elias SENEKAL, David Johannes SIWAKWI, Masabata SPIES, Jacobus Johannes STEYN, Jacques Gideon VAN NIEKERK, Murray VAN RONGE, Julize VAN ROOYEN, Brandon Burger VAN STRAATEN, Leon Francois VAN ZYL, Carlién VENTER, Stefanus Cornelius Jacobus Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences | Fakulteit Natuur- en Landbouwetenskappe DEAN/DEKAAN: PROF NJL HEIDEMAN ADEBAYO-OJO, Temitope Christina BERGH, Werner BESSELAAR, Johannes Frederik CHINHIMBA, Garvin *COUGHLAN, Declan Oliver GEYER, Juan Marius HERSELMAN, Karin JOOSTE, Johannes Christiaan *KOTZE, Jacobus Hendrik LAWRENCE, Roscoe Gerald LEPHUPELA, Itumeleng James LETSAU, Neo Francinah LETSOALO, Mahlatsi Moses MAASS, Gerrit Jacobus MABASO, Themba Paradise MABE, Itumeleng Kingsley Advocate MAKAMANE, Kelello John MANGENA, Lehlohonolo Innocent MOGAPI, Katlego Arnold MOKHOBO, Lemphane MONDLI, Kenneth MORAKABI, Hareteke MOROKA, Moroka MOTOLWANA, Eza Asavela MULEYA, Mashudu Shelton NAIDOO, Meshegan NKUTHA, Bongani Joshua NXUMALO, Siboniso RAMARU, Makulana Gift SAMSON-AKPAN, Mmedaara Sylvia SEATLANE, Boikanyo Jacob SELEKE, Pakiso Paseka SENTIMILE, Sechaba Simon SETLOGELO, Kaelo Washington SHANDUKANI, Khumbelo Whitney SMIT, Stephan Jacques TAU, Ntshoekeleng Queen TLHAKANELO, Kelebogile Keneilwe UYS, Christiaan Rudolf *VAN DER WALT, Luan VAN TONDER, Andries Johannes VAN ZYL, Matthew WESSON, Stanley John MEDALS MEDALJES DEAN’S MEDAL AWARDED TO A FINAL-YEAR STUDENT WHO ACHIEVED THE BEST RESULTS IN RESPECT OF A FIRST FOUR-YEAR BACCALAUREUS DEGREE IN THE FACULTY OF NATURAL AND AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES DEKAANSMEDALJE TOEGEKEN AAN ’N FINALEJAARSTUDENT WAT DIE BESTE TEN OPSIGTE VAN ’N EERSTE VIERJARIGE BACCALAUREUSGRAAD IN DIE FAKULTEIT NATUUR- EN LANDBOUWETENSKAPPE PRESTEER HET BACCALAUREUS SCIENTIAE (HOME ECONOMICS) BACCALAUREUS SCIENTIAE (HUISHOUDKUNDE) CORNELIUS, Suné Anje KRUGER, Louwette BACCALAUREUS SCIENTIAE (INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY) BACCALAUREUS SCIENTIAE (INLIGTINGSTEGNOLOGIE) Ms/Me JACOBS, Martine - Baccalaureus in Consumer Science/Baccalaureus in Verbruikerswetenskap DEAN’S MEDAL AWARDED TO A FINAL-YEAR STUDENT WHO ACHIEVED THE BEST RESULTS IN RESPECT OF A FIRST THREE-YEAR BACCALAUREUS DEGREE IN THE FACULTY OF NATURAL AND AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES DEKAANSMEDALJE TOEGEKEN AAN ’N FINALEJAARSTUDENT WAT DIE BESTE TEN OPSIGTE VAN ’N EERSTE DRIEJARIGE BACCALAUREUSGRAAD IN DIE FAKULTEIT NATUUR- EN LANDBOUWETENSKAPPE PRESTEER HET AS WELL AS ASOOK SENATE MEDAL AND PRIZE SENAATSMEDALJE EN –PRYS AWARDED TO THE BEST THREE-YEAR BACCALAUREUS DEGREE STUDENT AT THE UNIVERSITY TOEGEKEN AAN DIE BESTE DRIEJARIGE BACCALAUREUSGRAADSTUDENT AAN DIE UNIVERSITEIT Ms/Me BASSON, Deidré – Baccalaureus Scientiae U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E F R E E S TAT E | U N I V E R S I T E I T VA N D I E V R Y S TA AT | Y U N I V E S I T H I YA F R E I S TATA | 11 The Seanamarena – the traditional Basotho blanket. Die Seanamarena – die tradisionele Basotho-kombers. The Main Procession graduation gowns – embroidered with rich diversity South Africa, and the Free State in particular, has a longstanding friendship with our neighbouring country, Lesotho. Through a shared history, we have become co-creators of our futures. For this reason, the UFS decided to incorporate our tradition with that of the Basotho in the design of our Main Procession graduation gowns. The gowns are inspired by the Seanamarena – the traditional Basotho blanket. The different patterns on the Seanamarena indicate the status one holds in the Basotho nation or reflect the occasion being celebrated. Keeping the Seanamarena pattern in mind, we combined our traditional academic designs with that of the Basotho nation. Die togas vir die Hoofgradeplegtigheidsprosessie – geborduur met ’n ryke verskeidenheid Suid-Afrika, en die Vrystaat in die besonder, se vriendskap met ons buurland, Lesotho, bestaan reeds baie lank. Deur middel van ons gedeelde geskiedenis, het ons die medeskeppers van ons toekoms geword. Om hierdie rede het die UV besluit om ons tradisie met dié van die Basotho te vermeng in die ontwerp van ons togas vir die Hoofgradeplegtigheidsprosessie. Die togas is geïnspireer deur die Seanamarena – die tradisionele Basotho-kombers. Die verskillende patrone op die Seanamarena is ’n aanduiding van die status wat die persoon in die nasie beklee, of van die geleentheid wat gevier word. Met die Seanamarena-patroon in gedagte, is ons tradisionele akademiese ontwerpe met dié van die Basotho-nasie gekombineer. U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E F R E E S TAT E | U N I V E R S I T E I T VA N D I E V R Y S TA AT | Y U N I V E S I T H I YA F R E I S TATA | 12 Yoke patterns Skouerstuk-patrone Yoke pattern for the Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor Skouerstuk-patroon vir die Kanselier en Visekanselier This Seanamarena pattern is an interpretation of a design – used exclusively for the king and chiefs – which means “to swear by the king”. This blanket has the highest status of all Basotho blankets. Hierdie Seanamarena-ontwerp is ’n interpretasie van ’n ontwerp wat uitsluitlik vir die koning en opperhoofde gebruik word en dit beteken “om te sweer by die koning”. Hierdie kombers het die hoogste status van alle Basotho-komberse. Yoke pattern for the Chairperson of the Council Skouerstuk-patroon vir die Voorsitter van die Raad This Seanamarena Victorian crest motif appeared after the visit of the Prince of Wales to Lesotho in 1925, which made a profound impression on the local people. Customers refer to this blanket as ‘lesiba’ – meaning feathers – when buying it. Die Seanamarena Victoriaanse wapenmotief verskyn na die besoek van die Prins van Wallis aan Lesotho in 1925, wat ’n groot indruk op die mense gemaak het. Kliente verwys na die kombers as ‘lesiba’ – wat vere beteken – wanneer dit gekoop word. Yoke pattern for the Vice-Rector Skouerstuk-patroon vir die Viserektor This Seanamarena Poone design symbolises good crops, wealth and fertility. The Poone is given as a present to honour an important visitor. Hierdie Seanamarena Poone-ontwerp simboliseer goeie oeste, rykdom en vrugbaarheid. Die Poone word gegee as ’n geskenk om ’n belangrike besoeker te eer. Yoke pattern for Registrar Skouerstuk-patroon vir Registrateur The same Seanamarena Poone design used for the Vice-Rector applies to the Registrar, with some slight design and colour alterations. Dieselfde Seanamarena Poone-ontwerp vir die Viserektor is van toepassing op die Registrateur met effense ontwerp- en kleurveranderings. The Deans wear gowns made in the colours of the Faculties or others which indicate the office they hold. Die Dekane dra togas wat die kleure van die Fakulteite uitbeeld of ander wat die afdelings verteenwoordig wat hulle bestuur . U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E F R E E S TAT E | U N I V E R S I T E I T VA N D I E V R Y S TA AT | Y U N I V E S I T H I YA F R E I S TATA | 13 Dear Kovsie Beste Kovsie ALUMNI Dear Alumnus The Kovsie Alumni family welcomes you! Congratulations on your achievements. The role of the Kovsie Alumni Office is to enable Kovsie graduates to keep in touch with their Alma Mater. Visit our website ( to update your contact details or contact the Alumni Office at +27 (0)51 401 3535. Beste Alumnus Hartlik welkom by die Kovsie Alumni-familie! Baie geluk met jou prestasie. Die rol van die Kovsie Alumni-kantoor is om jou in staat te stel om met jou Alma Mater kontak te hou. Besoek ons webwerf ( vir die opdatering van u besonderhede of kontak ons by +27 (0)51 401 3535 U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E F R E E S TAT E | U N I V E R S I T E I T VA N D I E V R Y S TA AT | Y U N I V E S I T H I YA F R E I S TATA | 14
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