diarydates school closure friday 19th october– mount gambier show
diarydates school closure friday 19th october– mount gambier show
DIARY D A T E S Term 4 Week 2 Thursday October 18 Fun run Friday October 19 Mt Gambier Show day holiday Monday October 22 - 24 Rooms 2 and 3 camp to Grampians Wednesday October 24 - 26 Rooms 1 and 7 camp to Grampians Wednesday October 31 Governing Council Meeting October 17th 2012 SCHOOL CLOSURE FRIDAY 19TH OCTOBER– MOUNT GAMBIER SHOW DAY Term 4 Week 2 Dear Parents/Caregivers, October 17th 2012 Welcome back to the final term of 2012. I wish to thank Lesley, Andrew, Alison and Renee for managing the school so well in my absence, as I enjoyed two weeks holiday in New Zealand. I have returned refreshed and raring to go. We began the term with our final pupil free day, where we joined one of our cluster schools, Meleleuca Park, to examine the new National Curriculum in English. Although all terms are very busy, this final term is packed with events such as the Year 4/5 camps, Fun Run, Sports Day, Graduation, excursions to celebrate end of year and Carols by Candlelight. Please keep the attached calendar handy. Classes for 2013 In addition we begin the very complex process of arranging classes for the following year. During the next fortnight students will be asked to name up to 6 friends who they would like to be placed with next year. We can only promise to place them with one child from their list, but it could be more. We ask for a larger group to give us flexibility. Parents are invited to write to us with specific requests and the reasons why. We cannot take requests from parents for their child to be taught by a particular teacher as staffing is not finalised until much later in the year. If parents do take that option, letters should be sent in an envelope addressed to the Principal, or they can be emailed to [email protected]. Please ensure that all requests arrive by the end of October. The formation of classes takes a number of factors into consideration - gender balance, spread of ability levels, special needs as well as separating students where needed. This process takes many weeks. In the past classes have been announced on the last day of term during transition and in the end of year report. Reports will go home in week 9 this year, but classes will still not be announced until the last day, as changes may need to be made due to unexpected enrolments. Staffing We welcome back Alan Hogg from long service leave. At the end of last term we farewelled Stef Birkholz who gained permanent employment. Jaime Jones who worked in the front office whilst Jayne Hickman was on leave, has been successful in winning the full time front office position from 2013. This means that the front office will be open for a number of weeks during the holidays. We are in the process of advertising for a Coordinator in “Research, Innovation and Engagement” with a focus on ICT to begin in 2013. At our Governing Council meeting last term I informed them of my intention to retire mid 2013. The process to advertise and select the new Principal which will be managed by the Regional Office, will occur in Term 1. Uniform Term 4 means that the students are expected to wear a school hat whilst outside. The only approved hats are wide brimmed or bucket hats, these are available from the front office. Show Day Our school will be closed for the Mount Gambier Show on Friday 19th of October. This is counted as a day of local significance. Principal: Deputy Principal: Assistant Principal: Governing Council Chairperson: Phone: 8725 3381 Website: http://www.reidyprkps.sa.edu.au Barb Munt Lesley Okholm Andrew Bone Andrew Hunter Fax: 8725 0576 Email: [email protected] Continued….. Sports Day Sports Day will be held on Friday 16th of November. Unlike previous years this will be held during a normal school day and not as a Twilight event. This is a result of the feedback and vote from parents following last year event. All students will be expected to attend. We have scheduled the championship sprint events to be held during the middle of the day to enable parents who work, to possibly juggle their lunch break (if they are lucky enough to get one) to attend. A timetable will be sent home shortly and placed on our school website. A detailed program will be sent home prior to the event. Parent Volunteers Our school like many others relies heavily on volunteers. We are delighted that so many parents help us in a variety of ways - in classrooms, on excursions and parents who work individually with children. All volunteers must have a current “Working with Children Police Clearance.” This is paid for by the school and checks last for 3 years. If you are working in the school, or intend to in the future, please see Jayne or Tracy in the front office to arrange this. BARB MUNT LESLEY OKHOLM ANDREW BONE PRINCIPAL DEPUTYPRINCIPAL ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL WELCOME We welcome the following new Reception students and their families to Reidy Park this term: Oliver Bushell Keoni Curnow Brock Davies Emerson Forbes Oliver Gribben Tate Hammond William Johnston Seth LeGray Nate Smith-Carrigan Riley Waugh Sophie Beare Imogen Bowen Jade Bradley Maya Cecchi Annabel Judd Angelyn Kettle Madison Larter Millie McElroy Macy Pearson Milla Prowse We also welcome the following students who have transferred from other schools: Shai-Lee Berry Hamish Allen We recently received in the mail a card from a Parent team manager and would like to share it Dear Lesley What a pleasure it has been to be involved with the Reidy Park soccer team this term. The students displayed at all times fair play, concern for others and good sportsmanship , both on and off the field. Particularly when other schools were short of players, they would step up and offer to play on the opposing team. They are a great bunch of well mannered and polite individuals. They are a credit to themselves, their families and their school. They should be very proud of themselves, as are all the parents who watched every week. So well done to - Brunot, Wil, Jack C, Josh C, Marni, Kiara, Oli, Ruben, Cameron, Kobi, Mitchell, H, Damian, Joel, Saphire, Everton and Archie Signed by the Parent Team Manager Brittney Allen Congratulations Congratulations to the following students who have been selected as captains and vice captains for their house teams. Lava Captains: Lauren Pike and Marcus Leigh Vice Captains: Bayley VonDuve and Olivia Turner Lake Captains: Kodi Perry and Braidon Frost Vice Captains: Connor Brennan and Isabel Redemski Willow Captains: Cody Jackson and Charlie Lean Vice Captains: Sarah Harrap and Riley Thomson Eaglehawk: Captains: Krista Payne and Tom Vasallo Vice Captains: Zach DeWit and Ebony McAdam Term 4 Planner TERM FOUR MONDAY 8 WEEK ONE TUESDAY 9 WEDNESDAY 10 THURSDAY 11 FRIDAY 12 18 19 Fun Run Show Day Pupil Free Day 08/10 – 12/10 WEEK 15 TWO 15/10 – 19/10 Room 4 and 8 Grampians Camp Until 17th October WEEK 22 23 24 25 THREE Room 2 and 3 Grampians Camp Until 24th October Finance Committee 5.30 pm Room 1 and 7 Grampians Camp Until 26th October Millicent Festival 29 30 31 1 2 22/10 – 26/10 WEEK 16 School Closed 26 School Choir Grounds 7pm Governing Council 7.30pm FOUR 29/10 – 02/11 WEEK 17 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 16 FIVE 05/11 – 09/11 WEEK Fundraising Committee 5.30pm SIX Sports Day 12/11 – 16/11 WEEK 19 20 21 22 23 28 29 30 Finance Committee 5.30 pm SEVEN 19/11 – 23/11 WEEK 26 27 Grounds 7pm Governing Council 7.30pm EIGHT 26/11 – 30/11 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 TEN Carols by Year 7 Term 4 Ends 10/12-14/12 Candlelight Graduation WEEK NINE 03/12-07/12 WEEK Think Feet First: Thanks to the all the students, parents and staff who attended the launch of the Think Feet First campaign last Thursday. Students from most of the schools around Mt Gambier were there and it was good to see strong representation from Reidy Park. This campaign is being run by the OPAL group and is supported by the Mt Gambier City Council and the schools in the city. This is an important campaign to promote good health by walking/riding/scooting to school. You may have seen the “Think Feet First - Park and Step” signs around town. These are areas where parents can park / drop of students away from busy school zones. This may help with some traffic issues around schools and also promote the idea of walking more. Reidy Park Primary School FUN RUN THURSDAY 18th October Which team will get the most Sports Day points? Eaglehawk? Lake? Willow? Lava? 2pm: Whole School assemble on oval in teams for War cry. 2.10pm: R-2 children commence 2.30pm 3-7 commence 3pm Team totals announced and pack-up Students may walk or run at any point. Wear team colours. Each lap = 1 team point. Parents will be asked to take up positions around the course and will each have a bumbag of first aid supplies and a phone for emergencies. Students are encouraged to carry drink bottles with them Students can bring back sponsorship forms at any point. There is a class surprise party for the highest class fundraising and an IPod shuffle for the Highest individual fundraiser in the school Unless it is absolutely pouring, the event with go ahead. Light rain will not stop the run, although students should bring a spray jacket on the day if rain seems likely. Everyone welcome! $10 Gift Voucher for all new Bank SA Accounts For the start of Term 4, Bank SA is offering all students who open a new Incentive Saver Account via the School a $10 Gift Voucher, which will be deposited into your child’s account once opened. All children under 13 years who open an account with Bank SA will also receive a Digger the Wombat Money Box, Little Savers Calculator, Little Savers Library Bag and a School Bank Wallet. Little Savers is Bank SA’s special saving club for kids and it’s all about having fun and learning how to save! Take a look at the Little Savers website littlesavers.com.au SOUTH EAST ANIMAL WELFARE LEAGUE Are calling on all children old enough to manage their family dog on a lead up to and including the age of 13 to enter your dog in FASHIONS ON THE FIELD “FOR DOGS ONLY” $5 to enter, includes registration to walk the lake GREAT PRIZES @ GIVEAWAYS The event is held on Sunday 4th November 2012 to compliment our annual fundraiser PAWS around the BLUE LAKE dog walk / starts @ the old archery field 10am—11am Dog Registration on the Day BBQ Lunch / Face Painting 10am—12 pm Demonstrations, Food & Entertainment Cappuccinos , Soft Drink, Water 12pm—1pm Fashions on Field Judging Dog Training Tips / Pet Services / Microchipping Dress your dog in something fancy and your dog could be crowned the title of Fashions on the Field for Dogs 2012 School Dental Service The South Australian Dental Service provides a range of dental services for children at clinics throughout Adelaide and all major country regional centres. Dental care is provided by dental teams comprising of Dentists, Dental Therapists and Dental Assistants. All preschool, primary and secondary students aged under 18 years, are eligible for care with the School Dental Service. Fees and conditions apply. From 1 Jan 2012 there will be some changes to School Dental Service fees. All School Dental Service care is free for preschool children (general and emergency). Children who are dependents of/holders of Centrelink Concession Cards, Veterans Affairs Pension Concession Cards or School Cards are eligible to receive free dental care (general and emergency). For primary and secondary school children who are not dependants of/holders of the above concessions, a fee will apply for each course of general dental care provided. Students with a Commonwealth Government Teen Dental Voucher are welcome to use it at the School Dental Service. If presented at a School Dental clinic it will entitle them to a full course of dental treatment including preventive care and any treatment if required. Dental emergencies treated at a School Dental Clinic between check ups will be covered by the fee paid at your child’s most recent check up. If you have not had reminder sent then refer to your recall card to check when your child is due by calling the clinic to make an appt. Update your contact details if they have changed If no response is made after receiving your recall reminder, we will assume that your child is seeking dental care elsewhere For information about appointments, when your child/children are due for check up and fees, contact your local School Dental Clinic on: 87211633, Monday – Friday, 8.30am, 4.15pm. Parents of children with special physical or intellectual needs should contact their local School Dental Clinic to discuss their child’s needs. In case of a dental emergency contact your local clinic to arrange an appointment For after hours emergency advice phone 1800 022 222 (Children only).