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#1 - Online Support » Viagra Chisinau
BSIMProPlus is the most efficient and accurate SPICE model extraction tool on
the market for digital, analog, mix-signal, and RF modeling application —
especially in advanced process technologies. It provides a new SPICE modeling
framework built on BSIMPro and offers an active and passive device modeling
solution for process technologies such as CMOS, RFCMOS, BiCMOS, bipolar
junction transistor (BJT), silicon-on-insulator (SOI), SiGe, and TFT.
I-V meter instrument
RF modeling for active
and passive device
C-V meter instrument
SPICE interface
for verification
Probe station
Low frequency modeling
Network analyzer instrument
Statistical modeling
specification based corner
model generation
Reliability modeling
Figure 1: Turn-key solution for SPICE model generation
BSIMProPlus is a turn-key solution for
SPICE model generation that includes
a fast built-in model extraction and
optimization process. For flexibility,
an open user interface allows fullycustomized extraction also lets users
add to or change the extraction
routine. BSIMProPlus can be used
for model development, automated
data acquisition, SPICE parameter
extraction and optimization of DC,
C-V, RF, reliability models, plus device
characterization and SPICE model
validation (see Figure 1).
Generating and verifying SPICE models
with great efficiency and accuracy for
advance process technologies is a
challenge to foundries, IDMs, and
many design companies. BSIMProPlus
offers the following advantages that
enable more accurate designs and
faster time-to-market.
• Accurate and efficient data acquisition
and automated measurement routine
for DC, CV, S-parameter of n-ports,
and stress data
• Batch mode and interactive mode
parameter extraction, local
optimization, and global optimization
• Auto-binning model generation and
Figure 2: Model fitting to data for MOSFET I-V characteristics
• Automated HCI/NBTI reliability model
generation and device lifetime
• Specification-based corner model
generation with and without electrical
test data
• Internal SPICE and external SPICE
simulation for model verification
• Flexible graph capabilities
• RF modeling for active and passive
• Auto error report generation and
documentation with MS and html
• Flexible solution for SPICE, NTBI, HCI,
statistical model generation, and small
circuit characterization
BSIMProPlus is used by most foundries
and integrated device manufacturers
(IDMs) that support BSIM3, BSIM4,
HVMOS, Mextram, BSIMSOI, TFT, and
other compact models. BSIMProPlus
is the new generation SPICE-model
parameter extraction software —
based on the success of BSIMPro
and ready for nanometer device
technology. It supports both public
domain and proprietary models for
different process technologies
including deep-submicron CMOS,
SiGe, SOI, TFT, etc.
Figure 3: BSIM4 model extraction and local optimization
• Provides accurate and fast extraction
routines for I-V, C-V, temperaturemodel, and RF small equivalent circuit
model parameter extractions (see
Figure 2)
• Supports extraction for analog or
mixed-signal applications
• Extracts reliability-model parameters
for hot-carrier injection (HCI) and
negative bias temperature instability
• Allows for local optimization during
• MDE module and macro capabilities
allow customer-defined model
implementation and extraction
• Features physical extraction, local and
global optimization (see Figure 3)
• Yields the best accuracy and efficiency,
in a turnkey solution
• Enables customized extraction with a
proprietary extraction routine
• Performs specification-based statistical
modeling and corner-model
• Powerful and versatile optimization
functions support both standard and
customized optimization targets
(see Figure 4)
• Allows optimization of multiple
characteristics, such as I-V and C-V,
• Supports the selection of multiple bias
regions and different bias curves
• Enables the creation of customized
optimization targets, such as Vt vs.
L through macro
• Allows users to assemble optimization
procedures using Auto Optimization
Figure 4: Multi-window capability for global optimization
BSIMProPlus supports bin-model
extraction to improve data model
fitting accuracy. If a geometry model
is missing, it allows you to generate a
pseudo device model automatically
and guarantee continuity of models
when crossing bins. The auto-binning
feature allows user to get accurate
binning model accurately.
BSIMProPlus measures I-V and C-V
characteristics for MOSFET, BJT, diode,
and any user-defined device under test
(DUT) (see Figure 5). BSIMProPlus
control following equipment:
Figure 5: C-V measurement data of Cgg vs. Vgs for MOSFET
• I-V:
– Keithley 4200
– Agilent 4142, 4145, 4155, 4156A/B/C,
• C-V:
– Keithley 590
– Agilent 4285, 4294
• Switching matrix
– Keithley 707/708
– Agilent 4085, 5250
• Probe station
– Cascade: Summit 12000, S300, and PS21
– Suss Microtech: PA200, PA300
• System controller: PC compatible with
National Instruments GPIB card
Figure 6: Parameter distribution generated by calibrated monte carlo simulation for corner
model generation
BSIMProPlus generates corner models
based on process specifications,
E-T data, or I-V data. Prediction of
nominal, worst, and best case SPICE
models is often necessary when there
is little or no measured data, as is
often the case for either technologies
under development or advanced
future technologies. The specificationbased corner model and typical model
generation methodology allow user to
overcome these difficulties (see
Figure 6). Key steps include:
• Auto searching for typical die
• Auto retargeting for typical model
• Calibrated Mote Carlo analysis based
on process parameter specifications
Figure 7: Percentage change of Idsat, Vth, and Gm vs. stress time
• Corner model generation
BSIMProPlus extracts AgeMOS-model
parameters, substrate current and
lifetime parameters for HCI and NBTI
reliability modeling (see Figure 7). The
stressing and data collection for NBTI
and HCI are automated through
simultaneous control of various types
of measurement hardware.
• Provides real-time stress status; a
timetable itemizes the status and
progress of each device under stress
Figure 8: Igate and Isub extraction and optimization for reliability model parameter
and device lifetime
• Monitors device degradation during
stress through periodic measurement
of MOSFET threshold voltage,
transconductance, gate, and bulk
current characteristics
• Measures and saves I-V characteristics
during stress and makes data files
available for viewing
• Wafer-level probing, stress, and
measurement for wafer-level reliability
(WLR) testing
• Performs package-level testing by
providing package-level stresses and
measurement support
• Supports the extraction of hot-carrier
lifetime model parameters through
extract model parameters
• Accommodates two lifetime extraction
models — substrate-current and
gate-current models (see Figure 8)
Figure 9: Simulated vs. measured data for AgeMOS, a reliability model
• Enables links to circuit reliability and
full-chip reliability simulators
• Reaches ultra-fine resolution through
WLR testing
• Generate aged hot-carrier degradation
• Generate AgeMOS model for NBTI and
HCI (Figure 9)
RF modeling capability of BSIMProPlus
allows RF device engineers to meet the
needs of bipolar and RF CMOS
designers for SPICE simulation and
circuit design. There are many built-in
macro models for user to choose
including active to passive devices such
as BSIM3v3 for MOSFET, 1-pi or 2-pi
model for spiral inductor, etc.
BSIMProPlus RF will take you through
measurement, system calibration, and
de-embedding features to ensure the
most accurate measurement data. You
can then extract small signal model
equivalent circuit model parameters or
optimize extrinsic macro parameters as
well as intrinsic model parameters for
MOSFET, BJT, and passive devices
• System calibration: Calibration is
extremely important for RF
measurement to data accuracy.
BSIMProPlus offers a number of ways
to subtract parasitics coming from
measurement environment and
supports standard and user-specified
test kits to calibrate your system
• RF de-embedding: Designers must
assure measurement accuracy by deembedding pad parasitics using
dummy test structures. BSIMProPlus
can measure these dummy test
structures and save the data for
automatic de-embedding calculations.
Measured S-parameters can then be
converted to Y or Z parameters for
parallel and serial de-embedding
• Optimization: Optimizes extrinsic as
well as intrinsic model parameters for
MOSFET, BJT, and passive devices
• Model support: Provides complete
support for BSIM3v3, BSIM4, BJT, and
other standard models
Figure 10: Gummel-Poon (upper) vs. Mextram model (lower)
• BSIMProPlus ensures maximum
flexibility in order to obtain the most
accurate RF model possible
• Easy-to-use interface that allows you
to specify your own RF macro models
with an arbitrary number of parasitic
• Supports external simulators such
as HSPICE and Spectre® or internal
simulation engines for increased
simulation speed
• List simulated and measured data
simultaneously for any frequency and
bias combination and display for RMS
error between simulated and
measured data
• RF measurement equipment control:
VNA (Vector Network Analyzer)
– Anritsu 37000
– Agilent 8753, 8722, 8720, 8510
– Agilent 8358, 8357
– Keithley 4200
– Agilent 4142, 4145, 4155, 4156A/B
Probe station
Designers can accurately and easily
extract parasitics such as Rb, Re, or Rc
from RF data using a unique pointand-click feature (see Figure 10).
After de-embedding, BSIMProPlus
automatically performs high frequency
parameter (Ft) calculations via the
selected region of S-parameters.
Easy-to-follow drag-and-drop menus
give you the option to choose areas
of your design to focus on to obtain
results quickly and accurately.
With BSIMProPlus, you can generate
one accurate model that is applicable
from DC to RF frequencies and
simultaneously optimize DC and RF
model for BSIM3v3 and BSIM4 (see
Figure 11). For example, you can fit
transconductance (Gm), output
resistance (Rout), and S-parameters at
the same time by optimizing both
intrinsic BSIM3v3 model and extrinsic
parasitic parameters. You can view the
results of optimization on both DC
and RF characteristics in real-time
during the optimization.
– Cascade: Summit 12000, S300, PS21
– Suss Microtech: PA200, PA300
System controller: PC compatible with
National Instruments GPIB card
Figure 11: Model fitting to data for MOSFET S-parameter characteristics
Figure 12: 2-pi model for spiral inductor modeling
• Stacked spiral inductor
With built-in extraction routines for
spiral inductor modeling, you can use
BSIMProPlus to generate accurate 2-π
small signal equivalent circuit models
from measured S-parameter data (see
Figure 12). The calibrated built-in 3-D
EM solver allows user to generate
S-parameter for model extraction
and optimization featuring:
• Balun spiral inductor
• Tapered spiral inductor
• Paired spiral inductor
• Stacked and Balun transformer
• Integrated capacitor
• Four different pattern ground
shielding options and two types of
ground options
Figure 13: RPI TFT model parameter extraction and simulation
Figure 14: SOI model with self-heating on (left) vs. self-heating off (right)
Extraction, simulation, and
optimization are supported for all
major MOSFET models such as BSIM4,
BSIM3v3 (all versions), EKV, BSIMPD
(for partially depleted SOI), HVMOS
(for high-voltage MOSFET), AgeMOS
(for HCI and NBTI reliability); BJT models
such as Gummel-Poon, Mextram; diode
and other device types (see Figures
13 and 14). No matter what your
extraction need is, BSIMProPlus
has the answer for you through
user-friendly open user interface.
For extraction, simulation, and
• BSIM3v3
For Simulation and optimization:
• MOS 9 and MOS 11
• Mextram
• Gummel-Poon
• Diode
• AgeMOS
• RPI a-Si TFT
• RPI p-Si TFT
Figure 15: 3-D graphic capability for model parameter verification
BSIMProPlus allows user to verify the
integrity and continuity of all loaded
models by simulating device
characteristics of a wide range of
geometries, operating points, and
effective parameters and viewing
them in 2-D and 3-D plots to help
capture all potential problems before
you release the model (see Figure 15).
BSIMProPlus can also generate the
error report quickly.
The internal 3-D viewer and external
network interface to SPICE simulation
allow user to verify model’s robustness,
smoothness, and consistency. The MS
Word and html formats are available
for generating error report and
documentation very efficiently.
(for English and Chinese OS)
• Windows NT with SP5 or later
• Windows 2000
• Windows XP Professional
• Window 95B
• Windows 98 second version
© 2003 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Cadence and the Cadence logo are registered trademarks of
Cadence Design Systems, Inc. All others are properties
of their respective holders.
4575 05/03