Lexington Catalog (PDF format)
Lexington Catalog (PDF format)
2016 ISO 9001 REGISTERED QUALITY CARBIDE & CARBIDE TIPPED CUTTING TOOLS Proudly Made in the United States & Distributed Around the World LEXINGTON CUTTER RETIPPING & RESHARPENING SERVICES RETIPPING SERVICE Lexington Cutter will retip and resharpen carbide tipped cutting tools manufactured by Lexington or equivalent tools made by other manufacturers. The tool types listed in the table below are eligible for retipping. 12 or More Pieces List Price Less 40% 6-11 Pieces List Price Less 35% 2 - 5 Pieces List Price Less 30% RESHARPENING SERVICE Lexington Cutter will resharpen carbide tipped cutting tools manufactured by Lexington or equivalent tools made by other manufacturers. The tool types listed below are eligible for resharpening. Shank Tools List Price Less 60% Arbor Hole Tools List Price Less 45% 5 Piece Minimum on Resharpening SPECIALS RETIPPING & RESHARPENING SERVICE Lexington Cutter offers retipping and resharpening services on special carbide tipped cutting tools manufactured by Lexington or other manufacturers. Specials need to be quoted, and the pricing is quantity based. Send your special carbide tipped cutting tools to Lexington for a quote. All tools need to be inspected by Lexington to determine if they are elegible to be retipped or resharpened. Pricing is based on the number of tools elegible after inspection. TYPE 3704 3700 3701 3702 3703 3730 3731 3732 3733 3746 3747 3748 3749 3718 3719 3720 3721 3734 3735 3736 3737 3550 3552 3554 3558 3551 3553 3556 3559 3540 3541 3542 3543 3547 ELIGIBLE CARBIDE TIPPED TOOLS High Performance Keyseat Cutters for Aluminum Straight Tooth Keyseat Cutters for Non-Ferrous & Cast Iron Staggered Tooth Keyseat Cutters for Non-Ferrous & Cast Iron Straight Tooth Keyseat Cutters for Steel Staggered Tooth Keyseat Cutters for Steel 45° Chamfer Milling Cutters for Non-Ferrous & Cast Iron 45° Chamfer Milling Cutters for Steel 60° Chamfer Milling Cutters for Non-Ferrous & Cast Iron 60° Chamfer Milling Cutters for Steel 60° Double Angle Cutters for Non-Ferrous & Cast Iron (Shank) 60° Double Angle Cutters for Steel (Shank) 90° Double Angle Cutters for Non-Ferrous & Cast Iron (Shank) 90° Double Angle Cutters for Steel (Shank) Radius Cutters for Non-Ferrous & Cast Iron Radius Cutters for Steel T-Slot Cutters for Non-Ferrous & Cast Iron T-Slot Cutters for Steel 45° Dovetail Cutters for Non-Ferrous & Cast Iron 45° Dovetail Cutters for Steel 60° Dovetail Cutters for Non-Ferrous & Cast Iron 60° Dovetail Cutters for Steel Slitting Saws Coarse Tooth for Non-Ferrous Slitting Saws Coarse Tooth for Cast Iron Slitting Saws Coarse Tooth for Steel Slitting Saws Coarse Tooth for Stainless Slitting Saws Standard Tooth for Non-Ferrous Slitting Saws Standard Tooth for Cast Iron Slitting Saws Standard Tooth for Steel Slitting Saws Standard Tooth for Stainless Side Milling Cutter for Non-Ferrous Side Milling Cutter for Cast Iron Side Milling Cutter for Steel Side Milling Cutter for Stainless Side Milling Cutter Staggered Tooth General Purpose LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. • TYPE ELIGIBLE CARBIDE TIPPED TOOLS 3714 3716 3724 3726 3750 3752 3754 3530 3531 3532 3536 3537 3538 3740 3741 3323 3353 3322 3355 3337 3300 3308 3310 3350 3302 3304 3305 3306 3307 3320 3375 3325 3327 - 45° Right Single Angle Cutter (Arbor Hole Type) 45° Left Single Angle Cutter (Arbor Hole Type) 60° Right Single Angle Cutter (Arbor Hole Type) 60° Left Single Angle Cutter (Arbor Hole Type) 45° Double Angle Cutter (Arbor Hole Type) 60° Double Angle Cutter (Arbor Hole Type) 90° Double Angle Cutter (Arbor Hole Type) Shell Mill for Non-Ferrous Shell Mill for Cast Iron Shell Mill for Steel Face Mill for Non-Ferrous Face Mill for Cast Iron Face Mill for Steel Corner Rounding End Mill for Non-Ferrous Corner Rounding End Mill for Steel Bridgeport/Reduced Shank End Mill for Non-Ferrous & Cast Iron Bridgeport/Reduced Shank End Mill for Steel CNC Finishing End Mills 15° Right Spiral Flutes for NF & Cast Iron CNC Finishing End Mills 15° Right Spiral Flutes for Steel CNC HP End Mills 25° Right Spiral Flutes for Aluminum & NF End Mills for Steel 2 Straight Flutes End Mills for Steel 6° Right Spiral Flutes End Mills for Steel 6° Left Spiral Flutes End Mills for Steel 15° Right Spiral Flutes End Mills for NF & Cast Iron 2 Straight Flutes Radial Edged End Mills for NF & Cast Iron 4/6 Straight Flutes Radial Edged End Mills for NF & Cast Iron 4 Straight Flutes Upsharp End Mills for NF & Cast Iron 6° Right Spiral Flutes Radial Edged End Mills for NF & Cast Iron 6° Right Spiral Flutes Upsharp End Mills for NF & Cast Iron 15° Right Spiral Flutes Radial Edged End Mills for NF & Cast Iron 15° Right Spiral Flutes Radial Edged End Mills for NF & Cast Iron 25° Right Spiral Flutes Radial Edged End Mills for NF & Cast Iron 25° Right Spiral Flutes Upsharp - [email protected] • Phone 800-882-2627 • Fax 800-882-3637 SELECTING THE CORRECT LEXINGTON TOOL LEXINGTON CUTTER’S carbide tipped tools are designed with the appropriate carbide grade and tool geometry for each material classification. Follow the steps below to select the best tool types for maximum performance. 1. Determine classification of material being machined using table below. 2. Determine family of tool needed (i.e., drills, reamers, end mills, etc.). 3. Using the color coded index on the following pages, find the family of tool needed and the correct material classification column. 4. The index shows the tool types and page numbers for the recommended tools. 5. Turn to the page to find: sizes, tolerances, EDP numbers and prices. CLASSIFICATION MATERIAL EXAMPLES NON-FERROUS (SOFT) ALUMINUM ALLOY - CAST ALUMINUM ALLOY - WROUGHT MAGNESIUM ALLOY LEAD ALLOY NON-METAL AND PLASTIC ZINC ALLOY - DIE CAST 308.0, 356.0, 360.0, 380.0, 390.0, 514.0 3003, 4032, 5052, 6061, 7075 AM60A, AZ21A, AZ91B-C, K1A Alloys 7, 8, 13, 15, 1Sb, 4Sb, 6Sb, 8Sb, 9Sb Bakelite, Nylon, Polystyrene, PVC AC41A, AG40A, AMS4803, ZDC NO. 7 NON-FERROUS (HARD) ALUMINUM BRONZE BRASS ALLOY - LEADED AND FREE CUTTING BRASS ALLOY - YELLOW, RED, NAVAL COMMERCIAL BRONZE (LEADED) NICKEL SILVER COPPER ALLOY - TOUGH 614, 952-958 340, 342, 353, 360, 370, 485 268, 270, 464-467 314 745-770, 973-978 110, 170, 172, 175, 280, 425, 610, 655 DUCTILE CAST IRON - AUSTENITIC FERRITIC FERRITIC - PEARLITIC PEARLITIC - MARTENSITIC MARTENSITIC GRAY CAST IRON MALLEABLE CAST IRON - FERRITIC OR PEARLITIC D-2, D-2B, D-2C, D-2M, D-3, D-3A, D-4, D-5 60-40-18, 65-45-12, D4018, D4512 80-55-06, D5506 100-70-03, D7003 120-90-02, DQ&T 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55 32510, 35018, 45008, M3210, M4504 LOW AND MEDIUM CARBON STEEL - WROUGHT LOW AND MEDIUM CARBON STEEL - FREE MACHINING LOW CARBON STEEL - CAST LEADED LOW CARBON LEADED MEDIUM CARBON MEDIUM CARBON STEEL - CAST 1005-1029, 1030-1050 1108-1119, 1132-1151, 1211-1215 1010, 1020 10L18, 11L17, 12L13-12L15 10L45, 10L50, 11L37, 11L44 1030, 1040, 1050 MEDIUM STRENGTH STEELS LOW AND MEDIUM CARBON ALLOY STEEL LOW AND MEDIUM CARBON ALLOY STEEL - FREE MACH. MEDIUM AND HIGH CARBON ALLOY STEEL - LEADED STAINLESS STEEL - 300 SERIES (FREE MACH.)* STAINLESS STEEL - 400 SERIES STAINLESS STEEL - 400 SERIES (FREE MACH.) 4320, 4340, 4620, 5015, 8620, 9310 4140, 4142Se, 4145Te, 4150, 86L20 41L30, 41L40, 41L50 303, 303MA, 303Pb, 303 PLUS X, 303Se 409, 410, 420, 430, 436 416, 416Se, 420F, 430F, 440F HIGH STRENGTH STEELS ARMOR PLATE HIGH CARBON ALLOY STEEL HIGH STRENGTH STEEL - WROUGHT MARAGING STEEL NITRIDING STEEL TOOL STEEL HY-80, HY-100, HY-180, MIL-S-12560 50100, 51100, 52100 300M, 4330V, 98BV40, HP 9-4-20 Grades 200, 250, 300, 350, HY 230 Nitralloy 125, 135, 135 Modified, 230 Series A2, D2, H13, M50, P20, S7, W1 IRON BASE ALLOY NICKEL BASE ALLOY STAINLESS STEEL - 300 SERIES STAINLESS STEEL - PH SERIES TITANIUM ALLOY A-286, Discaloy, Incoloy 800-802 Hastelloy C, Inconel 600, 625, 718, 825 302, 304, 309, 314, 316, 300, 347, 385 15-5PH, 16-6PH, 17-4PH, AM-350 Ti-6Al-4V, Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al, 98.9, 99.5 CAST IRON LOW CARBON STEELS HIGH TEMPERATURE ALLOYS Lexington’s tool selection is based on materials most common to condition. Special heat treatments or processing may change the material’s machining characteristics. This guide is a suggested starting point for tool selection. Phone 941-739-2726 • Fax 941-739-2827 *When milling free machining 300 series stainless steel, use cast iron classification. • w w w.lexingtoncutter.com • LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 1 MILLING CUTTERS - ARBOR TYPE TOOL SELECTOR (Gr RTW ee nfi e ld ) Un ion ra N ia ga NY TD Ga yle Mo rse e ton Fu ller Cle vel an d ron Lo wC Ste arbo el n Me d. S Ste treng els th H ig hS Ste treng els th H ig hT All emp oy s . Ca st I -Fe So rrou ft s No n- F er r Ha ou rd s No n tric Pag e al P ag Me Fra cti on Too l Ty pe e LEXINGTON CUTTER TOOL INDEX CROSS REFERENCE Double Angle Cutter - 45° Included 3750 27 - - - - - - - - Double Angle Cutter - 60° Included 3752 27 - - - - - - - - Double Angle Cutter - 90° Included 3754 27 - - - - - - - - Shell Mill Cutter - Cast Iron 3531 27 772 - - 5859 - 4900 - 5690 Shell Mill Cutter - Non-Ferrous 3530 27 773 - - 5858 - 4920 - 5694 Shell Mill Cutter - Steel 3532 27 771 - - 5860 - 4910 - 5692 Side Milling Cutter - Cast Iron 3541 26 - - - 5862 - 1590 - 5400 Side Milling Cutter - Non-Ferrous 3540 26 - - - 5861 - 1630 - 5404 Side Milling Cutter - Stainless Steel 3543 26 - - - 5849 - - - - Side Milling Cutter - Steel 3542 26 - - - 5863 - 1550 - 5401 Side Milling Cutter - Staggered Tooth - General Purpose 3547 15 - - - - - - - - Single Angle Cutter - 45° Left 3716 27 - - - - - - - - Single Angle Cutter - 45° Right 3714 27 - - - - - - - - Single Angle Cutter - 60° Left 3726 27 - - - - - - - - Single Angle Cutter - 60° Right 3724 27 - - - - - - - - Slitting Saw - Coarse Tooth - Cast Iron 3552 16 - - CCI 5847 - 4240 - 5406 5407 Slitting Saw - Coarse Tooth - Non-Ferrous 3550 16 - - CNF 5846 - 4690 - Slitting Saw - Coarse Tooth - Stainless Steel 3558 16 - - GSS 5850 - 4260 - - Slitting Saw - Coarse Tooth - Steel 3554 16 - - CST 5848 - 4220 - 5405 Slitting Saw - Standard Tooth - Cast Iron 3553 17 1361 - GPP - - - - - Slitting Saw - Standard Tooth - Non-Ferrous 3551 17 1361 - GPP - - - - - Slitting Saw - Standard Tooth - Stainless Steel 3559 17-21 - - GSS - - - - - Slitting Saw - Standard Tooth - Steel 3556 17, 22-25 1360 - STL - - - - - MILLING CUTTERS - SHANK TYPE TOOL SELECTOR CROSS REFERENCE Chamfer Cutter - 45° Single Angle - Non-Ferrous & Cast Iron 3730 12 - - - - - - - - Chamfer Cutter - 45° Single Angle - Steel 3731 12 - - - - - - - - Chamfer Cutter - 60° Single Angle - Non-Ferrous & Cast Iron 3732 12 - - - - - - - - Chamfer Cutter - 60° Single Angle - Steel 3733 12 - - - - - - - - Chamfer Cutter - 60° Double Angle - Non-Ferrous & Cast Iron 3746 12 - - - - - - - - Chamfer Cutter - 60° Double Angle - Steel 3747 12 - - - - - - - - Chamfer Cutter - 90° Double Angle - Non-Ferrous & Cast Iron 3748 12 - - - - - - - - Chamfer Cutter - 90° Double Angle - Steel 3749 12 - - - - - - - - Dovetail Cutter - 45° Single Angle - Non-Ferrous & Cast Iron 3734 13 - - - - - - - - Dovetail Cutter - 45° Single Angle - Steel 3735 13 - - - - - - - - Dovetail Cutter - 60° Single Angle - Non-Ferrous & Cast Iron 3736 13 - - - - - - - - Dovetail Cutter - 60° Single Angle - Steel 3737 13 - - - - - - - - Face Mill - Cast Iron 3537 28 - - - 1450/1460 - - - - Face Mill - Non-Ferrous 3536 28 - - - 1450/1460 - - - - Face Mill - Steel 3538 28 - - - 1450/1460 - - - - Keyseat Cutter - High Performance - Aluminum 3704 7 - - - - - - - - Keyseat Cutter - Staggered Tooth - Non-Ferrous & Cast Iron 3701 9 - - - - - - - - Keyseat Cutter - Staggered Tooth - Steel 3703 11 - - - - - - - - Keyseat Cutter - Straight Tooth - Non-Ferrous & Cast Iron 3700 8 - - - - - CB444 - - Keyseat Cutter - Straight Tooth - Steel 3702 10 - - - - - - - - Radius Cutter - Non-Ferrous & Cast Iron 3718 12 - - - - - - - - Radius Cutter - Steel 3719 12 - - - - - - - - T-Slot Cutter - Non-Ferrous & Cast Iron 3720 13 - - - - - - - - T-Slot Cutter - Steel 3721 13 - - - - - - - - 6° Left Spiral Flutes - Steel 3310 31 767 60LSS - 5964 4738 - LSEM - 6° Right Spiral Flutes - Non-Ferrous & Cast Iron 3306 32 766 60RS- - 5921 - 4700 RSEM 5682 - END MILLS TOOL SELECTOR CROSS REFERENCE 6° Right Spiral Flutes - Non-Ferrous Soft - Upsharp 3307 32 - - - - - - - 6° Right Spiral Flutes - Steel 3308 31 - 60RSS - - 4736 - - - 15° Right Spiral Flutes - Cast Iron 3320 33 - - - - - - - 5002 15° Right Spiral Flutes - Non-Ferrous & Cast Iron 3375 33 - - - 5692 4737 4840 HLS 15° Right Spiral Flutes - Steel 3350 31 - 60GSS - 5960 4733 4820 HES 5001 25° Right Spiral Flutes - Non-Ferrous 3325 33 - 60FS - 5958 4731 4860 HNS 5003 25° Right Spiral Flutes - Non-Ferrous Soft - Upsharp 3327 33 - - - - - - - - Bridgeport - Reduced ¾” Shank - Non-Ferrous & Cast Iron 3323 30 - - - - - - - - Bridgeport - Reduced ¾” Shank - Steel 3353 30 - - - - - - - - Center Cutting - 25° Right Spiral Flutes - Non-Ferrous & Cast Iron 3318 29 - 60CS - 5966 - - - - Center Cutting - Straight Flutes (3) - Non-Ferrous & Cast Iron 3314 29 - 60SK - 5935 - 4800 SKM 5689 Center Cutting - Straight Flutes (3) - Steel 3312 29 - 60SKS - 5936 - 4780 - 5688 CNC 15° Right Spiral Finishing - Non-Ferrous & Cast Iron 3322 30 - - - - - - - - CNC 15° Right Spiral Finishing - Steel 3355 30 - - - - - - - - CNC 25° Right Spiral High Performance - Non-Ferrous Soft 3337 30 - - - - - - - - Corner Rounding - Non-Ferrous & Cast Iron 3740 29 - - - - - - - - Corner Rounding - Steel 3741 29 - - - - - - - - Straight Flutes (2) - Non-Ferrous & Cast Iron 3302 32 765 60TF - 5923 4732 4700 TFEM 5680 Straight Flutes (2) - Steel 3300 31 - 60TFS - 5927 - - - - Straight Flutes (4/6) - Non-Ferrous & Cast Iron 3304 32 765 60EM - 5925 4734 4750 EM 5680 Straight Flutes (4) - Non-Ferrous Soft - Upsharp PORT CONTOUR CUTTERS 3305 32 - - - - - - - - - - - 5470 TOOL SELECTOR Straight Shank All 34 34 COUNTERBORES TOOL SELECTOR CROSS REFERENCE - - CROSS REFERENCE 3-4 Spiral Flutes - Straight Shank - Non-Ferrous & Cast Iron 3514 38 39 - 779 - - - 5779 SSC 3-4 Spiral Flutes - Straight Shank - Steel 3510 42 43 - - - - - - FAC - 3-4 Spiral Flutes - Taper Shank - Non-Ferrous & Cast Iron 3516 40 41 - 778 - - - 5780 TSC 5471 3-4 Spiral Flutes - Taper Shank - Steel 3511 42 43 - - - - - - TAC - LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 2 Made in U.S.A. • [email protected] • Phone 800-882-2627 • Fax 800-882-3637 COUNTERBORES 4 Spiral Flutes - Straight Shank - Non-Ferrous & Cast Iron 4 Spiral Flutes - Taper Shank - Non-Ferrous & Cast Iron TOOL SELECTOR CROSS REFERENCE - 3512 3518 38 40 39 41 - - - Aircraft - Reduced Shank - 3 Flutes Capscrew 3522 3513,15 44 37 37 - - - - - Pilots - Interchangeable Pin Drive - Non-Ferrous & Cast Iron 3500 3573 36 46 - Yes - - - Pin Drive - Steel 3574 46 - - - Radial Drive -Non-Ferrous & Cast Iron 3577 45 Radial Drive -Steel Stub Taper Shank - Non-Ferrous & Cast Iron 3578 3575 45 47 - - Stub Taper Shank - Steel 3576 47 - - REAMERS CNC Stub / Screw Machine - Straight or Left Spiral Flutes TOOL SELECTOR 91 - - - - 410 200 776 - Yes - 4704 - - - - - - - - 210 - - - - - - - - - 3430,40 90 SML - Coolant - Left Spiral Flutes - Through Hole - Cast Iron 3428 114 - - - - - - - - Coolant - Left Spiral Flutes - Through Hole - Non-Ferrous Coolant - Left Spiral Flutes - Through Hole - Steel 3427 3429 114 114 - - - - - - - - Coolant - Left Spiral Flutes - Through Hole - h6 Shank - Cast Iron 3428h6 107 107 - - - - - - - - Coolant - Left Spiral Flutes - Through Hole - h6 Shank - Non-Ferrous 3427h6 107 107 - - - - - - - - Coolant - Left Spiral Flutes - Through Hole - h6 Shank - Steel Coolant - Right Spiral Flutes - Blind Hole - Cast Iron 3429h6 3413 107 113 107 453 - - - - - - - Coolant - Right Spiral Flutes - Blind Hole - Non-Ferrous Coolant - Right Spiral Flutes - Blind Hole - Steel Coolant - Right Spiral Flutes - Blind Hole - h6 Shank - Cast Iron 3411 113 453 - - - - - - - 3415 3413h6 113 106 106 453 - - - - - - - - Coolant - Right Spiral Flutes - Blind Hole - h6 Shank - Non-Ferrous 3411h6 106 106 - - - - - - - - Coolant - Right Spiral Flutes - Blind Hole - h6 Shank - Steel 3415h6 106 106 - - - - - - - - 3490 3418 115 112 453A - - - - - - - Coolant - Right Spiral Flutes - Cross Pin Hole Shank Coolant - Right Spiral Flutes - Through Hole - Cast Iron Coolant - Right Spiral Flutes - Through Hole - Non-Ferrous 3417 112 453A - - - - - - - Coolant - Right Spiral Flutes - Through Hole - Steel Coolant - Straight Flutes - Blind Hole - Cast Iron 3419 3424 112 110 111 453A 452 - - - - - - - Coolant - Straight Flutes - Blind Hole - Non-Ferrous Coolant - Straight Flutes - Blind Hole - Steel Coolant - Straight Flutes - Blind Hole - h6 Shank - Cast Iron 3414 110 111 452 - - - - - - - 3434 3424h6 110 104 111 104 452 - - - - - - - - Coolant - Straight Flutes - Blind Hole - h6 Shank - Non-Ferrous 3414h6 104 104 - - - - - - - - Coolant - Straight Flutes - Blind Hole - h6 Shank - Steel Coolant - Straight Flutes - Through Hole - Cast Iron 3434h6 3426 104 108 104 109 452A - - - - - - - Coolant - Straight Flutes - Through Hole - Non-Ferrous 3416 108 109 452A - - - - - - - Coolant - Straight Flutes - Through Hole - Steel 3435 108 109 452A - - - - - - - 3426h6 3416h6 105 105 105 105 Coolant - Straight Flutes - Through Hole - h6 Shank - Steel 3435h6 105 105 Dowel Pin Size - Regular & Jobbers Drill Length Dowel Pin Size - Straight Flute Long Carbide - Straight Shank - Steel 3476,77 3486 61 79 450 - - - 8003 - - - - - Coolant - Straight Flutes - Through Hole - h6 Shank - Cast Iron Coolant - Straight Flutes - Through Hole - h6 Shank - Non-Ferrous Un io n - CROSS REFERENCE 4701 50SML 8250 5669 - (Gr RTW ee nfi eld ) Mo rse tcu t Me IM CO Fu ller CJT Cle vel an ton d Iro n Lo wC a Ste rbo n e Me l d. S Ste treng e th H i g ls hS t r Ste eng els th H ig h All Temp oy s . Ca st No n-F e So rrou ft s No n- F er r Ha o u rd s e Pag tric Me Fra ctio Too l Ty pe na l Pa g e LEXINGTON CUTTER TOOL INDEX Expansion - Straight Flute Long Carbide - Straight Shank 3465 86 87 490 - 50ES 8500 - 5733 ESR 5531 Expansion - Straight Flute Long Carbide - Taper Shank NAS 897 - Expansion - Straight Shank - Cast Iron 3467 3466 88 102 89 495 - 704 50ET - 8510 - - 5734 - ETR - 5532 - NAS 897 - Expansion - Straight Shank - Non-Ferrous 3464 102 - 704 - - - - - - NAS 897 - Expansion - Straight Shank - Steel NAS 897 - Expansion - Taper Shank - Cast Iron 3468 3462 102 103 - 704 716 - - - - - - NAS 897 - Expansion - Taper Shank - Non-Ferrous 3461 103 - 716 - - - - - - NAS 897 - Expansion - Taper Shank - Steel 3463 103 - 716 - - - - - - NAS 897 - Left Spiral Flute Long Carbide - Straight Shank - Cast Iron NAS 897 - Left Spiral Flute Long Carbide - Straight Shank - Non-Ferrous 3483 3482 99 99 - - - - - - - - NAS 897 - Left Spiral Flute Long Carbide - Straight Shank - Steel 3484 99 - - - - - - - - NAS 897 - Left Spiral Flutes - Straight Shank - Cast Iron NAS 897 - Left Spiral Flutes - Straight Shank - Non-Ferrous 3437 3433 101 101 - 4709 4709 - - - - - - NAS 897 - Left Spiral Flutes - Straight Shank - Steel 3439 101 - 4709 - - - - - - NAS 897 - Right Spiral Flute Long Carbide - Straight Shank - Cast Iron NAS 897 - Right Spiral Flute Long Carbide - Straight Shank - Non-Ferrous 3443 3442 98 98 - - - - - - - - NAS 897 - Right Spiral Flute Long Carbide - Straight Shank - Steel 3444 98 - - - - - - - - NAS 897 - Right Spiral Flutes - Straight Shank - Cast Iron NAS 897 - Right Spiral Flutes - Straight Shank - Non-Ferrous 3436 3432 100 100 - 4711 4711 - - - - - - NAS 897 - Right Spiral Flutes - Straight Shank - Steel 3438 100 - 4711 - - - - - - NAS 897 - Straight Flute Long Carbide - Straight Shank - Cast Iron 3458 94 95 - - - - - - - - NAS 897 - Straight Flute Long Carbide - Straight Shank - Non-Ferrous NAS 897 - Straight Flute Long Carbide - Straight Shank - Steel 3457 3459 94 94 95 95 - - - - - - - - NAS 897 - Straight Flute Long Carbide - Taper Shank - Cast Iron 3454 97 - - - - - - - - NAS 897 - Straight Flute Long Carbide - Taper Shank - Non-Ferrous NAS 897 - Straight Flute Long Carbide - Taper Shank - Steel 3453 3455 97 97 - - - - - - - - NAS 897 - Straight Flutes - Straight Shank - Cast Iron 3408 92 93 - 4703 - - - - - - NAS 897 - Straight Flutes - Straight Shank - Non-Ferrous NAS 897 - Straight Flutes - Straight Shank - Steel 3407 3409 92 92 93 93 - 4703 4703 - - - - - - NAS 897 - Straight Flutes - Taper Shank - Cast Iron 3473 96 - 4715 - - - - - - NAS 897 - Straight Flutes - Taper Shank - Non-Ferrous 3472 96 - 4715 - - - - - - 3474 3478,79 96 61 - 4715 - - 8002 - - - - NAS 897 - Straight Flutes - Taper Shank - Steel Over & Under Size - Regular & Jobbers Drill Length Over & Under Size - Straight Flute Long Carbide - Straight Shank - Steel 3488 79 - - - - - - - - Semi-Finished Shell Reamer - Arbors ALL 3481 69 116 - - - Yes - Yes Yes - Phone 941-739-2726 • Fax 941-739-2827 • w w w.lexingtoncutter.com • LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 3 3441 116 3431 117 3822, 23 51 Solid Carbide - Right Spiral Flutes TOOL SELECTOR 3812, 13 51 Solid Carbide - Straight Flutes - Short Series Solid Carbide - Straight Flutes - .0005 Increments 3804 3804 54-58 55-58 Solid Carbide - Straight Flutes - Cast Iron & Steel Solid Carbide - Straight Flutes - Non-Ferrous 3802 3803 3804 3828,29 Solid Carbide - Straight Flutes - Wire & Letter Solid Carbide - Coolant - Left Spiral Flutes - Through Hole (Gr RTW ee nfi e ld ) Un ion t Me tcu Mo rse IM CO ton Fu ller C JT Cle vel a nd Iro n Lo wC Ste arbo el n Me d. S Ste treng e th H i g ls hS Ste treng els th H ig hT All emp oy s . Ca st Pag e No n- F er r So ou ft s No n- F err Ha ou rd s al P ag e REAMERS - Cont. Shell Reamer - Left Spiral Flutes Shell Reamer - Straight Flutes Solid Carbide - Left Spiral Flutes Me tric ion Fra ct Too l Ty pe LEXINGTON CUTTER TOOL INDEX CROSS REFERENCE - - 1410L - - 5625 - - 5910 - - 1711 1410R - - - 1200R - - 1730 - 1400 - R10 - 5661 - - 1200 - 5760 - 50 50 - 1730 1730 1410 1410 - - - 1200 1200 - 54 53 - - 1400 R10 - - - - 54 54 Solid Carbide - Coolant - Right Spiral Flutes - Blind Hole 3816,17 53 Solid Carbide - Coolant - Straight Flutes - Blind Hole Solid Carbide - Coolant - Straight Flutes - Through Hole 3806, 07 3808, 09 52 52 Solid Carbide Head - Left Spiral Flutes - Cast Iron & Steel Solid Carbide Head - Left Spiral Flutes - Non-Ferrous 3820 3821 49,51 49,51 - - 1450L 1450L - - - - - Solid Carbide Head - Right Spiral Flutes - Cast Iron & Steel Solid Carbide Head - Right Spiral Flutes - Non-Ferrous 3810 3811 49,51 49,51 - - 1450R 1450R - - - 1300R 1300R - Solid Carbide Head - Straight Flutes - Cast Iron & Steel 3800 48,50 - - 1450 9500 - - 1300 - Solid Carbide Head - Straight Flutes - Non-Ferrous Spiral Flutes Left - Straight & Taper Shank 3801 48,50 3420,22 83,85 - - 1450 50SL 9500 8030 5651 - 1300 SLSR 5960 Spiral Flutes Right - Straight & Taper Shank Step Reamer - Left Spiral Flutes 3410,12 82,85 All 126 470 - - 50SR - 8020 - 5653 - - SRSR - 5961 - - - - - - - - - 8100 - 5659 - - SFR - - Step Reamer - Right Spiral Flutes Step Reamer - Straight Flutes 84 84 All All 125 124 Straight Flute Long Carbide - Straight Shank Straight Flute Long Carbide - Straight Shank - .0005 Increments 3450 3450 72 74-76 73 480 - - 50SF - Straight Flute Long Carbide - Straight Shank - Steel 3480 78-79 77 - - - - - - - - Straight Flute Long Carbide - Taper Shank Straight Flutes - Straight Shank 3452 3400 80 62-63 81 64 450 4703 50SS 8110 RT10 5660 5655 - TFR SSR 5950 Straight Flutes - Straight Shank - .0005 Increments Straight Flutes - Straight Shank - Jobbers Drill Length 3400 3401 65-68 60 - - - RT10 - - - - - Straight Flutes - Taper Shank Variable Length - Coolant - Left Spiral Flute Long Carbide 3402 All 70 123 - 4715 - 50TS - 8010 - 5656 - - TSR - 5955 - 71 Variable Length - Coolant - Right Spiral Flute Long Carbide All 121 - - - - - - - - Variable Length - Coolant - Straight Flute Long Carbide Variable Length - Left Spiral Flute Long Carbide All All 119 122 - - - - - - - - Variable Length - Right Spiral Flute Long Carbide Variable Length - Straight Flute Long Carbide All All 120 118 - - - - - - - - 3400 63 - - - CROSS REFERENCE - - 129 - - - - - - - - 172 - - - - - - - 170 171 2758 - - - - - - 290 - - - - - - - - 145 145 295 296 - - - - - - - Wire & Letter - Straight Flutes - Straight Shank DRILLS TOOL SELECTOR Aircraft Extension - 6” & 12” OAL CNC Spotting / Centering 3610,11 All 140 151 Coolant Straight Flutes - Extra Long Length - 125° 4 Facet Point 3658 141 Coolant Straight Flutes - Long Length - 125° 4 Facet Point Coolant Straight Flutes - Short Length - 125° 4 Facet Point 3650 3652 142 142 Coolant Twist - Long Length - 125° 4 Facet Point Coolant Twist - Long Length - 135° Split Point 3656 3657 144 144 Coolant Twist - Stub Length - 125° 4 Facet Point Coolant Twist - Stub Length - 135° Split Point 3654 3655 144 144 143 143 Core Drill - 4 Flutes - Straight Shank - Non-Ferrous & Cast Iron 3620 146 147 - - - - 5456 - - - Core Drill - 4 Flutes - Straight Shank - Steel Core Drill - 4 Flutes - Taper Shank - Non-Ferrous & Cast Iron 3621 3622 148 146 149 147 410 2738 - 8850 5454 - CD 5592 Core Drill - 4 Flutes - Taper Shank - Steel Die Drill - Hard Steel - Reduced Shank 3623 148 149 3670,72 138, 150 137 - - - - - - - - Die Drills - Hard Steel, Spade, Solid Carbide (3893) High Speed Steel Colbalt Jobbers Lenth - 118° Point 3670-75 138-139 137 3699 141 - - - - 5423 D000 HD - 131 120 - 2727 - 40CT - DT20 - 5330 - D444 - CTD - 5249 - 131 125 - - - - - - - - Jobbers Length Twist - 118° Point Jobbers Length Twist - 118° Point - Reduced Shank 3600 3600 130 150 Jobbers Length Twist - 118° Point - Tanged 3690 129 Jobbers Length Twist - 135° Split Point Jobbers Length Twist - 135° Split Point - Reduced Shank 3601 3601 130 150 Jobbers Length Twist - 135° Point - Tanged Silver & Deming - 118° Point 3691 3616 129 151 163 - - - - - - - Silver & Deming - 135° Split Point Solid Carbide - Jobbers Length Twist - 118° Point 3618 3860 151 128 - - - D20 - - - - Stub Length Twist - 118° Point Stub Length Twist - 118° Point - Reduced Shank 3640 3640 134 150 135 110 - - - DT21 - - - - - 135 115 - - - - - - - 133 130 2745 40TL DT22 5314 D555 TLD 5520 140 2740 40TLT 6850 5302 D999 TSD 5380 - - - - - - 791/793 - - - - Stub Length Twist - 135° Split Point 3641 134 Stub Length Twist - 135° Split Point - Reduced Shank Taper Length Twist - 118° Point 3641 3630 150 132 Taper Length Twist - 135° Split Point Taper Shank Twist - 118° Point 3631 3660 132 136 Taper Shank Twist - 118° Point - Smaller Taper Size Taper Shank Twist - 135° Split Point MISCELLANEOUS 3668 3661 136 136 All All 28 152-153 Coating Guide Specials Quote Forms Made in U.S.A. CROSS REFERENCE - - - 157 15,154 Problem Solving Guide 4 137 TOOL SELECTOR COUNTERSINKS SINGLE POINTS LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 133 5 • [email protected] • Phone 800-882-2627 • Fax 800-882-3637 CARBIDE TIPPED TOOL PROBLEM SOLVING GUIDE DRILLING PROBLEMS POSSIBLE CAUSES POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS 1. Rough finish Dull cutting edge Wrong feeds & speeds Resharpen to original tool geometry. Increase speed — also try reduced feed. 2. Excessive cutting edge wear Wrong feeds & speeds Rough cutting edge Insufficient coolant Increase feed (should always be over .001” per tooth) — especially when machining ductile or free machining materials. Also try reduced speed. Lightly hone cutting edge with fine grit diamond hone. Increase coolant flow — review type of coolant. 3. Chipped cutting edge Poor chip removal Recutting work hardened chips Vibration Incorrect carbide grade Use tool with larger flute space — larger diameter or fewer flutes. Increase coolant flow. Increase rigidity of set-up, especially worn tool holders or arbors. Change to tougher carbide grade. 4. Chatter marks Insufficient machine horsepower Vibration Use tool with fewer flutes as correct speeds & feeds must be maintained. Consider climb milling. User larger diameter cutter. Resharpen tool with more clearance. 5. Glazed finish Feed to light Dull cutting edge Insufficient clearance Increase feed. Resharpen tool to original geometry. Resharpen tool with more clearance. 6. Poor tool life Excessive cratering Increase speed or decrease feed. Change to harder grade of carbide. Decrease speed and increase feed. Increase coolant flow. Climb milling better than conventional milling. Reduce speed — rigidity very important. Use larger diameter tool. Conventional milling better than climb milling. Prompt resharpening to original geometry will increase total tool life. Maintain adequate coolant flow at all times. Climb milling is cooler than conventional milling. Milling abrasive material Milling hard material Insufficient chip room Milling surface scale Delayed resharpening Thermal cracked carbide MILLING PROBLEMS POSSIBLE CAUSES POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS 1. Chipped cutting edge Excessive feed Excessive lip relief Variation Thermal cracked carbide Reduce feed. Reduce lip relief to provide smaller chisel angle. Frequently a worn drill bushing — REPLACE. Maintain adequate coolant flow at all times. 2. Short tool life Drill dwelling Only one lip cutting Maintain adequate feed at all times. Regrind with equal lip heights and chisel in center. 3. Drill walks or drifts Unequal lip heights Worn drilling bushing Regrind with equal lip heights and chisel in center. Replace drill bushing. 4. Oversized holes Unequal lip heights Excessive lip relief Worn drill bushing Regrind with equal lip heights and chisel in center. Reduce lip relief to provide smaller chisel angle. Replace drill bushing. 5. Rough finish Dull cutting Inadequate coolant Regrind with fine grit diamond wheel. Review type of coolant and maintain adequate flow. REAMING PROBLEMS 1. Poor finish POSSIBLE CAUSES POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS Unequal chamfers Incorrect margins Excessive spindle runout Chatter Regrind reamer with equal chamfer height. Regrind reamer with correct margin for material being machined. Increase reamer back taper (to lose size faster). Increase speed and reduce feed rate. Use power feed unless material is hard. Use right or left spiral fluted reamer. Grind secondary lead angle immediately behind 45° chamfer. Specify reamer with positive radial rake to reduce cutting pressure — may produce slightly larger diameter holes. Insufficient cutting action 2. Oversized holes or tapered holes or bell mouthed holes Misalignment Use bushing — .0002”/.0003” over reamer diameter. If hole location varies, use floating reamer holder. Increase reamer back taper (to lose size faster). Verify correct feeds & speeds. Decrease previous operation drill size to allow more material for removal by reamer — leave 2% - 3% of tool diameter for cast iron and more stock for non-ferrous materials. Decrease feed rate. Reduce stock to be removed by increasing previous operation drill size — leave 2% - 3% of the tool diameter. See solution for ̏Misalignment˝ in #2 above. Correct previous drilling operation — reamer will follow the drilled hole. Increase reamer attack angle (chamfer) to 120° - 180° included angle. See solution for ̏Excessive reaming pressure˝ in #3 above. See solution for ̏Misalignment˝ in #2 above. Incorrect feed and/or speed Insufficient stock removal 3. Excessive tool wear Excessive reaming pressure Misalignment Drill walking or incorrect sharpening Excessive reaming pressure Misalignment 4. Crooked holes 5. Tool breakage Phone 941-739-2726 • Fax 941-739-2827 • w w w.lexingtoncutter.com • LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 5 FEEDS & SPEEDS CHART FOR KEYSEATS - CARBIDE TIPPED Feeds & speeds are a starting recommendation for catalog standards only. Factors such as machine, fixture and tooling rigidity, horsepower available, coolant application and others will affect the performance significantly. Please read machine operators instructions and use all safety shields and glasses before performing these operations. (Series 3700, 3701, 3702, & 3703 Keyseat Cutters) IPM is based on catalog standards only using the mid SFPM and a 0.002 IPT chip load as a starting point. For all other conditions use the following formulas to calculate RPM and IPM from the ranges listed in the material group and brinell harness section as a starting point. RPM=SFPM*3.82/Cutter Diameter IPM=IPT*RPM*#Teeth CLASSIFICATION MATERIAL ½ 5⁄8 ¾ 7⁄8 1 1 1⁄8 1 ¼ 1 3⁄8 1 ½ IPM IPM IPM IPM IPM IPM IPM IPM IPM 1200+ .002-.010 110 88 73 63 73 65 59 53 49 MAGNESIUM ALLOY 50 - 90** 1000+ .002-.010 92 73 61 52 61 54 49 44 41 LEAD ALLOY 10 - 20** 1500+ - - - - - - - - - - NON-METAL AND PLASTIC - ZINC ALLOY - DIE CAST 80 - 100 750-1000 .002-.006 80 64 53 46 53 48 43 39 36 ALUMINUM BRONZE 40 - 175 200-600 .002-.006 37 29 24 21 24 22 20 18 16 .002-.006 138110 92 79 92 81 73 67 61 BRASS ALLOY - LEADED AND FREE CUTTING 10 - 100Rb 400-550 .002-.006 44 35 29 25 29 26 23 21 19 NICKEL SILVER 10 - 100Rb 200-400 .002-.006 28 22 18 16 18 16 15 13 12 COPPER ALLOY - TOUGH 40 - 200** 200-500 .002-.006 32 26 21 18 21 19 17 16 14 DUCTILE CAST IRON - AUSTENITIC 120 - 275 DUCTILE CAST IRON - FERRITIC 140 - 270 200-400 .002-.007 28 22 18 16 18 16 15 13 12 DUCTILE CAST IRON - MARTENSITIC 270 - 440 150-350 .002-.007 23 18 15 13 15 14 12 11 10 GRAY - PEARLITIC 220 - 320 150-300 .002-.007 21 17 14 12 14 12 11 10 9 GRAY - FERRITIC 110 - 240 220-410 .002-.006 29 23 19 17 19 17 15 14 13 MALLEABLE CAST IRON MARTENSITIC 200 - 320 130-300 .002-.004 20 16 13 11 13 12 11 10 9 LOW AND MEDIUM CARBON STEEL FREE MACHINING 100 - 250 200-500 .001-.005 32 26 21 18 21 19 17 16 14 LOW AND MEDIUM CARBON STEEL WROUGHT 100 - 375 200-400 .001-.005 28 22 18 16 18 16 15 13 12 LOW AND MEDIUM CARBON ALLOY STEEL - FREE MACHINING 100 - 275 200-400 .001-.005 28 22 18 16 18 16 15 13 12 LOW AND MEDIUM CARBON ALLOY STEEL 85 - 375 130-330 .001-.005 21 17 14 12 14 12 11 10 9 STAINLESS STEEL - 400 SERIES 135 - 325 135-375 .002-.005 24 19 16 14 16 14 13 12 11 STAINLESS STEEL - 400 SERIES FREE MACHINING 135 - 275 250-500 .002-.005 34 28 23 20 23 20 18 17 15 HIGH STRENGTH STEEL WROUGHT & TOOL STEEL 175 - 400 75-200 .001-.004 13 28 23 20 23 20 18 17 15 HIGH TEMP ALLOYS NICKEL & IRON BASE ALLOY 140 - 300 50-150 .001-.004 9 7 6 5 6 5 5 4 4 STAINLESS STEEL - 300 SERIES 135 - 375 75-175 .001-.004 11 9 8 7 8 7 6 6 5 STAINLESS STEEL - PH SERIES 150 - 440 75-175 .001-.004 11 9 8 7 8 7 6 6 5 TITANIUM ALLOY 110 - 380 75-200 .002-.006 13 10 8 7 8 7 7 6 6 MEDIUM STRENGTH STEELS HIGH STRENGTH STEELS HIGH TEMP. ALLOYS LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 6 KEYSEAT CUTTER DIAMETER 30 - 150** NONFERROUS (HARD) LOW CARBON STEELS FEED RATE IPT ALUMINUM ALLOY - WROUGHT NONFERROUS (SOFT) CAST IRON BRINELL SPEED IN SFPM Made in U.S.A. • [email protected] 75-150 .002-.004 10 8 • Phone 800-882-2627 7 • 6 7 6 6 5 5 Fax 800-882-3637 **500kg CARBIDE TIPPED HIGH PERFORMANCE KEYSEAT CUTTERS FOR ALUMINUM TYPE 3704 - HIGH PERFORMANCE - FOR ALUMINUM Carbide tips brazed to hardened alloy steel bodies. Designed specifically for the aluminum industry. Tools have a high volume flute capacity for higher speeds and feeds and better finishes. The tool geometry includes clearance for cutting on all three surfaces. Used for milling, slotting, grooving, snap rings, and O-rings. Also used in circular interpolation of spot facing, back spot facing, and counterboring. Starting point for aluminum slotting: 1K - 4K SFPM, .002 - .008 IPT. Reduce SFPM and IPT by 25% for widths under .0938. Up to 1½" diameter: ½" shank. 1¾" diameter thru 2½": ¾" shank. Face width tolerance: +.0005"/-.0005". Tool diameter tolerance: +.020"/+.015". AMERICAN NO. TOOL NECK STANDARD WIDTH OF OAL DIAM. DIAM. NO. TEETH 305 405 505 605 406 506 606 806 507 607 707 807 608 708 808 1008 1208 609 709 809 1009 610 710 810 1010 1210 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1⁄16 3⁄32 1⁄8 5⁄32 3⁄16 7⁄32 ¼ 1⁄16 3⁄32 1⁄8 5⁄32 3⁄16 7⁄32 ¼ 1⁄16 3⁄32 1⁄8 5⁄32 3⁄16 7⁄32 ¼ 3⁄32 1⁄8 5⁄32 3⁄16 7⁄32 ¼ 9⁄32 5⁄16 11⁄32 3⁄8 3⁄32 1⁄8 5⁄32 3⁄16 7⁄32 ¼ 9⁄32 5⁄16 11⁄32 3⁄8 3⁄32 1⁄8 5⁄32 3⁄16 7⁄32 ¼ 9⁄32 5⁄16 11⁄32 3⁄8 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 .160 .191 .223 .252 .279 .342 .342 .160 .191 .217 .246 .279 .342 .342 .160 .191 .217 .246 .279 .312 .342 .191 .217 .246 .279 .312 .342 .401 .401 .467 .467 .217 .246 .279 .312 .342 .374 .435 .435 .467 .467 .217 .246 .279 .312 .342 .374 .435 .435 .467 .467 Phone 941-739-2726 2 1⁄16 2 3⁄32 2 1⁄8 2 5⁄32 2 3⁄16 2 7⁄32 2¼ 2 1⁄16 2 3⁄32 2 1⁄8 2 5⁄32 2 3⁄16 2 7⁄32 2¼ 2 1⁄16 2 3⁄32 2 1⁄8 2 5⁄32 2 3⁄16 2 7⁄32 2¼ 2 3⁄32 2 1⁄8 2 5⁄32 2 3⁄16 2 7⁄32 2¼ 2 9⁄32 2 5⁄16 2 11⁄32 2 3⁄8 2 3⁄32 2 1⁄8 2 5⁄32 2 3⁄16 2 7⁄32 2¼ 2 9⁄32 2 5⁄16 2 11⁄32 2 3⁄8 2 3⁄32 2 1⁄8 2 5⁄32 2 3⁄16 2 7⁄32 2¼ 2 9⁄32 2 5⁄16 2 11⁄32 2 3⁄8 • EDP NO. PRICE EACH DECIMAL SIZE RANGE 37042002 37040305 37040405 37040505 37040605 37042007 37042008 37042402 37042403 37040406 37040506 37040606 37042407 37040806 37042802 37042803 37042804 37040507 37040607 37040707 37040807 37043203 37043204 37043205 37040608 37040708 37040808 37043209 37041008 37043211 37041208 37043603 37043604 37043605 37040609 37040709 37040809 37043609 37041009 37043611 37043612 37044003 37044004 37044005 37040610 37040710 37040810 37044009 37041010 37044011 37041210 $148.55 148.55 148.55 148.55 148.55 148.55 148.55 155.95 155.95 155.95 155.95 155.95 155.95 155.95 167.15 167.15 167.15 167.15 167.15 167.15 167.15 176.40 176.40 176.40 176.40 176.40 176.40 176.40 176.40 176.40 176.40 176.40 176.40 176.40 176.40 176.40 176.40 176.40 176.40 176.40 176.40 185.65 185.65 185.65 185.65 185.65 185.65 185.65 185.65 185.65 185.65 .0575 - .0787 .0788 - .1099 .1100 - .1400 .1401 - .1713 .1714 - .2025 .2026 - .2339 .2340 - .2650 .0575 - .0787 .0788 - .1099 .1100 - .1400 .1401 - .1713 .1714 - .2025 .2026 - .2339 .2340 - .2650 .0575 - .0787 .0788 - .1099 .1100 - .1400 .1401 - .1713 .1714 - .2025 .2026 - .2339 .2340 - .2650 .0788 - .1088 .1089 - .1400 .1401 - .1713 .1714 - .2025 .2026 - .2339 .2340 - .2650 .2651 - .2968 .2969 - .3281 .3282 - .3593 .3594 - .3900 .0788 - .1088 .1089 - .1400 .1401 - .1713 .1714 - .2025 .2026 - .2339 .2340 - .2650 .2651 - .2968 .2969 - .3281 .3282 - .3593 .3594 - .3900 .0788 - .1088 .1089 - .1400 .1401 - .1713 .1714 - .2025 .2026 - .2339 .2340 - .2650 .2651 - .2968 .2969 - .3281 .3282 - .3593 .3594 - .3900 Fax 941-739-2827 • AMERICAN NO. TOOL NECK STANDARD WIDTH OF OAL DIAM. DIAM. NO. TEETH 811 1011 1211 812 1012 1212 - 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 - 3⁄32 1⁄8 5⁄32 3⁄16 7⁄32 ¼ 9⁄32 5⁄16 11⁄32 3⁄8 3⁄32 1⁄8 5⁄32 3⁄16 7⁄32 ¼ 9⁄32 5⁄16 11⁄32 3⁄8 13⁄32 7⁄16 15⁄32 ½ 1⁄8 5⁄32 3⁄16 7⁄32 ¼ 9⁄32 5⁄16 11⁄32 3⁄8 13⁄32 7⁄16 15⁄32 ½ 1⁄8 5⁄32 3⁄16 7⁄32 ¼ 9⁄32 5⁄16 11⁄32 3⁄8 13⁄32 7⁄16 15⁄32 ½ - 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 - .312 .342 .374 .401 .401 .401 .467 .467 .467 .467 .435 .435 .435 .435 .435 .435 .467 .467 .467 .467 .467 .467 .467 .467 .718 .718 .718 .718 .718 .718 .718 .718 .718 .718 .718 .718 .718 .718 .718 .718 .718 .718 .718 .718 .718 .718 .718 .718 .718 .718 - w w w.lexingtoncutter.com • 2 3⁄32 2 1⁄8 2 5⁄32 2 3⁄16 2 7⁄32 2¼ 2 9⁄32 2 5⁄16 2 11⁄32 2 3⁄8 2 3⁄32 2 1⁄8 2 5⁄32 2 3⁄16 2 7⁄32 2¼ 2 9⁄32 2 5⁄16 2 11⁄32 2 3⁄8 2 13⁄32 2 7⁄16 2 15⁄32 2½ 3 1⁄8 3 5⁄32 3 3⁄16 3 7⁄32 3¼ 3 9⁄32 3 5⁄16 3 11⁄32 3 3⁄8 3 13⁄32 3 7⁄16 3 15⁄32 3½ 3 1⁄8 3 5⁄32 3 3⁄16 3 7⁄32 3¼ 3 9⁄32 3 5⁄16 3 11⁄32 3 3⁄8 3 13⁄32 3 7⁄16 3 15⁄32 3½ - EDP NO. PRICE EACH DECIMAL SIZE RANGE 37044403 37044404 37044405 37044406 37044407 37040811 37044409 37041011 37044411 37041211 37044803 37044804 37044805 37044806 37044807 37040812 37044809 37041012 37044811 37041212 37044813 37044814 37044815 37044816 37045604 37045605 37045606 37045607 37045608 37045609 37045610 37045611 37045612 37045613 37045614 37045615 37045616 37046404 37046405 37046406 37046407 37046408 37046409 37046410 37046411 37046412 37046413 37046414 37046415 37046416 - $204.20 204.20 204.20 204.20 204.20 204.20 204.20 204.20 204.20 204.20 232.10 232.10 232.10 232.10 232.10 232.10 232.10 232.10 232.10 278.50 278.50 278.50 278.50 278.50 256.20 256.20 256.20 256.20 256.20 256.20 256.20 256.20 300.85 300.85 300.85 300.85 300.85 297.00 297.00 297.00 297.00 297.00 297.00 297.00 297.00 343.55 343.55 343.55 343.55 343.55 - .0788 - .1088 .1089 - .1400 .1401 - .1713 .1714 - .2025 .2026 - .2339 .2340 - .2650 .2651 - .2968 .2969 - .3281 .3282 - .3593 .3594 - .3900 .0788 - .1088 .1089 - .1400 .1401 - .1713 .1714 - .2025 .2026 - .2339 .2340 - .2650 .2651 - .2968 .2969 - .3281 .3282 - .3593 .3594 - .3900 .3901 - .4219 .4220 - .4531 .4532 - .4843 .4844 - .5150 .1089 - .1400 .1401 - .1713 .1714 - .2025 .2026 - .2339 .2340 - .2650 .2651 - .2968 .2969 - .3281 .3282 - .3593 .3594 - .3900 .3901 - .4219 .4220 - .4531 .4532 - .4843 .4844 - .5150 .1089 - .1400 .1401 - .1713 .1714 - .2025 .2026 - .2339 .2340 - .2650 .2651 - .2968 .2969 - .3281 .3282 - .3593 .3594 - .3900 .3901 - .4219 .4220 - .4531 .4532 - .4843 .4844 - .5150 - LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 7 CARBIDE TIPPED STRAIGHT TOOTH KEYSEAT CUTTERS FOR NON-FERROUS & CAST IRON TYPE 3700 - STRAIGHT TOOTH Carbide tips brazed to hardened alloy steel bodies. Fast cutting to close tolerance with longer tool life. For milling slots in cast iron, non-ferrous metals, plastics and non-metals. Chip breakers are on all cutters 5⁄32" and greater width. Decimal size cutters DO NOT have chip breakers. Tool diameter tolerance: +.020"/+.015". Face width tolerance: +.0000"/- .0005". Straight shank: ½" diameter, 2” long. AMERICAN STANDARD NO. 204 304 404 305 405 505 605 406 506 606 806 507 607 707 807 608 708 808 1008 1208 609 709 809 1009 610 710 810 1010 1210 811 1011 1211 812 1012 1212 - TOOL DIAM. NO. OF TEETH WIDTH NECK DIAM. OVERALL LENGTH ½ ½ ½ 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 1⁄16 3⁄32 1⁄8 3⁄32 1⁄8 5⁄32 3⁄16 1⁄8 5⁄32 3⁄16 7⁄32 ¼ 5⁄32 3⁄16 7⁄32 ¼ 3⁄16 7⁄32 ¼ 9⁄32 5⁄16 11⁄32 3⁄8 3⁄16 7⁄32 ¼ 9⁄32 5⁄16 3⁄16 7⁄32 ¼ 9⁄32 5⁄16 11⁄32 3⁄8 ¼ 9⁄32 5⁄16 11⁄32 3⁄8 ¼ 9⁄32 5⁄16 11⁄32 3⁄8 13⁄32 7⁄16 15⁄32 ½ .130 .160 .191 .191 .223 .252 .279 .217 .246 .279 .342 .342 .246 .279 .312 .342 .279 .312 .342 .401 .401 .467 .467 .312 .342 .374 .435 .435 .312 .342 .374 .435 .435 .467 .467 .401 .467 .467 .467 .467 .435 .467 .467 .467 .467 .467 .467 .467 .467 2 1⁄16 2 3⁄32 2 1⁄8 2 3⁄32 2 1⁄8 2 5⁄32 2 3⁄16 2 1⁄8 2 5⁄32 2 3⁄16 2 7⁄32 2¼ 2 5⁄32 2 3⁄16 2 7⁄32 2¼ 2 3⁄16 2 7⁄32 2¼ 2 9⁄32 2 5⁄16 2 11⁄32 2 3⁄8 2 3⁄16 2 7⁄32 2¼ 2 9⁄32 2 5⁄16 2 3⁄16 2 7⁄32 2¼ 2 9⁄32 2 5⁄16 2 11⁄32 2 3⁄8 2¼ 2 9⁄32 2 5⁄16 2 11⁄32 2 3⁄8 2¼ 2 9⁄32 2 5⁄16 2 11⁄32 2 3⁄8 2 13⁄32 2 7⁄16 2 15⁄32 2½ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 8 Made in U.S.A. • EDP NO. PRICE EACH DECIMAL SIZE RANGE PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE 1 PC. 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14* 37000204 $121.15 .0575 - .0787 $163.15 $145.05 $139.00 $136.10 $133.00 $130.50 37000304 121.15 .0788 - .1088 163.15 145.05 139.00 136.10 133.00 130.50 37000404 121.15 .1089 - .1400 163.15 145.05 139.00 136.10 133.00 130.50 37000305 125.50 .0788 - .1088 167.70 149.60 143.50 140.55 137.50 135.05 37000405 125.50 .1089 - .1400 167.70 149.60 143.50 140.55 137.50 135.05 37000505 125.50 .1401 - .1713 167.70 149.60 143.50 140.55 137.50 135.05 37000605 125.50 .1714 - .2025 167.70 149.60 143.50 140.55 137.50 135.05 37000406 131.05 .1100 - .1400 173.45 155.40 149.25 146.35 143.30 140.75 37000506 131.05 .1401 - .1713 173.45 155.40 149.25 146.35 143.30 140.75 37000606 131.05 .1714 - .2025 173.45 155.40 149.25 146.35 143.30 140.75 37002407 143.50 .2026 - .2339 173.45 155.40 149.25 146.35 143.30 140.75 37000806 131.05 .2340 - .2650 173.45 155.40 149.25 146.35 143.30 140.75 37000507 137.20 .1401 - .1713 179.95 161.85 155.75 152.90 149.80 147.30 37000607 137.20 .1714 - .2025 179.95 161.85 155.75 152.90 149.80 147.30 37000707 137.20 .2026 - .2339 179.95 161.85 155.75 152.90 149.80 147.30 37000807 137.20 .2340 - .2650 179.95 161.85 155.75 152.90 149.80 147.30 37000608 154.75 .1714 - .2025 198.40 180.25 174.15 171.20 168.15 165.70 37000708 154.75 .2026 - .2339 198.40 180.25 174.15 171.20 168.15 165.70 37000808 154.75 .2340 - .2650 198.40 180.25 174.15 171.20 168.15 165.70 37003209 169.55 .2651 - .2968 198.40 180.25 174.15 171.20 168.15 165.70 37001008 154.75 .2969 - .3281 198.40 180.25 174.15 171.20 168.15 165.70 37003211 169.55 .3282 - .3593 198.40 180.25 174.15 171.20 168.15 165.70 37001208 154.75 .3594 - .3900 198.40 180.25 174.15 171.20 168.15 165.70 37000609 162.60 .1714 - .2025 206.50 188.45 182.35 179.40 176.35 173.90 37000709 162.60 .2026 - .2339 206.50 188.45 182.35 179.40 176.35 173.90 37000809 162.60 .2340 - .2650 206.50 188.45 182.35 179.40 176.35 173.90 37003609 178.10 .2651 - .2968 206.50 188.45 182.35 179.40 176.35 173.90 37001009 162.60 .2969 - .3281 206.50 188.45 182.35 179.40 176.35 173.90 37000610 170.75 .1714 - .2025 215.05 197.00 190.80 187.95 184.85 182.35 37000710 170.75 .2026 - .2339 215.05 197.00 190.80 187.95 184.85 182.35 37000810 170.75 .2340 - .2650 215.05 197.00 190.80 187.95 184.85 182.35 37004009 186.95 .2651 - .2968 215.05 197.00 190.80 187.95 184.85 182.35 37001010 170.75 .2969 - .3281 215.05 197.00 190.80 187.95 184.85 182.35 37004011 186.95 .3282 - .3593 215.05 197.00 190.80 187.95 184.85 182.35 37001210 170.75 .3594 - .3900 215.05 197.00 190.80 187.95 184.85 182.35 37000811 179.35 .2340 - .2650 224.05 205.95 199.90 197.00 193.90 191.45 37004409 196.40 .2651 - .2968 224.05 205.95 199.90 197.00 193.90 191.45 37001011 179.35 .2969 - .3281 224.05 205.95 199.90 197.00 193.90 191.45 37004411 196.40 .3282 - .3593 224.05 205.95 199.90 197.00 193.90 191.45 37001211 179.35 .3594 - .3900 224.05 205.95 199.90 197.00 193.90 191.45 37000812 188.30 .2340 - .2650 233.45 215.40 209.30 206.35 203.30 200.85 37004809 206.20 .2651 - .2968 233.45 215.40 209.30 206.35 203.30 200.85 37001012 188.30 .2969 - .3281 233.45 215.40 209.30 206.35 203.30 200.85 37004811 206.20 .3282 - .3593 233.45 215.40 209.30 206.35 203.30 200.85 37001212 188.30 .3594 - .3900 233.45 215.40 209.30 206.35 203.30 200.85 37004813 206.20 .3901 - .4219 233.45 215.40 209.30 206.35 203.30 200.85 37004814 206.20 .4220 - .4531 233.45 215.40 209.30 206.35 203.30 200.85 37004815 206.20 .4532 - .4843 233.45 215.40 209.30 206.35 203.30 200.85 37004816 206.20 .4844 - .5150 233.45 215.40 209.30 206.35 203.30 200.85 [email protected] • Phone 800-882-2627 • Fax 800-882-3637 *Quantities of 15 or more: price of fractional size in same size range. CARBIDE TIPPED STAGGERED TOOTH KEYSEAT CUTTERS FOR NON-FERROUS & CAST IRON TYPE 3701 - STAGGERED TOOTH Carbide tips brazed to hardened alloy steel bodies. Alternate 10° right and left axial rake. For milling slots in cast iron, non-ferrous metals, plastics and non-metals. Tool diameter tolerance: +.020"/+.015". Face width tolerance: +.0000"/- .0005". Straight shank: ½" diameter, 2" long. AMERICAN STANDARD NO. 204 304 404 305 405 505 605 406 506 606 806 507 607 707 807 608 708 808 1008 1208 609 709 809 1009 610 710 810 1010 1210 811 1011 1211 812 1012 1212 - TOOL DIAM. NO. OF TEETH WIDTH NECK DIAM. OVERALL LENGTH ½ ½ ½ 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 1⁄16 3⁄32 1⁄8 3⁄32 1⁄8 5⁄32 3⁄16 1⁄8 5⁄32 3⁄16 7⁄32 ¼ 5⁄32 3⁄16 7⁄32 ¼ 3⁄16 7⁄32 ¼ 9⁄32 5⁄16 11⁄32 3⁄8 3⁄16 7⁄32 ¼ 9⁄32 5⁄16 3⁄16 7⁄32 ¼ 9⁄32 5⁄16 11⁄32 3⁄8 ¼ 9⁄32 5⁄16 11⁄32 3⁄8 ¼ 9⁄32 5⁄16 11⁄32 3⁄8 13⁄32 7⁄16 15⁄32 ½ .130 .160 .191 .191 .223 .252 .279 .217 .246 .279 .342 .342 .246 .279 .312 .342 .279 .312 .342 .401 .401 .467 .467 .312 .342 .374 .435 .435 .312 .342 .374 .435 .435 .467 .467 .401 .467 .467 .467 .467 .435 .467 .467 .467 .467 .467 .467 .467 .467 2 1⁄16 2 3⁄32 2 1⁄8 2 3⁄32 2 1⁄8 2 5⁄32 2 3⁄16 2 1⁄8 2 5⁄32 2 3⁄16 2 7⁄32 2¼ 2 5⁄32 2 3⁄16 2 7⁄32 2¼ 2 3⁄16 2 7⁄32 2¼ 2 9⁄32 2 5⁄16 2 11⁄32 2 3⁄8 2 3⁄16 2 7⁄32 2¼ 2 9⁄32 2 5⁄16 2 3⁄16 2 7⁄32 2¼ 2 9⁄32 2 5⁄16 2 11⁄32 2 3⁄8 2¼ 2 9⁄32 2 5⁄16 2 11⁄32 2 3⁄8 2¼ 2 9⁄32 2 5⁄16 2 11⁄32 2 3⁄8 2 13⁄32 2 7⁄16 2 15⁄32 2½ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ Phone 941-739-2726 • EDP NO. DECIMAL SIZE RANGE PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE 1 PC. 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14* 37010204 $142.60 .0575 - .0787 $185.55 $167.45 $161.35 $158.50 $155.40 $152.90 37010304 142.60 .0788 - .1088 185.55 167.45 161.35 158.50 155.40 152.90 37010404 142.60 .1089 - .1400 185.55 167.45 161.35 158.50 155.40 152.90 37010305 147.65 .0788 - .1088 190.90 172.85 166.75 163.80 160.70 158.20 37010405 147.65 .1089 - .1400 190.90 172.85 166.75 163.80 160.70 158.20 37010505 147.65 .1401 - .1713 190.90 172.85 166.75 163.80 160.70 158.20 37010605 147.65 .1714 - .2025 190.90 172.85 166.75 163.80 160.70 158.20 37010406 154.30 .1100 - .1400 197.80 179.75 173.60 170.75 167.65 165.20 37010506 154.30 .1401 - .1713 197.80 179.75 173.60 170.75 167.65 165.20 37010606 154.30 .1714 - .2025 197.80 179.75 173.60 170.75 167.65 165.20 37012407 169.00 .2026 - .2339 197.80 179.75 173.60 170.75 167.65 165.20 37010806 154.30 .2340 - .2650 197.80 179.75 173.60 170.75 167.65 165.20 37010507 161.35 .1401 - .1713 205.25 187.10 181.00 178.10 175.00 172.55 37010607 161.35 .1714 - .2025 205.25 187.10 181.00 178.10 175.00 172.55 37010707 161.35 .2026 - .2339 205.25 187.10 181.00 178.10 175.00 172.55 37010807 161.35 .2340 - .2650 205.25 187.10 181.00 178.10 175.00 172.55 37010608 182.05 .1714 - .2025 226.95 208.80 202.70 199.80 196.70 194.25 37010708 182.05 .2026 - .2339 226.95 208.80 202.70 199.80 196.70 194.25 37010808 182.05 .2340 - .2650 226.95 208.80 202.70 199.80 196.70 194.25 37013209 199.45 .2651 - .2968 226.95 208.80 202.70 199.80 196.70 194.25 37011008 182.05 .2969 - .3281 226.95 208.80 202.70 199.80 196.70 194.25 37013211 199.45 .3282 - .3593 226.95 208.80 202.70 199.80 196.70 194.25 37011208 182.05 .3594 - .3900 226.95 208.80 202.70 199.80 196.70 194.25 37010609 191.10 .1714 - .2025 236.40 218.25 212.15 209.30 206.20 203.70 37010709 191.10 .2026 - .2339 236.40 218.25 212.15 209.30 206.20 203.70 37010809 191.10 .2340 - .2650 236.40 218.25 212.15 209.30 206.20 203.70 37013609 209.30 .2651 - .2968 236.40 218.25 212.15 209.30 206.20 203.70 37011009 191.10 .2969 - .3281 236.40 218.25 212.15 209.30 206.20 203.70 37010610 200.75 .1714 - .2025 246.45 228.35 222.25 219.30 216.25 213.80 37010710 200.75 .2026 - .2339 246.45 228.35 222.25 219.30 216.25 213.80 37010810 200.75 .2340 - .2650 246.45 228.35 222.25 219.30 216.25 213.80 37014009 219.85 .2651 - .2968 246.45 228.35 222.25 219.30 216.25 213.80 37011010 200.75 .2969 - .3281 246.45 228.35 222.25 219.30 216.25 213.80 37014011 219.85 .3282 - .3593 246.45 228.35 222.25 219.30 216.25 213.80 37011210 200.75 .3594 - .3900 246.45 228.35 222.25 219.30 216.25 213.80 37010811 210.85 .2340 - .2650 257.10 239.05 232.95 230.00 226.95 224.40 37014409 230.95 .2651 - .2968 257.10 239.05 232.95 230.00 226.95 224.40 37011011 210.85 .2969 - .3281 257.10 239.05 232.95 230.00 226.95 224.40 37014411 230.95 .3282 - .3593 257.10 239.05 232.95 230.00 226.95 224.40 37011211 210.85 .3594 - .3900 257.10 239.05 232.95 230.00 226.95 224.40 37010812 221.50 .2340 - .2650 268.15 250.10 243.95 241.10 238.00 235.50 37014809 242.55 .2651 - .2968 268.15 250.10 243.95 241.10 238.00 235.50 37011012 221.50 .2969 - .3281 268.15 250.10 243.95 241.10 238.00 235.50 37014811 242.55 .3282 - .3593 268.15 250.10 243.95 241.10 238.00 235.50 37011212 221.50 .3594 - .3900 268.15 250.10 243.95 241.10 238.00 235.50 37014813 242.55 .3901 - .4219 268.15 250.10 243.95 241.10 238.00 235.50 37014814 242.55 .4220 - .4531 268.15 250.10 243.95 241.10 238.00 235.50 37014815 242.55 .4532 - .4843 268.15 250.10 243.95 241.10 238.00 235.50 37014816 242.55 .4844 - .5150 268.15 250.10 243.95 241.10 238.00 235.50 Fax 941-739-2827 *Quantities of 15 or more: price of fractional size in same size range. PRICE EACH • w w w.lexingtoncutter.com • LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 9 CARBIDE TIPPED STRAIGHT TOOTH KEYSEAT CUTTERS FOR STEEL TYPE 3702 - STRAIGHT TOOTH Carbide tips brazed to hardened alloy steel bodies. Fast cutting to close tolerance with longer tool life. For milling slots in steel and steel alloys. Chip breakers are on all cutters 5⁄32" and greater width. Decimal size cutters DO NOT have chip breakers. Tool diameter tolerance: +.020"/+.015". Face width tolerance: +.0000"/- .0005". Straight shank: ½" diameter, 2" long. AMERICAN STANDARD NO. 204 304 404 305 405 505 605 406 506 606 806 507 607 707 807 608 708 808 1008 1208 609 709 809 1009 610 710 810 1010 1210 811 1011 1211 812 1012 1212 - TOOL DIAM. NO. OF TEETH WIDTH NECK DIAM. OVERALL LENGTH ½ ½ ½ 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 1⁄16 3⁄32 1⁄8 3⁄32 1⁄8 5⁄32 3⁄16 1⁄8 5⁄32 3⁄16 7⁄32 ¼ 5⁄32 3⁄16 7⁄32 ¼ 3⁄16 7⁄32 ¼ 9⁄32 5⁄16 11⁄32 3⁄8 3⁄16 7⁄32 ¼ 9⁄32 5⁄16 3⁄16 7⁄32 ¼ 9⁄32 5⁄16 11⁄32 3⁄8 ¼ 9⁄32 5⁄16 11⁄32 3⁄8 ¼ 9⁄32 5⁄16 11⁄32 3⁄8 13⁄32 7⁄16 15⁄32 ½ .130 .160 .191 .191 .223 .252 .279 .217 .246 .279 .342 .342 .246 .279 .312 .342 .279 .312 .342 .401 .401 .467 .467 .312 .342 .374 .435 .435 .312 .342 .374 .435 .435 .467 .467 .401 .467 .467 .467 .467 .435 .467 .467 .467 .467 .467 .467 .467 .467 2 1⁄16 2 3⁄32 2 1⁄8 2 3⁄32 2 1⁄8 2 5⁄32 2 3⁄16 2 1⁄8 2 5⁄32 2 3⁄16 2 7⁄32 2¼ 2 5⁄32 2 3⁄16 2 7⁄32 2¼ 2 3⁄16 2 7⁄32 2¼ 2 9⁄32 2 5⁄16 2 11⁄32 2 3⁄8 2 3⁄16 2 7⁄32 2¼ 2 9⁄32 2 5⁄16 2 3⁄16 2 7⁄32 2¼ 2 9⁄32 2 5⁄16 2 11⁄32 2 3⁄8 2¼ 2 9⁄32 2 5⁄16 2 11⁄32 2 3⁄8 2¼ 2 9⁄32 2 5⁄16 2 11⁄32 2 3⁄8 2 13⁄32 2 7⁄16 2 15⁄32 2½ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 10 Made in U.S.A. • EDP NO. PRICE EACH DECIMAL SIZE RANGE PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE 1 PC. 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14* 37020204 $140.00 .0575 - .0787 $184.70 $165.65 $159.25 $156.20 $152.95 $150.40 37020304 140.00 .0788 - .1088 184.70 165.65 159.25 156.20 152.95 150.40 37020404 140.00 .1089 - .1400 184.70 165.65 159.25 156.20 152.95 150.40 37020305 145.00 .0788 - .1088 189.85 170.90 164.50 161.40 158.15 155.60 37020405 145.00 .1089 - .1400 189.85 170.90 164.50 161.40 158.15 155.60 37020505 145.00 .1401 - .1713 189.85 170.90 164.50 161.40 158.15 155.60 37020605 145.00 .1714 - .2025 189.85 170.90 164.50 161.40 158.15 155.60 37020406 151.35 .1100 - .1400 196.60 177.60 171.20 168.10 164.85 162.30 37020506 151.35 .1401 - .1713 196.60 177.60 171.20 168.10 164.85 162.30 37020606 151.35 .1714 - .2025 196.60 177.60 171.20 168.10 164.85 162.30 37022407 165.75 .2026 - .2339 196.60 177.60 171.20 168.10 164.85 162.30 37020806 151.35 .2340 - .2650 196.60 177.60 171.20 168.10 164.85 162.30 37020507 158.55 .1401 - .1713 204.05 185.00 178.60 175.60 172.35 169.70 37020607 158.55 .1714 - .2025 204.05 185.00 178.60 175.60 172.35 169.70 37020707 158.55 .2026 - .2339 204.05 185.00 178.60 175.60 172.35 169.70 37020807 158.55 .2340 - .2650 204.05 185.00 178.60 175.60 172.35 169.70 37020608 178.85 .1714 - .2025 225.30 206.30 199.85 196.85 193.60 190.95 37020708 178.85 .2026 - .2339 225.30 206.30 199.85 196.85 193.60 190.95 37020808 178.85 .2340 - .2650 225.30 206.30 199.85 196.85 193.60 190.95 37023209 195.90 .2651 - .2968 225.30 206.30 199.85 196.85 193.60 190.95 37021008 178.85 .2969 - .3281 225.30 206.30 199.85 196.85 193.60 190.95 37023211 195.90 .3282 - .3593 225.30 206.30 199.85 196.85 193.60 190.95 37021208 178.85 .3594 - .3900 225.30 206.30 199.85 196.85 193.60 190.95 37020609 187.80 .1714 - .2025 234.75 215.70 209.35 206.30 203.10 200.45 37020709 187.80 .2026 - .2339 234.75 215.70 209.35 206.30 203.10 200.45 37020809 187.80 .2340 - .2650 234.75 215.70 209.35 206.30 203.10 200.45 37023609 205.65 .2651 - .2968 234.75 215.70 209.35 206.30 203.10 200.45 37021009 187.80 .2969 - .3281 234.75 215.70 209.35 206.30 203.10 200.45 37020610 197.20 .1714 - .2025 244.60 225.55 219.20 216.10 212.85 210.30 37020710 197.20 .2026 - .2339 244.60 225.55 219.20 216.10 212.85 210.30 37020810 197.20 .2340 - .2650 244.60 225.55 219.20 216.10 212.85 210.30 37024009 215.95 .2651 - .2968 244.60 225.55 219.20 216.10 212.85 210.30 37021010 197.20 .2969 - .3281 244.60 225.55 219.20 216.10 212.85 210.30 37024011 215.95 .3282 - .3593 244.60 225.55 219.20 216.10 212.85 210.30 37021210 197.20 .3594 - .3900 244.60 225.55 219.20 216.10 212.85 210.30 37020811 207.10 .2340 - .2650 255.05 236.00 229.60 226.55 223.30 220.70 37024409 226.90 .2651 - .2968 255.05 236.00 229.60 226.55 223.30 220.70 37021011 207.10 .2969 - .3281 255.05 236.00 229.60 226.55 223.30 220.70 37024411 226.90 .3282 - .3593 255.05 236.00 229.60 226.55 223.30 220.70 37021211 207.10 .3594 - .3900 255.05 236.00 229.60 226.55 223.30 220.70 37020812 217.50 .2340 - .2650 265.85 246.90 240.50 237.40 234.15 231.60 37024809 238.20 .2651 - .2968 265.85 246.90 240.50 237.40 234.15 231.60 37021012 217.50 .2969 - .3281 265.85 246.90 240.50 237.40 234.15 231.60 37024811 238.20 .3282 - .3593 265.85 246.90 240.50 237.40 234.15 231.60 37021212 217.50 .3594 - .3900 265.85 246.90 240.50 237.40 234.15 231.60 37024813 238.20 .3901 - .4219 265.85 246.90 240.50 237.40 234.15 231.60 37024814 238.20 .4220 - .4531 265.85 246.90 240.50 237.40 234.15 231.60 37024815 238.20 .4532 - .4843 265.85 246.90 240.50 237.40 234.15 231.60 37024816 238.20 .4844 - .5150 265.85 246.90 240.50 237.40 234.15 231.60 [email protected] • Phone 800-882-2627 • Fax 800-882-3637 *Quantities of 15 or more: price of fractional size in same size range. CARBIDE TIPPED STAGGERED TOOTH KEYSEAT CUTTERS FOR STEEL TYPE 3703 - STAGGERED TOOTH Carbide tips brazed to hardened alloy steel bodies. Alternate 10° right and left axial rake. For milling slots in steel and steel alloys. Tool diameter tolerance: +.020"/+.015". Face width tolerance: +.0000"/- .0005". Straight shank: ½" diameter, 2" long. AMERICAN STANDARD NO. 204 304 404 305 405 505 605 406 506 606 806 507 607 707 807 608 708 808 1008 1208 609 709 809 1009 610 710 810 1010 1210 811 1011 1211 812 1012 1212 - TOOL DIAM. NO. OF TEETH WIDTH NECK DIAM. OVERALL LENGTH ½ ½ ½ 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 1⁄16 3⁄32 1⁄8 3⁄32 1⁄8 5⁄32 3⁄16 1⁄8 5⁄32 3⁄16 7⁄32 ¼ 5⁄32 3⁄16 7⁄32 ¼ 3⁄16 7⁄32 ¼ 9⁄32 5⁄16 11⁄32 3⁄8 3⁄16 7⁄32 ¼ 9⁄32 5⁄16 3⁄16 7⁄32 ¼ 9⁄32 5⁄16 11⁄32 3⁄8 ¼ 9⁄32 5⁄16 11⁄32 3⁄8 ¼ 9⁄32 5⁄16 11⁄32 3⁄8 13⁄32 7⁄16 15⁄32 ½ .130 .160 .191 .191 .223 .252 .279 .217 .246 .279 .342 .342 .246 .279 .312 .342 .279 .312 .342 .401 .401 .467 .467 .312 .342 .374 .435 .435 .312 .342 .374 .435 .435 .467 .467 .401 .467 .467 .467 .467 .435 .467 .467 .467 .467 .467 .467 .467 .467 2 1⁄16 2 3⁄32 2 1⁄8 2 3⁄32 2 1⁄8 2 5⁄32 2 3⁄16 2 1⁄8 2 5⁄32 2 3⁄16 2 7⁄32 2¼ 2 5⁄32 2 3⁄16 2 7⁄32 2¼ 2 3⁄16 2 7⁄32 2¼ 2 9⁄32 2 5⁄16 2 11⁄32 2 3⁄8 2 3⁄16 2 7⁄32 2¼ 2 9⁄32 2 5⁄16 2 3⁄16 2 7⁄32 2¼ 2 9⁄32 2 5⁄16 2 11⁄32 2 3⁄8 2¼ 2 9⁄32 2 5⁄16 2 11⁄32 2 3⁄8 2¼ 2 9⁄32 2 5⁄16 2 11⁄32 2 3⁄8 2 13⁄32 2 7⁄16 2 15⁄32 2½ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ Phone 941-739-2726 • EDP NO. DECIMAL SIZE RANGE PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE 1 PC. 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14* 37030204 $164.70 .0575 - .0787 $210.60 $191.55 $185.15 $182.05 $178.85 $176.25 37030304 164.70 .0788 - .1088 210.60 191.55 185.15 182.05 178.85 176.25 37030404 164.70 .1089 - .1400 210.60 191.55 185.15 182.05 178.85 176.25 37030305 170.50 .0788 - .1088 216.70 197.70 191.30 188.25 185.00 182.45 37030405 170.50 .1089 - .1400 216.70 197.70 191.30 188.25 185.00 182.45 37030505 170.50 .1401 - .1713 216.70 197.70 191.30 188.25 185.00 182.45 37030605 170.50 .1714 - .2025 216.70 197.70 191.30 188.25 185.00 182.45 37030406 178.15 .1100 - .1400 224.70 205.75 199.35 196.25 193.00 190.35 37030506 178.15 .1401 - .1713 224.70 205.75 199.35 196.25 193.00 190.35 37030606 178.15 .1714 - .2025 224.70 205.75 199.35 196.25 193.00 190.35 37032407 195.15 .2026 - .2339 224.70 205.75 199.35 196.25 193.00 190.35 37030806 178.15 .2340 - .2650 224.70 205.75 199.35 196.25 193.00 190.35 37030507 186.40 .1401 - .1713 233.20 214.20 207.85 204.70 201.45 198.95 37030607 186.40 .1714 - .2025 233.20 214.20 207.85 204.70 201.45 198.95 37030707 186.40 .2026 - .2339 233.20 214.20 207.85 204.70 201.45 198.95 37030807 186.40 .2340 - .2650 233.20 214.20 207.85 204.70 201.45 198.95 37030608 210.30 .1714 - .2025 258.30 239.30 232.90 229.85 226.60 224.05 37030708 210.30 .2026 - .2339 258.30 239.30 232.90 229.85 226.60 224.05 37030808 210.30 .2340 - .2650 258.30 239.30 232.90 229.85 226.60 224.05 37033209 230.35 .2651 - .2968 258.30 239.30 232.90 229.85 226.60 224.05 37031008 210.30 .2969 - .3281 258.30 239.30 232.90 229.85 226.60 224.05 37033211 230.35 .3282 - .3593 258.30 239.30 232.90 229.85 226.60 224.05 37031208 210.30 .3594 - .3900 258.30 239.30 232.90 229.85 226.60 224.05 37030609 220.70 .1714 - .2025 269.25 250.20 243.80 240.80 237.55 234.90 37030709 220.70 .2026 - .2339 269.25 250.20 243.80 240.80 237.55 234.90 37030809 220.70 .2340 - .2650 269.25 250.20 243.80 240.80 237.55 234.90 37033609 241.75 .2651 - .2968 269.25 250.20 243.80 240.80 237.55 234.90 37031009 220.70 .2969 - .3281 269.25 250.20 243.80 240.80 237.55 234.90 37030610 231.80 .1714 - .2025 280.85 261.80 255.50 252.40 249.15 246.60 37030710 231.80 .2026 - .2339 280.85 261.80 255.50 252.40 249.15 246.60 37030810 231.80 .2340 - .2650 280.85 261.80 255.50 252.40 249.15 246.60 37034009 253.95 .2651 - .2968 280.85 261.80 255.50 252.40 249.15 246.60 37031010 231.80 .2969 - .3281 280.85 261.80 255.50 252.40 249.15 246.60 37034011 253.95 .3282 - .3593 280.85 261.80 255.50 252.40 249.15 246.60 37031210 231.80 .3594 - .3900 280.85 261.80 255.50 252.40 249.15 246.60 37030811 243.60 .2340 - .2650 293.20 274.25 267.75 264.75 261.50 258.85 37034409 266.75 .2651 - .2968 293.20 274.25 267.75 264.75 261.50 258.85 37031011 243.60 .2969 - .3281 293.20 274.25 267.75 264.75 261.50 258.85 37034411 266.75 .3282 - .3593 293.20 274.25 267.75 264.75 261.50 258.85 37031211 243.60 .3594 - .3900 293.20 274.25 267.75 264.75 261.50 258.85 37030812 255.80 .2340 - .2650 306.00 286.95 280.55 277.45 274.25 271.65 37034809 280.10 .2651 - .2968 306.00 286.95 280.55 277.45 274.25 271.65 37031012 255.80 .2969 - .3281 306.00 286.95 280.55 277.45 274.25 271.65 37034811 280.10 .3282 - .3593 306.00 286.95 280.55 277.45 274.25 271.65 37031212 255.80 .3594 - .3900 306.00 286.95 280.55 277.45 274.25 271.65 37034813 280.10 .3901 - .4219 306.00 286.95 280.55 277.45 274.25 271.65 37034814 280.10 .4220 - .4531 306.00 286.95 280.55 277.45 274.25 271.65 37034815 280.10 .4532 - .4843 306.00 286.95 280.55 277.45 274.25 271.65 37034816 280.10 .4844 - .5150 306.00 286.95 280.55 277.45 274.25 271.65 Fax 941-739-2827 *Quantities of 15 or more: price of fractional size in same size range. PRICE EACH • w w w.lexingtoncutter.com • LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 11 CARBIDE TIPPED CHAMFER MILLING CUTTERS SINGLE ANGLE CUTTERS TYPE 3730 - 45° - FOR NON-FERROUS & CAST IRON TYPE 3731 - 45° - FOR STEEL TYPE 3732 - 60° - FOR NON-FERROUS & CAST IRON TYPE 3733 - 60° - FOR STEEL Carbide tips brazed to hardened alloy steel bodies. Right hand cut. Straight shank with Weldon flats. Angle tolerance: +/- 1/4˚. Tool diameter tolerance: +.015”/-.000”. TOOL DIAMETER ½ ¾ 1 1½ SHANK DIAMETER NO. OF TEETH OVERALL LENGTH 3⁄8 3⁄8 ½ ¾ 4 6 6 8 2 1⁄8 2 1⁄8 2½ 2¾ 45° ANGLE 60° ANGLE CUTTER WIDTH TYPE 3730 EDP NO. PRICE EACH TYPE 3731 EDP NO. PRICE EACH CUTTER WIDTH TYPE 3732 EDP NO. PRICE EACH TYPE 3733 EDP NO. PRICE EACH 1⁄8 3⁄16 5⁄16 ½ 373016 373024 373032 373048 $196.30 211.70 248.30 314.65 373116 373124 373132 373148 $215.85 232.75 273.05 346.25 7⁄32 5⁄16 7⁄16 5⁄8 373216 373224 373232 373248 $196.30 211.70 248.30 314.65 373316 373324 373332 373348 $215.85 232.75 273.05 346.25 DOUBLE ANGLE CUTTERS TYPE 3746 - 60° - FOR NON-FERROUS & CAST IRON TYPE 3747 - 60° - FOR STEEL TYPE 3748 - 90° - FOR NON-FERROUS & CAST IRON TYPE 3749 - 90° - FOR STEEL Carbide tips brazed to hardened alloy steel bodies. Right hand cut. Straight shank with Weldon flats. Angle tolerance: +/- 1/4°. Tool diameter tolerance: +.015"/-.000"; Corner radius: .010" - .020". TOOL SHANK NO. OF DIAMETER DIAMETER TEETH OVERALL LENGTH ¾ 1 1 3⁄8 1½ 1 7⁄8 2¼ 3⁄8 ½ 5⁄8 5⁄8 ¾ 7⁄8 6 6 6 6 6 6 60° DOUBLE ANGLE CUTTER WIDTH 2 3⁄8 2 27⁄32 3 7⁄32 3 3⁄8 3 25⁄32 4 5⁄32 3⁄16 5⁄16 7⁄16 ½ 5⁄8 ¾ TYPE 3746 EDP NO. PRICE EACH 90° DOUBLE ANGLE TYPE 3747 EDP NO. 374624 $175.00 374724 374632 206.70 374732 374644 239.45 374744 374648 251.50 374748 374660 381.90 374760 374672 516.95 374772 PRICE EACH OVERALL LENGTH CUTTER WIDTH TYPE 3748 EDP NO. PRICE EACH $192.55 227.40 263.50 276.65 420.15 568.60 2 3⁄8 2 29⁄32 3 9⁄32 3 7⁄16 3 25⁄32 4 5⁄32 ¼ 3⁄8 ½ 9⁄16 5⁄8 ¾ 374824 374832 374844 374848 374860 374872 $175.00 206.70 239.45 251.50 381.90 516.95 TYPE 3749 EDP NO. PRICE EACH 374924 $192.55 374932 227.40 374944 263.50 374948 276.65 374960 420.15 374972 568.60 CARBIDE TIPPED RADIUS CUTTERS TYPE 3718 - FOR NON-FERROUS & CAST IRON TYPE 3719 - FOR STEEL Carbide tips brazed to hardened alloy steel bodies. Right hand cut. Convex radius. Straight shank with Weldon flats. CUTTER RADIUS 1⁄32 1⁄16 3⁄32 1⁄8 5⁄32 3⁄16 ¼ TOOL DIAM. SHANK DIAM. NO. OF TEETH CUTTER WIDTH OVERALL LENGTH ½ ½ ½ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 1⁄16 1⁄8 3⁄16 ¼ 5⁄16 3⁄8 ½ 3 3 3 3½ 3½ 3½ 4 ¾ ¾ 7⁄8 1¼ 1 5⁄16 1 3⁄8 1½ LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 12 Made in U.S.A. • TYPE 3718 EDP NO. PRICE EACH TYPE 3719 EDP NO. PRICE EACH 371801 $232.55 371901 $255.85 371802 232.55 371902 255.85 371803 254.25 371903 279.50 371804 276.65 371904 304.35 371805 318.35 371905 350.25 371806 336.90 371906 370.60 371808 348.75 371908 383.65 [email protected] • Tool diameter tolerance: +.005"/-.000". Tool radius tolerance thru 1⁄8" radius: +.001"/-.001". over 1⁄8" radius: +.002"/-.002". Phone 800-882-2627 • Fax 800-882-3637 CARBIDE TIPPED T-SLOT CUTTERS TYPE 3720 - FOR NON-FERROUS & CAST IRON Carbide tips brazed to hardened alloy steel bodies. Alternate 10° right and left axial rake. Straight shank with drive flats. Used to machine cast iron and non-ferrous materials. TYPE 3721 - FOR STEEL Same as Type 3720 above, except carbide grade and geometry appropriate for cutting steel. Tool diameter tolerance: +.000"/-.010". BOLT DIAMETER ¼ 5⁄16 3⁄8 ½ 5⁄8 ¾ 1 1¼ 1½ TOOL DIAMETER SHANK DIAMETER 9⁄16 21⁄32 25⁄32 31⁄32 1¼ 1 15⁄32 1 27⁄32 2 7⁄32 2 21⁄32 ½ ½ ¾ ¾ 1 1 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ CUTTER WIDTH NECK DIAMETER UNDERCUT LENGTH NO. OF TEETH OVERALL LENGTH TYPE 3720 EDP NO. 15⁄64 17⁄64 21⁄64 25⁄64 31⁄64 5⁄8 53⁄64 1 3⁄32 1 11⁄32 17⁄64 21⁄64 13⁄32 17⁄32 21⁄32 25⁄32 1 1⁄32 1 7⁄32 1 17⁄32 35⁄64 39⁄64 55⁄64 63⁄64 1 9⁄64 1½ 1 43⁄64 1 31⁄32 2 1⁄8 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 2 19⁄32 2 11⁄16 3¼ 3 7⁄16 3 15⁄16 4 7⁄16 4 13⁄16 5 3⁄8 5 29⁄32 372008 372010 372012 372016 372020 372024 372032 372040 372048 PRICE EACH $160.50 158.55 199.50 216.90 287.90 321.70 459.40 579.70 671.30 TYPE 3721 EDP NO. PRICE EACH 372108 372110 372112 372116 372120 372124 372132 372140 372148 $173.30 171.25 215.50 234.25 311.00 347.45 496.10 626.05 725.10 CARBIDE TIPPED DOVETAIL CUTTERS TYPE 3734 - 45° SINGLE ANGLE FOR NON-FERROUS & CAST IRON TYPE 3735 - 45° SINGLE ANGLE FOR STEEL Carbide tips brazed to hardened alloy steel bodies. 45° single angle with right hand cut. Straight shank with drive flats. TYPE 3736 - 60° SINGLE ANGLE FOR NON-FERROUS & CAST IRON TYPE 3737 - 60° SINGLE ANGLE FOR STEEL Carbide tips brazed to hardened alloy steel bodies. 60° single angle with right hand cut. Straight shank with drive flats. Tool diameter tolerance: +.015"/-.000". Corner radius: .015" - .020". TOOL SHANK NECK DIAMETER DIAMETER DIAMETER ½ ¾ 1 1¼ 1½ 2 2½ 3 3⁄8 3⁄8 ½ 5⁄8 ¾ 1 1¼ 1¼ 3⁄16 ¼ 3⁄8 ½ ½ ¾ 1 1 Phone 941-739-2726 NO. OF TEETH OVERALL LENGTH 3 3 4 4 4 6 6 6 2 1⁄8 2¼ 2½ 2¾ 3¼ 4¼ 4 3⁄8 4½ • 45° SINGLE ANGLE CUTTER WIDTH 5⁄32 ¼ 5⁄16 3⁄8 ½ 5⁄8 ¾ 1 TYPE 3734 EDP NO. PRICE EACH TYPE 3735 EDP NO. 60° SINGLE ANGLE PRICE EACH 373416 $150.90 373516 $163.10 373424 162.80 373524 175.75 373432 174.20 373532 188.15 373440 197.95 373540 213.90 373448 231.40 373548 249.90 373464 371.70 373564 401.45 373480 502.65 373580 542.80 373496 592.80 373596 640.20 Fax 941-739-2827 • CUTTER WIDTH TYPE 3736 EDP NO. 7⁄32 ¼ 3⁄8 ½ 5⁄8 ¾ 7⁄8 1 1⁄8 w w w.lexingtoncutter.com PRICE EACH TYPE 3737 EDP NO. PRICE EACH 373616 $150.90 373716 $163.10 373624 162.80 373724 175.75 373632 174.20 373732 188.15 373640 197.95 373740 213.90 373648 231.40 373748 249.90 373664 371.70 373764 401.45 373680 502.65 373780 542.80 373696 592.80 373796 640.20 • LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 13 FEEDS & SPEEDS CHART FOR MILLS & SAWS - CARBIDE TIPPED Feeds & speeds are a starting recommendation only. Factors such as machine, fixture and tooling rigidity, horsepower available, coolant application and others will affect the performance significantly. Please read machine operators instructions and use all safety shields and glasses before performing these operations. RPM=SFPM*3.82/Cutter Diameter IPM=IPT*RPM*#Teeth MATERIAL CLASSIFICATION BRINELL 30 - 150* 1000 - 2000 .004-.008 MAGNESIUM ALLOY 50 - 90* 750 - 1500 .004-.008 LEAD ALLOY 10 - 20* 300 - 1000 .004-.008 NON-METAL AND PLASTIC - 1500 - 3000 .004-.008 ZINC ALLOY - DIE CAST 80 - 100 750 - 1500 .005-.010 ALUMINUM BRONZE 40 - 175 200 - 600 .003-.006 BRASS ALLOY - LEADED AND FREE CUTTING 10 - 100Rb 400 - 800 .004-.008 NICKEL SILVER 10 - 100Rb 200 - 400 .003-.006 COPPER ALLOY - TOUGH 40 - 200* 200 - 500 .004-.008 DUCTILE CAST IRON - AUSTENITIC 120 - 275 75 - 150 .002-.004 DUCTILE CAST IRON - FERRITIC 140 - 270 250 - 400 .003-.006 DUCTILE CAST IRON - MARTENSITIC 270 - 400 200 - 300 .003-.006 GRAY - PEARLITIC 220 - 320 120 - 300 .002-.004 CAST IRON LOW CARBON STEELS GRAY - FERRITIC 110 - 240 250 - 425 .003-.006 MALLEABLE CAST IRON - MARTENSITIC 200 - 320 130 - 225 .002-.004 MALLEABLE CAST IRON - FERRITIC & PEARLITIC 110 - 240 200 - 400 .003-.006 LOW AND MEDIUM CARBON STEEL FREE MACHINING 100 - 250 250 - 500 .003-.006 LOW AND MEDIUM CARBON STEEL WROUGHT 100 - 375 200 - 400 .002-.004 LOW AND MEDIUM CARBON ALLOY STEEL - FREE MACHINING 100 - 275 200 - 400 .002-.004 LOW AND MEDIUM CARBON ALLOY STEEL 85 - 375 150 - 300 .002-.005 STAINLESS STEEL - 400 SERIES 135 - 325 200 - 400 .003-.006 STAINLESS STEEL - 400 SERIES FREE MACHINING 135 - 275 250 - 500 .003-.006 HIGH STRENGTH STEEL WROUGHT & TOOL STEEL 175 - 400 75 - 150 .002-.004 HIGH TEMP ALLOYS NICKEL & IRON BASE ALLOY 140 - 300 50 - 150 .002-.004 STAINLESS STEEL - 300 SERIES 135 - 375 75 - 150 .002-.004 STAINLESS STEEL - PH SERIES 150 - 440 75 - 150 .002-.004 TITANIUM ALLOY 110 - 380 100 - 200 .002-.004 MEDIUM STRENGTH STEELS HIGH STRENGTH STEELS HIGH TEMP. ALLOYS LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 14 Made in U.S.A. INCHES PER TOOTH (IPT) ALUMINUM ALLOY - WROUGHT NON-FERROUS (SOFT) NON-FERROUS (HARD) SURFACE FEET PER MINUTE (SFPM) • [email protected] • Phone 800-882-2627 • Fax 800-882-3637 *500kg CARBIDE TIPPED SIDE MILLING CUTTERS STAGGERED TOOTH TYPE 3547 - GENERAL PURPOSE Carbide tips brazed to alloy steel bodies. Positive radial rake and alternating right and left hand 5º axial rake make this an excellent choice for general purpose milling including aluminum, cast iron, composites, stainless steel, steel, and titanium up to 363 Brinell (39Rc). Staggered tooth design produces a free cutting tool and promotes chip evacuation. Carbide extends across the entire length of each tooth. WIDTH TOOL DIAM. FRAC. 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 3⁄16 ¼ 5⁄16 3⁄8 ½ 5⁄8 3⁄16 ¼ 5⁄16 3⁄8 ½ 5⁄8 ¾ ¼ 5⁄16 3⁄8 ½ 5⁄8 ¾ 1 ALL TYPES: Tool diameter tolerance: +1⁄16"/-.000". Face width tolerance: +.001"/- .000". Arbor hole tolerance: +.001"/-.000". Sharpened on all 3 cutting edges. TYPE 3547 FOR STAINLESS STEEL DEC. NO. OF TEETH 1"ARBOR EDP NO. 1¼"ARBOR EDP NO. 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 354710 354712 354714 354716 354718 354720 354722 354724 354726 354728 354730 354732 354734 - 354750 354752 354754 354756 354758 354760 354762 .1875 .2500 .3125 .3750 .5000 .6250 .1875 .2500 .3125 .3750 .5000 .6250 .7500 .2500 .3125 .3750 .5000 .6250 .7500 1.0000 PRICE EACH $841.20 861.20 868.90 872.35 899.45 962.90 913.90 925.35 936.55 947.80 961.10 979.00 990.10 1188.10 1197.05 1198.80 1214.45 1221.35 1261.20 1350.35 For a material specific design and/or other types of staggered tooth cutters use the form and diagrams below for a quote. 5 5 $ . ' + : Herringbone Stagger with Full Width Carbide Straight Stagger with Partial Width Carbide Herringbone Stagger with Partial Width Carbide Name ________________________________________________________________ Phone___________________ Company _____________________________________________________________ Fax______________________ Full Address ____________________________________________________________________________________ SPECIAL CARBIDE TIPPED STAGGERED TOOTH CUTTER ORDERING INFORMATION D= Cutter Diameter R1= Radius/Chamfer (Left Side Top Coming) Material Cutting W= Cutter Width R2= Radius/Chamfer (Right Side Top Coming) Quantities A= Arbor Hole Diameter C= Carbide Length (If Partial Width Carbide) Herringbone Stagger - Full Width Carbide K= Keyway Size S= Axial Rake Angle Herringbone Stagger - Partial Width Carbide H= Hub Diameter N= # of Teeth Straight Stagger - Partial Width Carbide Phone 941-739-2726 • Fax 941-739-2827 • w w w.lexingtoncutter.com NOTE: Standard tool tolerances as stated in this catalog will be applied unless another tolerance is specified. • LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 15 CARBIDE TIPPED SLITTING SAWS - COARSE TOOTH TYPE 3550 - FOR NON-FERROUS Carbide tips brazed to alloy steel bodies. For machining aluminum, magnesium, zinc, brass, bronze, plastics and non-metals. TYPE 3552 - FOR CAST IRON Carbide tips brazed to alloy steel bodies. For machining most materials, especially cast iron and malleable iron. TYPE 3554 - FOR STEEL Carbide tips brazed to alloy steel bodies. Steel cutting grade of carbide for machining most steels. TYPE 3558 - FOR STAINLESS STEEL Carbide tips brazed to alloy steel bodies. High number of teeth for machining of stainless steel and related alloy steels. AISI type 200 thru 350 stainless steels. ALL TYPES (page 16 & 17): Tool diameter tolerance: +1⁄16"/-.000". Face width tolerance: +.001"/- .000". Arbor hole tolerance: +.001"/-.000". Sharpened on all 3 cutting edges. WIDTH TOOL DIAM. FRAC. DECIMAL ARBOR HOLE 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 8 8 8 3⁄32 1⁄8 3⁄16 ¼ 5⁄16 3⁄8 3⁄32 1⁄8 3⁄16 ¼ 5⁄16 3⁄8 3⁄8 3⁄32 1⁄8 3⁄16 1⁄8 3⁄16 ¼ 1⁄8 3⁄16 ¼ .0938 .1250 .1875 .2500 .3125 .3750 .0938 .1250 .1875 .2500 .3125 .3750 .3750 .0938 .1250 .1875 .1250 .1875 .2500 .1250 .1875 .2500 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1¼ 1 1 1 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 16 Made in U.S.A. TYPE 3550 FOR NON-FERROUS NO. OF TEETH 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 10 - • EDP NO. PRICE EACH 355032 $179.80 355034 185.15 355036 192.50 355037 130.90 355031 137.45 355038 140.25 355042 220.70 355044 227.20 355046 230.65 355047 168.30 355041 172.95 355048 177.60 355049 177.60 355052 238.80 355054 238.80 355063 325.15 355065 428.50 355067 443.85 355083 415.65 - TYPE 3552 FOR CAST IRON NO. OF TEETH 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 12 12 12 16 16 EDP NO. PRICE EACH 355232 $206.90 355234 219.10 355236 231.65 355237 190.00 355231 190.00 355238 193.10 355242 265.35 355244 268.80 355246 289.65 355247 246.00 355241 255.50 355248 264.80 355249 264.80 355252 356.20 355254 383.00 355256 431.20 355263 467.45 355265 482.90 355267 492.95 355285 664.50 355287 689.95 [email protected] • TYPE 3554 FOR STEEL NO. OF TEETH 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 12 12 12 16 16 EDP NO. TYPE 3558 FOR STAINLESS STEEL PRICE EACH NO. OF TEETH 355432 $205.05 355434 229.55 355436 231.65 355437 190.00 355431 190.00 355438 193.10 355442 265.35 355444 268.80 355446 289.65 355447 246.00 355441 255.50 355448 264.80 355449 264.80 355452 356.20 355454 383.00 355456 431.20 355463 467.45 355465 482.90 355467 492.95 355485 664.50 355487 689.95 Phone 800-882-2627 • 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 12 12 12 14 14 14 - EDP NO. PRICE EACH 355832 $192.15 355834 199.50 355836 207.20 355837 228.05 355831 228.05 355838 231.65 355842 276.50 355844 280.05 355846 283.85 355847 295.30 355841 306.50 355848 317.75 355849 317.75 355852 375.90 355854 383.65 355856 399.05 355863 448.85 355865 460.40 355867 467.95 - Fax 800-882-3637 CARBIDE TIPPED SLITTING SAWS - STANDARD TOOTH WIDTH TOOL DIAM. FRAC. DEC. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 1⁄16 5⁄64 3⁄32 7⁄64 1⁄8 5⁄32 3⁄16 7⁄32 ¼ 5⁄16 3⁄8 7⁄16 ½ 1⁄16 5⁄64 3⁄32 7⁄64 1⁄8 5⁄32 3⁄16 7⁄32 ¼ 5⁄16 3⁄8 7⁄16 ½ 5⁄64 3⁄32 7⁄64 1⁄8 5⁄32 3⁄16 7⁄32 ¼ 5⁄16 3⁄8 7⁄16 ½ 5⁄64 3⁄32 7⁄64 1⁄8 5⁄32 3⁄16 7⁄32 ¼ 5⁄16 3⁄8 7⁄16 ½ 1⁄8 5⁄32 3⁄16 ¼ .0625 .0781 .0938 .1094 .1250 .1562 .1875 .2188 .2500 .3125 .3750 .4375 .5000 .0625 .0781 .0938 .1094 .1250 .1562 .1875 .2188 .2500 .3125 .3750 .4375 .5000 .0781 .0938 .1094 .1250 .1562 .1875 .2188 .2500 .3125 .3750 .4375 .5000 .0781 .0938 .1094 .1250 .1562 .1875 .2188 .2500 .3125 .3750 .4375 .5000 .1250 .1562 .1875 .2500 TYPE 3551 - FOR NON-FERROUS TYPE 3556 - FOR STEEL Similar to our Type 3550 Except designed with more teeth for better finishes. Similar to our Type 3554 Except designed with more teeth for better finishes. TYPE 3553 - FOR CAST IRON TYPE 3559 - FOR STAINLESS STEEL Similar to our Type 3552 Except designed with more teeth for better finishes. Similar to our Type 3558 Except designed with more teeth for better finishes. TYPE 3551 FOR NON-FERROUS NO. OF 1"ARBOR 1¼"ARBOR TEETH EDP NO. EDP NO. 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 24 24 24 24 355198 355100 355102 355104 355106 355108 355109 355110 355111 355112 355113 355116 355118 355120 355122 355124 355126 355128 355130 355132 355134 355136 355142 355144 355146 355148 355150 355152 355154 355156 355158 355160 355166 355168 355170 355172 355174 355176 355178 355180 355182 355184 - Phone 941-739-2726 For tolerances, see page 16. 355107 355117 355119 355121 355123 355125 355127 355129 355131 355133 355135 355137 355143 355145 355147 355149 355151 355153 355155 355157 355159 355161 355167 355169 355171 355173 355175 355177 355179 355181 355183 355185 355186 355187 355188 355189 • TYPE 3553 FOR CAST IRON PRICE NO. OF 1"ARBOR 1¼"ARBOR EACH TEETH EDP NO. EDP NO. $283.20 334.95 283.20 282.15 227.70 271.30 242.70 280.75 295.20 323.70 352.20 329.80 389.55 329.80 336.80 297.45 337.80 316.65 359.40 366.30 395.15 423.65 482.55 398.15 453.25 367.80 402.10 411.90 442.60 461.75 502.00 542.60 542.50 483.10 544.35 460.50 521.05 504.50 568.65 592.50 616.45 640.10 764.55 773.65 782.80 829.95 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 24 24 24 24 355398 355300 355302 355304 355306 355308 355309 355310 355311 355312 355313 355316 355318 355320 355322 355324 355326 355328 355330 355332 355334 355336 355342 355344 355346 355348 355350 355352 355354 355356 355358 355360 355366 355368 355370 355372 355374 355376 355378 355380 355382 355384 - Fax 941-739-2827 PRICE EACH TYPE 3556 FOR STEEL $283.20 16 334.95 16 283.20 16 282.15 16 355307 227.70 16 271.30 16 242.70 16 280.75 16 295.20 16 323.70 16 352.20 16 16 16 329.80 20 355319 389.55 20 355321 329.80 20 355323 336.80 20 355325 297.45 20 355327 337.80 20 355329 316.65 20 355331 359.40 20 355333 366.30 20 355335 395.15 20 355337 423.65 20 20 20 355343 482.55 24 355345 398.15 24 355347 453.25 24 355349 367.80 24 355351 402.10 24 355353 411.90 24 355355 442.60 24 355357 461.75 24 355359 502.00 24 355361 542.60 24 24 24 355367 542.50 28 355369 483.10 28 355371 544.35 28 355373 460.50 28 355375 521.05 28 355377 504.50 28 355379 568.65 28 355381 592.50 28 355383 616.45 28 355385 640.10 28 28 28 355386 764.55 24 355387 773.65 24 355388 782.80 24 355389 829.95 24 • TYPE 3559 FOR STAINLESS STEEL NO. OF 1"ARBOR 1¼"ARBOR PRICE TEETH EDP NO. EDP NO. EACH 355698 355600 355602 355604 355606 355608 355609 355610 355611 355612 355613 355614 355615 355616 355618 355620 355622 355624 355626 355628 355630 355632 355634 355636 355638 355640 355642 355644 355646 355648 355650 355652 355654 355656 355658 355660 355662 355664 355666 355668 355670 355672 355674 355676 355678 355680 355682 355684 355690 355692 - $338.70 409.45 338.70 312.45 283.10 297.45 311.80 326.05 340.45 373.25 406.25 451.35 501.55 409.45 355619 448.05 355621 409.45 355623 387.25 355625 361.75 355627 388.65 355629 390.30 355631 413.30 355633 418.65 355635 454.30 355637 487.15 541.25 601.45 355643 554.85 355645 558.75 355647 521.25 355649 452.00 355651 462.45 355653 494.95 355655 509.05 355657 530.95 355659 577.40 355661 623.85 693.30 770.30 355667 623.80 355669 571.45 355671 625.95 355673 599.60 355675 599.30 355677 643.00 355679 654.00 355681 699.05 355683 708.85 355685 736.05 817.75 908.65 355686 808.15 355687 817.30 355688 826.45 355689 873.75 w w w.lexingtoncutter.com • NO. OF 1"ARBOR 1¼"ARBOR TEETH EDP NO. EDP NO. 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 24 24 24 24 355998 355900 355902 355904 355906 355908 355909 355910 355911 355912 355913 355914 355915 355916 355918 355920 355922 355924 355926 355928 355930 355932 355934 355936 355938 355940 355942 355944 355946 355948 355950 355952 355954 355956 355958 355960 355962 355964 355966 355968 355970 355972 355974 355976 355978 355980 355982 355984 355990 355992 - 355907 355917 355919 355921 355923 355925 355927 355929 355931 355933 355935 355937 355943 355945 355947 355949 355951 355953 355955 355957 355959 355961 355967 355969 355971 355973 355975 355977 355979 355981 355983 355985 355986 355987 355988 355989 PRICE EACH $318.55 356.85 318.55 304.05 290.40 297.45 304.60 314.20 323.70 354.55 387.85 421.45 454.85 362.30 415.15 362.30 429.60 361.75 371.25 383.10 395.15 404.60 433.15 466.35 499.95 533.55 511.50 438.70 482.55 426.00 440.10 464.00 487.90 511.55 552.00 594.90 628.45 662.00 575.20 529.70 577.10 544.85 568.65 592.40 616.30 649.15 678.20 704.30 737.80 771.40 808.15 817.30 826.45 873.75 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 17 3” CARBIDE TIPPED MILLING CUTTERS GENERAL PURPOSE TYPE 3559 - GENERAL PURPOSE Width grinds between .0600” and .5312” TOOL DIAM. DECIMAL SIZE WIDTH RANGE HUB 1"ARBOR WIDTH EDP NO. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 .0600 - .0703 .0704 - .0859 .0860 - .1015 .1016 - .1171 .1172 - .1406 .1407 - .1718 .1719 - .2031 .2032 - .2343 .2344 - .2812 .2813 - .3437 .3438 - .4062 .4063 - .4687 .4688 - .5312 .0555 .0711 .0867 .1024 .1180 .1562 .1875 .2188 .2500 .3125 .3750 .4375 .5000 355998D 355900D 355902D 355904D 355906D 355908D 355909D 355910D 355911D 355912D 355913D 355914D 355915D PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL WIDTH 1 PC 2 PC 3 PC 4 PC 5PC $391.70 430.00 391.70 377.15 363.55 370.50 377.65 387.25 396.90 427.70 460.90 494.50 528.10 $363.40 401.70 363.40 349.00 335.25 342.35 349.35 359.10 368.60 399.45 432.70 466.20 499.80 $358.45 396.75 358.45 344.00 330.25 337.35 344.40 354.10 363.60 394.55 427.70 461.30 494.80 $355.90 394.20 355.90 341.40 327.65 334.80 341.85 351.55 361.05 392.00 425.10 458.70 492.30 $354.35 392.55 354.35 339.85 326.10 333.25 340.30 350.00 359.50 390.45 423.60 457.15 490.75 Radius Notes • Maximum radius on one side is .2656” • Full radius and maximum radius on both sides is ½ the width of the cutter • A non-tangent radii must be quoted Chamfer Notes • Chamfer Angles can range from 0º to 45º • Chamfer is measured off of the OD • Maximum chamfer is the LESSER of 1⁄3 the width of the cutter OR .2656” length of angle when measured across the OD • Chamfer Angle Tolerance: +⁄- ½º • Chamfers greater than 45º must be quoted 6PC $318.55 Cutter Notes (All cutters on page) 356.85 • 12 Teeth 318.55 • C-2(m) Carbide 304.05 • 5° Positve Radial Rake 290.40 • Width Tolerance: +.001”/-.000” 297.45 • OD tolerance: +.0313”/-.000” Width 304.60 Grind • 1” Arbor hole +.001”/-.000” 314.20 • ANSI standard keyway dimensions 323.70 • Add 5% to grind the hub width thinner 354.55 387.85 • Add 5% to match OD’s on cutter sets within .001” 421.45 •Not designed to be used on heat treated materials 454.90 greater than 363 Brinell (39Rc) Corner Radius or Chamfer on ONE Side TOOL DECIMAL SIZE HUB 1"ARBOR DIAM. WIDTH RANGE WIDTH EDP NO. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 .0600-.0703 .0704-.0859 .0860-.1015 .1016-.1171 .1172-.1406 .1407-.1718 .1719-.2031 .2032-.2343 .2344-.2812 .2813-.3437 .3438-.4062 .4063-.4687 .4688-.5312 PRICE EACH FINISHED WITH RADIUS OR CHAMFER 1 PC .0555 355998R1 $410.80 .0711 355900R1 449.10 .0867 355902R1 410.80 .1024 355904R1 396.30 .1180 355906R1 382.65 .1562 355908R1 389.70 .1875 355909R1 396.85 .2188 355910R1 406.45 .2500 355911R1 415.95 .3125 355912R1 446.90 .3750 355913R1 480.10 .4375 355914R1 513.70 .5000 355915R1 547.20 2 PC 3 PC 4 PC 5 PC 6 PC $368.95 407.25 368.95 354.50 340.75 347.90 354.95 364.65 374.10 405.05 438.20 471.80 505.30 $363.40 401.70 363.40 349.00 335.25 342.35 349.35 359.10 368.60 399.45 432.70 466.20 499.80 $360.60 398.80 360.60 346.10 332.35 339.40 346.55 356.20 365.75 396.60 429.85 463.40 497.00 $358.85 397.10 358.85 344.35 330.70 337.75 344.85 354.50 363.95 394.90 428.15 461.75 495.15 $357.95 396.15 357.95 343.40 329.70 336.80 343.90 353.55 363.10 393.90 427.20 460.75 494.30 Specify side for radius or chamfer Radius Left Side Radius Right Side Chamfer Left Side Chamfer Right Side Corner Radius or Chamfer on BOTH Sides OR a Full Radius • Alternating Chamfers add 5% PRICE EACH FINISHED WITH RADII, CHAMFERS, OR COMBINATION TOOL DIAM. DECIMAL SIZE WIDTH RANGE HUB 1"ARBOR WIDTH EDP NO. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 .0600 - .0703 .0704 - .0859 .0860 - .1015 .1016 - .1171 .1172 - .1406 .1407 - .1718 .1719 - .2031 .2032 - .2343 .2344 - .2812 .2813 - .3437 .3438 - .4062 .4063 - .4687 .4688 - .5312 .0555 355998R2 $421.00 .0711 355900R2 459.40 .0867 355902R2 421.00 .1024 355904R2 406.60 .1180 355906R2 392.95 .1562 355908R2 400.00 .1875 355909R2 406.95 .2188 355910R2 416.75 .2500 355911R2 426.25 .3125 355912R2 457.10 .3750 355913R2 490.40 .4375 355914R2 523.85 .5000 355915R2 557.40 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 18 Made in U.S.A. 1 PC • 2 PC 3 PC 4 PC 5 PC 6 PC $374.55 412.85 374.55 360.10 346.40 353.45 360.60 370.20 379.70 410.65 443.85 477.45 511.05 $368.45 406.70 368.45 354.00 340.25 347.30 354.40 364.05 373.60 404.40 437.70 471.30 504.80 $365.20 403.50 365.20 350.75 337.05 344.15 351.20 360.90 370.35 401.30 434.55 468.05 501.65 $363.30 401.55 363.30 348.85 335.10 342.20 349.25 358.90 368.45 399.40 432.55 466.15 499.75 $362.30 400.50 362.30 347.80 334.15 341.20 348.25 357.95 367.45 398.35 431.50 465.10 498.70 [email protected] • Chamfer Both Sides Radius Both Sides Full Radius Alternating Right Left Chamfer Radius Right Side Chamfer Left Side Alternating Chamfer Both Sides Radius Left Side Chamfer Right Side Triple Tooth Grind Phone 800-882-2627 • Fax 800-882-3637 4” CARBIDE TIPPED MILLING CUTTERS GENERAL PURPOSE TYPE 3559 - GENERAL PURPOSE Width grinds between .0600” and .5312” TOOL DIAM. 4 Cutter Notes (All cutters on page) 4 • 14 Teeth 4 • C-2(m) Carbide 4 • 5° Positve Radial Rake 4 • Width Tolerance: +.001”/-.000” 4 • OD tolerance: +.0313”/-.000” Width 4 Grind • 1” Arbor hole +.001”/-.000” 4 • ANSI standard keyway dimensions 4 • Add 5% to grind the hub width thinner 4 • Add 5% to match OD’s on cutter sets within .001” 4 •Not designed to be used on heat treated materials 4 4 greater than 363 Brinell (39Rc) DECIMAL SIZE WIDTH RANGE HUB 1"ARBOR WIDTH EDP NO. .0600 - .0703 .0704 - .0859 .0860 - .1015 .1016 - .1171 .1172 - .1406 .1407 - .1718 .1719 - .2031 .2032 - .2343 .2344 - .2812 .2813 - .3437 .3438 - .4062 .4063 - .4687 .4688 - .5312 .0545 .0701 .0858 .1014 .1170 .1562 .1875 .2188 .2500 .3125 .3750 .4375 .5000 PRICE EACH FINISHED TO DECIMAL WIDTH 355916D 355918D 355920D 355922D 355924D 355926D 355928D 355930D 355932D 355934D 355936D 355938D 355940D Corner Radius or Chamfer on ONE Side TOOL DIAM. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 DECIMAL SIZE WIDTH RANGE .0600 .0704 .0860 .1016 .1172 .1407 .1719 .2032 .2344 .2813 .3438 .4063 .4688 - .0703 .0859 .1015 .1171 .1406 .1718 .2031 .2343 .2812 .3437 .4062 .4687 .5312 PRICE EACH FINISHED TO DECIMAL WIDTH HUB 1"ARBOR WIDTH EDP NO. 1 PC .0545 355916R1 $469.15 .0701 355918R1 521.90 .0858 355920R1 469.15 .1014 355922R1 536.50 .1170 355924R1 468.55 .1562 355926R1 478.05 .1875 355928R1 489.95 .2188 355930R1 502.00 .2500 355932R1 511.40 .3125 355934R1 539.95 .3750 355936R1 573.25 .4375 355938R1 606.80 .5000 355940R1 640.35 2 PC 3 PC 4 PC 5PC 6PC $422.05 474.80 422.05 489.35 421.45 430.95 442.85 454.80 464.30 492.75 526.10 559.70 593.20 $415.50 468.25 415.50 482.75 414.85 424.40 436.20 448.30 457.75 486.20 519.55 553.10 586.70 $412.05 464.80 412.05 479.35 411.45 421.00 432.85 444.90 454.30 482.80 516.10 549.70 583.20 $410.05 462.75 410.05 477.30 409.40 418.95 430.80 442.85 452.25 480.75 514.15 547.65 581.25 $408.95 461.75 408.95 476.20 408.30 417.85 429.70 441.65 451.15 479.60 512.95 546.55 580.15 1 PC 2 PC 3 PC 4 PC 5PC 6PC $448.40 501.25 448.40 515.75 447.90 457.40 469.20 481.30 490.75 519.20 552.55 586.10 619.70 $415.95 468.70 415.95 483.25 415.35 424.90 436.75 448.80 458.20 486.70 520.10 553.60 587.10 $410.05 462.75 410.05 477.30 409.40 418.95 430.80 442.85 452.25 480.75 514.15 547.65 581.25 $406.95 459.75 406.95 474.30 406.40 415.95 427.75 439.80 449.25 477.75 511.10 544.65 578.15 $405.15 457.90 405.15 472.45 404.55 414.05 425.85 437.90 447.40 475.85 509.20 542.70 576.30 $362.35 415.15 362.35 429.60 361.75 371.25 383.10 395.05 404.60 433.15 466.35 499.95 533.55 Radius Notes • Maximum radius on one side is .2656” • Full radius and maximum radius on both sides is ½ the width of the cutter • A non-tangent radii must be quoted Chamfer Notes • Chamfer Angles can range from 0º to 45º • Chamfer is measured off of the OD • Maximum chamfer is the LESSER of 1⁄3 the width of the cutter OR .2656” length of angle when measured across the OD • Chamfer Angle Tolerance: +⁄- ½º • Chamfers greater than 45º must be quoted Specify side for radius or chamfer Radius Left Side Radius Right Side Chamfer Left Side Chamfer Right Side Corner Radius or Chamfer on BOTH Sides OR a Full Radius • Alternating Chamfers add 5% Chamfer Both Sides Radius Both Sides Full Radius Alternating Right Left Chamfer Radius Right Side Chamfer Left Side Alternating Chamfer Both Sides Radius Left Side Chamfer Right Side Triple Tooth Grind Phone 941-739-2726 • PRICE EACH FINISHED TO DECIMAL WIDTH TOOL DIAM. DECIMAL SIZE WIDTH RANGE HUB 1"ARBOR WIDTH EDP NO. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 .0600 - .0703 .0704 - .0859 .0860 - .1015 .1016 - .1171 .1172 - .1406 .1407 - .1718 .1719 - .2031 .2032 - .2343 .2344 - .2812 .2813 - .3437 .3438 - .4062 .4063 - .4687 .4688 - .5312 .0545 355916R2 $480.10 .0701 355918R2 532.80 .0858 355920R2 480.10 .1014 355922R2 547.45 .1170 355924R2 479.45 .1562 355926R2 489.00 .1875 355928R2 500.90 .2188 355930R2 512.90 .2500 355932R2 522.30 .3125 355934R2 550.80 .3750 355936R2 584.20 .4375 355938R2 617.75 .5000 355940R2 651.30 Fax 941-739-2827 • 1 PC 2 PC 3 PC 4 PC 5PC 6PC $428.20 480.90 428.20 495.45 427.55 437.10 448.95 460.90 470.40 498.90 532.20 565.80 599.40 $420.85 473.65 420.85 488.20 420.25 429.75 441.65 453.65 463.10 491.65 524.95 558.55 592.05 $417.10 469.90 417.10 484.45 416.50 426.10 437.90 449.95 459.40 487.90 521.20 554.80 588.30 $414.85 467.60 414.85 482.15 414.25 423.75 435.55 447.70 457.10 485.60 519.00 552.45 586.00 $413.65 466.35 413.65 480.90 413.00 422.55 434.45 446.45 455.85 484.35 517.75 551.30 584.75 w w w.lexingtoncutter.com • LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 19 5” CARBIDE TIPPED MILLING CUTTERS GENERAL PURPOSE TYPE 3559 - GENERAL PURPOSE Width grinds between .0704” and .5312” TOOL DIAM. DECIMAL SIZE WIDTH RANGE HUB 1"ARBOR WIDTH EDP NO. 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 .0704 - .0859 .0860 - .1015 .1016 - .1171 .1094 - .1406 .1407 - .1718 .1719 - .2031 .2032 - .2343 .2188 - .2812 .2813 - .3437 .3438 - .4062 .4063 - .4687 .4688 - .5312 .0691 .0848 .1004 .1160 .1562 .1875 .2188 .2500 .3125 .3750 .4375 .5000 355942D 355944D 355946D 355948D 355950D 355952D 355954D 355956D 355958D 355960D 355962D 355964D PRICE EACH FINISHED TO DECIMAL WIDTH 1 PC 2 PC 3 PC 4 PC 5PC $599.60 526.85 570.60 514.15 528.25 552.15 576.00 599.70 640.10 682.95 716.55 750.15 $566.30 493.55 537.30 480.75 494.95 518.90 542.70 566.40 606.80 649.65 683.25 716.85 $560.20 487.55 531.25 474.80 489.00 512.90 536.70 560.45 600.80 643.70 677.30 710.80 $557.15 484.45 528.15 471.65 485.85 509.80 533.60 557.30 597.65 640.55 674.15 707.75 $555.30 482.60 526.25 469.80 483.90 507.90 531.65 555.45 595.80 638.70 672.30 705.80 Radius Notes • Maximum radius on one side is .2656” • Full radius and maximum radius on both sides is ½ the width of the cutter • A non-tangent radii must be quoted Chamfer Notes • Chamfer Angles can range from 0º to 45º • Chamfer is measured off of the OD • Maximum chamfer is the LESSER of 1⁄3 the width of the cutter OR .2656” length of angle when measured across the OD • Chamfer Angle Tolerance: +⁄- ½º • Chamfers greater than 45º must be quoted 6PC Cutter Notes (All cutters on page) $511.50 • 16 Teeth 438.70 • C-2(m) Carbide 482.55 • 5° Positve Radial Rake 426.00 • Width Tolerance: +.001”/-.000” 440.10 • OD tolerance: +.0313”/-.000” Width 464.00 Grind • 1” Arbor hole +.001”/-.000” 487.90 • ANSI standard keyway dimensions 511.55 • Add 5% to grind the hub width thinner 552.00 594.90 • Add 5% to match OD’s on cutter sets within .001” 628.40 •Not designed to be used on heat treated materials 662.00 greater than 363 Brinell (39Rc) Corner Radius or Chamfer on ONE Side PRICE EACH FINISHED TO DECIMAL WIDTH TOOL DIAM. DECIMAL SIZE WIDTH RANGE HUB 1"ARBOR WIDTH EDP NO. 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 .0704 - .0859 .0860 - .1015 .1016 - .1171 .1094 - .1406 .1407 - .1718 .1719 - .2031 .2032 - .2343 .2188 - .2812 .2813 - .3437 .3438 - .4062 .4063 - .4687 .4688 - .5312 .0691 355942R1 $620.50 .0848 355944R1 547.80 .1004 355946R1 591.55 .1160 355948R1 535.00 .1562 355950R1 549.20 .1875 355952R1 573.10 .2188 355954R1 596.90 .2500 355956R1 620.65 .3125 355958R1 661.00 .3750 355960R1 703.90 .4375 355962R1 737.50 .5000 355964R1 771.00 1 PC 2 PC 3 PC 4 PC 5PC 6PC $572.40 499.75 543.45 486.95 501.05 525.00 548.80 572.55 612.90 655.85 689.45 722.95 $565.75 492.95 536.70 480.25 494.35 518.25 542.05 565.80 606.25 649.10 682.65 716.25 $562.20 489.50 533.25 476.70 490.90 514.80 538.70 562.35 602.70 645.60 679.20 712.80 $560.05 487.40 531.10 474.65 488.80 512.75 536.50 560.20 600.65 643.55 677.10 710.60 $559.05 486.20 530.00 473.55 487.65 511.55 535.35 559.10 599.55 642.45 676.00 709.50 Specify side for radius or chamfer Radius Left Side Radius Right Side Chamfer Left Side Chamfer Right Side Corner Radius or Chamfer on BOTH Sides OR a Full Radius • Alternating Chamfers add 5% PRICE EACH FINISHED TO DECIMAL WIDTH TOOL DIAM. DECIMAL SIZE WIDTH RANGE HUB 1"ARBOR WIDTH EDP NO. 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 .0704 - .0859 .0860 - .1015 .1016 - .1171 .1094 - .1406 .1407 - .1718 .1719 - .2031 .2032 - .2343 .2188 - .2812 .2813 - .3437 .3438 - .4062 .4063 - .4687 .4688 - .5312 .0691 355942R2 $642.30 .0848 355944R2 569.60 .1004 355946R2 613.30 .1160 355948R2 556.85 .1562 355950R2 571.00 .1875 355952R2 594.90 .2188 355954R2 618.65 .2500 355956R2 642.45 .3125 355958R2 682.80 .3750 355960R2 725.75 .4375 355962R2 759.35 .5000 355964R2 792.85 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 20 Made in U.S.A. 1 PC • 2 PC 3 PC 4 PC 5PC 6PC $584.60 511.85 555.60 499.05 513.25 537.20 561.05 584.70 625.10 667.95 701.55 735.15 $576.55 503.75 547.60 491.05 505.15 529.05 552.95 576.60 617.05 659.95 693.45 727.05 $572.35 499.65 543.30 486.85 501.05 524.95 548.80 572.50 612.85 655.75 689.35 722.95 $569.85 497.15 540.90 484.35 498.55 522.45 546.25 570.00 610.35 653.25 686.85 720.35 $568.50 495.85 539.50 483.05 497.15 521.10 544.95 568.65 609.00 651.95 685.55 719.05 [email protected] • Chamfer Both Sides Radius Both Sides Full Radius Alternating Right Left Chamfer Radius Right Side Chamfer Left Side Alternating Chamfer Both Sides Radius Left Side Chamfer Right Side Triple Tooth Grind Phone 800-882-2627 • Fax 800-882-3637 6” CARBIDE TIPPED MILLING CUTTERS GENERAL PURPOSE TYPE 3559 - GENERAL PURPOSE Width grinds between .0704” and .5312” Cutter Notes (All cutters on page) • 18 Teeth • C-2(m) Carbide • 5° Positve Radial Rake • Width Tolerance: +.001”/-.000” • OD tolerance: +.0313”/-.000” Width Grind • 1” Arbor hole +.001”/-.000” • ANSI standard keyway dimensions • Add 5% to grind the hub width thinner • Add 5% to match OD’s on cutter sets within .001” •Not designed to be used on heat treated materials greater than 363 Brinell (39Rc) TOOL DIAM. 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 DECIMAL SIZE WIDTH RANGE .0704 .0860 .1016 .1094 .1407 .1719 .2032 .2188 .2813 .3438 .4063 .4688 - PRICE EACH FINISHED TO DECIMAL WIDTH HUB 1"ARBOR WIDTH EDP NO. .0859 .1015 .1171 .1406 .1718 .2031 .2343 .2812 .3437 .4062 .4687 .5312 .0681 .0838 .0994 .1150 .1562 .1875 .2188 .2500 .3125 .3750 .4375 .5000 355966D 355968D 355970D 355972D 355974D 355976D 355978D 355980D 355982D 355984D 355992D 355990D Corner Radius or Chamfer on ONE Side TOOL DIAM. 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 DECIMAL SIZE WIDTH RANGE .0704 .0860 .1016 .1094 .1407 .1719 .2032 .2188 .2813 .3438 .4063 .4688 - .0859 .1015 .1171 .1406 .1718 .2031 .2343 .2812 .3437 .4062 .4687 .5312 PRICE EACH FINISHED TO DECIMAL WIDTH HUB 1"ARBOR WIDTH EDP NO. 1 PC .0681 355966R1 $688.55 .0838 355968R1 643.05 .0994 355970R1 690.55 .1150 355972R1 658.20 .1562 355974R1 682.00 .1875 355976R1 705.80 .2188 355978R1 729.65 .2500 355980R1 762.50 .3125 355982R1 791.60 .3750 355984R1 817.60 .4375 355992R1 851.15 .5000 355990R1 884.70 2 PC 3 PC 4 PC 5PC 6PC $638.55 593.05 640.50 608.15 632.05 655.85 679.65 712.60 741.60 767.65 801.20 834.75 $631.50 586.00 633.50 601.15 624.95 648.85 672.65 705.55 734.65 760.65 794.25 827.70 $628.00 582.50 629.90 597.55 621.45 645.20 669.00 701.90 730.95 757.00 790.55 824.15 $625.80 580.30 627.70 595.40 619.25 643.05 666.85 699.70 728.75 754.85 788.35 821.95 $624.60 579.10 626.60 594.25 618.05 641.90 665.70 698.55 727.60 753.65 787.20 820.75 1 PC 2 PC 3 PC 4 PC 5PC 6PC 667.25 621.65 669.15 636.80 660.60 684.45 708.25 741.15 770.20 796.25 829.80 863.35 632.45 586.95 634.45 602.10 625.95 649.65 673.55 706.40 735.45 761.45 795.05 828.65 626.15 580.65 628.15 595.80 619.60 643.50 667.25 700.10 729.20 755.30 788.75 822.30 622.90 577.40 624.80 592.50 616.35 640.10 663.95 696.85 725.90 751.90 785.50 819.10 620.95 575.45 622.90 590.55 614.40 638.15 662.00 694.85 724.00 750.00 783.50 817.10 575.20 529.70 577.10 544.85 568.65 592.40 616.30 649.15 678.20 704.20 737.80 771.40 Radius Notes • Maximum radius on one side is .2656” • Full radius and maximum radius on both sides is ½ the width of the cutter • A non-tangent radii must be quoted Chamfer Notes • Chamfer Angles can range from 0º to 45º • Chamfer is measured off of the OD • Maximum chamfer is the LESSER of 1⁄3 the width of the cutter OR .2656” length of angle when measured across the OD • Chamfer Angle Tolerance: +⁄- ½º • Chamfers greater than 45º must be quoted Specify side for radius or chamfer Radius Left Side Radius Right Side Chamfer Left Side Chamfer Right Side Corner Radius or Chamfer on BOTH Sides OR a Full Radius • Alternating Chamfers add 5% Chamfer Both Sides Radius Both Sides Full Radius Alternating Right Left Chamfer Radius Right Side Chamfer Left Side Alternating Chamfer Both Sides Radius Left Side Chamfer Right Side Triple Tooth Grind Phone 941-739-2726 • PRICE EACH FINISHED TO DECIMAL WIDTH TOOL DIAM. DECIMAL SIZE WIDTH RANGE HUB 1"ARBOR WIDTH EDP NO. 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 .0704 - .0859 .0860 - .1015 .1016 - .1171 .1094 - .1406 .1407 - .1718 .1719 - .2031 .2032 - .2343 .2188 - .2812 .2813 - .3437 .3438 - .4062 .4063 - .4687 .4688 - .5312 .0681 355966R2 $710.40 .0838 355968R2 664.90 .0994 355970R2 712.35 .1150 355972R2 680.00 .1562 355974R2 703.85 .1875 355976R2 727.60 .2188 355978R2 751.45 .2500 355980R2 784.30 .3125 355982R2 813.35 .3750 355984R2 839.35 .4375 355992R2 872.95 .5000 355990R2 906.55 Fax 941-739-2827 • 1 PC 2 PC 3 PC 4 PC 5PC 6PC $650.75 605.25 652.75 620.40 644.25 667.95 691.85 724.70 753.80 779.85 813.35 846.95 $642.45 596.90 644.35 612.05 635.85 659.65 683.50 716.40 745.45 771.45 805.05 838.65 $638.15 592.55 640.10 607.75 631.50 655.40 679.20 712.05 741.15 767.20 800.80 834.35 $635.50 590.00 637.45 605.15 628.95 652.85 676.55 709.40 738.55 764.60 798.15 831.75 $634.10 588.60 636.05 603.75 627.55 651.45 675.15 708.10 737.15 763.20 796.75 830.25 w w w.lexingtoncutter.com • LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 21 3” CARBIDE TIPPED MILLING CUTTERS FOR STEEL TYPE 3556 - FOR STEEL Width grinds between .0600” and .5312” TOOL DIAM. DECIMAL SIZE WIDTH RANGE HUB 1"ARBOR WIDTH EDP NO. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 .0600 - .0703 .0704 - .0859 .0860 - .1015 .1016 - .1171 .1172 - .1406 .1407 - .1718 .1719 - .2031 .2032 - .2343 .2344 - .2812 .2813 - .3437 .3438 - .4062 .4063 - .4687 .4688 - .5312 .0555 .0711 .0867 .1024 .1180 .1562 .1875 .2188 .2500 .3125 .3750 .4375 .5000 355698D 355600D 355602D 355604D 355606D 355608D 355609D 355610D 355611D 355612D 355613D 355614D 355615D PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL WIDTH 1 PC 2 PC 3 PC 4 PC 5PC $412.55 483.35 412.55 386.30 357.00 371.30 385.65 399.90 414.30 447.15 480.10 525.25 575.45 $384.70 455.50 384.70 358.40 329.15 343.45 357.80 372.05 386.45 419.25 452.25 497.35 547.60 $379.55 450.40 379.55 353.30 324.05 338.40 352.75 367.00 381.40 414.15 447.15 492.30 542.50 $377.00 447.85 377.00 350.75 321.50 335.80 350.15 364.40 378.80 411.60 444.60 489.75 539.95 $375.35 446.20 375.35 349.10 319.80 334.15 348.45 362.80 377.15 410.00 442.90 488.10 538.30 Radius Notes • Maximum radius on one side is .2656” • Full radius and maximum radius on both sides is ½ the width of the cutter • A non-tangent radii must be quoted Chamfer Notes • Chamfer Angles can range from 0º to 45º • Chamfer is measured off of the OD • Maximum chamfer is the LESSER of 1⁄3 the width of the cutter OR .2656” length of angle when measured across the OD • Chamfer Angle Tolerance: +⁄- ½º • Chamfers greater than 45º must be quoted 6PC $338.70 Cutter Notes (All cutters on page) 409.45 • 16 Teeth 338.70 • C-5 Carbide 312.45 • 0° - 3° Positve Radial Rake 283.10 • Width Tolerance: +.001”/-.000” 297.45 • OD tolerance: +.0313”/-.000” Width 311.80 Grind • 1” Arbor hole +.001”/-.000” 326.05 • ANSI standard keyway dimensions 340.45 • Add 5% to grind the hub width thinner 373.30 406.25 • Add 5% to match OD’s on cutter sets within .001” 451.35 •Not designed to be used on heat treated materials 501.55 greater than 475 Brinell (50Rc) Corner Radius or Chamfer on ONE Side TOOL DECIMAL SIZE HUB 1"ARBOR DIAM. WIDTH RANGE WIDTH EDP NO. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 .0600-.0703 .0704-.0859 .0860-.1015 .1016-.1171 .1172-.1406 .1407-.1718 .1719-.2031 .2032-.2343 .2344-.2812 .2813-.3437 .3438-.4062 .4063-.4687 .4688-.5312 PRICE EACH FINISHED WITH RADIUS OR CHAMFER 1 PC .0555 355698R1 $431.20 .0711 355600R1 502.10 .0867 355602R1 431.20 .1024 355604R1 405.00 .1180 355606R1 375.65 .1562 355608R1 390.00 .1875 355609R1 404.30 .2188 355610R1 418.65 .2500 355611R1 433.00 .3125 355612R1 465.85 .3750 355613R1 498.75 .4375 355614R1 543.95 .5000 355615R1 594.15 2 PC 3 PC 4 PC 5 PC 6 PC $390.35 461.20 390.35 364.10 334.85 349.20 363.55 377.80 392.20 425.00 458.00 503.10 553.40 $384.70 455.55 384.70 358.45 329.20 343.55 357.85 372.15 386.55 419.30 452.30 497.45 547.65 $381.75 452.60 381.75 355.50 326.25 340.60 354.95 369.20 383.60 416.40 449.40 494.50 544.70 $380.00 450.85 380.00 353.75 324.45 338.75 353.10 367.45 381.75 414.60 447.55 492.75 542.85 $379.05 449.90 379.05 352.80 323.45 337.80 352.15 366.45 380.80 413.65 446.60 491.80 542.00 Specify side for radius or chamfer Radius Left Side Radius Right Side Chamfer Left Side Chamfer Right Side Corner Radius or Chamfer on BOTH Sides OR a Full Radius • Alternating Chamfers add 5% PRICE EACH FINISHED WITH RADII, CHAMFERS, OR COMBINATION TOOL DIAM. DECIMAL SIZE WIDTH RANGE HUB 1"ARBOR WIDTH EDP NO. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 .0600 - .0703 .0704 - .0859 .0860 - .1015 .1016 - .1171 .1172 - .1406 .1407 - .1718 .1719 - .2031 .2032 - .2343 .2344 - .2812 .2813 - .3437 .3438 - .4062 .4063 - .4687 .4688 - .5312 .0555 355698R2 $441.50 .0711 355600R2 512.35 .0867 355602R2 441.50 .1024 355604R2 415.30 .1180 355606R2 385.95 .1562 355608R2 400.30 .1875 355609R2 414.60 .2188 355610R2 428.95 .2500 355611R2 443.30 .3125 355612R2 476.15 .3750 355613R2 509.05 .4375 355614R2 554.25 .5000 355615R2 604.45 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 22 Made in U.S.A. 1 PC • 2 PC 3 PC 4 PC 5 PC 6 PC $396.15 467.00 396.15 369.95 340.60 354.95 369.25 383.60 397.95 430.80 463.70 508.90 559.05 $389.85 460.60 389.85 363.55 334.30 348.60 362.95 377.20 391.60 424.40 457.40 502.50 552.70 $386.55 457.40 386.55 360.30 331.05 345.40 359.70 373.95 388.35 421.15 454.15 499.30 549.50 $384.55 455.40 384.55 358.30 329.00 343.30 357.65 372.00 386.30 419.15 452.10 497.30 547.50 $383.50 454.30 383.50 357.30 327.95 342.30 356.60 370.90 385.30 418.15 451.05 496.20 546.40 [email protected] • Chamfer Both Sides Radius Both Sides Full Radius Alternating Right Left Chamfer Radius Right Side Chamfer Left Side Alternating Chamfer Both Sides Radius Left Side Chamfer Right Side Triple Tooth Grind Phone 800-882-2627 • Fax 800-882-3637 4” CARBIDE TIPPED MILLING CUTTERS FOR STEEL TYPE 3556 - FOR STEEL Width grinds between .0600” and .5312” TOOL DIAM. 4 Cutter Notes (All cutters on page) 4 • 20 Teeth 4 • C-5 Carbide 4 • 5° Positve Radial Rake 4 • Width Tolerance: +.001”/-.000” 4 • OD tolerance: +.0313”/-.000” Width 4 Grind • 1” Arbor hole +.001”/-.000” 4 • ANSI standard keyway dimensions 4 • Add 5% to grind the hub width thinner 4 • Add 5% to match OD’s on cutter sets within .001” 4 •Not designed to be used on heat treated materials 4 4 greater than 475 Brinell (50Rc) DECIMAL SIZE WIDTH RANGE HUB 1"ARBOR WIDTH EDP NO. .0600 - .0703 .0704 - .0859 .0860 - .1015 .1016 - .1171 .1172 - .1406 .1407 - .1718 .1719 - .2031 .2032 - .2343 .2344 - .2812 .2813 - .3437 .3438 - .4062 .4063 - .4687 .4688 - .5312 .0545 .0701 .0858 .1014 .1170 .1562 .1875 .2188 .2500 .3125 .3750 .4375 .5000 PRICE EACH FINISHED TO DECIMAL WIDTH 355616D 355618D 355620D 355622D 355624D 355626D 355628D 355630D 355632D 355634D 355636D 355638D 355640D Corner Radius or Chamfer on ONE Side TOOL DIAM. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 DECIMAL SIZE WIDTH RANGE .0600 .0704 .0860 .1016 .1172 .1407 .1719 .2032 .2344 .2813 .3438 .4063 .4688 - .0703 .0859 .1015 .1171 .1406 .1718 .2031 .2343 .2812 .3437 .4062 .4687 .5312 PRICE EACH FINISHED TO DECIMAL WIDTH HUB 1"ARBOR WIDTH EDP NO. 1 PC .0545 355616R1 $516.80 .0701 355618R1 555.35 .0858 355620R1 516.80 .1014 355622R1 494.60 .1170 355624R1 469.00 .1562 355626R1 496.05 .1875 355628R1 497.50 .2188 355630R1 520.65 .2500 355632R1 525.95 .3125 355634R1 561.60 .3750 355636R1 594.45 .4375 355638R1 648.55 .5000 355640R1 708.75 2 PC 3 PC 4 PC 5PC 6PC $470.70 509.30 470.70 448.50 422.90 449.90 451.45 474.50 479.90 515.55 548.40 602.50 662.70 $464.00 502.50 464.00 441.80 416.25 443.20 444.75 467.85 473.20 508.75 541.60 595.80 655.90 $460.50 499.00 460.50 438.30 412.70 439.70 441.20 464.30 469.65 505.25 538.10 592.25 652.40 $458.35 496.95 458.35 436.15 410.55 437.60 439.10 462.25 467.55 503.20 536.05 590.15 650.35 $457.25 495.75 457.25 435.05 409.45 436.45 438.00 461.05 466.45 502.00 534.85 589.05 649.15 1 PC 2 PC 3 PC 4 PC 5PC 6PC $496.65 535.15 496.65 474.45 448.85 475.85 477.40 500.45 505.85 541.40 574.35 628.40 688.60 $464.45 503.05 464.45 442.25 416.65 443.65 445.20 468.25 473.65 509.30 542.15 596.25 656.45 $458.40 496.95 458.40 436.20 410.65 437.60 439.15 462.25 467.60 503.20 536.10 590.20 650.40 $455.25 493.85 455.25 433.05 407.50 434.45 436.00 459.10 464.45 500.10 532.95 587.05 647.25 $453.40 491.95 453.40 431.15 405.65 432.60 434.10 457.25 462.60 498.20 531.05 585.15 645.35 $409.45 448.05 409.45 387.25 361.70 388.75 390.20 413.35 418.65 454.30 487.15 541.25 601.45 Radius Notes • Maximum radius on one side is .2656” • Full radius and maximum radius on both sides is ½ the width of the cutter • A non-tangent radii must be quoted Chamfer Notes • Chamfer Angles can range from 0º to 45º • Chamfer is measured off of the OD • Maximum chamfer is the LESSER of 1⁄3 the width of the cutter OR .2656” length of angle when measured across the OD • Chamfer Angle Tolerance: +⁄- ½º • Chamfers greater than 45º must be quoted Specify side for radius or chamfer Radius Left Side Radius Right Side Chamfer Left Side Chamfer Right Side Corner Radius or Chamfer on BOTH Sides OR a Full Radius • Alternating Chamfers add 5% Chamfer Both Sides Radius Both Sides Full Radius Alternating Right Left Chamfer Radius Right Side Chamfer Left Side Alternating Chamfer Both Sides Radius Left Side Chamfer Right Side Triple Tooth Grind Phone 941-739-2726 • PRICE EACH FINISHED TO DECIMAL WIDTH TOOL DIAM. DECIMAL SIZE WIDTH RANGE HUB 1"ARBOR WIDTH EDP NO. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 .0600 - .0703 .0704 - .0859 .0860 - .1015 .1016 - .1171 .1172 - .1406 .1407 - .1718 .1719 - .2031 .2032 - .2343 .2344 - .2812 .2813 - .3437 .3438 - .4062 .4063 - .4687 .4688 - .5312 .0545 355616R2 $527.80 .0701 355618R2 566.30 .0858 355620R2 527.80 .1014 355622R2 505.60 .1170 355624R2 480.05 .1562 355626R2 507.00 .1875 355628R2 508.55 .2188 355630R2 531.65 .2500 355632R2 537.00 .3125 355634R2 572.55 .3750 355636R2 605.40 .4375 355638R2 659.60 .5000 355640R2 719.70 Fax 941-739-2827 • 1 PC 2 PC 3 PC 4 PC 5PC 6PC $476.95 515.55 476.95 454.75 429.15 456.15 457.70 480.75 486.15 521.80 554.65 608.75 668.90 $469.60 508.10 469.60 447.30 421.80 448.80 450.25 473.40 478.80 514.35 547.20 601.30 661.50 $465.70 504.20 465.70 443.50 417.90 444.90 446.45 469.50 474.90 510.45 543.30 597.50 657.60 $463.35 501.95 463.35 441.15 415.55 442.55 444.10 467.15 472.55 508.20 541.05 595.15 655.35 $462.10 500.60 462.10 439.90 414.30 441.30 442.85 465.90 471.30 506.85 539.80 593.90 654.10 w w w.lexingtoncutter.com • LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 23 5” CARBIDE TIPPED MILLING CUTTERS FOR STEEL TYPE 3556 - FOR STEEL Width grinds between .0704” and .5312” TOOL DIAM. DECIMAL SIZE WIDTH RANGE HUB 1"ARBOR WIDTH EDP NO. 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 .0704 - .0859 .0860 - .1015 .1016 - .1171 .1094 - .1406 .1407 - .1718 .1719 - .2031 .2032 - .2343 .2344 - .2812 .2813 - .3437 .3438 - .4062 .4063 - .4687 .4688 - .5312 .0691 .0848 .1004 .1160 .1562 .1875 .2188 .2500 .3125 .3750 .4375 .5000 355642D 355644D 355646D 355648D 355650D 355652D 355654D 355656D 355658D 355660D 355662D 355664D PRICE EACH FINISHED TO DECIMAL WIDTH 1 PC 2 PC 3 PC 4 PC 5PC $643.95 647.85 610.35 541.10 551.55 584.05 598.15 620.05 666.50 713.00 782.35 859.35 $611.10 614.95 577.50 508.25 518.70 551.20 565.30 587.20 633.65 680.15 749.50 826.50 $604.90 608.80 571.30 502.10 512.50 545.00 559.05 580.95 627.40 673.90 743.30 820.35 $601.65 605.55 568.10 498.85 509.30 541.75 555.90 577.80 624.25 670.75 740.05 817.10 $599.75 603.65 566.15 496.95 507.35 539.85 553.90 575.80 622.25 668.80 738.15 815.20 Radius Notes • Maximum radius on one side is .2656” • Full radius and maximum radius on both sides is ½ the width of the cutter • A non-tangent radii must be quoted Chamfer Notes • Chamfer Angles can range from 0º to 45º • Chamfer is measured off of the OD • Maximum chamfer is the LESSER of 1⁄3 the width of the cutter OR .2656” length of angle when measured across the OD • Chamfer Angle Tolerance: +⁄- ½º • Chamfers greater than 45º must be quoted 6PC Cutter Notes (All cutters on page) $554.85 • 24 Teeth 558.75 • C-5 Carbide 521.25 • 1° - 3° Positve Radial Rake 452.00 • Width Tolerance: +.001”/-.000” 462.45 • OD tolerance: +.0313”/-.000” Width 494.95 Grind • 1” Arbor hole +.001”/-.000” 509.05 • ANSI standard keyway dimensions 530.95 • Add 5% to grind the hub width thinner 577.40 623.95 • Add 5% to match OD’s on cutter sets within .001” 693.25 •Not designed to be used on heat treated materials 770.30 greater than 475 Brinell (50Rc) Corner Radius or Chamfer on ONE Side PRICE EACH FINISHED TO DECIMAL WIDTH TOOL DIAM. DECIMAL SIZE WIDTH RANGE HUB 1"ARBOR WIDTH EDP NO. 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 .0704 - .0859 .0860 - .1015 .1016 - .1171 .1094 - .1406 .1407 - .1718 .1719 - .2031 .2032 - .2343 .2344 - .2812 .2813 - .3437 .3438 - .4062 .4063 - .4687 .4688 - .5312 .0691 355642R1 $664.35 .0848 355644R1 668.25 .1004 355646R1 630.80 .1160 355648R1 561.55 .1562 355650R1 572.00 .1875 355652R1 604.45 .2188 355654R1 618.60 .2500 355656R1 640.50 .3125 355658R1 686.95 .3750 355660R1 733.45 .4375 355662R1 802.75 .5000 355664R1 879.80 1 PC 2 PC 3 PC 4 PC 5PC 6PC $617.35 621.20 583.75 514.50 524.95 557.40 571.55 593.45 639.90 686.40 755.75 832.75 $610.50 614.40 576.90 507.60 518.10 550.60 564.65 586.55 633.00 679.50 748.90 825.85 $606.90 610.80 573.30 504.05 514.50 547.00 561.10 582.95 629.45 675.90 745.30 822.30 $604.75 608.65 571.15 501.95 512.35 544.85 558.90 580.80 627.25 673.75 743.15 820.20 $603.60 607.50 570.00 500.75 511.20 543.70 557.80 579.60 626.15 672.60 742.00 819.00 Specify side for radius or chamfer Radius Left Side Radius Right Side Chamfer Left Side Chamfer Right Side Corner Radius or Chamfer on BOTH Sides OR a Full Radius • Alternating Chamfers add 5% PRICE EACH FINISHED TO DECIMAL WIDTH TOOL DIAM. DECIMAL SIZE WIDTH RANGE HUB 1"ARBOR WIDTH EDP NO. 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 .0704 - .0859 .0860 - .1015 .1016 - .1171 .1094 - .1406 .1407 - .1718 .1719 - .2031 .2032 - .2343 .2344 - .2812 .2813 - .3437 .3438 - .4062 .4063 - .4687 .4688 - .5312 .0691 355642R2 $686.25 .0848 355644R2 690.15 .1004 355646R2 652.70 .1160 355648R2 583.45 .1562 355650R2 593.90 .1875 355652R2 626.35 .2188 355654R2 640.50 .2500 355656R2 662.30 .3125 355658R2 708.85 .3750 355660R2 755.30 .4375 355662R2 824.65 .5000 355664R2 901.70 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 24 Made in U.S.A. 1 PC • 2 PC 3 PC 4 PC 5PC 6PC $629.80 633.70 596.25 527.00 537.45 569.90 584.05 605.95 652.40 698.90 768.20 845.25 $621.60 625.50 588.00 518.75 529.20 561.70 575.80 597.65 644.15 690.60 760.00 837.00 $617.35 621.15 583.65 514.45 524.85 557.40 571.45 593.35 639.80 686.35 755.65 832.70 $614.75 618.60 581.10 511.85 522.30 554.85 568.90 590.80 637.25 683.75 753.10 830.10 $613.35 617.25 579.75 510.55 520.95 553.45 567.50 589.40 635.85 682.35 751.75 828.80 [email protected] • Chamfer Both Sides Radius Both Sides Full Radius Alternating Right Left Chamfer Radius Right Side Chamfer Left Side Alternating Chamfer Both Sides Radius Left Side Chamfer Right Side Triple Tooth Grind Phone 800-882-2627 • Fax 800-882-3637 6” CARBIDE TIPPED MILLING CUTTERS FOR STEEL TYPE 3556 - FOR STEEL Width grinds between .0704” and .5312” Cutter Notes (All cutters on page) • 28 Teeth • C-5 Carbide • 1° - 3° Positve Radial Rake • Width Tolerance: +.001”/-.000” • OD tolerance: +.0313”/-.000” Width Grind • 1” Arbor hole +.001”/-.000” • ANSI standard keyway dimensions • Add 5% to grind the hub width thinner • Add 5% to match OD’s on cutter sets within .001” •Not designed to be used on heat treated materials greater than 475 Brinell (50Rc) TOOL DIAM. 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 DECIMAL SIZE WIDTH RANGE .0704 .0860 .1016 .1094 .1407 .1719 .2032 .2344 .2813 .3438 .4063 .4688 - PRICE EACH FINISHED TO DECIMAL WIDTH HUB 1"ARBOR WIDTH EDP NO. .0859 .1015 .1171 .1406 .1718 .2031 .2343 .2812 .3437 .4062 .4687 .5312 .0681 .0838 .0994 .1150 .1562 .1875 .2188 .2500 .3125 .3750 .4375 .5000 355666D 355668D 355670D 355672D 355674D 355676D 355678D 355680D 355682D 355684D 355690D 355692D Corner Radius or Chamfer on ONE Side TOOL DIAM. 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 DECIMAL SIZE WIDTH RANGE .0704 .0860 .1016 .1094 .1407 .1719 .2032 .2344 .2813 .3438 .4063 .4688 - .0859 .1015 .1171 .1406 .1718 .2031 .2343 .2812 .3437 .4062 .4687 .5312 PRICE EACH FINISHED TO DECIMAL WIDTH HUB 1"ARBOR WIDTH EDP NO. 1 PC .0681 355666R1 $745.20 .0838 355668R1 692.90 .0994 355670R1 747.35 .1150 355672R1 721.05 .1562 355674R1 720.75 .1875 355676R1 764.40 .2188 355678R1 775.40 .2500 355680R1 820.55 .3125 355682R1 830.25 .3750 355684R1 857.45 .4375 355690R1 939.25 .5000 355692R1 1030.10 2 PC 3 PC 4 PC 5PC 6PC $694.45 642.10 696.50 670.25 669.90 713.60 724.65 769.70 779.40 806.60 888.40 979.30 $686.65 634.30 688.75 662.45 662.15 705.80 716.85 761.90 771.70 798.85 880.60 971.50 $682.60 630.25 684.75 658.40 658.10 701.80 712.80 757.85 767.65 794.85 876.55 967.50 $680.15 627.85 682.30 656.00 655.70 699.35 710.40 755.50 765.20 792.40 874.20 965.05 $678.85 626.50 681.00 654.65 654.35 698.05 709.05 754.20 763.90 791.10 872.90 963.75 1 PC 2 PC 3 PC 4 PC 5PC 6PC $723.70 671.35 725.80 699.50 699.20 742.85 753.90 799.00 808.70 835.90 917.70 1008.55 $687.60 635.25 689.70 663.40 663.05 706.80 717.80 762.85 772.55 799.75 881.55 972.50 $680.60 628.30 682.75 656.45 656.05 699.80 710.80 755.85 765.60 792.75 874.60 965.50 $676.95 624.60 679.05 652.75 652.40 696.10 707.15 752.20 761.90 789.10 870.90 961.80 $674.80 622.45 676.85 650.55 650.25 693.90 704.95 750.05 759.75 786.95 868.75 959.60 $623.80 571.45 625.95 599.60 599.30 643.00 654.00 699.05 708.85 736.05 817.75 908.70 Radius Notes • Maximum radius on one side is .2656” • Full radius and maximum radius on both sides is ½ the width of the cutter • A non-tangent radii must be quoted Chamfer Notes • Chamfer Angles can range from 0º to 45º • Chamfer is measured off of the OD • Maximum chamfer is the LESSER of 1⁄3 the width of the cutter OR .2656” length of angle when measured across the OD • Chamfer Angle Tolerance: +⁄- ½º • Chamfers greater than 45º must be quoted Specify side for radius or chamfer Radius Left Side Radius Right Side Chamfer Left Side Chamfer Right Side Corner Radius or Chamfer on BOTH Sides OR a Full Radius • Alternating Chamfers add 5% Chamfer Both Sides Radius Both Sides Full Radius Alternating Right Left Chamfer Radius Right Side Chamfer Left Side Alternating Chamfer Both Sides Radius Left Side Chamfer Right Side Triple Tooth Grind Phone 941-739-2726 • PRICE EACH FINISHED TO DECIMAL WIDTH TOOL DIAM. DECIMAL SIZE WIDTH RANGE HUB 1"ARBOR WIDTH EDP NO. 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 .0704 - .0859 .0860 - .1015 .1016 - .1171 .1094 - .1406 .1407 - .1718 .1719 - .2031 .2032 - .2343 .2344 - .2812 .2813 - .3437 .3438 - .4062 .4063 - .4687 .4688 - .5312 .0681 355666R2 $768.60 .0838 355668R2 716.25 .0994 355670R2 770.70 .1150 355672R2 744.40 .1562 355674R2 744.10 .1875 355676R2 787.75 .2188 355678R2 798.80 .2500 355680R2 843.85 .3125 355682R2 853.65 .3750 355684R2 880.80 .4375 355690R2 962.55 .5000 355692R2 1053.50 Fax 941-739-2827 • 1 PC 2 PC 3 PC 4 PC 5PC 6PC $707.95 655.60 710.10 683.75 683.50 727.15 738.15 783.20 793.00 820.20 901.90 992.85 $698.70 646.35 700.80 674.50 674.20 717.85 728.90 774.05 783.75 810.95 892.75 983.60 $693.90 641.60 695.95 669.65 669.35 713.00 724.05 769.20 778.90 806.05 887.90 978.75 $691.05 638.70 693.20 666.85 666.55 710.25 721.25 766.30 776.10 803.30 885.00 975.95 $689.50 637.15 691.55 665.25 664.95 708.60 719.65 764.75 774.45 801.65 883.45 974.30 w w w.lexingtoncutter.com • LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 25 CARBIDE TIPPED SIDE MILLING CUTTERS TYPE 3540 - FOR NON-FERROUS Carbide tips brazed to alloy steel bodies. High feed rates can be achieved due to the large flute capacity. For milling aluminum, magnesium, zinc, brass, bronze, plastics and non-metals. TYPE 3541 - FOR CAST IRON Carbide tips brazed to alloy steel bodies. Increased number of teeth with large flute capacity permit higher metal removal at moderate speeds and feeds. TYPE 3542 - FOR STEEL Carbide tips brazed to alloy steel bodies. Steel cutting grade of carbide permits the heavy chip loads for milling steel. TYPE 3543 - FOR STAINLESS STEEL Carbide tips brazed to alloy steel bodies. High number of teeth for milling of stainless steel and related alloy steels. AISI type 200 thru 350 stainless steels. WIDTH TOOL DIAM. FRAC. DEC. TYPE 3540 FOR NON-FERROUS NO. OF 1"ARBOR 1¼"ARBOR TEETH EDP NO. EDP NO. 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 ¼ 5⁄16 3⁄8 7⁄16 ½ ¼ 5⁄16 3⁄8 7⁄16 ½ 9⁄16 5⁄8 ¾ ¼ 5⁄16 3⁄8 7⁄16 ½ 9⁄16 5⁄8 ¾ 1 3⁄8 ½ 5⁄8 ¾ 1 .2500 .3125 .3750 .4375 .5000 .2500 .3125 .3750 .4375 .5000 .5625 .6250 .7500 .2500 .3125 .3750 .4375 .5000 .5625 .6250 .7500 1.0000 .3750 .5000 .6250 .7500 1.0000 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 ¾ .7500 1 1.0000 8 8 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 26 Made in U.S.A. • TYPE 3541 FOR CAST IRON PRICE NO. OF 1"ARBOR 1¼"ARBOR EACH TEETH EDP NO. EDP NO. 354030 $146.05 354031 153.40 354032 158.95 354033 165.45 354034 173.45 354040 190.40 354041 195.80 354042 354043 200.90 354074 201.85 354044 354045 201.85 354094 219.45 354046 354047 235.50 354048 354049 263.80 354050 265.95 354075 276.70 354054 354055 280.00 354095 288.95 354057 304.00 354058 354059 324.10 354015 324.60 354062 285.35 354064 354065 312.55 354067 342.60 354068 354069 393.95 354016 451.55 1¼" ARBOR 1½" ARBOR 354088 354089 512.55 354080 354081 556.15 ALL TYPES: Tool diameter tolerance: +1⁄16"/-.000". Face width tolerance: +.001"/- .000". Arbor hole tolerance: +.001"/-.000". Sharpened on all 3 cutting edges. PRICE EACH TYPE 3542 FOR STEEL NO. OF 1"ARBOR 1¼"ARBOR TEETH EDP NO. EDP NO. 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 12 12 12 12 12 354130 $182.70 354131 183.50 354132 187.20 354133 202.45 354134 210.75 354140 236.00 354141 243.95 354142 354143 256.40 354174 261.55 354144 354145 270.15 354194 277.65 354146 354147 300.95 354148 354149 300.95 354150 312.55 354151 312.55 354153 320.20 354175 321.70 354154 354155 341.55 354195 347.40 354157 369.70 354158 354159 418.70 354115 455.55 354163 393.30 354164 354165 417.70 354167 456.45 354168 354169 512.10 354116 517.55 1¼" ARBOR 1½" ARBOR 12 354188 354189 537.50 12 354180 354181 560.20 [email protected] 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 12 12 12 12 12 354230 354231 354232 354233 354234 354240 354241 354242 354274 354244 354294 354246 354248 354250 354251 354254 354258 354264 354268 1¼" ARBOR 12 354288 12 354280 • TYPE 3543 FOR STAINLESS STEEL PRICE EACH NO. OF 1"ARBOR 1¼"ARBOR TEETH EDP NO. EDP NO. $180.35 182.85 185.15 206.50 209.25 237.60 252.25 354243 252.25 259.75 354245 268.80 282.05 354247 329.80 354249 334.00 312.80 312.80 354253 328.35 354275 338.90 354255 339.00 354295 353.90 354257 415.45 354259 459.75 354215 484.90 354263 415.55 354265 428.00 354267 465.60 354269 530.30 354216 541.10 1½" ARBOR 354289 557.55 354281 580.35 Phone 800-882-2627 354330 354331 354332 354334 354340 354341 354342 354374 354344 354346 354348 354354 354358 354364 354368 1¼" ARBOR 14 354388 - PRICE EACH 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 12 12 12 14 14 14 - $225.05 235.85 239.00 267.15 281.45 295.60 354343 302.25 328.20 354345 330.70 354347 348.25 354349 358.70 354355 379.85 354357 414.85 354359 465.25 354365 488.70 354367 492.60 354369 531.55 1½" ARBOR 569.90 - • Fax 800-882-3637 CARBIDE TIPPED ANGLE CUTTERS SINGLE ANGLE CUTTERS TYPE 3714 - 45° RIGHT TYPE 3716 - 45° LEFT (Left hand shown) TYPE 3724 - 60° RIGHT TYPE 3726 - 60° LEFT Carbide tips brazed to hardened alloy steel bodies. General purpose cutters for cutting non-ferrous materials and cast iron. TOOL DIAMETER WIDTH ARBOR HOLE NO. OF TEETH 3 4 4 ½ ½ ¾ 1 1¼ 1¼ 8 10 10 RIGHT 45° LEFT 45° RIGHT 60° LEFT 60° TYPE 3714 TYPE 3716 TYPE 3724 TYPE 3726 EDP NO. EDP NO. EDP NO. EDP NO. 371408 371416 371424 371608 371616 371624 372408 372416 372424 ALL TYPES PRICE 372608 $444.45 372616 550.05 372624 596.75 DOUBLE ANGLE CUTTERS TYPE 3750 - 45° DOUBLE TYPE 3752 - 60° DOUBLE TYPE 3754 - 90° DOUBLE Carbide tips brazed to hardened alloy steel bodies. General purpose cutters for cutting non-ferrous materials and cast iron. TOOL DIAMETER WIDTH ARBOR HOLE NO. OF TEETH 45° TYPE 3750 EDP NO. 60° TYPE 3752 EDP NO. 90° TYPE 3754 EDP NO. ALL TYPES PRICE 2¾ 3 4 4 4 ½ ½ ½ ¾ 1 1 1 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 8 8 10 10 10 375008 375016 375024 - 375207 375208 375216 375224 375232 375407 375408 375416 375424 375432 $374.15 466.60 577.50 626.40 733.15 CARBIDE TIPPED SHELL MILL CUTTERS Carbide tips brazed to alloy steel bodies. TYPE 3530 - FOR NON-FERROUS Large, open right hand spiral flutes aid in chip removal. TYPE 3531 - FOR CAST IRON Open flutes for machining cast iron, soft cast iron and malleable iron. TYPE 3532 - FOR STEEL ALL TYPES ON THIS PAGE: Tool diameter tolerance: +1/16"/-.000". Arbor hole tolerance: +.001"/-.000". TOOL DIAMETER 1¼ 1½ 1¾ 2 2¼ 2½ 2¾ 3 3½ 4 ARBOR HOLE ½ ½ ¾ ¾ 1 1 1 1¼ 1¼ 1½ Large, open left hand spiral flutes absorb impact shock. CARBIDE LENGTH OVERALL LENGTH ½ ½ ½ 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 ¾ ¾ ¾ 1 1 1⁄8 1¼ 1 3⁄8 1½ 1 5⁄8 1 5⁄8 1¾ 1 7⁄8 2¼ Phone 941-739-2726 • DRIVE SLOTS TYPE 3530 FOR NON-FERROUS WIDTH DEPTH NO. OF TEETH ¼ ¼ 5⁄16 5⁄16 3⁄8 3⁄8 3⁄8 ½ ½ 5⁄8 5⁄32 5⁄32 3⁄16 3⁄16 7⁄32 7⁄32 7⁄32 9⁄32 9⁄32 3⁄8 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 Fax 941-739-2827 EDP NO. PRICE EACH 353024 $226.65 353026 236.00 353028 294.15 353032 308.80 353036 326.25 353040 343.55 353044 362.50 353048 397.40 353056 486.40 353064 611.25 • TYPE 3531 FOR CAST IRON NO. OF TEETH 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 8 8 EDP NO. PRICE EACH 353124 $226.65 353126 236.00 353128 294.15 353132 328.55 353136 355.75 353140 387.80 353144 406.75 353148 442.45 353156 520.40 353164 643.70 w w w.lexingtoncutter.com • TYPE 3532 FOR STEEL NO. OF TEETH 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 EDP NO. PRICE EACH 353224 $235.80 353226 245.50 353228 305.85 353232 341.70 353236 370.00 353240 387.80 353244 406.75 353248 442.45 353256 550.05 353264 683.20 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 27 CARBIDE TIPPED FACE MILLS TYPE 3536 - FOR NON-FERROUS TYPE 3537 - FOR CAST IRON TYPE 3538 - FOR STEEL Carbide tips brazed to hardened alloy steel bodies. Straight shank with Weldon flats. Tools are designed with appropriate carbide grade and geometry for material being machined. TOOL DIAMETER SHANK TOOL DIAMETER WIDTH 1½ 2 2½ 3½ 3½ 4 ¾ ¾ ¾ 1¼ 1½ 1½ CARBIDE LENGTH DEPTH OF CARBIDE OVERALL LENGTH ½ ½ ½ 5⁄8 5⁄8 ¾ ¼ ¼ ¼ 5⁄16 5⁄16 3⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 4 4 5 ¾ ¾ ¾ 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1½ TYPE 3536 - NON-FERROUS TYPE 3537 - CAST IRON TYPE 3538 - STEEL NO. OF TEETH EDP NO. PRICE EACH NO. OF TEETH EDP NO. PRICE EACH NO. OF TEETH EDP NO. PRICE EACH 4 4 6 6 6 8 353624 353632 353640 353656 353657 353664 $211.30 258.35 290.85 501.90 527.00 564.00 4 4 6 6 6 8 353724 353732 353740 353756 353757 353764 $211.30 258.35 290.85 501.90 527.00 564.00 4 4 6 8 8 8 353824 353832 353840 353856 353857 353864 $217.45 264.30 298.65 519.15 545.05 564.60 CARBIDE TIPPED COUNTERSINKS SINGLE FLUTE COUNTERSINKS TYPE 3561 - 60° TYPE 3581 - 82° TYPE 3591 - 90° TYPE 3584 - 100° THREE FLUTE COUNTERSINKS TYPE 3563 - 60° TYPE 3583 - 82° TYPE 3590 - 90° TYPE 3585 - 100° Carbide tips brazed to hardened alloy steel bodies. The single flute design with a positive rake assures burr-free holes and chatterless operation. Not recommended for portable hand tool use — see three flute types. Carbide tips brazed to hardened alloy steel bodies. The three flute design tends to center the tool in portable tool use and results in longer tool life. MINIMUM 60° ANGLE 82° ANGLE 90° ANGLE 100° ANGLE ALL TOOL SHANK CUTTING TYPE 3561 TYPE 3581 TYPE 3591 TYPE 3584 TYPES DIAM. DIAM. DIAM. EDP NO. EDP NO. EDP NO. EDP NO. PRICE ¼ 3⁄8 ½ ¾ 3⁄16 ¼ 3⁄8 ½ ½ ½ ½ 1 1¼ 1½ 1⁄16 5⁄64 3⁄32 1⁄8 1⁄8 5⁄32 3⁄16 356108 356112 356116 356124 356132 356140 356148 358108 358112 358116 358124 358132 358140 358148 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 28 Made in U.S.A. • 359108 359112 359116 359124 359132 359140 359148 358408 358412 358416 358424 358432 358440 358448 $64.60 64.60 76.65 95.90 125.25 159.35 178.70 MINIMUM 60° ANGLE 82° ANGLE 90° ANGLE 100° ANGLE TOOL SHANK CUTTING TYPE 3563 TYPE 3583 TYPE 3590 TYPE 3585 DIAM. DIAM. DIAM. EDP NO. EDP NO. EDP NO. EDP NO. ¼ 3⁄8 ½ 5⁄8 ¾ 7⁄8 3⁄16 ¼ 3⁄8 3⁄8 ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ 1 1¼ 1½ [email protected] • 5⁄64 7⁄64 9⁄64 9⁄64 3⁄16 3⁄16 ¼ 5⁄16 3⁄8 356308 356312 356316 356320 356324 356328 356332 356340 356348 358308 358312 358316 358320 358324 358328 358332 358340 358348 Phone 800-882-2627 359008 359012 359016 359020 359024 359028 359032 359040 359048 • 358508 358512 358516 358520 358524 358528 358532 358540 358548 ALL TYPES PRICE $71.00 71.00 84.40 88.70 106.65 122.25 133.35 165.90 193.45 Fax 800-882-3637 CARBIDE TIPPED CORNER ROUNDING END MILLS TYPE 3740 - FOR NON-FERROUS & CAST IRON TYPE 3741 - FOR STEEL TYPE 3740 CIRCLE TOOL SHANK END CARBIDE OVERALL RADIUS DIAM. DIAM. DIAM. LENGTH LENGTH 1⁄16 3⁄32 1⁄8 5⁄32 3⁄16 ¼ 5⁄16 3⁄8 7⁄16 ½ 5⁄8 7⁄16 ½ 5⁄8 ¾ 7⁄8 1 1 1⁄8 1¼ 1 3⁄8 1½ 2 3⁄8 3⁄8 ½ ½ ¾ ¾ 7⁄8 7⁄8 17⁄64 17⁄64 19⁄64 23⁄64 13⁄32 13⁄32 13⁄32 13⁄32 13⁄32 13⁄32 21⁄32 1 1 1¼ 13⁄32 13⁄32 13⁄32 13⁄32 13⁄32 15⁄32 19⁄32 25⁄32 7⁄8 1 1 7⁄32 2¾ 2¾ 3 3 3¼ 3¼ 3½ 3¾ 4 4 4¼ Carbide tips brazed to hardened alloy steel bodies. All sizes have three flutes and are used to mill round corners on square edges. TYPE 3741 EDP NO. PRICE EACH EDP NO. PRICE EACH 374002 374003 374004 374005 374006 374008 374010 374012 374014 374016 374020 $147.30 147.30 152.45 161.70 171.10 195.00 200.30 208.10 231.65 257.90 317.35 374102 374103 374104 374105 374106 374108 374110 374112 374114 374116 374120 $159.20 159.20 164.55 174.55 184.70 210.60 216.40 224.75 250.25 278.55 342.80 CARBIDE TIPPED CENTER CUTTING END MILLS TYPE 3318 - 25° RIGHT SPIRAL FLUTES - FOR NON-FERROUS & CAST IRON Flute long carbide tips brazed to hardened alloy steel bodies. TOOL DIAMETER DECIMAL FRAC. .5000 .6250 .7500 .8750 1.0000 1.2500 1.5000 SHANK DIAM. ½ 5⁄8 ¾ 7⁄8 1 1¼ 1½ ½ 5⁄8 ¾ 7⁄8 1 1¼ 1½ NO. CARBIDE OF TIP FLUTES LENGTH 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1¼ 1¼ 1½ 1½ 1¾ 2 OVER ALL LEN. TYPE 3318 - 25° RIGHT SPIRAL 3 3 3⁄8 3 3⁄8 3¾ 4 4¼ 4¾ EDP NO. PRICE EACH 331816 331820 331824 331828 331832 331840 331848 $183.95 205.65 217.90 239.70 275.45 374.35 436.90 TYPE 3314 - THREE STRAIGHT FLUTES - FOR NON-FERROUS & CAST IRON TYPE 3312 - THREE STRAIGHT FLUTES - FOR STEEL Flute long carbide tips brazed to hardened alloy steel bodies. ALL TYPES: One flute is center cutting. Straight shanks with drive flats. Tool diameter tolerance: +.002"/-.000". For plunge and side cut milling at moderate feeds and speeds. TOOL DIAMETER DECIMAL FRAC. .3750 .4375 .5000 .5625 .6250 .7500 .8750 1.0000 1.1250 1.2500 1.5000 3⁄8 7⁄16 ½ 9⁄16 5⁄8 ¾ 7⁄8 1 1 1⁄8 1¼ 1½ Phone 941-739-2726 SHANK DIAM. 3⁄8 3⁄8 ½ ½ 5⁄8 5⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 1 1 1¼ • NO. OF FLUTES CARBIDE TIP LENGTH OVERALL LENGTH 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ½ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ 2½ 2½ 3 3 3¼ 3 3⁄8 3¾ 3¾ 4 4 4 Fax 941-739-2827 • TYPE 3314 - FOR NON-FERR. & C.I. TYPE 3312 - FOR STEEL EDP NO. PRICE EACH EDP NO. PRICE EACH 331412 331414 331416 331418 331420 331424 331428 331432 331436 331440 331448 $110.05 112.50 115.40 119.80 140.35 146.75 171.30 188.25 201.65 233.70 277.80 331212 331214 331216 331218 331220 331224 331228 331232 331236 331240 331248 $114.35 116.90 119.75 124.50 145.60 152.45 178.00 195.50 209.35 242.80 288.50 w w w.lexingtoncutter.com • LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 29 CARBIDE TIPPED BRIDGEPORT/REDUCED SHANK END MILLS TYPE 3323 - 15° RIGHT SPIRAL FLUTES - FOR NON-FERROUS & CAST IRON TYPE 3353 - 15° RIGHT SPIRAL FLUTES - FOR STEEL Flute long carbide tips brazed to hardened alloy steel bodies. The large capacity 15° spiral flutes permit easy chip flow. ¾" shank designed for use on Bridgeport style machines. TOOL DIAMETER DECIMAL FRAC. .7500 .8750 1.0000 1.1250 1.2500 1.5000 ¾ 7⁄8 1 1 1⁄8 1¼ 1½ SHANK DIAM. ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ CARBIDE OVER NO. TIP ALL OF LENGTH LENGTH FLUTES 1¼ 1½ 1½ 1¾ 1¾ 2 3 3⁄8 3¾ 4 4¼ 4¼ 4½ 4 4 6 6 6 6 N-F/C.I. TYPE 3323 EDP NO. STEEL TYPE 3353 EDP NO. BOTH TYPES PRICE 332324 332328 332332 332336 332340 332348 335324 335328 335332 335336 335340 335348 $141.50 162.00 227.15 267.25 306.40 352.55 CARBIDE TIPPED CNC FINISHING END MILLS TYPE 3322 - 15° RIGHT SPIRAL FLUTES - FOR NON-FERROUS & CAST IRON TYPE 3355 - 15° RIGHT SPIRAL FLUTES - FOR STEEL Flute long carbide tips brazed to hardened alloy steel bodies. CNC qualified edge provides for accurate and consistent resharpening. Carbide grade and tool geometry appropriate for material being machined. TOOL DIAMETER CARBIDE OVER NO. SHANK TIP ALL OF DIAM. DECIMAL FRAC. LENGTH LENGTH FLUTES .5000 .6250 .7500 1.0000 1.1250 1.2500 1.5000 1.7500 2.0000 ½ 5⁄8 ¾ ½ 5⁄8 5⁄8 1 1 1⁄8 1¼ 1½ 1¾ 2 1 1 1 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1 1¼ 1¼ 1½ 1¾ 1¾ 2 2 2 3 3 3⁄8 3 3⁄8 4 4¼ 4¼ 4½ 4½ 4½ 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 8 8 N-F/C.I. TYPE 3322 EDP NO. STEEL TYPE 3355 EDP NO. 332216 332220 332224 332232 332236 332240 332248 332256 332264 335516 335520 335524 335532 335536 335540 335548 335556 335564 BOTH TYPES PRICE $125.40 144.80 161.25 258.95 304.70 349.35 401.90 505.60 571.10 CARBIDE TIPPED CNC HIGH PERFORMANCE END MILLS TYPE 3337 - 25° RIGHT SPIRAL FLUTES - FOR ALUMINUM & OTHER NON-FERROUS Flute long carbide tips brazed to hardened alloy steel bodies. High helix, high performance open flute design for high speed non-ferrous metal removal. CNC qualified edge provides for accurate and consistent resharpening. TOOL DIAMETER DECIMAL FRAC. .5000 .6250 .7500 1.0000 1.2500 1.5000 2.0000 SHANK DIAM. ½ 5⁄8 ¾ ½ 5⁄8 5⁄8 1 1¼ 1½ 2 1 1 1¼ 1¼ CARBIDE OVER NO. TIP ALL OF LENGTH LENGTH FLUTES 1 1¼ 1¼ 1½ 1¾ 2 2 3 3 3⁄8 3 3⁄8 4 4¼ 4½ 4½ LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 30 Made in U.S.A. 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 • NON-FERR. TYPE 3337 EDP NO. PRICE EACH 333716 333720 333724 333732 333740 333748 333764 $125.40 144.80 161.25 213.25 309.70 375.15 547.95 [email protected] • Phone 800-882-2627 • Fax 800-882-3637 CARBIDE TIPPED END MILLS - FOR STEEL TOOL DIAMETER DEC. FRAC. .2500 .3125 .3750 .4375 .5000 .5625 .6250 .7500 .8750 1.0000 1.1250 1.2500 1.5000 1.7500 2.0000 TYPE 3300 - TWO STRAIGHT FLUTES TYPE 3308 - 6° RIGHT SPIRAL FLUTES Flute long carbide tips brazed to hardened alloy steel bodies. Large flute capacity for easier chip removal. Flute long carbide tips brazed to hardened alloy steel bodies. Spiral flutes help remove chips, permitting faster speeds and higher feed rate. Produces better finish. SHANK DIAM. ¼ 5⁄16 3⁄8 7⁄16 ½ 9⁄16 5⁄8 ¾ 7⁄8 1 1 1⁄8 1¼ 1½ 1¾ 2 3⁄8 3⁄8 3⁄8 3⁄8 ½ ½ ½ 5⁄8 5⁄8 7⁄8 1 1 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ TYPE 3300 CARB. OVER STRAIGHT FLUTES TIP ALL EDP PRICE LEN. LEN. NO. OF FLTS. NO. EACH ½ 2½ 5⁄8 2 ½ 5⁄8 2 ½ 1 2 11⁄16 1 3¼ 1 3 3⁄8 1 3 3⁄8 1 3 5⁄8 1¼ 4 1¼ 4 1¼ 4¼ 1¼ 4¼ 1½ 4½ 1½ 4½ 1½ 4½ 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 330008 330010 330012 330014 330016 330018 330020 330024 330028 330032 330036 330040 330048 330056 330064 TYPE 3308 OR TYPE 3310 6° SPIRAL FLUTES TYPE 3308 TYPE 3310 BOTH NO. OF RIGHT LEFT TYPES FLTS. EDP NO. EDP NO. PRICE $69.05 72.00 76.85 76.85 78.65 87.20 87.20 97.90 115.65 127.85 130.95 146.00 188.00 210.90 251.80 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 8 8 330808 330810 330812 330814 330816 330818 330820 330824 330828 330832 330836 330840 330848 330856 330864 331008 331010 331012 331014 331016 331018 331020 331024 331028 331032 331036 331040 331048 331056 331064 $71.15 76.70 81.35 81.35 87.65 94.15 116.15 129.50 155.95 179.30 190.15 229.85 279.60 336.60 375.85 TYPE 3310 - 6° LEFT SPIRAL FLUTES Flute long carbide tips brazed to hardened alloy steel bodies. The left spiral flutes help absorb the impact shock on entering steel while maintaining constant pressure on the work piece. For milling all types of steel, including hardened steel and other tough steel alloys. TYPE 3350 - 15° RIGHT SPIRAL FLUTES Flute long carbide tips brazed to hardened alloy steel bodies. For milling all types of steel. The large capacity of the 15° spiral flutes permits faster chip removal while allowing smoother finishes. The high spiral provides longer tool life. ALL TYPES: Radial edged tool diameter tolerance: +.002"/-.000". Shank diameter tolerance: -.0001"/-.0005". Straight shanks with drive flats. All End Mills are radial edged; see page 33 for descriptions. TOOL DIAMETER DECIMAL FRAC. .5000 .5000 .5625 .6250 .6250 .6875 .6875 .7500 .7500 .8125 .8750 .8750 ½ ½ 9⁄16 5⁄8 5⁄8 11⁄16 11⁄16 ¾ ¾ 13⁄16 7⁄8 7⁄8 SHANK DIAM. CARB. TIP LEN. OVER ALL LEN. 3⁄8 ½ ½ ½ 5⁄8 ½ 5⁄8 ½ 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 7⁄8 1 1 1 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1½ 1½ 1½ 3 3 3 3¼ 3 3⁄8 3¼ 3 3⁄8 3¼ 3 3⁄8 3 5⁄8 3 5⁄8 3¾ Phone 941-739-2726 • Also available in ¾" shank diameter, see pg. 30. TOOL DIAMETER TYPE 3350 15° RIGHT SPIRAL NO. OF FLTS. EDP NO. PRICE EACH DECIMAL FRAC. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 335016 335017 335018 335020 335021 335022 335023 335024 335025 335026 335028 335029 $109.95 109.95 118.10 127.10 127.10 132.50 132.50 141.50 141.50 152.55 162.00 162.00 .9375 .9375 1.0000 1.0000 1.1250 1.2500 1.3750 1.5000 1.6250 1.7500 1.8750 2.0000 15⁄16 15⁄16 1 1 1 1⁄8 1¼ 1 3⁄8 1½ 1 5⁄8 1¾ 1 7⁄8 2 Fax 941-739-2827 • SHANK DIAM. 5⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 1 1 1 1 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ w w w.lexingtoncutter.com CARB. TIP LEN. OVER ALL LEN. 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 2 2 2 2 2 3¾ 3¾ 3¾ 4 4¼ 4¼ 4¼ 4½ 4½ 4½ 4½ 4½ • TYPE 3350 15° RIGHT SPIRAL NO. OF FLTS. 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 EDP NO. PRICE EACH 335030 $239.90 335031 239.90 335032 227.15 335033 227.15 335036 267.40 335040 306.50 335044 358.00 335048 352.65 335052 470.15 335056 501.40 335060 536.20 335064 566.30 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 31 CARBIDE TIPPED END MILLS - FOR NON-FERROUS & CAST IRON TYPE 3302 - TWO STRAIGHT FLUTES - RADIAL EDGED Flute long carbide tips brazed to hardened alloy steel bodies. Large flute capacity for easier chip removal. TYPE 3304 - FOUR/SIX STRAIGHT FLUTES - RADIAL EDGED Flute long carbide tips brazed to hardened alloy steel bodies. Best when machine horsepower allows a higher capacity end mill. TYPE 3305 - FOUR STRAIGHT FLUTES - UPSHARP Flute long carbide tips brazed to hardened alloy steel bodies. Reduced horsepower requirements in a high capacity end mill. TYPE 3306 - 6° RIGHT SPIRAL FLUTES - RADIAL EDGED Flute long carbide tips brazed to hardened alloy steel bodies. Spiral flutes help remove chips, permitting faster speeds and heavier feeds. Produces better finish. TYPE 3307 - 6° RIGHT SPIRAL FLUTES - UPSHARP Flute long carbide tips brazed to hardened alloy steel bodies. Spiral flutes help remove chips which permits heavier feeds and faster speeds. Ideal for zinc and aluminum. ALL TYPES: Radial edged tool diameter tolerance: +.002"/-.000". Upsharp tool diameter tolerance: +.005"/-.000". Shank diameter tolerance: -.0001"/-.0005". Straight shanks with drive flats. For radial edged and upsharp descriptions, see page 33. TOOL DIAMETER TYPE 3302 - STR. FLTS. CARB. OVER SHANK TIP ALL NO. OF EDP PRICE DECIMAL FRAC. DIAM. LEN. LEN. FLTS. NO. EACH .2500 .3125 .3750 .4375 .5000 .5625 .6250 .6875 .7500 .8125 .8750 .9375 1.0000 1.1250 1.2500 1.5000 1.7500 2.0000 ¼ 5⁄16 3⁄8 7⁄16 ½ 9⁄16 5⁄8 11⁄16 ¾ 13⁄16 7⁄8 15⁄16 1 1 1⁄8 1¼ 1½ 1¾ 2 3⁄8 3⁄8 3⁄8 3⁄8 ½ ½ ½ 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 ½ 2½ 5⁄8 2 ½ 5⁄8 2 ½ 1 2 11⁄16 1 3¼ 1 3 3⁄8 1 3 3⁄8 1 3 3⁄8 1 3 5⁄8 1 3 5⁄8 1¼ 4 1¼ 4 1¼ 4 1 1¼ 4¼ 1 1¼ 4¼ 1¼ 1½ 4½ 1¼ 1½ 4½ 1¼ 1½ 4½ 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 32 Made in U.S.A. 330208 330210 330212 330214 330216 330218 330220 330222 330224 330226 330228 330230 330232 330236 330240 330248 330256 330264 • $60.15 62.45 66.90 66.90 68.60 75.85 75.85 82.10 85.15 103.00 103.65 110.95 111.30 114.20 137.65 170.55 202.15 225.50 TYPE 3304 - FOUR/SIX STR. FLTS. TYPE 3305 - FOUR STR. FLTS. TYPE 3306 - 6° RIGHT SPIRAL TYPE 3307 - 6° RIGHT SPIRAL NO. OF FLTS. EDP NO. PRICE EACH NO. OF FLTS. EDP NO. PRICE EACH NO. OF FLTS. EDP NO. PRICE EACH NO. OF FLTS. EDP NO. PRICE EACH 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 330408 330410 330412 330414 330416 330418 330420 330422 330424 330426 330428 330430 330432 330436 330440 330448 330456 330464 $60.65 64.80 68.30 68.30 69.95 78.55 82.25 90.55 84.65 100.00 100.00 111.00 115.55 131.10 147.35 189.95 244.85 282.05 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 - 330508 330514 330516 330518 330520 330522 330524 330526 330528 330530 330532 330536 330540 330548 - $60.65 65.75 69.80 78.35 82.10 90.35 93.75 107.40 110.95 118.10 128.10 145.15 163.20 202.15 - 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 330608 330610 330612 330614 330616 330618 330620 330624 330628 330632 330636 330640 330648 330656 330664 $61.45 63.70 68.20 68.20 69.95 77.45 80.50 91.95 122.90 142.00 161.05 181.05 224.20 289.30 333.10 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 330708 330714 330716 330718 330720 330724 330728 330732 330740 330748 330764 $65.15 72.30 74.10 81.95 85.15 97.30 130.25 150.40 191.45 228.50 339.50 [email protected] • Phone 800-882-2627 • Fax 800-882-3637 CARBIDE TIPPED END MILLS - FOR NON-FERROUS & CAST IRON TYPE 3320 - 15° RIGHT SPIRAL FLUTES - RADIAL EDGED Flute long carbide tips brazed to hardened alloy steel bodies. For milling primarily cast iron and malleable iron. However, they can be used on other materials except steel. The large capacity of the 15° spiral flutes permits faster chip removal while allowing smoother finishes. Also the high spiral provides longer tool life. More flutes than Type 3375 for use where less feed rate per flute is required but table feed is maintained for same productivity. Also available in ¾" shank diameter, see pg. 30. TYPE 3375 - 15° RIGHT SPIRAL FLUTES - RADIAL EDGED Same as Type 3320, except less flutes. TYPE 3325 - 25° RIGHT SPIRAL FLUTES - RADIAL EDGED Flute long carbide tips brazed to hardened alloy steel bodies. For milling all types of non-ferrous metals and non-metals. The large capacity of the 25° spiral flutes permits faster chip removal while allowing smoother finishes. Also the high spiral provides longer tool life. TYPE 3327 - 25° RIGHT SPIRAL FLUTES - UPSHARP Flute long carbide tips brazed to hardened alloy steel bodies. For high speed milling of aluminum, plastics, and other soft non-ferrous materials. UPSHARP END MILLS: These tools are manufactured with sharp cutting edges on the periphery and permit maximum metal removal with less horsepower. RADIAL EDGED END MILLS: These tools are manufactured with a precise .002" to .003" radial edge on the periphery, thus eliminating the need to hand hone the feathered edge. This small margin results in a stronger cutting edge and minimizes edge chipping for longer tool life. TOOL DIAMETER DECIMAL .5000 .5000 .5625 .6250 .6250 .6875 .6875 .7500 .7500 .8125 .8750 .8750 .9375 .9375 1.0000 1.0000 1.1250 1.2500 1.3750 1.5000 1.6250 1.7500 1.8750 2.0000 FRAC. ½ ½ 9⁄16 5⁄8 5⁄8 11⁄16 11⁄16 ¾ ¾ 13⁄16 7⁄8 7⁄8 15⁄16 15⁄16 1 1 1 1⁄8 1¼ 1 3⁄8 1½ 1 5⁄8 1¾ 1 7⁄8 2 SHANK DIAM. 3⁄8 ½ ½ ½ 5⁄8 ½ 5⁄8 ½ 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 7⁄8 5⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 1 1 1 1 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ TYPE 3320 - 15° RIGHT SPIRAL CARB. TIP LEN. OVER ALL LEN. NO. OF FLUTES 1 1 1 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3¼ 3 3⁄8 3¼ 3 3⁄8 3¼ 3 3⁄8 3 5⁄8 3 5⁄8 3¾ 3¾ 3¾ 3¾ 4 4¼ 4¼ 4¼ 4½ 4½ 4½ 4½ 4½ 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 Phone 941-739-2726 • EDP NO. PRICE EACH 332017 $109.95 332021 127.10 332023 132.50 332025 141.50 332026 152.55 332029 162.00 332033 227.15 332036 267.40 332040 306.50 332044 358.00 332048 352.65 332056 443.50 332064 501.00 Fax 941-739-2827 • ALL TYPES: Radial edged tool diameter tolerance: +.002"/-.000". Upsharp tool diameter tolerance: +.005"/-.000". Shank diameter tolerance: -.0001"/-.0005". Straight shanks with drive flats. TYPE 3375 - 15° RIGHT SPIRAL NO. OF FLUTES 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 EDP NO. PRICE EACH TYPE 3327 OR TYPE 3325 - 25° RIGHT SPIRAL NO. OF FLUTES TYPE 3327 EDP NO. TYPE 3325 EDP NO. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 332721 332724 332725 332726 332732 332733 332740 332744 332748 332764 332516 $109.95 332517 109.95 332518 118.10 332520 127.10 332521 127.10 332522 132.50 332523 132.50 332524 141.50 332525 141.50 332526 152.55 332528 162.00 332529 162.00 332530 183.20 332531 183.20 332532 187.05 332533 187.05 332536 204.80 332540 271.65 332544 294.50 332548 328.95 332552 389.35 332556 417.70 332560 449.70 332564 480.70 337516 $101.30 337517 101.30 337518 108.95 337520 117.10 337521 117.10 337522 122.10 337523 122.10 337524 130.30 337525 130.30 337526 140.60 337528 149.35 337529 149.35 337530 221.10 337531 221.10 337532 209.35 337533 209.35 337536 246.45 337540 282.45 337544 329.85 337548 325.00 337552 397.50 337556 423.85 337560 453.35 337564 478.85 w w w.lexingtoncutter.com • PRICE EACH LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 33 CARBIDE TIPPED PORT CONTOUR CUTTERS ISO 6149-1 METRIC PORTS - WITHOUT I.D. GROOVE TYPE 3786 - STRAIGHT SHANK - FOR NON-FERROUS & CAST IRON TYPE 3787 - STRAIGHT SHANK - FOR STEEL Carbide tips brazed to one piece heat treated steel bodies. In a single operation, a port contour cutter can produce the form and finish required on internal straight thread o-ring ports. . All tolerances are within military specifications. All are manufactured with negative radial rake and 5° axial rake. DIMENSIONS THREAD SIZE REAMER SPOTFACE SHANK TAPER SHANK NO. .2770 .3560 .4150 .4930 .5720 .6510 .7300 .8080 .9850 1.2210 1.5760 1.8120 2.2840 .6690 .7870 .9060 .9840 1.1020 1.1810 1.2600 1.3390 1.5750 1.9290 2.3620 2.5890 2.9920 .5000 .5000 .5000 .5000 .5000 .7500 .7500 .7500 .7500 .7500 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 DIAMETER M 8X1 M 10X1 M 12X1.5 M 14X1.5 M 16X1.5 M 18X1.5 M 20X1.5 M 22X1.5 M 27X2 M 33X2 M 42X2 M 48X2 M 60X2 SEALING SEAT ANGLE SHANK REAMER HEAD 12° 12° 15° 15° 15° 15° 15° 15° 15° 15° 15° 15° 15° 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ .4530 .4530 .5510 .5510 .6100 .6690 .6890 .7090 .8660 .8660 .8860 .9840 1.0830 1 1⁄8 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1 5⁄8 1 7⁄8 1 7⁄8 1 7⁄8 2 2 OVERALL N-F/CI TYPE 3786 EDP NO. STEEL TYPE 3787 EDP NO. BOTH TYPES PRICE 3 1⁄8 3¼ 3¼ 3¼ 3¼ 3 3⁄8 3 3⁄8 3 5⁄8 4 1⁄8 4 1⁄8 4 1⁄8 4¼ 4¼ 3786080 3786100 3786120 3786140 3786160 3786180 3786200 3786220 3786270 3786330 3786420 3786480 3786600 3787080 3787100 3787120 3787140 3787160 3787180 3787200 3787220 3787270 3787330 3787420 3787480 3787600 $431.55 431.55 451.90 451.90 497.70 497.70 516.90 536.05 579.40 666.40 728.30 769.95 870.95 LENGTH S.A.E. PORTS - MS16142 - J514F - J1926 TYPE 3780 - STRAIGHT SHANK - FOR NON-FERROUS & CAST IRON TYPE 3781 - STRAIGHT SHANK - FOR STEEL Carbide tips brazed to one piece heat treated steel bodies. In a single operation, a port contour cutter can produce the form and finish required on internal straight thread o-ring ports. All tolerances are within military specifications. All are manufactured with negative radial rake and 5° axial rake. TUBE DIMENSIONS NO. SIZE 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 20 24 32 1⁄8 3⁄16 ¼ 5⁄16 3⁄8 ½ 5⁄8 ¾ 7⁄8 1 1¼ 1½ 2 THREAD SIZE REAMER SPOTFACE 5⁄16-24 3⁄8-24 7⁄16-20 ½-20 9⁄16-18 ¾-16 7⁄8-14 1 1⁄16-12 1 3⁄16-12 1 5⁄16-12 1 5⁄8-12 1 7⁄8-12 2 ½-12 .2720 .3350 .3890 .4520 .5090 .6890 .8060 .9810 1.1060 1.2310 1.5440 1.7940 2.4190 .6820 .7600 .8380 .9160 .9790 1.1980 1.3540 1.6350 1.7750 1.9200 2.2800 2.5700 3.4900 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 34 Made in U.S.A. SHANK SEALING SEAT ANGLE SHANK REAMER HEAD .5000 .5000 .5000 .5000 .5000 .7500 .7500 .7500 .7500 .7500 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 12° 12° 12° 12° 12° 15° 15° 15° 15° 15° 15° 15° 15° 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ .4730 .4730 .5520 .5520 .6140 .6930 .7860 .9110 .9110 .9110 .9110 .9110 .9110 1 1⁄8 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1 3⁄8 1 5⁄8 1 7⁄8 1 7⁄8 1 7⁄8 2 2 2¼ DIAMETER • OVERALL N-F/CI TYPE 3780 EDP NO. STEEL TYPE 3781 EDP NO. BOTH TYPES PRICE 3 1⁄8 3¼ 3¼ 3¼ 3¼ 3 3⁄8 3 5⁄8 4 1⁄8 4 1⁄8 4 1⁄8 4¼ 4¼ 4½ 378002 378003 378004 378005 378006 378008 378010 378012 378014 378016 378020 378024 378032 378102 378103 378104 378105 378106 378108 378110 378112 378114 378116 378120 378124 378132 $401.40 401.40 401.40 414.00 414.00 453.05 512.40 552.80 561.70 604.60 666.05 819.15 1069.75 LENGTH [email protected] • Phone 800-882-2627 • Fax 800-882-3637 FEEDS & SPEEDS CHART FOR COUNTERBORES Feeds & speeds are a starting recommendation only. Factors such as machine, fixture and tooling rigidity, horsepower available, coolant application and others will affect the performance significantly. Please read machine operators instructions and use all safety shields and glasses before performing these operations. RPM=SFPM*3.82/Cutter Diameter CLASSIFICATION COUNTERBORING MATERIAL BRINELL ¾ 1 1½ 2 .006 .006 .007 .007 .009 .010 MAGNESIUM ALLOY 50 - 90* 875-1000 .006 .006 .007 .007 .009 .010 LEAD 10 - 20* 875-1000 .006 .006 .007 .007 .009 .010 NON-METAL AND PLASTIC - 700-1200 .006 .006 .007 .007 .009 .010 ZINC ALLOY - DIE CAST 80 - 100 700-850 .005 .005 .006 .006 .007 .009 ALUMINUM BRONZE 40 - 175 700-850 .006 .006 .007 .007 .009 .010 BRASS ALLOY - LEADED AND FREE CUTTING 10 - 100Rb 850-1000 .006 .006 .007 .007 .009 .010 CHROMIUM - NICKEL 10 - 100Rb 75-85 .003 .003 .003 .003 .004 .005 275-350 .005 .005 .006 .006 .007 .009 40 - 200* DUCTILE CAST IRON - AUSTENITIC 120 - 275 85-110 .002 .002 .002 .002 .003 .004 DUCTILE CAST IRON - FERRITIC 140 - 270 200-250 .006 .006 .007 .007 .009 .010 DUCTILE CAST IRON - MARTENSITIC 270 - 400 75-95 .002 .002 .002 .002 .003 .004 GRAY - PEARLITIC 220 - 320 125-200 .004 .004 .004 .005 .006 .007 GRAY - FERRITIC 110 - 240 200-250 .004 .004 .004 .005 .006 .007 MALLEABLE CAST IRON MARTENSITIC 200 - 320 60-85 .004 .004 .004 .005 .006 .007 LOW AND MEDIUM CARBON STEEL FREE MACHINING 100 - 250 200-250 .006 .006 .007 .007 .009 .010 LOW AND MEDIUM CARBON STEEL WROUGHT 100 - 375 150-200 .006 .006 .007 .007 .009 .010 LOW AND MEDIUM CARBON ALLOY STEEL - FREE MACHINING 100 - 275 145-185 .004 .004 .004 .005 .006 .007 LOW AND MEDIUM CARBON ALLOY STEEL 85 - 375 130-165 .004 .004 .004 .005 .006 .007 STAINLESS STEEL - 400 SERIES 135 - 325 150-200 .003 .003 .003 .003 .004 .005 STAINLESS STEEL - 400 SERIES FREE MACHINING 135 - 275 155-205 .003 .003 .003 .003 .004 .005 175 - 400 90-135 .002 .002 .002 .002 .003 .003 HIGH TEMP ALLOYS NICKEL & IRON BASE ALLOY 140 - 300 40-65 .002 .002 .002 .002 .003 .003 STAINLESS STEEL - 300 SERIES 135 - 375 150-300 .003 .003 .003 .003 .004 .005 STAINLESS STEEL - PH SERIES 150 - 440 115-175 .003 .003 .003 .003 .004 .005 TITANIUM ALLOY 110 - 380 125-175 .002 .002 .002 .002 .003 .003 HIGH STRENGTH HIGH STRENGTH STEEL - WROUGHT STEELS & TOOL STEEL HIGH TEMP. ALLOYS ½ 750-900 CAST IRON MEDIUM STRENGTH STEELS ¼ 30 - 150* COPPER ALLOY - TOUGH LOW CARBON STEELS SFPM ALUMINUM ALLOY - WROUGHT NON-FERROUS (SOFT) NON-FERROUS (HARD) FEED RATE (INCHES PER REVOLUTION) FINISHED HOLE DIAMETER IN INCHES Phone 941-739-2726 • Fax 941-739-2827 • w w w.lexingtoncutter.com • LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 35 INTERCHANGEABLE COUNTERBORE PILOTS TYPE 3500 - CARBON STEEL - SHORT SHANK For use with our carbide tipped counterbores (pages 38-47). The shank diameter must be the same as the pilot hole diameter in the counterbore. The pilot head diameter is always larger than the shank diameter and is determined by part to be machined. PILOT HEAD DIAMETER 1⁄8" THRU ¼" OVER ¼" THRU 7⁄8" OVER 7⁄8" THRU 1 ¼" OVER 1 ¼" TOLERANCE -.001"/-.002" -.003"/-.004" -.005"/-.006" -.006"/-.007" Shank diameter tolerance: +.0000”/-.0005". SHANK DIAMETER PILOT HEAD DIAMETER 3⁄32 1⁄8 5⁄32 3⁄16 ¼ 5⁄16 3⁄8 7⁄16 ½ .0938 .1250 .1562 .1875 .2500 .3125 .3750 .4375 .5000 FRAC. EDP NO. EDP NO. EDP NO. EDP NO. EDP NO. EDP NO. EDP NO. EDP NO. EDP NO. DEC. .1250 .1562 .1875 .2188 .2500 .2812 .3125 .3438 .3750 .4062 .4375 .4688 .5000 .5312 .5625 .5938 .6250 .6562 .6875 .7188 .7500 .7812 .8125 .8438 .8750 .9375 1.0000 1.0625 1.1250 1.1875 1.2500 1.3125 1.3750 1.4375 1.5000 1.5625 1.6250 1.6875 1.7500 1.8750 2.0000 1⁄8 5⁄32 3⁄16 7⁄32 ¼ 9⁄32 5⁄16 11⁄32 3⁄8 13⁄32 7⁄16 15⁄32 ½ 17⁄32 9⁄16 19⁄32 5⁄8 21⁄32 11⁄16 23⁄32 ¾ 25⁄32 13⁄16 27⁄32 7⁄8 15⁄16 1 1 1⁄16 1 1⁄8 1 3⁄16 1¼ 1 5⁄16 1 3⁄8 1 7⁄16 1½ 1 9⁄16 1 5⁄8 1 11⁄16 1¾ 1 7⁄8 2 350104 350105 350106 350107 350108 350109 350110 350111 - 350205 350206 350207 350208 350209 350210 350211 350212 350213 350214 350215 350216 350217 350218 350219 350220 - 350306 350307 350308 350309 350310 350311 350312 350313 350314 - LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 36 Made in U.S.A. 350407 350408 350409 350410 350411 350412 350413 350414 350415 350416 350417 350418 350420 350421 350422 350424 350426 350428 350430 350432 - • 350509 350510 350511 350512 350513 350514 350515 350516 350517 350518 350519 350520 350521 350522 350523 350524 350525 350526 350527 350528 350530 350532 - 350611 350612 350613 350614 350615 350616 350617 350618 350619 350620 350621 350622 350623 350624 350625 350626 350628 350630 350632 350634 350636 350638 350640 350644 - 350714 350716 350718 350720 350722 350724 350726 350728 350730 350732 350734 350736 350738 350740 350742 350744 350746 - 350816 350817 350818 350819 350820 350821 350822 350823 350824 350825 350826 350828 350830 350832 350834 350836 350838 350840 350842 350844 350846 350848 350850 350856 - [email protected] 350918 350919 350920 350922 350923 350924 350925 350926 350928 350930 350932 350934 350936 350938 350940 350942 350944 350946 350948 350950 350952 350954 350956 350960 350964 • PRICE EACH PILOT HEAD DIAMETER FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE ALL TYPES PRICE 1 PC. 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8+ $25.70 20.85 21.25 24.05 24.05 25.70 25.70 25.70 28.35 28.35 29.00 29.00 33.15 38.65 43.40 47.65 47.65 48.80 48.80 55.30 55.30 62.15 62.15 68.75 68.75 72.55 75.05 77.75 93.70 96.60 101.85 107.15 117.05 118.40 119.95 121.40 122.70 124.30 126.30 152.05 152.05 $102.05 97.15 97.55 100.45 100.45 102.05 102.05 102.05 104.65 104.65 105.30 105.30 109.55 115.05 119.80 124.05 124.05 125.20 125.20 131.60 131.60 138.45 138.45 145.15 145.15 148.85 151.35 154.10 170.10 172.90 178.15 183.55 193.50 194.80 196.40 197.85 199.00 200.60 202.55 228.60 228.60 $63.90 59.00 59.40 62.25 62.25 63.90 63.90 63.90 66.50 66.50 67.15 67.15 71.40 76.90 81.65 85.80 85.80 86.95 86.95 93.45 93.45 100.30 100.30 106.90 106.90 110.70 113.20 115.90 131.85 134.75 140.00 145.40 155.35 156.55 158.20 159.70 160.85 162.45 164.30 190.40 190.40 $51.20 46.30 46.70 49.50 49.50 51.20 51.20 51.20 53.75 53.75 54.40 54.40 58.60 64.15 68.90 73.10 73.10 74.20 74.20 80.75 80.75 87.60 87.60 94.20 94.20 97.95 100.45 103.20 119.15 122.05 127.25 132.65 142.65 143.85 145.45 147.00 148.10 149.75 151.60 177.65 177.65 $44.90 39.95 40.40 43.30 43.30 44.90 44.90 44.90 47.40 47.40 48.05 48.05 52.40 57.80 62.65 66.75 66.75 68.00 68.00 74.40 74.40 81.40 81.40 87.85 87.85 91.60 94.20 96.85 112.95 115.75 121.05 126.40 136.30 137.65 139.10 140.65 141.85 143.45 145.40 171.30 171.30 $38.40 33.55 33.95 36.80 36.80 38.40 38.40 38.40 41.05 41.05 41.70 41.70 45.90 51.45 56.20 60.40 60.40 61.50 61.50 68.00 68.00 74.85 74.85 81.45 81.45 85.25 87.75 90.50 106.40 109.30 114.55 119.95 129.95 131.15 132.75 134.25 135.40 137.00 138.85 164.95 164.95 $33.15 28.35 28.65 31.55 31.55 33.15 33.15 33.15 35.80 35.80 36.45 36.45 40.65 46.20 50.90 55.15 55.15 56.25 56.25 62.80 62.80 69.65 69.65 76.25 76.25 80.00 82.50 85.25 101.20 104.10 109.30 114.65 124.60 125.90 127.50 129.05 130.15 131.80 133.65 159.70 159.70 Phone 800-882-2627 • Fax 800-882-3637 CARBIDE TIPPED CAPSCREW COUNTERBORES TYPE 3513 - STRAIGHT SHANK - FOR NON-FERROUS & CAST IRON TYPE 3515 - STRAIGHT SHANK - FOR STEEL Carbide tips brazed to hardened alloy steel bodies. Right spiral smooth flutes. Integral pilot type. Tools are designed with appropriate carbide grade and tool geometry for material being machined. The pilot is manufactured in nominal screw body diameters as well as 1⁄64" and 1⁄32" over size diameters. Decimal sizes available upon request. TOOL DIAMETER DECIMAL .3820 .3980 .4140 .4750 .4910 .5070 .5720 .5880 .6040 .6630 .6790 .6950 .7570 .7730 .7890 .8510 .8670 .8830 .9450 .9610 .9770 1.1330 1.1490 1.1650 1.3220 1.3380 1.3540 1.5100 1.5260 1.5420 SCREW SIZE ¼ ¼ ¼ 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 3⁄8 3⁄8 3⁄8 7⁄16 7⁄16 7⁄16 ½ ½ ½ 9⁄16 9⁄16 9⁄16 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 ¾ ¾ ¾ 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 1 1 1 PILOT DIAMETER PILOT LENGTH .2500 .2650 .2810 .3125 .3280 .3430 .3750 .3900 .4060 .4375 .4530 .4680 .5000 .5150 .5310 .5625 .5780 .5930 .6250 .6400 .6560 .7500 .7650 .7810 .8750 .8910 .9060 1.0000 1.0150 1.0310 .3125 .3125 .3125 .3750 .3750 .3750 .5000 .5000 .5000 .5000 .5000 .5000 .5000 .5000 .5000 .5625 .5625 .5625 .6250 .6250 .6250 .7500 .7500 .7500 .8750 .8750 .8750 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 SHANK DIAMETER 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 3⁄8 3⁄8 3⁄8 ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 ¾ ¾ ¾ 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 1 1 1 OVERALL LENGTH 5 5⁄8 5 5⁄8 5 5⁄8 6 1⁄8 6 1⁄8 6 1⁄8 6½ 6½ 6½ 7 7 7 7½ 7½ 7½ 7 5⁄8 7 5⁄8 7 5⁄8 7 5⁄8 7 5⁄8 7 5⁄8 7¾ 7¾ 7¾ 8 1⁄8 8 1⁄8 8 1⁄8 8½ 8½ 8½ TYPE 3513 - NON-FERR/CI NO. OF FLUTES EDP NO. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 35132500 35132650 35132810 35133125 35133280 35133430 35133750 35133900 35134060 35134375 35134530 35134680 35135000 35135150 35135310 35135625 35135780 35135930 35136250 35136400 35136560 35137500 35137650 35137810 35138750 35138910 35139060 35130000 35130156 35130313 TYPE 3515 - STEEL PRICE EACH $100.30 111.45 111.45 112.20 112.20 112.20 126.60 126.60 126.60 122.25 122.25 122.25 138.55 138.55 138.55 134.00 134.00 134.00 152.70 152.70 152.70 150.55 150.55 150.55 167.40 167.40 167.40 191.65 191.65 191.65 NO. OF FLUTES EDP NO. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 35152500 35152650 35152810 35153125 35153280 35153430 35153750 35153900 35154060 35154375 35154530 35154680 35155000 35155150 35155310 35155625 35155780 35155930 35156250 35156400 35156560 35157500 35157650 35157810 35158750 35158910 35159060 35150000 35150156 35150313 PRICE EACH $110.35 122.60 122.60 123.50 123.50 123.50 139.25 139.25 139.25 134.45 134.45 134.45 152.50 152.50 152.50 147.40 147.40 147.40 168.00 168.00 168.00 165.60 165.60 165.60 184.25 184.25 184.25 210.85 210.85 210.85 TYPE 3513 - STRAIGHT SHANK - FOR NON-FERROUS & CAST IRON - METRIC TYPE 3515 - STRAIGHT SHANK - FOR STEEL - METRIC Same as above except metric sizes. TOOL DIAMETER SCREW DECIMAL SIZE mm 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 20 .3543 .4134 .5315 .6496 .7283 .8465 .9646 1.2008 PILOT DIAMETER PILOT LENGTH SHANK DIAMETER OVERALL LENGTH 5.5 6.5 8.5 10.5 12.5 14.5 16.5 20.5 9⁄32 5⁄16 3⁄8 ½ ½ 9⁄16 5⁄8 ¾ 5⁄16 5⁄16 ½ ½ ½ 5⁄8 5⁄8 7⁄8 5 5⁄8 5 5⁄8 6½ 7 7½ 7 5⁄8 7 5⁄8 8 Phone 941-739-2726 • Fax 941-739-2827 • TYPE 3513 - NON-FERR/CI NO. OF FLUTES EDP NO. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3513055 3513065 3513085 3513105 3513125 3513145 3513165 3513205 TYPE 3515 - STEEL PRICE EACH $111.15 117.30 139.40 151.50 142.25 165.85 173.25 160.65 w w w.lexingtoncutter.com • NO. OF FLUTES EDP NO. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3515055 3515065 3515085 3515105 3515125 3515145 3515165 3515205 PRICE EACH $122.25 129.05 153.25 166.75 156.40 182.40 190.60 176.75 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 37 CARBIDE TIPPED COUNTERBORES FOR NON-FERROUS & CAST IRON TYPE 3512 - STRAIGHT SHANK - FOUR FLUTES TYPE 3514 - STRAIGHT SHANK - THREE/FOUR FLUTES Carbide tips brazed to hardened alloy steel bodies. Right spiral smooth flutes. Interchangeable pilot type. Tools are designed with appropriate carbide grade and tool geometry for machining non-ferrous, cast iron and non-metals. Tool diameter tolerance: +.001"/-.000". Shank diameter tolerance: +.0000"/- .0005". TOOL DIAMETER MIN. PILOT TYPE 3512 OVER SHANK CUT HOLE ALL DIAM. NO. OF EDP LEN. DECIMAL FRAC. DIAM. DIAM. FLTS. NO. .2500 .2812 .3125 .3438 .3750 .4062 .4375 .4688 .5000 .5312 .5625 .5938 .6250 .6562 .6875 .7188 .7500 .7812 .8125 .8438 .8750 .9062 .9375 .9688 1.0000 1.0625 1.1250 1.1875 1.2500 1.3125 1.3750 1.4375 1.5000 1.5625 1.6250 1.6875 1.7500 1.8125 1.8750 1.9375 2.0000 ¼ 9⁄32 5⁄16 11⁄32 3⁄8 13⁄32 7⁄16 15⁄32 ½ 17⁄32 9⁄16 19⁄32 5⁄8 21⁄32 11⁄16 23⁄32 ¾ 25⁄32 13⁄16 27⁄32 7⁄8 29⁄32 15⁄16 31⁄32 1 1 1⁄16 1 1⁄8 1 3⁄16 1¼ 1 5⁄16 1 3⁄8 1 7⁄16 1½ 1 9⁄16 1 5⁄8 1 11⁄16 1¾ 1 13⁄16 1 7⁄8 1 15⁄16 2 .114 .114 .114 .114 .182 .182 .182 .228 .228 .228 .228 .228 .228 .228 .228 .290 .290 .290 .290 .290 .290 .290 .290 .353 .353 .353 .353 .353 .426 .426 .426 .426 .426 .489 .489 .489 .489 .489 .489 .489 .551 3⁄32 3⁄32 3⁄32 3⁄32 5⁄32 5⁄32 5⁄32 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 3⁄8 3⁄8 3⁄8 3⁄8 3⁄8 7⁄16 7⁄16 7⁄16 7⁄16 7⁄16 7⁄16 7⁄16 ½ 15⁄64 17⁄64 19⁄64 5⁄16 5⁄16 3⁄8 3⁄8 7⁄16 7⁄16 ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ 5⁄8 5⁄8 ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ 1 1 1 1 1 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 3 13⁄16 3 13⁄16 3 13⁄16 3 13⁄16 4 1⁄16 4 1⁄16 4 1⁄16 4 5⁄16 4 5⁄16 4 5⁄16 4 5⁄16 5 1⁄8 5 1⁄8 5 1⁄8 5 1⁄8 5 3⁄8 5 3⁄8 5 3⁄8 5 3⁄8 5 3⁄8 5 3⁄8 6 1⁄8 6 1⁄8 6 3⁄8 6 3⁄8 6 3⁄8 6 3⁄8 6 3⁄8 6 5⁄8 6 5⁄8 6 5⁄8 7 7⁄8 7 7⁄8 8 1⁄8 8 1⁄8 8 1⁄8 8 1⁄8 8 1⁄8 8 1⁄8 8 1⁄8 8 3⁄8 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 38 Made in U.S.A. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 - • 351216 351217 351218 351219 351220 351221 351222 351223 351224 351225 351226 351227 351228 351229 351230 351231 351232 351234 351236 351238 - TYPE 3514 NO. OF FLTS. EDP NO. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 351408 351409 351410 351411 351412 351413 351414 351415 351416 351417 351418 351419 351420 351421 351422 351423 351424 351425 351426 351427 351428 351429 351430 351431 351432 351434 351436 351438 351440 351442 351444 351446 351448 351450 351452 351454 351456 351458 351460 351462 351464 BOTH TYPES PRICE DECIMAL SIZE RANGE $81.05 99.10 90.05 113.90 95.40 107.70 97.90 119.60 108.70 123.05 111.85 124.30 112.95 131.55 119.65 134.75 122.40 137.50 124.95 145.70 132.45 148.60 135.15 152.95 139.05 140.55 144.15 150.55 167.65 180.95 190.35 208.65 232.50 239.25 244.30 292.30 292.30 346.10 346.10 378.25 378.25 .2381 - .2530 .2531 - .2840 .2841 - .3150 .3151 - .3470 .3471 - .3780 .3781 - .4090 .4091 - .4410 .4411 - .4720 .4721 - .5030 .5031 - .5340 .5341 - .5660 .5661 - .5970 .5971 - .6280 .6281 - .6590 .6591 - .6910 .6911 - .7220 .7221 - .7530 .7531 - .7840 .7841 - .8160 .8161 - .8470 .8471 - .8780 .8781 - .9090 .9091 - .9410 .9411 - .9720 .9721 - 1.0030 1.0031 - 1.0660 1.0661 - 1.1280 1.1281 - 1.1905 1.1906 - 1.2530 1.2531 - 1.3155 1.3156 - 1.3780 1.3781 - 1.4405 1.4406 - 1.5030 1.5031 - 1.5660 1.5661 - 1.6280 1.6281 - 1.6910 1.6911 - 1.7530 1.7531 - 1.8160 1.8161 - 1.8780 1.8781 - 1.9410 1.9411 - 2.0030 [email protected] • PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE 1 PC. 2 PC. $126.80 $103.95 144.70 121.95 135.75 112.90 159.55 136.70 137.60 116.55 149.80 128.75 140.10 119.00 161.70 140.60 150.80 129.75 165.15 144.15 154.05 132.95 166.40 145.40 155.10 134.00 173.70 152.65 161.85 140.70 176.75 155.75 164.55 143.40 179.65 158.55 167.05 145.95 187.80 166.70 174.55 153.55 190.80 169.70 177.35 156.25 195.05 173.95 181.25 160.10 182.70 161.55 186.20 165.15 192.65 171.60 213.30 190.50 226.75 203.80 236.00 213.15 258.30 233.45 282.10 257.25 289.00 264.10 294.00 269.15 345.90 319.15 345.90 319.15 399.70 372.85 399.70 372.85 431.90 405.05 431.90 405.05 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14* $96.30 114.30 105.25 129.05 109.50 121.70 111.95 133.60 122.75 137.15 125.90 138.40 127.00 145.60 133.70 148.75 136.40 151.55 139.00 159.70 146.50 162.65 149.20 167.00 153.10 154.55 158.15 164.65 182.85 196.15 205.50 225.15 249.00 255.85 260.90 310.15 310.15 363.90 363.90 396.10 396.10 $92.55 110.55 101.50 125.40 106.05 118.25 108.55 130.15 119.30 133.60 122.45 134.85 123.55 142.10 130.25 145.30 132.95 148.10 135.45 156.25 143.05 159.25 145.75 163.55 149.65 151.10 154.65 161.10 179.10 192.40 201.75 221.10 245.00 251.75 256.80 305.70 305.70 359.50 359.50 391.70 391.70 $88.65 106.70 97.70 121.50 102.45 114.65 104.95 126.55 115.70 130.10 118.90 131.25 119.95 138.60 126.70 141.70 129.45 144.50 132.00 152.75 139.45 155.65 142.15 159.95 146.10 147.60 151.10 157.50 175.20 188.60 197.85 216.90 240.70 247.60 252.60 301.20 301.20 354.95 354.95 387.10 387.10 $85.55 103.55 94.50 118.35 99.60 111.80 102.10 123.70 112.80 127.15 116.00 128.40 117.10 135.75 123.75 138.85 126.50 141.65 129.05 149.80 136.55 152.80 139.30 157.05 143.20 144.65 148.25 154.65 172.15 185.45 194.80 213.45 237.35 244.15 249.25 297.55 297.55 351.35 351.35 383.45 383.45 Phone 800-882-2627 • Fax 800-882-3637 *Quantities of 15 or more: price of fractional size in same size range. CARBIDE TIPPED COUNTERBORES FOR NON-FERROUS & CAST IRON TYPE 3512 - STRAIGHT SHANK - FOUR FLUTES TYPE 3514 - STRAIGHT SHANK - THREE/FOUR FLUTES Detailed description, tolerances, and fractional sizes on page 34. Tool diameter in millimeters with all other dimensions in inches. TOOL DIAM. mm INCH 6.0 .2362 6.5 .2559 7.0 .2756 7.5 .2953 8.0 .3150 8.5 .3346 9.0 .3543 9.5 .3740 10.0 .3937 10.5 .4134 11.0 .4331 11.5 .4528 12.0 .4724 12.5 .4921 13.0 .5118 13.5 .5315 14.0 .5512 14.5 .5709 15.0 .5906 15.5 .6102 16.0 .6299 16.5 .6496 17.0 .6693 17.5 .6890 18.0 .7087 18.5 .7283 19.0 .7480 19.5 .7677 20.0 .7874 20.5 .8071 21.0 .8268 21.5 .8465 22.0 .8661 22.5 .8858 23.0 .9055 23.5 .9252 24.0 .9449 24.5 .9646 25.0 .9843 25.5 1.0039 26.0 1.0236 27.0 1.0630 28.0 1.1024 29.0 1.1417 30.0 1.1811 31.0 1.2205 32.0 1.2598 33.0 1.2992 34.0 1.3386 35.0 1.3780 36.0 1.4173 37.0 1.4567 38.0 1.4961 TYPE 3512 MIN. PILOT OVER SHANK CUT HOLE ALL DIAM. EDP DIAM. DIAM. LEN. NO. OF FLTS. NO. .114 .114 .114 .114 .114 .114 .182 .182 .182 .182 .182 .228 .228 .228 .228 .228 .228 .228 .228 .228 .228 .228 .228 .228 .290 .290 .290 .290 .290 .290 .290 .290 .290 .290 .290 .290 .353 .353 .353 .353 .353 .353 .353 .353 .353 .426 .426 .426 .426 .426 .426 .426 .426 3⁄32 3⁄32 3⁄32 3⁄32 3⁄32 3⁄32 5⁄32 5⁄32 5⁄32 5⁄32 5⁄32 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 3⁄8 3⁄8 3⁄8 3⁄8 3⁄8 3⁄8 3⁄8 3⁄8 15⁄64 17⁄64 17⁄64 19⁄64 19⁄64 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 3⁄8 3⁄8 3⁄8 7⁄16 7⁄16 7⁄16 ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ Phone 941-739-2726 3 13⁄16 3 13⁄16 3 13⁄16 3 13⁄16 3 13⁄16 3 13⁄16 4 1⁄16 4 1⁄16 4 1⁄16 4 1⁄16 4 1⁄16 4 5⁄16 4 5⁄16 4 5⁄16 4 5⁄16 4 5⁄16 4 5⁄16 5 1⁄8 5 1⁄8 5 1⁄8 5 1⁄8 5 1⁄8 5 1⁄8 5 1⁄8 5 3⁄8 5 3⁄8 5 3⁄8 5 3⁄8 5 3⁄8 5 3⁄8 5 3⁄8 5 3⁄8 5 3⁄8 6 1⁄8 6 1⁄8 6 1⁄8 6 3⁄8 6 3⁄8 6 3⁄8 6 3⁄8 6 3⁄8 6 3⁄8 6 3⁄8 6 3⁄8 6 3⁄8 6 5⁄8 6 5⁄8 6 5⁄8 6 5⁄8 6 5⁄8 7 7⁄8 7 7⁄8 7 7⁄8 • 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 - TYPE 3514 BOTH TYPES PRICE NO. OF FLTS. EDP NO. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3514060 3514065 3514070 3514075 3514080 3514085 3514090 3514095 3514100 3514105 3514110 3514115 3514120 3514125 3514130 3514135 3514140 3514145 3514150 3514155 3514160 3514165 3514170 3514175 3514180 3514185 3514190 3514195 3514200 3514205 3514210 3514215 3514220 3514225 3514230 3514235 3514240 3514245 3514250 3514255 3514260 3514270 3514280 3514290 3514300 3514310 3514320 3514330 3514340 3514350 3514360 3514370 3514380 3512120 3512125 3512130 3512135 3512140 3512145 3512150 3512155 3512160 3512165 3512170 3512175 3512180 3512185 3512190 3512195 3512200 3512205 3512210 3512215 3512220 3512225 3512230 3512235 3512240 3512245 3512250 3512255 3512260 3512270 3512280 3512290 3512300 - Fax 941-739-2827 Diameters up to 50mm - call us for pricing & availability. • $96.30 114.30 114.30 105.25 105.25 129.05 109.50 109.50 121.70 111.95 111.95 133.60 122.75 122.75 137.15 137.15 125.90 138.40 138.40 127.00 145.60 145.60 133.70 133.70 148.75 136.40 136.40 151.55 139.00 139.00 159.70 159.70 146.50 162.65 162.65 149.20 167.00 167.00 153.10 154.55 154.55 154.55 158.15 164.65 164.65 182.85 196.15 196.15 205.50 205.50 225.15 249.00 249.00 METRIC SIZE RANGE PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO METRIC SIZE 1 PC. 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14 15+ 6.000 - 6.426 $130.40 $107.60 $99.95 $96.30 $92.45 $89.40 $84.80 6.427 - 7.214 148.45 125.60 118.05 114.30 110.45 107.40 102.85 7.215 - 8.001 139.35 116.55 108.95 105.25 101.45 98.35 93.80 8.002 - 8.814 163.25 140.40 132.75 129.05 125.25 122.10 117.65 8.815 - 9.601 140.95 119.90 112.90 109.50 106.00 103.05 98.95 9.602 - 10.389 153.15 132.15 125.10 121.70 118.20 115.30 111.20 10.390 - 11.201 143.40 122.40 115.40 111.95 108.50 105.55 101.45 11.202 - 11.989 165.10 144.05 137.10 133.60 130.10 127.15 123.05 11.990 - 12.776 154.20 133.20 126.15 122.75 119.20 116.30 112.10 12.777 - 13.564 168.55 147.50 140.45 137.15 133.55 130.70 126.50 13.565 - 14.376 157.35 136.35 129.35 125.90 122.40 119.50 115.40 14.377 - 15.164 169.80 148.75 141.70 138.40 134.80 131.95 127.75 15.165 - 15.951 158.45 137.45 130.40 127.00 123.50 120.60 116.50 15.952 - 16.739 177.05 155.95 149.00 145.60 142.00 139.15 135.00 16.740 - 17.551 165.15 144.15 137.15 133.70 130.15 127.25 123.10 17.552 - 18.339 180.20 159.20 152.15 148.75 145.15 142.30 138.10 18.340 - 19.126 167.85 146.85 139.85 136.40 132.90 129.95 125.85 19.127 - 19.914 183.00 162.00 154.95 151.55 148.05 145.10 140.95 19.915 - 20.726 170.45 149.45 142.35 139.00 135.40 132.50 128.40 20.727 - 21.514 191.15 170.15 163.15 159.70 156.10 153.25 149.15 21.515 - 22.301 177.95 156.90 149.85 146.50 142.95 140.10 136.00 22.302 - 23.089 194.20 173.10 166.10 162.65 159.20 156.25 152.15 23.090 - 23.901 180.65 159.65 152.65 149.20 145.70 142.80 138.70 23.902 - 24.689 198.45 177.45 170.35 167.00 163.45 160.60 156.40 24.690 - 25.476 184.55 163.55 156.55 153.10 149.55 146.70 142.60 25.477 - 27.076 186.05 165.00 158.00 154.55 151.05 148.20 144.05 27.077 - 28.651 189.65 168.55 161.50 158.15 154.55 151.70 147.60 28.652 - 30.239 196.00 175.00 167.95 164.65 161.05 158.15 154.05 30.240 - 31.826 216.95 194.20 186.55 182.85 179.05 175.80 171.40 31.827 - 33.414 230.35 207.50 199.90 196.15 192.35 189.25 184.70 33.415 - 35.001 239.70 216.80 209.20 205.50 201.70 198.50 194.05 35.002 - 36.589 262.25 237.50 229.10 225.15 220.95 217.55 212.70 36.590 - 38.176 286.05 261.30 253.05 249.00 244.85 241.45 236.50 - w w w.lexingtoncutter.com • LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 39 CARBIDE TIPPED COUNTERBORES FOR NON-FERROUS & CAST IRON TYPE 3518 - TAPER SHANK - FOUR FLUTES TYPE 3516 - TAPER SHANK - THREE/FOUR FLUTES Carbide tips brazed to hardened alloy steel bodies. Right spiral smooth flutes. Interchangeable pilot type. Tools are designed with appropriate carbide grade and tool geometry for machining non-ferrous, cast iron and non-metals. Tool diameter tolerance: +.001"/-.000". Shank diameter tolerance: +.0000"/-.0005". TOOL DIAMETER MIN. PILOT TYPE 3518 OVER MORSE CUT HOLE ALL TAPER NO. OF EDP LEN. DECIMAL FRAC. DIAM. DIAM. FLTS. NO. .2500 .2812 .3125 .3438 .3750 .4062 .4375 .4688 .5000 .5312 .5625 .5938 .6250 .6562 .6875 .7188 .7500 .7812 .8125 .8438 .8750 .9062 .9375 .9688 1.0000 1.0625 1.1250 1.1875 1.2500 1.3125 1.3750 1.4375 1.5000 1.5625 1.6250 1.6875 1.7500 1.8125 1.8750 1.9375 2.0000 ¼ 9⁄32 5⁄16 11⁄32 3⁄8 13⁄32 7⁄16 15⁄32 ½ 17⁄32 9⁄16 19⁄32 5⁄8 21⁄32 11⁄16 23⁄32 ¾ 25⁄32 13⁄16 27⁄32 7⁄8 29⁄32 15⁄16 31⁄32 .114 .114 .114 .114 .182 .182 .182 .228 .228 .228 .228 .228 .228 .228 .228 .290 .290 .290 .290 .290 .290 .290 .290 .353 1 .353 1 1⁄16 .353 1 1⁄8 .353 1 3⁄16 .353 1 ¼ .426 1 5⁄16 .426 1 3⁄8 .426 1 7⁄16 .426 1 ½ .426 1 9⁄16 .489 1 5⁄8 .489 1 11⁄16 .489 1 ¾ .489 1 13⁄16 .489 1 7⁄8 .489 1 15⁄16 .489 2 .551 3⁄32 3⁄32 3⁄32 3⁄32 5⁄32 5⁄32 5⁄32 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 3⁄8 3⁄8 3⁄8 3⁄8 3⁄8 7⁄16 7⁄16 7⁄16 7⁄16 7⁄16 7⁄16 7⁄16 ½ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 13⁄16 3 13⁄16 3 13⁄16 3 13⁄16 4 1⁄16 4 1⁄16 4 1⁄16 4 5⁄16 4 5⁄16 4 5⁄16 4 5⁄16 5 1⁄8 5 1⁄8 5 1⁄8 5 1⁄8 5 3⁄8 5 3⁄8 5 3⁄8 5 3⁄8 5 3⁄8 5 3⁄8 6 1⁄8 6 1⁄8 6 3⁄8 6 3⁄8 6 3⁄8 6 3⁄8 6 3⁄8 6 5⁄8 6 5⁄8 6 5⁄8 7 7⁄8 7 7⁄8 8 1⁄8 8 1⁄8 8 1⁄8 8 1⁄8 8 1⁄8 8 1⁄8 8 1⁄8 8 3⁄8 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 40 Made in U.S.A. • 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 - 351816 351817 351818 351819 351820 351821 351822 351823 351824 351825 351826 351827 351828 351829 351830 351831 351832 351834 351836 351838 - TYPE 3516 NO. OF FLTS. EDP NO. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 351608 351609 351610 351611 351612 351613 351614 351615 351616 351617 351618 351619 351620 351621 351622 351623 351624 351625 351626 351627 351628 351629 351630 351631 351632 351634 351636 351638 351640 351642 351644 351646 351648 351650 351652 351654 351656 351658 351660 351662 351664 BOTH TYPES PRICE DECIMAL SIZE RANGE $94.80 114.00 103.70 127.75 107.00 120.90 109.95 133.50 121.35 136.00 123.65 139.65 126.95 147.45 133.90 149.85 136.20 152.35 138.60 160.25 145.70 164.65 149.65 168.40 158.90 160.95 166.05 171.70 190.90 204.60 214.40 238.50 264.45 284.15 289.20 346.10 346.10 409.65 409.65 447.50 447.50 .2381 - .2530 .2531 - .2840 .2841 - .3150 .3151 - .3470 .3471 - .3780 .3781 - .4090 .4091 - .4410 .4411 - .4720 .4721 - .5030 .5031 - .5340 .5341 - .5660 .5661 - .5970 .5971 - .6280 .6281 - .6590 .6591 - .6910 .6911 - .7220 .7221 - .7530 .7531 - .7840 .7841 - .8160 .8161 - .8470 .8471 - .8780 .8781 - .9090 .9091 - .9410 .9411 - .9720 .9721 - 1.0030 1.0031 - 1.0660 1.0661 - 1.1280 1.1281 - 1.1905 1.1906 - 1.2530 1.2531 - 1.3155 1.3156 - 1.3780 1.3781 - 1.4405 1.4406 - 1.5030 1.5031 - 1.5660 1.5661 - 1.6280 1.6281 - 1.6910 1.6911 - 1.7530 1.7531 - 1.8160 1.8161 - 1.8780 1.8781 - 1.9410 1.9411 - 2.0030 [email protected] • PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE 1 PC. 2 PC. $140.45 $117.65 159.65 136.80 149.35 126.50 173.45 150.60 149.15 128.10 163.00 141.95 152.00 131.00 175.60 154.50 163.55 142.45 178.00 157.00 165.75 144.65 181.75 160.75 169.05 148.05 189.55 168.45 176.10 155.00 192.00 170.95 178.30 157.20 194.50 173.45 180.65 159.65 202.40 181.40 187.80 166.70 206.70 185.65 191.75 170.65 210.50 189.50 202.65 180.80 204.60 182.80 209.75 188.00 215.50 193.60 238.30 214.55 252.10 228.30 261.80 238.15 290.10 264.30 316.05 290.25 338.10 311.15 343.20 316.25 404.40 375.30 404.40 375.30 467.85 438.75 467.85 438.75 505.80 476.70 505.80 476.70 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14* $110.05 129.15 118.90 142.95 121.05 134.95 123.90 147.50 135.40 149.95 137.65 153.70 140.95 161.40 148.05 163.90 150.25 166.40 152.65 174.35 159.70 178.70 163.70 182.50 173.45 175.50 180.60 186.25 206.70 220.50 230.20 255.65 281.65 302.20 307.30 365.60 365.60 429.05 429.05 466.95 466.95 $106.30 125.45 115.15 139.20 117.60 131.50 120.55 144.05 132.00 146.50 134.15 150.25 137.50 158.00 144.50 160.50 146.80 162.90 149.15 170.90 156.25 175.15 160.15 178.95 169.85 171.90 177.05 182.70 202.80 216.55 226.30 251.45 277.40 297.70 302.75 360.75 360.75 424.20 424.20 462.25 462.25 $102.40 121.65 111.30 135.40 114.05 127.95 116.95 140.45 128.40 142.95 130.70 146.70 133.90 154.40 140.95 156.90 143.20 159.40 145.60 167.35 152.75 171.60 156.70 175.35 166.10 168.25 173.30 178.95 198.80 212.55 222.35 247.10 273.15 293.15 298.20 355.80 355.80 419.25 419.25 457.30 457.30 $99.20 118.40 108.10 132.25 111.20 125.00 114.05 137.60 125.55 140.10 127.75 143.75 131.05 151.55 138.05 154.05 140.30 156.55 142.75 164.40 149.80 168.75 153.75 172.50 163.15 165.25 170.35 176.05 195.50 209.35 219.05 243.50 269.50 289.50 294.60 351.80 351.80 415.25 415.25 453.20 453.20 Phone 800-882-2627 • Fax 800-882-3637 *Quantities of 15 or more: price of fractional size in same size range. CARBIDE TIPPED COUNTERBORES FOR NON-FERROUS & CAST IRON TYPE 3518 - TAPER SHANK - FOUR FLUTES TYPE 3516 - TAPER SHANK - THREE/FOUR FLUTES Detailed description, tolerances, and fractional sizes on page 36. Tool diameter in millimeters with all other dimensions in inches. TOOL DIAM. mm INCH 6.0 .2362 6.5 .2559 7.0 .2756 7.5 .2953 8.0 .3150 8.5 .3346 9.0 .3543 9.5 .3740 10.0 .3937 10.5 .4134 11.0 .4331 11.5 .4528 12.0 .4724 12.5 .4921 13.0 .5118 13.5 .5315 14.0 .5512 14.5 .5709 15.0 .5906 15.5 .6102 16.0 .6299 16.5 .6496 17.0 .6693 17.5 .6890 18.0 .7087 18.5 .7283 19.0 .7480 19.5 .7677 20.0 .7874 20.5 .8071 21.0 .8268 21.5 .8465 22.0 .8661 22.5 .8858 23.0 .9055 23.5 .9252 24.0 .9449 24.5 .9646 25.0 .9843 25.5 1.0039 26.0 1.0236 27.0 1.0630 28.0 1.1024 29.0 1.1417 30.0 1.1811 31.0 1.2205 32.0 1.2598 33.0 1.2992 34.0 1.3386 35.0 1.3780 36.0 1.4173 37.0 1.4567 38.0 1.4961 TYPE 3518 MIN. PILOT OVER MORSE CUT HOLE ALL TAPER EDP DIAM. DIAM. LEN. NO. OF FLTS. NO. .114 .114 .114 .114 .114 .114 .182 .182 .182 .182 .182 .228 .228 .228 .228 .228 .228 .228 .228 .228 .228 .228 .228 .228 .290 .290 .290 .290 .290 .290 .290 .290 .290 .290 .290 .290 .353 .353 .353 .353 .353 .353 .353 .353 .353 .426 .426 .426 .426 .426 .426 .426 .426 3⁄32 3⁄32 3⁄32 3⁄32 3⁄32 3⁄32 5⁄32 5⁄32 5⁄32 5⁄32 5⁄32 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 3⁄8 3⁄8 3⁄8 3⁄8 3⁄8 3⁄8 3⁄8 3⁄8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 Phone 941-739-2726 3 13⁄16 3 13⁄16 3 13⁄16 3 13⁄16 3 13⁄16 3 13⁄16 4 1⁄16 4 1⁄16 4 1⁄16 4 1⁄16 4 1⁄16 4 5⁄16 4 5⁄16 4 5⁄16 4 5⁄16 4 5⁄16 4 5⁄16 5 1⁄8 5 1⁄8 5 1⁄8 5 1⁄8 5 1⁄8 5 1⁄8 5 1⁄8 5 3⁄8 5 3⁄8 5 3⁄8 5 3⁄8 5 3⁄8 5 3⁄8 5 3⁄8 5 3⁄8 5 3⁄8 6 1⁄8 6 1⁄8 6 1⁄8 6 3⁄8 6 3⁄8 6 3⁄8 6 3⁄8 6 3⁄8 6 3⁄8 6 3⁄8 6 3⁄8 6 3⁄8 6 5⁄8 6 5⁄8 6 5⁄8 6 5⁄8 6 5⁄8 7 7⁄8 7 7⁄8 7 7⁄8 • 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 - TYPE 3516 NO. OF FLTS. 3518120 3518125 3518130 3518135 3518140 3518145 3518150 3518155 3518160 3518165 3518170 3518175 3518180 3518185 3518190 3518195 3518200 3518205 3518210 3518215 3518220 3518225 3518230 3518235 3518240 3518245 3518250 3518255 3518260 3518270 3518280 3518290 3518300 - 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 METRIC SIZE RANGE 3516060 $110.05 6.000 - 6.426 3516065 129.15 6.427 - 7.214 3516070 129.15 3516075 118.90 7.215 - 8.001 3516080 118.90 3516085 142.95 8.002 - 8.814 3516090 121.05 8.815 - 9.601 3516095 121.05 3516100 134.95 9.602 - 10.389 3516105 123.90 10.390 - 11.201 3516110 123.90 3516115 147.50 11.202 - 11.989 3516120 135.40 11.990 - 12.776 3516125 135.40 3516130 149.95 12.777 - 13.564 3516135 149.95 3516140 137.65 13.565 - 14.376 3516145 153.70 14.377 - 15.164 3516150 153.70 3516155 140.95 15.165 - 15.951 3516160 161.40 15.952 - 16.739 3516165 161.40 3516170 148.05 16.740 - 17.551 3516175 148.05 3516180 163.90 17.552 - 18.339 3516185 150.25 18.340 - 19.126 3516190 150.25 3516195 166.40 19.127 - 19.914 3516200 152.65 19.915 - 20.726 3516205 152.65 3516210 174.35 20.727 - 21.514 3516215 174.35 3516220 159.70 21.515 - 22.301 3516225 178.70 22.302 - 23.089 3516230 178.70 3516235 163.70 23.090 - 23.901 3516240 182.50 23.902 - 24.689 3516245 182.50 3516250 167.15 24.690 - 25.476 3516255 175.50 25.477 - 27.076 3516260 175.50 3516270 175.50 3516280 180.60 27.077 - 28.651 3516290 186.25 28.652 - 30.239 3516300 186.25 3516310 206.70 30.240 - 31.826 3516320 220.50 31.827 - 33.414 3516330 220.50 3516340 230.20 33.415 - 35.001 3516350 230.20 3516360 255.65 35.002 - 36.589 3516370 281.65 36.590 - 38.176 3516380 281.65 - Fax 941-739-2827 Diameters up to 50mm - call us for pricing & availability. BOTH TYPES PRICE EDP NO. • PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO METRIC SIZE 1 PC. 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14 15+ $144.15 $121.30 $113.70 $110.05 $106.20 $102.95 163.30 140.45 132.80 129.15 125.40 122.25 153.05 130.15 122.50 118.90 115.10 111.85 177.15 154.30 146.70 142.95 139.15 136.05 152.50 131.50 124.45 121.05 117.45 114.60 166.40 145.40 138.40 134.95 131.35 128.50 155.45 134.35 127.40 123.90 120.40 117.45 178.95 157.95 150.90 147.50 144.00 141.05 166.90 145.80 138.85 135.40 131.95 129.00 181.45 160.45 153.30 149.95 146.40 143.55 169.10 148.10 141.05 137.65 134.05 131.20 185.20 164.05 157.05 153.70 150.15 147.20 172.45 151.40 144.35 140.95 137.45 134.60 192.95 171.85 164.85 161.40 157.95 155.00 179.40 158.40 151.40 148.05 144.45 141.55 195.35 174.35 167.35 163.90 160.45 157.45 181.70 160.65 153.60 150.25 146.70 143.75 197.85 176.75 169.80 166.40 162.80 159.95 184.10 163.00 155.95 152.65 149.05 146.20 205.85 184.70 177.70 174.35 170.80 167.85 191.15 170.15 163.15 159.70 156.10 153.25 210.15 189.05 182.00 178.70 175.10 172.20 195.15 174.05 167.05 163.70 160.10 157.20 213.90 192.85 185.80 182.50 178.90 176.05 198.60 177.60 170.50 167.15 163.60 160.75 208.15 186.25 178.95 175.50 171.85 168.85 213.30 191.45 184.20 180.60 177.00 173.95 218.95 197.15 189.85 186.25 182.65 179.65 242.10 218.35 210.50 206.70 202.70 199.50 255.95 232.20 224.25 220.50 216.45 213.20 265.70 241.90 234.00 230.20 226.25 223.00 294.20 268.40 259.80 255.65 251.35 247.85 320.15 294.35 285.75 281.65 277.30 273.80 - w w w.lexingtoncutter.com • $98.55 117.75 107.45 131.50 110.45 124.35 113.35 136.85 124.90 139.35 127.10 143.10 130.40 150.90 137.45 153.30 139.65 155.80 142.00 163.75 149.15 168.00 153.10 171.85 156.65 164.50 169.70 175.35 194.80 208.50 218.30 242.70 268.70 - LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 41 CARBIDE TIPPED COUNTERBORES FOR STEEL TYPE 3510 - STRAIGHT SHANK - THREE/FOUR FLUTES TYPE 3511 - TAPER SHANK - THREE/FOUR FLUTES Carbide tips brazed to hardened alloy steel bodies. Right spiral smooth flutes. Interchangeable pilot type. Tools are designed with appropriate carbide grade and tool geometry for machining steel and steel alloys. Tool diameter tolerance: +.001"/-.000". Shank diameter tolerance: +.0000"/-.0005". STRAIGHT SHANK TAPER SHANK TOOL DIAMETER MIN. PILOT NO. OVER TYPE 3510 TYPE 3511 CUT HOLE OF ALL SHANK EDP MORSE EDP DECIMAL FRAC. DIAM. DIAM. FLUTES LEN. DIAM. NO. TAPER NO. .2500 .2812 .3125 .3438 .3750 .4062 .4375 .4688 .5000 .5312 .5625 .5938 .6250 .6562 .6875 .7188 .7500 .7812 .8125 .8438 .8750 .9062 .9375 .9688 1.0000 1.0625 1.1250 1.1875 1.2500 1.3125 1.3750 1.4375 1.5000 1.5625 1.6250 1.6875 1.7500 1.8125 1.8750 1.9375 2.0000 ¼ 9⁄32 5⁄16 11⁄32 3⁄8 13⁄32 7⁄16 15⁄32 ½ 17⁄32 9⁄16 19⁄32 5⁄8 21⁄32 11⁄16 23⁄32 ¾ 25⁄32 13⁄16 27⁄32 7⁄8 29⁄32 15⁄16 31⁄32 1 1 1⁄16 1 1⁄8 1 3⁄16 1¼ 1 5⁄16 1 3⁄8 1 7⁄16 1½ 1 9⁄16 1 5⁄8 1 11⁄16 1¾ 1 13⁄16 1 7⁄8 1 15⁄16 2 .114 .114 .114 .114 .182 .182 .182 .228 .228 .228 .228 .228 .228 .228 .228 .290 .290 .290 .290 .290 .290 .290 .290 .353 .353 .353 .353 .353 .426 .426 .426 .426 .426 .489 .489 .489 .489 .489 .489 .489 .551 3⁄32 3⁄32 3⁄32 3⁄32 5⁄32 5⁄32 5⁄32 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 3⁄8 3⁄8 3⁄8 3⁄8 3⁄8 7⁄16 7⁄16 7⁄16 7⁄16 7⁄16 7⁄16 7⁄16 ½ 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 13⁄16 3 13⁄16 3 13⁄16 3 13⁄16 4 1⁄16 4 1⁄16 4 1⁄16 4 5⁄16 4 5⁄16 4 5⁄16 4 5⁄16 5 1⁄8 5 1⁄8 5 1⁄8 5 1⁄8 5 3⁄8 5 3⁄8 5 3⁄8 5 3⁄8 5 3⁄8 5 3⁄8 6 1⁄8 6 1⁄8 6 3⁄8 6 3⁄8 6 3⁄8 6 3⁄8 6 3⁄8 6 5⁄8 6 5⁄8 6 5⁄8 7 7⁄8 7 7⁄8 8 1⁄8 8 1⁄8 8 1⁄8 8 1⁄8 8 1⁄8 8 1⁄8 8 1⁄8 8 3⁄8 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 42 Made in U.S.A. 15⁄64 17⁄64 19⁄64 5⁄16 5⁄16 3⁄8 3⁄8 7⁄16 7⁄16 ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ 5⁄8 5⁄8 ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ 1 1 1 1 1 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ • 351008 351009 351010 351011 351012 351013 351014 351015 351016 351017 351018 351019 351020 351021 351022 351023 351024 351025 351026 351027 351028 351029 351030 351031 351032 351034 351036 351038 351040 351042 351044 351046 351048 351050 351052 351054 351056 351058 351060 351062 351064 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 351108 351109 351110 351111 351112 351113 351114 351115 351116 351117 351118 351119 351120 351121 351122 351123 351124 351125 351126 351127 351128 351129 351130 351131 351132 351134 351136 351138 351140 351142 351144 351146 351148 351150 351152 351154 351156 351158 351160 351162 351164 BOTH TYPES PRICE $94.80 114.00 103.70 127.75 107.00 120.90 109.95 133.50 121.35 136.00 123.65 139.65 126.95 147.45 133.90 149.85 136.20 152.35 138.60 160.25 145.70 164.65 149.65 168.40 158.90 160.95 166.05 171.70 190.90 204.60 214.40 238.50 264.45 284.15 289.20 346.10 346.10 409.65 409.65 447.50 447.50 [email protected] DECIMAL SIZE RANGE PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE 1 PC. 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 .2381 - .2530 $140.45 $117.65 $110.05 $106.30 $102.40 .2531 - .2840 159.65 136.80 129.15 125.45 121.65 .2841 - .3150 149.35 126.50 118.90 115.15 111.30 .3151 - .3470 173.45 150.60 142.95 139.20 135.40 .3471 - .3780 149.15 128.10 121.05 117.60 114.05 .3781 - .4090 163.00 141.95 134.95 131.50 127.95 .4091 - .4410 152.00 131.00 123.90 120.55 116.95 .4411 - .4720 175.60 154.50 147.50 144.05 140.45 .4721 - .5030 163.55 142.45 135.40 132.00 128.40 .5031 - .5340 178.00 157.00 149.95 146.50 142.95 .5341 - .5660 165.75 144.65 137.65 134.15 130.70 .5661 - .5970 181.75 160.75 153.70 150.25 146.70 .5971 - .6280 169.05 148.05 140.95 137.50 133.90 .6281 - .6590 189.55 168.45 161.40 158.00 154.40 .6591 - .6910 176.10 155.00 148.05 144.50 140.95 .6911 - .7220 192.00 170.95 163.90 160.50 156.90 .7221 - .7530 178.30 157.20 150.25 146.80 143.20 .7531 - .7840 194.50 173.45 166.40 162.90 159.40 .7841 - .8160 180.65 159.65 152.65 149.15 145.60 .8161 - .8470 202.40 181.40 174.35 170.90 167.35 .8471 - .8780 187.80 166.70 159.70 156.25 152.75 .8781 - .9090 206.70 185.65 178.70 175.15 171.60 .9091 - .9410 191.75 170.65 163.70 160.15 156.70 .9411 - .9720 210.50 189.50 182.50 178.95 175.35 .9721 - 1.0030 202.65 180.80 173.45 169.85 166.10 1.0031 - 1.0660 204.60 182.80 175.50 171.90 168.25 1.0661 - 1.1280 209.75 188.00 180.60 177.05 173.30 1.1281 - 1.1905 215.50 193.60 186.25 182.70 178.95 1.1906 - 1.2530 238.30 214.55 206.70 202.80 198.80 1.2531 - 1.3155 252.10 228.30 220.50 216.55 212.55 1.3156 - 1.3780 261.80 238.15 230.20 226.30 222.35 1.3781 - 1.4405 290.10 264.30 255.65 251.45 247.10 1.4406 - 1.5030 316.05 290.25 281.65 277.40 273.15 1.5031 - 1.5660 338.10 311.15 302.20 297.70 293.15 1.5661 - 1.6280 343.20 316.25 307.30 302.75 298.20 1.6281 - 1.6910 404.40 375.30 365.60 360.75 355.80 1.6911 - 1.7530 404.40 375.30 365.60 360.75 355.80 1.7531 - 1.8160 467.85 438.75 429.05 424.20 419.25 1.8161 - 1.8780 467.85 438.75 429.05 424.20 419.25 1.8781 - 1.9410 505.80 476.70 466.95 462.25 457.30 1.9411 - 2.0030 505.80 476.70 466.95 462.25 457.30 • Phone 800-882-2627 • 8-14* $99.20 118.40 108.10 132.25 111.20 125.00 114.05 137.60 125.55 140.10 127.75 143.75 131.05 151.55 138.05 154.05 140.30 156.55 142.75 164.40 149.80 168.75 153.75 172.50 163.15 165.25 170.35 176.05 195.50 209.35 219.05 243.50 269.50 289.50 294.60 351.80 351.80 415.25 415.25 453.20 453.20 Fax 800-882-3637 *Quantities of 15 or more: price of fractional size in same size range. CARBIDE TIPPED COUNTERBORES FOR STEEL TYPE 3510 - STRAIGHT SHANK - THREE/FOUR FLUTES TYPE 3511 - TAPER SHANK - THREE/FOUR FLUTES Detailed description, tolerances, and fractional sizes on page 38. Tool diameter in millimeters with all other dimensions in inches. TOOL DIAM. mm INCH 6.0 .2362 6.5 .2559 7.0 .2756 7.5 .2953 8.0 .3150 8.5 .3346 9.0 .3543 9.5 .3740 10.0 .3937 10.5 .4134 11.0 .4331 11.5 .4528 12.0 .4724 12.5 .4921 13.0 .5118 13.5 .5315 14.0 .5512 14.5 .5709 15.0 .5906 15.5 .6102 16.0 .6299 16.5 .6496 17.0 .6693 17.5 .6890 18.0 .7087 18.5 .7283 19.0 .7480 19.5 .7677 20.0 .7874 20.5 .8071 21.0 .8268 21.5 .8465 22.0 .8661 22.5 .8858 23.0 .9055 23.5 .9252 24.0 .9449 24.5 .9646 25.0 .9843 25.5 1.0039 26.0 1.0236 27.0 1.0630 28.0 1.1024 29.0 1.1417 30.0 1.1811 31.0 1.2205 32.0 1.2598 33.0 1.2992 34.0 1.3386 35.0 1.3780 36.0 1.4173 37.0 1.4567 38.0 1.4961 STRAIGHT SHANK TAPER SHANK MIN. PILOT NO. OVER TYPE 3510 TYPE 3511 CUT HOLE OF ALL EDP MORSE EDP DIAM. DIAM. FLTS. LEN. SHANK DIAM. NO. TAPER NO. .114 .114 .114 .114 .114 .114 .182 .182 .182 .182 .182 .228 .228 .228 .228 .228 .228 .228 .228 .228 .228 .228 .228 .228 .290 .290 .290 .290 .290 .290 .290 .290 .290 .290 .290 .290 .353 .353 .353 .353 .353 .353 .353 .353 .353 .426 .426 .426 .426 .426 .426 .426 .426 3⁄32 3⁄32 3⁄32 3⁄32 3⁄32 3⁄32 5⁄32 5⁄32 5⁄32 5⁄32 5⁄32 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 3⁄8 3⁄8 3⁄8 3⁄8 3⁄8 3⁄8 3⁄8 3⁄8 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 13⁄16 3 13⁄16 3 13⁄16 3 13⁄16 3 13⁄16 3 13⁄16 4 1⁄16 4 1⁄16 4 1⁄16 4 1⁄16 4 1⁄16 4 5⁄16 4 5⁄16 4 5⁄16 4 5⁄16 4 5⁄16 4 5⁄16 5 1⁄8 5 1⁄8 5 1⁄8 5 1⁄8 5 1⁄8 5 1⁄8 5 1⁄8 5 3⁄8 5 3⁄8 5 3⁄8 5 3⁄8 5 3⁄8 5 3⁄8 5 3⁄8 5 3⁄8 5 3⁄8 6 1⁄8 6 1⁄8 6 1⁄8 6 3⁄8 6 3⁄8 6 3⁄8 6 3⁄8 6 3⁄8 6 3⁄8 6 3⁄8 6 3⁄8 6 3⁄8 6 5⁄8 6 5⁄8 6 5⁄8 6 5⁄8 6 5⁄8 7 7⁄8 7 7⁄8 7 7⁄8 Phone 941-739-2726 • 15⁄64 17⁄64 17⁄64 19⁄64 19⁄64 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 3⁄8 3⁄8 3⁄8 7⁄16 7⁄16 7⁄16 ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 3510060 3510065 3510070 3510075 3510080 3510085 3510090 3510095 3510100 3510105 3510110 3510115 3510120 3510125 3510130 3510135 3510140 3510145 3510150 3510155 3510160 3510165 3510170 3510175 3510180 3510185 3510190 3510195 3510200 3510205 3510210 3510215 3510220 3510225 3510230 3510235 3510240 3510245 3510250 3510255 3510260 3510270 3510280 3510290 3510300 3510310 3510320 3510330 3510340 3510350 3510360 3510370 3510380 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 3511060 $110.05 3511065 129.15 3511070 129.15 3511075 118.90 3511080 118.90 3511085 142.95 3511090 121.05 3511095 121.05 3511100 134.95 3511105 123.90 3511110 123.90 3511115 147.50 3511120 135.40 3511125 135.40 3511130 149.95 3511135 149.95 3511140 137.65 3511145 153.70 3511150 153.70 3511155 140.95 3511160 140.95 3511165 161.40 3511170 148.05 3511175 148.05 3511180 163.90 3511185 150.25 3511190 150.25 3511195 166.40 3511200 152.65 3511205 152.65 3511210 174.35 3511215 174.35 3511220 159.70 3511225 178.70 3511230 178.70 3511235 163.70 3511240 182.50 3511245 182.50 3511250 167.15 3511255 175.50 3511260 175.50 3511270 175.50 3511280 180.60 3511290 186.25 3511300 186.25 3511310 206.70 3511320 220.50 3511330 220.50 3511340 230.20 3511350 230.20 3511360 255.65 3511370 281.65 3511380 281.65 Fax 941-739-2827 Diameters up to 50mm - call us for price & availability. BOTH TYPES PRICE • METRIC SIZE RANGE PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO METRIC SIZE 1 PC. 6.000 - 6.426 $144.15 6.427 - 7.214 163.30 7.215 - 8.001 153.05 8.002 - 8.814 177.15 8.815 - 9.601 152.50 9.602 - 10.389 166.40 10.390 - 11.201 155.45 11.202 - 11.989 178.95 11.990 - 12.776 166.90 12.777 - 13.564 181.45 13.565 - 14.376 169.10 14.377 - 15.164 185.20 15.165 - 15.951 172.45 15.952 - 16.739 172.45 16.740 - 17.551 179.40 17.552 - 18.339 195.35 18.340 - 19.126 181.70 19.127 - 19.914 197.85 19.915 - 20.726 184.10 20.727 - 21.514 205.85 21.515 - 22.301 191.15 22.302 - 23.089 210.15 23.090 - 23.901 195.15 23.902 - 24.689 213.90 24.690 - 25.476 198.60 25.477 - 27.076 208.15 27.077 - 28.651 213.30 28.652 - 30.239 218.95 30.240 - 31.826 242.10 31.827 - 33.414 255.95 33.415 - 35.001 265.70 35.002 - 36.589 294.20 36.590 - 38.176 320.15 - 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14 $121.30 $113.70 $110.05 $106.20 $102.95 140.45 132.80 129.15 125.40 122.25 130.15 122.50 118.90 115.10 111.85 154.30 146.70 142.95 139.15 136.05 131.50 124.45 121.05 117.45 114.60 145.40 138.40 134.95 131.35 128.50 134.35 127.40 123.90 120.40 117.45 157.95 150.90 147.50 144.00 141.05 145.80 138.85 135.40 131.95 129.00 160.45 153.30 149.95 146.40 143.55 148.10 141.05 137.65 134.05 131.20 164.05 157.05 153.70 150.15 147.20 151.40 144.35 140.95 137.45 134.60 151.40 144.35 140.95 137.45 134.60 158.40 151.40 148.05 144.45 141.55 174.35 167.35 163.90 160.45 157.45 160.65 153.60 150.25 146.70 143.75 176.75 169.80 166.40 162.80 159.95 163.00 155.95 152.65 149.05 146.20 184.70 177.70 174.35 170.80 167.85 170.15 163.15 159.70 156.10 153.25 189.05 182.00 178.70 175.10 172.20 174.05 167.05 163.70 160.10 157.20 192.85 185.80 182.50 178.90 176.05 177.60 170.50 167.15 163.60 160.75 186.25 178.95 175.50 171.85 168.85 191.45 184.20 180.60 177.00 173.95 197.15 189.85 186.25 182.65 179.65 218.35 210.50 206.70 202.70 199.50 232.20 224.25 220.50 216.45 213.20 241.90 234.00 230.20 226.25 223.00 268.40 259.80 255.65 251.35 247.85 294.35 285.75 281.65 277.30 273.80 - w w w.lexingtoncutter.com • 15+ $98.55 117.75 107.45 131.50 110.45 124.35 113.35 136.85 124.90 139.35 127.10 143.10 130.40 130.40 137.45 153.30 139.65 155.80 142.00 163.75 149.15 168.00 153.10 171.85 156.65 164.50 169.70 175.35 194.80 208.50 218.30 242.70 268.70 - LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 43 CARBIDE TIPPED AIRCRAFT/REDUCED SHANK COUNTERBORES TYPE 3522 - STRAIGHT SHANK - THREE FLUTES Carbide tips brazed to alloy steel bodies. Polished flutes. For counterboring and spotfacing composites, non-metals, and non-ferrous materials used in airframe manufacturing. Tool diameter tolerance: +.001"/-.000". Shank diameter tolerance: +.0000"/- .001". Corner radius: 1⁄64". TOOL DIAMETER DECIMAL .2500 .2812 .3125 .3438 .3750 .4062 .4375 .4688 .5000 .5312 .5625 .5938 .6250 .6562 .6875 .7188 .7500 .7812 .8125 .8438 .8750 .9062 .9375 .9688 1.0000 1.0625 1.1250 1.1875 1.2500 1.3125 1.3750 1.4375 1.5000 1.5625 1.6250 1.6875 1.7500 1.8125 1.8750 1.9375 2.0000 FRAC. ¼ 9⁄32 5⁄16 11⁄32 3⁄8 13⁄32 7⁄16 15⁄32 ½ 17⁄32 9⁄16 19⁄32 5⁄8 21⁄32 11⁄16 23⁄32 ¾ 25⁄32 13⁄16 27⁄32 7⁄8 29⁄32 15⁄16 31⁄32 1 1 1⁄16 1 1⁄8 1 3⁄16 1¼ 1 5⁄16 1 3⁄8 1 7⁄16 1½ 1 9⁄16 1 5⁄8 1 11⁄16 1¾ 1 13⁄16 1 7⁄8 1 15⁄16 2 MIN. CUT DIAM. .125 .125 .125 .125 .125 .156 .156 .156 .156 .156 .156 .156 .156 .219 .219 .219 .219 .219 .219 .219 .219 .219 .219 .219 .219 .219 .219 .219 .281 .281 .281 .281 .281 .343 .343 .343 .343 .343 .343 .343 .343 PILOT NO. SMALL OVER HOLE OF SHANK ALL DIAM. FLUTES DIAM. LENGTH 3⁄32 3⁄32 3⁄32 3⁄32 3⁄32 1⁄8 1⁄8 1⁄8 1⁄8 1⁄8 1⁄8 1⁄8 1⁄8 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 44 Made in U.S.A. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ 3⁄8 3⁄8 3⁄8 3⁄8 3⁄8 3⁄8 3⁄8 3⁄8 ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ • 2 3⁄8 2 3⁄8 2 3⁄8 2 3⁄8 2 3⁄8 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 3 1⁄16 3 1⁄16 3 1⁄16 3 1⁄16 3 1⁄16 3 1⁄16 3 1⁄16 3 1⁄16 EDP NO. PRICE EACH DECIMAL SIZE RANGE 352208 352209 352210 352211 352212 352213 352214 352215 352216 352217 352218 352219 352220 352221 352222 352223 352224 352225 352226 352227 352228 352229 352230 352231 352232 352234 352236 352238 352240 352242 352244 352246 352248 352250 352252 352254 352256 352258 352260 352262 352264 $65.40 65.45 67.10 68.45 68.70 78.10 84.20 85.60 86.65 87.10 87.40 87.90 88.90 98.80 103.70 107.25 108.60 109.05 110.00 110.80 111.90 112.60 113.70 114.45 114.80 146.55 156.35 158.30 161.25 164.25 166.20 168.15 177.05 196.95 199.55 202.20 205.25 207.70 209.25 230.90 287.25 .2381 - .2530 .2531 - .2840 .2841 - .3150 .3151 - .3470 .3471 - .3780 .3781 - .4090 .4091 - .4410 .4411 - .4720 .4721 - .5030 .5031 - .5340 .5341 - .5660 .5661 - .5970 .5971 - .6280 .6281 - .6590 .6591 - .6910 .6911 - .7220 .7221 - .7530 .7531 - .7840 .7841 - .8160 .8161 - .8470 .8471 - .8780 .8781 - .9090 .9091 - .9410 .9411 - .9720 .9721 - 1.0030 1.0031 - 1.0660 1.0661 - 1.1280 1.1281 - 1.1905 1.1906 - 1.2530 1.2531 - 1.3155 1.3156 - 1.3780 1.3781 - 1.4405 1.4406 - 1.5030 1.5031 - 1.5660 1.5661 - 1.6280 1.6281 - 1.6910 1.6911 - 1.7530 1.7531 - 1.8160 1.8161 - 1.8780 1.8781 - 1.9410 1.9411 - 2.0030 [email protected] • PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE 1 PC. 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14* $111.15 111.25 112.95 114.30 114.45 123.80 130.00 131.40 132.40 132.80 133.20 133.75 134.70 144.55 149.50 152.95 154.35 154.85 155.85 156.55 157.60 158.35 159.45 160.25 160.55 192.25 202.10 204.10 207.15 210.05 212.00 214.05 224.45 244.35 246.95 249.65 252.70 254.70 256.70 278.30 334.85 $88.35 88.45 90.00 91.35 91.55 101.00 107.00 108.50 109.50 109.90 110.30 110.85 111.90 121.70 126.60 130.15 131.50 131.95 132.90 133.60 134.70 135.55 136.65 137.30 137.65 169.35 179.20 181.25 184.15 187.15 189.20 191.05 200.80 220.70 223.30 225.85 228.95 231.05 232.95 254.55 311.10 $80.65 80.75 82.30 83.75 83.95 93.30 99.50 100.90 101.90 102.30 102.70 103.25 104.20 114.05 119.00 122.45 123.80 124.35 125.30 126.00 127.10 127.85 128.95 129.75 130.05 161.75 171.60 173.60 176.50 179.55 181.50 183.45 192.85 212.80 215.45 217.95 221.10 223.15 225.00 246.65 303.15 $77.00 77.05 78.65 79.95 80.10 89.60 95.65 97.15 98.10 98.55 98.85 99.50 100.50 110.30 115.25 118.80 120.10 120.50 121.50 122.25 123.30 124.20 125.20 125.90 126.30 158.00 167.85 169.80 172.80 175.75 177.65 179.70 188.95 208.85 211.50 214.10 217.15 219.20 221.15 242.75 299.25 $73.05 73.15 74.80 76.15 76.30 85.70 91.80 93.20 94.25 94.65 95.10 95.55 96.60 106.45 111.35 114.85 116.25 116.65 117.70 118.40 119.40 120.25 121.35 122.05 122.40 154.05 163.95 165.95 168.95 171.85 173.90 175.85 184.85 204.85 207.45 210.10 213.15 215.15 217.15 238.75 295.25 $69.85 70.00 71.65 73.00 73.15 82.65 88.65 90.10 91.10 91.55 91.90 92.45 93.35 103.35 108.20 111.80 113.15 113.50 114.55 115.25 116.35 117.15 118.15 118.95 119.25 151.00 160.80 162.85 165.80 168.70 170.70 172.70 181.65 201.65 204.15 206.80 209.95 211.90 213.90 235.50 291.95 Phone 800-882-2627 • Fax 800-882-3637 *Quantities of 15 or more: price of fractional size in same size range. CARBIDE TIPPED RADIAL DRIVE COUNTERBORES TYPE 3577 - FOR NON-FERROUS & CAST IRON Carbide tips brazed to hardened alloy steel bodies. Tools are designed with appropriate carbide grade and tool geometry for machining non-ferrous, cast iron and non-metals. TYPE 3578 - FOR STEEL Carbide tips brazed to hardened alloy steel bodies. Tools are designed de with appropriate carbide grade and tool geometry for machining steel and steel alloys. Both types have 10° right spiral smooth flutes and accept only short shank pilots (see page 36). Body length = 1 ½” Tool diameter tolerance: +.001"/-.000". TOOL DIAMETER MIN. PILOT RADIAL LARGE NO. OVER N-F/C.I. STEEL CUT HOLE DRIVE SHANK OF ALL TYPE 3577 TYPE 3578 DEC. FRAC. DIAM. DIAM. SIZE DIAM. FLTS. LENGTH EDP NO. EDP NO. .5000 .5625 .6250 .6875 .7500 .8125 .8750 .9375 1.0000 1.0000 1.0625 1.1250 1.1875 1.2500 1.3125 1.3750 1.3750 1.5000 1.5000 1.6250 1.6250 1.7500 1.8750 2.0000 2.0000 2.1250 2.2500 2.3750 2.5000 2.6250 2.7500 2.8750 3.0000 ½ 9⁄16 5⁄8 11⁄16 ¾ 13⁄16 7⁄8 15⁄16 .219 .219 .219 .297 .297 .297 .297 .297 1 .297 1 .359 1 1⁄16 .359 1 1⁄8 .359 1 3⁄16 .359 1 ¼ .359 1 5⁄16 .359 1 3⁄8 .359 1 3⁄8 .359 1 ½ .359 1 ½ .484 1 5⁄8 .359 1 5⁄8 .484 1 ¾ .484 1 7⁄8 .484 2 .484 2 .563 2 1⁄8 .563 2 ¼ .563 2 3⁄8 .563 2 ½ .563 2 5⁄8 .563 2 ¾ .563 2 7⁄8 .563 3 .563 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 7⁄16 5⁄16 7⁄16 7⁄16 7⁄16 7⁄16 ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RC RC RC RC RC RC RC RE RE RF RE RF RF RF RF RJ RJ RJ RJ RJ RJ RS RS RS Phone 941-739-2726 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ 1 1 1 1⁄8 1 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ • 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 3 3 3 1⁄16 3 3 1⁄16 3 1⁄16 3 1⁄16 3 1⁄16 3 1⁄16 3 1⁄16 3 1⁄16 3 1⁄16 3 1⁄16 3 1⁄16 3 1⁄8 3 1⁄8 3 1⁄8 357716 357718 357720 357722 357724 357726 357728 357730 357732 357733 357734 357736 357738 357740 357742 357744 357745 357748 357749 357752 357753 357756 357760 357764 357765 357768 357772 357776 357780 357784 357788 357792 357796 BOTH TYPES PRICE DECIMAL SIZE RANGE 357816 $183.70 .4721 - .5030 357818 183.70 .5341 - .5660 357820 183.70 .5971 - .6280 357822 183.70 .6591 - .6910 357824 183.70 .7221 - .7530 357826 187.15 .7841 - .8160 357828 187.15 .8471 - .8780 357830 198.10 .9091 - .9410 357832 198.10 .9721 - 1.0030 357833 201.55 .9721 - 1.0030 357834 201.55 1.0031 - 1.0660 357836 201.55 1.0661 - 1.1280 357838 215.75 1.1281 - 1.1905 357840 215.75 1.1906 - 1.2530 357842 215.75 1.2531 - 1.3155 357844 215.75 1.3156 - 1.3780 357845 234.00 1.3151 - 1.3780 357848 262.60 1.4406 - 1.5030 357849 273.30 1.4406 - 1.5030 357852 273.30 1.5661 - 1.6280 357853 280.70 1.5661 - 1.6280 357856 345.10 1.6911 - 1.7530 357860 363.30 1.8161 - 1.8780 357864 395.65 1.9411 - 2.0030 357865 395.65 1.9411 - 2.0030 357868 406.45 2.0661 - 2.1280 357872 424.25 2.1906 - 2.2530 357876 447.80 2.3156 - 2.3780 357880 466.65 2.4406 - 2.5030 357884 477.45 2.5661 - 2.6280 357888 485.10 2.6911 - 2.7530 357892 511.35 2.8161 - 2.8780 357896 548.70 2.9411 - 3.0030 Fax 941-739-2827 • PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE 1 PC. 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14* $268.55 268.55 268.55 268.55 268.55 272.00 272.00 282.95 282.95 286.40 286.40 286.40 300.60 300.60 300.60 300.60 318.80 347.45 358.20 358.20 365.65 429.95 448.15 480.60 480.60 491.30 509.15 535.90 554.80 565.60 573.15 599.40 636.65 $226.20 226.20 226.20 226.20 226.20 229.60 229.60 240.60 240.60 244.10 244.10 244.10 258.25 258.25 258.25 258.25 276.45 305.10 315.80 315.80 323.20 387.60 405.70 438.15 438.15 448.95 466.75 491.85 510.75 521.55 529.20 555.35 592.70 $211.95 211.95 211.95 211.95 211.95 215.40 215.40 226.35 226.35 229.90 229.90 229.90 244.10 244.10 244.10 244.10 262.20 290.95 301.65 301.65 309.05 373.45 391.55 424.00 424.00 434.80 452.55 477.10 496.05 506.85 514.50 540.70 578.00 $204.95 204.95 204.95 204.95 204.95 208.50 208.50 219.35 219.35 222.90 222.90 222.90 237.05 237.05 237.05 237.05 255.20 283.90 294.65 294.65 302.05 366.45 384.55 417.00 417.00 427.80 445.55 469.95 488.80 499.60 507.25 533.40 570.75 $197.85 197.85 197.85 197.85 197.85 201.40 201.40 212.30 212.30 215.75 215.75 215.75 230.00 230.00 230.00 230.00 248.10 276.85 287.55 287.55 294.95 359.35 377.45 409.90 409.90 420.70 438.50 462.45 481.45 492.25 499.90 526.05 563.35 $192.00 192.00 192.00 192.00 192.00 195.45 195.45 206.40 206.40 209.95 209.95 209.95 224.10 224.10 224.10 224.10 242.20 270.95 281.65 281.65 289.10 353.50 371.60 404.05 404.05 414.80 432.60 456.35 475.35 486.15 493.80 519.95 557.20 w w w.lexingtoncutter.com • LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 45 CARBIDE TIPPED PIN DRIVE COUNTERBORES TYPE 3573 - FOR NON-FERROUS & CAST IRON Carbide tips brazed to hardened alloy steel bodies. Tools are designed with appropriate carbide grade and tool geometry for machining non-ferrous, cast iron and non-metals. TYPE 3574 - FOR STEEL Carbide tips brazed to hardened alloy steel bodies. Tools are designed with appropriate carbide grade and tool geometry for machining steel and steel alloys. Both types have 10° right spiral smooth flutes and accept short or long threaded shank pilots. For short shank pilots, see page 36. For long threaded shank pilots, contact us for price and availability. Pin drive shanks can also be used in straight shank holders or collets. Tool diameter tolerance: +.001"/-.000". Body length: 1 3⁄8". TOOL DIAMETER MIN. PILOT PIN NO. OVER N-F/C.I. STEEL SHANK CUT HOLE DRIVE OF ALL TYPE 3573 TYPE 3574 DIAM. FLTS. LENGTH EDP NO. EDP NO. DEC. FRAC. DIAM. DIAM. NO. .5000 .5625 .6250 .6875 .7500 .8125 .8750 .9375 1.0000 1.0625 1.0625 1.1250 1.1250 1.1875 1.2500 1.3125 1.3750 1.4375 1.5000 1.5625 1.6250 1.6875 1.7500 1.7500 1.8750 2.0000 2.1250 2.2500 2.3750 2.5000 2.7500 3.0000 ½ 9⁄16 5⁄8 11⁄16 ¾ 13⁄16 7⁄8 15⁄16 9⁄16 9⁄16 9⁄16 9⁄16 9⁄16 9⁄16 9⁄16 9⁄16 9⁄16 9⁄16 7⁄8 9⁄16 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. • 1 1 1⁄16 1 1⁄16 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 3⁄16 1¼ 1 5⁄16 1 3⁄8 1 7⁄16 1½ 1 9⁄16 1 5⁄8 1 11⁄16 1¾ 1¾ 1 7⁄8 2 2 1⁄8 2¼ 2 3⁄8 2½ 2¾ 3 46 .2188 .2188 .2188 .2969 .2969 .2969 .2969 .2969 .2969 .2969 .3594 .2969 .3594 .3594 .3594 .3594 .3594 .3594 .3594 .3594 .3594 .3594 .3594 .4844 .4844 .4844 .4844 .4844 .4844 .5625 .5625 .5625 .1875 .1875 .1875 .2500 .2500 .2500 .2500 .2500 .2500 .2500 .3125 .2500 .3125 .3125 .3125 .3125 .3125 .3125 .3125 .3125 .3125 .3125 .3125 .4375 .4375 .4375 .4375 .4375 .4375 .5000 .5000 .5000 Made in U.S.A. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 3 2 7⁄8 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1⁄16 3 1⁄16 3 1⁄16 3 1⁄16 3 1⁄16 3 1⁄16 3 1⁄16 3 1⁄16 3 1⁄16 357316 357318 357320 357322 357324 357326 357328 357330 357332 357334 357335 357336 357337 357338 357340 357342 357344 357346 357348 357350 357352 357354 357356 357357 357360 357364 357368 357372 357376 357380 357388 357396 BOTH TYPES PRICE DECIMAL SIZE RANGE 357416 $176.40 .4721 - .5030 357418 176.40 .5341 - .5660 357420 176.40 .5971 - .6280 357422 165.75 .6591 - .6910 357424 165.75 .7221 - .7530 357426 165.75 .7841 - .8160 357428 165.75 .8471 - .8780 357430 169.45 .9091 - .9410 357432 172.60 .9721 - 1.0030 357434 190.80 1.0031 - 1.0660 357435 201.55 1.0031 - 1.0660 357436 190.80 1.0661 - 1.1280 357437 201.55 1.0661 - 1.1280 357438 209.00 1.1281 - 1.1905 357440 209.00 1.1906 - 1.2530 357442 212.30 1.2531 - 1.3155 357444 212.30 1.3156 - 1.3780 357446 223.00 1.3781 - 1.4405 357448 234.00 1.4406 - 1.5030 357450 251.55 1.5031 - 1.5660 357452 262.60 1.5661 - 1.6280 357454 273.30 1.6281 - 1.6910 357456 287.85 1.6911 - 1.7530 357457 327.65 1.6911 - 1.7530 357460 327.65 1.8161 - 1.8780 357464 370.85 1.9411 - 2.0030 357468 381.15 2.0661 - 2.1280 357472 395.65 2.1906 - 2.2530 357476 443.95 2.3156 - 2.3780 357480 477.45 2.4406 - 2.5030 357488 530.00 2.6911 - 2.7530 357496 559.95 2.9411 - 3.0030 [email protected] • PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE 1 PC. 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14* $261.30 261.30 261.30 250.60 250.60 250.60 250.60 254.40 257.45 275.65 286.40 275.65 286.40 293.90 293.90 297.20 297.20 307.85 318.80 336.50 347.45 358.20 372.70 412.55 412.55 455.65 466.00 480.60 532.10 565.60 618.10 648.10 $218.90 218.90 218.90 208.15 208.15 208.15 208.15 211.95 215.10 233.30 244.10 233.30 244.10 251.50 251.50 254.80 254.80 265.50 276.45 294.05 305.10 315.80 330.30 370.15 370.15 413.35 423.65 438.15 488.05 521.55 574.05 604.05 $204.65 204.65 204.65 194.00 194.00 194.00 194.00 197.80 200.85 219.10 229.90 219.10 229.90 237.30 237.30 240.60 240.60 251.25 262.20 279.90 290.95 301.65 316.10 355.95 355.95 399.10 409.40 424.00 473.40 506.85 559.40 589.40 $197.70 197.70 197.70 187.10 187.10 187.10 187.10 190.80 193.85 212.10 222.90 212.10 222.90 230.30 230.30 233.60 233.60 244.30 255.20 272.90 283.90 294.65 309.10 348.95 348.95 392.20 402.40 417.00 466.10 499.60 552.05 582.10 $190.55 190.55 190.55 180.00 180.00 180.00 180.00 183.70 186.75 204.95 215.75 204.95 215.75 223.25 223.25 226.55 226.55 237.15 248.10 265.80 276.85 287.55 302.05 341.90 341.90 385.05 395.35 409.90 458.70 492.25 544.75 574.75 $184.65 184.65 184.65 174.05 174.05 174.05 174.05 177.80 180.90 199.15 209.95 199.15 209.95 217.35 217.35 220.65 220.65 231.30 242.20 259.95 270.95 281.65 296.15 336.00 336.00 379.15 389.45 404.05 452.65 486.15 538.65 568.65 Phone 800-882-2627 • Fax 800-882-3637 *Quantities of 15 or more: price of fractional size in same size range. CARBIDE TIPPED STUB TAPER SHANK COUNTERBORES TYPE 3575 - FOR NON-FERROUS & CAST IRON Carbide tips brazed to hardened alloy steel bodies. Tools are designed with appropriate carbide grade and tool geometry for machining non-ferrous, cast iron and non-metals. TYPE 3576 - FOR STEEL Carbide tips brazed to hardened alloy steel bodies. Tools are designed with appropriate carbide grade and tool geometry for machining steel and steel alloys. Both types have 10° right spiral smooth flutes and accept only short shank pilots (see page 36). Tool diameter tolerance: +.001"/-.000". Stub taper dimensions conform to ASME/ANSI B5.10 specifications. Body length = 1 ¼" thru 1.9410" tool diameter. = 1 ½" above 1.9410" tool diameter. TOOL DIAMETER MIN. PILOT STUB NO. OVER N-F/C.I. STEEL CUT HOLE TAPER OF ALL TYPE 3575 TYPE 3576 DECIMAL FRAC. DIAM. DIAM. NO. FLTS. LENGTH EDP NO. EDP NO. .5000 .5625 .6250 .6875 .7500 .8125 .8750 .9375 1.0000 1.0625 1.1250 1.1875 1.2500 1.3125 1.3750 1.4375 1.5000 1.5625 1.6250 1.6875 1.7500 1.8125 1.8750 1.9375 2.0000 2.1250 2.2500 2.3750 2.5000 2.7500 3.0000 ½ 9⁄16 5⁄8 11⁄16 ¾ 13⁄16 7⁄8 15⁄16 1 1 1⁄16 1 1⁄8 1 3⁄16 1¼ 1 5⁄16 1 3⁄8 1 7⁄16 1½ 1 9⁄16 1 5⁄8 1 11⁄16 1¾ 1 13⁄16 1 7⁄8 1 15⁄16 2 2 1⁄8 2¼ 2 3⁄8 2½ 2¾ 3 .2188 .2188 .2188 .2188 .2969 .2969 .2969 .2969 .3594 .3594 .3594 .3594 .3594 .3594 .3594 .3594 .3594 .4844 .4844 .4844 .4844 .4844 .4844 .4844 .5625 .5625 .5625 .5625 .5625 .5625 .5625 .1875 .1875 .1875 .1875 .2500 .2500 .2500 .2500 .3125 .3125 .3125 .3125 .3125 .3125 .3125 .3125 .3125 .4375 .4375 .4375 .4375 .4375 .4375 .4375 .5000 .5000 .5000 .5000 .5000 .5000 .5000 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Phone 941-739-2726 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 • 2 9⁄16 2 9⁄16 2 9⁄16 2 9⁄16 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 3 3⁄16 3 3⁄16 3 3⁄16 3 3⁄16 3 3⁄16 3 3⁄16 3 3⁄16 3¾ 3¾ 3¾ 3¾ 3¾ 3¾ 3¾ 357516 357518 357520 357522 357524 357526 357528 357530 357532 357534 357536 357538 357540 357542 357544 357546 357548 357550 357552 357554 357556 357558 357560 357562 357564 357568 357572 357576 357580 357588 357596 357616 357618 357620 357622 357624 357626 357628 357630 357632 357634 357636 357638 357640 357642 357644 357646 357648 357650 357652 357654 357656 357658 357660 357662 357664 357668 357672 357676 357680 357688 357696 Fax 941-739-2827 *Quantities of 15 or more: price of fractional size in same size range. BOTH TYPES PRICE 214.35 214.35 214.35 214.35 200.95 200.95 200.95 193.75 193.75 193.75 193.75 200.95 200.95 204.15 224.90 245.70 266.30 283.60 318.20 345.75 373.45 394.30 414.90 435.85 456.45 470.30 483.80 520.35 538.45 567.05 595.60 • DECIMAL SIZE RANGE PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE 1 PC. 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14* .4721 - .5030 $296.00 $255.20 $241.60 $234.80 $228.00 $222.35 .5341 - .5660 296.00 255.20 241.60 234.80 228.00 222.35 .5971 - .6280 296.00 255.20 241.60 234.80 228.00 222.35 .6591 - .6910 296.00 255.20 241.60 234.80 228.00 222.35 .7221 - .7530 282.55 241.80 228.15 221.45 214.60 209.00 .7841 - .8160 282.55 241.80 228.15 221.45 214.60 209.00 .8471 - .8780 282.55 241.80 228.15 221.45 214.60 209.00 .9091 - .9410 275.45 234.65 220.95 214.30 207.45 201.80 .9721 - 1.0030 275.45 234.65 220.95 214.30 207.45 201.80 1.0031 - 1.0660 275.45 234.65 220.95 214.30 207.45 201.80 1.0661 - 1.1280 275.45 234.65 220.95 214.30 207.45 201.80 1.1281 - 1.1905 282.55 241.80 228.15 221.45 214.60 209.00 1.1906 - 1.2530 282.55 241.80 228.15 221.45 214.60 209.00 1.2531 - 1.3155 285.80 244.95 231.35 224.60 217.75 212.10 1.3156 - 1.3780 306.55 265.80 252.15 245.45 238.60 232.95 1.3781 - 1.4405 327.25 286.50 272.90 266.15 259.30 253.60 1.4406 - 1.5030 348.00 307.20 293.50 286.80 280.00 274.35 1.5031 - 1.5660 365.25 324.40 310.80 304.15 297.30 291.65 1.5661 - 1.6280 399.75 359.05 345.45 338.65 331.80 326.10 1.6281 - 1.6910 427.45 386.65 372.95 366.30 359.45 353.80 1.6911 - 1.7530 455.00 414.25 400.65 393.90 387.05 381.40 1.7531 - 1.8160 476.00 435.20 421.50 414.80 407.95 402.35 1.8161 - 1.8780 496.50 455.70 442.10 435.35 428.50 422.85 1.8781 - 1.9410 517.45 476.65 463.05 456.35 449.50 443.80 1.9411 - 2.0030 538.00 497.35 483.65 476.90 470.10 464.40 2.0661 - 2.1280 551.90 511.10 497.50 490.75 483.90 478.25 2.1906 - 2.2530 565.45 524.70 511.00 504.35 497.50 491.85 2.3156 - 2.3780 604.95 562.70 548.55 541.60 534.50 528.65 2.4406 - 2.5030 623.25 580.90 566.70 559.70 552.65 546.75 2.6911 - 2.7530 651.75 609.40 595.20 588.30 581.20 575.40 2.9411 - 3.0030 680.20 638.05 623.90 616.85 609.80 603.90 w w w.lexingtoncutter.com • LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 47 SOLID CARBIDE HEAD REAMERS TYPE 3801 - STRAIGHT STEEL SHANK - STRAIGHT FLUTES - FOR NON-FERROUS TYPE 3800 - STRAIGHT STEEL SHANK - STRAIGHT FLUTES - FOR CAST IRON & STEEL Solid carbide head brazed to hardened alloy steel shank on tool diameters .1911" and larger. Solid carbide head and shank on diameters .1910" and below. Tool geometry appropriate for material being machined. We recommend our Carbide Tipped Reamers Type 3480 (page 78) or Type 3459 (page 94) for better performance when reaming cast steels and tough steel alloys. The carbide grade and tool geometry are appropriate for these materials. Diameters 7⁄64” and below provided with male centers. Tool diameter tolerance thru .2500": +.0002”/-.0000". over .2500": +.0003”/-.0000". Shank diameter tolerance: +.0000"/-.0010". TOOL DIAMETER DECIMAL FRAC. LENGTH MAX. NO. SHANK OF DIAM. FLUTES FLUTE OAL * *.0938 *.1094 *.1250 *.1406 *.1562 *.1719 *.1875 .2031 .2188 .2344 .2500 .2656 .2812 .2969 .3125 .3281 .3438 .3594 .3750 .3906 .4062 .4219 .4375 .4531 .4688 .4844 .5000 .5156 .5312 .5469 .5625 .5781 .5938 .6094 .6250 .6562 .6875 .7188 .7500 .7812 .8125 .8438 .8750 .9062 .9375 .9688 1.0000 .0800 .0880 .0943 .1099 .1255 .1411 .1567 .1724 .1880 .1880 .2193 .2193 .2505 .2505 .2817 .2817 .3130 .3130 .3443 .3443 .3755 .3755 .4067 .4067 .4380 .4380 .4693 .4693 .5005 .5005 .5005 .5005 .5630 .5630 .5630 .5630 .6255 .6255 .6880 .6880 .7505 .7817 .8130 .8440 .8755 .9067 .9380 .9693 3⁄32 7⁄64 1⁄8 9⁄64 5⁄32 11⁄64 3⁄16 13⁄64 7⁄32 15⁄64 ¼ 17⁄64 9⁄32 19⁄64 5⁄16 21⁄64 11⁄32 23⁄64 3⁄8 25⁄64 13⁄32 27⁄64 7⁄16 29⁄64 15⁄32 31⁄64 ½ 33⁄64 17⁄32 35⁄64 9⁄16 37⁄64 19⁄32 39⁄64 5⁄8 21⁄32 11⁄16 23⁄32 ¾ 25⁄32 13⁄16 27⁄32 7⁄8 29⁄32 15⁄16 31⁄32 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ¾ ¾ 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 1 1 1 1⁄8 1¼ 1¼ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1 5⁄8 1 5⁄8 1 5⁄8 1 5⁄8 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1 7⁄8 1 7⁄8 1 7⁄8 1 7⁄8 1 7⁄8 1 7⁄8 1 7⁄8 1 7⁄8 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 48 Made in U.S.A. 3 3 3½ 3½ 3½ 4 4 4½ 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 • For closer tool diameter tolerance pricing, see page 60. NON-FERR. TYPE 3801 EDP NO. C.I./STEEL TYPE 3800 EDP NO. BOTH TYPES PRICE 380108 380109 380110 380111 380112 380113 380114 380115 380116 380117 380118 380119 380120 380121 380122 380123 380124 380125 380126 380127 380128 380129 380130 380131 380132 380133 380134 380135 380136 380137 380138 380139 380140 380142 380144 380146 380148 380150 380152 380154 380156 380158 380160 380162 380164 380099 380006 380007 380008 380009 380010 380011 380012 380013 380014 380015 380016 380017 380018 380019 380020 380021 380022 380023 380024 380025 380026 380027 380028 380029 380030 380031 380032 380033 380034 380035 380036 380037 380038 380039 380040 380042 380044 380046 380048 380050 380052 380054 380056 380058 380060 380062 380064 $40.40 40.40 40.40 46.25 47.55 53.65 54.75 58.35 58.35 62.10 62.10 66.80 66.80 69.45 69.45 74.30 74.30 79.95 79.95 91.45 91.45 97.10 97.10 102.90 102.90 110.45 110.45 142.50 142.50 168.25 168.25 190.90 190.90 193.10 193.10 279.30 279.30 314.25 314.25 348.80 380.60 401.40 393.00 459.85 483.35 506.30 525.40 [email protected] DECIMAL SIZE RANGE .0811 - .0890 .0891 - .0970 .0971 - .1120 .1121 - .1280 .1281 - .1435 .1436 - .1590 .1591 - .1750 .1751 - .1910 .1911 - .2210 .2211 - .2530 .2531 - .2840 .2841 - .3150 .3151 - .3470 .3471 - .3780 .3781 - .4090 .4091 - .4410 .4411 - .4720 .4721 - .5030 .5031 - .5340 .5341 - .5660 .5661 - .5970 .5971 - .6280 .6281 - .6590 .6591 - .6910 .6911 - .7220 .7221 - .7530 .7531 - .7840 .7841 - .8160 .8161 - .8470 .8471 - .8780 .8781 - .9090 .9091 - .9410 .9411 - .9720 .9721 - 1.0030 • PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE 1 PC. 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14** $84.60 84.60 84.60 84.60 90.40 91.75 97.75 99.00 102.60 106.30 110.90 113.70 118.50 124.15 135.55 141.20 147.05 154.70 186.60 212.40 235.05 237.20 321.30 321.30 356.25 356.25 390.80 422.60 443.40 435.00 501.85 525.35 548.30 567.40 $62.55 62.55 62.55 62.55 68.30 69.70 75.70 76.90 80.50 84.15 88.85 91.60 96.30 102.00 113.40 119.05 124.95 132.50 164.50 190.20 212.95 215.05 300.25 300.25 335.15 335.15 369.75 401.50 422.30 413.90 480.75 504.30 527.25 546.35 $55.05 55.05 55.05 55.05 60.85 62.20 68.30 69.40 73.00 76.75 81.45 84.15 88.95 94.60 106.05 111.70 117.55 125.10 157.15 182.80 205.50 207.70 293.25 293.25 328.15 328.15 362.75 394.50 415.30 406.90 473.75 497.30 520.25 539.35 $51.60 51.60 51.60 51.60 57.35 58.65 64.75 65.85 69.45 73.30 77.90 80.65 85.40 91.05 102.55 108.20 114.00 121.55 153.60 179.25 202.00 204.20 289.85 289.85 324.80 324.80 359.40 391.15 411.95 403.55 470.40 493.90 516.90 536.00 $47.70 47.70 47.70 47.70 53.60 54.85 61.00 62.10 65.70 69.40 74.15 76.90 81.60 87.30 98.70 104.35 110.25 117.80 149.80 175.50 198.25 200.35 286.65 286.65 321.60 321.60 356.15 387.95 408.75 400.35 467.20 490.70 513.65 532.75 $44.85 44.85 44.85 44.85 50.55 51.95 58.00 59.15 62.75 66.45 71.15 73.85 78.70 84.40 95.70 101.35 107.25 114.90 146.80 172.60 195.20 197.35 283.35 283.35 318.30 318.30 352.85 384.65 405.45 397.05 463.90 487.40 510.35 529.50 Phone 800-882-2627 • Fax 800-882-3637 *Solid carbide head and shank (.0811” - .1910” tool diameters). **Quantities of 15 or more: price of fractional size in same size range. SOLID CARBIDE HEAD SPIRAL REAMERS TYPE 3811 - STRAIGHT STEEL SHANK - RIGHT SPIRAL FLUTES - FOR NON-FERROUS TYPE 3810 - STRAIGHT STEEL SHANK - RIGHT SPIRAL FLUTES - FOR CAST IRON & STEEL Solid carbide head brazed to hardened alloy steel shank on tool diameters of .1911" and larger. Tool geometry appropriate for material being machined. Ground with spiral flutes for reaming blind holes with interruptions such as keyways, slots or intersecting holes. TYPE 3821 - STRAIGHT STEEL SHANK - LEFT SPIRAL FLUTES - FOR NON-FERROUS TYPE 3820 - STRAIGHT STEEL SHANK - LEFT SPIRAL FLUTES - FOR CAST IRON & STEEL ALL TYPES ON THIS PAGE: Tool diameter tolerance thru .2500": +.0002"/-.0000". over .2500": +.0003"/-.0000". Shank diameter tolerance: +.0000"/-.0010". For closer tool diameter tolerance pricing, see page 60. Same as Types 3810 & 3811, except left spiral flutes. Used in through holes only. TOOL DIAMETER DEC. .1250 .1406 .1562 .1719 .1875 .2031 .2188 .2344 .2500 .2656 .2812 .2969 .3125 .3281 .3438 .3594 .3750 .3906 .4062 .4219 .4375 .4531 .4688 .4844 .5000 .5156 .5312 .5469 .5625 .5781 .5938 .6094 .6250 .6562 .6875 .7188 .7500 .7812 .8125 .8438 .8750 .9062 .9375 .9688 1.0000 LENGTH RIGHT SPIRAL LEFT SPIRAL MAX. NO. NON-FERR. C.I./STEEL NON-FERR. C.I./STEEL SHANK OF FRAC. DIAM. FLTS. FLT OAL TYPE 3811 TYPE 3810 TYPE 3821 TYPE 3820 EDP NO. EDP NO. EDP NO. EDP NO. 1⁄8* 9⁄64* 5⁄32* 11⁄64* 3⁄16* 13⁄64 7⁄32 15⁄64 ¼ 17⁄64 9⁄32 19⁄64 5⁄16 21⁄64 11⁄32 23⁄64 3⁄8 25⁄64 13⁄32 27⁄64 7⁄16 29⁄64 15⁄32 31⁄64 ½ 33⁄64 17⁄32 35⁄64 9⁄16 37⁄64 19⁄32 39⁄64 5⁄8 21⁄32 11⁄16 23⁄32 ¾ 25⁄32 13⁄16 27⁄32 7⁄8 29⁄32 15⁄16 31⁄32 1 .1099 .1255 .1411 .1567 .1724 .1880 .1880 .2193 .2193 .2505 .2505 .2817 .2817 .3130 .3130 .3443 .3443 .3755 .3755 .4067 .4067 .4380 .4380 .4693 .4693 .5005 .5005 .5005 .5005 .5630 .5630 .5630 .5630 .6255 .6255 .6880 .6880 .7505 .7817 .8130 .8440 .8755 .9067 .9380 .9693 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 7⁄8 3 ½ 7⁄8 3 ½ 1 4 1 4 1 1⁄8 4 ½ 1¼ 5 1¼ 5 1½ 6 1½ 6 1½ 6 1½ 6 1 5⁄8 6 1 5⁄8 6 1 5⁄8 6 1 5⁄8 6 1¾ 7 1¾ 7 1¾ 7 1¾ 7 1¾ 7 1¾ 7 1¾ 8 1¾ 8 1¾ 8 1¾ 8 1 7⁄8 9 1 7⁄8 9 1 7⁄8 9 1 7⁄8 9 1 7⁄8 9 1 7⁄8 9 1 7⁄8 9 1 7⁄8 9 2 9½ 2 9½ 2 9½ 2 9½ 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 Phone 941-739-2726 • 381108 381109 381110 381111 381112 381113 381114 381115 381116 381117 381118 381119 381120 381121 381122 381123 381124 381125 381126 381127 381128 381129 381130 381131 381132 381133 381134 381135 381136 381137 381138 381139 381140 381142 381144 381146 381148 381150 381152 381154 381156 381158 381160 381162 381164 381008 381009 381010 381011 381012 381013 381014 381015 381016 381017 381018 381019 381020 381021 381022 381023 381024 381025 381026 381027 381028 381029 381030 381031 381032 381033 381034 381035 381036 381037 381038 381039 381040 381042 381044 381046 381048 381050 381052 381054 381056 381058 381060 381062 381064 382108 382109 382110 382111 382112 382113 382114 382115 382116 382117 382118 382119 382120 382121 382122 382123 382124 382125 382126 382127 382128 382129 382130 382131 382132 382133 382134 382135 382136 382137 382138 382139 382140 382142 382144 382146 382148 382150 382152 382154 382156 382158 382160 382162 382164 Fax 941-739-2827 382008 382009 382010 382011 382012 382013 382014 382015 382016 382017 382018 382019 382020 382021 382022 382023 382024 382025 382026 382027 382028 382029 382030 382031 382032 382033 382034 382035 382036 382037 382038 382039 382040 382042 382044 382046 382048 382050 382052 382054 382056 382058 382060 382062 382064 • PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE ALL TYPES PRICE DECIMAL SIZE RANGE 1 PC. 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14** $49.25 56.30 58.05 65.40 66.80 71.15 71.15 75.80 75.80 81.45 81.45 84.80 84.80 90.55 90.55 97.55 97.55 111.45 111.45 118.35 118.35 125.55 125.55 134.65 134.65 173.60 173.60 205.05 205.05 232.70 232.70 235.35 235.35 340.75 340.75 383.40 383.40 425.55 464.30 489.65 479.45 561.00 589.70 617.70 641.00 .1121 - .1280 .1281 - .1435 .1436 - .1590 .1591 - .1750 .1751 - .1910 .1911 - .2210 .2211 - .2530 .2531 - .2840 .2841 - .3150 .3151 - .3470 .3471 - .3780 .3781 - .4090 .4091 - .4410 .4411 - .4720 .4721 - .5030 .5031 - .5340 .5341 - .5660 .5661 - .5970 .5971 - .6280 .6281 - .6590 .6591 - .6910 .6911 - .7220 .7221 - .7530 .7531 - .7840 .7841 - .8160 .8161 - .8470 .8471 - .8780 .8781 - .9090 .9091 - .9410 .9411 - .9720 .9721 - 1.0030 $93.50 100.55 102.25 109.65 110.90 115.30 119.90 125.60 128.90 134.75 141.65 155.60 162.45 169.65 178.75 217.85 249.25 276.80 279.60 392.00 392.00 434.65 434.65 476.75 515.55 540.90 530.65 612.20 640.90 668.90 692.25 $71.35 78.35 80.05 87.45 88.85 93.20 97.75 103.50 106.80 112.60 119.50 133.50 140.30 147.60 156.70 195.65 227.10 254.75 257.45 366.30 366.30 408.85 408.85 451.10 489.85 515.20 505.00 586.55 615.25 643.25 666.55 $63.85 70.95 72.70 80.05 81.45 85.85 90.40 96.05 99.45 105.20 112.15 126.05 132.95 140.15 149.30 188.25 219.70 247.35 249.95 357.75 357.75 400.35 400.35 442.55 481.30 506.65 496.45 578.00 606.70 634.70 658.00 $60.35 67.40 69.15 76.50 77.90 82.30 86.90 92.55 95.90 101.65 108.65 122.50 129.45 136.65 145.75 184.70 216.15 243.80 246.45 353.65 353.65 396.25 396.25 438.40 477.20 502.60 492.30 573.85 602.55 630.55 653.95 $56.60 63.65 65.35 72.75 74.15 78.40 83.05 88.70 92.10 97.85 104.80 118.80 125.60 132.90 142.00 180.95 212.40 240.00 242.70 349.70 349.70 392.35 392.35 434.50 473.25 498.70 488.40 569.95 598.65 626.65 649.95 $53.65 60.70 62.40 69.80 71.15 75.50 80.05 85.85 89.10 94.95 101.80 115.75 122.60 129.85 139.00 178.00 209.40 237.05 239.75 345.75 345.75 388.30 388.30 430.50 469.30 494.60 484.40 565.95 594.65 622.65 645.95 w w w.lexingtoncutter.com *Solid carbide head and shank (.0811” - .1910” tool diameters). **Quantities of 15 or more: price of fractional size in same size range. • LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 49 SOLID CARBIDE CHUCKING REAMERS TYPE 3801 - LONG LENGTH - STRAIGHT SHANK - STRAIGHT FLUTES - FOR NON-FERROUS TYPE 3800 - LONG LENGTH - STRAIGHT SHANK - STRAIGHT FLUTES - FOR CAST IRON & STEEL Extended length series solid carbide chucking reamers. Tool geometry appropriate for material being machined. Tool diameter tolerance +.0002"/-.0000". Shank diameter tolerance: +.0000"/-.0010". For closer tool diameter tolerance pricing, see page 60. TOOL DIAMETER DECIMAL FRAC. LENGTH MAX. NO. SHANK OF DIAM. FLUTES FLUTE OAL * *.0938 *.1094 .1250 .1406 .1562 .1719 .1875 .0800 .0880 .0943 .1099 .1255 .1411 .1567 .1724 3⁄32 7⁄64 1⁄8 9⁄64 5⁄32 11⁄64 3⁄16 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ¾ ¾ 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 1 1 1 1⁄8 NON-FERR. TYPE 3801 EDP NO. C.I./STEEL TYPE 3800 EDP NO. BOTH TYPES PRICE DECIMAL SIZE RANGE 380108 380109 380110 380111 380112 380099 380006 380007 380008 380009 380010 380011 380012 $40.40 40.40 40.40 46.25 47.55 53.65 54.75 .0811 - .0890 .0891 - .0970 .0971 - .1120 .1121 - .1280 .1281 - .1435 .1436 - .1590 .1591 - .1750 .1751 - .1910 3 3 3½ 3½ 3½ 4 4 4½ *Provided with male centers PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE 1 PC. 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14** $84.60 $62.55 $55.05 $51.60 $47.70 $44.85 84.60 62.55 55.05 51.60 47.70 44.85 84.60 62.55 55.05 51.60 47.70 44.85 84.60 62.55 55.05 51.60 47.70 44.85 90.40 68.30 60.85 57.35 53.60 50.55 91.75 69.70 62.20 58.65 54.85 51.95 97.75 75.70 68.30 64.75 61.00 58.00 99.00 76.90 69.40 65.85 62.10 59.15 **Quantities of 15 or more: price of fractional size in same size range. TYPE 3803 - STRAIGHT SHANK - STRAIGHT FLUTES - FOR NON-FERROUS TYPE 3802 - STRAIGHT SHANK - STRAIGHT FLUTES - FOR CAST IRON & STEEL Short series sold carbide head and shank. Tool geometry appropriate for material being machined. For stocked general purpose reamers in decimal sizes and .0005” increments (Type 3804), see pages 55-58. Tool diameter tolerance thru .2500": +.0002"/-.0000". over .2500": +.0003"/.0000". Shank diameter tolerance: +.0000"/-.0010". For closer tool diameter tolerance pricing, see page 60. DECIMAL SIZE RANGE *.0591 - .0660 *.0661 - .0740 *.0741 - .0810 *.0811 - .0890 *.0891 - .0970 *.0971 - .1120 .1121 - .1280 .1281 - .1435 .1436 - .1590 .1591 - .1750 .1751 - .1910 .1911 - .2210 .2211 - .2530 .2531 - .2840 .2841 - .3150 .3151 - .3470 .3471 - .3780 .3781 - .4090 .4091 - .4410 .4411 - .4720 .4721 - .5150 MAX. SHANK DIAMETER NO. OF FLUTES .0580 .0650 .0730 .0800 .0880 .0943 .1099 .1255 .1411 .1567 .1724 .1880 .2193 .2505 .2817 .3130 .3443 .3755 .4067 .4380 .4693 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 50 Made in U.S.A. LENGTH FLUTE 3⁄8 ½ ½ ½ ½ 5⁄8 5⁄8 ¾ ¾ 7⁄8 7⁄8 1 1 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1¼ 1¼ 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1½ 1½ • PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE OAL NON-FERR. TYPE 3803 EDP NO. C.I./STEEL TYPE 3802 EDP NO. 1 PC. 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14 15+ 1½ 1¾ 1¾ 2 2 2¼ 2¼ 2½ 2½ 2¾ 2¾ 3 3 3¼ 3¼ 3½ 3½ 3¾ 3¾ 4 4 380307 380308 380309 380310 380311 380312 380314 380316 380318 380320 380322 380324 380326 380328 380330 380332 380204 380245 380205 380255 380206 380207 380208 380209 380210 380211 380212 380214 380216 380218 380220 380222 380224 380226 380228 380230 380232 $87.20 87.50 87.60 88.15 88.65 89.05 90.55 91.20 92.75 96.25 98.55 102.65 109.65 117.80 126.75 140.00 141.80 153.60 154.85 164.30 173.40 $54.25 54.55 54.65 55.25 55.70 56.05 57.60 58.30 59.75 63.25 65.65 69.75 76.75 84.80 93.75 107.15 108.90 120.65 121.85 131.35 140.50 $43.25 43.55 43.60 44.25 44.70 45.05 46.60 47.25 48.80 52.25 54.65 58.75 65.75 73.80 82.75 96.15 98.00 109.65 110.85 120.35 129.45 $38.05 38.30 38.50 39.10 39.55 39.90 41.40 42.15 43.60 47.10 49.50 53.60 60.55 68.65 77.60 91.00 92.75 104.40 105.70 115.15 124.35 $32.45 32.70 32.75 33.50 33.90 34.20 35.75 36.45 38.00 41.50 43.75 48.00 54.95 63.05 72.00 85.30 87.15 98.80 100.10 109.55 118.65 $28.05 28.25 28.40 28.95 29.40 29.85 31.40 32.05 33.55 37.05 39.40 43.45 50.45 58.60 67.55 80.80 82.65 94.35 95.60 105.10 114.20 $21.55 21.85 21.90 22.55 23.00 23.35 24.90 25.55 27.10 30.60 32.90 37.05 44.05 52.10 61.10 74.45 76.20 87.85 89.20 98.65 107.75 [email protected] • Phone 800-882-2627 • Fax 800-882-3637 *Provided with male centers SOLID CARBIDE SPIRAL CHUCKING REAMERS TYPE 3811 - LONG LENGTH - RIGHT SPIRAL FLUTES - FOR NON-FERROUS TYPE 3810 - LONG LENGTH - RIGHT SPIRAL FLUTES - FOR CAST IRON & STEEL TYPE 3821 - LONG LENGTH - LEFT SPIRAL FLUTES - FOR NON-FERROUS TYPE 3820 - LONG LENGTH - LEFT SPIRAL FLUTES - FOR CAST IRON & STEEL Extended length series. Ground with spiral flutes for reaming holes with interruptions such as keyways, slots or intersecting holes. Left spiral flutes should not be used on blind holes. Tool diameter tolerance: +.0002"/-.0000". Shank diameter tolerance: +.0000"/-.0010". For closer tool diameter tolerance pricing, see page 60. TOOL DIAMETER DEC. .1250 .1406 .1562 .1719 .1875 LENGTH RIGHT SPIRAL LEFT SPIRAL MAX. NO. NON-FERR. C.I./STEEL NON-FERR. C.I./STEEL SHANK OF FRAC. DIAM. FLTS. FLT OAL TYPE 3811 TYPE 3810 TYPE 3821 TYPE 3820 EDP NO. EDP NO. EDP NO. EDP NO. 1⁄8 9⁄64 5⁄32 11⁄64 3⁄16 .1099 .1255 .1411 .1567 .1724 4 4 4 4 4 7⁄8 3 ½ 7⁄8 3 ½ 1 4 1 4 1 1⁄8 4 ½ 381108 381109 381110 381111 381112 381008 381009 381010 381011 381012 382108 382109 382110 382111 382112 382008 382009 382010 382011 382012 ALL TYPES PRICE DECIMAL SIZE RANGE $49.25 56.30 58.05 65.40 66.80 .1121 - .1280 .1281 - .1435 .1436 - .1590 .1591 - .1750 .1751 - .1910 PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE 1 PC. 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14* $93.50 $71.35 $63.85 $60.35 $56.60 $53.65 100.55 78.35 70.95 67.40 63.65 60.70 102.25 80.05 72.70 69.15 65.35 62.40 109.65 87.45 80.05 76.50 72.75 69.80 110.90 88.85 81.45 77.90 74.15 71.15 *Quantities of 15 or more: price of fractional size in same size range. TYPE 3813 - STRAIGHT SHANK - RIGHT SPIRAL FLUTES - FOR NON-FERROUS TYPE 3812 - STRAIGHT SHANK - RIGHT SPIRAL FLUTES - FOR CAST IRON & STEEL TYPE 3823 - STRAIGHT SHANK - LEFT SPIRAL FLUTES - FOR NON-FERROUS TYPE 3822 - STRAIGHT SHANK - LEFT SPIRAL FLUTES - FOR CAST IRON & STEEL Short length solid carbide head and shank. Ground with spiral flutes for reaming holes with interruptions such as keyways, slots or intersecting holes. Left spiral flutes should not be used on blind holes. Tool diameter tolerance thru .2500": +.0002"/-.0000". over .2500": +.0003"/.0000". Shank diameter tolerance: +.0000"/-.0010". For closer tool diameter tolerance pricing, see page 60. DECIMAL SIZE RANGE * .0971 - .1120 .1121 - .1280 .1281 - .1435 .1436 - .1590 .1591 - .1750 .1751 - .1910 .1911 - .2210 .2211 - .2530 .2531 - .2840 .2841 - .3150 .3151 - .3470 .3471 - .3780 .3781 - .4090 .4091 - .4410 .4411 - .4720 .4721 - .5150 MAX. SHANK DIAM. NO. OF FLTS. .0943 .1099 .1255 .1411 .1567 .1724 .1880 .2193 .2505 .2817 .3130 .3443 .3755 .4067 .4380 .4693 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Phone 941-739-2726 *Provided with male centers FLT. LEN. 5⁄8 5⁄8 ¾ ¾ 7⁄8 7⁄8 1 1 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1¼ 1¼ 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1½ 1½ • OVER ALL LEN. RIGHT SPIRAL NON-FERR. C.I./STEEL TYPE 3813 TYPE 3812 EDP NO. EDP NO. LEFT SPIRAL NON-FERR. C.I./STEEL TYPE 3823 TYPE 3822 EDP NO. EDP NO. 2¼ 2¼ 2½ 2½ 2¾ 2¾ 3 3 3¼ 3¼ 3½ 3½ 3¾ 3¾ 4 4 381307 381308 381309 381310 381311 381312 381314 381316 381318 381320 381322 381324 381326 381328 381330 381332 382307 382308 382309 382310 382311 382312 382314 382316 382318 382320 382322 382324 382326 382328 382330 382332 381207 381208 381209 381210 381211 381212 381214 381216 381218 381220 381222 381224 381226 381228 381230 381232 Fax 941-739-2827 • 382207 382208 382209 382210 382211 382212 382214 382216 382218 382220 382222 382224 382226 382228 382230 382232 PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE 1 PC. 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14 15+ $87.80 89.45 94.65 96.45 100.35 102.85 112.40 120.75 130.20 140.45 155.90 158.10 162.45 163.80 173.80 183.40 $56.20 57.80 61.50 63.20 67.10 69.70 77.70 85.85 95.35 105.65 121.20 123.30 127.60 128.90 138.90 148.60 $45.55 47.20 50.40 52.10 56.00 58.50 66.05 74.25 83.70 94.00 109.55 111.65 115.95 117.25 127.30 136.90 $40.60 42.30 45.15 46.90 50.70 53.30 60.50 68.75 78.25 88.55 104.05 106.10 110.40 111.80 121.80 131.50 $35.15 36.75 39.45 41.15 45.05 47.55 54.60 62.75 72.25 82.60 98.10 100.20 104.50 105.90 115.90 125.50 $30.85 32.50 34.90 36.60 40.50 43.05 49.80 58.15 67.60 77.85 93.30 95.40 99.80 101.10 111.20 120.80 $24.65 26.30 28.45 30.20 34.05 36.55 43.05 51.30 60.75 71.05 86.55 88.65 92.95 94.30 104.35 113.95 w w w.lexingtoncutter.com • LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 51 SOLID CARBIDE COOLANT FED CHUCKING REAMERS TYPE 3807 - STRAIGHT SHANK - STRAIGHT FLUTES - BLIND HOLES - FOR NON-FERROUS TYPE 3806 - STRAIGHT SHANK - STRAIGHT FLUTES - BLIND HOLES - FOR CAST IRON & STEEL Short length series solid carbide coolant fed chucking reamers. Center coolant feeding hole for flushing chips back towards shank. Tool diameter tolerance thru .2500”: +.0002"/-.0000". over .2500”: +.0003”/-.0000”. Shank diameter tolerance: +.0000"/-.0010". For closer tool diameter tolerance pricing, see page 60. DECIMAL SIZE RANGE MAX. SHANK DIAM. NO. OF FLTS. .1121 - .1280 .1281 - .1435 .1436 - .1590 .1591 - .1750 .1751 - .1910 .1911 - .2210 .2211 - .2530 .2531 - .2840 .2841 - .3150 .3151 - .3470 .3471 - .3780 .3781 - .4090 .1099 .1255 .1411 .1567 .1724 .1880 .2193 .2505 .2817 .3130 .3443 .3755 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 LENGTH FLUTE 5⁄8 ¾ ¾ 7⁄8 7⁄8 1 1 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1¼ 1¼ 1 3⁄8 CENTER FED COOLANT OAL NON-FERR. TYPE 3807 EDP NO. C.I./STEEL TYPE 3806 EDP NO. 1 PC. 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14 15+ 2¼ 2½ 2½ 2¾ 2¾ 3 3 3¼ 3¼ 3½ 3½ 3¾ 380708 380709 380710 380711 380712 380714 380716 380718 380720 380722 380724 380726 380608 380609 380610 380611 380612 380614 380616 380618 380620 380622 380624 380626 $157.20 158.30 159.00 160.50 166.90 169.40 172.45 177.35 181.45 186.45 192.15 201.00 $136.10 137.20 137.95 139.50 145.80 148.30 151.35 156.25 160.40 165.40 171.05 180.00 $129.15 130.30 131.00 132.50 138.90 141.35 144.35 149.30 153.40 158.40 164.05 173.00 $125.75 126.85 127.50 129.05 135.45 137.95 140.95 145.80 149.95 154.95 160.65 169.55 $122.10 123.25 123.90 125.45 131.85 134.35 137.30 142.20 146.35 151.35 157.00 165.95 $119.30 120.40 121.05 122.60 129.00 131.50 134.50 139.45 143.55 148.55 154.20 163.10 $115.15 116.30 116.95 118.50 124.90 127.40 130.40 135.25 139.45 144.35 150.10 159.00 PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE TYPE 3809 - STRAIGHT SHANK - STRAIGHT FLUTES - THROUGH HOLES - FOR NON-FERROUS TYPE 3808 - STRAIGHT SHANK - STRAIGHT FLUTES - THROUGH HOLES - FOR CAST IRON & STEEL Short length series solid carbide coolant fed chucking reamers. Coolant feeding hole in each flute for flushing chips forward through the hole being reamed. Tool diameter tolerance thru .2500”: +.0002"/-.0000". over .2500”: +.0003”/-.0000”. Shank diameter tolerance: +.0000"/-.0010". For closer tool diameter tolerance pricing, see page 60. DECIMAL SIZE RANGE MAX. SHANK DIAM. NO. OF FLTS. .1121 - .1280 .1281 - .1435 .1436 - .1590 .1591 - .1750 .1751 - .1910 .1911 - .2210 .2211 - .2530 .2531 - .2840 .2841 - .3150 .3151 - .3470 .3471 - .3780 .3781 - .4090 .1099 .1255 .1411 .1567 .1724 .1880 .2193 .2505 .2817 .3130 .3443 .3755 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 LENGTH FLUTE 5⁄8 ¾ ¾ 7⁄8 7⁄8 1 1 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1¼ 1¼ 1 3⁄8 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 52 Made in U.S.A. • FLUTE FED COOLANT OAL NON-FERR. TYPE 3809 EDP NO. C.I./STEEL TYPE 3808 EDP NO. 2¼ 2½ 2½ 2¾ 2¾ 3 3 3¼ 3¼ 3½ 3½ 3¾ 380908 380909 380910 380911 380912 380914 380916 380918 380920 380922 380924 380926 380808 380809 380810 380811 380812 380814 380816 380818 380820 380822 380824 380826 PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE 1 PC. $222.50 211.30 224.60 226.60 228.00 274.00 277.30 283.25 287.95 306.35 312.80 323.55 [email protected] 2 PC. $201.40 190.20 203.50 205.50 206.90 252.90 256.30 262.15 266.95 285.25 291.80 302.45 • 3 PC. $194.40 183.25 196.60 198.60 199.90 245.95 249.30 255.25 259.95 278.25 284.80 295.45 4 PC. $191.05 179.80 193.15 195.15 196.45 242.50 245.85 251.80 256.50 274.80 281.35 292.00 5-7 8-14 $187.35 176.20 189.55 191.55 192.85 238.90 242.25 248.20 252.90 271.20 277.75 288.40 Phone 800-882-2627 • $184.55 173.40 186.70 188.65 190.05 236.10 239.40 245.35 250.05 268.40 274.90 285.60 15+ $180.45 169.25 182.55 184.55 185.95 231.90 235.25 241.25 245.95 264.25 270.75 281.45 Fax 800-882-3637 SOLID CARBIDE COOLANT FED CHUCKING REAMERS TYPE 3817 - STRAIGHT SHANK - RIGHT SPIRAL FLUTES - BLIND HOLES - FOR NON-FERROUS TYPE 3816 - STRAIGHT SHANK - RIGHT SPIRAL FLUTES - BLIND HOLES - FOR CAST IRON & STEEL Short length series solid carbide coolant fed chucking reamers. Center coolant feeding hole for flushing chips back towards shank. Tool diameter tolerance thru .2500”: +.0002"/-.0000". over .2500”: +.0003”/-.0000”. Shank diameter tolerance: +.0000"/-.0010". For closer tool diameter tolerance pricing, see page 60. CENTER FED COOLANT DECIMAL SIZE RANGE MAX. SHANK DIAM. NO. OF FLTS. .1121 - .1280 .1281 - .1435 .1436 - .1590 .1591 - .1750 .1751 - .1910 .1911 - .2210 .2211 - .2530 .2531 - .2840 .2841 - .3150 .3151 - .3470 .3471 - .3780 .3781 - .4090 .1099 .1255 .1411 .1567 .1724 .1880 .2193 .2505 .2817 .3130 .3443 .3755 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 LENGTH FLUTE 5⁄8 ¾ ¾ 7⁄8 7⁄8 1 1 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1¼ 1¼ 1 3⁄8 OAL NON-FERR. TYPE 3817 EDP NO. C.I./STEEL TYPE 3816 EDP NO. 2¼ 2½ 2½ 2¾ 2¾ 3 3 3¼ 3¼ 3½ 3½ 3¾ 381708 381709 381710 381711 381712 381714 381716 381718 381720 381722 381724 381726 381608 381609 381610 381611 381612 381614 381616 381618 381620 381622 381624 381626 PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE 1 PC. $161.20 162.30 162.95 164.50 170.90 173.30 176.25 181.20 185.30 190.35 197.20 206.25 2 PC. 3 PC. $140.10 141.20 141.85 143.45 149.80 152.20 155.25 160.15 164.25 169.35 176.10 185.15 $133.10 134.20 134.95 136.50 142.80 145.25 148.25 153.15 157.30 162.35 169.10 178.15 4 PC. 5-7 $129.65 130.85 131.50 133.05 139.45 141.80 144.80 149.70 153.85 158.90 165.75 174.70 8-14 $126.05 127.15 127.90 129.45 135.75 138.20 141.20 146.10 150.25 155.30 162.05 171.10 $123.25 124.35 125.00 126.55 132.95 135.40 138.40 143.25 147.35 152.45 159.25 168.30 15+ $119.05 120.25 120.90 122.45 128.85 131.20 134.20 139.15 143.25 148.30 155.15 164.20 TYPE 3829 - STRAIGHT SHANK - LEFT SPIRAL FLUTES - THROUGH HOLES - FOR NON-FERROUS TYPE 3828 - STRAIGHT SHANK - LEFT SPIRAL FLUTES - THROUGH HOLES - FOR CAST IRON & STEEL Short length series solid carbide coolant fed chucking reamers. Coolant feeding hole in each flute for flushing chips forward through the hole being reamed. Tool diameter tolerance thru .2500”: +.0002"/-.0000". over .2500”: +.0003”/-.0000”. Shank diameter tolerance: +.0000"/-.0010". For closer tool diameter tolerance pricing, see page 60. FLUTE FED COOLANT DECIMAL SIZE RANGE MAX. SHANK DIAM. NO. OF FLTS. .1121 - .1280 .1281 - .1435 .1436 - .1590 .1591 - .1750 .1751 - .1910 .1911 - .2210 .2211 - .2530 .2531 - .2840 .2841 - .3150 .3151 - .3470 .3471 - .3780 .3781 - .4090 .1099 .1255 .1411 .1567 .1724 .1880 .2193 .2505 .2817 .3130 .3443 .3755 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Phone 941-739-2726 LENGTH FLUTE 5⁄8 ¾ ¾ 7⁄8 7⁄8 1 1 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1¼ 1¼ 1 3⁄8 • OAL NON-FERR. TYPE 3829 EDP NO. C.I./STEEL TYPE 3828 EDP NO. 2¼ 2½ 2½ 2¾ 2¾ 3 3 3¼ 3¼ 3½ 3½ 3¾ 382908 382909 382910 382911 382912 382914 382916 382918 382920 382922 382924 382926 382808 382809 382810 382811 382812 382814 382816 382818 382820 382822 382824 382826 Fax 941-739-2827 • PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE 1 PC. $254.45 255.85 256.60 258.45 259.60 335.75 335.45 341.35 346.10 364.35 370.95 381.85 2 PC. $233.35 234.75 235.55 237.35 238.60 314.65 314.45 320.25 325.10 343.30 349.95 360.75 3 PC. $226.45 227.80 228.60 230.35 231.60 307.65 307.45 313.25 318.10 336.35 342.95 353.75 4 PC. 5-7 $223.00 224.40 225.15 226.95 228.15 304.20 304.00 309.90 314.65 332.90 339.50 350.35 w w w.lexingtoncutter.com • $219.40 220.70 221.55 223.30 224.55 300.60 300.40 306.20 311.05 329.30 335.90 346.70 8-14 $216.55 217.95 218.75 220.50 221.70 297.80 297.55 303.40 308.20 326.40 333.05 343.90 15+ $212.40 213.80 214.55 216.40 217.55 293.70 293.40 299.30 304.05 322.30 328.90 339.80 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 53 SOLID CARBIDE CHUCKING REAMERS TYPE 3804 - STRAIGHT SHANK STRAIGHT FLUTES - SHORT SERIES For dimensional details for .0591" and above, see Types 3802/3803 on page 50. For additional solid carbide reamer sizes (including wire #52-70), see page 55-58. For reamer tolerances, see page 50. For closer tolerance pricing, see page 60. TOOL DIAMETER WIRE mm LETTER DECIMAL FRAC. .0312 .0394 .0433 .0469 .0472 .0512 .0551 .0591 .0625 .0630 .0669 .0670 .0700 .0709 .0730 .0748 .0760 .0781 .0785 .0787 .0810 .0820 .0827 .0860 .0866 .0890 .0906 .0935 .0938 .0945 .0960 .0980 .0984 .0995 .1015 .1024 .1040 .1063 .1065 .1094 .1100 .1102 .1110 .1130 .1142 .1160 .1181 .1200 .1220 .1250 .1260 .1285 .1299 .1339 .1360 .1378 .1405 .1406 .1417 .1440 *1⁄32 *3⁄64 1⁄16 51 50 49 48 5⁄64 47 46 45 44 43 42 3⁄32 41 40 39 38 37 36 7⁄64 35 34 33 32 31 1⁄8 30 29 28 9⁄64 27 EDP NO. 380402 $26.05 24.90 *1.0 3804010 27.35 *1.1 3804011 380403 27.60 27.60 *1.2 3804012 27.60 *1.3 3804013 27.60 *1.4 3804014 1.5 3804015 25.25 380404 26.05 1.6 3804016 28.25 1.7 3804017 28.55 38040670 28.55 38040700 28.55 1.8 3804018 28.55 38040730 28.55 1.9 3804019 28.55 38040760 28.55 380405 28.55 38040785 28.60 2.0 3804020 26.35 38040810 28.60 38040820 28.75 2.1 3804021 28.75 38040860 28.75 2.2 3804022 28.75 38040890 29.25 2.3 3804023 29.25 38040935 29.40 380406 27.10 2.4 3804024 29.40 38040960 30.00 38040980 30.00 2.5 3804025 27.35 38040995 30.20 38041015 30.20 2.6 3804026 30.35 38041040 32.10 2.7 3804027 30.50 38041065 30.50 380407 31.50 38041100 31.50 2.8 3804028 31.50 38041110 31.95 38041130 32.40 2.9 3804029 32.40 38041160 32.40 3.0 3804030 30.00 38041200 32.55 3.1 3804031 32.55 380408 30.00 3.2 3804032 32.55 38041285 32.60 3.3 3804033 32.60 3.4 3804034 32.60 38041360 32.60 3.5 3804035 30.35 38041405 33.05 380409 34.05 3.6 3804036 34.60 38041440 34.60 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 54 PRICE EACH Made in U.S.A. • TOOL DIAMETER WIRE mm LETTER DECIMAL FRAC. .1457 .1470 .1495 .1496 .1520 .1535 .1540 .1562 .1570 .1575 .1590 .1610 .1614 .1654 .1660 .1693 .1695 .1719 .1730 .1732 .1770 .1772 .1800 .1811 .1820 .1850 .1875 .1890 .1910 .1929 .1935 .1960 .1969 .1990 .2008 .2010 .2031 .2040 .2047 .2055 .2087 .2090 .2126 .2130 .2165 .2188 .2205 .2210 .2244 .2280 .2283 .2323 .2340 .2344 .2362 .2380 .2402 .2420 .2441 .2460 26 25 24 23 5⁄32 22 21 20 19 18 11⁄64 17 16 15 14 13 3⁄16 12 11 10 9 8 7 13⁄64 6 5 4 3 7⁄32 2 1 A 15⁄64 B C D EDP NO. PRICE EACH 3.7 3804037 $34.95 38041470 35.55 38041495 35.75 3.8 3804038 37.55 38041520 35.75 3.9 3804039 37.25 38041540 37.25 380410 35.25 38041570 38.50 4.0 3804040 35.25 38041590 39.45 38041610 40.05 4.1 3804041 40.05 4.2 3804042 40.20 38041660 40.20 4.3 3804043 40.70 38041695 40.70 380411 41.40 38041730 41.40 4.4 3804044 41.40 38041770 42.45 4.5 3804045 38.50 38041800 42.65 4.6 3804046 43.15 38041820 43.25 4.7 3804047 43.55 380412 41.80 4.8 3804048 45.95 38041910 46.45 4.9 3804049 46.45 38041935 46.75 38041960 48.40 5.0 3804050 44.20 38041990 48.65 5.1 3804051 50.15 38042010 50.15 380413 50.15 38042040 50.15 5.2 3804052 50.15 38042055 50.15 5.3 3804053 50.15 38042090 52.80 5.4 3804054 50.15 38042130 50.15 5.5 3804055 45.95 380414 45.80 5.6 3804056 56.00 38042210 56.00 5.7 3804057 58.10 38042280 58.80 5.8 3804058 58.80 5.9 3804059 58.80 38042340 58.80 380415 58.80 6.0 3804060 54.55 38042380 60.00 6.1 3804061 60.00 38042420 60.00 6.2 3804062 60.00 38042460 60.00 [email protected] • TOOL DIAMETER WIRE mm LETTER DECIMAL FRAC. .2480 .2500 .2520 .2559 .2570 .2598 .2610 .2638 .2656 .2660 .2677 .2717 .2720 .2756 .2770 .2795 .2810 .2812 .2835 .2874 .2900 .2913 .2950 .2953 .2969 .2992 .3020 .3031 .3071 .3110 .3125 .3150 .3160 .3189 .3228 .3230 .3268 .3281 .3307 .3320 .3346 .3386 .3390 .3425 .3438 .3465 .3480 .3504 .3543 .3580 .3583 .3594 .3622 .3661 .3680 .3701 .3740 .3750 .3770 .3780 ¼ E F G 17⁄64 H I J K 9⁄32 L M 19⁄64 N 5⁄16 O P 21⁄64 Q R 11⁄32 S T 23⁄64 U 3⁄8 Phone 800-882-2627 V • EDP NO. 6.3 3804063 380416 6.4 3804064 6.5 3804065 38042570 6.6 3804066 38042610 6.7 3804067 380417 38042660 6.8 3804068 6.9 3804069 38042720 7.0 3804070 38042770 7.1 3804071 38042810 380418 7.2 3804072 7.3 3804073 38042900 7.4 3804074 38042950 7.5 3804075 380419 7.6 3804076 38043020 7.7 3804077 7.8 3804078 7.9 3804079 380420 8.0 3804080 38043160 8.1 3804081 8.2 3804082 38043230 8.3 3804083 380421 8.4 3804084 38043320 8.5 3804085 8.6 3804086 38043390 8.7 3804087 380422 8.8 3804088 38043480 8.9 3804089 9.0 3804090 38043580 9.1 3804091 380423 9.2 3804092 9.3 3804093 38043680 9.4 3804094 9.5 3804095 380424 38043770 9.6 3804096 PRICE EACH $60.00 54.55 66.10 66.05 66.05 69.25 66.05 69.25 66.05 66.05 69.25 69.25 66.05 60.30 66.05 75.20 71.55 65.45 81.25 81.25 77.45 81.25 77.45 77.45 77.45 84.75 80.75 84.75 84.75 84.75 73.75 73.75 84.75 90.20 90.20 85.85 103.15 98.20 103.15 98.20 98.20 103.15 98.20 103.15 98.20 103.60 98.65 103.60 90.65 99.10 104.60 99.50 105.85 105.85 100.85 106.45 101.40 92.80 120.40 126.60 Fax 800-882-3637 *Dimensions thru .0590”: # of flutes = 4; flute length = 3⁄8” (except for .0312” & .0394” tool diameters, flute length = ¼”); OAL = 1½”. SOLID CARBIDE DECIMAL SIZE CHUCKING REAMERS TYPE 3804 - SOLID CARBIDE - STRAIGHT FLUTES - SHORT LENGTH STANDARD DECIMAL DIAMETER REAMERS (.0005" INCREMENTS) THIS PAGE .0280" THRU .1475" Short length solid carbide head and shank. Tool geometry appropriate for material being machined. For fractional, wire and letter sizes, see page 50. Tool diameter tolerance thru .2500": +.0002"/-.0000". over .2500": +.0003"/-.0000". Shank diameter tolerance: +.0000"/-.0010". DECIMAL SIZE .0280 .0285 .0290 .0295 .0300 .0305 .0310 .0315 .0320 .0325 .0330 .0335 .0340 .0345 .0350 .0355 .0360 .0365 .0370 .0375 .0380 .0385 .0390 .0395 .0400 .0405 .0410 .0415 .0420 .0425 .0430 .0435 .0440 .0445 .0450 .0455 .0460 .0465 .0470 .0475 .0480 .0485 .0490 .0495 .0500 .0505 .0510 .0515 EDP NO. PRICE EACH 38040280 $28.25 38040285 29.85 38040290 29.85 38040295 28.25 38040300 29.85 38040305 29.85 38040310 28.25 3804008 28.25 38040320 28.25 38040325 29.85 38040330 28.25 38040335 28.25 38040340 28.75 38040345 28.75 38040350 27.35 38040355 28.75 38040360 27.35 38040365 28.75 38040370 27.35 38040375 28.75 38040380 27.35 38040385 28.75 38040390 27.35 38040395 28.75 38040400 27.35 38040405 28.75 38040410 27.35 38040415 28.75 38040420 27.35 38040425 28.75 38040430 27.35 38040435 29.05 38040440 29.05 38040445 29.05 38040450 29.05 38040455 29.05 38040460 29.05 38040465 27.60 38040470 29.05 38040475 29.05 38040480 29.05 38040485 29.05 38040490 29.05 38040495 29.05 38040500 29.05 38040505 29.05 38040510 29.05 38040515 29.05 Phone 941-739-2726 DECIMAL SIZE .0520 .0525 .0530 .0535 .0540 .0545 .0550 .0555 .0560 .0565 .0570 .0575 .0580 .0585 .0590 .0595 .0600 .0605 .0610 .0615 .0620 .0625 .0630 .0635 .0640 .0645 .0650 .0655 .0660 .0665 .0670 .0675 .0680 .0685 .0690 .0695 .0700 .0705 .0710 .0715 .0720 .0725 .0730 .0735 .0740 .0745 .0750 .0755 • EDP NO. PRICE EACH 38040520 $27.60 38040525 29.05 38040530 29.05 38040535 29.05 38040540 29.05 38040545 29.05 38040550 27.60 38040555 29.05 38040560 29.05 38040565 29.05 38040570 29.05 38040575 29.05 38040580 29.05 38040585 29.05 38040590 25.25 38040595 27.60 38040600 29.85 38040605 29.85 38040610 28.25 38040615 29.85 38040620 29.85 380404 26.05 3804016 28.25 38040635 28.25 38040640 29.85 38040645 29.85 38040650 30.00 38040655 30.00 38040660 30.00 38040665 30.00 38040670 28.55 38040675 30.00 38040680 30.00 38040685 30.00 38040690 30.00 38040695 30.00 38040700 28.55 38040705 30.00 38040710 30.00 38040715 30.00 38040720 30.00 38040725 30.00 38040730 28.55 38040735 30.00 38040740 30.00 38040745 30.00 38040750 30.00 38040755 30.00 DECIMAL SIZE .0760 .0765 .0770 .0775 .0780 .0785 .0790 .0795 .0800 .0805 .0810 .0815 .0820 .0825 .0830 .0835 .0840 .0845 .0850 .0855 .0860 .0865 .0870 .0875 .0880 .0885 .0890 .0895 .0900 .0905 .0910 .0915 .0920 .0925 .0930 .0935 .0940 .0945 .0950 .0955 .0960 .0965 .0970 .0975 .0980 .0985 .0990 .0995 Fax 941-739-2827 • EDP NO. PRICE EACH 38040760 $28.55 38040765 30.00 38040770 30.00 38040775 30.00 38040780 30.00 38040785 28.60 38040790 30.05 38040795 30.05 38040800 30.05 38040805 30.05 38040810 28.60 38040815 30.20 38040820 28.75 38040825 30.20 38040830 30.20 38040835 30.20 38040840 30.20 38040845 30.20 38040850 30.20 38040855 30.20 38040860 28.75 38040865 30.20 38040870 30.20 38040875 30.20 38040880 30.20 38040885 30.20 38040890 29.25 38040895 30.95 38040900 30.95 38040905 30.95 38040910 31.10 38040915 31.10 38040920 31.10 38040925 29.40 38040930 31.10 38040935 29.40 38040940 31.10 3804024 29.40 38040950 31.50 38040955 31.50 38040960 30.00 38040965 30.00 38040970 31.50 38040975 31.50 38040980 30.00 38040985 31.75 38040990 31.75 38040995 30.20 DECIMAL SIZE .1000 .1005 .1010 .1015 .1020 .1025 .1030 .1035 .1040 .1045 .1050 .1055 .1060 .1065 .1070 .1075 .1080 .1085 .1090 .1095 .1100 .1105 .1110 .1115 .1120 .1125 .1130 .1135 .1140 .1145 .1150 .1155 .1160 .1165 .1170 .1175 .1180 .1185 .1190 .1195 .1200 .1205 .1210 .1215 .1220 .1225 .1230 .1235 EDP NO. PRICE EACH 38041000 $31.75 38041005 31.75 38041010 31.75 38041015 30.20 38041020 31.95 38041025 32.10 38041030 32.10 38041035 32.10 38041040 32.10 38041045 32.10 38041050 32.10 38041055 32.10 38041060 32.10 38041065 30.50 38041070 32.60 38041075 32.60 38041080 32.60 38041085 33.05 38041090 33.05 38041095 33.05 38041100 31.50 38041105 33.55 38041110 31.95 38041115 34.05 38041120 34.05 38041125 34.05 38041130 32.40 38041135 34.05 38041140 34.05 38041145 34.05 38041150 34.05 38041155 34.05 38041160 32.40 38041165 34.05 38041170 34.05 38041175 34.05 38041180 34.05 38041185 34.20 38041190 34.20 38041195 34.20 38041200 32.55 38041205 34.20 38041210 34.20 38041215 34.20 3804031 32.55 38041225 34.20 38041230 34.20 38041235 34.20 w w w.lexingtoncutter.com • DECIMAL SIZE .1240 .1245 .1250 .1255 .1260 .1265 .1270 .1275 .1280 .1285 .1290 .1295 .1300 .1305 .1310 .1315 .1320 .1325 .1330 .1335 .1340 .1345 .1350 .1355 .1360 .1365 .1370 .1375 .1380 .1385 .1390 .1395 .1400 .1405 .1410 .1415 .1420 .1425 .1430 .1435 .1440 .1445 .1450 .1455 .1460 .1465 .1470 .1475 EDP NO. PRICE EACH 38041240 $34.20 38041245 34.20 380408 30.00 38041255 34.20 3804032 32.55 38041265 34.35 38041270 34.35 38041275 34.35 38041280 32.60 38041285 32.60 38041290 34.35 38041295 34.35 38041300 34.35 38041305 34.35 38041310 34.35 38041315 34.35 38041320 34.35 38041325 34.35 38041330 34.35 38041335 34.35 38041340 34.35 38041345 34.35 38041350 34.35 38041355 34.35 38041360 32.60 38041365 34.35 38041370 34.35 38041375 34.35 38041380 34.95 38041385 34.95 38041390 34.95 38041395 34.95 38041400 34.95 38041405 33.05 38041410 36.25 38041415 36.25 38041420 36.25 38041425 36.25 38041430 36.25 38041435 36.25 38041440 34.60 38041445 36.45 38041450 36.55 38041455 36.55 38041460 37.50 38041465 37.50 38041470 35.55 38041475 37.50 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 55 SOLID CARBIDE DECIMAL SIZE CHUCKING REAMERS TYPE 3804 - SOLID CARBIDE - STRAIGHT FLUTES - SHORT LENGTH STANDARD DECIMAL DIAMETER REAMERS (.0005" INCREMENTS) THIS PAGE .1480" THRU .2675" Short length solid carbide head and shank. Tool geometry appropriate for material being machined. For fractional, wire and letter sizes, see page 54. Tool diameter tolerance thru .2500": +.0002"/-.0000". over .2500": +.0003"/-.0000". Shank diameter tolerance: +.0000"/-.0010". DECIMAL SIZE .1480 .1485 .1490 .1495 .1500 .1505 .1510 .1515 .1520 .1525 .1530 .1535 .1540 .1545 .1550 .1555 .1560 .1565 .1570 .1575 .1580 .1585 .1590 .1595 .1600 .1605 .1610 .1615 .1620 .1625 .1630 .1635 .1640 .1645 .1650 .1655 .1660 .1665 .1670 .1675 .1680 .1685 .1690 .1695 .1700 .1705 .1710 .1715 EDP NO. PRICE EACH 38041480 $37.55 38041485 37.55 38041490 37.55 38041495 35.75 38041500 37.55 38041505 37.55 38041510 37.55 38041515 37.55 38041520 35.75 38041525 39.15 38041530 39.15 3804039 37.25 38041540 37.25 38041545 39.15 38041550 39.15 38041555 37.25 38041560 39.15 38041565 40.60 38041570 38.50 3804040 35.25 38041580 41.40 38041585 41.40 38041590 39.45 38041595 42.15 38041600 42.15 38041605 42.15 38041610 40.05 38041615 42.15 38041620 42.15 38041625 42.15 38041630 42.15 38041635 42.30 38041640 42.15 38041645 42.15 38041650 42.15 38041655 42.15 38041660 40.20 38041665 42.65 38041670 42.65 38041675 42.65 38041680 42.65 38041685 42.65 38041690 42.65 38041695 40.70 38041700 43.55 38041705 43.55 38041710 43.55 38041715 43.55 DECIMAL SIZE .1720 .1725 .1730 .1735 .1740 .1745 .1750 .1755 .1760 .1765 .1770 .1775 .1780 .1785 .1790 .1795 .1800 .1805 .1810 .1815 .1820 .1825 .1830 .1835 .1840 .1845 .1850 .1855 .1860 .1865 .1870 .1875 .1880 .1885 .1890 .1895 .1900 .1905 .1910 .1915 .1920 .1925 .1930 .1935 .1940 .1945 .1950 .1955 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 56 Made in U.S.A. EDP NO. PRICE EACH 38041720 $43.55 38041725 43.55 38041730 41.40 38041735 44.20 38041740 44.20 38041745 44.20 38041750 44.20 38041755 44.65 38041760 44.65 38041765 44.65 38041770 42.45 38041775 44.70 38041780 44.70 38041785 44.70 38041790 44.70 38041795 44.70 38041800 42.65 38041805 45.05 38041810 45.15 38041815 45.45 38041820 43.25 38041825 45.65 38041830 45.65 38041835 45.80 38041840 45.80 38041845 45.80 3804047 43.55 38041855 48.20 38041860 48.20 38041865 48.20 38041870 45.95 380412 41.80 38041880 48.25 38041885 48.25 3804048 45.95 38041895 48.80 38041900 48.80 38041905 48.80 38041910 46.45 38041915 48.90 38041920 48.90 38041925 48.90 38041930 49.45 38041935 46.75 38041940 49.45 38041945 49.45 38041950 50.75 38041955 50.75 • DECIMAL SIZE .1960 .1965 .1970 .1975 .1980 .1985 .1990 .1995 .2000 .2005 .2010 .2015 .2020 .2025 .2030 .2035 .2040 .2045 .2050 .2055 .2060 .2065 .2070 .2075 .2080 .2085 .2090 .2095 .2100 .2105 .2110 .2115 .2120 .2125 .2130 .2135 .2140 .2145 .2150 .2155 .2160 .2165 .2170 .2175 .2180 .2185 .2190 .2195 EDP NO. PRICE EACH DECIMAL SIZE 38041960 $48.40 38041965 50.75 38041970 51.25 38041975 51.25 38041980 51.25 38041985 51.25 38041990 48.65 38041995 52.80 38042000 52.80 38042005 52.80 38042010 50.15 38042015 52.80 38042020 52.80 38042025 52.80 38042030 52.80 38042035 52.80 38042040 50.15 38042045 52.80 38042050 52.80 38042055 50.15 38042060 52.80 38042065 52.80 38042070 52.80 38042075 52.80 38042080 52.80 38042085 52.80 38042090 52.80 38042095 52.80 38042100 52.80 38042105 52.80 38042110 52.80 38042115 52.80 38042120 52.80 38042125 52.80 38042130 50.15 38042135 52.80 38042140 52.80 38042145 52.80 38042150 52.80 38042155 52.80 38042160 52.80 3804055 45.95 38042170 52.80 38042175 52.80 38042180 52.80 38042185 50.15 38042190 59.05 38042195 59.05 [email protected] • .2200 .2205 .2210 .2215 .2220 .2225 .2230 .2235 .2240 .2245 .2250 .2255 .2260 .2265 .2270 .2275 .2280 .2285 .2290 .2295 .2300 .2305 .2310 .2315 .2320 .2325 .2330 .2335 .2340 .2345 .2350 .2355 .2360 .2365 .2370 .2375 .2380 .2385 .2390 .2395 .2400 .2405 .2410 .2415 .2420 .2425 .2430 .2435 EDP NO. PRICE EACH DECIMAL SIZE 38042200 $59.05 3804056 56.00 38042210 56.00 38042215 61.30 38042220 61.30 38042225 61.30 38042230 61.30 38042235 61.30 38042240 61.30 38042245 61.30 38042250 61.30 38042255 61.30 38042260 61.30 38042265 61.95 38042270 61.95 38042275 61.95 38042280 58.80 38042285 61.95 38042290 61.95 38042295 61.95 38042300 61.95 38042305 61.95 38042310 61.95 38042315 61.95 38042320 61.95 38042325 61.95 38042330 61.95 38042335 61.95 38042340 58.80 38042345 61.95 38042350 61.95 38042355 61.95 38042360 61.95 38042365 62.95 38042370 62.95 38042375 62.95 38042380 60.00 38042385 62.95 38042390 62.95 38042395 62.95 38042400 62.95 38042405 62.95 38042410 62.95 38042415 62.95 38042420 60.00 38042425 62.95 38042430 62.95 38042435 62.95 Phone 800-882-2627 .2440 .2445 .2450 .2455 .2460 .2465 .2470 .2475 .2480 .2485 .2490 .2495 .2500 .2505 .2510 .2515 .2520 .2525 .2530 .2535 .2540 .2545 .2550 .2555 .2560 .2565 .2570 .2575 .2580 .2585 .2590 .2595 .2600 .2605 .2610 .2615 .2620 .2625 .2630 .2635 .2640 .2645 .2650 .2655 .2660 .2665 .2670 .2675 • EDP NO. PRICE EACH 38042440 $62.95 38042445 62.95 38042450 62.95 38042455 62.95 38042460 60.00 38042465 62.95 38042470 62.95 38042475 62.95 3804063 60.00 38042485 62.95 38042490 62.95 38042495 62.95 380416 54.55 38042505 62.95 38042510 62.95 38042515 62.95 3804064 66.10 38042525 66.10 38042530 62.95 38042535 69.60 38042540 69.60 38042545 69.60 38042550 69.60 38042555 69.60 38042560 69.60 38042565 69.60 38042570 66.05 38042575 69.60 38042580 69.60 38042585 69.60 38042590 69.60 38042595 69.60 38042600 69.60 38042605 69.60 38042610 66.05 38042615 69.60 38042620 69.60 38042625 69.60 38042630 69.60 38042635 69.60 38042640 69.60 38042645 69.60 38042650 69.60 38042655 69.60 38042660 66.05 38042665 69.60 38042670 69.60 38042675 69.60 Fax 800-882-3637 SOLID CARBIDE DECIMAL SIZE CHUCKING REAMERS TYPE 3804 - SOLID CARBIDE - STRAIGHT FLUTES - SHORT LENGTH STANDARD DECIMAL DIAMETER REAMERS (.0005" INCREMENTS) THIS PAGE .2680" THRU .3875" Short length solid carbide head and shank. Tool geometry appropriate for material being machined. For fractional, wire and letter sizes, see page 54. Tool diameter tolerance thru .2500": +.0002"/-.0000". over .2500": +.0003"/-.0000". Shank diameter tolerance: +.0000"/-.0010". DECIMAL SIZE .2680 .2685 .2690 .2695 .2700 .2705 .2710 .2715 .2720 .2725 .2730 .2735 .2740 .2745 .2750 .2755 .2760 .2765 .2770 .2775 .2780 .2785 .2790 .2795 .2800 .2805 .2810 .2815 .2820 .2825 .2830 .2835 .2840 .2845 .2850 .2855 .2860 .2865 .2870 .2875 .2880 .2885 .2890 .2895 .2900 .2905 .2910 .2915 EDP NO. PRICE EACH 38042680 $69.60 38042685 69.60 38042690 69.60 38042695 69.60 38042700 69.60 38042705 69.60 38042710 69.60 38042715 69.60 38042720 66.05 38042725 69.60 38042730 69.60 38042735 69.60 38042740 69.60 38042745 69.60 38042750 69.60 38042755 69.60 38042760 69.60 38042765 69.60 38042770 66.05 38042775 69.60 38042780 75.30 38042785 75.30 38042790 75.30 3804071 75.20 38042800 75.30 38042805 75.30 38042810 71.55 38042815 75.30 38042820 81.45 38042825 81.45 38042830 81.45 3804072 81.25 38042840 81.45 38042845 81.45 38042850 81.45 38042855 81.45 38042860 81.45 38042865 81.45 38042870 81.45 38042875 81.45 38042880 81.45 38042885 81.45 38042890 81.45 38042895 81.45 38042900 77.45 38042905 81.45 38042910 81.45 38042915 81.45 Phone 941-739-2726 DECIMAL SIZE .2920 .2925 .2930 .2935 .2940 .2945 .2950 .2955 .2960 .2965 .2970 .2975 .2980 .2985 .2990 .2995 .3000 .3005 .3010 .3015 .3020 .3025 .3030 .3035 .3040 .3045 .3050 .3055 .3060 .3065 .3070 .3075 .3080 .3085 .3090 .3095 .3100 .3105 .3110 .3115 .3120 .3125 .3130 .3135 .3140 .3145 .3150 .3155 • EDP NO. PRICE EACH 38042920 $81.45 38042925 81.45 38042930 81.45 38042935 81.45 38042940 81.45 38042945 81.45 38042950 77.45 38042955 81.45 38042960 81.45 38042965 81.45 38042970 84.75 38042975 84.75 38042980 84.75 38042985 84.75 38042990 84.75 38042995 84.75 38043000 84.75 38043005 84.75 38043010 84.75 38043015 84.75 38043020 80.75 38043025 84.75 38043030 84.75 38043035 84.75 38043040 84.75 38043045 84.75 38043050 84.75 38043055 84.75 38043060 84.75 38043065 84.75 38043070 84.75 38043075 84.75 38043080 84.75 38043085 84.75 38043090 84.75 38043095 84.75 38043100 84.75 38043105 84.75 3804079 84.75 38043115 84.75 38043120 84.75 380420 73.75 38043130 84.75 38043135 84.75 38043140 84.75 38043145 84.75 3804080 73.75 38043155 84.75 DECIMAL SIZE EDP NO. PRICE EACH DECIMAL SIZE EDP NO. PRICE EACH DECIMAL SIZE EDP NO. PRICE EACH .3160 .3165 .3170 .3175 .3180 .3185 .3190 .3195 .3200 .3205 .3210 .3215 .3220 .3225 .3230 .3235 .3240 .3245 .3250 .3255 .3260 .3265 .3270 .3275 .3280 .3285 .3290 .3295 .3300 .3305 .3310 .3315 .3320 .3325 .3330 .3335 .3340 .3345 .3350 .3355 .3360 .3365 .3370 .3375 .3380 .3385 .3390 .3395 38043160 38043165 38043170 38043175 38043180 38043185 38043190 38043195 38043200 38043205 38043210 38043215 38043220 38043225 38043230 38043235 38043240 38043245 38043250 38043255 38043260 38043265 38043270 38043275 38043280 38043285 38043290 38043295 38043300 38043305 38043310 38043315 38043320 38043325 38043330 38043335 38043340 38043345 38043350 38043355 38043360 38043365 38043370 38043375 38043380 38043385 38043390 38043395 $84.75 90.25 90.25 90.25 90.25 90.25 90.25 90.25 90.25 90.25 90.25 90.25 90.25 90.25 85.85 90.25 103.40 103.40 103.40 103.40 103.40 103.40 103.40 103.40 103.40 103.40 103.40 103.40 103.40 103.40 99.80 103.40 98.20 103.40 103.40 103.40 103.40 103.40 103.40 103.40 103.40 103.40 103.40 103.40 103.40 103.40 98.20 103.40 .3400 .3405 .3410 .3415 .3420 .3425 .3430 .3435 .3440 .3445 .3450 .3455 .3460 .3465 .3470 .3475 .3480 .3485 .3490 .3495 .3500 .3505 .3510 .3515 .3520 .3525 .3530 .3535 .3540 .3545 .3550 .3555 .3560 .3565 .3570 .3575 .3580 .3585 .3590 .3595 .3600 .3605 .3610 .3615 .3620 .3625 .3630 .3635 38043400 38043405 38043410 38043415 38043420 3804087 38043430 38043435 38043440 38043445 38043450 38043455 38043460 3804088 38043470 38043475 38043480 38043485 38043490 38043495 38043500 38043505 38043510 38043515 38043520 38043525 38043530 38043535 38043540 38043545 38043550 38043555 38043560 38043565 38043570 38043575 38043580 38043585 38043590 38043595 38043600 38043605 38043610 38043615 38043620 38043625 38043630 38043635 $103.40 103.40 103.40 103.40 103.40 103.15 103.40 103.40 103.60 103.60 103.60 103.60 103.60 103.60 103.60 103.60 98.65 103.60 103.60 103.60 103.60 103.60 103.60 103.60 103.60 103.60 103.60 103.60 103.60 103.60 104.10 104.10 104.10 104.10 104.10 104.10 99.10 104.10 104.85 106.05 106.05 106.05 106.05 106.05 106.05 106.05 106.05 106.05 .3640 .3645 .3650 .3655 .3660 .3665 .3670 .3675 .3680 .3685 .3690 .3695 .3700 .3705 .3710 .3715 .3720 .3725 .3730 .3735 .3740 .3745 .3750 .3755 .3760 .3765 .3770 .3775 .3780 .3785 .3790 .3795 .3800 .3805 .3810 .3815 .3820 .3825 .3830 .3835 .3840 .3845 .3850 .3855 .3860 .3865 .3870 .3875 38043640 38043645 38043650 38043655 38043660 38043665 38043670 38043675 38043680 38043685 38043690 38043695 38043700 38043705 38043710 38043715 38043720 38043725 38043730 38043735 3804095 38043745 380424 38043755 38043760 38043765 38043770 38043775 3804096 38043785 38043790 38043795 38043800 38043805 38043810 38043815 38043820 38043825 38043830 38043835 38043840 38043845 38043850 38043855 38043860 38043865 38043870 38043875 $106.05 106.05 106.05 106.05 106.05 106.05 106.05 106.05 100.85 107.00 107.30 107.00 107.00 107.00 107.00 107.00 107.00 107.00 107.00 107.00 101.40 107.00 92.80 126.80 126.95 126.80 120.40 126.80 126.60 126.80 126.80 126.80 126.80 126.80 126.80 126.80 126.80 126.80 126.80 126.80 126.80 126.80 126.80 126.80 120.80 133.35 133.35 133.35 Fax 941-739-2827 • w w w.lexingtoncutter.com • LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 57 SOLID CARBIDE DECIMAL SIZE CHUCKING REAMERS TYPE 3804 - SOLID CARBIDE - STRAIGHT FLUTES - SHORT LENGTH STANDARD DECIMAL DIAMETER REAMERS (.0005" INCREMENTS) THIS PAGE .3880" THRU .5150" Short length solid carbide head and shank. Tool geometry appropriate for material being machined. For fractional, wire and letter sizes, see page 54. Tool diameter tolerance thru .2500": +.0002"/-.0000". over .2500": +.0003"/-.0000". Shank diameter tolerance: +.0000"/-.0010". DECIMAL SIZE EDP NO. PRICE EACH DECIMAL SIZE EDP NO. PRICE EACH DECIMAL SIZE EDP NO. PRICE EACH DECIMAL SIZE EDP NO. PRICE EACH DECIMAL SIZE EDP NO. PRICE EACH .3880 .3885 .3890 .3895 .3900 .3905 .3910 .3915 .3920 .3925 .3930 .3935 .3940 .3945 .3950 .3955 .3960 .3965 .3970 .3975 .3980 .3985 .3990 .3995 .4000 .4005 .4010 .4015 .4020 .4025 .4030 .4035 .4040 .4045 .4050 .4055 .4060 .4065 .4070 .4075 .4080 .4085 .4090 .4095 .4100 .4105 .4110 .4115 .4120 .4125 .4130 38043880 38043885 38043890 38043895 38043900 38043905 38043910 38043915 38043920 38043925 38043930 38043935 38043940 38043945 38043950 38043955 38043960 38043965 38043970 38043975 38043980 38043985 38043990 38043995 38044000 38044005 38044010 38044015 38044020 38044025 38044030 38044035 38044040 38044045 38044050 3804103 38044060 38044065 38044070 38044075 38044080 38044085 38044090 38044095 38044100 38044105 38044110 38044115 38044120 38044125 38044130 $133.35 133.35 133.35 133.35 133.35 133.35 133.35 133.35 133.35 133.35 133.35 133.35 133.35 133.35 133.35 133.35 133.35 133.35 126.95 133.35 133.35 133.35 133.35 133.35 133.35 133.35 133.35 133.35 133.35 133.35 133.35 133.35 126.95 133.35 133.35 133.35 133.35 133.35 133.35 133.35 133.35 133.35 133.35 133.35 133.35 133.35 133.35 133.35 133.35 133.35 126.95 .4135 .4140 .4145 .4150 .4155 .4160 .4165 .4170 .4175 .4180 .4185 .4190 .4195 .4200 .4205 .4210 .4215 .4220 .4225 .4230 .4235 .4240 .4245 .4250 .4255 .4260 .4265 .4270 .4275 .4280 .4285 .4290 .4295 .4300 .4305 .4310 .4315 .4320 .4325 .4330 .4335 .4340 .4345 .4350 .4355 .4360 .4365 .4370 .4375 .4380 .4385 38044135 38044140 38044145 38044150 38044155 38044160 38044165 38044170 38044175 38044180 38044185 38044190 38044195 38044200 38044205 38044210 38044215 38044220 38044225 38044230 38044235 38044240 38044245 38044250 38044255 38044260 38044265 38044270 38044275 38044280 38044285 38044290 38044295 38044300 38044305 38044310 38044315 38044320 38044325 38044330 38044335 38044340 38044345 38044350 38044355 38044360 38044365 3804111 380428 38044380 38044385 $136.95 136.95 136.95 136.95 136.95 136.95 136.95 136.95 136.95 136.95 136.95 136.95 136.95 136.95 136.95 136.95 136.95 136.95 136.95 136.95 136.95 136.95 136.95 136.95 136.95 136.95 136.95 136.95 136.95 136.95 136.95 136.95 136.95 136.95 136.95 136.95 136.95 136.95 136.95 136.95 136.95 136.95 136.95 136.95 136.95 136.95 136.95 136.95 130.30 149.95 149.95 .4390 .4395 .4400 .4405 .4410 .4415 .4420 .4425 .4430 .4435 .4440 .4445 .4450 .4455 .4460 .4465 .4470 .4475 .4480 .4485 .4490 .4495 .4500 .4505 .4510 .4515 .4520 .4525 .4530 .4535 .4540 .4545 .4550 .4555 .4560 .4565 .4570 .4575 .4580 .4585 .4590 .4595 .4600 .4605 .4610 .4615 .4620 .4625 .4630 .4635 .4640 38044390 38044395 38044400 38044405 38044410 38044415 38044420 38044425 38044430 38044435 38044440 38044445 38044450 38044455 38044460 38044465 38044470 38044475 38044480 38044485 38044490 38044495 38044500 38044505 38044510 38044515 38044520 38044525 38044530 38044535 38044540 38044545 38044550 38044555 38044560 38044565 38044570 38044575 38044580 38044585 38044590 38044595 38044600 38044605 38044610 38044615 38044620 38044625 38044630 38044635 38044640 $149.95 149.95 149.95 149.95 149.95 149.95 149.95 149.95 149.95 149.95 149.95 149.95 149.95 149.95 149.95 149.95 149.95 149.95 149.95 149.95 149.95 149.95 149.95 149.95 149.95 149.95 149.95 149.95 149.95 149.95 149.95 149.95 149.95 149.95 149.95 149.95 149.95 149.95 149.95 149.95 149.95 149.95 149.95 149.95 149.95 149.95 149.95 149.95 149.95 149.95 149.95 .4645 .4650 .4655 .4660 .4665 .4670 .4675 .4680 .4685 .4690 .4695 .4700 .4705 .4710 .4715 .4720 .4725 .4730 .4735 .4740 .4745 .4750 .4755 .4760 .4765 .4770 .4775 .4780 .4785 .4790 .4795 .4800 .4805 .4810 .4815 .4820 .4835 .4840 .4845 .4850 .4855 .4860 .4865 .4870 .4875 .4880 .4885 .4890 .4895 .4900 .4905 38044645 38044650 38044655 38044660 38044665 38044670 38044675 38044680 3804119 38044690 38044695 38044700 38044705 38044710 38044715 38044720 38044725 38044730 38044735 38044740 38044745 38044750 38044755 38044760 38044765 38044770 38044775 38044780 38044785 38044790 38044795 38044800 38044805 38044810 38044815 38044820 38044835 38044840 38044845 38044850 38044855 38044860 38044865 38044870 38044875 38044880 38044885 38044890 38044895 38044900 38044905 $149.95 149.95 149.95 149.95 149.95 149.95 149.95 149.95 149.95 149.95 149.95 149.95 149.95 149.95 149.95 149.95 163.15 163.15 163.15 163.15 163.15 163.15 163.15 163.15 163.15 163.15 163.15 163.15 163.15 163.15 163.15 163.15 163.15 163.15 163.15 163.15 163.15 163.15 163.15 163.15 163.15 163.15 163.15 163.15 163.15 163.15 163.15 163.15 163.15 163.15 163.15 .4910 .4915 .4920 .4925 .4930 .4935 .4940 .4945 .4950 .4955 .4960 .4965 .4970 .4975 .4980 .4985 .4990 .4995 .5000 .5005 .5010 .5015 .5020 .5025 .5030 .5035 .5040 .5045 .5050 .5055 .5060 .5065 .5070 .5075 .5080 .5085 .5090 .5095 .5100 .5105 .5110 .5115 .5120 .5125 .5130 .5135 .5140 .5145 .5150 - 38044910 38044915 38044920 38044925 38044930 38044935 38044940 38044945 38044950 38044955 38044960 38044965 38044970 38044975 38044980 38044985 38044990 38044995 380432 38045005 38045010 38045015 38045020 38045025 38045030 38045035 38045040 38045045 38045050 38045055 38045060 38045065 38045070 38045075 38045080 38045085 38045090 38045095 38045100 38045105 38045110 38045115 38045120 38045125 38045130 38045135 38045140 38045145 38045150 - $163.15 163.15 163.15 163.15 163.15 163.15 163.15 163.15 163.15 163.15 163.15 163.15 163.15 163.15 163.15 163.15 163.15 154.35 154.35 193.70 193.70 193.70 193.70 193.70 193.70 193.70 193.70 193.70 193.70 193.70 193.70 193.70 193.70 193.70 193.70 193.70 193.70 193.70 193.70 193.70 193.70 193.70 193.70 193.70 193.70 193.70 193.70 193.70 193.70 - LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 58 Made in U.S.A. • [email protected] • Phone 800-882-2627 • Fax 800-882-3637 FEEDS & SPEEDS CHARTS FOR REAMERS - CARBIDE TIPPED Feeds & speeds are a starting recommendation only. Factors such as machine, fixture and tooling rigidity, horsepower available, coolant application and others will affect the performance significantly. Please read machine operators instructions and use all safety shields and glasses before performing these operations. IPM=RPM*IPR RPM=SFPM*3.82/Cutter Diameter CLASSIFICATION NON-FERROUS (SOFT) NON-FERROUS (HARD) CAST IRON LOW CARBON STEELS MEDIUM STRENGTH STEELS HIGH STRENGTH STEELS HIGH TEMP. ALLOYS SPEED IN SFPM GENERAL PURPOSE (G.P.) 150 - 250 130 - 190 150 - 250 90 - 250 140 - 210 50 - 90 1⁄8 ¼ 3⁄8 ½ 5⁄8 ¾ 1 1¼ 1½ .004 .005 .002 .004 .005 .004 .006 .010 .006 .005 .007 .006 .008 .012 .008 .007 .008 .010 .011 .015 .012 .008 .010 .012 .012 .016 .014 .009 .011 .014 .013 .017 .015 .012 .012 .016 .016 .020 .018 .014 .015 .018 .019 .022 .021 .016 .018 .020 .020 .025 .022 .018 .020 .022 10 - 100Rb 100 - 250 .005 .008 .011 .015 .017 .018 .020 .022 .025 10 - 100Rb 40 - 200* 120 - 275 140 - 270 270 - 400 220 - 320 120 - 220 50 - 90 50 - 90 45 - 70 50 - 90 35 - 60 45 - 70 65 - 135 .004 .005 .004 .004 .004 .004 .005 .006 .006 .006 .005 .006 .006 .008 .008 .008 .007 .008 .007 .008 .010 .010 .010 .008 .010 .008 .009 .011 .011 .011 .010 .012 .009 .010 .013 .012 .012 .013 .014 .010 .012 .016 .014 .014 .015 .017 .012 .014 .020 .015 .016 .018 .020 .014 .018 .022 .016 .017 .020 .023 .016 .020 .025 200 - 320 45 - 70 .004 .006 .008 .010 .012 .013 .015 .018 .025 100 - 250 70 - 100 .005 .008 .010 .012 .014 .015 .020 .025 .030 100 - 375 30 - 85 .004 .008 .009 .011 .013 .015 .018 .020 .022 100 - 275 65 - 100 .005 .008 .010 .015 .017 .018 .022 .025 .027 ALUMINUM ALLOY - CAST WROUGHT MAGNESIUM ALLOY LEAD ALLOY NON-METAL AND PLASTIC ZINC ALLOY - DIE CAST ALUMINUM BRONZE BRASS ALLOY - LEADED AND FREE CUTTING NICKEL SILVER COPPER ALLOY - TOUGH DUCTILE CAST IRON - AUSTENITIC DUCTILE CAST IRON - FERRITIC DUCTILE CAST IRON - MARTENSITIC GRAY - PEARLITIC GRAY - FERRITIC MALLEABLE CAST IRON MARTENSITIC LOW AND MEDIUM CARBON STEEL FREE MACHINING LOW AND MEDIUM CARBON STEEL WROUGHT LOW AND MEDIUM CARBON ALLOY STEEL - FREE MACHINING LOW AND MEDIUM CARBON ALLOY STEEL STAINLESS STEEL - 400 SERIES STAINLESS STEEL - 400 SERIES FREE MACHINING HIGH STRENGTH STEEL WROUGHT & TOOL STEEL HIGH TEMP ALLOYS NICKEL & IRON BASE ALLOY STAINLESS STEEL - 300 SERIES STAINLESS STEEL - PH SERIES TITANIUM ALLOY 30 - 150* 50 - 90* 10 - 20* 80 - 100 40 - 175 175 - 400 35 - 70 .004 .006 .007 .008 .009 .010 .011 .012 .013 140 - 300 15 - 85 .003 .005 .005 .005 .006 .007 .008 .010 .012 135 - 375 150 - 440 110 - 380 40 - 75 35 - 70 30 - 45 .003 .003 .004 .004 .004 .006 .005 .004 .008 .006 .005 .010 .006 .006 .011 .007 .007 .011 .008 .008 .012 .009 .009 .013 .010 .010 .014 MATERIAL BRINELL COOLANT FED (C.F.) 1⁄8 ¼ 3⁄8 ½ 5⁄8 ¾ 1 1¼ 1½ ALUMINUM ALLOY - CAST WROUGHT MAGNESIUM ALLOY LEAD ALLOY NON-METAL AND PLASTIC ZINC ALLOY - DIE CAST ALUMINUM BRONZE BRASS ALLOY - LEADED AND FREE CUTTING NICKEL SILVER COPPER ALLOY - TOUGH DUCTILE CAST IRON - AUSTENITIC DUCTILE CAST IRON - FERRITIC DUCTILE CAST IRON - MARTENSITIC GRAY - PEARLITIC GRAY - FERRITIC MALLEABLE CAST IRON MARTENSITIC LOW AND MEDIUM CARBON STEEL FREE MACHINING LOW AND MEDIUM CARBON STEEL WROUGHT LOW AND MEDIUM CARBON ALLOY STEEL - FREE MACHINING LOW AND MEDIUM CARBON ALLOY STEEL STAINLESS STEEL - 400 SERIES STAINLESS STEEL - 400 SERIES FREE MACHINING HIGH STRENGTH STEEL WROUGHT & TOOL STEEL HIGH TEMP ALLOYS NICKEL & IRON BASE ALLOY STAINLESS STEEL - 300 SERIES STAINLESS STEEL - PH SERIES TITANIUM ALLOY 30 - 150* 50 - 90* 10 - 20* 80 - 100 40 - 175 200 - 300 150 - 250 200 - 300 125 - 300 170 - 240 70 - 105 – – – – – – .008 .012 .008 .006 .009 .008 .010 .015 .010 .008 .011 .013 .013 .018 .016 .009 .013 .015 .015 .019 .017 .010 .014 .016 .017 .020 .018 .014 .016 .018 .021 .024 .022 .016 .020 .021 .022 .026 .024 .018 .022 .024 .024 .028 .026 .020 .025 .028 10 - 100Rb 125 - 300 – .010 .014 .020 .022 .024 .026 .028 .032 10 - 100Rb 40 - 200* 120 - 275 140 - 270 270 - 400 220 - 320 120 - 220 70 - 190 70 - 105 65 - 100 70 - 105 50 - 85 55 - 100 95 - 190 – – – – – – – .007 .008 .008 .007 .008 .008 .010 .010 .010 .009 .010 .009 .010 .013 .012 .013 .011 .012 .010 .012 .014 .013 .014 .014 .015 .011 .014 .017 .014 .016 .016 .017 .013 .015 .020 .017 .018 .018 .022 .014 .018 .024 .018 .019 .020 .024 .017 .020 .028 .018 .020 .025 .027 .019 .026 .030 200 - 320 65 - 100 – .008 .010 .012 .014 .015 .020 .023 .030 100 - 250 100 - 150 – .012 .014 .016 .018 .020 .025 .030 .035 100 - 375 40 - 110 – .009 .011 .013 .015 .017 .022 .024 .026 100 - 275 90 - 135 – .010 .012 .018 .020 .022 .025 .027 .030 85 - 375 40 - 85 .005 .010 .012 .015 .018 .020 .025 .027 .030 135 - 325 40 - 90 .003 .005 .006 .007 .008 .008 .010 .011 .012 135 - 275 65 - 100 .004 .006 .007 .008 .009 .009 .010 .011 .012 SPEED IN SFPM NON-FERROUS (HARD) CAST IRON LOW CARBON STEELS MEDIUM STRENGTH STEELS HIGH STRENGTH STEELS HIGH TEMP. ALLOYS Phone 941-739-2726 *500kg HOLE DIAMETER IN INCHES BRINELL CLASSIFICATION NON-FERROUS (SOFT) FEED RATE (INCHES PER REVOLUTION) MATERIAL • FEED RATE (INCHES PER REVOLUTION) HOLE DIAMETER IN INCHES 85 - 375 65 - 100 – .012 .015 .018 .022 .024 .028 .030 .033 135 - 325 50 - 100 – .007 .007 .008 .009 .009 .012 .014 .015 135 - 275 90 - 135 – .008 .009 .010 .011 .012 .013 .013 .014 175 - 400 50 - 100 – .007 .008 .009 .011 .012 .014 .015 .016 140 - 300 20 - 115 – .006 .007 .007 .008 .008 .010 .012 .015 135 - 375 150 - 440 110 - 380 60 - 90 50 - 90 40 - 60 – – – .006 .006 .008 .007 .006 .010 .008 .007 .013 .008 .008 .014 .009 .009 .014 .010 .010 .016 .011 .012 .016 .012 .014 .018 Fax 941-739-2827 • w w w.lexingtoncutter.com • LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 59 CARBIDE TIPPED JOBBERS DRILL LENGTH REAMERS TYPE 3401 - STRAIGHT SHANK - STRAIGHT FLUTES Carbide tips brazed to one piece hardened alloy steel bodies. Straight polished flutes. Designed and manufactured for maximum tool life. Used for all general types of reaming, including low carbon steel, cast iron, non-ferrous metals and non-metals. These shorter length reamers provide increased rigidity and should be used in applications requiring jobbers length drills. TOOL DIAMETER DECIMAL FRAC. SHANK DIAM. .1562 .1719 .1875 .2031 .2188 .2344 .2500 .2656 .2812 .2969 .3125 .3281 .3438 .3594 .3750 .3906 .4062 .4219 .4375 .4531 .4688 .4844 .5000 .5156 .5312 .5469 .5625 .5781 .5938 .6094 .6250 .6406 .6562 .6719 .6875 .7031 .7188 .7344 .7500 5⁄32 11⁄64 3⁄16 13⁄64 7⁄32 15⁄64 ¼ 17⁄64 9⁄32 19⁄64 5⁄16 21⁄64 11⁄32 23⁄64 3⁄8 25⁄64 13⁄32 27⁄64 7⁄16 29⁄64 15⁄32 31⁄64 ½ 33⁄64 17⁄32 35⁄64 9⁄16 37⁄64 19⁄32 39⁄64 5⁄8 41⁄64 21⁄32 43⁄64 11⁄16 45⁄64 23⁄32 47⁄64 ¾ .151 .151 11⁄64 11⁄64 13⁄64 7⁄32 15⁄64 15⁄64 15⁄64 9⁄32 9⁄32 9⁄32 9⁄32 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 3⁄8 3⁄8 3⁄8 3⁄8 7⁄16 7⁄16 7⁄16 7⁄16 7⁄16 7⁄16 7⁄16 7⁄16 9⁄16 9⁄16 9⁄16 9⁄16 9⁄16 9⁄16 9⁄16 9⁄16 5⁄8 5⁄8 LENGTH NO. OF FLUTES FLT CARB 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 1 1 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1¼ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2½ 2½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 ¾ ¾ OAL EDP NO. PRICE EACH 3 1⁄8 3¼ 3½ 3 5⁄8 3¾ 3 7⁄8 4 4 1⁄8 4¼ 4 3⁄8 4½ 4 5⁄8 4¾ 4 7⁄8 5 5 1⁄8 5¼ 5 3⁄8 5½ 5 5⁄8 5¾ 5 7⁄8 6 6 5⁄8 6 5⁄8 6 5⁄8 6 5⁄8 6 5⁄8 7 1⁄8 7 1⁄8 7 1⁄8 7 1⁄8 7 1⁄8 7 5⁄8 7 5⁄8 7 5⁄8 7 5⁄8 7 5⁄8 8 340105 34011719 340106 34012031 340107 34012344 340108 34012656 340109 34012969 340110 34013281 340111 34013594 340112 34013906 340113 34014219 340114 34014531 340115 34014844 340116 34015156 340117 34015469 340118 34015781 340119 34016094 340120 34016406 340121 34016719 340122 34017031 340123 34017344 340124 $71.50 71.50 69.15 69.70 69.15 69.70 69.15 70.55 70.10 70.55 70.10 72.70 71.80 72.70 65.95 75.40 74.15 75.40 77.40 80.40 80.85 85.70 90.75 96.45 96.45 96.45 96.45 99.15 99.15 99.15 99.15 100.40 100.40 100.40 100.40 103.85 103.85 103.85 103.85 DECIMAL SIZE RANGE Up to 1.0000" Up to 1.0000" Over 1.0000" Over 1.0000" SERVICE 24 Hour 48 Hour 48 Hour 72 Hour FEE $105.00 70.00 105.00 70.00 1 PC. 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14* .1560 - .1769 $114.20 $92.90 $85.70 $82.25 $78.65 $75.70 .1770 - .2040 110.70 89.90 83.00 79.60 76.15 73.30 .2041 - .2210 110.70 89.90 83.00 79.60 76.15 73.30 .2211 - .2380 111.20 90.40 83.35 80.10 76.50 73.70 .2381 - .2530 110.70 89.90 83.00 79.60 76.15 73.30 .2531 - .2840 111.65 90.85 83.95 80.55 77.05 74.25 .2841 - .3150 111.65 90.85 83.95 80.55 77.05 74.25 .3151 - .3470 113.35 92.55 85.65 82.25 78.70 75.85 .3471 - .3780 104.00 84.90 78.50 75.50 72.25 69.70 .3781 - .4090 115.70 94.90 87.90 84.60 81.00 78.20 .4091 - .4410 118.90 98.10 91.15 87.85 84.25 81.45 .4411 - .4720 122.40 101.60 94.60 91.30 87.75 84.90 .4721 - .5030 136.50 113.55 106.00 102.30 98.35 95.25 .5031 - .5340 142.15 119.30 111.65 107.95 104.10 101.00 .5341 - .5660 142.15 119.30 111.65 107.95 104.10 101.00 .5661 - .5970 144.95 122.00 114.35 110.70 106.70 103.70 .5971 - .6280 144.95 122.00 114.35 110.70 106.70 103.70 .6281 - .6590 146.20 123.25 115.55 111.85 107.95 104.90 .6591 - .6910 146.20 123.25 115.55 111.85 107.95 104.90 .6911 - .7220 149.55 126.70 119.05 115.40 111.45 108.35 .7221 - .7530 149.55 126.70 119.05 115.40 111.45 108.35 REAMER EXPEDITE FEES REAMER DIAMETER PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE *Quantities of 15 or more: price of fractional size in same size range. Order must be recieved by 3:00 PM EST (Exceptions may apply) 18 pieces max per diameter, 4 diameters max per order, 1 fee per diameter Does NOT apply to types 3401, 3431, 3441, 3490, or Variable Length Reamers Does NOT require air shipment of the product REAMER TOLERANCES & CLOSER TOLERANCE PRICING TOOL TYPE 3480, NAS 897 EXCLUDING COOLANT ALL OTHER REAMERS TOOL DIAMETER TOLERANCES .0000" THRU .5000" .5001" THRU .7500" .7501" AND UP .0000" THRU 1.5000" 1.5001" AND UP LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 60 Made in U.S.A. +.0002"/-.0000" +.0003"/-.0000" +.0004"/-.0000" +.0003"/-.0000" +.0004"/-.0000" • CLOSER TOLERANCE PRICING .0001” .0002” .0003” $4.20 4.20 $1.40 7.00 4.20 $1.40 4.20 1.40 7.00 4.20 1.40 [email protected] • NAS 897 & COOLANT SHANK DIAMETER TOLERANCES (BASED ON TOOL DIAMETER) UP TO 23⁄32" +.0000”/-.0010" OVER 23⁄32" +.0000”/-.0015" ALL OTHER REAMERS ALL SIZES -.0005"/-.0015" TOOL TYPE Phone 800-882-2627 • Fax 800-882-3637 CARBIDE TIPPED OVER & UNDER SIZE REAMERS CARBIDE TIPPED DOWEL PIN SIZE REAMERS TYPE 3479 - JOBBERS DRILL LENGTH STRAIGHT SHANK & FLUTES TYPE 3477 - JOBBERS DRILL LENGTH STRAIGHT SHANK & FLUTES These precision ground carbide tipped reamers are very convenient for finishing accurate holes in most materials. Same specifications as Type 3401 (pg. 60). These precision ground carbide tipped reamers accurately finish holes in most materials resulting in properly fitting dowel pins. Should be used in pairs of .0005” and .0020" under the fractional size. Note special undersize tolerance. Same specifications as Type 3401 (pg. 60). Tool diameter tolerance: +.0002"/-.0000". LENGTH Tool diameter tolerance: +.0000"/-.0002". LENGTH TOOL DIAMETER SHANK DIAM. NO. OF FLUTES FLT CARB OAL TYPE 3479 EDP NO. PRICE EACH TOOL DIAMETER SHANK DIAM. NO. OF FLUTES FLT CARB OAL TYPE 3477 EDP NO. PRICE EACH .1865 .1885 .2490 .2510 .3115 .3135 .3740 .3760 .4365 .4385 .4990 .5010 11⁄64 11⁄64 15⁄64 15⁄64 9⁄32 9⁄32 5⁄16 5⁄16 3⁄8 3⁄8 7⁄16 7⁄16 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 2 2 ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 3½ 3½ 4 4 4½ 4½ 5 5 5½ 5½ 6 6 347918 347919 347924 347925 347931 347932 347937 347938 347943 347944 347949 347950 $69.70 69.70 69.70 69.70 70.55 70.55 72.70 72.70 80.40 80.40 85.70 85.70 .1855 .1870 .2480 .2495 .3105 .3120 .3730 .3745 .4355 .4370 .4980 .4995 11⁄64 11⁄64 15⁄64 15⁄64 9⁄32 9⁄32 5⁄16 5⁄16 3⁄8 3⁄8 7⁄16 7⁄16 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 2 2 ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 3½ 3½ 4 4 4½ 4½ 5 5 5½ 5½ 6 6 347717 347718 347723 347724 347730 347731 347736 347737 347742 347743 347748 347749 $69.70 69.70 69.70 69.70 70.55 70.55 72.70 72.70 80.40 80.40 85.70 85.70 TYPE 3478 - REGULAR LENGTH STRAIGHT SHANK & FLUTES TYPE 3476 - REGULAR LENGTH STRAIGHT SHANK & FLUTES These precision ground carbide tipped reamers are very convenient for finishing accurate holes in most materials. Same specifications as Type 3400 (pg. 62). These precision ground carbide tipped reamers accurately finish holes in most materials resulting in properly fitting dowel pins. Should be used in pairs of .0005” and .0020” under the fractional size. Note special undersize tolerance. Same specifications as Type 3400 (pg. 62). Tool diameter tolerance: +.0002”/-.0000”. LENGTH TOOL DIAMETER SHANK DIAM. NO. OF FLUTES FLT CARB .1865 .1885 .2490 .2510 .3115 .3135 .3740 .3760 .4365 .4385 .4990 .5010 .6240 .6260 .7490 .7510 .8740 .8760 .9990 1.0010 11⁄64 11⁄64 15⁄64 15⁄64 9⁄32 9⁄32 5⁄16 5⁄16 3⁄8 3⁄8 7⁄16 7⁄16 9⁄16 9⁄16 5⁄8 5⁄8 ¾ ¾ 7⁄8 7⁄8 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 2 2 2¼ 2¼ 2½ 2½ 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2¾ 2¾ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Phone 941-739-2726 • OAL TYPE 3478 EDP NO. PRICE EACH 4½ 4½ 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 9 9 9½ 9½ 10 10 10 ½ 10 ½ 347818 347819 347824 347825 347831 347832 347837 347838 347843 347844 347849 347850 347862 347863 347874 347875 347886 347887 347898 347899 $55.95 55.95 55.95 55.95 57.20 57.20 59.30 59.30 66.30 66.30 72.70 72.70 87.10 87.10 91.80 91.80 97.55 101.20 120.25 115.25 Fax 941-739-2827 • Tool diameter tolerance: +.0000"/-.0002". TOOL DIAMETER .1855 .1870 .2480 .2495 .3105 .3120 .3730 .3745 .4355 .4370 .4980 .4995 SHANK DIAM. NO. OF FLUTES LENGTH FLT CARB 11⁄64 4 1 1⁄8 ½ 11⁄64 4 1 1⁄8 ½ 15⁄64 4 1½ ½ 15⁄64 4 1½ ½ 9⁄32 4 1½ ½ 9⁄32 4 1½ ½ 5⁄16 4 1¾ 5⁄8 5⁄16 4 1¾ 5⁄8 3⁄8 4 1¾ 5⁄8 3⁄8 4 1¾ 5⁄8 7⁄16 6 2 5⁄8 7⁄16 6 2 5⁄8 CASED SET OF ABOVE 12 REAMERS w w w.lexingtoncutter.com • OAL 4½ 4½ 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 TYPE 3476 EDP NO. PRICE EACH 347617 347618 347623 347624 347630 347631 347636 347637 347642 347643 347648 347649 347600 $55.95 55.95 55.95 55.95 57.20 57.20 59.30 59.30 66.30 66.30 72.70 72.70 698.05 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 61 CARBIDE TIPPED REGULAR LENGTH CHUCKING REAMERS TYPE 3400 - STRAIGHT SHANK - STRAIGHT FLUTES Carbide tips brazed to one piece hardened alloy steel bodies. Straight polished flutes. Designed and manufactured for maximum tool life. Used for all general types of reaming, including low carbon steels, cast iron, non-ferrous metals and non-metals. For metric sizes, see page 64. For reamer tolerances and closer tolerance pricing, see page 60. TOOL DIAMETER DECIMAL FRAC. .1562 .1719 .1875 .1875 .2031 .2188 .2344 .2500 .2656 .2812 .2969 .3125 .3281 .3438 .3594 .3750 .3906 .4062 .4219 .4375 .4531 .4688 .4844 .5000 .5156 .5312 .5469 .5625 .5781 .5938 .6094 .6250 .6406 .6562 .6719 .6875 .7031 .7188 .7344 .7500 5⁄32 11⁄64 3⁄16 3⁄16 13⁄64 7⁄32 15⁄64 ¼ 17⁄64 9⁄32 19⁄64 5⁄16 21⁄64 11⁄32 23⁄64 3⁄8 25⁄64 13⁄32 27⁄64 7⁄16 29⁄64 15⁄32 31⁄64 ½ 33⁄64 17⁄32 35⁄64 9⁄16 37⁄64 19⁄32 39⁄64 5⁄8 41⁄64 21⁄32 43⁄64 11⁄16 45⁄64 23⁄32 47⁄64 ¾ SHANK DIAM. NO. OF FLUTES .151 .151 11⁄64 11⁄64 11⁄64 13⁄64 7⁄32 15⁄64 15⁄64 15⁄64 9⁄32 9⁄32 9⁄32 9⁄32 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 3⁄8 3⁄8 3⁄8 3⁄8 7⁄16 7⁄16 7⁄16 7⁄16 7⁄16 7⁄16 7⁄16 7⁄16 9⁄16 9⁄16 9⁄16 9⁄16 9⁄16 9⁄16 9⁄16 9⁄16 5⁄8 5⁄8 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 62 Made in U.S.A. LENGTH FLT CARB OAL 1 1 1 1⁄8 1¼ 1 1⁄8 1¼ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2½ 2½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 ¾ ¾ 4 4 4½ 5 4½ 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9½ 9½ • EDP NO. PRICE EACH DECIMAL SIZE RANGE 340005 34001719 340006 340086 34002031 340007 34002344 340008 34002656 340009 34002969 340010 34003281 340011 34003594 340012 34003906 340013 34004219 340014 34004531 340015 34004844 340016 34005156 340017 34005469 340018 34005781 340019 34006094 340020 34006406 340021 34006719 340022 34007031 340023 34007344 340024 $48.45 48.45 44.45 47.10 47.10 44.45 47.10 44.45 48.15 45.40 48.15 45.40 49.90 47.05 49.90 47.05 52.40 49.30 55.80 52.70 56.65 53.45 61.25 63.60 69.15 69.15 69.15 69.15 71.95 71.95 71.95 71.95 73.20 73.20 73.20 73.20 76.65 76.65 76.65 76.65 .1560 - .1769 .1770 - .2040 .1770 - .2040 .2041 - .2210 .2211 - .2380 .2381 - .2530 .2531 - .2840 .2841 - .3150 .3151 - .3470 .3471 - .3780 .3781 - .4090 .4091 - .4410 .4411 - .4720 .4721 - .5030 .5031 - .5340 .5341 - .5660 .5661 - .5970 .5971 - .6280 .6281 - .6590 .6591 - .6910 .6911 - .7220 .7221 - .7530 [email protected] • PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE 1 PC. 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14* $91.65 $69.75 $62.60 $59.15 $55.50 $52.65 86.00 65.20 58.30 54.90 51.40 48.50 88.65 67.85 61.00 57.55 54.00 51.15 86.00 65.20 58.30 54.90 51.40 48.50 88.65 67.85 61.00 57.55 54.00 51.15 86.00 65.20 58.30 54.90 51.40 48.50 86.95 66.15 59.25 55.85 52.25 49.45 86.95 66.15 59.25 55.85 52.25 49.45 88.55 67.75 60.80 57.50 53.95 51.10 88.55 67.75 60.80 57.50 53.95 51.10 90.85 70.05 63.15 59.75 56.25 53.45 94.25 73.45 66.35 63.15 59.55 56.75 94.95 74.15 67.20 63.85 60.25 57.50 109.30 86.45 78.70 75.10 71.15 68.05 114.95 92.00 84.45 80.70 76.75 73.70 114.95 92.00 84.45 80.70 76.75 73.70 117.75 94.80 87.10 83.50 79.55 76.50 117.75 94.80 87.10 83.50 79.55 76.50 118.90 96.00 88.35 84.65 80.80 77.70 118.90 96.00 88.35 84.65 80.80 77.70 122.40 99.50 91.80 88.20 84.25 81.20 122.40 99.50 91.80 88.20 84.25 81.20 Phone 800-882-2627 • Fax 800-882-3637 *Quantities of 15 or more: price of fractional size in same size range. CONTINUED FROM PAGE 62 - TYPE 3400 FRACTIONAL TOOL DIAMETER DECIMAL FRAC. .7656 .7812 .7969 .8125 .8281 .8438 .8594 .8750 .8906 .9062 .9219 .9375 .9531 .9688 .9844 1.0000 1.0625 1.1250 1.1875 1.2500 1.3125 1.3750 1.4375 1.5000 1.5625 1.6250 1.6875 1.7500 1.8125 1.8750 1.9375 2.0000 49⁄64 25⁄32 51⁄64 13⁄16 53⁄64 27⁄32 55⁄64 7⁄8 57⁄64 29⁄32 59⁄64 15⁄16 61⁄64 31⁄32 63⁄64 1 1 1⁄16 1 1⁄8 1 3⁄16 1¼ 1 5⁄16 1 3⁄8 1 7⁄16 1½ 1 9⁄16 1 5⁄8 1 11⁄16 1¾ 1 13⁄16 1 7⁄8 1 15⁄16 2 SHANK DIAM. NO. OF FLUTES 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 12 1 1 1 1 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ LENGTH FLT CARB OAL 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 3 3 3¼ 3¼ 3½ 3½ 3¾ 3¾ 4 4 4¼ 4¼ 4¼ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 11 11 11 ½ 11 ½ 12 12 12 ½ 12 ½ 13 13 13 ½ 13 ½ 14 14 14 EDP NO. PRICE EACH DECIMAL SIZE RANGE 34007656 340025 34007969 340026 34008281 340027 34008594 340028 34008906 340029 34009219 340030 34009531 340031 34009844 340032 340034 340036 340038 340040 340042 340044 340046 340048 340050 340052 340054 340056 340058 340060 340062 340064 $79.15 79.15 79.15 79.15 82.30 82.30 82.30 85.50 99.50 99.50 99.50 99.50 104.35 104.35 104.35 104.35 107.90 116.65 122.65 129.65 136.40 144.80 161.25 170.50 253.30 261.95 294.60 294.60 294.60 308.70 308.70 308.70 PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE 1 PC. 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14* .7531 - .7840 $124.90 $102.00 $94.35 $90.70 $86.80 $83.65 .7841 - .8160 124.90 102.00 94.35 90.70 86.80 83.65 .8161 - .8470 128.10 105.20 97.55 93.85 89.90 86.90 .8471 - .8780 132.90 109.15 101.20 97.45 93.25 90.10 .8781 - .9090 147.00 123.20 115.30 111.50 107.40 104.20 .9091 - .9410 147.00 123.20 115.30 111.50 107.40 104.20 .9411 - .9720 151.85 128.05 120.15 116.35 112.25 109.05 .9721 - 1.0030 151.85 128.05 120.15 116.35 112.25 109.05 1.0031 - 1.0660 153.45 130.70 122.95 119.45 115.45 112.40 1.0661 - 1.1280 162.20 139.35 131.80 128.20 124.20 121.15 1.1281 - 1.1905 168.10 145.30 137.65 134.05 130.15 127.10 1.1906 - 1.2530 175.20 152.45 144.80 141.20 137.20 134.15 1.2531 - 1.3155 181.85 159.15 151.40 147.80 143.90 140.85 1.3156 - 1.3780 190.20 167.45 159.85 156.20 152.30 149.30 1.3781 - 1.4405 206.85 184.05 176.40 172.80 168.85 165.75 1.4406 - 1.5030 215.95 193.25 185.50 182.00 178.00 174.95 1.5031 - 1.5660 298.70 275.90 268.35 264.65 260.85 257.75 1.5661 - 1.6280 307.40 284.60 277.00 273.35 269.45 266.35 1.6281 - 1.6910 340.15 317.35 309.75 306.15 302.25 299.15 1.6911 - 1.7530 340.15 317.35 309.75 306.15 302.25 299.15 1.7531 - 1.8160 340.15 317.35 309.75 306.15 302.25 299.15 1.8161 - 1.8780 354.10 331.40 323.70 320.10 316.20 313.10 1.8781 - 1.9410 354.10 331.40 323.70 320.10 316.20 313.10 1.9411 - 2.0030 354.10 331.40 323.70 320.10 316.20 313.10 *Quantities of 15 or more: price of fractional size in same size range. WIRE & LETTER SIZES For reamer tolerances, see page 60. TOOL DIAMETER SHANK NO. OF DIAM. FLUTES WIRE DECIMAL LETTER 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 A B .1570 .1590 .1610 .1660 .1695 .1730 .1770 .1800 .1820 .1850 .1890 .1910 .1935 .1960 .1990 .2010 .2040 .2055 .2090 .2130 .2210 .2280 .2340 .2380 .151 .151 .151 .151 .151 .151 11⁄64 11⁄64 11⁄64 11⁄64 11⁄64 11⁄64 11⁄64 11⁄64 11⁄64 11⁄64 11⁄64 13⁄64 13⁄64 13⁄64 13⁄64 7⁄32 7⁄32 7⁄32 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Phone 941-739-2726 LENGTH FLT CARB OAL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1½ 1½ 1½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4½ 4½ 4½ 4½ 4½ 4½ 4½ 4½ 4½ 4½ 4½ 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 • EDP NO. PRICE EACH 34001570 34001590 34001610 34001660 34001695 34001730 34001770 34001800 34001820 3400047 3400048 34001910 34001935 34001960 34001990 34002010 34002040 34002055 34002090 34002130 34002210 34002280 34002340 34002380 $62.60 62.60 62.60 62.60 62.60 62.60 58.30 58.30 58.30 58.30 58.30 58.30 58.30 58.30 58.30 58.30 58.30 58.30 58.30 58.30 58.30 61.00 61.00 61.00 Fax 941-739-2827 • TOOL DIAMETER SHANK NO. OF DIAM. FLUTES WIRE DECIMAL LETTER C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z .2420 .2460 .2500 .2570 .2610 .2660 .2720 .2770 .2810 .2900 .2950 .3020 .3160 .3230 .3320 .3390 .3480 .3580 .3680 .3770 .3860 .3970 .4040 .4130 15⁄64 15⁄64 15⁄64 15⁄64 15⁄64 15⁄64 15⁄64 15⁄64 15⁄64 9⁄32 9⁄32 9⁄32 9⁄32 9⁄32 9⁄32 9⁄32 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 3⁄8 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 w w w.lexingtoncutter.com LENGTH FLT CARB OAL 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 • EDP NO. PRICE EACH 34002420 34002460 340008 34002570 34002610 34002660 34002720 34002770 34002810 34002900 34002950 34003020 34003160 34003230 34003320 34003390 34003480 34003580 34003680 34003770 34003860 34003970 34004040 34004130 $58.30 58.30 44.45 59.25 59.25 59.25 59.25 59.25 59.25 59.25 59.25 59.25 60.80 60.80 60.80 60.80 55.80 55.80 55.80 55.80 63.15 63.15 63.15 66.35 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 63 CARBIDE TIPPED REGULAR LENGTH CHUCKING REAMERS TYPE 3400 - STRAIGHT SHANK - STRAIGHT FLUTES Detailed description and fractional sizes on pages 62 & 63. Tolerances on page 60. Tool diameter in millimeters with all other dimensions in inches. TOOL DIAMETER mm INCH 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.3 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0 13.5 14.0 14.5 15.0 15.5 16.0 16.5 17.0 17.5 18.0 18.5 19.0 19.5 20.0 20.5 21.0 21.5 22.0 22.5 23.0 23.5 24.0 24.5 25.0 25.5 26.0 27.0 28.0 29.0 30.0 31.0 32.0 33.0 34.0 35.0 36.0 37.0 .1575 .1772 .1969 .2165 .2362 .2480 .2559 .2756 .2953 .3150 .3346 .3543 .3740 .3937 .4134 .4331 .4528 .4724 .4921 .5118 .5315 .5512 .5709 .5906 .6102 .6299 .6496 .6693 .6890 .7087 .7283 .7480 .7677 .7874 .8071 .8268 .8465 .8661 .8858 .9055 .9252 .9449 .9646 .9843 1.0039 1.0236 1.0630 1.1024 1.1417 1.1811 1.2205 1.2598 1.2992 1.3386 1.3780 1.4173 1.4567 SHANK DIAM. NO. OF FLUTES .151 11⁄64 11⁄64 13⁄64 7⁄32 15⁄64 15⁄64 15⁄64 9⁄32 9⁄32 9⁄32 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 3⁄8 3⁄8 3⁄8 7⁄16 7⁄16 7⁄16 7⁄16 7⁄16 7⁄16 7⁄16 9⁄16 9⁄16 9⁄16 9⁄16 9⁄16 9⁄16 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1¼ 1¼ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 64 Made in U.S.A. LENGTH FLT CARB OAL 1 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1¼ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 3 3 3 3¼ 3¼ 3¼ 3½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 4 4½ 4½ 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 11 11 11 11 ½ 11 ½ 11 ½ 12 12 12 12 ½ • EDP NO. PRICE EACH METRIC SIZE RANGE 3400040 3400045 3400050 3400055 3400060 3400063 3400065 3400070 3400075 3400080 3400085 3400090 347837 3400100 3400105 3400110 3400115 3400120 3400125 3400130 3400135 3400140 3400145 3400150 3400155 3400160 3400165 3400170 3400175 3400180 3400185 3400190 3400195 3400200 3400205 3400210 3400215 3400220 3400225 3400230 3400235 3400240 3400245 3400250 3400255 3400260 3400270 3400280 3400290 3400300 3400310 3400320 3400330 3400340 3400350 3400360 3400370 $62.60 58.30 58.30 58.30 61.00 58.30 59.25 59.25 59.25 59.25 60.80 60.80 59.30 63.15 66.35 66.35 67.20 78.70 78.70 84.45 84.45 84.45 87.10 87.10 87.10 88.35 88.35 88.35 88.35 91.80 91.80 91.80 94.35 94.35 94.35 97.55 97.55 97.55 115.30 115.30 115.30 120.15 120.15 120.15 122.95 122.95 122.95 131.80 137.65 137.65 144.80 151.40 151.40 159.85 159.85 176.40 185.50 3.962 - 4.493 4.494 - 5.182 5.183 - 5.613 5.614 - 6.045 6.046 - 6.426 6.427 - 7.214 7.215 - 8.001 8.002 - 8.814 8.815 - 9.601 9.602 - 10.389 10.390 - 11.201 11.202 - 11.989 11.990 - 12.776 12.777 - 13.564 13.565 - 14.376 14.377 - 15.164 15.165 - 15.951 15.952 - 16.739 16.740 - 17.551 17.552 - 18.339 18.340 - 19.126 19.127 - 19.914 19.915 - 20.726 20.727 - 21.514 21.515 - 22.301 22.302 - 23.089 23.090 - 23.901 23.902 - 24.689 24.690 - 25.476 25.477 - 27.076 27.077 - 28.651 28.652 - 30.239 30.240 - 31.826 31.827 - 33.414 33.415 - 35.001 35.002 - 36.589 36.590 - 38.176 [email protected] • PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO METRIC SIZE 1 PC. 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14 15+ $94.65 89.50 89.50 92.15 89.50 90.50 90.50 92.10 84.45 94.35 97.70 98.40 113.10 118.70 118.70 121.55 121.55 122.80 122.80 126.20 126.20 128.70 128.70 131.95 131.95 150.95 150.95 155.80 155.80 157.30 165.95 171.90 178.95 185.75 194.05 210.65 219.85 $73.45 68.80 68.80 71.45 68.80 69.75 69.75 71.35 65.40 73.65 76.95 77.70 90.35 95.90 95.90 98.70 98.70 99.95 99.95 103.40 103.40 106.00 106.00 109.05 109.05 127.25 127.25 132.10 132.10 134.50 143.25 149.30 156.25 163.00 171.35 187.85 197.15 $66.20 61.90 61.90 64.45 61.90 62.75 62.75 64.40 59.00 66.65 69.95 70.70 82.70 88.25 88.25 91.05 91.05 92.25 92.25 95.75 95.75 98.25 98.25 101.45 101.45 119.35 119.35 124.20 124.20 126.95 135.70 141.55 148.70 155.40 163.75 180.30 189.50 $62.70 58.45 58.45 61.10 58.45 59.40 59.40 61.00 55.95 63.30 66.60 67.35 78.95 84.50 84.50 87.30 87.30 88.50 88.50 92.00 92.00 94.50 94.50 97.70 97.70 115.45 115.45 120.30 120.30 123.20 131.95 137.90 144.95 151.70 160.00 176.55 185.80 $59.15 54.90 54.90 57.55 54.90 55.85 55.85 57.50 52.75 59.75 63.15 63.85 75.10 80.70 80.70 83.50 83.50 84.65 84.65 88.20 88.20 90.70 90.70 93.85 93.85 111.50 111.50 116.35 116.35 119.45 128.20 134.05 141.20 147.80 156.20 172.80 182.00 $56.15 52.05 52.05 54.70 52.05 53.00 53.00 54.60 50.15 56.90 60.20 61.00 71.90 77.55 77.55 80.35 80.35 81.50 81.50 84.95 84.95 87.45 87.45 90.70 90.70 108.20 108.20 113.05 113.05 116.30 125.00 130.90 138.05 144.65 153.05 169.65 178.75 $52.10 48.05 48.05 50.70 48.05 49.00 49.00 50.65 46.45 52.90 56.25 56.95 67.45 73.05 73.05 75.85 75.85 77.10 77.10 80.55 80.55 83.15 83.15 86.30 86.30 103.65 103.65 108.50 108.50 111.80 120.60 126.55 133.60 140.25 148.70 165.25 174.40 Phone 800-882-2627 • Fax 800-882-3637 Diameters up to 50mm - call us for price & availability. CARBIDE TIPPED DECIMAL SIZE CHUCKING REAMERS TYPE 3400 - STRAIGHT SHANK - STRAIGHT FLUTES STANDARD DECIMAL DIAMETER REAMERS (.0005" INCREMENTS) THIS PAGE .1560" THRU .3055" For fractional, wire, letter sizes and dimensions, see pages 62 & 63. DECIMAL SIZE .1560 .1565 .1570 .1575 .1580 .1585 .1590 .1595 .1600 .1605 .1610 .1615 .1620 .1625 .1630 .1635 .1640 .1645 .1650 .1655 .1660 .1665 .1670 .1675 .1680 .1685 .1690 .1695 .1700 .1705 .1710 .1715 .1720 .1725 .1730 .1735 .1740 .1745 .1750 .1755 .1760 .1765 .1770 .1775 .1780 .1785 .1790 .1795 .1800 .1805 .1810 .1815 .1820 .1825 .1830 .1835 .1840 .1845 .1850 .1855 EDP NO. PRICE EACH 34001560 $62.60 34001565 62.60 34001570 62.60 3400040 62.60 34001580 62.60 34001585 62.60 34001590 62.60 34001595 62.60 34001600 62.60 34001605 62.60 34001610 62.60 34001615 62.60 34001620 62.60 34001625 62.60 34001630 62.60 34001635 62.60 34001640 62.60 34001645 62.60 34001650 62.60 34001655 62.60 34001660 62.60 34001665 62.60 34001670 62.60 34001675 62.60 34001680 62.60 34001685 62.60 34001690 62.60 34001695 62.60 34001700 62.60 34001705 62.60 34001710 62.60 34001715 62.60 34001720 62.60 34001725 62.60 34001730 62.60 34001735 62.60 34001740 62.60 34001745 62.60 34001750 62.60 34001755 62.60 34001760 62.60 34001765 62.60 34001770 58.30 34001775 58.30 34001780 58.30 34001785 58.30 34001790 58.30 34001795 58.30 34001800 58.30 34001805 58.30 34001810 58.30 34001815 58.30 34001820 58.30 34001825 58.30 34001830 58.30 34001835 58.30 34001840 58.30 34001845 58.30 3400047 58.30 34001855 58.30 Phone 941-739-2726 DECIMAL SIZE .1860 .1865 .1870 .1875 .1880 .1885 .1890 .1895 .1900 .1905 .1910 .1915 .1920 .1925 .1930 .1935 .1940 .1945 .1950 .1955 .1960 .1965 .1970 .1975 .1980 .1985 .1990 .1995 .2000 .2005 .2010 .2015 .2020 .2025 .2030 .2035 .2040 .2045 .2050 .2055 .2060 .2065 .2070 .2075 .2080 .2085 .2090 .2095 .2100 .2105 .2110 .2115 .2120 .2125 .2130 .2135 .2140 .2145 .2150 .2155 • EDP NO. PRICE EACH 34001860 $58.30 347818 55.95 34001870 58.30 340006 44.45 34001880 58.30 347819 55.95 3400048 58.30 34001895 58.30 34001900 58.30 34001905 58.30 34001910 58.30 34001915 58.30 34001920 58.30 34001925 58.30 34001930 58.30 34001935 58.30 34001940 58.30 34001945 58.30 34001950 58.30 34001955 58.30 34001960 58.30 34001965 58.30 34001970 58.30 34001975 58.30 34001980 58.30 34001985 58.30 34001990 58.30 34001995 58.30 34002000 58.30 34002005 58.30 34002010 58.30 34002015 58.30 34002020 58.30 34002025 58.30 34002030 58.30 34002035 58.30 34002040 58.30 34002045 58.30 34002050 58.30 34002055 58.30 34002060 58.30 34002065 58.30 34002070 58.30 34002075 58.30 34002080 58.30 34002085 58.30 34002090 58.30 34002095 58.30 34002100 58.30 34002105 58.30 34002110 58.30 34002115 58.30 34002120 58.30 34002125 58.30 34002130 58.30 34002135 58.30 34002140 58.30 34002145 58.30 34002150 58.30 34002155 58.30 DECIMAL SIZE .2160 .2165 .2170 .2175 .2180 .2185 .2190 .2195 .2200 .2205 .2210 .2215 .2220 .2225 .2230 .2235 .2240 .2245 .2250 .2255 .2260 .2265 .2270 .2275 .2280 .2285 .2290 .2295 .2300 .2305 .2310 .2315 .2320 .2325 .2330 .2335 .2340 .2345 .2350 .2355 .2360 .2365 .2370 .2375 .2380 .2385 .2390 .2395 .2400 .2405 .2410 .2415 .2420 .2425 .2430 .2435 .2440 .2445 .2450 .2455 Fax 941-739-2827 • EDP NO. PRICE EACH 34002160 $58.30 3400055 58.30 34002170 58.30 34002175 58.30 34002180 58.30 34002185 58.30 34002190 58.30 34002195 58.30 34002200 58.30 3400056 58.30 34002210 58.30 34002215 61.00 34002220 61.00 34002225 61.00 34002230 61.00 34002235 61.00 34002240 61.00 34002245 61.00 34002250 61.00 34002255 61.00 34002260 61.00 34002265 61.00 34002270 61.00 34002275 61.00 34002280 61.00 34002285 61.00 34002290 61.00 34002295 61.00 34002300 61.00 34002305 61.00 34002310 61.00 34002315 61.00 34002320 61.00 34002325 61.00 34002330 61.00 34002335 61.00 34002340 61.00 34002345 61.00 34002350 61.00 34002355 61.00 34002360 61.00 34002365 61.00 34002370 61.00 34002375 61.00 34002380 61.00 34002385 58.30 34002390 58.30 34002395 58.30 34002400 58.30 34002405 58.30 34002410 58.30 34002415 58.30 34002420 58.30 34002425 58.30 34002430 58.30 34002435 58.30 34002440 58.30 34002445 58.30 34002450 58.30 34002455 58.30 DECIMAL SIZE .2460 .2465 .2470 .2475 .2480 .2485 .2490 .2495 .2500 .2505 .2510 .2515 .2520 .2525 .2530 .2535 .2540 .2545 .2550 .2555 .2560 .2565 .2570 .2575 .2580 .2585 .2590 .2595 .2600 .2605 .2610 .2615 .2620 .2625 .2630 .2635 .2640 .2645 .2650 .2655 .2660 .2665 .2670 .2675 .2680 .2685 .2690 .2695 .2700 .2705 .2710 .2715 .2720 .2725 .2730 .2735 .2740 .2745 .2750 .2755 EDP NO. PRICE EACH 34002460 $58.30 34002465 58.30 34002470 58.30 34002475 58.30 3400063 58.30 34002485 58.30 347824 55.95 34002495 58.30 340008 44.45 34002505 58.30 347825 55.95 34002515 58.30 3400064 58.30 34002525 58.30 34002530 58.30 34002535 59.25 34002540 59.25 34002545 59.25 34002550 59.25 34002555 59.25 34002560 59.25 34002565 59.25 34002570 59.25 34002575 59.25 34002580 59.25 34002585 59.25 34002590 59.25 34002595 59.25 34002600 59.25 34002605 59.25 34002610 59.25 34002615 59.25 34002620 59.25 34002625 59.25 34002630 59.25 34002635 59.25 34002640 59.25 34002645 59.25 34002650 59.25 34002655 59.25 34002660 59.25 34002665 59.25 34002670 59.25 34002675 59.25 34002680 59.25 34002685 59.25 34002690 59.25 34002695 59.25 34002700 59.25 34002705 59.25 34002710 59.25 34002715 59.25 34002720 59.25 34002725 59.25 34002730 59.25 34002735 59.25 34002740 59.25 34002745 59.25 34002750 59.25 34002755 59.25 w w w.lexingtoncutter.com • DECIMAL SIZE .2760 .2765 .2770 .2775 .2780 .2785 .2790 .2795 .2800 .2805 .2810 .2815 .2820 .2825 .2830 .2835 .2840 .2845 .2850 .2855 .2860 .2865 .2870 .2875 .2880 .2885 .2890 .2895 .2900 .2905 .2910 .2915 .2920 .2925 .2930 .2935 .2940 .2945 .2950 .2955 .2960 .2965 .2970 .2975 .2980 .2985 .2990 .2995 .3000 .3005 .3010 .3015 .3020 .3025 .3030 .3035 .3040 .3045 .3050 .3055 EDP NO. PRICE EACH 34002760 $59.25 34002765 59.25 34002770 59.25 34002775 59.25 34002780 59.25 34002785 59.25 34002790 59.25 3400071 59.25 34002800 59.25 34002805 59.25 34002810 59.25 34002815 59.25 34002820 59.25 34002825 59.25 34002830 59.25 3400072 59.25 34002840 59.25 34002845 59.25 34002850 59.25 34002855 59.25 34002860 59.25 34002865 59.25 34002870 59.25 34002875 59.25 34002880 59.25 34002885 59.25 34002890 59.25 34002895 59.25 34002900 59.25 34002905 59.25 34002910 59.25 34002915 59.25 34002920 59.25 34002925 59.25 34002930 59.25 34002935 59.25 34002940 59.25 34002945 59.25 34002950 59.25 34002955 59.25 34002960 59.25 34002965 59.25 34002970 59.25 34002975 59.25 34002980 59.25 34002985 59.25 34002990 59.25 34002995 59.25 34003000 59.25 34003005 59.25 34003010 59.25 34003015 59.25 34003020 59.25 34003025 59.25 34003030 59.25 34003035 59.25 34003040 59.25 34003045 59.25 34003050 59.25 34003055 59.25 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 65 CARBIDE TIPPED DECIMAL SIZE CHUCKING REAMERS TYPE 3400 - STRAIGHT SHANK - STRAIGHT FLUTES STANDARD DECIMAL DIAMETER REAMERS (.0005" INCREMENTS) THIS PAGE .3060" THRU .4555" For fractional, wire, letter sizes and dimensions, see pages 62 & 63. DECIMAL SIZE .3060 .3065 .3070 .3075 .3080 .3085 .3090 .3095 .3100 .3105 .3110 .3115 .3120 .3125 .3130 .3135 .3140 .3145 .3150 .3155 .3160 .3165 .3170 .3175 .3180 .3185 .3190 .3195 .3200 .3205 .3210 .3215 .3220 .3225 .3230 .3235 .3240 .3245 .3250 .3255 .3260 .3265 .3270 .3275 .3280 .3285 .3290 .3295 .3300 .3305 .3310 .3315 .3320 .3325 .3330 .3335 .3340 .3345 .3350 .3355 EDP NO. 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EDP NO. PRICE EACH 34003360 $60.80 34003365 60.80 34003370 60.80 34003375 60.80 34003380 60.80 34003385 60.80 34003390 60.80 34003395 60.80 34003400 60.80 34003405 60.80 34003410 60.80 34003415 60.80 34003420 60.80 3400087 60.80 34003430 60.80 34003435 60.80 34003440 60.80 34003445 60.80 34003450 60.80 34003455 60.80 34003460 60.80 3400088 60.80 34003470 60.80 34003475 55.80 34003480 55.80 34003485 55.80 34003490 55.80 34003495 55.80 34003500 55.80 34003505 55.80 34003510 55.80 34003515 55.80 34003520 55.80 34003525 55.80 34003530 55.80 34003535 55.80 34003540 55.80 34003545 55.80 34003550 55.80 34003555 55.80 34003560 55.80 34003565 55.80 34003570 55.80 34003575 55.80 34003580 55.80 34003585 55.80 34003590 55.80 34003595 55.80 34003600 55.80 34003605 55.80 34003610 55.80 34003615 55.80 34003620 55.80 34003625 55.80 34003630 55.80 34003635 55.80 34003640 55.80 34003645 55.80 34003650 55.80 34003655 55.80 • DECIMAL SIZE .3660 .3665 .3670 .3675 .3680 .3685 .3690 .3695 .3700 .3705 .3710 .3715 .3720 .3725 .3730 .3735 .3740 .3745 .3750 .3755 .3760 .3765 .3770 .3775 .3780 .3785 .3790 .3795 .3800 .3805 .3810 .3815 .3820 .3825 .3830 .3835 .3840 .3845 .3850 .3855 .3860 .3865 .3870 .3875 .3880 .3885 .3890 .3895 .3900 .3905 .3910 .3915 .3920 .3925 .3930 .3935 .3940 .3945 .3950 .3955 EDP NO. PRICE EACH DECIMAL SIZE 34003660 $55.80 34003665 55.80 34003670 55.80 34003675 55.80 34003680 55.80 34003685 55.80 34003690 55.80 34003695 55.80 34003700 55.80 34003705 55.80 34003710 55.80 34003715 55.80 34003720 55.80 34003725 55.80 34003730 55.80 34003735 55.80 347837 59.30 34003745 55.80 340012 47.05 34003755 55.80 347838 59.30 34003765 55.80 34003770 55.80 34003775 55.80 3400096 55.80 34003785 63.15 34003790 63.15 34003795 63.15 34003800 63.15 34003805 63.15 34003810 63.15 34003815 63.15 34003820 63.15 34003825 63.15 34003830 63.15 34003835 63.15 34003840 63.15 34003845 63.15 34003850 63.15 34003855 63.15 34003860 63.15 34003865 63.15 34003870 63.15 34003875 63.15 34003880 63.15 34003885 63.15 34003890 63.15 34003895 63.15 34003900 63.15 34003905 63.15 34003910 63.15 34003915 63.15 34003920 63.15 34003925 63.15 34003930 63.15 34003935 63.15 34003940 63.15 34003945 63.15 34003950 63.15 34003955 63.15 [email protected] • .3960 .3965 .3970 .3975 .3980 .3985 .3990 .3995 .4000 .4005 .4010 .4015 .4020 .4025 .4030 .4035 .4040 .4045 .4050 .4055 .4060 .4065 .4070 .4075 .4080 .4085 .4090 .4095 .4100 .4105 .4110 .4115 .4120 .4125 .4130 .4135 .4140 .4145 .4150 .4155 .4160 .4165 .4170 .4175 .4180 .4185 .4190 .4195 .4200 .4205 .4210 .4215 .4220 .4225 .4230 .4235 .4240 .4245 .4250 .4255 EDP NO. DECIMAL SIZE PRICE EACH .4260 .4265 .4270 .4275 .4280 .4285 .4290 .4295 .4300 .4305 .4310 .4315 .4320 .4325 .4330 .4335 .4340 .4345 .4350 .4355 .4360 .4365 .4370 .4375 .4380 .4385 .4390 .4395 .4400 .4405 .4410 .4415 .4420 .4425 .4430 .4435 .4440 .4445 .4450 .4455 .4460 .4465 .4470 .4475 .4480 .4485 .4490 .4495 .4500 .4505 .4510 .4515 .4520 .4525 .4530 .4535 .4540 .4545 .4550 .4555 34003960 $63.15 34003965 63.15 34003970 63.15 34003975 63.15 34003980 63.15 34003985 63.15 34003990 63.15 34003995 63.15 34004000 63.15 34004005 63.15 34004010 63.15 34004015 63.15 34004020 63.15 34004025 63.15 34004030 63.15 34004035 63.15 34004040 63.15 34004045 63.15 34004050 63.15 3400103 63.15 34004060 63.15 34004065 63.15 34004070 63.15 34004075 63.15 34004080 63.15 34004085 63.15 34004090 63.15 34004095 66.35 34004100 66.35 34004105 66.35 34004110 66.35 34004115 66.35 34004120 66.35 34004125 66.35 34004130 66.35 34004135 66.35 34004140 66.35 34004145 66.35 34004150 66.35 34004155 66.35 34004160 66.35 34004165 66.35 34004170 66.35 34004175 66.35 34004180 66.35 34004185 66.35 34004190 66.35 34004195 66.35 34004200 66.35 34004205 66.35 34004210 66.35 34004215 66.35 34004220 66.35 34004225 66.35 34004230 66.35 34004235 66.35 34004240 66.35 34004245 66.35 34004250 66.35 34004255 66.35 Phone 800-882-2627 • EDP NO. PRICE EACH 34004260 $66.35 34004265 66.35 34004270 66.35 34004275 66.35 34004280 66.35 34004285 66.35 34004290 66.35 34004295 66.35 34004300 66.35 34004305 66.35 34004310 66.35 34004315 66.35 34004320 66.35 34004325 66.35 34004330 66.35 34004335 66.35 34004340 66.35 34004345 66.35 34004350 66.35 34004355 66.35 34004360 66.35 347843 66.30 3400111 66.35 340014 52.70 34004380 66.35 347844 66.30 34004390 66.35 34004395 66.35 34004400 66.35 34004405 66.35 34004410 66.35 34004415 67.20 34004420 67.20 34004425 67.20 34004430 67.20 34004435 67.20 34004440 67.20 34004445 67.20 34004450 67.20 34004455 67.20 34004460 67.20 34004465 67.20 34004470 67.20 34004475 67.20 34004480 67.20 34004485 67.20 34004490 67.20 34004495 67.20 34004500 67.20 34004505 67.20 34004510 67.20 34004515 67.20 34004520 67.20 34004525 67.20 34004530 67.20 34004535 67.20 34004540 67.20 34004545 67.20 34004550 67.20 34004555 67.20 Fax 800-882-3637 CARBIDE TIPPED DECIMAL SIZE CHUCKING REAMERS TYPE 3400 - STRAIGHT SHANK - STRAIGHT FLUTES STANDARD DECIMAL DIAMETER REAMERS (.0005" INCREMENTS) THIS PAGE .4560" THRU .6055" For fractional, wire and letter sizes, see pages 62 & 63. DECIMAL SIZE .4560 .4565 .4570 .4575 .4580 .4585 .4590 .4595 .4600 .4605 .4610 .4615 .4620 .4625 .4630 .4635 .4640 .4645 .4650 .4655 .4660 .4665 .4670 .4675 .4680 .4685 .4690 .4695 .4700 .4705 .4710 .4715 .4720 .4725 .4730 .4735 .4740 .4745 .4750 .4755 .4760 .4765 .4770 .4775 .4780 .4785 .4790 .4795 .4800 .4805 .4810 .4815 .4820 .4825 .4830 .4835 .4840 .4845 .4850 .4855 EDP NO. PRICE EACH 34004560 $67.20 34004565 67.20 34004570 67.20 34004575 67.20 34004580 67.20 34004585 67.20 34004590 67.20 34004595 67.20 34004600 67.20 34004605 67.20 34004610 67.20 34004615 67.20 34004620 67.20 34004625 67.20 34004630 67.20 34004635 67.20 34004640 67.20 34004645 67.20 34004650 67.20 34004655 67.20 34004660 67.20 34004665 67.20 34004670 67.20 34004675 67.20 34004680 67.20 3400119 67.20 34004690 67.20 34004695 67.20 34004700 67.20 34004705 67.20 34004710 67.20 34004715 67.20 34004720 67.20 34004725 78.70 34004730 78.70 34004735 78.70 34004740 78.70 34004745 78.70 34004750 78.70 34004755 78.70 34004760 78.70 34004765 78.70 34004770 78.70 34004775 78.70 34004780 78.70 34004785 78.70 34004790 78.70 34004795 78.70 34004800 78.70 34004805 78.70 34004810 78.70 34004815 78.70 34004820 78.70 34004825 78.70 34004830 78.70 34004835 78.70 34004840 78.70 34004845 78.70 34004850 78.70 34004855 78.70 Phone 941-739-2726 DECIMAL SIZE .4860 .4865 .4870 .4875 .4880 .4885 .4890 .4895 .4900 .4905 .4910 .4915 .4920 .4925 .4930 .4935 .4940 .4945 .4950 .4955 .4960 .4965 .4970 .4975 .4980 .4985 .4990 .4995 .5000 .5005 .5010 .5015 .5020 .5025 .5030 .5035 .5040 .5045 .5050 .5055 .5060 .5065 .5070 .5075 .5080 .5085 .5090 .5095 .5100 .5105 .5110 .5115 .5120 .5125 .5130 .5135 .5140 .5145 .5150 .5155 • EDP NO. PRICE EACH 34004860 $78.70 34004865 78.70 34004870 78.70 34004875 78.70 34004880 78.70 34004885 78.70 34004890 78.70 34004895 78.70 34004900 78.70 34004905 78.70 34004910 78.70 34004915 78.70 34004920 78.70 34004925 78.70 34004930 78.70 34004935 78.70 34004940 78.70 34004945 78.70 34004950 78.70 34004955 78.70 34004960 78.70 34004965 78.70 34004970 78.70 34004975 78.70 34004980 78.70 34004985 78.70 347849 72.70 34004995 78.70 340016 63.60 34005005 78.70 347850 72.70 34005015 78.70 34005020 78.70 34005025 78.70 34005030 78.70 34005035 84.45 34005040 84.45 34005045 84.45 34005050 84.45 34005055 84.45 34005060 84.45 34005065 84.45 34005070 84.45 34005075 84.45 34005080 84.45 34005085 84.45 34005090 84.45 34005095 84.45 34005100 84.45 34005105 84.45 34005110 84.45 34005115 84.45 34005120 84.45 34005125 84.45 34005130 84.45 34005135 84.45 34005140 84.45 34005145 84.45 34005150 84.45 34005155 84.45 DECIMAL SIZE .5160 .5165 .5170 .5175 .5180 .5185 .5190 .5195 .5200 .5205 .5210 .5215 .5220 .5225 .5230 .5235 .5240 .5245 .5250 .5255 .5260 .5265 .5270 .5275 .5280 .5285 .5290 .5295 .5300 .5305 .5310 .5315 .5320 .5325 .5330 .5335 .5340 .5345 .5350 .5355 .5360 .5365 .5370 .5375 .5380 .5385 .5390 .5395 .5400 .5405 .5410 .5415 .5420 .5425 .5430 .5435 .5440 .5445 .5450 .5455 Fax 941-739-2827 • EDP NO. PRICE EACH 34005160 $84.45 34005165 84.45 34005170 84.45 34005175 84.45 34005180 84.45 34005185 84.45 34005190 84.45 34005195 84.45 34005200 84.45 34005205 84.45 34005210 84.45 34005215 84.45 34005220 84.45 34005225 84.45 34005230 84.45 34005235 84.45 34005240 84.45 34005245 84.45 34005250 84.45 34005255 84.45 34005260 84.45 34005265 84.45 34005270 84.45 34005275 84.45 34005280 84.45 34005285 84.45 34005290 84.45 34005295 84.45 34005300 84.45 34005305 84.45 34005310 84.45 3400135 84.45 34005320 84.45 34005325 84.45 34005330 84.45 34005335 84.45 34005340 84.45 34005345 84.45 34005350 84.45 34005355 84.45 34005360 84.45 34005365 84.45 34005370 84.45 34005375 84.45 34005380 84.45 34005385 84.45 34005390 84.45 34005395 84.45 34005400 84.45 34005405 84.45 34005410 84.45 34005415 84.45 34005420 84.45 34005425 84.45 34005430 84.45 34005435 84.45 34005440 84.45 34005445 84.45 34005450 84.45 34005455 84.45 DECIMAL SIZE .5460 .5465 .5470 .5475 .5480 .5485 .5490 .5495 .5500 .5505 .5510 .5515 .5520 .5525 .5530 .5535 .5540 .5545 .5550 .5555 .5560 .5565 .5570 .5575 .5580 .5585 .5590 .5595 .5600 .5605 .5610 .5615 .5620 .5625 .5630 .5635 .5640 .5645 .5650 .5655 .5660 .5665 .5670 .5675 .5680 .5685 .5690 .5695 .5700 .5705 .5710 .5715 .5720 .5725 .5730 .5735 .5740 .5745 .5750 .5755 EDP NO. PRICE EACH 34005460 $84.45 34005465 84.45 34005470 84.45 34005475 84.45 34005480 84.45 34005485 84.45 34005490 84.45 34005495 84.45 34005500 84.45 34005505 84.45 34005510 84.45 34005515 84.45 34005520 84.45 34005525 84.45 34005530 84.45 34005535 84.45 34005540 84.45 34005545 84.45 34005550 84.45 34005555 84.45 34005560 84.45 34005565 84.45 34005570 84.45 34005575 84.45 34005580 84.45 34005585 84.45 34005590 84.45 34005595 84.45 34005600 84.45 34005605 84.45 34005610 84.45 34005615 84.45 34005620 84.45 340018 69.15 3400143 84.45 34005635 84.45 34005640 84.45 34005645 84.45 34005650 84.45 34005655 84.45 34005660 84.45 34005665 87.10 34005670 87.10 34005675 87.10 34005680 87.10 34005685 87.10 34005690 87.10 34005695 87.10 34005700 87.10 34005705 87.10 34005710 87.10 34005715 87.10 34005720 87.10 34005725 87.10 34005730 87.10 34005735 87.10 34005740 87.10 34005745 87.10 34005750 87.10 34005755 87.10 w w w.lexingtoncutter.com • DECIMAL SIZE .5760 .5765 .5770 .5775 .5780 .5785 .5790 .5795 .5800 .5805 .5810 .5815 .5820 .5825 .5830 .5835 .5840 .5845 .5850 .5855 .5860 .5865 .5870 .5875 .5880 .5885 .5890 .5895 .5900 .5905 .5910 .5915 .5920 .5925 .5930 .5935 .5940 .5945 .5950 .5955 .5960 .5965 .5970 .5975 .5980 .5985 .5990 .5995 .6000 .6005 .6010 .6015 .6020 .6025 .6030 .6035 .6040 .6045 .6050 .6055 EDP NO. PRICE EACH 34005760 $87.10 34005765 87.10 34005770 87.10 34005775 87.10 34005780 87.10 34005785 87.10 34005790 87.10 34005795 87.10 34005800 87.10 34005805 87.10 34005810 87.10 34005815 87.10 34005820 87.10 34005825 87.10 34005830 87.10 34005835 87.10 34005840 87.10 34005845 87.10 34005850 87.10 34005855 87.10 34005860 87.10 34005865 87.10 34005870 87.10 34005875 87.10 34005880 87.10 34005885 87.10 34005890 87.10 34005895 87.10 34005900 87.10 34005905 87.10 34005910 87.10 34005915 87.10 34005920 87.10 34005925 87.10 34005930 87.10 34005935 87.10 34005940 87.10 3400151 87.10 34005950 87.10 34005955 87.10 34005960 87.10 34005965 87.10 34005970 87.10 34005975 87.10 34005980 87.10 34005985 87.10 34005990 87.10 34005995 87.10 34006000 87.10 34006005 87.10 34006010 87.10 34006015 87.10 34006020 87.10 34006025 87.10 34006030 87.10 34006035 87.10 34006040 87.10 34006045 87.10 34006050 87.10 34006055 87.10 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 67 CARBIDE TIPPED DECIMAL SIZE CHUCKING REAMERS TYPE 3400 - STRAIGHT SHANK - STRAIGHT FLUTES STANDARD DECIMAL DIAMETER REAMERS (.0005" INCREMENTS) THIS PAGE .6060" THRU .7555" For fractional, wire and letter sizes, see pages 62 & 63. DECIMAL SIZE .6060 .6065 .6070 .6075 .6080 .6085 .6090 .6095 .6100 .6105 .6110 .6115 .6120 .6125 .6130 .6135 .6140 .6145 .6150 .6155 .6160 .6165 .6170 .6175 .6180 .6185 .6190 .6195 .6200 .6205 .6210 .6215 .6220 .6225 .6230 .6235 .6240 .6245 .6250 .6255 .6260 .6265 .6270 .6275 .6280 .6285 .6290 .6295 .6300 .6305 .6310 .6315 .6320 .6325 .6330 .6335 .6340 .6345 .6350 .6355 EDP NO. PRICE EACH 34006060 $87.10 34006065 87.10 34006070 87.10 34006075 87.10 34006080 87.10 34006085 87.10 34006090 87.10 34006095 87.10 34006100 87.10 34006105 87.10 34006110 87.10 34006115 87.10 34006120 87.10 34006125 87.10 34006130 87.10 34006135 87.10 34006140 87.10 34006145 87.10 34006150 87.10 34006155 87.10 34006160 87.10 34006165 87.10 34006170 87.10 34006175 87.10 34006180 87.10 34006185 87.10 34006190 87.10 34006195 87.10 34006200 87.10 34006205 87.10 34006210 87.10 34006215 87.10 3400158 87.10 34006225 87.10 34006230 87.10 34006235 87.10 347862 87.10 34006245 87.10 340020 71.95 34006255 87.10 347863 87.10 34006265 87.10 34006270 87.10 34006275 87.10 34006280 87.10 34006285 88.35 34006290 88.35 34006295 88.35 34006300 88.35 34006305 88.35 34006310 88.35 34006315 88.35 34006320 88.35 34006325 88.35 34006330 88.35 34006335 88.35 34006340 88.35 34006345 88.35 34006350 88.35 34006355 88.35 DECIMAL SIZE .6360 .6365 .6370 .6375 .6380 .6385 .6390 .6395 .6400 .6405 .6410 .6415 .6420 .6425 .6430 .6435 .6440 .6445 .6450 .6455 .6460 .6465 .6470 .6475 .6480 .6485 .6490 .6495 .6500 .6505 .6510 .6515 .6520 .6525 .6530 .6535 .6540 .6545 .6550 .6555 .6560 .6565 .6570 .6575 .6580 .6585 .6590 .6595 .6600 .6605 .6610 .6615 .6620 .6625 .6630 .6635 .6640 .6645 .6650 .6655 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 68 Made in U.S.A. EDP NO. PRICE EACH 34006360 $88.35 34006365 88.35 34006370 88.35 34006375 88.35 34006380 88.35 34006385 88.35 34006390 88.35 34006395 88.35 34006400 88.35 34006405 88.35 34006410 88.35 34006415 88.35 34006420 88.35 34006425 88.35 34006430 88.35 34006435 88.35 34006440 88.35 34006445 88.35 34006450 88.35 34006455 88.35 34006460 88.35 34006465 88.35 34006470 88.35 34006475 88.35 34006480 88.35 34006485 88.35 34006490 88.35 34006495 88.35 34006500 88.35 34006505 88.35 34006510 88.35 34006515 88.35 34006520 88.35 34006525 88.35 34006530 88.35 3400166 88.35 34006540 88.35 34006545 88.35 34006550 88.35 34006555 88.35 34006560 88.35 34006565 88.35 34006570 88.35 3400167 88.35 34006580 88.35 34006585 88.35 34006590 88.35 34006595 88.35 34006600 88.35 34006605 88.35 34006610 88.35 34006615 88.35 34006620 88.35 34006625 88.35 34006630 88.35 34006635 88.35 34006640 88.35 34006645 88.35 34006650 88.35 34006655 88.35 • DECIMAL SIZE .6660 .6665 .6670 .6675 .6680 .6685 .6690 .6695 .6700 .6705 .6710 .6715 .6720 .6725 .6730 .6735 .6740 .6745 .6750 .6755 .6760 .6765 .6770 .6775 .6780 .6785 .6790 .6795 .6800 .6805 .6810 .6815 .6820 .6825 .6830 .6835 .6840 .6845 .6850 .6855 .6860 .6865 .6870 .6875 .6880 .6885 .6890 .6895 .6900 .6905 .6910 .6915 .6920 .6925 .6930 .6935 .6940 .6945 .6950 .6955 EDP NO. PRICE EACH DECIMAL SIZE 34006660 $88.35 34006665 88.35 34006670 88.35 34006675 88.35 34006680 88.35 34006685 88.35 34006690 88.35 34006695 88.35 34006700 88.35 34006705 88.35 34006710 88.35 34006715 88.35 34006720 88.35 34006725 88.35 34006730 88.35 34006735 88.35 34006740 88.35 34006745 88.35 34006750 88.35 34006755 88.35 34006760 88.35 34006765 88.35 34006770 88.35 34006775 88.35 34006780 88.35 34006785 88.35 34006790 88.35 34006795 88.35 34006800 88.35 34006805 88.35 34006810 88.35 34006815 88.35 34006820 88.35 34006825 88.35 34006830 88.35 34006835 88.35 34006840 88.35 34006845 88.35 3400174 88.35 34006855 88.35 34006860 88.35 34006865 88.35 34006870 88.35 340022 73.20 34006880 88.35 34006885 88.35 3400175 88.35 34006895 88.35 34006900 88.35 34006905 88.35 34006910 88.35 34006915 91.80 34006920 91.80 34006925 91.80 34006930 91.80 34006935 91.80 34006940 91.80 34006945 91.80 34006950 91.80 34006955 91.80 [email protected] • .6960 .6965 .6970 .6975 .6980 .6985 .6990 .6995 .7000 .7005 .7010 .7015 .7020 .7025 .7030 .7035 .7040 .7045 .7050 .7055 .7060 .7065 .7070 .7075 .7080 .7085 .7090 .7095 .7100 .7105 .7110 .7115 .7120 .7125 .7130 .7135 .7140 .7145 .7150 .7155 .7160 .7165 .7170 .7175 .7180 .7185 .7190 .7195 .7200 .7205 .7210 .7215 .7220 .7225 .7230 .7235 .7240 .7245 .7250 .7255 EDP NO. PRICE EACH DECIMAL SIZE 34006960 $91.80 34006965 91.80 34006970 91.80 34006975 91.80 34006980 91.80 34006985 91.80 34006990 91.80 34006995 91.80 34007000 91.80 34007005 91.80 34007010 91.80 34007015 91.80 34007020 91.80 34007025 91.80 34007030 91.80 34007035 91.80 34007040 91.80 34007045 91.80 34007050 91.80 34007055 91.80 34007060 91.80 34007065 91.80 34007070 91.80 34007075 91.80 34007080 91.80 34007085 91.80 34007090 91.80 34007095 91.80 34007100 91.80 34007105 91.80 34007110 91.80 34007115 91.80 34007120 91.80 34007125 91.80 34007130 91.80 34007135 91.80 34007140 91.80 34007145 91.80 34007150 91.80 34007155 91.80 34007160 91.80 3400182 91.80 34007170 91.80 34007175 91.80 34007180 91.80 34007185 91.80 34007190 91.80 34007195 91.80 34007200 91.80 3400183 91.80 34007210 91.80 34007215 91.80 34007220 91.80 34007225 91.80 34007230 91.80 34007235 91.80 34007240 91.80 34007245 91.80 34007250 91.80 34007255 91.80 Phone 800-882-2627 .7260 .7265 .7270 .7275 .7280 .7285 .7290 .7295 .7300 .7305 .7310 .7315 .7320 .7325 .7330 .7335 .7340 .7345 .7350 .7355 .7360 .7365 .7370 .7375 .7380 .7385 .7390 .7395 .7400 .7405 .7410 .7415 .7420 .7425 .7430 .7435 .7440 .7445 .7450 .7455 .7460 .7465 .7470 .7475 .7480 .7485 .7490 .7495 .7500 .7505 .7510 .7515 .7520 .7525 .7530 .7535 .7540 .7545 .7550 .7555 • EDP NO. PRICE EACH 34007260 $91.80 34007265 91.80 34007270 91.80 34007275 91.80 34007280 91.80 34007285 91.80 34007290 91.80 34007295 91.80 34007300 91.80 34007305 91.80 34007310 91.80 34007315 91.80 34007320 91.80 34007325 91.80 34007330 91.80 34007335 91.80 34007340 91.80 34007345 91.80 34007350 91.80 34007355 91.80 34007360 91.80 34007365 91.80 34007370 91.80 34007375 91.80 34007380 91.80 34007385 91.80 34007390 91.80 34007395 91.80 34007400 91.80 34007405 91.80 34007410 91.80 34007415 91.80 34007420 91.80 34007425 91.80 34007430 91.80 34007435 91.80 34007440 91.80 34007445 91.80 34007450 91.80 34007455 91.80 34007460 91.80 34007465 91.80 34007470 91.80 34007475 91.80 3400190 91.80 34007485 91.80 347874 91.80 34007495 91.80 340024 76.65 34007505 91.80 347875 91.80 34007515 91.80 3400191 91.80 34007525 91.80 34007530 91.80 34007535 94.35 34007540 94.35 34007545 94.35 34007550 94.35 34007555 94.35 Fax 800-882-3637 CARBIDE TIPPED SEMI-FINISHED REAMERS Semi-finished reamers are furnished with a tool diameter above the largest diameter indicated in the size range column below. Before semi-finished reamers can be used, the tool diameter must be finished ground and relieved. The reamer end must be faced and chamfered. Semi-finished reamers are used by regrind shops or distributors and users with regrind facilities. For detailed description of each specific type, see page indicated in table below. Call for pricing on Types 3420 & 3467 semi-finished reamers. SEMI-FINISHED TOOL DIAMETER RANGE .1770 - .2040 .2041 - .2210 .2211 - .2380 .2381 - .2530 .2531 - .2840 .2841 - .3150 .3151 - .3470 .3471 - .3780 .3781 - .4090 .4091 - .4410 .4411 - .4720 .4721 - .5030 .5031 - .5340 .5341 - .5660 .5661 - .5970 .5971 - .6280 .6281 - .6590 .6591 - .6910 .6911 - .7220 .7221 - .7530 .7531 - .7840 .7841 - .8160 .8161 - .8470 .8471 - .8780 .8781 - .9090 .9091 - .9410 .9411 - .9720 .9721 - 1.0030 1.0031 - 1.0660 1.0661 - 1.1280 1.1281 - 1.1905 1.1906 - 1.2530 1.2531 - 1.3155 1.3156 - 1.3780 1.3781 - 1.4405 1.4406 - 1.5030 TYPE 3400 PAGE 62 EDP PRICE NO. EACH 340006SF 340007SF 34002344SF 340008SF 340009SF 340010SF 340011SF 340012SF 340013SF 340014SF 340015SF 340016SF 340017SF 340018SF 340019SF 340020SF 340021SF 340022SF 340023SF 340024SF 340025SF 340026SF 340027SF 340028SF 340029SF 340030SF 340031SF 340032SF 340034SF 340036SF 340038SF 340040SF 340042SF 340044SF 340046SF 340048SF $37.85 37.85 40.05 37.85 38.60 38.60 40.00 36.70 41.90 44.70 45.40 54.10 58.80 58.80 61.15 61.15 62.25 62.25 65.10 65.10 67.35 67.35 70.05 72.70 84.75 84.75 88.80 88.80 91.75 99.20 104.20 110.20 115.90 122.95 137.15 144.95 Phone 941-739-2726 • TYPE 3402 PAGE 70 EDP PRICE NO. EACH 340208SF 340209SF 340210SF 340211SF 340212SF 340213SF 340214SF 340215SF 340216SF 340217SF 340218SF 340219SF 340220SF 340221SF 340222SF 340223SF 340224SF 340225SF 340226SF 340227SF 340228SF 340229SF 340230SF 340231SF 340232SF 340234SF 340236SF 340238SF 340240SF 340242SF 340244SF 340246SF 340248SF $43.65 44.30 44.30 46.00 42.25 48.20 51.40 52.85 62.20 67.20 67.20 70.25 70.25 71.60 71.60 74.90 74.90 77.20 77.20 80.50 83.50 98.00 98.00 102.00 102.00 140.25 149.35 158.25 175.80 189.65 197.25 201.40 211.40 TYPE 3410 PAGE 82 EDP PRICE NO. EACH 341006SF 341007SF 34102344SF 341008SF 341009SF 341010SF 341011SF 341012SF 341013SF 341014SF 341015SF 341016SF 341017SF 341018SF 341019SF 341020SF 341021SF 341022SF 341023SF 341024SF 341025SF 341026SF 341027SF 341028SF 341029SF 341030SF 341031SF 341032SF 341034SF 341036SF 341038SF 341040SF 341042SF 341044SF 341046SF 341048SF Fax 941-739-2827 • $53.25 53.25 53.25 53.25 53.40 53.40 58.80 59.30 62.00 64.45 68.45 71.05 73.20 73.20 75.40 75.40 77.55 82.60 83.70 85.05 87.15 87.15 91.90 95.40 111.25 111.25 116.55 116.55 125.10 128.95 135.45 143.45 158.60 173.90 184.15 194.55 TYPE 3430 PAGE 90 EDP NO. TYPE 3440 PAGE 90 EDP NO. BOTH TYPES PRICE 343006SF 343007SF 34302344SF 343008SF 343009SF 343010SF 343011SF 343012SF 343013SF 343014SF 343015SF 343016SF 343017SF 343018SF 343019SF 343020SF 343021SF 343022SF 343023SF 343024SF 343025SF 343026SF 343027SF 343028SF 343029SF 343030SF 343031SF 343032SF 343034SF 343036SF 343038SF 343040SF 343042SF 343044SF 343046SF 343048SF 344006SF 344007SF 34402344SF 344008SF 344009SF 344010SF 344011SF 344012SF 344013SF 344014SF 344015SF 344016SF 344017SF 344018SF 344019SF 344020SF 344021SF 344022SF 344023SF 344024SF 344025SF 344026SF 344027SF 344028SF 344029SF 344030SF 344031SF 344032SF 344034SF 344036SF 344038SF 344040SF 344042SF 344044SF 344046SF 344048SF $49.30 49.30 49.30 49.30 49.30 57.35 57.90 62.70 63.60 75.40 75.40 82.40 82.40 86.95 86.95 89.25 89.25 93.35 93.35 95.75 95.75 104.00 104.00 113.70 113.70 125.15 125.15 131.40 131.40 153.70 160.30 187.80 187.80 190.35 222.05 266.65 w w w.lexingtoncutter.com TYPE 3450 PAGE 72 EDP PRICE NO. EACH 345006SF 345007SF 34502344SF 345008SF 345009SF 345010SF 345011SF 345012SF 345013SF 345014SF 345015SF 345016SF 345017SF 345018SF 345019SF 345020SF 345021SF 345022SF 345023SF 345024SF 345025SF 345026SF 345027SF 345028SF 345029SF 345030SF 345031SF 345032SF 345034SF 345036SF 345038SF 345040SF 345042SF 345044SF 345046SF 345048SF • $45.30 45.30 45.30 45.30 46.30 46.30 47.90 47.90 50.25 54.40 58.80 63.05 64.70 64.70 67.25 67.25 68.45 68.45 71.60 71.60 74.00 74.00 77.05 79.95 93.05 93.05 97.55 97.55 100.90 109.15 114.15 133.35 133.35 135.25 149.45 179.50 TYPE 3465 PAGE 86 EDP PRICE NO. EACH 346510SF 346511SF 346512SF 346513SF 346514SF 346515SF 346516SF 346517SF 346518SF 346519SF 346520SF 346521SF 346522SF 346523SF 346524SF 346525SF 346526SF 346527SF 346528SF 346529SF 346530SF 346531SF 346532SF 346534SF 346536SF 346538SF 346540SF 346542SF 346544SF 346546SF 346548SF $69.80 69.80 65.40 69.40 69.40 73.55 73.55 75.40 75.40 78.70 78.70 86.05 86.05 89.40 89.40 96.30 96.30 100.05 103.80 110.45 110.45 114.80 114.80 125.85 125.85 137.30 137.30 152.20 159.35 188.25 193.80 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 69 CARBIDE TIPPED CHUCKING REAMERS TYPE 3402 - TAPER SHANK - STRAIGHT FLUTES Carbide tips brazed to one piece hardened alloy steel bodies. Straight polished flutes. Designed and manufactured for maximum tool life. Used for all general types of reaming including low carbon steels, cast iron, non-ferrous metals and non-metals. For metric sizes, see page 71. For reamer tolerances and closer tolerance pricing, see page 60. TOOL DIAMETER DECIMAL .2500 .2812 .3125 .3438 .3750 .4062 .4375 .4688 .5000 .5312 .5625 .5938 .6250 .6562 .6875 .7188 .7500 .7812 .8125 .8438 .8750 .9062 .9375 .9688 1.0000 1.0625 1.1250 1.1875 1.2500 1.3125 1.3750 1.4375 1.5000 1.5625 1.6250 1.6875 1.7500 1.8125 1.8750 1.9375 2.0000 FRAC. ¼ 9⁄32 5⁄16 11⁄32 3⁄8 13⁄32 7⁄16 15⁄32 ½ 17⁄32 9⁄16 19⁄32 5⁄8 21⁄32 11⁄16 23⁄32 ¾ 25⁄32 13⁄16 27⁄32 7⁄8 29⁄32 15⁄16 31⁄32 1 1 1⁄16 1 1⁄8 1 3⁄16 1¼ 1 5⁄16 1 3⁄8 1 7⁄16 1½ 1 9⁄16 1 5⁄8 1 11⁄16 1¾ 1 13⁄16 1 7⁄8 1 15⁄16 2 MORSE TAPER NO. OF FLUTES 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 12 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 70 Made in U.S.A. LENGTH FLT CARB OAL 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 2 2 2 2 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2¾ 2¾ 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 3 3 3¼ 3¼ 3½ 3½ 3¾ 3¾ 4 4 4¼ 4¼ 4¼ ½ ½ ½ 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 10 10 10 10 10 ½ 10 ½ 11 11 11 ½ 11 ½ 12 12 12 ½ 12 ½ 13 13 13 ½ 13 ½ 14 14 14 • EDP NO. PRICE EACH DECIMAL SIZE RANGE 340208 340209 340210 340211 340212 340213 340214 340215 340216 340217 340218 340219 340220 340221 340222 340223 340224 340225 340226 340227 340228 340229 340230 340231 340232 340234 340236 340238 340240 340242 340244 340246 340248 340250 340252 340254 340256 340258 340260 340262 340264 $51.25 52.20 52.20 54.15 49.70 56.80 60.50 62.10 73.05 78.95 78.95 82.75 82.75 84.25 84.25 88.05 88.05 90.75 90.75 94.75 98.35 115.30 115.30 120.15 120.15 165.00 175.75 186.10 206.90 223.05 232.05 236.90 248.70 268.40 277.70 312.30 312.30 312.30 327.20 327.20 327.20 .2381 - .2530 .2531 - .2840 .2841 - .3150 .3151 - .3470 .3471 - .3780 .3781 - .4090 .4091 - .4410 .4411 - .4720 .4721 - .5030 .5031 - .5340 .5341 - .5660 .5661 - .5970 .5971 - .6280 .6281 - .6590 .6591 - .6910 .6911 - .7220 .7221 - .7530 .7531 - .7840 .7841 - .8160 .8161 - .8470 .8471 - .8780 .8781 - .9090 .9091 - .9410 .9411 - .9720 .9721 - 1.0030 1.0031 - 1.0660 1.0661 - 1.1280 1.1281 - 1.1905 1.1906 - 1.2530 1.2531 - 1.3155 1.3156 - 1.3780 1.3781 - 1.4405 1.4406 - 1.5030 1.5031 - 1.5660 1.5661 - 1.6280 1.6281 - 1.6910 1.6911 - 1.7530 1.7531 - 1.8160 1.8161 - 1.8780 1.8781 - 1.9410 1.9411 - 2.0030 [email protected] • PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE 1 PC. 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14* $92.75 93.70 93.70 95.70 87.85 98.35 102.00 103.65 118.80 124.65 124.65 128.50 128.50 129.95 129.95 133.75 133.75 136.50 136.50 140.40 145.70 162.65 162.65 167.50 167.50 210.50 221.25 231.65 252.35 268.50 277.55 282.40 294.20 313.85 323.20 357.80 357.80 357.80 372.65 372.65 372.65 $71.95 72.90 72.90 74.90 68.70 77.55 81.20 82.85 95.90 101.70 101.70 105.55 105.55 107.00 107.00 110.85 110.85 113.55 113.55 117.45 121.95 138.90 138.90 143.75 143.75 187.70 198.40 208.80 229.55 245.70 254.75 259.60 271.45 291.15 300.45 334.95 334.95 334.95 349.85 349.85 349.85 $65.05 66.00 66.00 67.90 62.35 70.55 74.25 75.80 88.25 94.00 94.00 97.85 97.85 99.45 99.45 103.20 103.20 106.00 106.00 109.90 114.00 131.00 131.00 135.85 135.85 180.15 190.80 201.25 221.95 238.15 247.20 251.95 263.80 283.50 292.75 327.35 327.35 327.35 342.20 342.20 342.20 $61.75 62.60 62.60 64.60 59.30 67.25 70.95 72.55 84.60 90.40 90.40 94.30 94.30 95.75 95.75 99.60 99.60 102.30 102.30 106.20 110.20 127.15 127.15 132.00 132.00 176.45 187.15 197.55 218.30 234.45 243.50 248.35 260.20 279.90 289.15 323.70 323.70 323.70 338.60 338.60 338.60 $58.20 59.15 59.15 61.10 56.00 63.70 67.35 68.95 80.70 86.50 86.50 90.35 90.35 91.80 91.80 95.70 95.70 98.35 98.35 102.30 106.15 123.10 123.10 127.95 127.95 172.50 183.30 193.60 214.40 230.55 239.60 244.40 256.20 275.90 285.25 319.85 319.85 319.85 334.70 334.70 334.70 $55.40 56.30 56.30 58.30 53.45 60.95 64.55 66.15 77.60 83.35 83.35 87.25 87.25 88.70 88.70 92.55 92.55 95.25 95.25 99.15 102.90 119.90 119.90 124.75 124.75 169.50 180.20 190.65 211.30 227.50 236.60 241.35 253.15 272.85 282.15 316.80 316.80 316.80 331.65 331.65 331.65 Phone 800-882-2627 • Fax 800-882-3637 *Quantities of 15 or more: price of fractional size in same size range. CARBIDE TIPPED CHUCKING REAMERS TYPE 3402 - TAPER SHANK - STRAIGHT FLUTES Detailed description and fractional sizes on page 70. Tolerances on page 60. Tool diameter in millimeters with all other dimensions in inches. TOOL DIAMETER mm INCH 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0 13.5 14.0 14.5 15.0 15.5 16.0 16.5 17.0 17.5 18.0 18.5 19.0 19.5 20.0 20.5 21.0 21.5 22.0 22.5 23.0 23.5 24.0 24.5 25.0 25.5 26.0 27.0 28.0 29.0 30.0 31.0 32.0 33.0 34.0 35.0 36.0 37.0 38.0 39.0 40.0 41.0 .2362 .2559 .2756 .2953 .3150 .3346 .3543 .3740 .3937 .4134 .4331 .4528 .4724 .4921 .5118 .5315 .5512 .5709 .5906 .6102 .6299 .6496 .6693 .6890 .7087 .7283 .7480 .7677 .7874 .8071 .8268 .8465 .8661 .8858 .9055 .9252 .9449 .9646 .9843 1.0039 1.0236 1.0630 1.1024 1.1417 1.1811 1.2205 1.2598 1.2992 1.3386 1.3780 1.4173 1.4567 1.4961 1.5354 1.5748 1.6142 LENGTH MORSE TAPER NO. OF FLTS. FLT CARB OAL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 3 3 3 3¼ 3¼ 3¼ 3½ 3½ 3½ 3¾ 3¾ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 11 11 11 11 ½ 11 ½ 11 ½ 12 12 12 12 ½ 12 ½ 12 ½ 13 13 Phone 941-739-2726 • EDP NO. PRICE EACH METRIC SIZE RANGE 3402060 3402065 3402070 3402075 3402080 3402085 3402090 3402095 3402100 3402105 3402110 3402115 3402120 3402125 3402130 3402135 3402140 3402145 3402150 3402155 3402160 3402165 3402170 3402175 3402180 3402185 3402190 3402195 3402200 3402205 3402210 3402215 3402220 3402225 3402230 3402235 3402240 3402245 3402250 3402255 3402260 3402270 3402280 3402290 3402300 3402310 3402320 3402330 3402340 3402350 3402360 3402370 3402380 3402390 3402400 3402410 $65.05 66.00 66.00 66.00 66.00 67.90 62.35 62.35 70.55 74.25 74.25 75.80 88.25 88.25 94.00 94.00 94.00 97.85 97.85 97.85 99.45 99.45 99.45 99.45 103.20 103.20 103.20 106.00 106.00 106.00 109.90 109.90 109.90 131.00 131.00 131.00 135.85 135.85 135.85 180.15 180.15 180.15 190.80 201.25 201.25 221.95 238.15 238.15 247.20 247.20 251.95 263.80 263.80 283.50 292.75 292.75 6.000 - 6.426 6.427 - 7.214 7.215 - 8.001 8.002 - 8.814 8.815 - 9.601 9.602 - 10.389 10.390 - 11.201 11.202 - 11.989 11.990 - 12.776 12.777 - 13.564 13.565 - 14.376 14.377 - 15.164 15.165 - 15.951 15.952 - 16.739 16.740 - 17.551 17.552 - 18.339 18.340 - 19.126 19.127 - 19.914 19.915 - 20.726 20.727 - 21.514 21.515 - 22.301 22.302 - 23.089 23.090 - 23.901 23.902 - 24.689 24.690 - 25.476 25.477 - 27.076 27.077 - 28.651 28.652 - 30.239 30.240 - 31.826 31.827 - 33.414 33.415 - 35.001 35.002 - 36.589 36.590 - 38.176 38.177 - 39.776 39.777 - 41.351 - Fax 941-739-2827 Diameters up to 50mm - call us for price & availability. • PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO METRIC SIZE 1 PC. 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14 15+ $96.30 97.25 97.25 99.15 91.00 101.80 105.45 107.00 122.60 128.50 128.50 132.30 132.30 133.75 133.75 137.60 137.60 140.30 140.30 144.30 144.30 166.70 166.70 171.55 171.55 214.35 225.00 235.40 256.15 272.30 281.35 286.20 298.05 317.75 327.10 - $75.55 76.50 76.50 78.40 71.95 81.05 84.75 86.45 99.90 105.60 105.60 109.45 109.45 110.90 110.90 114.80 114.80 117.45 117.45 121.50 121.50 143.05 143.05 147.90 147.90 191.60 202.25 212.70 233.50 249.70 258.65 263.50 275.35 295.05 304.30 - $68.65 69.60 69.60 71.50 65.65 74.15 77.75 79.40 92.15 98.00 98.00 101.80 101.80 103.35 103.35 107.15 107.15 109.90 109.90 113.80 113.80 135.00 135.00 139.85 139.85 184.05 194.70 205.15 225.80 241.95 251.10 255.95 267.70 287.40 296.70 - $65.20 66.15 66.15 68.05 62.50 70.70 74.40 76.05 88.40 94.30 94.30 98.10 98.10 99.60 99.60 103.40 103.40 106.15 106.15 110.05 110.05 131.10 131.10 136.00 136.00 180.30 190.95 201.40 222.10 238.30 247.35 252.20 264.00 283.70 292.95 - $61.75 62.60 62.60 64.60 59.30 67.25 70.95 72.55 84.60 90.40 90.40 94.30 94.30 95.75 95.75 99.60 99.60 102.30 102.30 106.20 106.20 127.15 127.15 132.00 132.00 176.45 187.15 197.55 218.30 234.45 243.50 248.35 260.20 279.90 289.15 - $58.80 59.75 59.75 61.75 56.65 64.40 68.00 69.70 81.45 87.25 87.25 91.05 91.05 92.55 92.55 96.35 96.35 99.10 99.10 102.95 102.95 123.85 123.85 128.70 128.70 173.30 184.05 194.50 215.15 231.30 240.35 245.20 257.05 276.65 286.00 - $54.85 55.80 55.80 57.70 53.00 60.40 64.00 65.70 77.05 82.85 82.85 86.65 86.65 88.20 88.20 92.00 92.00 94.75 94.75 98.65 98.65 119.35 119.35 124.20 124.20 169.00 179.65 190.05 210.80 226.95 236.00 240.80 252.70 272.30 281.60 - w w w.lexingtoncutter.com • LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 71 CARBIDE TIPPED CHUCKING REAMERS TYPE 3450 - STRAIGHT SHANK - STRAIGHT FLUTE LONG CARBIDE Flute long carbide tips brazed to one piece hardened alloy steel bodies. Straight polished flutes. Designed and manufactured for maximum tool life. Used for all general types of reaming including low carbon steels, cast iron, non-ferrous metals and non-metals. Designed with flute long carbide for deep hole reaming. Smaller sizes available in solid carbide. See pages 50 through 56. For metric sizes, see page 73. For reamer tolerances and closer tolerance pricing, see page 60. TOOL DIAMETER DECIMAL .1875 .2188 .2344 .2500 .2812 .3125 .3438 .3750 .4062 .4375 .4688 .5000 .5312 .5625 .5938 .6250 .6562 .6875 .7188 .7500 .7812 .8125 .8438 .8750 .9062 .9375 .9688 1.0000 1.0625 1.1250 1.1875 1.2500 1.3125 1.3750 1.4375 1.5000 1.5625 1.6250 1.6875 1.7500 1.8125 1.8750 1.9375 2.0000 FRAC. 3⁄16 7⁄32 15⁄64 ¼ 9⁄32 5⁄16 11⁄32 3⁄8 13⁄32 7⁄16 15⁄32 ½ 17⁄32 9⁄16 19⁄32 5⁄8 21⁄32 11⁄16 23⁄32 ¾ 25⁄32 13⁄16 27⁄32 7⁄8 29⁄32 15⁄16 31⁄32 1 1 1⁄16 1 1⁄8 1 3⁄16 1¼ 1 5⁄16 1 3⁄8 1 7⁄16 1½ 1 9⁄16 1 5⁄8 1 11⁄16 1¾ 1 13⁄16 1 7⁄8 1 15⁄16 2 SHANK DIAM. NO. OF FLUTES 11⁄64 13⁄64 7⁄32 15⁄64 15⁄64 9⁄32 9⁄32 5⁄16 5⁄16 3⁄8 3⁄8 7⁄16 7⁄16 7⁄16 7⁄16 9⁄16 9⁄16 9⁄16 9⁄16 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 1 1 1 1 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/2 1 1/2 1 1/2 1 1/2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 12 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 72 Made in U.S.A. LENGTH FLUTE OVERALL 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2¾ 2¾ 3 3 3¼ 3¼ 3¼ 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 10 10 10 10 10 ½ 10 ½ 11 11 11 ½ 11 ½ 12 12 12 ½ 12 ½ 13 13 13 ½ 13 ½ 14 14 14 • EDP NO. PRICE EACH DECIMAL SIZE RANGE 345006 345007 34502344 345008 345009 345010 345011 345012 345013 345014 345015 345016 345017 345018 345019 345020 345021 345022 345023 345024 345025 345026 345027 345028 345029 345030 345031 345032 345034 345036 345038 345040 345042 345044 345046 345048 345050 345052 345054 345056 345058 345060 345062 345064 $53.20 53.20 53.20 53.20 54.40 54.40 56.35 56.35 59.15 63.95 69.10 74.00 76.15 76.15 79.10 79.10 80.50 80.50 84.25 84.25 87.10 87.10 90.65 94.00 109.45 109.45 114.65 114.65 118.65 128.40 134.35 156.85 156.85 159.20 175.80 211.00 278.55 288.10 316.35 316.35 323.70 339.50 359.95 359.95 .1770 - .2040 .2041 - .2210 .2211 - .2380 .2381 - .2530 .2531 - .2840 .2841 - .3150 .3151 - .3470 .3471 - .3780 .3781 - .4090 .4091 - .4410 .4411 - .4720 .4721 - .5030 .5031 - .5340 .5341 - .5660 .5661 - .5970 .5971 - .6280 .6281 - .6590 .6591 - .6910 .6911 - .7220 .7221 - .7530 .7531 - .7840 .7841 - .8160 .8161 - .8470 .8471 - .8780 .8781 - .9090 .9091 - .9410 .9411 - .9720 .9721 - 1.0030 1.0031 - 1.0660 1.0661 - 1.1280 1.1281 - 1.1905 1.1906 - 1.2530 1.2531 - 1.3155 1.3156 - 1.3780 1.3781 - 1.4405 1.4406 - 1.5030 1.5031 - 1.5660 1.5661 - 1.6280 1.6281 - 1.6910 1.6911 - 1.7530 1.7531 - 1.8160 1.8161 - 1.8780 1.8781 - 1.9410 1.9411 - 2.0030 [email protected] • PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE 1 PC. 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14* $95.90 95.90 95.90 95.90 97.00 97.00 99.00 99.00 101.80 106.65 111.80 119.75 121.85 121.85 124.80 124.80 126.20 126.20 129.95 129.95 132.80 132.80 136.35 141.50 156.85 156.85 162.15 162.15 164.15 173.85 179.80 202.25 202.25 204.60 221.30 256.50 324.05 333.60 361.90 361.90 369.25 384.90 405.35 405.35 $74.45 74.45 74.45 74.45 75.65 75.65 77.70 77.70 80.50 85.25 90.40 96.85 98.95 98.95 101.85 101.85 103.35 103.35 107.00 107.00 109.95 109.95 113.40 117.75 133.10 133.10 138.35 138.35 141.35 151.10 157.00 179.55 179.55 181.85 198.45 233.75 301.30 310.75 339.05 339.05 346.50 362.15 382.55 382.55 $67.45 67.45 67.45 67.45 68.50 68.50 70.50 70.50 73.30 78.05 83.20 89.25 91.30 91.30 94.30 94.30 95.70 95.70 99.45 99.45 102.30 102.30 105.70 109.75 125.15 125.15 130.40 130.40 133.70 143.40 149.45 171.90 171.90 174.20 190.90 226.15 293.65 303.20 331.50 331.50 338.85 354.55 375.00 375.00 $63.95 63.95 63.95 63.95 65.10 65.10 67.10 67.10 69.90 74.75 79.80 85.55 87.55 87.55 90.65 90.65 92.00 92.00 95.75 95.75 98.65 98.65 102.10 105.90 121.35 121.35 126.65 126.65 130.10 139.85 145.75 168.30 168.30 170.60 187.30 222.50 290.05 299.60 327.80 327.80 335.25 350.90 371.30 371.30 $60.25 60.25 60.25 60.25 61.35 61.35 63.45 63.45 66.20 71.05 76.20 81.65 83.65 83.65 86.65 86.65 88.05 88.05 91.80 91.80 94.75 94.75 98.20 101.85 117.30 117.30 122.60 122.60 126.20 135.90 141.85 164.35 164.35 166.70 183.40 218.60 286.15 295.70 324.00 324.00 331.25 347.00 367.50 367.50 $57.40 57.40 57.40 57.40 58.60 58.60 60.55 60.55 63.35 68.20 73.30 78.50 80.55 80.55 83.55 83.55 84.95 84.95 88.70 88.70 91.65 91.65 95.05 98.65 114.05 114.05 119.35 119.35 123.10 132.80 138.85 161.25 161.25 163.60 180.30 215.60 283.05 292.60 320.90 320.90 328.25 343.90 364.40 364.40 Phone 800-882-2627 • Fax 800-882-3637 *Quantities of 15 or more: price of fractional size in same size range. CARBIDE TIPPED CHUCKING REAMERS TYPE 3450 - STRAIGHT SHANK - STRAIGHT FLUTE LONG CARBIDE Detailed description and fractional sizes on page 72. Tolerances on page 60. Tool diameter in millimeters with all other dimensions in inches. TOOL DIAMETER mm INCH 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.3 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0 13.5 14.0 14.5 15.0 15.5 16.0 16.5 17.0 17.5 18.0 18.5 19.0 19.5 20.0 20.5 21.0 21.5 22.0 22.5 23.0 23.5 24.0 24.5 25.0 25.5 26.0 27.0 28.0 29.0 30.0 31.0 32.0 33.0 34.0 35.0 36.0 37.0 38.0 .1772 .1969 .2165 .2362 .2480 .2559 .2756 .2953 .3150 .3346 .3543 .3740 .3937 .4134 .4331 .4528 .4724 .4921 .5118 .5315 .5512 .5709 .5906 .6102 .6299 .6496 .6693 .6890 .7087 .7283 .7480 .7677 .7874 .8071 .8268 .8465 .8661 .8858 .9055 .9252 .9449 .9646 .9843 1.0039 1.0236 1.0630 1.1024 1.1417 1.1811 1.2205 1.2598 1.2992 1.3386 1.3780 1.4173 1.4567 1.4961 SHANK NO. OF DIAM. FLTS. 11⁄64 11⁄64 13⁄64 7⁄32 15⁄64 15⁄64 15⁄64 9⁄32 9⁄32 9⁄32 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 3⁄8 3⁄8 3⁄8 7⁄16 7⁄16 7⁄16 7⁄16 7⁄16 7⁄16 7⁄16 9⁄16 9⁄16 9⁄16 9⁄16 9⁄16 9⁄16 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Phone 941-739-2726 LENGTH FLUTE OVERALL 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 11 11 11 11 ½ 11 ½ 11 ½ 12 12 12 12 ½ 12 ½ • EDP NO. PRICE EACH METRIC SIZE RANGE 3450045 3450050 3450055 3450060 3450063 3450065 3450070 3450075 3450080 3450085 3450090 3450095 3450100 3450105 3450110 3450115 3450120 3450125 3450130 3450135 3450140 3450145 3450150 3450155 3450160 3450165 3450170 3450175 3450180 3450185 3450190 3450195 3450200 3450205 3450210 3450215 3450220 3450225 3450230 3450235 3450240 3450245 3450250 3450255 3450260 3450270 3450280 3450290 3450300 3450310 3450320 3450330 3450340 3450350 3450360 3450370 3450380 $67.45 67.45 67.45 67.45 67.45 68.50 68.50 68.50 68.50 70.50 70.50 70.50 73.30 78.05 78.05 83.20 89.25 89.25 91.30 91.30 91.30 94.30 94.30 94.30 95.70 95.70 95.70 95.70 99.45 99.45 99.45 102.30 102.30 102.30 105.70 105.70 105.70 125.15 125.15 125.15 130.40 130.40 130.40 133.70 133.70 133.70 143.40 149.45 149.45 171.90 171.90 171.90 174.20 174.20 190.90 226.15 226.15 4.494 - 5.182 5.183 - 5.613 5.614 - 6.045 6.046 - 6.426 6.427 - 7.214 7.215 - 8.001 8.002 - 8.814 8.815 - 9.601 9.602 - 10.389 10.390 - 11.201 11.202 - 11.989 11.990 - 12.776 12.777 - 13.564 13.565 - 14.376 14.377 - 15.164 15.165 - 15.951 15.952 - 16.739 16.740 - 17.551 17.552 - 18.339 18.340 - 19.126 19.127 - 19.914 19.915 - 20.726 20.727 - 21.514 21.515 - 22.301 22.302 - 23.089 23.090 - 23.901 23.902 - 24.689 24.690 - 25.476 25.477 - 27.076 27.077 - 28.651 28.652 - 30.239 30.240 - 31.826 31.827 - 33.414 33.415 - 35.001 35.002 - 36.589 36.590 - 38.176 - Fax 941-739-2827 Diameters up to 50mm - call us for price & availability. • PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO METRIC SIZE 1 PC. 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14 15+ $99.50 99.50 99.50 99.50 100.55 100.55 102.60 102.60 105.40 110.25 115.40 123.55 125.70 125.70 128.60 128.60 130.00 130.00 133.75 133.75 136.65 136.65 140.15 140.15 160.90 160.90 166.05 166.05 167.95 177.70 183.60 206.15 206.15 208.45 225.05 260.35 - $78.20 78.20 78.20 78.20 79.30 79.30 81.35 81.35 84.15 88.85 94.00 100.85 102.85 102.85 105.75 105.75 107.25 107.25 110.90 110.90 113.90 113.90 117.30 117.30 137.20 137.20 142.45 142.45 145.25 155.00 160.95 183.45 183.45 185.80 202.40 237.65 - $71.05 71.05 71.05 71.05 72.20 72.20 74.15 74.15 76.95 81.75 86.95 93.10 95.20 95.20 98.20 98.20 99.60 99.60 103.35 103.35 106.20 106.20 109.65 109.65 129.20 129.20 134.45 134.45 137.60 147.35 153.30 175.80 175.80 178.10 194.80 230.05 - $67.55 67.55 67.55 67.55 68.65 68.65 70.65 70.65 73.50 78.30 83.40 89.40 91.45 91.45 94.45 94.45 95.85 95.85 99.60 99.60 102.45 102.45 106.00 106.00 125.30 125.30 130.55 130.55 133.90 143.70 149.55 172.15 172.15 174.40 191.05 226.30 - $63.95 63.95 63.95 63.95 65.10 65.10 67.10 67.10 69.90 74.75 79.80 85.55 87.55 87.55 90.65 90.65 92.00 92.00 95.75 95.75 98.65 98.65 102.10 102.10 121.35 121.35 126.65 126.65 130.10 139.85 145.75 168.30 168.30 170.60 187.30 222.50 - $61.00 61.00 61.00 61.00 62.10 62.10 64.10 64.10 66.95 71.75 76.90 82.30 84.45 84.45 87.40 87.40 88.80 88.80 92.55 92.55 95.40 95.40 98.95 98.95 118.05 118.05 123.35 123.35 126.95 136.65 142.60 165.10 165.10 167.45 184.10 219.30 - $56.90 56.90 56.90 56.90 58.05 58.05 60.05 60.05 62.75 67.60 72.75 78.00 80.05 80.05 83.05 83.05 84.45 84.45 88.20 88.20 91.05 91.05 94.50 94.50 113.50 113.50 118.80 118.80 122.60 132.30 138.25 160.75 160.75 163.10 179.70 215.00 - w w w.lexingtoncutter.com • LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 73 CARBIDE TIPPED DECIMAL SIZE CHUCKING REAMERS TYPE 3450 - STRAIGHT SHANK - STRAIGHT FLUTE LONG CARBIDE STANDARD DECIMAL DIAMETER REAMERS (.0005" INCREMENTS) THIS PAGE .1770" THRU .3265" For fractional, wire, letter sizes and dimensions, see pages 72. DECIMAL SIZE .1770 .1775 .1780 .1785 .1790 .1795 .1800 .1805 .1810 .1815 .1820 .1825 .1830 .1835 .1840 .1845 .1850 .1855 .1860 .1865 .1870 .1875 .1880 .1885 .1890 .1895 .1900 .1905 .1910 .1915 .1920 .1925 .1930 .1935 .1940 .1945 .1950 .1955 .1960 .1965 .1970 .1975 .1980 .1985 .1990 .1995 .2000 .2005 .2010 .2015 .2020 .2025 .2030 .2035 .2040 .2045 .2050 .2055 .2060 .2065 EDP NO. PRICE EACH 34501770 $67.45 34501775 67.45 34501780 67.45 34501785 67.45 34501790 67.45 34501795 67.45 34501800 67.45 34501805 67.45 34501810 67.45 34501815 67.45 34501820 67.45 34501825 67.45 34501830 67.45 34501835 67.45 34501840 67.45 34501845 67.45 3450047 67.45 34501855 67.45 34501860 67.45 34501865 67.45 34501870 67.45 345006 53.20 34501880 67.45 34501885 67.45 3450048 67.45 34501895 67.45 34501900 67.45 34501905 67.45 34501910 67.45 34501915 67.45 34501920 67.45 34501925 67.45 34501930 67.45 34501935 67.45 34501940 67.45 34501945 67.45 34501950 67.45 34501955 67.45 34501960 67.45 34501965 67.45 34501970 67.45 34501975 67.45 34501980 67.45 34501985 67.45 34501990 67.45 34501995 67.45 34502000 67.45 34502005 67.45 34502010 67.45 34502015 67.45 34502020 67.45 34502025 67.45 34502030 67.45 34502035 67.45 34502040 67.45 34502045 67.45 34502050 67.45 34502055 67.45 34502060 67.45 34502065 67.45 DECIMAL SIZE .2070 .2075 .2080 .2085 .2090 .2095 .2100 .2105 .2110 .2115 .2120 .2125 .2130 .2135 .2140 .2145 .2150 .2155 .2160 .2165 .2170 .2175 .2180 .2185 .2190 .2195 .2200 .2205 .2210 .2215 .2220 .2225 .2230 .2235 .2240 .2245 .2250 .2255 .2260 .2265 .2270 .2275 .2280 .2285 .2290 .2295 .2300 .2305 .2310 .2315 .2320 .2325 .2330 .2335 .2340 .2345 .2350 .2355 .2360 .2365 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 74 Made in U.S.A. EDP NO. PRICE EACH 34502070 $67.45 34502075 67.45 34502080 67.45 34502085 67.45 34502090 67.45 34502095 67.45 34502100 67.45 34502105 67.45 34502110 67.45 34502115 67.45 34502120 67.45 34502125 67.45 34502130 67.45 34502135 67.45 34502140 67.45 34502145 67.45 34502150 67.45 34502155 67.45 34502160 67.45 3450055 67.45 34502170 67.45 34502175 67.45 34502180 67.45 34502185 67.45 34502190 67.45 34502195 67.45 34502200 67.45 3450056 67.45 34502210 67.45 34502215 67.45 34502220 67.45 34502225 67.45 34502230 67.45 34502235 67.45 34502240 67.45 34502245 67.45 34502250 67.45 34502255 67.45 34502260 67.45 34502265 67.45 34502270 67.45 34502275 67.45 34502280 67.45 34502285 67.45 34502290 67.45 34502295 67.45 34502300 67.45 34502305 67.45 34502310 67.45 34502315 67.45 34502320 67.45 34502325 67.45 34502330 67.45 34502335 67.45 34502340 67.45 34502345 67.45 34502350 67.45 34502355 67.45 34502360 67.45 34502365 67.45 • DECIMAL SIZE .2370 .2375 .2380 .2385 .2390 .2395 .2400 .2405 .2410 .2415 .2420 .2425 .2430 .2435 .2440 .2445 .2450 .2455 .2460 .2465 .2470 .2475 .2480 .2485 .2490 .2495 .2500 .2505 .2510 .2515 .2520 .2525 .2530 .2535 .2540 .2545 .2550 .2555 .2560 .2565 .2570 .2575 .2580 .2585 .2590 .2595 .2600 .2605 .2610 .2615 .2620 .2625 .2630 .2635 .2640 .2645 .2650 .2655 .2660 .2665 EDP NO. PRICE EACH DECIMAL SIZE 34502370 $67.45 34502375 67.45 34502380 67.45 34502385 67.45 34502390 67.45 34502395 67.45 34502400 67.45 34502405 67.45 34502410 67.45 34502415 67.45 34502420 67.45 34502425 67.45 34502430 67.45 34502435 67.45 34502440 67.45 34502445 67.45 34502450 67.45 34502455 67.45 34502460 67.45 34502465 67.45 34502470 67.45 34502475 67.45 3450063 67.45 34502485 67.45 34502490 67.45 34502495 67.45 345008 53.20 34502505 67.45 34502510 67.45 34502515 67.45 3450064 67.45 34502525 67.45 34502530 67.45 34502535 68.50 34502540 68.50 34502545 68.50 34502550 68.50 34502555 68.50 34502560 68.50 34502565 68.50 34502570 68.50 34502575 68.50 34502580 68.50 34502585 68.50 34502590 68.50 34502595 68.50 34502600 68.50 34502605 68.50 34502610 68.50 34502615 68.50 34502620 68.50 34502625 68.50 34502630 68.50 34502635 68.50 34502640 68.50 34502645 68.50 34502650 68.50 34502655 68.50 34502660 68.50 34502665 68.50 [email protected] • .2670 .2675 .2680 .2685 .2690 .2695 .2700 .2705 .2710 .2715 .2720 .2725 .2730 .2735 .2740 .2745 .2750 .2755 .2760 .2765 .2770 .2775 .2780 .2785 .2790 .2795 .2800 .2805 .2810 .2815 .2820 .2825 .2830 .2835 .2840 .2845 .2850 .2855 .2860 .2865 .2870 .2875 .2880 .2885 .2890 .2895 .2900 .2905 .2910 .2915 .2920 .2925 .2930 .2935 .2940 .2945 .2950 .2955 .2960 .2965 EDP NO. PRICE EACH DECIMAL SIZE 34502670 $68.50 34502675 68.50 34502680 68.50 34502685 68.50 34502690 68.50 34502695 68.50 34502700 68.50 34502705 68.50 34502710 68.50 34502715 68.50 34502720 68.50 34502725 68.50 34502730 68.50 34502735 68.50 34502740 68.50 34502745 68.50 34502750 68.50 34502755 68.50 34502760 68.50 34502765 68.50 34502770 68.50 34502775 68.50 34502780 68.50 34502785 68.50 34502790 68.50 3450071 68.50 34502800 68.50 34502805 68.50 34502810 68.50 34502815 68.50 34502820 68.50 34502825 68.50 34502830 68.50 3450072 68.50 34502840 68.50 34502845 68.50 34502850 68.50 34502855 68.50 34502860 68.50 34502865 68.50 34502870 68.50 34502875 68.50 34502880 68.50 34502885 68.50 34502890 68.50 34502895 68.50 34502900 68.50 34502905 68.50 34502910 68.50 34502915 68.50 34502920 68.50 34502925 68.50 34502930 68.50 34502935 68.50 34502940 68.50 34502945 68.50 34502950 68.50 34502955 68.50 34502960 68.50 34502965 68.50 Phone 800-882-2627 .2970 .2975 .2980 .2985 .2990 .2995 .3000 .3005 .3010 .3015 .3020 .3025 .3030 .3035 .3040 .3045 .3050 .3055 .3060 .3065 .3070 .3075 .3080 .3085 .3090 .3095 .3100 .3105 .3110 .3115 .3120 .3125 .3130 .3135 .3140 .3145 .3150 .3155 .3160 .3165 .3170 .3175 .3180 .3185 .3190 .3195 .3200 .3205 .3210 .3215 .3220 .3225 .3230 .3235 .3240 .3245 .3250 .3255 .3260 .3265 • EDP NO. PRICE EACH 34502970 $68.50 34502975 68.50 34502980 68.50 34502985 68.50 34502990 68.50 34502995 68.50 34503000 68.50 34503005 68.50 34503010 68.50 34503015 68.50 34503020 68.50 34503025 68.50 34503030 68.50 34503035 68.50 34503040 68.50 34503045 68.50 34503050 68.50 34503055 68.50 34503060 68.50 34503065 68.50 34503070 68.50 34503075 68.50 34503080 68.50 34503085 68.50 34503090 68.50 34503095 68.50 34503100 68.50 34503105 68.50 3450079 68.50 34503115 68.50 34503120 68.50 345010 54.40 34503130 68.50 34503135 68.50 34503140 68.50 34503145 68.50 3450080 68.50 34503155 70.50 34503160 70.50 34503165 70.50 34503170 70.50 34503175 70.50 34503180 70.50 34503185 70.50 34503190 70.50 34503195 70.50 34503200 70.50 34503205 70.50 34503210 70.50 34503215 70.50 34503220 70.50 34503225 70.50 34503230 70.50 34503235 70.50 34503240 70.50 34503245 70.50 34503250 70.50 34503255 70.50 34503260 70.50 34503265 70.50 Fax 800-882-3637 CARBIDE TIPPED DECIMAL SIZE CHUCKING REAMERS TYPE 3450 - STRAIGHT SHANK - STRAIGHT FLUTE LONG CARBIDE STANDARD DECIMAL DIAMETER REAMERS (.0005" INCREMENTS) THIS PAGE .3270" THRU .4765" For fractional, wire, letter sizes and dimensions, see pages 72. DECIMAL SIZE .3270 .3275 .3280 .3285 .3290 .3295 .3300 .3305 .3310 .3315 .3320 .3325 .3330 .3335 .3340 .3345 .3350 .3355 .3360 .3365 .3370 .3375 .3380 .3385 .3390 .3395 .3400 .3405 .3410 .3415 .3420 .3425 .3430 .3435 .3440 .3445 .3450 .3455 .3460 .3465 .3470 .3475 .3480 .3485 .3490 .3495 .3500 .3505 .3510 .3515 .3520 .3525 .3530 .3535 .3540 .3545 .3550 .3555 .3560 .3565 EDP NO. PRICE EACH 34503270 $70.50 34503275 70.50 34503280 70.50 34503285 70.50 34503290 70.50 34503295 70.50 34503300 70.50 34503305 70.50 34503310 70.50 34503315 70.50 34503320 70.50 34503325 70.50 34503330 70.50 34503335 70.50 34503340 70.50 34503345 70.50 34503350 70.50 34503355 70.50 34503360 70.50 34503365 70.50 34503370 70.50 34503375 70.50 34503380 70.50 34503385 70.50 34503390 70.50 34503395 70.50 34503400 70.50 34503405 70.50 34503410 70.50 34503415 70.50 34503420 70.50 3450087 70.50 34503430 70.50 34503435 70.50 34503440 70.50 34503445 70.50 34503450 70.50 34503455 70.50 34503460 70.50 3450088 70.50 34503470 70.50 34503475 70.50 34503480 70.50 34503485 70.50 34503490 70.50 34503495 70.50 34503500 70.50 34503505 70.50 34503510 70.50 34503515 70.50 34503520 70.50 34503525 70.50 34503530 70.50 34503535 70.50 34503540 70.50 34503545 70.50 34503550 70.50 34503555 70.50 34503560 70.50 34503565 70.50 Phone 941-739-2726 DECIMAL SIZE .3570 .3575 .3580 .3585 .3590 .3595 .3600 .3605 .3610 .3615 .3620 .3625 .3630 .3635 .3640 .3645 .3650 .3655 .3660 .3665 .3670 .3675 .3680 .3685 .3690 .3695 .3700 .3705 .3710 .3715 .3720 .3725 .3730 .3735 .3740 .3745 .3750 .3755 .3760 .3765 .3770 .3775 .3780 .3785 .3790 .3795 .3800 .3805 .3810 .3815 .3820 .3825 .3830 .3835 .3840 .3845 .3850 .3855 .3860 .3865 • EDP NO. 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PRICE EACH 34504170 $78.05 34504175 78.05 34504180 78.05 34504185 78.05 34504190 78.05 34504195 78.05 34504200 78.05 34504205 78.05 34504210 78.05 34504215 78.05 34504220 78.05 34504225 78.05 34504230 78.05 34504235 78.05 34504240 78.05 34504245 78.05 34504250 78.05 34504255 78.05 34504260 78.05 34504265 78.05 34504270 78.05 34504275 78.05 34504280 78.05 34504285 78.05 34504290 78.05 34504295 78.05 34504300 78.05 34504305 78.05 34504310 78.05 34504315 78.05 34504320 78.05 34504325 78.05 34504330 78.05 34504335 78.05 34504340 78.05 34504345 78.05 34504350 78.05 34504355 78.05 34504360 78.05 34504365 78.05 3450111 78.05 345014 63.95 34504380 78.05 34504385 78.05 34504390 78.05 34504395 78.05 34504400 78.05 34504405 78.05 34504410 78.05 34504415 83.35 34504420 83.35 34504425 83.35 34504430 83.35 34504435 83.35 34504440 83.35 34504445 83.35 34504450 83.35 34504455 83.35 34504460 83.35 34504465 83.35 w w w.lexingtoncutter.com • DECIMAL SIZE .4470 .4475 .4480 .4485 .4490 .4495 .4500 .4505 .4510 .4515 .4520 .4525 .4530 .4535 .4540 .4545 .4550 .4555 .4560 .4565 .4570 .4575 .4580 .4585 .4590 .4595 .4600 .4605 .4610 .4615 .4620 .4625 .4630 .4635 .4640 .4645 .4650 .4655 .4660 .4665 .4670 .4675 .4680 .4685 .4690 .4695 .4700 .4705 .4710 .4715 .4720 .4725 .4730 .4735 .4740 .4745 .4750 .4755 .4760 .4765 EDP NO. PRICE EACH 34504470 $83.35 34504475 83.35 34504480 83.35 34504485 83.35 34504490 83.35 34504495 83.35 34504500 83.35 34504505 83.35 34504510 83.35 34504515 83.35 34504520 83.35 34504525 83.35 34504530 83.35 34504535 83.35 34504540 83.35 34504545 83.35 34504550 83.35 34504555 83.35 34504560 83.35 34504565 83.35 34504570 83.35 34504575 83.35 34504580 83.35 34504585 83.35 34504590 83.35 34504595 83.35 34504600 83.35 34504605 83.35 34504610 83.35 34504615 83.35 34504620 83.35 34504625 83.35 34504630 83.35 34504635 83.35 34504640 83.35 34504645 83.35 34504650 83.35 34504655 83.35 34504660 83.35 34504665 83.35 34504670 83.35 34504675 83.35 34504680 83.35 3450119 83.35 34504690 83.35 34504695 83.35 34504700 83.35 34504705 83.35 34504710 83.35 34504715 83.35 34504720 83.35 34504725 89.30 34504730 89.30 34504735 89.30 34504740 89.30 34504745 89.30 34504750 89.30 34504755 89.30 34504760 89.30 34504765 89.30 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 75 CARBIDE TIPPED DECIMAL SIZE CHUCKING REAMERS TYPE 3450 - STRAIGHT SHANK - STRAIGHT FLUTE LONG CARBIDE STANDARD DECIMAL DIAMETER REAMERS (.0005" INCREMENTS) THIS PAGE .4770" THRU .6265" For fractional, wire, letter sizes and dimensions, see pages 72. DECIMAL SIZE .4770 .4775 .4780 .4785 .4790 .4795 .4800 .4805 .4810 .4815 .4820 .4825 .4830 .4835 .4840 .4845 .4850 .4855 .4860 .4865 .4870 .4875 .4880 .4885 .4890 .4895 .4900 .4905 .4910 .4915 .4920 .4925 .4930 .4935 .4940 .4945 .4950 .4955 .4960 .4965 .4970 .4975 .4980 .4985 .4990 .4995 .5000 .5005 .5010 .5015 .5020 .5025 .5030 .5035 .5040 .5045 .5050 .5055 .5060 .5065 EDP NO. PRICE EACH 34504770 $89.30 34504775 89.30 34504780 89.30 34504785 89.30 34504790 89.30 34504795 89.30 34504800 89.30 34504805 89.30 34504810 89.30 34504815 89.30 34504820 89.30 34504825 89.30 34504830 89.30 34504835 89.30 34504840 89.30 34504845 89.30 34504850 89.30 34504855 89.30 34504860 89.30 34504865 89.30 34504870 89.30 34504875 89.30 34504880 89.30 34504885 89.30 34504890 89.30 34504895 89.30 34504900 89.30 34504905 89.30 34504910 89.30 34504915 89.30 34504920 89.30 34504925 89.30 34504930 89.30 34504935 89.30 34504940 89.30 34504945 89.30 34504950 89.30 34504955 89.30 34504960 89.30 34504965 89.30 34504970 89.30 34504975 89.30 34504980 89.30 34504985 89.30 34504990 89.30 34504995 89.30 345016 74.00 34505005 89.30 34505010 89.30 34505015 89.30 34505020 89.30 34505025 89.30 34505030 89.30 34505035 91.30 34505040 91.30 34505045 91.30 34505050 91.30 34505055 91.30 34505060 91.30 34505065 91.30 DECIMAL SIZE .5070 .5075 .5080 .5085 .5090 .5095 .5100 .5105 .5110 .5115 .5120 .5125 .5130 .5135 .5140 .5145 .5150 .5155 .5160 .5165 .5170 .5175 .5180 .5185 .5190 .5195 .5200 .5205 .5210 .5215 .5220 .5225 .5230 .5235 .5240 .5245 .5250 .5255 .5260 .5265 .5270 .5275 .5280 .5285 .5290 .5295 .5300 .5305 .5310 .5315 .5320 .5325 .5330 .5335 .5340 .5345 .5350 .5355 .5360 .5365 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 76 Made in U.S.A. EDP NO. PRICE EACH 34505070 $91.30 34505075 91.30 34505080 91.30 34505085 91.30 34505090 91.30 34505095 91.30 34505100 91.30 34505105 91.30 34505110 91.30 34505115 91.30 34505120 91.30 34505125 91.30 34505130 91.30 34505135 91.30 34505140 91.30 34505145 91.30 34505150 91.30 34505155 91.30 34505160 91.30 34505165 91.30 34505170 91.30 34505175 91.30 34505180 91.30 34505185 91.30 34505190 91.30 34505195 91.30 34505200 91.30 34505205 91.30 34505210 91.30 34505215 91.30 34505220 91.30 34505225 91.30 34505230 91.30 34505235 91.30 34505240 91.30 34505245 91.30 34505250 91.30 34505255 91.30 34505260 91.30 34505265 91.30 34505270 91.30 34505275 91.30 34505280 91.30 34505285 91.30 34505290 91.30 34505295 91.30 34505300 91.30 34505305 91.30 34505310 91.30 3450135 91.30 34505320 91.30 34505325 91.30 34505330 91.30 34505335 91.30 34505340 91.30 34505345 91.30 34505350 91.30 34505355 91.30 34505360 91.30 34505365 91.30 • DECIMAL SIZE .5370 .5375 .5380 .5385 .5390 .5395 .5400 .5405 .5410 .5415 .5420 .5425 .5430 .5435 .5440 .5445 .5450 .5455 .5460 .5465 .5470 .5475 .5480 .5485 .5490 .5495 .5500 .5505 .5510 .5515 .5520 .5525 .5530 .5535 .5540 .5545 .5550 .5555 .5560 .5565 .5570 .5575 .5580 .5585 .5590 .5595 .5600 .5605 .5610 .5615 .5620 .5625 .5630 .5635 .5640 .5645 .5650 .5655 .5660 .5665 EDP NO. PRICE EACH DECIMAL SIZE 34505370 $91.30 34505375 91.30 34505380 91.30 34505385 91.30 34505390 91.30 34505395 91.30 34505400 91.30 34505405 91.30 34505410 91.30 34505415 91.30 34505420 91.30 34505425 91.30 34505430 91.30 34505435 91.30 34505440 91.30 34505445 91.30 34505450 91.30 34505455 91.30 34505460 91.30 34505465 91.30 34505470 91.30 34505475 91.30 34505480 91.30 34505485 91.30 34505490 91.30 34505495 91.30 34505500 91.30 34505505 91.30 34505510 91.30 34505515 91.30 34505520 91.30 34505525 91.30 34505530 91.30 34505535 91.30 34505540 91.30 34505545 91.30 34505550 91.30 34505555 91.30 34505560 91.30 34505565 91.30 34505570 91.30 34505575 91.30 34505580 91.30 34505585 91.30 34505590 91.30 34505595 91.30 34505600 91.30 34505605 91.30 34505610 91.30 34505615 91.30 34505620 91.30 345018 76.15 3450143 91.30 34505635 91.30 34505640 91.30 34505645 91.30 34505650 91.30 34505655 91.30 34505660 91.30 34505665 94.30 [email protected] • .5670 .5675 .5680 .5685 .5690 .5695 .5700 .5705 .5710 .5715 .5720 .5725 .5730 .5735 .5740 .5745 .5750 .5755 .5760 .5765 .5770 .5775 .5780 .5785 .5790 .5795 .5800 .5805 .5810 .5815 .5820 .5825 .5830 .5835 .5840 .5845 .5850 .5855 .5860 .5865 .5870 .5875 .5880 .5885 .5890 .5895 .5900 .5905 .5910 .5915 .5920 .5925 .5930 .5935 .5940 .5945 .5950 .5955 .5960 .5965 EDP NO. PRICE EACH DECIMAL SIZE 34505670 $94.30 34505675 94.30 34505680 94.30 34505685 94.30 34505690 94.30 34505695 94.30 34505700 94.30 34505705 94.30 34505710 94.30 34505715 94.30 34505720 94.30 34505725 94.30 34505730 94.30 34505735 94.30 34505740 94.30 34505745 94.30 34505750 94.30 34505755 94.30 34505760 94.30 34505765 94.30 34505770 94.30 34505775 94.30 34505780 94.30 34505785 94.30 34505790 94.30 34505795 94.30 34505800 94.30 34505805 94.30 34505810 94.30 34505815 94.30 34505820 94.30 34505825 94.30 34505830 94.30 34505835 94.30 34505840 94.30 34505845 94.30 34505850 94.30 34505855 94.30 34505860 94.30 34505865 94.30 34505870 94.30 34505875 94.30 34505880 94.30 34505885 94.30 34505890 94.30 34505895 94.30 34505900 94.30 34505905 94.30 34505910 94.30 34505915 94.30 34505920 94.30 34505925 94.30 34505930 94.30 34505935 94.30 34505940 94.30 3450151 94.30 34505950 94.30 34505955 94.30 34505960 94.30 34505965 94.30 Phone 800-882-2627 .5970 .5975 .5980 .5985 .5990 .5995 .6000 .6005 .6010 .6015 .6020 .6025 .6030 .6035 .6040 .6045 .6050 .6055 .6060 .6065 .6070 .6075 .6080 .6085 .6090 .6095 .6100 .6105 .6110 .6115 .6120 .6125 .6130 .6135 .6140 .6145 .6150 .6155 .6160 .6165 .6170 .6175 .6180 .6185 .6190 .6195 .6200 .6205 .6210 .6215 .6220 .6225 .6230 .6235 .6240 .6245 .6250 .6255 .6260 .6265 • EDP NO. PRICE EACH 34505970 $94.30 34505975 94.30 34505980 94.30 34505985 94.30 34505990 94.30 34505995 94.30 34506000 94.30 34506005 94.30 34506010 94.30 34506015 94.30 34506020 94.30 34506025 94.30 34506030 94.30 34506035 94.30 34506040 94.30 34506045 94.30 34506050 94.30 34506055 94.30 34506060 94.30 34506065 94.30 34506070 94.30 34506075 94.30 34506080 94.30 34506085 94.30 34506090 94.30 34506095 94.30 34506100 94.30 34506105 94.30 34506110 94.30 34506115 94.30 34506120 94.30 34506125 94.30 34506130 94.30 34506135 94.30 34506140 94.30 34506145 94.30 34506150 94.30 34506155 94.30 34506160 94.30 34506165 94.30 34506170 94.30 34506175 94.30 34506180 94.30 34506185 94.30 34506190 94.30 34506195 94.30 34506200 94.30 34506205 94.30 34506210 94.30 34506215 94.30 3450158 94.30 34506225 94.30 34506230 94.30 34506235 94.30 34506240 94.30 34506245 94.30 345020 79.10 34506255 94.30 3450159 94.30 34506265 94.30 Fax 800-882-3637 CARBIDE TIPPED CHUCKING REAMERS FOR STEEL TYPE 3480 - STRAIGHT SHANK - STRAIGHT FLUTE LONG CARBIDE Detailed description and fractional sizes on page 78. Tolerances on page 60. Tool diameter in millimeters with all other dimensions in inches. TOOL DIAMETER mm 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0 13.5 14.0 14.5 15.0 15.5 16.0 16.5 17.0 17.5 18.0 18.5 19.0 19.5 20.0 20.5 21.0 21.5 22.0 22.5 23.0 23.5 24.0 24.5 25.0 25.5 26.0 27.0 28.0 29.0 30.0 31.0 32.0 33.0 34.0 35.0 36.0 37.0 38.0 INCH LENGTH MAX. NO. SHANK OF DIAM. FLTS. FLUTE OVERALL .1772 .1704 .1969 .1805 .2165 .2075 .2362 .2265 .2480 .2405 .2559 .2485 .2756 .2485 .2953 .2792 .3150 .2792 .3346 .2792 .3543 .3105 .3740 .3105 .3937 .3105 .4134 .3730 .4331 .3730 .4528 .3730 .4724 .4355 .4921 .4355 .5118 .4355 .5315 .4355 .5512 .4355 .5709 .4355 .5906 .4355 .6102 .5615 .6299 .5615 .6496 .5615 .6693 .5615 .6890 .5615 .7087 .5615 .7283 .6245 .7480 .6245 .7677 .6245 .7874 .6245 .8071 .6245 .8268 .6245 .8465 .6245 .8661 .7495 .8858 .7495 .9055 .7495 .9252 .7495 .9449 .7495 .9646 .7495 .9843 .8745 1.0039 .8745 1.0236 .8745 1.0630 .8745 1.1024 .8745 1.1417 .9995 1.1811 .9995 1.2205 .9995 1.2598 .9995 1.2992 .9995 1.3386 .9995 1.3780 .9995 1.4173 .9995 1.4567 1.2495 1.4961 1.2495 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1¼ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 3 3 3 3¼ 3¼ 3¼ 3½ 3½ Phone 941-739-2726 4½ 4½ 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 11 11 11 11 ½ 11 ½ 11 ½ 12 12 12 12 ½ 12 ½ • EDP NO. PRICE EACH METRIC SIZE RANGE 3480045 3480050 3480055 3480060 3480063 3480065 3480070 3480075 3480080 3480085 3480090 3480095 3480100 3480105 3480110 3480115 3480120 3480125 3480130 3480135 3480140 3480145 3480150 3480155 3480160 3480165 3480170 3480175 3480180 3480185 3480190 3480195 3480200 3480205 3480210 3480215 3480220 3480225 3480230 3480235 3480240 3480245 3480250 3480255 3480260 3480270 3480280 3480290 3480300 3480310 3480320 3480330 3480340 3480350 3480360 3480370 3480380 $78.00 78.00 78.00 78.00 79.40 79.40 79.40 79.40 81.75 81.75 81.75 85.10 96.30 96.30 97.15 104.10 104.10 106.60 106.60 106.60 110.05 110.05 110.05 111.80 111.80 111.80 111.80 116.30 116.30 116.30 119.65 119.65 119.65 123.85 123.85 123.85 147.05 147.05 147.05 153.40 153.40 153.40 157.45 157.45 157.45 169.20 183.90 183.90 203.25 203.25 203.25 206.00 206.00 226.10 268.40 268.40 4.494 - 4.696 4.697 - 5.182 5.183 - 5.613 5.614 - 6.045 6.046 - 6.426 6.427 - 7.214 7.215 - 8.001 8.002 - 8.814 8.815 - 9.601 9.602 - 10.389 10.390 - 11.201 11.202 - 11.989 11.990 - 12.776 12.777 - 13.564 13.565 - 14.376 14.377 - 15.164 15.165 - 15.951 15.952 - 16.739 16.740 - 17.551 17.552 - 18.339 18.340 - 19.126 19.127 - 19.914 19.915 - 20.726 20.727 - 21.514 21.515 - 22.301 22.302 - 23.089 23.090 - 23.901 23.902 - 24.689 24.690 - 25.476 25.477 - 27.076 27.077 - 28.651 28.652 - 30.239 30.240 - 31.826 31.827 - 33.414 33.415 - 35.001 35.002 - 36.589 36.590 - 38.176 - Fax 941-739-2827 • PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO METRIC SIZE 1 PC. 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14 15+ $110.10 110.10 110.10 110.10 110.10 111.50 111.50 113.90 113.90 117.15 128.50 129.30 138.45 141.05 141.05 144.45 144.45 146.25 146.25 150.60 150.60 154.15 154.15 158.30 158.30 182.80 $88.80 88.80 88.80 88.80 88.80 90.20 90.20 92.55 92.55 95.90 107.15 107.90 115.60 118.20 118.20 121.65 121.65 123.40 123.40 127.75 127.75 131.25 131.25 135.45 135.45 159.15 $81.65 81.65 81.65 81.65 81.65 83.05 83.05 85.40 85.40 88.70 100.05 100.85 107.95 110.45 110.45 114.00 114.00 115.75 115.75 120.15 120.15 123.55 123.55 127.75 127.75 151.20 $78.20 78.20 78.20 78.20 78.20 79.55 79.55 81.95 81.95 85.25 96.50 97.30 104.20 106.70 106.70 110.25 110.25 112.00 112.00 116.40 116.40 119.80 119.80 124.05 124.05 147.30 $74.60 74.60 74.60 74.60 74.60 76.05 76.05 78.35 78.35 81.65 93.00 93.70 100.40 102.90 102.90 106.45 106.45 108.10 108.10 112.60 112.60 116.00 116.00 120.25 120.25 143.25 $71.65 71.65 71.65 71.65 71.65 73.00 73.00 75.40 75.40 78.70 89.95 90.75 97.25 99.75 99.75 103.20 103.20 105.05 105.05 109.35 109.35 112.80 112.80 117.00 117.00 140.00 $67.55 67.55 67.55 67.55 67.55 68.95 68.95 71.30 71.30 74.60 85.85 86.65 92.90 95.35 95.35 98.80 98.80 100.55 100.55 105.05 105.05 108.50 108.50 112.70 112.70 135.40 182.80 189.10 189.10 191.60 203.45 218.15 237.50 237.50 240.25 260.25 302.60 - 159.15 165.45 165.45 169.00 180.80 195.45 214.75 214.75 217.55 237.55 279.95 - 151.20 157.50 157.50 161.25 173.10 187.80 207.10 207.10 210.00 229.90 272.30 - 147.30 153.60 153.60 157.60 169.35 184.10 203.45 203.45 206.25 226.25 268.55 - 143.25 149.55 149.55 153.75 165.60 180.30 199.65 199.65 202.40 222.40 264.75 - 140.00 146.35 146.35 150.60 162.45 177.15 196.45 196.45 199.20 219.25 261.65 - 135.40 141.70 141.70 146.25 158.00 172.80 192.15 192.15 194.85 214.90 257.25 - w w w.lexingtoncutter.com • LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 77 CARBIDE TIPPED CHUCKING REAMERS FOR STEEL TYPE 3480 - STRAIGHT SHANK - STRAIGHT FLUTE LONG CARBIDE Flute long carbide tips brazed to one piece hardened alloy steel bodies. Straight polished flutes. Designed and manufactured for reaming accurate holes in steel, tough steel alloys and cast steels. Steel grade carbide is used in a full flute design with special steel cutting geometry that results in excellent performance and maximum tool life. Fast cutting to close tolerance. For reamer tolerances and closer tolerance pricing, see page 60. TOOL DIAMETER DECIMAL FRAC. MAX SHANK DIAM. .1875 .2031 .2188 .2344 .2500 .2656 .2812 .2969 .3125 .3281 .3438 .3594 .3750 .3906 .4062 .4219 .4375 .4531 .4688 .4844 .5000 .5156 .5312 .5469 .5625 .5781 .5938 .6094 .6250 .6406 .6562 .6719 3⁄16 13⁄64 7⁄32 15⁄64 ¼ 17⁄64 9⁄32 19⁄64 5⁄16 21⁄64 11⁄32 23⁄64 3⁄8 25⁄64 13⁄32 27⁄64 7⁄16 29⁄64 15⁄32 31⁄64 ½ 33⁄64 17⁄32 35⁄64 9⁄16 37⁄64 19⁄32 39⁄64 5⁄8 41⁄64 21⁄32 43⁄64 .1805 .1805 .2075 .2265 .2405 .2485 .2485 .2792 .2792 .2792 .2792 .3105 .3105 .3105 .3105 .3730 .3730 .3730 .3730 .4355 .4355 .4355 .4355 .4355 .4355 .4355 .4355 .5615 .5615 .5615 .5615 .5615 NO. OF FLUTES 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 78 Made in U.S.A. LENGTH FLUTE OVERALL 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1¼ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 4½ 4½ 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 • EDP NO. PRICE EACH 348006 34802031 348007 34802344 348008 34802656 348009 34802969 348010 34803281 348011 34803594 348012 34803906 348013 34804219 348014 34804531 348015 34804844 348016 34805156 348017 34805469 348018 34805781 348019 34806094 348020 34806406 348021 34806719 $63.85 63.85 63.85 63.85 63.85 65.25 65.25 65.25 65.25 67.60 67.60 67.60 67.60 71.00 71.00 82.15 82.15 83.00 83.00 88.85 88.85 91.45 91.45 91.45 91.45 94.90 94.90 94.90 94.90 96.65 96.65 96.65 [email protected] DECIMAL SIZE RANGE PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE 1 PC. 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14* .1770 - .2040 $106.60 $85.20 $78.00 $74.60 $71.00 $68.05 .2041 - .2210 106.60 85.20 78.00 74.60 71.00 68.05 .2211 - .2380 106.60 85.20 78.00 74.60 71.00 68.05 .2381 - .2530 106.60 85.20 78.00 74.60 71.00 68.05 .2531 - .2840 107.90 86.60 79.40 76.05 72.30 69.55 .2841 - .3150 107.90 86.60 79.40 76.05 72.30 69.55 .3151 - .3470 110.30 88.85 81.75 78.35 74.75 71.80 .3471 - .3780 110.30 88.85 81.75 78.35 74.75 71.80 .3781 - .4090 113.55 92.25 85.10 81.65 78.00 75.10 .4091 - .4410 124.90 103.50 96.30 93.00 89.30 86.45 .4411 - .4720 125.70 104.20 97.15 93.70 90.05 87.15 .4721 - .5030 134.65 111.70 104.10 100.40 96.45 93.40 .5031 - .5340 137.15 114.20 106.60 102.90 99.00 95.90 .5341 - .5660 137.15 114.20 106.60 102.90 99.00 95.90 .5661 - .5970 140.60 117.75 110.05 106.45 102.45 99.45 .5971 - .6280 140.60 117.75 110.05 106.45 102.45 99.45 .6281 - .6590 142.45 119.50 111.80 108.10 104.20 101.15 - • Phone 800-882-2627 • Fax 800-882-3637 *Quantities of 15 or more: price of fractional size in same size range. CONTINUED FROM PAGE 78 - TYPE 3480 FRACTIONAL TOOL DIAMETER DECIMAL .6875 .7031 .7188 .7344 .7500 .7656 .7812 .7969 .8125 .8281 .8438 .8594 .8750 .8906 .9062 .9219 .9375 .9531 .9688 .9844 1.0000 1.0625 1.1250 1.1875 1.2500 1.3125 1.3750 1.4375 1.5000 MAX SHANK DIAM. NO. OF FLUTES .5615 .5615 .5615 .6245 .6245 .6245 .6245 .6245 .6245 .6245 .6245 .7495 .7495 .7495 .7495 .7495 .7495 .7495 .7495 .8745 .8745 .8745 .8745 .9995 .9995 .9995 .9995 .9995 1.2495 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 FRAC. 11⁄16 45⁄64 23⁄32 47⁄64 ¾ 49⁄64 25⁄32 51⁄64 13⁄16 53⁄64 27⁄32 55⁄64 7⁄8 57⁄64 29⁄32 59⁄64 15⁄16 61⁄64 31⁄32 63⁄64 1 1 1⁄16 1 1⁄8 1 3⁄16 1¼ 1 5⁄16 1 3⁄8 1 7⁄16 1½ LENGTH FLUTE OVERALL 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 3 3 3¼ 3¼ 3½ 9 9 9 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 11 11 11 ½ 11 ½ 12 12 12 ½ EDP NO. PRICE EACH DECIMAL SIZE RANGE 348022 34807031 348023 34807344 348024 34807656 348025 34807969 348026 34808281 348027 34808594 348028 34808906 348029 34809219 348030 34809531 348031 34809844 348032 348034 348036 348038 348040 348042 348044 348046 348048 $96.65 101.05 101.05 101.05 101.05 104.60 104.60 104.60 104.60 108.80 108.80 108.80 112.90 131.40 131.40 131.40 131.40 137.65 137.65 137.65 137.65 142.35 154.20 168.85 188.25 188.25 190.95 210.95 253.35 .6591 - .6910 .6911 - .7220 .7221 - .7530 .7531 - .7840 .7841 - .8160 .8161 - .8470 .8471 - .8780 .8781 - .9090 .9091 - .9410 .9411 - .9720 .9721 - 1.0030 1.0031 - 1.0660 1.0661 - 1.1280 1.1281 - 1.1905 1.1906 - 1.2530 1.2531 - 1.3155 1.3156 - 1.3780 1.3781 - 1.4405 1.4406 - 1.5030 PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE 1 PC. 2 PC. $142.45 146.80 146.80 150.25 150.25 154.40 160.25 178.85 178.85 185.15 185.15 187.80 199.65 214.35 233.65 233.65 236.40 256.45 298.85 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14* $119.50 $111.80 $108.10 104.20 $101.15 123.85 116.30 112.60 108.65 105.55 123.85 116.30 112.60 108.65 105.55 127.30 119.65 116.00 112.10 109.00 127.30 119.65 116.00 112.10 109.00 131.50 123.85 120.25 116.35 113.20 136.50 128.55 124.75 120.70 117.45 155.10 147.05 143.25 139.20 136.00 155.10 147.05 143.25 139.20 136.00 161.40 153.40 149.55 145.55 142.30 161.40 153.40 149.55 145.55 142.30 165.00 157.45 153.75 149.85 146.85 176.85 169.20 165.60 161.70 158.60 191.55 183.90 180.30 176.40 173.30 210.85 203.25 199.65 195.75 192.65 210.85 203.25 199.65 195.75 192.65 213.65 206.00 202.40 198.45 195.45 233.65 226.10 222.40 218.45 215.50 276.00 268.40 264.75 260.90 257.85 *Quantities of 15 or more: price of fractional size in same size range. CARBIDE TIPPED OVER & UNDER SIZE REAMERS FOR STEEL CARBIDE TIPPED DOWEL PIN SIZE REAMERS FOR STEEL TYPE 3488 - STRAIGHT SHANK STRAIGHT FLUTE LONG CARBIDE TYPE 3486 - STRAIGHT SHANK STRAIGHT FLUTE LONG CARBIDE These precision ground carbide tipped reamers are very convenient for finishing accurate holes in most steels. These precision ground carbide tipped reamers accurately finish dowel pin holes in most steels. Should be used in pairs .0005" and .0020" under the fractional size. Note special undersize tolerance. Tool diameter tolerance: +.0002"/-.0000". TOOL DIAMETER MAX SHANK DIAM. NO. OF FLUTES LENGTH FLUTE OVERALL .1865 .1805 4 1 1⁄8 .1885 .1805 4 1 1⁄8 .2490 .2405 4 1½ .2510 .2405 4 1½ .3115 .2792 4 1½ .3135 .2792 4 1½ .3740 .3105 4 1¾ .3760 .3105 4 1¾ .4365 .3730 6 1¾ .4385 .3730 6 1¾ .4990 .4355 6 2 .5010 .4355 6 2 CASED SET OF ABOVE 12 REAMERS Phone 941-739-2726 • 4½ 4½ 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 Tool diameter tolerance: +.0000"/-.0002". TYPE 3488 EDP NO. PRICE EACH 348818 348819 348824 348825 348831 348832 348837 348838 348843 348844 348849 348850 348800 $79.80 79.80 79.80 79.80 81.30 81.30 83.55 83.55 98.20 98.20 106.05 106.05 1004.65 Fax 941-739-2827 • TOOL DIAMETER MAX SHANK DIAM. LENGTH NO. OF FLUTES FLUTE OVERALL .1855 .1805 4 1 1⁄8 .1870 .1805 4 1 1⁄8 .2480 .2405 4 1½ .2495 .2405 4 1½ .3105 .2792 4 1½ .3120 .2792 4 1½ .3730 .3105 4 1¾ .3745 .3105 4 1¾ .4355 .3730 6 1¾ .4370 .3730 6 1¾ .4980 .4355 6 2 .4995 .4355 6 2 CASED SET OF ABOVE 12 REAMERS w w w.lexingtoncutter.com • 4½ 4½ 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 TYPE 3486 EDP NO. PRICE EACH 348617 348618 348623 348624 348630 348631 348636 348637 348642 348643 348648 348649 348600 $79.80 79.80 79.80 79.80 81.30 81.30 83.55 83.55 98.20 98.20 106.05 106.05 1004.65 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 79 CARBIDE TIPPED CHUCKING REAMERS TYPE 3452 - TAPER SHANK - STRAIGHT FLUTE LONG CARBIDE Flute long carbide tips brazed to one piece hardened alloy steel bodies. Straight polished flutes. Designed and manufactured for maximum tool life. Used for all general reaming. Designed with flute long carbide for deep hole reaming. For reamer tolerances and closer tolerance pricing, see page 60. TOOL DIAMETER DECIMAL .2500 .2812 .3125 .3438 .3750 .4062 .4375 .4688 .5000 .5312 .5625 .5938 .6250 .6562 .6875 .7188 .7500 .7812 .8125 .8438 .8750 .9062 .9375 .9688 1.0000 1.0625 1.1250 1.1875 1.2500 1.3125 1.3750 1.4375 1.5000 FRAC. ¼ 9⁄32 5⁄16 11⁄32 3⁄8 13⁄32 7⁄16 15⁄32 ½ 17⁄32 9⁄16 19⁄32 5⁄8 21⁄32 11⁄16 23⁄32 ¾ 25⁄32 13⁄16 27⁄32 7⁄8 29⁄32 15⁄16 31⁄32 1 1 1⁄16 1 1⁄8 1 3⁄16 1¼ 1 5⁄16 1 3⁄8 1 7⁄16 1½ MORSE TAPER NO. OF FLUTES 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 80 Made in U.S.A. LENGTH FLUTE OVERALL 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 10 10 10 10 10 ½ 10 ½ 11 11 11 ½ 11 ½ 12 12 12 ½ • EDP NO. PRICE EACH 345208 345209 345210 345211 345212 345213 345214 345215 345216 345217 345218 345219 345220 345221 345222 345223 345224 345225 345226 345227 345228 345229 345230 345231 345232 345234 345236 345238 345240 345242 345244 345246 345248 $61.25 62.10 62.10 63.50 64.15 67.60 72.05 73.55 79.30 86.90 86.90 90.85 90.85 92.55 92.55 93.85 96.85 97.60 99.90 104.20 108.20 121.85 126.70 131.95 131.95 180.90 194.80 209.35 222.40 251.15 286.95 299.45 312.00 DECIMAL SIZE RANGE PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE 1 PC. .2381 - .2530 $103.95 .2531 - .2840 104.80 .2841 - .3150 104.80 .3151 - .3470 106.20 .3471 - .3780 106.85 .3781 - .4090 110.30 .4091 - .4410 114.75 .4411 - .4720 116.30 .4721 - .5030 124.95 .5031 - .5340 132.60 .5341 - .5660 132.60 .5661 - .5970 136.55 .5971 - .6280 136.55 .6281 - .6590 138.35 .6591 - .6910 138.35 .6911 - .7220 139.65 .7221 - .7530 142.60 .7531 - .7840 143.30 .7841 - .8160 145.55 .8161 - .8470 149.95 .8471 - .8780 155.65 .8781 - .9090 169.25 .9091 - .9410 174.10 .9411 - .9720 179.40 .9721 - 1.0030 179.40 1.0031 - 1.0660 226.30 1.0661 - 1.1280 240.25 1.1281 - 1.1905 254.75 1.1906 - 1.2530 267.85 1.2531 - 1.3155 296.55 1.3156 - 1.3780 332.35 1.3781 - 1.4405 344.95 1.4406 - 1.5030 357.50 [email protected] • 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14* $82.60 83.40 83.40 84.80 85.55 88.85 93.35 94.80 102.10 109.65 109.65 113.70 113.70 115.40 115.40 116.70 119.65 120.45 122.60 127.10 131.85 145.55 150.40 155.65 155.65 203.50 217.50 231.95 245.05 273.85 309.65 322.20 334.70 $75.40 76.30 76.30 77.70 78.35 81.75 86.20 87.75 94.45 102.00 102.00 106.05 106.05 107.70 107.70 109.00 112.00 112.75 115.05 119.35 123.85 137.60 142.45 147.65 147.65 195.90 209.90 224.30 237.50 266.15 301.95 314.50 327.15 $71.95 72.85 72.85 74.25 74.95 78.35 82.85 84.30 90.75 98.35 98.35 102.40 102.40 104.10 104.10 105.35 108.35 109.05 111.35 115.75 120.15 133.75 138.60 143.90 143.90 192.30 206.25 220.70 233.80 262.60 298.35 311.00 323.45 $68.35 69.15 69.15 70.55 71.30 74.75 79.15 80.65 86.90 94.45 94.45 98.50 98.50 100.10 100.10 101.45 104.35 105.20 107.45 111.80 116.00 129.65 134.50 139.80 139.80 188.40 202.25 216.80 229.90 258.65 294.45 307.00 319.60 $65.40 66.30 66.30 67.70 68.45 71.80 76.30 77.75 83.80 91.30 91.30 95.35 95.35 97.10 97.10 98.35 101.35 102.10 104.30 108.80 112.90 126.55 131.40 136.65 136.65 185.30 199.20 213.75 226.90 255.55 291.35 303.90 316.50 Phone 800-882-2627 • Fax 800-882-3637 *Quantities of 15 or more: price of fractional size in same size range. CARBIDE TIPPED CHUCKING REAMERS TYPE 3452 - TAPER SHANK - STRAIGHT FLUTE LONG CARBIDE Detailed description and fractional sizes on page 80. Tolerances on page 60. Tool diameter in millimeters with all other dimensions in inches. TOOL DIAMETER mm INCH 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0 13.5 14.0 14.5 15.0 15.5 16.0 16.5 17.0 17.5 18.0 18.5 19.0 19.5 20.0 20.5 21.0 21.5 22.0 22.5 23.0 23.5 24.0 24.5 25.0 25.5 26.0 27.0 28.0 29.0 30.0 31.0 32.0 33.0 34.0 35.0 36.0 37.0 38.0 .2362 .2559 .2756 .2953 .3150 .3346 .3543 .3740 .3937 .4134 .4331 .4528 .4724 .4921 .5118 .5315 .5512 .5709 .5906 .6102 .6299 .6496 .6693 .6890 .7087 .7283 .7480 .7677 .7874 .8071 .8268 .8465 .8661 .8858 .9055 .9252 .9449 .9646 .9843 1.0039 1.0236 1.0630 1.1024 1.1417 1.1811 1.2205 1.2598 1.2992 1.3386 1.3780 1.4173 1.4567 1.4961 MORSE TAPER 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 LENGTH NO. OF FLTS. FLUTE OVERALL 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ Phone 941-739-2726 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 11 11 11 11 ½ 11 ½ 11 ½ 12 12 12 12 ½ 12 ½ • EDP NO. PRICE EACH METRIC SIZE RANGE 3452060 3452065 3452070 3452075 3452080 3452085 3452090 3452095 3452100 3452105 3452110 3452115 3452120 3452125 3452130 3452135 3452140 3452145 3452150 3452155 3452160 3452165 3452170 3452175 3452180 3452185 3452190 3452195 3452200 3452205 3452210 3452215 3452220 3452225 3452230 3452235 3452240 3452245 3452250 3452255 3452260 3452270 3452280 3452290 3452300 3452310 3452320 3452330 3452340 3452350 3452360 3452370 3452380 $75.40 76.30 76.30 76.30 76.30 77.70 78.35 78.35 81.75 86.20 86.20 87.75 94.45 94.45 102.00 102.00 102.00 106.05 106.05 106.05 107.70 107.70 107.70 107.70 109.00 112.00 112.00 112.75 115.05 115.05 119.35 119.35 119.35 137.60 137.60 142.45 147.65 147.65 147.65 195.90 195.90 195.90 209.90 224.30 224.30 237.50 266.15 266.15 301.95 301.95 314.50 327.15 327.15 6.000 - 6.426 6.427 - 7.214 7.215 - 8.001 8.002 - 8.814 8.815 - 9.601 9.602 - 10.389 10.390 - 11.201 11.202 - 11.989 11.990 - 12.776 12.777 - 13.564 13.565 - 14.376 14.377 - 15.164 15.165 - 15.951 15.952 - 16.739 16.740 - 17.551 17.552 - 18.339 18.340 - 19.126 19.127 - 19.914 19.915 - 20.726 20.727 - 21.514 21.515 - 22.301 22.302 - 23.089 23.090 - 23.901 23.902 - 24.689 24.690 - 25.476 25.477 - 27.076 27.077 - 28.651 28.652 - 30.239 30.240 - 31.826 31.827 - 33.414 33.415 - 35.001 35.002 - 36.589 36.590 - 38.176 - Fax 941-739-2827 • PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO METRIC SIZE 1 PC. $107.55 108.35 108.35 109.80 110.45 113.90 118.35 119.80 128.85 136.40 136.40 140.40 140.40 142.10 142.10 143.40 146.40 147.15 149.45 153.75 153.75 173.25 178.10 183.40 183.40 230.15 244.10 258.55 271.65 300.45 336.20 348.75 361.35 - 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14 15+ $86.20 87.10 87.10 88.50 89.25 92.55 97.00 98.50 106.05 113.55 113.55 117.65 117.65 119.30 119.30 120.60 123.55 124.35 126.55 131.00 131.00 149.55 154.40 159.65 159.65 207.50 221.40 235.95 249.00 277.70 313.55 326.05 338.60 - $79.10 79.95 79.95 81.35 82.05 85.40 89.90 91.35 98.35 106.00 106.00 109.95 109.95 111.65 111.65 112.95 115.90 116.70 118.90 123.35 123.35 141.65 146.50 151.80 151.80 199.75 213.75 228.20 241.35 270.10 305.90 318.50 330.95 - $75.55 76.45 76.45 77.85 78.50 81.95 86.45 87.90 94.60 102.25 102.25 106.20 106.20 107.90 107.90 109.20 112.15 112.95 115.15 119.60 119.60 137.75 142.60 147.90 147.90 196.10 210.05 224.55 237.65 266.35 302.25 314.75 327.30 - $71.95 72.85 72.85 74.25 74.95 78.35 82.85 84.30 90.75 98.35 98.35 102.40 102.40 104.10 104.10 105.35 108.35 109.05 111.35 115.75 115.75 133.75 138.60 143.90 143.90 192.30 206.25 220.70 233.80 262.60 298.35 311.00 323.45 - $69.00 69.90 69.90 71.30 71.95 75.40 79.80 81.35 87.55 95.20 95.20 99.15 99.15 100.90 100.90 102.25 105.20 106.00 108.10 112.60 112.60 130.45 135.30 140.60 140.60 189.10 203.10 217.55 230.65 259.40 295.20 307.75 320.30 - $64.90 65.80 65.80 67.20 67.85 71.30 75.70 77.20 83.20 90.75 90.75 94.80 94.80 96.45 96.45 97.75 100.85 101.50 103.80 108.10 108.10 126.00 130.85 136.00 136.00 184.80 198.75 213.20 226.30 254.95 290.85 303.35 316.00 - w w w.lexingtoncutter.com • LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 81 CARBIDE TIPPED RIGHT SPIRAL CHUCKING REAMERS TYPE 3410 - STRAIGHT SHANK - RIGHT SPIRAL FLUTES Carbide tips brazed to one piece hardened alloy steel bodies. Right spiral polished flutes. Designed and manufactured for maximum tool life. Right spiral flutes have greater chip clearing ability for use with ductile materials, highly abrasive materials or blind holes. Finishes are much better as spiral flutes tend to bridge interruptions such as keyways, slots or intersecting holes. For metric sizes, see page 84. For reamer tolerances and closer tolerance pricing, see page 60. TOOL DIAMETER DECIMAL FRAC. .1875 .2188 .2344 .2500 .2812 .3125 .3438 .3750 .4062 .4375 .4688 .5000 .5312 .5625 .5938 .6250 .6562 .6875 .7188 .7500 .7812 .8125 .8438 .8750 .9062 .9375 .9688 1.0000 1.0625 1.1250 1.1875 1.2500 1.3125 1.3750 1.4375 1.5000 3⁄16 7⁄32 15⁄64 ¼ 9⁄32 5⁄16 11⁄32 3⁄8 13⁄32 7⁄16 15⁄32 ½ 17⁄32 9⁄16 19⁄32 5⁄8 21⁄32 11⁄16 23⁄32 ¾ 25⁄32 13⁄16 27⁄32 7⁄8 29⁄32 15⁄16 31⁄32 1 1 1⁄16 1 1⁄8 1 3⁄16 1¼ 1 5⁄16 1 3⁄8 1 7⁄16 1½ SHANK DIAM. 11⁄64 13⁄64 7⁄32 15⁄64 15⁄64 9⁄32 9⁄32 5⁄16 5⁄16 3⁄8 3⁄8 7⁄16 7⁄16 7⁄16 7⁄16 9⁄16 9⁄16 9⁄16 9⁄16 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 1 1 1 1 1 1/4 1 1/4 NO. OF FLUTES 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 82 Made in U.S.A. LENGTH FLT CARB OAL 1 1⁄8 1¼ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 2 2 2 2 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2¾ 2¾ 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 3 3 3¼ 3¼ 3½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 4½ 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 10 10 10 10 10 ½ 10 ½ 11 11 11 ½ 11 ½ 12 12 12 ½ • EDP NO. PRICE EACH 341006 341007 34102344 341008 341009 341010 341011 341012 341013 341014 341015 341016 341017 341018 341019 341020 341021 341022 341023 341024 341025 341026 341027 341028 341029 341030 341031 341032 341034 341036 341038 341040 341042 341044 341046 341048 $62.65 62.65 62.65 62.65 62.85 62.85 69.15 69.80 72.95 75.90 80.50 83.60 86.10 86.10 88.70 88.70 91.20 97.15 98.50 100.05 102.55 102.55 108.15 112.30 130.85 130.85 137.15 137.15 147.15 151.70 159.40 168.70 186.60 204.55 216.65 228.90 DECIMAL SIZE RANGE PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE 1 PC. .1770 - .2040 $103.30 .2041 - .2210 103.30 .2211 - .2380 103.30 .2381 - .2530 103.30 .2531 - .2840 103.45 .2841 - .3150 103.45 .3151 - .3470 109.85 .3471 - .3780 110.40 .3781 - .4090 113.60 .4091 - .4410 116.50 .4411 - .4720 121.15 .4721 - .5030 125.25 .5031 - .5340 127.80 .5341 - .5660 127.80 .5661 - .5970 130.35 .5971 - .6280 130.35 .6281 - .6590 133.00 .6591 - .6910 138.80 .6911 - .7220 140.15 .7221 - .7530 141.75 .7531 - .7840 144.35 .7841 - .8160 144.35 .8161 - .8470 149.95 .8471 - .8780 155.60 .8781 - .9090 174.10 .9091 - .9410 174.10 .9411 - .9720 180.45 .9721 - 1.0030 180.45 1.0031 - 1.0660 190.45 1.0661 - 1.1280 194.95 1.1281 - 1.1905 202.65 1.1906 - 1.2530 211.95 1.2531 - 1.3155 230.00 1.3156 - 1.3780 247.85 1.3781 - 1.4405 260.00 1.4406 - 1.5030 272.15 [email protected] • 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14* $82.95 82.95 82.95 82.95 83.10 83.10 89.40 90.10 93.25 96.20 100.85 104.30 106.90 106.90 109.50 109.50 112.05 117.90 119.30 120.80 123.40 123.40 129.00 133.90 152.40 152.40 158.75 158.75 168.75 173.30 181.00 190.25 208.30 226.15 238.30 250.45 $76.15 76.15 76.15 76.15 76.30 76.30 82.60 83.25 86.45 89.30 94.00 97.35 99.95 99.95 102.50 102.50 105.05 110.95 112.30 113.80 116.40 116.40 122.00 126.55 145.20 145.20 151.55 151.55 161.55 166.05 173.75 183.05 200.95 218.90 231.00 243.25 $72.85 72.85 72.85 72.85 73.00 73.00 79.40 80.10 83.15 86.10 90.70 94.00 96.60 96.60 99.10 99.10 101.70 107.60 109.00 110.45 113.05 113.05 118.70 123.20 141.70 141.70 148.05 148.05 158.05 162.55 170.25 179.55 197.60 215.45 227.65 239.75 $69.35 69.35 69.35 69.35 69.50 69.50 75.90 76.60 79.65 82.60 87.30 90.45 93.05 93.05 95.55 95.55 98.05 104.00 105.35 106.90 109.50 109.50 115.10 119.40 137.95 137.95 144.25 144.25 154.30 158.85 166.55 175.85 193.85 211.75 223.85 236.10 $66.65 66.65 66.65 66.65 66.80 66.80 73.15 73.85 76.95 79.85 84.50 87.65 90.25 90.25 92.75 92.75 95.35 101.20 102.55 104.10 106.70 106.70 112.30 116.50 135.05 135.05 141.45 141.45 151.40 155.95 163.65 172.95 190.90 208.80 220.90 233.15 Phone 800-882-2627 • Fax 800-882-3637 *Quantities of 15 or more: price of fractional size in same size range. CARBIDE TIPPED LEFT SPIRAL CHUCKING REAMERS TYPE 3420 - STRAIGHT SHANK - LEFT SPIRAL FLUTES Carbide tips brazed to one piece hardened alloy steel bodies. Left spiral polished flutes. Designed and manufactured for maximum tool life. Left spiral flutes should only be used on through holes for heat treated steels, hard cast iron and other hard materials. Finishes are much better as spiral flutes tend to bridge interruptions such as keyways, slots or intersecting holes. For metric sizes, see page 84. For reamer tolerances and closer tolerance pricing, see page 60. TOOL DIAMETER DECIMAL .1875 .2188 .2344 .2500 .2812 .3125 .3438 .3750 .4062 .4375 .4688 .5000 .5312 .5625 .5938 .6250 .6562 .6875 .7188 .7500 .7812 .8125 .8438 .8750 .9062 .9375 .9688 1.0000 1.0625 1.1250 1.1875 1.2500 1.3125 1.3750 1.4375 1.5000 FRAC. 3⁄16 7⁄32 15⁄64 ¼ 9⁄32 5⁄16 11⁄32 3⁄8 13⁄32 7⁄16 15⁄32 ½ 17⁄32 9⁄16 19⁄32 5⁄8 21⁄32 11⁄16 23⁄32 ¾ 25⁄32 13⁄16 27⁄32 7⁄8 29⁄32 15⁄16 31⁄32 1 1 1⁄16 1 1⁄8 1 3⁄16 1¼ 1 5⁄16 1 3⁄8 1 7⁄16 1½ SHANK DIAM. NO. OF FLUTES 11⁄64 13⁄64 7⁄32 15⁄64 15⁄64 9⁄32 9⁄32 5⁄16 5⁄16 3⁄8 3⁄8 7⁄16 7⁄16 7⁄16 7⁄16 9⁄16 9⁄16 9⁄16 9⁄16 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 1 1 1 1 1 1/4 1 1/4 Phone 941-739-2726 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 • LENGTH FLT CARB OAL 1 1⁄8 1¼ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 2 2 2 2 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2¾ 2¾ 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 3 3 3¼ 3¼ 3½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 4½ 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 10 10 10 10 10 ½ 10 ½ 11 11 11 ½ 11 ½ 12 12 12 ½ EDP NO. PRICE EACH 342006 342007 34202344 342008 342009 342010 342011 342012 342013 342014 342015 342016 342017 342018 342019 342020 342021 342022 342023 342024 342025 342026 342027 342028 342029 342030 342031 342032 342034 342036 342038 342040 342042 342044 342046 342048 $62.65 62.65 62.65 62.65 62.85 62.85 69.15 69.80 72.95 75.90 80.50 83.60 86.10 86.10 88.70 88.70 91.20 97.15 98.50 100.05 102.55 102.55 108.15 112.30 130.85 130.85 137.15 137.15 147.15 151.70 159.40 168.70 186.60 204.55 216.65 228.90 Fax 941-739-2827 *Quantities of 15 or more: price of fractional size in same size range. • DECIMAL SIZE RANGE PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE 1 PC. .1770 - .2040 $103.30 .2041 - .2210 103.30 .2211 - .2380 103.30 .2381 - .2530 103.30 .2531 - .2840 103.45 .2841 - .3150 103.45 .3151 - .3470 109.85 .3471 - .3780 110.40 .3781 - .4090 113.60 .4091 - .4410 116.50 .4411 - .4720 121.15 .4721 - .5030 125.25 .5031 - .5340 127.80 .5341 - .5660 127.80 .5661 - .5970 130.35 .5971 - .6280 130.35 .6281 - .6590 133.00 .6591 - .6910 138.80 .6911 - .7220 140.15 .7221 - .7530 141.75 .7531 - .7840 144.35 .7841 - .8160 144.35 .8161 - .8470 149.95 .8471 - .8780 155.60 .8781 - .9090 174.10 .9091 - .9410 174.10 .9411 - .9720 180.45 .9721 - 1.0030 180.45 1.0031 - 1.0660 190.45 1.0661 - 1.1280 194.95 1.1281 - 1.1905 202.65 1.1906 - 1.2530 211.95 1.2531 - 1.3155 230.00 1.3156 - 1.3780 247.85 1.3781 - 1.4405 260.00 1.4406 - 1.5030 272.15 w w w.lexingtoncutter.com 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14* $82.95 82.95 82.95 82.95 83.10 83.10 89.40 90.10 93.25 96.20 100.85 104.30 106.90 106.90 109.50 109.50 112.05 117.90 119.30 120.80 123.40 123.40 129.00 133.90 152.40 152.40 158.75 158.75 168.75 173.30 181.00 190.25 208.30 226.15 238.30 250.45 $76.15 76.15 76.15 76.15 76.30 76.30 82.60 83.25 86.45 89.30 94.00 97.35 99.95 99.95 102.50 102.50 105.05 110.95 112.30 113.80 116.40 116.40 122.00 126.55 145.20 145.20 151.55 151.55 161.55 166.05 173.75 183.05 200.95 218.90 231.00 243.25 $72.85 72.85 72.85 72.85 73.00 73.00 79.40 80.10 83.15 86.10 90.70 94.00 96.60 96.60 99.10 99.10 101.70 107.60 109.00 110.45 113.05 113.05 118.70 123.20 141.70 141.70 148.05 148.05 158.05 162.55 170.25 179.55 197.60 215.45 227.65 239.75 $69.35 69.35 69.35 69.35 69.50 69.50 75.90 76.60 79.65 82.60 87.30 90.45 93.05 93.05 95.55 95.55 98.05 104.00 105.35 106.90 109.50 109.50 115.10 119.40 137.95 137.95 144.25 144.25 154.30 158.85 166.55 175.85 193.85 211.75 223.85 236.10 $66.65 66.65 66.65 66.65 66.80 66.80 73.15 73.85 76.95 79.85 84.50 87.65 90.25 90.25 92.75 92.75 95.35 101.20 102.55 104.10 106.70 106.70 112.30 116.50 135.05 135.05 141.45 141.45 151.40 155.95 163.65 172.95 190.90 208.80 220.90 233.15 • LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 83 CARBIDE TIPPED SPIRAL CHUCKING REAMERS TYPE 3410- STRAIGHT SHANK - RIGHT SPIRAL FLUTES TYPE 3420 - STRAIGHT SHANK - LEFT SPIRAL FLUTES Detailed description and fractional sizes on pages 82 & 83. Tolerances on page 60. Tool diameter in millimeters with all other dimensions in inches. TOOL DIAMETER mm INCH 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0 13.5 14.0 14.5 15.0 15.5 16.0 16.5 17.0 17.5 18.0 18.5 19.0 19.5 20.0 20.5 21.0 21.5 22.0 22.5 23.0 23.5 24.0 24.5 25.0 25.5 26.0 27.0 28.0 29.0 30.0 31.0 32.0 33.0 34.0 35.0 36.0 37.0 38.0 .1772 .1969 .2165 .2362 .2480 .2559 .2756 .2953 .3150 .3346 .3543 .3740 .3937 .4134 .4331 .4528 .4724 .4921 .5118 .5315 .5512 .5709 .5906 .6102 .6299 .6496 .6693 .6890 .7087 .7283 .7480 .7677 .7874 .8071 .8268 .8465 .8661 .8858 .9055 .9252 .9449 .9646 .9843 1.0039 1.0236 1.0630 1.1024 1.1417 1.1811 1.2205 1.2598 1.2992 1.3386 1.3780 1.4173 1.4567 1.4961 SHANK DIAM. 11⁄64 11⁄64 13⁄64 7⁄32 15⁄64 15⁄64 15⁄64 9⁄32 9⁄32 9⁄32 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 3⁄8 3⁄8 3⁄8 7⁄16 7⁄16 7⁄16 7⁄16 7⁄16 7⁄16 7⁄16 9⁄16 9⁄16 9⁄16 9⁄16 9⁄16 9⁄16 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ LENGTH NO. RIGHT SPIRAL LEFT SPIRAL OF TYPE 3410 TYPE 3420 FLTS. FLT CARB OAL EDP NO. EDP NO. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1¼ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 3 3 3 3¼ 3¼ 3¼ 3½ 3½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 84 Made in U.S.A. 4½ 4½ 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 11 11 11 11 ½ 11 ½ 11 ½ 12 12 12 12 ½ 12 ½ • 3410045 3410050 3410055 3410060 3410063 3410065 3410070 3410075 3410080 3410085 3410090 3410095 3410100 3410105 3410110 3410115 3410120 3410125 3410130 3410135 3410140 3410145 3410150 3410155 3410160 3410165 3410170 3410175 3410180 3410185 3410190 3410195 3410200 3410205 3410210 3410215 3410220 3410225 3410230 3410235 3410240 3410245 3410250 3410255 3410260 3410270 3410280 3410290 3410300 3410310 3410320 3410330 3410340 3410350 3410360 3410370 3410380 3420045 3420050 3420055 3420060 3420063 3420065 3420070 3420075 3420080 3420085 3420090 3420095 3420100 3420105 3420110 3420115 3420120 3420125 3420130 3420135 3420140 3420145 3420150 3420155 3420160 3420165 3420170 3420175 3420180 3420185 3420190 3420195 3420200 3420205 3420210 3420215 3420220 3420225 3420230 3420235 3420240 3420245 3420250 3420255 3420260 3420270 3420280 3420290 3420300 3420310 3420320 3420330 3420340 3420350 3420360 3420370 3420380 BOTH TYPES PRICE METRIC SIZE RANGE $76.15 76.15 76.15 76.15 76.30 76.30 76.30 76.30 82.60 83.25 83.25 86.45 89.30 89.30 94.00 97.35 97.35 99.95 99.95 99.95 102.50 102.50 102.50 105.05 105.05 110.95 110.95 112.30 113.80 113.80 116.40 116.40 116.40 122.00 122.00 122.00 145.20 145.20 145.20 151.55 151.55 151.55 161.55 161.55 161.55 166.05 173.75 173.75 183.05 200.95 200.95 218.90 218.90 231.00 243.25 243.25 4.494 - 5.182 5.183 - 5.613 5.614 - 6.045 6.046 - 6.426 6.427 - 7.214 7.215 - 8.001 8.002 - 8.814 8.815 - 9.601 9.602 - 10.389 10.390 - 11.201 11.202 - 11.989 11.990 - 12.776 12.777 - 13.564 13.565 - 14.376 14.377 - 15.164 15.165 - 15.951 15.952 - 16.739 16.740 - 17.551 17.552 - 18.339 18.340 - 19.126 19.127 - 19.914 19.915 - 20.726 20.727 - 21.514 21.515 - 22.301 22.302 - 23.089 23.090 - 23.901 23.902 - 24.689 24.690 - 25.476 25.477 - 27.076 27.077 - 28.651 28.652 - 30.239 30.240 - 31.826 31.827 - 33.414 33.415 - 35.001 35.002 - 36.589 36.590 - 38.176 - [email protected] • PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO METRIC SIZE 1 PC. 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14 15+ $106.70 106.70 106.70 106.70 106.80 106.80 113.10 113.80 117.05 119.90 124.60 128.75 131.30 131.30 133.85 133.85 136.45 142.30 143.70 145.20 147.85 147.85 153.45 153.45 177.75 177.75 184.10 184.10 194.10 198.60 206.35 215.60 233.60 251.50 263.60 275.80 - $86.45 86.45 86.45 86.45 86.60 86.60 92.90 93.60 96.75 99.70 104.30 107.95 110.45 110.45 113.05 113.05 115.55 121.50 122.85 124.45 127.00 127.00 132.60 132.60 156.10 156.10 162.45 162.45 172.50 177.05 184.75 194.05 211.95 229.90 242.00 254.25 - $79.60 79.60 79.60 79.60 79.80 79.80 86.10 86.75 89.95 92.80 97.50 100.95 103.55 103.55 106.05 106.05 108.65 114.50 115.90 117.40 120.00 120.00 125.65 125.65 148.80 148.80 155.25 155.25 165.25 169.80 177.50 186.75 204.75 222.60 234.80 246.95 - $76.30 76.30 76.30 76.30 76.45 76.45 82.80 83.35 86.60 89.45 94.15 97.50 100.10 100.10 102.60 102.60 105.20 111.10 112.50 113.95 116.55 116.55 122.20 122.20 145.30 145.30 151.70 151.70 161.70 166.25 173.95 183.20 201.20 219.10 231.20 243.40 - $72.85 72.85 72.85 72.85 73.00 73.00 79.40 80.10 83.15 86.10 90.70 94.00 96.60 96.60 99.10 99.10 101.70 107.60 109.00 110.45 113.05 113.05 118.70 118.70 141.70 141.70 148.05 148.05 158.05 162.55 170.25 179.55 197.60 215.45 227.65 239.75 - $70.05 70.05 70.05 70.05 70.20 70.20 76.60 77.15 80.35 83.25 87.90 91.15 93.75 93.75 96.25 96.25 98.85 104.70 106.05 107.60 110.20 110.20 115.85 115.85 138.65 138.65 145.05 145.05 155.05 159.55 167.25 176.55 194.60 212.45 224.55 236.75 - $66.20 66.20 66.20 66.20 66.35 66.35 72.65 73.30 76.45 79.40 84.00 87.10 89.75 89.75 92.25 92.25 94.85 100.65 102.05 103.60 106.20 106.20 111.70 111.70 134.55 134.55 140.90 140.90 150.90 155.40 163.10 172.40 190.35 208.30 220.35 232.60 - Phone 800-882-2627 • Fax 800-882-3637 CARBIDE TIPPED SPIRAL CHUCKING REAMERS TYPE 3412 - TAPER SHANK - RIGHT SPIRAL FLUTES Carbide tips brazed to one piece hardened alloy steel bodies. Right spiral polished flutes. Designed and manufactured for maximum tool life. Right spiral flutes have greater chip clearing ability for use with ductile materials, highly abrasive materials or blind holes. Finishes are much better as spiral flutes tend to bridge interruptions such as keyways, slots or intersecting holes. TYPE 3422 - TAPER SHANK - LEFT SPIRAL FLUTES Carbide tips brazed to one piece hardened alloy steel bodies. Left spiral polished flutes. Designed and manufactured for maximum tool life. Left spiral flutes should only be used on through holes for heat treated steels, hard cast iron and other hard materials. Finishes are much better as spiral flutes tend to bridge interruptions such as keyways, slots or intersecting holes. For reamer tolerances and closer tolerance pricing, see page 60. TOOL DIAMETER DECIMAL FRAC. .2500 .2812 .3125 .3438 .3750 .4062 .4375 .4688 .5000 .5312 .5625 .5938 .6250 .6875 .7500 .8125 .8750 .9375 1.0000 ¼ 9⁄32 5⁄16 11⁄32 3⁄8 13⁄32 7⁄16 15⁄32 ½ 17⁄32 9⁄16 19⁄32 5⁄8 11⁄16 ¾ 13⁄16 7⁄8 15⁄16 1 MORSE NO. OF TAPER FLUTES 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 Phone 941-739-2726 LENGTH FLT CARB OAL 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 2 2 2 2 2¼ 2¼ 2½ 2½ 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2¾ ½ ½ ½ 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9½ 9½ 10 10 10 ½ • RT. SPIRAL LEFT SPIRAL TYPE 3412 TYPE 3422 EDP NO. EDP NO. 341208 341209 341210 341211 341212 341213 341214 341215 341216 341217 341218 341219 341220 341222 341224 341226 341228 341230 341232 342208 342209 342210 342211 342212 342213 342214 342215 342216 342217 342218 342219 342220 342222 342224 342226 342228 342230 342232 Fax 941-739-2827 *Quantities of 15 or more: price of fractional size in same size range. • BOTH TYPES PRICE $65.70 65.70 67.20 68.35 69.30 72.70 75.80 78.80 90.75 93.20 93.20 96.85 96.85 106.30 112.45 117.10 126.05 146.55 151.70 DECIMAL SIZE RANGE PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE 1 PC. .2381 - .2530 $105.70 .2531 - .2840 105.70 .2841 - .3150 107.25 .3151 - .3470 108.25 .3471 - .3780 109.35 .3781 - .4090 112.75 .4091 - .4410 115.85 .4411 - .4720 118.80 .4721 - .5030 133.40 .5031 - .5340 135.90 .5341 - .5660 135.90 .5661 - .5970 139.50 .5971 - .6280 139.50 .6591 - .6910 149.00 .7221 - .7530 155.00 .7841 - .8160 159.80 .8471 - .8780 170.35 .9091 - .9410 190.90 .9721 - 1.0030 195.95 w w w.lexingtoncutter.com 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14* $85.65 85.65 87.10 88.25 89.40 92.70 95.85 98.70 112.00 114.45 114.45 118.10 118.10 127.50 133.70 138.40 148.10 168.75 173.75 $78.95 78.95 80.40 81.60 82.60 86.00 89.10 92.00 104.90 107.40 107.40 111.00 111.00 120.45 126.50 131.20 140.70 161.25 166.35 $75.70 75.70 77.20 78.35 79.45 82.85 85.85 88.80 101.50 103.95 103.95 107.60 107.60 117.00 123.10 127.80 137.20 157.75 162.80 $72.30 72.30 73.80 74.95 76.00 79.30 82.40 85.40 97.85 100.25 100.25 103.95 103.95 113.35 119.45 124.20 133.40 153.90 159.05 $69.70 69.70 71.05 72.25 73.30 76.65 79.75 82.75 94.95 97.40 97.40 101.05 101.05 110.45 116.55 121.30 130.40 150.95 156.05 • LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 85 CARBIDE TIPPED EXPANSION CHUCKING REAMERS TYPE 3465 - STRAIGHT SHANK - STRAIGHT FLUTE LONG CARBIDE Flute long carbide tips braze to one piece alloy steel bodies. Straight polished flutes. Designed and manufactured for maximum tool life. Expansion reamers are recommended for reaming abrasive materials and as the diameter wears down, the reamers can be expanded many times by tightening the end adjusting screw and regrinding to its original size. Expansion reamers should not be considered as adjustable for use in producing holes of several sizes. TOOL DIAMETER MINIMUM EXPANSION 5⁄16" - 15⁄32" ½" - 31⁄32" 1" - 1 ½" 1 9⁄16" - 2 ½" .006" .010" .013" .015" For reamer tolerances and closer tolerance pricing, see page 60. TOOL DIAMETER DECIMAL FRAC. .3125 .3438 .3750 .4062 .4375 .4688 .5000 .5312 .5625 .5938 .6250 .6562 .6875 .7188 .7500 .7812 .8125 .8438 .8750 .9062 .9375 .9688 1.0000 1.0312 1.0625 1.0938 1.1250 1.1875 1.2500 1.3125 1.3750 1.4375 1.5000 1.5625 1.6250 1.6875 1.7500 1.8125 1.8750 1.9375 2.0000 2.1250 2.2500 2.3750 2.5000 5⁄16 11⁄32 3⁄8 13⁄32 7⁄16 15⁄32 ½ 17⁄32 9⁄16 19⁄32 5⁄8 21⁄32 11⁄16 23⁄32 ¾ 25⁄32 13⁄16 27⁄32 7⁄8 29⁄32 15⁄16 31⁄32 1 1 1⁄32 1 1⁄16 1 3⁄32 1 1⁄8 1 3⁄16 1¼ 1 5⁄16 1 3⁄8 1 7⁄16 1½ 1 9⁄16 1 5⁄8 1 11⁄16 1¾ 1 13⁄16 1 7⁄8 1 15⁄16 2 2 1⁄8 2¼ 2 3⁄8 2½ SHANK DIAM. 9⁄32 9⁄32 5⁄16 5⁄16 3⁄8 3⁄8 7⁄16 7⁄16 7⁄16 7⁄16 9⁄16 9⁄16 9⁄16 9⁄16 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 1 1 1 1 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ NO. OF FLUTES 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 12 12 12 12 12 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 86 Made in U.S.A. LENGTH FLT OAL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1 5⁄8 1 5⁄8 1 5⁄8 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1 7⁄8 1 7⁄8 2 2 2 1⁄8 2 1⁄8 2¼ 2¼ 2 3⁄8 2 3⁄8 2½ 2½ 2½ 2¾ 2¾ 3 3 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 10 10 10 10 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 11 11 11 11 ½ 11 ½ 12 12 12 ½ 12 ½ 13 13 13 ½ 13 ½ 14 14 14 14 ½ 14 ½ 15 15 • EDP NO. PRICE EACH 346510 346511 346512 346513 346514 346515 346516 346517 346518 346519 346520 346521 346522 346523 346524 346525 346526 346527 346528 346529 346530 346531 346532 346533 346534 346535 346536 346538 346540 346542 346544 346546 346548 346550 346552 346554 346556 346558 346560 346562 346564 346568 346572 346576 346580 $82.10 82.10 76.95 81.65 81.65 86.60 86.60 88.70 88.70 92.60 92.60 101.30 101.30 105.05 105.05 113.20 113.20 117.65 122.10 130.00 130.00 135.00 135.00 147.95 147.95 147.95 147.95 161.50 161.50 178.95 187.40 221.55 228.00 299.35 299.35 331.55 331.55 392.65 392.65 428.95 428.95 696.80 748.40 774.40 774.40 DECIMAL SIZE RANGE PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE 1 PC. 2 PC. .2841 - .3150 $124.80 $103.40 .3151 - .3470 124.80 103.40 .3471 - .3780 117.00 96.95 .3781 - .4090 121.65 101.60 .4091 - .4410 121.65 101.60 .4411 - .4720 126.50 106.50 .4721 - .5030 126.50 106.50 .5031 - .5340 128.75 108.70 .5341 - .5660 128.75 108.70 .5661 - .5970 132.60 112.60 .5971 - .6280 132.60 112.60 .6281 - .6590 141.25 121.20 .6591 - .6910 141.25 121.20 .6911 - .7220 145.10 124.95 .7221 - .7530 145.10 124.95 .7531 - .7840 153.25 133.20 .7841 - .8160 153.25 133.20 .8161 - .8470 157.60 137.60 .8471 - .8780 163.55 142.80 .8781 - .9090 171.50 150.70 .9091 - .9410 171.50 150.70 .9411 - .9720 176.45 155.75 .9721 - 1.0030 176.45 155.75 1.0031 - 1.0660 189.50 168.70 1.0661 - 1.1280 189.50 168.70 1.1281 - 1.1905 203.00 182.15 1.1906 - 1.2530 203.00 182.15 1.2531 - 1.3155 220.55 199.75 1.3156 - 1.3780 228.95 208.15 1.3781 - 1.4405 265.80 243.60 1.4406 - 1.5030 272.30 250.05 1.5031 - 1.5660 343.60 321.50 1.5661 - 1.6280 343.60 321.50 1.6281 - 1.6910 375.90 353.70 1.6911 - 1.7530 375.90 353.70 1.7531 - 1.8160 436.90 414.75 1.8161 - 1.8780 436.90 414.75 1.8781 - 1.9410 473.20 451.05 1.9411 - 2.0030 473.20 451.05 2.0031 - 2.1280 741.10 718.90 2.1281 - 2.2530 792.55 770.45 2.2531 - 2.3780 818.70 796.50 2.3781 - 2.5030 818.70 796.50 [email protected] • 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14* $96.20 96.20 90.20 94.90 94.90 99.80 99.80 102.00 102.00 105.90 105.90 114.50 114.50 118.25 118.25 126.40 126.40 130.90 135.85 143.75 143.75 148.75 148.75 161.70 161.70 175.20 175.20 192.85 201.15 236.15 242.70 314.00 314.00 346.25 346.25 407.35 407.35 443.65 443.65 711.50 763.00 789.10 789.10 $92.90 92.90 87.00 91.75 91.75 96.60 96.60 98.80 98.80 102.70 102.70 111.35 111.35 115.10 115.10 123.25 123.25 127.65 132.50 140.45 140.45 145.45 145.45 158.40 158.40 171.90 171.90 189.50 197.95 232.65 239.15 310.45 310.45 342.75 342.75 403.75 403.75 440.05 440.05 707.95 759.40 785.55 785.55 $89.25 89.25 83.55 88.25 88.25 93.20 93.20 95.35 95.35 99.20 99.20 107.90 107.90 111.65 111.65 119.80 119.80 124.30 128.90 136.85 136.85 141.85 141.85 154.80 154.80 168.30 168.30 185.95 194.25 228.80 235.35 306.65 306.65 338.90 338.90 400.00 400.00 436.30 436.30 704.15 755.65 781.75 781.75 $86.30 86.30 80.85 85.55 85.55 90.50 90.50 92.70 92.70 96.50 96.50 105.20 105.20 109.00 109.00 117.15 117.15 121.55 126.15 134.05 134.05 139.05 139.05 152.05 152.05 165.60 165.60 183.15 191.55 225.80 232.35 303.70 303.70 335.90 335.90 396.95 396.95 433.30 433.30 701.10 752.65 778.75 778.75 Phone 800-882-2627 • Fax 800-882-3637 *Quantities of 15 or more: price of fractional size in same size range. CARBIDE TIPPED EXPANSION CHUCKING REAMERS TYPE 3465 - STRAIGHT SHANK - STRAIGHT FLUTE LONG CARBIDE Detailed description and fractional sizes on page 86. Tolerances on page 60. Tool diameter in millimeters with all other dimensions in inches. TOOL DIAMETER mm INCH 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0 13.5 14.0 14.5 15.0 15.5 16.0 16.5 17.0 17.5 18.0 18.5 19.0 19.5 20.0 20.5 21.0 21.5 22.0 22.5 23.0 23.5 24.0 24.5 25.0 25.5 26.0 27.0 28.0 29.0 30.0 31.0 32.0 33.0 34.0 35.0 36.0 37.0 38.0 39.0 40.0 41.0 42.0 43.0 44.0 .2953 .3150 .3346 .3543 .3740 .3937 .4134 .4331 .4528 .4724 .4921 .5118 .5315 .5512 .5709 .5906 .6102 .6299 .6496 .6693 .6890 .7087 .7283 .7480 .7677 .7874 .8071 .8268 .8465 .8661 .8858 .9055 .9252 .9449 .9646 .9843 1.0039 1.0236 1.0630 1.1024 1.1417 1.1811 1.2205 1.2598 1.2992 1.3386 1.3780 1.4173 1.4567 1.4961 1.5354 1.5748 1.6142 1.6535 1.6929 1.7323 SHANK DIAM. 9⁄32 9⁄32 9⁄32 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 3⁄8 3⁄8 3⁄8 7⁄16 7⁄16 7⁄16 7⁄16 7⁄16 7⁄16 7⁄16 9⁄16 9⁄16 9⁄16 9⁄16 9⁄16 9⁄16 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ LENGTH NO. OF FLTS. FLUTE OVERALL 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 Phone 941-739-2726 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1 5⁄8 1 5⁄8 1 5⁄8 1 5⁄8 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1 7⁄8 1 7⁄8 1 7⁄8 2 2 2 2 1⁄8 2 1⁄8 2 1⁄8 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2 3⁄8 2 3⁄8 • 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 11 11 11 11 ½ 11 ½ 11 ½ 12 12 12 12 ½ 12 ½ 12 ½ 13 13 13 13 ½ 13 ½ EDP NO. PRICE EACH 3465075 3465080 3465085 3465090 3465095 3465100 3465105 3465110 3465115 3465120 3465125 3465130 3465135 3465140 3465145 3465150 3465155 3465160 3465165 3465170 3465175 3465180 3465185 3465190 3465195 3465200 3465205 3465210 3465215 3465220 3465225 3465230 3465235 3465240 3465245 3465250 3465255 3465260 3465270 3465280 3465290 3465300 3465310 3465320 3465330 3465340 3465350 3465360 3465370 3465380 3465390 3465400 3465410 3465420 3465430 3465440 $96.20 96.20 96.20 90.20 90.20 94.90 94.90 94.90 99.80 99.80 99.80 102.00 102.00 102.00 105.90 105.90 105.90 114.50 114.50 114.50 114.50 118.25 118.25 118.25 126.40 126.40 126.40 130.90 130.90 130.90 143.75 143.75 143.75 148.75 148.75 148.75 161.70 161.70 161.70 161.70 175.20 175.20 175.20 192.85 192.85 201.15 201.15 236.15 242.70 242.70 314.00 314.00 314.00 346.25 346.25 346.25 Fax 941-739-2827 Diameters up to 63mm - call us for price & availability. METRIC SIZE RANGE PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO METRIC SIZE 1 PC. 2 PC. 7.215 - 8.001 $128.40 $107.00 8.002 - 8.814 128.40 107.00 8.815 - 9.601 120.40 100.35 9.602 - 10.389 124.95 105.05 10.390 - 11.201 124.95 105.05 11.202 - 11.989 129.85 109.95 11.990 - 12.776 129.85 109.95 12.777 - 13.564 132.15 112.15 13.565 - 14.376 132.15 112.15 14.377 - 15.164 136.00 116.00 15.165 - 15.951 136.00 116.00 15.952 - 16.739 144.55 124.65 16.740 - 17.551 144.55 124.65 17.552 - 18.339 148.40 128.40 18.340 - 19.126 148.40 128.40 19.127 - 19.914 156.65 136.65 19.915 - 20.726 156.65 136.65 20.727 - 21.514 160.95 141.05 21.515 - 22.301 160.95 141.05 22.302 - 23.089 174.95 154.30 23.090 - 23.901 174.95 154.30 23.902 - 24.689 180.00 159.25 24.690 - 25.476 180.00 159.25 25.477 - 27.076 193.00 172.20 27.077 - 28.651 193.00 172.20 28.652 - 30.239 206.45 185.75 30.240 - 31.826 206.45 185.75 31.827 - 33.414 224.05 203.30 33.415 - 35.001 232.40 211.75 35.002 - 36.589 269.45 247.40 36.590 - 38.176 276.00 253.85 38.177 - 39.776 347.35 325.25 39.777 - 41.351 347.35 325.25 41.352 - 42.951 379.55 357.50 42.952 - 44.526 379.55 357.50 - • 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14 15+ $99.90 99.90 93.65 98.35 98.35 103.20 103.20 105.40 105.40 109.30 109.30 117.95 117.95 121.70 121.70 129.85 129.85 134.30 134.30 147.30 147.30 152.30 152.30 165.25 165.25 178.75 178.75 196.40 204.75 240.00 246.50 317.80 317.80 350.10 350.10 - $96.45 96.45 90.40 95.05 95.05 99.95 99.95 102.15 102.15 106.05 106.05 114.65 114.65 118.40 118.40 126.55 126.55 131.05 131.05 143.90 143.90 148.90 148.90 161.85 161.85 175.35 175.35 193.00 201.40 236.30 242.85 314.20 314.20 346.50 346.50 - $92.90 92.90 87.00 91.75 91.75 96.60 96.60 98.80 98.80 102.70 102.70 111.35 111.35 115.10 115.10 123.25 123.25 127.65 127.65 140.45 140.45 145.45 145.45 158.40 158.40 171.90 171.90 189.50 197.95 232.65 239.15 310.45 310.45 342.75 342.75 - $89.90 89.90 84.30 88.85 88.85 93.80 93.80 96.05 96.05 99.90 99.90 108.55 108.55 112.40 112.40 120.55 120.55 124.90 124.90 137.50 137.50 142.50 142.50 155.55 155.55 169.05 169.05 186.60 195.00 229.55 236.10 307.40 307.40 339.65 339.65 - 85.75 85.75 80.40 85.10 85.10 89.95 89.95 92.15 92.15 96.05 96.05 104.75 104.75 108.50 108.50 116.65 116.65 121.05 121.05 133.55 133.55 138.55 138.55 151.50 151.50 165.00 165.00 182.65 190.95 225.35 231.80 303.20 303.20 335.40 335.40 - w w w.lexingtoncutter.com • LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 87 CARBIDE TIPPED EXPANSION CHUCKING REAMERS TYPE 3467 - TAPER SHANK - STRAIGHT FLUTE LONG CARBIDE Flute long carbide tips brazed to one piece alloy steel bodies. Straight polished flutes. Designed and manufactured for maximum tool life. Expansion reamers are recommended for reaming abrasive materials and as the diameter wears down, the reamers can be expanded many times by tightening the end adjusting screw and regrinding to its original size. Expansion reamers should not be considered as adjustable for use in producing holes of several sizes. TOOL DIAMETER MINIMUM EXPANSION 5⁄16" - 15⁄32" ½" - 31⁄32" 1" - 1 ½" 1 9⁄16" - 2 ½" .006" .010" .013" .015" For reamer tolerances and closer tolerance pricing, see page 60. TOOL DIAMETER DECIMAL FRAC. .3125 .3438 .3750 .4062 .4375 .4688 .5000 .5312 .5625 .5938 .6250 .6562 .6875 .7188 .7500 .7812 .8125 .8438 .8750 .9062 .9375 .9688 1.0000 1.0312 1.0625 1.0938 1.1250 1.1875 1.2500 1.3125 1.3750 1.4375 1.5000 1.5625 1.6250 1.6875 1.7500 1.8125 1.8750 1.9375 2.0000 2.1250 2.2500 2.3750 2.5000 5⁄16 11⁄32 3⁄8 13⁄32 7⁄16 15⁄32 ½ 17⁄32 9⁄16 19⁄32 5⁄8 21⁄32 11⁄16 23⁄32 ¾ 25⁄32 13⁄16 27⁄32 7⁄8 29⁄32 15⁄16 31⁄32 1 1 1⁄32 1 1⁄16 1 3⁄32 1 1⁄8 1 3⁄16 1¼ 1 5⁄16 1 3⁄8 1 7⁄16 1½ 1 9⁄16 1 5⁄8 1 11⁄16 1¾ 1 13⁄16 1 7⁄8 1 15⁄16 2 2 1⁄8 2¼ 2 3⁄8 2½ MORSE TAPER NO. OF FLUTES 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 12 12 12 12 12 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 88 Made in U.S.A. LENGTH FLT OAL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1 5⁄8 1 5⁄8 1 5⁄8 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1 7⁄8 1 7⁄8 2 2 2 1⁄8 2 1⁄8 2¼ 2¼ 2 3⁄8 2 3⁄8 2½ 2½ 2½ 2¾ 2¾ 3 3 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 10 10 10 10 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 11 11 11 11 ½ 11 ½ 12 12 12 ½ 12 ½ 13 13 13 ½ 13 ½ 14 14 14 14 ½ 14 ½ 15 15 • EDP NO. PRICE EACH 346710 346711 346712 346713 346714 346715 346716 346717 346718 346719 346720 346721 346722 346723 346724 346725 346726 346727 346728 346729 346730 346731 346732 346733 346734 346735 346736 346738 346740 346742 346744 346746 346748 346750 346752 346754 346756 346758 346760 346762 346764 346768 346772 346776 346780 $92.45 92.45 86.75 89.40 89.40 93.70 93.70 96.60 96.60 100.45 100.45 113.10 113.10 113.40 113.40 121.80 121.80 126.95 131.70 139.30 139.30 144.35 144.35 157.95 157.95 157.95 157.95 177.65 180.10 196.75 215.60 241.95 250.55 344.25 344.25 381.30 381.30 451.45 451.45 493.35 493.35 738.70 793.20 820.85 820.85 DECIMAL SIZE RANGE PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE 1 PC. 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. .2841 - .3150 $135.15 $113.80 $106.65 $103.20 .3151 - .3470 135.15 113.80 106.65 103.20 .3471 - .3780 126.70 106.65 99.95 96.80 .3781 - .4090 129.35 109.30 102.60 99.45 .4091 - .4410 129.35 109.30 102.60 99.45 .4411 - .4720 133.75 113.80 106.95 103.80 .4721 - .5030 133.75 113.80 106.95 103.80 .5031 - .5340 136.65 116.55 109.90 106.65 .5341 - .5660 136.65 116.55 109.90 106.65 .5661 - .5970 140.55 120.55 113.85 110.60 .5971 - .6280 140.55 120.55 113.85 110.60 .6281 - .6590 153.15 133.05 126.35 123.20 .6591 - .6910 153.15 133.05 126.35 123.20 .6911 - .7220 153.45 133.50 126.70 123.55 .7221 - .7530 153.45 133.50 126.70 123.55 .7531 - .7840 161.85 141.80 135.10 131.95 .7841 - .8160 161.85 141.80 135.10 131.95 .8161 - .8470 166.90 146.85 140.15 136.95 .8471 - .8780 173.15 152.45 145.45 142.15 .8781 - .9090 180.80 160.00 153.05 149.70 .9091 - .9410 180.80 160.00 153.05 149.70 .9411 - .9720 185.80 165.00 158.00 154.70 .9721 - 1.0030 185.80 165.00 158.00 154.70 1.0031 - 1.0660 199.55 178.70 171.70 168.40 1.0661 - 1.1280 199.55 178.70 171.70 168.40 1.1281 - 1.1905 219.10 198.30 191.40 188.10 1.1906 - 1.2530 221.55 200.75 193.80 190.50 1.2531 - 1.3155 238.30 217.50 210.50 207.20 1.3156 - 1.3780 257.05 236.25 229.30 225.95 1.3781 - 1.4405 286.20 264.10 256.60 253.05 1.4406 - 1.5030 294.90 272.60 265.20 261.75 1.5031 - 1.5660 388.60 366.40 358.95 355.45 1.5661 - 1.6280 388.60 366.40 358.95 355.45 1.6281 - 1.6910 425.55 403.45 396.00 392.40 1.6911 - 1.7530 425.55 403.45 396.00 392.40 1.7531 - 1.8160 495.75 473.65 466.20 462.60 1.8161 - 1.8780 495.75 473.65 466.20 462.60 1.8781 - 1.9410 537.60 515.40 507.95 504.50 1.9411 - 2.0030 537.60 515.40 507.95 504.50 2.0031 - 2.1280 782.90 760.70 753.30 749.75 2.1281 - 2.2530 837.55 815.25 807.90 804.40 2.2531 - 2.3780 865.10 842.95 835.45 832.00 2.3781 - 2.5030 865.10 842.95 835.45 832.00 [email protected] • Phone 800-882-2627 • 5-7 8-14* $99.60 99.60 93.35 96.00 96.00 100.35 100.35 103.20 103.20 107.25 107.25 119.75 119.75 120.05 120.05 128.40 128.40 133.55 138.55 146.20 146.20 151.20 151.20 164.85 164.85 184.50 186.90 203.65 222.40 249.25 257.90 351.60 351.60 388.65 388.65 458.80 458.80 500.60 500.60 746.00 800.55 828.20 828.20 $96.65 96.65 90.65 93.25 93.25 97.70 97.70 100.45 100.45 104.45 104.45 117.10 117.10 117.40 117.40 125.75 125.75 130.85 135.75 143.30 143.30 148.30 148.30 162.00 162.00 181.70 184.10 200.80 219.60 246.30 254.90 348.60 348.60 385.65 385.65 455.85 455.85 497.75 497.75 743.00 797.60 825.25 825.25 Fax 800-882-3637 CARBIDE TIPPED EXPANSION CHUCKING REAMERS TYPE 3467 - TAPER SHANK - STRAIGHT FLUTE LONG CARBIDE Detailed description and fractional sizes on page 88. Tolerances on page 60. Tool diameter in millimeters with all other dimensions in inches. TOOL DIAMETER mm INCH 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0 13.5 14.0 14.5 15.0 15.5 16.0 16.5 17.0 17.5 18.0 18.5 19.0 19.5 20.0 20.5 21.0 21.5 22.0 22.5 23.0 23.5 24.0 24.5 25.0 25.5 26.0 27.0 28.0 29.0 30.0 31.0 32.0 33.0 34.0 35.0 36.0 37.0 38.0 39.0 40.0 41.0 42.0 43.0 44.0 .2953 .3150 .3346 .3543 .3740 .3937 .4134 .4331 .4528 .4724 .4921 .5118 .5315 .5512 .5709 .5906 .6102 .6299 .6496 .6693 .6890 .7087 .7283 .7480 .7677 .7874 .8071 .8268 .8465 .8661 .8858 .9055 .9252 .9449 .9646 .9843 1.0039 1.0236 1.0630 1.1024 1.1417 1.1811 1.2205 1.2598 1.2992 1.3386 1.3780 1.4173 1.4567 1.4961 1.5354 1.5748 1.6142 1.6535 1.6929 1.7323 MORSE TAPER 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 LENGTH NO. OF FLTS. FLUTE OVERALL 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1 5⁄8 1 5⁄8 1 5⁄8 1 5⁄8 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1 7⁄8 1 7⁄8 1 7⁄8 2 2 2 2 1⁄8 2 1⁄8 2 1⁄8 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2 3⁄8 2 3⁄8 Phone 941-739-2726 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 11 11 11 11 ½ 11 ½ 11 ½ 12 12 12 12 ½ 12 ½ 12 ½ 13 13 13 13 ½ 13 ½ • EDP NO. PRICE EACH METRIC SIZE RANGE PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO METRIC SIZE 1 PC. 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14 3467075 $106.65 7.215 - 8.001 $138.75 $117.45 $110.30 $106.80 $103.20 $100.25 3467080 106.65 3467085 106.65 8.002 - 8.814 138.75 117.45 110.30 106.80 103.20 100.25 3467090 99.95 8.815 - 9.601 130.10 110.10 103.40 100.10 96.80 93.95 3467095 99.95 3467100 102.60 9.602 - 10.389 132.65 112.75 106.05 102.75 99.45 96.60 3467105 102.60 10.390 - 11.201 132.65 112.75 106.05 102.75 99.45 96.60 3467110 102.60 3467115 106.95 11.202 - 11.989 137.15 117.15 110.45 107.25 103.80 101.05 3467120 106.95 11.990 - 12.776 137.15 117.15 110.45 107.25 103.80 101.05 3467125 106.95 3467130 109.90 12.777 - 13.564 140.00 119.95 113.25 110.05 106.65 103.95 3467135 109.90 3467140 109.90 13.565 - 14.376 140.00 119.95 113.25 110.05 106.65 103.95 3467145 113.85 14.377 - 15.164 143.90 123.90 117.25 114.00 110.60 107.80 3467150 113.85 3467155 113.85 15.165 - 15.951 143.90 123.90 117.25 114.00 110.60 107.80 3467160 126.35 15.952 - 16.739 156.55 136.50 129.80 126.50 123.20 120.45 3467165 126.35 3467170 126.35 16.740 - 17.551 156.55 136.50 129.80 126.50 123.20 120.45 3467175 126.35 3467180 126.70 17.552 - 18.339 156.85 136.85 130.15 126.95 123.55 120.75 3467185 126.70 18.340 - 19.126 156.85 136.85 130.15 126.95 123.55 120.75 3467190 126.70 3467195 135.10 19.127 - 19.914 165.15 145.25 138.55 135.25 131.95 129.05 3467200 135.10 19.915 - 20.726 165.15 145.25 138.55 135.25 131.95 129.05 3467205 135.10 3467210 140.15 20.727 - 21.514 170.25 150.30 143.60 140.30 136.95 134.15 3467215 140.15 3467220 140.15 21.515 - 22.301 170.25 150.30 143.60 140.30 136.95 134.15 3467225 153.05 22.302 - 23.089 184.35 163.55 156.65 153.15 149.70 146.85 3467230 153.05 3467235 153.05 23.090 - 23.901 184.35 163.55 156.65 153.15 149.70 146.85 3467240 158.00 23.902 - 24.689 189.35 168.60 161.65 158.25 154.70 151.85 3467245 158.00 3467250 158.00 24.690 - 25.476 189.35 168.60 161.65 158.25 154.70 151.85 3467255 171.70 25.477 - 27.076 203.00 182.20 175.30 171.90 168.40 165.60 3467260 171.70 3467270 171.70 3467280 171.70 27.077 - 28.651 203.00 182.20 175.30 171.90 168.40 165.60 3467290 191.40 28.652 - 30.239 222.55 201.90 194.90 191.55 188.10 185.15 3467300 191.40 3467310 193.80 30.240 - 31.826 225.05 204.35 197.35 193.95 190.50 187.55 3467320 210.50 31.827 - 33.414 241.75 221.00 214.10 210.70 207.20 204.35 3467330 210.50 3467340 229.30 33.415 - 35.001 260.50 239.85 232.85 229.45 225.95 223.05 3467350 229.30 3467360 256.60 35.002 - 36.589 289.95 267.85 260.40 256.80 253.05 249.95 3467370 265.20 36.590 - 38.176 298.55 276.45 269.10 265.40 261.75 258.65 3467380 265.20 3467390 358.95 38.177 - 39.776 392.25 370.20 362.80 359.10 355.45 352.35 3467400 358.95 39.777 - 41.351 392.25 370.20 362.80 359.10 355.45 352.35 3467410 358.95 3467420 396.00 41.352 - 42.951 429.30 407.25 399.85 396.15 392.40 389.40 3467430 396.00 42.952 - 44.526 429.30 407.25 399.85 396.15 392.40 389.40 3467440 396.00 - Fax 941-739-2827 Diameters up to 63mm - call us for price & availability. • w w w.lexingtoncutter.com • 15+ $96.15 96.15 90.10 92.75 92.75 97.15 97.15 100.05 100.05 104.00 104.00 116.55 116.55 116.85 116.85 125.25 125.25 130.30 130.30 142.90 142.90 147.90 147.90 161.55 161.55 181.20 183.60 200.35 219.10 245.80 254.40 348.10 348.10 385.05 385.05 - LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 89 CARBIDE TIPPED CNC STUB/SCREW MACHINE REAMERS TYPE 3430 - STRAIGHT FLUTE LONG CARBIDE TYPE 3440 - LEFT SPIRAL FLUTE LONG CARBIDE Flute long carbide tips brazed to one piece hardened alloy steel bodies. Polished flutes permit high volume chip load. Flute long carbide tips brazed to one piece hardened alloy steel bodies. Left spiral flutes tend to bridge interruptions. Used in through holes only. BOTH TYPES: Pin cross hole permits use in floating holders. For reamer tolerances and closer tolerance pricing, see page 60 TOOL DIAMETER PIN SHANK NO. OF HOLE DIAM. FLUTES DIAM. DECIMAL FRAC. .1875 .2188 .2344 .2500 .2812 .3125 .3438 .3750 .4062 .4375 .4688 .5000 .5312 .5625 .5938 .6250 .6562 .6875 .7188 .7500 .7812 .8125 .8438 .8750 .9062 .9375 .9688 1.0000 1.0625 1.1250 1.1875 1.2500 1.3125 1.3750 1.4375 1.5000 3⁄16 7⁄32 15⁄64 ¼ 9⁄32 5⁄16 11⁄32 3⁄8 13⁄32 7⁄16 15⁄32 ½ 17⁄32 9⁄16 19⁄32 5⁄8 21⁄32 11⁄16 23⁄32 ¾ 25⁄32 13⁄16 27⁄32 7⁄8 29⁄32 15⁄16 31⁄32 1 1 1⁄16 1 1⁄8 1 3⁄16 1¼ 1 5⁄16 1 3⁄8 1 7⁄16 1½ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ 3⁄8 3⁄8 3⁄8 3⁄8 ½ ½ ½ ½ 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ 3⁄32 3⁄32 3⁄32 3⁄32 1⁄8 1⁄8 1⁄8 1⁄8 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 90 Made in U.S.A. LENGTH FLT OAL STRAIGHT TYPE 3430 EDP NO. 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* 1 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 343006 343007 34302344 343008 343009 343010 343011 343012 343013 343014 343015 343016 343017 343018 343019 343020 343021 343022 343023 343024 343025 343026 343027 343028 343029 343030 343031 343032 343034 343036 343038 343040 343042 343044 343046 343048 • LEFT SPIRAL TYPE 3440 EDP NO. BOTH TYPES PRICE DECIMAL SIZE RANGE 344006 344007 34402344 344008 344009 344010 344011 344012 344013 344014 344015 344016 344017 344018 344019 344020 344021 344022 344023 344024 344025 344026 344027 344028 344029 344030 344031 344032 344034 344036 344038 344040 344042 344044 344046 344048 $58.05 58.05 58.05 58.05 58.05 67.45 68.05 73.85 74.90 88.65 88.65 97.00 97.00 102.25 102.25 105.05 105.05 109.90 109.90 112.70 112.70 122.40 122.40 133.70 133.70 147.30 147.30 154.50 154.50 180.90 188.55 220.85 220.85 224.10 261.15 313.70 .1770 - .2040 .2041 - .2210 .2211 - .2380 .2381 - .2530 .2531 - .2840 .2841 - .3150 .3151 - .3470 .3471 - .3780 .3781 - .4090 .4091 - .4410 .4411 - .4720 .4721 - .5030 .5031 - .5340 .5341 - .5660 .5661 - .5970 .5971 - .6280 .6281 - .6590 .6591 - .6910 .6911 - .7220 .7221 - .7530 .7531 - .7840 .7841 - .8160 .8161 - .8470 .8471 - .8780 .8781 - .9090 .9091 - .9410 .9411 - .9720 .9721 - 1.0030 1.0031 - 1.0660 1.0661 - 1.1280 1.1281 - 1.1905 1.1906 - 1.2530 1.2531 - 1.3155 1.3156 - 1.3780 1.3781 - 1.4405 1.4406 - 1.5030 [email protected] • PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE 1 PC. 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14** $100.70 100.70 100.70 100.70 100.70 110.10 110.70 116.50 117.60 131.35 131.35 140.85 140.85 145.95 145.95 148.85 148.85 153.60 153.60 156.40 156.40 166.20 166.20 179.20 179.20 192.70 192.70 200.00 200.00 226.30 234.00 266.35 266.35 269.50 306.65 359.10 $79.30 79.30 79.30 79.30 79.30 88.70 89.40 95.10 96.15 109.95 109.95 118.90 118.90 124.15 124.15 126.85 126.85 131.65 131.65 134.50 134.50 144.30 144.30 156.35 156.35 169.95 169.95 177.20 177.20 203.50 211.25 243.60 243.60 246.75 283.85 336.40 $72.20 72.20 72.20 72.20 72.20 81.60 82.15 88.00 89.00 102.75 102.75 111.55 111.55 116.70 116.70 119.50 119.50 124.35 124.35 127.15 127.15 136.85 136.85 148.75 148.75 162.35 162.35 169.65 169.65 195.90 203.60 236.00 236.00 239.15 276.30 328.75 $68.80 68.80 68.80 68.80 68.80 78.20 78.80 84.50 85.65 99.45 99.45 108.05 108.05 113.25 113.25 116.00 116.00 120.85 120.85 123.65 123.65 133.40 133.40 145.10 145.10 158.70 158.70 165.95 165.95 192.30 200.00 232.35 232.35 235.50 272.60 325.15 $65.10 65.10 65.10 65.10 65.10 74.45 75.10 80.85 81.95 95.75 95.75 104.30 104.30 109.45 109.45 112.25 112.25 117.10 117.10 119.90 119.90 129.65 129.65 141.25 141.25 154.80 154.80 162.00 162.00 188.40 196.10 228.50 228.50 231.65 268.70 321.20 $62.25 62.25 62.25 62.25 62.25 71.65 72.25 78.00 79.10 92.90 92.90 101.35 101.35 106.50 106.50 109.30 109.30 114.15 114.15 116.95 116.95 126.70 126.70 138.20 138.20 151.80 151.80 159.00 159.00 185.30 193.00 225.40 225.40 228.60 265.70 318.10 Phone 800-882-2627 • Fax 800-882-3637 *½” carbide length. **Quantities of 15 or more: price of fractional size in same size range. CARBIDE TIPPED CNC STUB/SCREW MACHINE REAMERS TYPE 3430 - STRAIGHT FLUTE LONG CARBIDE TYPE 3440 - LEFT SPIRAL FLUTE LONG CARBIDE Detailed description and fractional sizes on page 90. Tool diameter in millimeters with all other dimensions in inches. For reamer tolerances and closer tolerance pricing, see page 60. TOOL DIAMETER SHANK PIN NO. OF HOLE DIAM. FLUTES mm INCH DIAM. 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0 13.5 14.0 14.5 15.0 15.5 16.0 16.5 17.0 17.5 18.0 18.5 19.0 19.5 20.0 20.5 21.0 21.5 22.0 22.5 23.0 23.5 24.0 24.5 25.0 25.5 26.0 27.0 28.0 29.0 30.0 31.0 32.0 33.0 34.0 35.0 36.0 37.0 38.0 .1772 .1969 .2165 .2362 .2559 .2756 .2953 .3150 .3346 .3543 .3740 .3937 .4134 .4331 .4528 .4724 .4921 .5118 .5315 .5512 .5709 .5906 .6102 .6299 .6496 .6693 .6890 .7087 .7283 .7480 .7677 .7874 .8071 .8268 .8465 .8661 .8858 .9055 .9252 .9449 .9646 .9843 1.0039 1.0236 1.0630 1.1024 1.1417 1.1811 1.2205 1.2598 1.2992 1.3386 1.3780 1.4173 1.4567 1.4961 ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ 3⁄8 3⁄8 3⁄8 3⁄8 3⁄8 3⁄8 3⁄8 ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ 3⁄32 3⁄32 3⁄32 3⁄32 3⁄32 1⁄8 1⁄8 1⁄8 1⁄8 1⁄8 1⁄8 1⁄8 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 3⁄16 ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 Phone 941-739-2726 *½” carbide length. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 • FLT OAL STRAIGHT LEFT SPIRAL BOTH TYPE 3430 TYPE 3440 TYPES EDP NO. EDP NO. PRICE 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* 1 1 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3430045 3430050 3430055 3430060 3430063 3430065 3430070 3430075 3430080 3430085 3430090 3430095 3430100 3430105 3430110 3430115 3430120 3430125 3430130 3430135 3430140 3430145 3430150 3430155 3430160 3430165 3430170 3430175 3430180 3430185 3430190 3430195 3430200 3430205 3430210 3430215 3430220 3430225 3430230 3430235 3430240 3430245 3430250 3430255 3430260 3430270 3430280 3430290 3430300 3430310 3430320 3430330 3430340 3430350 3430360 3430370 3430380 LENGTH 3440045 3440050 3440055 3440060 3440063 3440065 3440070 3440075 3440080 3440085 3440090 3440095 3440100 3440105 3440110 3440115 3440120 3440125 3440130 3440135 3440140 3440145 3440150 3440155 3440160 3440165 3440170 3440175 3440180 3440185 3440190 3440195 3440200 3440205 3440210 3440215 3440220 3440225 3440230 3440235 3440240 3440245 3440250 3440255 3440260 3440270 3440280 3440290 3440300 3440310 3440320 3440330 3440340 3440350 3440360 3440370 3440380 Fax 941-739-2827 • $72.20 72.20 72.20 72.20 72.20 72.20 81.60 81.60 82.15 88.00 88.00 89.00 102.75 102.75 102.75 111.55 111.55 111.55 111.55 116.70 116.70 116.70 119.50 119.50 119.50 124.35 124.35 124.35 127.15 127.15 127.15 136.85 136.85 136.85 136.85 143.30 148.75 148.75 162.35 162.35 162.35 169.65 169.65 169.65 169.65 195.90 203.60 203.60 236.00 236.00 236.00 239.15 239.15 276.30 328.75 328.75 METRIC SIZE RANGE PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO METRIC SIZE 1 PC. 4.494 - 5.182 $104.20 5.183 - 5.613 104.20 5.614 - 6.045 104.20 6.046 - 6.426 104.20 6.427 - 7.214 104.20 7.215 - 8.001 113.70 8.002 - 8.814 114.30 8.815 - 9.601 120.05 9.602 - 10.389 121.15 10.390 - 11.201 134.95 11.202 - 11.989 134.95 11.990 - 12.776 144.50 12.777 - 13.564 144.50 13.565 - 14.376 149.70 14.377 - 15.164 149.70 15.165 - 15.951 152.45 15.952 - 16.739 152.45 16.740 - 17.551 157.30 17.552 - 18.339 157.30 18.340 - 19.126 160.10 19.127 - 19.914 160.10 19.915 - 20.726 169.85 20.727 - 21.514 169.85 21.515 - 22.301 176.35 22.302 - 23.089 182.95 23.090 - 23.901 196.55 23.902 - 24.689 196.55 24.690 - 25.476 203.80 25.477 - 27.076 203.80 27.077 - 28.651 230.15 28.652 - 30.239 230.15 30.240 - 31.826 270.20 31.827 - 33.414 270.20 33.415 - 35.001 273.35 35.002 - 36.589 310.45 36.590 - 38.176 363.00 - 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14 15+ $83.00 83.00 83.00 83.00 83.00 92.40 93.05 98.80 99.80 113.55 113.55 122.60 122.60 127.80 127.80 130.70 130.70 135.45 135.45 138.20 138.20 148.05 148.05 154.50 160.30 173.85 173.85 181.10 181.10 207.50 207.50 247.45 247.45 250.65 287.75 340.30 - $75.80 75.80 75.80 75.80 75.80 85.25 85.85 91.65 92.60 106.45 106.45 115.30 115.30 120.55 120.55 123.25 123.25 128.10 128.10 130.90 130.90 140.70 140.70 147.05 152.65 166.25 166.25 173.55 173.55 199.75 199.75 239.90 239.90 243.05 280.20 332.65 - $72.30 72.30 72.30 72.30 72.30 81.75 82.30 88.15 89.25 102.95 102.95 111.70 111.70 116.95 116.95 119.65 119.65 124.50 124.50 127.30 127.30 137.15 137.15 143.55 148.90 162.50 162.50 169.80 169.80 196.10 196.10 236.15 236.15 239.30 276.45 329.00 - $68.80 68.80 68.80 68.80 68.80 78.20 78.80 84.50 85.65 99.45 99.45 108.05 108.05 113.25 113.25 116.00 116.00 120.85 120.85 123.65 123.65 133.40 133.40 139.85 145.10 158.70 158.70 165.95 165.95 192.30 192.30 232.35 232.35 235.50 272.60 325.15 - $65.80 65.80 65.80 65.80 65.80 75.20 75.80 81.60 82.70 96.45 96.45 105.05 105.05 110.20 110.20 112.95 112.95 117.80 117.80 120.60 120.60 130.30 130.30 136.80 142.00 155.55 155.55 162.80 162.80 189.10 189.10 229.15 229.15 232.35 269.45 321.95 - $61.75 61.75 61.75 61.75 61.75 71.15 71.75 77.55 78.50 92.30 92.30 100.85 100.85 106.00 106.00 108.80 108.80 113.55 113.55 116.40 116.40 126.15 126.15 132.60 137.60 151.20 151.20 158.45 158.45 184.80 184.80 224.85 224.85 228.00 265.10 317.60 - w w w.lexingtoncutter.com • LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 91 CARBIDE TIPPED NAS 897 CHUCKING REAMERS TYPE 3407 - STRAIGHT SHANK - STRAIGHT FLUTES - FOR NON-FERROUS TYPE 3408 - STRAIGHT SHANK - STRAIGHT FLUTES - FOR CAST IRON TYPE 3409 - STRAIGHT SHANK - STRAIGHT FLUTES - FOR STEEL Carbide tips brazed to one piece hardened alloy steel bodies. Straight polished flutes. NAS 897 chucking reamers manufactured to national aerospace standards 897 C with partial flute length carbide. Tool geometry and carbide grade appropriate for material being machined. For reamer tolerances and closer tolerance pricing, see page 60. Shanks are ground to the next smallest shank diameter listed in NAS 897 if tool diameter is within .005" of shank diameter. TOOL DIAMETER LENGTH MAX. NO. SHANK OF FRAC. DIAM. FLTS. FLT CARB OAL DEC. .1562 .1875 .2188 .2344 .2500 .2812 .3125 .3125 .3438 .3438 .3750 .3750 .4062 .4062 .4375 .4688 .5000 .5312 .5625 .5938 .6250 .6562 .6875 .7188 .7500 .7812 .8125 .8438 .8750 .9062 .9375 .9688 1.0000 1.0625 1.1250 1.1875 1.2500 1.3125 1.3750 1.4375 1.5000 5⁄32 3⁄16 7⁄32 15⁄64 ¼ 9⁄32 5⁄16 5⁄16 11⁄32 11⁄32 3⁄8 3⁄8 13⁄32 13⁄32 7⁄16 15⁄32 ½ 17⁄32 9⁄16 19⁄32 5⁄8 21⁄32 11⁄16 23⁄32 ¾ 25⁄32 13⁄16 27⁄32 7⁄8 29⁄32 15⁄16 31⁄32 1 1 1⁄16 1 1⁄8 1 3⁄16 1¼ 1 5⁄16 1 3⁄8 1 7⁄16 1½ .1510 .1805 .2075 .2265 .2405 .2485 .2792 .2792 .2792 .2792 .3105 .3105 .3105 .3105 .3730 .3730 .4355 .4355 .4355 .4355 .5615 .5615 .5615 .5615 .6245 .6245 .6245 .6245 .7495 .7495 .7495 .7495 .8745 .8745 .8745 .9995 .9995 .9995 .9995 .9995 1.2495 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 4 6 4 6 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 1 1 1⁄8 1¼ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 2 2 2 2 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2¾ 2¾ 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 3 3 3¼ 3¼ 3½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 92 Made in U.S.A. 4 4½ 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 10 10 10 10 10 ½ 10 ½ 11 11 11 ½ 11 ½ 12 12 12 ½ • NON-FERR. CAST IRON TYPE 3407 TYPE 3408 EDP NO. EDP NO. STEEL TYPE 3409 EDP NO. ALL TYPES PRICE DECIMAL SIZE RANGE 340705 340706 340707 34072344 340708 340709 340710 340790 340711 340791 340712 340792 340713 340793 340714 340715 340716 340717 340718 340719 340720 340721 340722 340723 340724 340725 340726 340727 340728 340729 340730 340731 340732 340734 340736 340738 340740 340742 340744 340746 340748 340905 340906 340907 34092344 340908 340909 340910 340990 340911 340991 340912 340992 340913 340993 340914 340915 340916 340917 340918 340919 340920 340921 340922 340923 340924 340925 340926 340927 340928 340929 340930 340931 340932 340934 340936 340938 340940 340942 340944 340946 340948 $58.20 53.45 53.45 56.65 53.75 54.85 54.85 60.25 56.90 62.50 52.20 57.35 59.60 63.60 63.60 64.55 76.30 83.05 83.05 86.45 86.45 87.90 87.90 92.00 92.00 94.95 94.95 98.80 102.55 119.45 119.45 125.10 125.10 129.50 140.00 147.15 155.55 163.75 173.70 193.55 204.60 .1560 - .1769 .1770 - .2040 .2041 - .2210 .2211 - .2380 .2381 - .2530 .2531 - .2840 .2841 - .3150 .2841 - .3150 .3151 - .3470 .3151 - .3470 .3471 - .3780 .3471 - .3780 .3781 - .4090 .3781 - .4090 .4091 - .4410 .4411 - .4720 .4721 - .5030 .5031 - .5340 .5341 - .5660 .5661 - .5970 .5971 - .6280 .6281 - .6590 .6591 - .6910 .6911 - .7220 .7221 - .7530 .7531 - .7840 .7841 - .8160 .8161 - .8470 .8471 - .8780 .8781 - .9090 .9091 - .9410 .9411 - .9720 .9721 - 1.0030 1.0031 - 1.0660 1.0661 - 1.1280 1.1281 - 1.1905 1.1906 - 1.2530 1.2531 - 1.3155 1.3156 - 1.3780 1.3781 - 1.4405 1.4406 - 1.5030 340805 340806 340807 34082344 340808 340809 340810 340890 340811 340891 340812 340892 340813 340893 340814 340815 340816 340817 340818 340819 340820 340821 340822 340823 340824 340825 340826 340827 340828 340829 340830 340831 340832 340834 340836 340838 340840 340842 340844 340846 340848 [email protected] • PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE 1 PC. 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14* $100.90 94.95 94.95 98.20 95.25 96.35 96.35 101.80 98.40 104.00 90.35 95.40 101.15 105.10 105.10 106.05 122.00 128.70 128.70 132.15 132.15 133.60 133.60 137.75 137.75 140.70 140.70 144.50 149.95 166.85 166.85 172.50 172.50 174.95 185.45 192.65 201.00 209.25 219.20 239.10 250.10 $79.45 74.15 74.15 77.40 74.45 75.55 75.55 81.00 77.60 83.20 71.20 76.35 80.35 84.30 84.30 85.25 99.10 105.75 105.75 109.20 109.20 110.70 110.70 114.80 114.80 117.80 117.80 121.65 126.20 143.10 143.10 148.75 148.75 152.20 162.65 169.85 178.30 186.45 196.40 216.25 227.35 $72.30 67.20 67.20 70.40 67.55 68.65 68.65 74.00 70.65 76.30 64.85 69.95 73.45 77.40 77.40 78.30 91.45 98.20 98.20 101.50 101.50 102.95 102.95 107.15 107.15 110.20 110.20 114.00 118.25 135.15 135.15 140.75 140.75 144.55 155.10 162.30 170.60 178.75 188.65 208.65 219.70 $68.95 63.85 63.85 67.10 64.15 65.25 65.25 70.70 67.35 72.90 61.80 66.95 70.05 74.00 74.00 74.95 87.85 94.50 94.50 97.85 97.85 99.45 99.45 103.50 103.50 106.50 106.50 110.30 114.50 131.40 131.40 136.95 136.95 140.90 151.40 158.60 167.00 175.20 185.15 205.05 216.10 $65.25 60.25 60.25 63.50 60.65 61.75 61.75 67.20 63.80 69.40 58.50 63.65 66.45 70.50 70.50 71.45 83.85 90.65 90.65 93.95 93.95 95.40 95.40 99.60 99.60 102.55 102.55 106.45 110.45 127.25 127.25 132.90 132.90 137.00 147.60 154.70 163.10 171.25 181.20 201.10 212.10 $62.40 57.50 57.50 60.70 57.85 58.85 58.85 64.40 61.00 66.60 55.95 61.10 63.70 67.70 67.70 68.65 80.80 87.45 87.45 90.85 90.85 92.40 92.40 96.45 96.45 99.50 99.50 103.35 107.25 124.05 124.05 129.65 129.65 134.00 144.50 151.70 160.00 168.15 178.10 198.10 209.10 Phone 800-882-2627 • Fax 800-882-3637 *Quantities of 15 or more: price of fractional size in same size range. CARBIDE TIPPED NAS 897 CHUCKING REAMERS TYPE 3407 - STRAIGHT SHANK - STRAIGHT FLUTES - FOR NON-FERROUS TYPE 3408 - STRAIGHT SHANK - STRAIGHT FLUTES - FOR CAST IRON TYPE 3409 - STRAIGHT SHANK - STRAIGHT FLUTES - FOR STEEL Detailed description and fractional sizes on page 92. Tolerances on page 60. Tool diameter in millimeters with all other dimensions in inches. TOOL DIAMETER MAX. NO. LENGTH NON-FERR. CAST IRON STEEL ALL SHANK OF TYPE 3407 TYPE 3408 TYPE 3409 TYPES DIAM. FLTS. EDP NO. EDP NO. EDP NO. PRICE mm INCH FLT CARB OAL 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 7.5 8.0 8.0 8.5 8.5 9.0 9.0 9.5 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0 13.5 14.0 14.5 15.0 15.5 16.0 16.5 17.0 17.5 18.0 19.0 19.5 20.0 21.0 22.0 23.0 23.5 24.0 25.0 26.0 27.0 28.0 29.0 30.0 31.0 32.0 33.0 34.0 35.0 36.0 37.0 .1575 .1772 .1969 .2165 .2362 .2559 .2756 .2953 .2953 .3150 .3150 .3346 .3346 .3543 .3543 .3740 .3740 .3937 .3937 .4134 .4331 .4528 .4724 .4921 .5118 .5315 .5512 .5709 .5906 .6102 .6299 .6496 .6693 .6890 .7087 .7480 .7677 .7874 .8268 .8661 .9055 .9252 .9449 .9843 1.0236 1.0630 1.1024 1.1417 1.1811 1.2205 1.2598 1.2992 1.3386 1.3780 1.4173 1.4567 .1510 .1704 .1805 .2075 .2265 .2405 .2485 .2485 .2792 .2792 .2792 .2792 .2792 .2792 .3105 .3105 .3105 .3105 .3105 .3105 .3730 .3730 .3730 .4355 .4355 .4355 .4355 .4355 .4355 .4355 .5615 .5615 .5615 .5615 .5615 .5615 .6245 .6245 .6245 .6245 .7495 .7495 .7495 .7495 .8745 .8745 .8745 .8745 .9995 .9995 .9995 .9995 .9995 .9995 .9995 .9995 1.2495 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 4 6 4 6 4 6 4 6 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 1 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1¼ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 3 3 3 3¼ 3¼ 3¼ 3½ Phone 941-739-2726 ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 • 4 4½ 4½ 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 10 10 10 10 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 11 11 11 11 ½ 11 ½ 11 ½ 12 12 12 12 ½ 3407040 3407045 3407050 3407055 3407060 3407063 3407065 3407070 3407075 3407078 3407080 3407083 3407085 3407088 3407090 3407093 3407095 3407098 3407100 3407103 3407105 3407110 3407115 3407120 3407125 3407130 3407135 3407140 3407145 3407150 3407155 3407160 3407165 3407170 3407175 3407180 3407190 3407195 3407200 3407210 3407220 3407230 3407235 3407240 3407250 3407260 3407270 3407280 3407290 3407300 3407310 3407320 3407330 3407340 3407350 3407360 3407370 3408040 3408045 3408050 3408055 3408060 3408063 3408065 3408070 3408075 3408078 3408080 3408083 3408085 3408088 3408090 3408093 3408095 3408098 3408100 3408103 3408105 3408110 3408115 3408120 3408125 3408130 3408135 3408140 3408145 3408150 3408155 3408160 3408165 3408170 3408175 3408180 3408190 3408195 3408200 3408210 3408220 3408230 3408235 3408240 3408250 3408260 3408270 3408280 3408290 3408300 3408310 3408320 3408330 3408340 3408350 3408360 3408370 3409040 3409045 3409050 3409055 3409060 3409063 3409065 3409070 3409075 3409078 3409080 3409083 3409085 3409088 3409090 3409093 3409095 3409098 3409100 3409103 3409105 3409110 3409115 3409120 3409125 3409130 3409135 3409140 3409145 3409150 3409155 3409160 3409165 3409170 3409175 3409180 3409190 3409195 3409200 3409210 3409220 3409230 3409235 3409240 3409250 3409260 3409270 3409280 3409290 3409300 3409310 3409320 3409330 3409340 3409350 3409360 3409370 Fax 941-739-2827 • METRIC SIZE RANGE PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO METRIC SIZE 1 PC. $72.30 3.962 - 4.493 $104.45 67.20 4.494 - 4.696 98.40 67.20 4.697 - 5.182 98.40 67.20 5.183 - 5.613 98.40 70.40 5.614 - 6.045 101.65 6.046 - 6.426 98.80 68.65 6.427 - 7.214 99.90 68.65 68.65 7.215 - 8.001 99.90 74.00 7.215 - 8.001 105.35 68.65 74.00 70.65 8.002 - 8.814 101.85 76.30 8.002 - 8.814 107.55 64.85 8.815 - 9.601 93.50 69.95 8.815 - 9.601 98.65 64.85 69.95 73.45 9.602 - 10.389 104.65 77.40 9.602 - 10.389 108.65 77.40 10.390 - 11.201 108.65 77.40 78.30 11.202 - 11.989 109.50 91.45 11.990 - 12.776 125.85 91.45 98.20 12.777 - 13.564 132.60 98.20 98.20 13.565 - 14.376 132.60 101.50 14.377 - 15.164 136.00 101.50 101.50 15.165 - 15.951 136.00 102.95 15.952 - 16.739 137.45 102.95 102.95 16.740 - 17.551 137.45 102.95 107.15 17.552 - 18.339 141.55 107.15 18.340 - 19.126 141.55 110.20 19.127 - 19.914 144.50 110.20 19.915 - 20.726 144.50 114.00 20.727 - 21.514 148.30 114.00 21.515 - 22.301 148.30 135.15 22.302 - 23.089 170.80 135.15 23.090 - 23.901 170.80 140.75 23.902 - 24.689 176.45 140.75 24.690 - 25.476 176.45 144.55 25.477 - 27.076 178.75 144.55 155.10 27.077 - 28.651 189.25 162.30 28.652 - 30.239 196.45 162.30 170.60 30.240 - 31.826 204.75 178.75 31.827 - 33.414 213.00 178.75 188.65 33.415 - 35.001 223.00 188.65 208.65 35.002 - 36.589 242.85 219.70 36.590 - 38.176 253.95 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14 15+ $83.15 77.70 77.70 77.70 80.90 78.05 79.15 79.15 84.60 81.20 86.80 74.45 79.60 83.95 87.90 87.90 88.80 102.95 109.80 $76.05 70.70 70.70 70.70 73.95 71.05 72.20 72.20 77.60 74.25 79.80 68.05 73.20 76.95 80.90 80.90 81.90 95.35 102.10 $72.55 67.35 67.35 67.35 70.55 67.70 68.80 68.80 74.25 70.85 76.45 64.95 70.10 73.55 77.55 77.55 78.40 91.65 98.35 $68.95 63.85 63.85 63.85 67.10 64.15 65.25 65.25 70.70 67.35 72.90 61.80 66.95 70.05 74.00 74.00 74.95 87.85 94.50 $66.00 61.00 61.00 61.00 64.15 61.30 62.40 62.40 67.85 64.45 70.05 59.15 64.25 67.20 71.15 71.15 72.05 84.60 91.30 $61.90 56.95 56.95 56.95 60.20 57.35 58.45 58.45 63.85 60.50 66.10 55.50 60.65 63.20 67.20 67.20 68.05 80.25 86.95 109.80 113.10 113.10 114.60 114.60 118.70 118.70 121.70 121.70 125.60 125.60 147.15 147.15 152.80 152.80 156.10 166.60 173.75 182.15 190.30 200.30 220.15 231.25 102.10 105.45 105.45 106.95 106.95 111.15 111.15 114.05 114.05 117.90 117.90 139.20 139.20 144.85 144.85 148.55 159.00 166.10 174.55 182.70 192.65 212.55 223.65 98.35 101.70 101.70 103.20 103.20 107.40 107.40 110.30 110.30 114.15 114.15 135.30 135.30 140.95 140.95 144.80 155.25 162.45 170.80 178.95 188.95 208.80 219.90 94.50 97.85 97.85 99.45 99.45 103.50 103.50 106.50 106.50 110.30 110.30 131.40 131.40 136.95 136.95 140.90 151.40 158.60 167.00 175.20 185.15 205.05 216.10 91.30 94.75 94.75 96.20 96.20 100.35 100.35 103.35 103.35 107.15 107.15 128.05 128.05 133.70 133.70 137.75 148.25 155.45 163.85 172.05 182.00 201.90 212.95 86.95 90.35 90.35 91.80 91.80 95.90 95.90 98.95 98.95 102.75 102.75 123.55 123.55 129.15 129.15 133.40 143.90 151.10 159.40 167.60 177.60 197.50 208.50 w w w.lexingtoncutter.com • LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 93 CARBIDE TIPPED NAS 897 CHUCKING REAMERS TYPE 3457 - STRAIGHT SHANK - STRAIGHT FLUTE LONG CARBIDE - FOR NON-FERROUS TYPE 3458 - STRAIGHT SHANK - STRAIGHT FLUTE LONG CARBIDE - FOR CAST IRON TYPE 3459 - STRAIGHT SHANK - STRAIGHT FLUTE LONG CARBIDE - FOR STEEL Flute long carbide tips brazed to one piece hardened alloy steel bodies. Straight polished flutes. NAS 897 chucking reamers manufactured to national aerospace standards 897 C with flute length carbide. Tool geometry and carbide grade appropriate for material being machined. For step reamers, see page 124. For longer overall length reamers, see page 118. For reamer tolerances and closer tolerance pricing, see page 60. Shanks are ground to the next smallest shank diameter listed in NAS 897 if tool diameter is within .005" of shank diameter. TOOL DIAMETER LENGTH MAX. NO. SHANK OF FRAC. DIAM. FLTS. FLT OAL DEC. .1875 .2188 .2344 .2500 .2812 .3125 .3438 .3750 .4062 .4375 .4688 .5000 .5312 .5625 .5938 .6250 .6562 .6875 .7188 .7500 .7812 .8125 .8438 .8750 .9062 .9375 .9688 1.0000 1.0625 1.1250 1.1875 1.2500 1.3125 1.3750 1.4375 1.5000 1.5625 1.6250 1.6875 1.7500 1.8125 1.8750 1.9375 2.0000 2.1250 2.2500 2.3750 2.5000 3⁄16 7⁄32 15⁄64 ¼ 9⁄32 5⁄16 11⁄32 3⁄8 13⁄32 7⁄16 15⁄32 ½ 17⁄32 9⁄16 19⁄32 5⁄8 21⁄32 11⁄16 23⁄32 ¾ 25⁄32 13⁄16 27⁄32 7⁄8 29⁄32 15⁄16 31⁄32 1 1 1⁄16 1 1⁄8 1 3⁄16 1¼ 1 5⁄16 1 3⁄8 1 7⁄16 1½ 1 9⁄16 1 5⁄8 1 11⁄16 1¾ 1 13⁄16 1 7⁄8 1 15⁄16 2 2 1⁄8 2¼ 2 3⁄8 2½ .1805 .2075 .2265 .2405 .2485 .2792 .2792 .3105 .3105 .3730 .3730 .4355 .4355 .4355 .4355 .5615 .5615 .5615 .5615 .6245 .6245 .6245 .6245 .7495 .7495 .7495 .7495 .8745 .8745 .8745 .9995 .9995 .9995 .9995 .9995 1.2495 1.2495 1.2495 1.2495 1.2495 1.4995 1.4995 1.4995 1.4995 1.4995 1.7495 1.7495 1.7495 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 12 12 12 12 12 1 1⁄8 1¼ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 2 2 2 2 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2¾ 2¾ 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 3 3 3¼ 3¼ 3½ 3½ 3½ 3½ 3½ 3½ 3½ 3½ 3½ 3½ 3½ 3½ 3½ 4½ 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 10 10 10 10 10 ½ 10 ½ 11 11 11 ½ 11 ½ 12 12 12 ½ 12 ½ 13 13 13 ½ 13 ½ 14 14 14 14 ½ 14 ½ 15 15 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 94 Made in U.S.A. • PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE NON-FERR. CAST IRON TYPE 3457 TYPE 3458 EDP NO. EDP NO. STEEL TYPE 3459 EDP NO. ALL TYPES PRICE DECIMAL SIZE RANGE 345706 345707 34572344 345708 345709 345710 345711 345712 345713 345714 345715 345716 345717 345718 345719 345720 345721 345722 345723 345724 345725 345726 345727 345728 345729 345730 345731 345732 345734 345736 345738 345740 345742 345744 345746 345748 345750 345752 345754 345756 345758 345760 345762 345764 345768 345772 345776 345780 345906 345907 34592344 345908 345909 345910 345911 345912 345913 345914 345915 345916 345917 345918 345919 345920 345921 345922 345923 345924 345925 345926 345927 345928 345929 345930 345931 345932 345934 345936 345938 345940 345942 345944 345946 345948 345950 345952 345954 345956 345958 345960 345962 345964 345968 345972 345976 345980 $63.85 63.85 63.85 63.85 65.25 65.25 67.60 67.60 71.00 76.80 83.00 88.85 91.45 91.45 94.90 94.90 96.65 96.65 101.05 101.05 104.60 104.60 108.80 112.90 131.40 131.40 137.65 137.65 142.35 154.20 161.20 174.20 179.05 190.95 206.85 212.80 334.30 345.75 379.65 379.65 388.45 407.40 431.90 431.30 801.30 860.60 890.55 890.55 .1770 - .2040 .2041 - .2210 .2211 - .2380 .2381 - .2530 .2531 - .2840 .2841 - .3150 .3151 - .3470 .3471 - .3780 .3781 - .4090 .4091 - .4410 .4411 - .4720 .4721 - .5030 .5031 - .5340 .5341 - .5660 .5661 - .5970 .5971 - .6280 .6281 - .6590 .6591 - .6910 .6911 - .7220 .7221 - .7530 .7531 - .7840 .7841 - .8160 .8161 - .8470 .8471 - .8780 .8781 - .9090 .9091 - .9410 .9411 - .9720 .9721 - 1.0030 1.0031 - 1.0660 1.0661 - 1.1280 1.1281 - 1.1905 1.1906 - 1.2530 1.2531 - 1.3155 1.3156 - 1.3780 1.3781 - 1.4405 1.4406 - 1.5030 1.5031 - 1.5660 1.5661 - 1.6280 1.6281 - 1.6910 1.6911 - 1.7530 1.7531 - 1.8160 1.8161 - 1.8780 1.8781 - 1.9410 1.9411 - 2.0030 2.0031 - 2.1280 2.1281 - 2.2530 2.2531 - 2.3780 2.3781 - 2.5030 345806 345807 34582344 345808 345809 345810 345811 345812 345813 345814 345815 345816 345817 345818 345819 345820 345821 345822 345823 345824 345825 345826 345827 345828 345829 345830 345831 345832 345834 345836 345838 345840 345842 345844 345846 345848 345850 345852 345854 345856 345858 345860 345862 345864 345868 345872 345876 345880 [email protected] • 1 PC. 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14* $106.60 106.60 106.60 106.60 107.90 107.90 110.30 110.30 113.55 119.45 125.70 134.65 137.15 137.15 140.60 140.60 142.45 142.45 146.80 146.80 150.25 150.25 154.40 160.25 178.85 178.85 185.15 185.15 187.80 199.65 206.70 219.70 224.55 236.40 252.25 258.30 379.85 391.30 425.20 425.20 434.00 453.00 477.45 476.85 846.85 906.20 936.10 936.10 $85.20 85.20 85.20 85.20 86.60 86.60 88.85 88.85 92.25 98.10 104.20 111.70 114.20 114.20 117.75 117.75 119.50 119.50 123.85 123.85 127.30 127.30 131.50 136.50 155.10 155.10 161.40 161.40 165.00 176.85 183.90 197.00 201.85 213.65 229.45 235.50 357.05 368.55 402.40 402.40 411.25 430.20 454.65 454.10 824.10 883.40 913.30 913.30 $78.00 78.00 78.00 78.00 79.40 79.40 81.75 81.75 85.10 90.90 97.15 104.10 106.60 106.60 110.05 110.05 111.80 111.80 116.30 116.30 119.65 119.65 123.85 128.55 147.05 147.05 153.40 153.40 157.45 169.20 176.25 189.25 194.10 206.00 221.80 227.90 349.40 360.90 394.75 394.75 403.60 422.55 447.05 446.45 816.45 875.75 905.65 905.65 $74.60 74.60 74.60 74.60 76.05 76.05 78.35 78.35 81.65 87.45 93.70 100.40 102.90 102.90 106.45 106.45 108.10 108.10 112.60 112.60 116.00 116.00 120.25 124.75 143.25 143.25 149.55 149.55 153.75 165.60 172.70 185.75 190.50 202.40 218.20 224.25 345.80 357.30 391.15 391.15 400.00 418.95 443.45 442.85 812.85 872.15 902.05 902.05 $71.00 71.00 71.00 71.00 72.30 72.30 74.75 74.75 78.00 83.85 90.05 96.45 99.00 99.00 102.45 102.45 104.20 104.20 108.65 108.65 112.10 112.10 116.35 120.70 139.20 139.20 145.55 145.55 149.85 161.70 168.75 181.75 186.60 198.45 214.35 220.45 341.85 353.30 387.20 387.20 396.00 415.00 439.45 438.85 808.85 868.20 898.10 898.10 $68.05 68.05 68.05 68.05 69.55 69.55 71.80 71.80 75.10 80.90 87.15 93.40 95.90 95.90 99.45 99.45 101.15 101.15 105.55 105.55 109.00 109.00 113.20 117.45 136.00 136.00 142.30 142.30 146.85 158.60 165.65 178.70 183.55 195.45 211.25 217.35 338.85 350.30 384.20 384.20 393.00 411.95 436.45 435.85 805.85 865.15 895.10 895.10 Phone 800-882-2627 • Fax 800-882-3637 *Quantities of 15 or more: price of fractional size in same size range. CARBIDE TIPPED NAS 897 CHUCKING REAMERS TYPE 3457 - STRAIGHT SHANK - STRAIGHT FLUTE LONG CARBIDE - FOR NON-FERROUS TYPE 3458 - STRAIGHT SHANK - STRAIGHT FLUTE LONG CARBIDE - FOR CAST IRON TYPE 3459 - STRAIGHT SHANK - STRAIGHT FLUTE LONG CARBIDE - FOR STEEL Detailed description and fractional sizes on page 94. Tolerances on page 60. Tool diameter in millimeters with all other dimensions in inches. TOOL DIAMETER MAX. NO. LENGTH NON-FERR. CAST IRON STEEL SHANK OF TYPE 3457 TYPE 3458 TYPE 3459 OVER- EDP NO. DIAM. FLTS. EDP NO. EDP NO. mm INCH FLUTE ALL 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0 13.5 14.0 14.5 15.0 15.5 16.0 16.5 17.0 17.5 18.0 18.5 19.0 19.5 20.0 20.5 21.0 21.5 22.0 22.5 23.0 23.5 24.0 24.5 25.0 25.5 26.0 27.0 28.0 29.0 30.0 31.0 32.0 33.0 34.0 35.0 36.0 37.0 38.0 .1772 .1704 .1969 .1805 .2165 .2075 .2362 .2265 .2405 .2559 .2485 .2756 .2485 .2953 .2792 .3150 .2792 .3346 .2792 .3543 .3105 .3740 .3105 .3937 .3105 .4134 .3730 .4331 .3730 .4528 .3730 .4724 .4355 .4921 .4355 .5118 .4355 .5315 .4355 .5512 .4355 .5709 .4355 .5906 .4355 .6102 .5615 .6299 .5615 .6496 .5615 .6693 .5615 .6890 .5615 .7087 .5615 .7283 .6245 .7480 .6245 .7677 .6245 .7874 .6245 .8071 .6245 .8268 .6245 .8465 .6245 .8661 .7495 .8858 .7495 .9055 .7495 .9252 .7495 .9449 .7495 .9646 .7495 .9843 .8745 1.0039 .8745 1.0236 .8745 1.0630 .8745 1.1024 .8745 1.1417 .9995 1.1811 .9995 1.2205 .9995 1.2598 .9995 1.2992 .9995 1.3386 .9995 1.3780 .9995 1.4173 .9995 1.4567 1.2495 1.4961 1.2495 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1¼ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 3 3 3 3¼ 3¼ 3¼ 3½ 3½ Phone 941-739-2726 4½ 4½ 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 11 11 11 11 ½ 11 ½ 11 ½ 12 12 12 12 ½ 12 ½ • 3457045 3457050 3457055 3457060 3457063 3457065 3457070 3457075 3457080 3457085 3457090 3457095 3457100 3457105 3457110 3457115 3457120 3457125 3457130 3457135 3457140 3457145 3457150 3457155 3457160 3457165 3457170 3457175 3457180 3457185 3457190 3457195 3457200 3457205 3457210 3457215 3457220 3457225 3457230 3457235 3457240 3457245 3457250 3457255 3457260 3457270 3457280 3457290 3457300 3457310 3457320 3457330 3457340 3457350 3457360 3457370 3457380 3458045 3458050 3458055 3458060 3458063 3458065 3458070 3458075 3458080 3458085 3458090 3458095 3458100 3458105 3458110 3458115 3458120 3458125 3458130 3458135 3458140 3458145 3458150 3458155 3458160 3458165 3458170 3458175 3458180 3458185 3458190 3458195 3458200 3458205 3458210 3458215 3458220 3458225 3458230 3458235 3458240 3458245 3458250 3458255 3458260 3458270 3458280 3458290 3458300 3458310 3458320 3458330 3458340 3458350 3458360 3458370 3458380 3459045 3459050 3459055 3459060 3459063 3459065 3459070 3459075 3459080 3459085 3459090 3459095 3459100 3459105 3459110 3459115 3459120 3459125 3459130 3459135 3459140 3459145 3459150 3459155 3459160 3459165 3459170 3459175 3459180 3459185 3459190 3459195 3459200 3459205 3459210 3459215 3459220 3459225 3459230 3459235 3459240 3459245 3459250 3459255 3459260 3459270 3459280 3459290 3459300 3459310 3459320 3459330 3459340 3459350 3459360 3459370 3459380 Fax 941-739-2827 • ALL TYPES PRICE $78.00 78.00 78.00 78.00 79.40 79.40 79.40 79.40 81.75 81.75 81.75 85.10 90.90 90.90 97.15 104.10 104.10 106.60 106.60 106.60 110.05 110.05 110.05 111.80 111.80 111.80 111.80 116.30 116.30 116.30 119.65 119.65 119.65 123.85 123.85 123.85 147.05 147.05 147.05 153.40 153.40 153.40 157.45 157.45 157.45 169.20 176.25 176.25 189.25 194.10 194.10 206.00 206.00 221.80 227.90 227.90 METRIC SIZE RANGE PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO METRIC SIZE 1 PC. 4.494 - 4.696 $110.10 4.697 - 5.182 110.10 5.183 - 5.613 110.10 5.614 - 6.045 110.10 6.046 - 6.426 110.10 6.427 - 7.214 111.50 7.215 - 8.001 111.50 8.002 - 8.814 113.90 8.815 - 9.601 113.90 9.602 - 10.389 117.15 10.390 - 11.201 123.05 11.202 - 11.989 129.30 11.990 - 12.776 138.45 12.777 - 13.564 141.05 13.565 - 14.376 141.05 14.377 - 15.164 144.45 15.165 - 15.951 144.45 15.952 - 16.739 146.25 16.740 - 17.551 146.25 17.552 - 18.339 150.60 18.340 - 19.126 150.60 19.127 - 19.914 154.15 19.915 - 20.726 154.15 20.727 - 21.514 158.30 21.515 - 22.301 158.30 22.302 - 23.089 182.80 23.090 - 23.901 182.80 23.902 - 24.689 189.10 24.690 - 25.476 189.10 25.477 - 27.076 191.60 27.077 - 28.651 203.45 28.652 - 30.239 210.50 30.240 - 31.826 223.60 31.827 - 33.414 228.30 33.415 - 35.001 240.25 35.002 - 36.589 256.05 36.590 - 38.176 262.10 - 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14 15+ $88.80 88.80 88.80 88.80 88.80 90.20 90.20 92.55 92.55 95.90 101.70 107.90 115.60 118.20 118.20 121.65 121.65 123.40 123.40 127.75 127.75 131.25 131.25 135.45 135.45 159.15 159.15 165.45 165.45 169.00 180.80 187.80 200.80 205.65 217.55 233.35 239.40 - $81.65 81.65 81.65 81.65 81.65 83.05 83.05 85.40 85.40 88.70 94.60 100.85 107.95 110.45 110.45 114.00 114.00 115.75 115.75 120.15 120.15 123.55 123.55 127.75 127.75 151.20 151.20 157.50 157.50 161.25 173.10 180.20 193.25 198.10 210.00 225.70 231.80 - $78.20 78.20 78.20 78.20 78.20 79.55 79.55 81.95 81.95 85.25 91.05 97.30 104.20 106.70 106.70 110.25 110.25 112.00 112.00 116.40 116.40 119.80 119.80 124.05 124.05 147.30 147.30 153.60 153.60 157.60 169.35 176.45 189.50 194.35 206.25 222.05 228.05 - $74.60 74.60 74.60 74.60 74.60 76.05 76.05 78.35 78.35 81.65 87.45 93.70 100.40 102.90 102.90 106.45 106.45 108.10 108.10 112.60 112.60 116.00 116.00 120.25 120.25 143.25 143.25 149.55 149.55 153.75 165.60 172.70 185.75 190.50 202.40 218.20 224.25 - $71.65 71.65 71.65 71.65 71.65 73.00 73.00 75.40 75.40 78.70 84.50 90.75 97.25 99.75 99.75 103.20 103.20 105.05 105.05 109.35 109.35 112.80 112.80 117.00 117.00 140.00 140.00 146.35 146.35 150.60 162.45 169.50 182.50 187.35 199.20 215.05 221.10 - $67.55 67.55 67.55 67.55 67.55 68.95 68.95 71.30 71.30 74.60 80.50 86.65 92.90 95.35 95.35 98.80 98.80 100.55 100.55 105.05 105.05 108.50 108.50 112.70 112.70 135.40 135.40 141.70 141.70 146.25 158.00 165.10 178.10 182.95 194.85 210.70 216.75 - w w w.lexingtoncutter.com • LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 95 CARBIDE TIPPED NAS 897 CHUCKING REAMERS TYPE 3472 - TAPER SHANK - STRAIGHT FLUTES - FOR NON-FERROUS TYPE 3473 - TAPER SHANK - STRAIGHT FLUTES - FOR CAST IRON TYPE 3474 - TAPER SHANK - STRAIGHT FLUTES - FOR STEEL Carbide tips brazed to one piece hardened alloy steel bodies. Straight polished flutes. NAS 897 chucking reamers manufactured to national aerospace standards 897 C with partial flute length carbide. Tool geometry and carbide grade appropriate for material being machined. For reamer tolerances and closer tolerance pricing, see page 60. TOOL DIAMETER MORSE NO. LENGTH TAPER OF NO. FLTS. FLT CARB OAL DEC. FRAC. .2500 .2812 .3125 .3438 .3750 .4062 .4375 .4688 .5000 .5312 .5625 .5938 .6250 .6562 .6875 .7188 .7500 .7812 .8125 .8438 .8750 .9062 .9375 .9688 1.0000 1.0625 1.1250 1.1875 1.2500 1.3125 1.3750 1.4375 1.5000 1.5625 1.6250 1.6875 1.7500 1.8125 1.8750 1.9375 2.0000 ¼ 9⁄32 5⁄16 11⁄32 3⁄8 13⁄32 7⁄16 15⁄32 ½ 17⁄32 9⁄16 19⁄32 5⁄8 21⁄32 11⁄16 23⁄32 ¾ 25⁄32 13⁄16 27⁄32 7⁄8 29⁄32 15⁄16 31⁄32 1 1 1⁄16 1 1⁄8 1 3⁄16 1¼ 1 5⁄16 1 3⁄8 1 7⁄16 1½ 1 9⁄16 1 5⁄8 1 11⁄16 1¾ 1 13⁄16 1 7⁄8 1 15⁄16 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 12 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 2 2 2 2 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2¾ 2¾ 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 3 3 3¼ 3¼ 3½ 3½ 3¾ 3¾ 4 4 4¼ 4¼ 4¼ ½ ½ ½ 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 96 Made in U.S.A. 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 10 10 10 10 10 ½ 10 ½ 11 11 11 ½ 11 ½ 12 12 12 ½ 12 ½ 13 13 13 ½ 13 ½ 14 14 14 • NON-FERR. CAST IRON TYPE 3472 TYPE 3473 EDP NO. EDP NO. 347208 347209 347210 347211 347212 347213 347214 347215 347216 347217 347218 347219 347220 347221 347222 347223 347224 347225 347226 347227 347228 347229 347230 347231 347232 347234 347236 347238 347240 347242 347244 347246 347248 347250 347252 347254 347256 347258 347260 347262 347264 347308 347309 347310 347311 347312 347313 347314 347315 347316 347317 347318 347319 347320 347321 347322 347323 347324 347325 347326 347327 347328 347329 347330 347331 347332 347334 347336 347338 347340 347342 347344 347346 347348 347350 347352 347354 347356 347358 347360 347362 347364 STEEL TYPE 3474 EDP NO. ALL TYPES PRICE 347408 347409 347410 347411 347412 347413 347414 347415 347416 347417 347418 347419 347420 347421 347422 347423 347424 347425 347426 347427 347428 347429 347430 347431 347432 347434 347436 347438 347440 347442 347444 347446 347448 347450 347452 347454 347456 347458 347460 347462 347464 $61.50 62.55 62.55 64.55 59.60 68.20 72.60 74.55 85.40 90.70 90.70 96.45 96.45 98.10 98.10 102.00 102.00 104.35 104.35 109.45 113.65 138.25 138.25 142.30 142.30 175.75 186.60 203.95 221.55 234.00 246.50 260.55 274.60 322.10 333.25 374.85 374.85 374.85 392.65 392.65 392.65 [email protected] DECIMAL SIZE RANGE • PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE 1 PC. .2381 - .2530 $103.05 .2531 - .2840 104.10 .2841 - .3150 104.10 .3151 - .3470 106.05 .3471 - .3780 97.70 .3781 - .4090 109.65 .4091 - .4410 114.15 .4411 - .4720 116.05 .4721 - .5030 131.05 .5031 - .5340 136.40 .5341 - .5660 136.40 .5661 - .5970 142.15 .5971 - .6280 142.15 .6281 - .6590 143.85 .6591 - .6910 143.85 .6911 - .7220 147.75 .7221 - .7530 147.75 .7531 - .7840 150.15 .7841 - .8160 150.15 .8161 - .8470 155.25 .8471 - .8780 161.05 .8781 - .9090 185.75 .9091 - .9410 185.75 .9411 - .9720 189.80 .9721 - 1.0030 189.80 1.0031 - 1.0660 221.25 1.0661 - 1.1280 232.05 1.1281 - 1.1905 249.45 1.1906 - 1.2530 267.05 1.2531 - 1.3155 279.50 1.3156 - 1.3780 291.95 1.3781 - 1.4405 306.15 1.4406 - 1.5030 320.00 1.5031 - 1.5660 367.55 1.5661 - 1.6280 378.65 1.6281 - 1.6910 420.25 1.6911 - 1.7530 420.25 1.7531 - 1.8160 420.25 1.8161 - 1.8780 438.15 1.8781 - 1.9410 438.15 1.9411 - 2.0030 438.15 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14* $82.25 83.30 83.30 85.25 78.65 88.85 93.35 95.25 108.10 113.50 113.50 119.30 119.30 120.90 120.90 124.80 124.80 127.25 127.25 132.30 137.30 161.90 161.90 165.95 165.95 198.40 209.35 226.65 244.25 256.65 269.15 283.25 297.30 344.70 355.90 397.50 397.50 397.50 415.35 415.35 415.35 $75.35 76.35 76.35 78.30 72.25 81.95 86.45 88.35 100.45 105.75 105.75 111.65 111.65 113.20 113.20 117.15 117.15 119.60 119.60 124.65 129.35 153.90 153.90 158.00 158.00 190.80 201.60 219.05 236.65 249.10 261.50 275.70 289.60 337.15 348.30 389.85 389.85 389.85 407.70 407.70 407.70 $71.95 73.00 73.00 74.95 69.15 78.65 83.05 84.95 96.85 102.25 102.25 107.95 107.95 109.50 109.50 113.50 113.50 115.90 115.90 121.00 125.55 150.25 150.25 154.30 154.30 187.15 198.10 215.50 233.00 245.50 257.90 272.10 286.00 333.55 344.65 386.25 386.25 386.25 404.10 404.10 404.10 $68.50 69.55 69.55 71.45 65.95 75.10 79.45 81.45 93.00 98.25 98.25 104.10 104.10 105.60 105.60 109.50 109.50 112.00 112.00 117.00 121.40 146.10 146.10 150.25 150.25 183.30 194.10 211.55 229.10 241.60 254.00 268.20 282.10 329.65 340.75 382.35 382.35 382.35 400.20 400.20 400.20 $65.70 66.65 66.65 68.65 63.35 72.30 76.65 78.65 89.80 95.20 95.20 101.00 101.00 102.55 102.55 106.50 106.50 108.95 108.95 114.00 118.25 142.95 142.95 147.00 147.00 180.20 191.05 208.45 226.10 238.50 250.95 265.10 279.00 326.55 337.75 379.25 379.25 379.25 397.10 397.10 397.10 Phone 800-882-2627 • Fax 800-882-3637 *Quantities of 15 or more: price of fractional size in same size range. CARBIDE TIPPED NAS 897 CHUCKING REAMERS TYPE 3453 - TAPER SHANK - STRAIGHT FLUTE LONG CARBIDE - FOR NON-FERROUS TYPE 3454 - TAPER SHANK - STRAIGHT FLUTE LONG CARBIDE - FOR CAST IRON TYPE 3455 - TAPER SHANK - STRAIGHT FLUTE LONG CARBIDE - FOR STEEL Flute long carbide tips brazed to one piece alloy steel bodies. Straight polished flutes. NAS 897 chucking reamers manufactured to national aerospace standards 897 C with flute long carbide. Tool geometry and carbide grade appropriate for material being machined. For reamer tolerances and closer tolerance pricing, see page 60. TOOL DIAMETER DEC. .2500 .2812 .3125 .3438 .3750 .4062 .4375 .4688 .5000 .5312 .5625 .5938 .6250 .6562 .6875 .7188 .7500 .7812 .8125 .8438 .8750 .9062 .9375 .9688 1.0000 1.0625 1.1250 1.1875 1.2500 1.3125 1.3750 1.4375 1.5000 FRAC. ¼ 9⁄32 5⁄16 11⁄32 3⁄8 13⁄32 7⁄16 15⁄32 ½ 17⁄32 9⁄16 19⁄32 5⁄8 21⁄32 11⁄16 23⁄32 ¾ 25⁄32 13⁄16 27⁄32 7⁄8 29⁄32 15⁄16 31⁄32 1 1 1⁄16 1 1⁄8 1 3⁄16 1¼ 1 5⁄16 1 3⁄8 1 7⁄16 1½ MORSE TAPER 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 LENGTH NO. OF FLTS. FLT OAL 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 2 2 2 2 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2¾ 2¾ 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 3 3 3¼ 3¼ 3½ Phone 941-739-2726 NON-FERR. CAST IRON TYPE 3453 TYPE 3454 EDP NO. EDP NO. 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 10 10 10 10 10 ½ 10 ½ 11 11 11 ½ 11 ½ 12 12 12 ½ • 345308 345309 345310 345311 345312 345313 345314 345315 345316 345317 345318 345319 345320 345321 345322 345323 345324 345325 345326 345327 345328 345329 345330 345331 345332 345334 345336 345338 345340 345342 345344 345346 345348 345408 345409 345410 345411 345412 345413 345414 345415 345416 345417 345418 345419 345420 345421 345422 345423 345424 345425 345426 345427 345428 345429 345430 345431 345432 345434 345436 345438 345440 345442 345444 345446 345448 STEEL TYPE 3455 EDP NO. ALL TYPES PRICE DECIMAL SIZE RANGE 345508 345509 345510 345511 345512 345513 345514 345515 345516 345517 345518 345519 345520 345521 345522 345523 345524 345525 345526 345527 345528 345529 345530 345531 345532 345534 345536 345538 345540 345542 345544 345546 345548 $73.50 74.60 74.60 76.30 77.10 81.20 86.50 88.25 95.05 104.20 104.20 109.05 109.05 111.15 111.15 112.60 116.30 117.15 119.75 124.95 129.65 152.30 152.30 158.45 158.45 202.05 214.60 234.70 254.70 269.10 284.60 299.60 315.75 .2381 - .2530 .2531 - .2840 .2841 - .3150 .3151 - .3470 .3471 - .3780 .3781 - .4090 .4091 - .4410 .4411 - .4720 .4721 - .5030 .5031 - .5340 .5341 - .5660 .5661 - .5970 .5971 - .6280 .6281 - .6590 .6591 - .6910 .6911 - .7220 .7221 - .7530 .7531 - .7840 .7841 - .8160 .8161 - .8470 .8471 - .8780 .8781 - .9090 .9091 - .9410 .9411 - .9720 .9721 - 1.0030 1.0031 - 1.0660 1.0661 - 1.1280 1.1281 - 1.1905 1.1906 - 1.2530 1.2531 - 1.3155 1.3156 - 1.3780 1.3781 - 1.4405 1.4406 - 1.5030 Fax 941-739-2827 *Quantities of 15 or more: price of fractional size in same size range. • PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE 1 PC. 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14* $116.15 117.25 117.25 119.00 119.80 123.75 129.15 131.00 140.75 149.95 149.95 154.80 154.80 156.80 156.80 158.30 161.90 162.80 165.45 170.65 177.15 199.75 199.75 205.85 205.85 247.45 260.20 280.20 300.10 314.50 330.00 345.10 361.25 $94.75 95.90 95.90 97.55 98.40 102.45 107.75 109.60 117.90 127.10 127.10 131.95 131.95 133.85 133.85 135.40 139.00 139.95 142.60 147.80 153.40 176.05 176.05 182.05 182.05 224.75 237.40 257.30 277.30 291.80 307.30 322.30 338.45 $87.55 88.70 88.70 90.40 91.30 95.25 100.55 102.45 110.25 119.35 119.35 124.30 124.30 126.20 126.20 127.65 131.35 132.30 134.95 140.15 145.45 168.00 168.00 174.10 174.10 217.10 229.75 249.75 269.75 284.10 299.65 314.65 330.80 $84.25 85.35 85.35 87.00 87.90 91.90 97.25 99.00 106.60 115.75 115.75 120.60 120.60 122.50 122.50 124.05 127.65 128.60 131.25 136.50 141.65 164.25 164.25 170.35 170.35 213.45 226.15 246.10 266.05 280.55 296.05 311.05 327.20 $80.55 81.65 81.65 83.35 84.25 88.20 93.55 95.35 102.70 111.80 111.80 116.70 116.70 118.65 118.65 120.15 123.75 124.75 127.30 132.60 137.60 160.15 160.15 166.35 166.35 209.55 222.20 242.25 262.15 276.60 292.10 307.10 323.35 $77.70 78.80 78.80 80.50 81.35 85.35 90.70 92.45 99.60 108.80 108.80 113.55 113.55 115.55 115.55 117.00 120.70 121.65 124.30 129.50 134.35 157.00 157.00 163.10 163.10 206.45 219.20 239.15 259.15 273.50 289.00 304.00 320.25 w w w.lexingtoncutter.com • LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 97 CARBIDE TIPPED NAS 897 RIGHT SPIRAL CHUCKING REAMERS TYPE 3442 - STRAIGHT SHANK - RIGHT SPIRAL FLUTE LONG CARBIDE - FOR NON-FERROUS TYPE 3443 - STRAIGHT SHANK - RIGHT SPIRAL FLUTE LONG CARBIDE - FOR CAST IRON TYPE 3444 - STRAIGHT SHANK - RIGHT SPIRAL FLUTE LONG CARBIDE - FOR STEEL Flute long carbide tips brazed to one piece hardened alloy steel bodies. Right spiral polished flutes. Right spiral flutes have a greater chip clearing ability for use with ductile materials, highly abrasive materials or blind holes. Finishes are much better as spiral flutes tend to bridge interruptions such as keyways, slots or intersecting holes. NAS 897 chucking reamers manufactured to national aerospace standards 897 C with flute long carbide. Tool geometry and carbide grade appropriate for material being machined. For step reamers, see page 125. For longer overall length reamers, see page 120. Shanks are ground to the next smallest shank diameter listed in NAS 897 if tool diameter is within .005" of shank diameter. For reamer tolerances and closer tolerance pricing, see page 60. TOOL DIAMETER DECIMAL FRAC. .3125 .3438 .3750 .4062 .4375 .4688 .5000 .5312 .5625 .5938 .6250 .6562 .6875 .7188 .7500 .7812 .8125 .8438 .8750 .9062 .9375 .9688 1.0000 1.0625 1.1250 1.1875 1.2500 1.3125 1.3750 1.4375 1.5000 MAX NO. SHANK OF DIAM. FLTS. 5⁄16 .2792 11⁄32 .2792 3⁄8 .3105 13⁄32 .3105 7⁄16 .3730 15⁄32 .3730 ½ .4355 17⁄32 .4355 9⁄16 .4355 19⁄32 .4355 5⁄8 .5615 21⁄32 .5615 11⁄16 .5615 23⁄32 .5615 ¾ .6245 25⁄32 .6245 13⁄16 .6245 27⁄32 .6245 7⁄8 .7495 29⁄32 .7495 15⁄16 .7495 31⁄32 .7495 1 .8745 1 1⁄16 .8745 1 1⁄8 .8745 1 3⁄16 .9995 1¼ .9995 1 5⁄16 .9995 1 3⁄8 .9995 1 7⁄16 .9995 1 ½ 1.2495 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LENGTH NON-FERR. CAST IRON STEEL TYPE 3442 TYPE 3443 TYPE 3444 EDP NO. EDP NO. EDP NO. OAL FLT 1½ 1½ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 2 2 2 2 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2¾ 2¾ 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 3 3 3¼ 3¼ 3½ 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 10 10 10 10 10 ½ 10 ½ 11 11 11 ½ 11 ½ 12 12 12 ½ LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 98 Made in U.S.A. • 344210 344211 344212 344213 344214 344215 344216 344217 344218 344219 344220 344221 344222 344223 344224 344225 344226 344227 344228 344229 344230 344231 344232 344234 344236 344238 344240 344242 344244 344246 344248 344310 344311 344312 344313 344314 344315 344316 344317 344318 344319 344320 344321 344322 344323 344324 344325 344326 344327 344328 344329 344330 344331 344332 344334 344336 344338 344340 344342 344344 344346 344348 344410 344411 344412 344413 344414 344415 344416 344417 344418 344419 344420 344421 344422 344423 344424 344425 344426 344427 344428 344429 344430 344431 344432 344434 344436 344438 344440 344442 344444 344446 344448 PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE ALL TYPES PRICE DECIMAL SIZE RANGE $81.30 89.50 90.35 94.35 98.00 104.20 112.45 115.60 115.60 119.05 119.05 122.80 130.30 132.35 134.35 137.95 137.95 145.40 150.90 175.75 175.75 184.35 184.35 216.70 223.35 234.75 248.45 274.90 301.20 319.15 337.15 .2841 - .3150 .3151 - .3470 .3471 - .3780 .3781 - .4090 .4091 - .4410 .4411 - .4720 .4721 - .5030 .5031 - .5340 .5341 - .5660 .5661 - .5970 .5971 - .6280 .6281 - .6590 .6591 - .6910 .6911 - .7220 .7221 - .7530 .7531 - .7840 .7841 - .8160 .8161 - .8470 .8471 - .8780 .8781 - .9090 .9091 - .9410 .9411 - .9720 .9721 - 1.0030 1.0031 - 1.0660 1.0661 - 1.1280 1.1281 - 1.1905 1.1906 - 1.2530 1.2531 - 1.3155 1.3156 - 1.3780 1.3781 - 1.4405 1.4406 - 1.5030 [email protected] • 1 PC. 2 PC. $121.20 $101.20 129.50 109.45 130.30 110.25 134.30 114.30 137.95 117.95 144.20 124.20 155.00 133.70 158.30 136.85 158.30 136.85 161.70 140.30 161.70 140.30 165.45 144.05 173.00 151.70 175.10 153.60 177.00 155.65 180.60 159.25 180.60 159.25 188.10 166.60 195.15 172.95 220.05 197.85 220.05 197.85 228.65 206.45 228.65 206.45 261.00 238.75 267.70 245.50 279.10 256.90 292.75 270.65 319.20 297.00 345.45 323.25 363.40 341.20 381.40 359.20 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14* $94.50 102.75 103.55 107.60 111.30 117.45 126.50 129.75 129.75 133.20 133.20 136.85 144.50 146.50 148.45 152.05 152.05 159.50 165.50 190.35 190.35 199.05 199.05 231.40 238.00 249.55 263.15 289.60 315.90 333.75 351.75 $91.30 99.60 100.35 104.35 108.05 114.30 123.10 126.35 126.35 129.75 129.75 133.55 141.10 143.10 145.15 148.60 148.60 156.10 162.00 186.90 186.90 195.50 195.50 227.85 234.55 245.95 259.60 286.05 312.30 330.30 348.30 $87.90 96.15 96.95 101.00 104.65 110.85 119.45 122.75 122.75 126.05 126.05 129.85 137.45 139.45 141.50 145.00 145.00 152.45 158.25 183.15 183.15 191.70 191.70 224.05 230.70 242.10 255.80 282.25 308.55 326.50 344.40 $85.20 93.40 94.30 98.25 101.85 108.10 116.55 119.80 119.80 123.20 123.20 127.00 134.60 136.55 138.60 142.10 142.10 149.55 155.25 180.15 180.15 188.65 188.65 221.00 227.80 239.15 252.85 279.25 305.55 323.45 341.50 Phone 800-882-2627 • Fax 800-882-3637 *Quantities of 15 or more: price of fractional size in same size range. CARBIDE TIPPED NAS 897 LEFT SPIRAL CHUCKING REAMERS TYPE 3482 - STRAIGHT SHANK - LEFT SPIRAL FLUTE LONG CARBIDE - FOR NON-FERROUS TYPE 3483 - STRAIGHT SHANK - LEFT SPIRAL FLUTE LONG CARBIDE - FOR CAST IRON TYPE 3484 - STRAIGHT SHANK - LEFT SPIRAL FLUTE LONG CARBIDE - FOR STEEL Flute long carbide tips brazed to one piece hardened alloy steel bodies. Left spiral polished flutes. Left spiral flutes should only be used on through holes and very hard materials. Finishes are much better as spiral flutes tend to bridge interruptions such as keyways, slots or intersecting holes. NAS 897 chucking reamers manufactured to national aerospace standards 897 C with flute long carbide. Tool geometry and carbide grade appropriate for material being machined. For step reamers, see page 126. For longer overall length reamers, see page 122. Shanks are ground to the next smallest shank diameter listed in NAS 897 if tool diameter is within .005" of shank diameter. For reamer tolerances and closer tolerance pricing, see page 60. TOOL DIAMETER DECIMAL FRAC. .3125 .3438 .3750 .4062 .4375 .4688 .5000 .5312 .5625 .5938 .6250 .6562 .6875 .7188 .7500 .7812 .8125 .8438 .8750 .9062 .9375 .9688 1.0000 1.0625 1.1250 1.1875 1.2500 1.3125 1.3750 1.4375 1.5000 MAX NO. SHANK OF DIAM. FLTS. 5⁄16 .2792 11⁄32 .2792 3⁄8 .3105 13⁄32 .3105 7⁄16 .3730 15⁄32 .3730 ½ .4355 17⁄32 .4355 9⁄16 .4355 19⁄32 .4355 5⁄8 .5615 21⁄32 .5615 11⁄16 .5615 23⁄32 .5615 ¾ .6245 25⁄32 .6245 13⁄16 .6245 27⁄32 .6245 7⁄8 .7495 29⁄32 .7495 15⁄16 .7495 31⁄32 .7495 1 .8745 1 1⁄16 .8745 1 1⁄8 .8745 1 3⁄16 .9995 1¼ .9995 1 5⁄16 .9995 1 3⁄8 .9995 1 7⁄16 .9995 1 ½ 1.2495 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Phone 941-739-2726 LENGTH FLT 1½ 1½ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 2 2 2 2 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2¾ 2¾ 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 3 3 3¼ 3¼ 3½ • NON-FERR. CAST IRON STEEL TYPE 3482 TYPE 3483 TYPE 3484 EDP NO. EDP NO. EDP NO. OAL 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 10 10 10 10 10 ½ 10 ½ 11 11 11 ½ 11 ½ 12 12 12 ½ 348210 348211 348212 348213 348214 348215 348216 348217 348218 348219 348220 348221 348222 348223 348224 348225 348226 348227 348228 348229 348230 348231 348232 348234 348236 348238 348240 348242 348244 348246 348248 348310 348311 348312 348313 348314 348315 348316 348317 348318 348319 348320 348321 348322 348323 348324 348325 348326 348327 348328 348329 348330 348331 348332 348334 348336 348338 348340 348342 348344 348346 348348 Fax 941-739-2827 *Quantities of 15 or more: price of fractional size in same size range. 348410 348411 348412 348413 348414 348415 348416 348417 348418 348419 348420 348421 348422 348423 348424 348425 348426 348427 348428 348429 348430 348431 348432 348434 348436 348438 348440 348442 348444 348446 348448 • ALL TYPES PRICE DECIMAL SIZE RANGE $86.65 95.40 96.30 100.55 104.60 111.20 115.40 118.70 118.70 122.25 122.25 126.05 133.85 136.00 137.95 141.65 141.65 149.30 154.95 180.45 180.45 189.25 189.25 222.50 229.40 241.10 255.20 282.25 309.30 327.65 346.10 .2841 - .3150 .3151 - .3470 .3471 - .3780 .3781 - .4090 .4091 - .4410 .4411 - .4720 .4721 - .5030 .5031 - .5340 .5341 - .5660 .5661 - .5970 .5971 - .6280 .6281 - .6590 .6591 - .6910 .6911 - .7220 .7221 - .7530 .7531 - .7840 .7841 - .8160 .8161 - .8470 .8471 - .8780 .8781 - .9090 .9091 - .9410 .9411 - .9720 .9721 - 1.0030 1.0031 - 1.0660 1.0661 - 1.1280 1.1281 - 1.1905 1.1906 - 1.2530 1.2531 - 1.3155 1.3156 - 1.3780 1.3781 - 1.4405 1.4406 - 1.5030 PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE 1 PC. 2 PC. 3 PC. $129.35 $107.90 $100.85 138.10 116.80 109.60 139.00 117.65 110.45 143.25 121.95 114.75 147.15 125.85 118.65 153.90 132.45 125.25 159.25 137.30 129.95 162.50 140.55 133.25 162.50 140.55 133.25 166.05 144.05 136.70 166.05 144.05 136.70 169.85 147.95 140.55 177.65 155.75 148.30 179.70 157.75 150.45 181.75 159.85 152.45 185.45 163.55 156.10 185.45 163.55 156.10 193.10 171.10 163.75 200.35 177.60 169.95 225.85 203.15 195.50 225.85 203.15 195.50 234.75 211.95 204.40 234.75 211.95 204.40 267.90 245.20 237.55 274.80 252.10 244.40 286.50 263.80 256.15 300.60 277.85 270.20 327.75 304.95 297.40 354.70 332.00 324.30 373.10 350.30 342.75 391.60 368.80 361.25 w w w.lexingtoncutter.com • 4 PC. 5-7 8-14* $97.40 106.20 107.00 111.35 115.30 121.95 126.40 129.75 129.75 133.25 133.25 137.15 144.95 146.95 149.00 152.75 152.75 160.25 166.35 191.90 191.90 200.75 200.75 233.90 240.80 252.45 266.60 293.70 320.70 339.05 357.60 $93.70 102.55 103.40 107.70 111.55 118.25 122.60 126.00 126.00 129.50 129.50 133.35 141.10 143.20 145.25 148.90 148.90 156.55 162.45 188.00 188.00 196.85 196.85 230.05 236.90 248.60 262.70 289.90 316.80 335.25 353.70 $90.85 99.65 100.45 104.80 108.80 115.40 119.65 123.05 123.05 126.50 126.50 130.30 138.10 140.25 142.30 145.90 145.90 153.55 159.35 184.95 184.95 193.80 193.80 226.95 233.80 245.55 259.60 286.80 313.70 332.15 350.65 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 99 CARBIDE TIPPED NAS 897 RIGHT SPIRAL CHUCKING REAMERS TYPE 3432 - STRAIGHT SHANK - RIGHT SPIRAL FLUTES - FOR NON-FERROUS TYPE 3436 - STRAIGHT SHANK - RIGHT SPIRAL FLUTES - FOR CAST IRON TYPE 3438 - STRAIGHT SHANK - RIGHT SPIRAL FLUTES - FOR STEEL Carbide tips brazed to one piece hardened alloy steel bodies. Right spiral polished flutes. Right spiral flutes have a greater chip clearing ability for use in blind holes. Finishes are much better as spiral flutes tend to bridge interruptions such as keyways, slots or intersecting holes. NAS 897 chucking reamers manufactured to national aerospace standards 897 C with partial flute length carbide. Tool geometry and carbide grade appropriate for material being machined. Shanks are ground to the next smallest shank diameter listed in NAS 897 if tool diameter is within .005" of shank diameter. For reamer tolerances and closer tolerance pricing, see page 60. TOOL DIAMETER LENGTH MAX NO. NON-FERR. CAST IRON STEEL SHANK OF TYPE 3432 TYPE 3436 TYPE 3438 EDP NO. EDP NO. EDP NO. DECIMAL FRAC. DIAM. FLTS. FLT CARB OAL .1875 .2188 .2344 .2500 .2812 .3125 .3438 .3750 .4062 .4375 .4688 .5000 .5312 .5625 .5938 .6250 .6562 .6875 .7188 .7500 .7812 .8125 .8438 .8750 .9062 .9375 .9688 1.0000 1.0625 1.1250 1.1875 1.2500 1.3125 1.3750 1.4375 1.5000 3⁄16 .1805 7⁄32 .2075 15⁄64 .2265 ¼ .2405 9⁄32 .2485 5⁄16 .2792 11⁄32 .2792 3⁄8 .3105 13⁄32 .3105 7⁄16 .3730 15⁄32 .3730 ½ .4355 17⁄32 .4355 9⁄16 .4355 19⁄32 .4355 5⁄8 .5615 21⁄32 .5615 11⁄16 .5615 23⁄32 .5615 ¾ .6245 25⁄32 .6245 13⁄16 .6245 27⁄32 .6245 7⁄8 .7495 29⁄32 .7495 15⁄16 .7495 31⁄32 .7495 1 .8745 1 1⁄16 .8745 1 1⁄8 .8745 1 3⁄16 .9995 1 ¼ .9995 1 5⁄16 .9995 1 3⁄8 .9995 1 7⁄16 .9995 1 ½ 1.2495 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 1 1⁄8 1¼ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 2 2 2 2 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2¾ 2¾ 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 3 3 3¼ 3¼ 3½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 100 Made in U.S.A. 4½ 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 10 10 10 10 10 ½ 10 ½ 11 11 11 ½ 11 ½ 12 12 12 ½ • 343206 343207 34322344 343208 343209 343210 343211 343212 343213 343214 343215 343216 343217 343218 343219 343220 343221 343222 343223 343224 343225 343226 343227 343228 343229 343230 343231 343232 343234 343236 343238 343240 343242 343244 343246 343248 343606 343607 34362344 343608 343609 343610 343611 343612 343613 343614 343615 343616 343617 343618 343619 343620 343621 343622 343623 343624 343625 343626 343627 343628 343629 343630 343631 343632 343634 343636 343638 343640 343642 343644 343646 343648 343806 343807 34382344 343808 343809 343810 343811 343812 343813 343814 343815 343816 343817 343818 343819 343820 343821 343822 343823 343824 343825 343826 343827 343828 343829 343830 343831 343832 343834 343836 343838 343840 343842 343844 343846 343848 ALL TYPES PRICE DECIMAL SIZE RANGE $67.55 67.55 67.55 67.55 67.70 67.70 74.60 75.25 78.65 81.65 86.90 93.55 96.30 96.30 99.35 99.35 102.30 108.80 110.40 111.95 115.05 115.05 121.15 125.70 146.40 146.40 153.60 153.60 164.80 169.85 178.55 188.95 209.10 228.95 242.70 256.35 .1770 - .2040 .2041 - .2210 .2211 - .2380 .2381 - .2530 .2531 - .2840 .2841 - .3150 .3151 - .3470 .3471 - .3780 .3781 - .4090 .4091 - .4410 .4411 - .4720 .4721 - .5030 .5031 - .5340 .5341 - .5660 .5661 - .5970 .5971 - .6280 .6281 - .6590 .6591 - .6910 .6911 - .7220 .7221 - .7530 .7531 - .7840 .7841 - .8160 .8161 - .8470 .8471 - .8780 .8781 - .9090 .9091 - .9410 .9411 - .9720 .9721 - 1.0030 1.0031 - 1.0660 1.0661 - 1.1280 1.1281 - 1.1905 1.1906 - 1.2530 1.2531 - 1.3155 1.3156 - 1.3780 1.3781 - 1.4405 1.4406 - 1.5030 [email protected] • PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE 1 PC. 2 PC. $107.60 $87.55 107.60 87.55 107.60 87.55 107.60 87.55 107.75 87.75 107.75 87.75 114.60 94.60 115.25 95.20 118.55 98.55 121.65 101.60 126.95 106.80 136.20 114.80 139.00 117.65 139.00 117.65 141.95 120.60 141.95 120.60 144.95 123.55 151.40 130.00 153.05 131.65 154.65 133.25 157.65 136.25 157.65 136.25 163.75 142.45 169.95 147.80 190.75 168.45 190.75 168.45 197.85 175.65 197.85 175.65 209.10 186.90 214.20 191.90 222.70 200.60 233.30 211.10 253.35 231.15 273.25 251.15 286.95 264.75 300.60 278.40 Phone 800-882-2627 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14* $80.80 80.80 80.80 80.80 81.00 81.00 87.90 88.50 91.90 94.90 100.10 107.70 110.45 110.45 113.40 113.40 116.40 122.90 124.50 126.05 129.15 129.15 135.25 140.40 161.05 161.05 168.25 168.25 179.50 184.55 193.15 203.65 223.80 243.65 257.30 271.00 $77.60 77.60 77.60 77.60 77.85 77.85 84.65 85.35 88.65 91.75 96.95 104.20 107.00 107.00 110.05 110.05 112.95 119.45 121.15 122.75 125.75 125.75 131.85 136.80 157.60 157.60 164.70 164.70 175.95 181.05 189.65 200.05 220.20 240.10 253.80 267.45 $74.15 74.15 74.15 74.15 74.30 74.30 81.30 81.90 85.25 88.25 93.50 100.55 103.40 103.40 106.35 106.35 109.30 115.75 117.45 119.05 122.10 122.10 128.20 133.05 153.75 153.75 160.90 160.90 172.15 177.20 185.80 196.30 216.45 236.30 249.95 263.65 $71.50 71.50 71.50 71.50 71.65 71.65 78.50 79.15 82.55 85.55 90.85 97.70 100.45 100.45 103.50 103.50 106.45 112.90 114.60 116.15 119.20 119.20 125.25 130.00 150.80 150.80 157.90 157.90 169.10 174.20 182.80 193.30 213.45 233.35 246.95 260.65 • Fax 800-882-3637 *Quantities of 15 or more: price of fractional size in same size range. CARBIDE TIPPED NAS 897 LEFT SPIRAL CHUCKING REAMERS TYPE 3433 - STRAIGHT SHANK - LEFT SPIRAL FLUTES - FOR NON-FERROUS TYPE 3437 - STRAIGHT SHANK - LEFT SPIRAL FLUTES - FOR CAST IRON TYPE 3439 - STRAIGHT SHANK - LEFT SPIRAL FLUTES - FOR STEEL Carbide tips brazed to one piece hardened alloy steel bodies. Left spiral polished flutes. Left spiral flutes should only be used on through holes and very hard materials. Finishes are much better as spiral flutes tend to bridge interruptions such as keyways, slots or intersecting holes. NAS 897 chucking reamers manufactured to national aerospace standards 897 C with partial flute length carbide. Tool geometry and carbide grade appropriate for material being machined. Shanks are ground to the next smallest shank diameter listed in NAS 897 if tool diameter is within .005" of shank diameter. For reamer tolerances and closer tolerance pricing, see page 60. TOOL DIAMETER DECIMAL FRAC. .1875 .2188 .2344 .2500 .2812 .3125 .3438 .3750 .4062 .4375 .4688 .5000 .5312 .5625 .5938 .6250 .6562 .6875 .7188 .7500 .7812 .8125 .8438 .8750 .9062 .9375 .9688 1.0000 1.0625 1.1250 1.1875 1.2500 1.3125 1.3750 1.4375 1.5000 LENGTH MAX NO. NON-FERR. CAST IRON STEEL SHANK OF TYPE 3433 TYPE 3437 TYPE 3439 DIAM. FLTS. FLT. CARB. OAL EDP NO. EDP NO. EDP NO. 3⁄16 .1805 7⁄32 .2075 15⁄64 .2265 ¼ .2405 9⁄32 .2485 5⁄16 .2792 11⁄32 .2792 3⁄8 .3105 13⁄32 .3105 7⁄16 .3730 15⁄32 .3730 ½ .4355 17⁄32 .4355 9⁄16 .4355 19⁄32 .4355 5⁄8 .5615 21⁄32 .5615 11⁄16 .5615 23⁄32 .5615 ¾ .6245 25⁄32 .6245 13⁄16 .6245 27⁄32 .6245 7⁄8 .7495 29⁄32 .7495 15⁄16 .7495 31⁄32 .7495 1 .8745 1 1⁄16 .8745 1 1⁄8 .8745 1 3⁄16 .9995 1¼ .9995 1 5⁄16 .9995 1 3⁄8 .9995 1 7⁄16 .9995 1 ½ 1.2495 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 1 1⁄8 1¼ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 2 2 2 2 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2¾ 2¾ 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 3 3 3¼ 3¼ 3½ Phone 941-739-2726 ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 • 4½ 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 10 10 10 10 10 ½ 10 ½ 11 11 11 ½ 11 ½ 12 12 12 ½ 343306 343307 34332344 343308 343309 343310 343311 343312 343313 343314 343315 343316 343317 343318 343319 343320 343321 343322 343323 343324 343325 343326 343327 343328 343329 343330 343331 343332 343334 343336 343338 343340 343342 343344 343346 343348 343706 343707 34372344 343708 343709 343710 343711 343712 343713 343714 343715 343716 343717 343718 343719 343720 343721 343722 343723 343724 343725 343726 343727 343728 343729 343730 343731 343732 343734 343736 343738 343740 343742 343744 343746 343748 Fax 941-739-2827 *Quantities of 15 or more: price of fractional size in same size range. • 343906 343907 34392344 343908 343909 343910 343911 343912 343913 343914 343915 343916 343917 343918 343919 343920 343921 343922 343923 343924 343925 343926 343927 343928 343929 343930 343931 343932 343934 343936 343938 343940 343942 343944 343946 343948 ALL TYPES PRICE $72.05 72.05 72.05 72.05 72.25 72.25 79.55 80.25 83.85 87.10 92.60 96.05 98.95 98.95 102.00 102.00 105.05 111.65 113.35 114.95 118.10 118.10 124.35 129.05 150.40 150.40 157.65 157.65 169.20 174.40 183.30 194.05 214.60 235.15 249.15 263.30 DECIMAL SIZE RANGE PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE 1 PC. .1770 - .2040 $114.75 .2041 - .2210 114.75 .2211 - .2380 114.75 .2381 - .2530 114.75 .2531 - .2840 114.95 .2841 - .3150 114.95 .3151 - .3470 122.25 .3471 - .3780 122.95 .3781 - .4090 126.50 .4091 - .4410 129.75 .4411 - .4720 135.30 .4721 - .5030 139.85 .5031 - .5340 142.75 .5341 - .5660 142.75 .5661 - .5970 145.75 .5971 - .6280 145.75 .6281 - .6590 148.85 .6591 - .6910 155.45 .6911 - .7220 157.15 .7221 - .7530 158.75 .7531 - .7840 161.90 .7841 - .8160 161.90 .8161 - .8470 168.25 .8471 - .8780 174.55 .8781 - .9090 195.80 .9091 - .9410 195.80 .9411 - .9720 203.15 .9721 - 1.0030 203.15 1.0031 - 1.0660 214.60 1.0661 - 1.1280 219.90 1.1281 - 1.1905 228.75 1.1906 - 1.2530 239.45 1.2531 - 1.3155 260.20 1.3156 - 1.3780 280.60 1.3781 - 1.4405 294.60 1.4406 - 1.5030 308.70 w w w.lexingtoncutter.com • 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14* $93.35 93.35 93.35 93.35 93.55 93.55 100.90 101.60 105.20 108.35 114.00 117.90 120.75 120.75 123.75 123.75 126.85 133.55 135.15 136.80 139.95 139.95 146.25 151.80 173.00 173.00 180.35 180.35 191.90 197.15 205.95 216.75 237.40 257.85 271.90 285.90 $86.20 86.20 86.20 86.20 86.45 86.45 93.70 94.45 98.00 101.20 106.80 110.55 113.40 113.40 116.50 116.50 119.50 126.15 127.80 129.50 132.60 132.60 138.85 144.05 165.45 165.45 172.80 172.80 184.25 189.50 198.30 209.10 229.75 250.20 264.25 278.25 $82.85 82.85 82.85 82.85 83.00 83.00 90.35 91.00 94.60 97.85 103.40 107.00 109.95 109.95 112.95 112.95 116.00 122.60 124.35 126.00 129.05 129.05 135.40 140.55 161.75 161.75 169.10 169.10 180.60 185.90 194.70 205.50 226.15 246.60 260.55 274.65 $79.15 79.15 79.15 79.15 79.30 79.30 86.65 87.30 90.90 94.10 99.75 103.35 106.20 106.20 109.20 109.20 112.25 118.90 120.60 122.25 125.40 125.40 131.55 136.55 157.90 157.90 165.25 165.25 176.75 182.00 190.80 201.55 222.20 242.70 256.65 270.75 $76.30 76.30 76.30 76.30 76.45 76.45 83.80 84.45 88.05 91.30 96.85 100.35 103.20 103.20 106.30 106.30 109.30 115.90 117.65 119.30 122.40 122.40 128.60 133.50 154.80 154.80 162.20 162.20 173.70 178.90 187.70 198.45 219.20 239.60 253.65 267.70 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 101 CARBIDE TIPPED NAS 897 EXPANSION CHUCKING REAMERS TYPE 3464 - STRAIGHT SHANK - STRAIGHT FLUTE LONG CARBIDE - FOR NON-FERROUS TYPE 3466 - STRAIGHT SHANK - STRAIGHT FLUTE LONG CARBIDE - FOR CAST IRON TYPE 3468 - STRAIGHT SHANK - STRAIGHT FLUTE LONG CARBIDE - FOR STEEL Flute long carbide tips brazed to one piece alloy steel bodies. Straight polished flutes. Tool geometry and carbide grade appropriate for material being machined. TOOL DIAMETER NAS 897 expansion reamers manufactured to national aerospace standards 897 C. Designed and 5⁄16" - 15⁄32" manufactured for maximum tool life. Expansion reamers are recommended for reaming abrasive ½" - 31⁄32" materials and as the diameter wears down, the reamer can be expanded many times by 1" - 1 ½" tightening the end adjusting screw and regrinding to its original size. Expansion reamers 1 9⁄16" - 2 ½" should not be considered adjustable for use in producing holes of several sizes. MINIMUM EXPANSION .006" .010" .013" .015" Shanks are ground to the next smallest shank diameter listed in NAS 897 if tool diameter is within .005" of shank diameter. For reamer tolerances and closer tolerance pricing, see page 60. TOOL DIAMETER LENGTH NON-FERR. CAST IRON MAX NO. STEEL SHANK OF TYPE 3464 TYPE 3466 TYPE 3468 EDP NO. EDP NO. DECIMAL FRAC. DIAM. FLTS. FLT. OAL EDP NO. .3125 .3438 .3750 .4062 .4375 .4688 .5000 .5312 .5625 .5938 .6250 .6562 .6875 .7188 .7500 .7812 .8125 .8438 .8750 .9062 .9375 .9688 1.0000 1.0312 1.0625 1.0938 1.1250 1.1875 1.2500 1.3125 1.3750 1.4375 1.5000 1.5625 1.6250 1.6875 1.7500 1.8125 1.8750 1.9375 2.0000 5⁄16 11⁄32 3⁄8 13⁄32 7⁄16 15⁄32 ½ 17⁄32 9⁄16 19⁄32 5⁄8 21⁄32 11⁄16 23⁄32 ¾ 25⁄32 13⁄16 27⁄32 7⁄8 29⁄32 15⁄16 31⁄32 1 1 1⁄32 1 1⁄16 1 3⁄32 1 1⁄8 1 3⁄16 1¼ 1 5⁄16 1 3⁄8 1 7⁄16 1½ 1 9⁄16 1 5⁄8 1 11⁄16 1¾ 1 13⁄16 1 7⁄8 1 15⁄16 2 .2792 .2792 .3105 .3105 .3730 .3730 .4355 .4355 .4355 .4355 .5615 .5615 .5615 .5615 .6245 .6245 .6245 .6245 .7495 .7495 .7495 .7495 .8745 .8745 .8745 .8745 .8745 .9995 .9995 .9995 .9995 .9995 1.2495 1.2495 1.2495 1.2495 1.2495 1.4995 1.4995 1.4995 1.4995 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1 5⁄8 1 5⁄8 1 5⁄8 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1 7⁄8 1 7⁄8 2 2 2 1⁄8 2 1⁄8 2¼ 2¼ 2 3⁄8 2 3⁄8 2½ 2½ 2½ 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 10 10 10 10 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 11 11 11 11 ½ 11 ½ 12 12 12 ½ 12 ½ 13 13 13 ½ 13 ½ 14 14 14 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 102 Made in U.S.A. 346410 346411 346412 346413 346414 346415 346416 346417 346418 346419 346420 346421 346422 346423 346424 346425 346426 346427 346428 346429 346430 346431 346432 346433 346434 346435 346436 346438 346440 346442 346444 346446 346448 346450 346452 346454 346456 346458 346460 346462 346464 • 346610 346611 346612 346613 346614 346615 346616 346617 346618 346619 346620 346621 346622 346623 346624 346625 346626 346627 346628 346629 346630 346631 346632 346633 346634 346635 346636 346638 346640 346642 346644 346646 346648 346650 346652 346654 346656 346658 346660 346662 346664 346810 346811 346812 346813 346814 346815 346816 346817 346818 346819 346820 346821 346822 346823 346824 346825 346826 346827 346828 346829 346830 346831 346832 346833 346834 346835 346836 346838 346840 346842 346844 346846 346848 346850 346852 346854 346856 346858 346860 346862 346864 ALL TYPES PRICE DECIMAL SIZE RANGE $98.50 98.50 93.05 98.00 98.00 103.80 103.80 106.50 106.50 111.15 111.15 121.50 121.50 126.05 126.05 135.90 135.90 141.20 146.50 155.95 155.95 161.90 161.90 177.60 177.60 177.60 177.60 193.80 193.80 214.05 224.90 265.05 272.55 358.00 358.00 396.45 396.45 469.50 469.50 513.05 513.05 .2841 - .3150 .3151 - .3470 .3471 - .3780 .3781 - .4090 .4091 - .4410 .4411 - .4720 .4721 - .5030 .5031 - .5340 .5341 - .5660 .5661 - .5970 .5971 - .6280 .6281 - .6590 .6591 - .6910 .6911 - .7220 .7221 - .7530 .7531 - .7840 .7841 - .8160 .8161 - .8470 .8471 - .8780 .8781 - .9090 .9091 - .9410 .9411 - .9720 .9721 - 1.0030 1.0031 - 1.0660 1.0661 - 1.1280 1.1281 - 1.1905 1.1906 - 1.2530 1.2531 - 1.3155 1.3156 - 1.3780 1.3781 - 1.4405 1.4406 - 1.5030 1.5031 - 1.5660 1.5661 - 1.6280 1.6281 - 1.6910 1.6911 - 1.7530 1.7531 - 1.8160 1.8161 - 1.8780 1.8781 - 1.9410 1.9411 - 2.0030 [email protected] • PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE 1 PC. 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14* $141.20 141.20 132.95 137.95 137.95 143.85 143.85 146.55 146.55 151.05 151.05 161.50 161.50 166.10 166.10 175.90 175.90 181.25 188.10 197.40 197.40 203.50 203.50 219.05 219.05 235.35 235.35 255.50 266.50 309.35 316.85 402.35 402.35 440.80 440.80 513.75 513.75 557.20 557.20 $119.80 119.80 112.95 117.95 117.95 123.75 123.75 126.40 126.40 131.05 131.05 141.40 141.40 145.95 145.95 155.80 155.80 161.10 167.20 176.70 176.70 182.70 182.70 198.25 198.25 214.45 214.45 234.70 245.70 287.15 294.60 380.15 380.15 418.65 418.65 491.55 491.55 535.10 535.10 $112.70 112.70 106.30 111.30 111.30 117.10 117.10 119.75 119.75 124.35 124.35 134.75 134.75 139.30 139.30 149.15 149.15 154.40 160.25 169.70 169.70 175.75 175.75 191.30 191.30 207.55 207.55 227.80 238.75 279.75 287.25 372.70 372.70 411.25 411.25 484.20 484.20 527.65 527.65 $109.20 109.20 103.05 108.05 108.05 113.90 113.90 116.55 116.55 121.15 121.15 131.50 131.50 136.10 136.10 145.90 145.90 151.20 156.90 166.40 166.40 172.45 172.45 188.00 188.00 204.25 204.25 224.45 235.40 276.20 283.70 369.20 369.20 407.65 407.65 480.70 480.70 524.15 524.15 $105.55 105.55 99.65 104.65 104.65 110.45 110.45 113.10 113.10 117.75 117.75 128.10 128.10 132.65 132.65 142.50 142.50 147.80 153.40 162.80 162.80 168.85 168.85 184.40 184.40 200.65 200.65 220.85 231.90 272.40 279.90 365.35 365.35 403.80 403.80 476.85 476.85 520.40 520.40 $102.70 102.70 96.95 101.85 101.85 107.75 107.75 110.45 110.45 115.05 115.05 125.45 125.45 129.95 129.95 139.80 139.80 145.15 150.60 160.00 160.00 166.05 166.05 181.60 181.60 197.95 197.95 218.05 229.05 269.40 276.95 362.35 362.35 400.85 400.85 473.85 473.85 517.35 517.35 Phone 800-882-2627 • Fax 800-882-3637 *Quantities of 15 or more: price of fractional size in same size range. CARBIDE TIPPED NAS 897 EXPANSION CHUCKING REAMERS TYPE 3461 - TAPER SHANK - STRAIGHT FLUTE LONG CARBIDE - FOR NON-FERROUS TYPE 3462 - TAPER SHANK - STRAIGHT FLUTE LONG CARBIDE - FOR CAST IRON TYPE 3463 - TAPER SHANK - STRAIGHT FLUTE LONG CARBIDE - FOR STEEL TOOL DIAMETER MINIMUM EXPANSION 5⁄16" - 15⁄32" ½" - 31⁄32" 1" - 1 ½" 1 9⁄16" - 2 ½" .006" .010" .013" .015" Flute long carbide tips brazed to one piece alloy steel bodies. Straight polished flutes. Tool geometry and carbide grade appropriate for material being machined. NAS 897 expansion reamers manufactured to national aerospace standards 897 C. Designed and manufactured for maximum tool life. Expansion reamers are recommended for reaming abrasive materials and as the diameter wears down, the reamer can be expanded many times by tightening the end adjusting screw and regrinding to its original size. Expansion reamers should not be considered adjustable for use in producing holes of several sizes. For reamer tolerances and closer tolerance pricing, see page 60. TOOL DIAMETER DECIMAL FRAC. .3750 .4062 .4375 .4688 .5000 .5312 .5625 .5938 .6250 .6562 .6875 .7188 .7500 .7812 .8125 .8438 .8750 .9062 .9375 .9688 1.0000 1.0312 1.0625 1.0938 1.1250 1.1875 1.2500 1.3125 1.3750 1.4375 1.5000 1.5625 1.6250 1.6875 1.7500 1.8125 1.8750 1.9375 2.0000 3⁄8 13⁄32 7⁄16 15⁄32 ½ 17⁄32 9⁄16 19⁄32 5⁄8 21⁄32 11⁄16 23⁄32 ¾ 25⁄32 13⁄16 27⁄32 7⁄8 29⁄32 15⁄16 31⁄32 1 1 1⁄32 1 1⁄16 1 3⁄32 1 1⁄8 1 3⁄16 1¼ 1 5⁄16 1 3⁄8 1 7⁄16 1½ 1 9⁄16 1 5⁄8 1 11⁄16 1¾ 1 13⁄16 1 7⁄8 1 15⁄16 2 MORSE TAPER 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 LENGTH NON-FERR. CAST IRON NO. STEEL OF TYPE 3461 TYPE 3462 TYPE 3463 FLTS. FLT. OAL EDP NO. EDP NO. EDP NO. 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1 5⁄8 1 5⁄8 1 5⁄8 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1 7⁄8 1 7⁄8 2 2 2 1⁄8 2 1⁄8 2¼ 2¼ 2 3⁄8 2 3⁄8 2½ 2½ 2½ Phone 941-739-2726 • 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 10 10 10 10 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 11 11 11 11 ½ 11 ½ 12 12 12 ½ 12 ½ 13 13 13 ½ 13 ½ 14 14 14 346112 346113 346114 346115 346116 346117 346118 346119 346120 346121 346122 346123 346124 346125 346126 346127 346128 346129 346130 346131 346132 346133 346134 346135 346136 346138 346140 346142 346144 346146 346148 346150 346152 346154 346156 346158 346160 346162 346164 346212 346213 346214 346215 346216 346217 346218 346219 346220 346221 346222 346223 346224 346225 346226 346227 346228 346229 346230 346231 346232 346233 346234 346235 346236 346238 346240 346242 346244 346246 346248 346250 346252 346254 346256 346258 346260 346262 346264 Fax 941-739-2827 *Quantities of 15 or more: price of fractional size in same size range. ALL TYPES PRICE DECIMAL SIZE RANGE PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE 1 PC. 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14* 346312 $104.10 .3471 - .3780 $144.05 $124.05 $117.30 $114.15 $110.70 $107.95 346313 105.60 .3781 - .4090 145.60 125.60 118.90 115.70 112.25 109.50 346314 107.25 .4091 - .4410 147.15 127.15 120.45 117.25 113.85 111.15 346315 111.80 .4411 - .4720 151.85 131.85 125.00 121.85 118.40 115.75 346316 112.55 .4721 - .5030 152.45 132.45 125.75 122.50 119.15 116.40 346317 116.00 .5031 - .5340 155.95 136.00 129.30 126.05 122.60 119.90 346318 116.00 .5341 - .5660 155.95 136.00 129.30 126.05 122.60 119.90 346319 120.40 .5661 - .5970 160.30 140.30 133.60 130.40 127.00 124.30 346320 120.70 .5971 - .6280 160.65 140.60 133.90 130.75 127.30 124.60 346321 131.05 .6281 - .6590 171.10 150.95 144.30 141.10 137.65 134.95 346322 131.40 .6591 - .6910 171.50 151.50 144.65 141.50 138.05 135.40 346323 136.20 .6911 - .7220 176.25 156.10 149.45 146.25 142.80 140.15 346324 136.20 .7221 - .7530 176.25 156.10 149.45 146.25 142.80 140.15 346325 146.20 .7531 - .7840 186.20 166.20 159.40 156.25 152.80 150.15 346326 146.20 .7841 - .8160 186.20 166.20 159.40 156.25 152.80 150.15 346327 152.20 .8161 - .8470 192.30 172.20 165.45 162.30 158.85 156.10 346328 157.95 .8471 - .8780 199.55 178.70 171.70 168.40 164.85 162.00 346329 166.40 .8781 - .9090 207.85 187.05 180.15 176.85 173.25 170.45 346330 167.20 .9091 - .9410 208.75 188.00 181.05 177.70 174.10 171.35 346331 173.15 .9411 - .9720 214.60 193.90 186.90 183.60 180.10 177.20 346332 173.15 .9721 - 1.0030 214.60 193.90 186.90 183.60 180.10 177.20 346333 184.20 346334 184.20 1.0031 - 1.0660 225.70 204.90 198.00 194.70 191.10 188.30 346335 189.65 346336 189.65 1.0661 - 1.1280 231.10 210.30 203.30 200.00 196.45 193.60 346338 202.25 1.1281 - 1.1905 243.85 223.00 216.00 212.70 209.20 206.40 346340 216.00 1.1906 - 1.2530 257.60 236.75 229.75 226.45 222.95 220.15 346342 224.20 1.2531 - 1.3155 265.70 244.90 237.90 234.60 231.10 228.20 346344 248.60 1.3156 - 1.3780 290.20 269.40 262.45 259.15 255.50 252.75 346346 275.55 1.3781 - 1.4405 319.85 297.60 290.25 286.70 282.90 279.90 346348 283.85 1.4406 - 1.5030 328.20 305.90 298.55 295.05 291.20 288.25 346350 397.70 1.5031 - 1.5660 442.05 419.75 412.35 408.90 405.05 402.05 346352 397.70 1.5661 - 1.6280 442.05 419.75 412.35 408.90 405.05 402.05 346354 440.65 1.6281 - 1.6910 484.95 462.70 455.25 451.80 448.00 444.95 346356 440.65 1.6911 - 1.7530 484.95 462.70 455.25 451.80 448.00 444.95 346358 521.70 1.7531 - 1.8160 566.00 543.90 536.40 532.90 529.05 526.10 346360 521.70 1.8161 - 1.8780 566.00 543.90 536.40 532.90 529.05 526.10 346362 569.75 1.8781 - 1.9410 614.00 591.80 584.40 580.95 577.10 574.10 346364 569.75 1.9411 - 2.0030 614.00 591.80 584.40 580.95 577.10 574.10 • w w w.lexingtoncutter.com • LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 103 CARBIDE TIPPED h6 SHANK REAMER - CENTER FED COOLANT TYPE 3414h6 - STRAIGHT SHANK & FLUTES - BLIND HOLES - FOR NON-FERROUS TYPE 3424h6 - STRAIGHT SHANK & FLUTES - BLIND HOLES - FOR CAST IRON TYPE 3434h6 - STRAIGHT SHANK & FLUTES - BLIND HOLES - FOR STEEL Flute long carbide tips brazed to one piece hardened alloy steel bodies. Straight polished flutes. Material specific geometry and carbide grade for the ultimate in performance and tool life. Full length center coolant fed hole rapidly flushes chips along the flute and out of the hole preventing recutting of chips and providing superior finishes. Precision ground axially aligned diameters for accuracy. Tool diameter tolerance: +.0002”/-.0000”. Shank diameter tolerance thru .3750”: +.0000”/-.0003”. over .3750”: +.0000”/-.0004”. DECIMAL SIZE RANGE SHANK DIAMETER NO. OF FLUTES .3471 - .3780 .3781 - .4090 .4091 - .4410 .4411 - .4720 .4721 - .5030 .5031 - .5340 .5341 - .5660 .5661 - .5970 .5971 - .6280 .6281 - .6590 .6591 - .6910 .6911 - .7220 .7221 - .7530 .7531 - .7840 .7841 - .8160 .8161 - .8470 .8471 - .8780 .8781 - .9090 .9091 - .9410 .9411 - .9720 .9721 - 1.0030 .3125 .3125 .3750 .3750 .4375 .4375 .4375 .4375 .5625 .5625 .5625 .5625 .6250 .6250 .6250 .6250 .7500 .7500 .7500 .7500 .8750 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 NON-FERR. CAST IRON STEEL FLUTE OVERALL TYPE 3414h6 TYPE 3424h6 TYPE 3434h6 LENGTH LENGTH EDP NO. EDP NO. EDP NO. 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 2 2 2 2 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2¾ 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 341412h6 341413h6 341414h6 341415h6 341416h6 341417h6 341418h6 341419h6 341420h6 341421h6 341422h6 341423h6 341424h6 341425h6 341426h6 341427h6 341428h6 341429h6 341430h6 341431h6 341432h6 342412h6 342413h6 342414h6 342415h6 342416h6 342417h6 342418h6 342419h6 342420h6 342421h6 342422h6 342423h6 342424h6 342425h6 342426h6 342427h6 342428h6 342429h6 342430h6 342431h6 342432h6 PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE 1 PC. 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14* 343412h6 $265.90 $237.25 $227.70 $223.05 $218.15 $214.35 343413h6 266.50 238.00 228.45 223.80 218.95 215.00 343414h6 268.70 240.05 230.40 225.95 220.95 217.20 343415h6 270.55 241.90 232.35 227.80 222.80 219.05 343416h6 273.00 244.40 234.85 230.30 225.35 221.45 343417h6 277.75 249.10 239.60 235.05 230.15 226.25 343418h6 281.00 252.35 242.75 238.20 233.30 229.40 343419h6 285.60 256.95 247.35 242.90 238.00 234.10 343420h6 289.95 261.30 251.75 247.20 242.25 238.45 343421h6 314.85 286.20 276.60 272.15 267.15 263.35 343422h6 320.10 291.50 281.85 277.40 272.40 268.55 343423h6 331.40 302.80 293.25 288.70 283.80 279.90 343424h6 331.40 302.80 293.25 288.70 283.80 279.90 343425h6 339.55 310.90 301.35 296.80 291.85 287.95 343426h6 339.55 310.90 301.35 296.80 291.85 287.95 343427h6 349.20 320.55 311.00 306.40 301.50 297.60 343428h6 360.50 331.85 322.30 317.75 312.80 308.90 343429h6 394.05 365.35 355.80 351.25 346.35 342.45 343430h6 394.05 365.35 355.80 351.25 346.35 342.45 343431h6 395.30 366.60 357.05 352.50 347.60 343.70 343432h6 395.30 366.60 357.05 352.50 347.60 343.70 CARBIDE TIPPED h6 SHANK REAMER - CENTER FED COOLANT TYPE 3414h6 - STRAIGHT SHANK & FLUTES - BLIND HOLES - FOR NON-FERROUS TYPE 3424h6 - STRAIGHT SHANK & FLUTES - BLIND HOLES - FOR CAST IRON TYPE 3434h6 - STRAIGHT SHANK & FLUTES - BLIND HOLES - FOR STEEL Tool diameter tolerance: +.0051mm/-.0000mm. Shank diameter tolerance thru 10mm: +.0000mm/-.0076mm. over 10mm: +.0000mm/-.0102mm. METRIC SIZE RANGE (mm) SHANK NO. DIAMETER OF (mm) FLUTES 8.815 - 9.601 9.602 - 10.389 10.390 - 11.201 11.202 - 12.000 12.001 - 12.875 12.876 - 13.565 13.566 - 14.376 14.377 - 15.164 15.165 - 16.100 16.101 - 16.740 16.741 - 17.551 17.552 - 18.340 18.341 - 19.250 19.251 - 20.126 20.127 - 21.127 21.128 - 22.127 22.128 - 23.127 23.128 - 24.127 24.128 - 25.127 8 8 10 10 10 12 12 12 14 14 14 14 16 16 16 20 20 20 20 FLUTE OVERALL NON-FERR. CAST IRON STEEL LENGTH LENGTH TYPE 3414h6 TYPE 3424h6 TYPE 3434h6 (mm) (mm) EDP NO. EDP NO. EDP NO. 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 104 Made in U.S.A. 45 45 45 45 51 51 51 51 57 57 57 57 64 64 64 64 67 67 70 • 127 127 127 127 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 3414095h6 3414100h6 3414110h6 3414120h6 3414125h6 3414135h6 3414140h6 3414150h6 3414160h6 3414165h6 3414175h6 3414180h6 3414190h6 3414200h6 3414210h6 3414220h6 3414230h6 3414240h6 3414250h6 3424095h6 3424100h6 3424110h6 3424120h6 3424125h6 3424135h6 3424140h6 3424150h6 3424160h6 3424165h6 3424175h6 3424180h6 3424190h6 3424200h6 3424210h6 3424220h6 3424230h6 3424240h6 3424250h6 PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO METRIC SIZE 1 PC. 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14* 3434095h6 $270.70 $242.10 $232.55 $227.85 $223.05 $219.10 3434100h6 271.30 242.90 233.30 228.60 223.80 219.75 3434110h6 273.40 245.00 235.40 230.70 225.95 221.95 3434120h6 275.35 246.80 237.25 232.55 227.80 223.80 3434125h6 277.75 249.40 239.70 235.05 230.30 226.25 3434135h6 282.60 254.15 244.45 239.85 235.05 231.00 3434140h6 285.75 257.20 247.70 243.00 238.20 234.15 3434150h6 290.40 261.90 252.35 247.70 242.90 238.90 3434160h6 294.75 266.30 256.60 251.95 247.20 243.20 3434165h6 319.65 291.05 281.50 276.95 272.15 268.15 3434175h6 324.85 296.45 286.85 282.15 277.40 273.35 3434180h6 336.20 307.80 298.10 293.50 288.70 284.65 3434190h6 336.20 307.80 298.10 293.50 288.70 284.65 3434200h6 338.90 310.25 300.70 296.15 291.20 287.30 3434210h6 348.55 319.85 310.30 305.75 300.85 296.95 3434220h6 348.55 319.85 310.30 305.75 300.85 296.95 3434230h6 393.20 364.55 355.00 350.45 345.50 341.65 3434240h6 394.55 365.90 356.35 351.75 346.85 342.95 3434250h6 394.55 365.90 356.35 351.75 346.85 342.95 [email protected] • Phone 800-882-2627 • Fax 800-882-3637 *Quantities of 15 or more: call for pricing. CARBIDE TIPPED h6 SHANK REAMER - FLUTE FED COOLANT TYPE 3416h6- STRAIGHT SHANK & FLUTES - THROUGH HOLES - FOR NON-FERROUS TYPE 3426h6 - STRAIGHT SHANK & FLUTES - THROUGH HOLES - FOR CAST IRON TYPE 3435h6 - STRAIGHT SHANK & FLUTES - THROUGH HOLES - FOR STEEL Flute long carbide tips brazed to one piece hardened alloy steel bodies. Straight polished flutes. Material specific geometry and carbide grade for the ultimate in performance and tool life. Coolant fed hole in each flute rapidly flushes chips forward ahead of the reamer to help break chips and provide superior finishes. Precision ground axially aligned diameters for accuracy. Tool diameter tolerance: +.0002”/-.0000”. Shank diameter tolerance thru .3750”: +.0000”/-.0003”. over .3750”: +.0000”/-.0004”. DECIMAL SIZE RANGE SHANK DIAMETER NO. OF FLUTES .3471 - .3780 .3781 - .4090 .4091 - .4410 .4411 - .4720 .4721 - .5030 .5031 - .5340 .5341 - .5660 .5661 - .5970 .5971 - .6280 .6281 - .6590 .6591 - .6910 .6911 - .7220 .7221 - .7530 .7531 .7840 .7841 .8160 .8161 .8470 .8471 .8780 .8781 .9090 .9091 .9410 .9411 .9720 .9721 1.0030 .3125 .3125 .3750 .3750 .4375 .4375 .4375 .4375 .5625 .5625 .5625 .5625 .6250 .6250 .6250 .6250 .7500 .7500 .7500 .7500 .8750 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 NON-FERR. CAST IRON STEEL FLUTE OVERALL TYPE 3416h6 TYPE 3426h6 TYPE 3435h6 LENGTH LENGTH EDP NO. EDP NO. EDP NO. 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 2 2 2 2 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2¾ 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 341612h6 341613h6 341614h6 341615h6 341616h6 341617h6 341618h6 341619h6 341620h6 341621h6 341622h6 341623h6 341624h6 341625h6 341626h6 341627h6 341628h6 341629h6 341630h6 341631h6 341632h6 342612h6 342613h6 342614h6 342615h6 342616h6 342617h6 342618h6 342619h6 342620h6 342621h6 342622h6 342623h6 342624h6 342625h6 342626h6 342627h6 342628h6 342629h6 342630h6 342631h6 342632h6 PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE 1 PC. 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14* 343512h6 $267.75 $239.10 $229.55 $225.00 $220.15 $216.15 343513h6 273.00 244.40 234.85 230.30 225.35 221.45 343514h6 278.20 249.60 240.05 235.50 230.65 226.75 343515h6 278.20 249.60 240.05 235.50 230.65 226.75 343516h6 278.20 249.60 240.05 235.50 230.65 226.75 343517h6 291.00 262.40 252.85 248.30 243.30 239.55 343518h6 294.30 265.70 256.05 251.45 246.60 242.75 343519h6 296.50 267.85 258.30 253.65 248.80 245.00 343520h6 296.50 267.85 258.30 253.65 248.80 245.00 343521h6 322.50 293.85 284.15 279.65 274.75 270.90 343522h6 322.50 293.85 284.15 279.65 274.75 270.90 343523h6 340.65 312.00 302.45 297.95 292.90 289.15 343524h6 340.65 312.00 302.45 297.95 292.90 289.15 343525h6 341.85 313.20 303.65 299.05 294.15 290.25 343526h6 341.85 313.20 303.65 299.05 294.15 290.25 343527h6 350.35 321.70 312.15 307.60 302.65 298.80 343528h6 361.70 333.05 323.45 318.90 314.00 310.10 343529h6 399.20 370.50 360.95 356.40 351.50 347.60 343530h6 407.05 378.40 368.80 364.25 359.35 355.45 343531h6 407.05 378.40 368.80 364.25 359.35 355.45 343532h6 407.05 378.40 368.80 364.25 359.35 355.45 CARBIDE TIPPED h6 SHANK REAMER - FLUTE FED COOLANT TYPE 3416h6- STRAIGHT SHANK & FLUTES - THROUGH HOLES - FOR NON-FERROUS TYPE 3426h6 - STRAIGHT SHANK & FLUTES - THROUGH HOLES - FOR CAST IRON TYPE 3435h6 - STRAIGHT SHANK & FLUTES - THROUGH HOLES - FOR STEEL Tool diameter tolerance: +.0051mm/-.0000mm. Shank diameter tolerance thru 10mm: +.0000mm/-.0076mm. over 10mm: +.0000mm/-.0102mm. METRIC SIZE RANGE (mm) 8.815 - 9.601 9.602 - 10.389 10.390 - 11.201 11.202 - 12.000 12.001 - 12.875 12.876 - 13.565 13.566 - 14.376 14.377 - 15.164 15.165 - 16.100 16.101 - 16.740 16.741 - 17.551 17.552 - 18.340 18.341 - 19.250 19.251 - 20.126 20.127 - 21.127 21.128 - 22.127 22.128 - 23.127 23.128 - 24.127 24.128 - 25.127 SHANK NO. DIAMETER OF (mm) FLUTES 8 8 10 10 10 12 12 12 14 14 14 14 16 16 16 20 20 20 20 FLUTE OVERALL NON-FERR. CAST IRON STEEL LENGTH LENGTH TYPE 3416h6 TYPE 3426h6 TYPE 3435h6 (mm) (mm) EDP NO. EDP NO. EDP NO. 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 Phone 941-739-2726 *Quantities of 15 or more: call for pricing. 45 45 45 45 51 51 51 51 57 57 57 57 64 64 64 64 67 67 70 • 127 127 127 127 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 3416095h6 3416100h6 3416110h6 3416120h6 3416125h6 3416135h6 3416140h6 3416150h6 3416160h6 3416165h6 3416175h6 3416180h6 3416190h6 3416200h6 3416210h6 3416220h6 3416230h6 3416240h6 3416250h6 Fax 941-739-2827 3426095h6 3426100h6 3426110h6 3426120h6 3426125h6 3426135h6 3426140h6 3426150h6 3426160h6 3426165h6 3426175h6 3426180h6 3426190h6 3426200h6 3426210h6 3426220h6 3426230h6 3426240h6 3426250h6 • PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO METRIC SIZE 1 PC. 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14* 3435095h6 $272.55 $244.00 $234.40 $229.75 $225.00 $220.95 3435100h6 277.75 249.40 239.70 235.05 230.30 226.25 3435110h6 283.00 254.60 245.00 240.25 235.50 231.50 3435120h6 283.00 254.60 245.00 240.25 235.50 231.50 3435125h6 283.00 254.60 245.00 240.25 235.50 231.50 3435135h6 295.75 267.25 257.70 253.05 248.30 244.25 3435140h6 299.05 270.55 261.00 256.35 251.45 247.60 3435150h6 301.35 272.75 263.15 258.45 253.65 249.75 3435160h6 301.35 272.75 263.15 258.45 253.65 249.75 3435165h6 327.30 298.70 289.15 284.45 279.65 275.70 3435175h6 327.30 298.70 289.15 284.45 279.65 275.70 3435180h6 345.45 316.85 307.30 302.65 297.95 293.95 3435190h6 345.45 316.85 307.30 302.65 297.95 293.95 3435200h6 341.25 312.60 303.05 298.50 293.55 289.65 3435210h6 349.70 321.05 311.50 306.95 302.00 298.10 3435220h6 349.70 321.05 311.50 306.95 302.00 298.10 3435230h6 398.45 369.80 360.20 355.65 350.75 346.85 3435240h6 406.40 377.70 368.15 363.60 358.70 354.80 3435250h6 406.40 377.70 368.15 363.60 358.70 354.80 w w w.lexingtoncutter.com • LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 105 CARBIDE TIPPED h6 SHANK REAMER - CENTER FED COOLANT TYPE 3411h6 - STRAIGHT SHANK - RIGHT SPIRAL FLUTES - BLIND HOLES - FOR NON-FERROUS TYPE 3413h6 - STRAIGHT SHANK - RIGHT SPIRAL FLUTES - BLIND HOLES - FOR CAST IRON TYPE 3415h6 - STRAIGHT SHANK - RIGHT SPIRAL FLUTES - BLIND HOLES - FOR STEEL Flute long carbide tips brazed to one piece hardened alloy steel bodies. Right spiral flutes. Material specific geometry and carbide grade for the ultimate in performance and tool life. Full length center coolant fed hole rapidly flushes chips along the flute and out of the hole preventing recutting of chips and providing superior finishes. Precision ground axially aligned diameters for accuracy. Tool diameter tolerance: +.0002”/-.0000”. Shank diameter tolerance thru .3750”: +.0000”/-.0003”. over .3750”: +.0000”/-.0004”. DECIMAL SIZE RANGE .3471 .3781 .4091 .4411 .4721 .5031 .5341 .5661 .5971 .6281 .6591 .6911 .7221 .7531 .7841 .8161 .8471 .8781 .9091 .9411 .9721 .3780 .4090 .4410 .4720 .5030 .5340 .5660 .5970 .6280 .6590 .6910 .7220 .7530 .7840 .8160 .8470 .8780 .9090 .9410 .9720 1.0030 SHANK DIAMETER NO. OF FLUTES .3125 .3125 .3750 .3750 .4375 .4375 .4375 .4375 .5625 .5625 .5625 .5625 .6250 .6250 .6250 .6250 .7500 .7500 .7500 .7500 .8750 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 NON-FERR. CAST IRON STEEL FLUTE OVERALL TYPE 3411h6 TYPE 3413h6 TYPE 3415h6 LENGTH LENGTH EDP NO. EDP NO. EDP NO. 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 2 2 2 2 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2¾ 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 341112h6 341113h6 341114h6 341115h6 341116h6 341117h6 341118h6 341119h6 341120h6 341121h6 341122h6 341123h6 341124h6 341125h6 341126h6 341127h6 341128h6 341129h6 341130h6 341131h6 341132h6 341312h6 341313h6 341314h6 341315h6 341316h6 341317h6 341318h6 341319h6 341320h6 341321h6 341322h6 341323h6 341324h6 341325h6 341326h6 341327h6 341328h6 341329h6 341330h6 341331h6 341332h6 PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE 1 PC. 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14* 341512h6 $271.20 $242.55 $233.00 $228.45 $223.50 $219.60 341513h6 271.80 243.15 233.60 229.05 224.10 220.20 341514h6 274.00 245.35 235.80 231.25 226.30 222.40 341515h6 276.00 247.35 237.75 233.20 228.30 224.40 341516h6 284.60 255.95 246.35 241.80 236.90 233.00 341517h6 292.90 264.25 254.70 250.10 245.20 241.30 341518h6 292.90 264.25 254.70 250.10 245.20 241.30 341519h6 302.25 273.55 264.00 259.45 254.55 250.65 341520h6 302.25 273.55 264.00 259.45 254.55 250.65 341521h6 334.05 305.40 295.85 291.30 286.35 282.45 341522h6 334.05 305.40 295.85 291.30 286.35 282.45 341523h6 346.05 317.35 307.80 303.25 298.35 294.45 341524h6 328.20 299.50 289.95 285.40 280.50 276.60 341525h6 368.45 339.80 330.25 325.70 320.75 316.85 341526h6 372.40 343.75 334.20 329.65 324.70 320.85 341527h6 378.30 349.65 340.10 335.55 330.60 326.70 341528h6 395.85 367.20 357.65 353.10 348.15 344.25 341529h6 416.00 387.35 377.80 373.25 368.30 364.40 341530h6 433.05 404.40 394.85 390.30 385.35 381.45 341531h6 434.25 405.55 396.00 391.45 386.55 382.65 341532h6 434.85 406.15 396.60 392.05 387.10 383.25 CARBIDE TIPPED h6 SHANK REAMER - CENTER FED COOLANT TYPE 3411h6 - STRAIGHT SHANK - RIGHT SPIRAL FLUTES - BLIND HOLES - FOR NON-FERROUS TYPE 3413h6 - STRAIGHT SHANK - RIGHT SPIRAL FLUTES - BLIND HOLES - FOR CAST IRON TYPE 3415h6 - STRAIGHT SHANK - RIGHT SPIRAL FLUTES - BLIND HOLES - FOR STEEL Tool diameter tolerance: +.0051mm/-.0000mm. Shank diameter tolerance thru 10mm: +.0000mm/-.0076mm. over 10mm: +.0000mm/-.0102mm. METRIC SIZE RANGE (mm) SHANK NO. DIAMETER OF (mm) FLUTES 8.815 - 9.601 9.602 - 10.389 10.390 - 11.201 11.202 - 12.000 12.001 - 12.875 12.876 - 13.565 13.566 - 14.376 14.377 - 15.164 15.165 - 16.100 16.101 - 16.740 16.741 - 17.551 17.552 - 18.340 18.341 - 19.250 19.251 - 20.126 20.127 - 21.127 21.128 - 22.127 22.128 - 23.127 23.128 - 24.127 24.128 - 25.127 8 8 10 10 10 12 12 12 14 14 14 14 16 16 16 20 20 20 20 FLUTE OVERALL NON-FERR. CAST IRON STEEL LENGTH LENGTH TYPE 3411h6 TYPE 3413h6 TYPE 3415h6 (mm) (mm) EDP NO. EDP NO. EDP NO. 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 106 Made in U.S.A. 45 45 45 45 51 51 51 51 57 57 57 57 64 64 64 64 67 67 70 • 127 127 127 127 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 3411095h6 3411100h6 3411110h6 3411120h6 3411125h6 3411135h6 3411140h6 3411150h6 3411160h6 3411165h6 3411175h6 3411180h6 3411190h6 3411200h6 3411210h6 3411220h6 3411230h6 3411240h6 3411250h6 3413095h6 3413100h6 3413110h6 3413120h6 3413125h6 3413135h6 3413140h6 3413150h6 3413160h6 3413165h6 3413175h6 3413180h6 3413190h6 3413200h6 3413210h6 3413220h6 3413230h6 3413240h6 3413250h6 PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO METRIC SIZE 1 PC. 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14* 3415095h6 $271.20 $242.55 $233.00 $228.45 $223.50 $219.60 3415100h6 271.80 243.15 233.60 229.05 224.10 220.20 3415110h6 274.00 245.35 235.80 231.25 226.30 222.40 3415120h6 284.60 255.95 246.35 241.80 236.90 233.00 3415125h6 292.90 264.25 254.70 250.10 245.20 241.30 3415135h6 292.90 264.25 254.70 250.10 245.20 241.30 3415140h6 292.90 264.25 254.70 250.10 245.20 241.30 3415150h6 302.25 273.55 264.00 259.45 254.55 250.65 3415160h6 334.05 305.40 295.85 291.30 286.35 282.45 3415165h6 334.05 305.40 295.85 291.30 286.35 282.45 3415175h6 334.05 305.40 295.85 291.30 286.35 282.45 3415180h6 346.05 317.35 307.80 303.25 298.35 294.45 3415190h6 368.45 339.80 330.25 325.70 320.75 316.85 3415200h6 372.40 343.75 334.20 329.65 324.70 320.85 3415210h6 378.30 349.65 340.10 335.55 330.60 326.70 3415220h6 395.85 367.20 357.65 353.10 348.15 344.25 3415230h6 433.05 404.40 394.85 390.30 385.35 381.45 3415240h6 434.25 405.55 396.00 391.45 386.55 382.65 3415250h6 434.85 406.15 396.60 392.05 387.10 383.25 [email protected] • Phone 800-882-2627 • Fax 800-882-3637 *Quantities of 15 or more: call for pricing. CARBIDE TIPPED h6 SHANK REAMER - FLUTE FED COOLANT TYPE 3427h6- STRAIGHT SHANK - LEFT SPIRAL FLUTES - THROUGH HOLES - FOR NON-FERROUS TYPE 3428h6 - STRAIGHT SHANK - LEFT SPIRAL FLUTES - THROUGH HOLES - FOR CAST IRON TYPE 3429h6 - STRAIGHT SHANK - LEFT SPIRAL FLUTES - THROUGH HOLES - FOR STEEL Flute long carbide tips brazed to one piece hardened alloy steel bodies. Left spiral flutes. Material specific geometry and carbide grade for the ultimate in performance and tool life. Coolant fed hole in each flute rapidly flushes chips forward ahead of the reamer to help break chips and provide superior finishes. Precision ground axially aligned diameters for accuracy. Tool diameter tolerance: +.0002”/-.0000”. Shank diameter tolerance thru .3750”: +.0000”/-.0003”. over .3750”: +.0000”/-.0004”. DECIMAL SIZE RANGE SHANK DIAMETER NO. OF FLUTES .3471 - .3780 .3781 - .4090 .4091 - .4410 .4411 - .4720 .4721 - .5030 .5031 - .5340 .5341 - .5660 .5661 - .5970 .5971 - .6280 .6281 - .6590 .6591 - .6910 .6911 - .7220 .7221 - .7530 .7531 - .7840 .7841 - .8160 .8161 - .8470 .8471 - .8780 .8781 - .9090 .9091 - .9410 .9411 - .9720 .9721 - 1.0030 .3125 .3125 .3750 .3750 .4375 .4375 .4375 .4375 .5625 .5625 .5625 .5625 .6250 .6250 .6250 .6250 .7500 .7500 .7500 .7500 .8750 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 NON-FERR. CAST IRON STEEL FLUTE OVERALL TYPE 3427h6 TYPE 3428h6 TYPE 3429h6 LENGTH LENGTH EDP NO. EDP NO. EDP NO. 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 2 2 2 2 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2¾ 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 342712h6 342713h6 342714h6 342715h6 342716h6 342717h6 342718h6 342719h6 342720h6 342721h6 342722h6 342723h6 342724h6 342725h6 342726h6 342727h6 342728h6 342729h6 342730h6 342731h6 342732h6 342812h6 342813h6 342814h6 342815h6 342816h6 342817h6 342818h6 342819h6 342820h6 342821h6 342822h6 342823h6 342824h6 342825h6 342826h6 342827h6 342828h6 342829h6 342830h6 342831h6 342832h6 PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE 1 PC. 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14* 342912h6 $322.65 $294.00 $284.45 $279.90 $274.95 $271.05 342913h6 323.75 295.10 285.55 281.00 276.05 272.15 342914h6 326.20 297.55 287.95 283.40 278.50 274.60 342915h6 328.60 299.95 290.40 285.85 280.90 277.00 342916h6 332.05 303.40 293.85 289.30 284.35 280.50 342917h6 337.80 309.15 299.60 295.05 290.10 286.20 342918h6 341.90 313.25 303.70 299.15 294.20 290.30 342919h6 347.90 319.20 309.65 305.10 300.15 296.30 342920h6 353.25 324.60 315.00 310.45 305.55 301.65 342921h6 385.00 356.35 346.75 342.20 337.30 333.40 342922h6 391.75 363.10 353.55 349.00 344.05 340.15 342923h6 398.80 370.15 360.60 356.05 351.10 347.20 342924h6 406.10 377.40 367.85 363.30 358.40 354.50 342925h6 412.05 383.40 373.80 369.25 364.35 360.45 342926h6 416.40 387.70 378.15 373.60 368.70 364.80 342927h6 422.85 394.20 384.65 380.05 375.15 371.25 342928h6 442.90 414.25 404.70 400.15 395.20 391.30 342929h6 465.70 437.05 427.50 422.90 418.00 414.10 342930h6 485.55 456.90 447.30 442.75 437.85 433.95 342931h6 486.55 457.90 448.35 443.80 438.85 434.95 342932h6 487.15 458.50 448.95 444.40 439.45 435.55 CARBIDE TIPPED h6 SHANK REAMER - FLUTE FED COOLANT TYPE 3427h6- STRAIGHT SHANK - LEFT SPIRAL FLUTES - THROUGH HOLES - FOR NON-FERROUS TYPE 3428h6 - STRAIGHT SHANK - LEFT SPIRAL FLUTES - THROUGH HOLES - FOR CAST IRON TYPE 3429h6 - STRAIGHT SHANK - LEFT SPIRAL FLUTES - THROUGH HOLES - FOR STEEL Tool diameter tolerance: +.0051mm/-.0000mm. Shank diameter tolerance thru 10mm: +.0000mm/-.0076mm. over 10mm: +.0000mm/-.0102mm. METRIC SIZE RANGE (mm) 8.815 9.602 10.390 11.202 12.001 12.876 13.566 14.377 15.165 16.101 16.741 17.552 18.341 19.251 20.127 21.128 22.128 23.128 24.128 9.601 10.389 11.201 12.000 12.875 13.565 14.376 15.164 16.100 16.740 17.551 18.340 19.250 20.126 21.127 22.127 23.127 24.127 25.127 SHANK NO. DIAMETER OF (mm) FLUTES 8 8 10 10 10 12 12 12 14 14 14 14 16 16 16 20 20 20 20 FLUTE OVERALL NON-FERR. CAST IRON STEEL LENGTH LENGTH TYPE 3427h6 TYPE 3428h6 TYPE 3429h6 (mm) (mm) EDP NO. EDP NO. EDP NO. 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 Phone 941-739-2726 *Quantities of 15 or more: call for pricing. 45 45 45 45 51 51 51 51 57 57 57 57 64 64 64 64 67 67 70 • 127 127 127 127 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 3427095h6 3427100h6 3427110h6 3427120h6 3427125h6 3427135h6 3427140h6 3427150h6 3427160h6 3427165h6 3427175h6 3427180h6 3427190h6 3427200h6 3427210h6 3427220h6 3427230h6 3427240h6 3427250h6 Fax 941-739-2827 3428095h6 3428100h6 3428110h6 3428120h6 3428125h6 3428135h6 3428140h6 3428150h6 3428160h6 3428165h6 3428175h6 3428180h6 3428190h6 3428200h6 3428210h6 3428220h6 3428230h6 3428240h6 3428250h6 • PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO METRIC SIZE 1 PC. 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14* 3429095h6 $322.65 $294.00 $284.45 $279.90 $274.95 $271.05 3429100h6 323.75 295.10 285.55 281.00 276.05 272.15 3429110h6 326.20 297.55 287.95 283.40 278.50 274.60 3429120h6 332.05 303.40 293.85 289.30 284.35 280.50 3429125h6 337.80 309.15 299.60 295.05 290.10 286.20 3429135h6 341.90 313.25 303.70 299.15 294.20 290.30 3429140h6 341.90 313.25 303.70 299.15 294.20 290.30 3429150h6 347.90 319.20 309.65 305.10 300.15 296.30 3429160h6 385.00 356.35 346.75 342.20 337.30 333.40 3429165h6 391.75 363.10 353.55 349.00 344.05 340.15 3429175h6 391.75 363.10 353.55 349.00 344.05 340.15 3429180h6 398.80 370.15 360.60 356.05 351.10 347.20 3429190h6 412.05 383.40 373.80 369.25 364.35 360.45 3429200h6 416.40 387.70 378.15 373.60 368.70 364.80 3429210h6 422.85 394.20 384.65 380.05 375.15 371.25 3429220h6 442.90 414.25 404.70 400.15 395.20 391.30 3429230h6 485.55 456.90 447.30 442.75 437.85 433.95 3429240h6 486.55 457.90 448.35 443.80 438.85 434.95 3429250h6 487.15 458.50 448.95 444.40 439.45 435.55 w w w.lexingtoncutter.com • LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 107 CARBIDE TIPPED FLUTE FED COOLANT REAMERS TYPE 3416 - STRAIGHT SHANK & FLUTES - THROUGH HOLES - FOR NON-FERROUS TYPE 3426 - STRAIGHT SHANK & FLUTES - THROUGH HOLES - FOR CAST IRON TYPE 3435 - STRAIGHT SHANK & FLUTES - THROUGH HOLES - FOR STEEL Flute long carbide tips (.2841" tool diameter and larger) brazed to one piece hardened alloy steel bodies. Straight polished flutes. Coolant feeding hole in each flute for flushing chips forward through the hole being reamed. Tool geometry and carbide grade appropriate for material being machined. For longer overall length reamers, see page 119. For reamer tolerances and closer tolerance pricing, see page 60. TOOL DIAMETER MAX. NO. LENGTH SHANK OF DECIMAL FRAC. DIAM. FLTS. FLT OAL NON-FERR. CAST IRON TYPE 3416 TYPE 3426 EDP NO. EDP NO. .1875 .2031 .2188 .2344 .2500 .2656 .2812 .2969 .3125 .3281 .3438 .3594 .3750 .3906 .4062 .4219 .4375 .4531 .4688 .4844 .5000 .5156 .5312 .5625 .5938 .6250 .6562 .6875 .7188 .7500 .7812 .8125 .8438 .8750 .9062 .9375 .9688 1.0000 1.0625 1.1250 1.1875 1.2500 1.3125 1.3750 1.4375 1.5000 1.5625 1.6250 1.6875 1.7500 1.8125 1.8750 1.9375 2.0000 341606 34162031 341607 34162344 341608 34162656 341609 34162969 341610 34163281 341611 34163594 341612 34163906 341613 34164219 341614 34164531 341615 34164844 341616 34165156 341617 341618 341619 341620 341621 341622 341623 341624 341625 341626 341627 341628 341629 341630 341631 341632 341634 341636 341638 341640 341642 341644 341646 341648 341650 341652 341654 341656 341658 341660 341662 341664 3⁄16 13⁄64 7⁄32 15⁄64 ¼ 17⁄64 9⁄32 19⁄64 5⁄16 21⁄64 11⁄32 23⁄64 3⁄8 25⁄64 13⁄32 27⁄64 7⁄16 29⁄64 15⁄32 31⁄64 ½ 33⁄64 17⁄32 9⁄16 19⁄32 5⁄8 21⁄32 11⁄16 23⁄32 ¾ 25⁄32 13⁄16 27⁄32 7⁄8 29⁄32 15⁄16 31⁄32 1 1 1⁄16 1 1⁄8 1 3⁄16 1¼ 1 5⁄16 1 3⁄8 1 7⁄16 1½ 1 9⁄16 1 5⁄8 1 11⁄16 1¾ 1 13⁄16 1 7⁄8 1 15⁄16 2 .1805 .1805 .2075 .2265 .2405 .2485 .2485 .2792 .2792 .2792 .2792 .3105 .3105 .3105 .3105 .3730 .3730 .3730 .3730 .4355 .4355 .4355 .4355 .4355 .4355 .5615 .5615 .5615 .5615 .6245 .6245 .6245 .6245 .7495 .7495 .7495 .7495 .8745 .8745 .8745 .9995 .9995 .9995 .9995 .9995 1.2495 1.2495 1.2495 1.2495 1.2495 1.4995 1.4995 1.4995 1.4995 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 12 1 ¼* 1 ¼* 1 ¼* 1 ½* 1 ½* 1 ½* 1 ½* 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 2 2 2 2 2 2 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2¾ 2¾ 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 3 3 3¼ 3¼ 3½ 3½ 3½ 3½ 3½ 3½ 3½ 3½ 3½ 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 10 10 10 10 10 ½ 10 ½ 11 11 11 ½ 11 ½ 12 12 12 ½ 12 ½ 13 13 13 ½ 13 ½ 14 14 14 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 108 Made in U.S.A. • 342606 34262031 342607 34262344 342608 34262656 342609 34262969 342610 34263281 342611 34263594 342612 34263906 342613 34264219 342614 34264531 342615 34264844 342616 34265156 342617 342618 342619 342620 342621 342622 342623 342624 342625 342626 342627 342628 342629 342630 342631 342632 342634 342636 342638 342640 342642 342644 342646 342648 342662 342664 342650 342652 342654 342656 342658 342660 STEEL TYPE 3435 EDP NO. ALL TYPES PRICE DECIMAL SIZE RANGE 343506 34352031 343507 34352344 343508 34352656 343509 34352969 343510 34353281 343511 34353594 343512 34353906 343513 34354219 343514 34354531 343515 34354844 343516 34355156 343517 343518 343519 343520 343521 343522 343523 343524 343525 343526 343527 343528 343529 343530 343531 343532 343534 343536 343538 343540 343542 343544 343546 343548 343550 343552 343554 343556 343558 343560 343562 343564 $151.85 151.85 151.85 151.85 151.85 155.30 155.30 168.45 168.45 168.45 168.45 168.45 168.45 172.65 172.65 176.85 176.85 176.85 176.85 176.85 176.85 187.05 187.05 189.70 191.45 191.45 212.20 212.20 226.80 226.80 226.80 226.80 233.65 242.50 272.25 278.55 278.55 278.55 294.60 295.85 308.05 312.10 321.05 334.05 344.50 356.05 400.25 440.10 447.70 489.30 509.45 536.40 570.65 591.35 .1770 - .2040 .2041 - .2210 .2211 - .2380 .2381 - .2530 .2531 - .2840 .2841 - .3150 .3151 - .3470 .3471 - .3780 .3781 - .4090 .4091 - .4410 .4411 - .4720 .4721 - .5030 .5031 - .5340 .5341 - .5660 .5661 - .5970 .5971 - .6280 .6281 - .6590 .6591 - .6910 .6911 - .7220 .7221 - .7530 .7531 - .7840 .7841 - .8160 .8161 - .8470 .8471 - .8780 .8781 - .9090 .9091 - .9410 .9411 - .9720 .9721 - 1.0030 1.0031 - 1.0660 1.0661 - 1.1280 1.1281 - 1.1905 1.1906 - 1.2530 1.2531 - 1.3155 1.3156 - 1.3780 1.3781 - 1.4405 1.4406 - 1.5030 1.5031 - 1.5660 1.5661 - 1.6280 1.6281 - 1.6910 1.6911 - 1.7530 1.7531 - 1.8160 1.8161 - 1.8780 1.8781 - 1.9410 1.9411 - 2.0030 [email protected] • PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE 1 PC. 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14** $197.55 197.55 197.55 197.55 201.00 214.20 214.20 214.20 218.35 222.55 222.55 222.55 232.75 235.40 237.20 237.20 258.00 258.00 272.55 272.55 272.55 272.55 279.35 289.95 319.65 325.95 325.95 325.95 342.05 343.30 355.50 359.55 368.55 381.45 392.00 403.50 445.50 485.30 492.95 534.50 554.70 581.65 615.85 636.60 $174.70 174.70 174.70 174.70 178.10 191.25 191.25 191.25 195.50 199.70 199.70 199.70 209.90 212.55 214.25 214.25 235.05 235.05 249.60 249.60 249.60 249.60 256.50 266.15 295.90 302.25 302.25 302.25 318.35 319.50 331.70 335.75 344.70 357.65 368.15 379.75 422.85 462.70 470.35 511.90 532.05 559.00 593.25 613.95 $167.00 167.00 167.00 167.00 170.45 183.60 183.60 183.60 187.85 192.05 192.05 192.05 202.25 204.85 206.60 206.60 227.35 227.35 241.95 241.95 241.95 241.95 248.80 258.15 287.95 294.30 294.30 294.30 310.40 311.50 323.70 327.80 336.80 349.80 360.30 371.75 415.25 455.05 462.70 504.30 524.45 551.40 585.60 606.35 $163.30 163.30 163.30 163.30 166.75 180.00 180.00 180.00 184.20 188.40 188.40 188.40 198.60 201.15 202.95 202.95 223.75 223.75 238.35 238.35 238.35 238.35 245.10 254.40 284.15 290.45 290.45 290.45 306.55 307.75 320.00 324.05 332.95 345.95 356.50 368.00 411.65 451.50 459.15 500.70 520.85 547.80 582.05 602.75 $159.40 159.40 159.40 159.40 162.80 176.10 176.10 176.10 180.30 184.50 184.50 184.50 194.65 197.25 199.05 199.05 219.75 219.75 234.30 234.30 234.30 234.30 241.25 250.35 280.05 286.35 286.35 286.35 302.55 303.70 315.90 320.00 328.90 341.90 352.35 363.90 407.75 447.60 455.20 496.80 516.95 543.90 578.15 598.85 $156.25 156.25 156.25 156.25 159.80 172.95 172.95 172.95 177.15 181.40 181.40 181.40 191.60 194.20 195.95 195.95 216.75 216.75 231.30 231.30 231.30 231.30 238.05 247.10 276.95 283.20 283.20 283.20 299.30 300.45 312.75 316.80 325.70 338.70 349.20 360.75 404.75 444.55 452.20 493.80 513.95 540.90 575.10 595.85 Phone 800-882-2627 • Fax 800-882-3637 *½” carbide length. **Quantities of 15 or more: price of fractional size in same size range. CARBIDE TIPPED FLUTE FED COOLANT REAMERS TYPE 3416 - STRAIGHT SHANK & FLUTES - THROUGH HOLES - FOR NON-FERROUS TYPE 3426 - STRAIGHT SHANK & FLUTES- THROUGH HOLES - FOR CAST IRON TYPE 3435 - STRAIGHT SHANK & FLUTES - THROUGH HOLES - FOR STEEL Detailed description and fractional sizes on page 108. Tolerances on page 60. Tool diameter in millimeters with all other dimensions in inches. TOOL DIAMETER MAX. NO. LENGTH NON-FERR. CAST IRON STEEL SHANK OF TYPE 3416 TYPE 3426 TYPE 3435 DIAM. FLTS. FLT OAL EDP NO. EDP NO. EDP NO. mm INCH 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0 13.5 14.0 14.5 15.0 15.5 16.0 16.5 17.0 17.5 18.0 18.5 19.0 19.5 20.0 20.5 21.0 21.5 22.0 22.5 23.0 23.5 24.0 24.5 25.0 25.5 26.0 27.0 28.0 29.0 30.0 31.0 32.0 33.0 34.0 35.0 36.0 37.0 38.0 .1772 .1969 .2165 .2362 .2559 .2756 .2953 .3150 .3346 .3543 .3740 .3937 .4134 .4331 .4528 .4724 .4921 .5118 .5315 .5512 .5709 .5906 .6102 .6299 .6496 .6693 .6890 .7087 .7283 .7480 .7677 .7874 .8071 .8268 .8465 .8661 .8858 .9055 .9252 .9449 .9646 .9843 1.0039 1.0236 1.0630 1.1024 1.1417 1.1811 1.2205 1.2598 1.2992 1.3386 1.3780 1.4173 1.4567 1.4961 .1704 .1805 .2075 .2265 .2405 .2485 .2485 .2792 .2792 .2792 .3105 .3105 .3105 .3730 .3730 .3730 .4355 .4355 .4355 .4355 .4355 .4355 .4355 .5615 .5615 .5615 .5615 .5615 .5615 .6245 .6245 .6245 .6245 .6245 .6245 .6245 .7495 .7495 .7495 .7495 .7495 .7495 .8745 .8745 .8745 .8745 .8745 .9995 .9995 .9995 .9995 .9995 .9995 .9995 .9995 1.2495 1.2495 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 1 ¼* 5 1 ¼* 5 1 ¼* 5 1 ½* 6 1 ½* 6 1 ½* 6 1 ½* 6 1½ 6 1½ 6 1½ 6 1¾ 7 1¾ 7 1¾ 7 1¾ 7 1¾ 7 1¾ 7 2 8 2 8 2 8 2 8 2 8 2 8 2 8 2¼ 9 2¼ 9 2¼ 9 2¼ 9 2¼ 9 2¼ 9 2½ 9½ 2½ 9½ 2½ 9½ 2½ 9½ 2½ 9½ 2½ 9½ 2½ 9½ 2 5⁄8 10 2 5⁄8 10 2 5⁄8 10 2 5⁄8 10 2 5⁄8 10 2 5⁄8 10 2 ¾ 10 ½ 2 ¾ 10 ½ 2 ¾ 10 ½ 2 ¾ 10 ½ 2 7⁄8 11 2 7⁄8 11 2 7⁄8 11 3 11 ½ 3 11 ½ 3 11 ½ 3 ¼ 12 3 ¼ 12 3 ¼ 12 3 ½ 12 ½ 3 ½ 12 ½ Phone 941-739-2726 *½” carbide length. • 3416045 3416050 3416055 3416060 3416063 3416065 3416070 3416075 3416080 3416085 3416090 3416095 3416100 3416105 3416110 3416115 3416120 3416125 3416130 3416135 3416140 3416145 3416150 3416155 3416160 3416165 3416170 3416175 3416180 3416185 3416190 3416195 3416200 3416205 3416210 3416215 3416220 3416225 3416230 3416235 3416240 3416245 3416250 3416255 3416260 3416270 3416280 3416290 3416300 3416310 3416320 3416330 3416340 3416350 3416360 3416370 3416380 3426045 3426050 3426055 3426060 3426063 3426065 3426070 3426075 3426080 3426085 3426090 3426095 3426100 3426105 3426110 3426115 3426120 3426125 3426130 3426135 3426140 3426145 3426150 3426155 3426160 3426165 3426170 3426175 3426180 3426185 3426190 3426195 3426200 3426205 3426210 3426215 3426220 3426225 3426230 3426235 3426240 3426245 3426250 3426255 3426260 3426270 3426280 3426290 3426300 3426310 3426320 3426330 3426340 3426350 3426360 3426370 3426380 3435045 3435050 3435055 3435060 3435063 3435065 3435070 3435075 3435080 3435085 3435090 3435095 3435100 3435105 3435110 3435115 3435120 3435125 3435130 3435135 3435140 3435145 3435150 3435155 3435160 3435165 3435170 3435175 3435180 3435185 3435190 3435195 3435200 3435205 3435210 3435215 3435220 3435225 3435230 3435235 3435240 3435245 3435250 3435255 3435260 3435270 3435280 3435290 3435300 3435310 3435320 3435330 3435340 3435350 3435360 3435370 3435380 Fax 941-739-2827 ALL TYPES PRICE METRIC SIZE RANGE $167.00 167.00 167.00 167.00 170.45 170.45 183.60 183.60 183.60 183.60 183.60 187.85 192.05 192.05 192.05 192.05 192.05 202.25 202.25 204.85 206.60 206.60 206.60 227.35 227.35 227.35 227.35 241.95 241.95 241.95 241.95 241.95 241.95 248.80 248.80 248.80 287.95 287.95 294.30 294.30 294.30 294.30 310.40 310.40 310.40 311.55 323.70 323.70 327.80 336.80 336.80 349.80 349.80 360.30 371.75 371.75 4.494 - 4.696 4.697 - 5.182 5.183 - 5.613 5.614 - 6.045 6.046 - 6.426 6.427 - 7.214 7.215 - 8.001 8.002 - 8.814 8.815 - 9.601 9.602 - 10.389 10.390 - 11.201 11.202 - 11.989 11.990 - 12.776 12.777 - 13.564 13.565 - 14.376 14.377 - 15.164 15.165 - 15.951 15.952 - 16.739 16.740 - 17.551 17.552 - 18.339 18.340 - 19.126 19.127 - 19.914 19.915 - 20.726 20.727 - 21.514 21.515 - 22.301 22.302 - 23.089 23.090 - 23.901 23.902 - 24.689 24.690 - 25.476 25.477 - 27.076 27.077 - 28.651 28.652 - 30.239 30.240 - 31.826 31.827 - 33.414 33.415 - 35.001 35.002 - 36.589 36.590 - 38.176 - • PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO METRIC SIZE 1 PC. 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14 15+ $201.40 201.40 201.40 201.40 201.40 204.85 218.00 218.00 218.00 222.20 226.40 226.40 226.40 236.60 239.25 241.10 241.10 261.80 261.80 276.35 276.35 276.35 276.35 283.20 283.20 323.60 329.95 329.95 329.95 346.05 347.20 359.50 363.55 372.50 385.50 395.95 407.50 - $178.60 178.60 178.60 178.60 178.60 182.00 195.20 195.20 195.20 199.50 203.65 203.65 203.65 213.80 216.45 218.20 218.20 238.95 238.95 253.50 253.50 253.50 253.50 260.40 260.40 299.95 306.25 306.25 306.25 322.45 323.55 335.75 339.85 348.75 361.75 372.20 383.80 - $170.95 170.95 170.95 170.95 170.95 174.35 187.50 187.50 187.50 191.75 195.95 195.95 195.95 206.15 208.80 210.50 210.50 231.30 231.30 245.85 245.85 245.85 245.85 252.75 252.75 292.00 298.35 298.35 298.35 314.45 315.60 327.80 331.95 340.90 353.85 364.35 375.90 - $167.20 167.20 167.20 167.20 167.20 170.60 183.80 183.80 183.80 188.00 192.20 192.20 192.20 202.40 205.05 206.75 206.75 227.55 227.55 242.10 242.10 242.10 242.10 249.00 249.00 288.10 294.45 294.45 294.45 310.55 311.80 324.00 328.05 337.00 349.95 360.45 372.00 - $163.30 163.30 163.30 163.30 163.30 166.75 180.00 180.00 180.00 184.20 188.40 188.40 188.40 198.60 201.15 202.95 202.95 223.75 223.75 238.35 238.35 238.35 238.35 245.10 245.10 284.15 290.45 290.45 290.45 306.55 307.75 320.00 324.05 332.95 345.95 356.50 368.00 - $160.15 160.15 160.15 160.15 160.15 163.60 176.75 176.75 176.75 180.95 185.20 185.20 185.20 195.35 198.10 199.75 199.75 220.55 220.55 235.15 235.15 235.15 235.15 241.95 241.95 280.85 287.15 287.15 287.15 303.25 304.50 316.70 320.75 329.70 342.65 353.15 364.70 - $155.75 155.75 155.75 155.75 155.75 159.25 172.45 172.45 172.45 176.60 180.80 180.80 180.80 191.05 193.60 195.35 195.35 216.10 216.10 230.80 230.80 230.80 230.80 237.55 237.55 276.35 282.70 282.70 282.70 298.70 299.90 312.10 316.20 325.10 338.10 348.60 360.10 - w w w.lexingtoncutter.com • LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 109 CARBIDE TIPPED CENTER FED COOLANT REAMERS TYPE 3414 - STRAIGHT SHANK & FLUTES - BLIND HOLES - FOR NON-FERROUS TYPE 3424 - STRAIGHT SHANK & FLUTES - BLIND HOLES - FOR CAST IRON TYPE 3434 - STRAIGHT SHANK & FLUTES - BLIND HOLES - FOR STEEL Flute long carbide tips (.2841" tool diameter and larger) brazed to one piece hardened alloy steel bodies. Straight polished flutes. For length center coolant feeding hole for flushing chips back towards shank. Tool geometry and carbide grade appropriate for material being machined. For reamer tolerances and closer tolerance pricing, see page 60. TOOL DIAMETER MAX. NO. LENGTH SHANK OF DECIMAL FRAC. DIAM. FLTS. FLT OAL NON-FERR. CAST IRON TYPE 3414 TYPE 3424 EDP NO. EDP NO. .1875 .2031 .2188 .2344 .2500 .2656 .2812 .2969 .3125 .3281 .3438 .3594 .3750 .3906 .4062 .4219 .4375 .4531 .4688 .4844 .5000 .5156 .5312 .5625 .5938 .6250 .6562 .6875 .7188 .7500 .7812 .8125 .8438 .8750 .9062 .9375 .9688 1.0000 1.0625 1.1250 1.1875 1.2500 1.3125 1.3750 1.4375 1.5000 1.5625 1.6250 1.6875 1.7500 1.8125 1.8750 1.9375 2.0000 341406 34142031 341407 34142344 341408 34142656 341409 34142969 341410 34143281 341411 34143594 341412 34143906 341413 34144219 341414 34144531 341415 34144844 341416 34145156 341417 341418 341419 341420 341421 341422 341423 341424 341425 341426 341427 341428 341429 341430 341431 341432 341434 341436 341438 341440 341442 341444 341446 341448 341450 341452 341454 341456 341458 341460 341462 341464 3⁄16 13⁄64 7⁄32 15⁄64 ¼ 17⁄64 9⁄32 19⁄64 5⁄16 21⁄64 11⁄32 23⁄64 3⁄8 25⁄64 13⁄32 27⁄64 7⁄16 29⁄64 15⁄32 31⁄64 ½ 33⁄64 17⁄32 9⁄16 19⁄32 5⁄8 21⁄32 11⁄16 23⁄32 ¾ 25⁄32 13⁄16 27⁄32 7⁄8 29⁄32 15⁄16 31⁄32 1 1 1⁄16 1 1⁄8 1 3⁄16 1¼ 1 5⁄16 1 3⁄8 1 7⁄16 1½ 1 9⁄16 1 5⁄8 1 11⁄16 1¾ 1 13⁄16 1 7⁄8 1 15⁄16 2 .1805 .1805 .2075 .2265 .2405 .2485 .2485 .2792 .2792 .2792 .2792 .3105 .3105 .3105 .3105 .3730 .3730 .3730 .3730 .4355 .4355 .4355 .4355 .4355 .4355 .5615 .5615 .5615 .5615 .6245 .6245 .6245 .6245 .7495 .7495 .7495 .7495 .8745 .8745 .8745 .9995 .9995 .9995 .9995 .9995 1.2495 1.2495 1.2495 1.2495 1.2495 1.4995 1.4995 1.4995 1.4995 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 12 1 ¼* 1 ¼* 1 ¼* 1 ½* 1 ½* 1 ½* 1 ½* 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 2 2 2 2 2 2 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2¾ 2¾ 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 3 3 3¼ 3¼ 3½ 3½ 3½ 3½ 3½ 3½ 3½ 3½ 3½ 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 10 10 10 10 10 ½ 10 ½ 11 11 11 ½ 11 ½ 12 12 12 ½ 12 ½ 13 13 13 ½ 13 ½ 14 14 14 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 110 Made in U.S.A. • 342406 34242031 342407 34242344 342408 34242656 342409 34242969 342410 34243281 342411 34243594 342412 34243906 342413 34244219 342414 34244531 342415 34244844 342416 34245156 342417 342418 342419 342420 342421 342422 342423 342424 342425 342426 342427 342428 342429 342430 342431 342432 342434 342436 342438 342440 342442 342444 342446 342448 342450 342452 342454 342456 342458 342460 342462 342464 STEEL TYPE 3434 EDP NO. ALL TYPES PRICE DECIMAL SIZE RANGE 343406 34342031 343407 34342344 343408 34342656 343409 34342969 343410 34343281 343411 34343594 343412 34343906 343413 34344219 343414 34344531 343415 34344844 343416 34345156 343417 343418 343419 343420 343421 343422 343423 343424 343425 343426 343427 343428 343429 343430 343431 343432 343434 343436 343438 343440 343442 343444 343446 343448 343450 343452 343454 343456 343458 343460 343462 343464 $146.35 146.35 146.35 146.35 146.35 155.30 155.30 164.00 164.00 165.30 165.30 167.00 167.00 167.50 167.50 169.20 169.20 170.65 170.65 172.65 172.65 176.55 176.55 179.05 182.80 186.20 206.15 210.35 219.40 219.40 225.85 225.85 233.65 242.50 269.25 269.25 270.25 270.25 278.00 287.60 308.05 312.10 321.05 334.05 344.50 356.05 379.05 414.95 423.80 464.10 483.05 509.95 540.70 561.45 .1770 - .2040 .2041 - .2210 .2211 - .2380 .2381 - .2530 .2531 - .2840 .2841 - .3150 .3151 - .3470 .3471 - .3780 .3781 - .4090 .4091 - .4410 .4411 - .4720 .4721 - .5030 .5031 - .5340 .5341 - .5660 .5661 - .5970 .5971 - .6280 .6281 - .6590 .6591 - .6910 .6911 - .7220 .7221 - .7530 .7531 - .7840 .7841 - .8160 .8161 - .8470 .8471 - .8780 .8781 - .9090 .9091 - .9410 .9411 - .9720 .9721 - 1.0030 1.0031 - 1.0660 1.0661 - 1.1280 1.1281 - 1.1905 1.1906 - 1.2530 1.2531 - 1.3155 1.3156 - 1.3780 1.3781 - 1.4405 1.4406 - 1.5030 1.5031 - 1.5660 1.5661 - 1.6280 1.6281 - 1.6910 1.6911 - 1.7530 1.7531 - 1.8160 1.8161 - 1.8780 1.8781 - 1.9410 1.9411 - 2.0030 [email protected] • PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE 1 PC. 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14** $192.05 192.05 192.05 192.05 201.00 209.75 210.95 212.70 213.20 215.00 216.45 218.35 222.20 224.75 228.50 231.95 251.90 256.05 265.10 265.10 271.60 271.60 279.35 289.95 316.70 316.70 317.75 317.75 325.45 335.00 355.50 359.55 368.55 381.45 392.00 403.50 424.25 460.20 469.00 509.30 528.30 555.15 585.90 606.70 $169.10 169.10 169.10 169.10 178.10 186.85 188.10 189.80 190.35 192.05 193.55 195.50 199.25 201.85 205.60 209.05 228.95 233.20 242.25 242.25 248.70 248.70 256.50 266.15 292.90 292.90 294.00 294.00 301.65 311.25 331.70 335.75 344.70 357.65 368.15 379.75 401.65 437.55 446.40 486.70 505.70 532.55 563.30 584.10 $161.40 161.40 161.40 161.40 170.45 179.10 180.45 182.15 182.70 184.35 185.90 187.85 191.70 194.20 197.85 201.40 221.25 225.50 234.60 234.60 241.10 241.10 248.80 258.15 284.90 284.90 286.05 286.05 293.65 303.25 323.70 327.80 336.80 349.80 360.30 371.75 394.10 430.00 438.85 479.15 498.10 525.00 555.75 576.50 $157.90 157.90 157.90 157.90 166.75 175.45 176.75 178.45 179.05 180.75 182.20 184.20 188.00 190.60 194.35 197.70 217.70 221.90 230.95 230.95 237.40 237.40 245.10 254.40 281.20 281.20 282.25 282.25 289.95 299.45 320.00 324.05 332.95 345.95 356.50 368.00 390.45 426.35 435.20 475.50 494.50 521.35 552.10 572.90 $153.90 153.90 153.90 153.90 162.80 171.55 172.85 174.50 175.15 176.75 178.25 180.30 184.10 186.60 190.35 193.80 213.75 217.95 227.05 227.05 233.45 233.45 241.25 250.35 277.10 277.10 278.10 278.10 285.75 295.40 315.90 320.00 328.90 341.90 352.35 363.90 386.55 422.45 431.25 471.60 490.55 517.45 548.15 568.95 $150.80 150.80 150.80 150.80 159.80 168.45 169.80 171.50 172.00 173.75 175.20 177.15 180.95 183.55 187.30 190.75 210.65 214.85 223.90 223.90 230.35 230.35 238.05 247.10 273.95 273.95 274.95 274.95 282.70 292.15 312.75 316.80 325.70 338.70 349.20 360.75 383.55 419.45 428.25 468.60 487.55 514.45 545.15 565.95 Phone 800-882-2627 • Fax 800-882-3637 *½” carbide length. **Quantities of 15 or more: price of fractional size in same size range. CARBIDE TIPPED CENTER FED COOLANT REAMERS TYPE 3414 - STRAIGHT SHANK & FLUTES - BLIND HOLES - FOR NON-FERROUS TYPE 3424 - STRAIGHT SHANK & FLUTES- BLIND HOLES - FOR CAST IRON TYPE 3434 - STRAIGHT SHANK & FLUTES - BLIND HOLES - FOR STEEL Detailed description and fractional sizes on page 110. Tolerances on page 60. Tool diameter in millimeters with all other dimensions in inches. TOOL DIAMETER MAX. NO. LENGTH NON-FERR. CAST IRON STEEL SHANK OF TYPE 3414 TYPE 3424 TYPE 3434 DIAM. FLTS. FLT OAL EDP NO. EDP NO. EDP NO. mm INCH 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0 13.5 14.0 14.5 15.0 15.5 16.0 16.5 17.0 17.5 18.0 18.5 19.0 19.5 20.0 20.5 21.0 21.5 22.0 22.5 23.0 23.5 24.0 24.5 25.0 25.5 26.0 27.0 28.0 29.0 30.0 31.0 32.0 33.0 34.0 35.0 36.0 37.0 38.0 .1772 .1969 .2165 .2362 .2559 .2756 .2953 .3150 .3346 .3543 .3740 .3937 .4134 .4331 .4528 .4724 .4921 .5118 .5315 .5512 .5709 .5906 .6102 .6299 .6496 .6693 .6890 .7087 .7283 .7480 .7677 .7874 .8071 .8268 .8465 .8661 .8858 .9055 .9252 .9449 .9646 .9843 1.0039 1.0236 1.0630 1.1024 1.1417 1.1811 1.2205 1.2598 1.2992 1.3386 1.3780 1.4173 1.4567 1.4961 .1704 .1805 .2075 .2265 .2405 .2485 .2485 .2792 .2792 .2792 .3105 .3105 .3105 .3730 .3730 .3730 .4355 .4355 .4355 .4355 .4355 .4355 .4355 .5615 .5615 .5615 .5615 .5615 .5615 .6245 .6245 .6245 .6245 .6245 .6245 .6245 .7495 .7495 .7495 .7495 .7495 .7495 .8745 .8745 .8745 .8745 .8745 .9995 .9995 .9995 .9995 .9995 .9995 .9995 .9995 1.2495 1.2495 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 1 ¼* 5 1 ¼* 5 1 ¼* 5 1 ½* 6 1 ½* 6 1 ½* 6 1 ½* 6 1½ 6 1½ 6 1½ 6 1¾ 7 1¾ 7 1¾ 7 1¾ 7 1¾ 7 1¾ 7 2 8 2 8 2 8 2 8 2 8 2 8 2 8 2¼ 9 2¼ 9 2¼ 9 2¼ 9 2¼ 9 2¼ 9 2½ 9½ 2½ 9½ 2½ 9½ 2½ 9½ 2½ 9½ 2½ 9½ 2½ 9½ 2 5⁄8 10 2 5⁄8 10 2 5⁄8 10 2 5⁄8 10 2 5⁄8 10 2 5⁄8 10 2 ¾ 10 ½ 2 ¾ 10 ½ 2 ¾ 10 ½ 2 ¾ 10 ½ 2 7⁄8 11 2 7⁄8 11 2 7⁄8 11 3 11 ½ 3 11 ½ 3 11 ½ 3 ¼ 12 3 ¼ 12 3 ¼ 12 3 ½ 12 ½ 3 ½ 12 ½ Phone 941-739-2726 *½” carbide length. • 3414045 3414050 3414055 3414060 3414063 3414065 3414070 3414075 3414080 3414085 3414090 3414095 3414100 3414105 3414110 3414115 3414120 3414125 3414130 3414135 3414140 3414145 3414150 3414155 3414160 3414165 3414170 3414175 3414180 3414185 3414190 3414195 3414200 3414205 3414210 3414215 3414220 3414225 3414230 3414235 3414240 3414245 3414250 3414255 3414260 3414270 3414280 3414290 3414300 3414310 3414320 3414330 3414340 3414350 3414360 3414370 3414380 3424045 3424050 3424055 3424060 3424063 3424065 3424070 3424075 3424080 3424085 3424090 3424095 3424100 3424105 3424110 3424115 3424120 3424125 3424130 3424135 3424140 3424145 3424150 3424155 3424160 3424165 3424170 3424175 3424180 3424185 3424190 3424195 3424200 3424205 3424210 3424215 3424220 3424225 3424230 3424235 3424240 3424245 3424250 3424255 3424260 3424270 3424280 3424290 3424300 3424310 3424320 3424330 3424340 3424350 3424360 3424370 3424380 3434045 3434050 3434055 3434060 3434063 3434065 3434070 3434075 3434080 3434085 3434090 3434095 3434100 3434105 3434110 3434115 3434120 3434125 3434130 3434135 3434140 3434145 3434150 3434155 3434160 3434165 3434170 3434175 3434180 3434185 3434190 3434195 3434200 3434205 3434210 3434215 3434220 3434225 3434230 3434235 3434240 3434245 3434250 3434255 3434260 3434270 3434280 3434290 3434300 3434310 3434320 3434330 3434340 3434350 3434360 3434370 3434380 Fax 941-739-2827 ALL TYPES PRICE METRIC SIZE RANGE $161.40 161.40 161.40 161.40 170.45 170.45 179.10 179.10 180.45 182.15 182.15 182.70 184.35 184.35 185.90 187.85 187.85 191.70 191.70 194.20 197.85 197.85 201.40 221.25 221.25 225.50 225.50 234.60 234.60 234.60 241.10 241.10 241.10 248.80 248.80 248.80 284.90 284.90 284.90 286.05 286.05 286.05 293.65 293.65 293.65 303.25 323.70 323.70 327.80 336.80 336.80 349.80 349.80 360.30 371.75 371.75 4.494 - 4.696 4.697 - 5.182 5.183 - 5.613 5.614 - 6.045 6.046 - 6.426 6.427 - 7.214 7.215 - 8.001 8.002 - 8.814 8.815 - 9.601 9.602 - 10.389 10.390 - 11.201 11.202 - 11.989 11.990 - 12.776 12.777 - 13.564 13.565 - 14.376 14.377 - 15.164 15.165 - 15.951 15.952 - 16.739 16.740 - 17.551 17.552 - 18.339 18.340 - 19.126 19.127 - 19.914 19.915 - 20.726 20.727 - 21.514 21.515 - 22.301 22.302 - 23.089 23.090 - 23.901 23.902 - 24.689 24.690 - 25.476 25.477 - 27.076 27.077 - 28.651 28.652 - 30.239 30.240 - 31.826 31.827 - 33.414 33.415 - 35.001 35.002 - 36.589 36.590 - 38.176 - • PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO METRIC SIZE 1 PC. 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14 15+ $195.90 195.90 195.90 195.90 195.90 204.85 213.50 214.85 216.55 217.05 218.75 220.30 222.20 226.10 228.60 232.35 235.80 255.70 259.90 268.95 268.95 275.40 275.40 283.20 283.20 320.70 320.70 321.70 321.70 329.35 339.00 359.50 363.55 372.50 385.50 395.95 407.50 - $173.00 173.00 173.00 173.00 173.00 182.00 190.75 192.05 193.65 194.35 195.95 197.40 199.50 203.30 205.75 209.50 213.00 232.85 237.10 246.20 246.20 252.60 252.60 260.40 260.40 296.95 296.95 298.05 298.05 305.70 315.30 335.75 339.85 348.75 361.75 372.20 383.80 - $165.40 165.40 165.40 165.40 165.40 174.35 183.10 184.35 186.05 186.60 188.30 189.80 191.75 195.60 198.15 201.85 205.30 225.20 229.45 238.50 238.50 245.00 245.00 252.75 252.75 289.00 289.00 290.10 290.10 297.75 307.40 327.80 331.95 340.90 353.85 364.35 375.90 - $161.70 161.70 161.70 161.70 161.70 170.60 179.35 180.60 182.30 182.85 184.55 186.05 188.00 191.85 194.40 198.15 201.55 221.55 225.70 234.75 234.75 241.25 241.25 249.00 249.00 285.20 285.20 286.20 286.20 293.85 303.50 324.00 328.05 337.00 349.95 360.45 372.00 - $157.90 157.90 157.90 157.90 157.90 166.75 175.45 176.75 178.45 179.05 180.75 182.20 184.20 188.00 190.60 194.35 197.70 217.70 221.90 230.95 230.95 237.40 237.40 245.10 245.10 281.20 281.20 282.25 282.25 289.95 299.45 320.00 324.05 332.95 345.95 356.50 368.00 - $154.65 154.65 154.65 154.65 154.65 163.60 172.35 173.60 175.30 175.80 177.60 179.05 180.95 184.80 187.35 191.10 194.55 214.45 218.65 227.70 227.70 234.15 234.15 241.95 241.95 277.90 277.90 278.95 278.95 286.65 296.20 316.70 320.75 329.70 342.65 353.15 364.70 - $150.25 150.25 150.25 150.25 150.25 159.25 167.85 169.20 170.95 171.50 173.10 174.70 176.60 180.45 182.95 186.70 190.15 210.05 214.25 223.35 223.35 229.85 229.85 237.55 237.55 273.25 273.25 274.40 274.40 282.00 291.65 312.10 316.20 325.10 338.10 348.60 360.10 - w w w.lexingtoncutter.com • LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 111 CARBIDE TIPPED RIGHT SPIRAL FLUTE FED COOLANT REAMERS TYPE 3417 - STRAIGHT SHANK - RIGHT SPIRAL FLUTES - THROUGH HOLES - FOR NON-FERROUS TYPE 3418 - STRAIGHT SHANK - RIGHT SPIRAL FLUTES - THROUGH HOLES - FOR CAST IRON TYPE 3419 - STRAIGHT SHANK - RIGHT SPIRAL FLUTES - THROUGH HOLES - FOR STEEL Flute long carbide tips (.2841" tool diameter and larger) brazed to one piece hardened alloy steel bodies. Right spiral flutes. Coolant feeding hole in each flute for flushing chips forward through the hole being reamed. Tool geometry and carbide grade appropriate for material being machined. For reamer tolerances and closer tolerance pricing, see page 60. TOOL DIAMETER MAX. NO. LENGTH SHANK OF DECIMAL FRAC. DIAM. FLTS. FLT OAL .2500 .2812 .3125 .3438 .3750 .4062 .4375 .4688 .5000 .5312 .5625 .5938 .6250 .6562 .6875 .7188 .7500 .7812 .8125 .8438 .8750 .9062 .9375 .9688 1.0000 1.0625 1.1250 1.1875 1.2500 1.3125 1.3750 1.4375 1.5000 ¼ 9⁄32 5⁄16 11⁄32 3⁄8 13⁄32 7⁄16 15⁄32 ½ 17⁄32 9⁄16 19⁄32 5⁄8 21⁄32 11⁄16 23⁄32 ¾ 25⁄32 13⁄16 27⁄32 7⁄8 29⁄32 15⁄16 31⁄32 1 1 1⁄16 1 1⁄8 1 3⁄16 1¼ 1 5⁄16 1 3⁄8 1 7⁄16 1½ .2405 .2485 .2792 .2792 .3105 .3105 .3730 .3730 .4355 .4355 .4355 .4355 .5615 .5615 .5615 .5615 .6245 .6245 .6245 .6245 .7495 .7495 .7495 .7495 .8745 .8745 .8745 .9995 .9995 .9995 .9995 .9995 1.2495 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 1 ½* 1 ½* 1½ 1½ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 2 2 2 2 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2¾ 2¾ 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 3 3 3¼ 3¼ 3½ 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 10 10 10 10 10 ½ 10 ½ 11 11 11 ½ 11 ½ 12 12 12 ½ LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 112 Made in U.S.A. NON-FERR. CAST IRON TYPE 3417 TYPE 3418 EDP NO. EDP NO. 341708 341709 341710 341711 341712 341713 341714 341715 341716 341717 341718 341719 341720 341721 341722 341723 341724 341725 341726 341727 341728 341729 341730 341731 341732 341734 341736 341738 341740 341742 341744 341746 341748 • 341808 341809 341810 341811 341812 341813 341814 341815 341816 341817 341818 341819 341820 341821 341822 341823 341824 341825 341826 341827 341828 341829 341830 341831 341832 341834 341836 341838 341840 341842 341844 341846 341848 STEEL TYPE 3419 EDP NO. ALL TYPES PRICE DECIMAL SIZE RANGE 341908 $160.95 .2381 - .2530 341909 170.80 .2531 - .2840 341910 180.45 .2841 - .3150 341911 181.85 .3151 - .3470 341912 183.70 .3471 - .3780 341913 184.25 .3781 - .4090 341914 186.10 .4091 - .4410 341915 187.85 .4411 - .4720 341916 189.90 .4721 - .5030 341917 196.90 .5031 - .5340 341918 196.90 .5341 - .5660 341919 204.75 .5661 - .5970 341920 204.75 .5971 - .6280 341921 231.30 .6281 - .6590 341922 231.30 .6591 - .6910 341923 241.35 .6911 - .7220 341924 241.35 .7221 - .7530 341925 260.05 .7531 - .7840 341926 263.30 .7841 - .8160 341927 268.30 .8161 - .8470 341928 282.75 .8471 - .8780 341929 299.45 .8781 - .9090 341930 313.85 .9091 - .9410 341931 314.75 .9411 - .9720 341932 315.25 .9721 - 1.0030 341934 363.55 1.0031 - 1.0660 341936 365.15 1.0661 - 1.1280 341938 380.15 1.1281 - 1.1905 341940 385.15 1.1906 - 1.2530 341942 396.25 1.2531 - 1.3155 341944 412.25 1.3156 - 1.3780 341946 425.10 1.3781 - 1.4405 341948 439.40 1.4406 - 1.5030 [email protected] • PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE 1 PC. 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14** $206.70 216.55 226.15 227.55 229.45 230.00 231.90 233.60 235.65 242.60 242.60 250.50 250.50 277.00 277.00 287.10 287.10 305.75 309.00 314.00 330.15 346.90 361.35 362.20 362.70 410.95 412.50 427.55 432.60 443.70 459.75 472.60 486.85 $183.80 193.60 203.30 204.70 206.55 207.05 208.95 210.65 212.80 219.70 219.70 227.55 227.55 254.15 254.15 264.15 264.15 282.90 286.05 291.05 306.40 323.20 337.50 338.45 338.90 387.20 388.75 403.75 408.90 419.90 435.95 448.80 463.10 $176.20 185.95 195.60 197.00 198.80 199.50 201.30 202.95 205.15 212.05 212.05 219.85 219.85 246.45 246.45 256.60 256.60 275.25 278.40 283.35 298.40 315.25 329.55 330.45 330.90 379.25 380.80 395.85 400.85 411.90 427.90 440.85 455.10 $172.50 182.30 192.00 193.40 195.20 195.80 197.65 199.25 201.45 208.45 208.45 216.30 216.30 242.75 242.75 252.90 252.90 271.60 274.80 279.65 294.60 311.40 325.85 326.65 327.15 375.45 377.00 392.05 397.10 408.15 424.15 437.10 451.30 $168.60 178.40 188.00 189.40 191.25 191.85 193.65 195.35 197.55 204.40 204.40 212.25 212.25 238.90 238.90 249.00 249.00 267.70 270.85 275.75 290.55 307.40 321.70 322.60 323.10 371.40 372.95 388.00 393.00 404.10 420.15 433.05 447.25 $165.45 175.30 184.95 186.40 188.25 188.75 190.65 192.30 194.50 201.40 201.40 209.25 209.25 235.80 235.80 245.85 245.85 264.60 267.75 272.70 287.30 304.15 318.55 319.35 319.85 368.15 369.70 384.75 389.85 400.85 416.90 429.85 444.00 Phone 800-882-2627 • Fax 800-882-3637 *½” carbide length. **Quantities of 15 or more: price of fractional size in same size range. CARBIDE TIPPED RIGHT SPIRAL CENTER FED COOLANT REAMERS TYPE 3411 - STRAIGHT SHANK - RIGHT SPIRAL FLUTES - BLIND HOLES - FOR NON-FERROUS TYPE 3413 - STRAIGHT SHANK - RIGHT SPIRAL FLUTES - BLIND HOLES - FOR CAST IRON TYPE 3415 - STRAIGHT SHANK - RIGHT SPIRAL FLUTES - BLIND HOLES - FOR STEEL Flute long carbide tips (.2841" tool diameter and larger) brazed to one piece hardened alloy steel bodies. Right spiral flutes. Full length center coolant feeding hole for flushing chips back towards shank. Tool geometry and carbide grade appropriate for material being machined. For longer overall length reamers see page 121. For reamer tolerances and closer tolerance pricing, see page 60. TOOL DIAMETER MAX. NO. LENGTH SHANK OF DIAM. FLTS. FLT OAL DECIMAL FRAC. .2500 .2812 .3125 .3438 .3750 .4062 .4375 .4688 .5000 .5312 .5625 .5938 .6250 .6562 .6875 .7188 .7500 .7812 .8125 .8438 .8750 .9062 .9375 .9688 1.0000 1.0625 1.1250 1.1875 1.2500 1.3125 1.3750 1.4375 1.5000 ¼ 9⁄32 5⁄16 11⁄32 3⁄8 13⁄32 7⁄16 15⁄32 ½ 17⁄32 9⁄16 19⁄32 5⁄8 21⁄32 11⁄16 23⁄32 ¾ 25⁄32 13⁄16 27⁄32 7⁄8 29⁄32 15⁄16 31⁄32 1 1 1⁄16 1 1⁄8 1 3⁄16 1¼ 1 5⁄16 1 3⁄8 1 7⁄16 1½ .2405 .2485 .2792 .2792 .3105 .3105 .3730 .3730 .4355 .4355 .4355 .4355 .5615 .5615 .5615 .5615 .6245 .6245 .6245 .6245 .7495 .7495 .7495 .7495 .8745 .8745 .8745 .9995 .9995 .9995 .9995 .9995 1.2495 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 1 ½* 6 1 ½* 6 1½ 6 1½ 6 1¾ 7 1¾ 7 1¾ 7 1¾ 7 2 8 2 8 2 8 2 8 2¼ 9 2¼ 9 2¼ 9 2¼ 9 2½ 9½ 2½ 9½ 2½ 9½ 2½ 9½ 2 5⁄8 10 2 5⁄8 10 2 5⁄8 10 2 5⁄8 10 2 ¾ 10 ½ 2 ¾ 10 ½ 2 7⁄8 11 2 7⁄8 11 3 11 ½ 3 11 ½ 3 ¼ 12 3 ¼ 12 3 ½ 12 ½ Phone 941-739-2726 • NON-FERR. CAST IRON TYPE 3411 TYPE 3413 EDP NO. EDP NO. 341108 341109 341110 341111 341112 341113 341114 341115 341116 341117 341118 341119 341120 341121 341122 341123 341124 341125 341126 341127 341128 341129 341130 341131 341132 341134 341136 341138 341140 341142 341144 341146 341148 341308 341309 341310 341311 341312 341313 341314 341315 341316 341317 341318 341319 341320 341321 341322 341323 341324 341325 341326 341327 341328 341329 341330 341331 341332 341334 341336 341338 341340 341342 341344 341346 341348 STEEL TYPE 3415 EDP NO. ALL TYPES PRICE DECIMAL SIZE RANGE 341508 $150.30 .2381 - .2530 341509 153.70 .2531 - .2840 341510 168.45 .2841 - .3150 341511 169.70 .3151 - .3470 341512 171.50 .3471 - .3780 341513 172.00 .3781 - .4090 341514 173.75 .4091 - .4410 341515 175.30 .4411 - .4720 341516 182.05 .4721 - .5030 341517 188.65 .5031 - .5340 341518 188.65 .5341 - .5660 341519 196.15 .5661 - .5970 341520 196.15 .5971 - .6280 341521 221.70 .6281 - .6590 341522 221.70 .6591 - .6910 341523 231.30 .6911 - .7220 341524 217.25 .7221 - .7530 341525 249.25 .7531 - .7840 341526 252.25 .7841 - .8160 341527 257.05 .8161 - .8470 341528 270.90 .8471 - .8780 341529 287.00 .8781 - .9090 341530 300.75 .9091 - .9410 341531 301.65 .9411 - .9720 341532 302.10 .9721 - 1.0030 341534 310.55 1.0031 - 1.0660 341536 321.25 1.0661 - 1.1280 341538 344.20 1.1281 - 1.1905 341540 348.60 1.1906 - 1.2530 341542 358.75 1.2531 - 1.3155 341544 373.30 1.3156 - 1.3780 341546 384.90 1.3781 - 1.4405 341548 397.95 1.4406 - 1.5030 Fax 941-739-2827 • PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE 1 PC. 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14** $192.95 194.85 211.10 212.40 214.10 214.60 216.45 218.00 225.85 232.50 232.50 240.05 240.05 265.40 265.40 275.20 258.45 293.10 296.15 300.90 316.35 332.45 346.25 347.05 347.60 355.95 366.85 389.70 394.10 404.20 418.80 430.35 443.35 $171.55 174.25 189.70 191.05 192.70 193.30 195.00 196.55 203.90 210.50 210.50 218.05 218.05 243.60 243.60 253.20 237.75 271.15 274.15 278.95 293.65 309.75 323.45 324.30 324.80 333.25 344.00 366.90 371.30 381.40 396.00 407.65 420.65 $164.40 167.35 182.55 183.90 185.60 186.10 187.85 189.50 196.55 203.15 203.15 210.70 210.70 236.15 236.15 245.85 230.95 263.80 266.80 271.60 286.00 302.10 315.90 316.70 317.15 325.60 336.40 359.25 363.75 373.75 388.35 400.00 413.00 $160.95 164.05 179.10 180.45 182.20 182.70 184.50 186.05 193.10 199.70 199.70 207.25 207.25 232.70 232.70 242.40 227.55 260.25 263.35 268.05 282.40 298.50 312.25 313.05 313.55 321.95 332.80 355.65 360.10 370.15 384.75 396.30 409.30 $157.30 160.60 175.45 176.75 178.60 179.05 180.80 182.35 189.35 195.95 195.95 203.50 203.50 228.90 228.90 238.60 224.10 256.50 259.60 264.30 278.40 294.50 308.25 309.15 309.65 318.05 328.90 351.70 356.25 366.25 380.80 392.40 405.45 $154.40 157.75 172.60 173.90 175.65 176.20 177.95 179.50 186.40 193.00 193.00 200.50 200.50 225.95 225.95 235.55 221.25 253.50 256.65 261.35 275.40 291.50 305.15 306.15 306.55 315.00 325.85 348.60 353.15 363.15 377.70 389.40 402.40 w w w.lexingtoncutter.com *½” carbide length. **Quantities of 15 or more: price of fractional size in same size range. • LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 113 CARBIDE TIPPED LEFT SPIRAL COOLANT REAMERS TYPE 3427 - STRAIGHT SHANK - LEFT SPIRAL FLUTES - THROUGH HOLES - FOR NON-FERROUS TYPE 3428 - STRAIGHT SHANK - LEFT SPIRAL FLUTES - THROUGH HOLES - FOR CAST IRON TYPE 3429 - STRAIGHT SHANK - LEFT SPIRAL FLUTES - THROUGH HOLES - FOR STEEL Flute long carbide tips (.2841" tool diameter and larger) brazed to one piece hardened alloy steel bodies. Left spiral flutes. Coolant feeding hole in each flute for flushing chips forward through the hole being reamed. Tool geometry and carbide grade appropriate for material being machined. For longer overall length reamers, see page 123. For reamer tolerances and closer tolerance pricing, see page 60. TOOL DIAMETER MAX. NO. LENGTH SHANK OF DECIMAL FRAC. DIAM. FLTS. FLT OAL .2500 .2812 .3125 .3438 .3750 .4062 .4375 .4688 .5000 .5312 .5625 .5938 .6250 .6562 .6875 .7188 .7500 .7812 .8125 .8438 .8750 .9062 .9375 .9688 1.0000 1.0625 1.1250 1.1875 1.2500 1.3125 1.3750 1.4375 1.5000 ¼ 9⁄32 5⁄16 11⁄32 3⁄8 13⁄32 7⁄16 15⁄32 ½ 17⁄32 9⁄16 19⁄32 5⁄8 21⁄32 11⁄16 23⁄32 ¾ 25⁄32 13⁄16 27⁄32 7⁄8 29⁄32 15⁄16 31⁄32 1 1 1⁄16 1 1⁄8 1 3⁄16 1¼ 1 5⁄16 1 3⁄8 1 7⁄16 1½ .2405 .2485 .2792 .2792 .3105 .3105 .3730 .3730 .4355 .4355 .4355 .4355 .5615 .5615 .5615 .5615 .6245 .6245 .6245 .6245 .7495 .7495 .7495 .7495 .8745 .8745 .8745 .9995 .9995 .9995 .9995 .9995 1.2495 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 1 ½* 1 ½* 1½ 1½ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 2 2 2 2 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2¾ 2¾ 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 3 3 3¼ 3¼ 3½ 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 10 10 10 10 10 ½ 10 ½ 11 11 11 ½ 11 ½ 12 12 12 ½ LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 114 Made in U.S.A. NON-FERR. CAST IRON TYPE 3427 TYPE 3428 EDP NO. EDP NO. 342708 342709 342710 342711 342712 342713 342714 342715 342716 342717 342718 342719 342720 342721 342722 342723 342724 342725 342726 342727 342728 342729 342730 342731 342732 342734 342736 342738 342740 342742 342744 342746 342748 • 342808 342809 342810 342811 342812 342813 342814 342815 342816 342817 342818 342819 342820 342821 342822 342823 342824 342825 342826 342827 342828 342829 342830 342831 342832 342834 342836 342838 342840 342842 342844 342846 342848 STEEL TYPE 3429 EDP NO. ALL TYPES PRICE DECIMAL SIZE RANGE 342908 $186.10 .2381 - .2530 342909 197.40 .2531 - .2840 342910 208.60 .2841 - .3150 342911 210.20 .3151 - .3470 342912 212.25 .3471 - .3780 342913 213.15 .3781 - .4090 342914 215.20 .4091 - .4410 342915 217.05 .4411 - .4720 342916 219.85 .4721 - .5030 342917 224.45 .5031 - .5340 342918 227.70 .5341 - .5660 342919 232.50 .5661 - .5970 342920 236.80 .5971 - .6280 342921 262.25 .6281 - .6590 342922 267.55 .6591 - .6910 342923 273.25 .6911 - .7220 342924 279.10 .7221 - .7530 342925 283.85 .7531 - .7840 342926 287.30 .7841 - .8160 342927 292.55 .8161 - .8470 342928 308.40 .8471 - .8780 342929 326.55 .8781 - .9090 342930 342.50 .9091 - .9410 342931 343.40 .9411 - .9720 342932 343.85 .9721 - 1.0030 342934 363.55 1.0031 - 1.0660 342936 365.15 1.0661 - 1.1280 342938 380.15 1.1281 - 1.1905 342940 385.15 1.1906 - 1.2530 342942 396.25 1.2531 - 1.3155 342944 412.25 1.3156 - 1.3780 342946 425.10 1.3781 - 1.4405 342948 439.40 1.4406 - 1.5030 [email protected] • PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE 1 PC. 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14** $231.90 243.15 254.30 255.85 258.05 258.85 260.90 262.75 265.65 270.20 273.50 278.20 282.55 307.95 313.25 319.00 324.80 329.55 332.95 338.30 355.90 374.05 389.90 390.80 391.30 410.95 412.50 427.55 432.60 443.70 459.75 472.60 486.85 $208.95 220.30 231.40 232.90 235.15 236.00 238.00 239.90 242.70 247.25 250.55 255.35 259.60 285.10 290.40 296.05 301.95 306.65 310.10 315.40 332.15 350.25 366.20 367.05 367.55 387.20 388.75 403.75 408.90 419.90 435.95 448.80 463.10 $201.30 212.65 223.75 225.35 227.50 228.30 230.35 232.25 235.05 239.70 242.90 247.70 251.95 277.40 282.75 288.40 294.20 299.00 302.45 307.65 324.15 342.30 358.15 359.05 359.55 379.25 380.80 395.85 400.85 411.90 427.90 440.85 455.10 $197.65 208.95 220.05 221.70 223.80 224.70 226.75 228.60 231.40 236.00 239.25 244.00 248.30 273.80 279.10 284.75 290.60 295.30 298.80 304.00 320.30 338.55 354.40 355.25 355.75 375.45 377.00 392.05 397.10 408.15 424.15 437.10 451.30 $193.65 205.05 216.10 217.80 219.85 220.70 222.85 224.70 227.50 232.05 235.25 240.10 244.40 269.80 275.20 280.85 286.65 291.35 294.90 300.10 316.25 334.40 350.30 351.20 351.70 371.40 372.95 388.00 393.00 404.10 420.15 433.05 447.25 $190.65 202.00 213.10 214.60 216.80 217.70 219.70 221.60 224.40 228.95 232.25 237.05 241.30 266.75 272.10 277.75 283.55 288.35 291.80 297.00 313.05 331.25 347.15 347.95 348.45 368.15 369.70 384.75 389.85 400.85 416.90 429.85 444.00 Phone 800-882-2627 • Fax 800-882-3637 *½” carbide length. **Quantities of 15 or more: price of fractional size in same size range. CARBIDE TIPPED COOLANT REAMERS TYPE 3490 - RIGHT SPIRAL FLUTE LONG CARBIDE Flute long carbide tips brazed to one piece hardened alloy steel bodies. Similar to Barber-Colman/Metcut OFC reamer. Full length coolant hole. Right spiral polished flutes: 2° to 5°. Positive face rake angles (behind center). Shank cross hole for use in floating holder. Designed and manufactured to cut smooth accurate holes and maximize tool life. Tool diameter tolerance: +.0003"/-.0000". For closer tolerance pricing, see page 60. TOOL DIAMETER DECIMAL FRAC. .3750 .4062 .4375 .4688 .5000 .5625 .6250 .6875 .7500 .8125 .8750 .9375 1.0000 1.0625 1.1250 1.1875 1.2500 1.3125 1.3750 1.4375 1.5000 1.5625 1.6250 1.6875 1.7500 1.8125 1.8750 1.9375 2.0000 3⁄8 13⁄32 7⁄16 15⁄32 ½ 9⁄16 5⁄8 11⁄16 ¾ 13⁄16 7⁄8 15⁄16 1 1 1⁄16 1 1⁄8 1 3⁄16 1¼ 1 5⁄16 1 3⁄8 1 7⁄16 1½ 1 9⁄16 1 5⁄8 1 11⁄16 1¾ 1 13⁄16 1 7⁄8 1 15⁄16 2 SHANK SHANK DIAM. LEN. 3⁄8 3⁄8 3⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 NO. OF FLUTES ¾ ¾ ¾ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ Phone 941-739-2726 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 LENGTH FLT OAL ½ ½ ½ 5⁄8 5⁄8 ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ 7⁄8 7⁄8 2½ 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 3½ 3½ 3¾ 3¾ 4¼ 4¼ 4¾ 4¾ 5½ 5½ 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 1 1 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ • EDP NO. PRICE EACH 349012 349013 349014 349015 349016 349018 349020 349022 349024 349026 349028 349030 349032 349034 349036 349038 349040 349042 349044 349046 349048 349050 349052 349054 349056 349058 349060 349062 349064 $142.15 144.30 144.30 148.20 148.20 162.00 162.00 179.70 179.70 189.55 196.70 235.80 235.80 260.90 260.90 267.40 267.40 286.70 286.70 305.90 305.90 320.85 320.85 340.15 340.15 357.20 357.20 374.35 374.35 Fax 941-739-2827 *Quantities of 15 or more: price of fractional size in same size range. DECIMAL SIZE RANGE • PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE 1 PC. .3181 - .3800 $229.85 .3801 - .4090 231.90 .4091 - .4410 231.90 .4411 - .4720 235.85 .4721 - .5050 235.85 .5051 - .5660 249.60 .5661 - .6300 249.60 .6301 - .6910 267.40 .6911 - .7550 267.40 .7551 - .8160 277.15 .8161 - .8800 287.70 .8801 - .9410 326.70 .9411 - 1.0050 326.70 1.0051 - 1.0660 355.75 1.0661 - 1.1300 355.75 1.1301 - 1.1900 362.30 1.1901 - 1.2550 362.30 1.2551 - 1.3155 381.60 1.3156 - 1.3800 381.60 1.3801 - 1.4405 400.80 1.4406 - 1.5050 400.80 1.5051 - 1.5660 415.70 1.5661 - 1.6300 415.70 1.6301 - 1.6910 435.05 1.6911 - 1.7550 435.05 1.7551 - 1.8160 452.10 1.8161 - 1.8800 452.10 1.8801 - 1.9410 469.15 1.9411 - 2.0150 469.15 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14* $185.90 188.00 188.00 191.90 191.90 205.65 205.65 223.45 223.45 233.35 242.10 281.20 281.20 308.20 308.20 314.75 314.75 334.05 334.05 353.25 353.25 368.15 368.15 387.50 387.50 404.55 404.55 421.60 421.60 $171.25 173.25 173.25 177.30 177.30 191.05 191.05 208.80 208.80 218.60 226.90 265.90 265.90 292.40 292.40 298.85 298.85 318.10 318.10 337.30 337.30 352.30 352.30 371.60 371.60 388.65 388.65 405.70 405.70 $164.20 166.25 166.25 170.25 170.25 184.05 184.05 201.75 201.75 211.60 219.60 258.65 258.65 284.75 284.75 291.20 291.20 310.55 310.55 329.80 329.80 344.70 344.70 363.95 363.95 381.10 381.10 398.20 398.20 $156.70 158.75 158.75 162.65 162.65 176.55 176.55 194.25 194.25 204.10 211.85 250.85 250.85 276.60 276.60 283.10 283.10 302.40 302.40 321.65 321.65 336.55 336.55 355.90 355.90 372.95 372.95 390.00 390.00 $150.75 152.90 152.90 156.80 156.80 170.60 170.60 188.30 188.30 198.25 205.65 244.75 244.75 270.20 270.20 276.65 276.65 296.00 296.00 315.25 315.25 330.15 330.15 349.40 349.40 366.55 366.55 383.65 383.65 w w w.lexingtoncutter.com • LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 115 CARBIDE TIPPED LEFT SPIRAL SHELL REAMERS TYPE 3441 - LEFT SPIRAL FLUTES Carbide tips brazed to one piece hardened alloy steel bodies. Similar to type 3431 on page 117 except with left spiral flutes for use onn thru holes only. Left spiral flutes should only be used on through holes es and very hard materials. Finishes are much better as spiral flutes tend to bridge ridge interruptions such as keyways, slots or intersecting holes. Arbor hole tapered 1⁄8" per foot with drive slots. Tool diameter tolerance thru 1": +.0001"/+.0005". over 1": +.0002"/+.0006". TOOL DIAMETER HOLE FITS NO. DIAM. ARBOR OF DECIMAL FRAC. LG. END NO. FLTS. .7500 .7812 .8125 .8750 .9375 1.0000 1.0625 1.1250 1.1875 1.2500 1.3125 1.3750 1.4375 1.5000 1.5625 1.6250 1.6875 1.7500 1.8125 1.8750 1.9375 2.0000 2.0625 2.1250 2.1875 2.2500 2.3125 2.3750 2.4375 2.5000 2.5625 2.6250 ¾ 25⁄32 13⁄16 7⁄8 15⁄16 1 1 1⁄16 1 1⁄8 1 3⁄16 1¼ 1 5⁄16 1 3⁄8 1 7⁄16 1½ 1 9⁄16 1 5⁄8 1 11⁄16 1¾ 1 13⁄16 1 7⁄8 1 15⁄16 2 2 1⁄16 2 1⁄8 2 3⁄16 2¼ 2 5⁄16 2 3⁄8 2 7⁄16 2½ 2 9⁄16 2 5⁄8 3⁄8 3⁄8 ½ ½ ½ ½ 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1½ 1½ 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 14 14 LENGTH FLT CARB OAL 1¾ 1¾ 1 15⁄16 1 15⁄16 1 15⁄16 1 15⁄16 2 1⁄8 2 1⁄8 2 1⁄8 2 1⁄8 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 3 1⁄8 3 1⁄8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 2¼ 2¼ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 3 3 3 3 3 3 3½ 3½ 3½ 3½ 3½ 3½ 3¾ 3¾ 3¾ 3¾ 3¾ 3¾ 3¾ 3¾ 4 4 EDP NO. PRICE EACH DECIMAL SIZE RANGE PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL AL SIZE 1 PC. 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14* 344124 $275.05 .7221 - .7530 $362.65 $318.85 $304.05 $297.10 $289.60 $283.65 344125 280.35 .7531 - .7840 367.95 324.15 309.35 302.40 294.90 289.00 344126 280.35 .7841 - .8160 367.95 324.15 309.35 302.40 294.90 289.00 344128 313.50 .8161 - .8780 404.30 358.85 343.55 336.35 328.45 322.35 344130 313.50 .8781 - .9410 404.30 358.85 343.55 336.35 328.45 322.35 344132 319.05 .9411 - 1.0030 409.90 364.40 349.10 341.90 334.05 327.95 344134 329.00 1.0031 - 1.0660 419.85 374.35 359.05 351.85 344.00 337.90 344136 335.80 1.0661 - 1.1280 426.75 381.15 365.95 358.75 350.90 344.70 344138 341.40 1.1281 - 1.1905 432.40 386.75 371.45 364.35 356.50 350.30 344140 363.75 1.1906 - 1.2530 454.65 409.10 393.80 386.60 378.80 372.65 344142 369.40 1.2531 - 1.3155 460.35 414.75 399.55 392.25 384.40 378.30 344144 380.60 1.3156 - 1.3780 471.50 425.95 410.70 403.45 395.60 389.50 344146 391.75 1.3781 - 1.4405 482.65 437.10 421.90 414.60 406.75 400.60 344148 408.50 1.4406 - 1.5030 499.50 453.85 438.70 431.45 423.60 417.50 344150 473.05 1.5031 - 1.5660 568.00 520.45 504.50 496.95 488.85 482.40 344152 496.35 1.5661 - 1.6280 591.25 543.75 527.80 520.15 512.05 505.60 344154 537.15 1.6281 - 1.6910 632.10 584.55 568.60 561.10 552.95 546.55 344156 537.15 1.6911 - 1.7530 632.10 584.55 568.60 561.10 552.95 546.55 344158 577.70 1.7531 - 1.8160 672.50 624.95 609.10 601.50 593.35 586.95 344160 577.70 1.8161 - 1.8780 672.50 624.95 609.10 601.50 593.35 586.95 344162 619.00 1.8781 - 1.9410 713.90 666.35 650.50 642.85 634.65 628.30 344164 619.00 1.9411 - 2.0030 713.90 666.35 650.50 642.85 634.65 628.30 344166 665.60 2.0031 - 2.0660 760.60 713.00 697.05 689.50 681.40 674.95 344168 665.60 2.0661 - 2.1280 760.60 713.00 697.05 689.50 681.40 674.95 344170 724.10 2.1281 - 2.1905 818.95 771.40 755.45 747.95 739.80 733.40 344172 724.10 2.1906 - 2.2530 818.95 771.40 755.45 747.95 739.80 733.40 344174 765.00 2.2531 - 2.3155 859.95 812.40 796.45 788.90 780.70 774.30 344176 765.00 2.3156 - 2.3780 859.95 812.40 796.45 788.90 780.70 774.30 344178 805.85 2.3781 - 2.4405 900.75 853.20 837.30 829.65 821.60 815.10 344180 805.85 2.4406 - 2.5030 900.75 853.20 837.30 829.65 821.60 815.10 344182 884.65 2.5031 - 2.5660 979.45 932.00 916.05 908.55 900.40 894.00 344184 917.50 2.5661 - 2.6280 1012.40 964.85 948.95 941.40 933.25 926.85 *Qu *Quantities of 15 or more: price of fractional size in same size range. SHELL REAMER ARBORS TYPE 3481 -SHELL REAMER ARBORS STRAIGHT SHANK HANK Hardened and ground steel bodies. Shell reamer arbors for types 3441 and 3431. STRAIGHT SHANK ARBOR NO. FITS REAMER TOOL DIAM. OAL 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 .7221 - .7840 .7841 - 1.0030 1.0031 - 1.2530 1.2531 - 1.6280 1.6281 - 2.0030 2.0031 - 2.5030 2.5031 - 3.0030 9 9½ 10 11 12 13 14 SHANK DIAM. ½ 5⁄8 ¾ 7⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 3⁄8 1 5⁄8 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 116 Made in U.S.A. • TAPER SHANK TYPE 3481 EDP NO. PRICE EACH 348104 348105 348106 348107 348108 348109 348110 $134.35 149.85 165.45 180.95 201.60 243.00 315.85 TAPER TYPE 3481 SHANK NO. EDP NO. 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 348114 348115 348116 348117 348118 348119 348120 [email protected] • PRICE EACH $160.25 191.25 206.75 227.50 253.35 284.35 360.75 TAPER SHANK ANK Phone 800-882-2627 • Fax 800-882-3637 CARBIDE TIPPED SHELL REAMERS TYPE 3431 - STRAIGHT FLUTES Carbide tips brazed to one piece hardened alloy steel bodies. Straight polished flutes. Shell reamers are used with an arbor which is tapered to fit the hole in the reamer. Drive slot in the reamer engage lugs on the arbor to supplement the rotational drive from the tapered arbor. The space between the reamer’s drive end and the arbor collar permits easy removal of the shell reamer by prying. For shell reamer arbors (straight or taper shank), see page 116. Arbor hole tapered 1⁄8" per foot with drive slots. Tool diameter tolerance thru 1": +.0001"/+.0005". over 1": +.0002"/+.0006". TOOL DIAMETER HOLE FITS NO. DIAM. ARBOR OF DECIMAL FRAC. LG. END NO. FLTS. .7500 .7812 .8125 .8750 .9375 1.0000 1.0625 1.1250 1.1875 1.2500 1.3125 1.3750 1.4375 1.5000 1.5625 1.6250 1.6875 1.7500 1.8125 1.8750 1.9375 2.0000 2.0625 2.1250 2.1875 2.2500 2.3125 2.3750 2.4375 2.5000 2.5625 2.6250 2.6875 2.7500 2.8125 2.8750 2.9375 3.0000 ¾ 25⁄32 13⁄16 7⁄8 15⁄16 1 1 1⁄16 1 1⁄8 1 3⁄16 1¼ 1 5⁄16 1 3⁄8 1 7⁄16 1½ 1 9⁄16 1 5⁄8 1 11⁄16 1¾ 1 13⁄16 1 7⁄8 1 15⁄16 2 2 1⁄16 2 1⁄8 2 3⁄16 2¼ 2 5⁄16 2 3⁄8 2 7⁄16 2½ 2 9⁄16 2 5⁄8 2 11⁄16 2¾ 2 13⁄16 2 7⁄8 2 15⁄16 3 3⁄8 3⁄8 ½ ½ ½ ½ 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Phone 941-739-2726 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 • LENGTH FLT CARB OAL 1¾ 1¾ 1 15⁄16 1 15⁄16 1 15⁄16 1 15⁄16 2 1⁄8 2 1⁄8 2 1⁄8 2 1⁄8 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 3 1⁄8 3 1⁄8 3 1⁄8 3 1⁄8 3 1⁄8 3 1⁄8 3 1⁄8 3 1⁄8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 2¼ 2¼ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 3 3 3 3 3 3 3½ 3½ 3½ 3½ 3½ 3½ 3¾ 3¾ 3¾ 3¾ 3¾ 3¾ 3¾ 3¾ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 EDP NO. DECIMAL SIZE RANGE PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE 1 PC. 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14* 343124 $211.60 .7221 - .7530 $299.20 $255.40 $240.65 $233.65 $226.15 $220.30 343125 215.70 .7531 - .7840 303.40 259.45 244.85 237.75 230.30 224.40 343126 215.70 .7841 - .8160 303.40 259.45 244.85 237.75 230.30 224.40 343128 241.10 .8161 - .8780 332.05 286.45 271.20 264.00 256.15 249.95 343130 241.10 .8781 - .9410 332.05 286.45 271.20 264.00 256.15 249.95 343132 245.50 .9411 - 1.0030 336.40 290.85 275.60 268.35 260.50 254.40 343134 254.00 1.0031 - 1.0660 344.95 299.35 284.10 276.95 269.10 262.90 343136 258.30 1.0661 - 1.1280 349.20 303.70 288.40 281.20 273.35 267.25 343138 262.70 1.1281 - 1.1905 353.55 308.05 292.75 285.55 277.70 271.60 343140 279.90 1.1906 - 1.2530 370.80 325.25 309.95 302.65 294.95 288.80 343142 284.10 1.2531 - 1.3155 375.05 329.55 314.30 307.00 299.20 293.10 343144 292.70 1.3156 - 1.3780 383.65 338.05 322.80 315.55 307.75 301.65 343146 301.35 1.3781 - 1.4405 392.25 346.70 331.50 324.20 316.35 310.30 343148 314.30 1.4406 - 1.5030 405.20 359.65 344.40 337.15 329.30 323.20 343150 363.80 1.5031 - 1.5660 458.70 411.25 395.30 387.65 379.50 373.10 343152 381.75 1.5661 - 1.6280 476.70 429.15 413.20 405.65 397.50 391.10 343154 413.30 1.6281 - 1.6910 508.25 460.70 444.75 437.20 429.00 422.60 343156 413.30 1.6911 - 1.7530 508.25 460.70 444.75 437.20 429.00 422.60 343158 444.70 1.7531 - 1.8160 539.50 492.00 476.05 468.50 460.35 453.95 343160 444.70 1.8161 - 1.8780 539.50 492.00 476.05 468.50 460.35 453.95 343162 476.20 1.8781 - 1.9410 571.00 523.45 507.60 500.10 491.85 485.55 343164 476.20 1.9411 - 2.0030 571.00 523.45 507.60 500.10 491.85 485.55 343166 512.05 2.0031 - 2.0660 606.95 559.40 543.45 535.95 527.80 521.40 343168 512.05 2.0661 - 2.1280 606.95 559.40 543.45 535.95 527.80 521.40 343170 557.00 2.1281 - 2.1905 651.85 604.30 588.45 580.80 572.70 566.25 343172 557.00 2.1906 - 2.2530 651.85 604.30 588.45 580.80 572.70 566.25 343174 588.45 2.2531 - 2.3155 683.35 635.80 619.90 612.25 604.10 597.70 343176 588.45 2.3156 - 2.3780 683.35 635.80 619.90 612.25 604.10 597.70 343178 619.95 2.3781 - 2.4405 714.85 667.30 651.45 643.80 635.65 629.25 343180 619.95 2.4406 - 2.5030 714.85 667.30 651.45 643.80 635.65 629.25 343182 680.55 2.5031 - 2.5660 775.35 727.80 712.00 704.35 696.20 689.80 343184 705.75 2.5661 - 2.6280 800.55 753.00 737.20 729.55 721.40 715.00 343186 733.15 2.6281 - 2.6910 828.05 780.50 764.60 757.05 748.90 742.50 343188 758.60 2.6911 - 2.7530 853.50 805.95 790.05 782.50 774.30 767.95 343190 785.25 2.7531 - 2.8160 880.15 832.60 816.75 809.15 801.00 794.60 343192 816.75 2.8161 - 2.8780 911.55 864.05 848.10 840.60 832.45 826.05 343194 848.25 2.8781 - 2.9410 943.15 895.60 879.65 872.15 864.00 857.60 343196 879.80 2.9411 - 3.0030 974.60 927.15 911.20 903.70 895.50 889.15 Fax 941-739-2827 *Quantities of 15 or more: price of fractional size in same size range. PRICE EACH • w w w.lexingtoncutter.com • LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 117 CARBIDE TIPPED VARIABLE LENGTH REAMERS TYPE 3457EL - STRAIGHT SHANK - STRAIGHT FLUTE LONG CARBIDE - FOR NON-FERROUS TYPE 3458EL - STRAIGHT SHANK - STRAIGHT FLUTE LONG CARBIDE - FOR CAST IRON TYPE 3459EL - STRAIGHT SHANK - STRAIGHT FLUTE LONG CARBIDE - FOR STEEL Same as types 3457, 3458, and 3459 on page 94 except with variable overall lengths. When ordering, specify desired length within overall length range. Eliminates need to special order reamers, saving time and money. These reamers have a controlled shank. For reamer tolerances and closer tolerance pricing, see page 60. DECIMAL SIZE RANGE .1121 - .1280 * .1281 - .1435 * .1436 - .1590 * .1591 - .1750 * .1751 - .1910 * .1911 - .2210 * .2211 - .2530 * .2531 - .2840 * .2841 - .3150 .3151 - .3470 .3471 - .3780 .3781 - .4090 .4091 - .4410 .4411 - .4720 .4721 - .5030 .5031 - .5340 .5341 - .5660 .5661 - .5970 .5971 - .6280 .6281 - .6590 .6591 - .6910 .6911 - .7220 .7221 - .7530 .7531 - .7840 .7841 - .8160 .8161 - .8470 .8471 - .8780 .8781 - .9090 .9091 - .9410 .9411 - .9720 .9721 - 1.0030 SHANK DIAMETER NO. OF FLUTES FLUTE LENGTH NON-FERR. TYPE 3457EL EDP NO. CAST IRON TYPE 3458EL EDP NO. STEEL TYPE 3459EL EDP NO. .1099 .1255 .1411 .1567 .1724 .1880 .2193 .2505 .2792 .2792 .3105 .3105 .3730 .3730 .4355 .4355 .4355 .4355 .5615 .5615 .5615 .5615 .6245 .6245 .6245 .6245 .7495 .7495 .7495 .7495 .8745 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 2 2 2 2 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2¾ 345704EL 3457045EL 345705EL 3457055EL 345706EL 345707EL 345708EL 345709EL 345710EL 345711EL 345712EL 345713EL 345714EL 345715EL 345716EL 345717EL 345718EL 345719EL 345720EL 345721EL 345722EL 345723EL 345724EL 345725EL 345726EL 345727EL 345728EL 345729EL 345730EL 345731EL 345732EL 345804EL 3458045EL 345805EL 3458055EL 345806EL 345807EL 345808EL 345809EL 345810EL 345811EL 345812EL 345813EL 345814EL 345815EL 345816EL 345817EL 345818EL 345819EL 345820EL 345821EL 345822EL 345823EL 345824EL 345825EL 345826EL 345827EL 345828EL 345829EL 345830EL 345831EL 345832EL 345904EL 3459045EL 345905EL 3459055EL 345906EL 345907EL 345908EL 345909EL 345910EL 345911EL 345912EL 345913EL 345914EL 345915EL 345916EL 345917EL 345918EL 345919EL 345920EL 345921EL 345922EL 345923EL 345924EL 345925EL 345926EL 345927EL 345928EL 345929EL 345930EL 345931EL 345932EL LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 118 Made in U.S.A. • OVERALL LENGTH RANGE PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE 1 PC. 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14 2 9⁄32 - 6 $307.25 $269.00 $256.20 $250.20 $243.65 $238.50 2 17⁄32 - 6 ½ 308.25 270.10 257.30 251.20 244.70 239.60 2 17⁄32 - 7 313.35 275.20 262.40 256.30 249.75 244.60 2 25⁄32 - 8 319.30 281.05 268.35 262.25 255.70 250.55 4 17⁄32 - 9 327.75 289.60 276.80 270.75 264.15 259.00 5 1⁄32 - 10 338.85 300.70 287.90 281.80 275.25 270.10 6 1⁄32 - 12 360.75 322.50 309.80 303.70 297.15 292.00 6 1⁄32 - 12 379.50 341.35 328.55 322.45 315.90 310.75 6 1⁄32 - 12 269.30 231.15 218.35 212.25 205.75 200.65 6 1⁄32 - 12 269.30 231.15 218.35 212.25 205.75 200.65 7 1⁄32 - 14 278.10 240.00 227.20 221.10 214.55 209.40 7 1⁄32 - 14 278.10 240.00 227.20 221.10 214.55 209.40 7 1⁄32 - 14 286.95 248.80 236.00 229.90 223.35 218.20 7 1⁄32 - 14 286.95 248.80 236.00 229.90 223.35 218.20 8 1⁄32 - 16 292.90 254.70 241.90 235.85 229.30 224.20 8 1⁄32 - 16 292.90 254.70 241.90 235.85 229.30 224.20 8 1⁄32 - 16 298.35 254.70 247.40 241.30 234.75 229.60 8 1⁄32 - 16 298.35 260.10 247.40 241.30 234.75 229.60 9 1⁄32 - 18 304.65 266.45 253.65 247.60 241.10 235.95 9 1⁄32 - 18 304.65 266.45 253.65 247.60 241.10 235.95 9 1⁄32 - 18 305.45 267.30 254.55 248.45 241.90 236.75 9 1⁄32 - 18 305.45 267.30 254.55 248.45 241.90 236.75 9 17⁄32 - 18 327.95 289.75 276.95 270.90 264.40 259.25 9 17⁄32 - 18 397.95 361.55 349.35 343.65 337.40 332.50 9 17⁄32 - 18 410.60 374.20 362.05 356.30 350.05 345.15 9 17⁄32 - 18 415.40 379.00 366.80 361.05 354.85 349.95 10 1⁄32 - 18 424.15 387.75 375.55 369.80 363.60 358.70 10 1⁄32 - 18 442.00 405.60 393.40 387.65 381.45 376.55 10 1⁄32 - 18 446.40 410.00 397.80 392.05 385.85 380.95 10 1⁄32 - 18 450.65 414.25 402.10 396.35 390.10 385.20 10 17⁄32 - 18 461.15 424.75 412.60 406.85 400.60 395.70 [email protected] • Phone 800-882-2627 • Fax 800-882-3637 *Solid Carbide CARBIDE TIPPED VARIABLE LENGTH COOLANT REAMERS TYPE 3416EL - STRAIGHT SHANK - STRAIGHT FLUTE LONG CARBIDE - THROUGH HOLES - FOR NON-FERROUS TYPE 3426EL - STRAIGHT SHANK - STRAIGHT FLUTE LONG CARBIDE - THROUGH HOLES - FOR CAST IRON TYPE 3435EL - STRAIGHT SHANK - STRAIGHT FLUTE LONG CARBIDE - THROUGH HOLES - FOR STEEL Same as types 3416, 3426, and 3435 on page 108 except with variable overall lengths. When ordering, specify desired length within overall length range. Eliminates need to special order reamers, saving time and money. These reamers have a controlled shank and coolant through the flutes. For reamer tolerances and closer tolerance pricing, see page 60. DECIMAL SIZE RANGE .1751 - .1910 * .1911 - .2210 * .2211 - .2530 * .2531 - .2840 * .2841 - .3150 .3151 - .3470 .3471 - .3780 .3781 - .4090 .4091 - .4410 .4411 - .4720 .4721 - .5030 .5031 - .5340 .5341 - .5660 .5661 - .5970 .5971 - .6280 .6281 - .6590 .6591 - .6910 .6911 - .7220 .7221 - .7530 .7531 - .7840 .7841 - .8160 .8161 - .8470 .8471 - .8780 .8781 - .9090 .9091 - .9410 .9411 - .9720 .9721 - 1.0030 SHANK DIAMETER NO. OF FLUTES FLUTE LENGTH NON-FERR. TYPE 3416EL EDP NO. CAST IRON TYPE 3426EL EDP NO. STEEL TYPE 3435EL EDP NO. OVERALL LENGTH RANGE .1724 .1880 .2193 .2505 .2792 .2792 .3105 .3105 .3730 .3730 .4355 .4355 .4355 .4355 .5615 .5615 .5615 .5615 .6245 .6245 .6245 .6245 .7495 .7495 .7495 .7495 .8745 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 2 2 2 2 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2¾ 341606EL 341607EL 341608EL 341609EL 341610EL 341611EL 341612EL 341613EL 341614EL 341615EL 341616EL 341617EL 341618EL 341619EL 341620EL 341621EL 341622EL 341623EL 341624EL 341625EL 341626EL 341627EL 341628EL 341629EL 341630EL 341631EL 341632EL 342606EL 342607EL 342608EL 342609EL 342610EL 342611EL 342612EL 342613EL 342614EL 342615EL 342616EL 342617EL 342618EL 342619EL 342620EL 342621EL 342622EL 342623EL 342624EL 342625EL 342626EL 342627EL 342628EL 342629EL 342630EL 342631EL 342632EL 343506EL 343507EL 343508EL 343509EL 343510EL 343511EL 343512EL 343513EL 343514EL 343515EL 343516EL 343517EL 343518EL 343519EL 343520EL 343521EL 343522EL 343523EL 343524EL 343525EL 343526EL 343527EL 343528EL 343529EL 343530EL 343531EL 343532EL 4 17⁄32 - 9 5 1⁄32 - 10 6 1⁄32 - 12 6 1⁄32 - 12 6 1⁄32 - 12 6 1⁄32 - 12 7 1⁄32 - 14 7 1⁄32 - 14 7 1⁄32 - 14 7 1⁄32 - 14 8 1⁄32 - 16 8 1⁄32 - 16 8 1⁄32 - 16 8 1⁄32 - 16 9 1⁄32 - 18 9 1⁄32 - 18 9 1⁄32 - 18 9 1⁄32 - 18 9 17⁄32 - 18 9 17⁄32 - 18 9 17⁄32 - 18 9 17⁄32 - 18 10 1⁄32 - 18 10 1⁄32 - 18 10 1⁄32 - 18 10 1⁄32 - 18 10 17⁄32 - 18 Phone 941-739-2726 *Solid Carbide • Fax 941-739-2827 • PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE 1 PC. 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14 $392.10 $354.00 $341.20 $335.10 $328.55 $323.40 407.25 369.05 356.25 350.25 343.70 338.55 452.40 414.25 401.45 395.45 388.80 383.65 474.30 436.15 423.35 417.25 410.70 405.55 350.75 312.60 299.80 293.70 287.15 282.00 350.75 312.60 299.80 293.70 287.15 282.00 357.65 319.50 306.70 300.70 294.15 289.00 357.65 319.50 306.70 300.70 294.15 289.00 359.20 320.95 308.20 302.15 295.60 290.45 359.20 320.95 308.20 302.15 295.60 290.45 390.75 352.50 339.80 333.70 327.15 322.00 390.75 352.50 339.80 333.70 327.15 322.00 393.45 355.30 342.50 336.40 329.85 324.70 393.45 355.30 342.50 336.40 329.85 324.70 401.25 363.10 350.30 344.20 337.65 332.50 401.25 363.10 350.30 344.20 337.65 332.50 405.55 367.45 354.65 348.55 342.00 336.85 405.55 367.45 354.65 348.55 342.00 336.85 422.25 384.10 371.30 365.20 358.70 353.55 481.25 444.90 432.75 426.95 420.70 415.80 498.55 462.20 450.05 444.20 438.00 433.10 503.15 466.85 454.65 448.85 442.60 437.70 506.30 470.00 457.80 452.00 445.75 440.85 526.00 489.65 477.45 471.65 465.45 460.55 535.00 498.70 486.50 480.70 474.45 469.55 537.95 501.60 489.45 483.65 477.40 472.50 553.40 517.10 504.90 499.10 492.85 487.95 w w w.lexingtoncutter.com • LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 119 CARBIDE TIPPED VARIABLE LENGTH REAMERS TYPE 3442EL - STRAIGHT SHANK - RIGHT SPIRAL FLUTE LONG CARBIDE - FOR NON-FERROUS TYPE 3443EL - STRAIGHT SHANK - RIGHT SPIRAL FLUTE LONG CARBIDE - FOR CAST IRON TYPE 3444EL - STRAIGHT SHANK - RIGHT SPIRAL FLUTE LONG CARBIDE - FOR STEEL Same as types 3442, 3443, and 3444 on page 98 except with variable overall lengths. When ordering, specify desired length within overall length range. Eliminates need to special order reamers, saving time and money. These reamers have a controlled shank. For reamer tolerances and closer tolerance pricing, see page 60. DECIMAL SIZE RANGE .2211 - .2530 * .2531 - .2840 * .2841 - .3150 .3151 - .3470 .3471 - .3780 .3781 - .4090 .4091 - .4410 .4411 - .4720 .4721 - .5030 .5031 - .5340 .5341 - .5660 .5661 - .5970 .5971 - .6280 .6281 - .6590 .6591 - .6910 .6911 - .7220 .7221 - .7530 .7531 - .7840 .7841 - .8160 .8161 - .8470 .8471 - .8780 .8781 - .9090 .9091 - .9410 .9411 - .9720 .9721 - 1.0030 SHANK DIAMETER NO. OF FLUTES FLUTE LENGTH NON-FERR. TYPE 3442EL EDP NO. CAST IRON TYPE 3443EL EDP NO. STEEL TYPE 3444EL EDP NO. OVERALL LENGTH RANGE .2193 .2505 .2792 .2792 .3105 .3105 .3730 .3730 .4355 .4355 .4355 .4355 .5615 .5615 .5615 .5615 .6245 .6245 .6245 .6245 .7495 .7495 .7495 .7495 .8745 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 2 2 2 2 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2¾ 344208EL 344209EL 344210EL 344211EL 344212EL 344213EL 344214EL 344215EL 344216EL 344217EL 344218EL 344219EL 344220EL 344221EL 344222EL 344223EL 344224EL 344225EL 344226EL 344227EL 344228EL 344229EL 344230EL 344231EL 344232EL 344308EL 344309EL 344310EL 344311EL 344312EL 344313EL 344314EL 344315EL 344316EL 344317EL 344318EL 344319EL 344320EL 344321EL 344322EL 344323EL 344324EL 344325EL 344326EL 344327EL 344328EL 344329EL 344330EL 344331EL 344332EL 344408EL 344409EL 344410EL 344411EL 344412EL 344413EL 344414EL 344415EL 344416EL 344417EL 344418EL 344419EL 344420EL 344421EL 344422EL 344423EL 344424EL 344425EL 344426EL 344427EL 344428EL 344429EL 344430EL 344431EL 344432EL 6 1⁄32 - 12 6 1⁄32 - 12 6 1⁄32 - 12 6 1⁄32 - 12 7 1⁄32 - 14 7 1⁄32 - 14 7 1⁄32 - 14 7 1⁄32 - 14 8 1⁄32 - 16 8 1⁄32 - 16 8 1⁄32 - 16 8 1⁄32 - 16 9 1⁄32 - 18 9 1⁄32 - 18 9 1⁄32 - 18 9 1⁄32 - 18 9 17⁄32 - 18 9 17⁄32 - 18 9 17⁄32 - 18 9 17⁄32 - 18 10 1⁄32 - 18 10 1⁄32 - 18 10 1⁄32 - 18 10 1⁄32 - 18 10 17⁄32 - 18 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 120 Made in U.S.A. • [email protected] • PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE 1 PC. 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14 $432.85 $387.05 $371.70 $364.50 $356.60 $350.45 455.40 409.55 394.25 387.00 379.10 372.95 323.20 277.40 262.10 254.75 246.90 240.70 323.20 277.40 262.10 254.75 246.90 240.70 333.75 287.95 272.60 265.35 257.45 251.35 333.75 287.95 272.60 265.35 257.45 251.35 344.35 298.55 283.20 275.85 268.00 261.90 344.35 298.55 283.20 275.85 268.00 261.90 351.50 305.60 290.30 283.00 275.20 268.95 351.50 305.60 290.30 283.00 275.20 268.95 358.00 312.15 296.85 289.50 281.75 275.50 358.00 312.15 296.85 289.50 281.75 275.50 365.60 319.70 304.35 297.15 289.30 283.10 365.60 319.70 304.35 297.15 289.30 283.10 366.55 320.75 305.40 298.20 290.30 284.15 366.55 320.75 305.40 298.20 290.30 284.15 393.50 347.75 332.35 325.00 317.25 311.05 453.60 410.00 395.35 388.50 381.00 375.15 466.70 423.10 408.45 401.60 394.10 388.20 471.40 427.75 413.15 406.30 398.80 392.90 473.20 429.60 414.95 408.10 400.60 394.75 489.00 445.40 430.80 423.90 416.45 410.55 505.45 461.85 447.25 440.35 432.90 427.00 508.50 464.85 450.25 443.40 435.90 430.00 527.05 483.40 468.80 461.95 454.45 448.55 Phone 800-882-2627 • Fax 800-882-3637 *Solid Carbide CARBIDE TIPPED VARIABLE LENGTH COOLANT REAMERS TYPE 3411EL - STRAIGHT SHANK - RIGHT SPIRAL FLUTE LONG CARBIDE - BLIND HOLES - FOR NON-FERROUS TYPE 3413EL - STRAIGHT SHANK - RIGHT SPIRAL FLUTE LONG CARBIDE - BLIND HOLES - FOR CAST IRON TYPE 3415EL - STRAIGHT SHANK - RIGHT SPIRAL FLUTE LONG CARBIDE - BLIND HOLES - FOR STEEL Same as types 3411, 3413, and 3415 on page 113 except with variable overall lengths. When ordering, specify desired length within overall length range. Eliminates need to special order reamers, saving time and money. These reamers have a controlled shank and coolant through the end of the tool. For reamer tolerances and closer tolerance pricing, see page 60. DECIMAL SIZE RANGE .2211 - .2530 * .2531 - .2840 * .2841 - .3150 .3151 - .3470 .3471 - .3780 .3781 - .4090 .4091 - .4410 .4411 - .4720 .4721 - .5030 .5031 - .5340 .5341 - .5660 .5661 - .5970 .5971 - .6280 .6281 - .6590 .6591 - .6910 .6911 - .7220 .7221 - .7530 .7531 - .7840 .7841 - .8160 .8161 - .8470 .8471 - .8780 .8781 - .9090 .9091 - .9410 .9411 - .9720 .9721 - 1.0030 SHANK DIAMETER NO. OF FLUTES FLUTE LENGTH NON-FERR. TYPE 3411EL EDP NO. CAST IRON TYPE 3413EL EDP NO. STEEL TYPE 3415EL EDP NO. OVERALL LENGTH RANGE .2193 .2505 .2792 .2792 .3105 .3105 .3730 .3730 .4355 .4355 .4355 .4355 .5615 .5615 .5615 .5615 .6245 .6245 .6245 .6245 .7495 .7495 .7495 .7495 .8745 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 2 2 2 2 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2¾ 341108EL 341109EL 341110EL 341111EL 341112EL 341113EL 341114EL 341115EL 341116EL 341117EL 341118EL 341119EL 341120EL 341121EL 341122EL 341123EL 341124EL 341125EL 341126EL 341127EL 341128EL 341129EL 341130EL 341131EL 341132EL 341308EL 341309EL 341310EL 341311EL 341312EL 341313EL 341314EL 341315EL 341316EL 341317EL 341318EL 341319EL 341320EL 341321EL 341322EL 341323EL 341324EL 341325EL 341326EL 341327EL 341328EL 341329EL 341330EL 341331EL 341332EL 341508EL 341509EL 341510EL 341511EL 341512EL 341513EL 341514EL 341515EL 341516EL 341517EL 341518EL 341519EL 341520EL 341521EL 341522EL 341523EL 341524EL 341525EL 341526EL 341527EL 341528EL 341529EL 341530EL 341531EL 341532EL 6 1⁄32 - 12 6 1⁄32 - 12 6 1⁄32 - 12 6 1⁄32 - 12 7 1⁄32 - 14 7 1⁄32 - 14 7 1⁄32 - 14 7 1⁄32 - 14 8 1⁄32 - 16 8 1⁄32 - 16 8 1⁄32 - 16 8 1⁄32 - 16 9 1⁄32 - 18 9 1⁄32 - 18 9 1⁄32 - 18 9 1⁄32 - 18 9 17⁄32 - 18 9 17⁄32 - 18 9 17⁄32 - 18 9 17⁄32 - 18 10 1⁄32 - 18 10 1⁄32 - 18 10 1⁄32 - 18 10 1⁄32 - 18 10 17⁄32 - 18 Phone 941-739-2726 *Solid Carbide • Fax 941-739-2827 • PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE 1 PC. 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14 $542.85 $497.10 $481.80 $474.45 $466.60 $460.50 569.20 523.40 508.05 500.75 492.90 486.70 420.85 375.05 359.80 352.45 344.55 338.45 420.85 375.05 359.80 352.45 344.55 338.45 429.25 383.40 368.00 360.80 352.95 346.75 429.25 383.40 368.00 360.80 352.95 346.75 431.00 385.20 369.85 362.60 354.70 348.55 431.00 385.20 369.85 362.60 354.70 348.55 468.85 423.05 407.70 400.45 392.55 386.45 468.85 423.05 407.70 400.45 392.55 386.45 472.15 426.30 411.00 403.75 395.85 389.70 472.15 426.30 411.00 403.75 395.85 389.70 481.50 435.70 420.35 413.05 405.20 399.05 481.50 435.70 420.35 413.05 405.20 399.05 486.70 440.95 425.55 418.30 410.40 404.25 486.70 440.95 425.55 418.30 410.40 404.25 506.70 460.90 445.55 438.35 430.40 424.30 511.55 467.95 453.40 446.40 438.90 433.10 528.30 484.70 470.10 463.10 455.65 449.80 533.05 489.45 474.90 467.90 460.40 454.60 534.80 491.20 476.65 469.65 462.15 456.35 553.90 510.30 495.75 488.75 481.25 475.45 570.85 527.25 512.70 505.70 498.20 492.40 573.85 530.25 515.70 508.70 501.20 495.40 596.45 552.85 538.30 531.30 523.80 518.00 w w w.lexingtoncutter.com • LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 121 CARBIDE TIPPED VARIABLE LENGTH REAMERS TYPE 3482EL - STRAIGHT SHANK - LEFT SPIRAL FLUTE LONG CARBIDE - FOR NON-FERROUS TYPE 3483EL - STRAIGHT SHANK - LEFT SPIRAL FLUTE LONG CARBIDE - FOR CAST IRON TYPE 3484EL - STRAIGHT SHANK - LEFT SPIRAL FLUTE LONG CARBIDE - FOR STEEL Same as types 3482, 3483, and 3484 on page 99 except with variable overall lengths. When ordering, specify desired length within overall length range. Eliminates need to special order reamers, saving time and money. These reamers have a controlled shank. For reamer tolerances and closer tolerance pricing, see page 60. DECIMAL SIZE RANGE .2211 - .2530 * .2531 - .2840 * .2841 - .3150 .3151 - .3470 .3471 - .3780 .3781 - .4090 .4091 - .4410 .4411 - .4720 .4721 - .5030 .5031 - .5340 .5341 - .5660 .5661 - .5970 .5971 - .6280 .6281 - .6590 .6591 - .6910 .6911 - .7220 .7221 - .7530 .7531 - .7840 .7841 - .8160 .8161 - .8470 .8471 - .8780 .8781 - .9090 .9091 - .9410 .9411 - .9720 .9721 - 1.0030 SHANK DIAMETER NO. OF FLUTES FLUTE LENGTH NON-FERR. TYPE 3482EL EDP NO. CAST IRON TYPE 3483EL EDP NO. STEEL TYPE 3484EL EDP NO. OVERALL LENGTH RANGE .2193 .2505 .2792 .2792 .3105 .3105 .3730 .3730 .4355 .4355 .4355 .4355 .5615 .5615 .5615 .5615 .6245 .6245 .6245 .6245 .7495 .7495 .7495 .7495 .8745 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 2 2 2 2 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2¾ 348208EL 348209EL 348210EL 348211EL 348212EL 348213EL 348214EL 348215EL 348216EL 348217EL 348218EL 348219EL 348220EL 348221EL 348222EL 348223EL 348224EL 348225EL 348226EL 348227EL 348228EL 348229EL 348230EL 348231EL 348232EL 348308EL 348309EL 348310EL 348311EL 348312EL 348313EL 348314EL 348315EL 348316EL 348317EL 348318EL 348319EL 348320EL 348321EL 348322EL 348323EL 348324EL 348325EL 348326EL 348327EL 348328EL 348329EL 348330EL 348331EL 348332EL 348408EL 348409EL 348410EL 348411EL 348412EL 348413EL 348414EL 348415EL 348416EL 348417EL 348418EL 348419EL 348420EL 348421EL 348422EL 348423EL 348424EL 348425EL 348426EL 348427EL 348428EL 348429EL 348430EL 348431EL 348432EL 6 1⁄32 - 12 6 1⁄32 - 12 6 1⁄32 - 12 6 1⁄32 - 12 7 1⁄32 - 14 7 1⁄32 - 14 7 1⁄32 - 14 7 1⁄32 - 14 8 1⁄32 - 16 8 1⁄32 - 16 8 1⁄32 - 16 8 1⁄32 - 16 9 1⁄32 - 18 9 1⁄32 - 18 9 1⁄32 - 18 9 1⁄32 - 18 9 17⁄32 - 18 9 17⁄32 - 18 9 17⁄32 - 18 9 17⁄32 - 18 10 1⁄32 - 18 10 1⁄32 - 18 10 1⁄32 - 18 10 1⁄32 - 18 10 17⁄32 - 18 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 122 Made in U.S.A. • [email protected] • PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE 1 PC. 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14 $432.85 $387.05 $371.70 $364.50 $356.60 $350.45 455.40 409.55 394.25 387.00 379.10 372.95 323.20 277.40 262.10 254.75 246.90 240.70 323.20 277.40 262.10 254.75 246.90 240.70 333.75 287.95 272.60 265.35 257.45 251.35 333.75 287.95 272.60 265.35 257.45 251.35 344.35 298.55 283.20 275.85 268.00 261.90 344.35 298.55 283.20 275.85 268.00 261.90 351.50 305.60 290.30 283.00 275.20 268.95 351.50 305.60 290.30 283.00 275.20 268.95 358.00 312.15 296.85 289.50 281.75 275.50 358.00 312.15 296.85 289.50 281.75 275.50 365.60 319.70 304.35 297.15 289.30 283.10 365.60 319.70 304.35 297.15 289.30 283.10 366.55 320.75 305.40 298.20 290.30 284.15 366.55 320.75 305.40 298.20 290.30 284.15 393.50 347.75 332.35 325.00 317.25 311.05 453.60 410.00 395.35 388.50 381.00 375.15 466.70 423.10 408.45 401.60 394.10 388.20 471.40 427.75 413.15 406.30 398.80 392.90 473.20 429.60 414.95 408.10 400.60 394.75 489.00 445.40 430.80 423.90 416.45 410.55 505.45 461.85 447.25 440.35 432.90 427.00 508.50 464.85 450.25 443.40 435.90 430.00 527.05 483.40 468.80 461.95 454.45 448.55 Phone 800-882-2627 • Fax 800-882-3637 *Solid Carbide CARBIDE TIPPED VARIABLE LENGTH COOLANT REAMERS TYPE 3427EL - STRAIGHT SHANK - LEFT SPIRAL FLUTE LONG CARBIDE - THROUGH HOLES - FOR NON-FERROUS TYPE 3428EL - STRAIGHT SHANK - LEFT SPIRAL FLUTE LONG CARBIDE - THROUGH HOLES - FOR CAST IRON TYPE 3429EL - STRAIGHT SHANK - LEFT SPIRAL FLUTE LONG CARBIDE - THROUGH HOLES - FOR STEEL Same as types 3427, 3428, and 3429 on page 114 except with variable overall lengths. When ordering, specify desired length within overall length range. Eliminates need to special order reamers, saving time and money. These reamers have a controlled shank and coolant through the flutes. For reamer tolerances and closer tolerance pricing, see page 60. DECIMAL SIZE RANGE .2211 - .2530 * .2531 - .2840 * .2841 - .3150 .3151 - .3470 .3471 - .3780 .3781 - .4090 .4091 - .4410 .4411 - .4720 .4721 - .5030 .5031 - .5340 .5341 - .5660 .5661 - .5970 .5971 - .6280 .6281 - .6590 .6591 - .6910 .6911 - .7220 .7221 - .7530 .7531 - .7840 .7841 - .8160 .8161 - .8470 .8471 - .8780 .8781 - .9090 .9091 - .9410 .9411 - .9720 .9721 - 1.0030 SHANK DIAMETER NO. OF FLUTES FLUTE LENGTH NON-FERR. TYPE 3427EL EDP NO. CAST IRON TYPE 3428EL EDP NO. STEEL TYPE 3429EL EDP NO. OVERALL LENGTH RANGE .2193 .2505 .2792 .2792 .3105 .3105 .3730 .3730 .4355 .4355 .4355 .4355 .5615 .5615 .5615 .5615 .6245 .6245 .6245 .6245 .7495 .7495 .7495 .7495 .8745 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 2 2 2 2 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2¾ 342708EL 342709EL 342710EL 342711EL 342712EL 342713EL 342714EL 342715EL 342716EL 342717EL 342718EL 342719EL 342720EL 342721EL 342722EL 342723EL 342724EL 342725EL 342726EL 342727EL 342728EL 342729EL 342730EL 342731EL 342732EL 342808EL 342809EL 342810EL 342811EL 342812EL 342813EL 342814EL 342815EL 342816EL 342817EL 342818EL 342819EL 342820EL 342821EL 342822EL 342823EL 342824EL 342825EL 342826EL 342827EL 342828EL 342829EL 342830EL 342831EL 342832EL 342908EL 342909EL 342910EL 342911EL 342912EL 342913EL 342914EL 342915EL 342916EL 342917EL 342918EL 342919EL 342920EL 342921EL 342922EL 342923EL 342924EL 342925EL 342926EL 342927EL 342928EL 342929EL 342930EL 342931EL 342932EL 6 1⁄32 - 12 6 1⁄32 - 12 6 1⁄32 - 12 6 1⁄32 - 12 7 1⁄32 - 14 7 1⁄32 - 14 7 1⁄32 - 14 7 1⁄32 - 14 8 1⁄32 - 16 8 1⁄32 - 16 8 1⁄32 - 16 8 1⁄32 - 16 9 1⁄32 - 18 9 1⁄32 - 18 9 1⁄32 - 18 9 1⁄32 - 18 9 17⁄32 - 18 9 17⁄32 18 9 17⁄32 18 9 17⁄32 18 10 1⁄32 18 10 1⁄32 18 10 1⁄32 18 10 1⁄32 18 10 17⁄32 18 Phone 941-739-2726 *Solid Carbide • Fax 941-739-2827 • PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE 1 PC. 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14 $542.85 $497.10 $481.80 $474.45 $466.60 $460.50 569.20 523.40 508.05 500.75 492.90 486.70 420.85 375.05 359.80 352.45 344.55 338.45 420.85 375.05 359.80 352.45 344.55 338.45 429.25 383.40 368.00 360.80 352.95 346.75 429.25 383.40 368.00 360.80 352.95 346.75 431.00 385.20 369.85 362.60 354.70 348.55 431.00 385.20 369.85 362.60 354.70 348.55 468.85 423.05 407.70 400.45 392.55 386.45 468.85 423.05 407.70 400.45 392.55 386.45 472.15 426.30 411.00 403.75 395.85 389.70 472.15 426.30 411.00 403.75 395.85 389.70 481.50 435.70 420.35 413.05 405.20 399.05 481.50 435.70 420.35 413.05 405.20 399.05 486.70 440.95 425.55 418.30 410.40 404.25 486.70 440.95 425.55 418.30 410.40 404.25 506.70 460.90 445.55 438.35 430.40 424.30 535.00 491.40 476.85 469.85 462.35 456.55 553.00 509.40 494.85 487.85 480.35 474.55 557.70 514.10 499.50 492.50 485.05 479.20 559.35 515.75 501.20 494.20 486.70 480.90 580.10 536.50 521.90 514.90 507.45 501.60 597.10 553.50 538.95 531.95 524.45 518.65 600.05 556.45 541.85 534.85 527.40 521.55 624.05 580.45 565.90 558.90 551.40 545.60 w w w.lexingtoncutter.com • LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 123 CARBIDE TIPPED STRAIGHT STEP REAMERS TYPE 3457ST - STRAIGHT SHANK - STRAIGHT FLUTE LONG CARBIDE - FOR NON-FERROUS TYPE 3458ST - STRAIGHT SHANK - STRAIGHT FLUTE LONG CARBIDE - FOR CAST IRON TYPE 3459ST - STRAIGHT SHANK - STRAIGHT FLUTE LONG CARBIDE - FOR STEEL Flute long carbide tips brazed to one piece alloy steel bodies. Straight polished flutes. Available with cutting or non-cutting pilots. FILL IN BLANKS BELOW FOR ORDERING: FLUTE LENGTH MAJOR DIAM. ______________________________(+.0003"/-.0000") STEP LENGTH MINOR DIAM. CUTTING ____________________ (+.0003"/-.0000") CHAMFER LENGTH MINOR DIAM. NON-CUTTING ________________ (+.000"/-.001") MAJOR DIAMETER MINOR DIAMETER STEP LENGTH _____________________________ (+.005"/-.005") INCL. STEP ANGLE _________________________ INCLUDED STEP ANGLE INCL. CHAMFER ANGLE ____________________ INCLUDED CHAMFER ANGLE CHAMFER LENGTH _________________________ NOTES: 1. Order must indicate if pilot is cutting or non-cutting and identify material being machined. 2. The difference between major and minor diameter shall not exceed 6%, and must fall within dimensions shown for that particular tool. 3. Non-cutting pilot diameters may be smaller than cutting diameter range, but not less than non-cutting pilot minimum diameter dimension shown. 4. It is recommended that stock removal of 3% be the basis for selecting each cutting diameter. Shank diameter tolerance thru 23⁄32" tool diameter: +.0000"/-.0010". over 23⁄32" tool diameter: +.0000"/-.0015". Shanks are ground to the next smallest shank diameter listed in NAS 897 if tool diameter is within .005" of shank diameter. For closer tolerance pricing per tool diameter, see page 60. MAJOR AND MINOR NON-CUT MAX CUTTING DIAMETER PILOT MIN. SHANK RANGE DIAM. DIAM. .1770 - .2040 .2041 - .2210 .2211 - .2380 .2381 - .2530 .2531 - .2840 .2841 - .3150 .3151 - .3470 .3471 - .3780 .3781 - .4090 .4091 - .4410 .4411 - .4720 .4721 - .5030 .5031 - .5340 .5341 - .5660 .5661 - .5970 .5971 - .6280 .6281 - .6590 .6591 - .6910 .6911 - .7220 .7221 - .7530 .7531 - .7840 .7841 - .8160 .8161 - .8470 .8471 - .8780 .8781 - .9090 .9091 - .9410 .9411 - .9720 .9721 - 1.0030 1.0031 - 1.0660 1.0661 - 1.1280 1.1281 - 1.1905 1.1906 - 1.2530 1.2531 - 1.3155 1.3156 - 1.3780 1.3781 - 1.4405 1.4406 - 1.5030 .1660 .1805 .1920 .2075 .2080 .2265 .2240 .2405 .2380 .2485 .2670 .2792 .2960 .2792 .3260 .3105 .3550 .3105 .3850 .3730 .4150 .3730 .4440 .4355 .4730 .4355 .5020 .4355 .5320 .4355 .5610 .5615 .5900 .5615 .6200 .5615 .6500 .5615 .6790 .6245 .7080 .6245 .7370 .6245 .7670 .6245 .7970 .7495 .8260 .7495 .8550 .7495 .8850 .7495 .9140 .8745 .9430 .8745 1.0020 .8745 1.0610 .9995 1.1200 .9995 1.1780 .9995 1.2370 .9995 1.2960 .9995 1.3550 1.2495 FLT 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 1 1⁄8 1¼ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 2 2 2 2 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2¾ 2¾ 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 3 3 3¼ 3¼ 3½ LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 124 Made in U.S.A. LENGTH NO. OF FLTS. • OAL NON-FERR. TYPE 3457ST EDP NO. CAST IRON TYPE 3458ST EDP NO. 4½ 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 10 10 10 10 10 ½ 10 ½ 11 11 11 ½ 11 ½ 12 12 12 ½ 345706ST 345707ST 34572344ST 345708ST 345709ST 345710ST 345711ST 345712ST 345713ST 345714ST 345715ST 345716ST 345717ST 345718ST 345719ST 345720ST 345721ST 345722ST 345723ST 345724ST 345725ST 345726ST 345727ST 345728ST 345729ST 345730ST 345731ST 345732ST 345734ST 345736ST 345738ST 345740ST 345742ST 345744ST 345746ST 345748ST 345806ST 345807ST 34582344ST 345808ST 345809ST 345810ST 345811ST 345812ST 345813ST 345814ST 345815ST 345816ST 345817ST 345818ST 345819ST 345820ST 345821ST 345822ST 345823ST 345824ST 345825ST 345826ST 345827ST 345828ST 345829ST 345830ST 345831ST 345832ST 345834ST 345836ST 345838ST 345840ST 345842ST 345844ST 345846ST 345848ST STEEL TYPE 3459ST EDP NO. PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE 1 PC. 345906ST $171.55 345907ST 171.55 34592344ST 171.55 345908ST 171.55 345909ST 173.55 345910ST 173.55 345911ST 176.60 345912ST 176.60 345913ST 181.10 345914ST 189.05 345915ST 197.25 345916ST 211.40 345917ST 214.85 345918ST 214.85 345919ST 219.60 345920ST 219.60 345921ST 221.95 345922ST 221.95 345923ST 227.80 345924ST 227.80 345925ST 232.50 345926ST 232.50 345927ST 238.05 345928ST 247.10 345929ST 272.25 345930ST 272.25 345931ST 280.70 345932ST 280.70 345934ST 283.05 345936ST 299.00 345938ST 308.55 345940ST 326.10 345942ST 332.65 345944ST 348.75 345946ST 370.00 345948ST 378.25 [email protected] • 2 PC. 3 PC. $128.75 128.75 128.75 128.75 130.75 130.75 133.85 133.85 138.40 146.25 154.55 165.50 169.05 169.05 173.85 173.85 176.20 176.20 182.00 182.00 186.70 186.70 192.30 199.55 224.70 224.70 233.15 233.15 237.50 253.45 262.90 280.60 287.10 303.20 324.35 332.65 $114.45 114.45 114.45 114.45 116.40 116.40 119.50 119.50 124.15 131.95 140.25 150.25 153.70 153.70 158.45 158.45 160.80 160.80 166.70 166.70 171.40 171.40 177.00 183.70 208.75 208.75 217.25 217.25 222.20 238.20 247.70 265.35 271.90 287.95 309.15 317.45 4 PC. 5-7 $107.70 $100.35 107.70 100.35 107.70 100.35 107.70 100.35 109.60 102.30 109.60 102.30 112.75 105.40 112.75 105.40 117.25 109.95 125.10 117.80 133.40 126.05 142.95 135.10 146.40 138.55 146.40 138.55 151.10 143.30 151.10 143.30 153.45 145.70 153.45 145.70 159.40 151.55 159.40 151.55 164.05 156.20 164.05 156.20 169.70 161.85 176.10 167.95 201.25 193.10 201.25 193.10 209.60 201.45 209.60 201.45 215.00 207.10 231.00 223.15 240.40 232.65 258.05 250.35 264.60 256.80 280.70 272.85 301.85 294.05 310.15 302.40 Phone 800-882-2627 • 8-14 15+ $94.60 94.60 94.60 94.60 96.50 96.50 99.65 99.65 104.15 112.00 120.30 128.90 132.35 132.35 137.15 137.15 139.45 139.45 145.40 145.40 150.10 150.10 155.65 161.55 186.70 186.70 195.05 195.05 201.00 216.95 226.45 244.15 250.65 266.75 287.95 296.20 $86.20 86.20 86.20 86.20 88.15 88.15 91.30 91.30 95.85 103.70 111.95 119.95 123.40 123.40 128.20 128.20 130.55 130.55 136.40 136.40 141.10 141.10 146.70 152.20 177.35 177.35 185.80 185.80 192.15 208.10 217.55 235.25 241.75 257.85 279.00 287.30 Fax 800-882-3637 CARBIDE TIPPED RIGHT SPIRAL STEP REAMERS TYPE 3442ST - STRAIGHT SHANK - RIGHT SPIRAL FLUTE LONG CARBIDE - FOR NON-FERROUS TYPE 3443ST - STRAIGHT SHANK - RIGHT SPIRAL FLUTE LONG CARBIDE - FOR CAST IRON TYPE 3444ST - STRAIGHT SHANK - RIGHT SPIRAL FLUTE LONG CARBIDE - FOR STEEL Flute long carbide tips brazed to one piece hardened alloy steel bodies. Right spiral polished flutes. Available with cutting or non-cutting pilots. FILL IN BLANKS BELOW FOR ORDERING: FLUTE LENGTH MAJOR DIAM. ______________________________(+.0003"/-.0000") STEP LENGTH MINOR DIAM. CUTTING ____________________ (+.0003"/-.0000") CHAMFER LENGTH MINOR DIAM. NON-CUTTING ________________ (+.000"/-.001") MAJOR DIAMETER MINOR DIAMETER STEP LENGTH _____________________________ (+.005"/-.005") INCL. STEP ANGLE _________________________ INCLUDED STEP ANGLE INCL. CHAMFER ANGLE ____________________ INCLUDED CHAMFER ANGLE CHAMFER LENGTH _________________________ NOTES: 1. Order must indicate if pilot is cutting or non-cutting and identify material being machined. 2. The difference between major and minor diameter shall not exceed 6%, and must fall within dimensions shown for that particular tool. 3. Non-cutting pilot diameters may be smaller than cutting diameter range, but not less than non-cutting pilot minimum diameter dimension shown. 4. It is recommended that stock removal of 3% be the basis for selecting each cutting diameter. Shank diameter tolerance thru 23⁄32" tool diameter: +.0000"/-.0010". over 23⁄32" tool diameter: +.0000"/-.0015". Shanks are ground to the next smallest shank diameter listed in NAS 897 if tool diameter is within .005" of shank diameter. For closer tolerance pricing per tool diameter, see page 60. MAJOR AND MINOR NON-CUT MAX CUTTING DIAMETER PILOT MIN. SHANK RANGE DIAM. DIAM. .2841 - .3150 .3151 - .3470 .3471 - .3780 .3781 - .4090 .4091 - .4410 .4411 - .4720 .4721 - .5030 .5031 - .5340 .5341 - .5660 .5661 - .5970 .5971 - .6280 .6281 - .6590 .6591 - .6910 .6911 - .7220 .7221 - .7530 .7531 - .7840 .7841 - .8160 .8161 - .8470 .8471 - .8780 .8781 - .9090 .9091 - .9410 .9411 - .9720 .9721 - 1.0030 1.0031 - 1.0660 1.0661 - 1.1280 1.1281 - 1.1905 1.1906 - 1.2530 1.2531 - 1.3155 1.3156 - 1.3780 1.3781 - 1.4405 1.4406 - 1.5030 FLT 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 1½ 1½ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 2 2 2 2 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2¾ 2¾ 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 3 3 3¼ 3¼ 3½ .2670 .2792 .2960 .2792 .3260 .3105 .3550 .3105 .3850 .3730 .4150 .3730 .4440 .4355 .4730 .4355 .5020 .4355 .5320 .4355 .5610 .5615 .5900 .5615 .6200 .5615 .6500 .5615 .6790 .6245 .7080 .6245 .7370 .6245 .7670 .6245 .7970 .7495 .8260 .7495 .8550 .7495 .8850 .7495 .9140 .8745 .9430 .8745 1.0020 .8745 1.0610 .9995 1.1200 .9995 1.1780 .9995 1.2370 .9995 1.2960 .9995 1.3550 1.2495 Phone 941-739-2726 LENGTH NO. OF FLTS. • PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE OAL NON-FERR. TYPE 3442ST EDP NO. CAST IRON TYPE 3443ST EDP NO. STEEL TYPE 3444ST EDP NO. 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 10 10 10 10 10 ½ 10 ½ 11 11 11 ½ 11 ½ 12 12 12 ½ 344210ST 344211ST 344212ST 344213ST 344214ST 344215ST 344216ST 344217ST 344218ST 344219ST 344220ST 344221ST 344222ST 344223ST 344224ST 344225ST 344226ST 344227ST 344228ST 344229ST 344230ST 344231ST 344232ST 344234ST 344236ST 344238ST 344240ST 344242ST 344244ST 344246ST 344248ST 344310ST 344311ST 344312ST 344313ST 344314ST 344315ST 344316ST 344317ST 344318ST 344319ST 344320ST 344321ST 344322ST 344323ST 344324ST 344325ST 344326ST 344327ST 344328ST 344329ST 344330ST 344331ST 344332ST 344334ST 344336ST 344338ST 344340ST 344342ST 344344ST 344346ST 344348ST 344410ST $189.70 $149.55 $136.20 $129.80 $122.95 $117.60 $109.65 344411ST 200.90 160.75 147.30 140.95 134.05 128.70 120.85 344412ST 202.00 161.90 148.45 142.10 135.25 129.80 122.00 344413ST 207.40 167.30 153.90 147.50 140.60 135.25 127.40 344414ST 212.25 172.20 158.75 152.35 145.55 140.15 132.30 344415ST 220.70 180.60 167.20 160.80 154.00 148.55 140.70 344416ST 237.05 194.25 179.95 173.10 165.80 160.00 151.70 344417ST 241.45 198.65 184.40 177.60 170.25 164.50 156.10 344418ST 241.45 198.65 184.40 177.60 170.25 164.50 156.10 344419ST 246.00 203.35 189.05 182.20 174.85 169.10 160.75 344420ST 246.00 203.35 189.05 182.20 174.85 169.10 160.75 344421ST 251.10 208.45 194.05 187.30 179.95 174.20 165.80 344422ST 261.45 218.65 204.35 197.55 190.30 184.50 176.10 344423ST 264.10 221.30 207.05 200.20 192.95 187.15 178.85 344424ST 266.75 224.05 209.60 202.85 195.60 189.80 181.40 344425ST 271.50 228.80 214.45 207.70 200.35 194.65 186.20 344426ST 271.50 228.80 214.45 207.70 200.35 194.65 186.20 344427ST 281.65 238.95 224.60 217.85 210.45 204.75 196.30 344428ST 292.25 248.00 233.05 226.10 218.35 212.50 203.75 344429ST 325.85 281.45 266.60 259.55 251.95 245.95 237.20 344430ST 325.85 281.45 266.60 259.55 251.95 245.95 237.20 344431ST 337.45 293.10 278.25 271.15 263.55 257.60 248.95 344432ST 337.45 293.10 278.25 271.15 263.55 257.60 248.95 344434ST 381.00 336.65 321.80 314.75 307.15 301.20 292.55 344436ST 390.15 345.75 330.80 323.85 316.20 310.25 301.55 344438ST 405.55 361.25 346.35 339.35 331.70 325.75 317.00 344440ST 423.85 379.50 364.65 357.60 350.00 344.00 335.30 344442ST 459.75 415.35 400.50 393.45 385.80 379.85 371.20 344444ST 495.10 450.70 435.95 428.80 421.25 415.30 406.60 344446ST 519.30 474.90 460.10 453.00 445.40 439.40 430.80 344448ST 543.60 499.35 484.45 477.45 469.80 463.85 455.10 Fax 941-739-2827 • 1 PC. 2 PC. w w w.lexingtoncutter.com 3 PC. • 4 PC. 5-7 8-14 15+ LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 125 CARBIDE TIPPED LEFT SPIRAL STEP REAMERS TYPE 3482ST - STRAIGHT SHANK - LEFT SPIRAL FLUTE LONG CARBIDE - FOR NON-FERROUS TYPE 3483ST - STRAIGHT SHANK - LEFT SPIRAL FLUTE LONG CARBIDE - FOR CAST IRON TYPE 3484ST - STRAIGHT SHANK - LEFT SPIRAL FLUTE LONG CARBIDE - FOR STEEL Flute long carbide tips brazed to one piece hardened alloy steel bodies. Left spiral polished flutes. Available with cutting or non-cutting pilots. FILL IN BLANKS BELOW FOR ORDERING: FLUTE LENGTH MAJOR DIAM. ______________________________(+.0003"/-.0000") STEP LENGTH MINOR DIAM. CUTTING ____________________ (+.0003"/-.0000") CHAMFER LENGTH MINOR DIAM. NON-CUTTING ________________ (+.000"/-.001") MAJOR DIAMETER MINOR DIAMETER STEP LENGTH _____________________________ (+.005"/-.005") INCL. STEP ANGLE _________________________ INCLUDED STEP ANGLE INCL. CHAMFER ANGLE ____________________ INCLUDED CHAMFER ANGLE CHAMFER LENGTH _________________________ NOTES: 1. Order must indicate if pilot is cutting or non-cutting and identify material being machined. 2. The difference between major and minor diameter shall not exceed 6%, and must fall within dimensions shown for that particular tool. 3. Non-cutting pilot diameters may be smaller than cutting diameter range, but not less than non-cutting pilot minimum diameter dimension shown. 4. It is recommended that stock removal of 3% be the basis for selecting each cutting diameter. Shank diameter tolerance thru 23⁄32" tool diameter: +.0000"/-.0010". over 23⁄32" tool diameter: +.0000"/-.0015". Shanks are ground to the next smallest shank diameter listed in NAS 897 if tool diameter is within .005" of shank diameter. For closer tolerance pricing per tool diameter, see page 60. MAJOR AND MINOR NON-CUT MAX CUTTING DIAMETER PILOT MIN. SHANK RANGE DIAM. DIAM. .2841 - .3150 .3151 - .3470 .3471 - .3780 .3781 - .4090 .4091 - .4410 .4411 - .4720 .4721 - .5030 .5031 - .5340 .5341 - .5660 .5661 - .5970 .5971 - .6280 .6281 - .6590 .6591 - .6910 .6911 - .7220 .7221 - .7530 .7531 - .7840 .7841 - .8160 .8161 - .8470 .8471 - .8780 .8781 - .9090 .9091 - .9410 .9411 - .9720 .9721 - 1.0030 1.0031 - 1.0660 1.0661 - 1.1280 1.1281 - 1.1905 1.1906 - 1.2530 1.2531 - 1.3155 1.3156 - 1.3780 1.3781 - 1.4405 1.4406 - 1.5030 .2670 .2792 .2960 .2792 .3260 .3105 .3550 .3105 .3850 .3730 .4150 .3730 .4440 .4355 .4730 .4355 .5020 .4355 .5320 .4355 .5610 .5615 .5900 .5615 .6200 .5615 .6500 .5615 .6790 .6245 .7080 .6245 .7370 .6245 .7670 .6245 .7970 .7495 .8260 .7495 .8550 .7495 .8850 .7495 .9140 .8745 .9430 .8745 1.0020 .8745 1.0610 .9995 1.1200 .9995 1.1780 .9995 1.2370 .9995 1.2960 .9995 1.3550 1.2495 FLT 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 1½ 1½ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 2 2 2 2 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2¾ 2¾ 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 3 3 3¼ 3¼ 3½ LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 126 Made in U.S.A. LENGTH NO. OF FLTS. • PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE OAL NON-FERR. TYPE 3482ST EDP NO. CAST IRON TYPE 3483ST EDP NO. STEEL TYPE 3484ST EDP NO. 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 10 10 10 10 10 ½ 10 ½ 11 11 11 ½ 11 ½ 12 12 12 ½ 348210ST 348211ST 348212ST 348213ST 348214ST 348215ST 348216ST 348217ST 348218ST 348219ST 348220ST 348221ST 348222ST 348223ST 348224ST 348225ST 348226ST 348227ST 348228ST 348229ST 348230ST 348231ST 348232ST 348234ST 348236ST 348238ST 348240ST 348242ST 348244ST 348246ST 348248ST 348310ST 348311ST 348312ST 348313ST 348314ST 348315ST 348316ST 348317ST 348318ST 348319ST 348320ST 348321ST 348322ST 348323ST 348324ST 348325ST 348326ST 348327ST 348328ST 348329ST 348330ST 348331ST 348332ST 348334ST 348336ST 348338ST 348340ST 348342ST 348344ST 348346ST 348348ST 348410ST $202.35 $159.55 $145.30 $138.45 $131.10 $125.40 $117.00 348411ST 214.25 171.50 157.15 150.40 143.05 137.30 128.85 348412ST 215.45 172.65 158.40 151.55 144.20 138.45 130.10 348413ST 221.15 178.40 164.15 157.30 149.95 144.20 135.90 348414ST 226.40 183.70 169.35 162.60 155.25 149.50 141.10 348415ST 235.40 192.65 178.30 171.55 164.20 158.45 150.10 348416ST 243.30 199.50 184.70 177.80 170.25 164.35 155.75 348417ST 247.90 204.05 189.35 182.30 174.85 168.90 160.25 348418ST 247.90 204.05 189.35 182.30 174.85 168.90 160.25 348419ST 252.70 208.80 194.05 187.05 179.55 173.70 165.00 348420ST 252.70 208.80 194.05 187.05 179.55 173.70 165.00 348421ST 257.90 213.95 199.25 192.30 184.70 178.85 170.25 348422ST 268.40 224.55 209.85 202.85 195.30 189.40 180.80 348423ST 271.20 227.35 212.65 205.60 198.15 192.20 183.55 348424ST 273.95 230.00 215.30 208.30 200.80 194.85 186.25 348425ST 278.85 234.90 220.30 213.20 205.65 199.75 191.15 348426ST 278.85 234.90 220.30 213.20 205.65 199.75 191.15 348427ST 289.20 245.35 230.65 223.60 216.10 210.20 201.60 348428ST 300.10 254.60 239.30 232.05 224.25 218.15 209.25 348429ST 334.55 288.95 273.80 266.50 258.65 252.45 243.60 348430ST 334.55 288.95 273.80 266.50 258.65 252.45 243.60 348431ST 346.55 301.00 285.70 278.40 270.70 264.55 255.55 348432ST 346.55 301.00 285.70 278.40 270.70 264.55 255.55 348434ST 391.25 345.75 330.45 323.20 315.40 309.30 300.25 348436ST 400.50 355.00 339.70 332.45 324.70 318.55 309.65 348438ST 416.45 370.90 355.65 348.40 340.55 334.50 325.55 348440ST 435.20 389.70 374.40 367.15 359.40 353.25 344.25 348442ST 472.10 426.45 411.25 404.05 396.15 390.00 381.10 348444ST 508.40 462.90 447.60 440.35 432.55 426.35 417.50 348446ST 533.15 487.65 472.40 465.10 457.40 451.20 442.30 348448ST 558.30 512.65 497.35 490.15 482.40 476.20 467.30 [email protected] • 1 PC. 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. Phone 800-882-2627 • 5-7 8-14 15+ Fax 800-882-3637 FEEDS & SPEEDS CHARTS FOR DRILLS - CARBIDE TIPPED Feeds & speeds are a starting recommendation only. Factors such as machine, fixture and tooling rigidity, horsepower available, coolant application and others will affect the performance significantly. Please read machine operators instructions and use all safety shields and glasses before performing these operations. IPM=RPM*IPR RPM=SFPM*3.82/Drill Diameter CLASSIFICATION NON-FERROUS (SOFT) NON-FERROUS (HARD) CAST IRON LOW CARBON STEELS MEDIUM STRENGTH STEELS HIGH STRENGTH STEELS HIGH TEMP. ALLOYS MATERIAL ALUMINUM ALLOY - CAST WROUGHT MAGNESIUM ALLOY LEAD ALLOY NON-METAL AND PLASTIC ZINC ALLOY - DIE CAST ALUMINUM BRONZE BRASS ALLOY - LEADED AND FREE CUTTING NICKEL SILVER COPPER ALLOY - TOUGH DUCTILE CAST IRON - AUSTENITIC DUCTILE CAST IRON - FERRITIC DUCTILE CAST IRON - MARTENSITIC GRAY - PEARLITIC GRAY - FERRITIC MALLEABLE CAST IRON MARTENSITIC LOW AND MEDIUM CARBON STEEL FREE MACHINING LOW AND MEDIUM CARBON STEEL WROUGHT LOW AND MEDIUM CARBON ALLOY STEEL - FREE MACHINING LOW AND MEDIUM CARBON ALLOY STEEL STAINLESS STEEL - 400 SERIES STAINLESS STEEL - 400 SERIES FREE MACHINING HIGH STRENGTH STEEL WROUGHT & TOOL STEEL HIGH TEMP ALLOYS NICKEL & IRON BASE ALLOY STAINLESS STEEL - 300 SERIES STAINLESS STEEL - PH SERIES TITANIUM ALLOY CLASSIFICATION NON-FERROUS (SOFT) NON-FERROUS (HARD) CAST IRON LOW CARBON STEELS MEDIUM STRENGTH STEELS HIGH STRENGTH STEELS HIGH TEMP. ALLOYS MATERIAL ALUMINUM ALLOY - CAST WROUGHT MAGNESIUM ALLOY LEAD ALLOY NON-METAL AND PLASTIC ZINC ALLOY - DIE CAST ALUMINUM BRONZE BRASS ALLOY - LEADED AND FREE CUTTING NICKEL SILVER COPPER ALLOY - TOUGH DUCTILE CAST IRON - AUSTENITIC DUCTILE CAST IRON - FERRITIC DUCTILE CAST IRON - MARTENSITIC GRAY - PEARLITIC GRAY - FERRITIC MALLEABLE CAST IRON MARTENSITIC LOW AND MEDIUM CARBON STEEL FREE MACHINING LOW AND MEDIUM CARBON STEEL WROUGHT LOW AND MEDIUM CARBON ALLOY STEEL - FREE MACHINING LOW AND MEDIUM CARBON ALLOY STEEL STAINLESS STEEL - 400 SERIES STAINLESS STEEL - 400 SERIES FREE MACHINING HIGH STRENGTH STEEL WROUGHT & TOOL STEEL HIGH TEMP ALLOYS NICKEL & IRON BASE ALLOY STAINLESS STEEL - 300 SERIES STAINLESS STEEL - PH SERIES TITANIUM ALLOY Phone 941-739-2726 *500kg • SPEED IN SFPM GENERAL PURPOSE (G.P.) 250-350 300-400 350-450 175-450 300-400 125-190 1⁄8 ¼ 3⁄8 ½ 5⁄8 ¾ 1 1¼ 1½ .003 .003 .003 .002 .003 .002 .005 .005 .005 .004 .005 .005 .007 .006 .006 .005 .007 .007 .008 .007 .007 .005 .009 .008 .010 .008 .008 .006 .011 .009 .011 .009 .009 .008 .012 .010 .014 .013 .013 .009 .014 .012 .017 .015 .015 .010 .016 .014 .019 .016 .017 .012 .018 .016 10 - 100Rb 225-400 .003 .005 .007 .008 .009 .010 .012 .014 .016 10 - 100Rb 40 - 200* 120 - 275 140 - 270 270 - 400 220 - 320 120 - 220 125-190 125-190 – 150-225 – 130-225 125-190 .002 .002 – .002 – .002 .002 .005 .005 – .004 – .004 .005 .007 .007 – .006 – .006 .008 .008 .008 – .008 – .007 .009 .009 .009 – .010 – .009 .010 .010 .010 – .012 – .010 .011 .012 .012 – .014 – .013 .012 .014 .014 – .016 – .016 .014 .016 .016 – .018 – .018 .016 200 - 320 100-150 .002 .004 .006 .007 .008 .010 .012 .014 .016 100 - 250 125-175 .003 .004 .008 .010 .012 .014 .017 .018 .019 100 - 375 – – – – – – – – – – 100 - 275 – – – – – – – – – – – BRINELL 30 - 150* 50 - 90* 10 - 20* 80 - 100 40 - 175 FEED RATE (INCHES PER REVOLUTION) HOLE DIAMETER IN INCHES 85 - 375 – – – – – – – – – 135 - 325 – – – – – – – – – – 135 - 275 100-150 .002 .004 .005 .006 .007 .008 .010 .012 .014 175 - 400 – – – – – – – – – – 140 - 300 – – – – – – – – – – 135 - 375 150 - 440 110 - 380 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – BRINELL 30 - 150* 50 - 90* 10 - 20* 80 - 100 40 - 175 SPEED IN SFPM COOLANT FED (C.F.) 375-550 450-550 400-500 – 400-500 200-300 FEED RATE (INCHES PER REVOLUTION) HOLE DIAMETER IN INCHES 1⁄8 ¼ 3⁄8 ½ 5⁄8 ¾ 1 1¼ 1½ – – – – – – .004 .005 .004 – .004 .004 .005 .006 .006 – .005 .005 .006 .007 .007 – .006 .006 .006 .008 .008 – .008 .007 .007 .009 .009 – .009 .008 .009 .013 .013 – .010 .010 – – – – – – – – – – – – 10 - 100Rb 300-450 – .004 .005 .006 .007 .008 .010 – – 10 - 100Rb 40 - 200* 120 - 275 140 - 270 270 - 400 220 - 320 120 - 220 225-300 225-300 – 200-250 200-250 225-325 200-250 – – – – – – – .004 .004 – .004 .004 .004 .004 .005 .005 – .005 .005 .006 .006 .006 .006 – .006 .006 .008 .008 .007 .007 – .007 .007 .010 .008 .008 .008 – .008 .008 .012 .008 .010 .010 – .010 .010 .015 .010 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 200 - 320 200-250 – .004 .005 .006 .007 .008 .010 – – 100 - 250 150-250 – .005 .006 .008 .009 .010 .012 – – 100 - 375 – – – – – – – – – – 100 - 275 100-220 – .005 .006 .007 .008 .010 .012 – – 85 - 375 100-150 – .005 .006 .007 .008 .010 .012 – – 135 - 325 110-150 – .004 .005 .006 .007 .008 .010 – – 135 - 275 125-190 – .004 .005 .006 .007 .007 .008 – - 175 - 400 100-150 – .0015 .002 .003 .004 .005 .006 – – 140 - 300 - – - - - - - - – – 135 - 375 150 - 440 110 - 380 - – – – - - - - - - – – – – – – Fax 941-739-2827 • w w w.lexingtoncutter.com • LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 127 SOLID CARBIDE JOBBERS LENGTH TWIST DRILLS TYPE 3860 – JOBBERS LENGTH – 118° SPLIT POINT Solid Carbide 25° Helix jobbers drill manufactured with sub micrograin C2 carbide for general purpose drilling of non-ferrous alloys, cast iron, plastics, aluminum, steel, and highly abrasive sive materials. materia Chisel point centrality is within .001. Tool diameter tolerance: +.0000 / -.0005 Included angle tolerance: +/- 2° Lip Height TIV: +.0015 / -.0015 Metric tolerance: h7 TOOL DIAMETER FRAC./mm DEC. WIRE/LTR .0312 .0320 .0330 .0350 .0360 .0370 .0380 .0390 .0394 .0400 .0410 .0420 .0430 .0465 .0469 .0520 .0550 .0591 .0595 .0625 .0635 .0670 .0700 .0730 .0760 .0781 .0785 .0787 .0810 .0820 .0860 .0890 .0935 .0938 .0960 .0980 .0984 .0995 .1015 .1040 .1065 .1094 .1100 .1110 .1130 .1160 .1181 .1200 .1250 1⁄32 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 1.0mm 60 59 58 57 56 3⁄64 55 54 1.5mm 53 1⁄16 52 51 50 49 48 5⁄64 47 2.0mm 46 45 44 43 42 3⁄32 41 40 2.5mm 39 38 37 36 7⁄64 35 34 33 32 3.0mm 31 1⁄8 LENGTH FLT OAL 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄16 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 16 ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ 19 ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 22 7⁄8 7⁄8 1 1 1 1 1 1 25 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 32 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 38 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 38 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 44 1¾ 1¾ 2 2 2 2 2 2 50 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 57 2¼ 2¼ TYPE 3860 EDP NO. 386002 $15.75 38600320 15.75 38600330 15.75 38600350 15.75 38600360 15.75 38600370 15.75 38600380 15.75 38600390 15.75 3860010 18.80 38600400 15.75 38600410 15.75 38600420 15.75 38600430 15.75 38600465 15.75 386003 15.75 38600520 15.75 38600550 15.75 3860015 18.75 38600595 15.75 386004 14.85 38600635 15.75 38600670 15.75 38600700 16.10 38600730 16.55 38600760 16.75 386005 16.45 38600785 16.75 3860020 19.90 38600810 16.75 38600820 17.05 38600860 17.70 38600890 17.70 38600935 17.80 386006 17.00 38600960 17.85 38600980 18.00 3860025 20.50 38600995 18.25 38601015 18.25 38601040 18.25 38601065 18.25 386007 18.60 38601100 18.60 38601110 19.10 38601130 19.10 38601160 19.55 3860030 22.80 38601200 19.85 386008 19.35 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 128 Made in U.S.A. PRICE EACH • TOOL DIAMETER FRAC./mm DEC. WIRE/LTR .1285 .1360 .1378 .1405 .1406 .1440 .1470 .1495 .1520 .1540 .1562 .1570 .1575 .1590 .1610 .1660 .1695 .1719 .1730 .1770 .1772 .1800 .1820 .1850 .1875 .1890 .1910 .1935 .1960 .1969 .1990 .2010 .2031 .2040 .2055 .2090 .2130 .2165 .2188 .2210 .2280 .2340 .2344 .2362 .2380 .2420 .2460 .2500 .2559 30 29 3.5mm 28 9⁄64 27 26 25 24 23 5⁄32 22 4.0mm 21 20 19 18 11⁄64 17 16 4.5mm 15 14 13 3⁄16 12 11 10 9 5.0mm 8 7 13⁄64 6 5 4 3 5.5mm 7⁄32 2 1 A 15⁄64 6.0mm B C D E, ¼ 6.5mm LENGTH FLT OAL 1¼ 1 3⁄8 35 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 35 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1 5⁄8 1 5⁄8 1 5⁄8 1 5⁄8 1 5⁄8 41 1 5⁄8 1 5⁄8 1 5⁄8 1 5⁄8 1 5⁄8 1 5⁄8 1 5⁄8 1¾ 44 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 44 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 2 2 50 2 2 2 2 50 2¼ 2½ 63 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 63 2½ 2½ 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 70 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 3 75 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 75 3 3 3 3¼ 3¼ 82 3¼ 3¼ 3¼ 3¼ 82 TYPE 3860 EDP NO. PRICE EACH 38601285 $20.65 38601360 20.85 3860035 24.05 38601405 21.40 386009 22.95 38601440 22.25 38601470 22.70 38601495 22.80 38601520 23.45 38601540 24.35 386010 24.05 38601570 25.85 3860040 28.65 38601590 26.15 38601610 26.40 38601660 27.40 38601695 27.65 386011 28.20 38601730 28.20 38601770 28.65 3860045 31.75 38601800 28.90 38601820 28.75 38601850 29.40 386012 28.30 38601890 29.85 38601910 30.35 38601935 30.85 38601960 31.55 3860050 35.45 38601990 32.35 38602010 32.70 386013 34.45 38602040 34.05 38602055 34.45 38602090 35.35 38602130 36.30 3860055 40.00 386014 35.65 38602210 37.70 38602280 39.70 38602340 44.05 386015 39.55 3860060 44.30 38602380 45.15 38602420 45.30 38602460 46.55 386016 40.35 3860065 52.55 [email protected] • TOOL DIAMETER FRAC./mm DEC. WIRE/LTR .2570 .2610 .2656 .2660 .2720 .2756 .2770 .2810 .2812 .2900 .2950 .2953 .2969 .3020 .3125 .3150 .3160 .3230 .3281 .3320 .3346 .3390 .3438 .3480 .3543 .3580 .3594 .3680 .3740 .3750 .3770 .3860 .3906 .3937 .3970 .4040 .4062 .4130 .4134 .4219 .4331 .4375 .4528 .4531 .4688 .4724 .4844 .4921 .5000 F G 17⁄64 H I 7.0mm J K 9⁄32 L M 7.5mm 19⁄64 N 5⁄16 8.0mm O P 21⁄64 Q 8.5mm R 11⁄32 S 9.0mm T 23⁄64 U 9.5mm 3⁄8 V W 25⁄64 10.0mm X Y 13⁄32 Z 10.5mm 27⁄64 11.0mm 7⁄16 11.5mm 29⁄64 15⁄32 12.0mm 31⁄64 12.5mm ½ Phone 800-882-2627 LENGTH FLT OAL TYPE 3860 EDP NO. 2 2 1⁄8 2 1⁄8 2 1⁄8 2 1⁄8 54 2 1⁄8 2 1⁄8 2 1⁄8 2 1⁄8 2 3⁄8 60 2 3⁄8 2 3⁄8 2 3⁄8 60 2 3⁄8 2 3⁄8 2½ 2½ 63 2½ 2½ 2½ 70 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 70 2¾ 2¾ 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 73 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 73 2 7⁄8 73 2 7⁄8 76 3 3 76 3 76 3 3¼ 3½ 3½ 3½ 3½ 89 3½ 3½ 3½ 3½ 3¾ 95 3¾ 3¾ 3¾ 95 3¾ 3¾ 4 4 100 4 4 4 100 4¼ 4¼ 4¼ 108 4¼ 4¼ 4½ 4½ 114 4½ 4½ 4½ 4½ 114 4½ 114 4½ 120 4¾ 4¾ 120 4¾ 120 4¾ 38602570 38602610 386017 38602660 38602720 3860070 38602770 38602810 386018 38602900 38602950 3860075 386019 38603020 386020 3860080 38603160 38603230 386021 38603320 3860085 38603390 386022 38603480 3860090 38603580 386023 38603680 3860095 386024 38603770 38603860 386025 3860100 38603970 38604040 386026 38604130 3860105 386027 3860110 386028 3860115 386029 386030 3860120 386031 3860125 386032 • PRICE EACH $49.40 50.20 44.10 51.60 52.65 58.80 53.90 54.30 47.65 56.95 58.95 64.15 54.15 62.50 57.55 65.25 66.15 68.30 62.70 72.45 77.40 74.75 69.55 82.10 88.15 85.05 75.85 86.75 91.20 82.30 95.70 101.50 93.10 108.50 109.80 109.00 103.25 120.30 124.20 112.95 138.55 122.40 151.25 132.60 142.75 160.90 146.95 178.70 150.70 Fax 800-882-3637 Larger sizes available. Call for pricing. CARBIDE TIPPED TANGED JOBBERS LENGTH TWIST DRILLS TYPE 3690 - TANGED JOBBERS LENGTH - 118° POINT TYPE 3691 - TANGED JOBBERS LENGTH - 135° SPLIT POINT Same as Types 3600 and 3601 on page 130, except all tools are tanged. Designed for applications requiring ASA split sleeve drill drivers. (Not usually recommended for steel.) For drill tolerances, see page 150. Overall length tolerance: +¼"/-1⁄8". TOOL DIAMETER LENGTH 118° POINT WIRE OVER- TYPE 3690 PRICE FLUTE LETTER ALL EDP NO. EACH DECIMAL FRAC. .1250 .1285 .1360 .1405 .1406 .1440 .1470 .1495 .1520 .1540 .1562 .1570 .1590 .1610 .1660 .1695 .1719 .1730 .1770 .1800 .1820 .1850 .1875 .1890 .1910 .1935 .1960 .1990 .2010 .2031 .2040 .2055 .2090 .2130 .2188 .2210 .2280 .2340 .2344 .2380 .2420 .2460 .2500 .2570 .2610 .2656 .2660 .2720 1⁄8 30 29 28 9⁄64 27 26 25 24 23 5⁄32 22 21 20 19 18 11⁄64 17 16 15 14 13 3⁄16 12 11 10 9 8 7 13⁄64 6 5 4 3 7⁄32 2 1 A 15⁄64 ¼ B C D E F G 17⁄64 H I 1 5⁄8 1 5⁄8 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1 7⁄8 1 7⁄8 1 7⁄8 2 2 2 2 2 1⁄8 2 1⁄8 2 1⁄8 2 1⁄8 2 1⁄8 2 3⁄16 2 3⁄16 2 3⁄16 2 3⁄16 2 5⁄16 2 5⁄16 2 5⁄16 2 5⁄16 2 7⁄16 2 7⁄16 2 7⁄16 2 7⁄16 2 7⁄16 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2¾ 2¾ 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 3 3 3 3 1⁄8 3 1⁄8 3 1⁄8 3 1⁄8 3¼ 3¼ 3¼ 3¼ 3¼ 3 3⁄8 3 3⁄8 3 3⁄8 3 3⁄8 3½ 3½ 3½ 3½ 3 5⁄8 3 5⁄8 3 5⁄8 3 5⁄8 3 5⁄8 3¾ 3¾ 3¾ 3¾ 3¾ 3 7⁄8 3 7⁄8 3 7⁄8 3 7⁄8 4 4 4 4 4 1⁄8 4 1⁄8 4 1⁄8 4 1⁄8 4 1⁄8 Phone 941-739-2726 • 135° POINT TYPE 3691 PRICE EDP NO. EACH 369008 $18.10 369108 $21.25 369230 18.50 369330 21.55 369229 19.20 369329 22.10 369228 19.35 369328 22.65 369009 19.60 369109 22.95 369227 19.85 369327 23.15 369226 18.45 369326 21.55 369225 18.45 369325 21.55 369224 19.85 369324 23.15 369223 19.35 369323 22.65 369010 19.25 369110 22.65 369222 21.45 369322 24.90 369221 20.45 369321 23.80 369220 21.00 369320 24.40 369219 21.00 369319 24.40 369218 21.00 369318 24.40 369011 21.00 369111 24.40 369217 21.00 369317 24.40 369216 20.45 369316 23.80 369215 21.45 369315 24.90 369214 20.45 369314 23.80 369213 22.65 369313 23.80 369012 20.45 369112 23.80 369212 23.50 369312 24.90 369211 21.75 369311 25.15 369210 21.45 369310 24.90 369209 21.75 369309 25.15 369208 21.75 369308 25.15 369207 21.75 369307 25.15 369013 22.50 369113 25.95 369206 22.20 369306 25.85 369205 22.55 369305 25.15 369204 22.20 369304 25.85 369203 22.55 369303 25.15 369014 22.50 369114 26.10 369202 23.35 369302 27.10 369201 23.10 369301 26.75 369401 25.50 369501 29.45 369015 24.20 369115 28.15 369402 25.50 369502 29.45 369403 25.50 369503 29.45 369404 24.85 369504 28.80 369016 24.20 369116 28.15 369406 28.60 369506 33.30 369407 29.35 369507 33.90 369017 26.90 369117 30.70 369408 29.90 369508 34.70 369409 29.35 369509 33.90 Fax 941-739-2827 • TOOL DIAMETER LENGTH 118° POINT OVER- TYPE 3690 PRICE WIRE FLUTE ALL EDP NO. EACH LETTER DECIMAL FRAC. .2770 .2810 .2812 .2900 .2950 .2969 .3020 .3125 .3160 .3230 .3281 .3320 .3390 .3438 .3480 .3580 .3594 .3680 .3750 .3770 .3860 .3906 .3970 .4040 .4062 .4130 .4219 .4375 .4531 .4688 .4844 .5000 .5156 .5312 .5469 .5625 .5781 .5938 .6094 .6250 .6406 .6562 .6719 .6875 .7031 .7188 .7344 .7500 J K 9⁄32 L M 19⁄64 N 5⁄16 O P 21⁄64 Q R 11⁄32 S T 23⁄64 U 3⁄8 V W 25⁄64 X Y 13⁄32 Z 27⁄64 7⁄16 29⁄64 15⁄32 31⁄64 ½ 33⁄64 17⁄32 35⁄64 9⁄16 37⁄64 19⁄32 39⁄64 5⁄8 41⁄64 21⁄32 43⁄64 11⁄16 45⁄64 23⁄32 47⁄64 ¾ 2 7⁄8 2 15⁄16 2 15⁄16 2 15⁄16 3 1⁄16 3 1⁄16 3 1⁄16 3 3⁄16 3 3⁄16 3 5⁄16 3 5⁄16 3 7⁄16 3 7⁄16 3 7⁄16 3½ 3½ 3½ 3 5⁄8 3 5⁄8 3 5⁄8 3¾ 3¾ 3¾ 3 7⁄8 3 7⁄8 3 7⁄8 3 15⁄16 4 1⁄16 4 3⁄16 4 5⁄16 4 3⁄8 4½ 4 13⁄16 4 13⁄16 4 13⁄16 4 13⁄16 4 13⁄16 5 3⁄16 5 3⁄16 5 3⁄16 5 3⁄16 5 3⁄16 5 5⁄8 5 5⁄8 5 5⁄8 5 5⁄8 5 5⁄8 5 13⁄16 4 1⁄8 4¼ 4¼ 4¼ 4 3⁄8 4 3⁄8 4 3⁄8 4½ 4½ 4 5⁄8 4 5⁄8 4¾ 4¾ 4¾ 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 5 5 5 5 1⁄8 5 1⁄8 5 1⁄8 5¼ 5¼ 5¼ 5 3⁄8 5½ 5 5⁄8 5¾ 5 7⁄8 6 6 5⁄8 6 5⁄8 6 5⁄8 6 5⁄8 6 5⁄8 7 1⁄8 7 1⁄8 7 1⁄8 7 1⁄8 7 1⁄8 7 5⁄8 7 5⁄8 7 5⁄8 7 5⁄8 7 5⁄8 8 w w w.lexingtoncutter.com • 369410 369411 369018 369412 369413 369019 369414 369020 369415 369416 369021 369417 369418 369022 369419 369420 369023 369421 369024 369422 369423 369025 369424 369425 369026 369426 369027 369028 369029 369030 369031 369032 369033 369034 369035 369036 369037 369038 369039 369040 369041 369042 369043 369044 369045 369046 369047 369048 $29.90 29.90 28.50 29.90 32.95 31.60 32.20 30.85 31.70 33.80 32.70 34.55 33.80 32.70 36.40 37.10 34.85 35.80 34.85 36.40 40.00 37.85 38.20 40.00 37.85 44.15 41.25 41.25 47.25 46.40 51.80 56.95 74.15 74.15 74.90 74.90 82.70 80.50 95.05 91.15 105.10 92.60 120.70 94.45 110.40 111.50 112.10 113.90 135° POINT TYPE 3691 PRICE EDP NO. EACH 369510 369511 369118 369512 369513 369119 369514 369120 369515 369516 369121 369517 369518 369122 369519 369520 369123 369521 369124 369522 369523 369125 369524 369525 369126 369526 369127 369128 369129 369130 369131 369132 369133 369134 369135 369136 369137 369138 369139 369140 369141 369142 369143 369144 369145 369146 369147 369148 $34.70 34.70 33.00 34.70 38.35 36.55 37.50 35.85 36.60 39.20 38.05 40.15 39.20 38.05 42.35 43.15 40.50 41.40 40.50 42.35 46.25 44.10 44.30 46.25 44.10 51.15 47.85 47.85 54.85 53.65 60.10 60.10 86.15 86.15 87.00 87.00 96.15 93.35 110.30 105.60 122.00 107.55 140.00 109.50 122.75 123.85 124.65 126.50 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 129 CARBIDE TIPPED JOBBERS LENGTH TWIST DRILLS TYPE 3600 - JOBBERS LENGTH - 118° POINT TYPE 3601 - JOBBERS LENGTH - 135° SPLIT POINT Carbide tip brazed to hardened tool steel bodies. Smooth flutes for effective chip flow. Precision ground to insure concentricity of tip & body. For drilling cast iron, non-ferrous metals and non-metals. (Not usually recommended for drilling steel.) Tanged jobber drill pricing available on our website www.lexingtoncutter.com. Overall length tolerance: +¼"/-1⁄8". For drill tolerances, see page 150. For smaller sizes and solid carbide drills see page 128. TOOL DIAMETER LENGTH 118° POINT WIRE OVER- TYPE 3600 PRICE DECIMAL FRAC. FLUTE LETTER ALL EDP NO. EACH .1160 .1200 .1250 .1285 .1360 .1405 .1406 .1440 .1470 .1495 .1520 .1540 .1562 .1570 .1590 .1610 .1660 .1695 .1719 .1730 .1770 .1800 .1820 .1850 .1875 .1890 .1910 .1935 .1960 .1990 .2010 .2031 .2040 .2055 .2090 .2130 .2188 .2210 .2280 .2340 .2344 .2380 .2420 .2460 .2500 .2570 .2610 .2656 .2660 32 31 1⁄8 30 29 28 9⁄64 27 26 25 24 23 5⁄32 22 21 20 19 18 11⁄64 17 16 15 14 13 3⁄16 12 11 10 9 8 7 13⁄64 6 5 4 3 7⁄32 2 1 A 15⁄64 B C D E F G ¼ 17⁄64 H 1 5⁄8 1 5⁄8 1 5⁄8 1 5⁄8 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1 7⁄8 1 7⁄8 1 7⁄8 2 2 2 2 2 1⁄8 2 1⁄8 2 1⁄8 2 1⁄8 2 1⁄8 2 3⁄16 2 3⁄16 2 3⁄16 2 3⁄16 2 5⁄16 2 5⁄16 2 5⁄16 2 5⁄16 2 7⁄16 2 7⁄16 2 7⁄16 2 7⁄16 2 7⁄16 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 3 3 3 3 1⁄8 3 1⁄8 3 1⁄8 3 1⁄8 3¼ 3¼ 3¼ 3¼ 3¼ 3 3⁄8 3 3⁄8 3 3⁄8 3 3⁄8 3½ 3½ 3½ 3½ 3 5⁄8 3 5⁄8 3 5⁄8 3 5⁄8 3 5⁄8 3¾ 3¾ 3¾ 3¾ 3¾ 3 7⁄8 3 7⁄8 3 7⁄8 3 7⁄8 4 4 4 4 4 1⁄8 4 1⁄8 4 1⁄8 4 1⁄8 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 130 Made in U.S.A. 135° POINT TYPE 3601 PRICE EDP NO. EACH 360232 $16.25 360332 $19.05 360231 14.65 360331 17.10 360008 15.05 360108 17.55 360230 15.35 360330 17.80 360229 15.90 360329 18.35 360228 16.05 360328 18.70 360009 16.25 360109 18.95 360227 16.45 360327 19.10 360226 15.25 360326 17.80 360225 15.25 360325 17.80 360224 16.45 360324 19.10 360223 16.05 360323 18.70 360010 15.95 360110 18.70 360222 17.70 360322 20.65 360221 16.95 360321 19.75 360220 17.45 360320 20.15 360219 17.45 360319 20.15 360218 17.45 360318 20.15 360011 17.45 360111 20.15 360217 17.45 360317 20.15 360216 16.95 360316 19.75 360215 17.70 360315 20.65 360214 16.95 360314 19.75 360213 18.70 360313 19.75 360012 16.95 360112 19.75 360212 19.55 360312 20.65 360211 18.05 360311 20.85 360210 17.70 360310 20.65 360209 18.05 360309 20.85 360208 18.05 360308 20.85 360207 18.05 360307 20.85 360013 18.60 360113 21.50 360206 18.40 360306 21.40 360205 18.60 360305 20.85 360204 18.40 360304 21.40 360203 18.60 360303 20.85 360014 18.60 360114 21.50 360202 19.40 360302 22.45 360201 19.05 360301 22.10 360401 21.05 360501 24.45 360015 20.00 360115 23.30 360402 21.05 360502 24.45 360403 21.05 360503 24.45 360404 20.60 360504 23.95 360016 20.00 360116 23.30 360406 23.65 360506 27.45 360407 24.30 360507 28.05 360017 22.25 360117 25.50 360408 24.80 360508 28.70 • TOOL DIAMETER LENGTH 118° POINT WIRE OVER- TYPE 3600 PRICE FLUTE LETTER ALL EDP NO. EACH DECIMAL FRAC. .2720 .2770 .2810 .2812 .2900 .2950 .2969 .3020 .3125 .3160 .3230 .3281 .3320 .3390 .3438 .3480 .3580 .3594 .3680 .3750 .3770 .3860 .3906 .3970 .4040 .4062 .4130 .4219 .4375 .4531 .4688 .4844 .5000 .5156 .5312 .5469 .5625 .5781 .5938 .6094 .6250 .6406 .6562 .6719 .6875 .7031 .7188 .7344 .7500 [email protected] I J K 9⁄32 L M 19⁄64 N 5⁄16 O P 21⁄64 Q R 11⁄32 S T 23⁄64 U 3⁄8 V W 25⁄64 X Y 13⁄32 Z 27⁄64 7⁄16 29⁄64 15⁄32 31⁄64 ½ 33⁄64 17⁄32 35⁄64 9⁄16 37⁄64 19⁄32 39⁄64 5⁄8 41⁄64 21⁄32 43⁄64 11⁄16 45⁄64 23⁄32 47⁄64 ¾ • 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 15⁄16 2 15⁄16 2 15⁄16 3 1⁄16 3 1⁄16 3 1⁄16 3 3⁄16 3 3⁄16 3 5⁄16 3 5⁄16 3 7⁄16 3 7⁄16 3 7⁄16 3½ 3½ 3½ 3 5⁄8 3 5⁄8 3 5⁄8 3¾ 3¾ 3¾ 3 7⁄8 3 7⁄8 3 7⁄8 3 15⁄16 4 1⁄16 4 3⁄16 4 5⁄16 4 3⁄8 4½ 4 13⁄16 4 13⁄16 4 13⁄16 4 13⁄16 4 13⁄16 5 3⁄16 5 3⁄16 5 3⁄16 5 3⁄16 5 3⁄16 5 5⁄8 5 5⁄8 5 5⁄8 5 5⁄8 5 5⁄8 5 13⁄16 4 1⁄8 4 1⁄8 4¼ 4¼ 4¼ 4 3⁄8 4 3⁄8 4 3⁄8 4½ 4½ 4 5⁄8 4 5⁄8 4¾ 4¾ 4¾ 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 5 5 5 5 1⁄8 5 1⁄8 5 1⁄8 5¼ 5¼ 5¼ 5 3⁄8 5½ 5 5⁄8 5¾ 5 7⁄8 6 6 5⁄8 6 5⁄8 6 5⁄8 6 5⁄8 6 5⁄8 7 1⁄8 7 1⁄8 7 1⁄8 7 1⁄8 7 1⁄8 7 5⁄8 7 5⁄8 7 5⁄8 7 5⁄8 7 5⁄8 8 135° POINT TYPE 3601 PRICE EDP NO. EACH 360409 $24.30 360509 $28.05 360410 24.80 360510 28.70 360411 24.80 360511 28.70 360018 23.60 360118 27.35 360412 24.80 360512 28.70 360413 27.30 360513 31.80 360019 26.10 360119 30.25 360414 26.65 360514 31.00 360020 25.55 360120 29.70 360415 26.25 360515 30.40 360416 28.00 360516 32.40 360021 27.10 360121 31.50 360417 28.55 360517 33.25 360418 28.00 360518 32.40 360022 27.10 360122 31.50 360419 30.10 360519 35.00 360420 30.75 360520 35.75 360023 28.85 360123 33.55 360421 29.55 360521 34.30 360024 28.85 360124 33.55 360422 30.10 360522 35.00 360423 33.10 360523 38.30 360025 31.35 360125 36.55 360424 31.70 360524 36.75 360425 33.10 360525 38.30 360026 31.35 360126 36.55 360426 36.60 360526 42.35 360027 34.15 360127 39.60 360028 34.15 360128 39.60 360029 39.20 360129 45.45 360030 38.35 360130 44.45 360031 42.90 360131 49.75 360032 47.20 360132 49.75 360033 61.45 360133 71.40 360034 61.45 360134 71.40 360035 62.00 360135 71.95 360036 62.00 360136 71.95 360037 68.45 360137 79.60 360038 66.55 360138 77.35 360039 78.75 360139 91.35 360040 75.45 360140 87.50 360041 87.00 360141 101.10 360042 76.70 360142 89.05 360043 99.80 360143 116.00 360044 78.20 360144 90.70 360045 91.35 360145 101.65 360046 92.35 360146 102.60 360047 92.80 360147 103.20 360048 94.20 360148 104.70 Phone 800-882-2627 • Fax 800-882-3637 CARBIDE TIPPED JOBBERS LENGTH TWIST DRILLS TYPE 3600 - JOBBERS LENGTH - 118° POINT TYPE 3601 - JOBBERS LENGTH - 135° SPLIT POINT Detailed description and fractional sizes on page 130. (Not usually recommended for steel.) For drill tolerances, see page 150. Overall length tolerance: +¼"/-1⁄8". TOOL DIAMETER FLUTE LENGTH 118° POINT OVERALL LENGTH mm INCH mm INCH mm TYPE 3600 INCH EDP NO. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 41 41 41 44 44 44 48 48 48 51 54 54 54 54 56 56 56 59 59 62 62 62 64 64 64 64 67 67 67 67 70 70 70 70 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 75 75 75 78 78 78 81 81 81 81 84 84 84 87 87 87 1 5⁄8 1 5⁄8 1 5⁄8 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1 7⁄8 1 7⁄8 1 7⁄8 2 2 1⁄8 2 1⁄8 2 1⁄8 2 1⁄8 2 3⁄16 2 3⁄16 2 3⁄16 2 5⁄16 2 5⁄16 2 7⁄16 2 7⁄16 2 7⁄16 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 15⁄16 2 15⁄16 2 15⁄16 3 1⁄16 3 1⁄16 3 1⁄16 3 3⁄16 3 3⁄16 3 3⁄16 3 3⁄16 3 5⁄16 3 5⁄16 3 5⁄16 3 7⁄16 3 7⁄16 3 7⁄16 70 70 70 73 73 73 76 76 76 79 83 83 83 83 86 86 86 89 89 92 92 92 95 95 95 95 98 98 98 98 102 102 102 102 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 108 108 108 111 111 111 114 114 114 114 117 117 117 121 121 121 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 3 3 3 3 1⁄8 3¼ 3¼ 3¼ 3¼ 3 3⁄8 3 3⁄8 3 3⁄8 3½ 3½ 3 5⁄8 3 5⁄8 3 5⁄8 3¾ 3¾ 3¾ 3¾ 3 7⁄8 3 7⁄8 3 7⁄8 3 7⁄8 4 4 4 4 4 1⁄8 4 1⁄8 4 1⁄8 4 1⁄8 4 1⁄8 4 1⁄8 4 1⁄8 4¼ 4¼ 4¼ 4 3⁄8 4 3⁄8 4 3⁄8 4½ 4½ 4½ 4½ 4 5⁄8 4 5⁄8 4 5⁄8 4¾ 4¾ 4¾ .1181 .1220 .1260 .1299 .1339 .1378 .1417 .1457 .1496 .1535 .1575 .1614 .1654 .1693 .1732 .1772 .1811 .1850 .1890 .1929 .1969 .2008 .2047 .2087 .2126 .2165 .2205 .2244 .2283 .2323 .2362 .2402 .2441 .2480 .2520 .2559 .2598 .2638 .2677 .2717 .2756 .2795 .2835 .2874 .2913 .2953 .2992 .3031 .3071 .3110 .3150 .3189 .3228 .3268 .3307 .3346 .3386 Phone 941-739-2726 PRICE EACH 135° POINT TYPE 3601 EDP NO. PRICE EACH 3600030 $20.25 3601030 $20.65 3600031 21.15 3601031 21.40 3600032 21.15 3601032 21.40 3600033 21.15 3601033 21.40 3600034 21.15 3601034 21.40 3600035 19.55 3601035 20.25 3600036 20.25 3601036 20.65 3600037 20.25 3601037 20.65 3600038 20.25 3601038 20.65 3600039 20.25 3601039 20.65 3600040 19.05 3601040 19.55 3600041 18.35 3601041 20.85 3600042 19.55 3601042 20.85 3600043 19.55 3601043 20.85 3600044 19.55 3601044 20.85 3600045 20.25 3601045 20.85 3600046 22.05 3601046 22.35 360213 18.70 360313 19.75 360212 19.55 360312 20.65 3600049 22.05 3601049 22.35 3600050 21.15 3601050 21.75 3600051 22.95 3601051 23.30 3600052 22.95 3601052 23.30 3600053 22.95 3601053 23.30 3600054 22.95 3601054 23.30 3600055 22.45 3601055 22.70 3600056 23.60 3601056 24.00 3600057 23.60 3601057 24.00 3600058 23.60 3601058 24.00 3600059 23.60 3601059 24.00 3600060 23.30 3601060 24.65 3600061 24.65 3601061 25.25 3600062 24.65 3601062 25.25 3600063 24.65 3601063 25.25 3600064 24.65 3601064 25.25 3600065 24.10 3601065 24.65 3600066 25.75 3601066 28.85 3600067 25.75 3601067 28.85 3600068 25.75 3601068 28.85 3600069 25.75 3601069 28.85 3600070 25.20 3601070 28.85 3600071 26.40 3601071 28.85 3600072 26.40 3601072 28.85 3600073 26.40 3601073 28.85 3600074 26.40 3601074 31.20 3600075 26.40 3601075 31.20 3600076 27.65 3601076 31.20 3600077 27.65 3601077 31.20 3600078 27.65 3601078 31.20 3600079 27.65 3601079 31.20 3600080 27.00 3601080 31.20 3600081 29.55 3601081 33.25 3600082 29.55 3601082 33.25 3600083 29.55 3601083 33.25 3600084 29.55 3601084 33.25 3600085 28.30 3601085 33.25 3600086 29.55 3601086 33.25 • Fax 941-739-2827 • TOOL DIAMETER FLUTE LENGTH 118° POINT OVERALL LENGTH mm INCH mm INCH mm TYPE 3600 INCH EDP NO. 8.7 8.8 8.9 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 10.8 10.9 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 11.7 11.8 11.9 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 12.7 12.8 12.9 13.0 13.5 14.0 14.5 15.0 15.5 16.0 16.5 17.0 17.5 18.0 18.5 19.0 - 87 89 89 89 89 92 92 92 92 95 95 95 95 95 98 98 98 98 98 100 100 103 103 103 103 106 106 106 106 110 110 110 110 111 111 111 111 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 122 122 122 132 132 132 132 143 143 143 143 148 - 3 7⁄16 3½ 3½ 3½ 3½ 3 5⁄8 3 5⁄8 3 5⁄8 3 5⁄8 3¾ 3¾ 3¾ 3¾ 3¾ 3 7⁄8 3 7⁄8 3 7⁄8 3 7⁄8 3 7⁄8 3 15⁄16 3 15⁄16 4 1⁄16 4 1⁄16 4 1⁄16 4 1⁄16 4 3⁄16 4 3⁄16 4 3⁄16 4 3⁄16 4 5⁄16 4 5⁄16 4 5⁄16 4 5⁄16 4 3⁄8 4 3⁄8 4 3⁄8 4 3⁄8 4½ 4½ 4½ 4½ 4½ 4½ 4½ 4 13⁄16 4 13⁄16 4 13⁄16 5 3⁄16 5 3⁄16 5 3⁄16 5 3⁄16 5 5⁄8 5 5⁄8 5 5⁄8 5 5⁄8 5 13⁄16 - 121 124 124 124 124 127 127 127 127 130 130 130 130 130 133 133 133 133 133 137 137 140 140 140 140 143 143 143 143 146 146 146 146 149 149 149 149 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 168 168 168 181 181 181 181 194 194 194 194 203 - 4¾ 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 5 5 5 5 5 1⁄8 5 1⁄8 5 1⁄8 5 1⁄8 5 1⁄8 5¼ 5¼ 5¼ 5¼ 5¼ 5 3⁄8 5 3⁄8 5½ 5½ 5½ 5½ 5 5⁄8 5 5⁄8 5 5⁄8 5 5⁄8 5¾ 5¾ 5¾ 5¾ 5 7⁄8 5 7⁄8 5 7⁄8 5 7⁄8 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5⁄8 6 5⁄8 6 5⁄8 7 1⁄8 7 1⁄8 7 1⁄8 7 1⁄8 7 5⁄8 7 5⁄8 7 5⁄8 7 5⁄8 8 - .3425 .3465 .3504 .3543 .3583 .3622 .3661 .3701 .3740 .3780 .3819 .3858 .3898 .3937 .3976 .4016 .4055 .4094 .4134 .4173 .4213 .4252 .4291 .4331 .4370 .4409 .4449 .4488 .4528 .4567 .4606 .4646 .4685 .4724 .4764 .4803 .4843 .4882 .4921 .4961 .5000 .5039 .5079 .5118 .5315 .5512 .5709 .5906 .6102 .6299 .6496 .6693 .6890 .7087 .7283 .7480 - w w w.lexingtoncutter.com • 135° POINT PRICE EACH TYPE 3601 EDP NO. PR ICE EACH 3600087 $29.55 3601087 $33.25 3600088 29.55 3601088 33.25 3600089 29.55 3601089 35.40 3600090 28.85 3601090 35.40 3600091 32.00 3601091 35.40 3600092 32.00 3601092 35.40 3600093 32.00 3601093 35.40 3600094 32.00 3601094 35.40 3600095 31.35 3601095 35.40 3600096 32.50 3601096 38.55 3600097 32.50 3601097 38.55 3600098 32.50 3601098 38.55 3600099 32.50 3601099 38.55 3600100 32.50 3601100 38.55 3600101 38.70 3601101 39.75 3600102 38.70 3601102 39.75 3600103 38.70 3601103 39.75 3600104 38.70 3601104 41.70 3600105 37.45 3601105 41.70 3600106 42.40 3601106 43.20 3600107 42.40 3601107 43.20 3600108 42.40 3601108 43.20 3600109 42.40 3601109 43.20 3600110 40.60 3601110 41.70 3600111 47.30 3601111 48.10 3600112 47.30 3601112 48.45 3600113 47.30 3601113 48.45 3600114 47.30 3601114 47.05 3600115 45.50 3601115 47.05 3600116 51.60 3601116 52.35 3600117 51.60 3601117 52.35 3600118 51.60 3601118 52.35 3600119 51.60 3601119 52.35 3600120 49.30 3601120 52.65 3600121 53.60 3601121 54.40 3600122 53.60 3601122 54.40 3600123 53.60 3601123 54.40 3600124 53.60 3601124 54.40 3600125 51.10 3601125 52.65 3600126 55.50 3601126 56.20 360032 47.20 360132 49.75 3600128 60.90 3601128 77.55 3600129 60.90 3601129 77.55 3600130 60.90 3601130 77.55 3600135 78.80 3601135 85.05 3600140 83.60 3601140 90.15 3600145 89.60 3601145 96.90 3600150 89.60 3601150 96.90 3600155 90.80 3601155 98.05 3600160 92.45 3601160 99.80 3600165 92.45 3601165 99.80 3600170 96.05 3601170 103.75 3600175 96.05 3601175 103.75 3600180 97.15 3601180 104.70 3600185 97.65 3601185 105.40 3600190 98.90 3601190 106.90 - LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 131 CARBIDE TIPPED TAPER LENGTH TWIST DRILLS TYPE 3630 - TAPER LENGTH - 118° POINT TYPE 3631 - TAPER LENGTH - 135° SPLIT POINT Carbide tip brazed to hardened tool steel bodies. Smooth flutes for effective chip flow. Precision ground to ensure concentricity of tip & body. All tools are tanged. For drilling cast iron, non-ferrous metals and non-metals. For drill tolerances, see page 150. (Not usually recommended for drilling steel.) Overall length tolerance: +¼"/-1⁄8". TOOL DIAMETER LENGTH 118° POINT WIRE OVER- TYPE 3630 PRICE FLUTE LETTER ALL EDP NO. EACH DECIMAL FRAC. .1250 .1285 .1360 .1405 .1406 .1440 .1470 .1495 .1520 .1540 .1562 .1570 .1590 .1610 .1660 .1695 .1719 .1730 .1770 .1800 .1820 .1850 .1875 .1890 .1910 .1935 .1960 .1990 .2010 .2031 .2040 .2055 .2090 .2130 .2188 .2210 .2280 .2340 .2344 .2380 .2420 .2460 .2500 .2570 .2610 .2656 .2660 .2720 .2770 .2810 .2812 .2900 .2950 .2969 .3020 .3125 1 ⁄8 30 29 28 9⁄64 27 26 25 24 23 5⁄32 22 21 20 19 18 11⁄64 17 16 15 14 13 3⁄16 12 11 10 9 8 7 13⁄64 6 5 4 3 7⁄32 2 1 A 15⁄64 B C D E F G ¼ 17⁄64 H I J K 9⁄32 L M 19⁄64 N 5⁄16 2¾ 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3⁄8 3 3⁄8 3 3⁄8 3 3⁄8 3 3⁄8 3 3⁄8 3 3⁄8 3 3⁄8 3 3⁄8 3 3⁄8 3 3⁄8 3 3⁄8 3 5⁄8 3 5⁄8 3 5⁄8 3 5⁄8 3 5⁄8 3 5⁄8 3 5⁄8 3 5⁄8 3 5⁄8 3 5⁄8 3 5⁄8 3 5⁄8 3¾ 3¾ 3¾ 3¾ 3¾ 3¾ 3¾ 3¾ 3 7⁄8 3 7⁄8 3 7⁄8 3 7⁄8 3 7⁄8 3 7⁄8 3 7⁄8 3 7⁄8 4 4 4 4 4 5 1⁄8 5 3⁄8 5 3⁄8 5 3⁄8 5 3⁄8 5 3⁄8 5 3⁄8 5 3⁄8 5 3⁄8 5 3⁄8 5 3⁄8 5¾ 5¾ 5¾ 5¾ 5¾ 5¾ 5¾ 5¾ 5¾ 5¾ 5¾ 5¾ 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 1⁄8 6 1⁄8 6 1⁄8 6 1⁄8 6 1⁄8 6 1⁄8 6 1⁄8 6 1⁄8 6¼ 6¼ 6¼ 6¼ 6¼ 6¼ 6¼ 6¼ 6 3⁄8 6 3⁄8 6 3⁄8 6 3⁄8 6 3⁄8 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 132 Made in U.S.A. 135° POINT TYPE 3631 PRICE EDP NO. EACH 363008 $20.25 363108 $25.15 363230 28.20 363330 30.45 363229 28.20 363329 30.45 363228 28.20 363328 30.45 363009 23.30 363109 26.55 363227 28.20 363327 30.45 363226 28.20 363326 30.45 363225 28.20 363325 30.45 363224 28.20 363324 30.45 363223 28.20 363323 30.45 363010 21.40 363110 26.55 363222 29.25 363322 31.60 363221 29.25 363321 31.60 363220 29.25 363320 31.60 363219 29.25 363319 31.60 363218 29.25 363318 31.60 363011 21.75 363111 27.50 363217 29.25 363317 31.60 363216 29.25 363316 31.60 363215 29.25 363315 31.60 363214 29.25 363314 31.60 363213 29.25 363313 31.60 363012 21.75 363112 27.50 363212 30.85 363312 33.30 363211 30.85 363311 33.30 363210 30.85 363310 33.30 363209 30.85 363309 33.30 363208 30.85 363308 33.30 363207 30.85 363307 33.30 363013 23.05 363113 28.95 363206 30.85 363306 33.30 363205 30.85 363305 33.30 363204 30.85 363304 33.30 363203 30.85 363303 33.30 363014 23.05 363114 28.95 363202 34.90 363302 37.80 363201 34.90 363301 37.80 363401 34.90 363501 37.80 363015 26.10 363115 32.80 363402 34.90 363502 37.80 363403 34.90 363503 37.80 363404 34.90 363504 37.80 363016 26.10 363116 32.80 363406 39.05 363506 42.25 363407 39.05 363507 42.25 363017 29.25 363117 36.75 363408 39.05 363508 42.25 363409 39.05 363509 42.25 363410 39.05 363510 42.25 363411 39.05 363511 42.25 363018 29.25 363118 36.75 363412 42.35 363512 45.65 363413 42.35 363513 45.65 363019 31.50 363119 39.70 363414 42.35 363514 45.65 363020 31.50 363120 39.70 • TOOL DIAMETER LENGTH 118° POINT WIRE OVER- TYPE 3630 PRICE FLUTE LETTER ALL EDP NO. EACH DECIMAL FRAC. .3160 .3230 .3281 .3320 .3390 .3438 .3480 .3580 .3594 .3680 .3750 .3770 .3860 .3906 .3970 .4040 .4062 .4130 .4219 .4375 .4531 .4688 .4844 .5000 .5156 .5312 .5469 .5625 .5781 .5938 .6094 .6250 .6406 .6562 .6719 .6875 .7031 .7188 .7344 .7500 .7656 .7812 .7969 .8125 .8281 .8438 .8594 .8750 .8906 .9062 .9219 .9375 .9531 .9688 .9844 1.0000 [email protected] O P 21⁄64 Q R 11⁄32 S T 23⁄64 U 3⁄8 V W 25⁄64 X Y 13⁄32 Z 27⁄64 7⁄16 29⁄64 15⁄32 31⁄64 ½ 33⁄64 17⁄32 35⁄64 9⁄16 37⁄64 19⁄32 39⁄64 5⁄8 41⁄64 21⁄32 43⁄64 11⁄16 45⁄64 23⁄32 47⁄64 ¾ 49⁄64 25⁄32 51⁄64 13⁄16 53⁄64 27⁄32 55⁄64 7⁄8 57⁄64 29⁄32 59⁄64 15⁄16 61⁄64 31⁄32 63⁄64 1 • 4 1⁄8 4 1⁄8 4 1⁄8 4 1⁄8 4 1⁄8 4 1⁄8 4¼ 4¼ 4¼ 4¼ 4¼ 4 3⁄8 4 3⁄8 4 3⁄8 4 3⁄8 4 3⁄8 4 3⁄8 4 5⁄8 4 5⁄8 4 5⁄8 4¾ 4¾ 4¾ 4¾ 4¾ 4¾ 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 5 1⁄8 5 1⁄8 5 3⁄8 5 3⁄8 5 5⁄8 5 5⁄8 5 7⁄8 5 7⁄8 6 6 6 1⁄8 6 1⁄8 6 1⁄8 6 1⁄8 6 1⁄8 6 1⁄8 6 1⁄8 6 1⁄8 6 1⁄8 6 1⁄8 6 3⁄8 6 3⁄8 6 3⁄8 6 3⁄8 6½ 6½ 6½ 6½ 6½ 6½ 6¾ 6¾ 6¾ 6¾ 6¾ 7 7 7 7 7 7 7¼ 7¼ 7¼ 7½ 7½ 7¾ 7¾ 8 8 8¼ 8¼ 8¾ 8¾ 8¾ 8¾ 9 9 9¼ 9¼ 9½ 9½ 9¾ 9¾ 9 7⁄8 9 7⁄8 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 ¾ 10 ¾ 11 11 11 11 363415 363416 363021 363417 363418 363022 363419 363420 363023 363421 363024 363422 363423 363025 363424 363425 363026 363426 363027 363028 363029 363030 363031 363032 363033 363034 363035 363036 363037 363038 363039 363040 363041 363042 363043 363044 363045 363046 363047 363048 363049 363050 363051 363052 363053 363054 363055 363056 363057 363058 363059 363060 363061 363062 363063 363064 Phone 800-882-2627 • $48.00 48.00 34.70 48.00 48.00 34.70 52.50 52.50 39.15 52.50 39.15 56.30 56.30 42.00 56.30 56.30 42.00 64.85 48.45 48.45 53.35 53.35 56.00 56.00 62.95 64.35 64.95 64.95 68.45 69.70 79.05 79.05 81.95 80.55 84.75 81.90 82.75 83.60 84.05 85.40 108.50 108.50 108.95 93.15 108.95 108.95 115.30 98.65 119.20 119.20 121.00 103.55 126.70 126.70 130.70 111.70 135° POINT TYPE 3631 PRICE EDP NO. EACH 363515 363516 363121 363517 363518 363122 363519 363520 363123 363521 363124 363522 363523 363125 363524 363525 363126 363526 363127 363128 363129 363130 363131 363132 363133 363134 363135 363136 363137 363138 363139 363140 363141 363142 363143 363144 363145 363146 363147 363148 363149 363150 363151 363152 363153 363154 363155 363156 363157 363158 363159 363160 363161 363162 363163 363164 $51.90 51.90 45.15 51.90 51.90 45.65 56.75 56.75 49.40 56.75 49.40 60.85 60.85 53.00 60.85 60.85 53.00 69.95 60.85 60.85 67.25 67.25 70.50 70.50 77.90 77.90 81.90 81.90 86.60 86.60 99.60 99.60 101.45 96.85 102.55 102.55 104.35 105.40 106.05 107.60 117.15 117.15 117.65 117.65 117.65 117.65 124.50 124.50 128.75 128.75 130.70 130.70 136.80 136.80 141.05 141.05 Fax 800-882-3637 CARBIDE TIPPED TAPER LENGTH TWIST DRILLS TYPE 3630 - TAPER LENGTH - 118° POINT TYPE 3631 - TAPER LENGTH - 135° SPLIT POINT Because of the greater length, it increases the drill reach through drill bushings. Detailed description and fractional sizes on page 132. (Not usually recommended for steel.) For drill tolerances, see page 150. Overall length tolerance: +¼"/-1⁄8". TOOL DIAMETER FLUTE LENGTH 118° POINT OVERALL LENGTH mm INCH mm INCH mm TYPE 3630 INCH EDP NO. 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 105 105 105 105 105 105 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3⁄8 3 3⁄8 3 3⁄8 3 3⁄8 3 3⁄8 3 3⁄8 3 3⁄8 3 3⁄8 3 5⁄8 3 5⁄8 3 5⁄8 3 5⁄8 3 5⁄8 3 5⁄8 3 5⁄8 3 5⁄8 3¾ 3¾ 3¾ 3¾ 3¾ 3¾ 3¾ 3¾ 3 7⁄8 3 7⁄8 3 7⁄8 3 7⁄8 3 7⁄8 3 7⁄8 3 7⁄8 3 7⁄8 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1⁄8 4 1⁄8 4 1⁄8 4 1⁄8 4 1⁄8 4 1⁄8 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 159 159 159 159 159 159 159 159 162 162 162 162 162 162 162 162 165 165 165 165 165 165 5 3⁄8 5 3⁄8 5 3⁄8 5 3⁄8 5 3⁄8 5 3⁄8 5 3⁄8 5 3⁄8 5¾ 5¾ 5¾ 5¾ 5¾ 5¾ 5¾ 5¾ 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 1⁄8 6 1⁄8 6 1⁄8 6 1⁄8 6 1⁄8 6 1⁄8 6 1⁄8 6 1⁄8 6¼ 6¼ 6¼ 6¼ 6¼ 6¼ 6¼ 6¼ 6 3⁄8 6 3⁄8 6 3⁄8 6 3⁄8 6 3⁄8 6 3⁄8 6 3⁄8 6 3⁄8 6½ 6½ 6½ 6½ 6½ 6½ .1260 .1299 .1339 .1378 .1417 .1457 .1496 .1535 .1575 .1614 .1654 .1693 .1732 .1772 .1811 .1850 .1890 .1929 .1969 .2008 .2047 .2087 .2126 .2165 .2205 .2244 .2283 .2323 .2362 .2402 .2441 .2480 .2520 .2559 .2598 .2638 .2677 .2717 .2756 .2795 .2835 .2874 .2913 .2953 .2992 .3031 .3071 .3110 .3150 .3189 .3228 .3268 .3307 .3346 Phone 941-739-2726 PRICE EACH 135° POINT TYPE 3631 EDP NO. PRICE EACH 3630032 $26.00 3631032 $28.10 3630033 26.00 3631033 28.10 3630034 26.00 3631034 28.10 3630035 25.20 3631035 27.40 3630036 25.20 3631036 27.40 3630037 25.20 3631037 27.40 3630038 25.20 3631038 27.40 3630039 25.20 3631039 27.40 3630040 24.70 3631040 26.75 3630041 26.00 3631041 28.10 3630042 26.00 3631042 28.10 3630043 26.00 3631043 28.10 3630044 27.40 3631044 29.55 3630045 27.40 3631045 29.55 3630046 27.40 3631046 29.55 363213 29.25 363313 31.60 363212 30.85 363312 33.30 3630049 27.40 3631049 29.55 3630050 27.35 3631050 29.55 3630051 28.50 3631051 30.80 3630052 24.45 3631052 30.80 3630053 28.50 3631053 30.80 3630054 28.50 3631054 30.80 3630055 29.20 3631055 30.80 3630056 28.50 3631056 30.80 3630057 28.50 3631057 30.80 3630058 28.50 3631058 30.80 3630059 29.70 3631059 32.10 3630060 30.25 3631060 33.35 3630061 31.60 3631061 34.10 3630062 31.60 3631062 34.10 3630063 31.60 3631063 34.10 3630064 34.70 3631064 37.50 3630065 31.35 3631065 37.50 3630066 35.80 3631066 38.50 3630067 35.80 3631067 38.50 3630068 35.80 3631068 38.50 3630069 35.80 3631069 38.50 3630070 32.70 3631070 37.50 3630071 35.80 3631071 38.50 3630072 35.80 3631072 38.50 3630073 35.80 3631073 38.50 3630074 35.80 3631074 38.50 3630075 34.65 3631075 40.50 3630076 37.50 3631076 40.50 3630077 37.50 3631077 40.50 3630078 37.50 3631078 40.50 3630079 37.50 3631079 40.50 3630080 35.15 3631080 40.50 3630081 37.50 3631081 40.50 3630082 40.00 3631082 43.05 3630083 40.00 3631083 43.05 3630084 40.00 3631084 43.05 3630085 36.80 3631085 45.95 • Fax 941-739-2827 • TOOL DIAMETER FLUTE LENGTH 118° POINT OVERALL LENGTH mm INCH mm INCH mm TYPE 3630 INCH EDP NO. 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 10.8 10.9 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0 13.5 14.0 14.5 15.0 15.5 16.0 16.5 17.0 17.5 18.0 18.5 19.0 19.5 20.0 20.5 21.0 21.5 22.0 22.5 23.0 23.5 24.0 24.5 25.0 - 105 105 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 121 121 121 121 121 124 124 124 124 130 130 137 143 143 149 149 152 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 162 162 162 - 4 1⁄8 4 1⁄8 4¼ 4¼ 4¼ 4¼ 4¼ 4¼ 4¼ 4¼ 4 3⁄8 4 3⁄8 4 3⁄8 4 3⁄8 4 3⁄8 4 3⁄8 4 3⁄8 4 3⁄8 4 5⁄8 4 5⁄8 4 5⁄8 4 5⁄8 4 5⁄8 4 5⁄8 4 5⁄8 4¾ 4¾ 4¾ 4¾ 4¾ 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 5 1⁄8 5 1⁄8 5 3⁄8 5 5⁄8 5 5⁄8 5 7⁄8 5 7⁄8 6 6 1⁄8 6 1⁄8 6 1⁄8 6 1⁄8 6 1⁄8 6 1⁄8 6 1⁄8 6 1⁄8 6 3⁄8 6 3⁄8 6 3⁄8 - 165 165 171 171 171 171 171 171 171 171 178 178 178 178 178 178 178 178 184 184 184 184 184 184 184 190 197 197 203 203 210 222 222 222 229 229 235 241 241 248 248 251 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 273 279 279 279 - 6½ 6½ 6¾ 6¾ 6¾ 6¾ 6¾ 6¾ 6¾ 6¾ 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7¼ 7¼ 7¼ 7¼ 7¼ 7¼ 7¼ 7½ 7¾ 7¾ 8 8 8¼ 8¾ 8¾ 8¾ 9 9 9¼ 9½ 9½ 9¾ 9¾ 9 7⁄8 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 ¾ 11 11 11 - .3386 .3425 .3465 .3504 .3543 .3583 .3622 .3661 .3701 .3740 .3780 .3819 .3858 .3898 .3937 .3976 .4016 .4055 .4094 .4134 .4173 .4213 .4252 .4291 .4331 .4528 .4724 .4921 .5118 .5315 .5512 .5709 .5906 .6102 .6299 .6496 .6693 .6890 .7087 .7283 .7480 .7677 .7874 .8071 .8268 .8465 .8661 .8858 .9055 .9252 .9449 .9646 .9843 - w w w.lexingtoncutter.com • 3630086 3630087 3630088 3630089 3630090 3630091 3630092 3630093 3630094 3630095 3630096 3630097 3630098 3630099 3630100 3630101 3630102 3630103 3630104 3630105 3630106 3630107 3630108 3630109 3630110 3630115 3630120 3630125 3630130 3630135 3630140 3630145 3630150 3630155 3630160 3630165 3630170 3630175 3630180 3630185 3630190 3630195 3630200 3630205 3630210 3630215 3630220 3630225 3630230 3630235 3630240 3630245 3630250 - 135° POINT PRICE EACH TYPE 3631 EDP NO. PRICE EACH $42.55 42.55 42.55 42.55 39.85 46.60 46.60 46.60 46.60 40.80 48.95 48.95 48.95 48.95 42.85 50.05 52.20 52.20 54.55 48.80 57.10 57.10 57.10 57.10 52.80 59.20 64.05 66.35 68.05 72.25 76.70 82.30 82.30 93.30 93.30 99.70 96.65 96.65 98.75 100.95 100.95 121.70 122.25 122.25 122.25 122.25 129.35 133.85 133.85 135.75 142.10 142.10 146.55 - 3631086 3631087 3631088 3631089 3631090 3631091 3631092 3631093 3631094 3631095 3631096 3631097 3631098 3631099 3631100 3631101 3631102 3631103 3631104 3631105 3631106 3631107 3631108 3631109 3631110 3631115 3631120 3631125 3631130 3631135 3631140 3631145 3631150 3631155 3631160 3631165 3631170 3631175 3631180 3631185 3631190 3631195 3631200 3631205 3631210 3631215 3631220 3631225 3631230 3631235 3631240 3631245 3631250 - $45.95 45.95 45.95 45.95 50.40 50.40 50.40 50.40 50.40 50.40 52.85 52.85 52.85 52.85 54.10 54.10 56.45 56.45 58.80 58.80 61.75 61.75 61.75 61.75 62.05 68.60 71.90 71.90 75.85 75.85 84.10 90.05 90.05 102.25 102.85 102.85 106.05 106.05 108.10 110.40 110.40 131.40 132.00 132.00 132.00 132.00 139.65 144.50 144.50 146.55 153.55 153.55 158.30 - LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 133 CARBIDE TIPPED STUB LENGTH TWIST DRILLS TYPE 3640 - STUB LENGTH - 118° POINT TYPE 3641 - STUB LENGTH - 135° SPLIT POINT Carbide tip brazed to hardened tool steel bodies. Smooth flutes for effective chip flow. Precision ground to ensure concentricity of tip & body. For drilling cast iron, non-ferrous metals and non-metals. Excellent starting drill. Ideal for exact location shallow drilling. (Not usually recommended for drilling steel.) For drill tolerances, see page 150. TOOL DIAMETER LENGTH 118° POINT WIRE OVER- TYPE 3640 DECIMAL FRAC. FLUTE LETTER ALL EDP NO. .1160 .1200 .1250 .1285 .1360 .1405 .1406 .1440 .1470 .1495 .1520 .1540 .1562 .1570 .1590 .1610 .1660 .1695 .1719 .1730 .1770 .1800 .1820 .1850 .1875 .1890 .1910 .1935 .1960 .1990 .2010 .2031 .2040 .2055 .2090 .2130 .2188 .2210 .2280 .2340 .2344 .2380 .2420 .2460 .2500 .2570 .2610 .2656 .2660 .2720 .2770 .2810 .2812 .2900 .2950 .2969 .3020 .3125 .3160 .3230 .3281 32 31 1⁄8 30 29 28 9⁄64 27 26 25 24 23 5⁄32 22 21 20 19 18 11⁄64 17 16 15 14 13 3⁄16 12 11 10 9 8 7 13⁄64 6 5 4 3 7⁄32 2 1 A 15⁄64 ¼ B C D E F G 17⁄64 H I J K 9⁄32 L M 19⁄64 N 5⁄16 O P 21⁄64 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 15⁄16 15⁄16 15⁄16 15⁄16 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1⁄16 1 1⁄16 1 1⁄16 1 1⁄16 1 1⁄16 1 1⁄16 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 3⁄16 1 3⁄16 1 3⁄16 1 3⁄16 1 3⁄16 1 3⁄16 1 3⁄16 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1 5⁄16 1 5⁄16 1 5⁄16 1 5⁄16 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1 7⁄16 1 7⁄16 1 7⁄16 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1 9⁄16 1 9⁄16 1 9⁄16 1 5⁄8 1 5⁄8 1 11⁄16 1 11⁄16 1 11⁄16 1 7⁄8 1 7⁄8 1 7⁄8 1 15⁄16 1 15⁄16 1 15⁄16 1 15⁄16 2 1⁄16 2 1⁄16 2 1⁄16 2 1⁄16 2 1⁄16 2 1⁄16 2 1⁄8 2 1⁄8 2 1⁄8 2 1⁄8 2 1⁄8 2 1⁄8 2 3⁄16 2 3⁄16 2 3⁄16 2 3⁄16 2 3⁄16 2 3⁄16 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2 3⁄8 2 3⁄8 2 3⁄8 2 3⁄8 2 3⁄8 2 7⁄16 2 7⁄16 2 7⁄16 2 7⁄16 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 11⁄16 2 11⁄16 2 11⁄16 2 11⁄16 2 11⁄16 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2 13⁄16 2 13⁄16 2 15⁄16 2 15⁄16 2 15⁄16 Made in U.S.A. 135° POINT TYPE 3641 EDP NO. PRICE EACH 364232 $22.70 364332 $25.10 364231 22.70 364331 25.10 364008 16.90 364108 18.40 364230 23.95 364330 26.40 364229 23.95 364329 26.40 364228 23.95 364328 26.40 364009 20.50 364109 24.20 364227 23.95 364327 26.40 364226 23.95 364326 26.40 364225 23.95 364325 26.40 364224 23.95 364324 26.40 364223 23.95 364323 26.40 364010 18.00 364110 19.55 364222 23.95 364322 26.40 364221 23.95 364321 26.40 364220 27.80 364320 30.95 364219 27.80 364319 30.95 364218 27.80 364318 30.95 364011 24.40 364111 26.25 364217 28.40 364317 31.50 364216 28.40 364316 31.50 364215 28.40 364315 31.50 364214 28.40 364314 31.50 364213 28.40 364313 31.50 364012 18.90 364112 20.75 364212 28.20 364312 31.20 364211 28.20 364311 31.20 364210 28.20 364310 31.20 364209 28.20 364309 31.20 364208 28.20 364308 31.20 364207 24.75 364307 29.75 364013 24.40 364113 26.25 364206 28.40 364306 31.50 364205 28.40 364305 31.50 364204 28.40 364304 31.50 364203 24.75 364303 29.75 364014 20.30 364114 22.55 364202 28.20 364302 31.20 364201 24.75 364301 31.20 364401 28.20 364501 31.20 364015 22.55 364115 26.90 364402 28.20 364502 31.20 364403 28.20 364503 31.20 364404 24.75 364504 29.75 364016 20.65 364116 23.90 364406 28.75 364506 34.55 364407 28.75 364507 34.55 364017 25.15 364117 29.85 364408 27.85 364508 36.20 364409 28.75 364509 34.55 364410 32.55 364510 36.20 364411 32.55 364511 36.20 364018 23.80 364118 27.65 364412 33.55 364512 37.25 364413 33.55 364513 37.25 364019 28.75 364119 34.20 364414 38.50 364514 42.80 364020 25.30 364120 29.45 364415 35.50 364515 42.80 364416 40.25 364516 44.80 364021 31.25 364121 36.30 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 134 PRICE EACH • TOOL DIAMETER LENGTH 118° POINT WIRE OVER- TYPE 3640 DECIMAL FRAC. FLUTE LETTER ALL EDP NO. .3320 .3390 .3438 .3480 .3580 .3594 .3680 .3750 .3770 .3860 .3906 .3970 .4040 .4062 .4130 .4219 .4375 .4531 .4688 .4844 .5000 .5156 .5312 .5469 .5625 .5781 .5938 .6094 .6250 .6406 .6562 .6719 .6875 .7031 .7188 .7344 .7500 .7656 .7812 .7969 .8125 .8281 .8438 .8594 .8750 .8906 .9062 .9219 .9375 .9531 .9688 .9844 1.0000 1.0312 1.0625 1.0938 1.1250 1.1562 1.1875 1.2188 1.2500 [email protected] • Q R 11⁄32 S T 23⁄64 U 3⁄8 V W 25⁄64 X Y 13⁄32 Z 27⁄64 7⁄16 29⁄64 15⁄32 31⁄64 ½ 33⁄64 17⁄32 35⁄64 9⁄16 37⁄64 19⁄32 39⁄64 5⁄8 41⁄64 21⁄32 43⁄64 11⁄16 45⁄64 23⁄32 47⁄64 ¾ 49⁄64 25⁄32 51⁄64 13⁄16 53⁄64 27⁄32 55⁄64 7⁄8 57⁄64 29⁄32 59⁄64 15⁄16 61⁄64 31⁄32 63⁄64 1 1 1⁄32* 1 1⁄16* 1 3⁄32* 1 1⁄8* 1 5⁄32* 1 3⁄16* 1 7⁄32* 1 ¼* 1 11⁄16 1 11⁄16 1 11⁄16 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1 13⁄16 1 13⁄16 1 7⁄8 1 7⁄8 1 7⁄8 1 15⁄16 1 15⁄16 1 15⁄16 2 2 2 1⁄16 2 1⁄8 2 1⁄8 2 3⁄16 2¼ 2 3⁄8 2 3⁄8 2½ 2½ 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2¾ 2¾ 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 3 3 3 1⁄8 3 1⁄8 3¼ 3¼ 3 3⁄8 3 3⁄8 3½ 3½ 3½ 3½ 3 5⁄8 3 5⁄8 3¾ 3¾ 3 7⁄8 3 7⁄8 4 4 4 4 4 4 4¼ 4¼ 4 3⁄8 4 3⁄8 3 3 3 3 1⁄16 3 1⁄16 3 1⁄16 3 1⁄8 3 1⁄8 3¼ 3¼ 3¼ 3 5⁄16 3 5⁄16 3 5⁄16 3 3⁄8 3 3⁄8 3 7⁄16 3 9⁄16 3 5⁄8 3 11⁄16 3¾ 3 7⁄8 3 7⁄8 4 4 4 1⁄8 4 1⁄8 4¼ 4¼ 4½ 4½ 4 5⁄8 4 5⁄8 4¾ 4¾ 5 5 5 1⁄8 5 1⁄8 5¼ 5¼ 5 3⁄8 5 3⁄8 5½ 5½ 5 5⁄8 5 5⁄8 5¾ 5¾ 5 7⁄8 5 7⁄8 6 6 6¼ 6¼ 6 3⁄8 6 3⁄8 6 5⁄8 6 5⁄8 6¾ 6¾ 364417 364418 364022 364419 364420 364023 364421 364024 364422 364423 364025 364424 364425 364026 364426 364027 364028 364029 364030 364031 364032 364033 364034 364035 364036 364037 364038 364039 364040 364041 364042 364043 364044 364045 364046 364047 364048 364049 364050 364051 364052 364053 364054 364055 364056 364057 364058 364059 364060 364061 364062 364063 364064 364066 364068 364070 364072 364074 364076 364078 364080 Phone 800-882-2627 • 135° POINT PRICE EACH TYPE 3641 EDP NO. PRICE EACH $35.50 35.50 29.55 40.75 40.75 32.20 36.45 30.20 46.95 41.45 35.85 41.45 46.95 35.85 53.35 39.75 38.35 51.10 54.55 48.95 52.20 77.90 65.05 77.90 65.05 91.00 74.60 91.00 74.60 108.55 89.65 111.35 92.10 125.90 104.35 125.95 104.65 134.85 129.30 150.90 129.45 147.85 141.70 165.55 141.95 158.85 152.20 177.70 152.35 177.70 160.80 187.80 161.05 235.30 201.75 261.20 224.05 318.80 273.40 318.80 273.40 364517 364518 364122 364519 364520 364123 364521 364124 364522 364523 364125 364524 364525 364126 364526 364127 364128 364129 364130 364131 364132 364133 364134 364135 364136 364137 364138 364139 364140 364141 364142 364143 364144 364145 364146 364147 364148 364149 364150 364151 364152 364153 364154 364155 364156 364157 364158 364159 364160 364161 364162 364163 364164 364166 364168 364170 364172 364174 364176 364178 364180 $42.80 42.80 34.20 45.30 45.30 37.50 43.80 35.05 52.05 49.85 41.65 52.05 52.05 41.65 59.35 45.30 42.55 65.65 63.45 62.85 60.70 86.70 73.45 86.70 73.45 101.20 84.15 101.20 84.15 120.80 101.20 123.80 103.85 139.85 121.20 140.20 117.90 150.00 150.10 167.85 145.95 164.40 164.55 184.20 160.00 176.65 176.70 197.75 171.90 197.75 186.75 209.05 181.70 261.70 227.55 290.60 252.45 354.65 306.40 354.65 306.40 Fax 800-882-3637 *Shank: 1” diameter, 2 ¼” long. CARBIDE TIPPED STUB LENGTH TWIST DRILLS TYPE 3640 - STUB LENGTH - 118° POINT TYPE 3641 - STUB LENGTH - 135° SPLIT POINT Detailed description and fractional sizes on page 134. For drill tolerances, see page 150. TOOL DIAMETER mm INCH 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 8.0 .1181 .1220 .1260 .1299 .1339 .1378 .1417 .1457 .1496 .1535 .1575 .1614 .1654 .1693 .1732 .1772 .1811 .1850 .1890 .1929 .1969 .2008 .2047 .2087 .2126 .2165 .2205 .2244 .2283 .2323 .2362 .2402 .2441 .2480 .2520 .2559 .2598 .2638 .2677 .2717 .2756 .2795 .2835 .2874 .2913 .2953 .2992 .3031 .3071 .3110 .3150 FLUTE LENGTH 118° POINT 135° POINT INCH TYPE 3640 EDP NO. 48 48 49 49 49 49 1 52 1 52 1 52 1 52 1 1⁄16 54 1 1⁄16 54 1 1⁄16 54 1 1⁄16 54 1 1⁄8 56 1 1⁄8 56 1 1⁄8 56 1 1⁄8 56 1 3⁄16 57 1 3⁄16 57 1 3⁄16 57 1 3⁄16 57 1 ¼ 60 1 ¼ 60 1 ¼ 60 1 ¼ 60 1 5⁄16 62 1 5⁄16 62 1 5⁄16 62 1 5⁄16 62 1 3⁄8 64 1 3⁄8 64 1 3⁄8 64 1 3⁄8 64 1 7⁄16 67 1 7⁄16 67 1 7⁄16 67 1 7⁄16 67 1 ½ 68 1 ½ 68 1 ½ 68 1 ½ 68 1 9⁄16 70 1 9⁄16 70 1 9⁄16 70 1 9⁄16 70 1 5⁄8 71 1 5⁄8 71 1 5⁄8 71 1 5⁄8 71 1 11⁄16 75 1 7⁄8 1 7⁄8 1 15⁄16 1 15⁄16 1 15⁄16 1 15⁄16 2 1⁄16 2 1⁄16 2 1⁄16 2 1⁄16 2 1⁄8 2 1⁄8 2 1⁄8 2 1⁄8 2 3⁄16 2 3⁄16 2 3⁄16 2 3⁄16 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2 3⁄8 2 3⁄8 2 3⁄8 2 3⁄8 2 7⁄16 2 7⁄16 2 7⁄16 2 7⁄16 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 11⁄16 2 11⁄16 2 11⁄16 2 11⁄16 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2 13⁄16 2 13⁄16 2 13⁄16 2 13⁄16 2 15⁄16 3640030 $24.65 3641030 $27.20 3640031 24.65 3641031 27.20 3640032 24.65 3641032 27.20 3640033 24.65 3641033 27.20 3640034 24.65 3641034 27.20 3640035 21.10 3641035 24.20 3640036 24.65 3641036 27.20 3640037 24.65 3641037 27.20 3640038 24.65 3641038 27.20 3640039 24.65 3641039 27.20 3640040 21.10 3641040 24.25 3640041 29.40 3641041 32.35 3640042 29.40 3641042 32.35 3640043 29.40 3641043 32.35 3640044 29.40 3641044 32.35 3640045 25.15 3641045 28.80 3640046 29.40 3641046 32.35 364213 28.40 364313 31.50 364212 28.20 364312 31.20 3640049 29.40 3641049 32.35 3640050 25.15 3641050 28.80 3640051 29.40 3641051 32.35 3640052 29.40 3641052 32.35 3640053 29.40 3641053 32.35 3640054 29.40 3641054 32.35 3640055 25.15 3641055 28.80 3640056 29.40 3641056 32.35 3640057 29.40 3641057 32.35 3640058 29.40 3641058 32.35 3640059 29.40 3641059 32.35 3640060 23.50 3641060 26.90 3640061 30.35 3641061 33.55 3640062 30.35 3641062 33.55 3640063 30.35 3641063 33.55 3640064 30.35 3641064 33.55 3640065 26.00 3641065 29.85 3640066 30.35 3641066 33.55 3640067 30.35 3641067 33.55 3640068 30.35 3641068 33.55 3640069 30.35 3641069 33.55 3640070 26.00 3641070 29.85 3640071 30.35 3641071 33.55 3640072 34.90 3641072 38.40 3640073 34.90 3641073 38.40 3640074 34.90 3641074 38.40 3640075 29.90 3641075 34.20 3640076 34.90 3641076 38.40 3640077 34.90 3641077 38.40 3640078 34.90 3641078 38.40 3640079 34.90 3641079 38.40 3640080 29.90 3641080 34.20 7⁄8 7⁄8 15⁄16 15⁄16 15⁄16 15⁄16 Phone 941-739-2726 • PRICE EACH TOOL DIAMETER mm mm INCH 22 22 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 27 27 27 27 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 30 32 32 32 32 33 33 33 33 35 35 35 35 37 37 37 37 38 38 38 38 40 40 40 40 41 41 41 41 43 OVERALL LENGTH TYPE 3641 EDP NO. Fax 941-739-2827 PRICE EACH • FLUTE LENGTH OVERALL LENGTH 118° POINT 135° POINT mm INCH mm INCH mm INCH TYPE 3640 EDP NO. PRICE EACH TYPE 3641 EDP NO. PRICE EACH 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0 13.5 14.0 14.5 15.0 15.5 16.0 16.5 17.0 17.5 18.0 18.5 19.0 19.5 20.0 20.5 21.0 21.5 22.0 22.5 23.0 23.5 24.0 24.5 25.0 - 2 15⁄16 2 15⁄16 2 15⁄16 3 3 3 3 3 1⁄16 3 1⁄16 3 1⁄16 3 1⁄16 3 1⁄8 3 1⁄8 3 1⁄8 3 1⁄8 3¼ 3¼ 3¼ 3¼ 3 5⁄16 3 3⁄8 3 7⁄16 3 9⁄16 3 11⁄16 3¾ 3 7⁄8 3 7⁄8 4 4 1⁄8 4 1⁄8 4¼ 4½ 4½ 4 5⁄8 4¾ 4¾ 5 5 5 1⁄8 5¼ 5¼ 5 3⁄8 5½ 5½ 5 5⁄8 5 5⁄8 5¾ 5 7⁄8 5 7⁄8 6 - 3640081 3640082 3640083 3640084 3640085 3640086 3640087 3640088 3640089 3640090 3640091 3640092 3640093 3640094 3640095 3640096 3640097 3640098 3640099 3640100 3640105 3640110 3640115 3640120 3640125 3640130 3640135 3640140 3640145 3640150 3640155 3640160 3640165 3640170 3640175 3640180 3640185 3640190 3640195 3640200 3640205 3640210 3640215 3640220 3640225 3640230 3640235 3640240 3640245 3640250 - $37.50 37.50 37.50 37.50 32.10 37.50 38.10 38.10 38.10 32.70 38.10 38.10 38.10 38.10 32.70 42.45 42.45 42.45 42.45 36.40 40.65 40.65 57.25 54.75 54.75 67.60 66.35 66.35 93.50 93.50 105.35 118.75 118.75 118.75 131.00 131.00 143.05 143.05 158.25 176.95 176.95 194.25 194.25 194.25 199.90 199.90 204.80 208.60 208.60 220.35 - 3641081 3641082 3641083 3641084 3641085 3641086 3641087 3641088 3641089 3641090 3641091 3641092 3641093 3641094 3641095 3641096 3641097 3641098 3641099 3641100 3641105 3641110 3641115 3641120 3641125 3641130 3641135 3641140 3641145 3641150 3641155 3641160 3641165 3641170 3641175 3641180 3641185 3641190 3641195 3641200 3641205 3641210 3641215 3641220 3641225 3641230 3641235 3641240 3641245 3641250 - $41.10 41.10 41.10 41.10 36.30 41.10 41.95 41.95 41.95 37.50 41.95 41.95 41.95 41.95 37.50 46.75 46.75 46.75 46.75 41.65 45.30 45.30 63.45 60.70 60.70 73.45 73.45 73.45 102.95 102.95 116.10 130.90 130.90 130.90 144.30 144.30 157.70 157.70 174.40 194.90 194.90 214.00 214.00 214.00 220.15 220.15 225.60 229.90 229.90 242.55 - .3189 .3228 .3268 .3307 .3346 .3386 .3425 .3465 .3504 .3543 .3583 .3622 .3661 .3701 .3740 .3780 .3819 .3858 .3898 .3937 .4134 .4331 .4528 .4724 .4921 .5118 .5315 .5512 .5709 .5906 .6102 .6299 .6496 .6693 .6890 .7087 .7283 .7480 .7677 .7874 .8071 .8268 .8465 .8661 .8858 .9055 .9252 .9449 .9646 .9843 - 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 44 44 44 44 46 46 46 46 48 48 48 48 49 51 52 54 56 57 60 60 64 67 67 70 73 73 73 76 76 79 79 83 86 86 89 89 89 92 92 95 98 98 102 - 1 11⁄16 1 11⁄16 1 11⁄16 1 11⁄16 1 11⁄16 1 11⁄16 1 11⁄16 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1 13⁄16 1 13⁄16 1 13⁄16 1 13⁄16 1 7⁄8 1 7⁄8 1 7⁄8 1 7⁄8 1 15⁄16 2 2 1⁄16 2 1⁄8 2 3⁄16 2¼ 2 3⁄8 2 3⁄8 2½ 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2¾ 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 3 3 3 1⁄8 3 1⁄8 3¼ 3 3⁄8 3 3⁄8 3½ 3½ 3½ 3 5⁄8 3 5⁄8 3¾ 3 7⁄8 3 7⁄8 4 - 75 75 75 76 76 76 76 78 78 78 78 79 79 79 79 83 83 83 83 84 86 87 90 94 95 98 98 102 105 105 108 114 114 117 121 121 127 127 130 133 133 137 140 140 143 143 146 149 149 152 - w w w.lexingtoncutter.com • LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 135 CARBIDE TIPPED TAPER SHANK TWIST DRILLS TYPE 3660 - TAPER SHANK - 118° POINT TYPE 3661 - TAPER SHANK - 135° SPLIT POINT Carbide tip brazed to hardened tool steel bodies. Smooth flutes for effective chip flow. Precision ground to ensure concentricity of tip & body. For drilling cast iron, non-ferrous metals and non-metals. (Not usually recommended for drilling steel.) For drill tolerances, see page 150. TOOL DIAMETER LENGTH 118° POINT MORSE OVER- TYPE 3660 PRICE DECIMAL FRAC. TAPER FLUTE ALL EDP NO. EACH .2500 .2656 .2812 .2969 .3125 .3281 .3438 .3594 .3750 .3906 .4062 .4219 .4375 .4531 .4688 .4844 .5000 .5156 .5312 .5469 .5625 .5781 .5938 .6094 .6250 .6406 .6562 .6719 .6875 .7031 .7188 .7344 .7500 .7656 .7812 .7969 .8125 ¼ 17⁄64 9⁄32 19⁄64 5⁄16 21⁄64 11⁄32 23⁄64 3⁄8 25⁄64 13⁄32 27⁄64 7⁄16 29⁄64 15⁄32 31⁄64 ½ 33⁄64 17⁄32 35⁄64 9⁄16 37⁄64 19⁄32 39⁄64 5⁄8 41⁄64 21⁄32 43⁄64 11⁄16 45⁄64 23⁄32 47⁄64 ¾ 49⁄64 25⁄32 51⁄64 13⁄16 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 7⁄8 6 1⁄8 3 6¼ 3 6¼ 3 1⁄8 6 3⁄8 3 1⁄8 6 3⁄8 3¼ 6½ 3¼ 6½ 3½ 6¾ 3½ 6¾ 3 5⁄8 7 3 5⁄8 7 3 7⁄8 7¼ 3 7⁄8 7¼ 4 1⁄8 7½ 4 1⁄8 7½ 4 3⁄8 8 ¼ 4 3⁄8 8 ¼ 4 5⁄8 8 ½ 4 5⁄8 8 ½ 4 7⁄8 8¾ 4 7⁄8 8¾ 4 7⁄8 8¾ 4 7⁄8 8¾ 4 7⁄8 8¾ 4 7⁄8 8¾ 5 1⁄8 9 5 1⁄8 9 5 3⁄8 9 ¼ 5 3⁄8 9 ¼ 5 5⁄8 9 ½ 5 5⁄8 9 ½ 5 7⁄8 9¾ 5 7⁄8 9¾ 6 9 7⁄8 6 9 7⁄8 6 1⁄8 10 ¾ 6 1⁄8 10 ¾ 366016 366017 366018 366019 366020 366021 366022 366023 366024 366025 366026 366027 366028 366029 366030 366031 366032 366033 366034 366035 366036 366037 366038 366039 366040 366041 366042 366043 366044 366045 366046 366047 366048 366049 366050 366051 366052 $50.80 52.00 52.00 52.00 52.00 66.20 66.20 66.20 66.20 76.60 76.60 76.60 67.05 81.45 81.45 81.45 64.00 82.80 67.60 83.95 68.20 87.85 71.20 101.80 82.90 103.40 80.80 104.55 83.35 107.50 85.40 109.65 92.15 116.65 99.75 117.80 100.85 135° POINT TYPE 3661 PRICE EDP NO. EACH TOOL DIAMETER LENGTH 118° POINT MORSE OVER- TYPE 3660 PRICE DECIMAL FRAC. TAPER FLUTE ALL EDP NO. EACH 135° POINT TYPE 3661 PRICE EDP NO. EACH 366116 366117 366118 366119 366120 366121 366122 366123 366124 366125 366126 366127 366128 366129 366130 366131 366132 366133 366134 366135 366136 366137 366138 366139 366140 366141 366142 366143 366144 366145 366146 366147 366148 366149 366150 366151 366152 .8281 .8438 .8594 .8750 .8906 .9062 .9219 .9375 .9531 .9688 .9844 1.0000 1.0156 1.0312 1.0469 1.0625 1.0781 1.0938 1.1094 1.1250 1.1406 1.1562 1.1719 1.1875 1.2031 1.2188 1.2344 1.2500 1.2812 1.3125 1.3438 1.3750 1.4062 1.4375 1.4688 1.5000 - 366153 $141.35 366154 124.95 366155 149.40 366156 132.00 366157 154.25 366158 136.40 366159 157.10 366160 138.90 366161 164.80 366162 145.60 366163 169.10 366164 149.50 366165 247.15 366166 205.20 366167 253.25 366168 194.70 366169 274.80 366170 228.15 366171 280.80 366172 215.85 366173 315.30 366174 261.75 366175 321.25 366176 247.05 366177 338.25 366178 280.75 366179 344.40 366180 264.65 366182 401.00 366184 348.70 366186 430.70 366188 374.50 366190 463.55 366192 403.00 366194 493.20 366196 428.80 - $57.70 58.95 58.95 58.95 58.95 74.85 74.85 74.85 74.85 86.85 86.85 86.85 76.00 92.30 92.30 92.30 85.40 99.35 87.85 100.70 89.00 105.50 93.25 122.10 107.90 124.10 109.65 125.65 111.00 129.00 114.00 131.60 116.35 140.00 123.65 141.35 124.95 53⁄64 27⁄32 55⁄64 7⁄8 57⁄64 29⁄32 59⁄64 15⁄16 61⁄64 31⁄32 63⁄64 1 1 1⁄64 1 1⁄32 1 3⁄64 1 1⁄16 1 5⁄64 1 3⁄32 1 7⁄64 1 1⁄8 1 9⁄64 1 5⁄32 1 11⁄64 1 3⁄16 1 13⁄64 1 7⁄32 1 15⁄64 1¼ 1 9⁄32 1 5⁄16 1 11⁄32 1 3⁄8 1 13⁄32 1 7⁄16 1 15⁄32 1½ - 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 - 6 1⁄8 6 1⁄8 6 1⁄8 6 1⁄8 6 1⁄8 6 1⁄8 6 1⁄8 6 1⁄8 6 3⁄8 6 3⁄8 6 3⁄8 6 3⁄8 6½ 6½ 6 5⁄8 6 5⁄8 6 7⁄8 6 7⁄8 7 1⁄8 7 1⁄8 7¼ 7¼ 7 3⁄8 7 3⁄8 7½ 7½ 7 7⁄8 7 7⁄8 8½ 8 5⁄8 8¾ 8 7⁄8 9 9 1⁄8 9¼ 9 3⁄8 - 10 ¾ 10 ¾ 10 ¾ 10 ¾ 10 ¾ 10 ¾ 10 ¾ 10 ¾ 11 11 11 11 11 1⁄8 11 1⁄8 11 ¼ 11 ¼ 12 ½ 12 ½ 12 ¾ 12 ¾ 12 7⁄8 12 7⁄8 13 13 13 1⁄8 13 1⁄8 13 ½ 13 ½ 14 1⁄8 14 ¼ 14 3⁄8 14 ½ 14 5⁄8 14 ¾ 14 7⁄8 15 - 366053 366054 366055 366056 366057 366058 366059 366060 366061 366062 366063 366064 366065 366066 366067 366068 366069 366070 366071 366072 366073 366074 366075 366076 366077 366078 366079 366080 366082 366084 366086 366088 366090 366092 366094 366096 - $117.80 102.95 124.45 109.50 128.60 117.75 131.00 125.70 137.35 125.70 140.90 123.70 218.15 181.05 223.60 153.60 242.45 201.30 247.95 170.10 278.30 231.00 283.75 194.85 298.70 247.85 303.90 208.50 354.00 307.80 380.15 330.60 409.05 355.75 435.35 378.45 - TYPE 3668 - SMALLER TAPER SIZE - 118° POINT Same as Type 3660, except reduced to the next smaller Morse taper number. While Supplies Last. TOOL DIAMETER While Supplies Last. For drill tolerances, see page 150. LENGTH TOOL DIAMETER LENGTH DECIMAL FRAC. MORSE TAPER FLUTE OVERALL TYPE 3668 EDP NO. PRICE EACH DECIMAL FRAC. MORSE TAPER FLUTE OVERALL .4844 .5000 .5156 .5312 .5469 .5625 .7969 .8125 .8281 31⁄64 ½ 33⁄64 17⁄32 35⁄64 9⁄16 51⁄64 13⁄16 53⁄64 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 4 3⁄8 4 3⁄8 4 5⁄8 4 5⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 6 1⁄8 6 1⁄8 6 1⁄8 7¾ 7¾ 8 8 8¼ 8¼ 10 10 10 366831 366832 366833 366834 366835 366836 366851 366852 366853 $93.10 73.15 90.30 77.35 91.55 77.90 128.50 109.05 128.50 .8438 .8594 .8750 .9062 1.0938 1.1250 1.1562 1.1875 1.2500 27⁄32 55⁄64 7⁄8 29⁄32 1 3⁄32 1 1⁄8 1 5⁄32 1 3⁄16 1¼ 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 6 1⁄8 6 1⁄8 6 1⁄8 6 1⁄8 6 7⁄8 7 1⁄8 7¼ 7 3⁄8 7 7⁄8 10 10 10 10 11 ½ 11 ¾ 11 7⁄8 12 12 ½ LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 136 Made in U.S.A. • [email protected] • Phone 800-882-2627 • TYPE 3668 EDP NO. PRICE EACH 366854 $111.35 366855 135.80 366856 118.50 366858 127.40 366870 270.55 366872 194.40 366874 263.90 366876 222.65 366880 238.30 Fax 800-882-3637 CARBIDE TIPPED TAPER SHANK TWIST DRILLS TYPE 3661 - TAPER SHANK - 135° SPLIT POINT Detailed description and fractional sizes on page 136. (Not usually recommended for drilling steel.) For drill tolerances, see page 138. TOOL DIAMETER mm INCH 13.0 13.5 14.0 14.5 15.0 15.5 16.0 16.5 17.0 17.5 18.0 18.5 19.0 .5118 .5315 .5512 .5709 .5906 .6102 .6299 .6496 .6693 .6890 .7087 .7283 .7480 FLUTE LENGTH MORSE TAPER 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 118° POINT OVERALL LENGTH mm INCH mm INCH TYPE 3660 EDP NO. 117 117 124 124 124 124 130 130 137 143 143 149 149 4 5⁄8 4 5⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 5 1⁄8 5 1⁄8 5 3⁄8 5 5⁄8 5 5⁄8 5 7⁄8 5 7⁄8 216 216 222 222 222 222 229 229 235 241 241 248 248 8½ 8½ 8¾ 8¾ 8¾ 8¾ 9 9 9¼ 9½ 9½ 9¾ 9¾ 3660130 3660135 3660140 3660145 3660150 3660155 3660160 3660165 3660170 3660175 3660180 3660185 3660190 TOOL DIAMETER MORSE TAPER PRICE EACH mm INCH $84.40 78.15 79.25 89.55 83.00 103.80 105.50 97.80 106.65 109.65 101.55 111.80 103.50 20.0 21.0 22.0 23.0 24.0 25.0 26.0 28.0 30.0 32.0 34.0 36.0 38.0 .7874 .8268 .8661 .9055 .9449 .9843 1.0236 1.1024 1.1811 1.2598 1.3386 1.4173 1.4961 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 FLUTE LENGTH 118° POINT OVERALL LENGTH mm INCH mm INCH TYPE 3660 EDP NO. PRICE EACH 156 156 156 156 162 162 165 181 187 216 222 232 238 6 1⁄8 6 1⁄8 6 1⁄8 6 1⁄8 6 3⁄8 6 3⁄8 6½ 7 1⁄8 7 3⁄8 8½ 8¾ 9 1⁄8 9 3⁄8 273 273 273 273 279 279 283 324 330 359 365 375 381 10 ¾ 10 ¾ 10 ¾ 10 ¾ 11 11 11 1⁄8 12 ¾ 13 14 1⁄8 14 3⁄8 14 ¾ 15 3660200 $120.05 3660210 120.05 3660220 117.50 3660230 121.45 3660240 140.15 3660250 143.75 3660260 215.30 3660280 238.70 3660300 287.50 3660320 356.95 3660340 383.45 3660360 439.15 3660380 456.60 CARBIDE TIPPED HARD STEEL DIE DRILLS TYPE 3670 - 118° POINT NEGATIVE EDGE For steels in the range of 50 Rc to 65 Rc. TYPE 3672 - 118° POINT POSITIVE EDGE For cast iron, high temperature alloys and steels up to 50 Rc. Detailed description and fractional sizes on page 138. For drill tolerances, see page 150. TOOL DIAMETER FLUTE LENGTH OVERALL LENGTH mm INCH mm INCH mm INCH NEG. 118° PT TYPE 3670 EDP NO. 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 .1969 .2165 .2362 .2559 .2756 .2953 .3150 .3346 .3543 .3740 38 45 51 51 57 57 64 70 70 76 1½ 1¾ 2 2 2¼ 2¼ 2½ 2¾ 2¾ 3 89 95 102 102 108 108 114 121 121 127 3½ 3¾ 4 4 4¼ 4¼ 4½ 4¾ 4¾ 5 3670050 3670055 3670060 3670065 3670070 3670075 3670080 3670085 3670090 3670095 Phone 941-739-2726 • TOOL DIAMETER FLUTE LENGTH OVERALL LENGTH POS. 118° PT TYPE 3672 EDP NO. BOTH TYPES PRICE mm INCH mm INCH mm 3672050 3672055 3672060 3672065 3672070 3672075 3672080 3672085 3672090 3672095 $33.45 37.25 37.50 39.70 39.70 41.45 44.85 44.85 47.70 45.20 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0 13.5 14.0 - .3937 .4134 .4331 .4528 .4724 .4921 .5118 .5315 .5512 - 76 76 76 76 83 89 89 89 89 - 3 3 3 3 3¼ 3½ 3½ 3½ 3½ - 133 133 140 140 146 152 152 152 152 - Fax 941-739-2827 • w w w.lexingtoncutter.com INCH NEG. 118° PT TYPE 3670 EDP NO. POS. 118° PT TYPE 3672 EDP NO. BOTH TYPES PRICE 5¼ 5¼ 5½ 5½ 5¾ 6 6 6 6 - 3670100 3670105 3670110 3670115 3670120 3670125 3670130 3670135 3670140 - 3672100 3672105 3672110 3672115 3672120 3672125 3672130 3672135 3672140 - $55.65 64.55 90.75 68.00 83.05 83.05 95.25 95.25 98.65 - • LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 137 CARBIDE TIPPED HARD STEEL DIE DRILLS TYPE 3670 - 118° PT. NEGATIVE EDGE TYPE 3671 - 140° PT. NEGATIVE EDGE For steels in the range of 50 Rc to 65 Rc. For steels in the range of 50 Rc to 65 Rc. TYPE 3672 - 118° PT. POSITIVE EDGE TYPE 3673 - 140° PT. POSITIVE EDGE For cast iron, high temperature alloys and steels up to 50 Rc. For cast iron, high temperature alloys and steels up to 50 Rc. Heavy duty hardened tool steel bodies provide shock resilient support for the thick, long carbide tip. Straight flutes and straight shank. Drill body diameter is smaller than tool diameter. Die drills may be run at speeds from 75 to 100 SFPM. Apply light feed (.001-.003 I.P.R.) with steady pressure. Flood the point with coolant and withdraw frequently to clear chips For metric sizes, see page 137. For drill tolerances, see page 150. TOOL DIAMETER DECIMAL .0625 .0781 .0938 .1094 .1250 .1406 .1562 .1719 .1875 .2031 .2188 .2344 .2500 .2656 .2812 .2969 .3125 .3281 .3438 .3594 .3750 .3906 .4062 .4219 .4375 .4531 .4688 .4844 .5000 .5312 .5625 .5938 .6250 .6562 .6875 .7188 .7500 .7812 .8125 .8750 .9375 1.0000 FRACTION 1⁄16* 5⁄64* 3⁄32* 7⁄64* 1⁄8* 9⁄64* 5⁄32* 11⁄64* 3⁄16 13⁄64 7⁄32 15⁄64 ¼ 17⁄64 9⁄32 19⁄64 5⁄16 21⁄64 11⁄32 23⁄64 3⁄8 25⁄64 13⁄32 27⁄64 7⁄16 29⁄64 15⁄32 31⁄64 ½ 17⁄32 9⁄16 19⁄32 5⁄8 21⁄32 11⁄16 23⁄32 ¾ 25⁄32 13⁄16 7⁄8 15⁄16 1 LENGTH FLUTE OVERALL 1½ 1½ 1¾ 1¾ 2 2 2¼ 2¼ 2½ 2½ 2¾ 2¾ 3 3 3 3 3 3 3¼ 3¼ 3½ 3½ 3½ 4 4 4½ 4½ 4¾ 4¾ 4¾ 4¾ 4¾ 4¾ 4¾ 1½ 1½ 2 2 2 2 2 2 3⁄8 3½ 3½ 3¾ 3¾ 4 4 4¼ 4¼ 4½ 4½ 4¾ 4¾ 5 5 5¼ 5¼ 5½ 5½ 5¾ 5¾ 6 6 6 7 7 7½ 7½ 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 138 Made in U.S.A. • NEG. 118° POINT POS. 118° POINT TYPE 3670 TYPE 3672 EDP NO. EDP NO. 367004 367005 367006 367007 367008 367009 367010 367011 367012 367013 367014 367015 367016 367017 367018 367019 367020 367021 367022 367023 367024 367025 367026 367027 367028 367029 367030 367031 367032 367034 367036 367038 367040 367042 367044 367046 367048 367050 367052 367056 367060 367064 367212 367213 367214 367215 367216 367217 367218 367219 367220 367221 367222 367223 367224 367225 367226 367227 367228 367229 367230 367231 367232 367234 367236 367238 367240 367242 367244 367246 367248 367250 367252 367256 367260 367264 [email protected] • BOTH TYPES PRICE $30.30 30.30 33.30 33.30 34.30 34.30 36.10 36.10 32.80 32.80 33.80 34.90 34.90 36.90 36.90 38.65 38.65 41.15 41.15 44.25 44.25 49.90 51.80 55.95 60.10 63.05 66.00 80.10 77.45 88.80 91.90 97.25 100.20 107.25 110.10 115.40 118.50 228.90 212.50 216.80 241.60 256.30 NEG. 140° POINT POS. 140° POINT TYPE 3671 TYPE 3673 EDP NO. EDP NO. 367104 367105 367106 367107 367108 367109 367110 367111 367112 367113 367114 367115 367116 367117 367118 367119 367120 367121 367122 367123 367124 367125 367126 367127 367128 367129 367130 367131 367132 367134 367136 367138 367140 367142 367144 367146 367148 367150 367152 367156 367160 367164 Phone 800-882-2627 367312 367313 367314 367315 367316 367317 367318 367319 367320 367321 367322 367323 367324 367325 367326 367327 367328 367329 367330 367331 367332 367334 367336 367338 367340 367342 367344 367346 367348 367350 367352 367356 367360 367364 • BOTH TYPES PRICE $30.30 30.30 33.30 33.30 34.30 34.30 36.10 36.10 32.80 32.80 33.80 34.90 34.90 36.90 36.90 38.65 38.65 41.15 41.15 44.25 44.25 49.90 51.80 55.95 60.10 63.05 66.00 80.10 77.45 88.80 91.90 97.25 100.20 107.25 110.10 115.40 118.50 228.90 212.50 216.80 241.60 256.30 Fax 800-882-3637 *Solid carbide full length. SOLID CARBIDE DIE DRILLS CARBIDE TIPPED SPADE DRILLS TYPE 3893 - 140˚ POINT TYPE 3674 - 120° POINT Two straight flutes. Designed for drilling abrasive and tough materials. Carbide tip brazed to tool steel bodies. Cam relieved 120° point. Drill body diameter is smaller than tool diameter to prevent gauling. TYPE 3675 - 140° POINT Same as Type 3674 above, except with 140° cam relieved point designed for drilling abrasive and tough materials. BOTH TYPES: For shallow holes, approximately 2 tool diameters deep. The short heavy construction allows more rigid hole drilling for tough applications where longer length drills are not needed. TOOL DIAMETER DECIMAL FRAC. .0469 .0625 .0781 .0938 .1094 .1250 .1406 .1562 .1719 .1875 .2031 .2188 .2344 .2500 .2656 .2812 .2969 .3125 .3281 .3438 .3594 .3750 .3906 .4062 .4219 .4375 .4531 .4688 .4844 .5000 3⁄64 1⁄16 5⁄64 3⁄32 7⁄64 1⁄8 9⁄64 5⁄32 11⁄64 3⁄16 13⁄64 7⁄32 15⁄64 ¼ 17⁄64 9⁄32 19⁄64 5⁄16 21⁄64 11⁄32 23⁄64 3⁄8 25⁄64 13⁄32 27⁄64 7⁄16 29⁄64 15⁄32 31⁄64 ½ LENGTH FLUTE ½ 5⁄8 ¾ ¾ 7⁄8 7⁄8 1 1 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 3⁄16 1¼ 1 5⁄16 1 3⁄8 1 7⁄16 1½ 1 9⁄16 1 5⁄8 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1 7⁄8 2 2 2 2 1⁄16 2 1⁄8 2 1⁄8 2¼ 2¼ Phone 941-739-2726 • OVERALL TYPE 3893 EDP NO. PRICE EACH 1½ 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1 7⁄8 1 7⁄8 2 2 1⁄8 2 1⁄8 2¼ 2¼ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 3 3 3 3 3¼ 3¼ 3½ 3½ 3¾ 3¾ 3¾ 3¾ 389303 389304 389305 389306 389307 389308 389309 389310 389311 389312 389313 389314 389315 389316 389317 389318 389319 389320 389321 389322 389323 389324 389325 389326 389327 389328 389329 389330 389331 389332 $15.30 15.30 15.80 16.40 17.20 18.15 21.30 22.35 27.40 29.85 32.95 34.40 39.90 37.55 61.50 63.65 66.90 58.50 69.70 73.00 80.85 77.05 90.55 100.55 103.10 103.25 126.80 127.30 128.10 114.20 Fax 941-739-2827 • TOOL DIAMETER DECIMAL FRAC. OVERALL LENGTH 120° PT. TYPE 3674 EDP NO. 140° PT. TYPE 3675 EDP NO. BOTH TYPES PRICE .0938 .1094 .1250 .1406 .1562 .1719 .1875 .2031 .2188 .2344 .2500 .2656 .2812 .2969 .3125 .3281 .3438 .3594 .3750 .3906 .4062 .4219 .4375 .4531 .4688 .4844 .5000 3⁄32* 7⁄64* 1⁄8* 9⁄64* 5⁄32* 11⁄64* 3⁄16* 13⁄64* 7⁄32 15⁄64 ¼ 17⁄64 9⁄32 19⁄64 5⁄16 21⁄64 11⁄32 23⁄64 3⁄8 25⁄64 13⁄32 27⁄64 7⁄16 29⁄64 15⁄32 31⁄64 ½ 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3½ 3½ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4½ 4½ 4½ 4½ 5 367406 367407 367408 367409 367410 367411 367412 367413 367414 367415 367416 367417 367418 367419 367420 367421 367422 367423 367424 367425 367426 367427 367428 367429 367430 367431 367432 367506 367507 367508 367509 367510 367511 367512 367513 367514 367515 367516 367517 367518 367519 367520 367521 367522 367523 367524 367525 367526 367527 367528 367529 367530 367531 367532 $21.25 21.60 21.60 23.45 26.95 28.75 34.10 38.35 38.80 39.40 40.50 41.15 42.40 43.15 44.25 46.45 48.00 49.55 51.15 52.40 59.55 61.75 69.25 72.20 75.40 82.85 89.50 w w w.lexingtoncutter.com *Solid carbide full length. • LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 139 CARBIDE TIPPED AIRCRAFT EXTENSION DRILLS TYPE 3610 - 135° SPLIT POINT - 6" OVERALL LENGTH 6" overall length aircraft extension drill. 135° split point per NAS 907 specifications. TYPE 3611 - 135° SPLIT POINT - 12" OVERALL LENGTH Same as Type 3610 above, except 12" overall length. BOTH TYPES: For drilling holes where reach is normally not accessible with jobbers or taper length drills. Feeds should be light to medium range. Not recommended for deep hole applications or for drilling steel. For drill tolerances, see page 150. TOOL DIAMETER 6" OVERALL LENGTH FLUTE WIRE LENGTH TYPE 3610 PRICE LETTER EDP NO. EACH DECIMAL FRAC. .1160 .1200 .1250 .1285 .1360 .1405 .1406 .1440 .1470 .1495 .1520 .1540 .1562 .1570 .1590 .1610 .1660 .1695 .1719 .1730 .1770 .1800 .1820 .1850 .1875 .1890 .1910 .1935 .1960 .1990 .2010 .2031 .2040 .2055 .2090 .2130 .2188 .2210 .2280 .2340 .2344 32 31 1⁄8 30 29 28 9⁄64 27 26 25 24 23 5⁄32 22 21 20 19 18 11⁄64 17 16 15 14 13 3⁄16 12 11 10 9 8 7 13⁄64 6 5 4 3 7⁄32 2 1 A 15⁄64 1 5⁄8 1 5⁄8 1 5⁄8 1 5⁄8 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 1 7⁄8 1 7⁄8 1 7⁄8 2 2 2 2 2 1⁄8 2 1⁄8 2 1⁄8 2 1⁄8 2 1⁄8 2 3⁄16 2 3⁄16 2 3⁄16 2 3⁄16 2 5⁄16 2 5⁄16 2 5⁄16 2 5⁄16 2 7⁄16 2 7⁄16 2 7⁄16 2 7⁄16 2 7⁄16 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 361232 361231 361008 361230 361229 361228 361009 361227 361226 361225 361224 361223 361010 361222 361221 361220 361219 361218 361011 361217 361216 361215 361214 361213 361012 361212 361211 361210 361209 361208 361207 361013 361206 361205 361204 361203 361014 361202 361201 361401 361015 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 140 Made in U.S.A. • $28.50 25.50 19.75 26.90 27.70 28.20 21.45 28.80 28.20 28.20 28.80 28.20 21.00 30.85 29.90 30.65 30.65 30.65 22.95 30.65 29.90 30.85 29.90 29.90 22.40 31.15 31.55 31.15 31.55 31.55 31.55 24.55 32.40 31.55 29.70 31.55 24.55 31.00 30.65 36.80 26.40 12" OVERALL LENGTH TYPE 3611 PRICE EDP NO. EACH 361332 361331 361108 361330 361329 361328 361109 361327 361326 361325 361324 361323 361110 361322 361321 361320 361319 361318 361111 361317 361316 361315 361314 361313 361112 361312 361311 361310 361309 361308 361307 361113 361306 361305 361304 361303 361114 361302 361301 361501 361115 $33.60 30.00 23.30 31.60 32.65 33.20 25.20 33.90 33.20 33.20 33.90 33.20 24.75 36.30 35.20 36.00 36.00 36.00 26.95 36.00 35.20 36.30 35.20 35.20 26.40 36.70 37.20 36.70 37.20 37.20 37.20 28.80 38.15 37.20 34.90 37.20 28.80 36.45 36.00 43.30 31.10 TOOL DIAMETER 6" OVERALL LENGTH FLUTE WIRE LENGTH TYPE 3610 PRICE LETTER EDP NO. EACH DECIMAL FRAC. .2380 .2420 .2460 .2500 .2570 .2610 .2656 .2660 .2720 .2770 .2810 .2812 .2900 .2950 .2969 .3020 .3125 .3160 .3230 .3281 .3320 .3390 .3438 .3480 .3580 .3594 .3680 .3750 .3770 .3860 .3906 .3970 .4040 .4062 .4130 .4219 .4375 .4531 .4688 .4844 .5000 [email protected] ¼ B C D E F G 17⁄64 H I J K 9⁄32 L M 19⁄64 N 5⁄16 O P 21⁄64 Q R 11⁄32 S T 23⁄64 U 3⁄8 V W 25⁄64 X Y 13⁄32 Z 27⁄64 7⁄16 29⁄64 15⁄32 31⁄64 ½ • 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 15⁄16 2 15⁄16 2 15⁄16 3 1⁄16 3 1⁄16 3 1⁄16 3 3⁄16 3 3⁄16 3 5⁄16 3 5⁄16 3 7⁄16 3 7⁄16 3 7⁄16 3½ 3½ 3½ 3 5⁄8 3 5⁄8 3 5⁄8 3¾ 3¾ 3¾ 3 7⁄8 3 7⁄8 3 7⁄8 3 15⁄16 4 1⁄16 4 3⁄16 4 5⁄16 4 3⁄8 4½ 361402 361403 361404 361016 361406 361407 361017 361408 361409 361410 361411 361018 361412 361413 361019 361414 361020 361415 361416 361021 361417 361418 361022 361419 361420 361023 361421 361024 361422 361423 361025 361424 361425 361026 361426 361027 361028 361029 361030 361031 361032 Phone 800-882-2627 $36.80 36.80 36.15 26.40 37.80 38.65 28.20 39.45 38.65 39.45 39.45 28.20 39.45 43.45 30.65 42.55 30.65 40.40 43.05 32.55 44.15 43.05 32.55 46.55 47.70 34.70 45.85 34.70 46.55 49.90 35.65 47.25 49.10 35.15 55.35 38.65 38.65 44.40 43.45 48.80 48.80 • 12" OVERALL LENGTH TYPE 3611 PRICE EDP NO. EACH 361502 361503 361504 361116 361506 361507 361117 361508 361509 361510 361511 361118 361512 361513 361119 361514 361120 361515 361516 361121 361517 361518 361122 361519 361520 361123 361521 361124 361522 361523 361125 361524 361525 361126 361526 361127 361128 361129 361130 361131 361132 $43.30 43.30 42.55 31.10 44.45 45.50 33.20 46.45 45.50 46.45 46.45 33.20 46.45 51.15 36.00 50.05 36.00 47.55 50.65 38.35 51.95 50.65 38.35 54.70 56.10 40.70 54.00 40.70 54.70 58.75 41.95 55.65 57.70 41.40 65.05 45.50 45.50 52.25 51.15 57.40 57.40 Fax 800-882-3637 HIGH SPEED STEEL COBALT JOBB JOBBERS LENGTH DRILLS FOR STEEL TYPE 3699 - JOBBERS LENGTH- 135° SPLIT POINT High speed steel cobalt jobbers length drills for most materials including steels, stainless steels, and steel alloys. 6 piece standard package quantity over .3020” diameter 12 piece standard package quantity up to .3020” diameter TOOL DIAMETER LENGTH WIRE DEC. FLT. LTR, FRAC .0400 .0410 .0420 .0430 .0465 .0520 .0550 .0595 .0625 .0635 .0670 .0700 .0730 .0760 .0781 .0785 .0810 .0820 .0860 .0890 .0935 .0938 .0960 .0980 .0995 .1015 .1040 .1065 .1094 .1100 .1110 .1130 .1160 .1200 .1250 .1285 .1360 .1405 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 1⁄16 52 51 50 49 48 5⁄64 47 46 45 44 43 42 3⁄32 41 40 39 38 37 36 7⁄64 35 34 33 32 31 1⁄8 30 29 28 11⁄16 11⁄16 11⁄16 ¾ ¾ 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄8 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1 3⁄8 1 7⁄16 1 7⁄16 1 7⁄16 1½ 1½ 1½ 1½ 1 5⁄8 1 5⁄8 1 5⁄8 1 5⁄8 1¾ 1¾ 135° POINT OVER- TYPE 3699 ALL EDP NO. 1 5⁄8 1 5⁄8 1 5⁄8 1¾ 1¾ 1 7⁄8 1 7⁄8 1 7⁄8 1 7⁄8 1 7⁄8 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1⁄8 2 1⁄8 2 1⁄8 2¼ 2¼ 2¼ 2 3⁄8 2 3⁄8 2 3⁄8 2½ 2½ 2½ 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 TOOL DIAMETER PRICE EACH LENGTH WIRE DEC. FLT. LTR, FRAC 36990400 $2.75 36990410 2.75 36990420 2.75 36990430 2.75 36990465 2.75 36990520 2.40 36990550 2.40 36990595 2.40 369904 2.15 36990635 2.15 36990670 2.15 36990700 2.15 36990730 2.15 36990760 2.15 369905 2.15 36990785 2.15 36990810 2.15 36990820 2.15 36990860 2.15 36990890 2.15 36990935 2.15 369906 2.15 36990960 2.15 36990980 2.25 36990995 2.25 36991015 2.25 36991040 2.40 36991065 2.40 369907 2.30 36991100 2.40 36991110 2.40 36991130 2.40 36991160 2.50 36991200 2.50 369908 2.80 36991285 2.60 36991360 2.75 36991405 2.80 .1406 .1440 .1470 .1495 .1520 .1540 .1562 .1570 .1590 .1610 .1660 .1695 .1719 .1730 .1770 .1800 .1820 .1850 .1875 .1890 .1910 .1935 .1960 .1990 .2010 .2031 .2040 .2055 .2090 .2130 .2188 .2210 .2280 .2340 .2344 .2380 .2420 .2460 9⁄64 27 26 25 24 23 5⁄32 22 21 20 19 18 11⁄64 17 16 15 14 13 3⁄16 12 11 10 9 8 7 13⁄64 6 5 4 3 7⁄32 2 1 A 15⁄64 B C D 1¾ 1 7⁄8 1 7⁄8 1 7⁄8 2 2 2 2 2 1⁄8 2 1⁄8 2 1⁄8 2 1⁄8 2 1⁄8 2 3⁄16 2 3⁄16 2 3⁄16 2 3⁄16 2 5⁄16 2 5⁄16 2 5⁄16 2 5⁄16 2 7⁄16 2 7⁄16 2 7⁄16 2 7⁄16 2 7⁄16 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2 5⁄8 2¾ 2¾ 2¾ 135° POINT OVER- TYPE 3699 ALL EDP NO. 2 7⁄8 3 3 3 3 1⁄8 3 1⁄8 3 1⁄8 3 1⁄8 3¼ 3¼ 3¼ 3¼ 3¼ 3 3⁄8 3 3⁄8 3 3⁄8 3 3⁄8 3½ 3½ 3½ 3½ 3 5⁄8 3 5⁄8 3 5⁄8 3 5⁄8 3 5⁄8 3¾ 3¾ 3¾ 3¾ 3¾ 3 7⁄8 3 7⁄8 3 7⁄8 3 7⁄8 4 4 4 TOOL DIAMETER PRICE EACH LENGTH WIRE DEC. FLT. LTR, FRAC 369909 $2.80 36991440 3.00 36991470 3.00 36991495 3.00 36991520 3.35 36991540 3.35 369910 3.15 36991570 3.35 36991590 3.35 36991610 3.35 36991660 3.35 36991695 3.45 369911 3.30 36991730 3.80 36991770 3.85 36991800 4.15 36991820 4.15 36991850 4.15 369912 3.70 36991890 4.35 36991910 4.35 36991935 4.35 36991960 4.35 36991990 4.35 36992010 4.35 369913 4.50 36992040 5.60 36992055 5.60 36992090 5.60 36992130 5.60 369914 4.90 36992210 5.95 36992280 5.95 36992340 6.85 369915 5.20 36992380 7.90 36992420 7.90 36992460 8.00 .2500 .2570 .2610 .2656 .2660 .2720 .2770 .2810 .2812 .2900 .2950 .2969 .3020 .3125 .3160 .3230 .3281 .3320 .3390 .3438 .3480 .3594 .3580 .3680 .3750 .3770 .3860 .3960 .3970 .4040 .4062 .4130 .4210 .4375 .4531 .4688 .4844 .5000 ¼ F G 17⁄64 H I J K 9⁄32 L M 19⁄64 N 5⁄16 O P 21⁄64 Q R 11⁄32 S 23⁄64 T U 3⁄8 V W 25⁄64 X Y 13⁄32 Z 27⁄64 7⁄16 29⁄64 15⁄32 31⁄64 ½ 2¾ 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 7⁄8 2 15⁄16 2 15⁄16 2 15⁄16 3 1⁄16 3 1⁄16 3 1⁄16 3 3⁄16 3 1⁄16 3 5⁄16 3 5⁄16 3 7⁄16 3 7⁄16 3 7⁄16 3½ 3½ 3½ 3 5⁄8 3 5⁄8 3 5⁄8 3¾ 3¾ 3¾ 3 7⁄8 3 7⁄8 3 7⁄8 3 15⁄16 4 1⁄16 4 3⁄16 4 5⁄16 4 3⁄8 4½ 135° POINT OVER- TYPE 3699 ALL EDP NO. PRICE EACH 4 4 1⁄8 4 1⁄8 4 1⁄8 4 1⁄8 4 1⁄8 4 1⁄8 4¼ 4¼ 4¼ 4 3⁄8 4 3⁄8 4 3⁄8 4½ 4½ 4 5⁄8 4 5⁄8 4¾ 4¾ 4¾ 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 5 5 5 5 1⁄8 5 1⁄8 5 1⁄8 5¼ 5¼ 5¼ 5 3⁄8 5½ 5 5⁄8 5¾ 5 7⁄8 6 $5.55 8.35 8.60 6.30 8.90 8.95 9.15 9.40 6.60 10.10 10.70 8.05 10.70 8.55 11.85 12.60 9.45 13.00 13.00 10.35 15.95 11.40 15.95 15.95 11.85 17.55 17.55 13.60 17.55 18.60 14.15 20.30 15.60 15.95 19.20 19.55 20.15 20.30 369916 36992570 36992610 369917 36992660 36992720 36992770 36992810 369918 36992900 36992950 369919 36993020 369920 36993160 36993230 369921 36993320 36993390 369922 36993480 369923 36993580 36993680 369924 36993770 36993860 369925 36993970 36994040 369926 36994130 369927 369928 369929 369930 369931 369932 CARBIDE TIPPED STRAIGHT FLUTE COOLANT DRILLS TYPE 3658 - 125° 4 FACET POINT - EXTRA LONG LENGTH Carbide tip brazed to hardened tool steel bodies. Self centering point with polished straight flutes for hole straightness and chip removal capacity. Shank diameter is same size as tool diameter. Drill body diameter is smaller than tool diameter. Two coolant holes. Tool and shank diameter tolerances: +.000”/-.001”. TOOL DIAMETER DECIMAL FRAC. .3125 .3438 .3750 .4062 .4375 .4688 .5000 .5312 5⁄16 11⁄32 3⁄8 13⁄32 7⁄16 15⁄32 ½ 17⁄32 LENGTH FLUTE OVERALL 8 8 9 9 9 9¾ 9¾ 9¾ PRICE EACH 365820 365822 365824 365826 365828 365830 365832 365834 $282.40 282.40 298.40 339.70 339.70 358.75 358.75 385.05 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 12 Phone 941-739-2726 *Call for decimal size pricing. TYPE 3658 EDP NO. • TOOL DIAMETER DECIMAL SIZE RANGE* .3100 .3281 .3594 .3906 .4200 .4531 .4800 .5118 Fax 941-739-2827 - .3160 .3460 .3770 .4080 .4390 .4710 .5030 .5330 • DECIMAL FRAC. .5625 .6250 .6875 .7500 .8125 .8750 .9375 1.0000 9⁄16 5⁄8 11⁄16 ¾ 13⁄16 7⁄8 15⁄16 1 LENGTH FLUTE OVERALL TYPE 3658 EDP NO. PRICE EACH 10 ¾ 10 ¾ 11 ¾ 11 ¾ 12 ¾ 12 ¾ 13 ¾ 13 ¾ 365836 365840 365844 365848 365852 365856 365860 365864 $414.75 437.90 456.00 482.60 512.50 552.30 590.05 639.00 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 w w w.lexingtoncutter.com • DECIMAL SIZE RANGE* .5430 .6070 .6693 .7320 .7953 .8570 .9180 .9820 - .5650 .6270 .6900 .7530 .8160 .8780 .9390 1.0030 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 141 CARBIDE TIPPED STRAIGHT FLUTE COOLANT DRILLS TYPE 3650 - 125° 4 FACET POINT - LONG LENGTH Carbide tip brazed to hardened tool steel bodies. Self centering point with polished straight flutes for hole straightness and chip removal capacity. Shank diameter is same size as tool diameter. Drill body diameter is smaller than tool diameter. Two coolant holes. Where possible use shorter length Type 3652 for greater rigidity. TOOL DIAMETER DECIMAL FRAC. .2500 .2656 .2812 .2969 .3125 .3281 .3438 .3594 .3750 .3906 .4062 .4219 .4375 .4531 .4688 .4844 .5000 .5156 .5312 .5469 .5625 ¼ 17⁄64 9⁄32 19⁄64 5⁄16 21⁄64 11⁄32 23⁄64 3⁄8 25⁄64 13⁄32 27⁄64 7⁄16 29⁄64 15⁄32 31⁄64 ½ 33⁄64 17⁄32 35⁄64 9⁄16 LENGTH FLUTE OVERALL 4 5⁄8 4¾ 4¾ 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 5 5 5¼ 5¼ 5½ 5½ 5¾ 5¾ 5¾ 5¾ 5¾ 5¾ 6 6 6¼ 6¼ 6 1⁄8 6¼ 6¼ 6 3⁄8 6 3⁄8 6½ 6½ 6¾ 6¾ 7 7 7¼ 7¼ 7½ 7½ 7¾ 7¾ 8 8 8¼ 8¼ TYPE 3650 EDP NO. PRICE EACH 365016 365017 365018 365019 365020 365021 365022 365023 365024 365025 365026 365027 365028 365029 365030 365031 365032 365033 365034 365035 365036 $195.65 195.65 195.65 195.65 195.65 188.40 188.40 183.55 190.60 188.40 188.40 194.40 194.40 206.70 206.70 212.85 212.85 228.35 228.35 236.50 240.55 DECIMAL SIZE RANGE* .2490 .2640 .2950 .3260 .3540 .3850 .4100 .4391 .4725 .5031 .5331 - .2530 .2840 .3160 .3460 .3770 .4080 .4390 .4724 .5030 .5330 .5650 TOOL DIAMETER DECIMAL FRAC. .5781 .5938 .6094 .6250 .6406 .6562 .6719 .6875 .7031 .7188 .7344 .7500 .7656 .7812 .8125 .8438 .8750 .9062 .9375 .9688 1.0000 37⁄64 19⁄32 39⁄64 5⁄8 41⁄64 21⁄32 43⁄64 11⁄16 45⁄64 23⁄32 47⁄64 ¾ 49⁄64 25⁄32 13⁄16 27⁄32 7⁄8 29⁄32 15⁄16 31⁄32 1 LENGTH TYPE 3650 EDP NO. PRICE EACH 365037 365038 365039 365040 365041 365042 365043 365044 365045 365046 365047 365048 365049 365050 365052 365054 365056 365058 365060 365062 365064 $284.80 289.65 284.80 289.65 300.15 305.30 321.35 327.10 333.60 339.20 336.40 342.30 363.90 363.90 370.05 391.75 400.95 444.25 462.60 467.10 467.10 FLUTE OVERALL TYPE 3652 EDP NO. PRICE EACH 5 3⁄16 5 3⁄16 5 3⁄16 5 3⁄16 5 3⁄16 5 3⁄16 5 5⁄8 5 5⁄8 5 5⁄8 5 5⁄8 6 1⁄16 6 1⁄16 6 1⁄16 6 1⁄16 6 1⁄16 6½ 6½ 6 15⁄16 6 15⁄16 6 15⁄16 7 3⁄8 365237 365238 365239 365240 365241 365242 365243 365244 365245 365246 365247 365248 365249 365250 365252 365254 365256 365258 365260 365262 365264 $276.20 280.85 276.20 280.85 296.15 296.15 320.40 320.85 329.95 329.95 333.20 333.20 348.85 354.85 360.80 382.55 391.75 419.25 450.35 468.80 481.15 FLUTE OVERALL 6¾ 6¾ 6¾ 6¾ 7 7 7¼ 7¼ 7½ 7½ 7¾ 7¾ 7 7⁄8 7 7⁄8 8 8 8 8 8¾ 9 9 8¾ 8¾ 8¾ 8¾ 9 9 9¼ 9¼ 9½ 9½ 9¾ 9¾ 9 7⁄8 9 7⁄8 10 10 10 10 10 ¾ 11 11 DECIMAL SIZE RANGE* .5651 .5951 .6271 .6571 .6901 .7221 .7531 .7841 .8161 .8471 .8781 .9091 .9391 .9701 - .5950 .6270 .6570 .6900 .7220 .7530 .7840 .8160 .8470 .8780 .9090 .9390 .9700 1.0030 TYPE 3652 - 125° 4 FACET POINT - SHORT LENGTH Same as Type 3650 above, except shorter length. BOTH TYPES ON THIS PAGE: Tool and shank diameter tolerances: +.000"/-.001". TOOL DIAMETER DECIMAL FRAC. .2500 .2656 .2812 .2969 .3125 .3281 .3438 .3594 .3750 .3906 .4062 .4219 .4375 .4531 .4688 .4844 .5000 .5156 .5312 .5469 .5625 ¼ 17⁄64 9⁄32 19⁄64 5⁄16 21⁄64 11⁄32 23⁄64 3⁄8 25⁄64 13⁄32 27⁄64 7⁄16 29⁄64 15⁄32 31⁄64 ½ 33⁄64 17⁄32 35⁄64 9⁄16 LENGTH FLUTE OVERALL TYPE 3652 EDP NO. PRICE EACH 2½ 2¾ 2¾ 3 3⁄16 3 3⁄16 3 7⁄16 3 7⁄16 3 5⁄8 3 5⁄8 3 7⁄8 3 7⁄8 4 1⁄16 4 1⁄16 4 5⁄16 4 5⁄16 4½ 4½ 4 13⁄16 4 13⁄16 4 13⁄16 4 13⁄16 365216 365217 365218 365219 365220 365221 365222 365223 365224 365225 365226 365227 365228 365229 365230 365231 365232 365233 365234 365235 365236 $178.70 178.70 178.70 178.70 178.70 178.70 178.70 180.50 180.50 185.05 185.05 191.30 191.30 203.65 203.65 209.60 209.60 218.45 222.20 230.40 234.45 4 29⁄32 5 5⁄32 5 5⁄32 5 19⁄32 5 19⁄32 5 27⁄32 5 27⁄32 6 1⁄32 6 1⁄32 6 9⁄32 6 9⁄32 6 15⁄32 6 15⁄32 6 23⁄32 6 23⁄32 6 29⁄32 6 29⁄32 7 7⁄32 7 7⁄32 7 7⁄32 7 7⁄32 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 142 Made in U.S.A. • DECIMAL SIZE RANGE* .2490 .2640 .2950 .3260 .3540 .3850 .4100 .4391 .4725 .5031 .5331 - .2530 .2840 .3160 .3460 .3770 .4080 .4390 .4724 .5030 .5330 .5650 TOOL DIAMETER DECIMAL FRAC. .5781 .5938 .6094 .6250 .6406 .6562 .6719 .6875 .7031 .7188 .7344 .7500 .7656 .7812 .8125 .8438 .8750 .9062 .9375 .9688 1.0000 37⁄64 19⁄32 39⁄64 5⁄8 41⁄64 21⁄32 43⁄64 11⁄16 45⁄64 23⁄32 47⁄64 ¾ 49⁄64 25⁄32 13⁄16 27⁄32 7⁄8 29⁄32 15⁄16 31⁄32 [email protected] • 1 LENGTH 7 19⁄32 7 19⁄32 7 19⁄32 7 19⁄32 7 19⁄32 7 19⁄32 8 1⁄32 8 1⁄32 8 1⁄32 8 1⁄32 8 15⁄32 8 15⁄32 8 9⁄16 8 9⁄16 8 9⁄16 9 9 9 7⁄16 9 7⁄16 9 7⁄16 9 7⁄8 Phone 800-882-2627 • DECIMAL SIZE RANGE* .5651 .5951 .6271 .6571 .6901 .7221 .7531 .7841 .8161 .8471 .8781 .9091 .9391 .9701 - .5950 .6270 .6570 .6900 .7220 .7530 .7840 .8160 .8470 .8780 .9090 .9390 .9700 1.0030 Fax 800-882-3637 *Call for decimal size pricing. CARBIDE TIPPED STRAIGHT FLUTE COOLANT DRILLS TYPE 3650 - 125° 4 FACET POINT - LONG LENGTH Carbide tip brazed to hardened tool steel bodies. Self centering point with polished straight flutes for hole straightness and chip removal capacity. Shank diameter is same size as tool diameter. Drill body diameter is smaller than tool diameter. Two coolant holes. Where possible use shorter length Type 3652 for greater rigidity. TOOL DIAMETER mm INCH **6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0 13.5 14.0 14.5 15.0 15.5 .2559 .2756 .2953 .3150 .3346 .3543 .3740 .3937 .4134 .4331 .4528 .4724 .4921 .5118 .5315 .5512 .5709 .5906 .6102 LENGTH FLUTE OVERALL mm INCH mm INCH TYPE 3650 EDP NO. 117 121 124 124 127 133 133 140 146 146 146 146 146 152 152 159 171 171 171 3650065 $203.90 3650070 203.90 6.706 - 7.214 3650075 203.90 7.493 - 8.026 3650080 203.90 3650085 196.90 8.280 - 8.788 3650090 196.90 8.992 - 9.576 3650095 196.90 3650100 196.90 9.779 - 10.363 3650105 203.90 10.414 - 11.151 3650110 203.90 3650115 220.35 11.153 - 12.000 3650120 220.35 3650125 225.05 12.002 - 12.776 3650130 239.00 12.779 - 13.538 3650135 239.00 3650140 250.80 13.541 - 14.351 3650145 304.65 14.354 - 15.113 3650150 304.65 3650155 304.65 15.116 - 15.926 4 5⁄8 4¾ 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 5 5¼ 5¼ 5½ 5¾ 5¾ 5¾ 5¾ 5¾ 6 6 6¼ 6¾ 6¾ 6¾ 156 159 162 162 165 171 171 178 184 184 191 191 197 203 203 210 222 222 222 6 1⁄8 6¼ 6 3⁄8 6 3⁄8 6½ 6¾ 6¾ 7 7¼ 7¼ 7½ 7½ 7¾ 8 8 8¼ 8¾ 8¾ 8¾ PRICE EACH METRIC SIZE RANGE* TOOL DIAMETER mm INCH LENGTH FLUTE OVERALL mm INCH mm INCH TYPE 3650 EDP NO. 16.0 16.5 17.0 17.5 18.0 18.5 19.0 19.5 20.0 20.5 21.0 21.5 22.0 22.5 23.0 23.5 24.0 24.5 25.0 178 178 184 184 191 197 197 200 203 203 203 203 203 203 203 222 229 229 229 3650160 $311.70 15.928 - 16.688 3650165 311.70 3650170 332.80 16.690 - 17.526 3650175 332.80 3650180 349.25 17.529 - 18.339 3650185 351.55 18.341 - 19.126 3650190 351.55 3650195 372.70 19.129 - 19.914 3650200 377.40 19.916 - 20.726 3650205 377.40 3650210 398.45 20.729 - 21.514 3650215 398.45 3650220 407.85 21.516 - 22.301 3650225 450.05 22.304 - 23.089 3650230 450.05 3650235 466.45 23.091 - 23.851 3650240 485.15 23.853 - 24.638 3650245 485.15 3650250 485.15 24.641 - 25.476 .6299 .6496 .6693 .6890 .7087 .7283 .7480 .7677 .7874 .8071 .8268 .8465 .8661 .8858 .9055 .9252 .9449 .9646 .9843 7 7 7¼ 7¼ 7½ 7¾ 7¾ 7 7⁄8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8¾ 9 9 9 229 229 235 235 241 248 248 251 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 273 279 279 279 9 9 9¼ 9¼ 9½ 9¾ 9¾ 9 7⁄8 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 ¾ 11 11 11 PRICE EACH METRIC SIZE RANGE* TYPE 3652 - 125° 4 FACET POINT - SHORT LENGTH Same as Type 3650 above, except shorter length. BOTH TYPES ON THIS PAGE: Tool and shank diameter tolerances: +.000"/-.001". TOOL DIAMETER mm INCH **6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0 13.5 14.0 14.5 15.0 15.5 .2559 .2756 .2953 .3150 .3346 .3543 .3740 .3937 .4134 .4331 .4528 .4724 .4921 .5118 .5315 .5512 .5709 .5906 .6102 LENGTH FLUTE OVERALL mm INCH mm INCH TYPE 3652 EDP NO. 64 70 81 81 87 92 92 98 103 103 109 109 114 122 122 122 131 131 131 3652065 $230.80 3652070 230.80 6.706 - 7.214 3652075 230.80 7.493 - 8.026 3652080 230.80 3652085 222.85 8.280 - 8.788 3652090 222.85 8.992 - 9.576 3652095 222.85 3652100 222.85 9.779 - 10.363 3652105 230.80 10.414 - 11.151 3652110 230.80 3652115 249.45 11.153 - 12.000 3652120 249.45 3652125 254.80 12.002 - 12.776 3652130 270.65 12.779 - 13.538 3652135 270.65 3652140 283.95 13.541 - 14.351 3652145 344.85 14.354 - 15.113 3652150 344.85 3652155 344.85 15.116 - 15.926 2½ 2¾ 3 3⁄16 3 3⁄16 3 7⁄16 3 5⁄8 3 5⁄8 3 7⁄8 4 1⁄16 4 1⁄16 4 5⁄16 4 5⁄16 4½ 4 13⁄16 4 13⁄16 4 13⁄16 5 3⁄16 5 3⁄16 5 3⁄16 125 131 142 142 148 153 153 159 164 164 171 171 175 183 183 183 193 193 193 4 29⁄32 5 5⁄32 5 19⁄32 5 19⁄32 5 27⁄32 6 1⁄32 6 1⁄32 6 9⁄32 6 15⁄32 6 15⁄32 6 23⁄32 6 23⁄32 6 29⁄32 7 7⁄32 7 7⁄32 7 7⁄32 7 19⁄32 7 19⁄32 7 19⁄32 Phone 941-739-2726 • PRICE EACH METRIC SIZE RANGE* Fax 941-739-2827 *Call for modified metric pricing. **6.5mm tool has 6.35mm shank. • TOOL DIAMETER mm INCH LENGTH FLUTE OVERALL mm INCH mm INCH TYPE 3652 EDP NO. 16.0 16.5 17.0 17.5 18.0 18.5 19.0 19.5 20.0 20.5 21.0 21.5 22.0 22.5 23.0 23.5 24.0 24.5 25.0 131 131 143 143 143 154 154 154 154 154 165 165 165 176 176 176 176 176 187 3652160 $352.85 15.928 - 16.688 3652165 352.85 3652170 376.75 16.690 - 17.526 3652175 376.75 3652180 395.45 17.529 - 18.339 3652185 397.95 18.341 - 19.126 3652190 397.95 3652195 421.95 19.129 - 19.914 3652200 427.25 19.916 - 20.726 3652205 427.25 3652210 451.05 20.729 - 21.514 3652215 451.05 3652220 461.75 21.516 - 22.301 3652225 509.45 22.304 - 23.089 3652230 509.45 3652235 528.00 23.091 - 23.851 3652240 549.20 23.853 - 24.638 3652245 544.65 3652250 549.20 24.641 - 25.476 .6299 .6496 .6693 .6890 .7087 .7283 .7480 .7677 .7874 .8071 .8268 .8465 .8661 .8858 .9055 .9252 .9449 .9646 .9843 5 3⁄16 5 3⁄16 5 5⁄8 5 5⁄8 5 5⁄8 6 1⁄16 6 1⁄16 6 1⁄16 6 1⁄16 6 1⁄16 6½ 6½ 6½ 6 15⁄16 6 15⁄16 6 15⁄16 6 15⁄16 6 15⁄16 7 3⁄8 193 193 204 204 204 215 215 217 217 217 229 229 229 240 240 240 240 240 251 7 19⁄32 7 19⁄32 8 1⁄32 8 1⁄32 8 1⁄32 8 15⁄32 8 15⁄32 8 9⁄16 8 9⁄16 8 9⁄16 9 9 9 9 7⁄16 9 7⁄16 9 7⁄16 9 7⁄16 9 7⁄16 9 7⁄8 w w w.lexingtoncutter.com • PRICE EACH METRIC SIZE RANGE* LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 143 CARBIDE TIPPED COOLANT TWIST DRILLS TOOL DIAMETER DECIMAL FRAC. .2500 .2812 .3125 .3438 .3750 .4062 .4375 .4688 .5000 .5312 .5625 .5938 .6250 .6562 .6875 .7188 .7500 ¼ 9⁄32 5⁄16 11⁄32 3⁄8 13⁄32 7⁄16 15⁄32 ½ 17⁄32 9⁄16 19⁄32 5⁄8 21⁄32 11⁄16 23⁄32 ¾ LENGTH FLUTE OVERALL 3¾ 3 7⁄8 4 4 1⁄8 4¼ 4 3⁄8 4 5⁄8 4 7⁄8 5 5¼ 5 3⁄8 5 5⁄8 5¾ 5 7⁄8 6 6 3⁄16 6 3⁄8 6 1⁄8 6¼ 6 3⁄8 6½ 6¾ 7 7¼ 7½ 7¾ 8 8¼ 8½ 8¾ 9 9¼ 9½ 9¾ 125° 4 FACET PT. TYPE 3656 PRICE EDP NO. EACH 365616 365618 365620 365622 365624 365626 365628 365630 365632 365634 365636 365638 365640 365642 365644 365646 365648 $196.25 196.25 196.25 196.25 196.25 196.25 196.25 208.65 214.75 230.65 243.00 289.75 289.75 308.20 330.15 344.00 345.80 135° SPLIT PT. TYPE 3657 PRICE EDP NO. EACH 365716 365718 365720 365722 365724 365726 365728 365730 365732 365734 365736 365738 365740 365742 365744 365746 365748 DECIMAL SIZE RANGE* $245.65 241.80 241.80 241.80 241.80 259.50 259.50 259.05 259.20 278.05 293.00 345.50 345.50 367.50 393.60 403.80 405.95 .2650 .2953 .3280 .3543 .3900 .4130 .4391 .4711 .5021 .5331 .5641 .5941 .6261 .6571 .6901 .7211 - .2840 .3150 .3460 .3770 .4080 .4390 .4710 .5020 .5330 .5640 .5940 .6260 .6570 .6900 .7210 .7520 TYPE 3656 - 125° 4 FACET POINT LONG LENGTH Carbide tip brazed to hardened tool steel bodies with polished right spiral flutes. Self centering point. Shank and body diameters are same size as tool diameter. Two coolant holes. Heavy web with slow spiral for best rigidity and improved chip removal. TYPE 3657 - 135° SPLIT POINT LONG LENGTH Same as Type 3656 above, except with 135° cam relieved split point. Tool and shank diameter tolerances: +.000"/-.001". *Call for decimal size pricing. TYPE 3654 - 125° 4 FACET POINT - STUB LENGTH TYPE 3655 - 135° SPLIT POINT - STUB LENGTH Same as Type 3656 & 3657 above, except shorter length and shank & body diameters are smaller than tool diameter. Tool and shank diameter tolerances: +.000"/-.001". 125° 4 FACET PT. SHANK OVERFLUTE & BODY ALL TYPE 3654 PRICE DECIMAL FRAC. LENGTH DIAM. LENGTH EDP NO. EACH TOOL DIAMETER .2500 .2656 .2812 .2969 .3125 .3281 .3438 .3594 .3750 .3906 .4062 .4219 .4375 .4531 .4688 .4844 .5000 .5156 .5312 .5469 .5625 .5781 .5938 .6094 .6250 .6406 .6562 ¼ 17⁄64 9⁄32 19⁄64 5⁄16 21⁄64 11⁄32 23⁄64 3⁄8 25⁄64 13⁄32 27⁄64 7⁄16 29⁄64 15⁄32 31⁄64 ½ 33⁄64 17⁄32 35⁄64 9⁄16 37⁄64 19⁄32 39⁄64 5⁄8 41⁄64 21⁄32 1 17⁄32 1 19⁄32 1 19⁄32 1¾ 1¾ 1 15⁄16 1 15⁄16 2 1⁄8 2 1⁄8 2 9⁄32 2 9⁄32 2½ 2½ 2 21⁄32 2 21⁄32 2 13⁄16 2 13⁄16 3 3 3 1⁄8 3 1⁄8 3 9⁄32 3 9⁄32 3 7⁄16 3 7⁄16 3 21⁄32 3 21⁄32 .2344 .2500 .2656 .2812 .2969 .3125 .3281 .3438 .3594 .3750 .3906 .4062 .4219 .4375 .4531 .4688 .4844 .5000 .5156 .5312 .5469 .5625 .5781 .5938 .6094 .6250 .6406 3 15⁄16 4 4 4 5⁄32 4 5⁄32 4 11⁄32 4 11⁄32 4 17⁄32 4 17⁄32 4 11⁄16 4 11⁄16 4 29⁄32 4 29⁄32 5 1⁄16 5 1⁄16 5 7⁄32 5 7⁄32 5 13⁄32 5 13⁄32 5 17⁄32 5 17⁄32 5 11⁄16 5 11⁄16 5 27⁄32 5 27⁄32 6 1⁄16 6 1⁄16 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 144 Made in U.S.A. 135° SPLIT PT. TYPE 3655 PRICE EDP NO. EACH 365416 $182.05 365516 $223.90 365417 207.65 365517 239.00 365418 195.05 365518 236.30 365419 207.65 365519 239.00 365420 195.05 365520 236.30 365421 207.65 365521 239.00 365422 195.05 365522 236.30 365423 207.65 365523 248.70 365424 195.05 365524 236.30 365425 207.65 365525 263.20 365426 195.05 365526 253.45 365427 207.65 365527 263.20 365428 195.05 365528 253.45 365429 219.70 365529 263.20 365430 207.70 365530 253.45 365431 224.55 365531 263.20 365432 213.90 365532 253.45 365433 222.05 365533 263.20 365434 213.90 365534 253.45 365435 222.05 365535 263.20 365436 213.90 365536 253.45 365437 239.00 365537 275.20 365438 228.90 365538 268.35 365439 239.00 365539 275.20 365440 228.90 365540 268.35 365441 239.00 365541 275.20 365442 228.90 365542 268.35 • 125° 4 FACET PT. SHANK OVERFLUTE & BODY ALL TYPE 3654 PRICE DECIMAL FRAC. LENGTH DIAM. LENGTH EDP NO. EACH TOOL DIAMETER .6719 .6875 .7031 .7188 .7344 .7500 .7656 .7812 .7969 .8125 .8281 .8438 .8594 .8750 .8906 .9062 .9219 .9375 .9531 .9688 .9844 1.0000 1.0312 1.0625 1.0938 1.1250 - [email protected] 43⁄64 11⁄16 45⁄64 23⁄32 47⁄64 ¾ 49⁄64 25⁄32 51⁄64 13⁄16 53⁄64 27⁄32 55⁄64 7⁄8 57⁄64 29⁄32 59⁄64 15⁄16 61⁄64 31⁄32 63⁄64 1 1 1⁄32 1 1⁄16 1 3⁄32 1 1⁄8 - • 3 13⁄16 3 13⁄16 3 15⁄16 3 15⁄16 4 1⁄8 4 1⁄8 4 9⁄32 4 9⁄32 4 7⁄16 4 7⁄16 4 19⁄32 4 19⁄32 4 11⁄16 4 11⁄16 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 5 1⁄32 5 1⁄32 5 3⁄16 5 3⁄16 5 5⁄16 5 5⁄16 5 11⁄16 5 11⁄16 5 11⁄16 5 11⁄16 - .6562 .6719 .6875 .7031 .7188 .7344 .7500 .7656 .7812 .7969 .8125 .8281 .8438 .8594 .8750 .8906 .9062 .9219 .9375 .9531 .9688 .9844 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 - 6 7⁄32 6 7⁄32 6 11⁄32 6 11⁄32 6 17⁄32 6 17⁄32 6 25⁄32 6 25⁄32 6 15⁄16 6 15⁄16 7 3⁄32 7 3⁄32 7 3⁄16 7 3⁄16 7 3⁄8 7 3⁄8 7 17⁄32 7 17⁄32 7 11⁄16 7 11⁄16 7 13⁄16 7 13⁄16 8 3⁄16 8 3⁄16 8 3⁄16 8 3⁄16 - 135° SPLIT PT. TYPE 3655 PRICE EDP NO. EACH 365443 $239.00 365543 $275.20 365444 228.90 365544 268.35 365445 265.65 365545 304.20 365446 255.95 365546 295.30 365447 265.65 365547 304.20 365448 255.95 365548 295.30 365449 265.65 365549 304.20 365450 255.95 365550 295.30 365451 316.35 365551 352.50 365452 305.25 365552 344.50 365453 316.35 365553 352.50 365454 305.25 365554 344.50 365455 316.35 365555 352.50 365456 305.25 365556 344.50 365457 335.55 365557 374.25 365458 324.95 365558 364.25 365459 335.55 365559 374.25 365460 324.95 365560 364.25 365461 354.95 365561 393.50 365462 342.05 365562 381.40 365463 354.95 365563 393.50 365464 342.05 365564 381.40 365466 369.20 365566 408.50 365468 381.40 365568 420.85 365470 391.30 365570 430.70 365472 406.10 365572 445.50 - Phone 800-882-2627 • Fax 800-882-3637 *Call for decimal size ranges and prices. CARBIDE TIPPED COOLANT TWIST DRILLS TYPE 3654 - 125° 4 FACET POINT - STUB LENGTH Carbide tip brazed to hardened tool steel bodies with polished right spiral flutes. Self centering point. Shank and body diameters are smaller than tool diameter. Two coolant holes. Heavy web with slow spiral for best rigidity and improved chip removal. TYPE 3655 - 135° SPLIT POINT - STUB LENGTH Same as Type 3654 above, except with 135° cam relieved split point. Tool and shank diameter tolerances: +.000"/-.001". TOOL DIAMETER FLUTE LENGTH SHANK & BODY DIAM. OVERALL LENGTH mm INCH mm INCH mm INCH mm INCH 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0 13.5 14.0 14.5 15.0 15.5 16.0 16.5 17.0 17.5 18.0 18.5 19.0 19.5 20.0 20.5 21.0 21.5 22.0 22.5 23.0 23.5 24.0 24.5 25.0 26.0 .2559 .2756 .2953 .3150 .3346 .3543 .3740 .3937 .4134 .4331 .4528 .4724 .4921 .5118 .5315 .5512 .5709 .5906 .6102 .6299 .6496 .6693 .6890 .7087 .7283 .7480 .7677 .7874 .8071 .8268 .8465 .8661 .8858 .9055 .9252 .9449 .9646 .9843 1.0236 39 40 40 44 49 49 54 58 58 64 67 67 71 76 76 79 83 83 87 87 93 93 97 100 100 105 109 109 113 117 117 119 124 124 128 132 132 135 144 1 17⁄32 1 19⁄32 1 19⁄32 1¾ 1 15⁄16 1 15⁄16 2 1⁄8 2 9⁄32 2 9⁄32 2½ 2 21⁄32 2 21⁄32 2 13⁄16 3 3 3 1⁄8 3 9⁄32 3 9⁄32 3 7⁄16 3 7⁄16 3 21⁄32 3 21⁄32 3 13⁄16 3 15⁄16 3 15⁄16 4 1⁄8 4 9⁄32 4 9⁄32 4 7⁄16 4 19⁄32 4 19⁄32 4 11⁄16 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 5 1⁄32 5 3⁄16 5 3⁄16 5 5⁄16 5 11⁄16 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0 13.5 14.0 14.5 15.0 15.5 16.0 16.5 17.0 17.5 18.0 18.5 19.0 19.5 20.0 20.5 21.0 21.5 22.0 22.5 23.0 23.5 24.0 24.5 25.5 .2362 .2559 .2756 .2953 .3150 .3346 .3543 .3740 .3937 .4134 .4331 .4528 .4724 .4921 .5118 .5315 .5512 .5709 .5906 .6102 .6299 .6496 .6693 .6890 .7087 .7283 .7480 .7677 .7874 .8071 .8268 .8465 .8661 .8858 .9055 .9252 .9449 .9646 1.0039 100 102 102 106 110 110 115 119 119 125 129 129 133 137 137 140 144 144 148 148 154 154 158 161 161 166 172 172 176 180 180 183 187 187 191 195 195 198 208 3 15⁄16 4 4 4 5⁄32 4 11⁄32 4 11⁄32 4 17⁄32 4 11⁄16 4 11⁄16 4 29⁄32 5 1⁄16 5 1⁄16 5 7⁄32 5 13⁄32 5 13⁄32 5 17⁄32 5 11⁄16 5 11⁄16 5 27⁄32 5 27⁄32 6 1⁄16 6 1⁄16 6 7⁄32 6 11⁄32 6 11⁄32 6 17⁄32 6 25⁄32 6 25⁄32 6 15⁄16 7 3⁄32 7 3⁄32 7 3⁄16 7 3⁄8 7 3⁄8 7 17⁄32 7 11⁄16 7 11⁄16 7 13⁄16 8 3⁄16 Phone 941-739-2726 • Fax 941-739-2827 • 125° 4 FACET POINT TYPE 3654 PRICE EDP NO. EACH 135° SPLIT POINT TYPE 3655 PRICE EDP NO. EACH 3654065 3654070 3654075 3654080 3654085 3654090 3654095 3654100 3654105 3654110 3654115 3654120 3654125 3654130 3654135 3654140 3654145 3654150 3654155 3654160 3654165 3654170 3654175 3654180 3654185 3654190 3654195 3654200 3654205 3654210 3654215 3654220 3654225 3654230 3654235 3654240 3654245 3654250 3654260 3655065 3655070 3655075 3655080 3655085 3655090 3655095 3655100 3655105 3655110 3655115 3655120 3655125 3655130 3655135 3655140 3655145 3655150 3655155 3655160 3655165 3655170 3655175 3655180 3655185 3655190 3655195 3655200 3655205 3655210 3655215 3655220 3655225 3655230 3655235 3655240 3655245 3655250 3655260 w w w.lexingtoncutter.com • $195.65 207.65 207.65 207.65 207.65 207.65 207.65 207.65 207.65 207.65 219.70 219.70 224.55 222.05 222.05 222.05 239.00 239.00 239.00 239.00 239.00 239.00 239.00 265.65 265.65 265.65 265.65 265.65 316.35 316.35 316.35 316.35 335.55 335.55 335.55 354.95 354.95 354.95 381.40 $229.30 239.00 239.00 239.00 248.70 248.70 248.70 263.20 263.20 263.20 263.20 263.20 263.20 263.20 263.20 263.20 275.20 275.20 275.20 275.20 275.20 275.20 304.20 304.20 304.20 304.20 304.20 352.50 352.50 352.50 352.50 352.50 374.25 374.25 374.25 393.50 393.50 393.50 420.20 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 145 CARBIDE TIPPED CORE DRILLS FOR NON-FERROUS & CAST IRON TYPE 3620 - FOUR SPIRAL FLUTES - STRAIGHT SHANK TYPE 3622 - FOUR SPIRAL FLUTES - TAPER SHANK Carbide tips brazed to hardened tool steel bodies. Right spiral flutes with 118° included chamfer angle. Core drills, with increased flute capacity, remove more material from a cored or cast hole than a reamer. This often eliminates a final reaming or boring operation. Types 3620 and 3622 core drills are specifically designed for cast iron, non-ferrous and high temperature alloy applications. For steel applications, refer to Types 3621 and 3623 on pages 148 & 149. Tool and shank diameter tolerances: +.000"/-.001". TOOL DIAMETER DEC. TYPE 3620 FLT CARB OAL .262 .284 .306 .328 .350 .372 .394 .416 .438 .459 .481 .503 .525 .547 .569 .591 .612 .634 .656 .678 1 .700 1 1⁄32 .722 1 1⁄16 .744 1 3⁄32 .766 1 1⁄8 .787 1 5⁄32 .809 1 3⁄16 .831 1 7⁄32 .853 1¼ .875 1 9⁄32 .897 1 5⁄16 .919 1 11⁄32 .940 1 3⁄8 .962 1 13⁄32 .984 1 7⁄16 1.006 1 15⁄32 1.025 1 ½ 1.050 3½ 3 5⁄8 3 7⁄8 4 1⁄8 4 3⁄8 4 3⁄8 4 3⁄8 4 3⁄8 4 3⁄8 4 3⁄8 4 3⁄8 4 3⁄8 4 3⁄8 4 3⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6¾ 7 7¼ 7½ 8¼ 8¼ 8¼ 8¼ 8¼ 8¼ 8¼ 8¼ 8¼ 8¼ 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ FRAC. .3750 .4062 .4375 .4688 .5000 .5312 .5625 .5938 .6250 .6562 .6875 .7188 .7500 .7812 .8125 .8438 .8750 .9062 .9375 .9688 1.0000 1.0312 1.0625 1.0938 1.1250 1.1562 1.1875 1.2188 1.2500 1.2812 1.3125 1.3438 1.3750 1.4062 1.4375 1.4688 1.5000 LENGTH MIN. CUT DIAM. 3⁄8* 13⁄32* 7⁄16* 15⁄32* ½ 17⁄32 9⁄16 19⁄32 5⁄8 21⁄32 11⁄16 23⁄32 ¾ 25⁄32 13⁄16 27⁄32 7⁄8 29⁄32 15⁄16 31⁄32 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 146 Made in U.S.A. SHANK DIAM. 3⁄8 13⁄32 7⁄16 15⁄32 ½ 17⁄32 9⁄16 19⁄32 5⁄8 21⁄32 11⁄16 23⁄32 ¾ 25⁄32 13⁄16 27⁄32 7⁄8 29⁄32 15⁄16 31⁄32 EDP NO. 362012 362013 362014 362015 362016 362017 362018 362019 362020 362021 362022 362023 362024 362025 362026 362027 362028 362029 362030 362031 1 362032 1 1⁄32 362033 1 1⁄16 362034 1 3⁄32 362035 1 1⁄8 362036 1 5⁄32 362037 1 3⁄16 362038 1 7⁄32 362039 1 ¼ 362040 1 9⁄32 362041 1 5⁄16 362042 1 11⁄32 362043 1 3⁄8 362044 1 13⁄32 362045 1 7⁄16 362046 1 15⁄32 362047 1 ½ 362048 • TYPE 3622 MORSE TAPER EDP NO. 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 362212 362213 362214 362215 362216 362217 362218 362219 362220 362221 362222 362223 362224 362225 362226 362227 362228 362229 362230 362231 362232 362233 362234 362235 362236 362237 362238 362239 362240 362241 362242 362243 362244 362245 362246 362247 362248 BOTH TYPES PRICE DECIMAL SIZE RANGE $117.90 117.90 117.90 117.90 117.90 118.35 118.35 124.30 124.30 125.75 126.80 126.80 126.80 129.65 133.30 140.35 140.35 141.30 141.30 146.55 149.25 150.55 152.55 177.70 177.70 194.05 199.65 200.35 201.20 215.50 221.55 226.15 231.60 236.95 243.85 251.15 256.55 .3471 - .3780 .3781 - .4090 .4091 - .4410 .4411 - .4720 .4721 - .5030 .5031 - .5340 .5341 - .5660 .5661 - .5970 .5971 - .6280 .6281 - .6590 .6591 - .6910 .6911 - .7220 .7221 - .7530 .7531 - .7840 .7841 - .8160 .8161 - .8470 .8471 - .8780 .8781 - .9090 .9091 - .9410 .9411 - .9720 .9721 - 1.0030 1.0031 - 1.0340 1.0341 - 1.0660 1.0661 - 1.0970 1.0971 - 1.1280 1.1281 - 1.1590 1.1591 - 1.1905 1.1906 - 1.2220 1.2221 - 1.2530 1.2531 - 1.2840 1.2841 - 1.3150 1.3151 - 1.3470 1.3471 - 1.3780 1.3781 - 1.4090 1.4091 - 1.4410 1.4411 - 1.4720 1.4721 - 1.5030 [email protected] • PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE 1 PC. 2 PC. 3 PC. $160.95 160.95 160.95 160.95 160.95 161.55 161.55 167.40 167.40 168.85 169.95 169.95 169.95 172.80 176.40 183.55 183.55 184.40 184.40 189.55 192.35 193.60 195.75 220.75 220.75 237.10 242.70 243.45 244.30 258.65 264.65 269.25 274.75 280.05 287.00 294.20 299.60 $139.30 139.30 139.30 139.30 139.30 139.90 139.90 145.75 145.75 147.30 148.40 148.40 148.40 151.15 154.75 161.95 161.95 162.85 162.85 167.95 170.80 171.95 174.10 199.20 199.20 215.50 221.20 221.85 222.70 237.00 243.10 247.70 253.20 258.50 265.40 272.60 277.95 $132.15 132.15 132.15 132.15 132.15 132.60 132.60 138.60 138.60 140.05 141.15 141.15 141.15 144.00 147.55 154.70 154.70 155.55 155.55 160.80 163.45 164.80 166.85 191.95 191.95 208.30 213.90 214.70 215.45 229.85 235.75 240.45 245.95 251.25 258.20 265.40 270.80 Phone 800-882-2627 • 4 PC. 5-7 $128.75 $124.95 128.75 124.95 128.75 124.95 128.75 124.95 128.75 124.95 129.20 125.50 129.20 125.50 135.15 131.45 135.15 131.45 136.60 133.00 137.70 134.05 137.70 134.05 137.70 134.05 140.50 136.85 144.15 140.35 151.25 147.55 151.25 147.55 152.15 148.45 152.15 148.45 157.40 153.60 160.10 156.40 161.30 157.60 163.40 159.70 188.55 184.90 188.55 184.90 204.90 201.20 210.50 206.80 211.20 207.50 212.00 208.30 226.30 222.70 232.40 228.70 237.00 233.40 242.45 238.85 247.80 244.10 254.70 251.10 262.05 258.25 267.40 263.65 8-14** $122.10 122.10 122.10 122.10 122.10 122.60 122.60 128.60 128.60 130.05 131.05 131.05 131.05 133.90 137.50 144.60 144.60 145.55 145.55 150.75 153.45 154.70 156.75 181.95 181.95 198.30 203.90 204.60 205.35 219.75 225.75 230.40 235.85 241.15 248.10 255.40 260.80 Fax 800-882-3637 *3 flutes. **Quantities of 15 or more: price of fractional size in same size range. CARBIDE TIPPED CORE DRILLS FOR NON-FERROUS & CAST IRON TYPE 3620 - FOUR SPIRAL FLUTES - STRAIGHT SHANK TYPE 3622 - FOUR SPIRAL FLUTES - TAPER SHANK Carbide tips brazed to hardened tool steel bodies. Right spiral flutes with 118° included chamfer angle. Core drills, with increased flute capacity, remove more material from a cored or cast hole than a reamer. This often eliminates a final reaming or boring operation. Types 3620 and 3622 core drills are specifically designed for cast iron, non-ferrous and high temperature alloy applications. For steel applications, refer to Types 3621 and 3623 on pages 148 & 149. Tool and shank diameter tolerances: +.000"/-.001". Tool diameter in millimeters with all other dimensions in inches. TOOL DIAMETER mm INCH 9.0* 10.0* 11.0* -* 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0 19.0 20.0 21.0 22.0 23.0 24.0 25.0 26.0 27.0 28.0 29.0 30.0 31.0 32.0 33.0 34.0 35.0 36.0 37.0 38.0 .3543 .3937 .4331 .4724 .5118 .5512 .5906 .6299 .6693 .7087 .7480 .7874 .8268 .8661 .9055 .9449 .9843 1.0236 1.0630 1.1024 1.1417 1.1811 1.2205 1.2598 1.2992 1.3386 1.3780 1.4173 1.4567 1.4961 LENGTH TYPE 3620 MIN. CUT SHANK EDP DIAM. FLT CARB OAL DIAM. NO. .262 .284 .306 .328 .350 .372 .394 .416 .438 .459 .481 .503 .525 .547 .569 .591 .612 .634 .656 .678 .700 .722 .744 .766 .787 .809 .831 .853 .875 .897 .919 .940 .962 .984 1.006 1.025 1.050 3½ 3 5⁄8 3 7⁄8 4 1⁄8 4 3⁄8 4 3⁄8 4 3⁄8 4 3⁄8 4 3⁄8 4 3⁄8 4 3⁄8 4 3⁄8 4 3⁄8 4 3⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6¾ 7 7¼ 7½ 8¼ 8¼ 8¼ 8¼ 8¼ 8¼ 8¼ 8¼ 8¼ 8¼ 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ Phone 941-739-2726 *3 flutes. • 3⁄8 13⁄32 7⁄16 15⁄32 ½ 17⁄32 9⁄16 19⁄32 5⁄8 21⁄32 11⁄16 23⁄32 ¾ 25⁄32 13⁄16 27⁄32 7⁄8 29⁄32 15⁄16 31⁄32 1 1 1⁄32 1 1⁄16 1 3⁄32 1 1⁄8 1 5⁄32 1 3⁄16 1 7⁄32 1¼ 1 9⁄32 1 5⁄16 1 11⁄32 1 3⁄8 1 13⁄32 1 7⁄16 1 15⁄32 1½ 3620090 3620100 3620110 3620119 3620120 3620130 3620140 3620150 3620159 3620160 3620170 3620180 3620190 3620199 3620200 3620210 3620220 3620230 3620239 3620240 3620250 3620260 3620270 3620279 3620280 3620290 3620300 3620310 3620319 3620320 3620330 3620340 3620350 3620359 3620360 3620370 3620380 TYPE 3622 MORSE TAPER EDP NO. 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3622090 3622100 3622110 3622119 3622120 3622130 3622140 3622150 3622159 3622160 3622170 3622180 3622190 3622199 3622200 3622210 3622220 3622230 3622239 3622240 3622250 3622260 3622270 3622279 3622280 3622290 3622300 3622310 3622319 3622320 3622330 3622340 3622350 3622359 3622360 3622370 3622380 Fax 941-739-2827 • BOTH TYPES PRICE METRIC SIZE RANGE $132.15 132.15 132.15 132.15 132.60 132.60 138.60 140.05 141.15 141.15 141.15 147.55 154.70 154.70 155.55 160.80 163.45 164.80 166.85 191.95 208.30 213.90 214.70 229.85 235.75 240.45 245.95 258.20 265.40 270.80 8.815-9.601 9.602-10.389 10.390-11.201 11.202-11.989 11.990-12.776 12.777-13.564 13.565-14.376 14.377-15.164 15.165-15.951 15.952-16.739 16.740-17.551 17.552-18.339 18.340-19.126 19.127-19.914 19.915-20.726 20.727-21.514 21.515-22.301 22.302-23.089 23.090-23.901 23.902-24.689 24.690-25.476 25.477-26.264 26.265-27.076 27.077-27.864 27.865-28.651 28.652-29.439 29.440-30.239 30.240-31.039 31.040-31.826 31.827-32.614 32.615-33.401 33.402-34.214 34.215-35.001 35.002-35.789 35.790-36.601 36.602-37.389 37.390-38.176 PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO METRIC SIZE 1 PC. $164.55 164.55 164.55 164.55 164.55 165.10 165.10 171.00 171.00 172.55 173.65 173.65 173.65 176.40 179.95 187.20 187.20 188.05 188.05 193.20 195.95 197.20 199.35 224.45 224.45 240.70 246.40 247.10 247.85 262.25 268.20 272.95 278.45 283.65 290.70 297.85 303.25 2 PC. 3 PC. $143.05 $135.85 143.05 135.85 143.05 135.85 143.05 135.85 143.05 135.85 143.60 136.35 143.60 136.35 149.55 142.30 149.55 142.30 151.00 143.75 152.10 144.75 152.10 144.75 152.10 144.75 154.90 147.70 158.55 151.25 165.65 158.40 165.65 158.40 166.45 159.30 166.45 159.30 171.70 164.45 174.40 167.25 175.65 168.50 177.80 170.55 202.90 195.75 202.90 195.75 219.20 212.00 224.85 217.70 225.60 218.35 226.30 219.15 240.70 233.55 246.70 239.45 251.40 244.25 256.85 249.70 262.20 254.85 269.10 261.95 276.35 269.10 281.75 274.50 w w w.lexingtoncutter.com • 4 PC. $132.30 132.30 132.30 132.30 132.30 132.90 132.90 138.75 138.75 140.20 141.30 141.30 141.30 144.15 147.75 154.90 154.90 155.70 155.70 160.95 163.70 164.95 167.10 192.10 192.10 208.45 214.05 214.85 215.70 230.00 235.95 240.60 246.10 251.40 258.35 265.55 270.95 5-7 8-14 15+ $128.75 $125.65$121.50 128.75 125.65 121.50 128.75 125.65 121.50 128.75 125.65 121.50 128.75 125.65 121.50 129.20 126.30 122.10 129.20 126.30 122.10 135.15 132.15 127.95 135.15 132.15 127.95 136.60 133.60 129.50 137.70 134.65 130.50 137.70 134.65 130.50 137.70 134.65 130.50 140.50 137.50 133.35 144.15 141.15 137.00 151.25 148.30 144.15 151.25 148.30 144.15 152.15 149.15 145.05 152.15 149.15 145.05 157.40 154.30 150.15 160.10 157.10 152.90 161.30 158.30 154.15 163.40 160.45 156.30 188.55 185.50 181.40 188.55 185.50 181.40 204.90 201.80 197.65 210.50 207.50 203.45 211.20 208.20 204.05 212.00 209.05 204.90 226.30 223.40 219.20 232.40 229.40 225.20 237.00 234.00 229.90 242.45 239.45 235.40 247.80 244.80 240.60 254.70 251.70 247.65 262.05 258.95 254.80 267.40 264.35 260.20 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 147 CARBIDE TIPPED CORE DRILLS FOR STEEL TYPE 3621 - FOUR SPIRAL FLUTES - STRAIGHT SHANK TYPE 3623 - FOUR SPIRAL FLUTES - TAPER SHANK Carbide tips brazed to hardened tool steel bodies. Right spiral flutes with 118° included chamfer angle. Core drills, with increased flute capacity, remove more material from a cored or cast hole than a reamer. This often eliminates a final reaming or boring operation. Types 3621 and 3623 core drills are specifically designed for steel applications. For cast iron non-ferrous and high temperature alloy applications, refer to Types 3620 and 3622 on pages 146 and 147. Tool and shank diameter tolerances: +.000"/-.001". TOOL DIAMETER MIN. CUT DEC. FRAC. DIAM. FLT .3750 .4062 .4375 .4688 .5000 .5312 .5625 .5938 .6250 .6562 .6875 .7188 .7500 .7812 .8125 .8438 .8750 .9062 .9375 .9688 1.0000 1.0312 1.0625 1.0938 1.1250 1.1562 1.1875 1.2188 1.2500 1.2812 1.3125 1.3438 1.3750 1.4062 1.4375 1.4688 1.5000 3½ 3 5⁄8 3 7⁄8 4 1⁄8 4 3⁄8 4 3⁄8 4 3⁄8 4 3⁄8 4 3⁄8 4 3⁄8 4 3⁄8 4 3⁄8 4 3⁄8 4 3⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 3⁄8* 13⁄32* 7⁄16* 15⁄32* ½ 17⁄32 9⁄16 19⁄32 5⁄8 21⁄32 11⁄16 23⁄32 ¾ 25⁄32 13⁄16 27⁄32 7⁄8 29⁄32 15⁄16 31⁄32 1 1 1⁄32 1 1⁄16 1 3⁄32 1 1⁄8 1 5⁄32 1 3⁄16 1 7⁄32 1¼ 1 9⁄32 1 5⁄16 1 11⁄32 1 3⁄8 1 13⁄32 1 7⁄16 1 15⁄32 1½ .262 .284 .306 .328 .350 .372 .394 .416 .438 .459 .481 .503 .525 .547 .569 .591 .612 .634 .656 .678 .700 .722 .744 .766 .787 .809 .831 .853 .875 .897 .919 .940 .962 .984 1.006 1.025 1.050 LENGTH 5⁄8 5⁄8 ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6¾ 7 7¼ 7½ 8¼ 8¼ 8¼ 8¼ 8¼ 8¼ 8¼ 8¼ 8¼ 8¼ 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 148 Made in U.S.A. TYPE 3621 SHANK CARB OAL DIAM. 3⁄8 13⁄32 7⁄16 15⁄32 ½ 17⁄32 9⁄16 19⁄32 5⁄8 21⁄32 11⁄16 23⁄32 ¾ 25⁄32 13⁄16 27⁄32 7⁄8 29⁄32 15⁄16 31⁄32 1 1 1⁄32 1 1⁄16 1 3⁄32 1 1⁄8 1 5⁄32 1 3⁄16 1 7⁄32 1¼ 1 9⁄32 1 5⁄16 1 11⁄32 1 3⁄8 1 13⁄32 1 7⁄16 1 15⁄32 1½ • TYPE 3623 EDP NO. MORSE TAPER 362112 362113 362114 362115 362116 362117 362118 362119 362120 362121 362122 362123 362124 362125 362126 362127 362128 362129 362130 362131 362132 362133 362134 362135 362136 362137 362138 362139 362140 362141 362142 362143 362144 362145 362146 362147 362148 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 EDP NO. BOTH TYPES PRICE DECIMAL SIZE RANGE 362312 $129.75 .3471 - .3780 362313 129.75 .3781 - .4090 362314 129.75 .4091 - .4410 362315 129.75 .4411 - .4720 362316 129.75 .4721 - .5030 362317 130.20 .5031 - .5340 362318 130.20 .5341 - .5660 362319 136.85 .5661 - .5970 362320 136.85 .5971 - .6280 362321 138.35 .6281 - .6590 362322 139.60 .6591 - .6910 362323 139.60 .6911 - .7220 362324 139.60 .7221 - .7530 362325 142.55 .7531 - .7840 362326 146.60 .7841 - .8160 362327 154.45 .8161 - .8470 362328 154.45 .8471 - .8780 362329 155.40 .8781 - .9090 362330 155.40 .9091 - .9410 362331 161.10 .9411 - .9720 362332 164.25 .9721 - 1.0030 362333 165.45 1.0031 - 1.0340 362334 167.70 1.0341 - 1.0660 362335 195.45 1.0661 - 1.0970 362336 204.30 1.0971 - 1.1280 362337 213.45 1.1281 - 1.1590 362338 219.60 1.1591 - 1.1905 362339 220.45 1.1906 - 1.2220 362340 221.30 1.2221 - 1.2530 362341 237.00 1.2531 - 1.2840 362342 243.65 1.2841 - 1.3150 362343 248.85 1.3151 - 1.3470 362344 254.80 1.3471 - 1.3780 362345 260.80 1.3781 - 1.4090 362346 268.35 1.4091 - 1.4410 362347 276.30 1.4411 - 1.4720 362348 282.15 1.4721 - 1.5030 [email protected] • PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO DECIMAL SIZE 1 PC. 2 PC. $172.85 172.85 172.85 172.85 172.85 173.25 173.25 179.85 179.85 181.40 182.65 182.65 182.65 185.55 189.65 197.50 197.50 198.50 198.50 204.20 207.30 208.50 210.85 238.45 247.50 256.55 262.70 263.55 264.35 280.15 286.75 292.00 297.90 303.85 311.45 319.40 325.25 151.25 151.25 151.25 151.25 151.25 151.75 151.75 158.30 158.30 159.80 161.00 161.00 161.00 164.10 168.15 175.95 175.95 176.95 176.95 182.65 185.80 186.95 189.25 216.90 225.85 234.95 241.15 242.00 242.70 258.55 265.20 270.35 276.35 282.20 289.85 297.75 303.70 3 PC. 144.05 144.05 144.05 144.05 144.05 144.45 144.45 151.05 151.05 152.55 153.85 153.85 153.85 156.75 160.85 168.70 168.70 169.70 169.70 175.40 178.50 179.70 182.05 209.65 218.60 227.70 233.95 234.75 235.55 251.35 257.95 263.10 269.10 275.05 282.60 290.60 296.45 Phone 800-882-2627 • 4 PC. 5-7 8-14** $140.60 140.60 140.60 140.60 140.60 141.05 141.05 147.70 147.70 149.15 150.40 150.40 150.40 153.40 157.45 165.25 165.25 166.25 166.25 171.95 175.10 176.35 178.55 206.30 215.15 224.30 230.45 231.30 232.15 247.85 254.50 259.70 265.65 271.60 279.10 287.15 293.00 $136.90 136.90 136.90 136.90 136.90 137.35 137.35 144.00 144.00 145.45 146.70 146.70 146.70 149.70 153.75 161.60 161.60 162.60 162.60 168.30 171.40 172.65 174.95 202.60 211.45 220.55 226.85 227.60 228.40 244.25 250.80 255.95 262.05 267.90 275.50 283.35 289.35 $134.05 134.05 134.05 134.05 134.05 134.45 134.45 141.05 141.05 142.55 143.75 143.75 143.75 146.75 150.85 158.70 158.70 159.60 159.60 165.40 168.50 169.70 171.95 199.65 208.50 217.70 223.90 224.70 225.55 241.25 247.85 253.10 259.05 264.95 272.50 280.50 286.45 Fax 800-882-3637 *3 flutes. **Quantities of 15 or more: price of fractional size in same size range. CARBIDE TIPPED CORE DRILLS FOR STEEL TYPE 3621 - FOUR SPIRAL FLUTES - STRAIGHT SHANK TYPE 3623 - FOUR SPIRAL FLUTES - TAPER SHANK Carbide tips brazed to hardened tool steel bodies. Right spiral flutes with 118° included chamfer angle. Core drills, with increased flute capacity, remove more material from a cored or cast hole than a reamer. This often eliminates a final reaming or boring operation. Types 3621 and 3623 core drills are specifically designed for steel applications. For cast iron, non-ferrous and high temperature alloy applications, refer to Types 3620 and 3622 on pages 146 & 147. Tool and shank diameter tolerances: +.000"/-.001". Tool diameter in millimeters with all other dimensions in inches. LENGTH TYPE 3621 TOOL DIAMETER MIN. CUT SHANK EDP mm INCH DIAM. FLT CARB OAL DIAM. NO. 9.0* .3543 .262 10.0* .3937 .284 11.0* .4331 .306 -* .328 12.0 .4724 .350 13.0 .5118 .372 14.0 .5512 .394 15.0 .5906 .416 .438 16.0 .6299 .459 17.0 .6693 .481 18.0 .7087 .503 19.0 .7480 .525 .547 20.0 .7874 .569 21.0 .8268 .591 22.0 .8661 .612 23.0 .9055 .634 .656 24.0 .9449 .678 25.0 .9843 .700 26.0 1.0236 .722 27.0 1.0630 .744 .766 28.0 1.1024 .787 29.0 1.1417 .809 30.0 1.1811 .831 31.0 1.2205 .853 .875 32.0 1.2598 .897 33.0 1.2992 .919 34.0 1.3386 .940 35.0 1.3780 .962 .984 36.0 1.4173 1.006 37.0 1.4567 1.025 38.0 1.4961 1.050 3½ 3 5⁄8 3 7⁄8 4 1⁄8 4 3⁄8 4 3⁄8 4 3⁄8 4 3⁄8 4 3⁄8 4 3⁄8 4 3⁄8 4 3⁄8 4 3⁄8 4 3⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 4 7⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 7⁄8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6¾ 7 7¼ 7½ 8¼ 8¼ 8¼ 8¼ 8¼ 8¼ 8¼ 8¼ 8¼ 8¼ 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ 10 ½ Phone 941-739-2726 *3 flutes. • 3⁄8 13⁄32 7⁄16 15⁄32 ½ 17⁄32 9⁄16 19⁄32 5⁄8 21⁄32 11⁄16 23⁄32 ¾ 25⁄32 13⁄16 27⁄32 7⁄8 29⁄32 15⁄16 31⁄32 1 1 1⁄32 1 1⁄16 1 3⁄32 1 1⁄8 1 5⁄32 1 3⁄16 1 7⁄32 1¼ 1 9⁄32 1 5⁄16 1 11⁄32 1 3⁄8 1 13⁄32 1 7⁄16 1 15⁄32 1½ 3621090 3621100 3621110 3621119 3621120 3621130 3621140 3621150 3621159 3621160 3621170 3621180 3621190 3621199 3621200 3621210 3621220 3621230 3621239 3621240 3621250 3621260 3621270 3621279 3621280 3621290 3621300 3621310 3621319 3621320 3621330 3621340 3621350 3621359 3621360 3621370 3621380 TYPE 3623 MORSE TAPER EDP NO. 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3623090 3623100 3623110 3623119 3623120 3623130 3623140 3623150 3623159 3623160 3623170 3623180 3623190 3623199 3623200 3623210 3623220 3623230 3623239 3623240 3623250 3623260 3623270 3623279 3623280 3623290 3623300 3623310 3623319 3623320 3623330 3623340 3623350 3623359 3623360 3623370 3623380 Fax 941-739-2827 BOTH TYPES PRICE METRIC SIZE RANGE PRICE EACH - FINISHED TO METRIC SIZE 1 PC. 2 PC. 3 PC. 4 PC. 5-7 8-14 15+ $144.05 8.815 - 9.601 $176.50 $155.00 $147.75 $144.20 $140.60 $137.60$133.45 144.05 9.602 - 10.389 176.50 155.00 147.75 144.20 140.60 137.60 133.45 144.05 10.390 - 11.201 176.50 155.00 147.75 144.20 140.60 137.60 133.45 11.202 - 11.989 176.50 155.00 147.75 144.20 140.60 137.60 133.45 144.05 11.990 - 12.776 176.50 155.00 147.75 144.20 140.60 137.60 133.45 144.45 12.777 - 13.564 176.95 155.40 148.15 144.60 141.05 138.00 133.90 144.45 13.565 - 14.376 176.95 155.40 148.15 144.60 141.05 138.00 133.90 151.05 14.377 - 15.164 183.55 162.00 154.75 151.25 147.70 144.60 140.50 15.165 - 15.951 183.55 162.00 154.75 151.25 147.70 144.60 140.50 152.55 15.952 - 16.739 185.05 163.45 156.30 152.75 149.15 146.15 142.00 153.85 16.740 - 17.551 186.25 164.80 157.55 154.00 150.40 147.40 143.20 153.85 17.552 - 18.339 186.25 164.80 157.55 154.00 150.40 147.40 143.20 153.85 18.340 - 19.126 186.25 164.80 157.55 154.00 150.40 147.40 143.20 19.127 - 19.914 189.25 167.70 160.55 156.95 153.40 150.40 146.30 160.85 19.915 - 20.726 193.25 171.80 164.55 161.00 157.45 154.45 150.25 168.70 20.727 - 21.514 201.20 179.65 172.40 168.85 165.25 162.25 158.15 168.70 21.515 - 22.301 201.20 179.65 172.40 168.85 165.25 162.25 158.15 169.70 22.302 - 23.089 202.10 180.65 173.35 169.85 166.25 163.25 159.10 23.090 - 23.901 202.10 180.65 173.35 169.85 166.25 163.25 159.10 175.40 23.902 - 24.689 207.90 186.35 179.20 175.55 171.95 168.95 164.85 178.50 24.690 - 25.476 210.90 189.40 182.20 178.65 175.10 172.00 167.85 179.70 25.477 - 26.264 212.20 190.65 183.40 179.85 176.35 173.25 169.15 182.05 26.265 - 27.076 214.50 192.95 185.80 182.20 178.55 175.55 171.50 27.077 - 27.864 242.15 220.60 213.45 209.80 206.30 203.20 199.10 218.60 27.865 - 28.651 251.10 229.55 222.30 218.85 215.15 212.20 208.05 227.70 28.652 - 29.439 260.10 238.60 231.40 227.90 224.30 221.30 217.15 233.95 29.440 - 30.239 266.40 244.85 237.70 234.10 230.45 227.45 223.40 234.75 30.240 - 31.039 267.10 245.70 238.40 234.95 231.30 228.30 224.15 31.040 - 31.826 267.95 246.50 239.25 235.70 232.15 229.10 224.90 251.35 31.827 - 32.614 283.80 262.25 254.95 251.50 247.85 244.85 240.70 257.95 32.615 - 33.401 290.35 268.90 261.55 258.10 254.50 251.50 247.30 263.10 33.402 - 34.214 295.55 274.05 266.80 263.35 259.70 256.70 252.55 269.10 34.215 - 35.001 301.60 280.05 272.90 269.25 265.65 262.65 258.55 35.002 - 35.789 307.45 286.00 278.75 275.20 271.60 268.60 264.40 282.60 35.790 - 36.601 315.10 293.50 286.30 282.80 279.10 276.20 272.05 290.60 36.602 - 37.389 322.95 301.55 294.20 290.75 287.15 284.15 279.95 296.45 37.390 - 38.176 328.85 307.40 300.15 296.60 293.00 290.00 285.80 • w w w.lexingtoncutter.com • LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 149 CARBIDE TIPPED REDUCED SHANK DIAMETER DRILLS STUB LENGTH, JOBBERS LENGTH & HARD STEEL DIE DRILLS 1/4", 3/8", 1/2" OR 3/4" SHANK DIAMETER For use in a wide variety of drill chuck diameters. TOOL DIAMETER STUB LENGTH DRILLS (see page 134) 118° PT. SHANK DIAM. DECIMAL FRAC. OVERALL TYPE 3640 PRICE LENGTH EDP NO. EACH ¼ 3⁄8 ½ ¾ .2812 .3125 .3438 .3750 .4062 .4375 .4688 .5000 .4062 .4375 .4688 .5000 .5312 .5625 .5938 .6250 .6562 .6875 .7188 .7500 .5312 .5625 .5938 .6250 .6562 .6875 .7188 .7500 .8125 .8750 .9375 1.0000 .8125 .8750 .9375 1.0000 1.0625 1.1250 1.1875 1.2500 9⁄32 5⁄16 11⁄32 3⁄8 13⁄32 7⁄16 15⁄32 ½ 13⁄32 7⁄16 15⁄32 ½ 17⁄32 9⁄16 19⁄32 5⁄8 21⁄32 11⁄16 23⁄32 ¾ 17⁄32 9⁄16 19⁄32 5⁄8 21⁄32 11⁄16 23⁄32 ¾ 13⁄16 7⁄8 15⁄16 1 13⁄16 7⁄8 15⁄16 1 1 1⁄16 1 1⁄8 1 3⁄16 1¼ 2 11⁄16 2 13⁄16 3 3 1⁄8 3 5⁄16 3 7⁄16 3 5⁄8 3¾ 3 5⁄16 3 7⁄16 3 5⁄8 3¾ 3 7⁄8 4 4 1⁄8 4¼ 4½ 4 5⁄8 4¾ 5 3 7⁄8 4 4 1⁄8 4¼ 4½ 4 5⁄8 4¾ 5 5¼ 5½ 5¾ 6 5¼ 5½ 5¾ 6 6¼ 6 3⁄8 6 5⁄8 6¾ 3640618 3640620 3640622 3640624 3640626 3640628 3640630 3640632 3640726 3640728 3640730 3640732 3640734 3640736 3640738 3640740 3640742 3640744 3640746 3640748 3640834 3640836 3640838 3640840 3640842 3640844 3640846 3640848 3640852 3640856 3640860 3640864 3640952 3640956 3640960 3640964 3640968 3640972 3640976 3640980 $35.80 38.00 44.25 45.35 53.75 57.50 81.80 78.30 53.75 57.50 81.80 78.30 97.60 97.60 111.95 111.95 134.65 138.10 156.65 157.00 97.60 97.60 111.95 111.95 134.65 138.10 156.65 157.00 194.05 212.95 228.60 241.50 194.05 212.95 228.60 241.50 302.65 336.05 410.05 410.05 JOBBERS LENGTH DRILLS (see page 130) 135° PT. 118° PT. TYPE 3641 EDP NO. PRICE EACH 3641618 3641620 3641622 3641624 3641626 3641628 3641630 3641632 3641726 3641728 3641730 3641732 3641734 3641736 3641738 3641740 3641742 3641744 3641746 3641748 3641834 3641836 3641838 3641840 3641842 3641844 3641846 3641848 3641852 3641856 3641860 3641864 3641952 3641956 3641960 3641964 3641968 3641972 3641976 3641980 $41.55 44.15 51.25 52.65 62.55 63.80 95.10 91.05 62.55 63.80 95.10 91.05 109.95 109.95 126.20 126.20 151.85 155.80 181.85 176.85 109.95 109.95 126.20 126.20 151.85 155.80 181.85 176.85 219.05 240.05 257.90 272.55 219.05 240.05 257.90 272.55 341.25 378.80 459.65 459.65 OVERALL LENGTH TYPE 3600 EDP NO. 4¼ 4½ 4¾ 5 5¼ 5½ 5¾ 6 5¼ 5½ 5¾ 6 6 5⁄8 6 5⁄8 7 1⁄8 7 1⁄8 7 1⁄8 7 5⁄8 7 5⁄8 8 6 5⁄8 6 5⁄8 7 1⁄8 7 1⁄8 7 1⁄8 7 5⁄8 7 5⁄8 8 - 3600618 3600620 3600622 3600624 3600626 3600628 3600630 3600632 3600726 3600728 3600730 3600732 3600734 3600736 3600738 3600740 3600742 3600744 3600746 3600748 3600834 3600836 3600838 3600840 3600842 3600844 3600846 3600848 - 135° PT. PRICE EACH TYPE 3601 EDP NO. PRICE EACH $35.40 38.30 40.65 43.25 47.05 51.15 57.60 70.75 47.05 51.15 57.60 70.75 92.20 93.05 99.95 113.25 115.10 117.30 138.45 141.40 92.20 93.05 99.95 113.25 115.10 117.30 138.45 141.40 - 3601618 3601620 3601622 3601624 3601626 3601628 3601630 3601632 3601726 3601728 3601730 3601732 3601734 3601736 3601738 3601740 3601742 3601744 3601746 3601748 3601834 3601836 3601838 3601840 3601842 3601844 3601846 3601848 - $41.00 44.50 47.30 50.35 54.75 59.45 66.65 74.60 54.75 59.45 66.65 74.60 107.10 108.00 116.00 131.25 133.55 136.10 154.00 157.15 107.10 108.00 116.00 131.25 133.55 136.10 154.00 157.15 - HARD STEEL DIE DRILLS (see page 138) NEG. 118° PT. POS. 118° PT. OVERALL LENGTH TYPE 3670 TYPE 3672 EDP NO. EDP NO. 4½ 4¾ 5 5¼ 5½ 5¾ 6 5½ 5¾ 6 6 6 7 7 7½ 7½ 8 8 6 7 7 7½ 7½ 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 - 3670620 3670622 3670624 3670626 3670628 3670630 3670632 3670728 3670730 3670732 3670734 3670736 3670738 3670740 3670742 3670744 3670746 3670748 3670836 3670838 3670840 3670842 3670844 3670846 3670848 3670852 3670856 3670860 3670864 3670952 3670956 3670960 3670964 - 3672620 3672622 3672624 3672626 3672628 3672630 3672632 3672728 3672730 3672732 3672734 3672736 3672738 3672740 3672742 3672744 3672746 3672748 3672836 3672838 3672840 3672842 3672844 3672846 3672848 3672852 3672856 3672860 3672864 3672952 3672956 3672960 3672964 - PRICE EACH $58.00 61.75 66.35 77.75 90.20 99.00 116.15 90.20 99.00 116.15 133.25 137.80 145.80 150.30 160.80 165.15 173.00 177.70 137.80 145.80 150.30 160.80 165.15 173.00 177.70 318.60 325.30 362.45 384.50 318.60 325.30 362.45 384.50 - DRILL TOLERANCES & STANDARDS DRILL DIAMETER RANGE (INCH) THRU 1⁄8" OVER 1⁄8" OVER ¼" OVER ½" OVER 1" THRU ¼" THRU ½" THRU 1" THRU 1½" DRILL DIAMETER SHANK DIAMETER INCLUDED LIP HEIGHT TOLERANCES TOLERANCES ANGLE T.I.V. +.0000"/-.0005" +.0000"/-.0007" +.0000"/-.0010" +.0000"/-.0012" +.0000"/-.0015" LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 150 Made in U.S.A. -.0000”/-.0025” -.0005”/-.0030” -.0005”/-.0045” -.0005”/-.0030” -.0005”/-.0030” • +5˚/-5˚ +5˚/-5˚ +5˚/-5˚ +3˚/-3˚ +3˚/-3˚ .0020" .0030" .0040" .0050" .0060" [email protected] • ALL DIMENSIONAL & ELEMENT TOLERANCES CONFORM TO ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING STANDARDS, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED ON SELECTED TYPES: • ASME/ANSI B94.11M • ISO - INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS ORGANIZATION • NAS 907 - NATIONAL AEROSPACE STANDARDS • USCTI - UNITED STATES CUTTING TOOL INSTITUTE Phone 800-882-2627 • Fax 800-882-3637 CARBIDE TIPPED SILVER & DEMING DRILLS TYPE 3616 - 118° POINT Carbide tip brazed to hardened tool steel bodies. Smooth flutes for effective chip flow. Precision ground to insure concentricity of tip & body. For drilling cast iron, non-ferrous metals and non-metals. Shank size of ½" x 2 ¼" allows larger diameter drills to be used in ½" and larger drill chucks. (Not usually recommended for steel.) TYPE 3618 - 135° SPLIT POINT Same as Type 3616 above, except designed for drilling abrasive and tough materials. For drill tolerances, see page 150. TOOL DIAMETER DECIMAL FRAC. .5000 .5312 .5625 .5938 .6250 .6562 .6875 .7188 .7500 .7812 .8125 .8438 .8750 ½ 17⁄32 9⁄16 19⁄32 5⁄8 21⁄32 11⁄16 23⁄32 ¾ 25⁄32 13⁄16 27⁄32 7⁄8 LENGTH 118° POINT TYPE 3616 PRICE FLUTE OVERALL EDP NO. EACH 3 1⁄8 3 1⁄8 3 1⁄8 3 1⁄8 3 1⁄8 3 1⁄8 3 1⁄8 3 1⁄8 3 1⁄8 3 1⁄8 3 1⁄8 3 1⁄8 3 1⁄8 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 361632 361634 361636 361638 361640 361642 361644 361646 361648 361650 361652 361654 361656 $59.40 86.90 90.05 93.65 104.00 112.75 117.15 121.55 127.40 140.45 140.75 140.75 146.40 135° POINT TYPE 3618 PRICE EDP NO. EACH 361832 361834 361836 361838 361840 361842 361844 361846 361848 361850 361852 361854 361856 $68.30 99.90 103.55 107.70 119.60 129.65 134.80 139.80 146.50 161.50 161.90 161.90 168.40 TOOL DIAMETER DECIMAL FRAC. .9062 .9375 .9688 1.0000 1.0312 1.0625 1.0938 1.1250 1.1562 1.1875 1.2188 1.2500 - 29⁄32 15⁄16 31⁄32 1 1 1⁄32 1 1⁄16 1 3⁄32 1 1⁄8 1 5⁄32 1 3⁄16 1 7⁄32 1¼ - LENGTH 118° POINT TYPE 3616 PRICE FLUTE OVERALL EDP NO. EACH 3 1⁄8 3 1⁄8 3 1⁄8 3 1⁄8 3 1⁄8 3 1⁄8 3 1⁄8 3 1⁄8 3 1⁄8 3 1⁄8 3 1⁄8 3 1⁄8 - 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 - 135° POINT TYPE 3618 PRICE EDP NO. EACH 361658 $149.95 361858 $172.50 361660 151.50 361860 174.20 361662 156.65 361862 180.10 361664 159.95 361864 183.95 361666 154.40 361866 177.60 361668 167.45 361868 192.50 361670 171.40 361870 197.15 361672 174.80 361872 200.95 361674 212.10 361874 243.95 361676 215.95 361876 248.35 361678 226.80 361878 260.85 361680 207.05 361880 238.15 - CARBIDE TIPPED CNC SPOTTING/CENTERING DRILLS TYPE 3677 - REGULAR LENGTH - 90° POINT TYPE 3678 - REGULAR LENGTH - 120° POINT TYPE 3679 - REGULAR LENGTH - 140° POINT Carbide tip brazed to hardened tool steel bodies. Cuts only to depth of point. Excellent for CNC spot facing, centering and chamfering. Tool diameter not cleared for drilling holes. TYPE 3647 - SHORT LENGTH - 90° POINT TYPE 3648 - SHORT LENGTH - 120° POINT TYPE 3649 - SHORT LENGTH - 140° POINT Same as Types 3677, 3678 & 3679 above, except shorter length. REGULAR LENGTH TOOL DIAMETER DECIMAL FRAC. .2500 .3750 .5000 .6250 .7500 1.0000 ¼ 3⁄8 ½ 5⁄8 ¾ 1 SHORT LENGTH LENGTH 90° POINT 120° POINT 140° POINT TYPE 3677 TYPE 3678 TYPE 3679 FLUTE OVERALL EDP NO. EDP NO. EDP NO. 1 1 1⁄8 1½ 1 5⁄8 1 7⁄8 2¼ 4 5 6 7 8 8 Phone 941-739-2726 367716 367724 367732 367740 367748 367764 • 367816 367824 367832 367840 367848 367864 367916 367924 367932 367940 367948 367964 Fax 941-739-2827 TOOL DIAMETER ALL TYPES PRICE DECIMAL FRAC. $91.95 107.40 144.35 209.10 242.55 321.50 .2500 .3750 .5000 .6250 .7500 1.0000 ¼ 3⁄8 ½ 5⁄8 ¾ 1 • LENGTH 90° POINT 120° POINT 140° POINT TYPE 3647 TYPE 3648 TYPE 3649 FLUTE OVERALL EDP NO. EDP NO. EDP NO. 1 1 1⁄8 1½ 1 5⁄8 1 7⁄8 2¼ 2½ 3 1⁄8 3¾ 4¼ 5 6 w w w.lexingtoncutter.com 364716 364724 364732 364740 364748 364764 • 364816 364824 364832 364840 364848 364864 364916 364924 364932 364940 364948 364964 ALL TYPES PRICE $87.40 102.00 137.20 198.65 230.40 305.40 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 151 SINGLE POINT TOOLS WITH PREMIUM CARBIDE GRADE TYPE 3980 - SILVER SHANK 883 / PREMIUM C2 CARBIDE GRADE TYPE 3930 - GOLD SHANK 370 / PREMIUM C5-C6 CARBIDE GRADE Carbide tip brazed to steel bodies. For machining non-ferrous materials and cast iron. Carbide tip brazed to steel bodies. For machining most steels. 0° SIDE CUTTING EDGE ANGLE 0° SIDE CUTTING EDGE ANGLE For machining to a square shoulder. For machining to a square shoulder. TOOL 883 / PREMIUM C2* 370 / PREMIUM C5-C6* SHANK DIMENSION STD. TYPE & PKG. EDP PRICE EDP PRICE W H L SIZE NO. QTY. NO. EACH NO. EACH TOOL 883 / PREMIUM C2* 370 / PREMIUM C5-C6* SHANK DIMENSION STD. TYPE & PKG. EDP PRICE EDP PRICE W H L SIZE NO. QTY. NO. EACH NO. EACH AR-4 AR-5 AR-6 AR-7 AR-8 AR-10 AR-12 AR-16 AR-20 AR-44 AL-4 AL-5 AL-6 AL-7 AL-8 AL-10 AL-12 AL-16 AL-20 AL-44 398AR04 398AR05 398AR06 398AR07 398AR08 398AR10 398AR12 398AR16 398AR20 398AR44 $13.45 11.90 12.15 13.00 11.10 16.60 21.30 39.05 CALL CALL 393AR04 393AR05 393AR06 393AR07 393AR08 393AR10 393AR12 393AR16 393AR20 393AR44 $9.85 ¼ ¼ 10.45 5⁄16 5⁄16 10.65 3⁄8 3⁄8 11.55 7⁄16 7⁄16 11.10 ½ ½ 15.35 5⁄8 5⁄8 19.10 ¾ ¾ 38.00 1 1 CALL 1 ¼ 1 ¼ CALL ½ 1 2 2¼ 2½ 3 3½ 4 4½ 7 8 7 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 6 1 12 For turning to a square shoulder 398AL04 398AL05 398AL06 398AL07 398AL08 398AL10 398AL12 398AL16 398AL44 $13.45 11.90 12.15 13.00 11.10 15.75 20.30 39.55 CALL 393AL04 393AL05 393AL06 393AL07 393AL08 393AL10 393AL12 393AL16 393AL20 393AL44 $9.85 ¼ ¼ 10.45 5⁄16 5⁄16 10.65 3⁄8 3⁄8 11.55 7⁄16 7⁄16 11.10 ½ ½ 15.35 5⁄8 5⁄8 20.15 ¾ ¾ 39.55 1 1 CALL 1 ¼ 1 ¼ CALL ½ 1 15° SIDE CUTTING EDGE ANGLE 15° SIDE CUTTING EDGE ANGLE For interrupted or irregular cuts. For interrupted or irregular cuts. 2 2¼ 2½ 3 3½ 4 4½ 7 8 7 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 6 1 12 TOOL 883 / PREMIUM C2* 370 / PREMIUM C5-C6* SHANK DIMENSION STD. TYPE & PKG. EDP PRICE EDP PRICE W H L SIZE NO. QTY. NO. EACH NO. EACH TOOL 883 / PREMIUM C2* 370 / PREMIUM C5-C6* SHANK DIMENSION STD. TYPE & PKG. EDP PRICE EDP PRICE W H L SIZE NO. QTY. NO. EACH NO. EACH BR-4 BR-5 BR-6 BR-7 BR-8 BR-10 BR-12 BR-16 BR-20 BR-44 BL-4 BL-5 BL-6 BL-7 BL-8 BL-10 BL-12 BL-16 BL-20 BL-44 398BR04 398BR05 398BR06 398BR07 398BR08 398BR10 398BR12 398BR16 398BR20 398BR44 $13.45 11.90 12.15 13.00 11.10 16.60 21.30 39.05 CALL CALL 393BR04 393BR05 393BR06 393BR07 393BR08 393BR10 393BR12 393BR16 393BR20 393BR44 $9.85 ¼ ¼ 10.45 5⁄16 5⁄16 10.65 3⁄8 3⁄8 11.55 7⁄16 7⁄16 11.10 ½ ½ 15.35 5⁄8 5⁄8 19.10 ¾ ¾ 38.00 1 1 CALL 1 ¼ 1 ¼ CALL ½ 1 2 2¼ 2½ 3 3½ 4 4½ 7 8 7 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 6 1 12 For turning where square shoulder is not required 398BL04 398BL05 398BL06 398BL07 398BL08 398BL10 398BL12 398BL16 398BL20 398BL44 $13.45 11.90 12.15 13.00 11.10 15.75 20.30 39.55 CALL CALL 393BL04 393BL05 393BL06 393BL07 393BL08 393BL10 393BL12 393BL16 393BL20 393BL44 $9.85 ¼ ¼ 10.45 5⁄16 5⁄16 10.65 3⁄8 3⁄8 11.55 7⁄16 7⁄16 11.10 ½ ½ 15.35 5⁄8 5⁄8 20.15 ¾ ¾ 39.55 1 1 CALL 1 ¼ 1 ¼ CALL ½ 1 2 2¼ 2½ 3 3½ 4 4½ 7 8 7 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 6 1 12 0° SQUARE NOSE No nose radius. 40° SIDE CUTTING EDGE ANGLE 80° pointed nose. TOOL 883 / PREMIUM C2* 370 / PREMIUM C5-C6* SHANK DIMENSION STD. PKG. TYPE & EDP PRICE EDP PRICE W H L QTY. SIZE NO. NO. EACH NO. EACH C-4 C-5 C-6 C-7 C-8 C-10 C-12 C-16 C-20 C-44 398C04 398C05 398C06 398C07 398C08 398C10 398C12 398C16 398C20 398C44 $8.80 9.80 12.65 9.65 15.50 17.50 24.10 50.00 CALL CALL 393C04 393C05 393C06 393C07 393C08 393C10 393C12 393C16 393C20 393C44 $8.80 ¼ ¼ 9.50 5⁄16 5⁄16 10.45 3⁄8 3⁄8 13.40 7⁄16 7⁄16 14.40 ½ ½ 19.10 5⁄8 5⁄8 27.35 ¾ ¾ 48.05 1 1 CALL 1 ¼ 1 ¼ CALL ½ 1 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 152 Made in U.S.A. • 2 2¼ 2½ 3 3½ 4 4½ 7 8 7 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 6 1 12 For undercutting and chamfering For chamfering [email protected] TOOL 883 / PREMIUM C2* 370 / PREMIUM C5-C6* SHANK DIMENSION STD. PKG. TYPE & EDP PRICE EDP PRICE W H L QTY. SIZE NO. NO. EACH NO. EACH D-4 D-5 D-6 D-7 D-8 D-10 D-12 D-16 • 398D04 398D05 398D06 398D07 398D08 398D10 398D12 398D16 $8.25 9.55 9.80 13.40 12.80 17.95 25.65 38.05 393D04 393D05 393D06 393D07 393D08 393D10 393D12 393D16 Phone 800-882-2627 $8.25 ¼ ¼ 9.85 5⁄16 5⁄16 10.50 3⁄8 3⁄8 16.15 7⁄16 7⁄16 13.60 ½ ½ 19.85 5⁄8 5⁄8 22.55 ¾ ¾ 39.25 1 1 • 2 2¼ 2½ 3 3½ 4 4½ 7 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 6 Fax 800-882-3637 *Some sizes not available in premium grade carbide. Prices subject to change. SINGLE POINT TOOLS WITH PREMIUM CARBIDE GRADE TYPE 3980 - SILVER SHANK 883 / PREMIUM C2 CARBIDE GRADE TYPE 3930 - GOLD SHANK 370 / PREMIUM C5-C6 CARBIDE GRADE Carbide tip brazed to steel bodies. For machining non-ferrous materials and cast iron. Carbide tip brazed to steel bodies. For machining most steels. TOOL 883 / PREMIUM C2* 370 / PREMIUM C5-C6* SHANK DIMENSION STD. TYPE & PKG. EDP PRICE EDP PRICE W H L QTY. SIZE NO. NO. EACH NO. EACH E-4 E-5 E-6 E-7 E-8 E-10 E-12 E-16 398E04 398E05 398E06 398E07 398E08 398E10 398E12 398E16 $8.25 8.95 9.40 14.50 21.45 17.80 22.10 38.80 393E04 393E05 393E06 393E07 393E08 393E10 393E12 393E16 $8.25 ¼ ¼ 8.95 5⁄16 5⁄16 9.10 3⁄8 3⁄8 17.35 7⁄16 7⁄16 11.45 ½ ½ 16.10 5⁄8 5⁄8 22.40 ¾ ¾ 37.35 1 1 2 2¼ 2½ 3 3½ 4 4½ 7 0° SIDE CUTTING EDGE ANGLE 0° SIDE CUTTING EDGE ANGLE Offset for facing or turning to a square shoulder or close to chuck jaws. For turning to a square shoulder 398GR08 $15.50 398GR10 23.30 398GR12 29.90 398GR16 63.05 398GR20 CALL 398GR44 CALL 393GR08 393GR10 393GR12 393GR16 393GR20 393GR44 $14.70 21.25 26.45 63.50 CALL CALL ½ 5⁄8 ¾ ½ 3 ½ 12 5⁄8 4 12 ¾ 4½ 6 1 1 7 4 1¼ 1¼ 8 1 ½ 1 6 6 For facing to a square shoulder TOOL 883 / PREMIUM C2* 370 / PREMIUM C5-C6* SHANK DIMENSION STD. TYPE & PKG. EDP PRICE EDP PRICE W H L QTY. SIZE NO. NO. EACH NO. EACH GL-8 GL-10 GL-12 GL-16 GL-20 GL-44 398GL08 398GL10 398GL12 398GL16 398GL20 398GL44 $15.45 22.35 28.80 61.15 CALL CALL 393GL08 $15.20 ½ ½ 393GL10 21.25 5⁄8 5⁄8 393GL12 28.50 ¾ ¾ 393GL16 63.50 1 1 393GL20 CALL 1 ¼ 1 ¼ 393GL44 CALL ½ 1 Carbide tip brazed to steel bodies. For machining non-ferrous materials and cast iron. Carbide tip brazed to steel bodies. For machining most steels. STANDARD CUTOFF TOOLS STANDARD CUTOFF TOOLS For stock cut off and grooving solid bars. For stock cut off and grooving solid bars. Standard package quantity is 6. TOOL CUT TYPE & OFF SIZE NO. WIDTH CT-111 CT-122 CT-121 CT-120 CT-130 CT-140 For threading, chamfering, notching, or undercutting. Offset for facing or turning to a square shoulder or close to chuck jaws. TOOL 883 / PREMIUM C2* 370 / PREMIUM C5-C6* SHANK DIMENSION STD. TYPE & PKG. EDP PRICE EDP PRICE W H L QTY. SIZE NO. NO. EACH NO. EACH GR-8 GR-10 GR-12 GR-16 GR-20 GR-44 60° INCLUDED ANGLE 30° SIDE CUTTING EDGE ANGLE 12 12 For universal 12 threading, 30° 12 chamfering, notching or undercutting 12 12 12 6 1⁄8 3⁄16 ¼ 5⁄16 3⁄8 3⁄8 Standard package quantity is 6. 883 / PREMIUM C2* EDP NO. 370 / PREMIUM C5-C6* SHANK DIMENSION PRICE EACH EDP NO. PRICE EACH 398CT01 $19.90 393CT01 $20.75 398CT02 20.50 393CT02 21.15 398CT03 21.25 393CT03 21.90 398CT04 21.15 393CT04 21.90 398CT13 25.65 393CT13 27.25 398CT14 28.45 393CT14 29.40 Phone 941-739-2726 3 ½ 12 4 12 4½ 6 7 4 8 1 6 6 • W H L TOOL TYPE & SIZE NO. ½ ½ ½ ½ 5⁄8 ¾ 1 1 1 1 1¼ 1½ 5 5 5 5 5 6 CTL-111 CTL-122 CTL-121 CTL-120 CTL-130 CTL-140 Fax 941-739-2827 • CUT OFF WIDTH 1⁄8 3⁄16 ¼ 5⁄16 3⁄8 3⁄8 883 / PREMIUM C2* EDP NO. 370 / PREMIUM C5-C6* SHANK DIMENSION EDP NO. PRICE EACH 398CL01 $19.90 393CL01 $20.75 398CL02 20.50 393CL02 21.15 398CL03 21.25 393CL03 21.90 398CL04 21.15 393CL04 21.90 398CL13 25.65 393CL13 27.25 398CL14 28.45 393CL14 29.40 w w w.lexingtoncutter.com *Some sizes not available in premium grade carbide. Prices subject to change. PRICE EACH • W H L ½ ½ ½ ½ 5⁄8 ¾ 1 1 1 1 1¼ 1½ 5 5 5 5 5 6 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 153 CARBIDE TIPPED QUOTE FORM - FAX TOTO 941-739-2827 CARBIDE TIPPEDSPECIALS SPECIALS QUOTE FORM - FAX 941-739-2827 LEXINGTON MANUFACTURES QUALITY SPECIALS TO MEET OUR CUSTOMERS’ NEEDS. BELOW IS INFORMATION NEEDED TO QUOTE SPECIALS. Email: [email protected] Name __________________________________________________________________________ Phone ________________________ Company ______________________________________________________________________ Fax ___________________________ Full Address _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Material Being Cut ______________________________________________________________ Quantities ______________________ CARBIDE TIPPED - SHANK TYPE TOOLS S S S S S T T T T N T E F G F R M A R1 N W A W A J A R2 A END MILL REAMER COUNTERBORE BODY OF TOOL T= _______________ Overall Length FLUTES E= _______________ Flute Length Straight Flutes Number of Flutes __________ IF PILOTED DOVETAIL S= _______________ Shank Diameter F= _______________ Carbide Length Right Hand Cutting Right Hand Spiral _____________º Head Diam. _____________ IF KEYSEAT IF DOVETAIL N= ______________ Neck Diam. M= Min. Cutting Diam.___________ Step Length ___________ Step Angle __________º Straight Tooth Staggered Tooth W= _________ Width N= _________ Neck Diameter A= ______________ Major Diameter G= _____________ º Chamfer Angle Left Hand Cutting Left Hand Spiral _____________º Head Length _________________ IF STEP REAMER (Also (Alsosee seepages pages104-106) 80-82) Minor Diam. __________ KEYSEAT J= ____________º Angle R1= ___________ Radius/Chamfer R2= ___________ Radius/Chamfer R= _____________ Radius W= ___________ Width CARBIDE TIPPED - ARBOR TYPE TOOLS R2 R1 D= ________________Cutter Diameter W= _______________ Cutter Width R____ J____º A= _______________ Arbor Hole Diam. K N= _______________ # of Teeth A H D H= _______________ Hub Diameter R____ K= _______________ Keyway Size R______ J_____º J_____º R1= _____________ Radius/Chamfer R2= _____________ Radius/Chamfer Straight Tooth Straight Stagger Herringbone Stagger LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 154 Made in U.S.A. W MILLING CUTTER SLITTING SAW • [email protected] • ANGLE CUTTER (Fill in (Fill in“J” ̏J˝&&“R”) ̏R˝) Phone 800-882-2627 • Fax 800-882-3637 NOTE: Standard tool tolerances as stated in this catalog will be applied unless another tolerance is specified. DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING OF SPECIAL CUTTING TOOLS QUOTE FROM PRINT Lexington Cutter will provide you with expedited quotes for specials from your tooling prints. Whether a complex blueprint or a simple sketch our staff will analyze your drawing and provide your quote typically within 1-2 business days. QUOTE FROM DESCRIPTION Many quotes for specials are supplied by description alone. These are normally standard tools with one or more non-standard features. Cutting diameter or width, shank diameter or length, chamfer or radii, arbor hole or locator pin, are just a few examples that can be accurately quoted by description. QUOTE THROUGH DESIGN AND BUILD Lexington Cutter’s qualified staff can provide you with application support to recommend, design, and manufacture the right tool for your new or existing application. Provide us with a conceptdrawing of your new or existing application and we can work with you to develop or improve your current process. Often combination or step tools can be designed to eliminate steps and increase productivity. Our commitment to application specific tooling will place you a cut ahead of the competition. ISO 9001:2008 REGISTERED FOR DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF CUTTING TOOLS Lexington Cutter is committed to continuous improvement in order to provide the necessary tools, equipment, and working environment to deliver high quality products that meet or exceed the expectations of our customers. Our factory houses over 100 machines tooled for the production of standard and specialty tooling. Lexington combines many well known manufacturing techniques such as Setup Reduction, Total Quality Management, Lean Production, Poka-Yoke, and Cellular Manufacturing into a production environment that thrives on high quality and continuous improvement. Phone 941-739-2726 • Fax 941-739-2827 • w w w.lexingtoncutter.com • LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 155 INDEX BY TOOL TYPE NUMBER The first 4 digits of the EDP number represent the Type of the tool. The remaining digits represent the size of the tool. Within each Type of tool are different sizes that have the same basic function and design. If you know the Type of the tool you are looking for, this table will take you to the page where you can find it. Types in this chart that are bold are new products for our main catalog. TOOL TYPE METRIC PAGE FRAC. PAGE END MILLS 3300 3302 3304 3305 3306 3307 3308 3310 3312 3314 3318 3320 3322 3323 3325 3327 3337 3350 3353 3355 3375 31 32 32 32 32 32 31 31 29 29 29 33 30 30 33 33 30 31 30 30 33 3400 3401 3402 3407 3408 3409 3410 3411 3411h6 3411EL 3412 3413 3413h6 3413EL 3414 3414h6 3415 3415h6 3415EL 3416 3416h6 3416EL 3417 3418 3419 3420 3422 3424 3424h6 3426 3426h6 3426EL 3427 3427h6 3427EL 3428 3428h6 3428EL 3429 REAMERS 64 71 93 93 93 84 106 106 111 104 106 109 105 84 111 104 109 105 107 107 62-68 60 70 92 92 92 82 113 106 121 85 113 106 121 110 104 113 106 121 108 105 119 112 112 112 83 85 110 104 108 105 119 114 107 123 114 107 123 114 TOOL TYPE Made in U.S.A. FRAC. PAGE REAMERS (CONT.) 3429h6 107 107 3429EL 123 3430 91 90 3431 117 3432 100 3433 101 3434 111 110 3434h6 104 104 3435 109 108 3435h6 105 105 3435EL 119 3436 100 3437 101 3438 100 3439 101 3440 91 90 3441 116 3442 98 3442ST 125 3442EL 120 3443 98 3443ST 125 3443EL 120 3444 98 3444ST 125 3444EL 120 3450 73 72-76 3452 81 80 3453 97 3454 97 3455 97 3457 95 94 3457ST 124 3457EL 118 3458 95 94 3458ST 124 3458EL 118 3459 95 94 3459ST 124 3459EL 118 3461 103 3462 103 3463 103 3464 102 3465 87 86 3466 102 3467 89 88 3468 102 3472 96 3473 96 3474 96 3476 61 3476 Set 61 3477 61 3478 61 3479 61 3480 77 78-79 3481 116 3482 99 3482ST 126 3482EL 122 LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. 156 METRIC PAGE • TOOL TYPE METRIC PAGE FRAC. PAGE TOOL TYPE REAMERS (CONT.) 3483 99 3483ST 126 3483EL 122 3484 99 3484ST 126 3484EL 122 3486 79 3488 79 3490 115 Semi Finished 69 F & S Reamers 59 COUNTERBORES 3500 36 3510 43 42 3511 43 42 3512 39 38 3513 37 37 3514 39 38 3515 37 37 3516 41 40 3518 41 40 3522 44 F & S Counterbore 35 SHELL MILLS 3530 27 3531 27 3532 27 FACE MILLS 3536 28 3537 28 3538 28 MILLING CUTTERS 3540 26 3541 26 3542 26 3543 26 3547 15 SLITTING SAWS 3550 16 3551 17 3552 16 3553 17 3554 16 3556 17, 22-25 3558 16 3559 17-21 F & S Mills & Saws 14 COUNTERSINKS 3561 28 3563 28 COUNTERBORES 3573 46 3574 46 3575 47 3576 47 3577 45 3578 45 COUNTERSINKS 3581 28 3583 28 3584 28 [email protected] • METRIC PAGE FRAC. PAGE TOOL TYPE COUNTERSINKS (CONT.) 3585 28 3590 28 3591 28 DRILLS 3600 131 130,150 3601 131 130,150 3610 140 3611 140 3616 151 3618 151 3620 147 146 3621 149 148 3622 147 146 3623 149 148 3630 133 132 3631 133 132 3640 135 134,150 3641 135 134,150 3647 151 3648 151 3649 151 3650 143 142 3652 143 142 3654 145 144 3655 145 144 3656 144 3657 144 3658 141 3660 136 3661 137 136 3668 136 3670 137 138,150 3671 138 3672 137 138,150 3673 138 3674 139 3675 139 3677 151 3678 151 3679 151 3690 129 3691 129 3699 141 F & S Drills 127 KEYSEAT CUTTERS 3700 8 3701 9 3702 10 3703 11 3704 7 F & S Keyseats 6 45˚ ANGLE CUTTERS 3714 27 3716 27 RADIUS CUTTERS 3718 12 3719 12 T-SLOT CUTTERS 3720 13 3721 13 Phone 800-882-2627 METRIC PAGE FRAC. PAGE 60˚ ANGLE CUTTERS 3724 27 3726 27 CHAMFER CUTTERS 3730 12 3731 12 3732 12 3733 12 DOVETAIL CUTTERS 3734 13 3735 13 3736 13 3737 13 CORNER ROUNDING 3740 29 3741 29 DOUBLE ANGLE CUTTERS 3746 12 3747 12 3748 12 3749 12 3750 27 3752 27 3754 27 PORT CONTOUR CUTTERS 3780 28 3781 28 3786 28 3787 28 SOLID CARBIDE 3800 48, 50 3801 48, 50 3802 50 3803 50 3804 54 54-58 3806 52 3807 52 3808 52 3809 52 3810 49, 51 3811 49, 51 3812 51 3813 51 3816 53 3817 53 3820 49, 51 3821 49, 51 3822 51 3823 51 3828 53 3829 53 3860 128 3893 139 SINGLE POINTS 3930 152-153 3980 152-153 Specials Quote Form 154 Coating Guide 157 • Fax 800-882-3637 COATINGS FOR LEXINGTON CARBIDE TIPPED TOOLS TiN - TITANIUM NITRIDE TiCN - TITANIUM CARBONITRIDE AlTiN - ALUM. TITANIUM NITRIDE ZrN - ZIRCONIUM NITRIDE TiN - Titanium Nitride coating is still the most popular coating and provides the highest adhesion and ductility characteristics of any coating we offer. Hard (81 Rc), smooth, and with high thermal stability (550° C) TiN is an excellent choice for general purpose drilling, reaming, counterboring and milling a wide variety of materials. TiCN - Titanium Carbonitride has a higher hardness (87 Rc) than TiN and has greater lubricity. TiCN should be used in applications where tool temperature can be controlled due to the relatively low oxidation temperature (400° C). Excellent resistance to wear and edge build-up in drilling, reaming, and wet milling applications with non-ferrous materials and cast iron. AlTiN - Aluminum Titanium Nitride is an excellent choice when machining abrasive and high temperature applications over 800° C. It creates a hard aluminum oxide layer during the cutting process. Recommended for use when counterboring, drilling, milling, and reaming in all of our material classifications except Non-Ferrous. ZrN - Zirconium Nitride is an excellent choice when machining plastics and non-ferrous materials. Very reliable coating when moderate temperatures are generated at the cutting edge. This coating offers a higher service temperature than TiCN. TECHNICAL DATA TECHNICAL DATA TECHNICAL DATA TECHNICAL DATA Hardness (Vickers): 2300 Hardness (Vickers): 3000 Hardness (Vickers): 3600 Hardness (Vickers): 2500 Max. Service Temperature: 525° C (975° F) Max. Service Temperature: 400° C (750° F) Max. Service Temperature: 750° C (1380° F) Max. Service Temperature: 600° C (1110° F) Friction Coefficient: .50 Friction Coefficient: .40 Friction Coefficient: .60 Friction Coefficient: .50 Thickness 2-4 microns Thickness 2-4 microns Thickness 2-4 microns Thickness 2-4 microns Surface Roughness (RaµM): .20 Surface Roughness (RaµM): .17 Surface Roughness (RaµM): .30 Surface Roughness (RaµM): .20 COATING ADVANTAGES • INCREASED TOOL LIFE • GAINS IN PRODUCTIVITY • IMPROVED FINISHES • CONTROLLED TOLERANCES AVAILABLE ON MOST TOOLS WHY DO COATINGS WORK? COATINGS PROVIDE: 1. Thermal Insulation: - Coatings deflect heat back into the chip which reduces tool temperature & increases tool life. 2. Mechanical Strength - Coatings resist abrasion and protect the carbide tip from wear. 3. Chemical Resistance - Coatings protect and stabilize the carbide substrate under chemically reactive conditions. DRILLING WET ZrN ZrN AlTiN AlTiN AlTiN AlTiN AlTiN MATERIAL CLASSIFICATION NON-FERROUS - SOFT NON-FERROUS - HARD CAST IRON LOW CARBON STEELS MEDIUM STRENGTH STEELS HIGH STRENGTH STEELS HIGH TEMPERATURE ALLOYS REAMING WET TiCN/ZrN TiCN/ZrN TiCN/AlTiN AlTiN AlTiN AlTiN AlTiN COUNTERBORING WET DRY ZrN ZrN ZrN ZrN AlTiN AlTiN AlTiN AlTiN AlTiN AlTiN AlTiN AlTiN AlTiN * *High Temperature Alloys should not be machined dry. MILLING WET DRY ZrN ZrN ZrN ZrN AlTiN AlTiN AlTiN AlTiN AlTiN AlTiN AlTiN AlTiN AlTiN * The coatings in the table at left represent first choice recommendations. Only after a trial run can you be certain that a specific coating is best. Lexington Cutter, Inc. uses coating service companies that allow a low temperature Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD) process specially designed for carbide tipped tools. Tools that are coated by someone other than through Lexington Cutter, Inc. will not be warranted. LIMITED WARRANTY Lexington Cutter, Inc. reserves the right to make any changes on the specifications, prices, or tolerances without notice. WARNING - Because cutting tools may shatter or break, government regulations require the use of safety glasses and other safety equipment at all times in the vicinity of cutting tool use. Grinding of solid carbide or carbide tipped tools will produce carbide and braze dust that may be hazardous to your health. Use adequate ventilation and read the applicable “Material Safety Data Sheets.” LIMITED WARRANTY: Lexington Cutter, Inc. does not give any warranty on its products except as follows: Lexington Cutter, Inc. warrants to original equipment manufacturers, distributors and industrial and commercial users of its products that each new product manufactured or supplied by Lexington Cutter, Inc. shall be free from defects in material and workmanship. Lexington Cutter, Inc.’s sole obligation under this warranty is limited to furnishing, without additional charge, a replacement for, or at its option, repairing or issuing credit for any such product which shall within one year from the date of sale by Lexington Cutter, Inc. be returned freight prepaid to Lexington Cutter, Inc. and which upon inspection is determined by Lexington Cutter, Inc. to be defective in materials or workmanship. The provisions of this warranty shall not apply to any product which has been subjected to misuse; improper operating conditions, machine setup or application of cutting fluid; or which has been repaired or altered if such repair or alteration in the judgment of Lexington Cutter, Inc. would adversely affect performance of the product. Complete written information with respect to all such matters, including operating condition, machine setup, cutting fluid, cutting speed and feed rate, must be furnished to Lexington Cutter, Inc. as a prerequisite to its consideration of any claim or complaint under this warranty. THIS WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Lexington Cutter, Inc. shall have no liability or responsibility on any claim of any kind, whether in contract, tort or otherwise, for any loss or damage arising out of, connected with, or resulting from the manufacture, sale, delivery or use of any product sold hereunder, in excess of the cost of replacement or repair provided herein. IN NO EVENT SHALL LEXINGTON CUTTER, INC. BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. Lexington Cutter, Inc. makes no other warranty, expressed or implied, except the warranty against defects in material and workmanship set forth above; and Lexington Cutter, Inc. neither assumes nor authorizes any other person or entity to assume for it any other obligation or liability in connection with any of its products. Phone 941-739-2726 • Fax 941-739-2827 • w w w.lexingtoncutter.com • LEXINGTON CUT TER, INC. Made in U.S.A. 157 NO MINIMUM ORDER 95% OF TOOLS IN STOCK METRICS STOCKED SPECIALS QUOTED SOLD THROUGH INDUSTRIAL DISTRIBUTORS NO RESTOCKING CHARGE ON STANDARDS WITHIN ONE YEAR SAME DAY SHIPPING ON ORDERS RECEIVED BEFORE NOON EST ISA MEMBER USCTI MEMBER ISO 9001 REGISTERED FOUR TIME AMERICAN EAGLE AWARD WINNER INCLUDING VALUE ADDED MANUFACTURER PROUDLY MANUFACTURED IN THE USA & DISTRIBUTED AROUND THE WORLD CONTACT US: WWW.LEXINGTONCUTTER.COM [email protected] PHONE: 941.739.2726 • 800.882.2627 FAX: 941.739.2827 • 800.882.3637 2951 63RD AVENUE EAST BRADENTON, FLORIDA 34203 ©2016 LEXINGTON CUTTER, INC. • ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PRINTED IN THE USA • 12/15 - 12M