~1FFICE CAF 1~HE DISTRICT ATTORNEY COUNTY OF NEVADA ANNA M.FERGUSON ASSISTANT DISTRICT ATTORNEY CLIFFORD H. NEWELL RANDALL BILLINGSLEY DISTRICT ATTORNEY CHIEF INVESTIGATOR March 7, 2014 The Honorable Board of Supervisors Eric Rood Administrative Center 950 Maidu Avenue Nevada City CA 95959 DATE OF MEETING: March 25, 2014 SUBJECT: Resolution authorizing acceptance of Governar's Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) Grant Award UV 13040290 for the Nevada County Unserved/Underserved Victim Advocacy and Outreach Program for the period of October 1, 2013 to September• 30, 2014. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the resolution accepting the grant funds. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal VOCA grant funds of $125,000.00. The Federal VOCA match requirements of $31,250.00 are met through cash match from the District Attorney's staff and operating expenses. BACKGROUND: 'I`he Unserved/Underserved Victim Advocacy and Outreach Program (UV) will provide comprehensive services to unservecUunderserved victims in Nevada County, including the Hispanic/Latino community, dependent adult crime victims and the elderly. The program enhances the safety and provides comprehensive services to encourage the reporting of crime and participate in the prosecution of the offender. Comprehensive and optional services for these underserved populations will include, but not be limited to crisis intervention, emergency assistance, referrals, court accompaniment and support, assistance in applying for state restitution claims, orientation to the criminal justice system, notifications to family and friends and assistance with funeral arrangements. The available funds are $8,580.00 more than last year. Very truly yours, CLIFFORD H. N EWELL District Attorney 110 UNION STREET, NEVADA CITY, CALIFORNIA 95959 PHONE:(530) 265-1301 FAx:(530)478-1871 j RESOLUTION No. OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF N~VA~A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE GOVERNOR'S OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES(Cal OES)GRANT AWARD UV 13040290 FOR THE NEVADA COUNTY UNSERVED/UNDERSERVED VICTIM ADVOCACY AND OUTREACH PROGRAM FOR THE PERIOD OF OCTOBER 1, 2013 TO SEPTEMBER 30, 2014 WHEREAS,the Governor's Office of Emergency Services(Cal OES)has awarded the County of Nevada District attorney's Office (Victim/Witness Assistance Program)Federal Victim of Crime Act(VOCA)Grant funds; and WHEREAS,Federal VOCA funds in the amount of $125,000.00 have been made available for the grant period of October 1, 2013 through September 30,2014; and WHEREAS,any liability arising out of the performance of a Victim/Witness Grant Award Agreement, including civil court actions for damages, shall be the responsibility of the grant recipients and the authorizing agency. The State of California and Cal OES disclaim responsibility for any such liability. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED THAT IT IS AGREED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Nevada, State of California that Grant funds received hereunder shall not be used to supplant existing expenditures controlled by this body; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of the County of Nevada, State of California, accepis the Cal OES Grant Award and that the grant funds received, in the amount of$125,000.00 for said project shall be deposited into District Attorney Revenue Account 0101 50608 203 1000 446700. ~~ (Cal OES Use dnlyj caio€s#(~~ d~J~"dn~Ub (~~ (~'I(pFiPS~ __ c~aa# vs EPcl~~2013t.~l3a'f~~9 ~_~_ ri f~- -~ ~S7~f/ CALI~pRMA GOVERNOR`S Q~FICE C?~' EME~~E _CY SERVICES+ GRANT AWARi~ F~C~ SHEET(Cal OE'~~2-101j The Galifomia Governor's Office of Emergency Services hereafter designated Cal C3E5, he[eby makes a Grant Award of funds to the fallowing: 7. Grant Recipient: County of Nevada 1a. DUNS# Oi0979029 2a. DUNS# 41Q979029 In the amount and for the purpose and duratlan setforth in this Grant Award. 2. Impiem~nting Agency: Nevada County QistriCt ~' -` 3, Implementin~ A9encY Address: rF0-t3Mt5r1'S'tf~t stieez ~~ ~p`~~•"Pry ``~ r ~~'~'~ 4. Location of Project: cry Nevada 95959-2503 — zi~+a95959-2503 County Zip+4 ___ Nevada G~ ~! City R•„ 5. Disaster/Program Tine: UnsefvedlUnderserved.Viclim Advoracyl~pu~~(~cl, 6. Rerformance Period: (,,~~x Year -Fund Source A. State B. FederaC ~: In-Kind Match D. Cash Match G.1'otal $31,250 $125,Q00 VOCA 2Q~~ 7• ... Select e• Select ueleCt 9• Select Select ~a• Select 09/3d/14 10/01/13 t~ ~. Total Match G. Total Project. Gost $3.1,250 ~o $156,250 ~0 $Q $o $0 $0 $0 $0 Select ~ ~•Select ti0. T t2.1'QTALS $Q $31,250 $0. $125,000. $f~5,000 $31,250 Project Coat: $156,250 13, This Grant Award consists of this ttUe page,the application far the grant, which is attached and mage a part hereof, and.the AssuranceslCertitications. thereby certify! am vested with:the authority to enter into this.i~rant Award Agreement,and have the approval of the CitytCounty Financial Officer, City Manager, County Administrator,Governing Board Chair, or otherApproving Body. The Grant Recipient certifies that ail funds received pursuant to this agreement will kie spent exGustveEy art the purposes specifl0d in the Grant Award. The Grant Recipient accepts this Orant Award and agrees to administer the grant project,ln accordance wiEh the Grent-AwaM as well as all appticable state and federal taws,audit requirements,federal program guidelines, and CaI 0ES potEcy and program guitlance. The Grant Recipient further agrees That the allocation offunds-may be contlngent on the enactment ofthe State Budge 14. Official Authorized to Sign for ApplicantJGrant Re~ipfent: Name: 18. Federal~Emplayer ID Number. T.itlet Clifford H. NeweA (530a 47&'E871 FAX: (53t3)265-1'301 (area code) y.t3! (orntflCt'[M'o~ ~a-~r~~ ~`~" City: Payment Mailing Address: Telephone: Dlstrict:Attacney Clifford;Neweil(a~co.nevada.ca.us Email:. 1 h~~ certify upon my own pe(sonal knowledge 4ha[ ¢udg¢~~funds ace ova l8ble fur ih V Yr. ?013/)4 /Chapter. 20/ I'CA Nv~ 1 R203 Item; Ob90-1~2-0$90 Feti(:At ~ :16.575: Component: 4Q.20.451 F1'0gf2177: UuenedlOndencc~eJ Vktl~a AJvx~cY +~d Q~tr~uiP~o~nm Fund: Federal Trust Match Req.: 20% GIK based. pn TPC; PrgjectNo.. t_3VOCA Ampunt:S ~ r ~ ~ 'j.i Grant Award Face Sheet — CaI 0ES 2-141 (Revised 7/23/2U13) ,~ 95959-2503 ~x.+..-~pol~ Ga.7c.~3 ri [poses of this exp!~d~e~tated above. l OAS Director (or designee) [Tate CaI 0ES Fiscal Officer Zip+4: `Nevada 'City Date:: Signature: 946000526 Date PR~JEGT CO.,.(VTACT INFOPMAT1UfV Recipient County of Nevada Grant Number UV1304029Q Provide the name, title, adQress, telephone number,.and e-mail address for the project"contacts named below. NQTE: ff you use a PO Bnx address,a street address is also required for package delivery and site visit purposes.. 1. The Project Director for the project: Name: RandaA Billingsley Tine: Chief DA investigator ~~~. (530)478-1871 email Address: [email protected] Telephone #: (530)255-7117 Address/City/Zip: 201 Commercial Street, Nevada City, CA 95959 2. The Financial Officer for the project: Name: ~~rcia Salter Telephone:#: (530)265-1.244 ~-;t~~. Auditor/Controller F~~. (530}2659843 ~mair Address: Marcia.Salter@co:nevada.ca:us Address/Gity/Zlp: 950 Maidu Avenue, Nevada City, CA 95959-860U 3. The ep rson having Routine Programmatic responsibility for the project;. Name: Loletta Warfel Telephone #: (530)-265-1247 7it~~~ Senior Victim Advocate/Project Coordinator F~~; (530)478-7871 Email Address: [email protected] Address/City/Zip: 201 Cammeccial Street, htevada City, Ca 95959' 4. The person hav+ng Routine.Fiscal. Responsibility far the project: .Name: Denise Harben Telephone #: (530} 265-"E487 Title: Fiscal Analyst ll Fad: (53Q)478-1871 Email Address; aeniSe.Harben a~co.nevada.ca.us AddresslCity2ip: 201 Gommercia! Street, Nevada City, CA 95889 5. The Executive Director of a nonprofit organization oc the Chief ~acecu#ive`Officer (i.e,,.chief of police, superintendent of schaa[s) ofthy. implementing agency: Name: Richard A. Halley -~-~x~~; County Executive Qfficer ~~~; (530)265-9839 Email Address, ~~C{[email protected] Telephone # (530} 265=70.40 Address7City/Zip. 950 Maidu Auenue, Rlevada City, CA 96989-8600. 6. The Ufficiat Desis~n~t~d by the Governing Board fp enter info the Grant Award Agreement for the citylcounty or Community-based Organization, as stated in Block 14 of the Grant Award Face Sheet: Name: Clifford H. Newell Tine: District Attamey F~~; (530)4781871 email Address: [email protected] Telephone #: (530)265-13Q1 _ AddresslCiiyfZip: 201 Cc~mmerci~! Street, N~;~ada Ci~y, CA X5959 7, The chair of the Governing Badv of-the ~ecip~ent: Name: Nate Beason Telephone #: (`~30)-265-'(480' Tine: Chair, Soard af.Supervisors ~~: (~~p)~~~-~~~~ Email Address: [email protected]:c~.us Address/CitylZip: 9~0 Maidu.Avenue, tVevada City, CA-95959-86Q0 Project Contact fnformatiorrCal OESZ-1L12(Ravised 7!2013}