Minutes of the Meeting of National Executive Committee held on
Minutes of the Meeting of National Executive Committee held on
THE BHARAT SCOUTS & GUIDES Headauarbrs National Phones: 91 11-23370724.23378667,2337A702, Fax : +91_11 23370126 Gram: FLEURDELTS, New Dethi_1.10 002 E-mait: [email protected], Websire j wwwbsgindia.o€ Chief National Conmissionel Ref. No. B.s.c./N.H.e./ _ ) = : : f, SHRI ASHOK CEHLO! FORMIIR CHIEF MTNISTER OF RAJASTHAN STATf, SHRI B.I. NAGARALf,.IAS Getd.) 456c, ltit s-t L 2s/70/2O7s Allthe Members ofthe Nationa Executive Committee The Bharat Scouts & Guides SuB.:- Minutes ofthe Meeting of N atio na I Executive Committee held on O6th September,2Ol5 at the Bharat Scouts & Guides, National Headquarters, New Delhi. Dear 5ir/Madam, A Meeting of the National Executive Committee of the Bharat Scouts & Guides was hetd at the National Headquarters, Lakshmi Mazumdar Bhawan, 16, M. G. Marg, L p. Estate, New Delhj_ 110002 on Sunday, O5'n September,2Ol5 at U.00 A. M. Acopyof the Minutes of the same js enclosed for your kind perusal. Thanking you and with regards, Director Encl,r As above, Copy submitted to the Hon'ble Chief National Commissioner for his kind information, DtR/ AS V2s/7o/2o1s Cr-rllrg c. Lakshmi l\,lazumdar thawan, 16, I\,lahatma Gandhi Marg, 7''aa l.p Estate, POST BOX NO. 7043, New Delhi_110 002 (lndia) THE BHARAT SCOUTS & GUIDES. NATIONAT HEADQUARTERS, LAKSHMI MAZUMDAR BHAWAN, 16. M, G, MARG, I. P. ESTATE, NEW DETHI .110002. MINUTES OF THE NATIONAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE IVIEETING The Minutes of the NationaJ Executive Committee Meeting of the Bharat Scouts & Guides held at National Headquarters, New Delhi on O6rh September, 2015 at 11.00 A. M. under the chairmanship of Shri B. L Nagarale, lA5(Retd.), Chief National Commissioner, Bharat Scouts & Guides. Following members were present: 1. Shri B. L Nagarale, lA5(Retd.), Chief NationalCommissioner, BS&c 2. 3. 4. Shri K. P. Mishra, Vice- President, Bs&G - Chairman -Special Invitee Shrl N. A. Khan, Vice-President, BS&G Member Dr- H- P. Chhetri, NationalCommissionerofScoL.tts, BS&G l\4em ber 5. 5hriM. A. Khalid, InternationalCommissione(S), BS&G 6. Smt. Rakesh Dhawan, International Commissione(G),BS&G 7. Dr. Harendra Chandra Das, Dy. National Commissioner of Scouts, BS&G 8. Dr. (Smt.) Sudha Prakash, Dy. National Commissioner of Guides,BS&G 9. Shri Vaibhav Vishal Shrjvasiava, FCA, National Treasurer, BS&G -Member 10. Shri Rajendra Singh Hanspal, NHQ Commissioner(Scouts), Bs&c -Member -Member -Member - Member fvlember 11. Adv. V. K. Narvekar, NHQ Commissioner(Rovers), BS&G Member 12. Smt. Amelia Swer, NHQ Commissioner(Guides), BS&G Member 13. Shri Bhaswar Goswami, NHQ Commissione(E.R.), BS&c -Member 14. Shri Ashok More, NHQ Commissioner(W.R.), BS&c 'Member 15. Shri Laxmi Kant Shukla, NHQ Commissioner(N.R.), BS&G 'lvlembe r 16. Shri B. Arunachal Pradesh State BS&c -Member 17. Shri Manoj R. Nair, SOC(S), Central Railway State BS&G -Member 18. Shri B. Ramesh Patnaik, State 5ecretary, Chhattisgarh State BS&G -Member P. Gupta, SOC(s), 19. Shri M. M. Londe, Distt. ChiefCommissioner, Dharwad Distt., Karnataka state Bs&G -Member 20. Shri Ramashankar Tiwari, OSD & ASC(S), M. p. State BS&G -Member 21. Shri cary.iames Nongrum, SOC(S), Meghalaya State BS&G -Member 22. Smt. -Member K. Lalliantluangi, Former State Secretary, Mizoram State BS&G 23. ShriAshok Kumar Shrivastava, ASC(S), N. 24. Smt. E. Railway State BS&G Kam lasini Tiwa ri, STC(G), N. E_ Railway State BS&G -t- -Member Member 25. Shri Hanuman Prasad, STC(S), N. v. S. State BS&G 26. Dr. (Smt.) Kamalesh KumariJakhar, STC(G), N.V.S. State -Member BS&G -Member 27. shri Mahendra Parakh, DivisionalCommissioner, Rajasthan State Bs&G- Member 28. Shri Santosh Kumar Dixit, Uttar Pradesh State 29. shri P. T. Sakkeer Hussain, State 30. Shri R. K. Sasidhar, State Chief 31. l\4iss Saroja KeraLa State _Member BS&G -Member commissioner, Andhra Pradesh State BS&G-Special lnvitee BS&G State BS&G -Special Invitee P., Former Director, 32. Shril. Purantharan, Tamilnadu 33. Prof. secretary, BS&G E. U. Rajan, ASC(S) -Special Invitee for Central Region, Kerala state BS&G -Special lnvitee BS&G 35. Miss Slman Lata Arora,loint Director(G), BS&G -Member 34. Shri Krishnaswamy R.,loint Director(S), 35. Shri lvl. S. Qureshi, Joint Director,NTC & Dy. Director(S) 37. Miss M. N. Machamma, Dy. Director(G), L. T. , 38. ShriAmar Bahadur Chhettri, Dy. Director(BP), -Member LT l/c, BS&G-Member BS&G BS&G Member -Member 39. Smi. Surekha Shrivastava, Dy- Director of Guides(Project) & Joint Director(SS) 40. Shri K. Sukumara, l/c, -Member BS&G Director, Bharat Scouts & Guides - Secretary The Meeting started with Scout/Guide Prayer' Apologies received from the following members. 1. Dr. (Smt.) v. VUayalakshmi, National Commissioner of Guides, Bharat Scouts & Guides. 2. Smt. Geetha Nataraj, NHQ Com missioner (Rangers), Bharat Scouts & Guides 3. Shri Thankhumma, State Secretary, Mizoram State Bharat Scouts & Guides. 4. Shri Rama MLrrti Dora, State Secretary, Odisha Staie Bharat Scouts & Guides. 5. smt. Sandhya Chakraborty, State Commissione(G), west Bengal State Bharat Scouts & Shri K- Sukumara, Director, Bharat Scouts & Guides welcomed the Chairman of the Meeting and all other members, Chief National Commissioner, Bharat Scouts & Guides and Chairman of the Committee extended warm weLcome to Shri N- A. Khan, Vice-President and Shri K. P Mishra, Vice_President by presenting the flower bouquets. Shri K. P. Mishra, Vice President presented flower bouquet to Shri M. A. Khalid, International Commissioner(S), Bharat Scouts & Guides and Shri N. A Khan, Vice_President presented bouquetto Dr. H. P. Chhetri, National Commjssjoner of Scouts. Dr. H P Chhetri, National -.1-- Commissioner of Scouts presented to Smt. Rakesh Dhawan, International Commissioner (G) and lnternational Commissioner (G) presented bouquet to Dr. H. C. Das, Deputy National Commissioner ofScouts. On behalf of Director, Bharat Scouts & Guides, Smt. Surekha Shrivastava, loint Director (SS) I/c presented a flower bouquet to the Deputy National Commissioner (G) and rose buds to all other All membersofthe august house stood fortwo minutessilence to pay their homage in respect of Dr. A. P. J..Abdu1 Kalam, Former President of India. All the members congratulated the Hon'ble Chief National Commissioner for the excellent renovation work done at the National Headquarters building and appreciated their efforts. All the members Bave standing ovation with clapping. Hon'ble Chief National Cornmissioner extended a formal welcome to all the members present in the meeting and took up the agenda points. Agenda ltem No.l:- Confirmation of Minutes of the last meetinB of the National Executive Committee held at the Bharat Scouts & Guides, National Headquarters, New Delhi on O3'o March, 2015, tvlinutes of the last meeting of the National Executive committee held at the Bharat Scouts & Guides, National Headquarters, New Delhion 03'd March, 2015 which had already been circulated to the Members were confirmed as proposed by Shri P. T. Sakkeer Hussain, State Secretary, State Bharat Scouts & Kerala Guides and seconded by Shri Ashok Kumar Shrivastava, Assistant State Commissioner{S), N. E. Railway State Bharat Scouts & Guides. Agenda ltem No. 2! Business Arising (Action Taken Report). The minutes along with the Action Taken Report of the last National Executive Committee Nleeting have been circulated to the unanimously been passed members who after thorough examination as proposed by Shri L. K. of each point have Shukla, National Headquarters Commissione(Northern Region) and seconded by Shri B. Ramesh patnaik, State Secretary, chhattisBarh State Bharat Scouts & Guides. Agenda ltem No. 3:- Consideration of the Annual Report recommendation to the National Councilfor its aoDroval. for the year for further 2014-ZO1S The Draft of Annual Report for the year 2014-2015 was presented before the house with avaitable data received from ihe States and the same was discussed. lt was informed that reports of many States like Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, North East Frontier Railway, puducherry and South Central Railway are not received so 1. Names far. Suggestions received from the following members are as follows:, of the National Executive Committee Members to be added if possible with the photographs. The Director informed allthe National Executive Committee Members to send their passport size photographs for the purpose. 2. 3. 4. Summary of NTCand NAI Programmesto be added with some more photographs. Special pages with photographs of Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan to be added. Looking to the Community Development activities, few pages with different Community Developrnent activit;es can be added. The Chief Nationai Commissloner suggested the house that the photographs of varioLrs Functions/Activities of the Bharat Scouts & Guides during the year 2014-2015 may be printed in the AnnuaL Report of the Bharat Scouts & Guides. This was agreed to unanimously. After detailed discussion, it was decided that the Draft of Annual Report for the year 2014-201S wijl be finalised with the available reports. The Draft of Annuai Report for the year 2014,2015 which was circulated to the membeB was approved unanimously as proposed by Shri B. Ramesh patnaik, State Secretary, Chhattisgarh State Bharat Scouts & Guides and seconded by Shri Ashok Kumar Shrivastava, ASC(S) of N. E. Railway State Bharat Scouts & Guides for onward submission thereof to the National Council. lt was also suggested that Hindi version of the Annual Report should atso be brought out. Agenda ltem No.4r Consideration of the Audited Statement of Accounts and Batance Sheet for the year 2014-2015 and recommendation for approval of the National Council. The Audited Statement of Accounts and Balance Sheet for the year 2014 2015 was presented before the house for consideration and approval. lt was accepted unanimously as proposed by Adv. V. Narvekar, National Headquarters Commissione(Rovers),Goa State Bharai Scouts & seconded by Shri B. P. Gupta, 5OC(5), Arunachal pradesh State Bharat Scouts & Guides. r+- K. Guides and Agenda ltem No.5:- Consideration and rec andEstimatedBudsetro.trreyearzoro-zoorTlffi:1"::?il:i*::ff::"",":Tvear2ols-2016 The Revised Budget for the year 2015-16 and Estimated Budget for the year 2016_2017 was discussed in detail_ 1. National Headquarters - Supply Service Shri Depariment Bhaswar coswami, National Headquarters Commissioner(Eastern Region) and State Chief Commissioner, West Bengal State Bharat Scouts & Guides suggested increased to Rs. 1.5 Crores that the target of sales ofsupply per annum. Service Department may be 3. HostelService The Revised Budget for the year 2015-16 and Estimated BuCget for the year 2016,2017 was considered and recommended to the National Council for further consideration, approval ano adoption as proposed by Shri B. Ramesh patnaik, State Secretary, Chhattisgarh State Bharat Scouts & Guides and seconded bV Shri R. S. Hanspal, National Headquarters Commissione(Scouts) and SOC{S), Uttar P.adesh State Bharat Scouts & Guides. Agenda ltem No, 6.i Fixation of the date of National Council Meeting in consultation with the president, Bharat Scouts & Guides. The Hon'ble Chief National Commissioner informed the house that the National Council Meeting will be held in the last week of November, 2015 i. e. 29rh November, 2015(Sunday) in consultation with ji, president, Hon',bre shri Ashok Gehlot Bharat scouts & Guides. He arso informed that a Note was sent to Hon'ble president, Bharat Scouts & Guides for his kind approval. The date of National Council Meeting wirr be intimated shortry after receiving the confirmaiion from the Hon.bre president, Bharat Scouts & Guides_ Agenda ltem No. 7i Recommendations of Rutes Cornmittee. The Chief National Commissioner informed the house that the Rules Committee Meettng was held on 04rh September, 2015 at 11.00 A. M. at the Bharat Scouts & Guides, National Headquarters, New Delhi. He informed the house that allthe proposed recommendations are based on the suggestjons received from the members of the National Council, ALTs and LTs 0f varjous States for amendments pad,t, partit, part_ in Rules, APRO t and Scheme of Training(Scrut Wing and Guide Wing). He requested all the members to have a thorough discussion and to register their valuable suggestions wrthout any hesitation. _D The salient features of the proposed Amendmenis to Rules, ApR{l part_1, part ll, part-lll and Scherne of Training were presented through power point presentation. The Recomrnendations of Rules Committee were presented before Executive Cornmittee. The same were noted by the members of Nationai the members. The Minutes were approved unantmousty. Agenda ltem No, 8:- Recommendations of Finance Committee, The Recommendations of Finance Committee Meeting were presented before the members of National Executive Committee and were noted by the members. The MinLrtes were approved unanimously. Agenda ltem No. 9:- Recommendations of Award Committee. The Chief National Commissioner, being the Chairrnan of the Award Committee, is authorised by the house to finalise the Awards of the Bharat Scouts & Guides as proposed by Shri B. Ramesh Patnaik,State Secretary, Chhattisgarh State Bharat Scouts & cuides and seconded by Or. H. C. Das, Deputy National Commissione(scouts), Bharat Scouts & cuides. Agenda ltem No.10:. Any other matter with the permission of the Chair. Proposed accommodation rates at the Bharat Scouts & cuides, National Headquarters buitdjng were presented before the house. Hon'ble Chief National Commissioner informed the house that after remodelling of the existing building to the high standard, it is proposed to enhance the existing rental charges of Suit, Dormitory, Conference Hall both A.C. & Non-A. C. accommodation available ar National Headquarters building as per details given in Annexure-t. After a lengthy discussion, the Hon,ble Chief National Commissioner informed the house that the rates should be calculated on the basis of electricity and the majntenance charges. The members proposed to think over the rental charges once again and to miniinise the rates of suit and Dormitory on no profit no loss basis. L_ The proposal of Application for Life Membership of Commissioner(Tribal) & Distrjct Commissj( before the Nationar Executive committee The Hon'ble Chief National Commissioner the Nationar Executive committee and Dr.Anand Ji Singn, Assistant (sJ' Dantewada District' chhattisgarh state was placed r) rnd it wasapproved bythe house unanimously. ked all the members for their active participation in arsc congratulated for their valuable suggestions. The meetjng came to an end with vote ofthanks to the chajr. (8. t. NAGaRATE) CHIEF NATIONAL COMMISSIONER CHAIRMAN &