The Seeds of Justice


The Seeds of Justice
The Seeds of Justice
2012 Annual Report
Board of Directors
James L. Weatherly, Jr.
Toni Boss
John T. Blankenship
1st Vice President
Melanie T. Cagle
Robert J. Martineau, Jr.
2nd Vice President
Tove Christmon
J. Andrew Goddard
3rd Vice President
Cynthia A. Cheatham
Stanley D. Darnell
Diane Davis
Turner McCullough, Jr.
Robert Allen Dickens
Charles K. Grant
Richard K. Evans
Susan L. Kay
Past President
G. Wilson Horde
Charles H. Warfield
Executive Committee Member at Large
Trudy M. Edwards
Barbara Fisher
Caroline E. Knight
Nashville Pro Bono
Program Board
Lou Lavender
Tessa N. Lawson
Thor Y. Urness
Judy A. Oxford
Michael S. Peek
N. Houston Parks
Martha L. Boyd
Teresa Poston
Richard A. Green
Adrie Mae Rhodes
Tonya Mitchem Grindon
Steve Rhodey
Susan L. Kay
Walter H. Stubbs
Mark Manner
Latonya L. Todd
Chancellor Carol McCoy
Lauren Paxton Roberts
Robyn L. Ryan
John R. Tarpley
James L. Weatherly, Jr.
Message from
the President
of the Board
Author Og Mandino said to “always seek out the seed of triumph
in every adversity.” At Legal Aid Society, our clients face a world
of adversity. Amidst this hardship, you are seeds of triumph who
can restore hope and provide reassurance. Often those we serve
have lost faith that the justice system is available to them as it is
to those who can afford counsel. Providing that access and the
resource available through the justice system can be a life-changing
event for those we serve and for us who value the protections our
justice system affords its citizens.
These seeds of triumph are made possible through the support
of both members of our legal community and those outside the
legal community who share our belief that one measure of the
greatness of our society is the access to justice afforded our citizens
regardless of their economic standing.
To the staff, volunteers and donors who continue to sow these
triumphant seeds of justice, I, on behalf of the Board of Directors,
express my deepest gratitude for your help in fulfilling the mission
of the Legal Aid Society.
Message from
the Executive
Just as a farmer dedicates his life to planting, tending, watering
and harvesting his crops, we dedicate our careers, with the same
fervent passion for results as a farmer, to helping families and
individuals who have nowhere else to turn for legal help. As the Greek poet Aeschylus once said, “From a small seed
a mighty trunk may grow.” Within the pages of this annual
report you will learn how planting and reaping the seeds
of justice benefit those we serve, as well as entire communities.
You also will hear stories from donors and learn why they
give time and money to the Legal Aid Society.
In 2012, more than 1,700 donors planted the seeds of justice
with a financial contribution to the Legal Aid Society, allowing
us to serve over 7,000 people seeking equal access to justice. Our continued success is made possible by the donors, volunteers
and staff highlighted throughout these pages. We are grateful
for their tremendous contributions.
Many continued thanks,
Thank you for doing your part in furtherance of this noble mission.
Jim Weatherly
President, Legal Aid Society Board of Directors
Gary D. Housepian
Executive Director, Legal Aid Society
Planting the Seeds of justice
Each seed sown in the fields of justice
grows to provide access to life’s most
basic necessities — food, water, shelter
and security — to low income individuals
and families who have nowhere else
to turn. Every seed planted harvests
our talents and abilities to provide
free legal justice to the most vulnerable
among us. When you plant the seeds
of justice, you invest in the lives of others.
Growing a world of difference
f r o m s e e d s o f e v e ry s i z e
$25 donation provides 100 “15 Warning Signs” wallet cards for high school
students who might be in violent relationships but don’t know the warning signs.
$100 donation provides one victim advocate at a docket call, giving support
to 10 to 15 victims of domestic violence.
$250 donation provides 1,800 “Free Legal Help” brochures to help potential
clients learn about how we can help them overcome legal challenges.
$750 donation provides a holistic intake process and legal representation
by an attorney so a family can keep their home.
$1,500 donation provides a walk-in clinic for 50 people in need of an
attorney for help on a civil legal issue.
You give us the ability to:
to people who feel broken and
defeated by the justice system
before a staff or pro bono attorney
stands beside them and fights for
their rights and fairness in court.
RESTORE HOPE to a mother
and her children who desperately
sought a safe reprieve from domestic
abuse before our victim advocate
and staff attorney helped them gain
independence from their abuser.
Give comfort to a family
who can keep their home after
a staff or pro bono attorney resolves
foreclosure or mortgage issues.
Bestow the power
of knowledge to individuals
through our community education
and outreach efforts.
keep necessary
services for a child with severe
disabilities to remain at home with
family, after our attorneys file suit
to dismiss service changes….
and more.
Reaping the Seeds of Justice
We believe that you reap what you sow. In 2012, our efforts in the fight for justice reaped over $20 million in free legal
advice and representation for Tennesseans and their families.
A Glance at Our Work in 2012:
• $17,437,581= the market value of advice and representation from staff.
• 20,739 requests received
for assistance.
• Over 7,000 people served.
• 65,922 legal self-help brochures distributed.
• 103 pro bono clinics held throughout our service area.
• 1,479 clients assisted
• Over 1,000 individuals
obtained affordable housing
or received help with keeping
their homes.
• More than $325,171.13
in unemployment insurance
benefits obtained in 263
closed cases.
• More than $800,000
in social security/disability
benefits were garnered for clients
in 510 cases.
• Conducted 125 general outreach TN Taxpayer Project
• Gained confirmed benefits for taxpayers of $2,422,455.25.
• Worked on 345 cases and
assisted 470 taxpayers involving $2,720,520.79 anticipated benefits.
original tax • Prepared
returns for non-filers, first-time
filers and ESL taxpayers ancillary
to outreach.
events that reached
service providers from public
and private social service
agencies and
other taxpayers.
• Conducted 244 educational events 1,802
which reached
lawyers, CPAs and other volunteers and other taxpayers.
at pro bono clinics.
• 166 community education types of legal issues addressed in 2012
presentations given on civil
legal issues.
• 5,545 people attended
community education
• 793 domestic violence
cases handled.
6% 6% employment
7% wills/estates, advance
27% family
directives/powers of attorney
16% consumer
9% miscellaneous
(education, juvenile, legal assistance
to nonprofits, licenses, municipal
needs, other miscellaneous)
15% income
A Thriving Field of Justice: 2012 Community Activities
The Legal Aid Society added Cara Alexander, Iris
Buhl and Joseph Woodson to its Community
Advisory Council, which is composed
of 22 members who serve as community and
business ambassadors for the Legal Aid Society.
in questionable mortgage practices, the Legal
Aid Society launched a new initiative to help
Tennessee homeowners facing
foreclosure and mortgage rescue scams.
The Supreme Court of Tennessee,
Administrative Office of the
Courts awarded the Tullahoma office four grants
The Upper Cumberland Young Lawyers Association
sponsored the first Jog & Jam for
Justice, a 5K run/walk which raised $1,000
for the Legal Aid Society.
totaling $18,118 to provide assistance in divorce
proceedings and parenting plan modifications
to low-income domestic violence and sexual assault
victims with minor children in four judicial districts.
Richard Green accepts the Bob Sullivan Memorial
Award from Lucinda Smith, Nashville Pro Bono
Program Director.
Rachel Moses (attorney, Cookeville), Gary Housepian
(Executive Director) and Bill Bush (attorney,
Cookeville) at the Jog and Jam for Justice.
The third annual Legal Aid Society
Music Row Breakfast served as a
memorial to the late Bob Sullivan, a member of the
Legal Aid Society board and driving force in raising
awareness within Nashville’s music industry of
the Legal Aid Society and the services it provides.
Richard Green, VP for EMI Christian Music Group
and Nashville Pro Bono Program Board member,
received the first Bob Sullivan Service Award.
The Legal Aid Society and Nashville Community
Education Commission offered 9 free legal classes
to 71 attendees through the People’s Law
School program at Cohn Learning Center.
The Nashville Pro Bono Program collaborated with
several law firms to provide free monthly legal
assistance at Operation Stand Down
Funded by a nationwide settlement between the
state attorneys general and major banks engaged
HCA employees stuffed envelopes for the annual
campaign during the company’s Community Day
The HCA Foundation provided funding
to support the Middle Tennessee Legal Partnership
as well as to aid the annual campaign. HCA
employees stuffed envelopes for the annual campaign
for HCA’s Community Day.
Laboring in the Field of Justice:
2 0 1 2 S ta f f H i g h l i g h t s
Baptist Healing Trust provided
Maria Arvizu, Nashville office victim
Katie Evans, attorney in our Nashville
$40,388 to continue supporting the Middle
Tennessee Medical Legal Partnership, which
includes the United Neighborhood Health
Services clinics and Vanderbilt University’s
medical student-run Shade Tree Clinic.
advocate, was named Advocate of the Year by the
Nashville Coalition Against Domestic Violence.
office, was invited by the White House and
the Department of Health & Human Services
to a discussion at the White House about
the Affordable Care Act. Our Oak Ridge office partnered with
office as a secretary.
Alysse Gregory joined the Nashville
Pro Bono Program as project coordinator.
Allison Cooley joined the Nashville office
Cherrelle Hooper joined the Gallatin
Legal Aid of East Tennessee
to provide supportive housing services
to the homeless through a grant from
the U.S. Department of Housing and
Urban Development.
The Legal Aid Society and 19 victim services
providers received a 3-year $500,000
domestic violence grant from the U.S.
Department of Justice.
The Legal Aid Society and Dayspring
Family Health Centers in
Jellico, Campbell County, Tenn. formed a
new Medical-Legal Partnership to address
certain legal issues which interfere with
medical treatment.
The Internal Revenue Service
provided $100,000 in grant funds to the
Tennessee Taxpayer Project.
Lindsey Barnes joined the Columbia office
as the receptionist.
Janice Campbell joined the Oak Ridge
as a staff attorney after being a contract attorney
for several months.
office as a staff attorney after volunteering
in the Murfreesboro office for several months.
Lindsey Cox was named grant administrator
DAVID KOZLOWSKI, assistant general counsel
for the Legal Aid Society.
Andrae Crismon, managing attorney
and Columbia managing attorney, was elected
president of the Maury County Bar Association.
Rachel Moses, Clarksville office
of our Murfreesboro office, was chosen for the
2012-2013 Class of Leadership Middle Tennessee,
an organization of community leaders working
together to form long-term solutions that
promote economic growth in Middle Tennessee
attorney, received Best Community Service Project
and Outstanding Board Member Award from
the Tennessee Bar Association Young Lawyer’s
Division. In addition, she was elected president
of the Putnam County Bar Association.
Kristie Crow joined the Clarksville office as
a victim advocate.
Andrea Reed joined the Legal Aid Society
as the grant writer/development associate.
Cindy Durham, director
Rae Anne Seay, staff attorney, transferred
of development, received the Jim Pryor Child
Advocate of the Year Award from the Tennessee
Commission on Children and Youth.
VICTORIA WEBB, pro bono clinic
from our Columbia office to our Tullahoma office.
coordinator, received the Liberty Bell Award at the
Nashville Bar Association’s annual Law Day lunch.
CASE STUDY: J u s t i c e f o r H e n r i e t ta
“Henrietta” was a 65-year-old woman battling illness. She had given her son and daughterin-law Powers of Attorney, but they were abusing their powers. Henrietta learned that her
son and daughter-in-law had not paid the mortgage on her home for the past two months
and were instead using her money for their own personal needs. They were not on her bank
account, but were able to get money from the account by showing their Powers of Attorney.
Carolyn hill
$25 with $50
match from her
to the Legal Aid Society this
“yearI gave
when they were listed on our
Dollars for Denim recipients at work.
I was happy to help an organization
that helped me years ago. I was
about 20 years old when the Legal
Aid Society helped me because I had
been wrongfully sued for a car wreck
I wasn’t involved in. I remember
leaving the Legal Aid office and really
believing it when I was told everything
would be all right. And it was. I give to
Legal Aid Society because I know
how desperately people in our
community need their services.
Henrietta contacted the Legal Aid Society to get help to stop them from spending her money
in the future. The Legal Aid Society did a revocation of the Powers of Attorney and sent
a letter to the bank, along with a copy of the revocation. The bank will no longer allow
Henrietta’s son and daughter-in-law to withdraw from her account. Henrietta said that if the
Legal Aid Society had not drawn up the revocation for her, her son and daughter-in-law may
have caused her to lose her home.
G r o w i n g t h e S e e d s o f J u s t i c e : T h e 2 0 1 2 C a m pa i g n F o r E q u a l J u s t i c e
Thanks to the generosity of many in our 48-county service area
and the hard work of many volunteers, the 2012 Campaign for Equal
Justice was the most successful ever. We exceeded our goal of $720,000
by more than $46,000 – collecting $766,826 from 1,691 donors.
We are extremely grateful for the time and dedication given
by the 2012 campaign committee who spent 18 months raising
money for the Legal Aid Society and Nashville Pro Bono Program.
2012 Campaign Chair
Government Chair
Cookeville Chair
James A. DeLanis
William E. Young
William F. Roberson, Jr.
Baker, Donelson, Bearman,
Caldwell & Berkowitz
Office of the Tennessee
Attorney General
Community Chair
Judges Co-Chairs
William P. Purcell III
Chancellor Carol L. McCoy
Former Mayor of Metropolitan
Nashville and attorney with
Jones Hawkins Farmer
Large Firm Co-Chairs
Andrée Blumstein
Sherrard & Roe
J. Reginald Hill
Waller Lansden Dortch & Davis
Small Firm Co-Chairs
Karla C. Hewitt
Karla C. Hewitt & Associates
Phillip H. Miller
Phillip Miller & Associates
Edgar M. Rothschild
Rothschild & Ausbrooks
20th Judicial District, Pt. 2
Judge Dan Eisenstein
General Sessions Court, Div. 2
Corporate Chair
Rachel A. Seifert
Community Health Systems
Williamson County
Gallatin Chair
Walter H. Stubbs
Murfreesboro Chair
Mary Beth Hagan
Hagan & Farrar
Oak Ridge Chair
John A. Willis
Fox & Farley
Tullahoma Co-Chairs
Ralph McBride, Jr.
Bedford County
Phillip R. Newman
Robert A. Croy
Puryear, Newman & Morton
Coffee County
Rachel A. Seifert
J. Mark Stewart
Community Health Systems
Clarksville Chair
Stacy Turner-Olson
Olson & Phillips
Columbia Chair
Patrick Carter
Hardin, Parkes, Kelley,
Carter & Bryant
The 2012 Campaign for Equal Justice Leadership
Stewart & Stewart
Franklin and Grundy counties
Randall E. Self
Lincoln County
John P. Partin
Galligan & Newman
Warren County
Gary Housepian (Executive Director), Susan Kay,
Charles Grant and Jim Delanis (2012 Campaign
Chair) at the Campaign for Equal Justice
kickoff luncheon.
Sp r e a d i n g t h e S e e d s o f J u s t i c e : V o l u n t e e r W o r k
As the need for free legal assistance continually grows, volunteer support from our offices and the Nashville Pro Bono Program increases our ability to
provide meaningful service to as many people as possible.
We extend gratitude to those who dedicated their passion and professionalism to help those less fortunate find hope and relief in their darkest hour of need.
In 2012, a total of 928 pro bono attorneys
throughout the 48-county service area
donated 9,468 hours of service, handled
2,688 cases and provided free legal help
worth $2,758,042.
Breakdown of
Volunteer Work by Office
Clarksville: 38 volunteer attorneys
Columbia: 8 volunteer attorneys
Cookeville: 9 volunteer attorneys
Gallatin: 14 volunteer attorneys
In 2012, the Nashville Pro Bono Program
had a record-breaking 815 volunteer
attorneys handle 2,421 cases.
The program added 157 new attorneys and
had 115 attorneys come back to the program
after more than two years of absence.
The Nashville office coordinated 60 pro bono
clinics attended by 1,272 people.
Murfreesboro: 17 vvolunteer attorneys
Community Health Systems Professional Services
Corporation was honored for its commitment
to providing free legal services to low-income families
and work with the Nashville Pro Bono Program
at the Sixth Annual Corporate Counsel Pro Bono
Initiative Gala.
Oak Ridge: 19 volunteer attorneys
Tullahoma: 15 volunteer attorneys
43 Walk-in clinics were held
outside Nashville, serving over
200 clients.
All in all, Nashville pro bono
attorneys logged 8,871.76 hours
of billable time, equating to roughly
$1,774,352 in free legal help.
The Nashville Pro Bono Program honored Stites
& Harbison PLLC with the “Leadership Award”
accepted by Stephen Price (left) and Lauren Roberts
(center), and gave the “Volunteer of the Year
Award” to Perry Happell (right) at the Nashville Bar
Association’s annual banquet.
CASE STUDY: J u s t i c e f o r J e nn i f e r
“Jennifer” was a young, pregnant mother
from Murfreesboro whose unborn child
was battling PKU, a rare condition that
prevents the body from breaking down
an amino acid. Left untreated, PKU can
cause severe mental retardation, brain
damage and seizures in an unborn child. TennCare provided Jennifer a lowprotein formula to help with her unborn
child’s development and to help Jennifer
maintain a healthy pregnancy weight.
When Jennifer came to the Legal Aid
Society, she was 124 pounds and seven
months into her pregnancy. Her doctor
and dietician had strongly recommended
Jennifer gain at least 35 additional pounds for this pregnancy.
With her dietician’s help, Jennifer asked
TennCare to provide her with low-protein
foods to help gain the additional 35 pounds
she needed for the pregnancy. TennCare
denied this request because low protein foods
were not covered under the program
for a person over the age of 21. Jennifer and her dietician went to a hearing and fought
to get the foods. After the hearing, Jennifer’s
dietician then contacted the Legal Aid Society.
Ultimately, the Administrative Law Judge
ruled in favor of Jennifer getting the
low-protein foods. After working with
her dietician and getting help from Legal
Aid Society, Jennifer received the food
she needed and her pregnancy weight
rose to 182 pounds. She now has given
birth to a healthy baby girl who is showing
strong signs of living a life without PKU. VOLU N TEERS
The following people have donated their time and talents (often in more than one area) to further the mission of the Legal Aid Society.
We thank them for their dedication and assistance. Please accept our apologies for any omissions.
Volunteer attorneys
Volunteer attorneys
Steve Adkins
Jill Ayers
Tim Barnes
Josie Beets
Lee Berry
Roger Bowman
Bradley Carter
Jarred Creasy
Michael Dale
Edward DeWerff
Mart Fendley
Steven Girsky
Carol Joiner
Melissa King
John Maher
Roger Maness
Robert Martin
Sharon Massey
Jacob Mathis
Travis Meeks
Andrew Mills
Phyllis Morris
Peter Napolitano
Julia North
James Potter
Sheri Phillips
William Poland
Erin Poland
Mark Rassas
Raymond Runyon
Margaret Sherbert
David Silvus
Charles Smith
William Sweeten
Stacy Turner-Olson
Joel Wallace
Natalie Washington
Michael Williamson
Other volunteers
Casey Bearden
Lynn Stuck
David Allen
Melanie Totty Cagle
Jonathan Jay Cheatwood
Dana Dye
Matthew Gilbert
Patricia Holder
Angela Slack
Anita Zona-Peters
David Holmes
Will Hooper
Randy Lucas
Susan Merry
Tracey Parks
Jennifer Porth
Charles Racine
Walter Stubbs
Megan Williams
Other volunteers
Henry Ambrose
Jerry Bridenbaugh
Matthew Gilbert
Mike Sandler
Debbie Ament de Nunez
Nathaniel Dallas
Krystal Foxworth
Debra Pate
Kirti Patel
Theresa Scott
Amy Weaver
Volunteer attorneys
Volunteer attorneys
Other volunteers
Rebecca Bradey
Phil Hatch
Caroline Knight
Ben Marsee
Jill Marsee
Kelsy Miller
Jeanne Schmitzer
Jacqueline Scott
Other volunteers
Dean Boles
Ima Jean Mayberry
Sonya Murphy
Terri Riedley
Kyle Watlington
Volunteer attorneys
Tom Boyers
Lance Cockran
Samantha Grosland
Bob Hamilton
Jim Hawkins
Lucy Bond
Robert Bragdon
William Cannon
David Downard
Barbara Futter
Jeffrey Gruber
Andrew Hazley
Brad Hornsby
Jay Jackson
Ralph Krisher
David LaRoche
Martin Lister
Stephanie Simmons
Tim Smith
Jodie Thresher
Sonya Wright
Laurie Young
Other volunteers
Sarah Bryan
Pretial Caston
Brenda Crismon
Crystal Crismon
Dominique Gabrielle
Cherrelle Hooper
Martin Lister
Keith Minor
Volunteer attorneys
Michael Abelow
Joanie Abernathy
Diane Adams
W. Justin Adams
Gareth Aden
Antonio Aguilar
Jessie Ray Akers
W. Alan Alder
Sawnie Aldredge
Elizabeth Alexander
William Alexander
Britton Allan
Jeffrey Allen
Connie Allison
John Christopher Anderson
Robert Anderson
Stacey Marie Angello
James Anthony Arena
Carla Arevalo
Anne Arney
Tranny Arnold
Mabel Arroyo
Gail Ashworth
Mary Beth Ausbrooks
Bahar Azhdari
John Bailey
Thomas Bailey
Stephen Baker
Bradley Bakker
Melissa Ballengee Alexander
Kevin Baltz
J. P. Barfield
Erika Barnes
Cynthia Barnett
Jonathan Barnett
Clisby Barrow
Ashley Bassel
Joseph Baugh
Mark Baugh
J. Jill Qualls Baxter
Teresa Beardsley
Caroline Beauchamp
Jeffrey Beemer
Margaret Behm
L. Russell Belk
Mark Bell
Rachel Bell
Scott Bell
Erin Bennett
Daniel Berexa
Lori Bervoets
Tyson Bickley
Robert Bigelow
Lisa Binder
Gary Blackburn
J. Matthew Blackburn
Keith Blair
Paula Blair
Robert Blanchfield
Michael Bligh
J. Wesley Blumenshine
Sarah Bogni
Cynthia Bohn
Christopher Boiano
Stephanie Boiano
Charles W. Bone
David Bordenkircher
Luke Bottorff
Gordon Boutwell
James Bowden
Chris Bowles
Emily Bowman
Samuel Bowman
Jamaal Boykin
James Bradshaw
Megan Bradt
Carol Brass
Craig Brent
Todd Bricker
Clifton David Briley
James Bristol
W. Davidson Broemel
John Brown
Martin Brown
Alexander Buchanan
Bruce Buchanan
Charles Buckholts
John Buffaloe
Derek Burks
Lewis Burnett
John Burns
Melissa Burton
Jean Byassee
Andrew Byrd
Karen Cain
Yvette Cain
Joseph Calandriello
T. William Caldwell
Kathryn Calhoon
David Callahan
E. Neil Campbell
L. Webb Campbell
Patricia Campbell
Grayson Cannon
Christopher Cardwell
Scott Carey
Brigid Carpenter
Brett Carter
J. Blake Carter
Robert Carter
C. Mark Carver
Gregory Cashion
Susan Castle
Andrew Cate
Charles Caudill
Steve Cavezza
Chelsea Cerio
Allison Champagne
David Changas
Cynthia Chappell
D. Denty Cheatham
J. Taylor Chenery
Jeremy Cherry
Nathaniel Cherry
Martha Child
Mary Chukinas LaGrone
Demeka Kay Church
John Claybrook
Terry Clayton
Stephen Cobb
Jonathan Cole
Todd Cole
David Coleman
Joshua Coles
Caldwell Collins
Hiatt Collins
Virginia Connell
R. Steven Connor
Charles Cook
Jennifer Cook
Robert Cook
Allison Cooley
David Cooper
Dixie Cooper
Brandi Copeland
W. Lee Corbett
Nancy Corley
Christine Coronado
Helen Cornell
Thomas Corts
Geoffrey Coston
Wade Cowan
Stephen Cox
Joseph Crace
Philip Cramer
George Crawford
Randi Crawford
Gina Crawley
Mitchell Chessman
Marcus Crider
Theresa Critchfield
Lymari Cromwell
C. Diane Crosier
Alexandra Cross
Charles Cross
Joseph Crump
Brian Cummings
Leslie Curry
James Curtis
Shomari Dailey
Fred Dance
Christina Daughtery
James Davis-Smith
Daphne Davidson
Phillip Davidson
R.E. Lee Davies
Ashonti Davis
Daphne Davis
John Dawson
James DeLanis
Louis DeMarco
David Deming
Joshua Denton
A. Scott Derrick
Linda Dickert
Wallace Dietz
Peter Dirksen
Jacqueline Dixon
Dot Dobbins
Brian Dobbs
J. Robison Dodson
Kevin Doherty
David Dolan
James Doran
Meghan Dougherty
David Downard
Mark Downton
J. Cole Dowsley
Jessica Doyle Hooper
Thomas Drake
Michael Dreyfuss
Larry Drolsum
Paul Drozdowski
Alexandra Dugan
Kelly Duggan
Charles Duke
H. Anthony Duncan
Jad Duncan
Catherine Dundon
Vinh Duong
Lawrence Eastwood
Joel Eckert
Kathryn Reed Edge
Meredith Edwards
Sherie Edwards
Melissa Egan
Stephen Elliott
David Esquivel
Mary Evans
D. Alexander Fardon
John Farringer
Jennifer Faucett
Matthew Faulk
J. Todd Faulkner
Kristin Fecteau
Larry Felts
Carla Fenswick
Victoria Ferraro
Lisa Fiehweg
Thomas Fielder
Steven Fifield
Pamela Finch
Rebekah Fisher
Ethan Flatt
Aaron Flinn
Chandra Flint
Daniel Flournoy
Shana Fonnesbeck
Leslie Ford
Marian Fordyce
Thomas Forrester
D. Matthew Foster
Mark Fraley
Carey Frazier
Anna Freeman
James Freeman
Mark Freeman
Patrick Frogge
Joseph Fuson
Craig Gabbert
Lauren Gaffney
Mary Taylor Gallagher
Russell Gallagher
Gregory Galloway
Michael Gardner
Scott Gardner
Jacquelyne Garfield
Rebecca Garland
Jon Gaston
Barry Gearon
Jeffrey Gibson
Jason Gichner
Harris Gilbert
John Gillmor
M. Bradley Gilmore
David Glasgow
Grant Glassford
Andrew Goddard
Faye Goddard
Shannon Goff Kukulka
Robert Goodrich
Mary Margaret Gossett
Frank Grace
Stephen Grace
Charles Grant
B. Riney Green
Donna Green
John Green
Richard Green
John Greer
John Griffin
David Grimmett
Alison King Grippo
J. Mitchell Grissim
Andrea Beth Guest
Sheryl Guinn
Catherine Gwyn
Rich Haglund
Marjorie Haines
James Haltom
Sue Hamilton
Amy Hampton
Jill Hanson
Perry Happell
William Harbison
Matthew Hardin
Stephen Hargraves
Elizabeth Meadows
Curtis Harrington
Fannie Harris
J. Nick Harris
James Harris
Ron Harris
Tyree Harris
C. Bennett Harrison
Matt Haskell
George Hawkins
Larry Hayes
William Haynes
K. Coe Heard
Andra Hedrick
April Heidt
Samuel Helmbrecht
Branch Henard
Elin Henningsson
Candi Henry
David Herbert
C. Tucker Herndon
Karla Hewitt
William Hicky
James Higgins
Charles High
Tizgel High
Wendee Hilderbrand
William Timothy Hill
Michael Hinchion
Darwin Hindman
Stephen Hinton
W. Dean Hinton
Marshall Hix
Christian Hofstetter
Travenia Holden
Lela Hollabaugh
Brandi Holland
E. Berry Holt
Ryan Holt
Nick Holton
Deana Hood
T. Wayne Hood
Angela Hoover
Larry Hoover
David Hopkins
John Horton
Kevin Howard
William Hubbard
David Huff
Margaret Huff
L. Wearen Hughes
Angela Humphreys
Philip Irwin
Brian Iverson
Jessica Uitto Iverson
Christy Ivey
Rishab Jaju
Stephen Jasper
R. Jan Jennings
Kristen Johns
Chanelle Johnson
David Johnson
Hal Johnson
Jaimee Johnson
James Johnson
Jennifer Johnson
Karen Johnson
Richard Johnson
Timothy Johnson
E. Covington Johnston
Lynda Jones
Richard Jones
Thomas Jones
James Jordan
Keith Jordan
Nicole Jumper
William Kaludis
Seema Kanwar
Amy Kaufman
Philip Kendrick
Cornell Kennedy
Lauren Kilgore
C. David Killion
Tracie Kim
David L. King
Erin King
Rocklan King
Cheyanne Kinghorn
John Kitch
H. Tom Kittrell
Joseph Klockenkemper
B. Hartman Knight
Nathaniel Koenig
Robert Kolarich
Sharon Kolb
Linda Koon
Alexander Koval
Nina Kumar
Daniel Kuninsky
Brittany Kurdziel
Stanley Kweller
Ryan Lacey
Sarah Laird
Elizabeth Lampert
Brad Lampley
William Lane
Mary Langford
Thomas Lawless
C. Michael Lawson
Justin Leach
William Leader
H. Rowan Leathers
Alexandra Lee
Joshua Lee
Taeho Lee
Steven Lefkovitz
Emily Moore Leininger
David Lemke
Allen Lentz
Jeffrey Levine
Jeffrey Levy
Jason Lewallen
Claudia Lewis
William Lewis
Bindu Liang
Susan Limor
Owen Lipscomb
Haley Liss
John Long
Jon Long
William Long
Wendy Longmire
Ivan Lopez
Lesli Love
Carla Lovell
Tracy Lujan
Stephen Lund
Rebecca Lyford
Mary Frances Lyle
Philip Lyon
Jamie Machamer
Alexandra MacKay
Colleen MacLean
Susan Mader
Janae Magee
T. Ryan Malone
Jason Mangrum
James Terrell Mann
Anne C. Martin
Madison Martin
Sean Martin
George Masterson
Peggy Mathes
James Mathis
Beth Matter
Tonya Matthews
Richard Mattson
$100 donor
“Dreams are the seeds
of change. Nothing ever
grows without a seed,
and nothing ever changes
without a dream.”
– Debby Boone
I knew of Legal Aid Society. I knew they
legal assistance to people who
couldn’t afford it, and I always thought
that was important. I never knew how
important they would be to me personally
until I needed help carrying out my dream
of creating a free clinic in my hometown
of Beersheba Springs. To get the clinic
up and running, I needed help filing a
501(c)(3) and was pointed to Legal Aid
Society attorney Neil McBride. Neil gave
me free advice and the information I
needed to complete the form. With his
help, we opened Beersheeba Springs
Medical Clinic in 2010, and since then have
provided free medical care to more than
1,000 people. I give to Legal Aid Society
because it’s part of how we can all help
each other achieve greater things for
our communities.
Community Health
Systems Professional
Services Corporation
Over $5,000 plus 65-85 hours
of time
Lawyers from the Community Health
Systems Professional Services Corporation Legal Department contributed
over $5,000 to the Legal Aid Society,
matched by Community Health
Systems Foundation. In addition,
members of the Legal Department
donate approximately 65 to 85 hours
of free legal counsel annually through
a clinic at the Williamson County
Public Library.
As members of
this community, we realize the
importance of giving our time and
abilities to serve our neighbors, and
as lawyers, we all have an affinity
for and an ability to contribute to
the work of the Legal Aid Society.
For us, this is an opportunity to use
our legal skills to help individuals
who might not otherwise be able
to afford legal services.
– Rachel A. Seifert,
Executive Vice President
& General Counsel
Lawrence Maxwell
Lance Mayes
Monica Mayo-Ginder
Meg Mazzone
W. Neal McBrayer
Charles McCandless
Hal McCard
Patricia McCarter
John McCauley
Elizabeth McCostlin
Malcolm McCune
Alonda McCutcheon
Carrie McCutcheon
Lee McDougal
J. David McDowell
Larry McElhaney
Anthony McFarland
Cynthia McKenzie
T. Holland McKinnie
John McLemore
Patrick McNally
W. Warner McNeilly
Michael McNulty
Jodi Melind
V.A. “Bo” Melton
Craig Meredith
Lori Metrock
Stephen Meyer
Charles Michels
John Milazo
Jason Miller
Thomas Miller
Dana Minor
Jeffrey Mobley
Che Mock
Aaron Monick
Stephen Montgomery
William Moody
Jolade Moore
Mark Morrison
Charles Morton
Paul Moser
Barbara Moss
Lauren Moss
Michael Mossman
G. Avery Mott
Matthew Moushon
George Mudter
Josh Mullen
Tera Rica Murdock
C. Raymond Myers
Brian Neal
P. Kevin Nelson
Jacob Neu
Abigail Newbury
Richard Nickels
R. Price Nimmo
Venus Niner
H. Edwin Norfleet
Christina Norris
William K. Norton
William L. Norton
Robert Notestine
Stanley Nuehring
William O’Bryan
Howell O’Rear
Gregory Oakley
Brett Oeser
Kristy Offitt
Jeremy Oliver
Tricia Olson
Andrea Orr
John Ouellette
Judy Oxford
Justin Page
Benjamin Papa
Loren Pardue
Maria Pardue
W. Travis Parham
Sarah Paris
Mary Frances Parker
Raquel Parker
Robert E. Parker
Brett Parks
Elizabeth Parrott
D. Scott Parsley
Michael Parsley
William Parsons
Tatjana Paterno
Hamilton Patrick
Gerald Patterson
Lauren Paxton Roberts
Julie Peak
Rob Peal
Gregory Pease
Thomas Peebles
Michael Peek
Frank Pellegrino
Vincent Peppe
Andrea Perry
Jonathan Perry
Barbara Perutelli
David Pflaum
Joshua Phillips
Rosemary Phillips
Taylor Phillips
Bart Pickett
Doug Pierce
Matthew Pietsch
Scott Pilkinton
Justin Pitt
Edward Playfair
Robert Plummer
Cynthia Podis
Mark Podis
W. Robert Pope
James Porter
Michelle Poss
P. Matthew Potempa
Rachel Powers
Tara Presnell
Alison Prestwood
James Price
Stephen Price
Graham Prichard
Joseph Prochaska
Christopher Puri
Mark Puryear
J. Stephen Quinn
Gregory Ramos
Lee Ramsey
William Ramsey
Keith Randall
Christopher Raybeck
Colbey Reagan
A. Paige Reber
Erika Reed
W. Casey Reed
Frank Reeves
Lori Reid
Scott Rhodes
Monika Ridley
Lisa Rippy
David Risner
Michael Rivas
Jeffery Roberts
Sanford M. Roberts
Paul Robertson
Mona Robichaux
Phillip Robinson
Worrick Robinson
Peter Robison
John Rochford
John P. Rodgers
Joshua Rogers
Sandy Roldan
Ben Rose
James Rose
A. Scott Ross
Andrew Ross
Carlton Ross
Jeff Rossman
L. Hunter Rost
Charles Roston
Stephanie Roth
Edgar Rothschild
Abby Rubenfeld
Gary Rubenstein
Joseph Rusnak
Manuel Russ
Marissa Moses Russ
Anne Russell
Thomas Russell
Paul Rutherford
Wende Rutherford
Maria Salas
Peter Sales
Leslie Sanders
Julie Sandine
B. Anthony Saunders
Frank Scanlon
Thomas Schaffer
Stacey Schlitz
Michael Schmitt
Ryann Schneider
Gilbert Schuette
John Schwalb
Lori Schwartzmiller
David Scott
H. William Scott
Richard Sebastian
Rachel Seifert
Cynthia Sellers
Mark Christopher Sevier
R. Slade Sevier
Kevin Sharp
Rachel Sharp
J. Nichols Shelton
Jennifer Sheppard
Jason Shields
Marietta Shipley
Gary Shockley
Jessica Sievert
Janelle Simmons
Stephanie Simmons
Elizabeth Sims
Matthew Sinback
Martin Sir
Shawn Sirgo
William Sizer
Chris Skinner
Jesse Skinner
Catherine Joy Blanco Sloan
Jay Slobey
Daniel Small
C. LeAnn Smith
Gregory Smith
Jay Smith
Lucas Smith
Mark Tolleson Smith
Michael Smith
Morgan Smith
Richard K. Smith
Richard M. Smith
Warren Smith
William Smith
Yanika Smith - Bartley
Patricia Snyder
Clifton Sobel
Keith Solomon
Donna Sonner
Leslie South
Alan Sowell
John Spann
Cathy Speers
Michelle Spezia
Pamela Spicer
William Carl Spining
Lauren Spitz
Rhonda Spurlock
Ronald Steen
David Stephan
Karen Stevenson
Camille Steward
Michael Stewart
Carson Stone
Jena Story
Virginia Story
Steven Stout
William Stover
Jeffrey Strickland
Corey Stringer
Ryan Stringfellow
Jack Stringham
Donald Stuart
Aryn Subhawong
Lane Newton Summers
Lisa Supko Parker
Travis Swearingen
Matthew Sweeney
Mo Syed
Elizabeth Sykes
Elizabeth Tannenbaum
Christopher Tardio
John Tarpley
James Tate
William Tate
Pamela Taylor
David Taylor
Richard Tennent
Brian Thompson
David Thompson
Keith Thompson
Meredith Thompson
Overton Thompson
Jacob Thorington
Guilford Thornton
Jodie Thresher
Nicholas Tidwell
Nesrin Tift
Caroline Tippens
Dale Tipps
Daniel Todd
Latonya Todd
Peggy Tolson
Charles Traughber
Joveme Trotter
Robert Tuke
Ellen Turley
Abigail Turner
Keith Turner
Wesley Turner
Thor Urness
Mike Urquhart
Anna Valentine
John Van Cleave
Cecil Van Devender
JessicaVan Dyke
Samantha Vance
Kendrick Vaughn
Irwin Venick
David Vial
Erica Vick
Nancy Vincent
John Voigt
Lorraine Wade
Gray Waldron
Samuel Wallace
William Walton
Marc Walwyn
Culwell Ward
Karl Warden
Jonathan Wardle
J. Patrick Warfield
Alisha Warner
Wendy Warren
Andrew Warth
April Watkins
James Weatherly
Jennifer Weaver
Scott Weiss
David Weissman
CASE STUDY: J u s t i c e f o r L i n d s e y
Forever scarred physically and
emotionally by horrific events that
took place, Lindsey Arp, with
the help of Legal Aid Society, took
a stand against domestic violence.
Lindsey’s battle with domestic
violence began early with verbal and
physical abuse, threats, intimidation
and control from her boyfriend.
Concerned for her own safety as well
as her children’s, Lindsey endured
the abuse for four-and-a-half years
because she didn’t know how
to safely escape the relationship.
After Lindsey finally gained
the courage to end the
relationship, she fell victim
to one of the most heinous
acts of domestic violence
that the Legal Aid Society
has ever encountered. In retaliation
for ending the relationship, her abuser
boiled a large stockpot of oil and
doused Lindsey with it while she
was asleep—instantly scalding
and disfiguring most of her body.
She spent the next four months
fighting for her life in the intensive
care and burn units.
Shortly after the attack, Lindsey’s
sister contacted the Legal Aid Society
for legal help and advice.
The Legal Aid Society provided
holistic legal services to Lindsey,
with five attorneys assisting her
in nine different cases involving
various services like filing for,
obtaining, and extending an Order
of Protection; executing
a will; durable power of attorney
for financial matters and durable
power of attorney for healthcare
decisions; filing a victim’s
compensation claim and more.
On the outside, she is scarred and
burned front to back from her head
to her thigh, has lost the use of one
ear and one eye, and has significantly
limited use of one hand and one arm.
Due to the extensive third-degree
burns, Lindsey had a heart attack
and technically “died” three times
in the hospital. She’s had 15 surgeries
and five procedures so far, including
many skin grafts, and more surgeries
are in her future.
But on the inside, Lindsey is fighting
an emotional battle everyday to regain
her strength and hope for a normal
life. Through the legal confidence
gained from Legal Aid Society and
the emotional support of her
community and local organizations,
Lindsey is living proof of how Legal
Aid Society helps domestic violence
victims gain independence from their
abusers and live a life free of abuse.
The criminal case against Lindsey’s
abuser concluded on July 20, 2012
in Marshall County Circuit Court.
He was found guilty of attempted
first-degree murder and other charges.
Tom Fielder
1,100 volunteer
hours completed
since December
2011, and donated
six Southwest
“In every adversity there lies the seed of an
equivalent advantage” – Robert Collier
first work
with the Legal
in August 2011,
completing 50 volunteer hours for a
law school class credit. After my first
day at the Legal Aid Society, I was
hooked. Right away, they gave me a
tremendous amount of responsibility,
appreciated me and valued my
contribution to their organization. I
quickly realized the huge impact that
the Legal Aid Society was making
in the lives of others. The work we
do gives people the resources they
need to put justice back in their favor.
I give my time and resources to
Legal Aid Society because I love
making it a fair fight for those who
are at a disadvantage.
Phillip Welty
Rachel Welty
Michael Wennerlund
William West
Mark Westlake
Joseph Wheeler
Robert Wheeler
Jana White
R. Kreis White
Thomas White
John Whitesell
Gary Wicks
Gerald Wigger
Kristi Wilcox
John Williams
Scott Williams
Michael Williamson
Christopher Wilson
Patrick Witherington
Douglas Wolford
Bradley Wood
Aaron Woodard
James Woodard
Heather Wright
Jeff Yarbro
Tyler Yarbro
Lin Ye
Kinika Young
Kyle Young
Elaine Youngblood
Mathew Zenner
Emily Zibart
Mary Rose Zingale
Katie Mathews Zipper
Leslie Zmugg
Volunteers for
Nashville Pro
Bono Program
Alan Antes
Lara Assaf
R. Chris Babaoglu
Amanda Baily
Danielle Barav
Ikelia Bass
Shetima Baugh
Lori Bervoets
Katori Brown
Jordan Carson
Carlos Chavez-Brin
John Church
Chase Cunningham
Allison DeVore-Williams
Eljay Elia
John Elrod
Elizabeth Estes
Wayne Fink
Mary Fleming
Stephen Fowler
Joy Gallagher
Renee Garrett
Lori Gonzalez
Dilia Gonzalez-Mann
Veronica Gordon
Charles (Chad) Graves
Mara Hampton
Marti Hayden
Elizabeth Hernandez
Michael Joshi
Bethany Kesler
Mary Fletcher King
Amber King
Pam Knolton
Lori Leonard
Tiffany Lipscomb
Rebecca Loegering
Jon Long
Laura Malament
Redmond McGrath
Rachel Militana
Lawrence Moore
Morgan Morrison
Mishae Nevils
Roland Nimis
Melissa Outten
Teressa Parker
Andrea Patton
Vanessa Pfaff
Susan Pinn
Jeanny Preston
Geoff Pyle
Megan Pyle
Ann Radford
Holly Rhea
David Ricci
David Roberts
Jean Rodby
Jeff Rossman
Patricia Santiago
Josephine Savage
Alexandra Spartz
Rachel Stone
Elizabeth Swenson
Ashley Tinsley
Kelley Towne
Donna Trone
Kurt Vincent
Dan Williams
Scott Williams
Elizabeth Wise
Marale Wise
Clay Bass Wood
Mary Beth Ausbrooks
Ashley Nation Bassel
Gere L. Beason
Mark Wayne Bell
George W. Bishop, III
James W. Bowden
W. O. Brent Bowman
Alexander B Buchanan
Stuart A. Burkhalter
Robert R. “Bo” Campbell, Jr.
J. Taylor Chenery
David R. Clay
Jedidiah L. Cochran
J. Chase Cole
James A. DeLanis
Benjamin Grant Dickson
R. Mark Donnell
Hon-Vinh Q. Duong
Shannon Leigh Goff
Stanley E. Graham
David C. Head
Lisa Helton
Candi Henry
Charles A. High, Jr.
J. Reginald Hill
Ryan T. Holt
Mark Andrew Ison
Stacie Hollis Jacobs
Christopher M. Jones
Suzanne G. Keith
Anne Marie Kempf
Kim Harvey Looney
Janae Magee
W. Kenneth Marlow
Carrie Wiltshire
Stephen L. Meyer
Tera Rica Murdock
Jacob R. Nemer
Teresa Webb Oglesby
Gregory J. Pease
Joseph Rosson “Ross”
Pepper, Jr.
Henry S. Queener, III
Colbey B. Reagan
Nicholas A. Rew
John G. (Gabe) Roberts
Edgar M. Rothschild
Tonya W. Scharf
Rachel Deanna Sharp
Janelle A. Simmons
Keith E. Thompson
M. Robb Thompson
Nicholas William Utter
L. Beth Evans Vessel
Gray Waldron
Jonathan Lewis Williams
David G. Wilson
Other volunteers
Pat Allard
Julie Blagojevich
Diana Bradford
Andrew David Brink
Melissa Burnett
Sharon Capehart-Nicklay
Brennan Carmody
Chelsea Cerio
Jenna Dobson
Tracey Epperson
Thomas Fielder
Alex Gillott
Lillian Housepian
Shane Hutton
Valerie King
Andrew B. Love
Mary “Betsy” Mangum
Lee Norsted
Jerri Norwood
Heather Rock
Mike Sandler
Brian Stephens
Alex Ulbricht
Gretchen Wilson
Oak Ridge
Timothy Bobo
George Buxton
Tony Cappiello
J. Michael Clement
Phillip Crye
Dick Evans
David Flitcroft
Bruce Fox
Leslie Hunt
Aaron Mullis
James T. Norman
William Pratt
Steve Seviers
Gregory Shanks
Leslie Shields
David Vander Sluis
Sal Varsalona
John Willis
Broderick Young
Other volunteers
Sam Adler
Andi Campbell
Diana Chan
Eugene J. Choi
LuAnn Hileman
David Hughes
Cora Lay
Christina Magrans
Vincent Nord
Cynthia Cheatham
Robert Croy
Christina Duncan
Mickey Hall
Russell Hedges
Iska Hoole
Thompson Kirkpatrick
J. Stanley Rogers
Stevie R. Roller
Sandra Schefcik
Randall Self
David Stewart
Kelly Wilson
Tammy Womack
Lauren Zechman
Other volunteers
Connie G. Beal
Jordan Cobb
Kimberly de Ment
Erica Paige Matheson
The list below is for the 2012 Campaign for Equal Justice through February 13, 2013. Those giving for specific purposes and through United Way
campaigns are listed separately in sections that follow. Thank you to each of those listed for their generosity.
Please accept our apologies for any omissions.
Leadership Cabinet
Adams and Reese LLP
Baker, Donelson, Bearman,
Caldwell & Berkowitz, PC
Barrett Johnston, LLC
Bass, Berry & Sims PLC
Bone McAllester Norton PLLC
Bradley Arant Boult
Cummings LLP
Burr & Forman LLP
Corley Henard Lyle Levy &
Langford PLC
Cornelius & Collins, LLP
Dickinson Wright PLLC
Dodson Barker Behm
& Capparella PC
Garfinkle, McLemore
& Young, PLLC
Gullett Sanford Robinson
& Martin, PLLC
Harwell Howard Hyne
Gabbert & Manner, P.C.
Holton Blackstone
& Mayberry, PC
Kinnard, Clayton and
Leader, Bulso & Nolan, PLC
Manier & Herod
Miller & Martin PLLC
Phillip Miller & Associates
Law Office of Rachel Odom, LLC
Rothschild & Ausbrooks PLLC
Salas Law Group PLLC
Sherrard & Roe, PLC
Stites & Harbison, PLLC
The Swafford Law Firm PLLC
Taylor, Pigue, Marchetti
& Mink, PLLC
Terry & Gore
Thrailkill Harris Wood &
Boswell, PLC
Trauger & Tuke
Tune, Entrekin & White, P.C.
Walker, Tipps & Malone PLC
Waller Lansden Dortch
& Davis LLP
Weatherly McNally
& Dixon PLC
Wiseman Ashworth Law
Group, PLC
Wyatt, Tarrant & Combs LLP
$10,000 and up
Gold Gavel
Community Health Systems
Silver Gavel
Jim DeLanis
Harris A. Gilbert
Neal & Harwell, PLC
Jeanne & Steve Thomas
Guardians of
Katherine Simpson Allen
Caterpillar Financial Service
The Hon. Karl Dean
& Ms. Delta Anne Davis,
Anne Davis & Karl Dean
Advised Fund of The
Community Foundation of
Middle Tennessee
The Jane & Richard Eskind
& Family Foundation
Pinnacle Financial Partners
Anne & Charles Roos
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip R. Russ
Joan Shayne & The Blum
Family Foundation
Champions of
American General Life and
Accident Insurance
Gail Vaughn Ashworth
Mary & Lee Barfield
Judy & Joe Barker
Baulch Family Foundation
Henry D. Bell
Frank & Melissa Bloch
Charles W. Bone
Claudia & Gordon Bonnyman
Jean & Jeff Bradford
Brewer, Krause, Brook,
Chastain & Burrow, PLLC
Mrs. Iris W. Buhl, Buhl Family
Advised Fund of The
Community Foundation of
Middle Tennessee
Kitty Calhoon & David
The Dorothy Cate & Thomas F.
Frist Foundation
James H. Cheek III
Chase Cole
Linda K. Dickert
Wally Dietz
Jacqueline B. Dixon
David C. Downard
Charles W. Dunn
Kathryn Reed Edge
Judge Daniel B. Eisenstein
Dan Elrod
Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Eskind
Norm Feaster
Craig V. & Kay Cooper Gabbert
John P. Garner
Amy P. & Frank M. Garrison
Paul D. Gilbert
John E. & Allis Dale Gillmor
Drew & Carolyn Goddard
Charles K. Grant
Richard A. Green
Brenda Franks Hale
& Douglas S. Hale
The Herbert & Gertrude
Halverstadt Foundation
William L. Harbison
Becky & Kent Harrell
Tom Harrington
The HCA Foundation
Lela Hollabaugh
Wilson Horde
Gary Housepian
Martha Ingram,
The Martha Rivers Ingram
Advised Fund of The
Community Foundation of
Middle Tennessee
Susan L. Kay
Mr. & Mrs. William B. King,
King Family Advised
Fund of The Community
Foundation of Middle
Edward D. Lanquist, Jr.
Lee, Danner & Bass, Inc.
Jan Abby Liff
Samuel D. & Mary Ann
Keith Lundin & Kathy Ayres
Mark Manner
Cheryl White Mason
Roger T. May
Margaret C. Mazzone
Neil G. McBride
Susan Emery McGannon
Bob & Carole Nadler
Nashville School of Law
Leslie Newman
Nissan North America, Inc.
– Legal Dept.
Parker, Lawrence, Cantrell
& Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Houston Parks
Purity Foundation
David & Kay Raybin
Rachel A. Seifert
Roger G. Sisson
Saul & Joan Solomon
Joanne & Joe Sowell
Leslie S. Stillman
Hope & Howard Stringer
Sam Stumpf
Matt & Judy Sweeney
T & T Family Foundation
Bob & Mary Battle Thompson
Overton & Robin Thompson
Byron R. Trauger
Mr. & Mrs. Bynum E. Tudor III
Robert D. Tuke
Mr. & Mrs. J. Stephen Turner
Robert J. Walker
Leigh Walton
Tim Warnock
Joni P. Werthan
Bill & Pam West
Susan & Ashley Wiltshire
Nicholas S. Zeppos
& Lydia A. Howarth
$500-$999 Sustaining
Austin Peay State University
– Women’s & Gender
Studies Program
Pauline & Amit Banerjee
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Bannen
Baptist Healing Trust
(matching gift)
George E. Barrett
Tim L. Bowden
Joe B. Brown
Paul Stephenson Burd
Jean L. Byassee
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew W. Byrd
Davis H. Carr
Hon. Cornelia A. Clark
Stewart & Louise Clifton
Lew Conner
Bob Cooper
Deborah A. Cooper
Dixie W. Cooper
Richard G. Cowart
Andrew Daughety
& Jennifer Reinganum
Robert S. Day, Jr.
Dot Dobbins
Jim & Ramsey Doran
Patricia L. Dougall
Tim DuBois
Bart C. Durham III
Sherie Lea Edwards
Michael Engle
Annette S. Eskind
David & Katherine Esquivel
Barbara & Dewitt Ezell
Feinstein Family Fund
John & Carole Ferguson
Tom Forrester & Cindy Sellers
Tracey George & Chris
Riney Green
Dale & Nancy Grimes
Tonya Mitchem Grindon
Beth Connor Guest
David B. Herbert
J. Scott Hickman
J. Reginald Hill
Barbara & Jay Holmes
E. Berry Holt
D. Reed Houk
Wearen & Bitsy Hughes
Mr. & Mrs. David B. Ingram
Christy W. Ivey
Paul G. & Lisa M. Jennings
Sandra Keifert
& Peter Coughlan
Diane & Irwin Kuhn
Heloise Werthan Kuhn
Cris Lacy
Howard & Elizabeth Lamar
Susan S. Lanigan
LaRoche Family Foundation
Bill Leader
Raymond S. Leathers
Kyle Lehning
& Chris Caravacci
Sally Levine
Tracy M. Lujan
Alex MacKay
Nancy MacLean
Marks, Shell & Maness
Judge James G. Martin III
Ray Harold McCard, Jr.
Deborah Tanenbaum
Jim & Katherine McElroy
Miriam F. McFadden
Anthony J. McFarland
“The help I received from Legal Aid was wonderful. There aren’t words to describe this organization – only praise, admiration and
excellence. Legal Aid/Janet Mynatt [attorney, Oak Ridge] saved my home, saved my life. I’ll always be grateful for the help I received.”
– Oak Ridge client
d onors
$50 Donor
In my job at the
Technology Access Center (ETTAC), I
have the opportunity to help people with
disabilities learn how to use technology
and master skills needed to maintain an
independent life. I’ve seen the difference
that Legal Aid Society has made in the
lives of many of our students. For one
student who suffers from cerebral palsy,
Legal Aid Society filed suit against his
school after they told his mother, “It ain’t
gonna learn.” They had him removed from
the school and got the courts to require
that the school pay ETTAC to work with
him. Now, this student can read at a basic
level, navigate the Internet, has his own
Facebook page and Skypes with one of
my coworkers sometimes. To me, that’s
what Legal Aid Society does – they
protect struggling individuals and defend
their human basic rights. There are all
types of frustrating circumstances derived
from being poor, and I give to Legal Aid
Society because they take care of the
poor and provide a specialized support
service to those in need.
Donald & Louise McKenzie
Marc T. McNamee
Dan Mecklenborg
V.A. (Bo) Melton, Jr.
Judge Gilbert S. Merritt
Jay & Julie Miller
Lynn Morrow
Marlene Eskind Moses
Michael I. Mossman
Susana Navarro-Valenti
& Heavenly Treasure
Karen Neal
William K. Norton
Marian Ott & Craig Philip
Russ Overby
Marc & Wendy Overlock
Mary P. Parsons
Mike Peek
Lisa E. Peerman
Gregory S. Perrone
Patsy Powers
Lee W. Ramsey
Mr. & Mrs. Colin Reed, Brenda &
Colin Reed Advised Fund of
the Community Foundation of
Greater Memphis
Jen & Jeff Robinson
Phillip Robinson
Glenn & Barbara Rose
Julie K. Sandine
& Michael D. Zanolli
Mary Ruth & Bob Shell
Emily A. Shouse
Patricia L. Snyder
Ronald P. Soltman
& Judith M. Cram
Clark Spoden
Kate Stephenson
Jim & Jane Stranch
Jack F. Stringham II
Walter H. Stubbs
Charles Sullivan
Sumner County Bar Association
Bruce & Jaclyn Tarkington
Laura & John Tarpley
Sabin R. Thompson
Aleta Trauger
John F. Triggs
Thor Y. Urness
Waldron, Fann & Parsley
Knox & Betsy Walkup
Charles H. Warfield
Jim & Shelly Weatherly
Jennifer L. Weaver
Wells Fargo Foundation
Thomas V. White
Susan & Fred Williams
Tom Wiseman
Charles K. Wray
Yost Robertson Nowak PLLC
Bill & Jane Young
Rebekah Estes Young
Mandy & Stephen Young
Mrs. Anne H. Zelle, The Anne
H. & Robert K. Zelle Advised
Fund of The Community
Foundation of Middle
$150-$499 Sustaining
Michael G. Abelow
Beth Adams & David Scott
Gareth S. Aden
Kelly L. Agee
Lawrence R. Ahern III
AIG Matching Grants Program
(matching gifts)
Beth A. Alexander
Representative David Alexander
Patrick L. Alexander
Paul A. Alexis & Julia A. Fesmire
Kenneth & Felicia Anchor
Mike & Jennifer Anderson
Asbury Law Office
Mr. & Mrs. Hunter Atkins
Kathy Austin
Jill B. Ayers
Daniel Bailey
John H. Bailey III
E. Graham Baker, Jr.
Baker, Donelson, Bearman,
Caldwell & Berkowitz, PC
Jeff Balding
Theresa Ball & David Bate Parsons
Bob Ballow
Melinda & Jeff Balser
Gita & Mukul Banerjee
The Bank of Nashville
Andrea C. Barach & Peter Schine
John W. Barringer, Sr.
Richard Barry
Melinda O. Bass
Bates & Bates Law Office
Jason Bates & G.L. Black
Susan & David Battis
Nader Baydoun
Judy Beasley
Joseph P. Bednarz, Sr.
Fred W. Beesley, Jr.
Daniel & Kristin Berexa
C. Dewees Berry IV
Samuel Bessey
Beverage Association of Tennessee
Mark S. Beveridge
Julian Bibb
Ronald H. Bice, Jr.
Judge Joe P. Binkley, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. George W. Bishop III
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen E. Blackmon, Jr.
Dora A. Blackwood
Rob & Julie Blagojevich
Margaret Blair & Roger Conner
Hon. Marlin L. Blane
Pat & John Blankenship
Keith F. Blue
Andrée & James Blumstein
Retired Judge Sam E. Boaz
Dr. & Mrs. Frank H. Boehm
David Bohan
Robert E. Boston
Boston, Holt, Sockwell
& Durham, PLLC
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bradley
Anne M. & Robert S. Brandt
Philip N. Bredesen
& Andrea Conte
Joseph J. Brenner, Jr.
John Auston Bridges
Bridgestone Americas Trust Fund
Jim & Carol Brock
W. Bryan Brooks
Kathryn & David Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Jon Bruce
Mary Nell Bryan
John & Brenda Bryant
Karyn & John Bryant
Bruce E. Buchanan
Buerger, Moseley & Carson, PLC
Ken Burger
Stuart A. Burkhalter
Wilton Burnett, Jr.
Robert M. Burns
Julie & Matt Burnstein
Bill Bush
Jan Bushing
Mathew W. Butler Foundation,
Melanie T. Cagle
Terry Calvani
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Roe Campbell, Jr.
Stuart Campbell
David & Elizabeth Canas
Patricia P. Candish
Grayson & John Cannon
Curtis J. Capeling
Donald Capparella
John Carlson
Lisa M. Carson
Mark Carver
Gregory L. Cashion
George H. Cate III
David & Carol Cavin-Dillon
Marlene E. Ceroli
John L. Chambers
Vivek Chandra
Laura L. Chastain
Dr. & Mrs. Eric M. Chazen,
Barbara & Eric Chazen
Family Advised Fund of The
Community Foundation of
Middle Tennessee
John R. Cheadle
Stanley Chervin & Barbara
James R. Cheshire III
Drs. Keith & Leslie Churchwell
Citizens Savings Bank & Trust Co.
Glen & Lynn Civitts
David & Josephine Clark
Judge Frank G. Clement, Jr.
Steven E. Clifton
Mr. & Mrs. Neely Coble III
Kent Coleman
Colley & Colley
Amber Collins
Mrs. Patricia K. Colton,
Colton Family Advised Fund
of The Community Foundation
of Middle Tennessee
Jennifer Gingery Cook
John T. Cook
David L. Cooper
Nancy Krider Corley
Dan Cornfield & Hedy Weinberg
Stephen E. Cox, Sr.
Stephen E. Cox, Jr.
James A. Craig
Waverly D. Crenshaw, Jr.
Wayne Crim
Lenny Croce
Joe V. Crockett III
Hon. Joseph S. Daniel – Circuit
Judge Retired
Margaret O. Darby
d onors
Stan D. Darnell
Page Davidson
Karen Davis
Maclin P. Davis, Jr.
W. Kirby & Ann Davis, Jr.
Dawn Deaner
Allen DeCuyper & Steve Sirls
Beth & Scott Derrick
Dix & Associates, P.L.L.C.
Dee & Jerald Doochin
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Douglas III
Bob Downey
Frank Drowota
Vinh Duong
Blair Durham
Cindy Durham
Katy Duryea
Mavis & Bob Duthie
Dana Dye & Allston
First Farmers & Merchants
Judge Mark J. Fishburn
Ben Fordham
Beth Fortune
Stan Fossick
& Carol Etherington
Kevin Fowler
Bob Fox & Dona Tapp
Bruce D. Fox
Carrington & David A. Fox
Susan W. Foxman
Pat M. Fraley
Jeffery S. Frensley
Barbara E. Futter
Lili & Drew Gaffney
Gannett Foundation (matching
David S. Gardner
Michael Andrew Gardner
Michael J. Harbers
Jay Hardcastle
Hal D. Hardin
Hardin, Parkes, Kelley, Carter
& Bryant, PLLC
John & Kathleen Harkey
Winston N. Harless
Alvin L. Harris
Anthony W. Harris, Attorney
Ronald G. Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Hart
Hartzog & Silva, PLC
Edward Harvey
Timothy G. Harvey
Trey Harwell
The Hon. & Mrs. William E.
James B. (Jim) Hawkins
Thomas J. Haynes
William J. Haynes III
Keel Hunt
Clay Isaacs
Mark A. Ison
Mary Lee & Granbery Jackson
Ellen & Kenneth Jacobs
John R. Jacobson
L. Nicole James
Douglas B. Janney III
James L. Johnson
J. James Jenkins, Jr.
Judy C. Johnson
Justin Johnson
Torry Johnson
Richard A. Jones
Russell A. Jones, Jr.
Dorothy & Michael Kaminski
Wendy Roop Keegan
Suzanne G. Keith
Lissa & Jim Kelley
F. Dulin Kelly
Reid D. & Sigrid W. Leitner
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth A. Leiser
Theodore W. Lenz
Russell L. Leonard
Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Levitt
Jeffrey L. Levy
Jason S. Lewallen
James Bryan Lewis
Karen E. Lewis
Larry Lewis
Wendy Lynne Longmire
Carla L. Lovell
Jennifer Loyd
J.W. Luna
Rebecca Lyford
& Dr. John Newman
Ellen Hobbs Lyle
Mary Frances Lyle
David B. Lyons
Janae Magee
Thomas & Judith McCoy
Carrie & Ryan McCutcheon
Linda & Dr. Steve
Whitney McFalls
Seth M. McInteer
Gray McLeod
W. Warner McNeilly, Jr.
Susan Michael
Mark Miccioli
Robert A. Mikos
J. Eric Miles
Claire F. Miley
Jeffrey Mobley
Monk Family Music Group
Donald R. Moody
Margaret Moore
Moore & Hedges
Mark E. Morrison
Phyllis D. Morriss
Lynn Omohundro
William T. Owen
Judy A. Oxford
Elliott Ozment
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence M. Papel
W. Travis Parham
John Park
Chris Parker
Mary A. Parker
Albert L. Partee III
Michael J. Passino
Robert S. Patterson
Gregory J. Pease
J. Ross Pepper
Jennifer C. Peters
James D. Petersen
Michael J. Philbin
Donna L. Pierce
Doug & Clarissa Pierce
Nancy & Dewayne Pigg
“I am writing this for my mother. There are not enough wonderful things I can say about attorney David Tarpley
[Lead Attorney-Consumer/Housing, Nashville] & Legal Aid of Middle Tennessee. Mr. Tarpley helped win a judgment for my 88-year-old
mother. Mom & I call Attorney Tarpley & his staff our “Guardian Angel.” He saved what little my mom has left of her retirement money
by fighting a $30,000 lawsuit. Neither Mom nor I could have afforded an attorney. If it were not for your wonderful agency I cannot
let myself think of what that outcome would have been. All of your people are wonderful.”
– Nashville client
Marshall C. Eakin
William W. Earthman III
Lynn Egan
Robert Eisenstein
Leroy J. Ellis III
Kaaren Engel
John B. Enkema
Jason & Susan Epstein
Mary Arline Evans
Richard K. Evans
Kate Eyler
Pete Ezell
F & M Bank, Clarksville
D. Alexander Fardon
Anne Marie & Jonathan Farmer
Farrar & Bates LLP
Carla F. Fenswick
Liz Allen Fey & Management
Solutions Group, LLC
Sara J. Finley
Tim K. Garrett
Lorelee & John Gawaluck
John G. Geer
Michael A. Geracioti
Tony Giarratana
Joseph W. Gibbs
Nate Gilmer
Theresa Polk Godchaux
Marc David Goldstone
James C. Gooch
Mary Lyn Goodman
Gopal & Pedigo, PLLC
Mr. & Mrs. Joel C. Gordon
John & Maria Griffin
Anna M. Grizzle
Tom Grooms & Linda Ashford
Brooke Grubb
John A. Gupton III
Hagan & Farrar PLLC
Mike Hamilton & Gail Walker
Jill A. Hanson
John C. Hayworth
David C. Head
Branch H. Henard III
Trisha L. Henegar
Henry, Henry &
Lynne & Bill Herndon
John S. Hicks
Judge Bill Higgins
Charles A. High
High Law Office, P.L.L.C.
David J. Hill
H.G. Hill Realty Company, LLC
H.G. Hill Realty PAC
Judge Amy V. Hollars
Margaret & Jason Holleman
T. Wayne Hood
Mary Jo Hoover
David W. Houston IV
Kevin M. Howard
Bill & Bea Hubbard
John L. Kennedy
David L. King
Alan Kirby
John D. Kitch
Janet & David Kleinfelter
Stephen C. Knight
Sherry Knott & Sumter Camp
John C. Knowles
Jennifer L. Kovalcik
David Kozlowski
Paul H. Kuhn
Walter Kurtz
Vaden M. Lackey, Jr.
Deborah W. Larios
Lawrence County Bar
Ms. Ellen E. Lehman,
Lehman Family Advised
Fund of The Community
Foundation of Middle
Emily A. Magin
Gayle Malone, Jr.
Melvin J. Malone
Richard C. Mangelsdorf, Jr.
Mary Lee Mathews Manier
The Chip & Leigh Manning
Foundation of the Ayco
Charitable Foundation
Anne C. Martin
Thomas Jay Martin, Jr.
Robert J. Martineau, Jr.
The Matthews Firm PLLC
Lawrence C. Maxwell
Chris Mayfield, Esq. MHA
Barbara & Ted Mayden
McBee & Ford, Attorneys
at Law
Ralph McBride, Jr.
Deborah Tanenbaum
Carol L. McCoy
Rachel Moses
Patricia Head Moskal
Thomas Motzny
Robert H. Moyer
George E. Mudter, Jr.
John E. Murdock III
Nashville Electric Service
Gerald D. Neenan
& Jennifer A. Neenan
Tom & Inés Negri
Jacob R. Nemer
Alistair Newbern
Paul Ney
Judge John T. Nixon
Sally Nordlund
Thomas B. Norris, Jr.
William L. Norton III
William R. O’Bryan, Jr.
Jeff Oldham
Oldham & Dunning
Mark & Jane Olson
Douglas Piker
Justin Pitt
Bobby J. Plemons
Kathleen H. Pohlid
Erin Palmer Polly
Tracy Powell
Judy Price
Stephen G. Prince
Ann Jarvis Pruitt
Jill & Robert Pullen
Bill Purcell & Debbie Miller
Ronald H. Pursell
Daniel H. Puryear
Eric Raefsky, MD
& Ms. Victoria Heil
Bill Ramsey
Sally Ramsey-Brown
Rassas, North & Associates
James Rayome
Brad Reed
W. Casey Reed
d onors
Frank H. Reeves
Nathan H. Ridley
Lauren Paxton Roberts
Sandra Roberts
& Parker Duncan
Adinah Robertson
Jack W. Robinson, Sr.
Worrick G. Robinson IV
Linda Rose & Rose Immigration
Law Firm, PLC
William L. Rosenberg
Brenda & Bobby Rosenblum
Rucker, Rucker & Gilley, P.C.
Marissa & Ben Russ
Robert V. Sartin
Frank J. & Pauline A. Scanlon
Tonya W. Scharf
Randall E. Self
Ewing Sellers
Chay Sengkhounmany
Dr. & Mrs. R. Bruce Shack
Kevin H. Sharp
Suzanne Shaw
R. Patrick Shepherd
Alan M. Sowell
John A. Spann III
Shirley & Stuart Speyer
Janice L. Spillman
Michael E. Spitzer
Noel F. Stahl
James Bruce Stanley
Robert M. Steele
& Betty K. Steele
Stewart & Stewart
Aldo J. Stolte
Phillip R. Sykes
Martin A. Szeigis
Elizabeth G. Tannenbaum
Carlton B. Tarkington
Carolyn & Steve Taylor
Jerry W. Taylor
Ann M. Teaff
Ellen C. Tewes
G. Scott Thomas
Robert P. Thomas
Meredith & Keith Thompson
Mark Tipps
John & Sandee Tishler
Culwell E. Ward
Elizabeth Salisbury Warren
Christopher M. Was
Blake Watt
Judge Monte D. Watkins
Judge Robert
& Patricia Wedemeyer
David Allen Weil II
David & Ginny Welles
Barbara West
Darrell L. West
Dudley West
Carol Westlake
Mark H. Westlake
Jim White
Marthagem Whitlock
Eleanor Whitworth
Frank & Courtney Wilbert
Gail & David Williams
Larry R. Williams
Marla Williams
C. Kelly Wilson
Representative John Mark
Abu N. Absar
Dr. & Mrs. Garrett Adams
Bev Adcock
Nanci Pugh Adkins
Mr. & Mrs. W.B. Akers
Ulla & Roy Albridge
William P. Alexander III
Martha Allard & Jim Cartiglia
Amy Allen
Charlie & Gracie Allen
James R. Allen
Newton & Burkley Allen
Caryll S. Alpert
Roger W. Alsup
David M. Amonette
Betty Anderson
Lauren W. Anderson
Robert A. Anderson
Evelyn M. Andre
Fran Ansley & James Sessions
Edith & David Arbuckle
Maria Arvizu
Larry D. Ashworth
Grace & Carl Awh
Beck & Beck Attorneys
Matthew T. Beckett
Eileen Beehan
Mark W. Bell
Shameak B. Belvitt
Erin H. Bennett
Joy Benson
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Berger
Ray Berk
Douglas Berry
Mary & John Bers
Teri Bess
Ginna Betts
Jocelynne Bezzi-Batani
Dilip K. & Shubha G. Bhowmik
Mr. & Mrs. William W.
Lisa Paige Binder
Katie Blakemore
Kent Blazy
Steven & Mary Blount
Dale Bohannon
Sue Bolling
Boone Law, PLLC
Martin Brown, Jr.
Susan Browning
Jennifer L. Brundige
Alex B. Buchanan
Charles David Buckholts
Cynthia F. Burnes
Judge Leon Burns
Burrow & Cravens
Karen Bush
Judy M. Butler
Mr. & Mrs. Damon W. Byrd
David P. Byrne
Melanie J. Cagle
Bill Calhoun
Jeffrey A. Calk
Edward M. Callaway
John C. Callison
E.H. Camp III
Harry W. Camp
Juana & Jim Campbell
Patricia G. Campbell
Ted Carey & Margaret Huff
Trajan H. Carney IV
Louise G. Caskey
Ryan K. Cochran
Bill Cohen
Cohen & Cohen
H. Buckley Cole
Chris Coleman
Michael M. Collier
Caldwell Collins
Cathy Grady Conley
Colleen Conway-Welch
Daniel W. Cook
Charles B. Cooper
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Cope
Copeland & Bell
Corbett Crockett
Daniel E. Cortez
Tom Corts
Theresa Costonis
Wade B. Cowan
Phillip F. Cramer
Richard & Eileen Crane
Nancy King Crawford
Judge Robert Crigler
Andrae Crismon
Jean Crowe
“Rachel Moses [attorney, Cookeville] went beyond the call of duty to help me. Thanks to her I feel safe again. She worked around
my schedule for our appointments and was always understanding. I was so blessed she was my lawyer.”
– Cookeville client
Suzanna Sherry & Paul
Marietta M. Shipley
Gary C. Shockley
Andrew J. Shookhoff
Jacqueline B. Shrago
Keith & Kay Simmons
Lawrence A. Simons
Law Office of Donna Simpson
Wilson Sims
W. Scott Sims
Martin Sir, Attorney
Peter T. Skeie
Mr. & Mrs. Barry R. Smith
Clifton L. Smith
Elizabeth J. Smith
Jeffrey & Vickie Smith
Jerry L. Smith
Lucinda Smith
Judge Philip E. Smith
Dr. B.N. & Sumedha Somayaji
Daryl M. South
Carter R. Todd
Joseph & Ellen Torrence
Donna J. Torsney
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Totten
Sandra Y. Trail
Martha J. Trammell
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip M. Trella
Robert L. Trentham
Joseph V. Truhe, Jr.
Judge John A. Turnbull
Davis & Melora Turner
Nicholas W. Utter
Irwin Venick & Jeanne
John R. Voigt
K. David Waddell
Jack Waddey
Robert H. Waldschmidt
Mary E. Walker
Ted F. Walker
Mimi Wallace
& Marian F. Harrison
Francesca G. Wolf
Joseph A. Woodruff
Joseph Woodson
Claude & Elizabeth Workman
Matthew F. Wright
Sheree & Pat Wright
Tim Wurz
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Wylly II,
Pam & Tom Wylly Advised
Fund of The Community
Foundation of Middle
Ed Yarbrough
Helena Walton Yarbrough
William J. Yost
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Zager
Robert P. Ziegler
Alice A. Zimmerman
$1-$149 Pacesetters
Hank Abbott
Judge Joseph M. Ayers
Thomas R. Bain
Olin Jon Baker
Rebekah & Josh Baker
Kevin Balkwill
Kenneth M. Ballew
Don Baltimore
Chris Bangerter
Richard E. Baranyi
Ralph M. Bard
Rev. & Mrs. William L. Barnes
Rose Barse
Francis M. Bass, Jr.
James O. Bass, Sr.
James O. Bass, Jr.
Ashley N. Bassel
Dana & Richard Battaglia
James A. Beakes
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Beasley II
Gere L. Beason
Yarnell Beatty
Wayne Beavers
Merle C. Born
C. Dent Bostick
Julie Pedigo Bowling
Martha L. Boyd
Sandra Braber-Grove
Christie Bradford
John J. Bradford
Paul Kent Bramlett
John Bratcher
Andy & Nadia Brigham
Betty Briley
Mary F. Bristow
Tom Brittingham
& Connie Culpepper
Laura R. Brothers
Thomas W. Brothers
Judge Barry R. Brown
John M.L. Brown
Brian R. Browder
Bobby W. Brown
Douglas J. Brown
Judge John P. Brown
Anna Catlin
Cynthia C. Chappell
& John P. Brown III
Sharon Charney
Evalina C. Cheadle
William T. Cheek III
& Kathryn E. Barnett
Mark Chen
Mrs. Betsy Chernau,
Elizabeth Jonas Jacobs
Advised Fund of The
Community Foundation of
Middle Tennessee
Bette & Mark Christofersen
Steven J. Christopher
Arnold Basil Clapp, Esq.
George D. Clark, Jr.
Barbara Cloud
Jay & Kathy Cloud
Karin Dale Coble
Steve Cobb
Kent W. Cochran
Robert A. Croy
Cumberland Bank & Trust,
Patty & Dick Cummings
Gary Gunningham
Mr. & Mrs. Brownlee O.
Currey, Jr.
S. Carran Daughtrey
Ed. R. Davies
Ames Davis
Diane Davis
Gertrude Davis
Robbie & Hank Davis
Stanley A. Davis
Stephen E. Davis
Tom & Barbara Davis
Abbie Deblasis
Philip M. DeBusk
Faisal Delawalla
L. Ralph DeMarco
Jaime L. DeRensis
Dr. Michael C. Diaz
d onors
David & Caroline Diaz-Barriga
Robert Dickens
Grant Dickson
Daniel Diggins
Diane Diianni & Todd Morton
Sandra N.C. Donaghy,
Asst. D.A.
Comer & Anne Donnell
Maralee M. Downey
Peggy D. Downing
Evelyn N. Doxey
Tommy E. Doyle
Thomas J. Drake, Jr.
Catherine Dugan
Joe Dughman
Jim K. Duncan
Jane & Mike Dungan
Amanda Durham
Laura Dykes
May Dean Eberling
Robert L. Echols
Brenda Eckhart
Derek W. Edwards
Frances Edwards
Sam Edwards
Trudy McKelvey Edwards
Melissa Egan
John & Ann Egerton
Mrs. Clara C. Elam
Dr. & Mrs. Roy O. Elam III
Clarence E. Elkins
Phil Ellenburg
Steve Elliott
Laura Ellis
Emerge Law PLC
Martha & Ron Emeson
Laurie & Steven Eskind
Tommy C. Estes
Phillip L. Ewing
Bill Faimon
William H. Farmer
John & Deborah Farringer
Barbara Anne & Jim Felch
Larry B. Felts
Timothy D. Ferguson
Mike & Jane Ferrell
Representative Henry D.
Angelita Elizabeth Fisher
Holly & Jason Fisher
Alan T. Fister
Chandra Flint
David L. Flitcroft
Shirley Forstman
Alan E. Foster
Dr. Henry W. Foster
James Fourakre
C. Edward Fowlkes
Joe F. Fowlkes
Marion Fowlkes
Doug Franck
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest G.
Julia Frierson
Pete Frierson
Frizzell & Frizzell, PLLC
Chaucey Fuller
Ronald E. Fults
Lashunda F. Gardner
Jackie Garfield
Hope Renee Garner
David W. Garrett
Rhea E. Garrett II
Sandy Garrett
Marbut G. Gaston, Jr.
Amy & Lucian Geise
Gill Geldreich
Mitzi L. George
Jeff H. Gibson
Jessica & Jason Gichner
Michael Gigandet
Harry B. Gilley
Norman B. Gillis III
Mary Michelle Gillum
Glasgow & Veazey
Judge Burton D. Glover
Dorothy Glover
Gary R. Gober
Robert H. Goodall
Rachel L. Goodrich
S. Ralph Gordon
Stephen W. Grace
Stanley E. Graham
Jay Grannis
The Gray Law Firm
Judge Betty Adams Green
Shirley Greenberg
Dinah Gregory
J. Leigh Griffith
Mitch Grissim
Mr. & Mrs. F. E. Gunn
Lisa Haberly
Ted Habermann
Larry Hagar
Auborn L. Hager III
Jane D. Haggard
Richard F. Haglund III
Mickey Hall
James A. Haltom
Roger Hamby
Joseph Hamilton
Valerie Hansen
William L. Haralson
J. Greg Hardeman
Jane Hardy
& Rodney Kochtitzky
Nicholas D. Hare
Corey Harkey
Donna S. Harkness
Lisa H. Harless
Larry Harrington
Mary & Joel Harrington
Penny Harrington
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Harris III
John I. Harris III
Mike Harris
Robert L. Harris
Lawrence H. Hart
Robb Harvey
Ann & Bob Harwell
Robert E. Harwell, Jr.
John & Heidi Hassenfeld
John E. Haubenreich
Irene R. Haude
Mary Park Hausman
Judge Barbara N. Haynes
Scott K. Haynes
Haynes Freeman & Bracey PLC
Rogers N. Hays
Mr. & Mrs. F. Hamilton
Georgia Hedman
Prof. & Mrs. J. Leon Helguera
Sharon Helton & Wayne Wood
Marion Scott Hendrick
Martha S. Henley
Senator Douglas Henry
Henry, McCord, Bean, Miller,
Gabriel & LaBar, PLLC
C. Tucker Herndon
Hilliard Hester
Mildred Alice Henry
Alice P. Heywood
Judy & Jim Hiatt
Donald Hicks
J. Rush Hicks
Hon. Ross H. Hicks
Sarah Ann Hiestand
Tizgel K.S. High
Carolyn A. Hill
Cynthia Hill
Michael R. Hill
P. Timothy Hill
Darwin A. Hindman III
William D. Hinton
John J. Hollins, Jr.
John J. Hollins, Sr.
David Holmes
Elizabeth A. Holt
Sheryl D. Holtam
Steve Holzapfel
Tracy Honeycutt
Sohnia Hong
Alice I. Hooker
Patricia L. Horne
Kay B. Housch
Claudia M. Houston
Veronica Howard
Margaret & Bill Howell
Ben Huddleston
David O. Huff
Carlene Hunt
Fred B. Hunt
Jerry D. Hunt
Karla Hyatt
Patricia Hylton
Mary Alice Ingram
Robert G. Ingrum
Joseph A. Interrante
G. Brian Jackson
Robert L. Jackson
Ms. Stacie H. Jacobs
Mr. Christopher B. Jaeger, Esq.
Amy & Mark Jarman
Craig A. Jenkins
Jane M. Jennings
Jessica Jernigan
Joyce Johnson
Robert Johnson Law Office
Denise Phillips Jones
John Wesley Jones
Mary Loventhal Jones
Judge Michael R. Jones
Judge Robert L. Jones
James D. Jordan
Stephen P. Jordan
Jesse D. Joseph
Nicole Jumper
Seema Kanwar
Dr. & Mrs. Herman Kaplan
Howard Kastrinsky
Salmun Kazerounian
Dulcy Keefe
Anne Marie Kempf
Carie Lee Kennedy
& David A. Weintraub
David R. Kennedy, Judge
Anjlee Khurana
Kaz Kikkawa
Ronald W. Kilgore
David Killion
Nancy J. King
& Timothy J. Babb
Phillip E. Kirk
Loren Gower Kirkpatrick
Mary Ellen Knack
B. Hart Knight
Caroline E. Knight
Laura L. Knox
Meryl & Keith Kraft
Mr. & Mrs. Gus Kuhn
David J. Kumatz
Amy E. Kurland
Barbara Kurland
Robert & Joyce K. Laben
Landon P. Lackey
Kathryn J. Ladd
Christine J. Laird
Danielle Lares-Bouharoun
David B. LaRoche
Michael J. Laughlin
Katherine Knight Layhew
Justin W. Leach
Maudie LeBlanc
Bill Lebo
Price Lechleiter
Mr. & Mrs. Richard P.
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald A. LeCroy
Jere R. Lee
Alan & Anna Belle Leiserson
David E. Lemke
Amy S. Leopard
Martha J. Levardsen
Howard P. Levine
Ralph Levy
Mary Frances Ligon
Marletta Lilly
Susan R. Limor
Curtis M. Lincoln
Bob Littleton
Peter Loesch
Elizabeth H. Longmire
Matthew C. Lonergan
Kenneth G. Loveless
Janice Luke
Aimee Miller Luna
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Lund
Monnie Lusky
Hattie Lyons
Judge John J. Maddux Jr.
W. Lee Maddux
Craig N. Mangum
David G. Mangum
Barbara E. Mann
D. Randall Mantooth
Paul Maple
Fran & Dan Marcum
Ellen H. Martin
Peter & Anne Martin
Theresa Martin
$40 Donor
Legal Aid Society
Board Member
and former client
I had an issue with my landlord
“a When
few years ago, I sought the advice of
the Legal Aid Society. They helped me
understand my rights as a tenant, and gave
me the power to take action and resolve
the problem. I give to Legal Aid Society
because I believe in their mission and
the tremendous work they do.
d onors
$1,125 Donor
Susan has given
over $28,000 in the
last 40 years
been giving to Legal Aid Society
40 years. There is a constant
need for the services that Legal Aid
Society offers. As a lawyer, I feel it’s
my responsibility to fight for those who
cannot fight for themselves and to these
individuals Legal Aid Society is a place of
hope. I give to Legal Aid Society because
I’m convinced it fills a great need in the
services it provides to our community .
Valerie Martin
Robert D. Massey
John J. Matchulat
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen S. Mathews
James S. Mathis, Jr.
Keith Maune
Randall R. McCathren
John McCauley
Judge Amanda McClendon
Thomas & Judith McCoy
Mary Ann McCready
& Roy W. Wunsch
Mary Elizabeth McCullohs
Turner McCullough
Mr. & Mrs. Ken P. McDonald
David McDowell
Ted & Woodley McEachern
Mary McElroy
Susanne P. McGowan
Columba Ann McHale
Todd McKee
Cynthia S. McKenzie
Louise A. McKown
Brandt McMillan
Melba McNairy
Mark & Janis McNeely
Robert A. McNees III
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. McNeilly, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. McNeilly III
W. Warner McNeilly III
Sandra & Sam McSeveney
Timothy P. Meredith
Mr. & Mrs. Edgar A. Meyer, Jr.
Stephen L. Meyer
Bill Mielke
Jennifer Milam
Mr. & Mrs. Justin T. Milam
J. Brandon Miller
Robert & Bonnie Miller
William E. Miller
Paige W. Mills
John L. Mitchell
Christopher A. Mixon
Dr. & Mrs. Charles L. Moffatt
Kate Monaghan
Frank E. Mondelli
Judge Michael F. Mondelli
Amanda L. Moore
Rich Moore
Anne & Walter Morgan
Steven T. Morris
Ted Morrissey
Ann Mostoller
Bob Motlow
Lloyd E. Mueller
Jennifer Murphy
Lee Anne Murray
Janet Mynatt
Brian C. & Anna W. Neal
Jesse Campbell Neil
Eugene Nelson
Jean Nelson & Will Martin
Timothy Nichols
Alex & Laurie Nicholson
Barbara Nicholson
Mr. & Mrs. Norris Nielsen
Lori & Jay Nixon
John Noel & Melinda Welton
Cynthia M. Norris
Steve C. Norris
Phillip North
Anna Odom
Teresa Webb Oglesby
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Oldfield, Jr.
Andrew D. Oldham
John G. Oliva
Kerry O’Neil
Maureen & John Organ
Allen Overby
Diana K. Page
Judge George C. Paine II
Sue & Kenneth Palmer
Bob & Adrienne Parker
Paul S. Parker
Shara Sue Parker
A. Vester Parsley, Jr.
Parsons & Nichols
Pate and Knott
Judge David A. Patterson
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Patterson, Jr.
Lorenda Sue Patterson
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Patton,
Allen & Cheryl Patton
Advised Fund of The
Community Foundation of
Middle Tennessee
Courtney Pearre
Gene & Virginia Peevyhouse
Jeni Pegram
Bryan C. Penland
Phillip J. Perez
Clay Petrey
Tambra W. Peters
David J. Pflaum
Janet Phelps
David E. Phillips
Rosemary E. Phillips
Taylor J. Phillips
W. Alan Phillips
Nancy & Dewayne Pigg
Vicky S. Pilgrim
& Thomas A. Golpl
Thomas M. Pinckney, Jr.
T. Harold Pinkley, Jr.
Robert & Megan Pinson
Robbie & Mike Pinter
Leonard Pogue
Margaret Innes Pollard
Michelle Poss
Matt Potempa
Linda F. Powers
Tara L. Presnell
Dorris Ray Price
James W. Price, Jr.
J. Terry Price
Karen S. Price
Mary Jo Price
Prince & Hellinger
J. Wayne Pugh
Charles E. Racine
Bridget E. Rains
Keith W. Randall
Michael D. Randles
Nancy & Harry Ransom
Donald J. Ray
Nancy W. Ray
Colbey Reagan
Ella M. Redkevitch
Candice L. Reed & Sean C. Kirk
Erica C. Reed
Roland Reed
Mr. & Mrs. J. Allen Reynolds III
John R. Reynolds
J. Robert Reynolds
Katie Blakemore Reynolds
Steve & Jeanne Rhodey
Adrie Mae Rhodes
Milton P. Rice
Alison Richards
Mr. & Mrs. Dudley C. Richter
Fritz Richter
Angie Ridings
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Rieke
Joanne & Ricky Ring
William F. Roberson, Jr.
Emily O. Roberts
Michael D. Roberts
Worrick G. Robinson IV
John Cobb Rochford
Bryan Roehrig
Mary Rolando
Marcella B. Rosecrans
Janet Rosenberg
Bernie & Terry Rosenblum
Carlton L. Ross
Heather & Scott Ross
Lani & Ron Rossmann
Ron Routson
Carolyn G. Rowe
Abby R. Rubenfeld
Paul N. Rudolph
Mary Frances Rudy
Patricia Rulon
Thomas “T.D.” Ruth
Robyn L. Ryan
Joseph I. Saarinen
Wm. Michael Safley
Dora L. Salinas
Ron & Lynn Samuels
J. Isaac Sanders
Rick G. & Helen M. Sanders
Charles S. Sanger
D. Andrew Saulters
Brandon & Lori Schirg
Chester & Carolyn Schmidt
Jim Schmidt
Michael Todd Schmitt
Barbara B. Schneider
Leeanne & Ralph Schulz
Scott & Jessica Schwieger
Joan M. Scaia
Sharon E. Scott
Rae Anne Seay
Sara E. Sedgwick
Betty Jo Shadow
& Mary Jane Walker
Bud Sharp
Linda Sheridan
Bill Shick
Dr. & Mrs. Burton Silbert
Janelle A. Simmons
Judge Russell E. Simmons, Jr.
Beth & Jerry Sims
Dale Sims
Osby Sisco
Christopher Slobogin
Julius A. Sloss
Stephen Small
Judge Charles W. Smith
David A. Smith
David W. Smith
Gordon W. Smith
d onors
Lauren J. Smith
Robyn E. Smith
Sue C. Smith
Tracy Smith
Libby Sneed
Barbara & Bob Snell
Paula & Robert Snyder
Judge Carol L. Soloman
Michael D. Sontag
Nicholas W. Spangler
Robert F. Spann
Jeffrey Spark
Bo Spessard
Butch & Sunny Spyridon
St. David’s Episcopal Church
Nancy & Hans Stabell
Karen H. Stachowski
Amie M. Steed
Campbell C. Steele
Sarah K. Stein
Ann & Willy Stern
Chancellor Jeff Stewart
Richard H, Stout
Lottie Strupp
Donald B. Stuart
Mary & Paul Stumb
Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Sullivan
Patricia Sullivan
Kate Summers
Lane Newton Summers
Margaret Greenfield Summers
James C. Swack
Sally Swaney
Robert P. Sweeter
Tabitha Tackett
Timothy L. Takacs
Sarah Lodge Tally
Gary C. Tamkin
Amy L. Tarkington
David J. Tarpley
James S. Tate, Jr.
Judge Royce Taylor
Jeff Teague
Lori A. Teal
Gary W. Temple
Coleta G. Tesch
Frank Thomas
Keni Thomas
Rubye Lynn & Bo Thomas
Gary R. Thompson
Jack Christopher Thompson
Thomas B. Thurman
J. Haskell Tidman, Jr.
Dale Tipps
Carol & Parker Toler
Virginia Townzen
Jim & Terrie Trimbach
Caroline T. Trost
Charles A. Traughber
Barbara Tsakirgis
& Jeremy Spinrad
Barbara S. Turner
Barry Turner
Renee W. Turner
Ronald G. Turner
Elizabeth Usman
John L. Van Cleave
Jessica Van Dyke
Deborah Varallo
Erica Bell Vick
Priscilla Victory
Christopher A. Vrettos
Jeff Walker
Shay Walker
William M. Walker
M. Joel Wallace
Patricia W. Wallace
DarKenya Waller
Fred Waller
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Walsh, Jr.
Bettye Renegar Walther
William S. Walton
Paul J. Walwyn
Richard F. Warren. Jr.
Robert Watson
Ms. Nicky Weaver
Victoria Webb
David A. Weeks, Jr.
Kent M. Weeks
Wesley G. Weeks
Susan S. Weiss
Lily M. Wellington
F. M. Wentworth, Jr.
Betty & Bernard Werthan
Barry B. White, Attorney
Charles H. White
Linda & Ray White
Paul R. White
Sarah White
Barbara J. Whiteman
J. David Wicker, Jr.
Cynthia H. Wiel
Allison A. Wiemer
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Wiesmeyer
Gerald C. Wigger
Jon Wike
Mark & Leta Wildasin
Anna Cates Williams
Bobby & Mary E. Williams
Mattielyn B. Williams
Peg & Harry Williams
Eleanor Lawson Willis
Irene & Ridley Wills
Mr. & Mrs. W. Ridley Wills III
David G. Wilson
Justin & Barbara Wilson
Stuart F. Wilson-Patton
Sharon B. Winkler
Beth Winstead
Bettie J. Winton
Thomas A. Wiseman, Jr.
Patrick D. Witherington
Richard L. Wommack II
Yvonne Wood
Stephen M. Worsham
Melinda & Taylor Wray
Don Wyatt
Randall Wyatt
J. David Wykoff
Lin Ye
Kinika L. Young
Robert B. Young
Elaine M. Youngblood
Mr. & Mrs. Julian Zander, Jr.
Robert F. Zecher
Carl Zehner
Frank Ziegler III
Heidi M. Zimmerman
Mary Rose Zingale
David & Patricia Zinn
Donald D. Zuccarello
In honor of
Andreé Blumstein
Jan Bossing
In honor of Catherine
“Mamie” Chapman
Michael S. Byrnes
In honor of Jean Crowe
and the Family Law
Joanna & Phil Curran
Jess Uitto Iverson
& Brian Iverson
In honor
of Jim DeLanis
Olin West III
In honor of Dan
Eisenstein’s birthday
Sara S. Robin
In honor of
Kevin Fowler
Peter & Kim Oldham
In honor of
Good Lawyers
Marty & Jim Conrad
In honor of
Richard Green
William Hearn
In honor of
John Griffin, Jr. and
Mary Griffin Harden
Kathy Griffin
In honor of Justice
William C. Koch, Jr.
Jennifer & Don Lee
In honor of the
Oak Ridge office
In honor of Bob Pope
Sarah L. Burchett
In honor of former
Nashville Mayor
Bill Purcell
Tennessee Alliance for Legal
In honor of
Lucinda Smith
Margaret Behm
& Harlan Dodson
In honor of
The Vanderbilt Office
of General Counsel
Julia Caldwell Morris
In memory of
Ross Alderman
Kathryn Evans Sinback
In memory of
Jane Goodman Bell
John Auston Bridges
Pat & Dan Burton
Mary P. Carter
Jay & Ellen Clayton
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Cox, Jr.
Phoebe & Bob Drews
Laurie & David Fitzgerald
David Forsyth and Katie
& Annie Bauman
Brian Hicks
Christine & Michael Kreyling
George Lavdas
Judy & Lewis Lefkowitz
Carolyn & Lawrence Levine
Dan & Carroll Mayfield, Clark
Mayfield & Harry Mayfield
Sam & Sandra McSeveney
Adelaide S. Probst
Michael F. Rohde
Jan & Steve Riven
Dr. Thomas Alan Schwartz
Mary Helen Sullivan
The Anne Bransford Wallace
Sylvia C. Weinberger
In memory of C.D.
Berry III
Samuel L. Felker
In memory of
Col. & Mrs. John J.
Russell C. Gallagher
In memory of
Drake Holliday
Jimmie Lynn & Allan Ramsaur
Donna E. Sonner
Susan & Ashley Wiltshire
In memory of
Jonetta Kessler
Bruce E. Kessler
In memory of
Curtis Mikkelsen
Daniel J. Sharfstein
In memory of
Brett Miller
Stephen & Jamaica Zralek
In memory of
Barbara Joseph
In memory of
Frances Preston
Pat & Dan Burton
In memory of
Margarette Raybon
Shannon Raybon
In memory of
John Roberts
Chris & Jamie Cobb
In memory of
Alan & Nancy Saturn
Henry Martin
In memory of
Tom Shriver
David B. Krause
In memory of
Bob Sullivan
Denise Stiff
Cathy Sullivan
In memory of
Mary Wade Sutton
Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Hart
In memory of
Maurice Underwood
Robin Haney
In memory of
Larry Wilks
M. Bernadette Welch
On behalf of
Thomson Reuters
Information Specialists
Group, Inc.
Stephen & Jamaica Zralek
”Dear Tabitha Tackett [victim advocate, Clarksville], I was extremely scared. I was in ‘panic mode’. I was not thinking clearly. I did not
understand what I needed to do to help myself. You explained the process (over & over) because I didn’t understand. You made my situation
better, and I have some protection now. You were with me every step of the way. Thank you so much for assisting me. I didn’t know
what to do, and I didn’t know where to go for help. You listened when others did not. I appreciate your time and patience with me.”
– Clarksville client
CASE STUDY: J u s t i c e f o r W i l s o n C o u n t y H o m e o w n e r s
From 2005 to 2009, a foreclosure scam artist
persuaded many struggling homeowners
that he could save them from foreclosure.
He convinced clients to temporarily give
him their property and title, essentially
becoming their landlord, and entering
into a lease-purchase deal.
For a period of time, he would take over
their mortgage, and promised homeowners
they would eventually be given the option
of purchasing it back from him at a ‘bargain
price’ if they could afford it. Unbeknownst
to homeowners, he would obtain his own,
much larger, mortgage on the property
by using a fraudulent title company that
did whatever he needed to make it appear
legitimate to outside lenders. After the
housing bubble burst in 2009, new business
stopped coming in, and the scam artist
couldn’t pay the new loans he had created
for existing clients, which led to the
foreclosure of all the homes he had in his name.
Many victims have filed suit against the scam
artist, who has fled the state.
Legal Aid Society helped some of those victims
seek judgments and non-dischargeable claims.
These clients know that collection of their
judgment will probably not be possible,
but they do have the satisfaction of knowing
that at least they obtained large judgments.
d onors
Appalachian Tax
David W. Ellis
Diana Erbsen
Posner-Wallace Foundation
Jog and Jam for Justice
Donors and Sponsors
Harry Bennett III
Barbara E. Blansett
Dale Bohannon
Wesley T. Bray
James E. Brock
Budweiser of Cookeville
Bill and Sandra Bush
Sarah Byrne
Char Restaurant (in-kind)
Anthony J. Craighead
J. Andrew Creek
Corinne Darvennes
Cindy Durham
Kyle B. Fuller
Naomi E. Griffith
Allie Hall
Logan Hatch
Philip Hatch, Sr.
Philip A. Hatch
Gayla C. Hendrix
Jason F. Hicks
(Route Sign Sponsor)
Gary D. Housepian
Rick Jarvis
Heath Kirby
Brett Knight
Tessa N. Lawson
(Route Sign Sponsor)
Kelsy Austin Miller
(Route Sign Sponsor)
Rob Miller
Rachel Moses
Regions Bank – Cookeville
(Route Sign Sponsor
William F. Roberson, Jr.
(Route Sign Sponsor)
Michelle J. Trujillo
Jeff & Penny Vires
John Roland Williams, Jr.
Nichole Wilson
Isaac Zuercher
Bob Sullivan Memorial
Breakfast Sponsors
Burr & Forman
Loeb & Loeb LLP
Milom Horsnell Crow Rose
Kelley PLC
Shackelford Zumwalt & Hayes
SunTrust Bank
– Music Row Branch
Beacons of
Justice Society
The Beacons of Justice Society –
a prestigious
group of individuals who have
advised that they included
the Legal Aid Society in their
will, life insurance and/or
estate-planning document. The
Beacons of Justice Society will
continue to shine a light on the
path to justice for all and help
our neighbors in their journey
from surviving to living. If YOU
have included us in your estate
planning please notify Cindy
Durham at 615-780-7125 or
[email protected].
Cynthia A. Durham
Susan L. Kay
Herman O. Loewenstein
Joseph J. Brenner, Jr.
Charles H. Warfield
Ashley T. Wiltshire
Legal Aid Society
Agency Endowment
Fund (through The
Community Foundation
of Middle Tennessee)
Jeremy Finley
Thomas & Kristen Forrest
Hiasaura R. Rubenstein
David W. Smith
July 2011-December 2012
Guardians of Justice
John Hancock
Champions of Justice
Vic L. Alexander
Bruce and Megan Barry
Joel Cherry
Sherie Lea Edwards
William C. Koch
Lee S. Kraft
Kim & Bob Looney
Bob & Mary Battle Thompson
Friends of Justice
Phyllis Childs
Joseph P. Crump, Jr.
Scott Dewey
Lora B. Fox
Jonathan Harwell
Mada P. Johnston
Linda O’Neal
Mike & Barbara Paslay
Matthew Wiltshire
Sustaining Members
John Billings
Ellen & Jay Clayton
Bryce Coatney
Kathryn Reed Edge
Jess O. Hale, Jr.
Leona & Alan Marx
John McCarthy
Carrie & Ryan McCutcheon
Anthony J. McFarland
Abigail Palmer
Richard M. Riebeling
Ouday Sengkhounmany
Barbara Ann Williams
Ava M. Anderson
Kathryn Bennett
Teri Bess
Bill Calhoun
William K. Cather
David R. Clay
Walter Couch
Margaret O. Darby
Cindy Durham
Katie Evans
Homer S. Ferguson
Dorothy Gager
Kim Helper
Sandy Herron
Sarah Ann Hiestand
Joyce Johnson
Maudie LeBlanc
Ruth L. Lyman
Anthony Maxwell
Gerald D. Murley, Jr.
Dr. Margaret Norris
Susan Quinnan
T’Lanie Ruegge
Chay Sengkhounmany
Jeff Smith
Valerie Thornton
Mattielyn B. Williams
In-kind donations
Baker, Donelson, Bearman,
Caldwell & Berkowitz
the Bradford Group
Bradley Arant Boult
Cummings, PLC
Budweiser of Cookeville
Char Restaurant
Cindy Durham
Gullett, Sanford, Robinson
& Martin
Harwell Howard Hyne
Gabbert & Manner
Nashville City Club
Premier Parking
Stites & Harbison PLLC
Upper Cumberland Young
Lawyers Association
2012 Grants
and Contracts
American Bar Association –
Section of Taxation
Baptist Healing Trust
Charlotte School of Law, LLC
Florida Coastal School of Law, Inc.
Greater Nashville Regional
The HCA Foundation
Legal Aid of East Tennessee
Legal Services Corporation
Metropolitan Government of
Nashville Bar Association
Nashville Bar Foundation
South Central Tennessee
Development District/
Area Agency on Aging and
Smoky Mountain Region
Combined Federal Campaign
Supreme Court of Tennessee,
Administrative Office of
the Courts
Tennessee Alliance for Legal
Tennessee Bar Foundation
TN Dept of State – Office of
Criminal Justice Programs
US Dept of Justice
US Dept of the Treasury,
Internal Revenue Service
United Way of Anderson
United Way of Franklin County
United Way of the Greater
Clarksville Region
United Way of Humphreys
United Way of Macon County
United Way of Maury County
United Way of Metropolitan
United Way of Rutherford and
Cannon Counties
United Way of Sumner County
United Way of Williamson
United Way of Wilson County
West Tennessee Legal Services
Legal Aid Society
Board Member
and first Campaign Chair
I was asked to chair
Legal Aid Society’s first
campaign in 1987, I had long been aware of the
need to provide free, comprehensive and highquality legal representation for victims who cannot
afford it. I’ve been dedicated to solving this issue
ever since. We’ve been very blessed the last 25
years with supporters and dedicated staff who
realize the importance of our efforts and donate
both their time and money to the fight for justice.
I give to the Legal Aid Society because I believe in
its mission and its ability to continue producing
outstanding results.
S tat e m e n t s O f F i n a n c i a l P o s i t i o n
Legal Aid Society of Middle Tennessee and the Cumberlands
December 31, 2012 and 2011
ASSETS 2012 2011
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Accounts Receivable18,73423,827
Grants Receivable112,504222,915
Contributions Receivable495,692496,051
Prepaid Expenses80,50474,243
Property and Equipment, Net
Client Escrow Funds
Accounts Payable
Accrued Expenses and Other
Client Escrow Deposits
Undesignated 2,709,032 2,276,839
Designated for Property and Equipment
Total Unrestricted2,962,4912,584,369
Temporarily Restricted2,084,0982,103,700
TOTAL NET ASSETS 5,046,589 4,688,069
$ 5,479,805
$ 5,313,010
The financial statements of the Legal Aid Society of Middle Tennessee and the Cumberlands for the years ended December 31, 2012 and
December 31, 2011 were audited by KraftCPAs, PPC. The audit was completed on April 22, 2013 and in the opinion of the auditors,
these financial statements represent fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Legal Aid Society of Middle Tennessee
and the Cumberlands. Copies of the complete sets of financial statements, including all footnotes, may be obtained from the Nashville
office of the Legal Aid Society.
A d v i s o ry C o u n c i l
Henry W. Foster, M.D.
Cara Alexander
Mahalia Howard
Vic L. Alexander
Sumita Banerjee
C. Thomas (Tom) Harrington
Arthur J. Rebrovick, Jr.
Kenny Blackburn
John L. Seigenthaler
Chair Emeritus
Julie Boehm
Joan Shayne
Iris Buhl
Mary Ruth Shell
John P. Campbell, III
Hope Stringer
Davis H. Carr
Claire W. Tucker
Barbara Chazen
Joni Werthan
Donna Eskind
Joseph Woodson
Jane Eskind
Beth Liggett, APSU photographer
Howard Stringer
Coordinator of
Women’s Studies,
Austin Peay State
Part of my job, as a professor of women’s
is to help students understand
how to live strong, independent lives.
Many women fall victim to domestic
violence and lose hope for gaining a
life of independence away from their
abuser. That’s why I called on the Legal
Aid Society to lecture my students on
the struggles of domestic violence and
how to fight it. If I can help one woman
see the signs of danger or know how to
help a friend or loved one escape the
perils of domestic violence, we’ve done
our part to developing strong citizens
for our community. To show our support
for the Legal Aid Society, every year, we
donate a portion of proceeds from the
spring production Vagina Monologues
back to the organization. We give to
Legal Aid Society because we support
a woman’s path to justice.
300 Deaderick Street
Nashville, Tennessee 37201
Nonprofit org
us postage
nashville tn
permit no. 768
1-800-238-1443 |
120 Franklin St. Suite C
Clarksville, TN 37040
Fax: 931-552-9442
9 S. Jefferson Ave. Suite 102
Cookeville, TN 38501
Fax: 931-528-9350
300 Deaderick St.
Nashville, TN 37201
Fax: 615-244-4920
J. Kevin Fowler,
Managing Attorney
Ashley Graham
William O. Bush
Rachel M. Moses
Marla K. Williams,
Managing Attorney
Allison Cooley
Jean N. Crowe,
Lead Attorney – Family Law
Kathryn A. Evans
Gary D. Housepian,
Executive Director
Lea Mullins Johnson
Robert B. Nadler
Russell J. Overby,
Lead Attorney –
Health & Benefits
Chay Sengkhounmany,
Medical Legal Partnership
Lucinda E. Smith,
Nashville Pro Bono
Program Director
David J. Tarpley,
Lead Attorney –
Consumer & Housing
DarKenya W. Waller,
Managing Attorney
104 W. Seventh St. (38401)
Mailing: PO Box 1256
Columbia, TN 38402
Fax: 931-381-5541
David A. Kozlowski,
Managing Attorney
and Assistant
General Counsel
650 N. Water Ave.
Gallatin, TN 37066
Fax: 615-230-9952
Steven J. Christopher,
Managing Attorney
Cherrelle Hooper
526 N. Walnut St.
Murfreesboro, TN 37130
Fax: 615-890-5274
Andrae P. Crismon,
Managing Attorney
Amelia R. Miller Luna
Oak Ridge
226 Broadway Ave. (37830)
Mailing: PO Box 5209
Oak Ridge, TN 37831
Fax: 865-483-8905
Lenny L. Croce
Mary Michelle Gillum
Mary Lyn Goodman
Neil G. McBride,
Managing Attorney
and General Counsel
Janet E. Mynatt
Theresa-Vay Smith
123 NW Atlantic St.
Tullahoma, TN 37388
Fax: 931-455-7003
Norman B. Feaster II,
Managing Attorney
Rae Anne Seay