digital - Parents Guide of Las Vegas
digital - Parents Guide of Las Vegas
S Win a Pass to Legoland California – Page 17 13 e Pa g 40 Ve Ye ga ar s s PB ParentsGuide Helping good parents raise better kids.™ of Las Vegas Digitally Literate: To Be or Not to Be 10 Page 9 Kid Friendly Websites Page 15 Seven Online Safety TIps Page 17 November 2009 digital Kids ate m i t l U egas Las V ily Fam dar Calen e Pag 38 ee Arts & Crafts Guide Dining Out Book Reviews Fairytales & Tutus and more! Fr Plus: Fun at the children’s playground, a bigger-than-life adventure area where kids can play and exercise their imagination. Ten minutes from the Las Vegas Strip is a place for us, the people who call Vegas home. A place where we have 180 acres to do things some people wouldn’t expect from Las Vegas. You know, like taking a hike along a winding trail that leads to the water source that brought life here. It’s a place big enough to watch acoustic concerts under the stars, go on Halloween hayrides and wander through a massive garden lit with tens of thousands of holiday lights. To most people, it’s not their idea of a good time in Vegas. But it is to us. Exhibits $9.95 for adults, kids 5 yrs. - older just $4.95. Open daily, 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. 702.822.7700 • U.S. 95 and Valley View Blvd. For our calendar of events visit 2off $ Adult Admission *Expires 12/31/09. Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer or discount. Redeemable for up to six admissions. Coupon code: C47LVPG1209 ű#*35)%":1"35*&4'03,*%4 ű01&/#06/$&5*.&'03'".*-*&4 ű4,:30#*$4'*5/&44$-"44&4'03,*%4.0.4%"%4 űű%%0(&#"--'03"--"(&4 ű"'5&34$)00-130(3".4'03,*%4 4LZ;POF3FDSFBUJPOBM$FOUFSPòFSTGVOQIZTJDBMBDUJWJUJFTHBNFTBOEFOUFSUBJONFOUGPS QFPQMFPGBMMBHFTTJ[FBOEBCJMJUJFTPOPVSQBUFOUFEUISFFEJNFOTJPOBMXBMMFEQMBZJOHTVSGBDF 4LZ;POF3FDSFBUJPOBM$FOUFST 'PSN B MMZ,OPXO"T4 LZ.B OJB 'VO$FOUFS 4UFQUPF4UF 5SPQJDBOB#PVMEFS)JHIXBZ -BT7FHBT/7 XXXTLZ[POFTQPSUTDPN NovemberContentFeatures Digital Kids 13 9 Digitally Literate: To Be or Not to Be 15 Ten Kid Friendly Websites 17 Seven tIps for online child safety Features 10 Understanding H1N1 13 Sesame Street Celebrates 40 Years 22 Gray Elementary School receives award 36 34 Happy Babies Happi Bunz! 36 Fairytales and Tutus Celebrates Anniversary 37 Babies Fest Comes to Las Vegas Team The Parents Guide of Las Vegas Team Advisory Board Ethel Archibald Jen Flinders Carmen Miller Ellen Gianni Nelson Steve Orrico Publisher Mark Sherwood Art Director Hugh Roper Graphic Designer Brittany Lish Event Director Pamela Ann Schumacher NovemberDepartments Departments 19 7 7 7 Publisher’s Letter Departments Contest Winners Letter from the Publisher 14 7 Understanding Contest WinnersPraise and Encouragement 16 TheRoperReport 18 Perseverance: Protection vs. Failure 19 Feature Teacher 20 Dr. Ray on Writing Skills 21 21 Recommended Reading 28 NevadaPEP 29 29 Daycare/PreschoolDirectory 30 Arts & Crafts Guide 38 Family Calendar 42 DiningOutWithLauren 43 KidsDiningOutCalendar 44 Classified DIrectory 42 | | November 2009 Entertainment Editor Lauren Wood Feature Writer Tish Davidson Monthly Columnists Jincy Dean Dr. Ray Huntington Carey Roper Audrey Sherwood Cassie Rice Distribution Richard Kleinman Account Executives Rick Kramer Sarah Jones ParentsGuide of Las Vegas is published monthly by Postman Right Media, LLC. Copyright 2009. To advertise call: (702) 481-3162 Publisher’sLetter M any of today’s parents grew up in a world that was just beginning to go digital. How many parents remember putting a floppy disk into a Commodore 64 or Apple IIe? How about playing Space Invaders or Asteroids on an Atari. And you can’t forget Sony’s Walkman or seeing your first CD! Now our children play Wii, consume music via iTunes and very few of them can even remember life before the Internet. So what challenges and opportunities does this new and constantly evolving digital world present to the PARENTS of this current generation? The media reports are full of the dangers of the internet, and we could justifiably find reasons to be concerned about what, and who, they are being exposed to online. At the same time there are so many amazing ‘digital opportunities’ for our children to learn so much about so many things. ContestWinners nology and digital growth. So finding the balance between embracing the positives of the digital explosion and shielding our kids from the negatives becomes a task that each of us has to perform. There are so many articles we thought about putting in this issue. For example, “How Young is Too Young for a Cell Phone” or “Spending Too Much Time Online and Not Enough Time Watching TV”. Alas these stories didn’t make the cut. Instead, I realized the biggest reason for dedicating a cover to ‘digital kids’ is to just get parents thinking about how they use media in their own lives, and in turn help them think about how it should be used in their children’s lives. Best, Mark Sherwood, Publisher Congratulations to “Evie Herroz” who won a free birthday party to Sky Zone. ParentsGuide of Las Vegas is giving away a family four pass to Legoland in San Diego, CA. To win send an e‑mail to [email protected] Understandably some parents might feel overwhelmed by today’s pace of tech- ParentsGuide | The Public Education Foundation Board of Directors Elects Officers, New Board Members OF LAS VEGAS T Working to improve public education in Southern Nevada Empowerment Schools Scholarships Join Us (702) 799-1042 | | November 2009 he Public Education Foundation’s board of directors held elections at its annual meeting on October 8th, 2009. The slate of officers re-elected for 20092011 are Sig Rogich, chairman of the board; Robert L. Forbuss, senior vice chair; Randall J. Campanale, CFA, vice chair of finance; Christina Mamer, vice chair of development; Steve Forsythe, vice chair of community relations; Ann Lynch, secretary; and David Hall, CPA, Sig Rogich, chairman treasurer. New board members are Christopher Cole, vice president, The Rogich Communications Group; Dr. Rutu Ezhuthachan, chief of pediatrics, Southwest Medical Associates; Sheryl Goldstein, community leader; Joshua Miller, president, The KeyState Companies; Raymond Specht, vice chairman of the board of directors, Toyota Financial Savings Bank; and Melissa Warren, managing partner, Faiss Foley Warren Public Relations and Government Affairs. Re-elected members include Klif Andrews, Assemblyman Morse Arberry Jr., John R. Bailey, Esq., Raj Chanderraj, MD, Michael Cunningham, Dorothy Eisenberg, Dick Fraim, Tom Gallagher, Myra Greenspun, Josh Griffin, J. Parker Kurlinski, MD, Olga Lyles, Robert A. Martin, William E. Martin, Rose McKinney-James, Emily Neilson, the Honorable Nancy M. Saitta, Thomas J. Schoeman, AIA, Patrick Thomas, James L. Wadhams, Esq., Senator Valerie Wiener and Myrna Tormé Williams. The Public Education Foundation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to mobilizing community and global resources to meet the challenges of educating a growing and diverse Southern Nevada population. The Foundation’s programs and initiatives are designed to improve student performance and advance quality educational opportunities for all children. Since 1991, The Foundation has raised approximately $60 million to improve teaching and learning in Southern Nevada’s public schools. For more information about the Foundation, go to DigitalKids Digitally Literate: To Be or Not to Be, that is the Question By Dr. Sabra R. Smith I t’s no surprise that when asked about gift preferences whether for birthday, Christmas or merely for doing well in school, the answers given by most kids are digital: Digital camera; camcorder; computer; MP3 player; cellphone; video game or DVD player. Unlike many of us at their age, the children of today are actively involved in downloading video clips or music, instant messaging, playing video games, surfing the Web, texting one another or uploading images to MySpace. Oftentimes these tasks occur simultaneously making them efficient, media-multitaskers. Today’s youth have been referred to as natively digital, that is, they are DFL; Digital is their first language (Juke, 2006). In an effort to better understand and communicate with this high tech generation and effectively matriculate through their digital world, we as parents, teachers and community leaders must become digitally literate. Much like Shakespeare’s Hamlet who contemplates the pros and cons of his very existence, failing to embrace today’s digital world may be to our own detriment particularly, when television shows and news networks we have grown to love and trust like Oprah and CNN encourage us to follow them on Twitter or to join them at LinkedIn. As far as sound advice goes, the best way to become digitally literate is to immerse oneself in the culture much like you would if you had an intense desire to learn a second language. Ironically, native digitals have become quite comfortable with just jumping into the digital world and learning as they go. If, however, you are foreign to or a novice at social networking , other than seeing the latest pictures on your son or daughter’s MySpace page, you may wonder how screen-based communication could be as effective if not more effective, in some cases, than face-to-face interaction. To those businesspeople and entrepreneurs who have taken advantage of the opportunity to market themselves globally utilizing communities like MySpace, Facebook and LinkedIn, social networks have become a true benefit. For some, social networking has paid off in a big way like for Facebook’s 25 year old founder and CEO, Mark Zuckerberg , who has been listed at a worth of $2 billion by Forbes. So the next time your kids ask you for a digital gadget, look for the impact such a tool may have on making him or her savvy and competitive in a society where screenbased interactions are a normalcy. In an information based society like ours, digital literacy, without question, is to be. Dr. Sabra R. Smith has her Doctorate in Education and is Lead Administrator and Director of Education for John Robert Powers Las Vegas. She is also author of the book, Innermost Parts: Theory of Spiritual Relativity, Law of the Abundant Life. To contact Dr. Smith call: (702) 429-7487 or (702) 364-9900. John Robert Powers wants TO MEET YOUR STAR Immediately! John Robert Powers clients have been featured in Hannah Montana, High School Musical, Zoey 101, The Suite Life of Zach & Cody, iCarly, That’s so Raven and tons more. No experience necessary. ParentsGuide | Children’sHealth Understanding H1N1 W and telephone receivers clean with a household cleaning product. Finally, do your best to keep your hands away from your eyes, nose and mouth. ith the heightened awareness of H1N1, what do you need to know to keep your family safe? Dr. James Swift, Q: What should I do if my child is sick? Medical Director at Sunrise Children’s Hospital, answers your A: H1N1 can be treated in a similar manner to seasonal flu. H1N1 questions. When your child displays mild flu-like symptoms, keep him/her home from daycare or school and encourage rest and drinking Q: What is H1N1? fluids. You can give them acetaminophen or ibuprofen to help A: H1N1 is a new influenza virus that was first detected in with fevers and body aches. Limit your child’s contact with others the United States in April 2009 and has spread rapidly worldas much as possible to reduce spreading the virus. wide. H1N1 is different than the seasonal flu which is typical this If your child demonstrates more worrisome symptoms such time of year. as severe cough, shortness of breath, inability to take in fluids or color changes around the mouth, seek medical attention with Q: How does the virus spread? your pediatrician or your local emergency room immediately. A: H1N1 is spread by person-to-person contact through coughing, sneezing and exposure to contaminated objects or surfaces. Q: How long is my child contagious and when can they go back to school? Q: What are the common symptoms? A: Your child is contagious one day prior to the onset of fever A: Common symptoms include fever, cough, congestion, for a duration of 5-7 days. It is recommended that your child go runny nose and sneezing. In certain cases vomiting and diarrhea back to school once the fever has subsided for at least 24 hours can be the predominant symptoms. without the use of acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Q: How can I prevent contracting H1N1? A: The best thing you can do is wash your hands frequently with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Try to cough or sneeze into a tissue and immediately wash your hands after it is disposed. Keep countertops, doorknobs, handles Q: Should children be vaccinated for H1N1 and is it safe? A: According to the CDC, there are certain populations of people who should get the H1N1 vaccine. These target groups include pregnant women, people who live with or care for children younger than 6 months of age, healthcare and emergency medical services personnel, persons between the ages of 6 months and 24 years old, and people ages of 25 through 64 years of age who are at higher risk for H1N1 because of chronic health disorders or compromised immune systems. The H1N1 vaccine has been developed the same way as the seasonal flu vaccine and has been studied in multiple risk groups for its safety and effectiveness. The benefits of the vaccine in preventing H1N1 are far greater than the risks. Q: What treatments are available for H1N1? A: There are antiviral medications such as Tamiflu® and Relenza ® which can be prescribed and administered orally by your physician. The utilization of these medicines is recommended as early as possible when symptoms develop. Q: What are the chances that my child will contract H1N1? A: The H1N1 virus is likely to infect greater than 50% of the U.S. population. Thus, there is a significant chance that your child or other family members may contract H1N1. Do what you can through hand washing and vaccination to help prevent H1N1. Q: What underlying medical problems are important factors in H1N1? A: Children with chronic medical problems such as asthma, diabetes, immune disorders and chronic lung disease are especially at risk to develop more serious symptoms that result in hospitalization. To learn more about protecting your children from H1N1 visit 10 | | November 2009 2/19/04 10:03 Page 1 Strong leaders are made, not born. Every Female Athlete has an Achilles’ Heel... Her Knees. Trust, loyalty, and honor. These are the values of today’s most influential leaders. And chances are, today’s strong leaders in business, government, and the community were once and still are members of the Boy Scouts of America. The Boy Scouts of America has a proud tradition of preparing young people for leadership with character-building programs that instill timeless values. You can ensure the continuation of those strong values. Join your other colleagues by being a part of your local BSA council. Strong leaders bring strong values to your community. Trust, loyalty, and honor are not just ways of Scouting. They are a way of life. The statistics are startling: female athletes in specific sports are four times more likely to injure their knees than males. Sports related injuries can be prevented. To avoid serious knee related injuries contact Dr. Jason Nielson, M.D. Pediatric & Adolescent Sports Medicine (702) 434-6920. $10 OFF to LEGOLAND California and SEA LIFE™ Aquarium* ® At LEGOLAND® California, everyone’s a hero on more than 50 rides, shows and attractions. And right next door, SEA LIFE™ Aquarium is the perfect way to introduce children to the wonders of the aquatic world. For Resort information, call (760) 918-LEGO or visit *Original coupon entitles bearer to $10 off one-day Child Hopper Ticket with purchase of a full-price one-day Adult Hopper Ticket to LEGOLAND California and SEA LIFE Aquarium for up to six. Hopper Ticket includes one visit to both LEGOLAND and SEA LIFE within 9 days of purchase. Valid only on the day of purchase at LEGOLAND California Resort. Offer cannot be applied to pre-purchased, online ticket sales or combined with any other discounts or offers including Birthday Party tickets. No photocopies or facsimiles will be accepted. Additional restrictions may apply. Children 2 and under are admitted free. Prices and hours subject to change without notice. The right of final interpretation resides with LEGOLAND California Resort. Not for resale. Expires 3/31/10 LV Parent Prices, times and schedules subject to change without notice. LEGO, LEGOLAND, the LEGO and LEGOLAND logo and the brick configuration are trademarks of the LEGO Group. ©2009 The LEGO Group. LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA RESORT AND SEA LIFE ARE A PART OF THE MERLIN ENTERTAINMENTS GROUP. 3DUHQWV*XLGH/9$GLQGG $0 ParentsGuide | 11 This party is all about U! 8JUIPVSBXFTPNFJOGMBUBCMFTBOE XPSSZGSFFQMBOOJOHXFNBLF TVSFUIBUBOZ#PVODF6QBSUZJT BMMBCPVUZPV8IFOUIFCJHEBZ BSSJWFTXFMMQSPWJEFBQMBDF GPSGBNJMJFTBOEGSJFOETUPCF UIFNTFMWFTHPXJMEBOETIBSF NFNPSJFTUIBUXJMMMBTUBMJGFUJNF Look who’s coming to the party! Hello Kitty’s Friendship Bouquet Now Available! t3FMBY&BTZ1MBOOJOH/P$MFBOVQ t1SJWBUF#PVODF4UBEJVNT1BSUZ3PPNT t4UBUFPGUIF"SU*OnBUBCMFT(BNFT t4BGF4FDVSF Save $3 On your order when you mention this ad!* *Offer valid on select products. Cannot be combined with any other offers. Offer code must be used when placing the order. Offer expires 06/30/09 Code: PAGU1210 Call about our recession buster “Ultimate Deal” party package Reserve your private party today! To order, please call or visit the location nearest you: Las Vegas 3754 E. Flamingo Rd. 702-433-2491 8520 W. Desert Inn Rd. 702-256-3331 ©2007 (702) 735-JUMP (5867) BounceU of Henderson 4UFQIBOJF1MBDF4VJUF )FOEFSTPO/7 #PVODF6DPNDJUJFT)FOEFSTPO/7 12 | | November 2009 Copyright © 2008 Edible Arrangements, LLC • All containers may not be available at all times in all stores. • Franchises Available. Call 1-888-727-4258 Ask about our full line of kids collection characters! © Disney; © 2007 Viacom International Inc.; ™/© 2007 Sesame Workshop; © 2007 Gullane (Thomas) Ltd.; © 2007 Mirage Studios, Inc.; © 1976, 2008 SANRIO CO., LTD. VegasPBS “Sesame Street” Celebrates 40 Years of Broadcast Season Premieres Tuesday, Nov. 10 with First Lady Michelle Obama This season, “Sesame Street” will be brought to you by the numbers ‘4’ and ‘0’ as it marks four decades of broadcast on Vegas PBS. The 40th season of “Sesame Street” will emphasize sustainability and green living, and premieres on Tuesday, Nov. 10 at 10 a.m. on Vegas PBS Channel 10. The first episode of the season will feature a visit by First Lady Michelle Obama who will be teaching “the street’s” residents about the many benefits of planting a garden and healthy eating. To view a preview of this first episode, please visit pressroom/season40/clips. Vegas PBS airs “Sesame Street” every Monday through Friday at 10 a.m. on Vegas PBS Channel 10 and 10.1, and on Sundays at 6 a.m. on Vegas PBS Jackpot! Cox Cable Channel 111. Parent Guide Mag Ad.pdf 5/19/09 Sesame Street Facts through the Years: · Four First Ladies have visited “Sesame Street” – Barbara Bush, Hillary Clinton, Laura Bush and Michelle Obama. · Although Big Bird is a curious 6-year old and Oscar is a Grouch, the two are identical on the inside. At age 75, Carroll Spinney has been both characters since 1969. · Snuffleupagus is a Pachyderm who lives on Sesame Street. While it is thought that he is invisible, he has always lived on Sesame Street – he just has inconvenient timing. · Oscar the Grouch was the color orange in season one. · While in 1969, the fabric for Bert and Ernie’s sweaters could be purchased at a store, their sweaters now have to be hand knit to match their original pattern. 8:44:28 AM GREAT FUN FOR ALL AGES! s!DULT'RAN0RIX#ARSs3PRINT+ARTS s'O+ARTSs+IDDIE+ARTSs$RAGON#OASTER "594)#+%43!42%'5,!2 02)#%'%4!2$4)#+%4 s4ORNADO4WISTERs3UPER3LIDE s!RCADE'AMESs2ESTAURANT /2$10 OFF! s'ROUP%VENTSAND0ARTIES ")24($!90!2490!#+!'% &2%% (Present this coupon to cashier. One per person per day. Not valid with any other offer.) 0'- VOTED F BEST O AS! G LAS VE N. US 95 to Exit 82A 1401 N. Rainbow Blvd. Las Vegas, Nevada 89108 ParentsGuide | 13 AdviceForParents Understanding Praise and Encouragement By Jincy Dean ost adults have been taught that when we want children to develop a healthy self-esteem, we need to praise them for their behavior or achievements. Can we avoid praise and replace it with acknowledgement? Let’s take a look and see. Children learn about themselves from our reactions and feedback to them. They develop a concept of themselves when our feedback is judgmental. When we judge children, we raise their ideals, teach perfectionism, and consequently, risk lowering their self-esteem. Adults can acknowledge and celebrate children’s successes, without praising. This form of feedback will verify the children’s own assessment that they have achieved something worthwhile, bring to light their successes so that they notice them, and expand on what they have achieved. We blurt out judgments to our children to the point that is has become almost a verbal tic. At birthday parties, school grounds, or anywhere there are children you hear phases such as “wow that’s great, fantastic job”. Even small infants are praised for clapping their hands together (patty-cake). The point here is not to call into question the importance of supporting and encouraging children, the need to love them and hug them and help them feel good about themselves. Praise, however, is a different story entirely. Overdoing praise may increase a child’s dependence on us and rely on our evaluations, our decisions about what’s good and bad, rather than learning to form their own judgments. It leads them to measure their M 14 | | November 2009 worth in terms of what will lead us to smile and dole out some more approval. When students are praised lavishly by teachers they sometimes are more reluctant in their responses, more apt to answer in a questioning tone. (“Um, nine?”) They tend to back off from an idea or answer if they feel the teacher will disagree. Therefore, children are less likely to persist with difficult tasks. Praises don’t reassure children; ultimately, it makes them feel less secure. Children deserve to take delight in their own accomplishments, to feel pride in what they have learned how to do. A constant stream of value judgments is neither necessary nor useful for children’s development. When you want children to develop a healthy self-esteem, celebrate and acknowledge their efforts, but resist constant praising. Giving children feedback that describes their achievement, rather than judging, gives them information about who they are, without implying they must behave in a particular way for us, as adults, to value them. You can tell children that they are terrific simply because they are wonderful. Share your pleasure in their company. Acknowledging children’s achievements or their considerate behavior requires no new skills on your part. Only the same language you use for the adults in your life. If a friend gets a new job, you would not say “good boy” but would congratulate him. If your neighbor picked your child up form school while you were at work, you would not say “good job”, you would say, “Thanks. I appreciate it”. An example: Action: A child who has completed a painting comes to you asking “Is this Good?’ while looking pleased with it. Praise: Wow! That looks great good job! Acknowledgement: You look pleased with that! Looks like you enjoyed that! It looks to me like you planned your painting very carefully! What’s your favorite part? A tip: Ask your child how they feel about what they achieved: Are you pleased? What do you think of that? Give information or feedback in the form of I-verb: I value I respect I appreciate I’m impressed Jincy Dean is the regional director for Christian Montessori Academy and is a nationally recognized childcare advocate. She is a member of numerous teaching and childcare organizations and is a past recipient of the Nevada “Mentor of Year” award. DigitalKids Ten Kid Friendly Websites T here are literally thousands of websites designed to attract kids. Many of these sites are not only entertaining but also educational. Of course many are also a complete waste of time. Here are 10 of the most popular kid-centric sites currently on the internet. As the name implies heavy on the math. Similar to webkinz, slightly more realistic. Wide variety of educational games. Basic games, better for younger kids. Summerlin Green Valley 1400 N Rampart Blvd, Las Vegas, NV Located at the SE corner of Green Valley Pkwy & Pecos Friday Nights 6-9pm Learning games in a fun environment. Fun way to help children learn to read. Friday & Saturday Nights 6-9pm We will teach you how to play. - For Ages 5 to 16 - No experience necessary - Players separated by skill level For more information call Brett Verhagen Probably the most engaging educational site on the list. Disney site that lets kids control the action. (702) 339-6821 ParentsGuide | 15 TheRoperReport Parent-Teacher Conference Prep Common sense A PARENTING Common Sense Parenting classes make a difference. ã/HVVHQFKLOGUHQÜVSUREOHPEHKDYLRU ã,PSURYHSDUHQWDQGIDPLO\VDWLVIDFWLRQ ã%XLOGVWURQJKHDOWK\UHODWLRQVKLSV )RUDFXUUHQWFODVVVFKHGXOHFDOO702.642.7070. Saving Children Healing Families 0909-167 ® /FX#JHHFS-PDBUJPO $IJMESFOT3FTBMF4UPSF 8F#VZ4FMM(FOUMZ6TFE,JET4UVĊ is ad ion th % Ment receive 10ase and ur purch of yo _5PZT_$MPUIJOH _'VSOJUVSF_"DDFTTPSJFT _&RVJQNFOU 16 | | November 2009 utumn is here and school is well underway. Parent-teacher conferences are right around the corner. Conferences can create anxiety for all involved. Keep in mind that these meetings exist to help your child increase learning potential, set educational goals for the next grade period and resolve any concerns you may have. It is crucial to come prepared and use your one-on-one time efficiently to ensure your child is progressing not only academically, but behaviorally and emotionally as well. The most important thing you can do to is talk to your child before the conference. Ask questions and address any concerns they may have or that they want you to discuss with their teacher. Make sure your child doesn’t stress about the upcoming meeting. Explain that you are meeting with their teacher to help them continue to do well in school. A few questions you might ask your child are, “What is your favorite thing about school? If you could change one thing about school, what would it be?” Communication is paramount when gathering information from your child. Before the conference, take the time to write down specific questions you have about your child’s homework, grades in core subjects, behavior, etc. Bring the list of questions and concerns with you. Also, be prepared to share with the teacher any significant changes outside of school which they should be aware of-new baby, divorce, health problems, etc. This information may explain noticeable changes in behavior or class work the teacher has observed. Make sure you ask the most pressing questions first. Time often runs out without being able to discuss every item on your list. If additional time is needed, don’t hesitate to schedule a follow-up meeting. If possible, both parents should attend the conference. If you are unable to attend a conference at your child’s school due to work or other circumstances, set up an alternate way to communicate over the phone or through email. It is crucial for your child to know that you support their academic endeavors and you are working with their teacher to help them reach their potential. Be on time and begin the conference on a positive note with a smile and friendly introduction. Share with the teacher what your child likes about their class or the school in general. Let them know what your routine at home is concerning homework, studying for tests and upcoming projects in their class. Ask questions and solicit feedback on any areas of concern. Inquire not only about academic concerns but your child’s behavior and temperament as well. Don’t be alarmed or shocked to discover your child’s in-school behavior differs greatly from how they act at home. Listen carefully to the teacher and take notes. If constructive criticism is given, stay calm. Being defensive, arguing or making excuses for your child will accomplish nothing. If you feel like there is a personality conflict or problem with your child’s teacher, ask someone in the administration to sit in on the conference. As the conference winds down, ask the teacher to explain specifically what their plan is at school concerning your child and what you can do at home to help improve areas of concern. Setting goals and coming up with a game plan will ensure good communication and success between the school and home. After the conference, discuss the plan with your child. Be optimistic and let them know about the positive words and encouraging comments their teacher had to say about them. Set goals for the next grading period and discuss simple steps that they can do to help achieve these goals. Stay in close communication with the teacher to measure progress. Remember this conference is to promote cooperation and communication between the school and home. Keep in mind that your child’s teacher is a simply one of many mentors they will have along the way in their educational career. You are the most important teacher your child will ever have. Continue to encourage your child by communicating the importance of doing their best at school. Help them realize that education is the key component for a future filled with purpose and a sense of accomplishment in helping others with the knowledge they have gained. Carey Creel Roper is a regular contributor to PGLV and is the Academic Director for Cumorah Academy in Las Vegas. 7 DigitalKids TIps for online child safety 1LearnBecome computer literate. how to block objectionable material. ParentsGuide of Las Vegas is giving away a family four pass to Legoland in San Diego, CA. To win send an e‑mail to [email protected] Photo by mulmatsherm mulmatsherm/2170338987/ For example, place Google on “strict search”. 2common area. Keep the computer in a Keep it where you can watch and monitor your kids. Avoid putting a computer in a child’s bedroom. 3with children. Share an email account That way, you can monitor who is sending them messages. 4 Bookmark your child’s favorite sites. Your child will have easy access and be less likely to make a typo that could lead to inappropriate content. 5TeachSpend time online together. your kids appropriate online behavior. 6 Monitor kids use of chat rooms and Social Media. Be aware that posting messages to chat rooms reveals a child’s email address to others. Do not allow personal info to be exposed to anyone on Facebook or Twitter who is not someone who is known. 7protection elsewhere. Find out about online Find out what, if any, online protection is offered at school, after-school centers, friends’ homes, or anyplace where kids could use a computer without your supervision. ParentsGuide | 17 AdviceForParents Perseverance: Balancing Protection Versus Failure By Cassie Rice ne of toughest balancing acts parents face is when to protect versus when to let children risk failure. After all, how can children learn to persevere when faced with obstacles if they are not allowed to overcome adversity? On the other hand, children may become so overwhelmed that they just give up, and start to fear new situations. Here are some guidelines that can help parents, grandparents and other caregivers increase confidence and selfsufficiency among the children in their lives. And, that’s a gift a child can never outgrow! First, look for what would be the right level of challenge to teach a child to persevere. Consider the resources available to the child, what skills and abilities the child has, and how hard the child will have to work to turn a negative situation into a positive one. Imagine worst-case and best case outcomes, and weigh what the child can gain versus what he or she stands to lose. O Next, provide guidance to build the child’s self-esteem. Let them make choices, but show them some different ways to work through the problem. Many parents mean well when they shelter their children by making choices or doing things for them, but that may leave the children more vulnerable when faced with challenges in the future. Determination, a strong work ethic, and resolve are good character-builders, and a little guidance can go a long way to build a child’s self esteem. Don’t let excuses get in the way. Excuses are very prevalent in our society today, but when we’re honest with ourselves it’s easy to see that some excuses are simply avoidance. Help children make realistic goals, and then use your guidance to help them realize when they may be making excuses to avoid facing challenges. With your help, children can model your thought process and learn self-encouragement techniques - these are great life skills. Start teaching children early how to be self-sufficient A private school offering an environment with high moral values and standards. Utilizing the A beka Christian curriculum Teaching Preschool - 8th grade. 18 | | November 2009 adults with the abilities to lead productive and successful lives. If children bring up excuses, remember to listen instead of automatically dismissing them. Listening is key to working together. After listening, talk to the child about specific obstacles, and ways to get around them or change them. Ask what the child thinks, listen, and respond to what they are saying. Looking back as an adult, I realize that my best learning experiences came from working hard to turn a negative situation into a positive one. Experiencing self-reliance and independence can be life-altering accomplishments in themselves! With your guidance and support, children can grow from adversity, and actually enjoy overcoming challenges. Cassie Rice has been working with children and their parents for more than decade. She has received numerous awards and accolades; most recently US Gymnastics named Cassie the 2009 Regional Coach of the Year. FeatureTeacher Discounts on Dining and Entertainment. Log on to for $7 tickets to “The Gift of Lights” at Sunset Park. Mr. Marc Lederer: Seventh Grade U.S. History Imagine... M To nominate a teacher to receive the “Featured Teacher” award please e-mail the name of the teacher to [email protected] and in 250 words or less explain why you think your nomination should be considered. If your nominated teacher is selected you will be notified prior to publication. accomplishing more each day than the day before. SM r. Marc Lederer is our ‘Featured Teacher’ for November 2009. Mr. Lederer has been teaching in Clark County for the past 13 years. He started out teaching elementary students in the first grade. For the past six years he has taught middle schoolers at Harney Middle School in Las Vegas. Mr. Lederer teaches United States History to seventh graders. Like several other past ‘Featured Teachers’, Mr. Lederer was deeply influenced early in life by a teacher, in his case it was his mother. Her example of dedicated service to her students in large measure was the inspiration for him to begin a life of teaching. Mr. Lederer has tried to follow his mother’s example of dedicated teaching service and today teaches more than 150 students each year. Many of Mr. Lederer’s students come from a diverse background. In some cases these students are the first generation of Americans in their families. Teaching American History to these students is especially rewarding for Mr. Lederer. As they learn and embrace the rich heritage of freedom found in few other places outside of the United States, he sees a “pride of citizenship” in their new country that is certain yield lasting benefits for them and our nation for years to come. Your child will strive to do more when she has the confidence to succeed on her own. Kumon Math and Reading uses a proven method to unlock your child’s potential. Victories are frequent and rewarding, so she’s motivated time and again to seek out the next challenge. For over 50 years, Kumon has helped children worldwide achieve their most ambitious goals. Call to schedule a FREE placement test today! KUMON MATH & READING CENTERS OF GREEN VALLEY ............................................702-365-5866 HENDERSON ................................................702-361-9858 HENDERSON GREEN VALLEY NORTH ....702-436-6284 LAS VEGAS - ALIANTE................................702-656-3100 LAS VEGAS PECCOLE RANCH ..................702-489-5867 SPRING VALLEY ..........................................702-871-4828 SUMMERLIN ..................................................702-240-4907 ParentsGuide | 19 Dr.Ray Writing Skills: Critical for College Success and Beyond By Dr. Raymond J. Huntington I f your child hopes to attend college, you need to be sure he or she has the “write stuff ” for success on the SAT or ACT, both of which now include a writing section. The section is a mandatory component of the SAT, which requires students to answer multiple choice questions in 35 minutes and write a persuasive essay in 25 minutes. The writing section is optional on the ACT because not every higher education institution requires a writing test, and because the ACT also measures a student’s writing ability on its English test. The multiple choice questions on the SAT measure a student’s ability to improve sentences and paragraphs and identify errors in diction, grammar, sentence construction and subject-verb agreement. Students must also express their knowledge of a wide vocabulary and their ability to cut excess wordiness from passages. On the essay portion, they’re required to develop and support a main argument or point of view with ideas that are well-organized and clearly expressed. Students earn a score of between 200 and 800 points on this section of the SAT. In the writing section of the ACT, the test taker is presented with two sides to an issue. Students are then asked to take a position on the issue – either one of those presented or one of their own. Students must then present a well-reasoned argument in a short essay in support of that issue. Students’ scores are based on their ability to express their judgments clearly, with logical reasoning and supporting points. The ACT writing test is scored on a level of one to six, and students receive individualized feedback from the essay graders as part of their score. So how do you help your child prepare for success on these tests? Here are some tips: Build expertise in the fiveparagraph essay. The five-paragraph essay is frequently used as a model for strengthening students’ abilities to write persuasively and clearly to support a point of view. The first paragraph should state the key argument, with the next three paragraphs (or sentences) providing supporting evidence for that point of view, and the last paragraph summariz- Reinforce the role of writing ing the key point and supporting evidence. and learning. As students reach middle and secondEncourage writing to express feelings. ary school, homework assignments tend to Keeping a diary or journal can be a very require more reading and analyzing. After effective way to strengthen writing skills. reading a chapter or an important section Writing about personal feelings, successes of an assignment, students should create and disappointments can also help students a “notes page” summarizing the key facts resolve conflicts. Activities such as these and restating, in their own words, the most can build skills in a non-stressful way, and important points to remember. This prospark the urge for self-expression through cess enhances retention and strengthens writing. When people write about things writing skills as well. that concern them, they’re more apt to Students who really want to improve their strive for “just the right words” to describe writing skills should keep in mind that this how they’re feeling. is one task where you really will “learn by doing.” They should also remember there Develop a broad vocabulary. are significant rewards for young people Knowing the meanings of many words and adults who write well. From letters to and being able to use them effectively prospective employers, to office corresponwill be useful on both the multiple choice dence, to communications with friends and and essay sections of these tests. The best family, the ability to use written language way to develop a broad vocabulary is to effectively has a remarkable impact on our professional and personal success. A private school offering an environment with high moral values and standards. Utilizing the A beka Christian faith-based curriculum. Teaching 3 yr. & 4 yr. old Preschool - 8th grade. 3 or 5 Full Days: 8:30am - 3:00pm 3 or 5 Half Days AM: 8:30am -11:30am 3 or 5 Half Days PM: 12:00pm - 3:00pm 3yr. old & 4yr. old classes available 20 | | November 2009 read extensively from pre-school onward. Whether your child is enjoying the adventures of Ernest Hemingway or reading books about his or her favorite subject or hobby, viewing words in the context of a narrative builds an intuitive understanding of their meanings. An excellent resource for building word power is, a site that enables visitors to check the meanings and spellings of words. The site also has numerous games and puzzles that build word knowledge and vocabulary skills in a fun way. Simply subscribing – for free – to “word of the day” will introduce a new word every morning as your child logs on to email. Dr. Raymond J. Huntington and Eileen Huntington are co-founders of Huntington Learning Center, which has been helping children succeed in school for more than 30 years. For more information about Huntington, call 1 800 CAN LEARN. RecommendedReading By Audrey Sherwood 11 Birthdays By Wendy Mass Amanda’s 11th birthday wasn’t all that great anyway-- her first party without her estranged best friend Leo. But when she has to re-live it day after day she wonders if she will ever make it to 12. She has plenty of worries to occupy her: her mom losing her job, her snobby older sister, her best girl friend who desperately wants Amanda to make the gymnastics team with her, and her seemingly lost friendship with Leo. As Amanda tries different strategies to move beyond her disappointing birthday she learns about friendship and being herself. Molly’s Pilgrim By Barbara Cohen Molly is a young Jewish girl whose family has recently immigrated to the US from Russia. She finds it challenging to fit in with a new culture and is regularly teased by some girls at school. As Molly learns about the Pilgrims in school she comes home with an assignment—to make a clothespin Pilgrim doll. After explaining to her mother what she has learned, her mother tells her she will make a beautiful doll. When Molly’s mother proudly shows her the doll the following morning, Molly is shocked to discover a colorful Russian peasant rather than a staid Puritan. Molly reluctantly takes the doll to school, worried that she will be teased even more. Thankfully, with the wisdom of her teacher and her own willingness to stand up for her heritage, the doll teaches everyone a beautiful lesson of tolerance. Turk and Runt By Lisa Wheeler and illustrated by Frank Ansley This humorous picture book tells the story of turkey brothers Turk—the popular and talented one, and Runt—the brainy but underappreciated one. As their quiet life on the farm with their parents is threatened as Thanksgiving approaches, Runt is the only one who recognizes the danger. Hopefully, he can convince his family to join in carrying out a creative plan to keep everyone safe. Our online public school program is free. The confidence your child will feel is invaluable. Nevada Connections Academy’s full-time distance learning public school program for grades K-12 uses personalized plans, one-on-one attention from certified teachers, and leading-edge technology tools. Bring out !MAZING )T´S WHATTHERIGHT LEARNINGENVIRONMENT CANDOFORACHILD´S the best in your child. Find out more today. Call 800-382-6019, or visit ELFESTEEM 3 Top-rated K-12 online school in Nevada ParentsGuide | 21 Gray Elementary School receives Blue Ribbon designation The school is one of only 314 in the nation to receive this honor R. Guild Gray Elementary School has been chosen as one of a select few schools in the nation to receive the coveted 2009 Blue Ribbon National School designation. United States Secretary of Education Arne Duncan announced that only 314 schools - 264 public and 50 private - were named for the honor this year. The award recognizes schools that are either academically superior or have made dramatic gains in student achievement and helped close the gap in achievement among minority and disadvantaged students. In order to be eligible for the Blue Ribbon designation, a school must: achieve in the top 10 percent of their state on state tests and have at least 40 percent of its students from disadvantaged backgrounds that demonstrate dramatic improvement of student performance to high levels on state tests or nationally-normed tests. In addition, the school must meet the Adequate Yearly Progress component of the No Child Left Behind Act. “The staff at Gray Elementary School is honored to have received such a prestigious award because we have worked incredibly hard to provide a strong and motivating academic atmosphere where doing what’s best for students is our primary goal,” said Principal Carl Johnson. “This accomplishment would not have been possible without the dedication of our staff and we are excited about representing the state of Nevada at the awards ceremony in November.” 22 | | November 2009 There is hope... F.E.A.T. of Southern Nevada Families for Effective Autism Treatment 717 South 3rd Street Las Vegas NV. 89101 702-368-FEAT ParentsGuide | 27 NevadaPEP Christian Montessori Academy “Nurturing Young Minds While Keeping the Spirit Free” NOW ENROLLING Private School with Program Options Available Warm, Intimate, Christian Environment Utilizing the Montessori Curriculum Variety of intra-curricular activities Infant / Toddler / Pre-K / Kindergarten / Elementary Before & After School Care Variety of Extra-Curricular Activities Available Open All Year New: Year-round tutoring for Reading, Math, ESL and LD children 5580 S. Pecos (Pecos & Russell) (702) 451-KIDS Nevada PEP Las Vegas Trainings - November Location: Nevada PEP 2355 Red Rock Street, Suite 106, Las Vegas, NV 89146 Email: pepinfo@ Web: www. All Pep training’s are provided at no charge. Please register in advance to attend these trainings 702 388-8899 Understanding ADHD Parents and teachers of children who have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) face different challenges when helping children achieve appropriate behaviors at home and school. When a child has ADHD, traditional approaches to teaching appropriate behavior may not work well. Join us as we take a look at some strategies that can help a child become successful in home, community and school environments. Monday, November 23, 2009 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Entrenamiento del ADHD Jueves, Noviembre 19, 2009 IEP Clinics Individualized Education Program Clinics An IEP Clinic Training For Parents, Teachers & Caregivers Nevada PEP offers Individualized Education Program Clinics (IEP) each month. Clinics include a brief overview of the IEP process and a question & answer session. Please bring your child’s IEP so you can review it during the class! Monday, November 9, 2009 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Or Saturday, November 21, 2009 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Families Are Important Understanding the Early Intervention Process in Nevada 28 | | November 2009 This workshop is designed for families who have concerns about their child’s development and would like to learn more about the early intervention process. This workshop includes: · How to make a referral · The evaluation process · The Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) · Transition to Early Childhood Programs… and much more. Date: Tuesday, November 12, 2009 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Positive Behavior Interventions This workshop will introduce Participants to “A New Way of Thinking” by focusing on the “Whys” of behavior. It will provide an overview of functional assessment and positive interventions. Families need access to information and tools to help prevent, understand and address the challenging behaviors of their children. Please register in advance to attend. Saturday, November 14, 2009 - 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., Monday, November 16, 2009 - 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m., Monday, November 16, 2009 – 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Is Your Child a Target of Bullying? Bullying is a serious issue that affects nearly every school in our nation. It is a behavior that knows no boundaries of class, race, gender, size of school or age. Bullies tend to target children who are considered “different.” It may be their appearance, the way they communicate, or the manner in which they behave. Don’t miss this evening full of strategies to help families cope with and prevent bullying. Tuesday, November 17, 2009, 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. How Is My Child Reading? All children, regardless of their age, culture, economic background or the severity of their disability should have access to stories in books and instruction on reading and writing. This workshop focuses on helping participants understand terms that are used when discussing reading and writing. Learning the building blocks of literacy will answer this question and give parents the confidence to discuss reading scores with school staff. Don’t miss this workshop full of valuable information on how students learn to read and write. Monday, November 16, 2009, 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Transition Trainings You Can Do It Starting Early to Prepare for College The “You Can Do It!” presentation will help families and high school students with disabilities prepare for a successful transition into college. Participants will receive their very own “You Can Do It” guide which provides strategies and ideas that will help parents and students develop a plan to attend college. Saturday, October 10, 2009, 9 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Solving the Employment Puzzle Preparation for Post-High School Employment Parents and youth will be introduced to practical job development strategies and resources that assist and support youth with disabilities who are preparing for employment. Thursday, October 1, 2009, 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Daycare/PreschoolDirectory Litl Scholar Academy Infants, Toddlers, Preschool, Kindergarten (Summerlin Campus) 2 1/2 hour Preschool Achievement 2, 3 or 5 days a week 2 1/2 – 5 years State licensed, 9-month program Full and half day programs, Clubhouse (5-9 years) Before & After School, Track Breaks, InService Days Summerlin: 256-5300 8961 Hillpointe Rd. Rainbow: 254-5000 1951 S. Rainbow (at Oakey) Top of the Class Learning Center 8889 S Eastern Ave (close to 215) Las Vegas, NV 89123 (702) 851-8464 Ages: Six weeks to 12 years old Before and after school care, Drop ins welcome, Internet cameras topoftheclass Angels Christian Academy 2650 E. Sunridge Heights Parkway, Henderson, NV, 89052 (Near St. Rose Sienna Hospital) 702-251-KIDS M-F 6:30AM – 6:30PM Ages: Infant to Kindergarten Before and After School Programs Ages: Infant to Elementary AngelsChristian Henderson Christian Academy 2750 Robindale Rd., Henderson, NV 89074 (702) 251-5437 Ages: Infant to Kindergarten Before and After School Programs M-F 6:30AM – 6:30PM Kinder Prep Academy 5695 N Rainbow Blvd Las Vegas, NV 89130 (Ann Road & 95) (702) 656-3737 Ages: Infant to Elementary. Christian Montessori Academy 5580 S. Pecos Rd., Las Vegas, Nevada, 89120 (702) 451-5437 Infant to 12 years Green Valley United Methodist Preschool 2200 Robindale Road Henderson, Nv 89074. (702) 454-7989 Cumorah Academy of Las Vegas 6000 W Oakey Blvd Las Vegas, NV 89146 (702) 636-5577 3 and 4 year old Preschool cumorah ParentsGuide | 29 Arts&CraftsGuide THE BEST “TRIPLE THREAT” TRAINING IN LAS VEGAS. Singing •Dancing •Acting Abrakadoodle Art classes, art camps and art parties and special events for children ages twenty months to twelve years old at schools, community centers and other convenient locations. Phone: 702-255-2787 E-mail: [email protected] Call for information on other classes and private lessons in dance, voice training, and proper audition/acting technique. All Fired Up Paint-Your-Own Ceramics Studio & Creative Lounge! 10624 S. Eastern #P Henderson NV 89052 Phone: (702) 269-4444 E-mail: [email protected] (702) 251-4696 Located at Club Sport in Green Valley Artful Potter Paint your own pottery, 2351 N Rainbow Blvd # 102, Las Vegas, NV 89108 Phone: (702) 638-1775, 8826 South Eastern, Las Vegas, NV 89123 Phone: (702) 966-6300 Discounts on Dining and Entertainment. Save up to 75% at some of the best restaurants in Las Vegas. Art Class with Ellen Private Group Lessons Green Valley Phone: (702) 269-9628 Desert Art Supplies Locally owned art supply store locations in Henderson and Las Vegas Phone: 888-725-4666 Gymboree Play & Music Art classes for 18 months to 5 years 1550 W Horizon Ridge Pkwy # P, Henderson, NV 89012 Phone: (702) 719-6222 7450 W Cheyenne Ave # 106, Las Vegas, NV Phone: (702) 395-6336 Music Bug Creative Arts Studio Village Square at Peccole Ranch 9420 W. Sahara Avenue, Ste #100 Las Vegas, NV 89117 Phone: (702) 228-0633 Rainbow Village Shopping Center 7835 S. Rainbow Ste #5 Las Vegas, NV 89139 Phone: (702) 897-5010 Curriculum tInfants tToddlers tPreschool Rock And Roll Kids After School Art. Ages 4 to 13. 10950 S Eastern Ave # 110 Henderson, NV 89052 t1/2IPVS1SFTDIPPM"DIJFWFNFOU 2, 3 or 5 days a week 2 1/2 – 5 years t,JOEFSHBSUFO State licensed, 9-month program Full and half day programs ** Summerlin Campus only t$MVCIPVTFZFBST Before & After School, Track Breaks, In-Service Days Tiny Impressions Ceramic hand and foot prints for all ages Phone: 702-279-5592 4VNNFSMJO 8961 Hillpointe Rd. 3BJOCPX 1951 S. Rainbow (at Oakey) Free Registration* with this ad! * Offer expires 12/31/2009 30 | | November 2009 LSPARENT09 XXXMJUMTDIPMBSDPN Available every month at more than 500 locations, including ... Online. Anytime. ParentsGuide | 31 .80% . . . of . . .Women . . . . . .Suffer . . . . . from . . . . the . . . “Baby . . . . . .Blues” ..... Avoid the Baby Blues and have the Best Postpartum experience Ever. Take a few capsules a day for a few weeks postpartum. Easy, Safe, Completely Natural. The Hottest New Trend For Hip Mamas! Call Now and Receive Your FREE GIFT! No obligation, Free information: 1-888-956-9724 | 8889 S. Eastern Avenue, Suite F (Corner of Eastern and Pebble) (702) 851-8464 $0550/ /0$)&.*$"-4 )BQQZ#BCJFTIBWF)BQQJ#VO[ NOW ENROLLING XXX)BQQJ#VO[DPN Parents have been trusting Lit’l Scholar Academy with their children for more than 35 years. Our caregivers care for your child in a safe, secure and attentive environment while you are away. You can feel confident that your child will receive proper care and special attention– the maximum ratio of babies to caregivers is 4:1 in our infant classes. Contact us today to become part of the Lit’l Scholar Academy family. ParentsGuide Helping good parents raise better kids.™ OF LAS VEGAS To Advertise in Parents Guide Call 481-3162 s Infants starting at 6 weeks t4NBMMDMBTTTJ[FT t&OSPMMJOHUPEBZ FREE REGISTRATION + 1/2 WEEKS TUITION with enrollment OFFER VALID WITH THIS COUPON 4 Learn skills and techniques to have a safe, gentle, and enjoyable birth. Complete Please say “I found it in the Las Vegas Health childbirth & Wellness Directory.” Thanks!course education that incorporates selfhypnosis, visualization, guided imagery and breath awareness. 4VNNFSMJO 8961 Hillpointe Rd. 3BJOCPX 1951 S. Rainbow (at Oakey) XXXMJUMTDIPMBSDPN Bring in this ad for free registration 32 | | November 2009 (702) 385-3331 [email protected] Gymboree of Las Vegas 7450 West Cheyanne Ave Las Vegas, NV 89129 702-395-6336 Gymboree of Henderson 1550 W Horizon Ridge Pkwy Henderson, NV 89012 702-719-6222 Sweet Beginnings m E-mail: [email protected] Phonee: 702-349-2135 Gentle Gentle Midwifery Midwifery Care Care Are you yyou pregnant pregnant p g and thinking thinking g Are and of alternative alternative birth birth options? options? of Free initial consultation, Prenatal care Home Birth, Water Birth, VBAC, Well woman care, Nutrition Counseling, Birth 34 | | November 2009 BabyGuide Happy Babies Happi Bunz! Happi Bunz Offers an Alternative to Disposable Diapers C hanging your baby’s diaper may not be your favorite baby-care task, but now, thanks to a new service offered by Happi Bunz, it can be safer for your baby, cleaner for the environment, and easy on your wallet. Happi Bunz, a full-service cloth diaper delivery company, offers to valley residents what founders Ben and Alexandra Kauffman went searching for before their own son was born. They wanted to use cloth diapers, but were disappointed to find no diaper delivery service here in Las Vegas. Always eager for a challenge and passionate about the need for this service, the Kauffman’s have established an amazing alternative to disposable diapers for valley residents. The reasons to choose cloth are many, but among the most important is the health of your baby. Disposable diapers contain over 60 chemicals, many of which are highly toxic. Many health problems have been linked to the use of disposable diapers, including asthma, diaper rash, and male infertility. Cloth diapers are safe, soft, and comfortable for your baby’s sensitive skin. When it comes to being safer for the environment, cloth diapers win hands-down. Cloth diapers use less of our precious resources and never end up in landfills. Happi Bunz uses water-saving industrial machines to clean the diapers, whereas the water used to create disposable diapers can’t even be recycled because it’s so heavily laden with chemicals. New parents often suffer from sticker shock when they realize how much disposables cost. Happi Bunz is surprisingly affordable, but the true benefit comes when it’s time to potty train. Babies who are diapered in cloth potty-train one year earlier, on average, than their disposable-clad peers. That’s a significant savings! Despite all of these advantages, many parents aren’t eager to deal with washing dirty diapers, fumbling with diaper pins, and constantly folding diapers from the dryer. Happi Bunz is the answer! You and your baby can have all of the advantages of using cloth diapers, with absolutely none of the inconveniences. Happi Bunz delivers clean, fresh, cotton pre-fold diapers to your door each week. Additionally they offer easy to use Velcro covers, pin-less fasteners, and even eco and baby friendly wipes and diaper cream. You simply use the diapers and then toss them into the diaper hamper, which comes complete with a freshener to keep everything smelling lovely. Make the right choice for your baby, the earth, and your budget. Space is limited, so give Happi Bunz a call today at (702) 764-7736 or visit them at, and make sure your baby has Happi Bunz! Win Win two months free diaper service and Start up kit from Happi Bunz. More than $100 value This is the life! Eco-friendly Leak-free Money saving No swishing in the toilet Stylish colors and prints Mom & baby accessories Soft Cloth Diapers at To enter send an e-mail message to Contest@ -BT7FHBT 'BMM #BCZ#PPL Is daycare the best choice? Why settle for overpriced, overcrowded daycares that leave you with no peace of mind? Why not try an Au Pair to care for your children? Put the choice in your hands to find the perfect one-on-one care your child deserves and the savings you need. 888.AUPAIR.1 “Congratulations on our newest arrival. The premiere issue Las Vegas Baby Book is available at more than 250 ‘baby-centric’ locations across the Las Vegas Valley. Pick up Win er Diap Free e. See Servic e 5 Pag your free copy today in Las Vegas or go online Peek-a-boo Couple Opens Happi Bunz – Page 4 Baby Book Calendar – Page 8 The Playful Side of Fitness – Page 12 Daycare Directory – Page 14 e Fre” ParentsGuide | 35 Fairytales&Tutus Fairytales and Tutus Celebrates One-Year Anniversary F airytales and Tutus, offering oneof-a kind enchanted ballet, music and yoga instruction as well as theme parties, is celebrating a fantastic first year this November. This distinctive children’s fine arts studio is the brainchild of Alene Hochstetter, a classically trained professional dancer, and mother of two. Drawing on her 15 years of work with children and the arts, Alene’s vision enabled her to combine her love of dance with children’s love of fairytales. That led to the creation of this distinguished and enchanting instructional wonderland featuring dramatic storydances and storytimes. Insight, teaching experience, and motivational magic Alene uses her special experience teaching preschool, music, dance and drama to give children an experience available nowhere else. Alene shares that “The idea for Fairytales and Tutus was born out of my love for working with and being creative with children.” She also credits her mother, who was her first ballet teacher, with inspiring her to transform classes into the magi36 | | November 2009 cal fairytales of childhood. Fairytales and Tutus is all about creative wonder and imagination. While the traditional classical techniques are there in the ballet, music and art classes, new innovative methods are used to motivate children with enchantment and encourage youth to engage their imagination. All of the teachers at Fairytales and Tutus specialize in working with very young children so they understand how to communicate with them, and relate to their emotional and developmental needs. Expanding imagination and learning can be joyful As the popularity of these unique parties exploded with parents clamoring for more of these signature fairytale ballet classes, Alene realized she had the tools to motivate children to learn dance with the inspiration of literature. Her experience in teaching preschool and instructing ballet and drama make her uniquely qualified. She wondered, “why not a classical ballet class based on famous ballets like The Nutcracker and Swan Lake?” And, her inspiration led to a whirlwind year of making children’s dreams come true. The very first fairytale ballet classes were held at the church where Alene’s family worship. Later, she opened a more intimate studio to make the children more comfortable that could still accommodate the growing numbers of costumes, props and class materials needed. Bring your child’s imaginary world to life for their birthday Fairytales and Tutus creates customized birthday parties where children may choose from a vast array of timeless fairytales and storybooks. Imagine the joy your child will find in Cinderella, The Wizard of Oz, or other favorites when timeless stories are made real just for them. With the magic of Cinderella, for example, the party begins with transformational princess makeup and delicate handmade costumes. Then, the children get the chance to play in a short ballet that shows them genuine, classical instruction. Complete with the traditional cake and gifts, these parties are once-in-a-lifetime magic memories come to life. Children’s Yoga, Kindermusik, Fairy and Princess Ballerina Camps, and Tea Parties With fantasy ballet classes and birthday parties thriving, Alene decided to expand the Fairytales and Tutu’s curriculum. Next, she offered Children’s Yoga and Kindermusik classes along with Fairy and Princess Ballerina Camps and Tea Parties. All the new activity needed a new, bigger location that Alene and the Fairytales and Tutus staff transformed into a magical wonderland. In the lobby, they’ve painted a giant castle with unicorns and fairies playing in the landscape. The doors that lead into classrooms have smaller “magic” doors so little ballerinas have their very own special entry way. Twinkle lights, fairies, and flower garlands grace the studio doors and even a small tree. Adults can share the creative wonder with their children With two studios, the new location allows different classes to be scheduled simultaneously, and even more has been added to the curriculum. Storytime Children’s Yoga, Mommy/Daddy and Me Art classes, Zumba Fitness classes for adults, Storybook Drama, and the second annual holiday Nutcracker Ballerina Camp are all now scheduled. Whether you are young or old, boy or girl, tomboy or princess, there is a class for you at Fairytales and Tutus! Fairytales and Tutus encourages young and old to build their own once-in-a lifetime memories for a real-life fairytale of accomplishment. Not sure what’s right for your child? All classes offer a free preview class to help parents decide which programs work best for their children. To learn more, go to to see curriculum, class schedules, and pricing and work a little magic of your own. Babies Fest Comes to Las Vegas I t’s almost here! Babies Fest is coming November 14th & 15th to the Ballys Event Center inside Ballys Hotel and Casino. This event was designed to draw awareness and raise funding for The Adoption Exchange. In Nevada, there are over 2,000 children in temporary foster care waiting for the chance to find a loving and permanent home that they can be a part of, forever. That is what The Adoption Exchange is all about. Bringing children and families together and making them one. The theme of Babies Fest this year is “A Winter Wonderland”. Come celebrate the kick-off of the holiday season with Santa. He will be available for free photos. Babies Fest will have some great vendors with unique product that can be purchased at special holiday pricing. Babies Fest will have a stage for educational opportunities, and attendees will have a chance to attend a special meet and greet party with Marie Osmond on Saturday and with Frankie and Chrissi Scinta on Sunday. Raffles and prizes galore including some awesome bedroom furniture from Flexa Furniture and four round-trip airline tickets from Allegiant Air. Purchase your tickets on-line at or at the door. Join the fun, join the excitement and it’s all for a good cause. We will see you at Babies Fest. ParentsGuide | 37 FamilyCalendar m Cost: $29 per person plus a $3 supply fee is due to the instructor at class. Register online at cityofhenderson. com (activity 27401427) or at any City of Henderson recreation center. Theatre Signature Productions presents The King and I When: Thursday and Friday, November 5 & 6, 7:30pm-10:30pm Where: Summerlin Library, 1771 Inner Circle Dr., Las Vegas, NV 89134 Ages: 3 and older Cost: $20-Adults, Students, Seniors, $15Children 702-878-PLAY signatureproductions. net. A Christmas Carol When: Friday, Saturday and Sunday, November 27-29, 8:00pm(doors open at 7:00pm) Where: The Judy Bayley Theatre Ages: 6 and up Cost: $20-30 702.895.ARTS (2787) 9 Classes Stargazing Party Join in the fun as we celebrate 400 years of the telescope and learn how it was invented. There will be games, crafts and a chance to view the night sky with a telescope to see the stars. When: Thursday, November 5, 6:30pm7:30pm Where: Las Vegas Library, 833 Las Vegas Blvd North, Las Vegas, NV 89101 Ages: 6-11 Cost: Free Kids’ Architecture Workshop—Design your Dream Bedroom Kids will learn design basics in a hands-on workshop that explores a variety of architectural concepts and helps develop design skills through drawing and building. When: Friday, November 13, 6:00pm8:30pm Where: Henderson Multigenerational Center, 250 S. Green Valley Pkwy Ages: 7-12 Happy Birthday Monet! It’s Claude Monet’s birthday! Celebrate with us as we learn about this great Impressionist painter. We’ll learn about his art, try some of his techniques and eat a sweet treat. When: November 16, 4:00-5:15pm Where: Malcolm Library, 2960 Sunridge Heights Parkway, Ste. 100, Henderson, NV 89052 Ages: 7-12 Cost: Free, but must register by Nov. 13 702-263-7522 Thanksgiving & Pocahontas Storytime Ballet Walk throug h the Free cocoa, co Gift of Lights. okies, treats and Santa hat! 1NLMY:U9MJ-JFWY4KF(MNQI A stroll through The Gift of Lights, a holiday light show for the whole family. Sunset Park Wednesday, November 11, 2009 Festivities from 6 through 9 p.m. Tickets can be purchased at for $10 Children 2 and under are free. Strollers and pets (on leash) welcome. 38 | | November 2009 Celebrate Fall in a creative way! Children will learn simple ballet steps, dancing games, storytime, dress up in Pilgrim and Native American costumes and dance the stories of Pocahontas and Thanksgiving. When: Wed. Nov. 18th 5:30 - 6:15 PM (Pocahontas), Mon Nov 23rd 12:30 PM- 1:15 PM (Thanksgiving Story) Where: Fairytales & Tutus 7071 W. Craig # 104 (Craig & Tenaya) Ages: 3-6 Cost: Free (preregistration highly recommended) 702 489 3603 Free Baby Gym Babies between the ages of 6 months and 1 year(pre-walking) are invited to practice their new movement skills at Gymcats during a drop-in event that involves interactive play, gross motor development, and lots of fun stimulation. No pre-registration is required. When: Ongoing each Tuesday and Thursday, 9:15am-9:45am Where: Gymcats, 440 S. Parkson Rd., Henderson, NV 89011 Ages: 0-1 Cost: Free (702)566-1414 Preschool Playdate When: Tuesdays & Fridays, 10:10 am— 11:25 am Where: Bounce U of Henderson, 1000 Stephanie Place, Suite 14, Henderson, NV 89014 Ages: Preschool Cost: $7 per child; 5Bounce pass $30 (702) 735-JUMP (5867) u Movies Pocahontas The daughter of a Native American tribe chief and English soldier share a romance, when English colonists invade 17th century Virginia. When: November 8, 2pm-3:30pm Where: Clark County Library, 1401 E. Flamingo Road, Las Vegas, NV 89119 Ages: 5-11 Cost: Free Picnic & a Movie Bring your picnic dinner and watch a movie. When: November 9, 6:30-8:00pm Where: Paseo Verde Library, 280 S. Green Valley Parkway, Henderson, NV 89012 Ages: All Cost: Free 702-492-6581 Pets Galore Cats, dogs, parakeets, iquanas, alpacas: pets come in many shapes and sizes. We’ll read some fun pet books and talk about pets. Bring your favorite pet book to share. When: November 12, 6:30pm-7:30pm Where: Whitney Library, 5175 E. Tropicana Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89122 Ages: 4-11 Cost: Free Super Science Saturday: Astronomy We’ll make our own constellations. Call 5073865 or sign up at the children’s services desk today! When: November 14, 11am-noon Where: Summerlin Library, 1771 Inner Circle Dr., Las Vegas, NV 89134 Ages: 6-11 Cost: Free, but need to register Parents Guide-Print.pdf 1 9/15/09 10:18 PM A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving Join us as we recreate Charlie Brown’s Thanksgiving dinner, including his pretzels, popcorn, and jellybean dinner. We’ll also make pilgrim hats and watch the movie. Register by Nov. 7 at any City of Henderson recreation center or online at, activity 294000-37. Ages 5-10. $8 per person When: Saturday, November 11, 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM Where: Whitney Ranch Recreation Center Ages: 5-10 C Cost: $8 per person M Magic School Bus Marathon—Movie Y Showing CM Watch as Mrs. Frizzle and her class exploreMY the world of science. CY When: November 16, 6:30-7:15pm CMY Where: Paseo Verde Library, 280 S. GreenK Valley Parkway, Henderson, NV 89012 Ages: All Cost: Free m Storytelling Teddy Bear’s Picnic We’ll have stories, sing songs and have a special treat. Don’t forget to bring your teddy bear with you! When: November 6, 10:30am-11:05am Where: Gibson Library, 280 S. Water St. Henderson, NV 89015 Ages: 3-6 Cost: Free, registration needed 702-564-9287 ParentsGuide | 39 FamilyCalendar Thanksgiving Celebration Let’s celebrate Thanksgiving with stories and a craft. When: November 15, 2-3pm Where: Spring Valley Library, 4280 South Jones Blvd., Las Vegas, NV 89103 Ages: 4-11 Cost: Free Storytime in the Square Children’s books come to life during this interactive storytime. When: Wednesdays, 11am-noon Where: Town Square Center, 6605 Las Vegas Blvd South, Las Vegas, NV 89119 in Children’s Park Ages: Preschool Cost: Free Springs Preserve Storytime The Explore, Play, Learn storytime promotes literacy and environmental awareness among children. Children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. When: Ongoing each Tuesday 10:30a. m.—11:30a.m. Where: Las Vegas Springs Preserve, 333 South Valley View Blvd., Las Vegas, NV 89107 Ages: 3-6 Cost: Free with paid admission (702)822-8344 l Dance Dance and Music with Derrick Suwaima Davis and Ryon Polequaptewa Four-time World Champion Hoop Dancer, Derrick Suwaima Davis (Hopi/ Choctaw), and singer, Ryon Polequaptewa (Hopi), will present a 30-minute family program of Native American dance, music and storytelling. At the end of the program, the audience will be invited to perform a Friendship Dance, a cross-cultural dance celebrating life. When: Tuesday, November 17, 1pm Where: West Las Vegas Library, 951 W. Lake Mead Blvd. Las Vegas, NV 89106 Ages: All Cost: Free Arts/Crafts Crafts for Kids: Lakeshore Learning Make a different fun craft each week: Nov 7—Veterans Day Flag, Nov 14—Leafy Butterfly, Nov 21—Terrific Turkey Centerpiece, Nov 28—Snowflake Greeting Card When: Saturdays, 11am-3pm Where: Lakeshore Learning Store, 1243 W. Warm Springs Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89104 Ages: 3 and up Cost: Free (702)396-2890 Thanksgiving Craft Day! Come to the Gibson Library anytime between 2:00pm3:00pm to make a cool Thanksgiving craft! 40 | | November 2009 When: November 21, 2:00pm-3:30pm Where: Gibson Library Ages: 4-12 Cost: Free 702-564-9287 O Seasonal Dia de los Muertos(Day of the Dead) Celebrate the rich traditions of this Hispanic holiday with a variety of activities, food vendors, live entertainment, and – most importantly – a beautiful display of altars, with attendees able to vote on their favorite. Entertainment will include Mariachis, a play related to the Day of the Dead, dance performances and more. Activities such as face painting, sugar skull decorating and scary storytelling rides along our Trails will be available for additional fees. Guided tours of the ORIGEN Experience will also be offered. When: Sunday, November 1, 3pm-9pm Where: Springs Preserve, South Valley View Blvd., Las Vegas, NV 89107 Ages: All Cost: $5 for adults, $3 for children 5 to 12 and free for those 4 and under. International Food Festival International Food Festival sponsored by St. Paul the Apostle Orthodox Church featuring foods from Russia, Greece, Mediterranean, Romanian, Serbian, Ethiopia, America. Russian acrobats, Eritrean and Ethipian dance, Greek dance, church music choir concert, crafts, bookstore, kids activities, church tours. When: Saturday, November 7(10am7pm)-Sunday, November 8(Noon7pm) Where: 5400 Annie Oakley Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89120 Ages: All Cost: Free admittance The Original Turkey Shoot Take aim in our original turkey shoot and you could win a Thanksgiving turkey. You get 10 shots for $1. Prizes awarded in each age division (8-9 yrs., 10-11 yrs., 12-13 yrs., 1417 yrs., and 18+. Open to ages 8+. Register by Nov. 11 at any City of Henderson recreation center or online at, activity 154028-00. When: Wednesday, November 18, 5:30 PM to 8:30 PM Where: Black Mountain Recreation Center Ages: 8-17 Cost: $1, Registration required Santa’s Arrival at Town Square 3rd Annual Santa’s Arrival Parade! Santa Claus is coming to town... Town Square that is! Santa arrives by horse drawn carriage during the magical Holly Jolly Holiday Parade through the streets of Town Square! Once Santa reaches his Norman Rockwell inspired house, children can help Santa magically light the Town Square 40’ tree as snow begins to fall over Town Square Park. “The Spirit of the Season” Following the lighting of the Town Square Tree Kids can help Santa’s Elves make sure everyone’s holiday spirit is in tip top shape as they enjoy an interactive stage show with singing, dancing and plenty of cheer! When: November 13, 7pm sharp Where: Town Square Las Vegas, 6605 Las Vegas Blvd South, Las Vegas, NV 89119 Ages: All Cost: Free Snow in the Square Snow in Las Vegas? That’s right! Town Square brings holiday cheer to Las Vegas in the form of snowflakes with Snow in the Square at Town Square Park. Each show lasts 10 minutes and is the popular Art Walk, street performers, and kids activities. When: Thursday, November 19 , 5pm9pm Where: Water Street District, 14 S. Water St., Downtown Henderson Ages: All Cost: Free choreographed to everyone’s favorite holiday music. When: November 13 - December 23,Nightly Snowfalls: Monday – Thursday at 7pm, Friday – Sunday at 7pm and 8pm Where: Town Square Las Vegas, 6605 Las Vegas Blvd South, Las Vegas, NV 89119, at the Town Square Park Ages: All Cost: Free „ Nature/Science Grossology Grossology: The (Impolite) Science of the Human Body is an interactive exhibit that explores the good, the bad and the downright ugly about how the human body works. When: Ongoing daily through January 3, 2010 during museum hours Where: Lied Discovery Children’s Museum, 833 Las Vegas Blvd. N., Las Vegas, NV 89101 Ages: 3-12 Cost: Free with paid admission (702)382-5437 North Las Vegas Harvest Market The Harvest Market features certified farm products, fruits and vegetables, prepared food and beverages, packaged food, handcrafted items, a kids’ area, and music. When: Ongoing each Friday through 11/28/09; check with location for exceptions., Winter 2pm-7pm, Spring-Fall 4pm-9pm Where: Aliante Nature Discovery Park, 2600 Nature Park Drive, N Las Vegas, NV89084 Ages: All Ages Cost: Free 702.784.7666 Farmers Market Locally grown produce, handmade crafts, fresh breads, entertainment and more can be found each week in several locations throughout the valley. When: Ongoing each Thursday 9am-3pm Where: Henderson Events Plaza and Amphitheater, 200 S. Water Street, Henderson, NV 89015 Ages: All ages Cost: No admission fee (702)579-9661 Gardens Park Farmers’ Market When: Tuesdays, 48p.m. Where: 10401 Gardens Park Drive. Las Vegas, NV 89135 Ages: All Cost: No admittance fee Bruce Trent Park Farmers’ Market When: Wednesdays, 4-8 p.m. Where: 1600 N. Rampart Blvd. Bruce Trent Park (Rampart & Vegas Drive) Las Vegas, NV 89102 Ages: All Cost: No admittance fee Planetarium: The Little Star that Could In this delightful fantasy, a “Little Star” wants to discover who he is; he travels around the universe, questing for a name and a family of planets to call his own. Along the way he meets many different stars, and learns what makes them all different where stars live and how they are born and die. He ultimately discovers his nine planets, and learns about them (including his most special planet, Earth). When: Ongoing each Saturday at 3:30 p.m., no late seating Where: Planetarium and Observatory, 3200 E. Cheyenne Ave. North Las Vegas, NV 89030 Ages: 5-9 Cost: General Admission $6, Children under 12 $4 planetarium/ j Family Fun Family Night Open Bounce Take the family and burn off some energy on all the fun inflatables. When: Tuesdays, 58p.m. Where: Bounce U of Henderson, 1000 Stephanie Place, Suite 14, Henderson, NV 89014 Ages: All ages Cost: $8.95 per child; $7.95 each additional sibling (702) 735-JUMP (5867) Cars and Coffee Enjoy hundreds of classic as well as muscle cars every Saturday at “Cars and Coffee.” Every week on Saturday morning about 300 cars are on display . It’s a great opportunity to get together with fellow car enthusiasts. Stop by and see everything from a ‘57 chevy to a Ferrari F430. When: Saturdays, 7:00 am - 10:00 am Where: Sansone Park Place, 9510 South Eastern Avenue, Henderson, NV 89074 Ages: All Cost: Free † Fine Arts Third Thursday The family-oriented Third Thursday features open-late art galleries and businesses, exhibition openings, William Kanengiser— Guitar concert William Kanengiser is recognized as one of America’s most brilliant guitarists and has developed a unique repertoire, including dazzling arrangements of Mozart, Handel, and Bartok. When: Wednesday, November 18, 8:00pm(doors open at 7:00pm) Where: The Artemus W. Ham Concert Hall Ages: 8 and older Cost: $35 The Messiah Desert Chorale presents its annual production of The Messiah. When: Monday, November 30, 7:30pm(doors open at 6:30pm) Where: The Artemus W. Ham Concert Hall Ages: 8 and up Cost: Free j Safety/Health Personal Safety Education Classes Teaches children how to recognize, avoid and escape dangerous situations. When: Tuesdays, Oct. 27-Dec. 15 (meets for eight weeks) 3:154:30 p.m., (activity 274015-19), $53, for homeschoolers, 4:456:00 p.m., (activity 274015-17), $53, for ages 9-13, Thursdays, Oct. 29-Dec. 17 (meets for seven weeks), 2:30-3:45 p.m. (activity 274015-13), $47, for children age 4, 4:00-5:15 p.m. (activity 27401515), $47, for ages 5-8 Where: Silver Springs Recreation Center, 1951 Silver Springs Pkwy. Ages: 4 and up Cost: $47 and $53 702-267-5720 ParentsGuide | 41 DiningOutWithLauren Thanksgiving: show gratitude for each of our blessings I t’s hard to pick a favorite month with each celebrating something special but it’s easy to pick November, as Thanksgiving is my absolute favorite! It’s so nice to reflect on what we are thankful for and show gratitude for each of our blessings. Not to mention, all that great comfort food! There are a couple great holiday events opening this month that are either free or at least a great family value: November 11: Children’s Heart Foundation Hosts Light Up the Heart of a Child: Sunset Park: Says stroll through the holiday lights and enjoy carolers & treats in support of children with heart disease ($10 pre-sale; $15 at gate) Purchase early at www.chfn. org. This is a pre-opening event for the Gift of Lights which opens Nov. 13th to the public. November 13: Third Annual Holly Jolly Holiday Parade & Festivities at Town Square. Lighting of the 40’ tree—Santa’s arrival, carolers, holiday parade—FREE! You can visit great restaurants in Town Square including Cadillac Ranch, Johnny McGuire’s, or Bar Louie featured on for great discounts! Nov. 18—Ethel’s 16th Annual Holiday Cactus Garden—opens from Sundown to 10pm, 7 days a week, experience the sights, smells and sounds of a Chocolate Wonderland--Free On November 18th see Santa, choral performances and holiday cheer -I suggest this as a “dessert stop” after dining out at a nearby restaurant. November 21: Opportunity Village Magical Forest features hundreds of trees frosted with millions of lights, incredible holiday displays, Forest Express passenger train and exciting rides … 5:30-9pm Sun-Thurs; 5:30-10p Fri & Sat. Tickets $9.50 adults; $7.50 children. Look for upcoming tickets and dining packages on Those seasonal holiday flavors we anticipate are back and worth mentioning, though you may need to check individual restaurant’s coupons for extra savings. First, can you smell pumpkin yet? Pumpkin pancakes make their way to IHOP, Coco’s and the Original Pancake House. Mimi’s Café features their pumpkin muffin and Golden Spoon, has delicious Pumpkin Pie Frozen Yogurt and will soon have my favorite, 42 | | November 2009 Eggnog in time for holiday cheer! Though I wouldn’t think twice about going out to eat on Thanksgiving, I always go all out cooking despite the work, stress or family drama; I realize there are some people who feel quite the opposite and want the no-hassle convenience. For them here are a couple ideas to get your Thanksgiving meal “in the bag” or “box” as Mimi’s Café calls it! Mimi’s “Bird in a Box” promotion includes A whole turkey which serves 6-8 ppl., served with yams, mashed potatoes, gravy, cornbread stuffing, cranberry sauce, a whole pumpkin pie with the whipped cream and their famous carrot raisin bread! Everything is pre-cooked and nicely packaged in an adorable box with heating instructions. Talk about easy and tasty for just $79.99! HoneyBaked Ham Co.: ‘Tis the season to order those world’s best holiday hams, I’m down for at least one every year! Their holiday specials include: A succulent glazed smoked or roasted Turkey breast for just $19.99 with any Honey Baked Ham purchase. Compliment your entrees with their convenient side dish packages, starting at just $12.99 for 2 large size sides. **All Hotel/Casino workers in the valley get 20% off their entire purchase, Monday Nov. 23rd with proof of ID. 5% of these sales go to the Las Vegas mission. This is a super deal when you do the math! If you prefer a good home cooked traditional Thanksgiving meal make sure to dine at Black Bear Diner from 12am- close, Thanksgiving Day. They will be serving up a special Thankgiving dinner complete with all the trimmings, including fresh roasted Turkey on premise (or your choice of Ham), cornbread stuffing and more including their delicious pumpkin pie for dessert for just $13.99! When Rubio’s took Lobster burritos off their menu years ago, I think I actually shed tears! One last thing to be thankful for is the return of Langostino Lobster, back at all area Rubio’s which are popping up everywhere in town. Indulgence is now in season! They also feature $1.25 world-famous fish tacos on Tuesdays after 2:30pm. Happy Thanksgiving to All! KidsDiningOutCalendar Restaurants Sunday Monday Tuesday Buffalo Wild Wings Cadillac Ranch (in Town Square) Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Kids menu meals just $.99. Movies on the Big Screen! 11am-8pm *Free bull rides for kids under 12 every day of the week Kids eat free with adult entrée purchase Dairy Queen Eastern/ Horizon Ridge location ONLY Buy One Get One Banana Split Marie Calender’s Free kids meal on Tuesday & Saturday (one free kid’s meal w/ each adult entree purchase) www.mcpies. com/kiddos/ Jason’s Deli kids eat free! 4pm-9pm (this one’s unlimited!) BOGO: Peanut Buster Parfait Lonestar Steakhouse 2 Kids can eat free with purchase of any entree all day Tony Roma’s 2 Kids can eat free per 1 adult entrée purchase all day Coco’s kids eat free after 4pm, (free kid’s meal w/ purchase of adult entree) http://www. promo.php BOGO: Strawberry shortcake BOGO: Blizzards any size, any flavor, get a small for free BOGO: Any size cone get a small cone free ParentsGuide | 43 Arts & Crafts Babysitters *OEPPS .JOJ(PMG Free craft card making events for all ages. To host an event or participate in one please contact: i#FTUPG-BT7FHBTw Sherrill Graff [email protected] (702) LJOH 1VUU #"#:4*55&34 293-1386 P Two Locations 541-6807 A R T I E S This party is all about U! Green Valley six week art classes $75. Children will learn new skills across multiple mediums. Great for kids who enjoy drawing or coloring. Contact Ellen (702) 269-9628. ParentsGuide Helping good parents raise better kids.™ ® OF LAS VEGAS (702) 735-JUMP (5867) BounceU of Henderson 1000 Stephanie Place, Suite 14 Henderson, NV 89014 To Advertise in Parents Guide Call 481-3162 AUTISM Birthday Parties There is hope... F.E.A.T. of Southern Nevada Families for Effective Autism Treatment 717 South 3rd Street Las Vegas NV. 89101 702-368-FEAT !Cjsuiebzt-!Dbsojwbmt-!Dpsqpsbuf!Pvu. joht-!Gbnjmz!Hbuifsjoht!boe!Npsf! Happiness is a pony ride! )813* 56:.8257! ! :::',;,(321<5,'(6&20 Comedy Magic Face Painting STRIKE ZONE at Sunset Station • Sunset Rd. at US 93/95 702.547.7777 • ©2009 Sunset Station Hotel & Casinos, Henderson, NV Balloon Animals Puppetry Cheerleading Museum Visit us on the web Education 440 S. Parkson Road Henderson, NV 89011 (702) 566-1414 Visit us on the web Consignment Gymnastics, Dance & Martial Arts Ignite a love of lifelong learning! 702-382-KIDS ParentsGuide 8F#VZ4FMM(FOUMZ6TFE,JET4UVĊ 1MFBTF*OJUJBM"-#FGPSF"QQSPWJOH 440 S. Parkson Road of Las Vegas Henderson, NV 89011 5IBOLZPVGPSZPVSPSEFS5IJTQSPPGXJMMIFMQZPVWJTVBMJ[FZPVSBEBT (702)JUXJMMBQQFBSJOPVSQVCMJDBUJPOUIFDPMPSTNBZCFTMJHIUMZEJòFSFOU 566-1414 "--JOGPSNBUJPOJTDPSSFDU JODMVEJOHMPHPTOBNFTBEESFTTFT QIPOFOVNCFSTEBUFTFUD "--JUFNTBSFTQFMMFEDPSSFDUMZ Visit us on the web (FOFSBMDPMPSTBSFDPSSFDU CFDBVTFPGUIFFMFDUSPOJDQSPPGJTOPUUIFBDUVBMQBQFSJUJTQSJOUJOH PO*GDIBOHFTBSFSFRVJSFEQMFBTFNBSLUIFNBOEUIFOGBYUIFNJOUP Housekeepers VT#ZTJHOJOHUIJTQSPPGHJWFTVTZPVSBQQSPWBMUPQSJOUUIJTBE $IBOHFT$PNNFOUT "11307&%'0313*/5*/("44)08/ Dance Music%BUF 4JHOBUVSF Phone:(702) 481-3162 Fax:(702) 988-5301 Bonnie’s Music Shoppe i#FTUPG-BT7FHBTw )064&,&&1&34 Track Break Programs x Sheet Music Music Lessons for ALL AGES Piano, Guitars, Trumpet, Clarinet, Saxophone, Flute, Trombone, Drums, Bass Guitar, Violin, Banjo, Mandolin, Voice & More West side Visit us on the web 4790 S. Fort Apache Rd Las Vegas, NV 89147 (702) 732-0777 East side 4880 E. Bonanza RD Las Vegas, NV 89110 (702) 202-0777 www.BONNIESMUSIC.COM As featured on Martial Arts Nannies Orthodontist TIGER TOTS Dr. Carey Noorda 10,000 fantastic smiles and still counting. Kids 4-6 years old learn skills that will last a lifetime. The key to ensuring your child has a fantastic smile is to schedule a consultation early. · Physical · Intellectual · Emotional · Social Children should be seen by an orthodontist by age 71/2 to prepare a plan for their adult smile. Correcting childhood bite problems early can almost always eliminate the need to pull teeth due to crowding. Dr. Carey Noorda Green Valley’s Choice for Martial Arts 1701 N. Green Valley Parkway (702) 564-7469 (702) 737-5500 Henderson, NV 89074 Photography Visit us on the web i#FTUPG-BT7FHBTw Music /"//*&4 Preschool ParentsGuide Helping good parents raise better kids.™ OF LAS VEGAS To Advertise in Parents Guide Call 481-3162 Help Wanted ParentsGuide Helping good parents raise better kids.™ Ignite Success OF LAS VEGAS To Advertise in Parents Guide Call 481-3162 One on one tutoring Sports @ Desert Willow @ Willow @ Desert Willow @ Desert Desert Willow Work from Home Building BuildingSwings Swings fromfrom Building Swings the Inside Out! from Building Swings from the Inside Out! Year Round Junior Golf Lessons the Inside Out! the Inside Out! Pam & Dale Bowers TREATS Year Round Junior Golf Lessons (702) 218-1625 Year Round Junior Lessons Year Round Junior Golf Golf Lessons Pam & Dale Bowers Pam & Bowers Pam & Dale Dale Bowers (702) 218-1625 (702) 218-1625 (702) 218-1625 Fencing for Kids Age 7 & Up 1910VillageCenterCircle LasVegas,NV89134 702Ͳ228Ͳ0011 CHESS For Kids Tutoring LET KUMON UNLOCK YOUR CHILD’S HIDDEN POTENTIAL. For over 50 years, Kumon Instructors worldwide have helped millions of children achieve their most ambitious goals, and set even bigger ones. Tomorrow is never just another day. It’s another chance to be truly amazing. SM Call to find your closest Kumon Center and get started today! 'SJEBZBOE4BUVSEBZQN Brett Verhagen 33 9 - 6 8 21 877-586-6671 he o t val t s et sti it ck e Fe d c nte issan u o c a dis Ren r o y f r on hival g o L of C e Ag 25 $ 9 for $ DineLV Dollars work like gift certificates, except they are worth as much as Three Times The Value of what you paid. For example, buy DineLV Dollars for only $9.00 and redeem them at local restaurants for $25! It’s that easy!