The Star - Congregation Beth Elohim
The Star - Congregation Beth Elohim
TheStar January 2016 • Volume 38, Number 6 Contents BrotherhoodNews .....................................7 Calendar....................................................11 ChanttheMegillahthisPurim!...................6 Dona<onAcknowledgements .................7-9 FamilyShabbatService...............................4 HowtoReachUs.........................................4 JewishMedita<on.......................................4 JFS Patient Navigator ..................................6 President‘sMessage ...................................3 RabbiTransi<onPollingCommiOee ...........4 ScheduleofServices ...................................3 SisterhoodNews.........................................5 Scholar-in-ResidenceFlyer........................10 SocialAc<onCommiOeeNews...................9 ThirdAnnualBagels&BowlingFlyer...........2 TotShabbatandROSH................................6 VisitJewishSpain?......................................3 Congrega*onBethElohim 133ProspectStreet Acton,MA01720 LewisMintz,Rabbi CantorSarraSpierer LeannShamash,DirectorofEduca<on MerylM.Alpert,Director,EarlyLearningCenter Congregation Beth Elohim THE STAR January 2016 TheCBESisterhood&BrotherhoodProudlyPresent TheThirdAnnualBagels&Bowling ActonBowladrome,Sunday,January10,2016 Dropinany*mefrom9:30AMto12noon $5forS’hoodandB’hoodMembers;$10forallothers. Feecoversbreakfast,bowlingandshoes. PleaseRSVPbyJanuary3,2016eitherbyrespondingtotheEvite orbyemailtoeitherEmilyBlumberg([email protected] ChuckPollak([email protected]). NOTE:Sorrykids,thisisanadulteventonly. Lastminutebowlersarewelcome,butitwouldhelpusplan toknowhowmanypeoplearecoming. Material for inclusion in The Star may be submitted: • by disk with hardcopy printout; • via email: [email protected] (receipt acknowledged); • as camera ready or handwritten copy; or • by FAX: call Congregation Beth Elohim or the editor. Receipt of material can be verified by calling the editor after the deadline. Editor: Bob Becker 978-263-8097. Copyright © 2015 by Congregation Beth Elohim. All Rights Reserved. The Star is generally published monthly by Congregation Beth Elohim and is mailed at Acton, MA. To request a subscription call Congregation Beth Elohim at 978-263-3061 or write to 133 Prospect Street, Acton, MA 01720. The deadline posted in the previous month’s issue, is generally the 15th of the previous month, slightly earlier in case of holidays. -2 - January 2016 Congregation Beth Elohim THE STAR! ScheduleofServices Friday, Friday, Saturday, Friday, Friday, Friday, Saturday, Friday, Saturday, January 1 7:30 January 8 7:00 January 9 10:00 January 15 7:30 January 22 6:00 January 22 7:30 January 23 10:00 January 29 7:30 January 30 10:00 PM PM AM PM PM PM AM PM AM Shabbat Evening Service Family Shabbat Service # Shabbat Torah Study; K'tonton Shabbat (Lower Level) Shabbat Evening Service Tot Shabbat & ROSH (Ruach for Shabbat) Shabbat Evening Service # Shabbat Torah Study Shabbat Evening Service—Heh Class Participation Shabbat Torah Study #-DenotesservicesconductedbybothRabbiandCantor. This display allowed for CBE to share its diverse and clever participants’ hard work. And last, but not least, under the suggestion and direction of Leann Shamash, Religious School extraordinaire, our “Give Back Chanukah” was an unbelievable success! As most know, we collected clothing for the Salvation Army, toiletries for elderly Holocaust survivors, toys, treats and food for Buddy Dog rescue, and necessary supplies for Birthday Wishes. In addition, CBE supported a tree planting drive through JNF. This was all in addition to our ongoing collection of Rice and Beans, for the Acton Food Pantry. By the first night of Chanukah we had overflowing boxes, which continued for at least another week. With everything going on in the world, I like to think of CBE as a haven of goodness! ✡ President‘sMessage BarbaraGreen [email protected] This column should really be called “President’s Kvell Korner,” instead of President’s Message. This month I have another four things to kvell about. First, at December’s Family Shabbat service, I noticed a mom with two kids. I went over and introduced myself. They told me they were Lutheran, but were studying other religions. After noticing our advertisement of services, in the Action Unlimited, they decided to check out our service. Throughout the service, I tried to put myself in a non-Jewish family’s position. I sat back and watched the musicians, the kids excitedly singing along, the kids leading the prayers, the Rabbi reading a Chanukah story and the Cantor teaching new tunes to old, familiar songs. Of course, everything culminated with a fun Oneg Shabbat. What a wonderful experience it must have been for this family. It certainly was for me! My second kvelling moment of the month was when I attended one of the sessions held by CBE’s Polling and Sensing committee. What a fabulous presentation! The amount of work, energy, and effort that has happened is just incredible. The session that I attended had close to sixty people. The Q & A was thoughtful and respectful. I look forward to the next committee’s efforts. Plug time: the Rabbi Search Committee is being formed, please consider contacting me if you want to participate. A quick third kvell was due to another, very successful, menorah design contest. Not only were these incredibly creative menorahs on display at CBE, but for the first time, they traveled over to Acton’s Willow Books, for a window display of their own! VisitJewishSpain? Spain was a place that housed a sophisticated Jewish community for hundreds of years. They wrote poetry and verse, were doctors and lawyers and contributed to their community, but were expelled from Spain in 1492, never to return. Our congregation will travel to Spain in April, 2017 and explore what remnants remain in Spain of Jewish life there. If you are interested in such a trip, please let me know. We will be meeting in March to talk more about this trip, but for now I am assessing your interest. Would you consider joining us? Please contact Leann at [email protected]. -3 - Congregation Beth Elohim THE STAR RabbiTransi*onPollingCommiSee: ThanksforYourPar*cipa*on&Feedback FamilyShabbatService A Joyful Way to Celebrate Shabbat with your Family and Community We are very grateful for the tremendous support we have received from so many congregants and staff as we have gone through the process of polling our community. Our goal has been to obtain a true picture of the strengths and characteristics of our congregation and determine what our members would like for the desired characteristics and roles of our next rabbi. With the combined process of home meetings, staff interviews, an online survey, and follow-up congregational meetings, we received input from well over 300 congregants and believe we have gotten a truly accurate sense of our strengths, needs and expectations. We were gratified to see such a robust response and the level of excitement we felt from you all regarding our future. Thanks to you, the CBE Board and Search Committee will be well prepared and equipped to find the right rabbi for our community. Your “Focus on the Future” Polling Committee: Susan Abrams ---------------------------Brian Hess Erik Rosenman ---------------------------------Waky Deborah Alevy ---------------------Lori Lotterman Beth Schrager ----------------------Susanna Wood Alan Berko ----------------------Steven Michelson Michelle Siegert ------------------Linda Friedman Maya Minkin -------------------------Tom Wachtell Questions? Send email [email protected]. January 2016 Celebrate Shabbat with music, prayers, blessings, and stories on Friday evening, January 8 at 7:00! Geared especially toward children in grades one through six, yet designed to be welcoming for all adults and children, our Family Shabbat services feature many opportunities for participation, uplifting and lively new melodies mixed in with our familiar tunes, and instrumental accompaniment by CBE’s own talented musicians. Each month, children, and even families together, have the opportunity to lead a prayer, blessing or song in the service. This is a wonderful way for children (and parents) to learn and to feel the special sense of joy and pride that comes with leading a community in prayer. Please let Rabbi Mintz or Cantor Spierer know if you or your child would like to help lead. Our service will be accompanied by the very talented and creative Len Solomon, who will bring one of his homemade instruments to share with us. During the oneg, we will enjoy a musical surprise from Len, sure to tickle your funny bone. All are welcome! HowtoReachUs Telephone to The congregation office telephone number is 978-263-3061. Dial these extensions for: Rabbi Mintz 2 Cantor Spierer 7 Ezra Habif 1 Leann Shamash 3 JewishMedita*onatCBE Join Cantor Sarra for an evening of Jewish meditation on Wednesday evening, January 20 at 7:15. The evening will include The telephone number for the Early Learning Center office and director Meryl Alpert is 978-266-9988. mindfulness meditation, chanting, and an inspiring teaching from the weekly Torah portion. Beginners and experienced Web Site Our congregation web site,, includes the online edition of The Star as well as a variety of other information including a bookstore link ( and a donation form. meditators are welcome. There is a suggested donation of $10. If you have any questions, or for more information, please send email to [email protected]. -4 - January 2016 THE STAR! Congregation Beth Elohim minute bowlers are always welcome, but advance notice will help ensure that there is enough food for all of the hungry bowlers. If you have any questions, feel free to email Emily Blumberg at [email protected] or Chuck Pollak at [email protected]. On Friday, January 22, Sisterhood will sponsor a special Friday night service discussion and oneg. The service will begin at 7:30 PM as usual. Cantor Sarra Spierer will provide special music for the service and Rabbi Lewis Mintz will lead a discussion on the recent spate of terrorist attacks in Paris, San Bernadino and elsewhere. Hopefully coming together to discuss these disturbing events and the sometimes equally disturbing responses will help us all get our heads and hearts around these latest atrocities. Please join us. The Sisterhood Book Group will meet on Sunday, January 24 at 7:30 PM at the home of Deborah Colbert, 8 Salamander Lane, Stow. The Sisters will discuss Between the World and Me, by Ta-Nehisi Coates, a letter from the author to his teenage son about the trials and tribulations of growing up African-American in the United States. Please contact Deb at [email protected] for more information. Also in January, Sisterhood will launch our second Mishloach Manot, or Purim Bag project. If you’d like to participate in the mitzvah of sending food gifts to friends and loved ones for Purim, look for the order form in next month’s The Star or Star-Lite. The Purim bags will be delivered on Sunday, March 27 and there will be several opportunities for the Sisterhood community to come together for baking hamantaschen, as well as assembling and delivering gift bags. Keep an eye on your email and Facebook for more information when it becomes available. Lastly, before I move on to rolling out dough and melting butter, I‘d like thank the 84 members who have already joined Sisterhood this year for keeping our group going strong! If you haven’t yet joined Sisterhood, you may still do so by visiting and scrolling down for information about membership payment options. Do you have any questions or ideas for events? Please contact [email protected] or find us on Facebook at We’d love to hear from you! ✡ SisterhoodNews JulieAgapite [email protected] Well, sisters, we’ve made it past the darkest day of the year. It won’t be long now before we can leave for work and/or come home when it’s actually light out. Won’t that be nice? In the meantime, I will cope with the darkness by making (and very likely eating) lots of cinnamon rolls, a sweet, fluffy yeast dough slathered in butter and cinnamon sugar and, as if that wasn’t enough, topped with a decadent maple icing. Sigh. I suppose it is no coincidence that the darkest months of the year are also my own personal period of waist expansion. Even bigger sigh. While I wait for the dough to rise, I will tell you what’s new with Sisterhood. I’m also hoping this distracts me from the chocolate covered marshmallow bears sitting on my counter. Those little fellows are really calling my name. As part of the CBE-wide “Give Back Chanukah” initiative, Sisterhood collected pet supplies for the Buddy Dog Humane Society in Sudbury. We donated two large bins of food, treats and toys for homeless dogs and cats. A great big thank you goes to everyone who donated and to Laura Kelmar for organizing the drive and delivering the goods to Buddy Dog. As far as I know, no one adopted a dog but I think everyone should. My little sidekick, Calvin the dog wonder, has been easier to train than my children, is always thrilled to see me, and gives me very little sass. At the moment, he is sitting at my feet and looking at me in complete adoration. What’s not to love? Also in December, Barbara Hirsch hosted ten Sisters at her home for a screening of the film, Little White Lie, a moving documentary about one woman's painful discovery of her true parentage and roots. The Sisters enjoyed some social time together over wine and cheese as well as a stimulating personal discussion about the themes of Jewish identity, race, and family secrets explored in the film. Thank you, Barbara, for your generous hospitality! Coming up on Sunday, January 10 from 9:30 AM to 12:00 noon, Sisterhood and Brotherhood will jointly hold the Third Annual Bagels and Bowling event. The cost of this adult-only event is $5 for Brotherhood/Sisterhood members and $10 for non-members, which covers breakfast, bowling and shoes. Please RSVP before January 3 by evite. Last -5 - Congregation Beth Elohim THE STAR January 2016 TotShabbatandROSHatCBE ChanttheMegillahthisPurim! Friday evening, January 22 at 6:00 Calling All Adults, Teens, and Children All of our youngest children and their families are invited to sing, dance, pray, and learn with Cantor Sarra at our monthly Tot Shabbat. During “Torah Time”, we’ll hear a story and march with our own Torah scrolls. Children with a birthday during the month will receive a special birthday song. After services, we will all come together for Oneg Shabbat, a sweet snack and conversation in the Social Hall. This is a wonderful way to meet new friends in the community! Tot Shabbat and ROSH (“Ruach on Shabbat” services for elementary-school aged children and their families) take place on either the third or fourth Friday of each month. Look on CBE’s online calendar to find out all of the dates for services this year! If you’d like, bring your own (dairy) dinner and join us anytime after 5:15 as we eat together in the Social Hall before the service. All are welcome. Please contact Cantor Sarra at [email protected] with any questions or for more information. Be a part of CBE’s Megillah reading and Purim celebration this year! On Wednesday evening, March 23rd, we want you to help us tell the heroic story of Esther and Mordecai. Each volunteer will chant one, two, or three Megillah verses, and will receive a recording to practice with. First-time readers are encouraged to join in the fun! Cantor Sarra will be available to assist along the way. To volunteer, email Cantor Sarra at [email protected] or call the synagogue office by January 31. JFSPa*entNavigator You Value Your Independence, Help Others Keep Theirs Join the JFS Patient Navigator corps of volunteers that provides access to vital health services. Patient Navigators are trained volunteers who accompany frail older adults to medical appointments, facilitate communication with medical staff, and provide practical and emotional support. CJP funds JFS to provide this important service to Jewish seniors in Metrowest. If you have an interest in helping frail older adults maintain their independence, c o n t a c t J F S ( w w w. j f s m w. o r g ) a t 508-875-3100 x110 to learn more about this flexible, rewarding opportunity. The next training is scheduled for Thursday, January 14, 9:00-3:00, lunch and materials will be provided. Space is limited, sign up today! Do not abandon me in my old age. --High Holyday Prayer Book WhatJewishMajorLeagueBaseballPlayer SpokeSevenLanguages, andWasaSpyFortheOSS? Moe Berg played fifteen seasons in the majors mostly as a back-up catcher. In the off seasons he traveled extensively around the world, including two trips to Japan. He had been working for the OSS (renamed the CIA) as a spy for the US on his trips. In 1943/44, and speaking German like a native he was touring Nazi occupied Europe on a spy mission. He was asked to determine whether the Germans were close to building an A bomb, in which case he was charged with murdering the Nazi scientists who were developing it!! -6 - January 2016 THE STAR Congregation Beth Elohim Donations The congregation thanks our members, their relatives and friends, and the larger community for donations recently received… To the General Fund from: Bob & Kathie Becker in memory of John Murphy’s brother, Kevin. Dan & Shelley Klein in memory of Ida Berkwitts Ronda Kenger in honor of Doris & Fred Goldstein’s grandsons, Eduardo & Svend, sons of Alicia & Alex Raun. Risa & Jonathan Selig in celebration of the engagement of our son, Jay Selig, to Rachel Lynn Kress. Ronda Kenger in honor of Doris & Fred Goldstein’s grandson, Jacob, son of Emily & Ted Macnow. Ellen & Bruce Leicher in honor of Rabbi Lewis & Naomi’s grandson, Nadav Tal. Susan & Rodney Hass Dan & Shelley Klein in memory of Peter A. Stark Maida & Glenn Fund in memory of Arnold Goldblatt, father of Maida Fund, on the occasion of his yahrzeit. Ronda Kenger in honor of Rabbi Lewis & Naomi’s grandson, Nadav Tal. Bob & Kathie Becker in memory of Mrs. Harriet Zimmer, mother of Danya ZimmerBloomstone. CBE Brotherhood in honor of Rabbi Lewis & Naomi Katz Mintz’s grandson, Nadav Tal. Lauren & Leonard Solomon in appreciation of our wonderful community. Esther Bachrach in memory of David Bachrach. since the last assessment was conducted fifteen years ago. A major change is demographics; we have an increasing Asian population in our town, as well as an aging population. There are more single parents, and a significant source of stress is economic vulnerability. ABUW is taking this assessment and determining best approaches to address the issues identified. After the talk, a raffle raised over $100 for United Way. Thanks to all who attended and donated. There will be no Brotherhood breakfast in January, but please make sure you come out for the Brotherhood and Sisterhood third annual Bagels and Bowling event on January 10. Information is in the Star and at all your local media outlets. ✡ BrotherhoodNews MaSLiebman [email protected] Although December 20 is one of the shortest days of the year, there was plenty of enlightenment at the Brotherhood Breakfast. A kitchen staff of Matt Kontoff, Mark Bloch, Neil Elliot, Jeff Bergart and Michael Sanders served bagels and lox to members of the Brotherhood, the Sisterhood and guests for the last breakfast of the 2015 calendar year. We listened as Rachel Sagan, Executive Director of the Acton Boxborough United Way spelled out the results of a recent community assessment (with the help of by CBE’s Ann Budner, co-chair of the Social Action Committee and a former board member of ABUW, who led the consulting team that conducted the assessment). ABUW operates like a community chest, and has distributed over four million dollars since its founding in 1981. The assessment identified many issues. First, the towns have changed significantly WERS,88.9FM,broadcastsYiddish andContemporaryIsraeliMusic, Sundaymornings8:00–11:00AM. -7 - Congregation Beth Elohim THE STAR January 2016 Donations The congregation thanks our members, their relatives and friends, and the larger community for donations recently received… To the Back to the Future Fund from: To the Wish List Fund from: Alan & Arlene Weiss Susan & Rodney Hass in honor of Rabbi Lewis & Naomi Mintz’s grandson, Nadav Tal. David & Chips Naparstek in loving memory of: Amy Naparstek, our beloved daughter, Ida Naparstek (“Grammy”) & Ben Harris, Chips’ father. Susan & Rodney Hass in memory of Kevin Murphy, brother of John Murphy. Stephen & Susan Grossman To the Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund from: Ruth Morton To the High Holiday Appeal from: Dan & Shelley Klein in honor of the birth of Nadav Tal Mintz. Neal Silverman & Julie Agapite Susan Abrams Susan & Michael Goldman in honor of the birth of our first grandchild, Theo Ezra Goldman, son of Karissa & Jonathan Goldman. Alan & Arlene Weiss Susan & Michael Goldman in honor of Rabbi Lewis & Naomi Katz Mintz on the occasion of the birth of their grandson, Nadav Tal Mintz. To the Choir Fund from: Dan & Shelley Klein in honor of the birth of Nadav Tal Mintz. Herb & Sara Mintz Zwicker: “With gratitude to Rabbi Mintz for his heartfelt support and inspiring eulogy of Myron H. Mintz.” Michael White in memory of Hetty Zimmer, mother of Danya Zimmer-Bloomstone and mother-in-law of Ben Bloomstone, for her love of music. Bob & Kathie Becker in honor of the birth of Nadav Tal, son of David & Deborah, grandson of Rabbi & Naomi Mintz. To the Family Education Fund from: Dan & Shelley Klein in memory of Myron Mintz. Paul & Susan Linet & Family in honor of the birth of Nadav Tal Mintz. Suresh Damodaran & the MIT Lincoln Lab Acton Van Pool. -8 - January 2016 THE STAR Congregation Beth Elohim Donations The congregation thanks our members, their relatives and friends, and the larger community for donations recently received… To the Amy Naparstek Fund from: Mark Naparstek & Family in honor of Pa and Chips, with love from the Las Vegas Naparsteks. Linda & Denis Friedman: “Wishing Chips Naparstek a wonderful birthday and a meaningful year ahead.” David & Chips Naparstek in honor of the birth of Nadav Tal, grandson of Rabbi Lewis & Naomi, son of David & Deborah Mintz, with mazal tov to all. David & Chips Naparstek in honor of the birth of Svend & Eduardo, grandsons of Doris & Fred Goldstein, sons of Alicia & Alex Raun. Randi Wallen & Alex Lelchook in memory of Mrs. Joan Fowler, mother of Kathie Becker. Noah Lelchook in memory of Jerry Emer, grandfather of Aaron Emer. David & Chips Naparstek in memory of Mrs. Joan Fowler, mother of Kathie Becker, with sympathy to Kathie, Bob, Aliza and Ben. Linda & Denis Friedman remembering Amy Naparstek with love. support the Social Action Committee’s activities, primarily the Community Supper at Mt. Calvary. Thank you to everyone who came to the party and danced the night away for a good cause. More thanks to all the fabulous volunteers who pulled off this event flawlessly: Peter Berson, Stacey Briggs, Ann Budner, Liz Hess, Marcy Hoban, Sara Levine, Barbara Michaelsen, Linda Minkoff, Sara Levine, Peter Lovitz, Michael Sanders, Lauren Solomon, and others who just rolled up their sleeves and helped! An extra special thanks to Clark (CBE Superman) for all his hard work in cleaning up our mess late at night! SocialAc*onCommiSeeNews AnnBudner [email protected] Son of Mock Mitzvah Was a Big Success Our fabulous fundraiser, “Son of Mock Mitzvah,” returned on November 7 and it was a smash! The large crowd danced, drank, made ice cream sundaes, and played silly games including (of course) Coke and Pepsi. Chris Whitbeck’s rocking band, The Acton Music Project, once again generously donated their talents to the cause. We raised nearly $1900 after paying our minimal expenses. Half the proceeds will support the CBE General Fund and the other half will Christmas at Cor Unum We had an unbelievable response to our call for volunteers during Christmas at Cor Unum! At press time we had maxed out at 41 volunteers, 25 for Christmas Day and 16 for Christmas Eve, and more people wanted to sign up! Cor Unum was looking for help on the Saturday after Christmas, so hopefully some folks were able to participate then. We will share a full write-up and photos in the next edition of The Star. Many thanks to all the volunteers! What a terrific community we have. If you are interested in more Social Action action, please join us. Our committee is fun! For more info, email Ann Budner and Barbara Michaelsen at [email protected]. ✡ The next time you want to buy a book — or practically anything else — go to via CBE’s website and Amazon will donate 5 – 10% of your total purchase directly to CBE. Visit Pull down the “Give” menu at the upper right, and click on “Shop Amazon.” -9 - Congregation Beth Elohim THE STAR January 2016 CBE ADULT EDUCATION PRESENTS SCHOLAR IN RESIDENCE Rabbi Kevin Hale Sofer STaM / Torah scribe SUNDAY, JANUARY 31, 2016 9:00 – 10:15 AM SESSION FOR ADULTS 10:15 AM – 12:20 PM SESSIONS FOR RELIGIOUS SCHOOL STUDENTS Rabbi Kevin Hale is a Sofer STaM, a traditionally trained Torah scribe who spends his days evaluating, repairing and writing Torah / tefillin / megillot, including scrolls that survived the Shoah which belong to the Czech Memorial Scrolls Trust. His mentor was Rabbi Eric Ray, z"l a world-renowned sofer, artist and authority on the provenance of Torah scrolls. Rabbi Hale is a scholar and teacher of our sacred scribal tradition, and has served as a scholar-in-residence to congregations all over the country and beyond. In 2014 he wrote a mezuzah for Cafe Bergson, located in the former home of the last pre-war Jewish resident of Oswiecim, Poland, and operated by the Auschwitz Jewish Center. He is passionate about offering hands-on education, enriching our connection to torah, and empowering rising soferim. The morning session for adults — “Torah in Black and White" — focuses on the 613th commandment to "write this song for yourselves", the mitzvah for each of us to write a torah. Come learn about the ancient tools, materials, practices and rituals that go into this sacred craft and a hands-on approach to teaching about the Torah scroll. We will visit the world of the Torah scribe and learn about the current state of the Jewish scribal world. Then we will practice a classic Ashkenazi Torah script and get a taste of a day in the life of a sofer. Lettering sheets and supplemental materials will be provided. Adults are welcome to attend the religious school sessions and may also observe the work of Rabbi Hale while he is inspecting our scrolls. Please contact Julie Kozhukhin at [email protected] to let us know you are coming or to ask questions regarding this program. - 10 - January 2016 Congregation Beth Elohim THE STAR! Congregation Beth Elohim January 2016 # — Denotes services conducted by both Rabbi and Cantor Sunday Monday 15 Tevet Tuesday 16 Tevet Wednesday 17 Tevet Thursday 18 Tevet Friday 19 Tevet Saturday 20 Tevet 1 Candle Lighting Time— 4:04 EST 21 Tevet Shemot (Exodus 1-6:1) 2 7:30 PM Shabbat Evening Service 22 Tevet 3 23 Tevet 4 6:30-8:30 PM Midrasha 24 Tevet 5 4:15-6:15 PM Religious School 25 Tevet 6 4:15-6:15 PM Religious School 26 Tevet 7 27 Tevet 8 Candle Lighting Time— 4:11 EST 7:00 PM Family Shabbat Service # 29 Tevet 10 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Religious School 9:00-11:00 AM Brotherhood Board Meeting 9:30 AM - Noon Brotherhood/Sisterhood Bagels & Bowling 7:00 PM Congregation Board Meeting 7 Shevat 17 14 Shevat 24 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM School & MLK Read-a-thon 1 Shevat 11 6:30-8:30 PM Midrasha 7:00 PM Sisterhood Board Meeting 2 Shevat 12 4:15-6:15 PM Religious School 8 Shevat 9 Shevat 19 4:15-6:15 PM Religious School 18 15 Shevat 25 6:30-8:30 PM Midrasha 16 Shevat 26 4:15-6:15 PM Religious School 3 Shevat 13 4:15-6:15 PM Religious School 7:00-9:00 PM Tzion 14 10 Shevat 20 4:15-6:15 PM Religious School 7:00-9:00 PM Tzion 7:15-9:15 PM Meditation Class with Cantor Sarra 21 17 Shevat 27 4:15-6:15 PM Religious School 28 4 Shevat 5 Shevat 15 Candle Lighting Time— 4:19 EST 22 Shevat 6:30-8:30 PM Midrasha 23 Shevat 4:15-6:15 PM Religious School 6 Shevat Bo (Exodus 9-13:16) 16 7:30 PM Shabbat Evening Service 11 Shevat 22 12 Shevat Candle Lighting Time— 4:27 EST 6:00 PM Tot Shabbat & ROSH (Ruach for Shabbat) 7:30 PM Shabbat Evening Service # 18 Shevat 29 19 Shevat Candle Lighting Time— 4:36 EST 7:30 PM Shabbat Evening Service—Heh Class Participation 21 Shevat 31 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Religious School 9:00-10:15 AM Adult Sofer Program with Rabbi Kevin Hale 10:15 AM - 12:20 PM Sofer Programs for Students with Rabbi Kevin Hale 28 Tevet Va'era (Exodus 6:2-9) 10:00 AM Shabbat Torah Study 10:00 AM K'tonton Shabbat 9 24 Shevat 4:15-6:15 PM Religious School 25 Shevat 26 Shevat Candle Lighting Time— 4:45 EST 7:00 PM Family Shabbat Service # 13 Shevat Beshallach (Exodus 13:17-17) 10:00 AM Shabbat Torah Study 6:15-8:30 PM New Member Bowling Event 23 20 Shevat Yitro (Exodus 18-20) 10:00 AM Shabbat Torah Study 30 27 Shevat Mishpatim (Exodus 21-24) 10:00 AM Shabbat Torah Study Congregation Beth Elohim February 2016 # — Denotes services conducted by both Rabbi and Cantor Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 21 Shevat 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Religious School 9:00-10:15 AM Adult Sofer Program with Rabbi Kevin Hale 10:15 AM - 12:20 PM Sofer Programs for Students with Rabbi Kevin Hale 22 Shevat 6:30-8:30 PM Midrasha 23 Shevat 4:15-6:15 PM Religious School 24 Shevat 4:15-6:15 PM Religious School 28 Shevat 7 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Religious School 9:00-11:00 AM Brotherhood Board Meeting Morning: Family Education: Vav Class 29 Shevat 8 6:30-8:30 PM Midrasha 5 Adar I 14 9:00-11:00 AM Brotherhood Breakfast 1 2 3 Thursday 4 25 Shevat Friday 5 Saturday 26 Shevat Candle Lighting Time— 4:45 EST 7:00 PM Family Shabbat Service # 30 Shevat 9 4:15-6:15 PM Religious School 1 Adar I 10 4:15-6:15 PM Religious School 11 2 Adar I 3 Adar I 12 Candle Lighting Time— 4:54 EST 19 Adar I 28 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Religious School 4 Adar I Terumah (Exodus 25-27:19) 13 7:30 PM Shabbat Evening Service 15 6 Adar I 16 7 Adar I 17 8 Adar I 18 9 Adar I 19 10 Adar I Candle Lighting Time— 5:03 EST 7:30 PM Shabbat Evening Service 12 Adar I 21 7:00 PM Congregation Board Meeting 27 Shevat Mishpatim (Exodus 21-24) 10:00 AM Shabbat Torah Study 6 13 Adar I 22 6:30-8:30 PM Midrasha 7:00 PM Sisterhood Board Meeting 14 Adar I 23 4:15-6:15 PM Religious School 20 Adar I 29 6:30-8:30 PM Midrasha 21 Adar I 15 Adar I 24 4:15-6:15 PM Religious School 25 16 Adar I 26 17 Adar I Candle Lighting Time— 5:12 EST 6:00 PM Tot Shabbat & ROSH (Ruach for Shabbat) 7:30 PM Shabbat Evening Service # 22 Adar I 23 Adar I 24 Adar I Candle Lighting Time— 5:21 EST 11 Adar I Tetzavveh (Exodus 27:20-30:10) 10:00 AM Shabbat Torah Study 20 18 Adar I Ki Tissa (Exodus 30:11-34) 10:00 AM Shabbat Torah Study 27 25 Adar I Vayakhei (Exodus 35-38:20) The congregation calendar is also online at - 11 - Congregation Beth Elohim THE STAR Congregation Beth Elohim 133 Prospect Street Acton, MA 01720 January 2016 The deadline for the February issue of The Star is January 15 Articles submitted to The Star must include a contact name in case of questions. Congregant email addresses listed in the CBE Directory are to be used solely for CBE matters. - 12 - January 2016